#and it’s been around for over 40 years elon
telesilla · 11 months
Can you even imagine trusting all your money and securities to fucking X?
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mariacallous · 23 days
Less than two years after taking over Twitter, now X, Elon Musk has managed to lose the company access to its third largest market and reportedly more than 40 million users. And despite his bravado online, he seems to have backed himself into a corner.
Brazil’s decision to block X is the culmination of an ongoing conflict between Musk and the country’s Superior Electoral Court (TSE), a special court run by Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes that issued takedown orders on content it considers to be a threat to the integrity of its elections. Musk and X refused to comply, allowing accounts that were accused of spreading hate speech and disinformation to remain on the platform, a move that eventually triggered the ban.
Starlink was caught in the crosshairs too: The court froze the assets of Musk’s other company, saying it was part of the same “economic group” as X given its ownership, for possible use to pay off fines owed by X. When the block came into effect Monday, Starlink allowed its customers—more than 250,000 people, according to the company— to circumvent the X ban by using its satellite internet connection. After initial resistance, Starlink backed down and said it would comply. Experts who spoke to WIRED say that increasingly, it seems that Musk has overplayed his hand.
“I think he is realizing Brazilians are not going to take to the streets because X is suspended,” says Nina Santos, a researcher at the Brazilian National Institute of Science & Technology for Digital Democracy. “Brazilian institutions are not going to back off just because Musk is cursing online.”
In response to a request for comment, an X spokesperson directed WIRED to a post from the platform's Global Affairs team. “To our users in Brazil and around the world, X remains committed to protecting your freedom of speech,” the post reads in part.
Meanwhile, Musk has continued to antagonize the court. Last week, he posted a seemingly AI-generated image of Moraes behind bars (which was later deleted), with the accompanying text alleging, “One day, Alexandre, this picture of you in prison will be real,” and another comparing him to the Harry Potter villain Voldemort.
“Ever since April, he has been toying with the image of Moraes, the legitimacy of the Supreme Court, and escalated in a problematic way,” alleges Bruna Santos, a researcher and activist with the civil society coalition Coalizão Direitos na Rede in Brazil. “He was fully aware and he knew what the consequences would be.”
WIRED reported how employees scrambled to avoid a legal crisis when Musk took over Twitter in 2022, just days before Brazil’s presidential runoffs. The company was served a consent decree from the judiciary, warning that if it didn’t keep its promises to keep safeguards around the elections in place, it risked being blocked. At the time, the country’s then president, Jair Bolsonaro, and his supporters allegedly spread disinformation about the security of the country’s elections to cast doubt on the results. Musk had promised a rollback of the company’s existing content moderation policies, and promised a sort of “free speech absolutism” that, in practice, has let hate speech and mis- and disinformation flow freely on the platform.
At the time, the trust and safety staff, the people who kept violative content off of Twitter, were able to persuade Musk to keep the platform’s safeguards on during the elections. But less than a week later, most of them were fired along with almost 50 percent of the company’s staff in the first wave of layoffs.
As part of his effort to make X a free-for-all of free speech, Musk reinstated the accounts of far-right influencers like Allan dos Santos, who fled Brazil in 2020 to avoid being investigated for spreading disinformation. After Bolsonaro lost the election, some of his supporters stormed the Brazilian legislature on January 8, 2023, and since then, the TSE has been investigating the events leading up to the insurrection. Accounts like dos Santos’ were targeted by a TSE investigation launched in April and were the subject of the court’s takedown orders.
Musk has likened Moraes to a dictator, alleging that the court is forcing censorship. (Musk has, however, complied without complaint with blocking orders in places like Turkey and India, where they have been used to censor journalists and opposition.)
And while Ivar Hartmann, an associate professor of law at the Insper Institute of Education and Research in São Paulo, alleges that Moraes has stretched the power of the court to new—and possibly concerning—levels, he claims it is also important to distinguish between a democracy with different rules and a dictatorship.
In 2019, Brazil’s TSE court launched a fake news inquiry, headed up by Moraes. Since then, he has become a controversial figure. Some see him as defending the country’s democracy; others, like Hartmann, worry he may have accrued too much power.
“This is not Venezuela [where international observers widely believe President Nicolás Maduro rigged the country’s July elections],” he says. “Even if you wanted to argue that the type of court orders we've seen regarding social media platforms in Brazil in the past two or three years are shocking, which I would agree with, you don't see [Meta CEO Mark] Zuckerberg going online and openly criticizing the courts and denying compliance with court orders in Brazil.”
Nina Santos says that even if there are valid criticisms of the approach Moraes has taken, Musk should comply with the court order and argue against them in court later. “We can discuss the decisions taken by the Brazilian court, but not whether Musk should comply with the Brazilian court or not.”
Musk’s response to the court order was to then break another Brazilian law. Like many countries, Brazil requires certain international companies appoint an in-country representative that can be contacted by the government and, in some cases, held responsible for a company’s failures to comply with the law. India, Vietnam, Turkey, and Russia all have similar laws.
On August 19, X announced it was closing its office after its in-country representative was threatened with prison time for the company’s noncompliance with the TSE’s orders. In closing the office, X was also suddenly in violation of Brazil’s localization laws. A suspension, at that point, says João Brant, digital policy secretary for Brazil’s Secretariat of Social Communication, was inevitable. “In a situation where a person like Musk was trying to pick and choose which orders he would abide by, it was necessary,” he says.
At this point, Musk has exhausted most avenues of escalation with the judiciary. And though he pulled SpaceX employees out of Brazil, he has already shown signs of wavering, at least when it comes to Starlink. Brant says that it is unlikely that Starlink will face any further consequences so long as it stays within the bounds of Brazilian law.
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mightyflamethrower · 8 months
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Democrat Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA), who is running for late Sen. Diane Feinstein’s U.S. Senate seat, is calling for a $50 minimum wage, defending her position during a debate Monday night.
The moderator asked Lee to defend her call for a $50-an-hour minimum wage during the event, noting that it is “seven times the current national minimum wage of $7.25 an hour.”
When asked how that would be economically sustainable for small businesses, Lee immediately said that she owned and ran a small business for over a decade, creating “hundreds of jobs, benefits, retirement benefits, [and] also health care benefits.”
“I know what worker productivity means, and that means that you have to make sure that your employees are taken care of and have a living wage in the Bay Area,” Lee said. “I believe it was the United Way [that] came out with a report that — very recently — [said] $127,000 for a family of four is just barely enough to get by,” she said, pointing to another survey that identified $104,000 as not being enough for one person, essentially classifying them as low income “because of the affordability crisis.”
She added:
And so, just do the math. Just do the math. Of course, we have national minimum wages that we need to raise to a living wage — you’re talking about $20, $25 — fine, but I have got to be focused on what California needs and what the affordability factor is when we calculate this wage.
Lee ultimately failed to answer the question.SUBSCRIBE
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Fox 40 notes that “a wage of $50 an hour would total $104,000 over the course of a year.”
Her call generated mockery from critics, including Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), who asked, “Who not $500 per hour?”
“Okay, why not $100 then? $1,000? Why not just make the minimum wage a billion dollars an hour? Then we’d all be richer than Elon Musk!” Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk remarked.
“Economic illiteracy like Rep. Lee’s has been around for centuries. Every country that adopts it becomes a dystopian nightmare,” he added as others piled on:
Lee’s call comes as inflation comes roaring back with no immediate signs of relief, as detailed in Breitbart Business Digest.
RELATED — CNN’s Sidner: Hotter-Than-Expected Inflation Report “Another Sign” Economy “Getting Better”
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medfetabdl · 7 months
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I bought a companion for my Intellivue MP5
This is an Intellivue MP2, this is just the pic from the eBay listing. It’s in pretty rough cosmetic shape but apparently works just fine.
What’s the difference between this and the MP5? Honestly not much, it uses an external power supply, the battery is much smaller, it doesn’t have the built in printer, and it can’t display as many waves, but that’s about it for differences. The thing that sets the Philips monitors apart from all other brands and makes them so desirable for hospitals is the same reason people buy the expensive Apple products: The ecosystem. The Philips monitors are the only monitors on the market that are based off of monitors made over 40 years ago and everything on those monitors from 40 years ago exists on these along with a bunch of other stuff that’s been added. The other thing is their network capabilities. They are the only system on the market where when paired with the proper servers you can upload vitals data to a server and save it for later, you can transfer a patient from one unit to another just a with a few button pushes and then their information moves to the monitor in the unit they are being transferred to without having to bring the monitor from one unit to another. They continue to receive software updates no matter how old they are (provided the hospital has Philips certified IT personnel) they can communicate with tons of accessories. They can track over 200 different vital signs (this does require special equipment) they can communicate with ventilators and infusion pumps. And there’s tons of other things they can do.
I do want to say that I bought these with some extra money I made during the holidays putting up and taking down Christmas lights. I don’t just have money for these things lying around.
I’d like to give anyone who wants to buy one of these monitors some buying advice
1. Stay away from the MP2 and X2 their external power supplies almost never come with them for a good price, if you want one with the battery and power supply it will cost $500 at the minimum
2. To save some money on cables it’s good to know that HP and Agilent Viridia line of patient monitors use the same pulse oximeter and ECG cables which can save you some significant money on cablee
3. Unfortunately they are significantly harder to get your hands on outside the US. Most of the EBay listing for them are in the US and the sellers will only sell to people within the US. That’s not their fault the US government prohibits the export of a lot of technology. High end medical equipment, high end computer components, IR (thermal) cameras that shoot at over 5 FPS, and lots of other things are all extremely locked down in terms of exporting outside the US because they don’t want it to fall into the hands of China. In fact the FDA supposedly controls the sale of medical equipment in the US but I don’t really think they care about used medical equipment because I have absolutely no medical connections. I do live in the technology capital of the world so that might have something to do with it. On a side note when I say Silicon Valley is the technology capital of the world I’m not joking. Google, Apple, Facebook, Nvidia, Intel, Tesla, Ebay, Zoom, Hewlett-Packard, and many more of the world’s largest tech companies are headquartered here. It does make it a bit easier for me to get my hands on bleeding edge tech or tech that’s harder for most people to get. I have friends who work for Tesla who’ve met Elon, I’ve seen Steve Wozniak in a restaurant, and I know tons of engineers who’ve worked for these companies.
Another thing worthy of note on who I am: At 19 I’m an extremely bright engineer and have an extremely vast amount of knowledge in tons of areas of technology and study. But I’m also mentally unstable I have autism, ADHD, severe anxiety, and Bipolar disorder. I get sprits of depression and can’t seem to stick with anything. I went to university for a year for electrical engineering and dropped out. I dropped out for 2 reasons. I hated all the extra classes that I have no interest in. And I noticed I was a freshman yet I had similar knowledge to that of seniors graduating that year.
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azuremallone · 5 months
I'll never watch a DeNiro movie again.
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DeNiro doesn't get a cent from me. Zero. Nada. His insanity and political bent is unhinged. The rantings of yet another old man with dementia. This, coming from a man who just pumped out a baby with a 63 year old woman. Let's just consider that a moment.
Tiffany Chen was 62 at the time she got knocked up. But wait, how the fuck does that work? That's ten years after the average age that most women begin menopause (which is 51 in the US). She must have been on insane amounts of hormone therapy. Let alone the risks involved, which expand greatly after 40 for women.
I'll admit that their mixed Italian-Chinese baby is adorable. That kid is innocent and not part of this at all.
And so this is the guy who is equivocating Trump to Hitler, Mussolini, and making wild on television interviews where he rants about how dangerous and evil the former President is. He goes insofar on his latest rant to say that if Trump becomes President, everything will go to shit.
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NEWSFLASH: Trump was already President, you senile old fart.
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... all of that happened or will happen under a Trump Presidency. However, it didn't. It DID happen under BIDEN'S PRESIDENCY! Biden isn't even running the puppet show in his own head, let alone the Office of the President. It's everyone around him that's manipulating the country into violence, chaos, and extreme inflation with job losses, illegal immigration, infiltration by potential foreign military and terrorists through the southern borders, massively expensive groceries that have impoverished the needy and rampant homelessness across the country. No, I'm sorry Mr. DeNiro, you're a fucking fruitcake lunatic who has no sense of reality considering that your youngest child will be under 20 when you keel over from decrepitude.
Furthermore, the hard-left believes January 6th was some kind of coup. Furthest from, considering that the shadowy trials and way it was swept under the rug went off. No shots fired. No storming of the White House. In fact, the only shot fired was by a Federal employee to kill an unarmed woman after they had unlocked the doors and let people in. January 6th was a protest that got out of hand, sure, but to call it anything but is ignorant of the fact that across the nation there were no sympathetic uprisings or attempts to take seats of power, which is the fundamental definition of the lie thrown about it by the Leftists.
Meanwhile, the Biden Presidency has just witnessed all the years of hard-left ultra-liberal education go to shit because of the Terrorists that took over college campuses to espouse hatred and the genocide of all Jews, calling for their schools and the country to destroy Israel or be destroyed. All of the literature found in the encampments after they were broken up support the destruction of America and the promotion of Terrorist activities.
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They were not peaceful protesters. They were breeding a ground to establish Terrorist cells on college campuses with the goal of causing mayhem, murder, and generally maligned behavior to say the least. This also in the light that there's been a 6,000% increase in the number of Chinese nationals coming across the Mexican border.
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Anytime anyone anti-Trump speaks:
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Anytime I speak with anyone anti-Trump:
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usearki · 2 years
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I posted 36,568 times in 2022
That's 4,545 more posts than 2021!
63 posts created (0%)
36,505 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 14,827 of my posts in 2022
#ygo - 3,076 posts
#lol - 597 posts
#dracula daily - 549 posts
#taskmaster - 398 posts
#long post - 341 posts
#seto kaiba - 319 posts
#fuck elon musk - 244 posts
#violetshipping - 233 posts
#puppyshipping - 233 posts
#blaze - 209 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#i've been letting it fill slowly since they raised it and i'm currently hovering around 500 in the queue with the rate set to 40 posts a day
My Top Posts in 2022:
My son sent me this, after he almost had a brain aneurysm seeing it at 5.30am. (He woke me up going WHAT THE FUCK!)
I don’t know why tumblr won’t accept video timestamps, but it’s like the second item in (Which is just as well because this video is over 2 hours long) so...
( @impet0n )
9 notes - Posted March 31, 2022
13 notes - Posted October 11, 2022
Yay for being stuck in Carlisle cos the trains are up the creek due to a signal failure. Joy.
14 notes - Posted August 16, 2022
My username:
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This is why I’m called Usearki. Just thought I’d make it my sticky post cos it still amuses me years later.
32 notes - Posted January 13, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
From the BBC:
Boris Johnson will resign as Conservative leader today - he will continue as Prime Minister until the autumn.
A Conservative leadership race will take place this summer and a new Prime Minister will be in place in time for the Tory party conference in October.
Not quick enough - he needs to fuck off now!
33 notes - Posted July 7, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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shao-hujiaqi · 2 years
SHAO Founder Hu Jiaqi Calls for Millions of Members to Support Musk
On the 29th of this month, an open letter signed by billionaire Elon Musk and over 1,000 scientists expressed concerns over the development of artificial intelligence. In the open letter, they called on all AI labs to immediately pause for at least 6 months the training of AI systems more powerful than GPT-4, to prevent AI from posing a threat to human safety.
They believe that AI labs are developing and deploying increasingly powerful digital minds, and this competition is gradually getting out of control. No one, including their creators, can understand, predict, or reliably control them. The uncontrolled development of artificial intelligence may pose a serious threat to humanity. Their appeal has received support from over 1,000 scientists worldwide.
The actions of Musk and the thousand scientists are in line with SHAO’s philosophy. Therefore, this open letter quickly received support from SHAO’s founder Hu Jiaqi. In a statement, he called on millions of SHAO members and Hu Jiaqi’s fans across 254 countries and regions around the world, to support the actions of Musk and scientists like Joshua Bengio, and express solidarity with this open letter.
As someone who has been paying close attention to technology and human fate for a long time, Hu Jiaqi has been calling for an end to the irrational development of science and technology since 1979, and has been doing so for more than 40 years. He believes that the irrational development of science and technology will bring extreme harm and inevitably lead to the extinction of humanity in the near future.
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In order to prevent the extreme harm caused by such irrational development, Hu Jiaqi founded Save Human Action Organization (SHAO), which is dedicated to promoting a balance between technological development and human well-being. SHAO is a non-governmental international organization with millions of members and fans, dedicated to preventing the irrational development of science and technology in order to avoid the extreme harm and even threats to human survival it may bring. As the founder of SHAO, Hu Jiaqi has been calling on people to recognize the risks posed by irrational technological development and proposing reasonable preventive measures.
In this increasingly technology-dependent era, the development of AI technology is becoming faster and faster, but the risks that come with it are also becoming greater. If action is not taken in a timely manner, humanity will face catastrophic consequences.
Hu Jiaqi believes that in the face of rapid technological and scientific development, we must consider the potential risks that come with it, rather than just pursuing the convenience and progress it brings. In front of the crisis of human extinction, all considerations and concerns are not superfluous.
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noticiassincensura · 2 days
New milestone for Elon Musk: Starlink’s satellite internet reaches 4 million subscribers
A person with a Starlink antenna. SpaceX has celebrated this important milestone on social media, indicating that their service is now “in over 100 countries, territories, and many other markets.”
Elon Musk and his aerospace company, SpaceX, have achieved yet another milestone, though this time no rockets were involved. The star of this significant achievement is Starlink, the company’s satellite internet service, available in Spain and recently incorporated by United Airlines into its flights. This technology has now reached 4 million subscribers.
Gwynne Shotwell, Chief Operating Officer of SpaceX, mentioned on Tuesday, September 24, during a hearing before the Texas House of Representatives Appropriations Committee (USA), that she expected Starlink satellite internet to reach a new customer milestone this week, calling it “very exciting.” Just two days later, on Thursday, the aerospace company confirmed via Starlink’s profile on X (Twitter) that they had reached 4 million customers.
“Starlink is connecting more than 4 million people with high-speed internet in over 100 countries, territories, and many other markets. Thank you to all our customers around the world!” the company celebrated on the social network. This is a significant milestone, especially considering the company has gained 1 million new subscribers since the end of May alone.
Starlink has seen rapid growth since it began offering services in its beta phase in October 2020. By December 2022, the company reached 1 million subscribers. The second million was achieved in September 2023, and 3 million subscribers were reached in May 2024. Now, the fourth million has been achieved in just under four months.
It’s worth noting that the current Starlink constellation includes nearly 6,000 satellites orbiting the Earth at low altitudes, and the service is available in almost 100 countries, catering to both individual users and large companies, airlines, and cruise lines. Additionally, the service is on track to generate $6.6 billion in revenue this year, a significant increase compared to approximately $1.4 billion two years ago, according to consulting and research firm Quilty Space.
With Starlink, SpaceX has created a constellation of internet satellites capable of providing low-latency internet connections anywhere in the world. The network connects to users through antennas and exchanges high-frequency information with ground stations. In Spain, the service has a one-time cost of €249, which includes an installation package with an antenna and a WiFi router, while the subscription costs €40 per month
0 notes
nityarawal · 11 days
Grok The Numbers
(Numbers Station)
Morning Songs
Eclipse Was Soft
Like A Dandelion Weed
It Came Over Me
The Eclipse
Camping In My Car
On A Mountain Top
Like A Treehouse
Warm By Candlelight
40's Cold Nights
The Eclipse
Of The Blood Red Moon
My Phone Was Charged
What Did It Reveal
The Inner Consciousness
Of My Physiology
Took Precedence
Heat Over Came Me
Dandelion Fluffs
Pushed The
Trumpleberry Toxins
Out Of My Tufts
Elon Won't Stop Shooting
Is It The Dyke Clicques
He Lost His Rocket
And Just Says "Yeah,"
On Podcasts
He Loves His Followers
On X
So He Comments
And "Whoa,"
He Loves His Followers
On X
So He Comments
44 Billion Communion
With The Masses
Or Do You Think
It's The Dyke Clicque
At T.I.T.T.S Again
On Foul Play
For The Trumpers
They're Sold Out
To Airforce
They Threw A Knife
Down In My
And Beckoned Me
With Violent
If You Want To Be
A Rockstar
Or President
You Need
A Defense Team
Taylor's Marched
Out In Leotards
With Old Swifty Mom
Arranged Superbowl
What We're We Ever
Jealous Of
These Celebrities
Who Lost Their Right
To Tea
They're Just Juggling
Bean Counters
For The Old Man's
We're So Bored
Of The Bimbos
Perverted Conservators
Physicists Want
We're So Bored
Of Plastic T.I.T.T.S
And Now You Give
Seventy Million
Military Made
A Colassal
Military Lied
When They Stole
Your Kids
As An Alibi
Military Lied
When They Cut
His Junk
Castrated Your
Kid For Court
And Plied Your
Baby Mammas
With Addoral
Military Lied
With 40% Rapes
So Much More
It's Closer To 90%
With Wars
Check The Data Intake
And We Witnessed
The Waste
Military Lied
Gaza Had Forty Thousand
Dead In April
Do We Just Triple
DA Numbers
Or Quadruple
Military Lied
Kamala Wants A Real
She Hemmorhaged
Our Money
And Our Kids
Willie's Too
Kamala Wants
A Deal
On Genocide
She Always Does
Amateur Law
Degree 101
Kamala Wants
A Deal
Mrs. Emhoff
Wants Your Junk
With The Dr. Biden Nanny
That Groomed Their
You Gonna Stand
Up For America
Or Lay Down With
Kamala Wants Your
Trumpleberry Took
Your Homes
Hoping For Games
Celebrity Singers
To Trump His Campaign
While He Checks Out
By Force
He Been Raped
By Transvestites
Cyberbeast Looters
The Magicians
We Been Raped
By Second Gentleman
And Friends
And We Won't Take
That Moldy
Grandpa Asunder
We Been Raped
Violated At Large
I Didn't Want
Mark Milton's
Dirty Hands On Me
Byron Katie
Or Mark Ritchie
Or Any Of Your Mark's
And Certainly Not
12 Dykes Drooling
Shedding All Over Me
And My Blood Red
I Didn't Want
Christopher Stapleton
To Defend Me
From His Foul Colleagues
He Failed Time And
Time Again
Since Jay Curatolo And Olesya
Russian PD Mail Order Brides
A Pathetic Doppleganger
Public Defender
Who Most Certainly
Mollested His Kids
With Boss Mathew Roberts
I Didn't Want
Eight Years
Of Grooming
For Muskies
While He Fluttered
With Talulalah
On A Castration
From English
Old Moldy Fettishes
Gone With The
I Didn't Want
To Steal My Kids
At Space-X
I Didn't Want
Molly To Laugh
And Headhunt
My Colleagues
With Adam
I Didn't Want
Hollie To Do A
Cowgirl Dance
For Marijuana
For Her Marine
Chris DearHeart
While My Kids
We're Raped
On Political
I Don't Want To
Adam Steck's
His Australian
For 'Thunder From
Down Under'
Nor His European
Matchmaking Scams
We Don't Want
Your Invitro Moms
We Wish You Hadn't
Violated Her
It's Not Cheap
To Give Gay Attys
And No One Wants
A Gay Man
In The Bathroom
No One Wants A Gay
Man In Puberty
Around Kids
No One Wants
Gay Man For
Our Kids
In Transgender
No One Wanted
To Be Drafted
For Kamala's
Or Alibi
Maya And Meena
Are Done
Ella Retired
And Went To Bat
For Gaza
From Seventy Million
You'll Have To
Answer To That
One Billion Dead
1/8th Of Global Population
You're At Our
One Million Americans
Or Is It True
Alot Of People
Crying On YouTube
Brazil Suing
To Hide
What Did They Do
Grok The Numbers
Give Us The Casualties
Grok The Numbers
Data Knows
Missing Persons
Jane Does'
Grok The Numbers
John Does'
And Settle Today
Twelve Trillion
Pissed Away By Boys'
Yes We're Tallying
Best Be
Flowing The
Other Way
Back To Moms
Peace & Love Eternal,
Nitya Nella Davigo Azam Moezzi Huntley Rawal
@elonmuskfanslounge @elonmuskdaily @elonmuskparody @teslamotorsblog @cybertruck @grokwrites-blog
#Grok #NumbersStation #Nitya4Eternity #4BillionMothersStrong
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0 notes
L'Etabli - Lyon 9-12-24
I look around and see people in their 80s, and I remember I used to think they were almost a different species, but now I find myself thinking that time in my life is coming too quickly. Perhaps these meals I’m having are a way for me to escape and appreciate the time I have here, to do something that feels meaningful to me vs busy work. Age is scary, less so because there is an end to age, but because it makes you question where you are. Have you lived a life worth living? Age constantly knocks and knocks and knocks on that question’s door. What do you need to accomplish in order to say yes, you can stop knocking, I’m satisfied. It’s not money; I’ve never seen Elon Musk look settled and happy. So what is it? If you think I’m going to have the answer for you, I'm sorry to disappoint, but it’s not in this review. But if you do figure it out, please tell the world. 
But these meals I’ve been having are an escape from the question and perhaps also a small answer to it. Life is an experience, not a to-do list or something to get through. So, I like to think that every experience I can have makes my life a little more full and a little more satisfying in the hopes that I can ask for the knocking to be a little quieter. I don’t know if it ever goes away. I think it’s why grandparents move closer to grandkids; they realize that the real thing that matters to them is having a full heart, but I don’t have grandkids, so I’m settling for a full stomach. 
Tonight, I had an early night from work, so I had two choices: try and watch Mission Impossible 3 in French in my hotel room or venture into old town Lyon. I'm writing this, so obviously I chose Lyon.  I looked online and googled “Best places to eat in Lyon.” The more I try this, the less excited I am as I find reviews either don't share my tastes or they just promote the restaurants with marketing budgets. But it's either trusting the internet or hanging out with Le Tom Cruise on TV. I read a few brief reviews and found a restaurant called L'Etiable, known for using only ingredients found within 40 miles of the restaurant. Fresh local ingredients mean the first step for this restaurant is a great one. Maybe not first step on the moon exciting, but in a world of cold storage a place with fresh local produce and meat is worth visiting. 
Like many restaurants in Lyon, it's on a small cobblestone street, and without Google Maps, I'd still be looking for it. But isn't that the charm of old Europe? My reservation was at 7:45, so I finally wasn't the first one in the restaurant! I was the third. But baby steps. They immediately took my jacket (a leather jacket; they don't consider themselves formal dining), hung it in the closet, and directed me to my table. The menu was simple, order one of the four dishes a La carte or have them all plus the three desserts (including cheese).  I went for them all. I'm finding I really enjoy not making decisions. Every day of my life is “choose this or that.” My entire job is making decisions that range from the minute of what coffee should I have to decisions that determine if people have a job.” So sitting down at a restaurant where they say "We've got you" has felt really nice. I guess it's tapping into my inner princess and the pea. And for those who know me, inner is really outer. 
But first, before any food, I got to feel like Harry Potter. They brought over a large wooden box and opened it up, showcasing 15 or so knives, each with a different type of wood handle. They told me to choose my knife. No explanation. I looked them over and chose a beautiful dark wood, and the host said, “Nice choice, rosewood."  And just like that, I had my wand. Seemed magical, Rosenblatt... Rosewood. This was as close to being a wizard as I would ever be, and I'm sure if the restaurants knew I was thinking Harry Potter, they would stop having people pick knives. It turns out the chef had traveled the year before opening the restaurant and seen different knives all over the world and wanted to bring that back. Also, apparently, in the very olden days of France, before our country existed, people brought their own knives to dinner. I assume for the meal, but back then, it felt like a revolution could break out at any moment, so who knows. 
They started the meal with a small bite of an oyster with magic on top. I don't really know what it was, as the server’s accent was thick enough that all I caught was "oyster" and "don't eat what's under the oyster." But this little bite set a high bar for the rest of the meal. The oyster wasn't briny and had a perfect tenderness that went with its toppings of “Your guess is as good as mine.” I ate that, ready to start the tasting menu, but out came another small bite, a cube of pork belly on a skewer. This was a little bit of home, a hint of American BBQ, and I wish this had been a full skewer, not just a bite. But now I was ready for my tasting menu, but then came another small bite. A small bite-size fritter of a traditional French ingredient done in an Italian arancini style, and a fun fact: it’s scalding hot! But again, it was flavorful once the heat blisters went away. And now I was ready for my tasting menu... and it came after one more small bite.  The next bite was a sliver of duck breast with a light cream and corn sauce.  The flavor was outstanding, but the duck was on the rarer side, so by the time I had chewed it enough to be able to swallow it, all the sauce flavor had long vanished like a piece of juicy fruit gum.  Finished with this bite, was it finally time for the meal to start?  I hope so; I was already getting full.  
Tangent alert. When I go to weddings I learned something, always eat as many of the passed mini appetizers as you can.  They are ALWAYS better than the full sit-down dinner. At my wedding we did all small bites, and people raved about the food. We got a divorce, so small bites don't do much for a marriage, but at least the wedding was delicious. What I've learned is that this truism of "small bites are always better" may not just be for weddings. And I will say I may have tastebud adhd, I'm constantly trying everyone else's food when out to dinner, but variety is the spice of life, and my theory played out at this restaurant.  
The first course was lettuce wrapped around shiso and apparently pear. It looked more like a mushu pork dish from Dim Sum Inside the lettuce, and it was surprisingly bitter. I think this was a play on a salad but it was a warm bitter dish where one bite was enough. I ate more hoping I was missing something but I never found what was missing. This course was about three to four bites in total. 
But what saved this course was the bread. They brought me an entire loaf of country French bread and black sesame butter on a cutting board with a bread knife. Finally, the butter I wanted had arrived. I cut into it a crispy exterior and fluffy interior, just as you imagine French bread to be. And this restaurant is smart. They make you cut your own bread. Why is that smart? Because it's so awkward slicing through a loaf of bread at your small table that you only do it once or twice and therefore don't fill up on bread. Is that a backhanded insult to the restaurant? 
The next dish was “chicken, lobster and wasabi.”  This had a beautiful presentation and almost looked like the dish was wearing a hat you’d see at the Kentucky Derby or a British Royal wedding made of gelee.  The chicken was in small pieces, resembling more chicken of the sea tuna than chicken, and the lobster was apparently the sauce/base of the dish.  This had all the makings of a good dish but failed, thanks to the chicken tasting like it had just come out of a tuna can.  The wasabi was a nice touch as it added some much-needed flavor but didn’t have the heat I’m used to with wasabi, and I really liked that surprise. But overall, this felt like a presentation over flavor.  At this point, I was starting to worry a bit that we were at a French wedding, and I should have loaded up on the small bites, but more courses to come, so I was keeping an open mind.  
The fish course came next; it was a delicate piece of monkfish resembling a piece of a cut sushi roll stuffed with fennel and seaweed.  Next to it was what I believe was a cooked, yet still firm, cucumber with, I was told, two eggs on top.  Two eggs from what could only have been the smallest animal that lays eggs.  One bite of this dish… was all I needed. I was starting to sweat as I was going to have to explain to the server why I wasn’t eating the entirety of these small bites. My biggest issue was that the fish tasted briny and, for lack of a better description, you all know what I mean: fishy.  I hoped the sauce would overpower that flavor, but the sauce was so acidic, almost vinegary, that it felt harsh against the fish.  My problem became that the fish needed the sauce, but the sauce needed to be a different sauce.  The servers were very attentive and finally came over after seeing that I might be done with this dish and commented that I must not have liked it.  I quickly said I was just getting full and there were more courses coming, which I think they believed.  But they are French, so they either believed me, didn’t really care, or were spitting in my next dish.  I couldn’t tell.  
The next dish was pigeon.   I actually shooed one away just the other day.  However, I assume, and boy, do I hope they didn't grab this one from the park. But for those haters out there, the next time one shits on your arm, remember it could have been on your plate.  It tastes very similar to duck. I would assume that these pigeons aren't fed the usual American pigeon diet of leftover McDonald's fries that missed the trash can on Venice Beach, so that affects their flavor and makes them more like the poultry we are used to eating. There were three types of corn, including some kernels in a lightly fried pastry shell, a corn puree, and... some popcorn. Where's my Marvel movie and Coca-Cola? There is also a pigeon baked fritter that has a mousse flavor or minced meat pie feel.  Overall, the dish was very rich and heavy. These small bites are all you need.   When you dine alone, you take your time, and you often find your eyes wandering around the restaurant, taking in other diners, the art, the décor, and, in this case, the head chef staring right at you.  He was staring so hard at me I almost looked behind me, except I knew there was a wall behind me.  He raised an eyebrow, saying with his facial gestures, “Do you like my food?”  I pointed to the pigeon, which was fine but not great, and gave a big thumbs up.  He returned that with a big smile and nod and then went about his business.  But I realized I was going to need to finish this dish, so a few more bites of pigeon breast and minced pigeon pie, please.  
Next up… cheese!  Goat cheese with honey and fig, and the surprising part… was the sorbet. Cheese and sorbet? How dare they? How happy I am they did. It was a savory sorbet that cut through the heaviness of the goat cheese. You eat the cheese with the sweet fig and fig jam and then cleanse the palate with a cold, refreshing sorbet, and then you're ready for the next bite of cheese.  This dish brought back memories of my early diner bites, which were so tasty.  
After cheese, it was time for dessert.  They should have gone straight from the small bites to the desserts; their pastry chef is clearly their shining star.  Turns out this first dish was a surprise dessert.  A dessert before my two planned desserts. I don't actually know what this first one was because I was told it was the second one. Then came the second one, which apparently was the sweet potato feta and speculoos, also amazing and beautiful.  And a rich speculoos filling dipped in chocolate that could have been a dish unto itself.   The flavors, textures, and temperatures of each of these desserts were so varied that every bite felt new as if it were an entirely different dessert.  It was a big win.  But now I've had enough sugar to feel like I'm at Disneyland. But worth it! These desserts were the highlight of the meal. I never would have thought sweet potato and speculoos would be a beautiful partnership.  Both were sweet, but not overpoweringly sweet, where you feel your teeth rotting.  
This was followed by the peach, almond, and smoked vanilla.  The thing with these desserts was I can’t really tell you what is what.  Everything has been transformed into something else, so you just eat it and hopes it’s good.  These were fantastic. Another sweet dessert of cold, warm, crunchy and soft all blended together, with some purple peaches mixed in so I felt like it was heath…ier for me.  
Finally, the dinner is wrapped up. I don’t say finally because I didn’t enjoy myself; I say finally because I have no more space.  It’s 1:45 pm the next day, and I’m still not hungry.  I asked for the check, but before that, I had to have more dessert, of course.  Four small bites (yay!) are chocolate, raspberry, peach, and cream treats that are as beautiful as they are delicious.  But at this point, I don’t have to lie to the server; I really am so full I can’t take more than a bite of each.  
I quickly head to the restroom where the toilet is shaped like the letter P.  Or B.  I guess depending on if you’re standing or sitting.  And there is a dog station above the toilet that it looking off into the distance as if to say, no matter how well-endowed you are, he’s not impressed.  Anyway, back to my table with a little less self-confidence.  
I finish this dinner off with a 10 year old green chartreuse, because I’ve never seen that back home.  It was rich, smooth, almost caramelly, but with an aggressively strong alcohol smell, and it was a perfect digestif to this large meal. 
I paid and went on my way, having taken a break from the knocking at the door.  It’s waiting for me outside as if it had been checked alongside my coat when I arrived earlier that evening.  But I have a beautiful memory of a dining experience I will most likely never have again, and for that, my life is a little richer, and my stomach is a lot fuller. 
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gate4043 · 6 months
Content Warning: Death in childbirth, transphobia
"I'm sorry I left you with such a burden. Your life is a miracle, and if you're reading this, it was one I never got to witness. I have so much I want to say to you. So much I want you to know. The thought alone for me is painful. I'm sorry." Olive sat on the bench on the front porch, and their uncle brought them out a cup of tea. A wagtail flew down, poked at the grass growing through the cracks in the bricks, and then flew off again as Olive sipped. "So... yeah," Olive said, "I want to know about my mother."
It was the 40's. I was in Sweden, I was on my way to see a doctor who said he could help me. The laws had only recently been changed, and I'd been on a waiting list for far too long. I had some trouble getting around; I always wanted to go, but I never learned the language. I mean, I tried learning Japanese once, and god damn was the Kanji difficult. But yeah, I went in and they told me they could do it, and I cried, I cried for days I was so happy. Sorry this isn't very informative. I'd hoped to tell you in person, but I was always a rambler anyway so I hope this catches some of that energy.
"We didn't hang out a lot. She was a bit of a shut-in, you know, she was basically teetotal, she never drank, she never smoked, she didn't even like coffee or tea that much. I don't know if there's much to tell." Olive nodded, "She wrote me about that. She said she didn't like the thought of things that altered her mental state. That she needed a bit of control." Olive's uncle laughed, "God, she was too much like mum. That's not a good thing, by the way... Don't talk to your grandma." "She said that too. Though she said it's because she'd be a jerk." "Yeah, that's mum for you."
It was all over the news, the entire planet was outraged. The religious crowd really had it out for me, we'd get protests every day. Calling me a sinner, calling me a crime against god. I wasn't religious. Don't be religious. I mean, you can be if you want, I'm not going to stop you, I support whatever decisions you make, but throughout my life I've seen no reason to believe in a higher power. Well, except maybe you, though, and I'm gonna be totally clear with you here, if you turn out to be some arsehole who goes around spreading hate all the time, I will disown you from the grave. Be better than that. Learn all the angles, don't rush in, figure people out. Then, when you're good and ready, don't make accusations, don't make assumptions, make deductions and keep them to yourself until they matter. Let them change with new information. Don't... I'm rambling again aren't I. The church wanted me dead. Mum wanted me... well, she wanted you dead, she stayed bitter. Don't talk to mum.
Olive put their tea down by their foot. "Do you think she'd like me?" Their uncle sighed. "I think she'd find you annoying. Every time I visit you, you do something that would make her cringe. You love dogs, you love the zoo, you hate cats. You put tomato sauce on everything, you hug people after you paint, you play shrill, loud instruments in the morning, and you like sophisticated dramas she'd never watch." Olive bowed their head, "Oh..." "She'd love you. She'd fucking adore you. She would make you her entire world and then some. I think she proved that when she had you. Trans women don't just give birth, you know. It still rarely happens today."
I think Elon Musk tweeted about me. He was some shithead, you don't have to worry about him -- don't look him up he's gross -- but he was like some famous billionaire transphobic piece of crap. I got so many phone calls from mum being like "you're going to die, I don't want my baby to die, I don't want you to do this"... She deadnamed me in all of them. I'd been on estrogen twenty odd years. I'd known who I was even longer. I don't even know how she got my number. But, yeah. I want you to be happy. I don't want that for you. I can't guarantee it, but I want you in a place where you can grow into yourself. It's gonna take a long time for the world to change. If you end up any flavour of trans, things are gonna be especially difficult. I don't want to put you in danger but I have just by existing. I'm really sorry for that.
Olive gathered the mugs and headed back inside with their uncle. "I feel like every time I read what she wrote, I don't really learn much about her," They said, "Thanks. This has been kind of helpful." Their uncle laughed, "I barely knew anything. We just bonded over cartoons and video games. She'd be proud of you though." "What, because I was non-binary?" "No, idiot, she'd be proud of you for living your life." Olive smiled.
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nickgerlich · 1 year
Just Charge It
One of the longest-running consumer behavior topics I have had through the years is the discussion centering on EVs. I’ve been tossing this one around for more than a decade, and I bet I’ll be tossing it around for many more years to come.
But to cut to the chase, some are now saying that we have passed critical mass and EVs are about to see a huge surge in adoption. It’s only a matter of time until ICE (Internal Combustion Engine) vehicles die a slow, painful death. [If the link to the WaPo article puts you up against a paywall because you have already reached your monthly limit, simply copy the URL and paste into a different browser. You’re welcome.]
Now if you are scratching your head wondering how this could be true, consider this: Last year EV sales accounted for 5% of all cars sold in 4Q, and earlier this year in 1Q, hit 7%. I’ll let that sink in for a moment.
Critics of EVs will still scoff, post laughing-face emojis in a fit of smartassery, and ask where the crowd is. And never mind the red herrings they love to serve, bringing up distractions such as child labor at lithium mines, how much energy or whatever it takes to make an EV, and the expected life of an EV battery. No one ever said they are perfect, just better. And that meme of someone having to pay $30,000 for a new battery is only partially true, because they were trying to do so for a model that is no longer made and replacements are scarce.
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To hear the analysts is to assume there must be a mad rush, though. I just haven’t seen the teeming masses lining up to buy a Tesla, Rivian, Leaf, Bolt, or otherwise. Yet.
Ah, but that’s where I and the others may be wrong, because the analysts think we have just passed the tipping point, that magical moment popularized by author Malcolm Gladwell in 2000. Essentially, there is an inflection point in consumer activity that ushers in a period of rapid growth, and once that sets in, it’s Katy bar the door.
Those same analysts point to EV adoption in Norway. Now before you scream, “But that’s like comparing an apple to a zucchini,” I realize that the two nations are very different, from population to geographical size and population densities.
Alas, a decade ago, EVs accounted for 5% of sales in Norway, and today are at 80%. That’s a pretty steep adoption curve. In fact, it is this “S-“curve that analysts expect to see play out in the US.
To be fair, though, a recent study indicates that 46% of Americans still prefer an ICE vehicle. But here are the fragmented stats that, when seen in their entirety, suggest the shift is on. Nineteen-percent want an EV, while 22% want a traditional hybrid, and 13% prefer a plug-in hybrid. That means 54% want some or all-electric in their cars.
While the tide is changing, we must still deal with the biggest real and perceived problems of EVs: cost, range, and charging. But these are evolving as well, with Elon Musk initiating some steep discounts of late on Teslas. President Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act, perhaps one of the worst-named initiatives ever, actually has generous investment credits for wind and solar installations. The UAW strike also works to Musk’s favor, because if the demanded 40% wage increase over four years is accepted, Musk will have a huge advantage. Musk’s factories are non-union, and he recruits and retains employees with stock options, not high wages.
If you have noticed a surge in construction of wind and solar farms the last year or so, now you know why. And these help address the matter of infrastructure, another thing that critics like to point out. Otherwise, charging stations are popping up everywhere. Oh, and a general agreement to have one charging standard across EV makes and models sounds a lot like what Apple just signed onto with its latest phone.
As for me, I love the idea of driving an EV. It’s just that right now, I cannot get what I want, and that is to be able to drive 800 miles a day without significant layovers. I want 400-mile range, and charging in 15 minutes or less. My driving style often includes 12-hour days as it is, and I sure don’t want to waste a couple hours or more each day twiddling my thumbs at a charging station.
But once they remedy these issues, I’m good with this.
As for those buying EVs today as well as in recent years, perhaps their blood flows green, or they see them as stylish options. In some cases, they may actually lead to cost savings compared to $4 gas, but the up-front expense of the EV can still be daunting. I see that all changing in the years ahead, though, as production really ramps up, and charging becomes as little a concern as is finding gasoline today.
Remember—or learn for the first time now—that when autos started trickling into the public realm a little more than a century ago, gas stations were also few and far between. Folks had to lash gas-filled “Jerry” cans to their vehicles, effectively making a rolling bomb with all that fuel unprotected. But the market took care of that, and gas stations became commonplace. The same will happen for charging.
I am excited about this, although I do have some hesitations about how fast the steep part of the curve will come. I know it will come, though, but maybe not quite as fast as some would think. Still, it is fun to be living during yet another revolution. There’s never a dull moment anymore. It’s electrifying.
Dr “Waiting But Willing” Gerlich
Audio Blog
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mariacallous · 11 months
Following a mass shooting at a bowling alley and restaurant in Lewiston, Maine, yesterday evening that left at least 18 people dead, state police urgently warned residents to “stay inside your home with the doors locked” as they mounted a manhunt for the suspect.
Misinformation about the suspect flooded social media platforms like X (formerly Twitter), Facebook, and TikTok moments after the shooting. On X, verified accounts pushed out bogus claims that the threat had been neutralized and a suspect had been arrested. Police have since identified 40-year-old Robert Card as a “person of interest” in the shooting. While Card remains at large as of 10 am ET this morning, posts featured videos of the supposed arrest that have been viewed hundreds of thousands of times.
A prolific verified X account with almost 300,000 followers was among the first to post the claim that the suspect had been arrested, and while the account subsequently posted an update stating that the suspect was still at large, the original post—which has been seen over 170,000 times—remains active.
The top result for the search term “Robert Card arrested” on X was a post featuring the same video that has been viewed over 1.9 million times, even though it had a Community Note attached making it clear the claims in the post were false.
The same video circulating on X was also being shared on TikTok, where one post had been viewed 80,000 times by this morning.
Another of the main false narratives circulating in the hours after Card was identified was that he had been arrested in 2016 for possessing and disseminating sexually explicit materials. This was also inaccurate: It refers to a different person named Robert Card, who is also 40 years old and from Maine.
Some accounts labeled Card “a far-left lunatic” based on the unverified claim that he voted for former US president Barack Obama. Others wildly tried to link the incident to the current crisis in the Middle East, claiming, without evidence, that Card “was a Hamas supporter.”
While misinformation about the mass shooting proliferated across social media, the problem was acute on X, where owner Elon Musk has incentivized people to post engaging and viral content even if it’s not accurate. As a result, users rushed to be the first to post updates about the shooting despite being blatantly false.
“It’s as if everyone thinks disinformation is a problem, but not for them personally—only for other people,” Caroline Orr, a behavioral scientist and postdoctoral researcher at the University of Maryland who tracks disinformation online, wrote on X, adding: “When 20+ people are murdered in a mass shooting, and the reaction of most people on this website is: ‘How can I use this to push a political agenda?’ or ‘How can I use this to attack XYZ person?’ … that reflects something far more disturbing.”
X, Meta, and TikTok did not immediately respond to WIRED’s request for comment.
At 3 am ET this morning, Lewiston Police Department confirmed on its Facebook page that Card, a certified firearms instructor and a member of the US Army from Bowdoin, Maine, was still on the run. The department said Card “should be considered armed and dangerous” and that members of the public should not approach him.
Law enforcement believes the shooter killed at least 16 people and 13 more at around 7 pm yesterday at the Sparetime Recreation bowling alley and the nearby Schemengees Bar and Grille. Officials said the death toll is expected to rise, with one local city councilor telling CNN that it could be as high as 22.
The incident was the nation’s worst mass shooting this year, according to the Gun Violence Archive.
Card, whose own X profile was filled with conspiracy theories about trans mass shooters and pro-MAGA content, had been committed to a mental health facility for two weeks earlier this year after he reported “hearing voices and threats to shoot up the National Guard Base in Saco, Maine,” according to a police bulletin circulated by law enforcement and reported by AP.
Notably, Card also liked two posts, one from Donald Trump Jr. and another by far-right personality Dinesh D'Souza, about their opposition to gun control.
The rapid unchecked spread of misinformation last night and into this morning mirrored the response earlier this month when Hamas militants attacked Israel on October 7. In the hours and days following the attack and the bombing of Gaza by the Israeli government, X was overrun by disinformation shared by verified users, who rehashed old footage, video game content, and photoshopped images to push partisan narratives.
Updated at 10:55 am ET, October 26, 2023, to include the latest casualty and wounded figures provided by Maine governor Janet Mills during a press conference this morning.
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themirthofanation · 1 year
You think? Man children are the only men we have it seems. That late night Scottish comic had a good explanation of how we got to an Idiocracy run by man children. He said in the 1960s marketers realized they could make more money by ignoring older folks and indoctrinating the young. The idea of customer lifetime value supports this. At this same time the TV networks had wised up to know that you don’t provide a quality show then sign the advertisers who suit that audience. It goes the other way. You create programs around the audience the advertisers want to attract. So quietly over time TV was more and more written to appeal to young people. With it came a new found acceptance if not outright celebration for ignorance, inexperience, stupidity, immediate gratification, self-centered folly, and immaturity. Since TV was the most powerful force shaping the collective US conscious, norms, and values it all got dumbed down. Youth was glorified and elders cast by the commercial wayside. Sixty years later I see a 38 year old woman shopping in Walmart in her pajamas with her husband trailing next to her in his baggy shorts and Lego t-shirt fixated on his phone screen as he tries to capture a Pokémon Go figure hiding out in the garden center. It’s like my Mom who has been listening to same AM radio channel for 50 years. It started out as real news and balanced commentary but overtime kept the same call sign but it’s programming started to drift to the right until today it is a bilge pump of vile misinformation and hate. But she still thinks it’s the balanced news station she began listening to as a young woman. Our national sensibility has done the same with commerce-driven youth worship. It’s certainly no country for old men. Just old man children.
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jayhorsestar · 1 year
or moving ahead, by looking backwards in time, the deja-vu, true: apparently BOLT 2021 job precisely 2 two years ago, was telling of workforce actively running in London UK, and there was BREXIT already since end of 2019, or 2020 january. counting profile pages on UK fcbk one private corporate CSI office, desk, the corporate security investigations, could pixelize a lot of JUNTAH warranties, especially when calculating minimum wage plus certain quota rankings retired around 40 according to NATO. pls look at Marcus House clip from Australia, revealing SpaceX 33+ Raptor engines covered w/ cloth, because one reason, own employees would had not been told to sabotage self-destructive capability and MINUTEMAN at Pentagon rocketry Air-force delayed those 45 seconds from pushing of a button by SpaceX during 1st test. Pentagon is allowed to do that, especially when it's a 1st go RUN. always, but especially when. another reason might be calculating scenario, what if instead of 33, some of those were decoy, fake - Elon Musk is not China. yet how would the CIA begin and proceed calculating. also the KGB. you take the minimum thrust required, you proceed to the max psi, and thus Elon Musk is saying basically on Saturday - Wishful thinking the Raptor 3 installed and ready for Mars. there might be already TALKS over those Lagrange gravity geometrical points in outer space, from where to sling-shot. but perhaps very hard to reach and maintain, so looking at the ISS Zarya space-station, on its daily LEO orbit, and how difficult to preserve the 250 kms above in flight. so the classic approach Raptor 3 the most powerful, still a very valid path to pursuit. ssly, dunno. New Glenn doesn't seem to hurry. RCCL of space race, is still painting in dry-docks, doing port-manning. m
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202114178caic2223 · 2 years
The End is Nigh For The Little Blue Bird
As soon as he had arrived, those who were working for him had begun to exit in their numbers around a week after he had seized control. Almost 50% of employees were exiled from the company by the new CEO as if he was a deranged emperor cutting loose kings who helped him run his empire. Based on their social media bios, many of the employees who left upon the arrival of the new boss were those who provided the company’s backbone, working behind the scenes as coders and developers giving life to the 40-billion-dollar company. The staff members who were not fired abandoned their positions, abdicating by choice after the new boss had sent out an email demanding “extremely hardcore” working conditions and “long hours at high intensity” from those who remained. It had gotten so bad that those who attempted to show their loyalty to him and stayed at their jobs feared him, likening him to a certain ‘He Who Shall not be Named’ from the Harry Potter series as his ‘goons’ would tirelessly scan for mentions of his name in emails to see who felt that it was acceptable to disrespect their new boss. The hapless individuals caught out would be axed. October 27th, 2022 officially marked the day that the social empire of Twitter was taken over by the richest man in the land. Elon Musk. Because of his newly acquired control over one of the most popular social networking platforms on the planet, people are predicting that Ol’ Elon Musk has taken the little blue bird on its last flight.
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Some may say that the collapse of Twitter’s networking empire has seemingly been a genuine possibility for some years now, with a rich individual like Elon Musk delivering the final blow. Musk simply equipped his multibillion-dollar infinity gauntlet, snapped his billion-dollar fingers, and said “I am inevitable”, to pierce the final steak into the heart of the Twitter’s iconic bird.
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Back in 2013 Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg had made claims that likened the way Twitter was run to a bizarre circus of sort. “(Twitter) is such a mess, it’s as if they drove a clown car into a gold mine and fell in”. Zuckerberg had ridiculed Twitter’s strategies back then to show his frustration at the fact that Twitter had opted to remain as a private corporation. By remaining private, the folks over at Twitter were turning down the opportunity to raise equity capital from public investors by offering shares through the primary market. Twitter’s lax business fundamentals had seemingly taken a back seat to the demand to respond to the commercial cultural and political environment of the moment. While Twitter did eventually become a public company in November of 2013, the Arrival of Musk saw the company revert back to its old privately owned ways. November 8th was the date which saw Twitter delisted from the New York Stock Exchange.
Nearly a decade had passed since Zuckerberg’s comments on how Twitter had been run, however, the company had yet to find the formula with a 100% success rate when it came to making profit. At the dawn of 2021, Twitter had particularly struggled, as company had recorded a $221 million loss in the previous year. Though society was still attempting to heal itself from the Covid-19 pandemic that had been wreaking havoc for just over two years by this point, which could be an explanation as to why Twitter faced this substantial loss of profits that it did, this period of adversity for Twitter was by contrast a very lucrative time for corporations such as Zuckerberg’s Facebook and Pichai’s Google. The two companies had thrived of digital advertisements, I’m sure sending CEO’s laughing all the way to the bank as they found themselves earning record numbers in profit.
It was around a year later during the first few months of 2022, when Musk initially began to lurk around Twitter, seemingly ready to strike at any moment. The world’s richest man had begun to invest in Twitter stock on January 31st with his stake in the company reaching 9.2% on the 14th of March, making him the largest shareholder in the company. After the information of Musk’s steak in Twitter had become publicised, the company had welcomed him onto the board of directors with the then CEO, Parag Agrawal, embracing Musk in a tweet, hailing him as if he were an Arthurian hero which some archetypal prophecy foretold would come and bring balance to Twitter in the “long term” future.
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Perhaps the true prophesiers were those spectating from the comment section however as a few members of the comment congregation seemed to foresee the impending spiral of calamity that Musk would eventually lead Twitter down. “@elonmusk is going to make your product worse now and unviable later, but okay” one commenter replied, with another chiming in with “Is racism okay? Because that is Musk.”. One lady said that Musk would just be yet “another billionaire helping to encourage fascism and undermine democracy because he got his panties in a twist about a few of his tweets being received poorly.”, with another straight up comparing Musk’s inclusion on the board with a “deal with the devil. For money”.
In the ‘end’, it seems that the morbid fear of many people came true as Elon Musk completed his takeover of Twitter on October 27th. The acquisition of Twitter cost around $44 billion, with Musk pledging to provide $46.5 billion in equity and debt financing for the takeover, which covered the price in full as well as the closing costs. Roughly one third of the cash ($13 billion) was in bank loans, meaning Musk did not have to pay back the loans himself, however Twitter themselves did. Economics journalist Wailin Wong had explained this perplexing concept, demonstrating how that this was due to the fact that it’s not the investment firm that borrows the money (in this case Musk) it's the company getting acquired (Twitter). The remaining sum of $33 billion included his 9.6% Twitter stake (which is worth $4 billion at the time) and $7.1 billion he had secured from investors.
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So why did Musk decide to get Involved with Twitter in the first place? I think that is a question with quite a straightforward answer, and a question with an answer a few people may be surprised to find out. Well, though he may be the richest man on the planet, Elon Musk is still human, and shares something in common with a lot of people in today’s society, possibly even you or I. Musk is a social media addict. More specifically, Musk is a Twitter addict. His obsession for the platform may stem from obvious enjoyment, possibly even thrill he receives when trolling opponents and becoming the centre of attention when generating outlandish headlines with ample provocations. A reporter named Drew Harwell claimed that even His closest associates doubt that he actually “believes some of the wilder things he says online.", with Musk’s online antics merely being a façade to “win the internet’s most prized currency: attention".
Musk, on the other hand, of course has his own reasons as to why he believed he was this knight in shining armour that Twitter needed, weather people accepted their role as the maiden in distress in need of a saviour or not. "The reason I acquired Twitter is because it is important to the future of civilisation to have a common digital town square, where a wide range of beliefs can be debated in a healthy manner, without resorting to violence.” Is what Musk tweeted out on the day which the takeover was completed, in what seemed to be a rallying cry for Unity of all cultures, races and religions to transform this current social wasteland into a networking utopia. “I didn’t do it to make more money, I did it to help humanity”. The next day, Musk cried out that finally “The bird is freed”!
Before I switch my BS detector on and immediately write off what Mr Musk was saying as a ploy to get people on his side for the commence of his Twitter dynasty, I will give him the benefit of doubt and say that in this scenario Musk was actually being sincere. However, if this were the case and Musk’s words were genuine then he sure isn’t doing a great job. Or maybe he doesn’t care? “The bird is freed”??? What bird is he referring to exactly because I’ve seen birds with more freedom in Chicken Run. Seemingly the only groups who found themselves with more freedom when logging on to Mr Musk’s Twitter were racists and those who wished to spread misinformation. Use of the N word exploded when Musk took over Twitter, seeing a 500% increase in usage within only the first 12 hours of Musk’s ownership. It was so bad that at one point the ‘Hard R’ was a trending topic. The very next week, there seemed to be a “prolific surge in anti-Jewish rhetoric", not to mention the homophobic, misogynistic, and transphobic language being thrown about. The only explanation for the rise in slurs and hateful language only shows how people with a bigoted mindset not only feel empowered by Musk’s takeover but they feel as if they will face no consequences.
However there is a reason for this. Cast your mind back to the beginning. Musk went on a rampage, firing almost 50% of Twitters employees, including 15% of the Trust & Safety organization. Among those discarded by Musk was head of legal policy, trust, and safety, Vijaya Gadde, the woman who played an important role in banning former President Donald Trump from Twitter (who Musk has since reinstated). The main team whose job it was to monitor, and censure hate speech is no longer at Twitter as they have fallen victim to Musk’s ‘utopia’.
So, is the era of Elon Musk really the beginning of the end for Twitter? Well, if we were to base this answer on not only how a majority of Twitter users feel, but also on how Musk himself apparently feels then yes. Twitter should be dying out soon (and has already begun). The Guardian has reported that a mass exodus of Twitter is expected with users discarding the app for good over the next two years, with global monthly usage predicted to drop by around 4% in 2023 and another 5% in 2024, accumulating to around 32 million users in total. “There won’t be one catastrophic event that ends Twitter, “Instead users will start to leave the platform next year as they grow frustrated with technical issues and the proliferation of hateful or other unsavoury content” were the words of Jasmine Enberg of Inside Intelligence who cites two of the main issues which the platform has faced since it was taken over by Musk as the two major issues which will lead to the platform’s downfall. Well I guess that’s what happens when you decide to cut the staff down to a mere skeleton of what it once was, leaving you with not enough people to act upon any issues the servers may face, or to regulate any moderation issues. Though he may be running the company in a bizarre way like he almost doesn’t care, Musk has stated that his main aim for 2023 will be to kickstart Twitter’s revenue engine, losing many of its biggest advertisers have quit the platform. I guess the only way to actually find out if Twitter is truly dying or not is to wait & see what else Musk has up his sleeve in the future. For right now however, I guess Twitter is like the Schrodinger’s bird of social media. Is it dying or not yet? Who knows?
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