#and it's true that i actually was like if the m stands for male or men why does it like...take over like why are we talking about male-
dukeofankh · 8 months
Trying to find progressive masculine community is so exhausting.
I've flipped through local men's groups, trying to find places to explore masculinity in a chill, progressive setting. First of all, they mostly seem to be modelled after AA, and like, my gender isn't a debilitating addiction, it's part of my identity actually, but also, the invite and description of the event have maybe a short paragraph tops actually waving vaguely in the direction of what the purpose of the group is, and then ten to twenty paragraphs breaking down the rules. One spent longer talking about the hand signals he would use to direct conversation than he did describing what the conversation would be about. Another had a full paragraph explaining that if the group thought you were evading what they thought your "real" problem was, they'd probably "call you to take accountability". Like...I don't even know who these people are yet and they're already letting me know that they view it as their right, no, their duty, to bully me into seeing things their way. Like, this is in the invite.
...and this warning is there instead of any sort of breakdown of like, I dunno. Whether you should be a feminist to show up. Whether it was a safe space for queer men. What the hell they wanted to talk about. Joining a men's space is on some level inherently submitting yourself to the authority of the leaders of that group, and you don't usually get a particularly clear breakdown of what the values and goals of those leaders are, because on some level the answer is always going to be "whatever I want"
And like, unfortunately you do need to filter men to build a men's space. You do need to remove or chastise men who act in ways that are toxic or disruptive or misogynistic. If you don't things turn into an MRA chapter pretty quick. But the sort of emergency powers that leadership takes on as a result of that...just kind of naturally end up reproducing masculine heirarchies.
MensLib, the only online community of progressive dudes talking about masculinity that I'm aware of, is...on Reddit. So there is a moderator system. In theory, a moderator is there to...moderate. This is a space where people are going to be talking, and mods are there to make sure things don't get too toxic or off topic.
The issue is that, on some level, that is technically a leadership position. In a sub trying to rehabilitate masculinity. So you've got a bunch of folks who view themselves as the leaders of this bastion of goodness standing against the depredations of the misogynistic internet, guiding the hapless smooth-brain neophytes towards The True Way.
In practice, this looks like 95 percent of the posts submitted for the subreddit being rejected. That isn't hyperbole. On average, the sub has about one new post per day. Almost all posts directly relating a personal experience are deleted immediately, in favour of articles written about masculinity in traditional media publications, which are considered more trustworthy than the sus lived experiences of the guys in the sub. The post I wrote here about the effect of purity culture on male sexual shame that's sitting at about 15K notes was based on a 10K word post I wrote for Reddit that was deleted because "I didn't cite any sources to prove that there is a link between purity culture and male sexual shame, or that my experience was anything more than anecdotal". I get comments deleted on a regular basis, and after paragraphs of protesting in modmail that my comments are both fully in line with feminism and not against the rules, the mods have just finally told me that the rules don't actually drive their actions as a team. They delete anything they feel leads the conversation in a direction they personally feel is unproductive. The rule cited at the time of deletion is really just the broad category of why they decided to hit the button that says nobody is allowed to read what I wrote.
The issue is kind of twofold. First of all, progressive men do not trust other men. A good dude knows that he, individually, is a good person, but literally any other man external to him is on thin ice. Do you really want to tie your wagon to that guy? Do you trust him, really? How do you tell the difference between a guy criticizing an article because it's factually incorrect and criticising it because a woman wrote it? Probably best to play it safe and delete it. Weight of the odds, he's probably a misogynist, right? This is the internet.
And thats the other half of it. If you view yourself as part of the leadership of The Good Guys, and you're getting hatemail from incels and facists all day, you get to the point where most of the time people challenge your authority it's because they're a terrible person. It is very, very easy to get to the point where someone challenging you is seen as evidence that they are a bad person. And now someone is challenging you (and therefore bad), in an environment where you are in charge, and you have a "make your opponent disappear" button.
I know. A Reddit mod was rude to me and now I'm butthurt. It's petty and stupid. I'm just feeling like there's nowhere else to really go, and I'm pretty despondent that literally every space I've seen that even looks like it might be for progressive men has the same deeply hierarchical structure and constant status-oriented squabbling as patriarchal spaces.
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seungrem · 5 months
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Jeonghan x m!reader
‘Make It Up To You’ ~*+
request (it disappeared from my drafts wtf)* - masterlist **
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summary: Growing up together and later becoming idols, Jeonghan and Male!reader have always had a special connection. On a night defined by sleep deprivation and impulsive decisions, a spotlight illuminates their true feelings for each other- allowing one action to lead to another.
( overview: shy idol!jeonghan, 14th-member!reader, childhood friends, smut: just a bj - hannie receiving, and hickies - reader receiving, more fluff than not, hickies subtly seen by other members, other seventeen member cameos with ‘going seventeen’ mentions )
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emoji code:
🌱 ( short story / oneshot - 3.5k words )
🧸 ( fluff )
-❄️ ( +18, mdni )
☁️ ( stands for y/n )
likes, comments, & reblogs r appreciated ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
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“Which number?”
“1114” Jeonghan responded, following ☁️ as the two strolled down their hotel’s posh hallway. After a long flight, the exhausted duo solely sought to fall into their beds and rest.
Upon reaching their shared room, ☁️ unlocked their door and swung it open. The two trudged in, dropping their bags onto the ground almost immediately. ☁️ traveled down the tiny hallway and into the bedroom, stopping upon seeing only one bed. After a few seconds, he felt Jeonghan’s breath glide across his neck from behind.
“What’s wrong?” Jeonghan asked, peaking over ☁️’s shoulder.
“There’s only one bed.” ☁️ groaned, him then looking over his shoulder. Jeonghan stood inches behind ☁️ with an expressionless face, the dark blue light emitting from the window casting its soft hues across his face.
“Who booked the rooms?”
“Seungcheol, I think.” ☁️ responded, him then walking toward the bed and sitting on it.
“We can talk to him after we rest. I don’t mind if you don’t.” Jeonghan said, walking toward the other side of the bed and uncovering the sheets.
“I don’t.” ☁️ replied, smiling to himself as he, too, climbed into the sheets. He placed his phone on the nightstand and looked over to Jeonghan, who was still engulfed in the pre-dawn hue. The man looked back at ☁️, the two staring at each other for a few seconds before bursting out in a tired laughter.
“Stop looking at me.” Jeonghan teased, draping the blanket onto his shoulder as he turned the entirety of his body to face ☁️.
“Nah, you stop looking at me.” ☁️ responded, smiling softly as he continued his gaze. After a few more seconds of quick glances, ☁️ rolled his eyes and laid on his back. The two laid in silence, ☁️ noticing Jeonghan continue to stare out of the corner of his eye.
“You know..” Jeonghan sighed. “I’m glad you let me you convince you to join the group.”
☁️ furrowed his eyebrows, looking over to see a sleepy Jeonghan. “Where’s this coming from?” ☁️ teased, “Since when did you get all sentimental?”
“I’m serious. We’ve known each other for a long time.. and we’ve always been together.”
“Yeah.. I’m glad too. I don’t know what I’d be doing right now if not for you.”
The two once again sat in silence for a while before Jeonghan proceeded.
“Sorry.. that was random.” Jeonghan muttered, rubbing his eyes.
“No, no- it’s fine. I like when you actually say how you feel.”
Jeonghan reached over to ☁️’s arm, grabbing it and suddenly pulling the man close to him. Though confused, ☁️ was too tired to process the man’s actions. He let Jeonghan wrap his arm around his waist, though his heart continued palpitating as his crush abruptly spooned him. Though he would never admit it to Jeonghan, ☁️ savored it- him closing his eyes and drifting off to sleep after another minute.
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“Wake up~” Jeonghan hummed, snuggling his nose into ☁️’s neck. ☁️ opened his eyes, taking a deep breath as he once again felt the man’s arm weighing down his torso. Slowly rubbed his eyes, he turned his head to look at Jeonghan.
The sun’s rays gleamed through the window, illuminating the fact that Jeonghan was in nothing but a robe.
“Hey, goodmorning. Did you sleep well?”
“Yes, did you?” ☁️ muttered, confused as to why the man was still holding him. Jeonghan raised his head up and rested an elbow on the pillow, him now looking down at ☁️.
“Yes. I brought our bags over to the room because I know we were tired early. Your toothbrush is already in bathroom and you can use my toiletries. Also, I ordered breakfast for us already, I know what you usually get so I figured I’d-“
“Hey.” ☁️ turned his body to face Jeonghan with his eyebrows still furrowed. The man remained quiet, tilting his head in confusion. “Thank you for doing all of this,” ☁️ muttered, raising his head and looking over to the suitcase that sat against the wall, “but.. why’re you acting like this?”
“Like what?”
“Just.. different. You’re treating me, like-“ ☁️ looked down at Jeonghan’s arm across his waist, and then back to him. “I don’t know.”
“You don’t like it?”
☁️ tilted his head as if pondering a response. “I mean..”
“I was too tired to realize what I did last night- or rather, this morning, and considering we slept like that.. I figured you didn’t mind.” Jeonghan stated softly, removing his arm from around ☁️.
“Oh, I don’t mind.. at all actually.”
“Ah, really?” Jeonghan was taken aback, only raising an eyebrow at the response.
☁️ felt his body warm up as he continued to look up at Jeonghan, the man’s lips slowly forming a smirk. As the man slowly leaned into him, ☁️ unconsciously did the same- their faces becoming only inches apart before a series of knocks erupted from down the hotel room’s hall.
Instantaneously realizing what he was doing, ☁️ yanked his head back and faced the opposite direction. He heard Jeonghan huff and slide off of the bed, ☁️ scared to look over to him.
“I’ll be in the bathroom.”
☁️ glanced over to Jeonghan, who immediately glanced back from across the tiny table in which they sat. The two awkwardly ate their breakfast together, with the sound of metal forks tapping against porcelain plates echoing around them. The two stole occasional glances from each other, having not said a word since room service’s knock. Finishing first, Jeonghan waited patiently for the man across from
☁️ tapped the napkin on the edges of his mouth and looked up at Jeonghan.
“Thanks for getting me breakfast.”
“It’s no problem..” Jeonghan hesitated. As he opened his mouth to speak again, ☁️ pushed his dishes aside and stood up.
“I’m going to shower quickly.” ☁️ announced, swiftly turning around and traveling back into the bedroom. Jeonghan stood up immediately after, following ☁️.
The man began hastily digging through his suitcase for clothes as Jeonghan peaked in.
“Yes?” ☁️ responded, continuing to pull items out of the bag.
“Can we talk about earlier?” The man asked, walking into the room and sitting onto the bed.
☁️ huffed and put pulled-out clothes on top of the suitcase. He then looked back at Jeonghan and stood up, sitting next to him.
“I didn’t mean to-“
“You have nothing to apologize for.” ☁️ interrupted, him looking into Jeonghan’s eyes. ☁️ could tell the man was at a loss for words by his wistful eye contact, resulting in him taking Jeonghan’s hands and holding them in his own.
“I’ve liked you for long time.” Jeonghan dully blurted out, him then looking down at his intertwined hands. “If you don’t feel that way, I’d compl-“
“I’ve liked you for a while now, too.”
Jeonghan’s eyebrows rose upward. “Really? Did you know about how I felt?”
☁️ shook his head. “Not really.. you’re naturally caring towards everyone so I didn’t think twice of it.”
Jeonghan looked back at ☁️ and nodded in understanding.
“I’d ask if you knew how I felt, but-“ ☁️ began.
“Actually..” Jeonghan interrupted. “One of the others told me that you liked me a bit.”
“What?!” ☁️ grimaced, unintentionally squeezing the man’s hands.
“It was a few months ago, though. So, I was worried that you didn’t feel the same way anymore. I tried to show you how I felt but I guess you never noticed.”
“What the hell Hannie?!” ☁️ yelled, yanking his hands away and softly pushing the man.
“You couldn’t just tell me??”
“I was nervous..”
“Guess you didn’t want me bad enough then.” ☁️ teased, rolling his eyes as he stood up. Jeonghan quickly grabbed his wrist, stopping the man.
“I did..” Jeonghan tilted his head to the side and yanked ☁️ forward once again. The man fell into his body, not noticing Jeonghan’s shy smile.
“Assuming you still do?” ☁️ asked as he placed a hand on Jeonghan’s shoulder, leaning over his lap as the two inched closer.
“Mhm.” Jeonghan responded, placing a hand on ☁️’s waist as the two then smashed their lips together. With his eyes wide open, ☁️ looked at Jeonghan, who had his eyes closed and increased his grip on the boy’s waist. After another second, he felt his body heat back up, ☁️ melting into the flame that was Jeonghan.
☁️ slid the hand on Jeonghan’s shoulder around his neck while placing his other on the man’s chest. It didn’t take long for their tongues to begin intertwining as well, deepening their kiss. ☁️ felt his bulge grow as he slowly rubbed against Jeonghan’s exposed thigh, him also feeling Jeonghan move his hand from ☁️’s waist up to his shoulder. It was then that Jeonghan quickly pulled his lips away from ☁️’s, him instead positioning them onto ☁️’s neck. He bit gently and sucked at the skin, changing his lip’s placement every few seconds. ☁️ practically whimpered at the sensations, allowing his body to soften in Jeonghan’s grasp.
As the man switched to the other side of ☁️’s neck, ☁️ noticed the alarm clock behind Jeonghan- it reminding him of their schedule.
“Hey-“ ☁️ pulled away softly to look at Jeonghan.
“What’s wrong?” The man asked innocently, wippng his mouth.
“We have an hour before we all leave, and I still need to get ready.”
Jeonghan looked down seemingly disappointed, ☁️ assuming he misunderstood.
“I mean I liked it, I just-“ ☁️ looked down to Jeonghan’s lap, where his bulge was very visible despite the thickness of his robe. “Oh.”
“Ah- I’m sorry, you should go shower.” Jeonghan removed his hands from around ☁️ and placed them over his erection. He then scooted away from ☁️, crossing his legs.
“Well you’re already hard..”
“☁️, go shower.”
“Just let me help quickly.”
“….Quickly.” Jeonghan instructed after thinking for a few seconds, him then untying his robe as ☁️ hurried over to his side. The man’s dick popped up as he moved the robe off of his shoulders, exposing his stomach and chest as well. ☁️ placed a hand on his lengthy cock, stroking it a few times before leaning forward and shoving it into his mouth. Shifting his tongue around Jeonghan’s cock as he bobbed his head, ☁️ felt the man brush his hand down ☁️’s back.
☁️ continued to shift up and down, occasionally hearing a soft moan from Jeonghan. After amother minute, Jeonghan moved his hand from ☁️’s back up to his head- grabbing it and forcing the length deeper down ☁️’s throat. Jeonghan now guided ☁️’s head up and down faster and faster between each second, making the man gag.
“Sorry, you okay?” Jeonghan asked after yanking off of his dick. ☁️ wiped his mouth and nodded, pushing Jeonghan’s hand off of his head.
“Yeah.” He responded, placing his lips back onto Jeonghan’s cock shortly after. Back to a normal pace, ☁️ continued oscillating his head, it now earning him frequent moans from Jeonghan. The man continued to throw his head back and whine as ☁️ throated the entirety of his length.
“Ah- I’m close.” Jeonghan eventually whimpered, pulling ☁️ off of his dick but keeping the man’s head close to his thigh. Jeonghan began rapidly stroking his cock in a haze, yelling out as white liquid shot out of his cock. ☁️ watched as some of it fell onto his cheek, him flinching before Jeonghan’s hasty strokes slowed.
With Jeonghan breathing heavily above him, ☁️ raised his head back up, using a finger to wipe the semen off of his face.
“Ah- I’m so sorry, I’ll make it up to you.” Jeonghan said, leaning over to help wipe the liquid off. “I promise.” He then murmured.
☁️ pecked the man on the cheek with a soft smile. “I believe you.” He whispered before standing up and walking over to the bathroom.
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“Can’t you just help me?”
☁️ stared at Jeonghan, who held his hands in his jean pockets. The two stood close together in the middle of a dimly lit school hallway.
“Move, I’m not helping you.” Jeonghan responded, attempting to walk around ☁️. ☁️ wrapped his hand around the tiny mic on his collar, using his other to make a fist around Jeonghan’s.
“But you said you would.” ☁️ whispered.
“That’s not what I meant.”
“Well, still help.”
Jeonghan sighed as ☁️ took his hands off of the mics, him then holding out his hand. The man placed his palm in ☁️’s and intertwined their fingers. ☁️ smiled and whispered a ‘thank you’ as the two turned to continue down the eerie hallway. Just as they began to walk, footsteps echoed from behind them.
“Hey! What’re you two doing?” Dino called out, him then running over from down the other end of the hallway.
“We’re completing our missions.” ☁️ responded dismissively, softly tugging Jeonghan’s arm to start moving.
“You’re teaming?” Dino asked, him now standing in front of the two.
“No, I’m just doing my mission.”
“Your mission is to hold his hand?” Dino asked, him then reaching his hands out as if preparing to separate the two.
“Pretty much..” ☁️ said, grimacing as Dino placed a hand on both Jeonghan’s and ☁️’s wrist. Dino looked at ☁️ with a smirk before ☁️ whispered, “Dino, I’ll beat your ass if you try it.”
“I’m just completing my mission.” Dino whispered, removing his grip of the duo’s wrist. A small, glittery sticker now sat on both of their hands, leaving the two confused. “I have to leave stickers on each member.. Also you have some stuff on your neck.” Dino pointed at ☁️’s bruises, startling both him and Jeonghan. How he was able to see the hickeys in the hallway’s dimness was beyond them.
“Oh, uh- thanks. I’ll be sure to wipe it off when we finish.” ☁️ responded awkwardly, moving to the side next to Jeonghan to allow Dino to pass them.
“Mhm. Do you know where the other guys are by chance?” Dino asked, looking the two up and down as he did.
“We haven’t- this place is big so keep looking.” Jeonghan responded dryly, moving Dino along.
“So you’ll help him but not me?” Dino complained, rolling his eyes with a smile and continuing down the hallway.
“You’ll be alright.” Jeonghan called out, the two watching as Dino disappeared in the distance.
“You need to steal a member’s phone and make a call on it, right?” ☁️ asked, turning to Jeonghan. He watched as the man got extremely close to him, using a finger from his free hand to peel the sticker off of his other hand.
“Mhm. Let’s follow Dino.” Jeonghan then responded, power walking forward with ☁️ following.
“Wow.. you’re mean” ☁️ teased, practically jogging beside the man. Jeonghan seemed to ignore the comment, him choosing to change the subject instead.
“☁️, when he pointed at your..”
“Is it that noticeable?”
“Mm.. just pull your shirt up.” Jeonghan replied, using his free hand to adjust ☁️’s top.
Their hands still intertwined, the two continued to wander until they found Dino, them watching as he turned the corner. They silently followed from a distance, seeing that he had eventually disappeared into a room. The two crept over to the room’s window, where they saw two other members standing together beside a bright, red light. Another person lingered slowly down the hallway, wearing a large piece of cloth over his head.
“Is that supposed to be a ghost?” ☁️ asked, about to laugh.
“I guess. Let’s just go in.” Jeonghan replied, walking over to the room door and sliding it open. Dino and DK yelled out, horrified, while Seungcheol jumped slightly.
“Relax, it’s just us.” ☁️ giggled, approaching the small group. As the duo strolled over to the other side of the room, Jeonghan leaned over to whisper in ☁️’s ear.
“Tell Seungcheol that your mission is to hug all of the members and then hug him. He’ll do it willingly and I’ll take his phone.”
☁️ nodded in understanding, remembering that Seungcheol usually wears his phone in his back pockets.
“Hey guys, my mission is to hug everyone. Can I?” ☁️ asked as he and Jeonghan stood in front of the three. DK and Seungcheol looked the two up and down, while Dino tilted his head in confusion.
“You told me your mission was to hold hands with him.” Dino said in a state of confusion.
“Oh, no. That’s his mission.” ☁️ replied, pointing at Jeonghan. “You might’ve misheard, you do that a lot.”
“He does! It’s super annoying.” DK responded, turning from ☁️ to Dino. At a loss for words, Dino held his arms out mouthing a ‘What?!’.
“I’ll help you with your mission if you help me with mine.” Seungcheol grinned, turning to ☁️.
“What is it?” Jeonghan asked.
“I have a keychain plushie that Mingyu is supposed to keep on him until the end of the game. He saw DK give it to me after he stole it, so can you keep it away from him?”
Jeonghan took the small dog plushie from Seungcheol and placed it into his back pocket.
“Okay, now come here.” ☁️ said, dragging Jeonghan next to him while he held his arms up for a hug. Seungcheol wrapped his arms around ☁️’s back, squeezing him slightly as the two embraced. With his head in between Seungcheol‘s shoulders, ☁️ could see Jeonghan place a finger on his mouth while looking over to DK and Dino.
“Are those hickies on your neck?” Seungcheol whispered, continuing his embrace.
“No, just.. bruises. I didn’t sleep that well because you booked us a room with one bed.”
“Doesn’t look like you two slept at all.” Seungcheol said, letting go of ☁️.
“Hey Seungcheol!” DK shouted as ☁️ and Seungcheol had finally let each other go. ☁️ looked over to DK and then to Jeonghan, who had Seungcheol’s phone to his ear.
“Stop snitching, Dokyeom.” ☁️ growled, leaving Seungcheol confused and looking behind him.
“Hello?” Jeonghan hummed as he then dragged ☁️ to a corner of the room. He showed the phone screen to a camera attached to the ceiling.
“My mission is complete~” He cooed, smiling brightly. ☁️ stumbled behind again as Jeonghan hurried back over to Seungcheol, holding the man’s phone out as he approached him. He ended the call before Seungcheol was able to snatch the device back.
“Thank you~” Jeonghan waved teasingly. ☁️ smiled at Seungcheol as his mouth was open ajar.
“You two are menaces!” DK yelled out.
“So, who completed their missions?”
Jeonghan, ☁️, Dino, Minghao, and Hoshi raised their hands while the others groaned. Jeonghan started.
“My mission was to make a call on somebody else’s phone, and I used Seungcheol’s.”
“You mean you stole it?” Seungcheol argued, throwing his hands up as he spoke. Jeonghan just smiled innocently in response.
“My mission was to follow another member for the entire game, and I followed Jeonghan.” ☁️ stated, him earning some nods from the other members, and another grimace from Dino.
“Anyway, my goal was to make each member wear a sticker until the end of the game. I made sure to get most of them without them knowing. The only people I told were Dokyeom, ☁️, and Jeonghan.” Dino explained, showing everyone his small pack of unpeeled stickers. ☁️ looked over to Jeonghan nervously, the two making eye contact almost immediately.
“I took mine off, actually.” Jeonghan said, showing Dino his wrist. Dino stared at his wrist for a few seconds before smacking the table. He then stood up and began pacing back and forth behind his chair, yelling out as he did so. The group bursted out in laughter as they watched their frustrated maknae sit back down.
After another minute of Minghao and Hoshi explaining how they won (Minghao having to take someone’s flashlight for the rest of the game and doing so by trading one for another with Seungkwan, and Hoshi having to dance the entirety of ‘Super’ uninterrupted- which he did by locking himself in a classroom) the group said goodbye to the cameras and ended their day’s schedule. Their last event was to film a ‘Going Seventeen’ video in a school decorated in a ghostly and haunted fashion, which exhausted everyone.
Jeonghan and ☁️ strolled down their hotel’s posh hallway; their hands still intertwined and bodies close together. After a long day, the exhausted duo solely sought to get comfortable.
“Did you want me to make it up to you tonight?” Jeonghan asked with a sly smile.
“As long as you don’t leave another mural along my neck, sure.” ☁️ replied with a tender tone, him then softly squeezing Jeonghan’s hand and looking over at him.
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a/n: i made u wait two months for this- i’m so sorry lol :,) hope it was worth the wait tho, thank u for requesting ♡ alsooo another side note- but jeonghan is such a hard person to write for because (from what i know/have seen) he doesn’t express himself very much. which is fine, im just scared to write him and how he talks accurately. but anyways thx for reading !
likes, comments, & reblogs r appreciated ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
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this is long, sorry. okay, so it would be angsty with a happy ending (maybe with some smut at the end) where reader is tall and looks like a total dom, but is actually a bottom who is head over heels for angel, and tries to show it but angel doesn’t believe him/thinks he’s trying to use him and pushes the reader away,, though angel has also caught feelings. eventually angel overhears reader telling someone (charlie, husk, idc) how in love he is with angel and how angel hates him and angel confronts him. crying and confessions happen and maybe some smut where angel tops reader.
thanks, i love your writing!!!
A/n: Of course! I love this idea! I hope you enjoy it! ^^
Angel Dust x M!Reader ~ Looks May Be Deceiving
Mentions: Smut, Angst, Fluff, Male Reader, MxM intimacy, Soft Dom!Angel.
Topic: Request above ^^^^
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"Hey Angel have you seen my phone?" You called out to your friend, Angel Dust, who hummed in minor confusion.
"Uhhhh...No!" He called back, as you gasped in joy.
"I got it! Thanks Angie!" You hummed, before leaving to go run some errands. To be frank, you didn't lose your phone. You had it the entire time, you just needed a reason to try and confess to Angel, but you chickened out. You had arrived a while back, and grown moderately close to Angel. When you began to try and hit on him he...declined. A lot. At some point, you tried to ask him out to which he sweetly but bluntly said a flat 'no' to. You wouldn't lose hope though. Not that easily, especially with how smitten you were for him. You didn't know it, but he was in love too, but he didn't want to be used by someone again. So, he sheltered himself from it.
Later enough, you came back with groceries that Charlie had needed, your hands full.
"Princess! I need a lil' bit of help here!!" You shouted as Charlie rushed to help you, setting the bags down. You sighed at the relief of nothing heavy weighing down your arms now, before you plopped back into a chair in the lobby. It was then you saw Angel come down, making you sigh softly. You sat up, going to help him carry something. "Here, lemme get that for ya!"
"Oh uh...Thanks Y/n." He spoke sheepishly, as you chuckled nervously again.
"Say uhm...Are you free tonight?" You asked, raising a brow as Angel narrowed his eyes.
"No. I'm really, really, busy tonight.." Angel lied, leaving the room quickly with his things. You sighed, hopeless as you sat at the bar, catching husk's attention.
"Th' hells got you so gloom?" Husk asked, pouring a glass of booze for you, as you took the cup.
"Thanks...and it's nothing just...In a predicament."
"Of what sorts?" Husk asked, raising a brow as he drank a bottle of cheap booze.
"Just..Angel. He acts like he hates my guts but I..."
"You love 'im, don't cha?" Husk sighed as you nodded, taking a swig from the glass, groaning quietly in frustration. Before Angel could fully leave, he was still within ear shot, hearing your confession.
"Yeah..I am. I can't help it!! Have you fuckin' seen him!? He's gorgeous, funny, and just...everything I'll ever need.." You muttered, sighing softly. "I just don't have a chance with him...He hates my damn guts for christs sake!" You exclaimed as Husk huffed.
"They always act like that, to cover up their true feelin's. Only thing is, Angel's probably like that 'cuz of the shit he went through." Husk explained, as you nodded.
"Yeah...You have a point.."
"So, take it easy. He's probably in love with ya' too, he just isn't ready for it yet. Keep shootin' your shot kid." Husk said with a very light smile. You returned to expression, finishing your drink, and standing up.
"Thanks Husk. It...Really means a lot to me." You thanked and he nodded, waving his hand to shoo you off. You sighed, making your way to your room, before hearing a voice.
"Hey Y/n?" Angel spoke softly, spooking you as he came out of nowhere from behind.
"Oh, Angel. It's you. What's up?" You asked as Angel opened his mouth to speak, before sighing, holding his arms softly.
"Listen I...I don't hate you..You're just so nice and I didn't know if you were genuine or just wanted to use me for sex.." He spoke, his voice shaking a bit from the tears. He didn't want you to think he hated you, he didn't want you to lose interest because of it either.
"Where did all this come from Angie?.." You murmured, scared he might've heard your conversation with Husk.
"Damnit I-...fuck...I heard what you said and...and I'm sorry for bein' a complete asshole. I didn't want to get close to you and end up goin' through heartbreak 'cuz you got tired of usin' me." He explained and you swallowed thickly.
"Angel...I'd never fucking use you...Ever..I'm lovesick for you and I'd die a second time to make sure you're happy and safe." You said, a bit of confidence peaking in your voice.
"So you're not..Upset?"
"Fuck no!! If I'm upset at anything, I'm upset you didn't tell me sooner!" You joked, hugging Angel softly as he sighed with relief, quietly and softly crying from joy.
"I love you Angel.."
"I...I love you too Y/n.." Angel muttered. From then on, the two of you began dating, and to say the least, it was fun. Constant pranks and affection. You two were in Angel's room, cuddling as you watched some novela.
"...I'm fuckin' tellin' ya Y/n! She's just gonna dump him!" Angel exclaimed as you scoffed.
"As if! Maria loves Gabe!! I doubt she'd ditch him." You huffed as the two of you went silent, before breaking out into laughter...It died down, as it was just a silent cuddle now. A question lingered in Angel's mind for a bit since you two began dating, and he felt this was the right time to ask. Given he was a bit horny that day, from seeing you to heavy work in a tank top.
"Hey Y/n, can I ask ya somethin'?"
"Uh yeah! Shoot me with it hon-" You laughed, leaning your cheek on the palm of your hand, as your elbow propped you up on the bed.
"Are you...Ready for sex? If not that's completely--" Angel quickly sat up to dismiss it all before you cut him off.
"Yes." You bluntly spoke as Angel stammered before snickering.
"Didn't think you'd reply so fast damn." He laughed as you chuckled, your cheeks growing hot.
"But uh...One thing I'd like to mention...I'm not one to top." You sheepishly chuckled as Angel hummed.
"I get it...Got any big kinks you want me to know tootz?" Angel cooed as he laid you down onto the bed, climbing on top. You practically melted into his touch, bright red from all this.
"Nope...I'm followin' you Angie, you can take the pace however you want.." You muttered sweetly as Angel nodded, cupping your cheek with one hand, kissing you softly as he used the other hands to undress the two of you. He straddled your waist, running his hands over your now bare body as he pulled away from the kiss.
"Not gonna lie tootz, I was expectin' ya to be a top~" He giggled as you bashfully looked away. Angel simply cooed from this, turning your head to face him. "Awh~ don't get shy on me now babe~" He teased as you let out a shaky sigh, before jolting a bit with a soft moan, feeling Angel's hand wrap around your shaft.
"A-Angel please be-"
"I know, I know babe, I'll be gentle...Just wasn't expecting you to be so big~" He sweetly said, leaning down and kissing your cheek. You began to whimper a bit, feeling Angel slowly drag his hand from the base to the tip, rubbing it gently to spread the pre-cum.
"Holy f-fuck angel that- mhh~ -feels a-amazing- ah..~" You moaned out, shuddering from the feeling of Angel peppering your neck in sweet kisses.
"I'm glad babe, s'all i want you to feel..pleasure all the way..~" Angel cooed, holding you closely to him. While one hand pumped your length, the other began rubbing your entrance softly, before pushing its way in, earning a whimper of minor pain from you. Angel gasped, sitting up with worry. "You ok babycakes?"
"Y-Yeah I'm fine Angie..hnn..You can keep going..~" You muttered, as Angel nodded with a sweet look, hugging you close with his two free arms, while two fingers fucked your hole, and the other stroked you. You let out a soft whimper, beginning to pant.
"Are you close babe?~" Angel asked, keeping you close to him while you reached your high. You let out yet another whimper, this time more desperate and needy. "C'mon sweet thing, let loose, ok~?" Angel cooed as you covered your mouth, doing just that. Once you finished, you let your arms fall to your side, as Angel laid on top, playing with your hair. "Happy?"
"So fucking happy babe." You chuckled breathlessly, as you two shared a quick kiss, before Angel sighed.
"Love you Y/n."
"Love you too Angie."
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balkanradfem · 7 months
So I've had some thoughts and I don't actually believe that males aren't attracted to women over 25, they absolutely can't even tell a 40yo from a 25yo woman, they made it clear they're only attracted to visual features and they don't even know what age they're looking at. But they are still absolutely obsessed with youth and repeatedly attempt to mingle with female teenagers and try to find a partner who is in the age brackets from 14-21. I do believe a lot of these males are pedophiles, or have converted themselves into pedophiles, but also the end goal of pedophiles and other males is the same: to find a girl/woman with no background knowledge or previous experience.
Even if a 18 year old woman looks exactly like a 25 year old woman, they'll go for the 18 year old, not because she's more attractive or 'fertile', it's simply because they can have that much more power and influence over her. They can tell her anything about life and she wouldn't know the difference, wouldn't know she's being lied to. She hasn't yet had the experience of tolerating male nonsense to the point of breaking, hasn't seen trough their schemes and grooming process, she doesn't know their true intentions, she doesn't have her finances/career/living situation in order, she is more vulnerable, more naive, more easy to exploit. She's still filled with hope and optimism, inclined to believe the best of them, to give them benefit of the doubt, to forgive and tolerate and do whatever she's told to, in order to gain their approval.
25 year old woman will not do this so easily, she's probably had enough experience with the world and the m*n to see the red flags instantly. The 40 year old woman, who looks exactly as attractive, will not even spare him the second glance, he's nothing to her, she knows his value is null.
I don't think it's youth, appearance, or any other kind of 'biological impulse' that makes m*n go after younger women, it's just the amount of power they're able to have over younger women. The idea of a woman who knows who they are and what they stand for is intensely non-attractive to them, a woman who understands their core and knows their intentions, that is a complete no-go, they'd rather throw insults at her and make sure she can't communicate her knowledge to the younger generations.
But a younger woman who is still under the effects of patriarchal grooming, who is easy to convince, manipulate, trick, cheat, who is without any defenses, naive, gullible, that's where their attraction is amplified. If the situation suddenly switched and all of the younger women had the exact experience and power of mature women, while mature women were under some kind of amnesia and thought m*n were cool, and were willing to do whatever for them, the attraction would flip just like that. M*n really can't do well anywhere except among children who are fawning over them, not knowing what they're looking at.
Being young and without experience makes a woman so much less likely to be able to defend herself against abuse, so much more easily pulled into doing things against her own benefit, much more easily obliged with a promise of a fake future that will never happen. And they all know they're pulling those young women into relationships/partnerships under fake pretenses, that they're just going to use these young women, until they age up to the point where they're sick of his bullshit, and then find new, younger, more inexperienced, more easy to manipulate girls.
What I'm saying is that their attraction grows only with girls and women's inability to truly consent to what they're going to do to her. If those young women knew where the situation was going, they would never say yes to it, and m*n all know it.
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boozenboze · 1 year
Tokyo Revengers x Male reader
Summary: Being an Ace and a division captain are two hefty things to juggle. So what happens when the other Toman captains find the leader of the 6th division at volleyball practice
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Females She/Her and She/They DNI
“Good hustle L/n keep it up!” The coach yelled to the s/c skinned male who gave him a thumbs up. Practice didn’t end until late that night, and the Toman meeting that had been planned had begun without. He didn’t worry about it to much, but he knew he’d have to go through a light hearted interrogation from Mikey and Draken.
To be honest, they should’ve known that the male had practice. Why you may ask? Well thats because he had mentioned his after school activity plenty of times to them. If they hadn’t known then that would be on them for not listening.
(Pov switch)
Mikey was giving his speech to the gang, eyes wandering ever so often to see if his eyes would catch sight of the h/c haired male. Before the beginning of the meeting the blonde had been searching for him and to no avail, he didn’t spot him. The other captains tried calling or texting him but they would left with his voicemail. They continued to wait for him but had to start since there was no signs of him showing up.
The meeting ended not to long ago snd Takemichi was trying to call M/n again. As he did that, the other captains conversed with each other while also wondering where their 6th division captain was. This wasn’t the first time the male had missed a meeting but the other times he’d make sure Mikey knew so that confusion wouldn’t get caused.
“Hey-Hello! M/n where were, you the meeting is over.” Takemichi spoke as his mention of the h/c haired male caught the others attention. When they approached they watched as Takemichi’s brows furrowed in confusion.
“When did you start playing volleyball?” Takemichi asked as the others held their own looks of question.
“I-uh ok we’ll come over to see you. Ok bye.” Takemichi said before hanging up.
“When’d he start playing volleyball?” Mitsuya asked as he glanced at the others. Angry hummed in response before saying.
“That could explsin the other times he didn’t show up.”
“Yeah thats true...wait Takemichi you said thst we’d go and see him hm?” Draken questioned as Takemichi nodded.
“Alright lets go I wanna see N/n-chin play!” Mikey said with excitement as he made his way to his motorcycle. The others sighed at their commanders attitude and followed behind him, getting onto their own bikes.
(Pov switch)
“Nice serve M/n!” One of your teammates yelled on the sidelines as the ball made contact with the floor of the other teams side. It was the males ball again and he bounced the ball a few times before serving it again. Once again it was a perfect serve but the other team was able to pass it back to which your teammate Lain was passed it to your setter Ryu.
The captains had just arrived to the gym and heard the sound of shoes squeaking against the floor and a ball making contact with it. A loud boom and cheering could be heard as they walked in and they saw M/n's team cheering. They could tell because of their f/c jerseys and shorts. M/n was doing a little dance with Ryu who was laughing his ass off as they did.
"Can ya'll stop acting like you won an actual game." Your captain who was on the other team said as you turned to face him.
"Your just mad that ya'll lost~!" The h/c haired male whipped out his middle finger and started to shake his hips out of mockery. The captain rolled his eyes as his gaze averted to the Toman captains who were standing by the door.
"Are those gang members?" One of your other teammates said warily, as the Captain spoke up.
"Do ya'll need something?" His voice was loud which caused everyone to turn their attention to the entrance door. M/n's eyes widened at the sights of his gang. He was only expecting Takemichi to show up.....not everyone else.
"I-uh...what are ya'll doing here? Takemichi I thought you were the only one coming." M/n replies to the others that hadn't said anything yet.
"Um yeah I did...I forgot to mention they were tagging along, sorry." Takemichi said as his eyes wandered down to M/n's legs. He kept his gaze steady on his thighs. He looked away, reminding himself that he had a girlfriend as the other captains stared as well.
"Why didn't you tell us your thighs were so.....gyat!" Baji said as he did hand motions around M/n's legs. The male laughed in response, not thinking anything of his comment. He has worked hard to get his legs to the state they were in now so he appreciated the compliments.
"Can I....touch them..? Baji asked, voice getting a bit quieter but loud enough for Mikey to hear his question.
"Not if I don't touch them first!" Mikey said as he leaped over to the h/c haired male and began to feel up his leg. He squeezed his thigh with his hand and the male above whimpered slightly from the blondes grip. M/n's thighs had muscle definition and were a little jiggly.
"Ah...Mikey are you done yet?" M/n asked as Draken attempted to pull the commander off his leg. Mikeys grip got tighter and a moan was stifled from his lips causing both blondes to look at him. The male looked away from them, forgetting to mention how sensitive his thighs were. Mikey let go and laughed with a blush on his face. Draken and the others were the same way. Smiley was laughing while maintaining his iconic expression, as well as Angry who had turned away. Mitsuya was smiling as Sanzu massaged his temple.
"Yo M/n! Come get your shit!" Lain said as he approached the male with his gym bag. M/n took the bag from him and nodded as I thank you as the brunette left the gym.
"Well now we know one of our captains secret...Imma use that against him when we play Mario Kart." Smiley said as his smirk turned to something more devious. Angry side eyed his brother as he turned his gaze over to the h/c haired male who was making his way over to them.
"I'll be at your house in a bit, the game should be updated by then yea?" M/n said as he walked out, moving towards his bike.
"What were ya'll talking about?' Mucho asked as Smiley laughed in response. He walked away from the taller male as the twins exited the premises. The other captains watched them leave with looks of suspicion.
"They're planning something...lets follow them!" Mikey exclaimed as the others followed him out the gym.
"That was interesting"
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mackjlee9 · 2 years
ahem- don't mind me~
König x Male!Reader [Fluff&Lime]
Warning; just me projecting what I want 😬, reader likes having heavy things on top of him, crappy description of takedowns, uhmm lime at the end -just some grinding- you can skip it.
(M/n) has never seen König as a scary guy, to him the tall Austrian male only seems like a quiet guy, just like himself. Well, until that particular day.
König had been put on recruit training duty, and that was what he was doing, his singular sniper hood on and just some regular clothes for training. The recruits used to be intimidated by him, but with time they realized that König was just scary in size and that he was actually a cuddly bear. Unlike Ghost, who still had to show a softer side of himself.
(M/n) was just done with range practice, and was heading to the training room since he remembered he had forgotten something there the night before. As soon as he walked in through the slightly pushed open door, König giddily jumped at the sight of the (h/c) haired male walking in.
"Oh~! Sergeant, could you come here for a minute?" (M/n) perked up at the sound of König's voice calling for him, and he silently nodded, taking the thing he forgot with him, setting it down on the empty bench against the wall. He noticed every single pair of eyes on him as he approached them, "Well, now! I'll be teaching you one of my favorite grappling takedowns!"
He held (M/n)'s wrist and pulled him closer to the center of the mat, positioning his body in a way to make it look more like an actual fight.
"It'll be easier to understand this way," slowly, König started moving his body around (M/n), and the male let himself be taken down while the Austrian explained what he was doing.
In the end, König was on top of him but not really putting any real weight on (M/n), and soon helping him get up.
"Okay, for real now, Sergeant! Come at me!" (M/n) tried to hold back the smile as he watched König so excited about teaching recruits. It was almost innocent, teaching young soldiers how to break someone's spine on their knee...
Thankfully, that wasn't happening now.
As per König's request, (M/n) ran at him to attack him, the fight was pretty much harmless as the takedown was demonstrated again, but more like the real thing, fighting back and putting up resistance, but soon enough, (M/n) found himself on the floor once again. Only this time, König had pinned him to the mat, his hand gripping both his wrists above his head, his knees pressing on either side of his thighs and feet keeping his legs steady. His free hand was closed in a fist by his neck, as if he was gripping a knife to his throat.
There was nothing weird about this. (M/n) had performed this takedown countless times before, but something about being the one pinned down, with such a big man on top of him...
It felt nice, almost reassuring in a way, feeling his weight on pretty much every part of his body made (M/n) feel unexpectedly safe... and it was extremely hot. Having a thing for bigger men and being in the army was like a dream come true and a torture, at first, he was after Ghost, but he had made it clear he wasn't interested in someone his age, not that (M/n) took offense to that, everyone had their own preferences, and he respected Ghost too much.
"Everyone understood?" König asked while standing up, relieving the pressure on (M/n)'s body -not that he minded the extra weight on him- and extending his hand to help the male stand up. The recruits let out a loud 'Yes, sir!', proceeding to get in pairs and practice the takedown.
König turned to look at (M/n) who had walked back to grab his belonging and seemed only a little bit disoriented.
"Thank you for helping me, Sergent! You're not hurt, are you?" (M/n) looked at the big guy, seeing the concern in his eyes as he looked at him up and down, inspecting his body in search for any kind of injury he might unintentionally have inflicted on him.
"I'm okay, König, see you later, big guy," he said showing him a reassuring smile and walking out after König waved at him.
Physically speaking, (M/n) was unharmed, his body was more than okay but mentally? He just couldn't help but want to feel König's body on his, and acknowledging that made him flustered, rushing back to his quarters.
From that day on, (M/n) has let König take him down during sparring or simply training, his behavior making recruits think he was really weak or König extremely strong. But then they would watch (M/n) actually try or take down soldiers like Soap and Gaz like it was nothing.
The first to catch on to what (M/n) was doing, was Soap, of course it would be his best friend.
And after explaining him this fixation of his where he liked having someone bigger and heavier on top of him made him feel safe, Soap nodded in silence, as if he understood him completely. And that reminded (M/n) how Soap used to pull him on top of him to sleep when it was cold, as if he was a weighted blanket instead of a person.
So yeah, (M/n) was okay with Soap knowing since his best friend was similar to him in a way. Soap only did it because he wanted affection and love.
But just like Soap noticed, König started noticing too.
He wondered whether (M/n) was taking it easy on him because he was still new to the 141, and he ended up getting mad at this misunderstanding, thinking (M/n) was underestimating his fighting abilities by letting him win.
So the next opportunity to fight with him was when (M/n) was showing off moves to the recruits and his improvement as well, like some sort of physical exam. He was paired with König, and the serious look in his eyes made (M/n) slightly flinch at the intensity of it.
"You better take this seriously, Sergeant."
König came at (M/n) with full force, somehow catching him off-guard enough for him to trip but not lose his balance. He didn't think much of it, not until after König got his first takedown on him. It was incredibly painful, and (M/n) realized something was wrong so he took this fight seriously, just as König told him to.
(M/n) did quick movements to break his guard and trip him over. Everyone around saw how easily he defeated such a big man as König. And well, the Austrian male was surprised at that as well, but happy because he finally got taken down by the (h/c) haired Sergeant. König had seen him sparring with Ghost on one occasion, and he has been wanting to have (M/n) fight him with the same enthusiasm and strength.
And he got it.
He had a bright smile hidden by his sniper hood as he realized (M/n) had him pinned to the ground, "Took you long enough, Sergeant~!" He said cheerfully as (M/n) helped him stand up.
(M/n) only looked at him and a small smile tugged on his lips at his playful demeanor, a big difference from his dark aura minutes prior.
Later at night, König found (M/n) outside taking in some of the chill night air. It didn't seem like he was having an internal debate about anything, so König took a few slow steps toward him, but (M/n)'s sharp senses heard him moving, his head looking over his shoulder to see who it was.
"König..." (M/n) watched him as he walk to stand next to him. He was gonna ask him if he needed anything, but König spoke before he could.
"Sergeant, why haven't you fought with me seriously until today?" (M/n) had an internal debate about whether he should tell him or not.
König is a sharp guy, he knows when someone's lying, so maybe thinking of whatever excuse wouldn't work out too well, it would only make him seem like he's hiding something bad.
So he just said it.
"I like it when you're on top of me," his words were said so casually, you would think he was making a comment about the weather.
It caught König so off-guard the poor guy tripped and almost lost his balance, "W-wha-?" His eyes were opened wide, shining under the light of the street lamp.
"It makes me feel safe..." He continued to explain, so as to not freak him out further, but he trailed on, biting his tongue to prevent himself from saying 'kinda horny too.'
Everything was silent after that, and (M/n) sighed, not really regretting what he said, but thinking he could've worded it differently. He glanced at König, who was looking down at the ground.
"I understand if you don't wanna be near me anymore, big guy," he added as he walked past him, heading back to his room to try and get some shut-eye.
Turns out, König didn't find (M/n) weird or disgusting, he found it kinda cute and, with his big size, he has never been comfortable with putting his entire weight on someone else, whether they were his same size or smaller, it was just something he was always wary of, as to not cause any discomfort on anyone. And he had started sort of encouraging it actually.
When it was only him and (M/n), with no one else around, König would go as far as to sit on (M/n)'s lap whenever he offered it -seriously or as a joke-. Of course, at first, it would be a little awkward, but with time they started getting used to it, becoming a sort of habit for them.
König would even stop by (M/n)'s room and lie on his back while the (h/c) haired male mindlessly checked his phone, more than once, König had fallen asleep on him, and (M/n) didn't have the heart to wake him up.
It got to a point where (M/n) would be sitting on the couch, minding his own business while reading a book, the rest of the 141 team chillin' and talking about whatever, and König would sit on (M/n)'s lap, followed by (M/n) nonchalantly wrapping his arms around his waist to continue reading.
No one comments on it, except Soap -of course-.
"So... when did you guys start dat-?" Before he could finish his sentence, Ghost placed his hand over Soap's mouth, muffling his booming voice.
(M/n) looked up when Soap went suddenly quiet. He hadn't quite understood what he wanted to say, but König apparently did.
"We're not~! (M/n) just like my body on top of his," Gaz snorted while Price tried to not spit out his tea, Ghost released a deep sigh while Soap whined disappointed, and (M/n)?
(M/n) pressed his face against König's back, hiding his embarrassed, mortified expression from the prying eyes of his friends and superiors.
Everything that happened has been purely platonic, until König decided to crush (M/n) under his weight, chests pressing together making (M/n) let out a soft grunt, and König... wiggled.
The big Austrian guy was feeling giddy and wouldn't stop moving around because of that, talking (M/n)'s ears off about something he wasn't paying attention to. His lower abdomen pressed on (M/n)'s crotch, making him panic as he felt himself getting hard.
"K-König, stop moving, please..." He whispered as calmly and collected as he could. König only stared down at him with a confused look in his eyes but shook his head playfully, his eyes shining with a hint of mischief.
He kept talking while (M/n) watched him, but he definitely wasn't listening to a single word he said, focusing too much on thinking of something else that wasn't König practically grinding on him.
(M/n) really thought he was being smooth about it, but König had realized, as if couldn't notice something hard pressing below his belly button. He felt flustered about it for a few seconds, without deviating from what he was talking about.
But slowly, König's wiggling changed from moving his whole body around to focusing on simply swaying his hips. (M/n) realized what König did and panicked, trying to push him off before something really awkward happened.
"König, you have to get off, now-" the big guy gripped (M/n)'s wrists and pinned them to the bed, "König-"
"Sorry, Sergeant, but I like it when you're beneath me," (M/n) felt shivers down his spine when König's voice turned an octave lower than his usual cheerful tone, a gasp soon leaving his mouth when he felt König shift his weight enough to press their bulges together.
The pace was slow and hesitant, until (M/n) managed to free his hand from König's grip, holding his hips and helping him grind faster, pressing their bodies as close as they could be.
"Scheiße-" König's voice cut off by a whine, pressing his face on (M/n)'s neck, intertwining their fingers together as he let (M/n) move his hips however he wanted.
Moans and whines escaped their mouths as their movements became rough. Tears filled König eyes at the stimulation that felt too much and too little at the same time, whimpering quietly as he rocked his hips with (M/n)'s help.
"Just like that~, come on, big guy," (M/n) muttered next to his ear, a moan strangled on his throat, "Good boy~," his soft praise made König whimper louder this time, tightly gripping (M/n)'s hand and his shirt with his free hand, his hips stuttering as he felt himself cumming in his clothes, "Fuck..."
(M/n) moved his hips from under König, letting the big guy lay on his body, keeping a tight hold on his hips as he chased his own high as well, the grinding making König whine at the overstimulation he felt surging through his body.
Their ragged breaths were the only sound in the room, their bodies still pressed on each other.
König tried to get up because he was worried about crushing (M/n), but the male didn't let him, wrapping his arm around his waist, and mumbling on his neck.
"Don't move, König, not now..."
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kityana · 2 months
i was going to add this to this post, but it got very long and a little off the topic and i didn't think it was fair so here goes.
i think there's a very good chance octavia isn't really aware of the situation between her parents.
in "loo loo land", octavia talks about her parents not loving each other as a new development.
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when we know for a fact stolas and stella never got along, and seemed to dislike each other from the moment they became betrothed.
but in the trailer, she says "you never loved mother", so it seems like she recently realized that was the case. further more, she seems to put it in the same category of disappointment as the idea of stolas not loving her, too.
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i think it's unfair to blame octavia for not noticing the dynamic between her parents sooner. for one thing, abusers are notoriously good at hiding their actions, and abuse victims very often hide their situation out of shame. this is doubly true for male victims of abuse, and even more so if the abuser is a woman. stolas himself says he put up with stella's behavior because he wanted to give octavia "a normal life", and i imagine that "normal life" did not entail knowing just how much her parents can't stand each other and how cruel her mother is to her father.
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also, as @ceaselessims noted- octavia is rich and privileged. we base what we think is normal on our environment, and octavia's normal is not our normal. try putting yourself in her shoes- most of the people she knew her entire life were other royals. most of the relationship she saw were relationship between royals, probably the kind that is either arranged like her parents or made for other politically or monetarily advantageous reasons. that means most of the adult relationships around her weren't what we would consider loving, healthy adult romantic relationships. so the fact her parents were rarely if ever affectionate toward each other? to her that probably seemed normal. the fact they rarely seemed to spend time together unless they had to? again, normal. the tensions between them? stella's occasional snide remarks about stolas that stolas probably doesn't even address? normal, normal, normal.
i'd like to think that maybe at some point in the future, octavia willll spend some time with fizz and ozzie, or m&m, or any other actually healthy couple, and then the penny will drop that this is what an actually healthy, romantic adult relationship is supposed to look like.
but for now i'm thinking that for 17 years, as far as she could tell, her parents had a really ordinary, stable marriage of the kind she sees all around her. and then, one day, completely out of the blue, her father shatters it all with an affair. of course she's pissed at him. of course she mostly blames him for everything that's happening and seems more sympathetic to her mother. and of course that shakes the foundation of her trust in him, because as far as she can tell, he betrayed one person that was close to him, so who's to say he won't betray her, too?
and stolas isn't exactly helping things by seemingly not even attempting to explain the situation to octavia. i understand he's struggling with a lot, but keeping her completely in the dark is just letting her jump to her skewed conclusions, and it also gives stella a way to control the narrative, which i'm sure stella is going to take.
i think octavia will find out the truth eventually, and then i'm sure she won't take stella's side anymore after that happens. but i also think she's going to be very sad to know just how much stolas hid from her. that also seems like a betrayal of trust- that he couldn't trust her. their road to healing is going to be long and interesting, i think. and i can't wait to see it.
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wutheringcaterpillar · 2 months
The Student
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Summary: Professor Kiernan is caught between a rock and a hard place after realizing his student's car won't start in a piss poor thunderstorm. Being the gentleman he is, he invites her over to his home, not expecting the twisted turn of events when he realizes the true story.
Warnings: Noncon, age difference, student x teacher dynamic, male SA, stalker!reader, oral (m!receiving), p in v, restraints, non-consensual photos, trauma
My very first collaboration with @your-nanas-house ! Thank you so much for writing this with me and to all the followers, hope you enjoy!
It was a Wednesday, rain was pouring down the town drenching and hitting everything it could reach. 
Not many were outside, just the few that still needed to rush back home or find shelter under the nearest roof— just like you.
At that time you were stuck under the violent weather of that country, your clothes completely soaked and tight against your cold body. 
You were bent over your car, goosebumps all over your flushed skin, intending to fix your small car which refused to start and that way let you reach the warmth of your shared apartment.
Luckily you weren't the only one caught off guard by the rain, other students, who had similar schedules as yours, were busy rushing around to dry and warm up. Just like some professors.
Not even one stopped to help you or moved closer to do something and prevent you from catching a cold or worse... not even a single one in half an hour.
You were slowly freezing, your hand shaking as you continued to take a look as best you could so as to be able to leave. You had started to regret not having called a mechanic but it was too stormy to even use a phone, though. 
The screen was already wet and you could barely search the number when suddenly the rain stopped hitting your head, making your gaze quickly drift up to meet the cold colors of an umbrella.
"You sure will catch a cold if you stay any longer here, Miss Y/l/n" a familiar voice broke the melody of the continuing rain, his body close enough to make you shiver due to the difference of temperature of your bodies
"Hope not, professor Kiernan. Been here since almost an hour now... can't make this damn car work" you replied, the frustration you felt showing in your tense body and harsh tone. The kind professor could tell.
Mike Kiernan, a new-ish professor that worked in your college, and that kindly stopped under the pouring rain to cover your shaking body when he could have just left like all the others. 
You always knew that he was different. A true gentleman most of the time... all the time.
"Can I be of any help?" The man asked not losing a beat, his shoulder already moving just like his hands so as to shrug off his coat and wrap the dry fabric around you while still holding the umbrella. 
His light blue eyes pierced you in the best way, making you completely forget about the situation you were in till he asked what had happened.
And just like that the worried look changed into one of pity as soon as the small glimpse reached his eyes while you explained to him your situation. 
Your eyes were filling up with tears and your bottom lip trembled ever so lightly... maybe because of the emotions or maybe just due to the cold.
"Just need to warm myself up, I can't feel my body anymore... and I can't because this car won't work. I would sit in there and wait but I can't warm it up... a-a-and I can't even go back to the apartment. My roommate has invited over her boyfriend so she asked me to stay out for the night and I said yes a-a-and... and—" your voice broke a couple of times as you spoke, your eyes not meeting Mike's as he kept standing in front of you, rubbing your arm with his free hand in an attempt to warm you up a bit.
The weather didn't look like it was about to improve— quite the opposite actually. 
The water was flooding on the streets, drenching your and Mike's shoes as you kept standing there. If you didn't move you would end up both with a flu for sure.
So just after the first sob that left your mouth, Mr. Kiernan interrupted the monologue with the best kind and reassuring smile he could wear.
"Hey, hey... calm down, darling. It's not a big issue, we can find a solution and take care of everything, yes?" The professor asked with a genuine caring voice, his thumb still drawing circles on the fabric of his own coat which still covered your arms.
"I finished the lectures for the day and was actually heading back to my car... so I can give you a lift. We can even stop at my place first since you mentioned in one of our extra-lessons that you lived quite far from here. We wait till it stops raining... you can stay for the night— and I can easily sleep on the sofa or open it up for you.... then in the morning we will come back here and check what's wrong, call someone and if needed I can give you a ride till your apartment. How does that sound?" He prompted while taking small pauses as he talked so to think better at what you could do to resolve your problem with no harm. 
His eyes remained focused on you all the time as he talked, making sure to receive some confirmation of your understanding or listening.
As soon as you agreed with the plan he quickly led the way to his car, helping you climb in before doing the same and positioning the wet umbrella in the back.
It was really raining quite hard, hard enough to create some issues for the driver, but luckily his house wasn't far away from the campus so you managed to arrive fast and safely.
“Do you mind if I stay? I left my keys at the dorm and Claire requested to have the dorm to herself for the night. Her boyfriend’s in town and I really don’t want to put a damper on their alone time. I hope this isn’t inappropriate.” You smiled awkwardly while biting down on your lip in hopes that he would understand.
He really wasn’t comfortable with the idea of a student staying the night with him in the house but another glance at the window he supposed it wouldn’t hurt. The thunderous storm should be gone by morning.
“Alright but one night only. Why don’t I go fetch you a change of clothes and some tea to warm you up, you must be freezing.” You nodded gracefully, giving him a warm smile. The idea of being in his clothes, warming your heart. You could just imagine what he smelt like, just standing near him he portrayed an alluring, yet comforting scent.
He fumbled in the dresser, settling on a pair of fleece pajamas pants and a simplistic, long sleeve grey shirt. 
Hearing his footsteps, you closed on the kitchen drawers you had been snooping through, whipping your wet head around returning a friendly smile.
“I know this probably isn’t your preference for clothes but it should keep you warm and comfortable. The bathroom’s just to the left.” You mumbled a pleasant thank, shielding your face at angle to hide away your reddening cheeks.
Just when you closed the door behind you, Mike glanced over to the counter where your phone was buzzing. He knew he shouldn’t be just out of curiosity, he picked up the device expecting there to be a lock or some kind of pass code but there wasn’t.
He just wanted to see what type of interests or hobbies his students were into, perhaps something he could involve in a lecture to hinder their attention.
Hm. Photo gallery should be safe, considering he noticed a private section so anything he shouldn’t see should be there but what he found he wasn’t expecting. He felt his fingers go numb, knees nearly limp while his eyes widened.
He couldn’t stop himself from scrolling up, discovering more and more of what he couldn’t believe to be true.
When you opened the door, Mike was standing there holding the electronic device in a death grip, eyes staring down at the glowing screen is disbelief. When he glanced up at you, his lips were parted, eyebrows raised in a natural state of confusion and shock. The initial feeling of incredulity, turning into a sense of fear, but also anger but he was professional and kept his voice steady. Not wanting for this conversation to turn very bad, very fast.
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“Y/N what the fuck is this?” Drying your hair off with the towel, your motion went still. Rolling your eyes, you tossed the towel onto the kitchen counter, hands at your hips while you shook your head.
“I didn’t want you to find out this way Mike…Guess the cat’s out of the bag now isn’t it?” His first name too? Was this all planned out and he was too stupid to figure it out.
He didn’t know but what he did know was the rising sense of disturbance in his chest was more present now than ever. 
He understood a little student crush on a teacher but this? This was too far.
These were personal photos, some of him in the shower, fetching the mail, even one of him pleasuring himself in his own fucking bed at fucking 2 in the morning. How did he not see you?
“Find out what? That my student stalks me? Violates my privacy?” You reached for your phone but he was faster, snatching your wrist in his hand.
What he wasn’t prepared for was the strength you with held. You matched his move, wrapping your hand around the veins of his throat while kneeing him below the belt. He groaned, hunching over as he grabbed his battered private area, resting his head on your shoulder unintentionally as your phone fell from his grasp onto the floor.
“All you had to do was play nice professor.” With a confident, firm stride, you walked him back until he fell onto the sofa, slapping him harshly across the face in the process.
“Fuck! Y/N, don’t do this.” Your hips grinded down against his shaft while you straddled him. He cursed at himself when he could feel his member hardening against his will from the friction.
Noticing a strand of the curtain holdback resting in arm’s reach, you held him down by his throat, legs pinning his arms down, while your free hand reached for the fabric.
“I waited so long for this and I’m not going to let you ruin it! Besides who’s the school board going to believe? Hm? A thirty year old man with nothing but a degree? Or an innocent, young girl who was harassed and forced against her will by her teacher?” Mike stared at you with an incredulous glare in his crystal blue eyes. He was speechless, not a thing left to say other than protest your advances. You were right and that right there is what is wrong with society.
You tightened the bindings to one of the pillars in the room, he had nowhere to go.
You took in the pretty portrait of him so helpless and all yours, still tugging to break free. Bending forward, your fingers trailed down the side of his cheek, making him squirm in his feeble position.
“Listen to me, alright? I-I’ll give you whatever you want. All a’s the rest of term, money, anything…I swear.” His way of begging snd negotiating wasn’t even close to anything you wanted, you just wanted him. To feel him inside of you.
Before he could protest anymore, you leaned forward interlocking your lips with his in a sensual kiss, sliding your tongue in, wanting to feel his against yours.
He tasted of tea and mint, so mesmerizing. He hadn’t kissed you back, but that was alright he’d learn soon that you could make him feel extraordinarily good. His mumbled discomfort went unheard before you broke away from the kiss and tucking your hands beneath his shirt.
Your digits scanned down his muscular tone, making you hum in satisfaction.
“I don’t want money, I don’t want straight a’s, just you.” Your hands made their way to his belt bucket, fumbling with the metallic clasp gingerly, wanting to take your time.
He tugged repeatedly at the fabric just praying that it would fucking break, but his efforts to escape went nowhere. 
Up popped his member, slapping against the happy little trail of his abdomen.
Your eyes widened with fascination.
His cock glistened in the sunlight, precum already dripping from his round tip. Your eyes beamed excitedly, the pressure in between your thighs increasing and building with heat.
Standing up, you slid down pj bottoms he so kindly offered, pulling your panties down along with the waistline.
Mike screwed his eyes shut, cursing once more under his breath, reluctant to give in to this delusional fairy tale, to look at the youthful figure of your body. 
You bounced down on top of his lap giddily, breasts jumping with anticipation, hands roaming once more beneath his chest as you kissed him repeatedly and sloppily, aligning your dripping, aching hole with the tip of his leaking cock.
He had never felt so demoralized, so weak in a situation he had no control over.
All he could feel was your throbbing pussy resting on top of his strained cock.
Fuck did consent for men mean anything these days? He was just a man trying to make a living for himself and he surely did not want you.
He felt disgusted with himself when he felt your cunt slowly slide down his shaft, warming the thickness of his eager member. Fuck if he could cut the thing off right now he would.
“Y/N, stop. Please…This is enough.” His choked sobs was like music to your ears, hearing your name escape his lips with such a beautiful, scared tone. Your body responded for you, releasing a pleasurable, palpable moan once he was bottomed inside of your tight pussy. You had never felt so full, never seen a cock so big, so desirable that it caused you to nearly drool at the mouth. 
“Fuck professor, I didn’t know you were so big.” Relishing in the sight of his shiny length, you leaned down, grasping the base of his cock in your hand before indulging him between your plump lips.
“Oh fuck me. Stop!” He screeched in a disgusted tone. Your mouth was quite warm while your tongue danced around his tip poetically, that didn’t change his consent though. He didn’t want this, regardless of what his fucking testosterone may say.
Hallowing your lips, you aimed to please him. Your hand moving in unison massaging the base of his cock while the other fondled his balls, making him flinch forward, from the unexpected gesture.
Only thing in the way of stopping you the fucking bindings.
You hummed around his cock, glancing up to now see his baby blue hues on you, just like you wanted.
Weren’t you getting it? He wasn’t enjoying this, he didn’t want to see his body being violated. There was a strain of saliva pouring down your chin when your head nodded off of him, deciding he was wet enough for the fun part.
“Y/N- No- Listen to me you are better than this! It doesn’t have to go this far okay? Just-“ You pressed your finger seductively to his lips to silence his pretty little complaints before positioning yourself over his reddened, strained cock. 
His own body was betraying him, he hadn’t wanted this, he really didn’t but his dick had a mind of it’s own.
Before he could say another word, you made your sweet, desirable descent down the length of his penis, moaning once the void was filled and you were stuffed full of his thick cock.
“My, my Mr. Kiernan, quite the show-er and grower aren’t we.” Your hips swayed slowly at first, making him cringe at the feeling of your unwanted body taking advantage of him.
Your hands caressed the top of his thighs while you leaned back, slowly picking up the pace, riding him gratifyingly. Every motion was so surreal, tantalizingly pleasurable, everything you ever dreamed of really.
You had never been so stretched open before by a man you craved.
“Doesn’t this feel good Mr. Kiernan?” He shook his head violently no, expressing again he did not want this, he didn’t enjoy any aspect of this.
Through gritted teeth he politely asked you to stop, to get off of him, but you didn’t.
Now bouncing up and down on his cock, hands ruffled in his soft brown hair while you used him, pounding down relentlessly, needing more and more. 
The heat rose in your cunt, unable to take your eyes off of his handsome, deeply attractive fast as you fucked him aggressively now.
Snapping and rolling your hips until you found that one, perfect position to satisfy all your needs. He was fighting it still you could tell but his eyebrows furrowed, clearly the position felt good for him as well.
His breaths became heavy, feeling the animalistic nature creep in and trying to put a stop from his hips slowly starting to match your rhythm.
“See, I told you so…” Nothing a but disgruntled whimper escaped his lips, a choked sob while his head was turning into the cushion of the sofa, not wanting to see the disgraceful action.
Fuck he was uncomfortable, wrestling relentlessly with those fucking curtains trying everything to twist away, to throw you off of him but he couldn’t.
He rutted into your soaked canal, searching for a release as he striked that distinct sweet spot inside of you. 
“Oh fuck, Mike…” Your ass ricocheted off of his thighs with each thunderous thrust. 
Then he stopped, trying to gain back control over his body, but surely you could finish the job yourself.
“Aw what’s wrong professor, is my pussy gonna make you cum hm?” Rocking and rolling your hips, his thighs twitched below your ass cheeks, toes curling from the unavoidable orgasm.
His teeth dug into the plumpness of his bottom lip, eyes screwed shut once more as he attempted to pull himself away not wanting to cum but it was too late.
A tear escaped his waterline, cheeks flushed and heated from embarrassment and shame. What the fuck had he done.
He cursed underneath his breath when he felt your flood gates open, still milking him for all he had to give even as your back arched, your pussy releasing the effects of your orgasm. You inner, stimulated walls squeezed his length while your sweet nectar spilled out, hips grinding and smearing your actions together like a disastrous painting, wanting to ensure your smell was left, your mark was left.
“Fuck, fuck Mikeee…” Opening his eyes and seeing the evidence, reminding him he lost to a fucking student, used by a student.
He felt violated, useless, hopeless like he no longer held control over his own life.
He flinched away from your touch when he felt your temple land and rest on his shoulder, still trying to catch a breath and slow down his racing thoughts and heart.
“See that wasn’t so bad was it?” He tried to hold back the tears, but nearly choked on his own breath, fully sobbing while glancing down at the mess of your seeds, sticky and swirled in his pubes.
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As the days passed, he found it increasingly difficult to teach with you in the room, constantly stuttering from the flashbacks of the assault, scared to even look at you, knowing that you had more power over him in this fucked up situation.
He was scared to lose his job, and he was alone. 
He’d look in the mirror and feel disgusted with his own body, crying that he had no control over a young fucking girl.
He’d walk through the hallways curling in on himself feeling like everyone he passed by in haze would look at him and just somehow knew what happened, like they were all laughing at him. 
No one cared, no one fucking cared about his pain and he had to hold it all in.
Every passion, every dream, every desire died within him, you took everything and didn’t give a damn.
He could still feel you under his skin, over his shoulder. Still could taste the bitter intrusion of your tongue.
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Every time he passed your car parked on the side of the road at school he’d seethe in his seat feeling like he was to blame for the assault.
Why didn’t he fight harder? Why did his body react the way it did, maybe he liked it..
No, no, that wasn’t it, it couldn’t be. Had he done something to make you think he was interested? Should he have not tutored you after school with chapters you were struggling with?
What could he have done differently, or better guide you into the right direction of choices?
His skin crawled at the memories, still trying to figure out the reason as to why.
Who would believe that a young girl could rape an older man? There was no such thing and surely other men would joke about it, that’s what he felt like a joke.
Because of you, he didn’t know who he was or what his purpose in life was anymore.
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victimsofyaoipoll · 1 year
Round 1
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Propaganda Under Cut
Mel Medarda
she is the richest woman in piltover who left her family because she didn't agree with the way they did things (conquering and murdering). she sponsors jayce and viktor, and courts jayce, which makes people upset because, you know, jayvik. she and viktor are CANONICALLY parallels with much of their imagery mirroring the other's and they are literally the same height. and people are so weird and misogynist and racist about her. they argue she is manipulating jayce and doesn't actually love him. i am cognitively disabled and cannot explain things well, but, she is so fucking shouldered
Black woman who has a romantic arc with one of the main characters Jayce. Jayce has a best friend called Viktor and their relationship is pretty important plot wise, shown as a direct contrast to his relationship with Mel even though only one is canonically sexual/romantic. So naturally fandom as the transformative safe haven it is villainized Mel horribly coming up with theories about how instead of being a complex morally grey character she's actually evil and just wants to seduce Jayce for Evil Reasons. Since they couldn't use her as a supportive female friend with no personality, others just ignored her existence entirely or acted like Jayce would ditch her for Viktor. Majority of m/m shippers will reduce her down to her relationship with Jayce and an obstacle in the way of JayVik, ironically writing her as a far worse and less complex version of the character we get on screen. The misogyny reeks and combined with the racism? It's a pretty bad case. Only slightly mitigated due to the fact that the main characters of the show are women (and the lead is a lesbian) so thankfully the male focus of fandom is lessened as opposed to filling almost every inch. Still awful to try and search for good Mel content, godspeed girlies with taste.
She's one of the most interesting characters on the show, a rich politician, smart and beautiful and has a really complicated and intriguing relationship with the city's golden boy inventor. unfortunately golden boy has a sickly twink science partner so she gets sidetracked SO BAD
She's honestly a way deeper character than people give her credit for, her arc is that of acceptance and being true to your heart despite what society thinks of you. Oh yeah and for the record she doesn't stand in the way of Lougosi because of her crush on Legoshi because I honestly think that she was more in love with the idea of being in a same species relationship than she was with Legoshi himself. I'm talking about the part where she falls for Louis and struggles with the knowledge that if she actually pursues him she's gonna be seen as a freak and never reach the social status she strives for. There's a lot to discuss with her character arc but NOOOO let's all just laugh at how she gets no bitches because Beastars fans see Juno as a joke. (I'm not mad I'm not mad it's fine it's fine)
shes cool but she doesnt have good chemistry with her canon love interest and therefore the fandom chalks her up to having no personality whatsoever. they see her as either an obstacle or a sex object basically
Done dirty by the writers and fandom alike
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beestriker015 · 9 months
Mikan x loving and protective male s/o
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(Non-killing game AU)
This poor girl has been abused and mistreated basically her whole life, so she was in for a big surprise when she went to Hope’s Peak and met someone who actually treated her with kindness.
“Hello! My name is s/o. Are you new here too?”
“Y-yes I am. M-my name is M-Mikan Tsumiki. I-it’s n-nice to m-meet you.”
The young man is slightly taken aback by her stuttering and timid response, but smiles at her warmly nonetheless.
“Nice to meet you too Mikan. I hope we can become friends.”
“F-friends? With me?”
Mikan mutters to herself and begins shaking a little, much to s/o’s concern.
“H-hey! Are you ok Mikan?!”
“P-please, if you’re going to h-hurt me, just d-do it quickly.”
The girl says in a quiet voice while looking like she’s ready to burst into tears any second now.
“Hurt you? Why would I do that? Calm down Mikan, I have absolutely no intention of hurting you.”
S/o tells her in a voice that makes Mikan relax a little.
“Y-you’re not?”
“No. Why would you think I would?”
She doesn’t answer and just hugs s/o for comfort.
“What has this girl been through to act like this?”
He thinks to himself before comforting the fragile girl, thus kicking off their friendship.
As time passed, s/o and Mikan grew closer and closer, leading to the development of feelings between the two.
Early on in their friendship, Mikan confided in s/o everything she’s been through, much to his shock and horror.
“Oh my God, I am so sorry you had to go through that Mikan!
He wraps his arms around her in a warm embrace, causing her to flinch a bit before relaxing into it.
“I-it’s alright s/o, I deserved to be treated that way.”
S/o breaks their embrace and gives Mikan a slightly stern look, while also being careful not to accidentally scare her.
“No you didn’t. Mikan, no one deserves to be treated the way you were, and as long as I’m around, you will never be treated like that again. I promise.”
“T-thank you s/o.”
Being a man of his word, s/o stayed true to his promise and protected his friend from her bullies (especially Hiyoko).
“Ew! Why is the pig here?!”
Hiyoko exclaims and points at Mikan, who tries stuttering out a response but can’t.
Luckily for her, s/o swoops in and proceeds to defend her.
“I asked her to come here with me. Do you have a problem with that Hiyoko? If not, keep your fat mouth shut and mind your own business.”
Hiyoko quickly runs away wailing as s/o gives Mikan a smile that she absolutely loves.
“God I hate that girl so much. Mahiru should really keep her on a tighter leash.”
“T-thank you for defending me s/o.”
“Of course! I promised you I wouldn’t let people treat you like that anymore didn’t I? I love you Mikan.”
S/o’s eyes widen as he realizes he unintentionally confessed his feelings as Milan’s face turns deep red with a blush.
“Y-you l-love me s/o?”
“Honestly? Yes, I do. Sometime after we became friends, I developed feelings for you that never went away. If you don’t feel the same, we can still be friends like we are now.”
“I d-don’t want to just be friends with you anymore s/o, because I love you too.”
She tells him with a shy smile before giving him a small kiss on the lips, making both of them blush.
As a couple, not much really changed from when they were only friends, except a little more cuddling and saying I love you to each other.
When it comes to giving and receiving attention, Mikan is still a bit reluctant due to her past, which s/o completely understands and respects.
It goes without saying that Mikan is incredibly touch starved despite being so sensitive to physical touch, but when it comes to her boyfriend, she practically turns into a puddle whenever he gives her a hug or some kisses.
(Mikan’s favorite way her boyfriend gives her affection is headpats. She. Loves. Headpats.)
S/o continues to protect and stand up for Mikan, maybe even more now that she is his girlfriend.
Being with s/o has had an immensely positive impact on Mikan as she’s become more assertive and doesn’t stutter like she used to.
“I won’t let you treat me this way anymore Hiyoko, I am tired of you calling me a pig.”
Her newfound self respect catches Hiyoko off guard.
“Y-you didn’t stutter. When did you suddenly grow a spine?! Tired of having your stupid boyfriend stand up for you?”
One thing Mikan absolutely doesn’t tolerate is hearing anyone talk badly of her boyfriend.
“S/o is not stupid! The only stupid one here is you!”
Caught off guard by Mikan yelling at her, Hiyoko runs off with crocodile tears in her eyes.
(If you can’t tell by now, I really do not like Hiyoko.)
Due to her not being overly shy and timid anymore, hardly anyone bullies or mistreats Mikan now, though s/o will still step in to protect her if someone does.
Whenever s/o is sick or needs first aid, his girlfriend the Ultimate Nurse is always ready to take care of him.
“I appreciate you taking care of me babe, I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
His words always make her heart flutter.
“I can say the same thing about you s/o. Now get some rest and I’ll check in on you later. Sweet dreams my beloved.”
Whenever s/o goes to sleep, it isn’t uncommon for him to wake up to find that his girlfriend had snuck into his room and snuggled up next to him in bed.
“This is too adorable. I don’t understand how anyone could be so cruel and horrible to the most precious girl in the whole wide world.”
S/o says to himself quietly as he gazes lovingly at the sleeping form of his girlfriend, who is laying next to him with a content smile on her face.
“It’s a bit early, so I might as well go back to sleep. I love you Mikan, sweet dreams babe.”
He whispers before kissing her gently on the forehead before lying back down beside her.
“Hahhhhhh…I love you too s/o.”
Mikan says in her sleep and unconsciously begins spooning her boyfriend, much to her embarrassment when she wakes up.
Overall, despite the horrible way she’s been treated in the past, Mikan thinks of herself as the happiest and luckiest girl in the world to be in a relationship with her loving and protective boyfriend.
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Instant Karma (m, cold)
Time to make Greyson miserable! I've gotten a bunch of prompts about Greyson being sick, so I took some ideas from a few of them and put this together. I had no idea where it was going the entire time, and honestly it's not very plotty, but I actually like it pretty well. I hope you all do, too.
CW: male snz, illness, coughing, contagion, fever (and a fever rash), light mess.
Enjoy :)
“You know those don’t work, right?”
Greyson lifted his head from the blister pack in his hands slowly and gave his boss a watery glare. “What in the ever livigg fuck are you talkigg about?” he asked, sucking fruitlessly through his nose. Elijah shrugged, unlocked his phone, and slid it over to Greyson with an article open on the screen.
“Just came out a couple weeks ago. The decongestant is basically just a placebo,” he said, pointing to the screen. The chef didn’t even look down at the article, just closed his eyes and used two fingers to rub his aching forehead.
“Genuinely,” he said, slowly, methodically, “I have ndo idea why you thingk now would be the right timbe to tell me that.”
Elijah scrunched his eyebrows together, confused, and pointed to the open phone screen again. “I mean… because you’re about to take a dayquil? And if they don’t work then, you know, what’s the point?”
“The point,” Greyson said, slapping the unopened blister pack onto the desk between the two of them, “is that I thought it would mbake me feel better.”
“But… it won’t.”
“Yeah, not ndow, you fuckin’ genius. Do you kndow what ‘placebo’ means? HGGSTHH-ue!” Greyson ducked into his elbow and groaned. Elijah, obviously realizing what he’d done, slowly slid his phone back to his side of the desk.
“Oops,” he said, pushing the box of tissues on his side towards Greyson. “Sorry about that.”
“You should be,” Greyson muttered, yanking a handful out and cleaning himself up. “Asshole.”
“I mean, just take it anyway,” Elijah said, an attempt at a backpedal that was clearly not going to work. “It’s just an article, they probably don’t know what they’re talking about.”
“What site was it published on,” Greyson said, not a question but a preemptive statement he clearly knew the answer to.
Elijah clicked his phone open again and waited a beat to answer. “...science.net,” he said, finally.
“Yeah,” Greyson said, coughing into a fist and standing to put on his chef’s coat. “I’mb sure they have ndo idea what they’re talking about.”
Elijah let Greyson out of the office wordlessly and watched as the chef made his way slowly to the prep table. “Do you want some Nyquil instead?”
“Fuck off, Elijah,” Greyson called back. Elijah laughed, and stood from his chair to join the chef at the prep table.
“I really am sorry, dude,” he said, leaning on his elbows and watching Greyson get his knives set up. “You can have Matt come in so you can go home if you want.”
“Matt has the day off,” Greyson said, looking up from his knives. He knew he looked like shit– his nose was raw and red from how stuffed up he’d been, and there was definitely a flush of color on his cheeks – and he hoped that would make Elijah back off. “I’mb ndot calling him in, that’d be fucked up.”
Elijah pressed his lips together to keep from smiling. “You just don’t want to admit to him that he got you sick, do you?”
Greyson looked up from the knife he was sharpening and glared at his boss. “Ndo, that’s not it,” he said, quickly setting down the knife and the steel to turn into the sleeve of his coat. “HRRRTSHH-ue!” Greyson cleared his throat and sucked in through his nose before righting himself. “Shut up.”
“I mean, I’m sure not calling him in has nothing to do with the fact that you made fun of him for three straight days for getting a cold from Mark. I’m sure it has absolutely nothing to do with that.”
Greyson flushed – this time from embarrassment. Maybe it was slightly true that he’d been unfair to his sous chef this week. Mark had gone home early on Sunday night with a fever and a hacking cough and, like clockwork, Matt had come in Monday morning stuffed up and shivering. Greyson had found the whole thing incredibly funny.
“Wow, you guys certainly made quick work of that cold,” Greyson said when Matt turned away from his prep for the tenth time that morning to cover the bottom half of his face with the collar of his tshirt.
“HTSHH-uh! Hh-! Hh’ITZCH-uhh!” Matt, defenseless, had just flipped his boss off as he sneezed.
“Bless,” Greyson had said, chuckling. “Man, you’ve been living together for like twenty minutes and already you’re sharing everything.”
“Fugck off, Chef,” Matt said, his voice low and gravelly. “I could’ve picked this up anywhere.”
“Mmhmm,” Greyson had mumbled. “You could’ve. But it’s definitely easier to pick it up off of your boyfriend’s lips, right?”
The jokes and quips continued that whole day and into the next, when Mark returned from his day off only slightly better off than he’d been Sunday. The two junior managers were huddled over twin cups of tea in the dining room, talking covers for the evening, when Greyson strutted out of the kitchen and spotted them.
“Awww,” he said, putting a hand over his heart mockingly, “it’s my sick little lovebirds! How we doin’, kids?”
Mark huffed out a little laugh, but Matt wasn’t taking the bait. “We’re busy, Chef,” Matt said, attempting to clear the rasp from his voice. “I’ll combe see you after I’m done here.”
“I can see that you’re busy,” Greyson said, unwilling to give up the bit. “Almost as busy as you were the other night, getting each other -”
Later, Matt would claim that it was an accident; that he was turning towards Greyson to tell him, once again, to fuck off, but his body had other ideas. Greyson wasn’t so sure about it being an accident; though, looking back, he had to admit that the way he was treating his sous was deserving of the sneeze he got to the face.
“Oh, motherfucker!” Greyson said, wiping his face on the inside of his chef’s coat. Both Matt and Mark were in absolute hysterics.
“What goes around comes around, Chef,” Mark said, the closest he’d ever get to telling the chef he was being a prick. Matt wasn’t quite so subtle.
“Sorry, Chef. Instant karma,” he giggled.
“Jokes on you,” Greyson said, wiping his eyes and shooting a glare at his sous. “I never get sick.” Once again, Mark and Matt burst out laughing. “What?” Greyson asked.
“Chef, ndo offense, but you get sick all the time,” Matt said, taking a sip of his tea. “Do you not remember, like, six mbonths ago when Elijah basically had to have an intervention with you about going out all the time because you were getting sick so often?”
“You were going out with me, you ass,” Greyson said, annoyed. Matt shrugged.
“Yeah, but I don’t get sick like you do.”
“The hell does that mean?”
Matt shot a look at Mark, who shrugged and took over the conversation. “Chef…” he said, gently, “you just… when you get sick, it’s like a whole big thing. Like, you always end up laid out and miserable.” He shrugged. “Probably just has to do with, you know… getting older.” Mark could tell the moment the words escaped his mouth, he’d made a mistake.
Greyson’s mouth dropped, aghast. “Getting older?” he asked, incredulous. “Are you calling me old? I’m thirty-one!”
Mark held up his hands in protest. “I’m not calling you old,” he said, an attempt at a backpedal. “I’m just saying… illnesses hit you really hard. That’s it.”
The three of them stood there, Greyson glaring and the two younger men sniffling and attempting not to make eye contact, until Greyson decided that he had nothing left to add and stormed off. The rest of that day and Tuesday had passed in relative silence – Greyson too proud to apologize, and Matt too sick to be bothered with Greyson’s theatrics.
By the time Tuesday evening’s service was over, Greyson finally addressed his sous. “Hey,” he said, approaching the line, where Matt was closing up one of the stations. The sous looked up, sniffled, and nodded.
“Hey,” he said, voice low and congested.
“You, uh…” Greyson said, “you almost done?”
“Yeah,” Matt said, before his eyes glazed over. “Holdonasec – HGTSHH-ue! Hh-! Hh’TSHH-ue!” He sniffled into his elbow, cleared his throat and righted himself. “Sorry, ‘scuse me.”
“Bless,” Greyson said. “You’re off tomorrow, yeah?”
“Yeah,” Matt said, throwing the towel he was using to wipe down his station over his shoulder. “Unless you ndeed mbe to come in.”
Greyson shook his head, rubbed the back of his neck. “Nah, no, stay home. Get better, okay? If you’re done there you should get out of here. Get some rest.”
Matt let a little smile curl the edge of his mouth. “Sure thing, boss,” he said, tossing the towel into a receptacle filled with other dirty towels. “And, uh, boss?”
“Mmm?” Greyson asked, turning back towards his sous.
“Sorry if I get you sick,” he said, coughing lightly. Greyson sang out one little laugh.
“You know me,” he said, thumping his chest. “Made of steel. Night, Matt.”
But, of course, Greyson had already been feeling the cold Matt had so lovingly bestowed upon him sneaking into his sinuses that Tuesday evening – not even 12 hours after Matt had sneezed in his face. He’d kept it at bay with preemptive ibuprofen, ample cups of tea hidden strategically in his office, and sheer force of will; no need to prove Matt and Mark correct just a few hours after they’d accused him of being sickly.
Now, though, when it was just Elijah to pester him, Greyson wasn’t interested in hiding his burgeoning illness – though he wasn’t exactly interested in being made fun of, either. Maybe he’d made a mistake coming in this morning and immediately admitting to not feeling well; clearly, Elijah was in cahoots with Matt and Mark.
“All I’m saying,” Elijah said, snapping Greyson back to the here and now, “is maybe you should’ve been nicer to Matt the last few days, and you could call him in without feeling like a dick. What goes around comes around, and all that.”
Greyson put his knife down to regard his boss. “I apologized to Mbatt,” he said. “And since when are you ndot on mby side? He sneezed in mby face, I would think that that would get mbe at least a little sympathy.”
“Okay, first of all,” Elijah said, “you didn’t apologize to Matt. You realize how small this kitchen is, right? I could hear you talking to him last night. Pretty sure all you said was ‘stay home, get some rest’, and something about you being invulnerable. No apologies to be found.”
“What are you, his mom? Why am I getting the third degree from you?”
“I’m not his mom, but let’s face it, Grey: you’ve been treating him like a second-class citizen since him and Mark moved in together and made it official.” Elijah shrugged. “Tell me I’m wrong.”
Much as he wished he could, Greyson couldn’t deny it. In his defense, though, Matt was his going out friend, his party friend. He’d helped him through his breakup last year by being there, and now he just… wasn’t. It was hard to get used to, and Greyson was about as bad with change as they come.
“Hhh...hhIGTSZHH-uhh! HGTSZH-ue! Fuck – HTSHHZUE!” Instead of answering, Greyson sneezed, hard, into his elbow. He grimaced, wiped his nose, and stood back up, swaying a bit.
“Bless,” Elijah said, arms crossed and clearly waiting. “Well…?”
“Is there a chance we could have this conversation whend I’m, y’know, not sndeezing every five seconds?” Greyson asked, coughing into the back of his hand. “Especially,” he said, getting it together, “since you took away the only lifesaver I had on this shitty-ass day.”
Elijah raised an eyebrow, confused. “The hell are you -”
“The dayquil, Lij,” Greyson shouted, throwing his hands up. Elijah, remembering, burst out laughing.
“Oh, yeah,” he said, “sorry again about that.”
“You’re ndot forgiven, but thanks,” Greyson said, picking his knife back up. “Ndow, can you please leave mbe alone? I promise I’ll think about what I’ve done while we have some alone tiiii...hhhIGTSZZHH-ue!”
“Bless. Again. You sound really shitty, by the way. You sound like you have the fuckin’ flu.”
“It’s just a stupid cold, Lij, relax.”
Elijah rolled his eyes, taking the few steps into the office to grab a box of tissues for the chef. “Sure. And yes, I’ll give you your alone time, but just know that I expect you to apologize to Matt for real at some point this week.” He placed the tissues next to Greyson and gave him a pointed look. “I mean it.”
“Yes, mbom,” Greyson said, rolling his eyes and pulling a few tissues out to blow his nose. “Thanks for the empathy.”
“Sometimes you need tough love more than empathy, sweetie,” Elijah said, walking back into the office and laughing when, instead of telling him off, Greyson collapsed into yet another fit of sneezing. “Serves you right!”
When Greyson had walked in that morning, Elijah had really thought nothing of him being sick; in fact, it had been a little bit funny. Mark had told him about the conversation he, Matt and Greyson had, about Matt sneezing in Greyson’s face, about Greyson claiming that he never got sick – it was all very classic Greyson and Matt.
And Greyson had seemed fine at first, despite the dayquil situation and the general malaise. Yes, he was whining and congested; yes, he was coughing and popping ibuprofen like candy, but all that was very par for the course in the grand scheme of Greyson being ill. He had still spent most of the morning riffing with Elijah, and the entire afternoon prepping, calling in produce, meat and fish orders, and helping the cooks get ready for service. He’d seemed, while not 100%, pretty much himself. But now, an hour into service, something seemed especially… off.
“Chef!” Elijah called, pushing through the kitchen doors with a plate in his hand. “We have another send back, the fuck is going on back here tonight?”
Greyson turned around sluggishly, and took a moment to process what Elijah said. “Uh,” he said, reaching for the plate. “Ndot sure. We’ll get it remade. Table?”
“Thirty-two,” Elijah said, crossing his arms. Greyson nodded and relayed the information to his grill cook, one hand rubbing the back of his neck and the other dropping the plate into the bus tub below him.
“Be out soon,” Greyson muttered in Elijah’s direction before pulling another ticket off the printer and hanging it on the expo board. “Order in, two fish two specials,” he called to his line, who repeated his the order back while Greyson ducked into his elbow. “Hhuh! Hh-ESTZZHH-ue!”
“Bless, Chef,” called the cooks.
“Yeah, yeah,” Greyson muttered, pulling himself to his full height again. Elijah’s face contorted with concern, and he stepped closer to place a hand on the back of Greyson’s neck. Greyson jumped.
“Christ, scare a guy half to death, why don’t you?” he said, pulling away. “Hell’s your problem?”
“You’re burning up, Grey,” Elijah said, allowing the concern he suddenly felt to coat his voice. “And there’s, like, something on your neck…” Elijah reached up to try and pull back the chef’s collar, but Greyson pulled away quicker.
“It’s hot on the line,” Greyson said, wiping the flop sweat from his forehead. “And if you’re goigg to undress mbe, please buy me dinner first. Hh-HRSSTHHH-ue!”
Lucky for Elijah, Greyson had folded in half with the force of that one. While he was doubled over, Elijah yanked his collar up and looked down the back of his shirt – oh.
“Greyson Thomas Abbott,” Elijah said when Greyson finally righted himself again. “Are you seriously so sick you have a fucking rash on your back?”
Greyson’s face bloomed with embarrassed color. “Ndo,” he said, coughing away from his boss. “You’re probably seeing thiiiiETSCHH-ue! HRTSZH-ue!”
“Bless, Chef,” came the chorus again.
“You’ve got them trained well,” Elijah said as the grill cook put up the remade plate of food. Greyson wiped his nose hard on the back of his hand, yanked the plate out of the window and handed it to Elijah.
“They trained thembselves. Like circus rats,” he said. “Take your food and stop touching mbe.”
“Snippy,” Elijah said, taking the plate. “Have you taken any ibuprofen lately?”
“Only every 45 mbinutes, but thanks for asking,” Greyson said, pulling another ticket. “Order in two tofu,” he called, his voice straining. He reached back and lightly scratched his back over his coat, wincing. Elijah just shook his head.
“We only have a few tables left to come in. I’ll close the books at eight,” he said. “You really are a piece of work, Chef,” he concluded, and pushed out the door to the dining room. Only Greyson, he thought to himself as he dropped the new plate at table thirty-two. Fucking Greyson.
At nine-oh-three, the final ticket was stabbed, and by nine-oh-five, Greyson was in the office tearing off his chef’s coat.
Despite what he told Elijah, Greyson had known he had some kind of fucking fever rash from the moment service started; it wasn’t information he paraded about, but he had always been kind of prone to them, especially if he had a fever that refused to budge, even with meds. Greyson pawed at his back, pulled his t-shirt up a bit, and examined himself in the mirror they had hanging on the back of the office door – fuck, that looked bad. He was about to try and look closer, when Elijah flew through the door, hitting Greyson on his way in.
“Fuck!” Greyson said, jumping back.
“Jesus Christ!” Elijah said at the same time. “Why the fuck were you standing right in front of the fucking door?!”
“Why are you flying through the fucking door?!” Greyson rebutted. Elijah was about to yell something back, when he seemed to realize that Greyson was pulling at his shirt.
“Were you taking your shirt off?” he asked, moving towards the chef, trying to get behind him. Greyson backed up until his back hit the wall at the other end of their tiny office.
“Ndo,” he said, sucking in through his nose. “I was just taking off my coat.”
“Uh huh,” Elijah mused. He took a step closer, and closer, until he was close enough to slap a hand on Greyson’s forehead. “Still have that fever, huh?”
Greyson pushed Elijah’s hand off of him. “Fuck off, Lij,” he said, looking away since he had nowhere to run. Elijah crossed his arms and raised his eyebrows.
“You have some sort of, like, fever rash, don’t you?” he asked. Greyson rolled his eyes, grimaced at the pain behind them, and slid into one of the office chairs.
“It’s ndothing,” he said, coughing into his hand. “Sometimes I get them when I have the -” he cut himself off at that, coloring once again. Elijah looked at him knowingly.
“When you have… the flu?” he finished for the chef. Greyson just gave him a look.
“Whatever,” he said, trying to suppress a shiver. Elijah sighed.
“Alright,” he said, “tough love over. Grey, you’re sick as hell – why didn’t you say that it was this bad? This morning I thought you just had Matt’s cold.”
Greyson shrugged weakly. “I do. I’mb just old.”
Elijah laughed. “Not as old as me,” he said. “I imagine I’d be half-dead right now if I were in your shoes.”
Greyson huffed out a little laugh. “I really owe Mbatt an apology,” he said, rubbing his face. Elijah made a noise of agreement in the back of his throat.
“Glad you finally see it,” he said, throwing Greyson his hoodie. “You can call him in the car.”
The chef looked up slowly, coughed into his hand again, and gave Elijah a look. “The car…?”
“On the way to urgent care,” Elijah said. “Your guys can shut down the line. I’ll have Renee fill out the paperwork and I’ll come back later.”
Greyson sighed, clearly too unwell to protest. “Being old fuckigg blows,” he said, pulling the hoodie over his head. Elijah snorted.
“Preaching to the choir. Go get in the car, grandpa.”
“Oh, fugck you Liii... hh...HGSTHHZUE!” Greyson doubled over into the sleeve of the hoodie and groaned.
“Bless you,” Elijah said, pointedly. “Don’t forget to call your son and prove him right, mmkay?” The GM patted the chef on the back and Greyson smacked his arm in return.
“I ought to sndeeze right in your face,” Greyson said, pushing himself to a standing position. “But I’mb a civilized adu – HRTSHH-uh-! Oh shit -”
Elijah stood, eyes closed, while Greyson put a hand over his mouth just a second too late. “Are you. Fucking. Kidding me,” he said, wiping his face with his sleeve. Greyson couldn’t help but laugh from behind his hand.
“I mbean, you have been pretty mean to me today,” he said, holding up a hand to protect himself from an inevitable smack.
Elijah didn’t even say anything, just pointed to the door. Greyson kept laughing so hard he was thrown into a coughing fit as he walked out the door. He didn’t say it, but he certainly thought of Matt’s quip from the other day, when he rightfully sneezed in his boss’s face. Instant karma.
Greyson made his way to Elijah’s car and dialed his sous while his boss collected himself inside the restaurant. “Mbatt?” he said when the younger man picked up. “Hey. It’s mbe.”
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mattalit · 2 years
Will Byers x Male Reader
A/N: i can’t stand wattpad anymore so i’m moving the stories i actually like here lol
Length: 1.1 k
Originally Published: July 30, 2019
CW: mild homophobia
The phone rings and grabs the attention of Mike Wheeler and Lucas Sinclair away from the Dungeon and Dragons game Will had waited so, so long to play.
"No!" Will jumps up and smashes the end of his staff on the ground. "A distraction! Do not answer it."
Mike and Lucas look at each other, then both jump up and head straight for the phone. Mike reaches it first.
Will is visibly disappointed; his face and shoulders droop and he lets out an exasperated sigh. (M/N) gets up from his seat and stretches before putting his arm around Will.
"We can play later, man. They're no fun when they're preoccupied," (M/N) states. Will says nothing.
"No-- sorry, not interested," Mike says into the phone before hanging up and turning around. He lets out a breath of air and rolls his eyes. "Telemarketers."
"Maybe you should just call them," Lucas suggested.
"You can do that?"
"I think so."
"Yeah, but-- what would we say?"
"We'll say nothing!" Will interjects, smashing the end of his staff into the floor again. "The Kuzar Tribe still needs your help!" He motions to the table where the now abandoned D&D games sits.
"Yeah, come on, fellas, we haven't played in weeks," (M/N) adds, slowly moving his arm from Will's shoulders and absent-mindedly scratching light circles into his back. Will glances at him, but his attention is back to Mike when he begins speaking.
"Alright then," Mike responds, and off-handedly motions towards the table, "I'll use my torch to set fire to the chambers, sacrificing ourselves, killing the JuJus, and saving Kuzar. We all live on as heroes in the memory of the Kalamar."
"Victory," Lucas says, uninterested. He puts his hand up and Mike high-fives him.
"Okay," Will pulls out of (M/N)'s grasp and turns around, "Fine." He roughly shoves his staff into a chair and rips his hat off. "You guys win." He turns off the dramatic music. "Congratulations."
"Will... we were just messing around."
Will takes off his purple wizard cloak and sets it down. (M/N) looks over at him, but doesn't say anything.
"Let's finish for real," Mike continues. "How much longer is the game?"
"Just forget it, Mike!" Will continues packing up his stuff.
"Will..." (M/N) calls out silently. Will does not respond.
Mike tries for peace, again-- "We want to keep playing, right?" He motions towards Lucas.
"Uh, yeah, totally," Lucas stammers out.
"We can call the girls afterwards."
"I said FORGET IT, Mike, okay?" Will yells, turning towards him. Mike looks back at him, but doesn't respond. "I'm going home." Will heads towards the stairs.
"Come on, Will!" Will shoves past Lucas and exits up the stairs.
It's quiet for a moment, then (M/N) sighs and follows after him. "Good job, guys," he murmurs as he passes Lucas and Mike.
Lucas sighs in exasperation and sits down. Mike follows Will and (M/N).
The rain pours heavily onto the ground as Will, (M/N), and Mike exit the front door.
"Will, come on," Mike pleads. "You can't leave, it's raining."
Will doesn't respond.
"Listen, I said I was sorry, alright? It's a cool campaign--"
"Really cool!" (M/N) adds.
"--we're just not in the mood right now."
Will turns around. "Yeah, Mike, that's the problem. You guys are never in the mood anymore. You're ruining our party."
"That's not true!"
"Really? Where's Dustin right now?" Mike looks away guiltily and doesn't respond. "See? You don't know, and you don't even care, and obviously he doesn't either, and I don't blame him. You're destroying everything! And for what? So you can swap spit with some stupid girl?"
"El is not stupid! It's not my fault you don't like girls!" Mike retorts.
The change in atmosphere was instantaneous. The cold realization of just what Mike had said seeped into each teen. It was silent.
Will stared at Mike, his facial expression unreadable. Mike stared back.
"Look... I'm not trying to be a jerk, okay?" Mike's voice had softened. "But we're not kids anymore. I mean-- what did you think? That we were never going to get girlfriends? That we were just going to sit in my basement and play games for the rest of our lives?"
"Yeah," Will sniffs, "Maybe I did. I really did."
Will hops onto his bike and takes off down the road. (M/N) scrambles towards his bike.
"Nice going, Wheeler. Mentioning the thing he's sensitive about." (M/N) takes off after Will.
"Will? (M/N)? Guys, come on!" Mike calls after them.
By the time (M/N) had caught up with Will, both Will and him were soaked.
"Will?" (M/N) called out, approaching Will's fort in the woods.
"What do you want?" a small voice called out from the fort.
(M/N) didn't respond, instead choosing to enter the fort. He pushed his wet hair out of his eyes and sat down next to Will. All was quiet, except for the pouring rain.
"Do you want to talk about it?" (M/N) asked quietly, looking over to his friend. Will shook his head no. (M/N) scooted closer, and whispered. "Do you want a hug?" Will hesitated, but nodded.
(M/N), despite being soaked, wrapped an arm around the smaller boy's frame and pulled him close. Will responded by leaning his head onto his shoulder.
Will looked down at the photos in his hand, but threw them into a corner of the fort, soon forgotten.
"You know Mike and Lucas didn't mean to make you upset, yeah?" (M/N) murmured, rubbing Will's arm soothingly and leaning his head on top of Will's.
"I know," Will mumbled back.
"You didn't do anything wrong, either."
"I know." Will snuggled closer into the boy next to him. "I did't think he'd bring it up, though," he mumbled.
"Bring what up?"
"That I... y'know... don't like girls."
"I mean, it's not his fault you don't like girls, but it's not yours either. There was no reason for him to bring it up," (M/N) responded. "Honestly-- the audacity..." (M/N) paused. "But on the topic of that, I suppose there's something I should tell you."
Will waited for (M/N) to finish, but he never did. Will pulled back and made eye contact with (M/N).
"What were you going to tell me?"
"Will..." (M/N) paused again. He crawled towards to him, pushing him slowly towards the ground and straddling him. "I..." He mumbled something.
"What?" Will asked, breathlessly. He had never been this close to another boy before.
(M/N) leaned down to his ear and whispered. "I don't like girls, either."
Will could feel (M/N)'s breath on his neck, and he could feel it leave his neck when (M/N) leaned back. He sat up quickly, almost smacking his head against (M/N)'s.
"(M/N)," he called out softly.
"Will," (M/N) whispered, eyeing his lips.
"I think I like you."
(M/N) smiled lightly and cupped Will's face with his hands. He leaned in slowly, watching as Will, mesmerized, followed his lead. "Can I kiss you, Will?"
Will nodded breathlessly, his eye lids fluttering close. (M/N) closed his eyes and met Will's lips with his own.
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prismuffin · 2 years
Could you possibly do a Hal Jordan (Green lantern) x Quiet M! Reader?
Just mostly just fluff of them, when reader visits Hal. Due to reader being Quiet, everyone thinks he would be super mean to Hal. But the justice league just sees Reader and Hal cuddling on the couch in the common room.
A/n: lots of YJ and DBH requests it’s interesting should I just make a section in my character/Masterlist with the YJ/DC characters?
Hal Jordan (Green Lantern) x quiet!male!reader
Tumblr media
( summary: everyone’s pretty shocked to see you and Hal asleep and cuddled up on the sofa as The Little Mermaid plays in the background )
Warnings?: being caught cuddling??😁 mentions of the team not liking you😿
!-!more under the cut!-!
Hal immediately turned when his door had opened, he’d told everyone earlier to stay out. Though, upon seeing that it was you who had disrupted him he didn’t really mind. He smiled, and even stood to greet you fully though his smile quickly turned upside down when he noticed your frown. “Y/n?” His hands found their way to your shoulders, keeping you in place. You looked down and sighed, “is everything alright?” You shrugged before shaking your head, leaning forward and into Hal’s chest. His arms moved to your back as he heard you mumble into his chest. “Everyone thinks I’m mean..” you turned your head to the side and felt Hal silently chuckle.
You were pretty quiet within the team, only opting for communication when it was needed. Everyone else thought you were mean and stuck up. That you didn’t talk to them cause you think you’re better than them but that’s not true at all. You feel useless sometimes actually, you had initially talked to Hal to get more training because of it and that’s when he saw that you weren’t a bad guy. Now knowing you, it’s hard to see how the rest of the league looks at you with a side eye but you ask him not to say anything. You’d rather not deal with the confrontation.
“I told you I could tell them off.” You shook your head and he sighed, his hands now patting your back. “We can’t just let ‘em talk about you like that Y/n you’re different come o-“ the shaking of your head again shut him up. “Well what do you suppose we do? Huh?” You were silent for a moment before pulling your head back enough to look up at him. “Cuddles and movies..?” His eyebrow raised and he waited a second to see if you were joking even if he knew deep down that you weren’t. You felt nervous, knowing he had a lot of work to do, but he seemed to not mind as he planted a kiss to your forehead and smiled. “Let’s go then.”
You both walked into the common room, it was almost silent and it would’ve been concerning if you didn’t hear faint music coming from the training room. Hal grabbed the remote and flipped onto the couch, you followed in suit, leaning into his side. It seems that no one’s touched the DVD player since the last time you guys had done this which was good, he wouldn’t have to stand up again. The little mermaid flashed onto the screen and Hal glanced at you asking if it was the movie you wanted to watch today. You said yes and he pressed play, tossing the remote back onto the coffee table. You let out a sound you didn’t know you were capable of making when you felt Hal’s arms entrap you in an embrace, pulling you down on top of him. He chuckled, flashing you a smile that could give puppies cavities. You could feel the blood rushing to your cheeks as you gave him a sheepish smile back before snuggling deeper into his chest. You breathed in his scent, feeling much more content now that you were laying with Hal watching old Disney movies.
Somewhere in the middle of the movie your eyes began to feel heavy and you couldn’t shake off the fatigue no matter how hard you tried. You yawned and Hal rubbed your back in response. “Feelin’ tired there bud?” You nodded, watching as your yawn infected him as well. “Let’s take a nap.” He suggested and you began to get up though his grip on you hadn’t loosened. “Don’t get up, you’re fine right here.” He closed his eyes, seemingly content even if you were anything but. “But what if the others walk in and see us?!” You whisper yelled, watching as he shrugged. “Then so be it. I’m not moving and neither are you.” You stared at his relaxing body for longer than you should have before flipping back downwards towards his chest feeling it bounce in excitement as he realized he’d won. Your hands messed with his shirt, listening to the sound of his heart beat, the consistent sound had made your fatigue much worse. Your breathing slowed and you closed your eyes, the sound of Ariel’s voice being sung by Ursula was the last thing you’d heard before you’d checked out.
Idle chatter filled the air as some members of the team walked into the common room. Wonder Woman was speaking with Flash as Superman was listening in on them, only joining when he had a point to bring up. It was Bruce that’d shushed them all, confusion filled their faces as he stood by the couch looking at something with a covered expression. Flash, being the curious guy he is, couldn’t help but wonder what it is that he was seeing. So, he took a step closer asking Batman what had made him stop in his tracks like that only to see you, the team dickhead cuddled up to Hal??? His jaw dropped and his eyes went from both of your sleeping forms to Batman then to WW and SM and finally back to you guys. “Whattttttt…” he spoke, obviously in shock. Wonder Women stepped forward, Superman following in suit. A chuckle escaped her, her arms crossing, “this is new.” Flash pulled out his phone and snapped some pictures before being stopped by Batman. “Is that…the little mermaid?” Flash questioned and Bruce glanced to the screen. “Should we wake them?” Superman’s deep voice finally cut through, loud and clear, answering his own question and deciding for everyone as the sound shook you from your sleep. You blinked a couple of time before yawning and rubbing your eyes. You blinked when you noticed Flash standing by you, your eyes travelled to the side where Batman stood before finally spotting Wonder Women and Superman as well. You gasped and rolled off of Hal which made him shoot up. “Y/n?” He questioned, seeing you on the floor with Flash laughing as the entire situation seemed to sink in for you. You quickly got up, mumbling to yourself in the process. “What? Can’t a man cuddle another man?” Hal asked, crossing his arms to which Batman nose laughed. “I don’t see a problem with it.” He shrugged and began to leave. Flash winked at you both before going after him. Superman opened his mouth to say something but ended up shutting it right back. He turned to Wonder Women who held a smirk on her face. Reading your embarrassed expression she decided to hold her tongue and just leave, tugging Superman along.
This is what the both of you get I suppose, being caught cuddling on the couch is definitely in your top 10 most embarrassing moments.
(I didn’t know how to end this please help my meds are making me sleepy but I gotta get this out 😿)
Thanks for reading! Have a great day/night!!
My requests are CLOSED but you can still send me messages to see if I'm close to opening them again!
See my DIRECTORY for upcoming fics!
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bangchan-mytruelove · 2 years
|Bang Chan x Male!Reader|
(With idol image I mean how idols don't usually behave or speak the same way that would do off camera)
Constantly, Chan had told himself this was wrong. His feelings were wrong.
Despite knowing that there was nothing wrong with the situation, and that his family and friends were very supportive when it came to that matter, Chan was still denying it over and over again, but every attempt was futile.
He fell in love with him. With another man.
(M/n) had joined JYPE as a trainee a few months ago, and he showed great potential, the only aspect he struggled with was his social anxiety, preventing from talking or simply making eye contact with anyone he encountered, leading to other trainees and idols thinking that he was being rude and full of himself, which wasn't true at all.
Chan was able to see (M/n)'s true nature and personality, occasionally seeing and/or hearing him practice. More than once he saw him dancing to SKZ songs and he found that kinda cute. Especially when he got frustrated at a specific step he couldn't do correctly.
That was how Chan got to talk to and know (M/n) better, slowly and little by little Chan became friends with (M/n), but soon that friendship turned into something more for him.
And with (M/n)'s debut approaching, Chan decided to back away a little more every time. Honestly, it hurt him. His eyes saw how (M/n) would stare at him like a lost puppy, but it was needed. Chan often got too nervous and shy around him, internally freaking out at the impossible thought of the male hearing his fast heartbeat. He felt shivers just looking at him, and when (M/n) touched him, even the slightest grace of their skin felt electrifying, his breath getting stuck in his throat whenever he saw his smile or hear him openly laughing.
But that didn't last for too long, he missed (M/n)'s presence so soon enough he was messing around with the other male, the members of their groups laughing at how they played around like little kids. Chan felt comfortable with (M/n), he was always so friendly and reassuring, and he felt like he could be himself.
He could be as unhinged as he wanted, and Chan really liked that, being able to drop the idol image was kinda nice. There really was nowhere he'd rather be whenever he was with (M/n), time seemed to stop when they were together, the time they spent together never seemed to be enough, and nothing mattered to Chan for that while where they were together.
And honestly, at this point, he was caring and less and less that (M/n) is another man and will soon also become an idol.
But one day, not sure why he did it in the first place, Chan found himself spending time in his studio with (M/n) who was also working on the lyrics of the debut song for his group. And... something about his concentrated expression made him move without thinking, he just really wanted to have (M/n)'s attention.
Tapping his shoulder a few times, Chan got closer as he saw how (M/n) started turning his head to look at him, and gently holding his face in his hands, Chan didn't think about it twice before kissing him.
Chan's whole body felt like it was burning, his heart beating loudly in his ears, shivers running down his spine, and goosebumps covering his skin, and for a split moment, Chan really felt complete. The doubts usually bothering him in the back of his mind were now quiet, and he no longer doubted his feelings.
To him, it just felt like everything made sense now, and the wondering voice inside his head finally got its response. Like another man wasn't wrong, not even in the slightest way.
There was no point in denying it anymore, anyway.
But the moment was short-lived, and even though it felt like it many minutes had gone by, the kiss actually lasted ten seconds, and Chan backed away the instant he realized (M/n) wasn't kissing him back.
"I-I... I'm sorry- I-" he muttered an apology, his trembling body struggling to stand up from the chair and leave his studio, but (M/n) didn't let him.
Holding onto Chan's forearm, (M/n) stopped him from leaving as he stood up from his chair too, pulling the male closer to his body, wrapping his free arm around Chan's waist, and leaning closer to kiss him back.
Chan stared at (M/n) with wide eyes, surprised at his action, but soon, he closed his eyes and held onto his shoulders, enjoying the feeling of (M/n)'s body pressed tightly against his.
There was no point in trying to fight this feeling of love, it was already too late for that anyway, besides, Chan seemed to have his feelings reciprocated.
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starl0ver4 · 7 months
“Drop it…” pt 1
Boxer/Street figher ! Seonghwa X Named! Reader (Jo-mi)
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(CW: Seonghwa smokes, slight fluff, !! 얼룩(unprotected 냄새, stay safe!!!), reader n seonghwa are enemies to lovers, seonghwa has a 멍청이 kink lmao, SLOW BURN I KNOW BUT Idk I tried )
My first time trying to write a proper smut scene I hope it’s okay omg. I wanted to write a more intense, concept-heavy smut scene but I just tried my best since I'm not familar with smut writing💔💔. if you love it follow and like for more maybe if I keep up with this account also MATZ M/V was good and GO STREAM IT OR WE FIGHTING 🤗
Joo-mi pov
Me and my friend Yeon was walking around under ground at an illegal Street fight. We walked around the place for a minute before going over to the bar to get a drink “Two Mojito with lime please” Yeon said we both sat down on the seats and talked “I don’t really like how this place vibes is.” I said speaking again other we stoped for a minute “oh come on Joo-mi, you never like the place I pick when it’s my turn!” Yeon said with a pout and sip on her drink, I rolled my eyes and replied with a disbelief tone “that’s not true at all” I wrap my arms over my chest before she can said something the room go dark and some lights turn on in the big ring that was in the middle of the room
“What the hell is going on?” I asked
“It’s starting! He’s about to fight someone!” Yeon replied excitedly
I look at her with a confused expression and look at the ring to see two men standing there getting ready to fight each other, one had black hair pushed back with hair tied he had grillz in his mouth his opponent was a larger men he had blonde and way more muscles then he does.
“do he think he can take him on?” I said still looking at the two men “the other guy is fucked, TOOTHLESS can take anyone down!” Yeon screamed, Toothless? What kind of name was that “what’s up with his name?” I asked “He made that his name cause he makes his opponents lose their teeth! It’s so cool” Yeon replied.
As soon as the bell rings Toothless takes the first punch and knock the man on the ground, he take his jaw in his hand and looks up at Toothless then get up to throw a punch to his face toothless dodge it and hit him right in the jaw again making some teeth fall out his mouth, everyone start screaming and going wild over it.
I looked at the scene with a shocked expression not actually expecting him to knock his teeth out “I told you!” Yeon screamed into my ear. The reef grab Toothless wrist and rise it into the air making him the winner for tonight. “I can’t believe he actually made his teeth came out” I said in surprise Yeon looked at me with smile “did you like the show?” She said grabbing my arm and making us walk around the place.
I nodded my head yes and looked around the area to see people drinking,talking, making out and more.
“I actually like one of the places you tak-“ before I can finish my words I bumped into someone “oh I’m so-“ I tried to say “you better be sorry” I heard a deep male voice I look at him to see a old men . “Excuse me?” I said with a stern voice “Hey, Joo-mi let’s just go we don’t want no trouble sir”
Yeon said with a scared expression I look at her then back at him “You should take your friend advice “ He said moving closer to me “how about you take it, cause I’m about to get re-“ I got cut-off again from Yeon “Joo-mi! Come on don’t let him ruin our night” she said “Do we have a problem here Mr.Lee?” I look over my shoulder see another men with a furry coat “u-uhh no Mr.Park no trouble at all”
the old man said then walked away “omg Joo-mi!, that’s Toothless!” Yeon whispering in my ear, I turn to face Toothless “We didn’t need your help, I was perfectly fine when you showed up” I said with a nasty tone.
Toothless chuckled and face me as well “is that right? Cause that didn’t seem like it at all babydoll” he replied with a smirk rising onto his cherry lips “Actually yes I was handling it very well, I don’t need a men to help me” Yeon was standing behind me watching everything go down as me and Toothless share a heated glare at each other.
“Also my name isn’t babydoll it’s Joo-mi” I told him “Well Joo-mi, I don’t care what your name is” He said with a cheeky laugh “Hey Seonghwa!, we got a customer that need that drug ASAP!” We turn to look at the voice to see a shorty man (he’s not that short) with an orange furry coat on like Toothless.
“I’m coming Hongjoong, I have some business to finish lady’s I will see you both later” he said handing us both a card “why do we need this?” I said looking at the card “it’s our business card, if you want some drugs, MATZ always got the good shit” “Toothless said then walked away while winking
“Holy shit, did we just meet TOOTHLESS?!” Yeon scream while I continue to look at the card he gave me “MATZ Drugs, call us at 180-***-*** Toothless and Captain Bluey M-A-Tz like allergy “ I read.
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mackjlee9 · 1 year
|Part 2|Gally x Male!Reader [Fluff]
Warning; canon divergence, movie verse, ooc!gally.
The Maze Runner
Working with the rest of the Gardeners proved to be quite difficult, not because of the stubborn roots of the tree, but because the Builders were also working nearby, and that meant Gally was there.
(M/n) could feel the burn of Gally's stare on him as they worked, everyone around sensed the tense ambiance between them but only those who played true or dare knew why, the rest only thought that maybe Gally and (M/n) had some sort of disagreement or argument. But... If that was the case...
Why was Gally so calm and quiet? The builders realized how their Keeper just kept glancing at (M/n) or even staring, but he didn't look mad, he looked rather relaxed, going as far as to treat them more gently, giving them thoughtful advice instead of yelling at them until they understood what they were supposed to be doing. No one complained but it was a strange change of his behavior, which kind of worried more than one.
On the other side, (M/n) was irritated and felt guilty, refusing to talk to Newt whenever the blond approached him for something not related to work. He was really trying to think how he was gonna apologize and explain things to Gally without dying in the process.
And the time was approaching. At some point, Gally was gonna come over and take him away to talk, probably punch him a couple of times, but he'll just have to wait and see. But with the maze walls closing, it was time to start making dinner, so they only had another hour to work before eating and then, to bed.
"Dinner's ready!" Frypan called alongside Wyck, and everyone cleaned themselves up enough to be able to sit around the few tables and logs, enjoying a fulfilling meal. However, (M/n) could feel his stomach drop every time he made eye contact with Gally, making him lose his appetite.
He excused himself and sat by the bonfire for a few minutes, before he heard the crunching of sticks and leaves behind him.
"(M/n)," Gally was standing there when he glanced behind him, the light of the fire shining on him, "Come with me," he began turning his body to walk away, but his eyes remained on (M/n), waiting for him to stand up and start following him.
Releasing a sigh, (M/n) stood up and put his hands in his pockets, following Gally into the meeting hall. He was worried, maybe Gally was actually gonna punch him, but even if his fist didn't collide with his face as soon the door closed, it definitely would after (M/n) tells him the reason behind the kiss.
They stood there for a few seconds in complete silence, an awkward and tense silence that neither of them knew how to break. But (M/n) couldn't hold back anymore.
"Gally-" releasing a deep sigh, Gally took a few steps forward, placing his hands on (M/n)'s shoulders, looking him in the eyes, effectively making the (h/c) haired male shut up.
"Listen, I..." (M/n) blinked a few times at the sight of a hesitant Gally, he rarely seemed this way, unsure and anxious, it was strange, "I think I like you," with wide-open eyes, (M/n) stared at Gally as he shifted in place, "Maybe it's not love what I feel or more like I'm not sure if it is, but..." Gally took a few deep breaths, his grip tightening on (M/n)'s shoulders as a way to try and calm down his racing heart and shaky hands, "I feel something, and even tho I'm scared, I wanna... Try this out, maybe, if you're up to it...?"
(M/n) has never heard Gally sound so vulnerable, he was showing him a side of himself he has never shown before and he couldn't ignore how the soft look in his green eyes made his heart beat faster.
Then there was the reason that caused all of this in the first place, and he knew he was gonna hurt Gally once he tells him, and he didn't want that. Especially not with the way his eyes seemed to be shining with hope, there was no way he could reject him, could he?
He opened his mouth to answer him, but he didn't know what to say in this situation, and Gally realized.
"Oh! You don't... Have to answer me now," he added with a nervous chuckle, releasing his hold on (M/n) and scratching the back of his neck.
(M/n) scolded himself and reached his hand to hold Gally's gently, making eye contact with him. He swallowed nervously and nodded, "I would... Like to try it out, Gally."
The usual superior smirk he saw on Gally was replaced by his genuine and shy smile, accompanied by a chuckle and a squeeze of his hand.
(M/n) had no idea what he had just gotten himself into, but there was no going back now. Even so, he couldn't help but think that he would be able to learn more about Gally beyond that tough exterior he had.
The following days were a little awkward for them, still trying to understand how to work this out, and (M/n) ignored everyone's questions regarding Gally, there was something in him that didn't wanna say anything about the situation, most likely because he didn't want to hear them make fun of Gally, who had proved to be quite the sweetheart.
Every now and again, Gally would give him his share of food or help with the garden when he didn't have much to do. They would spend most nights up late, talking a bit and knowing a bit more about each other.
It was kind of crazy how they had been practically living together for a year and didn't know anything about the other, maybe that was what started it all.
They still behaved like friends around the rest of the gladers, and that didn't change much when they were all by themselves, they just weren't used to the physical affection so they were hesitant about it all.
And now, late at night while everyone was fast asleep, they were sitting against a tree trunk on the edge of the woods, looking up at the moon shining bright on them and the stars littering the night sky, they were in complete silence, enjoying each other's company.
Gally turned his head to look at (M/n), blinking slowly and sighing deeply as he looked at him, catching (M/n)'s attention, who couldn't help but feel a little shy under Gally's stare.
Feeling like words would break the moment completely, (M/n) remained quiet, staring into Gally's eyes. He saw him smiling sweetly, his green eyes shifting from looking at his (h/c) eyes down to his lips. (M/n) couldn't help but do the same, staring at Gally's slightly parted lips, he took in a deep breath and slowly leaned closer, hearing how Gally held his breath.
For a moment, he thought Gally didn't want to kiss him, but the way his hand reached up to hold his face gently made a shiver run down his spine, his green eyes were locked on his lips, his mouth opening and closing every few moments, their breathes mixing at the closeness of their faces.
"Please..." (M/n) barely heard his whisper, watching him bite his bottom lip and shift in place, "Kiss me, (M/n)."
Closing the small distance between them, (M/n) pressed his lips on Gally's, hearing his satisfied hum as his hand moved to the back of his head, gently gripping the hair on his nape to prevent him from backing away.
After what left like hours, Gally was the first one to break their kiss, and there was something about the gentle look in his eyes and the sweet smile pulling his lips that made (M/n)'s heart start pounding in his chest. He could look at Gally while his face heated up, watching him lean in to kiss his cheek before standing up from the ground.
"We should go to sleep, it's late," after blinking a few times, he grabbed Gally's hand that was extended to him, walking to the homestead and soon making their separate ways to head to their own beds.
(M/n) spent a few minutes awake on his hammock, frowning at the giddy feeling he felt on his body and the tingling in his stomach whenever he thought of Gally. He found himself soon sighing deeply at the memory of his bright green eyes, those eyes that had a tendency to look more blue than green and vice-versa on certain occasions, the freckles that dotted his nose and cheeks, the frown in his brow whenever he was focused on something.
He certainly couldn't just pretend he wasn't feeling something, but whatever it was that he was feeling...
He liked it, a lot.
Ever since that night, everyone started noticing how close (M/n) and Gally seemed to have gotten, sometimes they even saw them playing around and they heard how happy Gally could be with the right person.
Despite the situation being a mystery to most of the gladers, the group that had been playing true or dare knew better than to think it was just coincidence. Something happened, that's for sure, but (M/n) wasn't saying a word about why he was suddenly best friends with Gally.
But soon, they found out why they were the closest friends now, only it wasn't simply them being friendly.
Like it was usual, (M/n) was gone after mumbling an excuse as he headed to the woods, and well, Newt made Thomas bring more fertilizer as it was usual nowadays, and he did. "Tell (M/n) to come back if you find him on your way!"
Thomas glanced back and nodded as he walked further past the trees, getting into the deep parts of it. He got lost in thought as he wondered what could've happened between (M/n) and Gally, obviously it wasn't anything bad, but it was odd, and unsettling. Maybe because he was used to having Gally yell at him and see him scowling every second of the day. He started to think that maybe Gally wasn't such a bad guy, he was just... Often misunderstood.
He stopped walking when he heard mumbles close by. He didn't realize he had walked way further than he needed, but his curiosity about who was in such a secluded place made him cautiously walk closer. Thomas was quick to recognize (M/n)'s clothes and hair from where he was standing, but there was a hand interlocked on his hair, which confused him, and leaning closer to get a better view, he covered his mouth to prevent the gasp that threatened to escape him.
The last thing he expected was to see (M/n) and Gally pressed so close together... Kissing. His eyes couldn't stare for longer, even less when (M/n)'s hands gripped Gally's hips tighter.
He realized he had to leave right that second or he would be found out, and who knows what Gally would do to him if that were to happen.
Thankfully for Newt, the bell announcing lunchtime prevented him from telling Thomas- for the hundredth time since he came back- to get back to work.
He didn't pay much attention to how Thomas was behaving, but he realized how he couldn't even look at (M/n) in the eye without going pale and glancing away. So he asked.
"What's wrong with you, eh?" Newt casually asked Thomas when they were returning their empty bowls to Frypan, and walking out to rest for a bit before getting back to work. Thomas picked nervously at the skin of his hand and wrist, looking up at Newt from where he was sitting.
"I saw... (M/n) and Gally in the woods..." Newt turned to look at Thomas, there was something about the expression on his face that made him feel on edge, but he didn't say anything, "They were... Kissing..."
Right after saying that, Thomas stood up, panicking as he mumbled how he probably shouldn't have said anything about what he saw, but Newt did a good job at helping him calm down.
"Listen, let's just talk to (M/n) about it, okay? I'm sure he has an explanation," Thomas looked into Newt's eyes, seeing the reassurance he needed and he nodded a couple of times, "But first, we have stuff to do."
Working was quite difficult for Thomas, especially when he caught a glance of (M/n) playfully pushing Gally as they laughed before walking to their respective job places.
"Hey Newt! You need help?" The blond shook his head and silently signaled toward Thomas, who flinched upon making eye contact with (M/n), "Well, greenie, let me help ya."
Despite what he had seen, Thomas realized that (M/n) was the same as always, there was nothing different about him, and he wondered how he managed to hide so well the fact that he had something going on with Gally.
Lost in his mind, he didn't realize the automatic movement of his body, ending up cutting his skin open. Nothing too serious, but it was a cut on his palm, so it was bleeding quite a bit. (M/n) heard his hiss and curse, making him look toward the greenie, who was looking down at his bloody palm.
"Oh god, Thomas," he dropped his tool and rushed toward him, helping him stand up despite his complaints that he was okay, "Let's just get you to the med hut, or it's gonna get infected, come on."
Newt watched as (M/n) dragged Thomas away and he muttered to Zart that he was gonna be right back, following after the two males. Gally saw this happening and he wondered what could've happened, he just hoped it wasn't anything serious.
But with the minutes going past, he saw no sign of either of them walking out, so he decided to momentarily stop what he was doing and go check. He wasn't sure why he did, but he wanted to make sure everything was alright in the med hut.
As he approached, he could hear their voices, gradually getting louder the closer he got, and he realized that they were arguing. Gally frowned at the sound of (M/n) getting into an argument with someone, since he was usually pretty calm and level-headed.
"This is all your and Minho's fault in the first place, Newt!" Gally stayed close to the hut, somewhat hidden as he listened in on their discussion, "None of this would've happened if you hadn't dared me to kiss Gally theat night!"
His breath hitched as he processed the words he just heard (M/n) say. So... That's why...
"Well, you are the one who's still exchanging saliva with Gally, and that's not my fault!" Gally frowned and clenched his jaw, closing his hand in tight fists. He was angry, sad, and disappointed, but most of all he felt betrayed. He was always honest about his feelings, and (M/n) was just making fun of him behind his back.
He was about to turn around and leave, when (M/n) spoke again, more calmly now.
"Newt... Gally isn't what everyone sees, he's not how everyone thinks he is. He's actually... Very gentle and kind, and..." Everyone waited impatiently for (M/n)'s next words, which seemed to take way too long, "I love him. I really love Gally."
Feeling his face heating up, Gally left the med hut and walked back to the builders. He tried to concentrate on the blueprint he had in front of him, but he couldn't, those words repeating over and over inside his mind, but he soon saw the three males coming back, (M/n) walking at the end, looking down at the dirt under his boots.
'I really love Gally.'
(M/n)'s words echoed louder than before, and he couldn't help it.
He began stomping his way to the (h/c) haired male, a scowl on his face, "(M/n)!" He called loud and clear for the gladers around to hear him. Gally's demeanor and body language made everyone think he was gonna punch (M/n), and some of them were ready to break the fight if it happened.
But it never came.
Lifting his arms, Gally held (M/n)'s face still as he leaned closer to him, completely cutting his words as their lips pressed together.
A collective gasp was heard in the Glade, everyone staring with wide eyes at the scene before them. Even (M/n) was staring at Gally in shock, completely frozen in place, which made Gally chuckle, his fingers moving (M/n)'s hair away from his face.
"I love you too. A lot."
The silence was filled by the cheering coming from the builders, soon followed by the Cooks and pretty much everyone that had been there to witness their kiss.
(M/n) felt his whole body heating up and he saw the bright red blush that coated Gally's face, making his freckles more noticeable.
"I'm guessing you heard?" He nodded and reached down to hold (M/n)'s hand when he saw him glancing away.
"We have to talk later, but... We should get back to work for now," Gally let go of him and turned around, ready to head back to work.
"Hey, Gally," he heard (M/n) calling him, making him turn around, only to be caught off guard by another kiss. He let out an involuntary hum as he closed his eyes, but it was short-lived. (M/n) backed away, chuckling at the flustered look on Gally's face as he headed toward the gardens, "Love you."
Hearing chuckles and giggles around him, Gally glared at them, not needing to say anything for them to scramble back to their job places. He grinned to himself and sighed, thinking about finally being able to concentrate on that blueprint.
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