#and it's wearing a beautiful necklace that was meant for my aunt but then we grew apart
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whatwwwwwww · 7 months ago
9, 14, 17, 28 ☺︎
hello hello!
9. tell a story about your childhood
my babysitter, this teenage girl who I thought was so cool bc she was kinda punk (I wanted to be her so bad), was (poorly) telling me about socialism and she was like "and some ppl will just give away their microwaves for free!" and that blew my mind for some reason
14. what’s something you’ve always wanted to do but maybe been to scared to do?
Urbex. I think that's the coolest shit ever and now it's extremely unlikely I'll ever be able to do that bc I'm too disabled now. don't let your dreams be dreams folks! overcome your fears!
17. name 3 things that make you happy
Mario Kart, the ferry, the ocean. and that's just from today!
(that's a lovely question, I must've missed it!)
28. do you collect anything?
I DO. I collect metal animals of various sizes. I have a cast iron big, an aluminum crane, and a tiny whale, to name a few. I need more but my windowsill can only fit so many
thank you dear! 🥰
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canirove · 2 years ago
Granada | Chapter 13
Author’s note: You don’t want to miss next Tuesday’s chapter and everything that is coming 👀
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"I am so glad you finally agreed to celebrate your birthday, Rúben."
"But you said it would be a small gathering, not… this" he said, looking around.
"Can't a mother celebrate her son's birthday?" the Queen asked.
"Of course, but…"
"But nothing. You deserve this" she said before kissing his cheek, that gesture reminding him of Rowena's kiss when she had wished him happy birthday. It had totally caught him by surprise, but it had been a very welcomed one. "Where is Rowena?"
"Probably still getting ready. Anne isn't here either."
"What if something happened to her?"
"Something like what?" the Queen laughed. "But look at you, worrying about her. That's new. And cute."
"Whatever" Rúben said, looking for his brother. Maybe he knew if something had happened to them. 
As his eyes scanned the room, something caught his attention. Or to be more precise, someone. Rowena. 
"There she is! You can stop worrying now" the Queen said. "Rúben. Rúben, darling, are you alright?"
But he wasn't able to give her a reply. He had forgotten how to speak, how to move, how to breathe. He only had eyes for Rowena, who had just walked into the patio where they were throwing the party. She looked… she was… breathtaking. It was the only word that could describe her. 
"If you'll excuse me, mother" he said, his body somehow remembering how to work again as he walked towards Rowena.
"Good evening, my prince" she said when he approached her.
"My lady" he replied, taking her hand and kissing it. "You look absolutely gorgeous tonight."
"Oh, thank you" Rowena giggled, feeling her cheeks get warm. "And happy birthday. Again."
"Thank you" he said, giving her that smile she loved. "Would you like to drink something?"
"Sure" she replied, taking the arm he had offered her.
"You look stunning, Rowena."
"You already said that, Rúben. Not with those words, but…"
"Am I not allowed to compliment my wife?" he asked, arching an eyebrow. 
"Of course you are. But there is more to a woman than just her beauty."
"I know, I see it daily. But this..." he said, scanning her body like he had done the day they met and during their wedding. "This is something I don't get to see that often, and I want to take in every single detail."
"I… umm…" Rowena mumbled, not too sure about what to do with herself. Rúben had never complimented her like that. And he had never looked at her like that either, as if he was in awe of her existence. She didn't know how to feel, what to feel, or what it meant. "Let's get that drink, shall we?"
"Of course" he replied. "But why blue?"
"What?" she asked while looking for a servant.
"Why did you choose blue for tonight? You barely wear it."
"Do I?"
"Yes. You are more into warm colours."
"Didn't know you were into fashion, Rúben" she chuckled before stopping a servant.
"And I didn't know you wanted to get drunk tonight" he laughed after she drank the glass she had just picked up from the servant's tray in one go, another one already on her other hand.
"I'm just thirsty" she shrugged.
“If you say so..." Rúben chuckled. "Why blue, then?"
"I don't know. I had been saving this dress for a special occasion and thought today was the day."
"It looks different from the others you've worn before."
"That's because it belonged to my mother and some aunt of hers before her. This blue is the colour of her family."
"Sky blue?"
"We just say it is blue. You are the first person who calls it like that."
"Maybe because the sky you get to see back home is mostly grey?" he asked with a teasing smile.
"Maybe" Rowena laughed. "But I like the new name. And tonight I'm actually wearing my family's colours. Light blue and dark red" she said, touching the necklace Rúben had gifted her.
"We should choose our family's colours too.”
"We aren't a family" she chuckled.
"Yet" he smirked, making her drink what was left of her glass in one go once again.
"Oh, there you are!" the Queen said. "You look beautiful tonight, Rowena."
"Thank you" she smiled.
“Are you ready for your first dance?"
"It is my birthday, mother. Not our wedding" Rúben complained.
"But just like that day, we are celebrating you!" she said. "Come on, don't make the musicians wait."
"But…" Rowena said, trying to also complain. "Did you know about this?" 
"I did not" he said as they walked towards the middle of the patio, everyone around them moving to give them enough space.
"Just try not to spin me too much. I think I drank too fast and may end up throwing up."
"I'll try" Rúben smiled. "But that dress was made for spinning and twirling and all those things. It'll be difficult."
"Just try. Please."
"If you use the magic word…" he said as the music started playing. 
"I think I'm going to be sick." 
“Yes” Rowena said, letting go of Rúben’s hand and running towards the nearest flowerpot. She had danced with the King, with Diogo, their uncle and some of their cousins before going back to Rúben, and all of them had made her spin around as if she was just a doll and not a real person.
"Rowena, wait" Rúben said, following her. “Let me help you.”
“I’m…” Fine. That was what she would have wanted to say. But she couldn’t, nausea taking over her. 
“Is the Princess alright?” someone said next to them.
“Yes, yes. It’s just that she must have eaten something that didn’t sit well with her” Rúben said while doing small circles on her back, making her feel goosebumps all over her arms. Though maybe they were because of the way she was throwing up and not because of his touch.
“Should we call a doctor?”
“There is no need. Right, love?”
“I’m fine” Rowena replied, sitting down on the floor. 
“Don’t lay down” he warned her.
“Why? It’s cold, and I feel so hot.”
“Because everyone is watching.”
“What?” she said, looking up. A group of people had gathered around them, all of them giving her pitiful looks.
“Time to go to bed” Rúben said, picking her up.
“I’m fine” she repeated.
“You are not. I knew this party was a bad idea.” 
“Rúben, what is going on?” the Queen asked.
“We are leaving.”
“What? Why?”
“Because my wife isn’t feeling well. She should be resting, not dancing around and drinking.”
“But… The cake!”
“I don’t care about the cake” he said as he walked away.
“That was rude” Rowena said when they made it to their room. “And I do want cake.”
“I’ll go get you some cake if you promise you will stay here and rest.”
“Fine” she sighed.
“Good” Rúben smiled as he put her down on the bed.
“I’m sorry.”
“About what?” he asked as he took off her shoes.
“About ruining your birthday party.”
“You didn’t ruin anything, Rowena. I wasn’t enjoying it that much.”
“I don’t know” he shrugged. But he knew why. He was jealous. Jealous of how everyone was looking at her, of the looks other men were giving her. He didn’t blame them, she looked stunning that night. But at the same time…
“Can you help me get out of this dress?”
“The bodice is killing me and I can’t reach it. When I put it on a maid helped me.”
“Of course” he said as his fingers started moving down Rowena’s back, something she hadn’t thought of when she asked him for help. If she was feeling hot already, this wasn’t helping. 
“Wait!” she stopped him.
“Did I break something?”
“No, no. It’s just… I’m not wearing anything underneath it.”
“You what?” Rúben said, looking at her back. He had been so focused on his task, that he hadn’t noticed that it was mostly exposed. If she wasn’t holding the top of the dress… “I’m sorry, I didn’t... But shouldn’t you…”
“I should be wearing some undergarments, yes. But it is too hot here for that, so I just went… free.”
“What… what do you want me to do now?” Keep undressing me. Cover my skin with your kisses. Make me yours. Those were the answers that suddenly crossed his mind, the things he would have liked to hear. But he knew those words weren not going to leave her lips.
“Bring me my nightgown. It is over there” she nodded.
“This one?”
“Yes, that’s the… Rúben, are you alright?” she asked. He had gone completely still, his eyes fixed on her. “Rúben?”
“Sorry, sorry. Here go you” he replied. “I’m going to get you that piece of cake.”
“Wait, what?” he heard Rowena say as he closed the door. He needed to stay away from her. If she had looked breathtaking earlier that night, it was nothing compared to way she looked right now, sitting there on their bed, her dress barely covering her upper body, a few strands of hair that had left her updo framing her face, asking him to put them away while he kissed her, while he caressed her. 
He had never wanted her the way he did at that moment. He had never desired her. And if he didn’t want to do something he would end up regretting later, he needed to stay as away from her as he could.
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ha1taniwh0re · 2 years ago
The 8th Princess of Sea
Information about story here
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I thought that being a princess is hard, well it is but not for me. Everyone knew that King Triton had 7 daughters and he loved them truly. The thing people didn't remember was that there was 8 of us. Of course they knew about me but because of my shy personality they forgot about me really quick when I left the town. I decided to live with our aunt Ursula who wasn't like our father. Ursula was a sea witch, evil but she has her soft side too.
I always loved to hear about people who lives on land. My aunt knew more about evil people than good, well I can understand that. She would tell me about The Evil Queen, Cinderella's stepmother and stepsister, Maleficent and other evil people but one villain caught my attention. Rumpelstiltskin.
I just got to a new town where I will have concert. We will stay here for 4 days. It wasn't big but had people who will see my performance.
"Hey Lisa you have time for yourself you can go eat or something and come to Granny's inn at 6 to start preparing for concert alright?" My manager said.
I just nodded and went to look around. I didn't knew where is a restaurant or something so I went to a Mr. Gold's pawnbroker to ask if he can show me where I can eat. When I went inside of the shop I saw that this shop had everything. I was looking around and saw a necklace, purple necklace that had a shell with purple pearl inside. It looked beautiful.
"You have a good eye" a Voice said.
I looked to the direction where the voice came from and saw a older man with brown-gray hair and brown eyes. Surly opposite of me. I smiled at the man.
"What can you say about that necklace?" I asked
"Well I know nothing about it as if you meant if it has a story. People would say that it belonged to mermaid, a really powerful mermaid that had pink pearl but darkness in her heart made it purple" a man said.
"A mermaid? What an interesting story" I said and chuckled.
"How much do you want for it?" I asked
"Really?? But why?"
"You look like a mermaid who would sing to sailors and than eat them after dragging them in deep ocean" a man said.
I smiled at him again.
"Than I will wear it tonight, be careful maybe I will drag you somewhere tonight Mr. Gold" I said and left a man in his shop.
When I left I released I didn't ask where is a restaurant but it doesn't matter because after just 10 minutes I found dinner. Granny's dinner. I went inside and ordered a salad.
"A salad?? And I have to believe you will drag me somewhere tonight my mermaid??" A familiar voice said.
I looked up from my phone and saw Mr Gold laying on his cane and watching me with his brown eyes.
"Im not allowed to eat anything else before concert, but don't worry I will have a strength to do whatever I want" I smirked.
Mr Gold smirked at me too and just sat opposite of me.
"You know it's surly not well mannered to left someone without giving them your name"
"Lisa, Lisa Yamanaka"
"Not very mermaid name" a man said and we both laughed.
He was quite handsome man but also much older than me. Also Im here only for 4 days but also who said I can't have some fun before I leave. I looked at the man with a passion in my eyes, I got my salad ready to go but I didn't want to. I paid a salad. I saw that Mr Gold's tie wasn't good so I came closer to him our lips were only a few centimeters away. He looked at my lips and I looked at his. I fixed his tie and just went out of dinner leaving him alone. I came back to Granny's inn and started preparing for my concert. When concert started I saw a special part in crowd for mayor, her son and Mr Gold??? Why is he next to her? Are they married?? My concert went well and my manager called me to meet someone. Mayor, her child and Mr Gold were standing there waiting for me.
"Ah Lisa pleasure to meet you, Im Regina the mayor, this is my son Henry and this is Mr Gold he owns half of the town so he is big part of our town as we can say. I smiled at them and we were talking a little amd than they left when I dressed myself into something more comfy I put my headphones and went out of concert building. I took a cigarette and when I tried to light my lighter it didn't work but when someone gave me his lighter. I looked and saw Mr Gold.
"It's not very healthy to smoke, mermaid" he said
I chuckled and looked at him
"You don't like woman who smokes?" I asked and came closer to him.
"I have never said that", he pulled me closer by my waist so our lips are only a few centimeters away again. I took a cigarette and blow a smoke into his face. He only smirked and I started walking my way.
"What happened to dragging me somewhere, dear?"
"Let's save it for another day grandpaaa" I chuckled and so did he leaving that spot.
A/N:New story, comments appreciate
Tag: @bellarkeselection <3
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astheskyisblue2 · 2 years ago
Chapter one- Sunflowers, The Pageant
A/n: Hi guys I hope you like this chapter! Please reblog, follow and or like if you want! Just a quick trigger warning for domestic abuse and child abuse here and throughout the story!
Aria’s P.O.V.- July before Junior year
    It should be illegal to wake up early in the summer. Summers were made to sleep in, comfy in your bed, and pretend like the rest of the world didn't exist. It should be socially unacceptable for anyone to get out of bed before noon unless it is an absolute emergency. 
    Nothing important happened in the morning either. All the fun things happened at night. But if everyone had the same schedule, none of the fun things would happen at night because the fun thing about night was the peacefulness. The feeling that you are the only one in the world, and nothing you did mattered. Not really. You couldn't do anything under the watchful eye of Mother Moon that would fuck up your life entirely. As long as the only thing you wanted to do was sit up, in your window seat, draw and  listen to rock music so loud you would probably go deaf if you listened to it at that volume during the day. 
   Of course, that was just an illusion. A wistful dream of a nocturnal fifteen-year-old's mind that was being deprived of actual dreams by a criminally insane aunt who thought that it was, and should be, perfectly legal and socially acceptable to wake up at five in the morning while on vacation. 
   Not only to wake up so early, but to wake up so early to go to a beauty pageant. A beauty pageant! Beauty pageants were outdated, archaic practices meant to put women on display as if we are cattle for men to select and slaughter. 
    They were created to showcase the perfect female. Perky, thin, submissive, middle class and white. Fuck that shit. Fuck feminity. It was another way the patriarchy used to keep women in the kitchen and dependent on men. Even now when women are legally allowed to work, it's still socially frowned upon to do so after having kids and more socially frowned upon to not have kids at all. 
   God forbid, a woman want a life outside of marrying some man, who has a lot less social pressure on him just for being born with a penis, and most of them don't even treat women right. Fun fact: Did you know that women are significantly more likely to be murdered by their husband or boyfriend than any other person in their life? 
   And beauty pageants on their own were a hot spot for women and girls to be sexualized and attacked. Poor Jon Benet… Poor who knows how many like her that we would never know their names. The wrong things were socially acceptable. The wrong things were glorified, and it made me want to roll back over and sleep until three in the afternoon out of protest and spite. 
  Unfortunately, the universe had other plans for me. My endlessly energetic and aggressively morning person of a  twin sister skipped into my room. She was already dressed in a white sun dress decorated with sunflowers, a pair of wedges and an oversized straw sun hat. She was also wearing the same gold cross necklace that she wore every day. Part of me wondered if it had molded to her skin by now and that was why she never took it off.. Who even wore hats indoors? Apparently the same person who got up and dressed at, by the looks of her curls and face full of makeup, three or four in the morning with a smile on their face. I didn't even get to sleep until three or four in the morning most days! I wanted to soak up every bit of nighttime that I could. I groaned, "What do you want, Bri?" 
  Brielle giggled, "Well, Good morning to you too Sunshine!" She somehow pronounced the exclamation point. Everything she said was punctuated with an exclamation point. I think she'd vibrate with the excess energy if she tried to talk like a normal person. "I brought you a little something."She held out a can of Coco Chameleon,my favorite coffee. It was an iced coffee blended with a thick flavor of chocolate and cold brew. So it tasted delicious and had enough caffeine to keep me alive. I refused to drink the dirty water that was black coffee.
    I'm sorry but nothing can convince me that anyone actually likes black coffee, they just get a high off of feeling superior to others because they chose coffee as their hill to die on. Out of all the injustices in the world. They. Chose. Coffee. Couldn't be me. I'd take my sweet sweet sugary bean juice any day of the week. And I did. On pageant days, I needed at least two. It made me slightly shaky but at this point my bloodstream was forty percent coffee and sugar and sixty percent actual blood. "Did I mention I love you?"
    Brielle giggled, "You didn't, but I know you do. I love you too, by the way." She sat on the end of my bed and drank her green juice while I chugged my coffee like I was stranded in the desert and it was the first water I had seen in days. 
   After I had finished it, I sat up, groaned and stretched, with that amazing yawn that forced all the tired out of my body except for the little bit that hung around my eyes. I wiped the crusties out and sighed. "Alright, let's do this shit." Brielle tensed. "Oh come on, Brielle. Shit isn't even a bad word in the grand scheme of bad words." 
   "But it is a bad word and that makes it a sin. No sin is better or worse than any other sin.." She clasped her hands in her lap. So apparently cussing was as bad as murder?
  "Well that's bullshit." I mumbled, rolling my eyes. Brielle gasped. "What? What'd I say?" 
  "If you want to live on the path of sin then fine but you sure as sugar will not drag me down that path with you. Now, Aunt Meredith wants you down in twenty minutes and if you're late we're leaving without you." 
  "I'm not sure that's the threat that you think it is!" I yelled after Brielle as she left the room and stormed off down the hall. I loved her but she was a handful and a half. She acted that way because of her boyfriend's family, the Kipps. Our family was religious, sure, but their family was even more so. Our family was the type that went to church every Easter, Christmas and sometimes after a particularly bad fight. We only ever prayed before meals like Thanksgiving when my grandparents were over.
    The Kipps were the type of religious that practically ran the church. Mr. Kipp led the youth group. Mrs.Kipp and Mr. Kipp helped organize and run most of the fundraisers and outreach for the church. Mrs. Kipp spent several hours teaching and rehearsing with the church band. Brielle was the singer for said band and their son, John was the drummer. Fun Fact: Music is only a sin if it’s not about God. You can’t listen to secular music but you can make Christian covers of those same secular songs which would require listening to said secular songs. Just one of the many hypocrisies of Christianity. Of course, I would never say that to Brielle because she found so much joy in Christianity. Or she found something good in it because she devoted a lot of her time to it and it was different from the way that people would ironically watch a movie or wear a band tshirt. So, who was I to tell her not to believe in the things that made her see the world in brighter colors? That brought her green eyes to life?
      Even if I didn’t understand it or believe someone could conditionally love me unconditionally. I knew that I loved her unconditionally and maybe that was the only thing humans were meant to understand. Maybe the only thing that really mattered was our love for other humans. I didn’t know if that was fake deep or real deep. It all sounded the same in my sleep deprived brain. I needed at least ten to function properly. More reason as to why it was sadistic to make me wake up at five in the morning when I had only managed to get about an hour. 
  Brielle prayed before every meal even if we didn't pray with her. She went to every service. She sang in the church band. She carried mini bibles and promotional bookmarks in her purse in case she saw someone “God told her to” give it to. Between Church, cheer, pageants and school, she barely had time to sleep and eat but it seemed to give her the type of peace I only got from coffee or music.
      I knew that they wouldn't ever actually leave without me. I couldn't ever be that lucky. So, I threw my sheets off and started going through my closet to put an outfit together.
       “What was that about?” I jumped. I hadn’t seen Grace in my doorway. 
      “Jesus Christ, Grace. You fuckin’ scared me.” 
        “Oh so that was what it was about.” She sat on my bed and wrapped my blanket around her shoulders. 
   “Yep. Which shirt should I wear?” I pulled two out of my closet. 
       “You’re kidding me, right?” 
        “They’re the same shirt.” 
         “Uh, no they’re not.”
    “They’re both band shirts.” 
  “So? Band shirts are incredible.”
   “Well of course you think that, all you ever wear is band shirts.” 
    “That’s not true.” I put one of the shirts back in the closet and pulled on my Welcome to the Black Parade one. I had two copies of this shirt because I loved it so much. Then I started brushing my hair up into a high ponytail. I didn’t feel like wearing it down, I would look too much like all the girls who were actually competing. Except, of course, most of them were taller than me. I was a very petite five-foot-two and it was the reason I would always be taken as a newborn kit when I was trying to be a fierce Lioness.  The “I could kick your ass” vibe wasn’t as easily achieved and not nearly as scary when you were a pipsqueak like me.
    Grace handed me her thick makeup bag. “Here.” I wish I didn’t have to wear makeup but it was one of Aunt Meredith’s ridiculous rules that I didn’t give enough of a shit about to fight her on. Especially not on pageant days.  She was a special kind of intense on pageant days, at least the season was almost over. This pageant would be our last one for the year, and it was only one day instead of the usual full weekend. 
   There were rules that I pushed back on. Out of the three of us, I was the most outwardly rebellious child. I was the only one that was begrudgingly allowed not to compete in pageants. That was because, as the clever and mischievous child I was before I became the clever and mischievous teenager I am, I had sabotaged the pageants. It never seemed to be on purpose.  A forgotten lyric in the talent portion, or going shy during interviews, or putting my dress on backwards or unzipping it for the actual beauty portion of the beauty pageant. Which by the name, should be the entire thing. In fact, in a beauty pageant in its original form, that was all it was. The talent and interview portion were added in a performative action to make beauty pageants more feminist, before feminism was a colloquial term. 
   I know that I just said I should let people enjoy things even if I didn’t completely understand them but there was a huge difference between religion and beauty pageants, even if I believed the message behind them for women was pretty much the same and spoke to bigger problems in society that I as a fifteen-year-old girl who couldn’t even vote yet was powerless to change. I didn’t have a lot of control over anything so I rebelled and listened to loud and angry music. Mostly of men and the occasional woman, like Halestorm, screaming about how fucked up the world was because it made me feel a little less voiceless even though it didn’t really make an impact on anything except my insides but anything that made me not want to peel my skin apart made an impact on me and maybe that was all I could do. Maybe the only person I would ever make a difference on was me. Maybe my legacy would die with me, and maybe that was okay. Besides, beauty pageants were keeping me from sleeping and religion wasn’t, so I knew which one I considered to be public enemy number one. 
   I dabbed a bit of concealer on the deep purple rings that underlined my tired emerald green eyes and applied a bit of mascara. The mascara really made my eyes pop. I hated myself for saying that because it meant that one of Aunt Meredith’s opinions held even the tiniest bit of weight. So, out of spite, I zipped Grace’s makeup bag back up and handed it back to her without applying lip gloss. “Thanks.” I pulled on my thrifted leather jacket that was starting to peel from old age and overuse, I wore it everyday no matter the weather. It had gotten to a point where I didn’t feel like myself unless I was wearing it. So I guess I understood Brielle’s obsession with her necklace at least on that level.
   “Grace! Aria! Get your butts down here!” Aunt Meredith screeched. 
    “Coming!” I groaned and tied my black converse, my Doc Martins hadn’t come in the mail yet and it was too hot to wear them and a leather jacket in the middle of the summer anyway. Wearing a leather jacket was pushing it but there was no way I was going out without my baby.
   “I swear that’s like your emotional support blankie.” 
    “Shut up.” I bumped Grace with my shoulder and slung my bulging backpack over my shoulder.
       Aunt Meredith fussed with Brielle once they were in clear view. “Brielle darling, you look beautiful.” 
  “Thank you Auntie.” 
    “But there’s something off.” She tapped a finger on her lips and inspected Brielle’s outfit. “It’s the hat!” She plucked it off her head with both hands. I’m not kidding. She had to use both hands.. It was that big. “There, that looks a lot better. You have to keep your head clear for when you leave wearing a crown.” There was no point in her saying that other than to make Grace feel bad. Brielle probably wouldn’t even be wearing that same outfit by the time we left that night. There were a lot of outfit changes. That was kind of their main shtick. Aunt Meredith knew this. She had been taking me and Brielle to pageants since we were three and dragging Grace to them even longer. There was a time, now only remembered through photographs, where Grace was her star, but somewhere along the line, I don’t remember when Grace started having to battle to even be seen. “You look beautiful, Brielle. A future Miss America.”
  Brielle blushed and looked down at her feet. At least she had the common sense to be slightly ashamed. “Thank you, Auntie.” 
   “How do I look, mother?” Grace asked, apparently feeling brave that day. She was wearing a red off-the-shoulder shirt, dark blue jeans with a brown belt and matching brown boots. Her hair was curled too. I think that she tried to copy the way Brielle wore her hair but it didn’t go as planned. Most of the curls had come undone, but it worked. Her light chestnut brown hair was straight with a gentle wave to the ends. Her makeup was gentle, at least for her. I could still see the light dust of freckles across her cheeks, and instead of a striking lipstick, she was wearing a thick layer of gloss. She had clearly put a lot of effort into her outfit and I thought that she looked beautiful. 
  Aunt Meredith just ignored her, as she usually did. “What time do we have to leave?”
  Grace must’ve been feeling really brave that day because she repeated herself, “How do I look, mother?” 
  “You’re so rude. Can’t you see I’m in the middle of a conversation?”
   “Okay.” She let out a sigh of defeat.
   “You look beautiful.” I said, sincerely.
    She rolled her eyes, “I wasn’t asking you.” 
    “I know.” I didn’t fire something back because I could see the hurt in her eyes. She didn’t need me mocking her for it. 
    “We need to load up the car anyway. Come on.” And by we, she meant me. Why couldn’t she and Brielle have done it? They were down here for twenty minutes before we came down. Brielle had given me a Coco Chameleon so they had gone to the store already too! We weren’t allowed to keep Coco Chameleon in the house in case it spilled and poisoned their precious green juice. But no, it had to be me. Every. Single. Time. I sighed and went to pick up the things by the door. A black metal box filled with hair and makeup supplies, several separate outfit bags, and Brielle’s baton.
   “Here, you need help?” Grace asked but  she was already picking up the bags.  Aunt Meredith and Bri had already gone out to the car.
   As the sun rose, we drove through the sleeping city to the pageant.
   The first portion of the pageant that day was Talent. “Can someone help me zip my dress?” Grace asked, struggling to push her hands to the zipper of her red floor-length gown. 
  “Relax, come here.” I held my hands out and she turned around, sucking in as I zipped it up.
   The dressing room, Aunt Meredith had paid extra to make sure we had a private one, was flooded with generic patriot music. Brielle flung herself across the floor, she was a flash of red, white and blue. She jumped and contorted herself while Aunt Meredith yelled out commands and the occasional compliment. 
    Grace lined her lips with red and twisted her hair into a braid. I handed her her belt box. A belt box was a small oddly shaped box that molded to her mouth and muffled her voice as she warmed up. Fifteen minutes later, Grace was called to the stage. On our way out of the dressing room, Aunt Meredith decided to share some of her oh so desirable wisdom, “Shoot for second place!” I’d say that she was just a bitch who had never mentally made it out of her teenage years but Grace and I were both still in our teenage years and we would never act like that. So, there really was no excuse for that. I wanted to punch her in the face to deliver some karma for her actions but I knew that that would only make her feel like she was the victim. So, with the little impulse control my sleep deprived brain would allow me, I put my hand on Grace’s back and led her out of the room and into the wings. As we stood there, I could feel a gentle shaking.
   “Grace… Are you crying?” 
  “No. I just don’t get why Brielle is some great saint. I mean, she’s not even that pretty.”
“I didn’t mean you.”
“Brielle and I literally have the same face.”
“Yeah, but you’re not a bitch.”
“And Brielle is?”
“No…. Why do you always have to take her side?”
“I’m not taking her side.”
  It became more obvious that Grace was in fact crying.  “I’m sorry. I’m just so tired. So, so tired.” I would’ve offered to find her some coffee but I had a feeling it wasn’t the type of tired that coffee could fix.
  She turned around and I hugged her, gently stroking her hair.  “I’ll never be good enough for her, will I?” 
 I sighed and kept stroking her hair, “No. No hon, you probably won’t be.” Grace started crying harder into my chest. Yikes, I could’ve said that a lot more gently but it was the truth.
 “I just want to be what she wants. She’s my mother… why can’t I just be good enough for her?”
  “Because she’s a narcissistic bitch, and that’s not your fault. You can’t control her and… you can’t change that. But you know what you can do?” 
  “What?” Grace sniffled. 
   “You can wipe your tears, fix your posture, go out there and prove her wrong. Do it for yourself, okay?” 
 Grace wiped her eyes, “Okay. I’ll do it for us.” 
  I smiled and let her go. “I know you will.” 
  And she did, I knew she’d won even before the award ceremony. I waited in the audience next to Aunt Meredith. She was wearing an excessively flashy outfit. A bright red dress, rhinestone dangle earrings that looked like mini chandeliers  and a thick black and white pearl necklace.  All she needed was a thick white coat and she would look like Cruella Deville, except Cruella Deville was less evil. 
 “Thank you all for coming to DalesVille’s Annual Sweethearts Pageant. We have a lot of beautiful and talented young ladies here today and it was so hard to pick the winner. We wish we could give all of you a crown! But unfortunately, there can only be one winner per age category. Now let’s get on to the awards.”  Grace and Brielle’s age category was the last.
  “Second Runner-up is Cornelia Nottingham.” I held my breath, “First runner-up is Brielle Summers.” I let it go, smiling a justly smug smile. “And finally, Miss Teen Sweetheart is… Grace Roberts!”
   I jumped up and screamed. Aunt Meredith grabbed me by the wrist so hard I thought she was going to crush it. “Sit down and act like a lady!” She hissed at me through gritted teeth and dragged me down to my seat. 
   When she let go, there were red marks from her nails. “Jesus Christ…” My face burned with the heat of her anger in a way that told me she would’ve slapped me had we been alone. Little did she know, I would’ve slapped her back.
    Grace ran off the stage and hugged me. She had this expression of hope on her face that I hadn’t seen since we were kids. The sparkling crown on her head was reflected by the light in her eyes. “Did you see that? I did it!”
  “You did! Hell yeah you did! I’m so proud of you.” 
  “I’m going to check with the judges. There has to be some sort of mistake. My little Brielle has never lost a pageant to anyone.” This, of course, was a lie. But whatever helped her sleep at night. Aunt Meredith stormed off. 
 “Ignore her. These judges actually had a brain in their heads. You deserved to win, Grace. That was the best I've ever seen you perform.” 
    “You really mean that?”
    “I don’t say things I don’t mean.”
     “Pinky Promise?” 
     I laughed, “You’re such a child.” But I held out my pinky to her anyway. 
  Brielle with her smaller crown, ran past our aisle and into the arms of her beloved John. Of course John was here. He picked her up and swung her around, then they kissed. They were that annoying, overly romantic couple. 
  “I wonder if they know they aren’t actually in a cheesy romance movie.” 
  Grace shrugged, “You know, it would usually bother me but I’m in too good of a mood for their dramatics to ruin it. I’m just glad she’s happy. John’s a really good guy.” 
  John handed Brielle a blue bouquet of sunflowers and some blue flowers. I didn’t know what type but I guess that didn’t matter. “Yeah, I guess he is.” They’d been dating for years and Brielle still blushed every time he did something romantic for her. 
  Aunt Meredith sashayed back over to us, her nose up in the air. “Don’t go getting cocky over your win. It was only by half a point and I’m sure that was a calculation error. You had lipstick on your teeth.” 
  “No, no you didn’t.” I said, thoroughly rolling my eyes at Aunt Meredith.
  “Well, maybe we should get your eyes checked.” 
   “They’re fine. Trust me.” 
    Aunt Meredith kept her teeth clenched. “Listen, young lady. It is one thing to not have even an ounce of taste but it is another thing entirely to blatantly disrespect me.” 
   “Oh, like you blatantly disrespect Grace? All. The. Fucking. Time?”
    “It’s not like that.”
    “No, you’re right. It isn’t the same thing because you’re the mother. You’re supposed to be above all this but instead you screw her over time and again.” 
  “Aria.” Grace put a hand on my arm but I shrugged it off. 
     “No, no I’m sorry but why the fuck do you think it’s okay? Do you not see the effect you have on Grace? On Brielle even? Why do you feel the need to bully teenage girls? Is it because you’re so deeply insecure that you can’t see people prettier than you without hating them for being that way? Maybe it’s not that they’re pretty at all, even though they’re fucking beautiful, maybe it’s that they’re actual human beings while you are proof that the devil exists.” I was met with a slap across the face so hard I blacked out for a second. 
   “Do not disrespect me, you ungrateful brat! I didn’t have to take you and your sister in but I did. And I can throw you out!” Everyone left at the pageant was staring at us by then. Brielle and John had snuck out. Good, I didn’t want her to hear the way Aunt Meredith spoke about us. She still had faith in the world, and the goodness of people and I’d be damned if I let someone take that away. I held my cheek, glaring at her. That was going to leave a bruise. Aunt Meredith flushed, looking at all the onlookers. “Carry on.” She dragged me out by my arm and Grace followed along. 
   The car ride was silent, Aunt Meredith didn’t even turn the radio on. So, I popped my headphones in and played  Second Chance by Shinedown on loop as I watched the sun go to sleep. It was my favorite song for when I needed to be somewhere else for a while. It was the best song to daydream about running away to and nothing could change my mind.  
          Brielle texted Aunt Meredith to say that she was going to the church lock-in. It was a youth group only event. Who wanted to spend the night in an old creepy church anyway? It was probably haunted. I didn’t see how it couldn’t be. There were two places on this earth that were definitely haunted: Hospitals and Church. Too much life went on in those places for them not to be. As much as I loved the Paranormal, I had no desire to actually see a ghost.
  Grace was still beaming by the time that we pulled into the driveway. She ran inside with her award. “Dad! Dad! Guess what?”
    Uncle Chris turned from the stove to his daughter. Bentley, our pitbull, was circling his feet in search of scraps. “What, Pumpkin?”
  “I won! I won!” 
  Uncle Chris hugged her, kissing the side of her head. His eyes had lit up in the same way hers did. For the most part, Grace took after her mother physically. So it was cute to watch their similarities. “That’s wonderful, Sweetheart. Congratulations.” 
  “Thanks dad.”
   “Do you want to do anything to celebrate?” 
  “Can we make cookies?” 
 “Absolutely not, you know the rules: No Junk Food of any kind during pageant season.” Aunt Meredith’s heels clicked across the floor as she joined us in the kitchen.
 “Come on, Mer. It’s just a few cookies. Don’t you want to celebrate our daughter?” 
  Aunt Meredith scoffed, “ Of course I-don’t undermine me in front of the children, Christopher. The answer is no.” She turned to Grace, “We can’t have you gaining any more weight. Then you won’t fit into your dress.” 
 “Don’t talk to our daughter like that, Meredith. Her weight is fine. She’s fifteen! She deserves to be a kid while she still is one.”
 It was like a shift in the air, something woke up in our monkey brains and we ran up the stairs, Bentley followed at our heels. 
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descendantofthesparrow · 4 years ago
Encore - Part of your world - Harry Hook x Reader - Part 25 - The Wedding - FINALE
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The Wedding
You took a deep breath, staring at the calendar on your apartment wall. A very particular date circled in red
May 22nd - Wedding day~!
Today was the day…you would be getting married to Harry Hook, the love of your life. You squealed and jumped around your room, eyes catching onto your dress hanging off your door. You giggled to yourself and grabbed the dress, holding it to your chest and dancing around your room, closing your eyes and imagining Harry dancing along with you as you had your first dance as husband and wife.
“Someone’s excited~” you stopped and turned to face your door, seeing your aunt, (BFF name), Jazzy, Lily, and Emma standing there, fond smiles on their faces. Tonks stepped into the room and pulled you into a hug, your friends joining it soon after “You ready for today?” Tonks asked, smiling as you nodded against her rapidly, the girls pulling back and moving around the room to grab your makeup and other things you would need today, like your shoes, dress, snack bag, and vows.
You glanced at the clock, the time reading 10 am. The wedding started at 4 so you had a good 6 hours before everything happened. But everything you needed that wasn’t at your apartment was in the captain's quarters on your new ship, Harry was getting ready in a different cabin to prevent the ‘seeing the bride before the wedding’ thing.
“We all ready?” your friends and aunt nodded, their necklaces, which had been charmed by Uma to temporarily have the same properties as your necklace, shining for a moment. “Then let's go”
You took your key and stuck it into your doorknob's lock, turning it and opening the portal. You opened the door and stepped through, the girls following after you a moment later.
Tonks gasped a bit setting down the cake she had been holding on the table and spinning around “Wow~!! This-this is yours!?” you beamed and nodded, taking the dress from Jazzy and hanging it off the closet door.
As your friends admired the room and talked amongst each other, Uma stepped into the room, sharing a smile with you and turning to talk with Tonks, gesturing towards the cake.
Tonks nodded and Uma turned back towards the door, calling for Gil, who entered a moment later and took the cake. Not before greeting you cheerfully though. You laughed to yourself and looked at Uma, she already had her teal dress on, her hair curled to perfection and make-up on point, her usual shell necklace seeming to shine with polish.
“You ready girl?” Uma asked, walking up to you and tossing her arm over your shoulder, smirking as you nodded rapidly.
“Hell yeah, I've been waiting for this day for almost a year~” you hummed, unable to keep the smile off your face. “My cheeks hurt from smiling so much but I can't stop!” Uma chuckled, rubbing your shoulder and nodding towards the door.
“Harry’s been a nervous wreck all morning, he’s worried somethings gonna go wrong in preventing him marrying you today, but I shoved a paper bag in his hand and told him to breath, Ben and Harriet are with him right now to prevent him from trying to see you early and any nervous breakdown stuff” you laughed a bit as Uma’s long explanation and shook your head.
“That’s adorable” you chuckled, opening your arms a bit as CJ and smee twins ran into the room, CJ slamming into your side as the twins latched to your legs and hips. “Hello you three, what's up?”
CJ opened her mouth in an attempt to speak when Harriet yelled her name from outside the room. CJ pouted and squeezed your waist, dragging her feet as she walked back out to the main deck.
“Was-was that CJ??” Emma asked, stepping towards you and staring wide-eyed at the door where CJ had gone through “She looks so different than the animated show”
“Everyone does, but didn’t you see her yesterday at the rehearsal?” Emma shrugged and you laughed, patting the Smee twins back and nodding at the small table that had been set up with multiple chairs “You two sit down while we get ready, you’ll have to leave when we get dressed though” they nodded and raced to sit down, Uma taking your snack bag and grabbing some (f/s) for them, setting it down to distract them as Uma and Jazzy sat you down at the vanity and started to work on your hair and makeup, your aunt checking over the dress and making sure it was clean and ready to wear.
You attempted to turn to look at the door as Evie entered but Uma turned you forward again “Don’t move, I don’t wanna stab you with bobby pins” she muttered, continuing to mess with your hair to get it into the style you had chosen for your wedding.
“Okay okay” you laughed, looking at Evie through the mirror as she appeared behind Uma, smiling at your reflection. “Hi Evie~”
“Hi (y/n)~” she sang back, going to work on your hair to help Uma as Jazzy got your makeup ready to use “You ready for today?”
“As I'll ever be” nerves had started to buzz, sending butterflies throughout your body “I just want to be married to him already, and now I gotta wait like six hours to say ‘I do” Evie and Uma laughed, Evie patting your shoulders gently.
“I’m sure the hours will go by quickly, and before you put on your dress you need to look at the main deck décor, Harry went to go look at the reception hall so he’ll be off-ship for a small bit.” You nodded gently against Uma’s amble fingers, pinning your hair and styling expertly.
“Gil took the cake to the reception hall too, so everything is set up there, FG will be here about two hours before the ceremony, guests will arrive about an hour before and then~” Evie leaned down, wrapping her arms around your shoulders and pressing her cheek into yours “You’re married to Harry~”
“I’m gonna be honest, I never thought I’d see the day” Uma laughed, smirking as you and Evie looked at her with raised brows “to see Harry get married, he’s always been someone that everyone thought he would grow up without anyone, too rowdy, too rough, too wild spirited to be ‘tied down to anyone” Umas smile turned sad “then again, we all thought love was something worthless, weak…I’m glad you came into our lives (y/n), you taught us, especially Harry, that love is a strength, and one of the greatest things a person can know” you sniffed, quickly rubbing away the tears burning at your eyes and twisting around in your seat to hug Uma tightly.
“Aww” your friends, aunt, and Evie cooed, turning away as Uma gave them a look. You squeezed Uma and pulled back, giving her a watery smile.
“Thank you” you whispered, laughing as Uma wiped away the tear rolling down your cheek.
“No, thank you”  Uma patted your head and twisted you back around “Okay, enough sappy shit let's get you ready to get married to Harry!”
“Hey, that rhymed!” Emma cheered,  setting up mirrors on the table for the bridesmaids to get their hair and make-up ready.
“Let's do this!” you laughed as the girls cheered and got to work, putting on make-up and doing their hair as Uma continued to get you ready.
“Harry, breathe” Harry glared at Harriet as he paced around the cabin he had been in for the past hour, (y/n) was in the captain's quarters, getting ready for their wedding and all he wanted to do was burst in there and smother her in affection.
But no one would let him as apparently, seeing the bride before the official reveal meant bad luck, and Harry didn’t want any of that for their marriage. “Harry really” Ben grabbed Harry's shoulder, giving him a reassuring smile “you have nothing to be nervous about, Uma made sure the weather will be perfect the entire day, (y/n) loves you to death, you love her to death, everything is ready. This day is going to go great” Harry took a couple of deep breaths and slowly nodded, giving Ben a small smirk.
“Thanks, beasty boy” he mumbled, rolling his neck and stepping in front of the standing mirror, grabbing his cravat and tying it around his neck, Harriet and Ben talking in the background. He smoothed down the front of his black with red trim vest, corrected his sleeve cuffs, and took another deep breath.
He glanced at the clock, closing his eyes a bit and groaning.
12 pm.
Four hours left.
Dizzy and Celia rocked on their heels, waiting inside the captain's quarters as the ceremony drew closer. “Okay, guys!” Evie clapped her hands, drawing the attention of the bridesmaids and groomsmen/best maid. “You know the order and drill, Emma you'll walk out with Jay, Carlos with Jazzy, Ben with Lily, Gil with (BFF name), Harriet with Uma, and CJ you’ll be walking with the twins! Celia, Dizzy!” the two looked directly at Evie “You’ll be walking out just before (y/n) and Tonks, laying the petals on the pathway towards Harry before (y/n) takes her walk, okay?” they both nodded, Celia giving Evie a thumbs up. “Awesome~ okay!!! It's time~!! (y/n)-oh, my goodness~!!”
Everyone gasped and went silent as you stepped out from behind the changing screen in the corner of the room, the dress had been just as beautiful as when you last put it on, but now it was joined by your veil that gently flowed behind your head down to your waist, your hair elegantly pulled into (preferred hairstyle for wedding stuff), your face was painted with light yet alluring makeup, lips a softer red than your natural lips and shimmery (e/s/c) accenting your eyes with a curling wing finishing it off.
“Oh, my, evil” Uma gasped holding her hands to her chest as she stared at you wide-eyed, Evie walking up to you and looking over your dress to check for any makeup stains. “You look amazing (y/n)!”
“Thank you” you whispered, trying to keep the tears from ruining your make-up, laughing as Evie came to the rescue with her handkerchief. “Thank you” Evie smiled at you, pulling back and looking towards the door as the music began to play.
“Okay! It's go time! Go go go!” the groomsmen and bridesmaids all got into a line, Evie opening the door and letting them through, smiling as she spotted Harry staring directly at her, adjusting his shirt collar slightly as the wedding party made their way down the isle.
CJ grabbed onto the twins, one on each side of her as she walked out next. Evie smiled at you one last time and walked out of the room, quickly going to sit down with Mal and Jane as Celia and Dizzy skipped out into the isle, laying down the petals as a pathway for you to Harry.
Mal nodded at Harry to Evie, Evie cooing as she saw Harry's teary eyes filled with excitement and nervousness. “So cute” Evie whispered, gasping and turning as the wedding march began to play, the captains quarters door opening, and Evie heard Harry’s breath stop as you and your aunt stepped out.
The sun that was beginning to set illuminated you beautifully, your face set in a soft watery smile as you looked to Harry, who was crying. He wiped the tears streaming down his face, a bright smile on his lips as he looked at you. Harriet bumped his arm and handed him a tissue, Harry quickly drying his face and tossing it back at her.
Tonks kissed your cheek and held out your hand to Harry, who stepped towards you and eagerly took it, drawing you closer to him and taking a deep breath “Yeh…yeh look beautiful” Harry whispered, taking your other hand as you handed your bouquet to Uma.
“Thank you, you look very handsome” you whispered back, lifting one of your hands to rub your thumb against the red fabric of his black and red tailcoat. And it was the truth, Harry laughed a bit and wiped another tear off his cheek, FG smiling brightly as you both turned to her.
“Are we ready?” she asked gently, nodding as you and Harry looked at each other softly “Then let's begin” FG opened her book and smiled at the crowd, her eyes sparkling with Joy “Today we celebrate the union of (y/n) (l/n) and Harry Hook, on behalf of the bride and groom, thank you for joining us. By your presence, you celebrate with them the love they have discovered in each other, and you support their decision to commit themselves to a lifelong relationship.
Marriage is a bond to be entered into only after considerable thought and reflection. By making this commitment today, (y/n) and Harry’s relationship will become stronger, better, and deeper.
Today, (y/n) and Harry demonstrate their devotion to each other by dedicating themselves to a life together and they show their respect for each other. By setting forth to honor the vows they have created today, their lives, which began on separate paths, will be joined as one.”
You could feel the tears burn in your eyes as FG spoke, laughing quietly as Harry blinked away his own tears, hands clutching tightly onto yours. You looked to the side a bit, feeling another pair of eyes on you, and smiled as you saw Persephone and Hades, sitting at the back and watching the wedding. She had never quite explained why she was so invested in your relationship, but you never really bothered to question it either, just happy to be with Harry.
“Deep abiding affection, the magical and compelling shared impulse that makes us seek each other’s company, is among the greatest gifts of the human experience.” FG’s voice came back into focus as you looked back at Harry, reaching up and cupping his cheek as tears continued to streak down his face, wiping them away with your thumb, you heard some of the crowd coo as you did so, Harriet once again offering a tissue.
“Any of us who has been fortunate enough to find and express the kind of loving devotion that we are celebrating here today knows that it is an awesome and beautiful thing.
At this time, I would like to share 3 suggestions with the both of you:
My first suggestion is this:
Be constantly grateful for this precious person who has chosen to make a life with you.
My second suggestion is this:
Be generous with compliments.  Be attentive and helpful. The world can be a tough place and any of us can be subject to rough handling.  Each of you can, by your tenderness toward each other, kind words and thoughtful actions, make your marriage and your home an uplifting refuge.
Last, but perhaps most importantly:
Make truth the unfailing bedrock of your lives together. A happy, loving marriage is built on trust and respect. That trust and respect can only be sustained if you are both deeply committed to always being open and truthful in every exchange no matter how small.
My hope for you is this:
That you have many long years to delight in each other’s company, to feel gratitude for your great fortune in having found each other.
To a make home together that is at once sheltering and welcoming, to each do meaningful, productive work at home and in the world and to love and be loved by the friends and family who have come here today to support you”
FG smiled, letting you and Harry face her before she continued “(y/n) (l/n), do you take Harry to be your lawfully wedded husband, and travel the rest of life’s road with him? Will you love him, laugh with him, comfort him, honor and protect him, and forsaking all others, be faithful to him as long as you both shall live?” you rapidly nodded, squeezing Harry's hands, giving him a bright smile as your voice wavered.
“I do” FG nodded, looking to Harry as he sniffed and quickly rubbed his face as you gently laughed.
“Harry Hook, do you take (y/n) (l/n) to be your lawfully wedded wife and travel the rest of life’s road with her? Will you love her, laugh with her, comfort her, honor and protect her, and forsaking all others, be faithful to her as long as you both shall live?”
“I do” Harry's voice cracked as he spoke, making the crowd laugh quietly and coo again as he nodded along with his words, taking a wobbly breath as you tilted your head and smiled at him.
FG nodded again, looking down at her book before looking up again “And now, they shall say their vows, I've been told you’ve written your own?” you and Harry nodded “All right then, who would like to go first?” “ I will” you spoke up, taking back one of your hands and sticking them into the dress pockets, Harry gasping a bit in excitement
“Pockets~” he cheered quietly, biting his lip as you grinned back at him.
“Pockets~” you cheered back, opening the paper with your vows and taking a deep breath. “Three years ago, I fell into this world…literally” the crowd laughed, Bonnie and Desiree clapping a bit “and the one thing I didn’t expect was to see you, but I knew the moment I saw you that it was going to grow into something, but I didn’t know then that it would be love.” You bit your lip as Harry sobbed lightly, bringing up his free hand and wiping his cheek “I grew up thinking I would never find someone for me, I thought I would end up alone with twelve cats and fifteen dogs” Harry snorted at that, biting his lip “but that all changed when I saw you for the first time. And I knew that I was going to be by your side for the rest of my life, either as your friend or as your lover. I have never felt a deeper love for anyone else in my life, you are my sadness and my joy, but most of all you are my love. I promise to always protect you and your sisters, I promise to always love and cherish you, I promise to eat any leftover Brussels sprouts that Harriet makes you eat” Harry laughed, Harriet behind him rolling her eyes “I promise to always be there for you, and I promise to love you from now to the end of time, and just a little bit more”
You let out a small coo as you looked at Harry, who was softly sobbing and attempting to wipe away the tears that were streaming down his cheeks again. “Fuck” he mumbled, laughing as Harriet patted his back. “My turn I guess?” you and FG nodded, Harry taking your hand again as he took out his vows from his pockets.
“um, when-when I met yeh” Harry's voice cracked as he started, laughing a bit as you reached towards his face and wiped another tear away “I didn’t know I would love yeh this much, I didn’t know how much I would come ta care about yeh, but I’m so damn happy yeh came into meh life, and I know that I would be in a very different situation and I would be a different person without yeh. Yeh protected meh from meh father and so many other people who tried to hurt meh, yeh accepted my sisters and friends as yer own family even before we got together, yeh have been by my side since before we even really knew each other, and when-and when yeh stayed up with me all night when I had one of my nightmares, that was when I knew I loved yeh. But-but”
Harry sniffed, wiping another set of tears away as his voice cracked “I dinne know how much I loved yeh, until I lost yeh for almost two years, I-I love yeh so much that I was in physical pain when yeh were gone, and I could only breathe again when I saw yer face again for the first time” you gasped for breath as tears almost spilled from your eyes, but Uma quickly handed you a tissue and you saved your makeup, you let out a breathy laugh and looked back at Harry, giving him a blinding smile.
“I-I never thought I could feel so much for a person…as yeh…and-and I just desperately need yeh ta take care of meh because I’m a mess all the time” you laughed, squeezing Harry's free hand as you stepped slightly closer to him, staring into his bright ocean blue eyes. “I-I wrote a whole thing” he nodded down to the paper he was holding, the crowd laughing a bit as he crumbled it up and shoved it back in his pocket “But it's long and repetitive”
He took your other hand, giving you that smile that you oh so dearly loved of his “and ultimately, I just want ta promise yeh that I will love you forever…I will always show yeh affection, I will always be happy ta see yeh no matter how hard the day was, I will always be sad ta leave yeh when I have ta do first mate stuff fer Uma” Uma chuckled behind you, dabbing her eyes with a tissue “I will always care for yeh, if yeh are sick or hurt. I will always celebrate you and celebrate with yeh when yeh are happy. And most importantly, I promise ta be yer best friend��because yeh are my best friend” Carlos smacked Gil when he made a small noise, Gil laughing a bit as he did so. “And all of these things are promises I have ta make, but I have no intention of ever not making. Because I love yeh so much and I’ll never stop.”
You took a wobbly breath, squeezing his hands again and looking to FG, who was dabbing her eyes quickly. “Ah yes, of course, the rings?” Skipper and Sterling stepped forward, both holding a small red box in their hands. You took the box from Sterling while Harry took the box from Skipper, Harry patting Skipper's head before the two joined their father in the crowd.
“Now” FG started, turning to Harry “Harry, repeat after me;” he nodded, taking the ring out of the box and cradling your left hand, the golden band shining against the sun. “ With this ring”
“With this ring” Harry repeated softly, staring into your eyes, smiling as he slid the ring onto your finger.
“I am giving you my promise,”
“I am giving yeh meh promise,”
“to always love you,”
“ta always love yeh,”
“cherish you,”
“Cherish yeh,”
“honor you and comfort you.”
“honor yeh an’ comfort yeh”
“ I promise that I will love you”
“I promise that I will love yeh”
“and keep my heart open to you”
“an’ keep meh ‘eart open ta yeh”
“All the days of my life.”
“All tha’ days of meh life.”
FG nodded, turning to you and you repeated the same words to Harry, sliding the golden band onto his ring finger, intertwining your fingers as you did.
“(y/n) and Harry, we have heard your promise to share your lives in marriage. In the honesty and sincerity of what you have said and done here today, and in accordance with the laws of the state of Auradon it is my honor and delight to declare you henceforth to be husband and wife.” You beamed at Harry, jumping in place slightly as your favorite part was only a moment away “You may now kiss the bride” you grabbed the lapels of Harry's tailcoat and pulled him into you, sealing your marriage with a passionate kiss, Harry's arms wrapping around your waist and picking you up off your feet as the wedding party stood and cheered, some of the crew popping off confetti poppers.
FG beamed as you and Harry pulled apart, stopping for a moment to stare into each other's eyes “Everyone~!” FG called out, clapping her hands together as you and Harry faced the crowd “May I introduce you to Mr. and Mrs. Hook!”
An hour later, everyone sat in the reception hall, you and Harry sitting in the middle of the table at the front as your main wedding party surrounded you, Harriet on Harry’s left as Uma sat to your right, the Smee twins enjoying their macaroni and cheese as they ate dinner with their dad. Dizzy and Celia sat with Evie as they ate their chicken and potatoes, Mal chatting away to Evie as they sipped at their sparkling cider.
Harriet tapped against her glass with a knife and stood, giving an awkward grin as she did as everyone turned to look at her “Uh, I was told it's time for the best maid and maid of honor speeches so I guess I’ll get it over with?” Harry shook his head fondly, wrapping his arm around your waist and leaning against you, bumping his head into yours as the hall went silent to prepare to listen to Harriet.
Harriet took a deep breath and looked to you and Harry “I don’t have a big fancy speech all written down so Im’ma just go for it…so when as we were growing up, I was basically Harry and CJ’s mom, I took care of them the best I could and hoped they didn’t die when they went out to cause whatever chaos they had decided on, the first time I stopped worrying about Harry was when he made friends with Uma, because other than (y/n) and I, she is the only person who can ever tell Harry what to do and he’ll actually listen” Harry rolled his eyes at that, the party laughing along.
“But there was always a part of me that was scared for Harry, that something would hurt him…that part disappeared when I met you after the incident, when uncle Smee told me someone from Uma’s crew had destroyed my father and his crew all on her own, and saved Harry from him. When I met you after that day, I had expected someone cold, someone who had only saved Harry from my father for personal gain…but I was wrong” Harriet gave you a soft smile, tears brimming at the edge of her eyes
“you were someone that- while you hadn’t known him for very long, -that deeply cared about my brother, and I could see that as soon as I saw you. And as you and Harry started to be together more often than not, I saw him grow from the little shit that always bothered me, to the young man who I am so proud of” Harry sniffed and wiped away a tear, looking up at his sister with a watery smile “Thanks to you, my brother is still around today and I’m so glad you’re the one he fell in love with, you are everything I ever wanted for him and I am proud of you both” Harriet raised her glass a bit, the wedding party following her lead “I wish you an eternity of love and happiness, to Harry and (y/n)”
“To Harry and (y/n)!” Everyone drank from their glass as Harry stood and wrapped his sister in a hug, burying his face in her neck as she rubbed his back.
“Thank yeh” he whispered against her neck, laughing as she pulled back and kissed his cheek, something which she hadn’t done since they were kids.
“Thank you” she whispered back, the two sitting down as Uma stood with her glass.
“Dunno how I’m gonna top that but!” the crowd laughed again, Uma smiling as you squeezed her hand and grinned up at her. “Um…I guess I’ll start with this, (y/n).” she looked down at you, taking a deep breath “When Harry first dragged you into the chip shop to join the crew, I honestly didn’t think much of you, even after Harry told me you outran the Gaston twins, and then when you stole Gaston’s prize trophy the next day” you glanced at Ben, snickering at the shocked look on his face “When you arrived, I had no idea how much of an impact you would have on us” she gestured to her, Gil, and Harry, then the crew.
“But I knew how important you would become to us when you came back from the Jolly Rodger after dealing with James Hook for Harry, and I’m really glad you came into our lives, especially Harry’s because, without you, I don’t think any of us would be the people we are today. Then as the months went by, and I saw Harry fall in love with you, it wasn’t until you told me where you were truly from that I saw you truly loved him back, willing to hurt yourself to protect his feelings, which still, that was stupid as fuck and I have no regrets from yelling at you about it” you snorted and rolled your eyes, hitting Umas elbow gently as she smirked at you.
“And I feel like I've already talked too long so I’ll end it with, I’m glad you and Harry are together and I love you both, and I’m so happy for you” she raised her glass, the wedding party following her lead as they did Harriets “to Harry and (y/n)!”
“To Harry and (y/n)!!”
As Uma sat down you leaned over to wrap her in a hug, Harry doing the same and wrapping his arms around both you and Uma. “I love you” Uma whispered, grinning as you and Harry whispered it back.
Soon it was time for your first dance as husband and wife, Harry leading you out to the dance floor as the orchestra that Ben hired for you got ready. The reception hall went quiet as Harry's hand rested gently on the small of your back, a small gasp escaping you as he smirked.
-I’m going to describe this as best I can but in case I don’t clearly do so, watch this as you read or just watch to get the dance/music for the first dance-
The music began to play, and Harry started to sway you side to side, then he turned, spinning the both of you around, your back facing the crowd as he looked directly at you. “They’re all looking at you” you whispered teasingly, unable to keep the smile off your face as Harry gave you that flirtatious smirk of his.
“Believe me love, they’re all lookin’ at yeh” he pulled you towards him, stepping to the side as you turned slightly and stood at his side, his other hand resting on your back again. Since you had first seen the movie, the 2015 Cinderella, you had wanted the ballroom dance to be your first wedding dance, and Harry had listened. And he was doing all you had imagined and more, having practiced the dance over and over even when you weren’t available to do so.
He pushed you back in front of him, this time his hand going under your arm, pushing it up and down in time with the music, your quiet laughter making his smirk turn to a wide grin, watching you fondly as you enjoyed your first dance.
On the fourth push, he pushed your arm over your head, leading it to a spin from you and leading your arm to rest on his chest, his hand resting in yours as your fingers caressed his face. He pushed you back out, your dress flaring as you spun before going back to him, your arm switching to the other side of his chest.
He pushed you out one last time, now holding out his arm as you spun and grabbed it, walking the two of you in a small circle as you spun in time with the cadence of the music. You spun again and grabbed the front of his arm this time, laughing quietly as he winked at you.
He gently pushed you out to spin again, your dress flaring perfectly as you linked hands and pulled each other in, your arms above your head. You did that once more before Harry pulled you into him, one arm resting on your upper back while the other held your hand. You laughed, letting your head fall back as Harry danced you around in a small circle. The world had seemed to fade away as you danced, you and Harry being the only two in the room, your hearts and soul in sync as you swayed to the music and each other.
Harry pulled away ever so slightly, grabbing onto your hand and guiding you as you spun from one side to the other, he did that three times before pulling you back into him, your back to his chest as one hand rested on your waist while the other intertwined with your hand.
Harry spun you back around, you once again facing him as he lead you around the dance floor, the guests gasping in awe as your dress flared around you and shimmered under the spotlights. Harry spun you as the music flared, laughing at the small breathless gasp that erupted from you.
He gently grabbed your hip, pulling you onto him slightly as he lifted you and spun around, your dress flaring again as he did so. You laughed again as Harry pulled you into his lift side and dipped you ever so slightly, then joining your hands again as you spun. He released your hands, the two of you spinning away from each other for a moment then joining hands again, then spinning once more.
Harry caught your hand and upper back and started to dance you around the room. as you reached some of the guests, he grabbed your waist with one of his hands and lifted you in the air away from them, smiling at the laughter that spilled from your lips. He pulled you into the middle of the dance floor, spinning both of you around as he grabbed your hips and lifted you into the air as he spun, unable to keep his smile and laughter at bay as you gasped in shock and excitement.
He set you back down on the floor, your faces only inches away from each other as he spun the both of you around one last time, grabbing your hand and waist and dipping you slowly as the music came to an end. You both were out of breath as the violins played their last note, Harry taking your hand and pressing a soft kiss to your knuckles as he bowed to you, you laughed and lowered your head.
The hall burst into applause, the world fading back to normal as you and Harry excited your private little world.
Ben motioned the orchestra again as the applause died down, and they began to play fast-paced music for everyone to dance to, the guests flooding the dance floor as you and Harry joined hands again to dance.
A few hours later, the cake was cut, the dances were danced, the food was eaten, and you and Harry were all reception partied out. The crew and many of the vks had wished to continue to party the night out, so you and Harry gave them the green light to continue having fun as you walked out of the reception hall. Harry had driven you back to the ship by the ‘just married’ Mercedes Ben had gifted you for today. He pulled up to the docks and turned off the car, running to the other side and helping you out, holding much of your dress in one hand as you carried your heels.
You let out a small sigh as you stepped onto the main deck, the crew had cleaned it after your photos were taken and you and Harry had left for the reception hall so it was almost as if a wedding hadn’t taken place on the main deck.
Harry let your dress fall as you tugged the skirt away from him gently, kissing your cheek as you leaned into him “What a day” you whispered, setting down your heels and walking towards the front of the ship near the bow, leaning against the rails that faced the ocean. The sun had long since set, the moon slowly rising high in the sky as stars decorated the black of night.
Harry joined you a moment later, wrapping one arm around you as the other leaned on the rail, his hand only niches from yours as you both stared at the stars. “We’re married” Harry laughed quietly, knocking his head into yours gently as you pushed into him, closing your eyes “hard ta believe it really happened, it’s been wha’? three years since we met then almos’ a year since I proposed ta yeh?” you hummed against him, nodding.
“Yeah, it's been a while” you laughed, pulling back slightly and pressing a kiss to his jaw. “but I’m glad it happened”
“Me too” Harry hummed, pulling you closer to his side, kissing your forehead. “I love yeh”
“I love you too”
You both went silent, listening to the waves crashing against the ship and shore, just enjoying each other's company.
You pulled away from Harry slightly and looked behind you, feeling another presence on the ship. You smiled, seeing Persephone smiling at you. Harry turned, nodding in greeting to her. “Congratulations,” she hummed, looking up at the stars “what are you two going to do now?”
“Dunno” you answered simply, leaning against Harry again and closing your eyes, enjoying the warmth seeping from him to you. “All up in the air right now” “Any plans for children?” you snickered as Harry froze and shook your head.
“Not at the moment, again it's just…All up in the air” Harry hummed at that, looking out towards the ocean as he rubbed your back.
“…Question” Harry started, looking to Persephone, who tilted her head “Why-why are yeh so invested in our relationship?” Persephone paused at that, pursing her lips. “If I had to be honest? I’m not really sure, but when (y/n) landed in our world I got attached to her for one reason or another. It might be because the ember is why you are here in the first place?” your brows rose at that, tilting your head.
“The-the ember? Like Hades ember? How?” Persephone nodded, crossing her arms as she looked back toward Auradon city.
“well, you do know about the crack deep below the isle, right? The one that was very close to my husband's lair on the isle?” you nodded, Harry raising his brow, completely lost.
“I’ll explain later” you whispered, gesturing for Persephone to continue.
“Well, the crack allows magic to seep in, and the ember is a part of Hades powers, and he can control and guide souls, and I suppose some magic slipped in and affected the ember. The ember found your soul and then connected it with Harrys, and it realized you are soulmates and sought to bring the two of you together, and because it couldn’t take Harry and bring him to your world, it would take much more magic to do that, it took you and brought you here” you stared at Persephone for a moment before sighing.
“Soooo the ember is wha’ brought us together?” Harry guessed, wrapping his arm around your shoulder and pulling you into his side again.
“That’s the gist of it, it’s also why the ember brought you back on the bridge after Uma dropped it, it had full access to its powers and again, sought to bring you and Harry back together…plus I manipulated it a bit to transport you here” Persephone laughed a bit at the last couple words, giving an awkward smile.
“Thank you” you laughed, and you were genuinely thanking her, because without her influence you and Harry might have never been able to meet or get married.
“You’re welcome…now I think I’ll leave you two lovebirds alone, and again, congratulations” you and Harry waved her off as she disappeared in a cloud of pastel green and pink smoke.
You and Harry smiled at each other, Harry leaning in to press a soft kiss to your lips before pulling away, both of you turning to look at the moon.
“So what are our plans fer the future?” Harry quietly asked, moving his hand to intertwine with yours.
“Well,” you started, pursing your lips as you glanced along the ocean, seeing some mermaids in the distance. “we could explore the world, or stay in Auradon, we could have kids soon or we can wait, or just not have any.”
Harry laughed, bringing up your hand and kissing your palm “Well, I’m up fer anything with yeh as long as I can be a part of yer world”
“Oh, Harry” you cooed, gently taking your hand from his and cupping his cheeks, smiling at him. “You are my world”
Harry gave you a teary-eyed smile, his eyes closing as you leaned in and kissed him.
Now we can walk
Now we can run
Now we can stay all day in the sun
Just you and me
Forever be
Part of your world
-The End~-
Wow…wow its-its actually finished…the original part of your world has been fully written. Almost 3 years of writing has come to a close, I started this in October 2018 and finished in May 2021, it has been 2 years and 7 months since I first posted the first part of this series, and honestly, it's weird to look back and see how much my writing has improved.
Well, this is the end of our journey, Harry and (y/n)s story is finished, this is open-ended so if you want to have kids with Harry you can, if not then you don’t, if you want to travel the world with Harry or not, it's all up to you, it's your story now. (that doesn’t mean you can continue writing the story just imagine it okay *yes I had to write that, some people would take the ending and decide to write their own continuation without my consent and I didn’t want to risk it*)
Again I am planning on revising and rewriting the first two parts of this series (Part of your world and Reprise) and then rewrite the first 15 parts of Encore cuz I feel like I need to so the old writing can catch up with the new writing. But ill be holding off on that until I finish Rewrite-POYW, which if you didn’t know is an AU of this fic that I have been writing since last year, and it's ongoing at the moment. The mini-series is being posted and written right now and it leads up to D3, which will be posted in August.
@queer-cosette @sephiralorange @lunanight2012​
@daughter-of-the-stars11​ @musicarose​ @random-thoughts-003​
@remembered-license​ @rintheemolion​ @verboetoperee​
@imtryingthisout​ @thecaptainsgingersnap​ @jatp-rules-my-life​
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notwhatshesaid · 2 years ago
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Peaky Blinders - War Is Over
word count: 1900 (ish)
summary: the great war is finally over and the shelby's reunite.
she/her pronouns used :)
Todays the day! After four long years I finally get to see my older brothers again. I hardly slept last night out of excitement, neither did Finn. We got told off by Polly and a grumpy, half-asleep Ada, and they were still annoyed in the morning. Pol kept reminding us all week that they probably won't be the same as when they left. It hurts to think about the fact that they might not want to spend time with me anymore: I might begin to get on their nerves or frustrate them. They might even hate me.
Despite these thoughts, I was so giddy with excitement. I had made sure to bathe myself last night to look extra clean for them! I had also picked out my best dress to wear, it was very elegant. It was a present from Polly on my 16th birthday, she'd saved for ages to get me it after I spotted it in a shop window. I also had a necklace to match it, it had a beautiful gemstone infused with silver - a present off John before the war to always remember him by. Tommy had gotten me a copy of Little Women - he wrote a short, loving note to me in it and I've read it hundreds of times since. Arthur had bought me a teddy bear that had 'Love, Arth' embroidered on its left foot, he had also bought me and Finn some expensive sweets - Pol was very displeased. Told him off for giving us too much sugar.
In turn, I had written them all detailed and very heartfelt letters and made them bracelets to wear so we could be matching. I slipped mine on and gave myself a smile in the mirror. My hair was a mess so I went downstairs and Ada helped me do my hair. After a couple of minutes of doing God knows what, she put a ribbon in and I went to look at myself because I half expected my hair to look like a goat had chewed on it. Ada tries, bless her, but she's not exactly a connoisseur when it comes to doing hair. Instead of looking like I had just rolled out of bed, I looked pretty good. Two pieces of hair were twisted on each side of my face and pulled to the back of my head.
I was so happy I nearly forgot to put my shoes on when it was time to leave: Aunt Pol reminded me as I was about to step out of the house and we all had a good laugh about it.
Once we had set off to the train station, my nerves skyrocketed and my worries that they wouldn't like me anymore kept growing. I began to feel a bit nauseous and lightheaded. Aunt Pol and Ada took the lead, Finn and I dawdled behind them, him chattering endlessly about how great it is that they are coming home and all the things he missed doing with them. I didn't speak much, only chiming in with the occasional "mhm" and "yeah". No matter how many times he was told that they probably wouldn't be up for doing lots of what they used to before they left, he didn't really listen or understand. He was very young when they left, as was I, so I'm worried how he will act if they aren't like what they were in his memories.
As we stood waiting, Ada pulled me into a sideways hug and whispered, "it's going to be alright, Y/n, I promise." I nodded hopefully up to her and sank into her side, watching the platform get more and more busy; everyone was shoulder to shoulder but a small ring had gathered around us to give us space, us being family of the head of the notorious Peaky Blinders gang, and the big bad Tommy Shelby coming back to take over the reins, meant that people tried to avoid a possible conflict on such a joyous occasion.
When the war was first announced, I had begged Tommy, Arthur, and John not to sign up, I even tried to guilt trip them into staying but they left me anyway. They told me they had to fight for our king and country, that they would be fighting for me and the family; I still didn't want to let them leave, they didn't really  care that they could die, just that they were doing the honourable thing. Realising that begging for them to stay was futile, I instead had begged them for a big sleepover before they left and a day full of fun activities to remember for the rest of our lives. They agreed and we had an amazing time, such a great time that I momentarily forgot why we were even doing it in the first place. Whenever I started to get really sad and miss them I would remember all the fun we had, all the laughter, all the joy.
That joy seemed to leave when they did, fingers crossed it was coming back today.
It was really hard to live without them, running the business proved to be very difficult but Aunt Pol did so well in keeping everything afloat and making us all happy - for the most part. She knew that she could never fill their space, that no matter what we could never truly be okay until the boys got back and the war ended. Honestly, I was very mean to Aunt Pol because I didn't know how to process the emotions I was feeling, and everything was overwhelming but thankfully she was very forgiving and understood why I acted like I did.
The day they announced the war was ending, there were celebrations in the street, grand parties were thrown, and for the first time in four years, I felt truly content. Any nagging thoughts of waking up one day to a telegram was gone. We all hardly slept that night, we sat in the street most the night with the other partygoers drinking and letting everything move past us and every problem we had temporarily disappeared. The remainder of the night was spent with us around the fireplace, just existing and being at peace with one another.
When the train finally rolled into the station, Finn ran through the crowd despite Pol's efforts to keep him next to her, "he could get lost or end up on the train tracks!". Her worries were met with Ada taking the piss, "you know, I did read somewhere that little boys were being pushed onto train tracks. The papers are full of horrifying-" She was cut off by light smack, Pol probably slapped her on the arm. It's funny how much Aunt Pol worries so we've begun to poke some fun at her. She knows we're only messing about so she doesn't take any actual offence but she always plays along. I ducked my head to hide the smile that was coming onto my face: my family was going to be whole again!
A short while later, Finn was running back towards us with the three most powerful men in Small Heath - and possibly the whole of Birmingham - trailing behind him. The crowd absentmindedly parted around them as they moved towards us. John moved in front, pushing Arthur behind him, in order to reach us first. He was strutting with his arms outstretched, "Johnny Boy's home!"
As soon as he reached us he pulled me off my feet and into a hug. "I missed you so much princess." He spoke with a massive smile on his face, touching him made everything sink in so I nuzzled my face into his shoulder, breathing in his aftershave, "missed you more."
I could hear Tommy and Arthur behind me, Polly was crying quietly and Ada was making half arsed jokes - trying to mask her own slightly shaky voice. It's strange, she's not usually one to hide her emotions behind a façade, especially when it's her family. Maybe she's worried they'll take the mick?
I pulled away from John and he put me on the floor, "that necklace looks gorgeous on you, Y/n. Whoever got you that should be your favourite brother." My hand moved to my necklace and I laughed, "he wishes he was."
We hadn't been talking for long before, "Is it my turn now?" Arthur interrupted, very impatient. He didn't wait for a reply before picking me up and spinning me around. I clutched onto his arms, a massive smile on my face. Pol shouted, "be careful with her Arthur! Don't dirty her dress."
"I'm not going to drop her." He shot back, shaking his eyes in a playful manner. He turned his attention back to me and put me down, "have you been good for Pol and Ada?" I tilted my head, "I always am, I'm a perfect angel." He laughed and put one of his hands on my shoulder, "oh yeah? You wish. You're a Shelby, sweetheart, and the best one at that." I smirked, "obviously."
Tommy pulled our attention away from each other and asked me to walk with him, Arthur gave me a 'good luck' look and went back to talk to Finn and Ada. We walked ahead of everyone else, my heart was racing with each step we took - what did he want? Did Pol tell him about the incident? Surely not, it was a while ago and we've all grown and matured since then.
His voice pulled me out of my thoughts, "that dress looks great." Confused, I replied, "thanks. It was a present from Aunt Polly."
"Did you do your own hair?"
"No. Ada did. This is one of her finer pieces of work." I gestured to my hair, flourishing my hand as I did.
He let out a soft laugh, it wasn't quite like I remembered it. "It looks alright. You've grown quite a bit, you look very mature and grown now."
"I am sixteen now y'know."
"I know, you're no longer my little baby sister. Can't believe I wasn't there to celebrate all those holidays with you."
"There'll be more holidays." I smiled up at him. My heart skipped a beat, he missed me! My fears were just irrational thoughts after all. "I really missed you whilst you were gone, Tom. I kept worrying that something had happened to you, John or Arthur but the telegram had gotten lost in the mail or that one day I'd wake up to Polly crying and a tear soaked letter in her hands-"
Tommy spoke before I could finish my sentence and grabbed my hands, "but we're home aren't we? I promise you, Y/n, no matter what we aren't leaving again."
"What about another war?" I asked with slight sincerity, "would you leave me, us, again?"
He pulled me into a hug, "there won't be another war." Tommy lifted my head up to kiss my forehead, "I promise you'll never have to worry like that again." Tommy laughed as I held up my pinky finger but he took it nonetheless.
Everyone had moved past us so he moved his hand to my lower back to direct me behind them, and through the crowds of people on their way home to celebrate - or mourn.
My family is whole again for the first time in four years. I’m never letting anyone leave ever again.
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1dclicheficfest · 4 years ago
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The time has come, my dears! We’ve compiled, organized and sorted your submissions and we’re ready to share them! We’ve had so much fun reading your clichés and we hope it’ll give you a good laugh.
Important disclaimer because it has to be said: we do not endorse any of the clichés submitted and these are not meant to spark Discourse™ . This is all in good fun, to spark your imagination and perhaps inspire some prompts!
Before we get to the fun part, don’t forget that prompt submissions open on February 1st and will run until March 28th. The full schedule can be found here.
And now, without further ado, here are your brilliant clichés.
Green eyes
Huge eyes
Always smirking
“The flirt”
Jobs: Works in a flower shop/Used to be a baker/Frat boy/LA socialite/Mermaid
Clumsy/balance issues
Health nut/Workout junkie/Eats a lot of avocado and kale/loves yoga/gross green health smoothies
Very slow speech
Paints his nails
Beautiful long luscious curly hair
Long legs/large hands
Nudity/loves walking around starkers
Obsessed with being pregnant/babies
Kind to everyone
Bites his lip a lot
Tells terrible jokes/loves puns
Naive and oblivious
Clothing: Pearl necklace, Chelsea boots/gold boots/boots in general/Gucci everything/Flared, high-waisted trousers/’red and black sheer floral shirt with black skinny jeans’
Always unbuttons his shirt to show off tattoos
Baby seal laugh
Bad at driving
Hipster/takes artsy photos
Acting out for attention/Petty jealousy for no reason or because of a misunderstanding or when anyone comes near Louis
Bad dancer that gives it his all/makes awkward shapes with his limbs when trying to dance
Cat mom/Wine aunt
Resting bitch face
Rides a motorcycle
Little clueless
Louis is constantly messing with him
Roommates with Louis
Puppy/a lost puppy/puppy in human form/puppy eyes/puppy who doesn’t know how hot and strong he is/loves puppies
Manly muscle man/buff af/loves working out/sweet himbo beefcake
Bullied in the past
Giant heart/incredibly kind/soft/super loyal
Worry-wart/mother hen of the band/gets nervous when things don’t go to plan
Voice of reason/the responsible one/Daddy Direction/level-headed/most serious of the five/keeps the others grounded
Doesn’t know how to let loose and have fun
Lacking in experience/innocent about sex things
Oblivious to his feelings/other people’s feelings for him
Jobs: Firefighter/boxer/athlete
Super soft for Zayn
“Wants to cry as soon as Louis opens his mouth and doesn’t know if it’s because he’s scared, because it’s too funny, or because he just can’t handle any of it.”
Fear of spoons
“being very shy/awkward in the beginning and then getting more confident because of Louis”
Snake habitat turn around!
Can’t spell
His turtle losing a foot
“Smelly pasta house”
Loves batman
Being alpha in ABOs
Unruly curly hair then trimmed to a crisp buzz
Blue eyes: ocean blue/blue as the sky on a sunny winter day/twinkle eyes
Arse and/or tummy as a defining feature
Sassy/sass master/feisty/snarky/cheeky/witty/playful/funny/sarcastic/joker
Heart of gold/”Louis IS the sun”
“Does not suffer fools gladly (that’s your job you fooking loosah)”/hot-headed to pick fights only in defense of those he loves
Protective/Mama bear/loyal/Daddy of the group
Small/Dainty stature emphasized
Runs fingers through his fringe/hair always styled
Jobs: Footie player, teacher, drama teacher, actor, plays in a band
Loves music and writes songs
Plays footie (even if it’s not his job)
Can’t cook/chicken wrapped in parma/”Can’t cook to save his life and if he does the kitchen ends up in flames”
Soft with Harry
School: Studying drama, being the bad boy, pop!punk Louis
Zayn’s partner in crime
Rooms with Liam
Calls everyone ‘love’/uses too many terms of endearment
Yorkshire accent emphasized/always talks about Doncaster
Clothing: Vans or Adidas shoes/Toms/trackies/braces/red jeans/dressing in comfortable clothes only/no socks/scarf
Very good with kids/loves kids/family-oriented/looking after siblings/having a huge family
Eats junk food only
“The gay who cannot drive”
Drinks a lot/Drinks everyone under the table because he’s Irish/Guinness lover/fun drunk/Will sing Gaelic folk songs when drunk/big social drinker-always making friends via alcohol/will kiss anyone when drunk
Food: Eats all the food/doesn’t season his food/loves Nando’s/”100% will take the last slice of pizza and not feel bad about it”/can and will eat you out of house and home/actually eats and cooks healthy but everyone thinks the opposite
Irish/Irish and proud/Wey Hey lads!/leprechaun Niall
Carefree/nothing bothers him
Romantic: falls fast and hard
Captain Niall!/Captain of the ship(s)
Music: guitar always present/Goes into the zone when he has an instrument in his hands - nothing will distract or get through to him/The Eagles fanboy/Damien Rice fanboy
Funny/always laughing/joking around/head back cackle of a laugh
Single/hooks up with a ton of people but no serious relationships/sleeps around/Serial Ladies man/Friends with benefits with multiple people at once/
Turns up the charm 100% and never half-asses it/”Scrunches his hair in thought and knows he looks cute doing so (like girls that purposefully bite their lip)”
Friends with literally everyone/has a thousand surface-level friends that think they’re close to him but keeps all at arm’s length/the greatest friend but also pickiest about who he becomes friends with
Clothing: Constantly shirtless/shorts over trousers/flip-flops as house shoes/gold chain/coin necklace/hoop earring/”golf dad that tucks in his shirts and unironically wears polos”
Obsessed with golf and football/practices his putt in the hallway with an empty loo roll
A bro
Secretly insightful/Tactless but gives essential advice as a result
Secretive/keeps his shit quiet/Definitely the guy with the most secrets
The blond one
Hairy chest
Worst poker face
Finger guns/peace signs
Blushes when he’s excited
Adores Shawn and Lewis
Cares a lot about what others think
Says no judgment but really judges a lot/judges you based on music taste
Rings in at 0 on the gaydar but could surprise you/the only het one
Tries to avoid conflict by remaining ‘on the fence’ and not picking a side
Always the roommate
Face mask selfies
Emotions rotate between sad, sexy, and fun - combination vary
Never a villain
Close with Harry
“Violent masturbating in the next room”
Constant pet names for everyone/”Even has pet names for his devices (like his vacuum robot”
Super smart/nerd/wise/The Ravenclaw
Smokes a lot
Secretly very soft/gentle/biggest heart/”His confidence and aloofness hide a sensitive heart of gold”/Bad boy secretly soft
Heart-eyes at Liam/Soft with Liam/”Lee-yum”
Mysterious eyes
Best friends with Louis
Jobs: Artist, tattoo artist, English teacher who loves art, works in comic book store,
Shy/withdrawn/mysterious/brooding best friend/quiet/”Seems intimidating until you realize he’s just shy”/bad boy outside, soft boy inside/”not as cool as he seems but way sweeter”
The artistic one/tortured artist/art student/skater/also does graffiti/spray-paint
Marvel fan/comic book fan/superhero fan
Clothing: Wears his clothes like armor/leather jacket/”He’s the only one with good taste and he knows it”
Most ‘devil may care’ about his sexuality
Family-oriented/family man
Involved with his religion
Model figure/carved by gods/vain but not obnoxious about it
Catchprase is ‘sick’
Needs time alone to recharge
Changes his hair a lot/that one strand of hair that falls over his eyes
Thinks Malibu is called Malabami
“Eats candy underwear off of Harry’s crotch”
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itsadamcole · 4 years ago
fem!reader x drew mcintyre
reader was just a regular American girl who has some royal family members in Scotland. Drew is the heir to the Scottish throne, and he needed to marry to become king. Drew and reader were married only days after they met, making reader a Scottish princess. both were against the wedding. now, the two want nothing to do with each other unless they have to attend a public event, until one night ...
Tumblr media
word count: 3.6k
warnings: prince!drew, arguments, arranged marriage (ig that's what you can call it?), angst, a tiny bit of fluff
— this was originally gonna be one part but now it’s two bc that’s just the way the writing brought me. this was also gonna go in a completely different direction than it did but now this is it. enjoy —
part 2 || masterlist || request an imagine here
You're getting ready in your chambers. The maids are helping you get ready for the annual New Years Ball that the royal family of Scotland puts on every January 1st. Your long Y/H/C colored hair is being curled by one of the maids while another does your makeup. A third maid is making sure your dress and shoes are ready for you for when your hair and makeup are done.
Balls are not your thing. Actually, going out in public with your husband is not your thing. It's only a few times a week but you're not all about the fake smiles and hand-holding when you were never supposed to marry him anyway.
Being a princess was not on your list of things to be in life. You were an up and rising professional wrestler. Your great Aunt Blair asked you to come to Scotland to meet someone while you were wrestling on Ring of Honor. You had no idea that she meant that she actually volunteered you to marry the heir to the Scottish throne.
The maid doing your hair throws some little white flowers with a sparkly silver lining on the end of the petals. The maid doing your makeup has done a silver smokey eye look with some highlight, blush, and nude lipstick color.
Your nails were done earlier in the day. You got an acrylic French manicure. The nails are kind of long and oval-shaped.
"Princess," one of the maids says. "Yer dress is ready for ya when ya're."
You look at the ballgown hanging up in your large closet and sigh softly.
Once your hair and makeup are done, you get up. One of the maids grabs the dress. You take off the long, silky robe and the dress is pulled over your head. You're zipped up and the maids puff out the skirt.
The silver ball gown is very poofy with a small trail. The dress is strapless and very sparkly. The neck dips down a little bit. The top is tight and gets poofy at the waist. You put on silver heels to match the dress.
You put on silver earrings and a necklace, as well as your diamond engagement ring and silver wedding band.
There's a knock on your door as one of the maids put on a silver tiara since you are the princess of Scotland. Another one answers the door.
"Oh, yer highness," she says, bowing. "The princess is almost ready."
A male voice says, "Thank ya, Miss Arabel." Your husband, Drew, is at the door.
After some finishing touches, you're finally ready. You walk up to the door and look at Drew, who's dressed nicely in a black and white suit with a silver tie to match you. His hair in a neat ponytail on the back of his head. He's also wearing his wedding band.
"Ready?" he asks. You can hear the annoyance in his voice.
You nod and mumble, "Sure."
Drew hooks his arm with yours and the two of you head down to the ballroom.
You wait at the door with Drew's father and brother. The royal family is announced together. Drew's father, the King of Scotland, says, "Y/N, ya look stunning. Doesn't she, Drew?" He looks at his eldest son.
Drew just nods and says, "Sure, it's a little too much though."
Anger rises within you as Drew's dad signals for the door to be opened. The guard at the door opens the door and another guard yells, "Introducing the Royal Family of Scotland. The king, Andrew, Prince Drew, Princess Y/N, and Prince John."
Music plays and a fake smile forms on your lips as you follow Drew's father into the large ballroom. Most of the room is made of gold and a large chandelier hangs on the ceiling.
"The princess looks stunning."
"Look at the princess."
The comments make you blush and the fake smile turns real. Drew looks down at you without you knowing.
You and Drew mingle, talking with guests together. Drew steals occasional glances at you but you don't notice as you laugh with the guests.
Being an American, you're still learning about all the Scottish traditions. You've only been over here for a few months so everyday is a learning experience. The guests ask what you did for the holidays with Drew and his family since it's your first time in the country.
"Oh, we celebrated Christmas the way we do in America," you explain to the guests who asked. "Christmas Eve dinner, presents on Christmas morning, and Christmas dinner on Christmas Day. Drew and I also watched some Christmas movies that night. I've heard that Scotland's Christmas traditions are similar to America's."
You added the part about Drew to make it seem like you and your husband actually spent time together on Christmas. After dinner, you went off to your separate chambers and you watched Christmas movies over FaceTime with your friend who now works in NXT, Candice LeRae.
The guests are all very interested. Then the music changes and Drew asks, "M'lady, may I have this dance?"
You look up at Drew and say, "Uh, yeah. Sure." He takes your hand and you excuse yourself from the small group and walk to the dance floor with Drew.
He takes one of your hands in his and the other goes to your waist. You hold up your very poofy skirt so you don't trip.
The dance is slow at first, to make sure you don't trip. Once you're both in sync with each other and you're sure you won't trip, Drew speeds up the movements.
"Wow," Drew says. "My toes aren't bruised yet. Looks like those dance lessons 're paying off."
You stare up at Drew, who is standing tall above you at six foot five. "You're so funny, Drew," you say, rolling your eyes. "I almost peed from laughing so hard."
Drew says, "And there's the sarcasm I absolutely just love about ya."
"As if you love anything about me," you mumble to yourself.
The air turns tense and he says, "Ya could only wish that I'd love ya, or anything about this relationship."
Rolling your eyes, you say, "Maybe if you spent time with me, maybe you'd actually start liking things about this relationship. You only married me to become king when your father relinquishes the crown in a few months."
He looks around and says in a hush tone, "Believe it or not, Y/N, but I married ya for several reasons. Yes, I needed t'marry t'become king but I was excited to start a family. Then ya got here and were nothing like I expected. Yeah, I have an attitude with ya but that's because ya have one with me all the time."
Annoyance rises within you and you say, "I gave up my career to come here. I gave up my dreams of wrestling for WWE and winning titles for the company. I'm not happy I'm in this marriage, Drew. I married a stranger and you're still a stranger to me."
Guests start to look at you and Drew so he takes your hand and whisks you off to a more private area in one of the hallways. You trip over your gown as you follow closely behind Drew.
The door closes and now you're alone with Drew. He looks at you and says, "I'm sorry that ya gave up wrestling to come here and marry me, Y/N. I'm not that happy about it either but if I wanted t'succeed my father then I had'ta marry someone, and that someone is ya."
"You could've picked someone in the country, Drew," you say. "Seriously, you had to pick me."
Drew says, "Yer aunt spoke very highly of ya when she would visit my father. When my father told me I needed t'marry, my mind went t'ya. I didn't think about the repercussions ya would face when I told my father I wanted ya t'be my wife."
Sighing, you say, "Wrestling was taken away from me and I moved away to a country to marry a prince. It's been overwhelming for me and you are nowhere to be seen. I've been taking princess lessons for months and I'm still struggling. It doesn't help I'm alone, Drew, in a foreign country. I don't even have wrestling anymore because I 'can't risk getting hurt'. It's not a fairytale ending like in the books."
There's a silence between the two of you before Drew says, "It still can be"
You look at Drew and ask, "What does that mean?"
He meets your eyes and suddenly you feel butterflies. You've never felt butterflies in your stomach since meeting Drew.
"I just thought that maybe before the coronation that maybe we can go t'America and see a few wrestling shows," he says slowly. "I'm a big fan myself."
Everyday in Scotland is a learning experience. You didn't know that he was a wrestling fan.
You say, "I'd, uh, like that."
Drew slowly takes your hand and he says, "I also thought that maybe we can share a room together like a married couple should."
Confused, you say, "It was your idea to have the separate chambers since we 'didn't have to be married within the four walls of the castle'. At least that's what you told me."
He says, "Contrary to popular belief, I actually do like ya, Y/N. Why do ya think my mind went t'ya when asked if there was someone I wanted t'marry? The girls in this country are beautiful, don't get me wrong, but ya. There's just something about ya that peeks my interests."
You stare up at Drew and for a second before you say, "We've been married for months and this is all coming out now."
"We've never had this conversation until now," Drew says, shrugging his shoulders a bit. "By the way, ya do look stunning in that dress. Shows yer personality really well."
You get flustered and say, "You said it was too much."
Drew chuckles and says, "I'm just that good of a liar, I guess."
A little bit of annoyance creeps up and you say, "Stop lying to me, Drew. I'm confused and now I have a headache because of what you're saying to me."
He says, "I know, I'm sorry. I can walk ya to yer room if ya wanna go lay down and get rid of that ache."
You soften up a bit and say, "Yeah." That's all you say. That's all you feel like you can say.
So, Drew walks you to your chambers. You notice that you're still holding his hand when you arrive at the door of your room. He turns toward you and says, "Whenever ya would like t'go see those wrestling shows in America then let me know and we'll go, okay?"
You nod and look up at your husband. "Thank you, Drew," you say. "Offering to go see some wrestling shows in my home country sounds really nice."
Drew says, "It's been a while since I've been to America and I'd like t'see where my wife is from."
My wife. He said you were his wife. That was the first time behind closed doors that he's referred to you as his wife.
There's another silence between the two of you before you say, "I'm, um, going to head inside. Take some medicine and lay down."
"Can I stop by later t'make sure yer okay?" he asks slowly and cautiously.
You consider it for a moment before you say, "Yeah, sure. Just come in if you do because knocking may make my headache worse."
Drew nods and says, "Alright."
You look up at Drew and the air between the two of you thickens a bit. Your heart races in your chest as you wait for Drew to do something.
He pushes a loose curl behind your ear before he kisses your cheek lightly. Your heart almost jumps out of your chest when his lips touch your cheek. You look at him as he pulls away from you slowly.
"Goodnight, in case yer asleep when I come check on ya after the party," Drew says quietly.
You nod and say in almost a whisper, "Goodnight."
He shoots you a smile before walking off to the party again. You stand in the hallway for a second, playing with your engagement ring as you watch him walk off.
For the first time in this marriage, Drew's actions and words made you have butterflies in your stomach and made your heart race.
If you didn't know any better then you might be falling for your husband.
The moment between you and Drew has melted away by morning. You walked down to breakfast early the next morning and he doesn't even acknowledge your presence at the table.
"Y/N, are ya feeling okay?" Drew's dad asks. "Ya left with Drew and only Drew came back."
Nodding, you say, "Yeah. I just wasn't feeling well so I went to bed a little early. That's all."
Drew finally glances at you and his dad says, "Feeling better this morning, I hope?"
"Depends," you say, looking at Drew. "Is your eldest son going to keep ignoring me like he is right now?"
His dad looks at him and asks, "Is there something wrong?"
You say, "No, nothing's wrong." You get angry and stand up. "Excuse me but I think I'm going to go back to my chambers. I'm not feeling well again."
After you're done talking, you leave and go back to your room. You've just closed the door when there's a knock.
Reluctantly, you go and answer it. Drew stands in the doorway and you say, "Oh, great. It's you. Come to promise me something else then ignore me again?"
Drew says, "Look, I'm sorry. This whole thing is new to me, Y/N. I'm 35 and I haven't been in a serious relationship like this."
"We're not even in a relationship, Drew," you spit at him. "We're legally bind to each other for you to become king."
He says, "I'm trying here, Y/N!" His voice is rising. "I'm fucking trying. We met, were engaged then married within weeks. I'm trying t'be a good husband in public while also trying t'form a relationship with you behind closed doors. It's not easy. Especially because I do want a relationship with ya, Y/N."
You glare at him and say, "Ignoring me isn't trying, Drew."
He says, "I know, Y/N." He rubs his face. "God, I'm terrible at communicating how I feel and this is whole new territory for me."
Deciding to lighten the air, you say, "If you want to be king then you have to work on communication skills there, Drew."
Drew looks at you and says, "I'm gonna pretend that I didn't just hear ya say that."
You smile and say, "Come on, Drew. Lighten up a bit. Here, tell me the truth. How do you feel when you're around me?"
Your husband blinks at you and thinks for a second. He says, "I, uh, I feel nervous. Ya make me a little nervous, Y/N. My heart races when ya're around me, especially when we touch. Um, when ya walk into a room, I feel a knot in my stomach. I don't know what it's called-"
"Butterflies," you say, helping him out. "They're called butterflies in the stomach. It's what happens when we're around someone who we may or may not like."
Drew looks down at you and says, "Sounds like yer talking from experience."
You nod slightly and say, "I am."
He blinks at you and starts to say something before someone walks into the hallway and say, "I apologize for the interruption, your highnesses. Prince Drew, your father has requested your presence in his chambers. Immediately."
Drew nods and says, "One second." He turns toward you. "When I'm done with my father, I'll come back and we can keep talking. Okay?"
You nod and he smiles before walking off quickly.
That's when you notice when there are butterflies in your stomach again.
It's hours later and you're still waiting for Drew. You've asked your maids if they've seen him and they've all said that he's still with his father.
You're watching Freaky Friday on Disney Plus when the doors to your chambers open. A red-faced Drew walks in and you ask, "Woah, Fire Face. What's wrong?"
"My father is what's wrong," Drew says. He's pacing around the room and you pause the movie, getting up and walking to him.
You say, "Talk to me, Drew." He doesn't look at you. "Hey, dumbass. I'm your wife, remember? You're supposed to talk to me about this stuff."
Finally, Drew looks down at you. You're so much shorter than him. You're barely five foot four. You're eye level with his chest and you have to tilt your head up to look at Drew.
He says, "My father just told me that we're going on a two week tour of the country. He wants me t'know the country before I ascend the throne."
"What's the matter with that?" you ask, gently stroking Drew's arm to calm him down.
His eyes are on your hand on his arm as he says, "I wanted t'surprise ya with tickets home t'America for the two weeks that we'll be on tour."
Your eyes widen and you say, "We can go when we get back."
Drew says, "When we got t'America, yer friend was gonna meet us in Florida. I got ya cleared t'wrestle in one match in WWE against your friend. It was more than just going t'see some wrestling shows in America. When we got t' ya're hometown, I was gonna take ya t'yer favorite spot that ya told me about before and I was gonna ask if ya wanted t'try and be a real couple."
Your heart sinks into stomach when you see how upset Drew is about this. You say, "You had all that planned out for me? For us?"
He nods and says, "I wanted ya to feel less alone and I wanted ya t'have at least one more match before ya actually have t'give up wrestling."
You console Drew by hugging him. You close your eyes and you say, "I already feel less alone, Drew."
"What about yer one more match?" he asks.
Looking up at Drew, you say, "I've already come to terms with the fact I'll probably never wrestle again. It would have been amazing to be in a WWE ring but I don't need one more match."
His hands rest on your cheeks before he says, "I'll get ya in a WWE ring at some point, Y/N. Ya gave up yer career t'be here. It's the least I can do."
The idea of talking to Drew's father pops into your mind and you say, "I need to do something really quick. Can you excuse me?"
Drew nods and you let go of each other before you walk off to the king's chambers.
At the door, you knock. A "come in" is said from the other side so you open the large doors.
King Andrew sits at his desk and he looks up at you. "Ah, Y/N," he says, getting up. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"
"Postpone the tour of Scotland," you bluntly say. "Please, sir."
His face hardens a bit as he says, "Drew must've told ya what was happening."
You nod and say, "He did, and he pulled a lot of strings to surprise me back home. Mr. King Sir, he gave me an opportunity to do the thing I love one more time before I give it up to join him by his side as queen of this beautiful country. He wants to take this trip to help us get closer so maybe we could be together behind closed doors as well. Let us take this trip and the day we get back, we can tour this country that I can proudly say I call my second home."
Andrew looks at you as you talk. He leans against his desk and crosses his arms across his chest, looking down at the floor when you're done talking.
You wait for a response.
It's almost an eternity before he says, "I can remember what it was like t'be in love with Drew's mother when we were younger. All the trips we took were always business, never for pleasure. Then she got sick and she died, and I regret that we never got to go on a trip just for pleasure. So, I will postpone the tour so ya and Drew can visit the States, but the day ya get back is the day the tour of Scotland begins."
You smile and say, "Yes, Mr. King Sir. May I go tell Drew the news?"
He nods and dismisses you.
As soon as you're out of the room, you take off back toward your chambers. Drew sits on the small love seat in your room and looks at you when you walk in.
"When do we leave to go to America?"
tags: @drewmcintyrekoccsrocbwdgfan
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nala-raines · 4 years ago
Chapter 5 History
Tomorrow the five of us are headed to Ludington to do some sightseeing and to see/tell my Aunt Karen that Adrian and I are engaged.
I’m in bed, watching a movie on my laptop, waiting for Adrian to join me when I hear him call to me from the bathroom, “What did you and your family do in Ludington when you were little?”
I take a moment to pause the movie and remember before answering, “We used to sit on the beach and watch the water. I used to play in the waves, even if I didn’t bring my bathing suit.” I pause to laugh and I hear Adrian chuckle. “One year, the four of us took a 2-mile walk so we could get to a lighthouse that was supposedly haunted. Sarah and my mom complained most of the way there, and most of the way back. And we went to a historic village, called WhitePine Village. Old houses, kitchens, toys, and people dressed in 1700’s garb. It was fun, even though Sarah tried to rush through the whole thing, and they had a whole building full of old freaky frickin’ clowns. Oh, and another time my Aunt Karen and her friend took Sarah and I on a sand dune tour. That wasn’t in Ludington, but it was still a lot of fun.”
“So, you’ve always been fascinated by the past.” Adrian comes out of the bathroom leaving the light on and shutting the door but leaving the door slightly ajar to let some light into the room. He knows that I don’t like the dark, especially after waking up in a coffin and being on Feral Island (Demetrius’ Island, but it still works). After he gets in bed with me, he takes the laptop and sets it on his lap so I can lay on his chest before I answer.
“Yeah. From the clothes to the history, I’ve always just been drawn to the past. I used to say that if I was the way I am now, but I lived in 1775, in New York, I would die an old maid.” I tell him jokingly.
“That’s not true. And before you try to argue with me, in case you’ve forgotten, I lived in New York in 1775, and if I had met you, I would’ve followed you home, asked for your father’s blessing, and married you as soon as I could.”
“What about Elenor? When did you meet her?” I ask him teasingly.
“I was friends with Elenor at that time, however, I had no romantic feelings toward her. Like I told you when I gave you this ring, I feel more comfortable with you than I ever did with anyone else. Including Elenor.” I sigh, nuzzling my head against his chest and resume the movie, and I immediately start to fall asleep. “Get some rest, My Love. After all, we will be hitting those spots you mentioned tomorrow.”
“What if it gets sunny? You and I will be okay but the others won’t be.” I say falling asleep.
“I already checked the weather, it will be cloudy, but no rain. If it rains or the clouds break and the sun comes out, we’ll bring a few umbrellas and they can wear a hoodie or a jacket. It won’t kill them.”
“You’re right. Love you. Night.”
“Good night, Love. Sweet dreams.” He kisses my head, as I fall asleep to the sound of his heartbeat, excited to see what tomorrow will bring.
⚜ ⚜ ⚜
I wake up at 7:30 in the morning. I turn to see Adrian looking at me, “Morning, Handsome.” I say as he puts his hand on my cheek, while the other is supporting him. I place my hand on his as he bends down to kiss me, before saying.
“Good morning, Beautiful. How did you sleep?” He says stroking his thumb along my cheek.
“I slept great. How long have you been up?” I ask him. He’s usually up before me, but I always ask, afraid that I may have woken him up somehow.
“Not long. Maybe ten minutes. I like seeing you so peaceful.” He says before kissing my forehead.
“So, you like watching me sleep?” I laugh and he rolls his eyes before chuckling and saying,
“Yes, but not like that. I know that today may be taxing for you, and didn't want to wake you. Besides, I thought that the more you slept the less likely it would be that the jet lag and vertigo would kick in. So, how do you feel?”
“I feel good. Just… happy that I get to wake up and see this handsome face.”
“I feel the same way.” He tells me, he is so sweet and caring towards me.
“Well, there is something I guess…” I say shyly.
“What is it?” Adrian’s face fills with worry, but I just laugh and give him a kiss.
“It’s nothing bad. I was just wondering if I could get up, and take a shower before we go eat and hit the road.”
Adrian breathes a sigh of relief, then kisses me once more,  “Of course. Where do you want to go for breakfast? I know there's a breakfast bar here in the hotel, but is there anywhere else you want to go?” He says as he sits up and walks around the bed, as I get out of bed myself. And he picks up my suitcase and sets it on the other bed in the room.
“Thanks. And no, the hotel breakfast bar is fine. I’ll try not to be too long in the shower.” I say grabbing an outfit out of my suitcase, as Adrian hands me my toiletry bag.
“No, I want you to take your time. I know that hot showers help you relax, and that is part of the reason we’re on this trip.” He stops to think for a moment, “Well at least as relaxing as I can make it.”
“Wow. It’s like you spend half of the time studying me. Is it weird that I think that’s sweet?”
“I don’t think so. I believe that couples should spend some time studying each other. To notice the little things.” He says as he presses a kiss to my temple.  Before I walk to the bathroom, but I leave the door open a little so we can still talk.
“So, what ‘little things’ have you noticed about me?” I ask as I start the water so it has a chance to warm up.
“Well, you bit your lip, when you're nervous or anxious. You play with your necklace or your ring, too. Or you do it absentmindedly. You love using emojis, even though you don’t use them often. And when you’re angry, you get really quiet, and usually write or listen to music to calm down.”
“Wow, you really do pay attention to the little things,” I say from the bathroom, “Ah, crap.”
“What’s wrong?” 
“I left my shampoo and conditioner in the bag. Same with my razor.” I pause before asking, “Could you hand them to me, please?” Talking through a slightly open door while one of us is taking a shower or a bath is still new for us. I wanted to relax and hear about Adrian’s day, so we came up with this compromise. However, this is a new level of comfort with each other, at least on my side.
“Sure. Is the bag on the counter?”
“Yeah.” I answer quietly. I hear him open the door, and a moment later, he hands me the bottles through the curtain. I grab the bottles before saying, “Thanks. At least I didn’t leave them at home.” We both chuckle a little, but I can tell that he knows that something is up.
“You know that I would never disrespect you or make you feel uncomfortable on purpose, right?” He says gently.
“I know. I’m more comfortable with this than I thought I would. And I don’t know if that’s a good thing or bad.” I tell him, putting the shampoo in my hair. Being honest with him is easy and hard at the same time, but I know that at the very least, talking with him can help me sort out how I feel.
“Do you want to be comfortable with this?” He asks.
“If you’re referring to you being in the bathroom, while I’m naked in the shower, then yes. I want to be comfortable, I am comfortable with this. I just…” I pause, “I don’t know, I guess I’m just wondering if the way I’ve changed other the past few months is good or not. Kinda like how you felt right before Jameson grabbed me a few months ago.”
“Oh, yes. I’m here to listen if you want to talk. I want to help you the best I can.”
I’ve rinsed out all the shampoo and conditioner, and move to shut the water off, and then grab a towel off the rack and wrap it around my body before pulling back the curtain and stepping out of the shower. Right in front of Adrian. “You don’t make me uncomfortable, I know that when I draw a line, you respect it. Like right now. I was just raised differently, told to think differently, I even felt differently about this a few years ago. But, I don’t know, after everything that’s happened, I feel better with you around. Does that make any sense at all?”
“Yes, I understand what you are trying to say and I would never intentionally disrespect you. Nala, please let me know if you want to do something different when it comes to us. I know we’ve been through a lot, and that it’s pushed your boundaries, but if there’s something that just you want to do when we’ll do it.”
“I know and I will. The truth is, I like how we are, you respect me, my beliefs, and my boundaries. Like where you are fine with having sex outside of marriage, I’m not okay with that, and you haven’t pushed for it once. Even after we moved in together. I think I feel comfortable because of the respect and trust that we have for each other. Thanks for listening babe.”
“Of course. Now, I’m going to step out so you can finish getting ready.”
“Sounds good.” He steps out of the room with a smile. When I’m done getting ready, Adrian takes his own shower, we meet up with the gang. Eat breakfast and hit the road.
⚜ ⚜ ⚜
You would think that being in a car for two hours with four other people in the car, with no one saying anything, would be awkward, but it's not. It’s kind of comfortable, usually, when it was quiet, we knew something bad was about to happen, or something bad had happened. But this is oddly peaceful until I realized that Adrian had made an odd turn that made the GPS angry. “Hey babe, where are you going?” I ask Adrian.
“Like I said, this trip is meant to be relaxing. I knew that there would be stressful moments, but I want you to relax too. That said, I want to surprise you.”
“I wish you would've told us,” Kamilah said from the back.
Adrian just slightly shakes his head, “Don’t worry I have everything covered.”
I look and see a small grin. Adrian has always loved surprising me with dinner, a trip, gifts, etc. I can tell he’s excited about this one. I just know one thing… I’m taking way too many pictures.
A few minutes later I see a familiar sign. Slightly faded dark green and white paint, WhitePine Village. I feel my eyes widen in shock, and my jaw drops. I look over at Adrian as he parks the car, and he sees my expression. He smiles at me. I look back and forth between the building and Adrian, the excitement rising in my chest. I quickly turn and throw my arms around Adrian’s neck, while shaking with excitement.
“THANK YOU!!! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” I say almost faster than I can comprehend. I quickly grab my purse, open my door, and hop out of the car, before turning back and saying, “Come on, guys! Let’s go!”
Adrian laughs and gets out of the car. Followed by Kamilah, Jax, and Gaius. I grab Adrian’s arm and quickly head to one of the small buildings that was the gift shop/box office.
After Adrian bought everyone’s tickets and I grabbed a map, we started walking the grounds.
I followed the map, just like I did the last time I was here. It felt nostalgic, but better since I was on Adrian’s arm. After taking a quick glance at Kamilah, Jax, and Gaius, I giggle. Remembering a few scenes from Bridgerton, that Adrian and I binged last weekend.
“Is something amusing to you?” Adrian asks, seemingly feeling in the past himself. Although, he’s probably farther back in the past than I am.
“I was just wondering if this is what courting felt like.” I tell him, hugging his arm closer, and tilting my head towards our friends, who are having their own conversation. Close enough to keep an eye on us, but far back enough to give us some privacy.
Adrian smiled, and shook his head slightly, before answering.
“A little bit, but not quite.” We stopped for a moment, looking at the small ‘lake’ in front of us. After a moment, Adrian looked back at me, “I’m glad that the times have changed. That the way people ‘court’ has changed.”
I figured where he was going with this, but I want to have my fun with this too.
“Because back then we would’ve taken chaperoned strolls in the park. Or had iced tea on a porch.” I turned to face him better, looking at his face. He still smiled but he had that ‘oh here we go’ look on his face. Watching dumb movies helps me destress and relax. The movie of choice a few weeks back had been the entire Twilight Saga. We made fun of most of it, insulting people’s choices, how inaccurate the is, and how dumb/concerning the relationships and dynamics between the characters.
“And maybe stolen a kiss or two.”
“Oh, I would’ve stolen far more than that.” He said wrapping his arms around me. I look in his eyes and see love, devotion, humor, and so many emotions that I can’t identify. “Even though I would’ve done everything I could to make sure that we could marry within the first week of meeting you.”
I feel the truth of his words sink in. I lean up and kiss him, and as always, he returns it. Sweet and slow, letting all of our love seep into it. It only lasted a minute. When we pulled away, I rested my head on his chest, looking at the water.
“Hey, Jax. Would you mind taking a few pictures of Adrian and me?” I ask him. Happy and carefree for the first time in a while.
“Of course.” He said walking forward and taking my phone. Aiming the camera at Adrian and I.
“Smile.” Jax said.
Adrian pulls me closer to him as we both smile. But of course, it wasn’t just the one picture.
Adrian turns and kisses my cheek in another.
We stare into each other’s eyes. We kiss sweetly for another. After the impromptu photo shoot, Jax hands me my phone back, and we look over the photos. Each of them is pro-quality (in my opinion).
“These are great Jax, thank you.”
“No problem.” he says with a smile.
We continue through the historical site, enjoying the sights, and Gaius, Kamilah, and Jax poking fun at my fear of clowns.
All too soon, we go back to the car and head to see my Aunt.
‘It’s just my Aunt Karen. It’ll be fine.’
Tag list:
@secretaryunpaid  @txemrn  @obsessedwithdool  @evlyngashfordraines @god-save-the-keen  @adriansbiss @kinda-iconic​ @kingliamandriley
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missnxthingg · 6 years ago
may coming into peters room to ask what he wants for dinner or something and finds reader straddling his lap sleeping on his chest while he’s at his desk doing his homework.. like her reaction + maybe she comes in and asks him a bunch of cute questions about you?🥰
She’s just tired
A/N: Your request was sooooo cute I almost died with the diabetes I got with all of this sugar. Really loved it sooooo much! And I loved writing it. So enjoy as much as I did.
Words: 1,6K
Pairing: Peter Parker x Female Reader
Warnings: If you consider cute a warning.
Just please pretend he’s not sad in this gif! I’m going for May’s top of the head kiss only.
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Getting May Parker to be home this early wasn’t a very easy task, specially when it was still sundowning. She drove home to open her front door and start to listen a very low and calm song coming from Peter’s bedroom. She smiled, knowing he was probably focused on his studies. The music was a sign that he was too deep in his own stuff. 
He talked about something like having tons of homework this week, and if May really knew her nephew, is that sometimes he forgets to eat just because he’s full of things to do. So she decided to knock on his door to see what he wanted to eat, probably to order it because she was a terrible chef.
“Hey Peter, what do you want for dinner?” May asked, freezing right after she saw her nephew pressing his index finger against his lips, shushing her up. Her eyes went down to Peter. A girl, straddled on his lap, face resting on his chest, eyes shut and arms involving him in a hug. His left hand was stroking her hair, while his right hand was writing something down on his notebook. “What happened to her?”
“She’s just tired May. Her parents were fighting and she didn’t know where to go. And she just fell asleep right here.” He whispered and May nodded, leaning to the door and smiled.
“So this is the famous (Y/N)?” She asked and he nodded with a smirk on his face. “She’s really pretty.”
“She’s so beautiful, inside and out.” May approached him, standing behind him and stroked his hair. He inhaled the good smell of her shampoo on her hair and kissed the top of her head. “My beautiful girl.”
“Do you like her?”
“I think I love her May.” He giggled and dropped his pen over the book. “She makes me feel like no one has ever made me feel before. Happy, special, loved, but in a very singular way.”
“That’s cute.” She smiled, sitting on the edge of his bed. His eyes were locked on her and his other hand met her back. He softly rocked her, and she snored, deep into her sleep.
“She takes care of me, like… she always texts to see if I already got home safely from patrol, and if I have a problem, she’s always there to help me.” He squeezed her and she relaxed even more in his arms. She sighed, making his smile go widder. “Sometimes she does this thing where she draws constellations on my freckles with her fingers, and I kept staring at her thinking how lucky I am to have such a special girl in my life.”
“You know Pete, the last time I saw someone like this, head over heels about a girl, his name was Ben Parker. And well, I married him.” She caressed her nephews cheek, squinting her eyes. “Sometimes I think that you look so much like your uncle, more than your dad.”
“Really?” His eyes shined when he glanced back to his aunt, watching she nodding her head yes.
“Maybe not in appearance, but the way you act…” She sighed, remember her old love. “ He used to hold me like that too, when we were younger. And if I was ever sad, he simply knew how to make me feel better.”
“I really miss him.” Peter felt down for a while, but he usually loves to hear stories about his uncle.
“I miss him too. So much Peter.” She let a tear fall from her face, but she wiped it right away. 
“I’m sorry aunt May.”
“It’s okay sweetie.” She smiled, trying to comfort him. “If she is really that special, you better hold onto her and never let her go. You know that old phrase, ‘If you love her, let her go?’ ” He nodded. “That’s bullshit.”
“Great advice May.” He giggled, shaking his head.
“Now tell me about this girl.” He smiled and kissed the top of her head again.
“Oh, I’ve never told you? We met at the decathlon. And she’s like really, incredibly smart. Still, she asked me to study with her, for physics.”
“Maybe she was just making up with an excuse to spend some more time with you. Like Cady Heron in Mean Girls.”
“It’s so weird to see your own aunt mentioning Mean Girls.” She rolled her eyes. “So I took her to a coffee shop and we spent the day there, and I found out that she’s extremely nice and kind, also very funny. And of course, beautiful. I always thought she was gorgeous, but everything about her makes her beautiful. We became friends since that day.”
“And in what moment did you realise you liked her? Like really liked her.”
“When I asked her out on a date. She blushed so hard, I found it pretty cute, and when she said yes, I think I lost it. But of course I realised that when I kissed her. I took her to the pizza place, and even though it tasted like pepperoni, it was amazing.”
“Gross, but cute.”
“I gave her a necklace when I asked her to be my girlfriend. I’m pretty sure she’s wearing it right now. It’s a key, and I have the locker on my keys.” He pointed the keys over his desk with his head, and May glanced at it, smiling when she saw his keys over the table.
“That’s beautiful Peter.” 
“Today when she came, all sad and red eyes, my heart broke. She looked so tired, and she simply slept right here in like… seconds. She said she hasn’t slept in two days, because her parents keep shouting at each other.” He squeezed her tighter. “I needed to do my homework, but she needed me more. I couldn’t let her go. I love her so much May.”
“I love you too.” She said, almost in a whisper. She looked up and left a peck on his lips.
“I’m sorry to wake you up baby.”
“It wasn’t so bad to wake up to such beautiful words.” She looked like trash, puffy eyes and tired face, but still, she sat straight and face May, giving her the biggest smile she could. “Hi, I’m (Y/N), it’s nice to meet you.”
“I’m May, and it’s really nice to meet you too (Y/N).”
“I’m so sorry to meet you in this situation, wish I looked more presentable to meet the famous aunt May.“ 
“Oh, it’s okay honey. Everytime you need to escape, the doors are always opened for you.”
“Yeah, you’re part of the family now.” She hugged Peter and he pulled May to join the hug.
“Thank you, it means so much to me. Especially in these times that family seems something so distance to me.”
“If there’s one thing I learned after my parents death, is that we make our own family.” He caressed her back and kissed her temple.
“He’s right, you know? I didn’t have kids of my own, but Peter’s my boy.” May smiled and rolled her fingers around his curls. “And you’re my kid too, from this moment beyond.”
“Thank you.” She smiled tenderly and May walked away, stopping at the door.
“So, what do you guys want for dinner?”
“Anything is fine, really.”
“(Y/N) wants chinese. She told me earlier.”
“Chinese it is!” May winked and (Y/N) blushed.
“Really, there’s no need…”
“I’ve been dying for some spring rolls.” Peter interrupted and May nodded.
“Noted. I’m gonna order right now.” May left the room, and Peter started to laugh at (Y/N)’s face.
“Stop it!”
“You look so cute when you’re embarrassed.”
“I was trying to cause a good impression to your aunt.”
“She already loves you.” He kissed her cheek, pressing a long kiss against it. “You know, what she said, it’s very true.”
“You’re part of the family now.” He entwined their pinkies and she gave him an eskimo kiss.
“You just don’t know how grateful I am for that.”
“Oh I know. I’m grateful for having you. And I meant what I said before.”
“That I love you.” She smiled and caressed his cheek.
“I love you too, very much Peter.” She kissed his, a long and sweet kiss, full of love. “Come on, let’s help May set the table.”
“And you were thinking you’re not causing a good first impression.” He giggled and she rolled her eyes.
“You’re an idiot.”
“You love this idiot.”
“I know.” She entwined their finger and pulled him to the living room.
They helped May set the table, and they spent the whole night talking about every subject there ever was. (Y/N) felt as if she had been part of the family for years now and she was so grateful and relieved for that. She loved Peter and wanted it all to work out just fine. By the end of the night, her dad came to take her home, even though she was avoiding going home.
“I don’t really wanna go, but my daddy calls.” She said and May nodded.
“But you’re welcome to stay anytime.”
“Thank you May, for everything.”
“I want you here having dinner with us every week, okay? I demand you!”
“I swear she won’t cook.” Peter made everyone laugh and May nodded.
“I will be here. Thank you again.”
Peter followed her to outside, and before he opened the building’s front door, he gave her a good night kiss. 
“I wanted to stay. I don’t wanna hear those screams.”
“Call me and I can get you to calm down, okay?” She nodded and he gave a small peck on her lips. “Good night, I love you.”
“Night, I love you too.”
He opened the door and took her to the car, having a brief conversation with her dad before they drove off. She kept looking at the streets with a big smile on her face. For the first time after a long time feeling like she didn’t belong anywhere, she finally felt as if she was part of a family. And right in that moment, that’s was all she needed.
Taglist:  @missmulti , @zabdisamor , @cmon-peter-tingle , @lifeisabitchandsoareyou​, @tomshufflepuff, @deathofthethrones , @unicornslothfish, @coonflix
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hournites · 5 years ago
If You’re Lost (1/2)
Hournite family fic 
“I want the hourglass.” 
Rick ran his hand through his hair as he filed out their taxes. It was harder than he’d imagined. Chuck would usually assist them with their budget and family finances and the due date had snuck upon him in the midst of everything else going on. It was hard to concentrate on numbers.
“We already talked about this,” Rick told her distractedly, flipping through the rest of the pages to figure out how much longer he’d have to stay here to get this done. 
“It’s not really talking,” his daughter replied bitterly. “It’s just me listening to your bullshit and I’m sick of it.”
Rick looked up from his work. His daughter’s attitude was becoming a problem. 
He rubbed at his eyes underneath his reading glasses and put his pencil down on the granite kitchen island. Maybe working in the silence was what made it so hard. The ache in his heart tugged when he thought about how the day would be different if their lives hadn’t taken such a sweep turn. Rick put his faith and trust in the JSA risking everything to help his family, but a part of him was worried about the state of it when his wife returned. 
“Mom would let me have it. She wouldn’t tell me I’m not good enough.”
“That’s not what I said,” Rick snapped. “And Mom isn’t here. Don’t guilt-trip me about what your mother would say, I know what my wife would say. She’d want you to be safe.” 
Lauren flinched, hugging her arms around her body like it was the only way to keep herself together. Her face quivered at his volume. Rick never used to yell. But Lauren never used to be rude and disrespectful. The rapid change in personality often gave him whiplash, and Rick was at a loss for how to handle her anger without having every discussion with Lauren end in a fight. 
She’s bull-headed like you, Beth would say. Rick could hear it even, her voice exasperated but fond, leaning an elbow against the counter as she watched them, sharing a smile that gleamed from the spark of her beautiful eyes. 
Don’t you mean persistent, like you? Rick would tease back, and Lauren would roll her eyes at her parents.
But Beth was not here. She was not here. They didn’t know where she was. 
And Beth would not want Lauren anywhere near the hourglass, whether or not she went missing, not now at barely fifteen. Not when Lauren had the world in her hands, the freedom to be the child they weren’t. She could busy herself with trying makeup and making the track team. Hanging out with friends and having sleepovers. A childhood where the most responsibility was babysitting a neighbour, or studying for a geo test. Not wearing the weight of a glass timer around her neck, protecting and failing teammates from falls of grace or brushing deaths. 
And she grew up hearing the fantastical stories of the JSA. She knew her aunt Yolanda and Courtney, adored her Uncle Mike and Pat. She knew all the legacies. Heard all their triumphs and defeats as her bedtime stories at night. 
But it was real now. Real now that her mother was gone. And she wanted to be a heroine and wear a mask and hood. She wanted to swoop in and save everyone, thinks it her right, knows that she could. And she asks her father, her hero, to take his place and step up to help them save her mother. 
And Rick has to tell her no. 
“How am I safe without the hourglass?” she argued. “You don’t even use it anymore.”
Rick stood up from the table to approach his daughter, taking in the ripped black jeans and dark plum lipstick, the choker necklaces tight at her throat. Dark eyeshadow caked over her eyelids with the eyeliner dark enough to scare a small baby. And her hair, her beautiful curly hair, tied up in the back just like he used to do it for her when she was little. When Lauren was still only their baby. 
“Laur,” he said, with a tentative hand on her arm. “I know you don’t understand it, but this is how it has to be.” She turned her head as he continued. “The hourglass is not yours. You’re not joining the JSA.”
“I hate you,” she spat, not even meeting his eyes. “You don’t give a fuck about me!” 
He recoiled and she used his stunned, loosened grip to slip away, storming up the stairs of the Tyler house. 
Rick hadn’t cried since the night they took Beth away, but hearing those words from his daughter without Beth’s guidance or solace to soothe the pain made him want to. 
“I can’t lose you too!” he shouted over the slam of Lauren’s bedroom door.
Rick swore under his breath. He wanted to follow her upstairs but knew she needed to cool off. He returned to the table and stared blankly at the unfinished taxes until the wave of helplessness drowned his senses and he knocked over his coffee mug, sending it shattering on the floor. 
Crouched on the ground to pick up the pieces, his sharp inhale went ragged on its way out. Rick let the ceramic handle fall out of his grasp, pressing one of his palms to his eyes. He took another shuddering breath, but couldn’t help the inevitable blur of tears.
The clock ticked on the kitchen wall as it always did, oblivious to everything that had gone wrong in this house.
Even if she hadn’t meant it, even if Rick knew deep down that what she said, she knew wasn’t true, it did little to forgive the fact she blamed him. 
She blamed him for not saving her mother. 
Rick blames himself too.
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futurewriter2000 · 5 years ago
Flowers don’t grow in the dark - pt. 3
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A/N: I know I totally forgot about this fic for some odd reason but I am writing it as you can see. I finished it today. I should be doing german but I am doing this instead because I got inspired. I am going to do german now. 
Sirius always deplored morning. Every morning, he woke up after doing something completely reckless and unforgiving, he lamented to Merlin himself and cursed his own mother as he did. 
He woke up, wrapped in sheets with a pleasing smile on his lips. It was a consequence to the sexual experiance he always had with you. It always placed a pleased smile on him as Van Gogh would paint it himself. The only difference was the fifteen-year gap. 
He sat up, looking around until he found an alarm clock near the window. His eyes went wide. 
He has never slept this late and- “Harry!” he immediately thought of his Godson, who must be freaking out after their last night talk. 
‘ “Why didn’t you tell me!?” he fumed, clenching his fists and glaring at Sirius with his fiery green eyes. 
Sirius wanted to smile, reminiscing on the moment he was always pleased to remember. Harry fuming at him just as Lily did at James. 
But this wasn’t the time to reminisce of old memories. Harry wanted answers and he wanted them now. 
Sirius seized his hand into his pocker and pulled out an old but well-kept wallet. He pulled out a photo- polaroid and gave it to the angry boy in front. 
Harry tooked the photo and immediately relaxed as he saw his parents on it. “It’s mum-” he smiled widely as he saw Lily with an open-wide smile, almost hearing her laughter in his own head like a neglected memory he forgot he had. 
“James and I always made everybody laugh.” Sirius started as Harry looked up at him, then back at the polaroid. “But nobody could make her laugh as much as your aunt (y/n) did.” he simpered, reminding himself of the memories he buried in the darkest of corners. “(y/n) and I used to hate each other just because of your father. I hated how he always went to her rescue, even for the little of things, and she hated how he spent his time with me. Guess we were both a bit jealous of each other.” he pointed at the laughing James in the photo who was holding you in his arms, ruffling your hair as you tried to get out. “She was older than him- an hour or so- but he was always acting more older than any of us. She had a tendency going into more trouble than James and I ever did. Mostly to piss off James for embarrasing her. That was why she befriended your mother and that was why your mother haven’t liked James for so long and why (y/n) have been bickering most of the time.” 
“She didn’t want my parents to be together.” Harry furrowed his eyebrows and Sirius laughed. 
“Oh, she knew they were perfect for each other, she just made James work harder for it.” he continued to laugh and Harry smiled. “I know I never told you about her and I am sorry, Harry. It’s just- I loved her. Deeply.” he smiled as Harry already felt quite uncomfortable hearing Sirius be all emotional and giddy in front of him but at the same time, he felt proud to be the one Sirius trusted into for the secrets he hid. 
“But you said you hated her.” 
“We did but we did fancy each other secretly.” Sirius wanted to wink, implying into the strong sexual chemistry the two of you shared, but he quickly reminded himself that was his godson and he is not ready for the birds and bees talk yet. “She was blunt and direct. She never did me any favors as some girls did at that time. She was mean, pompous and irritating. Also annoying-” he leaned to Harry and narrowed his eyes. “That was a trait James and her showed the most. Both were loud and annoying.” he said and Harry laughed. “But she challanged me the most. She wasn’t afraid to tell me who I was and at the end, I found out all the wonderful traits on her that I was missing before.” 
“Like the one you share with her the most.” 
“You look a lot like your mother and father, Harry but you have a habit of losing your temper quite a lot. Now, when you pissed off you aunt, she popped like champagne and started bursting anything that came into her mind. When you write, you lean your T’s and L’s meanwhile you get most of Lily’s handwriting. You also have your way with getting into trouble without trying.” 
“I thought I got that after dad?”
“Nope. Your dad and I barely got caught meanwhile you, my dear boy, just end up in trouble without even meaning to.”
“It’s not my fault I can hear snakes in the walls.” he said and Sirius laughed, holding onto his stomach. 
“Bet.” he continued to laugh. “She used to use that same line whenever overheard Slytherins gossiping.” he shook his head and Harry smiled even brigher. And somehow, from nowhere he touched his collarbone. 
He used to do that since he was a kid but he never really understood why. It was as if something was missing but couldn’t truly know what. 
Sirius knew that back then and now. He knew exactly what was Harry doing. He stood up, walked to his drawer, opened it and searched under his clothes. It took him a while to find it but when he found the red velvet box, he let it sit in his hand for a while. Somehow it was the feeling- the feeling that felt as near of feeling of you... of the old you. 
He hasn’t opened it in years. He completely forgot it was there in the first place but whenever Harry touched his collar bone, he knew what he wanted. 
So he turned around with a smile and walked back to his godson, pointing at his chest. “You ever wondered why you are doing that?” he asked and Harry looked down on his chest, looking back up and shaking his head. 
“It’s a habit, I guess.” 
“It is a habit.” Sirius smiled, holding the box inbetween his palms. “The same habit your father and aunt shared.” he then revealed what he was hiding in his hands and offered it to Harry. 
He observed it at first, baffiling as if what could this be. A ring? Necklace? Bracelet? A pin? 
He opened the box carefully, revealing a beautiful golden necklace with a charm in the middle. Harry furrowed his eyebrows and looked up at Sirius. “It’s a leaf.”
Sirius laughed again, shaking his head. “It’s not any leaf, you pinhead. It’s an oak leaf.” he ruffled Harry’s hair and continued to chuckle. “There’s a tradition in your family that the grandparents give their grandchildren a golden necklace to secure them wealth, luck and joy in their life. Their grandparents gave them a necklace and when they were both 18 years old, James gave her a charm in the form of daisy, meanwhile she gave him a charm of a cactus.”
“And she gave me a leaf?” 
“Can you just listen. It has a beautiful meaning.” Sirius started to lose patience with this boy. “I’m trying to be all affecting and motherly. You’re ruining the moment.” he joked and Harry laughed. 
“Alright. Go on.” 
“As I was saying... this tradition was important to your aunt but since both of your grandparents passed away sooner than it was expected, she made it her decision to keep the tradition going.” he took the the necklace from the box and put it around his neck. “You can take it down if you want but the day you were born, she promised us all that you are going to be the brave one. She always said you’ll be braver than James and more stubborn than Lily, yet also more troublemaking than her. The next day she bought you a golden necklace- with the leaf.” he tilted his head as he clipped it together and looked at Harry. “An oak leaf- meaning patience, faith, power, endurance, and strength.”
Harry touched the leaf on his chest and it felt like this was it. He felt he warmth and fuzziness as he touched it with his hand. It felt right and up until now, he felt as if he had missed it all his life, not knowing what it is, but knowing and having it brought more than just a memory of you. It brought the feeling of family. 
“Both James and (y/n) always touched it. They both told me the same thing; that it brough them the feeling of family. I took it off you when you were a baby. Somehow I hated how it reminded me of her... after what she supposedly had done to you, James and Lily... and me.” he paused, looking at the smiling Harry. “I’m sorry, I kept it away hidden.” ‘ 
He told Harry he’d leave to catch up with you. He needed to know your intention with Harry and in general. 
Appereantly, his intentions got mixed in the process. He grabbed his clothes, searching for his shirt as he had not found it. 
He popped his head up as he was looking under the bed and narrowed his eyes at the distance. 
You stole his shirt. 
He went down the stairs, finding you in your shorts and his over-sized black T-shirt with a red Converse logo imprinted on it. You looked up innocently from your cup of coffee and grinned cheekly at the shirtless man in front of you. 
“Don’t you look at me like that.” he narrowed his eyes. “Last night was a mistake.” 
“Oh?” you tilted your head. “Was it really when you moaned out my name?” she winked and saw him blush in his pale white skin. 
You still knew the way his buttons worked. 
“You screamed mine.” he fired back but you only laughed.
“I’ve spent 15 years without sex. I bet if I had sex with a goblin I’d scream out his name.” you stood up and walked over to the sink, leaving Sirius shook. 
“So what? You wouldn’t-”
“Sirius.” you cut him off, turning around and standing still. “I stopped loving you years ago. I don’t love you. I don’t love anybody in fact anymore. Yesterday was just sex. Nothing more, nothing less. Just sex and if you think it meant something- anything. You are the most indefinite wrong.” 
“You don’t love me?” he kept his heart quite unconvinced. 
“Nope.” you said as he took a step forward, another and another until he was up front. 
He took a hold of his shirt on you and lift it up. “Then why are you wearing my shirt?” 
You looked down and beamed. “Oh!” you looked back up and laughed. “It suits me better.” you walked out of his reach, uneffected by anything he said and walking to the sink to throw in the cup. 
It was at this moment Sirius doubted his thoughts. Did you really not love him anymore? Did the girl who loved everything and everybody not love anything and anybody anymore? 
“I’m home!” he heard a shout and turned around to see a man beaming at the door. “I bought food!” 
“Oh, yummy!” you laughed and jumped to the man who appeared in the front. 
He couldn’t quite put a finger on it and it took him a while to notice who this man was. 
The man was tall and slim- extremely slim, almost boney. His cheeks were sinkholes, drowning in blackness as well as his eyes. Beard was long and dark, frizzy and untreated. Hair was long as well but he couldn’t see the rest of the body that was covered in patched up clothes. 
“You look like you’ve seen a ghost, Black.” the man smiled and Sirius realized immediately who this was. “Now, I know I look like a corpse but I’m not dead yet.” 
“We put some food into you and you’ll be good as new.” you tap the mans cheek and quickly pulled away. “Maybe shave first.”
“Oh, I bought us some sissors and shaving cream.” he pulled out and you laughed.
“Mulciber?!” Sirius couldn’t bring himself from the shock. 
Mulciber pointed his finger at him then smiled at you. “Ah- there it is- wait?!” he looked at you, then kept swinging his finger between the two of you.
“I told you, didn’t I?”
“But I thought like later not like the second you got out.” 
“Pay up.” 
Sirius drew his eyebrows together, trying to put two and two together but felt hard time to do so. “Wait-”
“You can leave now, Sirius.” you tucked the money in your bra and walked with food bags to the table. 
Sirius turned to you sharply. “Did you bet me?!”
“I knew sooner or later you would come and find me. More than so, I knew you wouldn’t be able to resist the undeniable sexual tension we have.” you winked as Sirius clenched his jaw.
“You used me?”
“You used me first.”
“It’s not fair!”
“What isn’t fair exactly, Sirius?!” you snapped at him. 
“You being with Mulciber! Having bets with him! Being all friendly with him!!!”
“So, you’re jealous, are you Sirius?!” you took a step closer, watching him be quiet. “You had fifteen years to prove you loved me.” you sneered at him, gritting your teeth. “Fifteen long years but if you hadn’t done anything about me being taken away, you don’t get to be jealous about it. A lot can change in fifteen years-” you glanced behind him, looking at Mulciber. “And he has proven being more of a friend that you ever did as a fiance.” you kept glaring at him as he kept his expression was kept the same. 
You could feel the tension in his muscles, see how his jaw clenched and curses ran through his mind. 
Yes, this was the man you once loved but this man has broken you more than Azkaban ever did.
“Leave.” you growled, looking directly into his eyes. 
And he did. He left.
He left just as you did all those years ago; grieving. 
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wonderlandleighleigh · 5 years ago
98 Thoughts while watching A New Hope
1. Who was that silver protocol droid? What happened to them? Are they okay? where are they now?? I bet they’re cooler than 3P0.
2. Rebel helmets are just silly.
3. I love how dirty R2 and 3P0 are. 
4. Man, Rex is right. Empire-era Stormtrooper armor is total shit.
5. Shut up Anakin.
6. Oh Space Mom. I will miss Carrie Fisher forever. 
7. Anakin fucking - he asks a question just as he kills the dude. Like- why-? Shut up Anakin.
8. Something I really love about this first movie is that Leia doesn’t do anything overtly sexily. When she gets shot, she’s literally just laid out on the floor, on her belly. It’s not meant to be hot. And even later when she’s tortured, it’s not meant to be a male gaze thing.
9. For fuck’s sake Anakin. Your daughter is standing right fucking there, and you can’t even sense it. What a dumb. 
10. R2 is like “Fuck. This place again?”  But 3P0 was created on Tatooine and he doesn’t even remember. That’s kinda sad. 
11. As Dettiot says, you can really tell that 3P0 was created by a 9 year old Anakin. Yeesh.
12. I really love the Jawas. They’re so strange, and wonderful. 
13. I wonder what R2 was thinking about when he was walking all that time by himself on Tatooine. Was he thinking about Anakin? Was he thinking about the war? Or Padme? Or Ahsoka? 
14. Man, Tatooine at dusk is beautiful, isn’t it?
15. These Stormtroopers have sand on their butts. I never noticed. 
16. I remember thinking the Jawa going “bobit! bobit!” was very funny as a kid.
17. Beru Whitesun. Former slaver liberator. Secret bad-ass. She and Owen really deserved better. 
18. R2: I cannot believe my old master’s son is leaving me the fuck behind. What the fuck is this shit. Get back here. Do you know how much I suffered for your dumb dad? 
19. Luke playing with toy ships just like Anakin did. And didn’t Obi-Wan make some of those in one continuity or another? *sad* 
21. SHE IS YOUR SISTER. Do NOT falling in love with your SISTER.
22. R2′s memory has never been wiped. Aside from Leia’s message, gold only knows what other recordings are saved on his hard drive. 
23. Blue milk! 
24. And Owen lying his ass of to Luke. Ugh.
25. I remember as a kid thinking that Owen was too grumpy/mean. But he’s a really good person. He raised this kid, and wants nothing more than to do right by him. Done so dirty. 
26. But Luke’s pensive moment watching the suns set is so beautiful.
27. I desperately want to know how Beru’s cooker works. I want one. It looks so cool. 
28. I want a Bantha. 
29. R2 trying to wake Luke up is such a moment. 
30. Obi-Wan’s krate dragon impersonation is amazing. I wish he’d do it more often.
31. I have feelings about his old, dusty Jedi robes.  In fact, everytthing about old Ben gives me feelings. He lost everything, and has been hiding in the desert for twenty years. 
32. “He’s searching for his former master. I’ve never seen so much devotion in a droid before.” Obi-Wan’s face is so haunted in this moment. Fuck.
34. Owen told Luke his father sold drugs. The. Fuck.
35. “He was the best star pilot. And a cunning warrior. And he was a good friend.” *sads* 
36. Obi-Wan sat in the desert with his brother’s lightsaber for twenty years, just mourning everything that had happened. Fuck. 
37. Obi-Wan stop LYING. 
38. Obi-Wan’s face clearly says, while Leia’s recording plays, “Oh shit. All this crap is catching up to me. Again. I’ll never ever be rid of Skywalkers.” 
39. Obi-Wan has such terrible ideas. Still.
40. I just love that Vader hates the Death Star. Anakin hates the Death Star the way Steve Rogers hates Stark Tower. 
41. Aaaand bye-bye senate. I wonder if that will happen here in the US at some point if Trump keeps Trumping along.
42. Tarken and Vader’s bromance is such a thing.
43. Ha! “accurate.” “precise.” Stormtroopers. Ha. 
44. Owen and Beru’s fate is so gruesome. I was always so shocked by how much we were shown. Damn. Grim. And again, done so dirty. More Skywalker adjacent family dead. 
45. Shut up, Anakin.
46. More grim shit. Burning the Jawa bodies. 
47. Poor Luke. He lost everything that day. He thought his father and mother were both dead, and now his uncle and aunt are truly dead. So yeah. Following a weird wizard on a quest. 
48. Mos Eisley doesn’t seem dangerous. Just goofy. 
49. Alec Guinness’  delivery of the Jedi mind trick is so casual. So sly. Love it.
51. Why does everybody hate droids??? 
52. omg. Luke tugging on the bartender’s shirt. Wtf Luke. Just say “Excuse me.” That’s so rude.
53. Obi-Wan just slicing off that dude’s arm...a little reactionary maybe? AND NOBODY DOES OR SAYS ANYTHING. 
54. Obi-Wan is so unimpressed by Han. omg.
55. Obi-Wan is just gonna hit up Bail and Breja for cash when they get to Alderaan. Dang. 
56. “I’m never coming back to this planet again.” heh.
57. Han shot first. Fuck all of this.
58. You know why her resistance to the mind probe is considerable? BECAUSE SHE IS YOUR DAUGHTER YOU DUMB ROBOT MAN. 
59. CGI Jabba is weak sauce.
60. “Even I get boarded sometimes” is the name of Han Solo’s sex tape. 
61. Luke’s poncho is so cute.
62. Leia is the best. 
63. Tarken is wearing comfy slippers.
64. The reason why even if Vader made amends with Luke, Leia will never forgive him, is right here. Not only did he torture her, but he stood back and watched while they destroyed her home. She will never be able to forgive him. Ever. And that’s legit. She doesn’t have to. 
65. I believe Chewie actually does beat someone with their own arm.
66. Obi-Wan’s smile when Han says there’s no mystical Force controlling his destiny was so good.
67. Even when there’s nobody else in the room, Vader doesn’t get to sit down. What the fuck.
68. Obi-Wan knows he’s gonna die.
69. Mark Hamill talks so fast.
(I accidentally took a nap during Leia’s rescue and the trash compactor scene. I was tired, and I’ve seen this movie so many times)
70.  Han screaming after the Stormtroopers is such a fucking mood.
71. Vader vs. Obi-Wan here...I have a lot of feelings about these two disasters fighting agai- SHUT UP ANAKIN.
72. Not only does Obi-Wan sacrifice himself to give Luke an exit, but he does so because he’s giving Anakin a choice in terms of killing him or not. He’s giving him a moment of grace here, I think. To not be an evil fuck. But uh...Vader.
73. When Obi-Wan says “You can’t win.” He’s not talking about the duel. He’s talking about over-all. Being a Sith means that he can’t win. And his “If you strike me down, I’ll become more powerful than you can possibly imagine” refers to the amount of guilt and shame Anakin will feel in killing his brother. That that will eat at his soul. And it does.
74. Vader stepping on the robes to make sure Obi-Wan is dead is hilarious in such a weird morbid way.
74. In a weird flip, Vader now has Obi-Wan lightsaber, as Obi-Wan had Anakin’s. 
75. Poor Luke. Owen, Beru and Obi-Wan all in one day. 
76. 1st person shooter time! 
77. Oh Han and Leia. My first fucking ship. So fighty. So sexy. I love them.
78. Stop flirting badly with your sister Luke.
79. ...who is Luke jealous of here? 
80. I love the HC that Vader knew about the weakness in the Death Star, and hated that fucking thing so much he never mentioned it. 
81. R2 back in starfighter with a Skywalker.
82. I swear Red Leader looks like Don Knotts. 
83. I love X-Wings so much.
84. Vader’s reflexes behind the controls of a starfighter must be fucked compared to what they were pre-Mustafar. 
85. Luke watching all these people die like “Ooh. I guess this is what Han was talking about.” 
86. Oh Tarkin. You gonna regret everything in a couple minutes. 
87. Biggs’ mustache is majestic.
88. Luke saves Wedge’s life by telling him to get the fuck out. Later, Wedge will likely sing “Empty Chairs at Empty Tables.” 
89. The targeting system feels so old-timey. 
90. Obi-Wan you trained him for like 20 minutes. He doesn’t know what he’s doin- okay.
91. ANAKIN! HOw dare yOu ShoOT R2! 
92. Good job Han. <3 I actually really love Han a lot. He’s not a smart man, but he’s a pretty good man. 
93. The Death Star is destroyed, Tarkin dies, and Vader goes spinning off into space. Some fics have him traveling through time! 
94. The original trio is so pure in this movie. I love them so much. The sequels did all three of them so dirty. 
95. Leia’s necklace is so good.
96. And Luke’s Jacket is so bad. I’ve seen photos of it replaced by a brown jacket and it is so much better. 
97. Remember everybody. Rex is at the ceremony somewhere, watching a Skywalker get a medal. 
98. I love this fucking movie. 
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rosesnink · 4 years ago
The Cursed Heiress, Chapter 7: Bound By Destiny
A/N: YOU WILL NEVER GUESS WHAT HAPPENS ON THIS CHAPTER! No, no one dies, bUUUUUT, we have a very special guest who made an appearance on the Joannaverse... Dani, aka @missameliep​ ! If you have read of her, then you will simply know when she makes her appearence, but if you don’t... you better check out her work right now before I hunt your ass down! 
Summary: While Joanna prepares herself for the opera, the past hunts her down, new and old scars haunt her down and reveals her secret to a special someone. 
Word Count: 15.563k
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It was late night when Joanna finally calmed down. She looked at her reflection, recently bathed. She stood there, naked, her palms clutching her locket. She closed her eyes, swallowing hard. When she opened them, her grandmother Nya was there, observing her.
“The betrayal of Elias hurt you badly. It is a great loss of us too”.
“Right, because this is all about you” She scoffed.
Nya placed a hand on her bare shoulder, caressing it lightly. Then, her eyes darted towards her locket.
“That device is holding you back” She finally said.
She turned on her heel, looking at her, not entirely sure what she meant “Come again?”.
She held the necklace in her palm “This necklace is a cage of power. Your true potential is being caged and wasted there. You must destroy it, child, for it only weakens you”.
“You mean… it’s like having a poison in my body?”.
“Just so”.
She looked at the necklace and how much she depended on it while wearing it. How sometimes she swore that it whispered into her ear, making her shiver. She grabbed it and ripped it off her neck, letting the fine metal fall to the wooden floor.
“Because of it, you’ve been fighting with your hands tied. It is time to break free, child”.
She clutched the locket tight, so tight that when she opened her hands, it was all ashes. Nya smiled at her as she disappeared, leaving her alone with her pain and thoughts.
When she woke up, her eyes fluttered, feeling the sun bask her milky skin as she breathed in, running her shockingly pale palms over her face--.
She jolted with eyes wide open as her hands were like the breakfast’s milk, with no magical curse on her. She laughed as she caressed them. She bit her lip as she took in the moment. Then, of all sudden, the door flied open! Joanna looked at Briar and Miss Parsons, looking excited.
“Joanna, you won’t believe this! The Duke of Karlington has invited you to the opera!” Briar beamed.
She realised that she was naked, even if she was a bit covered. Miss Parsons was struggling to get her view on her face and not over the curve of her breasts. She stood up coolly and pulled a gown on. She’d take care of the corset and petticoat later. Miss Parsons looked relieved as she clutched an invitation similar to Joanna’s. She read the letter and sighed “I am rather thrilled to see where my mother used to heal and sing, but must it be with that imbecile?”.
“He did invite you” Briar pointed.
“I know this. He’s trying too hard to win me over. We talked about my mother back in Mr. Sinclaire’s dinner. This is a man’s bait I will not bite” She crossed her arms.
“I know the company is unpleasant, but think that you will get to see where your parents fell in love! Nothing will be compared to that sensation” Briar pointed.
“Your mother was a doctor and a singer? That is simply fascinating. Oh, the life she must have led! Lady Joanna, you must tell me more about her” Miss Parsons beamed.
“With one condition: you will call me Joanna. We are now friends, aren’t we?”.
She took her hand in hers “Just as you shall call me Annabelle”.
“Now, Joanna… what in the world are we going to wear?” Annabelle asked.
“To make it clear: if I dress up, is for me, not for that scoundrel with an octopus’s arm”.
“If that’s the way to persuade you to buy a new dress…”.
Joanna and Miss Parsons walked through the streets, arm with arm, taking a look through various shops. Joanna felt some jolts in her arm and looked at Miss Parsons’s tan skin, something that she couldn’t quite place in her mind, something that made her odd, and not just the fact that she wasn’t into men.
In her world, Miss Parsons and Joanna wouldn’t be forced to marry a man and carry their heirs. Women in the Circle could be successful by their own and with a man’s assistance and friendly advice. Things like sexuality and change of gender weren’t seen as a bad thing and while divorce was unusual, it wasn’t a bad thing. It was pretty clear that if a marriage wasn’t working or the fire was turned off, there was no point on holding it to a promise that said God that loved his children was made in front of a priest. In fact, many divorcees after the divorce -maybe ten years later or so- were actually in good graces. Her aunt Nya was a divorcee herself, just forty-five years ago. She and her ex-wife were in good terms and even hung out together as friends. Her mother was betrothed when she was her age, but broke things off because the man was not enough for her. Everyone was on her side, not his.
“Penny for your thoughts?” Miss Parsons asked, breaking off her thoughts.
“Hm? Oh, nothing interesting. Apologies, Annabelle, were you speaking?”.
“It’s alright. It’s just… my sisters are so thrilled about playing matchmaker I fear they shall actually rent a storefront to display me!”.
“They wouldn’t! That is like selling you off to the first worthless imbecile who charms her with his pest to alcohol and vanity!” Joanna commented, utterly disgusted “My mother used to say that a sister is far from a role model. She is a backup, a powerful ally and someone who respects and loves every inch of you, the good and the bad, and definitely won’t sell you to a wretch! I shall have a serious talk about matchmaking. You, my dear friend, are so fascinating, beautiful, smart and witty that you could have any person and without even trying” She ran a finger over her curls “Your health, self-love, worth and wishes should be a woman’s priority over a man’s hand in marriage. If you have standards, self-love and know what you want, then you can get a man if that’s what you want, if not, it’s alright. A woman can be successful without men or children. Look at my mother! She never needed a man to raise me. She could have charmed a rich gentleman to marry, but she knew better. She died fighting, and never in her life kneeled down to a man. And neither should we”.
Annabelle was in awe with her tales, listening to everything while she took in the information “You have quite an open mind, my lady. It’s incredible. And your mother sound like the kind of woman who everyone should look up to! I keep being in awe every time you talk about her”.
“That is one of the many reasons my father was so enamoured of her. She was her own woman, independent and knew what and who she wanted. He told me that he loved the fact that she owned herself and was ‘what and who she wanted to be’ without shame. The way she was never ashamed to be herself and was always transparent to him, no lies between them”.
Miss Parsons smiled as she sighed “Their love story is sure a beautiful and fascinating one”.
“Why weren’t you at Mr. Sinclaire’s party though? I missed you there” Joanna asked.
Miss Parsons’s face turned somber “I know! I would much rather have been there with you, believe me. Tell me all about it. Who did he sit you with? There was dancing?”.
“Ah, where to begin?” She recalled all that happened that night “Hm, I was supposed to sit with the kind Mr. Chambers, but the rude creep of Duke Richards came uninvited to the dinner! I tried to help Mr. Sinclaire to kick him out, but he, for some reason, dropped his pants and let Duke Richards steal the spotlight and this bitter spoiled brat of Miss Holloway was asking for a slap in her head” She resumed “And there was no dancing, although I did sing a song there” She sighed “That dinner confirmed how weak and exhausting men can be”.
Miss Parsons was surprised by all the information that Joanna gave her and shook her head “All in one night? Good Lord. No wonder why you wanted to keep sleeping”.
“But what were you doing then? Something must have kept you for witnessing my tale”.
Miss Parsons sighed exaggeratedly as the two women reached the tailor shop. The air inside was dry it smelled like waxes and dyes “My sister’s husband sent me a friend of his to ask me for a drive in the park. And they simply wouldn’t hear of anything but that I would accept”.
Joanna’s hands turned into fists as she scowled, her blue eyes raging as she tried not to go to the Parsons’s manor and tear them all apart and banish them to the loophole between the Heaven and Hell so they could never return “Simply detestable. They cannot just force you to be with that twat! If he tried anything I will personally—” She started but Miss Parsons cut her.
“Oh! He didn’t try anything, but he was such a bore! He talked of nothing but the trade and the weather, and I can’t think of which one he made sound worse!”.
“If he ever tries to reach you, I will sink him in the lake and make sure he never makes it back breathing” Joanna growled “To think that your own family made that to you! The nerve, the sheer audacity!”.
She took a deep breath as she collected herself “Sorry about that. I tend to go feral when women are being mistreated like that”.
“It really was quite beastly. And the worst part is, he spoke of making an offer to me. As if all one needs in marriage is one’s fortune to be compatible”.
He is indeed fortunate that I haven’t squeezed his head between my palms.
“You should seek romance with someone whose love and affections are compatible for you…” She mumbled, out of nothing. Miss Parsons gave her a searching look. Joanna stroked one lock of her hair away of her and she trapped her hands in hers, holding it warm “No woman should ever settle with a man that displeases her”.
“You… You cannot mean what I think, Joanna”.
“I do, every word” She confirmed, her fingers brushing her veins, making her shudder.
Their eyes met, the stormy grey eyes of hers against her blue ones, a tempest of sea against thunders, colliding in such a way that no poet alive could ever find words to such a beautiful, yet dangerous encounter of pupil against pupil. Miss Parsons stepped back slowly.
“I think we had best look at the dresses…”.
She turned her attention to the shop’s wares, moving aside bolts of cloth to search through the finished samples “Oh, you would look so lovely in this one!”.
She held before her a blue silk dress decorated with heavy bronze brocade. Joanna took a closer look to it as she traced a finger through the fine silk. Her lips curled into a small smile “Let’s see if you are correct”.
“I swear, half the people at the opera spend their time watching the boxes, not the performers. This will definitely draw the eye!”.
“Joanna, you must try it on!”.
She happily obliged as she ran her fingers over the silk and with the gloves on. She smiled to herself, how the dress was a poem of the ocean and fire together, yearning to touch each other but never quite even reaching it.
“I knew that would look divine on you!”.
“You put too much faith in me, my dear”.
“I have never seen someone so beautiful”.
Her pulse raced as she slowly got her dress off. Joanna felt Miss Parsons’s heated gaze like a burning touch against her milky skin. She turned to see her as her petticoats and other dressing garments showed off her fine skin with some scratches and her birthmark: a splash of wine on her shoulder, near her collarbone. Miss Parsons looked at one of her biggest scars, a mark of a wolf scratch that started on her left shoulder and ended near her spine “How did you get that scar? That seems painful!”.
“It was…” With a rabid werewolf. He scratched me but I stabbed him in the eyes and tore apart his whole arm “playing with one neighbour when I was a young maid. The boy went feral and made me that scar. They grounded him and I was forbidden to see him again”.
“Oh my! That is utterly ungentlemanly and improper! What a brute”.
“You should see the other lad” She winked.
Miss Parsons’s eyes went wide “What did you do to him?”.
She whispered in her ear “I sunk my fingers on his eyeballs”.
Miss Parsons gasped as she smirked and then grimaced “You know how to torture a man”.
“In many, painful ways” She confirmed.
Her eyes met hers through the looking glass and Joanna smiled at her, framed together, like they belong there.
“You have many scars to be a lady and so young…”.
“Are you suggesting that you want to see them all?” Joanna taunted.
“If you will have my company for longer…”.
She decides not to continue this before they do something they might regret. She looks at herself and nods, satisfied “Let’s have the tailor send it to your townhouse, then” Miss Parsons said and she nodded.
She felt her fingers on her neck, sending small jolts on her spine as she unhooked her dress button. She took a breath as she tried not to spin around and end this torture. She licked her lips, thing that Miss Parsons noticed and took a small look at her rosy, tempting lips. They weren’t very full, but her inner lip had more amount than her upper one, making her exquisite. Elias always told her she had the ideal lips. Not too full, but neither too thin.
Her finger lingered on each of her exposed skin as she undid her gown to the way down to the back, showing her ugliest scar yet. It was a bite of a kelpie who once fooled and tried to eat her alive, but Elias saved her for a rather humiliating death. The teeth were impressively big and the bite was all white and some purple. Miss Parsons gasped as her fingers caressed the scar “Joanna!” She exclaimed “At what horror were you exposed to have such damage in your flawless skin?”.
“I don’t really like to talk about that…”.
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1812, Grovershire.
Joanna was laying in bed, still in pain but hiding it with biting her lips and taking deep breaths. She could hear her fiance’s protests outside, claiming to see his fianceé at once “I shall not go until I have seen my beloved and tended her!” The 17-years-old boy demanded.
She could picture his dark hair, his blue eyes with hints of lilac, like a pool of a brand new galaxy, his pronounced cheekbones and his lips, full and very tempting. She smiled to herself, hearing how her mother sighed and let the man in. He rushed towards her, kneeling to her and kissing her hands “Oh, Joanna, my beautiful Joanna, who on Earth hurt you so badly?” He asked, his eyes full of love and concern.
“A very nasty creature that Elias had taken care of, do not fear for me, my love. I am safe and home, that is what matters”.
He kissed her forehead and his eyes went wide “My beloved, you are burning in an insane amount! Do not dare to complain, I will call my sister Amanda to bring you fresh water. Goodness, you are pale, why haven’t your mother called the physician—”.
“Tommy, my love, my mother has it under control” Joanna reassured him, her voice hoarse.
“…You won’t admit you’re in pain, will you now, Jo?”.
“Never in a million years”.
He laughed as he kissed her on the lips, the feeling of soft clouds against her metallic taste of blood and dryness of her lips. And yet, he kissed her like she had the tastiest lips on the planet Earth “Tommy, you may get sick as well”.
He kissed her cheek “Then I will be in bed, coughing and in bed, dreaming of my beautiful fiancé and yearning to have her in my arms again”.
“You’re such a hopeless romantic” She rolled her eyes.
He showed off his signet ring, one that they forged together days after the engagement, proud “And yet, when I dropped on one knee and asked you to be my wife, you said yes to this hopeless romantic”.
She rolled on the bed and grabbed his neck, kissing him again “And I would do it again, my beautiful, hopeless romantic. My Tommy”.
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“Joanna?” The sound of Miss Parsons’s voice made her go back to reality with a small bolt. She coughed as she tried not to show off she was tearing up, looking down “Sorry. I… zoned out for a bit”.
She fidgeted her engagement ring in her hand, Thomas’s dying face in her eyes. She closed her eyes as she felt her heart heavy, all the pain in her eyelashes for a minute.
“Joanna, are you alright?” Miss Parsons asked her friend.
“I… Sorry, I got nostalgic”.
“Is that related with the ring you’ve been clutching the past two seconds?” She nodded “Was your mother’s?” She nodded negatively “Who then?”.
She whispered “My fiancé’s”.
“Are you… secretly engaged?” She whispered, shocked by the news.
“I used to be engaged, but… he died two years ago.” She announced, a tear rolling down her cheek.
“Oh, Joanna, I am so sorry… It must’ve been awful for you…”.
She sobbed as she confessed “He always talked about having kids the month prior of the wedding. He was saving for a house in the middle of an abandoned field. He was in business with the landowner and thinking of names” Her smiled was wide and nostalgic and her heart ached so much she felt like it would explode “He wanted to buy enough land for me and a guesthouse for his family. He always dreamed of having a girl…” For the first time in months, she cried in that changing room and told her their late night talks in her window, their plans to have six children: four girls and two boys, their honeymoon in Wales, who would walk them to the altar, even some ideas for the ceremony! Miss Parsons listened to all of it, rubbing her back as she took a look at her engagement ring, simple silver with something forged in it: Jo and Tommy, 3rd of August, 1816.  
Miss Parsons rubbed her back as she commented “He sounds like an incredible man. I see why you fell for him”.
She smiled as she started to tell “He never liked how people would describe me as his property. He said that I was still a woman, but one woman sharing her life with him. He was always preaching me like if I were some kind of Goddess, showing affection and emotions towards me even if the elders protested that it was ungentlemanly. He never let his little sister do lady-ish things until she were old enough to decide. When I went to hunt with him and his father, he was always on my side. He always defended me against those women like Miss Holloway and broke all the bad rumours about me, proving them that I was a good woman and as worthy of respect as he was. He even shouted at the mayor ‘Show some respect to my mother-in-law’ in the middle of a Council meeting! He was forbidden to go to the next meeting. He never stopped defending us, always seeing us as his equals who he wished to give a better life, but respected my decision to marry him with my mother as a witness. The night before his death, we wanted to change the wedding date to another where my mother could witness our union but then…” She took a shaky breath “He was murdered. Violently. He died in my arms and since then, I closed myself off, focused on my mother, making all the possible things to make her recover. But it seems like people I love tend to die”.
She smiled brightly among tears, remembering how happy she was, how amazing he was and how eager she was to make all those plans true… “Ahem. We should really go…”.
“Joanna, I—”.
“Don’t. Let’s just go”.
She nodded. She got her clothes on again and walked towards the door. She slid the ring in her pocket and tried to look as expressionless as usual. They finally emerged from the tailor shop and the sun thrusted into her eyes. Blinking, she heard someone calling her name.
“Lady Joanna!” Prince Hamid beamed “What a surprise!”.
She gave him a short smile as she approached him… to grimace at the sight of Duke Richards.
“My lady, I have not dared hope to have the pleasure today” Trust me, neither did I.
Nevertheless, she and Miss Parsons curtsied to the duke “Your Grace”.
Prince Hamid took Joanna’s hand and placed a quick kiss across her knuckles. She gave him a smile that barely crossed her face “Your Highness, what a surprise indeed. I thought that I’d see you again when I was about to be trampled by a carriage” She teased. Even if Joanna wasn’t the kind of teasing woman, she had for sure her humour “Or I haven’t seen you because you found a better lady to trample and then rescue?”.
He chuckled “Perhaps it is I who needs rescuing”.
I can’t possibly blame you.
“From what? Need I to draw my whip?” She asked.
He laughed “No whips needed. The rescue is stop talking to old men in the Parliament” I still wonder how can you spend one more minute with them without bawling your eyes and ears off.
Duke Richards scowled “So instead you’ll flirt with every beautiful girl you meet?” I wouldn’t mind.
Prince Hamid laughed “I should not offend my friend Duke Richards. Without his vote for my treaty tomorrow, I will have to return to Constantinople in disgrace” I’m so sorry your stance depend on an arsehole like him, really.
She shook her head as she remembered she was still on mourning “We shall be proper, then” Even if you’re not helping.
“I shall say nothing of the perfect rose blooming of your cheeks, or the way the sun shines your perfect, fiery hair” He smiled.
She snorted as she rolled her eyes, a smirk on her face “You really can’t help yourself, can you now?”.
“Does your cousin, the Sultan, know you would risk an international incident over a pretty smile?” Duke Richards sneered.
Not as much as I’d risk my position to punch you in the face until you no longer speak.
Prince Hamid grinned at the duke “Ah, but what a smile…”.
Joanna looked away, feeling heart palpitations. What was happening? Why did she feel like this with four different people?
Am I shaming Thomas’s memory?
She bit her lip as she tried not to show the somber expression she had as Miss Parsons said to Prince Hamid “I had heard your reputation, Your Highness, but I may say, it hardly does you justice”.
“I’m afraid you have met me at disadvantage, Lady…?”.
“Parsons. Miss Parsons” She grinned.
As Prince Hamid bows to Miss Parsons, Duke Richards steps between him and her, claiming for Joanna’s attention. She gives him a displeased look “I received your maid’s note accepting my invitation to the opera. I am thrilled you will be joining me”.
“Hmm” This is not about you, maggot. This is for my mother and Miss Parsons. As I’d leave her with you of all men.
“Have I mentioned that we will be watching the opening night of the new show Handel’s Almira?”.
“Fascinating” She commented, sarcastic and coldly.
“You can watch as much as you’d like, as long as is it me who you sit beside”.
She scoffed, giving him a forced smile “Right”.
“And thank you for including me as well, Your Grace. I am quite excited to attend”.
“Oh, are you all to be at Almira? How delightful! I would never miss the opening” Please take me with you instead. In fact, I’d sit with anyone but this stench. “Shall I send my carriage round to pick you up and we can go together”.
“We’d love to” Joanna answered instantly, smiling at Prince Hamid “The last time I was in a carriage with you, I had fun with your stories”.
Duke Richards scowled at how Joanna went from barely having words to say to him to ignore him and talk with Prince Hamid “I hardly think that’s necessary—”.
“Of course it’s not necessary. Were it necessary, it’d be far less extravagant gesture, no?”.
“I concord with you”.
“It might be your treaty would be approved faster if you spend less time thinking extravagant gestures”.
“Well, politics take time, don’t they? Specially the ones that involve two great nations, don’t you think, Prince Hamid?” Joanna attacked him back, a winning grin on her face.
“The lady is right. Also, why would I wish to leave your beautiful land any sooner?” Prince Hamid turned his smile to her “It is settled then. You would not break my heart by keeping me from showing you off?”.
“You say that as if I were some trophy… All I suggested was a great time between two close acquaintances” She smirked over the duke, her winning grin still on her face.
As the four of them rounded the corner, the duke took both of Joanna’s hands in his, pulling her to a stop. She got rid of his grip with a movement and crossed her arms, arching an eyebrow to him, her unreadable face on his “Unlike certain Ottoman envoys, I actually have further business in Parliament this afternoon, so I shall take my leave”.
“Goodbye then” It’s not like you will be missed or something. Or even wanted here.
Duke Richards strid off the Parliament building as Miss Parsons glanced at the street.
“Thought he’d never leave” Joanna scowled under her breath.
“The Opera St. James! That’s it, right there!” Miss Parsons beamed.
She looked over the white stone building, not as different as the other she has passed. London was awfully white.
“Hm. I wonder if they’d let us in…” Joanna wondered.
“They will once you tell them you’re the only daughter of the great singer and healer Mary Mills!”.
“Your mother was a singer and a doctor? We must go in!” Prince Hamid concorded.
He took Joanna’s arm in his to cross where the great double doors of the opera house are barred shut “Look, I appreciate what you’re doing, but I do not wish to bother them—”.
“Do not worry! I have spent much time in Opera St. James. I know many of the actors. I am sure they will let us inside”.
“Wonderful!” Miss Parsons commented.
Joanna made a face “Still, it’d be rude—”.
“Nonsense! You deserve to take a look, Lady Joanna. We never have this in Constantinople. No theatre where real men and women take on new roles and act them out” he commented.
“What do you do to entertain yourselves, then?”.
“No operas? Or plays?” Miss Parsons asked.
“Not even in your own language?”.
“The closest we have is a kind of… shadow puppet show”.
“Explain further?”.
“The operators put the puppets behind so you see only… how do you say…? Silhouettes?” Prince Hamid looked away, a slight blush on his olive skin. Joanna smiled, surprised by someone like Hamid could blush “I am ashamed to say that much of it is… crude humour, though. Quite unsuitable for gentle ladies”.
“You forget I am everything but gentle, Your Highness” Joanna pointed “So I wouldn’t mind watching that with you. It sounds fascinating to see!”.
“Lady Joanna!”.
Prince Hamid met her eyes with a mischievous smile “Perhaps I shall take you to Constantinople one day, and we can watch together”.
“When, where and how?” She smiled at him.
“Whenever you please…”.
At the opera house doors, Prince Hamid pulled the heavy velvet rope for the bell. He gave a friendly nod to the man who opened the doors to them “Albert, my friend! We have come to visit early. Would it be a huge imposition for us to come inside?”.
“Of course! They’re working to ace an opening night—” Joanna started, but Miss Parsons pinched her hand. Though it didn’t hurt her, it was a bother to her.
The prince explained quickly who Joanna was. With a nod and a smile, the doorman threw the huge doors open. Joanna glared at Miss Parsons and smacked her in the shoulder as softly as she could. If she smacked her like an equal, she’d break her shoulder.
Inside, the opera was dark and cool, compared with the bright streets. Joanna could see some faeries and pixies flying around, playing music and giggling. She even saw a usual bad-tempered phouka. He glared at her and she shrugged. Faes loved music and arts in general.
“So, this is where your father first saw your mother. On that stage…”.
“It hits different to witness the place where the tale began. I just wish I could’ve asked more questions…”.
“How did she become a singer and a doctor?”.
Joanna thought what Gaius told her. The Queen arranged a family of performers and sent her to the opera to heal the hidden creatures and some men she damaged to keep her secret and sang for charity “She told me her parents were performers. She wasn’t a woman who would tell me stories of her family but I could persuade her sometimes… I loved hearing how she could inspire and keep on people’s toes without trying, losing herself in the music and felt admired and seen. She felt a whole woman in that stage over there”.
“I’ve seen that happen when you sing”.
“You sing?” Prince Hamid beamed “You must sing for me some times”.
“I’ll let you know when I’m in the mood for sing for a man” She chided him.
He chuckled.
They wandered down the aisle to the stage, looking at the polished oak boards that reflect the candlelight.
“If it’s not… presumptuous to ask, how did the Earl of Edgewater come to meet an opera singer?” Prince Hamid wondered.
Joanna sighed “I wouldn’t know. It always seemed like bringing back bad memories and never got to tell me. I just wish I had persuaded her somehow…”.
Prince Hamid took her hand in his with a comforting smile, but dropped it as she heard approaching footsteps and the rearing of the curtains, showing an old woman in rather old-fashioned clothes.
“Your Highness! We told you, no more special showings until the opening day”.
Prince Hamid kissed the woman’s hand gallantly “Madame Lemay, you’re as lovely as always”.
Joanna shook her head. Was it necessary to be such a flirt with everyone?
“And you’re as a big liar”.
“But I am not here for myself today. This is Miss Parsons and Lady Joanna of Edgewater” He introduced both ladies. Joanna couldn’t help but gulp, but outside, she was just as confident and expressionless.
“We’re still having dress rehearsals, ladies. I’m not certain we can—”.
Even if she was sweating for a bit, she dared to say “We’re terribly sorry to intrude, my lady. We just wanted to take a quick look where my beloved mother used to sing and heal…”.
“Your mother?” Madame Lemay seemed in shock at first “I’ve worked here twenty-five years. Who—” Madame Lemay looked at her over carefully, then, her eyes lit up with recognition “You’re Mary Mills’ daughter! I’d stake my career on it” She beamed.
“Oh! I knew we had to come here” Miss Parsons commented.
“I take you knew my mother?” Joanna asked.
“Of course! Everyone knew Mary Mills. She was going to be our biggest star and she was a great doctor. Before she, ah, got in a family way…”.
Joanna’s perfect gaze fell as she thought of how much she sacrificed for her to save a world that never wanted them in first place. She felt horrible, but regained her composure.
“I just wish she kept doing what she loved after I was born. I never meant to be an obstacle to her”.
“I told her noblemen don’t marry singers. But she kept saying that they were bound by destiny and they’d succeed, that everyone up there was rooting for them”.
And she wasn’t wrong. The Goddess is never wrong.
“That does happen sometimes” Prince Hamid smiled.
She glanced at Prince Hamid and gave him a smile that didn’t reach her face and then turned her gaze to Madame Lemay “Did you ever met my father?”.
“Oh, may times, lovey! He came every night to see Mary. Seemed like a nice lad, he never had eyes for other than her” She beamed.
“Can you tell me how my parents met?” She asked, itchy of curiosity.
Madame Lemay walked over a spot just right to the stage “It was after one of her performances as Cleopatra. We came out for the final bow, and there was a young gentleman standing right there. In front of the stage, like he’d have pushed his way forward”.
Joanna smiled to herself as she thought of her father. That sounded like him, indeed “My dear father…”.
“Of course”.
“He couldn’t take his eyes off her. Just stood applauding like his heart would burst” She beamed.
“It sounds perfectly wonderful” Miss Parsons commented.
“Oh, she was swept in the romance of it, that’s for sure” Madame Lemay smoothed down the apron of her costume “None of us could believe when Mary ran off with your father. Just… disappeared one night. I got one letter, months later, saying she was with child and couldn’t come back, that her destiny was to be with her child, insisting there was no coming back”.
“She did not wish to raise her daughter here?” Prince Hamid asked, fearing the answer.
“The director would have never stood up for it”.
Bastards. All of those who dared to defy the destiny of the Goddess and undo her will. I hope they pay for it soon, or I’ll take that deed myself, both here and in Hell.
She made her fist a ball and took a deep breath. She had to be collected, even if she wanted to cry.
“I used to be jealous of Mary, actually. She’d been singing and healing men since a very young girl and I thought I could never catch up to her. She was so smart and open minded, like she’d lived many lives! Her eyes were full of untold stories and filled with people who she met and we could never meet. It was like she had a better education than any of us”.
That’s what happens when you live for 700 years, I guess.
“How did she get started so young on both things?” Miss Parsons asked.
“The way I heard it, her family was a landowner gentleman who arranged performances to sing everywhere to bring joy to the poorest people and one of the opera patrons heard her singing while he was travelling the continent. Her voice was so beautiful, he persuaded her parents to bring her to London and train her properly. Gave her over to the company and they trained her to be one of the best sopranos Opera St. James ever had and exploited some of her natural talent as a healer. Her mind was bigger than this world!”.
“Did she ever… miss home?” She dared to ask.
“She loved this life, but even if she wouldn’t show it, deep down, I knew she thought about her life before it. I think that’s why she was willing to have this child, even if that ruined her good name and reputation, she was so certain that the baby in her belly was her destiny and would bring peace to all of us… I wonder what she meant with it”. Her stomach sunk as she thought of how much she could’ve had, and yet she chose to put her trust in a mortal man, bear his child among other men’s blood and create her to bring peace to all the factions. She wished she were there to see how much she has improved. A gong sounded backstage, and Madame Lemay looked flustered “And that’s my whole break, lovey. We’re about to start rehearsal now. It was so good to meet you”.
She gathered the skirts of her costume and started for the stage door, but Prince Hamid took her hand, slowing her “Perhaps my good friends and I can stay to watch?”.
“I can’t” Miss Parsons said, saddened “Unfortunately, my sisters are having some gentlemen for tea to show me off. I’m late already!”.
“Annabelle, you don’t have to go…” Joanna assured her.
“I know, but I must. I do not wish to enrage them”.
Joanna knitted her brows together “But—”.
“I will be fine, Joanna” Miss Parsons kissed her cheek and left, while Madame Lemay gave her a big smile.
“Well, you should stay and watch, milady! You’re practically family. Mary’s little girl comes back to see us!” Joanna’s heart melted at the words. Family, something she lacked, her mother and her against the world, trying to survive. All she had was her and the Dalys, but those people seemed eager to have her…
She considered her thoughts and took a deep breath “I wouldn’t mind watching the world where my mother lived for years…”.
“You may find you have a bit of an actress in you”.
“The though of being onstage has passed my mind indeed…”.
Prince Hamid held out a hand, inviting the lady to get through the stage doors “A private showing, the two of us? We can hardly turn down an invitation like that, can we?”
Joanna took a deep breath. She could tell, this was her chance to open up about her to Prince Hamid… and if everything went wrong, she could always charm him to forget what she said, even if that meant trampling with his destiny with her.
She looked at the man before her, extending his hand as an invitation and she took it.
“I… would like to see the backstage”.
Prince Hamid smiled at her, delighted of her response “And I would love to see it again through your eyes”.
Madame Lemay smiled at the pair “Then hurry up, lovey! I’m in the first number”.
She took a moment as she gazed to the fine architecture and followed the man who just offered her a once-in-a-lifetime chance. When she reaches the backstage, she looks at the piled props and precariously stacked old backdrops. Through the curtains, she could see the whole stage and the rows of velvet-covered seats for the audience. She could sense it, she could still smell her mother’s essence, her mermaid-like voice while she healed those people and sang for charity. She smiled to herself, a tugged smile in her lips. Prince Hamid smiled at her “This might be the first time I see you smile”.
“Why are you men so obsessed with us women to smile when we don’t want to? It’s truly annoying”.
“It’s not that! I just… I wished to make you smile” He admitted.
She choked a chuckle as she ran a gloved finger over the décor and closed her eyes, imagining her mother, younger. Perhaps her age, dutiful and determined to fulfill her destiny. She remembered her golden curls, her olive eyes and her milky skin. When she opened them, Prince Hamid was staring at her. She arched an eyebrow and looked at him
“What are you staring at?”.
“I’m admiring the way you bask yourself in your mother’s legacy. It’s such a lovely view”.
“Can you imagine, preforming for that number of people? I don’t think I could bear so many eyes on me. I’m uncomfortable already with more than 15 people looking at me”.
“Keep your voices down and you should be able to stay and watch” Lemay said before hurrying to her position.
“It gives me chills every time”.
Joanna nodded “How the melody caresses your ears, the voice of the soprano… It is a dignified masterpiece”.
Madame Lemay and the others started to sing in a foreign language that she recognized as Italian she and Prince Hamid looked at each other as they whispered in the other’s ear, a complicity running between them both
“The princess is saying that she’s in love with her secretary, but she can’t marry him because has already chosen her husband’s family” Hamid started. He shakes his head “She is a fool, no? She should follow her heart and marry whoever she loves, whatever her father’s wishes are”.
Joanna sighed, a big ache in her heart as she gazed at him, a pained look on her face “Sometimes is not that simple, I’m afraid. Sometimes our destiny is bigger than any epic love and must be done, with all the consequences. And sometimes love doesn’t fit in destiny, much less when it’s written by the Gods”.
Prince Hamid’s eyes caught Joanna’s, dark and deep in the dim backstage lightning “I surely would, for I have nothing to lose. Destiny wouldn’t stop me for being with the ones I love”.
Her heart fluttered as she fought to bit her lip, feeling his eyes catch hers as the time seemed to slow down for a bit…
“But what if you did?” She asked, breathless.
“I would follow it anyways. I’ve seen power and paths built by destiny and it rarely brings great happiness. But if I were ever lucky to find love, I would not turn away, no matter what the other cost”.
Joanna sighed “Sometimes you have no option but give up on the ones you love to fulfill your quest written by destiny to ensure your legacy keeps going and you can endure”.
Prince Hamid’s eyes went concerned as he saw her noticeable sadness and pain “Why do you seem so pained?”.
“I just—My mother chose love. She chased the idea that it’d win and triumph and look where it took her. An horrible death and disowning of a whole legacy”.
“I, for one, am grateful that her love means that I can be here now, sitting beside you”.
Her blue found his black as she gazed at him, vulnerable and lips slightly parted, her gloved nail brushing his knuckle.
“Sometimes I wonder if she had regrets, if she ever questioned if this whole adventure was worth the risk of her position back where she used to live. I know she loved me with all her heart, but I do wonder if losing a lifetime of glory and great knowledge and full respect was worthy giving up”.
“I didn’t know she was so important”.
She gets up and crosses the backstage further in the shadows, caressing her gloved hand, avoiding his questioning face. On stage, the music grows softer, more intimate. She noticed a script, forgotten in the shadows and read it, her body aching to avoid this conversation.
“Let us be actors” She announced.
She handed him the script, seeing the title, The Romance of Madeline. Joanna glances at the names.
“Let us be… Antoine and Madeline this afternoon. Forget about everyone else outside, the destiny and expectations and let us live their lives”.
“Yes, let us”.
She climbed the steps as Prince Hamid stood there, below her. She began to read as she made a dramatic pose as he read “Oh, sweet sunlight that falls upon my shadowed brow and casts my thoughts like dew upon the field! Tell me now to when my fevered charms, shall the fortress of your beauty ever yield?”.
“My prince, my sweet prince, as far above me as the moon, yet still your light shines through my crystal pane” She read, a romantic tune on her voice.
She moved closer to him, pantomiming noticing him for the first time. She let slowly a small smile draw on her lips “But hark! How can it be? Did the angels hear my prayers and grant the same? Antoine, oh Antoine, how came you here to me?”.
“Sweet Madeline, your heart only needs call and there I’ll be”.
Prince Hamid took two steps to join her as his hands grasped hers “Run away with me, Madeline. Leave the burden of this throne behind and bring our wandr’ring hearts to cheer”.
She took a look at the script, where Madeline refused Antoine’s offer. Part of her wanted to make up something utterly romantic, give in, to bask herself in his being, to feel alive and loved, but reality hit her “Oh, my Antoine, my heart says ‘aye’ but I cannot. Else dare I risk my father’s loss of all he sacrificed”.
“I cannot live without your love, my Madeline. I think next, Antoine offers Madeline a ring”.
She gazes around as she thinks that she haves the chance to be alone with him, to be intimate before they go back to reality. She sees a beautiful ring and grabs it with pride.
“Madeline, oh my sweet Madeline, please then honour me to be your undoubtful, faithful and wedded husband” He recites, dropping on one knee. She decides to show a smile and caresses his surprisingly smooth face.
“You know how much my heart yearns for it, my beloved Antoine”.
“Then marry me”.
She levels to him as her eyes never leaves his, their faces only inches apart. Joanna studies every inch of it, her hand now on his shoulder. Her nose kisses his, a movement that shows a type of kiss. She looks at his eyes “There is something I must confess you”.
“Do tell, my lady” He says, his eyes never leaving his.
“During centuries, since the first man and the first woman were created, there has existed exotic creatures that used to live with them. Whoever they were… we lived in peace, in harmony, we were a community”.
He separated from her, confused “What are you trying to say, Joanna?”.
“All those stories, legends, myths you’ve grown up hearing… They are not just tales, Hamid. They’re true, and their true stories are something different than humans tend to sing and write about. Vampires, witches, werewolves, faeries, mermaids, demons, angels, Gods and Goddesses… They all exist and live among us, protect humanity and has saved it a few times”.
“But… how?” He tilted his head.
“Allow me to show you… But you must close your eyes first”.
He was utterly confused, but obliged. She closed hers as well as she tried to challenge all five creatures inside her, telling them to trust the human. He was to be trusted, not slaughtered. When she opened her eyes, her blue were changed by her amber, her right hand was now a paw, she opened her mouth to show her fangs while the other held her portion of magic and her faerie ears grew.
“You can open them now. Just… don’t freak out, I will not harm you”.
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With eyelids firmly shut, all was darkness.
The soft melody from an aria and Joanna’s respiration faded while he mulled on the enigmatic words she uttered and abruptly disrupted the closeness they shared seconds before.
What could she confess? He was certainly intrigued.
At that moment, on his knee before her at the bottom of the stairs, his only desire was to cherish her lips, longing the lady could find in her heart the will to reciprocate his growing affection. Certainly, a conversation about this kind of legends and mystical beings was unpredicted.
“You can open them now,” Joanna’s tone is soft when it reaches Prince Hamid’s ears. “Just don’t freak out, I will not harm you.”
His eyelids flutter open, and he blinks a few times, confused by the unexpected glow that blurs his vision. The light sparkles between them, filling the inches that separate them.
Where is it coming from? His eyes roam and he realises, it comes from her. Warm. Yellow. Welcoming.
At once, the many languages Prince Hamid’s tongue is familiar with and his eloquence are lost when realisation dawns on him.
The world ceases to exist. There is no one else, but the woman looking at him expectantly. Other than their respirations, there was only silence.
Narrowing his eyes, he fixes his stare at Joanna’s face and the sudden feline colour of her iris startle him.
Do my eyes deceit me?
Straightening himself, he puts some distance between them to study her and chokes on a gasp of fear. A glimpse at the pearl-white fangs protruding from her half-opened mouth and his blood freezes in his veins. His heart skips a beat as horror invades every inch of his being.
His stomach sinks and the primal instincts scream at him. Get up! Turn around. Run. Run. Run!
However, his muscles are deafened. Fear roots him to that same place and drains all colour from his warm bronze cheeks as her eyes, bright as the sun, stare at him.
Have I gone mad? I must be dreaming!
Tilting her head a little to the side, Joanna susurrates his name and raises her arm in his direction. The man flinches, unable to utter a word. The hand he held before turned into a claw now rests over his heart. A drop of sweat, as cold as ice, slides down his back.
“Breathe,” she says softly.
His chest is tight, and he forces in a deep breath. Then another one. Jaw dropped and eyes widened, he tries to concentrate on his breathing and focus on the light. The amber light is warm, somewhat comforting, like a happy memory of morning sunbeams kissing his face on his strolls at the gardens of Topkapi. His chest heaves once more and falls.
The yellow eyes bright unwavering from his, and the woman still irradiates that same strange light. He doesn’t know how long they’ve been there, if seconds, hours or ages.
On her eyes he recognizes the same vivacity that enraptured him since they met. A glimpse to her troubled and passionate soul. His fingers itch to touch her, a magnetic and mysterious pull.
Despite his better judgement, his hand raises and swiftly reaches her face. The lady doesn’t move away and let his palm touch her cheek.
Under his attentive gaze, Joanna grimaces. Beneath his fingers her muscles tense and twitch. Closing her eyes, her face contorts into a scowl as the fangs slowly retreat, and the pointy ears disappear beneath the mass of copper hair. A long and exhausted exhale, before her eyelids flutter open, and two pools of blue are visible again.
Shadows cover them once more.
Neither move, remaining indecorously close.
Beneath his fingertips, her skin is hot and the artery pumps on her neck as if her blood might escape her body. His pulse is possibly as fast as hers.
Leaning forward, their foreheads touch and she closes her eyes again. Her hand envelops the one of his that cups her cheek. Her skin is smooth against his, just like before. She clings to it, to him. Her touch conveys so much, he muses. Perhaps it’s an attempt to assure him she’s the same. Or perhaps, a wordless request for him to stay. Either way, he revelled on the touch, on the closeness and intimacy, feeling his heartbeats slowly deaccelerating.
“You must have questions,” Joanna whispered at last, and her warm breath fanned his cheek.
“I…” Prince Hamid started, but needed to stop and clear his throat first, as if trying to speak after crossing the desert. “There are more questions on my mind than my tongue is capable of expressing…”
“Take your time,” Joanna suggests, and pulls away from him. She raises from her knees and takes a sit at the stair. Patting the space besides her, she invites him to do the same, and it takes only a moment for him to join her.
After taking a deep breath, trying to collect his thoughts, his mouth opened and closed a few times.
“I presume what you did before was extenuating. Is it painful too?”
She looks away, pain is something very present in her life, both physically and emotionally. Talking about it, however, can’t make it better or go away. “Nothing I can’t handle, I assure you,” she shrugged off his concern. “What you’ve seen is part of who I am.”
Prince Hamid’s gaze lowers to her hands fidgeting with her reticule, and with a swift motion, his hands reach for them. Holding them gently, his thumbs caress her skin with tenderness. His training and expertise have not prepared him to deal with a situation like this, and his tongue cannot find a comforting word. Nevertheless, is there even a reason to comfort her?
Joanna seems taken aback for a second and she observes their joined hands. The warmth he emanates comes not from magic, but from true kindness, something almost as uncommon as magic itself. Their destinies are entwined, she knows it, and the reasons are clearer now.
Tentatively, he opens his mouth to question, “And who… what… who are you exactly?”
Leaning closer and speaking into his ear, she explained about her origin and her power, while the man drank every word about witches, fairies and immortality completely mesmerized. He questioned about her abilities and she spoke about magic, gave a few details of her fighting trainings and shared a recent accomplishment, which could not differ more from her preparations for the role of an English lady.
The corners of Joanna’s lips turn up, and she confides, “Recently, I acquired this new ability: I can turn into a panther. I’m still learning to fully control it, but it’s the most amazing experience.”
“A panther?” he echoed and shook his head slowly, trying to accommodate the idea that the delicate woman beside him possesses not only inhuman super-strength but can metamorphose into an animal. A perfect animal if he may say so. Already, looking at her, he can envision her as the majestic wild feline with its undulating body covered in dense fur and piercing bright eyes.
From the moment they met, he sensed she was no ordinary lady; at the time, he considered the low birth and a lifestyle completely different from her English peers – and his as well – instigated her authenticity. Never could he assume her uniqueness was due to Joanna being a magical entity.
Her tongue stops before she speaks more than he should know, and she observes him.
Even at that dimly lit space, it was evident that with every word that came out of her mouth, a glint intensified in his eyes.
The obvious shock from before had vanished completely and a grin parted his lips. When he spoke, his baritone voice was soft and filled with tenderness and admiration, “Since the moment we met, I knew you were extraordinary…”
“We have no time for flattery, Your Highness,” she chided him, but couldn’t avoid the corners of her mouth to curl in amusement. “I believe you have questions.”
The Prince nods eagerly, his characteristic wide grin playing on his lips. “Plenty of questions, actually.”
“I shall cast a spell to slow time, so we can speak.”
“You can do that?” he asks slack jawed.
A confirmative nod and she proceeds to cast the spell. Her lips move and her tongue speaks a strange language – words from a different era, he presumes. Her mouth closes, and he looks around. Nothing seems different at first. He waves a hand in front of his face, and it moves normally. Until he notices the tempo of the music the orchestra plays, it has slowed down to almost stop. The cheerful melody replaced by a haunting murmur.
His gaze lowers and fixes at his hand joined to hers, considering other circumstances where this ability could benefit them.
“What is wrong?”
Prince Hamid’s chest moves, and a breathed laugh escapes his mouth. When he looks back up at her, a mischievous grin curls his lips, and if it wasn’t for the shadows surrounding them, she would notice his bronze skin have darkened with a rush of blood to his cheeks.
“I suppose you cannot read minds,” he infers meeting her puzzled look, and she shakes her head. “That’s reassuring. Sharing my thoughts would be impertinent, and I have no intention to offend you, my lady.” He presses a hand to his chest and bows his head.
When he looks up at her, he asks, “You said before, everything I have heard is real. But I must know for certain: djinni, are they real?”
“And ghūl?”
Having access to this kind of knowledge dazzled him, and he couldn’t contain his excitement or the string of questions that left his mouth, before she has the time to properly answer them, “What about the Amazons? And Zeus and the Gods of Olympus? – Wait! I always wanted to know, are there sirens? Oh, and dragons? Do they exist?”
“Yes to all your questions,” she replies and a slow tight-lip smile curls her lips. His starry eyes open wide and curiosity reminds her of her own father.
“All of them?” His amazement fills his voice.
“Like I said, everything you’ve heard is real. Except for the Lake Ness Monster. That’s rubbish! It started out of mockery, just a prank amongst elves... But humans truly believed it and are talking about the damn thing for the past 1200 years!” She rolled her eyes and let out an exasperated sigh.
He rubbed his chin and went silent for a moment. How could all of this be true? It’s extraordinary.
“Do you mean that at this moment, as we speak, there are sirens and dragons living in our world?”
“Precisely, and it’s far more common to see one of those creatures than one would assume. I myself am the owner of a silver dragon.”
“You- You have a dragon?” his voice raised with surprise, and her palm pressed against his mouth to shush him, her face swivelling around to be certain nobody could be overhearing them.
“Not so loud! I can slow time, but they can still hear us!” she hissed through her teeth. “We don’t want any interruptions! Do you understand?” He nods and she removes her hand slowly. “And yes, I own a fire breathing dragon. It disguises itself as a housecat, so no one from your world knows about its existence.”
“A dragon that disguises itself... That’s fascinating!” He blinks a few times, completely awestruck by the revelation. His memory is inundated by numerous tales he learnt since his childhood. “Does it fly like the tales?”
“The tales are accurate on that point.”
“I must see this exceptional creature!”
“Sure, you can see it,” she starts seriously, thinking about the bad-tempered creature that serves both as protection and means of transportation when needed, “if you don’t mind the risk of being set on fire or bitten in the ass. I won’t discard the possibility of losing a limb too.”
A shocked gasp erases the excitement from his face. “Perhaps that’s not a very good idea.”
She can’t help but laugh at him; and a hand is pressed over her mouth to muffle the sound.
The Prince looks at her affectionately. It’s the first time she laughs in front of him and one of his wide grins parts his lips. It seems a burden is removed from her shoulders, and her face softens. Peace replaces war on her eyes for just a moment, and he could spend a lifetime trying to make her laugh just to hear this sweet melody.
When she notices his intense eyes upon her, she immediately closes her mouth and swallows hard. “Why are you looking at me like that?” she breathes her question, and shivers when his fingers brush the side of her face, tucking a loose lock of hair that covered her eye behind her ear.
Prince Hamid is aware of how dangerous and irresponsible his behaviour is, anyone could walk on them at any moment, but he cannot help himself, longing this moment never ends.
“I was enthralled by you,” he says softly, gazing at her with half-closed eyes. “Your laughter illuminates your entire face and you shine brighter than you did before…”
Meeting his eyes, she teases him, “Don't tell me twice, I have the haunting laugh of a witch!”
“I assure you, my lady, to my ears your laugh is as enchanting as a siren’s call,” he speaks softly, and he brings her hand to his lips, placing a kiss on her knuckles and another on her wrist. His eyes dark with yearning unwavering from hers.
“Do you know what siren’s do to men?” she snorts, “Would you follow me to death?”
“There cannot be a sweetest death…” he muses with a beam.
Joanna studies him for a moment. She knows men, their lies and their luring words that serve one sole purpose. None of which work with her. Punches were thrown at a handful of insolent individuals before. However, as exaggerated as Prince Hamid’s words sound, it’s clear he believes each of them. He’s sincere and doesn’t try to conceal his infatuation. An eagerness to convince her of his intentions, even now after he’s aware of her nature, and she finds it somewhat endearing and his romanticism reminds her of the one she offered her heart.
For years, since he left Constantinople, he’s travelled uncountable leagues, visited numerous places and met hundreds of people. However, Joanna is the most alluring woman he’s ever set his eyes on, and in her presence his heart soars. The scent from her hair and skin is inebriating in the most unexpected way, and yet it’s perfect that she smells of wood and books, like a library, since her mind guards the kind of knowledge that would cause envy even on those who had the privilege to behold the majestic collection of the Great Library of Alexandria.
The man inches closer, eager to breathe her in, and the tip of his long nose ghosts the side of her face. Their lips are so close, they’re both aware. If she simply swivelled her face, their mouths would touch; but she leans back, and gently pushes his chest.
“If you don’t have more questions… There’s one topic I wish to discuss with you before we run out of time.”
The Prince pondered for a moment, rubbing his chin, and the smile faded from his lips. There was one last question burning on his tongue and he would never forgive himself if he didn’t ask her. Who knows when they could meet again or share a private moment like this?
“Would you allow me a final question, my lady?”
“If it’s about witches feeding on children or flying in brooms,” she groaned irritated, “I swear to–”
“It’s not,” he interrupted, waving his hands, and when his mouth opened again, his voice sounded as serious as his expression, “Why do you reveal these secrets to me? We barely know one another… Yet, you trust me with this sort of knowledge.” His gaze was fixed on her face, studying her reactions closely. “Are you not afraid I could spread the word? Or start a witch-hunt, perhaps?”
“I am not, because our destinies are tied together. I’ve known you before we even met,” she replied.
His eyes follow her hand as it dives into the reticule and fishes an object he can’t discern on the dark. In a swift motion, the item rests on his palm. A card. The edges are yellowed by time and use, and his fingers hold it close to his face. In the centre, a drawing of a dark-skinned man with a big smile. The dark eyes and hair like his, even the same long nose. His finger traces the details of the kaftan. The Sunkissed.
“Years ago, I’ve seen you in my dream,” she says pointing at the card. “I couldn’t presume it would only take a carriage almost running me over for us to find each other...”
“I should thank my driver immensely. And your stepmother, as well,” he utters with a smile, eyes still fixed on the card. “What do you mean by our destinies are tied together?”
“That’s information for another day,” she replied, face swivelling from side to side, noticing the signs the spell is wearing off. “There’s plenty more I must tell you. But now is not the time. We must meet again.”
“When?” he asks, eyes wide following her every move, as she stands and smooths the skirts of her dress.
“Soon,” she whispers at the same time the melody returns to its normal tempo. “Would you accompany me outside?” Her hand is offered, and he accepts it with a grateful smile and tucks it in the crook of his elbow.
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Some time later, she is walking towards the townhouse when she sees Queen Kamilah hidden in a place she seems to notice. She is protected by a spell, she can tell. She feels the magic in her bones. She approached her and in a second, her mouth is muffled and slammed against the wall! The elder woman glares at her as she reckons her to shut her mouth and she frowns and casts a glance in her direction to see a man dressed in a rather scandalous waistcoat and smirking at the women that, no matter their age, they gaze at him with desire and yearning. She can tell he has some darkness inside him, a big one. Witches are trained to see the good and evil in each unusual creature. Even if his face is young, his gaze and demeanor is old and obscure. She looks at the vampire queen expectant of an explication and she whispers in her ear so low that even with her incredible ear, she must make a small effort “That one is Lucifer, the King of Hell. We don’t know why he’s here, but he is up to no good”.
She nods as he stops a fancy gentleman and he asks with his charming smile “Excuse me, good sir. May I know where can I find Joanna Mills?” The man seemed confused “Redhead? Bad tempered? Incredible body?”.
Joanna choked a groan. Was that last one really necessary?
“Hm, I can’t tell he is here to just sleep with you, but I wouldn’t discard that he’d try. That man likes the lust as much as a child likes its sweets”.
“He and all men” She mumbled.
Kamilah seemed to agree with her and looked at her, mouthing “We don’t know his intentions, you must run for it then. And do not protest”.
She glared at her but obliged. She took a few steps back deep into the alley and casted a spell to bring her home. She landed before the house and heard a deep breath. She threw a knife in the second, but some protective spell stopped it and landed between her and her victim. Mr. Harper, again. She rolled her eyes “I’m growing tired of this habit”.
“I can second that”.
“What are you doing here, anyway?” She looked at him, inquisitive.
“This came today, from your father” He announced.
“Has something happened to him? Is he ill?” A knot of worry tied tightly in her chest.
His face fell “Not as far as I know, but it was addressed to you… I wanted to make sure you saw it before Mr. Marlcaster”.
“Smart move. I respect that. That sloppy puppet would spy on my letters if he could. Thank god that the Circle knows men than humanity itself. We helped creating them after all, all the credits always go to the Gods”.
“I won’t allow him to do such thing”.
His gave a small bow and their fingers brushed as he handed her the letter. A electrical jolt caressed her skin and she bit the inside of her mouth. She opened the letter and began to read it
My Dearest Joanna,
I am sorry to write you in such circumstances, but your inheritance is not done yet. I know how you feel about marriage and mortal men, but you shall at least fake it for the appearances’ sake. I have spoken with your kind and will speak for you to the High Witches and High Wizards so they give you a little time to settle this matter. I am also aware of your chase against whom tries to slaughter you, but if I know something, is that you are your mother’s daughter and will defeat whoever it is for good. On the other hand, the Countess has engaged the services of a barrister to challenge my will.
I pray you find a man suitable enough to ensure her challenge is unsubstantiated and then we can speak of what comes next.
“My word, the Countess has challenged his will! This woman’s constant and senseless bullying is truly irritating. I just wish I could choke her with her surely fake curls and watch her drop dead” She snarled, making Mr. Harper wary, a intimidated look on his face “Worst of it, he needs of me to make a match quickly” She groaned.
“Aye. She will try prevent that too”.
“Hm, she cannot prevent what won’t happen. I took a vow to never engage romantically to a man and no one’s stopping me” She snapped.
For a moment, something in Mr. Harper’s eyes made her see hopelessness and defeat. He made a grimace “Of course. A witch must marry someone equal to her”.
But who in the world is equal to me?
She continued reading.
Your happiness is important to me. I hope you find a man who is respective towards you and can develop a deep, unromantic fondness as well as he protects your interests.
At the garden party, you spent quite the time with Mr. Sinclaire. If he is of interest to you, I urge you to whether he can reach an understanding with you. I know he will guard your secret and provide you what you need. Or if it’s anyone who has won your favour, pray tell me of them.
She bit her lip as she remembered the broody gremlin who somehow awakened something in her she couldn’t quite place. She cleared her throat and commented to Mr. Harper “Well, now he does ask of something”.
“What does your father say?”.
“He asks to Mr. Sinclaire… but how could I even get a whole sentence out of him? I cannot court someone I cannot read. And no, neither can I read minds, but I can read expressions and body language, but sometimes words are in need!” She huffed.
“He is a man of few words, Mr. Sinclaire. But I trust he’d be kind to you”. His jaw set “He better”.
“If he tries to start a witch-hunt, I will take him down in a millisecond, do not fret” She smirked at him.
“Hah! I know you would”.
“However… I do not wish to wound you nor give anyone hopes with this conversation…” Her mouth twisted in a sad grimace.
“Your father has been so kind to me, Your Highness. But I have no illusions of what he’d think of my… suitability”.
“For the men I have met, you surely outstand many of them, sir, I assure you”.
“I… thank you, my lady”.
A small silence formed between them before Mr. Harper broke the tense silence “Did the earl say anything else?”.
Or consider whether you might be able to win the favour of Duke Richards. His power will surely protect both you and Edgewater.
Write me quickly and say what progress you have made in both quests. It is imperative that we set your claim soon.
Yours affectionately,
She scoffs as she hands the letter to Mr. Harper.
“That cursed duke again… I shall die than level myself to that… whatever the hell he is!”.
“He is a royal duke… and yet you speak of him like some unworthy man to mention”.
“He is! His mere presence disgusts me entirely and he is far behind me. In wiles, wisdom, dignity, morals and much more. I will drop dead rather than be his doll” She scowled.
At last she could bond with Mr. Sinclaire of something.
Mr. Harper’s eyes met hers, green grass against a thunderstorm in the seas, colliding in a tragic romance in one novel of Shakespeare, her heart racing and her lips parted. She cleared her throat and composed herself.
“Don’t marry him. Whatever your father tells you. He… I’m sorry. I overstep”.
“I won’t. I promise”.
“Do whatever you must for Edgewater”.
She bit her lip as she thought of what a long life she had ahead her and how many choices. She could inherit the biggest position yet known in her world, or she could be a domestic countess in England… She was torn. She wanted to make her parents proud, but she felt like both of them were wrestling against her destiny in both her sides of the body, feeling she might collapse and being torn apart entirely.
“I will do my best” That was as much as she could promise.
They both decided silently that it was better if they just stepped in the house. She heard a purr and she smiled sideways “Chershire is here. Oh! And beware his temper or he will tear apart one of your lips or set you on fire”.
The man looked at her confused as she heard also the incessant chatter of Miss Sutton and she clicked her fingers and appeared in the garden, where her so peculiar cat meowed at her and she threw him a big piece of meat, belonging to an elephant. Mr. Harper was indeed impressed with it.
“Now, now, I want to see what is with you English and tea”.
His smile broadened “It’d be my honour to show you, my lady”.
“But first, priorities: I need ink and paper”.
Inside the house, Mr. Harper starts searching for paper. Joanna bites her lip, clearly confused about this. Each of these four people: Mr. Sinclaire, Miss Parsons, Prince Hamid and Mr. Harper offer very different lifestyles to her that thrill her. While Mr. Sinclaire is a fascinating puzzled veil of mystery and sorrow, Prince Hamid is a ray of sunshine that illuminates her path with the most extravagant adventures. Miss Parsons offers forbidden love with such a beautiful harmony and unyielding loyalty and Mr. Harper offers a slight of domestic bliss in some style of Grovershire. She doesn’t quite know why, but she wants to live all of those lives, to love them all, but everyone tells her to choose one, but she doesn’t want to. She is immortal and haves nothing to lose, why should she choose? The way she feels for each other is different, but in equal measure of love and tender. But would her father understand it? Should she tell him what he wants to hear so he is at ease? All of them complete the piece of the puzzle she yearned to fulfil for years. She wants them all, but she is also afraid that they’ll think of her as disgusting and would leave her. And she couldn’t handle another heartbreak.
“I’ll look for ink and paper in the study…” Mr. Harper’s voice interrupts her thoughts. She shakes her head and nods.
But as soon as he turned, they both heard those dreadful voices, the last ones she wanted to hear.
“…Simply famished” She heard Miss Sutton.
“Almost teatime”.
“Oh, crap” Joanna mouthed “If they see me, I must be obliged to take tea with them and I don’t know a worse torture”.
Mr. Harper’s eyes twinkled “Would you prefer if we take tea outside?”.
“Yes” She answered instantly.
He picked up a black fiddle she hasn’t clearly noticed before near the door “I could… play some music while you eat. Help you relax a little” He suggests.
“I’d love to” She snapped her fingers and they found themselves in said garden. She smirked at Mr. Harper, who chuckled.
“Perks of being part witch, I guess”.
They sat at the iron cast table as Mr. Harper brought out a small tea set.
“How do you take your tea, my lady?” He asked.
“Milk, sugar and a spoonful of honey, but I can do that myself”.
Mr. Harper poured her a cup of streaming tea. She could handle the heat just alright, so that has never been her problem. Then, she proceeded to add the right amount of milk, sugar and the spoonful of honey. He stepped back.
“Afraid that I’ll bite you with my fangs?” She arched an eyebrow “Sit. I don’t want to be the fancy heiress and the servant act. I want you to be my equal. And it’s not a suggestion”.
He looked at the windows to see if anyone’s watching, then perched uncomfortably on the chair.
“I assure you, Mr. Harper, my inner panther is asleep. She won’t bite you”.
“It is not the inner panther what concerns me…”.
“And I couldn’t care less about the bigots. Drink”.
“I shouldn’t probably say this but…” He smiled “I really don’t like tea”.
She laughed and bit her lip. Mr. Harper opened the black case and took out his fiddle. She smiled warmly as she observed how he played swimmingly
“You drink. I can provide the entertainment”.
His bow danced on the strings as he played a haunting tune. She took a sip of her tea as she listened to the song until the end. She smiled at him, something quite unusual in her
“Is there a reason why are you smiling, my lady? It might be the first time I see you smile…”.
“I smile because you are truly extraordinary, Luke Harper” His named danced upon her lips as he stammered before looking away.
“I… that is to say…” He sighed “I am but a humble servant” His face fell.
She took his hand and made him look at her “No, you’re not. You are a special man, Luke. You are destinated to many things”.
“Like what?”.
She shook her head “I can’t tell you yet. I need to reunite everyone”.
“Very well then. I will not ask”.
“You are a natural musician just as a talented man with animals. Could you be more dreamy?”.
“I would hardly call myself a musician. I can scratch out a few tunes…”.
She pushed him lightly “Don’t be so hard on yourself! You are lucky to own real talents. Of the many men I’ve met, their single talents are being disgusting, burp and get drunk easier than a little boy with wine in his hands, and you know I’m not wrong”.
“I will not deny that fact, no” He bemused.
They both laughed and Joanna could feel his longing gaze on her, looking at her like some angel fallen from the sky. Her breath caught as she asked him “Why are you looking at me like that?”.
“Your laugh is the most beautiful tune I had ever—” He cleared his throat, shaking his head “A-apologies. I overstep again” He flushed furiously.
She bit the inside of her mouth as she played with the ring in her reticule, remembering the first man who witnessed her real laughter.
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12th of June, 1809
Joanna and Thomas were taking their usual walk with her mother not trailing too far, talking about their passions and gazing at the beautiful, green landscape. Their hands grazed every second, making Joanna’s heart flutter.
“So, Miss Mills… Would you and your mother would like to stop here so we can have an improvised picnic, with pastries that my mother cooked for you?” He asked, a bit shyly. She looked over her shoulder to her mother and she nodded, and he took the hint, leading them through the path.
The sat in the grass, the only noise of their breaths and Mother Nature. Thomas started to set the picnic as she looked at her mother, a melancholic smile on her face. He gave her the bottle of tea and she passed it to her mother.
“I hope the pastries are to your liking, Miss Mills”.
He gave her some berry tarts and sandwiches of whipped cream and many other sweets, sweets that her mother complimented. She nudged at Thomas “You impressed my mother. That’s not usual”.
They kept chatting and chuckling at the stories of Thomas’s farm and how chaotic his siblings were. In a moment, they gazed at each other and then looked away. Her mother must’ve heard something, because she got up and excused herself before leaving them for a few minutes and a death threat if he dared to make something bad to her Joanna.
Thomas looked at her again and cleared her throat “Joanna, I, uh, have been thinking… about the future. About our friendship that I hold dearly…”.
“The thing is, that, uh…” He struggled to find the words before it came out of him like a missile “I’m in love with you! And I want to court you, Jo. Openly. I want to take you on dates and I have already asked for my parent’s permission and they allow it. I promise that I will be—”.
“Tommy… It’d be my wish come true if we can court each other. I, too, have feelings for you and I too desire to be open about it”.
“Truly, Joanna?”.
She smiled and leaned on him before Mary cleared her throat, her arms crossed “May I know what is happening in here? Step aside, Thomas”.
He quickly got up and started his speech “Nothing bad is happening, Miss. In fact, the reason why I wanted to see you both is that…” He looked at Joanna, who also got up and laced fingers together “I am in love with your daughter, Miss Mills. And I know I am but a humble farmer, but I have contacts and aspirations for my future. I want to work hard and study, maybe be a lawyer. And I want your permission to openly court your daughter, for she has bewitched me, body, heart, mind and soul and if you allow it, nothing will ever break this. Just… allow me to be the man Joanna deserves. And I promise to be decorous, kind, respectful—”.
“You may court my daughter, Thomas” They both looked at her with beaming smiles “But if you hurt her in any kind of form or make her cry, you shall meet my fury, and believe me when I tell you that no man in my years has survived it” She glared at him before patting his shoulder “Now, let’s keep the picnic going so I can get to know my daughter’s sweetheart”.
He smiled widely “I am an open book, ma’am” He cleared his throat “I mean, as open as one could ever afford—”.
Joanna laughed out loud at his face, squeezing lovingly his shoulder blade, biting her lip, trying to suppress the laugh.
“Though you didn’t warn me that her laughter would be so full of magic”.
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“Lady Joanna? Are you alright?” Mr. Harper’s voice snapped her out of her memory.
She shook her head, focusing on the present now. She looked at Mr. Harper
“Yes, I’m fine” She cleared her throat “What other tunes can you play?”.
“I was a soldier, my lady. Most of my repertoire is dirty or maudlin”.
“Well, I am not picky”.
“What music do you prefer?”.
“I like an exciting tune. Especially when I’m training. I feel like the world is mine and I know then that I’m unstoppable”.
“I shall happily oblige then” He smiled.
Mr. Harper caught his lip in his teeth, the man before her looked down the fiddle. He carefully drew an exciting song about a woman who wanted to replace her beloved in war but the government wouldn’t let her, but she never gave up. She dressed up as a man and went to war, proving her worth as a soldier and being more than a wife. In the end of the song, the woman was rewarded and chose to remain a maiden. Joanna smiled at the groom, an adoring gaze on her eyes, watching his fingers scratch delicately the fiddle as his perfect lips singing the song, captivating her entirely, wondering how delightful the feeling must be when his lips are on hers.
She looked away when she thought that, wanting to slap herself. Why on Earth could she want the men to respect her year of mourning when she wasn’t respecting it herself? It’d a disgrace to his name and everything would be worse. No, she couldn’t afford love. Not now, not ever.
“Music is always what I used to calm myself. Even in wartime” His voice got her back to Earth when he finished the song.
“I can understand. This mortal world can be so overwhelming… I can tell it was hard for you, indeed”.
His face saddened “I remember the night before my first battle. I was packed tight with three other men in a small berth and I couldn’t sleep, knowing that we’d be at the Cheasepeake by the morning. So, I went up on the deck with my fiddle, just to… get some time by myself. I started playing and before I knew it, half the ship was gathered around me!”.
“I can tell they all felt the same. And your tune set them at ease”.
“Some way, different way… They all were feeling something, knowing they could die next morning”.
She placed a hand on his, looking at him with her earnest look “It was brave of you to go to such a horrible place and fight all those demons inside you. It’s not easy and the fact that you could handle it and make it out alive is something truly incredible. You are a resilient man, Luke Harper, and I’m grateful to be part of your life”.
“Well, the music helped. We were still scared, but… somehow it made it all right to face those fears”.
“My mother told me that the arts have saved many lives countless times, even hers. When she was feeling down, she’d sing her fears away, make of them a poem or even just paint them furiously. I still have a painting of hers when she and my father parted ways. It was one of the many things she left for me and my father and her family in the Circle, so she wouldn’t have died just like that”.
“Your mother is a very wise woman”.
“Well, living for nearly 800 years does give you some wisdom…”.
Mr. Harper’s eyes went wide open “How ‘nearly 800 years’?”.
Joanna laughed again, shaking her head. Her mother would’ve approved of Mr. Harper, surely, she thought. She was everything her mother ever wanted for her, and there was something about him that reminded him of Thomas. His humility, hidden knowledge and simple, humble way of live. Maybe those were the reasons she felt so attracted to him.
“So… why did you leave the Navy to come to work for my father? It is quite a change”.
“Aye. As big a change as I could find” Mr. Harper absently drew a finger on the chords of his fiddle, then tightened a hair “When I heard we would go to fight again America again, I guess I imagined… it was a chance to put everything right. Alas, I missed being a Nighthunter. In the docks, I found my master. Since then, my life has been double”.
“That with what happened to your father” She added.
“Right. But being out there, manning the cannons, it didn’t like what I was fighting for was… the glory of England or the freedom of the slaves”.
Joanna clenched her jaw “I can scacerly believe that they still allow slavery. It’s truly disgusting and unhuman, against nature! No human should be ‘legal’ or ‘illegal’ they’re still human! We all have hearts that beat the same rhythm, we all have a head, we all are the same in the end when it comes to death… whether we like it or not. I don’t care what three old bigots say, we’re all humans, they all were created to be equal and make this creation of the Gods to be something worth to fight for, but it seems that soon or late all of you will be punished and I won’t be able to defend you that time”.
“You’re right. We humans have been ungrateful to the gods and I won’t mind paying the price”.
“You shouldn’t the price of the other’s misdeeds. But I’m warning you… the Gods have been up in the skies for too long… I wouldn’t be surprised if they have become heartless and merciless” She grimaced, feeling a bit of terror. So did Mr. Harper.
It wasn’t easy to terrorize Joanna Mills, but when she did, it meant nothing good.
“But… I wouldn’t mind to fight them beside you”.
Mr. Harper smiled widely “My warrior Goddess”.
“You and I, against the injustice in the world for the rest of our lives”.
“A wonderful, exciting life, indeed…”.
They smiled at each other, pure longing in their eyes. They knew that the two of them could never happen, but while they could, they’d do everything in their power together. As she would with the others. She wanted to hold them as close as she could afford.
Suddenly, Mr. Harper’s face fell “If only things could be as easy as taking up arms…”.
“Nothing that is worth is easy”.
“What we would have to fight… to be together… it’s nothing that a sword or a musket could defeat”.
“They say that love conquers all… And I’m a good damn warrior, and quitting is not in my dictionary”.
Mr. Harper lay his hand atop hers. His gaze met hers, saddened.
“I’m afraid that we should quit it”.
“Don’t tell me what to do with my life. Don’t you ever make me quit! I am Joanna Mills, I am a deity!”.
“We both know what will happen to you and I if we disobey. And I do not wish you that fate” Even in that sad moment, he smiled “Your father is an unusual nobleman. He respected my service, but he said he wouldn’t risk the men’s lives for glory or treasure”.
“He’s a special man” She beamed.
After a moment, a moment that looked like an eternity, trying to embrace one of the few intimate moments together, Mr. Harper looked to the Earl’s letter. He walked to the door.
“I suppose is time you wrote him back”.
“It is, indeed”.
She followed Mr. Harper to the dining room, where he lay out paper and ink. Joanna took a deep breath as she balanced what to say. Many things were to be said…
She took a seat, meditated one last time, and started writing.
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In a Hell dimension
The man paced, his skin now made of ash, his veins black and his mouth black, his hands expanded, casting a dark spell. The floor started to shake, a good signal indeed. The demons shrieked as the boy behind him smirked, his look now as corrupted as the man who made the conjure. The ashy sky now darkened as the new figure rose, the other men gathered and watching with a boring gaze. The figure started to take shape, the breasts growing, the lips going full as the spell came to its end, gasping and panting, naked and confused. She was so pale she looked dead, her hair dark and black tears on her cheek as a she rose. Elias laughed, looking at the Princes of Hell “Allow me to introduce you… to the Empress of the Shadows and Darkness, a better, more obedient Joanna Mills”.
One of the Princes approached her and lifted her chin and she bowed to him. He smiled wickedly as he cut his hand and commanded her “Drink, child”.
And she happily obliged, now becoming more beautiful. Catastrophically beautiful. Her hair was now down with a fancy, evil look. Soon, she embraced her newest powers as she raised her hands and a beautiful red dress with a red cape and a gold necklace. She laughed as she vowed “I will end Joanna Mills of Edgewater. The human world soon will be mine… And humanity won’t be there to witness my reign”.
With that, the Princes of Hell clapped. All of them, except one and the most important one: Lucifer Morningstar, the King of Hell and the one devil whose blood was truly needed.  
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star-birthmark · 5 years ago
Trust (The Giovanna Family)
Happy Birthday Giorno! For such a special occasion, I have written a fic about Don Giovanna and his sons (thank you @dongiovannaswife​ for the idea of the twin boys i love them sm) Note: This fic contains a fem reader insert, but it’s less a reader insert and more just a fic about the Don and his kids. Also, this was a doozy to write because it’s the longest fic I’ve ever written, but GioGio is so worth it
Anyway, without further ado: Trust (The Giovanna Family): 6.3k words
“And to this man, we must extend our utmost gratitude, for the strides he has taken for the better of the people, for his famiglia in Passione, and for the state of Italy as a whole. I, speaking for all present, congratulate you on thirty long years of reign. To many more… Don Giovanna.”
The man raised his glass, arm extending outward from his body, his whole form tilted up to adjust to his lower level. The rest of the partygoers followed his example and raised their glasses past their chins in pride, their nerves stiffening their whole bodies as to not upset their leader. Resting atop a flight of stairs at the front of the ballroom, sat the Don Giorno Giovanna, raising his glass as well. 
“Your words flatter me… I would be nothing without the loyalty, companionship, and dedication that each and every one of you provide on a daily basis to keep Passione going.” 
Upon his words, the now older Don stood up above the other mafiosos and joined in on the toast. The music picked up once more, people turning amongst themselves and beginning private discussions. Giorno watched over his followers, the 45-year-old Don finally allowing himself to slump back into his chair and relax. He had spent most of the evening keeping himself poised and upright in order to show his dominance over these people. Over their very lives. Until the Don of Passione realized that these people needn’t more proof of his strength in order to follow him. They all know the legends of Gold Experience Requiem, of the power their leader has at his disposal. And because of that, Giorno allowed himself to sit back, already feeling a headache come on. 
A strong hand gripped onto his shoulder, Giorno not needing to look up to know who it was.
“I’ve been doing this for thirty years, Mista. Thirty.” 
Guido sighed. “Well, you haven’t been alone. You’ve had your advisors, me, Trish, Fugo… (y/n). The boys.”
A soft smile came to Don Giovanna’s lips as he thought of his beautiful love and their children. Though the smile quickly turned to a look of concern. 
“Where are they by the way?” 
Guido looked around at the partygoers. “The Donna is speaking with a capo from Portofino. It seems she’s safe. Dante is speaking with a female soldato. I think she’s part of Fragola’s team in Venice.” 
At such a name, Giorno’s brow furrowed together in concern. 
“Call him over Mista.” 
Soon, Dante was by his father’s side at the top of the stairs at the head of the ballroom. Guido watched absently between the two of them, their appearances uncannily similar. There was no doubt of it. From the thick wavy hair that both men possessed, to the same captivating candy green eyes, and strong intimidating build. There were differences. Though Giorno wore his hair down in a long blond mane, his son preferred to keep his blond waves to a sharp bob, ending at his chin. When he first wore his hair that way, Mista joked to Fugo that the young man looked like a “blond Bruno Buccellati”, and Dante couldn’t help but catch the melancholy looks on the men’s faces. Still, it was clear as day that he was Giorno’s flesh and blood. A prince of Passione.
Giorno stood up, still somehow towering over his son. Dante, a young man of only 18 years, glanced up at his father’s movement. 
“Yes, sir?” 
Giorno allowed his son to have a small, public smile from his father, patting him on the back, his fingertips grazing his son’s star-shaped birthmark. 
“Are you enjoying the party?” 
Dante tried to stare into his father’s eyes. Though their luster had been dulled somewhat from how the young mafioso remembered them when he was a baby, he still found it difficult to maintain contact with Don’s intense gaze. It was the gaze of a Brando. Even if he knew that behind closed doors, his father was an incredibly loving and understanding man, the man before him at that moment was not his father. It was Don Giovanna. 
“Yes, very much. It’s the first dinner that you’ve allowed me to attend so…”
“Well, your brother and you are finally adults. I figured I couldn’t keep you hidden safely for too much longer. You need to see my world as well, not just hear of it.”
Giorno turned around, his back to the partygoers, leaning in to whisper into his son’s ear. He glanced at Guido as well, his gaze signaling for Guido to have his pistol at the ready. 
“You know, Dante, that I didn’t allow you to attend dinners until now to keep you safe.”
Dante smiled nervously at his father’s whispers. “Of course Dad.” 
“Who were you speaking to just now?”
“Her name’s Amara Rossi, part of Matteo Fragola’s team.”
“...Did you use Son Lux on her?” 
Dante nodded. “She’s safe to speak to. I checked Fragola as well. They don’t plan to attack. Your warning last night must have worked.”
Giorno let out a hearty laugh and a proud smile, patting Dante hard on the back and somewhat knocking the wind out of the young man. 
“Thank you… dad.” He smiled a bit, nervous but happy to make his father happy.
“You’ve put me at ease Dante. I knew I could count on you.” 
Giorno waved to Mista to put his pistol away and began walking out of the ballroom to go home to relax. 
“Come, tell your mother that we’re leaving soon. And let Jovi know as well… wait…”
Dante felt his breath hitch in his throat for his father’s incoming question. 
“Where is Jovi? I haven’t seen him all night…”
- - -
“Jovi? Jovi I can hear you, but I can’t see you…”
The young mafioso, his brother, mother, and father still remaining at the party, had walked the streets of Naples, climbed through fences and tiptoed through gardens, altering his body to flow like water in the tight crevices in his way. Nothing was going to stop him from his late-night rendezvous even if he was leaving the others to search for him. Thankfully, the ballroom hall was not far from his destination, the Una residence. 
Finally, the young man, Jovi Giovanna found himself in the familiar rose garden of his father’s trusted friend and advisor, his aunt Trish. But she was not who he had come to see that midnight in that fair-weathered spring. 
“Jovi, up here, at the balcony.”
Jovi looked up past his blond waves to find his visitee, his heart skipping a beat in his chest. He let out a broad grin and motioned a wave for her to go down to his level. 
“Come down!...”
“No, I can’t… I’m meant to stay up here.”
The young woman Jovi escaped from the party to see was a longtime childhood friend, Sienna Una. Years ago, when his father and mother were starting their family, and when his uncles Guido and Panacotta already had children on the way, a younger Trish Una decided to start a family of her own with her partner. Rather than use a donor, they sought to adopt, deciding on an orphaned baby girl that had been abandoned in Rome. Giorno had once told his sons that their aunt Trish saw herself in the baby, but instead of taking the route her father had taken, she vowed to be her daughter’s guardian alongside her spouse. So, Sienna Una was adopted in the famiglia, and treated like the princess of Passione that she was. Even if that meant she was heavily guarded against the outside world. Still, that didn’t prevent her dear friend Jovi from seeing her. 
“I’ll come up then… Hold on.”
Morphing the pads of his fingers to those of the pulvilli appendages of a spider, Jovi Giovanna climbed up the vine-covered wall of the Una estate with ease, until he dropped down onto his dear friend’s balcony. Her parents, Trish and her wife were out at the don’s party, so she was home alone with a guard. The moment Jovi set foot on her terrace, the 17-year-old mafiosa engulfed him in a tight hug. Jovi stared down at her mass of chocolate brown waves and smiled gently, relishing in the feeling of her tanned arms around his chest. Sienna couldn’t help but wonder how he has always been able to climb so high. Jovi couldn’t help but wonder when he could tell about Eleanor Rigby, his stand. When she finally pulled away, he gave her a glance up and down. 
“Don’t you look nice?”
Sienna snorted, turning to her nightwear of a lacy, baby pink camisole, matching satin shorts, and a black robe. Her hair framed her face as it cascaded down her back, and she had no makeup on, yet Jovi felt he should be ashamed of the thoughts he had when looking at her. 
“Well, Jovi, I don’t look nearly as good as you. I mean, look at you. I rarely see you in such clothes…”
She raised a hand to adjust the collar of her friend’s navy blue dress shirt, her fingertips lightly grazing his exposed chest as she straightened out his gold chain as well. Jovi watched her intently as she fiddled with the necklace, eyeing the ladybug emblem that hung at the end of the chain, the Giovanna family crest. Jovi held a breath in, trying to puff his chest out. He had always been wary of the way he looked. Though he was nearly the split image of his brother, he didn’t wear his hair in the bob, instead, he left it hanging around his ears , a few waves framing his eyes. He would stare in Dante’s face and look for the differences between the two twins. His eyes were more tired than his brother’s, his form more wiry he felt, no matter how many times his mother said it wasn’t so. Others would look between the two twins and only see the soft features and golden hair, speaking as if the boys were as angelic as their father. Jovi has found himself staring in the mirror before, sadly thinking that he merely looked human. More human than he needed to be for this world, but it seemed like the young woman before him didn’t care about any of that. He watched her beautiful honey browned eyes focus as she turned the small golden insect over to reveal the message on the other side. It read, “JG, born Mar. 15th, 2012.” 
The two young friends were so close now, both Jovi and Sienna were thankful that the dark setting effectively masked the reddening of their faces. Jovi cleared his throat nervously as Sienna took a step back to give him personal space. Jovi watched her move away, almost wishing she hadn’t. 
“I missed seeing you at the don’s party.”
Sienna smiled and rolled her eyes. “You know I can’t go to events yet. I’m still 17.”
“Not for long. Your birthday’s in a few weeks.”
“True, but still, I would hate to intrude on Don’s events.” She huffed jokingly. 
“Well, the don’s son would love it if you’d attend.” 
“Really? What has Dante said about me?” 
Sienna teased her guest. Jovi sighed, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. 
“He’s covering for me while I visit you.” Sienna felt her heart flutter at such words but tried not to show it. 
“Why are you visiting me?” She asked softly, hopeful. 
“Well I promised you I would, didn’t I? Plus, I felt awfully cooped up at that party, wearing a suit and all…” 
Sienna bit her lip; she had hoped for a different answer. Instead, she moved over to stand next to Jovi at the railing, leaning her head on his shoulder as they looked out into the large garden. She let out an intrigued squint of the eye and Jovi turned to her. 
“What was it like at the party? Being near all those mafiosos at once… Is it like how my mother describes it?” 
Jovi grinned proudly as he listened to her excited tone, happy he could relay information to his friend about their parents’ work. The young man let out a teasingly standoffish sigh. 
“Well Signorina, Tesoro, Cara, Bambina - if you must know it-”
“Signora Una, is everything alright? I heard noise…” 
Sienna turned around to see her guard peer into her bedroom, but thankfully Jovi was out of sight. After he left once the young woman said everything was fine, Sienna closed the doors to her terrace and motioned for Jovi to be quieter. 
“Will you stop teasing me with your pet names and just tell me?” She giggled, Jovi cooly shrugging it off. 
“It was incredible Sienna. You grow up in these magnificent houses, wear all these fancy clothes, but to finally experience a taste of how your family came to such affluence was insane to me. My father warned Dante and me that we must remain on guard at all times, even if he was confident that those present at the dinner didn’t have any ill will towards him or us. But to see him sitting at the front of the room in his throne, atop all of the attendees, having them toast to him, it was all so surreal. To me, he’s always been just my father. And anytime growing up that he couldn’t come to a birthday or a party or anything really, I would give up hope that he would ever be present…” 
Sienna watched Jovi’s face develop a melancholy expression as he sat down on the balcony floor, leaning against on the railing. She sat down with him, staring into his green eyes with her brown. 
“...Jovi?” She placed a hand on his shoulder, waking him from his daze.
“But even so, the important thing was that he was much more present in our lives when Dante and I were children still. I suppose my mother guilt-tripped him.” Jovi chuckled a little, reassuring Sienna that he was alright. 
“And anyway, going to the party tonight made me realize the real power that he has. And it made me realize the real power I have. Since it was our first party, my father had everyone toast to Dante and me as the Princes of Passione, and I felt this giant weight placed on my shoulders. I don’t know how to lead anyone and now that everyone knows who I am, I’m meant to defend myself as well. He would always talk about keeping my brother and me safe while we were growing up but after tonight I could tell that he really meant it. If they wanted to get to my father, anyone in that room could kill either Dante or me with ease so…” 
Sienna shrugged a bit at the frightening statement, rubbing her friend’s shaking arm with a gentle hand. 
“Well… I for one, am glad they haven’t yet.” 
Jovi let out a loud chuckle at the dark yet snarky comment before Sienna rushed to quiet him down. 
“Shh… he’ll hear you.” 
“Sorry…  sorry… “ 
A quiet air hung over the two of them, neither wanting to ruin the intimate conversation. Sienna rested her head on Jovi’s shoulder, happy to just have a friend’s warmth. Somehow, knowing that Jovi wasn’t supposed to be there, that her mother could come home any second now, and that she would get in trouble, that only made Jovi Giovanna’s shoulder more comfortable to lean on. 
Neither of them needed to say anything, both just content with merely sitting there in the warm spring night. Occasionally, Sienna would tear her head away from her dear friend’s shoulder, scanning him over with her gaze. He almost didn’t seem… human. The young woman had no idea how those around her were capable of such inhuman things. How Jovi could make his way to her balcony through all the fences her mother had put up, or climb the walls so easily. How Dante always knew what she was about to say. Or how her mother always knew how to soften her fall when she was a baby. SIenna had grown up with these people and yet still, she felt that there was still something they all had that she simply… didn’t. Jovi had it, this strange thing, more powerfully that even he knew, she was sure of it. Perhaps that meant she wasn’t worth him. After several minutes of silence, Jovi carefully stood  up from his spot on the floor. Sienna watched him stand, noticing a strange shape on her friend’s neck. She stood up as well and touched the mark, startling Jovi at the sudden contact. 
“What is it?”
“That mark on your neck... “
Jovi reached a hand up and felt the spot she spoke of. “Oh yeah… I was born with it. Dante has one as well. Everyone in my family has one.”
Sienna stood up as well, inching slightly closer to Jovi, a small dusting of red on her cheeks once more. Jovi noticed the closeness of the two of them, gulping slightly. 
“You all must be very special to have such a thing.” She smiled shyly. 
“Y-yeah… I suppose… Sienna I-” 
Jovi went to speak, so ready to throw caution to the wind, and tell her that she was infinitely more special to their world than him, without her even needing to try. Instead the young man was interrupted by a voice he had grown up with. 
“Sienna? We’re back from the party.” 
The loving voice of Trish Una rang from the front door to the house. Sienna scrambled to readjust her robe and pushed Jovi to a corner of the balcony where he’d be out of sight. 
“You need to go… It was amazing to see you Jovi. Some other time?” 
Jovi’s shoulders dropped at the realization that he wouldn’t get his chance. “Yeah… some other time…” 
He gave her a small smile, which she returned with a small hug before racing back into her room and closing the terrace doors behind her. Jovi climbed down from the balcony and stood in the private garden below, looking up into Sienna’s room. The young man’s heart lifted in hope, watching the young mafiosa speak with her mother briefly before briskly pacing around her room with a broad smile on her face, her form occasionally consumed by a giggle and a rush of emotion. Content with how the night transpired, Jovi began to saunter home with a lovesick smile on his face when he felt two hands grip tightly onto his shoulders. He turned around to see his mirror image, Dante, stare back at him, eyes blown wide in annoyance. 
“Jovi are you nuts?! You said you’d be back at the party two hours ago! Our parents are waiting in the car to go home. Let’s go!”
“Oh calm down Dante, I’ll be there in a second… Is dad mad?” 
“Furious!” Jovi glanced around and then covered Dante’s mouth with a hand.
“Shut up will you? Aunt Trish is home, she’ll hear you.”
Dante grumbled at his brother’s lack of awareness of the situation. “Come on Jovi…”
“Yeah one second.”
Jovi muttered before inching towards the balcony once more, careful not to be seen. Dante impatiently waited for him at the edge of the estate, panicking that their parents were still waiting for them. 
“Jovi hurry up!”
“One second!” 
Jovi rolled his eyes, peeking into Sienna’s window once more, watching her finally retire to bed before laying in her dark room, tossing and turning, clearly still awake, a giant smile on her face. Jovi smiled as well at the sight, turning around to eye Dante up and down. 
“Dante… can you…?”
Dante looked over at what his brother could be referring to before shaking his head. 
“No, I’m not doing it.”
“Please! Just tell me! You probably already know!”
“No Jovi I’m not gonna do it. Just figure it out for yourself!”
“But this is so much easier!”
“But then you’ll never learn!”
Jovi grumbled, turning back around to glance quickly at the garden and Sienna’s balcony. 
“Do you think she likes me, Dante?” 
Dante smiled a bit, lightly flicking his brother’s cheek for his childish, lovesick behavior. 
“I don’t need a stand to tell you that.”
Jovi’s face lit up, his whole body feeling weightless in ecstasy as he rushed to leave the garden, promising Sienna silently that he’d confess next time. The young man’s glee was short lived however when he entered the car, met with an impatient and annoyed look from his father. Jovi awkwardly shifted into his seat, ready for the Don’s questioning. 
“Ricotta, keep driving.” The driver left the Una estate with a sigh at his boss’ order.  
Jovi gulped a bit, sitting up and stiffening himself. “Look, in my defense.”
“Do you know how many people I spoke to tonight wanted to speak with you themselves after the announcement? Only for you to have disappeared off the face of the Earth?”
Jovi faced his lap, unable to meet the Don's gaze. “Look at me in the eye Jovi.”
Jovi rolled his eyes and looked back up, shrugging. “Well I just-”
“And then I hear these little whispers from people, ‘oh the Don can’t even control his own kid, is he getting soft?” 
Dante rolled his eyes. “Dad no one said that and you know it.”
“They thought it! I’m sure of it and I bet you know that from reading their minds!”
Dante pouted, his father not entirely wrong. Jovi sighed. “It’s not like I skipped the thing all together. I just wanted to see Sienna since she couldn’t go. She was sad that Dante and I can go to events and she can’t yet.” 
He shrugged, looking out the window, Giorno’s gaze boring a hole into him. Giorno shut his eyes tightly before shaking his head at his son’s reasoning. 
“Oh course she can’t go to events. And she shouldn’t be able to.” 
“Well she can go in a few weeks when she turns 18.”
“I don’t think Trish wants her to.” Jovi’s head snapped forward at such a comment. 
“Why not?” 
“She doesn’t have a stand Jovi, we can’t introduce her to Passione higher ups without a way to defend herself.”
“Well maybe so, but don’t we owe it to her to let her go to things? She can’t be caged away from the truth after 17 years! She has to find out about stands at some point. Plus, I thought you and aunt Trish were talking about giving her one anyway?”
The Don’s eyebrows raised at such a comment. “Who told you we were planning that?” 
Dante coughed a bit, and Jovi glanced over at him. Giorno got the hint and nodded with a heavy sigh. “Yes we’ve been considering it. And there’s a way we could do it. It’s a bit high risk though. Ultimately, I believe your aunt will say no.”
“Are you serious?! Why not do it?!” Jovi scoffed. 
“Don’t raise your voice at me Jovi.” 
“No! After seeing everything tonight, I realized that there’s so much that you’re not telling Dante and I. And you can go on and on about wanting to keep up safe but we’re not kids anymore! And you both owe it to Sienna to let her see our world just as much as Dante and I do!” 
“She’s just a kid. You’re still a kid Jovi. The only reason you think you’re not a child is because your mother and I have given you and your brother an easy life in the famiglia.”
“Oh yeah, a super easy life huh? To never have your dad be around to watch you grow? To give up hope that he’d ever show up?! An easy life, that’s ridiculous!”
Giorno snarled, a Brando’s attitude. “You think you’re so tough, raising your voice at me like that. There’s people older than you at the bottom of this organization that are getting killed every day over something petty because of decisions that I make. If you were there instead of here at the top you’d think differently. Your brother understands.” 
Jovi gritted his teeth, there was no winning in an argument with Don Giovanna, but he was daring to try. 
“That’s not the point of what I’m saying. I understand the situation perfectly, but you and I both know that she doesn’t. And she should, you don’t talk to her like I do! She’s not just a kid and neither am I! You should give her a stand, no matter how ‘high risk’!”
Giorno remained silent, staring into his son’s angered face. He saw so much of himself in his sons, each of the boys holding a different part of him within them. Dante had inherited his strategic mind, and always knew when to look at a situation pragmatically. But still, his resolve didn’t hold a candle to Jovi’s, whose spirit was lit up with all the determination and passion that he had. The don watched his son slowly calm down from his shouting and peered out the window. They were close to home. Jovi’s shoulders hung low as he cursed himself for even thinking he could stand up to his old man. Giorno, still calm, used to a little anger from those beneath him, finally decided to let his son know. 
“She could die if she can’t handle a stand.”
Jovi’s eyes widened as he suddenly realized the true weight of this conversation and stopped talking till the end of the car ride home. 
When the Giovanna family returned to their estate in the hilltops of Naples, none of them really wanted to speak to each other. Jovi just went straight to his room, followed by Dante, and the Don went to relax in his study. You, his wife and the boys’ mother were on his heels, tiredly tying your hair up and removing your heels after such a long night. Two parallel conversations ensued, each member of the argument in a tired yet argumentative mood. Giorno slumped into his chair, removing his maroon suit jacket in order to relax. You came up behind the armchair, delicate fingers carefully undoing the knots in the Don’s long blond hair. Giorno closed his eyes, leaning into your touch with a hum. He tried to relax, tried to only focus on your soft singing, your fingertips through his scalp and the softness of the material of your evening gown, but he just couldn’t. His shoulders tense up once more and he sat up straight. 
“Why can’t I ever get a hold on him (y/n)... he’s my son I should be able to show him our world, but he doesn’t want to see it…”
Jovi wasn’t having any better of a time calming down. The young man paced back and forth the length of his bedroom, muttering to himself about his father’s injustices. Dante sat at the edge of his brother’s bed, watching him for the next time he would burst in frustration. He knew when it was going to happen. Not from reading the other’s mind, but from the twitch of Jovi’s eyes, the fidget of his wrist upward as his hand came up to his face, the vein in his throat that flared just like the one with his father. 
“Doesn’t he understand I’m not any sort of little kid anymore?! The only reason he hasn’t seen what I can do is because he hasn’t given me a chance to do anything! It’s not like I can read minds or anything!”
You sighed, stepping in front of your husband and standing above him in his chair, holding his head in your hands. 
“This isn’t the part of our world that he wants to see… He wants to know you believe in him. And he’s not sure if you do because you’re always protecting him. He can’t read your mind. And lord knows Dante won’t tell him anything.” 
Giorno chuckled a bit and stood up from his seat, releasing Gold Experience from himself as well. You watched as the golden figure morphed into a hawk with the flick of Giorno’s wrist. The stand flew from the Don’s bedroom, scanning across the villa, the Don having let all the guards go home for the night to relax. When presenting to the world, he was rarely the warm and understanding man that those closest to him knew him as. But why couldn’t he show more of that warmth or understanding to his own son? You could tell he was struggling. When Gold Experience fazed back into Giorno’s body, you pulled him in for a quick yet intimate kiss, happily leaning in on his shoulder. Giorno rested his chin on top of your head, closing his eyes as he pictured Jovi and Dante at their 6th birthday party, the first one he attended after years of being unable to. They both had the same haircut that he had once. Giorno’s brow furrowed. The two of them are so different from one another...
Dante Giovanna had inherited his father’s ability to read facial expressions, and from that ability, his stand of reading minds, Son Lux, was born. The young man knew the emotional power of his stand, and promised himself that he would only let others know of the truth when he felt it was necessary. And looking at his brother’s struggle to come to grips with himself and with how their father perceived him, Dante found it necessary to tell his brother of the Don’s true thoughts when the family was driving home in the car. 
You finally let go of Giorno, the two of you having stood in the middle of your bedroom, no words needed in order for the Don’s worries to dissipate. You gave him a smile before finally getting ready to go to bed. 
Dante watched his brother’s face soften as he revealed his father’s inner words of praise at the young mafioso’s conviction and spirit. Though he has spent most of his life reading those around him, nothing could have prepared him for the look of tearful appreciation on his twin brother’s face. 
Dante stood up from Jovi’s bed. It really was just the two of them. Always had been. Always will be. You turned around from your wardrobe, slipping on one of Giorno’s crewnecks before saying his name to get his attention. 
“Give him a chance Giorno.” You smiled. 
“He’s going to give you a chance soon. I’m sure of it.” Dante grinned reassuringly, leaving Jovi alone to think. 
A week passed from the party. Jovi was sitting in the family garden, a certain Oleander stem having caught his interest as he sketched it into his pad of ethnobotany notes. His whole life, thoughts of the outside, natural world had always been at the very forefront of his focus. Such a focus was the basis of his stand, Eleanor Rigby. Only through studying the organic world was jovi able to expand the set of things that he could morph himself into. It was already easy to morph his body into sand to fit through small spaces and sneak into the Una estate. It was already  easy to turn his limbs into those of an ape’s to more properly climb, but there were still things he had to master, if he could only get the chance. Without realizing it, the chance was arriving right behind him at that moment. 
“Jovi! Come quick! Come quick!” The young man jumped at the sound of his father’s distressed voice. 
“What is it?” 
Giorno gulped down his need to chuckle at his son’s sudden worry. “Sienna’s in trouble! They’re holding her in Capri, let’s go!”
Without needing an explanation, Jovi rushed from his seat ready to take off from the estate. A ferry would take about two hours, but he figured he could use his ability to run across and be there to save here -wait…
“Why are you asking me?” 
Giorno looked at him confused. “What do you mean? You wanted a chance didn’t you? Mista is already on the way, go!”
Jovi’s eyes widened, a small but proud grin coming to his face. Soon, he was off, running down the hill from the villa, heading to the coast. His legs filled with energy, simulating the running patterns of a big cat as he sprinted and swerved between the tightly packed crowds and buildings. People yelled for him to watch where he was going, told him to slow down, but he would not listen. Sienna was in danger. Young Jovi Giovanna came upon the edge of town overlooking the water. Leaping past a woman with her child, Jovi heard her screams not to jump as he scaled the fence and landed upon the sharp rocky shore. Not yet tired, the stand user quickly adapted his feet to those of a basilisk lizard, an animal that his father often showed him and created when he was little, and the only being that can run on water. He was going to make it to Capri, that he swore. Finally, he reached the shore, his stand morphing his eyes into those of a hawk, the powerful tunnel vision allowing him to scan the island for either the people who might have captured Sienna, or Sienna herself. And Sienna herself he found… sitting, in a flowing pink lace dress, her hair neatly braided, her form peaceful and clean as ever. 
Jovi stood up from his hidden spot at the shore, looking around. Where was Mista? She wasn’t even in danger? What was his father saying? Jovi kept his guard up. If there’s one thing his old man taught him it was that everything is not always as it seems. She could be an illusion of sorts. From an enemy stand. 
Sienna glanced up from her table at the restaurant having spotted Jovi nearby. A bright smile came to her face. Quickly getting out of her seat, she ran over to him and enveloped her dear friend in a tight hug. Jovi released his enhanced vision and calmed down immediately. He hadn’t a doubt in his mind. This was the real Sienna Una in his arms. He could feel her humanity, her life rushing through her. Still, he was confused. 
“Sienna? What are you doing here?” 
Sienna looked up at him, disbelief on her face. “What do you mean? You told me to come here…. Why else would you be here as well?’
“I thought you were in danger.”
“In danger? Of course not! Uncle Mista escorted me to Capri and then told me to wait for you. And then he left me here. Seems like they’re all starting to trust me to be alone in the real world. Why would you think I was in danger?” 
Jovi looked around, finding no one he recognized on the boardwalk. No one was even looking at them. 
‘I don’t know… What makes you think I invited you here?” He asked, still stunned. 
Sienna rolled her eyes and playfully smacked Jovi on the chest. 
“Don’t play coy with me. It was something only you could have done. I was sitting at my balcony reading and then suddenly, this little shorthair kitten that I had never seen before came climbing up the vines before dropping down on my terrace, and it immediately reminded me of you. Before I could ask how the stray could have even gotten into the garden, just as I looked away to call my mother, it had turned into this small note. It was magic I swear! And I was sure no one would believe me but it’s true!”
Sienna reached into the pocket of her spring dress and handed Jovi the note. The parchment had the Giovanna of a ladybug on it, but the words themselves were written in a darkened gold ink. It was even in Jovi’s handwriting, uncannily. 
The note read, 
“Sienna Una, meet me at approximately noon today at the Ristorante Terrazza Brunella. Make sure to wear something you’d want people to see you in. You’ve always wanted to see our world, and I’m going to be the one to show it to you. Sincerely and Forever Yours, Jovi Giovanna.” 
Jovi read the note with a small smile before turning around and staring out at the vast waters between Capri and Naples. His father had just trusted that he would be able to cross it by himself, and he did. His father had just trusted that he would spring into action without fear, and he did. The young man smirked. He didn’t need to scare the shit out of him though. He knew something was up.
“Oh that’s right, I remember now. I didn’t think you’d really come though. A girl of your status should be more careful about mysterious notes.”
Sienna teasingly punched Jovi’s arm before rushing back to the restaurant for them to enjoy their lunch. Giorno remained back at the villa, pleased when Mista reported back to him of the kids’ safety. Sienna watched Jovi as the two of them sat and ate their meal. 
 “Can’t you tell me how you did the cat trick? I can’t read minds you know.”
Jovi watched her hopeful face, the young stand user so helplessly in love with this woman. “Not yet. Maybe later.”
Sienna snorted. “It’s okay. I don’t need an explanation really. I have no idea how, but you Giovannas are always able to do incredible things like that.”
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clubsheartsspades · 4 years ago
Royal Flush Challenge
Week 2/King - Backstories
I know, I know, this is a little late, but I thought we could still take a look at one of Devi’s best friends and one of my favourite background characters - Glym! Have a small... it’s not quite a scene, but some fun short story about how they met:
Ten years ago, Glym came to Tasa’s shop with his older brother Liveriu, as he had just received his confirmation for his admission to the Stone Library (a great honour, it took most an average of fifty years to work their way through the basics of the entrance exams alone, Glym had made it in twenty, making him the youngest apprentice magician ever).
“You can choose what you want,” Liveriu said. Of course, he meant the many beautiful wind chimes or brightlights, the singing music boxes and shimmering watches and beautiful grandfather clocks. He even pointed to a shelf with fragile metal figurines. What Glym chose was a cardboard box half full of various small parts that could not be sold individually. In the back of the store, boxes like this were carefully lined up against the wall. They were usually bought by people who wanted to make something out of them or were just looking for lots of otherwise nonsensical small parts.
Depending on which of them, either Devi or his aunt, wrote the labels and lists for the boxes, they ran under names like “scraps of cloth (different colours), linen and wool mixed” or “small metal parts (screws, gears, nuts, etc.)” when Tasa labelled them. The box Glym chose had the lable “some glue can fix this”, which was Devi's way of saying “shards of clay and glass”.
“Are you sure you want this?” Liveriu asked. The desperation in his eyes so prominent Tasa bit her lower lip so as not to laugh. But she had already seen the box and its label. Devi, who was in charge of the box that afternoon, looked up from his book, but Tasa strategically placed herself in Devi's line of sight so that he couldn't see the writing.
“Can I help you?”
And just like that Devi turned back to his book. Tasa loved him, he was her favourite nephew (even though he lived with her). A fact she would never mention to her oldest brother and his children. But that didn't mean she liked to leave the customers alone with him. He had an alarming skill to sell someone a few more things that they didn't need, and all he needed were two words and a smile. Most of them couldn't remember that it had been the nice cashier who told them they really needed this wonderfully and absolutely ugly (and certainly overpriced) metal construction as a decoration in their lives. He had always been good at convincing people.
“This box,” Glym said proudly, “is exactly what I was looking for.” Said box was open for her to see that the broken clay and glass had been rummaged through.
“Wonderful! And how much is the box worth to you?”
Of course she knew Liveriu would pay – she had heard the short conversation between them when they came into the store – but Liveriu seemed too busy trying to keep Glym from buying the box.
“But...”, he stammered, “but here... there's so... much...? Whole glass? Not broken glass?”
Glym looked her straight in the eye and, quite seriously, he said: “Everything.”
Behind Tasa, Devi laughed at this seriousness. Of course he listened in, she never knew what he heard and what he didn't. He said the world was differently loud depending on how much he wanted it to be, but she didn't understand that at all.
“Who's there?”, Glym asked, glancing past Tasa. Devi was still sitting on the counter, too small for the chair behind it, half bent over a book, his tail dangling from the edge. Lazily it swung back and forth.
Glym’s eyes grew twice as big. He pressed his boy into his brother’s arms and nearly jumped towards Devi.
“You are a flight dragon!”
“Occasionally.” He wasn’t wearing his courier uniform, instead he sat there in old, washed-out pants and a simple shirt.
“How high can you fly before you run out of air?”
“Before I what? I breathe while flying.”
“But the higher you fly, the thinner the air becomes!”
Devi sat there for a moment without answering. He had never thought about it that way before.
“I need to know,” Glym said. He didn't take to silence well. “I will,” he cleared his throat, “I am an inventor. As a magician, I will invent something that will allow people to fly, even if they don't have wings.”
Meanwhile, Liveriu regained his composure and Tasa did not hear the rest of the conversation between Devi and Glym. In the end, Liveriu bought his little brother the box together with a new, very high quality notebook and did not pay “everything” for it, but three spice bags a dwarven friend of his had gifted him, but that were much too spicy for him. He brought them specifically for Glym’s present.
The next day Glym came back to the shop, asked Devi to show him some flying techniques and took notes in his new notebook. The day after that, he showed Devi some drawings. The day after, he bought another box, this time with pieces of copper wire, nails (a few of them bent and broken) and a few dented and less dented pieces of metal. It was labelled “caft kit but without instructions”. Devi sold it to him with the words: “Next time you'll find something with instructions, I’m sure.”.
The day after that, Glym showed him a construct made of wires, metal pieces, and stuck together shards of clay and glass. Together, it could look somewhat like wings, if you closed one eye and stood far enough away. He asked Devi to help him test it. That afternoon the very first explosion echoed, and Devi came back with burn holes in his shirt and black charred hair tips.
“Next time,” he said, “I'll really give him instructions.” So he did and labelled the box as “crafting kit, this time with instructions”. Glym made a mobile out of it following Devi’s instructions. It exploded when Glym showed it to him outside the store.
The next three boxes Glym bought and used for his inventions were labelled “Pillows, but without fabric” (feathers in different colours), “craft kit for necklaces” (broken off can handles and colourful yarn) and “Paper, misprinted on one side”. All his inventions exploded.
After a few more weeks Devi wrote boxes like “pretty sure this one won’t explode” and “you could try to build in a fire extinguisher”. Glym managed to build something from each one – and all his inventions exploded. Eventually.
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