#and it was there that I darned my shoes for 4 hours lmao
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macadam · 2 years ago
Got a flat tire about 40 minutes out of Algonquin park (so in the middle of nowhere enough that none of the 1 tire stores there had the tire we needed) and there were a lot of things that happened that day but most importantly I got to see a tow truck do it’s thing up close for the first time and— what a magnificent beast
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slusheeduck · 7 years ago
The Way You Keep Me Guessing: Coco Teacher!AU
@im-fairly-whitty and I are co-authoring this fic for the monster that is the Coco teacher!AU!!
(AU started by @scribblrhob, with inspiration from @upperstories, @hyucktor and SO SO MANY OTHERS AND IT’S A MAGICAL EXPERIENCE FOR ALL.)
Warning: I got creative with formatting and POV in this chapter, so I have no idea how it reads to someone who’s not me. Hopefully you enjoy!!
[Part 1: Unexpected Responsibility] [Part 2: La Directora] [Part 3: Skipping Class] [Part 4: An Unannounced Visit] [Part 5: The Roommate][Part 6: Día de Muertos (Pt. 1)] [Part 6: Día de Muertos (Pt. 2)]
Part 7: A Birthday Livestream
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               The tweet goes out late on the 29th. Even so, by 6:45 a.m. the next day, the stream is packed. The cheery little “Stream will start soon!” sign is up, and the chat is already lighting up with thoughts about what the surprise stream’s going to be.
Littlebear119: I bet they’re releasing a new album!
veramaj: then héctor wouldn’t be surprised tho
Littlebear119: Truuuuuueee.
hectorriveraseyelashes: Do…you guys not know what day it is?
veramaj: what?
Littlebear119: It’s Sunday?
hectorriveraseyelashes: omg you guys don’t know lmao. Preciosooooos.
               The chat quickly devolves into “CRUUUUUZ” and “NESTO HI NESTO <3” as the stream switches on. The screen’s fairly dark, but Ernesto’s face is just visible as he whispers to the camera.
               “Hola, Cruzcitos. So I know a lot of you were upset that Héctor couldn’t be there with us on Día de Muertos.”
               There’s a general burst of agreement from the chat.
               “I know, I know.  So, since we couldn’t spend the day with you, I figured you all could spend the day with us.”
               There are several crying-face emojis and “!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”s in the chat.
               “And today’s no ordinary day. I’m sure some of you know it’s my amigo Héctor’s birthday today. So, Cruzcitos, we need to start the day off properly.” He switched the camera to face forward as he slowly opened the door. Beneath a heap of blankets, a gangly leg hung off the bed and a lanky arm was slung over a pillow. “Mira mira, here’s our Sleeping Beauty now,” Ernesto whispers as he creeps into the room. “And there’s only one way to wake someone up on their birthday.”
               The chat goes quiet as Ernesto sucks in a deep breath. He pauses when Héctor shifts beneath the blankets. Then, once he goes still…
                                       “ESTAS SON LAS MAÑANITAS                                        QUE CANTABA EL REY DAVID…”
               Héctor flies up off the bed as Ernesto belts “Las Mañanitas” as loud as he can, and immediately a pillow is thrown toward the camera.
               “Tú maldito hijo d—!!”
               “There are children watching this, Héctor!”
               “It is seven in the morning, tú pin—”
               “Cruzcitos, cover your ears!” A sweatshirt collides against the camera; both Ernesto and the chat are dying.
Littlebear119: OMGGGGGGG
musiica-vida: lmao
veramaj: pobre hector but rip cruz
               The camera jostles as a thud that sounds suspiciously like a shoe hitting a wall rings out, and it quickly turns as Ernesto runs out and shuts the door. He switches the camera back to face him, a big grin still on his face.
               “So our Héctor might not be much of a morning person. But our celebration of Héctor’s birthday is just starting; come back around eleven for the next stream.” Ernesto ends the stream with his trademark wink and smile.
Littlebear119: Aw, boo, I can’t come to the next one :’(
p0c0l0c0: Don’t worry someone’ll record it.
hectorriveraseyelashes: I hope poor Héctor gets to sleep a little bit more.
               The next stream starts promptly at eleven. Another chorus of “HI NESTO!!!” and “CRUUUUZ” fills the chat, but Ernesto looks none-too-pleased. He lets out a sigh before sending a withering look to the camera.
               “So Cruzcitos, tell me this. What do you think is the best way to spend your birthday?”
               The chat rings in their answers.
hectorriveraseyelashes: Backstage passes to one of your shows.
hectorriveraseyelashes: And getting to pet Héctor’s hair for an hour.
veramaj: a nice dinner with my bf
musiica-vida: UM SORRY WHAT @hectorriveraseyelashes
hectorriveraseyelashes: You heard me.
Cruzita41: I would party ALL DAY!!!
               Ernesto nods at the answers that pour in (He does a double-take at one of them, and the chat is generally certain it’s hectorriveraseyelashes that earned it.), then huffs and shakes his head.
               “See, you all have good ideas on how to spend your birthdays. But Héctor…my friend Héctor decides that the best way to spend his birthday—”
               He turns the camera around, and the punchline of his joke is lost in the chat’s reaction.
musiica-vida: GLASSES?????
Cruzita41: GLASSES!!!!!
veramaj: since when does hector wear glasses?????
p0c0l0c0: GLASSES
(hectorriveraseyelashes merely posts several crying faces and prayer hands)
               Héctor is tucked up on the sofa, green pen in hand and thick-framed glasses on his nose as he goes through several papers. Ernesto snorts as the reactions come in.
               “Héctor, look up.”
               Héctor sighs, but does in fact look up. “What?” he asks exasperatedly. (hectorriveraseyelashes floods the chat with various heart, crying, and prayer emojis)
               “Apparently you should wear your glasses more often.”
               (The disappointment in the chat is almost audible.)
               Ernesto sighs. “Sorry, Cruzcitos, but as you can see, Héctor Rivera is a tough man to sway. He won’t wear his glasses, and he spends his birthday grading papers.”
               “Well, they need to be graded by Monday. Do you have to shove that in my face? It’s hard enough reading these kids’ writing without a phone in my face.”
badnugg: omg profe héctor is actually youtube famous
musiica-vida: HE’S YOUR TEACHER??
badnugg: lol yeah
p0c0l0c0: IS HE A GOOD TEACHER???
hectorriveraseyelashes: IS HE HOT WHEN HE TALKS ABOUT MUSIC??
Littlebear119: I’m back!
veramaj: lol u missed a lot bear
               “Hey, Héctor, I think one of your students…” Ernesto trails off as the sound of a door opening comes from a distance. Héctor immediately perks up and smiles off screen.
               “Morning, chamaco. We’re going out for breakfast once I’m finished with these papers.”
musiica-vida: CHAMACO!!!!
p0c0l0c0: HI CHAMACO!!!
 Littlebear119: Who’s Chamaco?
hectorriveraseyelashes: It’s baby Héctor.
Cruzita41: Aww, did he just wake up? Buenos días, chamaco!!
Littlebear119: BABY HÉCTOR??
veramaj: it’s his nephew.
musiica-vida: Preeeetty sure he’s his kid. They look like exactly alike.
hectorriveraseyelashes: They definitely don’t. Also he calls Héctor Tío so checkmate.
Littlebear119: OH!!! HE’S SO CUTE!!!
               “The chat thinks you’re cute, Miguel,” Ernesto says as Miguel walks on-screen. Miguel sends him a surprised look and a shrug.
               “Oyé, what did I say about filming Miguel?” Héctor asks, voice slightly sharp.
               “The kid has his own channel, it’s not like you’re hiding him,” Ernesto brushes off, then focuses the camera on Miguel. “So, Miguel, do you know what day it is?”
               “Uh, Sunday?”
               “Okay, but do you know the date?”
               Miguel presses his lips together, then looks down at Héctor for help. Héctor’s head falls back as he sighs.
               “It’s my birthday. Ernesto’s making it into a…thing.”
               Miguel’s eyes widen. “It’s your birthday?! Why didn’t you say anything?”
               “Because Héctor hates having fun,” Ernesto cuts in. “So Miguel, what do you want to wish your Tío Héctor on this very special day? He’s twenty-seven, you know.”
               Miguel blinks. “Oh. That’s how old you are?”
               Héctor returns to grading. “How old did you think I was?”
               “Super old. Like thirty-five.”
               The snort Héctor lets out is deemed pure and good by the chat.
               “Thirty-five?! Ay, Díos mio, then how old do you think Ernesto is?”
               “Anyway, Cruzcitos,” Ernesto says before Miguel can hazard a guess. “What are some of your wishes for Héctor’s twenty-seventh year on this earth?”
Cruzita41: I hope he has a wonderful year!!
p0c0l0c0: I hope he doesn’t join the 27 club :(
veramaj: what’s that?
Littlebear119: I hope you guys really make it big!! Being a teacher looks so boring
p0c0l0c0: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/27_Club
p0c0l0c0: Did the link work?
Littlebear119: OH NO :’(
(hectorriveraseyelashes’ wish for Héctor is reported as inappropriate by several members.)
p0c0l0c0: Lashes plz
               “Aw, qué amable! Well, we are trying our best to get more gigs and…”
               Ernesto’s words are ignored, viewers instead focused on Miguel as he climbs onto the arm of the sofa and peeks down at what Héctor’s grading. Several heart emojis flood the chat as they talk too quietly to be heard over Ernesto’s talking. Héctor asks something, Miguel pulls a face, and Héctor laughs as he pulls off his glasses (much to the disappointment of the chat.)
               “All right, all right, I won’t let you starve, chamaco. I’ll bring these with me.” As he stuffs his papers into his backpack, he sends the camera with a withering look. “And if you bring out that—” The chat doesn’t miss the quick glance toward Miguel. “--darn phone while we’re out, Ernesto, I’m throwing it right into the street.”
               “And then you’re paying for it.” The camera switches back to Ernesto, where he gives a dramatic sigh. “Looks like that’s all for now, Cruzcitos.” He glances up as Héctor and Miguel’s voices trail off and a door shuts. He smiles, then adds in a whisper, “Come back around two. We’ll be having another stream then.”
               The screen goes black, and the chat is all abuzz.
Littlebear119: Héctor really doesn’t seem like he wants to do these streams…
p0c0l0c0: It’s part of an act they do. Héctor’s all smiles on whenever he’s on Chamaco’s channel.
Littlebear119: CHAMACO HAS A CHANNEL???
p0c0l0c0: My heart grows three times bigger whenever I get a notification from him.
veramaj: yeah héctor’s definitely just playing.
Littlebear119: I hope he is.
hectorriveraseyelashes: I don’t care if he is. I’ll take any excuse to see that man’s beautiful face.
musiica-vida: WE KNOW, LASHES.
               The next stream starts without so much as a word from Ernesto. The chat goes quiet as the camera focuses on Héctor and Miguel. Both have their guitars in their lap, and Héctor picks out a simple tune.
               “Okay, no looking. See if you can play what I just did.”
               Miguel starts to pluck out the same tune, but he groans as he messes up a note. “It’s so hard!”
               “I know it’s hard, that’s why we’re practicing. You gotta train those ears just as much as your fingers, chamaco.” He plays the tune again. “All right, una vez más. I bet you’ll get it this time.”
querida9512: Can Héctor Rivera please be my dad?
p0c0l0c0: This is SO CUTE, I can’t handle it. Gracias, Nesto.
Littlebear119: Does Héctor know Ernesto’s filming?
veramaj: probably.
musiica-vida: It doesn’t seem like it, but I’m sure he doesn’t mind.
               A knock sounds out. Héctor doesn’t look up.
               “It’s open! All right, chamaco, play it one more time.” He turns and grins from his place on the floor as a woman pops her head in. “You’re just in time, diosa, Miguel’s just learned a song by ear.”
               The chat is a STREAM of activity.
querida9512: IS THAT THE POCO LOCO LADY???
hectorriveraseyelashes: Um, I am the Poco Loco lady.
Littlebear119: Diosa’s such a pretty name!
badnugg: wait, dire imelda?
querida9512: YOU KNOW HER????
badnugg: I think she’s the directora of my school…
badnugg: omg
badnugg: téodora was right about her and profe héctor
veramaj: she’s so pretty, she can’t work at a school
p0c0l0c0: Héctor works at a school.
veramaj: but she’s actually PRETTY.
hectorriveraseyelashes: The rule in this stream is that we love and respect Héctor Rivera’s beautiful face.
hectorriveraseyelashes: Can we block @veramaj?
veramaj: omg u guys chill out
               Diosa smiles fondly as Miguel picks out the tune, correctly this time. (The chat is full of praise for him.) “Perfecto, Miguel. Anyway, I just wanted to make sure you remembered that our reservations are at—” She glances up midway through the sentence, then freezes as her eyes lock onto the camera. She quickly pops her head out and slams the door shut.
               Héctor jumps at the slam, then glances down at Miguel before setting his guitar aside to get to his feet. “Imelda? Imelda!” he calls as he heads to the door and steps outside.
               Miguel’s brow furrows, but he looks up at the camera with a shrug. The camera moves slowly to the door, and the barest bits of conversation can be heard through it.
               “Why didn’t you warn me? I would have texted you.”
               “Warn you about what?”
               “That your roommate was filming.”
               “What? No, he wasn’t.”  
               “Did you not see the way he was holding his phone?”
               “He just does that sometimes.”
               “Well, why don’t you go and ask him?”
               “He wasn’t filming! He knows he has to ask before filming if Miguel’s in the room.”
               “He doesn’t have to ask with you?”
               “It’s different. This is what we make part of our living off of. I’m used to it by now.”
               There was an irritated huff. “I can’t help you there. But you’d better be taking care of that little boy.”
               “I am, Imelda.”
               A thrill goes through the chat as Héctor’s voice, quiet as it is, goes sharp, though everyone quickly quiets as they hear his sigh.
               “I’m sorry. It’s…been a long day. Would you believe I woke up at seven?”
               There’s murmuring outside, but it’s too quiet to be picked up by the mic. What is picked up is the creak of a doorknob and a bitten-off word from Ernesto before the screen quickly goes black.
p0c0l0c0: So…he didn’t ask permission?
Littlebear119: I thought it was off.
dlcswaifu: I’m sure it’s fine. Cruz probably thought Héctor knew.
veramaj: i hope so. i don’t want them to fight.
               There’s no announcement when the next stream is, so everyone is pleasantly surprised when they get a notification that Ernesto y Héctor is streaming an hour later. The first thing everyone sees is…
p0c0l0c0: CHAMACO!!!!
Littlebear119: AAAAA it’s Miguelito!!!!
veramaj: omg look at that precious face.
               Miguel’s brow furrows as he tries to figure out how to best hold the phone, but he grins at everyone’s greetings. “Hola! Cruz let me take over the livestream for a little bit!”
veramaj: we’ve been blessed today
querida9512: I mean we already knew November 30 was a holy day.
musiica-vida: @hectorriveraseyelashes BE GOOD
p0c0l0c0: @hectorriveraseyelashes BE GOOD
veramaj: @hectorriveraseyelashes BE GOOD
dlcswaifu: @hectorriveraseyelashes BE GOOD
hectorriveraseyelashes: OH MY GOD YOU GUYS SHUT UP
hectorriveraseyelashes: Of course I’ll be good. My future step-son doesn’t need to know how thirsty I am for his tío.
               Miguel’s eyes dart down to the chat, reading the responses before frowning slightly. “Um, I don’t think you can drink my tío.”
               The chat collectively dies.
Littlebear119: So how are you doing, Miguel????
Cruzita41: We saw your practice earlier, you’re so good!!
dlcswaifu: Where’s Cruz???
               Miguel grins brightly as he catches the praise among the questions, then settles back in his seat. “I’m fine. Tío Héctor said that he and Cruz needed to talk for a bit, so Cruz set me up here so I could talk with you all!”
               There’s one comment from quetzalcoatl-kun about how they came for Cruz and not some stupid kid, but it’s quickly drowned out by the wild enthusiasm from other Cruzcitos over how they get to talk to Chamaco.
 musiica-vida: So big fandom question, are you Héctor’s kid or his nephew?
               “Actually, we’re primos! My abuelita is his tía,” Miguel chirps.
dlcswaifu: So do you live with him?
               “I do for now.”
dlcswaifu: Why?
               Miguel opens his mouth, but closes it and swallows hard without answering. The chat is quick to flood him with other questions.
p0c0l0c0: Is your tío a good teacher?
querida9512: You’re a fan of Cruz, too, right? What’s it like living with your YouTube idol?
hectorriveraseyelashes: On a scale of 1-10 how willing would you be to have me be your new tía?
veramaj: have u been to any of their concerts yet?
hectorriveraseyelashes: There hasn’t been a concert with both of them since Chamaco came around.
musiica-vida: Not that we mind! It’s so sweet to see Héctor taking care of his primo <3
veramaj: he could have gone to one before he lived with héctor
Littlebear119: What’s your favorite subject in school, Miguel?
querida9512: And when’s the next update on your channel?
               “Espera, espera, this is a lot!” Miguel laughs, discomfort gone as he scrolls up through the chat. “Tío Héctor’s a really good teacher, even though he keeps making me do boring things like scales. I used to watch Cruz’s videos to figure out how to play better, but now I can just ask him!” He scrolls a little more. “I really like math. Is that weird? Oh! And P.E.! I’m definitely the fastest on my class’s fútbol team.” He shrugs. “And I don’t really know about updates, I—” He stops suddenly, glancing up as a sharp voice comes from somewhere, just loud enough to be picked up over the mic. “I, uh…” He glances back at the phone. “One second.”
               He sets the phone down, livestream still going on. A creaking door is picked up over the mic, and the two voices are a little clearer. Nearly every viewer turns up their volume to max to catch what’s being said.
               “You’re absolutely sure you weren’t filming?”
               “Honestly, Héctor, it’s not like I can do it by accident. You’ve gotten so paranoid since bringing in the kid.”
               “I’m his godfather. I’m supposed to be.” A frustrated sigh. “Look, I’m done, okay? I don’t want anymore filming today. Just let me enjoy my birthday in peace.”
               “We wouldn’t have to do this if you’d come to the Día de Muertos show, you know.”
               “But you couldn’t even ask me before you burst in at seven a.m.?”
               “It wouldn’t have been funny if you knew. And it’s gotten us a stable audience all day.” There’s a beat of silence, then a long sigh. “Look, I’m sorry you’re bothered. I thought you’d be more game for this. Guess I was wrong.”
               “It’s…it’s fine. Just no more filming Miguel unless I know.”
               “I didn’t.”
               “I know, but you might. And if I find that damned iPhone around him I swear…”
               Miguel gives a little gasp, and quick footsteps come back toward the phone before he’s back onscreen.
               “Gotta go! I’ll see you all around!” he says, then quickly ends the livestream.
Littlebear119: So Héctor really didn’t know…
musiica-vida: Did…Ernesto lie to him?
dlcswaifu: He probably didn’t know he was filming.
querida9512: But he just said that he couldn’t do it by accident.
dlcswaifu: I’ve done a lot of dumb things by accident without knowing I could. He’ll probably delete the footage once he realizes.
veramaj: i think it’s scripted. cruz’s done drama things in the past; maybe the views are down.
musiica-vida: Ooh, that’s a good point. I think you’re right.
dlcswaifu: Nothing gets views like a fight and a kid.
Littlebear119: :/ I dunno. I feel weird about this stream.
               The last livestream comes late that afternoon. Once again, there’s no notice before the notification goes off on everyone’s phone, and everyone who can manages to pile in to the chat as quickly as possible.
               There’s a general air of confusion as they get a very nice shot of the kitchen.
               “Is it recording now?” Héctor asks off-screen.
               “I can’t see. Is there a red circle?” comes Miguel’s voice. The camera tilts, shifting the view to the ceiling. “Yeah, it’s recording, but you’ve got the wrong camera on.”
               “How do I change it?”
               “You see that camera button? Just tap it.”
               “Just tap—” The camera abruptly switches to selfie-mode, and Héctor’s obviously startled by it. “Ah! Okay! Okay, there we go. Hola!”
               The chat is FULL of heart emojis and !!!!!!!!!!!!!’s.
musiica-vida: FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS!!!!!!!
Littlebear119: FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS!!!!! <3 <3 <3
(Needless to say, the chat is flooded with “FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS”es.)
Héctor looks caught off-guard by the response, then laughs. “Gracias, gracias! I’m, ah, I’m not really good with this whole livestreaming thing, but I wanted to thank you all for such wonderful wishes!”
musiica-vida: IT’S NOTHING WE LOVE YOU HÉCTOR <3 <3 <3
hectorriveraseyelashes: That blazer tho…
Littlebear119: We all hope you had a wonderful day!!!!
               “That’s, ah, that’s really all I have to say. I actually have to leave in…” He glances off-camera. “Now. But I wanted to let you all know that I appreciate your…” He trails off as the chat bursts to life again.
hectorriveraseyelashes: GLASSES.
p0c0l0c0: JUST FOR A SECOND.
musiica-vida: HÉCTOR PLZ. DO IT FOR US.
hectorriveraseyelashes: GLASSESSSSS…
               He sighs as he looks over the chat. “Diosa, look at this.”
               The woman from earlier (“IMELDA!!!” as musiica-vida pointed out), just peeked over Héctor’s shoulder to look at the chat, then tilted her head up with a smirk.
               “See? It’s not just me who thinks you should be able to see.”
               “I can see just fine.”
               “It took you three times to hit the record button,” Miguel pipes up from off-screen.
               “Here.” Imelda looks down as something that sound suspiciously like a glasses case opens, and she holds up the glasses. “You should at least do it for your fans. And for me.”
               Héctor rolls his eyes, but smiles a bit as he leans down slightly so Imelda can slip them on. “Only if you wear your hair down on your birthday.”
               “Deal.” She smiles at him as he stands up straight and pats his cheek. “Muy guapo, cariño.”
               He shakes his head, then looks back at the camera. The chat has devolved into a mess of “SO CUUUUUTE!!!” and “SÍÍÍ MUY GUAPO” and more sparkle emojis and hearts than could be counted. (Save for hectorriveraseyelashes, who floods the chat with crying emojis.)
               “Well, that’s it for today. We really do appreciate your guys’ support, and thanks again for being part of one of the most memorable birthday’s I’ve ever had.” He gives a little wave with his free hand. “Adíos!”
               The video ends, and the chat is beside itself with delight—all the drama from the last stream completely forgotten.
Littlebear119: They’re all so cute I just can’t.
musiica-vida: I KNOOOWWW
hectorriveraseyelashes: I don’t know if I want to KILL Diosa or BE Diosa.
p0c0l0c0: Please choose “be”
hectorriveraseyelashes: FINE.
hectorriveraseyelashes: For now.
hectorriveraseyelashes: Those glasses, tho
hectorriveraseyelashes: I found God in those glasses tonight.
badnugg: omg i can’t wait for school tomorrow.
hectorriveraseyelashes: #jealous
veramaj: i’m just so glad that everything’s all right. i knew it couldn’t be a real fight. cruz is way too nice for that.  
As always, thank you so, so much for reading! Wit’s got the next installment, so be sure to check over her way in the next week or so! Also we have tons of headcanons we’re ready to scream about at any given moment, so don’t be shy and come talk to us!
 Also, if you like my screaming-in-written-form and want to indulge my caffeine addiction, feel free to buy me a coffee (or not, of course.)
Thanks once again, and we’ll see you around!
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sunnysidewrites · 8 years ago
Requested by anon: Soulmate!au for Taeyang please?? Preferably with the both of you being childhood friends too! Thank you so much!!
hi my little anon this is for you!!! im sorry if its kinda yikes i never like my writing or the product tbh and when i do i feel like it gets overlooked by my other pieces rip @ writers the struggle is rEAL but anyways i hope you enjoyed this!!! also im tearing up on how much notice vigilante!wonwoo is getting thank you guys so so much!!! remember that REQUESTS ARE OPEN READ FAQ AND RULES FIRST SEND THEM INNNN
au where you have a tattoo of what your soulmate is most passionate about
since you were little you had a small cute tattoo on your wrist of a pair of dance tap shoes
but what did you know you were only 4 and only thought “those are pretty shoes!!”
when you entered kindergarten you met fETUS TAEYANG HOW CUTE AWW
“hi i like your tattoo!!!!”
“thanks i’m y/n!!”
“i’m taeyang!!! check out my tattoo my dad said they’re music notes”
he had little musical notes trailing down his forearm and you’re just like wow that’s so beautiful!!
“do you know what these tattoos are for?”
“my dad said it’s what your soulmate is most passionate about (whatever that means LOL),,, so what your soulmate really really likes!!”
how cUTE smol you and tae become little cute friends just like that!!!
even at age 5 tae was so certain and self-assured he loved dancing and singing but not as much as grooving to the beat
on the other hand you were still unsure and wanted to explore a variety of fields
smol 5 year old tae would bust out his moves to you and hE IS JUST TOO!!! ADORABLE IM CRYING
your friendship only strengthened over the years but
alas!!!! you had to separate in middle school darn young love :((
your parents’ jobs made them relocate to another city
but ofc you and tae were determined to continue communicating!!! so you exchanged home phone numbers
y'all are so cute you would talk on the phone for hours but then,,,,
they got more and more infrequent, as he was trying to make a name out of himself by joining dance competitions and basically he got the ball rolling for his career starting at that point
you were lonely and missed talking to your best friend :(((
you were always so jealous of tae’s determination you were just,,, a wandering lost soul
in these dark times you turned to music and found major relief and comfort in soothing calm ballads and upbeat pumping beats
you got interested in music very quickly and decided to take up some music classes
you eventually learned how to play the piano and guitar, which led you to making cOVERS!!!!
you were enjoying it but you felt like there was still something missing
you took music theory and practically fell in love
in fact it pushed you to really analyze music and produce your own
the only job you were able to do was babysit your niece every weekend but at least your aunt was generous about the pay!!!
it still took you f o r ev er to save up for proper equipment but you were able to have a decent system going on
you locked yourself up in your room for who knows how long every single day to familiarize yourself with the new technology and play around with different instruments on the editor
it came to you so naturally that it only took you a week to produce something pretty decent for a rookie
and even in the midst of all of this you constantly think about tae and it influences your work and you practically make songs about him
you wanted to share it for people to hear so you opened up a soundcloud and youtube channel and posted on both
views were steady but a little low in the beginning but a few months in your little producing career it sKYROCKETED
everyone started to listen to your sick beats and mixes you were a dj bUT ALSO WITH THE BEST SINGING VOICE EVER WHAT A DOUBLE THREAT!!!
you became a viral sensation (sensational feeling lMAO ok bye)
at this time you were well into high school probably around your senior year and we all know how senior year can get hectic especially at the beginning
you decided to put your mixing on hiatus to focus on college apps and your classes for the time being
it was a few months in the school year around november when one day the school was buzzing with a little more energy than usual
you asked your friend “what’s the deal with everyone today????”
“uM have you not been paying attention?? there’s a new transfer kid and hE IS THE MOST MAJESTIC THING EVER”
and she goes on and on about his good looks and what a gentleman he is
you’re thinking guys like those are practically nonexistent i’ll have to see it to believe it
you just shrugged it off and walked to your homeroom
and there, folks, is when you couldn’t believe it bUT NOT FOR THE REASONS YOUR FRIEND SAID
“class we have a new student please introduce yourself!!”
“:D i’m blind by tHE ACTUAL SUN hi everyone!!! i’m taeyang i just moved here a few days ago!!”
he catches your eye and yALL JUST DO A DOUBLE TAKE BC
tae is actually fangirling on the inside and he shines even brighter and actually blinds the entire school
“please have a seat next to the empty desk next to y/n. y/n can you show him around today?”
hAHAHA NERVOUS LAUGHTER “sure,,,, i,,, will be,,, showing taeyang my childhood best friend,,,, around,,, no biggie,,,”
when your homeroom teacher gives you homework time to do you both frantically turn to each other and loudly whisper
“i’m sorry!!! things have been so crazy with competitions,,, :(((“ pls doNT LET MY SUN BE SAD
you can’t help but forgive him bc you know better than anyone else how important his career is to him, especially when it comes to dancing
you just brush it off and ask to see his schedule
you guys have a few classes together and plan to meet up at lunch so you can give a proper tour
it’s just like old times and you’re suddenly so nostalgic that you get slightly emotional
you just missed talking to him so much it’s been years since you picked up the phone and had a conversation with him
little did you know, he feels the exact same way
the way your arms brush across each other makes him go just a little crazy
it takes literally no time for him to get adjusted like by the end of the week he’s already got his own crew and is involved in a few clubs
ofc he is one of the officers in the dance club
he’s drastically improved his dancing skills to the point where he can singlehandedly make his own choreo
let’s just say it gets LIT AT RALLIES unlike my school smh
dance club meets pretty often, as the students wanna perfect every single dance they do
so basically multiply taeyang by 15
they’re amazing for a reason
you wanted to walk home with taeyang one day and stopped by one of their practices near closing time
as you near the door you hear some reaaaally familiar music
you watch through the classroom window and the dance team is busting out them moves
but all your eyes see is taeyang, front and center
not only does he look cool and charismatic but he looks happy doing what he loves
you clutch your backpack strap tighter and internally squeal legit your best friend is so hot rn
when’s he not tho??? anyway
when they finish the dance you hear him say “god this person who remixes these is so cool i love their works i would love to meet them”
and then he takes notice of you and dOES THIS CUTE AF LITTLE WAVE IM WEAK
one day at lunch he tells you about an upcoming competition he’s about to compete in
he actually got in the final round so he’s like
“!!!!!! if my team wins we win a scholarship!!!!!”
and you’re both freaking out and ofc you’re gonna go to support him
competition day rolls around soon and you’re in the bleachers overseeing everyone
you admit everyone is majorly talented but you know tae’s team has it in the bag if it has tae in it let’s be real here
when his team finally gets introduced they get into position
it’s blasting in the speakers for everyone to listen to and you’re so emotional rn
tae executes his dance as flawlessly as ever and you’re so proud of knowing someone like him
and that’s when you realize
everything you know about tae and his dancing
from the way he pulls all nighters for a new choreo to how much he glows when he’s out on the floor
you lift up your sleeve and stare at the shoes
“oh my god” you whisper
the results come in and ofc hE WINS YESSSS
tae’s team is asked to do a quick thank you speech and when it’s tae’s turn to speak you’re anticipating on what he’s going to say
“thank you to all my friends and family, esp my parents who have been supporting me the entire way!!! and of course my best friend who came all the way to watch me today i love you!!! :DDDDDD”
you know tae to be very touchy and affectionate
but that was actually the very first time he’s ever said that to you, whether it be platonically or romantically
and you hadn’t realized that you wanted it to be the latter until that moment
you’re in love with your best friend
as the crowd files out you step down the bleachers and sprint to him
he’s carrying the trophy in his right hand but when he sees you advancing towards him he quickly shoves it to the person closest to him LOL
you embrace in a tight tight lung crushing hug
“i love you too soulmate”
and he’s like wAIT A MINUTE
and he pulls back to look at you
“ok we’re gonna get back to what you said bUT SOULMATE???? MUSIC????”
“i kinda produced the song you just danced to??? surprise!!!!!”
and he’s just wHAT THE ACTUAL
“you’re – you’re actually – how – when-”
you just giggle at how dumbfounded he is
and you take his face in both hands and plant a kiss on him AW SCUTE SCUTE
his hands tighten around your waist and you’re both smiling so much on each other’s lips
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thank you for the tag cutie :’) @heliumdooly i am a lil’ anxious atm so this will help take my mind off it !! <3
1. Are you named after someone? Noooope - how boring. 2. When was the last time you cried? Wow okay this is hard bc I cry a lot, at ridiculous stuff as well. It was probably when I watched ep 18 of Hwarang (no i haven’t seen the finale yet nobody say anything) 3. Do you like your handwriting? You know what, I don’t mind it. Sure, it’s not always neat and often illegible but I like it. I am v interested in handwriting and idk why.  4. What’s your favorite lunch meat? Probaly chicken. I’ll eat most things tho tbh. 5. Do you have kids? No and I’ve got a while before I can even think about it. 6. If you were another person, would you be friends with yourself? Gosh. I think I would. I am not that irritating a person i hope 7. Do you use sarcasm? Oh boy you bet I do. 8. Do you still have your tonsils? I do, how great is that aha 9. Would you bungee jump? I think we need to experience everything once, but when you bungee jump you face down and idk whether i am ready for death yet tbh. 10. Why is your favorite kind of breakfast cereal? Krave. But I don’t eat it much because it’s really filling in the morning. At the moment, I have Weeatbix minis which is a tad bland - but healthy innit. 11. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? Sometimes. That sounds peculiar but I guess it depends on the shoe ?? (i am chatting bollocks again) 12. Do you think you’re a strong person? Physically? definitely not. I think I am quite strong. I don’t like to say I have had a traumatic life, but I am rarely ever sad and mainly optimistic. Sure, I have weird episodes where I worry and overthink but I am only human ya know. 13. What is your favorite ice cream flavor? I love vanilla to be fairs, BUt - mint choc chip has my heart man. There’s something endearing about bright green food. 14. What is the first thing you notice about people? Because I am trash, it’s normally their height. Either that, or it’s eyes or hair. 15. Red or pink? I like red, but a dark deep red. 16. What is your least favorite physical thing about you? have we got all week pal? I kid, but I hate my stomach, my bum (or lack of), my weird nose and my lower lip that sticks out too much. 17. What color pants and shoes are you wearing now? I am actually wearing a dress rn, because we have to dress reasonably smart for school. No shoesss. 18. What was the last thing you ate? Chicken nuggets. 19. What are you listening to right now? “White Heat” by EXO koreaboo trash ikik 20. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Light blue 21. Favorite smell? Freshly cut grass pshhhh how cliche. I also like gentle scented candles like sandalwood or bed sheets or something (idfk) 22. Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? My step-dad. I was grovelling because I had no service and I was out and I had text either of my parents soo. 23. Favorite sport to watch? does sports anime count? if so, volleyball;)  24. Hair color? Mousey brown. 25. Eye color? A v bright blue. 26. Do you wear contacts? I don’t, but I am slightly blind lmao. I gotta live that glasses lyf. 27. Favorite food to eat? SWEET POTATO FRIES !!. 28. Scary movies or comedy? Comedy, but I am not a lover of both. I am just a massive scaredy cat.
29. Last movie you watched? I watched “Suffragette” and I felt v empowered and great. 30. Summer or Winter? Winter. I love dressing up in oversized clothing, hot drinks and all that lark. Also, I die and sweat in summer and that’s never pleasant. 31. Hugs or kisses? *answers hugs bc she hasn’t had a boyfriend in years* 32. What book are you currently reading? It’s bad but I am not actually a massive reader. I had to read a book for drama called “The Fatal Shore” but it’s disgustingly dull :/ 33. Who do you miss right now? My grandparents. They live about 2 hours away and I rarely get to see them:( 34. What is on your mousepad? I don’t have a mousepad, darn. 35. What is the last TV program you watched? Jeremy Kyle. I watch it every day after I come home school, it weirdly helps me to unwind. 36. What is the best sound? Saxophone.  37. Rolling Stones or Beatles? Rolling Stones, for me. Obviously I appreciate both. 38. What is the furthest you have ever travelled? A 23 hour coach trip to Spain was hell jfc. 39. Do you have a special talent? Well I have a big ol’ singing voice, it shocks ppl for my tiny ass frame. It’s not that special though and, like anything, requires practice(: 40. Where were you born? Pembury in England but I didn’t live there lmao. Non-English people may not get how tiny and rural it is lmao.
ty g once again <3 i would like to tag @uncreativelex @dongan-chan @kookiesandchicken 
thaaaanks <3
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