#and ive seen a rise in kids being like without proper diagnosis and it's like...
bluemoontarot · 2 years
Lil reminder that self diagnosing can be a good way to help doctors focus on the symptoms that make your life difficult!
Reminder that a good percent of mental illnesses have symptoms that overlap! Did you know PTSD and ADHD have almost identical symptoms when it comes to being over or under stimulated??? Me neither! I thought I had ADHD for years but it turns out I just have complex trauma!!
Anxiety and autism also are two that have a lot of overlapping symptoms!
MPD or now known as DID is actually EXTREMELY rare and HAS to be developed either genetically or through a VERY INTENSE trauma at a young age. This often gets mistaken with Bipolar, please do research bc the treatment for these are VERY different and the meds do WILDLY different things.
This has been a PSA from a 25 yr old who grew up around psychologists and lots of therapy and has read too many books.
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