#and it makes no sense because the image i'm recording looks great
falinscloaca · 7 months
brain. please.
#its 'sleep debt' i'm like 90% sure but i'm in such an easily uh. reactible? triggerable???? my brain sees stimulus and starts slamming#buttons.#i'm fully composed just like - i saw some furries that looks similar to character featured in NOT BAD but emotionally challenging (to my#personal foibles the art itself was quite wholesome) art that lives rent free in this one out-of-the-way but easily-seen-in-passing part of#my brain and my heart just sank like a fucking ROCK lmao#followed by the actually rather excited (because i don't actually bear the particular art i was reminded by ill will) going to figure out i#it was The Same Artist - wasn't! made sense the masc one was much better put together#for the record the other art was characters wholesomely discovering their sexualities to be Different than they previously knew.#of course my gender/sexuality ocd self hears that and feels like she's being boiled alive ha-ha~!#significantly more offended that a sicko from the *other* side of the fence saw it though and thought#'oh this will go great in the same pool as a load'a dykebreaking crap!!!' ITS CUTE AND SWEET AND THEYRE TEXTUALLY BI ASSHOLE#like one of the images is poorly worded who cares jump off a cliff#(found the art looking up 'insert normie term for gnc masc x gnc fem' stuff i wasn't even trying to gaze at THAT abyss)#....lowkey hate it that aesthetically a solid chunk of my preferences are trapped in 'femboy x tomboy' art like...#bro those aren't the genders i want/need sdhgdsklsgdhlk i can close my brain and pretend its not what the lore says but how fucking hard is#it to find decent sapphic art with trans women in it where they AREN'T big boobie breasted transitioning-like#(i literally have ocs that are t4t lesbians who are virtually indistinguishable not-being-furries-aside from some of the art i've found its#god it fucking kills me i need to get more comfortable drawing for PLEASUREEEEE AAAAAAAAAAA)#but those sorts of 'noone quite makes what i wanna see. i wanna draw it.' moods ALWAYS JUST FUCKING GO AWAY ONCE I GET MORE ENERGY IN ME TO#DO THINGS!!!!! I'M ONLY CREATIVELY ENERGIZED WHEN IM FUCKING NAPPING WHEN I'M AWAKE ITS EITHER HYPERFIXATION OR BIDEO GAMES#AND LIKE. I HAVE LONG TERM ART PROJECTS IN THE HYPERFIXATION ZONE. BUT THAT ISN'T THE FUN SHIT I COULD BE DOING IN THE MEANTIME#-WHICH'D ACTUALLY HELP PRACTICE FOR THE BIG LEAGUES!!!!!!!!#god i'm getting a headache. wanted to get to bed early today. its still early for me despite being 1:00 but like STILL phooey
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amourdivine · 7 months
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୨ ♡ ୧︰ TAROT 101: developing your intuition.
Hello lovelies, welcome to the first post of my Tarot 101 series! After receiving a few questions, I decided to incorporate a series of tips and tutorials for other self-taught readers. Today, I'm answering a follower's asks sent in my DM's. I'm tackling it separately, so it makes more sense to other people to read it. PS: Since this is a major work in progress and I'm not an all-knowing, almighty entity, please provide feedback, comments or concerns you might have! Thank you.
☁️ ˚ NAVIGATE ༉ ‧
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How you develop your intuition and psychic abilities while reading tarot?
There is not one size fits all. While many readers recommend connecting to oneself, that's just the basis of it, really, but the main concept is to look at yourself, compassionately. Without the judgment of our everyday lives and the chaos of getting things right in the first attempt. You cannot be honest with yourself (or your intuition), if self-denial is the state you're living in. Or worse: if you view the truth as punishment.
It's always going to be a journey of discovery, and the first thing about spirituality is that you need to keep an open heart to the magic. Skepticism may get you far ahead in your career or financial matters, but when it comes to intuition, you can't grasp onto logic all the time.
With tarot, it's a little more practical: learn and lean into the cards. Notice I didn't say memorize, because many of us are busy enough with our everyday schedules. Just tap into them. Look at them. What does The Lovers remind you of? Maybe it takes you to the story about the Garden of Eden. Or- maybe it reminds you of your parents, their golden youth before marrying.
Again. No judgement. Let your stream of consciousness free. A huge part of reading tarot is allowing your imagination to run wild. Although the Devil card can symbolize obsession or addiction at first, take into account the spread, the topic. The context. What is your body telling you about the images you see?
We often underestimate the symbolism behind the cards. Without considering the traditional meanings,take one card out of your deck and just look at it. What colors are prominent? What do these colors represent in modern society? Do these people look happy? Are there any people at all? Where are they? Let your mind weave a story.
As a tarot reader, what you do on daily basis for intuition and tarot reading? What practices, book, or some kind of information which help you for tarot readings?
There are many things that have helped me, personally, but I'm going to mention some of the best practices I've seen, both for myself and for others.
› Stay creative. If it means drawing, writing, or painting, then stay creative. Find whatever little (or big) ways you can express your creativity. Remember you don't have to be "good". You can just be. Creativity exists in a lot of ways.
› Engage with other readers. Observe them. You can find a tarot reader that deeply resonates with you and watch how they read. Test if it works for you. Remember this is your practice, it's your sacred space, so you don't have to follow someone else's rules.
› Read, if and when you can. I personally recommend the book "History of Tarot" by Isabelle Nadolny, but not everyone can afford books or the time to read them. There are plenty of Youtube tutorials and free guidebooks on Biddy Tarot, for example. I also love Servant of The Fates' blog. They're both different and great, reliable sources.
› Start small. You can pull one card a day. Get a journal, write its meaning (or what it means to you) and record your progress. In a few months, when you return to it, you might find it surprising.
› Let yourself not know everything. No one does. Sometimes, you'll need to pause, go back to a guidebook and read the meaning all over again. Other times, you'll look at the spread and feel nothing. That's okay too. We're not meant to know all the answers.
Is meditation really important for reading tarot? Why? How much time do you spend daily for tarot readings and spiritual practices?
Since this is more of a personal matter, I'll be talking about myself. I don't meditate as often as most readers. Three times a month, maybe? I have a busy schedule and I can only meditate before bed, if I'm not too sleepy. Many people find that meditation makes them anxious or they're not able to fully let go. Other people find it that being in silence or taking a walk is more useful to them. Relaxation and meditation come in many, many forms. The important thing is to nurture your body and soul more than to adhere to rigid rules.
However, when it comes to saving time for readings or spiritual practices, I don't set rules for myself. It never works for me.
I let it flow. Sometimes, I go weeks on end without really consuming tarot content and I bond with my decks occasionally. And other times, I'm reading daily, journaling and trying to improve my skills. Since I have a billion other things to care for, I'm not always able to prioritize tarot as much as I'd like, but the important thing is to stay passionate, stay curious and get back to it. Better late than never.
When you're getting started, let yourself try. If you get it wrong, at least you'll be one step closer to getting it right.
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amourdivine. 2021 - 2024 © do not copy, redistribute or edit my content.
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not-goldy · 10 months
Jokers are just jk biased dimwits if they care about jm you could have seen them taking stance for jm, his achievements are being stolen and given to jk we ain't telling you to post stuff against jk we are telling you to stand for jm, you are using him for fantasies atleast give some support to him in return too
Thats fair but I don't think anyone can steal JIMIN'S ACHIEVEMENTS. They certainly can try.
He is the most hard working idol in allllllllllll Kpop.
Undisputed. Unchallenged.
His mere existence is a work of art and everything he does is just- perfect.
He's a trailblazer. Pace setter. And He sets records.
Sure that record can be broken and has been broken by him and other artists so what? HAVE YOU SEEN HIS COME BACK???
Watch out for his come back.
You think people would move heaven and hell just so they can say they beat his record if he hadn't set the record so high????
He is the standard. He will forever be the standard.
Personally I admire whoever tries to beat his records because I know it's no small feet.
This is his playground and you better slay or go home.
Look what he did with the little budget he has.
That's what makes him great. That's what makes him an excellent achiever. NO ONE CAN STEAL THAT FROM HIM.
The boys from BTS are the best in the game- every single one of them and they bring the pressure. They were great before the fame before the resources was thrown at them and they are great without those resources.
Park Jimin certainly holds his own.
I'm sorry but he's not losing.
I take offense at that.
I'm looking forward to his comeback. If this is what he can do with little investment and company backing he will bust the crust open if he gets the resources.
He has proven worthy of every single investment and I know he has investors lined up. He can only go big from here.
I don't want to bring Jungkook into this but with all the money thrown at him be better prove to investors he is worth it and my God has he proven that!!!!
Investors don't care about achievements. They care about turning a profit on their investments. The bigger the risk the bigger the reward.
I think hybe should TREAT THEM EQUALLY. give them an equal budget and equal company backing. If they are discriminating against certain members and playing favoratism they don't need me to tell them that's wrong. They know they deadass wrong for that.
And it would make so much sense for the members affected by their blatant favoritism to drop them. They made hybe hybe. They can take their large following and social currency to the millions of companies trying to poach them.
Jimin is worth the investment. It's a shame if anyone can't see that. It's a shame hybe doesn't treat him like he is worth the investment.
My job as a fun is to focus on supporting his music his career.
I fail to believe a company that's exploited his image his body his sexuality and pushed him to produce some of the masterpieces of all time, visually vocally and performance wise- I'm talking Promise, Filter, Serendipity, Blackswan- that this same company is underestimating him.
A company that knew to tell him to expose his body to screaming fans, who take pride in the fact he bruises and bleeds through the pain rehearsing for hours, starving himself singing till his throat hurts- that this is the same company telling him someone else is worth the investment not him.
We either don't know the whole story and can't see the full picture or Jimin is stuck in a Stockholm syndrome dynamic with that company.
I like to think Jimin is holding out for after MS to go full on global domination mode. And I like to think hybe is saving up for him for after MS when he does a proper comeback. If not hybe has a lot of explaining to do because it's glaringly obvious they've put more resources into other members than him.
That's a fact. We can cry about, rant about it, send trucks- it does make a difference because it's better to let hybe know we on to them and won't tolerate this discrimination if it's deliberate on their part. The truck sender stans are so on point for this. It's the most effective way of holding hybe accountable.
The rants and buzz is also great in creating awareness to the situation and having media sites pick up the story will put enough pressure on hybe.
But do we have to be toxic while doing so? Mentally abusing a member is not standing up for anyone. It goes against everything Park Jimin stands for. Especially since he himself gets traumatized by other stans and over the stupidest things.
Be a good human. How about that accountability? Who's gonna hold us accountable for being a shitty human beings? We should care about our stans but we shouldn't lose our humanity in the process.
I just like to wait it out to see what the end game is.
I'm here. Gathering reciepts for the day of reckoning.
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isekai-crow · 8 months
The Wrong Way to Use Healing Magic
I didn't go into this expecting much, because you can almost never tell if an isekai is going to be good or not (and all the subjectivity that comes with the term 'good'.)
This looks like it's gonna be hella fun.
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Overall Score so far: 7.5/10
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The summoning to another world as "Heros" to defeat the "Demon King" is your standard isekai plot. It's not original, but it's a good basis for a story, if that's not all there is to the premise. I'm looking forward to how this will get it's own unique twist.
The initial vibes I was getting from it were a mix of
a bad reminiscence of the beginning of "Rise of the Shield Hero" where I was worried that healing magic would be considered a bad or weak ability, and our main character Usato would be looked down on. AND
The great impression of "Wow, I want the Student President Inumaki and Vice President Kazuki to become a poly ship with Usato." I'm just gonna head cannon that the whole way though, thank you very much, they have great vibes together!
I'm thankful the first didn't come to pass, and that the second is going to be the basis for fanfic I look for in the future lol. But also, I hope the Demon King is fun, and that the fox girl doesn't bring any Loli vibes into this.
The green-haired Rose, a healing magic user who is going to train our intrepid healing hero, is the only Voice Actor that popped out at me. Which makes sense, as going through the other voices, it's a lot of small time or up and coming VAs! They're all doing a fantastic job though.
But Rose.
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For a second I thought it was the Headmaster from Season 2 of Ancient Magus Bride, as she have a similar low and husky voice. But no, we have Tanaka, Atsuko - The voice of Motoko Kusanagi from Ghost in the Shell, and where I recognized her from, Hanami from Jujutsu Kaisen!!! She has a very long record of supporting roles in so many anime, and I really like her voice, so I'm glad I get to listen to it here~
Episode 1 Spoilers Below!
Youve got your standard typical kid who is So Normal, and you have the Amazing and Loved By Everyone Student Body Council members, who everyone thinks are dating, and are just So Pretty and Smart and Good At All The Things.
I love how they are both interested in Usato for treating them like normal people, because as we find out, they are just typical high school students. And while they are not actually dating, just spend a lot of time together, I could absolutely peg these two as swingers looking for a third member, and that's all just delusions on my part hahahaha.
Inumaki-sempai, the Student President, is a secret Chu-Ni-Byo, or one of those edgelord kids doing the naruto run and unironically thinks they have special powers to move things with their eyes. It's a phase everyone goes through, even if they won't admit it. But she is SO HYPE to be in an isekai, and I'm right there with her. I would totally react the same way.
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And of course, to feed her Chunibyo tendancies, which are immediately spotted by Usato whose image of her is shattered (good, please see her as human), she's gained the power of Lightning Magic. All she needs now is an eye patch and some bandages on her hand, along with manical laughter.
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Kazuki, her second in command, seems like a typical Popular Guy, but I love that when he's getting heated over their nonconsensual summoning (despite Inumaki getting hyped in the backgroun), Usato stepping in to calm him down and point out that there is no use getting worked up, is such a good base jumping point for where things will go from here. He's not a particularly interesting character yet, but he's a good guy who wants to protect those around him. It makes sense that he gets Light Magic.
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I love that Kazuki has NO IDEA what an Isekai is, and is like - "Light magic... I can blind people I guess???" Has he never even played Dragon Quest? lmao
Usato of course, gets something different, and everyone flips out. He then stops being able to read the room and puts himself in his own situation by mentioning as such in front of Rose, despite the king and magic nun trying to dissuade her from finding out. He's a Super Duper Rare Healing Magic user, because of course he is. He's Protag-kun. But it's fun to see the "tag along" who DIDN'T HEAR THE HERO BELLS WHEN SUMMONED get such a unique skill.
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Bless this sweetheart. I hope they can become an awesome trio.
I can't wait to watch episode 2, and see if we get some actual twisted ways to use healing magic to fight.
My hopes for how Healing Magic can be used "incorrectly"
up someone's internal organs with a punch
be able to manipulate their blood or body water content to kill, OR
just toughen this kid up into a fighter who can heal all the damage he takes and turn him into a tank rather than just a support. ZOMBIE FIGHTING STYLE
Either way, I'm gonna enjoy this one!!
ep2 ep3 ep4 ep5 <- these will be links eventually
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btr-rewatch · 10 months
Big Time Rush Season 1, Episode 4: “Big Time Bad Boy”
I originally didn't have this on my "episodes to review" list, but I changed my mind. I don't have a whole lot of memories of this one, so it'll be fun to revisit it.
Highlights: To save the band, Kendall Knight is forced to wear dark clothes, eyeliner, and cause thousands of dollars in damage to Rocque Records.
For anyone just finding these posts, I'm not planning to write up commentary/review for every episode. Mostly because I want this to be a fun experience for myself and not feel obligated to make a post for every episode in the series (especially if it's an ep I either don't really like all that much or one that I simply want to sit back and enjoy without taking notes and lots of screenshots, lol)
So..."Big Time Bad Boy." I seem to recall this one being played a lot on Nickelodeon, but my memory of it is fuzzy. What I do remember for this one consists of two things: 1. Kendall dressed all in black and 2. He pees in Gustavo's desk??
All these years, and that's what stuck. Onto the episode!
The guys are in the studio singing "The City is Ours." They sound and look great, but Gustavo isn't super impressed. Something is missing, he says, and that something happens to be A Bad Boy. Someone who will shake up their image a bit and give them an edge. He comes to a quick conclusion.
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Kendall looks both surprised and horrified at this suggestion, to which I ask: why?? Need I remind you, Mr. Knight, that this path to L.A. was paved precisely BECAUSE you were exhibiting many bad boy-esque behaviors??
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Have we forgotten this? This Kendall who once attacked Gustavo via an enraged 90's pop song performance, fought with security guards, and seemed to have the entirety of his self-control tied together with frayed string is now bewildered that he's being nominated for the position of Official Bad Boy??
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I'm sorry, I had no idea that I would get so hung up on how Kendall was handled when I decided to rewatch this show. I don't know what's happening.
Gustavo goes on to explain more about the necessity for a bad boy in every band, and I admit that I can see why Kendall is so opposed to it. The bad boy is being framed as someone who turns his back (quite literally!) on the others, and we all know that's something Kendall could never do. This is a loyalty thing for him, so yeah, okay. Makes sense. However, the other guys quickly jump at the chance to fulfill the role once they learn it comes with lots of money, fame, and girls.
Kendall is unamused.
Over at the Palm Woods, Mrs. Knight is worried that Katie has no friends her own age, so she introduces her to someone named Molly.
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Katie instantly doesn't like her, but Mama Knight says you can't judge someone before getting to know them. Mrs. Knight then wildly misinterprets a situation between Bitters and Buddha Bob, assumes Buddha Bob is an axe maniac, and runs away screaming with Katie over her shoulder.
When the guys get back to the apartment, James, Logan, and Carlos are full-swing into the bad boy act. This is no match, however, for the Mom Look.
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When James, Carlos, and Logan fail to impress Gustavo at his Bad Boy Audition, he once again tags Kendall for the role. When Kendall again says no, Gustavo has some surprising news for him.
Refusing to do what he's told makes him a bad boy!
Ha! You've been bamboozled, Kendall.
When Griffin comes to take a look at the guys, he's dismayed at the very obvious lack of bad boy. "A bad boy is someone parents would never let their daughters date. And I would let my daughter date any one of these boys," he says, which is one of my favorite lines so far.
Griffin really went, "These boys are sweet and respectful, and it upsets me."
He came prepared with a ready-to-go bad boy: WayneWayne.
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The boys don't like him. Gustavo doesn't care.
We return to the Palm Woods where Katie is trying to avoid having to play with Molly. She thinks there's something wrong with her. Mrs. Knight then sees what she thinks is Buddha Bob tossing bodies into a dumpster (they're mannequins).
Meanwhile, at the pool, BTR are angrily watching WayneWayne. After complaining about him, Logan says, "And that's why we're gonna get rid of him. Kendall, get rid of him."
For some odd reason, Kendall wonders why he has to do it. I dunno, Ken; maybe it's because you're the one who has to do everything, remember? Logan always looks to you to fix things. That's your JOB. You need to get rid of people who are upsetting your friends, solve every problem that comes their way, and do everything. All the time. Forever.
No pressure, though.
After a quick little pep-talk to his scaredy-cat friends, Kendall stands up to WayneWayne, which ends up backfiring immediately. There's only room in the band for four people, so somebody has to go if WayneWayne is going to be added in.
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Poor Logan.
Kendall begins another impassioned speech that's interrupted by WayneWayne, who declares that it's going to be KENDALL who gets kicked out of the band. The guys all go running to Gustavo in a panic.
Including this screenshot for no other reason than Kendall's reaction in this moment cracks me up.
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James says, "He wants to kick Kendall out of the band!" And Kendall just goes ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Gustavo defeatedly tells the boys that Griffin is in charge and there's nothing he can do to help. He's firmly against Kendall's insistence that they can come up with a plan and tells them just to focus on learning the lyrics to the new song they're working on.
When the day comes for Griffin to visit the studio and see the band, Kendall is suspiciously missing. When he does arrive, he's sporting a new look.
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Yes, Kendall has evidently dug deep down within himself to salvage the last remaining vestiges of First Episode Kendall and channeled it all into one spectacular burst of Bad Boy Behavior.
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He absolutely demolished Gustavo's office. I mean. It is entirely destroyed. I wonder how much that all cost to repair.
In one last desperate attempt to win the "bad boy off", WayneWayne kicks Griffin, which is one step too far. Griffin announces that BTR already has a bad boy—Kendall—so his services will no longer be needed. He will, however be put into a band still. WayneWayne is dragged off by security. Kendall tells Griffin that he doesn't want to wear the black clothes "all the time" and he isn't going to turn his back on his friends, which I guess is his way of officially accepting his bad boy role??
So, like. If this is establishing Kendall as the necessary Bad Boy, as per Griffin's request, does this carry on through the show (even though it's never mentioned again as far as I can remember?). Does Kendall remain BTR's bad boy for the duration of the series?? If so, that's very funny considering who Kendall turns into character-wise.
This guy? This absolute goofball is Big Time Rush's bad boy??
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Reminds me of that meme with the polite cat. This one:
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Wait, let me fix it
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Ok, I've gotta pull it together and wrap this episode up.
Kelly finds out that Gustavo, though enraged as he did appear, was actually in on the plan the whole time. When he'd handed out the lyric sheets, he'd included a secret message for the boys.
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Aww, Gustavo did some super sneaky scheming with his dogs. And hooray! The band gets to stay intact (until the next time it's threatened, of course).
Victorious, the guys head back to the Palm Woods to see how WayneWayne is doing in his new band: The Ziggle Zaggles
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Need I remind you that this is still the same day. It probably hasn't been more than an hour or two since WayneWayne was dragged from Rocque Records, and he's already ON THE TELEVISION in his new band.
It this level of absolute absurd nonsense that really makes this show such a gem. Ridiculous. The Big Time Rush universe has one foot out of reality at all times, and it's great.
For an added dose of weird, the Ziggle Zaggles is interrupted by a news broadcast warning people of a police chase involving Molly, Katie's new "friend." She was actually a 20-year-old con artist the whole time. She also stole Mrs. Knight's car. The end. Cue the credits.
Decent episode overall. I skipped over most of the Mrs. Knight, Katie, Molly, and Buddha Bob storyline to avoid making this post even longer and because there wasn't much "meat" to that part of the episode anyway. I also feel like this was another episode where James, Carlos, and Logan didn't really have much to say or do? I noticed that with the first episode as well; they acted more like props or sidekicks who were only there to occasionally chime in while Kendall ran the show. I look forward to seeing them get fleshed out a bit more!
As always, thanks for reading :)
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elwenyere · 5 months
Hello! The conversation about careening had me wondering--how do you like to do research for your stories? Are there any topics or sources you particularly enjoy delving into or including in your work?
Hello, my friend!!! What a wonderful ask: thank you for these great questions.
After reflecting, I think I could describe my process as having two general categories: as-needed research and broader worldbuilding research.
The first category is a part of almost every fic I write, and it involves things like sourcing locations, verifying timelines, tracking down character names, and (very often) looking up what it feels like to receive various injuries. If it's a Star Wars fic, at least one Wookiepedia visit is a given (the raw materials page is a frequent hit). And there are likely to be a few other general internet searches I repeat several times ("aviation terms," for example, or "New Orleans plant life," depending on the fic and fandom).
The second category covers the exploratory reading and viewing I do for fics that involve more worldbuilding because they extend further outside (or completely outside) canon. The Codywan Pirate AU has me doing all kinds of targeted searches for naval ranks and sailing ship terminology, for example, but I've also been browsing maritime museums for descriptions of what life on ships was like from day to day (look at this cool page about sailor libraries and sailing literature!) and for images that give me a visual sense of the environment. I also love looking at digitized resources through academic libraries. When @festiveferret and I were collaborating on Citation Needed, an MCU professor AU in which history prof Tony is writing a monograph about weapons development during WWII, I used the online special collections at University of Massachusetts - Amherst to learn what the primary documents (enlistment records, ration cards, etc.) featured in the fic would look like. (Ferret then did incredible edits for the epistolary portion of the fic: this post has the collected documents.)
In a couple cases it's actually been the research that has come first and inspired the fic. The initial ideas for Separation, for example, which is a Top Gun fic that leans into the context of the AIDS crisis in the 80s and 90s, came from prep that I'd been doing for a queer literature class, so I was listening to music by queer bands in the period, reading poetry and essays about queer life in NYC and San Francisco (including this piece that discusses Nan Goldin, Thom Gunn's The Man with Night Sweats, "The Fall of 1992" by Randall Mann, and Alexander Chee's essay "After Peter"), and watching the documentary How to Survive a Plague, about the ACT UP movement. Much of that research informed the choices I made in writing the fic, even if it doesn't all appear directly.
Finally, I should confess that I am pretty self-indulgent with my fic research: I spend a lot of time studying and tracking things down when it's a subject I find interesting and/or when having more information will allow me to texture the choices I'm making in ways I personally find compelling; but I am also very unfussed about leaving other things vague or about fudging some details in service of the story. It's not at all out of the ordinary for me to spend 30 minutes looking up the names of camera models that hit shelves in 1991 and then write a sentence that says "when he gets off the carrier in mid-July, he goes to the mall" without specifying which carrier or which mall, because I couldn't be bothered to figure out the military logistics involved. This is one of the joys of writing fic for me: freedom to pour energy into those areas where research helps get me closer to things I want to discover and describe.
Thank you again for the terrific asks, my friend!!! This was very fun to write. <3<3<3
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hit-song-showdown · 1 year
Year-End Poll #60: 2009
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[Image description: a collage of photos of the 10 musicians and musical groups featured in this poll. In order from left to right, top to bottom: The Black Eyed Peas, Lady Gaga, The Black Eyed Peas, Taylor Swift, Flo Rida, Jason Mraz, Beyoncé, Kanye West, The All-American Rejects. End description]
More information about this blog here
Apparently something happened this year involving 3 of the artists on this poll...
Anyway, last poll I talked about the 2008 financial crisis and now more than ever we can see the effects the Great Recession were having on popular music. Upbeat party music provided listeners with a feeling of escape. The Black Eyed Peas shifted their style from hip-hop to a more electropop sound, leading to the groups commercial peak. Songs like Lady Gaga's Just Dance presented lyrics about having a good time despite everything falling apart. Musically, the latter half of the decade was defined by electropop. To quote James Oldham, the head of A&R at A&M Records at the time:
"All A&R departments have been saying to managers and lawyers: 'Don't give us any more bands because we're not going to sign them and they're not going to sell records.' So everything we've been put on to is electronic in nature." (x)
Even outside of pop music, the rising popularity of the electronic sound and online distribution allowed musicians easier access to production tools and audiences. According to Michael Angelakos of Passion Pit, the electronic sound allowed him to make music while still living in his dorm. While not obvious now, this small-scale "bedroom pop" sound will become even more prevalent in the following decade.
Another staple of this sound is the increasing popularity of Auto-Tune. We already discussed its use with artists like T-Pain, but Kanye West's use of the plugin on 808s & Heartbreak is also notable. Instead of using the vocal effect as the backbone for a party track, here Auto-Tune is used to convey the coldness of the lyrical content. While incredibly controversial, this album would be a huge influence over the genre. And when we look at the direction rap starts to head in the coming decades, the changes in the genre don't make sense without bringing up this album.
And with that, the 2000's have come to a close and we are finally reaching the next full decade of these polls.
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"I actually still have more to say lmao but don’t know If I Should " Please go off. It's so refreshing to see someone exercise a healthy dose of caution and scepticism in considering The 'evidence'. Also, wanted to say, I completely get your annoyance about every single song John or Paul has written made to somehow be about the other. I know people are just here to have fun and all but it's such a myopic way of analysing their great body of work.
Like… Here's The Thing:
If John and Paul had sex, it wouldn't be like… that hard for them to hide this fact lol. So the fact we don't have hard proof of it isn't in of itself evidence that it never happened (a thing Mark Lewisohn doesn't seem to quite understand). But finding proof for it outside of Paul himself coming forward and admitting to it (or the executor of his estate, or Sean, or some insanely petty person with an axe to grind who's been… waiting for Paul to die for decades?) is like trying to find a needle in a haystack.
Honestly, it kind of reads as copium to me when people who are highly invested in Being Right About McLennon cling to these unverifiable sources that vehemently insist "everyone in the industry knows!" It's as if they need to affirm to themselves that they're ~not crazy~. (for the record: I don't think believing John and Paul were in love/had sex in of itself is crazy) It's just concerning when nobody is asking themselves why these sources who have all this "industry knowledge" are apparently never sharing that knowledge with the people who are actually publishing Beatles books; not even with the authors of the super trashy books; not even as a "source who asked not to be named". No, they only appear to be talking to random frequenters of various internet forums. Like. It just makes me go HMMMMM yknow?
And the other thing is like………… Are we forgetting why we here on tumblr generally agree that John was bi?
The idea that everyone knew about John and Paul being a couple, but they didn't tattle about this to the press because That Would Be Rude! ––– but also they felt going off about John's sexuality in general was actually totally fair game???? How does that make any sense?? It's also like, even if a lot of people still look the other way with regard to John's sexuality (though, less and less, in my observation), that doesn't mean the information hasn't been freely accessible for decades. It begs the question why this isn't a thing for all the McLennon Proof That Totally Exists This One Guy Told Me!!! And authors like Albert Goldman prove that disrupting the Lennon Estate's narrative, the macho image of John, is a lucrative business, specifically talking about his sexuality sells. (sort of off-topic: NGL, I'm always a bit mystified when people on this site seem to… Forget that John/Brian is a MUCH more substantiated theory than John/Paul.)
And this can't possibly all be down to John being dead while Paul is alive. As I said: it's also not like Paul hasn't caught an insane amount of shit over the decades. Guys like Giuliano wrote about him as well.
It's almost like, if Paul is bi, probably very few people know this fact for certain! Wow!
Also re: the song thing. It's just that……… I really like music? For it's own sake y'know. I get sad when 90% of the posts I see about the songs are trying to prove a theory that's much better substantiated by like… quotes than (for the most part, pretty vague) lyrics anyways. And I wouldn't mind all the fun tinhatting (some of which I engage in too!) if there was just more unabashed song loving.
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lawlietscaramels · 9 months
I think you and 🍰 have mentioned it before, but I’d love to hear your thoughts about the way the musical portrays L. The concept album was my introduction to Death Note as well, but I feel like the L in the songs is a much more dramatic take on L? Which, y’know, makes sense, since it’s ✨musical theatre✨ and all. Like, “The Game Begins” is SO fun, but we’d never get a monologue like it from L in the manga or anime. Idk, the musical paints a bit of a different image of L to me. Not a bad one at all, just a different one.
holy space cows 🎲 anon okay let's go! again answering this before my other asks because it's more me rambling than an actual story
GOOOOOD musical L when I first watched the musical I wanted to pick him up take him out of the screen and squeeze him like a stress ball. honestly I loved (love?) him maybe even more than anime L dhdhhdh
I'll put a break in here because I think I'm gonna say a lot
like. he did so many things like anime L (I've never read the manga so I see that L as "base" L) but also I feel had his own quirks. like how he hopped onto chairs (Teen Angst L did this too but because it was screen not stage it felt different. I've done stage acting before so maybe it's just me but screen doesn't feel as close, I just loooove stage acting, UGH. This was also why it was more dramatic in some places, you have to act for the whole audience but, I'm assuming you didn't see it live, WAIT have you even watched the recorded version?? It's on YouTube it's sooo good the subtitles are great too, you can sing along to the songs. it's in Japanese tho. Anyway my point was going to be, because you're acting for people really far away, your movements will be big and dramatic and you'll notice this if it's recorded up close).
HIS VOICE WAS SO NICE TOO like damn this is a fine ass man. His songs, I agree looking back at them they aren't all things anime L would say, especially not unprompted. But I don't think that it was so far out of character that it was unbelievable, you know? I actually think that though yes, the Game Begins was dramatic, that was just the song and not the tone of it, if that makes sense. I'd say songs like Playing His Game and (I can't remember the name but the one LawLight duet they sing at the college? not the tennis one. UGH I know the Japanese...) Anyway, I'd say those songs are more ooc. Cause I think L sees all of his cases as a game, his job as a game. Like yes he cares about human life but he also only takes on interesting cases. I've heard this is more like his manga version, which is kinda cool that this "headcanon" of mine is "canon."
AHAHA anyway the point I was actually going to make with that paragraph was: in the final song (a little ooc but in some lines very in character) L holds this one "O" note that makes me go WEAK IN THE KNEES and of course Light is singing over it at the same time, sobs. This is in the Japanese version. I prefer that version overall, but I like some of the English songs too, like Playing His Game and Requiem. So if you haven't listened to it YOU SHOULD!! It's on YouTube music, you can search up english song name + death note musical. A lot of them are by "LyricNear" I think. and you can ofc watch the full musical. but aaaa the final song breaks my heart but I have to listen to that goddamn note... you guys... you don't understand.
Uh, the musical did of course take some creative liberties. There was no Matsuda which I will always bring up because it is a crime, MUSICAL REMISA WAS THE BEST, the limited runtime cut plots and explanations (I kind of appreciated the ending, though I cried because I was hoping it would end differently), and I don't think they had a Watari. Actually thinking about that, that's probably the most ooc L thing in the whole movie: being able to take care of himself. (well presumably to some degree considering he's still alive at the start)
But yeah... I love musical L... I don't mind when he's ooc because it only disrupts soft headcanons of mine, not hard ones. I also haven't watched it for a while so I may be misremembering some things, but still. Gosh I really want to hug him... his clothes look so soft.... maybe I'll just steal his voice box/j
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flyingspicerack · 2 years
Inside Job Pt2Ep3 Myc Analysis Pt2
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OK SO!! ASSIMILATED MYC HUH?! First of all, the color palette change..... i like it in what it represents, its a good way to depic that he's different without having to keep that like, blue aura aura around him. HOWEVER, it makes me feel weird because THIS ISN'T MY MYC!!!
Also his voice...... not.... not for me. BUT I LOVE THE warbling echoey quality they gave him right when attuned. A lot of this is gonna be me PRAISING what the writers did, but me being pupsetti cause thats not my babygirl
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AHHHH Brett's face here is so cute, hes so excited to be included in girls night!!!! Also! I feel like at this point the Hive isn't tapped into anyone but Myc so... does Myc genuinely watch Sex and the City? I think so.
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MYC'S TOWNHOUSE! UOGHHHHHH OKAY SO FOR REALS!!! Does he have one? I GUESS SO? Is this what it looks like?? I DONT KNOW! Could the hive be making something up? Maybe?? But like, how would the hive know what to make up if they have been in the hollow earth for centuries, they have to tap into Myc. SO, is this REALLY what Myc's townhouse looks like? Or is this what he want's his friends to believe it is?? Because all of this is a hallucination so?? Like they cater to Brett and Gigi with the rock wall and bookshelf, so would he cater it to look like something he wants? THEN AGAIN! We saw Myc's little nook in his office in the beginning of the episode and that was classy as fuck with his little couch and the record player, so who's to say if this is mostly a REAL depiction of his brownstone. I will say though, it's fucking hot as hell and I think it IS at least the floorplan, like i think the floorplan is the same, whether or not its decorated like this? HHHHHHHHHH I dunno?? BUT I LOVE IT EITHER WAY BECAUSE I LOVE HIMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
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I genuinely think this mural is so.... SO beautiful, if I could have it as a poster or a tapestry i fucking would. I also wanna know what the writing system is like.... UGH ITS SO PRETTY
ANYWAY I THINK its so so funny that they totally retconned the whole thing about the mushrooms being aliens, like at first Myc would get so mad and say they weren't but then now they are?? lmao and the whole lore they made of early apes eating mushrooms and then evolving? FUCKING GREAT
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I just like myc's house.... look at his fancy kitchen ... AND IS THAT A FIREPLACEEEEEEEEEEEE uoghhhh
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Also!! I reallu like these weird globby mushroom cave wall things, theyre soooo cool
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"Who wants some fucking dirt to eat? I'm still being nice, I like dirt!" BABY GHUIDSRHNS;G HES STILL A LITTLE BITCHY?????? HUAOGHH Baby i will eat dirt for you, i will eat it and like it
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OKAY HERE IS SOMTHING I HAVE CONFLICTING THOUGHTS ON!!! THE poetry night thing. I saw another post (here) about the gang actually being there and Myc not sensing them, and i like that take, but ALSO I like the idea of them genuinely not going because they don't like him and dont think his poetry would be good, and Reagan is just talking out her ass about it? Like, I can see both ways being real good, IDK!!!
And then the thing specifically ANDRE said.... the jacking off in the break room over the pic on a box of mushroom calzones.... baby, honey.... that is somehow both so pathetic and so hot i don't know what to do with myself other than save this information for later
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This image.... HURTS THE ANISE he genuinely looks SO upset, sad, distraught, deflated, this is THE SINGLE MOST upsetting image of Myc IMO, because its HIM in there that's being tormented and the hive is trying to fight it, but Myc is just.... he's actually SO sensitive and he cant handle a roast WITHOUT HIS DEFENSE MECHANISM OF HIS PERSONALITY THAT THE HIVE TOOK AWAY FROM HIM!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
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LOOK AT HIM!!!! HE IS SO!!!!!! UAGHFEFFS HES IN PAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BUT ALSO!!! You can see with the blue glow that the hive is trying to regain control of the situation and he's glowing blue
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Mmmmmm yeah, Myc was right to get really mad for this, Brett went too far, and I think thats why he said it, to break him... I just think it's so interesting they went with a roast to get Myc back because it seems like roasts are like .... a bygone era? Like i bet if youre watching this show in your mid-late 20s you can remember when roasts were like, on tv all the time, but now you dont really see the concept all that much?? Idk i think it's interesting I guess. Anyway comparing Myc to Jar Jar Binks is a hate crime and im gonna beat up brett for it <3
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oh my GOD look how curled in and angy he is.... his little fists....
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SIDEBAR!!! Eberyone SO HAPPY that he's back, like all of them so fucking.,... LIKE I SPECFICALLY want to talk about GLENN of all people. Like dont get me wrong, all of them are really pleased, but GLENN? Like.... look at how SOFT his face is?? Like he is so genuinely glad to have this fucker back,,,,,, hgusehkl;s and also andre.... oh dr lee dont make that face ur gonna have me actin up ohhhhhhgggh hes so satisfied
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Aaaaaaaaaan, boom goes the dynamite
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SO! ANOTHER THING TO NOTE!!!!! When Myc is getting ready to do this whole spore process thing, and use his big powers here, he very slightly switched back to his hive color palette.... but then a moment later we see him in his normal one, so im thinking he is like.... getting all of the hives influence just.... out of him for good? maybe i dunno but i like that
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god god god god. okay HERE his voice is SO CALM so!! JUST SO!! He understands that Reagan isn't insulting him, he knows that she really cares..... he makes me MELT ANS THEH NUN THE HEHPFIE:SJFKNK ANDS THEN AND THEN AND THEN IN THE NEXT SCENE IT CONTINUES OKAY
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MMMMMMM YES podcast myc ,,,, love this guy LOVE HIM LOVE HIM SM SMS SMSMMSMSMSMSMSMSMS AWOOOOOOOOOOGA I AM THE NUMBER 1 LISTENER OF FRESH DIRT UAGHHHHHH (i would also like to know if gigi and reagan drunk kiss pls)
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pregnant myc.... aright i am gonna give my OWN motherfucking opinions abt this because im TOO SERIOUS about it....
Myc is a mushroom, hes not a man, while he may use he/him pronouns, hes a mushroom first and foremost who canonically uses Mx. instead of Mr. like all of this is canon. He ALSO when finding out he is preggers, he says he wants to be a mother, a MOTHER, he wants to experience the joys of motherhood.... NON BINARY LEGEND! FUCKING mushrooms have NO TIES to human gender, so TEACHINALLY this cant really be considered mpreg, and it ISNT in my eyes, fucking label it mpreg all u fucking want but I DONT FUCKING AGREE OR BUY IT, dont come at me for this ill bully you into the ground
Anyway, my name is Anise and I want to thank everyone for their time for reading my Myc Cellium analysis. This character means more to me than anyone on the internet or even Shion Takeuchi herself can fathom.... and as far as IM concerned, i love him more than ANYONE ever will, whats that post? If Myc has fans, im one of them, if he doesnt, that means im dead, or whatever. I DONT KNOW I JUST KNOW that I love him more than EVERYONE and that is a FACT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
anyway if you like inside job and like self insert shipping content folow me to see my silly little guy kiss this stupid mushroom and stream inside job on netflix <3
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thatrickmcginnis · 27 days
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JAMES TENNEY, Toronto 1989 + 1991
I hadn't heard of James Tenney when I was assigned to photograph him for Musicworks, a local art music journal, by Nancy, my old editor from Nerve magazine. (It's still around today.) Tenney was born in New Mexico and studied music with Carl Ruggles, John Cage, Harry Partch and Edgard Varese, and was a peer of Steve Reich and Philip Glass, performing in their ensembles. His work would be grouped in with movements like minimalism, process music, electronic music and plunderphonics, but in the '80s he was teaching composition at York University here in Toronto, which is where I photographed him, during and after one of his classes. I knew as soon as I took out my camera that I had a lot to work with - Tenney had a striking, rugged look, and my eyes were immediately drawn to the blackboard with its musical staff and the metal chairs stamped with "Music Dept". Tenney must have liked the results, because I have a record of him buying two of my prints a couple of months later.
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My first portrait shoot with composer James Tenney was made during an uncertain time in my career, when my apprenticeship had ended and I was trying to make a living and establish a photographic style. By the time I had my second shoot with Tenney, precisely two years later, I was more confident and technically capable, and booked the session at my Parkdale loft, where I hoped I could achieve something more ambitious than our first shoot. I already knew that Tenney had a great image - a kind of Marlboro Man look that I wanted to accentuate even more with harder lighting and starker compositions. Of course my earlier pictures were an inspiration, and side by side they give some sense of how much my work had moved forward in two years.
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My client for my second shoot with composer James Tenney was EAR magazine, another journal devoted to left-field and avant-garde music that had been publishing since 1973. If you don't remember the late '80s it was an exciting time if you were into weird, difficult music; there was a whole new audience for this sort of thing, from jazz to noise to oddball classical and art music, and EAR had become a glossy monthly with offices in New York's West Village above the Ear Inn. When I got my assignment to photograph James Tenney it had a sponsorship deal with Absolut Vodka, which helped pay for a series of CDs that would come with the magazine. Since I knew I was shooting the cover - my first ever glossy magazine cover - I decided to go all out, shooting with cross-processed slide film: it produced a look that seems very "period" to me now - high contrast and bright primary and secondary colours, and I had put a great deal of effort into mastering it.
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I was very proud of the results, and of that cover, but unfortunately the magazine was going through ultimately fatal financial problems that would see it go out of business by the end of the year. It was the end of what I remember as an exciting time, culturally, and if I'm honest I still miss the excitement I felt during that period, which provided inspiration when I needed it badly. James Tenney's work is still studied and performed, and as a teacher he was a mentor to a whole generation of younger composers. He died of lung cancer in California in 2006.
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phantomchick · 3 months
Kino's Journey First Thoughts
So re: the first episode the country of visible pain.
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I love how much this opening story establishes Kino's personality. They're stubborn to a fault.
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Clever; possess a dry sense of humour, compassionate but not to the point they'll compromise their own boundaries or desires, practical, a little traumatised judging from the obsessive gun-drawing practice, self-possessed, free-spirited and in their own chill way insecure. They don't trust themselves not to settle down and stop being a traveller if they found a nice enough place so they have to stay on the move or they'll get anxious. But what motivates them to be a traveller so much? Is it just plain old longing or is it something to do with their mysterious backstory?
In just a few scenes the creators managed to present a nuanced and unique character. It's really cool!
The story draws you in, you want to go on the journey with Kino and experience all these strange places but you also want to know what makes them tick. And what Hermes' whole deal is too!
I have to admit I was frustrated by the ending of the episode. I found the fact he just left the country to its pain, a passerby who doesn't get involved was both really compelling and interesting for a protagonist/made perfect sense for their established character thus far but I also really wish that he had offered the man to bring a letter or one of the flowers to his loved one, something because just leaving him to his pain and obvious loneliness was heartbreaking. The moment where they and the man experience a moment of mutual understanding, no magical concoction necessary, was really sweet but imo didn't make up for the frustrating feeling of absence. It wraps up the episode by saying, the world isn't beautiful and therefore it is beautiful which I do get. The poignant sound of the woman still playing her records and the image of the man still watering his flowers as Kino and Hermes ride off into the sunset is impactful in a way a straightfoward, hero solves all the problems story can't achieve. But aaagh. I both really like it and I feel conflicted by it.
In a land of visible pain even without telepathy. Kino and Kyoshi were able to see each other and communicate without words.
And there's something quietly powerful about the weight that's given.
Spoilers end here.
I'm definitely engaged and looking forward to the rest of the anime. More of these vignettes and glimpses into the strange lives and countries Kino will explore on their journey, with no idea what comes next. There's so much potential already.
We've got two great characters that bounce off each other in interesting ways and the slow, steady poetic build of a story toward conveying a specific message or a feeling to the viewer is executed so well in this first episode that if the rest of the series is as well-written I know I'm in for a treat.
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isleofair · 1 year
For the ask game, 80!
I wanna give you a free space as well like you did for me. So answer however many or little you'd like, your choice~ 💚
I hope you have a great rest of your day!
😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 Thank you so much!!! 💚💚💚💚
Now I have to try not to answer too many of these... 😅
1. Do you daydream a lot before you write, or go for it as soon as the ideas strike?
I daydream for AGES. I know that a story is the right one to write in that moment if I can't stop writing it in my head at any given time of the day (but especially when I'm trying to sleep).
3. Do you share your fic ideas, or do you keep them to yourself?
I can only give vague hints to a close person or two, and even that is usually more than I can deal with: once I've shared something about a fic I'm writing, I feel like I've created expectations (even though that's probably not true) and it makes me anxious. I almost got stuck on a story because of this once, so I try to be careful about it now. (Also, I don't like spoiling stuff in advance. 😅)
18. Do you enjoy research?  Which fic of yours required the most research?
I do enjoy research, but sometimes I fall too far into the rabbit hole and I drive myself half-crazy. The answer to the second part of the question is most definitely Stereoscopy. (Which, for the record, is also the answer to all of the "which fic is your favorite/the one you're proudest of/the hardest to write/etc. questions.)
24. How do you choose whose POV to write in?
I think mostly it's the character who gets to discover/realize/learn more stuff throughout the story/chapter, so I have more of a journey to go on. Although, of course, sometimes, only one POV can possibly make sense for the story I want to tell (Stereoscopy from Nathan's POV would not be even half as much stupid, frustrating fun, for example 😏). (And sometimes, er, I kind of need some scenes to be in Keith's POV because, well, Nathan would not share my personal reservations about calling a spade a spade, if you know what I mean. 😳)
34. How much of your personal life/experience do you include in your fics?
In theory/intention, not too much. But in actuality, pretty much every single time, I look back at what I've written (or am writing, even, now) and have a moment where the "Gee, I wonder which of my deep-seated issues this is an extremely blatant way of trying to deal with" hits me over the head like a freaking cartoon anvil.
57. How conscious are you about including symbolism or foreshadowing in your fics?
I really try to be, not so much about the foreshadowing, but definitely about the symbolism (although I think I only do it in either too-cryptic or too-explicit ways). I love using metaphors/similes/etc. and I really try to keep them consistent throughout a story, or to draw only from a single image/concept for a scene; but sometimes I stray because another one comes up, maybe for just a single line, that just seems so beautiful/fitting to me, and I'm not very good at killing my darlings.
And that's six questions and a very long post, so I need to stop! Thank you so much for giving me a chance to ramble about my writing! I hope your day is wonderful, too!!! 💙💙💙
Here's the ask list if anyone wants to ask or reblog it for themselves!
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etes-secrecy-post · 5 months
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Hi, before I explain my post, I want to say something important.
• What you see my blog has become a major overhaul. And despite the changes, I decided that my 2nd account will be now my artwork blog with a secret twist.
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Okay? Capiche? Make sense? Good, now back to the post…↓
Take a Taste: with Mr. Shaw Shawarma Rice [Recorded: Mar 24th, 2024]
Hello! It’s time for another “Take a Taste”! The series is about delicious food with my two paper dolls.
First of all, I have many snapshots related to this topic, so I MUST submit my food photos before proceeding to another. 📷📲 Like this one, right here! A delicious classic Shawarma Rice from "Mr. Shaw Shawarma" branch! 🌯🍖🍚😋 (A successful Shawarma food establishment → [CLICK ME!]) This one was gave it from my little bro, on Mar 24th, 2024; a day when the "Holy Week" ✝️🕯️ starts. I'm not supposed to eat meat-related (pork, beef, and chicken) dishes. But, here we are... 🤷‍♀️ All that aside, will this Shawarma Rice taste good to my mouth? Let's find out, right now!
IMPORTANT NOTE: No #OnThisDay throwback post, only exclusive for super secret blog(s).
If you haven’t seen my previous episode, then please click here → [CLICK ME!].
So, without further ado, let’s get started:
1st to 3rd Image(s) 📷📲: ↑
• Now, truth to be told, I'm not sure what flavor of Shawarma gave me. Whether it is "Classic", "BBQ", or a random, it doesn't matter what it is. 🤔🤷‍♀️ But looks can be delicious, though! Eh, you two? 😋 Also, I can't show ya the cover of the box because this was came from a fridge, so I have to reheat it before I chow down. 😅
• [3rd Image] Uh yeah! I can't eat without something to drink! Here's my cola on my red Nescafe mug! Looks like, a cup of joe wasn't the only liquid beverage we can pour. 🥤🙂
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4th & 5th Image(s) 📷📲: ↑
• Here's my first scope of the "Shawarma Rice"! Looks good, and how's the taste? Well, tastes great, however after a long fridge inside ❄️ and reheated from the stove 🔥, it somehow lost the "Shawarma" flavor. 😕 In short, it tastes slightly frozen. But hey, I can't help it though. And so do my paper dolls because we're so hungry! 🤤
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6th Image & Overall 📷📲: ↑
• So hungry in fact, we're completely done our meal! As we as our iced-cold cola from my mug! 🍽️🥤😋 Hope you enjoyed our Large "Shawarma Rice" meal, eh?! 😊
• So overall, we've definitely worth our appetite! 😋 However, with a slightly lost of "Shawarma" flavor from the reheating stove looks like I'll have to order it by myself and re-review it, someday. 🤔 In the mean time, we're satisfied our taste buds, for now. 😋👍
• But wait, what about the "asking price"? 😮 Again, I'm not sure what my little brother gave me. I'm not sure if its "Classic" or "BBQ" because they're both taste liked "Shawarma", in my opinion speaking. 🤔
Well, that's all for now. 😊
If you haven’t seen my previous episodes, then I’ll provide some links down below.↓😉
Take a Taste:
○ 2021 Food Reviews: ○
• Popeyes U.S. Spicy Chicken Sandwich [Dec 6, 2021]
• Jollibee Chick'nwich & Crisscut Fries [Dec 21, 2021]: Part 1 [CLICK ME! #1], Part 2 [CLICK ME! #2]
○ 2022 Food Reviews: ○
• Mini Stop Chicken Fillet XL Sandwich [Feb 7, 2022]
• Minute Burger Cheese Burger(s) [Mar 1, 2022]
• Pepper Lunch Teriyaki Beef Pepper Rice w/ Egg (& Honey Brown Sauce) [Mar 5, 2022]
• Bacsilog’s Sulit Combo Bacon-Tocino & Samgyup Day’s Pork Herbs [Mar 12, 2022]
• Burger King Whopper w/ Sides & Drink [May 6, 2022]
• Marshmello’s Limited Edition Coca-Cola Zero [Aug 26, 2022]
• Cheesy Burger McDo with Lettuce & Tomatoes Meal [Recorded: Sept 16, 2022]
• Mcdonald’s PH McSpicy & Apple Pie (featuring their World Famous Fries) [Nov 14, 2022]
• Mcdonald’s McCrispy Hamonado Sandwich [Dec 31st, 2022]
○ 2023 Food Reviews: ○
• Foods from Delicious Restaurant & 1919 Grand Cafe [Jan 8th, 2023]
• Homemade Churros by my lil’ bro [Feb 12th, 2023]
• Lugaw Sisig from Mang Boy Alfredo Lugawan Restaurant [Recorded: Feb 18th, 2023]
• La Prato Stakehouse [Recorded: Apr 10th, 2023]
• Salt ‘n Light Snack Shack’s Cheesy Bacon Burger & Fries [Recorded: Apr 14th, 2023] (Published on May 5th, 2023)
• Delicious burger meal at Tokyo Tokyo Restaurant [Recorded: May 6th, 2023]
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toyahinterviews · 7 months
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By Antonia Willis Toyah's video for her new single "Don'T Fall In Love (I Said)" shows a raunchy, aggressive side on a woman who enjoys and encourages a reputation for walking a bit on the wild side. She also likes to project an image of quiet domesticity and is happy to talk about evenings at home doing sewing whilst her boyfriend of five years standing watches TV. This is a false image - as indeed is the other. She is, above all, a dedicated woman. I suspect there is little life for Toyah outside her work. Her appearance is as much as publicity requirement as a personal expression, and despite the mane of red hair and the purple eye-shadow the first adjective that springs to mind is not outrageous or striking, but simply pretty. She is self-effacing, and eager to be taken seriously. The old days of Toyah as a hell-raiser and well and truly over. I expect that she was probably much more fun to know then but a certain amount of "fun" has to be sacrificed in the pursuit of success.
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I asked her is she felt she had become more professional in the part year ... TOYAH: Yes, definitely. Until recently I was aiming for a kind of superficial fame than for a standard of work. Then I sat down and thought about what I wanted out of life. I wanted to be remembered as a singer and as an actress. I wanted privacy. I wanted health - I've given up meat and alcohol - and I wanted lasting success. What attracted you most: fame or money? TOYAH: Oh, fame. No doubt about that. When the band first made it we didn't know what had hit us. We didn't even collect our cheques. We were so poor that we walked to the BBC, for Top Of The Pops ... I've got myself organised now. I've got plenty of money, but not much time to spend it. When you do have time to relax and enjoy your millions, how would you like to live? TOYAH: I'd like a great big country mansion with helicopter pad and a swimming pool and every room decorated as a different style. There would be an Art Deco room, a Georgian Room, an Elizabethan room ... I rewind slightly before this nightmare vision. What period would you actually like to live in? TOYAH: Oh, 2400 AD. By then we'll have sorted all our problems out. I think we'll all live away from cities. There won't be any wars, technology will be so advanced as to hidden and there will be no prejudice. What makes you think this will happen? TOYAH: For a start, people will travel more and more, and get to know what each other are like. They won't care so much about their own political systems.
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Do you have any political instincts to change the world? TOYAH: No, I'm very politically naive. I read all the papers - from the Guardian to the Mail - but I just can't make up my mind. I think you change people by giving them a sense of pleasure; by entertaining them. You are obviously irrepressibly optimistic. Why? TOYAH: Partly because I'm not worried about what happens to us all when we die. You see, I know that there is some kind of parallel world that we just drift into. I realised this when I once heard my Dad say that he was frightened of dying and I just couldn't see why. Are you still close to your family? TOYAH: Yes. They always laugh about things. When I first dyed my hair, my Mum got a bit uptight and clocked me - I had dyed it white at the back and she thought it had all been shaved off. But when I let it grow back to its normal colour last year, she told me to dye it back. "You'll never sell your records looking like that" - she said. Did you have a wild time in Birmingham? TOYAH: Oh, indeed I did. I was in punch-ups all the time. It's much more normal up there. I got a big shock once, though, when I was twenty. I went out drinking with my first boyfriend, and there was this fight in the pub. I lashed out all over the place, and then went home and passed out. The next day I went round to see my boyfriend; his nose was broken and there was blood all over the sheets. "Oh My God!" I said. "Who did that to you?" "You did", he answered. So I've been a bit careful ever since. I've learnt to keep my mouth shut, for a start.
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Is that a quality your find yourself in need of? TOYAH: It is. People bother me all the time. For instance, after I came back from France after filming "The Ebony Tower", the press kept wanting to get me to tell them bits of unpleasant gossip about Laurence Olivier (above with Toyah, Greta Scacchi and Roger Rees) But here simply isn't any, you know - he is truly one of the most kind and remarkable people I've met. Did you become very close to him while you were living together on the set? TOYAH: I saw him a lot, because I used to stay behind at the chateau while Greta and everybody else went off to the town; it was incredibly provencial, and my red hair attracted a certain amount of hostile attention. So I couldn't go out much, and Laurence Olivier used to stay behind to keep me company. He was like that; truly considerate. Did you feel at tall tempted to identify with the part of "Freak" in "The Ebony Tower"? TOYAH: No, not at all. It was just apart. The chateau had an incredibly seductive atmosphere, though. I almost cried when I left. What's your next big project? TOYAH: I'm going to tour again. I want to get back to the music world; it's important for me to juggle the two careers. I'm going to tour America, where I've never been. We're going to do both coasts, but I'm not sure about middle America. I wonder how you'd go down there. Last time I was in Texas the best selling song was "Drop-kick Me Jesus Through The Goalposts Of Life" TOYAH: Yes, that sort of thing's really pagan. I'm looking forward to the west coast, though. Won't you find it exhausting?
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TOYAH: I expect I will. I always lose the upper range of my voice during the last few days of a tour, and that really scares me. It's like asking a guitarist to go on stage with only two strings.
How do you like to relax when it's all over? TOYAH: I paint, or just sit in the garden thinking. And sometimes - not often - I like a good night out on the town. The other day I went to the White Elephant Club, then on to Tramp, and I loved it.
There were a lot of press people, though, and that makes me a bit nervous. The media operates under its own rules, and they are very tough.
Did you ever feel you've been misrepresented?
TOYAH: There are times when I can't even recognise myself in the things that have been written ... but I don't particularly mind. Life's so busy and if you need publicity, you take the knocks. I enjoy myself. We all have a certain amount to put up with and I have a lot less of that than most.
I could believe it; there was something quite disarming about her which probably stemmed from the fact that she was so obviously enjoying life.
"We all thrive on pleasure", she said. "But you have to work at knowing what gives you the greatest enjoyment. It's not drugs, or sex, or parties for me. It's my acting and singing and when I'm too old to do either of those, I'll paint. It's a good life." 
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We're drawn to making our mark, leaving a record to show we were here, and a journal is a great place to do it.
Once you start drawing, writing and gluing stuff in every day it can quickly become a habit – addictive, even. Your attitude should be: "I can do this, but I musn't make it too intimidating." It should all be easy to accomplish – here's how.
1. Time yourself
A good technique to avoid giving up or getting bored is to give yourself 10 minutes maximum per day to make your mark.
Ideally, you'll go to your journal every day, and that can feel repetitive, so tricks like this are great for making it feel more doable.
2. Do not fear the blank page
Start by thinking small, so it's not too overwhelming. You don't need to create a masterpiece; you just need to write or draw something in the journal every day to get into the swing of it. When you first sit down to try, you may think your life is pretty boring and you have nothing to put in your journal, but as you start to think harder, you'll realise how much you see each day.
When I first started, I challenged myself in little ways to just make marks on the page, setting easy tasks such as writing a list of everything I'd consumed in one day, or a list of five things I saw, heard, smelled, tasted or touched. Another favourite exercise was dripping a blob of ink on to a page and blowing it with a straw. It's so simple but incredibly satisfying to make spidery, tree-like shapes.
As I began to see the pages fill up with images and ideas, I had this sense of: "Yes, I'm creating something."
3. Avoid screens
I find the experience of keeping a journal much more creative on paper than on a computer. When I write, I'm physically immersed in the world and slow down, whereas on screen, I use my senses in a less engaged way – and I skim more. Something different happens to my brain when I put pen to paper: the pace of writing or drawing slows you down and gives you more time for thoughts to come in.
A nice exercise is to write, or draw, as slowly as you can – it's so different from the usual way we get stuff out there – via tweets, texts or emails in easy chunks.
Try pausing more often, and take your time to complete a sentence or draw a line, and you'll find it's a very different way of working.
4. Be destructive!
Give yourself permission to experiment, play around with material and make a mess. What does it feel like to rub dirt on the page? See what happens when you do. Above all, stop caring about the outcome. It doesn't have to be great, but exists as something you did that day.
The whole point is getting stuff on the page. Once it's out there, it can become fodder for other work; I had one page in a journal where I collected just white things, and it later became part of a short film – it's all material for other ideas.
5. Make your journal precious
A lot of people don't like to spend money on a journal because they're afraid to wreck it, which is understandable. I buy beautifully made leather-bound journals because I have lost my fear of the blank page.
My journals are precious in a different way. I love everything that comes out of them and I want them to last, to be durable. I don't worry about them getting wrecked, and I enjoy them more as they fill up. The more daring I get, the more unruly they become.
6. Collect everything
Anything you come across in daily life is great for a journal – a lot of my pages are full of artefacts I've glued in: a piece of paper I found on the ground that someone had discarded, labels from the Post Office, ticket stubs, anything with numbers on it, a thin piece of bright orange fencing from a construction site; anything where I really enjoy the colour.
All this stuff looks even better when you present it in a grid, or pair things together to see how they play off each other.
7. Make it random
I use a lot of chance in my work and try not to intervene too much – I'll just drop stuff onto the page and see what happens.
One great collage exercise is getting a magazine or newspaper, something with lots of nice colour, then cutting out circles from several pages of it, so you have around 50 of them you can randomly play with; combine the colours, see how they mix and match or drop them randomly and glue where they fall. It's so fast to do and very satisfying.
8. Just try it
Often, we don't try things, because we think we know what's going to happen: we make assumptions about outcomes. When you keep a journal, you realise that the really interesting thing is not knowing what will happen, and discovering an unexpected result.
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