#and jensen made it pretty clear that Dean doesn't like Cas too
wincestinpurgatory · 3 months
Thinking that Destiel was an actual thing and the cw was homophobic/queerbaiting for not making it canon and killing Cas feels so weird in retrospect.
Like, sure there's subtext you can interpret every which way, but thinking it would be canon as a requited romance? It feels so obvious the writers never intended Destiel to happen, and that Dean doesn't requite Cas' feelings beyond a very close friendship.
It feels so wild looking back, like what was I thinking lol
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angel-fruitcake · 3 months
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ok please here me out- IF the spn revival is in the works, i believe it will include fully canon, romantically requited destiel. here's why:
the supernatural finale was fucked up, for many reasons. they know that. Misha knows it, Jensen knows it. everyone knows it. if they get the chance to redo the ending and fix things--a real shot at redemption--they won't make the same mistakes again.
yes, i'm fully aware that destiel is not the only thing that spn is about, not even the main storyline. but the moment they decided to let Cas confess his romantic love for Dean, they made it clear that that was a huge piece of the whole story. so if they write a revival that either doesn't acknowledge Cas' feelings (like with the finale), or worse, has Dean reject Cas' confession under the guise of being straight or only viewing Cas as family, they would be officially crowning themselves as The Most Homophobic and Most Hated Series To Ever Exist.
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knowing Misha, if he's involved in the revival at all, he will make damn sure Cas gets justice. he wasn't satisfied with the way things ended either, and there is zero possibility that he will allow a revival to include Cas without going all the way with destiel this time. Castiel's love for Dean is apart of his story now, full stop. if they can't give him the ending he deserves, then there is absolutely no point in him even being in the revival.
and if for some godforsaken reason we learn that Cas isn't apart of it, it'll be obvious that Misha couldn't get destiel to happen, so he stepped back (at that point they will likely lose so much fandom interest in it that it'll be questionable if it's even worth making).
but i have a very hard time believing that Jensen would allow a rebirth to happen without Castiel/Misha being in it. he just wouldn't do that, it's too important for the story.
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lastly, they won't be restricted by any network that's too cowardly or bigoted to allow the lead characters to be in a queer relationship. Jensen (or whoever buys/bought the rights to supernatural from WB) has the freedom to choose the company that picks up this project, because there is no actual pressure to make it. they don't have to do a revival; the show is over. if they give spn a rebirth, it will be a labor of love, created with the sole purpose of doing right by the fanbase and by the series itself. so if certain networks shoot down their ideas, they can find one that will be on board.
this is ofc just a theory and i know i shouldn't get my hopes up, but in my mind this is pretty solid.
if you read all that, thank you and i love you 💙💚💙💚
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(Tone/intention indicator: non-aggressive!! Pensive and open/hopeful for discussion and/or advice. Not at all trying to be a grouch.)
I do get the joke and I get that there's plenty of evidence that he does like to take it up the ass which is rad for him if he does, you know, but it feels crappy to me, the way a lot of the fandom (NOT you—I haven't seen anything like this from you) and actually also Misha treats Dean and sometimes/by proxy Jensen with the whole calling him/them a bottom, especially when Jensen isn't part of the conversation and doesn't even know that there's anything to respond to. It just gets said about him in public, and then onus is on him to find it and respond. It's a gotcha situation though, I don't think there's even anything he could say in his own defense (if he wanted to, that is. idk, for all I know, maybe Jensen is into it too, but that's sort of my problem.. I don't how he feels about being called a girl, a bottom, an omega etc) that people wouldn't claim that, by saying he isn't a bottom, sub or femme, he actually is proving he's a "subby little girlboy," or so I saw it said. I wish we as a community could talk about the nuance and inherent homophobia and transphobia in leering about it that way, in stereotyping 'bottom/subby behavior' and categorizing that behavior as feminine etc. I'm a trans dude, a dom and a top and a lot of the things I see people saying about Dean being a bottom or, worse, about Jensen being a bottom, are just so.. emasculating to me, because a lot of that stuff is stuff I do, too. Dean is a fictional character so his feelings can't get hurt, but Jensen is a real person, you know? And there's like a million people on the internet saying they can tell he's a subby, femme bottom despite whether he's ever said anything to the contrary or not. It's.. jarring, too, since I'm also a real person and they're often pointing to traits and behaviors that I share as evidence. It makes me so dysphoric to see so many people calling him girly and needy and in heat or what have you and citing how he (over)performs masculinity. I over-perform masculinity, too, but I do it because I enjoy the presentation, not because I'm over-compensating and Actually A Girl. I'm actually pretty comfortable in my relationship with gender at this point. Sometimes I also wear dresses. I'm still a dude. It sucks that it seems like the overwhelming opinion is that loudly performing masculinity can only ever mean overcompensation, and never gender euphoria. It seems like a lot more people are more interested in forcing Dean to perform femininity—like people want to humble and humiliate him for his past/present comphet and his idea of his own masculinity—not in allowing him to participate in traditionally non-masculine things according to what he likes, or to perform gender in ways that make him feel authentic and happy. It's like, instead of him aggressively overcompensating his Manly Man-ness, everyone wants to make him aggressively, stereotypically effeminate and one dimensional in the opposite direction. What are your thoughts on it, if you don't mind sharing? Do you think there's a way to have this conversation in the fandom? Or am I missing the point?
hi! okay first of all I love your tone indicators, we should all be doing this online tbh because it absolutely sets the voice for the rest of your ask and I appreciate it so very much.
preliminarily - I am not an expert on this topic in any way, so please take my response with an entire value-size canister of salt.
I think your feelings and thoughts are absolutely valid, and I don't disagree. I personally try to steer clear of most of the real person is this and that thing unless they uh. you know. tweet it out loud at the internet (for what it's worth, I do think - any joking I may have vaguely done aside - that Misha's past two top related tweets specifically were fairly pointed at himself (yes, I know one was about Dean and Cas fanfic, but he said "I" enjoy being on top, not Cas enjoys topping Dean). I am certain he is aware of the innuendo though, and how fandom will take it so your commentary on his being a participant is certainly correct as well. Also, I firmly believe that Misha does treat humans, especially those he is close w, with the utmost respect and any joking he has done re Jensen has been in a place of Jensen being okay with it (like I don't think he would ever say anything he knows would make Jensen feel uncomfortable whether he is within earshot or across the country when it's said).
*takes off Misha apologist hat*
As for the rest, I think your points are extremely well made and it's definitely a conversation that can (and should!) be had in fandom. I do agree that this topic can and has been misconstrued (sometimes for shitposting's sake sometimes not) as it applies to irl people and situations. I personally think that Jensen is a very multidimensional and layered human (which serves him greatly as an actor, I mean he contains literal multitudes) and to classify him as either pendulum end - as you mentioned, is doing his human self a disservice. I think it's also important for all of us to remember that gender is a construct and can be so fluid, so putting any of it in a socially constructed box just defies the entire point of the conversation.
I don't know if this is making any sense (your points are a lot more well spoken and coherent than mine), but I do think what you said is so important and needs to be out there. Also, I hope you know you are so freaking valid and nothing that's said on this site or others about traits/behavioors of Jensen's that mirror your own is a firm definition for those traits/behaviors, especially if people are putting them in a category you don't necessarily agree/feel comfortable with or identify as the right 'definition' if you will. Your words - "to perform gender in ways that make him feel authentic and happy" really resonated with me, and I think they hold true for both Jensen and you. To radically be our authentic selves is the goal, and I'm so glad that based on what you said you're feeling about your own relationship with gender it seems like you are in that place!!!
Sorry this is so long of a response and probably. muddy. I hope I got the gist of what you were asking, but also thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with me, you expressed them really clearly and it's given me a lot to think about :) if I got anything wrong, or misunderstood a point you were making please feel free to pop by and clarify or correct me.
I hope you have an excellent day <3
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doublebill · 3 years
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#even sam left but baby never did.
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Dear God, don't let England win. The English will be insufferable.
0 notes • Posted 2021-07-11 19:50:44 GMT
I do not understand the Impala hate. Baby is Dean's car; she has been a faithful constant in his life. It doesn't matter than John chose her, Dean helped John choose her. She is a home, a steed, and a source of safety and comfort. In a transient existence, let him have his one constant.
1 notes • Posted 2021-04-28 15:51:41 GMT
Suptober 2021 - Day 1: Harvest
Dean smiles to himself as Castiel pulls another spindly carrot out of the ground and beams up at him with pride.
It had been too late in the year to plant anything worthwhile when they first moved into the small dilapidated house, but Dean had cleared the whole yard, buying in vast amounts of compost and digging the whole place up for Cas to plant whatever he wanted the following spring. Considering all of the time, and effort, and hundreds of dollars they'd ploughed into the garden, Cas had managed to harvest about $10 worth of usable vegetables.
Despite this, it was all worth it. Dean would do the exact same thing every year for the rest of his life if it meant that Cas would look that happy, pulling underformed root vegetables out of the ground.
"Maybe we could make a stew." Cas said, nodding to the half a dozen long, pencil-thin carrots he cradled in his arms as he headed back up the new wooden steps into the house.
He placed them in the sink to wash off the dirt and Dean wrapped himself around his angel's back.
"Yeah, Cas. Stew would be great. If you want to go and wash up, I'll get started."
Castiel turned in his arms and gave him a gentle kiss before he headed to the bathroom to wash the sweat and grime from his body. Angel he may be, but they both knew that Cas' mojo was waning, he didn't waste it on things like wishing himself clean anymore. There was something nice and homey about that, it made this feel more real, like they were real people. Dean had spent decades not fitting in with society, being on the fringe and now he had a normal little life. He worked at the hardware store in town, Cas volunteered at an animal shelter a few days a week, and spent the rest of his time, pottering around the little house and garden.
Dean sighed at the carrots and turned on the faucet to rinse away the earth and gathered the other (store bought) vegetables to make the stew.
He remembered a story of a man who offered to show a poor family how to make soup from a stone in return for shelter and food for the night. Cas' carrots reminded him a little of that. He chopped the carrots, along with onions, and potatoes, and half a dozen other types of vegetable, putting them in a pan over a low heat and went to work on making some bread.
The house was getting there. He did pretty much all of the renovations himself, getting tools and materials at cost through his job was helpful. It was slow work, but it was making a space that reflected them. It had soft couches and a good TV, bookshelves, houseplants, Cas had even bought Dean an acoustic guitar from a thrift store in Kansas City for last Christmas. It was a far cry from the giant, austere, concrete bunker, but what it lacked in space and hunting resources, it made up in heart and comfort. There was a spare room, and a pull out couch so there was room for Sam and Eileen to stay when they came by for dinner every couple of weeks. There was an old Nintendo system that Dean had picked up for a steal in a garage sale for when Jack dropped in.
Dean was kneading the dough when Cas walked back into the kitchen, wearing soft pajamas, his damp hair sticking up wildly. He walked over to the stove and gave the stew an appreciative sniff. Dean plopped the dough in a large bowl and covered it with a towel to let it rise. After rinsing his hands, he pulled Cas with him into the living room to slump onto the couch. He ran his fingers gently through Cas' hair as he lay back against Dean's chest.
"Maybe we could get chickens. Then we could get eggs all year round. Maybe we could trade some with our neighbours as I don't seem to be terribly good at growing them."
Cas snorted "Vegetables. I am fully aware that this wasn't the bountiful harvest I was expecting when we planted them."
"We're both new at this, it'll get better." Dean pressed a soft kiss to the top of Cas' head.
And it did.
With the end of the great cosmic Winchester saga, Dean had been worried that normal life just wouldn't be able to satisfy him but he couldn't have been more wrong. He made friends, regular meet-at-the-bar-for-a-couple-of-beers friends. They went to barbecues and became well-known in their community for being a kind and friendly (if slightly odd) couple. He had his friends, he had his family, and he had his Cas.
That winter, he made a point of learning a Skynrd song on the guitar. On Christmas Eve, by the light of the fire, he serenaded Cas with Simple Man. At the end, he put the guitar aside, knelt down in front of Cas, and asked him to marry him. 
With tears of joy in his eyes, Cas said yes.
35 notes • Posted 2021-09-30 19:05:27 GMT
Suptober 2021 Day 3: Rainbows
"There are a lot of rainbow flags and signs here." Jack pointed out as they drove through Kansas City.
They had the windows rolled down in the heat. It was a weekend in late August, they were heading back to Lebanon and decided to come via KC to pick up some supplies it was harder to find locally. Dean was regretting it now as they crawled through the packed street at a snail's pace. People were wandering everywhere, every parking space was filled.
"Oh, it's Pride weekend here. It's a time for LGBTQIA people and their allies to come together and show pride and solidarity with their community." Sam explained.
"What's LBTQA?" Jack said, his head practically hanging out of the window as he looked around at the colorful display.
"Gay people." Dean piped up from the driver's seat.
"It's Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer or Questioning, Intersex, and Asexual." Sam said, pointedly. "As a community, they've long been discriminated against and this is a time they can all come together to show that they have pride in who they are."
"Something you wanna tell me, Sammy?" Dean snarked. Sam ignored him.
"I don't know what those things are." Jack said, sitting himself back down."
The Impala had slowed to a crawl as a large group of scantily clad people, crossed the road in front of them.
"It's to do with sexuality and gender identity." Cas said from the seat next to him. Sam continued:
"Lesbians are women who love other women, like Charlie, and Claire, and Kaia. Gay means men who love other men..."
"Like Cas and Dean!" Jack gleefully interrupted.
The car fell silent. It wasn't something that had really been discussed openly among the group since Cas had returned from the Empty. The silence stretched, becoming uncomfortable, when Dean finally spoke up.
"Yeah, kid. Like me and your dad. Although technically I think I'm one of the Bs"
Cas leant over to Jack and whispered.
"That's bisexual, which means that he likes women as well."
"Thank you Mr Wikipedia." Dean said, but there was no bite to it.
A pickup pulled out of a parking space just ahead of them and Dean wasted no time turning the Impala into the vacant space and killing the engine.
"Well, come on. We might as well go see what all the fuss is about."
From the sound of it, the main parade wasn't far away. They headed towards the noise and the music. Jack enjoyed himself, immensely. He was so busy gathering every flag, lanyard, and colorful piece of tat being given out on the street that neither he nor Sam noticed as Dean took Cas' hand in his, threading their fingers together.
It wasn't Dean's scene, it never would be, but there was enough going on around him that he didn't feel too self-conscious. He was a work in progress, but he loved Cas and he didn't want anyone to think he wasn't proud to be with him. They watched as people marched, banners flying high. Floats passed along the street, throwing out baubles. Jack insisted on having his picture taken with half of the people they saw. It was a good time, and no one batted an eye at two men walking along quietly, hand in hand.
It wasn't until several weeks later, that Dean saw the picture. Jack was going through the stack of photos he'd gotten Sam to print out. There was Jack surrounded by drag queens, Jack with a lesbian biker group, Jack covered with glitter and strings of beads. There was also one photo of Dean and Cas together, sharing a gentle kiss beneath a rainbow banner. The picture made him feel warm and kind of glowy inside. From then on, he didn't worry about what people might think when they looked at him and Cas together. Dean was proud.
52 notes • Posted 2021-10-03 16:08:36 GMT
Imagine that you're meant to be the sympathetic main character the audience can relate to. Then within half a season, your co-star whose character was written as a semi-likable Han Solo caricature becomes the focus.
Despite the writing, that character somehow becomes the most popular. Your co-star turns out to be not only prettier than you, but has the acting chops of someone who should really be in better things, and is more likable as a person.
Your co-worker connects with his character more, and has wild chemistry with almost everybody he comes into contact with in the show.
After fifteen years of being the runner up, somehow with first billing, you put an end to the series. You throw your co-star, a man you call brother, under the bus with an ending everyone hates so that your mediocre character can have a mediocre life. The network (that for some reason still thinks you are the primary draw) uses this to promote your upcoming, politically tone-deaf series.
Six months down the line, you're doing your thing being the solo star of your vanity project while your former co-star has bought the rights to the previous show. You get pissy that he didn't tell you he was doing something with those rights and put him on passive aggressive blast across the internet because your petty ego can't deal with the idea that you were never really the main focus.
You are 38 years old, a husband, and a father of three, and the entire internet is witnessing your tantrum.
You are a colossal dickbag.
94 notes • Posted 2021-06-30 03:11:54 GMT
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chaos-and-recover · 4 years
I do dubs for tv in france. Not SPN, but many shows for multiple networks for many years. We dub from audio, not script. This is why sometimes subtitles will be clearly wrong, or have the wrong off screen character talking. Sometimes the original episode will make later changes via ADR or deleting or adding a scene that we don't get. However I, as a dub, dont work alone or do what I want. Everything I dub gets verified by multiple people before ever making it to air. Different cultures have different context and euphemisms and different ways of expressing same emotions and so we have to verify that. Also people know that a disgruntled person might try and slip in a swear word or insult a politician. The CW is worried about losing its biggest most fan-interacted show when one cast member is moving over to Walker while having their Dare to Defy campaign winking at LGBT people. Accusations of homophobia and silencing Dean, when Jensen has openly hated the crappy finale, and has said they edited and cut down his reactions and has filmed that scene with his phone as well as Misha saying in panels he had signed NDAs, and Misha being the most listened to and trusted member of the cast in terms of fan interaction is really interesting for me as someone who works with dubbing. It doesn't help that after Misha said what he was likely told to say by the network (which is a BUSINESS with a bottom line, it is 100% understandable, they went bankrupt and had to merge with UPN because they ended Buffy and Angel) he immediately apologized and told everyone to keep speaking up. I am just telling you from my own experience it is more likely CW is doing damage control from their own understandable mistake than a rogue translator with rogue bosses and editors who let it air. What fans don't understand is the CW only cares about money. ALL TV NETWORKS ONLY CARE ABOUT MONEY. Losing a 15 year guaranteed paycheck is scary. It is why they took a cast member from that show and started a new show with him as a lead. A show about a cowboy sherriff. In America. That will definitely have a high conservative viewership like the original show. There is a reason why Jared is the only one praising the finale. That audio exists of Dean saying "I love you too" or "me too" and maybe it was said after Cas left and he was crying on the floor. The dub person would not risk their job for a ship.
Listen I know you’re right that the CW only cares about its own bottom line but they are not and never have been a network that appeals to dudebros, I really don’t think they’re courting some imaginary straight dude demo for Walker like??? They know who’s gonna be watching that show and it’s Jared girls.
I also think that if they really had gone with canon Destiel in 15x18 and then cut it at the last minute they would’ve like... made sure the foreign markets got those updates, like that’s a pretty big oversight to still have that out there.
Misha’s “one rogue translator” excuse doesn’t sound plausible but I really do not think it’s this epic conspiracy to cover up canon Destiel. The thing with all conspiracies is they require the ones doing the coverup to fuck up just enough to get caught, and that’s awfully convenient.
Also the CW has LGBT characters on other shows, and have for years. I’m not saying they do LGBT rep well (SPN most CERTAINLY has not, ever) but this whole “they are too SCARED of the gays!” narrative is... not... real.
I’ve seen good and convincing Destiel fanworks and it’s clear people really believe in and are comforted by the ship and that’s great, but I don’t believe it was ever the CW’s intention to make it canon.
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verobatto · 5 years
Destiel Chronicles
It was a love story from the very beginning.
Goodbye my Love. Goodbye Stranger.
Hello My Friends! How are you? Another important meta from season 8, and we are here... We are in the crypt scene!! Our hearts will break... 😭
I want to say thank you to my friend @agusvedder she made the gifs for this meta and discussed with me the episode.
Okay... Let's do this... **Deep breath**
Sam knows
In episode 8x17 Goodbye Stranger, Sam and Dean knew Castiel was behaving weird.
Although that, Dean had prayed to him because he was worried about Sam, but as we learned in the previous volume of this Chronicles, he didn't pray just for that, but also, because he wanted to see Castiel. Because Dean missed him and he was worried about him too.
So, when Sam discovered Dean was praying to him, even knowing Castiel was acting weird, he didn't just ask once, but twice about why his brother prayed to him...
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This first time, Sam is in awe, but this second time... With the whole thing digested, and with Castiel off, Sam is more direct.
DEAN: Well, he puts the "ass" in "Cas," huh?
SAM: He's definitely off.
DEAN: Off? He hasn't been right since he got back from Purgatory. We still don't know how he got out of there
Okay, this is a discussion the brother had had already, maybe a lot of times. They both were agreed about Castiel behaving weird. Then... Sam has this clear, but it caught his attention Dean's doesn't have things clear apparently, because he prayed to him. So... Here is the question, direct, and without anesthesia...
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And Dean's face is acting everything. Okay, you can argue with me about this point, because later on this episode we will have this dialogue...
SAM: I'm fine.
DEAN: No, you're not fine. You haven't been fine since the first trial. That's why I called Cas.
Yes, Dean prayed to Castiel because he was worried about Sam, we already knew that... But... What we know too is... He prayed waiting for Castiel to appear right there in his room, remember? So... One of the reason, the big one, is the necessity of Castiel to heal his brother, to protect him, but the Hidden One, that one that makes Dean try to hide, and put himself flustered when Sam asked him the reason why, I because he wanted to see Cas, because he's worried about him, and he missed him. Because he loves him.
So here he had the perfect motive again to show his brother he called Cas because he was worried about his little brother's healthy... Perfect... No homo there my friends... Just a worried brother calling for his totally platonic bro/friend to help him.
But Sam is insightful and clever, I want you to jump with me to the last scene... We can do that because we all know this episode like our names, so... A little more of Sammy knows...
After the crypt scene, they were back on the road in baby, Castiel had left, as we know, and this is what Dean says to Sam...
SAM: So... what happened? I mean, Cas touched the tablet, and it reset him to his factory settings or something?
DEAN: I don't know. And I don't care. All I know is that he is off the reservation with a-a heavenly WMD. Listen, man, I can't take any more lies -- from anyone.
Dean is mad, Sam gets it immediately, he's mad. But not at Sam. Sam gets that too.
Because when Dean avoids a topic... Is because that's really affecting him...
And then... This song starts to play... And watch Sammy's face...
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These are the lyrics from Goodbye Stranger
It was an early morning yesterday
I was up before the dawn
And I really have enjoyed my stay
But I must be moving on
Like a king without a castle
Like a queen without a throne
I'm an early morning lover
And I must be moving on
Okay, this is a lover of one night, a lover that doesn't get strains to anyone. After Dean confessed his feelings to Castiel on that crypt, Castiel decides to run away with the tablet, leaving Dean alone, heartbroken and feeling unrequited. Again.
Now I believe in what you say
Is the undisputed truth
But I have to have things my own way
To keep me in my youth
We are still talking about Castiel here.
Like a ship without an anchor
Like a slave without a chain
Just the thought of those sweet ladies
Sends a shiver through my veins
Castiel deciding to leave again, he rejected Dean's feelings (from Dean's POV) and help. He's a lone wolf. B
And I will go on shining
Shining like brand new
I'll never look behind me
My troubles will be few
Goodbye stranger it's been nice
Hope you find your paradise
Tried to see your point of view
Hope your dreams will all come true
And we had reached Dean's POV at this point, he's mad, and very very angry. Because he was rejected and Cas didn't trust him. So he's saying goodbye to him.
Goodbye Mary, goodbye Jane
Will we ever meet again
Feel no sorrow, feel no shame
Come tomorrow, feel no pain
Dean pushing down all his feelings again.
Sweet devotion (Goodbye, Mary)
It's not for me (Goodbye, Jane)
Just give me motion (Will we ever)
To set me free (Meet again?)
In the land and the ocean (Feel no sorrow)
Far away (Feel no shame)
It's the life I've chosen (Come tomorrow)
Every day (Feel no pain)
So goodbye, Mary (Goodbye, Mary)
Goodbye, Jane (Goodbye, Jane)
Will we ever (Will we ever)
Meet again? (Meet again?)
This is Dean trying to say goodbye to his feeling for Castiel, is not for me, goodbye sweet devotion, because he feels so hurted and heartbroken, he decides to push everything down, because he feel unrequited.
Now... Let's come back to one important thing right here... Megstiel time...
Megstiel brought us Jealous!Dean back again
The classic Megstiel scene, is quite interesting, because Meg can't stop to seduce Cas by throwing at him a lot of sugestives quotes... I won't talk about the whole conversation, Agua is making a gifset I will relate with this meta because sadly, I just can put 10 gifs to show you all the things I saw, but what I want to point here is an idea I constructed in my head since I met Castiel. Please read this mini meta here I wrote time ago, about Castiel's seduction techniques.
And you will catch what I need to show you now in this piece of dialogue...
CASTIEL: These wounds have festered. [CASTIEL wraps gauze around one of MEG's wrists.]
MEG: You really do know how to make a girl's nethers quiver, don't you? [MEG is sitting on the couch, holding an open bottle of booze, she's been cleaned up a bit.]
CASTIEL: I am aware of how to do that. Although it doesn't usually involve cleaning wounds.
Did you read that?!!!!!! Cas is aware about seduction techniques!!
As I said on my mini meta, I'm pretty sure Castiel used his seduction techniques with Dean... And he still does that! Because HE KNOWS HOW TO DO THAT!!
Irresistible... PrayxDean.
Okay, let's talk about Jealous!Dean. We had two scenes in which we had Dean feeling jealous in Meg presence.
First scene, and how writers and producers are very aware of the fandom's ships... And they use it.
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Dean is saying this with disgust, why he feels jealous always about Meg? Well, maybe because Castiel kissed Meg so passionate that time? And they had that special friendship in season 7???
And then this one... Dean acting like cockblocker, really Dean? Control your jealous face please 😏
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The Crypt Scene
Okay, we're here, Carver era, crypt scene, a place in which Dean had to say I LOVE YOU to Cas, making Destiel canon, but he did, because Jensen's was so right back then, Dean wasn't prepared...
But... What happened in this crypt? Everything!
Okay, First of all, I need you to rewind the video, at the beginning of this episode, remember that scene with a lot of Dean's killed by Castiel, with Naomi watching? Yeah... She made Cas kill a lot.of Dean bc she knew what Cas felt for him. So she needed to be sure Cas will kill Dean when it will be needed. She was a bitch...
Then... When CAS and Dean were alone at the crypt, and Dean had the angel tablet in his hands... The program in Castiel's head started to roll. Dean noticed Castiel was trying to get the tablet, and he didn't trust in Cas because he was acting weird... So... He tried to get from the angel some truth... Like... How he had been pulled out from Purgatory...
CASTIEL: I can't let you take that, Dean.
DEAN: Can't or won't?
DEAN: How did you get out of Purgatory, Cas?
Immediately, after seeing that wasn't HIS CAS, Dean threw that question.
The entire scene flips between the crypt and Naomi, and how CAS is trying so hard not to obey and keep Dean safe.
DEAN: Just tell me how you got out of Purgatory. Be honest with me -- for the first time since you've been back -- [DEAN nods towards the stone he's still holding] and this is yours. [CASTIEL's blade drops into his hand.]
Dean needed to hear the truth. Everything, he needed to hear too... Castiel didn't stay because he didn't want to come back with him... He needed Cas to say that was a lie too...
DEAN: Cas. Cas, I don't know what the hell is wrong with you, but if you're in there and you can hear me, you don't have to do this. [CASTIEL attacks, DEAN blocks the blow with the stone.] Cas! [Flashes of light, thunder rumbles.]
Dean sees Castiel isn't there, he's defending himself against a robot, where is his friend? He tries to call h back, to drag him to reality. He tries because he believes he can reach him.
And while this is happening and Cas began to hit Dean, Naomi tries to keep him under control, because Castiel is fighting back strongly, Naomi wants him to protect the tablet and kill Dean, and Cas wants to protect DEAN.
NAOMI: Do you realize what that tablet can do for us?
NAOMI: For heaven?
CASTIEL: I won't hurt Dean.
NAOMI: Yes. You will. You are.
The scene is too intense, and Cas keeps hitting Dean, and Dean keeps calling him. Till... This happens...
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Look at Dean's hand, trying to reach Castiel...
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Dean is not just trying to reach Cas with his hand, but also with his words... He's sure Castiel is there, and he's sure he will listen, and he's sure Castiel will come back to him. That's why he tries with everything he has... With honesty. Tries to get him back with honest feelings and words... We need you... Not hell... Cas... I NEED YOU. The same words he used when he convinced him to follow him in Purgatory. I need you, don't leave me. This I NEED YOU is so so important, is the replacement of the I LOVE YOU that never happens. So is the big I NEED YOU. Dean's naked feelings. His last shot. His bare soul. Right there. Chest open, heart beating.
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Dean is waiting for Castiel's reaction after his confession, and immediately after that honest I NEED YOU, Castiel breaks connection, and he's back again.
Not the tablet, why not? Because the I NEED YOU is what makes Cas stop. And when he touches the tablet, and Crowley reveals the tablet was what kept Castiel disconnected with Naomi, why he still was disconnected after losing the tablet? Pure logic, my friends, the tablet had nothing to do with this disconnection, it was Dean's I NEED YOU, who worked, and brought Cas back. The love. The Profound Bond.
And it hurts a lot, because while Castiel was hitting him, Dean was grabbing his forearm, with fear, he thought Cas will kill him... But he just couldn't stop grabbing him, he couldn't stop being close to him like that. He has to get his angel back... And when CAS reach's his face with his hand... Dean grabbed Castiel's forearm again, you have to rewatch the scene is so romantic and angsty, Dean was terrified, but he just remained there... Kneeled... Tryin to make Cas to hear him, and trying to get him back, and he did it.
The big question the writers left to us, we already know the answer...
DEAN: Well, w-what broke the connection?
CASTIEL: I don't know. I just know that I have to protect this tablet now.
DEAN: From Naomi?
CASTIEL: Yes. And from you.
Castiel said this, because it was Purgatory all over again, and Leviathans chasing after Cas, but this time, were Angels and a dangerous Naomi, so he needed to put that tablet safe and far away from everyone, and from Dean, to protect him again.
But what Dean understood here is CAS DOESN'T TRUST ME, AFTER I CONFESSED MY FEELINGS, HE DOESN'T TRUST ME. And his heart broke again, and we had to hear that song in the car... Dean is heartbroken, as the first half of the season showed us, tons of broken and eaten hearts... He's disappointed with CAS... And he's feeling rejected and unrequited...
To Conclude:
This episode showed us Sam Winchester getting the idea of what Dean feels for Castiel.
We also had Megstiel as a tool, because it brought us back Jealous Dean and we got the idea about how Castiel is conscious about seduction techniques.
But the most important scene, one of the most emblematic of Destiel scenes, was the Crypt scene. The I LOVE that never happened, but a huge love Confession from Dean to get Castiel back.
The confession brought Castiel back, but when the angel ran away from Dean, Dean felt rejected, heartbroken and unrequited, and he began to pushing all his feelings down again.
I hope you like this meta, I suffered a lot, but we'll.. I love this scene...
See you in the next one!
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If you want to be tagged, just let me know.
If you want to read the previous metas from Season 8, here you have the links...
Vol. XXXI, Vol. XXXII, Vol. XXXIII, Vol. XXXIV and Vol. XXXV
Buenos Aires November 5th 2019 8:11 PM
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mittensmorgul · 5 years
Why do you spose Jensen doesn't like to talk about Seasons 6/7 much? I'm wondering if it was plot related, or something else that was going on in his life at the time... I feel like 6&7 get a bad rap, but I actually really enjoy those seasons 🤷
Well I do know there was a lot of BTS stuff in those seasons-- especially during s7-- that made that era difficult for him personally. I mean, if you watch the sdcc video of the pre-s7 panel, it’s pretty uncomfortable to watch his reactions to Sera waffling over the question of how much of Cas we’d be seeing in s7. They knew she’d killed Cas off, and there was Misha sitting there with Cas getting cheered on by the audience, and they all knew he’d been killed off the show-- with the intent at the time that it was a permanent death.
There’s an interview on the s7 dvd extras where Jensen talks about how good it was to finally get Cas back. S7 was a season which systematically took things away from Sam and Dean, starting with Cas and moving right down the line until they pretty much had nothing. It’s about the most emotionally bleak season of the entire series.
I went blog spelunking for that interview video, but found a bunch of stuff:
This lays out a lot of the emotional trauma Dean dealt with in those seasons, which possibly goes some way toward how Jensen remembers them, too. It was an emotionally difficult period for him to act through, you know? https://mittensmorgul.tumblr.com/post/163454512675/survival-of-the-fittest-rewatch-airs-today-i-have
but I found the link to the video of that panel, and let’s say it’s incredibly uncomfortable. The first question to Misha is at 2:55 of the video, and the follow-up to Sera about how much we’ll be seeing Castiel in s7 begins at about 4:50. I’d suggest watching this carefully, looking at Sera’s reaction, comparing it to Jensen’s stony, sarcastic reactions, to Jared attempting to deflect with humor, and Misha basically being Misha...
Let’s just say there is a lot of subtext happening here, and it’s pretty clear that Jensen in particular has some objections to the direction s7 was taking from the outset... This is prime Grumpy!Jensen, and he’s got good reason for that.
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