#and just Tunnel vision to OTP
seyaryminamoto · 2 years
I’m rereading Gladiator earlier chapters and I just want to tell you how beautiful it is that you build Sokka and Azula relationship in a way that they’re not only lovers but also each other’s best friends. The way they joke together and have lots of fun by being near each other even though they’re always dealing with threats to their lives. I know it’ll be a while before they reunite, but I’m sure it’ll be amazing! For now, I’m enjoying this recent chapters very much.
Aaaah, you guys really have been so nice in my inbox lately! Thank you so much for saying this! I mean, it's really no surprise or secret that my absolute favorite thing about writing these two is developing and fleshing out their relationship x'D kinda goes without saying. Even when they develop great bonds with other people, as has happened in Gladiator, the connection between them is always so strong and so unique that I just thrive in exploring it as many times as I can. Of course, building them up into the power couple they became wasn't effortless, they always need lots of development before they reach the stage of being in a perfectly healthy relationship... but damn, everything is so much more beautiful once they do reach that stage.
Some people really relish in the will-they-won't-they and the struggle leading up to the characters finally choosing to be together... with these two, I realized I wanted to see what came afterwards even more than what led up to their decision to be together. All the wonderful times from Part 2, even amidst all the chaos, were so much fun to write because they're the reason why we struggled so much in the first place. Those great times are the payoff that Sokka and Azula earned after growing into people who could be in this relationship wholeheartedly... and it's also the promise they cling to as they fight for their relationship as fiercely as they still do: they know what that happiness and companionship feel like, they know their bond is one-of-a-kind, they know they want to choose each other over and over again... I'd say these two really have redefined how I want to write romance for as long as I'm a writer x'D being with your favorite person in the entire world, even if you're just standing side by side making bad jokes together, should always be an enjoyable, if not outright thrilling situation, and these two certainly feel that way in Gladiator <3 I've always hoped I captured that feeling properly in the story, and asks like this one make me even more hopeful that I pulled it off!
I so look forward to writing their full reunion too TToTT really hoping I'll do it this year. The eagerness to write them together again is so powerful I've had to circumvent it with... strange tactics xD you'll start to see them quite soon, actually... :'D Thank you so much for the nice ask, and I hope you continue to enjoy the story!
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valeffelees · 5 months
I wanna hear you break down Davy
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How I feel about this character
davy cadwallader is the diseased mouse i want to befriend. he's such a fucking pathogen. he's so fucking annoying. davy's hobbies include: being a goddamn nuisance. he is a professional inconvenience. why the hell is he dressed like that? nobody knows. yes, i think he's hot. lmfao, ok. but real talk: without writing an essay here (my beloved and most loyal companion @drowninginships can attest that when i really get started on my davy mage meta bullshit i just don't shut the fuck up about it), the long and short of it is -> i think davy blows chunks but he's so interesting. his story is so fucked up. davy is claude frollo with a robin hood complex, that's my favourite way to look at him. nobody in their right mind is out here saying davy isn't god-awful, right, but he's not as black and white as people make him out to be. the whole point of davy's character is that he viewed himself as good, he wanted to do good. but it was to such an extreme that he was willing to do terrible shit for it, and the deeper he spiralled, the more his vision tunnelled and the more amoral his actions became. he's a really, really well-written villain.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
i like davy and lucy. i don't like how shit ends, obvs, and i don't like the shape their lives take before that, but i dunno. their story is a tragedy. i think they really did love each other, even though it wasn't good. i think both can be true. and yeah, malmage. i wasn't into it at first, but then i started reading cautionary tale by @confused-bi-queer and it snapped me in half. rotted my brain to slop. holy fuck, it is so good.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
davy doesn't want friends. lucky for him, nobody wants to be his friend bc he sucks! 👍 but, headcanon: davy has a cousin named corianne he gets on with alright enough. i mean, kinda. he thinks she's dumb as rocks, she thinks he's an asshole. only one of them is correct, and it's not davy. but they have a brother-sister type thing.
My unpopular opinion about this character
most of my opinions are unpopular ones. 😂
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon
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s-talking · 2 months
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generally speaking, slow-burn. always. while envy does have sudden impulses here & there ( due to feeling nothing at all & then everything at once ), the actual shipping tends to kick in when both muses start to vibe. otherwise, it's just shallow one-sided infatuations from envy's side & i personally wouldn't call that shipping U N L E S S we are also vibing in ooc. i mean, i do have ships were envy is just going full-on yandere & the other muse is beyond terrified lmao but that does require for some ooc comfort from both sides.
whoever my irl partner picks lmao though i honestly cherish all of my ongoing ships equally, & wouldn't say one is better than the other in terms of preferences. i'm not really the type of person to have tunnel vision over 1 pairing & that's that, as different muses tend to bring out different emotions, & i love it ♥
as long as your muse isn't under the age of 18, we're good.
once he unbuckles his belt, or touches something very inappropriate.
not really. if there's chemistry between our muses & we're both vibing, i'm more than happy to ship ♡
not at all, just general communication at best, let it be on dash, ims, or simply little chit-chats in tags. otherwise, i won't assume that you're shipping with him since envy is all about unrequited love for most part.
more-or-less. envy is primarily a horror muse & a villain, & while i do enjoy my good dosage of spice, i'm also pretty chill about it. ~
n/a. original character.
it's simple, really. when shipping with envy, please remember that he is a serial killer & a very unhinged one at that. as my good friend @umbralrosa once said, ❝ envy is one hell of a living curve-ball ❞ so don't be surprised if he ends up suddenly harming / dominating your muse in most sadistic of ways, even IF already married or in a relationship. same goes for attempted murder. the only verse that has him completely pacified is ' solace, ' where he is saved from the clutches of the evil that slowly keeps eating away at his humanity.
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tagged by: - temp. place holder agflkjglkja - tagging: whoever reads this, you are now officially tagged ~ !
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celestiall0tus · 20 days
Lila for the ask game please?
Hmm. Well, this will be interesting
They're ok. I don't love them, but I don't hate either.
I moreso hate how everyone is dumbed down to believe her lies. It is very frustrating.
Eh... I guess season 5?
No favorite lines.
OTP is honestly with Chloe. I think they'd make a good villain power couple, or just power couple in general.
Brotp is none.
No head canons.
Lila was meant to be Chloe's replacement until they went back on Chloe's redemption and didn't know what to do with Lila, so they tossed her aside until the shit show of season 5
Make her a good villain as the butterfly
Please don't repeat the prior shit with Gabriel. Please, for the love of all, don't. Just make her a good villain.
Compulsive Liar, tunnel vision, idiot, bitch
No nickname.
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allylikethecat · 9 months
January OTP Prompts
I think this might be my least favorite one I've written so far, but I actually wrote it so I'm calling it a win anyway.
Warnings for mention / descriptions of blood (Fictional!Matty accidentally cuts himself chopping vegetables) and a reference made to a past suicide attempt
4. Bright red
“Fuck!” Matty swore. He dropped the paring knife, and it clattered to the counter, then slipped off the cutting board and landed with a clang on the hardwood floor. “Shit,” he continued, tears welling in his eyes as he tucked his bleeding hand to his chest. He didn’t care that he was staining his white tee shirt with the fresh bright red blood that welled from the slice in the webbing between his thumb and pointer finger. 
“What’s wrong?” George asked, spinning around from the stove, his eyes widening at the commotion, at the bright red splatters on Matty’s white quartz countertop.
“I nicked myself,” Matty said, purposely not looking at the blood on the counter, he knew it wasn’t a bad cut but the shock of the sting had caused him to recoil in pain and surprise. Matty had always been squeamish and now even just looking at his own blood was making him feel light headed. He squeezed his eyes shut and tried to focus on breathing, a steady inhale and exhale. His hand felt like it had a pulse of its own now, throbbing painfully as his heart pumped more and more blood out of his body. 
“Let me see,” said George, stepping into Matty’s space and carefully pulling his hand away from his body, wincing at the blood staining his shirt, dripping down Matty’s hand. “Fuck,” said George, grabbing a wad of paper towels and pressing down on the cut, trying to stop the bleeding. 
“Is it bad? I didn’t think it was that bad?! Is it bad?!” Matty asked, the pain making him feel frantic, he didn’t want to look, he couldn’t look for himself. He tried to focus on the counter behind George, instead of the bright red splotch growing larger on the paper towel as he continued to bleed. They were going to have to throw away the bell pepper he had been slicing for the stir fry he thought hysterically, he had bled all over the vegetable. 
“It looked pretty deep,” said George, his voice sounding far away as Matty’s vision tunneled. He was no longer thirty four years old, standing in the kitchen with the love of his life, but sixteen in the bathtub, hands shaking as he tried and failed to end it all, bright red staining the white porcelain. His parents hard ripped out the tile in the bathroom after, replacing the bathtub with just a shower. 
“What does that fucking mean?” Matty asked, he needed to stop looking at the blood on the counter, but his vision felt spotty, and George’s worried face wasn’t providing any sort of comfort. 
“It means you might need stitches,” George said, “or to have it glued back together or something, I’m not sure I’m not a doctor.” 
“What about dinner?” Matty asked, his voice wavering. 
“We’ll get takeaway on the way back,” said George softly, putting his hand on Matty’s lower back to shepard him to the car. He paused, leaving Matty standing in the hallway to run back to the kitchen and turn off the stove.
“I’m sorry,” said Matty, still feeling woozy as he climbed into the passenger seat of his Audi. George pressed a kiss to his forehead. 
“Accidents happen love,” he said softly, “let's just go get you all patched up.” 
Day: 1 | 2 | 3
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raging-violets · 11 months
Hugging them to shield their face from the sight. + dealers choice!
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The Flash: Prompt | Tunnel Vision | Cisco x Averey (OC)
A/N: After Barry is "destroyed" in Season 2xEpisode 20 "Rupture"
-Rhuben OTP Prompts: Protectiveness | Ask Box
Everything seemed to blur and come into focus all at the same time as Cisco took in the scene in front of him. Or rather what he could see through the dissipating smoke. Smoke that smelled horribly of chemicals and ash. It wasn’t a smell he wasn’t used to; working in the field of science and building all the “toys” he could, he was used to the smell of chemicals, and it wasn’t out of the ordinary for a circuit board to fry here and there. But together? That was a horrible smell.
He could feel his mouth form words, he was asking a question, but he didn’t hear it as he took in the sight in front of him: everybody picking themselves up off of the floor; Iris with her hands clasped tightly over her mouth; Joe whose face was slack and void of any emotion save for the tears that were collecting in his eyes; Henry grasping firmly to the bars in front of him as his knees gave out; Harry whose face was twisted into a haunted gaze; Averey who sat with her back to the small flight of stairs, staring into the empty space that had just held Barry’s writhing form only moments before.
“What did you do to my son?” A quiet question. And then, “What did you do to my son?!” 
Cisco didn’t really know if Henry had shouted those words, or if his grief was just so palpable that he could feel it all around and inside himself. He barely registered the rush of wind that pulled at him, his hair and clothes, that signified Zoom’s appearance. He barely registered the words that Zoom were saying, his eyes just zeroed in on the large, charred, chunk of Barry’s suit that Zoom clutched tightly in his hand.
“Well done…” Zoom’s gloating words floated past Cisco’s ears. Still, he couldn’t focus on the monster in front of him, just the shred of suit in Zoom’s talons. The suit he had worked so hard on. The suit that his best friend was no longer wearing. His best friend who was nowhere to be seen. “You’ve killed him instead.”
It felt like the air had been sucked out of the room. Out of his lungs. What did he do? What did he do to Henry’s son? To Joe? To Iris? To his best friend?
Cisco buried his face into his hands before sliding his hands up over his face, over his hair, attempting to calm himself down. To think! How were mothers so good at that? How could they just stroke their children’s hair, and shush them, and make everything feel like it was going to be ok. But he couldn’t do that for himself. He couldn’t close his eyes, and whisper, “Everything will be ok” and expect just that when he opened them again.
His hands were shaking too much. His legs were shaking too much. His heartbeat fluttered as quickly as a hummingbird in his chest. And Averey wouldn’t stop shouting Barry’s name over and over and over and over. Iris’s heart wrenching sobs echoed around the room.
And then he was moving. He turned to see Harry just staring, staring at where Zoom had just been standing. Joe held Iris tightly to his chest, still with the same empty, yet solemn look on his face. Henry was now leaning heavily on the stair railing, forehead pressed to his forearm, his other hand placed heavily on Averey’s shoulder through the gaps in the railing bars, trying to provide some comfort to his daughter.
Cisco was then by Averey’s side, pulling her to him. “Stop,” he said to her as she fought against him, trying to pull away from his embrace. “Stop looking. Stop.” His voice cracked at the command. He was saying those words to her as much as he was saying it to himself. To stop looking at what he had just done and to attempt to stop the tears that were coming to his eyes. He pressed her forehead into his chest and whispered into her ear, “I’m so sorry.”
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wlwanakin · 2 years
since you said to be more specific if i wanted to know more then can you talk abt what youve mapped out of grells and madams relationship? redcliff is my otp so i would love to hear what you think of the red murder wives
ok so!! my biggest thing w them is that to me they are just. horrible for each other. they are soulmates they are tied together by the red string of fate but god is it unhealthy. like if u build a relationship off of brutally murdering ppl ur not gonna have a healthy dynamic i’m sawrry (ESPECIALLY when it ends with murder. u don’t kill ur gf that casually if ur relationship is healthy). there’s so little content of them but the bits we see seem pretty tumultuous (i base a lot off that one rainbow butler one shot bc that shit was so gay but sooo toxic it’s scrumptious) so i just run with it! they’re both very mentally ill and homicidal that shit was doomed from the start
the whole relationship like a slow build from their first meeting bc anne is immediately like Live With Me and they’re inexplicably drawn to each other (read: horny) but it’s a slow evolution from yearning and going marginally insane and probably like drunk making out they refuse to talk abt after to insane love confessions and kinda just running with the idea that they’re basically married. and the whole time it’s just a constant flux between desperately needing each other always and divorce worthy fighting. so much divorce worthy fighting.
grell falls HARD like really fucking hard like despite being the world’s worst gf she’s also more invested. she has insane tunnel vision for anne like she abandoned her whole life for her so ofc she does!! it’s a genuine obsession and it’s so unhealthy and she’s desperately needy and anytime it feels like it may be crumbling she goes hard on trying to sabotage bc she will not leave until the bridge is burnt to fucking ASH (she’s also insanely impulsive abt it like the minute she regains common sense she’s just like “why did i do that” and then wants to rekill herself so bad).
anne is very very infatuated but she’s kind of the normaler party in the sense that she can have a life outside of grell (and grell does not like that). she’s a workaholic abt the murder and also about the Being An Aunt and she’s having a crisis of morality at all times and this makes her very preoccupied but also lowkey without grell she’d kill herself. grell is like her key to being able to live with herself morally it’s like. “no one will love me with how horrible i’m being but this bitch not only loves me but also condones my atrocities!! if she leaves me i’m blowing up the world.” but the thing is she’s confident enough that grell Won’t leave her to not be as invested in her. and she’s also not afraid to be a frigid bitch when she’s pissed at her and can be so extremely hot and cold about everything it’s absolutely insanity inducing.
they’re stuck in this insane loop of being madly in love, anne kinda zoning out of everything and getting cold, grell vying for attention via acting out or manipulation or cheating or something, Big Fight, and then back to being madly in love and they NEVER WANNA STOP bc they understand each other so deeply and fundamentally in a way no one else ever will!! they enable the worst parts of each other and they feel so safe with each other. they’re each other’s home but god that home is the worst place you’ve ever stepped foot in.
there’s also an internalized homophobia layer going on for sure that definitely does not help things. esp bc anne was probably grell’s bi awakening. i always write madam red as a lesbian who has already unpacked that and dealt with it so while she has like. period typical internalized homophobia it’s way less of a Thing for her. but for grell it’s just like Oh God What Is Happening Why Do I Want To Live In Her Skin What Are The Gender Implications Of This I Am Having A Bad Time!! so like the double whammy of a full blown sexuality crisis and first time doing commitment r driving her a little insane the whole time.
it also makes grell nerfing anne a lot less random in my brain. she just snapped in that moment and it was a 2.5 year buildup of frustration that she just let loose bc she felt like she was being rejected and like all her fears of abandonment were being confirmed and she kinda just lost it. i don’t even think she fully gets why she did it tbh it kinda just happened and she ran with it and processed it all two hours later and was like “oh shit i’m going to pretend that won’t make me wanna die forever” but it’s also just a response to a constant pattern of Fucking Everything Up So Bad Now, Kiss And Make Up Later except oopsies it was fatal this time!!!
basically when the relationship is good it’s perfect and idealistic and amazing in every way and when it’s bad it’s the worst fucking relationship you’ve ever seen. it’s a mess they’re a mess it’s so fun!!
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starboundanon · 2 years
Okay I’ve just finished reading Emperor Vader’s Guide and like I came here for the Vaderluke expected some cute Dinluke, somehow I started staying for the Vader & Din dynamic like they just. They’re just so fun. One little messed up family!
Now on the edge of my seat desperately waiting for Grogu & Vader interactions.
I was a little worried about how dark this fic would get, and was pleasantly surprised to see that it ended up being a lot softer than I expected! Also it’s so funny to see the inherently normal Dinluke and then boom problematic father/son incest clash, I applaud the way you saunter out there with no fear.
But yeah, it’s very cute to see the way Vader, albeit reluctantly, slowly start to get a little fond of Din, and Din being his normal dumbass self going like…friend? Ally? Mentor? Father figure /gets beaten to death with a hammer/
it’s the slow progression, you don’t just let any guy fuck your precious pillow princess of an omega son so eventually you too get a lil attached and I love how you portray it!
At this point I’ve strayed so far from my initial tunnel vision on Vaderluke and wonder how I got here…
All in all, fantastic fic you’ve got there, here’s to having fun writing self-indulgent things in this fucked up galaxy *blows kiss*
Waking up to this ask was like all my childhood Christmases rolled into one. Thank you, my friend, for the incredibly sweet comment. ♥
I'm glad you're enjoying the anadin/vaderdin moments as much I am. Look, vaderluke is my otp, dinluke remains dear to my heart, but anadin........... it has potential. I'm just sayin', these three gorgeous men would make a pretty happy (albeit wonderfully dysfunctional) throuple, don't shoot the messenger.
If I didn't have WIPs lined up to my ears, and if HtD wasn't already a rewrite of another fic, I would write another rewrite where Sidious forces Vader to present as an Alpha, and he keeps the charade going long after he slaughters Sidious and names himself Emperor, right up until his reluctant, kidnapped, Omega son's charming silent strong Alpha mate accidentally induces his first heat in twenty years, and then woops, Din's stuck with two needy Skywalkers.
I think Din is one of those Alphas who has no problem deferring to his Omega mate for some/most things while also being completely dependable, caring and providing for his clan. He wouldn't try to usurp Vader as Emperor, but he would recognize that, hey, his father-in-law is actually an Omega in secret and is going to need some help sometimes with heats and gentling and other special Omega needs. He's absolutely the caretaker of his little clan, even though Vader pretends that's his role in front of the galaxy at large.
(Also just, hnngh, the sweet angst of Vaderkin enforcing Omega traditions, roles and stereotypes onto Luke that he himself no longer has to follow, but viscerally remembers, blind to the harm they did to him and every Omega around him.)
Parts of that bleed into HtD, because even though Vader is the Galactic Emperor, a legendary Sith Lord, an Alpha and a literal force of nature, he gets in over his head, pushes himself too hard and fails to take care of himself more than a typical Alpha probably does. I don't think it's a skill he ever mastered, even though it's supposed to be an ingrained thing. Din sees that, and while he respects the hierarchy of their relationship (and their relationships with Luke), he also sees Vader as clan (mate's Resident Alpha will be his Resident Alpha as well, after all) and can't just sit idly by if the man is struggling.
They're so messed up, I love them dearly.
Thank you again for this wonderful ask, I was absolutely thrilled to receive it. 💋♥
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derelictheretic · 2 years
For the OTP Asks: 49 for Anya/Mary May, 18 for Piper/Faith, 3 for Dean/Heather, and 45 for Dean/John? :D
Thank you for sending these in !! <3
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49. Who pulls the other closer while sleeping?
Answered here <3
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18. If they were to have matching pyjamas, what would they be?
Answered here <3
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3. How would one another describe their partner?
Dean trying to describe Heather to anyone would just be a lot of strung together compliments while he has the dopiest smile on his face. He'd start at how smart and badass she is and end up rambling about the way her nose crinkles when she's thinking really hard. (Give him an hour and he will list all of her subtle physical ticks that have him in a chokehold).
Heather describing Dean would start off by calling him a lost puppy who can't find his own tail and would honestly sound like she's insulting him for the first half until it trails off into more genuine comments on how stupidly big his heart is and how sweet he is. (She will deny saying any of it later).
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45. How do they comfort each other when they are helpless to do anything about the situation?
John gets super frustrated at himself if he can't help fix the situation (shockingly money and guns can only fix half his problems) but he does a good job at keeping it together in front of Dean and offering whatever comfort he needs in the moment, usually just a really long hug and some reassurance that everything will be okay. He'll also try just about everything in his power to do something even if it's pointless because sitting by while Dean suffers isn't something he can do.
Dean will smother John in affection for a few hours, doting on him like he was sick and answering his every whim with eager compliance. If he can't actively do anything to help the situation he at least wants to make everything else as easy for John as possible and he'll try his best to reassure him whatever is going on is not his fault (even if it is very much his fault, we love enabling behaviour here). The whole world could implode during this time and Dean wouldn't notice because he's so tunnel visioned on John.
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for the fandom asks: B-R-I-D-G-E-T-O-W-N
B - A pairing you initially didn’t consider but someone changed your mind
I'm actually not sure! I mean I guess for Harry Potter, it'd be anything but Harry/Hermione lol bc I had TUNNEL VISION on that ship when i was like 11. Maybe Drarry? I guess? I think that's the only one I've gone from "dear god no" to "omg yes they ARE totally obsessed with each other in a gay way"
R - A pairing you ship that you don’t think anyone else ships
-gestures to my 14 neville longbottom/anthony goldstein fics- I wouldn't say no one else, but I would say it's probably my rarest pair. unless we consider neville berbrooke/gregory bridgerton (from, uh, bridgerton), in which case I may actually be the only person to write it.
I - Has tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why
Fullmetal Alchemist, because the shippers are batshit fucking insane and take really complex and interesting dynamics and water them down to the most asinine mundane bullshit and then claim it's progressive, and on the other side you have... people ignoring a really complex and interesting dynamic to focus on a ship that imo makes no actual sense. 2013 was A Time. If I were on twitter, the answer would be Bridgerton bc the homophobia from the book fans is insaaaaaaaane but I avoid mainstream Bridgerton fandom like the plague and find my own little niches where homophobes aren't welcome.
D - A pairing you wish you liked but just can’t (again: be nice)
I'm pretty open to most ships? There are some I'm just not invested in, but eh.
G - Do you remember your first OTP, if so who was in it
Like, first-first? Ash and Misty from Pokémon. First fandomy? Harry/Hermione. And clearly I have not moved on from friends to lovers, looking at the body of my work on ao3
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom, if so, what
I have a secret ("secret") crackfic account that you're welcome to try to find.
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending, about anything at all (gender identity, sexual or romantic orientation, extended family, sexual preferences like top/bottom/switch, relationship with poetry, seriously anything)
Regulus Black and Edmund Pevensie are gay. So is Charlie Weasley. This is my hill to die on.
O - Choose a song at random, which ship or character does it remind you of
listen, I just put my spotify on shuffle and it gave me "JENNIFER CHECK" by Mia Morgan and. Mirnatius Spinning Silver.
W - 5 favorite ships and 5 kinks you like best for said ships
I'm assuming we mean actual kinks here? 1. maybe this is cheating but Regulus/Max. I don't care if he's an OC, this is what my heart says. I feel like they're pretty vanilla, though. 2. Gareth/Hyacinth from Bridgerton and pegging 100000% 3. Newt/Tina (autism4autism pure romance), and again: pegging. 4. Regulus/Evan and probably something a little fucked up like bloodplay 5. Mirnatius/Irina (Spinning Silver), and... idk actually. I feel like he'd get off on being tied up.
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice)
"main" fandom is such a loaded term lol - I wish Bridgerton had more gay fic though, and was just overall less hostile to m/m and f/f that isn't gross fetishy (poorly understood & executed) kink shit that's poorly written besides (looking @ u, ash). like. soooo much actually good f/f and m/m fic gets SLEPT on but something that's out of a gross fetishy lesbian porno gets praise bc a well-known and shitty author wrote it? ugh.
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Ask game thingie: Ghirahim?
Favourite thing about them: Ghirahim was my original source of gender envy. Thanks for helping me realize I was nonbinary king.
Least favourite thing about them: I didn't get an introject of him in my system (JOKING) The fact that I will never look just like him (ALSO JOKING) The fact that he made me question whether or not I could call myself a lesbian because I felt attracted to him (HALF JOKING) seriously it's probably the way he gets such tunnel vision. Like yes, it's good to have goals, but you need to have other priorities too like your own health and safety. Demise was not worth what he went through tbh but I don't blame him.
Favorite line: ""This news has just filled my heart with rainbows!" or "Show a human a little mercy and the next thing you know he thinks he's your equal."
BrOTP: GhiraZant
OTP: GanGhira. I like it just a tiny bit more than GhiraLink which is saying something bc I am Link fictionkin and remember having a huge crush on my Ghirahim.
I am also a huge sucker for GanGhiraZant or Ghirahim x Yuga!!!
NOTP: Ghirahim x Demise but I still like to read fics for it because it's kind of like staring at a tainwreck. You want to look away but you just can't. Messy disaster couples are fun too.
Random headcanon: Ghirahim has one short ear on his character model in Skyward Sword and I know IRL its just so it doesn't clip with his hair but I have all kinds of angsty headcanons about how it got cut.
Unpopular opinion: While I love a good "he's a trainwreck but I can fix him" fic I don't think Ghirahim would be that hard to fix. I think he just needs a little love and a bowl of soup or something and he'll be fine.
Song I associate with them: I'm a Marionette by Abba (covered by Ghost)
Favorite picture of them: basic but you can't beat a classic :+)
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calamitoustide · 3 months
for the character thingy, dorcas!!!
zar hi okay so!
How I Feel About This Character: For me Dorcas always stayed in the background like I like Dorlene but I never really felt that connected to it, it was just always there yknow, and then the whole putting her with Regulus, Evan, Barty and Pandora now that makes me insane. Depending on the romantic ship you put her with, it can be even worse, but her having to leave the people she's closest with because she knows what they're doing is wrong is such an interesting thing to toy with. Even if she is with Marlene she would go with Marlene but there would still be that piece of her missing. I feel like there's a lot of anger there she would just default to pretending she doesn't care about them, but then she hears about Evan dying in the news and it would just absolutely destroy her. She would fucking hate that, but it would kill her. I also like the little headcannon (that no one has but me) that she killed Evan and not Mad-eye. Like her being so tunnel-visioned after the death of Marlene that she kills Evan to get to Voldemort completely destroying any type of bond they could've had left. Dorcas also just like held that group together I feel like without her they're still breathing they exist but it's just wrong. Basically what I'm saying is I'm obsessed with her and how powerful her character arc can be.
All The People I Ship Romantically With This Person:
Lily: I've already talked about it kinda with my Lily post, but they are such a tragedy. I'm just gonna talk about the one time I wrote for them but I see them as never really labeling anything, and when they want to it's much too late. Lily was always too scared to say anything, and Dorcas pretended to be nonchalant about it until it drove her fucking insane. They're always together, and there's so much love there but it's not in a way they can speak about.When Dorcas is ready to confess Lily is miles away and buried in fear, and by the time Lily is ready to tell Dorcas everything Dorcas is already gone. It's a tragedy and I'm obsessed with them.
Pandora: There's something about Dorcas and Pandora being together that is just so. They are both so insane, but I feel like in a way being together makes them less so. There are certain ships where you put two insane people in and it's just a mess, but not with them. Dorcas is more stoic in her madness and it takes a lot to draw it out of her. She appears normal even if she really isn't. Pandora appears outwardly insane, but around Dorcas she just softens a bit. Also I don't think anyone knows that they're dating for ages. It's not that they're hiding it they're just not being affectionate like a typical couple would, they're in their own world.
Marlene: Listen I know I said I wasn't that connected to Dorlene before but I still really do love them. It's the whole Quidditch rival thing I can't get past it. They bring out the fire with each other. They would burn down the world for each other.
My Non-Romantic OTPs for this ship: As mentioned before, Regulus, Barty, Evan and Pandora (if they're not dating). I think there's just so much angst there. There's so much tragedy. They work so well together, and yet they fall apart. They are everything to me.
My unpopular opinion of this character: I don't even know if this is unpopular or if this is just what everyone things I don't know. I like the idea of Dorcas being soft and just hiding it. She has a thick skin but deep down she wants to be domestic, she's just not sure how to show it exactly. Everyone always talks about how she sought out to kill Voldemort to seek revenge for Marlene, but I think they focus too much on it. That is not all that she was, she wasn't all anger. She would burn down the world for the people she loved, she still has that fire in her, but in the words of Adrianne Lenker, "[She] could be a good mother and [she] wants to be your wife!" And I think that having these dreams it makes her ending all that more tragic. She wanted to be a wife and just have her little love story, and yet she's remembered for only her fire instead. She died too young to even have that be an option for her. I think she's a lot more than those dreams, and she had a lot more ambitions too, but I always think about her like that.
One Thing You Wished Happened To This Character In Canon: She is barely in canon. I actually don't even know what she does in canon... I would say I wish she was in canon more but I also simply don't. She is in my pocket and canon doesn't matter anyway <3
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landos-meat-rider · 1 year
Okay I’m finally here! I wanted so badly to read it when you posted but I was so freaking tired I crashed 😭 But I’m here with another rant/essay of thoughts and emotions haha I feel like with every chapter I write more and more 😂
Getting a glimpse into Conrad’s head in any fic itches my brain nicely, idk I just love him?? Anywho, the way you write his like emotions and his anger/frustration? I’m here for it, he deserves to be a little upset instead of just shutting himself down to protect himself 🥺🖤 BUT him tracking Dean down and punching him before the ass can even get a word in?! Yes!! Thank you omg, protector Conrad getting his emotions out AND making sure Dean knows he’s not welcome anymore? no and then he comes home and tucks us in??? After beating a guy up?? God I’m feral for him I need therapy 😂
Him and his moms? (Bc lbr Susannah x Laurel is the real otp here 😭🖤) I tear up every time Susannah’s cancer gets brought up bc of personal stuffs so like Conrad crying on her and letting himself feel bc he didn’t mean to hurt us while his mom was sick?? My eyes were sweating I wanna give him cuddles and back rubs and forehead kisses 🥺😭🖤🖤
Steven would be that person tho “oh don’t worry I watched the cooking channel I can do this!” And then fucks it all to hell 😂 I love him, I feel like Steven and I would be those besties that are complete idiots together because we share half a braincell 😂
And Connie calling us my girl?!?! AND baby?!! That shit gives me butterflies omg 😭😭 im so lonely lmfao ahh the whole living room scene has me in a choke hold I love him, just ahhhhh the domesticity of caring for your lover after he beats someone up for you 🥺🖤
The almost kiss on the beach had me swooning too 😭 Fucking Steven and cockblocking us 😂😂
No but who tf does Thérèse think she is???? “Sorry I stole your bf I was jealous but I ended things with him” like good for you but stay away lmao like that trust would be so damaged!!! Thérèse and Dean really do deserve each other 😤😤
Okay but us hitting Dean? And just being a feral cat about him not shutting up? Yes please?! Couples who beat shitty exes up together are top tier 😂 (I know we’re not a couple yet but in my heart Conrad’s already my husband 😂🖤) AND AGAIN the of checking over each others wounds?!!! I love them, your honor. 🖤🖤
Okay but Connie immediately wanting to take off and beat the shit out of Dean, while the love of his life’s injured??? But his tunnel vision is just like “gotta kill this guy”?? Like you idiot I don’t want Jere to take me to the hospital I want the person that makes me feel safe there 😭😭😭
Overall I love how theres a bunch of little moments showing how we love each other but it doesn’t feel forced or too fast? Like obviously Conrad and her just wanna kiss (damn you Steven) but also they’re comfortable just existing together too because they both know they care?? Does that make sense? Is that even what you were going for? Idk but that’s how I’m feeling it rn, maybe it’s just my craving for love that’s reading in too deep 😂😂
AHHH 😭 Anyway thank you again for another glorious chapter, I love it, I adore you, and I’m so so excited for more! I can’t wait to see the moms reactions to their tattoos (and for getting into a fight and getting injured 💀😂) and just for more shenanigans in general with everyone 🖤🖤😭
ok so i totally agree, dean is a RAT he deserves whatever happens to him ik i wrote the damn thing but i stand w it🤷🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️
no but fr someone needed to humble dean and thérèse both like they’re so annoying. i didn’t want thérèse to have a giant monologue just explaining why she did what she did bc honestly people like that don’t rly say all that much irl, they’re just looking for ways to get back in ur life and mess it up again tbh and she was just annoying too like
and i mean i didn’t wanna say it myself but yes the main characters here ARE susannah and laurel, glad we cleared that up. they’re literally so cutesy and wonderful i love them sm
STEVENS SO FUNNY STOP- hes literally hilarious i love him sm
no honestly i love the living room scene too it’s so cutesy and domestic i thought those two needed a tiny little cute relaxed moment before it all went down tbh💀💀
and i agree, if someone called me baby??????????
that’s all i have to say. next question.
no everytime i write an almost kiss im literally on the edge of my seat as well like should i make them kiss or should i wait🤨🤨
REAL. we’re not officially w conrad yet but we bascially are married w two dogs and an adopted son (steven) so we don’t even need to go through the formalities anymore
no fr like ily conrad but now is not the time, you better get in that car and drive to the hospital.
YESS IT DOES MAKE SENSE IM SO GLAD YOU NOTICED!!!! i didn’t want to make this one too like fast paced or too like oh everyone gets what they want happily ever after like i feel like you don’t need to be constantly making out or talking w someone you care about, even just spending some time w them is more than enough like just having these tiny cute little moments is so lovely
YESS IM SO EXICTED TO WRITE MORE ON THIS ONE sadly i don’t think i can post another part until like friday night / the weekend bc schooo started again today (kms) and it’s gcse year (double kms) but im so happy you like it, i love love love these conment things so much you have no idea🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽
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witchboyjimin · 1 year
What fandoms were you /are you still a part of aside from BTS? Did you actively write for any of them, and if so, which ships inspired you? How did you come across BTS and what made you stan? (Imma assume jimin? Jimin!) And on that note, what made you ship kookmin or what about them gave you inspiration to write about them?
Sorry if this seems intrusive sgdhdjf but Im genuinely just curious about your fandom and writing journey :)!
hello! this isn't intrusive at all so no worries at all!!
oh man, i started writing when i was 11? at least in terms of posting fic on the internet except back then i don't think i even considered it to be fic. it was just stories set in my fandom at the time (it was naruto...and then harry potter and emo bands. yes, it was self insert.)
currently, i only actively write for bts fandom. this will likely change once i finish reading omniscient reader's viewpoint (orv) because i am already RARING to write fic for my orv otp, joongdok, but i really want to finish the web novel before i spiral.
i find the best way to enjoy your bts fandom experience is to also have multiple other interests you're partially engaged in/with so that bts fandom doesn't drive you insane :) other interests i am invested in include but are not limited to: orv, tgcf, mdzs, svsss, jujutsu kaisen, demon slayer, a plethora of bl, the magnus archives, and i try to read published stuff but i've been slipping on that front the last few months.
i will put the rest of the answer under a cut because...this is already quite long.
in the past i've written for naruto (sasunaru), harry potter (drarry), a few other animangas, kingdom hearts (axel/roxas), and when i did start writing for kpop fandoms it went from beast to block b/bap to exo to ikon/got7 to bts.
but i've been part of like tons of other fandoms where i only read fic and engaged with other people's content. fandoms include (non-exhaustive): bandom, inception, merlin, marvel (i rly only cared abt stucky), star trek (spirk, MY BELOVED), teen wolf (sterek has everyone in their clutches), football (european) rpf, hannibal and a slew of animanga. there's definitely stuff i missed but my point is just: have lots of interests! and consume a variety of media! it makes you a better writer and person imo.
baby me was definitely obsessed with enemies to lovers (adult me still is) so i am always drawn to an otp that has the enemies/rivals to lovers dynamic because nothing satisfies me as much as tension and push/pull dynamics. i think once i got into rpf fandoms tho (bandom, kpop), i did start enjoying seeing two people that just love each other very openly.
SO ofc when i finally ended up in bts fandom, it was only a matter of time before kookmin ate me alive. i started stanning bts in march/april of 2015. i'd listened to their title tracks/watched mvs from their debut but i was an exo stan and i had tunnel vision and then exo was like, falling apart in 2014-2015 tgknfk and i got into got7 and ikon for a while but i guess they just didn't hit the same cause i started watching bts mvs one day and then binged SO many bangtan bombs and watched american hustle life and then 2 weeks?? later bts announced they were having a comeback and i've never looked back. bts are just incredibly funny and genuine (there is nothing manufactured about them) and back in 2015, no one was putting themselves out there the way bts were. they were super engaged with their fan base through youtube and twitter so even when they didn't have a comeback, they were still posting new content which is not what other groups were doing. bighit knew what they were doing, i guess.
and yes, jimin 100% drew me in. even before i was a fan, he was already my fav from the few mvs i had seen and then when i got seriously into them, i was obsessed with him. he's so fucking funny and BABY!!!!!!!!! and has just been the kindest person since day one??? and an incredible dancer, like just mesmerizing. also, he's the prettiest most gorgeous person ever. there is no joy or comfort quite like getting to stare at jimin's beautiful face.
i was actually a multi-jimin shipper when i started out. my fav ships were hopemin, minjoon, and yoonmin. rapline/jimin was everything to me and so was yoonseok!! jimin was just very baby around rapline and acted cute because he loves attention and praise and i love this about him jbsdjk i liked vmin and kookmin at the time, too, but i've always liked vmin as friends more than romantically and kookmin didn't take over my entire brain until may 2016 when back hug scene happened. up until then, i liked them because it was obvs jimin doted on jeongguk A Lot and i enjoyed what a tsundere brat jeongguk was but back hug scene rewired my brain cause all i wanted to do after that was write kookmin.
i think seeing how much they both love each other and how supportive they are/how they show up for each other over and over again (excellent song choice for gcf tokyo jjk) just makes it impossible for me to not ship them?? plus we got to see their relationship grow and develop and transform to what it is today...it's hard not to love them tbh. for me, it's the devotion and how much they clearly like each other as friends that keeps me writing for them. i love love love the ways they show how much the other means to them whether that be the grand gestures (the tokyo trip, jimin flying across the world to be there for jeongguk's birthday) or the little things (the way they baby each other and worry over the other's well-being).
also, i think the fun of writing an rpf otp is that you can really put them in any scenario you want. there is no canon we have to adhere to so you're really only restricted/limited by characterization and tbh you can take liberties there, too because we don't 100% know the boys. plus how you act as an idol may not be how you act in a dystopia au lol it really is like playing house and it lets me be as creative as i want so i find it easy to keep putting them in new scenarios! i do think that if they didn't love each other as much as they do, i'd have maybe lost interest but so far that hasn't happened so yay for me haha
anyways I'M SO SORRY THIS IS SO LONG!!!!!!!!!!! kudos to you if you read all the way to the end...
hope you have a great day anonie!
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metalbended · 1 year
crying over my otp
(this is not in the same universe as lyoko plus two)
Giana could barely move as she came out of the gym from the passage, letting go of her invisibility. Every bone in her body ached. Tonight’s mission was much more intense than she’d anticipated, and all she wanted to do was crawl into bed. 
Cursing the uniform regulations for disallowing girls the luxury of pants, she hugged her blazer closer, hoping it would give her some warmth as she made the trek back toward the dorms, mumbling “next time, I’m bringing a coat.”
Before she could cross the courtyard, she vaguely noticed a figure coming toward her from the shadows. Gripping her cane and holding it out diagonally like a weapon, she shouted in French: “Don’t come any closer!” She paused a beat. “I’m armed!”
The figure stopped close enough in the light of a street lamp, and she dropped her cane as her shoulders slumped. She thought she was hallucinating, over exhausted from lack of sleep.
She’d know that blue Buckingham School sweatshirt anywhere.
“Jack?” Her voice was barely a half-whisper.
He offered a lopsided smile, holding out his empty hands in surrender. “Hey.”
She ran to him, crushing him in an embrace. He took half a step back and held her close, loosening his grip as he felt her wince.
His face clouded with concern. “What’s wrong?”
She let go, taking his hands. “I’m fine. It’s a long story.” She hoped she wouldn’t have to elaborate. Composing herself, she looked up at him. “What are you doing here?”
“I…” He rubbed the back of his neck. “I had to tell you something.” His tone had a layer of finality to it that made her feel a semblance of dread.
She tried to keep her voice from shaking. “So you flew to France?”
He nodded, pursing his lips. It’s now or never. “Giana…” He swallowed, vaguely aware of how hot and sweaty he felt. “I love you.” He could hear his heartbeat. It was almost as if he were having an out of body experience, viewing her through a tunnel. “I've loved you for years. I just… I never had the strength to tell you. And when Xander kissed you at our Bar Mitzvah, and you started dating, and he treated you so damn badly… I didn’t know what to do with myself. Sometimes I wanted to die, seeing you two together.” His shoulders slumped.  “It’s always been you.”
She dropped his hands and blinked, her mouth forming a perfect O. A moment passed before he felt confident he’d royally screwed everything up.
He started to turn away. “I knew this was a bad idea. Nico was full of shit.”
She came to her senses then, grabbing his wrist. “Nico?” Her voice cracked. “What are you talking about?”
He stiffened, gently wrenching free of her grasp. “It doesn’t matter.” He started walking in the direction of the school’s gate.
Blood started rushing to her ears. Her vision narrowed into a tunnel and she thought she might faint. “Jack, wait!” Her voice was strained.
He froze, turning back around. The wind picked up her hair but she didn’t shiver, despite what he’d seen when she’d first appeared in the courtyard.
“I love you, too.”
It was as though he could finally breathe. All the pining, sitting idly by and watching Xander mess it all up, delicately treading through the months after his death, having her so near but yet so far… it hadn’t been for nothing. Nico and Tori were right. Charlotte, too, even. And he dimly recalled Parker offering up his own take on the situation, unprompted of course but still necessary.
Jack offered a genuine smile. He really needed to follow his friends’ advice more often. “Yeah?”
Her expression matched his. “Yeah.”
He exhaled. “Amazing.”
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shinayashipper · 3 years
There is this one Puzzle fic that I really really Love and my reason is because the dynamic is So Similar to what I had in mind for that kind of setting.... but for RIVAL, lol. like, it’s so easy to Imagine Atem as Kaiba... like, I really Want Rival to be like That... Gosh, I’m Annoying as Hell 😂
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