#and it isn't a compassionate love
thesummerstorms · 3 months
I've been dabbling in a project, mostly world building and not actual fic because my brain is a strange creature, but I have decided that in my interpretation of the PJO universe, Athena is ... well a strategist in all things.
Including the creation of her children.
The way I'm envisioning it, creating a child from her own mind isn't really a task she undertakes casually.
Yes, she does it occasionally as a "gift" to a mortal whose mind she admires. There's no romantic or sexual relationship, but it's an intense, consuming relationship all the same.
Children born for that reason (or for just that reason) are rare though. Athena might have many favorites, but she's also proud. Who deserves a child entirely crafted by a Goddess? Only the few.
I think, in a normal decade, the number of Athena campers is actually on the lower end compared to most of the other Olympians.
None of the Campers outside of Athena's own children every really figure it out, and Chiron, who knows, would sooner die than tell them.
But when there are many children of Athena, like there are in Annabeth's childhood, it's a sign that something strange or terrible is coming.
Athena is a strategist, the right hand of Zeus, his favorite child, the one who forsees and attempts to dismantle threats to Olympians' power. She moves the pieces into place without hesitation or sentimentality.
And the easiest pieces to control, of course, would be her own children.
Other demigods have other immortal parents to listen to, no matter how strong their desire for victory or their inherent cunning. Her own children are fragments of her own mind- much more reliable. Much easier to predict.
And if in the years leading up to whatever disturbance she forsees she chooses mortal parents for her children with calculation, with an eye for the skill sets and temperaments she predicts most needing in the dark times ahead...well, the child and their parent should be honored by her forethought.
It isn't even that she has no affection for the parent or child, in so much as she is capable of affection. But Athena is always, always three steps ahead, and her actions always have intent. Her children are no different.
A demigod, ultimately, is a weapon in the hands of the gods. It's best that the ones she chooses are well-crafted.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 4 months
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License to Kitty.
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clockwork-carstairs · 6 months
i have to say seeing how popular jem is now, knowing he hasn't always been, is SO reassuring and relieving. not because other characters aren't great or have good values, but because it means jem's standout qualities – things like kindness, compassion, gentleness, being thoughtful – are being appreciated and seen as more important and that's SUCH a good thing. especially knowing ya's history of pushing forward the toxic-cocky-mysterious bad boy agenda… we're finally putting qualities like kindness above that, which is a really positive step forward. i know it's more nuanced than this, and tsc's characters are far more nuanced (jem's sole trait isn't being kind, for instance) but he wasn't always appreciated this much and as a longtime jem fan i truly love to see it. i grew up reading books where the mc always went for the mysterious bad boy character – ruder, testy, provocative – and often these characters were more popular because being kind was seen as 'boring' or meant you could only ever be in the friendzone. jem was one of the first characters i read who had this really horrible backstory, but throughout everything was genuinely just kind. it's really wonderful to see so many people appreciating that :)
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I'd love to hear your reasons why in the notes <3
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elloras · 1 year
do you ever just get emotional about how much brett and phil love each other
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butchsophiewalten · 1 year
Man this is so random but this theory is stuck in my head and I wanna see how other people feel about it because I don't see people talk about it a lot (I have no clue if the link will go through properly since I've never put a link in a ask box)
Oh god not this theory again. I really truly try not to be mean to people for no good reason on this blog, but this theory is literally one of the stupidest fucking things I've ever seen in my entire life. I don't talk about this theory because to me it's like the walten files theory equivalent of that tubby custard mechanically separated chicken post.
Most of the time I genuinely don't even consider it worthy of my time, because it's nonsense, but this is a very nicely worded ask, and I really don't mean to dedicate any of the vitriol I hold towards this theory to You, poor anonymous person, so I will deconstruct it. I will go through the theory point-by-point and deconstruct why I disagree with it.
First up, this:
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Showbear is not a character in The Walten Files anymore. Showbear was fully retconned and is never going to appear in the series again. He was effectively just a cameo of ThunderingStatic's (one of Martin's friends) OC, but when The Walten Files blew up and people started assuming Showbear was Martin's character, Static decided to withdraw his character from the series and focus putting him in other projects.
Martin talked about this on Twitter forever ago, but I wouldn't be able to find that tweet now. But here's a bit from the interview he did with KnowYourMeme back in 2021 where he talks about it:
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Now this:
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This is just stupid to me? Like a complete logical incongruity? I barely even know how describe what is dumb about this because I can't even fathom how anyone draws this conclusion from this information. How is it strange for a man to say 'if my wife isn't home by the time she said she was going to be, let me know, in case something happened.'????? Why would Rosemary be out cheating on her husband with her fucking daughter with her??? If Rosemary was cheating on her husband why would her whole life collapse when he went missing? If Rosemary was cheating on her husband why would she show up at the restaurant every day after he disappeared asking if anyone had seen him and hoping to find him alive??? Why would she make paintings of herself and him together after he disappeared????? What the fuck are you talking about?
Ok now this:
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Whatever. This is maybe the most coherent part of the theory, to me. I definitely agree that Sha evokes a 'wolf in sheep's clothing' sort of aesthetic, but I do remember Martin saying something in a Twitter Q&A at one point about how that wasn't actually intentional, and that Bon was the character he actually meant to seem unusually predatory. I looked for a while and couldn't find a screenshot of that, but I did find this one where he says the thing about Bon:
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So whatever. take that with a grain of salt.
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I don't even know what to say. here. Whatever. sure she was rolling in the hay
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yeah Rosemary is asking if she's still beautiful because she cheated on her husband and not because she was chopped up and stuffed inside a big animatronic sheep. I think this is correct and is the True Deep Lore.of the walten files. I'm sure this doesn't have anything to do with the recurring motif of the double-meaning behind the word Beautiful either.
I don't know why it's weird that the lost lingering spirit of a mother would be calling out to her only living child. I Don't know why that needs additional explanation involving this batshit infidelity conspiracy theory.
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Sha's chest is also ripped out
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So is Banny's, honestly? Just a little less?
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ok now this:
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I guess I can't disprove this except that I think this is dumb. I think this is a really incredibly stupid logical leap to make. Y'know I really meant to go into this levelheadedly and very calmly go through every point and talk about why I think it's Decisively Disagreeable or whatever but I can't. I really can't. I just cannot keep my patience with this sort of thing.
You'd think if there was an infidelity aspect here it would've been lampshaded in some respect, at all, in the old /sophiewalten findjackwalten page text. Where it's literally Sophie talking to Jenny about what she remembers about her family.
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Especially if the idea is that Sophie is meant to have been there. You'd think something like that would have come up here. Not 'she was nice and a good mom until my dad disappeared and her mental health started getting worse'
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carefulfears · 2 months
what do you consider the heart of californication? like really carries through the series & makes it compelling
thank you for this question, i really love it. to me, it's a number of things, starting with that the show cares deeply about hank and takes him seriously in a way that the culture doesn't. in a way, yes, he's their dog and pony show with the funny one-liners and the salacious pull. but the arc of the series is unequivocally aligned with him and his desires and his needs and his values.
hank wants to be with his family, wants to be better for them, wants to not let them down- and the show needs him to fail at all of those things. for the dog and pony of it all, for their viewership and for their thesis and for the food in their mouths, but it simultaneously feels bad that he is failing. simultaneously knows that this isn't what he wants, and that it's sad. and it can be as simple as a dream sequence or a look or a quiet final scene, but every single episode is ultimately going to remind you that everything you're laughing at is a loss.
which, like i said at the top, speaks to a level of respect that the show had for the character that is just gone in discussions of the series. they take the time to recognize that he is missing something. he is losing something and he is without everything that means anything to him, this is the cost. equally important, duchovny respects that character and understands the same.
i was listening to an interview last night (trish you heard this) where he was speaking with some podcast dudebros and one of the hosts said that he always wanted to be just like hank moody, and then he made some "bad decisions" and got there, and he doesn't like it. and duchovny said that every time people come up to him saying "i'm just like hank moody," he says "i'm sorry."
men watch and they want to be just like hank moody and women watch and they want to fuck hank moody so bad, and all of you miss what the source comprehends: that it's an irreparable deficit.
other than that, i feel like what roots that show is that it really isn't all that cynical. not in the way that it could be. and the show believes in hank.
there is a lot of kindness and hope (often false hope) that runs underneath most every relationship and interaction and dynamic in the series and i really really appreciate that about it. it's like in the pilot when hank is being mean and he wants marcy to yell at him and she just says "go home, honey. sleep it off. tomorrow's another day."
there's always a little bit of understanding and grace amongst the crazies and i think there's something really special about that
#gave up on this <3 you're gonna pick up what i put down. i trust#people on this show love each other. that's the heart of californication#at the end of s3 when one of the women that hank had slept with (felicia) says 'it's all done with great affection' about#them dragging him to HELLLLLLL all day lol#'come here. be happy in new york.'#and she goes back in to her husband. happy and laughing#that's just one of my favorite scenes because everyone on the show wants the best for each other#and it isn't just people being lenient and softer than deserved with hank#he is extremely loving to family/friends/random women#and all of the characters are so good and thoughtful to each other#it's nice in a way that stands out in a sardonic comedy that's reduced to 'tits and ass'#there is so much compassion and care cycling through everybody#that's what carries the series for ME. and i don't think i could really explain it further#even random scenes like lew ashby coming into the bathroom to talk to becca when she's sobbing and won't let her mom in#there isn't any reason for him to do that. it isn't because he wants to fuck karen. it isn't because he's a particularly charitable person.#it's because it's his buddy's kid and he wants her to feel better#i don't think there's a character on the show who wouldn't do that for bec or for the core 4 or for mia#but anyway i know what you mean and i think those things are mainly what grounds it#that it's ultimately compassionate and that it respects its lead#californication
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mislamicpearl · 5 years
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The Science Guy
Originally posted on DeviantArt Apr 1, 2019 DO NOT REPOST
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theheadlessgroom · 10 days
"He...he was."
For so much of her life, August Pace had been Susannah's whole world: She had some memories of her mother, true, but her death in a boating accident when her daughter was three years old had left those memories as being few and far between. Most of what she knew came to her second-hand, stories her father fondly recalled of their courtship, their marriage, and how happy they were to welcome their one and only child into their life.
But beyond these stories keeping the memory of her mother alive in her heart, August Pace was Susannah's one and only family member, and thus, was always by her side, loving and supporting and encouraging her every step of the way. They looked out for one another, they leaned on each other for comfort, they made each other laugh on hard days, they celebrated each other's victories, no matter how small...thus, it was so bizarre, to be on her own now. To be alone.
"He was the best father I could have ever had," she admitted with a small smile. "He was very...warm and gentle. He loved to garden and to cook; most every fruit or veggie we cooked with, he grew himself in our garden. He worked hard, in every job he had, he gave it his all, and even when he didn't get his due despite that, he didn't let it slow him down. He was kind and had a good sense of humor and...I miss him very dearly."
Quickly brushing away the little teardrops pricking the corners of her eyes (hoping Philippe wouldn't notice), Susannah then asked, "Wh-What about your parents? Wh-What are they like?"
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blinday · 19 days
I love Shadow but how can they do this to my girl Amy
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stars-and-darkness · 7 months
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asenkaengel · 1 year
The Mandalorian season 3 is living proof that the writer's guild knew they were going to strike MONTHS in advanced.
There were so many character inconsistencies, and major plot lines just skipped over entirely. Plot threads that went absolutely nowhere, and overall, the show just kind of looked sloppy? The season just felt kind of incomplete, in my opinion.
Like they hastily threw it together to fill out the time before they (rightfully, we support fair wages for all on this page 😌) striked.
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thatwitchrevan · 2 years
The star wars dichotomy of 'loving droids to indicate high compassion and empathy' vs 'hating droids to indicate high Trauma'.
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llycaons · 2 years
the similarities between wq and wwx are so indelible and unmistakable and painful...soul siblings or something
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mechieonu · 2 years
i'm in the middle of the mooncass arc and y'all who was gonna tell me miscommunication hurts like this
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harrowharkwife · 2 years
#god i need to go back to therapy but i don't want to unless i can find a therapist#who is experienced in working with autistic adults#i just. ive accepted at this point that om not going to get anywhere#or get anything helpful#out of therapy until/unless i start acknowledging my autism in the process instead of trying to continue pretending it's not there#like. talk therapy just isn't going to be useful for me otherwise. I've hit the ceiling in terms of what progress i can make#without turning over that log#and i just. i really WANT therapy for my autism. not in a 'fix me' sense bc there's nothing wrong with me#i love my autism#but. it's getting to be really god damn fucking painful and embarrassing and heartbreaking feeling like i can't have a fucking conversation#i just. i want to work on my social skills. they didn't use to be this bad idk what happened! the pandemic probably tbh but ugh#i just. never know what to say or how to say it and it feels like im constantly fumbling and im never paying enough attention#to the other person bc im too busy just trying to fucking listen to them and process what they're saying and figure out what to say back#and i just get so nervous about communicating correctly that what comes out of my mouth doesn't match my thoughts at all#i barely even know what i'm saying half the time and that's. terrifying#but it's just so hard finding a therapist already let alone finding one whos a) experienced in evidence based and compassionate autism care#and b) normal and not an ableist freak about it
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