#and it’s even funnier with context
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marisatomay · 2 months ago
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You all should have this on btw
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canadiancryptid · 1 month ago
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She's not objecting to the idea of a kiss, just the timing :)
Nobody tell her about lesbians, it would blow her mind
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oacest · 6 months ago
liam: "it's quite compl—yknow, compli—yknow, what's that?" noel, very gently: "complementary." liam: "yeh, that's it. complements each other, like the fan and the—" noel: *loudly talks overtop liam*
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fure-dcmk · 11 months ago
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stupid kaiheishin dynamic
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west-brooke · 1 year ago
Leo really the only turtle with only 2 dads while the rest get 3. Bro does got that fatherless behavior. Can't spell Leo without L
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buttered-toasty · 2 months ago
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This image is endlessly delightful to me. The first instinct is to say, as my friend put it, he has handfuls. But waist is lower down. Tits are a smidge higher up. Celebrimbor you have handfuls mostly of ribcage. Also he is yapping as if this is a normal part of conversation. Annatar looks like the colony rats in his lab just developed new, never before seen behaviors. If I walked into a room and saw this I would audibly say “that’s enough of this room for today” and turn around and walk back out. Clearly I am interrupting something, though what that something is is anyone’s guess.
Also there is obviously something queer going on here but it doesn’t even matter. We have transcended the use of queer in reference to sexuality and gone back to its original meaning. They are so fucking strange.
Goes without saying this image has boundless template potential and I WILL be doing this to my OCs
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gaillol-13 · 7 months ago
Warning slight FOPANW spoilers but not rlly idk????
Whoever is in charge of the expressions did a beautiful job. Look at ">:C" Cosmo
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Such a angwy wittle mannn ☺
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A certified Cosmoment.
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blighted-lights · 7 months ago
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i think it'd be rlly funny if ravage and minimus hated each other btw. the only reason they get along is bc of their mutual connection to megatron. and even that isn't enough sometimes lmao
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hanfocus · 11 days ago
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demigod-shenanigans · 1 month ago
Currently very amused by the thought that Jason keeps accidentally wrecking stuff around the house because he keeps underestimating his own strength. He’s spent his whole life controlling himself and his temper because setting a good example yada yada but he’s learning that it’s okay to let himself be angry for a bit. Which is great! Except he sort of just snapped the shutter cord in half by accident
One time he was frustrated when he was doing laundry and pulled the door handle a little too hard and it just came off the door. Ended up just kind of sitting in the cellar for half an hour trying to process things and just staring at the door handle in bafflement. (He also felt stupid about Iris messaging his husband when they were both home. Eventually Leo came downstairs to see if Jason got swallowed by the washing machine or something. Cue lengthy laughing fit while he’s fixing the door.)
Leo jokes a lot about how apparently Jason is worried about him being bored and therefore creates extra jobs for him on occasion (between this and him regularly shorting out the microwave Jason just really doesn’t get along with their house apparently lmao)
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phoenixcatch7 · 7 months ago
The One Fact Pact
I want to see a fic where the chain is rigorously keeping their secrets and stories hidden, but they've all learned to trust one another. Like, it's past time they should probably be sharing things because it's beginning to get annoying, they all agree, but it's sorta become a habit by now? They kept those secrets and now no one really wants to share first?
So, to keep things interesting and get some momentum going, they make a deal.
Whenever they come across something that reminds them of their travels, their quest - be it an item, a familiar name, a location - they've got to share ONE fact or story about it.
But only! When they're in other people's time, because otherwise it'll just be a staged tour and one person infodumping and that's exactly what they're trying to avoid (and it won't be a fun competition they can make bets about).
And then either they go through worlds slowly building trust and understanding of each other through a long drawn out and incidental series of tidbits....
Or they immediately get stuck in wild's hyrule for ages.
Everyone's arguing over who the latest ruin belongs to. Time and wind are getting into an argument about the kokiri. No one can agree on the zonai. Wars is taking immense pleasure in pointing out anything someone else might have missed. Legend is resolutely ignoring eventide. Twilight claims the entire faron woods until they step into the hot and humid jungle for the first time.
Wild thinks he's immune because it's his world so he legally can't answer questions, but everywhere they visit there's a piece of his own story in the rubble or on the wind.
Wild: *happily making tea and checking his slate with the other hand* okay, looks like tomorrow we can reach the breach of demise and to new serenne stable. Just past that- Sky: *choking on his drink* the what?? Wild: the breach? Sky, weakly: Why's it uh, called that? Wild: oh, it's an old story. Apparently eons ago it's where a demon godking came up from underground to the surface world... *suspiciously* Why? Sky: gimme the slate. *squinting at the shape on the map*... I can neither confirm nor deny. Wild:... What do you mean? Sky, remembering the One Fact Pact: I can neither confirm nor deny. What's important is that I killed him. The entire chain, variously: YOU KILLED A DEMON GOD?!!? Sky *recalling the hardest fight of his life*: what, like it's hard?
And then he just refuses to elaborate.
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thoodleoo · 11 months ago
reading an article about latin nouns that changed from neuter to masculine/feminine and it's really interesting but it also means that i now know of an instance of a masculine version of the latin word for wine (vinus) which would have been pronounced "weenus"
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giantchasm · 1 year ago
Hey, so, a while back I made a revelation, and I’m finally posting about it on Tumblr because I continue to have A Few Goddamn Questions.
Alright. So I want everyone here to take a good hard look at Joronia/Spider Sectonia. Something you might notice about her design is that she’s pretty clearly wearing clothes. And like… of course she is— why wouldn’t she? She’s more or less a mirror of Taranza’s design, and he’s wearing clothes, so she is too.
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But… Sectonia. The Sectonia WE know. The final boss you defeat at the end of the video game… while she has design elements that evoke the image of clothing, seemingly only the collar, the crown, the gloves and maybe the sleeves are actual clothing. Everything else is just her body.
Which wouldn’t be all that noteworthy if she were a standalone design. Plenty of characters in Kirby, including Kirby himself, don’t wear clothes! I’m certainly not going to point at Marx and accuse his practically running around butt-naked of being weird, but in the context of the fact that Sectonia used to wear clothes?
It kind of makes it feel like she stripped for no discernible reason following her descent into villainy, and that’s really, REALLY funny.
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sentientsky · 10 months ago
if you ever feel like you're shit at video games, please know that i was taking so long investigating a dirt pile, that lae'zel came over, yoinked a key out of my pocket and went into the next room herself. at one point, my entire party got up and left WITHOUT ME PROMPTING THEM TO DO SO
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anyway. moral of the story. be so bad at video games that your bg3 companions become autonomous. #slay
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m-jay-gee · 2 years ago
cant believe pinocchio found where the white women are at!!! so proud of him!!
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lostandbackagain · 6 months ago
it's actually so funny that meggie and fenoglio's plan A was necromancy. didn't even try assassination or like supporting violante first
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