#and it was super chill me and a friend group (dont know these people but in this world we knew each other since hs) were going bar hopping
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savage-rhi · 2 months ago
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astoldbysteph · 22 days ago
i feel like people aren't gonna like what i am gonna say but after numerous talks with rp friends, i think it's important to at least yap a little about this.
i know this you don't owe anyone anything girlypop coochie queef purrrrrrr 💅 attitude is seen as the standard to follow not only in rp spaces but pretty much anywhere (especially online) and idk guys, i think this is doing more damage than good. rping is a hobby, yes, but it's a hobby that involves us collaborating with people in order to have fun and sometimes i feel like there's some inherent selfishness and carelessness that along with a severe lack of communication, is slowly eroding the rpc as a whole.
every day i hear a new anecdote about admins failing to take their group off the ground because of flakey members. or people retreating into their shells and not being able to fully enjoy writing with others due to people ghosting them after three hours. i feel like every single person that does the 1x1/indie thing has a story where they plot someone, make a discord server or set up an established thread, and then they never hear from their writing partner ever again. and this ain't cool, guys.
stuff happens! we all got lives and responsibilities like work and school and family life that sometimes prevent us from being as active as we would've like. or some days we just don't feel like writing for whatever reason and that's valid. this ain't a job, but it is a collaborative hobby so i am sorry to tell y'all this, but we do owe at least a lil bit of common courtesy to people who take the time to collab with us.
chats with friends and fellow rpers have me feeling like the rpc as a whole, in my opinion, has a communication problem. group people don't talk to their admins or don't like plotting with other members. 1x1/indie people are used to dropping stuff unannounced and talk even less between each other. roleplayers in general avoid making the first move and prefer letting the other party do the work. like dang y'all, not to be a hag on main but back in my day!!!! there was more of a willingness to talk to others. now everyone is more 'secluded' which i think stems from bad past experiences so we kinda end up stuck in a cycle that messes with everything as a whole.
idk where i am going this but i keep seeing people posting stuff talking about this or sharing similar sentiments or stuff happens to me and i end up making my brain work overtime to try and figure out what happened and what i can do on a personal level to change things and help others stop feeling discouraged and have a better time writing and chilling with people
and also before i forget because my wife reminded me!! it's ok to drop stuff or plots or people and its ok to take ur time to reply. we all got stuff to do or we are tired or sad or obsessively rewatching degrassi or just dont feel like writing and that's so valid. all sane people get it and would be understanding if you hit them up like hey! idt i have muse for this or sorry i took forever! but people don't even do that nowadays and it leads to people quitting, feeling discouraged, OR WORSE, adopting the same mindset. talk to ppl!! rpers are super nice and if you run into a weirdo i will beat them up for u
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voltaobjectcomic · 1 month ago
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to get to the beginning, i suggest just going through the archive! (other methods i tried werent working lol)
volta is a object comic I made back in november! Its a story of self discovery and finding what life is really about. Its told from many different points of view, with different storylines happening at the same time! but it all comes together trust.
This is something ive been working on for quite a while and would be so happy if people liked it! All fanart and anything like that will be featured on the instagram! (same user as on here) tag me in it!!!anything and everything is appriciated :33
star pillow - my sona (cough cough) uh so hes basically me!! silly dude, transmasc, shares an apartment with nokia. likes all the same shit i do and uh acts like me ig?! (or how i would like to act if i was normal)
party hat - intresting little guy, has an alcoholic comeback arc?? doesent really care for SP in earlier eps (fell first, fell harder type shit aughhh) but ends up liking him. Pretty chill guy! kinda a asshole, soft spot for sp, doesent really like people all that much. microwaveable /j (inside joke auuugh)
moon dude - hes the parent friendal f of the group. pretty responsibe but is super chill when it comes to his friends. main buds r baked potato and bone. Has a place on his own somewhere.. dont know if thats important yet. definitely likes pool. tries to get party hat to play with him (he def thinks its dumb)
ita - THE SILLY!! shes super sweet and doesent like to drink. Friends with nokia, navy, tea, and cofi. very bubbly person and likes to talk about her intrests that no one else seems to know but listens to her anyways. (kinda like me with my fuckass object shows) (did i mention that ita is also me in a different font?!)
nokia - little freak. nokia is a diva. they have silly faces like :0 and :3 and :D and wow thats so cool. they are very chillness and awesomeness and wowness. kinda quiet, doesent talk much unless people talk to them first. would probably rather be at home watching TV. they also paint! they like old games, owns a 3ds and a NES. prolly has a archade machine in their room.
navy - auughhh kim (OC) we know its u babe. BASICALLY KIM! she rollerblades, has an awesome partner (bone), draws, is in a band, uhhh yeh so cool!! kind of outgoing, little bit like mae from night in the woods. doesent care to much about what people think of them. can be a bit of a nerd!!
bone - basicslly stacy,,,,(one of my ocs) uhh! evil devious little creature. likes to mess with people and joke around a LOT! skateboards, in a band, navys partner, does graffiti. hangs out w cofi and navy. kinda like spraypaint from burner cough cough. outgoing, doesent care what people think, devious, and funny. #notnonchalant
tea - very chill! shes so awesome. Likes to hangout with her friends. can probably be found in a bookstore or a coffee shop. basically the places sinjin drowning goes in their vlogs. keeps a scrapbook on her and likes writing! in lesbians with cofi (not officially but like it’s basically official like comeon guys the r so in love.)
cofi - quiet, chill, lil bit silly. she likes music and likes doing stuff with bone when she isnt with tea. enjoys the same stuff as bone, graffiti, skateboarding, ect. likes chilling with tea tho and finds her company enjoyable! thinks that being with tea is a nice break compared to running around with bone
baked potato - the silly.. uh yea! they're friends with MD and likes playing pool with him. also enjoys hanging out with nokia to play their old games. lil bit like pilly (burner) in the way that they talk and look. they're pretty chill and is kinda just there a lot of the time. they're dumb though, they just like to act like they're smart.
steam basket - best friends with tea. her side chick. doesent really like cofi. shes shy and quiet, but has a lot of opinions. she wants whats best for her girl! can be rude but not intentionally, she thinks shes doing whats right. NOT A HOME WRECKER!! Shes still very silly chat. she is very sweet!! would prolly say smth like ‘i only want whats best for you tea…’ while shitting on cofi. (METAPHORICAALY NOT LITERALLY SHES NOT ACTUALLY SHITTING ON HER YK WHAT I MEAN.)
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allmyn1ghts · 1 year ago
Can I pls have Dominik Mysterio x Fem reader where they confess their feelings for each other in the rain with the prompts "I didn't know people like you existed" + "I wasn't expecting you to change my life... but you did"? Make it fluffy!
confessions in the rain ༘⋆✿
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Dominik Mysterio x fem!reader
synopsis: you and dom finally confess those hidden feelings :)
warnings: none! just fluff and some cursing
wc: 871
a/n: thank you for this super cute request, I hope I did it justice! enjoy, love! <3
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Dominik was your best friend and the man you've been swooning over the past year. 
A year ago you couldn't stand the thought of him or the rest of The Judgement Day. You felt that their presence every Monday night was just… annoying to say the least. But, After many many many attempts at getting you to join, you finally gave in. Rhea was the one who convinced you. 
“C'mon y/n think about all the opportunities we could get you! You could be the next Women’s Champion. I've seen how hard you've been working for that opportunity. Let JD help you.” 
"Fine, but if you guys screw me over, it's not gonna be pretty"
"Now why would we do that y/n?" she says with her signature smirk
So here you are now, the women's Champion, with the four people you now consider family. Shortly after joining, you realized that they weren't that terrible after all. And that's also when you stopped seeing Dom as a nuisance and saw him as the sweet and caring person he truly is. Out of everyone, you and Dom were the closest. The two you just clicked, always together, whether it be ringside supporting each other or just chilling, y'all were inseparable. Your little crush on Dom didn't go unnoticed either. The group often teased you when Dom wasn't around.  
“Take a picture, it’ll last longer.”
“Shut up Preist, I wasn't even looking at him”
“Finn, have you seen Dom? I gotta talk to him before his match”
“Nope, I haven't seen your little boyfriend, I'm surprised you don't know where he is.”
“Ha ha very funny, thanks for your help.”
“Anytime love!”
Each day your feelings for him grew and you only hoped he felt the same. Telling him the truth was always on your mind. Could it possibly ruin the friendship you have with him? Maybe. but, you never know unless you try… right? Yeah, that wasn't an option at the moment. 
After an eventful Raw, it was time for everyone to get back to the hotel. Everyone seemed to have left already except for you and Dom. It was weird, the five of you guys usually always left together. “You whipped some major ass out there!’ you complimented Dom as the two of yall packed up. “You think so? Felt like I didn't give my best tonight.” he shrugs. “Dom you always give a good show, dont doubt it.” He smiles at your comment. “Now cmon, I think the cab is here” You wrap an arm around his neck and head towards the exit. What you didn't know is that one, it was raining, and two, once you exit, you can't get back in. 
“Oh shit! I didn't know it was gonna be pouring out here,” you said running toward the door. You attempted to open the door. “What the…” you tried again. “Dom I think we're stuck out here…” You begin to anxiously laugh at the situation. “You know this is your fault right” You look at Dom like he has two heads. “My fault?! How was I supposed to know it was gonna be pouring out and-” “Relax y/n, I'm just fucking with you” he laughs at your mini outburst. 
“You're an asshole, you know that right?” the uncomfortable feeling of being wet starting to sink in.
“An asshole you looove”
“Yeah right, in your dreams” 
The two of you laugh and settle into a comfortable silence.
Dom notices you start to shiver. “Here take my jacket” He handed it to you and you put it on quickly. “Thanks” you smile to yourself. Little acts like this is what made you fall in love with him, if only you could tell him that. Minutes pass by still waiting for transportation, and the two of you switch between looking at your phones or watching the rain fall peacefully. Dom decides to break that comfortable silence. 
“Y/n can I tell you something?”
“Of course, what's up”
He turns to look down at you. “I don't know why I have this sudden urge to tell you this but fuck it,” you look at him confused. “Y/N I like you, a lot." Oh? Oh. "Even before you joined JD, when you hated my guts. You're- you're just so perfect, and funny, and beautiful and I can't explain what you do to me, but I love it. I didn't know people like you existed. You mean a lot to me and I don't even know if you feel the same b-” You cut him off, putting your hand on his wet cheek, and smile. “Dom, I've had the biggest crush on you for months now. I'm surprised you didn't notice! He stares at you baffled. "You're lying" "I swear!" Laughs come from both of you, he leans in, kissing you softly. He's the one to break the kiss. “I wasn't expecting you to change my life... but you did" You give him the biggest smile, and as you begin to respond to him, you are interrupted by the sound of a car horn. It's Rhea, Finn, and Damien all smiling at the two of you from the car.
“About damn time!” Damien says. 
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i hope you all enjoyed! pls comment and reblog! <3
request - masterlist - about me - who I write for
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cookiedough77 · 11 months ago
i dont normally just type miraculous au ideas but im getting this out there soooo
OK idea- what IF adrien never went to school right- BUT he still meets nino somehow or whatever and so somehow adrien just spends some times at the bakery (only when marinette is working the counter) and nino alya and marinette just yap it up (they hang at the bakery because its the only way his father will let him (and gorilla likes sweets idk (also his father doesnt fully know hes hanging out with friends)) ANYWAY so that doesnt really change mych of the story does it? ERRRRRR BUZZ BUZZ WROOONNNGG!!
ok so like chat noir in love with ladybug and ladybug NEVER MET ADRIEN UNTIL LATER so like shes in love(?) with chat noir but they dont date or anything because its dangerous ykyk so its just alota flirting and now, adrien hangs around NORMAL marinette- so he also is kinda falling for her- so NOW hes so conflicted on this- hes in love with two people now, so conflicted abt it IDENTITY SHENANIGANS ENSUES HAHHAHAHA
also adrien BEGS his father to hang out with these "new friends ge just met out of nowhere and no its not suspicious" and he says no even more than the show because like... wtf?? yk also gabriel sucks so he tries to hang out with them as chat noir
and the group has just... gotten used to it, chat noir hanging with the group, a little sad adrien cant hang with this super cool superhero as well! but chat noir says shi like "oh dw i hang out secretly at his house, hes chill with me" so they're like "oh ok cool"
anyway i just think its a silly au and what if i just make tiny itty bitty comics about it
uhmm... thanks for coming to my yap session about a kids show...
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asteroidzzzn · 2 years ago
more than just a dream - spark, 004
pairing: college!ellie x reader
synopsis: you transfer to a new school where you only know one person; your childhood best friend. he invited you to a beginning of the year party to meet some new people, but one person, in particular, catches your eye... his other best friend.
a/n: dina bonding time!
genre: social media au, fluff
series masterlist -- previous chapter -- next chapter
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bria 🧚
dina 💋
hi whats up? :)
bria 🧚
im bored and everyone else went out but i dont feel like drinking rn..
can i come over?
i know the two of us arent super close but this could be our chance to bond outside the group 🤞🤞
dina 💋
omg ofc!! i was feeling the same i just wanted to chill and stay in today 😭 but ya come over whenever
bria 🧚 ❤️ a message
we can watch mission impossible if ur into that!
only if u bring snacks...
bria 🧚
U HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH IVE BEEN WANTING TO SEE THATTTT OK im omw now ill put the best i have in a bag 🙏 cya!!
dina 💋 ❤️ a message
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bria 🧚
hey dina, sorry i had to leave right away
i have to study for the first unit test later today
wish i didn't, this is so boring
how are u?
dina 💋
im fine
im good im great actually
but i really think we should talk about it
what happened last night
bria 🧚
later, ok?
i need to go right now stepping into class
dina 💋
oh ok, bye :)
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dina woodward
hi y/n im literally going insane r u free to talk
omfg 😭 whats going on
dina woodward
you'll never believe what happened last night
ughhh i wish i was there! sorry i wanted to stay in to get some sleep, i have a test next period
dina woodward
oh no worries i actually stayed in too so this isnt ab the outing
do u know who bria volentas is?
yeah i do!
shes really nice ill sit next to her in history in a few minutes actually
dina woodward
oh 😭😭😭 i wanted to talk to u ab this bc i thought u were the only one in the group that didnt really know her
can u keep a secret? just need to get this off my chest
u can trust me :)
dina woodward
sooo... ive had a crush on her since the dawn of time
y/n !! a message
and we hung out last night alone!!
!!AWEEE yall will be so cute together i can see it now
dina woodward ❤️ a message
also im so glad u said that bc i wasnt ab to be the one to com eout first 😭😭
dina woodward !! a message
dina woodward
YOUW AHT?!?!?!?!?!?
i didnt wanna assume but i secretly knew.........
y/n haha a message
dina woodward
we were watching mission impossible bc ellie ditched me (i wont forget) and she goes 'im cold' so bc shes the actual loml i let her under my blanket
dina woodward
then our feet kinda touched then our hands kinda touched and we were getting rlly close... then we fucked
that went from 0 to 100 sO FAST
dina woodward
dina woodward
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this is the average wlw experience i say while dry heaving and crawling onto the roof and howling
y/n ❤️ a message
LMFAOOO it literally is tho we have it so difficult
dina woodward
i said i wanted to talk ab last night and she was so avoidant so she BETTER say something rn
yall rn
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lurking in chat.....
dina woodward
i need to be distracted rn
eye starts twitching
tell me smth thats going on w u
ok u trusted me w ur crush so i can trust u w mine right..
dina woodward
ofc ofc
so u know her actually like really well from what i know
is ellie williams gay..
dina woodward
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take a look at her what do u think
y/n ❤️ a message
angels harmonize and descend from heaven
yes i like her... i think. its been hard to like anyone since my last relationship but im feeling rlly hopeful about us
im heavily delusional tho she was prob just being friendly when we hung out
dina woodward
she recently broke up w her ex too, and shes been kinda staying away from relationships :(
ur amazing tho youd be so good for her
if she acts like a bitch to u ONCE run
damn jesse warned me ab her too 😭 what happened with her and her ex? if u know or if ur ok with telling me
i know its not really my business
i just wanna know what lines i cant cross
dina woodward ❤️ a message
dina woodward
yeah i totally get it
i actually dont know all the details
i think she only told jesse bc theyre way closer than me and her
if u want to know everything, id ask him or get it from ellie herself
just get closer with her and she'll tell u everything, and u can decide what to do from there
ok , thats a good idea
ill just use my amazing charm and incredible beauty to captivate her in chemistry
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dina woodward ❤️ a message
dina woodward
speaking of,, she sucks at chemistry. u could get closer to her by tutoring her if youd be up for that?? shed appreciate it sooo much
#1 wingman award is presented toooooo dina woodward!
dina woodward ❤️ a message
ill def talk to her ab that ill be like heyyy u need help 💋
shit gtg now, test time!
dina woodward
good luck!! with the test and ellie🙏
y/n ❤️ a message
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a/n: a lot longer than the last chapter!! but i had a lot to say in this one :D love in the future for my girl dina!!! love to see it
hope u enjoyed as always (✿◠‿◠)
taglist: @ximtiredx @gold-dustwomxn @elliesinterlude @fireflyels @trulygnomed @deluluwh-0-re @toesorhoes @elliewilliamsmissingfingerss @emluvselandabs @ariianelle @jokerpokimoon @lonelyfooryouonly @lil-elliesgf @yuaaa05 @ourautumn86
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fallenbars · 2 months ago
ok hear me out... sweet cap'n cakes x gn reader who is a hardcore punk.. spikes and anarchy and the cool outfits and they're just the coolest ever
they thought THEY were rebels, but reader is out here looking like the whole one-person rebellion and acting like it too
have a nice day/night/afternoon depending on your timezone! :)
SWEET CAP’N CAKES IMAGINES || Hardcore punk reader!!
Haaa, they would love you. Collectively they would think you’d be one the coolest people on earth (cough) Cyberworld(CouGh) and would so badly want to be your friend. Trust me, you’d get along with them great. This is platonic but if you meant X reader as in romantic just get back to me and I’ll do that too! I just wasn’t %100 sure so I went the safe route.
*Insert gasp at first introduction*
He literally thinks you’re so cool. Look at you!! He would like to be your friend and honestly, K_K isn’t the shy type, but with you, he might act like it. Not too much- but it’s somewhat noticeable.
Probably gets bashful and doesn’t do things to impress you, but when he does his regular things he trips up sometimes. You’re distracting him! (In a good way. Although Sweets and Cap’n probably get a bit annoyed because of him messing stuff up.)
“Uh, hi! Would you like to be friends?” He says softer than usual trying to greet you in order not to scare you compared to his usual…louder greetings?
You accept. You just made his DAY. And if you don’t?…Probably a bit mopey and bummed. Darn…
But let’s put the rejection aside. You and K_K would make really good pals. He’d totally hype you up and be a good partner in crime (Dont ask how he’s so good at what he does) depending on what the case is. He also would love to watch you put outfits together so he could maybe try to get it for himself or even get you something like that! Gift purposes. You know?
Lots of giggles when he looks at you. Just thinks you’re super uber cool.
Uh, hello? Where’ve you been hiding?
“H-hi! Nice to meet you. I’m sweets and these are my brothers!” Waves his hand towards both of them while glancing at them and back to you.
He thinks you look awesome. That style? WHOA. And your attitude? Please join them. Please.
Would LOVE to be your friend. He’s afraid of being rejected but he goes for it anyway. Not without feeling his body tingly from his nerves but on the outside he has his cool. Once you accept he’ll probably look away and his one eye will have a smile ( Or you know how you can tell how someone smiles through their eyes? There bottom lid lifts and it crinkles. Yeah. Him.) he’ll turn back, chill as ever. Yeah. Chill. (Real happy on the inside and might let some of it escape through his happy speech and tone.) 🤭
And if you reject being his pal? OH. Shot to the heart but ok. He’s reaction is more noticeable than K_K’s. He wont bother you again though.
You and him get along well. Especially for coming up with plans for their rebellious group- someone has a head on their shoulders and he really likes that about you. He enjoys that you’re you and the way you express yourself. He likes when people do that and admires you.
Whoa. Who are you?
Dude, dude, dude- You look like the coolest person he’s ever seen. Aside from his brothers- BUT NOT THE POINT.
He wants to be your friend but has trouble with his approach to it. Even otherthinks it. “I-uh- so wanna hang out with me, sweets and K_K?” Little things like that to grab your attention and find an excuse to hang. Probably a few days later literally asks if maybe you’d like to be friends. (Please say yes-)
You accept? Man is HAPPY. You two are gonna be a duo, no room for debate. You’ll get along swell and it’ll bother K_K and Sweets since where are you two going all the time? Where have you been? Be back by 10pm MINIMUM! Thank you. You worry them like two parents. Y’all are knuckleheads to say the least. The duo that needs to be kept apart.
You don’t accept? He’s bummed. Dang it…
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youremyheaven · 5 months ago
I don't know if you remember but a while ago I sent an ask talking about how as a ketuvian I've always felt rejected and that's why I close myself off to people ? Anyway that's was a whileee ago.
But now that I'm in university, I just feel so alone, I've always had friends right but I never ever had a close friend, a confident you know ? And now I just feel like seeing everybody spend time with their group of friends I feel like I missing out.
When I try to make friends at my uni they are never what I expect and it never goes far, ( I fear that I appear as clingy) I just never meet anybody that fits me also I am in my rahu/Venus antardasha so I just feel so obsessed with establishing socials connections which feels very weird for me as a ketuvian and I just feel lost like I want to get this idea out of my head however I can't and everytime I get a friend they just start at one point expressing animosity towards me like 😐 why you're jealous I tought we were twinning?? I just feel so lost and exploited like I try to give out love but it is never matched so I was wondering if you would like to give a piece of advice or some insight on how should I stop the FOMO ? 👉👈🥺
I'm so glad you're back 💓
sorry babe i havent checked my asks in a few months so i must have missed it 💀💀
honestly babe, not everybody has genuine, healthy, meaningful friendships. i say this as someone who knows a lot of people and hangs out with a lot of people. all the people with these vast friend groups and besties they hang out with every day lowkey have all kinds of issues with them and THATS OKAY. we seldom get a realistic perspective on it.
most friendships are complicated if not superficial. the secret to healthy friendships are keeping boundaries.
OBVIOUSLY now there are genuinely good people in this world and good friendships can be formed with them but its all about timing. ive gone yearrrs of my life without having close friends :(((
now i want you to write down what exactly you're looking for in a friend:
is it someone to confide in? someone to have deep chats with? someone who will give you emotional support??
is it someone to hang out and do fun stuff with??
is it a combination of the two??
ideally, it should be possible to have a combo of the two but FRANKLY speaking, in this economy, you can have chill friends you hangout with occasionally (you dont talk to them everyday, you dont really have personal convos etc etc) or you can have a few friends who you can get super personal with
now considering how you've just started uni, your emotional needs are going to be very different from that of a woman in her mid 20s (aka me) for me, i dont really need to share much ?? with anyone?? but i do have people in my life that i can talk to if i need to?? but mostly we all just do our job and then chill and thats just adulthood
university is a whole different ballgame and i understand how isolating it can be without friends :(( 🥺🥺
but honestly its better to be alone than it is to be surrounded by fake asf friends 💀💀so dont worry about that
my university years were horrible because of toxic friendships. i felt alone through most of it and im sooo glad its over. i wish i had a fun uni experience to speak of but :// it is what it is and since it was covid era, not many people my age have a fun uni exp to speak of either so i didnt feel like im missing out on much
ANYWAAYYYS thats enough about me
about FOMO,
its just a part of life. we're all going to feel left out/excluded/left behind etc etc but tbh its not really fun if you aren't there experiencing it yourself. idk if that makes sense??? but like suppose you went to that party that you see all over your friends IG stories, once you're there you'll realise its nothing much, its just some drinks, disco lights, awkward people, pretentious wannabes and ppl with zero personality trying to impress each other. nothing is ever as fun as you see on instagram. so you're not really missing out on much. also company matters a great deal, if you go to fun places with lame asf/ boring/rude/ vibe unmatched people then youll ruin a good thing for yourself!!!
ive been asked to go to goa (its like the ibiza of india for the non desis) with like 3 different friend groups and ive declined them all bc while it sounds fun in theory (dropping acid at a rave) i dont think ill enjoy myself as much bc idrc about those ppl
life is only fun if we MAKE it fun. whenever you feel left out, just remind yourself "i probably wouldnt have enjoyed it any way" ORRRR "i wasnt there so it couldnt have been that much fun" (if youre delulu like me)
another major factor behind fomo is self comparison
i dont open IG, i dont see those stories. idgaf what other ppl are upto. if youre going to see coldplay, good for you. if you're going to iceland. good for you. IDC. i stay in my lane. i focus on myself. i get my shit done and try to check off my boxes.
let them have fun now. your turn WILL COME. and it will be amazinggg <333
just think of this as an era where you're sowing the seeds. learn to enjoy your own company. do things alone. get new hobbies. go on dates.
and there will come a different era which i call HARVEST SZN 😎😎😎where you can harvest the seeds you have sown now and have a blast
nothing is forever in life. spring follows winter. thats the rule of nature. so honestly just keep going.
dont be afraid of missing out because youre not missing out on anything that you would actually enjoy. bc the things that are actually for you, you can never miss out on??? if that makes sense???
idk if this helps 😭😭😭
but youre so smol and so precious. pls take care!!! dont fall into bad habits and dont waste these years by holding yourself back. do everything u want to do!!! and honestly try to get some kind of job. that will also keep u engaged and not leave u with any time to think <333 (welcome to capitalism, u cant have fomo if youre too tired to think 😍)
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babymorte · 28 days ago
If you were fat, do you still think people would think you were a good person? And give you the kind of attention they do? I ask because I wonder this myself. I wonder if it makes me a bad person if I conflate the two, if I'm more likely to think you're kind and sweet because you're attractive. I often wonder if it affects the way you view your self worth in terms of your ex who didn't "value you" and showing guys who lust over you irregarless of your inner beauty as proof of said value. I don't have any answers, I guess that's why this is an ask.
i mean i’m gonna be real with you. i’ve known for a very long time that 99.99% of people only pay me any mind because of my appearance. i was bullied my entire life because ive always been scrawny and kind of weird (which i later learned was autism) my hairs naturally curly and frizzy like ive always just been kind of there you know? my personality has never changed. i was just having this conversation the other day about how people think im faking my personality and kindness to be a pick me of sorts and they told me ‘you haven’t changed since the day i met you (15yrs ago) so either you’re a super con artist or people are fucking stupid’ and it was honestly insanely validating because i am always afraid that people think im two faced or something. i know if i was heavier people wouldnt be as receptive of me im told all the time even by people in public how great my body is. i was at a pharmacy this past summer and a like 50yo man came up to me telling me that they dont make them like me anymore and went on to tell me that my value was in my long legs and thing frame. its honestly dehumanising never being taken seriously. especially when it comes to meeting to people and forming new relationships. i want to be seen for me. my appearance is so i feel more confident just in my own skin but never for the approval of others.
it wasn’t until i started putting effort into my appearance that anyone started paying attention to me at all and then when i started looking like the stereotypical hot goth internet gf or whatever people just started flocking to me and now the people who used to make fun of me kiss my ass, the girls who bullied me want to be my best friend, and the type of guys i liked manipulate and use me. no matter what i do i can’t win and i know for a fact that wouldn’t happen if i was heavier even if i had the same exact style i do now.
i wouldn’t base how kind someone is on if they’re attractive though. oftentimes, at least in the groups i fall into, they’re extremely two faced and vindictive and petty. it’s all an act especially on social media. i think it’s better judge someone by their actions above all else. a pretty face doesn’t mean a pretty heart, never forget that.
i guess that’s why im so vindictive towards how i was treated because literally everywhere we would go people would ask him how he bagged me (which also gross) and i have had people come up and take photos of and with me because i was pretty or they liked my hair or style. and by him doing everything that he did without remorse or taking accountability any of the times he got caught i felt like i was owed something for wasting for much of my time. i dont really pay any mind to the people who lust over me and i don’t interact with them because that’s seedy behaviour imo. i threw it in his face i guess to be like ‘see i could have done the same thing’ because realistically i could have and i still could. hell i was talking to someone on ig a few weeks ago thinking they were chill and they messaged me my own reel saying they wish they were in my room with me so they could do all this gross sex shit and i immediately noped right the fuck out of there. what i did to him wasn’t right and i know it doesn’t necessarily make me a bad person and while i do feel bad i also am fed up with men treating me like shit whether they’re friends or my partner and i guess it all built up over years and years of my asking for change with nothing to show for it and i snapped.
so yes it does affect how i view myself and my value and my worth because they’re basically chasing after what’s better or a constant rush of dopamine i guess but it shows that i will never be enough them yet they care enough to keep me on the back burner for the emotional support and someone to come home to. what’s even more upsetting is you can tell them 1000x over what this does to you and they won’t care and continue doing what they’re doing. so you have the people praising you for your looks but the one person you actually want it from doesn’t give a shit about you so you’re constantly at war with yourself and in my case it’s a constant struggle to continue being a good person because i do have a lot of resentment over my appearance and how people treat me.
i don’t know i went on a tangent and i dont think i answered the question at all really im sorry but thank you for asking because this is actually something that’s been eating away at me recently 🙏🏻
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real-microsoft-outlook · 1 month ago
jaw dropping friendship lore is released!
adding a cut because i dont want to ruin peoples dash, tw panic attacks and suicidal feelings
primary school friendhsips = nonexistant. i stabbed a girl in the eye with a pin in year 1 then everyone got pissed at me and didnt talk to me
year 7 - made "friends" with this girl in my form, and some of her primary school friends (i was the only one from my primary school). this super smart girl from another form also joined our little group, and it was super cute, we were all really really good friends, then people started making fun of me when i figured out i was pan and that ended up great with me having no friends in the summer
year 8 - made proper good friends with this group of girls, a lot of eastern europeans who were super duper nice and lovely and even taught me little bits of their languages! i dropped my friends from year 7 cause they kept talking about me behind my back n stuff and it was awful. these new friends were also super nice and they helped me figure out some stuff about my panic attacks :)) i also made friends with another dude in y10 (lifeguard dude!) and we got along amazingly, being two gay little shits together
year 9 - everything was very very chill but then panic attacks got worse, and one of my best friends moved to scotland so i got incredibly lonely, then in like the last 2 months of this year all the nice girls started talking behind my back again! and saying shit like "oh her panic attacks arent real" and continuosly threatening to tell my head of year about suicidal feelings :/ spent the summer pretty alone then too
year 10- so far so good, the current year im in now, i had a hugeeee chat with my head of year about the situation regarding y9 friendhsips and it turns out everyone was just like. on their periods and stirring shit up for no reason. so we're all friends again plus ive made friends with some people in my classes who are nice, generally people have matured a lot more now so its easier to be friends with people, and people are a lot more accomadating to panic attacks so ive got someone in all my lessons who knows how to deal with it n stuff. plus ive made friends with another 6th former (one of lifeguard dudes friends) and hes super duper funny
the end! for now
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jiminjeonging · 1 month ago
saw this super late but thank u both so much!! im sadly not very good w prompts lol i can only think of maybe nerdy loser jm x needy prep nn having some sort of secret affair
my brain dont work too much rn too unfortunately but what you said reminded me of this ningrina au i have in my head and tried to write before it might be ooc (and not you wanted) but you need to stay with me plsss
There were two specific reasons Jimin loathes Econ with every fiber of her being.
Firstly, it’s boring as hell. Like, soul-crushingly boring. Jimin’s a psych major; she couldn’t care less about “utilities” or “scarcity” or whatever else their monotone professor drones on about at 1 p.m. while ignoring the sea of blank stares from the entire class. It’s like a live reenactment of suffering. Oh, and let’s not forget: the prof doesn’t answer questions, doesn’t explain anything in-depth, and lives for pop quizzes. You know, just to spice up everyone’s misery. Jimin walks into that classroom every day in a good mood after lunch, and then—bam. Gone. Obliterated the moment she sits down.
Second one is much more personal.
Her name is Ning Yizhuo.
Aka: the bane of Jimin’s existence. The most insufferable, obnoxious, bratty human being on campus. Possibly on Earth. Jimin would go as far as to call her tragic… because it’s really unfair and cruel that Ningning is also, quite possibly, the prettiest girl Jimin has ever seen.
She’s petite and slim with honey skin, delicate features, and soft golden-brown hair. Her eyes? Cat-like and mischievous, framed by ridiculously long lashes that honestly feel like a personal attack. And her lips? Glossy and pink. Perfect. So perfect, in fact, that Jimin can’t help but stare—until Ningning opens her mouth.
And then it’s over. Infatuation? Gone. All that fascination turns into full-blown irritation.
Oh, and it gets worse. Ningning doesn’t just exist in Jimin’s Econ class—she makes it her mission to exist right next to Jimin. Always within a few seats, always loud. Laughing. Clicking her pen. Talking to her quieter friend Minjeong like she doesn’t know the concept of an inside voice.
And let’s not forget their group projects. Ningning’s brattiness? It cranks up to eleven. She’ll fight Jimin on everything. Argue. Insult. Complicate. It’s like she was born to infuriate her.
But here’s the kicker: everyone else seems to just endure Ningning. Sure, there’s the occasional eye-roll or exasperated sigh from their classmates, but for the most part? They let her be. Jimin, on the other hand? No tolerance. Zero. Ningning’s laugh, her voice, her very existence grates on Jimin’s nerves like nails on a chalkboard.
It’s honestly baffling to Jimin how much power Ningning has over her. She’s usually so chill, calm, and unbothered. She never lets people like Ningning get to her, normally lets them wash right over her and stays unbothered. But for some reason, Ningning has lodged herself into her mind like an eternal distraction even when all she wants to do is ignore.
aka the sort of inconveniences to lovers au and if you cant tell ningning is crushing on jimin but jimin is too stupid to notice
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kelssecretaccount · 1 year ago
hey look, an official intro post!!!
hi my name is kel. im (probably) the host/a fictive in an osdd-1b system. we dont have a system name or anything so i guess you can just collectively call us kel until we learn more about ourselves :p you wont see me doing it a lot but its ok to separate me from my source
im still learning about plurality and stuff. we dont really have the best communication or anything.. actually, our communication is shitttt… but were trying super hard!! 💪
bodily, we are 18 years old and so ofc i would prefer to interact with people around my age!!! i use we/i interchangeably. this is a secret account since i really dont wanna open up to my friends about this and, if you know my main… no you dont :)
I WILL NEVER PURPOSEFULLY SPREAD MISINFORMATION. if you catch me doing so please please please correct me. i want to learn.
DNI and all that under cut!!
fake claimers - i dont care what youre fakeclaiming or why youre fakeclaiming
‘narc abuse’ truthers - or believers in any other (insert mental illness here) abuse. just say ur ableist and move on
you post about args or analog horror - awesome interests to have but unfortunately they can make me dissociate and feel paranoid when im not in the best state of mind (exception: if ur willing to tag or dont post about them too much)
youre really into discourse - self explanatory
meanies :( - self explanatory. be nice to me pls
creeps** - pedophiles, hebephiles, maps, whatever you wanna call yourselves. all the same in my eyes. (people with POCD or sexually violent intrusive thoughts are not in this group, of course)
anti therian/fictionkin/otherkin - self explanatory
polycrit - im ambiamorous lol
terf/gendercrit - IM TRANS????
all radfems - i understand that a handful of you are chill but theres too much of an overlap with terfs. i wouldnt feel safe, no matter how nice you are (or say you are)
weird about religion - this includes nonreligious or spiritual people that make fun of people that follow a religion, as well as people that harass or are generally assholes to people that dont follow their religion (im luciferian)
**i dont really wanna get into the proship/antiship debate (its way too nuanced for me to take a black and white stance) but if ur jerking it to depictions of toddlers or anything like that then yeah no.
ill just block you if you otherwise make me uncomfortable
i fake flirt with people im close to (with consent ofc)
just bc i interact with somebody doesnt necessarily mean that i agree with everything they believe in lol
i have NVLD and autism so i might not seem very aware. it can take me a while to understand things. please dont call me dumb or anything like that, even as a joke (im ok with most other joking insults)
i dont know much about syscourse and i dont care to know. we are, however, traumagenic and wed prefer to interact with systems that are also traumagenic (not anti endo or anything)
im always learning more about myself every day
didosdd systems
queer people
omori fans
people with learning disabilities
people that post about mental health or positivity
people that wanna b friends :3c
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gothmothic · 7 months ago
not gonna lie im kinda done w living in boston, the main things keeping me here are my job and the clubs, but i really haven’t been going clubbing much these days. i kinda have been enjoying staying in and spending time getting to know myself! i always thought that if i didnt go out then id get super depressed but like. im feeling the best ive felt in a while?? maybe its also because i havent drank in months either lol
i really want to move up to salem, its closer to my parents and I could still get to work in basically the same amount of time. plus i really need to make new friends and thats too difficult here like everyone already has their groups and im just kinda in the middle and i think being in a smaller city would make me feel more comfortable going places and doing things alone like idk why but??? thats what im thinking
my lease still has another 10 months or so on it, but after that i think i really need to get out of boston
i do love this city but i just really dont like the punk/goth/etc scene here, its Really hard to make friends and i feel like everyone is really intense and gatekeepy and i just want to be in a place where people are more chill
i still want to be able to have big halloween celebrations tho, which is a big reason why salem is #1 on my list like living there during the fall would be??? kinda crazy but i need to be in a place where people dont second guess my spookiness year round
anyway rly long rant sorry but im just. having a Lot of thoughts these days
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candy8448 · 9 months ago
Whoa, its almost the end
One more exam
This doesn't feel real
Im actually gratefull for my school for all of those mock exams, and mid and end of year tests because this was a lot less frightening than i thought it would be, i was prepared.
But im so tired, there is a state where you dont have enough stress to perform well, the space where you have perfect amount of stress to perform well, and an area where you have too much stress so you cant perform well. I think ive just dropped down to not enough stress in this last week, im too tired to take this seriously
I feel like im in a weird haze and nothing feels real
Its a weird feeling of amazment
It feels so weird seeing only one set of revision cards left in my green folder because at the start of these 5 weeks i had two folders bursting with revision materials for each subject in my bag, and now there's just one thing left...
Our whole 14 years of education has been basically leading up to these exams... and they are no done and it doesn't feel right and it felt like secondary school would never end but now its suddenly over, and while i know that factually, i havent actually processed it, that after friday i never have to walk up that hill to school again...
I didn't expect to get this sentimental, but really for all i despise school, there was a comfort and safety in the feeling that things won't change
Im going to miss some of the teachers, they really don't deserve this school. I gave them their gifts that i made today and that felt good.
Suddenly college is going to be completely different, and its thrilling but also scary. If doesnt feel like im a "big kid" 17 year old (even though im turning very soon) and college feels like a completely different world to secondary school
Me and my friend were having like... a movie style conversation in the back of the car while it was raining, just talking abiut how things are going to be so different...
I think what im going to miss most is the fact that everyone knows eachother. I love that!
Man, our year group is strangely super close knit. We are the smallest yeargroup in the school, and everyone knows eachother's names, who is friends with who, what everyone is like, and everyone is really chill and nice, there is basically no conflict, we can talk to anyone who isnt even our friend, who we never talk to, and just have a good or cool or funny conversation and i love that! im going to miss that so much! My friend says he will be glad to be invisible but i really loved the social aspect of school, and im kind of sad that in college we are probably only going to know the people in our classes, i like knowing who everyone is in the year group. It feels weird that we are suddenly going to be away from the people we grew up with for five entire years of our lives.
My friend group as well, im scared we will go out of touch. Four of us are going to the same college as me, including me, but we might have totally different time tables, and the two others are going together to the same college, and we do want to keep playing dnd together but i dont know if we will be able to uphold that tight bond while we are seperated, im really sad about that to be honest.
One exam left...
It feels so sureal, i feel all floaty, i didnt expect to have these kinds of feeling, or thoughts.
Good luck with physics
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nian-7 · 11 months ago
So I'm super new to all of this I have no clue how this works but I've read your match-ups and they are the absolute cutest things ever!!!
So I wanted to ask if I can just request one here...? Idk what to do TvT if yes you can read the thing I've written else please help-
-So looking for a partner, noone under 20y/o, everything above 20 is fine for me!! Oh and for pronouns pls use they/them for me!!! MBTI is ExFJ/ExFP (? Idk smth along that) 2w3 if u need that!! U dont have to put that into consideration tho
-So I'm very extroverted, have confidence in myself and generally pretty energetic and very good in social settings/entertaining - still I give off comfort-energy and I'm not a fan of chaos, I love it when things are planned out (I'm really bad at planning tho sadly---)! I also love helping others and will go out of my way to do anything for them!
-I also work really really hard for my dreams and will never stop even if the whole world doesn't believe in me!! (*σ>∀<)σ
-I just have a flame that never seems to burn out - but because I always give 110% I often overwork myself (I was in the hospital once because of that but that's another story ;-;)
-I've been described as the therapist friend pretty often and a sunshine that brightens others days (I don't want to sound arrogant!!) + I'm 0% judgemental torwards anyone and always believe in the good in people! There is beauty in everything after all (o≧▽゜)o
-Oh and sadly I'm sickly :(( I'm sick very often!! And airheaded and have problems in school/uni but hey at least I never give up TvT
-Well now after all - there is another side to me that is contrary to what you read before: As soon as something I wanted to accomplish fails I'm very frustrated. I put in everything I have and if it doesn't work I feel like an utter failure - I fall into a spiral of hating myself and I often feel like a burden to others because if I give everything I got and then FAIL I'm like damn I'm pretty bad/dumb/useless u know what I mean?
-I never show those bad feelings to anyone or talk about them cause I have trust issues from gettin bullied (for my emotional responses and colorful and cute style from my former "friend" group) for a longer time, I only talk about it when I'm 100% sure that person wont turn on me (there are 2 people in my live rn that I trust with that stuff)
-I'm also easy to tease or prank cause I'm naiive
(I hope this isn't getting too long or sad djtsutdzfdz)
-As a partner I like them calmer than me (doesn't have to be icy-cold, could be a calm sunshine too idc!) and not as energetic as me because I need somewhere I can come home to and chill down, someone who could help me a bit with planning and would encourage me to take breaks from time to time! I also seem to attract people who need help themselves for example anxious people or people with trust issues. I also don't panic easily and love encouraging others to be theirselves or to get more confident in general or listen to their sad stories and be there for them to comfort them (I'm good at that I have 3 little siblings and 4 little cousins o(^o^)o)
Thank you for reading that!! It's so much but I hope it could maybe help you :>
And thank you for doing things like matchups and requests I love reading those!! And DON'T stress yourself <3
You are a great person never forget that o(>∀<*)o
thank you, anon!! you sound very fun to be around! hope you enjoy your matchup!!
I match you with...
Yohei Kanbayashi!
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-The biggest thing that made me pick Yohei was the way you described an ideal partner. He is a bit on the colder side but he is a more calm person than you! But just because he can be a little cold doesn't mean he has a big soft spot for you.
-Although he's not someone who needs comfort often or a lot of encouragement, he'll be very helpful to you. Helping with plans and making you take breaks are the big factors that made me pick him.
-He's someone who's fiercely loyal to you and will always be there for you no matter what. No matter if you're sickly, airheaded, or not ready to open up, he'll wait as long as you need. TLDR: he's always going to be there for you no matter what happens and his soft spot is very obvious to people like Saimon...
-Even as an introvert at heart, he doesn't mind your extrovertedness. He'll be there as your chill pill at the end of the day when you're tired and likes your sunshine-y demeanor.
-Failure is a part of life and he'll be there to catch you when you spiral from it. He seems to know the right words to say to you when you get upset and won't stop until you understand even when it comes off a bit aggressively if you don't listen.
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1moreoffkeyanthem · 1 year ago
Wow what else is new I’m thinking about the a OrangeJuiceVerse again and Not Writing the completely unrelated story I’m working on ANYWAY!!!
OJV Stan is the ACTUAL sweetest boy on the planet and I WANNA TALK ABOUT HIS SOBRIETY!!!
Tw for alcoholism so it’s below the cut
I know I’m annoying abt ojv Stan’s sobriety, but it’s really, really important to me. I may have started the OrangeJuiceVerse because I saw this art of basketball Kyle and mascot Stan, but Broken Bottles From Apartment 2 is what actually solidified that au as an ongoing thing, and Stan’s sobriety is a cornerstone of that story.
As referenced in the aforementioned story, Stan stopped drinking at 25, and why? Because one day, a week or so after Kyle’s birthday, Stan had been off work and had been pulling from his secret bottle all day, and Kyle’s blood sugar hit a low. So Stan went to make him a KMBS (introduced here) BUT he was way drunker than he thought he was, and forgot how many ice cubes go in, and it hit him that if he was forgetting things like that, the drinking was a real problem.
Y’all it was SO bad Stan literally collapsed on the floor crying and Kyle’s like “dude dude WHAT what the fuck is it” meanwhile his dexcom is beeping and he fully forgot to eat at lunch bc work was busy so he’s also not doing well Stan is like “KY I DONT REMEMBER” they’re on the floor beside the fridge and Kyle is yanking it open and they’re sharing a bottle of Gatorade and Stan finally just spills EVERYTHING about how scared he is of his drinking habits, how like “yeah I know I’ll have a couple beers at night but it’s MORE than that” and Kyle is mentally REELING bc he didn’t think it was this bad, Stan is sobbing, Kyle is trying not to, Moose is curling his tiny cat body on Stan’s lap, they are all LITERALLY on the kitchen floor it’s the most heartbreaking scene you’ve ever witnessed.
And that night, Stan swears off alcohol. He dumps his vodka down the sink. He calls out of work and rides out the withdrawals over the next few days. A very freaked out Kyle is also calling out of his job to take care of him and he’s fucking terrified the whole time. But when Stan’s on the other side of the physical part? The self loathing tries to take him.
Kyle is fucking BEGGING him to go see one of his therapist friends, but Stan won’t do that, so Kyle’s like “okay it’s either that or we’re going to AA” and Stan picks AA bc even though he hates the idea of it (he went with his dad once when he was 9 and Randy Jackass Marsh got a dui) it feel less daunting than therapy.
And Stan winds up LOVING AA. Everyone at the local chapter is super chill. Ky goes with him the first few times, someone brought their dog, and this old man came up to him at the end, and they talked long after everyone had left Ye Olde Meetin Hall. Stan found his people in this group, despite being one of the youngest there, and that community is really important in his life. When he found out a few of them did an annual camping trip, that’s what really sold him on the whole thing.
So OrangeJuiceVerse Tweek comes into the picture abt 2 years after Stan stops drinking, and THAT was the thing that made me write BBFA2. Stan is THE support group king in the later OJV, and he just wants to help everyone, he’s Tweek’s sponsor, when they hit meetings it’s so kickass fuck I love them. The old geezers at the group are so fucking funny too, Tweek was terrified but stan told them they gotta chill out before he brought twerk.
Moose regularly comes to meetings and is a huge hit, they do a Birthday Night potluck every month (stan gets made fun of for not eating meat), and there’s not a single actually judgemental person there. Like Stan and Tweek are both in long term relationships with other men, and they’re in assfucknowhere Colorado, but the ONE homophobic asshole got put in his place REAL fast by everyone else there. When Tweek showed some people a pic of his husband the middle aged lady beside him at the table was like DAMN SWEETIE that’s one handsome man! Lmfao I gotta write a snippet of the ojverse aa group.
Stan and his sponsor RULE the group!!! They both have this charismatic energy and the old guy (his name is mark) is actually so cool, Stan may have been skeptical abt aa at first, but later down the line he’s showing up super early to hang with Mark and he’s greeting newcomers
Dude I’m crying abt Support Group King Staniel again
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