#and it becomes a routine every year and every year you tease him about it and EVERY year he denies it
thesilverscript · 2 days
A Letter To Old Days.
Warnings? None, really! Mostly fluffy, with plenty of longing. Toto Wolff x Reader. One shot.
Words: 1.176.
You remember your 19 years as if it were today, when you used to accompany your younger brother to karting classes. One day, you’re sitting by the edge of the racetrack, impatient, your face resting on the palm of your hand, your eyes wandering bored over the boys zigzagging with their karts. The next, you’re there willingly, observing every movement, waiting with a silent anticipation that you don’t dare confess even to yourself.
At first, the minutes dragged; you counted your brother’s laps on the track as if they were the beats of a lazy clock. But later, each hour seemed to dissolve between muffled laughter and glances that you couldn’t decipher. You vividly remember the days when your mother insisted you go along to the practices, your presence becoming a routine.
You thought you were there out of obligation, a shadow following your younger brother like an obedient guard dog, not realizing that your own freedom was beginning to intertwine with that space.
That’s when your thoughts began to take shape on the pages of your notebook:
So, there is this boy...
Tall, dark-haired, with a smile you couldn’t decipher. He was a bit odd, too quiet for someone who dealt with speed and adrenaline. There was a shyness there, something you couldn’t quite identify at first.
Always observant, always attentive to details that escaped others. Maybe it was this quietness that caught your attention.
Back then, you weren’t good at understanding boys’ behavior. You thought he simply hadn’t noticed you in the same way. Maybe he was just another attentive instructor, too focused on his job to pay attention to the girl who was always hanging around, pretending to be disinterested.
Until your best friend, always more perceptive, said something that caught you by surprise: “You two are flirting. But in the most awkward and innocent way possible.” And suddenly, everything made sense.
The way he hesitated when talking to you, always looking for an excuse to prolong the conversations. The fleeting glances he’d throw your way while adjusting your brother’s helmet, as if he wanted to make sure you were really there. And those smiles... those restrained smiles you thought were just professional courtesy. Casual questions about university exams, musical tastes, anything that could prolong that shared moment.
And, somehow, even without fully understanding it, you started to write more about him in your notebook, as if each word could capture what you felt and the things you didn’t know how to say out loud.
By the time you realized what could have been between you, he had already left the racetrack. So, he ended up being just a few more pages in your notebook, mixed with notes on dreams and random thoughts.
He had dropped out of university, changed jobs, and moved to another country to pursue his dream of becoming a driver. And there, facing the void he had left behind, you found yourself wondering if it had all just been your imagination.
Maybe it was just a game your mind played.
And that was okay if it was. Because, in that moment, you discovered what it was like to fall in love for the first time.
You fell for him.
The first year of university passed in a blur. You threw yourself into studies and social events, not because you were particularly interested, but because it felt like the only way to silence that nagging sense of something missing. You changed majors twice, joined a few clubs, even went to a couple of parties where you pretended to have fun, but nothing really clicked.
Your friends found it odd—how you always seemed a little disconnected, a little too preoccupied. They teased you for being too serious or too grown-up. You’d smile and brush it off, but deep down, you knew they were right. You were trying to outrun something you couldn’t quite name.
Ten years had passed, and your life had taken a direction that the impatient and rebellious nineteen-year-old you once were could never have imagined. Today, you worked in international tax consulting, dealing with numbers, laws, and complex agreements that filled your days and drained your energy. But, even surrounded by folders and endless spreadsheets, motorsport still managed to find its way into your life.
Your brother, now older and even more determined, continued his journey in karting. What began as a youthful passion had turned into a dream he pursued with surprising tenacity. You found yourself frequenting the racetracks again, watching his practice sessions, now as a spectator and supporter, no longer as a reluctant guardian.
Your fiancé — or rather, your ex-fiancé — shared the same passion. He was a fascinating, elegant man, and like so many others, absolutely obsessed with motorsport. You traveled together to watch races, discussed drivers and teams, followed the transfer market with enthusiasm. In the beginning, it seemed perfect. He understood your past, your involvement in the sport through your brother.
Your best friend still kept in touch with him, the boy from your teenage years, and would occasionally update you on his life. This connection, however tenuous, was enough to stir a sense of familiarity, a bittersweet nostalgia that made your ex-fiancé uneasy. He’d raise an eyebrow whenever your friend's updates slipped into conversation, sensing a thread that seemed to pull you back to a past he couldn’t reach.
It wasn’t long before that subtle tension unraveled the engagement. You found yourself standing alone in a bridal boutique in Paris—Rosa Clará, one of those elegant places with gilded mirrors and delicate lace draped over every surface—returning the wedding dress you had once chosen with such certainty. There was an odd comfort in the transaction, as if letting go of the dress was the final step in freeing yourself from a future that no longer felt like your own.
As you handed the dress back, the shop assistant gave you a sympathetic smile, one that didn’t quite reach her eyes. You wondered briefly if she knew the story behind every gown that was returned. The dress, so carefully chosen, now felt like a stranger in your hands—something beautiful and full of promise, yet utterly disconnected from the woman you were now.
When you realized it, you had taken a few days off work and flown back to Styria. You were sitting in Café Strauss, waiting for your friend, your eyes drifting to the door every few minutes. You had just ordered a latte and a slice of sachertorte, letting the steam from your cup calm your nerves, when someone gently asked if they could join you.
“Can I join you?” The voice was tentative, as if testing the waters.
You looked up, expecting your friend, but instead, there he was. The same intense, unwavering gaze, with a more confident smile, yet still that familiar hint of shyness.
“Oh…” You paused, a smile tugging at your lips as you gestured to the chair. “Hi, Toto.” And in that moment, you knew—your friend wasn’t going to show up anytime soon.
And you are still falling.
Inspired by this quote: not very attractive with the girls. Here: Speed Dating with Toto, Lewis, and Valtteri – Part 2! 👏 …as well as this photo: https://www.instagram.com/p/DACLlH-BCZw/
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cyber333angel · 1 month
thinking about logan and wolverine mating season overlapping. like I know he isn’t actually any part wolverine, it’s just a funny thought that you could tease him over, but imagine if it was actually accurate/lined up like you walking by, mentioning in passing that, ‘hey! it’s that time of year!” and Logan just grumbling because you were right about it 💀
(also sorry if this doesn’t make sense like. at all 😭)
yes I could imagine one day you were telling him abt seeing in a article that actual wolverine mating seasons come up in like 2 months and he just brushes it off like it has nothingg to do with him, but 2 months later he is always on you, never leaving you alone and just constantly touching on you 🙂‍↕️ always needing you just more than usual and then you remember the article and tease him abt it bc of his recent behavior and he’s like that has NOTHING to do with it. like are we sure about that sir
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harrysfolklore · 4 months
oscar piastri being obsessed with his girlfriend: a compilation
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Oscar Piastri was known as the introvert and reserved driver on the grid.
While other drivers basked in the spotlight and didn't shy away from sharing details about their personal life, Oscar often preferred to keep his privacy.
However, when it came to his girlfriend, it was a different story altogether.
Oscar was what people called "a total simp" when it came to his girlfriend, always bringing her up in interviews, promo videos and casual conversations, and fans couldn't miss the opportunity to make several compilation videos and tiktoks about it.
The most popular one was called "Oscar Piastri being obsessed with his girlfriend: a compilation" and the 15-minute long video was filled with moments that made fans both awe and laugh.
It started with the clip of the first time he publicly talked about her during a podcast interview, rumors about him not being single were spreading around but nothing was confirmed.
"I do have a girlfriend, yeah," Oscar said, a small smile playing on his face.
"You're not very public, aren't you?" the interviewer asked.
“We keep it to ourselves and try to be out of the spotlight and just live normal lives,” he replied, “We have been dating for over four years now, she has been there for me since the start of my career and I couldn't imagine my life without her. She's my biggest supporter and keeps me grounded.”
The next video showed Oscar and Lando sitting next to each other wearing their McLaren shirts, filming a game called "Green flag or Red flag."
"Picky eaters," the interviewer asked and Lando immediately waved the green flag.
"He's a very picky eater that's why," Oscar said, making Lando laugh, "But, what if they eat fish, cause you hate fish."
Lando dramatically raised the red flag, making everybody laugh again.
"You wouldn't date a pescatarian then," the interviewer said.
"No," Lando shook his head, "They shouldn't be here."
"My girlfriend's a pescatarian, actually," Oscar said, looking at his teammate with a raised eyebrow, "I'll pass that on to her.”
"Noooo mate!" Lando immediately shook his head, waving his hands in mock horror, "Don't tell her I said that, I don't want to be in trouble with your missus! She's a lovely girl."
"She is indeed, but I don't think she'll like you very much after this."
The next segment was from his "Day in the Life" video with Quad Lock, where Oscar gave fans a glimpse into his daily routine. In one particular clip, he was in the kitchen making breakfast.
"So, this is where the magic happens," Oscar said with a cheeky grin as he poured pancake batter onto a hot griddle, "My girlfriend loves pancakes, so I make them every Sunday. It's become sort of a tradition for us."
The camera then panned to a candid shot of his girlfriend, who was sitting at the kitchen island, sipping coffee and smiling fondly at Oscar. She blew him a kiss, which Oscar caught with a playful wink.
"There she is, sitting pretty while I play housewife."
The next clip in the compilation was from a press conference, where a journalist asked him how he manages to stay focused with such a demanding schedule.
"Having a supportive partner really helps," Oscar said earnestly, "She understands the pressures and the demands of the job. She’s my rock and makes everything a lot easier."
"Does it get hard for her when your schedule is too busy for your relationship?"
"My schedule is never too busy for my girlfriend, I always make sure to make time for her. That's why we've been going strong for four years now."
Another McLaren game with Lando was included, this time they were playing Finish the Lyric with Taylor Swift songs.
"Do you feel confident about this game, Oscar?" Lando asked his teammate.
"I do, actually," Oscar nodded confidently, "My girlfriend is a huge Taylor Swift fan so I know a lot of her songs."
"We should get your girl to come and play then," Lando teased.
"She'd probably beat us both, hands down. But I'm not giving up just yet." Oscar chuckled, shaking his head.
The compilation video then transitioned to a moment in the McLaren garage before the first quali of the Hungary Grand Prix. Oscar was off to the side, chatting with his girlfriend, who had joined him for the event.
They seemed to be in their own little bubble, Oscar's attention completely focused on her and his smile wide as he listened to her talk. The camera captured a sweet moment where he gently tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and kissed her forehead. It was a simple gesture, but it spoke volumes about their relationship and fans absolutely melted at the interaction.
The next clip showed Oscar at a fan event in Australia, hundreds of fans gathered to meet the drivers and see them up close, Oscar was answering questions from the interviewers when he suddenly addressed one of the fans in the front row.
"I've got a girlfriend, thank you," he said into the microphone, making everyone laugh but look confused at the same time, "For everyone wondering, she just asked what my number was," the crowd laughed again even louder, "But I'm a happily taken man. You're nice but I'm not interested."
In that same event, he got asked what did he miss the most from the UK when he was back in Australia.
"My girlfriend," he immediately said, "Other than that the food is better here, the weather is better here. So my girlfriend, that's it."
The following video was also a fan interaction, this time it was a fan recorded video while he was signing stuff for those waiting for him as he arrived to the paddock for the Austin Grand Prix.
Oscar was signing autographs and taking pictures, when a fan handed him a photo of him and his girlfriend from a race weekend.
"Oh, this is a great picture," Oscar said, grinning as he looked at the photo. "This was taken at Silverstone, right? It was her first time at a race with me. She loved it."
"What's her favorite part about the races?" The fan smiled and asked.
"Probably the adrenaline and seeing me in action," Oscar chuckled, "But she also loves hanging out in the paddock. She gets along really well with everyone here."
The next clip showcased Oscar during a Twitch stream, where he was playing a racing simulator. His girlfriend walked into the room, and the chat exploded with excitement.
"Hey, love," Oscar greeted her, pausing the game.
"Am I interrupting you?" she softly asked.
"Nope, come here," he encouraged to come closer, "Everyone, this is my girlfriend," she waved at the camera, and Oscar wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her into the frame. "She's the reason I'm still sane," he joked, earning a kiss on the cheek from her.
The video included one of everyone's favorite interactions between the couple, captured by McLaren's instagram team.
Oscar had just finished a quiali, earning a P2 position, the camera caught as he reunited with his girlfriend who threw her arms around his neck as soon as she saw him.
"Hiii," he shyly said, a hint of a blush on his cheeks.
"You did such a great job, baby," she said, still wrapped around his arms, planting a kiss on his cheek.
"I couldn’t have done it without you cheering me on," he replied, his voice soft and genuine.
The final clip was from the FIA Prize Giving ceremony, Oscar stood on the stage, dressed in a sharp suit, the Rookie of the Year trophy shining in his hands.
"First of all, I want to thank my team, McLaren, for believing in me and giving me the opportunity," Oscar began, his voice steady but emotional, "But most importantly, I want to thank my girlfriend. She's been my rock through it all, supporting me every step of the way. This award is as much hers as it is mine."
The camera panned to his girlfriend, sitting in the audience with tears in her eyes, smiling proudly. The fans watching the livestream couldn't help but gush over the touching moment.
As the compilation ended, the screen faded to black with the text, "Oscar Piastri: The Ultimate Simp, and Proud of It."
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drefear · 1 year
Daddy Issues
Best Friend’s Dad!Miguel x Reader
TW: smut, p in v, roughness, dirty talking, fingering, some fluff, some angst, teasing. 
might make a part 2, we’ll see. 
Nothing beat the way it felt to dance, nothing made you feel as alive. This was evident in the way you leaped across the stage and spun into a pirouette. You smiled and panted a bit and continued your routine, jumping into an arabesque as if you were in flight and completely weightless.
The applause filled the auditorium and you felt the out-of-beat rise and fall of your chest as you begged for air silently. You saw your father stand up with tears in his eyes and your best friend as well, who came to watch you for support. You’d finally gotten the lead in the show your dance school was doing, The Nutcracker , and being Clara was like walking on air. You ballet-ran off the stage and waited for the curtains to close, signaling the end of the show. You’d done it, and with perfect timing as you were about to graduate college and no longer have your dance team anymore, since you would officially reach the age limit in the fall of next year and auditions were in the winter. Your heart pounded as you saw Gabriella from the wings, happily waiting for you to come out and take your final bow, and then it was time. You milked the hell out of your curtain call, waving and smiling like a total idiot, but it was worth it. Everything had paid off to finally be at this moment.
But… they were gone? You searched for your father and Gabriella’s faces, but they weren’t in the seats they’d just been in. Did they leave? Maybe went to get the car before everyone rushed to the exits? You felt a little tinge of hurt in your heart, but you would try to understand. They came to watch and that’s all that mattered.
Feeling a tap on your shoulder as you masked your confusion on the stage, you turned to see the two missing familiars holding two large bouquets of flowers. You eyes welled with tears and you hugged them tight, crying happily as they wrapped their arms around you. The moment was perfect.
Well. Almost. There was only one person missing, one person who you already knew wouldn’t make it.
Gabriella’s dad, Miguel. He’d been one of your biggest fans since you and Gabriella became friends in middle school, about the time you began to blossom into the woman you were today. The two of you were inseparable from the moment you’d met, and soon, both of your families were just as close.
You’d been through everything together. Puberty, getting your periods, your parents divorce and your mom leaving, Gabriella’s mother passing away, everything. You two had even decided once you graduated high school, to go to college together and share an apartment.
Which is exactly what you did, and now you both were graduating. Gabriella was finishing her undergraduate for medical school, and you’d gone on to major in the arts, so you could become a professional choreographer. No one could get in between the two of you.
Except her father, you thought for a brief second before shaking the thought from your head.
No! That’s bad, very bad! You chastised yourself for your subconscious wishes.
Gabi’s dad was so nerdy as you grew up, doting on her mom every waking moment. You’d even gone as far as to call him a simp once, to which Gabi laughed about it for days. Your mom and dad barely got along at all through your childhood, so it was no wonder how much her parents loved each other was foreign to you, but things changed when you two became juniors in high school.
You’d had your first kiss, and Gabi begged for details in her room. The two of you sat up and talked about this boy you’d kissed all night, but she was definitely way more excited than you were. It just wasn’t what you’d expected, shoving his tongue into your mouth instantly and basically just pushing your head into his passenger window as you somewhat wanted to get away from him.
Plus, he wasn’t even that cute.
But Gabi hadn’t experienced anything around boys yet, and so you indulged her and made it seem way more romantic and nice than it was. Batting your eyes, you made smoochy sounds as she smacked you with a pillow and you both giggled.
“Girls, lights out.” You heard Gabi’s mom say and you furrowed your brows a bit at Gabi, who just rolled her eyes in response. You waited to hear the footsteps fade before you asked her what that was about.
“My mom and dad have been seeing this counselor. Something about the spark needing to be reignited, so now they go into the guest bedroom every Saturday to have sex.” She made a disgusted face and your eyes widened.
“They plan it?”
“I guess? It’s been every weekend now for like three weeks, and I’m going insane! Let’s sneak out and see a movie or something before my brain dies.” She moved towards her window and waved me over, but you glanced at her bedroom door.
“Wait, I gotta get my shoes from downstairs, I’ll meet you in the backyard.” You spoke and she gave you a thumbs up, before tucking out of her window.
You tiptoed down the stairs and into the living room when you heard it.
“Miguel- right there!” It was hushed, but you heard it clearly. Not being able to resist, you peeked into the kitchen where you’d heard the sounds and your mind was never the same. “What if the girls come down-”
“Shh, we’ll hear them, now focus on me, cariño.” He had his head tucked into her neck as his pants were pulled below his ass, showing his toned bottom as he fucked up into her. Legs wrapped around his waist, he was so much larger than her. How did you just notice this?
Your eyes fluttered downwards to where the two of their bodies met and you gasped. He was huge. Could dick even be that big? He was beyond anything you’d seen in the health textbooks or on twitter.
You stumbled backwards and immediately knocked over the lamp on the table, the house then suddenly becoming quiet. It was as if there was no air inside of your lungs anymore, freezing in place until you saw the swinging kitchen door begin to move, running faster than you ever have for your shoes and bolting back up the stairs. You jumped as you tried to get your shoes on as fast as possible and sat on the window ledge as you heard someone coming into Gabi’s room as you were about to climb down the gutter into her backyard. Looking up, your eyes met his.
His face was sweating lightly and his eyes were blown with lust, watching you like a predator. You glanced down where you’d seen what you should never have, and his pants were pulled up now, but the bulge was still prominent and hard. You gulped and practically fell out the window backwards as you collapsed onto Gabi, who was waiting for you.
“Go!” You whispered harshly and dragged her hand, “Your dad is right behind me and he saw me!”
“Shit, how?” Gabi asked and your mouth went dry, the scene replaying in your mind like a broken record that kept skipping to the same place.
“You don’t want to know.” You hushed and ran to her fence as the lights from the back door flashed on and you two were met with the large shadow of Mr. O’Hara.
“What are you two doing?” His voice was like a death sentence to the both of you, who were sitting in the grass now. You scrambled to get up and your hands were shaking. Nothing was processing in your head. Why were you so sweaty?
“We were just gonna jump on the trampoline, dad.” Gabi lied and you just nodded, eyes avoiding his as he walked closer and folded his arms. You looked at his hands, and you thought back to where they’d just been, rubbing Mrs. O’Hara’s clit. Your eyes flashed back down to the grass.
Your name broke you from your haze, Mr. O’Hara’s voice making your knees tremble a bit. “You don’t look well, maybe I should call your dad and have him come get you.” he spoke and moved to touch your forehead, checking for a temperature. You flinched and moved backwards.
“You know what, you’re right. I’ll walk home I think. See you tomorrow, Gabi.” You rambled and a hand caught your wrist.
“You can’t walk home now, it’s dark out. I’ll just call your dad-”
“He’s working late, can’t come out. I’ll just walk home!” You tried again, begging for whatever higher power could hear you to just let you die.
“No, I’ll drive you then.” He said and your fate was sealed.
You just quietly nodded as Gabi looked at you with a bad feeling showing in her emotions. You two were in so much trouble.
Sitting in the car, your knee bounced with anxiety.
‘Please don’t talk to me, please don’t talk to me, please don’t-’
“So, where were you two actually planning on going?” SHIT.
“Uh. Just to see a movie.” You mumbled, staring out the window.
“And why sneak out? You both know that we’d happily drive you, even give you some money for snacks.” His tone made your skin crawl, now recognizing it as the moaning and grunting you’d heard prior.
You cleared your voice and tried to not look guilty. “We, uh, didn’t want to… bother you guys.” You hoped he wouldn’t even hear you, would just let it all go.
“It’s never a bother, especially when it’s about your and Gabi’s safety.” He spoke and pulled up to a red light. The silence was drowning you, but it was better than answering his questions.
“Gabi said you two were busy tonight, so we thought it’d be better if we just snuck out.” You shifted your legs in the passenger seat, begging the world to strike you with lightning.
“Ah. So Gabi figured it out.” He said and the light turned green again. “Gabi’s mother and I have been married a long time, and sometimes we need to do things to keep-”
“The flame alive, yeah I know. Can we please not talk about this, Mr. O’Hara?” You begged, and your eyes met once more, making you blush wildly. You couldn’t help but remember the way he looked as he thrusted into his wife. You turned away fast so he hopefully wouldn’t see your red cheeks. “Gabi and I will never sneak out again, I promise, just please stop talking about this!” You covered your ears a bit. That’s when he put it together.
“Oh.” he just said and continued to drive, hands white knuckling the steering wheel. “I’m… sorry you saw that.” His tone was hesitant, like he wasn’t even sure what the words he was saying meant.
“Cool, yep, see ya tomorrow Mr. O’Hara!” You chirped and practically jumped out of his moving car as he pulled to a stop outside of your house, no cars in the driveway and no lights on. You ran to the front door and burst inside, locking it behind you and panting.
That night, you’d had your very first orgasm thinking about him fucking you like that and nothing was ever the same.
A year later, and Mrs. O’Hara was diagnosed with terminal breast cancer and had only a few months to live. She pulled through to around a year and you felt your heart break the moment she was gone. Your mother had abandoned your father and you a little into your freshman year of high school, so you’d leaned on Mrs. O'Hara, like she was your own mother, learned her ways and how to be a good cook, and she taught you many things about life that you’d eventually need.
Gabriella and Mr. O’Hara were both devastated, and you could understand why. Nothing was the same for them. After the funeral, you, the O’Hara’s, and your father had a meal together, and that would be a weekly dinner from then on. Most of the time, she would cook for everyone when you all would hang out together, especially after your mom disappeared, but now with her gone, you picked up on cooking duties. It wasn’t as amazing as hers, but it fed you all and it was similar, so you kept up with it every week.
Flash forward to tonight, graduation looming over you like a rain cloud on a summer day. All of your grades were final, your dance team was about to disburse, and you’d be a woman of the world soon. Oh how the times had changed, and tonight was your official family dinner. Instead of cooking at home, your father insisted on you all going out to eat and your and Gabriella’s favorite restaurant.
And so here you were, sitting with that too tight bun still bobbypined and an easy-to-throw-on dress you’d yanked out of your closet in a rush to wear home after your performance. Gabriella held your hand as she chatted about what her and her new boyfriend were going to do after graduation, how he was going to med school with her and she wanted to get an apartment with him. You nodded, excited for her. You weren’t surprised, as she’d mentioned them moving in together multiple times recently, which would mean you'd be looking for a studio apartment soon. That was fine by you, since she’d still be in school and you were about to begin your own career.
The Latin food filled your senses as you enjoyed the food and light conversation. Gabriella spoke with her boyfriend to her other side and your father laughed with a glass of bourbon in his hand. You felt a hand on your shoulder from above and saw that looming figure you saw in your late night fantasies.
“Dad!” Gabi perked up and stood to hug her father, making you also stand to give him a polite peck on the cheek. As you leaned up to do just that, the corners of your lips brushed and your body froze, the feeling soft and… addicting. You snapped out of it almost as fast as you felt it and blinked a few times quickly to look like nothing happened, not meeting his eyes as you sat once more.
When you looked back to where he was hugging your father and shaking Gabis boyfriends hand, your eyes met and he was staring a bit. He sat next to you and you straightened up in your dress. This was new…
You’d done well at hiding your crush on him in the years, you thought. The first few months after you saw him and his wife have sex, you couldn’t look either of Gabi’s parents in the eye, but you’d gotten over it once you lost your virginity. ‘So that’s what it’s like’ you thought once you were done and the boy you were with was in the bathroom.
Dinner was served relatively quickly as you all ordered and drank. Your father had another bourbon neat, and Miguel had a Manhattan, as Gabi and her boyfriend each had a few vodka sodas, and you just slipped on your little tequila drink. It was a special for that week or something and had some sort of juice that made it look blueish purple.
Once you all had a drink in your each, you’d all begun laughing and chatting louder and as the night went one, you’d had a few more.  The live band started and you swayed a bit at the music. When you turned your head, Miguel was looking at you already with his arm behind your chair. You blushed a bit, warm from the liquor in your veins as he chuckled.
“Drunk? I thought you could handle more than that.”
“No no, I don’t… I don’t like to drink too much, so I’m already pushing it.” You smiled and glanced at your dad, who just nodded in agreement.
“My little girl did not get the drinking gene.” He added and sipped the bourbon he had. Gabi laughed and spoke up.
“Should’ve seen her in Miami on Spring Break! She was so drunk, she was dragging strangers to dance with her-“
“Gabi!” You chimed in and glanced at your father and  Miguel, the men laughing at your embarrassment.
“You’re a great dancer, even drunk!” She added and her boyfriend smiled at the memory as well. “How about we dance?” He nodded and pulled her hand to dance to the live music, enjoying the soft singing of the Hispanic music. You glanced at the dance floor and saw all couples, where Gabi now stood with her loving boyfriend.
“Go, find a partner!” You dad added and you shook your head. “Come on! A professional dancer who won’t dance alone?” He teased and you smiled again, just ignoring the comment.
“Here, I’ll dance with you.” Miguel stood and reached for your hand. You froze once more for that moment and nodded. “That way, you can still dance and not be alone.” He smiled wider and pulled you up, walking with you to the dance floor. You stood in front of him and heard the next song begin. Preciosa by Marc Anthony began and the beat made you move your hips gently, as he held your hands and followed your movements.
“They didn’t teach Latin dancing to you, did they?” He asked, a playful tone in his voice. You looked up with a small ‘no’ and he chuckled, moving you in close to his chest and putting one leg in between yours. “Follow my lead, and loosen your hips. No ballet here, amor.” The roll of his tongue on the ‘r’ made your hips stutter in their movement. You’d never been so nervous to dance. He held one hand up and placed the other hand around your waist, swiveling you and twirling you both as he moved with precision and ease across the dance floor. You felt the eyes of everyone around you, but you couldn’t care. This was a moment you knew you’d waited your whole life for, and this was probably as close as you’d get to being with Miguel, so you’d ignore everyone and enjoy it while it lasted. A smile tugged at your features and you let him lead you. He even lifted you at one point like you were nothing but a piece of paper, a feather.
When that song ended, Vivir Mi Vida played and the tempo became faster, making you both continue with hast and creating a bit of sweat on both of you. He took control of the dance and spun you around the dance floor, making sure no one got in either of your ways as you laughed with glee.
The night moved in a blur as you and Miguel moved like a couple who’d been together for years, two who moved as one.  A slow song played and the strum of the guitar moved your bodies close, making you lean back and forth intimately against each other. The song ended and you both realized there was very few people left in what once was a bustling restaurant, and when you turned back to your table, your father was handing the bill to the waiter. Miguel stopped and walked back.
“I told you I was taking care of it tonight.” He caught your dad’s wrist and took the check, replacing your father’s credit card with his, and giving it back to the poor confused server. They hurried away as your dad shook his head.
“Couldn’t let me have that, O’Hara? You and Gabi came to support my little girl, and you even swept her onto the dance floor and made her smile. Least I can do is buy ya dinner.” He laughed and Miguel smiled.
“Not a chance. She’s been a wonderful friend to Gabriella for years, and she’s like my own mija. Let me treat you all and celebrate her.”
The words echoed in your mind and broke down your wonderful night.
His mija? As in… his own daughter?
You cursed yourself silently and painting a fake smile onto your lips as you all got up to leave once he took back his card. Gabriella was speaking to you and rambling about the apartment her and her boyfriend were looking at tomorrow, but all you could hear was the white noise of your own thoughts crippling your ability to think.
You tossed and turned all night after hearing Miguel say those words and you pushed down the feelings you’d pretended were not there for years, as they threatened to roll over your being and blow through your eyes without grace. How could you let yourself think anything like that again?
A few weeks later and you sat with Gabi in her backyard, tanning in the chairs by her pool as you both heard a low “I’m home,” from inside. The back door swung open and you saw Mr. O’Hara standing there. He was silent for a moment before getting a bit irritated. “What the hell are you two wearing?” He barked, angered.
Gabi shrunk back. “Dad, what are you talking about? They’re just bikinis!” She tried to call him down, but he seemed to get even worse.
“Just- those aren’t even bikinis, those- that’s less than underwear, you both might as well be wearing nothing!” He yelled in upset, like a lion roaring in pain.
“Maybe I should just go.” You mumbled and his eyes snapped to you. Uh oh…
“Not a chance. Yours is worse than hers! You look naked!” He stepped towards you and instinctively you took a step back, behind the lawn chair.
“M-Mr O’Hara, no one can see us. We’re in your backyard.” You spoke carefully, trying to make it better. “So no one even saw us, right? We'll change.” You nodded, obediently as you grabbed Gabi’s hand and slipped back into the house, hearing him grumble to himself as you passed him.
“I’ve never seen him talk to us like that.” Gabi spoke, putting on a t-shirt. She sighed and pulled her hair up. “Not even when I had that hickey sophomore year!”
“Maybe he just had a rough day and that was the last straw?” You hadn’t changed yet, staring at yourself in the bikini in the mirror. It really wasn’t terrible, maybe a bit more of a cheeky back than a full one, the straps of your bikini fairly thin. Just a regular red triangle bikini. Maybe you’d just gained weight? You huffed, “my bag is downstairs with my clothes, I’m gonna go grab it.”
“Do you wanna just borrow a shirt?”
“I mean, maybe. Anything baggy, so he doesn’t freak out again?” You asked and glanced at her hamper of clean clothes.
“Yeah, grab whatever.” She waved you off and you reached in, grabbing a large t-shirt and a pair of soccer shorts. “I’m gonna go start making some dinner, come down when you’re done changing to help.” She spoke and walked out of the room. You sighed and pushed your hair behind your ears, sitting on her bed and holding the discarded bikini. Was he really upset? Well, maybe he was since he saw you as his own daughter. You begrudgingly got up and walked down the hall, passing by his office and spotting him.
“Come in here.” His tone was sharp, almost nerve wracking. You followed the voice and saw him with his arms folded over his chest, an irritated glare in his eyes. “I’m disappointed in both of you for thinking something like that is appropriate to wear.”
“Mr. O’Hara, we weren’t out in public, and no one else was around!” You answered, regretting your decision to stand up for yourself, as you notice the look in his eyes and realize you’re just digging your own grave.
“So you two weren’t taking a snapchat in those outfits? No videos or TikToks?” He asked, making you bite your tongue and avoid laughing at hearing him say that stuff.
“Maybe one tiktok…” You trail off and he sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose. “But, we didn’t post it, and I can delete it.” You justified and he nodded, concern still etched into his beautiful face. You take out your phone and as you begin to delete the video, his eyes narrow.
“...are those my clothes?” His head cocked to the side like a confused dog and you looked down, just as curious to see what he was talking about.
“No, they were in Gabi’s clean clothes.”
“Well, that’s my t-shirt from high school and those are my workout shorts.” His words made you quiet, forgetting about deleting the video. You blushed a bit and immediately starting searching for your bag, making a bee-line for the living room. “Oh my god, I’ll go change, I’m so sorry.” You rambled some flustered apologies before he could say anything else and ran off to the bathroom with the bag on your shoulder. Locking the door, you stared at yourself in the mirror. Could today get any worse? You leaned your head against the wall and kept your eyes shut, then took your clothing off once more to change into the clothes that actually belonged to you.
Tugging your skirt down to a suitable length incase Mr. O’Hara decided to berate your fashion choices once more, you glanced at something on the floor. It was another shirt of his, this time obvious by how large this one was, and the smell.
It was definitely something he’d just worked out in, having a particular musk to it, and the smell of his aftershave and body wash. It was him to a tee, and something in your body lit on fire just from the scent.
Without a second thought, you stuffed the shirt in your bag and exited the bathroom.
That night was filled with stifled moans and bitten knuckles as you quieted yourself while using your vibrator. His shirt stayed stationed in the hand you were biting down on, smelling his scent while you touched yourself until you were seeing stars and having trouble remembering your own name.
You hid that shirt the next day, stuffing it behind your pillows for safe keeping.
A day later, Miguel and Gabi had come over to watch some sport together. You’d never really been interested in sports unless Gabi was playing, but you enjoyed the company, so you often cooked for them all while they enjoyed the show. You mixed the guacamole as you heard someone walk into the kitchen behind you.
“Smells great.” Miguel spoke as he opened the fridge.
“Homemade chips, for the guac.” You nodded, still somewhat keeping it short with him after the prior day’s events.
“You can’t still be mad, right?” He asked and you turned to him fully, pausing the work on the mashed avocado and staring at him. He was holding two beers.
“I was never mad, but I still don’t get it.” You shrugged, “it just didn’t really seem like a big deal.”
“Really?” He seemed to get a little upset at that, placing the beers down and leaning on the kitchen island. “Because I think it was a huge deal. You’re barely an adult, you can’t be dressed like-”
“Like what? A woman? It was a bikini, it’s not like I was standing on the corner!”
“Watch how you talk to me.” He got cold and serious and your temper was flaring up.
“Why should I? You’re not my dad or my boyfriend, so you don’t get to tell me how to dress.” You shot back and he was quiet for a second. This prompted you to continue your winning streak. “And I don’t think you get to tell me what’s appropriate in front of people.”
“What are you talking about?” He hissed, taking a small step closer to you. “You don’t remember? When I caught you fucking on your kitchen counter? Cause I remember. Vividly.” You jabbed back and his eyes widened, the anger on your face apparent. Without another word, you stomped out of the kitchen and up the stairs to your bedroom, slamming the door and sitting on your bed.
You shouldn’t have brought that up, you knew you shouldn’t have, but you couldn’t help it. Who was he to tell you what you could and couldn’t do? He was just your friend’s dad, he had no right to yell at you about how you dressed or what you did. It wasn’t his place.
“Honey?” Your dad said from outside your door and you got up, opening it for him. “Miguel told me that he upset you, so I told him that he and Gabi should go home for the night so I could talk to my little girl.” Your dad always called you ‘his little girl,’ no matter how old you got. Tears started welling in your eyes, and you didn't know why, but you started crying into your father’s chest. He hugged you in a tight embrace as you continued to let out the tears you didn’t know you were holding in.
Some time went on and after about a week, you’d gone to Gabi's childhood home to hang out and watch a movie while Miguel was out. It was perfect. You didn’t have to see him and you could have some one-on-one time with Gabi.
Until she fell asleep halfway through the movie. You sighed, getting up and getting a glass of water. The week had been stressful. Every free second you had, you were touching yourself to Miguel’s shirt, tracing your clit, biting your lip to avoid making sounds. Even just the memory of his smell made your knees wobble a bit and you held onto the fridge handle a bit tighter while getting the water. The front door opening signaled you that he was now home. Time to leave as fast as possible, you thought to yourself, and placed the full cup of water in the sink.
Before you could walk out of the kitchen, Miguel was in the doorway staring down at you. “I just got off the phone with your father.” His voice was monotone, which wasn’t abnormal.
“You can tell him I’ll be home soon.”
“Well, he had a few questions for me. About you.” He spoke and something was off about how he was speaking. Was he… taunting you?
You finally met his eyes and you were right, something was off.
“He said the cleaning lady found a man’s shirt in your bedroom.” Your heart dropped. No no no no!
“Oh.” Was all you could muster up as he watched your reaction. “He asked if you and Gabi had any new boys around, any new friends. He said you randomly started crying the other day and he was worried you might be going through some sort of relationship that he’s unaware of. So?” He asked and you just clenched your jaw.
“Mr. O’Hara, that is none of your-”
“Say my name,” he demanded.
“What?” You questioned, taking a step backwards.
“Say my name. You want me to treat you like an adult? Say my name.”
“Fine. Miguel, that is none of your business.” You barked at him, a smirk forming on his lips.
“I think it is my business, though. Since it’s my shirt.” He announced and your eyes swelled to the size of dinner plates. How did he-
“It was just so strange, how one of my shirts went missing, one I had been wearing the day I yelled at you about that bikini, and then suddenly your dad finds a shirt that matches the one I’m missing. Weird coincidence, hmm?” he folded his arms and you felt your body running cold. How could you steal from a genius and think he wouldn’t realize? “So let me get the facts in order. You watched me have sex in my kitchen, you stole my dirty clothing, and you pranced around my house in a skimpy bikini.” He spoke in a lower voice, as if he was just thinking out loud, and you noticed the look in his eyes was becoming hungry.
“Y-Yes ok I did that, I’m sorry. Don’t tell anyone it was yours!” You begged and he chuckled at you, looking to the side.
“I’m not telling anyone anything, but I have a question.” He paused and brought his thumb to his lip, as if thinking about something he was trying to word correctly. “What were you doing with my shirt?”
Your blood ran cold, the sound of your heart beating in your ears too loud to even think. He… wanted you to say it. Heat began to rise up your neck and cover your cheeks and ears with a tint of red.
“C’mon, say it.” His lips twitched to a smirk and you squeezed your legs together at the view you had of him. Dress shirt slightly unbuttoned, belt around those slim hips, slacks tight in all the right places from how muscular his thighs were.
Embarrassment filled your head as you couldn’t tear your eyes away from him, and as you lifted them up his body, red rubies claimed your sight like they owned you.
“I-I… thought about you.”
“Be specific, amorcita, what about me?” He moved forward and tilted your chin up to keep eye contact with him as you spoke.
You gulped and closed your eyes, too humiliated to say what you were about to while seeing his face. “I thought of you and I having sex… touching me and stuff.”
“Eyes on me, mi corazon.” You opened your eyes and he was bent down to where he could kiss you. His breath smelled like mint. “Tell me more.”
“I imagined you on top of me, b-behind me… kissing me.” You trailed off as his lips ghosted over yours, then smiling and crashing together like a crescendo of a symphony. His hands gripped the sides of your body, picking you up and placing you on the countertop.
“You thought of me touching you here?” His hand trailed down your torso towards the front of your jean shorts, tracing where your pussy sat, hot and waiting. Your breath hitched as you nodded, and he smirked again. He liked the effect he had on you, it was obvious.
“Words, mi amor.”
“Yes, Miguel, please.” You spoke, your words shaky as he laughed at your shyness. “Where was that attitude from before? All that sass?” He whispered against your ear as he unzipped your jean shorts, pulling down the material to expose you more to him. His fingers rubbed against the lacy fabric of your panties, and you lost your mind for a minute, panting a bit just from the slight contact. “You’re that sensitive? Just from a little touching?” He purred and yanked your panties off as well, your naked core against the chill of the air sending a shiver up your spine. “Where’d all that shit you were talking from the other day go?”
“Miguel,” You beg and place a hand on his shoulder.
“Gotta open you up first, Princessa.” His words were low and rumbled in your body as he gave you pet names.
A finger slipped into you without issue, and your back arched into his chest as he massaged your thigh with the other hand. A moan erupted in your throat and he quickly took the hand on your thigh to cover your mouth. “Shhh, we can’t have Gabi finding us like this, right?” You nodded and practically saw your eyes cross as he pushed in another finger, beginning to feel full with just the two digits. He worked them back and forth in you as he placed soft kisses against your throat. Your whole body jolted, like an electric current was rolling throughout your body.
His fingers began to curl against that spongy spot that had you rolling your eyes back, letting out more muffled sounds against his other hand, his eyes hooded and watching you through his thick lashes. Like a predator, he moved them faster and you felt yourself about to teeter over the edge. His thumb brushed against your clit and you were sent into a full earth-shattering orgasm, gripping his shoulder for stability as he let you ride his fingers through it.
“Preciosa…” he mumbled and unzippered the dress pants, pulling himself out and watching your face change from blissed out to fearful. “Don’t worry, I’ll go slow…” he whispered and lined himself up. Pulling you to the edge of the counter, he pushed the tip into you and you closed your eyes, feeling the stretch of his size already. He moved slowly as you adjusted and once he was fully in, you hissed a bit. You both were completely breathless, like two wild beasts waiting to see who would make the first deadly move. “Look at me while I fuck you good, I want to see that pretty face while I’m inside you.” Keeping eye contact, he moved his thumb back on your clit, making you shake a bit and let out pretty little sounds again. He started to move at this, feeling so good and overwhelmingly full. It was as if you’d been speared onto something, he was impaling himself into you and you loved every second. You began to thrust back against him and he practically lost it then and there, watching you frantically chase your own high making him almost feral. He yanked you off of the counter top, flipping you over and pushing you down flat against it. Shoving himself back inside of you, he began a relentless pace, bruising your cervix over and over. As you got louder, he pulled your hair back to make you arch against his chest.
“Yeah? You like how I ruin you?” He taunted, slamming into you from behind and causing the sound of skin slapping skin to echo across the room. “This pussy is mine.” He growled and gave your clit a gentle slap, making you practically scream out.
“M-Miguel…!” You were panting from how he’d made you so breathless, so overwhelmed by him.
“Be quiet, or do you want Gabi to know you’re a slut for me? That you love when I fuck you better than anyone ever could.” He went on and you nodded along. He was right. He’d ruined you for any other man. You’d never be able to fuck anyone else without comparing them to him.
“That’s right, amorcita, moan for me.” He egged you on as he bottomed out once more, making your legs shake. He lifted one of your knees to lean on the counter beside you and pounded into you from a new, deeper angle, giving you chills. That was it, that new spot he’d found made you come around him instantly, muscles tightening from the orgasm. You felt someone warm fill you, and realized he had finished as well. Grabbing your face harshly, he pulled your face sideways to give you a rough kiss as he kept himself inside of you for a few more moments.
You gasped for air as you felt him slip out of you, his seed dripping down your leg a bit and making you hyper aware of what just happened. You both stood, half dressed and heaving in silence. Your eyes found his, and everything hit you all at once. Grabbing your underwear and jean shorts off of the ground, you rushed out of the kitchen and began getting dressed as you walked.
“Wait-” He called out and yelled your name, but you were fast and he was still tucking himself back into his pants. As you reached the door, there was a knock and you buttoned your shorts as you swung open the door.
A nicely dressed woman, beautiful and tall, stood there holding a jacket. The two of you stared at each other for a second before she looked past you and smiled.
“Ah, Miguel! I realized you left your jacket in my car.” She spoke, then looked down at you. “Is this your daughter?”
Tears built up in your eyes and you looked back at Miguel, shocked.
“You were on a date?” Your words could’ve been poisonous with how you spoke to him, because they stung him terribly. His mouth was parted, still in shock.
You’d had enough. Your body pushed past the woman’s and you ran down the street to your home, only a few blocks away. It wasn’t your apartment, but your dad should be home and you could just tell him you didn’t want to talk about it. He never pushed you.
Knocking on the door, he opened it and immediately was afraid.
“Sweetheart, what’s wrong?”
“I don’t want to talk about it, I just want to stay here tonight, ok?” You spoke and he nodded, hugging your crying frame. Tonight had been too much to think about, and as he walked you in, you finally felt the exhaustion hit you. You trudged off to your bed and fell asleep.
Part 2
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Brushing genshin and honkai men's hair (Blade, Aventurine, Baizhu, Wanderer and Zhongli included)
General masterlist
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You sighed, admiring Blade's long, shiny hair. You almost couldn't believe your lover finally allowed you to take care of him in such sweet way after days of asking him for it with your best puppy eyes. You brushed through his hair with your fingers, they were silky smooth and much softer than you expected. Probably living with so many girls in Stellaron Hunters headquaters rubbed off on him and he had decent haircare routine.
-What are you waiting for? - Blade chuckled. - Few minutes ago you were so eager to become my personal stylist.
You blushed heavily, grateful that he can't see your face right now. Blade sat in a chair in front of you, facing the window. You glance at snowflakes dancing on the wind outside before turning your eyes back to the back of his head. You began to detangle his hair, starting from the bottom and slowly working your way up through layers of his strands. You noticed Blade relax over time, his head learning back comfortably and shoulders dropping down slightly. When you reached his scalp Blade's breathing got suspiciously regular. Massaging the skin his head with your fingertips you heard soft purring sounds coming from him. You realized he fell asleep and snored quietly. In this state he reminded you of an old, lazy cat. You just wanted to scratch behind his ear. Being his source of comfort filled your heart with joy.
You loved those cozy evenings at Aventurine's place. Dimmed, indirect light in his bedroom giving your bodies soft glow, Aventurine humming sweet, foreign melody unknown to you and sensation of expensive sheets under your skin. Words were unnecessary. There was nothing to say or ask about, you were by his side when he won game after game and when he was fighting for his life. Now you wanted to help him get rid of the tension from his body. His job exciting and well-paid, but very dangerous one. Constantly chasing money, fighting and dealing with his enemies left a toll on his mind.
So you reach for the brush on his nightstand and he immediately turnes around, so you can brush his hair for him. Even his locks smelled like luxury, after years of poverty and humiliation he was not shy to invest in himself. Since you started hanging out with him your own skincare and haircare routine got so much better, Aventurine bought only the best things for you. He wanted you both to look perfect on every business meeting, not to mention nights he went to casino with you as his lucky charm.
As you brushed through his hair for him you noticed his sharp and calculating eyes follow your every move in the mirror. Sometimes you thought you knew him like nobody else after all you have been through together, he even told you so much about his past. Yet moments like this were a reminder.
No matter what, he will never let himself be vulnerable again in front of anybody, not even you. He never fully takes off his mask, waiting for the blow to come. You couldn't blame him for not being able to let go of his defenses, not after all he went through, all those years he was forced to keep his guard up to survive. Not when he protected you, took care of all your wants and needs and and chose you to be at the top of the world with him. Even if it wasn't easy to love him, knowing you will never be able to truly see the man behind the persona.
Wanderer would rather die than admit just how much it meant to him when you initiated intimate moments like this. Of course, he could order you to come closer and massage his back or fix his clothes for him, but he hated to beg for attention, afraid of rejection and pushing you away with needy behaviour.
To him it seemed like the world stopped around the two of you when your nails gently scratched his head, sending shivers of pleasure down his spine. Your hands went lower, teasing his neck and shoulders. Wanderer exhaled loudly, if his skin wasn't synthetic it would be covered in goosebumps by now. Your warm hands left his body to grab his favourite wooden comb, adorned with intricate carvings and jade.
Wanderer never slept, his body didn't need such human thing and memory of being discarded for crying in his sleep haunted him still, after all those years. So why when you gently brush through his like this he can't resist the urge to close his eyes? You both know he won't shed a single tear this time, with you by his side.
Days flew by fast in Bubu Pharmacy, beloved doctor selflessly served all his patients, sometimes at his own expense, sacrificing even his own health and free time. As he became more and more successful and famous, people from whole Teyvat sought him out, putting their trust in his legendary effectiveness. Burden on your lover's shoulders grew each day, but despite his own physical condition he never gave up on his clients.
Your heart was breaking at sight of Baizhu overworking himself for the third week in a row, your man just returned from the Pharmacy, barely touched his dinner and sat down to write prescriptions. Fortunately, you knew just what to do.
- You have so much on your head, dear - you spoke in a soothing, low voice. - Can I help you with at least one thing and brush your hair for you?
Baizhu looked at you with tenderness in his tired eyes, and pulled out his hairpin, muttering thanks with relief. His long strands cascaded down his back and fell down his surprisingly toned arms you loved to hide in so much. He flexed a bit, finding your reaction to his body cute. You couldn't hide your blush when your eyes fixated on his biceps.
You went behind him, rolling your eyes at Chansheng's teasing remarks. His hair were in great condition, long and voluminous, regularly oiled up and always styled flawlessly. When you effortlessly detangled those smooth like silk strands Baizhu put his paperwork down for once and leaned back into your touch.
You wished for this intimate moment to last as long as possible. You put his hair in a fishtail sealing it with a kiss. Next thing you knew you were embraced by your beloved in your shared bed.
Even in his human form your beloved geo archon could be intimidating, with powerful aura and divine light shining in his eyes, his true might peaked through mortal disguise.
Now, hidden by the walls of your shared home, ancient dragon took on the most natural and comfortable form, letting his draconic features show. His tail curled up in your lap, intricate golden patterns on his skin illuminating the room, pair of horns adorning his head, even scales showing up here and there looked like they manifested straight out of legends. In this moment you were so aware of your own fragility and mortality, understanding that the one you touch is eternal and wields power beyond your comprehension.
As if not mindful of how undeserving you felt to touch him in this form, Zhongli craved to be as close to you as possible when he let his draconic nature come out. He always had to touch you in some way, usually putting his tail around your waist. This time he sat by your feet on expensive pillows, while you occupied his usual place on the couch.
He was so tall you could almost lay your chin down on top of his head, instead you rubbed one of his horns, earning a low purr out of him. Your hand slid down, caressing his hair, so long and thick in this form. You noticed his purring got louder, it gave you an interesting idea.
- Darling, can I brush your hair? - you asked, already reaching for your brush.
- That would be sweet of you, my treasure. - he answered with charming smile.
You kisses him before taking care of his majestic mane. Surrounded by countless souvenirs from centuries long gone he collected for his herd, you wondered how much he lived through, all the friends he lost and lives of his people he watched from beginning to end, witnessing the world around him constantly changing. Did he remember all of them? He was a god of history, burdened with both a blessing and a curse to keep all those people alive in his memory. Does the grief pass if you can never forget?
Lost in your thoughts you didn't realize your fingers kept touching over the base of his horns. Soon, you felt Zhongli's embrace and his strong arms pulled you down on his lap.
- What are you doing? - you asked when he took the brush from your hand.
- Just returning the favour - he answered, letting your hair down.
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blueberrycig · 2 months
olympics!au patrick zweig ft. olympic village sauna sex lets go 18+ i'm so sorry y'all i know it stank in there :(
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it’s everything you’ve dreamed of and more since you could walk. every room you enter, training area, sleeping quarter is bustling with athletes from places you’ve never heard of. you’re a first-time olympian, shooting up the ranks to represent your country, something that no one had forecasted. the past few years for you have been overwhelming, from competing for your small college to now being surrounded by the world’s greatest athletes and thrusted into a world of sponsorships and media.
despite the stories of instant camaraderie, you can’t help but find it extremely daunting. since you received the call, your parents have been warning you against the out of control parties and debauchery that take place at the olympic village.
you decide to focus on your sport and keep your distance from the boisterous gatherings that form once competitions end for the day. your chats feel limited to your country folk, only leaving room to maintain your training routine and confer with your coaches. you feel safest in the arena when everyone else empties the space. 
it’s clear the more seasoned athletes are thriving, taking chances to laugh into the night. 
among the whirlwind, someone keeps popping up. patrick zweig, a young and arrogant tennis player representing the usa. patrick is a familiar face. no, not because you particularly like it or you seek him out. he just seems to be everywhere you turn. with the ease of his walk and permanent smirk, he quickly becomes the embodiment of the village that your parents warned you about. he travels tall in a pack, surrounded by admirers and team-mates, obviously enjoying every second. 
patrick sniffs out your olympic virginity from the first encounter, “lost, newbie?” although his tone is light, the words sting. it isn’t uncommon to prove yourself when the whistle blares, but patrick’s consistent teasing feels extra challenging, and something you’re not prepared for. 
despite your attempts to avoid him, he has a talent other than tennis which is teleporting to where you exactly are. his laugh haunts you in the dining room, eyes loom over you during training camp and he seems to only enjoy the ice bath next to you out of the plethora of metal tubs. your heart rate races upon every encounter, unsure if it’s the pure anxiety that he sends coursing through your body or the show of strength that precedes him, an athlete at the prime of his sport. 
your eyes glaze over patrick’s body as you watch him among the sea of shirtless olympians, beads of sweat illuminating his abdominal muscles. his arms flex and ripple as he hoists himself up on the pull-up bar, using his body strength to pull himself up and down, up and down. beads of moisture cling to his black curls, dragging locks of hair down his forehead. he laughs with a boxer to the left of him, suddenly pushing his body to beat the new-found opponent, letting out a breathy “ah” with each pull up. he grins playfully at his competitor, maybe as a means to intimidate him or present how completely unbothered he is by the situation. you notice he likes doing that. 
the boxer eventually taps out, clapping patrick on the back as a show of respect and hunching over to recollect his breath. patrick does ten more for fun, locking eyes with you as you continue to jog on the treadmill. for once, you don’t break his gaze, refusing to be intimidated by some random, handsome american the night before the biggest event of your life. you watch as he trails up your bare legs and lands sight on your chest while it rocks with the motion of your feet. 
no distractions. you turn up the speed on the treadmill and convince yourself that your climbing heart-race has nothing to do with the cheeky lingering gaze patrick has on you and all to do with your exercise. his stupid smile widens, bathing in the attention while he grabs a mini-towel to wipe the sweat from his face and rub it through his hair. he saunters over, slinging the towel over his shoulder, reeking of insufferable confidence. 
“enjoying the view?” he prods. “or studying your competition?” 
you scoff, keeping your pace, “you’re not my competition, patrick. you’re a distraction.” 
patrick leans on the treadmill handle, his body radiating a fresh cologne mixed with sweat as he comes close to your face, “i don’t know, you seem pretty focused on me.” 
“in your dreams.” 
he laughs, his eyes twinkling that little bit extra, “hmm. yeah, you’re definitely in them.”
you glance at him, caught off guard by the overt flirtation, your parents warnings ringing in your ears. he can sense the slight embarrassment that’s taken over your expression, an innocence that he’s not encountered in a while. 
the moment stretches as you lock in on each other, a thick tension hanging between you before he finally steps back and allows you some space. 
“good luck tomorrow,” he says sincerely. “i’ll be watching.” 
you nod, battling away the fluttering in your stomach as he returns to his workout. you curse him internally as you hop off the treadmill and to the sauna for some relaxation, frustrated at how he’s gotten under your skin in more ways than one. 
the sauna you’ve chosen, the furthest away to be exact, is quiet and the perfect escape from the olympic village. you lie back with your knees up, peeling your bikini straps down to lie against your breasts. your eyes close, letting the heat wash over your muscles. 
just as you begin to unwind, the door creaks open and through the squint of your eyes, in walks patrick. he’s wearing nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist and a provoking smirk plastered on his face.
"oh, fuck off." you mutter to yourself, half-annoyed.
he lets out a pleased laugh, sitting down next to your head, eyes gleaming with mischief, "has to be fate, huh?"
you roll your eyes, though a small part of you can't help but smile, "or just terrible luck."
patrick leans back right next to you, stretching his arms over the bench. you can’t help but stare up at his muscled arm as it looms over you. his voice is drowning in humour,  "i feel like we should start over. be friends."
you raise a skeptical brow,  "friends?"
he nods.
you snort, "and why would i want to be friends with someone who spends all his time annoying me?"
he grins, leaning forward so his face is above yours. his voice drops to a low, almost intimate tone. "because deep down, you enjoy it. just like i enjoy getting under your skin."
you feel the heat of the sauna creeping up your neck and settling on your cheeks. before you can think of words, patrick’s eyes send a look that invites a shiver down your body. the kiss is inevitable as he leans his body down and lowers his lips to meet yours, not asking for permission. 
your body reacts as soon as he offers the first move. you pull up off the wood to meet him at his sitting height. his hand grabs the back of your neck, pulling you closer, breaking through the pent-up yearning that both of you have built up. you swing your leg over his towel, and melt into him. your hands find their way to his strong chest, feeling the thud of his heart under your fingertips. he groans softly, deepening the kiss, his tongue massaging yours. 
patrick pulls from the kiss first, leaning back to admire you and roam his hands all over the shape that he’s been fantasising about for days. your innocence, dedication to your sport, how sweet you look and act around the athletes to try learn from them. the way you’re always in the tiniest little designer costumes, the material sticking to your curves and abs peeking through. 
he’s watched your come-up from afar, you’re the perfect story: small town girl thrust into the spotlight and already projected to win. like every person, he’s spent hours stalking your painfully alluring instagram, and now he’s got you straddling him. 
he’s never wanted to fuck anyone so bad. 
he runs a finger gently over the white tick embossed on your bikini top, following the shape of the swoosh and gliding over the bump of your sensitive nipple, “i saw your nike ad.” 
the towel slips slightly, and you feel his hard cock, which is desperate to burrow into you, rub against your thong, “hmm, yeah? what did you think?” 
“i thought it was the hottest thing i’ve ever fucking seen.” 
a moan escapes your lips as he presses his dick against your core and his tongue finds yours again. your whimpers are muffled into patrick’s mouth, his grip tightening. the room feels like it’s spinning. the heat from the sauna and the blood rushing to your head sends you into a haze that makes it hard to think. 
it’s you who pauses the kiss this time, taking in a long breath of air. patrick rests his forehead against yours, his breath heavy as he rolls you back and forwards on his throbbing cock. “this isn’t a good idea,” you whisper breathily, though your hands are still tangled in his dark hair and pulling him closer as you say it.
“no, it’s not.” he agrees, his voice low but not entirely present. 
his fingers find your bottoms and there’s no hesitation in pulling them aside, hopelessly massaging your pulsing clit. his tongue is everywhere, licking in and around your mouth, finding it’s way to the back of your ear. he’s making sure to taste every inch of the salt on your skin. 
you can hardly respond, your fingers tracing the lines of his muscles, feeling the strength beneath his skin, “patrick, p- mmm.”
the sauna’s heat is becoming suffocating, but neither of you seem willing to stop although your bodies glisten with sweat. his lips leave a trail of fire down your neck, and you tilt your head back.
“please fuck me before someone comes.” 
he doesn’t stall, hoisting you up by the waist slightly with one arm and discarding his towel to the side. his cock springs forward, strong as the person who carries it. 
since you don’t have time for boys in your routine, the last time you were fucked was by your equally-innocent high school boyfriend. your mouth goes slightly dry, you’re nervous yet so so desperate for patrick zweig to ruin you. 
he gently lays you back down on the wood of the sauna, lining himself up with your weeping hole. his eyes are locked onto you, sporting a familiar smile which you haven’t seen in a while and for once, it brings you a sense of comfort. you can’t help but laugh back, allowing him to meet you with a sweet kiss as he begins nudging past your wanting entrance. 
there’s a pleasant burn as he takes his time to bury himself inside you. he’s patient with you, pushing in little by little till he’s balls deep. patrick hangs his head over you as you both let out a satisfied moan in unison. when he’s at the hilt and can’t get any deeper, he pulls out suddenly and slams back in against you. 
the temperature in the room is so hot, and you’re burning from the inside out. he’s relentless now, sliding in and out of you as if you were going to melt between his fingers at any second. 
“fuck, you feel so fucking good,” he praises. “so much better than i imagined.” 
the air is thick and you’re both making filthy noises, the slaps of patrick drilling into you filling the box-room completely. he hugs you around the waist and forces you back onto his lap, holding you tight against body. he bruises fingers into your hips, rocking you back and forward. 
you’re dripping so sweetly around his cock, head falling into the swell of his shoulder as he pulls your bikini top down to your waist and eagerly attacks your pebbled nipples with his hot mouth. you find a soft rhythm with him, flowing up and down, up and down, up and down. god, you feel so full, consumed by desire and burning wildly from the heat of the sauna that you’re now beginning to lose tempo. 
patrick notices that you’re completely falling apart around his thick cock and decides to take the work off your plate before you pass out on him. he picks up speed, tucking an arm around your waist and pounding into you. you’re sloppily colliding as the wetness beading on your skin slips between you both, but patrick is sure to keep you steady and alert, 
“you gonna win for me tomorrow?” 
what the fuck, you can hardly think about tomorrow but patrick zweig has casted a fucking spell on you as you melt around his cock like molasses, “uh-huh, ah- ah- ah, y-yeah,” 
“you gonna let me fuck you silly wearing your gold medal?” 
the thought is enough to send you over the edge. you’re cumming, reaching your crescendo through a medley of: “yes, yes, yes. oh my god, yes.” 
patrick can’t take it anymore as your sweet pussy contracts all around his dick, your eyes shutting as he drives into you. you moan into each other’s mouths as he spurts his silky, hot cum into your dripping hole, claiming you as his. 
you’re so dazed and light-headed, falling forward on his chest as he groans, laying his head back against the wood of the sauna.
“c’mon let’s get the new star back before your coaches tackle me, eh?” he breathes, squeezing your waist gently. guys would patrick's ass even qualify i'm serious,,,,,
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a11eya · 3 months
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lights will guide you home (27.1K) (IN-PROGRESS)
Soul-lights aren’t as common in this day and age as they were in the past, before quirks, but they’re common enough that people do still find their soulmates. At thirteen, you meet Bakugou Katsuki, and he lights up for you in orange and gold. You tell him he's your soulmate. He sneers and tells you that you aren't his. He makes your adolescence miserable until you part ways. You meet again as adults, late at night, in a grocery store, over a pile of bok choy. He apologizes for how he treated you when you were children. (In which you have a choice—to reject Bakugou's apology, reject him, or to let him show you the man he's become, to learn with him what it means to love and forgive.)
do you still think about me? (13.6K) (COMPLETED)
Okay, so you had the biggest, most embarrassing crush on Bakugou when you were both in high school. He was kind of your first love, if you believe in those kinds of things. But you got over it. It's fine. You see Bakugou sometimes at hangouts, at get-togethers. He's in your orbit, or you're in his, because of your mutual friends. You're all adults now, so it's fine. It's a little weird, but fine. You're supposed to be on vacation, at a place that's hours away from Musutafu. You're not sure what you've done to deserve it, but Bakugou's here too. And instead of both of you pretending the other doesn't exist, as usual, he's talking to you. He's everywhere. It's fine. (It's not fine.)
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unfiltered (2.6K)
Bakugou's hot, smart, a literal hero, and best of all, he's the best roommate you've ever had. Sure he's grumpy a lot of the time and he's a terror if you're too loud after he's gone to bed, but he cooks! He cleans!! Who can blame you for developing a little crush on him? You've managed to keep it under wraps for the better part of a year. It's just your luck that the day you're hit by a quirk that removes your brain to mouth filter is the day Bakugou breaks routine. He comes home a little too early from the gym in a tight black compression shirt that's made its way into several of your fantasies, and instead of saying hello, you blurt out— “Fuck, you’re so hot.”
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cologne (250 words)
you come home smelling like todoroki.
it's you (405 words)
bakugou's never been with anyone before. he asks you to show him how.
in a new light, pt. 2 (374, 124 words)
buying his magazine spread was supposed to be a joke. you didn't intend to catch feelings.
treasure (332 words)
you catch a glimpse of a human warrior in your forest, one with yellow hair and red eyes. he's yours, you decide. he's perfect.
exercise (172 words)
bakugou likes to work out to the sound of your voice.
playful (121 words)
his face fits in the palm of your hand so nicely.
start something (203 words)
bakugou likes to sleep shirtless most nights.
number one fan (196 words)
you're a big fan of pro hero dynamight.
enchanted (204 words)
he's human. you're not. he's off limits.
check me out (188 words)
bakugou is an absolute menace once he catches you checking him out.
sunscreen (227 words)
bakugou takes care of you on vacation.
coffee cake (525 words)
you've had a little crush on the coffee shop owner next door for a while now.
saltwater (418 words)
bakugou doesn't like when people look at you at the beach.
tease (407 words)
bakugou makes you finish what you started.
devotion (318 words)
every day, bakugou shows you how much he loves you.
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milotraflgkl · 4 months
Safe Word
note: THIS IS A REUPLOAD!!! content: SMUT!, safe word mention, sanji being a loser but also amazing in bed, finger, eating out, praises. WC: 2346
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Sanji slowly looked up at you, “A.. A safe word?” He muttered, his cheeks turning slightly pink and his tone softened as if anyone could hear you two when you weren’t even near the crew. His eyebrows pressed together and he licked his lips as he looked back down at the meal he was prepping, he took a moment to continue his work his eyebrows staying where they were before he turned to look back up at you. “Why would we need a safe word?” He asks, his facial expression stuck on confusion but as you watched you could see how it slowly shifted to worry. “I haven’t been, hurting you during it.. right?” He asks, as he stops what he’s doing and quickly rounds the counter to stand next to you.
His hands quickly came up to your face and his thumb brushed your cheek gently, “No! Not at all Sanji.” You reassured him, you paused for a moment your facial expression struggling to find a set emotion to land on as your lips pursed out and then were brought back in. You opened your mouth, “But I wouldn’t… mind if you were a bit rougher.” You finally spat out the words, you felt your body become hot and you knew that the blush was obvious especially since you could see Sanji turn into a bright red tomato. “Oh… Oh…” He choked out, you felt his hands become sweatier and he slowly took his hands away.
He turned away and made his way to work on his dinner, “We aren’t that far from the next island.” He spoke out, you snapped your head to look towards him. “Wha..What?” You muttered, “We will get a room on the next island.” He said, his voice was deeper and as you watched him you saw how red the tip of his ears were.
The next few days were pure torture and it didn’t help that Sanji was practically teasing you, the way his eyes would stare at you until you connected eyesight and then he’d move his eyes down taking in every single inch of your body. The way his hands would linger a bit longer then would softly move away from your skin leaving chills down your spine, almost feeling yourself lean towards his touch not wanting it to leave. You couldn’t do anything about it either, especially with the lack of privacy getting Sanji alone or even being alone yourself was a rare delicacy. But what you would do to just jump onto Sanji and let him use you for his, clear desires? It felt like it was taking years to get to the next island, your body aching in need the more you thought about how far the island was and yet how close Sanji was.
Finally, the day had come, the ship was put securely into a spot on the dock and the crew had finally decided on a good place to stay. Sanji and you were put in a room together because of your relationship but also because Sanji double-made sure with a quick request told to Nami. You felt yourself become more tense and excited for night to come, as the crew went about their normal routine of gathering supplies then heading to the closet bar to finally relax after so many days of sailing.
You sat at the bar and drank a small martini that had a paper umbrella in it, that was so graciously gifted to you by the bartender who had the hots for you. You didn’t pay him any mind more so lost in the thoughts of why Sanji had been so distant yet so close, as well as the sound of chatter and music taking up the rest of any other space that could’ve been left to think about the bartender who constantly had his eyes on you. You slowly stirred the paper umbrella around in the drink, your elbow against the counter and chin being held by your hand. As the bartender came over for the fifth time to interrupt your thought he asked if you were enjoying the drink and if you needed anything else, as well as sliding in a smooth flirt. You giggled at the notion, more flattered that he found you attractive. You denied a new drink and silently ignored his flirt unaware of the glaring eyes only feet away from you, it didn’t take long for you to notice when you felt a hand snake against your back and hold the side of your body tightly. You quickly turn and look up at Sanji who was already staring at you, a soft smile on his face and his beautiful blue eyes admiring your facial features. But most importantly your lips, it seemed that after a moment of looking at the top of your face, his eyes froze at your lips and didn’t move an inch. “Hi, Sanji.” You spoke out finally and his eyes immediately snapped to look back into yours, “Hi [Name].” He responds.
It didn’t take much longer until two of his fingers gently moved to find the bottom of your chin, pushing your head up a bit more before he leaned himself closer to you and pressed his soft lips against yours. You could taste nicotine fresh on his lips, he must’ve just come in from a smoke. You thought to yourself before they were interrupted by the feeling of his hand softly grazing your knee and moving upwards on your thigh, threatening to reach up the bottom of your dress. You looked down at his hand and grabbed it gently, “What do you think you are doing?” You ask him, Sanji looks at you with desire glossed over his eyes and his pupils blown out absorbing ocean-blue eyes. “I got us a room.” He responds as he squeezes your thigh gently his lips gently grazing against yours, you shudder at the feeling of his soft lips against yours. You nod unable to think properly about the situation you are in, Sanji gently moves his hand to grab ahold of yours and pulls you along with him as you leave the bar. Sanji leads you through this building and up the stairs until you find a room with the numbers that match the numbers engraved on the key that Sanji held in his off-hand. He slowly lets go of your hand and unlocks the door, stepping inside the room and then holding the door open for you as you step in afterward.
With one swift movement, Sanji grabs ahold of your waist and guides you to the bed, he’s gentle with his actions still keeping up his gentlemanly personality. His lips quickly find yours as well as his hand finding the nape of your neck to hold you closer, while his hand left on your waist gently pulls you closer to his hips allowing you to feel the bulge that pressed harshly against his nice dress pants. You moan as you feel him pressed against you and this only allows him to slip his tongue into your mouth, it’s slow at first the way his tongue dances along with yours before he becomes desperate for more as if he is starving and wants to taste more of your lips. You begin to run out of air and pull away from him, a trail of saliva connects between your tongues as you both look at each other with lust and need. Sanji didn’t waste any time as he moved back to you and kissed gently along your jawline, you tilted your head allowing him more access to your neck, and as if he read your mind his lips slowly trailed down your neck beginning to give gentle bites to it. He began to slowly suck on your skin leaving marks that would be visible to everyone the next day and as an apology for being so harsh he’d kiss it gently, his hand slipping up your neck and up to your head to hold it.
He wanted you to feel secure and safe before he allowed himself to go crazy, His hand on your waist gripped tightly before it found its way down to the bottom of your dress and slowly snaked its way underneath. It sent a shiver down your spine at the way his thin and cold fingers ran across your thigh ever so softly, it did make you feel extremely safe and well cared for. The way his fingers gently lifted your dress upwards and the hand that had held your hand slipped down to grab the zipper of your dress pulling it down. The straps of your dress fell off to the side and revealed your chest that wasn’t hidden by anything as you decided to not wear anything underneath. Sanji pulled away from your pretty and purple-decorated neck, his eyes slowly moved from your neck and down to your chest as he let out a shaky breath at the sight of you. “God… [Name]…” He moaned out as his hands slowly made contact with your breasts and held them gently before his fingers moved to gently twist at your nipples. The small whine you released from your throat was as if the angels from heaven were singing upon Sanji to come toward the gates of heaven.
Sanji didn’t spend any time before he reached his head down and his mouth found the soft skin of your breasts, he gently kissed it and then left a few open-mouthed kisses. “God [Name]…” His hot breath against your chest made you shiver, “You are absolutely beautiful.” He whispered against your skin, as his hands slowly moved from your breast and slowly moved to the rest of your dress tugging it down slowly until it rested against your hips. His hands shook against your skin almost with nerves that he could easily break you like you were the finest china in the world. His hands gently squeezed your hips before he continued to move your dress down your thighs, he took in a shaky breath as he looked at your lower body covered by lace underwear. You had to lift yourself slightly to get the dress to slip from under your butt and Sanji continued to take the dress off and then dropped it onto the floor.
He wasted no time latching his lips back onto your skin, his lips dragging down slowly before they reached the hem of your underwear and the feeling of his warm breath sent a shiver down your spine and a shock to your core. “Relax [Name].” He whispers against your skin, his hands slowly moving to push your shoulders back as a way for him to tell you to lay back which you did gladly. “I’m going to treat you tonight~” He hums, he looks down your torso to catch sight of your eyes and the two of you stare for a moment before you watch his curled brow disappear below down to your clit. His tongue dragged against the fabric and the feeling of his spit mixing with your already-soaked underwear caused you to whimper, “S..Sanji..”. You begged him as your hand found his golden locks to hold them. “Use your words, princess.” He speaks between your thighs, and you become flustered at the explicit words that you would have to say. “Please take my underwear off…” You beg him, your hand tightening against his hair which causes him to groan and send vibrations to your core.
“Of course princess.” He responds, his fingers sliding up from your thighs to grab the top of your underwear and slide them off throwing them off to the side. “So wet for me~” He sings out before he dives in. The feeling of his tongue caused you to yelp in shock and your back arched as his tongue began to swallow you whole, the feeling was so overwhelming as his tongue curled inside of you. His fingers followed after, and two of his lanky fingers slipped into you and found the spot that made you sing out that sweet sweet melody Sanji loved to hear. His fingers moved inside of you with such skill, that your back began to arch more. “Ngh, Sanji please…” You hummed out your knuckles becoming white from holding onto his hair so tightly, He didn’t he was relentless with his tongue as it moved inside of you. As he worked inside of you, his tongue hitting every spot and his fingers pumping in and out of you quickly.
You were squirming underneath him but his hands held onto you so tightly that all of your movement was limited, “fu..fuck” you muttered, “I’m… I’m gonna cum…” you whimpered out, but Sanji didn’t stop. He kept plunging his tongue into you relentlessly and his fingers continued to reach the spot, it didn’t take long before you began to release yourself into his mouth and Sanji took in every single last drop that you let out. Even with the sounds coming from your mouth, he held your hips tightly and didn’t seem like he was going to let go of you anytime soon. He swallowed your release and continued to eat you out, it took you a moment to realize that he was still eating you out. The feeling was becoming overwhelming and overstimulating, your legs began to tighten around Sanjis head which he slowly held your legs apart. He didn’t stop, he was eating you like it was the last thing he’d ever get to eat in his life. It took you a moment before you quickly slipped the safe word out, which Sanji stopped and looked up towards you. You watched his face emerge covered in your juices, “Princess… I’m not even done.” He whispered to you his pupils blown out.
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bunnyreaper · 11 months
merrier the more
pairing - john price x f!reader x john mactavish
wc -  3.2k
warnings - 18+/nsfw, double vaginal penetration, wife sharing, unprotected sex
notes - after a million years i've finally gotten this out of my brain and written out! underrated threesome imo, lets goooo!! proofread but definitely not enough ♥
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Thursdays were date nights, almost every week without fail, unless John was on a mission. Even when paperwork keeps him tied to his desk into the dark of the night, you join him in his office with takeout and a good book, content to enjoy his company in silence. 
It was one of the keys to your marriage being as successful as it is, and both you and John agreed—quality time was a must. 
This Thursday was a break in routine—John's energy has been decidedly different since you stepped foot in his office. He's always a little on edge when you see him at work, his jaw and shoulders tight, but tonight there's a hint of determination in his eyes. 
Captain Price is present, rather than your husband, John. 
The second difference comes in the form of a knock on the door, usually, the two of you go undisturbed as your standing date is known among the 141, and none of the men dare interrupt and draw their captain's ire. On the rare occasion that a knock would come, words would be exchanged quickly before being dismissed. 
Tonight, John invites the guest inside.  
"Sit, Soap." John commands, his voice low and dripping with authority in a way that draws your attention. 
The younger man complies, seemingly not on edge—his usual cocky confidence is still in full swing, in defiance of your expectations of the situation. Whatever Johnny is here for, he's not to be reprimanded or to report something grim. 
Both men's eyes are firmly fixed on you, gazes roaming over the way you lounge in your pretty dress on John's shitty office couch, your legs exposed to both of them. 
"C'mere love," John speaks, rolling back his office chair and patting his thigh temptingly. "Need your help with something."
You rise uncertainty, leaving your book behind as you make your way over to your husband, your eyes darting between him and his subordinate. Neither man says a word, just continuing to watch you as you move closer to them. 
Your mind starts to race, thinking of just what John could possibly need your help with. Occasionally, he asks you to read one of his men's imperceptible handwriting or gets into a debate with you about whether his own reports make grammatical sense. 
Something tells you neither is the case this time. 
When you make your way around the desk, you fall into John's lap obediently, facing away from him and watching Johnny watch you. 
The look in his eyes is not something you're blind to, not now, not ever. John MacTavish has always wanted you. John Price has never let you forget it—he's teased you multiple times about his soldier's crush, and made you admit while being fucked mindless to being attracted to the younger man too. 
Your husband got off on knowing his power, knowing that you belong to him regardless of Johnny or any other man's wishes, and knowing that while your eyes can still appreciate other men, they'll never be enough compared to Price himself. 
You sit patiently and wait, deferring to John and his air of authority as you wait for him to speak whenever he is good and ready. The silence is thick, John's paw trailing across your thigh, up to your waist where he holds you still, his grip insistent. 
"Sergeant MacTavish here is about to become a Lieutenant." He begins again, graveled voice now right in your ear, sending shivers down your spine. "If Soap is getting a promotion, I need to know he can get the job done." 
John snaps his fingers at the Sergeant, beckoning him around the desk as John spins you both to face where Johnny is now standing. His hands move back down your body to your thighs, parting your legs slightly by opening his own so that you sit spread. 
You know exactly where this is headed. Johnny's azure eyes burn into you as they spectate every single one of John's slow, luxurious movements—touches that slowly begin to undo you. The air in the room thickens, and your skin burns under John's fingers. 
Johnny's eyes flicker away, and you can tell the captain is holding his gaze. 
"Need to know I can depend on him, and that he can do what he needs." He purrs, his tone filled with intent. "That he'll take what he wants, yeah?"  
John pulls up the hem of your dress, exposing your now-soaked panties to his sergeant and delighting in the way you both shiver in response—you from being exposed, Johnny from finally getting to lay eyes on intimate parts he'd only dreamed of. 
You stay obediently frozen as John teases you further—the whiskers of his beard tickling at your neck as he smirks, his fingers stroking so softly up your inner thighs.
When you look back and catch Johnny looking you right in the eye, you swear you can feel yourself gush—he looks like he wants to devour you whole. 
"He's always wanted you, love. Isn't that right, sergeant?" 
"Yes, sir." Johnny agrees so eagerly, but the look he sends your way is anything but submissive. His grin is almost predatory, his anticipation and arousal clear after years of lusting after you from afar. 
Johnny finally comes closer, his hands settling on the arms of John's chair as his face stops inches away from your face—hot breath sweeping over your features. One hand moves to clutch at your jaw, demanding your attention as if it wasn't already entirely focused on him. "Tonight, you're mine." 
He growls the words before diving in for a searing kiss, his actions rough and hungry, bordering on violently enthusiastic. His stubble is so different from John's softer brush, nipping at your sensitive skin. 
"Only for tonight, MacTavish." Your husband growls from behind you, pulling your hips back into his hard cock as a reminder. He might be sharing you, but it's just this once. You'll always be his. 
As Johnny kisses you fervently, his hands begin to wander too, groping at your tits as John continues to hold you steady as he works his erection into your ass. While the sergeant occupies your mouth, John sucks kisses into your neck, humming at the feel of you falling apart under both men's touches. 
You gather just enough strength to surface for breath—panting and shaken under their joint attention. Neither of them shows signs of stopping. While your husband was offering you to another man, he wasn't going to sit back and watch either. 
"Both of you?" You gasp, words unsteady and breathless. Handling John under normal circumstances was hard enough, throwing Johnny into the mix might just break you. 
You shiver with need as the men share a laugh, and John's hand slips up to embrace the column of your neck. "Someone has to show him how to do it, love." 
The two men dive back into making you fall apart, a flurry of lips and hands tearing you apart at the seams and driving you mindless with each touch. 
"Fuuuck." Johnny practically whines, his hands falling to grope at your tits and pull them free out of the top of your dress. 
His hands are calloused and warm in a familiar way, but his movements are quick and rough and make you squirm under his touch. The two sets of hands on you are almost too much already, as well as John's erection rubbing against your core. 
A quick flicker of your gaze to the sergeant's jeans shows he's similarly affected, and the sight of his hard cock straining against the denim has you wanting. 
It's hard to think straight with every sensation you feel, every thought consumed by the two men ravaging you—yet your mind flickers back to the conversation you and John had months ago now, the one where he mentioned sharing you. 
You turn your head to the side, snuggling into your husband's cheek as you whisper to him. "I always thought it'd be—" 
He interrupts you with a greedy kiss, before freeing you to continue speaking. "—Simon, if you ever actually went through with this..." 
You sigh through your words, Johnny almost biting at you when he hears the other man's name fall from your lips.
The truth is, you had thought it'd be Simon that John invited into the bedroom first, as his trusted right hand and someone he knew would be discreet. Clearly, though, your husband had been paying more attention to your soft spot for the sergeant than you thought. 
How long had he been concocting this plan? Waiting for the opportunity to have you at Johnny's mercy too. 
Said man's voice pulls you out of your thoughts and back to the smirk on his face and the sparkle in his eyes. "Don't tell me yer disappointed, bonnie." 
You can tell from the way his voice drips with amusement that he knows you're anything but. The easy confidence has always been part of his charm, but as he toys with your breasts and stares down at you expectantly, knowing exactly what he's doing to you—that confidence feels like lightning down your spine.
"Far from it, Johnny." You whisper, finally taking an action of your own and pulling the man in for another kiss. It's sloppy and messy, more teeth and tongue than lips, but Johnny's mouth tastes so good, and his need is evident in every single brush of him against you. 
His hands climb to cup your jaw, holding you exactly as he wants you as his tongue explores your mouth and dances with yours—it's dirty the way he kisses, the way he groans into your mouth as you thread your fingers into his mohawk, the way he swallows your own moans as John bucks up from below you. 
Johnny pulls away, his chest heaving as he presses his forehead against yours and holds you in a tender moment. "Ye must have a thing for blue eyes, aye?" He smirks once more, and you wish you could protest, but the sparkling blues had been what captured your attention first about both men. 
One set belonging to the man that you married, one set belonging to the man you'll now get to fuck. 
The blue eyes before you flicker down, breaking the connection as his hands wander lower—down past your breasts, brushing past your husband's on their way to your thighs. He grasps greedily at your softness, kneading his touch into your skin as he parts your thighs, exposing your soaked panties to his burning gaze. 
"'m gonna touch that little kitty of yours now." He purrs, his curled finger brushing across your sensitive inner thighs in a way that makes your legs squirm—even more so when he traces up the hem of your panties.
"Didn't say you could, MacTavish." Your husband all but growls, his usual authority bursting through him.
Johnny ignores his captain entirely, his fingers pushing your panties aside to plunge deep into your weeping cunt—he curls them against your walls, a wolfish smirk directed at you, watching you flail as he continues to disregard John's words in favour of driving you crazy. 
"Don't remember asking, captain." He snarls in response, taking control. 
The sound of your cunt getting ravished by Johnny's fingers fills the room, drawing sweet whines out of you. One hand works to find the best angle to scrape against your spongy walls, his other coming to replace John's as he holds your neck and stares you down. 
You feel a shift, a moment where Johnny's attitude changes from cocky confidence to earned authority, him taking encouragement from the way you fall apart under his touch and writhe in the lap of your husband who isn't currently the cause of your pleasure. It has Johnny soaring, and you can tell he's falling into the new headspace with ease. 
"He's a quick study, John." You whisper. 
"Clothes off, yeah, lass?" Johnny tugs you to your feet, holding you steady in his arms for a moment before he eagerly strips you off your clothes.
Your dress comes off first, revealing your tits hanging out of the cups of your bra, and the way your panties settle on your hips, digging into your skin. Johnny's hands move to roam over each piece of your exposed body, kneading and admiring, his eyes ablaze like the hottest part of a flame. 
Then he works to rip off your underwear, leaving you bare before both men. "Fuckin' hell don't know how you tear yerself away from her." 
"Feels impossible some days." John purrs as he stands from his chair, paws falling to your waist once more.
Both men grope at you—Soap pulling you in for another kiss, John nibbling at your neck. Your legs almost give out from beneath you, and you know you'd be so unsteady were it not for being pinned between the two men's bodies.
It's overwhelming. John on his own is enough to bring you to your knees, but him and Johnny, with his blessing? Each touch, each kiss has you whining—high-pitched and almost brainless as your mind fizzles with pleasure. 
Johnny holds you close, pressing his solid body against yours—rough fabric and a hard cock against soft skin. He watches your expression as his fingers dip back into your soaked folds, as your husband's fingers roam over your ass and into your hole. The two men work in tandem to reduce you to a quivering mess, vicious fingers making you drip down their hands and your own thighs.
Johnny flicks your clit absentmindedly as his other hand moves to work on freeing himself from his jeans, pushing his boxers aside to reveal a long, slender, leaking cock. 
"Wow, bonnie girl. Yer that excited for me? Or dae ye just really like yer husband sharing ye?" He purrs as he strokes his length languidly, teasing you with the sight of his pre-cum leaking down the head, as well as the way he squeezes his member. 
You laugh breathlessly, unable to summon a real response until the men's fingers still inside you. "We'll see... how you fuck first, sergeant. Don't let me down." 
Both men share a chuckle, but Johnny is the first to act, with strong hands wrapping around your thighs and hoisting you into the air. 
Johnny gives you a devilish smirk as he hovers you inches away from his cock. "I never back down from a challenge, lass." 
He eases into you slowly, lowering you down and stretching you on his length, each delicious inch pushing its way inside in an almost torturous way. He’s not as thick as your husband, but he might just be longer, as he finally seats himself inside and the tip of his cock bullies your cervix. 
"Fuck, fuck." The sigh that releases from you is beyond shaky, betraying the deep effect Johnny’s cock has on you.  "So deep." 
"He feel good, love?" John asks, stepping up behind you, his voice close to your ear and his hands guiding you up and down the other man’s cock.
He clicks his tongue in approval, speaking again with honeyed words that make you keen. "Good girl, keep taking him for me." 
John mostly watches, his hands remaining on you, yet passive, as Johnny starts to move. The younger man thrusts with fervour, bouncing you onto his dick over and over and over again, not satisfied until he has you crying out for more and babbling. 
Johnny certainly knows how to move his hips, knows how to fuck—he eases off the second you show any discomfort, and is quick to learn the exact pace and motion that makes you moan the loudest. If you could think straight, you’d wonder if John had already given him strict instructions on exactly how to fuck you. Of course, he’d have planned this to a T.
Your nails scrape up Johnny’s muscled back, clinging to him desperately as he continues to shove his cock into your wet hole, as John’s hand snakes around your waist to toy with your clit. Both men are clearly intent on ruining you. Your insides twist, your head falling back into your husband's chest as you just feel.
Johnny’s hips abruptly stop, buried deep inside you in a way that blanks out all your thoughts. "Need your help, captain." He grumbles over your shoulder.
"What with?" 
"Think she needs her husband's cock inside her too. Stuff tha' pretty cunt completely full, yeah, bonnie?" Johnny raises a brow at his captain, waiting for the man to make a move. 
Each second drags as your husband considers the situation and you're left needy and waiting, Johnny's hips entirely still—John's hands on you inactive too. 
The idea of being stretched by both of them at the same time sends you wild, two gorgeous cocks stuffing your hole full. 
"Please, John." You start to babble, unable to control your own pleas. "Need you both, need you both, need—" 
John's cock slides between your ass, nudging forward until he knocks against where Johnny is buried inside you. The sensation on its own has both you and Johnny bucking.
"That kind of thinking'll take you far, sergeant," John whispers before his fingers crawl down your skin to where you and Johnny are connected, and he starts to guide the head of his cock into your hole. "Shhh, nice and slow, gotta stretch you out for both of us, love." 
“Gonna be a tight squeeze, bonnie.” Johnny mutters, his voice showing signs of further strain as his captain’s cock rubs against him.
The stretch is painful, John’s girthy cock bullying its way inside and forcing you to accommodate him alongside the sergeant—you know you won’t be sitting right anytime soon, and you couldn’t be happier.
Your hole burns with each inch your husband slides in, pleasure only beginning to come when his head brushes against your g-spot—after that, he slips right in, your cunt reshaping itself in acceptance and swallowing his cock.
"Fuck.” You pant, barely able to catch your breath, and no one has even moved yet. You can’t think straight, can’t breathe right, can’t even really contemplate the way your body is being overwhelmed by the two men. All you can do is whine and moan and cry out. "It's too much!" 
John holds your hips steady as he presses kisses to your shoulder, and Johnny runs a hand through your hair—both men cooing reassurances at you.
"Ye can take it, fer me and the captain. I know ya can." 
“You can do the work, sergeant, make her feel good, yeah?”
Johnny nods once before springing into action, his cock gliding out of your pussy before forcing its way back in, squelching against John’s length as it goes and drawing groans from both men.
It doesn’t take long Johnny's pace to escalate, as he shoves in repeatedly and thrusts both his own and John’s cock deeper inside you. You feel your brain slip into a haze of pleasure, all thoughts becoming incoherent as moan after moan makes its way from your throat. 
"There we go, love. Stuffed full of two cocks, how'd you like it?" Your husband asks before turning your head to face him, and then devouring your lips in a passionate, loving kiss.
"Love it, love it so much." You whisper against him. "Fuck me, John, Johnny, please."
The two men thrust together momentarily, forcing you to the limit of what you can take from both of them—smirks dance across their faces, both beyond pleased to have you pinned between them.
"Cannae wait until we're both filling ye with our cum."  Johnny purrs as he buries himself deep.
"You'd love that, wouldn't you, gorgeous girl?" 
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55sturn · 7 months
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pairing: matthew sturniolo x fem!reader
synopsis: in which matt finds himself growing jealous of y/n's friendship with nathan, despite matt not officially being with her, however she sees his deepest worries and assures there's no one else for her.
warnings: swearing, jealous!matt, snide comments here and there from matt (basically passive aggressive!matt), relationship anxiety, angst if you squint.
if anyone were to ask matt, when he fell in love with you, he'd tell you somewhere between junior and senior year. but deep down he knew that he was lying. he knows he fell in love with you the moment he met you.
the two of you met during the summer between eighth and ninth grade. it was the one and only summer he let his mom send him away to summer camp with his brothers. he decided that he'd go once, just for the memories.
and boy did he make some memories.
"matt c'mon! they're letting us have a free hour on the beach!" chris exclaimed loudly as he jumped on his brother's bed, disturbing the middle triplet who tried to peacefully nap during their free hour.
"chris go away!" matt grumbled, pulling the pillow over his head, keeping away from chris until nick came into the room, ordering matt to get up. matt obliged, but not without complaint.
the three boys made their way down to the beach. chris immediately took off toward the makeshift court where a few boys his age were playing basketball. nick took off toward alahna who attended the camp as well.
matt was about to follow nick when he spotted a girl, probably his age sitting alone at table drawing away in a sketchbook.
"hey, why are you by yourself?" matt greeted, sitting across from her, feeling the need to keep this girl company.
"i just moved to boston and my mom sent me to this stupid camp to make friends in time for school but i'm mad at her so i'm not gonna make any friends." the girl replied, not taking her eyes off her book as her pencil scribbled furiously. when she realized he wasn't leaving, she let out a dramatic sigh and looked out at the water.
"well, i'm matt!" he laughed, noticing how stubborn she was about not looking at him.
"i'm y/n." she replied, finally looking at him and felt her face grow warm, but she thought that was gross so she chalked it up to the summer air against her skin.
a week later, the girl left summer camp with four new friends, despite her penchant for being alone.
when the school year began, y/n quickly found that she was attending the same high school as the triplets. she was quick to fall into their routine, developing a close relationship with their closest friends as well. almost immediately fitting into their dynamic and group.
however, y/n got rather close with nathan almost immediately after meeting him. she opened her arms and let nate in without fighting, she felt a strong brotherly tie to him.
however matt didn't know that she only considered him a brother, his jealously stewing over time. he knew he was falling in love when he wanted to punch nate for stealing y/n from him. he knew he was falling in love when he was angry when he should've been happy when y/n found her first boyfriend.
he knew he was falling in love the moment he met her.
in the two years since y/n, the triplets, alahna, and nate have graduated, matt hasn't been able to pinpoint the exact moment his relationship with y/n changed.
they went from awkward teenagers trying to navigate uncomfortable and unfamiliar feelings that brew in the pits of their stomachs every time they met their best friend's eyes, to people testing the waters of what is considered a normal friendship while cuddling, spending the night with her chest to his back and his arm wrapped tightly around her waist.
they went from best friends teasing each other relentlessly over not having their first kisses only to become each other's first kisses. they kept the terribly awkward, clashing of teeth, tongue in the wrong spots type of kiss, to themselves.
however, despite their first kiss being terrible, once they graduated and the triplets moved to los angeles, y/n and matt had a tendency to share more kisses every time they convinced her to come out to los angeles or whenever the triplets flew back home to boston.
matt depended on those close, personal moments of intimacy with y/n. they made him feel like he had her in his life in a way that no one did. she was special to him, his first ever love. he didn't want to give that up. and so, he and his brothers were on their way to boston, partly because they missed home and mostly because matt needed to see her.
"so are you gonna tell her?" nick hummed, looking at matt who sat in the middle seat of their section on the plane, his eyes glued to his phone as he watched the minutes tick by, his right knee bouncing rapidly as he waited for the plane to land.
"huh? tell who? what?" matt replied, a delayed reaction to nick's question, the pounding in his chest travelled to his head, causing his reaction time to be slowed.
"he asked if you're gonna tell y/n that you've been in love with her for like ever, bozo." chris snickered, earning a swift smack to the stomach, causing chris to double over groaning slightly. okay so maybe, matt's reaction time wasn't delayed.
"shut up chris. i'm not in love with her."
"that's bullshit, and you know it." nick mumbled, earning a glare from matt who just slumped back in his seat, plugging his airpods into his ears, trying to ignore his brothers and their ridiculous teasing for the rest of the flight. the flight couldn't go by fast enough for matt, who was subconsciously biting his nails as he listened to playlist that y/n had made for him. as the boys struggled to but kept busy, the flight was soon over, all three of them rushing to grab their carry/ons and get off the plane.
as the triplets headed toward their house, they grew nervous. all their friends and family knew they were coming home and were awaiting their arrival. matt felt his nerves calm slightly when he heard y/n's laugh from the open window in the kitchen.
as he pushed through the door, he felt his heart crumble to pieces deep in his chest. seeing y/n, thrown over nate's shoulder laughing loudly as he tickled her, bright matching smiles on their faces, made his words and feelings get stuck in his throat as it ran dry.
matt scoffed slightly and rolled his eyes as y/n looked up from her place over nate's, smiling brightly and squealing slightly as nate placed her on her feet. matt ignored the bitter jealously rising up his throat as she wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing his cheek briefly.
"i missed you." y/n whispered as she pulled back slightly, the look on her face sending a stubborn, unwavering warmth through matt's chest that he tried to fight hard to fight.
"yeah, you too." matt hummed, hardly looking at her as he stared nathan down, a half-assed grin on his face while he dapped his childhood friend up. as y/n hugged nick and chris, she felt eyes staring into the back of her head. turning around, she met matt's angry stare along with nathan's blissfully unaware, cheesy and lopsided grin.
"can we go to denny's? i could so fuck up some of their waffles right now." y/n laughed, looking to matt, her eyes softening as she silently pleaded for the boy in front of her to drive the group to denny's.
"yeah lemme put my shit away and we can go." matt sighed, the hardened front he masked himself with easily cracking and crumbling down completely around his feet under the soft stare that had him weak in the knees every time he looked her way.
as he quickly shuffled his suitcase and duffel bag up the stairs to his room, he felt his mind swarm with conflicting emotions and ideas, unsure if he wanted to punch his best friend for carelessly flirting with y/n as if his feelings weren't painfully obvious or if he just wanted to settle in security, knowing that he had y/n in a way no one else did.
sighing, he returned back to the group of people waiting for him, knowing if he stayed in his room, someone would come  looking for him and he didn't have the nerve to talk about the feelings swirling beneath his ribcage.
the group piled into the van, chris, nick, and matt all in their respective spots, with nate and y/n squished beside each other, giggling amongst themselves as they talked about god knows what.
"so y/n, did you finally ask out that guy you said you were into?" nick prodded, tilting his head inquisitively as he eyed the way her and nate interacted.
"wait, did you think that guy was nate?" y/n laughed loudly, not missing the things nick said with a look.
"i mean, y'all act like a couple." nick chuckled as y/n rolled her eyes.
"yeah you do, it's fucking annoying." matt whispered to no one in particular as his eyes flicked to y/n in the backseat, however chris caught his comment and quietly giggled to himself. the rest of the drive to denny's consisted of the three in the back bickering over shit while chris watched matt stew in his jealousy from beside him, smirking to himself.
as the group piled into the restaurant, they all ordered their preferred forms of breakfast despite it being nearly two in the morning. the group giggled amongst themselves, save for matt who couldn't stop glaring at nate. y/n had picked up on and it made her feel unsettled, she couldn't pinpoint why he'd be upset.
as everyone finished paying for their food, y/n pulled matt aside, her hand on his arm as she looked up at him.
"what's goin' on up there?" she asked, her voice soft and calm, hoping it'd ease matt into talking, and help her get a sense of understanding what he was feeling.
"it's nothing, y/n." he muttered, his voice cold and slightly unsteady as he pushed her hand off his arm.
"matt, c'mon i know you better than you think i do, tell me what's bothering you. you've been acting weird since you first walked in the door. nate's noticed it and so have i."
"why don't you just go bother nate about it then? you seem to be much closer with him anyway." he snapped, rolling his eyes are the shock that fell on her face, before feeling his heart sink as her eyes held something that resembled hurt.
"that's what this is about?"
"y/n, drop it please."
"no matt, i thought it was clear that i don't see anyone else the way i see you."
"well with the way you've been acting with nate it makes me wonder what we actually are. i'm normally not the type to get jealous but jesus christ, i can't help it. you're an amazing girl, any guy would be lucky to have you as their girlfriend or whatever we are and i sometimes wonder why you're into me." matt whispered, unable to keep his feelings at bay any longer with the way she was looking at him, her head tilted, nothing but love and concern in her eyes. she made him feel safe, like he could tell her his deepest emotions and she would listen intently, providing safety for him.
"matt,-" she whispered, stepping closer to him and cupping both sides of his face, her thumbs dragging along his cheekbones as he leaned into her touch, his eyes falling shut briefly.
"there is absolutely no need to worry at all, i'm yours, okay? i-" she paused, taking a deep breath before continuing,
"i love you, matt. i've never looked at another guy the way i've looked at you. not once, and frankly i don't want to. there's no one that can understand a simple look from me the way you do. there's no one who knows me better than you, no one else who's ever taken the time to understand me and be patient with me the way you have. i am yours, and i hope that you're mine. okay?"
"okay." he whispered back, nodding softly as she leaned up, pressing her lips to his in a gentle but passionate kiss that meant they had a mutual agreement, that they were each others, and that one kiss, that one simple kiss that meant they understood each other, was more than enough for matt.
the two broke apart at the sound of giggles, turning to find the rest of the group standing behind them.
"what the fuck was that?" chris exclaimed, genuinely shocked that his brother and his best friend were kissing, and seemingly together.
"a kiss, dumbass."
"yeah but is this the first time or?"
"chris you idiot, do you not ever read between the lines? it's obvious they've been together for a while now." nick replied, his tone incredibly dull, like matt and y/n being together was the most obvious thing.
"i love you too, y/n." matt whispered as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders, pulling her into his side, and pressing a kiss the side of her head as they walked toward the van.
falling in love with your best friend is never easy, it's complicated and messy and leaves behind a lot of doubt but y/n was worth every bit of complicated, every bit of mess left behind, y/n was worth it all to matt.
and that alone, was enough to put his worries and self doubt at ease. because as long as y/n was there to reassure him that she was his, he knew they'd be okay.
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taglist: @dylsdunbar @verosivy @soursturniolo @4sturns @sturnsclutter @spencerstits @meanttomeet @bluesturniolo333 @graciereid @abbie13sworld @ghostofbrock @l9vesick @mylifeisevenstranger @bethsturn @ifilwtmfc @themattgirl @lovingmattysposts @lacysturniolo @freshsturns @forevergirlposts @sturniolo-fav-matt @cupidsword @strawberrysturniolo @lustfulslxt @sturnifyed @teapartyprincess4two @mangosrar @querenciasturniolo @pinklittleflower @cutenote @ellie-luvsfics @strniolo @junnniiieee07 @33sturniolo @hearts4chris @evie-sturns @nicksmainbitch @gnxosblog @sturniolopepsi @wronqness99 @sturniolossss @hesvoid3434 @mattsfavwh3re @inlovewithmattstur
© 55STURN 2024 ! REBLOGS NOT EXPECTED BUT GREATLY APPRECIATED ! [ you do not have permission to copy or save or share my work to other platforms and devices! ]
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hollowdeath · 9 months
hii! I love love loveee ur harry fic. can I request a modern au where harry and fem reader are both famous actors, they get paired up to do a movie where they have to do a s3x scene, and things get pretty heated off set as well ~
hi! thank you so much for requesting, i really enjoyed writing this! i hope you like it!
pairing: harry james potter x fem!reader AU (18+)
summary: you're filming your first romance movie that features a sex scene with harry potter (early 20's), an actor you've only ever seen on the big screen. despite both of your nerves, a growing chemistry between you two leads to something more in the dressing room.
content warning: smut!!! dry humping, oral sex, penetration
word count: 8.7k (i can't write short blurbs i swear lol)
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you were currently sitting in the hair and makeup chair chatting with the stylist about each other's respective careers, laughing and messing around before your official call time. you always went out of your way to talk to the crew on any set you worked, not just to be respectful, but also to make everyone comfortable around you right away.
it was a little hard to grasp from your perspective as you were only thrust into the spotlight a few years ago, but you were in enough successful movies that you were now pretty recognizable to most people. not that long ago you were just like everyone else, a fan of celebrities yourself who went to premiers and fawned over meeting them. today, those same people are technically your coworkers. it's something you're still learning to accept as your new normal.
that being the case, it was easy for people to feel a bit intimidated by you. you were well-liked, by both fans and people in the industry, and already highly-acclaimed with quite a few notable awards/nominations under your belt in just a couple years. and while you took your acting seriously, in your real life you were very different from the stoic characters you played. funny, warm, personable, always trying to lighten the mood - you were a pleasure to work with in every sense, so the intimidating preconception people had of you would quickly melt away.
"wow, jen, it must be so cool being able to work with so many celebrities all around the world," you sighed. the stylist, jenny, gives you a bewildered look in the reflection of the mirror. "well, you do that too y'know? you're one of those celebrities that people will ask me, 'oh my god, what's she like?'" she laughs at you, finishing up the final details of your hair.
you give her a half smile, feeling a blush rise on your cheeks. "okay, well, i guess…but it's not the same. i'd love to travel as much as you do. i know it's for work, but i'm sure you get to see some pretty incredible places," you gush. jenny smiles back at you.
"i do, it's nice and all, but you get to be on the big screen with some pretty handsome faces," she teases. "i mean, that movie with timothee you just did?" she practically moans. "i would do anything for that boy," she laughs.
your blush only worsens. being a young woman in the industry you're very often paired with actors around your age, almost always men, to have a romance plot line with. it seems like no matter how artistic, action-packed, or sad the movie is, they just can't let you leave without having you makeout with said actor at least a million times before getting 1 good take. after a while it becomes so routine that it loses all novelty. kissing becomes meaningless and these 'heartthrobs' just become coworkers to you.
"please, timothee's like my brother at this point," you roll your eyes, pulling out your phone to check the time. just a few more minutes before you have to leave and be on set. "and i'd much rather do his makeup than makeout with him in front of everyone again," you laugh, putting your phone back in your pocket.
"well, y'know, i was doing the potter boy's makeup just before i came in. wouldn't mind making out with him a few times, lucky duck," she teases you, starting to pack up her equipment.
harry potter. the name was familiar to you. he was an actor around your age who started getting more roles at the same time you did. you always seemed to miss each other at award shows and premiers, so you haven't been properly introduced yet, but you had been somewhat excited to work with him on this movie.
it was your first proper romance, a book adaptation that you had actually read just a few years prior on your own. you knew the director well and you were his first choice when casting the lead role. at first you were a bit hesitant to accept because you didn't even enjoy the little romance you did in your previous movies, so you weren't sure how you'd feel doing an entire film centered on it. but robert, the director, had convinced you to at least read the script, and you were hooked from there.
it was less of a romance and more of a drama, focused on the downfall of a marriage due to the wife, you, having an affair. that's where potter came in. you learned he was cast for the role of the 'side piece' only a month or so before filming began, and you weren't sure how to feel. on one hand, like jenny said, he wasn't bad looking from what you had seen in his films. however, when you previously did these types of scenes with costars, you at least knew them previously and could be friendly with them between takes. you had never met potter, not even seen him off-screen, and now you have to have an entire affair with him on camera.
that's another thing. you've only ever done heated kissing scenes before, maybe a little undressing and implied nudity, but nothing too explicit. this would be your first real 'sex scene', which just added another layer of awkwardness to the situation on top of not even knowing the basics about each other. to say you were anxious about filming those scenes would be an understatement.
"then you can take my place, cuz i'm not looking forward to it. you know i've never even met him before?" you ask as you stand up from the chair, stretching your body after sitting for over 2 hours. "just gonna introduce myself like, 'yeah, hi, i'm [y/n], nice to meet you. you ready to pretend to fuck passionately for the next 4 hours in front of the catering staff?'" you joke, putting on a voice and pretending to shake jenny's hand. she laughs at you, pulling her hand back and waving you away.
"oh hush, you're gonna do just fine. hell, you might even like it." she gives you a smirk as you just laugh her off. you exchange goodbyes with her, wishing her well and thanking her excessively for her time.
as you're walking through a maze of hallways to find your set, you run into robert. he looks like he's seen a ghost when you greeted him.
"oh…[y/n]...i've been meaning to talk to you…" he says nervously, trying to keep his tone positive. you narrow your eyes at him. you've worked with robert long enough to know when he's about to tell you something he knows will annoy you.
"robert…" you warn him, a hint of sarcasm in your voice. he sighs. "look, just walk with me." he tells you as he walks away, motioning you to follow.
as you catch up to him, he begins trying to find the best way to break the news to you. "see, well…we uh…we think it's best if, uh…maybe…" he stammers, causing you to look at him with concern. you've never seen him this nervous to tell you something. "what? just spit it out, rob." you tell him.
he sighs again, rubbing his forehead. "look, casting just isn't sure on this potter kid yet. we've shot a couple of his solo scenes already, but…" he trails off, trying to find the words again.
"but…?" you ask confused. he gives you an apologetic look. "but…we just need to see his chemistry with you first." robert says. you're just more confused, staring at him blankly. robert slows to a stop and turns to you, his hands raised in innocence.
"it's not my idea, but cast wants you and potter to shoot the sex scene today so they can decide if we're keeping him or not," he admits regretfully.
you're completely dumbfounded. there's a few moments of silence before you can even conjure up a response. "what?"
he sighs yet again, clearly stressed about the situation. "i know, trust me, i know, you weren't excited to do this scene to begin with but…think about it this way," his voice turns to the same fake positivity to try and reassure you.
"if we shoot all the lovey dovey stuff first just to find out there's no chemistry during the sex scene, then we just wasted all your time, all his time, and a lot of money…" he reasons with a strained voice. you're still giving him a death glare, arms crossed, not buying his excuses.
"robert, that doesn't even make any sense. wouldn't we build chemistry over time like any other movie? i thought i had at least a couple weeks to get to know this kid before… you know…" you trail off, blushing from both frustration and embarrassment.
"i know, i know, but cast is really pushing for this other guy, but i've wanted potter in this role as long as i've wanted you as my lead." he says desperately, his hands literally pleading with you. "please, [y/n], i know this isn't cool of me, but i'll do anything you need from me for the rest of filming. for the rest of my life!" he's joking, but there's a hint of seriousness in his voice. "just, please?"
you're still glaring at him, not happy that you're being put in this predicament. you take a second to breathe, trying to think past your anger, and see this from an outside perspective. realistically, even if you and potter did have chemistry outside of the sex scene, it didn't necessarily mean it would transfer over. by filming that first and getting it out of the way, there would be no awkward building of tension over the next few weeks knowing what's to come. and who's to say there even is any chemistry? then they'd end up having to switch him out for an entirely different actor, which could up a lot of time for paperwork and legal fees…
sighing, uncrossing your arms, you give robert a look of defeat. "fine."
robert's relieved, thanking you profusely as he continues to show you the way to the stage. he's trying to babble on about how you're going to do great, and there's nothing to be afraid of, but you can't focus on his words even a little bit because your heart is thumping so loud.
as you walk into the bustling room with robert leading the way, you can't help but search the room for potter's face. you want to at least see who you're going to be dry humping from 4 different angles.
recognizing different crew members you've worked with before, you smile and say hello to each of them as you continue analyzing each face in the room. you only kind of know what he looks like, so it might be a fruitless search, but it's the only thing that can distract you from your growing anxiety.
robert brings you to the catering table, telling you to make sure you eat and drink some water before being pulled into conversation with someone else and, eventually, leaving you behind completely. whatever, you think, he wasn't helping anyway.
grabbing for a water bottle, you drink at least half of it before feeling a tap on your shoulder. you're twisting the cap back on as you turn around.
harry potter.
you can instantly tell it's him, though he's now wearing glasses, something you don't remember seeing in his movies. he has a shy, nervous smile as he offers you his hand. "[y/f/n] [y/l/n], right? i'm harry potter," he introduces himself. "i guess we'll be filming together for the day."
you smile and shake his hand. "harry, hi, it's nice to meet you. and, yeah, i guess so…" you reply shyly, noticing that your hands are sweating, as well as his. he chuckles just a bit, reaching for a water bottle as well.
"yeah, i take it robert talked to you already?" he asks before he takes a drink. you nod, giving him an awkward smile. "he did…" you chuckle as well. "just a minute ago, actually."
harry nods in return. "yeah, he came by my room not even an hour ago to let me know." he states.
there's a few moments of awkward silence between the two of you before harry sighs and sets his water bottle down. he turns to you with his hands up just like robert.
"look, let's not be coy, yeah? this is weird as hell." harry states bluntly, a look of guilt on his face.
you let out a surprised laugh, setting your water bottle down as well. you turn to him, giving him your attention, curious to see what else he has to say.
harry briefly looks you up and down, his hands still raised. there's a hint of anxiety in his eyes before he blinks and shakes his head. "and, i'm just a big fan of yours in general, and this is really not how i wanted my first sex scene to play out, especially with you…" he emphasizes, his eyes widening at his own words.
"not that i didn't want it to happen at all, i definitely did, just, like…" he groans, throwing his head back and covering his face with his hands in frustration. you can't help but giggle at his nervous antics. you didn't know what to expect in terms of his personality, but you certainly didn't think he'd be so humble and shy. most actors you meet close to your age are either full of themselves or try too hard to be something they're not. you've made friends with plenty who aren't like that, but it's definitely more common than you expected.
with harry, however, he seemed very honest right away. he wasn't putting on a face to impress you, if anything he was failing miserably at that…but you found it really admirable. he reminded you of yourself, in a way.
after hearing you giggle at him, harry looks back at you with flushed cheeks. his brunette hair, an already messy fringe, was now even more disheveled. you continue to giggle at his expression, covering your smile as you look him up and down as well. tired converse, blue jeans, a maroon zip up, and a plain blue polo. you'd never think this kid was a famous actor based on his appearance. even his glasses looked old and bent out of shape.
but again, you found it admirable. no designer names, no flashy accessories. not that you found anything wrong with either of those things, it's just what you're used to seeing. it was refreshing, harry's simplicity.
he awkwardly chuckles with you, wringing his hands together nervously. "uh, what i'm meaning to say is…" he trails off. you interrupt his thoughts. "i know what you're saying," you reassure him. he looks back up at you. "you do?"
you laugh again. he's oddly innocent despite his age. "i do. i've never done this before, either." you admit. "oh, i know, i've seen all of your films plenty of times," harry beams, his nervousness melting away a bit. you're taken aback by his statement. "oh?" you respond.
he nods proudly. "oh yeah, i'm just a big film person in general so i'm constantly watching them at home. or on the plane. or in the dressing rooms…" he laughs. you smile warmly at him. again, something about him is so genuine to you. not afraid to be a fan.
"but, anyways, yeah, i just love your work. and i know you've worked with robert before, so i was over the moon when i heard he wanted me to work with you guys. that was one of my favorite films that year, y'know? definitely deserved more recognition than it got." harry rambles. 
blushing, you give him an incredulous look. "yeah, we have worked together before. i-i loved that film." you're clearly impressed with his knowledge of you and of cinema in general. that film wasn't even all that popular, and definitely not your most well-received work as far as the critics went. "thank you. really."
harry's smiling at you, admiring you in a way.
you blink a few times to come back to reality. "u-um, i love your work, too. i actually just went and saw your most recent one twice, before robert even told me we'd be working together." 
harry's shocked, his mouth slightly agape and eyes wide. "you…you've seen my movies?" he asks with a slight smile.
again, you can't help but giggle at him. his humility just keeps surprising you. "of course i have. you're not the only actor who enjoys films, y'know?" you tease him. he laughs, shaking his head.
"yeah, i'm…i'm just surprised, i figured you might not be familiar with me at all, really," he shrugs, still sounding in shock.
"well, we always miss each other at shows and such, i always meant to introduce myself, but…" you trail off. "i know! tell me about it! i've wanted to meet you for ages, seriously," harry gushes. 
smirking, you cross your arms and shift your weight. "well, what do you think now that we've met?" you ask, mostly sarcastically but also curious about his response.
he clears his throat, the nervousness coming back slightly. "u-uh, well, um…" he stumbles. "quite honestly, i didn't think you could be more beautiful in person." he admits like a schoolboy with a crush.
his response gives you butterflies. he's so adorably innocent, but such a gentleman at the same time. at no point does his admiration for you feel manufactured or forced. it's like he's truly just happy to be with you in this moment.
"well…thank you, harry," you respond. "you're not so bad yourself. i really adore the glasses." you admit with a blushing smile.
harry perks up immediately. "really?" he asks, excited and shocked at the same time. "they're prescription, actually, i'm blind as a bat…but no director wants me to wear them, they say i look like a total nerd," harry laughs, but you can tell it saddens him.
"nerds are hot." you shrug. harry's stunned for a moment before chuckling, his eyes softening for you. "right."
you and harry continue to chat for a while, losing all sense of time as the crew continue to work around you. you're mostly discussing films you both enjoy, and have incredibly similar taste. you love all the same directors, and grew up watching the same stuff.
this eventually leads to talking about both of your starts in acting, which are also strikingly similar. you discuss your experience so far as a woman in hollywood and he listens intently, asking questions with genuine curiosity and concern. he tells you about his experiences with theater growing up and the connections he made throughout his time performing.
you're completely enthralled with the conversation and feel like it could go on for days without any complaint. it's not until you hear robert calling both of your names that you look at the time and realize you've been talking with harry for nearly an hour and a half, but it feels like you just started 10 minutes ago.
harry follows you towards robert who's talking to the wardrobe team. you recognize a few faces and excitedly greet them, asking how everyone's been.
"potter, [y/n], these lovely folks are gonna walk you through how this works as far as clothing, don't be afraid to ask questions," robert told you both distractedly, his head already turned away before he ran off to help someone else out on set.
you and harry are separated and put into your respective outfits for your characters, as well as specific underwear for the scene. looking in the mirror at yourself in a simple dress, you can't help but feel the nerves coming back to you as you realize you actually have to film this scene with harry soon.
when you come back, he's already in his outfit and waiting for you. he's in an earth tone suit, his glasses taken off and his tie slightly undone. you have to admit that he looks extremely handsome, and decide to tell him so with a smirk. "says the most gorgeous girl in the room," he instantly quips, but you can see the blush blooming over his cheeks.
the wardrobe team basically teaches you both how to take off your clothes in a "movie style" that looks best on screen. specific movements can obstruct certain body parts from the camera, some take less time than others depending on what you're wearing, just little things that keep you from having to constantly reshoot the scene.
after a few tries of swiftly removing your dress, and taking glances at harry as he took his button-up off, you start to get the idea and have the motion memorized. you're laughing with one of the assistants you've met previously about the task and catching up with her in general. harry comes up behind you and also recognizes her, giving her a friendly hug. you're impressed with how personable he is with her, asking about her schooling and her roommates, parts of her life you hadn't even known about. you couldn't help but be in awe of him. he really was like you in so many ways.
before you get too comfortable, the wardrobe team informs you and harry that you have to also practice taking each other's clothes off for the camera. obviously, you thought, but you were still a bit shocked at the news.
you turned to harry, who's already waiting for you with that familiar smile. you smile back nervously. "hey, it's alright. it's just me." harry reassures you. the tone of his voice is so comforting it actually helps settle your nerves a decent amount.
both of you basically learn what the other person learned, you taking off harry's suit jacket and tie as he lifts your dress in one swift motion. the first run through you're a bit nervous and end up giggling most of the time. harry also laughs with you, making the atmosphere less tense. 
"feels like a dance, oddly enough," harry says, pretending to dance with you. you laugh and agree, dancing along with him.
after a few more awkward tries, you both start to get the hang of it and feel more comfortable with each other both physically and emotionally. you're cracking jokes, helping teach the other how to unclothe themselves quicker, just having a good time that comes so naturally to both of you. it doesn't take too many tries before you can efficiently take off each other's clothes without giggling or accidentally tickling the other.
before long you're both placed on set, a mock living room that resembles the apartment of harry's character. you and harry are given a few simple, non-sexual scenes to start with. the scripts are kept close by in case either of you need a refresher, but you both seem to have your lines memorized well and go through the scenes very naturally.
you were familiar with harry's acting of course, but something about how he performed his lines with you struck a different chord. his emotions were so raw, his timing felt natural, and his eyes told a whole story on their own. at one point you got so lost in them you missed a beat, quickly correcting yourself and focusing your gaze elsewhere.
you only had to redo them one or two times before moving on to the next scenes, which included kissing. you could feel your heart start to race again before harry's hands found their way to your shoulders from behind, a soft but firm grasp that sent chills down your spine.
"remember, it's just me," harry mumbles to you, coming around the side of you with a reassuring expression. somehow he knows exactly how to ease your nerves, and does it at the perfect times.
you're moved from the couch to the 'front door' area, where robert has you and harry mimic the steps he wants you to take before the cameras start rolling. "[y/n] opens the door, harry grabs her hand and pulls her back in," he directs you two like puppets as he shows you how and where to stand. 
harry has you by the hand, your palms still sweaty as he squeezes your hand for reassurance. you smile at him, and he smiles down at you before quickly looking back at robert's actions.
"harry backs her up to the door, back, back, back 'til it closes," harry's pressed against you, chuckling under his breath as he looks down at you. you try to hold back a smile.
"kissing, kissing, blah blah blah, yadda yadda yadda," robert calls out despondently, flipping a page in his notebook. "harry, you take her shoulders and push her against the east wall," robert points to the wall just next to the door, and harry lightly moves you to the other wall, keeping his body close to yours.
"really sweet, yeah, but make sure it's passionate!" robert says dramatically, making both you and harry laugh.
you're instructed on the best way to take each other's clothes off for the cameras, and practice only a bit before officially having to start to scene. in the lull between the cameras being placed properly and the lighting being set, you start to nervously crack your knuckles and try to steady your breathing.
harry appears in front of you. he lightly grabs your chin with his fingers and kisses you softly on the lips. you're a bit stunned at first but can feel butterflies erupting in your stomach. you look up at harry with wide eyes, and he's chuckling again. "sorry. just thought i'd get the first one off-camera."
your mind is jumbled and you're staring at harry with, undoubtedly, a ridiculous face. you can't even remember the last time a kiss made you feel this way, or if one has ever made you feel this way before.
you suppress another smile as robert calls for places. somehow you're now less nervous about making out with him, if anything…you're excited about it. that soft, gentle kiss he gave you left you wanting more. maybe he just knew kissing you before being filmed would make it feel more natural on camera.
the scene starts, harry pulls you through the doorway, and backs you up against it until the door clicks shut. you're looking up at harry with wanting eyes, exploring his face as the camera pans to your left. once it pauses, harry pulls you in for an eager kiss.
your hand goes to his jaw, keeping it out of the way of the camera's view. you realize after a second just how comfortable you are kissing harry. not only are you comfortable, you're actually getting into it. and so is harry.
as another camera pans towards the wall beside you, harry grips your shoulders firmly and pushes you against it, reconnecting your lips with a desperation that felt completely real to you. it only fired you up more, running your hands through harry's hair and arching your body closer to him as the kiss became hungrier.
"cut," robert calls out in a casual tone, causing harry to pause and take a step away from you. you look at him for only a second before you have to look away, crossing your arms, a blush completely taking over your face.
what the fuck was that?
you've made out with plenty of guys plenty of times, but not like that. not even off-screen have you been kissed so passionately. either harry was the best kisser in the world, or you were confusing your feelings with your character's.
"that was great, guys, no issues, just gotta readjust," robert informs you as he works with a camera guy to get the angle right. "harry, can you come in again?" he asks, motioning harry towards you.
harry steps closer to you, giving you a shy smile like he didn't just change your entire life with one kiss.
you smile back at him, still blushing, mind still spinning. he may be pretty cute with his glasses on, but at least without them you can get a better look at his pretty green eyes. you wondered for a split second if his glasses would get in the way of you making out with him, but you quickly dismiss the thought as he's your costar. one that you barely met 3 hours ago.
the camera gets adjusted, and you're directed to just continue to the undressing part of the scene. you look over at harry, getting closer to him as you mumble, "do you think it'll be difficult, kissing and undressing at the same time?"
harry gives you an unsure face, looking at his tie before loosening it a bit. "might be, i'll get it started for you," he says, unbuttoning the top couple button of his shirt as well. you smile at him a bit. "just take your time, i'll help you." he says. something about the way he looks at you lets you know he means it, and you believe him.
as the scene starts, harry pulls you in for another breath-taking kiss, and the butterflies erupt in your stomach yet again. you know something's not right about this. well, actually, everything couldn't feel more right with harry's lips pressed against yours, but that's the problem. you're way too into this for it to just be acting for a movie, and it seems like harry's just as into it, if not more.
you quickly start undressing him, pulling off his suit jacket as he helps you, repeating the steps you practiced together. except now you were trying to keep the kissing going smoothly.
your fingers began fumbling with harry's shirt buttons, getting it and his tie off just in time for him to pull the skirt of your dress above your head, resuming your kiss with an eagerness that surprised you.
"cut, nice, one more time, little bit quicker guys," robert calls out. you pull away from harry breathlessly before trying to put your dress back on. harry redresses as well, and a stylist comes from the side to fix the back of his hair. he thanks them by their name and with a smile.
you and harry resume the scene again, picking up the speed just a bit as you attempt to make out and undress at the same time. the quicker you both moved, the more intense the kiss became, as if neither of you wanted to stop for even a moment to breathe.
"cut, nice, thanks guys," robert calls out, walking away to the furthest camera man.
you and harry redress, making funny comments to each other about the scene as you do. you notice your lipstick is on harry's lips, and you giggle as you tell him he should maybe wipe it off. "maybe i like this shade on me," he says sassily. you just roll your eyes and laugh at him.
as you chat a bit more, robert eventually comes up to you guys with a script in hand. "okay guys, we're gonna do this quick and try to get it in one take if we can. we wanna eliminate all the awkward for everyone, including the camera guy," he jokes, waving towards the camera man who laughs at him.
you and harry chuckle dryly, knowing what's coming next. 
a few crew people leave the room, whether robert told them to or they chose to you're not sure. it's down to just a few more people than you and harry, along with a camera. you look at each other, harry giving you a big smile before he starts undressing.
you follow suit, listening to robert's instructions. "the scene's barely 10 seconds of screen time, so we're only gonna do about 30 seconds of filming. yeah?" you both nod, setting your respective clothes to the side. you're quite a bit relieved at this news, glad that everyone else wants to get this over with as much as you do.
you're both wearing nude colored underwear, harry's briefs and your panties and strapless bra matching your skin tones enough that it could pass for nudity in the dim lighting. you feel a bit exposed, but not to the point of embarrassment, especially having harry next to you in just as little clothing as you.
"alright, now, i don't care if you're both virgins or whores, we all know what sex looks like, so i'm not gonna get too graphic here," robert jokes to lighten to mood, making you and harry laugh to yourselves as you give each other embarrassed looks.
"all i'm gonna do is tell you where to be and you guys just feel it out from there. sound good?" robert asks. "yeah," you both say at the same time. "but remember, you're a cheating bride, so put some oomph into it," robert jokes with you, walking towards the couch. you feel your cheeks heat up as harry tries not to laugh.
robert has you on the couch, laying with your head hanging off the arm as harry steadies himself above you. his arm has to be in a certain position to keep you covered for the camera, and as he repositions himself to their liking, you admire his body from your view. his chest is well built, his shoulders and collarbones creating shadows across his lovely pale skin…
you had to stop. this is just a job. he's an actor, you're an actor, you're acting together, nothing more. just be professional.
just before the camera's start rolling, harry looks down at you and gives you that same reassuring smile that makes your heart skip a beat every time. fuck. stop doing that.
"it's just me. okay? just you and me." his voice is so deep and he's so close to you, and the lighting behind him is making him glow. this moment could be a movie on its own.
"yeah," you breathe out, mesmerized by his words. just you and me. you could do that.
when the camera starts rolling, harry's hips start grinding into you slowly, his lips immediately connecting with yours. you involuntarily melt into him, your hands reaching for his shoulders as his leg starts rubbing against your panties. you let out a moan against harry's lips, and your grip on him gets tighter.
his hips become more and more rough with you, using your thigh to rub against rather than your panties themselves. it doesn't matter. you're still insanely turned on. and not just as your cheating character, but in real life, as yourself. 
as you throw your head back in pleasure, harry takes advantage and digs his head into your neck. he's softly biting at your skin as he brings a hand to one side of your face, keeping his other arm stable for the camera.
he brings you back in for a kiss, and your hands are back in his messy brunette locks. this time he moans, and his rocking hips begin to pick up speed, grinding with more force into you.
your face twists in pleasure, partially for the camera but mostly for harry. you can't believe how natural this feels for you. it's like it really is just the two of you, no camera, no pressure, just pleasure.
as robert cuts the scene, there's a tone to his voice that was different compared to his normally distracted, stressed voice. harry slowly backs up from you, an indistinguishable look on his face as he gives you space to sit up.
you sit up, and quickly walk over to grab your dress. you don't feel uncomfortable, you're just afraid that you got wet enough to soak through your panties and really don't want anyone to notice.
as you slip the dress over your head, you notice harry putting on his pants. you can't tell if you just saw him from a weird angle or if you looked too quick and were mistaken, but you could've sworn he had an erection he was stuffing in his trousers.
well, even if he did, that's normal, right? you're both young people practically dry humping each other and pretending to enjoy it, of course your bodies are going to think it's real and end up actually enjoying it…right?
that's what you tell yourself as you try your best to seem normal, fixing your hair and steadying your breathing as robert makes his way over to you.
"that was, uh…that was great. i don't think we'll have any problem keeping potter, yeah?"
with a heavy hand on your shoulder and a knowing smile, robert calls it a day for the rest of the crew still on set and says his goodbyes.
you're a bit confused by his statement, but try not to think about it too much. you turn to look at harry, but he's already gone.
you're a bit surprised. you thought for sure harry would want to maybe chat a bit after all that, but you tried not to be disappointed as you turned around and headed towards the wardrobe department to retrieve your real clothes.
after getting dressed and setting wardrobe's outfit back in their closet, you make your way out towards the hallways. your mind is still racing, but you're trying not to think too much about what just happened so you don't lose your mind.
on your way to your dressing room, you kept feeling like someone was watching you. the feeling made you walk a bit faster as you tried to remember which hallway was yours.
once finding the door, you quickly let yourself in until a hand stops the door. as you peak through the crack, you see a tie hanging over a messily buttoned-up shirt, and instantly recognized it was harry.
you open the door a bit more excited than you expected yourself to, and are completely in awe of the man in front of you. messy hair, his glasses back on, still wearing the wardrobe outfit without the suit jacket.
"harry," you greet him, smiling like an idiot. he smiles back. "[y/n], hey, um…" he takes a breath, seeming a bit nervous. "sorry i just dashed, i hate those contacts and had to put these back on," he jiggles the frames of his glasses from the the side, making you giggle. "well, i guess i can forgive you. only because i'm pro-glasses," you say with a smirk.
harry seems so nervous, he's constantly shifting his weight and his smile isn't reaching his eyes.
"well, um, i just wanted to say, y'know, thank you for trusting me today…i know it wasn't easy but you did really, really well," his smile is so sweet, and his eyes are incredibly kind. you swear he's trying to get you to swoon.
"thank you, harry, but you made it incredibly easy to trust you…" you say with a small smile. "and it went a lot better than i was expecting." you say with a laugh.
harry cracks a smile. "yeah, same here. i actually wouldn't have minded it at all minus the cameras and audience." harry tries to joke with you, but his nerves are still overpowering his voice. is he joking, or does he feel the same way you felt shooting that scene?
smirking, you lean on the doorway of your dressing room. "i don't know, part of me thinks the audience part is kinda hot…mostly terrifying and vomit-inducing, but…" you joke back with him. he tries to laugh with you but he looks a little shocked by your statement.
"but, i agree. i didn't mind it at all." you say with a tone of seduction. you try to analyze harry to understand how he's feeling, what he's thinking, and why he's so nervous to be talking to you after everything you just did. yeah, maybe you shouldn't be playfully flirting with a coworker, but he started it…
there's a few moments of silence between you exchanging nervous glances with each other. you somewhat enjoy watching harry squirm like this under your gaze, after being so calm and collected on set it's pretty funny to see him fall apart with just you and him.
"uh, look…" harry finally breaks the silence, looking at the ground before making resistant eye contact. "[y/n], i know i said i was a big fan, um…" he's sweating, and he can't stop shifting his weight.
"but, i was just wondering, since, y'know, now we work together for a bit, maybe, um…"
god. he's so cute. is he really nervous to ask you to hang out after having practically having sex on camera? you can't take it anymore. you don't care if you're working together, you need him.
you grab harry and pull him into your dressing room, closing the door and locking it before turning to him and practically forcing him into a kiss.
harry's a bit stunned, quite a bit, but he quickly begins kissing back. the performance kiss was nothing compared to this. he's somehow an even better kisser when it's just the two of you. 
this time, you're pushing harry into the wall next to the door. you smile up at him between making out. "this feels familiar." you say with a smirk. harry nervously lets out a laugh before immediately pulling you back in for the kiss.
the tension that's been built between you guys for the last 3 hours is finally being released, your hands exploring as you slowly take off the other's clothes. unlike the acting you were just doing, you're both gentle with each other and take your time to carefully take the other's clothes off. you're admiring harry's body as his shirt comes off, throwing it to the side. you're mesmerized by his neck and shoulders.
harry takes a moment to admire you, his hand on your cheek as he moves a strand of hair out of your face. your heart couldn't have been beating louder. something about these small, intimate moments with him between the heavy kissing and touching actually makes you more nervous. it was one thing to just be physically attracted to him, but the soft kiss he gave you during the break between filming and now this gentle moment between making out had your mind racing with questions but wanting nothing more than to just keep going.
"harry…" you sigh, examining his face while he looks down at you. "[y/n]...this is like a dream come true…" he whispers softly. the genuine look in his eye has your stomach twisting knots. "i never thought an on-screen kiss could feel like that…" you respond just as quietly.
his smile's real this time, no nerves, no looking away, just admiring you with the most loving smile. "don't tell robert, but, um, i wasn't acting out there. that was harry kissing [y/n]," harry tells you with a chuckle. you feel yourself smiling like an idiot and suppress your laugh. "yeah, i could tell," you say with a smirk.
harry pulls you in to kiss again, and your hands go to his chest. standing on your toes, you push your body further into his, moaning into harry's mouth as his hands find their way to your waist and hold onto you firmly.
"fuck," he practically whimpers, his hands sliding down your hips and eventually to your ass. he squeezes it roughly and causes you to gasp. "i want you." he states simply, staring you in the eyes again. "i don't care if we get in trouble, i'll take the fall. i just, fuck, i need you [y/n], please…" harry breathlessly begs you, his hands making the way under your shirt and up your back.
"we're just working on our chemistry," you respond, helping him pull off your shirt. he groans at your mutual eagerness and his lips attach to your neck and chest, leaving plenty of bite marks as you tangle your hands in harry's fringe again.
letting moans slip out of your mouth without a second thought, your body is responding to harry like it never has with anyone before. everything you've done with someone before him has felt so mild and mechanical, but harry was so naturally passionate with you. you're not sure if it's because he's always been attracted to you or if you just really, really find yourself attracted to him…
eventually harry's lips find your own again, and his hands begin to explore. he runs his fingers over your bra straps as he traces your back, sending shivers all over your skin. smiling into the kiss, he's loving the effect he has on you. harry slowly unclasped your bra and you let it fall to the floor, his hands already replacing it as he massages your tits.
your hands make their way down to his pants, pulling at the waistband only slightly before harry immediately unbuttons them for you, helping you push them before he separates the kiss and kicks off his pants entirely. you steal a glance down and see his erection. "i've had this since that first kiss, need you so bad" harry's voice rumbles.
you take your pants off as well, with harry's assistance, and he pulls at the waistband of your panties. "fuck, everything about you is so beautiful," harry admits before attaching his lips to yours sloppily. the kissing becomes needy, messy, and secondary to you groping each other roughly.
harry spins you around so you're now against the wall as he begins kissing down your body. the cold wall makes your skin shiver again, the visual of harry slowly getting to his knees in front of you making your mind spin.
he looks up at you for just a second above his glasses and your heart can barely take it, how can someone be so adorable yet so incredibly sexy and seductive at the same time?
eventually harry's mouth finds its way to your panties, softly kissing your pussy through them as you squirm under his touch. quiet whimpering and frustrated hip thrusts let harry know you need more, and he slowly pulls the fabric to the side.
you're in a complete state of ecstasy watching harry eat you out from above. his eyes are softly closed as he gets lost in licking and sucking on your clit. his hands go to your legs as he lifts one of your thighs over his shoulder, getting a better angle.
you're full on moaning now, not afraid to let harry know just how good he's making you feel. you can't remember a time where someone was this eager to eat your pussy, solely giving you pleasure. you can feel yourself getting wetter against harry's lips and blush at just how desperately your body's craving him.
"harry, fuck," you whimper, your hands returning to his hair as you begin to slowly grind down onto his face. harry is completely accepting of this, moaning as you stuff his face further into you. his moans send shockwaves through your body, gasping as you feel the tension building in your body.
harry looks up at you, his eyes full of lust and barely open as he continues to make out with your pussy. you can hardly stand the erotic sight before you as he watches your body react so well to him.
"fuck, harry, keep looking at me like that and i'm gonna cum," you teasingly scold him. you can see the smile in his eyes as he backs away, his chin and lips soaking wet. your body goes cold, missing his touch, and your climax fades away.
he quickly wipes his face with his hand before standing up and going back in to kiss you. you moan as the taste and smell of you is all over him. his hands go to your weakening legs and he lifts you up without breaking a sweat. you gasp and look down, seeing he already took off his boxers as he holds you against the wall. you look back in his eyes and they're so much darker than you remember, the bright green now a haunting emerald as he searches yours.
"i need you," he growls, the complete opposite of his usually gentle nature. you can't hold back your moan, something about his desperation makes you crave him so badly. you've never felt so wanted or loved by a partner.
"need you," is all you can say before you kiss him again, tongues instantly entangled. he takes this chance to use one hand to stroke himself, your legs wrapped around his body as he continues to hold you against the wall. 
as harry's slowly pushing into you, your body envelopes him and embraces the pleasure. he's slowly thrusting up into you, his eyes completely fixated on your face as you fall into bliss. you can't get the words out, but harry feels so perfect inside of you. it's everything you've been wanting since he gave you that loving kiss on set.
harry's pace stays slow and torturous until he begins groaning and thrusting more desperately. "holy fuck, [y/n], you feel so fucking good," harry's head falls into your chest, his heavy breaths hitting your skin. the only sound you can make are your pathetic whimpers, your head thrown back against the wall.
harry starts sweating as he holds you against the wall, his legs getting weaker along with his arms. despite that, his thrusts become quicker and more hungry as his hand finds its way to your pussy. your whimpers turn into moans as harry brings you closer to your orgasm. his head lifts to look at you as you reconnect your lips, forcing your tongue in his mouth.
you can feel that knot in your stomach tightening, your hands finding harry's shoulders for something to hold onto. his exasperated breaths and gasps against your lips only turn you on even more. even at his weakest moment he's doing everything possible to make sure your pleasure and comfort comes first. 
"harry, harry, i'm gonna cum," you say between kissing, your arms wrapping around his neck. "please, baby, please," harry groans eagerly, pushing your body further into the wall and thrusting even deeper into you. you can barely wait a moment before letting yourself go, burying your head into harry's neck as you call his name. harry's breathing is completely ragged as you squeeze around his cock, loving the way your body feels against his as you begin shaking.
it's not long into your climax that harry slows down, his hips stuttering before pulling out at the last second and letting his cum drip to the floor, his head falling into your shoulder as well.
you let yourself down from harry's grasp, your legs barely able to keep you up. harry steadies you, chuckling, his reassuring hands on your arms. "okay?" he asks breathlessly. you look up at him, his face is completely drenched and flushed as he stares at you lovingly. "yeah, fine," you say with a smile, using the wall to balance yourself.
you and harry stare at each other for a bit before going in to kiss each other again. it feels so natural, like you've been kissing him your whole life. the butterflies come rushing back. even after having sex with harry you still feel so attracted to him in a nervous, crush-like way.
after getting dressed harry offers his phone to you, asking for your number. you set your contact's name to your character's in the movie, and it leaves harry blushing. he's smiling at you for just a moment before he envelopes you in a hug. warm, comforting, and completely safe, you lean into his touch and don't want to let go.
with some flirtatious remarks and a promise to meet up tomorrow for a date, harry's leaving your dressing room in a barely buttoned up shirt and messy hair. you watch him disappear down the hall before closing your door, hardly able to believe you're already so smitten with the costar you only met earlier that day.
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ragingbookdragon · 7 months
Life becomes a bit simpler after her chat with Price; the others definitely notice as she’s not calling Ghost “sir” consistently, and she’s also not avoiding him like the plague. It’s almost upsetting for both Gaz and Soap, mainly because it gave them something to tease Ghost about—it was hilarious watching the way his jaw would clench when they did so. She may not be avoiding Ghost like usual, but she doesn’t go out of her way to directly engage him either. She’s calm, cool, collected when he speaks to her, even smiles at him from time to time, like she used to.
It’s her eyes that unnerves Ghost though.
She knows. And he knows she knows because his skin crawls when he recognizes the look in them. He used to hate it when he saw that. Saw it in every soldier, every superior, every civilian’s gaze when they whispered in the halls about him. But where theirs held pity, hers shine with understanding. With grace. With welcoming.
It makes his stomach churn uncomfortably and weight like lead settle in his bones.
Ghost has a routine when he can’t sleep. Usually wakes up at one, drinks a cup of decaffeinated tea, and goes back to sleep by three. No one else is usually awake during those hours except routine security and he trudges into the kitchen, intent to make himself a cup in his tired state, when he stops at the entrance, eyes widening when he sees her sitting there with a steaming cup of tea in front of her, and a bottle of whiskey.
She looks up at the intrusion and smiles tiredly at him. “Hiya LT. Funny meeting you here.”
“It’s one A.M.” he mutters. “Why aren’t you asleep?”
“Can’t sleep,” she replies, looking back at her tea.
Ghost takes a step into the kitchen, goes to the kettle when his eyes fall on the table again, and he realizes she has two cups of tea ready.
“You’re a piss poor liar,” he says under his breath, abandoning the kettle as he pulls out the chair and plops down beside her. “You makin’ hotty toddy’s?”
“Those don’t have tea in them,” she answers, but pours a decent amount of whiskey in his teacup. “But yes, I am.”
He hums, lifts the mask above his upper lip and takes a sip. “Not bad,” he cuts himself off with a cough and she purses her lips, trying not to laugh at him. “Not bad,” he wheezes, eyes watering, but he feels something light in his chest when he sees her smile.
It’s a comfortable silence they find themselves sitting in, drinking tea and staring at the board on the wall across the room in front of them. It’s Soap’s turn on dishes for the week. He’ll probably try to smooch his way out of it—he hates washing dishes. He’ll most likely ask her to switch duties with him; he’ll probably win.
“I’m sorry for snapping at you the other day.”
She blinks and looks over at him, but his eyes are still on the board, moving like he’s reading. “It’s…it’s okay, LT.”
“No,” he answers back immediately. “No, it wasn’t. And I shouldn’t have done it. I should’ve acted like an adult and instead I acted like a ten-year-old.”
A laugh passes her lips and he looks over at her curiously; she shakes her head. Price said something like that.” Her eyes meet his. “I’m sorry I’m always up your ass. I know it can be annoying.”
Ghost shrugs. “I’m used to annoying.” He catches the way her expression pinches and he corrects, “You’re not annoying, you’re just…”
“A lot?”
“Will you let me try and dig myself out of this hole, please?”
She smiles and reaches over, patting his leg. “I know what you mean. I’ll try to not be it.”
Ghost blinks and looks at her hand then back at her. “I miss it, y’know? You being…you.”
He nods. “It’s too quiet around the base. I realize how much your laughter makes us all feel when I don’t hear it.” He sips his tea.
She stirs the spoon in hers. “…Price told me about your family.”
“I know.”
“You know?”
He shrugs. “I figured he’d said something.” He nudges her in the side. “Gave you a talking to, didn’t he?”
“You’re one to talk,” she retorts, and he grins for a moment before he lets out a sigh.
“My old man was a drunk arsehole.”
“LT, you don’t—”
“No, I do,” he interrupts and leans back, staring at the ceiling. “He was a complete cunt. Beat me and my mum and brother. Tommy was a drug addict, started stealin’ from mum.” Something flickers in his expression. Cold. Old hatred. “I beat the shit outta my old man. Kicked him out for good. Got Tommy into rehab.” His tone eases somewhat. “Things got better. Tommy married Beth, had Joseph. Things were good.” Ghost’s eyes take on a sadness, an ache, a wound that has never seemed to really heal, just scab over. “Things were good,” he murmurs.
“And then…”
He inhales and exhales, swallows, tries to speak, until all he can say is, “I don’t like talkin’ ‘bout Mexico.”
She lays her hand on his. “You don’t have to.”
“I got vengeance for the blood that was spilled from my family.” He inhales and exhales again, closing his eyes for a moment. “…I’m claustrophobic. An’ I hate being around people. I hate bein’ in a room where I don’t know the exits. I hate gettin’ new people ‘cause I’m afraid to trust ‘em.” When she gives him a funny look from the last statement, he adds, “The people you know can hurt you the worst.”
“LT, I would never betray you.”
“Don’t ever say you won’t until you’re in a—”
“Simon, I would never betray you,” she repeats firmly, gazing at him intently. “I would rather die than betray any of the people on this team.”
He searches her gaze for some kind of lie before he turns his head back to the wall. “I’m afraid to let more people in ‘cause I’ve already lost so much of myself from it. I don’t know how much more I can take losin’.”
She goes quiet for a moment, thinks on his words, then counters, “I’d rather lose the people I care about than never know what it was like to love them in the first place.” She can see the way the man beneath Ghost aches to wish he could still be that man. “I’d rather lose you as my friend than never know what it was like to know the man beneath the mask.”
“I’m not a good man to know,” he murmurs, and she scoffs lightly.
“That’s your prerogative.”
“It’s the right one.”
She turns in her chair, her knees brushing against the outside of his thigh as she affirms, “Whether or not you think you are, you are my friend, and I am a better person for knowing you.”
“Puffin,” he mutters. “You gotta aim higher, love.”
“Or you can let me in.” She watches the way his Adam’s apple bobs as he swallows. “I’m not going anywhere. You can either accept that and be my friend, or you can reject it and ignore me forever, but I’ll still be here.”
Ghost‘s face pinches and he gripes, “You’re a pain in my arse, you know that, don’t you?” Her smile is bright as he sits straight again and leans against his arm, her head on his shoulder.
After a moment, she whispers, “LT, do you think…do you think in a different life we’d be better people? Happier?”
He tears his gaze from the wall to look down at her and he thinks for a moment, then nods. “Yeah, pet, I think we’d be better.” He shifts his arm, wraps it around the back of her chair and adds, “But I think you and me are doing just fine in this one.”
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mayhemories · 2 years
Neteyam x readers kids to lovers eventually, before WOTW bc I carnt handle his death
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Eywa, A Sign
Ohhh it kills me, I love this boy. He died for what? Pandora Jesus better resurrects him next time, or I will have words with Mr Cameron. Not sure if I did your request justice, hope I did <3 
Pairing: Neteyam Sully x Reader (James Cameron’s Avatar) 
Requested: Yes | No
Warnings: None? Just straight fluff. Reader is an orphan trope/parental death. Mentions of death. 
Words: 1.58k
Author’s Notes: Neteyam is roughly 18/19 here, Reader is 18, Lo’ak and Kiri are 17, and my girl Tuk is still the same. Set before Way of the Water. 
Please note that the reader utilises she/her pronouns. If you’d prefer male or gender-neutral pronouns in fic I’m more than happy to repost a male or gn version of the story, otherwise include any pronoun preferences in the request box!
Read below the cut
Many Na’vi died following Toruk Macto. Either due to the impact of the battlefield violence or, their wounds upon return to their clan. Your parents, two brave Omatikaya warriors, died at the hands of the Sky People during a routine raid on supply shipments. 
Jake and Neytiri were quick to take you under their care, love and protection. Practically becoming one of their own. Being a few months younger than Neteyam and a year older than the twins, Kiri and Lo’ak, you slipped right in.
Jake was never afraid to reprimand you like you were his own, either. Like the time you were twelve, Lo’ak eleven:
“Now what did I tell you two?” Jake had you and Lo’ak lined up against the wall of the clan stronghold, sprung by the Olo’eyktan from the moment you came sneaking back in after curfew. 
“Don’t be in the forest after eclipse-” You and Lo’ak mumbled under your breaths, knowing that Jake wouldn’t let up.
“Yes! That’s right, don’t be in the forest after eclipse!” he said, exasperated, holding his hands above his head, dragging them down across his face. “And where were you two knuckleheads?” His face was annoyed, though his eyes were soft. We were his kids, god forbid anything happened to us. 
“Look dad (y/n) had nothing to do with it, it was all me-” Lo’ak started, but you finished,
“Sir, Lo’ak didn’t want to go, I wanted to go.” You and Lo’ak shared a small smile, he was your brother, through and through. 
Jake shook his head, hands on hips. 
“Go, go, both of you. Wash up.” He was stern, but as you two skxawngs ran past him you saw the gentle smile lay on his lips. 
As you got older you noticed Jake becoming harder and harder on his boys. For whatever reason Lo’ak almost gave up on pleasing Jake, felt like he could never be enough for him, a spec of dust compared to Neteyam’s glittering gold. Maybe that was why, why he was so impulsive and reckless, consistently. Any attention being good attention for Lo’ak. Regardless of his intentions, you liked that about him. He encourages your sense of adventure like a brother should, was always there to catch you when you fall. Neteyam and Lo’ak were different sides of the same coin, both living to please Jake in one way or another. Jake saw himself in Lo’ak and that scared him, you knew that,
But Neteyam…shit, Neteyam. 
You always saw Neteyam differently. As kids, he felt too cool for you to be around. This developed over time as you, yourself developed. As you felt awkward and out of place in your body, tail giving away every thought and feeling, Neteyam got taller, got broader, got sweeter. As an awkward teenager, your little soft spot evolved into a full-blown crush. You kept it under wraps sure, Lo’ak teasing you here and there but he never thought anything serious of it. Shit, you tried not to think anything of it. He was the future Olo’eyktan, he was the future of the clan. 
Now, freshly eighteen you were considered a woman: A relatively fierce Ikran rider, bow made from wood of the tree to replace the Hometree that was lost to the Sky People, a hunter. You surpassed any ritual trail of clan-life easily, save for one. Save for probably the most important one. 
Finding a mate. 
So, here you were, kneeling on the beautiful deep green moss surrounding the base of the Tree of Voices. The tree was glowing purple, fading to a light pink and back again, streaks of white travelled up and down the tendril of the tree, where you’ve made the bond. The hum of the ancestors created a white noise in you mind, helping to create a true vision. Praying to Eywa always gave you a sense of calm, like all anxieties were being blown right through your body, energy settling itself back into the world. 
“My dear All-Mother Eywa, I come to you now for guidance, for advice.” You started, clamping your eyes shut to encourage any kind of vision, so that you may see into the realm beyond that of physical sight. 
Neteyam knew it was wrong, to listen to your private prayers with Eywa. But he did not make a move to leave his advantageous spot, hidden amongst trees and rocks, he could watch you freely. His whole life felt like it revolved around you, and your alluring presence, strong heart, strong mind. 
Neteyam officially became a man the year prior, it was expected of him as the future clan leader to have already chosen a woman. And, in some ways he had. It had always been you, it was always you. Neteyam loved you, and it was never as a sister as Lo’ak has. When you were children you would play family. Neteyam was the dad, you the mum, Kiri and Lo’ak the kids. Neteyam knew from a young age that he didn’t want to play family with anyone else. 
He assumed Neytiri always knew, too. She never pressured him in claiming a mate, or even talking about it. Jake, well he was less switched on when it came to Neteyam’s shy nature. He was always pestering Neteyam about it-
Jake had flown Neteyam and himself to a floating mountain so that him and his first born son could speak freely: “Look, I’m not even saying you have to mate straight away! But at least court someone Neteyam, you’re the future of this clan-” Jake started, but for the first and last time in his life, Neteyam cut his father off.
“I am waiting for (y/n)!” Neteyam yelled, holding the bridge of his nose, anticipating that Jake would come back with a raised voice as he most often did. It did not come. Instead Jake closed the distance between him and his son, wrapping his arms around his beautiful baby boy, who wasn’t a baby anymore. Neteyam loosened, wrapping his still lanky arms around his father. With his chin resting on Neteyam’s head, Jake chuckled:
“Well then, wait for her as long as you need.” 
“I love her.” Neteyam admitted quietly. 
“I know you do, kid.” 
Neteyam shook the memory from his mind, and focused back on your kneeling, praying figure in front of him. 
“My mother Eywa, what am I to do?” You felt exasperated, lost. “I… I am afraid that the one I love does not love me Eywa.” 
Neteyam’s chest tightened, although he always knew it was a possibility that you may not want him, he tried his hardest swaying anyone else’s decision in the matter. The glares he had sent to all the young na’vi during their teen years, and at your own ceremony of womanhood, Neteyam made it clear with growls and possessive hovering that he was waiting for you. Although, maybe he could’ve made it clearer to you. 
“Great Eywa please, please show me a sign that Neteyam and I will be named mates.” you whispered, scared to admit his name in the scenario, aloud. 
Neteyam felt like he could vomit. He slowly approached you, kneeling beside you, as if he were beginning to pray, himself.
You could feel his heat, his being as he sat down, you didn’t need to open your eyes to confirm. Besides that, you could feel all the blood drain from your body and rush back up to your cheeks and ears. Clearing your throat, you decided that this was a good a sign as any. 
“Neteyam” You opened your eyes, his beautiful warm honey ones already locked on your face, “how much of that did you hear?” 
Neteyam hung his head in shame, shaking some of his braids from their resting places, blood rushing to his cheeks. 
“I am so sorry, I know I shouldn’t have listened to your private words spoken with Eywa.” Neteyam spoke softly, like he always did with you. “But I could not help it, especially knowing you have not chosen a mate yet.” Neteyam spoke around a lump in his throat, “I needed to know why.” 
Your mind was rushing a million miles per minute. But fake bravado was something that Lo’ak taught you, and something you could hide behind.
“You know, you haven’t chosen anyone either. My ceremony was last week, yours was last year.” You said, catching his eye again, with a slight smile on your lips. Neteyam laughed. Shit, you loved that sound. You could die happy now, hearing his laugh. 
“I have chosen,” your stomach dropped at his words, though sensing your anxiety Neteyam wove one of his hands with yours, and pinned you to the spot with his warm eyes. “I just had to wait a year for her to choose me too.” 
And all at once it felt like Eywa had breathed life into you, and Neteyam. Like your soul was made of milk and honey and you were going to flow on forever. 
You kissed him, your hands cupped his beautiful face, his slender fingers settling on your waist, nestling between beads and cloth. 
He came out of the kiss laughing, needing air. You let out a laugh too, keeping your foreheads together. 
“I see you.” You whispered, still scared that if you speak too loud this dream will dissipate into the colours of Pandora’s jungle, floating away from you entirely. 
“I have only ever seen you,” Neteyam said, smiling. His silver freckles set alight from the glow of the Tree of Voices. 
Happiness was simple.
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kissme-suguru · 7 months
You and Their Kids
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˖⁺‧₊˚ ♡ ˚₊‧⁺ JJK Gojo, Nanami, Geto x Fem Reader
Warnings: Non Curse Au, mention of menstrual cycle,
A/N: I'm such a sucker for dilfs. This is like a drabble mixed with headcannons based on what I think the main aspect of their parenting style is. part 2 maybe?
Gojo Satoru ♡︎
Becoming the guardian of Megumi and Tsumiki at the age of eighteen was no easy feat, still being a kid himself he grew with them and sometimes acted more like an older brother than a father but that didn't stop his (sometimes overbearing) affection.
When he first introduced you to Megumi you coulda swore the kid was raising Satoru and not the other way around. His level of maturity was off the charts which Satoru tried to take credit for (lies). Megumi liked having you around for the main reason of his guardian having someone else to bother, constantly stating how he likes you more than him. The boys bickered pretty often and it always made you laugh.
Satoru loved to watch you and Megumi interact, seeing a nurturing side to you warmed his heart to the core. Megumi began seeing you as a guardian as well when he witnessed you taking care of Tsumiki in the hospital, which was a part of his daily routine he didn't really like to talk about. And for that they both appreciated you immensely.
"Megs!" You called out to the navy haired boy as he walked with his peers, turning around at the nickname. He stopped in place waiting for you catch up. "I brought you lunch, I didn't want you to be starving after training."
His hand accepted the bento box with a nod of acknowledgement.
Suddenly the sound of Satoru's singsong voice caught your attention. He quickly jogged up to you two, wasting no time wrapping his arm around your shoulder and placing a kiss on your head. "You didn't tell me you were coming today, babe."
"I was just bringing Megs some food real quick." He look offended.
"And what about me??" You rolled your eyes with a slight smile at his pouty words.
"How could I forget?" Reaching into your bag you pulled out another bento and handed it to Satoru, making is eyes light up dramatically.
"Ah! You're the best. Just in time for training, thanks babe." He pressed another kiss to the top of your head before letting you go and walking ahead to talk to Yuji and Nobara.
Megumi lingered back for a moment, wrapping his arms around you in a soft in embrace. Your hand stroked his hair softly with a smile on your lips. Although he didn't convey his emotions often it was obvious this little gesture meant a lot.
"Thank you."
"Of course."
Geto Suguru ♡︎
Similar to Satoru; Suguru adopted his girls young, bringing Mimiko and Nanako into his care not long after graduating. He had such a soft spot for the girls and never failed to cater to their every need.
As the girls grew into their teen years Suguru had even more trouble saying no to them, practically bending to their every request and spoiling. He allows them to drag him into various malls and restaurants and of course he carries their many bags with a smile on his face.
The girls took to you very quickly when you entered the picture, happy see their dad smile more than usual and excited to have a woman's presence around the house.. You really played the mother role well, giving them tips on makeup and taking time to do their hair. You were the one they came to when they got their periods and it was times like those were Suguru was glad you were around to educate them on the things he couldn't. Suguru took pride in your mother like instincts, often just watching the three of you quietly with a smile on his face.
His ability to say no diminished even further when you two started dating, the girls often let you in on their schemes knowing he couldn't turn down all three of his girls.
"Can we go get ice cream? Pretty pleeeeasee?" Nanako intertwined her fingers as she pouted.
"Pretty pleeeeasee?" Mimiko followed suit, matching her twins pouting.
"Yeah Sugu, Pretty please?" A teasing smile lingered on your lips as you followed, making Suguru itch the back of his neck with a groan.
"What am I gonna do with you girls?"
"Take us to get ice cream?"
"I vote for that."
"Yeah me too."
He shook his head with a smile. "Alright, alright. Put the puppy dog eyes away."
Kento Nanami ♡︎
Nanami wasn't exactly Yuji's dad but he was the closest thing the boy had to a father figure, allowing him into his home under his protection. Despite his sometimes stoic personality Nanami cared for the boy deeply and wanted to see him succeed in life. Although it did take a bit of effort for him to bring his walls down and get out of his comfort zone when it came to his interests.
When you and Nanami started dating his softer side to him began to grow, taking more time to spend with the two of you and relish in the presences of his loved ones.
As much as he didn't want to admit it he loved that you and Itadori kept him on his toes and brought new found excitement into his life. The fact that you and the pink haired boy had similar personalities always made him chuckle to himself, the two of you were like peas in a pod and that made it even harder to say no.
"Y/N, tell Nanamin that we have to go see the new Human Earthworm 4!"
"I just don't see the appeal in those types of movies, they're too hard to follow ." Nanami didn't bother looking up from his newspaper while you and Itadori baked cookies.
"It's entertaining, hon."
"But the story doesn't make sense." "How could you not get it?! It's a tragic love story between a girl and a human earth worm, you can't get a better plot!" Itadori's eyes practically sparkled as he talked about the movie, making you chuckle.
You finished putting the cookies on the sheet allowing Itadori to put them in the oven while you walked behind Nanami and wrapped your arms around his neck, resting your head on his. "Come on hon, I heard this was the best movie out of the series."
He sighed, setting down the newspaper and rubbing the bridge of his nose. The blonde's eyes glancing back and forth between his lady and Itadori who held a small pout.
"If we must."
"Yay! Thank you!!" The two of you said in unison as Itadori also wrapped his arms around Nanami. The gesture made him crack a small smile and lean into the affection.
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simplygojo · 22 days
The Devil He Made Me - Ch. 2
Authors Note: Hello lovely people! I am very eagerly working on this series, so here is chapter 2 for you, much earlier than I had promised, but I can’t resist!! I hope you enjoy this! Many many more parts to come! :)
Pairing: Satoru Gojo x f/reader
Series Summary : After being found by Gojo and his first year students in a sticky situation, y/n joins Jujutsu High under the close supervision of Gojo. As time passes, the two of you become close, with a strong unspoken bond forming as you work together. Although, there is something dark looming over the situation, and those at Jujutsu High are determined to get to the bottom of it, before it is too late.
Chapter Summary : Since settling into your new role as ‘helper’ at Jujutsu High, you have gotten to know the people there quite well. With Gojo’s attention still notably fixed on you, people begin to notice. But more importantly, Gojo has decided he wants you doing more than just playing ‘helper’, so he makes you his student.
Word Count : 4.6k
Warnings : none (for this chapter, wink wink), just some fluff and some slight seggsual tension ;)
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A few days had passed since the tests confirmed your innocence, and Gojo continued to check up on you almost every day. It had become something of a routine—he’d stroll into the common area, sometimes during a break from his other duties, finding you with a book in hand. At first, you’d offer a small smile and return to your reading, but over time, those brief encounters stretched into longer moments of conversation.
Gojo, though always quick with a teasing remark or playful grin, seemed to let his guard down just a little more around you. His relaxed posture, the way he lingered near you, and the almost lazy drawl of his voice—it felt like he was more at ease when it was just the two of you. Sometimes you weren’t sure if he even realized it, or if it was intentional. Still, his presence had become a constant in the otherwise unfamiliar environment of Jujutsu High.
You spent your days helping out wherever you could. You weren’t a sorcerer, not by any formal training, but there were small tasks around the school—organizing supplies, preparing training areas, or running errands for the students and teachers. It made you feel useful, even if there was still a nagging sense of uncertainty about your place here.
The first-years had quickly became a part of your routine as well. Yuji’s boundless energy made him easy to talk to, and his enthusiasm often lifted your spirits when you felt a little lost. Nobara, sharp and confident, made you feel like you belonged, even if she didn’t say it outright. Megumi, ever the quiet observer, wasn’t as talkative, but he would always give a nod of acknowledgment whenever your paths crossed.
It was Gojo, though, who seemed to always find time to check-in. And one day, after watching you help Yuji in the training area, he approached you with a new suggestion.
“You know,” Gojo began, his voice as casual as ever, “you could be a bit more useful if you learned how to use your cursed energy.”
You blinked at him, surprised by the bluntness of his words. “More useful?” you repeated, unsure if you should be offended or if this was just Gojo’s typical way of speaking.
He grinned, leaning back against a nearby wall, arms crossed over his chest. “Yeah. I mean, it’s not like you have a lot of cursed energy, but there’s enough for me to teach you the basics.”
You hesitated, glancing down at your hands. You had always been able to see curses, a fact that had never really made sense to you, but you had no real knowledge of cursed energy, let alone how to use it. “Why would I need to learn? I’m not a sorcerer.”
Gojo’s grin didn’t falter, but there was something in his tone, a subtle shift when he answered. “It’s always good to be prepared. Never know when you’ll need to defend yourself.”
You considered his words, but something about the way he was looking at you—the casual air not quite masking the intent behind his suggestion—made you wonder if there was more to it. Still, you didn’t argue.
“Alright,” you said finally, “I’ll give it a try.”
A few days later, the training session was set up. Gojo, Yuji, Megumi, and Nobara gathered in one of the training rooms, eager to see what you were capable of. You stood in the center, feeling a bit out of place as their eyes watched you intently. Gojo, of course, lounged against the wall, arms crossed as always, that ever-present grin on his face.
“Okay,” Gojo called out, “show us what you’ve got.”
You glanced nervously around the room. “What do you mean? I don’t know how to use cursed energy.”
Gojo pushed off the wall and sauntered over to you, his presence commanding as always. He stood just a little too close, the scent of his cologne filling the air between you. “That’s why we’re here,” he said, leaning in slightly. “To see if you’ve got any potential.”
He guided you through a few basic exercises, trying to help you focus on sensing and controlling the cursed energy within you. Despite your best efforts, though, it was clear that whatever cursed energy you had was limited, and you struggled to manifest it in any meaningful way. Gojo remained patient, though, his teasing remarks never far from the surface.
“Come on,” he said at one point, a smirk tugging at his lips. “You’re not trying hard enough.”
“I am!” you protested, feeling a bit flustered by his closeness and the way his blindfolded gaze seemed to pierce right through you.
He chuckled, leaning in even closer. “Then stop thinking so much and just feel it. Cursed energy flows through you—if you overthink it, you’ll block it.”
Before you could respond, Yuji interrupted with an eager question, pulling Gojo’s attention away. You let out a small breath of relief, grateful for the brief reprieve from his intense focus.
After a while, the first-years moved on to spar with the upperclassmen, leaving you and Gojo alone in the training area. He approached you again, this time more serious as he explained how cursed energy worked—how it flowed within everyone, like a current, and how it could be manipulated.
“You have to feel it,” he said, his voice low as he stepped even closer. “It’s not just about thinking or trying. You need to sense how it moves inside you.”
Gojo reached out, his fingers brushing lightly against your upper arm, and you felt a jolt of something unfamiliar course through you. His touch was light, but it seemed to direct your attention inward, toward the cursed energy you could barely sense.
“Feel that?” he asked, his voice a low murmur, close enough that you could feel the warmth of his breath on your skin. “That’s cursed energy. It’s subtle, but it’s there.”
You nodded, your focus narrowing on the sensation. It was faint, like a small current running beneath the surface, but it was there, just as he said.
“Now,” Gojo continued, stepping a little closer, “you need to guide it. Imagine it like a stream of water. You can’t force it to go where you want. You have to let it flow naturally, but give it direction.”
His words were calm and measured, and despite the strangeness of the situation—Gojo standing so close to you, his touch lingering on your arm—you found yourself concentrating. You took a deep breath and tried to follow his instructions, focusing on the subtle pulse of energy within you.
It was difficult at first. Your mind kept wandering, doubts creeping in. What if you couldn’t do it? What if you didn’t have enough cursed energy to make any real difference? But then you heard Gojo’s voice again, this time softer, almost reassuring.
“Don’t overthink it,” he said, as if reading your thoughts. “Just feel.”
You closed your eyes, shutting out the distractions around you, and focused solely on the sensation of cursed energy within you. Slowly, almost imperceptibly, you felt it begin to move, like a slow trickle of water being directed through your body.
“There you go,” Gojo’s voice was soft, and when you opened your eyes, you saw the faintest flicker of pride in his expression.
You blinked, surprised at the small success. It wasn’t much—just a slight manifestation of cursed energy—but it was more than you had managed before.
“I… I did it,” you whispered, hardly able to believe it.
Gojo grinned, that familiar smirk returning. “Told you you could.”
You couldn’t help but smile, a sense of accomplishment swelling in your chest. It wasn’t a grand victory, but it was progress, and for the first time in what felt like a long while, you allowed yourself to feel genuinely happy. You had always been able to see curses, but using cursed energy? That was something entirely different.
The moment was short-lived, though. Just as you began to revel in your small success, the door to the training area slid open, and Nanami walked in, his usual stern expression in place.
Gojo straightened, his playful demeanour shifting into something more professional. “Nanami,” he greeted, though the grin never quite left his face.
Nanami glanced between the two of you, his eyes lingering on you for a moment before addressing Gojo. “I came to check on the progress. Has there been any more information regarding the site where she was found?”
Gojo’s smile faltered, just slightly, as he shook his head. “Nope, nothing new. But y/n’s learning to use cursed energy, so we’re making progress on that front.”
Nanami’s gaze returned to you, assessing. It wasn’t unkind, but it held the weight of someone who had seen too much and knew better than to trust easily. “And what about her memory? Has there been any improvement?”
You shook your head, feeling a small knot of anxiety form in your stomach. “No… I still don’t remember anything about how I ended up there.”
Nanami frowned, his eyes narrowing slightly. “That’s concerning.”
Gojo waved a hand dismissively, stepping between the two of you as if to deflect the tension. “Hey, she’s harmless. We’ve put her through enough tests to know that by now.”
Nanami wasn’t so easily swayed. “Tests are one thing, but we still don’t know how or why she was in that area. There’s no explanation for the disappearance of the cursed energy, and we need to be thorough.”
There was a pause as Nanami’s words sank in. The weight of the situation pressed down on you, and for a moment, you felt as though you were right back in that dark forest, cold and alone. But before the anxiety could take hold, Gojo spoke again, his voice calm but firm.
“She’s telling the truth,” Gojo said, his tone leaving little room for argument. “And she barely has enough cursed energy to be dangerous. If anything, she was in the wrong place at the wrong time.”
Nanami’s eyes flicked to Gojo, his expression unreadable. “You seem awfully sure of that.”
Gojo shrugged, his grin returning, though there was an edge to it now. “Call it a gut feeling.”
Nanami sighed, clearly not satisfied but willing to let it go for now. “Fine. But we’ll need to continue investigating. There’s too much we don’t know.”
With that, he turned and left the training area, leaving you and Gojo alone once again.
The tension in the air eased slightly as Gojo relaxed back into his usual posture, hands in his pockets, his grin firmly in place. “Don’t mind him,” he said, casting a glance at the door where Nanami had exited. “He’s always like that.”
You nodded, though the unease lingered. “Do you really think I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time?”
Gojo’s expression softened, just a little. “Maybe. Maybe not. But either way, you’re here now, and we’ll figure it out.”
There was something in his tone that reassured you, even though the situation was far from resolved. For a moment, neither of you spoke, the silence settling comfortably between you.
Then, after a beat, Gojo stepped closer, his voice dropping just slightly. “Besides,” he said, his usual playfulness returning, “you’re stuck with me as your teacher now. So you might as well get used to it.”
You rolled your eyes, but a small smile tugged at your lips despite yourself. “I guess I don’t have much of a choice.”
Gojo’s grin widened. “Exactly.”
Over the next few days, the training sessions continued, with Gojo always finding a reason to check in on your progress. Most of the time, he brought along Yuji, Nobara, and Megumi to participate or observe. It wasn’t unusual for him to turn these sessions into group activities, though it became clear that his focus always circled back to you.
One afternoon, you stood in the courtyard with the first-years, watching them spar. Gojo leaned against the nearby railing, arms folded over his chest, his blindfold covering his eyes but doing nothing to hide the lazy smirk on his lips. You caught his glance from the corner of your eye, but you tried not to react, focusing instead on Yuji and Megumi’s sparring.
“You’re doing fine, y/n,” Gojo whispered, though you hadn’t done anything yet. The remark earned a confused glance from Nobara, who was working on target practice nearby You shifted awkwardly on your feet, the pressure of Gojo’s attention making your pulse quicken. He had a way of drawing attention to you without even trying, as though his very presence magnified yours. You hoped no one noticed the heat creeping up your neck.
“Don’t stand there watching like a scared rabbit,” Gojo added, his gaze not shifting from Yuji and Megumi. “You’ll learn faster if you jump in.”
“I’m not exactly sure how to—” you started to say, but Gojo interrupted with a teasing grin.
“I wasn’t asking.” His tone was playful but firm. “C’mon, y/n. Show us what you’ve learned!”
Reluctantly, you stepped forward into the center of the makeshift sparring ring, your stomach tightening with nerves. Yuji stood across from you, looking slightly hesitant himself. “It’s okay if you can’t use cursed energy yet,” he said, rubbing the back of his head and smiling. “We can take it easy.”
You gave him a warm smile, but Gojo waved his hand in dismissal before you could respond. “No taking it easy. Y/n’s got potential. Right?” He turned to you, his voice taking on an uncharacteristically soft tone, just loud enough for you to hear. “Trust me, you’ll get the hang of it.”
There it was again—that strange mixture of teasing and encouragement that only Gojo seemed capable of. He was close enough now that you could feel his presence at your back, an almost tangible force urging you forward. For reasons you couldn’t quite explain, his confidence in you made your heart race, and it stirred something within you, a determination to prove yourself.
“Alright,” you muttered, more to yourself than anyone else.
Yuji shifted his stance, waiting patiently for you to make the first move. You tried to remember what Gojo had taught you about cursed energy—how it flowed like water, how you needed to guide it without forcing it. You closed your eyes briefly, focusing inward, trying to sense that elusive current within you.
“Don’t think too much,” Gojo’s voice floated to you, low and steady. “Just feel.”
You exhaled slowly, letting the tension drain from your body, and for the briefest moment, you felt it—cursed energy, faint but present, bubbling just beneath the surface. You extended your hand toward Yuji, unsure if anything would happen.
To your surprise, a small ripple of cursed energy surged forward, barely enough to affect Yuji, but enough to be noticeable. Yuji jumped slightly, a look of surprise flashing across his face.
“Whoa, nice!” Yuji grinned, clearly impressed. “I felt that!”
Nobara crossed her arms, watching with mild curiosity. “Not bad. For a beginner.”
Megumi, on the other hand, remained quiet, but you could see the subtle lift of his eyebrow. He was hard to read, but you sensed that he was observing you more closely than before.
You blinked, stunned by the success. It hadn’t been much, but it was more than you had expected. Gojo’s hand lightly rested on your shoulder, his touch barely there but grounding nonetheless. “See?” he murmured. “Told you.”
His voice was calm, and when you glanced back at him, you saw a flicker of pride in his expression, hidden beneath the playful exterior. His grip lingered for just a moment too long before he casually pulled away, retreating to his spot by the railing.
“Alright, enough for today,” Gojo announced, clapping his hands together as if to close the session. “Let’s not wear y/n out too quickly. We’ll work on control next time.”
The first-years gathered their things, exchanging brief comments about the training session. Yuji patted you on the back, giving you an encouraging thumbs-up, while Nobara shot you a half-smile, as if to acknowledge that you had done better than expected. Megumi, ever quiet, nodded in your direction before heading off to his own training.
As the others dispersed, Gojo lingered behind, his usual carefree demeanour still in place. He waited until the courtyard was mostly empty before approaching you again, his hands casually in his pockets.
“You did well today,” he said, his voice quieter than before.
You met his gaze, though it was difficult to tell what he was thinking behind the blindfold. “I still have a long way to go.”
“Everyone starts somewhere,” he replied with a shrug. “Besides, you’ve got me as a teacher. And I’m the strongest, so you’ll be fine.”
There was a lightness in his tone, but something in his attention had you curious. “You know,” you began, glancing at him, “people tell me you’re not usually this… encouraging.”
Gojo tilted his head slightly, a teasing smile curling at his lips. “People say a lot of things about me, don’t they?”
You couldn’t help but smile at his casual response, but his playfulness didn’t quite cover the fact that his encouragement, his focus on you, was more than you’d seen him offer others. There was something different in the way he was around you—something that felt like more than just a sensei’s responsibility.
“Well, maybe they’re right,” you countered, crossing your arms. “You’ve been extra nice to me lately.”
Gojo’s grin widened, and he took a step closer to you, blocking your path, his presence suddenly more noticeable. “Maybe you’re just worth the effort.”
Your pulse quickened at his words, and before you could think of a response, Gojo’s carefree laughter echoed through the courtyard. “Don’t forget you have paperwork to do for Yaga!” He said in a sing-song tone, giving you a casual wave as he strolled away, leaving you with a mix of confusion and curiosity swirling in your chest.
The following day, Gojo took the three first-years on a mission to exorcise a few curses at a community college just outside of Tokyo, leaving you alone for the first time in weeks. It felt strange not having Yuji’s energy or Megumi’s quiet presence nearby, but Shoko had given you some chores to keep busy. After a while, you wandered through the school grounds, enjoying the quiet until you heard the sound of sparring.
Curious, you followed the noise until you came across Panda, Inumaki, and Maki, deep into their training session. You hesitated at first, and tried to sneak away, but before you could leave, Panda spotted you.
“Y/N!” Panda called out, waving you over with his big paw. “Come join us!”
You approached with a small smile, trying to shake off your nerves. “I was just finishing up some chores, but I got curious when I heard all the noise.”
“Well, you’ve come to the right place!” Panda laughed, his energy contagious. “How’s everything going? Adjusting alright?”
“I think so,” you said, grateful for Panda’s warmth. “It’s been a little overwhelming, but everyone’s been really helpful.”
Inumaki raised a hand in greeting and mumbled, “Salmon,” a soft smile tugging at the corner of his lips. You waved back at him, appreciating his quiet kindness.
As the conversation continued, Maki stood on the sidelines, her arms crossed as she watched with a sharp, unreadable gaze. The longer the silence stretched, the more you felt her eyes on you, not unkind, but distant.
After a moment, Maki spoke up. “You’re still just watching?” Her tone was blunt, her gaze critical. “I thought you were supposed to be learning something by now.”
The comment made you pause. You weren’t sure if she was trying to provoke you or just being matter-of-fact, but there was an edge to her words that made you tense.
Panda chuckled nervously, trying to diffuse the tension. “Come on, Maki, Y/N’s still new here. She’s doing fine.”
Maki didn’t seem to care. She raised an eyebrow, her focus shifting back to you. “That right? Or are you just too scared to try anything?”
Her words struck a nerve. You could feel the tension rising in your chest, your fists clenching at your sides. You weren’t scared—not of the challenges in front of you, at least. You had been trying to learn, but Maki’s pointed tone made you feel like you were being judged.
You took a breath, trying to keep your voice steady. “I’m not scared,” you said, meeting her gaze.
Maki took a step forward, her stance unwavering. “Then prove it. Show me something, anything. Unless, of course, you’re all talk.”
Your frustration bubbled over. You’d spent weeks feeling out of place, constantly questioned, and now Maki was calling you out in front of the others. The pressure of her words mixed with your pent-up feelings, but you hadn’t intended to act on them. You were still new to cursed energy, after all—what could you possibly show her?
But as the frustration grew, something inside you stirred. Unintentionally, you felt a surge of warmth building in your hands. You hadn’t planned to release anything, but the more worked up you became, the harder it was to contain.
“I said I’m not scared!” you snapped, your emotions flaring. And then, without warning, your hands glowed with a faint blue light.
In a flash, cursed energy shot from your palms, not a deliberate attack, but more of a sudden, accidental release into the atmosphere. The energy crackled loudly through the air before dispersing just as quickly. Silence followed, and you froze, wide-eyed, as you realized what you’d done.
You hadn’t meant to—hadn’t even known you could—but there it was: proof that you weren’t just an observer. “Oh, I-I’m so sorry.” You said nervously, still in shock at what you had just done.
Maki’s eyebrows raised, a look of mild surprise crossing her face. Panda and Inumaki exchanged glances, equally caught off guard by the unexpected display.
Maki was the first to speak, a small smirk tugging at her lips. “Not bad. Even if it was an accident.”
You blinked, still trying to process what had just happened. You hadn’t meant to release any cursed energy, but the rush of emotions had pushed it out before you could stop it. A mix of embarrassment and relief washed over you, but you couldn’t deny the small sense of accomplishment that came with it.
Panda clapped his paws together, beaming at you. “Whoa! That was impressive, Y/N! See, you’ve got more in you than you think.”
Inumaki nodded approvingly, giving you a thumbs-up as he muttered, “Tuna mayo,” his way of cheering you on.
Maki, who had been the hardest to win over, gave a small nod of acknowledgment. “Guess you’re not completely useless after all.”
Though her words were still sharp, there was a hint of respect beneath them. For the first time since meeting her, you felt like Maki had actually seen you—not as an outsider, but as someone who could hold their own, even if the cursed energy had slipped out by accident.
Only one thought lingered in your mind as you headed back to your room that day-you couldn’t wait to tell Gojo.
At the Community Collage: Over the past few weeks, the first-years had begun to notice Gojo’s subtle preoccupation with you. Whether it was during training or simply in passing, the moments where Gojo lingered just a bit longer near you were becoming more frequent. Yuji, Nobara, and Megumi exchanged glances whenever Gojo was particularly attentive to you during group lessons, but none of them had yet to address it—until today.
As they walked through the courtyard, Gojo led the way with his usual relaxed swagger, he flicked his wrist and drew a veil over the area surrounding the college. The quiet hum of the barrier filled the air, signalling the start of their mission. For a moment, the group fell into silence, but Yuji, ever the curious one, couldn’t resist breaking it.
“Hey, sensei,” Yuji began, a playful glint in his eyes, “you’ve been spending a lot of time with y/n lately.”
Gojo, walking with his hands behind his neck, raised an eyebrow beneath his blindfold, clearly not fazed by the question. “So?” His tone was as unconcerned as ever.
Yuji shrugged, but his grin was hard to miss. “Just wondering if you’ve got a soft spot for her or something.”
Gojo didn’t miss a beat, his grin widening as he leaned closer to Yuji. His voice took on a teasing lilt. “Oh, absolutely. She’s just too cute, isn’t she?”
Yuji let out a nervous laugh and rubbed the back of his neck, looking towards the ground, “Uhh, I mean, yeah, obviously, but I mean, I-”
Gojo nodded and tilted his head back towards Yuji again as they walked. “But yes, Yuji, you’re right, she’s too old for you, you know, can’t let a 24-year-old girl go breaking your young, fragile heart.” He said, holding a finger to his lips as if acting out a dramatic scene.
Nobara, unimpressed by the entire exchange, rolled her eyes and shot her sensei a sharp glare. “Can you be serious for once? That’s not what he meant, and you know it.”
Megumi, trailing behind, sighed heavily. “This is getting ridiculous.”
Gojo chuckled at the reactions, clearly enjoying himself far too much. He straightened up, waving off their comments as if they were nothing. “What can I say? I’m a teacher. It’s my job to help.”
“You’re definitely doing more than helping,” Nobara muttered under her breath, folding her arms across her chest. “It’s kind of weird, honestly.” She knew it wasn’t that weird. After all, you were about eight years older than herself, Yuji, and Megumi, but she didn’t just want to seem like some nosey snob.
Gojo’s smile only grew, and he turned his head toward her with mock offence. “Weird? Me? I’m just a caring, attentive teacher. Right, Megumi?”
Megumi’s eye twitched, and he responded with a flat tone, “Don’t drag me into this.”
Yuji, grinned and gave Gojo a playful nudge. “You know, sensei, you’re not as subtle as you think you are.”
“Exactly,” Nobara chimed in, glaring at Gojo. “You’ve been acting weird since we found her. Don’t think we haven’t noticed.”
Gojo waved his hand dismissively, his carefree attitude unwavering. “You all think too much. Focus on what’s important.”
Nobara huffed. “What, like why you’re so protective of her?”
Yuji opened his mouth to add another quip, but Gojo cut him off, his tone turning a touch more serious, though still laced with that usual Gojo charm. “What’s important,” he said, turning toward the group, “is that we’re about to encounter some pretty nasty curses. So unless you want to end up exorcised by them, I suggest you focus.”
The playful air dissipated quickly as the weight of Gojo’s words settled in. The first-years exchanged glances, their previous banter quickly fading as they straightened up, understanding the shift in tone.
Gojo, satisfied with the sudden silence, clapped his hands together and grinned. “Good. Now, that’s the focus I like to see. Let’s get started, shall we?”
Despite casually dismissing the students’ teasing, Gojo couldn’t quite shake the truth behind their words. As much as he played it off, something drew his attention to you. Even though he deflected their questions with his usual bravado, he found himself watching you more often than he cared to admit. When he thought no one was paying attention, his gaze would linger, noticing the small things—the way you moved, how you interacted with the students, the quiet determination in your eyes despite the confusion surrounding your situation.
There was a warmth in how he looked at you, a subtle shift from his carefree and mischievous exterior. It wasn’t just your looks that caught his attention—though he couldn’t deny those either. No, there was something else, something about you that intrigued him, that pulled him in. Maybe it was the mystery surrounding your presence, or maybe it was something deeper. Whatever it was, Gojo couldn’t seem to stop himself from wanting to be closer, to figure out exactly why he was so drawn to you.
But for now, he pushed those thoughts aside. There were too many questions left unanswered, and Gojo wasn’t one to dwell on feelings he couldn’t explain.
Author's Note II: Hope you enjoyed, I did lol. If anyone is curious in being added to a taglist, please send me a message :)
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si3nn4 · 19 days
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Habits often shape a person’s life; whether they’re good or bad, they’re difficult to break. For Gojo, his habit was you. You always seemed to be there, and no matter how much teasing he endured from his friends, he couldn’t find the courage to let you go. You were a constant—an anchor—and he'd grown used to your presence, even when it meant the occasional ribbing about his "obsession."
At 8 years old, Gojo wasn’t exactly popular or well-liked. In fact, he was known as the "weird kid" with no parents and those strikingly bright eyes that seemed to unsettle everyone. When you moved to his school, it was different for you. You were instantly welcomed into every group, becoming the girl everyone wanted to befriend.
“Freak, find somebody else to bother,” a boy sneered one day, punctuating his words with a sharp kick to Gojo's face. The pain radiated around his eye, a bruise already forming. But Gojo held back his tears. He wouldn’t cry in front of them; maybe, just maybe, he could retain a shred of dignity. Before he could react, the boy in front of him was suddenly knocked to the ground.
Thud. "Piss off. Leave him alone," you barked. And there you were—his unexpected hero. It was almost cliché, but to Gojo, it was like something out of a storybook. Even as a kid, he was struck by how a pretty girl like you could be so fierce and confident. He sat there, eyes wide in awe, silently watching as the group of bullies scrambled away in confusion. “That looks like it might be a bruise,” you said softly, already kneeling before him and reaching for his face.
From that moment on, the two of you were inseparable. Gojo soon shed his “loser” label, and by the time he reached high school, no one would have guessed his awkward beginnings. You, however, hadn’t changed much in spirit. Gojo watched as you grew—your beauty becoming more pronounced, your figure more defined—but the confidence and determination you’d shown as a child never faded.
“Satoru! I’ll see you tonight?” a classmate called out from across the quad, looking back expectantly. Gojo gave a nonchalant nod before heading towards the parking lot behind the gymnasium. Next to the lot was the tennis court, where the Senior Girls' A Team was practicing. You were there, leading the drills with your usual focus. You’d become the team leader in a remarkably short time, and no one was surprised—least of all, Gojo.
One of Gojo’s more ingrained habits was attending your practices every Friday afternoon. He’d leave his economics class a few minutes early, head to the small shop across campus to buy an energy drink and some cold water bottles, and stash them in his bag. By the time he returned, you’d already be deep into your warm-up drills. When the final bell rang, he’d break off from his friends at the quad and head left, towards the courts.
There, he would watch as you led your team, a routine that had become his own. The coach, of course, didn’t appreciate the distraction. It wasn’t uncommon for the girls to get flustered, noticing the white-haired boy on the bleachers, his intense gaze following their every move.
Later that day, after practice, you stepped out of the steamy bathroom, towel wrapped securely around your body, droplets of water clinging to your hair. “Coach had a chat with me after practice today,” you announced, breaking Gojo’s attention from his phone. He looked up, his curiosity piqued.
“What did he want to say?” Gojo asked, his eyes shifting from your face to the steam that still lingered in the doorway. There was a hint of amusement in his expression, but his posture straightened. He could tell there was more to this.
“He wanted me to ask you to stop distracting the girls during training,” you said, watching him carefully. A smirk tugged at his lips.
“Distracting them?” he repeated, his tone mockingly incredulous. “I’m just sitting there, minding my own business.”
You rolled your eyes, heading into your closet to change. “Yes, well, apparently just ‘sitting there’ is enough to make half the team mess up their drills,” you called out.
Gojo leaned back, hands behind his head, eyes drifting to the shifting shadows of your silhouette. The soft rustling of fabric filled the room, and he felt a familiar heat creep into his body. This wasn’t the first time he’d found himself teetering on the edge of something more with you. The memories flooded back—of you standing up for him, of all the moments you’d shared since then, how you’d become his anchor. But things had changed. You’d grown more beautiful, more self-assured, and it wasn’t just him who noticed. Sukuna’s crude comment about you resurfaced in his mind, along with the memory of their fight. He’d been furious, and so had you, but he hadn’t regretted a thing.
You emerged from the closet, now dressed in soft silk pajamas that clung to your frame. Gojo's eyes traced the damp strands of hair sticking to your neck. "Why are you frowning now?" you asked, pulling him from his thoughts.
“Do you agree with the coach?” he asked, sidestepping your question as he followed you into the kitchen. The scent of tea was already filling the air as you reached for the kettle. Instinctively, he set a mug next to yours, his expression still a bit sulky.
“I agree that you’re distracting my whole team, yeah,” you admitted, raising an eyebrow as you prepared the tea. “But I also don’t exactly want you to leave either.” A small smile crept onto your lips, and Gojo’s mood noticeably brightened at that.
“Oh, really?” he teased, his eyes narrowing playfully as he reached up to grab the sugar you couldn’t quite reach. “So, I should keep coming then?”
“Maybe,” you replied with a hint of sarcasm, “if you could stop acting like a total diva in front of them.”
“Hey, it’s not my fault I’m so gorgeous that they can’t focus,” Gojo shot back, puffing out his chest with mock pride as he leaned against the counter, a smug grin on his face. “Tell your coach to fuck off and go wank himself off.”
“Don’t ever say that again,” you laughed, turning back to the stove as you prepared some snacks. “In a sentence together or by itself.”
“Fine, fine,” he chuckled, watching you with a fond expression. That familiar tension lingered between you—something unspoken yet undeniably present. Maybe one day, one of you would figure out what to do with it.
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I'll carry this on but exams have been a bitch lately. Also I've been running out of ideas for Katsuki..
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