#and it means i can focus on other hyperfixations and fandoms!
gentil-minou · 2 years
Will you talk about Gabriel?? I think he’s gone crazy..
I wanted to! Especially now that I can finally watch Evolution without my ears bleeding I was planning on doing it but...
Tbh with all the leaks and spoilers, that I've been trying so hard to avoid, it just feels like it's not fun to analyze and theorize for the season. It's like what's the point when some folks saw the bible and know exactly what will happen? Where's the fun in making ridiculous theories? Or using an episode to predict what will happen later down the line?
And because of how visicious this fandom can be with spreading leaks and spoilers, I cant take the risk that I write something and then someone reblogs with major spoilers. Even now I have to proceed with caution on my dashboard and with reblogs for certain posts, or like even old ones. Even when I saw this ask in my notifs I was afraid someone had dropped a spoiler.
It stinks cause I do love the show and want to talk about it, but honestly I'd rather wait till the season ends to go and dive deep. At the end of the day I'm going to focus on the best fandom experience for me, and that might mean less ml posts from me for a bit
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angelxd-3303 · 2 months
Tw: kind of a vent, mention of depression and anxiety.
I'm sure you've all noticed by now that I haven't been posting a whole lot as of late. To be honest, I've kind of been avoiding this blog, not because of anything my followers did, but mainly because I kind of lost the meaning of my art.
I started using Tumblr exclusively to use the messaging feature to chat with my partner four years ago, but decided to share some of my art, just for fun. I wanted to make people happy, wanted to use my art and writing to not only convey how I felt and what I was experiencing, but to help those going through something similar feel heard and seen. I feel like I have achieved that, in some cases, and it makes me feel good to know that I've made someone's day, or that my writing made them feel understood.
As time progressed though, I began to feel like I had an obligation. Art and writing began to feel more like a chore, and that combined with my resurfacing depression and anxiety made it nearly impossible to even pick up the pencil. It seemed more draining than anything, and the art I did make I didn't share because it reflected my mental state in a deep and personal way.
Tldr, I'm sorry to all the people who have been waiting for updates to my stories, or more Mario content in general, or answers to their asks. It's not that I don't want to finish them, or make more content. It's just that I've realized that my lack of motivation is coming from the fact that I'm making art that I think others want, and not art that I want.
I've been rediscovering Undertale lately, reminded of how amazing the game is and how deep the storyline is, and I want to make more content for that. I'm big into weirdcore and would like to explore it as a style. I want to revisit Dhmis and expand on their story. There's so much I wanna do, but I've been holding myself back and trying to make myself as enthusiastic about Mario as I was before. The truth is, hyperfixations come and go for me, and that's ok. Mario will probably come back here and there, but I'm gonna try to focus on the stuff that I wanna do, because that's when my art is best, and when I feel the best making it. I can't tell you how satisfying it was to draw that piece with Asriel and his parents! I was into Undertale when it first blew up, my friend and I, but left when the fandom began to get toxic. It's so sad to me how disturbed it was, but now I'm much wiser with regards to internet safety, and I know to avoid certain things.
It's very nostalgic for me to rediscover the game, the music I listened to on loop years ago, the amazing artists who had a pure and genuine love for the characters, all of it.
In short, Mario isn't gone, they're just off enjoying their happy ending for awhile before they feel like visiting again. Again, I hope you all understand, and can find content you love from my blog! From now on though, I'm gonna try to avoid forcing myself to make content I don't love. Because from the beginning my art has been an escape that made me happy. If it doesn't make me happy, what's the point lol?
I love and appreciate you all so much,and I hope you can understand this word vomit. Hope you all have a lovely day.
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DFF Finale
Not with a bang, not a whimper but somewhere in the middle.
My thoughts are jumbled and all over the place, I came in the finale already spoiled (I couldn't wait and the gray sites are taking too long) and I am not even sure I will still feel 100% like this by the time the week is out.
Ultimatly I agree a lot with what @lurkingshan says in her post here
A lot of the episode was good: The hallucinations were amazing, and I think the character work in all of them (and the series in general, with only some minor hiccups) is very solid. The acting is also very good. I want to see these boys in more roles. The writing from Ep 1 to Ep 9 was AMAZING!! The reveals are all super hard hitting, it felt like there was fire after fire for every episode.
White my baby, a tragic character if there ever was one, HE WASN'T EVEN SUPPOSED TO BE THERE, his boyfriend was basically seeing him as replacement Non since they started dating. We all loved and clowned on this character so hard!! A lot of White's character makes sense in hindsight, at least to me who is like 5 weeks in a couple of layers of theorizing and obessing (I do realize not everyone feels like that a lot of what makes sense for me it's speculation driven by weeks of obsession), even some of the other more baffling moments, like the converstation with Tan and that moment with Phee.
Problems started at EP 10, and while I loved the Tee and TeeWhite scenes of EP 11 thanks to episode 10 they felt way to disconnected and too late. It left the last 3 episodes less focused and the pacing a mess.
And then there is the ending. And while this is by no means the worse ending of a BL I ever seen, and this show is by no means the biggest dissapointment I ever had (that's still Only Friends). I don't think the ending was as strong as it should be.
I think the failure of DFF for me is in two places:
The focus on mystery and reveals primed the audience to expect answears or at least an ending that is more clear then what we got.
The way they did this open ending gave me the impression that they just refused to pick an ending and so they went with "both and none and who knows".
There were ways to make an ending with still some questions left open work: Give me the cops in the house, or show us the bodies as Phee comes out of the hallucination and gives his final breath. Show the bodies in different positions, show the ax in someone's body and no New. Or even have the ending be a journalist talking at the screen keeping up with the layers of voyerism to the story and have them describe only 7 bodies but not say who survive so the audience can pick the option they like best.
Anything that would have given the impression that they actually PICKED an ending.
I am not sure I will be able to re-watch this, I am scared too many things will start to fall apart if I do. While I enjoyed clowing with the fandom and truly loved watching this live (and it has helped me interacting more with people on tumblr) I can't help but feel like maybe if I had binged this, without having time to think over some of the stuff I probably would have enjoyed the finale better.
Maybe I should just be happy that a BL I was hyperfixating on didn't crush and burn like the other two (Shadow and Only Friends).
I am happy BOC experimented and branced out even if they didn't totally sticked the landing, it's a worth while show to watch if you can handle horror. I want BLs to do more stuff like that (experimenting and branching out in different genres) and I want the people in the cast to have a long carrear because I think they mostly all did an amazing job.
In short great job BOC (even if you didn't land all that well at the end there) now give me a poly series: 🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪
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ravenshavenn · 1 year
Just wanted to say congrats on the followers, and I head canon Severus as autistic too. Sometimes I bring it out more in some stories than in others, but I do think it works and he was based off of a man who was on the autism spectrum too. Also, I'm autistic so let him be autistic. So, a question for you. How do you think Severus deals with having an autistic meltdown? Does he find a private place to let it all go? Does he just ward it off and keep it in with Occlumency? Something else?
Oh, and I thought of another canon thing that could support his autism. Autistic people often have trouble sleeping, and we see him prowling the corridors at night sometimes. Maybe his sleeping issues are related to his autism. Man hasn't heard of melatonin, or it just doesn't work for him. (It didn't for me).
Of course, sleeping problems could also be from PTSD/hyper vigilance which I also see him as having. Also, what is a secret stim that he does in private? And last question, sorry, but do you head canon Snape as smoking? It's a popular head canon and I'm asking because, if you do think he smokes, do you think smoking could count as a stim? :D
Snape and autism
Hi! Thank you so much for your comment its nice to meet someone else who's autistic and in the fandom! We're not alone lol :D and I've tried my best to add to the headcanons bellow, I hope you enjoy! :)
meltdowns - I think he'd unfortunately be a bit ashamed of them choosing to use his occlumency to mask until he could reach a quiet, dark corner somewhere that he could sooth himself but if he was unable to leave a situation for example becoming overstimulated during a meeting he would become noticeably agitated, snapping at anyone who dared to try and talk to him and leaving as soon as he possibly could hurrying away to let his guard down somewhere private
sleep - I agree I could definitely see his autism effecting his sleep patterns the dark circles under his eyes are DEEP I can imagine him trying to brew something for himself to help but giving up after it doesn't work and instead he just wanders the castle enjoying the dark and the silence. Although I can also see his brewing and dark magic research keeping him awake with the need to spend time on his special interests distracting him until morning and he realizes he has no time to rest, accidently pulling an all nighter several times a week just to have time to focus on his various hyperfixations or projects that he has on the go
However, I also agree that he definitely has other issues going on he could definitely have PTSD or depression (or both) meaning that he struggles to sleep and stays awake trying to keep himself calm and away from the negative thoughts swirling around in his head
smoking - I have thought about Severus smoking because I've seen lots of amazing fanart of it and it does pop up in fanfiction every now and again but I'm honestly not sure if I think he would or not
Personally, due to my own sensory issues I'm not a fan of smoking so if I was to selfishly headcanon him I'd have to say that he wouldn't and that possibly living in the time that he did it was popular and so Tobias smoked heavily leading to Severus hating it
Although, with his various mental health issues and it still being the social norm at the time I can definitely imagine him smoking and I can certainly see it being a stim, even though I don't smoke personally I know several others with autism who find the experience comforting and it can also help with anxiety as well therefore, easing Severus's nerves during his days as a spy
stims - Severus definitely tries to keep his stimming in public to a minimum by only rubbing his hands together but in private he feels more comfortable to express himself, I can imagine him grumbling to himself for comfort and making little sounds as he brews, bouncing on his toes when he walks about and tapping on nearby surfaces, also potentially biting his nails? Although he definitely doesn't acknowledge any of this as stimming and puts it down to his "nerves" while being a spy and believes he's just "fidgeting" as that's what he was told in his childhood repeatedly whenever someone saw him stimming
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cookiesandbiscuits · 1 year
Hello.If it's don't bothering you may i ask headcanons Kalego x Fem! Human! Assassin! Reader as Yor Forger from Spy x family.If you don't watch this one, then how you imagine yourselves relationship Kalego and Fem! Human! Assasin! Reader. I think it's kinda cute he is guardian dog and she is the soldier-protector of her country
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Hi!!! Thank you for asking! It's not a bother at all, really ^^
I enjoy writing stuff for other people to enjoy, hence why I created this blog aside for my hyperfixation ramblings.
I did watch the show until the 9th episode and read the manga until the 58th chapter (I got busy with school so I can't finish it yet :'D). Honestly, I understand how Yor got her fame in the fandom (I love seeing a badass female character that's also pretty soft on the inside)
It's been a while since I wrote a headcanon tho... Anyways, hope you enjoy this!
Happy reading!
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Soft but Deadly: A Dating Headcanon
Pairing: Kalego Naberius x Fem! Human Assassin! Reader
Genre: Fluff
Warning: might be a bit OOC and out of order (I blanked out in some parts, oops 😬 damn my sleep-deprived brain); Narnia Naberius is such a jerk here (I'm still salty about what he did to Iruma in that chapter) not proofread
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Dating Kalego is a very interesting experience. Expect to have numerous discussions about your shared interests.
He is a very romantic person on the inside (lemme have my romantic Kalego okay?)
He'll be taking you out on a date whenever your schedules align. And he'll be gentlemanly about it. Dinner dates, a trip to an opera house, and the like are the typical setting for the dates that he planned. However, that doesn't mean that it's boring. He makes sure that you'll enjoy the dates to the fullest because you only deserve the best of the best.
In short, dates planned by him can get a bit fancy for your taste. That's why you make sure that he also get to experience new things in life.
Dates planned by you are simple yet enjoyable enough for the two of you. Picnics, travel dates, movie dates, and the like are the things on your list.
He enjoys the massages you offer to him when you know he's tired from work. You just know what points to focus on to make him loosen up (due to the nature of your job)
He does not bat an eye on your job as an assassin. But that doesn't stop him from worrying about your safety. He'll be the one who'll take care of the wounds you got from your latest mission. He'll be scolding you while dressing them though.
When you told him about the nature of your job, he first thought that you were pulling his leg. You were so gentle with others, how can you have such a profession as your job?
But after seeing the serious look on your face, he knew you weren't joking around. Well, it's okay. He can live with the fact that the love of his life lives a double life as an assassin.
Before the start of your relationship, Kalego used to be so cold, bordering on mean to you. But that didn't stop you from admiring the demon, even though it was evident that he did not return the same sentiments.
So you were surprised when he asked you out on a date one day. He had liked you for a while now, but he doesn't know how to tell you.
The only reason that he asked you out was that Balam was pressuring talked him out to confess to you.
And apparently, he got fed up with his friend's nagging that it gave him the courage to ask you out.
He can be subtly protective of you in public. But this becomes more prominent after you reveal to him that you were human.
He knows that you are capable of defending yourself from physical harm, but you can't use magic, so you won't be able to save yourself when your opponent used their magic on you.
He wonders how you got into the Netherworld in the first place, but he doesn't ask you about it. He knows that you'll tell him once you're ready.
But like all relationships, the two of you also experienced a lot of setbacks, mainly from his brother Narnia.
I saw it, you saw it. We all know how Narnia feels about humans from that chapter. So naturally, he's against his brother's relationship with you.
For some reason, Kalego's older brother discovered your secret and was very obvious about his prejudices. But your boyfriend defended you from him, claiming that it doesn't matter to him whatever your race is.
Kalego doesn't play around when he decided to enter into a relationship with you. He does not date around just for fun, no. He is serious about you and considers asking for your hand in marriage in the future.
Once he made it clear to his brother, Narnia decided to back off. He still does not like you but he also doesn't want his brother to resent him.
While Kalego was thankful when his brother got the message, you also knew his plans for the future now. Well, it doesn't matter. It's not like you'd refuse him when he finally asks the question, no?
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clairedaring · 3 months
tag game ✨
huge thank you to the lovely zey @thasorns for thinking of me. i love you too (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
1. why did you choose your url?
no one remembers her but claire dearing from jurassic world will always hold a special place in my heart.
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2. any sideblogs? if you have them name them and why you have them.
poomphuripan - the bl sideblog that i started just because my main got deactivated for a bit but i guess for now, it's mostly uppoom and msi-focused. in december, it'll probably be torjj and spare me your mercy-focused. i think i'll probably just be using these for the ql series i have a crazy hyperfixation about.
huiyanan - a pentagon yanan/hui focus sideblog
coryjeacoma - my musical theatre sideblog for random audio bootlegs and sometimes musical gifs
ryuvachirawich - my unused (mostly lakorn) gifs blog for extra gifs i make but that doesn't make it into any main or sideblogs. at first i was trying to keep this sideblog lowkey but then i needed to tag the gifs w my gif tag anyway so i could search for them so disclosing is fine 🤣
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
2014... what do you mean it's been a decade since i started using tumblr.... time isn't real
4. do you have a queue tag?
i tried but i've given up on queue-ing in general so i don't. my tumblr is constantly in two modes: super active or going months without a single post lmaoooo.
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
i wanted to be where all the gifmakers are but i have too much interests so this shall remains a multi-fandom blog or more like a "whatever media claire is consuming atm" blog 
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
dirk gently is the single most perfect holistic detective in existence. sometimes i'm too attached to my url and my icon, i don't think i can ever change them. headers i can but i haven't changed my url/icon for 3-4 years i think.
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7. why did you choose your header?
i feel you linger in the air is THAT series for me. dethroned almost every other thai series on my all time fave list (i say almost because bad genius series is still holding its crown well)
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8. what’s your post with the most notes?
i just checked and apparently it's my first and only merlin gifset 😅
9. how many mutuals do you have?
i have no idea but i love all my mutuals (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭❤️~
10. how many followers do you have?
i hit 1k recently. crazy to me because i've left this tumblr empty for months before starting being active again last october???
11. how many people do you follow?
4000+ but that's only because i'm too lazy to unfollow people. so yea i rarely see things on my dash. i just end up scrolling through my fave gifmakers tags to find things they make.
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
i don't think so????? i mean the closest is probably me saying super random things on this tag.
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
it used to be once a week... but these days it's really a daily routine lmao. although i'm pretty sure i'll leave my tumblr dusting once my stand-in ends... who knows... we'll see...
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
how can i? i'm so non-confrontational, i reblog things in private to argue with op 😭 lmao (arguments that op will never see lmao, i'm saving them and me both the trouble really). just enfp things.
15. how do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts
huh why do i never get them on my dash (⊙x⊙;)
16. do you like tag games?
sometimes i forget but i love being tagged in them because i get to know about all the great mutuals i have on here, especially music tags because i always get incredible new music recommendations
17. do you like ask games?
apparently i had my asks closed without knowing for quite some time so i haven't received asks for so long. maybe one day i'll do them but i have bad records of answering asks so ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
i'm not sure if being THE certified way apologist/way gifmaker qualifies her as tumblr famous but maybe sasa @zhouxiangs is the most famous mutual i have
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
let's call this mutuals whose editing skills i wanna steal (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
lana @sherrymagic whenever you see me reblogging lana's joe sets every week, you'll see me gushing about the consistency in her coloring and that's because that's something i'm obsessed with, especially considering my stand-in's grim/dark cinematographic coloring. also i don't know how lana chooses the perfect lines from each eps to do her recap sets because most of the times i can't even choose between which scenes to gif.
eva @alienwlw eva makes the most beautiful lyrics set and is willing to do my most niche requests and i'm always looking forward to seeing her gifs because it's always so warm and grainy and crisp and i'm just like wahhhh *heart eyes emoji* every time
20. tags?
no pressure tagging anyone today ヾ(⌐■_■)ノ♪
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ticklace · 4 months
Intro time! Hi friends, I'm Lacey!
Long-time lurker who has finally mustered the courage to join the tickling community officially. Looking forward to making some friends here!
A bit about me... (👇 below the cut 👇)
27F from Southeast USA. She/her 🙂
I like/follow from my main blog, @cozy-clutter-pile (which was originally called ticklace, before I decided I wanted my main blog to focus on multiple topics and split off this side blog for tickling only)
dating the sweetest guy on the planet (read: not looking for romance unless you're @ticklishpirate 😘)
Asexual :) In a perpetual cuddly mood.
Neurodivergent (and how)
Hobbies include crafting, choral singing (what I lack in talent I make up for in devotion), and snuggling my sweet doggo 🥰
Tickle Switch (lee/ler percentages vary wildly, on a person-to-person basis)
Might as well go ahead and add that I'm a huge fan of tummy tickles 😅 it's kinda my specialty lol
I post (tickly) fandom stuff on @cozy-cinnamon-roll! Be advised, it is almost entirely Stardew Valley content right now. 😅 (If you haven't seen me around for a bit on this blog, there's a good chance I'm obsessively posting about something over there... When I hyperfixate, I hyperfixate hard.)
I use tone indicators/tone tags regularly. Personally, I don't mind if other people use them or not (if you don't, I might just ask you to clarify sometimes if it's ambiguous), But I do need people listening to me to be comfy seeing them.
Below are the rules of my realm:
✨This is a trauma-friendly space✨ If you would like me to add content/trigger warnings for anything at all (literally anything), I am more than happy to do so. ❤️
✨This is an LGBTQIA+ friendly space✨ I will block bigots indiscriminately and with relish.
✨This is a chub-friendly space✨ anyone who disrespects my soft friends can get the hell off my dash.
This is a SFW blog. Some content I post might be from blogs that post NSFW content themselves, but you just won't see it here.
This blog is not open to minors. SFW does not automatically mean safe for minors. Ageless and under-18 blogs DNI.
If something I post makes you uncomfy, PLEASE let me know and I will remove it.
And finally, a disclaimer regarding my Lee side:
Lee!Lacey does not appear until I know you well enough to trust you. Do NOT send me lee-oriented teases/messages/asks unless we've discussed it ahead of time, or (preferably) you've asked me directly if it's okay.
I have a lot of quirky boundaries and past trauma related to being tickled, so direct communication and discussion of those boundaries is REQUIRED before any lee!Lacey interaction can happen.
I'm always open to new friends! I will warn you I find it much quicker to interact via comments, asks, and posts rather than DMs, since extended one-on-one conversations in text tend to be very draining on me for some reason.* So I tend to be a bit of a slow reply-er... but if you're down for DM chat at the speed of snail mail, I'm your gal 🐌 🐌 🐌
*that reason is that I am far more accustomed to being the roomba friend puttering around in the background than an actual Conversational Being. And I tend to use up all my Conversational Being Imitation juice in real life.
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amphiptere-art · 7 months
I just want to apologize to the general following. Whether you are a mutual or follower. ADHD sporadic hyperfocus is a lovely goddamn thing.
So yes, I technically stopped watching Tsams for my own health. And although I said I wasn't leaving the fandom. Without the daily uploads to keep my brain on it. It unfortunately fades.
For your little knowledge. I have something called hyperfixation. Where I will focus on a little thing a lot. This combined with my lovely ADHD. Means that that hyperfocus shifts near constantly. Without something to keep me grounded to a specific topic. There is a very high likelihood that I will move on to the next one.
Which is unfortunately happening.
The silky star cluster is still on my brain. But a lot of my other AUs aren't. A combined fact of just people not having anything to ask about them, and me not being able to come up with scenarios. Which is unfortunately causing my brain to try and latch on with anything that it can define as current and fun. This is unfortunately hurting my focus on the sulky star cluster.
If perhaps I had more of my ask blogs getting stuff, or even just a general bigger audience on the silky star cluster. Perhaps I could focus on it better. But as of right now. Well. It's not there.
What is on the forefront of my mind is Dim. Hollow Knight, And perhaps iron lung and alien worlds. Only one of these is connected to the FNAF fandom. And none of them are connected to tsams.
I am desperately attempting to focus back on Tsams. But with no roleplay asks to answer, and no role plays of my own to ask. There is nothing but the sulky star cluster keeping me attached. Which is unfortunately not a lot.
It's 4 grumpy eclipses and a single bear grumping around. There isn't really a story or narrative. It's a collection of snippets. There's a reason I don't talk about it outside of roleplay or ask scenarios. Because it's literally just a collection of scenarios.
I don't want to lose this fandom. I still love the fandom. But I cannot deny that I am fighting my instincts to just try and hold on. My sporadic hyperfocus just isn't working with me. There's no new or fun scenarios to think of. There's no responses to complete, and the sulky star cluster is only being really entertained by one person. Plus the burnout is high with the sulky star cluster. Talking for five characters that ramble?? I can only get through like maybe one or five asks before I just want to sit down and stop thinking about it. Plus the fact that I'm trying to force myself to draw and slow down.
I'm trying my guys. I am trying so hard to focus on what all of you are entertained by. That Tsams community. But I'm struggling all right.
In a desperate attempt I'm going to try and latch on to Dim and DCA centered AUs and characters. It's not exactly Tsams, But it's probably the closest I'm going to get. Characters like Blue Moon and runaway Eclipse Of course interact with these characters on The daily. That's the whole point of the RBB adventures of the cube. It's a place where you can ask those characters while still interacting on a level with Tsams. But no one's put asks into those in months. And I feel like asking for asks is intrusive.
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amusingmusie · 7 months
Hello Musie! I hope you are doing well on this out of touch Thursday. Would you be comfortable with sharing what inspired you to begin writing? Do you have a muse of your own that inspires the way you build dynamics between your characters? I was curious if you had anything that you had outside of source material (ie Hazbin) that helped motivate you?
I've always loved to write, but always burned myself out before the ideas manifested into something more substantial than daydreams. You have inspired me to at least focus that energy into comments and questions! I just wanted to say that you have a fresh approach to building meaningful conflict between characters and developing background YT. You've got me researching New Orleans history so I can further the immersion as I read! I still cannot get over how fleshed out Nel is. I can absolutely go on, but yeah!
Thanks a million :)
Hello! Sorry I answered this so late (it's Monday for me whoops!). I can't lie, I got really excited to answer this so I can nerd the hell out and YAP PROFUSELY.
What inspired me to write- With every single piece of media consume, I immediately (and I mean immediately) begin to construct some kind of OC to throw into that universe, and Nel was no exception! I got very attached to human Alastor since one of my favorite things about Hazbin is the tradegy of the human lives the characters lived, and Alastor's death in particular seemed incredibly tragic (but deserved) that I ended up fixating on it. I think something I asked myself was "Goddamn, I wonder how people who knew him reacted to his end?". That, combined with how much I loved Al's dynamic with Husk/Vaggie (the sterner characters) birthed Nel pretty quickly after I watched the pilot.
I NEVER thought I'd post a fic. Like ever. I did not think I could do it. I've been writing for myself for years and I would write on the job (I was doing secretary work at the time), so this story slowly started building and building until I had the whole thing drafted. It wasn't going to be posted until I started casually going through the Al/reader tag and saw that there was BARELY any human Alastor. And I sorta thought weeeellll I guess I gotta be the change I wish to see, I've got the whole thing drafted, why not? I'll see how long I stick with it. The fandom was super dead at the time, so I figured my fic wouldn't be exposed to a lot of people anyway, so why not?
Then you insane (/pos) people got invested in my silly shit and I am still in fucking awe that everyone is so supportive!
As for other muses (heehee) that give me inspiration- READ DEAD REDEMPTION 2. I love the RDR series, I am obsessed with it, and I think the storytelling is so beautiful. The setting gave me a small amount of inspiration (the wilderness and the country, rugged characters) but mostly the impact of the story and writing has had a lot of influence on my creativity if that makes sense? The dialogue feels insanely natural, they use old-timey slang without it dominating the conversations, and the story flows deliciously. Like, the game has had a huge impact on my life and I think if I had half the effect on you guys with my fic as that had on me, I could die somewhat happily.
And finally, I'm glad my work has a bit of a motivator for you! I'm not the best at giving advice to get motivated to start writing (I live in hyperfixation hell), but what I can say is that when something sticks, nurture it :) Try writing for yourself and see what feels right first. You never know what it can turn into!
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floaromaxtowns · 5 months
For the fandom edition asks, can I ask for G, I and Q <3
Ask me: FANDOM EDITION [Accepting]
G - Do you remember your first OTP, if so who was in it
OKAY SO I started shipping all the way back in 2006-7 when Youtube was the new hot shit around, and I was an itty bitty kid on early internet. Whom had Pokemon and Sonic as her main big interests at the time. I'm forever thankful for those old as fuckkkkkk tribute videos, with the biggest bops from that era. Although, I'm unable to pinpoint which ship I stumbled upon first, so I consider I started shipping them at around the same time: Rival Barry/Dawn (Twinleafshipping) and Shadow the hedgehog/Tikal the echidna (Shadikal).
FUN FACT- I have been SO long into Twinleafshipping that when I first saw it, Barry had YET to receive his official name for either Japanese and English versions. Gen 4 had YET to be released in the west, and we still didn't even know all the pokemon species introduced in it. So, the fandom nicknamed him as Damion, and for the longest time that's how we called him by. Until his official name was revealed.
And my very first queer ship was Alucard/Richter Belmont from Castlevania. That was mindblowing for sb who lived in a country, where even to this day same-sex couples and lgbtq topics are treated as a taboo.
I - Has tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why
I got into Tumblr all the way back in 2015 BECAUSE of my hyperfixation on League of Legends, and by 2017 I was done with the entire franchise. I can't say I blame tumblr entirely for me falling out of love with LoL, there were a number of factors that caused me to distance myself from it (the fact I had stopped playing the game altogether, bc my computer couldn't run it anylonger). But I can say that LoL's fandom is already infamously toxic as it is, and on Tumblr that shit becomes unhinged. And I'm certain that since the inception of Arcane, that fandom must have got even worse.
The only reason we don't hear that much about it nowadays is bc, there is now actual competition for the prize of 'the worst community'. Genshin Impact somehow managed to speedrun those levels of toxicity and unhingedness.
It was through LoL's fandom on tumblr I first saw the lengths, some not-sound of mind individuals are willing to go, to """defend""" their ships. It was the first time I saw anyone receive genuine hate and death threats, just bc they didn't sign up to the popular and most wide spread ship. And I heard through a friend of mine who is still into LoL, that side of the community truly became the worst, thanks to Arcane. Bc now you got a bunch of motherfuckers who never touched the game, wanting to weight in on shit from ppl who aren't interested in the animated show.
Im gonna spread hate on League of Legends, Arcane and anything else related to it LOL
Q - A ship you’ve abandoned and why
It's really difficult for me to drop any ship... At all. So much so, I don't recall dropping any ship in my previous fandoms (Pokemon/Star wars/Castlevania). I may not focus on some ships as compared to others, but that's mainly due to me likely having folks to talk about another ship. But I'm still most definetely a shipper.
As such, I think the very first case of me genuinely dropping a ship happened in the Saint Seiya fandom LOL. I've mentioned it a few times, I shipped Sha.ka/M.u for maybe at most 15 days. It was literally the very first ship I came across, and I genuinely loved how pretty ppl's works for the ship were. Then, the more I dug into StS' lore & content. The more I realized how this couple has little to NO actual substance to offer (by which I mean those two characters literally barely interact with one another, in the entire series).
It actually took me awhile to find out about Aldebaran/Mu, and when I did...
Nevermore looked back at it since LOL.
My theory as to why that ship is massively popular bc most of its fans likely are going off their really vague memories of watching the show, in their childhoods. And solely bc those characters look really good together (I'll give it that, their aesthetic is nice. But that's all you get bc LOL). And they feel entitled to crapping/disrespecting other ships, just bc popular ship brainrot behavior uwu.
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cconfusedkat · 3 months
it’s honestly pretty refreshing to see other ships such as any of the bishops/lamb aside from JUST narilamb and leshycat (I love both of those ships, don’t get me wrong) but with the limited amount of characters who make good ships it would be nice to explore those other ones too
it is arguable that it would be weird since the lambs were wiped out by the bishops and the bishops were slain by the lamb, but depending on your interpretation of who the lamb is as a person and a god, and also having a redemption arc (just like narinder does, it’s sorta evil vs evil vs evil in cotl so if narinder can get redeemed for his evil, why not everyone else?)
YES YES RAHHHHHH when i got into the fandom when the game came out i only liked narilamb fjmdsm but just recently i bought the game (in april) so i began learning about the actual lore and stuff and all the other characters--i happened to stick to narilamb again for a few weeks until i latched onto lambmura first 😂 then it was kallalamb, leshylamb, lambket, then i started thinking of sozomura, sozolamb, sozoket, kallasozo, foxlamb, DHSJDHAKDJ theres so many i can name so far,, rn i just painfully hyperfixate on sozomura, kallasozo, and lambmurasozogoat (VERY SPECIFIC I KNOW HAAHADJADN)
No no but youre so right, ive seen people uncomfy with bishops/lamb and thats 100% okay! Like you said its literally the fact that they genocided all of lambs race,, so like,,, yes arguably weird-- EXACTLY EXACTLY I AGREE!! I know each persons lamb is different, so mine for instance only started warming up to the bishops after aboutttt.... a couple of years ("a couple" more like thirty 😭😭) so that their respects are still being paid by the ex bishops, they were able to even start a new for the lamb species :-D it took a long while to get where they are now but theyre all just trying to get along and the one thats had the longest relationship arc had to be shamura because theyve had a rough time adjusting to the cult so lamb in general didnt really want to forgive any of them to begin with-- a tough battle with narinder but an even tougher one with forgiving and *never* forgetting, rather a new chance of "mortal" life and to never make any mistake ever again (ITS NOT LIKE THAT THEY COULD ANYWAYS CUZ THE CROWNS BECAME INACTIVE BUT FHSJFWJKF)
ALSO AHGHG SORRY FOR INFODUMPIMG,,,, I AGREE WITH EVERYTHING YOU SAID DHSJDJWJF redemption arc for each bishop!! Itd just be odd to ship them with lamb if they didnt really redempt,, it takes many years to do that too,, relationship build ups are so important here too and and !!! HDSDJS YES. SORRY AGAIN I LOVE THIS FROM MY ASKBOX !!! 😭😭🙏🙏
Edit: (JUST REALIZING I MISREAD A BIT. Didnt mean to focus on just lambs species wiped out but that lamb slaying the bishops too was another factor like said, and lamb varies from player to player--i think its funny a bit if theyre like ironically bad but me personally i just want my own to actually have build ups, lore, complex relationships, growing into godhood, realizations, etc etc,,, so so important and its so fun to build lamb as a character too i think!! I love redemption arcs WAAH)
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singsweetmelodies · 8 months
tagged by lovely @car-bo-hydrate to try this <3333
star sign: virgo
favourite holiday: new year
last meal: a hot mug of tea and some south african buttermilk rusks (comfort food breakfast!!! ❤️☕)
current favourite musician: probably taylor swift, but as always, it's hard to choose just one. OOOH! lately, dove cameron is high up on the list too
last music listened to: confetti (acoustic version) by little mix - LISTEN. ever since ms perrie edwards put out a tease that her solo music is coming soon, i have been on a big little mix high again, listening to all my old favourites and hyping myself up sooooo much for that perrie music drop 👀👀👀😍
last movie watched: my girlfriend and i rewatched shang-chi and the legend of the ten rings again last night for movie night <3 LOVE that movie, omfg. both my gf and i firmly declared all michelle yeoh's scenes our favourites 🤭
last tv show watched: you know, it's actually been really long since i've properly watched a TV show, so the answer to this is probably something silly like reruns of FRIENDS
last book/fic finished: 2 different answers here!! last book was iron flame by rebecca yarros (yes, i caved to all the hype and read it on the plane - yes, there were bits that pissed me off, but i mostly enjoyed it) and last fic was one of AO3 user venerat's landoscar masterpieces, "i'll kiss you first" <3
last book/fic abandoned: hmm... i tried to read this rom-com called "you & me: a mlm single dads romance" while on holiday in SA, and i just... couldn't make it more than 5 chapters in. the cringe (& the VERY american focus of... everything...) was just too much for me, especially because i tried to read this right after a super delightful wlw rom-com recommended to me by darling @duquesademiel. after that, this one just... couldn't compare. at all.
currently reading: well, i'm back to work, so my time for books has unfortunately dropped exponentially... all i'm actively reading rn is a bunch of f1 rpf fics, to be perfectly honest
last thing researched for writing/art/hyperfixation: "WHAT COULD CAUSE A SCANDAL IN THE REGENCY ERA" 🤣🤭
favourite online fandom memory: storytime sundays where we tell those long DM fics with @boxboxbrioche and @welightitup <3333
favourite old fandom you wish would drag you back in/have a resurgence: HMMM! i am mostly over all my old fandoms by now, to be fair, but if i really had to choose one... probably one direction?? because a proper resurgence would mean the reunion, right? (right?) ((so maybe i'm not quite as "over it" as i pretend 🤭))
favourite thing that you enjoyed that never had an active fandom: ohhhh, i can't think of a name immediately now, but it's definitely some or other book series that, if it had a fandom at all, was so tiny that i was practically the only person in it 🥲
tempting project that you're trying to rein in/don't have time for: LISTEN. i have had the most awful writer's block for months, and now that i can finally write again, somewhat, all that i want to write are the things that i should NOT be focusing on rn, because those things don't have deadlines but other things do *charles_wtf discord react*
prime example: about 2838474829 piarles smut WIPs and a/b/o and chussyverse explorations, instead of... my PWFE fic. some belated birthday fics. some celebration fics i promised nearly half a bloody YEAR ago. oops 😭😭 but, we'll get there. we will! just like this will be ferrari's year (i am delulu) xD
no idea who's done this yet and who hasn't, so i'm just going to tag some friends and hope i'm not double-tagging anyone - also, if i miss anyone, please feel free to say i tagged you anyway, because i'd love to see your answers <3 @boxboxbrioche @welightitup @hourcat @teamnick @sedicii @francophones @radiocheck, if any of you feel like giving this a go <3333
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mediocre-noodle · 12 days
OKAY SO: headcanons
these can get kinda dark/angsty. seriously. however, its all discussional and only mentioned.
tw: suicidal thoughts/actions, mentioned suicides, mentioned depersonalization/derealization, mentioned self-sacrifices, “implied” depression (its canon atp—bc it is), spiraling, lack of preservation/being reckless due to suicidal thoughts (mentioned)
dont worry about the TWs aha— most of the time, he is fine. he is healing. he will get his happy not-ending. oh, why didnt i say ending? his existence won’t end… :]
remember how i said i made dallas in the middle of mcu hyperfix? i have mcu specific headcanons/interactions. not a lot but. yk. i also have a folder for “various multiverses” which is just fandoms + DSU (Dallas Striker Universe) i havent done a lot of expanding on
bc of the differing time systems in each universe, dallas often asks for the date.
“—no, i knows its thursday, what’s the DATE. cool, cool— and the year?? we’re in 2018??!! holy shit, y’all are behind.” (context: mcu)
because dallas travels the multiverse, dallas IS aware of our earth. its called ‘the core’ (core universe) for short— needs a real universe name system. but this means theyre also aware that they are a character made by me. they think its cool but also existential crisis?? (they are kinda fond of me. i know i made it that way shhh i just want a brother figure)
dallas often has issues telling whats real
like MAJOR derealization and depersonalization issues/episodes. will breakdown, dissociate, have panic attack, etc
he often sacrifices himself or takes the blow or someone else because he knows he won’t die. it traumatizes everyone else though.
examples: (MCU) the snap so tony wouldn’t die (idk enough about natasha or bruce), (HTTYD) getting between toothless and hiccup faster so stoic didn’t die, taking bullets/blows/spells/etc.
when dallas’ body dies, it fades into particles like in genshin (without the weird falling thing) but hes still there. it can materialize again if dallas wants or not. if dallas exhausted himself too much , itll take a bit longer. most of the time, it takes maybe a min (because dallas normally dies during fights so he has to get back to help faster)
after his respawn, people will notice something… off about his body though. did he always have that scar? why are his eyes so bright?? why is his skin slightly glowing? the light around his head oddly looks like a halo if you focus.. huh. (other times, dallas might come back in full ascended form, 6 wings and covered in Eyes, fuckin cryptid bitch. scares the crap outta people who don’t expect the unexpected.)
teleport mechanic looks like black swan (hsr) except taht its gold and not wind(anemo) colored
yes dallas can shape shift yes dallas can sound like hatsune miku and mickey mouse and copy other peoples (and animals) voices PERFECTLY because he can physically change his larynx/voice box
recites memes in the exact way the original is
makes cosplays easier. and pranks.
imagine its pitch black and all you hear is: *dish shatters* *in the voice of shaggy* sHIT—
“*spongebob meme voice* 3 hours later” “oh, for fucks sake, dallas—“
gets sleep-deprived easy. cannot pull all-nighters— will kill someone. /hj
says odd shit when tired.
they say odd shit anyways but it gets worse/no filter when tired
dallas knows every language bc he’s old (multi-dimensional being. a cryptid.)
also interacting with the worlds They watch isnt common btw. dallas is just lonely. he has seraphina and aji but he wants to help the eyeless.
like you See everything!! congrats! you know how that mother cried for her son after he died and that dog whining in the shelter and that family on the streets and the party being thrown in this house and that kid is being adopted and theres another corrupt government and more human experimentation and look at that, capitalism is ruining this world too-
it gets to be too much sometimes. so he tries to fix things. it wont fix that world’s original timeline, but at least it’s something.
in the first few decades after his death when dallas’ mental health was fucking terrible— err The Worst ig bc he had to accept that he was dead and most his friends are basically dead or that he’d never get to see them again— he did attempt to take his life several times. it never worked because he physically cannot die (aka Stay Dead).
and whenever dallas hits a rough spot, he tends to get even more reckless and self-sacrificial than normal. (hes pretty reckless to begin w bc he cant die. better him than someone else, right?)
he acts happy and energetic, but he feels stuck in a never-ending spiral of Nothing and Everything. doing his job to guide the multiverse is hard when each universe is Fucked Up. he’s tired.
again again again and again do it again do it again /lyr / over and over and over and over and over and over /lyr
fun fact: i decided to give him peace so the first universe he went into after Ascending is Hermitcraft. its peaceful. he got a lot of healing done there. he visits often.
dallas striker is such a sad character dude WHY DO YOU DO THISSSSSSS
i mean at least hes getting better!!! he is healing!!!!
also the sleep thing is so real hes literally me
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freyanistics · 1 month
Welcome to the Black Cat lounge 🐈‍⬛
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A bit about me:
Hello my name is Elliot but I much prefer to go by Black Cat. I’m a 23 year old black butch lesbian who stays in their corner of the internet. I go by any pronouns so don’t be afraid to use any on me. I live in the US and work in the early mornings and basically have the rest of the day off. I also have three cat babies (Barbie, Broomstick, and Kirby). I have ADHD so I tend to be a bit scatterbrained at times and don’t always focus on one thing.
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Media I’m into (stars meaning I’m super hyperfixated on):
Resident evil village
⭐️Smiling friends
⭐️Lumpytouch Waldo series
⭐️Welcome Home
•Will add more periodically
YouTubers I watch:
Lenarr Young/Lenarrio
Harriyana Hook
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Before you follow:
Before you hit the follow button I’d like to put out a few things. This page is 18+, I don’t feel comfortable with minors following or interacting with me. I don’t post or reblog heavy nsfw content but I do tend to say or share things that are suggestive in nature. On top of that I want to have an adult safe space where I don’t have to be careful about what I say just in case. So sorry if you’re under 18 please don’t follow me until you’re a legal adult (and if you do you’re going to get blocked).
On top of that I tend to swear a lot so if that makes you uncomfortable then don’t follow me.
I am not interested in nor will participate in any fandom discourse/drama. It’s the same thing that rears its head up every two months or so and it’s repetitive. I don’t care to see or hear about it. I have my own opinions and I welcome other’s so long as they are respectful. We can agree to disagree.
I do tend to talk about serious topics that’s going on in the world, specifically race and politics. If you don’t like seeing that then my page isn’t for you. The world and its people are suffering and we can’t stay in the dark anymore.
My beliefs:
I am fully ACAB. I do not like or trust the police no matter how “nice” they may be. As a black person living in the US I am constantly nervous about being around the cops, especially if they’re white. Rest in peace Sonya Massey, say her name.
I am pro Palestine 🇵🇸. Fuck isnotreal and anyone who supports a genocide and an ethnic cleansing.
I am also pro Congo 🇨🇩, pro Sudan 🇸🇩, pro Yemen 🇾🇪, pro Hawaii 🌺. Free them all.
I am pro choice. Abortion rights is human rights and no one should get to choose but myself.
Sex work is real work. The porn industry is shady asf and takes advantage of its workers.
Trans rights are human rights 🏳️‍⚧️
Black women are the goat. Will always give flowers to my queens 🖤🤎
Black Lives Matter ✊🏿✊🏾✊🏽
Health care should be provided to everyone and should be easily accessible.
Homeless people are human fucking beings. Treat them with respect and kindness and leave them the fuck alone.
Fuck AI art. It’s not real art it’s stealing from other artists who actually put work into it.
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DNI (Do Not Interact):
Do not engage with me if you’re into the following
Pro life
Erasure/fetishizing lesbians
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End notes:
I want to end it off with saying at the end of the day this is my page and I’ll handle it however I want it. If you don’t like that or don’t like me for any reason, block me. I don’t need any negativity thrown my way. I don’t mind talking to people and interacting with others who share the same interests as me. My ask box is always open! My page is also a safespace for black people, queer or not. As a black writer any fics I make with a main character or Y/N will always be depicted black since there’s few fics that have us in it. If you want to see my fully feral and nsfw drabbles or thoughts you can follow me on @bearlybella-but-sluttier (although I need to revamp that blog)
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dennisboobs · 9 months
i think one of the biggest issues in modern fandom is that despite the abundance of autistic/adhd/audhd fans, a declaration that cringe culture is dead, and the fact that we're all watching the same show, there is large portion of people who participate in fandom as a popularity contest, where the focus shifts off of the main interest and develops almost a secondary hyperfixation with specific creators, blogs, accounts, in a way that at least borders on parasocial.
this is nothing new, but the attitude that springs from it then dictates a specific Way to interact with that fandom, meaning that those who aren't interested in following select clique leaders are outcast and seen as More Cringe because they don't speak or act within acceptable parameters. when people have a platform, there's a pressure to be funny, be entertaining, to produce more Content that your followers WANT to see, the stuff they followed you for. sometimes this leads to plagiarism, ripping off posts from other platforms or lesser known accounts because you feel a compulsion to post ANYTHING for engagement instead of what you WANT to post. speaking from experience here, i am something of a Former YouTuber with a sizeable following, and i've been through it on other social media with several other fandom sideblogs and shit.
different platforms, different friend groups, different subsections – depending on preferred characters, ships, etc. – are inevitably going to be far more insular, and especially long-time fans who are less interested in the general media and more about a selection of specific interests is going to fall into this trap eventually. however, i think social media influences this more now than it did even a few years back, especially on twitter where it's more difficult to find "content" without a well-known account attached.
a while back someone made an always sunny iceberg that had a bunch of shit i had never seen before, despite having personally trawled the waybackmachine and archived a bunch of semi-lost media, running and overhauling the wiki with its decades of collected trivia, and having been on sunnyblr. a lot of it was from the podcast, but the stuff i had no recollection of was obscure ass sunnytwt drama that only involved like. a very small group of individuals. the thing is that these few accounts are minor celebrities in the fandom, and everyone follows them. i myself followed one or two of them when i first got into the fandom because they were posting clips reblogged by non-sunny mutuals. there are a TON of sunny focused accounts on twirter, but only a few that have multi-thousand followings, primarily for this reason. this is essentially your only gateway into the sunny fandom on twitter. here (on tumblr), you can easily look in the tags and curate your followed blogs (or look at the iasip subreddit) but it's a lot harder to find fandom content without that organized space (most people don't specifically tag tweets), instead you have to rely on the few sunny accounts you followed incidentally to deliver you retweets so you can follow more accounts.
so then what happens? you follow more accounts? see a variety of sunny content? follow a tag to see fandom newcomers' posts, art, fics? no, you follow the same 5 accounts you started with and stay in the echo chamber, caught up in drama and taking sides based on your few mutuals' opinions, maybe things get a little too personal and you stay following someone even though you disagree with their posts because you really don't have much of a choice, they can see if you unfollow, and they put posts on your timeline. you make a private account and start quote retweeting them to get out your irritations, a passive aggressive reminder that they're wrong. your other mutual quote retweets someone calling them stupid, and you also decide to tell them how wrong they are, because it's a popularity contest, not an open discussion. there's a Content Draught during the hiatus and people start getting bored. it becomes less and less about the original show, and more about the cliques, the exciting new drama of the day, the actors.
new fans are lost, long-time fans who don't care about all this extra shit are alienated, and it leads to a very odd type of gatekeeping that has these Elevated fans looking down on people for actually wanting to engage with the source media. yes, this includes the fans on reddit who spout quotes. this includes the people who liveblog their first time watching the show. this includes people who care about the show because it's still fresh and exciting and they haven't yet been made to feel that it's something to hide because it's cringey or dated or stupid to take it Too Seriously theorizing and dissecting the Poop and Fart Show.
I am guilty of all of this too, i think for quite a while i've been feeling like i need to defend myself by lashing out at other people because i am extremely sensitive to being made fun of for actually caring about my special interest. but i think that analysis and criticism (within reason) are extremely important facets of fandom and we as a fandom should be trying to encourage that rather than make fun of other fans. i think this is probably the reason for a lot of the issues with fan superiority, gatekeeping, the general awful atmosphere in the fandom. it's easy to complain and make counter content to someone else's post, it's a lot harder to grow the balls to have a proper in-depth lore discussion with them, or better yet, make your own stuff. ive been joking about a fandom-wide rewatch, but i genuinely think we should organize something like that. and i think everyone should set aside the judgement and just enjoy themselves. i'm sick and tired of feeling unwelcome in a fandom that i dedicate a lot of time to because i'm unashamed about enjoying the source media and i suspect a lot of you probably feel the same. you don't need to push everything through an irony filter and self depreciate, you can just like sunny and want to participate in fandom.
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pan-magi · 9 months
I see that youve been a fan of magi for a long time, how do you cope with the lack of content and pretty much dead fandom? Ive been a long time fan or magi too and ive been trying to get my friends into magi.
Hi, Anon! I guess I have. It doesn't really feel like it though? I got into Magi early 2017 sometime and ran this blog for about 6 months or something until I vanished. This was meant to be my hyperfixation dump blog. The first one was Magi, and it... stayed Magi, lol.
This becomes very long but the tl;dr is Magi was more popular once upon a time and you can track down and return to older stuff with the lack of new content. And be honest to your friends about the ups and downs of what you like or what they could like about the series and keep conversations going with them.
At the time, I'll say Magi content was fairly active. The manga was ongoing but wrapping up, the main anime had ended but Adventures of Sinbad was only a year out or so. It wasn't anything to do with the series of why I left. More so I found new shiny things to focus on -- I had recently graduated college, yes, I'm old -- and fell out of love with tumblr more so than Magi and soon was not producing the content or consuming enough to stay interested in the series after it wrapped.
I'd love to give some great advice to stay interested in less popular series because I feel honored you asked. I can't claim to be good at it myself though. I got back into the series when I was sick late 2021 and binged everything. I re-watched the anime and then reread the manga when I got better.
You can try promoting it to your friends as good binge material. Magi does deal with themes you can sink your teeth into but it isn't super heavy. You don't realize how much you've gone through until you have.
I apologize for such a long answer. Let me try to get to your main point. I don't really think of it as something that's inactive or dead. The anime may be incomplete but the manga is done with. I don't think Ohtaka has much more to say on it, and that's why she has moved on to Orient. The series is wrapped- for better or worse. I'm not here to dissect how good or not the final arcs are. This is long enough and getting off topic XD. If you only have/can watch the anime then that's understandable. Accessibility and availability options are different for manga. For me, knowing the author has a complete version out there in some form and having access to it makes it easier. Content will come and go. Yes, I want more. I at least have a full course meal even if part of the dessert has disappeared into the ether.
Another thing that helps is that Magi is a young series. Not in the age range it appeals to but in how long it has been around. 14-15 years? Baby isn't old enough to drive in most places, lmao. The majority of fandoms I've been in are older or about as old as I am (30s). I am used to droughts in content and things coming in and out of popularity. Both in my ADHD-wired brain and by the fandom at large. I don't mean to say that younger fans are too fickle. As I said, I'm awful at it myself. There's a large gap of time (late 2017-2021) where my interests and priorities were elsewhere. I've only been active in the fandom for a few years at most.
I will say to help out try to explore the backlog of content if you have the chance and haven't already. New fan content may not be the most plentiful. Out of all the fandoms I follow the most relate to Magi and all of the tags are the quickest to breeze through what's new. It's sad. I haven't been active in this fandom for years, and there's stuff in its peak that I haven't gotten around to seeing that is still there for me to find. 14 years may not be that old in the grand scheme of things but that is still a long time for various fan art, fic, and other content to have been put up. If there's not enough new stuff to interest your friends, recommend older stuff you are aware of. Tumblr does not have the best search option and in my experience tags dry up after going back far enough even though I know older stuff exists. That is annoying and don't have a good counter on how to combat it.
Remember the old when you don't have enough new. Cycle through your favorite things at different intervals. Not for Magi specifically, but I reread some of my favorite fic that were over a decade old at the point of me discovering them. Now they're almost twice that age. One day go through one artist's backlog, then the next do someone else's, or read the fic that got you to love the fandom in the first place. If you get tired of older things or seen the same old too often- no worries! You can take a break or watch/read the series again (accessibility or availability again to be determined and yeah that majorly sucks). Scribble your own ideas down, regardless if you want to post them. Scratch that itch for you and no one else.
That is the best advice I can give. Try finding something else you haven't seen before or let yourself enjoy stuff you have. For your friends, this may sound counterintuitive but one thing I do when recommending stuff is give them a heads up as well on stuff they may not like. Like, mine is that I despise Aladdin being a little pervert. I've mentioned before how it turned me off the manga when I first picked it up at random. Don't try to catch them off guard by saying how wonderful something is and leaving out something that may turn them off. In my experience, that leads to annoyed friends. Give them the full picture, with spoilers being whatever you guys agree to, and let the strength of what you enjoy outweigh the caveats they have. Sometimes something is just not for them, and that is okay too. If they do start getting into Magi, keep the conversation up, ask them their favorite or least favorite thing, ship, how annoying and annoyingly charming Sinbad (or anyone) is, etc. Be someone to talk to about it even if they can't find new good shit to enjoy. Be that for each other. I dunno. I don't have friends irl who like Magi. If I did that's what'll I do. *shrug*
I am so sorry for the length and I don't feel as if I have been very helpful. I tried to edit it down and be as concise as I could. I can't do that on short notice or not being able to save drafts on asks. I hope this was a fun anecdotal read at least.
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