#and it's just nice to see a hand moving a lever
swan2swan · 1 month
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Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous
Running Gag: Yaz Crashes the Car
It's a scientific fact that if you put Yaz in control of a wheeled vehicle, eventually, you will no longer have a vehicle. It may be deliberate, it may be the fault of the vehicle, she may not even be in the driver's seat, but if any insurance company were to find out, her premiums will be through the roof.
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satorubi · 11 days
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level quest : pov ur neighbor is a firefighter, and you love a man in uniform . . just as much as he loves your chocolate chip cookies.
☆ — a message from the developer : hiii i missed uguys sm, i’m so glad to be back for realsies this time :p don’t mind any mistakes or errors & before you read — nsfw content up ahead so pretty please read these warnings !!! strangers to lovers !!! age gap alert ➜ toji is 35 and reader is 25, mentions of sexual themes such as oral, vaginal penetration, pet names such as : sweetheart, angel, baby ofc, princess, honey, etc. usage of sexual terms and usage of terms describing female anatomy, uses she/her pronouns. firefighter! toji x baker! blk fem! reader 333 — word count : 8.0K or 9.0K, i lost track LOL
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“fuck . .”
toji cut the engine of his ford pickup and sat for a moment, eyes closed, letting the silence wash over him. every muscle ached with exhaustion, the double shift of 48 hours catching up to him. he couldn't remember the last time he'd slept in an actual bed instead of snatching a few hours on the lumpy firehouse couch in between calls.
sighing, he grabs his duffel from the passenger seat and levers himself out of the truck. as he turns toward the house, a flash of color across the street quickly catches his attention. his new neighbor — you, out puttering in your postage stamp front yard, wearing a tank top the same vivid coral as the geraniums you were watering and cut-off jean shorts that barely qualified as clothing to any old, bitter bastard.
he’d seen you before. many times. whether it was while leaving for an early session at the gym as you walked your puppy, or his moving day . . where he could barely order around gojo and geto, struggling to tell them where they should place certain boxes due to hearing your alluring giggle coming from the house next door, your curls flowing in the breeze as you gossiped over iced lemonade with mrs. johnson on her porch.
his thoughts are interrupted when you glance toward him, face lighting up with a friendly smile as you spotted him. “hi there! nice to finally see you in the flesh instead of just passin’ headlights at odd hours of the night.”
“sorry about that.” toji hoped his answering smile passed for normal and not serial-killer exhausted. “i’m toji, toji fushiguro. i jus’ moved in last month.”
“well m’ yn. welcome to the neighborhood!” you propped a hand on one cocked hip, thoughtlessly drawing his eye to the thickness of your legs that almost looked golden in the sun lighting.
realizing he was staring, he jerks his gaze back to your face, feeling his neck heat up at the idea of you catching on. “thanks. s’ a nice area. quiet.”
“i like to think we're a pretty welcomin’ bunch. in fact . . .” you bite your lip, looking almost shy for a second. “i was plannin’ to do some baking later, as a housewarming gift for all the newbies. any requests? cookies, muffins, scones? i make a mean cinnamon roll too.”
an unexpected warmth kindled in toji’s chest at the kindness of the offer. even as his stomach rumbled in anticipation, he couldn't remember the last time someone had gone out of their way to do something nice for him. sadly, baked goods didn't really tend to hold up well on 24-hour shifts.
“that’s really sweet of you, thanks. i love a good chocolate chip cookie, but i’ll happily be your guinea pig for anything.”
“sounds like a plan.” you graced him with another one of those classic, southern hospitality miles. “i’ll surprise you. they’ll be over before you know it!”
“looking forward to it. i better let you get back to . .” he waves a hand vaguely at the riot of flowers on your lawn, colors and smells galore.
“oh, right. see you soon then. welcome home!” with a small wave, you bend to retrieve the watering can, giving him an unobstructed view of her perky ass in those obscenely small shorts.
strangling a groan, toji spun on his heel and double-timed it into the house before you caught him ogling you like a creep. so much for a quiet neighborhood, he thought ruefully as the door shut behind him. you were gonna’ be one hell of a distraction, though some traitorous part of him looked forward to the temptation. it’d been way too long since he'd been around a pretty girl. maybe that's what all this edginess was - his libido waking up and taking notice after a long dry spell.
well, he'd just have to keep any wayward urges in check. no matter how mouthwatering you looked in tiny cutoffs, you were practically a decade younger and a neighbor, at that. off limits. he’d accept your baked goods, enjoy a little innocent flirting, but anything more was out of the question.
resolved, he headed for the shower, already counting the minutes until he could taste whatever delights you were whipping up for him.
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the next morning, toji was on his second cup of coffee, basking in the rare luxury of an empty day ahead with no responsibilities, when the doorbell chimed. he opened it to find you, juggling a huge wicker basket with an equally enormous smile. the sweet scent of sugar, vanilla and chocolate wafted out to tease his nostrils so blissfully, just like how your sheer presence teased . . . other parts of him.
“g’mornin’,” you chirped. “i come bearing gifts from the sugar fairy.”
“so i smell . .” his mouth waters as he relieves you of the basket and ushers you inside, noting how your flowered sundress set off your peaches-and-cream personality. no shorts today, but the dress was nearly as enticing as it grasped on to your curves. he wondered if your skin would taste as good as you smelled, then mentally slapped himself.
down boy.
“i hope you don't mind me just droppin’ by like this. i wanted to catch you before you got busy.” your smile faltered slightly as you glanced around the spartan space with its generic bachelor furniture and decided lack of personal touches. “if s’ not a good time . .”
toji set the basket on the coffee table and turned to her, hands raised in mock surrender. “you came to my house bearin’ gifts of dessert. trust me, it's never gonna’ be a bad time. i may actually make some sort of sugar delivery beacon to summon you in the future.”
your laugh sounded a little relieved. “aww cute, sounds like my kind of bat signal. i’ll have to get you a spotlight shaped like a cupcake.”
“make it a cookie and you've got yourself a deal.” he grinned at you. “can i interest you in some coffee to go with whatever magic you've got in there? smells incredible.”
“coffee would be great, thank you.”
he led the way into the kitchen, noting how you took in details like the depressing lack of clutter and decoration. the only personal items were a handful of framed photos stuck to the fridge - him and his siblings as kids, his parents' wedding portrait, shots of fishing trips with his buddies — one with snow-white hair and the other with black. it struck him how sterile the space was, more like a way station than a home.
you didn't comment on it, instead you just leaned a hip on the counter and watched him pour a darkened substance into a ‘worlds worst morning person’ mug. there’s a comforting silence as he catches a whiff of your light perfume over the powerful espresso aroma - something floral and citrusy. it suited you.
“i wasn't sure what kind of treats you'd like, so i made a sampler of my greatest hits,” you say brightly. at his gesture, you unpack the basket, setting containers and various utensils on the table. “okay so . . we’ve got triple chocolate chip cookies, blueberry muffins, apple cinnamon scones, and my famous brown butter cinnamon rolls.”
“good lord,” toji shook his head in awe. “you made all this yesterday? after we spoke? do you even sleep?”
you laugh and accept the steaming mug he offered. “who needs sleep when there's sugar? besides, baking relaxes me. i love seeing people enjoy my creations.”
as if on cue, his stomach rumbles loudly, and you bit your lip against a smile. “sounds like someone's ready for a taste test. don’t be shy . . dig in.”
toji didn't need to be told twice. he selected a cinnamon roll, still warm from the oven, and bit in with a moan that would've been beyond embarrassing if his mouth wasn't full of heaven. “shit . . think i jus’ found my religion.”
you giggled that giggle that’d been stuck in his head since the day he heard it. “the cinnamon rolls tend to inspire a cult-like devotion. you haven't even tried em’ with the cream cheese frosting yet.”
he halted with the pastry halfway to his mouth for another rapturous bite. “there’s frosting too?”
in answer, you pulled a container from the basket with a flourish. “i figured you could handle adding your own so it didn't get soggy.”
“you’re an angel.” he slathered a generous amount of fluffy white frosting on the roll, not even caring that he probably looked like an overexcited kid.
watching him take another blissful bite, you cradled your coffee mug in both hands. “soo . . what d’you do that keeps you gettin’ home at such odd hours? i promise m’ not stalking you, but it's a quiet street. hard not to notice the comings and goings.”
toji washed down the sticky-sweet mouthful with a swig of coffee. “i’m a firefighter. we work 24-hour shifts, so my schedule can be pretty unpredictable."
interest sparked in your eyes. “really? that’s so cool! i bet you have some amazing stories.”
“eh. a few,” he allowed. truthfully he tried not to dwell on some of the things he'd seen, the memories that still occasionally jolted him awake in a cold sweat during the night. “it’s rewarding work, but not exactly a picnic for the social life.”
you give him a sympathetic look over the rim of her mug. “i can imagine. it that why you moved? needed a fresh start?”
“somethin’ like that. the job costed me my marriage a couple years back. got tired of walkin’ around the old place alone, so i thought a change of scenery might do me good.”
change of scenery in deed. toji even went as far as to relocate to a different state after his divorce with his wife. even the landscaping around the city had become too much of a heartache. what was once a happy, sensual marriage quickly turned sour the moment toji began working more. the position as chief hadn’t sounded that horrible in his head, but if he knew he’d come home one night - the clock reading exactly 3:17 am, to an unrecognizable man fast asleep in his bed, naked next to his wife, that that position could’ve waited. could’ve been passed on.
there’s a silent second between you two, your face still, “i-im so sorry,” you say softly, and toji feels relief when he sees that your eyes were warm with understanding, free of the pity he'd come to dread whenever his divorce came up in any other conversation he’d have with someone who didn’t know him.
he shrugged. “it is what it is. we married too young, grew apart. my hours didn't help. no hard feelings though.” he mustered up a wry smile. “what about you? you’re a little young to be living the retired grandma life, baking up a storm in the 'burbs.”
you grin, allowing him to lighten the mood. “hey, hey, hey, this grandma can party with the best of em’! fyi, i stayed up past 10 last saturday watching bad girls club.”
toji clutches his chest in feigned shock. “damn, so scandalous! what was the special occasion?”
“all have you know . . i was trying to perfect a new macaron recipe. passionfruit with dark chocolate ganache. they’re a fickle mistress though - one minute too long in the oven and they're as dry as bones.”
“sounds like bakin’ is more than jus’ a hobby for you,” he observed.
you toy with your mug. “it’s my whole life, really. i’m in my second year of culinary school, specializing in pastry arts. when i graduate, i’m hoping to open my own bakery. somewhere people feel welcome and cared for. a safe space, i suppose.” he stares, and you duck your head with an embarrassed laugh. “sorry for the tangent . . it probably sounds so silly.”
“not at all.” toji found himself impressed by the passion and dedication evident in your voice. you had a dream and you were going after it. he remembered that feeling. before the reality of adulthood had started chipping away at his own youthful idealism.
he wanted to say something to encourage you, to protect that light shining in your eyes for as long as possible. “for what it's worth, i think you're gonna’ be amazing,” he told you seriously, holding your gaze. “if this morning’s haul is any indication, you'll have lines around the block.”
you shield your smiling face sweetly. “that’s kind of you to say. i appreciate the vote of confidence. speaking of . .” you hesitate, then forge ahead. “m’ actually working on developing an original signature recipe for my final. multiple components, flavors, textures. the works.”
“sounds ambitious,” he said, eyebrows raised. “what’d you have in mind?”
your eyes sparkle with enthusiasm at the question, the thought of genuine curiosity making your heart flutter. “deconstructed black forest cake. dark chocolate cake, kirsch-soaked cherries, vanilla bean whipped cream. i wanna’ play with it, update it. maybe turn it into a trifle or a parfait of some sort.”
toji was no culinary expert. hell - he didn’t even know what half of those things were, but even he could tell you were on to something special. “that’s incredible, yn. lemme’ guess - you need a guinea pig?”
you bite your lip nervously, smile turning impish. “i didn't wanna’ impose, but since you offered the other day . . how would you like to be my official taste-tester? i can't really pay you, but you'll get free rein to sample every variation.”
“where do i sign up?” he was only half joking. even if your creations turned out to be awful, which he highly doubted, any excuse to spend more time with you sounded like a win.
you laugh. “i think i can waive the usual application process on account of the fact that you're doing me a huge favor. plus, it means you won't be able to avoid me constantly showing up at your door to force-feed you desserts.”
“oh no. however will i cope.” he feigned a put-upon sigh.
you shot him a look of amused reproof as she packed up the empty containers. “try to contain your disappointment. i promise to space out surprise sugar bombings. wouldn’t wanna’ make you sick of me or my baking."
“i don’t really think i ever could . . to be honest,” he declared firmly. on impulse, he reaches out to still your fluttering hands with his own. your skin was so soft and warm, sending a tingle zipping up his arm. your breath pauses at the contact and your eyes flew to his, startled.
“i mean it,” he said, voice gone low and intent as he tries to infuse sincerity into every word. “i can't imagine ever getting tired of you. or your company.”
for a suspended moment you just stare at each other in silence. then you swallow, sounding a little breathless as you replied, “likewise. m’ really glad you moved in, toji.”
“me too,” he said roughly. and though he knew he shouldn't, that he was venturing into dangerous territory, he allowed himself to stroke the delicate bones of your wrist with his thumb. just once, to feel your shiver lightly in response. then he released you and stepped back, moving to hold the door open for you in unspoken signal.
“i’ll get out of your hair now,” you murmured as you gathered the empty basket with hands that trembled just slightly. “but i’ll see you soon? for taste testing purposes, of course.”
“absolutely,” he confirmed. “anytime. y’know where to find me.”
with a final nod and smile, you slipped out the door. he watched you go, admiring the sway of your hips, the bounce of your hair, already counting the minutes until he'd see you again.
you were gonna’ end him, so so sweetly too., he realized with a trace of fatalism.
but what a way to go, huh? death by cinnamon rolls.
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the day of the first official tasting arrived, and toji found himself unaccountably nervous as he approached your door. he felt a like an awkward kid picking up his prom date, palms sweaty and heart knocking around his ribs. which was ridiculous. this wasn't a date. just two neighbors getting together to sample some sweets. totally casual.
never mind that he'd changed his shirt three times, vacillating between wanting to look nice for you and not wanting to seem like he was trying too hard. he’d finally settled on a plain black tee and his least disreputable pair of jeans, adding a hint of cologne as an afterthought.
now, standing on your stoop, he wished he'd brought something. flowers maybe — lillie’s like the ones in your garden, or perhaps wine. did people bring wine to taste testing sessions? probably not. you’d most likely think he was a presumptuous idiot.
shaking his head at his own weird bout of nerves, he raised his hand to knock. before his knuckles could connect, the door swung open to reveal you, looking adorably pretty and flustered. you were wearing a frilly pink apron over a gauzy white sundress scattered with tiny red cherries. your hair was bundled on top of your head in a haphazard knot, loose curls escaping to dance around your swelled cheeks. a dusting of cocoa powder streaked one of them.
“toji - oh, you’re right on time! m’ runnin’ a bit behind, so sorry. come on in.” you stepped back to let him enter and he caught a blend of tantalizing scents - rich chocolate, sweet cherries, warm vanilla, and underneath, the subtle floral musk that was purely you. it made his head swim and his stomach clench with a hunger that had absolutely nothing to do with the promise of dessert.
he followed you into the kitchen, blinking a bit as he took in the transformation. when he'd helped you carry in groceries a few days ago, the room had been tidy and quaint, with cheerful yellow walls and kitschy retro appliances. now every surface was strewn with baking detritus - bowls, whisks, spatulas, piping bags. the air was hazy with a fine mist of flour and powdered sugar, swirling in the slanting sunlight.
incongruously delicate paper doilies serving as placemats were scattered with miniature cakes, puddles of sauce, and billows of snowy cream. it looked like a fancy bakery had exploded all over the place.
“as you can see, i’ve been experimenting with a few different iterations of the concept,” you said with a small smile, waving a hand at the sugary chaos. “couldn’t settle on just one. i thought i’d get your input n’ then we could narrow it down together.”
“i’m at your service,” he told you gallantly, skating his gaze over the counter. “i’ll warn you though, my palate isn't exactly refined. you might end up with the bland 'it all tastes good' as feedback.”
you giggled. “i’ll take it. okay, let's start basic.” you gestured for him to take a seat at the flour-dusted table and set a plate in front of him. on it perched a generous slice of cake, glossy with ganache, accompanied by a scarlet swoosh of what he assumed was the cherry compote. a dollop of whipped cream, flecked with black speckles, completing the overall masterpiece look.
toji quickly picked up the fork and took a bite, closing his eyes to focus on the flavors. the cake was intensely chocolate, the ganache dark and silky. tart-sweet cherries burst on his tongue, balanced by the subtle fragrance of the vanilla-specked cream.
“damn,” he mumbled around the mouthful. “fuckin’ fantastic, yn.”
you beam, looking relieved. “yeah? the cake recipe took a while to get right. i wanted something more . . . complex than a standard chocolate cake, so i used black cocoa powder to really amp up the flavor. n’ i even added a little coffee to enhance the chocolate.”
“s’ a winner,” he assured you. “i dunno’ how you could improve on it, honestly.”
“oh i have a few ideas,” your smile turned mysterious. “you haven't seen anything yet.”
over the next hour, you walked him through several variations. chocolate cake layered with cherry compote and kirsch-soaked chocolate cake crumbs, topped with cocoa whipped cream. dark chocolate and cherry bread pudding drizzled with cherry coulis. chocolate panna cotta with drunken cherries and cherry gelée . . . and toji sampled them all, humming with pleasure while you watched him anxiously. your initial nerves seemed to melt away as you lost yourself in describing the ins and outs of each dish - the technical challenges, the way certain flavors complemented or contrasted, ideas for garnishes and plating.
he found himself captivated by your intensity, the way your whole being lit up when you talked about your craft. it was more than just a job or a hobby for you . . . it was a calling. he couldn't remember the last time he'd felt that kind of soul-deep passion for anything. couldn’t take his eyes off the way your slender hands sketched shapes in the air, punctuating your words. delicate, clever hands that created so much beauty.
“earth to toji,” teased, waving one of those mesmerizing hands in front of his face. “did i lose you? too much of a sugar crash?”
toji blinked and refocused on your amused expression, realizing he'd been caught woolgathering like an idiot. “sorry, just slipped into a brief dessert coma. what were you saying?”
“i was asking what you think of this last one. it’s the more . . . wildcard of the bunch.” you pushed a small glass toward him. it looked like a miniature trifle, with layers of cake and cream, a vivid cherry layer in the middle, and a fan of shaved chocolate on top.
he dug in and had to suppress an absolutely obscene moan. the combination was incredible - velvety smooth, creamy, rich, and fruity, with a kick from what had to be a generous glug of kirsch. sweet but not cloying, a sophisticated twist on a classic.
“i think we have a winner,” he managed, not even caring that his voice came out husky. “if you're going for adding a 'wow' factor, this is it.”
you stand on your tippy-toes, looking hopeful. “you think? i couldn't decide if it was too out there. verrines aren't exactly traditional black forrest cake material.”
“doesn’t matter. it’s a showstopper. interesting to look at, fun to eat, n’ the flavor is phenomenal.” he scraped the glass clean with his spoon, not wanting to waste a drop.
your smile could've lit up the city block. “thank you, toji. you don't know how much it means to me, you bein’ here. lettin’ me talk your ear off and stuff you with treats. it really . . helps a lot."
“believe me, it's my pleasure,” he said, returning her smile with one of his own. “i haven't had this much fun in . . i can't even remember how long. i like seein’ you in your element.”
you both just grin goofily at each other for a moment, the air feeling thicker. then you hopped up and began clearing the table, stacking dishes and bustling around the small space.
“y’know i feel bad, you feedin’ me all these goodies without me contributing anything,” toji said, rising to help. “at least lemme’ take you out for a meal that isn't 90% butter and sugar. you must be sick of cookin’, day in and day out.”
you slanted him a glance, tucking a stray curl behind one ear. “m’ not, actually. it never feels like a chore. but i . . wouldn't say no to dinner out. if you're sure you don't mind.”
mind? he’d been trying to come up with an excuse to spend more time with you, and here you were gift wrapping one for him. “i’d love to,” he said firmly. “s’ the least i can do. and i’d like to hear more about this final project of yours. when do you present it?”
“next month,” a shadow crossed your expressive face, there and gone in a blink. “m’ tryin’ not to think too much about it yet. one step at a time, y’know?”
he recognized that look. the flickering uncertainty, the hint of stage fright. he’d worn it himself, back before his first real fire. wanting so badly to prove himself, to show what he was made of, terrified of choking.
impulsively, he reached for your hand, halting her flitting movements. your fingers curled reflexively around his, warm and strong. “look at me . . . you got this. you’re a star, you're gonna’ impress the hell outta’ your professors.”
you swallowed hard, eyes searching his. looking for the belief you couldn't quite muster on your own. “i hope so. i want it so much, toji. this . . all of it. it’s all i’ve ever wanted.”
“then don't let fear hold you back,” he told you gently. “don’t doubt yourself. you have a gift, mama. i know m’ a dumb scrub who can barely tell a macaron from a macaroon, but even i can see that you were born for this shit.”
your hand squeezed his, almost painfully tight. from both the nickname rolling off his tongue so elegantly and the encouragement that you sometimes failed to receive from your closest peers. “thank you, seriously,” you whispered. “for believin’ in me, i guess. it means a lot to me . . .”
he squeezes back, thumb sweeping over your knuckles. he had a sudden, wild urge to haul your into his arms. to soothe the worry from your brow with his lips, to show you with his hands and body and breath how special you were. how much he'd come to care for you in such a short time.
but he couldn't. however strong the pull, however much he wanted to cross that line, he knew it would be a mistake. you weren’t for him, this shining woman with stardust in her eyes. and he was in no position to offer you anything real. he needed to remember that.
so he contented himself with a soft “anytime,” and released your hand, stepping back to a safer distance. “now, about that dinner. friday work for you?”
you blinked, then hitched your smile back into place. it wobbled a bit at the edges, but he pretended not to notice. “friday’s great. s’ a . . . plan.”
even through the awkwardness, the unspoken words clogging the air between you, a little thrill went through him. it’s a date, you’d almost said. and god help him, he wished it was — that’s why you settled on making plans to try the new, cozy italian restaurant that had opened downtown, the one you’d mentioned wanting to visit after a neighborhood watch meeting one night. it was intimate . . . romantic. toji walked home with a lightness in his step, an unfamiliar flutter in his gut. he was in trouble, he knew he was. you were trouble in ways he hadn't encountered before. you made him feel too much.
more than he ever had.
but he was in too deep to back out now. all he could do was try to keep a clear head, keep things casual and platonic. be your friend and supporter, nothing more. his life, his job . . there was no room for complications.
even if he was beginning to suspect it was already far too late.
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the days leading up to friday passed in a blur of anticipation and nerves, though toji did his best to ignore both. ‘it isn’t a date. she’s not into you. this isnt a fuckin’ date . . .’ he reminded himself sternly, no matter how much his idiot heart wanted to pretend otherwise. just dinner between neighbors. a thank you for your tireless taste testing efforts. nothing to get all hot n’ bothered about.
so then why the fuck had he changed outfits half a dozen times before settling on the nicest button-down he owned and a new pair of dark wash jeans? why had he agonized over whether to bring flowers or wine or both . . again? this was so embarrassing. he was so embarrassing. he’d think being married once would've meant he had at least a little bit of game . . but nope - he had nothing.
taking a deep breath, he knocked on your door at precisely 7pm. when it swung open to reveal you, his lungs almost stopped in their tracks. you looked no less than stunning in a ruffled dress, in the pretty shade of baby-pink, your hair tumbling over your bare shoulders - half up, half down and bumped at the ends. a slim gold chain nestled in the hollow of your throat, shamefully drawing his eyes down to the swells of your titties.
“fuck . .” he said inanely, tongue suddenly clumsy in his mouth. “m’ so sorry. forgive me, i mean, you look . . absolutely amazing.”
a shy smile curved your lips, brightening your whole face up. “thanks . . so do you, toji.” your eyes skimmed over him appreciatively and he fought the urge to preen.
“o-oh, these are for you.” he thrusts the slightly wilted grocery store bouquet at you, wincing inwardly at his own awkwardness.
but you just smile, cradling the limp blooms like they were something so precious. “how sweet of you! i love daisies. lemme’ jus’ put these in some water and we can go.” you disappeared into the kitchen, leaving him to marvel at how such a simple gesture could delight you so thoroughly. damn, you were so lovely. inside and out.
the drive to the restaurant was filled with easy conversation interspersed with comfortable silences. toji let you be in control of the radio, secretly charmed by your off-key humming to the cheesy pop songs in rotation on your playlist. he could imagine countless nights like this, aimless drives with no destination in mind, just content to be in your company with no one to bother.
and dinner was a laughter-filled affair, trading bites of pasta and garlicky bread, arguing playfully over the merits of various desserts. you entertained him with customer service horror stories from your barista days, confessing your penchant for ‘accidentally’ giving rude patrons decaf.
in turn, toji found himself sharing more than he usually did - funny anecdotes about his buddies at the firehouse, his worries about his little sister starting college in the fall, even a bit about his dad. the words came without effort, drawn out by your natural warmth and empathy.
he couldn't remember the last time he'd enjoyed anyone's company so effortlessly.
when the check came, he wouldn't let you even reach for it. you rolled your eyes but allowed him to pay, primly informing him you were getting the next one. his stomach flipped at the unthinking promise of a next time.
you then lingered over coffee and dessert - the restaurant's version didn't even hold a candle to your black forest verrines, but you were too polite to say so - neither wanting the evening to end. toji watched you lick chocolate from your spoon, entranced by the tiny pink flash of your tongue. wishing he could lean in and taste the sweetness of your mouth. a pleasant shiver chased over his skin, heat simmering low in his belly. he’d never wanted anyone the way he wanted you - this maddening mix of tender and carnal, the urge to both protect and possess.
“mmm,” you purred appreciatively, pulling the spoon from your mouth with an obscene pop. “whoever said that chocolate isn’t better than sex clearly hadn't tasted chocolate like this.”
toji swallowed hard, adam's apple bobbing convulsively in his throat. “playin’ with fire are we?” he manages to rasp, fingers clenching around his mug.
you placed the spoon delicately on your empty plate, fingers lingering just long enough to draw his attention to their graceful dance. “who says i’m playin’, handsome?” you quip.
he was so fucked. so. totally. fucked.
afterwards, he walked you to your door, hands shoved deeply n’ awkwardly into his pockets to keep from doing something stupid like reaching for your hand. you then hovered on the stoop, the sultry summer night pressing in close.
“i had fun tonight,” you softly. in the light spilling from your living room window, your eyes were luminous. hopeful. “we should really do it again sometime.”
“we should,” he agreed, mouth dry. he couldn't look away from your face, tracing the delicate arch of your brows, the dark feathering of your lashes. you swayed closer, tipping your face up to his, and his heartbeat kicked into overdrive. god, you were killing him.
it took every ounce of willpower to step back, to force a chuckle past the ache in his chest. “well i should let you get your beauty sleep. early start tomorrow, right?” your smile faltered, a brief tightening around your eyes hinting at disappointment. he almost caved right then, almost said to hell with his reservations and dragged you into his arms the way he'd been dying to do all night.
but he couldn't. not when he had nothing more to offer you than heartache.
“right,” you murmured. “beauty sleep. so important for . . . baking.” you fumbled for your keys, not quite meeting his gaze. “i’ll see you round’ then.” he could only watch you retreat into the house, torn between relief at the bullet dodged and an overwhelming sense of loss.
wearily, he turned to go back to his own quiet home. he’d done the right thing. the smart thing. so why did it feel so damnably hollow?
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avoidance was the order of the day after that near-miss. though it pained him, toji forced himself to keep some distance, to not make up flimsy excuses to show up on your doorstep at all hours of the night. no more dessert development sessions, no matter how much he craved the sight of you gushing and twirling over your latest creations. no more cute, little dinners with furtive hand holding under the table.
he threw himself into work with even more zeal than usual, pulling extra shifts and helping out with the neverending station chores. if the guys ribbed him about his sudden devotion to alphabetizing the equipment room or polishing the engine to a blinding shine, he shrugged it off. it was loads better than going home to an empty house haunted by what-ifs.
he ached to see you though. sometimes he'd catch a glimpse of you catering to your garden or heading off to the market, and his fingers would itch with the urge to go to you, to close the seemingly unbridgeable gap between you both with long strides and strong arms. more than once he'd picked up his phone to call you, thumb hesitating over your smiling face in his contacts until he cursed and tossed the phone aside.
it was for the best, he told himself firmly. you had your whole life ahead of you - school and internships, building your dream from the ground up. he’d only get in the way, bog you down with his everlasting issues and cynicism. he wouldn't, couldn't be the dead weight holding you back.
even if letting you go felt like tearing himself in half.
he should've known you wouldn't let him slink away so easily. that for all your sweetness, you were just as stubborn as he was. you’d never been one to give up on the things - or people - you wanted.
which bring us to now . . you ambushing him on his way home from a grueling 48-hour shift, looking unfairly pretty and indignant as you marched across the street to plant yourself in front of his truck. he barely bit back a groan, exhaustion and longing a potent cocktail in his bloodstream.
“hey, stranger,” you said archly, fine brows drawn together in a scowl. “long time no annoy.”
he cut the engine and climbed out, suddenly self-conscious about his unwashed, smoke-saturated state. “hi, yn. how’s it going?”
“ah, y’know. jus’ workin’ myself to the bone, trying to perfect this dessert that's only the culmination of my entire academic career thus far. while also attempting to figure out how i mysteriously pissed off my friend to the point of complete radio silence.” your arms crossed over your chest, a hint of hurt flickering in your eyes, “so yeah . . the usual.”
guilt lodged under his breastbone, sharp and corroding. he’d never meant to upset you, to make you think any of this was at all your fault. “shit, yn. i’m sorry . . i didn’t mean to ignore you, i’ve just been so -”
“busy . .” you finished for him, mouth flattening. “mhm, i’ve noticed. so busy you ignored all my calls n’ texts - missed our dinner the other night too. you’ve been practically living at the station lately.”
he grimaced, one hand scrubbing over his stubbled jaw. he’d never been any good with words, with making excuses. especially when faced with eyes that seemed to see right through his every defense, “you’re right. i’ve been avoiding you. but not because of anything you did. i jus’ . . needed some space to clear my head.”
your arms tightened, gaze dropping to the oil-stained pavement. “i thought we were having fun,” you said quietly. “gettin’ to know each other. but if i misread things, if i made you uncomfortable in any way i really am so sorr . . .”
“no.” he interrupted fiercely, taking an involuntary step closer. close enough to smell the light, citrusy scent of you, to see the faint mascara smudges of sleeplessness under your eyes. “you didn't misread anything, yn. these past weeks, spendin’ time with you . . . s’ been amazing. the most fun i’ve had in years, if i’m being honest.”
confusion clouded your expression. “then why?”
“because m’ a goddamn mess,” he bit out, the truth clawing its way up his throat. “because you’re brilliant, and you’re goin’ places . . n’ i wouldn’t be able to give you my time in the way that i know you more than deserve. i wanna smell muffins in the mornin’ . . not the smell of musty men and water hoses.”
he sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose before sitting his stuff on the hood of his car, “i jus’,” he started, “i’ve done the dating thing, alright? the marriage thing too, y’know that. i jus’ . . i cant afford to lose another person in my life that i care about — not when i’ve come this far to prevent it n’ when they’re as sweet and pretty, and as kind as you.” you stand in silence, letting him vent, “i’m not perfect. m’ terrible at cooking, i sing in the shower, n’ on top of all that i fuckin’ snore like a grizzly bear. ya’ still want me now?”
you took a step forward, hand coming up to fist in the front of his t-shirt. he inhaled sharply at the sudden press of your soft curves against his hard planes, the way your gaze dropped to his mouth.
“yeah, you grumpy old fuck . . i still want you,” you whispered fiercely. “mess, snores and all.”
he softened as you pressed a kiss onto his cheek, gentle and warm with truce, “i have my own damn baggage. y’think thats stoppin’ me from goin’ after what i want? no. so jus’ stop bein’ such an asshole n’ kiss me alread - mmph!” — that was it. that was the straw that’d broken the camel’s back. with a muttered curse, his control had finally snapped. he hauled you flush against him, one arm banding around your waist as the other hand sank into your hair, cradling the back of your head. you made a soft, needy sound and surged up on tiptoe, sealing your mouth to his.
the first touch of your lips was electric, a livewire straight to his core. they were exactly as soft and sweet as he'd imagined, moving over his with an urgency that matched his own. he angled his head to slant his mouth more firmly over your, licking at the seam of your lips as you licked on the scar on his.
he swept his tongue into your mouth, stroking over yours, swallowing the low moan that vibrated in her throat. you tasted like peppermint and the vaguest hint of sugar, an addictive flavor he already knew he'd never get enough of. your arms twined around his neck, blunt nails scraping deliciously at his nape as you pressed impossibly closer.
dimly, he registered the whoops and catcalls of a passing group of neighbors, but he couldn't bring himself to care. let em’ gawk. the whole damn neighborhood could come out to watch and he still wouldn't be able to tear himself away from your sweetness.
he was a man possessed.
the kiss deepened, turning hot and hungry. toji backed you up against his front door, hands roaming greedily over your curves as he pressed the hard length of his body into your soft warmth. you made yet another sound into his mouth, lifting one leg to wrap around his hip, opening yourself up to him.
he tore his lips from yours only to trail open-mouthed kisses down the column of your throat, tasting the salt on your skin from the sweat of the hot summer sun. “fuck . . i want you,” he growled against your pulse point. “wanna’ touch you, taste you, feel you. if you’ll let me . . of course.”
“wow, such a gentlemen,” you gasped, hands scrabbling at his shoulders. “please fuckin’ do, toji.” patience fraying, he fumbled for his keys and somehow managed to get the door open without releasing you. you stumbled over the threshold, shedding clothes haphazardly between searing kisses - your flimsy blouse fluttering to the floor, followed by smoke stained his t-shirt.
toji walked you backwards down the hall to his bedroom, kicking the door shut before tossing you onto the bed. he followed you down, covering your entire frame with his own, reveling in the feel of all your bare skin finally against him. you were a vision in the spill of afternoon light, curls fanned across his pillow, pink lace bra and panties a tantalizing contrast to your brown skin.
he took a moment just to admire you, committing every detail to memory. the rapid rise and fall of your chest, the way your lips parted on shallow breaths. heavy-lidded eyes hazy with want and something deeper, more tender.
“been dreamin’ about you, princess. shit - you’re so gorgeous.” he rasped, nipping at your earlobe with each word, “so pretty, so beautiful, so smart.”
you shivered, fingernails raking over his shoulders, “nngh - c’mon stoppit, toji . .” growling low in his throat, he captured your lips in a nasty kiss, all teeth and tongue. large hands cupping your full titties, calloused thumbs rubbing your nipples into stiff peaks. and you arched into his touch with a moan, shameless in your pleasure.
“someone’s eager, hm?”
breaking the kiss, he began to work his way down your body, mapping every dip and curve with lips and teeth and tongue. he paid thorough attention to your titties, laving at the dark-brown nipples until you were panting and squirming beneath him.
“b-baby, please . .” you whimpered, fingers sinking into his hair to urge him lower.
he only chuckled darkly against your flesh. “patience, sweetheart. m’ not goin’ anywhere. let me love you.”
true to his word, he set about exploring you - kissing a meandering path down your ribs and belly, dipping his tongue into your navel just to hear you gasp. strong hands gripped your thighs, pushing them further and further apart so he could settle more comfortably between them.
hooking his fingers in your lacy panties, he dragged the scrap of fabric down your legs. “fuck yeah, look at you. so wet for me already. look at this pussy . .”
you mewled as he licked a broad stripe up your slit, circling your puffy clit with the tip of his tongue. he sealed his lips around the sensitive nub and sucked, fingers delving into your soaked entrance, curling to find that special spot inside you.
“o-ooh my god — yes!” your back bowed off the bed, a vibration spreading down your chest as he worked you higher. he paid close attention to your most tender skin, alternating between broad, flat licks and quick, targeted flicks. crooking his fingers just so, he rubbed and rubbed until he found — “ah f-fuck!” your g-spot, feeling your thighs start to tremble around his head.
“thas’ it, bunny - cum on my tongue. i wanna’ see it all, mama. c’mon, i know you can do it,” the filthy words combined with the relentless stimulation quite literally pushed you over the edge . . and you came with a sharp cry, gushing your juices all over his lips and chin. he groaned at the taste of you, lapping up every last drop, addicted already.
while you were still quivering and coming down from your high, toji fumbled blindly for the nightstand drawer. he managed to retrieve a condom without taking his eyes off of you. ripping open the packet with his teeth, he sat back on his knees to quickly sheath himself.
you took the opportunity to admire his body, running appreciative hands over his muscular chest and abdomen. he was all tanned skin and chiseled muscle, a sparse trail of dark hair pointing the way to his impressive erection. it jutted from a thatch of coarse curls, thick and flushed nearly purple, the bulbous head glistening with excitement.
wrapping your fingers around his rigid length, you stroked him base to tip, twisting your wrist on the upstroke so that the condom slips right back off. toji grunted, hips bucking into your touch as you rubbed your thumb over the leaking slit. you pause, your mouth watering as you begin to lower your head down. you press the side of your face against his thigh, peering up at him with batting lashes and a poked lip. your ass is arched - high in the air and wiggling as if you just wanted him to smack it.
that’s when you began slapping his heavy dick against your cheek, repeatedly, “so big, baby,” you whisper, now positioning your face to where his cock could sit right on top of it - “can i put it in m’mouth? please . .?”
“yn you don’t have to -”
“i want to.”
toji looked down at you once more, the look of want in your eyes . . . how could he resist?
he gently grabs the side of your neck, firm but not firm enough to cause pain, his other hand curling around the base of his cock as he whispered, “open wide. tongue out,” biting his lip as he braces himself for the sensation of your mouth wrapped around him.
that’s when your wet tongue dances out tentatively, tracing the ridge of his head before retreating back to safety inside your mouth. it was clear that you were just as lust filled as him. toji could feel himself pulsing with need as you took him in deeper and deeper, a low groan escaping him, “shit, doll - got it all to fit . . good girl.” your hands gripped his hips tightly, nails digging into his skin as you bobbed your head up and down. toji swore he could fall in love with the simple, yet beautifully disgusting sound of your throat — gawk, gulp, gawk! ugh, they were such disgusting noises - some gagging here, some moaning there, but he couldn’t have asked for anything better. you were slobbing, spitting, and choking on his dick and the only thing getting in your way from taking him whole was the fact that his size was still fairly new to you.
“sss’ ooh fuck - b-baby . . yn -” he hisses, both your eyes and his rolling to the back of your heads as you continue to gulp him down, spit trickling down to your tits as they jiggled to the rhythm of your mouth. each and every glide against your tongue was starting to overpower him, and before he knew it, if you didn’t stop he was bout’ to —
“cum . . m’gonna cum! m’fuckin’ cumming - asshhit . .” he groaned, eyes tightly closing as you continued to deepthroat him the best you could, “don’t stop, keep suck - y-yes . .” it was a hassle - a big one, but the taste of him warm cum painting your throat felt like a sweet reward.
almost sweeter than your baked goods.
whining and still aching to suck on him some more, toji pulls you off in fear of shaking more than he already was — and the sight of you with his cum dripping out of your mouth only did the complete opposite.
“uh, well then . . how’d i do?” you say shyly, as if you hadn’t just completely slutted out your mouth for your next door neighbor.
a surprised bark of laughter escaped him even as his cock jerked at you eagerly. “don’t exile me, but that mouth . . shit, might be better than your cookies. not gonna’ lie, sweetheart . .” toji growled, and you pout as he’s prowling back over you. you then watch him slowly, his fingers unexpectedly plunging back into your pussy as he scoops some of your wetness onto the pad of them before pulling them back out. he fists the base and tip of himself, smothering his cock in your juices as lubricant as he teases your entrance with a few pats n’ nudges. fuckin’ tease. he kept on until you were angrily swatting his chest to put the damn thing in already.
who could blame your lust? after all . . you’d been dreaming about it for weeks now.
yet again, he snags another rubber, strokes a little, and once he’s in, “oh s-shit that pussy's tight, baby . .” he’s in. you moaned in tandem, dick snuggling into your tight walls inch by excruciating inch. you were warm and wet and perfect around him, gripping him like a silken vise. it was magical, just like you - but the look on your face . . oh that look, almost seemed like you wanted to be broken. with your arms above your head, your titties swaying against your chest and your whines now hoarse n' pleading — he kinda wanted to break you too.
toji started with slow, deep strokes, mindful of your tightness and his considerable girth. he didn't want to hurt you, wanted to savor every clench and flutter around his aching cock. wanted this to last, to burn this moment into his brain forever.
“f-feel so fuckin' good wrapped around me,” he gritted out, hips rolling in a lazy figure eight that had you keening. “y’so wet, honey . . dick feel that good?”
“toji,” you whimpered brokenly, fingernails scoring down his flexing back. “more, please . . need it harder . .”
and how could he deny you anything when you begged so sweetly? bracing his weight on his forearms, he obliged, snapping his hips forward with more force. the headboard started to thump against the wall, the mattress creaking beneath your writhing bodies.
“like that, baby? hm?” he panted against your throat, sweat beading at his temples as he drove into you again and again, his cock damn near slipping out of you from the slippery speed. “this what you need? me splittin' this pretty pussy open?”
“yes d-daddy . . ” you wailed, back arching like a drawn bow. your cunt was fluttering around him, a telltale sign of your impending orgasm. “aah - don't stop, don’t stop, m'so close!”
“shh, i got you,” he promised, shifting the angle of his hips to grind against your clit with every thrust. “gonna’ make this pussy sing for me, gonna’ wring the cum outta’ you 'til you're shakin' on me. you want that?” his filthy words seemed to be your undoing because suddenly you were clenching down on him like a vice, a sharp cry tearing from your throat as you thrashed beneath him. your release gushed hot and slick around his pistoning length, drenching his groin and thighs with sweetness.
“f-fuck yeah,” toji choked out, his own rhythm faltering as your rippling walls threatened to milk him dry. “good girl, sweetheart, cream on this dick, lemme’ feel you.” he managed a handful more erratic thrusts before his own orgasm crashed into him like a freight train. he buried himself to the hilt and stilled, a hoarse shout muffled into your sweat damped shoulder as he spilled himself into the condom. his cock jerked and twitched with every pulse, vision nearly whiting out with the force of it.
for long moments, you both just shook and gasped, clinging to each other as aftershocks rolled through your bodies. toji's heart was thundering so hard he was sure you could feel it through his sweat-slick chest. he'd never come so hard in his life, never felt so utterly shattered and remade.
you made a soft, satisfied sound as he carefully withdrew from your heat, rolling to the side to dispose of the condom with a quick knot. then he was gathering you close again, palm smoothing up your spine as you burrowed into him with a sigh.
“shit,” you eventually mumbled into the heated skin of his throat. “that was . . .”
“ . . fuckin' heavenly,” he finished roughly, a laugh rumbling in his chest as he felt your answering huff of amusement. “m’ sorry i uh . . came so fast. i don’t usually -”
“did you just apologize to me because my pussy is good?” you teased, dragging your nose along the edge of his stubbled jaw. he could feel the curve of your smile, the unabashed joy, and it settled something deep within him. soothed the ragged pieces he'd thought long broken.
“damn straight,” he agreed, arms tightening around you possessively. “i can die a happy man now.”
“well, you're not allowed to die on me now, toji. you're stuck with me. escape if you can.”
“mm, is that right,” he nuzzled into your hair, breathing in the scent of you - all warm woman and satisfaction.
“mhmm. you're not getting rid of me easily. i still have so many desserts to force on you, so many early morning baking sessions to drag you into . .”
he laughed outright at that, at the sheer exuberance in your voice. “promises, promises.”
“oh i always keep my promises, mister. which reminds me . .” you pushed up on an elbow, eyes sparkling with mischief and something deeper. something that snatched the breath from his lungs. “i seem to remember you saying something about round two . .”
“did i? care to refresh my memory?” he growled, even as he was already rolling you beneath him again, mouth seeking yours. you then feel his palm colliding with your ass in a gentle spank. “what am i gonna’ do with you?”
“everything.” you breathed against his lips, a vow. “anything. i want you, toji. want everything with you.” and fuck, what could he say to that? what could he do but kiss you like a promise, a prayer, and proceed to show you just how much he wanted that too? wanted to give you everything, anything, all he had to offer?
he'd never been a man of many words. but this - loving you with hands and mouth and body, breaking you apart and putting you back together again and again until you were both sweat-soaked and shaking . . this he could do. this he would do for the rest of his life if you'd let him.
“you’ve got me.”
and from the joyous half-sob of his name as he sank back into your pussy, the way your body opened for him like a flower to the sun, he had a feeling you just might too.
there would be time for more words later - time for confessions and plans and mapping out a future he'd never even let himself dream of before. time to make good on promises whispered into heated skin, to build something real and lasting brick by brick. but for now, in the honeyed afternoon light with your legs wrapped around his waist and your heart in his hands . . let himself get lost. let himself drown in sensation and emotion, in this miraculous woman he didn't deserve but who'd chosen him anyway.
from lost to found, in the space of a heartbeat. and all because an angel in a garden had smiled at him across a sunny street and offered up a little piece of heaven. he'd never know what he'd done to deserve you, or this second chance. but he'd spend the rest of his days earning this gift, cherishing it.
cherishing you.
that was a promise. and like his beautiful girl . . toji fushiguro always kept his promises.
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©️ SATORUBI - please do not copy, translate, or modify my work without my approval ! thank you for playing . . the challenge has only just begun.
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forest-hashira · 8 months
Surprise, Baby
ok i've decided to stop being so In My Head bout this and just post it. it was entirely self indulgent so it's just fluff, & i apologize if anyone seems ooc but i really like this one ok?
pairing: gojo/reader, geto/reader, also technically satosugu
word count: 3.3k
read it on ao3
warnings: pregnancy, gn pronouns used for reader but implied afab reader (it is a pregnancy fic after all), reader is referred to as "mom", other than that it's pure fluff
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It wasn’t like you’d planned for this to happen. 
Raising four children when you were still practically kids yourself had been rewarding, but it had also been difficult. Even with three of you to juggle everything – getting the kids to school, running errands, keeping up with appointments and practices and rehearsals – it still got overwhelming sometimes. 
Despite all that, though, all three of you were incredibly proud of the people the kids had grown into. They were all strong, kind, and considerate, even as they became moody teenagers; yours and Suguru’s endless patience over the years had ensured that, as had Satoru’s eager and constant encouragement in everything they did. Raising those kids was one of the most rewarding things you’d ever done in your life. 
So why were you so terrified of the thought of doing it again with a baby of your own flesh and blood?
“Are you feeling alright, love?” Suguru asked, his brows furrowed with concern as he took you in. “You look a bit pale.”
You offered him a weak smile from your spot in bed, propped up by a few pillows, trying to stave off the waves of nausea as subtly as you could. “‘M fine,” you assured him quietly. “Just not feeling very good right now.” 
Your words only seemed to worry him more, and he lowered himself to sit on the edge of the bed, reaching out and resting the back of his hand against your forehead, checking to see if you had a fever. “You’re a little clammy,” he said quietly, “but you don’t feel warm. Can I get you anything?”
You hesitated for a moment at his words, not wanting to inconvenience him at all when you knew he needed to head off with Satoru to start their students’ lessons, but before you could brush off his offer, your stomach decided to make an ungodly noise. “…some toast would be nice,” you admitted, unable to do anything but blush as he smiled at you.
“Whatever you want, love,” your dark haired partner agreed, leaning in to press a quick kiss to your forehead before he stood and left the room. 
Satoru was already in the kitchen when he stepped into the room, pouring a truly obscene amount of flavored creamer into his coffee. The sight caused Suguru to wrinkle his nose slightly, but he said nothing, too focused on making the toast you'd asked for to tease his lover for his sugar addiction. 
“Everything alright?” the white haired man asked, tilting his head slightly as he watched the other move through the kitchen; his shoulders were tense, a clear sign that something was bothering him. 
“They’re not feeling well,” Suguru answered simply, still focused on his task. 
“Again?” Satoru asked, a frown tugging at the corners of his lips. “That’s what, four days in a row now?”
“Five days total this week,” Suguru confirmed with a sigh, dropping two slices of bread into the toaster and pressing down the lever, after making sure the settings were to your preference. 
The blue eyed man said nothing in response, a concerned hum escaping him as he set his coffee aside. Drink now abandoned, he turned and made his way back to the bedroom, his only thought being checking on you. 
“Sweetheart?” he called softly, stepping into the room. “Sugu said you’re feeling sick again.”
You smiled apologetically at him. “Nothing to worry about,” you promised, but he was clearly unconvinced. In just a few steps, he crossed the room, easily crawling up the bed to snuggle up beside you. 
“D’y’want us to stay with you today?” he asked, shuffling as close as he could get as he rested his cheek against your chest near your shoulder. 
You shook your head slightly at his question, one hand coming up to play with his snowy locks. “The students need you.”
“They’d understand,” Satoru insisted. “Megs and Yuji asked about you yesterday. Nobara won’t admit it but I think she’s worried, too. They miss you.” 
“The twins haven’t said anything?” you asked, fake pouting, hoping to lighten his mood a bit. 
“Sugu spent over half his time yesterday keeping them from sneaking off to check on you.” 
Not having expected such a heartfelt answer, you suddenly felt as if you were going to cry. You blinked quickly, biting your lip as you fought away the tears; the last thing you wanted was to worry your partners even more. 
No such luck. Satoru immediately noticed the shift in your mood, and he felt his heart stop for a moment. “Oh, honey, don’t cry, please? I’m sorry, I didn’t think that would upset you.” His words held an edge of panic as he lifted his head, brows pinched harshly in worry. 
“‘M not upset,” you promised, shaking your head and reaching out for him. “Sorry, didn’t mean to worry you.”
He easily took your hand in his own as you reached out for him, pressing a gentle kiss to your knuckles. “Don’t apologize, sweetie,” he soothed. “Just don’t like it when you don’t feel good.”
“Neither of us do,” Suguru chimed in, stepping into the room with the toast you’d requested from him. “Love, what’s wrong?” His voice was impossibly gentle as he approached, and for some reason, that was the last straw for your fragile emotional state. 
Tears began to pour down your cheeks as you burst into sobs. You covered your face with your hands, apologizing over and over again on hiccuping breaths between your sobs. 
This alarmed your partners a great deal, and Suguru raced forward, hurriedly closing the remaining distance between the two of you. He set the plate on the nightstand before sitting on the edge of the bed, taking one of your hands and carefully pulling it away from your face; Satoru did the same on your other side, with your other hand. “What are you sorry for, love?” he asked softly.
“For everything!” you burst out, then seemed to get embarrassed by your own outburst. “For crying,” you continued, voice lowering as you sniffled. “For worrying you, and the kids. Didn’t mean to, I just…just didn’t wanna make a fuss for no reason.”
“Let us fuss over you,” Suguru murmured, offering you a gentle smile.
“We worry when you don’t let us fuss over you,” Satoru added, a hint of teasing in his gentle words. When it succeeded in drawing a hint of a smile from you, he felt like a weight had been lifted from his chest. “Now, can you please tell us what you didn’t want to cause a fuss over?”
You hesitated again, looking between the two men beside you, the love and tenderness practically beaming off of them making you feel foolish for keeping this to yourself for so long, worried about what they might say. Before you spoke, you carefully guided their hands to your stomach, releasing them and allowing their long fingers to splay over the area, the warmth of their hands still easy to feel even through the fabric of your shirt. 
Two sets of brows furrowed in slight confusion at the gesture, but they waited patiently for you to elaborate. No matter how curious they were, they would never push you to speak before you were ready. 
You wracked your brain for a clever way to break the news, but eventually you gave up, not wanting to keep them waiting any longer. “I’m pregnant,” you said, and for some reason you found yourself blushing.
Two sets of eyes widened in shock. The men sat in silence for a moment, before Suguru’s soft voice broke it. “You’re having a baby?” he asked, wonder all over his face. 
“We’re having a baby,” you corrected softly, heart swelling with love as you took in his lovestruck expression. “All three of us.”
“We’re having a baby!” Satoru exclaimed from your other side, hauling you into his lap and burying his face in your neck. 
The movement knocked the air from your lungs for a second, but his excitement was so palpable you couldn’t even be upset with him. A small laugh bubbled out of you as you wrapped your arms around his neck, burying your face in his hair for a moment. 
“Careful, Toru,” Suguru scolded his partner, though there was no heat behind his words. “Don’t break them.”
Satoru’s half-hearted “sorry” was muffled against your skin, the tickling sensation of his lips causing you to giggle softly. 
Another thought occurred to you after a moment, and you deflated a bit. This did not go unnoticed by either of your partners. 
“Nooo, no sad thoughts!” Satoru pouted, lifting his head from your neck as he spoke. “This is good news!”
“Toru’s right, love,” Suguru agreed, tilting his head slightly; you couldn’t help but admire the way his bangs drifted across his face at the movement. “What’s got you down?”
“Do you think the kids will be upset?” Your voice was small as you asked the question, and you bit your lip immediately afterwards. 
“Why would they be upset?” The question was gentle, holding no judgment whatsoever, just like your partner’s brown eyes. 
“I dunno, I just…don’t want them to feel like they’re being replaced, or something.” You shrugged slightly, avoiding his gaze as you spoke; you realized how foolish it sounded, but you still couldn’t help but worry. 
“You’re their mom,” Satoru said, as if that answered the question, as if it was the obvious cure to your worries. “They would never think you were replacing them.”
His words made you burst into tears again, which earned him a harsh pinch on his thigh from your other partner. 
“Stop making them cry, babe. It’s rude.”
“I’m not doing it on purpose!”
“S’okay,” you cut in, not wanting them to bicker, even if it was lighthearted. “Happy tears. Just love you both so much.” You sniffled softly, rubbing at your eyes with one hand and reaching for your dark haired partner with the other. “Too far away, Sugu,” you pouted. 
“They’re right, sugar,” Satoru agreed, a cheeky grin on his lips. “Cuddles aren’t as effective or as satisfying without you.”
Suguru rolled his eyes at his lover’s words, but he couldn’t help but grin back at him. He didn’t waste another moment before climbing up the bed to properly join the two of you, settling comfortably against Satoru’s side and your back, one hand wrapping around your front and resting lightly on your stomach again. “Better?” he asked, the word murmured sweetly into the back of your shoulder. 
“Much,” you agreed, turning your head to press a kiss to his temple. 
As the two of you got comfortable together, the white haired sorcerer adjusted slightly, shifting just enough to pull his phone from his pocket. He kept one arm wrapped around you, his free hand pulling up his messaging app. 
“Whatcha doin’?” you asked, face still toward Suguru’s, so you could only sort of make out what he was doing on his phone. 
“Texting the kids,” he said. The text he sent to the four of them was short, to the point: class canceled. family meeting. He tucked his phone away again after that, unable to resist the urge to bury his face in your neck again. 
All you did was hum in response to his words, too wrapped up in the warmth and adoration from your boyfriends to worry too much about what he might have told them. 
The three of you spent the next few minutes snuggled up together, exchanging little kisses and soft touches, just happy to be with each other and revel in the warmth of your good news. 
The moment was cut short by a knock at the door, though, and your nose scrunched in confusion. 
“I’ll get it,” Satoru said right away, pressing a quick kiss to your cheek before transferring you into Suguru’s lap. Once you were settled, he hopped up from the bed and left the room. 
You pouted as he left, but allowed yourself to be appeased as your other partner held you close, pressing kisses along your hairline. 
Just a few seconds later, you heard several sets of footsteps enter the apartment, accompanied by a familiar voice. 
“Where’s mom?” Megumi asked, hurrying past his sisters and his father figure, his eyes scanning the main room of the apartment. 
“In here, Gumi!” you called out to your son, frowning when he hurried into the room, worry etched into his features. “What’s wrong?”
Megumi returned your frown as he looked you over, not able to see anything noticeably wrong. “Gojo canceled classes and called a family meeting, and you’ve been out most of the week. I thought there was bad news.”
The girls filed into the room after their brother, peering at you with worried expressions of their own, though Megumi seemed to be the most frantic of the group. Satoru followed the girls into the room, and you scowled at him. “You called a family meeting?” you asked, crossing your arms as you turned to face him a bit more. Suguru easily accommodated you as you shifted, his arms wrapped loosely around your waist. 
“What? It was the quickest way to get them all here,” Satoru said, somewhat defensively, crossing his own arms in a mirror of your stance. 
“You should have asked us first.”
“Or at least told them there was nothing to worry about,” Suguru added, hooking his chin gently over your shoulder after he spoke. Satoru said nothing, just let out a huff, though he did have the decency to look a little sheepish. 
“There’s nothing to worry about,” you assured the kids, offering them an apologetic smile. “I’m sorry Toru worried you. I promise I’m fine. C’mere.” You extended a hand towards the kids, beckoning them closer, encouraging them to join you and Suguru on the bed. 
As stoic as he usually was, Megumi was the first to join you, settling on the edge of the bed, as close to your side as he could get. The girls followed soon after, all of them perching on the mattress and looking between you, Satoru, and Suguru expectantly. “So…what’s the reason for the family meeting?” Tsumiki asked after a moment, tilting her head slightly as she looked up at Satoru. 
The white haired sorcerer’s eyes flashed at the question, and he smiled, tilting his head in your direction. “Ask your mom.”
Four sets of eyes turned to you, all varying levels of confused and curious, and you felt yourself grow a bit flustered at the attention. 
“I can tell them, if you’d prefer,” Suguru offered quietly, immediately picking up on the shift in your mood. 
“No, Sugu, it’s okay,” you answered, though you did lean your cheek slightly against his before you spoke again. “Your dads and I are having a baby,” you told the kids. As all four sets of eyes widened at your words, you felt the heat return to your cheeks, but you smiled brightly at the excitement that was so obvious in their expressions; even Megumi was smiling. 
“A baby?!” the twins chorused, followed by a cheer when you felt Suguru nod against your shoulder. The sound drew a giggle from you, and you settled further back into your dark haired partner’s chest. 
“That’s really great to hear,” Tsumiki agreed, her eyes sparkling as brightly as her smile, and you smiled right back at her. “We’re happy for you guys.” 
You nodded in response, then turned your attention to your son, who had yet to say anything about the news. “Whaddya say, Gumi? Would you rather have a brother, or another sister?” You nudged his ribs lightly with your elbow as you teased him, and your expression softened slightly as a chuckle escaped the boy. 
“I just hope it doesn’t look like Gojo,” he replied, a playful twinkle in his eye as he spoke. You could feel Suguru’s chuckle rumble through his chest and into your back, and your own giggle turned into a full-out belly laugh as Satoru let out a cry of indignation. 
“Megs, you wound me! I happen to be very good looking, and I have two romantic partners that would wholeheartedly agree,” Satoru insisted, flopping dramatically down on the bed beside you. 
“Subjecting a kid to those genes seems a little unfair, that’s all I’m saying.” 
You did your best to stifle your laughter at your son’s response, but given that all of your daughters and your other partner were all laughing, too, it was difficult not to join them. 
“You’re a traitor,” Satoru pouted, looking up at you and Suguru from where his head rested on your thighs. “Both of you are, siding with the kid over me like that.”
“You’re just whiny because he’s right,” Suguru replied, smirking down at his partner. 
“Sorry, Toru,” you soothed, reaching down with one hand to run your fingers through his hair. “I think you’re very pretty with your white hair and blue eyes.”
He seemed to brighten a bit at that. “You think I’m pretty?”
“Yeah,” you confirmed. “Pretty like a cat.”
Satoru’s brows furrowed at the words. “…I don’t know if that’s a compliment or not,” he said after a beat. “But I’m going to take it as one.”
The exchange drew a fresh wave of giggles from the twins, which in turn made you, Tsumiki, and Suguru laugh; Satoru and Megumi watched with silent smiles. The moment was warm, and happy, and lovely. You couldn’t have asked for anything more. 
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“Good morning Sensei!” Yuji greeted enthusiastically, a bright grin on his face as he waved. “Fushiguro says you’re feeling better?”
“Yes, Yuji, I’m feeling much better.” You smiled at the boy as you answered him. “I’m sorry if I worried you at all.”
“I’m just glad you’re okay,” the pink haired boy said easily. “You’re not sick very often, we weren’t sure what was going on. Even Kugisaki was worried.”
Your eyes darted over to the girl as Yuji said her name, and you couldn’t help but smile as she turned away, saying nothing but letting out a soft grunt; not agreeing with her classmate’s words, but also not denying them. 
“Well, there’s nothing to worry about,” you promised. “And I wasn’t sick. Not really.”
Yuji’s face scrunched together in confusion. “But Gojo-sensei and Geto-sensei both said you weren’t feeling well?”
“Because I wasn’t.”
The boy’s expression grew impossibly more confused at your words, drawing a soft chuckle from your partners. 
“Just tell him, love,” Suguru said, fingers trailing lightly down your back as he spoke.
“Please do,” Nobara agreed. “Itadori’s brain isn’t built to think this hard.”
“His head’ll probably explode if he tries to figure it out on his own,” Megumi agreed, the twitch in the corner of his lips only noticeable to you and your partners. 
“Hey!” Yuji said indignantly, though he gave no specific arguments; he had no clue what could’ve kept you feeling unwell but not actually sick for so long, and he really wanted to know. 
“Fine,” you said, sighing melodramatically and suppressing your own smile. “It was morning sickness, Yuji.”
“Morning sickness?”
“Itadori you, dumbass!” Nobara exclaimed, her eyes wide as she looked at you. “They’re having a baby!”
“A baby?” Yuji asked, tilting his head slightly, before the words seemed to fully click in his mind. “Oh! A baby! That’s amazing!” He turned his beaming smile back on you full force for a moment, then glanced over at Megumi. “Aren’t you excited, Fushiguro?”
“Nope!” Satoru cut in, trying – and failing miserably – to hide his playful grin. “Megs is a party pooper who never gets excited about anything.”
“Satoru,” you and Suguru scolded in unison, causing the white haired sorcerer to hold up his hands in surrender. Even with his blindfold on, you knew his eyes were flashing with love and mischief. 
“We told Gumi and the girls yesterday,” you explained. “No surprises for him today.”
“…is that why Gojo-sensei canceled classes yesterday?!”
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i hope you guys enjoyed! like i said this is purely self indulgent fluff lol. i have a couple other lil ideas for things floating around in my brain/that i've started working on but idk if/when any of them will be finished 🙈
dividers by @/benkeibear
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Hi hi!! I love your writing so much!! I saw you had a prompt list and was wondering if you could do number 11 with the Tenth Doctor 👉👈 I feel like that’s something he would say. Thanks I’m advance! 🫶
Guys I am indeed actually alive, it's just been a hot minute since I've felt any motivation to really come back and write things. But I am back, and I have no idea if I'll be consistent with this or not, it just sparked my interest again. I really appreciate all the consistent support from you guys!! <3333
Tenth Doctor x FemReader
"Yes I have feelings for you, moving on."
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"Y/N?! Can I come in???"
You heard a flurry of knocks at your bedroom door as an excited Doctor rushed in before waiting for an answer.
"Why yes Doctor you may enter my room," you laughed. "What if I was changing or something in here?"
"Well I uh.. It hasn't happened yet!" he fought back.
You giggled and rolled your eyes at how flustered he got, something that you noticed happening often. Although you just chalked it up to that being a part of his personality, especially when he has so many lovely women flirting with him on your trips together.
He flopped onto your bed and stared at you.
"So! What are we doing today hm? Go see the stars of Ntiri, or perhaps an alien market, or we could go back to the time of the Renaissance!" he ended with a flair.
"A ball sounds nice, like in France. Marie Antoinette times! But preferably without the Reign of Terror, running isn't exactly on my wishlist for things today," you pondered aloud.
He jumped up and twirled you around, making you go all the way up on your tippy toes.
"Well alrighty then Ms. Y/N! The Yew Ball awaits!"
You rush out to see him start slamming levers and pulling bits and bobs as your center of balance is thrown away like it wasn't even there in the first place. It always amazed you how the Doctor managed to stay up the way he did. He was by no means the most graceful man you had ever met, but the TARDIS didn't seem to throw him around the same way it did you.
As he pulled you up and brushed some stray hairs out of your eyes, a thought hit you.
"Yes love?" he replied.
"Where are we supposed to get the right attire for this? My blouse and blue jeans won't exactly fit in a 16th century setting."
"Ah, don't worry about that, I'll get it all sorted out for us," he grinned.
The two of you walked out of the TARDIS, finding yourselves in a storage closet of sorts. You walked out and around the corner, up so many stairs you thought you might pass out, and then finally a couple more turns before stopping at a large white door with gold details.
The Doctor rapped on the door gently before a small brown haired woman appeared in a plain corset and dress.
He whipped out his psychic paper and the woman's face lit up.
"Oh! Madame you must hurry the ball starts soon!!!" she chimed.
She yanked you into the room as you gave the Doctor a very confused look while he just simply grinned back at you.
You then spent the next few hours getting your makeup done and having a multitude of dresses shown for you to choose from. It took at least one of those hours to convince the women helping you to not make you wear a wig, even if it is a sign of wealth, you just can't stand the itchiness.
Eventually, you made your way to the main ball room, stopping at the top of the stairs. The Doctor stood with his hands in his pockets admiring the view around him opposite you.
As his gaze met yours his eyes lit up and a wide smile crossed his face. He was in a royal, no, TARDIS blue coat and pants, with a golden waistcoat, and creme colored tights that he looked very upset to be wearing.
The two of you met at the top of the largest staircase, where the other two converged.
"You look absolutely stunning Y/N," he whispered.
You were given a ball gown in the exact same shade of gold as the Doctor's waistcoat, with your corset and center piece of material a light shade of cornflower blue, complementing your complexion perfectly.
"You look rather dashing yourself Doctor," you cooed.
He bowed to you deeply, arose, then held out a delicate hand to lead you down the stairs.
You proceeded to wander around the room, talking to many couples, eventually getting to meet Marie Antoinette herself. She found you most exciting, and thought you were the most intelligent person in the room.
The night began to slow, and the Doctor was leading you in your final waltz for the night.
"Doctor, I wouldn't have traded this night for anything," you said softly. "Although we must go into the past more often, we don't go nearly enough."
"I agree, the nights are always wonderful with the one you love most..." he stated holding onto your hand even tighter.
"Wait.. Doctor say that again?"
You couldn't believe what he had just said, did he really just say that he loved you the most??
"Yes, I have feelings for you, moving on," he brushed off.
"Wait a minute you can't just move on from this Doctor! You really love me?"
"My dear Y/N, why in the multitude of universes, wouldn't I love you? You are the sweetest person I've ever met, you're strong, capable, and gorgeous to the moons and back."
You blushed and smiled fondly.
"Which moons Doctor?"
"Any of them love, as long as you come with me," he whispered, tipping your chin up and kissing you gently.
You felt a swirl of emotions that you never knew you could feel before, and even more as he swung you off your feet, and placing you down gently.
"Uh, Doctor.. I think we're being stared at," you pointed out.
The entire room turned to look at you both, A truly handsome couple, the queen thought.
He placed a hand around your waist and began leading you back to the TARDIS.
"Well then, they'll definitely be staring after they see us walking into broom closet together," he snickered.
Your mouth dropped but returned to a content smile, not believing the wonderful night that just occurred.
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purityonice · 6 months
calming you down.
Requested? Yeah :)
TW// panic attack!
Also sorry if i got this wrong dont be afraid to correct me!!!
im sorry i havent been posting ive just been busy plus i had mad writers block!!
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Branch knew you were different, thats why he liked hanging around you.
You two had so much in common and he felt like you were the only one that got him. Even his best friend Poppy didn’t get him like you did.
He never knew why you were so against taking off your headphones or joining in on any of the parties but he was glad for it.
So he knew that when Poppy decided to throw another massive party just for funsies you would come knocking at his door. But not how he expected you to.
“B-Branch! open the door please!” You cried out desperately your hands covering your ears as you crouched down staring at his trapdoor. A loud bang and a bright flash assaulted you as loud cheering could be heard from a mile away.
Poppys parties had become so much more intense after the truce with the Bergens and this one was the worst.
Branch leaned on his lever as he yawned adorned in his robe and coffee in his hand unaware of your predicament. The elevator came to a stop as he began to undo his series of locks, the sound of the party drowning out your whimpers.
The final lock was undone and he swung open the trap door, your scared face looking down at him trembling trying to calm yourself down.
Branch’s face dropped as guilt bubbled up inside him, wondering how long you had been waiting for him. Quickly grabbing you and pulling you inside, closing the door and locking it again.
As you writhed from the sudden contact the bunker was alot quieter than outside, the music was muffled by the underground walls while you swayed back and forth on the ground. The feeling on the elevator soothing you abit as it began to descend.
“Are you alright? you dont look so good.” Branch finally spoke his voice laced with worry as he lowered himself down to your level.
You couldn’t respond your body was to letting you speak as Branch sat besides you.
He knew what was going on all to well.
“uhm- I have this place that I go to when i’m feeling overwhelmed… do you want to go there?” He said softly his eyes gazing your body as you shook your head yes. A soft warmth in his stomach grew happy that youre starting to reapond to him.
“I also have this technique to help want to try it? its going to be awhile before we get there my bunker is pretty big.” Branch asked his eyes never leaving you waiting for you to respond. After you agreed he got right into it.
“Okay just think of three things you see, hear, and smell. it always helps me.” He yawned out streching his legs as you stimmed beside him.
your eyes darting around the little elevator walls as rooms passed by.
Storage room, dirt, Branch
Branch looked at you as you stared at him a heat rising on your face as you closed your eyes to hear better your thoughts begining to calm down as you swayed back and forth.
The elevator gears moving, very faint music, Branch
Branch was shuffling around in his spot his soft grunts as he got up from his place probably to quickly grab some stuff knowing him. His body plopped softly on the floor besides you again a soft jingling following.
Keeping your eyes closed as you began to smell the area that surrounded you a soft pop was heard but never the less you continued, this was really working.
Oil, dirt, Branch.
He smelt pleasant like fresh from the shower nice, the would explain the robe. Your eyes remained shut as you soaked in Branches scent not realising that he was now speaking to you. He snapped his fingers infront of your face to grab your attention.
Your eyes flutters open to a few fireflies illuminating the area the soft buzzes of their bodies was so nice as they danced infront of you both.
“You smell so nice Branch.” You said bluntly while your eyes were still locked on the bugs that flew ahead of you. He was taken a back and let out a chuckle as you started to shuffle closer towards him.
“This is so nice thank you for helping me Branch.” your voice was soft leaning your head on his shoulder as you listened to his breathing.
Branchs body was stiff feeling you drape your head on his a his body heated. A dorky smile on his face as he looked into your eyes full of light. A soft smile plastered on your face while you just let your surroundings soak in.
“So did you still want to goto the room I was talking about earlier?” Branch said feeling you nod against his shoulder you interwined your hand with his as you looked up at him.
“Yes please.”
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missamyrisa2 · 4 months
Agdjsj your massage story got me thinking of a professional clit-cleanser,,, little Lees sign up for a professional, thorough cleaning with a shower head, spinny brushes of all textures, and of course a feather brush-dry at the end
"Oooh you absolutely are overdue for a cleaning ~~ and luckily this is like, a fully automatic facility we have here~ just sit in this cozyy chair and relaxxx ~ now, this miiiiight ticklee~!!"
I skip about in my purple dress, pigtails bouncing as I start setting dials and pressing buttons before I nudge you back into the salon chair. I flash a smirk and pull a lever on the back and activate a team of robotic hands, unable to hold back my squeaky excitement while I watch and pose with a hand on my thick waist belt. Their fingers spring forth and wiggle menacingly at you before diving in, stripping away your clothes and tossing them to a nearby collection bin.
"For your safetyyy~" I grin, pressing a button to restrain your ankles and wrists to the chair with thick waterproof straps. Humming merrily, I pull out what looks like a hair cutting cape, though a bit smaller and emblazoned with a glimmering pearl logo. "Just relaxxx and let the machines do their work~hmm" I squeak and drape the cape over your waist, snugly setting it to hang over your royal area.
With another beep and clank, you suddenly find yourself looking up at my grinning face. The reclined salon chair starts scooting forth on its path, the walls opening and clicking to draw you into the cleansing factory. "First weee~ wheeee~!! We start with a presoak~" I can't contain my excitement, scurrying behind the chair with my clipboard and remote. With a whine and whoosh, a shiny showerhead twists into view coordinating with the chair which is shifting to gently spread your legs.
The collective of little circles on the head begin coating your royal area with a gentle spray, gradually raising in pressure to spread teasing soft touches across your thighs and royal lips, carefully aiming under the clit cape. "Now, did you want the triple foam package?" I start pressing buttons to summon nozzely hoses from three angles which start covering your girly area with a rainbow haze of tingly color. "Of course you dooo~"
As the foam settles and tingles and cleanses, the showerhead retracts and the chair moves further through curtains of light and growing machinery sounds. In the next segment a massive circle rolls out and clicks to life, extending a gang of scrubby brushes. Each one works to cleanse a layer of foam away as I watch and note the progress. "Pearl Destressing is absolutely essential. All these soft brushes make sure the foam is nicely scrubbed right into your most elegant areas." I lean in and watch as your legs quiver at the sensation of each brush gently gliding along your inner thighs over your lips and along your pearly area. "My my my ~ you really are sensitive huh? Don't worry, you can wiggle all you like. You're nice and snug."
The chair moves you along further into the facility, the sounds of slapping materials fill your ear right as you start to see the fuzzy curtains swishing back and forth. "Oh don't worry, that's just to keep the texture nice and fluffed. We're not gonna rough you up darling~" I snicker as we watch together the hanging threads of fuzz slowing and turning to start gently kissing and gliding up your royal area while the chair hums and takes you through. The remaining tingle foam is whisked away and your cleansed skin is thoroughly teased and coaxed into ticklish sensations by the endless parade of swishy soft materials~
"Awww, does that tickle? Does it just tickle soooo much?" I chuckle knowingly, patting your head and teasing your neck with feathery touches while you helplessly struggle through the treatments. In the next room you see the indicator stating it's time for the drying, but after a quick tingly scan the machine goes off in alarm and overrides the process to instead read Deep Rinse. "Ooooh my my my you're a naughty thing huhhhh?" I step around if fake shock, pointing at your swollen wanting button~ "Yeppp we've got a naughty pearlyyy~!!"
Tapping buttons on the machine, robotic hands spring back out and start lightly massaging your inner thighs with their wiggly index fingers, as a coat is slid down my arms and goggles placed over my eyes, with a hand dropping a shiny silver wand into my waiting hand. "Now hold still girlyyy~ we're gonna get you niiiice and clean, I promise~" my tongue pokes out in concentration as I lean in and use the water wand to start spraying up your royal lips. The robotic hands work to tickle and coax out your most royal button, getting close to the outside of your lips as I start drawing up from below.
"Aww ~ coochie cooo laughing girl~ you are soooo naughty ~ look at thatttt ~ you need sooo much cleansing~" I work my wand upward, spraying right over your button with a tickly jet, modulating the pressure up and down while my helpers tickle around your mound and down to your thighs and occasionally hold your steady so I can thoroughly cleanse your throbbing pearl before clicking my tongue in admonishment. "Tsk tsk. Sooo naughty. You keep that up and we'll just have to cleanse you all day oh yes we willll~ satisfaction guaranteed at this clitty cleansing center~!! You don't leave until we have you shiny clean~~"
I snicker and work away, reaching back to pick up a detail brush, teasing with the lightest of stroking pokes on the underside of your button while the spray works around side to side. "Sooo many giggles and gasps in youuu~ good thing we're extracting them allll~"
When you've finally been deep cleansed to satisfaction, your dizzy starry-eyed giggly self is at least in the final chamber. "Only the finest ~ gentlest ~ pamper dry for our cute girly pearllll~" I tease, tracing a long stiff feather over your neck and chest before planting it into the machine. The apparatus starts pivoting back and forth with a click, carefully wicking away the remaining droplets on your girly parts with the feather's tip. "The key is a slooooww dry ~ I could blot away all of it with this nice soft towel hmmm" I run the luxurious cloth over my own face and hum at you~ "but this special feather will dry you one drop at a time for maximum cleansing ~ and sensation~"
I plop myself onto the nearby chair and start pulling up the stats and footage of your cleansing as the machine clicks away, the feather tip caressing at your button and slowly drying it with the tickliest of slow strokes. "Don't you worry, I'll just be over here reviewing your progress and we'll check and see if you need a reclean here when the machine is done~"
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doctorwhoimagines · 6 months
All of Time and Space
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After a would-be alien invasion, The Doctor offers you the opportunity to travel with him in the TARDIS.
Ten × gn!reader
Warnings: None
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"This is supposed to be a spaceship?" With a raised eyebrow, you looked away from the blue box and back to the pinstripe suited man—The Doctor, he'd called himself—his hands shoved in the pockets of his trousers. "It's just an old Police Box."
"Well, looks can be deceiving, can't they?" The Doctor headed towards the box once again, taking your hand to bring you along.
He'd been doing that on and off for the last few hours, holding on tight as the two of you ran from the strange aliens that had apparently infiltrated your workplace. You helped The Doctor send them back to where they came from, only for him to give you an enticing offer.
"You and me. All of time and space. What do you say?"
Even after what you'd witnessed that day, seeing more than just your little corner of planet Earth still seemed far-fetched. But something in The Doctor's eyes told you that you could trust him with your life without knowing him for more than a single afternoon.
You shook the thought away just as the two of you reached the door, and he pushed it open for you, nodding his head towards the inside. "Go on then, give her a look."
Seeing the blue box made you start to rethink that a little bit. Sure, he'd stopped an alien invasion like it was something he dealt with every day, but what if he was just some madman? And even if the box really could travel through time and space, how could the two of you fit in the thing? The Doctor was quite slim, yes, but the idea of being in such close quarters with him...
Hesitantly, you let go of him as you stepped in.
Instead of a dark, cramped box, you found a warmly lit room. The walls were covered in a hexagonal pattern, and it had what looked like curvy support beams spaced around it. In the center of it all sat a console, litered with various knobs and buttons and screens.
And the sound...almost like the ship had a heartbeat.
You didn't even notice that The Doctor had already ran past you and to the console, tossing his trench coat onto the padded railing. He flipped a switch, watching as you took in your surroundings. There was something he enjoyed about seeing others be awestruck at the sight of his beloved TARDIS.
Unsurprisingly, the first thing you said was, "It's...it's bigger on the inside."
"It's called the TARDIS. Time and Relative Dimension in Space." The Doctor leaned on the edge of the console, his hands resting on either side of him as he looked at you expectantly. "Fancy a trip?"
You walked towards him, still looking at the room and wondering if you were dreaming. "You said 'all of time and space'..." Stopping in front of him, you smiled. "How could I not?"
The Doctor grinned and, in an instant, began pushing buttons and flipping even more switches. "The question is...past or future?"
"Future," you said without a thought. "Show me something amazing."
"Coming right up!" The Doctor stopped running around the console to pull a lever, and the TARDIS began to make a strange grinding noise. You found yourself glad for the railing as the ship's movements threw you around a bit. The Doctor seemed unfazed by that, continuing to pilot the ship.
Finally, the TARDIS came to a stop, and you were able to let go.
"Sorry about that," The Doctor said, already moving towards the exit. "Her navigation system can be a bit tricky."
"A warning might have been nice." You jogged to catch up to him, stopping in front of the doors.
The Doctor looked over at you with a smile, "Ready to see the future?"
When he opened the door, your first thought was that it was most definitely not Earth, evidenced by the twin suns in the sky. The buildings looked almost to be made of pure gold, all shining bright where the sun hit them. Dreaming felt like even more of a possibility at the sight of a place so beautiful. "Something amazing: check."
Before The Doctor could say that it wasn't where he meant to bring you, you grabbed his arm and pulled him out of the ship. "What are we waiting for? Let's look around!"
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"So..." you began, catching your breath as you slumped down in the chair that you had neglected to notice on your first flight a few hours earlier. The Doctor had just landed the TARDIS somewhere else, but you hadn't asked about that yet. "Do your trips usually end with trouble?"
He leaned against the railing, not quite as worn out as you were after all that running. It wasn't his first rodeo with killer robots. "More or less. Mostly more." He looked down at you with an eyebrow quirked. "Why? Have you changed your mind?"
"No way." You eagerly stood up next to him. "What's next?"
The Doctor didn't hesitate to return to the console and whisk you away again.
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five-rivers · 2 years
Buried in the Woods
@snops Hello! I'm your Truce gifter this year! I went after your 1st and 3rd prompts. Cryptid vibes and Corpse AU. Enjoy! >:)
They’re waiting for him, this time. 
They don’t, always.  Usually, he’s faster than they are, and sometimes they can’t make it at all.  A few, very harrowing times, he couldn’t make it. 
But here, now, they’re waiting, each one leaning against a tree trunk.  The hillside below then is dotted with charred and broken tree stumps that rise straight from the ground like monuments.  The moon is high, white, and sharp, cut from the sky with a razor.  Everything is cold, still, quiet. 
Sam raises cupped hands to her mouth and blows through them, ignoring the dirt on her fingers and under her nails.  It’s not any worse than digging in her garden.  The shovels are a bit bigger, that’s all. 
Tucker has taken out his PDA again.  He shouldn’t.  Not here.  The screen is bright, and someone might see it.  But he can’t help but check the time, again, squinting through the fog of his breath to see the numbers.  It’s late.  But that’s not going to change in a hurry. 
Almost as one, they look down the hill, their attention drawn taught.  Something is moving down there. 
Surreptitiously, Sam puts a boot on the blade of her shovel, levering it up and into her hand.  Tucker reaches out for his, fingers brushing the smooth wooden handle, not yet pulling it free of the ground. 
They wait, still and cautious.  No matter how many times they do this, they’re never entirely at ease.
Then two spots of green, bright and alien, flare up at them from the dark.  If either of them had been carrying a flashlight, the green could have been mistaken for an animal’s eyeshine. 
They weren’t.  It wasn’t. 
Slowly, the thing in the dark comes up the hill.  It walks slowly, ponderously, its gait uneven.  Every once in a while, that green flashes again. 
The clear cold light of the moon provides a silhouette, eventually.  A black hole in the night.  A human-like figure, a body thrown over one of its shoulders, a shovel propped on the other.  It is stooped, slightly, under the weight, but the way it moves could tell anyone it had done this before.  Its eyes are flat, green coins. 
Sam blinks once, twice, three times.  Tucker just waits, still as stone.  Reality shifts.  No longer is the thing in front of them a shadow cut from nightmare, but their friend, Danny.  Normal, human, puny, blue-eyed Danny, who, for some reason, thinks it’s acceptable to wear a t-shirt in this weather and at this time of night.  He looks exhausted, and perhaps a little embarrassed.  Nothing frightening here.   
Other than the fact he’s carrying his own corpse over his shoulder. 
“You didn’t need to bring your own shovel, man,” says Tucker, compulsively pulling his PDA out again.  “We already got everything dug.”  He sounds worried. 
Danny cringes.  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to make you wait that long.”  He drums his fingers on the shaft of his shovel and adjusts his grip on the body. 
“It’s fine.  Let’s just get under cover.”  Sam turns and walks back, into the less-burned part of the forest.  She can hear Tucker following her.  Danny is, as always, silent. 
“Oof,” says Danny. 
“Huh?  Something wrong?” asks Tucker. 
“Just walked over my own grave, that’s all.”  Danny offers them a smile that could have been made from the same fabric as the moon – although with a far less steady hand. 
The response is a groan, as loud as they dare. 
“We’re going to have to change locations, soon.”
And isn’t that the truth?  Accidentally digging up one grave was one grave too many, and it isn’t as if they could mark them.  What they are doing is illegal, both in the ‘this is literally against state, federal, county, and municipal law’ sense, and the more metaphorical ‘this is an affront to the laws of nature’ sense. 
They reach their handiwork of the night before much longer.  The grave isn’t nice and rectangular, but they gave up on that early on.  It’s deep, and big enough to take what Danny’s been carrying.  That’s enough. 
Danny promptly drops his corpse into the hole.  The sound of a corpse hitting the ground like that—It isn’t exactly indescribable, and it isn’t exactly unique, but…
It sure is a sound. 
They stare at it, for a long moment.  It feels, even after all this time, that they should say something, do something, to commemorate the moment, to lay the body to rest. 
But they don’t.
Danny hefts his shovel and starts the work of pushing the dirt back in.  Shovelful by shovelful, the body is hidden from view.  Covered up.  Tucked in. 
“Well,” says Danny.  “That’s that for tonight.”
 They go back, down through the trees.  Sometimes, when he steps into the shadows of the trees, Danny goes dark again, his eyes green and glowing, but those moments become fewer and further between as they leave the fresh grave behind.  As they leave Danny’s latest death behind.  As Danny becomes more alive.
“Who was it tonight?” asks Tucker.  “Or was it more of a what this time?”
“Ember,” says Danny.
“That was fast, for her.”
“She wasn’t here for a fight, this time.”  Danny shrugs.  “Convinced her to ride my death back across the line pretty easy.  It’s almost as if—”
He stops, tilts his head to one side.  Shadows strobe across him. 
“Danny?” asks Sam. 
“Something’s here,” says Danny, his voice flat and empty, and then he's gone.
If there is one thing that is impossible for Sam and Tucker to get used to, it is the sight of their friend dropping dead. 
Sam hisses through her teeth and crouches down.  “He couldn’t even tell us who it is first?”
“It can’t be anyone too strong,” says Tucker.  “He wouldn’t risk wasting a death.”  He thumbs open the timer on his PDA.  Six minutes.  On average, a human death held a viable door open for six minutes. 
Sam shoots him a skeptical look and he winces.  There is, on occasion, a wildness in Danny's eyes beyond the green. 
But it’s too late to talk about that now.  The moon-cast shadows undulate across the ground, twitching and fluttering like living things.  It's ink and blackness and the trees bending away from the sky to reveal stars that were both too close and too green. 
The dark isn’t the only thing there.  There's something artificial, a presence the forest resists.  An intruder.  An outsider.  A predator, stalking, hunting, not looking for them, but it doesn’t care about collateral damage. 
Sam curses under her breath.  “Skulker.”
The two ghosts clash and writhe, dead, unmade things in a place they should not exist.  They give the body, the corpse, a wide berth, Skulker not willing to get close enough to the body and the door for Danny to push him through, and Danny clearly not wanting Skulker to get too close to Sam and Tucker. 
The problem with Skulker is that he’s always been out for blood.  Danny is his current prey, but that isn’t a good thing to count on. 
“Do you think Vlad let him through again?” whispers Tucker, his words standing stark against the silence. 
It’s probable.  There aren’t enough human deaths in Amity Park to justify how often certain ghosts return.  Any death can make a door, even a plant’s, even an animal’s, but those doors are usually too small and too brief for ghosts like Skulker to get through, if they aren’t called to them specifically.  But someone like Vlad or Danny can die again and again, as many times as needed. 
Tucker sees Danny’s body twitch and he yelps, putting a tree between him and it.  Sam is more proactive.  She brings the flat of her shovel down on its head.  The ghosts that leak out are stripes of neon against dark grass.  The light is swallowed by the empty places between the trees. 
“How much time?” she asks Tucker breathlessly. 
“Three minutes,” he says, holding up his PDA.
“We need to get out of here.”
“What?  But—”
She grabs his wrist and hauls him into the dark.
It isn’t only black in there.  Star-flashes and moonlight twinkle and strobe as they run.  There are eyes, green and uncountable.  There is sound – gunfire swallowed by snow, the twang of bowstrings, the last gasp of prey, devoured.  The trees slide by them, studiously avoiding their path.  Soft mounds of earth flicker with gentle stars, the ground beneath them a mirror of the sky above.  It is like running between two mirrors.
This landscape, Sam realizes, a little late, does not favor Skulker very much at all.  Not here, in Danny’s own personal graveyard.
And the shadows retreat, pulled away like ink being absorbed by a napkin. 
Sam and Tucker look back, over their shoulders.  Two green eyes stare at them from what isn’t, in retrospect, very far away at all.  Danny’s body lies on the ground below, barely visible.  The eyes do not leave them, even as the shadow they are in stoops to pluck the shovel from the limp hand of Danny’s body and start digging. 
The shadows beneath the trees don’t seem very dark anymore.  The moonlight is almost blinding. 
The timer on Tucker’s PDA goes off, loudly.  He hisses at it, annoyed that, somewhere along the way, he’d turned the volume on. 
“Heck,” says Sam. 
“Yeah,” agrees Tucker, vehemently.  “Where’d my shovel go?”
They find it before too long.  There aren’t too many places it could have gone.  They join Danny in digging.  Two graves in one night are really too much, but they’ve done more, and they’ve done worse.  They aren’t like Vlad, can’t just let them build up until it’s efficient to dispose of them, or whatever he does.  Something tells them that whatever is probably worse than they’re imagining. 
Between blinks, Danny is himself again, and the grave is finished before the moon starts to set. 
It is late.  It is early.  It is time to go home. 
The thing about three teenagers with shovels walking the city streets at night is that they’re noticed.  Amity Park isn’t New York, but any city worth its name stirs in its sleep.  Midnight flights to the airport, inadvisably long bachelor parties, late movies, insomnia, homelessness. 
Tucker’s been monitoring the ghost hunting and cryptid forums for a while, and he’s emailed Danny links to each one that mentions him.  Sam has clippings from the paper about calls to animal control about something with green eyes, about something that couldn’t possibly be human.  Then, of course, there are the calls to the police about something dragging or carrying bodies from all sorts of places. 
There had been an investigation at one point.  There had to be.  But nothing had been found.  There hadn’t been anything to find.  No missing bodies, no mysterious disappearances, no deaths.  Just a green-eyed shadow and its mysterious companions. 
Sam knows her parents, at least, think the whole thing is a prank.  Tucker’s think it is people seeing things when there was nothing there, like bigfoot.  The less said about what Danny’s parents think about it, the better. 
Sam’s house is furthest from the center of town, and they drop her off first, the shadows on the trellis giving her a boost when she climbed.  Tucker and Danny then have the typical argument about whether it’s better to bring Tucker or Danny home first.  Danny, Tucker argues, has just fought not one, but two ghosts.  Tucker, Danny argues, cannot come back from the dead.  Danny wins, as usual. 
That leaves Danny, real and not, alive and not, to wander home.  He waves cheerfully at a drunk who watches him pass with wide eyes and turns onto his street.  He breathes in, deeply, tasting the ash that still flavors the air all these months later.  He opens his eyes just in time for the winter sun to beam through the skeleton of one of the buildings that bracket the crater that was once Fentonworks. 
No one lives here anymore. 
No one is waiting for him.
Danny walks down into the darkness and disappears. 
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dumbbitchenergy17 · 1 year
Clan of Three - Chapter 10
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Chapter Ten: The Heiress
Plot: A Mandalorian, an infant with a history of the jedi, and a teenager with similar powers with an undiscovered lineage. An unlikely group to travel the galaxy together.
Word Count: 5.8K
Pairing: Father Figure!Din Djarin x Platonic!Teen!Reader
Warnings: fighting/violence, injuries, massive angst, tears
You woke up from the travels to you all just flying past the gas giant Kol Iben towards the moon Trask.
“Looks like we made it. Get ready for landing.” Din says as you rub the sleep from your eyes as you begin your descent toward the planet. A loud beeping makes him curse out loud, “Dank farrik! The landing array isn’t responding. Without the guidance system, it’ll be a manual re-entry. It might get choppy. Once we’re through the atmosphere, there should be enough fuel to slow down. If we don’t burn to a crisp.” The beeping only grows louder which in turn wakes up the Frog Lady and the child.
“What’s going on?!” As you see the ship begin to burn, you were going down too fast.
“Come up here. I need your hands! This lever needs to stay back. Can you do that? Keep it steady. Here we go.” Din looks at you pointing at a lever and you nod pulling it all the way back it had some tension almost as if it didn’t want to stay all this far back.
“Razor Crest, this is Trask flight control. Please reduce your speed to port protocol.” The Flight control comes through your transmitters as the approaching planet grows closer, “I’m trying my best here.” “Engage reverse thrusters. Brace!” He switches to the reverse the ship jerking as you see the landing bay getting too close for comfort at this speed.
“Hold on.” “Razor Crest, do you copy? You have to reduce speed.” “Almost there, almost there.” “Razor Crest, do you copy? Razor Crest, you’re coming in too fast. You have to re…” The ship hits the landing bay with a heavy thud as you’re back on the ground.
“Here we go. Nice and easy.” Din says and a loud crack fills the air as the landing struts break down and the Crest begins to tip over and you all crash into the water. It goes dark quickly with the water but with how fast you had entered the water you were out of it. The rushing water pours out of the ship as you’re placed onto the landing pad. You all disembark the soaked and very broken ship, the Frog Lady moves ahead as Din speaks to an octopus-looking man, the child in his pram beside you. The smell of salt was so strong here, the air chilly but almost refreshing. The main thing you had been staring at was the water, you’d never seen this much water. You hadn’t thought this much water could exist.
“Kid,” Din pulls you out of your thoughts and he’s standing further ahead with the child you catch up with the two. The three of you see the Frog Lady run up to another Frog Man as they embrace speaking to each other before they hold the canister holding their future child with such love. You feel your heart melt seeing the happiness on their face being reunited.
Din shakes hands with the Frog Man as he croaks his thanks, “You’re welcome. I was told you could lead me to others of my kind,” The Frogs lead them to an inn before they soon depart. Entering the establishment quickly eyes are drawn to the Mandalorian in his shiny beskar, the human girl, and the small child in the pram. A very unlikely group together as the server glances at you all before pointing to a table.
“Have a seat over there. What can I get you?” You all sit down as the server now joins the table.
“Nothing for me. Two bowls of chowder for my friends.” Din motions to the two of you and you see the server give him a look, “These seats are scarce, buddy. Everyone seated needs to eat.”
“I can buy something else. Information. Have you seen others that look like me?” Din asks and the man places two bowls of chowder in front of you and the child. You place the bowl closer to the child as he reaches out with his tiny hands.
“Others with beskar have been through here.” The server says and that intrigued the bounty hunter, “Who can take me to them?”
“I know someone who might help.” The server nods before leaving, you slowly eat your food, it is unlike anything you’ve tasted. Maker, you were so lucky to travel the galaxy. You hear a cry come from the child and you look down seeing a cephalopod creature latched onto the child’s face. Din holds out a knife prying it off his face,
“Don’t play with your food.” He scolds before a new person arrives at the table. “Hmm. You seek others of your kind?”
Din nods looking at the Quarren boatman, “Have you seen them?” “Aye. I can bring you to them.” The boatman nods,
“Where?” Din asks and the boatman points out towards the water, “Only a few hours sail. It’ll cost you, though.”
You would say getting used to being on a starship was easy but on a boat felt off, you could feel the ship rocking against the waves as it travels further out to sea. The Quarrens shout at each other as they work, seeing creatures of the ocean that you have never seen before. It was all so new as you follow behind Din and the child.
“You ever see a mamacore eat?” The boatman asks, gesturing you over to a large opening below the ship’s deck, “Quite a sight. They might take an interest. You should take a look. Come on over here. Get a good view. Let the kids see.” You are all pretty close to the edge,
“Never seen this much water before!” You say in awe your feet grace the edges but Din pulls you back slightly,
”All right, close enough.” Din says as you watch the grate in the middle slide open as a net full of fish lowers down into the water.
The Quarren grins hearing the rumble from the mamacore as it feast under the water, “There we go. She must be hungry. Oftentimes we’ll feed her in the early morning, but we missed that ’cause we were goin’ out of port!” It happened so suddenly. The Quarren whacks his spear against the child’s cradle pushing it above the water and the mamacore surfaces swallowing the cradle with the child inside.
“No!” Both you and Din yell out horrified by the action, you spin around to fight when hands shove you backward, why did you have to be so close to the edge? Your frightened gaze meets Din’s as you fall back into the water, his hand barely reaching yours as he’s thrown back by two Quarrens.
Tatooine never had large bodies of water, all of it had dried up years ago making it the desert planet it was. There was no reason for you to learn how to swim if you were meant to stay there for the rest of your life. Even during your travels with the Mandalorian you never had taken the opportunity to learn such a basic skill. On Sorgon when you would travel to waterfalls or large lakes, you stood at a safe distance or entered the water letting it reach your hips not going further in as the others swam or dived off the tall cliffs into the water. It was a shock of electricity from the idea you were in water that you couldn’t stand in and that you were in there with a creature that just swallowed the child whole. You burst through the surface gasping for air and spitting out water getting in your mouth, you try pulling yourself out but your hands slam against the bars just a foot away from your face. Your hands slip trying to grab onto the metal grate to pull yourself up so you could breathe and find a way to escape. Your heart was pounding in your ears as you hear the fight above as Din yells.
“Hurry up and drown the girl!” Someone yells before pikes come down on your hands making you slip back under the water, your arms and legs flail as you try to bring yourself back up to the surface, breaking through the water again your hand grabs one of the rungs the other grabbing the saber attached to your waist, bring it above the water the howling sound fills the air as the saber cuts through the metal, the orange blade melting through.
“She’s a jedi! Kill her already!” Someone yells and more pikes rain down on you making you lose your grip and you’re back under the water, the saber goes out instantly under the water. You move your arms rapidly trying to push yourself up but nothing works as you only sink further into the water. Your lungs burn as you try to keep the water out of your lungs but you accidentally breathe in through your nose in a panic making you open your mouth to get the water out only causing more water to fill. Your body grows weaker before your vision goes black the last thought being of Din.
Din never fought harder in his life tearing through the Quarrens, he could hear you struggling in the water as you cry out in fear. He had to get you and the child to safety but they seemed to not be letting up, the sudden arrival of other Mandalorian had been unexpected as they all bring down the Quarrens and the ones over the grate. They all wear blue armor with white details as the last Quarren falls dead,
“There’s a creature. It has the Child and the girl.” Din tells trying to move forward but one of them holds him back,
“On it!” One of the Mandalorians dives into the water his body shakes with anger but also fear. He knew you didn’t swim, why would anyone on Tatooine know how to swim?
“The children. Help the children.” Din breathes out heavily trying to calm his pounding heart as the female leader reassures him. The sound of underwater explosions doesn’t soothe his nerves, “Don’t worry, brother. We’ve got this.”
The female Mandalorian who dived into the water comes flying out with her jetpack under one arm the damaged cradle is quickly given to Din who opens it. The child looks frightened but otherwise safe, held in her other arm is you. His blood runs cold seeing your eyes cold, your lips and fingers blue.
The female Mandalorian lays you on the ground on your back leaning down her ear over your face trying to listen before she quickly pulls back bringing her hands together. “She’s not breathing…” Din rushes forward but is held back by the only other male Mandalorian,
“Kid!” “Stop it she has her!” Din struggles in his grasp watching her bring her hands to your chest pressing against it in patterns before stopping trying to hear your breathing and continuing cursing under her breath. He thought he already lost you once but you had proved yourself. You couldn’t leave now.
“Come on kid, you can’t do this!” He cries out his helmet hiding his fearful emotion as he watches the woman work to save your life. It felt like hours pass as he watch your body just lay there as the Mandalorian tries to get you to breathe. Water spurts from your mouth and she turns you to your side as water pours from your mouth. You cough intensely as your body forces you to expel all the water, Din felt relief cover him so quickly seeing you breathing. You were so cold as you continue to cough out water before it subsided.
“You okay kid?” A voice asks and you look over seeing a Mandalorian helmet that wasn’t Din’s.
“Am I dead…?” You ask and she chuckles shaking her head. “You are very much alive.” She says as she helps you sit up bringing you to a bench to sit on. Din is instantly by your side he brings you close to him words of Mando’a mumbled under his breath, prayers thanking his gods. Din pulls away looking at the three Mandalorians,
“Thank you. I’ve been searching for more of our kind.” He says and the female leader steps forward nodding.
“Well, lucky we found you first.” She says,
“I’ve been quested to deliver these children. I was hoping that…” Din trails off seeing the three of them remove their helmets revealing their faces, “Where did you get that armor?” He accuses standing up and placing himself between the children and these fakes.
The ginger woman scoffs almost insulted, “This armor has been in my family for three generations.”
“You do not cover your face. You are not Mandalorian.” He says their creed was broken with the removal of their helmets.
“He’s one of them.” The dark-haired man says and Din gives him a look,
“Dank farrik.” The leader curses which makes Din more confused. “One of what?”
“I am Bo-Katan of Clan Kryze. I was born on Mandalore and fought in the Purge. I am the last of my line. And you are a Child of the Watch.” The woman, Bo-Katan introduces herself.
“The Watch?” He inquires,
“Children of the Watch are a cult of religious zealots that broke away from Mandalorian society. Their goal was to re-establish the ancient way.” Bo-Katan says and Din shakes his head handing off the child to you as he helps you onto your feet, still feeling weak and still shocked that all had happened.
“There is only one way. The Way of the Mandalore.” He says and the other woman with braids going across her forehead, “Wait!” She pulls something from her belt and holds out your saber which you cautiously accept, “I didn’t know the jedi were training children anymore…” You don’t get to question what she said before Din picks you up and the three of you leave the ship flying back to land. From the shore you see the ship explode into flames as well as the three Mandalorians fly off as well.
“Come on kid…” Din calls out to you ready to return to the ship. The child rested in his arms as the night quickly took over. You were more dried off now, your clothes still sticking to your body each step of your shoes moist and gross but your hair had begun to air dry. The street lights lit your way before someone appear in front of your path,
“Hey! You… You killed my brother.” A Quarren steps forward, this must have been the boatsman’s brother. More appear from the shadows surrounding you all,
“Let me pass.” Din demands and the man laughs,
“I don’t you think you understand. You killed my brother and now I’m gonna kill your kid and your pet.” He says pointing a large spear at you and the child in Din’s arms mistaking him for a pet. Appearing from above is Bo-Katan and the two other Mandalorians who flank around you all.
“He didn’t kill your brother. I did.” Bo-Katan says and they quickly eliminate the threats before either of you could move to join the fight. Bo-Katan looks at Din, “Can we at least buy you a drink?”
At the bar, you all sat around a table, and Bo-Katan starts to speak, “Trask is a black market port. They’re staging weapons that have been bought and sold with the plunders of our planet. We’re seizing those weapons and using them to retake our home world. Once we’ve done that, we’ll seat a new Mand’alor on the throne.” She explains and you see Din shake his head.
“That planet is cursed. Anyone who goes there dies. Once the Empire knew they couldn’t control it, they made sure no one else could either.” He replies and Bo-Katan takes a sip of her drink giving him a look.
“Don’t believe everything you hear. Our enemies wanna separate us. But Mandalorians are stronger together.” Din ignores her proposal he already had something to worry about than to recontrol a whole planet, “That’s not part of my plan. I’ve been quested with returning these kids to the Jedi.” 
“What do you know of the Jedi?” Bo-Katan asks and she glances over at you pausing slightly looking over you.
“Nothing. I was hoping you would help me by Creed.” Din admits looking over at the girl who was still damp from the water and the child watching Reeves in fascination.
“I can lead you to one of their kind. But first, we need your help on our mission.” Bo-Katan offers, “Mission?” Din asks.
You all stood at the pier looking over the landing pads of multiple ships and Bo-Katan pointed at one ship far off in the distance, “You see that Imperial Gozanti freighter? It’s being loaded with weapons as we speak. According to the port’s manifest, it’s scheduled to depart at first light.”
“So we stow away?” Din questions, “We’ve been hitting ’em pretty hard. They scan for life forms as a precaution before pushing back.” Reeves comments.
“If you wanna do this with four, you’re gonna need the element of surprise,” Din says and you feel someone watching you and you see it’s Bo-Katan looking at you.
“With five. Having a Jedi on our side would increase our chances,” Bo-Katan says and Din looks over at who she’s referring to.
“The kid’s not getting involved with the empire.” Din refuses ready to back out of the whole deal altogether.
“I’ve not known a Jedi that didn’t get involved in fighting the empire.” Reeves says looking over you and examining you and you shrink back slightly from her gaze, “Where did you even come across a Jedi…thought they all died off.”
“She’s not involved. That’s final.” Din says pulling you to stand behind him away from the other Mandalorians.
“Alright…The freighter will maintain trawling speed while inside the shipping lanes and then ascend in orbit. We’ll jet up when they’re cruising in the atmosphere. The tower won’t allow them to climb until they’ve left the port’s airspace.” Bo-Katan says the plan is still possible without a jedi.
“Troopers?” Din questions and Bo-Katan is quick to respond, “A squad at most.”
“And they couldn’t hit the side of a bantha.” Woves quips a smirk on his face.
The plan had been made and three of you traveled to a home and you then found yourself with the Frogs. “Something’s come up. Can I leave them with you for a bit?” Din says placing the child at the table. “You are gonna stay here, so I want you to be respectful. And mind your manners. You know what I’m talking about. Thanks. I’ll be back for him.” He’s quick to leave the room and you follow after him.
“Din!” You call after him and he turns thinking you would stay behind. “Why would you keep me out of this mission, you know I’m capable of taking care of myself.”
“I don’t want you or the child involved with the empire, you’re safer away from the fight.” He says and you could tell it had to do with something else.
“If this had to deal with what happened earlier today, none of us knew that was going to happen. That shouldn’t stop me from fighting with you-” You say but he holds his hand up silencing you, “I’m not changing my mind! Now go kid.” He says harshly pointing at the home of the Frogs and watching a multitude of emotions cross your face before you turn walking back into the home. Din sighs knowing this deeply upset you but he was only doing it for your safety. He turns before making his way to where Bo-Katan and the others were set up.
At dawn, the Mandalorians quickly depart after the Gozanti-class cruiser flying beside it, what none of them knew was someone else had joined on this mission on the other side of the ship. So while the warriors had taken out stormtroopers on one side before forcing their way inside, a girl sneak on the other side. Your feet were silent making your way through the halls hidden in the shadows and corners when troopers would pass by. You turned down a corner only to a squad of stormtroopers.
In the cockpit, the Captain tries learning more about these intruders having heard it is only four life-forms, “Wait. They’re Mandalorian! We’ve…” A soldier yells out the information a new transmission comes through from a completely another side of the cruiser away from where the attacks were coming from.
“Sir! There’s another on the ship…a girl?!” The sound of blaster fire stops him from talking before it comes back again, “It’s a Jedi! A jed-” His scream cuts out with the sound of saber meeting flesh. The Captain stands still before looking at the other pilot who had also heard the news. A Jedi…there are no more jedi alive anymore all of them eradicated.
“Get me a message to the empire.”
As the Mandalorians fight their way to the cargo hold you make your way towards the bridge, with no map to lead you there, you just let yourself guide you to where the bridge was. The force spreads across the ship as you find where you need to go.
“We have them trapped, sir.” The deck officer says from in the cargo hull, they had trapped the Mandalorians in a room.
“Trapped them where?” The Captain questions, “In the cargo control area.”
“Where?” “In the cargo control area!” The shouts fill the air as the security officer and the stormtroopers with him are sucked out of the cargo bay.
“Come in. Do you copy? Do you copy?” The Captain shouts out before a voice comes in.
“I copy. Thanks for packing up all this gear so nicely. Imagine what a division of us can do when we get our hands on what’s inside these shiny little boxes.” Bo-Katan says as the others look through the weapons they had just retrieved.
“If you think you’re going to escape with those weapons, you are sadly mistaken. Even if you’ve managed to jettison a few of those crates, we will comb the entire area until you are hunted down and killed.” The Captain spits and the Mandalorian smiles, “Oh, we’re not jettisoning anything. We’re taking the entire ship.”
“What?” Din looks over hearing this new plan as Bo-Katan continues talking, “Put some tea on. We’ll be up in a minute.” She ends the transmission and Din comes over to her.
“This is more than I signed up for.” He shakes his head and Bo-Katan explains,
“There is something I need if I am to rule Mandalore. Something that was once mine. They know where it is and soon, so will I. Regardless, we are taking the ship for the battles ahead.”
“I got you your weapons. I have to return to my ship with the foundlings.” Din retorts.
“If you want my help finding the Jedi, you will help me take this ship.” Bo-Katan says though Din protests, “You’re changing the terms of the deal.”
“This is the Way.” She says finally before walking away leaving the Mandalorian no choice but to comply.
“What is it, Captain?” He looks down at the captain had received another message.
“Another pirate hijacking but more information,” The Captain responds to his superior.
“Were you able to eliminate them?” He questions and the Captain shakes his head,
“No. We need backup immediately.”
“Are these the same “pirates” that have attacked our other vessels?” His superior asks, “They appear to be, sir. But something else came up.”
“What is it?” He asks irritated this operation had been overtaken by some pirates.
“We experienced another enemy on the cruiser…a girl. They say she’s a jedi.” The Captain says and the officer’s eyes widen hearing the statement. So you had been learning or did you already know?
“You kill the enemies on that ship this instant. But keep the girl alive.” He says and the Captain is confused by this request.
“But sir, she’s taken down much of the ship-” “You will not question my orders!”
“Yes, Moff Gideon..” The Captain bows his head down in shame before the warlord nods.
“You know what to do. Long live the Empire.” Gideon responds and the Captain nods, “Long live the Empire.” He pulls out his blaster killing the pilot before taking control of the ship, sending a transmission of any alive troopers on the ship.
“Kill the pirates on this ship, and capture the jedi. That is an order from your superior.” He ends the transmission before taking the controls and beginning to nose-dive straight toward the water. The shift of the weight of the ship as you slide slightly digging your blade into the ground stopping you from moving, blocking another blaster fire with your saber you quickly rush through the remaining troopers cutting them down with ease. Fighting with your saber compared to your blaster felt more right, you felt whole like a piece of you was missing all this time. You make your way down the halls getting closer to the bridge when you encounter two squads of troopers, one squad focused on you the other focused on the Madnalorians coming down the other end.
“How many troopers?” Bo-Katan asks hiding behind a wall trying to avoid the gunfire,
“Six to ten. Two with heavy repeating blasters. We’re losing altitude fast.” Reeves yells back looking at her wrist that shows the quickly dropping altitude.
“We need to move now.” Bo-Katan yells out peeking out to fire before hiding back, “They have too much firepower!”
“Still dropping. Ten thousand. We won’t make it to the bridge!” Reeves yells as they try firing as well as hanging on to the cruiser that was at an angle.
“Nine thousand. Eight thousand. Seven thousand.” Reeves yells before Din moves forward, “Cover me. Come on!” He rushes forward fighting his blaster at the troopers while taking hits but the beskar protects him. The Mandalorians provide cover fire as he throws two charges at the squad moving back as they explode incinerating the enemies. The smoke is thick as they push through they were right at the bridge when an attack came straight at Din’s head. Bringing his arms up the beskar bracers protecting the orange blade from striking him. The smoke quickly clears as the Mandalorians see a girl with a saber staring back at them in shock.
“Maker I could have cut your head off!” “What are you doing here!” You both say at the same time as you lower your saber. Behind you from where you came from the bodies of troopers, slash marks, and stab wounds from your burning weapon.
“No time to argue,” Bo-Katan says as she leads into the bridge all of you quickly following. The door opens and the Captain is piloting the ship noticing the company he pulls out his blaster but it’s sent flying across the room and he’s pinned against the wall unable to move his limbs. You step beside Bo-Katan as she pulls out a knife threatening him as you hold him in place. Reeves and Din rush towards the controls quickly stabilizing the ship before it could crash into the water.
“Where is it?” Bo-Katan growls and the Captian smirks acting clueless, “Where’s what?”
“The Darksaber. Does he have it?” She says bringing the knife closer to his throat.
“If you’re asking, you already know.” He grins and Bo-Katan grimaces at the comment, “I’ll let you live. But you will take me to him.” She orders offering to spare his life.
“You might let me live, but he won’t.” The Captain says and he bites into a capsule in his mouth his body killing him with electricity. “No!” You lower your hand stepping away as the Captain’s body hits the floor.
“We have to go. He sent a distress signal.” Reeves says to Bo-Katan who is glaring at the dead imperial.
“Clear the atmosphere and prepare to jump,” She orders Reeves and Woves who quickly take control and she looks over at Din, “Are you sure you won’t join us?”
“There’s something I need to do.” Din shakes his head and Bo-Katan nods removing her helmet, “The offer stands if you change your mind.”
“Where can I find the Jedi?” Din asks stepping towards her,
“Take the foundlings to the city of Calodan on the forest planet of Corvus. There you will find Ahsoka Tano. Tell her you were sent by Bo-Katan. And thank you. Your bravery will not be forgotten. This is the Way.” She says stepping back and Din nods repeating her words,
“This is the Way.” Din leaves the bridge while you still stand there and she looks over you slightly, “Stay smart kid, being a Jedi isn’t easy.” She says and you nod.
“Thank you Bo-Katan..” You say before turning and leaving the bridge, the two of you reach the airlock exiting the ship as Din picks you up flying back to land as the ship leaves the atmosphere.
Back at the Frog couple’s house, the two of you enter seeing the child playing with a tadpole as their watch. “Thank you for watching him. Okay, kid. Come on. It’s time to go. Let go. Come on, kid. Congratulations. No, I have enough pets.” He picks up the child before you leave heading for the Crest. At the port, you knew the Crest wasn’t the newest ship by a landslide but this just looked like a hunk of junk.
“I gave you a thousand credits, this was the best you could do?” Din asks looking at the dock worker who just shrugs before holding out the datapad for him to sign. He sighs signing it before you enter the Crest, it was put together with random scraps of metal and had nets all over the place even inside.
“Mon Calamari. Unbelievable.” Din grumbles the entire way inside the ship pushing past a net hanging in front of the doorway, he situates the child in his seat
“I finally know where I’m taking you both. But it’s gonna be a bumpy ride.” He speaks to the child you down in the hull as he starts the semi-repaired Razor Crest leaving the planet and jumping into hyperspace.
You didn’t need to hear the beskar to know that he had arrived, you could feel the anger and frustration coming from him. Your gaze was glued to your books as you sat in the cargo hull on one of the crates. Past the pages, you could see him standing there but you continue your book though it was just you re-reading the same line. His hand pushes the book down taking it from your hands.
“Hey!” “Why did you disrespect my direct order when it was meant to keep you safe.” He says he puts the book to the side before crossing his arms and you lean back giving him a look.
“Order…? Since when do you give orders…besides, I helped you guys on that cruiser.” You say copying his stance and he shakes his head, “I told you to stay back because of the empire, but no it seems my warnings are not good enough for you.” Din says and you push yourself off the crate to head back to the main hull but he blocks you.
“I’m not apologizing for helping Din, I would do it again even if you disagreed. I’m not a child I can protect myself.” You say and you could feel the intensity of his gaze through the beskar helmet of his, “But you are, it was only a few months ago that you could barely handle a blaster but now all of a sudden you’re an adult that can fight off the people that are after you.” His tone was cold and harsh something you weren’t used to.
“Do you understand what your life means? Running off and putting yourself at risk? When I tell you something I expect you to follow it to the T but it seems like you’re only interested in playing hero when this life isn’t a game,” Din says referencing Tatooine and even now.
Your eyes narrow as you glare at the bounty hunter, “I guess we’re both disappointed with each other then. I was helping people. And it’s not like you care about others. You are only focused on the credits at the end of this. Our relationship…the child’s…is built on the fact that you had a reward at the end of it when we met. So don’t give me that protective father bullcrap because you’re only in this mess because you had a change of heart.”
“That change of heart is what’s keeping you alive or would you rather be tortured by the empire or better yet dead? Our creed…this clan-” He starts and you turn away pinching the bridge of your nose.
“Oh kriff that…This has never been our creed! I don’t understand how just because someone says we are a clan automatically makes us a family. I don’t know you Din…you don’t know me. Like I said I can take care of myself,” You point at yourself and at him.
“How many close calls have we had, with the empire or with bounty hunters?” He says you can hear the frustration in his modulated voice,
“Well, we seem to be doing alright so far.” “And we’ll be doing better when you learn the creed. I just have to teach you-” Din starts but you shake your head
“Din..I only just learned your name! You probably weren’t ever going to tell me anyways. No matter how much you try to teach me about the Mandalorians I won’t be one. I’m not your daughter and you aren’t my father!” You spit and the atmosphere is quickly cold and you step back realizing the words that came out of your mouth. Din had stepped back as if your words drove straight into his heart and he couldn’t help but deflect back at your harsh words.
“You're right…You're not my daughter and I sure as hell ain't your father. When we meet the Jedi we will be going our separate ways.” Din declares and you can’t ignore the malice in his words. You knew you hurt him with what you said but just hearing him say those same words back to you felt like a dagger in your chest. You nod sharply looking away from him trying to keep the quickly forming tears. You don’t deserve to cry...you caused this. You just ruin everything and push people away. Din leaves you in the cargo the silent tears falling down your face and returning to the cockpit with his own heart broken hidden behind the helmet. The child in the pram notices the upset feeling coming off the older man and further away the sadness and loneliness coming from you.
A clan of three…broken.
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purple-the-turtle · 8 months
TW// Major Character Death, Non- Graphic Descriptions of Blood and Death
Something is terribly wrong.
Donnie feels it in their very bones, as they struggle to open their sleep-riddled eyes. Since when did they get enough sleep for their eyes to be melded shut? Nice, They think, managing to blink themselves awake.
Only to double-take at the sight of their brothers lying on a railroad track not so far away.
They lurch forward, but is held firmly in place by some kind of magic. They glance around, spotting writing engraved on a stone in between the two tracks. A promise. They pale.
The sound of a trolley rings in the distance, uncomfortably close.
Donnie starts screaming, all ration replaced by pure fear and helplessness. “Raph! Mikey!” they screech, their voice breaking. They don’t know if they can be brave for them. But Mikey and Raph don’t move. Donnie squints, seeing Mikey’s slow breath– he’s asleep. They turn to Raph, who’s as stiff as a board. Awake. Thank god.
“Raph,” Donnie cries, pure relief filling their voice. “There’s a trolley coming. I need you to get Mikey and go, okay? I’ll be right behind you.” The lie comes surprisingly easy to them. Raph doesn’t move. Donnie grinds their teeth together.
“Raph.” They say, with all the firmness they can muster. “Get. Up.” The trolley rings again. Panic pools in their stomach. Their tail thwacks anxiously against the tracks. Someone sighs. Donnie’s head whips toward the sound, eyes wide.
A hand rests against the lever, one that would change the direction of the trolley. The being the hand belongs to has an infinite amount of faces, each of them flickering from one to another every second, each mouth pulled into an indecisive frown.
Pick Donnie, or their brothers.
Their brothers, who won’t leave. Who… can’t. Donnie wrenches their gaze away from the figure, their eyes throbbing. They try calling out to their brothers again, and Raph turns to them, his face… annoyed?
“Don’t worry, Don.” He grumbles, expression nonchalant, rolling his eyes like he does at Leo when she goes into Mamanardo mode. Donnie’s mouth is agape, words lost. Raph scoffs. “I wanna see what will happen. This is the ultimate test of my strengths!” Donnie inhales.
“By getting hit by a bus?!” They screech, their voice high with fear, anxiety, and slight anger. Raph turns away, his shoulder hiked up to his mask tails. This isn’t their brother. He’s bullheaded and proud, but he wouldn’t put Mikey in danger. He wouldn’t cause another heartbreak for their family on purpose. And Donnie. Donne panics, throwing themselves at the force shield as if they’ll be able to break it.
The trolley is practically upon them now.
Donnie sobs, begging Raph, screaming for Mikey so he’ll just wake up–
None of it works. Mikey snoozes away. Raph remains rigid. It reminds them, in a morbid and extremely inappropriate way considering the situation- reminds them of The Great Mouse Detective, when Sherlock Holmes as a Rat had lain there, waiting for Professor Rattigan's trap to go off. They laugh hysterically, the tears falling from their eyes in droves now.
The figure at the lever pales, chewing the inside of their cheek. Like their trying to pick what to have for dinner. Donnie snarls. “Don’t fucking touch that goddamn lever.” They hiss, tensed, and ready to lunge. The figure only looks at them with fondness, as if they were seeing a scared cat, who only needed to be cleaned and fed. Donnie bristles.
The trolley roars into view, chugging chipperly toward them. Donne pales, their hisses turning into pleas.
“Hit me,” They gasp, tears starting all anew. Their not even sure that they ever stopped. Suddenly, the figure’s face shutters, becoming solid and indifferent.
The trolley reaches the divide. The figure leaves the lever untouched.
The blood splatters at their feet.
They scream.
Donnie lies there, shaking with indescribable grief coursing through their veins, sloshing around in the newly formed pit in their chest for who knows how long.
Something brushes against their fingers. They lift their heavy head, blinking through the tears. It’s a pink flower, brushing innocently against Donnie’s fingers. They thumb the delicate petals with careful fingers.
The flower born of blood seems to wash away all the bad. When had Donnies ever felt this light? They smile, infatuated by the simple plant. The strange red liquid has no meaning now, as Donnie stands on surprisingly – why surprisingly?-- steady legs, stepping off the tracks, leaving the broken bodies of people they used to know behind.
Why were they ever crying?
Something’s happened.
Leo feels it in every fiber of her being, as she struggles against the rope she had found herself in. Her siblings were gone, and her instincts were pinging around her body like a chaotic game of ping pong.
She struggles for a bit longer, digging her teeth into her cheek before she starts hyperventilating. And then, without warning–
She feels something drop from her chest.
Mikey. Raph. Donnie. Gone. Stolen.
She pitches forward, sobbing, held fast by the rope wrapped around her, burning her skin. Her tears lap at the feet of faceless beings, the ones, she knows instinctually, who did this to her family. She’s burning now, her skin flaking off and twirling into dust. The rope turns into greedy unknown hands, grasping at her mask tails.
Blood oozes from their hands, staining her shell, and clogging up her mouth and nose.
She knows it’s not theirs.
She’ll make it, one day.
She hopes they never untie her, for their sake.
Hahaha! Oh my God! First things first, how was it? I know its certainly not my best work, I wrote this in an hour- but it's my first official wholly completed fanfiction! This is for @probably-not-a-rutabaga 's Trolley Problem Poll they had with their Tmnt Aberration Au! Go check them out, they make super cool stuff.
Anyway, I hope I did you justice! This was so fun to write :))
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lonesome-witching · 3 months
A Future With You
Now that the booping is over, how unfortunate that is, I can continue my scheduled prompts. This one is a time travel, annoyance to lovers ronance au that I didn't know I needed until my fingers slipped and I started writing it. If I had more time this would have been longer, but it's already over 3,400 words long, so I hope you enjoy!
Do you have any prompts yourself? Or do you want to dive into what I wrote before? You can read my previous prompts or send me some new ones.
“So, what exactly does this do?” Robin asked, pulling at a string that stuck out of the metal construction.
“Don’t touch that!” Dustin shouted. Robin put her hands up. “It’s a time machine. It can take you back in time.”
“Does it work?”
Dustin pulled up his shoulders. “I haven’t tested it. It should, but it’s hard to find definitive proof without going back yourself.”
“Can you go to the future too?”
“Theoretically yes. But you shouldn’t.”
Robin frowned. She was already thinking of going to a time where she could be herself. It seemed silly to not check out the future. “Why not?”
“You know the past. We’ve all been told about it time and time again. So, we know what is supposed to happen and we can make sure it happens. The effects of going to the past are minimal. But we have no idea what the future will bring. Seeing that and then coming back can seriously alter everything. One minor detail can create a snowball effect that destroys the world,” Dustin mimicked an explosion. “so, going to the future is not a good idea.”
“Got it,” Robin sighed. “No going to better times.”
“Are you saying you want to try it?”
“Sure, I’ve got nothing keeping me here.” Robin stepped into the metal construction. She doubted it would really work. It didn’t look like much. She’d just amuse Dustin so Steve wouldn’t yell at her and then she’d move on with her life. Next time she wouldn’t ask Dustin what he was up to.
“When do you want to go to, Robin?”
“Quick question, how will I get back?”
“Ah, of course. You’ll need this.” Dustin handed over a tiny black box.
“How does this work?” Robin turned the box over in her hands.
“Just press the button when you want to return to 1986 and it will take you back. Now, when do you want to go to?”
“1024, take me back as far as you can.”
“Alright, have fun.” Dustin pushed some buttons and turned a lever.
And then everything changed. Reality folded in on itself and Robin was in the middle of it. A kaleidoscope of colors around her with nothing to hold onto and so much to look at. Maybe she should have screamed. Maybe she should have worried about death and pain and suffering. But she just looked at the reds and yellows and blues and then she closed her eyes.
She collided with the pavement of an empty road. Nearly empty road. She was still catching her breath when a girl started talking to her.
“Are you alright? What were you trying to do? Kill yourself?”
Robin pushed herself upright on her elbows. “What are you talking about?” Her eyes caught the woman that was talking to her. She was crouching down next to Robin, her hair straight and long, falling down her shoulders. She had deep blue eyes and a sharp jawline. She was gorgeous.
“You just jumped out of that window, or something. You fell from high up. God, you must have broken something.”
“What year is it?”
“What year?” The girl looked puzzled. “You probably have a concussion. It’s 2024. April. Come on, I’ll get you to a hospital.” She was already pulling Robin up to her feet.
“It’s alright, I’m alright. My name is Robin. Robin Buckley.”
“Nice to meet you.” The girl gave her a tightlipped smile.
“What’s your name?” Robin asked. She allowed the girl to drag her away.
“It’s nice to meet you, Nancy.”
Nancy didn’t respond. She just kept walking towards an old fashioned station wagon. It wasn’t the type of car Robin had expected for the girl. Nancy looked like the type of girl who drove something smaller.
“I assure you I’m fine, Nancy. You don’t have to take me to a doctor.”
“You fell from God knows how high, I’m not taking any chances. The last thing I need is for someone else to die on my watch,” Nancy said with a hint of annoyance in her voice.
“Someone else?”
Nancy opened the car door on the passenger side, motioning Robin to get in. On her part, Robin merely nodded her head, saluted, and sat down on the car seat.
“How old is this car? 1983?” Robin joked. She had seen similar cars all around Hawkins. Back in 1986.
“It’s old. I got it second hand. It was cheap,” Nancy responded harshly.
“Did I come off mean or condescending or something?” Robin asked, fully turning in her seat to look at Nancy.
“No,” Nancy said, shaking her head, tightlipped smile on her face that screamed she was lying.
“Right. Sorry, it’s just you seem annoyed. You don’t know me very well. I don’t really have a filter or a strong grasp of social cues. So, if I say something that upsets you just know that I know it’s a flaw. Believe me, my mother reminds me daily.” She was rambling. Robin was rambling to this complete stranger who was so so pretty.
“Got it,” Nancy replied, quickly glancing over.
“Okay,” Robin stretched out the word. She felt uncomfortable. Nancy clearly didn’t want her here. She felt in her pocket for the black box. It was still there, right where she had left it. She looked out the window.
She should press the button, disappear back to her own time. Dustin had sent her in the wrong direction anyway. She shouldn’t even be here. But then her eyes caught on two girls walking down the street, holding hands. The one on the left leaned in to give the other girl a kiss on the cheek.
“Is that normal?” She pointed out the window.
Nancy looked over with a frown on her face. “You don’t think that’s normal?”
Robin groaned softly. “That depends on what you’re asking.”
“What are you asking?” Nancy was getting more and more agitated by the moment. Or at least by each word that came out of Robin’s mouth.
“I think there is nothing wrong with two women loving each other.”
“But you don’t want to see it?”
“That’s not it.”
“Then what is? What are you asking?”
Robin cleared her throat. “I’m asking if it’s normal for them to be so— so open about it. Is it normal for them to hold hands in public?”
“Why wouldn’t it be?”
“Where I’m from it isn’t.”
“And where are you from?” Nancy asked. For the first time she sounded more curious than irritated.
“I’m from Indiana.”
“We’re in Indiana.”
“Right, of course we are, I’m from a small town though,” Robin stammered out.
“Smaller than Hawkins?”
“We’re in Hawkins?” None of the buildings had looked familiar. It may have been 40 years since she lived in this town, but buildings were meant to last longer than 40 years.
“Yes, we are. Are you sure you don’t have a concussion? Or temporary amnesia?”
Nancy turned the car on to main street. Robin vaguely recognized where Melvald’s used to be.
“Where’s the Hawk? Or Family Video?” Robin sat up straighter. Melvald’s having closed down wasn’t that big of a shocker, but the movie theater and Family video were the places to be in 1986.
Nancy stopped the car in the middle of the road. Just slamming the brakes out of nowhere. She turned towards Robin with nothing less than a scowl. “The Hawk closed down five years ago, and Family Video didn’t make it past 2003. So, either you are playing a prank on me, or you have a lot of explaining to do, Robin.”
“Would you believe me if I told you that I’m actually from 1986 and that I travelled here via a homemade time machine a friend of mine made?”
“Prove it.”
“Alright, ask me anything you want to know about the past.”
“What?” Nancy frowned. “No, just show me your driver’s license or something.”
“I don’t have a driver’s license.”
“Why don’t you have a driver’s license?”
“Because I’m poor.”
“Of course, very convenient.”
“Actually, I wouldn’t say it really is,” Robin started. She saw the glare in Nancy’s eyes and stopped midsentence. “Oh, but I do have my Family Video card.” Robin pulled her wallet out of her pocket, retrieving the small rectangle and handing it over. “It has my name, date of birth and a picture.”
Nancy looked it over. Holding the card next to Robin’s face. “You’re from 1986,” Nancy stated defeated, handing back the card.
“Yeah, I am.”
“And you travelled here via a homemade time machine a friend of yours made.”
“Exactly. That went so much easier than it does in the movies.”
“This is ridiculous.”
“It’s even funnier when you take into account I really wasn’t allowed to go to the future. He was meant to send me into the past. But well, something went wrong and now here I am.”
“Funny? You think this is funny?” Nancy asked, sinking into her seat.
“A little bit.”
“A time traveler in my car.”
Robin smiled, hoping to convey some sense of kindness. The last thing she wanted was to come off threatening.
Nancy sighed loudly. “Alright, alright, we’ll figure this out.” She started the car up again and continued her route. “I’ll take you to my place for the time being until we figure out how to send you back.”
Robin’s hand reached for the black box. “Right, send me back,” she muttered. Nancy seemed to be muttering to herself, something Robin couldn’t properly hear.
Maple street looked exactly as it had in 1986. As if it had just gotten stuck in time. The house Nancy stopped in front of was one Robin recognized. She and her mom had visited it while it was up for sale. Of course, they couldn’t afford it. An old married couple ended up moving in.
“We’ll go around to the back. That way my mom won’t see you. We’ll sneak up the stairs. You are going to hide out in my bedroom for as long as we can keep you there. If it takes too long to figure this out, we might have to move you, but let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.”
Robin saluted. Again. She felt like an idiot. Nancy led her around the house and up the stairs to her room. The entire room was very pink. Not how Robin remembered it. The walls were pink, the sheets were pink, there was a Tom Cruise poster.
“You have a Tom Cruise poster?” Robin laughed, walking towards it.
“That’s old.”
“Of course.” She walked around the room, trying to become accustomed to her new living quarters. There was a pink jewelry box on the dresser. When Robin opened it, she came face to face with a small, twirling ballerina. “There’s a tiny ballerina in here,” she said, delighted.
“Can you not touch everything?”
Robin put the jewelry box back down. Instead, she fell down on the bed. On those damned pink sheets. “Your room is very pink.”
“You don’t seem to like me very much.”
Nancy didn’t respond. Her back was turned towards Robin. So, she couldn’t even read her expression. Not that she otherwise would have been able to make much of it.
“If you don’t like me, why are you helping me?” Robin asked, pulling a stuffed rabbit against her chest.
She was met with nothing but silence.
“Is it because of what you said earlier?”
“What did I say earlier?” Nancy’s shoulders tensed.
“That you wouldn’t have someone else die on your watch.” Robin toyed with the rabbit a little bit. “Who else died?”
“Is that any of your business?”
“I’m sorry, I just— I guess I’m just trying to understand.”
Nancy turned around, her eyes carried a sadness that hadn’t been there before. “My best friend died. Three years ago.”
“And you blame yourself?”
“It was my fault.”
“How so?”
“She drove me to a party, and I was too busy chatting up boys to realize something was going on. She crashed into a tree while she was driving home. Without me, because I left her there.”
“That sounds like you made a mistake you couldn’t have known was one.”
“Well, you couldn’t have possibly known that leaving your friend at the party would result in her dying. So, while it sounds like you made a mistake, it barely is one. It definitely doesn’t sound like you killed someone to me.”
“It’s my fault she was even there.”
“My grandpa died of a heart attack.”
“What does that have to do with anything?” Nancy asked. She was looking at Robin with an unreadable expression.
“I’m going somewhere, I promise. So, my grandpa died of a heart attack. He had been visiting me and my parents for a couple of days. It was his 80th birthday and my mom wanted to celebrate big. So, we had this big party for him, and all was swell. He was supposed to leave two days later. But he ended up missing his train, he only ever traveled by train. Anyway, I didn’t know he hadn’t left. So, I had invited this girl over. We were sort of seeing each other. We were sitting on the couch, making out, when my grandpa came in. He was so shocked that his granddaughter was a lesbian that he died on the spot.”
“That almost sounds like a joke.”
“Wish it was. It happened last year. Or well, last year for me. 1985.”
“I’m sorry for your loss.”
“Thanks. But do you think I killed him?”
Nancy shook her head. “No, you couldn’t have known he would come in. And you definitely couldn’t have known that he would have a heart attack and die.”
“Exactly, and you couldn’t have known your friend with drive into a tree. You didn’t kill anyone, Nance.”
“No one has ever said that to me,” Nancy confessed, looking down at her feet with a small smile.
“Well, maybe that’s why I was accidentally send here. To convince you that you did nothing wrong. You were just being a teenage girl, Nance. You’re allowed to be a teenage girl.”
“Are you hungry?” Nancy jumped up from her seat and left the room before Robin could reply.
Robin turned to the rabbit in her hands. “You think she’s warming up to me, bud?” She moved the head of the toy in a nodding movement. “Yeah, I think so too.”
“Robin?” Nancy asked from her spot on the bed.
It was the middle of the night. Robin lay on the floor of the room on a pile of blankets. Her back would not forgive her for this any time soon.
“Are you comfortable down there?”
Robin laughed softly. “Not particularly. But I’ll make do.”
“I was just thinking, this bed is big enough for the both of us.”
“You really are warming up to me then?”
“What?” Nancy sat up, her head and shoulders becoming visible to Robin.
“Nothing, just something between me and your rabbit.”
Nancy grabbed the toy. “Are you and Mr. Rabbit gossiping about me?”
“We wouldn’t dare. Mr. Rabbit was just comforting me. I thought you hated me, Nancy. I was so down in the dumps because of it. But Mr. Rabbit assured me you were warming up to me. Now I see that he did not lie,” Robin spoke dramatically. It reminded her of an audition she once did for a play at school.
“You’re an idiot, Robin Buckley,” Nancy said. The words didn’t quite surprise Robin, but the fondness in Nancy’s tone was shocking. “Come up here?”
Robin crawled to her feet and stumbled to the bed. “Thanks for all of this, Nance.”
“Anytime, Robin.”
When Robin next opened her eyes, Nancy lay half on top of her. The pressure felt surprisingly nice. The other girl looked peaceful in her sleep. Not a single wrinkle on that beautiful face. Robin could feel her breath on her neck, right where Nancy’s face was nuzzled closer to her.
“Are you staring?” Nancy said a few moments later. Her eyes still closed.
“Just a little.”
“Did you sleep alright?” Nancy finally opened her eyes, instantly untangling herself from Robin.
“I slept very well. Best sleep I’ve had in a while.”
“Yeah, me too.”
There was a soft blush on Nancy’s cheeks. Robin wondered if her own face matched.
“So, back to business. We need to find a way to get you back to 1986.”
Robin cleared her throat. “I need to confess something.”
“We don’t need to find a way to get me back. I have a way to get me back.”
“Oh,” Nancy looked away. “Why didn’t you tell me yesterday?”
“Because I wanted a break from 1986. Because here I wouldn’t have to hide who I am. Because you are really pretty.”
“I’m really pretty?”
“Yes, you are, Nance,” Robin confirmed with a hint of amusement.
“And that contributed to you wanting to stay?”
“To be fair, that was the main reason. I knew that if I went back, I’d never get to see you again. It’s going to be hard to never see you again.”
“What if you stay?” Nancy asked hesitantly. Her fingers were toying with the sheets.
“I don’t know if that’s a good idea. Me being here would probably change the future, mess everything up. For you most of all.”
“Well, it already has. You fall from the sky, hit your head, and become the only person in my life to listen to me. You’ve set the bar so high for everyone else. And even if you leave right now, I’ll always know you were here. And I’ll forever keep thinking about what could have been if you had stayed.”
“Five minutes ago, you wanted to send me back,” Robin joked. Or at least she tried to joke. She wasn’t sure what to do. She thought of Steve, of Dustin, of her parents. They’d all be worried sick if she didn’t return.
She thought of Nancy. Of herself. She wondered if she could ever be happy in her own time. How long would it take for her to get this far? Would she ever get this far? She didn’t know her own future yet. Maybe if she went back, she’d just be going back to die. But if she stayed, if she stopped hanging on to time, she could be whatever she wanted to be. She could be happy.
“Am I asking too much? I’m totally asking too much. God, you’ve literally told me you were seeing someone. Now I’m asking you to abandon everything to start a life with a girl you barely know who is clearly filled with trauma in a time you’ve never lived in before. That is beyond too much to ask. Just forget I said anything.”
Robin got off the bed, she pulled the black box out of het jacket pocket and held it in her hand. “If I push this button, it’s supposed to take me back to 1986, back to the moment I left,” Robin explained. “But if you are serious about asking me to stay… God, Nance, if you’re being serious right now, I don’t think I can press this button.”
Nancy bit her bottom lip. Staring from Robin to the black box and back.
“Are you serious?”
“You should press the button. There are people waiting for you.”
“Nance, are you serious?”
Nancy nodded her head. “But you can’t stay. You got a girl waiting for you back in 1986.”
Robin frowned. “No, I don’t.”
“But you said—”
“Oh, her? No, we ended things shortly after my grandpa died. Something like that does put a relationship in jeopardy. And her ex-boyfriend returned to town, and she went to him.”
“And your family?”
“And what about me?”
“What about you?”
“I want to stay, Nance. I want to stay with this girl I barely know, who is clearly filled with trauma. And I really want to get to know her. And I really would like to kiss her too.”
Nancy stood up from the bed. “That thing takes you back to the moment you left?”
“It should, if it even works.”
“Okay,” Nancy said, crossing the room and pressing her lips against Robin’s. The kiss was magical, everything Robin had ever dreamed off. And then she felt Nancy’s hand around her own, grabbing the black box and pushing the button.
Robin wanted to shout, wanted to start crying, wanted to go back. But when she opened her eyes, she stared into Nancy’s confused gaze.
Nancy pressed the button again, but nothing happened. “I thought this would take you back?”
“I guess it doesn’t work,” Robin said with a bright smile. “You are stuck with me, Nance.”
The edges of Nancy’s lips curled up. “Thank God,” she whispered before throwing her arms around Robin and pulling her back in.
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bluebellhairpin · 11 months
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Thorin Oakenshield X Fem!Reader
Summary; Bilbo saves everyone from the Mirkwood prison. But the next challenge is just as hard - making you way down the river in one piece. Then - possibly even worse - convincing the bargeman to take you across the lake.
Warnings; Mentions canon injuries. Reader has a little panic attack. Reader is female-body-coded, uses she/her pronouns, and is Human.
Listening to; 'The Forrest River' by Howard Shore
Part 8 || Part 10
Series Masterlist || Masterlist || Ko-Fi
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You’d dozed off again. There wasn’t much else to do in the cell other than quietly talk to Thorin and sleep - maybe eat, if it were the time of day for it. 
By the start of your third day locked away, you were beginning to lose your appetite. Between fiddling with the new bead in your hair and digging the dirt out from under your nails, you wondered if maybe you should’ve struck a deal with Thranduil. Maybe if you’d offered to stay in return for Thorin and his Company being able to leave safely, he would’ve agreed. 
Even so, you couldn't decide if it was the right thing to do - it definitely was not what you wanted, you’d much prefer to stay with Thorin. But you knew you all were running out of time. Durin’s day was drawing closer, and you were still too far away from Erebor. 
You hoped Bilbo was okay. 
When you woke, it was with a start. Your cell door was opened, and standing before you was Thorin. You didn’t want to go so long without seeing his face again - seeing it now had your breath catching and it hadn’t even been three days. 
“We need to move quickly,” he said. 
“What? What’s going on?” you asked, hauling your still half-asleep body to stand and follow the Dwarf. 
“Bilbo is here, he has the keys. Found a way out.” You practically skipped a step in joy. 
As cells unlocked and more of your friends joined you, you did a head count - a habit you picked up from Gandalf, and in your opinion a very important one. You’d hate to have left someone behind in a place like this. 
With everyone accounted for, Bilbo led the Company across the halls and down deeper into the building - to the cellar. He then presented empty wine barrels for you and your companions to get into. There was quite a protest. 
You wanted them to listen to Bilbo, you swore you could hear people coming - soldiers footsteps getting louder by the second. You didn’t have time to make a fuss about the way you were getting out - you just needed to get out. When Thorin told everyone to listen to Bilbo you breathed a sigh of relief. 
With incredible speed, all the Dwarves were in their own barrels - Bilbo and yourself however, were not. Bilbo because he was still needed elsewhere, you because there weren’t anymore barrels left that you could fit into. 
You decided very quickly that this would be a problem for later. 
Running over to Bilbo, you pushed on the lever he was trying to pull, sending the floor under the barrels disappearing, and your friends tumbled into a ravine below. The door closed behind them, and you and the Hobbit were left alone. 
“What now?” Bilbo stuttered after a moment of blissful success. 
“We need to get down there too, come on!” you said, quickly making your way towards the end of the door with Bilbo's hand in yours, dragging him behind you. Together, with both your weights tittering on the edge of the trapdoor, it began to tilt, and soon you were both free falling through the air. 
A cold shock ran through you as you hit the water, and your instinct to open your mouth for a breath was suppressed until your head was above water again. The side of the barrel you clung to belonged to Kili, the young Dwarf clapped your shoulder as you pushed your wet hair away from your forehead. 
“Nice work Master Baggins,” Thorin said, “Now let’s go.” Everyone started paddling their barrels down the river, away from underneath the cellar. 
Eventually the river current started pulling you along, the need to paddle was no more. Soon after, the river turned to rapids, and the banks beside you were filled with Elven soldiers. Legolas included. 
He yelled ahead to a guard, and the gate beyond was closed, narrowly missing Thorin at the head of your barrel convoy. Legolas then took a few steps towards where you were acting like a half-drowned rat, and then spoke again as if you could understand Elvish - but boy, you sure could notice how you both had the same nose. 
 A horn blew from behind you, and you saw the Elven guards above draw their swords. However the one closest to you was shot with an arrow before he could even think. He dropped to the water between the barrels, and you managed to snatch his sword before he floated out of reach. You felt it might come in handy later. 
Then a huge number of the Orcs swarmed out of the nearby bushes, meeting with both the Elves and your group in a clash of weapons and bare fists. 
“Kili quick, the leaver!” you said, ushering him up onto the bank and towards the lever that would get everyone moving again - staying right here would be a death sentence. 
Kili fought his way up the stairs with help from the others below, and reached the top without too much trouble. For some strange reason, you began to get a sick feeling. As if that was far too easy considering the circumstances. 
The whistle of an arrow shooting through the air had the thought leaving your mind. 
You heard Thorin yell your name, and right beside your head you saw an arrow in Kili’s barrel. It would’ve only missed you by mere inches. You turned to see where it came from - a huge Orc with half his face twisted around metal was aiming his bow right at you. 
You thought you were going to watch yourself die, unable to do anything to stop it. 
Then an arrow hit him in the shoulder. He let go of his weapon, distracted by his new foe on land. Legolas burst from the bushes along the river, searching the river and barrels with a hard gaze. When his eyes met yours, you swore you saw him smile seeing you were okay.  
You supposed a brother like Legoals wouldn’t be so bad. 
A yell from Kili snapped your attention back to your group. He got shot by another Orc’s arrow. He crumbled to the ground in pain - he’d even almost had the gate open. 
You spared a glance at Thorin, whose eyes seemed to read your thoughts. He shook his head as if to tell you no, and leant against his barrel as if to come forward to stop you. You ignored him. 
You would not be stopped. 
Hauling the sword - previously hidden underwater - onto the bank beside you, you followed in a heap of wet clothes and cold flesh, and started the climb up to Kili. 
An Orc approached, blocking your path ahead, and you readied your weapon to strike, but it was shot down before it could get close. 
You turned to see Legolas again, running towards you and destroying every Orc in his path as he went. He was speaking to you in Elvish again, which was starting to get on your nerves. How he came to the assumption you knew how to speak it, you didn’t know - but you didn’t have the time to pull his socks up about it right now. 
You ignored Legolas’ attempts at speaking to you and went back to helping Kili, an act that made Legoals’ tone more harsh and demanding. As you went, you mostly ignored the Orcs, seeing as Legolas would take care of them before you got the chance, and put your full focus on helping Kili. 
You reached him, stepping past to throw the sword away and yourself into the leaver, opening the gate for the Company below, before turning on your heel and heaving an arm under Kili’s to help him stand. You’d managed to clamber back down safely, and helped see Kili back into his barrel - but before you could jump back into the water a hand grabbed your arm and pulled you back. 
“Why have you not been listening?” Legolas said, keeping you beside him and away from the ledge. “You have to go back to Thranduil.” 
You weren’t listening, only seeing how the barrels were moving away. If they went any further it would be horrible trying to catch up when the water was so rough. You tried tugging your arm away from Legolas, but his grip was like steel. 
“Let go!” you said, tugging again. 
“No, you must return -” 
“That hurts!” you yelled. For a moment it was like the world stopped. The forceful declaration of pain seemed to shock your half-brother. You took his weakened grip as a chance to break free, and without thinking further you took off running to jump into the river after your friends. 
After being out of it, the water felt warmer, however the chill still crept into your bones. You would’ve only been under for a few seconds, but when you resurfaced the gate and the Company seemed to be about as far away as each other. The current kept pulling you along, and since you were smaller and lighter than Dwarves in barrels, you caught up with them fast. 
Like a cat in a bathtub, someone grabbed you by the back of your coat collar, pulling you up so your head was out of water and your shaking hands could grab the edge of their barrel. 
“Dinna fash none lass, just hang on.” Dwalin said. You coughed, both because you still had water in your mouth and also because you had no idea what half of what he said was. Maybe there was water in your ears? No matter, you took to hanging onto his barrel like it was a lifeline as he went back to fighting off Orcs alongside everyone else. 
You had no idea why, but suddenly you couldn’t breathe so easily anymore.
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Thorin couldn’t be more thankful that everyone had made it out of Mirkwood. 
Actually he could be, if his attention wasn’t on fighting off Orcs from every direction. He was glad all his friends were safe, that they were all able to fight, that Kili was able to get back in a barrel, that Bilbo was holding on - that you were holding on. 
Then he actually saw you. You, mostly underwater, looking half like death, barely able to keep your eyes open. You were panicking. If you were lost in the water now, you’d be lost forever - just like the Orcs they were all fighting. Thorin couldn’t have that. 
“Dwalin!” Thorin called, voice rough and half desperate, “My One!” 
Thorin watched as Dwalin reached over to grab your arm - pulling you further out of the water and speaking to you in a tone far too quiet for Thorin to hear over the fighting and rushing water. The Dwalin looked up, concerned. 
“I think your human has lost it!” he yelled. “Talking nonsense they are!” 
“What?” Thorin asked, brow furrowing in complete confusion.
“She’s speaks about a tree -”
“What tree?” 
“That tree!” Fili said, pointing behind Thorin. He turned to see a tree that had fallen across the river. On top of it were Orcs, crowding ready to reach the Dwarves that would float below. Thorin looked at the tree, and the weapon in his hand, and an idea sparked. He hoped those behind him would follow his lead - they usually did. 
He raised his weapon as he was about to pass under the tree, using his strength to cut into the trunk. He didn’t get it the first try, but a few more and it would fall. Luckily Bofur and Dwalin both followed suit, and the tree fell with the Orcs following. 
Those bastards never were good swimmers. 
The river ran faster, and soon the Orcs and Elves along the banks alike dwindled to nothing. Thorin knew it wouldn’t last - they needed to keep moving, keep a few steps ahead of those hunting them. 
One more sharp bend in the river had the rapids disappearing like dust in the wind - the river was much more calm, and there was an accessible embankment just ahead. He paddled over, discarding the barrel for dry land - even though he felt like he was taking half the river with him with how water-logged his clothes felt. 
The Company followed behind, all scrambling onto the rocky shore - he watched as Fili helped Kili out of his barrel, concern working onto his brow at his nephew’s new injury - there was no time for it now, but it would need to be looked at soon. All the more reason to get moving. 
Then Thorin found you again. You looked better now - before t was like something had shaken you - and he watched again as Dwalin and Balin both helped and looked over you. You shook your head - physically uninjured - and even from such a distance Thorin could see life return in your cheeks. 
Thorin realized, in that moment, that he no longer needed to watch to see if you were well. He had spent months silently watching out for you, wordlessly making sure you were okay after every encounter - an old habit he felt was going to take a while to get used to breaking. Now it was his every right to get to ask you - in fact it was expected. He wasted little time in getting by your side. 
“Are you alright?” he asked, eyes searching your face, and your hair - the braid your bead was in was in-tact, and the bead itself was still fixed in place. That was good. 
“I’m okay,” you nodded at Balin and Dwalin, thanking them. You looked up at Thorin, smiling slightly, before turning away again, searching for someone else. “Everyone else? Is Kili alright?” 
“I believe Kili is the only one walking away hurt.” he said, “We need to move though, before the Orcs reach us again.” He watched your brow furrow. 
“Should Oin take a look at Kili first -” 
“There’s an Orc pack on our tail.” Thorin interrupted, then his voice rose as he addressed the Company, “Quickly bind Kili’s leg. We need to keep moving.” 
“Where do we go?” Balin asked. 
“What about the Mountain? It’s so close.” Bilbo suggested. He was half out of breath, but Thorin was starting to think the Hobbit was enjoying his adventure - with how enthusiastic he was about offering help. 
“There’s a lake between us and Erebor, we’ll never cross it on our own.” Balin replied. 
“Walk around it?”
“Orcs will catch us.” Dwain said, “With no weapons to defend ourselves? We might as well die here.” 
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You were sitting half wondering what to do. 
Thorin wanted to keep moving - but all suggestions to where were shot down. Your Company had nowhere to go. 
You had brought your hand up to rest your head on your palm when you were scared half out of your skin. Ahead was a man. He had approached undetected, and he held up a longbow. At your startled rise to your feet, others also noticed. Dwalin first, defensively raised a stick only to have it shot out of his hands - Kili likewise with a rock. 
You felt that this man was not there to hurt you. If he was wanting you dead he would be shooting you all in the back, not defending himself. 
“Try it again and you die.” His words were spoken at Kili, but he was talking to everyone. The skill this man had with a bow rivalled the Elves accuracy - you didn’t want to test him. 
Still at the back of the group, you watched as Balin spotted something further down the river. He then approached the stranger. 
“You herald from Laketown, yes?” he asked, watching as the man’s attention went to him. “That barge wouldn’t be for hire by any chance?” 
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The Company helped gather the barrels for this stranger - an effort to smooth over the attempted transaction playing before your eyes. 
You helped too - he looked at you like you were a sore thumb. Catching his eye as you placed a barrel before him told you his name - Bard. You also saw how he knew dragons, how he would do anything for his children, and how deeply he missed his wife - all before you were even told. 
“So what makes you think I would help you?” The Bargeman said. You felt yourself biting back a smile - you understood his caution, in fact if you were in his shoes you’d be reacting the exact same way. 
“The boots you have there have seen better days, like your coat.” Balin said, “No doubt you have hungry mouths to feed too.” He finished with a laugh. “How many bairns?” 
The man gave him a look, then answered. “A boy, two girls.” 
“No doubt your wife is a beauty too.” You felt yourself cringe - unknowingly knowing what was to come next. 
“Aye, she was.” You felt your heart ache for Bard. You felt a life - one that was hard, and spent all alone. The last thing you wanted for this man was to cause trouble.  
Balin started apologizing, and you heard Dwalin grumble beside you. 
“Enough of the niceties, come on now.” You were sure he was thinking he was being quiet, but you had half a mind to drag him away by the ear and scold him when you turned around to hiss his name in warning. 
“Why the hurry?” Turned out you weren’t the only one who heard. 
“What’s it to ya?” Dwalin said, shifting closer. 
“I want to know who you are.” Bard said, walking off the boat and back onto the dock, eyes scanning over the Company - stopping on Bilbo, but fixing on you. “And what you are doing in these lands.” 
“We are simple merchants, journeying from the Blue Mountains to visit our kin in the Iron Hills.” It was a good lie - Balin both told stories true and fake in the same way. You felt though that this man was just as clever. 
“‘Simple merchants," you say?” he looked at you again. “And what kin may you have in the Iron Hills?” 
You supposed a Human did stick out more in a band of Dwarves compared to a Hobbit. 
“The kind I would rather see sooner than later.” you replied, trying to find words you had not yet thought to speak. You thought, looking at Thorin by your side, that you would soon have kin there anyway. What was the difference to this and an early trip to visit in-laws? “But we will not be able to reach them without supplies.” you said, putting the conversation back on track, and Bard seemed to let the matter go for the moment. 
“Food, weapons, the like. Could you help us?” Thorin asked, directly stepping forward now that Balin’s subtle approach wasn’t working. Bard looked at Thorin, then down at the barrels you’d rode the rapids in. 
“I know where these came from,” he started, touching a scratch an arrow left in one of them. 
“And what of it?” Thorin said. Bard smiled lightly, tilting his head to one side. 
“I don’t know what business you had with those Elves, but it doesn’t look like it ended well.” You watched as Thorin’s shoulder rose - if he were a cat, oh how his hackles would rise. After a Hard stare between Thorin, and Bard, Bard began again. “No one enters Laketown unless let in by the Master. All his wealth comes by trade with the woodland realm. He would rather give you up then risk that, or King Thranduil’s wrath.” 
Bard turned away and Balin looked at Thorin. He spoke something you weren’t able to catch, gesturing to the bargeman, before Balin moved to Bard’s side. 
“What are you doing?” you whispered, leaning over Thorin’s shoulder to speak - and to watch Balin and Bard wager. 
“Making sure we get across this lake in time.” Thorin said.
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aristrocrat · 2 years
Upside Down Feelings 2
Chapter Eight: The Mind Flayer
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summary: y/n and steve come to a big realization and the gang gets to work on interrogating will
word count: 4000 ish idk for sure
tw: sexually suggestive language (but let’s be real— what else is new?)
“We have to be careful,” You whispered as you approached the fenced area surrounding the lab. “This place is well guarded. So if we see or hear-“
“Hello? Who’s there?!”
You blinked, feeling an air of familiarity in that voice. The kids hesitated. You and Steve marched on.
“Who’s there?!”
You finally broke through the trees, shining your lights on a stunned couple standing in front of the gate that led towards the facility.
“What are you doing here?” Nancy shouted.
“What are you doing here?” You furrowed your brows.
“We’re looking for Mike and Will.”
“They’re not in there, are they?” Dustin questioned.
“We’re not sure,” Nancy blinked.
The screeches interrupted, so close now that they vibrated through your chest. You all took a closer look at the lab, seeing that the electricity had gone out and there was not a guard in sight. Even the creatures of the night stayed silent. It was so quiet it almost made you think you could hear a pin drop from a mile away.
“That’s why,” You breathed before looking back at Jonathan. “Remember the Demogorgon? Well, it seems to have a whole ass pack of Demogorgon dogs. They’re just as scary, a little quicker but not as strong. There’s a gross amount of them, too. And we think they’re in there.”
“Are you serious?!” His eyes widened.
“We’ve been trying to get in for a while now but the booth is abandoned and the electricity is out, so we can’t get the gate to open.”
“Can we climb over it?” You wondered, looking up to see the barbed wire at the top. “Oh, come on! There’s gotta be a way in. An emergency lever- A key- something!”
You walked past Nancy as Jonathan began asking the kids questions about his mother and brother. You snuck into the small room, looking around at everything. There were still plates of food and opened bottles of water sprawled about, something not usually seen in or around a military facility.
Another screech echoed through the dark. They must’ve deserted their post to go help with the dogs.
“Any luck?” Steve uttered from behind you, stepping into the space to try and help. “There’s a button over here.”
“Yeah, I saw that,” You sighed, finally taking a seat in the nearby chair. “I think we just have to wait it out. I doubt we’ll get anywhere without electricity.”
“But that could take forever-“
“Let me try,” Dustin came in. He pressed the button a few times before the power came back on throughout the entire facility and the gate began to open.
“I got it!”
“How the hell did you just..“ Your voice trailed off as you walked out to get a better view of the now lit up building.
“Nice! Let’s go!” Steve clapped as he jogged towards Jonathan’s car. You placed a hand on his chest to prevent him from moving past you. “What are you doing? We need to go.”
“He needs to go. There’s not enough room in the car for all of us,” You shook your head. “Jonathan is the only one that should go so that everyone can pile in.”
“Like hell I’m letting him walk into that murder house all by himself,” Nancy scoffed, already hopping into the passenger’s seat. “I’m coming too. Come on, Jonathan!”
She waved him over. He shot you an apologetic look before following behind her and driving off. The tone she used to talk to you ever since the argument was enough to make you want to pull your hair out. She was patronizing and rude. It was a common theme with her whenever she latched into another boyfriend: leaving everyone else’s feelings in the dirt to focus on her own.
“So, uh.. they’re, like, officially a thing now, huh?” Steve asked in a small voice. You turned to look at him with wide eyes. Your heart sank into your stomach as he followed the car with his sad eyes. Her latest and greatest victim. You sighed, walking up to him and leaning on the wall beside him.
“Yeah, it looks like it,” You sighed. He pursed his lips and nodded, keeping his gaze fixed on the ground. “How you holding up, buddy?”
He smiled and furrowed his brows before looking over at you.
“What?” You asked.
“Buddy?” He chuckled. “Jesus, what are you- my uncle? Might as well have called me Champ.”
“Fuck off! It sounded better in my head,” You laughed. “I don’t have a cool nickname for you like I do with my other friends.”
“Friends?” He finally looked into your eyes with an unreadable expression, which was odd. He was normally asking that same question with enthusiasm but this time he almost sounded upset. It could’ve just been because of Nancy, but the intensity of his stare made you nervous nonetheless.
“Yeah, I mean..” You swallowed. His big, brown eyes danced around your face, searching for the emotions hidden behind it. “Sure, I’ve kinda been a bitch to you. And you’ve kinda been a douche too. But we’re still friends.. right? Like we haven’t gone back to hating each other?”
“That’s where you’re wrong, Henderson,” He shook his head. “I never hated you.”
“Bullshit,” You smiled.
“No, I’m serious!” He laughed before shifting his attention to the flashlight in his hands. “Don’t get me wrong, when you stopped talking to me after that one summer, I was hurt and confused but.. I never hated you.”
You furrowed your brows, curious to see where he was taking this.
“I guess I just couldn’t understand why you actually followed through with the pact we made. Especially after everything we went through together. Then I started dating Nancy, and I found out that you were the one that hated me. I could never figure out why, though.”
He’d almost phrased it like a question, nonverbally pleading you to explain it to him. His candor took you aback. Out of all of the things he could possibly be worried about: Nancy, the lab, the Demodogs- he chose to concern himself with why you stopped speaking to him.
“I-.. uh..” You hesitated, letting out a nervous chuckle as you played with the ring around your finger. It was a topic you danced around because of the fact that it hit a nerve for both of you. “I guess I never did tell you why I stopped talking to you, did I?”
“Nope..” His gaze was fixed on his hands as he tossed and twirled the flashlight, catching it only to throw it up again.
“Well,” You sighed, feeling your stomach drop at the memory. “Remember how I was taking some upper level classes at the high school? And that first day of school, we’d agreed to meet up in the hallway so you could walk me to class?”
He nodded.
“So, um.. Carol got to me before you did, and-” His eyes snapped back up, attention solely on you. “A-And she told me that, uh… She basically told me that you were only with me because you pitied me. She said that you were so fed up with me that you’d started seeing her behind my back.”
“What?” He stood up straight and turned to look down at you. “And you believed her?”
“I mean, I was thirteen and vulnerable,” You shrugged. “Plus, I didn’t know her then. She seemed genuinely concerned for me. She apologized and gave me a hug. She was really convincing.”
“B-But you know that wasn’t true, right?” He asked. “Because I never-“
“Well, yeah! Now I do,” You laughed. He didn’t find this funny. “When I heard your little heartbreak spiel on the tracks earlier, I felt so stupid. This whole time I thought what she said was true, and it never even occurred to me to just ask you about it. When I started to apologize for breaking your heart earlier, I wanted to tell you about it but-“
“But that’s when monsters attacked,” He muttered before leaning back against the wall. “That bitch..”
“Such a bitch!” You agreed, leaning back beside him.
“That’s so weird to think about,” He shook his head. You hummed in response before he looked back down at you with a glimmer of curiosity in his eyes. “I wonder where we’d be if she wouldn’t have intervened.”
The soft smiles on your faces melted as soon as those words fell from his mouth.
You both knew it.
There was not a doubt in either one of your minds that you’d still be in a relationship to date, not with the chemistry you shared. The romantic tension could be cut with a knife, and it seemed like everyone could sense it except for the two of you. It was almost as if at any given moment, one of you would finally cave in and kiss the other. Yet you both were completely and utterly oblivious. The arguments and the feigned hatred was just a means to convince yourselves that there was nothing between you anymore. But there was. It was just easier to pretend that there wasn’t.
You both knew exactly where you’d be had Carol not intervened.
Steve would’ve never batted an eye at any of the girls he’d gone out with. Nancy would’ve never broken his heart. He probably would’ve gotten into college with the help of your tutoring sessions. He’d be working to pay for your dates and showering you in gifts that you scolded him for getting.
One thing was for damn sure: his mixtape-making skills would’ve been at a much better than they were now.
And you wouldn’t be so afraid of love and vulnerability; it always felt so effortless with him. He brought out this side of you that, no matter how hard you tried to fight it, unarmed your defenses completely. You would’ve gone to every one of his basketball games and dragged him along to the countless amount of concerts you’ve gone to. You would’ve gotten to see the sweet relationship between him and your brother develop at a much younger age. Maybe even Dustin would’ve been different.
The whole trajectory of your lives would’ve been completely different had you just asked him about what Carol told you. Things would’ve been, dare you say, better. Simpler. Sweeter. Happier.
You both looked at each other with wide eyes and parted lips as if you were seeing the future you got robbed of. Of what could’ve been. Of what should’ve been. His eyes quickly glanced at your lips. If you blinked at the wrong time, you would’ve missed it. But you didn’t. You saw the fleeting thought.
He wanted to kiss you so badly that he couldn’t help but take a look down at your lips. He wondered what you tasted like. What those plump lips of yours would feel like against his own. It was impossible to look away from them now. He felt intoxicated by you, and he hadn’t even touched you yet.
He still wanted you.
You still wanted him.
“Steve?” You took a breath in, not quite knowing what was about to fall out of your mouth. He hummed know response. “If you still-“
“Guys?!” Max spoke in a concerned tone, snapping you both out of your trance. You quickly jumped away from each other, awkwardly clearing your throats and trying to hide the hot blush that now decorated your features. You walked over to see two cars quickly turn the corner, heading towards you with an anxiety-inducing speed. “Look out!”
You all ran out of the way before Jonathan drove past and Hopper’s police car stopped in front of you.
“Let’s go!” He waved you in.
“Come on,” Steve opened the door. “Go!”
You hopped in first to help the kids in quickly, pulling at their arms and settling them in before Steve jumped in behind you all. Hopper hit the gas pedal with force, sending you all flying back into your seats as he turned onto the main road.
You all rushed into the Byers’ house. You ushered the kids towards the kitchen and told them to take a seat in order to allow Jonathan to have a moment with his little brother. You took your place next to Steve beside the counter Hopper ordered you all to stay quiet as he made a call.
“On a scale to one and ten, how inappropriate would it be if I asked to sneak into another room to continue our conversation?” Steve whispered into your ear, his warm breath dancing on your skin.
“Twelve,” You smiled, making him roll his eyes playfully. “There’s not much else to talk about.”
“Oh, I beg to differ,” He let out a low chuckle, catching the eye of a few kids. You smiled before turning your back to them and narrowing your eyes at the brown eyed boy in front of you. “If I recall, you were about to ask me a question.”
“You need to stop,” You spoke in a hushed tone.
“Stop what?” He feigned innocence.
“You know what,” You lowered your tone to make sure only he could hear you. “This is not the place to talk about anything. Look around. Some of these people just watched other people get ripped to shreds. Others are concerned for the possessed boy lying on the couch. Drop it.”
“Okay, fine,” His eyes didn’t match his words. They traced every feature of your face, right down to the lips before they looked back into yours knowingly. He bit his lip to refrain from smiling. “I’ll stop.”
“Stop looking at me like that, Harrington.”
“Like what, Henderson?”
“Steve! I’m serious,” You frowned. God, you looked cute when you pouted like that. He raised his hands beside his head to show his innocence, pretending like he wasn’t thinking about how pretty his name sounded coming from your lips. He couldn’t help but wonder how many other ways he could make you say it. Moan it. Scream it.
“Everyone listen up!” Dustin ran out into the kitchen, slapping a book onto the table. You backed away from the flirtatious boy in front of you with a skeptical look before focusing on what the kids were saying. “I think we know what’s controlling Will.”
“It’s a monster from an unknown dimension,” Dustin explained. “It’s so ancient that it doesn’t even know its true home. Okay, it enslaves races of other dimensions by taking over their brains using its highly developed psionic powers.”
“It infected Will, meaning Will now has the inside scoop on the monster,” Mike explained. “And it’s connecting him to the tunnels, the monsters, everything!”
“Woah, slow down! Slow down!” Steve stepped forward.
“So the Shadow Monster’s inside of everything. And if the vibes feeling something like panic then so does Will.”
“And so does Dart,” Lucas added.
“So it’s kinda like a hive mind?” You chimed in.
“Yes! Exactly!”
“Hive mind?” Steve looked at you.
“A collective consciousness. It’s a super-organism,” You nodded as it clicked. “So this Shadow Monster is like the brain of the hive mind? Like the mind flayer from your game?”
“Bingo!” Dustin smiled as he showed you the page he was on.
“Wait, how’d you know what the mind flayer was?” Lucas looked at you with wide eyes.
“I’m dating the leader of the Hellfire Club,” You giggled. “You pick up a thing or two hanging around a Dungeon Master.”
“Dude, your sister just got like a million times hotter,” He turned to Dustin, earning a punch to the arm.
“Tell me about it,” Steve whispered into your ear, chuckling when you pushed him away with force. He didn’t miss the way your cheeks flushed at his words. You ignored the way your heart began to beat at an impossible race, forcing yourself to stay focused.
“Oh, my God, so none of this is real?!” Hopper groaned. “This is a kids’ game.”
“No, it’s a manual. And it’s not for kids. And unless you know something that we don’t, this is the best metaphor-“
“Analogy,” You corrected.
“Analogy..? That’s what you’re worried about?!” Dustin shouted before continuing. “Fine! An analogy for understanding whatever the hell this is.”
“Okay, so this mind flamer thing-“
“Flayer,” Dustin corrected. “Mind flayer.”
“What does it want?” Nancy finished.
“To conquer us, basically. It believes it's the master race.”
“Like uh- Like the Germans,” Steve offered.
“Uh, the Nazis?” Dustin deadpanned. “Yeah, if the Nazis were from another dimension.. then sure…”
“Ignore him. All that Farrah Fawcett spray is getting to his head,” You smirked. His eyes widened, taken aback by your quick remark. Those around you chuckled, making his cheeks turn bright red.
“Wha- Who? Me? I do not use-“
“EXCUSE ME! I’m still talking! Thank you!” Dustin interrupted, making the chief rub at his face with frustration. “It views other races, like us, as inferior to itself.”
“It wants to spread and take over other dimensions,” Mike chimed in.
“We are talking about the destruction of our world as we know it!”
“That’s great!” Steve began to pace as he ran his hand through his hair. “That’s great. That’s really great. Jesus..”
“So we kill the brain, we kill everything it controls,” You wrapped up.
“We win, theoretically,” Your brother nodded.
“Alright, great. So how do you kill this thing?” Hopper asked, grabbing the book from Nancy’s hands. “Shoot it with Fireballs or something?”
“No, no, no fire balls,” Dustin’s chuckles ceased as soon as he caught a glimpse of the chief’s cold glare. “Uh, you summon an undead army, uh, because… zombies, you know, they don’t have brains. And the mind flayer it-it.. it likes brains.”
“It’s just a game,” You sighed. “It’s our best explanation of what that thing is.”
“Okay, then what the hell are we doing here?” Hopper grumbled.
“I thought we were waiting for your military backup!” Dustin called.
“We are!”
“Even if they come, how are they gonna stop this? You can’t just shoot this with guns!” Mike shouted.
“You don’t know that! We don’t know anything!” Hopper raised his voice. It wasn’t clear who he was trying to convince.
“We know it’s already killed everybody in that lab!”
“And we know the monsters are gonna molt again!”
“And we know that it’s only a matter of time before those tunnels reach this town!”
“They’re right,” Joyce’s voice agreed from the hallway. You all fell silent at her appearance. “We have to kill it... I want to kill it.”
“Me, too. Me, too, Joyce, okay?” Hopper’s tone melted into a softer one. Reserved just for her, you assumed. “But how do we do that? We don’t exactly know what we’re dealing with here.”
“No, but he does,” Mike pointed at his unconscious friend. “If anyone knows how to destroy this thing, it’s Will. He’s connected to it. He’ll know its weakness.”
“What happened to not being able to trust him anymore?” You pressed, walking up to him.
“Yeah, you said he’s a spy for the mind flayer now,” Steve stepped forward.
“Yeah, but he can’t spy if he doesn’t know where he is,” Mike muttered before looking up at you.
“What do you mean by that, kid?”
“This is his home. He’ll know exactly-“
“No, he’s right,” You held your hand up, stopping the adults from continuing their comments, and looked at the boys. “What if we get everything out of the shed, cover all of the windows and cracks, and use lights to make it unrecognizable?”
“We could tie him to a post to keep him from running!” Dustin snapped his fingers
“And keep the sedation nearby just in case it gets out of hand,” Mike added. “Joyce, we need blankets, cardboard, tin foil!”
She stood up but you spoke up before she could leave.
“Okay, everyone else listen up!” You clapped your hands, walking back to the table. You took a seat as everyone piled back into the kitchen. “No one leave until I dismiss you. I need you to hear all of this. Phase one: Hop, you and Mike clear out the shed. Jonathan, go help your mom get supplies; we need hammers, nails, staplers, duct tape, and anything that you think will help.”
“Rope for tying!” Mike added.
“That too! Dustin, Lucas- you both need to find stuff that will help us disguise the shed. Dig in the trash and search through the things Hop and Mike throw out. We need shit to cover the walls- papers, wrappers, anything. And heaters if you can find them,” You ordered. “Max, look for some ammonia and cover one of their chairs with cardboard so that it’s completely unrecognizable. Nancy, Steve, and I will get started on covering the walls. We’ll work around Hop and Mike. Phase two: when everyone is done with the tasks I just assigned, we need all hands on deck in the shed. We need to cover every inch of that thing, got it?”
“Okay, then what?” Dustin voiced.
“We’ll tie Will down, someone will wake him up with the ammonia, and then we can start asking questions in the shed,” You explained. “We need the people he’s closest to. His family, his best friend, and maybe Hopper to do the hard work. Everyone else get your asses back in the house as soon as we’re done with the shed, got it?”
“Alright, you heard her! Let’s move, people!” Hopper clapped before everyone split up and got to work. Everyone executed your plan flawlessly and finished within the hour. Once everyone was finished, they took their positions in the shed or the house. You all waited for about fifteen minutes before the lights began to flicker. You quickly grabbed your bat and walked towards the door, but nothing happened. You sat back down beside your brother in silence before Hopper burst in to write some morse code, claiming that Will was using it to communicate.
“H-E-R-E,” He spelled out. “Will’s still in there. He’s talking to us. The stories are working.”
“I’ll grab my radio,” Jonathan muttered.
“I’ll grab his walkie so I can transmit his morse code to you,” He told Dustin.
“Wh- I don’t know morse code that well!”
“I do,” You shook your head. “Nance, you wanna write it down as I say it?”
She nodded.
When everyone got back into place, you took a spot over Dustin’s shoulder, reading off the letters as he wrote them.
“C … L … O …” Nancy scribbled away as you spoke. “S …”
You continued on until the words CLOSE GATE were written on the cardboard in front of her.
“Close gate?-“
The phone began ringing, making you all gasp. Dustin answered it and quickly ended it. It rang again only to have Nancy disconnect it and throw it across the room. You all looked at one another with wide eyes, all breathing hard as your lungs tried to keep up with your racing hearts.
“Do you think he heard that?” Max voiced.
“It’s just a phone. It could be anywhere,” Steve turned to you. “Right?”
“No, no, no, no,” You muttered. “The brain recognizes even the smallest, most insignificant things about your home. Every smell, every sound, every-“
A screech in the distance interrupted you. You grabbed your bat before you all looked out of the front window.
“That’s not good..” Dustin muttered.
“Hey!” Hopper shouted with two large guns in his hands. “Hey, get away from the windows! Do any of you know how to use this?”
“Nancy does!” You offered, grabbing the gun from his hands and tossing it to her. She caught it, prepping it as you and Steve pressed against one another, ready to use your bats. The screeching grew closer as footsteps scurried outside of the door.
“Where are they?!” Max breathed.
“Shh!” You hushed her. The growling was now loud enough to rattle the windows. You all waited before there was a large thud against the other corner of the house. You all gasped and turned towards it. “Get behind me.”
“What are they doing?” Nancy wondered out loud. Another large snarl came from the direction you all originally faced, making you all jump towards it. A series of groaning, screeching, and thuds erupted around you all as you waited in anticipation for a battle.
“I think there’s something else out there-“ You began before a Demodog launched through the window. You all screamed as its lifeless body landed in front of you. Hopper slowly approached.
“Holy shit.”
“Is it dead?”
Hopper kicked it gently. Nothing happened. The door creaked behind you all and you watched the lock turn. You held up your weapons once again before a familiar girl appeared before you all. Her hair was longer than before, slicked back to reveal her bloody nose and dark makeup. You all looked in awe, feeling goosebumps raise on your arms and legs at the girl standing in the entryway.
El was back.
Chapter Nine ->
As always, please feel free to DM me or comment on my stories! I love to hear your feedback and interact with all of you!! Don’t forget to like and reblog, it really helps me out!
a/n: gahhhh okay yall it’s starting to get real between our mc and stevie boy. “NOOO BUT WHAT ABOUT EDDIE?!” you may ask. stay tuned and find out :)
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dirtfullofwork · 4 days
After the intense operation of mission alone after finding a new threat, graves, the trio heads to Alejandro’s safe house to reunite
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Shipping: soap x Sal “ruz” le ciel (oc) oc x canon
(Click art for better quality.)
The sky was dark blue..crickets chirped the trio get out the truck ghost stole
“Where are we?” Soap asked, ruz was thinking the same.
“Alejandro safe house.”
“I never knew he had a safe house.”
She replied “He gave me the location just in case”
“How come he didint tell me?” Soap questions
“It was a need to know” ghost replied.
“Without us? What if we needed to know in case of an emerge-“
ruz get interrupted by ghost as he shushes her as he walks towards a pressure plate that was placed in front
“Is that..”
“A pressure plate..” soap finishes
“That’s smart bastard.” Ghost mummers
Soap turns to look for a entrance before he saw a open window that leads inside
“Over there.” Soap pointed out
Both soap and ruz get inside and soap pulls out his gun just in case while ghost climbing in…. All three sudden a laser was pointed at soaps shoulder before she can notice ghost yells out
“Don’t move!”
As he pulls out a knife and throws it, the knife swings and hits the wall. She was impressed, before she could even react ghost noticed the laser beam.
“ quién está ahí?!” A fimiliar voice yelled out in Spanish.
“Rodolfo ?!” Soap exclaimed as Rodolfo realized it was them and came out and pulls out ghost knife out the wall
"¡Dios mío, casi matas a Soap!" Ruz says to Ronaldo!
“Yo siento.” Rodolfo apologized.
He hands ghost his knife “nice throw.”
“Yeah..glad he’s on our team..” ruz commented as she turns to ghost.
“What were you guys doing?”
“We were in the run.” Ghost replied before ruz corrected him
“soap was on the run..we waited for him and lead him.” She said..her British accent thick.
“Of course no?” Rodolfo says
“Yes…we’re a team. All of us..this happens on my watch and I’m going to fix this..sherperd….laswell and everyone else that’s out this room is now considered a hostile for now but only for one exception”
“I agree with ghost, we can’t risk getting separated again. It’s too risky. We already got soap a bullet wound in the shoulder earlier. Who knows what would happen next time. We need ti stick together for this.”
“We need him back he’s our only answer to this current situation” the British female says as she puts her hands on her hips
“Ven aquí.”
Rudy responds while waving his hand to signal them to come ,The three of them follows the Mexican man to a table that had a map
Rodolfo points at a area
“Graves is holding him here..”
“Does he have his own personal prison?” She ask
“I guess you can say that.”
“I see, then how do we get Alejandro back from that cun- “
“By breaking in…ruz.” Ghost says.
“And that is why I love the ghost” soap replies while his mouth tugs into a smirk.
“But it’s going to take more than just a map to get through graves and his shadow company. We need a plan.”
Rodolfo walks off and opens a door to a storage room full of items
“My my I really need that in my life”
“We need some wheels . It got deflated when we were in the chase I prefure we get a up-armored.”
Rodolfo pulls the lever turning on the light showing a vehicle
“He thought of everything.”
“Tell me about it” she said
“Let’s go get em..” soap said with this Scottish strong
“Right with you Sargent.” Ruz replied.
I was suppose to upload this days ago (the art) but I was too lazy and somewhat of an art block but I finally did it!
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halevetica · 2 years
Cute together(Sterek)
Here is the ski lodge oneshot I said I’d try to get up. It’s more of a winter oneshot than a Christmas oneshot, although there mistletoe is mentioned. Hope you like it.
The view was stunning if Stiles was being honest, and he wasn't even referring to the gorgeous man next to him. He'd been hesitant to even bother enjoying himself on this trip but he was already here and yeah, the view was stunning.
The ski lift continued it's trek over the snowy landscape, taking Stiles higher and higher above the trees and slopes beneath. His feet dangled heavily below him.
With a sudden lurch, the ski lift halted, forcing his seat to swing back and forth. A low growl emanated from the man next to him.
Stiles noted the way the man's hands were gripping the seat like his life depended on it. He debated saying something witty to ease the man's tension but thought better of it when he saw the scowl on his face.
After a long painfully silent five minutes had passed, Stiles craned his neck to see if there were any people on the lift behind them. Their seat rocked gently with the movement.
"Can you not," the man next to him snapped.
Stiles' brows rose in an amused look. "You realize that these things are safe right?"
The man only glared.
"You know that the fatality rate per year, divided by passenger miles, results in 0.149 fatalities per one hundred million miles of passengers transported by ski lifts. You're more likely to die in an elevator, which has on average six fatalities per year." Stiles offered.
The glaring continued.
"I'm Stiles by the way."
The man was silent for a long moment before finally responding. "Derek."
"Derek. Nice to meet you. Are you here with friends or..." Stiles once again looked behind him, careful not to shift the chair. There was no one directly behind them, but it looked like there was a couple two chairs back. "They seem to be enjoying themselves."
Derek glanced over his shoulder to see the couple wrapped around each other in a heated kiss. "I'm here with friends. They were ahead of us."
"They didn't wait for you?" Stiles scoffed.
"I'm here as a favor for a friend," Derek growled, his eyes looking straight ahead.
"Ah, third wheeling?"
"Erica thinks that a romantic getaway will help Boyd make a move. Boyd is just too shy. I gave him an encouraging speech and sent them ahead of me alone. This is what I get."
"That's really sweet of you, dude," Stiles said sincerely.
Derek shot him a glare.
"I'm serious. You look miserable as fuck so you must really care about your friends to do that for them."
"I don't do heights."
"Ah. Well, hopefully we'll be off here soon. For now, we're perfectly safe unless a tornado comes through."
"It's too cold for a tornado," Derek huffed.
"Then we're safe." Stiles grinned widely.
"Where are your friends or whatever?" Derek decided he wanted to talk about anything but their situation.
Stiles bit down on his lower lip. "I'm alone actually."
Derek's brows raised. "Who goes to a ski lodge alone?"
"Well I was supposed to be here with my boyfriend. Made reservations and got here a day before him because he had to work, but then he never showed. When I called, he said to have fun and we'd talk when I got home."
Derek frowned. "That's awful."
"The writing was on the wall, I just chose not to read it. Honestly it's kind of nice. He'd be bitching about the cold and the inconvenience instead of enjoying the view." Stiles gestured to the snow covered trees.
At that moment Derek's phone rang, startling him.
"Erica," Derek snapped into the phone.
Stiles could hear the voice on the other end clearly.
"Derek, are you on the lift?"
"Yes, do you know why it's stopped?"
"Someone accidentally pulled the emergency lever. They legally can't start it back up until it's declared safe. Someone is on their way now."
Derek groaned.
Another voice spoke up. Boyd. "They said it may be about twenty more minutes or so."
"Sorry, Derek." Boyd's tone was apologetic.
"It's fine."
"Is anyone with you?"
Derek glanced at Stiles who gave a small smile. "Yeah. Look, I know you guys wanted to grab dinner after this, why don't you go ahead. I'll meet up with you later."
"Are you sure?" Erica asked.
"Yeah, it may be a while and honestly I think I'm done after this."
"Okay, keep us posted."
Derek hung up and let out a sigh. "Someone pulled the emergency lever. They have someone on their way to fix it."
"Well, looks like we have some time to kill. Why don't you tell me about Boyd and Erica?" Stiles suggested, fighting the urge to swing his feet. He didn't want to stress Derek anymore by rocking the chair.
Derek closed his eyes and let out another sigh.
"It'll take your mind off of the fact that we're stuck here."
Derek opened his eyes and conceded. "What do you want to know?"
"How long have they been dancing around each other?" Stiles asked.
"About three years."
"Oof. How have you not done something sooner?"
"It wasn't my place. I figured they'd get around to it." Derek shrugged.
Stiles looked thoughtful. "You think this trip will do the trick?"
"I wasn't sure, but they'll have some time alone with me stuck up here so, maybe."
"You could have brought someone to make it feel like a double date, I'm guessing you're single since you didn't."
Derek narrowed his eyes at Stiles.
"I'm not trying to pry." He held his hands up.
"I am single, yes."
Stiles opened his mouth to ask another question when Derek beat him to it.
"How long were you and your boyfriend together?"
Stiles shifted, causing the chair to ever so slightly sway.
Derek's hand gripped the seat tighter.
"Two years."
"You don't seem terribly broken up about it," Derek pointed out.
"Like I said, writing on the wall."
"Still, two years is a long time."
Stiles fought the urge to shift again. He hated being still for this long, unable to fidget. He took off his gloves and tucked them into his jacket pocket, before pinching the bridge of his nose. "Yeah."
A silence fell over the pair and Derek was relieved his prying had worked. Though now he felt bad as he saw the way Stiles stared down at his hands in his lap, fidgeting.
"Guys like that aren't worth it. Trust me, I know."
Stiles gave Derek a doubtful look.
"My last girlfriend was a control freak. I finally called it off when she started to demand I stop spending time with Erica." Derek didn't know why he was telling Stiles this. Maybe to make him feel better.
Stiles didn't respond so Derek continued.
"My last boyfriend broke up with me because I wouldn't go mountain climbing with him every weekend. He said I wasn't invested in him."
Stiles' brow rose at that. "You clearly hate heights."
Derek shrugged.
Stiles frowned, his eyes falling to his hands again.
"Like I said, not worth it."
"Yeah, well, a ski trip is more fun when you have someone to spend it with."
Derek didn't respond to that. He didn't know how.
A gust of wind whipped around them, causing the cold air to bite through their clothes and the seat to rock ever so slightly.
"A hot chocolate sounds good right now, huh?" Stiles asked, pulling Derek's attention from the shifting ground below them.
"Anything that doesn't involve being up here sounds good."
Another gust of wind swept over them.
Derek closed his eyes and clenched his jaw.
"Hey." Stiles placed a hand on Derek's arm. "I promise you nothing is going to happen. It looks like a winter storm in the distance. These things rock so easily because if they didn't, they would snap. It's like a bridge."
Derek didn't respond.
"Just take in a deep breath."
Derek did as Stiles said.
"Good, now let it out slowly."
Derek blew out, his breath swirled in the cold air.
Another gust of wind hit them and Derek swore under his breath.
"Look at me," Stiles urged.
Derek looked at Stiles with a glare.
"Just focus on me, pretend we're in a car. Tell me about something. Anything."
Derek focused on the whiskey color of Stiles' eyes. "Like what?"
"What's something you're passionate about?"
"What?" Derek snapped.
"Something that's important to you."
"My job," Derek blurted as another jolt of wind swayed them.
"What do you do?"
"I'm an architect."
"Then you know how safe these things are."
"I know how many times people take short cuts. I know how many people get trapped in buildings. I know how many lives could have been spared if someone didn't cut corners."
"You lost someone because of that, didn't you?" Stiles asked, a frown tugging at his features.
"My parents. They died in a house fire. The structure wasn't built right so the building came down on them before the fire department even got there." Derek's tone was sharp.
"I'm really sorry."
"My job is to make sure that the structure is as sound as it can be. You can't always prevent a collapse, but you can make sure a building holds long enough for everyone to get to safety. The firemen said that if the building had held for even five more minutes, my parents would be alive."
The wind was more consistent as the storm grew closer.
A sudden jolt made Derek grabbed Stiles' arm harshly. The seat rocked vigorously before starting a trajectory forward.
Stiles held Derek's hand. "There we go. See, we'll be back on the ground before you know it. You want to ski down or just ride the lift back?"
"I don't think I'm up for skiing down," Derek answered, his face was green and pale at the same time.
"Okay, I'll ride it with you. We'll get a hot chocolate after, yeah?" Stiles offered.
Derek's grip on Stiles didn't loosen. The rocking of the chair grew worse as the wind continued to pick up. "Okay."
"We're almost there, I can see the end," Stiles said in a comforting tone. "Just breathe."
Derek took in a deep breath and gently let it out.
"Five more chairs and we're there."
Derek took in another breath as the wind cut through them again.
"You gonna be okay to stand when we get off? You don't look so good."
"I'm really dizzy," Derek admitted.
"Okay, I'll help you. I'm right here, we're one chair away, okay? You ready?"
Derek nodded, his grip on Stiles' hand didn't loosen still.
"Alright ready and off we go." Stiles helped Derek stand and shuffle to the side, out of the way of the chairs.
"Solid ground, you're good." Stiles held Derek, letting him find his balance.
"We're so sorry about that. If you see the front desk, you can give them this. Free drinks for the remainder of your stay." A middle aged man dressed in a coat with the lodge logo handed them two vouchers.
"Thanks." Stiles took them and helped Derek to a nearby bench.
Derek still held onto Stiles. He felt like he was still in the lift. The ground shifted below him despite him not moving.
"Let's get these off." Stiles bent to help take Derek's skis off.
"Thanks," Derek said quietly.
"No problem." Stiles pulled his own skis off and held out a hand to Derek. "Can I offer you a hot chocolate by the fire?"
Derek considered declining and turning in for the night, but Stiles had been so nice and helpful when he didn't have to be.
"I'm worried I'll throw it up but sure." Derek took Stiles' hand and let him lead him inside.
"What about something small on your stomach? Ginger snaps are great for nausea."
Derek nodded as he took a seat in one of the small sofa's near the giant fireplace that sat in the middle of the lodge.
Stiles headed to the bar and slid the vouchers across. "Two hot chocolates and a plate of ginger snaps, please."
He took in a deep breath as he waited for the order. Taking care of a stranger on a ski lift was not something he thought he'd be doing right now, but somehow he was having more fun than if Theo was there with him.
"Here you go." Stiles set the try down on the table in front of Derek and took a seat next to him.
"Thanks." Derek reached for a cookie, having shed his jacket and gloves.
"Should you call Erica and Boyd or..." Stiles shifted in his seat. Honestly he didn't want to leave Derek but he couldn't glue himself to Derek's side just because he was here alone.
"No. Let them have the night."
Stiles nodded.
"You know, I'm technically here alone too. If you don't have plans tomorrow, maybe we could go ice skating. Give Erica and Boyd more time alone together without me having to come up with some obvious excuse." Derek stared down at the hot chocolate in his hands. The warmth felt good.
"You want to use me to get Erica and Boyd together?" Stiles quirked a brow.
"Well I didn't mean—"
"I'm only kidding. I'm invested now." Stiles laughed.
"Besides I owe you for—" Derek jerked a thumb over his shoulder.
"You don't owe me anything, Derek."
Derek looked up, meeting Stiles' eyes. The fire light danced in the bright brown color.
"I'd still like to make it up to you. I'm...honestly embarrassed." Derek dropped his eyes again.
"Dude, don't be. I didn't mind helping, if I even did."
"You did." Derek looked up again.
Stiles smiled before putting his mug to his lips.
Derek watched as Stiles licked the whipped cream from his lips. "Your boyfriend is an idiot."
This caught Stiles by surprise.
"Ex-boyfriend. And you don't know me. I'm a handful." Stiles plucked a marshmallow from the top of his drink and popped it into his mouth.
"Is that what he said?"
Stiles scoffed. "I talk a lot. I fidget too much. I'm always on the go."
"Those are the reasons he ended it?" Derek frowned.
"Supposedly. If you want my opinion, I think he met someone."
Derek snorted, "Figures."
"If you don't mind, I'd really rather talk about anything else." Stiles shifted in his seat.
"Right. Sorry." Derek was never good at cheering people up.
The pair talked for the next two hours before a blond came bouncing over.
"Erica." Derek smiled at the blond.
"You didn't call and I now see why. Hello." Her eyes fell to Stiles.
"Hi." Stiles smiled.
"Derek, who's your friend?" Erica nudged Derek's shoulder.
"This is Stiles. We were stuck on the lift together."
"You didn't say he was cute," She teased. "I'm Erica, this is Boyd."
"Nice to meet you." Stiles' cheeks flushed at the compliment.
"I would have called but—"
"No, no, you don't have to explain." Erica cut in, a wide grin on her bright red lips.
"I'm guessing you're done skiing for the remainder of the trip." Boyd frowned sympathetically at Derek.
Derek huffed a laugh. "Yeah, probably."
"Okay, well what do you want to do instead?" Erica snagged a cookie from the plate, taking a seat on the arm of the sofa next to Derek.
"I actually invited Derek to go ice skating tomorrow. If you guys want to come with." Stiles looked at the pair with innocent eyes.
"Oh I'm terrible at Ice skating," Erica pouted.
"I can help you. I worked at a rink for a while in high school," Boyd offered shyly.
"Oh that's right." Erica beamed.
Derek tossed Stiles a smirk.
"Great, then I'll see you down here at say, ten?" Stiles asked, his eyes on Derek.
"Sounds good." Derek couldn't help the smile that pulled at his lips.
Stiles stood. "Nice meeting you two."
"You too!" Erica grinned.
"Goodnight, Derek." Stiles met Derek's eyes.
"Goodnight, Stiles."
Stiles was downstairs at nine-fourty-five. His fingers tapped on the top of the bar as he waited for his coffee. To say he was nervous was an understatement. He shouldn't be, it wasn't like it was a date. Derek was only going because he felt obligated to pay back Stiles for helping him.
"You're down here early," Derek's voice pulled Stiles attention.
"Yeah, just getting a—" at that moment his coffee was set in front of him. "—Coffee."
"Great minds think alike." Derek took a seat on the stool next to Stiles.
"Can I get you one?" Stiles asked with a wide grin.
Derek rolled his eyes as he watched Stiles push his free drink voucher across the bar.
"One more, please."
"Thank you." Derek shook his head.
"Where's Erica and Boyd?" Stiles looked to the large stairs that led to the floor of rooms.
"Getting ready. They'll be down shortly."
"I hope it was okay that I invited them. I know this isn't a date, but it could act as a sort of double date for the purposes of…you know…" Stiles waved a hand toward the stairs.
Derek smiled. "I think it's a great idea." He grabbed the coffee that was set down in front of him.
"So are you any good?" Stiles asked Derek.
"I'm actually a very good ice skater. Boyd used to let me in after hours when he worked at the rink."
"Great, well, I'll forewarn you, I'm terrible." Stiles gestured to himself. "Clumsy."
"But you can ski?"
"Oh no, I'm terrible at that too."
Derek let out a laugh. "Seems like a ski lodge wasn't the best place for you to vacation."
"It's still fun even if I am terrible."
"Well maybe I can give you some pointers."
"I will drag you down. Be warned."
Derek shrugged."You helped me on the lift, it's the least I can do."
"Nothing like a good obligatory date," Stiles teased.
"That's not what—"
"It's fine," Stiles cut in. "I'm only messing with you."
Derek looked like he wanted to say something else when Erica and Boyd reached them.
The walk to the ice skating rink wasn't far. The storm from the night before had moved on, leaving behind about three inches of fresh snow.
Stiles and Derek watched with a smirk as Boyd helped Erica lace her skates.
"They really are cute together," Stiles whispered.
Derek nodded in agreement.
A wide grin spread across Stiles' face. "How long have you two been together?"
Boyd and Erica looked at him like deer in headlights.
"Oh, uh…" Boyd cleared his throat.
"We're uh…" Erica glanced to Boyd.
"It's not…" Boyd looked to Derek for help. Derek only smiled.
"Oh, I see. Sorry, I just assumed. You're cute together either way." Stiles feigned innocents.
Erica beamed while Boyd gave her a fond smile.
"Alright, Derek, time for you to hold my hand," Stiles said, shuffling to the edge of the rink.
Derek stepped onto the ice like it was just regular ground. He spun to face Stiles, holding his hands out.
Stiles took them and gingerly stepped onto the ice.
Boyd and Erica followed suit, only Erica managed to steady herself whereas Stiles' feet instantly went out from under him.
"Whoa, easy." Derek released Stiles' hands, wrapping his arms around his waist to keep him from falling.
Stiles could smell the cologne Derek wore and the faint smell of coffee as he was held close to Derek's chest.
"I warned you," Stiles said as he got his feet back under him.
"I got you." Derek smiled.
"How are you so steady?" Stiles asked as he flailed his arm, trying not to lose his balance again.
"Spread your feet a bit more and bend your knees."
Stiles did as Derek said, carefully.
Derek carefully moved in front of Stiles, taking his hands again. "Now move one foot at at a time, leaning forward with your body."
Stiles tried and failed three times before he was able to move forward.
Carefully Derek skated backwards, leading Stiles, who was less skating and more shuffling like an old man with a walker.
"You're getting it," Derek encouraged.
"I'm definitely not but thanks." Stiles rolled his eyes.
"Here, watch me." He led Stiles to the side railing before letting him go.
Stiles watched as Derek glided across the ice effortlessly.
"Ridiculous, right?" Erica huffed, shuffling along the railing towards him.
Stiles saw Boyd skating towards her with a wide grin. "I thought you were right behind me."
"Oh I was." She smiled. "Then I wasn't."
Boyd rolled his eyes. "Come on."
"Good luck," Stiles offered with a grin as Boyd pulled her back away from the safety of the railing.
Stiles' eyes turned back to where Derek was skating towards him.
"Show off," Stiles teased when Derek reached him.
"You try."
Stiles let out a sigh before pushing away from the railing and towards Derek who was slowly skating backwards away from him.
"Just follow me."
Stiles pushed forward and managed to make headway before losing his balance. His feet went out from under him, but before he could impact the hard ice. Derek's arms caught him once again.
"How did you get to me so fast?" Stiles asked as Derek set him back upright.
"If you're this bad at ice skating I'm almost willing to go back on the lift to see you ski."
"I'm a much better skier than I am a skater."
"Have you ever been skating?" Derek asked doubtfully.
"Once. Third grade. My crush at the time had a birthday party at 'Golden skate'. I bruised my tail bone within the first five minutes."
Derek snorted with a shake of his head.
Stiles shifted slightly which sent his left foot into Derek's ankle. The pair went down in a tangle of limbs.
Stiles and Derek burst into laughter as they fought to untangle themselves.
Stiles stared at Derek in awe. He was stunning with his nose slightly red from the cold, his mouth split into a wide grin.
After an hour of Derek coaxing Stiles along, he was able to skate unassisted. It wasn't graceful like Derek or Boyd but he was just happy to be staying on his feet.
"We had good teachers, huh?" Erica asked skating carefully up next to him. She gestured to where Derek and Boyd were skating effortlessly around the rink together.
"This is the longest I've stayed on my feet." Stiles laughed.
"You two want to take a break?" Boyd asked as he and Derek skated towards them.
"I could use some solid ground and a hot drink," Erica said. "How about you, Stiles?"
Stiles only nodded. He didn't want this to end. He really liked spending time with Derek.
"You two go sit and we'll get some drinks," Derek offered, gesturing to umbrella covered picnic tables.
"This has been fun. It's nice to see Derek having fun." Erica smiled.
"He's been a lot of fun to hang out with."
Erica snorted. "You're the first person to say that."
"Why?" Stiles frowned.
"Derek isn't the most social. He's great with us, but most people find him…rude or mean."
Stiles thought about the glaring and growling up on the lift. "He was a bit grumpy on the lift but I just assumed it was because we were stuck."
"Well he seems to like you," Erica said thoughtfully.
Stiles hoped the cold hid the blush he knew he was sporting.
"Here you go." Boyd handed Erica a hot chocolate while Derek handed one to Stiles.
Stiles noted the mistletoe that was strung up under the umbrella edge just above Boyd and an idea popped into his head.
"I think we should photograph this moment. Derek take their picture." Stiles grinned as he urged Erica to stand next to Boyd.
Derek frowned as he pulled out his phone. "Okay…"
Stiles leaned over his shoulder and pointed to the mistletoe that hung above the pair in the picture.
Derek smirked.
Stiles feigned surprise. "Uh oh."
"What?" Erica asked, her smile fading.
"Look up." Stiles pointed above the pair.
Boyd and Erica looked up to see the mistletoe hanging above them. They looked at each other. Erica smiled. Boyd leaned forward, giving Erica a chance to pull away. Instead she leaned in, catching Boyd's lips on hers.
Derek and Stiles smiled triumphantly.
Derek gave Stiles a fond smile. Stiles responded with a wink.
When Erica and Boyd pulled apart, Erica was beaming.
"Like I said, cute together," Stiles said.
After their hot chocolate break, the four of them skated for another hour before heading in for lunch.
After lunch, the group was standing in the large lobby where the fireplace was burning.
"Well, I had a lot of fun today." Stiles shifted.
"Oh come on, we're not done. We thought we'd try snow tubing. There's no lift. It's a conveyor belt," Erica said, turning to Derek.
"Oh, I don't want to intrude. It was nice enough that you let me go skating with you guys."
"What? No, come on." Erica tugged at his arm.
Stiles glanced to Derek.
"I could use the company," Derek said, gesturing to where Erica and Boyd were holding hands.
Stiles agreed. He was secretly thrilled to spend more time with Derek.
Snow tubing went better than ice skating. They spent almost three hours tubing. By the end all of their tail bones were sore. They had dinner and before they knew it, it was late into the evening.
"Stiles, you have to give all of us your number, because we're keeping in touch," Erica demanded.
Stiles smiled. "Okay." He handed over his phone, where Erica put in the numbers before sending a text to each of them.
"There, now there's no excuse. I demand to hear from you at least once a week."
Stiles nodded obediently. He was dreading his flight tomorrow. He'd really enjoyed spending time with not only Derek but Erica and Boyd as well.
Erica nudged Derek's arm sharply.
Derek rubbed the back of his neck and cleared his throat. "I umm, I usually visit my sister around the first of the year, she lives in Buffalo. Maybe we can…meet up?"
Stiles practically beamed. "I'd like that."
"We should take a picture." Erica clapped her hands together. "By the fire."
She took one of Derek, Boyd and Stiles. She took one with all of them and then one with Stiles.
"Oh let's do one more." Erica grinned mischievously.
"Stiles and Derek. Stand here." She pushed them over to where a string of garland was wrapped around a small archway.
Derek wrapped his arm around Stiles and smiled.
Erica snapped the picture and her smile widened.
"Oops." She pointed above them. And in the middle of the archway was mistletoe, hanging between them.
Stiles' face flushed brightly.
"Erica he has a boyfriend." Derek glared at her.
"Ex-boyfriend. Technically," Stiles corrected.
Derek looked at Stiles with a raised brow.
"See? Oh come on. You two look cute together. It's one kiss." Erica huffed, her arms crossing over her chest.
Stiles' eyes dropped to Derek's mouth. He'd love to kiss Derek but he couldn't decide if Derek wanted to kiss him.
Derek leaned forward slightly. "You don't have to do this."
"Neither do you." Stiles swallowed.
Neither moved away, both caught in place.
"Mistletoe is just a stupid tradition," Derek said, leaning in more.
"I don't even celebrate Christmas," Stiles agreed, following Derek's movement.
There was maybe five inches between them.
Stiles isn't sure who broke first but before he knew what was happening, Derek's lips were against his where he tasted the faintest hint of chocolate.
It was a sweet kiss, simple and unmoving.
Erica clapped and let out a small whoop, causing them to pull apart.
She winked at Stiles. "Like I said, cute together."
Consider buying me a coffee, I would really appreciate it!
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verai-marcel · 7 months
Your Hearth Is My Home (BG3 Fanfic, Astarion x Female Reader, Part 8 of ?)
Summary, Notes, Tags, & Part 1 are here.
Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7
AO3 Link is here, my dear.
Word Count: 4287
Act I, Chapter 8 - The Mountain
Lae’zel was waiting under an archway in the middle of the path. Wyll wordlessly handed over her backpack as she rejoined the party, seamlessly taking point as everyone continued up the path that veered west. You followed the others up the trail, silently thinking about your next move. Should I stay or should I go?
Along the way, you found a trader to offload some of the random wares you had collected, but she also asked for what amounted to a baby for experimentation. So you just quickly bartered your useless items and went along your way, while the others held Lae’zel back from slashing the trader’s throat open.
As the sun began to set behind the hills, you reached a cable car and a rusty wheel.
“We shall cross and set up camp on the other side,” Lae’zel commanded, pointing to what seemed to be a defensible cliffside.
“I would agree to that plan, if we could get this contraption to work,” Gale said as he poked the prodded at the wheel. “There must be something around here to unlock it, a lever or mechanism…”
Karlach walked up to it, took one look, and yanked at the wheel with all her mighty strength, forcing it to turn. There was a moment’s pause before the cable car finally creaked along, echoing off the cliffs below.
“Got it!” she said happily.
“Ah. Right,” Gale said, frowning for a moment before shrugging nonchalantly. “Well, at least we can cross now.”
You got onto the cable car and rode it across the chasm. Looking out at the landscape, bathed in the crimson light of the setting sun, you sighed. It was getting harder and harder to leave now. How would you navigate back to the River Chionthar on your own?
At least for now, you had this lovely landscape to stare at while you figured out your next move.
You glanced over at your companions, who were being uncharacteristically quiet as they, too, admired the view. Looking at each of them in turn, you wondered when you had begun to care for them on a deeper level. Your eyes lingered on Astarion for just a moment longer than the rest.
His eyes flickered over at you. Catching your gaze, he smiled knowingly.
Ah shit, he caught me.
Quickly looking away, you stared out at the canyon again. You had to admit, he was rather lovely with the waning sunlight against his skin, his hair perfectly in place despite having a full day of traveling behind him. If he just stayed quiet and didn’t spit out unwarranted flattery every two seconds, you might have thought him attractive.
Why do my eyes keep gravitating towards him?
You worried about him, more so than the others. You thought about his behavior and wondered what you could do to help him. You cared.
You closed your eyes. When the fuck did that happen?
Taking a deep, slow breath, you opened your eyes and stared out at the landscape once more, clearing your mind until you arrived at the other side. You followed the others down the hillside to a nice little area that had a partially ruined stone building and an old, gnarled tree that overlooked the canyons below. As you began to set up the spot for the campfire, everyone else picked a spot for their tents and started setting up. 
Seeing Astarion fumble the parts of his tent, you went over to help. He seemed a little less experienced than the others in such things.
"Mind where you face the tent," he said without looking at you as he tried to hide how much he was struggling with the poles. "I don't like having the sunlight hit me straight in the eyes in the morning."
You took the poles from his hands and deftly put everything together. Of course you knew how to set up a tent properly. Who the hell did he think you were? 
But when you caught the small smirk on his face, you knew immediately he was just pulling your chain, and in your infinite maturity, you stuck your tongue out at him.
“Careful darling. Don’t make promises you can’t keep.”
You immediately put your tongue back in your mouth and scowled.
You quickly finished helping him so you could prepare a meal with some of the camp supplies. You snacked on some of the cured meats and cheeses as you cooked, so that by the time everyone was done with their own tents and had gathered around the campfire, you were mostly full. After serving up the meal, you excused yourself to prep everyone's tents with your various spells, giving the excuse that it was getting late. You could see them all at the campfire, hearing them discuss their next move, along with some friendly banter as well. 
You were a bit surprised to see Astarion lingering at the campfire. He usually left before a meal, not returning until everyone else had fallen asleep. You could hear him being smarmy and charming, eliciting laughter from the others. 
Guess he finally decided to open up. 
Or, perhaps, the whole group had grown closer while you weren't there. Seemed like a natural thing, after all. They only really saw you in the evenings when they came back from their adventuring. The rest of the day, they spent with each other. Sure, you've had a day here and there with some of them when they guarded the camp, but that didn't make up for the time they had spent together. 
You suddenly felt very alone. 
As you finished Shadowheart's tent, you could hear her walking towards you. She had a naturally quiet step, neither ambling like Wyll's nor quick like Lae'zel's. You turned to her, just in time to catch her reaching out to you. You forced yourself not to flinch like you had with Gale. 
Her hand landed lightly on your shoulder, a feather touch. "Are you alright? You seem a bit down."
You smiled. Since you had come across her first, Shadowheart held a special place in your memories. She had been so prickly at first, but you had been insistent in treating her. Now, you'd almost consider her a friend, if only she didn’t seem so distant all the time.
"I… I'm not sure if I should stay," you confessed. Turning to her, you saw her shocked expression, but you continued. "I'm a liability. I'll just hold everyone up when we're traveling. I can't fight, I can't jump very far, I can't—“
Shadowheart shook your shoulder once. You hadn’t realized that you were starting to breathe faster with your rant. "You're not a liability,” she said. "You—" 
She let go of you and took a small step back. "We like coming back to you at the end of the day. It makes getting through every battle, every setback, so much easier knowing that we can come back to you for a hot meal and a nice, warm tent.” A soft smile spread across her face. “You make camp feel like home."
You couldn’t help but smile back. You were touched.
"And you've been so accepting of all of us, and our… quirks,” she continued. “You truly are special, you know that, right?"
Deciding to keep your self-deprecating thoughts to yourself, you replied, “I’m grateful for the compliment.”
She nodded, then looked at you seriously. “But if you ever do feel like you’re in danger with us, we’ll understand if you want to leave. Don’t feel any pressure to stay.”
A little too late to say that. “Alright, I’ll keep that in mind.”
Patting your shoulder, she left you to your thoughts as you finished the rest of the tents.
After cleaning up for the evening, you went over to the outcrop that overlooked the canyon below. The moonlight lit up the forest below, and cast a silvery glow on the ruins behind you. Sitting beneath the tree, you wondered if your voice would echo off the cliffs. 
"Perhaps I shouldn't," you mumbled to yourself. 
"Shouldn't what?" 
You turned to see Gale walking up to you. He plopped himself down on the soft grass beside you. 
"I was wondering if my voice would echo down there, but that might attract things we don't want."
"A wise decision, although you could try it when we leave this place. For knowledge's sake."
You grinned. Of course. Anything for the sake of knowledge.
The two of you sat quietly, enjoying the scenery, but you knew it wouldn’t last long.
“So, how long did you live in Waterdeep?”
There it was. You debated how much to tell him. “A few years,” you answered vaguely.
“Ah.” A few more moments passed in silence. “I get the feeling if I ask anything more, you’ll give me increasingly ambiguous answers until you feign tiredness and head off to bed.”
You smiled. “You understand me so well.”
“I’d like to think after the time we’ve spent together that I understand you a bit better than when we first met.” He was smiling at you, and though you wanted to brush his hand to get an idea of what he was feeling, you decided it might give the wrong impression. So you refrained and just nodded.
“I have a tower in Waterdeep, you know,” he said, filling the silence. “You’re welcome to visit, if—”
Gale suddenly doubled over, gripping his chest.
He held out his hand. “I’m alright. I just…” His words stopped as he took a deep breath. He was clearly in pain.
Debating if you should diagnose him, you watched as he grimaced and leaned back, taking in deep breaths of the cold mountain air. Dammit, I have to know. You took off one glove and reached for him. As your hand covered his hand over his chest, you felt as if your very soul was getting sucked in. You quickly pulled away, but you already felt a slight drain, as if threads of magic had been dragged out of you.
“What… what in the hells…” you muttered.
He looked up at you, surprised as you were. Taking another breath, he straightened himself. “I… I seem to be a bit better.” He looked up at you. “This has never happened before.”
You raised an eyebrow.
Gale looked apologetic. “Well, I should say I’ve never absorbed the Weave straight from another person before.”
Your eyes widened. As he explained himself, he admitted that he had been ‘eating’ the less useful magical artifacts that the party had been collecting, and he also confessed that lately, it hadn’t been as effective.
“That’s the reason I came to talk to you. Granted, I did procrastinate a bit.”
You raised an eyebrow.
“The rest of the party knows about my… condition.” He sighed. “I told them the other day while we were coming back from the goblin camp. Thankfully, they have decided to let me stay. But you…” He held his hand out to you. “You should know what happened, so you can make the choice. If you want me to go.”
You gave him your gloved hand. He held it to his chest, and you saw his memory. But with his magic intertwining with yours, you also felt his memories on a deeper level, even without direct skin contact. You wanted to both slap him and give him a hug after seeing it all.
“So. I’m a walking time bomb,” he said after he let go of your hand. “I understand if you don’t feel safe. Tell me to leave. I won’t be offended. It’d be the wisest choice, honestly.”
It was hard to make that kind of decision looking at his sad face. You turned back to the canyon and stared up at the moon.
You suddenly had a thought. Turning back to him, you asked, “Can I try something?”
He tipped his head quizzically. “Sure?”
You took a deep breath and hummed a melody of moonlight, letting the silvery strands of magic float around you, creating a soft scarf made of ephemeral threads. Slowly moving your hands, you directed the gossamer garment straight to Gale’s chest.
The symbol on his chest glowed as it absorbed it directly. He gasped.
“Did it work?” you asked. “Do you feel better?”
“You… how…” Gale touched his chest in wonder. “No one else has made that work.”
You shrugged. “I don’t know. I just had a hunch.” 
He smiled softly at you. “Well, I greatly appreciate it.” He paused, as if he was about to ask you something, then thought better of it.
“I think you should stay,” you said after a few moments. “After all, it would seem that my magic will help you, o great wizard of Waterdeep.”
He chuckled. “Indeed, it does.” Giving you a slight bow, he thanked you and went back to his tent.
You wondered if it was wise to use your power in this way. Your mother would have probably told you it was a bad idea. After some research into your peculiar magic, a wizard could figure it out. They’d know where your magic came from. After all, that’s how you were discovered after the raid on your village.
Stretching your back and yawning, you headed back to your bedroll. You were tired after feeding a wizard some magic, and you still needed to feed another.
I’m feeding people in all kinds of weird ways.
1489 DR, Three Years Ago
It had taken a year, but you had escaped from Waterdeep and made it to Baldur’s Gate. Covering your tracks, you had traveled in an unusual pattern in an attempt to throw off anyone who might be tailing you. Not that you thought anyone really would; after all, you had just been a mere servant of one of the masked lords of Waterdeep. You were pretty sure he didn’t even know that you knew his identity.
But ‘pretty sure’ and ‘absolutely sure’ were two separate things.
You were looking at a map of the surrounding area, deciding what small village to start your new life, when you noticed a man looking at you from across the road.
A tingling on the base of your spine made you pay attention. You started to walk back to the flophouse, keeping your wits about you.
The man continued to appear out of the corner of your eye in various locations as you walked back from the lower city towards Wyrm’s Crossing.
What in the hells?
Instead of heading into the flophouse, you continued past it towards Rivington, hoping to make the man believe you were heading into the village beyond. You made a wide circle and slipped in and out of alleys until you didn’t see him anywhere for a good thirty minutes. The sun was beginning to set and soon the taverns would be streaming with folks looking to drown their sorrows or talk a poor sap out of the shirt off their back.
Thinking yourself safe, you headed back to the flophouse. There were a few people around the lobby, and you weaved past them all to head up the stairs to your bed for the night.
Turning the corner, you saw the man, sitting on your bed. Before you could turn and run, he leapt up and grabbed your wrist. He had no killing intent, but he definitely felt malicious.
“Don’t bother tryin’ ta run, sweetie. I paid the landlord to ignore anything ‘appening up ‘ere.”
That money grubbing arsehole. You tugged at your arm. “What do you want with me?”
“The lord put out a bounty on your ‘ead, alive only.”
Son of a bitch thinks I’m still useful. Well, that’s a relief. Better than dead. “Can’t have been worth much.”
“Barely worth the time. More of a ‘if you see ‘er, grab ‘er’ kind of bounty. And ‘ere you are.” He patted the dagger on his belt. “So ‘ow’s about you come quietly, and I don’t cut yer pretty little face.”
You swallowed. “F-fine,” you stammered. His grip slid up to your shoulder, and he pushed you out of the room and down the stairs. The proprietor glanced at you and quickly looked away. The other people in the lobby avoided eye contact, not wanting to get involved.
Of course. No one helps when it’s not their problem.
Darkness had fallen on the city, and with it, the ability to be seen clearly. You waited until he had marched you further and further away from the buildings, before you started to hum.
“What’re you singin’, sweetheart?”
You didn’t stop humming. 
He shook your arm. “Answer me, wench.”
You looked at him, dead in the eye, and kept humming.
His own eyes began to droop. “‘Ey, what…” He shook his head, but it was no use. “Yer tryin’ somethin’ tricksy, aren’t ya?” he slurred as he let go of your shoulder and clumsily pulled out his dagger.
You immediately grabbed his fist with both hands, turned the dagger towards him, and slammed your whole body into him. Your humming wavered slightly, but you continued. You had to, otherwise he’d regain his strength.
“You… bitch…” the man gurgled as his weight began to fall forward, his forehead touching your exposed skin above the neckline of your shirt. You staggered backward as the shockwave of death from him spilled into you. Gasping for air as if you had been the one stabbed, you kept pushing to make sure the dagger went in deep. 
When you felt him start to push against you, you resumed humming like a madwoman, desperately trying to keep the spell intact.
The man let out one last groan as he succumbed to both his injury and your sleep song. You let him fall to the ground as you side-stepped out of the way, stumbling and falling to your knees.  Clutching your chest, you attempted to catch your breath past the agony in your chest. It felt like a white-hot slicing pain shooting through your entire torso, your heart pounding a hundred miles a second as if it wanted to make a rapid exit from your body.
Gods, it fucking HURTS. No wonder Mother told me never to hurt anyone.
You felt your stomach roil and rumble before you quickly turned away and emptied out what little contents you had, coughing and spitting for a while before you felt like you could breathe normally again. 
I never, EVER want to do that again.
Looking at the corpse, you gathered your courage and pulled the dagger out of the man’s body, flung the blood away, and cleaned it on his armor like you had seen guards do in the past. Then you turned towards the east, stumbling away into the night, away from Baldur’s Gate.
You sure as hell didn’t want to be here when the guards found the body.
1492 DR, Present Day
You were grateful when the light chime of your alarm bell, coupled with a soft hoot, and the padding of multiple sets of feet woke you up. You could still smell the tang of blood and the taste of bile in your memories, and reached for your canteen of water to wash it away before getting up.
Astarion had returned, and to your surprise, he seemed a bit unsteady on his feet. You headed towards him, watching him feed scraps of a dead animal to Scratch and the owlbear cub.
“There you go Owly,” he slurred as he gave the cub another bone with decent chunks of meat. “Grow up nice and strong so you can bring me back something fresh.”
"You're naming him Owly?" 
"And why not?" 
"No reason. Just a bit surprised by how… cute, it sounds." You watched as he staggered towards his tent, clearly buzzed. Out of worry, you followed after him. "Are you drunk?"
"I have drunk," he slurred. "A whole bear. Not a beer. Hah."
You stared at the blood on his shirt. “Erm, your sleeves—”
"He took some of my blood, and I took all of his."
His usually perfectly coiffed hair was disheveled and his clothes were bedraggled. You kept following him until he was about to open the flap to his tent. He paused, then turned around to stare at you. "Need something?" 
You shook your head. "No, I… I was just checking on you. Do you need anything from me?" 
He smiled. "I am well fed tonight. But I still need you." He leaned in closer and reached out to lightly caress your arm. You felt nothing through his touch.
He's doing it again. Sighing, you looked at him for a moment longer. Maybe he was just lonely. “Would you like me to spend some time with you?”
"Oh, a bit more forward tonight, are you?" He opened the tent flap and gestured for you to enter.
Rolling your eyes, you entered the tent and plopped down on the ground. You patted the bedroll in front of you. “Sit, please.”
“Will you climb into my lap?”
You sighed. "Just sit down, please."
Frowning, Astarion sat down next to you, his movements still smooth and graceful. Clearly he wasn't that drunk. 
Now that you were here, you weren’t sure what to do. As you glanced around his tent, you saw the brush on top of his pile of books and suddenly had an idea.
“Can I brush your hair?”
He cocked his head in confusion, like a puppy.
"Your hair is a mess," you explained, gesturing at his head. 
He immediately reached up and started to run his fingers through his hair. In his inebriated state, he was only making it worse. 
You grabbed the brush and scooted around so that you were behind him. “Let me take care of it, please.”
He turned his head to look at you for a moment before he faced forward again so you couldn’t see his expression. “If that’s what you want,” he mumbled.
You got up on your knees and began to run the brush through his hair, picking out bits of twigs and fur. "So, how did the bear taste?”
He shrugged. “Like a bear, I suppose.”
“I’m impressed that you can differentiate the flavor. I've tasted boar's blood and my own. They don't seem dissimilar to me.”
He turned his head toward you, a slightly haughty look on his face. “My palate is on a different level, darling. I can taste the life essence within, like a seasoning. A bear just exists. It doesn't think, it doesn't lament, it doesn't dream. But it has a lot of life, so…” He gestured dismissively with his hand. “I suppose it’s like drinking a cheap ale. Doesn’t taste great, but it’ll do in a pinch.”
You watched his expression change, hooded eyes and a sultry smile blooming on his lips. “But you, you must have the loveliest dreams, because your blood tastes like a rich liqueur."
He’s clearly just making shit up. “I thought you said it tasted like honey wine.”
“That was the first time. It changes, probably depending on your emotions. But there's always a sweetness to your flavor.” He turned his body towards you and leaned in closer, looking into your eyes like some fawning sycophant.
You ignored him, moving your attention to his torn and dirty sleeves. Unable to brush his hair since he was facing you, you cast prestidigitation to remove the dirt and blood from his sleeves. 
“Did you enjoy your meal?” you asked after a while.
“It’s nothing compared to, well, other things I could be dining on. Bears are certainly better than the rats and bugs Cazador served me.”
You gasped. A rat would certainly not have enough blood, a bug even less so. You fumed, irrationally angry on his behalf. "I would kick him in the balls for making you go hungry," you hissed in anger.
Astarion looked taken aback by your outburst. But then he laughed. “You? Kicking him in the balls?” He laughed more. “That would be a sight.”
You chuckled with him. “Glad I could entertain you. Now turn back around so I can finish with your hair.”
“Bossy little thing, aren’t you?” But he obeyed your command. Quietly, you worked through his hair, pulling out the last bit of debris and brushing it all back into place. Scooting around him, you took his sleeves into your hands and began to hum your mending cantrip. After a few minutes, you noticed out of the corner of your eye that he had relaxed. His eyes drooped, as if he were going into a trance state. 
Out of curiosity, you brushed his hand. You could feel a faint emotion coming through. It was muddled, like a thought struggling to come to the surface.
Well, at least he isn’t shielding so hard anymore.
You finished mending his sleeves and pulled away.
His eyes shot open.
Not a word was spoken, but you had a funny feeling from his expression that he wanted you to stay. You touched his hand.
Nothing again. Oh well. “Do you need anything else?”
He looked away. “No, I’m fine.”
He isn’t fine. But you had no choice. If he wasn’t going to ask, you couldn’t force him. You wouldn’t force him. “Alright. Then have a good night.”
He began to lean forward, then stopped himself. 
Oh, you poor, touch-starved soul. You leaned in and pressed your forehead against his. “Sweet dreams,” you murmured.
“Sweet dreams,” he whispered.
The last thing you felt as you pulled away from him and left his tent was a lingering emotion, one that was hard to describe. But you knew that it pulled at your heart and made you want to stay.
Chapter 8 End notes: My chapter word count is just all over the place now, haha. Thanks for reading! And if possible, please help spread my fic out into the world by reblogging, I'd greatly appreciate it. ICYMI: I did a couple of sketches of Hearth Witch's outfits here.
Let me know if you want me to tag you every time I post a new chapter! Tag List: @numblytemporary
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