#and just fully shut down till mid august
insufferablemod · 2 months
healthcare system my detested...
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lostmoonbunny · 3 years
Greetings from a Panini World
Yes, I did call this a "panini". I'm hesitant to use the word "pandemic" as I feel many of us have a knee jerk reaction to hide from everything once hearing or seeing that word. However that's the current stat of events. The year? 2021 Where I am located its very much so post quarantine and society has attempted to "return to normal" but its impossible. Between the anti- maskers, anti-vaxxers, and everything else it truly is impossible. "What do you mean?" you ask, well allow me to take you on a journey of a human that has gone through this "history in the making" and share what its been like since January 2020 to September 2021 from the eyes of someone that lived it. -I will preface this with saying, there will be gaps, I have trouble with object permanence, concept of time, and I have memory issues due to past concussions so bear with me as we stumble through the memories of my experiences.
So here we go... Let's travel back to January 2020.
2020..Ahhh the big year of "Clear vision".. HA! No, not today. What I remember was being concerned about this horrible virus but didn't think it would make its way to where I lived.. ( I would be unsurprisingly corrected shortly after this.) I worked, had my birthday, and it was quickly February. The virus was quickly spreading and making its way downtown walking fast faces past.. oops..sorry I got sidetracked, it was making its way down throughout the nation. We celebrated my partner's birthday, and soon after the month was over. February always flies by. March...ahh March, this is where everything started changing for me. Many states were shutting down around us fairly quickly too. ( I have opinions about how the US should've shut down sooner, but we're not here for politics...but yes it should've happened sooner.) My partner, younger brother and I made a last minute trip to the next state for a day trip. Which was fun don't get me wrong but the places we went to shut down for the state's quarantine the next day. My state would follow barely a week later. I was furloughed. That..that was an experience. All of us received the same message as it was a group message. It stated that we were all effectively unemployed ( so we could apply for benefits if we chose to) and that if and when we reopen that they hoped we could come back. I immediately messaged my boss and the boss that messaged us all and double checked learning that I was on the "short list" for rehires. That made me fee a bit better but I was still sad. My partner was considered "an Essential worker" so they worked through the entire lockdown. I swear Animal Crossing New Horizons is one of the only things that got me through that.. from this all the days blended together till June. Not don't get me wrong, plenty of things happened on a personal growth side that was beneficial like I started going to therapy, got even closer to my cousin that lives on the west coast, I played with my cats and dogs more, I caught up on sleep, all sorts of things but the way it had to happen sucked. Also in this time period, my favorite uncle contracts the virus and is put in the ICU on a ventilator. I don't remember how long he was in there but he made it. He is now healthy and survived the virus. So lets fast forward to June. My place of work reopened under specific guidelines. Now I don't know if I've ever mentioned this but I live in the southeast. The southeast, in summer is AWFUL. Its hot, its humid, and then if it DOES rain that humidity just goes up and it gets worse. To give you an idea while the temperature might say its 84 degrees F but the real feel might be 95F. I don't know why they don't just say 95F but that's how it is the southeast... So imagine if you will mid June, being reopened with special rules, masks required for everyone 5 years old and older, and no buildings but restrooms open to the public. The amount of rude, hateful, uncaring people almost made me lose my complete faith in humanity, and its not very high to begin with. Also for context, I work in retail. I feel that says enough there. These rules extend till the end of the year and into part of 2021. While all of this is happening the US is having their presidential elections and everyone has crawled out of the woodwork that you had hoped would stay there. At this point I'm hoping for the best because we really need a paradigm shift in society. We need to truly need to change as a society and in many way, catch up to the rest of the world. I finally gave in a got to tiktok and realize that it is very much a time devourer. I've realized that I feel as if the term "Cassflux" fits how I feel about my gender best, and fully accepted my journey on the path of being a witch.
Lets move in to October, October I ( and my partner) travel to Texas (cautiously) for my cousin's socially distant wedding and our anniversary. That was amazing and the slight escape from reality was truly needed. On our way back we made a stop in NOLA and it was a fun visit, but I realized my baby witch self hadn't veiled or warded myself nearly enough and it got all of "spidey senses" all out of wack. knowing now what I should've done, I do want to go back. The rest of the year went by both incredibly slow and yet in a flash. The US elected a new president, I was working as hard a possible to avoid the virus as much as possible and my partner had gotten a new job with a different company that was making them more happy. So this brings us to 2021. This is the year that I feel that I am truly coming into my own despite living in the middle of a global Panda Express. January brings my turning a landmark age and celebrating it with a new hair style, new outlook on life, progress made in therapy, more self acceptance, and just overall more happiness. The world is still the same, better, but also worse. The vaccine is being produced, distributed, and made accessible. February brings another birthday with my partner's birthday. March rolls around and we jokingly celebrate our work's closing a year prior and then continue to work. The vaccine is made available to retail and food workers so I go and get the first round of the "Dolly Parton" vaccine with my co workers. (If you were wondering its Moderna) We go and receive the second dose later at the correct time. April and May kind of blend together for me because that the ramp up for the busy season at work. June & July are busy but everything is moving forwards. I finally take a step more into the current era of technology and upgrade my phone and computer. ( After several years of going back and forth of not wanting current gen tech or not, because that stuff be expensive!) I reconnect with an old friend and we have a much healthier friendship.
August....hecking August.. We are short staffed at work, busy as heck! My partner is also hecking busy by being called in for almost every problem. The world is deffo changing. The US is in a state of nah nah a boo boo with vaccinating vs not, virus outbreaks having an uptick, universities starting back, Texas deciding that the government gets a say in a woman's reproductive rights... sorry I'll try to not get political. My ( like many others) using tiktok as a means of escape from this reality.. I'm so beyond mentally exhausted by everything that I just want to be somewhere that I can breathe a bit more easy... Its deffo not the southeastern US. September: I. am. exhausted. Working a bunch. Dealing with people doubting the virus, the usual Karens and Richards, counting down my days to vacation. My partner is beyond exhaustion. They've worked more in the past six weeks that they have in two years. The 20th year of 9/11 comes and goes. Not to sound like a country song, but remembering where I was at the moment the planes hit is something that has stuck with me...despite my concussions. I was in my English class and its was between classes and they had the tvs on. So many parents were coming and calling their kids out the school got to the point they weren't going to let kids leave.. ( if the parents complained enough they did.. I was a poorer kid in a more affluent school) My parents weren't going to take me out of school so I finished the day out in a state of confusion, not understanding the gravitas of what was going on, and not understanding was the emotions I was feeling watching the crashes were. I don't claim to even comprehend the emotions of this date to people who lost loved ones in the crashes, or in the oncoming days of the country going to war, I just know how it felt as a child to see something so major happening. I feel its like the kids now living through this panic at the disco. [[If you read this and you lost someone due to either of these horrific events please know that I in no way am invalidating or belittling your feelings or experiences. I merely am trying to describe all of how I feel throughout 2020- roughly current day 2021 and these are the things I was thinking and feeling on this particular day.]]
The days start to blend again as I attempt to countdown the days till my short vacation. Once that starts I get to finally relax as does my partner. The amount of sleep my partner has gotten is incredible and they deserve it dang it! This brings us to today, The last day of September 2021. This are changing at work and I'm not wholly sure of how I feel but I know it will be an interesting discussion for me to have with my therapist coming up. That's all I've got for now.. Hopefully I'll pop back in sooner to give more perspective on what its like living through all of this chaos. Just keep moving forward.
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shawnssweatshirt · 6 years
The Long Way
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a/n: I started this forever ago and finally got the motivation to finish. this whole thing is literally me, i cant wait to do this someday tbh. 
Word Count: 1322
The town that you grew up in meant a lot to you. It was the town that both of your parents grew up in, where they met, where they settled down and raised you. You weren’t like your parents though, you didn’t want to stay in one town your whole life. You wanted to explore and experience new things, so you made the move to the city for University the fall you graduated High School. You loved living in the big city, but you were still always going to be a small town girl at heart.
The city was where you had met Shawn. Completely coincidentally, you found yourself standing next to Shawn Mendes at a concert that you had attended. You played it cool, though, and somehow impressed Shawn enough that he invited you out with him and his friends afterwards. The two of you began dating shortly after that night and here you are now, five and a half months later. In a serious committed relationship and taking him to visit your hometown for the first time.
It hadn’t even been a full 24 hours that you’d been at your parents house by the time the both of you were completely bored out of your minds. It was mid afternoon and the two of you were laying in your old full-sized bed in your old bedroom just staring up at the ceiling.
“So,” Shawn turns on his side and props himself up to face you. A sarcastic smirk spreads across his face while he says, “this has been really fun. Thanks for bringing me.”
“Shut up,” you say with a fake-angry squint and lightly smacking his stomach with the back of your hand. He bent down and pecked your lips as an idea came to your head, and you quickly pushed him off of you. “C’mon, I got an idea,” you begin to pull yourself off the bed, and reaching out a hand to help Shawn up.
The two of you head down the stairs and out the door and climbed into your 2005 Chevy Impala. It was the car you’ve owned since high school, bought it yourself when you saved up enough money by working at the pizza place located in the middle of town. You didn’t need it in the city, so you kept it at your parents house for when you would come back. It wasn’t the nicest car, but it got you where you needed to go.
“What the hell is that?” Shawn asks after you turn the key and he hears the roar of the engine.
“Uhm, I don’t know. The mufflers not fully attached or something,” you reply nonchalantly.
“Oh my god,” he said dragging out his words. “Why don’t you just get it fixed?”
You just shrugged your shoulders in reply, then turned your attention to backing out of your driveway. You pulled out of your neighborhood and onto one of the busier streets in your town and headed out towards the backroads.
“Where are you taking me exactly?”
“Nowhere?” Shawn cocked an eyebrow, obviously not understanding what you meant.
“Yeah, we don’t have a destination. Just a drive. This is all there is to do in this town. If one of my friends would ask me to hang out in the middle of the day, that meant ‘pick me up’ and we’d just drive ourselves around and listen to music. Here, hand me that,” you say pointing at the aux cord laying on the ground by Shawn’s feet. He bends down to pick it up before plugging it in and handing you the end of it.
You scroll through the playlists on your phone till you get to the one you made a while back, before you’d even met Shawn. It was a playlist that consisted only of songs that took you back to high school. A perfect playlist for showing Shawn around your hometown.
The country music fit perfectly with the country roads the old Chevy was cruising down. The wildflowers growing freely along the edge. August was always your favorite month because the wildflowers were always perfectly in bloom.
You made sure to point out all of the important spots on these old roads, the place where your friends lived, the places where the biggest parties occurred every summer and told all the crazy stories. Afterwards, you head towards the McDonald’s, which is still one of the only fast food places your little town had. The both of you ordered two cheeseburgers, two fries, and two large cokes, and you immediately start heading back to the backroads.
Shawn begins to open the brown bag, but you stop him. “No! You can’t eat yet!”
“Why not!?”
“Because we’re going somewhere,” you inform him.
A look of disappoint crosses his face, “just one fry, ok?”
“Fine, only one though,” you say picking up your phone and flipping to the next song. It’s a bad habit you have, you never let a song finish because you’re too anxious to hear what’s next. “Oh this one is good, you might’ve heard him before. Heard he’s gotten pretty big now,” you joke sarcastically.
Shawn instantly knew the song as the first chord began to play, and soon his own, but much younger, voice began to sing Life of the Party through the speakers. He laughed before his facial expression got more serious, but he still wasn’t able to hide a smirk . “How long have you been a fan of this guy?”
“Eh, I think he’s pretty overrated,” you return a playful smirk.
“Wait, stop the car.” You pull the car over to the side of the road, in all honesty quite frightened at what Shawn wanted. He removed his seatbelt and exited the car.
“Where are you going?” Shawn didn’t answer and instead began to pick the wildflowers, grabbing a couple of each color. He came back to the side of the car with a beautiful bouquet.
“For you,” he said handing the bouquet to you. You mumble about their beauty and thank him as he picks up an old water bottle by his feet. You hand him the flowers back to him as he puts the flowers in the water bottle, as if it’s a vase, and sticks it in one of the empty cup holders. “Ok, you can drive again.”
You continue the journey, but can’t stop yourself from glancing over at Shawn every now and then. Out of every cute thing he’s done for you and all of the flowers he had boughten for you, this moment and these flowers were by far your favorite.
The old car pulled onto a gravel road and after traveling for a little ways further, you stop the car. This time you’re undoing your seatbelt, grabbing the two drinks, and getting out. “Come on, grab the food.”
Shawn follows your lead as you hop onto the hood of your car. “Am I too big? I don’t want to break your precious car.”
“Oh no,” you say patting the metal. “She’s a tough one.”
Shawn handed you the bag of food but then quickly runs back to the passenger side. He returns with the vase of flowers, hops onto the car, and sets the flowers in between the two of you. “Can we get in trouble for being here?”
“Nah, we used to have bonfires in that field,” you say pointing to the field, that was now full of corn stalks. “If they really wanted to keep us out, they would’ve blocked the road off by now.”
The sun was just beginning to set, turning the sky beautiful shades of orange and pink. George Strait was blasting from the speakers of your car as the two of you ate the greasy burgers, enjoying the stunning country sunset. It was hours later and the sun was fully sunken by the time the two of you headed home.
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shannrussell-blog1 · 5 years
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Standing so powerful and beautiful, Mont Blanc is the grand monarch of the European Alps. Sitting at an altitude of 4,810m above sea level, this is the highest peak in Europe. And, what makes her so incredible is that she’s accessible to all. You don’t need to be an “alpinist” to reach her as there are cable cars that can help non-climbers get up close to experience her from up high.
Mont Blanc is situated on a 40km mountain range that enters 3 countries – France, Italy and Switzerland with her summit being on the French side. There are glaciers that cover around 100sq km of this mountain, which is why she is known as Mont Blanc, meaning white mountain.
Heading up the Col du Bonhomme mountain pass.
I first visited the town of Chamonix in France back in 2010 and saw the grandeur of Mont Blanc. This is when I fell in love with this area. My husband and I spent a few days exploring, playing as happy tourists taking the cable car up to the Aiguille du Midi, 3842m high, which is the highest I have ever been.
Up here you have the most stunning views overlooking Italy and Switzerland and on a good day, Mont Blanc shows herself proudly.
Hikers hopping in a cable car up to Aiguille du Midi. 
Our trip
Last year saw us back and ready to experience Mont Blanc in a very different way than we did before. We came back to walk the Tour du Mont Blanc (TMB), which is known as one of the greatest long-distance hikes in Europe. The walk is around 170km with 10,000m of ascent and takes you through the three countries of France, Switzerland and Italy.
Our journey had us hiking through some of the most spectacular mountain scenery, forest walks, and deep into the valleys. We stayed in a different village every night and sometimes even in a different country!
  The Col de la Seigne pass crossing Italy to France. 
Hiking the TMB
Many people start in Les Houches in France and travel anti-clockwise. The trail is marked in both directions, so we chose to start in Chamonix and go clockwise. When planning your flight, it’s best to fly into Geneva. This is where there are shuttle buses that can take you through to Les Houches or many of the other villages in the valley. My recommendation is to first check in with the hotel you will be staying at on the first night, as a lot of the hotels provide this service.
The time one would take to hike the TMB is anywhere between 5-12 days, depending on what you choose to do. Some of the paths you will be following are of ancient ones that have been used for many centuries. There are old mule and Shepherd’s pathways, old trade routes, roads of the Roman Soldiers and Celtic tribes. I found it really interesting to learn some of this history as we walked along.
There are several ways you can experience this hike. You can walk it independently or use one of the many companies that offer package deals. These include a self-guided option or a fully guided walk with all luggage transfers and accommodation sorted out for you.
Looking out towards Trient, Switzerland. 
The independent way
Maps of this walk are easy enough to obtain if you choose to go this way and the waymarking is very clear as it is a very popular and well-used trail.
You will want to book accommodation ahead of time, as there are so many tour groups going through and they have pre-booked a lot of it, so it can be difficult especially during peak season to find anything despite there being an abundance of choice.
Camping options
You can camp and there are many campgrounds along the way. I do recommend checking out the camping laws for each country if you decide to free camp.
Hikers trekking through the Col de la Seigne pass. 
Choosing how many km to walk per day
Be realistic on the kilometres you choose to hike each day as some sections have quite a significant ascent and descent, this can make a 20km day in the mountains a lot harder than in the valleys.
Food and supplies
Do be aware of where you can obtain food as some of the mountain huts don’t stock food and other huts have a limited amount.
Using one of the many tour companies
The benefit of using a tour company is that they have a lot of choice in how you can walk the TMB. You can go with a guide and in a small group while having your luggage transferred. You can hike the TMB self-guided and the company will arrange all baggage transfers and accommodation. They will also provide you with up-to-date information and help along the way.
Higher up towards Col du Bonhomme. 
Best time to walk the TMB
There is a limited season for walking the TMB which does create a bit of traffic along the way. This is a hiking route you cannot do in the winter months due to the harsh weather. It’s only recommended in the warmer seasons from late June to early September. Be aware that Europe have their main holiday time during August/September so expect the trail to be at it’s busiest then.
You must also be aware that the weather in the mountains can be very unpredictable. They can have extreme cold snaps at any time, this can result in snow or blizzards especially on the higher passes. We walked at the end of August, being the height of summer and had a mix of hot and snowy days.
Another important piece of information to be aware of is that the mountain huts on the passes don’t open till mid-June and usually shut down in mid-September.
Trekking high above Les Chapieux – a stopover on the trip.
The terrain
With some lovely valley walks through forests, climbing up high rocky mountain passes, and even scrambling up sections at different points along the way. Be prepared to do it all and expect to get up to heights of 2,665m.
This is not of altitude that can cause sickness for most people, but it does give you a tough physical challenge nonetheless. Be prepared physically before setting out on this hike.
The view over Col du Bonhomme. 
What to pack
To pack for a trip like this where you are heading up over mountain passes, you need to be prepared for all types of weather. Just because it’s summer, there can still be some severe weather at any time. This means that the temperatures drop drastically and fast!
Typically, June to September, the temperature is between 7°C and 24°C. Always check the weather on a regular basis while on this trip and do adhere to any warnings that may be in place. Don’t attempt a mountain pass if you know the weather will be severe. Also, remember the wind chill factor as your body temperature can drop at a fast rate.
If you are using a company to transport your baggage be sure to check the maximum weight allowance as often this is as little as 7kg.
The border of Italy and France along the trek. 
Where you can stash your excess luggage
If you are travelling in Europe for a while other than just the walk, speak to your hotel where you will start and end your walk. Often they are happy to hold luggage that you won’t need on the walk.
Preparing for all kinds of weather
Whether you are carrying a day bag (and having your baggage transported) or carrying all your gear, you must have gear for all types of weather. Be sure to have wet weather gear and extra warm clothes like thermals. You will need to carry water, (up to 2 litres),
There was snow on the ground when we left the Refuge de la Balme.
Packing list for Mont Blanc
A backpack in the size to suit your needs.
Sturdy boots or shoes you plan to trek in. A spare pair of shoes to put on in the evenings.
Hiking poles (you won’t regret taking them)
Water bottles or hydration pack
Map and guidebooks
3 pairs of underwear. I don’t recommend you pack cotton as once it gets wet, it takes a long time to dry which may cause chafing. Also, once wet it loses all thermal properties. You want a fabric that wicks away sweat to keep you comfortable.
2 quick drying hiking shirts
2 zip-off hiking pants. Hiking pants are not only quicker at drying, having the zip-offs allows you the flexibility to wear shorts if it warms up or long pants when the temperature drops.
A lightweight windproof jacket
1 thermal top, and pants (optional)
Rain jacket, rain pants (optional but highly recommended)
2 buff. Tip: a buff also helps protect you from the wind and cold.
Gloves for when the temperature drops, I recommend this as I found mine to be invaluable!
Sarong or Shemagh. This I recommend for so many uses, for example – a scarf, a wrap for after the shower, a towel, a blanket to sit on, make into a bag for the evenings, make many different outfits like a jacket, top and skirt, just to name a few.
Something to sleep in.
If you are camping
Cooker, fuel for cooker (do be aware fuel and matches are not allowed on planes but can be purchased when you arrive).
Food utensils
Head torch
An example of route and towns that you can stay in
Day 1 – Les Houches to La Flegere. Distance – 18km.
Day 2 –La Flegere to Trient. Distance – 19km.
You will find some variants on this day, as well as a chance to ride a cable car and a chairlift. At 14km there is a refuge on the Col de Balme (border of France/Italy). Note that this is an unmanned refuge and there is no food available here.
The sign pointing towards Trient.
Day 3 – Trient to Champex. Distance – 17km.
You will find some variants on this day. One is to take the high and more challenging route over the pass of Fenetre d’Arpette (2665m). Only take it if the weather is good, as in recent years there has been a rock slide. The other choice is to take the Bovine Trail, can be challenging with long ascents and descents but there is a place to stop, relax and have lunch half way. Both are very similar in distance.
Stopping for a rest and some lunch along the Bovine Trail. 
Day 4 – Champex to Ferret. Distance – 18km.
There is a choice to stop at 16km and stay in La Fouly.
The view of the Val Ferret Valley in Switzerland. 
Day 5 – Ferret to Rifugio Bonatti. Distance – 17km.
Another border crossing and high pass at 2537m. There are a few other options to stay at like we did at Rifugio Elena (approximately 10km) or Chalet Val Ferret (approximately 13km).
We stayed at the Rifugio Elena in the Aosta Valley in Italy.
Day 6 – Rifugio Bonatti to Courmayeur. Distance – 12km.
I highly recommend a day here as it is a beautiful town worth exploring.
Day 7 – Courmayeur to Rifugio Elisabetta. Distance – 18km.
This is dorm style accommodation. The next available accommodation is in Les Chapieux, (not a town) and is approximately another 16km. You do have a choice, however, to catch a bus from Courmayeur to Cantine de la Visaille, where camping is available. This is around 14km which makes it an easier day to continue to Les Chapieux.
Trekking uphill from Les Chapieux. 
Day 8 – Rifugio Elisabetta to Refuge de la Croix du Bonhomme Distance – 20km.
This is dorm style accommodation, as well. There is a route variant here, there is also a high pass of Col de la Croix du Bonhomme (2483m), or you can choose the shorter (4km), but higher route over the Col des Fours (2665m). Only take this route if the weather is good. This is also another border crossing from Italy to France.
You can stay overnight at the Rifugio Elisabetta. 
Day 9 – Refuge de la Croix du Bonhomme to Les Contamines. Distance – 13km.
This is virtually downhill but be aware it can be very steep in some sections.
Day 10 – Les Contamines to Les Houches. Distance – 16km.
Again, there is another route variant and cable cars. Check the weather for the choice of which route to take, as the high route will take you close to the glacier de Bionnassay, as well as crossing a swing bridge. Not recommended if the weather is bad.
The final takeaway
To experience the mountains and achieve a walk like this has been a real highlight for me. After completing the journey, I now know my love affair with the European mountains will only continue to grow.
  Is Mont Blanc on your bucket list? Let us know in the comments.
  The post Walking the Tour du Mont Blanc in Europe appeared first on Snowys Blog.
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What do car insurance companies use to determine car value?
I just bought a 2008 used car. I bought GAP insurance (pays the difference between what the car is worth and the amount of the loan if the car is totaled) for $600. I have 30 days to cancel the insurance for a full refund (to my finance company). Do insurance companies use Kelly Blue Book retail value, private sale or trade-in value to determine the value they will pay for a totaled car? If they use retail or private sale, I can cancel and be okay if I get totaled, but if it is trade in, I will be $3000 in the hole with no car.""
What is the best and cheap health insurance?
What is the best and cheap health insurance
Insurance cost?
How much, on average, would insurance cost for a 17 year old?""
What are the types of automobile insurance in USA ?
I'm doing a research for my course , comparing this service in my country to which in the USA ...and more specifically about the private and commercial cars... a claim saying that USA's provisions are strictly applied ..i.e the son driving his father private car is not entitled to any compensation in case an accident is occurred .....because it's not the son car..(which at the same time is not going the same way here ...as long as the car is insured so anyone drive it is insured ..regardless of the owner of the car...and just there it is the debate point...what do you think about it ? so ,I'll appreciate if you could feed me with any thoughts any idea any information any links concerning that or even automobile insurance in general...""
Why do women get lower car insurance rates?
Is this true? Are women's car insurance rates lower? like here: http://bestquoteus.com/carinsurance/womencarinsurance.html
I've been pulled over last night no insurance and no L plates HELP ME PLEASE?
Hello, I'm a genuine person, who has had a bad past with motoring, 3 - 4 years ago i was a maniac, a complete ideot who defied everything that was said and told to him( been caught for no insurance and disqual driving and driving without a license x15 times but after relizing what a ideot i was i decided to go the straight and narrow, so i got my license back last august with 6 points on it, they aint due to clear till next year although they are dated 2009?! any way, i own a decent 09 bike, that isnt cheap and i was what i thought fully insured (otherwise i wouldnt have driven and risked loosing my bike) anyways i got pulled over last night for speeding, and it came apparant i wasnt insured :O i rang my girlfriend and got her to produce the paperwork, they couldnt get hold of my insurance company due to they were shut at 10pm at night :S so they decided to seize my bike!:@ they give me a gypsys warning about the speeding, and refered me to court for no insurance no L plates, my arguement is, after going home and checking my bank, i have been driving for 3 months uninsured ( i really had no intention of doing so) i had thought that when my giro money lands into my bank acc swintons took it out the same day so i never defaulted, but this is not the case and i have defaulted. so i have insured my bike immediately after relizing what has happened and im going to get it out the impound in a minute (15 hours later after being seized) but the genuine thing is i've always had a rear L plate till 4 days ago when it snapped and i was waiting on my giro to come to purchase a new one, however i know that is no excuse but its the truth! what can i say to the judge to not get myself banned! the L plates situation is difficult because there like1 to buy but i have 0 pence! and i run my bike of scrap yard petrol ( filtered runs sweet) and i will take full admission to only ever having one L plate on my bike and explain my situation but what can i say or do so i dont get banned!? im really stuck with this one, it really is annoying as i had no intention to drive without insurance?! thanks guys""
How much will my car insurance cost for 16 year old girl in possibly a ford taurus?
I'm going to be 16 and obviously I'm a girl. I might end up driving a ford taurus. But it's not decided yet. I'm going to put on as a secondary on my car and them my moms dodge grand caravan and my dads dodge dakota. Secondary on all. How much will my insurance probably cost? Would it be smarter to just be a primary on my car and not even on anyone else's car or would it be smarter to just be a secondary on my car? Or a secondary on all? Thanks
What is the least expensive color of car to insure?
I know red is the most expensive. I've heard that white is the least from one person and green is the least from another.
18 year old and car insurance...help please?
I've been saving up the past 3 years to buy myself a car. I've saved about 18K for a new car, so my price range is from about 18-24K for a car, new or used. Some cars that I'm interested in are: In Order: 1. 2004 BMW 530i 2. 2004 Infiniti G35 3. 2005 Mercedes C230 4. 2004 Acura TL or RSX 5. 2005 BMW 325i My problem isn't whether I can afford the car and the maintenance fees, its the insurance. I would be under my fathers insurance. He's 55, no accidents or tickets, been driving since 16. He would be the primary and I would be the secondary. I go to college, have a 3.8 GPA, work part-time, have been driving since 16, no accidents or tickets, and the car would be parked in a garage. I also wouldn't be driving much, just to and from school (less than 7500 miles a year). How much would basic insurance be? I hate getting online quotes because its time consuming and I hate getting spam emails and phone calls. I'm thinking of buying the car soon, so please help. THANKS!""
How do insurance companies verify the adress you use for your car insurance is your actual adress?
I want to get my car insurance in a different state see how do car insurance companies know that the address and provide is where I live. And if I get caught what is the penalty
How to approach a car insurance company to pay damages to my car?
Okay, I was involved in an accident a month ago. I was at the train station attempting to street park, I saw a car parked in the middle of the side walk and a private house driveway, I looked very carefully and no one was in the car, as I was backing up into the parking space I felt the impact on my passenger side back door, I didn't know what it was until I realized the car on the driveway had backed up into my car. The driver stated that he saw me attempting to park when he was walking to his car but he thought I saw him getting into his car, he said he was in a hurry and was late for work and I should have waited for him to get out first (he had a big ego). I never saw anyone in the car. I am the kind of person that I would have waited and then proceed. Meanwhile I only have liability coverage. My insurance company said that he was at fault- they will not pay for his damages $800. His insurance co. wont pay for mine because they said is 50 - 50 faults, my damages are $1,800 door damages estimated by the other driver claim adjuster. I dont have $1,800 to spend in fixing my car. 2005 Nissan Altima. How can I fight the other party insurance co. to pay for my damages?""
No proof of insurance?
I have legal insurance, but my policy was just renewed so I need my new cards that prove i'm insured. They are in the mail I assume, but they won't get here in time before I have to leave on a trip to NV. I tried to go online and just print the cards, but their site has been down for many days and I can't get on to print my cards. So my question is: If for some reason I get pulled over (not saying I have a reason to get pulled over) and I don't have those cards, since I do have insurance does the fine get dismissed? Also, since I cant technically prove I have insurance do they have to take my plate?""
life insurance quotes with pre existing conditions
life insurance quotes with pre existing conditions
What is the best/cheapest car insurance?
I am 19, I've had one ticket for driving too fast for conditions . I'm getting a new car this week, a 2002 4dr honda civic. How much should i expect to pay for insurance? And what is the best company to go through?""
Does my contractors liability insurance cover roofing subs?
Does my contractors liability insurance cover roofing subs?
How do I find out my car insurance rates before I get a car?
I haven't bought a car yet because a lot depends on how much insurance will be. I'm a 27 single female living in Boston, I've had a license since 18 but never drove so it expired and I recently renewed it. I don't have anything on my record. I would be the only person on the insurance. I went online but they required the make and year of your car to calculate the rates.""
How much will my car insurance cost (please read) !?
im 18 years old,i just got my license, and i drive a 1984 toyota camry 4 door how much do you think the car insurance will cost ?""
Looking to get health insurance for first time.?
Am looking at some individual health insurance am a student I wanted to know is insurance pay as you go or do I have to sign a contract saying Youll be with them for a certain amount of time?
State farm insurance?
recently i got my license and am now added, without charge, to my parents' car insurance. i'm 23 and from texas. my question is, if was to get married, would the company drop me off of the insurance?? i want to know because my parents currenty don't know that i'm planning to get married. i'd really like to know any info pertaining to this...i already called, but couldn't talk to anyone right now, so any knowledge would be great. thanks!!""
Can any one tell me which health insurance is good and affordable?
my mom and dad don't have health insurance, and i would like to get insurance for them so i will be paying out of my pocket can anyone tell me which insurance is best please thank you""
""Is it a fact, that if you buy a red car, you will be paying more on your car insurance?""
My sister told me that when she had a red car, she had to pay more for insurance because of the color. Is this true? if so, that's just retartded.""
How do i get health insurance?
i work at shoprite and i know that we get medical/dental benefits after one year but i just cannot wait that long i need some care like right now ! so how do i get health insurance, where do i go? who do i call ? im lost -__- help me out please! all answers welcomed and appreciated.""
GTP vs Camaro Insurance?
Hey guys, Looking at a 95 Z28 Lt1 Camaro or a 01 Pontiac GTP, Which one would have the cheapest insurance? If you own one what are you paying?""
Cheap Life Insurance?
So I need a life insurance, and I don't know what term, universal, and whole life insurance is. I don't really have a budget, just under 300 dollars per year I guess. By the way I'm 13.""
Will I be able to get health insurance to cover this?
I am about to graduate from college and have not been covered by insurance regularly in many years, for a short time I was on a California county-supported low-income type of insurance program but it automatically runs out every few months if you don't reapply evidently... Anyways, I'm about to graduate and move back to Oregon. I have some kind of hip/tendon injury that I need to go to the doctor for and have checked out...but because I don't have insurance, and this is an old injury already, is there any way I'm going to find health insurance to help me pay for this? Or am I just completely screwed and destined to limp around for the rest of my life??? because there's no forseeable way that I'll be able to afford my own health care any time soon, I'll be paying off my student loans for the next few years. I also doubt that I will be able to find a job that offers health coverage in my field so that's not looking very likely either.""
""Has anyone ever heard of the following insurance companies: Safe Co., Travelers, and Hartford?
Are they good/reputable companies?
Why is it that girls can get cheap insurance?
i passed my test a year now payed a grand for my insurance at first then had to another one as it ran out and had gone down to 400. my bf has been driving for 4 years now and his insurance on his car is 2 grand just for fun he put into see how much it would cost to me to drive his car and came up as a grand lol he was really peed off lol his car is a 1.8 t and mine is a 1l corsa 53 plate and for fun again he went ot see how much i was for him on my car it was a grand lol. how come girls can get it soooooo cheap. so next year am getting my golf gti mk4. am sick of having my slow corsa.
Putting someone on my car insurance policy?
Can i add my brother and his car to my insurance policy? He doesn't have insurance cuz he can't afford the whole big down payment to start his own policy. Can i just add him and his car to mine? I don't drive his car and he doesn't drive mine, so would that work?""
How much will it cost to insure my car?
My cars is a 1987 Vauxhall Astra mk2/Opel Kadett E wagon, with a 1.2 litre engine, developing 80 horsepower. When it gets insured I'll be 17. How much will this cost annually in the UK? Also, the car is left hand drive.""
How much higher is insurance for a camaro z28?
i was wondering what the real world difference is between an early model fourth-gen camaro z28 versus a later model more modest car, such as a 2004 cavalier or 1999 acura CL? i have gotten quotes online but there doesnt seem to be much difference and everyone hypes the insurance for these kinds of cars so much. i am 16 and a guy so insurance is high in general. thanks.""
Which company gives cheapest quotes for car insaurance ?
Which company gives cheapest quotes for car insaurance ?
What would be the cheapest auto insurance for me? i am 19 and drive a 1998 camaro z28?
What would be the cheapest auto insurance for me? i am 19 and drive a 1998 camaro z28?
Im losing all my teeth & I cant get insurance anywhere!!!!?
I am only 22 years old & I noticed all of my back teeth slowly breaking away about 6 months ago. I went to a clinic & found out I have a bad infection, next to no enamel & serious gum disease. They gave me prescription & that's when I found out I had no medical insurance. I never got the meds. because I could not afford them. Since than it has gotten so much worse. I am a single mom of 2 young boys. I pay my own Rent phone electric & everything else with a next to nothing paycheck. So at the end of the month I am left with Nothing. I went to the welfare office & was turned down because I make more than 400$ a month. My job doesn't provide dental but this infection has spread so fast that I don't have 1 tooth that's not infected & the only ones that can even still be saved are the top 4 in the front. I don't even remember what it feels like to eat solid food & I have tried everything to get health insurance..but I have no $ left over @ the end of the mouth. I feel lost. Does any1 know of anything I can do? This is painful in every way.& I think it is crazy that I can not have dental insurance because I have a job. I cant quit my job to save my teeth. My fronts probably have less than a month b4 they start to chip away from the gum line...& I am out of options.""
Seeking an auto insurance company who offers independent spouses insurance?
married, but want to buy separate auto insurance""
Im considering getting a bmw m3 e36 as my first car how much does it cost and where can i find one in Canada?
also how does insurance cost and is it a good idea to get it as a first car or should i get a integra gsr or civic si
Are there any classic car insurance companies that insure young drivers under 21?
Are there any classic car insurance companies that insure young drivers under 21?
What car insurance do you use and how much?
I need new car insurance.. what do you use and how much do you spend per month?
How much does car insurance run on a 2007 Toyota Camry?
I just want to know a estimate from anyone else that has this car just to get an idea doesn't have to be exact ! It's a 2007 Toyota Camry (white) SE (special edition)
life insurance quotes with pre existing conditions
life insurance quotes with pre existing conditions
Car wreck with no insurance in tennessee?
I was recently involved in a car wreck where I wasn't insured whatsoever. This wreck was considered road rage on both parts. I didn't initiate the road rage. I had a dip spit bottle thrown at my car. It went in and all over me. I followed the other vehicle til he bowed up and stop in front of me where I then rear ended him. He was driving a '99 cadillac escalade and it didn't damaged anything but his bumper. He had insurance thus he didn't get a ticket I don't believe but I did and it says I didn't have insurance the time of the accident and a court date that follows up. My questions are what will exactly happen in court?? I have never been in a wreck. I now have insurance. I'm young. What will the court cost be? How will I pay him? Is there anything that I should know other than to show up?
Fighting my auto insurance company?
I have 2 homes, one in New York and Pennsylvania. My Pennsylvania address is my primary and I commute to NY for work, but my insurance company is raising my premium and quoting for NY which raised my policy considerably. Even though I have proof that my primary is in PA they are still changing my policy to NY. How do I fight it and have them honor my policy?""
Help! im trying to find car insurance!?
help ! i am trying to find car insurance for a bog standard vaxhaull corsa and each time I have done a quote for TPFT the price is no less than 1800. I am 19 and have held a clean license for 1 year. Any suggestions? I am going in an hour to buy a car.
""Going to LA for week, how much does it cost to rent a car?""
I don't want anything too fancy but nothing crap if you know what I mean....just a decent car that will do me for a week. I know insurance will be a killer especially as I am under 25, but my boyfriend is 27 so if we put it in his name will it make it any cheaper? Oh and if anyone knows a good company to rent from, please let me know.....will it be best to go straight to the rental place that's in the airport? Thanks!""
How much does insurance company pay for a totaled car with previously rebuilt title issued?
So I am looking to buy a car with rebuilt title( please dont tell me that I should not buy it, I know all the pros and cons). So lets say I have full coverage insurance and I get in accident and the car is totaled. What kind of money will I get from insurance? Clean trade in value? Clean retail value? Or half of clean trade in? I am just concerned if I should purchase full coverage insurance for it or no. If my monthly premium would cost as much as for clean title car, but I would get only 50% of it in case of an accident, than it does not have sense. Car is Honda Accord with $10000 KBB value and my insurance company is AAA Michigan.""
Were can i get Insurance for the Aprilia rs125 at age 17?
Im 17 looking for insurance for the Aprilia rs125 but ever were i look no company's will insure me i don't know what i doing wrong but they must not like me :P can i getadvicee please thanks :)
Can i put insurance on a old mobile home ?
I have a 84' model mobile home but i paid to have it remodeled so it's very nice on the inside. Well i want to rent it out so i want to put insurance on it in case a fire or etc. happens to it while it's being rented out . But can i put insurance on a mobile home that old ? and can i put as much as i want or does the insurance only cover how much it's worth ?
Does Car Insurance increase after an accident on Learner Insurance.?
Hi, I am a few weeks away from my test, and have been driving with my parents with my mums car. I have insurance on the car for a month with a private website. Today, I had an accident with another learner, where the edge of my car scraped the edge of the learner's car. The damage was only a few scratches, but apparently it's going to cost around 300. My dad is pondering whether to go privately and pay the learner the money, or go through the insurance I have. His main concern is that if I go through insurance, then when I pass, my insurance price will be a lot higher than without. If I pass and get insurance, will this accident be notified by the companies, who may increase the price of my insurance? Thanks""
Why does my auto insurance keep going up?
My auto insurance premium seems to keep increasing. I drive a 2001 Nissan Altima and I'm paying over $250 a month. I have no accidents or speeding tickets on my record. My friend has a 2007 Pontiac G5 and he is paying $170. We use the same insurance company. This makes no sense to me. What seems to be happening?
How to get cheap insurance on a nissan 350z for a 17 year old?
How to get cheap insurance on a nissan 350z for a 17 year old?
How Much Will My Car Insurance Payment Increase After An Accident?
I got into my first car accident today that was my fault I am 17 years old and I have full coverage on Geico insurance I was wondering on around how much will my payment increase after the accident? There was no damage on my car but the other persons car had a large dent on the right side of his front bumper.
State Farm Renters Insurance: Explain Replacement Cost Coverage to me?
From what I understand, if a claim had to be filed, I would receive the current value of an item. For instance, I have a pair of $500 shoes. They are currently priced at $450, so the pay-out would be $450 and $500, correct?. Okay, so here are my two questions: 1) Would I be bound to REPLACE the lost item? Or would they give you the current cash value to buy whatever it is that you wanted to buy? 2) Are there no such policies that exists out there: a policy that would pay you what you INITIALLY paid for an item? So that one wouldn't lost out financially in the event that an item depreciates? If I'm wrong about any of the above, or if you think I need to be sure to clarify certain things with my agent, please let me know. Thanks.""
Good car insurance price for teens?
Im 16 and I just got my license. My dad told me the insurance agent said its going to cost $130. I dont think that is including drivers education discount and good grades discount. How much discount a month you think Ill get and is that a good price? (Im getting a Nissan Xterra)
What happens if someone without insurance rear-ends me?
Here's a scenario. If I have a motorcycle with no insurance. Someone hits me at the red light and they don't have insurance. And it cost $25000 in damages. Considering they don't have insurance, it means they are poor. How can I get my money?""
18 year old new driver? Best/cheapest insurance companies?(uk)?
18 year old new driver? Best/cheapest insurance companies?(uk)?
How much is seasonique with blue shield california insurance?
please tell me. i'm on yaz now but four periods a year would be heaven. thanks.
Car insurance (Nissan)?
am 17 and getting a 2004 Nissan Altima Soon? About how much will the insurance be? oh and its my [first] car.
Where i can get car best insurance information ?
give me a website of car insurance information .
4 years after DUI... insurance?
so when i was 21 i got a dui (it's called an oui here in Maine, but same thing). PLEASE DONT JUDGE ME I KNOW I WAS YOUNG AND STUPID. anyway, i ended up selling my car to pay for the whole mess since my license was getting suspended anyway. since then i have been a happy bicycle commuter! now the time has come for me to become an adult woman again and get my license back because i have enrolled in a college that is not in biking distance. I have signed up, paid for, and in 2 weeks will be taking the DEEP class required by the state of Maine in order to be licensed again. basically i am curious about my insurance premiums. i haven't had my license for almost 4 years, but i have read online that your insurance will have to be sr22 and all expensive and whatnot for THREE years. also, i have since turned 25 and will be 26 soon, so i expect a rate decrease from that. i guess my question is: have i managed to bypass the higher insurance rates because it has been 4 years? if so, it almost seems too good to be true. i am highly suspicious. can anyone give me some insight as to what to expect when purchasing my insurance? thanks chums""
Insurance for a first Motorcycle?
When I turn 17, I'm thinking of buying a Kawasaki KDX125. What would the insurance costs be like for a 17 year old? (In the UK) and can you recommend a similar bike?""
""Is it possible to get insulin for a type 1 diabetic with no insurance, medicare or medicaid?""
My fiance has type 1 diabetes. He gets food stamps, but doesn't qualify for SSI for some reason. He's only 26. I am the only one working, getting minimum wage, and little hours. We can't afford to pay a doctor $100 just for them to tell him he has what he knows what he has, and to get a prescription that cost twice that. It just seems like a vicious cycle we cant get out of.""
How much does it cost to start an insurance office in california?
I'm looking into starting a new insurance office within the next couple of years. As of now, I'm getting the basic, but I need to know what I need to prepare myself for? Can somebody help me?""
How do you know the address of health insurance company??!?
On the insurance sheet for Band.. it asks Insurance company name: health Choice, then Address: and Phone: how do I know what it is?? There're different contact D:""
Insurance Question for owners of the 2007 pontiac g5?
Im a 22 yr old male, never had a car before, just got my license; and im about to purchase me a new pontiac g5. Im wondering how much i can expect to pay for insurance every month?Plz help!""
Car insurance so expensive in the uk?
i am 19, i have a K reg 1.6 litre fiat tipo the car is only worth about 120. i have never had any accidents or had any tickets so why does my insurance cost 2600.""
life insurance quotes with pre existing conditions
life insurance quotes with pre existing conditions
How do I know which insurance is primary?
I'm a full time student and I'm nineteen. I have insurance through my mother, empire blue cross blue shield. But I also work part-time at a hospital and receive local 1199 health insurance from them. Which one is primary?""
How do i get health insurance...??
I want health insurance ASAP but i dont know who to contact or what would be the best company or plan....can anyone give me some advice???
What is the cheapest auto insurance carrier in north carolina?
What is the cheapest auto insurance carrier in north carolina?
Car insurance question?
What is the normal price range for monthly payments on car insurance? I'm 23, female, with no prior accidents.""
What kind of insurance do you have to have on a car that your still paying on ?
will the car company let you get cheap insurance?
Insurance to expensive.?
I live in Miami and i just got my license. I was excited to finally drive. But i found out that monthly the insurance would be 330 extra added to my parents policy. I rather not drive! What are my options?
How much would my car insurance be in new york?
i'm 27, this is my first buying a car, thinking buying a honda accord ex 2003 2 doors. but i'm a little concern about the cost of my car insurance for this particular one? please serious answers""
How much is car insurance for an rx8 in nyc?
I work for EMS n im gonna pay around 16 cash for a 05 rx8 with 30 k miles on it. how much would car insurance b a month ?
How do I get insurance for my new car?
Ok so I've been in the market for a new car and I've pretty much decided on a Honda Civic. I'm trading in the car that I currently have insurance for. Obviously you have to have insurance to drive off of the lot in your new car..So do I have to get all new insurance for my new car? How do I do that when I don't even have the vin or anything? Or does my current insurance count? Please help! Thanks
A Question About My Health Insurance?
If I have health insurance, for example, health net..and I got married..would I still be covered even though I have a different last name or will my health insurance drop me?""
How do you have a baby without insurance?
alright so im not pregnant yet but my question is how do you get insurance and such when i finally get pregnant
Im 19 how much does the average 19 year old pay for car insurance?
I live in new york city
If im a second driver on my dads car when i get older will my insurance get cheaper?
Hi if im a second driver on my dads car when i get older will my insurance get cheaper or not because im the second driver my dad has a vauxhall astra 1.6 its 11 years old and how much do you think the insurance will be im 17 year old boy
Which stae has the cheapest car insurance.? I know Jersey has the highest.?
Which stae has the cheapest car insurance.? I know Jersey has the highest.?
""As an estimation, how much would an 18 year old have to pay for insurance on a Mercedes Benz?""
I am 18 years old, and I have a beautiful opportunity to buy a Mercedez Benz for incredibly cheap. Problem is, I cannot buy the car until I know whether the insurance would be affordable or not. I did get a DUI when I was 17 years old, but it was reduced down to a Reckless Driving charge, considering it was my first offense, and a minor one at that. I do not have anything else on my record, including my driving record. The car is a 2002 Mercedez Benz ML320 that just barely hit the mark for 114,000 miles the other day. I have tried looking for insurance quotes but they all ask how many miles I put on it annually and how many days I drive it to work and all that junk. I cant answer these questions because the car is not yet mine. So I turned to this website for help! Somebody please help me with just a simple but relevant estimate as to how much money I would have to pay for insurance on this car. I do not wish to have the car under double-coverage. Just the cheapest form of insurance that would still cover my car if I were to get in an accident. Please and thank you! :D""
Insurance companies taking advantage?
is there a chance that insurance companies are taking advantage of obama-care and increasing costs more than they really needed? looks like a % of insured are getting hit but what is the % of uninsured or insurance denials that are now covered? any good stories?
How to go about getting insurance for my husband?
He's 23 years old. Unemployed. HE needs insurance now, and can't be added to my insurance. For one, we'd have to wait until open enrollment in dec. and two, to be honest, it's too expensive to add him. im talking $300 each check. that's insane. I'm browsing the internet, but i am just so lost on where to look. I've heard of Medicaid, but don't know if he'd qualify, or can't find a website. Please. HELP!!!!!""
What are some cheap Auto Insurance Quotes for Oregon?
I am looking for a cheap and reliable auto insurance company for just liability insurance. I have had one accident back in 2009, totaling my dads toyota 4-Runner and wrecking into an Audi A4. As well, I have 2 tickets on my record, both happened in 2008, the first one I got was running a stop sign and the second one (which happened literally the next day.. by the same cop) I got an illegal lane change or turning into a turning lane to early I cant remember which one it would fall under. Some of the quotes I got have been like 350 $$ which is way out of my price range. Anybody have any good ideas? I'd appreciate it.""
Free Geico car insurance?
I've always been told by a little green lizard that 15 minutes on the phone can save you 15% or more on car insurance... what about 100 minutes on the phone?
""How do I get the best deal on a rental car, and what about insurance?""
I am going to Orlando for 4 days/3nights, and want to rent a car while I am there, but I want to get the best price I can. What is the best way to do that...tips/suggestions? I'm also a bit confused about the whole insurance issue, since this is my first time renting a car. I really don't want to have to pay double just to get insurance if I don't actually need it. Please explain. Thanks!""
How long does it take for car insurances to determine fault?
I got into an accident a few days ago. It's pretty cut and dry that it was the other persons fault, however the police don't determine fault and leave it up to the insurance companies to figure out. Those who have been in a similair situation, how long from the time of the accident did it take for your insurance company to find fault in the accident. I'm curious because I'm having to pay a $1000 deductible and car rental fees. I want to make sure I get it back if its the other persons fault.""
What would actually be the CHEAPEST car insurance for a 2011 challenger srt8?
I need to find out what car insurance company located near Covington, Louisiana sells the CHEAPEST full coverage car insurance that would be paid in full every 6 months for a fully loaded Dodge Challenger SRT8 with an automatic 5 speed transmission with the fuel saver technology feature? Any suggestions?""
DMV paying ticket/showing proof of insurance?
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fromtheringapron · 7 years
WWE SummerSlam 2004
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Date: August 15, 2004
Location: Air Canada Centre in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Attendance: 17,640
Commentary: Jim Ross & Jerry Lawler (Raw). Tazz & Michael Cole (Smackdown).
1. The Dudley Boyz (Spike, Bubba Ray, and D-Von) defeated Rey Mysterio, Billy Kidman, and Paul London.
2. Till Do Us Part Match: Kane defeated Matt Hardy. Per stipulation, Lita had to marry Kane.
3. Match 1 in a Best of Five Series for the WWE United States Championship: John Cena defeated Booker T (champion).
4. Triple Threat Match for the WWE Intercontinental Championship: Edge (champion) defeated Batista and Chris Jericho.
5. Kurt Angle w/Luther Reigns defeated Eddie Guerrero.
6. Triple H defeated Eugene.
7. WWE Championship Match: John “Bradshaw” Layfield (champion) w/Orlando Jordan defeated The Undertaker via disqualification.
8. WWE World Heavyweight Championship Match: Randy Orton defeated Chris Benoit (champion) to win the title.
For a show making so many allusions to the Olympic Games, SummerSlam 2004 rarely ever feels like it’s going for gold. It seems perfectly content with being middle-of-the-road, perhaps even off medal podium.
WWE is struggling to find its footing in the mid ‘00s, and this show is exhibit A. They’re still clinging to Attitude Era caveats, where there’s an unwritten rule requiring them to take the trashiest direction possible with their storylines and angles, like the completely ridiculous Kane/Matt Hardy Till Death Do Us Part match. There’s also the Diva Search, which presents itself here as a brief segment known as Diva Dodgeball, that single-handedly sets back how they present women on their roster for at least a decade. That fans are responding less and less to such ideas indicates the Ruthless Aggression Era would’ve been much better off if they went back to TV-PG sooner. But even then, it wouldn’t change how creatively sluggish everything feels here.
It’s not a total wash, however. Kurt Angle and Eddie Guerrero have a nice follow-up to their classic WrestleMania match. The World Heavyweight Championship bout is one of the finest in SummerSlam history, although Benoit’s involvement will ensure it won’t receive too much praise. As a launching pad for Randy Orton as WWE’s top babyface, it later proves a failure, but it does succeed as a competitive back-and-forth that remains tense until the end. Edge fans will also appreciate how the first signs of his Rated R Superstar persona start to show here, as it marks a quiet start to his rise as a main event player.
If there’s anything noteworthy about this show, it’s not the wrestlers; it’s the Toronto crowd. They remain defiant throughout, going so far as to boo hometown hero Edge and start a wave during the WWE Championship bout. One could chalk up their restlessness to dissatisfaction with what’s unfolding in the ring, but their attitude is representative of a larger shift in how wrestling fans are perceiving the product. By this point in 2004, the Internet is influencing wrestling more than ever. Fans are wiser to the inner workings of the business and have more space to voice their concerns. Their voices would only grow louder within the next year, especially when John Cena ascends to the top of the card.
My Random Notes 
The reference to Hurricane Charley at the beginning of the show really brings me back. At the time, I was in Disney World with my family. We got stuck in our hotel room one night due to the storm and the only thing playing on the television other than storm coverage was an A&E Biography special on Andre the Giant. The park was shut down the next day. I also remember watching CNN the morning after and they interviewed a local woman who couldn’t stop shouting “I’m alive! I’m alive!” in total disbelief. Getting stuck in the middle of a hurricane is just one of those experiences you never quite forget. I feel like I can recount even the smallest sensory details.
JBL getting chokeslammed through the roof of his limousine looks so phony. He literally went through a thin sheet of paper and landed on a mattress. 
Oh, man, I don’t know where to begin with the Kane/Lita/Matt Hardy shit. I would probably need to write up a separate blog post to talk about it. I will say this: while it’s horrible and tasteless at various points (that wrestling actually has a brief history of pregnancy/miscarriage angles is beyond comprehension), it’s also totally baffling just how long it went on and evolved over time. I mean, the end game of it all wound being Edge and Lita hooking up which, weirdly enough, became one of the best wrestler/valet pairings of the ‘00s.
By the way, the episode of Raw where Kane and Lita wed doesn’t get enough shit for being one of the worst episodes in the show’s history. There were so many time-wasting segments, and having only two matches on a two-hour wrestling broadcast is just inexcusable.
Wow, I totally forget about heel Spike Dudley. It’s a shame it didn’t have the chance to fully play out because I genuinely think he’s good in the role.
On the 2004 Olympic Games: Again, I was in Disney World at the time and remember watching the opening ceremonies in our hotel room. This show makes reference to the U.S. men’s basketball team losing. Other notable events I remember include the miracle run of the Iraqi national football team, Marion Jones totally disappointing (little did we know), and the rise of Michael Phelps.
The Eugene character is deeply, deeply problematic and only looks worse with the passage of time. I do think the basics of his storyline with Triple H are decent⏤heel tries taking advantage of a seemingly naive face, only to have it backfire⏤but doesn’t really excuse how it’s such an insulting depiction of a disabled person. I just don’t want to see a character like that brutalized in any way, y’know?
On Diva Dodgeball: It’s baffling looking back that half of Team Diva would be released within months after this. Also, it’s amazing to consider just how many Diva Search ladies here would actually go on to have lengthy careers in wrestling. I mean, one of them recently made their return to the WWE roster for Pete’s sake.
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shannrussell-blog1 · 5 years
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Standing so powerful and beautiful, Mont Blanc is the grand monarch of the European Alps. Sitting at an altitude of 4,810m above sea level, this is the highest peak in Europe. And, what makes her so incredible is that she’s accessible to all. You don’t need to be an “alpinist” to reach her as there are cable cars that can help non-climbers get up close to experience her from up high.
Mont Blanc is situated on a 40km mountain range that enters 3 countries – France, Italy and Switzerland with her summit being on the French side. There are glaciers that cover around 100sq km of this mountain, which is why she is known as Mont Blanc, meaning white mountain.
Heading up the Col du Bonhomme mountain pass.
I first visited the town of Chamonix in France back in 2010 and saw the grandeur of Mont Blanc. This is when I fell in love with this area. My husband and I spent a few days exploring, playing as happy tourists taking the cable car up to the Aiguille du Midi, 3842m high, which is the highest I have ever been.
Up here you have the most stunning views overlooking Italy and Switzerland and on a good day, Mont Blanc shows herself proudly.
Hikers hopping in a cable car up to Aiguille du Midi. 
Our trip
Last year saw us back and ready to experience Mont Blanc in a very different way than we did before. We came back to walk the Tour du Mont Blanc (TMB), which is known as one of the greatest long-distance hikes in Europe. The walk is around 170km with 10,000m of ascent and takes you through the three countries of France, Switzerland and Italy.
Our journey had us hiking through some of the most spectacular mountain scenery, forest walks, and deep into the valleys. We stayed in a different village every night and sometimes even in a different country!
  The Col de la Seigne pass crossing Italy to France. 
Hiking the TMB
Many people start in Les Houches in France and travel anti-clockwise. The trail is marked in both directions, so we chose to start in Chamonix and go clockwise. When planning your flight, it’s best to fly into Geneva. This is where there are shuttle buses that can take you through to Les Houches or many of the other villages in the valley. My recommendation is to first check in with the hotel you will be staying at on the first night, as a lot of the hotels provide this service.
The time one would take to hike the TMB is anywhere between 5-12 days, depending on what you choose to do. Some of the paths you will be following are of ancient ones that have been used for many centuries. There are old mule and Shepherd’s pathways, old trade routes, roads of the Roman Soldiers and Celtic tribes. I found it really interesting to learn some of this history as we walked along.
There are several ways you can experience this hike. You can walk it independently or use one of the many companies that offer package deals. These include a self-guided option or a fully guided walk with all luggage transfers and accommodation sorted out for you.
Looking out towards Trient, Switzerland. 
The independent way
Maps of this walk are easy enough to obtain if you choose to go this way and the waymarking is very clear as it is a very popular and well-used trail.
You will want to book accommodation ahead of time, as there are so many tour groups going through and they have pre-booked a lot of it, so it can be difficult especially during peak season to find anything despite there being an abundance of choice.
Camping options
You can camp and there are many campgrounds along the way. I do recommend checking out the camping laws for each country if you decide to free camp.
Hikers trekking through the Col de la Seigne pass. 
Choosing how many km to walk per day
Be realistic on the kilometres you choose to hike each day as some sections have quite a significant ascent and descent, this can make a 20km day in the mountains a lot harder than in the valleys.
Food and supplies
Do be aware of where you can obtain food as some of the mountain huts don’t stock food and other huts have a limited amount.
Using one of the many tour companies
The benefit of using a tour company is that they have a lot of choice in how you can walk the TMB. You can go with a guide and in a small group while having your luggage transferred. You can hike the TMB self-guided and the company will arrange all baggage transfers and accommodation. They will also provide you with up-to-date information and help along the way.
Higher up towards Col du Bonhomme. 
Best time to walk the TMB
There is a limited season for walking the TMB which does create a bit of traffic along the way. This is a hiking route you cannot do in the winter months due to the harsh weather. It’s only recommended in the warmer seasons from late June to early September. Be aware that Europe have their main holiday time during August/September so expect the trail to be at it’s busiest then.
You must also be aware that the weather in the mountains can be very unpredictable. They can have extreme cold snaps at any time, this can result in snow or blizzards especially on the higher passes. We walked at the end of August, being the height of summer and had a mix of hot and snowy days.
Another important piece of information to be aware of is that the mountain huts on the passes don’t open till mid-June and usually shut down in mid-September.
Trekking high above Les Chapieux – a stopover on the trip.
The terrain
With some lovely valley walks through forests, climbing up high rocky mountain passes, and even scrambling up sections at different points along the way. Be prepared to do it all and expect to get up to heights of 2,665m.
This is not of altitude that can cause sickness for most people, but it does give you a tough physical challenge nonetheless. Be prepared physically before setting out on this hike.
The view over Col du Bonhomme. 
What to pack
To pack for a trip like this where you are heading up over mountain passes, you need to be prepared for all types of weather. Just because it’s summer, there can still be some severe weather at any time. This means that the temperatures drop drastically and fast!
Typically, June to September, the temperature is between 7°C and 24°C. Always check the weather on a regular basis while on this trip and do adhere to any warnings that may be in place. Don’t attempt a mountain pass if you know the weather will be severe. Also, remember the wind chill factor as your body temperature can drop at a fast rate.
If you are using a company to transport your baggage be sure to check the maximum weight allowance as often this is as little as 7kg.
The border of Italy and France along the trek. 
Where you can stash your excess luggage
If you are travelling in Europe for a while other than just the walk, speak to your hotel where you will start and end your walk. Often they are happy to hold luggage that you won’t need on the walk.
Preparing for all kinds of weather
Whether you are carrying a day bag (and having your baggage transported) or carrying all your gear, you must have gear for all types of weather. Be sure to have wet weather gear and extra warm clothes like thermals. You will need to carry water, (up to 2 litres),
There was snow on the ground when we left the Refuge de la Balme.
Packing list for Mont Blanc
A backpack in the size to suit your needs.
Sturdy boots or shoes you plan to trek in. A spare pair of shoes to put on in the evenings.
Hiking poles (you won’t regret taking them)
Water bottles or hydration pack
Map and guidebooks
3 pairs of underwear. I don’t recommend you pack cotton as once it gets wet, it takes a long time to dry which may cause chafing. Also, once wet it loses all thermal properties. You want a fabric that wicks away sweat to keep you comfortable.
2 quick drying hiking shirts
2 zip-off hiking pants. Hiking pants are not only quicker at drying, having the zip-offs allows you the flexibility to wear shorts if it warms up or long pants when the temperature drops.
A lightweight windproof jacket
1 thermal top, and pants (optional)
Rain jacket, rain pants (optional but highly recommended)
2 buff. Tip: a buff also helps protect you from the wind and cold.
Gloves for when the temperature drops, I recommend this as I found mine to be invaluable!
Sarong or Shemagh. This I recommend for so many uses, for example – a scarf, a wrap for after the shower, a towel, a blanket to sit on, make into a bag for the evenings, make many different outfits like a jacket, top and skirt, just to name a few.
Something to sleep in.
If you are camping
Cooker, fuel for cooker (do be aware fuel and matches are not allowed on planes but can be purchased when you arrive).
Food utensils
Head torch
An example of route and towns that you can stay in
Day 1 – Les Houches to La Flegere. Distance – 18km.
Day 2 –La Flegere to Trient. Distance – 19km.
You will find some variants on this day, as well as a chance to ride a cable car and a chairlift. At 14km there is a refuge on the Col de Balme (border of France/Italy). Note that this is an unmanned refuge and there is no food available here.
The sign pointing towards Trient.
Day 3 – Trient to Champex. Distance – 17km.
You will find some variants on this day. One is to take the high and more challenging route over the pass of Fenetre d’Arpette (2665m). Only take it if the weather is good, as in recent years there has been a rock slide. The other choice is to take the Bovine Trail, can be challenging with long ascents and descents but there is a place to stop, relax and have lunch half way. Both are very similar in distance.
Stopping for a rest and some lunch along the Bovine Trail. 
Day 4 – Champex to Ferret. Distance – 18km.
There is a choice to stop at 16km and stay in La Fouly.
The view of the Val Ferret Valley in Switzerland. 
Day 5 – Ferret to Rifugio Bonatti. Distance – 17km.
Another border crossing and high pass at 2537m. There are a few other options to stay at like we did at Rifugio Elena (approximately 10km) or Chalet Val Ferret (approximately 13km).
We stayed at the Rifugio Elena in the Aosta Valley in Italy.
Day 6 – Rifugio Bonatti to Courmayeur. Distance – 12km.
I highly recommend a day here as it is a beautiful town worth exploring.
Day 7 – Courmayeur to Rifugio Elisabetta. Distance – 18km.
This is dorm style accommodation. The next available accommodation is in Les Chapieux, (not a town) and is approximately another 16km. You do have a choice, however, to catch a bus from Courmayeur to Cantine de la Visaille, where camping is available. This is around 14km which makes it an easier day to continue to Les Chapieux.
Trekking uphill from Les Chapieux. 
Day 8 – Rifugio Elisabetta to Refuge de la Croix du Bonhomme Distance – 20km.
This is dorm style accommodation, as well. There is a route variant here, there is also a high pass of Col de la Croix du Bonhomme (2483m), or you can choose the shorter (4km), but higher route over the Col des Fours (2665m). Only take this route if the weather is good. This is also another border crossing from Italy to France.
You can stay overnight at the Rifugio Elisabetta. 
Day 9 – Refuge de la Croix du Bonhomme to Les Contamines. Distance – 13km.
This is virtually downhill but be aware it can be very steep in some sections.
Day 10 – Les Contamines to Les Houches. Distance – 16km.
Again, there is another route variant and cable cars. Check the weather for the choice of which route to take, as the high route will take you close to the glacier de Bionnassay, as well as crossing a swing bridge. Not recommended if the weather is bad.
The final takeaway
To experience the mountains and achieve a walk like this has been a real highlight for me. After completing the journey, I now know my love affair with the European mountains will only continue to grow.
  Is Mont Blanc on your bucket list? Let us know in the comments.
  The post Walking the Tour du Mont Blanc in Europe appeared first on Snowys Blog.
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