#and jon is probably terrified of sasha/tries badly to impress her
aromanthur-lester · 2 years
Too much of “Tim is Martin’s wingman and Sasha is Jon’s”, not enough of “Sasha is Martin’s wingman, Tim is Jon’s”
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Look at me unable to shut up about soulmates. Like, literally. This is so long it should probably be on ao3 but also? i started on tumblr so you’ll get all the typos, sorry not sorry.
Jonah appears on Jon’s throat when he is eight years old; he probably wouldn’t have noticed, if his grandmother hadn’t raised his chin and frowned in a quiet, pensive way and asked: “Is that why you’ve been so agitated, Jonathan? Have you met him?” 
Jon has no idea what she’s talking about until he’s staring at the elegant, old-fashioned name on his skin in a mirror. He thinks of Mr Spider, and a cold, terrified chill runs down his spine. Can monsters have a first name? Is this a promise or a threat? Is it even linked at all? 
His body shakes badly, and in an unusual display of affection for both of them, his grandma pats his hair and sits him up her lap. 
“There there,” she says, and her voice is gentle. “No need to fuss, Jon. Whoever Jonah is, he’ll be good to you. Soulmates always are.”
Georgie appears barely two months after they’ve met; he wakes up one morning and it’s right there, on his hipbone. Maybe it was here before. Jon doesn’t spend a lot of time inspecting his body. 
The next time he sees her, Georgie’s grin is wide and warm and she hugs him just a bit tighter than she usually does. “Oh,” he says, and she laughs and says “Oh, indeed. Guess we’re stuck together, eh?”
Jon’s heart is hammering in his chest. He hugs Georgie a bit tighter, too, feeling overwhelmed and quite stupid. “What a bother,” he says dryly, and it means the world that Georgie just laughs harder and doesn’t let go. 
He’ll be good to you. Soulmates always are, had said his grandmother. Jon barely thinks of Jonah, these days. But now he’s got Georgie, and he thinks he definitely wants to be good to her. 
Well. He tries, at least. 
He’s pretty sure he does. 
When she says, “please Jon” tired and angry, he realizes that, maybe, being good to Georgie means stepping out of her life for good, and does just that, telling himself it doesn’t feel like losing a part of himself. 
“Did you know,” Elias Bouchard says slowly, at the end of Jon’s job interview, “that the Institute was founded by Jonah Magnus?”
Jon feels a speck of irritation cross his mind; of course he’s known. He read everything  he could about the Institute before applying here. Anybody googling the Magnus Institute would know, it’s one of the first line of its wikipedia page. 
“Yes, of course I do,” he says, and it comes out rude and disdainful; he winces, but Elias Bouchard only looks amused. 
“I didn’t mean to offend,” he says with the shadow of a smile. “I think that you’re going to fit just fine in our Institute, Jon. May I call you Jon?”
“I, er -- yes,” Jon blinks, startled. His past interviews have never left him with the impression that it should be so easy. “Does that mean --”
“The job is yours, if you want it,” Elias nods. “I can have your contract ready for next week.”
“Ah, uh -- good,” Jon says dumbly. “I mean -- Thank you, Mr Bouchard --”
“Oh, please,” Elias waves his hand; “Do call me Elias. Everybody does.”
“Right,” says Jon. “Elias.” 
(It feels -- odd in his mouth. Elias’ smile stays bland and polite, but his eyes fall on Jon’s throat, just for a second, before moving back up; they look piercing and hungry and pleased, and Jon leaves as fast as he can, his skin itching.)
Jonah Magnus being his soulmate becomes an office joke the moment his colleagues spot the name on his throat. It’s hilarious, you see, because Jonathan Sims never seems to leave the Magnus Institute, married to his work and to the place. Jon rolls his eyes and lets people talk. As far as teasing go, this one is mild enough not to be too bothersome and, besides, it’s not like he’s actually ever met his Jonah. (Not like he really wants to, when he thinks of what happened with Georgie.)
(And if, sometimes, he grows curious and look up as much as he can from the elusive Jonah Magnus, well.) (It’s not like anybody can see him do so.)
“So, are we going to talk about it or --” Tim says, staring quite obviously at the name on Jon’s wrist. 
Jon hates the way his cheeks flush. “I’m sure there are plenty of Gerard out there, Tim,” he says primly. “Besides, I don’t think chatting about soulmates is any way relevant to a good work environment --”
“I mean, it is sort of work related if your soulmate is Gerard Keay from the statements,” Sasha points out, and Jon stares at her like she’s thoroughly betrayed him as Tim laughs. 
She gives him a sheepish grin but still high-fives Tim when he holds his hand up. Jon scoffs. 
“We don’t have to talk about it if Jon doesn’t want to,” Martin snaps behind him. 
His tone is unusually biting and Jon is taken aback for a moment. He really didn’t think Martin of all people would defend him on this particular subject. The man is probably the sort of sappy and romantic person that thinks finding his soulmates means a happy ending. Jon, of course, knows better. Still.
“Right,” he says. “Thank you, Martin.” 
Sasha and Tim exchange a glance; now they’re looking properly chastised. Jon brush his fingers against Gerard’s name, and pretends he isn’t just a bit hopeful that this is Gerard Keay, and that somehow, it means he’s not as dead as his research has led him to believe.
“Jon,” says Martin in a rush when they scramble up to move far away from the wall which is starting to break right in front of their eyes. “There’s -- there’s something I think I should definitely tell you, I think, before --”
He doesn’t have time to finish his sentence. In the midst of everything else, Jon quite forgets it too.
It takes him three weeks of forced bedrest to realize there is a new name just above his heart; he stares at it for a very long time in the mirror, unable to think of what to do about the familiar, terrible handwriting of Martin Blackwood scribbled on his chest. 
Jon is still laughing, stupidely relieved, when Martin says: “Also you’re my soulmate. And I know I’m not yours, but I mean, since you want honesty --”
Jon’s laughter dies in a cough. Martin stares at him with wide eyes like he can’t believe he’s just said that, cheeks flushed bright red and chin  stubbornly up, and Jon opens his mouth, closes it back, and then he says “oh.”
“Yeah, so, I’ll just. Be. Going back to work, now,” Martin mutters. “Unless you want to, to accuse me of anything else or --”
“Martin,” says Jon, a bit helplessly. 
It would be so easy, to say, you’re my soulmate too. But he watches Martin’s tense posture, the way he’s looking at everything but Jon, and he remembers Georgie. The words die in his mouth, and Martin says, voice too high: “it’s alright, Jon.” and flees the room before Jon can figure out what to do. 
Jon tells himself it’s best not to tell Martin. Martin deserves someone who can be good to him, and that’s certainly not Jon, especially not -- now. 
Martin thinks that it’s alright to bully Jon into going for lunch now that Jon knows about the whole soulmate thing. 
Jon keeps agreeing, and Martin keeps smiling, and sometimes, Jon’s almost able to forget how hellish everything else in his life has become. 
He calls Martin first. He calls Martin first as he flees, and Martin doesn’t answer. 
Fair enough, he thinks, a bit hysterically. Jon messed up everything the second he didn’t tell him, anyway, and, and just because they’re soulmates --
“Hey,” he says numbly to Georgie when she opens the door. 
Georgie stares at him for a long time. “Jesus Christ, Jon.”
His hip itches. Jon makes a joke he doesn’t recall afterwards. Georgie lets him in, and hugs him tightly. It feels like coming home. 
“Is there anything else?” Elias asks. 
Jon stares at him for a very long time. “Are you still lying to me?” he asks; now that he knows what to look for, it’s like he can feel the power tingling in his throat. Elias’ eyes flutter and his mouth curls into a slow, intensely pleased smile. 
“Lying can have very many different meanings,” he tells Jon. “There are, indeed, a great deal of things I don’t intend to tell you until you figure them out. I don’t personnally consider it lying, though you might.”
“I --” 
“Go clean yourself up, Jon,” Elias continues. He sounds almost gentle, and Jon wants to rip his throat out. “We can discuss more about what will need to be done once you’re feeling a little bit less -- shaken up.”
“Fuck you,” says Jon.
Elias’ lips twitch again. 
Nikola caresses Jon’s hip; Jon’s wrist; Jon’s heart; she cooes at each name, teases Jon with every single one of them. She lets her thumb lingers on Jonah the longest. 
“Isn’t it quaint,” she laughs. “Do you think he’s listening?”
Jon makes a noise; she laughs harder. “Of course I’m sure he’d like to watch, but he can’t, can he? Oh, but we’ll find a way to talk to him, won’t we?”
Jon doesn’t know when the tape recorder appears; he merely knows he feels faintly relieved when Nikola grabs it and stops touching him, winking at him conspirationally instead. “Elias?” she preens into the recorder. “Can I call you Elias?”
“You’re mine, too,” Jon blurts out awkwardly.
Martin slowly blinks. “... What?” he asks.. 
He sounds like he’s been punched right into the stomach, high and breathless, but he’s still holding Jon to dear life, and Jon hides his face deeper into his shoulder, breathing in deeply, and he says, his voice hoarse: “You’re my soulmate too.”
“Oh.” Martin’s voice is small. “Oh. I mean did you -- is that -- where -- I --”
“I’m very bad at being a soulmate,” Jon cuts him off. He’s aware he’s gripping Martin’s too tight. “And I think I’m turning into something dangerous, and there are people out there who wants to kill me, and I need you safe -- Nikola saw -- she saw your name, and I don’t want her to --”
“You’ve -- got my name,” Martin merely says. 
“I -- yes, I’ve had for a -- it doesn’t matter, I’m saying you’re in danger --”
“You’ve got my name,” Martin repeats. 
It’s definitely giddy, now. Jon refuses to be endeared. “Martin -”
“No, no, I get it, danger and all -- but I mean, I mean, it’s been years Jon, literal years --”
Jon never asked Martin about it before; he doesn’t get to ask much more right then. Martin takes a step back, and he’s grinning wide and stupid, and Jon feels his own treacherous lips curl up in answer. It’s not exactly a surprise, when Martin bends down and presses his mouth against his. It’s a terrible idea, an absolutely horrendeous, awful idea, of course, but not a surprise. Jon lets himself be kissed and closes his eyes all the same. 
So Gerard is dead.
He’s no less impressive, and Jon feels awkward and eager and flushed. 
“Oh no, I’m er - Jonathan Sims? I’m with the Magnus Institute --”
Gerard stiffens. “Jonathan?” he repeats. 
Jon’s mouth runs dry. He carefully raises his left hand, and the name written on it. “Hi,” he says. 
Gerard looked at it for a long time, and then he huffs a laugh. “God, figure.”
His ghostly fingers meet Jon’s, cool and so light Jon barely feels them. On his right wrist, Jon’s name is written in his terrible, rushed handwritting. Jon’s heart skips a bit.
“Figure,” he agrees, and they both smile dryly at each other.
“Be careful,” says Georgie on the phone, soft and tired.  
“Please, don’t die,” Martin murmurs against his lips, terrified and hopeful all at once. 
“Thank you, Jon,” had merely said Gerry, when Jon had agreed to burn his page.
Elias stares right into his eyes, and his hand smooths over Jon’s collar; his thumb lingers on Jon’s neck, and Jon feels -- something.
“Good luck,” he tells him. 
“Do you have a back-up plan if I die?” Jon can’t help but ask. 
“You’ve been quite successful so far,” Elias tells him. “I’m sure you’ll be just as efficient tomorrow.”
“I’m glad one of us is feeling confident,” Jon mutters sarcastically. 
“Always, Jon,” Elias smiles, and Jon thoroughly wished it didn’t appease him as much as it does. 
Jon dies. 
Jon comes back.
Jon’s alone. 
It’s fitting, of course; Jon’s always been alone, apart for a few years, thanks to Georgie mostly, and he exhausted her into leaving, eventually -- not only once but twice, which has to be a rare enough feat to be mentionned. Nobody likes to speak about unhealhty soulmates, but Jon’s aware that it’s exactly what he is.
Four soulmates, and one of them is dead, the second knows better than to stay, the third is -- the third is so deep into danger than Jon has no idea if any of his words will ever bring him back, and the last never had the decency to show up.
Jon can’t think of Gerry, or Georgie, or, god, Martin;
So he stares at his throat, and looks over Jonah’s name. His oldest soulmate. He idly thinks that maybe they were all right, the ones who spent years joking about Jon being bounded to the Institute, to a man dead for centuries, the one who’d started it all, the one who was probably as much a monster as Jon has become --
Can monsters have first names? 
Jon does. He caresses Jonah’s name and thinks there’s something familiar in the pretentious and graceful way the ‘J’ is written. It’s right there, he muses. At the edge of his mind. The mysterious Jonah --
“Jon?” calls Daisy from behind him. 
“You okay? Basira said -- I mean, you’re getting pretty intense here.”
“Oh,” he says, letting his hand fall at his side again. “Sorry, I -- sorry.”
Daisy looks at him up and down. She looks as tired as he feels. “C’mon,” she says. “I’ve found board games we haven’t played yet.”
Jon looks at Georgie and Melanie from afar. He’d never realized, before, what it truly meant to be envious. Jealous. He turns away with damp eyes.
“Look, I know we can’t talk,” Jon manages to say. “But something’s real wrong and I just wanted to make sure --”
Martin sighs. He feels so distant Jon’s heart is growing cold just looking at him. “I’m fine, Jon; I’m handling it. Just - trust me, alright?”
“You know I do,” Jon says numbly. 
Martin’s kiss on his cheek is icy. “Thank you,” he whispers. And then, with a little itch breath he adds: “I love you.”
He’s gone before Jon gets a chance to say “me too.”
Jon stares at his throat every day, now. He feels restless and ravenous, pulled by something bigger than him, and he knows, deep in his bones, that he won’t be able to resist its call. He’s never been able to. 
“You’re losing it, Jon,” Basira says quietly. Dangerously.
“So are you,” Jon says. He doesn’t need to look at her to see her tense. He is still staring at his throat. “We need to go see Elias.”
“No, we’re not. He’s well proven by now he’s utterly useless --”
“I’m sorry,” says Jon calmly. “I didn’t say it right. I’m going to see Elias, and I don’t bloody care what you or him think about it.”
Elias smiles, when he sees him; of course he does. The prison suit doesn’t hide his throat like his pressed collars and ties used to, and Jon reads his own name on his skin without any surprise at all.
“Jonah,” he breathes out, and Elias’ smiles gets brigther, his thoughts melting gently into Jon’s. 
“Hello, Jon,” he says fondly. “Is it time?”
Jon has no idea what he’s talking about.
(Jon knows exactly what he’s talking about)
Yes, he thinks.
Marvellous, Jonah thinks back. We’re going to be so good to each other, Jon. Just wait and see. 
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