#and just cannot access the original article for a lot of the sites reporting on it
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canichangemyblogname · 3 days ago
Been following this story as it develops and… fucking hell.
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Reports that DRC government forces lost the airport, that civilians are without power and water and food, of street-by-street fighting through Goma, and of mass rapes.
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odaclan · 2 years ago
Someone really did call Nobunaga “Dairokuten Maou”, once
You might ask: “Wait, isn’t that common knowledge?” Actually, not really. 
First, I’ll explain the backstory. 
Even though Nobunaga being called Dairokuten Maou (Demon King of the Sixth Heaven) is very common in anime and games and such, the original historical source of this is hard to find. For a while, the only origin people seemed to be able to find was Nobunaga calling himself that.
In Father Luis Frois’s writings, he recorded that Shingen sent Nobunaga a letter of condemnation over the burning of Enryakuji in Hieizan. Supposedly, Shingen had signed the letter “Tendai Zashuu Shingen” (High Priest of Tendai Sect). Out of spite, Nobunaga sent a reply signed “Dairokuten Maou Nobunaga”. 
A lot of people were sceptical of this, since the exact artefact of this exchange has not been found yet, but it is what it is. Also, I’ve previously reported that the Japanese translation of Luis Frois’s writings apparently have translation errors, so maybe it’s not even what the actual European manuscript says in the first place.  
Just as an additional context, the Dairokuten Maou, or Mara (sometimes spelled Maara), is a Buddhist demon entity that represents worldly desires, lust and riches. Stories claim that he had tried to corrupt the Buddha himself, once, by sending his daughters to seduce Buddha. Essentially, this character is “the enemy of Buddhism”. Though, as far as I know he’s generally not known as a demon of hellfire and terror.
The reason why Japanese people say “Dairokuten Maou” (in Buddhism, it’s believed that for some reason this demon lives in the “sixth heaven”) and not “Mara” is because at some point in history, the name became so closely associated with lust that “Mara” is essentially the Japanese word for “penis”. You can see it in names such as the Kanamara Matsuri (please do NOT look up this word in public, it’s NSFW).
Now for the actual news. 
In 2017, while examining their archives, the monks of Konsaiji in Toyohashi, Aichi discovered a text that they believed was written by a monk named Kouko Sanjin 江湖散人 shortly after Honnouji happened. The text was a poetic tirade that essentially said “Nobunaga is dead, good riddance” and it was good of Mitsuhide to have offed him. Among many other things, the news reported that the text called Nobunaga “a big monkey”, “the second coming of (Taira) Kiyomori, the black rat”, and “Rokuten Maou”.
I don’t know if the full text was ever published, since a lot of older online news articles got paywalled or disappear altogether after some time, and I’m not longer able to access them now. I was, however, able to find a picture of a little portion of the text that shows the “black rat Kiyomori” part: 
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The news report also mentioned that monk Kouko Sanjin was believed to have witnessed the burning of Enryakuji. Maybe not actually on site per se, since I cannot find specific details of his life or where he’s been. It’s also possible that maybe the fire was big enough to be seen from neighbouring areas.
Considering these two reports of Dairokuten Maou usage turned out to be somewhat related to Enryakuji (assuming there’s no misreporting or any other error of transmission), one wonders if the anime and game creators are maybe by coincidence not entirely wrong to present the name with the image of "fire and terror".
To be fair, though, Shimada Daisuke, the professor who was asked to analyse this Kouko Sanjin text, thought that Rokuten Maou was used in the “demon of riches” sense here. This tirade had also contained mentions of Azuchi Castle, and since Azuchi’s extravagance would definitely cost a lot of money, the professor felt that it was a criticism of the flaunting of wealth.
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ldcu-12stem2-group4mil · 3 years ago
Media Evolution and the Changing World
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When various media sites began to emerge, internet usage grew in popularity. It continues to produce new platforms that anyone can easily access. Anything you wish to get can be reached with just a click of your mouse. Imagine having complete control over the Internet but before we did achieve this freedom our media did evolve from time to time, so let see how our media did evolve. 
According to AKN Production, we are designing and modifying the message as it evolves with the medium throughout time. How? We've all become the Medium since we're all connected via the Internet. The term "media" has undergone numerous changes, including "mass media" (broadcast television, movies), "interactive media" (games, websites, apps), and "cross-media" (Transmedia), Multimedia, New Media, Social Media, etc... but these are just different mediums. What technology and the Internet have done is allowed us all to be a part of the media without having difficulties. 
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Media has been through a lot of processes from using only the sense of hearing (Tribal Age), the invention of paper (Pre-Industrial Age), the widespread production of newspapers (Industrial Age), the first electronic computers and television, the use of smartphones (Electronic Age), and also the new way of conveying information via technology and social media platforms (Information Age).
Tribal Age (According to McLuhan, it is the 1st period in history)
Tribal Age, according to McLuhan, is an acoustic environment where the senses of hearing, touch, and scent were formed. Hearing helps you to be more aware of your environment in the tribal era than sight. Hearing and smelling offer a sense of things we can’t see, which is important in the tribal period.
Pre-Industrial Age (1500 B.C. - 1500 A.D.)
Between the usage of the first stone tools and the present, there was a period of human activity known as prehistory.
The development of writing systems, the first of which appeared 5,300 years ago, occurred 3.3. Million years ago. Technology that precedes the written word. History is both the study of the past through the use of written records and the record itself. Prehistoric (meaning “before history”) refers to everything that existed before the earliest written chronicles of history, including early technology. The technology originated with the first hominids, who used stone tools to light fires, hunt, chop food, and bury their dead around 2.5 million years before writing was invented.
Industrial Age (1700s-1930s)
The Industrial Age is a historical period marked by the replacement of hand tools with power-driven machines such as the power loom and steam engine, as well as the concentration of industry in big institutions, which began about 1760 in Great Britain and later in other nations.
Electronic Age (1930s-1980s)
The transistor’s creation signaled the beginning of the electronic age. People began to exploit the transistor’s power, which resulted in transistor communication being more efficient. 
Information Age (1900s-2000s)
The Information Age, also known as the Digital Age, is an era in human history marked by a change from conventional industry to an economy centered on information computerization, as a result of the Industrial Revolution’s industrialization. With the introduction of personal computers, gadgets, and wearable technology, the internet cleared the path for the advancement of microelectronics. In addition, speech, picture, sound, and data have all been digitized.
The list of media tools could go on for pages, and technology is changing at such a breakneck pace that many industries, including corporations and news organizations, are struggling to stay up. Newspapers, firms, governments, and other forms of leading institutions in the conventional world merely had to disseminate information, which people would read or look at. According to Inquiries Journal many traditional and non-traditional news organizations report and comment on how the Internet and social media, particularly social networking, have begun to have a significant impact on news organizations and how they operate. Although newspapers are currently facing a dilemma in terms of how to make journalism profitable in the digital age. 
Why is MEDIA important in today’s society?
With each passing by, today’s society becomes more socially focused. It’s not just a fleeting fad; social media is here to stay. 
The media is an integral aspect of our lives and has a significant impact on our society. Because of the high level of connectedness that exists throughout the world, the relevance of media is rising by the day. As a result, all must critical that all of us become conscious of the media’s influence. This enables us to evaluate all of the information we get on a regular basis. 
One of the reasons why media is important is because it’s one of the ways to distribute information. Its importance in industrialized countries is worth noting because it is the primary source of informing the public about political concerns and current events. It's also one of the most important pillars of entertainment.
Although the media is an important element of our culture, too much meddling in everything is unsettling. In certain cases, like what Chamzad said, unimportant news is given so much detail and priority for the goal of a bigger income that the true news is rarely noticed. Despite its intellectual bias, the importance of media cannot be overstated, especially in this age of globalization and liberalization. The media's jobs and responsibilities are growing every day, and there is still more to be done for the development of society. So always do things for the betterment of everyone and remember that "If you are not part of the solution maybe you are part of the problem." Be responsible when using media platforms, since we are all creators of media and its future.
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rinrenrina · 5 years ago
Protests and social movements: local news media and you.
This Patriot Act video by Hasan Minhaj is about how important local news is to covering what affects us, especially in light of BLM and antifa protests. Local news media are compiling lists of Black-owned businesses, protest groups that need support, community resources, and documenting/recording perspectives and events. It's also local news media that are breaking stories of national importance like Epstein.
First, a timely article about the Seattle autonomous zone/CHAZ that’s an exact example of what’s going on in the video: local Seattle Times journalists did original reporting [link] and fact-checked some claims (yes, it’s peaceful; no, crimes are not happening; no, local businesses are not being extorted and in fact are doing well; yes, the mayor and governor told Trump to shut up) along with USA Today, which picked up ST’s reporting and added more information [link]. And here’s more original local reporting about armed right-wing groups being dangerous and obnoxious because they boogeyman antifa: [link]. Industry callouts on Fox News for creating and publishing doctored images of CHAZ, which is as ridiculous as it sounds [link].
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To the point, the video had me thinking about the widespread "Why isn't the media talking about this" or "What the media won't show" messaging that's in nearly every high-note protest/BLM Twitter thread or Tumblr post I’ve seen that are not only often false (Yes, local and national news organizations are reporting that protesters are peaceful [link], cops are abusive+lying to everyone about the content of their body cams [link], and communities are creating resource and hydration centers [link]. No, news media will not ignore you if you keep protesting - the video in this post [link] is from NBC.), but show how much of an information bubble some people live in.
Remember, these are your news orgs, not a government's news orgs. Everyday people are the voices in an article, especially in local and community news.
The same popular posts I see about not trusting Democrats/Biden/liberalism and incrementalism are voiced by several knowledgeable activists in this article, New generation of activists, deeply skeptical of Democratic Party, resists calls to channel energy into the 2020 campaign [WP link | non-paywall MSN link] by Cleve Wootson Jr. [link].
Some pull quotes (but you should check out the article):
“Some people are like I’m . . . done accepting what the Democratic Party has offered us. It’s not getting better,” said Keene, 37. “This current moment is a reflection of the United States’ inability to meet any of the demands black people have put forward. I wish they would stop holding black people responsible for the failures of the Democratic Party. Why aren’t y’all responsible for not giving us a candidate worth voting for?”
Malcolm X warned people that neither Democrats nor Republicans had adequate plans to help black Americans in his “Ballot or the Bullet” speech. And Martin Luther King Jr. called on his followers to not accept political stalling.
“It’s always come down to the question of time,” Delmont said. “Dr. King had so many great sermons or speeches about time and how that group of activists just could not wait. People feel the same way today. You can’t wait for Biden to get elected. You can’t wait four years. We can’t wait on politicians if we want to see these things change.”
These are the same ideas that have floated through the blogosphere, especially here on Tumblr.
That isn't to be an idealist though. There's a lot to complain about in US journalism. At the top editor positions, it's highly staffed by white people, men, cishets, and those with privileged backgrounds. All journalists use news judgement (PBS has information on what news judgement is here: [link]), which in front page design aims to showcase what’s important to know in terms of impact, but deciding "what's important/what will people read" when the decision-making team is homogeneous and privileged leaves valuable voices unheard, entire life experiences unaddressed, and harms marginalized groups.
This is something recognized among journalists: The Inquirer's POC staff had a sick-out and open letter about a now-fired top editor's news article that insensitively riffed on BLM [link], NYT staff and union came out against the now-demoted opinion editor’s publishing of an opinion piece by the Arkansas governor that called for violence against protesters [link], Post-Gazette was publicly criticized by staff, union, and the public when management barred a Black journalist from reporting on protests because she joked about anti-protester hypocrisy [link].
There's a lot of criticism to be had about US journalism, but the "Why isn't the media talking about this" or "What the media won't show" messaging I'm seeing on Tumblr and Twitter is inaccurate because the very things people are saying are not being reported actually are being reported. It's coming from a place of not having the methods to access this information - maybe it’s not visiting non-social media sites to receive the news that affect and reflect you, not understanding that articles of quality take time, not knowing that you can reach out to news orgs and tell them what the news is, and/or not knowing how overwhelmed/source competitive news organizations are.
A read more to not dash stretch. Under the read more is information on how to escape the “Why isn’t the media reporting”/”Why am I only just hearing” information bubble (visit a news site), why the news takes days to be good (imagine writing an original research essay), and tips on avoiding paywalls and on basic journalism.
Receiving the news that affect and reflect you
There's a significant difference between the news you will see on a social media feed (even if you do follow news orgs) and the news you will see by going to any news website. I can write more about it later, but the tl;dr is that the news you see on a social media feed is decided entirely by algorithms, money, and community bubbles, which isn't evil, but causes other important news to be buried on your feeds. Social media are great for fast news and no longer letting only a select few people, who cannot reflect the need-to-knows of everyone, decide what's important. And to better avoid the information bubble, you can combine your social media feeds with news websites so that you can better avoid the "Why am I only just hearing about this" phenomenon and see that yes, the thing you said was never reported on, probably was reported. Yes, the front page curation won’t reflect the need-to-knows or even nice-to-knows of everyone, but the information available is still valuable and impactful - I saw the article on armed right-wingers holding an anti-antifa block party by visiting Seattle Times, Wootson’s article from MSN, the article on cops lying on documents about their body cam recordings from CNN’s front page. By visiting news websites, you may find information and topics that never landed on your feed - which you can now introduce to and improve your social circles with.
Articles of quality take time, aka "People wanted the news five minutes ago"
There's a few tweet threads where someone is shooting video of a currently developing situation, with a caption akin to "Why isn't the media talking about this" ...even though this is something that is currently happening, so of course no one has sat down and made the article or video segment. Especially if they’re waiting on comment from city officials. Tweets are a fast, immediate information delivery method and this is where protesters have an advantage. If you had checked YouTube's front page from the US the past weeks, you may have noticed that the news video article/news livestream section took about two days from the start of the protests to say that the protesters are peaceful and that it's the police that are violent. It's extremely slow compared to a protester's tweet. If you combine the speediness of a protester's tweet with the context/backstory/statement from officials in a news article, your knowledge of what's happening is more thorough. The news article takes time to come out and be worth reading, though.
(Related to the topic of speed and quality is the Mueller Report. It's 450 pages, yet news orgs were writing about it on day one. It was all junk because they were reading from the Trump CliffsNotes in the rush to meet the people-want-to-know-yesterday/first scoop demands so the articles worth any time only started coming out a week after the Report's release. News orgs admitted to their initial reporting being garbage and being led on, but by then readers who don't look at news websites had moved on. The same goes for any protest or breaking news coverage: it's usually junk for the first few days. Sometimes subverted by local news orgs due to their proximity to the events.)
Reach out to news orgs
There's important ground information coming from protesters and observers - first-hand experience with police brutality, police militarization, and just how tired Black Americans are of having to protest for their lives. Among this info are communities' food and hydration resources, example here [link].
"What the media won't show." "These stories need to be told."
Two things that go well together by remembering to tell your local news organizations. And if they show up (you might get the reporting from a desk treatment: adapting a press release (which btw, nonprofits and non-organized groups can write and submit too) to an article), you have their ear: tell them your message. Something every journalist has heard? "Your article is only as good as its sources." You can be the reason that article and news org are good.
The above mostly applies for when you don't want to be a press worker. But another angle is to be your own community's source of news and watchdog. You have access to the exact same information a news organization is privy to (FOIA and PRA), the same protective laws (shield laws, the First Amendment guarantees the right for journalists to work), and being a writer is free to learn and easy to do especially in the time of free blogging and content hosting. As this NPR post [link] put it:
I think I can say that I have some professional credibility as a journalist. I have a master’s degree from a major university, a national Emmy award, work in all forms of media, and am in charge of journalism at Wayne State University in Detroit.
Yet legally, I have the same standing as a journalist as a high school dropout who writes a blog in his grandmother’s basement, and that is exactly the way it is supposed to be.
And if you do start your own community news source, forward the articles you publish to the wider-area news orgs above you. Tying it back to the video: this is how the news works - local news media are important to national discourse.
Here’s some other things that can hopefully be helpful to understanding the essential field that is journalism:
- If you're being paywalled by a local or national newspaper or by a magazine you want to read, check if your library (or a friend who will let you use their library card) already pays for online access either through a website or through an app like Flipster. Or, search the title of the article and see if an another site (such as MSN) offers it free. - Tips: You only need to read the first two-three paragraphs of a news article, but it helps to read the rest. How and when to be an anonymous or on-background source: when you have information no one else has and/or you would face retaliation for speaking. More here: [link]. What differentiates an opinion from an editorial: editorials are the opinion of the editorial board, opinions are written by columnists, officials, and readers. Figure out what type of article you like better: inverted pyramid favors quick reporting (minutes to hours) and fewer facts, feature style favors long-term reporting (weeks to months) and more research, details, and human-focused anecdotes/testimony.
To nitpick the video: local and national broadcast news has more than what’s on TV, they also have a robust web article and web video article presence. For example, NBC’s article about BLM NY members’ and other activist groups in NY’s social justice and policy goals (and an app that creates digital models of Black and brown heroes of history to educate!). [NBC link | MSN link]
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vopium · 5 years ago
A Framework for a Healthier YouTube
-by Andrew Cherry
YouTube, the video-sharing platform owned by Google that we all rely on for one reason or another, is routinely cited as one of the top used websites from around the world. There are few other places you can get daily long form vlogs, makeup demonstrations, cooking tutorials, cat video compilations, and television show breakdowns while being a click away from intense political analysis or video tutorials of open heart surgery. Part of the draw of this goliath website is the ever-expanding quantity and variety of videos available to the consumer for “free.” I use the phrase “free” here because while users don’t have to monetarily pay to access video content, there are major drawbacks to the site that end up negatively impacting both content creators and the general viewing public. My goal here as an active user of YouTube is to provide a set of recommendations that I believe would work to push back against some of the more harmful and toxic effects of the site. I hope not to change the fundamental structure of the site or stifle people’s creativity, but rather, I hope that these changes would make the site safer for everybody and work to ensure healthy discourse both online and in real life.
Re-Design the YouTube Algorithm
One of YouTube’s biggest issues is the way that their video recommendation algorithm suggests viewers to watch more and more extreme videos, in what is being called by some as the Alt-Right Pipeline. While the site has evolved to become much more than just a company in a lot of ways, it still strives to make money, and thus, the algorithm suggests similar but more extreme videos knowing that this gradual escalation will keep people actively engaged and generating more ad revenue. This Vox article does a good job of laying out the issue, whereas people start watching conservative YouTubers like Ben Shapiro who himself has explicitly disavowed the alt-right, but then YouTube’s algorithm continues to direct these viewers to further-right videos and cements their radicalization to the far-right over time. While I do see the irony of linking to a YouTube video here to drive my point home, this video titled “The Alt-Right Playbook: How to Radicalize a Normie” takes a pretty comprehensive, step-by-step approach to demonstrating how this radicalization can happen online.
The Vox article above notes how persuasive these extreme YouTube videos can be and even quotes sociologist Zeynep Tufekci in saying that “given its billion or so users, YouTube may be one of the most powerful radicalizing instruments of the 21st century.” Given the long term and deeply alarming implications of that quote, it’s necessary to unpack why the site wields such influence in the minds of its users. I would argue, in terms of Cialdini’s Six Principles of Persuasion, that authority and social validation are the two strongest feelings associated with YouTube’s persuasiveness. With respect to his concept of authority, I argue that YouTubers like Ben Shapiro, Steven Crowder, and Joe Rogan become expert authority figures in the minds of their frequent viewers, which then makes these viewers more inclined to check out the videos produced by frequent guests on these shows. These guests, however, are often content creators even further to the right than the original hosts, which compounds with the perceived authority of the YouTube algorithm to push people further down the Alt-Right Pipeline even quicker.
Furthermore, I argue that the YouTube ends up plays on people’s lack of social validation to encourage them to stay on the site longer. This principle explains that as you see people around you doing something, you are more likely to also do that thing in order to fit in. In a time when people around my age are often incredibly anxious and feeling isolated from the world at large, it can be more common for people to latch onto social groups where they feel somewhat understood. One such area is alt-right comment sections on YouTube or by following alt-right YouTubers on Twitter. By deriving their social validation from these circles and by delving deeper into that online bubble, people are more likely to follow the examples set by these online agents, regurgitate their toxic talking points, and influence more people to go down that path.
In order to combat this issue, I recommend that YouTube take a serious look at how their algorithm is designed and make changes accordingly. It should no longer be the sole motive of the algorithm to keep people engaged to drive ad revenue. There should be a team of human moderators involved who understand the dangerous nature of online radicalization and work to prevent it from happening. This is not to say that conservative thinkers should be censored online, but rather to say that YouTube has an outsized influence on modern culture and should be aware of the role their site has played in disseminating fascist ideologies as simply free speech from right wing thinkers.
Make Monetization Practices more Transparent
In the past few years, YouTube has faced extensive criticism for the ways in which they control monetization practices on the site. Content creators who make videos and upload them on the site sometimes come to find that their content had been age-gated, hidden, or simply demonetized. This means that for people who rely on YouTube as their primary source of income, demonetization on popular videos means significantly less money coming in and they are often not provided with any explanation from the company as to why a video was demonetized. This article on The Verge highlights the accompanying problem to larger demonetization issues, which are the arguments that YouTube was automatically demonetizing videos from LGBTQ+ creators simply because of their identities. While they deny these claims, YouTube was also accused of showing anti-gay ads before LGBTQ+ videos, further contributing to the belief that the site says they support these lifestyles but then acts rather differently. It is important to note here as well that even if the videos become remonetized after YouTube reviewers check it out, the creators of the video do not get reimbursed for the money lost in that time frame and these types of practices can work to hide this type of information from the marginalized people who may need it.
Thus, I argue that YouTube needs to make their monetization practices more transparent and provide YouTubers with more in-depth responses after demonetization happens which explain why it happened and how to quickly appeal if they feel it was unjust. If they need to hire more reviewers to engage personally with videos and decide more quickly whether they should be monetized or not, then so be it because the site surely has the money to do so. Not only would this help to retain active YouTubers that are starting to feel sidelined, but it would help to bring in more users because as authors Kraut and Resnick explain on page 199 of Building Successful Online Communities, “Providing potential new members with an accurate and complete picture of what the members’ experience will be once they join increases the fit of those who join.”
Increase Child Protections and Age Restrictions
As mentioned previously above, setting 18+ age restrictions on LGBTQ+ content simply because of the creator’s identity is harmful because it prevents young, questioning individuals from viewing potentially validating and reassuring information that they could not get elsewhere. On the other hand, however, there needs to be a larger effort by the site to ensure that the videos that are allowed in the family/kid friendly side of YouTube are actually safe for children to watch. Last year, Wired reported that they found videos “containing violence against child characters, age-inappropriate sexualisation, Paw Patrol characters attempting suicide and Peppa Pig being tricked into eating bacon” that were discovered by following YouTube’s recommended section or just allowing the site’s autoplay function to do its job.
These horrifying videos would be scarring even to an adult, and I cannot imagine the type of long-term psychological damage that it could inflict upon children without their parents even being aware of what is happening. It is imperative then for YouTube to do a better job of ensuring that the content allowed to be viewed by children is safe for their eyes by improving the age restriction settings and increasing human involvement in the scanning of these videos for child protection. This will have to be done carefully, however, because subjecting people to scanning these types of videos all day long would also likely have negative lasting mental health effects. I would recommend ensuring that the workers have proper mental health services to go along with it and allowing for the rotation of workers in and out of this type of moderation position.
I am not naïve enough to think that these are all simple solutions to such complicated and encompassing problems. Alt-right fascists will not simply disappear if we better regulate YouTube content and fix the radicalization aspects of their recommendation algorithm. Certain videos will most likely always get demonetized or age-restricted even when their creators don’t think its necessary. It can be hard to catch every single disturbing video uploaded to the site when there are over 500 hours of content being uploaded to YouTube every minute. But, it is my hope that these recommendations are taken seriously and at the least, start a conversation about how the site can do better, and at most, can be used as a framework for how YouTube can become a better, more healthy site for all parties.
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junipershill17 · 4 years ago
twelve Things You Should Consider When Acquiring Your First Condo
1) Analysis the Builder:
Not all building contractors are alike. Many create high quality condos and have some sort of track record of success, while others slice corners and build substandard condos. Aside from reviewing the general contractors webpage, one should also carry out an internet search for watchdog studies, lawsuits and discussion boards to get proposed and existing accommodations. One thing to look out with regard to is whether the builder who is project you are interested in, has a background for completing their assignments on time. I had a client who have purchased with a builder (who shall remain nameless in this particular article) that habitually forced back completion dates. Our client was promised typically the keys a little under 36 months after purchasing the unit, plus the builder delayed possession thrice from their original projected conclusion date. After many irritating delays, he final acquired the keys a whole a couple of and a half years after the authentic scheduled completion date. This specific tied his deposit funds up for an a total regarding 5. 5 years. It was almost considered like a 2 . 5 12 months interest free loan on the builder! In retrospect, as a possible investor, he would have loved to invest in another project from 15% deposit, then take other 10% and rescued another 5%, and put that money into one more project, returning him probably double the return, including 2 . 5 less yrs. This is why it pays to research often the builder!
2) Choose the form of condo that meets yourself:
Not all condos are likewise. Some have age constraints, and rules about animals. Other condos are more loved ones friendly in terms of the unit measurements and amenities. Still other folks cater to retiree's. A good way to decide this is have a look at the number of bachelor's, one, two and a few bedroom units in the complete building. You may also contact the house manager for the condominium to be able to verify whether it is a lifestyle condo catering to a certain demographic. People fewer two and several bedroom units will likely not appeal to large families. juniper hill
3) Identify financial status:
If you are a newbies buyer, getting pre-approved to get a mortgage is a must. Contact your loan company to determine your buying ability, and get a firm commitment page from them locking in the level, and approval amount. No-one wants to be left around the closing day without a mortgage loan approval after you already produced the purchase. I have acquired countless past clients that have been given what they thought has been an approval from their bank, exactly where in fact it was nothing more than a new verbal agreement. Some people have gotten credit issues in the past which could warrant a more difficult endorsement process, and possibly at a increased rate. It is always better to understand that you received a formal pre-approval before you fall in love with a home you can not afford.
4) Talk with local real estate agent:
Real estate agent's can give you statistics of which condominiums are appreciating well in Mississauga as well as the most popular unit sorts, and floor plans. This will likely help you to make a direct assessment between different condo properties in order to establish the true associated with the unit you are interested in. Don't merely settle for any real estate agent. Once more, not all real estate agents are the same. Make an effort to work with a local expert that are experts in the type of properties that curiosity you. After all, why can you work with a realtor that markets mainly full sized residences in the suburbs, when you are seeking purchase a condo in the metropolis? It is like going to the dental office for your flu!
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5. Carry out your own research:
If you plan to get a home without a real estate agent, you ought to look into the sales of the adjacent area yourself. Again, these kinds of resources will be less obtainable to the general public, but you could have access to the asking rates of similar properties. That does not mean that those prices will be the market values for that certain property, or even necessarily whatever they sell for. Be careful while information gathering. I have experienced a number of past clients reward me after their hunt for educating them on location values, and explaining to these what to look for when they are searching. Why don't get the assistance of a regional expert, when they're providers are free?
6. Find out modification capability:
Although freehold qualities allow the owner to carry out restorations without anyone's consent, condo properties have restrictions on what may be altered for each unit. A standard rule of thumb should be to request composed permission from the property supervision before making any renovations. The house managers consent is always needed to various degrees depending on the residence. Usually renovation work that requires removing a wall or maybe upgrading bathtubs and baths will have limitations on what can easily, and cannot be done. Several require that a detailed reconstruction plan be submitted into the condo board for agreement prior to the renovation taking place. It will always be better to be proactive. An individual wouldn't want to reverse the actual reno back once it is completed! I had a client who all removed all the carpet inside their unit, to replace with wooden. She did this to boost the value of their unit before selling it, only to learn that management had to agree to any floor renovations. The lady tried to then sell the system thinking that hardwood wood raise the value of her unit. That did increase the value of your ex unit, but in failing to utilize and receive consent from your property manager, she was could possibly be renovation restrictions in the developing. It was later found that will she did not use the appropriate sound-proofing underpad beneath the hard wood. The condo corporation regarded that this would hinder the particular enjoyment of the unit owner immediately below hers because of sound. Consequently, she had to split out the hardwood, install fresh underpad, and then replace the wood. This ate into just about all her profit, and your girlfriend investment, and time was certainly not rewarded. The moral in the story is to always check into these renovations with the rental property manager before you begin. It could save you lots of money!
7) Ask for a disclosure statement:
The developer as well as builder of a new terme conseillé is required to have an information report giving details of the building, along with the legal terms under that this condominium will operate. The particular booklet is available immediately after typically the Agreement of Purchase along with Sale is signed. With resale units, this "Condo By Laws and Declarations" booklet is always made available through the 10 day conditional interval when you purchase a unit. It is placed on the status certificate that may be forwarded to your lawyer regarding review. Your lawyer and then has 2 business days and nights to review the certificate, in addition to consult the purchaser together with his/her findings. If almost everything checks out, the buyer may progress with the purchase. If there are usually red flags in the documents, often the purchaser always reserves it is your right walk away within the conditional time.
8. Ask for a site program:
It is important to know if the model that you want to purchase is in the 1st, second or third period of development so that you understand any future construction which could block your existing look at. Of equal significance will be knowing when, and everywhere more development may take place around this building. New improvement adjacent to the building will influence the use and enjoyment of your house due to noise, vibration, unpleasant construction, dust and nasty smells. It is also good practice to master where your unit will be inside proximity to the elevator, rubbish disposal room, and services, as units near these components usually have a stigma installed on them in the resale industry. Besides, who would want to scent the garbage room after a very long day at work.
9) Establish development plans for the associated with area:
Many condos can be purchased under the premise of a very clear view to the Lake, scenery, or green-space. To ensure that the lovely view will be maintained in the long term, an easy trip to the Planning Department will let you ask if any other innovations are planned nearby, and have a look at the architectural pictures. The planners should be able to assist you to understand the types of developments which can be proposed around you. I have got many calls from people that bought privately through the creator units with south landscapes of the lake as an investment property. These investors would hold the unit until they obtain the keys, and the building subscribes as a condominium corporation. At this time, they would try to resell it, only to be shocked which a new condominium just commenced construction in front of they're system, obstructing their perfect to the south view. The investors blunder was being too excited during the buy process, without taking a take a step back and asking the right concerns up front.
10) Review service details:
If the developer provides a swimming pool, it is important to really know what size and whether it is inside or outdoor. The same is true of party rooms, exercise locations, gyms, sports fields, doctor offices and lockers. Find out how huge, how many, and where will have them located.
Again, these 12 considerations can affect both your entertainment, and the resale value of your current condo. It is always better to research before you buy upfront, and then enjoy the returns of your hard work once you have shifted in!
References Apartment
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hopeandjusticefoundation · 4 years ago
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Do you know someone who has been or is being trafficked? Is human trafficking happening in your community?
      Recognition of possible warning signs and knowledge of human trafficking indicators is a key step in protecting more victims and helping them find the assistance they need.
      One of the most common forms of enticement of victims by traffickers are proposals and promises of a better life in foreign countries. They are promises of prosperous lives with excellent work and compensation paid in general to people who live a life of great financial difficulty in their country of origin, and to young women who dream of a career as a professional model.
      Trafficking victims are often from other countries and they may exhibit behaviors and characteristics typical of trafficked persons. But human trafficking also takes place within the country itself. Victims are trafficked between states and even between cities. The fear of police authorities, for example. Fear is always present in the victim's eyes, gestures, attitudes and speech. The victims go through a cruel process of manipulation for submission to traffickers under threats against the person himself or his family. This causes the victim to protect his dealer and not try to escape.
      They show signs of physical and / or psychological trauma such as anxiety, lack of memory of recent events, bruises, untreated injuries. It is common for many of these victims to fail to realize that they have been trafficked. They believe that they have fallen in love with the wrong "person", or that they are just in a bad job. They even think that the "person" who is doing this to them is not so bad. It is only the "way", the "culture" that makes the "person" like that. It is a characteristic behavior of victims who are affected by Stockholm Syndrome (Stockholmssyndromet in Swedish) is the name usually given to a particular psychological state in which a person, subjected to a prolonged period of intimidation, becomes sympathetic and even loving or friendship with your aggressor.
      Victims of human trafficking have limited freedom of movement, their right to come and go freely without "supervision" is restricted. He performs “unpaid or insignificantly paid“ work. All your money and documents are retained by "managers". They have no or almost no access to medical care, as doctors and hospitals can report any suspicious situation to the police.
      Victims of trafficking are always indebted to someone, as that debt is never paid off. They do not have a passport or the passport is in the possession of a third party. One of the strategies used by human traffickers to divert attention on them and their victims is to always be changing places, areas, cities, states and countries, which makes it very difficult to locate and rescue them.
      Human traffickers are expert manipulators, true masters of manipulation, it is not uncommon for them to control their victims through satanic rituals and witchcraft.
Identification of signs of sexual exploitation victims
      Homes in residential neighborhoods, motels, resorts, ordinary residential hotels are increasingly being used for prostitution and to keep victims of trafficking for sexual exploitation. In addition to places more traditionally used for these purposes such as brothels, strip clubs, massage parlors, saunas, etc.
      People forced into sexual exploitation are transported between these mentioned places and also from city to city, staying “hosted” in them. In these people a limited amount of clothing can be seen, most of which are sensual and provocative clothing, clothing typically worn by prostitutes. These people are forced to use illicit drugs, forced, coerced and intimidated into rendering sexual services and are subjected to kidnapping, assault and rape. They do not travel alone and freely, they pass the money received to a pimp or dealer.
      It is common for these victims to be tattooed as "cattle", which they identify as the property of a drug dealer. The best known tattoos are: Bar code, money symbol ($), pimp's name as "John's property" or the name "Daddy".
Identification of victims of forced labor
      Where all the work is done under threat, coercion, intimidation and the imposition of a penalty if the person does not do the job well. When the person did not volunteer, he was forced and unable to get out of the situation, as he is kept under arrest or under threat.
      If real physical damage or threat is observed with restriction of the right to come and go or confinement. In addition, debt bondage, that is, work to pay off a debt or loan, often the victim receives very little or nothing for services, due to deductions, withholdings or excessive reductions in wages. Also, document retention, passport. Threatened to reveal irregular immigration status to the authorities. Employer is unable to produce the documents necessary to formalize the employment relationship, failing to comply with appropriate health and safety standards. Use of requirements to pay for tools and food, or place of accommodation, deduction of taxes made by the "employer" without any legal basis, wages below the minimum wage, without access to the employment contract, excessive working hours / few breaks are characterized the crime of slave labor, slavery regime and this criminal “employer” must be denounced.
Identifying signs of child sexual abuse and exploitation
      Children and adolescents are more vulnerable targets, easier to be reached by predators. For the innocence of the child, for the rebellion and impulsiveness of adolescence, for all the characteristics of vulnerability of these phases, they are the most frequent victims. Predators are aware of the fragility of these targets and feel powerful and dominant towards them, thus developing the most diverse forms of approaches. Such approaches can be quick, violent and fatal, or they can be slow, cunning, sensitive and constant. It is very important to have uninterrupted surveillance by parents and guardians under their children and adolescents.
      You can tell when a child or teenager may be being victimized by a predator through many signs. Some of them are: children and teenagers who spend a lot of time away from their parents without knowing where they are and with whom they are, hiding friendships, conversations, creating an atmosphere of secrets and demanding privacy, privacy is slgo for responsible and independent adults, not for children and adolescents.
      When the child or adolescent appears constantly with money and / or inexplicable gifts, signs of alcohol or drug use. Older “friends” always ready to help, give, want to please are suspicious attitudes of a likely predator. Receive invitations from older people for activities that do not match the victim's age. Enter or leave vehicles and homes of unknown adults. Evidence of physical and sexual aggression, sexually transmitted diseases, showing signs of low self-esteem, self-harm, eating disorder, aggression, isolation and fears.
Identification of criminal activities associated with the crime of human trafficking
      The person (victim of trafficking) is recruited and forced / enticed to engage in some form of criminal activity, such as stealing wallets, growing marijuana and benefiting from fraud. Property used for crimes has its windows permanently covered from the inside with wooden boards, cardboard and the use of bars. Visits to these sites occur at unusual times. The property can be residential or commercial. Noises, unusual noises coming from the place. Bad smell, strange odors, people watching the roads and exits and outside the property. If you go through a location and identify such signs, do not omit, even if you are not 100% sure. Your gesture could save lives. Recalling that the reports can be anonymous.
Identifying the signs of human trafficking for domestic servitude
      Domestic slavery is a particularly serious form of denial of freedom, this includes the obligation to provide certain services and the obligation to live on someone else's property without the possibility of changing these circumstances. In general, the victim lives and works for a family in a private home. She is treated in a rude, cold, humiliating way, being forbidden to eat at the family table, she cannot use the other bathrooms and common dependencies of the residence and they have a small room and bathroom separated from the rest of the family. Forced to work 24 hours a day, with no right to rest. Forbidden to go out alone, she only goes out with her employer. It presents malnutrition, fear, sadness and even marks of physical violence. He lives under the threat of the “employer” to be accused of a crime if he tries to escape.
Articles by Anna Alves-Lazaro - President Founder
To request help or report suspected human trafficking, call the National Trafficking in Persons Hotline, + 1-888-373-7888 or send the text “Help” to Befree (233733). Join the fight! Receive alerts and action updates on human trafficking through Instagram @hopeandjusticefoundation
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superboostreviews · 5 years ago
Super Boost Wi-Fi Review – Everything You Need to Know
Everybody loves to have an world wide web that may provide a fast, powerful, and steady interconnection. You typically would like to raise the insurance coverage of your Wi-Fi inside of your residence. But a few of the Wi-Fi types out there only cover a little variety of your residence. As an illustration, you placed your router inside the living room area. But, you always invest most of your time in your home because it is really the only place at home that has a more robust sign power. When you visit your garden, you notice the transmission is fairly lower and poor.
In connection with that, you will need an item that can boost not just the rate, but the coverage of your connection to the internet. Fortunately, you happen to be in this article. We are going to provide you with the details you must know about the superboost wifi reviews.
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So, with out further more ado, let us get started!
What is Super Boost Wi-Fi?
A Super Boost Wi-Fi is really a system that will assist you to increase the coverage of the connection to the internet in your own home. It can be put in easily and gives you a quick connection for up to 300 Mbps. It arrives with a portable style. It characteristics WPS that allows you in order to connect it with the smart phones quickly.
Should you be simply using your Wi-Fi alone, you will discover a substantial possibility that the home incorporates some deceased places of dead areas. These represent the regions in your house which do not acquire enough volume of internet connection. As an illustration, your router can be found in the living room area, however you usually spend your main amount of time in your bed room to accomplish some works that search on the internet. Along the way towards the cellar, you notice that the web connection gets fragile and gradual. Your cellar is an example of a lifeless region.
The speed of the internet can be impacted by the heavy wall surfaces and household furniture in your home. These materials existing in your house can prevent the world wide web from going into this kind of regions. Consequently, you could possibly have a problem searching your favorite social websites site.
Exclusive Features that Make Super Boost Wi-Fi Worthy of Getting
The Super boost Wi-Fi booster is now being used by many in enhancing the insurance of your own Wi-Fi interconnection. As i have said, its main purpose is usually to include or achieve every area of your own workplace, developing, or home.
In this particular section of our submit, we will supply you with the crucial features you should know regarding the super boost. Understanding the incorporates a gadget had is definitely essential. This can help you to figure out when it is well worth getting or otherwise. So, if you would like learn more about this, then go on reading and appreciate!
•It allows you to supply your best video lessons without the need of experiencing any inconvenience
•You can now browse your distinct social websites web sites uninterrupted.
•Using its swiftest rate, you can now download your best tunes, movie displays, data files, along with other multimedia
•It improves the recent Wi-Fi insurance coverage in your house
•Using this type of Super boost Wi-Fi repeater, online-dependent phone calls are now achievable without any declines, delay, and interruptions
•A Super boost Wi-Fi enhancer will enable you to conduct online internet streaming without having problems
•It is going to get rid of the old locations in your town
•It functions many modes it is possible to get used to meet the requirements necessary
•It is possible to set it up on the home quickly
•You are able to connect various mobile devices in your router very easily
•It can help several consumers without the need of diminishing the speed of its interconnection
•It comes with empowered antennas. These allows you to get an extensive sign ability. It is also great for wifi insurance coverage.
•It can do providing a stable and quickly link to the deceased zones with your place of work, home or everywhere
•Should you be some of those diligent an active folks available, you may adore this Wi-Fi booster. This is because it offers the design that will fulfill all your requirements and needs
•It includes a portable dimensions. Furthermore, it is also very easily transportable that will enable you to take it everywhere you need
•It offers you a top-level wireless network system interconnection.
Advantages of using Super Boost Wi-Fi
According to the different Super boost Wi-Fi evaluations we now have read prior to making our very own overview, we determined that could provide you with tons of positive aspects. This is because it employs sophisticated technology than just before. Besides its basic set up procedure, there are lots of pros that exist from utilizing it. So with this section, we are going to provide you with the advantages of using the Wi-Fi super boost. Continue reading to understand much more about it.
Forget About More Charges
Using this type of increaser, you never need to bother about any additional charges you have to buy your Wi-Fi up grade, for example. This is a one particular-time settlement system. Something else that you just will love about utilizing a enhancer Wi-Fi is you are free through the regular bills.
No Longer Dead Regions
We cannot reject the reality that there are still areas at your residence which are not becoming achieved with the world wide web indicate due to being far. But, if you are going to choose the product, now you can access your chosen websites on the internet or conduct online activities just about anywhere in your own home. You can even anticipate that you could access your social networking balances even in the garden.
It is actually Perfect in Any Router
No matter if what kind of web service provider or router you currently have, this device work perfectly. Hence, many people really like working with it due to the personal flexibility.
You Can Forget Web Wire connections
As we look at the Super Boost Wi-Fi testimonials in the other web sites, many of them mentioned which they adore this piece of equipment as it does not require cabling and wire connections. As a result, you do not should connect messy and longer cables to the router.
So, should you never want the design of a messy cable, the super boost Wi-Fi will allow you to a lot. This item is much more hassle-free and better to make use of compared with the wired routers around. To utilize this piece of equipment, the sole thing you need to do is usually to connect it into the plug, and you’re accomplished.
Super Boost Wi-Fi Experts & Downsides
No Fallen Connections
Have you knowledgeable enjoying games online or searching the internet, and suddenly the link continues to be fallen? This really is always true if you are relocating to the areas which can be regarded as lifeless areas. One benefit you can get while using this piece is you is not going to practical experience any fallen relationships any more. As soon as it is attached to your router, anyone can hook up several products on it without stressing concerning the probable poor interconnection.
Quicker Speeds
This Super boost Wi-Fi enhancer is known to be used effortlessly. The reason being it may link to the internet indicate readily available. The majority of the Super Boost Wi-Fi critiques we now have go through reported the speed and strength of their web have already been doubled.
30-Working day Returns
This is an item which is transported from England but is originally produced in United kingdom. If you feel this piece won’t match your world wide web demands, then you could request for a return. Be aware that you can only come back this product within 30 days. If this sounds like the initial a chance to take advantage of this product, the maker gives you an internet online video you could accessibility totally free. Never get worried, because it is well-detailed.
A selection of their past customers criticize concerning the subsequent issues
•It lacks a properly-comprehensive coaching, which might confuse its initially-time end users
•You should see their instructional videos online to determine how you can set up and employ the stated Wi-Fi booster.
•Some of the consumers explained that the web rate becomes weaken rather than raising
Keep in mind that this product requires you for any password plus a username. It is possible to keep to the steps for establishing a password plus a username to the secondly box. Many folks stated the system does not function when they never setup a password and username.
Another thing you are going to really like concerning this item is because they have excellent customer care. You may get in touch with them easily. So, if you have queries and clarifications regarding their device, it is possible to speak to them, and they will surely support you with it.
What are the specialized features of super boost Wi-Fi?
When buying a Wi-Fi enhancer, among the significant things that you should take into account could be the technological specs. This will allow you to find out if this device is well worth getting or otherwise not.
There is certainly practically nothing in this world that don’t require a quick, secure, and strong internet connection. But, given that we are now surviving in a field of enhancements and developments, a number of you may get confused when purchasing.
Though we live in a technological innovation-driven age group, it does not necessarily mean that everything we are able to buy from the industry will give us what we should want. To acquire a gadget which will fulfill your requirements and requirements, there are lots of what exactly you need to take into account. One of those will be the device’s practical requirements.
In this segment, we are going to provide you with the essential specifications you may expect whenever you purchase your personal Super Boost Wi-Fi. Read on to know much more about it.
•It offers you an online speed as much as 300 Mbps.
•Anybody can do the installation seamlessly and conveniently. Even if you are not a tech-experienced man or woman, you may set it up without having hiring a skilled to do so. In fact, the company provides you with a step-by-move tutorial movie that one could access for free.
•Your device might be linked with this item very easily. It is because it arrives with a WPS characteristic.
•You can store it effortlessly since it comes with a small dimension development. Additionally it is made of substantial-high quality and durable supplies. This will be sure that you can use this Wi-Fi booster for a longer time period without the need of experiencing any difficulty.
Those are the essential specifications being offered through the Wi-Fi super boost.
Using super boost Wi-Fi?
Have you ever skilled viewing many Netflix range, like the “Stranger Things,” and find out that the connection to the internet is fallen or slow down? A bad web connection can interrupt your motion picture observing encounter. Additionally, it may impede you in taking part in your best online games, new app accessing, music hearing, and email looking at.
The good news is, a Super Boost Wi-Fi enhancer will assist you to perform diverse on-line actions you desire together with the satisfaction. There may be nothing at all that you can concern yourself with the signal interruption. The reason being the stated product will never just improve the insurance of online transmission but will also boost its power. This only indicates that you can perspective your preferred movies without having going through any barrier or delay.
In terms of utilizing the Wi-Fi increaser, you never ought to worry. It is because it can be used quickly and quickly. One thing you have to do is to determine the places in your own home that don’t get enough web signal.
Upon unpacking these devices from the deal, it is possible to do the installation together with the available outlet with your desired region. Locating the present world wide web sign within your house is only a matter of seconds. Next, the device will start to amplifying and enhancing the identified transmission and distribute it to the every corner of your respective area. If you feel these devices gathered a bad web indicate, for example, your neighbor’s house, you can put the product near your router’s place to make certain that it can acknowledge the proper transmission.
The Super Boost Wi-Fi can be used in scattering the net transmission from one location to yet another. You can now gain access to your preferred social websites internet sites, if you are within your storage area, restroom, home, living area, invitee place, kids’ bed room, expert master bedroom, and just about anywhere in your home. To experience the rewards and great things about this online enhancer, we advise you place your router within the heart area within your house. This can be fantastic when spreading the web signals to every single area with your residence equally.
This piece of equipment is specifically intended to individuals who are keen on searching the internet every time. It can help in internet streaming your audio playlist, source video lessons and films, contact your good friends worldwide, and more.
Super Boost Wi-Fi Testimonials
While we mentioned a while back, the net indicate increaser has been found in enhancing the current coverage in the online transmission. Many people are employing this object in covering up or hitting the lifeless spots of your structures, residences, and places of work.
In line with the super boost Wi-Fi increaser reviews we have look at this system is for every person who seems to be challenging a significantly better web indicate use. This really is a Wi-Fi booster that will help you to carry out internet streaming, looking for details, on-line working, and more quickly. You could expect that you simply will not experience any online disturbance or sluggish link any further.
There are lots of clients who reported that the device is an individual answer for those web difficulties, including poor and poor impulses in the places of work or property. Additionally, they love the advanced technology used in making this piece of equipment. The amplifier characteristic with this gadget astonished a great deal of online users. This is because the explained function is recognized in accelerating the net.
Customers determined that this Wi-Fi increaser eliminates the dead locations in their property. This only indicates that you may have far better internet connection in different areas at home, whether inside your home or outdoors—no far more lifeless zones. Take pleasure in accessing your favorite online sites without having stressing about simply being cut off as a result of sluggish, weak, or lowered world wide web.
Exactly what is the Cost of super boost Wi-Fi?
Some individuals are still in doubt if you should purchase or otherwise to acquire the product. This is because they think that it must be very costly. But, these are wrong. This really is a product which is jam-packed with many different more advanced benefits and features in a very reasonable cost. Something else that you simply will enjoy about this product is it is quite a bit less costly due to massive discount rates on offer by its maker.
There are numerous things you will love concerning this gadget. The company offers you free freight as well as a money-back promise. This only implies that you could require a refund when you believe this object cannot suit your online needs and specifications. But take into account that you can reimburse your money in a calendar month of buying it.
But seeking a refund only occurs rarely. The reason being almost all of its customers are pleased with the services as well as the effectivity this item is providing them with.
If you are planning to acquire this product, you are on the right track. Purchasing it is very easy and simple. All you need to do is always to stick to some simple and easy actions. On the flip side, this gadget is just not for sale in other shops, besides their official website. Many people may contemplate it a downside. But, let us check out its brilliant aspect.
If you buy this product off their recognized retailer, you may be sure that your deals are safe and practical. Aside from that, you may get the confidence the product you may purchase is traditional. This may advantage you plenty, understanding that there are lots of scam situations taking place on the internet. Therefore, you have to obtain it meticulously.
If you wish to buy your very own Super boost Wi-Fi increaser, you should visit their website and set your purchase now. This is because they may be currently offering minimal special discounts. So, exactly what are you waiting around for? Get the individual a super boost Wi-Fi now!
Bottom line
We cannot refuse the reality that the said Wi-Fi enhancer is great. Nearly all of its consumers offered two large thumbs up as a consequence of simply being exceptional. Nearly all of its customers get the satisfaction they desire due to their higher-quality capabilities and first class professional services. If you are going to ask us, we strongly recommend this object to your good friends, family members, and family and friends. Expect that the current world wide web indicate will likely be enhanced once you use the Super boost Wi-Fi increaser.
If you still have concerns about whether to acquire this product or perhaps not, then do not question it. Simply because it can present you with the project you want. We, like a critic, currently applied this item and determined that it really works. There exists a three-narrative constructing. With the Wi-Fi router on its own, we usually encounter lifeless areas. We located our router at the core of our building, that is around the second floor. But as it is positioned to a different area, we see that the up spaces and our kitchen don’t receive enough signs.
However, once we obtain this item, every thing had transformed really. We realize that the web interconnection might be accessed in numerous bedrooms from the house. Therefore, we are free to accessibility the most popular social websites internet sites without stressing about being interrupted.
Should you be experiencing dead zones and poor indicators for an extended time, it can be now time to purchase a gadget that will assist you with an improved web expertise. The unit offers you efficiency, which can be always accurate while you are dreaming to getting a stable, quicker, and much stronger world wide web signal.
Think about installing this Wi-Fi enhancer at the core of your house. To make use of this, you only need to plug it to the available outlet in your area. When you are unhappy using its operate and repair, you can require a refund to its company. Buy it from the recognized web site to take advantage of the promos and discount rates available from its maker. Enjoy internet streaming your best audio, seeing YouTube vids and films, and more with this Super boost Wi-Fi.
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lovehaswonangelnumbers · 5 years ago
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New Post has been published on https://lovehaswonangelnumbers.org/saturn-in-aquarius-how-isolation-has-brought-us-closer-then-ever-re-invention-of-old-systems-revolutionevolution/
Saturn in Aquarius- How Isolation Has Brought Us Closer Then Ever, Re-Invention of Old Systems, Revolution=Evolution
Saturn in Aquarius- How Isolation Has Brought Us Closer Then Ever, Re-Invention of Old Systems, Revolution=Evolution
By Astromomma
On March 21st/22nd, Saturn, the planet of: restriction, obligation, karma and order, moves from his home sign of Capricorn, into Aquarius. Aquarius, the 11th sign of the zodiac, represents: the maverick, genius, voice of the people, originality, invention and hopes/wishes. This is just a taste of this transit as Saturn will only stay in Aquarius until early July 2020 before going retrograde back to Capricorn. In late 2020, Saturn will re-enter Aquarius where he will stay until 2023.
Saturn in Aquarius is here to bring order and structures to: large groups, social interaction and upcoming inventions. Of course, we are already seeing a lot of this playing out with the current pandemic. The term social distancing was just a mere phrase in our vocabulary, prior to the last 2 weeks. This phrase is quite a literal interpretation of what Saturn in Aquarius represents. I expect as the transit continues to see more restrictions on large group gatherings. On the positive side, Saturn in Aquarius could also produce sub communities of folks that are tired of the government’s rules and decide to go ” off grid”. While there are already lots of folks living off grid lifestyles, we could see these being formed even more rapidly as more restrictions are placed on our freedoms.
The last time Saturn was in Aquarius was in 1991-1994. This was a time when the general public was first introduced to the world wide web. The first “www” code was released by the CERN making internet access available to everyone. Interestingly enough, it is this invention that is now keeping us connected to one another as we are shacked up in our homes. Within government systems, this transit is bringing up the need to re-invent all systems that no are no longer progressive or forward thinking. This is where we could see an old remedy( Saturn) be re-invented and revolutionized( Aquarius). Certainly, there will be more restrictions on travel, as Aquarius is an air sign. Again, tying it back to ” social distancing” and regulating the ability for us to see whoever we want, whenever we want.
Saturn in Aquarius is here to bring awareness and responsibility back to the people. Through the limitations and bailouts from the government, we are realizing in a big way of how we must care for ourselves when times get tough. Aquarius is the sign of the people and universal love and unity. How can we truly unite when we cannot see and feel one another? Through technology of course, which also happens to be ruled by Uranus, Aquarius’s ruling planet. This ” disconnection” we have all been going through has surprisingly brought us closer then any kind of device could accomplish.
It is the unity of consciousness that this transit will invoke. You can separate people on the physical level but you cannot disconnect them from their soul and heart. It is time with this transit for us to step up to the plate and become a united force like we have never seen in our lifetime. Saturn in Aquarius is here to: teach us how to live with social restrictions but not be divided, create better systems that promote change and progress and remind us that even while distant, how we truly are ONE.
For this special transit of Saturn in Aquarius, I am doing an extended sign horoscope on my Astromomma Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/astromomma. These horoscopes, which are channeled from spirit, give you: practical, tangible and enlightening advice on how best to navigate this transit according to your individual sign. Patreon, is a huge supporter of mine, and is a subscription based model of a $4 or $6 USD monthly contribution, that gives you access to all my special extended horoscopes and articles. Thank you for your continued support as it allows me to continue to show up and produce astrological content here on FB.
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tyronearmstrong · 6 years ago
Don’t Measure the Easy in Internet Marketing, Measure What’s Important
All lawyers and law firms use the Internet for marketing and business development.
Websites, SEO (search engine optimization), directories, ratings, content marketing, email newsletters and more. Lawyers spend a lot of money and, in most cases, a lot of time, here.
But do lawyers know how these forms of Internet marketing work? Do they know if these forms of Internet marketing work at all for lawyers like them?
Most lawyers marketing on the Internet focus on the easy to measure (traffic, clicks, views, likes and subscribers).
Rather than measuring the easy, widely respected author, speaker and blogger, Seth Godin suggests a different focus.
What is it that you hope to accomplish? Not what you hope to measure as a result of this social media strategy/launch, but to actually change, create or build?
Focus on the real goal – where do you want to be at the end of the day.
An easy but inaccurate measurement will only distract you. It might be easy to calibrate, arbitrary and do-able, but is that the purpose of your work?
I know that there’s a long history of a certain metric being a stand-in for what you really want, but perhaps that metric, even though it’s tried, might not be true. Perhaps those clicks, views, likes and groups are only there because they’re easy, not relevant.
Good lawyers have always generated their best work by word of mouth and relationships. That’s what good lawyers value, that’s what they measure — and of course, the business and revenue generated thereby.
Nothing has changed with the Internet. A lawyer’s word of mouth reputation and relationships remain the lynchpins of business development.
What has changed is how lawyers build relationships and their word of mouth reputation. What took decades before the Internet can be accomplished in a fraction of the time by networking through the Internet.
As you would offline, focus on an area of the law, industry or locale.
You cannot network with an audience that’s comprised of everyone. You can only network with people with similar topical interests – clients, prospective clients, referral sources, association leaders, bloggers and the mainstream media.
Now, just like you would offline, listen.
You would never walk into a room and start reading off content through a bullhorn, push articles at people or announce where you went to law school, what you do and why you’re good at it.
It would be viewed as rude. Same with the Internet – if not by lawyers, at least by the people lawyers are trying to reach.
Listening on the Internet requires tools, none of which are complicated to use.
The first is a news aggregator, of which the most widely used is Feedly. Feedly, available for free for desktop and mobile devices, enables you to subscribe to sources (news sites, digital publications, blogs) and subjects (terms of art, case names, companies etc).
Imagine estate planning on a statewide basis is the niche you are looking to grow. You would subscribe to leading estate planning blogs written by lawyers and financial planners around the country and terms and phrases such as estate planning, types of trusts, tax provisions and the like.
The articles you’ll see represent the conversation in the room in which you will network. Rather than talking first, by publishing content and hoping the right people see it or putting up a website and hoping people look at it after you pay for SEO, you listen.
Next, you engage in the conversation. Reference what others are saying, so that they hear you, and offer your take – your insight.
How so? By blogging and using Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook.
Blogging is not just about content, blogging is about engaging in a conversation.
Reference a blog post by another estate planning lawyer by linking to their post in your blog, include a block quote or two from their blog post and share your take, with your intent throughout to offer valuable information to the people of your state or city.
The lawyer you referenced, no matter where they are in the country, will see you what you blogged. They’ll be intrigued that you cited something they wrote. They’re apt to follow your blog and reference what you write on their blog and social media.
The same happens when you reference the writings of associations of estate planning lawyers, financial planners and reporters (state, national, trade) writing on financial planning and estate planning matters.
Blogging in this fashion raises your influence, builds your reputation and grows relationships.
Your referral sources will grow, people who search your name on Google will view you as a trusted and reliable authority in your field (as someone who stays up to speed in their field and who is cited nationally), you’ll be invited to speak and your blog posts will rank high on Google searches because the posts are viewed as important by Google because of the incoming links to your blog posts from citations and social shares..
Twitter can be used to engage your target audience by sharing items you read from Feedly.
“Tweet” the title or an excerpt of what you read. Include the Twitter handle of the author and/or the subject of the piece. This way the author of the piece and the subject will see that you shared their story or a story in which they were referenced.
By engaging the sources and subjects like this you are building relationships in no less an effective way than reaching out to shake their hand.
Overtime, you will be viewed as an intelligence agent in your area of the law, someone others on Twitter should follow if they wish to stay abreast of relevant news and information.
It is one small step from being seen as a trusted source of information to being seen as a trusted and reliable authority in your field.
Twitter is also used for “listening” by following leading authorities and influencers – bloggers, reporters and associations. By sharing and commenting on their tweets in your “retweets,” they will see you and in turn like and share items that you share on Twitter.
Linkedin and Facebook can be used much the same way as blogging – as a means of engagement, networking, building a name and nurturing relationships.
On LinkedIn, share your blog posts with enough of an excerpt so that people can get the gist of your post. LinkedIn’s algorithms will surface the post in the LinkedIn feeds of those who have a relevant interest.
You will be notified on LinkedIn when people like or comment on your post. Connect with them and, as appropriate, drop them a note through LinkedIn – perhaps suggesting that “we should catch up some time.”
You may share others’ articles and blog posts on LinkedIn as well, though they don’t often draw as much engagement as a blog post of yours.
Many lawyers are opposed to using Facebook, others will only use it personally. Such a position is untenable if you want to engage and network with your target audience.
70% of American adults are Facebook users with three-quarters of those users accessing Facebook on a daily basis. Facebook demographics favor lawyers, with users being college educated, affluent and older.
As on Facebook, share your blog posts and articles from others. Not to worry about your personal Facebook friends being bothered by your professional sharing. Facebook algorithms work to put items people want to see in their Facebook News Feed.
Look for opportunities to become a “Facebook friend” with referral sources and influencers of your target audience – bloggers, reporters, community leaders, association leaders and conference coordinators.
Engaging these Facebook friends, even as to personal events as simple as a family vacation, a youth sporting event or a local charitable event breeds trust and relationships.
Relationships and a word of reputation may not be easy to measure, but they are what you hope to accomplish from business development as a lawyer.
Web stats, analytics, followers and subscribers are an easy, but inaccurate measurement that will only distract you. They may be easy to calibrate and achievable, but are they the purpose of your business development as a good lawyer.
Originally written for the Wyoming State Bar Association. 
Don’t Measure the Easy in Internet Marketing, Measure What’s Important published first on https://personalinjuryattorneyphiladelphiablog.wordpress.com/
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antonioriley · 6 years ago
Don’t Measure the Easy in Internet Marketing, Measure What’s Important
All lawyers and law firms use the Internet for marketing and business development.
Websites, SEO (search engine optimization), directories, ratings, content marketing, email newsletters and more. Lawyers spend a lot of money and, in most cases, a lot of time, here.
But do lawyers know how these forms of Internet marketing work? Do they know if these forms of Internet marketing work at all for lawyers like them?
Most lawyers marketing on the Internet focus on the easy to measure (traffic, clicks, views, likes and subscribers).
Rather than measuring the easy, widely respected author, speaker and blogger, Seth Godin suggests a different focus.
What is it that you hope to accomplish? Not what you hope to measure as a result of this social media strategy/launch, but to actually change, create or build?
Focus on the real goal – where do you want to be at the end of the day.
An easy but inaccurate measurement will only distract you. It might be easy to calibrate, arbitrary and do-able, but is that the purpose of your work?
I know that there’s a long history of a certain metric being a stand-in for what you really want, but perhaps that metric, even though it’s tried, might not be true. Perhaps those clicks, views, likes and groups are only there because they’re easy, not relevant.
Good lawyers have always generated their best work by word of mouth and relationships. That’s what good lawyers value, that’s what they measure — and of course, the business and revenue generated thereby.
Nothing has changed with the Internet. A lawyer’s word of mouth reputation and relationships remain the lynchpins of business development.
What has changed is how lawyers build relationships and their word of mouth reputation. What took decades before the Internet can be accomplished in a fraction of the time by networking through the Internet.
As you would offline, focus on an area of the law, industry or locale.
You cannot network with an audience that’s comprised of everyone. You can only network with people with similar topical interests – clients, prospective clients, referral sources, association leaders, bloggers and the mainstream media.
Now, just like you would offline, listen.
You would never walk into a room and start reading off content through a bullhorn, push articles at people or announce where you went to law school, what you do and why you’re good at it.
It would be viewed as rude. Same with the Internet – if not by lawyers, at least by the people lawyers are trying to reach.
Listening on the Internet requires tools, none of which are complicated to use.
The first is a news aggregator, of which the most widely used is Feedly. Feedly, available for free for desktop and mobile devices, enables you to subscribe to sources (news sites, digital publications, blogs) and subjects (terms of art, case names, companies etc).
Imagine estate planning on a statewide basis is the niche you are looking to grow. You would subscribe to leading estate planning blogs written by lawyers and financial planners around the country and terms and phrases such as estate planning, types of trusts, tax provisions and the like.
The articles you’ll see represent the conversation in the room in which you will network. Rather than talking first, by publishing content and hoping the right people see it or putting up a website and hoping people look at it after you pay for SEO, you listen.
Next, you engage in the conversation. Reference what others are saying, so that they hear you, and offer your take – your insight.
How so? By blogging and using Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook.
Blogging is not just about content, blogging is about engaging in a conversation.
Reference a blog post by another estate planning lawyer by linking to their post in your blog, include a block quote or two from their blog post and share your take, with your intent throughout to offer valuable information to the people of Wyoming.
The lawyer you referenced, no matter where they are in the country, will see you what you blogged. They’ll be intrigued that you cited something they wrote. They’re apt to follow your blog and reference what you write on their blog and social media.
The same happens when you reference the writings of associations of estate planning lawyers, financial planners and reporters (Wyoming, national, trade) writing on financial planning and estate planning matters.
Blogging in this fashion raises your influence, builds your reputation and grows relationships.
Your referral sources will grow, people who search your name on Google will view you as a trusted and reliable authority in your field (as someone who stays up to speed in their field and who is cited nationally), you’ll be invited to speak and your blog posts will rank high on Google searches because the posts are viewed as important by Google because of the incoming links to your blog posts.
Twitter can be used to engage your target audience by sharing items you read from Feedly.
“Tweet” the title or an excerpt of what you read. Include the Twitter handle of the author and/or the subject of the piece. This way the author of the piece and the subject will see that you shared their story or a story in which they were referenced.
By engaging the sources and subjects like this you are building relationships in no less an effective way than reaching out to shake their hand.
Overtime, you will be viewed as an intelligence agent in your area of the law, someone others on Twitter should follow if they wish to stay abreast of relevant news and information.
It is one small step from being seen as a trusted source of information to being seen as a trusted and reliable authority in your field.
Twitter is also used for “listening” by following leading authorities and influencers – bloggers, reporters and associations. By sharing and commenting on their tweets in your “retweets,” they will see you and in turn like and share items that you share on Twitter.
Linkedin and Facebook can be used much the same way as blogging – as a means of engagement, networking, building a name and nurturing relationships.
On LinkedIn, share your blog posts with enough of an excerpt so that people can get the gist of your post. LinkedIn’s algorithms will surface the post in the LinkedIn feeds of those who have a relevant interest.
You will be notified on LinkedIn when people like or comment on your post. Connect with them and, as appropriate, drop them a note through LinkedIn – perhaps suggesting that “we should catch up some time.”
You may share others’ articles and blog posts on LinkedIn as well, though they don’t often draw as much engagement as a blog post of yours.
Many lawyers are opposed to using Facebook, others will only use it personally. Such a position is untenable if you want to engage and network with your target audience.
70% of American adults are Facebook users with three-quarters of those users accessing Facebook on a daily basis. Facebook demographics favor lawyers, with users being college educated, affluent and older.
As on Facebook, share your blog posts and articles from others. Not to worry about your personal Facebook friends being bothered by your professional sharing. Facebook algorithms work to put items people want to see in their Facebook News Feed.
Look for opportunities to become a “Facebook friend” with referral sources and influencers of your target audience – bloggers, reporters, community leaders, association leaders and conference coordinators.
Engaging these Facebook friends, even as to personal events as simple as a family vacation, a youth sporting event or a local charitable event breeds trust and relationships.
Relationships and a word of reputation may not be easy to measure, but they are what you hope to accomplish from business development as a lawyer.
Web stats, analytics, followers and subscribers are an easy, but inaccurate measurement that will only distract you. They may be easy to calibrate and achievable, but are they the purpose of your business development as a good lawyer.
Originally written for the Wyoming State Bar Association. 
Don’t Measure the Easy in Internet Marketing, Measure What’s Important published first on http://personalinjuryattorneyphiladelph.tumblr.com/
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empmoniitor · 4 years ago
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In the corporate world, a company has thousands of competitors. But what makes you stand out is the way you manage the work and workplace efficiency. Well, every company has this in common. That is, they are interested in improving the productivity of their employees.
But how productivity and efficiency go hand in hand? Let me tell you that when the employees in an organization are completely dedicated to their work and are highly efficient, it gets counted as productivity. And we all know, the more the productivity of a company, the more it proffers in the long run.
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How do you maintain work efficiency? Yes, we will be talking more about this in the later part of the blog, but here is a simple answer. The work efficiency can be maintained by checking out the workplace efficiency. How? The managers have to make sure that their employees devote their entire working hours to completing the assignments.
There must not be much leisure time, and each work must get completed smoothly considering the deadlines. If you are a lively manager, you must ask your employees to work smart, not hard. By the end of the day, we need our tasks to get done. And we all know there are multiple approaches to get work done within a stipulated time.
Hence, you need to provide your employees with ample resources and informative training sessions. It will help them try out different strategies while working, and they do not need to use those old-school methods every time. They can go all out and get their hands on new ideas to work efficiently.
With this, you can acquire more clients, which in turn makes more money. Then you can add or launch more products and services and satisfy the needs of your customers. The employees only need to know some ways to organize their work. And that is it. Organizing their efforts and the time they get to complete the task will make them more productive each passing day.
While talking about employee productivity and workplace efficiency, there are several elements to consider. Here are some of them:
1. Job Satisfaction
2. Leadership Qualities
3. Training Sessions
4. Work Culture
5. Work Environment
6. Work Process
We all know that the employees cannot get trained in a single day. As it is a process, you need to ensure there is some improvement every passing day. You need to help your employees manage their time such that they utilize most of their working hours in learning essentials stuff.
You know even work efficiency and work culture are on the same side. How? The reason for this is they are long-term strategies. While considering efficiency in the workplace, you must be aware of 02 types of it.
1. Individual Efficiency
2. Group Efficiency
As a manager, you need to plan out some strategies that work well for individual growth and the entire group’s productivity. It is where work culture comes into play. It entirely depends on the way a team works collectively to complete their projects on time.
Let’s dive into some work culture tips to increase workplace efficiency.
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You must have heard about digital distractions. We all know social media is a huge part of our lives but getting distracted during office hours is a big no-no!! We know there are times when we get a little frustrated after hours of work. But, that does not indicate to start scrolling social media.
As a manager, you can strictly ban these applications straight away. And in place of this make sure you provide them some leisure time. You can follow a prominent employee break policy to ensure your employees do not feel overburdened with work..
Another issue that may arise here is the passing of information. Look, we all know about using employee monitoring software to monitor and manage the employees at work. But some of these applications can be a threat. If the employees log in to their social networking platforms, it saves their passwords. And this is accessible later.
It can turn out to be a huge blunder later. What can you do?
EmpMonitor is one of the best employee monitoring software that by far has no such complaints. It never saves any of the passwords, and, yes, it is great for providing you with detailed reports. It acquires a website monitoring facility, where you can mark the social networking sites as unproductive. You can then get to know who spends more time on them.
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You cannot afford even a microsecond getting wasted. The reason is if each employee wastes a little span then also it can make a huge difference. Train your employees to manage their work efficiently. Hence they can complete their tasks easily without getting exhausted.
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You can also invest in a time management app to get detailed reports of your employee activities.
Check out this blog to know more:
04 Must-Have Time Management Apps Of 2021
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We classified efficiency into individual and group. Every company believes in teamwork. But you know at times the work gets delayed because of this reason. The employees also have to address their fellow mates if they are stuck with some task. Now, we know this is necessary, but how do we fix that?
Eat the big frog first in the morning!!
Yes, ask your employees to schedule their most significant tasks to be attended to first in the morning. Once they are done with it and get some time in between the other projects, they can help their colleagues. Now, this makes it more uncomplicated because both the assignments get done within the given time.
It is just that the employees need to understand how they can organize all of the projects. Then it becomes completely easier to address each issue by the end.
Okay, this is in the case where you are about to help your teammates. What if a senior employee asks the employees to work on something else? Well, the higher authorities need to understand that this will employ much time than required. The employee is already working on a task, and again they have to work on something else.
Hence, if the authorities want an employee to work on a task, let them know about it before. So, they will remain prepared while working on it.
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See, what do you want- Single productivity once in a year or a detailed report of every passing day? If you think of checking on your employees once a year, it is a completely wrong process. The reason is you can never know when did the employee not work efficiently and the reason behind it.
Hence, receiving a detailed productivity report of each of your employees every day will help you know a lot of things.
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You can check who are your productive and unproductive employees. You can mark the productive and unproductive websites and check who spends time on what.
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Hence you can take action against the employees with detailed proof. You can plan out strategies to make them productive and maintain work efficiency.
With EmpMonitor, you can receive screenshots and a complete report of employee activities during working hours.
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Are you worried about the storage? It has got cloud-based storage facilities to save each record so that you can access them later.
Check Out Our Latest Posts:
How To Instantly Improve Your Employee Efficiency? 14 Website Monitoring Software Every Company Should Look For In 2021 Productivity Hacks For Remote Team Management
Improving work efficiency is very important. Whether you are a company with strong pillars in the corporate world or an organization starting with a few clients these 03 tips will be handy.
Workplace efficiency is a must-have for all companies starting from large scale to small scale ones. Using these tips will help you efficiently manage your tasks and complete them on time.
I hope the article helped you know about Work Efficiency. Is there something that we can incorporate? Please drop your thoughts in the comments below. I would love to hear from you!
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Originally Published On: EmpMonitor
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