#and it’s so bad. like our relationship wasn’t gonna last anyways but that ruined any hope of it
70slesbian · 7 months
maybe weird request im so sorry, but i have a friend who i sense has started thinking much about food/eating in an unhelpful way... im worried and i really want to talk to her, do you maybe have some advice how to go about this? i have myself a history of similar...thoughts .. but i thought all confrontation about it was awful so i am unsure. im so sorry if this request is unwanted or unhelpful for you once again.......
ed tw under the cut
oh hm… i think this is really hard because eating disorders are so competitive and it’s not easy to know what to say. i’d say look inwards and be honest with yourself about how much you can help, someone who’s currently pretty ill might trigger you if you’re in recovery or anything like that unfortunately:( some things that really helped me was
-my friends always saying yes if i asked if we could get food/snacks like sometimes they’d eat double lunch bc i asked after they’d eaten and they still ate with me because i didn’t want to do it alone
-my friends having plans about food, like if we were going to be hanging out they’d plan dinner and it would take the mental load of me
-my friends either giving me the leftovers after dinner or cooking w me or going grocery shopping with me, just to make it harder to listen to my disordered behavior and make them more obvious to myself
but also i’d say everyone can react really differently, abiding by your eds rules is a way to avoid bad feelings and anxiety and it’s really hard to give it up so maybe just be there for them, tell them you notice and want to help etc and have patience bc they might feel cornered. like you said confrontation about it is awful, but maybe also something your friend is subconsciously looking for as a validation that they’re sick enough, it’s a hard path to wander and its especially difficult to try to imagine how someone will react, but it’s probably going to be the elephant in the room. everyone knows no one says anything about it, so i’d try to keep it very kind.
it’s like you have to put yourself aside to help someone in a crisis, if you decide you want to help this friend, and i mean this with all the kindness in my heart, in that situation it’s not about you. you have to be ready to face some heat from them because thats whaf the disorder does it isolates us and makes us mean and alone. if you can handle it, staying by their side even if theyre not always the best friend rn means so much (to a limit of course)
i understand if you don’t have the mental space to be someone’s ed support because it takes a lot of energy and can be very triggering so i’d suggest look into your own support system too, make sure both them and you have a variety of people to ask for help
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my-castles-crumbling · 2 months
Hey Cas, Leo Anon.
I have successfully blown up my life since the last ask I sent you, so before you read this entire thing and call me a dick, just know… I know. 
It turns out Leo does still have a crush on me. And I still have a crush on him (it’s one of those annoying crushes that hasn’t just gone away after a month. Or a year. Or two).
He told me he still had a crush to explain his reaction and apologised. I then admitted I still have a crush on him.
And that’s where it all went downhill.
Leo got accepted into his dream university, and told us a few months ago under no certain terms would he dream of delaying going.
So when he said “I could go with you and Benjamin in the gap year” I panicked. (Benny’s my best mate btw, he’s obsessed with the Harry Potter dudes and has been complaining non stop about not having the time to enter your conan fest? Which is true he’s super busy- but he’s excited to read the fics i think cause he’s loves conan gray. Ngl I know nothing abt the Harry Potter fandom, hope that’s chill. He’s how I found this blog actually- and you’re really kind to take the time to read about how i’ve ruined my life). 
Back to the plot. Leo said what he said and I freaked, I didn’t want him coming with us and then resenting me later for him missing uni. 
I told him that’d interfere with me and Benny’s plans to hook up with a bunch of people. 
He got really quiet and sounded really sad as he said he had to go. 
We didn’t have plans to hook up with people. I panicked and lied…
Oh and gets worse. Word got back to Benny’s girl (they’re not technically dating yet but they are) who’s going to a dif country after the summer for skl, and so we were gonna delay our trip where she is so Benny and her could hang.
But she heard what I told Leo abt hooking up and was mad. So I had to do some damage control.
I met up with her and told her only I was hooking up with people, I just didn’t want to hurt Leo’s feelings any more than I had.
She accepted that and her and Benny are chill but word got back to Leo and now he hates me. 
He thinks I lied and I wanted to spend the whole time hooking up with people and he’s never meant anything to me and I don’t care about people. 
If we’re being honest, I wasn’t going to hook up anyone on this trip. I hate hooking you with people. 
Benny said he thinks i’m on the ace spectrum (demi something he said, like the singer idk?) 
It was chill with my first gf, but my ex bf pressured me into it since i’d “already lost my virginity so what?” and then I hooked up with like one other person before deciding it wasn’t really for me.
But I had a rep by then somehow and everyone thought I was some play boy. 
I figured my mates knew that wasn’t true but turns out they all believed the rumours too. 
Point is, Leo thinks he’s “just another on of my hookups” when the most we’ve ever done is make out and I felt more then than anything else i’ve ever done. 
This is stupid. I shouldn’t bother you with my dumb problems. Sorry.
I know I ought to apologise and come clean and stuff but, maybe it’s better if I just leave the friendship fucked up, that way he won’t sacrifice anything for me and I can fuck around the world being cultural and shit. He can do better anyway. 
Alright, you need to communicate with him!
You can't lie to make someone else's decisions for them! That's not cool! Look at where it's gotten you!
Please, sit Leo down and tell him everything- including that you don't want him to give up Uni for you. But remember that's his decision. If you like him and maybe want to be in a relationship with him, you need to respect his wants and needs, don't decide for him. Talk together about what's best <3
You're not a bad person, I know you were trying to help him. But the best thing to do is talk about it.
Tell Benny I say hi, and he should come try the fest!
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idk-ilike5sos · 2 years
Dear Will,
Before today, it'd been twenty-seven days since I wrote to you last. You’ve never received any of the letters and - as long as I don’t suddenly die before I get the chance to burn them all - you never will. But since eight am, I've already started and torn up five other first-letters-since. I thought it'd be easy to write down how I feel, let everything exist solely as ink on paper, but it's not. I'm learning recently, since you left, that I'm wrong about a lot of things.
This morning I got another letter from Eleven. It's probably the last one I'll get before seeing you both. It's still scary to think that, in a couple of days, we'll be face-to-face again. It's been so long.
One-hundred-and-ninety-two days, at the time I’m writing this. I wonder if it feels like it’s been that long to you.
But, anyway, in that letter, Eleven went over what she usually does: updates me on school, how she's adjusting so well without me, and she lets me know how you're all doing. Joyce likes her new job, Jonathan is stressed about college, and you're painting something you won't let her see.
She told me that you met some girl in California.
I bet she's pretty. She's got the nicest eyes you've ever seen, and you paint them all the time. You've memorized every shape of her face from how much you draw her. She probably has a nice laugh, but you'd tell her it's cute even if she didn't. Everyone loves her and always talks about how kind she is. She's at the top of all her classes. I bet she's popular and a cheerleader or some cliche-equivalent.
I hope she has dark, shoulder-length hair. I hope she has ugly brown eyes. I hope she has a lot of freckles. And I hope she's got "strong cheekbones", as my mom likes to call them. I hope she looks like me.
I know she doesn't. She's probably the complete opposite, which is what hurts even more. Not only do you not like me because I'm a boy, but because of every single little thing about me.
I was in shock when I found out Eleven liked me - because, I mean, it's El, you know?
She's awesome, and I know that. At first, I thought I’d somehow won at life, because I found this incredible girl and everyone kept bringing up how enamoured I was with her. So, I kissed her - and she didn’t even seem disgusted or anything! A little surprised, but not bad surprised, you know?
Then it got even better, because it turned out she liked me back. Isn’t that insane? A girl liked ME. It’s still hard to believe now. Sometimes, I feel like she’s lying every time she signs her letters with “love”.
In the end, I fucked it up anyway. It all started with a lie and I got so caught up in it that I was too scared to start telling the truth. And, contrary to popular belief, the lie that ruined our relationship wasn’t that my nana got sick. It’s that her feelings grew, but mine dissipated because it turns out they were never really there.
So this is me finally telling the truth, even if no one ever gets to hear it.
And the truth is I miss you. I miss us.
When you left, I kept telling myself you'd come back. At night, I'd hold back tears, whispering to myself that you're gonna come back one day. You'll be in Hawkins again, on that old ass couch in my basement - the one only a couple of feet away from me right now. We'd both look a lot older than we did the last time we were here, maybe even older than we do now, but at some point, we'd be back. We'd be as close as we used to be. It'd be like nothing ever changed. And the worst part is, I really believed it would all happen.
But it won't. You're not coming back. You might visit a few times, but eventually, our zero-contact thing will get tiring for you. You'll find a new Party, a better one. And this girl you like is going to be a part of it - because she's perfect, so obviously she loves all the things you love. She loves all the things that we love, that used to be ours.
I'm not angry. I'm trying not to be angry.
It's not easy.
I want you here. I want you with me. I don't want you with that stupid girl.
I hate her. I hate her so much.
Why am I not good enough?
Please, just tell me. I'd do anything to change. I'll be kinder. I'll be smarter. I'll be funnier. I'll give in to Lucas' ideals of popularity. I don't care what. All of it would be worth it.
And if I’m unveiling the truth, I might as well unveil it all. I like you. This letter has probably made that obvious already, but I had to add it. I think I’ve liked you for forever, even if I didn’t realise. Or maybe I didn’t and one day, everything changed. I don't know. Either way, I exist today with that truth. I like you. I like you and not Eleven.
I need you, Will. Even if it’s just as friends, I need you in my life.
I’m really glad you’re not reading this because I sound pathetic. And that’s because I am. I’m a stupid pathetic mess. The basement's a shit hole. My room’s even worse. My grades suck. I never see Dustin, Lucas, or Max outside of school, but I somehow see my family even less. So, I’m more than pathetic. I’m alone. And it’s my own fault.
I think California's been good for you. It got you away from Hawkins. It got you away from me. And it brought you to your dream girl. She must be pretty special. She's lucky. And if it turns out she somehow doesn't like you back, that's on her. She must've lost her mind or never had one in the first place.
If you ever need to talk about it, have a 2,000-mile-away-shoulder to cry on, I'm always waiting by the phone...
Love, Mike
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hi kat. i hope this is not a bad time (as good as times can get for you at this exact moment…) so i’m just gonna rant
so i have a best friend of almost 6 years. it’s one of the most fulfilling relationships of my life and we really just. get each other. we (mostly) know each other in and out. and we’ve been life partners for most of the friendship, albeit unknowingly (we talked it out last year and made it official, being queerplatonic partners and stuff) and i was very glad to have someone to spend my life with. we talked about living together and just… being together.
and well, a few months ago she got herself a boyfriend. and those have been some very hard months for me, mostly because of my own fucked up emotions and insecurities that i thought i worked through and Jealousy(tm), partly because my best friend was also fucking up by having Absolute Bitches Brainrot and spending less time with her friends (me included). and we have talked about this! and it was. well. it went good. she said she’d work on it and plan more hang outs and that she didn’t mean to hurt anyone.
and…i thought that was the end of it. i’ve been (once again, mostly) fine. i was confident in our relationship. but a few days ago, i realized how annoying it is to talk to my best friend these days because all she ever talks about is her boyfriend, she constantly brings him up in conversations that don’t even mention him. but i didn’t want to talk about it with her because i didn’t want to make her feel bad, and i already mentioned the fact how she’s always talking about her bf to which she said she doesn’t do it on purpose, so.
so i decided to talk about it with my other friend instead. i went into a chat between me and my best friend to look for funny/absurd/annoying/inappropriate examples of her bringing up her boyfriend, and instead i found a message that made me upset when i first saw it and, apparently, still makes me upset: it was about how her boyfriend told her something like “when we get married yadda yadda” and it made her happy because no one’s ever wanted to marry her spend their life with her like that.
and, uh, you can probably see where i’m getting at with this haha. it made me sad because i wanted to do that, i wanted to spend our lives together. it also made me a little angry that she was this invested in a person she’s known for a maximum of 2 months while, well, i exist. which might be a selfish thought, but it is what it is. anyway—so i mentioned the message to my friend and how it made me react and. well. for context, i’m mostly aro and my best friend is probably on the spectrum too but she does feel attraction more.
so my friend basically told me how We Live In A Society and that aro + allo people don’t usually last long together or end up living with each other, because the allo person eventually ends up finding a romantic partner and living with them. because We Live In An Allo Society. which is true, but… it’s just something i haven’t thought about before. i never realized it would be a problem for us, which was probably a bit stupid and naive of me ahaha. and my friend also told me that my best friend probably wasn’t experiencing the qpr feelings in the same way i was, and honestly? i kind of wish they didn’t tell me any of this. because i think they’re right and it fucking sucks and it makes me extremely sad to realize that maybe i’m not as important as i used to be, or as i thought i was. it’s…not a good thought. and i didn’t take it well—i’m not taking it well, would probably be more correct.
i understand this is something that should probably be talked about. but the day i had The Realization(tm) my best friend messaged me a few hours later, talking about her boyfriend again. some mundane thing that they did together. and she said how happy she is to have him and how lucky she is. and it just made me think—i can’t ruin this. i’m not going to ruin this. i’m not going to make it about me just because i had a warped perception of what my life was going to be and that is somehow another person’s fault. it’s not. it’s no one’s fault, really. i mean, maybe it’s a little my fault for being dumb and wishful, but eh. it is what it is.
so yeah. uh. i guess that’s it. i probably am going to get better eventually. somehow. i’ll deal with it on my own. and who knows? maybe i’ll end up finding someone else. maybe i won’t. maybe i should just let it all go and realize i never had it in the first place. whatever that means—i hope most of this message is comprehensible. it’s almost 1am and i’m tired from a full day of Gaming(tm). i hope you’re holding up well.
Not to grab the mic and steal your moment but as an allo who was just dumped and ghosted by two romantic partners I thought I was going to spend my life with, it is now my friends who are stepping up to the task of helping me through this. And if I can look at this and acknowledge that a romantic relationship isn't inherently better or more worthwhile than platonic relationships, so can other people. Even if your beloved friend can't. It's not a lost cause to find people who value and prioritize friendship and it does not require being aro
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alsjeblieft-zeg · 2 years
330 of 2022
How old was the first person you kissed?
He was 18.
What would be your typical outfit for a party?
Whatever I wear on a daily basis. Our parties consist of hanging out in pubs and drinking beer XD
How do you listen to your music? (i.e ipod, stereo, computer, other music player, etc)
Computer with my headphones at home, my phone with wireless earphones when outside. I rarely put my music on speakers, unlmess in the car.
If your girlfriend/​​boyfriend broke up with you tonight, what would you do?
Probably go through divorce, but I don’t think it’s gonna happen.
could you go the rest of your life without doing any drugs?
Do prescription meds count as drugs? If so, nope. My brain has that unusual habit of hitting blue screen every once in a while.
last dream you had:
Something NSFW, and now I’m ashamed.
do you think a lot of people think bad things about you?
Depends on my mood, but typically I don’t care on one hand. But on the other hand, I try my best to be good to others.
what is the first letter of the last name of the last person you kissed?
Well yeah. His last name starts with “De”, just like mine.
do you want to tell someone how you feel?
I probably should, but no.
has anyone told you they don’t ever wanna lose you?
Yes. My ex, many times. And my husband, but not in my face.
is your best friend pissing you off at this exact moment?
Why wouldn’t they.
will you be a strict parent one day?
I have no plans of ever being a parent at all.
For people that don’t know you, what do they think your age usually is?
Their guess is between 19 and 24. I’m 32, though.
Why aren’t you texting the last person you kissed?
Who said I don’t? Some of these questions are so dumb, omg.
Do you think someone is talking crap about you behind your back?
Most likely, because everyone knows such a person, I think.
What color was the last pill you took?
Has more than one person ever told you they loved you?
Well, yeah. Both my exes (too bad one of them wasn’t serious about it), my parents, my sister, my husband and some of my friends.
The first person you were in a relationship with, do you still care about them?
I barely remember him. I guess it’s a coping mechanism after getting out of an abusive relationship. I remember his name and his face, though. He has really beautiful, blue eyes. It was easy to fall for these eyes.
What do you and your friends do when there’s nothing to do?
There’s always something to do when my crew is involved.
Sex ruins relationships, right?
Yeah. I’m not into that whole sex thing anyway.
What’s something you’re looking forward to?
My favourite man coming back to work so I can see him. <3
Last person to stand up for you?
I don’t even remember. Typically it’s me who stands up for others.
The last person you kissed, how many times have you cried in front of them?
Not cried, but got overly emotional more than once.
Who is the last person to call you?
My husband, already a week ago.
Have you been to a baby shower?
No, and honestly, I’m not even interested.
Have you ever kissed anyone whose name begins with J?
Yeah, Jason. My name starts with the same letter, though.
Something good going to happen tomorrow?
Probably going to the rehabilitation.
Do you believe exes can be friends?
Sure. I’m still close friends with Nielsje.
The last person you kissed hates you. Why?
Yeah, why? I don’t see any reason for that.
Who were you with the last time you went to the movie theater?
I don’t go to such places. Ew, movies. Boring.
What do you usually do when the clock turns 11:11?
I don’t even notice it. Is it a kind of a milestone or what?
Do you like your cell phone?
I wouldn’t buy it otherwise.
Has anyone ever sang to you?
Yeah, Nielsje did. It’s one of my favourite memories with him.
So, what if you married the last person you kissed?
I already did, so what?
Have you ever had a really big fight with a best friend?
Not really big.
Do you plan on moving out within the next year?
Not at all.
What are you listening to at the moment?
Nothing, really.
Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years?
Too late with this question.
Do you think anyone has feelings for you?
Well, we wouldn’t be married if he didn’t. I know Nielsje loves me, too.
Where is the person you have feelings for?
Next to me.
List the initials of every person you have kissed, from oldest to most recent kiss. (Put “?”s in the place of initials you don’t know.)
I don’t kiss people I don’t know. I’ve kissed only three people in my life and their initials were J. W., N. D. (or van D.? his last name starts with “van” anyway), and [not gonna share the first name] D.
What’s your favorite high school memory?
Computer lessons where everyone was playing Counter Strike. Except a few of us :P
Do you wish you had more money?
Who doesn’t, especially these days, where every price goes up in the whole Europe.
Do you want to have any children? if so, how many?
NOPE. Yet another boring question.
Team Jacob or Team Edward?
Team “I couldn’t care less about this bullshit”.
Do you have a problem with bisexual, gay, or bicurious people?
Well, being a gay dude myself... really?
Have you ever held hands with the opposite sex?
Yeah, with my sister, but it was to secure her.
Have you ever liked someone older than you?
My husband is 18 years older, so.
Are you a patient person?
Yes, but no. Depends on the situation.
Do you think you are a good person?
I try my best, but I always feel I could be more.
Honestly, have you ever eaten raw cookie dough?
Sure. It’s lovely.
Is there a difference between the word ‘best friend’ and ‘friend’?
Yeah, best friend is two words.
Do you think you’ll be married in three years?
Jesus Christ. I hope i will stay married.
Would you stay with your bf/gf if they did drugs?
I’d try to figure out why. If just for recreation, then no.
Have you ever found someone you really really really liked?
No, I’m 13 and clueless. My God, what’s with these questions.
Do you like relationships, or do you prefer to be single?
I don’t care either way, I don’t feel the need to pursue relationships. But since the relationship has happened, I do my best to take care of it.
Do you know what you want to be when you grow up?
Thre same thing I’ve been for the last 9 years.
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teddy06writes · 3 years
What Could Have Been Was Good, But What We Have Now Is Better
Part Two to You Didn't Need Us Then, We Don't Need you Now
Requested by:
plus some anons.
Quackity x reader; past sapnap x karl x quackity x reader
trigger warnings: some swearing, yelling, mentions of drinking/being hungover
premise: The confrontation, and what follows
{Okay, so at first, I was gonna have this as like a collection of various moments that would have happened in the two year span, plus the confrontation, but then I was like but that might be clunky. So, if you guys want, I'll do a part three with the little scenes I had been thinking about}
Slowly, the sun began to climb into the sky, beginning to peak out from between the tall buildings of Las Nevadas.
Slowly, you stirred, glaring out the open window at the sun.
For a moment, everything was normal. Your fiancé's soft snores and Charlie's soft humming from the other room almost convinced you that it was just a normal day.
But then you fully sat up, untangling yourself from Quackity's arms and glancing around to where your other 'children' were still asleep in various places in the living room.
The previous day and the reason for your camping out in the living room came flooding back to you as you stood, stretching.
Shaking your head, you went to go get dressed, beginning to recall the so called script you had made yourself the night before.
Halfway through fixing your hair, Quackity ducked into the half open bathroom door, pressing a kiss to your cheek, "Good morning baby."
"Morning." You sighed, "Are you hungover or did Purp get you to stop soon enough?"
"ehhh, it's not that bad..." He said.
You nodded, turning to lean against the counter and look at him fully, "I assume that your in the same boat as me, with this whole Situation...?"
"Depends on which boat that is."
You shook your head, "What could have been was good, but..." You glanced back out the door to where you could hear Fundy and Charlie talking, "I think what we have now Is better."
Quackity seemed to breath a sigh of relief, quickly pulling you into his arms, "I agree. I know that I loved them once... but... even then it felt like being the odd one out... I don't think I'd be able to handle it again. Not after knowing what they'd done. It- it hurts to even see them..."
You melted into the embrace, glad to know he was on your side, "I'll take care of everything. I promise."
~~ After sending Charlie out to go find Sapnap and Karl, and send them to your office, you headed down to your office for yourself.
There you mindlessly organized your desk, with only semi shaky hands.
Your head snapped up, upon hearing Karls voice, "Come in."
They entered, Karl beginning too look around at the pictures on one of the shelves as Sapnap asked, "So, where Quackity? Doesn't seem like a fair discussion if not all of us are here."
"Yeah," Karl agreed, "He should have a say too."
You rubbed at your eyes, "Unfortunately, we thought it best, for me to handle this. Q, wasn't sure he'd- deal with it in the right way."
"Well that's Quackity for you." Karl mumbled, moving to sit in one of the chairs facing your desk.
"Never could fight his own battles- not that this is one." Sapnap interrupted himself.
You frowned, "Well... I'd hardly say that. He's the one who built this place- well, I designed some buildings, he did the rest. Getting the Badlands off our backs peacefully last year was all him. Not so much peacefully as with many threats..."
Karl nodded, almost expecting you to tell the story, but you shook your head, "Anyway, that's not what I asked you here to talk about."
"Of course," Sapnap agreed, "Obviously, our relationship is slightly more important."
You sighed, "There's one thing, actually that I think I should preface with, before I state our position. Where the fuck did you go? Why the fuck did you leave us? And Why do you think you just get to show up now?"
They sat shocked for a moment, and you couldn't help but smirk, gesturing for them to speak, "No, please enlighten me. I'd like to know."
Karl and Sapnap looked to each other, Karl shaking his head, before Sapnap whispered, "We have to, if we want them back."
"I..." He faltered, turning to you, before squeaking, "I- couldn't- remember you- until a week ago."
You froze for a moment, but before you could make any comment, he rambled on, "Because of all this crazy stuff- I travel- like- through time- it was messing with my head- but it's better now, and we're here! To marry you guys!"
You looked at him confused, "Time travel?"
He nodded sagely, "I've... seen more than you can imagine, i've seen nations rise and fall, universes collapse. Hero's that even Tommy couldn't compare too, evils that..."
Karl's voice faltered, and Sapnap reached over to take his hand comfortingly.
"Let me guess. You found out that everything turns to dust eventually..." You sighed, rubbing at your temples.
"It never works out." Tiny tears leaked from his eyes, and Sapnap was quick to get up, pulling Karl into his arms.
~~ "Why did you do that?" Sapnap asked, his voice soft, but still with an air of hostility.
Karl had gone back to the hotel, quickly and quietly, tears still falling.
"I didn't do anything-"
"Clearly you did!" He cut you off.
You shook your head, pushing back your chair and standing, If he forgot us... why didn't you remind him? Tell us about him about us? Or actually come up here like you said you would?!"
"Because maybe I wanted things to be the way that they were! Maybe I liked not sharing! But maybe it was because I had to deal with that!"
You continued to pace as he sat down heavily, "He was going insane (y/n), he saw the end of everything! He had to watch the rise and fall o L'manburg over and over! He's seen the egg come and go! I had to take care of him!"
"And you don't think I've had to take care of things? You two left and I had to put Q back together! I still have to put him together sometimes! I had to keep planning this the whole time! And then I get all these fucking child soldiers all these people that your fucking friend ruined, and I had to take care of them!
I held it all together until it itself stuck- and now I have a family! And that seems like it's more than what you two could've given us! You think you're the one that had to deal with someone who'd seen too much- Charlie's been here since the beginning of the server! He may seem fine but he is haunted!
Don't act like you're the only one whos had to 'go through it' because I made a home and a family and I take care of them- even though you leaving broke me! So don't lecture me! You didn't need us then, and we sure as hell don't need you now!"
You sat down, running your hands through your hair, tugging at the ends and not daring to look at Sapnap.
"Are you serious? Wouldn't us coming back help put you back together?"
"We learned to live without you, and I don't think I want to unlearn, and it seems like my family is with me."
Still you could not make yourself look up at him.
"I guess I understand."
There was a quiet shuffling of the chair, then footsteps, before you could finally breath again and your soft sobs began to fill the office.
~~ It had hardly been two minutes before Quackity was entering your office, kneeling in front of you and pulling you into his arms, whispering about how brave you are.
You cried into his chest, "I didn't think I could do it- what if it was a mistake-"
"no babey, you did perfect. You know it yourself we are better without them. We've got our family we don't need them. You are so, so brave and I am so proud of you. So proud of you (y/n)."
He pressed kisses to your hair, trying to pull you impossibly closer to him, "Thank you... for doing something I couldn't."
You only sobbed harder, clinging to him.
That was how the others found you later, in a heap on the floor.
Wordlessly, Purpled sat next to the two of you, resting a gentle hand on your shoulder.
Fundy found himself sitting as well, leaning against you. Charlie hummed softly as he went about fixing the chairs that Karl and Sapnap had left in disarray.
"Let us take care of you now." Quackity said softly.
The others made noises of agreement, and you let out your final sob.
Because your family was there where Sapnap and Karl weren't. And they would take care of you, the way you took care of them.
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salemwritesxx · 3 years
𝓯𝓪𝓵𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝔂𝓸𝓾. | 𝙸𝙸
𝕋 𝕒 𝕜 𝕒 𝕞 𝕚  𝕂 𝕖 𝕚 𝕘 𝕠  |  ℍ 𝕒 𝕨 𝕜 𝕤
     ⇴ male reader [22, chubby, 194cm]      ⇴ all characters are depicted as [18]+
↣ rating: 18+ ↣ warnings: smut; height difference/size difference; facesitting; ass eating; modern AU; chubby, tall reader; reader’s “friends” fatshaming reader and just being absolute assholes before it gets to the spicy good stuff
part 1.
Chuckling, his hand reached out to your cheek when you leaned in; immediately returning the sweet kisses. Kei’s golden eyes fluttered open once you pulled back again, only to giggle a “What?” when you turned your head to kiss his little hand.
“Your hands are so cute… and tiny.”, you snickered yourself.
Hawks couldn’t say anything back. After all, it was true. His hands were so small compared to your own – and he adored that. Biting his lip, he tried to suppress his wide smile as best as he could when you pressed another kiss onto the back of his hand and fingers which were adorned with rings. They made his hands even more pretty.
You and Hawks had been dating exactly six months. Hence why you decided to go to the bar where it all started. This time, you didn’t mind sitting at one of the tables, because all you could focus on was this beautiful man besides you. And Keigo definitely made you feel much more comfortable and confident. Love was amazing.
Both of you were so into the moment of sharing little kisses and just having a conversation about different things in life, that you didn’t even realize a few familiar faces entering the bar. And you wished it had stayed that way the moment you heard their calling.
“Yo! It’s [Your.name]!”
“And Takami-san!”
All you could do was fake smile and greet them as well. You had heard from Keigo what one of your supposed ‘friends’ had said. The car accident remark hurt – a lot. So, in the last few months you had tried to distance yourself from your friend group. Not only because you wanted to spend as much time with your boyfriend as possible, but also because they weren’t good for you. You had known that for quite some time, however that one thing certainly was the last straw that broke the camel’s back.
Hawks besides you was immediately uncomfortable, but he smiled politely as well. However, when he started playing with the many rings on his fingers, you knew you had to do something. Especially when they sat down and started chatting.
“Uh, I’ll buy us something to drink, yeah?”, you tried to flee the awkward situation.
“Ah, then I’ll definitely need to make some room for more.”, was Keigo’s excuse as he hastily stood up to walk towards the bathroom.
Taking a deep breath, he leaned in front of the sink, his ring’s clacking as he washed his hands.
“Fuck. How are we gonna get rid of them? This should have been our date… Kh!”, he thought and clicked his tongue in the end.
You, who stood in front of the bar, also were thinking rapidly what you could do. If you could just tell them it was your date with Hawks.
“Argh! You are so fucking big and yet you can’t grow any balls! Idiot!”, you insulted yourself, “If I could just tell them to kindly fuck off… Damn it.”
How often had your friends stood you up? Left you alone during parties? Talked shit about you? And yet you weren’t able to tell them to go away for once.
Hawks was the first to return, however as he walked up your friends were sitting with the back facing towards him, hence they didn’t see him. Thus, they also didn’t see that he stood behind them when they talked shit again.
“I mean… model? Have you seen him? He’s fucking tiny and fragile. As if someone like him would be a model. I haven’t even seen him on any magazine anyways.”, one cackled.
“Right? And he ain’t even THAT hot. But of course stupid [Your.name] is gonna buy it, I mean, his head is as big as a melon but his brain? Nut sized!”, another laughed.
“Their height difference is fucking laughable!”
“Only their height? Fuck, you can make three little Takamis out of [Your.name]. That’s fucking hilarious. Just watching them side by side is so ridiculous. They probably don’t even fuck.”
“Ew, can you imagine [Your.name]? Ugh!”, he loudly gagged, “I’d rather shove a cactus up my ass than do-”
Just listening to that made Keigo furious. Someone who was supposed to be your friend group talking so much shit was disgusting. Hence he stepped forward and banged his hand onto the table, making them stop their cackling. If looks could have killed, all your friends would have dropped dead.
“You’re like fucking little High School girls cackling and talking shit. No wonder none of you is in a relationship, you fucking assholes.”, Hawks growled.
Before he could say any more though, you came back with a Red Bull for you and a drink for Hawks. Though, immediately, you realized something was off.
“Kei? Everything okay?”, you carefully asked once you put down the Red Bull and glass.
He wanted to just grab you and walk out. They ruined your six month anniversary date. Yes, it might be something overly cheesy and stupid, but it was important to you and him. And those fucktards ruined it all. But, he just shook his head and sat down, you had bought the beverage after all, so he was going to drink it.
“No, Baby, everything’s okay. Thanks for the drink.”
So, you sat down as well, wondering why your friends looked so bashful and uncomfortable. It only took a few minutes of you and him awkwardly sitting, no one really talking and just nipping on your drinks. Hawks had been playing with his rings absentmindedly again when he couldn’t take it anymore. Fuck the drinks, this was too much.
“[Your.name], it’s getting late. I need to go to work tomorrow, do you mind if we cut it short today and go home?”, he asked with his fake smile.
For a moment, you didn’t know if he just wanted to escape the situation or if he really wanted to go home. But, as far as you knew, he was free tomorrow and you had plans to stay over-
You needed to stop overthinking everything, thus, you just nodded.
“Of course. I’ll drive you home.”
“Thanks. Oh wait.”, he suddenly said when you had already stood up.
Then, he grabbed a tissue from the table, your friends just watching, still feeling bad that they got caught talking shit. But no one could have known what was about to happen next.
Reaching out his hand, he softly wiped your face, leaving you a bit confused.
“Oh, thank you?”
Keigo just chuckled though and smiled, “No problem. Just wanted to make sure my seat’s clean for later.”
Then, he threw the tissue onto the table, flashed your friends a “fuck you” smile and glare, before grabbing your hand and walking outside. You just completely flabbergasted and a stuttering mess as you helplessly followed your small boyfriend outside.
“K-Keigo…”, you were visibly embarrassed.
Hawks know he may have gotten a little too far. Flaunting your relationship was one thing but saying that thing in public might be too much for your shy heart. So, the ride home was unusually quiet, which weighed down his heart even more. Your date was totally ruined now. He wanted to say sorry, but the silence was just… too much. Thus, he kept his mouth shut as well.
When you finally reached your apartment, you just quietly walked upstairs. You were so deep into your own thoughts you even ran against your doorframe, since you were so tall.
“Ow!”, you immediately grabbed your head. That hadn’t happened in quite some time.
It only showed how distracted you were from the scenario in the bar.
“[Your.name]? Are you okay?”, he immediately turned around and looked up.
“Ah? Yeah. No, it’s… it’s okay. Guess I was just really absentminded. Don’t mind me.”, you smiled at him, though Hawks still felt bad.
He should have just left after he caught them and not do this stupid joke in front of them.
“Okay… I’m gonna take a shower, okay?”
“Yeah.”, was all you answered and then it was an awkward quietness again.
Ah, you wondered what had happened between Hawks and your friends and what had led him to do something like that. Now, as you thought back, it was quite funny. Their faces were priceless, too. And it wasn’t even the case that you couldn’t take a joke. It was just the fact that your friends had to hear it that it was… embarrassing? Why though? Because they found out you had sex? You didn’t really know. All you knew was that, you had to cut them off as soon as possible.
After what felt like half an hour, Hawks came out of the bathroom and thus, it was your turn to shower. Once again, there weren’t any words exchanged. Until you finally joined him in bed after your own shower. Keigo had been waiting for you and the moment you laid down beside him, he turned around to face you.
“I’m sorry, [Your.name]. I know I shouldn’t have lied and done THAT an-“
“Ah no, no.”, you interrupted him and gestured a little, “It’s fine. It was a good excuse and… thinking about it now THAT was kinda funny.”, you finally snickered.
Which certainly made Kei’s heart laugh again as well.
“It was, wasn’t it?!”, he chuckled, then smiled – genuinely.
“Yes, it was a good one. Their faces were great. Sorry, too. I … get so easily flustered still. It’s still kinda new and all.”, you then admitted.
“It’s okay, I know that and still went with it. Next time I’ll only do that when we’re alone.”
“Hahaha, okay. I can live with that.”, you laughed and then finally kissed him softly.
Looking at you for a moment, he didn’t know if he should even say something, but then again…
“You know, I caught them talking shit again.”, resting his head on your shoulder, he slung his arm around your broad chest. His cold little feet touching your shin as he had wrapped his leg around your own. He was so tiny.
“Ah, I thought so…”, you sighed deeply, “I’ll definitely cut them off soon. It’s not like they will miss me anyways, well… maybe because then they don’t have someone who’s their idiot for everything.”
“I’m sorry they ruined our date, Babe.”, you then whispered and kissed his forehead.
“It’s okay. At least we have the rest of the evening just for us.”
Like that, you cuddled together. You didn’t mind it anymore when he grabbed onto your chub. People had done that to mock you before, but Keigo would have never done it with that intent. He just liked grabbing onto you since you were so much bigger than him, which meant he fit just perfectly tucked right under your arm. Just where he belonged.
For a while, you laid there. The quietness surrounding you wasn’t awkward anymore as you softly played with his hair and he played with your hand. It was just relaxed and soothing.
Meanwhile, it looked differently inside your mind.
“Okay, just say it.”, you kept on cheering you on.
Ever since he said THAT, you couldn’t stop thinking about it, which, inevitably, led to you thinking about actually doing what he had said. Which then meant you slowly became horny.
Your heart was hammering against your chest way too wildly when you leaned in. You felt out of breath just by thinking what you wanted to say. It was fine. You were dating. This wasn’t inappropriate and Kei had started it so…
“So…what do you think? Is your seat clean now?”
It only took a second for Hawks to realize it. Redness spreading all over his face in an instance. He always tried to be so confident and cocky, so it caught him off-guard hearing you so straight-forward for once. However, with redness also came a big smirk and his golden eyes gleaming when he looked up to meet your own [eye.color] ones.
“Looks pretty good to me.”, Kei barely whispered back while scooching closer and connecting your lips eventually.
A sweet kiss quickly becoming heated and sloppy as you grabbed his ass and pulled him on top of you. Hawks immediately moaning into your mouth as he grabbed onto the pillow. He loved getting thrown around a little, especially when you were so nice and strong and big.
Even though his cheeks were still pretty warm from blushing, it didn’t take long for him to wiggle himself out of his briefs. It certainly also helped that you hooked your fingers in and pulled them down at last.
“Hmnhh”, he mewled once you pushed him up higher, your big hand clawing at his ass and leaving marks behind.
“Turn around, Baby?”, you asked in between passionate kisses.
And his answer came promptly when he rose and bit his lip for a second.
“It’s a little embarrassing…”, yet he completely sat back up and turned around, which made you chuckle.
“Hmmm, but you did it anways.”, being the one to tease him for once was nice.
“Hahaha I sure di-ahn!”, he laughed only to interrupt himself with a soft whine when you grabbed his ass and pushed him closer against your face.
You didn’t even waste another second as you let your tongue flick against his hole. Lapping around for a moment before teasing him with the tip. Earning his cute moan immediately. Biting his own finger, he tried not to become too loud. Though as you licked over his ass with your broad tongue, a shivery moan escaped his throat just like that.
After using some spit for lubrication your tongue was back instantly to lick and flick. Your fingers holding his ass tightly left red marks behind that made Hawks moan in delight. Pushing himself even further down onto your face without really realizing it. Though you didn’t mind at all, rather you used it to push your tongue inside.
“Ngh! Ahh-“, arching his back, Keigo reached back to try and grab the headboard for support.
Your own deep moans sent vibrations through his body, making it even harder to resist the urge to just ride your face. However, with how eagerly you ate his ass, your tongue relentlessly wiggling and thrusting, it was pretty hard to move himself, thus being completely at your mercy.
“Ohh fuck- Ah! B-Baby…”, he choked out and moaned.
Pulling back a little, you went back to flicking the top of your tongue, tickling his soft hole and listening to his grumbling as he tried to sway his hips to spur you on. But, you loved to tease him. Hearing his quickened breathing and the impatient whines made your cock twitch and leak.
Though, in order to make him feel good, you soon pushed your broad tongue back against his twitching ass to lick almost slowly over his soft hole, before pushing your wet muscle back inside. His delightful hiss and the shivering of his body told you everything you needed to know.
His golden eyes were closed and his bottom lip was caught between his teeth. Another suppressed moan finding its way out of his mouth. Messy blonde strands of hair fell into his face, before he threw his head back when you, unexpectedly, reached around his thigh and touched his leaking cock. Your big hand wrapping around it was almost too much as he tried to thrust into it, simultaneously also rubbing his ass against your face more, thus feeling your tongue even more intensely.
“Ahn Ah! [Your.name] agh-“
However, when he softly pushed your hand away, you were a little surprised. Though not for long when he also raised his ass and turned around a bit, his golden eyes gleaming with lust.
“I want to… cum with your cock inside.”, was all he choked out under heavy breathing.
Hence you just gulped and sheepishly grinned. Reaching for the nightstand, you grabbed the lube, Keigo’s hands already busy pulling down your pants and kissing down your cock. Only to moan loudly when your thick fingers pushed inside his soft hole. The lube making such noisy squish sounds when you thrusted inside. Your big hand groped his small ass to spread his cheeks while you kept fingering him.
Your own deep groans and moans as he licked over your shaft and sucked on your cockhead got him even more excited. Thus, after a few moments of being stretched, he sat back up again so you pulled your fingers out. Simply watching as he moved and hovered over your cock.
“Kei-“, you choked out his name and instinctively grabbed his hips, once again realizing just how small he was. Your fingertips almost touched, he was such a fragile thing compared to you.
Though, despite being so small, Hawks grabbed your fat cock and slowly pushed down. The tip alone made him hiss, before a breathy moan followed. Once he sat in your lap, your dick buried snug in his ass, he leaned back, your hands giving him support and he held himself up as well.
“AHhh!”, one thrust was enough to make him moan in delight, hence with a quickened heartbeat, you started moving.
Easily holding him in place as you started shoving your cock inside his tight ass. Kei’s arms visibly shaking and his head thrown back.
“Ahh- [Your.name]- Mhn! Ah!”, though it didn’t take long for you to push him up completely, his hole gaping and twitching, before throwing him onto his belly.
“AHnn, so rough.”, he purred as he presented his ass instantly. Once again - he just loved getting thrown around a little.
But not being able to think about it much longer, you had already pushed your cock back inside, making him moan in bliss and his hands instantly clawing at the sheets. Your own hands had grabbed his hips again, thus being able to thrust in as deeply as possible.
If it were possible, you might have thought you could see little hearts floating around Keigo’s head with how much he enjoyed himself. His moaning loud and not holding back as you drilled your cock into his tight hole.
Burying his red face into the pillow, he didn’t even try to hold back his moans. Just loving the way you blew his back out, making him so soar that he couldn’t even sit tomorrow morning. His delicate body shaking so much as waves of pure lust swept through him. His small cock bouncing with every thrust, the sheets dirtied with precum and sweat.
“[Your.name]!”, he moaned out your name.
Twisting his body lightly, he looked back and reached out his hand, instantly meeting your own as you grabbed and squeezed it.
“C-Come here…”, Keigo stuttered under heavy breathing.
“B-But… I’m gonna squish you.”, you groaned back, not wanting to lay on top of him with your heavy, chubby body. He was so tiny…
“Don’t ca-Ah! [Your.name]… please…”, was the last thing he whined and how could you say no?
“Fine…”, you let go of his hand and hovered over him before lowering your body onto his, “But tell me when it’s too uncomfortable.”
Though Keigo didn’t care anymore as your heavy body pushed him more into the mattress, a mere moaned “Uhgn!” all he could do. And then, you started thrusting again. He simply loved having your body on top of his, feeling your weight push him down.
Since you were already in the perfect spot, you just lowered your head to kiss along the nape of his neck. His soft little mewls as you nibbled on his skin spurring you on more. Your skin slapping against his as your hips moved as much as they could.
“Ah ahh B-Baby, I’m… Nghh!”, he tried to warn you as you kept fucking him mercilessly.
Your hips only stopping for a few seconds here and there, before you were back to shoving your cock inside, earning Keigo’s loud moan. His ass was tightening around your dick more and more as he approached his orgasm. Hawks’ insides were fluttering as you didn’t stop thrusting into his hole.
“Oh fuck- Kei-go…”, you choked out his name as your arms wrapped around his small body. Your hips moving on their own as you vigorously moved. Hips smacking against his ass uncontrollably.
Both of you moaning as you approached your orgasms. Hawks the first who surrendered to the pleasure. A loud, blissful moan escaping his throat and his body shaking underneath you. Cumming onto the sheets while he pulled you with him. Your own body shivering as you hugged him tightly and drilled your cock into his ass one last time before cumming. Filling his sloppy hole with your cum as he just happily mewled and moaned.
For a moment, you stayed like that; gasping for breath and shaking. Hawks groaning, a crooked happy smile on his lips and looking like he was on cloud nine, babbling nonsense. After a while, you slowly sat back up and pulled out. The soft squish sound and the cum flowing out immediately was sending another blissful jolt down south to your cock.
“Hmm, you look even more pretty like that, Baby.”, you chuckled and softly smacked his ass.
Hawks just giggled as well and pulled you down and besides him.
“I love you.”, he whispered before kissing you.
Happily returning the sweet gesture, you buried your hand in his hair, listening to his soft happy hums as you massaged his scalp. Your heart was thumping so much in your chest, wondering how you seriously deserved someone like him.
“Thank you.”
“For what?”, he chuckled as his head fell back into the pillow, his beautiful eyes filled with so much love as he looked at you.
“Just… for not giving up six months ago. I was really- just an asshole to you because of my own insecurities and… when I think about what might have happened if you didn’t try again, I would still be miserable right now. So just.. thank you. I love you.”
Biting his lip to try and hide his stupid happy smile, it, however, didn’t really help much. Hence he leaned in to kiss you once more. Which then ended in your mouths being tangled yet again as you pushed him more into the mattress.
@salemwritesxx || do not repost, edit, modify or translate my works
⇻ salem.talks: here’s part two! it took almost a month wtf well here it is!
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travellingarmy · 3 years
║Xiao║ Misunderstanding
Requested from Wattpad.
Word count: 1.8k
A familiar sound of laughter could be heard coming from somewhere at the lower part of Wangshu Inn that had gotten the attention of the last surviving yaksha. A laugh that he found annoying, yet would miss if it weren't around. Your laugh.
He wasn't going to admit it, but he would always wait for you to come to meet him daily. He would rush in clearing the area for monsters, not wanting you or any other mortal getting hurt-- but you especially.
However, he notices that your laughter that grew closer from the stairs leading up to the highest part of the inn- where he was- was seemingly.. Too joyous, let's say. What were you laughing at? Were you talking to Verr Goldet on your way to him? No, she's always behind the reception desk during working hours; no way is she with you. And as rude as it may be, her humour was quite dry to have you cracking up that much.
The curious yaksha's golden eyes look towards the door, waiting for you to step on the last remaining stairs that'll finally allow him to see you and whatever- or whomever- was making you laugh. He knew that you weren't alone as he heard a second set of shoes. They were heavy. A man? Well, that was soon answered when he saw your figure peeking in his line of sight, along with the person you came with. Although he doesn't show it, what he saw was not a pleasant sight.
Who was the guy next to you?
His eyes narrow. Something in him made him feel.. Strange. He doesn't know what word (or words) to use to describe such mortal feeling but he knows that he hated it-- hated the sight with you laughing the way you did to another. You never laughed like that when you were with him.
You looked away from the person with who you had such a wonderful conversation with and to Xiao who was leaning against the railing. You didn't notice that something was off with him; he looked annoyed just like every other day you met with him so you greeted him with a smile. "Xiao! Hey, sorry to keep you waiting," you said. Xiao did not reply to your greeting and focused his attention on the taller male beside you. Then, "Who is he?" His head nods to the stranger, arms crossing. The guy seemed shady but nowhere in his perfect appearance could the yaksha pinpoint what was off with him.
"Oh, right. I should introduce you guys to each other. Xiao, this is Childe. Childe, this is Xiao-- the one I was talking to you about some moments ago," you said. "Hey, it's good to meet another of (Y/N)'s friends." Childe smiles, a hand rest on his hip. "Likewise," Xiao replies, although he didn't really mean it. All he wanted to know was what this Childe guy's relationship with you as you had never mentioned him in your guys' one-sided conversation before.
"Anyway, (Y/N), when are you finally going to accept my invitation?" Childe looks towards you with eager eyes. "What invitation?" You raised a brow at the ginger. "Eh? Did you forget? How could you, (Y/N)?" Childe dramatically clutches his shirt over his chest. "I thought you loved me!" Xiao's ears perked. "Just hurry up and tell me," you said.
He chuckles. "For our date, of course!" Childe leans closer to your face, giving you a close-eyed grin. Xiao, who had no choice but to listen, unknowingly tightened his grip on his arms. Date? So, you guys are..
Xiao clicks his tongue. "I need to go," he said briefly before disappearing into thin air with trickles of black and green smoke. You couldn't even ask where he was going. "Uh, weren't you gonna give him that?" Childe points at the tiffin in your hand. "Ah, you're right! Darn it.." You finally perfected how to make almond tofu and wanted Xiao to be the first to try your cooking so it was truly a shame that you weren't able to give it to him. "Well, since he left, can I have it?" Childe asks. "No! This is for Xiao only!" You glare at him. "And can you please stop calling our sparring sessions a date?" Childe only laughs at that.
"Well, I guess I'll leave this with Verr.." you said to yourself, eyeing at the tiffin. It was a shame that you won't get to see his reaction but you can always ask tomorrow. You wondered what it was that he needed to tend to but shortly concluded that he probably needed to take care of monsters around the area.
Tomorrow came but he didn't show up which was odd since even though he may look like he doesn't want you around, he never really pushed you away. In fact, there wasn't a silent agreement for when you two would meet up at the highest part of Wangshu Inn. You asked Verr if Xiao ever had the chance to eat your almond tofu but she said that he rejected it and that he would be turning in for the night.
A day turned to days until it was nearly a week. Again, you went to Wangshu Inn and again, Childe wasn't with you that day so it was a bit quiet. You didn't have anything else planned for today, wanting to spend today with Xiao since you didn't yesterday and the days before that.
It became the waiting game long ago and before you knew it, you could see the sun setting on the horizon yet again. Where was he? Yeah, he may be the conqueror of demons but you couldn't help but worry. After all, it was still possible for him to get hurt.
You waited a bit more until the sun was fully out of sight. Another day has ended and he still hasn't shown. Sighing defeatedly, you stood up from the chair that Verr had brought for you. However, before you could take a step away from the chair, Xiao appears before you at the centre of the balcony.
"Xiao!?" One look at him, you gasped at the state he was in. He still had his mask on and was covered in blood and scratch marks, using his spear as support. He was unaware of your presence, unable to focus as he was lightheaded.
You rushed to his side and that's when his head looks up from the ground to you. "(Y/N)? What are you doing here?" he managed to ask, sounding so weak and tired. "I was waiting for you.. But never mind that-- what happened to you?" You reached your hands for him and just when you made contact with his shoulders, he collapsed in your arms. "Xiao!"
Your voice was loud enough to alert Verr, Huai'an, and Yanxiao who rushed upstairs, all worried for the yaksha that protected Liyue quietly. "Xiao? What happened?" Verr asked, equally worried as you were. "Let's get him to his room first and patch him up. Save the questions after he's healed," Huai'an said. Agreeing, you brought Xiao to his room that was unoccupied for most of the time while Verr fetched the aid kit.
After giving you the kit, you were left with the task of bandaging the male, knowing that he would most likely refuse help from them. You sat on a wooden chair while he sat on his bed, things needed to patch him up were spread on the nightstand. It was quiet for the first couple of minutes since you were too busy cleaning his bloodied arm. It was only when you wrapped his upper arm nice and tight did you talk. "Uh, can you take off your shirt..?" you say softly that one would need to strain to hear, but not Xiao as he always had keen ears.
"Why are you here?" he asks coldly which caught you off guard. Sure he spoke with a seemingly cold tone but this time, it really sounded as if he didn't want you here. His eyes never once looked at yours when you were wrapping his arm.
"X, Xiao..? What's wrong?" You felt your heart squeeze itself. He remained tight-lipped. That day, when you brought Childe along, he felt a mix of emotions of jealousy, anger, and sadness. "Nothing is wrong. Just go.." he said. "Don't you have somewhere to be?"
"Somewhere to be? No, I was waiting all day for you to come back," you said. "I was beginning to worry ab--" "I don't need your concerns. I have lived longer than you and fought many monsters. I can handle everything by myself," he cut you off, sharply. "Why don't you put those silly feelings of yours on someone else?"
"What wrong with you, Xiao?" you asked, not once raising your voice. "I told you, nothing is wrong with me--" He finally looked at you, but what he saw next made him stop and all those feelings he had previously dissipated. You weren't crying but tears were certainly threatening to fall as you bit your bottom lip. "I.. (Y/N).."
You shook your head, wiping the tears with your arms before you stare at him right in the eyes. "I was worried, Xiao. I was worried if you were hurt or worse!" you raised your voice, but not in anger. "What did I do to make you mad? Please, tell me!" Your eyes reflected desperation and sadness.
He looks away. He felt bad, knowing that it was wrong of him to lash out at you for something as stupid as feelings.. Feelings that you won't reciprocate.
"It's nothing.." he said, this time, in a calmer tone. "Why won't you tell me?" you asked, reaching your hands to cup his face so that he had no choice but to look at you.
He hesitated. He wasn't sure if it was right to tell you since you were with someone else, and he didn't want to ruin what friendship you two had. But the sadness in your eyes made it hard for him to keep it a secret. "I.. Was jealous.." He confesses, looking down at his lap, face feeling hot in embarrassment.
"Jealous? Of who?" you pushed on. He gulped before saying, "Your.. Boyfriend."
You blinked, confused. Then, "Boyfriend? But I don't have one.." you voiced. Xiao looks up at you, face showing surprise. "What? But that guy with you.. He said.." It took a while but you now soon know who he was referring to.
"Ah, we aren't in a relationship, I promise! When he said date, he was asking for a sparring match really," you explained. "A, and actually, I like you, Xiao.. I have always liked you."
Hearing the confession, Xiao did not wait for a second longer and put a hand behind your head, pushing you closer to him until your lips met with his. It surprised you at first but soon melted into the kiss, eyes fluttering shut. What felt like hours was actually just a few minutes and you two pulled away.
Looking at him, loving his golden eyes that were filled with love for you, you smiled. "Well, let's finish fixing you up."
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thechekhov · 4 years
So glad you decided to play Undertale! I think it would really suit you so I’m so happy you got into it! Could I have your thoughts about the game? I would LOVE to hear them. I’m ALL for long essays and rants, that’s my jam, but even just a small review from you would make me ecstatic!
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Alright alright alright alright. 
I am ecstatic that someone asked because I have a lot to say AS ALWAYS. 
I’m gonna try to keep this readable, I swear. Will add pictures in between to keep things interesting. 
However, due to the length this will SURELY achieve, AND due to spoilers (and yes, laugh at me all you want, the game has been out for 5 years) I’ll put this under a cut. Read at your own (f)risk.
Metagaming - the game plays YOU
When I first started Undertale, I ‘knew’ these things:
there’s a stabby one with a knife, their name is chara
there’s a flower everyone hates
something something sans something something
and the last, and perhaps most important thing
you can spare your enemies to avoid killing them
The thing is. The THING IS. 
I did not realize how pervasive this strategy was. My thought at first was ‘okay, so I don’t have to kill EVERYONE.’
I had no idea that the reality was that I didn’t have to kill anyone.
I’m sure many others have already said this, but Undertale kind of changes the way you think about other games. It forces to you examine simply fighting your way through the RPG by introducing completely non-murder-y ways to resolve issues. This conversation-based combat style is not the first of its kind, I’m sure, but it’s also incredibly well done. It ties into the story, it ties into your decisions.
It ties into your decisions SO MUCH that it changes everything else in the outcome.
Undertale is a game well known for breaking the 4th wall. However, it does so in a strangely eerie, heart-wrenchingly real way. It teaches us that there are other solutions to conflicts - and it really... it really TEACHES us, you know?
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Which is funny because to be honest, it took me a while to get the lesson.
(You may already be fully aware of this but yes, my first True Neutral Route was extremely organic. I legitimately had no idea that there was even more than one ending. I was just stumbling about er... killing. Out of habit.)
The beauty of this is that the game drives home that point even more effectively because I was fully unaware of my own bias. I had assumed that some enemies would require killing - DESPITE TORIEL SPECIFICALLY TELLING ME TO TALK TO THEM, and the entire Ruins tutorial being about Mercy. I killed the Dummy on accident (granted, it was due to me pressing the key too fast a few times) and didn’t think much of Toriel’s disapproval. I killed a few monsters because I saw my level was low and decided to automatically grind a little bit. 
By the time I got to Toriel, I was still not comfortable with the mechanic. I knew I could Spare her somehow - after all, she was a kind monster, and clearly an important character - but the Spare option didn’t yield promising results the first few times I chose it. I ran out of patience and decided that maybe... maybe it was like pokemon! 
Maybe I had to get her health down to a certain level before she would allow me to pass through.
Funny thing though.... you know what happens if you attack Toriel one too many times? Even if she has most of her health left? 
Yeah uh... it activates that one-hit-KO thing from No Mercy Route.
So of course, what happened? I hit her one too many times... and killed her! And of course, immediately panicked and reset. 
I got back to my previous save, Spared Toriel PROPERLY this time, and walked out of the ruins only to be confronted with my own reliance on the magical ‘redo’ button which was... apparently... not that magical.
Because it WASN’T a clean redo. Flowey apparently remembered. 
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The idea that the game would KNOW about my previous attempts beyond the save file snapped me out of my casual Undertale playthrough. I realized that something was up - this game was not going to be like the others.
I think it was from this point on that I tried to be more careful, but again - I still hadn’t quite gotten the memo about not killing. I took down a few monsters around Snowdin. And when I got to Papyrus, I grew frustrated about not being able to beat him (I ended up losing several times and coming back to try again) and went off to grind SOME MORE because I figured that could raise my HP and increase my chances of holding off long enough to Spare him. 
(The incredible thing about this game is that actually, raising your level gives you only a slight advantage. You can be level 1 and carrying no items, and as long as you’re relatively proficient at dodging the bullet hell style projectiles you will have no issues.) 
Anyway, the point is that I realized I could spare the big monsters and did so readily - but I didn’t bother to spare many of the smaller ones. 
I figured it didn’t matter. 
And then I successfully evaded Undyne, gave her a cup of water, etc... and then went to her house to meet Papyrus, fully expecting her to befriend me anyway. 
And you know what happened?
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“She said she won’t hang out with a murderer.“
I think that probably hit me the hardest at that point in the game. 
I had a bit ‘....oh’ moment at that point because I realized that the game would punish me for killing even the ‘not-important’ civilians of the Underground. It wasn’t about just sparing the ‘boss monsters’. My actions had consequences beyond just the ‘elite’ characters that we all tend to focus on.
Because yes, it made sense. It wasn’t about just Undyne - why WOULD she randomly be my friend after I killed tons of living beings?
From there on, I spared everyone, but didn’t reset. I decided to see how it would unravel.
The thing I want to talk about, which is a little difficult, is that...
It took me that long to learn that kindness was the answer. And that, in itself, ends up being a metaphor. 
It’s difficult to be kind if you have not been show how to be.
It’s difficult to change the way you behave (in a game or out of it) if all you know is using other methods.
It was hard enough to spare Toriel before I realized I had to just be very patient and trust that her attacks wouldn’t hit - though at first I thought she would just kill me! 
It was hard to avoid Papyrus’ attacks and I had to die several times before I successfully got through it. 
It was near impossible to fight Undyne because I legitimately had no idea Fleeing was an option. I struggled for ages at her stage, and I had to ask for help to understand what I could do.
And that’s actually honestly very true to life as well.
Being kind takes risk. Being kind takes effort. And sometimes, being kind means asking others HOW to be kind. 
When you choose to be kind, you risk being hurt, and you risk being trapped (Toriel). When you choose to be kind, you need to expand a lot more energy to succeed (Papyrus). When you choose to be kind, you need to sometimes reach out to others to show you how to properly do it (Undyne).
The rest of the playthrough probably went about as you expect. I completed the game, didn’t kill any Boss Monsters, fought to the end and... got that really unsatisfying Neutral Ending which felt strangely bittersweet. 
And of course, after I was done, I was prompted to go back and do a proper Pacifist Run. Which I did. I learned about the background of Determination, about Chara and Asriel... and about how everything came to be the way it was.
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The thing that gets me the most about this game is how it serves as a direct parallel to how we use videogames. In fact, Undertale is a videogame... about videogames. 
Chara appears to be a direct metaphor for the people that use videogames to escape - to cope with whatever happened to them in The Overworld. Bad family life, or bad relationships or whatever we suffer - escapism through games is not, in itself, a new theme. 
Chara arrived in Undertale by dropping themself down a hole in the mountain, perhaps even seeking to end their life. They dropped into a world which offered them comfort and companionship, a new family and a new life - but in the end, their nature was destructive because their means to finding a solution inadvertently used other people as fodder. Asgore, Asriel - they used everyone else to complete their plans. It wasn’t about forming connections - it was about Completing the Quest. 
I wonder - did Chara even HAVE access to a MERCY option? 
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Was their world one without the option of sparing someone? Did they only have the choice of acting - and was Mercy in the hands of whoever attacked them? I wonder how difficult it might have been for them. I wonder how that, in itself, shaped their perception of the world. 
I wonder if that’s why, during the No Mercy run, people recognize you as Chara? If they come back and attach themselves to your resonating DETERMINATION?
If this is true, was MERCY perhaps created later, brought into existence once Asriel himself made the choice to NOT fight, to turn back and flee, even after being attacked by humans in the Overworld? 
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(It would be a nice parallel to Asgore DESTROYING the Mercy option when you enter the fight with him...)
In the end, I think Undertale is about many things, including video games. 
But it’s also hurting - and being hurt. 
It’s about how trauma can shape us, how we deal with feeling grief, and loss, and depression - and not being able to feel anything.
It’s about how we focus on goals and use DETERMINATION to keep going - even when whatever it is that’s driving us no longer has any SOUL. 
It’s about how our action have consequences, but they also carry the weight of a choice, and how powerful those choices are, and how powerless we feel when we aren’t given a choice - not to fight back, nor show mercy. 
I think that’s probably the reason this game resonated with so many people. It really brings something we love about videogames to the forefront - that ability to fight back, to have full and total control of our own lives...
And it also shows us how having that endless loop of repetitive grinding and fighting with zero consequences can lead to an incredible hollowness and make us numb to how we interact with real-life people. 
Good game. 
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writethelifeyouwant · 3 years
Come On
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Pairing: Cordell x Reader 
Rating: 18+
Tags: Daddy kink, dom/sub, punishment scene, age difference, secret relationship 
Word Count: 3.2k 
Created for: @walker-bingo - Spanking | @anyfandomgoesbingo - Lingerie
Dividers: @firefly-graphics 
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Your phone vibrates on your desk, the sudden noise nearly making you stab yourself in the eye with your mascara wand. You glance down and see Cordell’s face flashing on the screen, and you smile, accepting the call and hitting ‘speaker’. 
“Hey there,” you chirp as you return to doing your makeup. 
“Hi,” the smile in Cordell’s voice is audible. “So, I just heard from Stella that you’re coming over soon? Why didn’t you tell me I’d get to see you today?” 
“I wanted it to be a surprise,” you giggle. Of course, you hadn’t told Stella that you were trying to surprise her dad by showing up unannounced, so it’s not her fault that she ruined your plan. You felt bad sometimes, keeping your relationship with Cordell secret from your best friend, but how are you supposed to tell someone that you slept with their dad – and that you plan to keep doing it? Plus, Cordell had been very insistent that no one could know about your relationship, so you couldn’t betray his trust by telling his daughter what you two had been up to for the past few months. The secrecy just made it hotter most of the time anyways, so you didn’t mind the sneaking around. 
“Well, I’m glad I get to see you tonight, baby girl.” The register of Cordell’s voice drops when he says your nickname, and you shiver pleasantly. 
“I can’t wait to see you either, Daddy,” you smile, smacking your lips together as you put the finishing touches on your lipstick and smile at your reflection in the mirror. 
“Do I get a sneak peek at your dress?” Cordell asks. You’d sent him an excited text from the store when you’d finally found the perfect outfit for your graduation dance at school, but you hadn’t let him see it yet. You pick your phone up and carry it to the closet where your dress is hanging on the back of the door, and you snap a quick photo of the corner of the bodice, so he can get a look at the deep, jewel tone colour of the lace. 
“Sent you a pic,” you call down the receiver of the phone as you set it down to pull on your stockings. You fasten the stockings to your suspender belt as you wait for Cordell’s reaction, and you tug the bustier you’re wearing back into place once you have everything on and clipped together. 
“You know how much I like lace on you, baby girl.” You smirk in satisfaction-- that’s precisely why you’d chosen this dress. “I bet it will look beautiful on you.” 
“Do you want to see what else I’m wearing tonight, Daddy?” You keep your voice innocent and coy, knowing he’ll take the bait. 
“Of course I do, darlin’. You know the rules, I always get a picture if you wear one of the things I picked out for you.” You smile wickedly as you arrange yourself in the mirror to show off the new lingerie that you’d bought especially for this night. Cordell is going to love it, but he isn’t going to be pleased with you when he sees it. The two of you have rules. He gets to pick out all of the lingerie you buy, and any time you wear it you have to send him a photo of you in it. Cordell didn’t pick out the set you’re wearing now, so you know you’re going to be in trouble with him later when you get to Stella’s house – and you can’t wait. 
You pose yourself in the mirror to highlight your curves, which are wrapped in glittering lace and ribbon details, and push your hand into your hair to muss it up for the picture. You take a few and pick one you’re happy with, sending it to Cordell with the caption ‘can’t wait until you get your hands on me in this 😉’. Then you sit back on your bed and wait for Cordell to receive the text. 
“Did you get it, Daddy?” You ask when he’s silent for a few moments. 
“Is that some new underwear, baby girl?” Cordell asks measuredly. 
“Uh-huh,” you giggle. 
“I don’t remember picking that out for you, angel,” Cordell’s voice drops in pitch, growing threatening, and you smile widely. 
“It was another surprise for you, Daddy,” you answer innocently, acting like you didn’t notice the change in Cordell’s tone just then. 
“I hope you were about ready to leave, baby girl, because I expect you here in 20 minutes. If you’re late, there will be an extra punishment, do you understand?” 
“Yes, Daddy,” your voice has climbed higher in excitement. 
“Good.” Cordell ends the call without a goodbye, and you know you’re in for it now. 
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You ring the old iron bell on the porch by their front door when you arrive, with just a minute and a half to spare. Cordell opens the door with a friendly smile and ushers you into the kitchen with a call behind his back of – “Stella! Y/N is here!” – before turning back to you and giving you a quick hug. 
“Hey Mr. Walker,” you smirk, knowing it drives him crazy when you call him that. He rolls his eyes at you but smiles – from how he’s acting now you’d never know that he’s about to punish you for breaking his rules. 
“Come on, do a little twirl for me darlin’,” Cordell spins his finger through the air and you whirl around on your toes, demonstrating the movement of your dress. The hem flips up as you spin, showing off the slightest hint of lace and the tops of the stockings that you’d teased him with earlier in your photos. “You look beautiful, Y/N,” his eyes soften as he looks you up and down, admiring the dress, and you in it. 
“Thanks,” you blush, tucking a stray hair behind your ear. It astonishes you that he can still make you feel butterflies like this, just by saying something so simple. The sound of a door from the hall draws your attention and you look up to see Stella running into the kitchen, still in her bathrobe. 
“Y/N, you look so awesome!” Stella squeals and gives you a big hug. “You’re early, I wasn’t expecting you for another hour,” she laughs exasperatedly. 
“Well you know me,” you shrug, “I got impatient,” you giggle, your eyes flashing to Cordell, who smirks at you behind Stella’s back. He knows just how impatient you can be sometimes.  
“I’m still doing my hair, come hang out in my room,” Stella pulls you along behind her. 
“Yeah of course, but can I use your bathroom first?” 
“August is taking a shower, but he should be done soon,” Stella says. 
“You can use the one in my room,” Cordell offers, like you knew he would. “Here, I’ll show ya.” He moves in front of you and Stella, and beckons you down the hall after him. 
“Thanks, Mr. Walker,” you smile, and follow him to the master bedroom at the end of the hall. Once inside, he shuts the door quietly behind you and his demeanor instantly changes. 
“So,” Cordell gives you a tight lipped smile, his eyes darkening as they once again rake up and down your body, but this time he lets the hunger seep through. 
“Sooo,” you draw out the word, moving closer to him and swirling your skirt around your legs as you go. 
“Someone decided to break one of our rules, hmm?” He crosses his arms over his chest and looks down at you stonily. 
“I just thought you’d like it Daddy,” you pout up at him. “I know how much you like me in lace, and I wanted to look pretty for you.” You press your hands against his chest and flutter your lashes, but you know this innocent act isn’t going to get you any mercy. 
“You look very pretty in it, but that’s not the point baby girl. We have rules for a reason.” Cordell smiles at you sympathetically and reaches out to rub his hands up and down your arms in a comforting gesture. The heat of his skin against yours makes you shudder, and you let him draw you closer to him. “So you know I’m gonna have to punish you now, yeah?” 
“I know, Daddy,” you nod meekly. 
“But you’re gonna have to stay real quiet, so Stels and August don’t hear us. Can you do that for me?” he checks. 
“I can be quiet, Daddy.”
“Okay, good girl,” Cordell smiles and lets you go, moving to sit on the edge of his bed. “Come on,” he twirls his finger in the air and pats his knee, and you go willingly, acting penitent but secretly loving this inside. You drape yourself over his lap, your ass in the air right over his groin, and you can feel the stirrings of his arousal beneath you. He flips the hem of your dress up, revealing the offending lace panties that had gotten you into trouble in the first place. His hands run over your thighs, pinging the suspenders against your skin and making you jump a little against him. “Easy, baby,” he soothes, chuckling. “So, how many do you think you deserve for breaking the rules this time?” 
“I don’t know, Daddy,” you squirm. As much as you love to provoke Cordell, and get him to punish you, you’re never good at this part. You hate how he essentially makes you ask for what you want done to you, which is exactly why he does it. 
“Well, it is your graduation dance tonight, so maybe I can go a little easy on you. Should we say ten, baby girl?” 
“Okay, Daddy,” you nod into your arms, which are holding you up on the mattress. 
“Alright then, count them off for me baby.” And without any more preamble Cordell brings his palm down firmly against your right asscheek. You gasp at the sting, wriggling on his lap. 
“One,” you say quietly, pressing your head against your arms and bracing for the next hit. It comes swiftly, his hand smacking your left side. “Two.” You can feel yourself getting wet now, and you know Cordell must be able to see the moisture seeping through the lace between your legs. The embarrassment at that thought makes you squirm even more, turned on by the humiliation that you like your punishments this much. 
Hits three and four come hard and fast, not even giving you time to count between them. Cordell’s big hand rubs across your skin to soothe you, and he gives you a moment to breathe before he doles out hits five and six – each harder than the last. Now you can feel the slick starting to drip down the crease of your thigh, and Cordell notices too, because he reaches out and draws a finger through the trail that’s winding its way across your skin. 
“What’s this, baby girl?” he coos from above you. 
“N-nothing, Daddy,” you stutter. 
“What a little slut, getting all wet for Daddy while he’s spanking you. You really are a bad girl, aren’t you baby?”
“No,” you protest quickly. “No, Daddy, I’m good, I promise.” You have to be good during your punishments, or else you won’t get your reward after. 
“Yeah? You’re a good girl?” Cordell teases his finger below the lace between your legs, brushing his fingertip through your folds, and pushing lightly against your entrance. 
“Yes, I’m a good girl, Daddy,” you whine, pushing your hips back against his finger. “Your good girl Daddy, please.” 
“Please what, baby?” 
“Please keep punishing me, Daddy,” you push your ass towards his hand, moaning when he digs his fingers into your flesh. 
“Alright baby, just four more for me, you’re doing really good.” You smile to yourself as you count seven and eight, pushing your hips back into the harsh contact each time, relishing in the heat that blooms in the wake of each slap. 
“Spread your legs a little for me baby girl,” Cordell pushes at your thighs, moving them apart himself. You let him position you how he wants, following the pressure he puts on your lower back and sticking your hips farther back, exposing the visible wet spot between your legs to the open air. A harsh strike lands directly over your pussy and you cry out briefly before you remember to muffle your voice against your skin. 
“N-nine,” you gasp, your pussy throbbing beneath Cordell’s hand, which is rubbing between your legs to soothe the burn it had just caused. 
“Keep quiet f’me, baby,” Cordell breathes, and you can hear how worked up he’s getting just from punishing you. You’re glad that at least you’re not the only one. 
He lands one more cruel spank over your pussy and you bite on your forearm to keep from crying out, whimpering a quiet “ten” into your skin as you squirm in is his lap, trying to press your hips into his fingers, which are brushing lightly over the sopping lace covering your core. He lets you press into him, rewarding you by dragging his fingers up to your clit and running a few teasing circles over the little bundle of nerves. 
“Did so good for me, baby girl,” Cordell whispers gruffly, stroking more earnestly as he teases you through your underwear. 
“Thank you, Daddy,” you whimper softly, thrusting needily against his fingers, trying to get more friction against your aching core. “Please Daddy, please,” you beg, not even able to conjure the words for what you need, you’re too desperate. All your brain can think is please, need something, need more. 
“Okay baby, c’mere,” Cordell manoeuvres you off of his lap and you stand on shaky legs before you lean against the nearby dresser for support. Cordell stands and follows you, undoing his belt and zipper, and pulling his hard cock out of his boxers. Your mouth always waters when you see it, and right now is no different. If you had more time you’d drop to your knees and suck him down – you love the ache you get in your jaw every time he fucks your mouth – but right now you both have a different goal in mind. 
Cordell lifts you and sets you on top of his dresser, so he can reach your mouth easier, and kisses you deeply. You moan against his lips, letting your tongues tangle together and reaching up to run your fingers through his hair, tugging on it gently and giggling when he lets out a groan and bites at your lip. He runs his hands down your back and scooches you to the edge of the dresser, grabbing his dick to rub the tip against your centre, pushing your panties to the side as he does, so he can press into your entrance. 
When he pushes in, oh so slowly, you have to bite into his shoulder to keep from moaning too loudly. He fills you so completely, it feels like every nerve between your legs is on fire, and you would happily burn in the flames. Cordell gives a few shallow thrusts, probably not wanting to move too quickly and accidentally hurt you, but the dresser thumps against the wall with each movement, and he stills again, needing to keep quiet. In a flash, he’s hooked his arms around your back and lifted you up in the air. You wrap your legs around his waist, locking him inside you as he moves the pair of you to the wall, pressing you against it for support and shifting his hands to grip your ass and hold you up. 
Slowly, he pulls out and pistons back in, testing how quiet your new position is. Satisfied that you can be sufficiently sneaky this way, he starts to pick up the pace of his thrusting, and this position has his hips dragging across your clit with every press forward. You bury your head against his shoulder and bunch your hands in his shirt. You’re just along for the ride at this point, letting him use your body to chase his own release, and you can tell he’s close when his thrusts get quicker, messier. He bends his knees a little to change angles and get a better grip on you, and on the next thrust in his cock drags right over that sweet spot inside you and you can’t hold in the whimper of “Daddy” against his neck. 
“Yeah, that’s it baby girl,” Cordell breathes against your ear, bucking his hips into you faster and faster, and you can feel your pussy start to twitch around his length, desperate to reach your peak. “I can feel how close you are baby, your little pussy feels so good squeezing around Daddy’s cock like that. C’mon and come for me baby girl, come for Daddy.” He ducks in to swallow your whines in a bruising kiss, and you let yourself come undone around him as he kisses you through it, drinking in your moans and letting them spur him on.
 As you come down, and feel yourself start to loosen around him, losing the strength in your limbs to keep yourself locked in place, you feel Cordell’s movements quicken, becoming jerky and erratic, and then they still as he holds himself inside you, grunting through his own release as he buries his head into the crook of your neck. When he’s finished, he slowly drags his head away from your shoulder and pulls out of you. Immediately, you feel his release start to drip from your entrance but Cordell pulls your panties back into place to catch the cum that’s leaking out of you now. The thought of going to this dance with his cum pooling in your new panties is deliciously wrong, and you love how dirty it makes you feel. 
“Thank you, Daddy,” you smile up at him, and pull him down for another kiss. “I promise I’ll be good from now on.” Cordell scoffs, good naturedly but completely disbelieving. 
“Now, we both know that’s not true, don’t we?” he smirks down at you. 
“Well…” you muse with a teasing smile. 
“Yeah,” Cordell laughs derisively and places a short kiss against your forehead. “That’s what I thought.” He swats at your ass and pushes you towards the door to the bathroom in the corner of his bedroom. “Now, go clean yourself up and get out of here. Have a good time at your dance tonight.” You smile and nod, heading for the bathroom. “And, Y/N?” You turn and look back at Cordell, leaning against the dresser and watching you with a smirk. “You know the rules – I better get a few more pictures of you in those panties while you’re out later. I wanna see what a mess I made of my baby girl.” 
You grin, squeezing your legs together and feeling his slick pressing against your core. “Of course Daddy,” you smile. “You know me, I always follow the rules.”
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Tag List: @vulgar-library @tintentrinkerin @negans-lucille-tblr @fandomfic-galore @petitgateau911 @whoreforackles @schaefchenherde @kickingitwithkirk @little-diable @laxe-chester67 @kassyscarlett @sonofslaanesh69 @lovealways-j @delightfullykrispypeach @stoneyggirl @walkersbabygirl @austin-winchester67 @sams-sass​
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spinster-sisters · 4 years
Asshole. CS
TW: Dom! san, Sub! reader, Pillow humping, stepping, generally very derogatory and lowkey rude, possessiveness. Im gonna put this here cuz i dont know where else to but this is not an example of a healthy relationship, no it is toxic or abusive, it is implied that they are just two very different people who shouldnt be together.
Your relationship with San wasn't a good one. From the moment you two got together you have been arguing about every little thing, and while the good moments were absolutely perfect the bad was far worse. Many of your friends were surprised you were still together. But despite all the fighting and miscommunications, San was still the only man you could look at, and that was infuriating.
Honestly, the two of you had tried to break up multiple times, but each period wouldn't last more than a week, because nobody else knew you like the other. So inevitably you would find your way back to each other.
Tonight was one of the bad nights. Your mutual friend Yunho was throwing a huge party at his apartment. The trouble had started before you even arrived. The plan was to get ready at San's place at ride over together, but at the last moment, you had decided to get ready at your own home, simply because San always rushed you. You figured that this way he could leave whenever he was ready and so could you. However, San did not see it that way.
You had just stood up from your vanity, having just finished applying your makeup, but a text alert brought you back down to sit.
"Your impossible" was all it said. This made you scoff. It was from your boyfriend. San had always told you that you were too indecisive and flaky, that he never knew what you wanted and it made it impossible to please you. It was probably true, but he was not without faults himself so you still found it annoying.
You chose to leave him on read before making your way over to the party. You were still simmering with annoyance over his attitude while you drove. Eventually, you landed at Yunho's building. You don't know exactly how your friend was able to afford the place as it was pretty big for only him and his roommate, but it certainly allowed for fun gatherings.
You were buzzed up and not too long after you were at Yuhno's door. Only seconds after knocking, you could hear the music and talk from outside, the door swung open to reveal the tall man.
"Hey!" Yunho cried, pulling you in by your arm. Yunho rarely drank more than one or two beers at his party so he could keep everyone in line, so it wasn't a surprise when you found him still completely sober.
"I almost thought you weren't going to make it!" The tall man spoke swinging and arm over your shoulder for a side hug. You smiled into it.
"Yeah sorry, I was running a bit behind," was all you said.
"When San showed up without you I thought you had canceled," your friend spoke while pulling away from the hug.
"Yeah, well plans change" you replied. You had thought you hid the contempt well enough but Yunho knew you too well. He gave you a questioning look but you changed the subject.
"Where is he anyway? You asked. Yunho only pointed into the living room. Your mood only darkened. There were tons of people but you could still see your boyfriend clear as day sitting on the couch with at least three girls hanging off of him. This was one of your problems with San. No, he had never cheated on you, if they tried to kiss him he would push them away, if they made a suggestive comment he would brush them off, but of they flirted with him? He ate that shit up. He said that it shouldn't matter because at the end of the day your the one who gets to fuck him, but the fact he would just sit there and let them feed his ego was pissy as all hell.
You frowned deeply, not even trying to hide this one, and turned the opposite direction into the kitchen for a drink. You could feel the judgment coming of Yunho in waves, but he said nothing. When you reached the kitchen you found the first bottle of whatever and poured yourself a tall glass of whatever. You weren't about to let your boyfriend ruin your night, even after he ruined your mood. So you opted to ignore him all night.
It had been a while. After you finished your drink and allowed it to take effect you moved back into the pandemonium that was the living room. Here was the source of the music and the majority of the talking. You danced lazily to the music, not paying any attention to anyone just allowing yourself to unwind. The pounding base felt nice in your head and along with the buzz of the alcohol you were more than content.
Soon an arm slipped around your shoulders again. This time it was Mingi. Yunho's roommate. You weren't as close to him as Yunho but you could easily call him a friend.
"What's up?" You called over the music, stepping out of the dancing bodies to talk.
"Just coming to say hi, where's san?" He asked taking a little look around.
"Don't know don't care" you replied leaning against the wall. Mingi laughed a little.
"You two at it again?" He questioned with a quirk of the brow. You returned the laugh.
"Call it whatever you want, I don't want to talk to him tonight," Mingi sighed with a smile.
"You two are impossible," Mingi walked away after finishing his comment but his choice of words soured your mood again. You dared to look around for San. Once you found him it made it worse.
It seems like two of the girls had lost hope because the last one remaining was laying it on thick. She was sitting so close their legs were pressed together and her hand was dragging up and down his arm.
You scoffed and turned away before a thought hit you. If he was able to entertain other people then why can't you? With that idea in mind, you set out to find a cute boy to mess with.
It wasn't hard, within minutes of putting yourself out there a guy who clearly wasn't close enough with anyone here to know your situation had approached you in the hallway on your way to fill up your drink.
You both stood in the hallway against the wall for a bit, he was hopelessly eager so flirting with him was a breeze. Slowly you made your way into the living room once again and made yourself comfy with the new boy. No, you weren't as obvious as the girl hanging off your boyfriend, you were too good for that, but it was clearly enough to have him hanging on your every word. At some point, you glanced up and made eye contact with Yunho who only threw you a curious look but you only winked at went back to your nameless boy.
You spoke for a bit longer, playing into him as much as possible as he showered you with compliments. You were happily basking in the praise when a sudden presence made itself know in front of you. You turned, and low and behold, it was San.
His perfect features were screwed into a glare fixated on both you and the boy. You almost let your giggle show when you look behind his perfectly shaped body to see the girl he had been entertaining looking lost and confused exactly where he left her on the couch.
Your satisfied smirk must have shown on your face however because soon your boyfriend's cold fingers wrapped around your chin hold your chin up to face him. He crouched down so you two were eye level.
"You think this is funny?" He asked in a dangerous tone. He only used this voice when he meant business but tonight you were standing your ground.
"Very funny," you replied, managing to hold your smirk even with his hand clamped on your cheeks.
"What the fuck man? Let her go," the boy finial voiced only after recovering from the shock of the scene before him. He reached out to pull Sans hand away before you stopped him.
"You can leave now," you said, not looking away from San. (not like you could) but still very clearly talking to the boy. You could hear the confusion in the silence. Before he spoke again.
"Wait what?" He asked stupidly.
"You can go, I'm done with you for now," you spoke.
"Wait this is crazy what are you-"
This time San in all his severe and intimidating glory turned to the boy and cut him off.
"Hey dick head, I think my girlfriend told you to leave us alone." He spoke with an edge. Having finally got the message the boy got up and left. And San's piercing gaze returned to you again, his hand finally dropping to let his forearm resting on his knee.
"So I'm your girlfriend now?" You asked with contempt. Crossing your arms, and swinging one leg over the other.
"Oh shut up" San replied scoffing.
"I'm just wondering if you told those girls that, that you have a girlfriend. Or maybe it's that you did but they just didn't care because clearly, you enjoyed all the attention they were giving you" the words rattled out of you in quick succession.
"Clearly you're broken up about it. Throwing yourself at any guy who will give you the time of day," he spits back, "if I remember correctly you were the one who didn't want to come together as a couple," he reminded in a scathing tone.
"Only because you are a controlling asshole," you spat back equally as resentful.
"And you're a paranoid drama queen I guess we all have our problems." He shot back. Eyes narrowing even more.
"Well maybe if you have such a problem with it I should go find that guy and fuck him. If I am so annoying then how about I go be someone else's problem!" you almost screamed at him beath heaving slightly when you finished. San stared at you unreadable for a moment.
He stood abruptly, taking you roughly by the arm and pulling you to your feet. He wordlessly dragged you through the crowd.
"San what the fuck let go!" You tried to pull free but failed. Moments later san had dragged you into Yunho's room and slammed it shut before locking it. Your boyfriend turned to you with eyes darker than you had ever seen.
"Never fucking say that again." He spoke dangerously calm. He took two quick steps twords you before slamming his lips onto yours. You reacted quickly, returning the kiss with as much anger as you could. Yeah, you wanted him to fuck you, but you weren't about to let him forget how pissed off you were.
In moments your dress had been pulled over your head and you were pushed onto the bed and Sans body trapped you there. He reconnected your lips. Your kiss was anything but sweet, your teeth were clacking and your lips were swollen. San pulled back once or twice to bite at your bottom lip and pull before it snapped back into place. His hand wound its way into the roots of your hair and yanked.
With your head now pulled away and a dull ache radiated out from your head you groaned and rolled your hips into his feeling him harden through your underwear.
"Your such a needy slut." he spoke with venom while nipping and sucking at your neck, determined to leave as many visible marks as possible.
"Like you aren't?" You scoffed running your nails down his forearms, leaving your own mark on him.
"Shut the fuck up. Do I need to remind you whos in charge here?" He punctuated this with a particularly hard bite on your shoulder. You winced.
"No, I can tell there's no need. I just need to remind you whos slut you are don't I?" He asked in a patronizing tone. "Because your all mine baby, and I am not going to let you forget it."
In a moment he flipped your bodies over and pushed you off him to stand on your own feet in front of where he sat on the bed. You stumbled a little in the process and had to brace yourself on his shoulders. He looked at you unimpressed.
Your arms crossed and your brow furrowed.
"Strip" he commanded easily. You were only in your bra and panties but clearly this was too much for his fully clothed self. You glared.
"You first," you said indignantly. After a beat and a long stare San's hand shot out and clenched your ass hard. You couldn't help the yelp that escaped you.
"Unless you want me to spank you so hard your ass turns purple you should start undressing." He let go of you.
You knew he would keep to that promise so you slowly began to unhook your bra.
"Don't keep me waiting" he spoke in a warning.
You pulled the garment off your shoulders and slid your panties down.
"Finally you learned how to behave" he spoke with indignation. You humpfted unhappily.
"Does my slut, want me to touch her?"
"I think that much is clear," you mumbled.
"Speak up," he demanded.
"Yes!" You groaned. He glared at you for a moment.
"I don't think you deserve it," he replied. Instead, he reached behind himself and grabbed one of Yunho's pillows, and tossed it at your feet.
"You want to get off? Use that." Your stomach filled with dread.
"There is no way I'm doing that," you said, trying to convince yourself as much as him.
"Then I guess your not cumming tonight" he spoke flatly, staring you down. You stared at him in disbelief.
"Go on," he insisted. You felt your resolve slip as the ache in your core grew. Slowly but surely you knelt down and straddled the pillow. In the moments you sat down you were already dreading this. It was far too soft and smooth to gain any kind of fiction without some serious work. You already felt humiliated without having done anything yet.
"Look at me," San directed from the bed. Your pink face turned to look at him. He looked damn good as always, practically glowing in the bedroom haze. You couldn't help but clench the plush between your thighs. One more expectant look from San made you move.
After the first drag of your pussy against the pillow you almost cried at the lack of sensation. It was unfair how little feeling you got from it. But in San's eyes, you could see that that was exactly what he was looking for, the desperation.
You began moving your hips again. You were rutting your pussy against the pillow as fast as you could chasing the tiny bit of relief that came each time. You were already panting from all the work, grunting each time your clit dragged against the too soft fabric.
Slowly the pleasure was starting to build and you could feel the wetness pouring out of you dampening the cushion bellow you. Now that it was wet the material was a bit rougher so you got a little more of the friction you desired. Your eyes meet your boyfriend's dark gaze.
"Not so big now are you? Humping a pillow just because I told you to. Acting like my good little slut. Whose slut are you?" The filth spewed out of Sans mouth leaving you breathless, you were hesitant to admit defeat so you stayed silent. After a beat, Sans boot lifted from where it was planted on the carpet and dug into your thigh dangerously close to your sopping pussy. You whined as he stilled your movements. He pushed you down by your thigh keeping you immobilized on the pillow.
"I said, who's slut are you?" He asked in the sickest sweetest voice, leaning down slightly forcing the eye contact you wanted to break. When his boot dug even harder into you, stinging in the process you finally felt your resolve crumble.
"I'm your slut," you said barely above a whisper.
"Didn't quite catch that babe," he encouraged.
"I'm your slut," the words came out much more forceful this time to the point you almost shouted it. As soon as they were out of your mouth you burned in shame, looking away from the growing smirk on his face.
"All mine," the words slipped out almost absentmindedly. He reached out at cupped your burning cheeks and titled your head up.
"Come here baby,"
You obeyed him eagerly. Your hips ached a bit from the exertion but you stood perfectly still and waiting in front of him. San eyed your body up and down, reaching out to feel up every inch of you. He took special care to play with your thighs, messaging them in his strong hands for a moment. You keened happily in his touch, letting him play with you however he wanted. It helped some to ease the burn but that wasn't his goal. His hand slipped between your legs and slid between your folds.
You realized a shaky moan in response, almost jumping away as you were still so sensitive. But you stayed put.
"My little slut is being so good, letting me toy with her pussy like this." He cooed at you, fueling your blushing face. His finger ran up and down your most sensitive area sometimes stopping to pinch your clit or cup your heat entirely, but never slip inside. That he was avoiding. You felt so empty knowing he was right there, so close to filling you up but still not doing it.
You whined wantonly.
"What's wrong sweetheart," he smirks at you.
"San, please fill me up?" You begged.
"My baby wants to get fucked like a slut?" He asks, one finger prodding your hole but still not entering. You cried out in desperation.
"Yes! Yes please!"
"OK baby," he finally replied in a soothing tone, but the retracting hand made you quiver, you were so needy but you had yet to be given any kind of release and it was killing you.
"Hands and knees, baby"
You scrabbled onto the bed to do as you were told, presenting your ass to him as well as you could with a slight arch to your back. You could hear his low chuckle behind you. You felt him stand up momentarily and heard the familiar sound of a belt buckle to show he was finally undressing. You wanted to look at him so bad but you didn't want to take even the slightest risk right now.
Finally, he climbed onto the bed behind you, cupping your ass tenderly in both hands with a small squeeze.
"So pretty, and it's all mine" you heard him speak. You mumbled in agreement with a nod. You breathed heavily in anticipation, waiting to finally feel something.
In one unexpected movement, San sheathed his cock into you. Your cries were so loud you were sure they could be heard over the pending music in the next room, but you didn't care. It felt so nice to be full.
San was never one for preamble so it only took a moment for him to start to pound his cock into you at an inhuman pace. The sound of the music was now being completely drowned out by the cries from you, the grunts from San, the slapping skin, and the obscene wet sound coming from your pussy.
San knew his way around your body so well, it only took a moment for him to find that special spot inside you that had you spiraling, your front half collapsed onto the bed, muffling the sounds coming out of you. It only lasted a second though before a rough grip took hold on the back of your head. San yanked you up by your hair keeping your mouth free to spew filth.
The pain in your scalp returned as your boyfriend leaned down to whisper in your ear through his own panting breath, still nailing into your hole.
"Don't you dare, keep your head up and let them hear just how much of a slut you are for me." He spoke deadly serious. Your reply was a loud cry of his name that echoed around the room.
His focus returned to fucking you to tears, which is about where you were as you felt the first pricks of wetness in the corners of your eyes.
San was speaking again,
"Whos are you baby? Tell me who is it that's fucking you this good?" He practically shouted the words at you, his cock was sliding deliciously in and out so quickly that before you could even register his pull out he was slamming back in dragging your walls as he went pulling even more wetness out with each thrust. Your eyes were rolling back but you answered somewhat absently.
"Yours San, all yours" after the words left your mouth the first time you couldn't seem to stop, constantly spewing the word "yours" over and over again. San began repeating his reply as well with a little more force,
"All mine."
San removed his hand from your hair but you kept your head up however difficult it was when he was fucking you like that. Instead, both of your boyfriend's hands took hold of your waist, and with this newfound grip, he was pulling you back to meet his thrusts. Each push now had even more force behind it and you could feel your release fast approaching.
"San-" you tried to speak but lost the words in your mouth.
"I know baby, my little cockslut is going to cum all over me isn't she?" You cried out your affirmation when your words failed you.
"Go ahead sweetheart, cum while a fill your pussy up even more."
You finally came and came hard. It was by the will of God you kept yourself upright as your orgasm washed over you, especially with San still keeping pace although it began faltering as his orgasm crashed around him. You felt the sticky cum shoot into you in ropes coating your inner walls, making your orgasm even more fulfilling.
After a moment San stops moving. You could feel him begin to soften inside you but you were still clenching hopelessly against him. Your arms finally gave way and you came crashing down. San kneeled above you catching his breath before falling onto the bed beside you. He dared to pull you close to observe your face.
A sudden smirk arose on his perfect features.
"I won,"
"You asswipe."
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youngbeezer · 3 years
hi!! can I please request something?
going to a lake house, maybe friends to lovers with bowen byram?
thank you! 💗.
A/N: HI IM SO SORRY THIS LITERALLY TOOK 4 EVER!!! i was having such bad writer's block with also zero motivation, but i eventually put a little something together and i hope whoever requested this first off actually sees this bc seriously its been a good month of this sitting in my inbox but also i hope you like it :)
Word Count: 2940
Warning(s): kinda angsty in beginning, curse words, ends fluffy !!!
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These next few days is either going to turn out to be the best week of the summer, or the most awkward week of the summer...
I’m currently stuck in a car surrounded by couples on our way to a lake house in Colorado. Somehow I ended up being lumped into this chaotic group of professional hockey players and their drop-dead gorgeous significant others.
About a year ago at my local salon, I just so happened to be seated right next to a woman named Grace, who I immediately hit it off with. We became fast friends and are now basically inseparable at this point. Her boyfriend just so happens to play hockey for the Colorado Avalanche, Cale Makar. Now I have also grown quite close with Cale as well, since I am always at their shared apartment for Grace. At this point Cale is basically third wheeling us, instead of it being the other way around. Therefore I was also always invited to team parties and get-togethers, which prompted more friendships with most of the guys on the team and their respective partners.
Someone I have surprisingly grown super close with is Bowen Byram. As soon as Cale introduced us two, his blue eyes and raspy voice immediately drew me in. Straight away we bonded over common interests and that night we talked for almost three hours. After that, we were thick as thieves. So thick that recently I have come to the realization that I have caught major feelings for him along the way.
It has only been a few weeks since I have come to this realization and it has already started to affect our relationship. I definitely started to ignore Bowen a little bit when I first figured out my feelings because I was scared he would somehow find out or I would just end up blurting it out at some point. And the last thing I want is for my silly feelings to ruin such a great friendship.
Thus why this week can either turn out to be the best or the worst.
I’ve decided that at some point during this trip I need to confess my feelings for Bowen. He’s also seemed to notice the shift in my attitude towards him. I have become more closed off and not as touchy as we used to be. Bowen and I are both very touchy/feely types of people. So what seemed like just some harmless cuddling and play wrestling with each other, to me did very little to quell down my feelings.
For example, this morning when we were packing up the cars for the trip a group of us are taking to Tyson Jost’s lakehouse, Bowen went to wrap his arms around my middle from the back and I subconsciously flinched away at his touch. I know he definitely noticed my mood shift from the defiant pout that was resting on his face. After that I did what I do best, and ran away to the other car that was driving up and basically begged Nate to switch seats with me.
Which now leads to my current thoughts. The entire car ride up I have been contemplating on ways I could tell him, but each scenario just ended up with him telling me that he doesn’t feel the same, and our friendship essentially being over. Obviously I was just overthinking just a little, but I’ve never been stuck in a situation like this before-- and now we are going to be stuck in a lake house together for an entire week, so I am going to be forced to face this situation whether I want to or not.
“Yo. Earth to y/n?” Tyson draws, trying to gain my attention. I snap out of my thoughts as soon as I hear my name, and bring my gaze to the rearview mirror to meet Tyson’s questioning look. “We’re here.” He announces.
Susanna, Mikko’s girlfriend, adds on, “You alright? You seemed kind of out of it the entire car ride.”
I shake my head to try and clear my thoughts and notice that we are indeed here at the lake house we will be staying at for the next week. I clear my dried up throat before croaking out a weak, “Yeah, I’m fine. Just don’t like long car rides.”
Both of them nod, content with my answer and exit the car to join Mikko in unloading all of the luggage from the trunk. I take a few more moments to fully get my head together after dealing with all my jumbled thoughts throughout the entire three hour car ride.
Jumping out of the car, the first thing I see is Bowen letting out a yawn and stretching out. As his arms raise over his head, some of his shirt rises up with it and immediately my eyes are drawn to the small portion of skin and v-line that is in front of me. Bowen then notices my presence and makes eye contact with me, giving me one of his adorable little smiles. I advert my gaze as quickly as I can so my obvious ogling isn’t as obvious and go to finally retrieve my luggage.
Yeah this was gonna be a long week.
After everyone got pretty much all settled into their rooms, we all ended up coming back together to sit around the firepit to chat and enjoy some drinks. For this trip that Tyson orchestrated there are in total ten people staying in the house. Me, Tyson, obviously since it’s his house; Bowen, Cale, Grace, Alex Newhook, Mikko and his girlfriend Susanna, and lastly Nate and his supposed new girl who will be joining us later on in the week.
Apparently a group of the guys and their partners have been taking trips together at the end of the hockey season for a while now, and since growing closer with the team this year, I graciously got an invite.
Since it was getting later and a little bit more chilly, I grabbed a random sweatshirt that I saw already laying around in the living room before making my way outside to join everyone by the firepit. Getting closer I noticed that the only seat available just so happened to be next to Bowen.
Cale and Grace give each other a not so inconspicuous knowing look when they see me approaching. As soon as I sit down, a question is being thrown at me.
“Whose sweatshirt is that y/n?” Cale brings everyone's attention to me with a growing smirk on his face.
“I don’t know, I just found it in the living room.” I give Cale a questioning glare, trying to figure what his endgame is right now.
“It’s mine.” I hear that same raspy voice that I love and know so well. I feel my face start heating up at the idea of wearing Bowen’s sweatshirt. Am I wearing his name on my back right now, and I just didn’t even think to check earlier?
“Oh, uh. Sorry, I can give it back to you, if you want it.” I stumble out, now feeling awkward and a little embarrassed about how flustered I am getting over a simple sweatshirt.
Bowen gives me a little smile before replying back, “Nah, it’s fine. It looks better on you anyway.”
I clear my throat and stumble out an awkward ‘thanks’ at Bowen and then turn my attention to Grace right next to me so I don’t embarrass myself even more. What I don’t see though is the way Bowen's face immediately falls when I turn my back on him.
Around midnight is when everyone started to make their way back inside the house to start getting ready for bed. I was mindlessly scrolling through my social media, so I didn’t notice that mostly everyone had already gone inside.
“Y/n.” I look up at the mention of my name to notice that Bowen and I are the only ones left outside.
Also noticing the intense gaze I am receiving from Bowen, I quickly gather my things and stumble out, “Oh my gosh I didn’t notice everyone left already. I should head inside as well.”
Bowen is quicker though because he grabs ahold of my wrist, halting me in place before I make my very obvious escape.
“Hold on, please. Can you please talk to me?” Bowen pleads out.
“What do you mean? We’ve been talking all night.” I countered, trying one last time to get out of this conversation.
“We’ve been talking as a group all night yeah, but you couldn’t even make eye contact with me. You know what I mean. What’s been going on? Did I do something?” Bowen frowned.
At that moment I felt so guilty. I’ve been so focused on trying to ignore my feelings that I have developed that I ended up pushing my best friend away and hurting him in the process. I close my eyes and let out a deep breath. I knew I would eventually have to have this talk with Bowen during this week, but I just didn’t expect it to be on the very first night.
“Okay. Yeah, let’s talk.”
I lead the way down to the dock overlooking the lake and sit down to dangle my feet into the water. I know for a fact that Grace and Cale realized that we both haven’t come in behind them, so they are most likely snooping by the backdoor wondering what we are doing.
Bowen joins me, after slipping his shoes off and dangling his feet in as well.
“What’s been going on y/n?” Bowen asks again.
“I-I think I’m in love with you.” I blurt out. I can feel my heartbeat pounding in my ears as I await any type of response from Bowen. Taking a peek over at him, I see the pure shock on his face. Probably wasn’t the best idea to start off the conversation with that.
Taking his silence as a bad sign, I start spewing out whatever I can to try and calm the anxiety coursing through my veins. “I-I think I have known for a while and I just tried to ignore it, I guess. But then I realized that I was just pushing you away, an-and I never wanted to do that. Our friendship means that absolute world to me, and I would hate myself if anything I did, or-or my stupid feelings jeaporized that.” At some point during my little rant, a few tears escaped. I turn my head away as I try to hold back on a full on sob breaking loose.
“You think?” He eventually breaks the silence.
Confusedly, I turned my head back around and let out a strangled, “Huh?” I see the corners of Bowen’s mouth start curving up into a tiny smile, confusing me even more.
“You said, you think you’re in love with me.” He pointed out.
My eyebrows raise in question and I give him a little shrug, prompting him to elaborate more.
“Well… I’m pretty damn sure I’m in love with you.” Bowen softly declared.
My breath catches in my throat and my mouth turns as dry as the Sahara Desert. Those were definitely not the words I was expecting to come out of his mouth. He chuckles at my surprised face and scooches a little closer to my body to wipe a stray tear on my cheek.
“Are you serious?” I whisper out.
“Of course.” He whispered just as softly back to me as his head inched closer to mine.
My heart pounds in my chest as Bowen’s hand comes up to cradle my cheek. All of our pent up feelings and emotions that we both have been too afraid to admit all come crashing together as our lips finally meet. He kissed me gently, almost carefully, but after all this time gentleness was not what I wanted right now. Bowen let out a low groan as I pulled him flush against my body, my fists bunching up the collar of his shirt.
Before this could go any further, we both pull away breathlessly, basking in what truly just happened-- just now realizing how much our relationship is about to change.
“Fuck.” Bowen breathed out, running his hands over his face. “If I knew that was what it was like to kiss you I would’ve blurted out my feelings the day I met you.”
My ears perk up at his last few words and it seems like he also realizes what he just admitted, as his cheeks immediately turn a rosy color.
“You’ve liked me for that long?” I bashfully question.
Bowen runs his fingers through his hair and blows out a breath of air before answering, “Yeah, I-I mean… yeah I have.” He stumbles out, awkwardly letting out a laugh.
I lean my head on his shoulder and connect our hands, feeling super content and never wanting this moment to end. We take a moment to just sit on the dock-- with our feet hanging in the water, hands intertwined; and bask in the feeling of finally letting our feelings out into the open.
“You know everyone in that house is going to have a field day when they find out.” Bowen mumbles against my shoulder, before leaving a lingering kiss on the exposed skin.
“Oh I wouldn’t be surprised if they all had a bet going or something.” I chimed. I raise my head that had previously been resting on Bowen’s shoulder back up to look at him, and see that he is already smiling at me. “What?” I drawled, feeling my cheeks heating up under his gaze.
“You wanna sleep in my bed tonight?” He asked hesitantly.
My cheeks now feel on fire as I ponder on how I want to go about this. I raise my eyebrows up at him in question as I ponder out, “Do you want me in your bed tonight?”
Bowen gives me an almost incredulous look as he voiced, “Of course I want you in my bed.”
I just give him a simple nod and push my body up in a standing position, reaching out my hand to prompt Bowen to join me. “Okay, let’s go.”
Bowen immediately shoots up from his sitting position, clinging onto my hand as we make our way back up the yard to the sliding glass doors of the lake house. Just as I predicted earlier, Cale and Grace were totally snooping. Actually, the entire house was snooping. Everyone was gathered in the kitchen trying to act casual as we walked in, but as soon as they noticed our conjoined hands, all hell broke loose.
“I fucking knew it!”
“Aw you guys look so cute.”
“Bout time.”
“Ha! Nate, you owe me fifty bucks.”
I looked over at Bowen with an unimpressed look, “Told you they probably had a bet going on.” Meanwhile Bowen has an incredulous look coating his face watching his friends freak out over his newfound relationship. Instead of questioning our oddball friends, Bowen just simply shakes his head, letting out a little chuckle.
“Alright I’m heading up, I can’t deal with these idiots right now.” Bowen gives me a quick peck on the lips before announcing his departure for the night. Most of the others also start making their way up to their respective rooms for bed, the guys putting on a show of making kissy noises and making a few chirps as they follow Bowen up the stairs.
Grace joins me by the counter, making a show of wiggling her eyebrows at me. I’m smiling like an idiot as Cale also joins us, chuckling at my lovesick expression.
“You’re welcome.” Cale smirked.
I scrunch my face up in confusion as I question him back, “For what?”
“For introducing you two, duh.” Cale teased. Grace smacks him on the arm with a tut, making a show of rolling her eyes at her boyfriend. “Alright, seriously I am happy for you guys though.” He eventually relents.
My cheeks heat up from the attention but also from the thought of Bowen and I’s new relationship. Grace grabs me by the shoulders and starts pushing me in the direction of the staircase.
“Obviously I’m happy for you too. All I’ve wanted is the best for you and I think Bowen is just that. And with that being said, go get your mans!” She sends me off with a quick smack on my ass. I giggle the whole way up the stairs on the way into Bowen’s [now our] room feeling extremely giddy and content.
When I enter the room, all the lights except for the bathroom are already off, and it looks like Bowen is already settled into bed. So, I quickly do my night time routine and change into my pajamas before making my way over to the bed I will now be sharing for the week.
Bowen is awaiting me with his arms wide open, which I happily cuddle into the second I am under the covers. He buries his head into my neck, leaving featherlight kisses here and there.
“I love you.” Bowen mumbles into my neck. I card my fingers through his hair and kiss the top of his head as I mumble back those same words, in complete awe over how fast my life has changed in one night. We both knew that we would eventually be together, it just took a little time and a trip to Tyson Jost’s lakehouse for us to figure it out. This week will definitely be one for the books.
Taglist: @barzysandmarnersbitch @handwrittenheroes @hockeyplayerstories @barzy-xoxo @gnemgn @joelsfarabees
Tagging some mutuals as well so this doesnt flop,,,
@2manytabsopen @bb-nhlqueen7 @frederikanderson @simon-edvinsson @coltonndach @carepriceisgoodathockey @lovereadinghockeyy @pettypeteys @kentjohnsons @joekellys @mattybenierss
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thearvariblues · 4 years
So, About The Pockets...
The third and final part of my little “Jaskier is obsessed with pants” series. I’m sorry to say that this part doesn’t really focus on the pants or Jaskiers, uhm... unorthodox fashion research. But it’s there, I promise.
You should definitely read part 1 and part 2 before this one.
Tagging  @lottelorelei, @likecastle, @stinastar and @kalikatze, because you might want to read the last part, too. :D
“I’m feeling kind of nervous about meeting Jaskier this spring,” Geralt says to the man who’s walking with him through the streets of Oxenfurt.
“Finally grew some balls and decided to ask the bard to rearrange your insides?” his companion smirks. “I swear, Geralt, if you don’t offer your ass to him, I will have to sacrifice mine.”
“Lambert!” Geralt groans.
“What? Poor boy apparently didn’t fuck a Witcher last year.”
“Because I asked him not to. Well, not to fuck any Wolves, at least.”
“Jealous prick.”
“The worst thing is, he really didn’t! Or so it seems,” Geralt sighs.
“I can see the problem. He’s a fucking idiot.”
Geralt grunts.
“And what are you doing here, anyway? Sticking around just to annoy the shit out of me?”
“Meeting a friend,” Lambert smiles.
“A friend? You?” Geralt blinks, pausing. “Another?!”
“You make it sound like some sort of a miracle. I assure you, I’m fully capable of making friends.”
“Hm,” Geralt nods. “And this friend, he’s a… what? Another Witcher?”
“He’s a… bard.”
“A bard.”
“Don’t say it like that,” Lambert frowns.
“Like what?”
“Like you don’t believe a single word.”
“I don’t believe a single word,” Geralt smirks. “So what’s his name?”
“Aid… Fuck,” Lambert grunts.
“So, Aiden. Now tell me, Lambert, this wouldn’t happen to be the Aiden I helped you avenge last autumn, would it?”
“No. It’s a completely different Aiden.”
“Am I really supposed to believe that you found two friends, both named Aiden, and both willing to put up with your bullshit?”
“In my defense,” Lambert says, grumpily kicking a nearby stone, “I really thought he was dead when I asked you for help. Met him like… a week after you and I parted ways afterwards. Thought I finally managed to turn my brain into mush with all the drinking, but it turned out that Cats really do have nine lives. He lost an eye and tends to mess up his signs a lot, but nobody’s perfect, eh? And hey, turns out that Igni works against pretty much everything.”
“And you didn’t tell me for the whole winter because…”
“Because you’d probably kick me down from the balcony?”
“Damn right I would,” Geralt growls. “So where’s this Aiden of yours?”
“Don’t know. Somewhere here in the city.”
Geralt stops dead in his tracks, gaping at Lambert.
“Here? In Oxenfurt?!” he asks. “With Jaskier?!”
“Well, he needed a safe place to spend the winter, and you know Vesemir isn’t a fan of Cats,” Lambert shrugs. “Come on, it’s a big city. I’m sure they haven’t even met each other. The city’s still standing, after all.”
“You don’t understand. Jaskier–”
Geralt doesn’t even get to finish the sentence when he sees a young man leap from the window of a nearby building and land with a perfect roll that only comes with years and years of practice.
“Melitele’s tits,” he mutters under his breath while making sure his pants are properly fastened. “Nobody’s ever told you it’s impolite not to let a man finish?!”
“Hey, Geralt,” Lambert snorts. “Found your bard.”
Jaskier, hearing his words, turns his head and beams at the Witchers.
“Geralt! Lambert! So nice to see you! Would one of you mind Yrdening the fucking door for me?”
“I swear to Melitele, Jaskier, one day I am going to let you suffer the consequences of your actions,” Geralt smirks, stepping closer to the door and using the sign on them. “How was your winter?”
“Very amusing,” Jaskier smiles just as the doorknob rattles uselessly. “How about yours?”
“Drafty,” Lambert says. “Hey, you didn’t happen to see Aiden, did you?”
“Aiden?” Jaskier repeats, his eyes darting over to the door of a tavern on the other side of the road. “Well, that’s quite a funny story, actually…”
There is a loud crash from within the tavern, followed by a roared: “Cheating Witcher scum!”
The door open and a lean blond man with an eye patch over his right eye runs out, looking around frantically.
“Jaskier!” he yells when he spots the bard. “We need to go. Now!”
“Did you try to Axii your way out of cheating again, kitty?” Lambert smirks, takes a few steps forward and casts an Yrden on the door.
“Lambert!” Aiden yells and throws his arms around Lambert’s neck. “You’re here, puppy!”
“So what did you cast?” Lambert smirks, hugging him tightly.
“Aard. Not that bad.”
“It’s better than the Yrden last week,” Jaskier comments. “The guy really wasn’t happy about having to spend the night in his seat. And there was, of course, the tiny incident with Valdo Marx and Igni two days before that…”
“I’m sure they haven’t even met each other. The city’s still standing, after all. Well, what a fucking miracle,” Geralt snorts, turning to Lambert, only to realize that he is currently kissing Aiden passionately. “Oh, fuck. Jaskier?”
“Yes, dear?” Jaskier smiles.
“They’re not just friends, are they?”
“What gave you the clue?” the bard chuckles.
The shutters on a window of a house Jaskier was running away from crash open and an angry man starts to climb out, even though he can barely fit through.
“Uhm, I don’t want to be the bearer of bad news…” Geralt starts, but then Jaskier grabs his hand and he promptly shuts up.
“Yes,” the bard nods. “We’d better fucking run.”
Jaskier puffs out his chest and frowns at the fat man in front of him – the man who, as Geralt realizes, was the one climbing out of the window of the house where Geralt met Jaskier about an hour ago, right before their hurried escape to Jaskier’s rooms in the university buildings.
“Are you suggesting, my dear sir,” Jaskier says in his best offended noble voice, “that I, a respectable professor at this university, have, as you said yourself, canoodled with your wife?”
“I saw you. With my own eyes!” the man growls.
“Impossible. I spent my afternoon here, with my dear friend Geralt of Rivia. Is that true, Geralt?”
“Hm,” Geralt nods solemnly, trying not to spit out his wine.
“But this… friend of yours was there, too!” the man tries.
Jaskier gasps for breath and places a hand on his chest dramatically.
“Did you…” he whispers. “Did you just dispute the words of Geralt of Rivia, the mighty White Wolf himself? My dear sir, this man is a Witcher! The legendary savior! Slayer of bruxas…”
“Bruxae,” Geralt murmurs.
“… strigas…”
“Didn’t actually kill the striga.”
“… ghouls…”
“There’s really nothing exciting about those.”
“… and… and nekkers…”
“Every respectable Witcher wants to be known as a slayer of fucking nekkers.”
“And drowners!” Jaskier yells after the man who’s already turned on his heel and left.
“I see you’re running our of monsters again,” Geralt chuckles when Jaskier slams the door shut.
“Oh, shut up,” Jaskier mutters, sits into his armchair and grabs his goblet of wine. “Did I get rid of him or not?”
“You annoyed him into leaving, yes,” Geralt nods. “That, or he realized that Witchers tend to have two very big and sharp swords.”
“And I have three Witchers,” Jaskier smiles just as they both hear Lambert’s high-pitched scream from the next room.
“Sweet Melitele. How much longer is it going to take them?”
“Come on, Geralt. They didn’t see each other for the whole winter.”
“I didn’t see you for the whole winter, and you don’t hear me moaning your name like a cheap whore.”
“Yes, and isn’t that a shame?”
Geralt nearly chokes on his wine.
“What?” he wheezes.
“Nothing, dear,” Jaskier says quickly and gets back to his feet to refill their goblets.
“Hm…” Geralt hums, cocking his head. “Are those new pants?”
“They are. Thank you for noticing.”
“What happened to the tighter ones?”
“An accident,” Jaskier sighs. “I keep saying it, yours are only held together by some sort of dark magic!”
“They aren’t.”
“Fine, is it Quen, then? Are you constantly Quenning your fucking pants?”
“I am definitely not Quenning my pants, no.”
“Then explain how it’s possible that your mighty ass doesn’t rip them in half!”
“I don’t know. I suppose you will have to take a look at them yourself.”
“Geralt, I’ve been looking at your pants ten times a day ever since I met you, I don’t think one more look will change… What are you doing?”
Geralt downs the rest of his wine and stands up.
“I was thinking about a… closer look,” he murmurs. “I mean… for research purposes, of course.”
“Geralt of Rivia,” Jaskier says, his eyes going wide. “Are you seriously suggesting… what I think you’re suggesting?”
“That there is one Wolf Witcher you haven’t fucked yet, yes.” For someone who’s just a little taller than Jaskier, Geralt is sure good at towering above the bard. “So if you wanted…”
“For research purposes, yes?” Jaskier asks as he wraps his arms around Geralt’s waist. “I should warn you, though. I’m afraid it’s gonna have to be a very thorough research. Probably gonna take at least a year.”
Geralt smirks and brings their lips so close together that they almost – but only almost – touch.
“Works for me,” he murmurs right before Jaskier kisses him.
“Did you know Cat Witchers have pockets on their pants?” Jaskier asks much later, when they’re lying side by side in his bed, naked and satisfied.
“Mhm,” Geralt hums because he was just about to fall asleep. “That’s nice.”
“I mean, not for me, they would absolutely ruin my silhouette, obviously,” Jaskier continues. “But for you, they might be quite handy, right?”
“Did you… Did you have to research with Aiden to find out?”
“Well, yes. You see, winter nights tend to get boring,” Jaskier grins. “But fret not, dear heart, you won’t have to spend the rest of your life protecting me from your angry brother. They have quite an open relationship.”
“Bold of you to assume that I would protect you,” Geralt sighs, burying his face in Jaskier’s chest.
“I know you will always protect me, dear,” Jaskier smiles and presses a kiss in Geralt’s hair. “So, about the pockets...”
“Tomorrow. I want to sleep.”
“But you promised I could take a look at your pants.”
“Mhm, I didn’t specify when, though. So shut up and let me sleep.”
“Geralt...” Jaskier whines.
“Jaskier,” Geralt chuckles.
“Ugh, fine. But I like you a lot less now, I hope you’re aware of that.”
“I’ll make it up to you. In the morning. I might even be willing to go with you to that tailor of yours.”
“Really. But first I have to ask Aiden about the… pockets thing…”
Geralt falls asleep, snoring slightly, even though he’s assured Jaskier a million times that Witchers absolutely do not snore.
“Knew you were gonna like that idea,” Jaskier smiles and closes his eyes. “Good night, my dear Wolf.”
The next morning, Jaskier grins at the tiny tailor who’s studying Geralt’s pants with interest while the Witcher just stands there with his ass barely covered by his shirt.
“Truly an excellent bottom.”
“I can see that,” the man grins back.
“You are so,” Geralt snarls, “so paying for this, bard.”
“Oh, my dear,” Jaskier laughs. “With pleasure.”
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btsqualityy · 4 years
Assuage: Chapter 11
Yoongi x Reader
Genre: ABO (Alpha/Beta/Omega) dynamics, angst, fluff, smut, enemies to lovers
Warnings: None to note.
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“I knew that you wanted to knot my sister!” Taehyung exclaimed, making everyone at the table and everyone in the dining hall look in his direction.
“Taehyung!” You, Yoongi, and Namjoon all chastised him. 
“I mean, he’s not wrong,” Jin shrugged.
“At least someone has my back around here,” Taehyung smiled triumphantly. 
“You don’t have to shout it to every one within listening distance though,” you chuckled. 
“I wouldn’t have a problem with that actually,” Yoongi spoke up and you looked over at him. “Everyone will know that you’re taken now.”
“Your gift will show them that,” you smiled at him. 
“Ahh, this is so cute!” Hyorin squealed. 
“Well, while you all sit here and fawn, why don’t we go get lunch since the pups and elders are done?” Hobi suggested, making Yoongi and Namjoon both nod. Yoongi leaned over and quickly kissed your cheek before standing up and walking away with the other two Alphas. 
“Ok, what the hell happened?” Jimin demanded to know as he, Hyorin, Jin, and Taehyung all leaned towards you.
“He invited me out to the stream a few days ago because he told me that he had something to tell me,” you began. “Once I got there, he gave me the sweetest speech about how he’s learned how to be a better Alpha since joining the pack and how he’s been so much happier and he said that that was because of me.”
“Really?” Hyorin sighed dreamily and you nodded.
“He then said that I make him want to be better and he offered me this,” you said, reaching up and picking up the pendant up from where it was hanging against your skin.
“Is that your?” Jin gasped.
“Our family crest,” Taehyung supplied for him.
“He made that for you?” Jimin asked.
“Yep, he cut the wood and carved it himself,” you told them proudly.
“I knew that he was looking at me weird last week!” Taehyung exclaimed. “He must’ve been drawing my tattoo.”
“He was,” you confirmed with a giggle.
“That was so thoughtful of him,” Hyorin cooed.
“I knew that you liked the lone wolf!” Jimin added with an excited laugh. 
“Well, I didn’t want to push him,” you shrugged. “And you guys know why,” you added and they all nodded in understanding.
“But now that he’s made his move, when can I start planning your mating ceremony?” Jin wondered, making your eyes widen. 
“Slow the fuck down, we’re not there yet,” you scoffed. “We’ve only been together for a few days.”
“Hey, Joon and I mated after officially dating for only a month,” Hyorin pointed out.
“But the two of you flirted for six years before that,” Jin snorted. 
“Y/N-ah and hyung have been flirting for months now though, so it’s the same thing,” Taehyung said.
“Ok, no it isn’t,” you laughed. “And we can stop all this talk about mating ceremonies unless it’s Tae’s and Jungkook’s.”
“Ugh, I can’t wait for spring to get here!” Taehyung squealed as he clapped his hands together. “We can start planning then so that we can have the ceremony after Kook’s birthday.”
“Don’t worry Taehyungie, we’ll help you,” Jimin assured him, making you, Hyorin and Jin all nod in agreement. Just then, the Alphas came back to the table, their hands brimming with plates for both themselves and the Omegas. 
“Here you go Tae,” Yoongi said as he leaned down and placed a plate down in front of Taehyung before taking his seat next to you. 
“Thank you hyung,” Taehyung smiled and Yoongi just shrugged his shoulders before placing your plate down in front of you.
“Thank you,” you whispered to him. 
“You’re welcome,” he murmured back, giving you a quick smirk before beginning to eat his food. Lunch went on as normal, conversation flowing easily as you all talked about different thing going on around the pack.
“Kook!” Taehyung grinned widely and when you looked up, you saw Jungkook walking up to the table. 
“Hey baby,” he muttered, leaning down and pressing a kiss to the top of Taehyung’s head. 
“You look exhausted,” Jin snorted and Jungkook sighed heavily as he sat down next to Taehyung. 
“I am exhausted. I had early morning patrol,” Jungkook told them. 
“Early morning patrol?” Yoongi repeated. “What’s that?”
“Tensions between packs aren’t getting any better,” Namjoon admitted and everyone at the table turned to look at him. “I just want to be on the safe side so I’ve been having some people do early morning and late night patrol duty, just to make sure there aren’t any lurkers on the territory.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Hyorin asked and Namjoon just shrugged lamely.
“It’s just a safety precaution,” Hobi spoke up, sticking up for Namjoon. “We just want to make sure that no one tries us when we’re at our most vulnerable, which is when we’re asleep.”
“Oh, well I wouldn’t mind helping,” Yoongi offered and Namjoon smiled at him.
“That would be great Yoongi,” he said.
“We can set up a time later hyung,” Hobi added. “There are enough Alphas and Omegas on patrol that you should only have to do it once every other week.”
“Ok, just let me know,” Yoongi nodded. 
“Anyway, to change the subject,” Taehyung interjected. “Kook and I are gonna host a game night at our place tonight and you’re all invited.”
“Speaking of that, can we reschedule?” Jungkook wondered as he set his elbows on top of the table, resting his chin in his hands. 
“No!” Taehyung gasped. “We’re finally all moved into our new cabin and I want everyone to come over.”
“I’m exhausted though,” Jungkook whined. 
“Please?” Taehyung pouted and Jungkook looked towards everyone else for help.
“Uh, Jiminie and I are actually busy tonight Taehyungie,” Hobi told him.
“Since when?” Taehyung wondered as he narrowed his eyes at them. 
“Since right now,” Jimin shot back with a grin. 
“Hyo and I have a meeting with the elders tonight anyways,” Namjoon chimed in, and Hyorin quickly nodded her head agreement. 
“Do we lie too?” Yoongi quietly asked you.
“We definitely lie,” you confirmed. “Game nights with Tae tend to get a little...out of control.”
“How do you mean?” Yoongi wondered.
“Let’s just say that the last time we had a game night, Tae and Hobi didn’t speak to each other for three weeks,” you said, making Yoongi wince at the thought because he knew that Taehyung never stopped talking in general so that argument must’ve been pretty bad. 
“And what about you two?” Taehyung called, making you and Yoongi look over at him. “What lie do you two have for me?”
“Y/N-ah and I had a dinner planned for just the two of us tonight,” Yoongi replied and when Taehyung turned to look at you, you just smiled.
“Mmm. And what about you, Jin hyung?” Taehyung questioned and everyone looked at him. 
“I just don’t wanna come because you turn into a fucking demon on game nights,” Jin smirked.
“I do not!” Taehyung shouted and you just rolled your eyes as you leaned against Yoongi, smiling when he set his hand on your thigh as the two of you listened to Jin and Taehyung bicker with each other.
“You know, I thought the whole dinner thing was a lie,” you giggled as you let Yoongi feed you some of the beef tips that he had cooked for you. The two of you were back in his cabin in the living room, sat on the couch with your legs thrown over his lap. 
“It was intended to be a surprise but Taehyung ruined it,” Yoongi huffed, making you smile. “Do you like them though?” He questioned, referring to the beef tips.
“I think the basically empty bowl gives you an answer,” you pointed out. “But yes, I do. They’re really tender and flavorful.”
“I’m glad you do,” he murmured as he fed you again. “It makes my Alpha feel good to see you eating well.”
“It makes my Omega feel good that you’re taking such good care of me,” you echoed. “Who would’ve thought that big, bad, Prime Alpha Min Yoongi would be such a softie?”
“Yeah, well don’t tell anyone or else we’ll have to fight,” he threatened you.
“We all know I’d win that fight,” you snorted.
“Tell me something,” Yoongi requested. “What did Taehyung mean when he said him and Jungkook’s new cabin? Were they not already living together?”
“Well, they basically were because Tae literally stays in Jungkook’s cabin like 6 nights out of the week,” you giggled. “But officially, no. Jungkook wanted to build a new cabin that was the both of theirs and that was somewhere that they could start the rest of their lives together.”
“So moving in together before you actually mate isn’t frowned upon then?”
“No, but it’s not exactly encouraged either,” you explained. “If for whatever reason a relationship doesn’t work out before they have a chance to mate, you don’t wanna have to worry about who gets to keep the cabin and who has to move out and all that stuff.”
“So, it’s just logistics really?” Yoongi summed up.
“Basically,” you nodded in agreement. “No one has really said anything to Tae or Kook about it though because they know that if Tae wasn’t distracted by them moving in together and having to make their house into a home, then there would be nothing stopping him from making Kook give him a bite. And we all know how weak Kook is for him.”
“Yeah, I’ve noticed,” Yoongi laughed. “So, what about you then?”
“What about me?” You wondered with a shrug.
“How do you feel about mating and bites and all that?” He questioned. 
“Well, I guess I’d consider myself to be pretty traditional,” you told him. “I’d like a mating ceremony, but I would want to exchange bites with that person before the actual ceremony.”
“When it’s just the two of you?”
“Yeah, I think it’s more personal that way,” you smiled. 
“And moving in?”
“I could take it or leave it,” you said. “I wouldn’t be opposed to moving in with someone before we mated, but I’d need to know that the relationship is definitely moving towards mating in order to be completely comfortable with it.”
“Ok, nice to know,” Yoongi murmured.
“And what about you?” You asked. “How do you feel about it?”
“Honestly, I’ve never given much thought to it,” he admitted. “All I’ve known is that I just wanted an Omega that I could love and care for.”
“Typical Alpha,” you teased. “Never caring about the little details.”
“Well, I guess I’m pretty traditional too in the sense that if I’m with an Omega, then I would trust them to make decisions that benefit both themselves and me, which is exactly what I would do.”
“Would you only trust them to make decisions in regards to things like mating ceremonies and how your future home would be decorated?” You asked, and Yoongi knew that you were asking him if he only trusted you to make decisions on things that were traditionally an “Omegas’ domain”.
“I used to think that, but not anymore,” Yoongi replied honestly. “As an Alpha and especially being Prime, having to make important decisions alone can be stressful and tiring, so it would be nice if I could have someone to shoulder that burden with.”
“Good answer,” you smirked, and Yoongi chuckled as he reached into the bowl one more time and offered you the last forkful. You opened your mouth, letting him gently put the fork into your mouth before closing your lips around it. You then slowly pulled away from him, maintaining eye contact as the fork slid out of your mouth.
“You’re gonna get in trouble Y/N-ah,” Yoongi warned you.
“Trouble isn’t always bad,” you smirked as you watched him lean forward and set the empty bowl on the coffee table before sitting back against the couch and looking at you. 
“I guess it isn’t,” he agreed. “Come here.” You leaned over, pressing your lips against his as you set your hands on his cheeks. The two of you wasted no time, his tongue working its’ way into your mouth as you moved so close to him that you were halfway on his lap, moving your hands away from his face and wrapping your arms around his neck.
“Wait, we should slow down,” he mumbled against your lips and you shook your head as you sat up, maneuvering yourself so that you were actually straddling his lap.
“Why?” You whispered, setting your hands on either side of his neck as you looked down at him. “Do you not want to?”
“Fuck, I want to,” he exhaled harshly and you couldn’t help but to giggle at how insistent he was on reassuring you. “But I just don’t want to push you.”
“You’re not,” you swore. “Honesty hour?”
“Go ahead.”
“I’ve wanted you ever since the night of the full moon party, when you got me that plate of food and made sure that I ate well,” you admitted. “So trust me, this is definitely something that I’ve given thought to.”
“Oh yeah? How often?” Yoongi wondered with a smirk, making you automatically roll your eyes. 
“Don’t make me change my mind,” you joked, leaning down and pressing a soft kiss to his lips before pulling away again. “You know I will.”
“That I do,” he chuckled as he set his hands on your hips. “So, you said you want to but I need you to be specific. What do you want me to do to you baby?” Hearing him call you baby made your lower half clench in response so you leaned down again, brushing your lips against his as you answered his question.
“Want you to give me your knot, Alpha.” You didn’t even have time to pull your face away in order to catch his reaction because the next thing you knew, he was standing up abruptly and quickly stalking out of the living room, carrying you in his arms. 
“Yoongi, be careful!” You squealed as you wrapped your legs tight around his waist and tightened your arms around his neck. “You drop me, I’m gonna kick your ass!”
“Oh, I’m gonna drop you on something alright,” he muttered and you reached down with one hand to smack him on the back. He continued to carry you down the hallway and into what you assumed to be his bedroom, stepping inside and using his foot to kick the door shut behind him. 
Tag List:  @jikook-enthusiasts @veryuniquenamegoeshere @seolarsyj @littlrmills14-blog @preciouschimine @kt-rny @copenhagenspirit
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londonalozzy · 4 years
Don’t Tell Bucky 1/2
Fandom: Marvel
Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Genre: Romance, Comedy, Drama
Summary: The reader arrives home one night after drowning her sorrows, thinking she doesn't stand a chance with the guy she loves most, Bucky Barnes. She is so out of it that she ends up revealing all of her feelings to the first person she sees. The man himself.
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I've been teased my whole adult life about what an old fashioned, hopeless romantic I am.
Yes, I'm an Avenger. Yes, I can kick ass when the occasion arises. But the rest of the time, the usual place to find me, is curled up on the couch with my head buried in a Jane Austen novel.
A couple of years ago someone came into my life that I thought was the key to it all. He was destined to be the Darcy to my Elizabeth, the Edward to my Elinor, the Mr Knightly to my Emma. Oh, how wrong I was!
When Steve first brought Bucky to Avengers HQ it was like a modern day version of when Bingley introduced Mr Darcy to the people of Meryton at the ball in Pride and Prejudice.
He was the archetype of the aloof romantic hero. Tall, dark, handsome, brooding and quiet. He kept himself to himself, observed everyone with eyes of an eagle, and only spoke when spoken to. I was well and truly hooked.
As weeks turned into months, Bucky and I came to an understanding, a friendship that only got more complicated as time went on. After everything he had been through, it was hard for him to open up to people, to let his guard down. What he did yearn for though, was companionship, someone to sit beside, someone to just be there if and when he needed them. I became that person for him.
Every time I decided to sit silently with a book in hand, it wouldn't be long before I had a certain super soldier at my side, just embracing the company, not having to worry about putting on a show for people he didn't feel comfortable with.
The complication in our relationship came when I realised how much I had come to depend on him being there for me.
My aching for him first made itself known when he started going out on missions that I wasn't apart of, when he went on all day training sessions away with the guys, and whole nights out when his confidence finally got a boost. I missed him. I missed him with every fiber of my being.
"So, I'm guessing you've heard the latest gossip on Barnes?" Nat asked me one morning over breakfast, her eyes not leaving her plate of blueberry pancakes as she spoke.
"Gossip? What are you talking about?" Any news on what Bucky was up to was music to my ears. I'd barely seen him these last few weeks, and it was seriously messing me up in more ways than I'd like to admit.
"You mean he's not told you? You? Princess Y/N?"
To say Nat was surprised by my ignorance was an understatement. This must be something big if she is shocked about it. When did it change to others knowing more about Bucky than I did? I thought we were best friends. He calls me Princess for Christ's sake.
"Maybe you should ask him yourself," Nat suggested, reaching across the table and rubbing my forearm. "I just assumed he would have told you first."
Now I'm seriously freaking out. "Nat, please just tell me what the hell is going on."
"You know Theresa down in medical?" Oh, shit. I've got a bad feeling about this.
"Yeah. What about her?"
"They're dating." Oh no!
It felt like my heart had leapt into my throat. I couldn't think, never mind know what to respond with. I knew it would happen eventually. I knew he'd end up with someone. I just assumed it would me. How stupid could I be?
"Y/N, you need to tell him how you feel." Why does Nat always have to be so good at this observation stuff?
"I don't know what you're talking about," I choked with a traitor tear in my eye, and a jump up from my chair when I suddenly felt the need to escape.
Nat followed me down the hall to my room, putting herself in front of me as I tried to change into my running gear. I had to get out of there. "You can't pretend this isn't happening Y/N. This is Bucky we're talking about. Your Bucky. You'll regret it if you don't tell him."
"Yeah, well I'll regret it a hell of a lot more if I do tell him and then lose him completely."
Nat grabbed my arms, stopping me in my tracks. She was one of my closest friends for a reason. She knew what made me tick, what scared me, what mattered the most to me. It's just not a risk I can take though.
"If you don't talk to him, all of this will get bottled up inside and it will ruin your friendship anyway. Y/N you need to get this out."
She was right. This was Nat. She was always right. My head and heart couldn't handle all of this new information. I didn't know how to deal with it, how to react.
So much for that epic romance I thought I was destined for. Looks like, for me, I'm only meant to be the friend, the side character in someone else's love story. I'm Eponine and not Cosette.
Deciding to lay off of me for the rest of the day, Nat rounded up Wanda and a few others and we headed out for a few drinks. Well, what started out as a few drinks anyway.
By the early morning I had at least 10 too many tequila shots in my bloodstream, partnered with a sore throat from overly emotional karaoke renditions of some of the best known heartbreak songs. I was a mess. A mess that could barely remember her own name.
"Are you drunk?" A random voice echoed through the hall as I stumbled around, trying and failing to get into what I hoped was my room at 2am.
"Why would you think that?" I replied to the swaying figure as they moved closer to steady my feet.
"Probably because you're trying to unlock your bedroom door with a lip stick. Plus the fact that the door doesn't have a lock on it anyway. What's up?"
Ignoring the nosy stranger, and giving up on getting into my room because the handle kept moving all over the place, I went in search of the nearest soft thing I could find to park myself on. Standing up was over rated anyway.
"You don't normally drink like this Princess," the randomer observed, leaning over me as I started making rug angels on the shag pile in the common room.
Why is this guy talking like he knows me? Who the hell does he think he is calling me that? "I've just got a lot on my mind. And don't Princess me. Only Bucky gets to call me that."
"Noted," the randomer laughed with a shake of the head, then joining me by laying at my side.
Staring at the ceiling as the silence engulfed us, I decided to confide in this handsome newbie. "If I tell you something, can you promise you won't tell anybody?"
"I promise," he responded without hesitation.
"I mean it, nobody can know. Especially Bucky. He can never find out." I pulled him into a sitting position and put my hands on either side of his face, trying to stress how important it was that he keeps this to himself. He really was pretty.
"I swear, Bucky will hear none of this from me."
"Ok. Here goes," I jumped up, frantic all of a sudden. "I want him to break up with his girlfriend, and it's seriously stressing me out."
"Why would you want him to do that? She's a nice girl isn't she?," pretty boy questioned in confusion, getting to his feet as well. Why did he care so much? Where the heck did he come from anyway? I swear, if this is one of Tony's robo experiments again I'm gonna flip.
"I'm sure they're perfect for each other," I groaned. "I just know that I don't want him with her. At first I had no idea why. He's one of my closest friends. I should want him to be happy right?"
"Of course," Mr Blue eyes confirmed with a furrowed brow and by gripping onto my now clammy hands.
"Then I started thinking about it. Why was I feeling like this? Why was it bothering me so much? I realised, it wasn't just this one girl I have a problem with. It's all girls. All except one."
"Wait? What?" He bellowed, leaping backwards and pacing the floor. "You want m...I mean Bucky to go out with you?"
"Yeah. I mean, I think so."
"Y/N, you can't just come out with something like that and respond with I think so," he screeched out in loud exasperation, so much so that I burst into flood of tears.
"Why are you shouting at me?" This guy is such a meanie.
When he saw how upset I was he immediately calmed down, placing his palms on my face and wiping the salty drops away. "Y/N please don't cry. This is just a lot to process."
It took me a while to calm myself down, hiccups escaping my lips as the crying finally subsided. Slowly, the angel man, stranger, person, thing walked me over to the couch and sat us both down. His eyes were boring into me, beautiful azure pools that looked slightly familiar. Maybe it was those bath bombs Steve keeps buying from Lush. I don't know.
"Why do you even care about all this? It's not like you know him or something?" I enquired, now looking at anything other than in those beautiful bath fizzer eyes.
"Just try to explain to me what's going on in that crazy little head of yours," he pressed.
Oh well. I may as well carry on now I've started.
"I've been with the Avengers for a long time. They're my family, my home. And don't get me wrong, I know they care about me, love me even. It's just easy to be sidelined, you know? To become an after thought when you're part of something so big. Bucky changed that. When I met him, it was like everything shifted. He became the reason I smiled every day, why I looked forward to getting out of bed. For the first time in my life I felt like I was at the top of someone's priority list."
"So are all of these feelings because you think you're gonna lose that? You think you're gonna lose him? I swear to you it won't happen." If it only it were that easy.
"I wish it was that," the tears building up once more as I eventually decided to look at him properly. "It would make all of this way less complicated."
"What is it then?," he pressed in urgency.
"Isn't it obvious? I'm head over heels in love with the guy."
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staticscreenwriting · 3 years
Love like the movies // Bucky Barnes // 6
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Trigger warning: Alcohol, food, mention of sex (nothing graphic and no actual smut)
Summary: This is a story of boy meets girl. The boy, Bucky Barnes, finds himself thrown into a world that seems so different from everything he’s ever known. The girl, (Y/N) knows entirely too much about rom-coms and is quite particular about the way she eats her popcorn. Bucky meets (Y/N) a few months after returning to NYC. He knows almost immediately that becoming her friend is inevitable. This is a story of boy meets girl. This is a story about love. (Bucky Barnes x female!Reader // a few spoilers for TFATWS)
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"You held hands?"
"And then you cuddled."
"We didn't cuddle, I was just kind of - leaning into him. Sort of."
"So you cuddled!"
"Sure. If that's what you wanna call it. We cuddled."
"Then what?" Robin inquires. Smirking at (Y/N) over the rim of her wine glass, like a giddy pre-teen waiting for the kissing scene to come up in a romance movie.
"And nothing. That's it."
"Oh come oooon. You cozied up to each other and then just what - acted like it never happened?"
"Essentially. But that's okay. It's not a big deal. And don't say it like that."
"Like what?" Robin continues to poke and by this point, it's not so much her wanting information than her trying to rile up (Y/N). Though she's very well aware of this, (Y/N) falls for it anyway.
"Cozied up to each other," (Y/N) says and scrunches her nose up in distaste. "Like we had dirty sex or something."
"Do you want to have dirty sex with him? Oh man, imagine what that arm can do."
Holding her hand out to stop her best friend from talking, (Y/N) takes a big gulp of white wine, emptying her glass. This is a conversation that can't be held entirely sober. "First of all, don't say those things about his arm. It's- I don't know. It doesn't sit right with me."
"Sorry yeah that was … not cool" Robin apologizes and by the tone of her voice (Y/N) can tell she means it.
"I'm the first to admit that Bucky is insanely handsome and if things were different, sure. But we're friends and I really enjoy the time spent together and our friendship. I don't wanna do anything to jeopardize it or ruin it by adding unnecessary feelings to it."
"Feelings aren't unnecessary," Robin replies, combing her fingers through her fiery red curls.
"Sometimes they are. The last thing Bucky and I need is broken hearts and ruined friendships."
"What if it doesn't end that way?"
"Relationships never work out well for me, you know that."
Robin places her glass on the countertop. It means whatever talk is gonna follow, it'll be a serious one. There's been very little need for a serious talk between the girls over the time they've been friends but neither of them has ever been afraid to start those conversations and say things as they are. Sometimes that's what friendship is, being blunt even if it's not what your friend wants to hear.
"Look I'm not saying you have to take the relationship to another level. If this is making you happy the way it is, then that's all that matters to me. I just don't want you to give up on something that could be great, because you're scared and because some stupid assholes in the past didn't realize what they had in you."
Where she's only had shit luck with relationships, (Y/N) thinks she's really lucked out in the friend department. Robin is as wonderful as they come. Even if she drives her crazy sometimes.
"They weren't all assholes." (Y/N) chimes up weakly though there's not even enough determination in her voice to convince herself.
"Weren't they? Let's see ...I'm not even gonna talk about Russel. He doesn't count. Who else was there? Pete liked to show you off but he didn't like you. Did he?"
"Not really."
"See? Asshole! Kylie only wanted to be with you so she could be the cool girl who's fucked another girl once and use that as something to brag to the guys about."
"She was figuring herself out."
"She was straight, babe. She was using you and your sexuality as some kind of badge of honor so guys would think she's cool. She only wanted to make out with you at parties and when there were men around to ogle you. I’m the last person to blame anyone for trying to figure out who they are and who they like but that wasn’t the case here. She used you, and what does that make her?"
“ An asshole? “
“ An asshole!”
“ What about Ricky, he wasn’t an asshole! “ (Y/N) chimes in, filling her glass up once more.
“ Okay sure but he was your High School sweetheart and that rarely lasts. I’m not gonna count him. What about Mike —“
“— Okay, you’ve made your point. I have a bad taste in romantic partners, I get it. Doesn’t change anything. Me and Bucky we’re — we’re good as we are. No romance needed.”
“ Just don’t want you to miss out on something great.”
It’s not that the thought has never crossed her mind. In fact, when she’s being really honest to herself, it swirls around her head a lot. When he grants her one of his smiles. The rare ones that make his eyes crinkle. Or when he comes to see her and brings dog treats for Lady, just because he’s that thoughtful. Or when she noticed he put a popcorn and a sun emoji next to her name in his phone. The popcorn, as he said because she liked movies and the sun because she’s always happy and smiling. Or when he held her hand throughout the entire movie. Those are moments when (Y/N) thinks about what it would be like to be more than friends.
“ It’s great as it is now. He’s great.”
“ Then that’s all that matters to me.” Robin smiles. She has one of those smiles that makes you feel at home. Comfortable and soft. Like warm milk with honey a mom makes their child when they can’t sleep.
It’s a while later, when (Y/N) strolls back into the room, another bottle of wine in hand, that a knock sounds on her front door. Her eyes wander to Robin then to the door then back. “I’m not expecting anyone.”
“ Oh, that’s Bucky.” Robin, who’s by now migrated over to (Y/N)’s huge fluffy couch, Lady cuddled onto her lap, says with the most casual of tones (Y/N) has ever heard. As if Bucky and her have been lifelong friends. As if there is nothing strange or peculiar about this situation.
“ How do you know?”
Robin shrugs and goes back to petting Lady’s curly fur. “ He texted you when you were getting the wine. Said he was around and had food. I told him to come join us for movie night. What’s the big deal? “
“ I uh — it’s not I just — you could’ve told me. “
“ That was literally 5 minutes ago babe. I had no time to tell you yet. By the way, this man uses entirely too many emojis.”
A smile pulls on the corners of (Y/N)’s lips. She’s asked him once why he never used any emojis, or smileys as he called them (all of them — even the ones that aren’t faces). He told her he didn’t really understand when to use most of them, like the shrimp or the Hockey stick. (Y/N) told him it’s because they’re fun. Ever since then he uses all kinds of emojis with her. None really relating to his messages. It’s quite endearing if she’s being honest.
“ Are you gonna let him in? “ Robin asks, shaking (Y/N) out of her thoughts.
The smell of Chinese food floods into the apartment as (Y/N) opens her door to Bucky. He looks so effortlessly cool in his leather jacket and boots. With his hair a little longer now, all swoopy and quiffed. Like the bad boy straight from a romance novel. The one with a heart of gold. The one that gets the girl.
(Y/N) is not that girl, the one from the novels, the Hallmark movies. The one that’s quirky but never weird. The one that makes all the boys fall for her. She’s not the main character, at least according to herself. She’s the side character that shows up like twice. The one that helps the main character on their quest to self-discovery or true love. That’s who she is. Not more, not less.
“ I brought food!” Bucky exclaims as he steps inside, waving the bag around before placing it on the kitchen counter, to which Lady jumps up from her position on Robin’s lap.
Lady, (Y/N) has realized a while ago, has somehow fallen head over paws in love with Bucky. Always following him, looking up at him with her big brown puppy eyes. Always looking to be close to him. Maybe, (Y/N) thinks, it’s the treats he always carries around. But maybe it’s Bucky too and his patience and his affection and the way he greets the little dog like she’s the main reason he’s come around.
Moments like this, they come with those little flutters around the heart. People always compare them to butterflies. (Y/N) thinks that’s wrong. Butterflies are gentle, graceful, and soft. This feels like a swarm of bees. Chaotic. Overwhelming. A little bit scary.
“ Man, did you plan on coming here, or did you buy all this for yourself?” Robin asks, eyes wide in surprise at the sheer amount of styrofoam containers Bucky keeps pulling from the bags.
“ I kind of bought it with the intention of sharing, yeah. “
Robin’s eyes meet (Y/N)’s across the room and there's a silent secret there, hidden in her teasing smirk. One shared only with a friend. No words. No sounds. Just the truth and two knowing hearts connecting.
“ Am I intruding? If you guys want me to leave, I can leave. “
While he tries to keep his voice casual, the sad tint doesn’t get lost on (Y/N).
“ Absolutely not, don’t be silly. We’re just drinking wine and watching a movie and you are free to join us in both.”
While he shakes his head at her offer of wine, Bucky helps (Y/N) bring the food over to the couch and plops down in the middle of the couch, Robin to his right and (Y/N) on his left.
“ What are we watching? “ he asks, a dumpling already on the way into his mouth.
“ Well, “ Robin responds filling her glass up once more, “ it was (Y/N)’s turn to chose so —”
“ A rom-com”
“ A rom-com. “
Something about seeing these two interact and joke around inspires a fuzzy feeling to wrap itself around (Y/N)’s heart. Even if they’re making fun of her.
The way Bucky fits in here, as if it’s where he’s always belonged. The way he’s not a stranger imposing but a friend added to the mix. It’s a nice feeling. She hopes he feels it too.
“ Okay, whatever. This isn’t your usual rom-com though, there are ghosts in this one. “
“ Is it ghosts falling in love?” Robin asks and lets her laugh get swallowed by her wine glass.
“ No. Well — uh kinda but not really. They fall in love be — you know what, just start the damn movie! “
There’s an undeniable intimacy in watching your favorite movies with other people. It’s like giving away little pieces of yourself and sharing them with others. No matter how insignificant it may seem to anyone else but you. These are the things that make us who we are. Our passions. For art. For music. For books. For movies. And opening up is always scary. Even if it’s just a teeny tiny bit.
Through the corner of her eye (Y/N) glances at Bucky and Robin, trying to judge their reactions. See if they’re enjoying themselves or not. Bucky displays his ever-present scowl. It’s the default setting. Sometimes she wonders if that has always been the case. If that's just what he looks like or if years of abuse, horror, pain have left their marks on him, on not only his heart but also his face.
Maybe this can be his safe place, she thinks. Maybe she can be. Not someone to fix him, because he’s not broken, just lost. Not to fix but to hold his hand while he heals. Slowly but surely.
For a while, the three sit in comfortable silence. The kind that fills you with this inexplicable calm. Where no words are needed.
And then the beginning chords of unchained melody spill from the tv speakers. It’s a touch there, a kiss here, hands covered in clay. Bodies covered in clay. Gasps and heavy breathing. Hands grasping skin, wandering, loving.
Robin’s presence falls completely to the back of (Y/N)’s mind. Bucky’s however...
“Do you want to have dirty sex with him? “ her friend's words ghost through her head like a particularly annoying jingle for some tv ad. The room feels warm all of a sudden. Not warm — boiling. There’s a heat radiating from her right, from Bucky. So what if he’s attractive. So what if she sometimes lets her mind wander and think about how his hands would feel on her skin or his lips on hers or his — yeah okay you get the point. So what?
Bucky slumps down into the couch a little more with every second of steamy pottery sex that’s fluttering across the tv screen. Is he — nervous? Uncomfortable ? No, she must be imagining it. Projecting, that’s what this is. She’s projecting her own chaotic emotional state onto him. There’s nothing there. (Y/N) has to remind herself. Just secret little thoughts that have to be kept between her and her. As long as no one knows, no one gets hurt. It’s the easy way out. The safe way. The right way.
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“ Sooo, what did you guys think?” (Y/N) asks, turning her body towards her friends and sitting criss-cross on the couch.
“ Didn’t expect all the murder. “ Bucky replies as he takes a sip from his beer. “ And the — “
“ The messy sex! I know.” a visibly intoxicated Robin cuts in.
“ Not where I was going but okay.”
She doesn’t pay his words any attention, instead of launching herself backwards over the arm of the couch, dramatically fanning herself with her perfectly manicured hand. “ I am not going to lie, oh boy that was some hot stuff. Wouldn’t say no to that.”
“Oh please,” (Y/N) chimes in, wine glass clutched in hand and smile on her face. She can clearly feel the alcohol washing through her system bringing her to the place between sober and drunk where everything feels light and your confidence seems to get a little extra boost. “ What do you have to complain about? You’re getting married in two weeks! I’m sure you get enough action as it is. “
Robin doesn’t answer right away, just throws (Y/N) a giddy, boozed-up smile. Though in her eyes, there’s a loved-up glimmer of someone about to marry the love of their life.
“ Yeah, that’s true.”
“See, so you’re not the one that should be complaining. Us, however…”
Her red curls swing around her like a spark of fire as Robin sits up again, pointing her finger at (Y/N).
“ And whose fault is that? You could be getting some if you didn’t get so lost in your romantic fantasies. And him — “ the red-haired girl exclaims before pointing her finger towards Bucky “ don’t even tell me he ain’t getting some. Look at him! Are you sexually active, Bucky? “
“ You don’t have to answer that. Robin, come on.”
“ No, you don’t have to but you should. I’m trying to prove a point. Help me prove a point, Bucky. “
“ You’re making him uncomfortable. “
“ Am I making him uncomfortable or you? “
“ Ooookay, I think it’s time for you to go to bed. “
“ Nooo, we’re having a conversation. “
“ Would you look at that, my drink is empty. I’m just gonna — I’m gonna get another one. Okay? Okay.”
Bucky doesn’t wait for an answer before getting up and rushing out of the living room and into the kitchen, clearly uncomfortable. Clearly embarrassed.
“ See what you did? You scared him off. “
“ I couldn’t scare that man off if I tried. Trust me. “ Robin murmurs, a loud yawn cutting through her argument. There’s a certain determination in her words though. Some truth hidden in there that (Y/N) can’t quite put her finger on. It’s like Robin knows something she doesn’t. And maybe it’s good this way. Maybe she doesn’t need to know.
“ Alright, whatever that’s supposed to mean, Tipsy. I’ll go see what he’s up to. You go the fuck to sleep.”
“ Whatever mom, “ Robin bickers and cuddles closer into the soft couch anyway. “ Oh, don’t forget to invite him! I like him. We’re friends now. “
“ Go to sleep! “ (Y/N) orders again, earning herself a salute from her best friend who starts snoring no more than 2 seconds later.
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He feels like a 13-year-old. Actually — no. Things were easier at 13. Situations like this one were easier at 13. Being horny was easier at 13.
It was all new to him then, yes, but it was new for everyone at 13. He’s 106 now, a grown man. He should be able to talk or at least think about these things without turning into a full-blown mess. His hand is clammy, his face is probably the same shade of bright red as Robin’s hair. And by god, his thoughts are a jumbled mess, swirling around all over the place.
Truth be told, he hasn’t had a lot of time to actually think about anything even remotely physical. It was never very high on his list of things to figure out and the opportunity hasn’t really presented itself to him either. Not since the 1940s at least.
Have things changed? Surely not, right? Maybe people got a bit more experimental and for sure they talk more openly about it now but the fundamentals must have stayed the same. He sure hopes so at least.
His thoughts get interrupted as (Y/N) steps into the kitchen. Her eyes are slightly glassed over from the wine though she’s nowhere near as drunk as Robin. She seems happy, then again she always does. For a little moment, he feels jealousy wash over him. About being able to get drunk. It’s damn stupid, he’s well aware. But that doesn’t make his feelings less valid. To just drink and let go and forget, that sounds really nice.
But that’s just one of the things the serum has taken from him. By far not the worst aspect of it all but unpleasant either way.
“ Hey uh — you okay? “ she asks leaning against the kitchen island across from him.
“ Sure. Are you? “
“ I uh — might be a little drunk, “ (Y/N) confesses as she lifts her hand and indicates a tiny space with her fingers.
“ Yeah, I think you might be.” Bucky laughs. Actually laughing comes naturally when she’s around and quite honestly, at first, it made him feel guilty. Guilty about the fact that he got to laugh along with a pretty girl while so many people had to die through his hands.
He tries to push those thoughts away. They aren’t doing anyone any good. Not him and not those people either.
“ Hey, I’m sorry she was making you uncomfortable. She gets — well she has no filter when drunk. Or ever really.”
Bucky shakes his head. His finger nervously trails along the grain of the stone countertop. There are conversations he needs to have, sooner or later, if he wants to live his life. Not just coast along but actually live. But it doesn’t mean those come easy. Not for someone who’s been through all he’s been through. Not for someone who’s grown up the way he has, who’s been raised the way he has.
“ Ah, no. Don’t worry. I uh — I just. It’s been a long time since I had talks like this. “
“ Like what? “
“ Between friends, you know. About — stuff. “
“ About sex? “
“ Mmh. “
“ You don’t have to talk about it with us if you don’t want to. It’s fine. “
“ No, but I do want to talk about sex with you. I mean — not you, you. You both. But not in a weird way. I mean — with friends. “
“ Okay. “
“ It’s just that I was raised in different times and the last time I had a real actual friend that I talked to about intimate things was so long ago. Steve and I talked about everything and even then there used to be reservations. One because I don’t think Steve really wanted details and two because Steve wasn’t — he didn’t have the most experience when it came to women so it was a very one-sided conversation. And I’ve never talked about any of this with a girl. It’s all new to me but I don’t want you to think I don’t trust you. “
(Y/N) regards him with a glimmer of amusement and mischief in her eyes as she munches away on some cold leftover spring rolls.
“ You don’t have to justify yourself to me, Buck. I know you trust me, I hope you know I trust you. “
He does. And he doesn’t hate how it sounds when she calls him Buck.
“ So, Robin and Charlie are getting married in two weeks. I was wondering if you’d like to be my plus one. Back when they announced it I was under the impression Russel and I would be a thing by then but uh — clearly that didn’t happen. It’s in upstate New York. We’re all gonna stay at this gorgeous Inn and well there’s a spot open if you want it.”
“ As a plus one? “
No matter how much he wants to deny it to himself, his heart does a little flutter as she says those words. A plus one sounds like something. He’s not sure what but something, surely.
“ Yeah, as a friend, obviously. “
“ Obviously. “
There goes the flutter.
“ Robin is okay with it by the way. She explicitly told me to ask you.”
“ So Robin wants me there, not you. “
“ No! I want you there! I love spending time with you. Also, Robin’s family is crazy. I need you by my side. I need you there. I want you there. “
“The need to be needed is an individual’s sense of significance rooted in the sense of being part of a community or cause beyond themselves. The need to be needed is one of our fundamental desires. We want to feel significant in the eyes of others, even if it is only one other person. “
Bucky has read those words in one of the many magazines stacked on the little side table in the waiting room of Dr. Raynor's office. They didn’t really make much sense to him then. He always thought he’d be fine by himself.
In that moment he realizes that was all a big pile of absolute bullshit.
The feeling of being wanted, of being needed, even if it’s just one person that needs him, that means everything.
“ Okay, I’ll come. “
“ Yeah? “
And there it is again, the smile that reminds him of the sun. The smile that he’s sure could bring a thousand men to their knees, including himself.
“ Cool. I’m — I’m really happy about that. “
“ Mmh. Me too. “
For a moment they just look at each other, words unspoken swirling in the air between them, neither brave enough to let them slip from their tongue.
It’s not until a particularly loud snore coming from the living room pops the bubble and breaks the spell.
Both of them fall into giggles before Bucky speaks up again.
“ It's late I should probably go. “
“ Yeah and I should go to bed. I’ll have a hangover tomorrow for sure.”
Bucky slips into his leather jacket and places a soft kiss goodbye on Lady’s head before turning back to (Y/N).
“ For the record, I’m not getting any. “
“ I uh — okay. Good. Well not good, “ (Y/N) stumbles over her words “ not good for you. Good for me. I mean. Not that I don’t want you to have sex. But I mean, Robin was taking the piss, and if I don’t get laid it makes me feel better to know you aren’t either. Oh god, this sounds horrible. I’m just gonna stop talking now. “
Bucky smiles the brightest smile she’s ever seen him smile, it almost breaks his face in two. And even though she wants the ground to swallow her whole right then, if it puts a smile like that on his face, she’ll gratefully embarrass herself again.
“ Have a good night, (Y/N). “
“ You too, Bucky”
And with a kiss to her head, he leaves the flat, a smile staying on his lips the entire way home.
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“ Why did I have to come again? This is a bachelorette party, I thought men aren’t allowed. “ Bucky grumbles as (Y/N) parks her truck in the parking lot of the convenience store. The pink and blue neon lights reflect on the wet asphalt.
“ It’s a shared party. We’re all friends so it makes sense for the couple to celebrate together. Stop moaning. “ (Y/N) exclaims as her heels create a click-clack sound.
The store is empty as they enter except for the bored-looking teenager leaning against the counter by the cash register.
There’s something about empty stores at night that makes it feel like time stands still. Like for a moment, reality is altered. There’s only you and the outdated music coming from the speakers and the hum of the refrigerators holding the soda cans.
“ I can’t believe Hannah forgot to bake the cake. It’s all she had to do. I did everything else, everything. She had one job. “
Bucky’s learned by now to just let her rant about this topic. It’s all she’s talked about for the last hours since Hannah, public enemy number one that day, has called her to inform her she’s forgotten about the cake. Why there needs to be a cake at this party, Bucky doesn’t know but hey, who is he to question it.
(Y/N) walks straight over to the counter that holds the bakery items only to be met with disappointment.
“ Well great. We can choose between one single cupcake, a box of stale donuts, and a croissant. “
“ What about this one? “ Bucky asks and points towards a bright pink cake decorated with candy roses and white icing.
“ It says Happy Birthday. “
“ Ah, don’t worry we can fix that.”
(Y/N) raises her eyebrows in doubt. “ You sure? “
“ 100%. Trust me. “
She regards him for a moment, uncertainty shining through, before granting him a little smile and a nod. “ Okay then. You get the cake, I’ll be over there for a second. “
Looking through the fridges, (Y/N)’s eyes fall onto a pack of popsicles in the shape of Captain America’s shield.
Ripping open the fridge door she calls out “ Hey Grumpy, would you like thes— “
All she hears is a smack and then Bucky’s voice exclaiming a loud “Fuck!”
And in that moment she doesn’t know what’s more shocking, the fact that she just slammed the door right into his face or hearing him swear.
“ Are you okay? I’m so sorry. “
“ I’ll be fine.”
“ We gotta put ice on it. “
“ No (Y/N) I — “
She’s already on her way to get a pack of frozen peas. And if Bucky is being real honest, his cheek does hurt quite a bit. Super Soldier Serum and all …
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“ I am genuinely so sorry. “
Bucky sits on the bed of (Y/N)’s truck, frozen peas pressed to his face and a chuckle falling from his lips as (Y/N) sends yet another apology his way.
“ It’s okay, (Y/N). I told you, I’m fine. “
He pulls the peas away from his face and places them next to him, before picking up the cake and lifting the plastic lid off of the container.
“ Alright, let’s see if I can fix this. “
“ You have a bruise on your cheek. “
Bucky looks up at her with those gorgeous blue eyes of his, that (Y/N) sometimes finds herself drowning in. Calm and story all at once. Like oceans.
“ Does it make me look rough and handsome? “
“ You’re always handsome. But yes, it gives you a roguish charm. “
“ Good. “
(Y/N) feels a heat rush to her face as Bucky focuses back on the cake.
“ Mmmkay. Let me see. What if we — “ Bucky murmurs, more to himself than to (Y/N). He swipes his finger, sans glove, over the white icing letters and while there’s a good intention there, when he lifts his finger back up the cake looks like a downright mess.
“ Ta-da “ he exclaims and turns the cake towards her.
“ It says Happy day now “
“ Is it not a happy day? “ Bucky asks, eyebrows raised in question.
“ Let me rephrase that. It says ‘Happy messy white stain Day’ “
Bucky pulls his lips into a grimace, eyes wandering from (Y/N) down to the cake and back to her. “ Yeah, we can’t bring that “.
Laughter fills the air as they regard the sad mess of a cake before them. If this was a movie, (Y/N) thinks, this would be their moment. The one where they realize. The one that feels like time stops and all that matters is them.
Something wet and sticky against her cheek pulls her from her daydream.
“ What the hell? “
Bucky only grins at her. There’s the boyish charm again. It’s so insanely endearing to see these little moments flare up and push through the perpetual gloom he seems to carry with him. He doesn't hold the weight of 90 years of fighting on his shoulders right then.
“ Oh you didn’t “
Before Bucky can react she grabs a handful of the cake and smashes it against the uninjured side of his face.
“ Is that how you wanna play it? Okay. Fine. “
Cake flies through the air as their laughter rings through the night. Not a thought wasted on pain, on worries, on heartbreak.
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The rooftop bar (Y/N) booked specifically for this night is covered in fairy lights and glitter decor. There’s a karaoke machine in one corner and an open bar in the other.
A loud cheer sounds from the crowd as Robin steps out into the open, fingers intertwined with those of a petite brunette with big square glasses sitting on her nose.
They get swallowed by a tidal wave of people, pulled from one hug into another, and while his eyes stay with them, Bucky feels a touch against his metal arm. (Y/N) wraps herself around him leans her head against his shoulder and stares lovingly at the couple before them.
“ I’m so glad she’s happy. I love her so much. “
“ She loves you too. “ he says.
And really how could anyone not?
A little while later, when the crowd has allowed them to breathe again, Robin and the brunette wander towards Bucky and (Y/N), matching smiles on their faces.
“ Buck, this is Charlie, Robin’s fiancee. Charlie, this is my friend Bucky. “
“ It’s so nice to meet you,” Charlie exclaims, a strong English accent dripping from her words. “ What in the world happened to your face? Are you okay? “
While Bucky smirks, (Y/N) flinches at those words and shrinks into herself a little.
“ Oh you know, funny story. Someone here was a little too excited about some red white and blue popsicles. “
Robin lets out a loud laugh “ Now that sounds like someone I know very well. “
“ They were shaped like Cap’s shield, okay. I thought it was funny and fitting. “
Charlie’s eyes move between the 3, a look of confusion settling on her features.
“ Why fitting? “
“ Oh babe, let me catch you up,” Robin says and steers Charlie in the direction of the bar.
The night flies by and for the first time in so long, Bucky doesn’t feel out of place. Not for a single moment. Even being surrounded by people he doesn’t know and while listening to music he doesn’t get. It’s nice, feeling like you belong.
Robin and Charlie have just finished their karaoke rendition of Don’t Stop Believing when a familiar voice echoes from the speakers.
“ Hello guys, my name is (Y/N). You may know me, I’m the maid of honor. I am responsible for this party — you’re welcome. Anyway, I guess it’s my turn to sing tonight but I can’t do this one alone. I’m gonna require my friend, Mr. James Buchanan Barnes up on this very stage with me. “
Oh no. Definitely no. Not in a million years. No w—
“ Because this one’s a duett. “
Her eyes meet his across the way, shining with amusement, mischief, affection. Even across the dimly lit roof, her sunshine smile seems to light up the entire night.
“ I’m not doing it, “ Bucky says and shakes his head as Robin slides up to his side.
“ C’moooon. “
“ Nope. I probably don’t even know the song. “
It’s like the universe wants to make a fool of him as in just that moment Bill Medley’s voice sounds through the night.
“ I know you know this song. “ Robin says and nudges his side “ come on don’t make her do this by herself. “
“ I — “ he looks at (Y/N) again, with her sunshine smile and those expressive eyes and the buttercream stain on her shirt. And he doesn’t see fear or pain or regret. All he ever sees when he looks at her is happiness and fun and laughter.
“ Ugh. Okay. Alright. “
Cheers follow him as he steps on stage and (Y/N) hands him the second mic. Though it’s supposed to be a duett, (Y/N) doesn’t really care and sings both parts with unfiltered joy and unapologetic passion. And while it takes a moment for him to warm up to it, Bucky can’t help but let her enthusiasm light a spark in him too and by the time the pre-chorus hits he joins her in singing their hearts out.
“ You're the one thing I can't get enough of. So I'll tell you something. This could be looooooove “
New York comes alive with the promise of a better tomorrow. One where Bucky feels like he belongs. To a place or a group of friends or a person. A tomorrow where he can laugh with a pretty girl, have food fights in a parking lot, and sing some silly song at the top of his lungs.
Maybe the song isn’t all wrong. Maybe he’s having the time of his life. And maybe, just maybe, he owes it to (Y/N).
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