#and it was all the Uchiha trying to use the nine tails for themselves and Mikoto herself kills her friend in the process
It kinda annoys me how Naruto had that whole speech about defying fate during his fight with Neji in the chunin exams, but then later on it was “prophecy this” and “toad’s dream that”
I think it would’ve been cooler if they had leaned way more into Senju’s/Uzumaki’s being at odds with the Uchiha (Hashirama and Madara being friends plus Kushina and Mikoto being friends was phenomenal, but it weakened the whole “natural enemies” and “cycle of fighting” for me) and if all the prophecies including Naruto were supposed to end in a tragedy
Like if it was actually fated that Sasuke was going to kill Naruto
But then it didn’t happen, even with a situation in this au of Hashirama and Madara being right there and trying to force the two of them to fight, both of them said no and made their own path
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randomartwork · 2 months
Naruto Rewrite:
Disclaimer this is my opinion NOT fact. I’m just throwing out ideas that I’ve been thinking about for a while. Naruto and Naruto Shippuden belongs to Masashi Kishimoto
Kushan’s still the nine tails jinchuriki but kept anbu style (Obviously no one knows she’s the nine tail jinchuriki) where she meets Minato as Hokage, leaving kid them not to meet but adult them. He saves her, she saves him the rest is history
Danzo tries to seize power by creating conflict within the village and villagers themselves. Stops the communication lines and spreads misinformation
Danzo wants more of a dictatorship of the other clans since he wants The Leaf to be on top
Danzo starts fights with clans and pin them against each other, tries to ban clans from forming their own in clan schools, giving bed times to groups he dems dangerous to Konaha, of course Hiruzen steps in when he tries to over step
Hiruzen takes notes of the reason problem and rolls back a lot of rules Danzo tries to pass as he finds them extreme and takes Danzo under a microscope. Danzo knows he’s being micro managed
Hiruzen is getting suspicious of his old friend after “rogue” anbu members tried to take him and his family out in a serious of failed attacks
Danzo starts budding up with Orochimaru for “favors” and in return Orochimaru got experiment space as Orochimaru spirals into madness
Orochimaru discovers rinnegan forbidden jutsu to control a person while leaving your body in a safe place
Danzo starts supplying test subjects to get stronger to take down Hiruzen
Orochimaru being smart gave him his second best but keeping the goods to himself as a double crossing
Danzo doesn’t become fourth is ragging but comes up with a plan to seize power away from Minato
Obito using mangekyo puts nine in a genjutsu, this causes nine to see absolutely horror and go crazy
During the attack on the village the nine tails was trying to get control back, which can be hinted at
Danzo didn’t save the fourth or his wife on purpose, but Hiruzen does despite being retired
Obito’s failed plan to get nine tails and they get shish kebab, leaving their dying wish to save Naruto
Naruto gets sealed with all of nine not half
Danzo gets passed up again since Hiruzen looks like the hero instead of him
Hiruzen takes Danzo’s anbu power away, giving Ibiki control at first then changing to one of Danzo’s puppets unannounced to him
The Uchiha clan massacre doesn’t kill of all Uchiha, but only the coalition group trying to take over Konaha. Danzo tries to set up Itachi for these “random” murders and added some people who oppose him to the list.
Itachi escaped making him look bad, Obito finds Itachi and recruit him into the Akatsuki
Orochimaru finds one of the Zetzu foot soldiers and makes Danzo the arm graph (he can’t use it to live forever as it’s unstable)
Hiruzen finds out about Orochimaru illegal experiments and how Danzo had to know
Danzo tried to kill Horuzen again to make sure he’s the fifth Hokage but failed, Horuzen hesitated to kill him, giving him time to escape
Danzo left Konaha and created his own group known as The Root with loyal anbu members to try and take over the village someday
Jiraiya retires from being a ninja after finding out his old students “died” and becomes a famous book writer
Tsunade copes with losing her brother and husband with booze and retires from being the best medical ninja
Hiruzen vowels to take revenge for what Danzo has done and starts fixing the messes Danzo caused as he retakes the office back
The village rebuilds itself as other villages try them at this time (the Hyuga kid napping for an example) but the village holds its ground
Villagers still hold a grudge against each other but for the most part gets back to normal with the whole nine tails attack
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rubyblue2005 · 1 year
Au where the future is brought back to the past rather than the other way around. Like, Konoha-Nine/Twelve are zapped back into the past Age of Calamity style. There is defiantly a Back to the Future reference somewhere. Zapped Back and To the Future.
And there’s this awkward scene where someone from the past (Most likely Izuna or Touka) mistake Naruto for a Senju, and all of Konoha-Nine/Twelve malfunction, a complete “Hol’ up, what” moment (a real Konoha.exe has stopped working moment if you will-) and Naruto just starts to fucking lose it laughing because this is the first time he’s ever been mistaken for a Senju, though he knows its probably from the blonde hair on his head rather than the Uzumaki patented Red locks. But the whole situation is so bizarre that Naruto can’t help but be amused.
Sakura is over here like “Lady Tsunade would kill him if he was.”
The reveal of Naruto actually being and Uzumaki garners hilarious reactions from the past, only topped by the moment both Past Senju and Uhchia learn that Naruto is- in fact, married to a Uchiha.
“Why the fuck would you ever play nice with an Uchiha?”
“Why wouldn’t I play nice with my husband?”
Everyone from the future all collectively decide to pointedly not mention the copious amount of times Sasuke tried outright murdering Naruto and all their epically homoerotic battles just to watch the Past clans flail in confusion. (Past.exe has stopped working)
Even then, it takes Sasuke getting drunk and being openly affectionate towards his husband (Who is stone cold sober due to ridiculous metabolism bs) and all of Konoha-Nine/Twelve obligatorily teasing him like “Le gasp, the emo duckling actually has emotions other than hatred and rage?” 
To which Sasuke drunkenly hides his face in Naruto’s neck and rests there as he hides from the world- for it to truly cement into the Past Senju and Uchiha that an Uzumaki- famously considered the Senju’s sister clan, to be married to an Uchiha- famously in a generational war with the Senju.
Kurama got zapped back too, but somehow merged with his younger bijuu self so he is looking for his Jinchuuriki because “Ew, not this bullshit. I want to take a nap.” 
Everyone from the Past is collectively freaking the fuck out- just a little bit, due to the rather giant nine-tailed bijuu of myth and legend just casually trotting along and nonchalantly chatting with Konoha-Nine/Twelve and bickering like he isn’t centuries old in age compared to with Naruto-  the ninja he’s bickering with. 
“Why the fuck are you so tall?”
“You were just born unfortunate, brat.”
“Oi, Hey!”
“Just get taller if you hate being that small so much.”
Kurama still has a disdain for the Uchiha and Mokuton-user’s (rightfully so) so he just ignores them and is acts like a little shit towards the one Uchiha he does interact with (Who is Sasuke, that Kurama just barely tolerates) and the Past is freaking out just a little more because “What did we do?!” with the smaller thought of “At least the Bijuu isn’t trying to kill us outright??” When Kurama pretends that their very beings do not exist. Konoha-Nine/Twelve have a mixed reaction of mostly sweat-dropping exasperation and finding the Past’s whole deal with Kurama funny.
But, Konoha-Nine/Twelve make up this stupidly vague story about how ‘all the Bijuu could forgive the Past Clans forgetting their duties throughout the course of time but can never forgive oathbreakers and forgetting those who sacrificed themselves for their clans’ continual survival.’ Which is kind of based on Indra and Asura and Zetsu and the whole drama thing that the Ninja world had to find out and deal with in the Fourth Ninja War. Though, Konoha-Nine/Twelve definitely bash faux-plants way more.
The mention of Zetsu causes a discussion on whether or not Zetsu would be considered a kinslayer or not, being related to both Indra and Asura as their uncle seeing as he was technically Kaguya’s youngest kid and he did sort of manipulate and mentally fuck with Indra to the point of Indra and Asura duking it out. And proceeded to do what was basically just longterm Bloodline Theft for centuries trying to get the rightly seasoned eyeballs to create the Infinite Tsukuyomi.
Then, all of the sudden sand appears and then the One-Tailed Bijuu just pops up. 
Shukaku comes and starts a play-fighting-bijuu-sand brawl with Kurama that Naruto has to stop because now all the non-bijuu are spitting out sand and coughing up dirt from the bijuu’s Sibling Bonding Reunion Brawl™ and the Past Clans find out that all the Tailed Beasts are actually related. Which is somehow less of a shock to them than the marriage between Naruto and Sasuke.
While it’s also found out that all the Bijuu actually merged with their past selves and some even brought back their own Jinchuuriki, which had Naruto both hyped to not be the only Jinchuuriki around but also concerned because “Everyone kinda needs to get home and we have no idea how to do… that.”
There’s also the Tuvix problem with the Bijuu becoming a hybrid of both Past and Present created from the time-travel zapping. No one knows how it happened, or how the future got to the past.
Turns out the reason they all got zapped to the past was because of Zetsu but he’s not plant-y or shadow-y or anything so when the dramatic reveal happens…
“It was me all along! I am here to enact my plan you so hurtfully ruined!”
“??? Who the fuck are you???”
And then Zetsu face-faults then proceeds onwards “You prevented me from releasing Mother from her prison… On the Moon!”
“Oh… Oh! Zetsu, you piece of crap! You started the Fourth Ninja War!”
Meanwhile the Past is standing over there, confused as all get out before the rest of the Konoha-Nine/Twelve not involved in Zetsu’s dramatic villain speech of evil fill everyone not in the know, in on the sidelines. 
“Whisper, Insert Cliff Notes, Whisper”
“He did WHAT??”
“Yeah, the past affects the future, imagine that.”
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artificialdreaming · 2 years
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imagine joining ANBU with Itachi (written by Open AI)
It was a cold and snowy day when Itachi Uchiha and y/n Namikaze first set foot in the ANBU Black Ops headquarters. They were both young and inexperienced, but they had been selected for their exceptional skills and potential.
As they stood before the stern-faced ANBU captain, Itachi couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and nervousness. He had always dreamed of joining ANBU, but he had never expected to make it this far.
y/n, for her part, was just as nervous. She knew that ANBU was no place for the faint of heart, and she was determined to prove herself worthy of the honor.
Despite their nerves, Itachi and y/n quickly set to work, training hard and pushing themselves to the limit. They were fierce competitors, always trying to outdo each other in every aspect of their training. But as they worked together and grew closer, they began to see each other in a new light.
"You're getting better every day," Itachi said one day as they sparred in the training room.
"Thanks to you," y/n replied, panting as she tried to catch her breath. "You're a tough opponent."
Itachi chuckled. "I'm nothing compared to you. You have the power of the Kyuubi within you, after all."
y/n nodded, her hand instinctively going to the seal on her stomach that held the power of the Nine-Tails fox spirit. She had always known that she would have to be extra careful to protect herself and those she cared about, but she was determined to use her power for good.
As the months passed, Itachi and y/n grew stronger and more confident in their abilities. They worked tirelessly, training and fighting alongside each other. They had become two of the most skilled ninja in all of ANBU, earning the respect and admiration of their fellow operatives.
But despite their successes, Itachi and y/n were not immune to the horrors of war. They had both seen and experienced things that no one should ever have to endure, and the memories of those traumatic events weighed heavily on their shoulders.
But through it all, they had each other. They leaned on each other for support and comfort, knowing that they could always count on each other to be there.
"You know, I'm glad we're in this together," Itachi said one night as they sat by the campfire, gazing up at the stars.
y/n smiled. "Me too. I don't know what I would do without you."
Itachi took her hand, giving it a gentle squeeze. "I'll always be here for you, no matter what."
And with those words, Itachi and y/n knew that they could conquer any challenge that came their way. Together, they were unstoppable.
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mavda · 3 years
Beast Tamers
Ch.1 |  Ch.2 | Ch.3 | Ch.4(1) | Ch.4(2) | Ch.5(1) | Ch.5(2) | Ch.5(3) | Ch.5(4) | Ch.6(1) | Ch.6(2) | Ch.6(3) | Ch.7(1) | Ch.7(2) | Ch.7(3) | Ch.7(4) | Ch.7(5) | Ch.8(1) | Ch.8(2) | Ch.8(3) | Ch.9(1) | Ch.9(2) | Ch.9(3) | Ch.9(4) | Ch.10(1) | Ch.10(2) | Ch.10(3) | Ch.10(4) | Ch.10(5) |
Ch.10: The Two-Tails (6)
Nothing happens. 
    And Naruto and his retinue wake up to Sai pacing the room and no news about anything. A calm, quiet night with nothing suspicious in sight. 
    Somehow this makes Naruto hopeful that the Two-Tails is innocent, although his guards shake their heads and look confused about this growing calm environment. Shino and Ino take their time as they get ready, making sure that their surveillance doesn't show anything out of the ordinary. Sai only lets his guard drop when his teammates give him the green light to do so.
Naruto takes his time with his morning meditation and lays his chakra as thin as possible around himself. The whole process is faster now, and his control grows with each passing day, but the task is tedious.
He has made himself hyper aware of whatever touches his chakra as a means to make the time he spends doing this more tolerable, which is why he makes sure there is nothing threatening around them when he comes to his senses in their room. 
Shino brings him a plate of food the moment Naruto finishes his practice. He had thought his concentration had grown stronger as they made their way to this place, as it seemed that he wouldn’t catch neither conversation nor major movements around him. 
And yes, he was better at tuning out things in his close vicinity. But most of it just came down to his guards not wanting to interrupt his meditation. 
“You guys know you can talk to me or whatever to make me eat.”
Shino sits again and the last of his food keeps disappearing behind his high-collared jacket. “The lord’s meditation is important.”
“Yeah, sure, but I also have to get better at catching people getting close to me, right?”
“Why?” asks Sai, his question directed at Naruto yet his whole body turned to the window, his plate in hand, “we would never let an enemy get close to the lord.”
“And your meditation is important, my lord,” Ino adds. 
“You are… not wrong,” Naruto stares at Ino, trying to gauge her disposition to explain what he wants to say. But she seems as adamant as the other to let him meditate without trouble. 
“Lord Jiraiya has always said that meditation is one of the best things you can do for your body, my lord,” Ino continues, her eyes bright and full of passion, “if our part is protecting you then please allow us that privilege.”
Naruto thinks for a whole second that this is a joke. Or not a joke, but goodwill pulled to the extreme. Until Ino keeps staring at him with a serious face and no one else seems to want to add to her words. Naruto shakes his head and can’t help the snort that leaves his mouth as the realization hits him.
They really care about him. 
Naruto stares off into the distance as the Two-Tails falls into another long discussion regarding the current situation with the Four-Tails. His chakra surrounds him and the room they are in, a task that keeps him from zoning out too much.
    He can feel Gaara’s eyes on him every now and then, but they can’t do anything without raising the suspicion of the other Beast Tamers present, so Naruto keeps his head down. 
    “Wouldn’t you agree, Nine-Tails?” 
    The Two-Tails and the Four-Tails talk at length, but they make sure to bring into the conversation either Naruto or Gaara after a long bout. A mix of interest in their opinions and wanting to find them slacking off, Naruto thinks. 
    But he’s listening. If there is something he has learned to do exceptionally well throughout his years as clan leader is zone out but just enough. Let your mind wander but still catch everything that’s being said. 
“Sure,” Naruto answers, “though I’m more of the mind of searching for them, you know.”
The Two-Tails stares and the Four-Tails scoffs. “Now?” he mocks, “even if we began searching now, I doubt we could find anything after months have passed, don’t you think?”
Naruto tries to keep himself from being an asshole. That mainly entails him keeping quiet most of the time, but when he’s pushed like this. Not even his father could fault him, right?
“Oh, I’m sorry, I was facing an attack that forcefully tampered with my seal, as you are well aware. What were you doing, though? Aside from clinging to life, I mean.”
    The Four-Tails smirks, his canines showing through. His wrinkled face contorts and a coughing fit follows. The Two-Tails gives Naruto a look, as if he somehow triggered the condition on the old man.
    “So you are of the mind to eliminate the enemy?” The Two-Tails asks.
    The Four-Tails’ guard brings a glass of water to the old man, who grabs it with unsteady hands. 
    “Of course I am.”
    “And yet you closed off your whole clan when we could have made a counterattack.”
    “Excuse me? A counterattack with whom? Your seal was settling down and this old man was allegedly dead!”
    The Two-Tails frowns, slightly taken aback. “Well, you were available, weren’t you?”
    “I was down for a while, you know that.”
    “Yeah,” she drags the word, and her suspicion drips from her tone, "though one would argue the Nine-Tails would be enough to take care of such a nuisance."
"If I had been unscathed then maybe, if our enemy didn't have in their repertoire making us go haywire and unable to control our Beasts then even more so, but that's not the case, is it?" 
Her eyes squint, and Naruto realizes she's still trying to find fault in them. To find who's in it with the Uchiha, or whatever enemy is out there. 
It's a flinch. A disturbance in his laid out chakra he barely notices. A prick that makes him glance to the Four-Tails. And his heart is gripped by surprise. 
His guard is under an illusion. Precisely cast and barely noticeable. And if not for his surge of chakra right now Naruto would be none the wiser.
As would be all the other Beast Tamers, it seems.
"Who's that," he growls. 
The Four-Tails keeps on letting his lungs out and the other Beast Tamers look from him to Naruto. 
"The guard's under an illusion."
Sai takes out his short sword and stands between his lord and the Four-Tails.
"Nine-Tails!" Starts the Two-Tails, but her own guard stands her ground and whispers in agreement with Naruto's statement.
The Four-Tails guard does nothing aside from keeping his hands on the old man. Their eyes are locked and Naruto rises from his chair and throws a small dagger towards his direction.
"I said who are you!" He roars and aside from the old man still doubled over and the guard fretting over him, everyone else stands in attention, ready to fight. 
The guard's cloak rustles and as soon as the Four-Tails coughing starts to subside, he raises and stares back at Naruto.
"My lord!" Warns Sai, but Naruto has long kept his own eyes away from the guard.
"Don't look him in the eyes!" He orders, and since no one says anything else he believes they are all on the same page. "You fucking bastard." 
The guard does nothing and the Four-Tails just keeps on working on his breathing. 
"And you had the guts to come and throw complaints our way? You fucking old man."
"His eyes are red," informs Sai. Low enough for only Naruto to hear. "Just like the ones Shikamaru showed us."
"Working with an Uchiha while we are trying to do away with them, huh? The fucking nerve."
"Like you are one to talk," croaks the Four-Tails and Naruto has to keep himself from looking back with murderous intent. “All cuddled up in your compound leaving us all to fend for ourselves, huh?”
“Is that what you kept telling yourself when you accepted their help? I guess death looming over your ass made you a groveling mess.”
    “You insolent-” the Four-Tails’ cough interrupts him and Naruto lets his red chakra cover his body.
    “Whatever, you’re not leaving this place alive.”
    “Nine-Tails!” the Two-Tails stops mid-movement, as she tries to put her thoughts in order, but the One-Tail’s sand is covering the floor and the chakra of the Nine-Tails is sending wave after wave of heat.
    The Four-Tails is working with the enemy. That should be enough, right?
    “Get under cover!”
    “Lady Yugito!”
    The screams surround her and she lets her own chakra surge forward, a barrier that protects her from the Nine-Tails heated chakra. Her eyes search for her guard, knowing that he won’t be able to withstand this surge of power without her protecting him. 
    “Isshin, come here!”
    Naruto sends wave after wave of energy towards the Four-Tails but the guard seems to have been counter attacking them just fine.
    He wants to get up and personal, but knowing that looking the man in the eyes is enough to put him out of commission keeps him rooted where he is. 
    It doesn’t matter whether he is up here or in front of his face, the end result will be the same. His chakra reserves will outweigh them both and Naruto has the time to wait. The chakra around him forms and two tails rustle behind his back.
    A red claw flies to the Four-Tails and the Two-Tails’ scream fills the room the next second.
    Her body doubles over her guard and Naruto can’t help but feel dread in his stomach. 
    “Kankuro don’t look him in the eye either!”
    Naruto hears the guard curse out loud and smirks. Yeah, what an asshole. The steady outpour of chakra gives him a third tail and Naruto accumulates chakra in front of his mouth before sending a blast that sends the Four-Tails and his guard outside. 
    Now they won’t have to worry about collapsing infrastructure.  
    Naruto keeps his eyes on the two men below him, two little people gathering themselves down there. “Hey, Two-Tails, you with me or against me?” 
    She stands at his question, her hands leaving the neck of her guard after finding a pulse. “With you, is he staying back?” she asks, motioning towards Gaara, who stands in between the rubble, his sand surrounding him dancing in the air as it keeps him safe.
    “He is.”
    “Can you take Isshin with you? People will come soon after, you can hand him to them, as soon as my people see me fighting along the Nine-Tails they’ll know who’s the enemy.”
     Gaara doesn’t move, but he nods and his sand envelops the man and drags him towards him. “I understand.”
    “Tell everyone not to look the bastard in the eyes.”
    Naruto jumps before Gaara answers, and the Two-Tails follows after him. Her own chakra transforming into a gigantic claw that drags along the walls. 
    “Just keep your eyes away from the guard.” Naruto steals a last glance at their position before keeping his eyes on the ground. 
    “Roger that.”
    The guard sends their way a fire technique Naruto deflects with a chakra claw. 
    “Oh, you’re gonna need more than that, little guard!”
    The Two-Tails crouches and her chakra looks more and more like an enormous and monstrous cat. Naruto’s own chakra output is ready to let out another tail. 
    “I wonder when he’ll ditch the old man. If his Beast gets free-”
    “Doesn’t matter,” the Two-Tails assures, “he’s a dying man anyways.”
    Her chakra dense and thick, her whole body more like a cat’s than her own. She sprints forward and Naruto lets out a cackle.
    He breathes out, concentrates on his own body and chakra. His muscles tight and contracted. Control over everything. Nothing like that time his seal was tampered with.
    The fourth tail springs forward, the Beast’s chakra surrounds him and tingles all over his body, and the skeleton of the Beast forms. He prefers this form over the one where his body is fully engulfed in dense chakra. He doesn’t know how the Uchiha’s technique will affect his chakra-beast form, seeing as he won’t have as much control over his eyes. 
    He doesn’t have time to put it to the test.
    But it doesn’t matter, because this is enough. 
    The skeleton’s weight is enough to crack the ground it touches and Naruto has to keep himself from jumping and pounding down on the enemy. He runs, the skeleton moving around him and wrecking its surroundings. Another fire technique hits him, but this time he doesn’t need to deflect it, it bounces off his body. 
    The adrenaline pumps inside his body and Naruto revels in this chance he’s been given. “Please, allow me to show you what we’re capable of!”
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Can’t stay the same
Summary: Part five of my Time travel fic: The end is were we begin
Relationships: Haruno Sakura/Uchiha Sasuke, Uchiha Sasuke & Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Itachi & Uchiha Sasuke
Lenght: 2,024 Words
Quick disclaimer: This chapter was commissioned by the always great @birkastan2018​ who actually helped me with my grammar and spelling in the fic!
 @witcheswritings​ !
Feel free to DM Aquelarre if you want to commission a fic even if it’s not Naruto related
Sakura being trained by Itachi and Shisui feels wrong.
But Sasuke can’t deny that she’s getting stronger. Her stamina has increased under his cousin’s merciless training regime, and even her prior, almost inexistent tolerance to pain has developed in a way he could have only dreamed of under his (or even Kakashi’s) tutelage. 
Their sensei had always been far too soft on her; always hesitant to really push her because he was afraid that she’d get hurt.
Naruto and Sasuke always went along with the idea that they could protect their female teammate no matter what happened.
And they could, they were strong back then and Sasuke is sure they will become even stronger in the future.
But that was not the point then and it isn’t the point now.
Sakura is a shinobi, a kunoichi. If she at some point wanted to be the sort of person that needed to be saved or protected, she would’ve stayed a civilian. She wasn’t obligated in any way to continue her life as a Shinobi, Sakura didn’t have any ties to the shinobi world in the sense that she didn’t come from any clan.
She chose the life of a kunoichi.
It took years for him and Naruto to understand this, and allow her to bloom in her own right.
Kakashi is another story entirely. Sasuke could never understand the man, even as an adult the roots of his teacher’s trauma were always a mystery to him.
Maybe he just didn’t know how to train a girl. Or he probably didn’t even know how to train anyone if the rumours of him never taking on a team were true.
Maybe he simply wasn’t interested in training a young civilian girl with no foundation other than the academy’s sloppy teaching methods. Especially when he had the only survivor of the Uchiha massacre and the Kyuubi’s vessel to deal with.
Maybe she reminded him too much of Rin, his first teammate. A girl that was said to be bright and sunny; always happy and ready to help her team in whatever way she could.
A girl eternally in love with her cold teammate Kakashi, even though their loving and kind third teammate would have given her the sun and the stars if she so desired.
Whatever the reasons behind Kakashi’s negligence of Sakura, the truth was she could have never truly bloomed as a kunoichi under the care of their team.
It wasn’t until he left the village, Naruto followed Jiraiya to advance his own training, and Kakashi completely disappeared from her life until Naruto’s return, that she finally set out on her own path as a ninja.
Now she trains her stamina and speed with Shisui every other morning. She wakes up at dawn on the days she meets with his cousin to challenge her body to the brink. Shisui has her running endless laps and sparring with him, and even though she has no hope of pinning him in her current state - Sakura keeps going. Sasuke even found her carrying Naruto on her back as a way to build up her strength.
Or so, Shisui said with a smirk dancing on his mouth.
In addition to her training with Shisui, Sakura joins her team on small missions and sometimes works one-on-one with Kakashi, who has started to take a more serious approach to her development.
Maybe he is being possessive of his “cute little genin” as he likes to call them, or maybe he’s finally realized that he can’t just ignore one of his students.
Sasuke doesn’t really care about his reasons. The important thing is that his team is acquiring the tools they need to defend themselves, to survive, and to hopefully beat the odds they will face in the future.
Someday, he will take more time to consider Kakashi, the man who passed down his most powerful jutsu to him... just as his own father taught him their clan’s signature giant fireball.
But for now, with his brother safe and actually happy beside him everyday, Naruto and Sakura are his only worry. They are his most precious people; warm sources of light in his otherwise dark life.
Sakura also trains with Itachi when he has the time, but she doesn’t seem very keen on sharing what they work on.
“We’re trying to find her strengths,” shares his brother one night after Sakura leaves their house, refusing both his and Itachi’s offers to scort her home. “Something to make her stand out, like Naruto-kun’s Multiple Shadow Clone Technique or even our own Sharingan.”
Like her enhanced strength or her excellent chakra control.
“And have you found anything?” Asks the black haired boy, eager for results, “Her chakra control is excellent and I think she has an affinity for water.” he supplies, trying to sound nonchalant, but if his brother’s smirk is anything to go by, he’s not doing a great job of it.
Itachi shakes his head with a grimace. “Even thought her chakra control is better than average, her actual reserves are not nearly enough for her to sustain any form of actually damaging attack.”
Admittedly, Itachi was never really a teacher to begin with. He was a prodigy to his very core, and the only actual experience he ever had at teaching was with Sasuke (another prodigy) and Naruto, the host of the nine tailed beast.
“But there has to be something!” Sasuke recalls his wife’s monstrous strength, her unparalleled medical jutsu, her strength of a hundred seal... Sakura has so much potential.
“We are working on genjutsu at the moment,” concedes Itachi, black eyes looking at the koi pond their mother used to take care of before her banishment with the rest of the Uchiha traitors. Now, only Sasuke has time to spare for such things. “Not enough for her to be at an Uchiha’s, or even a Yuhi’s level. Just sufficient for her to break through one, or create a distraction for up to a minute tops.”
“That’s…” Mumbles Sasuke.
That’s not enough.
She’s stronger than she was at this point back in his original timeline, and she’ll probably be able to defend herself against the sound ninja better than she did last time. But her confidence is just as low as it was weeks ago. She still thinks she’s weak, and she still hesitates before every punch she throws at training.
She needs Tsunade, Sasuke finally realises.
There’s no way Itachi or Shisui can offer her the confidence or the tools that the slug princess passed onto Sakura as if she was her entire legacy.
Of course, for Sakura’s sake, Sasuke will make sure that the woman comes back.
But at the moment, there’s nothing he can do to force the sannin’s return to the village. 
Today, Sasuke wakes up later than usual. He has a mission at noon, sharp. But he knows that Kakashi will take a four hours long detour to visit his dead teammates, so he’s not worried about it.
He arrives at their meeting point, a quarter after one in the afternoon where a restless Sakura and smug Naruto are waiting for him.
Sakura is leaning against a tree, looking at him with clear disappointment. But she’s not bold enough to voice her thoughts.
Naruto on the other hand, would never miss an opportunity to scold Sasuke “Sasuke!” He screams running from his place at Sakura’s feet to stop right in front Sasuke’s face. “You’re late!” Accuses the blond pointing a finger at him.
Of course, Sasuke is unfazed. “Is Kakashi here?” He asks in his usual bored tone, his dark eyes boring into Sakura.
She blushes at his stare and breaks eye contact before answering. “No,” she sighs, letting her body fall to a sitting position on the grass. She tucks her knees under her chin and hugs her shins with her delicate arms.
Watching the boys growl and snap at each other like a pair of two misbehaving little puppies, she probably wishes her teacher will arrive anytime soon.
When Kakashi finally arrives is not particularly relevant, they end up doing some chores for people around the village. Memorably, Sakura manages to lift an entire barrel of beer for the owner of a bar down the street from Naruto’s apartment.
And when all of their work is done, she carries Naruto on her back as he complains about their day, even though he was the one who asked Kakashi for harder missions.
Sasuke can’t say that he would like to be carried by a girl like this but he doesn’t like seeing Naruto taking advantage of Sakura’s kindness.
“This is because you pushed yourself too much,” complains Sakura as Naruto groans once again from the pain.
“You can’t even take care of yourself?” Snipes Sasuke, grumbling from behind the pair as Kakashi ruffles his hair affectionately.
Immediately, Naruto hops from Sakura’s back and tries to fight off Sasuke. The girl, of course, doesn’t allow it and hold the blond by his right arm.
“Do you have to do this every single time?” She struggles to pull Naruto back. “You’re supposed to be friends,” she snaps, clearly annoyed.
It’s true, Sasuke thinks. They are friends, and nothing can break their bond. But Naruto is still a child, and Sasuke is supposed to be one as well.
“Your teamwork seems to be suffering lately,” quips Kakashi.
“It’s Sasuke’s fault,” accuses Naruto, “always showing off and acting like he’s better than us,” he complains.
Sasuke smirks. “Become stronger than me, then,” he challenges the blond, “if you want to stop me from making you look bad.”
This time around, is Naruto’s turn to smile at him, clearly pleased with his words.
Kakashi sighs, finally looking up at them from his book. “Ok, that’s it for today,” he declares. “I have to fill out our reports, anyway.”
No one complains as their teacher leaves them. They’re already used to Kakashi disappearing on them to fill out reports or attend meetings with the Hokage or other Jounin.
“We should train some more,” offers Sasuke, already walking in the direction of their usual training grounds.
Naruto and Sakura are obviously unexcited about this. They’re already tired from their morning training and the missions they completed that afternoon. But neither of them have the heart to deny Sasuke.  They know he’s right.
“Yeah,” sighs Sakura hesitantly trailing after the black haired boy “more training will do us some good.”
Naruto, never one to deny an opportunity to train, follows them promptly. “Of course!” He smiles, “Sakura-chan and I should fight Sasuke!” Exclaims the blond planting his right hand of her shoulder in a friendly manner. “I’m sure we can take him.”
Sakura, for the first time in a long time, ever since he left his wife back in his timeline, smiles confidently. “That could be fun,” she smirks. “I’m sure Sasuke-kun is up for the challenge.”
“I’ll tell you what.” Sasuke smirks, stops in the middle of the street and looks squarely at his teammates. “Loser pays for lunch.”
Sakura and Naruto grin at each other, ready to fight him as soon as they reach their designated training area.
Sadly, just like last time, they are distracted by the Hokage’s grandson and his little friends as the children try to rope them into one of their games.
Ninja playing ninja sounds ludicrous, but Sasuke knows this is exactly what they’re doing. Just a group of kids pretending to be adults.
As he senses the sand sibling’s chakra getting closer, with each signature more menacing and powerful than the one before - he realizes that they were never ready for this encounter. Up until this point, they were never anything more than children playing ninja.
They thought they’d already experienced the worst the shinobi world had to offer, but...
They couldn’t have been more wrong. They didn’t know it then, but even people like Gaara were nothing compared to the dangers that awaited them in the future.
As these Suna chakra signatures become stronger, Sasuke makes sure to stand protectively in front of his teammates when they finally come face to face with Temari and Kankuro.
Gaara’s bloodthirsty presence hides above them. I hope you like this chapter and I specially hope @birkastan2018 likes it!!!
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louiserandom · 4 years
Of Punishments and Rewards
Pairing: Senju Tobirama/Uchiha Madara | Rating: M
Summary: The citizens of Konoha have long grown used to (and frankly bored of) the often destructive spectacle that is Madara and Tobirama screaming their lungs out at each other in the market district. During one such clash, however, Madara suffers an accidental concussion and proceeds to not-so-accidentally flirt with, grope, and expose his secret affair with none other than the white-haired Senju he's supposed to hate.
Now this has the whole village intrigued.
Read Chapter 1 on AO3 or continue under the cut :3 Ko-fi info is in the header!
The citizens of Konoha have long grown used to (and frankly bored of) the often destructive spectacle that is Madara and Tobirama screaming their lungs out at each other in the market district. So when today the Uchiha Clan Head, foul mood and all, stomps towards an unsuspecting Tobirama (who really isn’t bothering anybody and seems to be busy enough picking out oranges) and starts shrieking at the top of his lungs about some manner of ‘experimental bullshit' crawling out of Tobirama's 'death trap of a lab,' most of the passersby find themselves stifling a yawn.
Another day, another bout of fires and flooding from the two village founders whose hate for each other hasn’t diminished in the slightest in the two years of Konoha’s existence.
Grown stronger, if anything.
“BECAUSE I AM NOT,” Madara bellows at the end of his first public rant of the day (though surely not the last), “GOING TO STAND FOR YOUR BRAZEN INCOMPETENCE ANYMORE, SENJU!”
Of course, Madara accusing Tobirama of incompetence is also nothing new, although it is common knowledge that it’s the latter who often has to get the Hokage and his best friend out of ridiculously foolish debacles.
(Konoha still remembers how the two godlike shinobi somehow stumbled into quite the deep hole intended for garbage disposal and in their drunken stupor ended up forgetting that they could have simply jumped outーwhat with their immense chakra reserves no less. Tobirama, naturally, had been exceptionally cross that day.)
“Incompetence?” Tobirama only scoffs in answer. “Whatever problem you have with how I handle my duties, Uchiha, pales in comparison to the damage your complete lack of logic deals to society.”
“You shut the fuck up,” Madara snaps, fists clenching and chakra becoming visible alreadyーa faintly shimmering fire-cloak upon his form. That really never bodes well for the market’s survival. “And study the logic behind proper fucking sleep so your complete lack of sense and self-restraint doesn’t lead to more dangerous fucking jutsu that spiral out of fucking control!”
This does perk up a few ears; after all, what novelty of Tobirama Senju’s could appear more dangerous than his summoning of an undead army that past Obon Festival?
“I am conducting a perfectly safe study,” Tobirama says, though Madara doesn’t seem like he believes him at all. “And not of a jutsu but a living being. Though it’s unsurprising your handful of brain matter failed to distinguish the two.”
“A living being with nine godsdamned tails made out of enough chakra to wipe out the whole of Fire Country?!”
This perks up a few more ears but seeds no panic; it’s thanks to Tobirama, after all, that most of Konoha has seen much, much worse. 
“It's a perfectly docile and friendly chakra fox,” Tobirama insists, crossing his arms. “Now for the love of all things holy and unholy, stop your shrieking.” He glances at the mostly disinterested crowd. “You’re embarrassing me. And yourself, though I doubt there’s any room to sink lower than you have.”
“I will fucking destroy you, you worthless piece of shit!” The crackles of a budding Katon flicker around Madara’s fists. “Now go and take care of your fucking experiment-living-chakraーwhatever bullshit, or I will fight you and there will be no remains left for your brother to cry over.”
Tobirama glares, straightening to his full height which has him towering above Madara’s bristling frame. “How so much fight can fit in so little a man,” he sneers, “I will never understand.”
Three things happen in quick succession.
Naturally, Madara attacks. A massive raging wall of fire sizzles straight at Tobirama, who matches Madara’s wild toothy grin with a smirk as he jumps out of the way with the usual easeーonly for Madara to charge at him, fist coated with white-hot flames, and unsurprisingly, Tobirama dodges yet again.
What does come as a surprise is Madara’s slight... miscalculation, it seems, as his eyes linger a bit too long in the general direction of Tobirama’s thighs for some reason, and he’s just slow enough to miss the giant crate of oranges that falls from a panicking store owner’s shelf.
“Madara-sama!” the salesman cries as the legendary Uchiha collides with the box headfirst and drops limply to the ground. “F-forgive me,” the poor man stutters, appearing quite a bit more worried about Tobirama than Madara’s squirming form.
After all, neither of the two are happy when their fights are interrupted before they can destroy at least one building, and as expected, the Senju in question frowns and visibly deflates.
“Madara?” Tobirama asks, tentative, banishing the spikes of ice he’s conjured with his jutsu.
“Mmm,” Madara articulates from the ground, face scrunched in pain as he squints at the sky as if it’s personally offended him. “Mm-wha?..”
In a yet unseen show of kindness, Tobirama walks up to him and kneels to check on Madara’s condition. Quite a few stares shift in their direction. Shouldn’t Tobirama be inclined to leave the Uchiha to suffer?
Apparently not.
“Madara? Can you hear me?” Receiving no answer, Tobirama coaxes him to sit up as he checks over his head. Though unwounded, it does appear he’s seriously concussed as he starts slurring nonsense and pointing at a part of the crowd mumbling something about ‘fute birdsies.’ “Listen, IーAnija will be really upset if you’re seriously hurt, so can you tell meー”
Madara slaps a gloved hand roughly over Tobirama’s mouth. Another uncharacteristic move that provokes many a frown. The pair usually avoid skin to skin contact religiously, even when fighting.
“Your lips,” Madara slurs, eyes unfocused as he stares dazedly at his supposed enemy, “could putーbe put to... much better use than talking.”
“W-what?” Tobirama stammers, shoving the hand away and scrambling to his feet.
“I said your lips,” Madara tries to clarify, before Tobirama cuts him off, “Shut the fuck up, you moron!” he grits through his teeth, extending a hand to the Uchiha as he flops back down to lie on the ground.
“And get up," Tobirama orders, "now. I’m taking you to Anija. Concussions are tricky to heal and I might not be able to avoid leaving lasting effects.”
Madara smirks, and for some reason that prompts a look of horror to settle on Tobirama’s face. For good reason, as the onlookers discover.
“It’s always up for you, Tobirama,” Madara’s slurring is mixed with a bit of a stupid-sounding drawl as he positively ogles Tobirama, eyes once again lingering a tad lower than appropriate. “The question is if you wanna play.”
“Madara!” Tobirama hisses, casting death glares at the crowds now circled around them as one unified and now definitely intrigued mob. “Stop this foolishness right this instantー”
“Stop isn’t our safe-word, Tobiー”
“ーand take my fucking hand!”
“I’d rather have it wrapped around myー”
“MADARA!” Tobirama is trembling with fury at this point, chakra radiating killing intent enough for shinobi and civilian alike to feel it wash over them. The people gathered only scuffle closer, disappointed that the rest of Madara’s sentence gets drowned out by Tobirama’s shout and their own collective gasp. Tobirama pinches the bridge of his nose. “Not. Here.”
“I kno-ow,” Madara whines, finally grasping for Tobirama’s hand only to use it to yank him down once he gets ahold of it. “This hand indefーit definitely needs to be reaching a lot lower.”
“Madara, gods fucking dammit,” Tobirama growls as he wrests himself from Madara hold, “people are staring.”
To be fair, the self-proclaimed honorable and pure-hearted citizens of Konoha make an effort to pretend they aren’t gapingーwhich really isn’t an easy task though, because the display is turning out to be more exciting than any of the village-wide festivities to date.
“Oh?” Madara seems to be trying to raise one eyebrow but ends up skewing his face into an awkward frown at best. “If yesterday’s anything to go by, you don’t mind a little voytriloquism yourself, koibito.”
Another round of gasps follows as Tobirama blanches, mouth slightly agape and lips trembling. Someone helpfully shouts, “Do you mean voyeurism, Uchiha-sama?”
“Yes-yes!” Madara pipes up, still squirming helplessly on the ground. “Voyagerism. That.”
“Uchiha,” Tobirama glowers, a sheen of blue energy wrapping around his limbs as his ire escalates, “I am literally begging you toー”
“Didn’t get enough earlier, eh?” Madara leers, finally managing to wriggle into a half-sitting position, sending a few oranges rolling on the ground. Intrigued and unperturbed by Tobirama’s spluttering (and what a strange sight it is, to see the usually composed Senju at such a loss for words), Madara picks up two of the fruits and proceeds to shock the bystanders to the core once more, “You know, they say fresh squeezed oranges are good for you in the morning, but I think your fresh squeezed diー”
“MADARA, NO!” Tobirama roars, this time quite evidently to drown out Madara’s words.
“Madara, yes,” the Uchiha moans, “that’s all I remember you saying to me this morning.” A few desperate “Kai” resound in the area as Madara Uchiha incarnate starts licking the oranges in his hands. He keeps eye contact with Tobirama all the while as he sucks on them, shameless and wanton, swirling his tongue over the fruits with such wanton enthusiasm one might think him a common harlot. “Remind you of anything, To-bi-ra-ma?”
Needless to say, the world plunges into chaos. Choruses of cheers and wolf whistles, sounds of both affront and confusion erupt from the bystanders as quite a few women rush to cover their husbands’ eyes lest they require the same astonishing level of skill from them.
Tobirama, meanwhile, seems to have finally regained his ability to act, if not speak, and proceeds to grab Madara by his collar and drag him into a wobbly stance, slapping a hand bathed in faint green glow against the Uchiha’s forehead.
"Get permanent brain damage for all I care.” Tobirama gives Madara a pretty hard shake. “Now will you stop fucking talking?”
"You don’t tell me what to do, Senju,” Madara grumbles, looking a bit steadier on his feet now even as his voice still sounds a bit shaky. “And how did I get here?”
Tobirama ignores him, directing one last glower at the excited crowd as he commands, “Don’t you dare speak a word of this to the Hokage,” before disappearing into thin air with Madaraーhis secret lover, something Konoha still can’t wrap its collective head aroundーin tow.
Granted, the younger Senju must have sensed his brother’s approach because the next second none other than Hashirama steps into the market with the usual wide grin on his face, flowers sprouting on each patch of ground he steps on. The crowd stills and grows silent but for a few moments as Tobirama’s order rings clear in their minds, and yet,
“What happened here?” Hashirama asks in childlike confusion.
In just a handful of moments, it proves too much of a temptation for Konoha prolific rumor mill to resist.
“Madara was doing what in front of my Otouto?!”
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bringontheemos · 4 years
CHAPTER 7 of Itachi Uchiha x OC Yuri!
I’ll get into an updating groove at some point but school and work are killers right now😓
"Why don't you tell us who you are? What's an Akatsuki member doing by themselves?"
"Ah-choo! Akatsuki? What's that?"
It looked like I may have upset each of them a little. "What do you mean 'what's that?' Are you messin with me?!" The blonde kid grabbed Itachi's cloak and lifted me off the ground with it.
"P-please let g-go." I grunted and tried to pull off his iron grip, but it was useless with my sickened state.
"We need information out of her, Naruto, let her go!" The kid seemed to listen to the pink haired girl. "Here, let me patch you up."
"Thanks... but why would you do that for me?"
"Because, that's just what we do. We're leaf shinobi after all!"
After Sakura healed me, the others asked their questions. "So what happened to the land of flowers?"
"Oh... well I guess since I left, the vegetation has rotted away."
"Why would it matter if you were there or not?"
"My family and I have this strange power that allows life to thrive all around us. My grandpa moved to the land of flowers about 80 years ago and I lived there up until three months ago."
"Okay," The leader sat in front of me. "How did the people die then?"
"Oh... the villagers turned on me. They didn't like me much to begin with but they- they tried to kill me." I hung my head out of shame and bit my lip to try and contain my emotions.
"So you killed them?"
"No! Some people I met saved me."
"Hm." He thought for a moment then retuned his attention to me. "So how did you get mixed up with the Akatsuki?"
"What the hell even is that? You keep saying it but I don't understand what you're talking about. Why do you think I'm even associated with those 'terrible' people in the first place?"
There was silence amongst them. It was as if they were trying to understand if I was actually telling the truth or not. "The cloak you're we-“
"There you are, little flower." That sounds like-!
"Kisame!" I stood up and pranced over to him. "I didn't think you came!"
"Of course I did. We just let you stay with Itachi's shadow clone while we rested. Speaking of which, you look so small in his cloak. Haha."
"I-Itachi?" I heard Naruto stutter.
"That's Kisame Hoshigaki! One of the seven swordsmen of the mist! We have to get out of here!" This Shikamaru seemed concerned too.
"You won't be going anywhere-"
I held out my arms to shield the group. "That's enough, Kisame! You're gonna scare my new ninja friends!"
"Friends?" Itachi's voice appeared next to me.
"Itachi.. Uchiha?!"
"Of course. They're really pleasant and nice when you get to know them. Isn't that right?" I look to the group to urge them to defend themselves.
"R-right!" Said the girls. The rest of the group seemed uneasy and unsure of what their next step should be.
"As far as I'm concerned," Itachi started. "They hurt you. That's unacceptable. Besides, they have the nine tails with them." Itachi's eyes changed from brown to red. He seemed upset, but, maybe, hesitant to do anything to the group.
'Oh no. What should I do?' I formed a thick wall of shrubs in front of the kids and commanded a burst of pollen to act as a smoke screen and deterrent.
"Tch. I can still find them, Yuri."
"I know that but you'll stay right here. Both of you will!"
Both of the men complied and gave up on going after the shinobi when they realized how difficult it would be to get past my complaints.
"Anyway what's this Akatsuki group they kept asking me about?"
Leaf ninja:
"Well she helped us out so that's good!" Kiba and Akamaru were at the front of the group.
"Man! I wanna go back and fight!"
"No, Naruto! We don't know if the enemy is following us or not."
"They aren't." Hinata quickly scanned the area. "My byakugan isn't picking them up anywhere close by. They're still next to Yuri."
"At any rate, we have to report back to Lady Tsunade ASAP."
"Right!" They sang out.
"I see. So that's what happened, huh?" Tsunade processed everything her group told her.
"Yes, milady."
"After you all have rested up, I want you to go find this woman and bring her to me. I'll assign a couple more people and spilt into smaller three-man groups since we're dealing with the Akatsuki."
"What?! Why do you want us to do that?" Sakura couldn't understand why the hokage would want to capture the girl.
"Well think about it," Shikamaru explained. "If she's with the Akatsuki they might try to use her powers for something. Seeing as she doesn't have any fighting skills or knowledge of who they are makes her easy to control. She's putty in the palm of their hand."
"Those jerks! They won't get away with that!"
"Yeah, yeah, Naruto. We'll get her when we head out next. My feet are killin me!"
Yuri's group:
After the Leaf ninja escaped, both Akatsuki members  prepared for the evening. Yuri's question remained unanswered because Kisame couldn't be bothered and Itachi chose not to respond to her.
Yuri went into the woods to grab some extra firewood for the night. "Here. I'll join you." Uchiha lead the way into the forest and aided the search.
"Hey, Itachi,"
"I'm listening."
Yuri wanted to know more about this man so she asked, "is there anyone you care about?"
"What do you mean?" At this point, the only one making a real effort to gather wood was Itachi. Yuri was fiddling with a twig.
"Uh- I don't know... I guess just anyone. An older sister? Next door neighbor? M-maybe even a lover?" Despite her embarrassment about the topic she started, she found herself choosing bold words which piqued the man's interest.
He stepped to the small pile he made before sitting down. "I have a younger brother, if that's what you mean to ask."
"Really? What's his name?" She sat beside him.
"His name is Sasuke." Yuri let Itachi talk about his younger brother without interrupting because she noticed the glimmer of pride in his eyes. He then went on to tell her about his late best friend, too. She noticed the aching pain of it all, but didn't want to ruin his mood by asking. This is the happiest she had seen him since they met.
"I'm glad you have him. He sounds like a smart kid! I'm sorry about your friend. He sounds kind." Yuri showed a genuine smile then looked back to the stars. "I don't really have anyone like that anymore and I've never had any siblings, so I don't have anyone that I'm able to care for. My parents weren't around much either."
Tilting his head up, the Uchiha said, "I'm sure that one day you'll find someone important to you."
Itachi's soft voice and calming presence had always put Yuri's mind at ease. Never had she felt unsafe when he was around.
'How could those kids so scared?' She thought to herself. This one person had a place in her heart that she couldn't ignore. 'I've never felt something like this before, but... he is special to me.'
Yuri buried her head in her arms and sighed. "Yeah. I think... that person is you now."
"Hm?" He pressed and she quickly sat up, trying to direct the attention in her high pitched voice. Itachi chuckled and took them both back to the fire so they could sleep.
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raendown · 4 years
Pairing: MadaraTobirama Word count: 5816 Chapter: 38/42 Summary: Not all wars are fought on the battlefield. Some are fought at the conference table, with whispers in the shadows, or even in the bedroom.
In a world where the Senju and Uchiha traditional lands were too far apart to have ever made them enemies, Butsuma and Tajima are the ones who come together and sign a treaty of peace. Madara isn’t happy to have his life signed away for him in a political marriage to strengthen the bond between their clans. He is even less happy to have Tobirama make assumptions of him from their very first night together. What follows from there is a journey of healing, of learning, and finding the places to belong in the places least expected.
Follow the link or read it under the cut!
KO-FI and commission info in the header!
Chapter 38
Watching Madara address the council was an exercise in patience. Not because he didn’t believe in what his husband was saying or even because he found listening to be difficult but rather because the confidence practically dripping from him was very attractive and Tobirama wanted nothing more than for this blasted meeting to end. He had a husband to violate in whichever empty room presented itself for his convenience first. 
The Police Force Initiative truly was the right place for him here, a job where his passion for the people under his care shone through in such a way that no one could deny he believed in this village. Never had Tobirama loved his husband more than as he sat and watched him advocate for a larger budget just so he could serve better, protect better, provide for the men and women who would be under his command so he could give them the tools they needed to serve the citizens under their protection. It was like watching him slot in to place and flourish right before their eyes. Tobirama was captivated. 
And happy. It may have taken a year or so but everything was finally coming around to how it should be - for all of them. Even Izuna looked more relaxed than ever where he sat farther down the table. Tobirama himself had been the one to suggest that he attend council meetings as the head of ANBU and therefore the crux of all information flowing in to the village. He’d let his brother-in-law think it was Tajima’s idea, though, happy to rely on the man’s ego and propensity for claiming every good idea was his own. At least in this instance it served to protect someone else’s ego for once. 
“A pretty speech,” one of the minor clan Heads spoke out as Madara wound down. “But do you have the documentation to justify this proposed budget?”
“I do. If you would but open the dossier I handed out you would see that.” Unwilling to bend, Madara stared the other man down until he had no choice but to give in and open the packet that had indeed been given as soon as the subject was broached. Right there on the first page was a table of contents. And prominently listed in that table would be evidence to back up why Madara needed the money and where he would be getting it from. 
Tobirama didn’t bother to smother the look of pride he could feel on his own face, undamped by the pressure headache that had been slowly mounting in his temples over the past hour. He hadn’t needed to offer many changes after Madara asked him to look the packet over. The work was good and it was all to his husband’s credit. 
“Now, if the council would be good enough to indulge me a little farther, I’ve already spoken with the head of village security and Touka-san has agreed to a joint training program which I’d like to detail for you now.” 
“What’s the point in training you both together?” A light scoff came from the Hyuga heir. “Wouldn’t that be more expensive?”
“Cheaper, actually, since we wouldn’t need to provide two dedicated training facilities.” Madara lifted his eyebrow but it was not a defensive expression, merely a judgmental once. 
The young Hyuga folded his arms. “We already have many training grounds.”
“If my officers and the security teams work together we will have a better understanding of each other’s patrol routes, better response times, tighter protocol for who has jurisdiction over what, and also go fuck yourself.” Several people in the room covered their mouths, whether to gasp or snicker, but Madara only blew a bit of fringe away from his face. Clearly he was nearing the end of his already short fuse. 
Butsuma stood up with the clear intention of bringing him to order but he was interrupted before a single word had time to pass his lips as the door burst open to admit three men, two of them panting and wild-eyed. 
“An emergency!” the more put together man cried. “Danger!” 
“What is the meaning of this?” Butsuma demanded. 
“It’s coming! It’s coming our way! Straight for us!” One of the clearly exhausted men gave a shudder. “We’re all doomed…” And with that his eyes rolled back in his head, crumpling to the floor in a dead faint. 
His companion did not waste time checking on him.
“We’re from the team that was sent to investigate the massive chakra presence. I-I know you won’t believe me. But I swear! It’s a tailed beast! A massive fox with nine tails and teeth as long as I am tall and it’s coming for us! It’s coming this way!” 
“Someone tell me what the hell this idiot is blathering on about,” Tajima grumbled.
On his feet still, Madara's quiet voice was just loud enough to reach the whole room. “I thought the tailed beasts were just legends. They can’t be real.” 
“They’re real,” the soldier moaned. “This one is. It’s massive! And it- oh god. Tetsuo…it ate Tetsuo…” 
At last the stress of what he had seen appeared to catch up with him as well. He didn’t faint like his companion but he did waver, catching himself against the wall and sliding down until he could bury his face against his knees like a terrified child. Though Tobirama hated to leave anyone in such a state he understood that this was obviously a crisis on their hands. Psychological breaks could be dealt with later. Right now they needed to think about saving lives. 
Unfortunately organizing themselves did not seem to be the first thing on either of their supposed leaders’ minds as it should have been. Butsuma and Tajima were both out of their seats but their eyes were locked in the sort of staring contest that generally prompted the rest of the council to simply sit back and wait out the proverbial dick measuring contest. 
“It will take time to gather our forces,” Tajima murmured as if to himself. 
“Such a beast cannot be allowed to simply enter the village unheeded,” Butsuma answered, finally something they agreed upon. “Time must be bought.” It was just too bad that what they agreed on was something utterly stupid. 
“Consider it done. I myself will go; I will hold the beast at bay until our people can answer the call to arms.”
“You will not go alone.” 
They stared each other down until Tobirama felt his temper snap. “This is not the time to worry about pride!”
“My son is correct. Now is the time for action. If you still have fight in you, Uchiha, then let me show you how hot my own fire burns. We take the beast on together.” Butsuma tilted his head in challenge, one his counterpart was only too ready to accept. 
“Perhaps not the words I would have chosen,” Tajima said. “I go to protect my village. If you should happen to come along that is your choice.” 
They moved towards the window at the same time with all the intention of men who would not be swayed from their paths and even Tobirama himself was startled to hear his own voice call out for Butsuma to wait. More surprised still when the man actually paused to look back at him. He wasn’t even truly sure why he’d done it. Knowing the danger descending upon them all, for the first time since he was a child Tobirama looked at the man across the room and saw his father. Not a good one, no, but the man who sired him all the same. 
“Be safe,” was all he said.
He should have expected no less than the puzzled frown that was his only answer before Butsuma turned to leap after Tajima, unwilling to take even a moment for his own son in the face of allowing his rival to upstage him in any way. So much wasted breath. In their wake the room was silent but there was no time for that, someone needed to get these people moving. 
“Alright,” Tobirama snapped, taking up the responsibility of leadership only because no one else had yet. “While they slow the beast we need to gather our forces. Izuna, you have your own people to organize and you know their skills best. Move fast, hit hard, and the rest of us will do what we can to keep the attention off of you. Shimura-sama, wake my cousin. Touka’s patrol teams can make a perimeter around the village as a last defense.” Both of them nodded and darted off. 
“Won’t we need them on the field?” Hashirama asked. “We should throw everything we have at it!” Tobirama shook his head.
“Even if the fight doesn’t reach the village the debris or backlash of it might. This is supposed to be some legendary massive beast and the civilians cannot be left unprotected.”
“Right! You’re so smart, little brother!” His smile was sharper than usual, the adrenaline of an upcoming battle hardening his normally soft edges. A look he hadn’t worn since peace was made. 
Tobirama let that pass; there were other things to concentrate on. “The InoShikaCho clans have extensive experience working together. All available bodies from those clans not enrolled in the ANBU or the patrol teams should be allowed to work as a unit. Do not concentrate on bringing the beast down. Try to slow him, stop his movement, control the field. Madara, you and Hashirama are our two strongest fighters and the Uchiha can move faster than most. I don’t mean to put our people in the line of danger–”
“We’re as ready to fight for our homes as anyone else.” His husband tossed a bit of fringe away from his face. “Attack, not defense?” 
“The Uchiha have always been particularly good at burning whatever lies in their path,” Tobirama agreed with the shadow of a bloody smile. He was pleased to receive one in return.
“And the rest of us?” The Hatake clan heir looked ready to sink her teeth in to something already. 
Tobirama opened his senses and winced at the sensation of the mass of brilliance bearing down on him. It was a miracle his latent sensing hadn’t felt it as more than a mounting headache, though he supposed that by now he’d grown used to living in the center of so many different signatures all piled on top of each other that a gradual increase simply hadn’t been all that noticeable. 
“Support,” he said, a snap decision, wondering at how easily this room of leaders had decided to allow him to take control. “Fill in the spaces when you can. Remove any of the fallen if needed, escort the wounded to medical attention, and allocate a small team to prepare extra weaponry for standby. Hyuga-sama, instruct your people that defending their comrades is more important than attacking the beast. We will not win this battle if there are none left to fight it.” 
In the distance something rumbled and Tobirama shuddered at the massive wave of chakra that rolled over them. The beast was angry. 
“We are running out of time. Prepare for battle.” 
The room scattered as each of them rushed towards their weapons and armor. Fighting in their casual daily outfits could only accomplish so much no matter that each of them surely kept some kind of blade on them at all times. Butsuma and Tajima had promised to buy them time; they would be fools not to use it. 
Without a word Tobirama snagged his husband’s arm and reached for one of the markers he had set up around their home. Almost before they had finished shifting through space he was moving, reaching for the stand where his armor sat waiting after its latest repairs. He got one hand on it and then scowled as he was forcibly turned around, irritated to be stopped, ready to tell the other man off for interrupting him. Annoyance melted away as he was pulled down in to a fierce kiss. 
“You will be careful,” Madara snarled in his face. “I will not sit by your bedside and pray for your life again. Don’t you dare do that to me.” 
“I expect you to do the same,” he said quietly.
“Obviously. If that dumb monster so much as thinks of hurting even a hair on your head I will rip its bloody heart out. Twice you’ve been hospitalized in one year! I refuse to see it happen again!” Still grumbling under his breath, he released his iron grip and stomped over to pull his own armor off its stand. 
Tobirama watched him with a full heart. “At least you did not need to sit with me through the second time.”
���Yes, because leaving you in Izuna’s care will always turns out well!” 
After that they garbed themselves for war in silence. Strapping himself in to his armor felt to Tobirama almost the same as strapping another persona on to his skin. Here in their home it was sometimes hard to believe the soft and openly loving husband he had become but those feelings had no place in battle. Though it caused him something akin to physical pain he boxed those parts of himself away and firmly closed the lid on them, tucked away to leave his concentration free for observation and strategy, the sort of clear thinking that would keep him alive to come home where he could open that box again. 
If there was one silver lining to this situation it would be the chance to see Madara in all his glory once again, a veritable god of war in blood red armor and that distinctive gunbai strapped to his back.
“Let’s go,” he murmured. They had no more time to waste on soft words or meaningless compliments. As they dashed out in to the frigid temperatures outside and took to the rooftops Tobirama promised himself that later he would spend hours describing for his husband just how incredible he looked with that fierce expression – then he very carefully shoved that in to the box as well and locked it shut. 
Just past the edge of where the village wall was still being upgraded they crossed paths with Izuna, directing his ANBU with last minute instructions. 
“You know what we really need?” he called as they passed him by, breath misting in the air. “A fucking alarm. A village-wide alarm system so we don’t have to go running around like chickens gathering everyone up if this shit happens again.”
“That…is a good idea,” Tobirama admitted. 
Izuna stared at him. 
“Why don’t you give that some more thought and if we both survive we can hash out some ideas later.” When he turned he managed to catch just the edge of a thoughtful look on the man’s face as they continued on their way and leaped out of sight.  
Figuring out what direction to go wasn’t hard. Even without the sounds of destruction and the clouds of dust and smoke rising slowly from the forest there was the oppressive weight of that chakra signature, close enough now that even the most insensitive shinobi would be able to feel it there, hovering at the edge of their mind like a wild animal dragging sharp teeth along their consciousness. It was not a pleasant feeling. 
Tobirama and Madara kept speed with each other as they darted through the trees, matching step for step and weaving through the branches in perfect unison. Battle had called them and they had answered. All of Tobirama’s instincts cried out for him to strategize and make plans but he recognized that it was useless until he was able to see the situation for himself. He’d never fought a tailed beast before let alone the Kyuubi itself, the strongest of the nine. Trying to plan for something like that was like trying to plan for the path of a tornado; there was simply no predicting what would happen until it did. 
Much easier was determining that they were getting close. As soon as they began to encounter long swaths of forest crushed or burnt they increased their speed. Tobirama pushed through the discomfort of that massive signature to find the cool green feeling of his brother and directed them that way. Shinobi of their power served best at the front no matter the danger they faced. 
Seeing the beast for the first time nearly stopped them both in their tracks, however. It didn’t matter how brave a man was, seeing a creature several stories taller than the administration tower would have been a sight all on its own. The oppressive weight of the thing’s hatred was something else entirely. 
“We have to fight that,” Madara breathed, his voice only just audible over the commotion around them. 
“No,” Tobirama said. “We have to stop it. Let’s go.” 
Several bodies lay still in scattered places throughout the carnage, others darting in to carry them away, but Tobirama’s eyes found several directly beneath the feet of the Kyuubi where they could not be safely retrieved. He dismissed them. Later he would mourn the loss of life. Right now he would do what he could to protect the living. 
Hashirama fell back to meet them as they approached and Tobirama felt his heart clench at the sight of tears streaming down the man’s face. 
“Are you injured?” he demanded. Hashirama shook his head. 
“Later,” he choked out. “We have to put this thing down before it takes more.” 
“Right. Then let’s do that.”
One quick survey told him that the people of the village were indeed following the strategy he had quickly laid out. To one side Nara cast their shadows to snare legs and tails, Yamanaka threw their own consciousness’ out in an attempt to take over the beast’s, and the Akimichi stood over them both with their bodies expanded to massive sizes, deflecting the lashing tails and protecting their friends.
Hatake and Inuzuka harried the flanks while several Aburame attempted to guide their insects in to any orifice they could use for an inside take down. Uchiha sent flames from the front in brilliant displays while Senju used the earth and the river to push and pull, attacking, attempting to knock the thing off balance. The Hyuga clan were spread through the rest of them, each paired up with another shinobi and moving in tandem as though this battle were a well-practiced dance. Directing attacks to the targets with the most deadly potential, rotating or using their Byakugan to deflect incoming debris, they made the perfect support for anyone lucky enough to work with them. 
Just watching their village come together in such a way was enough to make a man burst with pride and yet for all their efforts they made very little progress. Bodies fell and others dashed in to remove them. Screams and thunder rent the air in a near constant litany of destruction. 
“I’ll take its head,” Hashirama declared, legs coiling in readiness. 
“The back,” Madara claimed. “Watch me tame that fucker.”
“Hold,” Tobirama snapped. 
Amazingly enough, they did as he asked, holding until suddenly waves of ANBU burst from the trees in a concentrated attack. Then Tobirama ducked his head to bare his teeth.
“Now, while it’s distracted!” 
Hashirama burst forward with his hands already forming signs. Spires of mokuton burst from the ground at his command to reach for the beast’s face and muzzle its jaw. Deep in its throat the Kyuubi snarled – then he screamed with rage and pain as Madara hit him from behind with the largest Grand Fireball the field had seen yet that day. 
Letting the two of them work ahead as a distraction, Tobirama scattered kunai marked with his special seal. As soon as he had the layout of the terrain solid in his mind he reached for one and appeared directly under the belly of the rampaging animal. With so much water already scattered about it was the work of a moment to gather a large puddle and swing his arms upwards to slice at the soft flesh above his head, an attack that he hoped was doubly painful with the temperature of the water only barely above freezing. He was gone before the answering scream was finished and gathering more water to go for the hamstrings.
Before he could get close enough a great roar shook the earth and destabilized his footing as the Kyuubi broke through its wooden muzzle, snapping at the branches that reached to capture it again. Tobirama flashed to his brother’s side and pulled him out of the way just in time for one of the many tails to come crashing down where he’d just been standing. 
“Thanks for the save,” Hashirama cried. “Let’s try this on for size!” 
Only once had Tobirama even seen him use that massive scroll he carried in to battle but it was a testament to how seriously his brother was taking this fight when he threw it down and unrolled it, slamming his palm in to the center. When his summon appeared it carried them both up on its shoulders to tower over the forest and draw their opponent’s attention all to themselves. The Kyuubi didn’t look terribly impressed to see the Several Thousand Hands but Madara clearly was – and just as clearly did not intend to be left behind. 
“You think that’s something? I am the one you should be worried about, fox!” His voice came from the ground a moment before he was raised up above it in the headpiece of a fully formed Susano’o. 
“Together, my friend?” Hashirama called to him.
“Eat my chakra dust!” Madara hollered back. 
Despite his words they moved in sync as only the best of battle partners could. Tobirama spared a moment to roll his eyes at their antics even as he cast one of his kunai and followed it through the air, summoning the river to his purpose. 
With their strength combined and aid from all the other clans the amount of injuries dropped significantly, though the battle was still a hard one. The tide was turned with the arrival of Mito, her usual orderly outfit replaced with the minimalistic battle gear of a true Uzushio warrior. With delicate grace she evaded the reached claws attempting to crush her spine and wove between the hundreds of wooden fists slicing through the air to land at her husband’s side. Tobirama appeared at his other a moment later. 
“I can seal him,” she announced confidently. “But nothing inanimate will be able to hold that much energy. If I seal him it will be in to a living creature. A person.” 
“Any volunteers?” Tobirama asked dryly. 
“That sounds incredibly dangerous.” Deftly weaving his signs still, Hashirama kept the beast distracted with his summons while they spoke. “Would his chakra not tear the person to shreds?” 
Mito shook her head. “No. This is why I did not come until now; I have been modifying the seal we use to make storage scrolls and I believe that it should contain him so long as there is another chakra to give the array power. Their life will be the safeguard that holds him.” 
“I will do it,” Hashirama declared. He looked determined until she laid her hand on his arm.
“No, it cannot be you. The head of one clan with so much power would unbalance the rest. I believe it should be me. It would be dangerous for whoever takes this responsibility to leave the village and I hardly do so already.” 
“Make a decision,” Tobirama snapped. “We don’t have time to sit around and chat it over all day. Yes or no, Anija!” 
“May the kami forgive me. Yes. Do it – and fast.” 
She gave one sharp nod and then Mito turned towards the Kyuubi with fire in her eyes the likes of which few had seen and lived to speak of. With barely a thought Tobirama was away at his own husband’s side, suspended within the Susano’o. 
“On my mark be loud. As much of a distraction as you can be. Draw its attention and hold it.” 
Tobirama trained his eyes across the shifting mass of fur between him and his brother, watching until Mito’s tiny form shot forward.
Purple flame exploded outwards in a Grand Fireball nearly the size of the Kyuubi’s head, singing fur and flesh and drawing a scream that must have shaken the mountains from one side of the continent to the other. Several of the men and women scattered below dropped to clap their hands over their ears even as Mito, brave and beautiful Mito, flung her body straight towards the source. For a single moment she existed as a streak of flame across the sky, red hair spilling behind her like a banner as her traditional buns unraveled with the force of such a violent movement. 
Then the motion ended as she impacted the beast’s hide palm first, black ink spidering out from underneath her touch. Even the trees themselves quaked with the force of the roar this time, the sound of an animal who knew it was about to be caged. Seeing his chance, Hashirama moved quickly to pin the lashing tails with bands of wood, holding them down for the howls to carry on in stillness. 
When the massive form began to ripple and waver Tobirama almost felt a touch of pity for the thing. To be caged for the rest of his life was something he couldn’t imagine. But the feeling was easy to brush away as he looked out at the carnage surrounding them, steeling his heart to the vision of the Nine-Tailed Beast shrinking in size as it was pulled in to Mito’s body. For such a momentous act Tobirama felt almost let down by the anticlimactic silence when it was over.
Mito stood where the Kyuubi had, tall and proud. Then even from a distance Tobirama could see her tremble before she crumpled to the earth like a doll. Hashirama was by her side almost as fast as though he too was able to utilize the hiraishin. 
Concern warred with the instinct to give the two of them some space and Tobirama married the two urges by asking Madara to dismiss his Susano’o, taking the time to walk across the clearing by the power of his own legs rather than flashing across with the marker Hashirama carried. When they arrived his hands were already limned in green chakra and his brows pulled together with deep concentration. Thankfully for their sanity he did not look too worried. 
“She doesn’t appear to be injured,” he announced as they and several others drew close. “I think the shock of absorbing so much extra chakra was just a little too hard and her mind shut down to protect her until she finds a balance.” 
“Are you alright?” Tobirama asked. His brother looked up at him with a wan expression. 
With a nod Tobirama turned to Madara, gently cupping that precious face with one hand. 
“Don’t look at me like that, I’m fine too,” the man growled. He did not, however, pull away from the touch. They held each other’s eyes for a moment of understanding before Tobirama turned back to the pair on the ground. 
“Uninjured is fine but that wasn’t my question. You looked distraught when we arrived.”
“Of course I’m distraught! Look around you!” 
The outburst was so unlike the Hashirama that others knew and shock was plain to see on many of the faces around them. For Tobirama, however, it brought him nothing but a clench in his chest. It may have been years since he heard that tone but he would have remembered the heartbreak it carried until the end of his days. The last he’d heard it they had stood over a fresh grave after burying their mother between the bodies of their younger siblings.
“You know better than most than many injuries can look much worse than they truly are,” he murmured. Squatting down, he laid a hand on the other’s shoulder. “I know it seems as though we lost many lives today but until we get a tally from the medics we can’t know that for sure. Many more could have survived.”
Hashirama lifted his face to show that tears once more streamed over his cheeks. “But they didn’t. They’re gone. He’s gone.” 
“Who is?” 
“Father,” Hashirama whispered. 
A great empty nothingness seemed to echo in Tobirama’s chest as he followed his brother’s line of sight down the path to where the Kyuubi must have met with the first line of resistance. Miles away at this point, he wasn’t able to see where the body of his father lay. He didn’t care to. What state the flesh was in mattered little if the mind had gone cold. 
He waited for the pain. For the sense of loss. The last time he had seen Butsuma’s face it struck him for the first time in years that they were family – not a happy one, perhaps, but blood all the same. Now the man was gone and with him any chance that they might someday recover the relationship that had never had a proper chance to grow. And Tobirama, to his small secret shame, felt nothing. 
“I am sorry for your loss,” he said at last, an empty platitude to fill the silence as his brother continued to stare up at him expectantly. Hashirama didn’t look surprised but neither did he look at all comforted. 
“What are we going to do?”
“Get these people back home, I imagine.” That particular wisdom came from Izuna as the man approached. “I’ve instructed my teams to search the area and retrieve any dead or wounded left behind. They took too bloody long waiting for the right moment to make an attack and I’m not happy with their performance. So now since they didn’t actually see much battle they get to enjoy the clean up afterwards.” 
“Right. Touka can have any of her people who have a talent for earth jutsu restore the forest as best they can until Hashirama is able to see to the trees.” Tobirama nodded to his brother-in-law, unsurprised by the hesitation before Izuna nodded back. 
Between them, Madara craned his neck to peer down the alley of destruction where Butsuma supposedly lay. It didn’t take a genius to guess where his thoughts were drifting. Neither of their first responders had been seen since they dashed off, their blood running hot with reckless competition. If Butsuma had gone to his final rest here in the forest then chances were Tajima had too. Tobirama waited but his husband said nothing, turning his head away with a telling tension at the corners of his eyes. No one present saw fit to mention it. 
“Izu is right,” he muttered. “Let’s get these people back to the village. We’ll need to gather the council for a debrief. Shit, wait, Izuna can you also send one of your people to find the rest of that team who came to warn us? There wasn’t time to ask but–”
“We need to know why,” Tobirama finished for him. 
“On it.” Just like that the man was off again.
Hashirama used the utmost care as he cradled his wife between both arms and lifted her, for once not looking around to see to others before taking off towards safety himself. Although the greater good often took priority over many things in his eyes there were few if any things in this world that could possibly be more important to him than the safety of his beloved wife. Tobirama watched them go and thought to himself that once he had envied their bond. How funny it was to think of it now and realize that he had the same. 
Urging his own beloved to go ahead, Tobirama stayed to organize those wandering around the field looking lost, some of them bearing the frantic expression of those who had lost sight of their loved ones. He urged them to allow the allotted team to comb through the area before descending in to panic. Many injured had already been taken to the hospital and extra bodies milling about would only impede the progress of others reaching the same help. 
At a certain point he had to realize that he was mostly killing time, putting off the inevitable as though hoping that the council would meet without him. Unfortunately he knew the one they would not start without was Hashirama and since he would have taken the time to ensure his wife was more than comfortable in the proper care it wasn’t likely the debrief would have even started yet. Not to mention the fact that Madara was likely to glare the lot of them in to submission if they tried to go ahead without Tobirama’s sizable brain there to point out the angles no one else ever seemed able to see. 
Knowing it would be better to get this over with did nothing to make him feel any more enthusiastic but still Tobirama forced himself to turn back towards the village when there was only petty busywork left to occupy himself with. The meeting needed to happen. As a council they needed to make a decision on how to react to these events and how to proceed now that their two nominal ‘leaders’ had both fallen. Yet something in the back of his mind couldn’t help pretending that if he never went to the meeting then he would never have to admit that all of this was real. 
Clearly he’d been spending too much time in Hashirama's presence for such childish notions to have any hold over him. 
What drove him forward despite his distaste for it all was the same urge which had driven plenty of his most self-destructive urges in the past: his need to know. The need for answers that had a tendency to blot out the rest of the world. Tobirama set his feet towards the village center and he would have damned his own curiosity if he wasn’t so achingly aware that he would have eventually gone anyway. 
Duty had been bred in to him at a young age, pressed in to his skin so deeply it could almost be considered a personality trait on its own at this point. He might drag his feet and put it off but in the end this was his home and he would do what he needed to for this village. That was his duty and Tobirama had long accepted that he was nothing if not a dutiful man. 
To his husband. To his family. To his people. 
14 notes · View notes
Uchiha Itachi, a savior in the shadows
SPOILER ALERT!!, if you haven't finished watching Naruto, please refrain from reading.
To contextualize, this character comes from the manga serie called ¨Naruto¨, written and illustrated by Masashi Kishimoto, having its first publication in September 1999. This work tells the story of a ninja called Naruto Uzumaki, who has a goal and this is to become Hokage, that is, leader of the village, with the main purpose of being recognized by all the people of the village as someone important within it. Later, in October 2002, ¨Naruto¨ was published in his animated version by the director Hayato Date.
The village known as ¨Hidden Leaf Village¨ or Konoha (Konohagakure), it's composed of several ninja clans, among these is one of the most influential in the story of the serie, the Uchiha clan, which was part of village foundation in conjunction with Senju clan. The Uchiha clan have the particularity of make up the Konoha military police, having a very important role in the order of this. The Uchiha are very respected and it could be said that also are feared, as they are known to have a Kekkei Genkai (Bloodline Limit) called Sharingan, which is a visual technique (Dōjutsu), that grants abilities such as: seeing people's chakra flow, which can be useful to see chakra reserves, if it's alterated, among other utilities; an improvement in reflexes with this a better vision of the combat scenarios to be able to eventually come before, because the Sharingan sends images of the movements that are being visualized in advance to the brain. Some ninjas with this power have a more advanced illusion technique (Genjutsu). Sharingan evolves progressively, based mainly in the user training, is also known that characters who possess this power, awaken the Sharingan when they experience based on the loss of love or despair, thus causing a certain amount of chakra to break out in a sector of the brain that affects the optic nerves.
When talking about the Uchiha, it's almost impossible not to think about Itachi, as he was a very influential ninja in the story of the series, he is also one of the most outstanding and skilled members of the clan, being considered a prodigy ninja by many. Itachi Uchiha, son of Mikoto and Fugaku (leader of the clan and the military police) and older brother of Sasuke Uchiha, from a young age was a first-class student, graduating from the academy in advance, since having all the knowledge and skills and even more advanced than required, there was no point in it being there.
During his childhood, he always had a more mature vision in relation to life itself, constantly questioning topics as broad as life and death, the purpose of living, the reason for wars, among other unknowns that children hardly ever wonder. It's very hard and sad to think about everything Itachi lived when he was little, since on the one hand, he was present in the third ninja world war with only 4 years old, he also had to witness the death of one of his teammates when he was only a Genin, which incidentally was the cause of the awakening of his Sharingan, on the other hand it's not normal for a child to have to try to answer those questions described above, rather those are questions that adults frequent asking themselves. These experiences made Itachi's personality very peaceful, serene, but it should be noted that he was always a very sweet boy.
There was a very important event to understand some of the twists and turns in Itachi's life and this was the attack by the Nine Tailed Fox or Kyūbi on Konoha as a result of the action of a supposed Madara Uchiha (the masked ninja), this happened when he was just a child. As a result of the partial destruction of the village, there was a restructuring and relocation of the ninja clans and the Uchiha were literally aparted, which generated total discontent on the part of the clan. Part of the discontent is also due to the fact that never in the history of the village have there been "Hokages" from the clan, and considering that there have been empowered ninjas, such as Fugaku.
Itachi & Shisui
Itachi was one of the few clan members to awaken the Mangekyo Sharingan and this was because of having witnessed the suicide of his best friend. Itachi's best friend is called Shisui, who also belongs to the clan and like Itachi, he is a formidable ninja, very talented and powerful, even his Sharingan is considered to be one of the most powerful, but unlike Itachi, he was older than him. It should be noted that in his first appearance in the serie, he already had the rank of Jonin (the highest rank of ninja before the Hokage). Itachi and Shisui had a great philosophy in common, which was to end the fights and wars, in short, that there would be peace and thus not have to live more unnecessary deaths, they had the authentic will of the first hokage, the will of fire. As a personal appreciation, I have always considered that Kishimoto should have given more continuity and image to Shisui, since it only appears in some memories and in ¨Itachi Shinden¨ of ¨Naruto Shippuden¨ and for many (I include myself) he is a very beloved character despite of his minimal appearance in the serie.
The Massacre
At the age of 10 he had already passed the Chunin exams and shortly afterwards, at the request of his father, he entrusted him with the mission of joining the ANBU ranks. It should be noted that as a result of the discontent in Uchiha clan, they were planning to carry out a coup, so the father wanted Itachi to be a spy taking advantage of his influence as ANBU and at the age of 13, Itachi was already Captain of the ANBU units. Fugaku without knowing, Itachi was also being a spy for Konoha, so he was playing a double spy role. The authorities of Konoha, that is, the third Hokage (Sandaime), the advisers and Danzo, knowing that the coup d'état was imminent, entrusted the mission to Itachi to report everything that was planned and it is known that this coup This state was only going to lead to an upcoming ninja war, so Itachi started spying on his own clan and providing the information to Konoha. After this, Danzo meets with Itachi to inform him that he had to make a decision, clearly opposing what the Third wanted (which was a peaceful solution), this duality was to join the clan in the coup and die together with they either exterminate the entire clan, save Sasuke and become a traitor and criminal ninja. With the above, Itachi was already tasked with saving the village and being a hero in the dark.
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To exterminate the clan, Itachi asked to the supposed Madara Uchiha for help, with the deal that he offered to assassinate the clan only if the latter didn't attack the village again, after consensus, they proceeded to the total extermination of the Uchiha, except of his little brother Sasuke. After that event, Itachi meets with the Third Hokage and informs him that he would leave the village to join Akatsuki to watch over the supposed Madara and also to that organization, thus helping the village again and thus showing that he's an ally.
Akatsuki and Fourth World War
During his time in Akatsuki, Itachi always pretended to be a cold person, but little by little he gained the confidence of his companions based on his "loyalty" and his good ability as a sensory ninja. In one of his missions, he had to go to Konoha to collect information about the Orochimaru's attack and also about the Jinchuriki of the Kyubi, however, Itachi never intended to take Naruto, rather, he went to see the state of the village, showing his concern to know how Sasuke was, in turn showing the advisers that he was still alive.
Much later, in ¨Naruto Shippuden¨, Itachi dies at the hands of Sasuke, just as he wished (so he dies with a smile on his face) in order to tell him part of what happened in his life through a genjutsu and at the same time to be able to grant him an improvement in his ocular powers.
During the development of the Fourth War, Itachi was revived through the Edo Tensei (Reincarnation of the impure world), invoked by Kabuto and manages to free himself from the control of the latter with the help of Shisui's left eye (thanks to the raven that once been inside Naruto), after this Itachi goes directly to the hideout where Kabuto was, to confront him and stop the jutsu, in the course, he meets Sasuke and this last one begins to follow him. Once they arrive at the place, they both face Kabuto and manage to defeat him thanks to Izanami and by subjecting him to a genjutsu, he shows them the seals to stop the jutsu. Before Itachi returned to the pure world, he manages to convey his real feelings to Sasuke for the first time, having an emotional farewell. With this it can be seen that Itachi was one more ally in the war (something that was seen barely get out of the control of the Edo tensei user) and again affirm that he is a great savior in the ninja world.
Personal appreciation and conclusion
In short, there are plenty of facts to assert that Itachi was a true savior in the shadows of the ninja world, despite all the treasonous actions, he was literally a kid who had to deal with the problems of adults, having to go through traumatic experiences, that they made him a very resilient character. I really consider that he was very brave to have to leave behind his blood ties to be able to ensure the peace of the village, in addition to having to be very strong mentally to lie to his own brother throughout the story to protect it. In addition, Itachi is the full image of a person who puts the well-being of his neighbor above his own, who undoubtedly reflects loyalty to Konoha and love for his brother, which at the same time is the fundamental aspect of his personality.
"A life borns... a life dies... but a life can be saved".
Bastian Miranda H
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joygaroz · 5 years
There You Are
[3/7] [Day Ten: Fox’s Wedding] [5/7]
Link, join, share, exchange.
There were many ways to make an alliance, drinking from the sacred wine rice and feeding a vampire with one’s blood was not the first of her options. Much less the second.
But apparently, she had run out of options. Not even with all the knowledge Tsunade carried, not even with all the years of experience and skill that the vampire now in front of them had, was that Sakura felt confident in declining before such proposal.
“Am I understanding correctly? Drinking from this wine rice with him will make my body stop degenerating?” Sakura wondered when the silence took over the room.
Sasuke, who was contemplating the sealed bottle in his hands, raised his gaze to meet the emerald of her and, after placing the object on the table, clarified before Tsunade could open her lips.
“Drinking out of this wine would make the compatibility between us be certain. By doing so, your magical abilities will be balanced with mine so it won’t repel me when I bite you”
“B-bite me?” she exclaimed as on reflect act she took her hand to the scar on her neck. Once he noticed the defensive movement, Sasuke sighed.
“To erase the poison flowing in your veins and that is deteriorating it, I need to extract it” he continued explaining before being interrupted by the unusual human.
“Yeah, right. You expect me to believe you’re not another leech trying to kill me by satisfying its hunger?”
“Lee—” the immortal repeated indignant before being interrupted by Tsunade.  
“He’s right, Sakura. Among the abilities of some vampires there is that of extracting and healing poisons. A defensive mechanism that they developed through the years” she reassured and Sakura looked at her mentor with distrust, her hand still laying on her neck’s mark.
“Even if you tell me that, Tsunade-sama, a vampire’s bite turns you if it doesn’t kill you, doesn’t it?”
“It won’t be your case, we’re talking about a white witch after all” Sasuke refuted at her back, his tone almost irritated but passing unnoticed by the apprentice.
“Just moments ago, it was only a theory and now you are telling me all this with such certainty. Forgive me if I put it in doubt” Sakura alleged, still fearful of the alternative they were offering her.
“Because prior to this encounter, it was not possible to discard these doubts” Tsunade reasoned, approaching her apprentice to call upon her attention by placing her palms on the young lady’s small shoulders. “Sakura, you’re a healer by nature, and if you’ve survived to this day it’s because there’s a magic in you fighting to keep you alive. The white magic”
Her words were reassuring, and by being her mentor the one who was saying them, the young lady could not help but to keep silence while she eased her fears. This was the only person that had offered to shelter her when no one else had done ever since she ran away from her old home, giving her a roof, food and water, treating her wounds only to teach her soon after how to do the same. Giving her a new purpose when she had lost it all.
Sakura wished to keep doing so. She wanted to be as a good healer as the high priestess.
Sasuke, although remaining silent, observed the scene with detail, his arms crossed over his chest and his gaze inclined while he perceived the changes on that girl’s body. Her heartbeats easing as seconds passed by and her aura spiking with a warmth that invited him to catch.
Had he been any other vampire, his instincts would have led him to cloud his better judgement. But, since he was a vampire with the experience he had, although tempting, his curiosity to find out the type of partner this girl would be for him was greater.
“Alright” they finally heard Sakura agree. “Let’s continue with this” in her tone, the resolve and determination pretty ingrained. Sasuke smiled anew before the character she demonstrated, that human soul’s bravery visible on her delicate features.
Without a doubt, a very interesting partner.
“Great. Now that we all agree, let’s make this formal” Sasuke interrupted the sentimental exchange between the mortals and approached them with the bottle on one hand. When he was only a pair of steps of distance, he extended his other hand towards the young lady of pink hair “Uchiha Sasuke, first generation vampire”
Noticing then that until that moment they had not had the opportunity to introduce themselves, Sakura deviated her gaze from his hand to his face, captivated once more by those dark eyes of deep stare, she gulped while she responded the greeting.
“Sakura Haruno” was her short reply since her provenance was a mystery even to her.
“We are forgetting the most important element” Tsunade observed while she smiled entertained and crossed her arms at the vampire’s direction.
Growling, Sasuke rolled his eyes and Sakura stared at the reaction with strangeness.
“The cups?” the apprentice ventured, getting rid of the contact with the immortal and looked for the shelf where they kept said objects with her eyes.
“That too” the priestess commented still entertained, noticing how the vampire understood what she meant. “But I was thinking more about how this was a ritual that links a mortal and immortal”
Sakura frowned for a brief moment before widening her eyes in surprise and realization. This she had read on one of the many books at her mentor’s library, curious about the many stories and rituals of the immortal.
“We need the testimony of the wise fox”
“That person has no wisdom”
“Do you know each other?” the girl of pink threads couldn’t help to wonder, her emerald eyes sparkling with curiosity. She was cute, Sasuke thought, but he’d rather she didn’t show so much interest toward that annoying topic.
He flicked his tongue instead of answering, he occupied himself by opening the wine bottle and, after noticing he wasn’t going to bother replying, Sakura pouted. Soon her mentor called after her while she rummaged through her belongings at the shelves behind the counter, the scroll with the nine-tailed fox seal.
“Vampires and foxes are natural enemies, being one of them the one that feeds from living beings and the other one the one that protects said beings of the nature, the conflict of interests has taken them for generations to clash from time to time” Tsunade explained, refreshing her mentor’s memory, certain she had caught her on more than one occasion reading such tale. “Although, this particular pair is another story”
Sasuke huffed before such comment “It is not” he corrected, but Tsunade continued to smile entertained and Sakura remained expectant with curiosity.
“That is not what he has told me”
“You know him too, Tsunade-sama?”
“He’s a frequent client, he’s very impulsive” her mentor nodded before being interrupted by the immortal being.
“Stupid” he corrected and the high priestess rolled her eyes while she opened the scroll between her hands and then let it fall on the floor.
Once the scroll extended completely along said surface, this one started to brighten before the expectant stares of Sakura, Tsunade and a bored one of Sasuke from the other side of the room.
From that scroll emerged a curtain of smoke that little by little revealed an amorphous shadow, only after it stopped casting invocation radiances, did Sakura manage to recognize the blonde tails of that creature start to disperse the smoke. Nine, just like the tales she had read said, the fox with the most power carried nine tails.
He was backwards and, when he turned to face them, she managed to appreciate his features better. He was half human, tall and of blonde rowdy hair. His eyes were a brilliant shade of sky blue, and on his cheeks, three lines adorned each side. Even with the extensive tails behind him, to Sakura he seemed like human like her.
“Old Tsunade!” the blonde effusively greeted, passing unnoticed the presence of the other two and continued to talk with such enthusiasm. “It’s been a while but I don’t think I can accompany you to drink I —Bastard!” he interrupted himself when his senses finally repaired on the other presence in that room and his friendly demeanor changed into an annoyed one.
“Are we going to continue wasting time?” the Uchiha ignored as he placed the cups, he had found when the humans had been invested in realizing the invocation, on the counter.
“Hey, don’t ignore me you damned” the blonde started to wince but was interrupted on this occasion by the high priestess.
“He’s right, Naruto, we are in a pressing situation. We need you to carry out the wedding” Tsunade explained, to which both the aforementioned and her apprentice, cried out in unison:
“Wedding!” they both said, and after hearing their coordinated reply, they turned to see each other in surprise.
“Who are the prospects?” Naruto wondered, changing his expression to a serious one as he addressed the priestess.
“Who said anything about a wedding? I thought this was only a spiritual ritual” Sakura questioned on the other hand, noticing how the other immortal remained calm. Walking towards him with strong steps, he stood before him again, looking steadily until he returned his gaze to meet hers. “Tell me the truth, exactly what do you intent to do to me?”
“Oh, I’m sorry. Did you wish to hold a human wedding? We could also do that if that is what you wish” he smirked, very entertained with the adorable way the girl’s cheeks tinted with her irritation. He could sense her heart start to beat quickly and her blood flowing through her veins as a result to her emotions and he found such incidence so captivating.
The little witch was really good at tempting him, so he decided o play with her a little longer.
“I must make clear, however, that my kind does not celebrate what you call a ‘honeymoon’, but we do hold a ‘bloodmoon’” he tilted his face when not only did the blush on her cheeks spread, but also noticed when the girl’s eyes widened flustered. “which is a bit rougher of what you habituate”.
Parting her lips in search for something to reply, Sakura remained faltering until Naruto’s voice called upon their attention.
“Okay, lovebirds, time to celebrate a wedding!”
It seemed like, under the testimony of protective fox of the mortal nature, she would be one of the few mortal souls to marry an immortal.
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ahkaraii · 5 years
Rarepair generator: Mito/Izuna (949 words)
“It’s for the good of the Leaf,” Madara says.
“I will not!” Izuna snarls. “Why don’t you do it? Why doesn’t that fucking Senju?”
“Because I said so, and that is final.”
And so he does.
The Uzumaki woman is both monstrously intelligent and a monster, Izuna knows. He first faced her in battle, years ago, mere seconds after the white haired Senju had fallen to his blade. Her chakra formed chains like corrosive snakes, the Whirlpool in her veins providing the inexhaustible energy that fueled her rage. Had it not been for his brother, Izuna would have died under her onslaught.
Now, he will die her husband.
“Wife,” he says, after the wedding is over, and the doors have closed behind them, and they are facing each other like the two carved ogres that decorated the Shinto shrine Izuna used to visit as a child, the ones he ran his hands over and prayed to, for victory. For survival. For another day on the battlefield.
Those days are over. Now, there is peace. It only took the carcass of three of his brothers and three of Senju Hashirama’s, and hundreds of their clansmen, clanless upon their death.
“Uchiha,” Mito says cooly.
The first year of the Leaf and Whirlpool’s union is chaotic. Madara wears a ridiculous hat while his pet Senju bulldozes his way throughout the five Countries, subduing Chakra Monsters at his behest. Izuna reluctantly accompanies him, ensnaring the monstrous beasts with his eyes while Mito chains them and leads them home.
Where Mito is like carved wood, jagged and beautiful, the Senju is like a stone dropped in a river, worn round and raw. His depression is a miasma, poisoning the air around him, and neither Mito nor Izuna dare approach him for fear of choking to death in his tears. Oddly enough, this mutual repellence draws Izuna and Mito close during the long year they spend together, collecting folk tails.
“Good job out there,” Mito says.
Izuna tilts his head in acquiescence. “My wife had a good plan.”
“Get a room,” the Senju says.
The second year is tense, but peaceful. With five Chakra Monsters chained to a massive tree deep within the Leaf, controlled by the Uchiha’s kaleidoscope eyes, world power has tipped in their favour. Borders are reestablished, negotiated, and respected, or else.
There is time to make their village a home worth living in.
Mito writes down enough fuinjutsu to fill a library, so Izuna builds her one. Madara makes half of it forbidden and the other half public, so people start coming in to learn, and soon they have themselves a school. Soon they have themselves a police force, too, when a couple of wise guys try and find out why the other half is forbidden.
In the third year, there is war.
For a day.
The Leaf obliterates the Land of Rice Fields, demonstrating to the world the coordinated power of the tamed Beasts in one fell swoop. Madara heads that massacre, atop the head of the Nine Tails, while Izuna and Mito flank him upon the One and Three. Senju Hashirama needs none, for he is a chakra monster all on his own.
“You were incredible,” Izuna says.
Mito’s eyes crinkle when she smiles. “As were you, husband.”
“Get a fucking room,” his brother says.
The Senju says nothing. Every year he grows more silent, until even Madara can hardly remember what the sound of his laughter was.
Now who he remembers laughing is Izumi, child of Izuna and Mito. She is brown haired and black eyed and beautiful, and already she is an eddy of lava, gurgling fire and ash, and they would kill for her, they will die for her, they will burn all in her name if need be.
“With her blood and your eyes, Izumi-chan will be an incredible shinobi,” Madara says. “I couldn’t be more proud of you, little brother.”
Izuna takes Izumi to the Nakano shrine, where two ogres are carved from wood. He takes her little hand in his and has her trace their curves and edges, the sharpness of their teeth and eyes. He prays for her health, for her longevity. For her happiness.
In the fifth year, all five Chakra Monsters break loose.
People scatter to and fro like ants, mindless with fear. Their own weapon has been turned against them, and there is only one person who is capable of it.
“Hashirama!” Madara howls. “Why?!”
“We had a dream,” the Senju says. “And I helped you kill it.”
Their battle is beyond description. It goes beyond the stuff of legend. The Senju summons a fifty foot tall statue, with ten thousand hands, outstretched to the heavens, praying for deliverance. Praying for an end. He has gone mad, and madness is his weapon.
In the end, Madara’s eyes bleed and Hashirama bleeds out.
“I dreamed of a world without child soldiers,” the Senju laments, as his life leaves him. “I dreamed of a world at peace.”
“Go be in peace,” Madara says, and cries.
Madara is Shodaime for five years more, and then he gives Izuna the hat and the responsibility. His heart isn’t in it anymore. He buried it with that thrice-damned Senju.
“I refuse!” Izuna yells. “Why me? Hell, why not Mito?”
“Do what you want with it.”
And so he does.
Uzumaki Mito becomes the Leaf’s Nidaime Hokage, monstrously intelligent and the master of monsters, chained to her will. It’s thanks to his brother that she is his wife, and Izuna will live to the end of his days grateful, for she is the best thing that has ever happened to him, and to their village.
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day One Hundred Forty-Nine: Baseball ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata, Uzumaki Naruto ] [ SasuHina, NaruSaku ] [ Verse: Best Years of Your Life ] [ AO3 Link ]
Another day, another block of practice.
Baseball is the only sport Sasuke’s ever played. His brother before him had excelled in soccer, and - not wanting to be directly compared to his brother, who can do no wrong - Sasuke chose another sport. And, like Itachi, he’s excelled in his chosen game.
And now, it’s his senior year...and all he can think about this Spring is getting to the State finals and finally taking the championship cup. Because as hard as his team works, and as good as he is (alongside many of the other players), they just haven’t quite made it that far.
After all, he’s seen the recruiters for college teams hanging around the practice field, and at their games, talking with the coach. If he could get a scholarship for baseball...he’d be over the moon.
Hence why he never misses a single practice. It’s made juggling homework a bit of a hassle, but he hopes - in the end - work on both aspects will serve him well.
“Oi, Sasuke!”
Looking up from his mitt he’s been contemplating as he thinks, the Uchiha jostles as Naruto swings an arm over his shoulders. “What?”
“Ready for the game on Saturday?”
“Ready as I’ll ever be. You?”
“Duh! Hey, guess what!” Naruto takes a step back, hands curled under his chin as his eyes go starry. “Sakura agreed to come watch!”
“Did she now?” Sasuke asks boredly, flexing his glove experimentally.
“Yeah! If we win, I’m gonna ask her on a date!”
“Whaddaya mean, ‘and’?”
“You ask her on dates all the time,” Sasuke retorts, seeing his friend stiffen. “What makes this any different?”
“Cuz...cuz she’ll see how awesome I am! If we win, she’ll be so impressed, there’s no way she’d say no!”
“Whatever you say.” In all honesty, Sasuke would be glad for it. The day Sakura gives up trying to get him to date her, he’ll be a very happy man.
Their practice isn’t very heavy given the game the following day, so the pair shower and make to head home a bit early. On the way through, they pass the tennis courts, still occupied by students.
Glancing nonchalantly through the chain link fence, Sasuke searches for a moment before spotting her.
Sporting a matching lilac and white tank and shorts, Hinata Hyūga faces him, focused on her practice match against an upperclassmen he vaguely recognizes as some chick named Tenten. A visor sits over her brow to shade her eyes, long hair up in a high tail, bouncing slightly in anticipation for her opponent’s serve.
“Man, tennis seems like it’d be a pain, right?”
“Huh?” Glancing back to his friend, Sasuke breaks his stare.
“I mean, it’s got so much...leg work!”
“So does baseball when you’re on the field.”
“But not as consistently! Depends on where the ball goes. Here? You can’t escape the damn ball! Imagine having to bat, like...the whole game! Over and over again!”
“Guess that’s why tennis is tennis, and baseball is baseball, idiot.”
“M’just sayin’, you gotta be tough to do tennis! I mean, imagine how much more ripped Sakura would be if she played this instead of softball!”
There’s a silent hint of pride in Sasuke’s mind at the comparison. After all, he’s pretty much saying someone like Hinata is tougher than someone like Sakura.
And given that Sasuke’s been crushing on Hinata for all of high school, and detesting Sakura...that makes him very happy indeed.
But it does puzzle him a bit. Sure, Sakura’s lithe and sinewy - she’s hardly got an ounce of fat on her (which, yes, means hardly any hips or chest). Hinata, on the other hand...is so soft. She’s heavier set than Sakura despite - as Naruto says - playing what seems like a more intense sport.
Of course, that’s not all that plays into a person’s build, he supposes. And while Hinata also plays volleyball in the Fall, Sakura does that, and does swimming in the Winter.
But - personally speaking - he’d rather have a girlfriend who’s soft than one all...boney and tough.
Which only makes it all the more disappointing that Hinata happens to be rather fond of a certain blond idiot he knows.
Why the girls can’t just...swap their affections, he’ll never know. Surely everyone would be a lot happier.
The coach then calls for a break, and the players all relax. Heaving a weary sigh, Hinata takes a swig from a purple water bottle before noticing that they have an audience. Her face brightens.
And it kills him that it’s not because she sees him. It’s because of Naruto.
Crossing the court, she flashes a smile, cheeks a bit pink. “H-hey guys!”
“Hey Hinata,” Naruto greets, tone a bit awkward as always. He’s aware of the Hyūga girl’s crush, and...to put it bluntly, it makes him squirm whenever he has to talk to her.
“Hey,” Sasuke offers, trying his best to keep his own voice cool. So far - at least, from what he can tell - no one’s noticed his own bias when it comes to the awkward love square that the four teens have found themselves in.
Hinata’s fingers cling to the fence. “I h-heard you guys have a game tomorrow!”
“Yeah! Tomorrow at two!”
“Maybe...I could come watch?”
Naruto winces ever so slightly. “Uh...yeah, sure! Sakura’s gonna go, so...you guys could, like...sit together! Or something!”
At the mention of the rosette, Hinata deflates ever so slightly.
He hates it.
“What about you?”
Shifting a bit, Sasuke asks again. “When’s your next tennis match?”
“Oh...um, we have away games on Tuesday. B-but then we have a home game next Saturday! You...you could come watch, if - if you want?”
“Aw man, Sakura’s got a game that day,” Naruto laments, but Sasuke knows he’s anything but disappointed. “Hey, maybe next time!”
“O-oh! Y-yeah, sure!” Hinata gives a smile, clearly forced.
“I’d go.”
Both Hinata and Naruto turn to him curiously. “You...you would?”
“But Sasuke, what about Sakura’s game?” Naruto counters with a frown.
“I’ve seen her play before. Never seen a tennis match.”
Something shifts in Hinata’s expression - a mix of genuine surprise, and...something else he can’t place. “I...I would like that. No one, um...no one really comes to...to watch me play.”
“What?” Naruto frowns. “What about your dad?”
“He...he’s busy,” Hinata deflects, waving a hand.
“And your sister?”
“She, um...she’s got a lot of homework. Middle school’s a lot h-harder nowadays.”
Sasuke’s brows furrow just a hair.
“B-but, um...it would be neat to have a...a friend come watch!” Hinata smiles again, and he can tell it’s more genuine this time around. “You - you have fun at Sakura’s game, Naruto. Maybe you can catch the n-next one.”
Behind her, the coach warns their break is nearly over, and she looks over her shoulder. “Well...I better get back to it.”
“Yeah - see ya around, Hinata!” Waving, Naruto takes off at a jog.
Sasuke watches him go, not quite in such a hurry.
Turning back, he sees Hinata hesitate.
“You...you don’t have to go if you d-don’t want to. To my match, I-I mean. I wasn’t...trying to guilt anyone into it...”
“I do want to go.”
“You...you do?”
“Yeah, I do.”
The same shade of surprise pulls at her face.
Feeling she’s wanting an explanation, Sasuke glances aside, trying to play it off. “Like I said, never watched tennis before. But I already play baseball - kinda boring to watch softball. Besides...Naruto’s the one who likes Sakura. I don’t want to steal his thunder. He already managed to drag her to the game tomorrow.”
“Oh...y-yeah.” Her eyes turn downcast for a moment.
“...you ever consider that you deserve to use your time on someone who wants to use their time on you?”
The question makes her jump. “I...w-what?”
“Naruto. I think you and I both know he’s not interested. So why do you keep doing this to yourself?”
For a moment she looks scandalized, not expecting to be asked such a thing. “...I…” Clearly thinking over his words, she slowly goes slack with a kind of understanding.
Someone...who wants to use their time on her? Does he mean like -?
“...nevermind,” Sasuke mutters, shouldering his duffle bag. “See you at the game tomorrow.”
“B-but -?”
Looking frustrated with himself, Sasuke doesn’t answer, leaving the courts to head for home.
...he just royally screwed that up, didn’t he? He’s such an idiot -
Startling, he turns to see Hinata jogging up behind him. “What -?”
“I...I w-wanted to say thank you.”
“For, um…” Hesitating, she worries her fingertips for a moment. “For...saying you’ll go to my game.” Another pause. “...for...using your time on me.”
Connecting her words to his, he stiffens, going a light shade of pink.
She watches his expression, clearly making connections of her own. “...see you tomorrow.”
“...y-yeah.” Watching her retreat to the courts, Sasuke just...blinks. Did...did she just…?
...well...one more reason to win tomorrow.
     ...I actually like this one a lot xD I was never the sporty kid in school - I was the artsy, musicky, theatery kid, haha! So a lot of this is pretty foreign to me, but...I tried, lol      Gotta love the good ol' fashioned love square of team seven + Hinata. While I'm not the biggest shipper of NaruSaku, it just sort of...makes sense when put alongside SasuHina. At least, imo - hence why I tend to use it as a foil for them! But it's not high school without some kind of relationship drama, right? Even in my teeny tiny high schools of like 100 people, seems there was always some kind of dating fiasco going on xD Ah, the good ol' days lol      Anyway, it's VERY late, and I need to get more sleep than I did last night, eh heh...but, thanks for reading!
     (Also I’m sorry Tumblr readers, I can’t put in a page break between the drabble and my ANs? I dunno if it’s just glitching or if Tumblr removed it...guess we’ll see as time goes on ^^; Hence the...alternate break lol)
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how would you have ended naruto?
I’ve been thinking about this question for days and I’ve rewritten this answer twice and talked to my brother about it for over an hour and I never get any closer to brevity or coherency, so I’m just going to go for it I guess.  I’ll try to cut it down to the very minimum of what I would do if I had the power and also didn’t give a fuck about what other people thought
note: I read all of the available Naruto manga when I was 12-13 (which was, I believe, at least 600 chapters) and then watched…I want to say the first 130 episodes, most of them in three parts on youtube.  I have not consumed any canon material since, please forgive my memory
Danzo is the big secret villain at the end
fuck Madara Uchiha
on another note: fuck that thing with Zetsu
like he’s still there in my version of the story but only for as long as it takes to get Obito up and running around
honestly I would have kept Obito dead but that’s probably just the part of me that’s still bitter that death doesn’t mean anything in Naruto. as much as it pains me, we would probably need him for this 
Pain is the big face villain and his attack on Konoha is pushed back until after Akatsuki has basically all the other tailed beasts - they do a simultaneous strike to get KB and also Naruto bc they’ve…caught on to what’s happening…and they don’t want to give them any more time to prepare
Pain’s philosophy is important for Naruto to encounter and think about (and then counter that philosophy by yelling a lot) and it’s also important that Naruto actually takes care of this pretty pressing global threat and also gets in a really good big fight, but then afterwards the story changes
simultaneous strike bc we need some of those fuckers to be away somewhere they can come back from later, for after Pain dies
narrative is redirected inward, towards the rebuilding of Konoha
Danzo makes a power grab, like he always does, like he always will
[jaunty hand wave] some stuff happens and other stuff comes to light and they have to fight him
he probably pulls some strings once things really go to shit and gets the surviving Akatski to back him/help him/etc. maybe promises them the kyuubi if they support his move for hokage (he would never intend to deliver, they would probably know this)
LISTEN (I’m gonna backtrack here) what Naruto wants MOST IN THE WORLD is for his hometown to like him.  that’s what he wants.  he wants to live in a community where he has friends and even family and he’s trying to become hokage to prove to everyone that he’s worth attention (and also worth, you know, love and praise, because he is strong and he is brave and he is trying so fucking hard and that deserves recognition)
his goals are all centered around protecting the people he loves (from others and themselves) and proving himself to his community
he LOVES Konoha even though he hardly has a reason to - even though throughout the beginning of the story he gets shown again and again why there’s no reason to trust a hidden village to love its citizens
1) everyone hates Naruto. you know this one 
2) Sasuke’s family was slaughtered (was executed without trial by one of their own on orders he could not refuse, and both survivors were deliberately alienated from the community that had a duty to support them)
3) it’s apparently legal for the Hyuugas to do that
4) literally everything to do with ROOT
5) literally everything to do with Orochimaru
6) everyone on Naruto’s genin team (save maybe Sakura) has been personally victimized by the village (himself, Sasuke, Kakashi, Sai, Yamato) like are you fucking kidding me
7) Suna - everything that happens to Gaara. you know this one too.
8) Kiri - No Human Rights In Kiri
8.1) but like you know. specifically the killing of everyone with kekkei genkai and also their fucked up academy
9) hell, we could probably get a point in about Kabuto too, but I don’t actually want to talk about him much 
10) I know I didn’t hit everything but you’re getting the point. Naruto knows about the nasty shit the village (all villages) does and/or could do
if the story is about a boy who has been treated unjustly by his village but who still wants to earn that village’s respect and become capable of (and responsible for) protecting everyone in it, and he’s repeatedly being shown all the terrible, cruel things that happen to people inside that village - people he loves - because of that village, then why isn’t the story about him working to fix the fucking village
he’s just chock full of compassion and forgiveness which is sweet, but that’s why I need Pain to fucking rip the place apart and then use my authorly powers to stop the major villainy that would drag Naruto away from the rebuilding process
saving Danzo for the end to reveal his like. crimes and shit. misdeeds. human rights violations. refocuses the story inward on Naruto’s desire to protect Konoha (even from itself)
more united growth for the Konoha Nine!
they get to step up as young adults/leaders in their community and confront some of the problems that have touched their own lives
“our children are our future and this whole village is our family” thanks, Will of Fire, these kids ARE the future and they’re here to rip up the fucking floorboards and air out all the crazy shit you hid in the basement in order to make sure theirs is a good one
I change Sasuke’s arc until I finally like it
but yeah uh
no big shinobi world war
basically instead of fighting The Fucking Moon Goddess For Whatever Reason, Naruto’s big final struggle is against Danzo, and also symbolically for A Better Future For The Community That He Loves
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Your fellow RPer is making me highly uncomfortable literally laughing off the idea of Sasuke being coerced/his consent being questionable when it comes to Sarada's conception. There's a consistent pattern of people doing that to Sasuke throughout the entirety of the series, and brushing aside his own opinions and desires in favor of their own, and Sakura is not the only one who did that. Just because he's a dude doesn't mean he can't be victim of this - he HAS been during the entire series.
// I’m on your side on this, though I also understand their point (and they confirmed that can happen to guys too). 
If you take the manga at face value, it is legitimate to believe Sasuke was never coerced into doing anything, because it’s what the manga explicitly grooms you to believe. The manga keeps making it look like Sasuke is in the wrong, and that he is selfish and bratty, just like it cleverly makes us look at Naruto as a loser in the first chapter… though, if you re-read that carefully, it explicitly states that Naruto is actually a good student, though very bad at clones. Same with Sasuke: people think he is being selfish, but why does he act as he does?
If you decide to analyse the story through a more “realistic” approach, looking at it as if it was the story of real people and not characters, the result is very different. Sasuke never gets anything he wants: he never gets his father’s approval (that happens when he isn’t present, and his mother could very well be lying to comfort him when she says his father talks about him), he never gets to avenge his clan or surpass his brother (Itachi dies of sickness), he never gets to make things right (he surrenders to Naruto -though at least that’s his own decision). The one thing he gets is to leave alone at the end, because Naruto finally understands him. He gets one friend. One.
But let’s take time to see who Sasuke really is as character through an example.
Why Sasuke “selfishly” leaves Konoha
Face value: Confused and drunk on power, Sasuke leaves Konoha even though he is loved and cared for. He should really have thought about the feelings of the people he left behind. Now he’s the antagonist!
“Realistic” analysis
Itachi threatens the people he cares about
Itachi puts Kakashi, an acclaimed ninja, in a coma without a scratch. 
Itachi goes after Naruto but is repelled by a Sannin. 
Sasuke can thus assume Itachi is stronger than Kakashi but weaker than the Kage-level Sannin that scared him off. He will thus need to be Kage-level himself to beat him. Moreover, Itachi will kill Naruto unless a stronger opponent comes by.
Sasuke feels as powerless to protect his loved ones as during the UCM
Itachi proves he is infinitely stronger than Sasuke by easily putting him into a coma after torturing him by having him relive the UCM. 
Itachi makes it clear Sasuke or his friends will never be safe from him by attacking Kakashi, Naruto and himself.
Sasuke feels like he isn’t making progress. Naruto proves to have grown so strong he can now rival Sasuke in combat, even though Sasuke trains very hard. 
Worse, Itachi himself states Naruto is more interesting than Sasuke at that point. And Sasuke doesn’t know about the Nine-Tails then, so he just feels weak and lame that everyone (Sannin included) would care about “a bad student” over himself.
Orochimaru, who killed the Third Hokage, offers to train him. Sasuke can assume the feared Sannin who is stronger than a Kage would make a better teacher than Kakashi, but also that no-one is safe in Konoha.
He doesn’t feel like people understand him or actually care about him
After being tortured and fighting Naruto at the hospital, where Naruto could have killed him just to show-off his new technique and where they almost killed Sakura, Kakashi binds him to a tree and tells him to suck it up. He compares his father taking his own life to a whole clan being murdered by a guy who also tortured Sasuke and went after his other student. And Sasuke accepts that. He lowers his eyes in guilt, even though Kakashi’s whole attitude is, in my view, unacceptable. Sasuke is just that ready to believe he is the problem, just like he was not good enough for his father or isn’t worth Itachi’s time right now.
When Sasuke decides to leave, Sakura tries to stop him. Which is really sweet of her, because she knows he doesn’t care much about her but she wants to try anyway. However, her telling him that, even though she has a family, she would feel as alone as he is if he left is… At best, insensitive. And she would abandon her family for him? How can you tell a person whose whole family was murdered that you don’t care for your own at all? Of course he leaves her behind, although maybe he does it to protect her from her own stupidity. Because he cares for her, trying to protect her whenever he can and lifting her spirits when she’s down during the Chunin exam.
Naruto, well. You know the drill. Even Naruto admits later on he didn’t understand Sasuke then. But there’s more: even though it’s established Naruto and Sasuke always looked up to each other, Naruto is a complete dick to Sasuke for apparently no reason. At least at first, when they’re kids and Naruto doesn’t want to admit his defeat during sparing, or when he looks upset to be in the same team as him, or when ties him up out of the blue (to impersonate him in front of Sakura). Yet Sasuke gave his life for him in Wave Country, and looked after him when they were training to climb up trees even though Kakashi himself didn’t care at all.
It’s canon Sasuke wants to protect Sakura and Naruto. It’s canon he cares about protecting them more than his own life. And it’s canon none of them understand him at all.
An then, as he barely got out of the hospital and days of torture-induced coma, he gets beat up by Orochimaru’s henchmen. Even with the cursed seal, as they have a complete seal each. Sasuke can thus assume the seal can make him powerful, and that Orochimaru, who is stronger than a Kage, can make him strong enough to beat Itachi, who is stronger than Sasuke’s own teacher but scared by a Kage-level Sannin. Out of all these “friends”, Orochimaru is the one who understood Sasuke the best, confirming that he’s weak, and offering him power. He also knows to manipulate him by reinforcing his belief that his friends are a hindrance, and not posing as a friend but as a means to an end.
Isn’t it contradictory that Sasuke would put his friends aside to protect them?
Yes. But it’s also very coherent. 
Sasuke needs to kill Itachi, else his friends (at least Naruto) will die.
He thus needs to get much stronger, at fast. 
Kakashi isn’t a good teacher (he keeps reading porn and showing up late). However, the Sannin who killed the Hokage could be.
That means Sasuke needs to go to Orochimaru.
Moreover, he was putting his life on the line to protect his friends instead of focusing on getting stronger. They are a weakness to him. He won’t be able to kill Itachi if he focuses on his friends.
Therefore, he needs to cut his friends lose. 
Bear in mind that it is his point of view, not the truth. Sasuke is actually pretty strong at that point of the story, though of course he couldn’t have beaten up trained adults. Also, we the audience know Team 7 truly cares about him. He doesn’t, and they do little to prove him wrong.
“Realistic” analysis: Scared for Naruto and Team 7’s life, realising no-one in the village can protect them from Itachi anymore since the Hokage is dead and Kakashi weaker than him, Sasuke decides to focus on getting stronger. Orochimaru offers power and is credible as a teacher as he was strong enough to kill the Hokage. Sasuke also cuts his friends lose to protect them (Sakura) or because they would hinder his progress (Naruto). He acts to protect others (Team 7) or to please them (Itachi). If he had been selfish, he would have stayed with Team 7, where he was growing comfortable to the point he started bonding with them.
To sum up
Sasuke is strategic, fiercely protective of his own, he gives his life without a thought to the people he cares about, he feels like he’s never good enough, he never feels safe and is always on-edge, he believes people don’t care enough about him to understand his motives (aside from Orochimaru, who cares out of interest, and Naruto at the very end of the manga). He is one of the more unselfish characters in the whole manga (along with Juugo, who’d rather die than hurt anyone, and Haku, who’d rather die than be a burden to his loved one). Sasuke would rather die than lose a person he cares about. And maybe he wasn’t strong enough to take out Itachi… but maybe he was.
So, yes. To me it is very IC that such a self-sacrificial character would do things very unselfishly, to the point that it hurt him. Because that’s what he does all manga long, obeying Itachi’s command to get stronger, then being loyal to a fault to Naruto. He’s very obedient to the ones he cares about, because he tends to think they know better than he does. He couldn’t care less about the others, yes, but these people? These got themselves the most loyal friend one could have.
I think the best example we have of who Sasuke truly is may be his choice of Juugo when recruiting Team Taka. Juugo is… useless. Very strong, but unpredictable, and someone who doesn’t want to be violent. Useless as a tool. So why does Sasuke recruit him instead of leaving him to die in a cage? Why does he promise to protect him if he’s not getting anything in return?
There’s also the fact that he avoids killing anyone, not even Deidara. Or Naruto, although he repeatedly had the advantage over him and he would benefit from killing him.
And, if that doesn’t convince you… What is Sasuke’s main grief against Itachi during his revenge era? That he killed the Uchiha clan, or that he hurt him personally? 
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narutoaus · 4 years
Team Runaway AU Masterlist- Characters/Background
Nohara Rin: Three Tailed Jinjuurike and Jonin Sensei of Team 7
Hatake Kakashi: Anbu Commander
Maito Gai: Jonin Sensei of Team Gai
Tenzo Yamato: Anbu Captain and Secondary Jonin Sensei to Team 7
Rin: Trap trickster
Kakashi: The Hound/Lightning Cutter Kakashi
Gai: Konoha’s Mighty Green Beast
Tenzo: The Cat/Mokuton Murder
What they’re most known for
Rin: Impossible to get out of traps and punching so hard she can crush your bones.
Gai: Speed and strength. Taijutsu mastery.
Kakashi: Copying over 1000 jutsu’s and being wicked smart.
Tenzo: Ruthlessness in battle and his Mokuton abilities.
Kakashi and Rin were placed on the same team alongside Namakaze Minato and Obito Uchiha. During their mission at the Kannabi bridge, Obito ‘died’ and gave Kakashi his sharingan as a gift. 
After Obito’s death, Gai is put on a lot more missions with Kakashi and Rin to fill the empty spot on their team. After their first mission together as a team, Hiruzen, Minato and Choza decide that they work well together and should continue going on missions as a three man cell. 
During one of their missions together, the trio finds themselves up against some Shinobi from Iwagakure. They are out numbers and trying desperately to figure out how to get out alive when Gai decides to use himself as a decoy.
Both Kakashi and Rin go after him and find him just as the Iwagakure Shinobi are about to attack him. They’re able to help Gai take the Iwagakure shinobi on, and during the battle the enemy calls upon a giant lightning jutsu to attack them (like in canon). 
To protect his friends, Kakashi charges up his chidori even though he’s near chakra exhaustion, and slices the lightning in half. 
With the attack defeated, Kakashi, Rin and Gai watch as the enemy shinobi Run away from them. They survived, completed their mission, and made a name for themselves that Iwagakure shinobi will never forget.
Rin, Kakashi and Gai continue to do missions together and make a name for themselves, becoming a team that very few are willing to face. 
Then one day Rin and Kakashi are sent on a mission without Gai. They have tons of other backup Shinobi for this mission, but they’re told that Gai is needed for a mission with his old team. They don’t like it, but they go.
This is the mission that Rin is kidnapped on, and Isobu is sealed inside of her by the hidden mist. Kakashi is able to find her, but during the battle to get her away from the hidden mist shinobi, Rin jumps between him and his enemy and take’s a chidori through the chest.
Kakashi was thankfully able to redirect his attack a fraction, hitting Rin in the stomach rather than the heart.
Obito still see’s what happened, and watches as Rin and Kakashi both collapse on the ground. Thinking that Rin has been killed, he loses it and slaughters the enemy. But when he goes to check on Rin after, she is still breathing and Isobu is healing her.
Obito still decides to join Madara that day because he realizes that the Shinobi world is broken and could have cost Rin her life.
When Kakashi wakes up, he realizes Rin is still alive and immediately picks her up and take her back to the meeting point. After getting her to safety though, he distances himself. Afraid of hurting her again, and possibly even killer her by accident. 
With the team’s growing strengths, and Kushina’s new appointment as Hokage, Kakashi is placed into Anbu to grow his skills and act as personal guard for Kushina when necessary. She partially does this so that she can keep an eye on Kakashi’s declining mental health, and with her as Hokage Kakashi’s only job is to stay by her side and protect her.
Kakashi starts to heal a little while guarding Kushina, even reaching a point where he is able to go out with Rin and Gai again. Though he continues to have nightmares about his hand covered in Rin’s blood, it helps him a lot to see her alive and smiling, even talking about her new ‘buddy’ Isobu who she’s always saying is super grumpy now that Kushina has improved the seal that keeps them inside of Rin.
Rin, Kakashi and Gai (who at this point has been named an honorary member of team Minato) are all told by Minato and Kushina about them expecting a child together, and immediately start planning out things that they’re going to do with the kid and what to get Minato and Kushina as a gift.
When Naruto is due to be born, Obito still releases the nine tailed on Konoha and attacks Minato. Hiruzen prevents the kids from battling against the Nine tails, and during the fight both Minato and Kushina are killed.
Shortly after the funeral, Kakashi is standing in front of the memorial stone when Danzo approaches him about joining Root. He decided to give it a try after Danzo talks to him about how Hiruzen ordered the kids to be kept out of the battle, preventing Kakashi and his friends from being there to do anything that might have saved Kushina and Minato.
Just like in canon, Kakashi ends up turning on Danzo when he gets the orders for Hiruzen’s assassination, and take’s hiruzen’s place when the attack is meant to happen. He still faces off against Tenzo (who he has already met at this point), and ends up going his separate ways from Root.
Hiruzen decides to keep Kakashi in Anbu, but he is no longer strictly a Hokage’s guard. At this point he starts going on propper Anbu missions, and quickly make’s a name for himself with his team and his enemies as ‘The Hound’.
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