#and it’s tiring and disheartening or whatever
daveyfvckingjacobs · 6 months
not to be whiny or anything but just thinking about the way my art always flops on every platform without fail, especially compared to other low effort stuff usually, and it’s gone from ‘that’s just how it be algorithms suck’ to ‘maybe I just suck at art and am deluding myself’ which isn’t fun
anyway here’s a hearth doodle I like bcs I’m trying to not fall into that mindset even if it means clawing my way out w my bare hands
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qcomicsy · 2 months
Lately I've only been wishing to grab a comic about my favorite character and just have a genuinely good time reading it.
#I can't remember the last time I took a Deadpool comic and genuinely had a good time about it#I hate the direction they took with his character and it's so disrespectful that I don't even talk about I don't even think *any* Deadpool#fan genuinely talk about it because were so tired of his kids characterization we all just collectively decided to ignore whatever hell#marvel through at him#but rant aside#it's just–#I am not sure if comic books are fun anymore I don't even know who I am making content for half of the people on my notes haven't touched#comic book and aren't pretending to do so#people who read the comics tend to be so mean or bitter about it that even if you follow most will be angry about something#comic or fan related and I don't know if I can blame them but following that is draining#and as much as I was trying to be a good sport about it you make a post about comic book characters and#and the overwhelming response is 'I don't read the comics but'– following up by a take about them that doesn't even recognize any core#aspect of their personality that you can't even grasp you can't even recognize them#you can't recognize them on tue cannon you can't recognize them on the fannon#and no matter how engaging you try to make content about the fandom people just–*refuse* to read it. And then– they *refuse* to tag fannon#content as fannon#and *refuse* to leave either#Yes we are all having fun but how can a character tag be so so filled with people who have no idea of who they are#how can a character can be properly loved and take care of and have content that respect them if no one makes any attempt to *know them*#and it's disheartening because *comics* are supposed to be fun *fannon are supposed to be fun*#but for aome reason it's really *really* hard to have fun here anymore#I created this page to share my love for the characters I care about and see more content of people who care about them too#but I can't even *find* people who care about them any more and when I do they're all so angry and upset– And I *cant even blame them*#I just... I don't know why I am doing this anymore or for who I am doing this anymore#sorry to vent but it's been a while since I haven't been had a genuinely good time™ enjoying comics#I don't think even people who write those comics enjoy those comics or care about those characters#Sometimes feels like everyone is projecting on those characters rather than *writing about them*. And I can't find them anymore#fanfics used to be about love petters to characters who you love#nowadays seems like a competition to see who makes more funny words with tropes pre-written since 2007#vent
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bobfloydsbabe · 4 months
Hey spam likers? Reblog something.
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2-kamikou-1 · 8 months
I'm genuinely considering turning off rbs on that rui post I'm so sick of it
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mikmaqs · 1 year
becoming an adult soon and feeling weird about it
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crispy-chan · 2 years
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crimsonblackrose · 2 years
I’m absolutely fascinated that when I talk to friends, my aunt and uncle (not the ones I live with), my cousins, my aunt’s best friend about my next goal buying my own place everyone nods like this is a sage and smart decision and gives me advice. Meanwhile I visit my older sisters and ask for their advice and I get lectured on what a terrible idea it is. 💀
#mumblings#I'm tired of moving#I'm tired of not putting down roots#I want a place to be mine and to have an asset#my sisters want me to rent and not buy a place which just feels like a waste of money to me#but I don't know I think I'm disappointed that I came to them with all these plans of things I want to do and accomplish#that I thought was logical and every single one of them was shot down as if they were the dumbest decisions ever#and unrealistic#to be fair my sisters and I have not discussed finances#but damn this was disheartening#especially because the reasoning just doesn't feel...right#like I wasn't given a good reason not to just that I shouldn't...so I'm like ????#it felt like they were trying to prepare me for disapointment but mostly like I was being lectured for no reason?#like you should rent first just to rent?#why?#that was the reason to rent just so I've rented#Like I have rented just not in the states#It's not like I missed out on that experience#ugh I just was hoping for some better advice related to whatever talk my aunt and uncle that I live with are going to have#and I feel like we just argued for no reason and didn't understand one another and it's frustrating#like at least my friends have warned me that interest rates are awful#but that's a logical warning you know#not just rent to have the experience of renting#or like get a car first how is that logical? I don't even know how to drive 😬💀#I wish they'd just have been straight with me about why they thought it was a bad idea specifically#I feel like I didn't gain any advice just frustration
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f4rlands · 2 years
going to kill going to maim <3
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plasma-tree · 11 months
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rottenlittlefink · 11 months
… so like,
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I know it's not supposed to be. But GOD does it feel insulting to consistently be getting 9.5/10 on writing assignments like. I don't even know what I'm doing wrong. I wouldn't care this much if it was a 9/10 but I got half a point off and I don't know why. And It's WRITING it's supposed to be the one thing I'm GOOD at
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allbark-no-bite · 2 months
good boy.
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art donaldson x reader (wc: 2.9k)
summary: as Art’s personal physical therapist, it’s your job to fix what Tashi has torn apart, by whatever means necessary. or in which Art just needs some TLC
warnings: 18+ smut, it could be worse tbh, mentions of disordered eating
author’s note: i’m back ig?? im out of uni for the summer and challengers has me in a chokehold. Art Donaldson the man that you are
You're standing just within earshot of the doorway, passing a sanitary wipe over one of the tables in the athlete treatment room when you hear the door abruptly open. Tashi storms in with a purpose and Art trails meekly behind her. Even if you had been clueless to how the match had gone rather than on the sidelines beside Tashi not even twenty minutes ago, you could have guessed by the hard line of her mouth that Art was in for it. Not that her displeased scowl was much different from her usual scowl, but you'd been around long enough to know the difference.
She stops abruptly, and Art heels obediently as Tashi turns around to face him. "I need you to tell me when you're going to fucking get it together so that I can stop wasting my time."
Weary and sweat soaked, Art just stares at her with that pitiful look on his face and says nothing in reply. His blue eyes solemnly take in her harsh disappointment as though beyond used to it. At this point it's not all that foreign to you either.
"You may as well be fucking asleep out there," she snaps.
This time his mouth opens. "I- I'm just tired-" he begins, although there's hardly any argue to his voice at all.
"No, I'm tired, Art," Tashi interjects. "Do you have any idea how much fucking work I've put into getting you back onto the court this past year?! I've done everything! The least you could do go out there and try to act like I've done anything for you at all!"
Art swallows, the slight frown on his face deepening. "I am. I just- I don't-"
Before he can even finish his sentence. The open palm of Tashi's hand connects with his cheek as she pops the left side of his face. Art closes his mouth. You pretend to concentrate on wiping down the table. It's not the first time you've witnessed one of these conversations but it still feels private, like you shouldn't be here. You keep wiping the table.
Understanding that anything else he says is only going to make Tashi angrier, Art resigns to once again watching her in silence. His blue eyes are sad. The usually fair skin of his cheek is tinted pink where she popped him. Although it wasn't very hard, you're sure it still hurt him all the same.
"Quit wasting my time," is all she says before she finally turns and leaves, walking right past you and out the other door. You hold your breath as she passes you. Art watches her go but makes no move to follow. You release an audible sigh. It's been a frustrating day for everyone. As Art's personal trainer, physical therapist, and close friend, you felt every loss, every ache and pain, every bad play. And there seemed to be a lot of those lately.
Art is still standing there, watching the closed door that Tashi left though.
Not knowing how to break the silence, you finally pat the freshly sanitized treatment table. "C'mon," you call gently, as though beckoning to a wounded dog.
It takes a moment for him to budge, but eventually he does, his disheartened spirit apparent in the way he walks over. Used to the usual routine, he tugs his damp shirt off over his head as he takes a seat, the lean muscles of his torso flexing as he does so. You allow yourself to ogle at him, only for a brief moment before stepping in between the bracket of his knees. Gently, you cradle his chin, tipping his head back to look up at you as your thumb smooths over the redness of his cheek. His blue eyes blink up at you, sad and dog-like.
"It wasn't terrible," you reassure him. "You had surgery six months ago. You're still getting your feet back underneath you. Most people wouldn't have come back." You're right. The still-pink scars on his shoulder are still fresh on your mind. The stitches weren't even out before Tashi had him in physical therapy. Even though his medical team had released him, it was still a bit early to start doing rehab so soon after surgery, Art's comfort being your biggest concern. But when Tashi wants something, she gets it.
Wordlessly, Art sighs, the weight of his head settling into your palm as he finally lets go of the tension he'd been carrying. It was always like this. You fixing what Tashi had torn apart. You understood where Tashi was coming from. Art needed a firm voice in his training, and you had a lot of respect for the way she put her foot down and never let up, not even once. But there was only so many times you could kick a dog while he was down.
So if Art needed someone to coddle him, you would coddle him.
He trusts you. He needs you, is what Tashi had told you when she asked you to stay on as his trainer full time. The three of you had been in the same year at Stanford all those years ago, Tashi and Art on the tennis team and you helping out as a student trainer as part of a class requirement. Three peas in a pod, the trio of you were. Of course then they both graduated, leaving you to finish up your schooling, meanwhile Art set off to go pro.
A few years later, once Tashi officially took on the position as Art's coach, she began building his team, and that's where you came in. You were hesitant at first.
'I already lost to you once, Tashi. I won't come in second to you again.'
She had paused on the other end of the line. Back in your Stanford days, it was obvious to anyone with eyes that you were head over heels in love with the blonde tennis player. But loving Art was like accepting the participation ribbon for a game you knew you weren't going to win in the first place. It was like standing next to the podium, just lucky enough to be included in the picture while Tashi and tennis took first and second place. And so you let him go.
'I'm not asking you to. This is different.'
Your hand slips from his face, and he forces his eyes open.
“Have you eaten?" you ask, stepping away in order to put some distance between the two of you and look for the granola bars that you keep especially for him. The gels were good sources of quick fuel in between sets, but they were hardly enough to even begin to make up for the calories he burned while playing.
Slowly, Art shakes his head, but he makes no move to take the snack from your hand when you offer it to him. Ever since his injury, nutrition became all the more important. So much to the point that every single thing that he consumed was mapped out to the exact calorie. Although he would never admit it, any sort of change in this routine made him incredibly anxious. Some days it was better not to cause him the anxiety than to force him.
Today, you insistently hold out the bar until he begrudgingly takes it from your hand. You don't move until you've seen him tear open the package and take a bite.
"Were you still feeling tight?" you ask as you walk around the table, stopping at the slouch of his turned back. You reach out to grasp at the joint of his neck and shoulder, your thumb smoothing over the kinesiology tape that's peeling away at the base of his neck.
He half turns his head to glance back at you. "You watched the match. You tell me."
His response is meant to be snippy, but it comes out more defeated than anything. To be fair, you've been his trainer long enough to know that if something was bothering him physically, you would have picked up on it.
"I want to hear it from you."
"I felt fine."
Your left hand follows suit on the other side of his neck, and you use both of your thumbs to apply pressure to what you assume will be a tense spot along the upper part of his traps. Predictably, Art groans at the attention. The muscles of his back contract as he fights the urge to shake you off. Relaxing the muscle hurts as much as it feels good. Besides his obvious discomfort, the rest of his body has gone lax under your touch. His shoulders have dropped at least an inch, and his chin has fallen to rest against his chest.
"Finish your granola bar," you reprimand him, your firm fingers working across his back until you find another spot that nearly has him jerking away. He releases a whine but obediently takes another bite of the bar. This time he finishes it before you have to remind him again.
You spend a few more minutes torturing him before you're satisfied that a majority of the tension has left his shoulders.
"Okay, good boy," you murmur, leaning forward so that your chest is close enough to brush against his back. One of your hands trails up to squeeze the back of his neck reassuringly.
You're close enough to hear him swallow at the name. The skin on the nape of his neck shivers despite how hot he still is from the match.
"Was I?" he asks timidly. "Good today?"
'I can be his coach. Or I can be the person he cries to after a bad day. But I can't be both. That's why he needs you."
Without removing your hand from his neck, you walk around the table so you're standing in front of him. Art widens the spread of his legs so that you can stand between them. His chin is still pressed to his chest, blue eyes focused on the ground.
"Art," is all you say, shifting your grip on his neck to tug lightly at his golden blonde hair. At your voice, he lifts his head just enough to look up at you through the pale wisps of his eyelashes. The irises of his blue eyes shine are wet with uncertainty.
Your fingers loosen their grip to allow your nails to scratch at his scalp. "You're good, Art. You'll always be good."
Art twists his head to nuzzle his cheek along the inside of  your outstretched arm. His lips kiss the crook of your elbow. He swallows again. "Even if I don't play tennis?"
You can tell the question's been bothering him, eating at his nerves, and messing up his game. You know him well enough to know that retirement isn't what he wants, not really. At least not right now. What he wants is the reassurance that it's going to be okay if he can't swing the comeback.
"Look at me."
He lingers a moment longer with his lips pressed lovingly against your skin before he reluctantly shifts his gaze up to you. His look is anticipatory but reserved, as if to preemptively conceal his disappointment should you choose to crush his heart with your answer.
His fear is understandable. Art's relationship with Tashi has always been entirely built off of his tennis career. By being the driving force behind his success, Tashi has vicariously lived out the life she would have had had her injury never happened. Without tennis, Art has nothing left to offer her. He knows that if he gives up tennis, he loses Tashi.
Your relationship with Art was a little less conditional. Hell, you'd been in love with him since the first time you'd laid eyes on him at Stanford. You can still picture him standing there on the court, barely nineteen, scrawny, nervous smile, backwards cap over his strawberry blonde hair. Before he was the Art Donaldson. But when Tashi had stepped into the picture, you figured that was where your fairytale ended.
"I don't love you because of tennis. I love you because you're kind, and thoughtful, and you're passionate about what you do." You smile a bit before adding, "And you're my good boy."
The name turns him bashful again, and he's quick to turn and hide his smiling face against your arm, only the flushed tips of his ears visible. "[Y/n]," he mumbles, likely meaning to be threatening, but it doesn't come out that way.
Art Donaldson lived to be praised.
You laugh, pulling him closer so that his face is held against your chest. The hand that you don't have threaded through his hair trails up the muscle of his defined quad. "You're my good boy. Aren't you, baby?"
Art whines, squirming when your hand reaches the apex of his thigh and hovers over the forming bugle of his shorts. He's not quite there yet, his dick only half chubbed up in interest, but given the day that he's had, you won't make him wait.
"Please?" he mumbles, his face still buried into your collarbone, as if attempting to curling into you, like a small child needing their parent to hold them for comfort.
You rake your nails lightly up the inside of his thigh. "What, baby?"
Not only did Art liked to be praised, but he was masochist even on his worst days.
"Want you to touch me," he mumbles, his voice muffled by your shirt. "Please."
Your hand still scratching through his hair, you press a kiss to the side of his head, unable to suppress your smile at his timid politeness and how it never seems to fail him. The only time he ever resembled anything remotely voracious was on the court.
Palm finding his tented shorts, you cup him through the fabric. Art responds immediately to your touch, his hips shifting further into your grasp. You continue to pet him through his shorts, appreciating the way you can feel him actively responding to your touch.
His nails dig into the padding of the treatment table when you give his now fully hard dick a less than sympathetic squeeze. His breath is hot as he pants against your collarbone, alternating between laving open mouthed kisses to your skin and whining when you pause fondling him just to feel his hips rut up into your palm.
Art was so in control on the tennis court, that often after a match, putting the control into someone else's hands was just what he needed.
When his hips start to stutter, you ease up but continue to stroke him through his shorts. The front of his shorts are damp with the musk of residual sweat and precum.
His breath is shallow—anticipatory.
"Gunna come?" you ask softly, speaking into the blonde mess of his hair, cradling him. He right there, you can tell by the lackluster buck of his hips, his building fatigue, and the change in his breathing.
"Can I? —Please?" Art asks breathily. He hiccups out the last part, his voice catching.
"You know you don't have to ask."
There's a brief pause, as if coming to the realization, before he meekly murmurs, "I know.
It should be sad really, his unwavering obedience, but there are two sides to Art, two polar extremes. On the court, every match, every set, every debilitating second is up to him. No one else can help him out there, and up until about a year ago, he played like it. That was the side of Art Donaldson that Tashi wanted. After the match is a different story. In private, Art needed someone to do the thinking for him, to pull him into a reality where he could believe that it didn't matter whether he won or lost. Tashi had not the sympathy nor the patience for that kind of fragility.
Art comes with a brief cry into your chest, his body arching into yours. Your hand palms at his pulsing dick until he's oversensitive and pulling away. When you relent, the front of his shorts are sticky and wet.
Finally, Art lifts his face from the safety of your chest. His blue eyes are glossed over, but it's an improvement from the detached look they held ten minutes ago. His cheeks are flushed, a mixture of his own embarrassment and satisfaction. 
You can't help the soft smile that creeps onto your face at the look of him, and immediately Art is abashedly trying to hide his face again, his own smile starting to appear. Before he can, you bring your hands back up to cradle his face, thumbs wiping away the wetness from under his eyes. This time he lets you.
His eyes study your face for a second, admiring you, appreciating the love he has for you.
“I don’t want to play tennis anymore.”
You can’t tell if it’s more of a statement or a confession. Either way, you know he’s telling you the absolute truth.
“Okay,” you reply softly, not hint of judgement in your voice. Maybe some disappointment, but that was understandable.
Retirement would be a kindness. Art would finally put back on some healthy weight, start smiling again, put on a real, actual smile. You could already see it, a nice house for the two of you to settle down in, with a picket fence and a dog in the backyard, the kind of things the two of you would have never had time for on tour.
Tennis had brought the two of you together, but it wouldn’t end you.
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swemtpotamtam · 4 months
The whole thing about AI is so fucking annoying, disheartening and straight-up depressing. No place is safe from all of the ai and tech bullshit.
And what options do artists have? What options do I personally have?
Glaze and Nightshade everything? I personally don't have the time or GPU power to glaze billions of artworks that I made. Fucking imagine you make a quick-ish sketch and spend 40 minutes glazing it (and don't get me started on some results of that process looking like the artwork went through 9 circles of bitcrushing hell based on how artifacted it looks)
Put everything I make behind a paywall? I for sure know that only a super small fraction would pay to see whatever I draw, the rest would just not care (either for some personal/general reasons or because people are also having a financial crisis 'cause, girlie, same)
Not post at all? I guess so.
I'm so fucking sick and tired of moving from website to website, trying to have a normal place to post art on and also have a community of people to interact with but time and time AGAIN it all just goes to shit. I wish there was some way to just ban all of these shitty ai things from existing or being developed. Stop treating us artists as some fucking cow you can milk for content and then can just slaughter when we are no longer useful. Fuck AI and fuck harmful tech shit.
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laiostoudenn · 2 months
let me preface this by saying: you are allowed to have whatever pairing/ship you want. this post is not about saying you can’t nor should you feel bad for having them!
I will always use my blog as a means to advocate and boost queer material. But lately I’ve noticed the lack of engagement on queer tav x companion pairings. And it feels like it’s getting worse. It’s discouraging as a queer man who mainly ships men with men that a gif/art of Gale (or any other male companion) with a masc!/nonbinary tav will get 30 notes (if that!) in an hour but a headcanon or gif of a male companion with a fem! presenting tav will receive much more attention (100s of notes) within that same time period. For such an inclusive game, me and a couple other queer folks have come forward to say how excluded we are starting to feel. As someone who has a pansexual male partner, it is heartbreaking to see. I’m putting these in bullet points because it’s easier for me
• Gale, Wyll, Astarion and Halsin are NOT straight
• Gale, Wyll, Astarion and Halsin are PANSEXUAL
• Shadowheart, Lae’zel, Karlach, and Minthara are NOT straight
• Shadowheart, Lae’zel, Karlach, and Minthara are PANSEXUAL
• Just because a fem!Tav is paired with a male companion does not mean she is automatically straight. Stop erasing sexuality or assuming.
• Just because a masc!Tav is paired with a female companion does not mean he is automatically straight (I can relate to this one as I have a pansexual masc!Tav who is paired with SH and his sexuality gets swept under the rug)
The reluctance to engage with queer tav x companion media is discouraging and so disappointing. I know people will write g/n blurbs but honestly, upon reading them, they seem to weigh heavily towards AFAB individuals (if it’s about a male companion). I’ve seen blurbs be titled as g/n just to have an allude to AFAB individuals at the end. Queer pairings are much less likely to receive reblogs or engagement in this space and it’s baffling.
And honestly it’s even worse for nonbinary and trans individuals. You guys truly get the short end of the stick and I’m so so sorry. You don’t deserve that. But I am so tired of groups of people trying to claim these companions or claim what their “preference” is. Gale and Wyll are not “ladies men”. They’re just MEN. Even when these companions are headcanoned as parents, it’s conveniently forgotten that two men and two women can be parents. Stop claiming these characters as if they only prefer one gender. I literally made a gif of astarion kissing my male tav and it felt taboo because I RARELY see gifs of him kissing or engaging romantically with masc!Tavs.
The heteronormativity with these companions is frustrating. Us queer individuals are FRUSTRATED. I see it. I hear about it. People vent to me about it! The fact that people are so quick to give attention to fem!Tav x male companion or masc!Tav x fem companion but are so reluctant or give no attention to queer pairings is disheartening and I cannot sit by and not acknowledge this any longer. A lot of the fandom will preach equality and equal engagement but won’t even give said engagement? Please engage with queer content. Please reblog queer tav content. Please stop assuming sexualities of tavs. Please stop erasing sexualities of these characters. Stop excluding queer tav pairings from these narratives! All we’re asking for is equal engagement, please. We are tired, we are frustrated, please give us a voice too. And if you believe the companions cannot be with someone other than explicitly of the opposite gender, please block me.
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atxxzist · 1 year
oh boy | c.s
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summary: your curious heart that's full of adventure and knowledge; of what's out there beyond the space of your room and farmhouse, find it in a boy who not only open your eyes to the world around you, but also to a longing you didn't even know was there
pairing: choi san x f!reader
genre: farmboy!san, fluff, angst, suggestive
word count: 16.6k
(ao3) if you don't like lapslock
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your father always told you it isn't good to venture out of the farm.
he said the world out there is too big, too dangerous, and too unpredictable; that a fragile and defenseless girl like you shouldn't hold an interest for something ugly that would only do harm in return, though you would say he's wrong.
because although you haven't seen it much for yourself, the few times that you did, along with the stories you've heard, you know that whatever stretches beyond the farmhouse and is sharing the same sky you're looking at, is something beautiful waiting to be explored--
the second you hear the front door slammed shut, you open your own, peeking your head out the empty hallway before grabbing your heels and tippy toeing down the stairs.
you watch your father's figure through the window until he disappears off into the distance, humming a tune under your breath and snapping on your heels, shortly met by the morning sun and the fall weather.
you skip in excitement all the way to manshik's cottage on the other side of the farmhouse, given it's harvest season, he probably needs help with the crops. if not, he might be able to take you to the river nearby to pick out a daisy.
"morning," you call out so sweetly, knuckles tapping his window and waiting for the old man to greet you with weary eyes the way he always does, honestly just blessed he has a heart of gold and haven't pulled the plug and rat you out for ruining his sleep a couple times a year.
a pair of arms pry the window open--arms that are no way in shape or form look like they belong to a seventy something year old man. and then you see his face, and manshik must've turned fifty years younger from the last time you saw him. that, or whoever this stranger is, have done something to manshik.
his expression is not much different from yours, just as equally perplexed and confused. you suppose knocking on someone's window when the sun is barely out does that.
"uhh... where's manshik?" you ask.
he cranks an eyebrow attractively, a couple seconds of silence passing before he answers.
"manshik?" he repeats.
"yes." you nod. "he lives here."
"oh, i'm not sure." you watch as he sits up and rub at his tired eye. "my father and i arrived just yesterday to replace the worker that used to work here."
replace? as in take over manshik permanently?
you wonder what could've possibly warrant the need for a replacement when manshik was perfect at his job and had always been a loyal worker to your father.
you offer an apology to the stranger for disrupting his sleep and begin making your way back to the house completely disheartened, occupying yourself with prepping breakfast until min wakes up and take over.
when you think of where manshik could be or what could've happened to him, death never even crosses your mind. but a nosy question thrown at min, and you find that the old man didn't get fired or quit--he had passed away a week ago, and you can't believe your father never said anything.
knowing the man he is, you don't expect much from him, but manshik's been with the family before you could even walk, you think you deserve to know something as big as his passing.
your father is so cruel.
"i hate him," you spit bitterly, glowering as you take a seat at the dining table.
min shoots you a look and shakes her head.
"miss, you know it's not good to say things like that."
you throw your arms up, as if preaching to someone higher to hear your pleads.
"but all he does is keep me locked up, never bothering to tell me anything. manshik was like family."
"i understand you were very close to him."
you only continue to sulk, knowing that ranting to your father's workers is as far as it'll go when it comes to releasing all the frustrations about your father.
"do you know where they'll be burying him?"
"i'm not sure, but it's most likely in the town nearby."
your eyes light up with something at that, only to be shot down just as quickly.
"can you take me there? so i can make an offering?"
"miss, you know i can't do that. if your father finds out i took you out of the farm, i will lose my job."
you groan in annoyance, arms crossed.
"so what now? i lose one of the only people who ever listened to me, and my father is just going to continue locking me up. i'm going to be bored to death!"
it might sound like a tantrum, but for a young girl who has been deprived of interactions all her life and forced to entertain herself with whatever she could find, it is very much a cause for concern.
"i heard the new workers have a son your age. maybe go and introduce yourself."
that was probably him back there, but they're new and you don't know them.
manshik's patience was also undefeatable and you're not sure if they will be able to tolerate you the way he did. so you don't, instead opting for cleaning around the house (though really, how much dirt can a lone girl like you make considering your father's never home) and making dinner.
there's not a single book on your shelves that hasn't been read and not a single skill taught that you haven't mastered, having lived in isolation so long, you spent most of it sticking your nose in your father's workers hobbies and interests and learning off of them.
but days passing by, awkward and silent dinings with your father one after another, you're officially bored.
you finally make your way out to the other side again one morning, figuring that if they're going to be here for a long time, you might as well get familiar with them.
as you're nearing, you can see a figure going through the apple trees and picking them out into a basket.
you wonder if it's the stranger from days ago, but the person hears your arrival first, turning around to prove you wrong.
"good morning," the older man greets you. he looks a lot younger than manshik, but definitely old enough to be your father.
"hi," you respond with a simple smile. "i heard my father got some new workers and i wanted to come by."
"ah! you must be the young miss!" he smiles in a return, something about him already so welcoming and you're glad for that.
you nod, curling your hands together in front of your dress.
"i'm y/n. what can i call you by, mister?"
"you may call me mr. choi, or anything you see fit, miss."
"mr. choi..." you mumble the name, making a note to yourself you will for sure remember it next time. "do you need any help?"
"oh, i couldn't do that to you, young miss."
you know you look absolutely nothing farm-ready with your dress and heels, but you're always willing to accommodate. manshik's said before that you are a great help.
"it's fine. i'd love to help! manshik, the farmer before you guys, taught me many things."
"oh, i can see he was very good at his job. pretty much everything is ready. they just need to be harvested and gathered."
"manshik was the best!" you praise once again, mr. choi acknowledging with another smile.
"well, miss, if you really insist, maybe you can help me with a couple baskets?"
"of course! but... just one thing." your facial changing from soft to serious. "you cannot tell my father i was here."
mr. choi squints before giving in with a quiet snicker.
"if you say so, miss. it will be very hard to catch up with your father anyways."
"thank you so much! i'll help with what i can, but i'll have to return soon for breakfast."
by the time you have to go back, you're happy to have filled two full baskets for mr. choi, telling him that if your father doesn't return early, you will probably show again somewhere in the afternoon.
you wash the dirts off your feet with the garden hose and shake off any leaves or remains that got on your dress before entering the house, with hyunjoo being the first to greet you as she's disinfecting the living room.
"did you go out to the field again?"
you hold the pair of heels by the hang of your fingers, stopping and answering her.
"of course i did."
she shakes her head, amused by the determination if anything.
"and how was it?"
"good! mr. choi was wonderful. i think we're going to become pretty close."
your father finished his meeting early yesterday so you weren't able to go back, unfortunately. but you have made sure to stay for breakfast this morning so you'll have more time at the field.
it's awfully quiet when you get there; not a soul in sight. but you notice that the apple trees are almost done with the exception of one that sits a lone basket at the foot, barely filled.
mr. choi was probably going through it when something came up.
you don't hesitate to take matters into your own hand, picking up the basket and continuing where it was left off, only managing to collect three apples in total when the sound of incoming footsteps behind alerts you.
"stop right there! who are you?"
you spin around tight-lipped and wide-eyed at the voice that doesn't belong to mr. choi, freezing momentarily as you just stare at the familiar boy in front of you, and it looks like he recognizes you as well.
"sorry..." you mutter, "i was just, uhm, i saw there was no one and thought maybe mr. choi went somewhere so i just wanted to help."
san raises an eyebrow, grateful it's not a thief or someone who happened to wander into the farm--just the girl from before who woke him up by banging on his window.
"my father is inside. i'm the one sweeping the field today."
"oh..." you nod slowly, just realizing you've never properly introduced yourself despite making possibly two of the worst first impressions already.
"i'm y/n." you hold out your free hand that isn't clutched to the basket. "my father owns the farm and i live on the other side." pointing with your chin to said direction.
"ah..." it dawns on him, accepting your greeting in return. "well, i'm san. choi san."
his hand is surprisingly soft and silky, not at all harsh like you expected considering the taxing work he does. he also has some very prominent features that sticks out in a good way, and you would be lying if you don't think he's kind of cute.
"makes sense as to why you're able to hop around the farm so easily," he adds and you're unsure if it's a jab, just that your cheeks turn bright red at the reminder of the first meeting.
"again, i'm sorry about that."
he dismisses it with a shake of his head.
"you're good. so, did you ever find out what happened to manshik?"
you nod once, looking down at the ground before you meet his eyes again.
"yeah, but i'd rather not talk about that right now."
he doesn't push any further, waiting until you speak again.
"so, what's the plan after?"
"well, we're going to sweep the crops with one of those machinery. the next couple of days is going to be a lot of physical labor--even more than picking apples."
he switches his gaze to the field of crops a few feet away; you snapping your head to follow.
"if you're planning on visiting the next couple of days, it might be harder to catch me or my father."
you digest the information, humming in understanding.
"no worries. sometimes my father doesn't attend meetings on the weekend so i most likely won't be able to come anyways."
san lets you finish off the last tree by yourself, having ran back inside the house to fetch something but is gone for a lot longer than he should.
only until you're almost done, do you hear your name from the distance and him running up to you again.
"me and my father would like to invite you for breakfast, if you don't mind."
you're no stranger to the cottage--how it looks on the outside or on the inside, manshik always having told you to treat it like it was your own. that whatever was his, was yours.
and despite not being the biggest enthusiast of the interior because it always gave away who lived here; everything mostly dusty or like it came straight from one of those old films you'd watch when there was nothing to do, you grew to appreciate it because it did felt like home.
but when you enter the cottage this time, you almost can't recognize it. a complete revamp, the white and brown is different, but also fitting in a way... and you think you can probably grow to like the more modern approach.
"good morning, miss," mr. choi calls out, and you send a greeting in return, observing as he move around the table to set up what looks like tea.
"would you like some soup, miss?"
you shake your head, quick to mimic san when he goes to take a seat at the table, occupying the one across from him.
"it's okay, i'll take some tea. i ate before i came here."
you're on your best behavior, hands curled together on your lap and watching the father-son duo with intrigued eyes as mr. choi places the bowl of soup in front of san, the younger boy proceeding to thank him with a smile.
dimples. you just noticed san has dimples when he smiles. how cute.
if anything, seeing how effortlessly the two interact and how genuinely happy they look around each other, it's beautiful but also disheartening because you don't remember the last time you even smiled in front of your father.
"your father goes out a lot?" mr. choi asks, finally settling down.
"he's always busy, and when he's not, he's usually in the office all day."
"that's understandable. he probably has a lot on his plate."
you know he has a lot of things to look after, but you don't know what that has to do with you. does being too busy justify confining your daughter and keeping her away from possibly discovering something much bigger?
san catches the indifferent look on you, but you're already moving the subject along.
"this rose tea is good," you say after tasting. "my father's cook, min, knows all about tea. i learned how to tell the difference between them from her."
mr. choi breaks out into an endearing smile.
"you are an interesting one, young miss."
you stay to help with the dishes and cleaning, feeling this is the most you can do for bothering the pair, before announcing your departure of the day.
san is even nice enough to walk you halfway, watching until you make it back to the house safely, your chest can't help but to feel strangely tight because you've lived with people twice your age for so long, it's relieving and nice to have a boy you might be able to share one or two common interest with.
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the monday your father leaves for his meeting, you head out to the field again, picnic basket in one hand and walking until you spot a harvest truck along with the boy you're looking for.
"hi," your voice ring in san's ear, making him jump a little before losing himself shortly in your giggle.
"what's going on?" you ask, scanning the many boxes and baskets of produce sitting on the truck.
"just getting everything ready for tomorrow."
that's when you recall that usually after manshik was done harvesting, he would leave for a couple of days out of town to sell it at the local market.
you always asked every time if he could take you along, but he said it was too risky since the market is an hour away by driving and you had to be home before your father's return.
"to the town nearby, right?"
san nods, picking up a box of watermelons that was on the ground, packing it onto the truck and pushing to make space.
"that would be correct."
this is your chance to see another part of the world; what it's like outside of the farmhouse and there's no way you're letting it slip. even if denial takes you, it's worth a try, at least.
"can i come with?"
san snaps to you with those brows that you've seen on more than one occasion--honestly a look on him that is very attractive.
"i'd have to ask my father, since i heard that yours is a little tight."
you roll your eyes and scoff, attempting to come up with another way to convince him.
"i brought sugar cookies." you open the basket and pry one out, wiggling it in the air as san gives you a puzzling expression.
"i'm not taking any bribe--" he's cut off by the sweet tasting flavor of the cookie shoved in his mouth, the way his eyes swell erupting another giggle from you.
"this cookie is good." he takes it upon himself to finish the rest.
"it is."
"i'd still have to ask my father, though. he's out clearing the rest of the field, but you should have an answer by tomorrow morning. wake up extra early in case he says yes so you will have the time to get ready."
you bob your head like a hungry dog, just elevated at the possibility of getting the hell out of here for once.
"got it! i'll be back in the morning." you untangle the basket of cookies, handing it to him. "i made this for you and your father as a thank you for the breakfast yesterday."
he smile tenderly, accepting the offer.
"i'm gonna have to head back, so, see you in the morning tomorrow." you wave, already backing up. "thank you, san!"
he chuckles at the sight of you scuttling along the grasses and back into the house. you definitely are an interesting one.
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your appearance is expected when he sees you skipping from a mile away until you stop next to him with heels digging the ground, chest leaned in and hands behind your back, speaking in a sweet tone, "so, what did your father say?"
he does a last once-over of everything on the truck before shutting off the back, head turning to you.
"he said you can come, but you'd have to return before the sun sets."
his words feeling as if you've finally been released as a prisoner, your feet all of a sudden jittery and unable to relax at the pure excitement, san even thinks you might burst any second.
"thank you thank you!"
you leap in for a hug without much thought, his body tensing at the sudden intimacy that makes him clear his throat, only staring dumbfoundedly as you pull away with a smile, emitting a floral scent that whisks past his nose.
"you're welcome," he replies, fighting a smaller smile of his own.
already thinking of what to bring to town, your face light up instantly at an idea.
"are you free right now, san?"
he presses his lips together and nods.
"i should be. we got pretty much everything. just waiting on my father."
"perfect. well then, would you like to accompany me to the river nearby?"
"oh? i didn't even know there was one."
"there is, let me show you!"
you snatch his wrist and he has to keep from tripping at how fast you're going, it must be some kind of skill to be able to do it in those heels.
when you insist to take the cruiser bike, he makes you get in the passenger seat instead, pointing out the directions for him as he cycles down the dirt road.
"keep your hold tight if you don't want to fall off," he mumbles from the front, with you following through as you practically suffocate his tiny waist, peeking your head out from his shoulders so you can tell him to turn left.
"you can stop here."
you fly off the bike immediately, not even bothering to wait for san to properly break. he can only snicker to himself watching as you skip to the open field of daisies with your bouncy dress that is a little too short.
"this place is beautiful," he comments, walking over as the plain grass brushes his legs, admiring the scenery of the river that sits in the middle of all the trees with the sun shining brightly behind it.
"isn't it?" you say in a high pitch, standing up and handing him a daisy that was picked out, but he just continues gawking, only giving in when you force it up his nose.
you pat and straighten the back of your skirt, sitting down to stare ahead at the view with san crouching into the same position.
"manshik would always take me here to pick out daisies," you say, prompting him to turn his head to your side profile.
"you seem very close to him."
"i was. he was like a father to me more than my actual father."
"you don't have a good relationship with your father?"
a deep sigh departs, combined with the drop of your chest.
"well how could i? he keeps me locked up in the farm like an animal. that's why i can't wait to get out of here."
"so you've never like... been out of the farm at all? not even to the forest or local places nearby?"
"i've been out before, to my knowledge. but that was when my mother was still alive and my father was nothing like the man he is now. i was also too young to remember anything. other than that, everything i know about the world outside the farm is from stories i've heard by my father's workers."
san's eyes grow into a mix of sympathy but also sadness, the thought of being confined to a single place your entire life and shut off from the world sounds like an absolute nightmare.
"sorry to hear..."
"it's fine. i've learned to work my way around it, which is why i'm always bothering you and your father, though manshik probably got it the worst."
he lets out a dry but genuine laughter.
"so really, thank you for this opportunity. i know i'm a handful."
"not at all. it is my pleasure. if you have anything in mind you'd like to do when you get there, let me know."
he smiles, gaze meeting your own when you finally turn to look at him.
"my father's cook, min, told me that manshik might have been buried in the town nearby. i came here because i wanted to pick out some daisies for his offering. do you think you can take me when we get there?" you wait for his answer, eyelashes blinking in anticipation.
"shouldn't be a problem. the town only has one gravesite."
"thank you so much, san. i really appreciate it!"
before leaving, you hurry back inside the house to get the last item on your list, bidding goodbyes to min and hyunjoo with a promise that you'll be back before your father's return in order to spare the two a heart attack.
the two older ladies unable to do anything else but sigh and shake their heads at the troublesome but understandable curiosity of yours.
you sit by the window, san squashed in middle of you and his father who's driving the truck.
within just the first fifteen minutes of the trip, he has to bite back an amused smile at how you ooh and ahh at even the dark and grimy forest that surrounds the area outside the farm, confirming you weren't exaggerating about the confinement.
"squirrel," you suddenly say, head out the window and butt off of your seat, san has to grab at your belt, afraid you really might fall off.
"there's plenty of them in town." he forces you back down. "now before you fly out."
you cross your arms and brush it off with a scoff, the excitement contained for a minute before catching a stream on the other side shielded by the rocks and trees, but the sound is evidence of its existence.
"that must flow back to the river," you comment.
"oh yeah, that makes sense," san agrees, the realization just hitting him.
he's never really paid much attention when commuting through the forest; not to the animals or the surrounding because he's seen many wildlife and passed many rivers and streams, it sometimes fly over his head.
the journey through the tall trees and sound of nature continues until you can see the light from the sun attempting to sneak through, eventually hitting a road that looks like it stretches out forever into nothingness.
mr. choi tells you that the forest didn't use to have a path that was easily accessible for traveling back and forth, so it either had to be done on foot or a much longer route needed to be taken in order to reach the other side. but over the last decade or so, it must had been a real hassle, a path was made.
"we're almost to the outskirt of town," san announces, and a few more silent strolls down the road, you can see a couple houses from the distance and some livestocks decorating the open field.
you're like a fish fresh out of water when the truck finally comes to a stop, amazed by the life and never-ending chitters around you that makes everything feel so alive.
"let's go," mr. choi says with a smile, san nodding his head in the direction of the door for you to open it.
your feet now on cement, nothing like the soils or grasses you're used to back at the farm, so it's different, but a good different.
"okay, enough of being in awe for now. we have to set up the stall first, then i'll take you around the town after," san's voice from behind takes you out of the fascination, along with the slamming of the car door.
"got it." you nod obediently, watching san run to the back to help mr. choi unload some of the boxes and baskets and then carrying it to the empty stall nearby.
you stand in spot, feeling completely useless and if you should help though your hands are full from clutching a book and bouquet of daisies.
seeing as they're coming back, you think about throwing the items into the car to make yourself useful when an unfamiliar voice kicks the thought out of your head.
"well well well, we haven't seen him in barely a couple of weeks, and he's already returned with a lover?"
you snap to the new arrivals, both of them settling to the left of you with the boy that had just spoken shooting a simple smile when he meets your gaze.
"she's not my lover," san replies, stopping in front of you three only to pry away to grab another box. "she's my boss's daughter."
"oh?" the other one says, you notice he's much taller than the first. "then your boss must've put a lot of trust in you if you're bringing her here."
san rolls his eyes and looks utterly annoyed, you've never seen him in that state before, it's almost humorous.
"what is your name, your majesty?" the first boy that spoke turns to you again.
"your majesty?" san repeats, the ridiculousness makes him want to roll his eyes once more. "will you guys stop yapping your mouth and help me and my dad out?"
"geez, so bossy you are," he sighs out but goes to help anyway with the other boy following behind.
after everything on the truck's been taken care of, you try to contain a giggle at the sight of all the men exhaling and trying to catch their breath, hands on their waist and all.
you wanted to help but they insisted they got it--as quoted by one of the new boy: "a proper lady like you shouldn't ever have to work hard."
"well, shit," the taller one says, being the first to get a word out of the bunch. "anyone up for a drink? heard the bar's having a deal today."
"i'm in." the other raises his hand. "this is also a perfect opportunity to introduce one another. we don't even know the pretty lady's name, yet."
"there will be no drinking and no learning about each other. y/n has to be back before the sun sets, and if you guys already can't see, me and father are a little busy."
"y/n... that's a pretty name," says the shorter boy. "okay, since san wants to be a major buzzkill, then maybe another time, your majesty?"
you nod at that, a smile on your lips.
"yeah, maybe another time." you hope.
the two goes off, waving until they can't anymore and disappearing out of sight.
"sorry, those are my idiot friends, also known as hongjoong and seonghwa."
you chuckle, shaking your head.
"no worries, they were fun."
and you were glad to see others who looks close to your age, swearing you'll never take that for granted given the circumstances you grew up with.
"i'll take you to the gravesite after this," san brings up, assuring he hasn't forgotten.
"so you're sure he was buried here?"
"again, it's only a might. but i can't think of anywhere else. if we can't find him, we'll just return back to the center."
"he didn't have any friends? families? do you know where he's from?"
"well..." you drag, at the same time attempting to catch up to san as he takes a big step up the hill. "he's never talked about it."
from your knowledge, manshik only left the farm for work, otherwise, he practically lived there. if he had friends or families, you don't know about them.
the man had a heart of gold, but he was a very mysterious person. you wish you would've asked more about him while he was alive because now thinking of it, you don't even know his last name--praying there doesn't happen to be another manshik at the site.
"we'll have to see," san says, coming to a stop at the top. "here it is. the only gravesite in the town."
it's rather small, with only a dark metal half-fence running around the entire site. you enter it first, glancing back at san, "can you help me look for his name?"
"of course."
you're careful to not knock into any other headstones, treading the area slowly to read each of the names.
"i think i found it," san calls from a few feet away, your head shooting up and hopping to where he is.
"cho manshik," you read the writing. "right! i think it was something like that."
if you think about it hard enough, digging into the deepest scrap of your memories, you could've swear manshik was a cho.
bending down on your knees, you place the bouquet of daisies in front of the headstone first before neatly adjusting the book next to it, closing your eyes to wish him a few words before getting up and bowing one last time.
"i hope i don't sound rude or anything, but why a book?" san asks on the trip back.
"that was manshik's favorite book," you answer with a proud smile. "he would always have me read it to him."
"ooh..." he sings, "what was it about?"
"a true love story. manshik loved those, but especially this one because the two main characters were able to overcome hardships because of love."
san hums, quirking his lips to the side. "interesting."
but he nearly crashes into you when you come to an abrupt stop, turning to him with a question dying to get out. the entire time all you've been talking about is yourself, you wish to learn more about him, too.
"tell me san, where are you from? do you have any other family members?"
he chuckles, those dimples making an appearance again, and san really is so handsome... especially up close.
"i'm from a village not too far from here, you can reach it by foot. as for your second question, yes. me and my father came to find work but on the occasion we do get time off, we return to the village to stay with my mother."
"ah..." you take in the new information. "that's where you guys will be staying for the next couple of days?"
he nods. "yes. it's much closer than the farm, and it's convenient."
you're already dreading the days to come knowing there won't be anything to kill time with, and also no farmboy your age to bother, all you can hope for is that it will pass quick enough.
when you don't say anything, he's the one to talk again.
"let's continue heading back. if you want to look around once we get there, feel free to. i'm gonna help my father in hopefully selling a few, then we can start getting ready to take you home. the sooner the better since it's an hour drive."
despite the few jewelry and book stores that catches your eye, you decide to help san and mr. choi instead, a choice that you're glad to have made.
getting to talk to people of all kinds and trying to persuade them is an experience like never before, it was hard to get back in the truck and wait for the return of your mundane life because the closer san gets to the forest, you know it's coming.
your arms are out the window with your chin resting on top, staring out at scene and dwelling in the breeze, head already in a daydream about the day you'll get to come back.
when san announces the arrival, you nearly groan out.
"we're here, your majesty." he pries the door open when there's no movements, leaving you with no choice but to step out of the truck like a sulky child.
"what's wrong? not so happy to come back to the farm?"
"i'll be happy to be anywhere else but the farm," you snark, to which he responds immediately with a sweet-sounding laughter.
"it won't be the last time," he tries assuring.
"i hope," you say sharply, a silence hanging in the air until a question takes over. "how long are you guys going to be staying in town again?"
"hmm..." his lips tremble in the process. "maybe three to four days? it really depends on the sales."
"oh," you mumble, "then, can you do me a favor?"
"yeah, sure."
"can you get me a new book? any book! or maybe two. i haven't read anything new in months since hyunjoo hasn't been bringing in any. and lastly, if you can also get me a new vase, that'd be appreciated. i will make sure to pay you back every penny if you do."
san smiles at the request and nods.
"i'd be happy to."
"thank you so much!" you squeal, jumping in to give him a hug again, the touch sparking something inside of san that makes his cheeks glow a bright red.
"yeah, you're welcome," he tries saying nonchalantly when drawing back, fortunate you're as equally clueless when it comes to love despite having read countless novels about it.
"i-i uhm, gotta head back before it gets darker."
"safe driving, san! and see you in three or four days!" you wave, observing until the very last moment you can no longer make out the truck through the forest trees.
you wish you could tell your father that he's wrong. that the stories you've heard from books, and from min and hyunjoo are true; the outside a big place full of mismatched people with all kinds of smiles and personalities--nothing cruel like your father said they are.
the world is also beautiful, so many more lands and acres to explore, your curious heart that yearns for adventure and knowledge also wants no more than to just be a part of that world.
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you've lost count of how many times you'd peek out the window or run out with your heels the minute your father leaves, expecting to see the boy with his father in the field because they happened to return early.
every time, you're met with disappointment. no father or son in sight, just the swaying of grasses as the birds chirp and fly high above the other side.
on the fifth day, almost a week since you've seen them, the revving of an engine outside the window picks your head up from the book you're reading, looking out to see that familiar red truck coming from the forest, absolutely overjoyed that you nearly knock into hyunjoo on the way out.
"you guys are back!" you jump in pure ecstasy once the car is parked and san crawls out the door, an amused smile still on his face at the image of you running all the way to the other side still ingrained in his head.
you look so happy, wide smile on and all, it does something to his heart at the fact you were waiting for him (and his father) all this time. it's similar to coming home and knowing his mother is there. the feeling sure does feel nice.
"yeah," he responds, attempting to hold back a laughter this time, seeing you're not even wearing any shoes. just how excited were you?
"how did sales go?" you ask, waving back to mr. choi when he greets you from the other side before walking off into the cottage.
"took an additional day than predicted but we managed to sell out. that was only the first batch, though. we would need to return next week after clearing the field again."
only a second after, he immediately recognizes that mischievous look in your eyes, the way your face lights up with an idea.
"can i come again?" your voice drops into that overly sweet tone that makes him chuckle a little, unable to resist.
"i'm sure my father is fine with it, as long as we follow last time," he confirms, snapping his neck back to the car when the reminder floods in. "i almost forgot."
you observe as he digs into the car seat, coming back with his hands full, gasping under your breath because you literally forgot, mind entirely clouded by nothing but the return.
"i have no idea what these books are about, but i asked the lady at the front for some recommendation on romance and she gave me these."
he hands it to you before continuing, "also wasn't sure what kind of vase you had in mind so i just picked this one out."
you accept the white ceramic vase into your hold graciously, smiling up at him through your teeth.
"thank you, san! they are perfect!"
he watch as you admire the new items with a pretty smile on your lips, the sight all of a sudden making his cheeks heat up again... you always do this.
he does think you're so pretty, probably the prettiest thing he's seen in his life, always with your floral dresses and curled hair stuck in a bow.
but when you're so sweet and kind, the closer you get to him; touch him, it makes him feel a certain way... similar to the way he'd get when hongjoong or seonghwa would pass around photos of naked women they ripped off of cheap publications... it's like that but also something else.
"how much was it altogether?" your question rips him away from the thought and to your innocent blinking lashes.
"oh no, it's fine. take it as a gift."
he's surprise he even managed without stuttering, never thinking that the exchange would make him so tense and nervous in the first place.
you frown, shaking your head.
"i couldn't do that. not after what i made you go through. here, take this."
when you move everything over to one arm, his brows raises in confusion on what exactly you're going to do, only for his body to freeze on the spot at your free hand shoved in your bra for much too long before getting out a couple rolled-up dollars.
"got it!" you declare as if it's an achievement, gaze moving to him, "here."
he swallows the knot in his throat, accepting the offer with a simple thank, afraid that putting up a fight would be much worse.
"i'm gonna go put these items away first... and hopefully put on some shoes, too," you say, looking down at your dirty feet, the comment actually bringing a genuine smile out of san, "i'll be back."
he nods, eyes tracing your figure that grows farther away, staring at the dollars you gave him again... dollars that probably had been sitting in between your boobs all day--and, what the fuck is wrong with him.
sighing one last time, he decides to retreat to the cottage, because maybe his father might have something for him that will hopefully be able to distract the thoughts of you for now.
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san is still as nice as ever; helping and guiding you, and always answering any questions you have. the only problem is, he's just been slightly distant.
if you're both walking out to the field, he's at least a feet away. and if he's teaching you how to trim or pick out the produce, he does so with a good amount of distance and care, almost if he's trying to avoid touching you.
it's not like you guys were super close before or even ever did things together in the proximity of each other for this long, but it does hurt a little that you're barely able to hold a conversation with him anymore.
you've yet to pick out daisies for the new vase so you figure you'll ask san to come with, and if there's anything to talk through, you'll do so at the river shielded by everything else.
mr. choi is alone on the field when passing by, informing you san's still in the house and you're thinking the situation can't be more perfect.
"hello?" you echo upon entrance, the door unlocked most of the time since there's little chance of anyone wandering into the farm.
you make way to san's room, hearing the running of water from the bathroom and concluding he's in there, you make yourself comfortable on the end of his bed, sitting on top his blanket and nosy eyes roaming the decorations.
it's simple and plain, not really anything reminiscing of a young adult male but you also realize he probably didn't have much say. that your father probably just threw out all of manshik's things and hauled someone else in for a quick renovation.
the sound of water stops at the same time you shift uncomfortably at what feels like something protruding under the blanket, hopping out of the seat to yank it with the revelation turning your entire face a deep red.
you're so flustered you don't even hear the bathroom door shutting and san walking into the room to see you just standing there dumbfoundedly, tracing your gaze to the few stacks of photos he had made sure to hide. photos hongjoong and seonghwa gave him.
he rushes over to pull the blanket back in its spot, cheeks now as red as yours, if not, even more.
"y/n, what are you doing in my room?" he tries holding his voice firm to keep from the embarrassment overtaking his system.
"i-i wanted to come by to ask if you can go with me to the river..." your volume is low, unable to read his expression whether he's angry or not. "and your dad told me you were still inside."
he exhales, running one hand through his hair. he don't mean to come off so irritated but he don't know how else to contain the situation. what exactly do you say to a girl who finds you with naked photos of other girls?
"you could've waited for me on the couch or something."
"sorry..." you stare at your feet. "it's okay if you can't go. you seem... busy."
san can almost choke at your choice of word. why would you say it like that? he shakes his head, attempting to keep the composure.
"no, i'll go with you. just let me change first."
the trip there is a lot less awkward than you had thought.
it's relaxing even, with how the breeze travels past your skin and swoops your hair as it dances in the wind. your hands clasped onto san's tiny waist for balance, and your head leaning on his back as he cycles along the dirt road.
when the destination is reached, you're quick to hop off racing to the open field, maybe to distract yourself from what just happened though bits of it still lingers in the back of your mind.
san is behind and taking his time, even more desperate to rid of the recent event, staying quiet and keeping to himself while he watches you pick the daisies one by one.
you usually wore dresses--short dresses, and maybe his eyes might've lingered on your exposed legs due to it a few (or a couple) times, but the skirt you're wearing today is extra short, and your top is cut very low, he can practically see your cleavage from where he's standing.
the sudden image of your fingers digging through your bra, pressing your breast against the other, he still remembers how soft it looks, and how--
"san!" your voice snaps him out, meeting eyes that already leveled his own when you were still just ripping out daisies last he recalled.
"oh shit, i'm sorry. what happened?"
"what's wrong with you?" you frown, arms coming up to cover your upper half. "you were staring at my breasts!"
the accusation sends him into a whirl of panic.
"i-i wasn't, i was just--"
"--yes you were, don't lie. i saw it."
you huff, stepping around him before turning again.
"first, you were looking at photos of other naked women and now you're checking me out--"
"--don't say it like that," he cuts, now more offended than embarrassed that he sounds like a complete pervert.
"then how do you want me to say it?"
"i'm just--i'm just going through something, okay?" like that's all the explanation that's needed for his recent behaviors, but you're still standing there unconvinced, eager to get to the root.
"well, what is it?"
the conversation and topic isn't easy, especially to a girl of his age, more so one who's the cause of it; that the reason he's been making use of sexually explicit photos from his friends and stealing glances where he shouldn't is because of the ache in his pants.
any slightest gesture from you drives him absolutely crazy, sweet or not sweet. he thinks you should know that, given how much you probably stick your nose in romance novels.
"haven't you ever like... read erotica or something?" he says, almost irritatingly he has to spell it out.
"what? no."
the tangent on the tip of your tongue about why you don't do any of that, not because your father raised you to be pure and lady-like, stripped away from the idea of seeking a man only for pleasure, but you just prefer simpler romance.
ones where you can lose yourself in a daydream; the retelling of looking in the other's eye and knowing they're the one. cheesy, sappy romance.
san's message hits you halfway into your thoughts, staring back at him and growing flustered.
you may have spent more than half your life confined to the farm, but you're no hermit completely deprived of civilization.
if san's trying to say what you think he is, you're not sure how to feel about it.
when you don't show the next day, san believes that he have officially ran you off. creeped you out so bad even the hunt for knowledge and adventure can't bring you out of hiding.
the day after, when he and his father is set to leave to town, car parked in front of your house to adjust some of the boxes, he's surprise when the front door comes flailing, the sound hard to miss even from where he's standing.
you pop from under the hood, hair half-tied the way you always have it and with a different floral dress, the only thing in your hand a lone daisy.
"hi," you speak, it being almost as low as a whisper.
san blinks down at you and throw on a smile, unable to comprehend that it's only been a day and his body is reacting as if you've been gone for a month.
"can i still come?" there's a shyness to your voice, maybe a little bit of shame that you chickened out yesterday only to show again at your own convenience.
but it wasn't that you were trying to avoid him after what happened. you were just trying to sort out your feelings and needed to be away for better judgment.
you spent so long cradling the concept of romance, your head always in books and viewing the idea through a rose-coloured glass.
but that's all romance's been to you--a fantasy in writing form that you think would be nice. think it'd be good to have someone by your side who loves you so much, they'd sacrifice everything.
now, you're starting to feel a lot like the female protagonists you'd curse at because how can they be so foolish and hesitant when it comes to love.
you just couldn't predict you would actually get into a situation with a boy who, maybe, probably takes a small interest in you--only possibly.
and to experience it for the first time, you learn that the concept is actually a bit scary. consuming. nerve-racking.
it makes your heart beat faster in your chest, your fingers and legs tense and nervous, and butterflies swoops your stomach sitting next to him as your eyes shy away when he'd accidentally meet yours.
he really is so handsome, kind, and always gentle with not only you but everything he comes in contact with, and you're not only saying that because he's one of the few guys your age (out of three) you know of.
as soon as you three arrive in town, seonghwa and hongjoong along with two new faces you've never seen before, comes shoving through the commotion and make a circle around the truck.
"look who finally showed again," hongjoong quips, one side of his body leaning on the parked car.
"yeah, but he only showed for work. he's not gonna want to go grab a drink with us," seonghwa adds, gaze caught in yours shortly after.
"but at least y/n's here. maybe she won't mind?"
"y/n," says a blonde one from behind seonghwa, "didn't know san got a girlfriend."
the scene brings a chuckle out of mr. choi, sorting through the items before leaving you youngsters to talk among yourselves.
"she's not san's girlfriend," hongjoong turns to the boy in correction, from the corner of your eye seeing as san already start huffing in annoyance, "she's his boss's daughter he just so happens to always bring along these trips, that's it."
"interesting," hums the other one, closer to hongjoong's height and dark haired, pushing past the other boys until he's standing in front of you. "i'm wooyoung, it's a pleasure meeting you."
you're about to return his greeting when san beats you to it.
"how jobless are you guys to both, be waiting on my arrival, and to even have the time to blurt so many nonsense?" he's snarky, but with a hint of playfulness.
"uhm, excuse me," wooyoung retorts, "ain't nobody faster at clearing the field than us, that's why we're gonna be in town all day."
"what, so you guys can get high off your asses?"
"no other way to do it after long days of work!"
the group of boys continues teasing san in the name of affection, eventually helping him and his father out while blabbering even more nonsense before moving onto sharing stories.
they tell you of how all eight of them--yes, eight, met and came to form the crazy friendship they have to this day. boys from the same village, they said. growing up and finding similarities in each other, they also learned to lean on one another through the hardships of life.
you find the blonde one is named yeosang, and the other three who isn't here currently are yunho, mingi, and jongho being the youngest of the group.
it's a bit chaotic initially, so many bodies standing around one tiny stall, but soon when most of the population gets out of bed and start migrating to the town center, it's proven to be good for business.
five handsome faces catching onlookers attention and pulling them immediately to the spot as the men smile and thank the flustered customers of mostly women by bagging their items.
you smile endearingly thinking to yourself, these boys are definitely some efficient marketing tool.
"but if there's one thing you need to know about him, is that he talks out of his ass more than half the time," san curses wooyoung's name again, testifying the accuracy of his story of san eating shit.
he didn't eat shit. he just almost did, because stupid ass wooyoung and mingi wanted to visit the gravesite at night and ran like little girls when they heard the branch creaking.
you giggle at that, nodding.
"i believe you."
speaking of gravesite, you told san you're gonna visit manshik again and he insisted to come along which you're grateful for because it's only natural the place gives you the creep.
"but yeah, i hope my friends wasn't too much," he says upon reaching the site.
"not at all!" you shake your head, passionate about the answer because that was the most life you've seen and felt in so long, such a contrast to the dull silence at home you're used to.
all the smiles, laughters, and chitters of the boys poking fun at one another and recalling embarrassing stories done so mischievously but also with a certain fondness that it was an absolute sight to see.
the way they tried including you in everything and asking questions when you're quiet for too long, afraid you might feel left out, bringing in the false sense that you've known them for years though you just met.
you're relieved wonderful people like san and his father has equally wonderful people in their lives.
"if you say so," he ends the conversation there, gaze following your walking figure that is soon on the ground to place the lone daisy the same way before, closing your eyes and wishing that wherever manshik is, he's doing well.
san lets you lead the way again, his steps trailing from behind and watching for anything. one minute you're still maintaining your balance and the next, your body's flailing forward at the rock you missed, nearly landing onto your face if san hadn't rush over to keep you from falling.
his arms nicely wrapped around your waist and face only inches away from yours, his breath practically ghosting over your skin.
he's absolutely beautiful, fox eyes staring back and red cheeks coming into bloom at such proximity, he has to clear his throat and pull away when time seems to have stopped.
"sorry," he mutters almost inaudible, lashes fluttering cutely. and you don't know what comes over suddenly, your body reacting before your mind, hands going to retrieve his.
"it's okay," you whisper, closing off the space with san peering down with the most scared but desperate look on his face until you're flushed against his chest, the thumping of his heartbeat loud to your ears.
he swallows hard and the longest silence ensues after.
you're not exactly sure why you pulled him back and why all instincts jumped when he removed his touch. right now, you just know you wanna kiss him, plumped lips and all taunting your deprived body that wants to experience these things for yourself.
so nervous about love; romance but also wanting someone by your side to call yours.
if he likes you, there's no reason to not give it a chance at least, lifting your feet off the ground and dipping in for a kiss on his frozen lips and coming back down to look for a reaction.
he still doesn't say anything, causing an embarrassment to rose immediately, talking in your small voice, "sorry--"
but his lips is on yours again, grips tight on your hips and messy kisses as if he's done this a thousand times before.
your hands find comfort at the rest of his shoulders, attempting to match his pace the best your virgin lips can.
he pulls back first, soft and gentle push at your hips as you both try catching your breath.
"what was that just now?" he says, brows pinched together and like he's seconds away from laughter.
"i don't know..." you reply, a shy smile on, barely able to look at him because your heart is about to fly out of your chest now that the elephant in the room's finally addressed.
both your bodies stand there in the silence of daylight but it doesn't at all feel awkward.
"san," you call out sweetly, to which he acknowledges with a hum. your grip on his shoulders having moved to fiddling his shirt around his chest.
"do you like me?" your tendency to be frank and honest calls for his own as well.
san doesn't have much experiences, not from the girls in the village or nearby towns not taking interests in him or anything like that, a couple of them giving him the stare before.
but because he's spent most of his life in the field and helping his family, sometimes lucky if he's able to stay in one place for more than a few months, the thought of finding the one despite being of age barely crossing his mind.
he's had curiosity and aches, yes, but that's about as far as it goes.
being around you too long, always walking or running in your pretty heels and dresses just looking like that, but especially with how you treat him, he can say he does like you if that also speaks of how much he likes the kiss just now.
"you could say that." he quirks one side of his lips and you can only smile.
because you understand to an extent you both do want this but everything is new, scary, and a bit unfamiliar, which is why you say it's worth a try though whether it will work or not is beyond your grasp.
the return to the center is different, most of the boys unable to pinpoint what is but that something has changed after the trip and is affecting both of your current behaviors.
san is smiling more, and you're starting to become rather shameless with the glances you'd steal his way. whatever it is, they believe it to be something good for the two of you.
when the time comes and you're to go back, accidentally bumping your shoulder into san's when seated in the car that it sets off that familiar sensation.
the situation still new and excited, hiding a smile and keeping your gaze on the road before falling into a slumber on his shoulder.
you awake at the soft call of your name and a light tap on your head.
"we've arrived."
prying your eyes apart the best you can, you face the boy whose voice and touch it belongs to before he gets out to your side and opens the door.
"thanks," you say on the way out, another gentle hold on your arms to keep from stumbling.
coming into view with the house isn't as terrible as expected, but you don't feel particularly excited about it, too. every reminder of being trapped and stripped of freedom, made worse by the fact you know you won't see san again for a while.
"i should go now," he speaks, hesistant and unsure. "i look forward to seeing you again in a few days."
he only makes it a couple steps to the other side when you shout with a protest of "wait" and is already standing in front of him, so nervous but also eager, going to place a peck on his lips.
"i'll see you soon, san," his name falling off more comfortably now.
you see those cute dimples emerging from his cheeks, his reply the closing to the entire scene.
"i'll see you, y/n."
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the days goes by very slowly, as a matter of fact.
you still peek your head out the window but with very little expectations, and by the fourth day, you assume that they will be back tomorrow the same as before.
when the morning of the fifth comes, you take your heels and run out the door anticipating for the appearance of a red truck from the forest trees. but nothing. not a single sign of life outside; not even in the afternoon or evening.
you wait for tomorrow, hopeful and yet to jump into conclusion because there's so many reasons why san and his father couldn't make it back in time.
but it's also the same that day, then the day after, and the one after that, too. progressively, your mind that tried being optimistic about it faltering each time you go out and see they haven't returned.
an entire week of nothing, you take it upon yourself and make way to the cottage that morning, knowing the chance of them actually having arrived days ago unannounced is unlikely, but you wish to be wrong.
and for the first time in your life, you hate that you're actually right. the door locked and no sound from anywhere but your desperate knocking.
you retreat back to the house in defeat.
the following afternoon when you're at table for dinner, fork stabbing your untouched food with a huge brick sitting on your chest, you finally ask min, no longer able to hold back the concerns plaguing your mind.
because she's your father's worker, it's her duty to know about everything that goes on around the farm. not you, though. your father doesn't tell you anything if that isn't obvious by now.
"min," you speak, voice relaxing and nothing at all like the turmoil at the pit of your stomach.
she looks up from wiping the counter with a nervous twitch at the call, but with something so attentive like she was expecting this moment.
"it's been a week and mr. choi and his son hasn't returned. do you know what possibly could be taking them this long?"
she just stands there, staring off into space before moving it to her shoes. she knows something you don't.
"min?" you squeak, all that turmoil and worries starting to seep.
you watch with a racing heart as she throws down the towel and turns to look at you, the pity in her eyes similar to that of when she'd tell the new restrictions your father came up with that is in effect immediately.
"mr. choi and his son has been dismissed."
you have to do a second take at that, convinced for a second you're hearing things, but it's all very real. and despite being strict and on the occasional, cranky, min always have your best interest at heart and would never lie.
"w-what why?" is all that manages to make out of your mouth, though questions are generating at the speed of light.
"your father knew they took you to town and fired them on the spot when he found out. i know he ordered for their things to be taken to them, so they most likely won't be coming back."
"but how did he--"
"someone in town recognized you and reported back to your father, that's all i know for now."
the waves of emotions attacking all at once is unexplainable. anger, hopelessness, guilt.
angry at your father for acting like the tyrant that he is, throwing people away like they're disposable at his own convenience. and because you know the second you bring it up, he will claim to be doing it for your own good. bullshit.
but the rage making you red in the face is nothing compared to the guilt, feeling absolutely awful since this is all your fault. your silly little want for adventure and fun is the cause for the permanent loss of san and his father's job, something they do for a living for the roof over their head and food in their stomach.
thinking back to the last few days, that while they were probably trying to piece everything together again, you were just going on your days like nobody's business.
you're about to be sick, not feeling much mightier than your father.
so you sit there on the stairs with each of the emotions taking turns. the current--frustration and anger winning while waiting for him to come home from his daily meetings or whatever he does. you don't really care.
when the front door creaks open, you're fast to stand up in the already thick air ready for a father-daughter fight in the making.
he's surprise to see you, his sweet daughter that is supposed to listen to him and keep quiet at all time.
"why couldn't you just punish me instead? why did it have to be them?" you're straightforward, not allowing any time for confusion, unable to afford it right now.
your father barely squints his eyes but eventually, he gets the message. hanging his jacket onto the rack and heading for the kitchen instead.
you hate it, the way he always fucking act and talk to you like you're stupid and anything that comes out your mouth is unimportant.
"are you going to talk to me?" your voice is stern right behind him, your father drinking a glass of water before putting it down and turning to you. he isn't moved in the slightest.
"there is nothing to talk about. they went behind my back and got what they deserved."
"how can you even say that," disgust and hurt in your voice. "they have been nothing but amazing, including manshik whose passing i have to find out on my own because you won't tell me anything!"
"you don't need to know anything. they work for me, they're not people for you to become friends with so you can ask them to bring you anywhere."
"then what the hell do you want me to do?" you yelp, the volume quite impressive you didn't think you could ever be this loud and mad before. "you keep me inside this farm like a prisoner! but you know what, at least a prisoner has a variety of people to talk to and have the chance of getting out!"
he closes his eyes and exhale, and you already know what he's going to say next. what he always say.
"i'm only doing this to protect you!"
"no!" you're quick to hit back. "you're only doing it for your own selfish reasons. if you really care about me, i wouldn't be on the brink of madness counting down the minute i lose my sanity because i'm so freaking tired of this stupid farm!"
"y/n," he growls, and you don't like fighting with your father but it feels like it's the last option. all the long years of frustration pent-up coming to the surface in the ugliest way.
"your mother was exactly like you, always so eager and excited to see the world and look what happened to her! do you want to share the same fate as your mother?"
"that doesn't mean i'm gonna end up like her!"
from what you know, your mother liked traveling a lot, especially going from one town to another. then she contracted an illness from one of them; an outbreak, they said. she failed to recover and passed away shortly after.
you never really got to know much about her. you were so young then.
"enough! i don't want to hear you talk about that boy or his father, and i order you to stay inside!"
tears starts welling though the last thing you want to be seen as is weak, you're so upset he never listens to you.
"i hate you!" you shout, storming up the stairs and into your room.
no matter what, you can't surrender; let your father win and be confined to this prison for the rest of your life, living the same day over and over again until you're too old to even walk anymore.
another thing, is you're afraid you won't see san ever again. the first boy to make something flutter inside your chest, turning your vision with splashes of pink whenever you look at him, and the boy who you shared the first kiss with.
out of anger, and out of spite, you feel you have to do something.
when midnight creeps in, the moon high above in the sky and the entire interior a dark color, you sneak out of the house, the process actually more simple than you had thought.
maybe your father expected you to follow his orders like before, or that you won't have the guts to go out at such hour or at all, but the internal commotion (and drive) proves to be greater than anything, even completely numbing any sense of fear that would usually come with the nightly wind and an empty forest.
the path to town is straightforward and you have the directions ingrained with just the few trips, biking all the way over there with nothing but the hope you'll be able to find someone who knows san's whereabouts.
he's never told you where the village he resides in is located. worst case scenario, you're going to have to find it yourself.
the town is different at night in comparison to the lively atmosphere you're used to, it looks almost ghostly with how some of the flyers slides on the flooring, the wind blowing strong, and there's practically no one here.
but you catch a light from the corner of your eye, maybe one of the only two building to still be alive. you make way to it, the banner at the front hitting you with familiarity.
wonderland. it is the bar san's friends always talked about going in. feeling a lot more hopeful again, you enter and deduce that even if they aren't here, someone around must have heard of san, at the very least.
your eyes roam the old town bar, small but cozy, before your name falls from someone's lips.
"seonghwa?" you squeak, surprise but relieved to see someone you recognize. just when every ounce of hope was about to fly out of your body.
"i heard san and his father lost their jobs," seonghwa says, after you told him you're looking for san and the older boy bring up the coincidence that he's just about to head home.
"yeah... and it's all my fault because i asked to come along knowing my father would've retaliated if he found out."
"you're being too harsh on yourself. i'm sure san and his father doesn't see it like that."
you sigh out harshly, a short silence passing before speaking again.
"do you know how they're doing right now?"
he shakes his head.
"not really. i haven't spoken to him in like two days. was busy with work and all, just finally got the time to catch a drink tonight. but last i heard, they're on the hunt for work again."
"oh..." you mumble, unable to help the guilt making a reappearance at what he just said.
"again, it's not your fault," he adds before stopping and nodding his head off to one of the houses. "this is my cue. san's should be the first on that turn over at the corner, some colorful garden, it will be hard to miss. good luck."
you nod and thank him courtly before he goes off, the man really so kind and wonderful, a different side to him because you're used to him being the butt of the joke or in the back hiding a laughter.
you put the bike off to the side and approach the door with caution, knocking twice as quiet as you can, not wanting to alert anyone at this hour that you're here trespassing or anything.
the door opens to a woman, friendly smile on and a lot shorter than you, who you can only assume to be san's mother if you followed seonghwa's instructions correctly and didn't wind up on some stranger's door instead.
"hello?" she greets you.
"hi, i was just wondering if--"
but your question is answered when mr. choi pops from behind, an equally welcoming smile on when he recognizes you.
"well hello there, young miss," he says, gesturing for you to come in, your eyes curiously wandering the much smaller home once inside.
"this is the daughter of our previous boss," mr. choi introduces, an embarrass flush growing on your cheeks from the usage of previous.
"are you here by his request?" he asks, and you shake your head, about to apologize for everything and maybe leave out the part where you ran away from home, but really just apologize, when the closing of a door snaps your head that direction and sees san just standing there.
"what are you doing here?" he finally speaks once it's just the two of you outside.
you have been waiting to see him again after an entire week, after sharing a kiss and him confirming the possibility of a feeling being mutual, the way your body reacted at the sight of him is electric.
you also thought he would be happy to see you, or at least look the slightest relieved you came. but that doesn't seem to be the case at all, his face everything but a smile ever since he saw you.
"it's all my fault that you and your father lost your job, and i'm so--"
the rambling is cut when he jumps in with a serious, "you shouldn't be here, y/n." all the sparks and hopes of a sappy reconciliation out the window that moment, the scene nothing reminiscing of any romance novels you've read.
"but my father--"
"--it's cool. we'll just look for work again, it shouldn't be too hard. but please tell me you didn't come all the way over here against your father's wishes just for this."
you can only stare at him, the once soft gaze turning cold, because how can he be so dismissive like it's nothing. you know you came by your own will, but it hurts how small he's making the matters sound.
"i came because i feel awful about what happened, and because..." you're afraid you won't see him again.
it may be some form of puppy love, or just the fondness of one another, or that he's the only guy your age you've ever got to know this closely, or that you're the only girl his age he can hold a conversation with for more than a minute, but you are afraid of losing him.
feared that you will forever be stuck in the farm and won't ever see the dimpled boy who'd accompany you to the river, and who allowed you to see a small part of the world for the first time.
"because i wanted to apologize..." you say defeatedly.
had he reacted differently, the confession for sure would've slipped, but it doesn't look like he wants to hear that right now.
"it's okay, don't worry about it."
the assurance doesn't make it any better; if anything, it might've made you feel worse with the thickest silence gauging the air, and that after everything, this is all he can say.
"you should go back," he starts, the silence sitting for long enough.
"no," you reply, because you understand the circumstances... you do. but you also have the tendency to be frank; honest, always wearing your heart on your sleeve. "i'm not going back."
"you have to." he steps closer, not out of intimacy, but because you can tell he's starting to get frustrated.
"he's never going to let me out again if i go, and especially if he finds out i snuck out of the house, i might as well be good as dead."
now, you're starting to sound a lot like a child throwing a tantrum because they got scolded. you absolutely do not need that given the fact all your father ever does is reprimand your behaviors.
"he's your father, y/n. he wouldn't be that cruel to his own daughter."
"you don't know my father, san."
"no, i don't, but it won't be good for you to stay here. i can take you back before it gets too late."
disappointment, betrayal, and once again, anger, brews in your blood, your chest, and your stomach.
"it's fine. i can go back myself."
san watch as you pick up your bike and walk off, not even bothering to spare him a last glance. but even in the pitched darkness, he was still able to make out your brows closing together and your once pretty smile that turned into a frown.
dragging your bike all the way back to the town center, you don't even have the heart to get on it, your mind entirely clouded and if you so happen die on this road; get robbed or held at gunpoint, you probably don't even care.
disappointment, betrayal, and anger still in the deep of your chest, because of all people, you wouldn't have guessed it would come from san.
coming all the way here for him; the sweet boy who told you he likes you and thinking he might be able to help because the relationship was getting somewhere.
now, you just feel foolish; stupid, but more so, hurt.
his voice still loud and echoing, telling you to go back to your father even after everything you've shared with him. because although there's no wounds to show for your father's actions all these years because he doesn't get physical, your heart will be forever scarred.
it will remember the days locked inside your room or house and thinking of all the missed opportunities, or all the could be's if he had let you live like any other kids and grow with the curiosities and constant urges for adventure, instead of at this age where you still seek those things.
the center is empty when you get there, all the lightings already out and you don't even have it in you to be scared of the dark or the fact you're alone.
throwing your bike against the bench, you take a seat to catch your breath, all ideas out at this point. that you might as well go back home and kneel to your father and hope he's lenient enough he'll still let you roam the farm.
minutes of staring into nothingness and listening to the ghostly wind, you finally hear something that makes the goosebumps on your arms rise a little.
steps and breathing that only gets closer and louder, and you're still just frozen in your spot like any character making a stupid decision, ready to accept your fate.
but the voice's still like music to your ear, turning around so fast to see san just a couple feet away and trying to catch his breath as well.
your body doesn't lie and it reacts to him strongly, gaze softening and the beating of your heart a calm but happy one, because he came after you in the end.
"thank goodness, i was afraid you might've already went too far," he says in between the tired pauses, taking the seat next to you.
you look at him through your blinking lashes, a laughter on the verge of coming out at his state because he's huffing and puffing like no tomorrow. but it's also evidence of how hard and fast he ran.
when you took the official leave, really turning your back on him, he did think it was for the better. because what kind of father, especially yours, would be okay with his daughter choosing someone like him?
he's just a measly farmboy, always out in the sun and field and always traveling to find work. he's meant to find a girl from the same village; fall in love with her and settle down with her. not you.
not someone whose family has made a name for themselves, and especially not someone whose father is yours. it just doesn't work like that.
he was ready to accept it, but then he realizes... he may never see you ever again. and something about that really bothered him.
he's okay with not being able to love you; love a concept still new to him, but it does upset him at the thought of you guys becoming strangers; the other person only a memory of the past. he don't want that.
he will miss you, the first girl he kissed who has an obsession with heels, floral dresses, daisies, and books. and he had a gut feeling that if he lets you go now, he's going to regret it for a long time.
"you came after all..." you mumble, not too long ago so hopeless and lost, but it already feels so much better with him just being here.
"yeah." he nods, moving closer and looking down at you. "are you still upset with me?"
he might've said some things he didn't mean, with the only goal to get you to return because he can't think of any other reasons why you'd want to stay here instead.
"of course," you spit quietly, your lips already trembling with tears threatening to spill just thinking back to how much his words hurt you in that moment.
you're a bit of a crybaby at heart.
"i'm sorry, i was just..." he tries finding the right word but is unable to, opting to wipe the first tear to appear from your eye.
"i feel super bad about what happened, i know i keep saying that, but i do. and because i-i thought you liked me enough--"
"--i do like you," he cuts, beginning to get desperate.
"then why?"
"because..." he fumbles the wording again, his choices usually flowery so he can walk around the truth, but you've been nothing but honest, san could learn a thing or two.
"because even if we were to start something, what good would it do? and how long until we realize it was doomed from the start?"
he may not know a lot about love or romance, but he knows about reality. the hardships and hassle of life, and the possible and impossible.
"i'm just a farmboy, y/n. do you really think you want someone like me?"
you swallow nervously, denial at the tip of your tongue, but you know it holds some truth... that the "difference" is there. but you've never thought of him as lower than you or ever looked down on him and his father for the work they do.
anyone that comes into your life with kindness and respect, you will treasure, always having placed value in a person's heart.
"if i wasn't sure, i wouldn't have came all the way over here."
"but what about your father?"
"what about my father? this is about me and my choices, who cares about him?"
san's about to say something but decides to give you the victory, your tongue always a little sharp and you've always been stubborn.
"alright, well, i'm not about to argue with you again. we should head back." he gets up and holds out a hand, your sulky face turning into a smile that instant.
"i can come?"
he nods, fighting the smile at the sight of you squealing before wrapping your hand around his tightly.
you're not sure what the morning has in store for you; the creativity your father is gonna go to in order to get you back, but you just know that right now, your heart feels at rest with the boy you like.
somehow, he was able to convince his parents in letting you two share the same bed, reassuring them a pillow would be put right in the middle for separation, a man and a woman in bed together when they're unmarried still frowned upon... but you would say otherwise.
especially if you guys like each other, you don't see the crime in falling asleep in one another's arms or wanting to just be close; your body desperate for his touch again.
the mattress creeks under the shift of your weight, moving closer to san and snaking an arm around his waist assuming he's asleep, but he instead twitches under your touch and the warmth of his hand caressing your arm makes you jump.
"y/n? what are you doing?"
"i, uh... i just wanted to hug something. it helps me sleep faster," you're quick to come up with something, all the years of sleeping with your stuffed animals, the presence of another human being different in a good way.
he shift and turns over at that, the movements felt on the hold you have around him, knowing he's probably facing you right now but unable to see it with the stupid pillow in the way.
grabbing it only to throw it onto the floor, he's surprise at the boldness, but more so at your eyes in the darkly lit room staring back once he can make out your features better.
"hi," you whisper, a smile on that san can't miss.
"were you asleep?"
he shakes his head, his ruffled and messy hair brushing your forehead as he does so.
"i thought you were the one asleep."
"couldn't sleep," you say.
"how come? is it because of your father?"
"kind of, but..." you scoot even closer, both your eyes leveling and lips only inches apart, "i was also thinking about you."
the words jolt san more awake than ever, the reason he was unable to sleep also because of you. the closeness conjuring up that feeling again he's tried to ignore because it made you upset last time.
"what about me were you thinking of?" he edges on, attempting to keep his composure because you're so close and he kind of wants to kiss you again.
"just... how much i like you, i don't know. no matter what my father or anyone else say."
san lets a few seconds of silence pass before he replies, a smile on his lips because he's moved by your words.
"i like you, too. like actually really really like you."
he's still not sure if it's love--or if it's possible to love someone in that short amount of time, but he knows everything is so comfortable and easy with you.
with one hand reaching out to knead the silky skin of your cheek, he takes you in for a kiss. a bit messy but also passionate; desperate. he takes his time, the taste of your lips one he will savor forever.
moving against the other's flesh, you don't know how long you've been kissing him, but as soon as you're pulling apart, you're both catching your breath followed by quiet, happy laughters.
you really do like him so much.
"goodnight, y/n," he mumbles, his voice the perfect one to fall asleep to.
"goodnight, san."
despite the rocky start of yesterday, the bits with san last night made you so happy and hopeful, falling into a deep slumber with the thought that you're going to be okay no matter what happens.
but when you wake to the morning sun and a series of muffled voices outside the room, that anxiety and nervousness comes crashing back because although you may have acted tough and cursed your father's name, you're still scared of him to an extent.
walking out, the light from the front door makes you squint before the familiar faces outside it has you already next to san's parents and finding that the two arrivals are none other than your father's men.
"your father has ordered us to bring you home by the end of today," one of them says, at the same time san stalks up behind you.
"well, tell him i'm not coming," you reply, nearly rolling your eyes, already annoyed.
"but miss, you have to."
aware that if you don't give a better reason than simply not wanting to go back, it's gonna be an endless back and forth of 'i don't want to' and 'but you have to', you latch onto the first lie you can think of.
"tell him i'm not coming back because..." you even fumble, buzzing before continuing on," because i already agreed to get married."
everyone snaps to you like you're crazy and maybe you are a little. san giving the widest eyes when you back up to wrap your arms around one of his, snuggling your head with an exaggerated smile at your father's men.
"so if he really wants me to come back, he's going to have to come himself."
your father's men can only sigh and shake their heads before retreating back, a victory smirk on you, but san doesn't look very amused.
"i was just buying some time," you explain like a child in trouble, with san sitting across.
because if you had given into your father and went back the second he asked, your life would be no different from before. and worse, he most likely would forbid you from seeing san.
you're more afraid of that than anything. so you buy time so you can be with him a little longer. his soft hand in yours and shy lips that wants to kiss as badly as you do.
because when there's a knock at the front door again, the clock almost striking midnight, you know it's your father. and whether you want to or not, you're most likely gonna have to go back.
when mr. choi welcomes him in, you can't even bother to spare a glance, whether out of spite or embarrassment, you just know you don't want him here.
the first couple of minutes are spent with mandatory introductions, big and welcoming smiles on both of san's parents and a smaller one on your dad before they offer him a drink, and then the real show starts.
"i apologize for my daughter if she troubled you guys in any way, i understand she's a bit careless and often do things on impulse."
you fume through your nose, the only thing holding you back is san's soft squeeze on your hand, intertwining it with yours the second they started talking because he knew it was gonna be needed.
"oh no, she didn't at all!" mr. choi brushes it off, the man always full of respect and fairness unlike your father, who you can tell is actually taken aback that others don't agree you're as troublesome as he makes you out to be.
"i also don't mean to make my visit so short, but as i'm sure you're aware, it's quite late and i hope to make it back as soon as possible."
"no worries." mr. choi nods understandably, "if you guys have to get going, don't feel obligated to stay."
your father only hums in return before standing up and turning to you.
"let's go."
the panic that comes over is fast, your squeeze on san's hand getting tighter because this can't possibly be it. he can't just walk in here, not even bothering to hear you out at the very least, and then walk out and expect you to just follow through.
"i don't want to," it almost sounds like a hiss, but your voice already beginning to sound clogged and nose runny at the few tears that slipped out because your fear is starting to become a reality.
if you go back, you most likely won't see san again.
your father only exasperate, whether he doesn't want to make a scene in front of others or that he's tired of arguing with you since he knows you don't have any other choice.
you can't stay here forever, and he knows that.
"i'll be waiting outside," is all he says, his eyes catching the tight grip you have on san before walking out.
"i-i don't want to go," you say through the tears, staring at san so desperately as he wipes them away with his thumbs.
"you have to."
as much as he doesn't want to tell you that, the sting in his heart now that he knows is going to be much worse later, hiding and keeping you to himself at home just isn't feasible right now.
"i promise," he whispers, closing the distance and looking into your puffy red eyes peering up at him and gauging his words so carefully, "i promise that i'll come visit you."
your lashes flutter at that, heart a little hopeful again.
"you really promise?"
he nods, a handsome smile on his lips before going in to give your forehead a tender kiss.
"i promise."
the silence is deadly the second you finally get into your father's car, even the driver at the front have to clear his throat to cut the thick tension.
only keeping your gaze ahead with a permanent sulky expression, your father's voice emit from beside you.
"that boy, you like him?"
but you don't answer, an eye roll is what you give instead because it should be obvious by now.
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even though you've practically ran away as a cry for help, on the verge of leaving the farm and your father for good, not much seems to have changed--for the better or worse.
relieved that he didn't bestow some horrific punishment on you or forever take the privilege of going outside, but also disheartened at the lack of progress.
all the crying and efforts of protesting only to land you two right back to silent dinners, non-existent conversations, and an awkward thick tension always hanging in the air.
at this rate, you don't look forward to anything but the hope that san will keep his promise. but even that's starting to fade the more days passes and that dream feeling so much further away because there doesn't seem to be any signs of that ever coming true.
almost two weeks after, you wake to a disruptive sound outside your window, having to pull at your pillow to your ears so you can continue sleeping.
the door to your bedroom jolts open and has you snapping up to hyunjoo standing there.
"miss, someone's here for you."
making way down the stairs after carelessly throwing something on because who else could possibly be here for you, unless your father has finally came up with how to torture you for the rest of his life.
but when the first fresh air of the morning weather hits you, the first thing in your line of sight to be that familiar red truck, you think you still might be dreaming, the only indication this is all very real is the beating of your heart and how loud it is to your ears.
watching as a figure dig through the car with only their legs and back visible, those shoulders all too recognizable by now that you can't help but call out.
if someone could monitor your heart rate right now, the machine might as well explode.
when he finally draws back at the sound of your voice and turn to look over his shoulder, the smallest whimper but the biggest tears of joy leaves you both at once running to him that instant and locking him into a hug.
his sweet-sounding laughter vibrating from the top of your head, and oh, you're about to pass out from happiness.
"you really came," you say after pulling away just enough to look him in the face because you miss him so much.
he nods with a tight-lipped smile, those dimples emerging and you miss them just as much as him.
"good morning, miss," another voice from the other side of the truck has you turning head, stunned to see mr. choi that you can only blink.
"your father came by and offered us the job back," san speaks, your attention moving to him again and so surprised by what he just said, you don't even know how to respond as if waiting for him to say he was joking or something.
because this is all because of your father?
"oh..." your response makes san giggle, your eyes fleeting to his father in the back momentarily as he heads for the cottage.
"would you like to go to town?" he asks, "your father said it's fine as long as you go with me."
everything still hard to process and you're holding onto your breath at this point that reality wouldn't be so cruel as to take it all back.
he nods, the hopeful look on you making him as equally happy.
"okay, i'll be back! i just need to change first!" you back up, running inside the house again with jittery feet that brings a chuckle out of san.
returning again with your signature look, hair half tied in a bow, platform heels, and an off shoulder dress, you run to san immediately latching onto his hand.
"let's go!"
"wait," he stops, flinging you until you're staring back with adorable eyes.
"i want to give you something first."
you watch him reach for his pocket before pulling out something, an inaudible gasp leaving when you see what it is. a daisy hairpin.
"i got it a while ago... actually a few days before your father dismissed us. saw it while in town and i really wanted to get it for you," he explains, "turn around."
your back facing him as he goes to clip it beside your bow, shifting around after he's done with the most lovesick smile decorating your lips.
"you suit it," he barely gets out the comment, your arms already wrapped around him again as you make yourself home on his chest.
"thank you so much, san!"
"of course."
he rests his chin on top your head, smoothing out strands of your hair.
"you know, i read somewhere that daisy symbolizes joy, purity, and a new beginning."
you smile at the comment and tighten the hug, like every second spent with him is going to make you burst, never in your life have you experienced this immense of joy before. you don't want to ever let go.
the second you both arrive in town, all of the boys you've come to know and love along with three others, starts pushing and tripping one another, eager to be the first to get a word out.
yunho, mingi, and jongho fights to introduce themselves, a welcoming demeanor on all of them and jongho going off about how he couldn't wait to meet you, the girl who stole san's heart and made him completely miserable for the last two weeks.
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a/n: it's a bit rushed esp the relationship, i understand. but the way i watched the little mermaid two days after i started writing this so i couldn't resist the similarities sdksldks. anyways, go stream oh boy by red velvet
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tyxoxo · 1 year
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fourth time trying to get this to show in the tags, i’m so sorry ㅠㅠ
warnings: dubious consent
milf!lover jeno who is such a perverted piece of shit, appears innocent on the outside as he attends his favorite class, just to see his favorite professor in question, you. but on the inside, he’s thought of the dirtiest fantasies, with no ounce of shame that you were twice his age. who could blame his desires, when you looked so fuckable in your professional attire. 
the only reason he hasn’t failed physics is because of his attendance record. without your presence, he would surely have been sent to the Dean’s office for his negligence. 
his chosen seat in the lecture room, elevated in the back, gave him just the right amount of obscurity to palm himself through his denim jeans as he watched you pace back and forth along the ground floor. 
he actually felt sorry for you.
you seemed disheartened by the lack of enthusiasm in your students, their ambition thwarted from the harsh realities of university—student loans, terrible diet, and all the other vices that came with being a young adult.
jeno knew just the thing you needed. someone like him to destress your mind and body. someone like him that would ravage you beyond repair, so you no longer cared about the miniscule details. 
fucked so hard that all you cared about was him, and his raging cock.  
every day he prayed to whatever god just as vile as him, that the slit in your pencil skirt would grow a little taller. maybe even a hole would appear in your sheer pantyhose; he always loved the look of that. 
if you were inquisitive enough to look past his nerdic qualities, you would never go back to men your age. jeno knew he was the entire package.
but jerking off in his dorm room just wasn’t fulfilling his needs anymore. and his roommate got tired of the constant, wet sounds of him beating his dick into oblivion every night out of the week. so much so that just last week the dorm RA held a “wellness meeting” per request of his roommate.
jeno shook his head free of that poor excuse of a therapy session in regards to his masturbation addiction. today was the day that he would approach you after the lecture.
with a hefty sigh, you said your usual,
“don’t forget the discussion post due tonight by 11pm! everyone have a good weekend!”
you knew your reminder wouldn’t hold much weight. there were only a few that would actually participate. but there was only so much you could do.
and it was a well known fact that physics was among the most-hated subjects here.
luckily, this was the last class of the day. and the weekend was just around the corner. you were excited to try out a new cookware set that your daughter brought you for Mother’s Day, even inviting her and her fiancé over for dinner tomorrow as a show of thanks.
as you packed up your laptop, and planner into your leather tote bag, you were surprised to find that the lecture room wasn’t empty yet. 
the last one, Jeno Lee, had just reached the final step along the walkway. 
you paused on your gathering of items, deciding to give your undivided attention in case he had a question or concern.
the only concern you had, was the hard-on poking past his light blue denim jeans. 
it was painfully obvious, and quite intimidating considering his slim stature. 
“is everything okay Mr. Lee?” 
you tried your hardest to keep your eyes focused on his face, even deciding to zero in on his browline glasses to distract you from his groin.
“yeah everything’s fine.”
he stood in front of you like nothing was amiss, casually hooking the single backpack strap on his left shoulder, his other hand resting in his right pocket. 
“if that’s the case, i’ll go ahead and have my leave now. have a good weekend.” 
you failed at making it less obvious that you were dying to get out of the lecture hall. it wasn’t out of distaste, far from it.
rather, you felt disgusting for liking what you saw. everything down to the simple plain white tee, loose-fitting jeans, and light blue Jordans made you rub your thighs together as you stood there. even the veins that tensed along his forearm as he clutched his backpack strap was enough to make your breath hitch deep inside your chest.
fortunate enough for you, your phone buzzed with a notification from your daughter as you made your way to the exit. 
bringing the phone up to get a clearer view of the message proved futile, as you felt his warm hand snatch your wrist, causing your phone to flail out onto the linoleum floor. 
he waited until your back was turned, like the coward he truly was, to go in for the kill. your entire body swung back to face him, with a single yelp escaping your lips as you tried to fight against the whirlwind that was your student.
you winced as he escorted you back to your desk, back arching from the sharp strike to your spine. chest pressed firmly against his own as he let his backpack slip off his shoulders and onto the floor. the third button to your white dress shirt had popped open upon impact, revealing a lacy black bra that was waiting to be ripped apart, much to his liking. 
you were overly sensitive to the stimuli he forced upon you; wrist beginning to sting from his harsh hold, waist feeling singed down to the bone as he gripped you there with his other hand.  
upon opening your eyes, you were met with a being that surely dreamed of this moment. to watch as you felt his dick prod at the middle of your skirt, licking his upper lip in concentration as grinded upwards into your clothed heat.
his blissful expression soon turned to disappointment as your pencil skirt provided too much of a barrier between his swollen cock. 
he would have to take care of that soon.
despite letting up on your waist, all of your thoughts of an escape were in vain as you heard the familiar unclasp of a belt buckle, yet somehow you couldn’t forge a call for help, not when his lips were millimeters away from your own. 
your eyes trailed from his blown pupils to his mouth as he spoke, nowhere near prepared for the filth that fell from his lips. 
“i hope you don’t mind that i give you another one, since you’re already a mom…” 
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