#and it's a little bit of very necessary comfort in a time of crisis
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ernmark · 1 year ago
In a post-apocalyptic scenario, I'd be the one growing mint and chamomile so we'd always have a supply of tea.
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ask-postcrash-curly · 2 months ago
Hello! Here comes a new voice, Curly! I hope to ask something quite personal.
Growing I have always been well,,, envious. Not that I have hurt people because of it though, as I would rather internalize the bitter pangs of jealousy I feel. The catch is, Im not envious of money, or fame, or relationships - I’m envious of leadership and how my other peers seem to be loved by everyone so effortlessly while I’m sometimes viewed as too bossy and not someone comfortable enough to be a close friend
(And we know who that sounds like)
And I feel terrible, genuinely I do, that I feel this way subconsciously. I am a responsible person for the most part just,,, a little too blunt? a little too much? I will never know
How do you do it? Get everyone to like you and respect you at the same time? To see your boundaries but also remain close to you? Its just such a blurry line to me, I end up distancing myself from people Im envious of to avoid hurting them. I genuinely just want company that does not end up stepping on me or cutting me off.
Thank you and I genuinely hope for your recovery! And everyone else’s too! Anya is such a great healthcare professional I wish to be as competent as her❤️
Hello there! Welcome.
There’s no point to hating yourself up over feelings, yeah? Not like you can control those. Nothing wrong with a little jealousy if it doesn’t cloud your judgement. Anyway, some of the best leaders are bossy. Figure a lot of them are better than me. You have to order people around sometimes. Have to give them orders they don’t like or understand… I’ve always hated that bit. You have to be closed-off, too. Gotta keep a degree of distance. You can be pals just fine, but at the end of the day, you’re here to help them, not the other way around.
I’m serious though, conventional lovableness isn’t everything. And bluntness can be very important. Look at Swansea and Daisuke!
Daisuke’s a pretty lovable guy (not that Swans isn’t!), but that doesn’t stop him from screwing things up, yeah? He’s new at this, so that’s to be expected, but if push comes to shove, it isn’t Daisuke I’d want taking charge. It’s Swansea, for all his gruffness. He’s not afraid to piss people off, and while that’s a pain sometimes, it’s useful in a crisis. I can trust that he won’t waste time; if the job needs to be done, he’ll do it without checking in on everyone’s feelings.
When things go wrong on the ship, there’s not always time to run it by me. And if I’m there but have a limited knowledge of the situation, I could unintentionally give bad orders. I like having Swansea as my mechanic because he’s not afraid to act without permission and not afraid to defy me if he deems it necessary. You’d think that’d be a bad thing, but when we need to act fast? That’s damn important.
Anyway, I’m not as great a leader as you seem to think. Not everyone will like and respect you. Not everyone I’ve captained for has liked or respected me. The important thing, as a leader, is to have an understanding: your crew doesn’t have to like or respect you, but they have to listen to you or the whole damn thing falls apart. It may be all-encompassing, but at the end of the day this is a job, not personal life. A risky job at that. The functionality of the ship and the crew must come before any personal problems. In my co-pilot days, one of my captains really didn’t like me. She was maybe a bit older than Swansea is now, and she made it very clear that she didn’t appreciate having to fly with some kid a third of her age. But as a rule, any pettiness we had stayed out of the cockpit during flight.
Look, it’s a hard pill to swallow (and I know all about those), but not everyone’s going to like you. Not every friend is a ride-or-die (sometimes they’re just a die). I know all about that, too. But you don’t have to distance yourself from those who consider themselves your friends for fear of hurting them, you know? You say you’re afraid of being cut off, but if you’re avoiding them, you’ll be doing the cutting before they get the chance. Hey, if you trust that they won’t react badly, you could always tell them how you feel. Talk it out, yeah? Let them know how you feel, and… Sometimes it’ll get better for a while.
I hope that helped somewhat. Thank you for the well-wishes towards myself and my crew. And I agree, Anya is great! She got this competent through hard work, practice, and unrelenting determination, if you want a page from her book.
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toomuchracket · 10 months ago
had a thought ab matty taking the babas to build a bear and frankly being just as if not more into it as them and well now i need to lay down
YES the three girls each get a little different coloured bear and because phoebe is still only a tiny baby her big sisters help her pick out what she wants and matty is straight up holding back tears the whole time - like, dylan is literally carrying phoebe around the shop and elena's narrating what's what and their father is just watching them like "oh my god my girls i love them". and yes he does the heart and also a little personalised voice message for each of them that they can listen to when they miss him :(( and i think before he leaves he also sprays his aftershave on the bears so they smell like him and the girls get a little bit of comfort when they hug them; obvs he has a bottle of it in the house, too, so you re-spray them secretly when necessary (and do your own pillow, too, because you also miss matty a ridiculous amount and it's the only thing that helps you sleep). but back to build-a-bear. it's definitely a little father-daughter day out right before matty leaves for tour, and he definitely spoils them a little bit that day - they get some new clothes, new trainers, they go for lunch... really cute. and matty's defo like "listen, my darlings, you need to be on your best behaviour for mummy while i'm away with work, yeah? i know it's hard on all of us when we're not together, we might be upset, but that's no excuse to be bad. promise?", and they all nod very seriously and agree. phoebe then promptly falls asleep on matty's chest, which is a good sign that it's time to go home lmfao. but yeah! v cute <3
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suffarustuffaru · 1 year ago
I still need to catch up on re zero but I've seen a bit of spoilers of whatever's going on with Otto but I want know what you think Otto's reaction is going to be when rbd gets revealed like
ooh ty for this ask thats a really interesting question that ive totally not thought about a lot :o HAH but yes anyway. the short answer is that i think that ottos reaction would be Not Good. but it would be kinda good bc ottos strategic mind and undying loyalty to subaru Would be helpful to have.... bc yknow, otto would be a pretty reliable ally who'd KNOW about rbd.... but also NOT GOOD for the exact same reasons (strategic mind and undying loyalty). i just think that otto knowing rbd is gonna cause both him giving subaru some comfort (ie otto going “i know now all youve been through… please confide in me about it”) and A Lot Of Conflict (“haha you should simply stop using rbd so much ahahha”).
anyway!! the longer answer is that i think ottos reaction depends a little bit on if hes finding out rbd alongside other people or if hes the ONLY one to figure out rbd at this time. i think the more likely option in canon is that he might figure it out via restoring roswaal's tome hah, but yes i mean either way, otto finds out rbd and his entire fucking world is gonna get flipped on its head just like any one of subarus other loved ones finding out rbd. if ottos finding it out by himself, i dont think that he'd reveal rbd to other people unless he HAS TO, but he'd tell subaru he knows about rbd (if subaru doesnt know at that point) when he feels its necessary. but more on that later.
anyway in terms of ottos general feelings - yeah, like. a lot of them are gonna be all the usual things that you would feel around finding out that your dear friend has had this absolutely horrific time travel ability haaah... like the horror of "oh god how much have you used that", and then "oh god have i hurt and killed you before" and "oh god whats happened in all those failed loops. youve definitely had failed loops right ahah" and "THATS why you know so much shit you shouldnt know and thats why youre so so traumatized by shit i dont know. ohhhhh god" and "have you always had this power?? in the entire time ive known you??? oh FUCK" you know? like otto especially i think is very analytical about things. and hes uh. Anxious. so hes just gonna go aaaaaalll the way down that rabbit hole (................pun intended) of "what the fuck subaru" and "OH NO SUBARU" and like in general connecting all the awful puzzle pieces together of all of subaru's mysterious behaviors suddenly lining up with rbd..... its a HUGE oh shit moment.
and then otto is gonna go RIGHT into gameplan mode. emergency mode. i think hes just gonna put HIS feelings on the backburner (he might have to have a little breakdown first depending on how Bad it goes, but given this is RBD it most definitely hit otto with the force of a dinosaur) and then ottos gonna throw himself right into doing his "duty" as subarus friend. we kinda see this a bit in stuff like gluttony if where otto tells garfiel to get his shit together bc its only them left bc SUBARU KILLED THE REST OF THEIR FRIENDS.... and then otto feels numb seeing garfiel die and then distantly, iirc, thinks of himself as kind of a shit person for not feeling much about garfiel dying in front of him :( but yeah like. ottos good at throwing himself into THINK OF AND EXECUTE A PLAN TO SOLVE THIS EMERGENCY SITUATION NOW, HAVE ANOTHER CRISIS ABOUT IT LATER. esp when its SUBARU on the line here. and its SUBARU whos been lost a million times before otto found out already, which will most definitely be driving him insane 👍 ottos coping mechanisms (….punching walls…. alcohol……. working….. general bits of aggression….) are very like. numbing/lashing out kind of coping mechanisms. Solitary coping mechanisms. and i think he’s gonna prioritize subaru over himself and try to be subarus support and then go to Cope and Seethe in private where subaru cant see him HAHA. or right in subarus face bc otto has a tendency to do that too, depends on how Pushed otto is. either that or, like with garfiels death in gluttony if, otto is numbed by shock at first (….until the full weight of the reveal probably crashes on him at some point).
that and i think ottos gonna be coping anyway by being obsessive about subaru, as one does (ottos really normal) (very normal) (and very mentally well)
it depends on how rbd reveal goes, but the options like i mentioned earlier are probably gonna be
1. otto found out rbd alongside other people -> otto provides emotional and strategic support to subaru + the rest of the camp whenever possible but stays largely in the background until he feels he has to take any Drastic Options
2. otto found out rbd on his own (and subaru doesnt know yet) -> otto stays in the background and intervenes when he feels he Has To -> will likely only tell subaru he knows abt rbd when he thinks its the right time and then try to be subarus pillar of support
yep so!! in general, i think ottos closely gonna observe subaru from now on— i think otto would wanna keep tabs on subaru at All Times and know Basically Everything about what subarus doing now. i know that sounds like. extreme. bc it is HAH but i think itd be in line with what we’ve seen otto be willing to do to save subaru and their other friends (see: wanting louis/spica dead) (see: being perfectly fine with leaving 50 million people to die), and ottos uhhhh slight nonchalance about getting his hands dirty (see: launching bandits off a cliff in self defense) (see: being nonchalant about the murder mystery in the goddess statue side story) (see: ….his various deranged comments like how its fine if 50 million people die if it means saving rem and subaru) (see: his suicide note in arc 4)
otto knows abt rbd and the effect rbd has on subaru and how subaru WILL use rbd bc hes just THAT fucking crazy but also THAT well intentioned to use rbd like that. this is ottos worse nightmare by the time we get to arc 8– hes upset and scared of subaru especially putting himself in danger bc of good intent and his desire to save people. subaru wants to save the world bc its ALL important to him, otto wants to save ONLY who’s most important to him— ie, ONLY ottos inner circle. so ottos gonna be put into a panic. hes gonna double down trying to control subaru so subaru stops sacrificing himself bc haha who cares about all those other people??? i know you do natsuki-san but this is too high of a cost to you, youre TOO IMPORTANT (to me), you cant keep doing this so ill just have to stop you!!
so i think it might just escalate tbh. if otto doesnt know how rbd reveal is activated, hes gonna try real hard to figure that out. if he KNOWS, hes gonna start making up plans as he fucking goes bc i am NOT letting subaru die AGAIN if i can help it. if he finds out about the suicide pill???? time to consider the pros and cons of yanking that shit right out of subarus mouth. some random vollachian civilians just died???? well time to stop subaru from dying bc using rbd is NOT fucking worth it. especially for random ass people. if something bad happens, like garfiel or someone else dying, and subarus about to rbd? oh fuck, guess i gotta consider if i should let subaru die or force him to live against his will. and let garfiel die potentially forever. oh god if i let subaru die will he be dead in this world or will time just completely overwrite what just happened and i wont know?? OH GOD—
bc you know. assuming otto might be the one person knowing rbd in this hypothetical scenario… (or in general just me using otto as an example here—) once otto knowing about rbd gets cemented past a save point subaru has—the next time subaru dies, will otto be left behind in that world with a dead subaru?? or will the new timeline override the old?? its of course the same question asked in like the arc 4 second trial that subaru has but NOW its from a whole new perspective. otto could potentially be left behind in a failed timeline knowing subarus dead in his world but—is subaru DEAD dead?? or did subaru really go into a new timeline??? itd break otto. i dont think he could LIVE without subaru.
anyway yeah i dont think ottos gonna cope well under these circumstances either way hah but for the sake of everyone else otto would hold his shit together until it gets too much. and i think hes gonna rethink about how hes been willing to DIE for subaru in the past—hes gonna think about how many times hes died for subaru before, hes gonna think about how actually he wouldnt mind dying for subaru but he cant tell subaru that or subaru will be upset, and hes gonna think about how even if he dies for subaru now, is it still worth it when subaru will just do anything he can to reset and undo ottos death??? its a WHOLE mindfuck.
and i think if otto was in the situation of “should i tell anyone else about rbd”, he would choose no in almost all cases. its a lose lose if he does—he upsets subaru and he upsets whoever he tells. its a mindfuck to otto already and the dude can At Least compartmentalize. he knows sharing that secret is a hard thing to do, knows that its hard on subaru. at most i think otto might consider beatrice bc shes close to subaru but also like. hundreds of years old so she of course could carry that burden? and dont get me wrong emilia and garfiel are Very strong in their own right but its gonna hit them HARD hard (i think i talked about emilias reaction to rbd in another ask somewhere hah).
and also otto being the freak he is would want to have all the info he can weaponize to help subaru at. any cost. so also in a strategic sense he cant tell people. both bc revealing rbd publicly both upsets subaru and it would risk subarus mental/physical safety… and also bc otto being the one person who knows is like. I ALONE can make sure my plans go smoothly and no ones stopping me. subaru wont even know unless i HAVE to tell him. and ofc otto cant account for if subaru suddenly knows what ottos trying to do (prioritize subaru over literally everyone) but otto would try his hardest.
anyway!! i do think on another level like if otto knows and subaru knows otto knows i think otto WOULD be a good ally. like ottos smart and resourceful and all that— he can be the second strategist backing up subarus own strategy and power (prior knowledge bc rbd). otto can also support subaru the best he can emotionally about rbd— you know, like comfort subaru, tell him hes done his best throughout all these loops, etc etc. and ottos good at prioritizing too. hes cutthroat with it sometimes but he WOULD be good at like going “hey only one person died in this entire battle of hundreds of people, you cant use rbd its not worth it here. im sorry” or something. otto would basically be like echidna in greed if but better yes T^T
but like. i REALLY dont think otto is just gonna take subaru rbding lying down, it goes against everything otto stands for both morally and as subarus friend. but at the same time otto knowing rbd knows he cant exactly control subaru as much as he wants on that front. otto could try anything and subaru might already know everything ottos gonna try already bc subarus rbded before. subarus lived through this before. and theres a special kind of horror in that too of knowing your friend will have these spurts of suddenly knowing Everything youll do, knowing Everything you intended to do and you just know its bc your friend died and went back in time to do all of this now. absolutely horrific this would do a number on ottos psyche (and of course it already did many many numbers on subarus psyche hahaha…)
so in the end like—otto can be as stubborn as he wants and subaru can be as stubborn as he wants but if they decide to fight each other in this hypothetical scenario theyre gonna end up eternally being thorns in each others sides until it kills one or both of them at least once. but subarus gonna win out in the end bc of rbd, itd be up to otto to find a way to at least change subarus mind just a bit and restrict his rbd use some more. thats. uh. the most otto can do :(( be the support………………
yeah and if ottos finding rbd out alongside other people i think that all of the above that i just said would happen but more subtly. like otto would give his support to subaru and his friends (who’re also reeling from this info :,) ) and then in private otto i think would be like PLOTTING. how can i stop subaru from using rbd. how can i save subaru more. what actions do i need to take. how drastic do i need to be. IM the one who can get my hands dirty here in a way that subaru cant. etc etc :,)))) otto, you sneaky guy……
anyway ive considered making a “otto finds out rbd” fic before but never had specific plot beats so :<<<<< yeah like i said in this entire ask i have my Various Guesses on how otto would react to rbd!!
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sapphicsourcee · 10 months ago
All In- chapter 1
Everyone has either went home or to bed. Andy and Vic stayed to straighten things up after Jack’s dinner party. Andy, after a while, took notice of the fact that Vic seemed to be really in her head. “What’s wrong?” Andy asks, nudging Vic with her shoulder. Vic sits down the cup she was drying but doesn’t say anything, so Andy grabs her hand and leads her out to the roof.
They stand there, looking at the city below for a while before Vic says anything. “Why am I never enough Andy?I put my all into my relationships, and this job, and everyone else, but nothing ever seems to work out for me. When do I get to finally have someone who puts their all into me? When do WE get to have that? Why does it feel like there’s no one out there for me? ” Vic asks, her voice is soft, but broken. Tears are rolling down her face when she finally looks over at Andy.
Andy might be the only one who can relate to the feeling of falling short or feeling like you’re not enough in everything you do despite constantly giving your all. They’ve both had failed relationships and they’ve both had the person they thought they’d be with forever be stripped from them too soon. Andy went through so much to even become captain and now she finally has the spot and it seems like everything’s falling apart, much like Vic with Crisis-One.
“You’re more than enough Vic.” Andy says, stepping closer to Vic and placing a hand on her arm. “There is someone out there for both of us and until you find them I’ll be that for you. We can be that for each other.” Andy finishes. She pulls Vic into a hug that feels like it lasts forever.
That night seemed to have sparked something between the two because now it’s become rare to see one without the other. They’re always riding together to work, staying over at each other’s apartments, and just doing everything together. They’ve become each other’s safe spaces. Whenever they’re together a sense of comfort, relaxation, understanding, and pure, genuine love washes over them.
Everyone knows they have a strong relationship, but no one knows just how strong it actually is. Not even Vic and Andy themselves. There’s something growing between them and they both feel it. They both have feelings that they choose to write off as just love for a friend. There’s times where they’ll wake up being cuddled by the other, catch themselves staring, hug for a bit longer than necessary, and even flirt a little. Sometimes they even FaceTime each other just to fall asleep. They’re very comfortable and touchy around each other.
This went on for a while. It got to the point where Vic basically lived at Andy’s and Andy had started using pet names like, “Amor” and “mami”, with Vic that secretly had her blushing every time.
At some point they’d both realized they had feelings that weren’t just friendly for one another, but things really changed for them when they decided to have a movie night and get a little tipsy. Vic had no filter when she was tipsy and the alcohol in Andy’s system made her bolder.
“Mami, clould you pass me that blanket?” Andy asks from where she’s sitting, right next to Vic on the couch. They’re basically cuddling at this point, with Vic leaning into Andy’s side and Andy resting her head on top of Vic’s. Vic sighed, looking over at Andy with lidded eyes. “yes but you have to stop calling me that. It makes me all fluttery inside and I can’t take it anymore.” Vic responds while passing Andy the blanket. Andy lets out a low laugh. “I’ll stop when you stop looking at me like that.” Andy says, making eye contact with Vic.
Vic’s continues looking at Andy. “Like what?” She asks in a low, husky tone. Glancing down at Andy’s lips before looking back into her eyes. She knows exactly what Andy is talking about, but it’s fun to tease her. It’s fun to just be Vic and Andy. Secretly, they both know it’s a risk to make their friendship a relationship. They’ve both thought about the topic, the way things could end for them, the beautiful friendship they could lose, but the only thing Vic is thinking about right now is how good it would feel to have Andy’s lips on hers.
“Like you want me to do things we both know I shouldn’t.” Andy finally replies. “So it’s not just me then?” Vic states more than asks, leaning her forehead on Andy’s. “Vic. If we do this we have to be all in. I can’t go through another failed relationship. Especially not with you. I don’t wanna risk loosing our friendship, but I can’t get you out of my head.” Andy says, moving her hand to rub the curls on the nape of Vic’s neck.
“Then I’m all in.”
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chaoticgoodlawyerwrites · 6 months ago
Preview for Ch 7 of Love and Fate
Hey folks! It's been a while between deep depression and general lack of inspiration. But I managed to work on this a bit and am happy to share with you a preview for the next chapter of "Love and Fate (Echo from Your Lungs)"!
...also I might break my promise and actually post some stuff other before this chapter is finished this month. I'm sorry! The brainworms won!!! Be mad at me; I'll accept it.
Shen Qingqiu found him staring at Luo Binghe’s face when he pulled back and it was long enough that Binghe brought up a finger to trace his brow and ask, “What’s wrong?”
“...just thinking about making you happy.”
“Why think? You do so just by existing.”
Too much, too much!! “Well, your birthday is coming up, you know. Is there anything in particular you want to do to celebrate?”
“Birthday? I was just going to celebrate the New Year with everyone else. Besides, I don’t actually know the day I was born.”
Shen Qingqiu blinked at him. The fandom had known his birthday was in December since it was freezing cold and before the solstice, but no particular date was considered canon. They hadn’t had the necessary information to be more specific and Airplane had left them alone.
But he had access to more data here than he ever had in his first life. 
Something to think about.
“...right. Well, I plan on celebrating your birth specifically. Is there anything special you want to do?” Luo Binghe gave him a look. “That’s not sexual, I mean.”
“...two things come to mind immediately.”
His expression was trepidacious. “We can talk about this after your date with Liu Qingge. He should be here any minute.”
“Binghe, please, it won’t take long. Just tell me.”
Luo Binghe licked his lips and said, “First, I would like to kiss you. Really kiss you, just once.”
Shen Qingqiu froze, heart thudding in his chest. He cleared his throat and said, “You’ll be seventeen. That seems. Reasonable.” Binghe’s eyes sharpened and wow, okay, um. He liked that answer. “What else?”
“Let me sleep over,” Luo Binghe breathed, desire naked on his face. “We would still be clothed, nothing would happen between us, but I want to know what it’s like to sleep next to you, to hold you comfortably for a long time. I want to know what it’s like to wake up next to you.”
Shen Qingqiu searched his face and saw nothing but sincerity in his face, heard nothing but aching want in his voice. “Okay. We can try that. On your birthday.”
Luo Binghe breathed deeply and said, “Then I look forward to it, my love. So very much.”
Shen Qingqiu tried to come up with something intelligent to say when there was a knock at the bamboo house’s door. He startled and Luo Binghe quickly brushed his thumb over his cheek in a soothing gesture. “I’ll get it. Come out when you’re ready, A-Yuan,” he whispered like a secret and.
He should not be this into his disciple!!!
Binghe leaving the room allowed Shen Qingqiu to have a mini-crisis privately. What was this charisma, this confidence!?! Why was he so flustered!?! Why was his body like, reacting???
Date time! With another man!! That would eventually be Binghe’s second husband!!!
Shen Qingqiu glanced at himself in the mirror one last time and, deciding to ignore the slight blush on his cheeks, went out to greet Liu Qingge. He was thankfully distracted from himself by the sight of his shidi.
“Qingge, you’re looking well,” he said with a little astonishment. The man’s hair wasn’t effortlessly smooth but actually shining with being brushed! His clothes were absolutely free of dust or monster parts! And, while still being appropriate, his clothes were tailored enough that Shen Qingqiu’s eye was drawn to his wide shoulders and strong arm. 
The man blushed but gruffly said, “Thanks. You look. Nice. As well.”
Shen Qingqiu chucked to himself as he moved forward, far more comfortable after seeing how awkward Liu Qingge was. “No need to strain yourself, shidi. I put a bit of extra care into how I dressed today; have to make this look serious, after all.”
“I wasn’t…” Liu Qingge trailed off, frustration clear on his face. 
Shen Qingqiu came to the door and patted his shoulder. “Really, it’s okay. I know you’re doing us a favor for going along with this; I can take care of the acting for us both.”
Shen Qingqiu leaned down to put on his shoes properly. He heard Luo Binghe’s deep sigh and then Liu Qingge’s, “I wasn’t. I’m not pretending. You are. Stunning.”
Shen Qingqiu raised his eyebrows as he straightened. “Look, you’re already getting better at it! But, really, don’t work yourself too hard. We don’t want you qi deviating again.”
Liu Qingge opened his mouth to say something else, but Shen Qingqiu wanted to actually let the man collect himself. It was sweet that he was trying so hard, but really! It was just him and Binghe here; who exactly was he pretending for? 
He turned and said to purse-lipped Binghe, “We’ll be back later, okay? Sometime after dinner.”
“After dinner?” Liu Qingge echoed quietly.
“Very well. Have a good time, Qingqiu,” Binghe said with a smile that was for Shen Qingqiu alone.
Such a good sport! Even with polyamory on the horizon, Shen Qingqiu really couldn’t fault his Binghe with anything.
He gave him a soft look in farewell and then turned towards the door. He grabbed Liu Qingge’s arm and pulled him out of the house. “Come on, shidi! We have a big day ahead of us!”
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wandish-tarot · 2 years ago
hi! so i’m sort of on the verge of going thru a heartbreak if that makes sense, it hasn’t happened but i have a feeling it may. the dread has sorta been making me sink deeper into despair as life hasn’t been going the way i’ve been planning it to for a few months now. the stagnancy is very frustrating and it’s greatly effected my willpower. so my question is how can i bring my desired life into reality, what actions can i take? i mean this as in making the connections and relationships i desire and just overall a good relationship with my environment that gives me a sense of community and belonging. i want to do this not only to generally improve and have a mental glow up but to sorta get a head start and not fall even deeper when something else goes wrong. thank u in advance!
Hi P!
I'm sorry to hear that you've been feeling the way you've been feeling, but hopefully this will bring you a little bit of comfort.
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Firstly because the text on Giuseppe might be hard to read and I think it's really important for you, it says:
"Draw three cards from anywhere. If they do not bring you happiness, put them back where you found them and draw three more. You may repeat this as many times as you'd like. If any other players are looking or feeling left out, share some with them."
That along with the other cards, you have a huge theme of letting go. You don't have to try to make things work if they don't already feel like they're going to work. Make sure anything that you are involved with are something you want to do, not something you do out of believing that they're what you should do.
This is going to sound a bit harsh but: There is no defining Truth to who you are that you need to uphold. It is fine and sometimes necessary to "act out of character", it's okay to change, or stay the same, for no reason other than you want to.
I think part of what you're struggling with is overplanning and focusing too much on progress. The 4 of Wands stands out from the rest of the reading, to me it's about good stagnation. It's all about finding a comfortable place to relax and play, the themes of play and comfort are re-enforced by Guiseppe and the 9 of swords Rx.
Things will happen, and set backs will happen and it's really important for you to remember that how you react to crisis or misfortune is not a damning indictment of who you are. Sometimes growth is reconnecting with who you were before things happened to you.
I think part of what you need to do to feel more connected to your environment is to treat it like a sandbox for you to explore, not a stepping stone to the next place that you want to be.
I think you're in a place in life where progress is more about relaxing than pursuing any grand plans. Don't wish time away.
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absolutebl · 3 years ago
Old Fashion Cupcake - Courting Your Person with Pancakes
quick pitch
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Old Fashion Cupcake 
Japan June 2022 Viki 
Foundational Romance Tropes? office romance, age gap, employee/boss, food is the love language, coming of age late in life 
This show had me from the moment they broke the egg yolk with the chopsticks in the opening credits for episode one. It’s about a younger man with a long cherished crush on his boss (ten years older and going through a mid life crisis) who decides to save and seduce said man with pancakes. It’s wholesome, comforting, sexy, and a very necessary narrative about still having hope, interests, and openness to affection at any age. It’s coming of age/queerness packaged in a subtle critique of expectations around masculinity and love and loneliness... and it’s beautiful. 
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It utilizes hand-held and super close camerawork, long shots, dirty framing, and marvelous acting (stagecraft) from everyone. The directing style it subtle but very precise and tailored dirty framing (AKA lots of objects and other people’s bodies interrupting shots.) 
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Notice the frame is only direct and uncluttered when they are eating or being extremely intimate with each other? 
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This show manages to make things that shouldn't be sexy so very sexy (like Togawa’s hamster cheeks - boy just wants to gorge himself, and not on food). It's truly art.
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But there is so much more going on here.
Japan has a long tradition of using food, both the preparation and consumption, as an allegory for intimacy... ALL KINDS of intimacy (give Tampopo a shot, it’s a remarkable movie). And in this show the discovery of desserts, and the enjoyment of the experience of indulging, is explicitly both sexual seduction and emotional tethering. This is not just an exploration of youth for Nozue it is an exploration of desire and identity.
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On the other hand, the want drips off of Togawa at all times, like true starvation. It’s epic levels of pining we are looking at and not just love but pure lust. It’s actually quite remarkable to see this done with Japan’s signature reserve, because the through line of the filming style and food allegory dictates they will simply have to show physical intimacy at soem point. But not of the explicit kind we get in the darker BLs from Japan (although they could easily go there), but of a truly sexualized romantic passionate kind that we don’t normally get from Japan in their softer BLs.
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You see, there comes a point, when the food allegory has gone as far as it can, and Nozue recognizes that in episode 3, even as he doesn’t recognize Togawa’s desire. Because for him the desire has been made manifest though the medium of desserts... and now that sensation has been satisfied, he feels like that’s good enough.
But when Nozue shuts down the eating intimacy, Togawa was always destined to break open into into sexual need, just the way the egg yolk is broken open in the credits.
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What is truly genius about this show is that when this finally happens at the end of episode 4, the camera switches to one long hand held shot. This kind of stage-craft reliant shooting is the ultimate form of filming intimacy - it is the camera’s form of trust:
The directer is trusting the cameraperson not to waiver,
the camera is trusting the actors to pull through for the entirety of the shot (no forgetting your lines on a long take, no missing your marks, no slipping out of character),
the actors are trusting the crew to capture it in that one moment when they give it their all.
This is the kind of theatrically-based close work is as near to sexual intimacy as actors and crew can get.
Thus the shooting style is, itself, a reflection of Togawa’s needs, of Nozue’s shock and realization and crumbling, of the levels of trust between them that are fracturing and reforming. It’s absolutely brilliant.
All that said I did find the final episode bit of a let down. Narratively it reverted back to pretty standard light Japanese live action yaoi, of the style I talk about here. I did expect a little bit more intimacy from this specific narrative even with Japan at the helm, at least showing the two of them cuddling in bed together or something very domestic if not kissing. I’m not surprised or upset that they returned to status quo, and this is still an amazing comforting unexpected gem of a show, but it’s not the 10/10 I thought it was going to be at the end of 4. 
Still, solid and watchable and 
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I wrote some more on this show with regards to age gap romance comparing it to Minato’s Laundromat here. 
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theteasetwrites · 3 years ago
The Revolving Door
❧ Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Reader ❧ Era: Season 5 ❧ Pronouns: she/her ❧ Warnings: scary situation, slightly graphic depictions of death ❧ Word Count: 3.7k
❧ Requested by anonymous
❧ Summary: A close call during a run leads you to have a bit of an existential crisis. One of the new guys comes to cheer you up a little bit.
❧ A/N: Finally back to oneshot requests! This was interesting to write. I really like dealing with more abstract concepts and how they relate to the show's plot, so I wanted to include that in this little story. Also Daryl is very soft in this oneshot, which we love to see. I just feel like if he's in love with someone (whether he knows it or not), he's going to be really soft and sweet with them, so that's that on that.
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Even before the world ended, life moved with the shadow of death lingering not far behind. That was the way it was, how it always would be.
At age seven, your grandmother was diagnosed with cancer. That was your first taste—the realization that death could touch you, in some way. You developed an irrational fear that you would get cancer too, and you’d die before your life even began, before you even knew what death really was.
When you were fourteen, your cat died, the one who’d been in your family since before you were born. That was the first death, the first time the esoteric concept of the cessation of life spilled into your little world, and, as it always did, took.
Death took everything in the end, if not biological death, then decay, rot, corrosion… At least it was certain. The caveat was that it came at such inopportune times, without warning and lacking in the grace to allow time to grieve. When the world became what it is now, it only got worse, and death became not only certain, but constant, unyielding, waiting.
It was only a matter of time before it hit you, before a life was snuffed out right in front of you. No meaning, no comfort, no justice, just cold, unadulterated death.
That’s what Noah’s death was.
It wasn’t like you knew him, not really at all. He’d arrived with some group just days before the run. Aaron, Alexandria’s recruiter, had organized their arrival, and though they seemed much more hardened by the outside world, they seemed close-knit, and that signaled to you that they cared about each other. If they could care about each other, why couldn’t they care about Alexandria?
They proved they cared by volunteering to help with the power grid. It had been going down periodically since before the newcomers arrived, and finally it was deemed necessary to plan a supply run for spare parts.
Deanna assigned you to be a runner with Aiden, Spencer, and Nicholas long ago, not a week after you found the community with your own group. You were never particularly fond of any of them, especially Nicholas, who proved himself a coward time and again, often opting to save himself before any of his co-runners.
Still, it was an important job, and one you took seriously. You hadn’t lost anyone on any of your runs, and for that you were grateful. Things changed, though. They always did, eventually.
At some point, maybe when it was the moment you were trapped in that revolving door with Nicholas, surrounded by walkers on the other side of the glass, or maybe when the idiot shoved his body against the door to free himself, letting the walkers pull Noah to a gruesome, bloody death, you blacked out.
Shivering in terror at the sight before you, the one your mind could erase for a moment, but your eyes could never unsee, someone had pulled you out from the revolving door. You were sure it was Glenn, but the world became hazy after the screams faded and Noah’s body was dragged further into the sea of flesh-eating creatures, at once alive and dead, horrifically uncanny in their endless limbo.
Stuck in that revolving door, you were in that limbo, too. Just for a brief moment, you were stuck between life and death, unable to control just which direction that revolving door would take you in.
The bloodied hand that hit the glass in front of you woke you from your stupor for just a moment. Darting your eyes to the face of a young man being ripped apart, his mouth split open and the skin tearing until his jaw was separated, you screamed until there was no air left in your lungs and your throat felt like it was made of sandpaper.
Somewhere along those several moments of Hell, you went limp, lifeless except for your pried open eyes, stiff and petrified, yet glistening with fresh tears.
The infirmary was empty now as you sat with those thoughts, wondering how it all went wrong so fast.
Of course, it was Nicholas, and before that it was Aiden, who’d managed to get himself killed, but in your mind, there could’ve been something you could’ve done, at least to save Noah…
“Hey,” a gruff voice sounded from behind you.
You were still too out of it to hear, until he rested a gentle hand on your shoulder. Odd, considering how rough he seemed.
“You okay?”
You blinked your eyes and took in a deep breath when you realized he was talking to you. Who else could he be speaking to?
You sniffled and looked at him quickly before returning your gaze to your feet, dangling off the side of the infirmary bed.
“Fine,” you replied shortly.
Daryl, one of the newcomers, who knew Noah, studied the cut on your leg. Well, it was more of a gash. Had you been more lucid when they carried you to the infirmary, you’d have insisted upon saving the space for a more seriously injured patient, but alas, you were in shock, unable to move or speak until just this moment.
You could hardly remember even getting it. It must’ve been some piece of shrapnel that hit you during the minor explosion, the one that got Aiden killed, but besides a sharp pain in your thigh at the point of contact, you couldn’t feel it.
“Denise said you got cut,” he said. “Stitched you up but you didn’t even flinch. Either you’re real tough or somethin’ happened out there.”
“Didn’t Glenn tell you?” you asked. “Or Eugene?”
He shrugged, and tentatively sat himself down beside you. You stiffened a little at the sudden gesture, surprised that such a usually standoffish man would do such a thing. Now that you thought about it, why was he in here in the first place? You hardly knew him at all, and you’d only talked to him in passing, once when you tried to introduce yourself, and he all but ignored you, only looking you dead in the face and freezing upon the realization that you were talking to him, as if no one had ever asked him his name before.
“Heard somethin’,” he said, looking down at his hands in his lap. You ventured to study them, worn and grimy, with dirty fingernails and small cuts you could only assume might’ve had something to do with that crossbow he was always lugging around. He didn’t have it now, though. He was disarmed, and almost non-threatening for once. “Didn’t hear it from you, though.”
“Why would it matter if it comes from me or not?” you replied.
He gave you a serious look now, and somewhere in that face, you wondered if the phrase “of course it matters” was really embedded in there, or if you were just projecting it there like a blank canvas. Nevertheless, he seemed more understanding than anyone who’d spoken to you since that afternoon.
“I know what happened,” he said finally, after several moments of just looking at you. “I wanna know what happened out there… to you.”
A brief moment in time, but suddenly lightyears passed before you, in that man’s eyes. How could that happen? How could worlds beyond your wildest dreams be nestled deep in those clear cerulean-colored irises? How could every answer to life and death and everything in between even be clearer than it was now?
You didn’t know what came over you, maybe it was just how strangely profound it was to be looking in his eyes, to feel his body so close to yours, radiating whatever power it had over you, but you felt overcome with emotion then, and upon recalling the event, you broke—sobbing before the man you barely knew, and holding your head in your hands as you wept.
“I—I saw him… get ripped apart… bitten…”
The sobs distorted your speech, and you let out various gasps and whimpers between each word as tears soaked your cheeks and even dripped from your chin onto your lap, where Daryl’s hand held yours.
Perhaps you didn’t notice it at first, in your crying state, but it was a featherlight touch, as he had hardly a grip on your shaky hand. Just a slight feeling of warmth hovering there, not suffocating you, just there.
“You didn’t need to see that,” he said quietly, a gentle tone to his voice, which usually seemed so gruff and coarse. “No one does.”
“I was in that revolving door, with them, with Nicholas… I could’ve—could’ve tried to stop him. I—I mean I did but… but he just kept pushing… and pushing… trying to get himself out, letting the other side open up to the…”
You shook your head, raising your other hand to wipe your tears. “God, I tried. I did… Your friend died because of my people.”
Though you hardly even considered Nicholas your “people” at this point, he was an Alexandrian, and a coward who got Noah killed.
“Hey,” he said, leaning forward to try to see some part of your face as you looked down, “it wasn’t your fault. You did what you could. You tried. That’s all that matters. It just… happened.”
You sniffled, looking up and getting lost again in Daryl’s face, looking at it as if to find some relief to your pain.
“We always think there was somethin’ we could’ve done,” he said, training his eyes on yours. “Truth is, death comes for us all, don’ give a warning or nothing, just… just shows up, and in a second, they’re gone. Nothin’ you can do about it, ‘cept try to stop it, and you did. Nicholas… Noah’s death is on him, not you.”
He bit his lip as he watched the tears continue to trickle down your face, and soon berated himself internally for not getting you a tissue.
“Here,” he said, jumping up from the bed and crossing the room to grab a box of tissues. He pulled out several, and a wad of small white sheets entered your field of vision as he held them out to you. “No one should cry without a tissue.”
You mustered a small, half smile, just the corner of your mouth curving gently. “Thanks… Daryl.”
He nodded, and set the box of tissues on the bedside table before sitting back down beside you. You couldn’t believe he was still there, but unbeknownst to you, he wasn’t going anywhere, not when the woman who had this mysterious hold over him since he first saw her was sitting in the infirmary, hurting in more ways than one.
“S’nothin’,” he said, shifting awkwardly as he cleared his throat.
When the tears began to subside, you saw him more clearly, and you couldn’t help but smile a little wider at him, and the fact that he was sitting by you again, holding your hand.
Even he hadn’t noticed he’d done it this time, even holding your hand a little tighter now, but it felt so good he didn’t really mind. Odd, since touch often disturbed him, even confused him. Here, touching you in just the simplest way, it was a comforting touch, one that made sense.
“Have you ever seen it before?” he asked. “Someone die?”
You licked your lips in thought. “No, not like that. I’ve seen people come back from the outside, with bites… They would die from the fever, and we’d have to put them down.” Shaking your head at the memory, you saw Noah’s face again, seconds before the rotting hands grasped at his flesh and clawed at the skin of his face until he was reduced to shreds. “I’ve never seen someone get eaten alive by walkers. I guess that makes me kind of lucky, huh? To have gone this long without seeing it.”
“Nah,” he said. “No one’s lucky or unlucky, not anymore. Like I said, shit just happens.”
You took a deep breath and dabbed at the incoming tears, then reached over Daryl’s lap to grab another tissue from the box. “It could’ve been me,” you said. “I could’ve been the one to die instead of Noah in that revolving door. Had things turned out differently, just a millisecond of something else happening, he’d be sitting here, and I’d be…”
“That’s just life, ain’t it?” he said after you trailed off. “Can’t go back… Least you’re here now. I don’t know… philosophy, or anything like that, but I know they’re dead and we ain’t. It ain’t always right, but someone’s gonna live, and someone’s gonna die.”
“You think in black and white, don’t you?” you asked, slightly amused by his outlook. You wished it could be that simple. “I think it’s more like we’re not alive or dead, kind of like walkers… We teeter on the edge of death, and yet we live, right?”
“Guess so.”
You shrugged and wiped your nose with another tissue. “I don’t know, it doesn't even matter. Just another way to cope with something we don’t understand.”
He licked his lips as he watched you slightly peel back your bandage on your thigh. The cut seemed rather deep, close to causing nerve damage, as Denise had told him. Upon seeing Nicholas struggling to keep you steady as you walked with him through the gates, his world centered around you. Perhaps he’d underestimated his affections for you before that, but if he denied it at all now, he’d be fooling himself.
“I’m just glad you’re all right,” he said, stumbling over his words a little as they poured out of his mouth.
You smiled bashfully at him, brushing back your hair subconsciously. “Well, thanks. I guess I’m glad, too. I’d just feel a whole lot better if everyone came back home. That’s how it always should be.”
It terrified you to think that one day would be your last in Alexandria, that you’d go out on another run and never come back, like Noah had. That fear would never go away, but something in this moment made it feel all right, like it was just another part of life, and as long as you had moments like this, death could never touch you.
“I’ve lost a lot of people,” he said. “Lot of good people. It don’t ever get easier. It just don’t… but if nothin’ else, it kinda reminds ya that… I don’t know, life is…” He struggled to think of the word, raising his head and staring at the ceiling in slight embarrassment of his lack of grace with words at times.
You smiled. “Precious?” you asked.
He raised an eyebrow and looked at you with a crooked smile. “Yeah, precious, I guess.” He cleared his throat, realizing “precious” wasn’t the most “manly” word he could say in front of you. “Life is precious.”
Several minutes of silence passed, as somewhere along the line you felt so comfortable in Daryl’s presence, despite how much it bewildered you, that even just sitting there with him felt like getting to know him. He had this aura about him, this glow that heated you up from the inside out. It was unlike anything else you’d really felt before, and it was exactly what you needed to begin to heal from this tragedy.
If you could’ve spent all night there, just next to him, you would’ve.
“You should go home now,” he said, noticing your yawns getting closer and closer in interval. “Come on, I’ll walk ya.”
“Oh, it’s just across the street.”
“I know,” he said, rising to his feet and outstretching his hand to help you up. “It’s dark out.” You tilted your head, amused by how ostensibly protective he was, even in a community of people who all knew each other and looked out for one another. He cleared his throat, noticing your soft smile. It was almost dizzying how beautiful you were to him. “And, uh… that leg ain’t gonna get ya very far. Come on, I’ll help ya.”
You rolled your shoulders in flattery at his chivalry. It was very cute, you had to admit. He was quite cute, too… Handsome, if a little scruffy. He could use a hot bath, a bit of shampoo in that messy hair, a fresh change of clothes...
“What a gentleman,” you said, taking his hand and rising to feel his arm wrap around your waist, to which you blushed at the rather sudden gesture. You weren’t that injured, but you weren’t going to say anything, because you liked his strong arm around you.
He blushed a little at your words, too, and cleared his throat as he walked out with you. “Just… couldn’t let ya walk on your own like this.”
Of course, he knew you were capable of walking, and that Alexandria was safe enough for you to walk home on your own, but even the idea of something bad happening to you, combined with the strange desire to spend as much time with you as possible, and maybe just a hint of wanting to hold you for a few minutes, drove him to be a little more chivalrous than he needed to be.
“Mhm,” you hummed, stepping down with him off the porch, his eyes trailed on your feet and making sure you didn’t miss a step the whole time. “Well, I appreciate it. Actually, I appreciate everything you’ve done for me today.”
He looked at you curiously, still guiding you across the empty street to your house. “What else did I do?”
“You visited me,” you said, as if it were obvious. “You made me feel better. In another life, you could’ve been a psychiatrist.”
He laughed heartily, the first time you’d ever heard such a sound from the usually serious man. The warm lilt to his chuckle was the stuff dreams were made of, airy and light, with a touch of depth to it, as there was always more than meets the eye with him, you concluded after that night.
“Never thought someone would ever say I’d make a good shrink,” he said, helping you up the steps to your house, with a drop in his stomach at the idea that he’d have to leave you now. “Almost sounded like a compliment.”
You laughed as you turned the knob of your front door, and he let go of you, rather reluctantly.
“It was,” you said. “It means you’re nice to talk to.”
Never in his life had anyone said that to him. At least, not someone like you, sweet and pure. Every bone in his body turned to mush when you looked at him, and the thought of you in so much danger that day made him more hopeless and frightened than he’d ever been before.
Even seeing you cry, knowing that such a horrible sight plagued your mind, made him want to be by your side, to be whatever you needed to keep the sights and sounds of a cruel, hostile world of death at bay.
“Well, uh… Maybe we should talk more,” he said, hedging his bets that you really did like to talk to him, though it seemed like a bit of a long shot. “If ya want to, of course. And, if ya ever need anythin’, I’m just over there.” He turned to point towards the house he had been assigned, the one he shared with Rick and a few of the others in his group.
You were transfixed, though, on his face, admiring his side profile and feeling that warmth again inside of you. He really did care.
“Thanks, Daryl,” you said, folding your arms over your chest against the chill of the night air. “I’d love to talk to you again… And, um… I’m here for you, too. My door’s always open. Well, metaphorically.”
He nodded with that same small half-smile. “All right, well I’ll see ya later… And keep your head up.”
“I will.”
You watched him begin to walk away, until he stopped in his tracks and lifted his head. “Oh,” he said, and turned around swiftly, digging into his jean pocket. “Uh, here.” He pulled a wad of bright white tissues from his pocket. You saw him stuff them in there from the box just as you were leaving the infirmary, and you raised an eyebrow at the gesture as he held them out for you. “In case ya have to cry again… I mean, if you want ‘em.”
You smiled, feeling tears begin to form again, and a few already dripping down your cheek. “Thank you, Daryl.” You took the tissues, and immediately dabbed your cheek. “You’re very sweet.”
His breath hitched and his back straightened, and you were sure you might’ve seen another blush bloom upon his cheeks. “Ahem, well, uh… goodnight.”
As it happened, you did need the tissues again, because you couldn’t stop thinking of that day, those horrible moments you were trapped in that revolving door, that twilight zone between life and death, where any sudden shift could result in the door giving way to either side.
You happened to make it, and Noah didn’t. It wasn’t your fault, you had to realize, but it happened, and you were still here.
Death was still there, too, waiting in the wings, like it always had been, even before. When your cat died, when your grandma got sick… It was always there, like an old friend, one you could catch up with after a long time of not seeing each other, and yet it wouldn’t feel like a day had passed, and you could just pick up where you left off.
It didn’t mean that it wasn’t a tragedy, that it didn’t hurt, or torment you, but it could make you appreciate the revolving door of life, the… precious nature of it all, with life as fragile and easily taken away as it was, and would always be.
Daryl, that quiet, serious man from outside the walls, reminded you of that, of how important it was to have those little moments that made life as precious as it was.
You kept one of those unused tissues in your bedside table drawer, sentimental as you were. You told yourself you were keeping it for a rainy day, when the tears came pouring down like they had that evening, but really, you knew why you kept it. It was Daryl.
He was right—no one should cry without a tissue.
Thanks for reading! Likes, reblogs, and comments of any kind are always appreciated!
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madeleine-w · 3 years ago
Stranger Things Characters Summed Up
Warnings: bit of swearing and mentions of sex. (This has made me want to write smut about Eddie, Billy and Steve… and 001) Overall just me being a whore for fictional characters.
Joyce: She got less unhinged after season 1 which made me sad, but my favourite mum on TV at the moment. Can’t tell if I’m in love with her or want her to adopt me, but either way if she gave me a cuddle I’d start crying. I’m not sure how she created such boring sons tho.
Hopper: No one will ever love me the way this man loves Joyce. He’s my comfort character, and him arguing with the kids is fucking hilarious. “Maybe I will allow you to date my daughter” I LOVE HIM SO MUCH. Best Dad™️.
Billy: A tragic villain done perfectly, and I half fall in love whenever he’s on screen until I remember that he’s a racist. I’m a simp but I have morals. (But also, like, the potential this man had to be the loveliest in the world)
Bob: Was the scene of him dead and being eaten really necessary? No. It made for good TV though.
Max: Deserves way better than those boys, and is the ginger icon the 80s needed. I would get in a car with her.
Eleven: My wholesome little murderer. She’s somehow part of an amazing duo (Hopper/El) and a terrible one (Mike/El) so I must blame Mike for this.
Mike: If Stranger Things was a Christmas dinner, he would be the brussel sprouts.
Will: Surprisingly resilient for a guy who looks like a slightly strong wind would take him out. Just let this boy be gay and play D&D in peace.
Dustin: Somehow two steps ahead of everyone and four steps behind them at the same time? I love it, and the show would be shit without him.
Robin: An barely-functioning lesbian with autism? I love to see it and I love her. I’m very gay and she is the perfect example of why. I want to play with her hair while she talks about her hyperfixations.
Lucas: He’s cool when everything is fine, and really annoying during a crisis. I’m pleased that a show set in the 80s hasn’t killed off the black guy four seasons in. Less interesting than his sister, but him and Max are pretty funny.
Nancy: A solid character when you remove her from the Jonathan and Steve situation. She’s very clearly in love with two men, girl take a break from dating and buy a vibrator. She’s very hot with a gun and uses it well, which automatically earns my respect.
Steve: I am so in love with this man, and the fact he uses a baseball bat instead of a gun is beyond sexy to me. Please fuck me. “Yeah it’s me, don’t cream your pants” Sir I am literally on my knees.
Less horny Steve version: Him protecting those kids is definitely my favourite thing about this show. The character growth is impeccable, and I melt whenever he makes the kids go ahead of him when there’s a danger.
Jonathan: Oh yeah, he’s… there? A good brother but that’s kind of it, a very bleh character. I’m still not really over him taking those pics of Nancy and Steve…
001: Very hot while he was murdering the kids. Less hot while he was murdering Max.
Eddie: I want him to rail me while I praise him. And HE DIDN’T RUN AWAY THIS TIME :(
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sixeyesgojo · 4 years ago
Dad!Gojo with a teenage daughter
Summary: In which you've grown up a little too much for his liking. Using a female reader.
Characters: Gojo with a teenage daughter
Word count: -
Content warning: mentions of menstruation, blood, reader is injured but nothing descriptive, Gojo Satoru
A/N: requested on AO3.
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Oh dear. Gojo knew that raising kids did not fall into the "easy" category, like exorcising special grade curses was to him. At first, it was extremely exhausting, brain-draining even, but as the time went by, he managed to do better, to just manage. Young children were a handful and he knew it from experience - not only was he a teacher of youngsters but he had also been younger once upon a time. Gojo remembered being put on a pedestal in his childhood years since he was the honored one and came from a renowned household. However, nothing ever prepared him for this.
Raising a teenage daughter was a challenge he had to take up on a daily basis. Puberty, the hormones, the fights, the worries about her going out late at night, the helplessness he felt. It wasn't rare for him to consult Shoko in "times of extreme crisis" (as he called them), asking for help and advice.
After hitting puberty, you became more and more distant to him bit by bit and as if that wasn't already enough for the two of you, your mood could change in an instant. Of course, you still loved him the same - he was your dad after all - but it is a known fact that teenagers may feel like their parents wouldn't be able to relate.
One day you had started bleeding from down below and frantically called out to your dad to explain your situation. He understood what was happening with your body and he knew this day would eventually come... but experiencing the situation itself and not really being prepared still sent him into panic mode. Yes, he went out to buy some pads, some tampons, whatever you needed at that moment but gosh, you should have seen him at the store: "What size should these be? Is this the right one? There are pads for NIGHTS ONLY?" It was a good thing he was super charming and just charmed his way out, so it was less embarrassing.
He hurried home to give you the necessary items. One thing he didn't expect in that moment was the tears that were streaming from your face, which was contorted in pain, as you opened the bathroom door to accept the items he had bought. Of course he knew cramps were a side effect of menstruation but he was just so perplexed to be able to think straight in that moment. Gojo patiently waited in front of the bathroom door until you came out, repeatedly asking if you needed anything else in the meantime. When you came out, dried tears on your face and just overall being a mess, he gave you a comforting hug and then scooped you up in his big arms and carried you to your bed. "For today, just rest, sweetheart. Your amazing dad will take care of the rest," he had said in a gentle tone. Later on, he even texted Shoko and Mei Mei to ask how to help as a dad, googled all about periods and how to ease the pain.
The very next day, you were wondering where he went when you didn't see him at home - turns out, he headed out early to buy an extra blanket and a hot water bottle just for you, some more pads and/or tampons (in different sizes since he wasn't certain about your flow yet and he was certain that you didn't know yet either), pain relievers and some snacks and sweets. Sweets could never be a wrong choice, could they? At least they always did the trick for him and he remembered that being the case for you too. He read that a lot of women eat chocolate as a sort of comfort food, so of course he also stocked up on chocolate. The look of gratefulness on your face when he finally came home and presented all the things he had gotten for you? He thought he should have taken a picture of your happy face in that moment but little, did he know he was going to be tackled into a hug by his daughter.
"Thank you so so so so so much, you are the best dad," you exclaimed and gave him a big smooch on the cheek. Gojo grinned and replied cheekily, "I mean, I know I am the best dad but it doesn't hurt to hear it once in a while from my little girl!" With him supporting you during times like menstruation, close to nothing could go wrong, even if your mood changed within the blink of an eye. He would spoil you with affection.
As human beings, there was no way for the both of you to avoid fights and misunderstandings, so naturally father and daughter ought to disagree sometimes. One time was particularly bad that you even ran away from home. Every ounce of stress was just piling up at that time. On top of that, you were on your period and the mood swings killed you. Ultimately, you couldn't handle it any longer and ran out of the house. Well, let's just say even the strongest jujutsu sorcerer could break out in panic. This state worsened when he got a call from Ijichi - an unregistered curse had manifested and was randomly attacking civilians. His gut gave him a pretty shitty feeling and the white-haired sorcerer just knew something was wrong. He had to hurry. When he arrived at the scene, he couldn't believe his eyes when he saw you lying weakly at the ground in front of a strong curse. This was enough to trigger his anger and he defeated the evil curse quickly. Hurrying to your side, he cradled your battered form in his arms and checked whether you had any life-threatening injuries - thank heavens, you didn't.
"This wouldn't have happened if I hadn't run away," you sobbed, the argument long forgotten, "I'm so sorry, Dad." "No, shh. Baby, I am sorry for letting it escalate like that. But what matters the most to me right now is your safety, so let's get away from here and we can talk it out when you feel better, yeah?"
Ever since that time, everything has gotten a little easier, especially since your dad helped you create a system you could rely on in order to manage stress and your mood swings.
When you hit age 16, oh boy, that was an age he feared. For multiple reasons:
He knew how he had been at 16. Gojo was definitely one of the more popular boys within the female community, despite attending a school with no more than twenty students overall. He had been invited to a lot of parties and who was he to not enjoy himself when he could? Going out almost every night and coming home early in the morning was a given. If he hadn't gone to Jujutsu Tech, his grades would have sucked. In theory, you could also end up like that or even less moderate - he prayed that was not the case. He was lucky enough that you went out moderately and not as often as he used to. The thing is, he was not exactly concerned about your safety. If anyone knew that you could handle grade 2 curses just well at this age, it was him... since he taught you how to defend yourself.
It was the boys he was worried about. Not everybody had good intentions. For sure, he would handle anyone in a heartbeat that tried to touch you with malice. Furthermore, he was overly worried about you getting to know some guy for a fling or even worse: you falling in love and only to get your heart broken. He wouldn't know how to act if the latter ever happened. Rest assured (or not), every guy you ever bring home will be thoroughly scanned by his Six Eyes and his soul. Gojo was sceptical (but wouldn't show it) until proven otherwise.
Once he had gotten comfortable with your guy friends though? Bring them over any day. Sometimes you question whether he didn't just adopt them all in his mind. Still, Gojo getting along with all your friends was something you were very grateful for.
Gojo knew that raising kids was not an easy task, like exorcising special grade curses was to him, but he still wouldn't trade his precious daughter for the world or anything else.
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glowingbadger · 4 years ago
Would you be willing to do yandere Seteth 👀?
Oh-hoo, yes, let's. I mentioned this idea to my fiance and he was like "I mean, Seteth is basically one crisis away from full Yandere anyway."
And I mean he's not wrong-
CW: Yandere! As always, please do not force yourself to read something that will make you uncomfy <3
Yandere!Seteth x GN Reader
NSFW 18+
- Naturally, Seteth is protective of you the moment you've worked your way into his heart. He's lost so many in his life, and even watched generations of humans come and go- and while part of him knows that this will happen to you with time as well, he can't stop himself from wanting to seize every moment of time with you that he can. Aside from which, the thought that he may fail to protect you, that his own folly could lead to you suffering or dying even sooner, is nothing short of horrifying to him.
- All it takes is for you to get just a little too close to danger, or for a fairly common illness to leave you just a little too visibly shaken, for the way Seteth's protective nature manifests to take a dark turn. "You have no idea exactly how fragile you are," he scolds you with a glare, forcing you to look at him with his hand at your chin, "Evidently, it must fall to me to ensure your safety. Humans are far too reckless by nature, and I will not allow harm to come to you."
- Seteth is excellent at keeping up appearances, and so while most would imagine he dotes on you similarly to how he treats Flayn, few would even guess how disturbed his obsession has truly become. He knows your usual schedule to the minute, and the more time goes on, the more impatient he becomes when you stray from it even the slightest bit. If you don't have a very good reason to be elsewhere, he expects you at his side. It's not long before he develops a habit of keeping you leashed while you're in his quarters, with the tether either in his hand or attached to his desk.
- The church has of course tried and executed heretics before, but Seteth was never in support of the practice himself. That is, of course, until he perceives a direct threat to you from someone else. In this case, he has no qualms about personally running them through at the Cathedral's alter. He considers violence towards you to be akin to violence towards a literal angel of the Goddess, and so takes pride in extinguishing those who would blaspheme by harming you.
- He still wants you to have interests, hobbies and friends- he's a nurturer at his core, after all- but he expects to have the last say on all of these aspects of your life, and if anything (or anyone) is deemed unsafe or unhealthy for you, he'll ensure that it's removed from your life by any means necessary. Yet this is one more reason why few would expect that, behind closed doors, he'll keep you tied to his bed or his desk for days at a time when something triggers his unhealthy obsession, hand feeding you, tending to your hair and clothes, etc.
- Seteth prefers not to ever lay hands on you in anger. Instead, the way he treats you in bed serves as punishment. He'll pin you down to his mattress by your wrists, your clothes quite literally torn from your body, and with fierce emerald eyes boring into yours, he'll demand that you express how deeply sorry you are for misbehaving. Anything from hurting yourself accidentally through clumsiness, to forgetting a meal, to socializing too amicably with 'dangerous' types, can all result in you being forced to recite prayers of contrition while bound to Seteth's bed.
- He's a patient man, and is more than capable of edging you until tears fill your eyes and you beg his forgiveness and to be allowed to cum. As he brings you to the brink of your orgasm with his fingers for the fourth time in a row, then pulls away, you whine in absolute submission in desperation- and he merely sighs ("not mad, just disappointed"), and says with genuine tenderness in his voice, "I don't wish to be cruel to you, my love, but you insist on forcing my hand."
- As a more regular "obedience exercise" of sorts, he quite enjoys the comfort and security of having you kneel at his feet as he works, resting your head on his thigh or- if you've been good -playing and sucking on his cock as he works. Having you right there, safe and sound beneath him, is immensely soothing to him. He'll sigh and sit back, then gently pet your hair once he's finished a particularly droll pile of paperwork. If you look up at him with pleading eyes, he'll smile warmly and allow you to suck him off for a little while as a reward for staying in his sights, nice and still and docile for him.
- Goddess help you if you've done something to seriously worry or anger him. If you're reckless in a battle, or some other dangerous behavior that prompts him to really punish you- he'll throw you down onto his bed and spend the night absolutely ruining you. Thanks to his lineage, he's capable of several brutal rounds in an evening, so he'll hold you down and slam his cock into you over and over, until your entire body trembles and his cum covers your chest, your face, and drips down your thighs. It's an absolutely primal need to "mark what's his," so to speak, and to ensure you know exactly how weak you are, how small and fragile your human body truly is.
- Once he's vented all of his rage at the thought of you endangering yourself, you're well and covered in his cum, gasping for breath and incapable of any more than a whimper. "Look at me," he demands, and if you can't obey immediately, he'll force you to do so with his own hand, "Let this be a lesson to you. I will not tolerate any threat to your safety- not even one that comes at your own rash decisions. Do I make myself clear?"
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kurowrites · 4 years ago
That Boy.
So, as the start into the new year, have Lan Zhan getting hounded by his brother’s groupies and despairing over Wei Ying’s compulsive flirting. :)
“Hello, handsome,” the woman said, smiling at Lan Zhan.
Lan Zhan looked at her, and tried to remember if they had met somewhere before. She was carefully styled, wearing a tight black dress and high heels, with long hair and equally long red nails. She looked somewhat out of place in this cosy coffee shop, more like she was on her way to a fancy event than looking for a cup of coffee. It was certainly someone he would remember, if they had indeed met before. She was, however, entirely unfamiliar to him.
And if that had not been enough of a hint yet, there was a certain gleam in her eye that immediately put him on edge. Her smile was friendly, but there was something about her that made her feel not unlike a predator, smiling at her prey before she opened her mouth and swallowed it.
Lan Zhan sighed internally. Another one of his brother’s fans, he assumed.
He was happy about his brother’s success, and he would always support Lan Huan, there was no doubt about that. But ever since Lan Huan had his big break as a pop musician two years ago, right after he left university, Lan Zhan had found himself constantly hounded by fans of Lan Huan. Some of them genuinely confused Lan Zhan with his brother and were thrilled to meet a pop star on the streets. Others confused him with Lan Huan, but also hit on him in the process, trying to shoot their shot with a celebrity. (Which would never happen, Lan Zhan thought uncharitably. His brother was better than that.)
The ones that were possibly the worst, however, were those that had done their homework, realised that Lan Zhan was not his famous brother, and still decided to go after him. Those were usually the ones that were the most difficult to get rid of, and they came in all shapes, sizes and genders.
Frankly, Lan Zhan was getting tired. He was getting tired of people hitting on him in general, but he was particularly tired of people hitting on him because he was the brother of a celebrity who also happened to look very similar to said celebrity.
He glanced at the woman who had accosted him while he was drinking his tea, and tried to figure out which category she belonged to. And, of course, how he could get rid of her quickly and efficiently.
He wanted to drink his tea in peace.  
She did not seem to be cowed by his critical glance, and gestured to the empty armchair across from him.
“Are you here on your own?” she asked. “Do you mi-”
Before she could finish her words, there was a mad scramble, and with rather more noise than necessary, a large cup of coffee was unceremoniously dumped onto the small table between the two armchairs, and one Wei Ying dove onto the empty armchair across from Lan Zhan, throwing his bag under the table as he did so.
“Sorry, m’lady,” Wei Ying said as he pushed his hair, messy from his athletic stunt, out of his face. He smiled at her broadly and in a way that showed that he very much was not sorry. “This place was reserved for me. I fear you have to look for another seat.”
The woman stared at him in disbelief. She opened her mouth, presumably to lodge a complaint, but Wei Ying could not be bothered. Ignoring her, he directed his gaze towards Lan Zhan.
“So Lan Zhan,” he said loudly. “I heard that you got engaged. Congratulations, I have to say. Took you long enough. Where you failing to find the perfect engagement ring or what?”
Without another word, the woman turned around and walked away in a huff.
Lan Zhan was not sorry to see her go. Still, he felt his face twist into a frown. Wei Ying’s words made no sense to him. What engagement was Wei Ying talking about?
“Wei Ying, I have not gotten engaged.”
Wei Ying laughed loudly, his face shining with mirth.
“Lan Zhan! Of course you didn’t get engaged! I just said that to make her leave! You should have seen your face when she descended on you, like a small, helpless rabbit! Of course I had to help!”
He sighed dramatically and reached out to take hold of his overly large coffee cup.
“I know Lan Zhan is handsome and irresistible, but the nerve of that woman. You were obviously not up for conversation! It’s your strictly scheduled tea break! Which is why I will drink my coffee in silence now, so you can meditate over your tea or whatever it is you do.”
He took a big gulp of his coffee.
Lan Zhan considered Wei Ying for a moment. He was obviously grateful for Wei Ying’s unexpected help, but it came with two problems: First, Wei Ying never did anything silently. Second, Wei Ying himself flirted with Lan Zhan incessantly, calling him handsome and whatnot, so in all fairness, he was hardly better than any of the overenthusiastic Lan Huan fans that approached him.
There might also have been a third problem, though Lan Zhan did not admit to that. He definitely did not notice Wei Ying’s handsome face, brightened by his irreverent, sparkling smile. Neither did he notice his long, deft fingers, carelessly tapping out rhythms on the coffee cup, nor the way he was slouched on the armchair in a way that should have looked sloppy, but instead ended up looking artfully draped.
After all, it was only Wei Ying, irredeemable and obnoxious flirt, and there was nothing for Lan Zhan to notice.
“Thank you,” Lan Zhan said, because he was grateful. “I think she mistook me for my brother.”
Wei Ying raised his eyebrows, an incredulous expression on his face.
Lan Zhan could divine the meaning of that look. After all, Lan Huan was the friendly, approachable one out of the two of them, and he was also a pop star. Certain physical similarities aside, no one with eyes in their head should ever mistake Lan Zhan for his smiling, gentle older brother.
Wei Ying was evidently of the same opinion.
“Haha, Lan Zhan, don’t worry about it,” he eventually replied between two sips of coffee. “I could hardly have looked on while the impeccable, incomparable Lan er-gege was in distress.”
There we go again, Lan Zhan thought to himself, trying to suppress an eyeroll. Incorrigible.
It was not often that Lan Zhan went out with his brother, considering that his brother was a very busy person, so of course they had to run into Wei Ying when they did the next time.
Oh no, Lan Zhan thought to himself when he saw Wei Ying’s eyes flit back and forth between Lan Huan and himself.
This, he would have wanted to avoid. Permanently.
It had been his biggest fear, ever since he had met Wei Ying. Wei Ying was bad enough with Lan Zhan, when he could hope for nothing and had no encouragement. How Wei Ying would act once he had the encouragement of a friendly disposition in addition to Lan Zhan’s oh-so-handsome face, he had never wanted to know.
And now they stood in front of Wei Ying, giving him a truly perfect opportunity to compare and judge.
What the judgement would be, Lan Zhan already knew.
(It would never be him.)
“Lan Zhan!” Wei Ying chirped once he was apparently finished with his thorough analysis. “Is that your brother?”
“Lan Huan.” His brother stepped forward and introduced himself, always a little bit better at being polite than Lan Zhan. “It’s very nice to meet you.”
Wei Ying smiled at him, and Lan Zhan quietly begged Wei Ying not to say–
“Nice to meet you, Lan Huan,” Wei Ying said. “I’m Wei Ying, one of Lan Zhan’s university friends. Did you know, Lan Zhan staunchly refuses to talk about you? But actually, I think he’s really proud of you, and he’s just careful to not spread private information.”
Lan Zhan was so surprised about these words, he could only stand there and stare.
That… was not what he had expected from Wei Ying. After all, when it came to Lan Zhan, Wei Ying couldn’t open his mouth without saying something flirty or suggestive.
And know he looked Lan Huan in the face and managed with a simple ‘nice to meet you’?
“Thank you,” Lan Huan replied with a small, but genuine smile, completely unaware of Lan Zhan’s current internal crisis. “I’m proud of him too.”
Suddenly, Wei Ying perked up.
“I know, right?” he asked excitedly. “He’s such a good, serious student. And so smart! And also ha-” he interrupted himself and coughed once. “Well. You are handsome, too. And he’s your brother. So I guess you know.”
He twirled his hair around his finger and pulled once.
“Well, I guess you have things you need to get done,” he chirped. “And I do too. Have a good time! And see you at university, Lan Zhan! Don’t be a stranger!”
With that, he hopped off, quick as a fox.
Lan Zhan just stared after him, not understanding what had just happened.
You are handsome, too.
When had Wei Ying, of all people, learned moderation?
When he turned back to Lan Huan, he found his brother smiling at him widely, and it put Lan Zhan on the defence immediately.
“What?” he asked, rather more harshly than he had intended to.
“Oh, A-Zhan,” Lan Huan said, his smile becoming smaller, but also more intimate. “I’m very happy for you.”
Lan Zhan frowned. Why would Lan Huan be happy for him? Because one of his university colleagues had finally managed not to embarrass themselves in front of Lan Huan? Because Wei Ying had managed not to completely expose himself? Because he had somehow survived this encounter without getting his heart smashed to tiny pieces?
Of course, there was no good way to ask these questions.
“I think you should move fast, dear brother,” Lan Huan observed, continuing the conversation without needing any input from Lan Zhan. “He’s very handsome, this Wei Ying, is he not? And smart. You might have some stiff competition if you’re not careful, so you need to be quick.”
Lan Zhan stared at Lan Huan, uncomprehending.
What, exactly, was his brother talking about?
“A-Zhan,” Lan Huan sighed when he saw that he had lost Lan Zhan. He reached out and squeezed Lan Zhan’s shoulder once, a quick, familiar comfort. “That boy only has eyes for you, and absolutely nothing else. I don’t think I have ever seen someone more in love.”
His brother let him go and walked away, leaving Lan Zhan standing there, as if he had not just dropped a bombshell of truly earth-shattering properties on him.
That boy only has eyes for you.
That boy.
Only has eyes for you.
 Wei Ying??
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apollostears · 4 years ago
group: BTS
pairing: BTS x daughter!reader
warning(s): swearing
request: can you do BTS reacting to their 15 year old daughter having a boyfriend/girlfriend?
requested by: @mela3340
oomfggg this was so fun to make!! thanks for requesting the first request of 2021 :) hope you enjoy love <3
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➝︎ jin
he’s literally dramatic af.
but no really, he’ll be shook to the gods.
like huh??? his child got a partner?!!!
my kid?!!! IN THESE STREETS?!
he would faint, then wake back up and shake her til she’s dizzy.
ok but on a more serious note, i think if he saw his daughter have genuine feelings for this person they’re with, he would support a 100%
definitely wants to meet them asap
would chaperone their dates but in a way that’s soooo cliché. i mean ugly ass disguises cliché.
will definitely have a heart attack if his daughters partner used the fake ‘yawn-over-the-shoulder’ move while at the movies.
all his daughter would hear is someone choking horrendously a few rooms behind them and instantly know it’s her dad.
will call the boys up every time she asks him to go on a date with their partner or if they can come over to hang and study.
“i’m at a lost here! it’s like i’m in the war!” jin exaggerates on the group call with his friends.
“hyung, i think you’re over exaggerating.” jungkook would say sheepishly.
with the straightest face, jin would hang up and contemplate his choice in friends.
after about the sixth month mark, i do think he’d let up a tremendous amount.
like he’s no longer breathing down her neck about them and allows them to go on dates without him, so long as she tells him where they’re going.
10/10 is the dramatic dad that goes through a midlife crisis when their daughter starts dating.
➝︎ yoongi
mans does not care.
ok lemme clarify, he doesn’t care to the extent that jin does. he trusts his daughter and her decisions and understands that this is an important part of her life. he’s gonna try his hardest to not overstep.
but deep down, he definitely is having a hard time coming to grasps that his daughter is in love and starting to enter the dating world.
he understands the pressures surrounding dating too, especially at fifteen. so he’s definitely giving a nice lil lecture about sex, safe sex, consensual sex, and commitment.
and yes, yoongi knows that most of these young love relationships don’t last long, but he wants his daughter to know that her relationship is legit to him. no matter how old she is.
will look intimidating af to their daughters bf or gf. he definitely overhears them discussing if yoongi likes them or not 💀
looks like he could kill you and will but is also such a sweetheart once you actually know him.
doesn’t do no undercover brother shit but will follow his daughter on their first few dates just because he’s worried. isn’t overbearing and keeps a good distance.
honestly, if anything it brings his daughter a lot of comfort to know her dad is there to back her up 🙂
100%!is the father that seems like they’re chill on the surface but on the inside is working overtime to not be overreactive when their child starts dating.
➝︎ namjoon
is literally the 😯 emoji
when his daughter tells him that she’s got a lover, he literally looks exactly like that emoji.
he’s like “love? what you know about that?”
is extremely confused the entire time. yes, he knows that at her age, children start experimenting with dating but he never actually thought he’d have to deal with it.
was definitely worried that he’d lose out on daddy-daughter time once she started dating.
that was his biggest fear. that his daughter wouldn’t need him anymore. she would no worries.
is deathly afraid of his daughter experiencing heartbreak. their s/o could be the perfect match for his kid, he still wouldn’t care. namjoon is going to be worried regardless.
constantly asks for updates on their relationship to see if he needs to give any advice on how to keep the relationship going.
he doesn’t see their love as something immature. namjoon values it the same way he would value an adult relationship.
which meansss giving them the birds n the bees. same as yoongi, a thorough talk on sexually transmitted diseases, birth control, safe sex, you name it.
was incredibly nervous to meet the person their daughter was dating 💀 like how you supposed to be the daddy but more scared than the actual date.
chaperones his daughter’s first couple of dates. doesn’t get in their way but definitely makes his presence known when does attend.
has a strict “have her home by 9 or else” policy.
won’t ground their child if they give them a heads up on why they would be late.
is 100% the type to be the “work in progress” dad that wishes there was a book on what to do when your teenage daughter starts dating.
➝︎ hobi
mans was like “awww my wittle baby likes somebody!”
was wayyy more excited about meeting their child’s s/o then what is deemed normal.
don’t get me wrong, he’s definitely protective of his kid but hobi understands that these things happen.
it was bound to happen that one day his daughter would start dating.
doesn’t hound his child with questions but is very curious to learn more about this bf/gf that their daughter has.
when he meets them, he’s very scary looking at first. switching into serious hobi, he intimidates the kid just a bit before breaking into a grin and letting them know he was kidding.
is the type of dad that would make their daughters’ s/o fall in love with him 💀
hobi gets along with virtually anyone so it wasn’t hard for him to bond with the s/o.
however, he does make it known that he is a father and while the kid seems to be an alright choice for his daughter, he still lets them know that he will go liam neeson on a motherfucker if necessary.
doesn’t follow his daughter on dates but somehow ends up attending some of them because they both want him around.
on the times he doesn’t go, there is a curfew in place and it’s 8 o’clock 😔
hobi is 100% the dad to become friends with their daughters’ bf/gf but still be a force to be reckon with when needed.
➝︎ jimin
probably the one who meddles in their daughters love life.
sees their daughter walkout of school with a guy and is asking fifty million questions on who he is and if she likes him.
all for her to turn around and be like “dad, i’m gay.”
and he’s like 🥺🥰 “good, boys are disgusting anyways.”
so now he’s scoping out girls that could be a potential match for his kid 💀
“what about her?”
“nah, she’s a little rude to me.”
“you know what they say! she likes you!”
“no dad. just...no.”
was not expecting the girl his daughter chooses but can totally see it once he actually gets to know her.
is constantly giving his daughter cute date ideas for her to do w her gf. definitely has a pintrest board of places for them.
will happily be a chauffeur for his daughter if necessary. this can be good and bad. good bc yayay free rides. bad because she has to deal with a jimin that wants to be on time or a jimin that makes them ten minutes late to a movie showing. there is no in between.
he doesn’t follow his daughter around. mainly because he’s always driving them but if he doesn’t, she still gives him a heads up on where they’re going.
doesn’t mind them hanging sleepovers or leaving the door closed but will totally pop up at random times to be nosey.
is definitely in his daughters corner anytime someone tries to give her and her gf a hard time for being together.
a 100% the dad that’s constantly involved in his child’s love life but not to an extreme point. is totally just excited to be there and apart of her world.
➝︎ taehyung
the motherfucker is all smug and shit talking about some “ i know ” 😏 when his daughter approaches him about her new partner.
lets be real; taehyung would know his daughter like the back of his hands. he would have suspicions that she’s seeing somebody but won’t pressure her to speak until she’s ready.
acts like the fbi when he finally meets their daughter’s partner.
is stalking all social media, finding where they work, who they guardians are, and where they grandma stay 💀🤣
but it’s really because he knows how dangerous people are and the last thing he wants is for his kids’ life to be in danger.
is definitely a hard ass to whoever his daughter ends up dating regardless of gender. will go major payne on a motherfucker real quick.
does not care if he gets caught watching out for his daughter while she’s on a date. will deadass sit there and stare them down as they look at him, completely unbothered.
after meeting their partner a few times, he’ll become a bit more loose in regards to their relationship but will still eye them wearily.
his daughter is very important to him and he’s just worried about any potential heartbreak she may experience.
“have you ever killed?”
“uh, no sir. i-i’m only fifteen...sir.”
kisses teeth, “would you kill for my daughter?”
*beat of silence, two horrified teenagers*
scoffs, “pathetic. d/n choose a new partner.”
seems like a hard ass and is a hard ass but it’s completely out of love.
is 100% the dad that gives their daughter’s partner a hard time and will hold such a passive face that they’ll never know if he likes them or not, but overtime will start loosening up and accept them for who they are.
➝︎ jungkook
he was thoroughly surprised.
like...she might as well had told him she was pregnant.
jk needed a moment to comprehend that his daughter...his precious jewel was dating.
just the thought sent chills down his spine with his dramatic ass.
immediately demanded to meet the person who stole his daughter from him. and when he found out it was the bad kid from school??!!! mans was heated.
i mean really? the juvenile delinquent of ALL people?
he feels this way mainly because he remembers how he was as a kid and he knows how anal teenagers can be. really just wants the best for his kid.
is present for their first date. why is that? because it was at their house with him sitting on the opposite couch, watching them like a hawk as they attempted to watch a movie.
after that, his daughter had a serious talk with him about personal space and independence.
jungkook didn’t like the fact that he had to have this talk, but he understands it’s importance. him and his daughter have a sacred bond with one another that he doesn’t wanna risk breaking all because of his overprotectiveness.
that overprotectiveness does come in handy though because their daughters’ partner is always on time when it comes to getting her and dropping her off. honestly, if his daughter ever tried to convince their partner to skip curfew, their partner would text jungkook to snitch 💀
“so...you tried to skip curfew, eh?”
“wha-? how do you know this?!”
smirks, “i see all d/n. besides, your partner knows not to cross that line with me.”
“i literally cannot stand either of you.”
this has definitely led the daughter to question if she has a relationship or if her dad has a relationship with her s/o.
after about three months of them dating, jungkook turns into a pretty chill dad to be real. at that point, he understands that he can’t protect her from pain. so, he might as well just try his best to support his daughter through everything she does.
is 100% that is overly dramatic at first and comes off as incredibly scary but eventually comes down to earth and becomes a big teddy bear 🥰
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shtern-and-art · 4 years ago
I have more questions because it's no longer 4am lmao.
Does Skeppy fear any animals? I just wanna know if there's any sweet moments of Skeppy clinging to Bad whilst he tries to calm him down.
I'm guessing Bad still hates things like littering and woodcutters but would he ever act particularly strongly about it or would he have more control?
I like how Rat seems to tolerate Skeppy because Bad likes him but would she ever get jealous if Skeppy started pettting another dog?
I have a horrifying image of Bad just spider climbing up a tree to fetch Skeppy. I don't know why but I feel like dude wouldn't even need branches lmao.
What other supernatural creatures/people do they come across? Were there any that were especially dangerous and did they befriend any?
Is Bad much physically stronger than Skeppy? I keep thinking of Skeppy being a little shaz and Bad just one-arm picking him up and slinging him over his shoulder XD.
Does Bad ever get nightmares of the day he became the forest spirit?
How far would Skeppy take stealing? Would he steal something he knows the owner has genuine attachment to? Would he do everything in his power to steal something for Bad even if it means getting hurt?
Who's more likely to protect the other?
Skeppy just minding his business looking at one of Bad's textbooks, turns his head and Bad's just having a tea party with a freaking bear. Surprised the man hasn't had a heart attack yet XD.
What's your favourite thing to imagine them doing?
Is Bsd an adrenaline junky? Or is he scared of more dangerous things like bungee jumping and mountain climbing.
What would their reactions be to rollercoasters?
Do they have a favourite date-night activity?
Everytime I think of this au it brightens my mood!! Thank you for making something so heartwarming!! <3
Glad to see you again :D And yaay, questions!
My pen pressure broke again, I can't finish any sketches for this ask rn, but here's a couple of old messy designs.
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1) Comforting and nightmares
Skeppy has a normal, I’d even say adequate level of fear towards wild animals, whilst Bad has it in negative numbers. And, yes, this fun juxtaposition leads to a lot of unfortunate moments of Skeppy nearly dying from heart attack when some of Bad’s animal friends show up unexpectedly, or Bad goes all out for his tea-parties with wild bears or smth.
So, yes, sometimes the comforting hugs are necessary! And no, none of them ever play up the dramaticness of the situation just to drag out the nice comforting moment They do n o t. That’d be very silly and unnecessary, and will deserve a lot of teasing. So, it’s all serious. Not only for the first couple minutes. Yes.
But If you’re looking for comfort-after-actual-hurt – Bad does have to hold and comfort Skeppy, when the stress of trying to not fuck up the good stuff around him gets too strong. And after the nightmares where they are hated and chased by people. Those dreams do not come often, but when they do, Bad is there to hold Skeppy, whisper in his hair that he is alright, that they’re both alright, and that they can handle everything that’s going on right now.
And Bad himself, well. After leaving the town, his nightmares about the night of the ritual stopped almost completely. They come rarely, only when the anxiety gets really bad. Before, in the forest, Bad had them pretty often. It’s one of the reasons he mostly slept not as himself, but in the minds of the animals.
2) Littering
Bad will not maim someone for not getting a candy wrapper in a trashcan, especially if there are people around. But if someone leaves a big mess in the nature, or even (*gasp*) does it regularly, Bad can and will try and teach them a lesson. As in: pull a cautionary (and probably slightly terrifying) prank on the misbehaving person.
It doesn’t always work out as Bad intended, and may even scare some people off anything relating to nature for good, but, according to Bad, it’s still “a fun and useful little hobby to have :3”.
3) Rat
Rat takes a looong time to warm up to any other animals that infringe on her territory. And Skeppy might be a little shit (and his own rights for Bad are debatable) but he is Rat’s territory still (by approximation from Bad). So, she can gatekeep Skeppy a little bit. Not as much as she does Bad, but the man gotta know his place – Rat comes before other dogs for him too.
4) Tree climbing and strength
Oh, Bad can an will climb down a tree like a full-on creepy creature he is: head down, using only his claws, with Skeppy tucked under one arm. Maybe not even upside down, if Skeppy is lucky, and wasn’t too annoying about wanting to stay up on the tree for the night :D
5) Meeting other spn creatures
Oh, that’s a big question (: Yes, they do meet other cryptids, befriend some, and get in trouble with some, and deal with a handful of new and old spn troubles :D
I always thought that Bad and Skeppy’s life after the main story can make a series of short stories (or one big episodic one) dealing with exactly that: the guys traveling around, meeting other cryptids, learning more about themselves and the world, trying to build a life between human and supernatural crisis going on. Just like In The Dark it can based on the mix between the real life and the minecraft-verse events.
I wanted to focus more on finishing the main story first, though, so these stories are not as sought through, I didn’t even write down any of them yet :D
But if you have more concrete questions, ideas, or suggestions (about a specific person, or a specific thing happening) – write me, I’ll think about it, and how it can work with the theme and worldbuilding I have in mind.
6) Stealing + Protectiveness
Skeppy can sometimes forget about, ahem, moral principles, or human decency… emphasis oh “human”. He’s nature and different worldview it gives, it seeps through in his life and actions even more with age. Especially after he’s been away from actual people for a long while. So, I guess, he might at times steal something that is very important to someone, or do something that could be considered weird or rude in general.
And if Bad really needs something, or is in danger – all rules are down. If there is no one to reality check Skeppy, he might proceed to walk on heads, and commit risky and reckless crimes just to help or save Bad.
They both are quite bad with that, the protecting each other thing. Bad, tho, can be more fiscally violent in his protectiveness.
7) Adrenaline and rollercoasters
Well, it’s not that Bad likes adrenaline specifically, he’s just very curious, likes to try new things, and is almost unkillable. So he can just- just go for everything that’s interesting for him with reckless abandon, and if it goes wrong – welp. Bones can heal limbs can regrow, and the cool abandoned caves will not explore themselves. He’ll have to learn to ease up with lack of selfcare though. Because Bad can’t always leave Skeppy to fend for himself, while he heals, and Skeppy does NOT like seeing Bad getting hurt so much, and not caring about himself at all.
This probably comes back to Bad dealing with his spn nature and learning to make peace between it and himself. And to his anxiety, and unhealthy coping mechanisms.
And hey, it’s the same for Skeppy and his lack of adequate moral compass at times :D
There will be a lot of tension and growing they’d have to do in regards to all this.
Also Skeppy is the one who’s really into chasing the thrills :D Man spent nearly half a year annoying probably-murderous-forest-spirit just for little not-boring fun, jeez :DD
Rollercoasters are a no go, tho. They go up in the air, real high, and, once again, Skeppy and highs do not mix, they do not mingle, they will not have tea parties (with or without bears). Unless, of course, Skeppy really needs to prove something. Then he’ll go on a ride, and die an honorable death, and will never admit he screamed all the way through it.
8) Dates
(*insert an innuendo from Skeppy here*) But, ahm, actually I’d say they love going on picnics: getting food, and hanging around in the nature for a while.
And I honestly donno what I like to think about the most… I just really enjoy the vibe and the atmosphere of the whole story, and how Bad and Skeppy interact in general.
It all is a real delight to write about :D
In The Dark - masterpost
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syubub · 4 years ago
This is a cute as fuck idea!!
*Disclaimer: this is not to be taken as fact and is only my interpretation of the cards. Entertainment only people*
Death and 2 of swords rev.
The first thing I thought of was Jinnie closing his eyes and walking away
He'd be shy af and he'd have a hard time keeping his blush down
This man would literally die a little inside
His brain would legit short circuit and he'd probably be a stuttering mess tbh
Its not that he doesn't like his s.o wearing his clothes, its that he likes it... a lot...
I do also see the act of sharing clothes to be a kinda step forward in the relationship though?
Like, this is a moment of change within a relationship for him where he's like, "I'd share everything with this person" and thats a big sign of commitment
He might have a little identity crisis but its all good though
It would be a slow progression too. I pulled chariot rev.
I feel like he also could be the, "I don't control the weather" type when it comes to sharing coats but he is a gentleman so he'd probably give his s.o his jacket if it was actually necessary
He would definitely tease them the whole time though
"I gave you my jacket that one time" "dude, that was over 6 months ago"
Overall, as things are with Jin, it holds more meaning to him than it seems and he'd play shit off with humor
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3 of wands, judgment and high priestess
First off, domestic af
It almost seems like seeing his s.o in his clothes makes them seem more tangible and real?
This boy has a whole new wave of love and affection for his s.o when they wear his clothes
He's reminded of how greatful he is to have someone beside him
He'd also lowkey dip off to write some bomb ass lyrics because his s.o in HIS clothes? Damn. That's some muse shit.
He'd also probably start buying clothes with his s.o in mind like, "okay, I know they're gonna steal them anyway so I should probably make sure that the quality is nice"
Idk why but this is a whole ass spiritual experience for him
It's also give and take? So I pulled the lovers as a clarity card and idk but it gives me the vibe that him and his s.o share clothes equally? Things like house clothes and comfort clothes? Like if he's in a shitty mood then he finds his s.o's hoodie to wear?
Its just another level of intimacy to him that he finds comfort in
He just loves his s.o and doing mundane stupid shit like sharing Walmart sweatpants is something that he holds in high regard?
This is so soft?
(Also this was important but I bet he's a fan of matching house slippers? ((Probably matching underwear too?? I was told to make a note of it. TMI)))
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I got the emperor, 7 of wands and 6 of pentacles
What? Sorry.
Hobi legit feels powerful af seeing his s.o in his clothes
Definitely sneaks some little looks
Idk why but hobi definitely has that sexual tension energy here?
All I'm gonna say is that he probably has some dirty thoughts
He also loves it
The emperor card is intresting too because it makes him feel strong and nice and needed
Bold as fuck tbh
Theres really not much more to say other that hobi is one thirsty motherfucker
He specifically has a thing for his s.o wearing his shirts
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7 of pentacles rev, 3 of wands rev, 6 of cups rev.
Nothing sexual at all firstly
Second, he's ready to throw everything away and just spend the whole day cuddling his s.o
It almost makes him kinda sad? Not in a bad way but I think it sends him into a think spiral
It also seems like he sees it as such a comfy thing and its times like this that he sees his s.o a little clearer?
He thinks about how he and his s.o fit together and whether or not he's done enough to deserve his s.o
Besides the spiral, he likes it a lot.
Its something cozy and lovely and wouldn't mind (so long as it doesn't happen all of the time)
Probably makes him want to cuddle his s.o even more than usual
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The sun, two of cups, the chariot
Chim would definitely LOVE IT
It's bonding, it's cute, its love
Jimin loves to give gifts and is the MOST selfless person on the fucking planet and would definitely give the shirt off his back for his s.o
He might even push for it too?
Never in a way to make his s.o uncomfy but kinda like, "why don't you wear my hoodie?"
Definitely a boost in his confidence towards the relationship.
He definitely thinks that his s.o is extra stunning in his clothes for sure
Also would kinda wanna show it off that his s.o was wearing his clothes
I think in aweird way to him its a way of "claiming" his s.o
Again, not in a gross, overly possessive way but in a, "I have the best person in the universe wearing MY clothes because they love me" kinda way
Its that constant reaffirming action that he loves
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Death rev, hanged man, 10 of pentacles and 8 of cups
Not the most fond tbh
He'll let it slide sometimes but it just seems like he isn't much into it?
For some reason it might just bring up not welcomed feelings
I'm really not sure
It could be an issue with boundaries perhaps or something of the sort but hes not really intrested.
He might give his s.o an old pair of sweatpants or a well loved hoodie or stuff like that but not really active sharing if that makes sense
It might also be that he buys so many things for his s.o and to have his s.o "steal" his stuff kinda feels like a slap in the face?
Might make him feel like his s.o thinks he isn't doing enough
This could all be potentially cleared up with thorough communication though so if they can get through that barrier then I think he'd be a little more open to it
(His s.o wearing his clothes after doing....the dirty deed.... is 100% okay though ((stop making me make this dirty)))
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Queen of cups, the moon, 10 of swords
Lol the first thing that came to me was that he washes his clothes everything his s.o wears them
He definitely has a thing about it
Its not bad though but its something he really has to get used to?
Bby is sensitive and if his s.o wears any kind of smells he's extra picky
Its intresting bc I think inviting an s.o into his life means that he has to change a lot of things in his life to accommodate and he's... working on it.
Also he might faint if he sees his s.o in one of his t-shirts.
Thats a bit dramatic don't you think?
At first with the 10 of swords I was like, "wow he must be really put out by this" and then my guide showed me something like this
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So it was a very dramatic koo not a sad koo.
He'd also feel more protective over his s.o and just really in his feels?
It never gets old for him to see his s.o in his clothes
(Theres also part of me that thinks that he would be 100% down to swap styles/wardrobes for a day)
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