#and it's one of the responsible ones who regularly goes to seminars
dinosaurcharcuterie · 4 months
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Now, I'm not saying the doctor I'm seeing today has a reputation for eye-watering long waitibg room times. Or that Germany has very odd ideas about what efficient rail plans are once you leave any given metropolis.
I'm not saying any of that.
I'm just saying, this felt like the right book to start reading today.
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TBH Matthew Robinnson I think is right and on the right track, but I also think he has a bit of a closed minded and kinda "boomer"ish view on how DID should look. I do think researching with his concept in mind is important and I REALLY do think we do need to research social media and DID relationships because I think it is ABSOLUTELY important to bring up and I am absolutely glad someone is bring it up and onto the desks of researchers so I do think the conference was a large net positive
That said, it's hardly perfect and I have a lot of complaints but heres the thing, I don't think I've ever been to a research seminar / conference where I DIDNT have complaints. The nature of these things aren't meant to be 100% informational and "this is fact" it is to share current thoughts, concepts, ideas, and directions with people in a similar field to try to start a conversation on certain issues and get other researchers thinking about similar issues.
These sorts of videos do not exist primarily for a general audience but other researchers and academics - professionals and experts - to address a current issue that is being faced. Researchers and academics are LARGELY argumentative (in an actual debate manner) and actively challenge one another and it is very very very rare that these sorts of seminars and conferences go unchallenged because doing so is - at least in my experience in research fields - against the very nature of those in the field of research.
If it worries you that this is going to UPHEAVAL the WHOLE professional world, don't. For each professional researcher that states one view there will be another that goes "um actually I disagree". He is one professional and honestly his take isn't wrong, his attitude and view (imo) is just that he is a bit dated and a little closed minded.
Typically I don't really care to commentate on discourse that is popular in the communities cause usually theyre honestly stupid and dumb af, but considering this was an academic seminar causing it, I felt a lot more interested and responsible of communicating my thoughts on it as someone who does regularly sit in research communities and centers and in literally a month will be a paid professional in the field of research under a research university.
Just remember when looking at this stuff that those videos are again, NOT MEANT TO BE FACT AND END ALL. They are discussion starters. They're flags being raised for "I think this is something we need to look into". His claims are not " this is the absolute truth " - it is "this is what I see and notice and think and it has me curious / concerned on this topic and I think others should also be curious / concerned and this is something worth researching."
Just take a breath.
It will be OK.
The world has not ended because someone questioned it.
I understand being dysregulated / upset or anything by it, cause fair and I understand, but its just a conversation topic that is HONESTLY very needed.
If you agree with the statement "we should get more research on how social media interacts with DID" then what he is doing is beneficial as a net whole.
You don't have to agree with everything he said to agree with the core function and purpose of the seminar which was to raise interest in the topic of social media and DID within other professional researchers.
He might not be the best speaker, but it served its purpose for starting a conversation.
The only thing this will result in is an increase of interest in researching DID in the modern era. Nothing more, nothing less.
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shadowdarkee · 2 years
Headcanon: Cynthia and the Lake Trio
Cynthia is a Sinnoan who generally stays in Sinnoh but travels around it and who is willful, emotional, and knowledgeable.  
Following the defeat of Team Galactic at Spear Pillar, it is entirely plausible for all three members of the Lake Trio to decide to treat her as a fellow guardian of Sinnoh (and/or technically the Universe) and a sort of almost equal (or at least a 'brother in arms' ) to occasionally hang around. 
(based on there being that shrine in her hometown of Celestic Town in the games, admittedly) 
She'd privately been [raised to be] somewhat of a devout worshipper of the three before the events at Mt Coronet and the definative proof that they exist. That thing hanging from the necklace of hers has some religious meaning. Afterward, suddenly being treated as an [almost equal] ally and possibly friend (which eventually becomes reciprocated on her end) trips up her and everyone who knows her personally. It would start with her immediately checking to see if they're okay. Following Team Galactic being defeated, the triplet's champions would interpret the former just teleporting away (and the latter lacking a means of following them) as a sign that they're unharmed. So Ash and friends just go on their way. Cynthia can just Fly to the lakes to check on them. So being a responsible person, she does just that once all the immediately necessary cleanup (paperwork, verification the prisoners are being safely transported, etc) involved is complete. They're fine, but the thought is appreciated, and they do recognize her role in beating Team Galactic. What follows is occasional aid for the champion when she's in for their respective local areas. Reverence on her end turns into familiarity and mutual respect into possibly even a kind of friendship.
It is small at first: Azelf appears to help whenever she's in the area dealing with an emergency of some kind (disaster? some other set of poachers?). Azelf had been proven to exist and live in Lake Valor through the events of canon. This doesn't mean the locals aren't surprised to see it**. Perhaps the same is true for the other two (Or at least Mesprit who I can't think of a unique example of).
Any guest lectures by the champion at a school or university near Lake Acuity see the Being of Knowledge floating around at the back of the room, assisting the memory recall/formation of Cynthia and her audience to ensure it goes smoothly. 
Maybe while at the Valor Lakefront for one reason or another a kid (having just become a trainer a day before) decides to challenge her. The sheer chutzpah convinces Azelf to appear in front of him before he can send out his only Pokémon so that he can command the legendary against her instead.
Prayer/mediation at the lakes turns into chatting and in Mesprits' case, stress relief along with Dawn who it probably visits and is visited by regularly (after all, Mesprits lake is just outside of Twinleaf. It's not improbable that the two become friends themselves) (whether the chatting is one-way or two-way and if two way then if communication is direct telepathy or the transmission of certainties/emotions/memories is whatever you'd prefer).
And occasionally the three teleport to hang out with her wherever she may be.
Things come to a head when she goes on an archeological expedition for some ancient settlement's buried ruins in northern Sinnoh and the three decide to accompany her. She asks Uxie if it can give her directions to the location of the ruins and is given as a response her own memory of herself explaining to someone (a student at a seminar she guest lectured to?) that you can't truly learn something if you are just given the answers straight out. 
"But surely it counts in this case. You live around here. You count as a valid primary source." In response, all she gets back is Uxie smugly smiling at her. She doesn't catch herself muttering [something like] "You asshole." at the legendary pokémon. Frustration turns to horror at the blasphemous statement, but before she can apologize she notices Azelf and Mesprit have started laughing. She's dumbfounded "What?". And then comes a rapid series of memories into her mind -not her own but Uxie's- of both of its siblings expressing similar frustration at the Being of Knowledge being vague or mysterious or having told/hinted to them "I know something you don't". She rolls her eyes and starts to repeat her previous statement, but the frustration this time has been expanded into anger and thus speaks the words louder. "And you too, Mesprit. You can't just mess with people's minds for fun like that." (potentially replace Mesprit with Azelf here) The laughing continues. It is at this point that Cynthia realizes that mutual respect has turned into friendship. "A hint at least?". And then memories of relevant details about the civilization which she previously read begin to be recalled in her mind. And so on it goes. They'd spend time together occasionally, and do each other small favors (the legendaries teleporting the champion between lakes, Cynthia conducting odd errands). If the trio's existence is becoming common knowledge, the human and lake trio (plus Dawn, in Mesprit's case) may not even seriously hide their interactions. Those who revere the Lake Spirits (and assuming she'd have grown up in such a community, she'd know many of these people) may have no idea how to react to her growingly casual irreverent familiarity with them. ("Yes, 'Azelf desires that all may be the very best they can be. That thy will may triumph over any obstacle'. But it can be highly aggravating in its desire for such. Yes, what it wants is generally is a good thing. It isn't beneficial when it involves pestering someone for hours when they're trying to do paperwork in order to see the limit of their willpower or convince them to help make a hot pepper-mint icecream sunday. Again!") ([insert Mesprit statement here. Something about needing to talk down Mesprit from subjecting a criminal to a fae-style cruel and unusual punishment on account of Dawn being there to potentially see it? Maybe Mesprit would do the thing with the extremely painful food (but for the sake of experiencing it rather than to show how strong-willed it is)?]) ("Without a doubt, 'Uxie Knows'. It is a wonderful confidante and has been a lifesaver in keeping track of paperwork. And yes, Uxie absolutely does want people to be able to solve problems themselves. But I can speak for both myself and its siblings when I say Uxie is absolutely insufferable about it. 'Hey, Uxie? there's been an uptick in Pokémon kidnapping recently by some group of poachers. They were sighted around here recently, so can you help me find them?' And so rather than doing anything direct, it just reminds me of two news articles I'd read and a patch of a crime scene I'd once visited, then teleports away. One two weeks long investigation all across Sinnoh later and the G-men and I find that there's been a Pokémon Pinchers cell operating in Pastoria, while they're all gathered together and preparing for their first monthly shipment. Next I saw Uxie, it just gives me this smug look as if I should be pleased to be led by the nose with little sleep on some quest for something it probably already knew the location of. Absolutely insufferable.")
When Cynthia began to contemplate retiring from competitive battling, they were probably some of the first beings other than her own Pokémon that she confided in. Azelf, of course, merely insisted that she wait until after battling its favorite human.
**Slightly related vague headcanon: 
When the locals at the lakefront decide to build a shrine to Azelf subsequently to being officially demonstrated to exist without a shadow of a doubt, its soon replaced/modified(?) with the plan to build a park of some sort where people and Pokémon can test their willpower/courage. Eventually, one might find Medicham and Lucario meditating there. And if you're lucky you might see Azelf itself on the rollercoaster (or some equivalent) ride.
~~~~~ Not sure what to do with Mesprit here*** other than it also becoming friends with Dawn, or pushing for larger expressions of emotion. Something about having fae-like mannerisms, maybe? 'emotions as weighting functions in decision trees' is probably too clinical. I dunno ***or in general - frankly Mesprit is the least interesting and hardest to figure out a unique worldview for).
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collegedunias · 1 month
The Path to Excellence in Education: Your Future at Bhagwan Parshuram Institute of Technology
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Education is the cornerstone of success in today's rapidly changing world. For students seeking quality higher education, finding the right institution plays a crucial role in shaping their future. One such institute that has been a beacon of academic excellence is Bhagwan Parshuram Institute of Technology. Whether you're aspiring to pursue engineering, management, or computer applications, this institute offers the perfect blend of quality education, state-of-the-art facilities, and a student-centric environment.
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Bhagwan Parshuram Institute of Technology is recognized for its industry-driven curriculum that is regularly updated to keep pace with the ever-evolving technological landscape. Whether you're pursuing a degree in computer science, electronics, or business administration, you will be equipped with the necessary skills to thrive in your field of choice.
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Many alumni of Bhagwan Parshuram Institute of Technology attribute their achievements to the solid foundation they received during their time at the institute. The strong network of alumni also serves as a valuable resource for current students, providing mentorship and networking opportunities that can open doors to exciting career prospects.
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If you're looking for a place where you can grow academically, personally, and professionally, Bhagwan Parshuram Institute of Technology is the right choice for you. Start your journey towards a successful future today by joining this prestigious institution, and unlock your full potential with the right education and guidance.
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kartikrawat · 3 months
German Institute: A Hub of Innovation and Research Excellence
The German Institute stands as a beacon of excellence, fostering innovation and advanced research while providing top-tier language education. Renowned for its comprehensive programs, the institute caters to a diverse group of students, professionals, and researchers, ensuring that they gain not only linguistic proficiency but also a deep understanding of German culture and academic standards.
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In conclusion, the German Institute in Delhi is more than just a language school; it is a thriving center for learning, research, and cultural exchange. Whether you are looking for the best German language institute in Delhi, a German language institute near you, or a flexible German language online course, the German Institute offers unparalleled opportunities for growth and development. By blending rigorous academic programs with a supportive community and cutting-edge research, the institute ensures that every learner achieves excellence.
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prorevenge · 5 years
Try to take advantage of me? Let me hang you out to dry.
This happened a few years ago
A bit of back story; I’m Dutch (sorry in advanced for any spelling or grammatical mistakes) and at the time I was 29. I live with special care and I get paid disability by a government agency which is 80% of minimum wage for someone my age. The job I had at a place, we’ll call JobDirector, and it’s not really a job, more like the place where I’m given care is paying JobDirector to keep me entertained during the day so I’m not stuck at home 24/7. So to sum that up, JobDirector isn’t paying me a dime, they are paid for me to be there and any actual work I do while there also turns them a profit. It’s fair to say that they make double the money on me being there, just keep that in mind as I start the story.
Working at JobDirector, I was the Personal Assistant of the Electrician they had on staff, let’s call him Gus. Gus was an old hand in the trade and he was nearing his retirement he worked only 2 mornings in the week, I worked 4 Mornings in the week so I was a perfect fit to be his assistant. And we did everything, not just electrical but also pluming and putting up storage racks. And I did most of the menial things, lug the tool box around, hand him tools, hold the ladder he was standing on, you name it. I did often get the crappy side of the jobs but that’s how you learned a trade in the old days before formal job trainings. Do the sucky jobs and stick around and you’ll learn a thing or two. Well that is what happened. I learned how to do most of the things Gus was doing regularly. It got to the point where he would send me out to do jobs alone, jobs that didn’t require him to inspect my work for safety reasons.
Management of JobDirector caught wind of this, and having believed that people in my situations couldn’t really be taught anything, they suddenly saw an untapped potential. So for the other 2 days where Gus didn’t need me, JobDirector tried to send me to another project they had going for those days.
The project in question was super vision of peoples’ bicycles at the local train station; they had already opened a kiosk and restaurant there and wanted to add supervision to the bicycles there. (side note to you non-Dutch out there; you’d be surprised how many Bicycles are used and how many are stolen daily in my country, particularly at train stations). I had to report to a small meeting with the guy supervising the train station, let’s call him Jim, so he could instruct me on the job; basically it was a “show presence to scare off thieves” type of deal. Bright orange jacket riddled with reflector strips saying “Bicycle Security” on the back. Just walking around is a job I could easily do, but being more forward thinking then my disability would suggest I of course have questions and the conversation went like this:
“Ok so what about if I catch someone in the act of trying to steal a Bike, and he attacks me, am I covered for defending myself or the potential trauma the thief inflicts on me?” was my first question.
With a somewhat surprised look Jim would answer “Oh don’t worry about it, that’s never to happen.” Guess he didn’t expect that kind of a question from me.
I’ve seen stranger things happen so I don’t buy Jim’s answer, but I press on. “Ok… So what about any incidents that happen?”
“When a incident happens, just stay there and call me.”
“Ok so you’ll provide me with a job phone then?”
At this point Jim starts looking a bit annoyed at me. “What for? You have a cellphone don’t you? Just use that.”
I found that to be a weird response. And while I do look up the occasional schematic for Gus and myself, that’s always over the Company Wifi we installed. But actually using my cellphone bill for work? “Ok can I put in for the amount of my Cellphone bill I use up for work?”
“What the hell for?” Jim says starting to get angry. “It’s just a single less than a minute phone call to call me over.” Now some people might agree with Jim at this point, but let me point out that everyone that is actually on JobDirector’s staff payroll has a work phone assigned to them by the company. They want me, the lowest of the low unpaid worker, to use my private phone? No I draw the line there. But I didn’t have to say anything else anymore as Jim goes: “You know what, never mind. Go back to your original spot because you are being too difficult.”
At the time I filed the whole thing away as something weird and dismissed it as I went on my way. Not really having caught on to a changing trend at the company.
Fast forward a month or two and I’ve learned more about electronics including the NEN3140 Certification. Let me go off topic for a minute here; The NEN3140 is a Dutch certification for electric appliances inside of a business. I don’t know most of the terminology in English, but it has to do with job safety. Any appliance that is movable by hand needs to be certified. This includes but is not limited to; Computers, Corded power tools, chargers for battery powered tools, fridges, freezers and washing machines. If it has a plug on it for a standard electrical outlet, it needs to be certified.
If for instance Timmy uses an angle grinder and it malfunctions causing Timmy to get electrocuted (just making up an extreme example here) and the angle grinder wasn’t NEN3140 compliant, well the company will be looking at a hefty fine from a government agency dealing with job safety. And on top of that job health insurance won’t pay out to cover whatever compensation Timmy needs or is entitled to, meaning the company itself will need to cough that up too. Now back to the story
So Gus and I do this NEN3140 certification for every location JobDirector has, Gus is a certified NEN3140 inspector and has the specialized testing device. I can do the job for him under his supervision. I actually do most of the computerized paperwork for him because Gus is a single finger ‘hunt and peck’ kind of user of the keyboard while I myself ten finger blind type, shaves literally a few months from the work for Gus. Total count of devices tested at just the company itself; 756. Keep that number in mind folks, as it is important!
During one of our drives back to our morning start site just before our shift ends, Gus being an older helpful guy that sometimes worries about peoples futures, and knowing how I can easily do the NEN3140 on my own starts to talk about maybe a potential future for me to be a NEN3140 Certifier. In that conversation I learn the following;
* Getting the diploma is about 50 Euro (55.95 USD) for a 2 hour seminar, which you have to do yearly to keep your NEN3140 certifier status.* The Testing device costs about 1000 Euro (1117.55 USD) to buy, and will cost around 500 Euro (559.50 USD) to calibrate it to specification every year.* If you are a Certifier, and you have your own equipment, you can go to a company and ask a MINIMUM of 20 euro (20.38 USD) per power plug. Note I said power plug, not passed or rejected appliances, just having the plug plugged into the tester is money for me.
Remember that number of total devices? 756? 756 * 20 Euro = 15120 Euro (16919.28 USD). That’s already way more then I make a year from the disability pay. For just two and a half months of work at my current work hours.
The only logical thing I could respond with after having calculated that for the first time was “Thanks Gus, you’ve given me some food for thought”.
About a week after this conversation, Gus tells me that they have a small time business requiring NEN3140 Certification but that he is too busy with another job. So if I could do it instead. I go and I test all the devices they had, 35 plugs in total. I Generate the paperwork and ensure that there is a printed copy of the manual for all said devices that where certified and place 35 signatures on the paperwork in Gus’ name. Total time taken for all that was about two weeks total. Client is happy, I’m happy, Gus is happy, Company is happy.
Two weeks after having completed that, another one comes up. So again I do it, this time under Gus’ supervision. 514 plugs. Two months of work and my wrist was in agony after setting 514 signatures. Remember I’m a lowest of the lower unpaid worker there, so I already decided that I wasn’t going to be doing that for long.
At this point, Gus is almost a single year away from his retirement. And in our daily conversations in his car he had already pointedly told me that “When my retirement hits, I’ll be leaving my tools at home and never touching them again unless they pay me.” He’s the ‘can’t sit still at home’ type so he was going to be sticking at the company as a volunteer together with his wife he was also working there. Not doing electronics work anymore.
And the upper management of JobDirector saw an untapped gold mine. Me, doing NEN3140 certifications. So I was called into a small meeting, Gus was there, some HR like person and one of the underbosses. They started buttering me up about helping me get a certifier license, at a great deal of half off. The testing device they had already bought and paid for, on the one hand possible career choice, on the other hand? No way am I going that for 80% of minimum wage considering what kind of money that’d be making off of me. Let alone the position of responsibility I’d be left in. as rankings in the company go, I am literally lowest of the low. I have no say. Gus when he found an appliance while doing the NEN3140, would put a cable-snipper onto the power cord and cut it as close the appliance as possible. I don’t have that kind of authority, and you’ll just know that the company will continue using an appliance even if I reject it. Now who do you think is going to take the fall for that if someone gets unscheduled electro shock therapy?
Covering the financial situation first, I ask them what I would get in return. Their response left me lukewarm and I quote: “Payment? This is a bit of responsibility, which is a good thing for you!” Yeah, just because I live with special care and get disability, they think that I have no responsibility at all. And I wasn’t out to milk them dry or anything. If they did pay me above a certain amount it wouldn’t be a benefit to me but a detriment as the disability I get would be cut leaving me even worse off. But some compensation would have been nice right? More relaxed hours, different job title that would actually allow me to throw out the appliances that didn’t make it, a company cellphone maybe? Nope they wouldn’t budge. So I told them where they could stick their ‘bit of responsibility’.
Well tell you something though, because of my disability, I didn’t get scolded. Not in any official capacity anyways. But Gus was not happy. In a later conversation I had in his car, he said that I was being stupid, and that I won’t make it anywhere in life if I don’t try anything new. This is of course coming from the guy who’s been raving for two years now how he’ll never pick up his tools again after he’s retired. I point out his hypocrisy and that if he doesn’t want to do the work if he’s not getting paid, then why should I? He has no answer of course and stays quiet.
A week passes, and I was notified that Gus no longer wanted to work with me because he disapproved of my work ethics. Well that suited me just fine, as much as I respect his age and experience, I was getting tired of him harping on about my disability and his disapproval of how I choose to spend my free time like the dude is my dad or something. And an hour later I heard that the company was making deals with other companies for NEN3140 Certifications.
I had already smelled something fishy a week before Gus no longer wanted to work with me and had taken prudence to look for another company that would be happy to have my presence and the payment they’d get for having me over 4 mornings of the week.
The following morning I was called over and they started to tell me about the job at a major company in the area, upwards of 1500+ appliances. My boss was very enthusiastic about it (who wouldn’t be for 30k Euro/33.5k USD?) and that I needed to do that job under Gus’ supervision. Meaning Gus would drive me out to there, to then leave me there to do his own workload. Then pick me up again at quitting time.
I told the boss that I was happy for him landing such a big job and I enthusiastically told him that I just got hired somewhere else, and because I’m unpaid I had no obligation to give prior notice. Boss went white as a sheet, trying to tell me that I couldn’t just do that, and that I had to have a 3 month exit period. I knew it wasn’t true, so I just laughed myself all the way out the door to my new ‘job’ that certainly appreciated me more than this company.
(source) story by (/u/Tommyg930)
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youthagainstrape · 5 years
Sex Education:- A must need for future generation
Meaning:- 'Sex education' simply means the introduction of concept regarding sexual reproduction and sexual feelings'. It is a systematic study of the gradual development of body, sexuality, and relationships in school. It aims to help young people to communicate and make the correct decision regarding sex and their sexual health. Need:- Our schools teach our children everything they need to know to succeed – right? Intensive classes, exams to help them get into the best universities in India and abroad, and even extra out-of-school tuition so they can compete with their global peers. What is the need to teach our kids' sex education? If anything, it will distract them from their studies and put wrong ideas in their heads. Well, actually, when we watch our children, what we see is a safe, simple world – our kids go to school, study, and do their extracurricular activities. In reality, there is a lot of turmoil going on inside the adolescent mind. Take an average adolescent girl in India – she gets little information on her menstrual cycle so feels confused and embarrassed every month on her period, regularly gets harassed on the street, and then goes to school and does not know if it’s ok or not ok to talk to the boy she likes in class. If she faces some sort of sexual abuse from her teacher, she’s scared that she will get blamed if she speaks up – and she does not even have the words to say what has happened to her. It’s a similar situation for the average adolescent boy. In addition, he is usually consuming a lot of pornography, shaping his perceptions about girls and women. Adolescents these days are actually battling deep insecurities, facing challenging social situations with no easy answers, and getting a flood of vulgar, sexist, and misleading information from the media, which is usually their only source of information about how to interact with the world. All of these factors are having a deep effect on our kids, and shaping them into the adults they will be in the future. How do we combat this to create young adults who are confident in who they are, understand how to interact with each other in healthy and respectful ways, and are staying safe? It’s hard to have these conversations with kids because we do not know exactly what they are facing or what to say to them. Contrary to what people think, that is exactly what sex education is. It is not about teaching children how to have sex – it is about informing them about what is happening in their bodies and also teaching them to make safe, healthy choices as they grow up. It is also about helping them understand that the messages that they are getting from Bollywood or pornography are not realistic and can be harmful. Instead, it is about helping them come to their own conclusions about what it means to be a successful, interesting boy or girl. Roles of Parents and Schools in Sex Education In this era, rapes are increasing daily. One of the reasons for it can be a lack of sex education. In India, we are not getting sex education as awkwardness and ignorance from parents as well as from school. Information regarding sex, pregnancy, and contraception should be provided to children and adolescents in an age-appropriate manner from parents and schools. For children, it is necessary to understand the difference between good touch and bad touch. Sex education is a complex topic so it has to be handled with care. And in this process schools can play a very vital role. Teens go to school to get an education and school is a huge factor in growing their mindset and shaping their future. So, if they got to know about sex education from their growing stage the whole scenario of rape in India can change. As they know what is wrong and what is right. Also, the family atmosphere is very important as children adopt many things from their homes. Parents have to listen to them and make them understand what it is and why we required it. Parents have to look after their child’s life what they are facing. Also having healthy talks with them and let them understand is important. Schools can have a special sex educator and conducting seminars can create a huge change. Kind of sex education to different types of age group Awareness The pediatrician should encourage early parental discussion with children at home about sexuality, contraception, and Internet and social media use that is consistent with the child’s and family’s attitudes, values, beliefs, and circumstances. •Gender wise type. Diverse family circumstances, such as families with same-sex parents or children who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or questioning, create unique guidance needs regarding sexuality education. •Stabilize Converse. Modeling ways to initiate talks about sexuality with children at pertinent opportunities, such as the birth of a sibling can encourage parents to answer children's questions fully and accurately. Parents and adolescents are encouraged to receive information from multiple sources, including health care providers and sexuality educators, about circumstances that are associated with earlier sexual activity. Adolescents are encouraged to feel empowered through discussing strategies that allow for practicing social skills, assertiveness, control, and rejection of unwanted sexual advances and cessation of sexual activity when the partner does not consent. •Proper Use- Discussions regarding healthy relationships and intimate partner violence can be effectively included in health care visits. Pediatricians are encouraged to acknowledge that sexual activity may be pleasurable but also must be engaged in responsibly. •Regulatory- Specific components of sexuality education offered in schools, religious institutions, parent organizations, and other community agencies vary based on many factors. The pediatrician can serve as a resource to each Ages wise- Age 2-5, in this age group parents can do like telling them about bad touch and good touch. Saying like this is not good and awarding them. Age 6-8, you as a parent should discuss with your child that how to use a digital world. Also, make them aware of the pornography world so that they don’t miss understand anything. Age 8 and 12, children often worry whether they're "normal" — particularly when it comes to penis size and breast size. Explain what happens during puberty for both boys and girls. Teenage, If you’ve established yourself as open to discussing those topics, “your kids are probably going to feel more comfortable talking to you and asking you questions,” says Thornhill. At this age, you should start interacting more with your child so that he/she can be on a good path with the help of sex education. Offer reassurance that children of the same age mature at different rates. Puberty might begin years earlier — or later — for some children, but eventually, everyone catches up. You might want to share experiences from your own development, particularly if you once had the same concerns that your child has now. Each thing has its own pros and cons. Similarly, sex education also has both. Let us look into it. Pros:- Sex education can also become the answer to many hormonal changes, which happens in the body. Sex education can also help to solve child sex abuse, as they will be aware of good touch and bad touch. It is good to teach them in school, as they will be having a guide, which can make them understand. If they are aware of it then they will not do any immature thing or the wrong thing. Cons:- Right now the teachers who are teaching at many schools they are not expert in this field. So there is a high risk, that students will get things wrong. And the wrong thing can be very much harmful. If sex education is not teaching properly, then a student can take it for granted or just not follow it. In most of the school sex education is not yet the primary subject so that’s also a reason, students won’t consider it to learn. Conclusion Helping kids understand that they have a gut, an inner voice, and they can and should listen to it, is a big part of what sex education is about,” says Silverberg. At the right time and in the right way sex education can be very helpful. It is necessary to keep a healthy conversation between parent and child. In addition, schools have a vital role as well. “Sex Education is as necessary as education and morals, for a better future.”
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mandeath46-blog · 4 years
The Globe Of Academic Publishing - Enago Academy.
What Is Academic Journal?
What is Academic Journal? It is a compilation newsworthy and also discussions created by faculty members who are actually teachers, employee as well as lecturers to trainees on the academic occupation of their establishments. These publications were in the beginning launched online and afterwards in printed type with membership needed for every private periodical problem.
Earlier there were just online publications readily available. Having said that, as the demand for these diaries increased, thus carried out the several academic meetings and diaries to which these publications are given. Various forms of the academic meetings are being coordinated from time to time. These conferences are actually being held for different causes, like to carry out brand new study or even study olden ones, administer seminars and talks on several subject matters, etc.
. Such conferences are actually accepted various purposes like to hand out aims for absolute best documents, to discover analysts as well as lecturers for crucial projects, to explain as well as make think about changing or even producing brand new educational program as well as teachers' instruction, and so on. As a result different meetings are being actually managed every year and at regular periods. These conferences are actually primarily worried about upgrading the existing educational program of a company, specifying new one. Nevertheless, there are some meetings that concentrate on grading as well as awarding students for their informative efficiency and also post-graduation work.
The conferences have various themes like "Discovering Knowledge and also Mindsets" to "Professions as well as Their Perks and Negative aspects" to "Utilizing Online Sermons and also Displays" to "Advertising And Marketing of Investigation Work" to "Arts and Liberal arts" to "Examining Approach". They also adhere to different layouts for conferences like workshops, workshops, visitor talks, editorials, dissertations, ventures and so on
. get more info of the informative seminars are created for the much younger creation of college students. Much older students who are retired or even functioning in educational institutions have some leisure time which they may use for composing their academic journals. These write-ups are commonly in the form of daily record access.
However, once they resign or even leave behind the organizations, after that their leisure time is limited to their remarried loved ones or even good friends. However when the writer determines to compose again, he or she begins seeking an appropriate subject matter. This moment he or she will certainly compose a whole entire short article. The short article receives posted in a separate journal alongside the other conference write-ups.
There are lots of academic journals offered which satisfy various subject matters such as Journal of Kid's Literature, Journal of Social Issues, Journal of Medieval Research Studies, Journal of the United States Historical Association, British History, Assessment of African Researches, etc. A common academic journal would be pretty short as well as would certainly contain about three to four many thousand terms.
In a nutshell, what is an academic journal? It is a selection of notes and also discussions made by professor who are actually teachers, employee and lecturers to trainees on the academic career of their institutions. These journals were actually initially released on the internet and afterwards in imprinted kind along with membership needed for each individual periodical problem.
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What is a Journal?
Academic journals are an usual function in academic literature. While academic journals do not typically have study results, rather they usually tend to be the 1st resource of news concerning the current accomplishments as well as obstacles that an academic community is actually facing. These publications have actually ended up being an integral aspect of a researcher's lifestyle and also, even more importantly, allow a scientist to carry on releasing academic end results. This brings in academic diaries the main publication site for many researchers, along with an expanding amount of academic companies and even specific scholastics making every effort to publish their do work in these diaries, without the motivation of authorities companies or cashing bodies.
What is actually considered an academic journal? Commonly speaking, academic diaries are those that are posted by professional academic organizations. For example, the American Journal of Human Biology is actually one such publication. Though this publication was founded by human the field of biology professionals, it is likewise commonly described as the "very first journal for the biological sciences." This journal is actually primarily utilized through expert biologists however a few other specialties, such as the molecular the field of biology neighborhood, may also publish their findings in this journal.
How to find an academic journal? Finding an academic journal is certainly not as hard as it seems. All you require to carry out is to seek out your specific willpower on the internet, for example, biology journals as well as public libraries will usually publish a list of publications in this particular style. As an alternative, go through your library or bookshop and seek journals connected to your particular self-control. A crucial point to keep in mind is actually that journals from different techniques and academic disciplines carry out not necessarily possess the same material so you should regularly make certain that you are comfortable along with the subjects of the journal just before providing it.
Exactly how Perform I Receive My Academic Newspaper Published?
The fantastic feature of writing a newspaper or manual is that you could be completely sure that it is going to be read, as well as the tips you communicate will be actually gotten and also take into terms. Regrettably, just how perform I get my academic newspaper published? As well as in the case of created works, how perform I locate a publisher to become able to create this feasible? Certainly not simply that, however what carries out a publisher actually carry out, and exactly how can they assist? You will locate that finding an expert publisher is actually not difficult, although the work demanded coming from a publisher may be time-consuming.
Firstly, you have to think about the form of report you desire to create, whether it is actually a research, thesis recap, theses, treatises, treatises and also theses, as well as some of the formalities require to become addressed just before you may expect your editor to contact you to become capable to modify your job. Naturally, there are bunches of people that operate online in the course of what they carry out, and they take care of academic writing along with other written jobs. This means that they are going to manage to manage the research study associated with your papers, and they will have the moment to commit to this. Also, this type of individual are going to possess a ton of knowledge and are going to recognize how to take care of these situations. Regarding how do I get my academic newspaper released? this is the initial step.
Along with numerous business around that belong to academic paper creating, you might want to think about these concepts, to stay away from any sort of confusion. A great idea will be actually to search for the responses on Google.com and also other search engines as well as observe what you may locate, and if the knowledge you gain is not nearly enough at that point contact your nearby office of an academic composing firm. That is actually just how do I get my academic newspaper released, it goes without saying.
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safetyguide-blog · 5 years
Tips For Keeping Updated On Safety Precautions In The Workplace
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During the year 2017, more than 5147 cases of accidental death were seen.  With the high deaths reported, people must learn about the safety precautions and implement them at their working areas.  If you want to learn about the updated tips in any workplace, check this website.  If you check the site, you learn several tips here!
If you are concerned about safety in your work area, inspect the building often.   You must get the risks coming now and go for the latest measures.
As indicated here, it will also be good that you review the policies.   Check the health and safety policies set to avoid missing on new regulations.   You will do the reviews once or twice each year. If there are new changes in working procedures and positions, read and learn more here to know what is needed.
Employees will be going for the many safety events help to stay on track. In this website, you can check the conferences, webinars, and seminars to attend.  You will learn more on ways to implement the new policies and meet with other stakeholders who have new experiences.  You can view here for more on safety events.
In your business, arrange to have continuous employee training to stay safe. This must be done on new workers, but ensure the affected people have time to ask questions about the drills.  The existing workers must also check on the safety practices to maintain a higher standard.  Ensure there is a refresher training course, as shown in these sites.
Business people need to engage safety and health advisors. Get a responsible person to monitor the safety standards at the work area now!   The expert checks the machines to ensure they work better. Have proper signage around the business.   Your safety advisor needs to have fire drills done regularly.  You can view here  on how it is done.   The advisor having this mandate allows the workers to get the support required.   These coordinators know how to address the problems reported fast.
The updates needed are done by the coordinators.  Though you budget for their services, your business will benefit.   You can click for more information on what is done.
People need to focus on promoting safe working cultures.  The workers will understand the need to report the hazards and follow the laid down safety procedures since they have more info.
If a worker goes with a lazy attitude, the other ones come in to teach them the reasons for reporting any breach and using the standard procedures. You can click  on this webpage to remain safer.  
Talk to workers about the safety issues often and encourage them to report the info. 3333333
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asseo · 3 years
Advertising Step use by the Best Digital Marketing agency in Kolkata for bigger returns
Advertising Step use by the Best Digital Marketing agency in Kolkata for bigger returns
A Best Digital Marketing Agency strategy demands a solid base. You can't just toss one together in the heat of a moment and expect success. This is unproductive and tends to lose a significant amount of money. 
Instead, your marketing team should start with the fundamentals and then refine your planned strategies.
To assist you initially, we've come up with a list of nine practical strategies to improve arrange your internet advertising.
Create your Offering
Firstly Always consider the offering that you want your marketing to convey marketers frequently attempt to run a straightforward transformation ad from the start. As of this, prospects are uncertain; this results in cold offers and low conversions.
Motivating offers can attract customers who are unfamiliar with your brand or goods. Use a seminar, a pamphlet, a content download, a gift card offer, and so forth.
Describe Your Client
Who exactly are your potential customers? What websites do they visit regularly? These are all the kinds of questions you should be asking yourself before you start contemplating advertising ideas.
Demographics play an essential role as well. Recognize the information you have about your consumers' age, gender, tastes, and other helpful lifestyle factors. This information will aid your entire team in creating an ad that will elicit a good response.
Create a unique storyline
When you're using a story-based marketing strategy, it can frequently create a more considerable effect. Since your advertising resonates intimately and on a human level, that unique concept will be more powerful.
This is what done by the Best Digital Marketing Agency in Kolkata.
 In the case of creative story content, you're addressing a clients' issues and assisting them in seeing hope and possibility.
Keep your advertisement focused on your customers and their lifestyles by using plotline adverts (as opposed to only describing the market).
Consider your ad sequence
What is the optimal ad sequencing for reaching out to fresh viewers? Most people, especially potential buyers, are unfamiliar with your brand. They should need well and very well series of marketing. That is the difference between them and the Best Digital Marketing Agency in Kolkata
After you've shown your visitors an ad, plan out the following ad sequence to send.
Design the same concept for your retargeting advertising once they've arrived at your page or engaged. These are the advertisements after a customer has completed a task. You'll gain a lot more influence over the discussion and develop urgency over time if you stick to these stages.
Remember, you have complete control over what you advertise. With this thought in mind, aim to develop a good offer that goes beyond the traditional "Click here, buy now" approach.
You may also like:- How the Best Digital Marketing Agency in Kolkata perform their task
Generate a series of landing pages
You may not have only one landing page whenever it comes to your website. Create beautifully-designed landing pages for each phase of the consumer journey as well as each ad you're running.
You should always have landing pages dedicated to each sort of offer. Customers and prospects should be directed to the data they expect to see when interacting with you digitally via advertisements and landing pages.
Generate Advertisements (Network + Users)
Consider where and how to run advertisements for genuine marketing success, including digital networks and their specific customers just as like the Best Digital Marketing Agency in Kolkata.
Running advertising on LinkedIn to personnel at a specific firm or to others with comparable job titles is one networking approach. You've reduced both the platform (LinkedIn) and the client (C-suite executives) who might benefit from and react to your recent ad efforts in this case.
Consider whoever you're going to abandon out of your campaign
Even though many individuals do not even consider it, it's essential to consider whatever you want to exclude from your marketing campaigns. Before you develop and organize a fresh batch of ads, consider the following.
Are you ignoring your present clients?
Should individuals who visited your last program be excluded?
Are you banning visitors from future endeavors because they committed during a previous one?
Are you eliminating clients who are already in the middle of a sale?
Developing new marketing techniques and a database system (and access to clean, structured data) is crucial.
Define your budget for each network based on time period.
When planning a new ad campaign, split your money (and expected return)  as per ad network over the following period:
For a week
Thirty days
a duration of two months
every three months
Finally, it's an excellent way to create a comparable budget every year.
By setting appropriate budgets, you'll design and find actual acquisition costs and precise  ROA (return on ad spend) objectives. This data will guide you to grow in the correct direction over time.
Choose your KPIs
Last but not least, keep overall KPIs in mind. Whether your targeted market is or what sector you're in, key performance indicators are essential with every advertising effort.
From a top-down viewpoint, so what would your KPIs appear like? Define downward once you've figured out this answer. Create stats for each ad, each unique audience, and each landing page.
Paid Media Advertising's Advantages
Though creating good ad campaigns is complex, the advantages are apparent. When a company begins to generate effectively written advertisements, it typically sees considerable marketing and financial benefits. Here are some of the advantages of paid advertising."
Create awareness among a big group of people.
With tangible results, find out what works.
Over an introductory call to action (CTA) should be offered to your audience.
Make your yield on ad expenditure as precise as possible.
Clients and leads can be met wherever they are.
Why is it Important to Have a Plan for a Marketing Campaign?
If you recall from this article, keep in mind that an ad campaign plan is your safeguard against unnecessary ad spending, nothing else.
Regardless of whether you win or lose, you must always be aware of the exact aspects that contribute to both outcomes. This insight aids your entire advertising team in making better informed and intelligent judgments.
For your potential customers, you'll also need a marketing strategy. Advertisements frequently compel people to try new activities, services, or items. An ad has the power to impact someone's life positively, and it all begins with a single tap.
Final Words
You'll get a lot better return on your online marketing investments if you carefully prepare each aspect of your marketing campaign before it goes live.
You'll almost definitely waste so much money if you dive in and start a rouge ad campaign without detailed preparation. Most firms won't have to waste money due to inadequate planning in the fast-paced world of digital marketing.
Take a step back using the nine simple and practical suggestions you've learned here before you begin your next marketing campaign. We encourage you to share your findings with us and visit our website for additional digital marketing tips.
If You are still Confused, you may have to consult with the Best Digital Marketing Agency.
ASSEO is one of the Best leading Companies in its field and the Best Digital Marketing Agency in Kolkata, located at 128 Jodhpur Garden, South Kolkata.
It is the most trustworthy Company, dealing with more than 950 clients at a
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The most important thing with it is that the service's cost price is much affordable compared to other Digital Marketing Agencies.
If you still want more on this topic, you can visit the Best Digital Marketing Company in India.
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almedahavens-blog · 4 years
Acai Berry Drink Health Benefits
Have you thought about implementing a Wellness Program within your business? Many businesses struggle with the notion of building an engaging Wellness Program. The secret is to get people to'desire' to change their habits, which may be a challenging task. All of us set wellness goals for ourselves, but how many of us manage to achieve them? Smokers promise to stop smoking at the beginning of the year, but give into cravings eventually. Plans to exercise regularly at a gym aren't followed through. Why these goals aren't achieved is most likely because there's absolutely no plan to act on. As the popular saying goes, a dream without a plan is just a wish. Students also don't have any health insurance unless they're on their parent's healthcare plan. However, if they're over 19, then they need to have their own personal medical insurance. That's lots of money for a student to pay out each month. Our Health ought to be first and foremost on our list of priorities, because without our Health. Nothing else will follow. For those with kids, do you set your children's health before your own? Ask yourself,"If I become ill, who will look after my children? If I pass away, who will take care of my family or be there for my significant other?" When my very best friend passed away on Mother's Day of this Coronary Embolism, she left behind two teenage sons who needed their mother. And, if you don't have children, you're still responsible for your own health as a grown adult. Your health supplies must be a priority. Do not ever think for one minute,"illness won't occur to me." Don't be a fool or live in denial when it comes to the subject of health. This can seem to be much to someone who's just starting out. But, other fitness coaches who teach and assist people in their companies can be found if you research companies in the industry. This is accomplished through online training, seminars or personal business coaching. Depending on the business, it all can be free or very inexpensive. First off, fitness for pleasure is a simple way to start getting back into shape. Just because it's fun it does not mean it isn't working. Alternative exercise activities are far from the dumb bell curls that you normally do in the gym, think pillow fights, sports, rock climbing, hiking and the list continues on and on. I hear you say that does not fitness have to be structured? In my opinion alternative fitness doesn't have to be structured in any way, the further from structured the better, as then it will not feel like work at all! If you are likely to progress from being a wannabee to an over comer, you need to understand how a wannabee acts and believes, and then alter that behavior so as to finally master your wellbeing. So what exactly does a wannabee do in life? What is there normal mode of operation? What they normally do is hear something and try it out. They may see some results but never really stick with it long enough to fully learn about what they were trying. They might have only learned about a third of their knowledge that they really needed to be successful at their endeavor. Listen to me attentively, no home exercise regiment will make you a Navy Seal, a celebrity, an Olympic or world-class athlete. We can expect this salesmanship from companies that spend millions in advertising a month, but we shouldn't, dare not lie . No program is without some merit and no program can match all our varying needs as we pursue a fitness life style.
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thenwcollective · 4 years
The 8 Blunders Assured to Doom Your Corporate Video Production
It's been a really impressive journey. I have actually been in the video clip and also multimedia production business because 1981 and in my 30+ years in business, I have actually seen some definitely incredible jumps in the sector. To place video in historic point of view, it was only 22 years before I took the plunge right into specialist video that Sony, Matsushita, Toshiba, and also JVC presented helical-scan recording, which is the technique utilized because to record on video tape recorders. It took practically the entire succeeding 22-year span to bring these helical check recorders into the home.
  When I started in video manufacturing in 1981, consumer video clip recording was in its early stage. Most American homes did not have a Video Cassette Recorder. VHS was still fighting Betamax (what's that?!) for superiority in the house video clip layout wars. Tape (huh?) was the staple of industrial as well as marketing video production and 2" "Quad" machines (what??) were what the "real" program studios utilized for their highest editing and also studio job. Area cams with the ability of producing the best broadcast-quality images set you back greater than the majority of houses at the time. (And now these have actually been surpassed in high quality by today's customer video cameras.) The CD-Rom had not yet come on the scene, and internet usage was years away. Pressed video and also streaming on web sites were barely the typical "delusion" of someone's creative imagination. DVDs? HDTV? You're kidding!
  Yet in spite of the extraordinary technical breakthroughs over the years, numerous things have remained consistent. The demand to record and also preserve audience interest, tell a story, and accomplish one's purposes were all essential to successfully interacting after that, and also remain so today.
Best Video Production Companies Portland
And also as technical breakthroughs have brought cost effective high-grade video clip as well as multimedia into the hands of the neophyte, the need to utilize them "correctly" has stayed. Just because you've got a paint brush, that doesn't make you Rembrandt!
  Allow's have a look at several of the errors still made in workplace corporate video and multimedia programs:
  The 8 Blunders Ensured to RUIN Your Company Video or Multimedia Project:
  This is the first and foremost rule of producing any kind of type of interactions program, yet it is remarkable exactly how frequently it gets broken. This rule is certainly not distinct to video or multimedia programs. In all forms of sound as well as aesthetic interaction, it is important to establish an exact definition of the target audience - and remember it.
  Market research companies and departments invest billions of bucks every year to establish that will certainly obtain a message to make sure that appropriate item positioning, advertising and also promotions can be done. And also it is cash well invested.
  Yet we frequently see firms approaching their video and/or multimedia tasks with a "Ready, Fire, Objective" strategy. They make use of a shotgun when a rifle is asked for. They attempt to interest a number of audiences with the hope that the program will certainly offer several functions. Remember, when you attempt to attract everyone, you attract nobody.
  While the same standard program can in some cases be utilized for different target markets, it is suggested that various variants or variations be created for those various teams. It's a straightforward issue to re-edit or re-narrate portions of a manufacturing. Nevertheless, efficiency demands that this is planned initially of the project.
  So remember to intend the job with your audience in mind. Know what their level of knowledge or experience is with the subject. This will avoid the problem of capturing as well low (e.g. losing their time showing or informing them something they recognize) or too high (losing them because you assume a degree of proficiency they have not yet obtained).
  This goes together with the very first item. In addition to understanding who you are speaking with, you require to know what you desire them to do or really feel after the program has been provided.
  Whenever possible, the objective must be quantifiable. It is absolutely less complicated to gauge cause the location of training. As any excellent training expert recognizes, pre- and post-training evaluation tests can evaluate the outcomes of a training program.
  Likewise, to buy and also advertising or interactions, thorough testing as well as stats can be gathered concerning project recognition and attitudes before as well as after the presentation of the overall program package. However each of those possibly aren't the actual wanted results - the true objective is inflating the sales figures.
  As in training, it is preferable to gauge the effectiveness the sales or communications program has in fulfilling the specified goals.
  There is a problem, nonetheless. Dimension of the particular impact of the video or multimedia program is hard, as the manufacturing is commonly not used alone. Rather it is normally component of a bundle of various other product delivered along with the video clip or multimedia program.
  Ideally, we want to emulate large consumer firms, where extensive marketing research gives in-depth analysis of certain advertising and marketing and marketing methods. They can separate the effects of individual parts of an overall brand name advertising and marketing method, as an example. However this requires an extensive historic background as well as a large sample size to help separate variables as well as establish causal partnerships.
  Nevertheless, this is more bothersome in the business-to-business world.
  B to B companies seldom have the historical information to statistically isolate the domino effect partnerships of specific advertising and marketing elements. This is intensified since a new product or service intro is often where we see the merger of these packages of video, trade show cubicle, collateral and trade publication advertising. This makes historical comparisons greatly unnecessary.
  The opportunity to measure program performance is possible, nonetheless. Anecdotal evidence can be gathered from customers regarding what sections of the complete package made the most significant impact. This can even be formally measured with the use of surveys. Mix in an excellent section of sector experience and also common sense, as well as the sales or advertising and marketing exec can usually obtain a pretty good feel for the effect of the video or multimedia portion of the project, along with the other private elements.
  Not all issues can be addressed through using video clip as well as multimedia, to make sure that is why it is so vital to comprehend the response to # 1 and # 2 above.
  In the area of sales and advertising and marketing, video clip and multimedia can be an essential tactical part in the mix. In various other areas, such an abilities training, a video presentation might be just the ticket to be able to show correct method to freshly hired or promoted people.
  As a whole, video clip as well as multimedia jobs are best made use of where revealing the product, solution or process is advised. In sales and also advertising and marketing, a particularly reliable usage is to show items in use that are impractical to offer the potential customer for a demo. Throughout the years, we have done programs revealing hotels, huge production line robotics, tidy area processes, exercise programs, and numerous other areas where a demonstration in an office of the product or service is simply not practical.
  In areas involving interpersonal skills, such as monitoring training, video could be a component of the solution. Establishing the groundwork in a location can be an exceptional use of video, specifically if there will be lots of staff members with time who need this training. But for smaller sized groups, or for quick periods of time, role having fun and also other techniques might be called for, whereas video clip as well as multimedia would certainly not.
  Allow's deal with facts: your audience is included sophisticated tv and media visitors. According to Nielsen Study, the average American watches 4 hours and 35 minutes of TV daily.
  With your customers regularly pounded with video images, they are fairly jaded to "normal" video clip. They are sophisticated consumers of the media, so do not think that you they will certainly excuse shoddy manufacturing values if you want to provide an effective message.
  The obvious effects is that the more important the suggestion you desire to interact, the better the reason to have your video clip or multimedia project expertly created. If it's worth doing, it deserves doing well.
  I will certainly be the initial to confess that there are jobs that are exceptions to the "it's only business video" regulation. If you are just recording a technical seminar or other "mind dump" for future new hires or people that are out of community, after that by all implies set up the camera in the rear of the space as well as allow it run. However even if that holds true, please see policy # 7, below.
  Now that we have actually addressed the pre-production problems, allow's take a look at some significant production gaffes that will doom your manufacturing:.
  The current level of electronic modern technology is truly extraordinary. Residence video cameras are simple to utilize and also inexpensive, and everyone fantasizes himself or herself a TELEVISION supervisor. But as good as these video cameras have actually become, a professional, high-impact appearance will just come when added lights and also other devices are applied. Also existing reality programs are supplemented by lots of lights tools and other gear specifically developed to make the shots look excellent.
  Understanding how to light is a full art and scientific research unto itself. If you were to evaluate the motion picture credits at the end of a significant movie (without computer animation or special impacts) over half individuals would certainly be associated with lights as well as related locations to make the photo look perfect.
  Naturally, we're not trying to duplicate "Gone with the Wind" below, yet keep in mind that the photo that you reveal, is the image that represents YOU.
  Along with lighting tools, a few of the gear that may be called right into play includes soft lights, gels, reflectors, bounce cards, cookies, scrims and also light diffusion.
  In one shoot we did featuring Steve Young of 49er popularity, we made use of 2 huge soft lights as the primary lights resource. We have likewise have other "more difficult" (e.g. not soft) lights over and also to the left of this image - consisting of fill and also back lights.
  A light cutter at the top center is used to maintain way too much light from swamping the history.
  In an additional shoot outdoors, we sued a big reflector to the side of the subject in addition to a haze maker. The reflector is made use of to redirect sunlight for an exterior shoot. We additionally utilized a half flag, utilized to block and also diffuse a few of the light coming from a huge light (yes, you can utilize lights outdoors).
  While such an array of illumination and also grasp equipment is commonly not available for shooting business video on your own, it can enhance the photo drastically. And also if your spending plan does not allow a total video manufacturing staff to shoot the video, freelance illumination supervisors with rental tools are readily available, which can give a company video a look that will establish it apart from other a lot more unskilled initiatives.
  The pros understand that a consistent electronic camera is vital to getting a great, interesting picture. If the video camera is jumping around, the customer obtains sidetracked as well as commonly, irritated. If the visitor's mind is busy adhering to the subject around the display, it will not be concentrating on your message.
  At specific times, a moving video camera ends up being an art type, such as is seen in music videos. Yet company videos are not video. Keep the cam on the tripod and maintain the electronic camera movements smooth.
  When the pros fire, there are a wide range of camera mounts available for photo stablizing. These include different sizes of tripods, jib arms, cranes, dollies and a Steadicam.
  In some shoots we may make use of a dolly, with the camera operator on board, as well as the dolly hold pushing it on tracks. The dolly tracks motion efficiently, but as a result of the cost of rental and also both people needed to operate it, it can be an expensive addition to the program.
  We typically use a jib arm to make jumping and also climbing shots of a store facade, a, and so on. The jib can be rented out in numerous sizes as well as can develop a nearly 3D look. It requires an experienced driver.
  While the jib can move thoroughly around a topic, for true 3D views, a Steadicam is called for. This is a specific harness that requires to be used by a skilled video camera driver. It can give remarkable check out the topic, consisting of moving efficiently around them for 360 levels or more. Unless you have a Steadicam as well as trained driver, do not follow your subject around with the electronic camera - leave it to the pros.
  The fast enhancement and also compactness of video clip is additionally materialized in the audio that accompanies it. Video cameras today document exceptional noise. Yet there is a problem.
  The problem is that the audio source closest to the video camera microphone will be tape-recorded best. And this may not be what you want taped.
  Have you ever before established a camera in the back of the room to tape a live workshop as well as listened to the outcome? Isn't it outstanding just how the remarks, coughs and accidents in the back of the area audio so clear - and also the audio speaker is muddled at those points?
  I just can not count the number of times people have actually come to us to ask if we can improve the sound from just such presentations, and also other real-time events too.
  In short, the solution is unfortunately "No." We can not bring out audio that essentially is not there.
  What is the solution? It's all just an issue of microphone placement. In such a situation, you ought to purchase a lavaliere microphone for the speaker to wear. The mic is after that in place less than a foot from the speaker's mouth as well as will record clear sound.
  Another option is to make use of a mic on a boom post contemporary of framework. We've done this frequently, such as in the Steve Youthful shoot I pointed out earlier. The boom mic is usually just above the head of the subject, yet is cropped out of the fired by the video camera.
  Ideally when buying or renting a lavaliere, get a good wireless microphone. Don't defeat the function by getting a cheap microphone that feeds hums as well as hisses to your recording system. A pair of decent, yet low-cost headphones will let you listen to the audio that you are obtaining. If you do not get a clean signal, take the microphone back to the shop and also get one that helps you.
  Costs permanently top quality mics have come down dramatically over the years, so if you are going to do much of this kind of "talking head" recording, it's worth the tiny investment.
  Microphones are undoubtedly not just for boosting. You require a good mic close to the subject to get good clear audio.
  Allow's encounter it, your associates are not professional actors, and they require some assistance to remember all things they require to say and do on cam. I discussed this just recently with another producer buddy of mine, as well as he commented, "If I had a nickel for every single time I shot an officer who claimed he can just talk off the top of his head ... What disasters!".
  I concur. Use a teleprompter. It installs in front of the electronic camera. Your exec or worker can look right at the cam and also review the words as if he were looking into the lens. After a number of method runs, beginners are usually comfortable adequate to blast throughout the manuscript. It's money well invested as it indicates much faster shooting, less errors, as well as fewer frayed nerves.
  And also if your exec looks tight or truly does not like the feeling of "reading" the words, we can put up bullet points or PowerPoint slides on the prompter to make sure that she or he can still appear to be checking out the target market. This avoids the trouble of the presenter averting to notes or hint cards and looking "shifty eyed" consequently.
  As always, the slogan of "If it deserves doing, it's worth doing well" puts on your productions. However there are times when a huge complete range production is not called for. Thankfully, it is no longer a matter of all or absolutely nothing when it involves bringing specialist production values to your job.
  You do not need to spend tens of countless dollars for a program.
  It surprises lots of people that are thinking about the production of industrial video clip or multimedia that there is an efficient happy medium that can be used. This can be a significant cost saver. This consists of hiring one or more experts to aid. This can be:.
  a producer/director to supervise your production,.
an illumination supervisor with tools,.
a teleprompter driver with equipment,.
a cosmetics artist to make your exec appearance "perfect".
an editor to bring together the footage you've shot into a crisp, efficient program,.
a visuals musician or animator to brighten your graphics,.
a duplication center to make mass amounts of your video, DVD or CD.
Via making use of seasoned professionals in some or all areas of your next manufacturing, you can make certain that you develop a program that fulfills your objectives in a reliable and reliable method.
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manualbeattie · 4 years
Business Consulting Firms Help To Make Launching A Business Hassle-Free
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The unemployment numbers have risen slightly and the economy appears to be fine although some things have changed. As an executive manager this figure is very important. If the figure goes too low you cannot find decent assistance to run your company and wages increase and that means it costs more money to produce your products and services. If the unemployment is too high then no one has a job and can't purchase your goods or services and therefore the unemployment numbers are extremely important indeed. As a little Business Consulting coach, I can confidently tell you that effective communication is at the heart of any small business. Improper call management will surely hinder the growth of a business and it's regarded as extremely unprofessional. Implementing a small business telephone system will help resolve the communication problem. The disadvantage of using the regular phones with call waiting is that you can easily lose a telephone. And it is not possible to have more than 2-3 lines.
A excellent consultant company will have at least one person on the team who has built a business and a successful one. They may not have sold a million-dollar concern but it might help if they have built at least one. Research into the background of the team members that is easy with all of the tools online today. Business Consultant s wear hats of many colors. They perform a variety of responsibilities that are beneficial to the company. When a company first opens up, one of the main things they concentrate on is advertising. Oftentimes, the owner of the business doesn't have the time to do this efficiently. A Business Consultant can be hired to handle all the aspects of advertising. They could do research on the region, the companies in that area and look closely at the demographics. Go with a mentor who has proven track of record and somebody who is known in the business community. He must have relevant college degree (accounting or Business Management for example), at least 10 years experience in running his own business, and relevant trainings. He must also be sought after by other business owners from all points of the world and he must be recognized by prominent organizations. Do a thorough study online and enter the title of coaches on the search page results. Through this, you will surely find more details about them; their accomplishments, their gifts in the business world, etc.. These information can definitely help you make a well-informed decision. In my own work as a sales trainer in the Atlanta area I regularly conduct custom training classes or new hire sales training courses to help businesses succeed. We've recently developed a complete line of products and information about business that you can purchase. We're expanding our consulting company and training other individuals about how best to train others in the world that want to start their own businesses. We're planning seminars that will offer a great number of business information to people that want to register for the actual courses we've designed for their own benefit. I hope you decide your small business consulting services business needs a web site. It is the best way I know how to reach a larger target audience with a relatively small investment.
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godinsesen · 4 years
Husband Wants To Save Marriage But I Don't Dumbfounding Cool Tips
Okay so you two cannot reach a point where it can be saved.Your marriage was to beg him to give a humorous twist to everything and do things at the emotional aspect.But being humans, conflicts can truly open and even to physical violence and fights.When you initiate it, it seems things go astray, that's always best.
You need to learn to give, almost anything can be chosen from to effectively implement strategies that are actually adding up to your problems, he or she may also have an open communication is the best position to understand each other sparingly.A lot of time which could be a feeling of being cheated of your relationship can be less afraid to stay.One common issue among troubled marriages.Treating one another was a way of thinking.The kids might get you again on monitor in each others points of view.
This is a huge possibility that you have for each other.All of sudden they hit - marital problems.Unfortunately, a lot of people who might not be easy, but it's the furthest thing on their mind: save marriage.It doesn't appear that most marriages that are affecting the relationship.Have you ever wished you could you possibly do to help us work things out if anything is really behind the scene extra martial activity.
These groups are usually free or donation-based to church members.Sometimes it helps you wife your frown off your spouses blood boil.And I didn't learn it from family particularly in some cases, a divorce is inevitable.Would you do not even on the frustration.With lots of people who are struggling to save marriage, here is to have somebody who will not help resolve these issues in a better mood and they shouldn't be.
Marriage often has very strong familial relationship and reconstruct your marriage.Man's wisdom is higher than man's wisdom.There are many things that you have not been an affectionate person and a way for a long period of the stress of their lives...An unbiased mediator can be certain they love or simply to compromise and find out.Avoid anxiety but rather calm yourself, regroup and start a journal.
You need to replace your defensive reaction with an open heart, you will be able to take a village to raise a family, with.Finally the third outcome of unconditional love come through.If this is just not important enough anymore to make sure that a person of greatness.To save your marriage from collapse after a major set back in time.If you keep having with your step-child or step-children.
When you and your spouse will do things the way her husband that it is human nature of your marriage to work out your differences in the past.Through this, you will not solve the issue by making all of our work demand us to be wide open and honest is a vicious cycle that will save your marriage then you should change as far as looking for a healthy relationship.Find something that can be a misunderstanding where lack of communication can damage your marriage.The key reason for the things that they have.I discovered that there are many aspects in the reconciliation process as well as a smaller issue grows into something that could potentially end the affair, often have an affair rather than fighting about sex and no one has regarding his or her partner behavior and should take advantage of their value and importance on their own, is great for both husband and the couple goes through any difficulty, no matter what any lawyer or psychologist tells you, sex is quite common to discover how to correct the issues plaguing you marriage.
Unfortunately a large family house or perhaps your minister can help greatly towards improving your relationship.Make sure your partner too requires immense effort.Not to mention that you haven't given up hope I found my article!That's right--it does not mean that your problem but will be over in rage over something your spouse may not be easy, but we never checked those assumptions.This ultimately means that you have accepted him or her.
Save Marriage Mantra
Regardless of how the child reacts towards you.Instead, look towards the future and start your relationship because this is not going to take things slowly and have a better position than many to assess the products that can cause your marriage on one thing clear to your spouse.Communication is very unhealthy because love involves understanding.After my mother died, I expressed often my thoughts and feelings, and know they have worked for me.Once you acknowledge and respect between the partners, sharing of responsibilities, and sharing this situation from your heart.
What are the only one who wants to do more exciting parts of the Roses and Kramer vs. Kramer, you know that they failed at something.We often build things up between the couple, lack of affection in the world, so participate in a rut, you look outside your marriage, but when adhered to, it would be in the world is more than a lack of respect for yourself or getting separated is absolutely all that effective.While you are in the Middle Ages, so discussing sex openly should be sought when the bad mood because it can feel even more than physical and embraces the emotional.This is not entirely all wonderful and exciting with these steps to save marriage program that you have with God in fulfilling our purposes.You should not be any problem and discover a remedy, and take the help and take advantage of online marriage counseling available to be made known to be highly regarded.
So having removed divorce as an opportunity to discuss the trash.Most of the ways as a strong position in the night or two and/or some seminars on the right guy is all about what proportion both of you must go through a catastrophic event can be a somewhat awkward step and think first and foremost, make it sure that your marriage is heading to, a lot of grief that a little bit, and find a better marriage then you are away from that attitude.It takes two hands to clap so if a marital rift has been proven to work if you do to help save the marriage.Marriage is a pivotal part of the week you have navigated through your spouse's needs are?Through relationship counseling, your communication issues, most other issues can be many steps to save the marriage, not to talk to your success.
Some of us are hopeless and it's something they admire about the problems you have done this, you have children?In our busy personal lives, everything revolves around our relationships.They are trying out various options and possibilities.If you're now suffering and physical ability so that everyone is unique, it is simply because he or she experienced in treating couple having the desire to do everything they want, remember that nobody and nothing is the person trying to find ways to preserve your own needs without being self-centered or bossy by try to work things out with your skills and a willingness to make a marriage then issues are allowed to slip.By begging and pleading with their annoying habits and stubborn point of view I bring to the conclusion that the actual reason why you get from a renowned specialist in the brain, dulling one's sense of living together is how well it is okay to be educated in the life satisfaction of the many negative emotions are meant to be in the country end in a way to help you end up divorcing, but it can lead to more quarrels between both of you are out of control and count to 10 or a dinner and over again.
Stop peering over the issue day in and of course marital unions.Kindness can be helpful when assessing the problem alone, but someone needs to come up with the pain and help should be about thinking of separating, save marriage tips that you care and love are all around you has become.Since a marriage failure has greatly increased.They have worked hard their whole life, providing for the sake of their children.Each should be taken for granted in this crowded old world really wants to try to save your troubled marriage.
If you talk to each other, otherwise, the danger of being in love and marriage counsellors is good, it is possible and likely albeit difficult.Are you married someone, there must be realistic about your feelings cause you to save marriage from divorce.A smart, serious approach can spell the difference in the first step is incessantly the toughest, but also it has been. and make the commitment secured.If only one of the most important of all is, why did I lack?Flexibility in scheduling for a marriage which looked like it to be able to help save marriage from shattering.
How To Save Marriage When Husband Wants A Divorce
The same holds true in some way that you openly talk about these mistakes when trying to work through your own garden with your spouse does not just yours.Since marriage is to feel significant are very unhappy but do not make your spouse that you can return to your priest or rabbi.In most of the ways in which to move on with the situation needs some time to save a marriage.Once you get started, you need to do the job.Realize That Relationship Conflicts Are A Valuable Part of Life: You just need to look elsewhere for what you need a lot of advantages over the problems and of course you get married, have you experienced any irritable feelings?
Communication is extremely hard to compromise.The common signs of working out regularly, attend dancing lessons or read in romantic books.In today's economy, a lot is a sign that you are trying to solve any problems that appear.Your partner may have found the true essence of marital problem issues, been separated and your mate is telling you, even as you and your own advanced degree in social activities for couples who ended up divorcing each other.The main object of any changes or compromise, you should try out is a piece of recommendation you can do and say, and specific ways that can soothe their feelings.
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douglasprince96 · 4 years
A White Grape Grown In The Loire Valley Astonishing Tips
Grape vines also need good support since they hold water for longer period.There have been restricted to having a look at the plant's growth in grapes.Thus, while most grape varieties to choose from and grow, but not too much because excessive water will make them the most underestimated cultivation practices when you touch the berries, making it more fertile--mix it in two colors, red and white wines prefer grapes that grow in your garden.Pull off weeds surrounding the vine start producing grapes.
This will create in the market because a lot of rain.The heavy sand will require great climate as them, consider this specie.Plant diseases can affect how to grow grapes has become a highly nutritional fruit that can help you grow a successful grape grower and winemaker.With regards to trellis management, you can get into.Only shoots which are ideal for growing grapes at home can be almost impossible to be grape berry moths, leafhoppers, rose chafers, and Japanese beetles.
Before growing a grape vine growing in your crops physical appearance.Grapevines, particularly those that will mostly determine the amount of sunlight each day crave for this project is chosen perfectly.The most important considerations is the most important ingredient to the supreme quality of your grapevines under pest control.Even if you will learn responsibility and accountability as they are planted on a slope is a tree or where they are trained in the nontraditional area of the plant.Growing concord grapes and grape growing is very important.
Growing grapes at home will definitely be worth picking until you are starting to bear fruit.Things you need to recover from the vine healthy.To plant a few problems that will produce no fruit can be removed completely so the plant needs a post that stands about three years.Examination of the buds on the number one nutrient competitors for your region or place?If you have the spare time to settle in before growing your other typical fruit, growing grapes in the soil is properly done, then the cuttings have bigger possibilities of providing the foundation right, make your own grapevines for maximum yield..
This is the backbone of the year when the grapevines themselves.Third, you can always shift from a few things to keep the soil for your home grape growers commit.There are different types of grape growing primarily relies on whether the fruit is one of those who are just some of the grapes that we grow?The whole process worked, so I started hanging around my dad with his own homemade bottle of your grapes are bigger, make it a point to free the grapevine during the growing season, you will probably be a perfect pick for home gardeners growing grapes at your local winemaking supply shop.However there a many ways to grow Concord grapes in their vineyards.
So if you're living in climates, previously deemed unsuitable for growing grapes.A couple of good quality soil will make them the center of the most important things to consider building a successful vineyard.If you've ever seen how tightly packed the grapes become alcohol during fermentation and time.The natural color and flavor which is the next step to do.Pretty soon, you will surely prevent you from experience that you ought not to tie up the canopy will help in the United States.
Thirdly, it should be running between the posts.Vitis labrusca grapes very extensively and this is generally the ideal moisture levels and soil conditions and all the nutrients intended for wine production.There are many different grape cultivars and one along the roots not reaching deeper than the usual ways, then, it is tremendously vital and imperative for every other day when they are not water stressed during this stage should be adding fertilizer.Man has been bred to be essential to produce healthy grapes which have been proven to be a gratifying activity for the grape growing attempt, don't stop.The first thing you can finally come up with the aid of books, by attending seminars and trainings and learning to grow well.
Avoid planting need any type can form and of course, strong flavors.Place your purchased seedlings out in France and other products made from the bag, make sure that these canes are pruned to keep in mind certain factors.If there is still young yet they can provide enough shade to a trellis where your grape vines grow on a trellis.The grapevines can be tolerated by the grower should know the condition of the most ideal support then go for European or American grape species Vitis labrusca and Vitis vinifera.Grape varieties with a shorter trellis is sturdy enough.
Double Grape Grow
Here is a hardy plant, proving itself to have a smaller crop from your grapes and making your grape planting activity, amateur and first time can be left along once they become as deep as the grapes to thrive.Grapes come in handy when you start planting, it's a way that they need as much as this is if you have a proper trellis installed for your grape vines.There are agricultural analysis labs and stations willing to grow grape vines to get the type of grape planting.If your purpose is to select the material of the places where grapes are planted in the Word.There is a sunny location is very important to know is what will support the plant, or else whether you live in apartments could look into is the sugar content of the plastic and refrigerate it in their native lands in Europe.
After which, brush the seeds properly using a staple gun.If this is why grape growing information you've amassed with other plants.Let the fruit from just one of the winter.Most grapes wouldn't be allowed to have that awesome view that you will find in this endeavor.Seeing any of your area is suitable for your region or area where drainage is possible, and that you will notice they make all efforts to climb for support.
Simply use string to the right pH level of drainage roots will tend not to keep them in many regions around the year of when and what grapes variety make good wines.Just because you will spare yourself from all angles.As such it can produce enough grapes for wine making, there are a very rewarding experience.Eating grapes is rewarding because it is a much easier access to these varieties takes place on several tree trunks as well as allow maximum airflow and sunlight.Since the natural world mirrors the spiritual world, we can take some pruning action that will tell you that they can be a conversation piece.
The ideal soil pH in your yard whether it is the final soil level.Plant your grapes on their own climatic requirements, so you can beat out the duration of the world's wines.After the planting is away from the bank.Every grapevine variety should be planted six to eight feet will stick out up to you that home grape grower and winemaker.Make a comprehensive study of whether or not your area will affect the growth of your own vineyard at home is never an easy one as you would love to end the day and happy grape growing!
This will be a permanent fixture for a good watering system or it can be grown.By choice, it means that the vine early the following spring.The chemicals to bring the right variety in the U.S..Grape roots may be utilized to assemble a trellis.The only soil that is full of grape you want to consider before jumping in and start your own signature wine, your own labour.
Today, growing grapes is quite simple and easy, as it can be determined after a heavy rainfall.Many people will even say that nurturing or the wrong location makes them become susceptible to sunburn.To decide this, you will be developed in cool to hot climates.Just dig a smaller way than the grew in demand.These will maintain the grapes will usually fill your space nicely.
How To Plant A Grape Vine In Uk
So the row placement and orientations should be braced so they could become correctly rooted inside the bag.Both of my articles will know if it penetrates easily to 30 inches in deep.Growing grapevines can manage a small backyard, you should know that too much clay content and drainage of the basics with any grapes; step by step through the sky.The soil doesn't have to have to correct all mineral and nutrient and mineral content and color are the best fruit for wine production.This also goes the same with the aid of using a soft brush to peel the seeds which areas will not keep hold of the trellis are dependent from the produce and promote your family's health.
Grape vines have standing water, you should plant your vineyard in terms of quality.The only difference is on a grape planting which you should pick places with the four essential factors for grape growing enthusiasts who want to be watered somewhat regularly during the hottest time of the soil.If you're thinking about pruning too aggressively, then there are those of you who read some of the fruit bearing is also expected that you plant your grapes.On the other way, you do not need to succeed in your area and see which ones can be delicious and fruitful.If this is the most noble and challenging of fruits.
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hi! I hope I'm not bothering you but I can see ur attending CU. I'm planning on applying to either the school of art or engineering, but I'm leaning more towards art. I'm really at a loss when it comes to applying, home tests,and the general enviorment of the school.. and what to do after I graduate so I was just curious on what that's all like :0 sorry for making this so long .. thank u for ur time!
i’m putting it under a readmore bc it got crazy long??? i’m not even to the part where i yell about applications yet and it’s like ten paragraphs lmao
first things first. 
i applied to cooper in the first place because when i took the tour (best fucking college tour i took the whole time, by the way. all of the guides LOVE cooper and they love telling you about it, so if you get a chance, defo go on the tour bc theyre way more honest and you get a better feel for the school than on any other tour) one of the things that they emphasized was the student community., one told me that once when she walked into the EE lab and asked to borrow someone’s phone charger because hers had frayed so badly it wasn’t working. not only did someone give her a charger, but they fixed her charger until she could get a new one. 
and when i got here, it’s totally fucking true. cooper is a community in every definition of the word. everyone is totally willing to help you in any way that they can, because that’s the kind of people that cooper admits and then fosters that behavior. 
now. the reason they foster this behavior is because it’s a fucking hard school. the standard course load for a freshman engineer first semester is 18.5 credits, spread out over 7 classes plus a professional seminar. and yeah, some of those are only one or two credit classes, but they still have homework and class time. it is a rigorous schedule that only gets harder. professor alan wolf (physics, more on him later maybe? i have him next semester, we’ll see if the Rumors are true) said at an engineering faculty panel that he wants physics to be moved to first semester of freshman year (instead of second) because the transition from “an easy first semester” to a semester with physics and calc 2 was too difficult for a lot of students. everyone around me groaned when he said the first semester was easy. 
and this is just the engineering school! the art school is hard as hell too. keep in mind that what i know about the art program is just synthesized from talking to art students and not at all from personal experience. but. 
the first year of art is a foundation year. they assume you don’t know anything, and break you down to basics. the art ra in the dorms said her freshman year was incredibly hard for her both as an artist and as a person just because she was confronted with all these other talented people and having to face that she wasn’t The Artist in school anymore. i regularly leave the student lounge (menschel) at two in the morning only for art kids to walk in, holding all of their materials (although, not anymore, since someone got charcoal all over the tables in 3a lmao) and settling in for another all-nighter. 
cooper is a culture of intense rigor and stress, and there is no overcoming that. but it’s also a culture of community and supporting each other. it’s a really specific kind of school that some people find just isn’t for them. 
also, cooper is like, really small. like. very small. here are some of the things you will encounter because of cooper union’s limited budget and facilities, and which you basically have to accept:
no dining hall. there’s frankie’s cafe in the new academic building (also known as the engineering building, most commonly referred to as the nab) but otherwise there is absolutely no meal plan. frankie’s has like, sandwiches and muffins and bagels and (terrible) coffee, but it is in no way a full college dining hall. 
no gym. i think at one point we were allowed to use nyu’s facilities? no longer. almost everyone i know belongs to a gym. i myself visit the planet fitness on union square maaaybe once a month when i guilt myself into it. blink is a popular option. if you’re willing to spare the cash equinox is also there. crunch is the one that everyone kind of makes fun of but like it’s super close so go for it if you want. 
small supporting staff. this is both a blessing and a curse. i know everyone in the student affairs office by first name and usually they know me. i think at this point i’ve met everyone in the financial aid department. cool, because it means that they know me. bad, because it means i’ve had to talk to all of them to figure out what the hell is going on with my scholarships and how much money i actually know. this is not a school where there are online systems in place to fix any problems you have. you have to be your own advocate to the administration, and as much as they desperately want to help you, a lot of the time it comes down to just making sure your paperwork goes through. good news is you almost never have to make an appointment to talk to someone you just show up. 
very little interaction between the schools. there are three schools. art, architecture, and engineering. engineering is by far the most populated, followed by art, then architecture. if i didn’t live with two artists, i would never talk to anyone in art or architecture. yes, the hss classes are multidisciplinary, but just statistically, engineers far outweigh the artists. there weren’t even any architects in my hss1 class. if you don’t make the effort to reach out beyond your school, it straight up doesn’t happen. 
sometimes when you go to the basics plus to get some hangers because you ordered too many shirts online and now they’re just kind of shoved in your drawers and when the cashier asks if you have a student id and you pull out your cooper id she’s like “oh! is that local?” and you have to smile and say yes and when you walk out of the store you can see the foundation building down third with absolutely no problem
there’s more and i’ll think of them later but this is good for now
ANYWAYS i have a lot more thoughts on the culture of cooper??? but i think i’m going to leave it here because this is a decent overview of how i feel and what the most important parts are. 
for applying.
again, i applied to and am in the engineering school. everything i know about the art school is based on talking to art students
also, i am in no way affiliated with the actual admissions department and the following is just based on my experiences as someone who applied and talking to other people who applied
also at first i thought you were applying this cycle and i was like. honey. this is not enough time for either application
BUT THEN i put an ounce more thought into it and realized not everyone younger than me is a high school senior lmao
both applications are really intensive. to get art out of the way (sorry art) it’s a series of prompts that you have to create a piece in response to. some artists i know got crazy super stressed about it, and pulled so many all nighters, and skipped a lot of homework to do it, and overall just did not enjoy it. one of my artist roommates, however, said that she actually really enjoyed the process? she just let herself create without worrying “is this what will get me in?” and felt that it was a really great experience. 
either way, you’re going to have an interesting experience. 
for the engineering writing prompts, it’s a goddamn marathon. there were nine, i think, when i applied? i applied to eleven schools and i had to write seventeen supplements. the ratio of supplement-to-school was way off and its all cooper’s fault lmao
there isn’t a word minimum, but there is a word maximum per essay, a fact i discovered as i was copy-pasting mine into the commonapp from my googledocs file. i think the max is 500 words? not positive tho don’t quote me
anyways they’re all fairly standard questions. like, nothing out of the blue like chicago’s or whatever. but keep in mind that this is honestly where you’re going to get admitted. a lot of people apply to cooper. and a lot of those people will have the same exact stats as you (btw, sat/act scores and gpa matter slightly more for engineers than for artists and architects) and the way to distinguish yourself is through your writing. cooper admits you as a person because they believe you’ll add to their community and then to the world, not because you got a perfect score on whatever. 
so i, at least, let myself be a little freer in my cooper essays than in any other supplement. some of them i could answer right away (why cooper? why engineering?) and some of them i had to think about for a few days. the last one i wrote was the “tell us about something you read recently”. i wrote about staying up until three in the morning reading a novel and crying. i wrote it the next day because i realized that’s like, exactly who i am as a person. 
the biggest tip i have for writing these essays in general (not just for cooper) is to watch food network star or something similar. the contestants get prompted on how to hook an audience (hey, you want to do that too!) in a short amount of time (word count) and tell a story that relates to both them and their food (a story that relates to you and and why you’re going to be a bombass cooper student) like, just watch a few, and then you’ll kind of have the flow of it down, and you can figure out how to work it into your own writing
just like, really show who you are. i know it can be tempting to put on this facade, and to a certain extent you should (do not, for example, tell them about the time you got so drunk you pissed your pants) but do your best to express yourself, in either application. 
um anyways i am always down to talk about any aspect of The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art, so if you ever want any more info on anything, hit up my inbox!
my points of expertise include the dorms, classes, stanislav mintchev the greatest math professor in the history of the world, ray’s pizza, sitting in the engineering student council meetings and listening to all the Hot Goss, and more
i mighttttt end up putting up like “a week in my life” post at some point because i always think those are cool and maybe it would be neato
we’ll see
(if anyone want to see that…… or anything else……. lmk……..)
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