#and it’s all kind of hitting me rlly fucking hard
sadlazzle · 8 months
i think i might wait until the new mh dolls at smyths go live n then buy all three cause i feel bad still :(
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ediewentmissing · 1 year
some of my eddie munson headcanons
1. loves liquorice.
i know a lot of you guys probably HATE liquorice, but something about him screams ‘i am a liquorice lover and proud of it!!’. and he doesn’t like the strawberry kind.
2. races to press the button in the elevator
3. was rlly short before he hit puberty
eddie has obviously been subjected to a hell of a lot of bullying over the years, and just to add to that pile of angst, we have the idea of short eddie. gareth went through the same thing, except he didn’t grow as much. “how’s the weather down there, munson?” “fuck off, tommy.”
4. he’s either really hot or really cold
he’s wearing 3 layers half the time, and as little clothing as he can the other half. freezes during winter and sweats his ass off during the summer.
5. gets sensitive teeth
this is because he’s made himself eat a basket worth of lemons just to brag about it later on multiple occasions
6. enjoys watching b movies
those shitty low budget films? oh, yeah. eddie loves them. for one reason; he cackles the whole time over how crap they are. a great pick-me-up.
7. chews on things when he spaces out
the inside of his cheek, his lip, a pencil, and you can’t forget that one time he chewed on a pen for so long that all the ink spilled into his mouth and he was gagging in the middle of class
8. had a major crush on princess daphne from dragon’s lair
definitely fought over her with his friends. he was incredibly jealous of dirk the daring.
9. doesn’t like trying new foods
he’s attached to foods from when he was a kid (macaroni and cheese, cereal, mini pizzas, grilled cheese, and dishes from his mum) and refuses to branch out - unless you ask him to
10. swears he only listens to metal, but doesn’t
he wants to keep his ‘scary ‘music’ reputation, but it’s hard to do that when robin finds eddie’s abba and wham! tapes tucked away in his room
“i thought you were a, and i quote, ‘strictly metal-only’ guy, but i guess you were just a big pop fan this whole time” “quit it, robin”
he also doesn’t mind the country music wayne forced onto him when he was younger
11. twirls the phone cord around his finger
when he’s talking to you over the phone, you swear you can picture him clear as day; big sly grin plastered on his face, and his ringed finger wiring around the phone cord connected to the wall
12. graffitis
but only in the school bathroom cubicles and the hideout bathroom cubicles. occasionally you’ll go to one of his gigs, and then you’ll go to the toilet and there’ll be little drawings on the wall. a guitar, eddie the head, and the occasional shameless penis
13. used to ride bikes everywhere
USED to because he fell over while riding it when he was 9 and scraped his knee and declared he would never ride a bicycle again (thought that declaration broke in 1986)
14. loves roller coasters
specifically ones that take pictures of you - he loves to act all calm and collected while everyone else is screaming their heads off
“eddie, this is a terrible photo” “no, it’s a terrible photo of YOU. you look like you’ve shit yourself, and i look cool as ice”
15. thought babies hatched out of eggs
safe to say that when he learnt how babies are REALLY made, he was flabbergasted and very, very grossed out
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pupyuj · 9 months
god couldn’t have made g!psakura real because he knew i’d be on my knees 24/7 365 days full time NEVER stop
g!p kkura... 🤤🤤🤤
thinking of g!p kkura being your toy 🥺 every time you come home from work, even more stressed than yesterday, kkura has to prepare to be up all night bcs you will literally not allow her to do anything else but fuck you until you were satisfied... you can be pretty cruel with it too :(( kkura would be crying and begging for you to let her stop bcs she would be so exhausted after coming inside you for what seems like hours and hours :((( but like as tiring as it was, kkura will still try her very hardest to pleasure you, which explains why she doesn't mind being used by you like this.. 🫣
kkura would like being used better if she were equally as horny... letting you put a collar and a leash on her bcs she's rlly just ur pet! her whining against your pussy bcs you refused to let her put her dick inside you until she was able to make you come using her mouth :(( pleading eyes looking up at you, so desperate for some praises and while she really was doing well, you're so mean that you shake your head and push her further down to your cunt,, getting so close to your climax bcs kkura was literally eating you out but not giving her the satisfaction of actually making you come so you tug on her leash and pull her away from your pussy,, "forget it. fuck me." and why would kkura even think to refuse???
aaaaaa making her pound you from behindddd 😵‍💫😵‍💫 her thick cock stretching your tight pussy in all the right ways, hitting all those spots and making you see the stars with each thrust... kkura moaning and whimpering, head thrown back as she moves her hips in a relentless pace, never having enough of your warm pussy no matter how long or hard she fucks you,, her nails digging through your hips, getting faster and faster that it gets messy...
"f-fuck, kkura..! just like that... good pet.. fuck!!" mmjsgjndk your screams only bringing her closer and closer to cominggg 😩 pulling on her leash again to bring her face down to yours, "faster. ruin me, sakura. do it." shiiiit she could've come right there!! 😳 sakura having to hold onto the bedsheets bcs she just starts slamming her cock inside you to the point it hurts but christ, as much as you berate her, sakura was actually so criminally good at fucking you 🤤🤤🤤 letting go of the leash and holding sakura's hand to ground yourself :((( her kissing your shoulder as she fucked you?? whispering sweet things in your ear even though you've been mean to her all night...
one more thrust and sakura came inside you. a lot. her warm seed filling up your womb as it should,, see... sakura really shouldn't be surprised after you flipped your positions and sat on her sensitive cock,, wrapping the leash around your hand and tugging on it lightly, pulling her up and pecking her forehead,, since sakura's always so kind to you, it makes sense that you reward her for it!! and what better way to do that than ride her until you break her?? 😳
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ninyard · 21 days
Nicky: yeah he slept with a chair in his room and a knife nearby so we think he’s just insane
Neil: ……
No but rlly, no matter how you feel about Nicky, on one hand I am an outside observer so reading this exchange I’m like “oh ffs obviously that’s not why! That makes no sense!” But then I think about it more and it’s actually probably really realistic? Nicky doesn’t know what andrew went through, he probably didn’t think his life in foster care was that bad, that kind of abuse just isn’t on his radar bc he’s had different experiences and exposures, so the possibility of anything else just doesn’t cross his mind, plus he’s already biased to think andrew is just naturally “like that” bc that’s the assumption he’s already been operating under, plus the natural inclination of ppl to not want to see awful things. It makes sense for him and Aaron that that’s the conclusion they come to, and that makes me so mad at the world for reasons I can’t quite articulate
Sorry for hitting you with this out of nowhere I actually meant to say something else but idr what bc I clicked the ask button and this is what came out instead xD
Oh 100%. I GET it. I understand why everyone has this perception of Andrew that he’s, in their own words, a monster. That he’s a loveless, emotionless sociopath. Imagine Aaron, excited to meet the twin he didn’t even know he had, and the first thing he says to you is fuck off, fuck you, leave me the fuck alone?
Imagine you meet the cousin you didn’t even know you had, and for some reason you don’t know about, he’s been in your house for how long? He’s been there for how long before he’s made an enemy out of your father, out of your aunt, he won’t talk to the cousin you did know about, he’s angry and depressed and he keeps knives under these arm bands he refuses to take off? He’s like Aaron in a different shade, like the dark version of a person already dark and destroyed. But he won’t talk to you. Why won’t you talk to us, Andrew? And all you get in response is a knife, or a blank stare, or a fuck off, fuck you, leave me the fuck alone?
Then your aunt is dead, and he’s alive, and the cousin you did know about is grieving and angry, and you, Nicky, who has fought so hard to keep the peace in your household, are now surrounded by negativity, and anger, and past problems that nobody fucking wants to deal with?
I get it.
Then they’re at Eden’s, and he hears it over his shoulder, the shouted slur. And then Andrew, who barely even talks to him anyway when they’re out drinking is on top of this stranger in a flash. And there’s blood, and the stranger stops fighting back. But Andrew’s fists keep coming back, and keep coming back, and keep coming back.
He nearly kills him. He nearly kills him. He nearly kills him. For you. Because you don’t know that he’s gay. You don’t know the weight of the word shouted your way. He’s protecting you. He’s protecting you.
You’re scared of him. He gets locked up. Whatever the timeline is pre-tfc. You’re scared of the cousin you didn’t know you had.
I get it.
But imagine being Andrew. They don’t ask what happened. They take the courts word for it when they say you’re a danger to society. They take the courts word for it when they say your depressive episodes are a danger to yourself. You tried. You tried to tell someone, but it’s a misunderstanding, and god’s intention, and your fault. So why bother trying again?
You spend all this time on this medication that makes you feel worse than anything you’ve ever been on - you spend years of your life in this haze, a mixture derealisation and constant and unending mania. You’re sick without it. You’re sick on it. You don’t remember who you are without it. You don’t want to know who you will be without it.
And imagine being Andrew, and it takes being violated in your cousins childhood bedroom, or just a room in his childhood home, for them to finally get it? Your autonomy stolen from you. Your secrets exposed without permission, again. Your consent is never your own choice. It never has been.
Oh and then let’s think about Nicky. And all that’s in his head is ANDREW IS WORSE WITHOUT HIS MEDS.
Maybe he hears the laugh from the bottom of the stairs. Maybe he only hears Neil talking about it. ANDREW WAS LAUGHING. HE WAS LAUGHING. HE WAS VIOLATED AND DESTROYED AND COVERED IN BLOOD AND HE WAS LAUGHING.
And this has happened before?
And Drake was not the only one?
Does it make sense now?
Is he a sociopath or was he made to be that way? Is he crazy or was this someone else’s fault? Does he protect his family because nobody protected him?
Why didn’t he tell me? Why did this happen under the roof of my family home?
In theory I hate how they don’t know what Andrew is really like. How they’re afraid of him off his meds. But it makes sense why. I get it. Why the fuck would they not think that?
But I think they understand how wrong they were eventually. I think they see how he might not smile anymore - but he is much happier now.
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bootyquaker9000 · 8 months
Future! Rise! Leo N$FW headcanons
For everyone who is feral and down horrendous for this man😭 not proofread btw
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- breeding kink 🤭 not even in like a he wants to get you pregnant way (he might tho), I think cumming inside you is his way of claiming you yk yk (and ofc respects if you don’t want him to)
- the moment you beg or ask him to cum inside you, he is. so fucking much. buckets. OMG he would pass out if you ever told him you love his cum
- size kink??? 🤭 perchance
- brat tamer but still gentle he doesn’t want to hurt you
- He HATES condoms. Honestly might not even own any. I can imagine that mutant genes are pretty weird so like idk if he can impregnate you anyways (and obviously if you don’t have a uterus you don’t have have to worry about that anyways)
- Switch. He can play both dominant and submissive roles perfectly, but prefers to be top
- but if his partner is on top he’s such a brat
- LOVES vibrators. Could and does use them on you for hours (inside you, on your clit/tip, on your nips)
- ^ and hey, if you wanna use one on him he’s not gonna complain at all
- ^along with that, this man WILL overstimulate you until you’re crying and begging your whimpers just make him so hard
- wouldn’t really be into is degradation or humiliation. he only wants to give praise and be praised. Would only degrade his partner if they REALLY wanted him to but after he feels really bad and lowkey embarrassed
- It turns him on so much and he could genuinely cum just from hearing his partner moan (or scream 🫣) his name
- very open minded to trying different and new things in bed
- He’s so fucking loud 😭 grunting, groaning, moaning (+ whimpering if he’s bottom)
- ^ he’s always loud, but he’s SO much louder when his partner is on top. especially when he’s getting head
- BIG INTO ORAL giving and receiving. will tell you how good you taste.
- FACE SITTING. After a long day of training and working all he wants is to come home and have you sit on his face.
- has THE dirtiest mouth 😭 praising tf out of you, telling you how tight you are, how good you feel, how hard you make him, etc.
- but he can also be rlly sweet w/ it too if he feels like. ex.: telling you how beautiful you look when you cum for him
- he is a FREAK in the freakiest way
- definitely at LEAST above average in terms of size
- steals your underwear
- god he is such a fucking tease 😭 loves to edge you until you’re practically in tears begging him to let you cum. he just wants to watch you squirm
- tying you up
- ^ will tie your hands behind your back with his mask while he’s hitting it from the back
- “I missed you so much” whispered to you as he slides it in after not seeing each other for a while
- UGH CALL HIM ‘SIR’ and he’s gonna bust right there
- riding his thigh 🤭
- ^ honestly just riding him in general drives him crazy
- Isn’t into slapping or any kind of pain really with the exception of you ass. it doesn’t matter if you got a fat ass or not he’s smacking that shit. leaving handprints on it fr
- He will fuck you in public with absolutely no shame even if you get caught
- ^ he could dick you down in the middle of Pizza Hut and be unfazed
- Quickies 🤭
- Really into roleplay
- He’s rough in bed but makes sure he’s not hurting you
- Holds your hand 🤭
- His heat/mating season is ROUGH. Both metaphorically and literally
- Cockwarming fan!!! specifically with you in his lap or while spooning
- MELTS if you tell him how good it feels, when you beg for more, really any kind of praise at all
- An ass guy all the way, but (if you have them) he also loves your tits
- loves watching you struggle and tells you how well you’re doing
- REALLY, really good aftercare
Things he would say in bed:
“You can take it.”
“For me?”
“That’s it…”
“Such a good girl/boy.”
“You’re doing so well…just a little bit more.”
“Hm? Use your words, baby.”
“Look at you…Poor thing. So needy.”
“Yeah, you like that? Bet you wanna cum so bad, huh?”
“I know you need it…just hold on a little bit longer.”
"That's right, baby. Just enjoy my cock."
"Too much? You love it, don't you?"
"You're mine, aren't you?"
“Stay just like that, beautiful.”
"You make me so hard just by being near you."
"You did so well, baby.”
“You feel so good.”
“Feel how much I love you?”
“Feel how much I need you?”
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum so hard for you.”
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tachiharastanacc · 1 month
Heyyyy love your posts
I thought about this after I read someone else’s post ( I think they called him tragic little f@ck? Not sure)
Imagine after hd reveal, port mafia starts to think back of all tachi’s behavior and words, then it hits them holy fuck this kid has some issues.
Like, there was a time when he tried to ignore his bleeding leg because ‘we got a mission and that is much more important nee-san!’ Or he was very scared of medica examination and when it ended, he asked so baffled ‘..that’s it?’ And I’m fairly sure he at least once said ‘orders make me who I am’ in front of others-probably gin of hirotsu-and they were just like oh, he’s very loyal. But now that they know how young he was when he joined the hunting dogs, they can’t help but feel bitter about that sentence. I think the reason tachi is desperate to follow orders are not only because government shaped him into perfect soldier, but he was desperate for love, affection and approval. Like, his parents told him they wished him dead instead of his brother! That is something sure will leave a scar on a CHILD.
I rlly want tachihara to learn how to be human again with the port mafia. Black lizards and chuuya probably will be the biggest help because, tachi is closest to black lizards-I think hirotsu will be able to be a father tachi never had-and chuuya has been through this. He knows how he’s feeling. Black lizards will be his family, his emotional support. And chuuya will be there, guiding him through the little things-that is normal as breathing to others but so, so foreign for him(them)-and tachihara feel so understood.
(Whoops rambled..if this does not make sense, pls don’t be mad!)
I’m furious actually /j
No, I just completely forgot I had an inbox lol. But yes!! I agree!!
I think the idea of them questioning everything they knew about him also is super interesting. Because they all saw him one way (reckless, brave, a lil dense sometimes), and everything is different when he comes back.
There’s a level of ‘was this all an act’ that takes a bit to get over. But at the end of the day, it’s still their Tachi, just a different side of him. Personally, Hirotsu specifically wouldn’t mind the quiet if he wasn’t worried out of his gosh darn mind.
Also, he 100% picks up on just how much telling Tachihara he’s proud of him affects him when Tachi isn’t trying really hard to act unbothered and cool.
Chuuya just assigning him self reluctant older brother even tho it was fully his idea. Verlaine’s kinda there too, but he doesn’t really know how to approach him in a way that won’t scar him for life (again) so he kinda just follows him around occasionally like some kind of depressed French cryptid.
This is 100% more terrifying than if he just approached him bc Tachihara fully is aware that he’s been stalking him and is convinced he plans on assassinating him.
Please always ramble to me abt Tachi and his families please lol
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bubblegyu00 · 3 months
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a/n : i lost the ask 💔
tw : mentions of drinking, drugs, sex (?), suggestive content, cussing, nsfw
mdni !!
• jiwoong
- the biggest asshole out of them i don't care fight me 💔
- will obsses over you at basically stalker level until you sleep with him cus he's delusional
- but the minute he gets you in bed he'll act like he doesn't even know your name — or he genuinely forgets a day later
- he probably doesn't remember half of the times he's ever fucked anyone cus it's not a big deal to him he was just horny
- has multiple girls thinking " guys i slept with jiwoong last night i think we might get together!! " but he's doesn't even remember what you look like 🙁
• hanbin
- a literal girl magnet
- like he could just sit there drinking and he'd get like three girls numbers in the span of an hour
- has a girlfriend for everyday of the week ( @lunicho is friday 😛 )
- he just has this certain charm to him that all the girls want a piece of him
- he's not as outgoing as the others, but he gets a good fraction of the girls
• zhanghao
- born to be valedictorian forced ( by ricky ) to be a man whore 🙁🙁
- no but frl i don't think he knows how insanely attractive and alluring he is — which is hard cus he lit has one girl on his lap, one girl under each arm, and like six other girls in the room wanting to talk to him ??
- but zhanghao is also rlly wanted because he is a man of mystery
- once you get into his pants ( which is a rlly hard thing to do — you go girl ) he's never speaking to you again
- like the minute he cums, he won't even look at you. like he'll literally go make a sandwich or something ??
- but out of all the ( 7 ) girls he's slept with, they say he's they best they've ever had. so now EVERYONE needs to experience zhanghao
• matthew
- has fucked the most girls.
- he likes to trick people with his sweet and caring demeanor, but really just wants his dick sucked 😛
- i feel like he'd be the only one to actually take you out on a date before he fucks you and then ghosts you 🥰 ( my standards are low..... )
- he's the most heartbreaking one cus he actually seems like such boyfriend materiel before he leaves you on read until he wants head again 💔
- but the girls always come back because he's literally in watch mojo for top 3 pussy eaters in the world
• taerae
- oh but he does fuck like twenty other girls while he's " dating " you
- he dates bunches of girls at the same time and they're all aware, but at least they're one of kim taerae's girlfriends ⁉️
- will take you on really good, perfect dates, but he's doing it to nineteen other people so it's not special 💔
- basically rotates girlfriends every two months, so that's sixty girls he's dating per year... you go rae 🥰
- his schedule is honestly so serious for him so the minute the two month mark hits you're cut off.
- but he's a good guy besides all that 🤗
• ricky
- is basically the leader of the fraternity like idk 🗣️🗣️
- the longest he's gone without taking a girl home is like.... three days ( i was last tuesday 🥰 )
- has fucked like every girl on campus like it's not even an exaggeration at this point
- kind of an asshole but it's okay i love when they're hot and toxic 🥰 ( can you tell i have relationship trauma )
- SUCH AN ASSHOLE WAIT CUS NOW IM THINKING..... he'd like flex his rolex while taking a picture on his family owned yacht that his rich ceo mom bought for him while wearing gucci....
- he's honestly such a smooth talker?? like he could def get you to sleep with him in under ten minutes of speaking, that's how good he is
- professional frat boy 😛
• gyuvin
- he's actually insane
- like he's going around snorting cocaine from girls' tits kind of insane
- he's the person everyone is chanting " CHUG! " for like ??
- if you show him any signs that you want to fuck he'll pull you into the nearest closet cus he'll buss it down anywhere
- he's honestly the nicest cus he's actually such a fun guy to have around
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prettyboykatsuki · 28 days
what do uou mean sae is easy to get into a relationship but hard to make him stay.. that literally gave me the ick what the fuck man
its easy to confess and date sae he just agrees on a whim and he finds u pleasant but tbh he's kind of a shit boyfriend at first LMAOOO. and it's not that he can't be a good one but he just??? does not put the necesary effort in at the start. he treats the relationship TOO lightly. he never breaks up w u tho and he's not even like ???? IT'S NOT THAT HE'S NEGLECTFUL. u just dont think he like really cares
to me u like break up and make-up w sae quite a few times bc he just sucks. he realizes too late that he actually is really in love with you and u kind of have to make him grovel and pine and suffer so he gets his shit together and expresses himself better. he's weirdly stoic?? like u think rin is the stoic one but that man is SENSITIVE LMAOO his nonchalance is fake
sae is acc nonchalant tho so even though he's not the worst bf ever u just get a very mixed signal from him. dating him when he's being decent is easy but he just. sucks sometimes. doesn't text enough, postpones dates, doesn't do well w boundaries and doesn't listen well.
but then he has moments where he is extremely thoughtful and romantic and kind and you just wonder like bitch why r u not like this all the time. and that's a damn good question!!!!!!!
he gets there i promise bc once it hits you're the one he is does a total 180 but he just like. idk. takes for granted your genuine love for him. he's always had rlly shallow relatiomships before u so he assumes you'll be the same and doesn't realize how untrue that is. u just genuinely like him as a person - not as a famous soccer player. he has had hard times w that before.
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nqify · 1 year
I mean I don’t rlly like the sadistic Quaritch. I feel like yes he would be rough but not that much, he wouldn’t slap you or choke you bcs he would be scared of hurting you ( I mean look at him he’s so big ) but I feel like he’d be praising A LOT, rlly enjoying the size difference and just admiring you
Pls do 😙
no but YES!! cuz he’s so huge he doesn’t want to hurt you omg soft dom!quaritch!!! AHH!!!
soft dom. — miles quaritch ☆
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pairings. na’vi!miles quaritch. fem!reader
content warnings. fluffy smut kind of??. daddy kink ofc.
note. for the softies out there!! I SEE YOU AND HEAR YOU!! we all need a soft dom!quaritch in our lives so I had to write this!! MILES SOFT DOM SUPREMACY
miles is massive, this dude is 9’5, basically towering over you. He doesn’t want to hurt you, ur just too small and too cute for him. he’s practically aweing at ur size difference.
let’s say you like following miles around base, always falling behind due to his large steps, so miles says, “hold my hand baby, gotta keep you close” AAHHH!!! your whole hand fits around his pointer finger. and he loves it.
bro is so scared of hurting you, he’s so careful with you. Whenever he picks you up he’s so gentle with his touches, making sure your as comfortable as he is.
so during the naughty time this MAN IS ON HIGH ALERT!!, “you okay baby??”, “you alright with this mama?”
it could be your first time taking him, like FULLY taking him in. he’d have you in missionary, back arching off the bed sheets as you grab miles’ shoulders for support. he’d see you struggle to take him in and FEEL SO BAD!!
miles would pull away from you and look down, his hands would travel to your stomach and put pressure on it, “baby cmon, I know you can take it all, be a good girl for me yeah?” and ur just nodding, anything to make him happy.
when you finally take all of him in HES SHOCKED!!! he’s praising you ALOT, “that’s my girl, taking me so well aren’t you babygirl?”
cuz he’s so vocal he’s praising you 24/7, even without the devils tango. You could be doing smth for him and he’d come behind you and say, “look at you baby!! making me so proud” he’d leave little kisses on your head.
when u r a brat to him he TRYS so hard to punish you. But he just can’t. He’d try overstimulating you but your constant whining and whimpering makes him feel bad for his baby, “I’m sorry ma, you gotta take this for me okay?? gotta learn ur lesson alright??, you can do that right? just for daddy??” yes ofc omg.
after his done punishing you he’d hold you close, “good girl, took it so well” and then BOOM your gonna get the best sex ever.
he’s def a passionate lover!! he loves feeling you close to him!! loves positions like missionary, cowgirl or full nelson. he sees sex as an important thing in a relationship, it builds connection, soul tying even.
he just loves hearing you get all flustered when ur about to cum. Cuz u guys are so close to eachother he can tell just by your sounds that your going to release, “you gonna cum princess?? cmon baby, cum for me, cum for daddy, make him proud”. you cry out and flutter around his dick, causing him to groan in your ear.
lemme elaborate on the full Nelson position!! full Nelson is when your partner is practically picking you up and fucking you. He’d have your legs spread open, his hands holding your thighs for support as your back hit his chest.
your hands would be finding the back of his hair to pull. and oh lord, he’s loving you in this position. your so vulnerable and so so small my god.
“mama, u look so fucking good rn. u take this dick so good don’t you?? yeah you do. my girl makes daddy feel so fucking good s-shit” he’s moaning and groaning in your ear babe!!!
hes being so gentle with you too!! being careful not to dig his nail into your poor, aching thighs. or being super careful with his thrusts. he doesn’t want to hurt his baby!!
whenever he wanted to go a little rough he would always give u a heads up, “baby Ima go a little harder okay?? you alright with that??” YEA U R!!
hes fully pounding into you, always double checking at your state to make sure okay. He’s going in deep, reaching all the right places!! that’s when he hits your g-spot
you cry out, AND HE KNOWS HE HIT IT. “shit, baby, this the spot right?? this the spot that’s gonna make u scream my name, yeah mama??” 100% yes.
he just keeps hitting it over and over again. “s-so close, m-miles pls!! lemme cum pls!!” your begging and whining for him. HIS POOR BABY!!
“such a good girl for asking, fuck baby, need you to cum, cmon, need it so bad” you could feel him get close too. He’s twitching in you. You whine his name when u orgasm, causing him to buck his hips.
“fuck, princess, gonna cum, shit, gonna take this load right?? I know u can baby, you can do that for me mm??” ur nodding your head. “pls daddy!!! cum in me!! make me yours” GIRLLLLL HE IS CUMMING FOR SHRE
he moans ur name, slowly bucking his hips. First thing he does is check up on you. He’d lay you down and rub your thighs with his thumbs. “you okay baby?? I didn’t go too rough on you??” you’d shake ur head no, coming back to reality. Your shaking and twitching. “mama, ur shaking”
“that’s a good thing miles, that means u did it well” HES SO PROUD OF HIMSELF!! EGO BOOSTED. he’d smiled at you with his little fangs, wagging his tail.
“give daddy a kiss mama” MWAHMWAHMWAH ur smooching all over him cuz HE IS PRETTY AAA!!
just saying again requests will be closed later today so send as many stuff as you can now!!!
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izukuisbaby · 2 years
hewwo hi ! m saur proud of u 4 hitting 2k followers my luvr <3 it's such a huge milestone rlly !! n ur celebration is also saur pretty :3
anywho 4 da celebration can i get "y/n finding katsuki's phone unlocked and outta curiosity scrolling thru it just to a find a playist w their name !"
again oml m saur prouda u angel <3
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℘. flora's notes : i love u w my whole heart bro, i hope u like this 💓, also i uh made that playlist for your fictional bf and that's what took the longest in this fic u better enjoy it mf AND I kinda switched up the request I hope it's okay
℘. yes katsuki : listens to taylor swift, one direction and disney songs in secret
℘. infos : this is apart of my 2k event ! feel free to join :) fem reader.
℘. genre : pure fluff, the title is kinda misleading katsuki is not cheating and would never but he has his simp side hidden in his phone
m.list | comment and reblog if u enjoyed !
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you were waiting for your boyfriend to come back from sparring. katsuki gave you a spare key of his dorm for you to use whenever you needed. you were one of the privileged ones who he let into his personal space. you knew he was a private person and so you could not help but feel proud that he trusted you this way.
the door burst open and your delicate boyfriend entered. he heavily sighed and put his bag down on the floor. you sat up on his bed expectantly, waiting for him to give you attention. he turned around and saw you on his bed, which caused a gasp to escape his mouth... he was just not expecting you there.
"you scared the shit out of me dumbass, next time send a text instead of being on tik tok or whatever you do on that shitty phone", he walked over to you, kissed your forehead and stroke the back of your head with his hand. "I'll go take a shower, make yourself comfortable." he started walking towards his bathroom and right before getting in, he added : "not like you didn't already, you're a little invader I got some of your shit everywhere".
he would never admit it because, well, katsuki hates his feelings but he loves finding little pieces of you in his dorm room. scrunchies that smell like your shampoo, socks, skincare products or even left-over makeup. he cherished those items, each one of them reminded him of a memory he shared with you. the thought of you never failed to make him smile.
you heard the soft buzz of his phone in his bag and decided to take a look. you trust katsuki, he never made anything to make you doubt him and you knew he never would, he dates to marry. you were not expecting any other woman in his dms but Mina, and she has a girlfriend. but curiosity got the best of you and you wanted to see what was hidden in his phone. you first looked at the text he received, it was from Kirishima. "Denki is trying to make an impression of you looking at y/n bro and even Shoto is laughing 💀". Denki often made fun of Bakugo for being a "simp" and looking at you with "puppy eyes" which your boyfriend never ceases to deny. he did impressions of him so often that you could almost picture his act through the phone.
then you went to "notes", they were all locked but you were not surprised, your boyfriend is kind of paranoid sometimes... you tried to put your birthdate in the first one and it unlocked. "things i wish i could tell y/n", was written at the top. katsuki had troubles opening up and communicating with you because he feels weak for having feelings, you hesitated on reading its content. all things considered, you thought it would help you understand him better.
" - i love her, like the kind of love you see in movies. the one i thought didn't exist. like it's fucking stupid to write that shit in my notes but i need to get it out somehow.
- i think ill marry her if one day i get the balls to propose.
- i admire her patience, i can't help but think that going out with me is exhausting. i have a hard time controlling my emotions and i feel like she carries my brain at this point.
- i wish i could spend more time with her, but she probably needs personal space. i left her a key of my dorm, that's stupid too, but i like the idea of her spending time in my room because then it feels more of a home to me.
- i want her to feel like she's the most perfect girl I've ever met, because she is. but I care too much about people's opinion to do that. i am trying as hard as i can to be a good boyfriend but i never feel like it's enough. i don't show her off enough, i don't hold her enough, i don't talk about her enough because I'm scared shitless of falling in love and having it ruin the shell i took so long to build. and denki making fun of me for being a simp doesn't fucking help.
istg if anyone reads this I'll off myself"
you felt a bit guilty, it was more personal than you expected, and you swore not to EVER tell him about this, but it put your mind to rest. katsuki is not an easy boyfriend. he's not easy to comprehend but you love every part of him. you are willing to wait for however long it will take for him to tell you this face to face.
you heard the shower stop, you knew he would exit the bathroom any minute now, but there was one last app you wished to check, his Spotify. he had 2 playlists, his liked songs - 3 452 songs of various genres - put together in one same playlist. you sighed at how disorganized your boyfriend could be at times. and then, there was one with your name "y/n💌"
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your mouth was wide open and you felt like screaming. you won at life bro, your boyfriend had a playlist dedicated to YOU. your face still had the same expression when katsuki came out of the bathroom.
- "what's with the face dumbass ? you saw a ghost or something ? "
- "you have a playlist for me" you gave him a toothy smile, which he returned.
- "yeah it's whatever, when i like, take a shower or something. DON'T TELL ANYONE" he shouted as he sat beside you. "you didn't look at anything else, right ?", your heart clenched in your chest, you didn't want to embarrass him by admitting you read his note for you.
- "Denki just sent you a text" you smiled innocently. you took his hand into yours "Katsuki, I love you and you're enough okay. Don't ever doubt yourself, I chose you for a reason" you softly told him while stroking his cheek with your free hand.
- "I KNEW YOU READ IT YOU NOISY ASS. but I'm glad you did it was kind of... heavy on me." he sighed, paused for a moment, relaxing into your touch. "i really love you y/n, I don't say it enough but I really do. love scares the shit out of me. you have the power to destroy my heart and you know how much of a control freak i can be. I trust you with my weaknesses, don't use then against me... please"
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© izukuisbaby. comments appreciated ! although do not modify, translate, copy, claim as your own or repost on any app/platform/social media (this applies to all of my content)💓
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444rockstargf · 10 months
hi i haven’t seen too many rory fics so i was wondering if u could do one where he’s getting ready at 7 in the morning for an interview and reader wakes up to him in the bathroom getting ready but she’s like extremely horny (like morning wood but for girls ;)) but she’s also like extremely tired cus it’s rlly early
and rory sees her and is like really sweet and goes to kiss her head say gm and give her a hug but when he tries to pull away he realizes that she’s like gripping him not letting him go and he’s like “babe i gotta finish getting ready” but she’s just holding onto his waist and rory’s all confused until she like looks up at him with eye bags and red shot doe eyes (but rory still thinks she’s beautiful ofc ;)) and is like “can you help me?”and rory’s confused at first but then realizes what she means when she slowly starts to take her panties off and then he’s like “you’re so tired tho” kind of laughing at her neediness but she’s like begging like “please?” with doe eyes n shit basically still half asleep but he gives in but is like “we hv to go quick cant b late” and he fucks her good and hard and like he’s holding both her legs up giving her a so much pleasure from the angle and he’s a little rough with her like grabbing her face and choking her and whispering dirty things into her ear and she’s like so tired but she’s staying up thru it and right after they cum she like falls asleep and he finds it really cute and is like “gn baby” and gives a her sweet goodbye kiss. :3
(dis is so much im so sorry)
ask & you shall recieve :))
"i need you." | rory culkin
off to the races. - lana del rey
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female!reader x rory
word count: 747
contents: unprotected sex, p in v, creampie
p.s. i didn't write this with the intention of directing any disrespect towards rory's relationship :))
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you rolled over as you felt the morning sun hitting your face. you slowly opened your eyes, letting them adjust to the light. you glanced at the alarm clock on your bedside table. it read 7:02am. you got out of bed, slipping on your robe and stumbling to the bathroom, seeing rory getting ready through the crack in the door.
you opened the door and walked in, wrapping your arms around him in a tight hug. he gave you a soft kiss on the forehead before trying to brush you off, but you kept a tight grasp on him. you were so sleepy, but all you wanted was to be with him right then. you’d woken up feeling so needy for pleasure, so you weren’t ready to let him leave.
he looked at you, still trying to get you off of him. “i’ve gotta get to work, baby. i have an interview at 8 and i don’t want to miss the train.” you put your head on his shoulder and groaned. he lifted up your head and made you look at him, looking into your eyes. it was clear that you hadn’t had the best night.
your soft was soft and a little raspy. “i need you, baby. please. don’t go yet…” you looked at him, your big pleading eyes staring into his soul. and he noticed how your hips were just slightly grinding on his legs. he looked at your body in your robe, seeing as it revealed some of your cleavage. he looked down as you fiddled with your lacy panties, and he knew exactly what you were getting at.
you were making his mind wander. he surely couldn’t go to work without settling this matter, so he sighed as he reached his hands down to his belt, unbuckling it quickly. he pulled you into a passionate kiss, running his hands down your body as he picked you up and set you by the sink, helping you take off your robe. 
he tossed it onto the ground and stared at your body for a moment, fully taking in your beauty. he pulled himself into you, starting to kiss your neck softly as he took off your soaked panties. you ran your fingers through his hair as your body grew warmer. your tongues started dancing together as he slowly rubbed your clit.
you whined as he teased you, but you both knew that you’d have to be as quick as possible. so he lined up his cock with your entrance before pushing it in. you moaned loudly. it felt so good to finally be filled up like this. he wasted no time thrusting into you. you wrapped your arms around his body as he pushed himself in and out of you. 
deep groans were coming out of him. it was clear that he’d wanted this too. he kept your legs apart and circled your clit with his thumb. the room filled with your noises, them surely being loud enough to wake up the entire neighbourhood.
he gently grabbed your face and started speaking to you in between groans. “you feel so good, baby. just wanna make you feel good…” he started going faster with his movements, syncing his fingers with his thrusts. you were a moaning mess, tugging at his hair and feeling yourself losing control.
you started bucking your hips into his touch, feeling your body finally getting the relief that its been craving. he made sure to hit that perfect spot everytime, feeling as your pussy clenched around him. his groans became raspier the more frequent he got. you were both painfully close to such a satisfying orgasm.
his chest heaved up and down with each breath. “cum with me, baby… ” and that was all you needed to hear before completely letting yourself go, releasing all your cum on his cock. he looked down at the white ring around his length as precum started shooting from his tip. with one final thrust, he came inside of you. there was so much that when he pulled out, you were connected by a thick string of cum.
time was running short, so he didnt have to time take care of you like he usually did. so he carried you back to bed, you almost instantly falling asleep as your head hit the pillow. he smiled and pressed a loving kiss to your forehead. then he walked to the door and walked out without a sound.
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author's note: this has been sitting in my drafts for a while. so sorry for the delay but i hope you enjoyed it :))
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sourbinnie · 1 year
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title -> alight genre -> angst turned into fluff pair -> jisung x gn!reader plot -> crushing on someone is easy (but anxiety and jealousy don't think so) warnings -> cursing + one mention of anxiety words -> 1421 lowercase intended
i'm so obsessed, i go to bed i get undressed i lie in bed, look at the ceiling and i find you in my head yet again, i wash my hair, i tell myself that i don't care about the girls you find appealing or what's under what you wear.
alight / ninajirachi
thoughts running a marathon in my head as i get home from minho(e)'s party. my glitter still hangin' and my mascara is intact but i still feel a heavy weight on my heart as i start to take it off completely. how pathetic can one be? to see the boy you like for so long, talking to another guy/girl and feeling that immediate weight on your shoulders, those bad thoughts crawling back and that heavy heart that won't be fixed with nothing but a confession. minho(e) is gonna kill me for leaving but i did not care, i needed to be alone in my room with my anxiety & emotions like a tsunami in me.
i knew i wasn't the perfect candidate but i always had hope we would be something more. when i first got introduced to him, i fell so hard, it hit me like a wave and i just had to be friends with him at least. now movin' on two years later and i'm still hanging on a crush (that's clearly not a crush anymore) and on a friendship (that i wanted it to be more) and all of my friends saying "you should just tell him!" (ehem, minhoe, ehem) but it's not that easy isn't it?. as i looked at myself once again in the mirror i realized that i was nothing like the guys/girls he used to have a crush on and i have so many flaws. this is where chan comes in and tells me "everyone has flaws" but if i hear that speech one more time, i might kick his ass back to australia. 
i wasn't crying this time, just staring at the ceiling and waiting for the messages of "where are u" to pop up. first one from minho(e) obviously, then binnie, then chan and lastly jisung. god he didn't even know how much a message from him turns my world around and my attention just draws back to him. but then i remember that pretty guy/girl he was chatting with, their long hair, their flirting...
yeah i was screwed wasn't i?
fuck why did you leave
you know i can't do these kinds of things alone
that was at 1:38 am and the second message was true, i was just like him. parties were never my cup of tea but i dealt with them mostly fine if i had my friends by my side, today wasn't one of those days. as much as i tried to get as pretty as i could to impress (myself & someone), all of them seemed to have better business and that was probably getting a hook up to go home to. i was never the hook up kind so i was just left all alone as i observed the other people in the house. but as soon as it hit 1:00 am, i decided that it would be better to head home. kind of dangerous to just walk to my home in the middle of the night but my heart felt so heavy as i tried not to picture jisung kissing another person.
can i come over?
i rlly wanted to talk to u
oh god, my worst nightmare was about to come true. i will have the impulse to confess and this night is gonna end more terribly than it already has. i debated whether i should pretend i was sick but i could never do that, they always see right through me so i just responded "sure" and tried to dress presentable. if i knew i was seeing him again i wouldn't have taken off my makeup but barefaced it is. it didn't take him too long since i wasn't that far from minho(e)'s house and i left the door opened. there he was in all of his glory with his beautiful squishy cheeks and his hair getting blonder day by day. i'm not drunk, just hopelessly in love with an idiot. which reminds me, why is he here? why isn't he with that guy/girl i saw him earlier? oh god if i ruined his chances of getting laid he will kill me.
"(y/n) hi." ok this is odd, he never calls me by full name but i'm gonna play along.
"han jisung what do i owe you the pleasure to?" i ask as i look at him from the living room. i didn't even bother to move since he opened the door himself and i was just too fucking broken over stupid shit to care anymore. "thought you would stay longer at the party."
"i got bored without you there." he said and i could tell he was being honest, his eyes never lie as he moved next to me and sat down on the couch. "i thought you would stay longer too but you didn't even tell anyone you were going."
yeah that was a bad move on me, one message would've been enough but when you get so fucking lost in sadness, you don't really care do you?
"i know, i'm sorry about that." i pouted and he just shook his head as he gave me that little smile of his. god i was so head over heels for this idiot and i don't know how much longer i'm gonna last with these feelings until i burst. "you shouldn't have left though."
"why not?" he asked and i could feel his hand on my thigh as he looked at me puzzled. i immediately blushed at the sensation and just didn't know what to say but i found a way to send my words out.
"i just thought you were having fun like chan, minho(e) and bin." i said and i wasn't wrong to think that. he walked in with the person and stayed with them most of the night. god what if it was his significant other? and i was just being an asshole? panicking is the only thing i know how to do. 
"me? not at all, just spent the whole night trying to think how to approach you and failing." ok that was also weird, why would he need to think how to talk to me? we've been friends for 2 years. "i'm sorry i didn't, i'm just a coward at the end of the day."
"what do you mean? you're not sung and definitely don't need to think of ways of approaching me, we're friends right?" i ask and he sighs, i felt like i said the wrong words immediately. i want to get inside his head just to see what he's thinking so much about, i wanna know what he's feeling and what he's saying, especially since i seem to not be getting anything at all.
"that's the problem, god how the fuck do i say this? i'm the worst with words." well that's also a lie since he's the best freestyle rapper i know (don't tell bin) and somehow he's more nervous than i am about this situation. i felt more calm in his presence which is something he always tend to drive me to. i love talking to him because it feels easy and like nothing's gonna bother me anymore when i'm with him. "can i do something? you can punch me in the face later but please just once".
"you can do anything sungie and i wouldn't punch you ever." i said and his trembling hand found it's way to my cheek, caressing it softly. i felt like i could melt right then and there as he just closed his eyes and i did the same, feeling a pair of my lips fitting right in with mine, it wasn't the perfect kiss but it was definitely more than perfection to me. it didn't get heated and it wasn't just a peck but it was so beautiful that i had to make it last. that's when all the doubts went away and i truly felt like i was floating. 
as we split away, i could only feel my hand on my lips as i looked at him and he just smiled again. his full on smile made me blush crimson red as i tried to hide from him but he just took my hands away from my face and whispered softly.
"i am so in love with you since i first met you".
i felt everything come into place just with those words as i responded.
"i've been dying to hear that since i first saw you."
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sonderonpluto · 1 year
could we get nsfw/kink hcs for rangiku and yoruichi with a male! dom! s/o? please and thank you!!!
Hellooo, I wasn’t rlly sure how to write Yoruichi with a dom male reader, but I did do Rangiku, and I’ll probably post another one with her that’s kind of a oneshot & headcanon mixed together. Sorry for not being able to do your full request! I just wanted to go ahead and post what I had rather than taking years trying to figure out what to do for Yoruichi. I’ll probably attempt to write her with a male dom again later on. Thanks for the request!
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PAIRING: Rangiku Matsumoto x Male!Dom!Reader
CONTENT WARNINGS: Smut, Vaginal sex, whatever else you want to call it, Degradation, Dub-Con, Edging, Face-fucking, male!dom!reader, sub rangiku, brat rangiku, Kinda possessive reader, Dumbification?, maybe other stuff i’m missing (please tell me if there is in the comments)
A/N: fun fact for some reason i thought you were talking about rengoku from demon slayer & in preparation of beginning to write i finally figured out that I COMPLETELY mixed up there names😭Also, this is my first time righting nsfw/smut so please have mercy on me 🙏🏽🙏🏽anyways enjoyyy
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Rangiku is an attractive woman, and she knows that, so of course she’ll use it to her advantage to get something she wants. (Wether that’s you or new clothes from the world of the living.)
She finds that the best way to get you riled up is either by teasing you or making you jealous. Sometimes she likes to do both.
When you’re in captain meetings she finds it fun to mess with the other lieutenants: she’ll push up her boobs by crossing her arms or simply move a little too close to them.
They never entertain her because they know why she’s doing it and getting on your bad side just wasn’t something they wanted to do.
Whenever the meetings end you always quietly grab her and take her to your room.
“Fuck!” she moaned
You hit just the right spots to have her clawing at the sheets and running. You push her head into the pillows and thrust into her cunt from behind.
“You’re such a little attention seeking whore, touching over Abarai right in front of me.”
You fuck her hard and rough, just to get your point across. But she’s so dumb for your cock she probably doesn’t understand a word you’re saying.
When you’re really angry, you don’t let her cum.
As soon as you feel her pussy getting just a little too tight, you pull out. Maybe even cum on her back, to let her know you don’t give a fuck how much she cries and begs.
She likes when you do whatever you want with her, though she’ll never admit it. She foams at the mouth hoping you’ll make her suck your dick.
Use her throat like a flesh light and shove her head on your length. It’ll have her dripping in minutes.
Her favorite thing is for you to give her pussy a couple of spanks. Cmon, she’s been a bad girl and she deserves it. Slap her ass too, and make sure she counts each one until she’s reached a certain number. As soon as she loses track she’s gotta start all over.
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morganacorp · 3 months
Grace getting her facial and her phone keeps dinging because Sadie's in the middle if her bi-awakening.
Text #1: where u at?
Text #2 & #3: Grace! ?
Text #4: i thought u were coming 2 spin class!
Text #5: i gave lola3 ur latte
Text #6: r u really not coming? i'll save you Aseat just in case
Text #7: nvmnd. this class is huge. tried to fight off an old lady to keep your bike open. Ur welcome
Text #8: omg grace this place smells like wet socks
Text #9: kimberkyn says ur getting a facial. rude
Text #10 & #11: lola says hi BTW. Hi
Text #12: *picture of Sadie and Lola and Kimberlyn* bout to get sweaty!
Text #13: the instructor said we can't have our phones. so peace out! ✌️😋
*missed call*
*missed call*
Text #14: ohmygod grace answer your phone!
Text #15: ok. it's nothing. it's probably nothing. don't worry about it. it's fine. i'll tell you later.
*missed call*
Text #16: ok. so this is probably gonna get long and there will be typosz bc i don't have a lotg of time bcz i had to sneak 2 the bthrm bc i need 2 tell u something but we can't have our phones on the bikes which is so dumb bc I can multitask its not like I'm gonna
Text #17: sorry. lola scared me. o thought it was the instructor. anyway listen there is this girl. no. not just a girl. she is a woman. like a sculpted by the gods woman in this class and she has like. The most insanely perfect ripples i have ever seen and like her eyes are nice too BTW but we were changing un the same room and she just
Text #18: sorry i think the memory made me black out. God. Like. Look. I know it's not okay to objectify someone just because we're in a environment that encourages tight fitting clothing and vigorous rhythmic activity but u don't understand grace. she is gorgeous and omg she laughed when I asked if she knew where the vending machines were and i think my heart kind jumped out of my body because she sounded so sweet. and I want to talk to her again but I also can't fucking breathe because spin class is hard and i already drank all of my water and lola's too and i hate that ur not here. There I said it. I can usually be more put together when ur arounfe but
Text #19: her eyes are green btw
Text #20: not even like gross green. they are like perfect and not even the same color which is somehow even better and they have like stars in them not even lying
Text #21: and she has her hair in a braid and she got kinda sweaty so there's little wisps sticking out around her face and i never like licking sweaty ppl but like if she asked
Text #22: oh shot. i didn't mean that. idk why my mind went to licking her face instead of kissing her like a normal person
Text #23: that would b normal right? i mean iv nver rlly thought abt it b4. not really. but i watched glee. i know it usually hits in high school and obvi it didn't 4 me so this is mayb just bc i only had two donuts this morning instead of 3
Text #24: omg she asked kimberlyn if I have ibs while I was gone. I hate everythibg
Text #25: fyi i took a quiz a minute ago and turns out glee lied
Text #26: i wanted to ask lola if she has like a booklet for ppl questioning their. Preferences but i think mayb it would b easier if u asked for me
Text #27: fuck this is all so weird
Text #28: but also not. it's scary nit weird. like I thought admiring Walker got a little too intense but this is. This is something else
Text #29: ive eaten some beef jerkey and i think it's too soon to think about kissing her. it feels too invasive. so I'm just gonna keep watching her ass in class
Text #30: thnx btw 4 all ur help grace. U r rlly good 2 talk 2
Text #31: ^sarcasm fyi
Text #32: omg her name is lena. isn't that nice? i think that is the most beautiful name in the whole wide world
Text #34: i think she waved at me
Text #35: damn. it was oneof her friends walking outside the door
Text #36: her whole name is lena kieran luthor. and her birthday is October 13.
Text #37: and no she didnt tell me that i looked through her purse while pretending to have ibs and hiding in the bathroom. she uses Christian Dior perfume. i think I have a problem
Text #38: grace can u please call me so I can just leave??
Text #39: i feel like everyone knows. they keep talking about me i can feel it
Text #40: omg she helped the little old lady in front of me asjust her settings on the bike. She's so nice. i bet she saves puppies and orphans in her spare time. angel in disguise right there
Text #41: how long is this fucking spin class?!
Text #42: lola was talking about a gay show called the bold type. will u watch it with me so I can see how a normal heterosexual would react?
Text #43: lena offered me a drink from her water bottle and i didn't even worry about germs. I just went for it
Text #44: how long is ur fucking facial?! Y haven't u texted me back?!
Text #45: only 5 more minutes. I can do this
Text #46: I think lens was flirting with lola and I wish I had laser vision so I could set everything on Fire this is awful
Text #47: my heart is broken
Text #48: nvmnd. she touched my arm and said she likes my shirt.
Text #49: I'm wearing one of kimberlyns work out shirts BTW but that's not the point. She likes it on me. So kimberkyn is never getting this back
Text #50: omg! Grace! Grace!
Text #51: she recommended we get kombucha after class. Idk what that is but I would eat anything for her
Text #52: Lola says kombucha tastes like ass and kimberkyn says we have to get back ;(
Reply: lol
Text #55: ur laughing. i bear my broken soul to u and ur laughing
Text #56: Not Cool Grace
Thank you so much for this, it has made my night! There's so many gems hidden in here... I'm in tears! 😂😂😂
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dullahandyke · 2 months
Hang on actually before I hit post limit.pinned post so I can edit this and have my tumblr thoughts even tho I'm post limited
Yup okay hit the post limit <3 new followers please know this is normal
Anonymous asked: did they put bugs in him again
Yknow it's hard to tell but I think they might have. Guys we need to get riku dewormed again, this keeps happening to him :(
Anonymous asked: I forgot I had notifs turned on for your blog . Oopsie daisy
HAHAAAAAAAA ANON I CACKLED.... flattered u have urgent coverage on which large surface I'm thinking abt being slammed into at any given time but ig this is an object lesson in paying too much attention to me or something
Listening to a queer history podcast and it's so funny they're explaining to me what yuri is... I know ❤
on my laptop now bcos i gotta study for this stupid test..d. and then afterwards theres a powerpoint im actually rlly gonna enjoy presenting but i gotta facking put it together, augh
niche complaint but it sucks shit when animanga do the 'character suddenly becomes hot as part of a daydream/joke' gag and they dont go full bishie. give that man a delicate jawline NOW!!!
really happy with this sticker on my laptop. whenever im feeling down i just rememebr that this man got a lobotomy
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[ID: a black frame meme featuring Hajime Hinata from Super Danganronpa 2 at the chapter 1 cabin party, smiling and holding a glass of orange juice. It is captioned, "This man, got a lobotomy.]
whew im a sneezy girl. the sneezing sneasler. wait thats a pokemon. ritalin on friday unless i have a heart murmur
@effervescentleaf asked:
i know im constantly posting abt my beard but its still weird as hell to consider that i have a beard that other people can see. when people look at me they see androgyny. what the fuck. i keep being drawn to people with beards and make-up/long hair/jewelry/whatever the fuck else as my favourite examples of gender non-conformity and like. IM that. im that with my stupid eyeliner. what the shit
also that reminds me im not gonna have time to do my eyeliner before my class test tomorrow :/ now i Could just go without it bcos i'll have a presentation later in the day that i should probably be serious for. but where is the fun in that. i will be wearing a hawaiian shirt instead of a t-shirt and thats all that can be expected of me <3
i probs need to eat a proper meal but the call of pop tarts it is so great.... sighhhh i got the bread out the freezer for soup so ill see if thats defrosted. and if not. squints. cup noodles. kinda want the cup noodles anyway but the soup is gonna expire soon so i gotta be fuckinnn responsible and nutritious or whatever
sidenote i kind of rlly enjoy having just one long ledger of posts all day. kind of fun
Ugh fuck my gay life I gotta make a PowerPoint... I'm tired I'm a bit sick i gotta sleeeep... wanted to make it fancy but ig that's fucked :(
I saw a video of a cat and now I miss bubbles :( bubblesssss... I'm going home tomorrow tho so I'll see her then :)
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haeryna · 6 months
Wait WOW I would love to see geto and gojo's reactions to the fact that reader never made it out of their town… especially with what reader has been going through! And how it feels almost unfair/unfortunate because mc had such big dreams but obviously it couldn’t have worked out with what her parent being sick. I feel like geto especially would be hit extremely hard with it because he was the one who told gojo that mc would be fine… like if only you knew sir if only you KNEW.
Also as a side note who are your fav idols & bands? I’m curious now! 😊🩵
i'm so excited to start writing it except i also don't know how to start LMAOO but don't worry anon i do plan on getting there! there will be more to this story, it's not over for them yet!!
i'm a huge gg stan. i first got rlly into blackpink, so i guess it kind of stuck. right now i'm really into the combination of new jeans (since haerin and i share the same name lol), le sserafim, and ive. been listening to a lot of kiss of life too!!
when i wrote gojo, i kind of intended him to be like a male wonyoung? the kind of idol where people gush about them all the time, and they go viral for not giving a fuck about their haters. visuals like wonyoung, and for SURE a chaotic personality on and off the screen, kinda like beomgyu and suguru is his soobin lol. maybe vocals like jimin? kind of higher pitched but very heavenly sounding all around.
thank you for your ask anon, you will get their reactions...at some point whenever school decides to be nice to me T^T
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