#and ive only ever been to the zoo here once
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Hi, I've been made aware you do not know of the hit singer and song writer Will Wood? Hes only the mom awesome, talented, and most amazing song writer ive ever heard. He had a band called Will Wood and the Tapeworms but now posts all his newer songs on his personal account (Will Wood). He has a very unique style of songwriting that fits into the Alternative song genre. He has also written the soundtrack to a podcast Camp Here and There which is a story podcast (I recommend listening to it 🙏 its on Spotify)
His top album has been The Normal Album which came out a few years ago. His top song being Love, Me Normally. Hes collaborated with Human Zoo once to make Aphrodite, your electric sexiness.
Overall his songs are well made and can either be loud, fast(mostly his Tapeworms songs), or soft and slow (his album In Case I Make It). Some of his songs remind me of you guys really. Especially “The Main Character” I wont elaborate much on that. But check him out! Hes a 10/10 recommend choice for me
Wow. Its not often I get to see someone writing so passionately about this! It sounds very interesting, and I might as well listen to something to pass the time.. consider “Will Wood” to be listened to! If anything catches my eye, I’ll make sure to post about it!
#mouthwashing#ask blog#anya mouthwashing#curly mouthwashing#daisuke mouthwashing#game mouthwashing#jimmy mouthwashing#mouthwashing anya#swansea mouthwashing#wrong organ
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To All The Boys I've Loved Before (Part 16)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15)
“Okay, what’s going on?” Logan finally asks, hands on the steering wheel and eyes on the road but he’s too well attuned with his surroundings to not notice the giggling kids in the back seat.
“Heather and Darrell are playing cupid,” Veronica remarks, chewing on a piece of liquorice as she twists around in her seat to get a look at the giggling duo.
“Cupidress,” Heather corrects. “Or well you could just go ahead and call me Aphrodite, the goddess of love.”
Logan chuckles, brows perking up, amused, “Alright, Miss Goddess of Love, who are you aiming your arrows at?”
Veronica tilts her head and informs him, “Nope, Cupid’s the one with the bow and arrow," she points directionless at him with her liquorice as he drives. "Aphrodite has a magic girdle.”
His lips curves, remarking, “Chill out Athena, I was talking to Aphrodite here.”
Veronica rolls her eyes, munching away, trying to focus herself on the scenery outside instead of the boy next to her. “Sure, Poseidon, get back to your mixed up mythical references.”
“Sheesh, someone’s testy this morning.”
“Not all of us can sleep through the car ride like Wallace here," she jerks her thumb in the direction of the back seat where Wallace is leaning his head against the window, snoozing away until they reach the zoo. "And I didn't get enough sleep last night."
"Thoughts of me?" He quips, batting his lashes. "Hey, I get it. Sometimes I’m up all night, just thinkin’ about myself.”
She resists the urge to smack his shoulder since he's driving and settles for making him regret his unwanted snark. "Actually I was baking a chocolate cake for us to have for dessert but guess who just cost himself a slice?"
Logan groans, he wants to look at her with pleading eyes but he doesn't want to take his eyes off the road for too many seconds. "C'mon, Veronica, don't I get credit for driving us all there?"
"Nope, you wanted to drive," she mercilessly points out.
"Heather asked me to drive," he retaliates. "Who am I to deny the kid her wish?"
Veronica sneers at the reminder. "I drive perfectly fine, thank you very much and if she had a such a problem she could have rode with Dad and Mrs Fennel."
"No!" Heather objects, almost leaping out of her seat to defend her choices but thankfully has on her seatbelt holding her down. "The whole point is that Dad and Alicia can have some alone time!"
"Oh," Logan lets out, comprehending who her two victims of love were.
"And she said you drive like you're in a NASCAR game," Darrell points out and Heather objects with a loud hey for the treachery. He shrugs, "That's what you get for sticking me with the middle seat."
"Urg!" Veronica huffs. "That happened once! And I thought we were being followed by the E-String Strangler. And maybe you shouldn't get any cake either."
"Who wants a piece of the leaning tower of Pisa anyway?" Heather snarks. "Besides we want ice cream for dessert, not cake."
Veronica lets out a long psshhttt sound and grumbles, "It goes down your throat the same either way."
“We’re getting on the bus!” Keith eagerly says, map in hand, ready to go.
“Dad, no," Veronica whines, she's hungry and hot and wants to just sit and eat something - anything - before they start their journey from one end of the zoo to the other.
“It’s only half an hour Veronica. Half the zoo, half an hour," he emphasises like it's a bargain they can't possibly pass up on.
"I've got snacks," Alicia interjects and Veronica's eyes are drawn to the overly big beach bag that Alicia's carrying. "You can have some to tide you over until we can eat," she offers with a smile and Veronica eagerly accepts, looking at her best friend's mother like she's a savour sent from above.
"Sandwiches are life savers," Veronica hums happily, settling on the upper level of the double decker bus with Logan next to her. She admits, it is easier to take the bus but hunger takes precedence over everything else and Veronica's never been more grateful for Mrs Fennel.
Logan chuckles, nodding his head and stares at her adoringly. Yesterday while surfing he'd come to many revelations; one being that he's gonna show Veronica just how real they are. He's come to understand her a lot in their short time together and knows he can't lay out his feelings to her just yet.
She'd been firm in the fact that she doesn't want to date him and doesn't like him but he feels like that's changed - they've changed - in the sense that she does care about him, has fun with him, can be honest with him and maybe all these feelings were always there buried underneath the spells of her letter. And now he's opened the letter - broken the spell - he's seen her bared feelings and he wants to open her heart and see what's in there now.
She's been hurt, she has trust issues and she'd rather leave before she's left. She has all these pre-determined notions in her head and he's hoping he can deconstruct each one and in time she'll come to see him as he sees her.
So he's doing his best, showing her he likes her, showing her she can trust him and showing her that he's there - that he's going to be there. And he can see that she's doing the same even if she doesn't realize it yet.
“Ronica," Heather says, bright eyed as she turns from her seat in front of them. "Make sure to take out some good koala-ty pictures,” she giggles and nudges Darrell, who's looking excitedly at said Koalas and giggles along with her.
“Don’t worry, she’s got the koalafications,” Logan winks, instantly joining in before Veronica can make a snarky remark.
"And if she's underkoalafied, we just have to bear with it," Darrell outright laughs along with Heather, the two thoroughly enjoying themselves the moment they stepped out of their houses.
"So glad I could be of amoosement to you," Veronica remarks, straight-faced and seemingly exasperated. The kids giggle wildly and Logan chuckles, happy that she's not really upset and Veronica obligingly snaps shots of the Koalas hugging the trees and eating leaves.
"Guess what," Wallace leans forward in his seat, his head popping between Logan and Veronica, startling the couple.
"You've finally found where they're stashing the unicorns?" Veronica pipes, hope springing in her eyes.
"It's better than unicorns, Vee," he grins widely, suddenly full of energy unlike his earlier slumberly state.
"Damn, man," Logan chuckles. "You've got it bad."
"You would know," Wallace reproaches, nudging Logan with his shoulder from the back.
Logan peaks at Veronica and she shakes off his look. "Is this about Georgia?" She asks, brow arches, already knowing the answer.
He bobs his head. "She said she can meet me at the zoo. Isn't that great?"
"Ronica," Heather calls out once again. "Look," she says, pointing to an Orangutan swinging on the tree. "It's you!" She bursts out in giggles.
Veronica huffs. "Oh and look at that, you're right there next to me," she sticks out her tongue, unwilling to be defeated by her little sister.
"Who's the eleven year old, again?" Wallace chuckles, shaking his head.
"I'm eleven and a half," Heather points out, firm in the fact that she's not merely eleven anymore.
“Oh, hey, Heather, look it’s you,” Veronica smirks, gesturing to the Tasmanian Devil, a cheeky smug look on her face while Heather gasps.
“I happen to think it’s adorable,” Logan winks, earning Veronica a playfully triumph tongue out from Heather.
Heather obsesses over getting a picture with everything. And more so, she obsesses over getting Logan and Veronica to take coupley pictures together whenever she sees coupley things. Like if two animals are being cute together or if there's statues that seem romantic - not that there are many - except maybe for this one particular statue. It's a statue of a sailor, dipping a nurse and kissing her full on the mouth.
Veronica hasn't denied her sister much but this is one of the things she simply cannot do and Heather whines, "C'mon, Ronica, it'll be so romantic! I mean you dragged Logan to the zoo and you can't even give him one kiss?"
Veronica gaps at her little sister. "You dragged Logan to the zoo and I'm not gonna kiss Logan like that here with dad right there! I'm not insane."
Heather concedes the point but she's not happy with it. "Urg, fine, but I still want a picture of you two with the statue. I need proof to send Meg that you actually have a boyfriend."
Veronica sighs, she's been meaning to tell Meg about Logan's new role in her life and now that everyone but Meg knows, she really doesn't have much of a choice.
She's standing next to Logan, their fingers laced with a camera ready smile in front of the statue as Heather snaps a picture and shakes her head, asking them to try another pose.
It takes three more tries before Heather is satisfied with one where they're gazing into each others eyes.

She leaves them be and turns to her father, begging him to let her take one out with him and Alicia.
Keith chokes back a cough while Alicia chuckles, accepting the request. Veronica's just glad that Heather didn't demand they kiss in front of the statue like she'd done with her and Logan.
“I am a koalafied match-maker,” Heather brags, puffing out her chest and twirling around like the power of love has given her unreserved energy even though it's the end of the day and everyone else is exhausted.
“Oh, are you now?” Veronica arches her brow, she's holding Logan's hand and they're walking up a nearby park to set up a nice evening picnic. Alicia has prepared a variety of food and kept it in a warmer in the car along with a cooler filled with water and soda. They also have Veronica's homemade chocolate cake for dessert that Veronica's been coaxed into sharing with Logan. And Logan has somewhat been coaxed into getting ice cream for the two kids - three kids including Veronica.
"Mmmhmm," Heather hums, she's smiling wide, proud and again she's got that 'I know something you don't know' look on her face. "Just look at you and Logan.”
Veronica's hand tightens it's hold on Logan's. “Me and Logan?”
Heather notices the look on her sister's face and freezes, decidingly changing her mind from saying anything more because one, Veronica looks stricken and two, she doesn't know if Logan's supposed to know what she knows.
Veronica stares at her little sister, she's got a feeling that she needs to know what Heather knows so she lets go of Logan's hand and dashes after the now running girl. She feels an adrenaline rush hit her because it all makes sense if what she thinks is true, she just doesn't know why her sister would do that to her.
"Heather, get back here," she calls out, she's the star of the soccer team and she's beaten Heather many a times at racing so it's only a matter of time until she catches her.
Logan stays rooted in his spot, deep confusion spreading over his face as he watches the girls get further and further away, everyone else is setting up for their evening picnic and he wonders if he should leave them to it or catch up. The moment Veronica had tightened her grip on his hand, he'd felt the tension right to her fingertips.
Heather is hiding behind a tree, darting back and forth so Veronica can't grab her. "Okay, I was the one that sent out the letters," she admits, hoping her honesty gets her some mercy points with her sister.
“I’m gonna kill you, you little brat," Veronica lunges across and Heather darts away as quick as her small body allows.
“Oh, come on, Ronica, Logan’s the best thing that’s ever happened to you," Heather makes her plea. She can see the difference in sister's life; everyone in Veronica's life let her live in her comfort zone and Logan brought her out of it in a way that didn't seem all that uncomfortable and Heather figures that's a rare thing to have.
“Veronica," Logan calls out, jogging to the girls.
“You didn’t have to send out all five!" Veronica says as she thinks of how messed up everything has gotten with Duncan and how she's now keeping secrets from Meg.
Heather pouts, puppy eyes are out and her head tilts, just like she'd learned from Veronica and she slightly shrugs, “I thought five chances at a boyfriend were better odds.”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Logan holds Veronica steady before she could once again dart to her sister and Heather quickly runs behind Logan. “What’s going on?”
“Veronica’s being totally irrational," Heather says, her adrenaline rush catching up to her.
“I’ll show you irrational," Veronica grunts, trying to move away from Logan but he wraps his arms around her and holds her tight against him with a soft but firm, hey - a hey that's reminding her that she's going attack mode on her eleven year old sister.
“She sent out the letters," she tells him, her anger slowly subsiding.
“Oh," he lets out a breath and loosens his hold on he see her face. "Well, you can forgive her since it worked out, right?” He gives her a pointed look.
“I just wanted you to be happy, Veronica," Heather softly admits.
Veronica sighs. “I wasn’t unhappy.”
“But you’re happier with Logan, right?” Heather peaks, still slightly behind Logan but now can visibly see her sister's facial reaction.
“Right," Veronica pats Heather's hair, softly, letting her know that she's forgiven. "But you owe me one."
Logan leans down to Heather when Veronica starts to to walk away, "Hey, kiddo, I owe you one," he winks and Heather brightens, all regret officially thrown out the window.
"You better not hurt her, Lo," Heather warns. "Especially not since you've got the Mars seal of approval."
He chuckles, rubs a hand over her head like Veronica had done. "I don't intend to," he softly says. "Thank you, Heather."
She bobs her head, smiles widely and drags him along to the picnic; she's glad she invited him.
#veronica mars#logan echolls#keith mars#heather mars#heather button#wallace fennel#alicia fennel#darrell fennel#logan x veronica#love#inspired by to all the boys i've loved before#to all the boys i've loved before#part 16#urg i swear when i was writing this i almost just said screw it you guys#but theres a more development needed to get to thar point#also posted on ao3#and ffnet#and also im sorry about the zoo inconsistances#ive never been to the san diego zoo#and ive only ever been to the zoo here once#and as i can see from google it's hella different#and i have no idea if the statue with the sailor and the nurse from the zoo or not#but i liked it a lot and kept it in the story#unconditional surrender statue
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who is he pt 4
BESTIES!!!!! it’s been tooooooo long ive just had no motivation 🤪 but today we had parade rehearsal and they didn't really need me so i had time to write this, sorry its been so long!!! i hope everyones doing well and staying safe
part 1 part 2 part 3
“Is link your boyfriend?” Scout asked as his mother cut his waffles.
“No, he isn’t. We’re just friends.”
“Why do we spend so much time with him?” In the following weeks of the zoo excursion, the trio had done countless things with one another.
“Just cause.” Amelia quickly said, starting to get nervous, hoping her son wouldn't ask to elaborate.
“Okay.” Scout shrugged, dropping the subject. Eliciting a sigh of relief from his mother. “Is he coming to my softball game tonight?”
“Yeah, I think he is.”
“Do you not want him to?”
“Well, he works for baseball players, and they’re all really good; what if he thinks I’m a bad player?”
“Oh babe, he won’t think that at all. I’m sure he’ll be very impressed.” It took a lot of begging for Amelia to allow Scout to play softball, but the more she watched her son played, the prouder she was of him. He was a good player for a kid his age.
“Mom? What are you doing here?” Link asked as he opened his apartment door.
“I came to visit you since you never come to see us.” His mother brought him into a hug as she walked further in.
“A little notice would’ve been nice.” The man sighed, picking up the mini cooler that was on the counter and his sunglasses.
“Oh, I’m sorry.” Maureen realized her son was getting prepared to leave. “Are you going somewhere?”
“Uh, yeah, I am.”
“There’s no baseball game today, though.” Maureen had checked before she came to assure her son would have time to spend with her.
“Yeah, I’m just going out; I’ll be back in maybe two hours? Just entertain yourself, and the guest room should be clean if you want to stay in there.” Link pointed across the hall.
“Okay, thanks.” Maureen sadly smiled, slightly offended at her sons' offish behavior.
“You look like your gonna throw up.” Link chuckled as he sat down next to Amelia handing her a water from the cooler.
“I’m just terrified he’s gonna hit his head in just the wrong space and immediately die.” Amelia quickly ranted as she watched her son step up to the base; this was her usual freak-out routine when her son would be playing.
“He’s gonna be just fine, Mia.” Amelia quickly diverted her attention to the man; he hadn’t used the nickname in 5 years. “Sorry I-“
“Shh.” Amelia shushed him as their son hit the ball and start bolting for the next base, standing up when he fell face-first as he tried to reach the base. “Crap.”
“Hey, it’s okay.” He grabbed her arm, seating her, when he got up and kept running. “He’s okay.”
“Okay.” Amelia shifted awkwardly, putting her hand on her chest to try and control her breathing. “I hate this.”
“Look at how happy he is, though.” Link loved his son, even if the boy didn’t know he was his father. But that fact broke his heart; to the little boy, he was just a friend.
“He’s getting suspicious.”
“Hmm?” Link hummed, shoving some peanuts in his mouth.
“He asked if we were dating; I said no, obviously.” For some reason, this stung the man. “But he’s smart; he’s gonna realize eventually, so maybe we should talk about telling him.”
“And you're okay with this?” Link asked hopefully.
“He’s gonna find out eventually.” Amelia sighed, picking at her nail. “I mean, I don’t really have a choice; I’ve already messed up too much. Depriving both of you of a relationship from each other.”
“I don’t blame you, not anymore.” Link whispered. “You were protecting him, and yourself. I mean, I’m upset I missed so much, but I get it.” Amelia looked at the man and genuinely smiled.
“Thank you.” The woman whispered with tears in her eyes.
“Mom, did you see that?” Scout cheered as he ran into his mother’s arms. “I made a home run!”
“I know, I’m so so so proud of you.” Amelia laughed as she spun the boy around.
“You did really great, bud.” Link smiled, patting the boy's back.
“Thanks, Link.” Scout smiled brightly.
“I’ll have to take you to a Mariners game sometime.” Link smiled, thinking about bringing his son to a game and introducing him to the players. “If it’s okay with your mom, of course.”
“We can work something out.” Amelia reluctantly smiled.
“Can we get donuts?” Scout asked, jumping on the balls of his feet.
“Sure.” Amelia laughed at her sons' excitement over donuts, reminding her of how her ex-boyfriend used to act.
“Can Link come?” Scout asked.
“If he wants to.” Amelia smiled at the man, who eagerly nodded.
“I’d love to; donuts are my absolute favorite.” Link smiled, knowing that his son loved his favorite snack as much as he did. “You know they have a Gotham Donuts in Seattle now?”
“I didn’t,” Amelia said, taken aback, thinking back to the New York fiasco, and how she was falling in love with the man.
“Let’s go!!!!” Scout said, starting to get impatient, pulling his mother’s arm.
“Alright, alright.”
“They don’t taste exactly like the ones in New York, but they’re still my favorite.” Link said after he shoved a whole donut in his mouth.
“Everything pastry wise is better in New York. Especially, bagels,” Amelia remarked.
“Yeah, my mom won’t let us ever get bagels. Only when we’re in New York.” Scout laughed, making Link smile. The man recalled one morning when he brought home breakfast bagels for the two, and she refused to eat them.
“She’s very dramatic, huh?” Link smirked, making eye contact with the woman.
“Hey! Am not!” Amelia playfully defended.
“You are, though, mommy.” Scout agreed with the man.
“Alright, I guess just a little bit.” Amelia caved, running the boy's hair through his fingers, noticing the boy's eyes start to droop the longer they sat. “You getting tired, bud?”
“Mmmhmm.” The boy nodded, snuggling into his mother’s side.
“Okay, let’s get you to bed.” Amelia helped scout out of the booth. “Thanks so much, Link.”
“Yeah, of course.” He’d been trying to keep his tears at bay as he watched the interaction between the two. “Great job today!”
“Thanks.” Scout waved as the two walked off.
When Link arrived back at his apartment, he found dinner in the microwave, and his mother fast asleep in the spare bedroom. The bedroom that should be Scout’s. He remembered the night the couple crashed at his apartment, and he took her into the room, and they mapped out how the nursery would be set up. The orthopedic surgeon shook the thought of his head and went into his room, quickly finding his bed and falling asleep.
“Link.” His mother’s soft voice jutting him out of sleep.
“What?” Link asked, somewhat shocked to of been woken up, almost forgetting his mother was even there.
“You left your phone in the kitchen, and someone called Meredith keeps calling.” Maureen raised her eyebrow, trying to determine if this was a possible love interest.
Link took the ringing phone from his mother while trying to contain his eye roll. “What’s up?”
“Don’t freak out.” Meredith’s shaky voice rang in his ears.
“What? What happened?” Link sat up abruptly in his bed, his mother perking up at her sons' nervousness.
“There was a car crash.” Before she could continue, he jumped up from his bed and started to get dressed, trying to calm his shakiness. “Scout is fine. Maggie is with him, and he just has a tiny laceration on his forehead, which is being patched up as we speak?”
“And Amelia?” The man's heart dropped at the hesitation, suddenly regretting everything that had not happened between the two, especially not fighting to be in her and her sons' life.
“She was unconscious when they brought her in; Koracick is bringing her up to CT. He’s the best.” Link could sense the woman’s pain with saying that; he knew she’d prefer her late husband. The one who Amelia would talk so fondly of, and aspire to be.
“And the other person?” The man asked, heading to the door, his mom following him and confiscated his keys. He was about to yell at her until he realized how shaky his hands were; it was probably too dangerous to drive himself.
“Tox screen came back; he was definitely intoxicated. He should be fine, though.” Before he knew what he was doing, he abruptly hung up, regretting that he even asked. Once the pair got to the parking lot, everything seemed to be in slow motion. He remembered his mom asking for directions, and standing outside of the hospital, unable to find the strength to walk in.
#amelia shepherd#amelink#atticus lincoln#baby amelink#greys anatomy#greysanatomy#greys fanfic#greys anatomy fanfic#scout lincoln#Maureen Lincoln#maggie pierce#meredith grey#tw car crash
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The Next One’s on You 4/5
This one is going to hurt. I’m sorry. Here is chapter four: Champagne. Thank you so much for your support. I love every reblog, comment, and like. Pairing: Maxwell Lord x F! Reader
Warning: 18 + for language, mentions of pregnancy, toxic relatives Taglist: @josepedropascal @mrschiltoncat @mrsparknuts @ghostwiththemostbitch @zannemes @oldstuffnewstuff @yespolkadotkitty @heythere-mel @justanotherblonde23 @artsymaddie @anetteaneta @maxlordsgf
My Masterlist
Chapter Four: Champagne
From the outside the coffee shop looks closed for the evening, the neon's are off, the chairs are up, and all is quiet. Except for the light bleeding from under the door that leads to the back room. There you sit, on the cold freshly mopped tile in the most expensive dress you could ever imagine. Heels kicked off, knees pulled up to your chest, and head down. You slowly raise your head and see your face reflected off the walk in across the room. A diamond headband in your hair, curls falling out of the once elegant up-do, and mascara running down your cheeks. This was supposed to be the happiest day of your life, but it’s quickly become the worst.
Becoming a figure in the public eye was never part of your ideal life plan. But, falling in love with Maxwell Lord IV and becoming his future wife, did not leave you with much of a choice. When he made the announcement at the next public event the press went crazy. Tearing apart every inch of your life with tweezers, paying old friends, roommates, people you had gone to school with for even a smidge of gossip. They were ruthless and hounded you all hours of the day from the moment you stepped outside your home and then all the way to work. At the coffee shop business was booming and every day you felt like the new animal at the zoo. Everyone coming to stick their ugly faces against the glass and ooh and ahh at the barista who had managed to ensnare Maxwell Lord.
They weren’t interested in who you were as a person or even how you had fallen in love. Because stuff like that, it doesn’t sell papers. Luckily, your fiancé had been navigating the press for years and knew how to keep them off your tail in your private life. Shielding you from them in the comfort of your own home and helping him plan the ‘wedding of the century.’ Maxwell hired a wedding planner that he thought would get along with you and thankfully Juliet was perfect. She was organized, professional, and knew exactly what you wanted.
Yes, it wasn’t the small intimate wedding you had always hoped for but at least it wasn’t gaudy. Invitations had been sent out, food ordered, floral arrangements chosen, cake sampled, everything was going according to plan. Even going dress shopping with your mother, and grandmother had been perfect. Finding an eggshell colored dress with no train and small puffs on the sleeves. The salesgirl had placed a diamond headband in your hair holding the veil in place and giggled telling you it was sent over by Mr. Lord as a wedding present. The headband was white gold and had leaves encrusted with diamonds that shimmered in the light.
The big day was fast approaching, and thankfully Mrs. Lord the former was nowhere in sight. Although it didn’t leave you with a good feeling in your stomach, she had been too quiet.
On your wedding day you woke up bright and early, Juliet bringing you breakfast in bed and going over the schedule for the day. You sipped a cup of coffee and smiled just letting her talk. When she was finished a team of stylists came in and got you ready. Manicure, pedicure, massage, makeup, and an elegant up-do, you glowed from the attention. When the dress was lifted over your head and cinched into place your breath caught in the mirror at your reflection. Fingers tracing over the fabric soft under your fingers and fitting just perfectly. They slid the diamond headband in place, and you wiped quickly at the tears streaming down your cheeks.
“Oh honey,” you turn and laugh as your father cries watching you, “you’re so beautiful.” You hold out your arms and hug him and he squeezes you tight. Juliet ushers the two of you down and to the limo to take you to the cathedral. The only church big enough for all the guests you had been forced to invite. When you step from the limo you feel like Princess Diana on the television and give a small wave to the growing crowds. Fingers digging into your fathers’ arm as he confidently leads you forward. Inside are your roommates and friends Michael and Robin acting as your bridesmaid/man. They are ushered down the aisle to the wedding march and your dad takes a deep breath leading you.
Your steps are slow and sure as you pass the elegant floral arrangements of white roses. The petals lining the aisle as you smile at some of the familiar faces. When you look up your breath is sucked out and you beam at your husband to be. Wearing a tuxedo and a hint of a familiar pocket square sticking out. He’s perfect, and smiling so brightly he rivals the sun, as he watches you glide toward him.
You reach out to grab his hand and feel it tighten around your own. His eyes glassy with unshed tears as he smiles at you. Not the fake one from the television but the one he reserves just for you, warm and so full of love. You beam right back at him and mouth I love you before turning to the officiant. You choose not to write your own vows instead following along with the usual lines. Saving your vows for when you’re alone later. When he comes to ask for objections your smile dims as the sound of heels clacking on the floor directs your attention to the aisle.
Mrs. Lord in a white chanel suit is stalking towards you with a sneer. Maxwell moves to stand in front of you when the doors at the back of the church open and in walks….Tom? Your sleazy date from the first night with Maxwell is strutting confidently up the aisle wearing a tuxedo and smiling broadly, coming to stand beside Maxwell’s mother.
“Hi baby,” he coos at you and you shudder.
“What is the meaning of this?” Maxwell hisses clearly angry.
“I have come to bring an end to this sorry excuse for a wedding. My son,” she turns to the crowd like the detective in the novels you read does before unraveling the great mystery, “has been tricked by this little harlot! She has been part of a plot to steal my son’s money and company from the beginning!” She turns to gesture at Tom. “Thomas here told me of her scheme. One year ago, she hired him to pretend to be her date and take advantage of her. She knew my son would be at the restaurant and wanted him to come to her aid.”
“That’s absolute bullsh-“ you're cut off as Michael steps forward.
“It’s true! She asked if I knew anyone she could use as a date to trap some rich guy, I never knew she meant Maxwell Lord,” he points at you and your heart beats loudly in your ears watching one of your oldest friends lie to your face.
“I was there that night, the night she needed to be ‘rescued’ she was all over my son and straddling him on the couch, sure didn’t look like someone who just needed comfort to me!” she shrieks, and several people scoff in outrage although at who it isn’t clear.
She continues on and on making more outlandish claims and each time you go to defend yourself another of your friends, coworkers, or even acquaintances would step forward and collaborate with her. Until you are in tears and Maxwell is withdrawing further and further away from you. The room goes silent as she makes the biggest claim of all, “AND I know she is pregnant! The little bitch is trying to claim my son is the father of her bastard child!”
Maxwell frozen turns to stare at you and your mouth drops open a hand coming to quickly cover it as the tears stream down your cheeks. From the back of the room another voice speaks out, “I can confirm it! She had the appointment two weeks ago, and I performed the ultrasound myself.” The technician from your doctor’s office steps forward holding out a black and white photograph.
Maxwell stares at it and then turns back to you, “Is it true?” he whispers voice cracking.
“Maxwell-“ you reach for him and he takes a step back.
“Is it mine?” he shouts, and you tremble, lip wobbling as you bite down hard enough to taste the tang of blood in your mouth.
“How can you even ask me that? Of course, it’s yours,” your voice quivers and he scoffs.
“Because it seems like everyone you know, is accusing you of sleeping around with fucking Tom!” he shouts, and you take a step back hand protectively covering your stomach.
He glares at you and you take a step back, “Were you going to tell me?” he begs, “That the baby isn’t mine?!”
Your voice cracks, “It is yours! I haven’t been with anyone else Maxwell, you know this!” you shout sobs swelling in your chest. All the guests watching the drama unfold.
“Another lie!” his mother shouts, stalking over to Maxwell and whispering in his ear like the snake that tempted Eve. “She only wants to take your money, everything that you have worked so hard to build. All of your success will be hers. She doesn’t love you.”
Your heart splinters as he nods and drops his head, she turns to you grinning. “I think it’s time for you to leave, you are not welcome here anymore.”
“Maxwell,” you cry reaching for him but he is far away from you now. You hold your head up high and glare at the people who stepped forward. “How fucking dare you,” you say low and threatengly, “some of them taking a step back at the venom in your voice. You walk down the steps slowly and hold up a hand as your family tries to rush you, walking towards a smirking Tom you rear your fist back. It makes a satisfying crunch as you break his nose.
Shaking your hand as it stings and he curses at you from the ground, “Fucking bitch!”
“Go to hell you lying son of a bitch! If you ever get near me or my child, I will have you arrested,” you storm out of the church blood boiling stomach sour. As you slam open the doors to the waiting area, a waiter for the cocktail hour passes and you crash into him. Coating you in champagne as he quickly apologizes begging for forgiveness. You're too upset to even notice and when you open the doors of the church the press go nuts. Cameras flashing, you race toward the limo. Jeeves the driver, holding the door open as you dive inside, slamming it closed behind you. He quickly climbs into the driver's seat, and the tires squeal as he drives away.
“Mrs. Lord, what happened?” You sob into your hands and try to catch your breath.
“I didn’t become Mrs. Lord,” you mumble and he stays silent just driving until you’ve calmed down enough to give him directions. The night is dark and you make your way across town. You have nowhere to go. You live with Maxwell and your former friends and roommate betrayed you. “Jeeves?” he looks into the rearview in sympathy, “take me to work please,” your voice is soft and he nods turning the limo toward the coffee shop. He pulls up out front and you quickly wave him off as you get out of the car and stumble towards the door. Giselle is locking up for the evening and freezes upon seeing you. Quickly rushing to the door and letting you inside. You collapse in her arms and she lets you spill everything, running her hand up and down your back.
The wedding, Maxwell’s mother, Tom, Michael, the baby...all of it comes pouring out. When you're spent and your eyes have no more tears you haul yourself off the floor and push into the backroom. Giselle follows and you ask for the keys, “I’ll lock the door when I leave just...please let me stay.” She nods and hugs you tightly again before grabbing her purse and sliding out the side door. You lock in behind you and lean against the door sliding to the floor.
From the outside the coffee shop looks closed for the evening, the neons are off, the chairs are up, and all is quiet. Except for the light bleeding from under the door that leads to the back room. There you sit, on the cold freshly mopped tile in the most expensive dress you could ever imagine. Heels kicked off, knees pulled up to your chest, and head down. You slowly raise your head and see your face reflected off the walk in across the room. A diamond headband in your hair, curls falling out of the once elegant up-do, and mascara running down your cheeks. This was supposed to be the happiest day of your life, but it quickly became the worst.
You place your hands protectively over your stomach, rubbing gently. Oh fuck...what have we gotten ourselves into now…
The rasp of knuckles sounds at the back door.
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i looked down at my hands and saw myself splitting apart.
a playlist for mavis chavez, tracklist & annotations under the cut
the sun is shining in the sky there ain’t a cloud in sight it’s stopped raining, everybody’s in the play and don’t you know, it’s a beautiful new day, hey!
and when you wake up you can feel your hair grow crawl out of your cave and you can watch your shadow creep across the ground until the day is done all the while the planet circles ‘round the sun everybody knows how this goes so let’s get over it and let’s get this over with
used to be level with all my friends still wear the same shoes i did back then i don’t think they’ve ever been untied i can’t regret the things i don’t try i'd switch it up, but i don't like change only content if things stay the same don't care to watch the story unfold hate feeling like I'm not in control
you don't get it (get it, get it, get it) is it the world i'm living in? you don't get it (get it, get it, get it) i'm just a creep in a t-shirt, jeans, i don't fucking care
they call me a little grown-up see, i’m upset because i’ve always been stuck but i don’t know what it is i’m without guess i’m in love with always feeling down
fine i’ll adapt to it now all i need to find is how be bold to choose something i could lose
those cool kids stuck in the past apartments of cigarette ash wait outside until it begins won't be the first ones in spend your life waiting in line you find it hard to define but you do it every time then you do it again
i missed the last bus, i'll take the next train i'll try, but you see, it's hard to explain i say the right thing but act the wrong way i like it right here, but i cannot stay i'm watching TV, forget what i'm told well, i am too young and they are too old the joke is on you, this place is a zoo you're right, it's true
i was there i was the first guy playing daft punk to the rock kids i played it at CBGB's everybody thought i was crazy we all know i was there
anyone perfect must be lying, anything easy has its cost anyone plain can be lovely, anyone loved can be lost what if i lost my direction? what if i lost sense of time? what if i nursed this infection? maybe the worst is behind it feels just like i'm falling for the first time
i was gruntled when it was just feet on gravel to have come apart, i must have once been raveled mow when pretty phrases don't mean nothing and I wanna sell 'em, i sing the line again so smooth you can hear the beard, so smooth you can hear the beard, three times is poetry so smooth you can hear the beard!
gotta get up, gotta get out gotta get home before the morning comes what if i'm late, got a big day gotta get home before the sun comes up up and away, got a big day, sorry can't stay i gotta run run, yeah gotta get home, pick up the phone gotta let the people know i'm gonna be late
letting the days go by, let the water hold me down letting the days go by, water flowing underground into the blue again after the money's gone once in a lifetime, water flowing underground
and all the hits are saying the same thing: there’s only tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight, tonight and life is finite! but shit, it feels like forever it feels like forever
do you want it, do you want it, do you want it all?
it goes on and on, i don't know what i want on and on, i don't know if i want it on and on, i don't know what i want on and on, i don't know if i want it
home, home in the late night and away, away in the half light except today, crushed by the boring until played and plagued by the tourists again
in my dreams i reach to the other world clear erotic with a band of heroes no one to say you are a zero the spirit i can feel close to the other world but not far enough to reach
basking in the blue glow all the copy, pasted housing in a row when everything is airtight and energy efficient, up to code
this is boring, yes i’m falling but it’s taking quite a while my destination is impending might as well go out in style i put my arms out to the skies whistle a tune and close my eyes trying to briefly realize perpetual motion
set the reaction, oh ticket to ride, oh reckless abandon, oh time on your side, oh into the future, oh the water is fine, oh we’re goin’ places, you’re comin’ with us!
it started with a low light next thing i knew, they ripped me from my bed and then they took my blood type it left a strange impression in my head you know that i was hoping that i could leave this star-crossed world behind but when they cut me open, i guess i changed my mind
the palms are down, i’m welcomed back to town sometimes i feel like they don’t understand me i hear their mouths making foreign sounds sometimes, i think they’re all just speaking tongues
looks like it’s time to decide are you here? are you now? is this it? all of those selves that you tried wasn’t one of 'em good enough?
these are not the clothes i had on when i went to bed and something else besides my hair is growing from my head and when i close my eyes it looks the same as when i open them again
you’re a zero! what’s your name? no one’s gonna ask you better find out where they want you to go try and hit the spot get to know it in the dark get to know it whether you’re a crime, crime, crime of love can you climb, climb, climb higher?
all my friends all my enemies all wrapped up down in front of me all red white all so good to be free from every desire
and now i’m staring at the moon wondering why the bottom fell out been searching for answers and there’s questions i’ve found open your eyes and share this burden somehow are you ready to drink or are you waiting to drown?
i'll have a coke, i'll have a pepsi now you are afraid that you're a pizza boy is it fun on your own? just you and your mobile phone? are you coming to life? do you want me to look inside?
inside the cube you're spinning colors slide into place just when you think you're winning mix up a different face and you wish for bigger fish or just some other thing so you cast her in your disaster yes it hurts but only when you sing!
i fill myself with doubt, i feel like i sold out i feel like i am down, i’m down without a doubt i feel like i let down, everyone around i feel like nothing counts, i’m down without a doubt i’ve filled myself with doubt
it’s up to me, it’s up to me, it’s up to me i’ve gotta try it again it’s up to me, it’s up to me, it’s up to me i’ve gotta figure it out it’s up to me, it’s up to me, it’s up to me i said, i said
start to think maybe they’re right about you maybe it’s over now, maybe it’s true and you know you’re never gonna stand up be who you’re supposed to be just like me
when you’ve gotten what you want (maybe i should start over) there’s nothing left to want (up and at 'em again) you don’t know what you want (yeah, i’m thinking it over) just tell me what to want
when i found that the ice was going to melt the seagulls kept on rotting on the ground would you answer all the questions i had? will it all become clear? will it all become clear now?
i wish the cesspit would open like a bible i wish the rotten would blossom with the tidal and i've never been able to divide us i'm gonna wrestle and wrangle until my legs become unreal i'm gonna stumble and scramble my way to lactic ecstasy
hey, i'm not synthetica i'll keep the life that i've got so hard, hard to resist synthetica no drug is stronger than me synthetica
#plylsts#refactoring#fave tracks: signs of life + ive got some falling to do + cant do + final form#updated 06.17.2022
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Baldwins Secret - part 10?
Diana took one last, longing look around the room, surrounded by historical figures she had only read about. Never in her wildest dreams did she ever invision herself walking amongst the men who shaped the Roman Empire, much less befriending Caesars daughter and Mark Anthonys sister. Who was also technically her sister in law.
She left the celebrations to walk along the gardens once more stopping briefly to ruffle Lucius head as he took Anthonys money in a game of back gammon, or rather the Ancient Roman version.
Her favourite part of the house was most certainly the entertaining room. Many nights she had spent watching Lucius as he demanded attention from everyone, taking all their money in gambling debts and doting on Antonia. He followed her with his eyes around the room, or acted like a lost puppy and trailed at her feet all the time.
Seeing him with his own children, especially his daughters answered the question as to why he had taken to Rebecca so easily, despite being a massive ass hat.
Julia came bounding down the hallway, arms flinging wide and embraced Diana "I am going to miss you, so much"
Diana felt sad, it was a shorter time here but just as hard to leave them behind as she had with those she came to love in 1590 "Not as much as i will miss you" one last rib crushing, air constricting hug and she left with her father.
One goodbye she did not want to say was to the children, and Antonia. God how she would miss little Cyrus waking her up every morning with cheese, sharing his own with her because "she was pretty".
"Our time has come to an end, sister" Antonias voice was tight, eyes glassy
She needed to know "if you can see your own future, why not change it?" It came off as more a desperate plea. Not only for the sake of her loosing a friend, but also Lucius' happiness laid with her.
She smiled, small tear working its way down her face as she cupped Dianas cheek "What will be, will be. Ive seen my end many times and i do not fear it"
Their hug, sisters in both witch craft and marriage was bitter sweet. Diana would never have otherwise known of her, this life without secretly snacking but now it was all ending. She loved getting to know her and him in this time but she had to leave it behind.
"Diana" Antonia whispered softly "please take care of him" she croaked
She nodded, tears slipping "Dont worry, i intend on hugging him everyday of my life. And ill make Rebecca do it too. He loves her"
They braced foreheads before pulling back and patting their wet faces "i have one favour to ask of you, before you go?" Antonia asked meekly
Diana nodded "anything, name it"
Present Day:
"This house, its just - omg" Phoebe squealed, it was a living time capsule "how has it lasted all those years?" She marvelled
Boudicca laughed "Oh my sweet it hasnt, father has it refurbished every so often. There is probably one pillar and a tile that is original" she smiled "its nice though, that he keeps it as is. Nothing like being able to return to your childhood home"
"Baldwin said he cant stay long, why?" She furrowed her brows in confusion. She had never seen him as content and happy as he had been the past few days
"The city is his home. He has rebuilt, built and financed everything from the Zoo to the tarmac but none of it shakes the ghosts" she lowered her tone, knowing if her father overheard he would not be too happy "everyone he has ever loved, everything he knew walked these halls. Its alot for a man that has bottled his emotions for 2000 years"
"I cant picture him married" she trailed off "or changing nappies"
Boudicca smiled "he cloth diapered our bums more then mother. He is the broodiest man in the world, even now. I think it is the only thing he hated about turning, not being able to churn out more children"
It was an odd notion, one Phoebe could not appreciate. Her mind wandered to the possibilities, how if in a different life she and Marcus could of had children in some alternate reality. Though not possible now, it wouldnt stop them from trying.
Her deep in thought, pensive walk was halted as the strongest scent of willowsap and honeysuckle flooded her senses. Dianas distinct mark was unmistakeable, filled with aromas Phoebe could not place, ancient wonderous things she had never known.
Boudicca made an appreciative noise "i had missed the scent of ladys mantle and frankincense" she turned abruptly, listening intently for Dianas heart beat "Come, she is in the livingroom"
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Aaa so i know i haven't been active on here but its been hard to be excited to write for kny because of all the new chapter leaks every week so i think ill be starting to write for other fandoms instead ww
For now im gonna start with bnha cause ive been getting really into it lately!! Also i say im gonna do reader inserts but this ones actually with my oc cause i love the quirk i gave her and i wanna write for her really badly
Usui's Quirk: Anima
This Quirk allows her to have the ability of an animal she befriends! She can understand animals and communicate with them. She can only use up to 3 abilities at a time. Depending on her friendship with the animals depends on how long she can use her abilities for. If an animal dies of natural cause (I.e: dies of old age, sickness,etc) it can choose to give her full access to using it for any amount of time.
This has only happened once so far with her bird. She cant pick and choose what abilities the animals give her rather they choose what they want to give her.
Her ability takes up lots of stamina and can be difficult to discover what abilities were given and control them.
So!! Without further ado heres my oc x hawks!!! (ily hawks)
It was a pleasant evening on the rooftop of her building. Who knows how many stories high it was but definitely close to the clouds. She took a deep breath in and sighed before standing up and stretching as if getting ready to jump. As she was prepping she felt a tug on her tank top. She turned around only to find a red feather. She grabbed it only for it to struggle in her fingers before slipping away back to it's master.
"Not going to jump I hope?" Bright red wings overtook her vision for a second as he flaunted them spreading them wide into the sky as if showing off to no one. The stray feather reattached itself.
The girl smirked as she turned to face him. "And if I am? Will the great number two hero save me?" She pretended to swoon, sarcastically emphasizing the word great and putting a hand over her forehead as if she was going to faint, taking a step backwards closer to the edge which made Hawks reach out slightly.
He smirked back at her making his way closer to her and the edge. "And if I stop you?" He tried to sneakily put his arm around her before noticing two distinct holes in the back of her shirt. He was about to question it but she quickly did a small spin as if dancing away from him.
Her arms out to her sides as she spun she laughed. "Then I guess we'll just have to see if you can save me number two." She smiled softly at him before she spun again and took a step off the building and let herself fall.
Hawks only reaction was to jump after her to catch her but as he was about to grab her, he stopped. "Do you jump off buildings for a living, for fun, or to be saved by a handsome hero?" He said that striking a pose clearly referring to himself, as he fell with her, a feather on her slowing her fall along with him.
She had a feeling he'd put another feather on her so she picked it off as much as it tried to stay on her. "I can fly on my own so I guess it's for enjoyment." She stated simply and if he knew. And before he knew it she disappeared. He looked around before looking up and seeing she'd gone up and she had sprouted wings. It was hard to see but he could see a smirk forming on her lips as she flapped her wings and turned to fly up. That was an invitation for competition if he ever saw one and he flew to catch up to her.
She looked down trying to see him again but suddenly he'd appeared next to her. "You'll have to be faster than that to beat me" he shrugged at her almost stating matter of factly.
"Challenge accepted bird brain" she whispered to herself as she took off after him catching up to him and tapping his shoulder to get his attention. She mimed a yawn and stretch as she continued to fly farther and faster than him. Honestly it was a surprise how long this continued. At some point though she had a thought.
She started to slow down little by little and her wings started to flap less and less. And of course the number two hero noticed this. "Getting tired already dove?" Dove?? What a lame nickname… I guess he really is a bird brain.
She smiled tiredly. "Maybe just a little but doesn't mean I can't keep going Bird Boy!" She stuck her tongue out at him in a teasing manner as he stared at her entertained.
“Not a very good insult if you’re also a bird y’know.”
“Hmm~ I wonder if I am a bird though..” She tapped her chin in fake thought as her wings suddenly disappeared and started to fall again. Hawks couldn’t help but react again trying to catch her just like the first time, but this time he'd caught onto her.
She was smiling again. Just like when she fell the first time. He cocked an eyebrow and frowned at her. "This must be fun for you huh? Do you always play heroes like this?"
"Aww you caught on to me. I guess you aren't as much of a bird brain as I thought." She smirked again. She sprouted her wings again and pushed out of this grip and made her way back to the building she started at and landed. Her wings spreading themselves one last time in almost the same fashion Hawks did when he arrived before retracted into her back.
"What kind of Quirk do you have? I don't think I've ever seen someone hide a mutant type like that before." He stared at her back before she turned around eyeing the marks on her back and the obvious holes in her shirt, seemingly designed so she could sprout her wings.
"Hmm… Do I tell the Number two hero my secrets or do I let him wonder forever… What to do, what to do." She pondered sarcastically as she tapped her finger on her chin. "The least I can do is introduce myself I suppose!" She laughed before pulling a card out of her pocket and handing it to him. Hawks was shocked it didn't fall out of her pocket while they flew. "The names Usui Enma. I run this building here. I have a hero license so I can freely use my quirk when I want. You should come check out my building sometime! It's quite fun in here you know!" She stated before she clicked a button on one of the pillars of the building and a hole appeared on the rooftop.
A few birds came out from inside the building and flew around Usui and Hawks as he stared at her amazed for a second. Only a second… Ok it was more like a minute. When he finally snapped out of it he put on his usual smirk and asked her. "What do you own a zoo in here or something? An awful large building for a zoo."
Pfft– Usui burst out laughing as the birds perched themselves around the hole in the roof and looked curiously at her. "This isn't a zoo but there are animals here! They're my friends! Of course I have human friends too but animals are so much better. Come see what it is when you have a day off, this isn't the kind of place you can spend only a few minutes at!" She laughed a little bit more before signaling something to the birds which made them take off back into the building.
The hole started to close again. She saluted to him as she walked forward and plummeted into the now closed hole.
That was…. A lot more strange than Hawks had anticipated. He couldn't even react to what she was saying. He looked at the card again. Usui Enma… Quirk House..? What does that mean??
I guess he could find out now–
Ah. I guess not. That's Endeavor calling him for a job. Maybe another day soon he could see what this place is all about.
#bnha#bnha imagines#bnha hawks#bnha oc#bnha x reader#hawks x reader#my hero academia hawks#Hawks x oc#pls don't steal this Quirk it took me a while to work it out#and yes I have her drawn out n everything#ps I say tank top in this but it's like those sleeveless turtlenecks#you know the ones
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Not Quite Human, Part III - Donatello x Reader
Part II can be found here --> (x)
Part IV can be found here -> (x)
Here, catch this casket; it is worth the pains. I am glad 'tis night, you do not look on me, For I am much ashamed of my exchange: But love is blind and lovers cannot see.
-The Merchant of Venice
Trembling still, Donatello started backing away again slowly with intent to abscond through the window behind him. Not seeing the chew toy in his path, he tripped over it and fell backwards, and he kept falling...and falling...The vision of your fear-stricken face at the forefront of his mind. Awakening with a start, he sat up in his bed and buried his face into his hands.
"It was...just a nightmare?" He asked himself in shallow breaths, shaken from how real the illusion felt. Taking a few moments to find calm, he finally rose from his bed to go about his routine. As the day wore on, the genius became caught up in his work, and lost track of time. Before he knew it, he was already running late for his date with you.
Your nerdy sweetheart waved to you as he ran up, this time he came wearing a new and intriguing accessory which promptly caught your attention, "I like your goggles, very steampunk." Surprised, he felt the top of his head to find that he'd forgotten to take them off. So accustomed to having his goggles on all the time, he didn't even notice that they were still there. He was honestly shocked that this had not happened sooner. With a small smile, he prepared to humble brag about his creation.
"You make fun, but these are actually functional," He stated matter-of-factly while pushing his glasses up his nose. When you gave him a look of skepticism, he removed the item from his head and held it out to you. "Would you like to test them out?" He offered, trying his best not to appear too overly confident as he did so.
Laughing incredulously, you humored him, and donned the apparatus. Much to your amazement, they were fully operational. The invention provided biological breakdowns of various objects within it's range. When you turned your gaze to Donatello, he was careful to avoid your line of sight. For just a few seconds, his chemical make-up flickered before your eyes as you managed to catch a glimpse of him through the lenses.
The information disappeared before you could read it as your lanky beau slipped behind you and attempted to pluck the gadget from your head. Removing them yourself, you held the invention out just far enough to keep it from his grasp. The device listed so much data at once that it was difficult to fully absorb. However, one thing in particular stood out...His heat signature, it was far too low for a human being. You stored that information into the annals of your mind for future contemplation.
Mouth agape, you began your adulation, "You...made these?! They’re incredible!" You exclaimed as you proceeding to marvel at the technical intricacies of the small apparatus.
He chuckled heartily at your response as he pursued the repossession of his belonging, "Try not to sound so shocked, I'm an...inventor, of sorts." You swatted away his hands and released a haughty laugh.
"Alright, give them back, you cannot be trusted with those!" He finally demanded, and you continued to deny his request, holding them behind you with a firm shake of your head.
"No way, they're mine now!" You refused him once more, and the two of you continued to wrestle for the trinket; all the while laughing hysterically. The young man's chortle quickly turned into snorts as he continued to reach for his possession.
"That is insanely adorable," You complimented his dorky laughter and his face became flushed.
The position in which the two of you had found yourselves was incredibly romantic, and his heart fluttered in his chest. Only mere inches separated your lips from meeting. Locked in a introvert's stale-mate, you both waited for the other to make a move. Despite his outwardly human appearance, Donatello still felt like a mutant. He couldn't believe that someone as attractive as you would ever want to kiss someone like him. He especially didn't expect you to reciprocate if he were to attempt a lip lock with you, but that fact failed to quash his yearning.
Being very methodical, it was unlike the genius to act on impulse. He would always plan out a strategy before taking action to ensure the most favorable outcome. However, at that moment, he threw caution to the wind. He knew that if he didn't act now while he had the perfect opportunity, he never would. As if you both were dancing, he held you in a dip and slowly moved in. Your widened eyes followed his lips as they lingered longingly over yours. He wanted to kiss you, but hadn't the courage. Shying away at the last second, he planted a gentle kiss on your cheek.
In an act of bravery fueled by need, you decided to take his action further. It was just a quick peck, but the spontaneity of the gesture roused something deep within Donatello. A shudder of anticipation suddenly ran throughout his body. What followed was a low, mellifluous, churr that welled up from his chest. The unexpected vocalism caused both of the young lovers to flinch. The amorous lad reflexively gasped as his mind quickly placed the sound, making you fear that you had been too forward.
"I'm sorry!" You panicked, breaking the embrace, and taking a few steps away from him. Unsure of what else to say, you waited for his response on held breath.
"Y/N, don't be sorry! It was...nice." He said dreamily, unable to forget the softness of your lips on his. In the back of his mind, he was concerned about his clearly inhuman bodily hiccup. Thankfully, you didn't appear to be too concerned about it. Not even Donatello, himself, was aware of this uncontrollable trait. The braniac knew actual turtles churred when mating, but never thought he'd exhibit it; writing it off as an impossibility, given that he was part human. He wondered why it never manifested before now. Perhaps the emotional connection that he shared with you drew it out.
But the two of you weren't even close to engaging in what was scientifically considered to be mating. It was merely a kiss, and a chaste one at that. Admittedly, he was getting hot and bothered from that alone, with the help of his imagination. When his mind fixated on the idea of the two of you being intimate, his face turned red. Another humm emitted from his body, this time much louder. It served as a rude awakening from his daydream. That one was impossible for you to miss, and you gave him a vexed look.
The infatuated young man's blissful expression quickly fell as he searched his mind for a response, "That was...my...stomach! I'm starving! A-are you hungry? Do you want to go and get some food? I'm thinking Italian," His words stumbled out feebly, eyes refusing to meet yours. Meanwhile, all you could do was guffaw at his odd reaction to something as normal as stomach rumbling.
"What's inside that stomach of yours? A zoo?" the well-timed joke lifted the awkwardness of the situation, and successfully calmed your beau's nerves. This was feigned ignorance, however, as you perceived something strange in his so-called stomach noises; but you chose not to broach the subject, as he appeared to be extremely self-conscious about it.
The sounds were far too guttural to be of the stomach, they almost sounded...bestial. You'd heard a similar sound before, but couldn't place it. Deciding that you needed to investigate further, you returned to the reality from which your mind had wandered. Donatello was guiding you along as he prattled away about this amazing Italian restaurant that he loved, which just so happened to be nearby. This was a insubstantial attempt to distract you from what had just occurred.
Stopping without warning, you brought your chatty date to a halt as well. The bespectacled boy turned to you in confusion, "Is everything alright? Why'd you stop all of the sudd-" not allowing him to finish his inquiry, you threw your arms around his neck, and pulled him into a kiss. Though surprised, he hesitantly embraced the sudden display of affection. Shaky hands meeting your waist, and resting there apprehensively.
Curiosity got the best of you, as you tried to draw out that unusual sound from him again. You'd noticed that it previously happened during your close encounter earlier, and decided to test the theory. When the result that you expected failed to occur, you released him, trying to mask the disappointment you felt in the experiment's failure.
Perhaps it really was his stomach after all, you resolved to put it to rest...for the moment. Donatello gave you a look of befuddlement, but swiftly picked up on your motivation after brief contemplation. While the likelihood of you coming to the conclusion that he was a giant mutant turtle was statistically improbable, giving you a cause for suspicion still wasn't good.
The brainy young man was partially impressed that you'd gathered so much information from such a quick, and unpredicted irregularity. This was truly unsurprising, though, he knew that you had a brilliant mind. Donatello cursed his biological makeup, his errant turtle moan was costing him dearly.
Sudden booms of thunder offered a perfectly timed distraction from the shenanigans at hand. Darkened clouds swirled in the distance, threatening a coming storm. Exchanging glances of concern you both agreed to seek cover, and the aforementioned dining establishment was the perfect place to go.
The eatery was everything that Donatello had promised and more. The two of you indulged in pasta, delightful conversation, and of course...tiramisu. Upon finishing your meal, you walked outside together to discover that it still had yet to rain. And the threat was still promising, as the sky remained a deep purple. This unforeseen weather complication put a kibosh on your outdoor date plans. Given the circumstances, the two of you agreed to cut the date short. Much to the dismay of both parties.
As per usual, your date bid you goodnight outside of your high rise apartment, being far too shy to invite himself in. Glancing at him flirtily, you offered hospitality, "Would you like to come up to my place?"
He shrank at your inquiry, knowing full well that he only had an hour or so left until he changed back into he old turtle self. That wasn't much time in the grand scheme of things, and he simply didn't want to risk it. The once distant rumbling suddenly grew louder, and raindrops began to fall, swiftly escalating into a downpour. Hand-in-hand, you ran for shelter at the door of your building. The space was barely enough to cover you both.
"Wow, these rom-com clichés follow you like a shadow, huh?" You tittered as the two of you huddled together underneath the small overhang, nearly soaked to the bone; bodies firmly pressed against one another in order to fit. The intimate proximity enticed romantic ventures, chests rising and falling with synced breaths. Desire swirled in his golden eyes, and at that moment, he didn't overthink. Instead, he took your lips in his with adrenaline-fueled confidence. Impassioned and deep, it felt as though the storm had stricken you both with it's threat.
An electricity passed between your bodies, coursing through, and enlivening you with each traded kiss. Having no prior experience in kissing wasn't too much of a problem for the mutant in disguise, it was simply the proper application of jaw mechanics and tongue movement. In technique he was prepared, but what he wasn't prepared for was the passionate intensity of the experience. He felt as though his heart would break free from his rib cage at the rate it was beating. When you came up for air, all that you could do was utter a single word with shaky breath...
"Wow." and when you stumbled back a bit, he caught you, an unfaltering smile lighting up his features. You then cupped his face with both hands and locked eyes with him as you prepared to deliver the most unparalleled of witticisms.
"I'm cashing in my raincheck." You voiced with a prideful grin, and your beau stifled a laugh. The cleverness of your one-liner was undeniable. He couldn't resist such a convincing argument, especially not after that kiss.
"Okay, but I can only stay for one hour!" Donatello stated his time limit decisively, and you nodded in agreement.
Together, you headed up to the apartment and made your way inside. Various framed posters lined the corridor of the entrance, all from iconic horror and fantasy films. The first was The Wolfman, followed by Creature from the Black Lagoon, Pan's Labyrinth, and finally, Frankenstein. You watched as your guest scanned the hangings with delight, and continued leading him to the main room. It was spacious and well decorated with paintings, and knick-knacks, but not overly cluttered. Several art supplies laid on the tables, and there was even a sewing machine on it's own desk.
"Wow, you're quite the jack of all trades, huh?" He chuckled as he gestured to the Singer Quantum Stylist 9985 in the corner.
"Yes, I dabble in many hobbies." You answered with a cheeky smile.
The young man's eyes continued to travel the room in awe before finally settling on one painting specifically. A relatively large oil painting that was hard to miss, but not because of it's size. The subject matter was of particular interest to the turtle in human’s clothing. On it was a woman with a sea monster, the two of them exchanging a deep loving gaze as they floated within the murky depths of the ocean. Recognizing it immediately as the final scene from The Shape of Water, Donatello smiled wide.
Drawing close for a better look, he couldn't hide his appreciation for the work. He knew the patience that it took to paint with oils, but moreso, admired the piece because it gave him...hope. Becoming entranced, he absendmindedly muttered under his breath, "For loue is blynd alday and may nat see."
You barely picked up what he'd said was it...Latin? No, Middle English. Watching as he marveled at the work you let out a muffled chuckle. His facial features spoke volumes: amazement, respect, and something more. There was an evident understanding in his expression, gaze fixed on the monster, as if they shared some sort of kinship.
Realizing that he was acting peculiar, he turned to you with a dorky smile and bestowed a compliment, "Y/N...This is...gorgeous."
Jolting at the admiration, your breath hitched, "T-thank you...I painted it." You stuttered as you grabbed two towels from a nearby closet. Feeling warmth flow to your cheeks, you ran into the other room to gather dry clothing. After taking a few seconds to calm yourself, you returned, throwing a hooded sweatshirt and basketball shorts to Donatello.
Catching the garments launched in his direction, he continued to shower you with adoration, "You really painted this?! That's incredible...It's amazing!"
All you could do was nod sheepishly. "Thank you! It's not really that great, there are so many anatomical errors and..." Your train of thought trailed off as you noticed his clothes dripping still from the rain.
With a chuckle you shifted the conversation, "Alright, you've appreciated my artwork enough! We should get changed before we catch colds." Just as you finished your sentence, your date absentmindedly removed his shirt. Stunned at the sight, you couldn't help but stare. You'd never noticed his lean muscular build previously, since he always wore long sleeves.
Once he became aware of his social blunder, he swiftly recovered with a joke, "Do you mind?" He then placed a hand on his hip, raised one eyebrow, and shifted to a stance that radiated sass.
Still awe-struck, you responded in an unbothered tone before getting the hint, "No--Oh-oh-oh! Excuse me." before retreating into your room once more. Peering through the crack in your door, you looked him up and down while biting your lower lip. Once he shot a playful glare in your direction, you swiftly closed it, but not without getting one, "Bye!" in before doing so. Both of you exploded with laughter at your near-perfectly executed Road to El Dorado scene.
Following your wardrobe change, you wandered out of your room. Hands over your eyes, you loudly announced your entrance. When you peeked through your fingers to see him decent, a huff of disappointment escaped your lips and he chuckled. The nerdy lad then gave you an amused look as he gestured to the graphic on the kelly green sweatshirt that you'd chosen for him, "Ha ha, very funny."
Twisting your face into a mischievous grin, you suppressed the urge to giggle and shrugged, "It was the only long sleeve thing I had that would fit you." unable to withhold it any longer, you finally burst into laughter upon reading the ‘Talk Nitrogen, Erbium, and Dysprosium to me’ periodic table of elements joke that adorned the garment. The merriment was cut short when the sound of barking echoed from the other room.
"Oh no, my poor baby! I'm sorry, do you mind if I let my dog, Noodles, out to meet you?" You asked, and your handsome suitor responded with an affirmative nod of his head.
The dog bounded out into the living area once he was released from confinement, eager to meet the new guest. Prior to getting close, the chocolate brown labrador retriever froze in place and sniffed the air. The animal then proceeded to hesitantly approach, almost as if he was unsure what to make of Donatello. Tilting his head in confusion, he refused to draw in too near. Matching your canine companion's response, you were equally perplexed as you watched the interaction. The pooch didn't growl, nor did he cower, he merely stood at attention before your lanky beau. Finally coming to the decision to lay down on the floor, the pup wagged his tail lightly while keeping his eyes focused on the visitor.
"That was a little weird, but I suppose that it's a good sign...he typically gets aggressive with the men that I bring over. He's my barometer for character." You smiled as you made your way over to the couch, gesturing for Donatello to come and sit with you. Plagued by nerves, he sat a fair amount of space away from you.
"So, how'd you know that I had a dog when we first met?" a question meant to distract from the awkwardness of the situation, but only worsened it. The nervous young man flinched at your question, he hoped that you had forgotten, but he should have known better.
"You just...looked like a dog person," He knew that was a terrible explanation, and judging from the look on your face, you didn't buy it.
"I suppose that I can accept that as an answer." You motioned with just your index and middle fingers from your eyes to him, in a silent indication that said I'm watching you. The reasoning for how he had guessed your dog ownership was not at the forefront of your mind, however. The nerdy young man chuckled at your attempt at intimidation, snort making an appearance. His laugh made you weak and you fought yet another blush that tried to form on your cheeks.
Meeting his gaze coyly, you closed the gap between the two of you. Donatello knew what was coming, the burning look in your eyes was telling. Regardless, his heart nearly burst through his chest when you drew in intimately close; bringing your face just inches away from his. The shy young man's nerves got the best of him, and he froze like a deer in headlights. The moment the two of you shared outside of the building was a fit of spontaneous passion. Now, with a clear head, the anxious lad's overactive brain stole his bravery from him. All of his insecurities flashed before his eyes, and proved to be an imposing force.
The blush that crossed his cheeks was accompanied by a broad smile, indicating his interest. He was simply immobilized by uncertainty. Expecting this hesitation, you happily took the lead, pressing your lips softly to his. Your lips tasted so sweet, just as they had before, and Donatello could barely handle it. Without realizing it, he allowed a soft, blissful moan escape him. You responded with a giggle causing him to stammer out a flustered apology. For him, this experience was entirely new, but he couldn't tell you that.
"It's okay, it was cute." You assured him, and he simply replied with an awkward chuckle.
Slowly, you moved in closer and Donatello followed your direction, sliding down into a reclining position. It wasn't long before you found yourselves laying together on the couch that you'd previously been sitting on. With you on top of him, his heart was now racing, face still beet red as he scrambled to keep up. His body began emitting the low humming sound that you'd since become accustomed to hearing.
"Jeeze, you work up an appetite pretty easily, huh?" You teased.
"Yeah, but I'm not hungry for food...I'm hungry for you--S-sorry, that was awful." He snorted, critiquing his own terrible pick-up line as he made it.
Tilting your head you grinned, "I liked it," upon hearing your positive feedback, he then found the courage to wrap his arms around you. This gesture caused you to move from his lips to his neck. Donatello wasn't sure how much more of this he could take, his sensory levels were about to hit critical mass.
Oh, no...
The fun came to an abrupt end when he felt that indicative tingling overcome him, which only meant one thing. Panic replaced pleasure when amorous young man realized the effects of the ooze were beginning to wear off. It would not be long before he began reverting back to his actual form. He searched his mind for a plausible excuse, but in his flustered state, couldn't come up with even one.
By this time you had moved back up to his lips and continued kissing Donatello, who couldn't help but reciprocate. Sure, he was concerned for his current state of affairs, but he wanted this so badly. Knots twisted inside his stomach, and he could feel the plates of his plastron reforming underneath his clothing. In the most inconvenient timing, you happened to find your hand on his abdomen, and he whimpered.
"Huh. That's odd." you were rightfully baffled by this unexpected sensation. Just as you positioned your hand to lift the hoodie, the fretful lad quickly intercepted it.
"S-sorry, I gotta go!" He blurted out, unable to hide his discomfort. Proceeding to slide out from under you, he leapt from the couch nimbly, and made his way towards the door.
"Wait! Donnie...what's wrong?" You reached out and took a gentle hold of his wrist, feeling a roughness that wasn't there previously. The panicked young man looked down in horror at his now lightly scaled forearm, watching as the rough skin slowly became more prominent and attained a greenish hue. Yanking his arm away, he pulled down the sweatshirt sleeve to conceal it.
Words fell out of his mouth clumsily, "uh...uuuh...it's a skin condition..." a flimsy elucidation only made worse by the addition of an awkward smile.
When both of his hands began to tremble, and he instinctively hid them behind his back. He then started to walk hastily in reverse to the exit. Meanwhile, his index and middle fingers began slowly fusing back together with his ring and pinky fingers following suit. Once he made it to the door he fumbled nervously with the handle attempting to open it, a task that proved difficult given his current complications.
The door finally opened, and without looking, he backed his way through. Before closing the door he gave you one last apologetic look from across the room, hoping that you'd forgive him for his unusual behavior. Much to his dismay, he found himself in your bathroom. He'd made a critical mistake. Donatello swore up and down this was the exit. Now he was effectively trapped by both embarrassment for what had just transpired, and fear that you'd find out what he really is before he was ready to tell you.
A soft knock came from the other side of the bathroom door making the fretful anthropomorphic young man yelp. "Donnie...are you okay?" You called to him, with genuine concern in your voice.
"Ye-yeah...everything is just fine." He lied, clenching his teeth as he did so. The vanity mirror gave him a perfect view of his current appearance, skin slowly becoming saturated with green and nose flattening into a cream-colored snout. He turned his head away, not wanting to watch his reversion. Scanning the expanse of the the bathroom, he was relieved to find a window. He clambered through the aperture before even giving it a second thought. And then he was gone, down the fire escape of your high rise apartment building. Like a coward he ran, with his transformation nearing completion, and an overwhelming sense of guilt washing over him as he fled into the shadows.
...to be continued.
#not quite human#donatello x reader#donnie x reader#teenage mutant ninja turtles#tmnt fan fic#bayverse tmnt#donatello#fan fiction#my writing#don's quill pen#woo boy guys#I hope you like it#I hope the surprise wasn't terrible#*screams internally*#tmnt 2014#tmnt 2016
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Listening to red velvet so here's a bunch of pairs to choose from happily ever after or jumpin about love or my dear with you or rebirth hit that drum or zoo
holy shit oh my god
im such a fake fan omg i dont know any of those songs by name ifokdmslkvmdsfg
okay so i have heard jumpin and about love because i know that i’ve listened to reve festival part 2 and perfect red velvet, but i havent listened to the rookie album, the russian roulette album, summer magic, or the red summer sdlfmknjsdkfsgksf
i think the only rv albums ive listened to all the way through (so far!!!) are the red (the dumb dumb album), perfect velvet/perfect red velvet, and the first two reve festivals (the only reve festival finale bside ive heard is in&out, i think).
but so like, while i must have heard jumpin and about love, i didnt know them by name so i’ve probably only heard them the one time i listened to those albums all the way through sdlkmsdfkgjkn. i’ve been listened to ‘look’ a lot recently, and reve festival day 1 is one of the best mini albums in kpop history so i know those songs really well, and as i said i love in&out too and a bunch of songs from the dumb dumb album (though there are plenty from that one that ive only heard once too... like, a year and a half ago...)
there’s just so many haha they have so many songs!!! im gonna listen to those songs a bunch tomorrow and get back to you on this haha. rn im gonna go to sleep
#this is exciting though cause i can come in with fresh ears#hand0ngs#im gonna treat this like a fuckin book report hahaha
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A Murder of One
Akiko evolves. Our two protagonists talk.
Previous Chapter | Origin | Next Chapter
The cause behind Akiko’s unease unravels a day later.
She’s in the midst of weaving her last stitch, the sun finally having risen, when Miruna hops into the room.
“Hey! Out! Contamination!” Aoi tries to kick Miruna out, but what Miruna says next thoroughly shocks everyone in the room (minus the unconscious demon slayer.)
“Rengoku Kyoujurou has been killed by Upper Moon Three! Tamura Akiko is to report to the Ubuyashiki Estate at once!” Then, Miruna hops out.
Akiko finishes up, leaving everything else into the hands of the girls. She quickly thanks them before washing herself up, ridding herself of blood before quickly pulling on some fresh clothes.
Goto is already waiting for her outside, and she’s blindfolded before thrown onto his back. Then, the two are off and Akiko uneasily awaits for her arrival.
Time passes by quickly, Goto hightailing it to the Ubuyashiki Estate. Once she gets there, Akiko immediately takes notice that she’s the only one there. This quickly changes, as Miyuki walks into the garden with Sanemi.
Miyuki looks so utterly drained, and it looks like she’s been crying. Sanemi glances at her with worry, and Akiko can see the love in his eyes. But Miyuki’s tears are shed for someone else.
“Akiko…” Miyuki weakly mutters, her arms spread out for Akiko to run in to. Miyuki’s cold presence is closer than usual, and Akiko shudders when she pulls away, but it seems to have made Miyuki the smallest bit better, and that’s all Akiko can ever hope for.
“Akiko? Care to sit next to me?” A familiar voice asks, and Akiko whirls around to the engawa.
Oyakata-sama is already seated with one of his daughters by his side, and he’s patting the area next to him.
“There’s something I need to discuss before I start the Pillar meeting,” he says, and Akiko carefully takes her shoes off before crawling up onto the engawa.
As more of the Pillars begin to show up, they look at Akiko curiously. She knows that she doesn’t have a strong presence, so they must be confused as to why someone like her gets to sit next to the dearly beloved Oyakata-sama. At each Pillar’s arrival, his daughter lists their names.
So Akiko meets Himejima Gyomei, Tokitou Muichirou, Iguro Obanai, Kanroji Mitsuri, and Uzui Tengen. Her teacher, Kochou Shinobu, shows up, and looks surprised when she sees Akiko seated next to Oyakata-sama. There’s also Tomioka Giyuu, but Akiko ignores him completely.
The only person missing is Rengoku Kyoujurou, though Akiko’s never met him before. No one makes a move to comment on his passing. Miyuki looks torn enough.
“Let’s get started, shall we? I know Akiko here has some more lives to save,” Oyakata-sama comments, and Akiko looks down to her lap in embarrassment.
He’s straight to the point, and Akiko’s eyes widen when he declares, “Tamura Akiko is the official Demon Corps head physician.”
He chuckles lightly, “Though I suppose it’s been like that since the start. At any rate, because of the overall looming threat of the Upper Moon demons and Kibutsuji Muzan himself, Pillars will only go on missions when there is the threat of an Upper Moon demon. Akiko will be on standby for these missions, so please treat her well.”
Akiko pales under the gaze of all the pillars, and she can feel their judgement. It’s like being looked down upon by other male demon slayers, but it’s worse this time. Only the female pillars look at her with warmth. Akiko feels like an animal at display in a zoo.
“Your crows now have orders to fly to Akiko as soon as you encounter an Upper Moon, and for her to hurry to your location as soon as possible.”
Miruna caws nearby, fluttering into Akiko lap and glaring at the other pillars. Akiko shushes her crow before a bunch of other crows flock to her, and they all start to caw at each other before flying off again.
Despite her overwhelming want to hide in a pit, Akiko looks up to meet the gazes of the pillars head on, and she raises her hand, “Hi.”
“I refuse to have a doctor babysit me.”
“I will reconsider my refusal.”
Miyuki flashes Akiko a weak smile, and Akiko is grateful.
Akiko is told to go back to the Butterfly Estate, and the Pillar meeting commences. Goto asks her what happened on their way back, and when she tells him the news he congratulates her.
“It was bound to happen,” he says nonchalantly, and Akiko feels warm with the praises she’s been receiving. Three years of hard work and her title is official. She can’t wait to send her parents a letter, as much as her father won’t believe it.
The trip back seems shorter, since she and Goto have things to talk about. Once a certain distance away, Goto removes her blind fold so that she can enjoy the scenery.
He makes sure that she promises not to tell anyone that he has a certain soft spot for the ginko eyed girl, and she flashes him a bright smile in her happiness.
Akiko is surprised to see Aoi waiting at the front gate for her.
She frantically rushes up to Akiko, and Akiko can only assume the worst.
“Everything is already prepped! Tanjirou’s been stabbed in the lower left abdomen!”
Everything feels like a whirlwind for Akiko. Aoi has to ask her multiple times if she’s mentally strong enough to perform surgery on her fiance, and Akiko insists that she’ll be fine, but the truth is that Akiko has no idea.
She’s patched up plenty of torn open stomachs before, and from what she’s heard, Tanjirou stopped the bleeding with his full concentration breathing. This case shouldn’t be all too hard, but her hands sweat a bit at the idea.
She sees Zenitsu without many injuries, and Inosuke looks like he’s been crying, but Tanjirou is the one that’s suffered the most.
He’s laying on the table, and he smiles weakly when he sees Akiko enter the room.
There’s more than just exhaustion in him, and Akiko is too busy blocking out other emotions to try and figure out his own. She’ll just have to ask him what happened after she saves his life, and she makes a promise to herself to make sure Tanjirou makes it out alive.
A mask is pulled over his face, and the last thing he sees is gold.
Tanjirou dreams of his father.
He’s just hit double digits, and he’s helping his father to weave some sandals. Akiko is playing with his other siblings, and Takeo is helping Kie with the laundry.
Everything is perfect.
Tanjuro looks down at his son, smiling when he sees that Tanjirou is watching his fiancee with soft eyes. Tanjirou laughs when his father strokes his hair, and he begins to help weave sandals again.
“I’m really glad you chose Akiko to be my fiance!” Tanjirou smiles up at his father, and a memory is brought back up to the surface for Tanjuro.
He stares at his son, a bit troubled, and Tanjirou’s nose twitches at the different scent. He looks back up at his father, tilting his head as he waits for his father to explain his change in mood.
Tanjuro looks at his hard working wife, then back down at his son before smiling sadly.
“We never told you the story as to why you’re engaged to Akiko, now did we?”
Tanjirou shakes his head no, and Tanjuro delves into the story. He keeps it quick and straight to the point, and Tanjirou is old enough to understand the situation. But there’s a condition that Tanjuro makes sure to emphasize, and fear makes its way into Tanjirou’s heart.
“Tanjirou, you must remember that you two aren’t shackled together by ball and chain. If perhaps one of you falls in love with someone else, you’re allowed to leave the engagement. Ray and I didn’t want this to be set in stone, you see?”
He doesn’t like this.
There’s a chance that Akiko will marry someone else.
Would that mean all the time they spent loving each other will go to waste?
But they’re still kids, so will Akiko not even count her engagement to Tanjirou after she meets someone she truly loves?
Akiko leaves for Tokyo again next week, and Tanjirou has faith in her while she’s there, but does Akiko know that she holds a key to the cuffs that bind the two?
Tanjirou blinks when he sees that Akiko is waving at him with a smile, and he waves back too. Akiko can see the mood shift between the father and son from where she is, and she doesn’t like how fearful Tanjirou looks.
So she runs up to him, orange in hand that she helped Nezuko pick just now.
“Look! It’s all ripe and everything! Here, you can have it!” Akiko smiles, and Tanjirou takes it gratefully.
When he holds the orange up to his face, his eyes shift from her eyes to the orange. The colors are off, but he still decides that it’s close enough to compare to again.
His heart melts from worry and he tucks the new information into the back of his mind.
“It kinda reminds me of your eyes!”
When Tanjirou wakes back up, he sees an IV stuck in his arm. His body feels stiff and he’s in pain overall, but he has to assume that he’s already maxed out on painkillers.
Judging by the smell, it’s Aoi that just walked into the room, and she casually walks up to his bedside. She has a plate of food and a cup of water on the tray that she’s holding, and she sets it by his bedside table to check on the IV bags.
“You’ve been out for a couple days, and Akiko is a little busy accompanying one of the pillars on their mission, but she’ll be back soon,” Aoi tell him, and he blankly nods his head.
Aoi sighs when she assumes that her words went in one ear and out the other, but there isn’t much she can do about that.
So she ups his morphine then walks out.
Akiko returns late at night, a little blood on her hands but nonetheless injury free. It’s not even the blood of a pillar, rather a demon slayer she found on the side of the road that accidentally cut themselves with their katana.
She sighs, washing her face over the sink and ridding the blood from her hands. Her shoulders ache a bit from the weight of the bag, since Iguro refused to help her carry it despite the fact that she lagged behind a lot.
“You’re the official doctor now. Figure it out.”
Akiko wants to sock him in the face.
At any rate, when Aoi tells her that Tanjirou is awake, Akiko quickly makes her way to the medical ward, only to find that Tanjirou isn’t even in bed. Zenitsu and Inosuke are out like a light, though they aren’t even injured, and Akiko rolls her eyes at the empty dishes by their bedside.
Kanon is just too nice sometimes.
So Akiko wanders the empty halls, her eyes aiding her through the darkness, and she finds herself staring at a mindless Tanjirou looking up at the moon on the engawa.
She quietly seats herself next to him, her eyes already checking over his state and making sure that he isn’t sleeping while sitting.
“The demon gave us a bunch of dreams,” Tanjirou starts, and Akiko listens. “It was a really nice dream. You were in it. So was mom, and Rokuta, and Hanako, and Shigeru, and even Takeo. Nezuko was under the sun, and I was really happy.
I think the fact that it was a dream turned it into a nightmare.
I wonder what aniki dreamed of…”
Akiko looks over at him, “Aniki?”
“Kyoujurou. He promised to make us his tsuguko.”
Akiko feels bad that she asked, and she can see the pain well up in Tanjirou. He turns away from the moon to look at Akiko, and it hurts even more to see the reflection from the moonlight in her eyes, the exact sight he saw in his dream.
“Can you hold me?”
Immediately, Akiko holds her arms wide open, and Tanjirou cries as he falls into her embrace. Her slightly bloodied shirt starts to stain with his tears, but he keeps his sobbing quiet. Akiko is running her hand through his hair like she did in the dream, and he can’t help but cry louder.
“You could have saved him,” he hiccups out, and Akiko’s heart throbs.
“If anyone, you could have. Akiko, he died a noble death, and if you were there you could have saved him…! I know you can…” He continues to cry, but Akiko doesn’t say anything.
“I saw more of the city. I saw the environment you grew up in without me. You’re different now and I love that, but you don’t need me anymore.”
Akiko blinks owlishly at his sudden turn of topic, but she allows him to release all his pent up emotions. He’s an unstable wreck right now, and the best thing she can do is listen.
He pulls away to look at her, and he can’t see properly thanks to the tears in his eyes, but he smiles when Akiko thumbs his tears away.
“I love you so much Akiko. We grew up together, and we taught each other so much. But if you don’t want to marry me because you want to choose your own life, I understand.”
Akiko glares down at her fiance before squishing and pulling his cheeks, and Tanjirou can smell an immense amount of frustration.
“You’re really dumb.”
“Like really really dumb. Super duper dumb! I can’t believe you’re such a big dummy! Dum dum.”
“Akiko, wait-”
“Alright listen here,” she slaps his cheeks, and he winces from the pain. But it’s Akiko’s mistake to ram her forehead into his, and he can see a trail of blood roll down her forehead, but she pays it no mind.
“A- Akiko-?!”
“I love you, Tanjirou. And I’m glad we get to marry each other. After all this pain you put me through, because I love you, you think I’m going to not marry you? I’ve loved you since we were kids, arranged marriage or not.
And we’ll keep growing up together, and we’ll keep teaching each other. We’re still young! I’m still choosing my own life, and that includes you. I choose you, Kamado Tanjirou.
Because I love you.”
He stares into the eyes of an unwavering woman, and the sunrise reflects in her glassy eyes. She’s tearing up, and Tanjirou can’t help himself from crying again.
So he holds her face too, and he laughs.
Her eyes shine with their new beginning together, as equals.
She kisses him, and all is well between the two.
thats that on that for that arc :,,) theyve figured(?) things out!!
also dont kill me but aoi and kanao are gonna date in my story and you hating fuckers can FOF OFF thanks i love the idea of them together :,) also im p sure aoi is actually a year older than everyone?? o h?? shes second year of high school in the kimetsu gakuen au so shes actually older!!
also the amount of parallels i have in my story,,,, LMAO COOL
and a thank you to @kny-writings for letting me borrow miyuki again! she might make a couple more appearances uwu
#bittle's murder of one#tamura akiko#kimetsu no yaiba#kny#tanjiro#kamado tanjirou#tanjirou#tanjirou kamado
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Griffin Dunne by Lynn Geller (INTERVIEW Magazine, May 1985)
At 29, Griffin Dunne has seen the movie business from many different perspectives. Born in New York City to Ellen Griffin Dunne and television producer-turned-writer Dominick Dunne, Griffin grew up in Los Angeles and is the nephew of Joan Didion and John Gregory Dunne. Eleven years ago, he returned to Manhattan to pursue an acting career and, after roles in Off-Broadway plays, television, and “An American Werewolf in London,” teamed up with Amy Robinson and Mark Metcalf [misprinted with an e at the end] to produce the film “Chilly Scenes of Winter,” in which he had a small part. He and Amy went on to produce “Baby, It’s You” and, most recently, Martin Scorsese’s “After Hours,” starring producer Griffin Dunne in the male lead. As if this weren’t enough responsibility, the past year has also included acting roles in the films “Johnny Dangerously” and this spring’s “Almost You.”
Looking remarkably fit for such a busy man, Griffin strode into the Lion’s Head in Manhattan only fifteen minutes late and carrying a briefcase full of future projects.
LYNN GELLER: You come from a literary family--your aunt, uncle and father are writers--were there any actors before your generation?
Griffin Dunne: Well, my mother was an actress until she had children, meaning me. I was the first. She was raised on a ranch in Nogales, Arizona, and my grandfather sent her to school in the East. My father was an actor then and he met her at a play. Actually, she hated being an actress.
LG: I didn’t know your father had been an actor.
GD: He wanted to be an actor before he became a producer. He was a stage manager and actor, studying with Stanford Meisner, who ran the Neighborhood Playhouse. Meisner told him he would never be a leading man because he was too short. When I say short, I mean my height, five-seven, five-eight. He left the profession because he wanted to be a leading man, not a character midget, or whatever he thought he would be. This was in the pre-Dustin Hoffman days. He became a stage manager for live TV, everything from Howdy Doody to Playhouse 90 in the ‘50s. When I was two, he got a job in L.A. and that’s where I was brought up.
LG: Is that home?
GD: Well, yeah, home is where the mother is, but I’ve lived in New York for eleven years.
LG: Why did you move here--you went to school in the East?
GD: I went to boarding school in the East [more specifically, Fay School in Boston, Massachusetts, based on a New York Times article from the -late ‘90s and the Alumni page] , a pre-prep school that was very repressive. Coats and ties, whippings--if you ever saw the Lindsay Anderson movie If... you know what I’m talking about. You stay through eighth grade and then hopefully you graduate and go somewhere like Exeter and Andover.
LG: Did you?
GD: My response was to get the hell away from the East Coast and go to a liberal arts school in Colorado called Fountain Valley.
LG: I know about that school. That was supposed to be a very wild place.
GD: Well, I was hoping it would be. It was wild in my wildest imagination. You could grow you hair as long as you wanted and you were allowed to smoke cigarettes. You could pretty much get away with anything, but I did manage to get myself kicked out.
LG: What did you do?
GD: I smoked dope and a teacher saw me through a window. The next night I was going to appear in Othello, and I never got to do the play.
LG: So you were acting at an early age. Was that because of your parents?
GD: No. I was planning to be a writer. But a guy who taught acting talked me into auditioning for Zoo Story, the Edward Albee play. I got the part and that was the end of that.
LG: How old were you when you got kicked out?
GD: I was 17 and almost finished. They wouldn’t let me graduate, which was really depressing. It was more depressing that I didn’t get to play Iago. They felt that my performance would be tainted by the fact that I had been kicked out and I might be unduly rewarded by applause.
LG: What did you think you might do after that?
GD: Be an actor. I finally got some work. I was in a movie called The Other Side of the Mountain.
LG: Then you came to New York?
GD: No, then I got a job on a television series called Medical Story. I had about ten lines. I played a doctor, stuffing an IV in Linda Purl’s veins [misprinted as Linda Pearl] and answering Meredith Baxter Birney when she came in and said, “What’s the diagnosis, David?” I’d memorized the diagnosis, which was complicated medical jargon.
LG: What did you use for inner motivation?
GD: My major motivation was to say the words correctly. I figured if I did it like a real scientist, I’d pull off a real character coup. Then right as we were about to roll, the medical adviser on the show came over and said that the diagnosis wasn’t accurate, we had to change the description. They changed the lines and every time we’d go for a take, I couldn’t remember the lines and I’d clam up. The director would go, “Cut. What’s your problem? What is your problem?” I said I needed five minutes, so he said, “Okay, five minutes, the kid’s got five minutes.” I went into a little room and I was so nervous about ruining my career that when I went to light a cigarette, I set my lip on fire. So when I went back to give the diagnosis I hadn’t memorized in the first place, I lisped. The director was furious. He said, “Cut. What’s the accent? Are you doing an accent on me?” Finally, the actress, Linda Purl, took out one of my pens in my top pocket and without me knowing it, she wrote out the diagnosis on her arm, where I was to insert the IV. So when they said, “Roll ‘em,” I had no idea at first what my line would be and then I looked down at her arm and there it was. It was very sweet of her.
[Based on the available information I have, the Medical Story episode that Griffin Dunne was on was titled “Up Against The World” or “Us Against The World” depending on what you check. The episode is said to have aired December 4th, 1975. All I could find on the show was a promo on YouTube.]
LG: You must have fallen in love.
GD: I did, but we never got to say goodbye. So I got the lines out, but what I realized from that experience was...nothing. Absolutely nothing, but to have a cigarette in your mouth when you go to light one. Shortly after that I moved to New York and signed up at the Neighborhood Playhouse.
LG: Because your father had gone there?
GD: I didn’t know he’d gone there until I was already in there and he told me the Stanford Meisner/leading man story.
LG: While you were studying acting, did you work as a waiter?
GD: Yes. At Beefsteak Charlie’s for a limited engagement. At Joe Allen once for two weeks. I lied and said I was experienced and I clearly wasn’t. That was enough to get me the job at Beefsteak’s. I hung in the longest there--they liked my work.
LG: Then you would go on auditions? Is that what you do when you’re a waiter/actor?
GD: When you’re a waiter/actor with no agent, you read Backstage and go out for plays that you never see in ads for openings. They never appear as productions. I went to an audition for an original play once, written and directed by a woman with a long Russian name. She thought I was perfect for the part. It was the first time a director said, “You are going to be great, you’re it.” She told all the other actors to go and took me out for coffee. I couldn’t believe my luck--I’d just arrived in New York. She took me out, we talked intensely, and at some point I realized she was stark raving mad. She had this long scarf that dragged behind her picking up dirt and pizza crust. I looked closely at her and realized she was a bag lady. I realized that anyone can hold an open casting call, a trick I haven’t really employed yet as a way to meet new and exciting people.
LG: How much does it cost to take an ad out? As much as a bag lady collects in a day?
GD: No, these people weren’t quite bag. They have apartments and enough money to be able to decide, is it Safeway tonight or an ad in Backstage? At some point, they just cross that line.
LG: How did you get involved in producing?
GD: Well, Amy Robinson, Mark Metcalf and I were unemployed actors hanging out together. We were working on the play Cowboy Mouth, which we were going to do for ourselves and hopefully get a production. That never happened, but the three of us had a lot of energy together. Eventually that translated into our trying to get a movie off the ground. Amy loved the book Chilly Scenes of Winter by Ann Beattie, and we agreed. That became our first project. We were all frustrated at being out-of-work actors. At the time I was working at Radio City Music Hall selling popcorn. I carried around a big set of keys as the manager of the popcorn concession. I wasn’t getting a lot of feedback on my work.
LG: Had you ever thought of producing before?
GD: I never had dreams of producing, but I was with Amy and Mark and what we wanted to do was much closer to what I wanted to do than what I was doing. It felt as good as acting.
LG: How did you end up doing Baby It’s You?
GD: I was in Poland acting in a TV movie called The Wall. Amy was talking about the idea for the film before I left. It was loosely based on her life, about a middle-class girl who gets involved with one of her classmates, a guy from the other side of the tracks. While I was away, she got John Sayles involved. We discussed it over the phone from Poland, the conversations closely monitored by the hotel staff. God knows what they made of it. But I didn’t have too much to do with development.
LG: You mean in terms of the story?
GD: More in terms of getting the development deal at the studio. Amy and I have a very good relationship. We both rely on each other’s opinions and support. We were both line producers on the film. Our job was to keep things rolling and to make sure that John Sayles had everything he needed.
LG: Are you good at that?
GD: Yes, to my surprise. I never considered myself much of an organizer, but it turns out I’m good with money and at getting along with people, making sure that everyone has what they need and keeping those needs within the budget.
LG: Let’s talk about some of the films you’ve been acting in recently. Have you seen Almost You yet?
GD: Yes. I liked it. The characters were incredibly human and sympathetic. And screwed up. Not homicidal--but normal, confused human beings. My character in particular was a very confused fellow.
LG: That was a movie where someone approached you with a script. What made you decide to take it on?
GD: Well, Adam Brooks, the director, had a script he’d been telling me about when he was a script supervisor on Baby It’s You. One day, when I was living in a beach house with Brooke Adams, he came up with the producer, Mark Lipson, and the script. We had a great day at the beach. Brooke cooked this great meal. After they left, we read the script and thought it was really charming, funny. Brooke and I wanted to work together and this seemed perfect. We said yes, thinking, this sweet little picture is never going to get made anyway, but, of course, we’ll do it if it does. Ha ha ha. All we did was say yes, and Mark and Adam took the ball and ran with it. The next thing I knew, we had a start date.
LG: What was the time lapse between those two events?
GD: Six months. It was shot in February. Very quick--I was pleasantly surprised.
LG: But at this point you’re no longer living in that beach house?
GD: Six months is also a very. very long time. A lot can happen in that time. Brooke and I aren’t living together anymore, nor were we when we did Almost You.
LG: Wasn’t that hard?
GD: It was interesting. We get along very well. We’re good friends, and we were very professional. I think we both dreaded the idea of letting the crew think there was something more to this than there was.
LG: Do you think people see you as wearing two hats now, actor and producer?
GD: It’s hard to tell. I don’t really know. I have noticed that scripts that are submitted to Doubleplay Productions that have a character that is anywhere from 20 to 35, they say, “This would be a good part for you.” I don’t know if that’s supposed to be a lure.
LG: Well, aren’t you looking for movies to produce that you can act in?
GD: Whatever movies Amy and I decide to do, it’s totally collaborative. I can see doing a movie that I would rather produce than act in, but it would have to be very special, like Chilly Scenes of Winter or Baby, It’s You. But doing After Hours revitalized my interest in acting, it really inspired me. So my dream is to be able to continue producing movies with Amy that I can act in.
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BLACK PINE TASK 001 - character questionnaire
i. NAME —
Tomás Jacob Flores
The name Tomás means twin I think. Which literally has nothing to do with Tommy, or why his parents picked it. It is also a name from the bible that is heavily linked to doubting the resurrection of Christ. Which is pretty hilarious. Really he was named that after his Great Grandfather, and he’s pretty sure his parents simply liked the name.
The name Jacob is a common heavily Christian name, linked with the bible as well. Oddly looking this up apparently the name is also linked to having a twin in some way so maybe Tommy has a secret twin out there somewhere (jk....). Anyway it means something like “may God protect” and also “to follow” as well which is interesting. I think Tommy’s parents might have had more intent on picking this name out, but they also again might have just liked it.
He prefers to be called Tommy. His parents are the only ones who call him Tomás, and there are a few people here and there who call him Tom when they’re trying to ... treat him like an adult. But he really prefers to be called Tommy. It’s just something he’s been called since he was a very very young child and everything else simply sounds odd coming from others now.
August 31st, 1968 (I think)
Tommy is a Virgo. He does not believe in Zodiac things, in fact he thinks they’re very ... strange. Kind of uncomfortable how much stock people put into them. But if you believe I accidentally made him a Virgo you are wrong that was on purpose. I think he fits the sign very well.
Dutiful, Kind, Uncertain
That's a hard question. Tommy has a lot of memories that mean a lot to him, he puts a lot of stock into memories and such honestly. Even the littlest things. Nice picnics that the Chruch throws are always great days to him. To staying out late on a summer night and looking at the stars. They're all really great memories. That being said, Tommy has rarely ever been out of the Black Pine before, his parents aren't really well off. They're a pretty poor family, so vacations aren't often in the cards. However he does remember one vacation his family had where they went to Chicago, they went to the aquarium, the zoo, the science and industry museum. He was about fourteen, and he even got to miss a day of school for it as well. It was really fun to get out with his parents and actually be able to do something fun for once. He really looks back and remembers that long weekend fondly.
Christmas is of course his favorite holiday. And it's not for the presents. Being as poor as his family is presents were never a huge part of Christmas, but the feeling that he gets during Christmas is the best. He loves spending time with his family, he loves going to Church on Christmas eve to watch that same damn play they do every year. He loves decorating the tree at the church, he loves the pot luck dinner that they have. It's all something he looks forward to every year. Christmas is by far his favorite holiday.
Tommy is not really big on earthly possessions, to be honest. This is very possibly because he has taken to heart the teachings of the Church when it comes to things like this, also because he's never been able to afford very much. However because of that it means that the things he does have all mean a lot to him. He has silly sentimental things from elementary school still sitting in his desk that he remembers every once in a blue moon and takes out to look at. He has his High School Diploma, which is pretty important to him because he is the first member of his family to ever graduate from High School. But I think his most treasured possession is a blanket his mother made while she was pregnant with him. It was a way to distract herself while she was going through withdraw and he's just had it ever sense then. It's a very nice quilt at least, that he still uses on his bed when it gets cold.
Oof after a long debate I think it just comes down to the fact he's very close with his parents. Like... he's been told his entire life how much they changed, and got better for him. He doesn't know the full extent of the sort of lives they used to lead before he was born, but he knows they are good, hard working, down to earth (Christian) people now. He is of course close with some friends, but he has dedicated so much time to his parents. He's worked to help them be able to pay the bills since he was very young, and when he's not working and when they're not working they spend time together. He's very grateful to them, and he cares about them a whole lot. He also feels very responsible for their well being, he worries about them a lot and what roads they may be tempted to go down in the future -- because temptation is always around the corner. Whether their love for their son is unconditional, and whether they give to him as much as he gives to them is really up for debate. But he loves them very much, and while he has some close friends, I'd say he's likely closest to his parents at the moment.
xi. LIVING ARRANGEMENTS — standby for this to be posted sometime later
Well, he's gay. No one knows that. Actually that's not true, he told Abigail a month or so before she disappeared. So she knew. But now she's gone and no one knows that about him. The funny thing is he was honestly ready to come out to his parents, and the members of his Church. Because he truly believed in the acceptance that the church always preached about. And then they started reacting horribly to the Abigail thing and now he's terrified that ... maybe they won't be that accepting as they always said they were. So, no one knows that about him and he's really kind of struggling with it at the moment.
Hard Working
Self Righteous
rough hands pressed together in a prayer, soft smiles, a sheepish look away, the smell of fry grease and dish soap, gold and white, soft dove feathers, pressed button up shirts, warm sun peaking through clouds and soft snow on the ground, rosy cheeks, strong handshakes after Church on Sunday, the sound of a church choir practicing down the hall, the sound of flipping through a well worn bible, tired muscles after working late into the night, freshly picked wild flowers, the uncertain feeling in the pit of your stomach when you don't know what to do, thankful early morning prayers and gratitude
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Bad Apple V
A/N: Got another one--unfortunately, my time off is over and I’m back to work tonight. I’ll try and work on this of course but if there isn’t an update for a few days, that’s why. As an unexpected bonus, this one is entirely Rae and Finn. Hope you enjoy!
As always, thanks to @arathewallflower for her input and support 😁😘
Bad Apple I Bad Apple II Bad Apple III Bad Apple IV
You can find the rest of my fics here.
@mmfdfanfic @eveerez @i-dream-of-emus @lilaviolet @laurielau @hey1tskat1e @tinakegg @kneekeyta @likeashootingstarfades @girl-looking-out-window @stinemarine @lurkernolonger @crystalgiddings1993 @milllott @milymargot @vivammfd @finn-nelson-for-the-win @ifinallyknow
Let me know if you want to be added/removed from the tag list and if I missed anyone :)
Bad Apple V
Finn’s arm tightened around Rae as he helped her towards his car. She took shallow breaths, her nausea lessened but nerves heightened. He remained silent as he opened her door and helped her inside before jogging to the other side and getting in. He glanced at her as he started the car, cursing when music blasted from the speakers. He hastily turned it down, How Soon is Now fading out into near silence.
“Sorry ‘bout that,” he muttered. Rae reached forward and turned it up to a reasonable level.
“I love this song,” she retorted, trying to smile. Finn looked at her, barely smiling, and checked his mirrors before pulling out of the lot onto the street. He kept his eyes forward and Rae closed hers for a moment, her slight high calming her stomach and mind. She opened them just as Finn turned a corner and kept going.
“You missed the turn,” she said, sitting up straighter. He shook his head.
“I’m not taking you home.” Rae turned to him swiftly, her pulse quickening.
“Excuse me?”
Finn ignored her, shortly turning onto his street.
“Why’re we going to yours?” Rae asked nervously. Finn glanced at her.
“You need to sober up,” he said simply, continuing slowly down the road. She raised her brows.
“I could do that at home,” she paused, watching Finn as he stretched his neck and rubbed his jaw. She slowly smiled, “You’re worried about me.”
Finn said nothing and parked in his driveway, getting out. She opened her door and he was there, offering her a hand to help her inside. When they cleared the front door, she put her purse down on the side.
“Where’s the loo?” she whispered, watching Finn as he threw his keys down on a table and turned on a lamp.
“No need to whisper. My dad’s not here,” he said simply before pointing to the stairs and heading towards the kitchen, “First door on the right.”
Rae made her way up the stairs, holding the railing tightly. When she reached the top, she noticed the bathroom door slightly open but instead glanced around the hall. She peeked into two rooms down the hall, one obviously being Finn’s dad’s room. The spare room was empty save for newspaper scattered over the floor, paint cans and a roller in the corner. She went to the room to the right of the bathroom, cracking open the door and flicking the lights on.
She was surprised to see that Finn’s room was similar to her old room and dorm, all the same posters lining the walls. She went over to his entertainment center next to his closet, flicking through the records.
“You lost?”
Rae jumped, looking to the door at Finn, a mix of irritation and amusement on his face.
“I was just...sorry,” she said, biting her lip. He shook his head, handing her a glass of water and aspirin.
“Bathroom’s next door,” he reminded her, raising a brow, “Feel free to shower if you want.”
Rae nodded, crossing her arms. She was suddenly aware of her rumpled dress, the combination of sweat, booze and smoke clinging to it and her. Her cheeks burned from more than just the alcohol and she gave a quiet thanks. He nodded and rubbed the back of his neck.
“I’ll put some tea on.”
Rae closed the bathroom door behind her, leaning against it and breathing deep. She blinked, trying to get the room to stop spinning and went to the sink, looking herself over. She sighed at her messy hair, her makeup smudged and fading. She reached behind her to unzip her dress and rolled her eyes heavenward when the zipper didn’t move, her arms straining to pull it. She knew she couldn’t pull it off over her head or hips without risking ripping the fabric. She grimaced and went to the door.
He didn’t respond but jogged up the stairs, looking at her questioningly.
“My zipper’s stuck,” she said, her lips flattening. His eyes widened but he stepped forward, Rae moving back to allow him into the room. She turned and pulled her hair to the side, swallowing hard. She shivered when she felt him step behind her, his hands going to the top of her dress. His fingers brushed the back of her neck before he slowly fixed and lowered the zipper. He pulled the fabric apart, his breath fluttering across her back. He moved back, coughing lightly.
“I, uh...I’ll get you some clothes,” he croaked, Rae turning to face him, “Water takes a minute to warm up.”
He went out the door, running a hand through his hair, flexing his other at his side. Rae blew out a deep breath and went to the shower. Once the water warmed and she’d stepped under the water, she looked around her, grabbing shampoo and body wash from a ledge and frowning at the lack of conditioner. She scrubbed at her hair and body, all traces from the night washing away. The hot water relaxed her mind a bit and she tried not to think about how nervous she was to be here. When she got out and wrapped a towel around herself, Finn knocked on the door. She opened it, drying her hair with another towel. He bit his lip as his eyes flicked over her before handing her a bundle of clothes and going next door into his room.
He’d brought her a t-shirt, as well as a choice of boxers or pants. She slid on the boxers and pulled the t-shirt over her head, tutting at the snugness of it around her chest. She combed her hair out and brushed her teeth, hoping the toothbrush was Finn’s, before stepping out of the room.
Rae timidly peeked her head into Finn’s room, moving into the room when she saw him sitting on the edge of his bed, wearing only pants and his thumbnail in his mouth. He stood when she entered, making a noise at the back of his throat as he gave her a once over, his eyes stopping on her breasts.
“My eyes are up here,” she teased quietly, smirking when his gaze snapped up and his cheeks reddened. He cleared his throat, handed her a mug and went to the record player. She took a tentative sip, humming when she tasted the peppermint.
“I like your room,” she started, looking around again. She came across a set list and poster from an Oasis show a few years back and grinned. “I remember this show. I was grounded but I snuck out and dragged Chloe with me. She hated it, bitched the whole time.”
Finn looked over and his eyes lit up.
“That show was ace,” he gushed, a smile spreading over his face. Rae looked at him curiously.
“You were there?” Finn bit his cheek and nodded, turning back to the record player.
“My mum took me.”
Her mouth parted and she nodded to herself, moving next to him.
“You’re not putting on any crap, are you?” she asked wryly, Finn chuckling as he flipped through the records. He started to pull out Babylon Zoo and she grabbed his hand. He stiffened and she pulled hers away quickly.
“Anything but that,” she said, Finn snorting and reaching for another. He pulled out Bob Marley and Rae’s nose wrinkled.
“You’re into reggae?” she asked, sticking out her tongue. He shook his head, waving a hand over the crate.
“Why don’t you find something then,” he stated, Rae raising a brow at him and hip bumping him aside, flipping through. She found Blur and glanced at him as she lifted it, watching him smile and scrunch his nose at her.
“Anything but that,” he threw her words back, Rae narrowing her eyes and reaching a few back for The Cure. Finn nodded and pursed his lips, looking slightly impressed. She went to his bed and sat on the edge, watching him place the record carefully and lean down to drop the needle, nodding when Pictures of You began. He turned and came to the bed, sitting cross-legged by the head and pulling a rolling tray into his lap, starting to roll a spliff.
“You buy pot from Macca?” Rae asked slowly, her lips quirking when he grimaced and shook his head, sprinkling weed onto a paper.
“Rarely. Normally, I’d get it myself but I’m under Evans’ radar lately,” he answered, rolling his eyes.
“You ever think about, I don’t know, following the rules?” she goaded, her stomach flipping when he gave her a sly grin.
“That’s no fun,” he quipped, Rae rolling her eyes. He raised the spliff to lick it closed and Rae found her gaze locked on his tongue running along the paper. He met her eyes halfway through and she felt goosebumps rise on her arms, a warmth spreading throughout her body.
Finn lit the end, his cheeks sunken as he inhaled, and lazily blew a smoke ring before handing it to her. She took it and he leaned back against the wall, closing his eyes with a sigh. She brought the spliff to her lips, hitting it shakily.
“Um...about the other day--”
“Don’t, Rae,” Finn cut her off, eyes still closed. She gave a quiet ‘Okay’ and sipped at her forgotten tea.
“Where’s your dad?” she asked, holding the joint out as he opened his eyes.
“Outta town for work.” He hit it, keeping it between his lips as he reached for an ashtray on his window sill.
“Are you okay by yourself?” she fretted, Finn giving her a look.
“I’m used to it,” he grunted, ashing the spliff. When she still looked worried, he sighed, “Archie stays over sometimes. But I can take care of myself.” Rae nodded, clasping her hands.
“How’d you meet Archie?”
“Our dads were best mates. We’ve always been around each other, had primary and middle together.”
“Is he working or…” she trailed off when Finn shook his head.
“He’s at some posh boarding school, comes home every weekend.”
“What about Chop and Izzy?” she asked, hoping she’d remembered their names correctly.
“Iz is in her last year of middle school and Chop works down at his dad’s shop.”
They got to the end of the joint while speaking and Finn stubbed it out, raising a brow at her.
“Any more questions?”
“Just one….you hungry?”
Rae popped a crisp into her mouth, looking over at Finn standing in front of the stove.
“He cooks too,” she marveled, smiling when he glanced over at her. He smirked, moving bacon around the pan.
“Can’t survive on chips and beer, unfortunately.”
She stood when he turned the stove off and plated the bacon on the side. They put sandwiches together, Rae chuckling as Finn slathered sauce all over his. They sat at the table, Finn immediately biting into his unabashedly. Rae bit into hers, suppressing a grin.
“You’ve got some--” Rae started, pointing at the corner of his mouth. He reached for the wrong side and she leaned forward, swiping her thumb over the sauce. His mouth parted when her thumb went to her mouth, licking it away without thinking. She felt her cheeks reddening at the look he was giving her.
“Thanks,” he said lowly, his eyes flicking to her lips. She nodded, suddenly breathless.
“No problem,” she almost whispered, the room feeling warmer. She broke their contact, continuing to eat.
When they’d finished, she rose and took their plates to the sink. She turned the water on to wash them and gasped when Finn’s hand touched her waist.
“Leave it,” he asserted, removing his hand and reaching around her to turn the water off. She turned, standing a few inches away from him. He gestured to the stairs, raising his brows.
Finn changed the record when they returned to his room, Rae sitting on the bed. They smiled at each other as Oasis’ What’s the Story began.
“Thanks for all this. I would’ve gone straight to bed if I was home,” she joked, Finn nodding before looking to the side and shrugging a bit.
“Anyone would’ve done it, state you were in,” he retorted, meeting her eyes. She shook her head.
“No, they wouldn’t,” she countered, the corners of her mouth lifting when Finn turned red and rubbed the back of his neck. A moment later, Rae yawned, bringing a hand over her mouth. He walked closer to the door and faced her.
“My dad’s remodeling the spare. I can take the couch,” he said, before smirking, “Unless you wanna kip in his room.”
Rae wrinkled her nose and shook her head. She stood, going in front of him.
“This is fine but...I don’t wanna kick you out of your bed.” Finn cocked his head to the side and chuckled.
“It’s not a problem, Rae.”
“I don’t mind you sleeping in here,” she said hastily, as he started to turn away. His brow furrowed.
“I’ll take the couch over the floor,” he laughed softly. She grabbed his hand when he stepped away. He turned back, giving her a curious look.
“I meant...I don’t mind you sleeping in here with me,” she clarified, Finn’s eyes widening a little. He swallowed hard and nodded.
“If you’re sure,” he breathed, Rae biting her lip.
She got into his bed, getting under the covers on the side closer to the wall. Finn hesitated before coming to the side of the bed, lifting the covers and sliding in, turning the lamp off. Moonlight streaming through his window lit the room enough that they could still see each other. They settled down, both laying on their backs and scarcely touching. Her skin burned where it touched his and she glanced at him, seeing him do the same.
“Goodnight,” she whispered, staring at the ceiling and breathing deep. Finn lightly cleared his throat.
“Goodnight, Rae.”
Silence fell and Finn turned to his side away from her. Rae continued staring at the ceiling, her heart pounding. She tried to relax enough to sleep but she was acutely aware of every move and sound Finn made. She closed her eyes, shaking her head a bit before she turned to face his back.
“Finn…” she murmured, anxiously waiting for him to turn. He flipped over, meeting her eyes.
“I can’t sleep,” she answered, looking over his face.
“Did you wanna smoke again?” He went to sit up and Rae stopped him with a hand on his chest, shaking her head. He stared hard, waiting for her to speak.
“Are you tired?” Rae asked softly, adjusting her position and moving a little closer. Finn shook his head, half-smiling.
“Not really,” he replied, holding her gaze. He bit his lip when her hand moved lower down his chest. “Rae…”
She didn’t answer, instead leaning forward, lightly pressing her lips to his collarbone, moving up to his neck. He groaned softly, his hand going to her hip and dragging her closer, his fingers running down her side. Her leg slid up and over his hip and when she pulled away from his neck, he finally kissed her.
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i was tagged by my bb @babypaulchen ages ago and now the time has come to finally do this shit!! i told u i was gonna do it Brig!!
rules: answer these 85 questions and tag 20 people (i wont tag anyone bc im doubting i even know 20 ppl on here lmao)
— what was your last…
1. drink: peach flavoured ice tea 2. phone call: my mom bc i asked her if shes interested in some hyacinth bulbs for her garden since the ones that stood in my room decayed 3. text message: to my cousin, setting a time where we can call and chat 4. song you listened to: actual surprise - its not Rammstein *ooohs and aaahs fly through the crowd* it was “The Schuyler Sisters” from Hamilton 5. time you cried: yesterday bc i had the worst fucking headache ever and i was being a whiny bitch
— have you ever…
6. dated someone twice: nope 7. kissed someone and regretted it: uhh no? 8. been cheated on: no 9. lost someone special: yes 10. been depressed: yes 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: yes, multiple times and ive come to the conclusion that throwing up makes me feel better afterwards like im back to being able to actually perveice my environment again lmao
— fave colours
12. black 13. pastel pink 14. actually i kinda love all colours idk
— in the last year have you…
15. made new friends: yes! 16. fallen out of love: no 17. laughed until you cried: yes, multiple times, good 18. found out someone was talking about you: like uh shittalking? idk so i guess not 19. met someone who changed you: uhhh kinda? 20. found out who your friends are: um well i found out that my friends are good friends and that i love them and that i dont want to miss any of them 21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list: what? u can “kiss” someone on facebook? lmao i didnt take a look on facebook for literally years .......man i had a massive brainlag here. i thought u can now “kiss” ppl on facebook like u can “poke” ppl on facebook and it didnt come to my mind this could mean “irl” lmao bury me IF it means irl tho, then yes
— general
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl: pff idk man who the fuck still uses that shithole of a site anyways
23. do you have any pets: no but i had a super cute and fluffy bunny and i still miss him and think about him everyday also i plan on having half a farm and half a zoo in the future
24. do you want to change your name: not anymore; i used to hate my name bc its so outdated and the only answer i ever got on introducing myself was “hey my grandma has the same name isnt that funny” but then more and more people told me my name was pretty and unique and well now that im older (sounds like im 40 lmao) im even kinda fond of it
25. what did you do for your last birthday: umm uhh i guess i was studying for my exams lol but i remember my gf cooking an amazing dinner for me 💖
26. what time did you wake up today: uhhhhhh smth around 9am i think
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: actually sleeping for once bc that headache knocked me out completely
28. what is something you can’t wait for: fucking going to fucking Hamburg in fucking five fucking days
30. what are you listening to right now: the birds chirping outside
31. have you ever talked to a person named tom: yes i had a classmate named Tom........he was a bit strange tho.......
32. something that’s getting on your nerves: i cant think of anything rn
33. most visited website: Tumblr and Youtube
34. hair colour: natural? blonde / current? dyed it pink two weeks ago
35. long or short hair: long ass hair and i mean, literally, they reach all the way down to my hips
36. do you have a crush on someone: ohhhahahaha so, so many, one - and maybe the king of em all - being Christoph Schneider (not obvious at all cough cough)
37. what do you like about yourself: uhhhhhhhhhhh.........;;;;; i guess... uh... *insert more unintelligent noises* maybe my legs?
38. want any piercings: no, except for maybe some on my ear
39. blood type: 0 positive, i think
40. nicknames: Lily
41. relationship status: super duper gay af with @haifisch-ohne-traenen
42. sign: officially capricorn (i like to say “the last capricorn” bc it sounds like “the last unicorn” and well my birthday is on the last day that still counts as capricorn), but honestly im more of an aquarius
43. pronouns: she/her
44. fave tv show: i recently watched Grimm and the story was okay but the cast was like super adorable and i fell in love with every single one of them
45. tattoos: none. YET. i have plans for so much i just am very bad at deciding
46. right or left handed: right handed 47: ever had surgery: okay, small story time. there are these childrens books by german illustrator and author “Janosch” in which a tiger and a bear are best friends and i used to love those books. so once, tiger got ill (his stripes slipped out of place) and he needed to see the doctor. and the exact line was “soothing small shot, blue dream, surgery over, noticed nothing, tiger healthy”. and i once was in the hospital bc there was something wrong my nose (i dont remember what it was tho) and so they anaesthetized me (and my fav stuffie which i brough with me for mental support) and afterwards i told everyone of my “blue dream” and everyone was like ????? wtf kid bc they didnt know what i was talking about and it was just some months ago when i finally found out that a narcosis isnt called a “blue dream” and that i just knew this bc of this books which i adored and tbh i was like MY WHOLE LIFE IS A LIE “BLUE DREAM” IS AN ADORABLE TERM FOR IT 48. piercings: none 49. sport: i did ballet for 15 years and i still love to dance around the house and the mother of my best friend once called me cute bc i cant stand still and always spin around or stretch my toes while lifting my leg or do some pliés and tbh i wasnt even aware of that
50. vacation: uh...i love? lmao
51. trainers: umm like my shoes? mostly wearing my black doc martens
— more general
52. eating: i love me some good salad with tomatoes, mozzarella and tuna but ngl a pizza margherita could beat that salad any time. or a nice ragout fin. or mac’n’cheese. i love food in general, okay
53. drinking: i’d kill for a tequila rn. but like non-alcoholic beverage - plain water, yes thank u
54. i’m about to watch: some movie with my gf which we havent decided on yet
55. waiting for: my gf to return home from work so i can smooch her pretty face
56. want: to cuddle honestly
57. get married: since its legal in germany for some months now... idk tbh, its not smth i debate about on a daily basis
58. career: um i have a vague plan for becoming a speech pathologist but yea... its very vague
— which is better
59. hugs or kisses: hugs
60. lips or eyes: gotta say eyes
61. shorter or taller: i dont care actually
62. older or younger: um sweats loudly...... older (fun fact i recently calculated the average age of my celebrity crushes....yes i was bored.... and it resulted in 50.... well.....)
63. nice arms or stomach: arms, fucc me up
64. hookup or relationships: relationships
65. troublemaker or hesitant: me? kinda both
— have you ever
66. kissed a stranger: no 67. drank hard liquor: yes 68. turned someone down: not really?
69. sex on first date: nope
70: broken someone’s heart: probably
71. had your heart broken: uh yea...kinda
72. been arrested: no
73. cried when someone died: yes, im a whiny bitch so i cry easily
74. fallen for a friend: yeah binch im dating that lovely ho right now... im gonna leave Brig’s answer here bc its perf and same here
— do you believe in
75. yourself: ugh
76. miracles: i want to
77. love at first sight: no
78. santa claus: i want to lol but no
79. angels: fuck yes
— misc
80. eye colour: blue-gray-green-ish mud 81. best friend’s name: Dana
82. favourite movie: so? much? i cant decide, really
83. favourite actor: Tom Hiddleston, i love this british dork, lemme tell u
84. favourite cartoon: phuh, idk i dont really watch cartoons
85. favourite teacher’s name: SWEATS LOUDLY AND AGGRESIVELY i had two massive teacher crushes back in my school days and that makes me a bit biased but im gonna say Herr Wolf was a great teacher bc he always said “hey, astronomy’s a minor subject, the test won’t be hard and i wont give u homework, u guys concentrate on math, german and english” and tbh we need more teachers like that
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The Tower of London Research
When William the Conqueror built a mighty stone tower at the centre of his London fortress in the 1070s, defeated Londoners must have looked on in awe. Now nearly 1000 years later, the Tower still has the capacity to fascinate and horrify. As protector of the Crown Jewels, home of the Yeomen Warders and its legendary guardians, the pampered ravens, the Tower now attracts over three million visitors a year. Here, the Ceremony of the Keys and other traditions live on, as do the ghost stories and terrible tales of torture and execution. But the Tower also has a richer and more complex history, having been home to a wide array of institutions including the Royal Mint, the Royal Armouries and even a zoo. As the most secure castle in the land, the Tower guarded royal possessions and even the royal family in times of war and rebellion. But for 500 years monarchs also used the Tower as a surprisingly luxurious palace. Throughout history, the Tower has also been a visible symbol of awe and fear. Kings and queens imprisoned their rivals and enemies within its walls. The stories of prisoners, rich and poor, still haunt the Tower.
The Conqueror’s fortress
In the 1070s, William the Conqueror, fresh from his victory but nervous of rebellion, began to build a massive stone fortress in London to defend and proclaim his royal power. Nothing like it had ever been seen in England before. William intended his mighty castle keep not only to dominate the skyline, but also the hearts and minds of the defeated Londoners. The Tower took around 20 years to build. Masons arrived from Normandy, bringing with them stone from Caen in France. Most of the actual labour was provided by Englishmen. Throughout history, the Tower has been adapted and developed to defend and control the nation. Henry III (1216-72) and Edward I (1272-1307) expanded William’s fortress, adding huge ‘curtain’ (defensive) walls with a series of smaller towers, and enlarging the moat. In 1240, Henry III had the Tower’s great keep painted white, making it the White Tower.
The Medieval Tower
They also transformed the Tower into England’s largest and strongest ‘concentric’ castle (with one ring of defences inside another). Inside, the medieval kings built magnificent royal lodgings.
Tower of strength
Kings and queens used the Tower in times of trouble to protect their possessions and themselves. Arms and armour were made, tested and stored here until the 1800s. The Tower also controlled the supply of the nation’s money. All coins of the realm were made at the Tower Mint from the reign of Edward I until 1810. Kings and queens also locked away their valuables and jewels at the Tower and even today, the Crown Jewels are protected by a garrison of soldiers.
The Tower’s defences failed once. During the Peasants’ Revolt of 1381, rebels ran in through the open gates!
The Bloodier Tower
The Tower of London has also been the infamous setting for stories of royal tragedy and death. During the Wars of the Roses, Henry VI was murdered here in 1471 and, later, the children of his great rival Edward IV – the Princes in the Tower - vanished within its walls in 1483. In 1674, two skeletons were unearthed at the Tower. The bones were re-examined in 1933 and proved to be those of two boys aged about 12 and 10, exactly the same ages as the princes when they disappeared. Henry VI was supposedly murdered while at prayer in the King's Private Chapel in the Wakefield Tower.
The palace guards
The famous Yeoman Warders, recognised as symbols of the Tower all over the world, have been here for centuries. They were originally part of the Yeomen of the Guard, the monarch’s personal bodyguard who travelled with him. Henry VIII (1507-47) decreed that some of them would stay and guard the Tower permanently.
Henry VII's personal guards were the first 'Beefeaters', so named as they were permitted to eat as much beef as they wanted from the King's table.
Ceremony of the Keys
Today the Yeomen Warders or the 'Beefeaters' guard the visitors, but still carry out ceremonial duties, such as unlocking and locking the Tower every day in the Ceremony of the Keys. They wear their red state ‘dress uniforms’ for important occasions at the Tower, and also for special events such as the firing of the huge cannon on the Wharf, known as the Gun Salutes.
Royal life and death
Medieval kings and queens lived in luxurious apartments at the Tower. They worshipped in the Chapel Royal, kept a menagerie of exotic animals (which lasted until the 19th century) and welcomed foreign rulers at magnificent ceremonial occasions. Although long since vanished, there was once a splendid royal palace to the south of the White Tower. Henry VIII modernised the rooms inside in preparation for the coronation of his new bride, Anne Boleyn in 1533. She and the King feasted here in splendour the night before Anne processed in triumph through the City of London to Westminster Abbey. Three years later Anne was back at the Tower, this time accused of adultery and treason. She was held in the same luxurious lodgings before being executed by sword on Tower Green.
Sent to the Tower
For over 800 years, men and women have arrived at the Tower, uncertain of their fate. Some stayed for only a few days, other many years. During the Tudor age, the Tower became the most important state prison in the country. Anyone thought to be a threat to national security came here. The future Elizabeth I, Lady Jane Grey, Sir Walter Raleigh and Guy Fawkes were all ‘sent to the Tower’. Even in the 20th century, German spies were brought here and shot.
The Chapel Royal of St Peter ad Vincula
The Chapel is perhaps best known as being the burial place of some of the most famous Tower prisoners. This include three queens of England: Anne Boleyn, Catherine Howard and Jane Grey, all of whom were executed within the Tower in the 16th century. Henry VIII's wives were accused of adultery and treason. Lady Jane Grey was an unfortunate pawn in a plot to replace Mary I and was executed for high treason in 1554, aged only 17.After their execution, the headless bodies of the queens were buried quickly and carelessly under the Chapel without any memorial.
Resting in peace
In 1876, when the Chapel was restored, the remains unearthed in the chancel, including those of Anne Boleyn, were reburied beneath a marble pavement, inscribed with their names and coats of arms.
Legends and ghosts
The Tower has been a visitor attraction since the 18th century, but numbers of tourists increased dramatically in the 1800s. Visitors were fascinated by the stories of England’s turbulent and sometimes gruesome history. Stories of ghosts haunt the Tower. Anne Boleyn is said to stalk the site of her execution on Tower Green. Arbella Stuart, the cousin of Elizabeth I who starved while under arrest for marrying without royal permission, is said to frequent the Queen’s House still. Two smaller ghosts are thought to be the ‘princes in the Tower’, and the Yeomen Warders even tell a chilling tale of a huge bear who occasionally appears to frighten visitors to death.
The Tower today
The Tower of London is still one the world’s leading tourist attractions and a world heritage site, attracting visitors from all over the world. And when the gates are locked and all the visitors have gone, the Tower embraces a thriving community within its walls. The Tower of London is still home to the Yeomen Warders and their families, the Resident Governor, and a garrison of soldiers. There is a doctor and a chaplain. And there is even a pub!
During its 900 years of existence, the Tower of London has earned the reputation of being one of the most haunted places in the UK. Thomas A. Becket is said to be one of the first ghosts seen in the tower. When the Inner Curtain Wall was still in construction, Thomas seemed to be very unhappy about it and reduced the wall to rubble with the strike of his cross. The grandfather of Henry III was said to be the reason for Thomas A. Beckett’s death so he built a chapel in the Tower for the Archbishop. People believe that Beckett was pleased with the construction of the chapel because no further interruptions were reported after the incident with the Inner Curtain Wall.
Arbella Stuart is one of the castle’s most famous ghosts. It is said that her ghost stays in The Queen’s House on Tower Green. According to records, Arbella Stuart married the nephew of Lady Jane Grey, William Seymour. The marriage was thought of as a threat because it did not have the permission of King James I. Arbella was put under house arrest in Lambeth while her husband William was sent to the tower. Arbella plotted to get William released so that they could travel together to France, however, William missed the rendezvous. Arbella set sail all alone but she was recognised and was sent back, this time to the Tower. William, on the other hand, made it to freedom. She stayed there until her death in 1615 in The Queen’s House. It is believed that she was murdered in the castle.
The most persistent of all ghosts in the Tower of London is that of no other than Queen Anne Boleyn. She was married to King Henry VIII. She was arrested and taken to Tower Green and was beheaded on the 19th of May 1536. Several sightings of Anne Boleyn have been reported. She appears close to the site where she was executed and has also been seen leading a procession down the aisle of a chapel. Several people have reported seeing her headless body walking the Tower’s corridors.
The Bloody Tower is a place in the castle which conjures up grisly images. There is the story of the two young princes, Edward V and his brother Richard, who were declared illegitimate by Parliament and sent to the tower. They were often seen playing around happily in the grounds but suddenly vanished and were never seen again. It was assumed that they were murdered by order of their uncle, the Duke of Gloucester. Two skeletons, believed to be the children, were unearthed beneath a staircase in the White Tower. The ghosts of the children are often seen wearing nightgowns clutching each other in terror in the rooms of the castle. They are also heard throughout the Tower.
There is also the White Lady of the massive White Tower. The White Tower is one of the oldest and most foreboding buildings and it is the eerie haunt of the White Lady. She was said to have stood once at a window waving to little children at the building on the opposite side. Her cheap perfume impregnates the air on the entrance to St. John’s Chapel.
Guards of the Tower of London have reported having a terrible crushing sensation upon entering the place where King Henry’s VIII impressive suit armour is exhibited. A guard who was patrolling the grounds have reported a sensation of someone throwing a cloak over him. When he tried to free himself, the cloth was seized from behind and pulled tightly around his throat by his unseen attacker.
The Tower of London was built by William the Conqueror in 1078. It is a complex of multiple buildings set within two rings of walls built to keep intruders out. Several expansions have been made by kings during the 12th and 13th century. Although there have been a lot of modifications and additions to the tower, the original layout of the tower remains. The Tower of London has played a major role in the history of England. It has been a treasury, a public records office, an armoury, the Royal Mint’s home, and the home of the country’s crown jewels.
The country’s history would be incomplete if the Tower of London is not mentioned. The tower has been besieged several times. Kings and conquerors believed that in order to control the country, the tower must be controlled first. During the 15th century, the castle was used as a prison. However, the peak period of the castle’s use as a prison was in the 16th and 17th centuries. Elizabeth I was one of the many prominent figures who were held captive in the tower. The use of the tower as place for captives popularized the term “sent to the Tower”.
Although there has been a lot of talk and a pervading belief that the tower is a place of death and torture, only a total of seven people were executed within the tower, a figure which is low compared to other places. The executions were commonly held on the Notorious Hill of the castle. In a 400-year period, 112 executions took place on Notorious Hill.
Two men, John Taylor and Anthony Salvin, restored the castle to what they believed was its medieval appearance. They cleared out most of the vacant post-medieval structures. During the two World Wars, the castle was again used as a prison and 12 men were executed for espionage. The castle was badly damaged during Blitz in the Second World War but it was repaired and opened to the public. Today, the castle is cared for by the Historic Royal Palace, a charity, and protected as a World Heritage Site. 1483, the two young princes were infamously murdered in the Tower, with their murder remaining unsolved to this day. The shadowy figures of two lost little boys – holding hands – are a relatively common sight in the White Tower, as they drift between rooms and melt into the walls.
In Many other tales of Tower of London ghosts involve Anne Boleyn. Anne was, of course, imprisoned in the Tower and beheaded in 1536. The ghost of Anne has been spotted in many different parts of the Tower of London: both roaming the inside of the buildings, and outside upon the Tower Green. It’s said that her headless torso paces through the Tower at night, and is most frequently spotted in the Chapel of St Peter, where she was buried following her execution.
In 1864, it’s recorded that a soldier guarding the Tower saw the terrifying, headless figure of Anne, panicked, and tried to stab it with his bayonet. The dagger, of course, went straight through her ghostly figure. The soldier fainted from fright, and was about to be court-martialled for being asleep on duty.
However, many other guards came forward and claimed they’d also seen the ghost of Anne whilst on night duty. As a result, the soldier was let off.
As I mentioned above, Anne’s decapitated body was originally buried beneath the floor of St Peter’s Chapel. In 1876, Queen Victoria ordered that the bodies in the chapel should be exhumed, and buried more appropriately.
A short while later, one of the captains of the guard was patrolling the Tower at night and saw a strange flickering light in the chapel. He climbed to one of the windows and pressed his face against the glass. He was amazed by what he saw. Inside the chapel, he saw a procession of lords, ladies and knights in armour. At the centre of the festivity was a small, delicately dressed woman. Later, he identified her as being Anne Boleyn. He remained at the window, transfixed by this strange and otherworldly scene.
After a few minutes, the lights in the chapel faded – and the procession of ghosts disappeared into thin air. The captain of the guard was left gazing through the window of a dark and empty old church.
The White Tower is effectively the ‘keep’ at the heart of the Tower of London.
Here’s a truly terrifying fact for you. Almost every castle keep in England seems to be haunted by one common ghost – a spectre of a woman, either dressed in white or black robes. These ‘white women’ or ‘black women’ feature in countless tales. They haunt all manner of castles – from Warwick to Goodrich, Tamworth to Leeds.
As you might expect, the White Woman of the Tower of London is spookier than most.
Often, visitors only glimpse a figure in white in the corner of their eyes. Then, quite suddenly, they smell the terrible, pungent smell of an old, overpowering perfume. Some visitors then describe the feeling of the world closing in around them; and chills run from their neck down their spine.
In recent years, tourists to the tower have even reported the sensation that something is tapping them on the shoulder. When they turn around, there’s nothing there- just a wisp of white which disappears into the periphery of their vision.
Here’s a very strange story indeed. Edmund Lenthal Swifte was the Keeper of the Crown Jewels between 1814 and 1852. He lived inside the Tower of London with his family.
He recorded a truly spooky experience. In his own words, it happened on a Saturday night in October, at “about the witching hour”.He was in the Jewel House (now the Martin Tower) – the “doleful prison” of Anne Boleyn. The windows were closed; the curtains were pulled over, and the room was lighted by a couple of candles. His family were seated within. Suddenly, something very odd happened. Let’s hear it, in exactly his own words.
“[My wife looked up] and exclaimed, ‘Good God ! what is that?’
“I looked up, and saw a cylindrical figure, like a glass tube, seemingly about the thickness of my arm. [It was] hovering between the ceiling and the table: its contents appeared to be a dense fluid, white and pale azure, like… the gathering of a summer cloud, and incessantly rolling and mingling within the cylinder.
“This lasted about two minutes. [Then] it began slowly to move before my sister-in-law; then, following the oblong shape of the table, before my son and myself; passing behind my wife, it paused for a moment over her right shoulder.
“Instantly she crouched down, and with both hands covering her shoulder, she shrieked out, ‘Oh, Christ! it has seized me!’
“Even now, while writing, I feel the fresh horror of that moment.”
To help give a bit of context to this story, we know that all types of exotic animals were imprisoned in the Tower of London during Tudor times. It was a bit like a modern zoo. Some of these animals still haunt the place. There are many stories describing the roars of long-lost lions, which echo around the Tower at night. Some have also described the phantom shapes of horses, which gallop along the cobbles at night – their eyes a terrifying, blazing red. However, this animal-from-the-underworld was something more ominous altogether. I’ll again quote from E.L. Swifte, writing in the 1800s.
“[One of the] sentries at the [Martin Tower] was… alarmed by a figure like a huge bear [emerging] from underneath the door.
“He thrust at it with his bayonet, which stuck in the door.
“He dropped in a fit, and was carried senseless to the guard-room…
“Of all this, I avouch nothing more than that I saw the poor man in the guard-house prostrated with terror….
“And that in two or three days the ‘fatal result,’… was that he died.”
This chilling tale has been told and re-told over the years, and many now say that the bear was no less than the devil in ghostly disguise, pulling the hapless to the underworld with him.
Have your wits about you when you visit the Tower, because one of its most popular exhibits – the old armour of Hing Henry VIII – is said to be possessed by a particularly malevolent ghost.
To explain, over the years, many guards have reported horrible sensations when patrolling the Tower of London at night. Different men and women have described the feelings of dread or of chills running through their spine when entering a particular chamber. However, some guards have told of truly harrowing experiences. Some describe walking into a room and feeling like they’re being crushed alive.
Some say that it feels like an demon has jumped from the ceiling, has wrapped its arms tight around their chest, and is trying to suffocate them. Others say that it feels like an invisible monster is trying to strangle them. They’ve felt the tight grip of hands around their neck, and have stumbled, gasping for oxygen, into another room. There’s even a tale which tells of a guard being assaulted by a ghost wielding a visible cloak. Again, the guard struggled as he felt the cloak wrap right around his neck. He managed to escape the room – but although his assailant was invisible, the remaining bright red marks on his neck were real. All these stories of suffocation and strangling have one thing in common: they occurred in the room storing Henry VIII’s armour. Wherever the armour was moved in the Tower of London, these terrifying experiences would occur in the same room. Nowadays, the armour is on plain display in the Tower. I’d advise you to be very careful when you pay it a visit – it appears to be home to a one of the most vicious Tower of London ghosts.
One guard patrolling through here in the early hours of a stormy winter morning got a sudden and unnerving sensation that a black cloak had been flung over his head. As he struggled, the cloak was seized from behind by his phantom assailant and pulled tight around his throat. When he arrived at the guard room, after freeing himself, gasping and choking, the marks on his neck bore vivid testimony to his brush with the unseen horror
There is an old prophecy that, if the ravens leave the Tower, the monarchy will fall. These proud territorial birds are, therefore, protected by Royal Decree, and the future of the monarchy is assured by the clipping of the ravens. wings.
Here another tragic resident, Lady Jane Grey, "The Nine Day Queen", was kept prisoner.
On 12 February, 1554, she watched from an upstairs window as her husband, Guildford Dudley, was led, sobbing, to his execution.
Later that same day, the sixteen-year-old girl, who had been pushed onto the throne by an ambitious father-in-law, walked bravely to her own death.
Ever since, her ghost has appeared on the anniversary of her execution as a white shimmering figure that floats from the rolling river mists, strolls sadly around the green or glides along the battlements, then withers slowly away.
You are standing upon the spot where a number of illustrious historical figures ended their days on the headsman's block. Many of them are buried in the church you are facing – St Peter Ad Vincula.
One execution, however, stands out as more shameful and gruesome than all the others, that of seventy-two-year-old Margaret Pole, Countess of Salisbury.
Her crime was nothing more than the fact that she was the mother of Cardinal Pole, who from his safe haven in France had vilified Henry VIII’s claim as head of the Church in England.
Unable to punish the Cardinal, Henry opted to exact savage retribution by sentencing his mother to death.
On 27th May, 1541, she stepped onto the scaffold and stared contemptuously at the executioner.
When told to place her head on the block she refused. "So should traitors do and I am none."
The executioner raised his axe, took a swing at her, and then chased the screaming countess around the scaffold and hacked her to death.
Her last moments have been played out on the anniversary of the shameful event ever since, as her screaming phantom attempts to escape from a ghostly executioner.
The exhibition inside the Bloody Tower commemorates the imprisonment here of Sir Walter Raleigh, and his ghost seems to appreciate the fact, as it has been seen here on more than one occasion.
But it is the little princes, Richard and Edward, whose tragic tale has given the Bloody Tower its sinister reputation.
The boys were sent to the tower by their uncle Richard, Duke of Gloucester, in 1483 when he became Richard III, both boys mysteriously disappeared.
It was always assumed that they had been murdered on Richard's instructions and their bodies buried somewhere within the grim fortress.
When two skeletons were uncovered beneath a staircase of the White Tower in 1674 they were presumed to be the remains of the little princes and afforded royal burial in Westminster Abbey.
But their whimpering ghosts, wearing white nightgowns and clutching each other in terror, often return to the dim rooms of their imprisonment. Witnesses are moved to pity, longing to reach out and console the spectral boys. But, if they do, the trembling wraiths back slowly towards the wall and fade into the fabric.
Kings, queens, lords, ladies, clerics and commoners would have taken their last look at the outside world from the top of those steps.
The Tower of London has been no respecter of birthright or rank. So offer a prayer for their repose as you shake the dust of history from your shoes and leave this grim fortress to its memories and shadows.
Our first ghost story was pretty recent – only as far back as the mid 1980s. One young yeoman warder was up in the Byward Tower reading the paper. Suddenly, next to the fireplace, the warder noticed a pair of “spindly medieval-looking men” smoking clay pipes. As he stared, one of the men turned and stared back. Then the moment was over, the men vanished. In Yeoman Clerk Wilson’s words, the young man wasn’t sure “whether he had seen the past, or the past had seen the future”.
There have been sightings of two young boys dressed in white gowns wandering aimlessly around the Tower grounds. Even children of pre-school age, who couldn’t possibly know the history, have reported the two melancholy youths in “funny clothes”.
You might be surprised to learn that only six people have been beheaded at the Tower of London. The first was Anne Boleyn, but the second – Margaret Pole, Countess of Salisbury – was far more gruesome.
Margaret was sentenced to death as a Roman Catholic in Henry VIII’s new Protestant England. But she didn’t go quietly to the Tower scaffolding, claiming her treatment was for traitors and she was no such thing. She broke free of the executioner and ran back towards her lodgings. But the executioner pursued, hacking her with his axe. On the anniversary of her death – which became seen as martyrdom – her screams are said to still be heard at the Tower. More than that, the shadow of the executioner’s axe has been seen cast against the walls.
One quiet day a yeoman warder was in one of the Tower’s rooms full of engravings remembering some of the Tower’s many prisoners. He was approached by a woman and her daughter, who were interested in the room’s sombre decorations. But as he happily explained, the daughter (perhaps 18 or 19 years old) started wailing: “So, so much suffering.” The warder was concerned, but his mother reassure him that sometimes she just picked up vibes and would be alright soon. They then proceeded to an area around a former altar where other interesting engravings were to be found. “So, so much suffering,” the teenager wailed once more. The warder tried to reassure her that they were “all gone now”. “Not him,” the woman replied, putting her hand behind her as if touching a man’s shoulder. She pointed to an engraving reading “Thomas Talbot, 1498″.
Historic Royal Palaces. (n.d.). The story of the Tower of London. [online] Available at: https://www.hrp.org.uk/tower-of-london/history-and-stories/the-story-of-the-tower-of-london/#gs.kbibi8 [Accessed 2 Nov. 2020].
Exploring Castles. (n.d.). The Tower of London Ghosts: Headless Haunts, Suffocating Sensations and Wandering White Women. [online] Available at: https://www.exploring-castles.com/uk/england/tower_london_ghosts/ [Accessed 2 Nov. 2020].
Richard Jones. 2020. The Ghosts of the Tower of London.. [ONLINE] Available at: https://www.london-walking-tours.co.uk/free-tours/tower-of-london-ghosts.htm. [Accessed 02 November 2020].
Haunted Rooms®. (n.d.). The Tower of London, London. [online] Available at: https://www.hauntedrooms.co.uk/the-tower-of-london-ghosts [Accessed 2 Nov. 2020].
Londonist. (2016). Who Exactly Are The Ghosts Of London? [online] Available at: https://londonist.com/ 2016/10/who-exactly-are-the-ghosts-of-london [Accessed 29 Oct. 2020].
Geographics (2019). The Tower of London: History’s Most Notorious Prison. YouTube. Available at: https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ebqW84tH2k [Accessed 29 Oct. 2020].
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The Long Way Round - Part III of IV
[Part I] | [Part II] | [Part IV]
A/N: I lied, everyone. Oops. But this got so long, I had to break it up. But, good news; you’ll get even more of Bucky, Tony, and TJ on Monday. (And that will be the actual final part, I promise.)
Bucky’s fresh out of the shower, getting ready to head out for their monthly Howlies dinner, when he sees his phone flash with an unread message. He can’t help but smile when he sees that it’s from Tony, but frowns, instantly worried, when it reads: are you busy right now?
They’ve been careful around and with each other the last few months, developing a schedule they both feel comfortable with, and rarely deviate from. They meet up twice a week, once to go out and do something with TJ—playgrounds, museums and exhibits, the zoo, feeding the ducks in the small park by Tony’s apartment—and once to have dinner together, as a family, and give Bucky the chance to be part of TJ’s bedtime routine. They text, a lot, and call each other on the days they don’t meet up, talking about everything and nothing for hours, trying to figure out where they stand, and where to go from there.
Tony texting him something like this is highly unusual, and Bucky’s hit call before he’s even fully aware of opening his contacts, nervously chewing his bottom lip as he waits for the call to connect.
“Hey,” Tony says when he picks up, sounding a little stressed, but not like something terrible is happening. “Sorry to spring this on you, but are you free tonight? One of my clients is having some issues with their servers, and, well, it’s kind of a mess, and they’re freaking out about it. It’ll take me two, three hours to fix, tops, but I don’t really want to take TJ to the office with me if I can avoid it. He’s had his bath already, and he wants PB&J sandwiches for dinner—”
“Jam!” TJ screeches happily, somewhere in the background.
“—so you wouldn’t even have to cook,” Tony finishes. Then, to TJ, he adds, “Don’t yell, please.”
“Sorry!” TJ yells, from wherever he is in the apartment.
(Watch out for the break, mobile readers!)
Tony sighs, and Bucky clears his throat to cover a laugh. “‘S fine, Tony. You know I love seein’ you. The two of you, both of you.”
Bucky winces at the slip-up, but Tony either doesn’t notice, or is nice enough to not point it out. They both know that Bucky’s still as gone on Tony as he was almost four years ago, but Tony is quick to change the subject whenever they get too close to the feelings territory. He’s obviously struggling, working up to something big, but Bucky isn’t going to push. That never works with Tony, anyway, and Bucky might be pining, but he’s also genuinely happy to have Tony back in his life as a friend and co-parent.
They hang up after Bucky promises to come right over, much to TJ’s obvious—and loud—delight. He sends a message to the Howlies group chat once he’s caught a cab, and only feels a little guilty for cancelling on them last minute. They’re his brothers, and he loves them all dearly, but he also remembers the way they’d been suspicious and dismissive of Tony right from the start, without a discernible reason. The only one of his friends who’d genuinely liked Tony had been Peggy, and she’s also the only one who knows some of what’s been happening in Bucky’s life lately.
TJ is bouncing off the walls when Bucky arrives, clearly excited about the change to his evening plans. Tony shoots Bucky an apologetic look on his way out, then kisses TJ’s head and reminds him to be good.
They have the promised PB&J sandwiches for dinner, and some yoghurt with sliced bananas for dessert. Afterwards, TJ asks for a story, so they curl up on the couch together, and Bucky reads him Daddy’s Boots. Tony had originally bought the book in an attempt to help TJ understand Bucky’s long absence—they both agree that TJ doesn’t need to know everything just yet, especially the messy details of their breakup—but it has become one of TJ’s favourites by now, only ever to be read to him by Bucky.
“Someone’s tired,” Bucky teases, when TJ yawns for the third time in about as many minutes. “Time for bed, huh?”
“No,” TJ whines, flopping across Bucky’s lap, but promptly yawns again. “‘Nother story, please?”
Bucky pretends to consider for a few seconds, but has to laugh at TJ’s upside down pouty face. “Teeth and pyjamas first.”
TJ scrambles off the couch, whooping, with Bucky following more sedately, chuckling quietly under his breath. He empties the dishwasher and puts everything away, then reloads it with their dishes from dinner. He’s wiping down the table when TJ skids into the kitchen, right into Bucky’s legs, decidedly not in his PJs.
“Up, Bucky, up,” he demands, insistently tugging at Bucky’s shirt until Bucky, heaving a sigh, lifts him up onto his hip. “It’s you an’ daddy, look!”
Bucky has to set him down on the counter so he can take the slip of paper TJ’s waving at him, which turns out to be a picture of Bucky and Tony. It’s a selfie they took the morning after the first time Tony had spent the night at Bucky’s; Tony is beaming at the camera, eyes half closed, his whole body turned into Bucky’s chest while Bucky nuzzles him, mouth open against Tony’s cheek, one arm stretched up to take the picture, the other wrapped firmly around Tony.
“Where,” Bucky starts, then has to swallow hard to get rid of the lump in his throat. “Where’d you get this, sweetheart?”
TJ nearly faceplants off the counter in his eagerness. Bucky catches him around the waist, and levels him with a warning look before setting him down more slowly. TJ leads him through the living room, out into the hall, and then vanishes inside Tony’s bedroom. Bucky hesitates on the threshold, because for all that he’s been here once a week over the last three or so months, going into Tony’s bedroom feels intimate, somehow, like he’s intruding.
But then TJ calls, “Bucky, come see,” and Bucky figures he probably should go in, if only to make sure TJ isn’t making a huge mess. Which he isn’t, but he is trying to drag a moving box out of the closet, looking hilariously offended when it doesn’t work, and he lands flat on his butt instead.
“C’mere, lemme help,” Bucky says, lifting it out for him. He feels obligated to ask, “Does your dad know you’re goin’ through his stuff?”
“Yes,” TJ says absently, which is so very clearly a lie, Bucky has to bite his tongue so he doesn’t laugh. He plops down on the floor, and rifles through the contents of the box for a moment before holding something else out to Bucky. “Look, Tesla!”
“Shit,” Bucky blurts, and goes to sit cross-legged next to TJ, taking the pink stuffed bear from him. Belatedly, he warns, “Don’t repeat that, ‘kay?”
“Bad word,” TJ acknowledges, but he’s already back to digging through the box.
Bucky, though, is still reeling, staring down at the teddy in his lap. They’d gone to Coney Island for one of their first dates, spending way too much money on junk food and rigged carnival games. Bucky’d managed to not suck completely at exactly one of them, and won the pink teddy—named Tesla by Tony, because of course—for Tony.
And Tony had kept it. And told TJ about it. Which means—something? Maybe?
The curiosity gets the better of Bucky, and he scoots closer to peer into the box. He’s careful not to lose anything as he moves an envelope overflowing with ticket stubs and receipts aside, and smiles fondly, heart fluttering, when he finds more pictures. He grimaces at the cut out newspaper articles about his alleged death and unlikely rescue months later, but there’s hope underneath the old hurt now, because these mean that Tony thought of him, has kept track of him over the years. He starts to laugh when he comes across one of his favourite v-neck shirts, thought lost years ago, but it dies in his throat when he sees what’s underneath.
Hand shaking, Bucky picks up the small velvet box, stroking his thumb over it, but not opening it yet. He wants to, more than anything, but at the same time, he doesn’t want the confirmation that he lost even more than he’d previously known.
It’s TJ who, after he must have grown bored of watching Bucky’s impending emotional breakdown, opens it for him, and takes out the ring. “Pretty! Bucky, look, it’s pretty,” he coos, turning it over in his fingers. Then he glances up at Bucky, face scrunched up into a confused frown, and asks, “Yours? From daddy?”
And that is what makes Bucky snap. He grabs TJ and gets up, determined to finally get to the bottom of things. Because this isn’t right, none of it is; they’d been happy, him and Tony, they’d talked about moving in together, had even had tentative plans to start a family after Bucky’s last long deployment overseas. Tony had wanted to propose, to marry him, not break up.
Not until their night out with the Howlies, anyway.
- Potrix
#winteriron#tony x bucky#tony stark#bucky barnes#alpha/beta/omega dynamics#alpha bucky#omega tony#kid fic#misunderstandings#hurt/comfort#parent tony#parent bucky#tony is a sap#thelongwayround#prompts#potrix
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