#he legit has competition against my irl best friends
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flyingspicerack · 2 years ago
Inside Job Pt2Ep3 Myc Analysis Pt2
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OK SO!! ASSIMILATED MYC HUH?! First of all, the color palette change..... i like it in what it represents, its a good way to depic that he's different without having to keep that like, blue aura aura around him. HOWEVER, it makes me feel weird because THIS ISN'T MY MYC!!!
Also his voice...... not.... not for me. BUT I LOVE THE warbling echoey quality they gave him right when attuned. A lot of this is gonna be me PRAISING what the writers did, but me being pupsetti cause thats not my babygirl
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AHHHH Brett's face here is so cute, hes so excited to be included in girls night!!!! Also! I feel like at this point the Hive isn't tapped into anyone but Myc so... does Myc genuinely watch Sex and the City? I think so.
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MYC'S TOWNHOUSE! UOGHHHHHH OKAY SO FOR REALS!!! Does he have one? I GUESS SO? Is this what it looks like?? I DONT KNOW! Could the hive be making something up? Maybe?? But like, how would the hive know what to make up if they have been in the hollow earth for centuries, they have to tap into Myc. SO, is this REALLY what Myc's townhouse looks like? Or is this what he want's his friends to believe it is?? Because all of this is a hallucination so?? Like they cater to Brett and Gigi with the rock wall and bookshelf, so would he cater it to look like something he wants? THEN AGAIN! We saw Myc's little nook in his office in the beginning of the episode and that was classy as fuck with his little couch and the record player, so who's to say if this is mostly a REAL depiction of his brownstone. I will say though, it's fucking hot as hell and I think it IS at least the floorplan, like i think the floorplan is the same, whether or not its decorated like this? HHHHHHHHHH I dunno?? BUT I LOVE IT EITHER WAY BECAUSE I LOVE HIMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
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I genuinely think this mural is so.... SO beautiful, if I could have it as a poster or a tapestry i fucking would. I also wanna know what the writing system is like.... UGH ITS SO PRETTY
ANYWAY I THINK its so so funny that they totally retconned the whole thing about the mushrooms being aliens, like at first Myc would get so mad and say they weren't but then now they are?? lmao and the whole lore they made of early apes eating mushrooms and then evolving? FUCKING GREAT
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I just like myc's house.... look at his fancy kitchen ... AND IS THAT A FIREPLACEEEEEEEEEEEE uoghhhh
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Also!! I reallu like these weird globby mushroom cave wall things, theyre soooo cool
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"Who wants some fucking dirt to eat? I'm still being nice, I like dirt!" BABY GHUIDSRHNS;G HES STILL A LITTLE BITCHY?????? HUAOGHH Baby i will eat dirt for you, i will eat it and like it
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OKAY HERE IS SOMTHING I HAVE CONFLICTING THOUGHTS ON!!! THE poetry night thing. I saw another post (here) about the gang actually being there and Myc not sensing them, and i like that take, but ALSO I like the idea of them genuinely not going because they don't like him and dont think his poetry would be good, and Reagan is just talking out her ass about it? Like, I can see both ways being real good, IDK!!!
And then the thing specifically ANDRE said.... the jacking off in the break room over the pic on a box of mushroom calzones.... baby, honey.... that is somehow both so pathetic and so hot i don't know what to do with myself other than save this information for later
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This image.... HURTS THE ANISE he genuinely looks SO upset, sad, distraught, deflated, this is THE SINGLE MOST upsetting image of Myc IMO, because its HIM in there that's being tormented and the hive is trying to fight it, but Myc is just.... he's actually SO sensitive and he cant handle a roast WITHOUT HIS DEFENSE MECHANISM OF HIS PERSONALITY THAT THE HIVE TOOK AWAY FROM HIM!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
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LOOK AT HIM!!!! HE IS SO!!!!!! UAGHFEFFS HES IN PAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BUT ALSO!!! You can see with the blue glow that the hive is trying to regain control of the situation and he's glowing blue
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Mmmmmm yeah, Myc was right to get really mad for this, Brett went too far, and I think thats why he said it, to break him... I just think it's so interesting they went with a roast to get Myc back because it seems like roasts are like .... a bygone era? Like i bet if youre watching this show in your mid-late 20s you can remember when roasts were like, on tv all the time, but now you dont really see the concept all that much?? Idk i think it's interesting I guess. Anyway comparing Myc to Jar Jar Binks is a hate crime and im gonna beat up brett for it <3
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oh my GOD look how curled in and angy he is.... his little fists....
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SIDEBAR!!! Eberyone SO HAPPY that he's back, like all of them so fucking.,... LIKE I SPECFICALLY want to talk about GLENN of all people. Like dont get me wrong, all of them are really pleased, but GLENN? Like.... look at how SOFT his face is?? Like he is so genuinely glad to have this fucker back,,,,,, hgusehkl;s and also andre.... oh dr lee dont make that face ur gonna have me actin up ohhhhhhgggh hes so satisfied
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Aaaaaaaaaan, boom goes the dynamite
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SO! ANOTHER THING TO NOTE!!!!! When Myc is getting ready to do this whole spore process thing, and use his big powers here, he very slightly switched back to his hive color palette.... but then a moment later we see him in his normal one, so im thinking he is like.... getting all of the hives influence just.... out of him for good? maybe i dunno but i like that
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god god god god. okay HERE his voice is SO CALM so!! JUST SO!! He understands that Reagan isn't insulting him, he knows that she really cares..... he makes me MELT ANS THEH NUN THE HEHPFIE:SJFKNK ANDS THEN AND THEN AND THEN IN THE NEXT SCENE IT CONTINUES OKAY
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MMMMMMM YES podcast myc ,,,, love this guy LOVE HIM LOVE HIM SM SMS SMSMMSMSMSMSMSMSMS AWOOOOOOOOOOGA I AM THE NUMBER 1 LISTENER OF FRESH DIRT UAGHHHHHH (i would also like to know if gigi and reagan drunk kiss pls)
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pregnant myc.... aright i am gonna give my OWN motherfucking opinions abt this because im TOO SERIOUS about it....
Myc is a mushroom, hes not a man, while he may use he/him pronouns, hes a mushroom first and foremost who canonically uses Mx. instead of Mr. like all of this is canon. He ALSO when finding out he is preggers, he says he wants to be a mother, a MOTHER, he wants to experience the joys of motherhood.... NON BINARY LEGEND! FUCKING mushrooms have NO TIES to human gender, so TEACHINALLY this cant really be considered mpreg, and it ISNT in my eyes, fucking label it mpreg all u fucking want but I DONT FUCKING AGREE OR BUY IT, dont come at me for this ill bully you into the ground
Anyway, my name is Anise and I want to thank everyone for their time for reading my Myc Cellium analysis. This character means more to me than anyone on the internet or even Shion Takeuchi herself can fathom.... and as far as IM concerned, i love him more than ANYONE ever will, whats that post? If Myc has fans, im one of them, if he doesnt, that means im dead, or whatever. I DONT KNOW I JUST KNOW that I love him more than EVERYONE and that is a FACT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
anyway if you like inside job and like self insert shipping content folow me to see my silly little guy kiss this stupid mushroom and stream inside job on netflix <3
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darkgeminisworld · 4 years ago
This is gonna be a rant about a probably toxic friend so if you don't wanna read it, this is a heads up.
Okay so for several reasons, most of them being that I need to move on, I decided to write this lengthy rant about a friend I'm pretty sure will not be a friend of mine for much longer, which sucks bc he's almost my only irl friend but also feels good bc he's exhausting and I'm pretty sure he's also toxic.
I've met this guy like 6 and a half years ago, and we pretty much bonded over shared interests pretty fast. The first thing that bothered me was that he'd always be late, which would be absolutely fine if he'd been honest about it. But writing that it's five minutes until he's there and then showing up 30 minutes after that, or writing "I'm on your doorstep" and taking another ten minutes to show up, almost every single time, isn't, especially since I strained to be on time the first months (meaning I'd be too early bc my brain only does too early or too late, nothing in between). And his being late wasn't just 20 or 30 minutes, several times he was over an hour late. Oh, and once when we had agreed to meet he legit wasn't home and I waited around 2 hours, which I really should have held a grudge for back then and been way more pissed at him.
The second thing that bothered me was that he was way too nosy. He'd ask if I'm free to meet and play video games or whatever and whenever I said no he'd ask what I'm doing and if I can't manage my time another way to make time for him. And the thing is, not only did I not ask several times after he told me that he's busy that day, but I actively told him, several times over the course of about the last two years, that it bothers me and asked him to tone it down. My problem here is only that he didn't stop after I asked him to, bc before I told him and asked him, how was he supposed to know.
Coming out to him went well, though he did ask me whether I'm into him, which... No. Obviously it could've gone a lot worse, but still.
The next is more a small annoyance, a small itch, although it might have been a warning sign. He couldn't handle defeat very well. In most video games he was better, but he low-key aggressively denied it when I pointed out the win-lose ratio in my all-time favourite video game series and he'd try to cheat at other games. If it was only about him being competitive I'd understand, but that doesn't mean trying to rewrite the past by blatantly lying about it and ridiculing me for pointing out that that's bullshit, especially since it's only games, played for the fun of it.
We also went to the cinema sometimes, though if it had been up to him it'd have been way more often and that's another point where he really didn't let it go after getting a no. Whether he wanted to watch a horror movie after being told, several times, that I really don't like horror movies, or just the general question of whether we'd be going to the cinema, he'd ask again and ask what I'm doing, why did I not want to go, would another time be good, couldn't I ask my parents for money (which, to be fair, I could have. But I preferred not to bc back then it was really stressful bc we had to move and renovate and I just didn't wanna add more frustration if that makes sense? Plus I wanted to get my hands on some things, which required to save up) etc. Almost every time we did end up going, it was he who initiated it. I mean, don't get me wrong, I wanted to see some of the movies just as badly as he did, but... And if he can't even accept "no" from a friend of several years (also a 100% guy friend as far as he is aware bc I didn't start to address gender issues with him), I'm worried about other contexts with that word. Also we did some kind of text role play (just texting back and forth with OCs inserted into several fantasy works like the Inheritance Cycle, who would parttake in the storyline, no set rulebook or anything) and his characters did some questionable and even outright deplorable things and when I wanted his character to suffer consequences, he always wanted him to get away with it. Like, his idea for one of his characters "pranking" mine in reaction to a prank which in itself was a retaliation to his character's pranks was kidnapping and waterboarding my character. And he kept defending it as a prank and demanded that my character should just forgive his character, like... It really made (and continues to make) me wonder and worry just how much of his darker thoughts I don't know about. And I don't know how accurate it is but I once saw a post with a quote that went along the lines of "man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth." (btw I couldn't think of a satisfactory way to phrase it so I ended up looking up the quote and apparently it's from Oscar Wilde)
So I spent a fair amount of time arguing with him over that and trying to explain to the best of my ability why it was wrong, and for some time it went better.
Fast forward a few months to the blm protests or more specifically news coverage of it and info I sent him. He defended cops and blamed the protestors and even justified the atrocities of the cops, so that was the first instance where we had a huge fight. I practically drowned him in links and videos etc and some weeks into that I thought I'd managed to get through to him (Spoiler: I didn't really get through to him) so I kept it in mind but continued to have contact with him and everything (bc at the time I didn't know that I didn't really get through as much as I thought).
From there on it pretty much went downhill. We had been thinking about doing a trip to London for a few days (his idea but at the time I really wanted to go, it was around 2 years ago when I still practically worshipped that one author, she who must not be named) and to this very day he's not letting it go completely. Even though the pandemic puts lots of obstacles in the way and I have more important things to worry about, namely final exams and applications. Even though London is expensive as shit and I still have no way to earn money atm. And about the vacation, I finally canceled last summer (and gave the aforementioned reasons) and he completely lost his shit and got super aggressive, insulted me and tried to guilt-trip me into taking that back and agreeing to still go on that vacation with him. Then we got into another fight where he wanted me to cancel the vacation with my grandparents, which was already planned and booked and everything in order to make time for the vacation I'd already said I don't want to go on with him anymore and aggressively demanded (he didn't ask, he sent a demand and bombarded me with exclamation marks) to know when exactly I'd be going on vacation with them. Then he went offline after I refused and ignored the next few messages I sent him and only replied when I asked "what I'd I reconsidered my stance on the trip?". I mean, baiting him with that definitely was shitty of me, but the result showed that that was basically what he wanted, pressure me into still going on that vacation. That specific conflict had been going on for weeks, bc despite me telling him that it's counterproductive and detrimental to my mental health to increase the pressure and therefore my anxiety about getting a job to pay for the trip, he kept pressuring me while acknowledging that he's giving me lots of pressure and anxiety and even using that against me.
He also didn't acknowledge that most times we try to meet, he goes offline for hours before replying and disappearing again. That would be absolutely fine if he didn't accuse me of doing that, which btw is his standard technique and it took me a long time to realize that. He always tries to shift the blame to make me look like the one at fault, and he always, always demands that I apologize when we had a fight via WhatsApp.
And when I started enforcing my boundaries and telling him to stop asking again and again why I can't meet, what I'm doing, or demanding other explanations, he started to attack me for the kind of language I use, so when I'm ever so slightly sarcastic he immediately latches onto that and creates a new conflict.
But this still isn't all, oh no. He's also basically an ecofascist, and is fully okay with sacrificing social justice to save the environment, completely choosing to ignore that the people he's protecting are the ones at fault and that the ppl who contribute the least are the ones experiencing the hardest ecological consequences.
He's said multiple times that he thinks both sides are equally bad, in the context of left and right in general as well as antifascism and fascism and that he doesn't "condone the oppressed defending themselves with any means necessary" bc that, too, would include violence. He's defending the "right to free speech" even when right-wingers say really disgusting shit, he disagrees with prohibiting demonstrations of ppl who think that Corona is a hoax, he has zero empathy for ppl who are affected, who suffer long-term consequences from infections, not even for ppl who die from it (he literally said "people die anyway, that doesn't justify imprisoning everyone else") and somehow still thinks he has the moral high ground.
And the last bit he did was explaining to me, from his endocisallohet white guy perspective, how I'm "not discriminated against" bc gay ppl in my country can get married (only since 2017 btw) and when I, despite the fact that I shouldn't have had to and that it was a real blow to my mental health, wrote him a message that was almost the length of an essay, he calmly started to question my replies with the detachedness of someone who's discussing whether pineapple belongs on pizza and demanding further explanation. To top it off, he said that marginalized ppl have to always reply to everyone calmly and politely, no matter if it was offensive bc the person asking might be unaware of that. Otherwise, he said, everyone would be right to stop listening to us. Like, he literally said that we don't deserve human rights if we're not licking the boots of our oppressors if that way of thinking is followed through to the end.
I almost forgot, he also thinks that white ppl should have a say in whether something is a racist slur, or whether something is racist in general (we're both white, but at least I'm trying my best to unlearn what my upbringing taught me instead of being the cliché of the white person who goes "how dare you call me racist, I've never been more insulted in my whole life!", which is basically his reaction)
So up until this last fight, I conceded some ground to him to end the fights and keep him as a "friend" not only bc I feel horrible when I imagine losing one of my only irl friends but also bc I was hoping I could get through to him and educate him, to the best of my ability, on how to be a good ally to marginalized people. But the disregard with which he treats my explanations why the way he talked (wrote) about marginalized people is absolutely not okay and the fact that he just told me that he genuinely doesn't see how he did anything wrong even after I explained it to him in detail is just too much to bear at this point.
Oh, and while looking through the chat to prove him a liar I found that apparently, to him a promise is a promise, no matter whether it was given under pressure or voluntarily, so do with that what you will.
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murphystartedthefire · 6 years ago
Conageddon: Richard VIP Meeting Recap
EDIT: I meant to say, I originally had a General Admission ticket, but a very kind soul Noémie who unfortunately couldn’t attend the con let me upgrade to her Richard Harmon VIP badge at a major discount and I can never thank her enough for that. 
- First off, someone in the VIP group had made friendship bracelets for everyone including Richard which was sweet. Another person had brought him a pink crop-top (tummy-bearing shirt) that said "Team Murphamy" on it, and when he saw it he IMMEDIATELY pulled his original shirt off and put it on. (Prompting one of the con staff members to walk in, see him topless, and just be like "Seriously, already?" LMAO.) He wore that for the rest of the meet & greet and group photo. *g*
- The VIP group was big (almost 20 people) but Richard made sure everyone had a chance to talk by going around the table and having each person say something, talk about where they’re from, ask him a question, etc. <3 A few people were still shy or couldn't come up with something, but most had something to ask. My first question was what's on his Murphy Playlist right now -- he said 500 songs but his big one for season six was “Villain” by David Ramirez. He also mentioned his favorite song is "Ballad of a Thin Man" by Bob Dylan, which is also on his Murphy list.
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- His family teased him about being in Boston on St. Paddys Day, were texting him to come back alive. After the con on Sunday he appropriately had tickets to a Dropkick Murphys concert. (Turns out he wasn't the only one.)
- Favorite scary movie: He likes bad & good horror movies. His favorite is Halloween III: Season of the Witch, a cult movie people hated at the time but is secretly the best movie ever made.
- Also quick note that immediately before taking that photo, Bob gave him the beads because he showed him his nips.
Murphy & The 100 Stuff
- When asked about his favorite dynamic/people to work with on the show he went to Luisa right away, said people don't realize how good she is. He talked about this again on their panel later, but he realized it was funny he felt so close to her and until recently they didn't really know anything about each other's personal lives. In season three he was going through something bad and she probably could tell but they never talked about it, they just set everything aside when they worked together and he needed that.
- He also clarified that when he said in the past that he wanted the Memori breakup to stick, he didn't want that to be taken against her or that he’s not happy about them getting back together -- it's that he wishes she could do more on her own without being shackled to him.
- He also talked about Bob and how they have a competitive energy and push each other, like from the first day they both wanted to prove they were the better actor. Don't remember the exact bit but he was imitating how they were sizing each other up like "he thinks he's the lead but I'm better than him, oh okay he's good." :P
- Some more Memori cuteness -- he went through a long answer about whether various characters would be good at beer pong or not. (Monty: good at beer pong. Octavia: bad at beer pong. Clarke: very bad. Murphy: possibly good but his anger gets in the way. Echo: no, ranged weapons are not the same as beer pong.) And finally settled on Emori being the person he'd partner with on the show just as he did with Luisa IRL -- because she's a thief and has quick fingers, she'd be very good.
- He cited Murphy's scene begging for Emori in "God Complex" as his most challenging scene, along with the beginning of season three. He answered the same question at the meet & greet and later on the panel about what Murphy would've done if she had died - he has no doubt he would have killed Clarke or she’d have to kill him first.
- About the bunker scene in 3x01 - there was a lot of improvisation and him just doing whatever came to him and going crazy. It was his idea to pour the bottle of wine over his head, and that was a MISTAKE because then he was all sticky and they had to fix it in hair and makeup. They called cut and he was immediately like "ohhh I'm so sorry, I got too into it." Some joking about how Murphy just remained sticky for the rest of his time in the bunker.
- Favorite episode he said was 2x11 but meant 2x12 -- Murphy and Jaha in the desert is his favorite storyline. He loved the line "Faith? Nah, I just got nothing better to do."
- He really regrets that Murphy never got to have a moment reacting to Jaha's death. They had such an important relationship where he hated him but also had this weird father/son dynamic, even though he'd killed his father... It wouldn't even need to be a whole scene, just "someone tells me Jaha didn't make it and I could just have a look, let me play that."
- Another regret: in season 3 he wanted the stuff with Ontari to go differently, he liked the idea that she represented a dark side for Murphy, just being the kind of person who takes whatever she wants and doesn't have morals and there's something he actually likes in that, and meanwhile Emori is his light and hope of having another chance. But they didn't really explore that. He often has to remember he's like in the C-storyline and there's other stuff going on with the leads.
- On how Murphy will respond to Monty and Harper's death, he said Murphy doesn't like to feel indebted to people and he'd be upset that Monty had just saved his life and he doesn't think he knew how much Murphy respected and cared about him. [That may or may not actually come into play onscreen or with Jordan, he suggested that Murphy's kind of wary and annoyed by Jordan because he's annoyed by everyone.]
Non-Spoilery S6 Spoilers
- I asked him about Murphy's mental health in season six. He said there will be more of that, not because he's dealing with it but that he's adding *new* problems. O_O
- One of the fans said she sees Murphy as symbolizing the whole of the show because he's all about surviving and it's something the audience relates to also. He said something about how "how far is he willing to go to survive" is a running theme for Murphy specifically and in season six we'll see an answer to that question.
- They're not really gonna show any more of what happened in the six years, they're past that. (lights a candle in mourning for the spacekru flashbacks I never got siiigh.)
- A girl talked about how she loves Clarke and Murphy and always wants them to be friends, and Richard was like LOL ENJOY SEASON SIX implying they will... probably not be that. ;) He did give a legit answer to her question about how they are similar characters, and he thinks part of why they haven't been friends is Murphy just initially didn't like her and associated her with the ruling class on the Ark, where he had been locked up since he was like 10. Anyway he told the Clarke/Murphy Friendship girl that it will be hard but she also might like it, because Clarke and Murphy's relationship and how they feel about each other is central to this season.
- He was *pissed* (his words) about something that got cut from the first episode in season six -- it was just a small thing at the end of a scene, it sounded like it was related to Murphy and Jordan, but he was just really frustrated that it was in there and then cut. He'll say what it was after the episode airs. And then there was something else in season six (!) where he had to film a much longer & difficult scene and they edited it down a lot. He says Jason promised him they would make the full version available somewhere. (Nicole says: I will believe this when I see it, and also I'll know what the hell he's talking about when I see it.)
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tumblunni · 6 years ago
What do you guys think about the names Dustin and Darcy for my protagonists in Let's Go?
Cos i really wanted to play the co op mode thing by myself, just so i can pretend this role in the plot is filled by two siblings and have a bit of fun roleplaying that. But i dunno yet how the co-op works and whether you'd be able to customize the avatar of the second player or if its just the default trainer? Or can you only play co-op if you have two separate games? Im planning to buy the other version anyway once i get more money, so it could be fun to play my first version with sibling one and then the second playthru is sibling two's turn to shine!
Oh and the whole reason i wanted to do this is cos i wanna try out the customization features to make some ocs now that there's no competitive online stuff unless you pay a subscription fee (LOL NO THANKS). Like..i always felt like i HAD to make my character me in xy/sumo/usum, otherwise its like lying online? But of course i cant actually make me because theres no nonbinary option or even remotely ambiguous outfits for either gender. And you cant have wild hair colours while i dye my hair 24/7 irl lol. Its silly cos like 95% of the gym leaders and other characters ingame have anime hair colours yet the player has to be normal? So yeah i cpuldnt really enjoy making this innacurate defanged version of myself yet i didnt feel like i was allowed to just make up a new character either. Closest i could do was give myself white hair like my old trainersona when i was 12, lol. I mean i guess thats my 'real hair colour' underneath the dye right now, if you think about it that way?
okay where was i
Yeah! I think sibling trainers could be a good and unique way to handle a rival! Like having them be your sibling already establishes that rivalry. But it can be a soft and nice rivalry! I wanna go with that fun version rather than the full on angry exaggerated sibling rivalries you often see in kids media. Like i know that some people legit dont get on with their siblings and some people can even have a very gary esque full on rivalry thats sorta 'love to hate' or like..tsundere pretending you hate them. But personally i never had experience with that, i can never relate to those 'tfw u hate ur sibling and theyre always an asshole but lolll u love them anyway' posts. I only got to live with my little sister for a little while due to the catastrophe of abusive parenthood that was my childhood, and i lost contact with her forever when she was very young so i doubt she'd even remember me. *sigh* But like i don't think i only love her so much because i miss her! People say newborns and toddlers are the most bratty so like you'd think if i was gonna ever find her 'annoying' i would have done it back then. I was always just mega proud of her and whenever she'd be 'bratty' i'd be cheering her on and trying to protect her from mom. And when she'd try and pull pranks on me or practise play-fighting or whatever i was just like 'lol thats legit funny' and taking play-falls so she felt better about herself. Like we didnt have much power in that household so i felt like encouraging her pretending to be a wrestler would help her feel like she had some sort of control in some part of her life i guess? And just i wished i was allowed to roughhouse and run around and be all 'unladylike' and just enjoy BEING A KID when i was a kid, yknow? I always had legit fun being with her and legit enjoyed it and was legit proud and legit never annoyed. I just dont understand 'yeah she's annoying but i love her anyway'. I was only ever her rival as a play-rival to help encourage her to like.. Enjoy the things she enjoyed. Feel like someone else cared. I only ever acted like 'ha ha baby stuff yeah sure i hate hanging out with my sister" cos i thought i was SUPPOSED TO. I always felt so guilty doing it and so dissappointed cos id rather hang out with her than be a boring stereotypical teen tbh. I dunno, maybe this isnt typical for siblings and its just a sign of how badly we were raised? I was just real fuckin lonely and absolutely loved having a family member who loved me for the first time since my grandma died. Same reason i always used to act all 'i am too cool i totally am not soft for my lil sister' around my lil sister's dad. I really wanted him to love me too! I used to say swear words at him cos i thougjt he would thibk i was Cool And Adult?? I have soooo many cringe moments from that phase of my childhood. Man it hurts to think that i never actually did get to become that positive influence that protected my sister from my mum and let her know she was loved. Cos i was sent to live with my dad when she was like 5ish? And never saw her again and now im too scared to try and reach out to her again because 1: she probably doesnt even remember me, 2: theres a chance she believes my mum saying i was some horrible asshole who abandoned the family, 3: even bigger chance that contacting her could mean my mum finding me again and big fuckin risk of further abuse. Plus the awkwardness of introducing my trans self when she'd remember me as her sister and all. Sigh! All i can do is hope that her cool dad eventually got custody of her, and that he didnt turn out to be a secret bastard like when i met my own dad. He seemed good, but then again i was just a lil kid and my dad seemed good at first. Sighhhhhh...
Anyway the point is that whenever i write siblings i'd rather write 100% unapologetic super loving love cos its wish fullfillment for me. This is also why in/cest shipping is a massive beserk button for me, good wholesome family relationships are REAL FUCKIN IMPORTANT and how DARE you corrupt that shit! Some people would fuckin KILL to have that wholesome family!!
Anyway lol thats why i'd like a Wholesome Rivalry for these sibling ocs! Like they challenge each other to contests along the way just for fun, and they react all 'wow my sis is the BEST' when you beat them, so hard feelings at all. And you dont JUST do rival stuff but also sometimes just hang out and have fun cos you missed each other. And if anyone threatens your sibling then THAT is the only time you see the Serious Sibling Power! Rival moments: ha ha lol bet ya cant beat me ooo im a scary villain LOL I CANT KEEP A STRAIGHT FACE HAHA! Giovanni punches your brother: *stony cold death glare from hell as tricksy prank sis turns into an unstoppable vengeance engine* Oh, but also the only other time they'd be serious is in their final battle together! Like most of the 'rivalry' is just competing to make the adventure fun and to help each other get stronger. But if sis/bro ever actually legit said they really want to fight to find out who's the best, and its like..important to help their self confidence, then i think bro/sis would respect that and go all out. Taking a fall and letting them win would be the most disrespectful thing of all! Oh, but i do think there would be one kind of battle like that during the story? Like in one of the more low stakes faux-rival fights the sibling actually does try and let you win, and the challenge is to try and lose against all odds. High stakes super failure battle!!! Imagine the evil team in the background like 'wtf' as these two run the most aggressively slow race of all time! XD
Oh and i kinda thought about different personalities for the two of them based on who you pick? Like i did like that aspect about brendan/may in RSE compared to other 'unpicked option becomes rival' characters in later games that didnt even have one personality let alone two. It just sucks that the personalities they decided to give them were 'female rival is super self concious and thinks youre better than her because youre a boy' and 'male rival is super ego and thinks he's better than you because he's a boy'. Boooo!
So instead of that the personalities i was thinking for these two would be less sexist lol. Male sibling Dustin is basically Wally so far? I need to develop him a bit more to make him a bit distinct, i mean its not like every single shy dude is identical. I'm thinking maybe mix him with all the wasted potential in Brendan? Like in the game they slightly hint at him having the ONE non stereotypical trait of liking cute teddy bears, and that made me think about how much better his whole plot would have been if it actually criticized his sexism and said that he only behaves that way cos he's overcompensating for being bullied for being 'feminine', yknow? And then in the manga they actually DO write him as super feminine, and even as a contest star who loves fashion and dressing up his pokemon! But then GAHHH they present it as some sort of fuckin 'character flaw', like he's shown to be selfish and superficial because of it. And the backstory is that him and the female protagonist used to be 'normal' until a traumatic event. Brendan was a Natural Fighting Prodigy until he saved his female friend from a wild pokemon and was so traumatized that he never wanted to fight again, while she wanted to learn to fight so she'd never need to be protected again. But this is not only presented as Wrong Ways To Be Gender but also like.. Fighting their natural instinct which still comes through?? Like male protag hasnt fought in YEARS yet whenever he's forced to fight he's just magically better at it than female protag who's been practising all these years to become his equal. Ha ha silly girl you can never achieve that! All you get is this patronizing 'well if you just tryyyyy girly things im sure you'll like it' plot and then you get rescued by him in the end because OF COURSE you do. Sigh! I cant believe they made me hate that pairing even more than the games did! So yeah i dont really wanna write Dustin as a jerkass who's secretly got synpathetic motives of internalized homophobia/sexism, cos i feel thats a plot very specific to my perceptuons of Brendan and id basically just have to make Dustin a clone of him and he wouldnt be able to shine on his own merits. Instead i'm just thinking of writing him as a 100% sensitive soul, and he still faces predjudice for not being that bigoted idea of an 'ideal man' but really the fact he doesnt bow down to their demands proves that he's the bravest person here.
And then I'm thinking maybe the female sibling Darcy is the older one and is a bit "gary ish"? Like eitjer way you still have a friendly and loving siblingness, but she's a bit more of a sass who is tsundere about admitting she loves her bro. But i dont think she's the cold or grumpy sort of tsundere, more like a trickstery tomboy? Bombastic loki jock sis! She can only be a bit abrasive with her bro cos she wants to teach him to be tough even when she's not there to protect him. But sometimes she can mess it up and make him feel like he has to change his personality in order to be tough, rather than letting him know she supports him in being "unmasculine" and just wants to help him find the confidence to stand up to people who bully him for it. Like she feels like she is 'weaker' than him in the sense that she worries too much about what people will think if she expresses her real emotions, yknow? Like theyre both suffering from toxic masculinity! He's suffering from the standard form where men who are too 'soft' are beaten down into that mould. Ans she's suffering from the problem where 'masculine' girls feel like they have to be '100% masculine' in order to be allowed to be themselves at all. Like back when i was a kid and before i came out as trans i always used to try and pretend to like sports ans like..cliche macho shit where you Cant Admit You Care About Your Friends and also i wasnt allowed to like ANY feminine things at all. I had to either follow the stereotype of femininity entirely or follow the opposite stereotype, i wasnt allowed to just reject stereotypes and like what i actually like. So yeah me realizing i wasnt really a girl has led to me embracing more 'girly' things than back when i thought i was one! So i think Darcy would have a similar arc but like..the cis equivelant? Just finds people who arent such judgmental pricks and stops having to conform to either of those stereotypes in order to keep fake friends who dont really give a shit about her. She can have a plot about both forced feminine and masculine stereotypes being equally limiting, rather than that shitty 'being masculine is a prison uwu every woman will be happier embracing her love of makeup' shit. That dominant narrative just made me feel like i was somehow wrong about myself whenever i didnt like 100% Of Sports All The Time, i must be somehow girly if i liked even ONE girly thing yet i needed hundreds of proofs if i wanted to be masculine. And like i wasnt just allowed to be neither! I wasnt allowed to like parts of both! I wasnt allowed to BE GODDAMN TRANS!!! So yeah i dunno if i'd go whole hog and make this character a trans man or a nonbinary person tho? I think she's just actually a cis girl who happens to be sporty and brash and likes a lot of 'masculine' fashion and hobbies. And she's just been made to feel self concious about it, as if she cant possibly REALLY be that unless she likes Every Single Boy Thing and wins at Every Single Challenge. Does anyone else remember that shit too? The girls have to win Every sports game against the boys in order to be 'one of the boys' but if you lose even one of them it somehow proves that you're inferior. Even though the boys lost 50 billion games to you and that doesnt prove theyre inferior! Like man she has sooooo many 'gary rivals' in her school life, thats why she loves going on this adventure with a kind brother rival who actually respects her! So her resolution would just be her staying the same but being more confident about it and saying fuk u to those fake friends. Same as her brother's plot, just they both face different specifics to the way this sexism affects them, yknow?
Oh but yeah when i did finally learn about LGBT stuff and realize i was trans it was Big Amazing cos even in the rare stories about Its Okay To Be Yourself it still left me feeling weirdly empty when the girl decides that yes she does wanna be a girl in the end. So i get that these plots might come off as queerbaiting if i write them badly? I need to make sure to make it clear that these characters 100% want to be seen as this gender and its just other people being fuckfaces and trying to define what their gender has to mean. I think maybe i'll try and mitigate this potential misunderstanding by adding different sorts of lgbt content. And, well, also cos i just want lgbt content in all of my stories because i am lgbt, of course! I'm 100% sure that Darcy is gay, and i think also maybe possibly Dustin is trans? Like, his plot is about being mocked for being a 'feminine' boy, but its also even more personal for him because he's a trans boy and he feels like he needs to change his personality in order to pass/he isnt really real because his personality doesnt fit the stereotypical image of a man. Like if you'd looked at the two of them back when they were identical twins, you probably would have expected Darcy to end up being trans if you were the sort of person who believes those basic ass stereotypes about 'boys who play with barbies and girls who play with trucks'. Or i mean maybe its the other way around and Darcy is a trans girl who still has a 'masculine' personality according to stereotypes? Or even both of them are trans and both face being told that they arent real because they dont fit the perfect stereotype of a trans person according to cis perceptions? Or maybe i'm overcomplicating things with all of this and it'd just muddy the message i guess. I might just keep it to them both being cis but also both of them like girls. And i can always apply my trans and other LGBT headcanons to other characters along their adventure.
Anyway LOL im rambling too much!
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dskid · 8 years ago
memeghan answer me every single question from the overwatch thing
YES it’s all under the cut!
1. Who is your defense main?
junkrat! my sweet baby boy
2. Who is your support main?
3. Who is your offense main?
4. Who is your tank main?
5. Who is you MAIN main?
junkrat RIP
6. Which character have you played the least?
mei or ana,,, i never play them if i can help it tbh
7. Which character do you want to learn how to play?
MCCREE, genji, hanzo, widow, tracer
8. Which character do you dislike the most?
HANZO I HATE HANZO SM as a character… but hes fun to play and im >:- (
9. Which character’s background story do you like the most?
genji, reaper, or mccree definitely!!
10. Which character’s background story do you like the least?
idk really, just the bland ones :’- )
11. Which map is your favorite?
i love hanamura and it’s not just because genji….. i just. really love hanamura
12. Which map is your least favorite?
lijiang tower >:- ( it sucks and i hate it
13. What Arcade game type is your favorite?
mystery heroes or honestly 3v3′s !!
14. What Arcade game type is your least favorite?
total mayhem is Terrible tbh
15. Do you prefer quick play, competitive, arcade mode, or custom games?
i love quick play the most! it’s fun and u can dick around without consequence (though i prefer winning to. Not winning)
16. Which map type is your favorite? Assault, escort, assault & escort, control, or arena?
assault or control maps are my favs !! escort is fine but control? good shit dude
17. Which map type is your least favorite? Assault, escort, assault & escort, control, or arena?
assault and escort are :- / but u know
18. Which event map was your favorite?
idk if it counts as an event map since it’s still here but i love all the new elimination maps!
19. Which event map reskin was your favorite?
winter wonderland!
20. Which event was your favorite?
i didnt get to play it but junkenstein’s revenge? or the uprising event bc BLACKWATCH REYES’S VOICE I NUT
21. Which event legendary skin was your favorite?
i nut for all of the blackwatch skins
22. Which event was your least favorite?
cant say!
23. Which event legendary skin was your least favorite?
24. Which event non-legendary skin was your favorite?
genji’s sparrow skin makes me NUT
25. Which event non-legendary skin was your least favorite?
all of the piss yellow skins
26. Which event item do you most regret not getting?
genji’s and mccree’s dance emotes :’- ( i want them so bad
27. Did you beat the Uprising event on Normal, Hard, Expert, and Legendary?
couldnt play it aaaahahaha
28. Do you have Sombra’s “Power Outage” achievement?
29. Do you have Widowmaker’s “Smooth as Silk” achievement?
30. Do you have Lucio’s “The Floor is Lava” achievement?
nope :’- )
31. Do you have Zenyatta’s “Rapid Discord” achievement?
n o pe,
32. What was the first achievement you got?
i think it was the one u get for getting a quad kill with junkrat’s rip tyre
33. Did you get the “Not A Scratch,” achievement on Junkenstein’s Revenge?
34. What has been the hardest achievement to get for you?
any of the ones for the pixel sprays bc the pixel sprays make me nut
35. What’s your current SR score in Competitive Mode?
i dont play comp
36. What the highest you’ve been in Competitive?
37. What’s the most amount of placement matches you’ve won?
38. How many gold guns do you have?
0 aha but i want junkrat’s so people know im annoying
39. Which was the first gold gun you got?
40. Whose gold gun do you currently want?
41. What role do you usually play in Competitive?
42. If you don’t play Competitive, why not?
too intense? and im honestly not that good at ovw so my team would carry me the whole time and it would be :- (
43. What kind of theme event would you like to see in the future?
i just want to play junkenstein’s revenge dude
44. What type of character would you like to see in the future?
45. Who needs more (or better) skins in the future?
REAPER and basically all my faves except genji cause hes good
46. What country would you like a new character to come from?
i dont really care,,,,,,
47. Favorite voice line?
“hear me baby?” - torbjorn
48. Favorite player icon?
GOLDEN PACHIMARI but i have goldrat rn
49. Favorite emote?
all of the dance emotes but roadhog’s and junkrat’s are my faves cause they HIGH FIVE
50. Favorite spray?
51.Favorite victory pose?
uhh idk! i love basically all of them tbh but reaper’s shrug probably? i love reaper
52. Favorite highlight intro?
53. Characters you ship the most?
mcgenji and roadrat 8- )
54. Characters you ship the least?
aside from bad ships™, meihem and mercyhog are both Rly Bad in my opinion, along with gency and mercykill (both very bad)
55. Characters you wish had more in-game interactions?
FUCKign…. mccree and genji…… and if reaper and doomfist dont have a lot of interactions those two also
56. Character you wish had a comic about?
i want hanzo and genji to have their own individual comics or one together about their childhood
57. Favorite comic released?
the junkers going legit comic
58. Favorite short released?
DRAGONS cause im a ho for genji
59. Favorite new character released?
60. Overwatch, Blackwatch, or Talon?
61. Pro-Omnic or anti-Omnic?
pro-omnic but only for zenyatta…… im love him
62. Favorite character that isn’t a playable one? (Ex: Emily, Brigitte, Gerard, Efi, etc.)
gerard or efi probably? theyre both v good
63. Character change (nerf, boost, work around) that you liked the most?
roadhog going faster and having more bullets
64. Character change (nerf, boost, work around) you liked the least?
i cant fuckign hook anyone anymore
65. Best ultimate?
i love d.va’s nerf this but i can never position it right,,,, and i love rip tyre
66. Worst ultimate?
widow’s is the most useless tbh
67. Most kills in game?
never enough :’- ) 41 tho
68. Most heals in game?
69. What character do you think needs a nerf?
SYMMETRA i hate playing against her >:- ( her beam takes no skill to use and also winston’s beam needs to heck off
70. What character do you think needs a buff?
reinhardt… give the man a range…..
71. Have you ever rage quit in the middle of a game?
nope i only leave games early if i have to do something else irl or if my internet goes out
72. What’s the fastest you’ve won a game?
like……… 1:10
73. What’s the fastest you’ve lost a game?
i forget it probably wasnt too far off from 1:00 - 1:20 tho
74. Your best Overwatch-related story?
UMM idk ! all the skirmishes where the enemy team dances with me and stuff r lit and when people have the low grav parties with me on horizon lunar colony it’s also lit
75. Weirdest thing that happened to you on Overwatch?
nothing weird really happens to me in ovw tbh…
76. Platform you play on?
77. Do you stream?
78. Do you normally play solo or with friends?
i try to play with friends more than i do solo but i will solo sometimes
79. Have you made any friends because of Overwatch?
MADDY!! and u and kelly and rose!
80. Have you cosplayed a character from Overwatch?
no but i really want to cosplay young  / sparrow genji really fuckgin bad
81. Have you ever wrote fan fiction about Overwatch?
im in… the process……
82. What’s the lowest you’ve been in Competitive?
i dont play comp
83. In “All Brawls,” if you get “Charge!” do you play Reinhardt or do you pick the Lucio role?
i missed these
84. In “All Brawls,” if you get “One Shot, One Kill,” do you play Ana, Hanzo, or Widowmaker?
i missed these
85. In “All Brawls,” if you get “This is Ilios,” do you pick Lucio or Roadhog?
i missed these
86. Team Genji or Team Hanzo?
87. Be honest! Do you usually get on the payload?
yes! im always the one calling for people to get on it tbh
88. Does your team?
not usually :’- )
89. What’s the longest session of Overwatch you’ve played?
when i first got it…… ive played it for a solid 6 hours in a row with no breaks bc i suck
90. No Limits, Mystery Heroes, or Total Mayhem?
mystery heroes definitely
91.Most cosmetics you have for one character?
i think i have the most for mercy but i cant remember?
92. Least cosmetics you have for one character?
93. Have you ever made your own custom game?
only to practice playing genji
94. Best D.Va skin?
CRUISER, junebug, or carbon fiber
95. Best Mercy skin?
the witch one
96. Best Tracer skin?
97. Zarya’s Industrial and Cybergoth skins: yes, no, or HELL NO?
98. Do you want more animal character, robot characters, or human characters?
human characters (theyre easier to draw and im a Weenie when it comes to drawing mechs / robots)
99. Is there are character you’d get rid of completely?
hanzo bc i hate him or sym bc i cant play against her no matter how hard i try
100. What do you think Sombra’s real name is?
something really pretty………. idk what exactly………….. but something just Real Good
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