#and is inwardly like 'why are there rocks is there a good tasting rock other than salt theyre on ice maybe theyre a fucked up snail'
gilfrespecter · 1 year
It's really funny playing the same character in two very different stages of life at the same time
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neon-kazoo · 2 months
Hero and Villain Go Tubing
They got an early start, arriving at the water mid-morning bright-eyed and eager.
Well, at least one of them was.
“Remind me again why you made this a stipulation of our neutrality deal,” Hero groaned.
They stood upon a rock overlooking a semi-shallow green river with their ecstatic nemesis by their side.
A toothy grin spread across the villain’s face in response.
“It’ll be fun!”
For Hero, that was yet to be determined.
The hero’s swim trucks were adorned with cartoon flamingos. When questioned, Hero had asserted that they were a gift, and they didn’t go swimming often enough to own a second pair. Villain was dressed in more ‘tasteful’ swimwear, a dark blue rash guard and green shorts.
Hero sighed, “You brought the tubes, right?”
“They come with the tickets, we just give them back when we get out,” Villain explained.
“Tickets?” Hero questioned, “We’re paying for this?”
“Of course not!” Villain assured, then corrected, “You’re paying for this.”
Obviously, Hero had not bothered to read the fine print on the contract they signed.
They begrudgingly made their way to the ticket building across the street, mumbling something about ‘touristicification’ and good-old-fashion private waterways. Hero returned with a tube on each arm. One a cool blue, the other a neon pink.
Villain reached for the blue, but was swatted away by Hero not-so-gently flinging the pink tube at him.
Villain scowled, but inwardly he may have smiled.
Hero didn’t need to know that, though.
They took a step towards the water access before Hero’s voice interrupted them.
“We’re not leaving until you put on sunscreen.”
“I didn’t bring any-
“I did!”
Villain was interrupted by the taste of banana boat entering his open mouth as Hero sprayed him down with SPF.
Villain spit, gagging from the bitter aerosol assault.
Thouroghly protected from the sun, courtesy of the now-smiling Hero, Villain and Hero began their trek towards the put-in point. Halfway there, Villain stopped, searching for something he didn’t seem to find in Hero’s hands.
“Where’s the stick?” He asked, and Hero rolled their eyes.
“I was not paying five dollars for a stick. We can scavenge for one if it’s that important.”
Villain begrudgingly continued on. They made their way down to the water, wading out across the rocky river bed to an acceptable distance before falling gracefully boarding the tubes.
Just like that, they were off.
Their inter-tubes had been linked together by a nylon strap, so they floated in tandem. At first it was leisurely, feet hanging in the water and heads tilted back to gaze up at the tree canopy. That was, until, a sudden jerk had them stuck in place.
Their first obstacle.
A rock.
“You’re stuck!” Hero yelped, looking over at Villain, affronted at him for ruining the peaceful moment.
“No you’re stuck!”
Hero scoffed. They both looked around into the water, trying to locate the source of their sudden loss of momentum. Hero rocked to no avail, legitimizing their claim that this debacle was not their fault. Villain refused to move, so the hero grabbed the connecting strap.
Hero yanked hard, and the tubes spun free of the rock and caught the current again.
“I told you we needed sticks.”
“You didn’t even help!”
Hero leaned back, staring at the clear sky once again. Until Villain saw fit to once again ruin the moment.
“I think this journey is deserving of a soundtrack,” he spoke.
They pulled out a speaker from who-knows-where. In true villainous fashion, they pressed play at the highest volume, subjecting the entire river to their playlist.
“~I know, you wanted me to stay~”
“What is this?” Hero asked.
Villain gasped.
“You’ve never heard Pink Pony Club?!”
“Never heard what now?”
The villain didn’t answer, letting the singer answer for herself.
“~I’m gonna keep on dancing at the Pink Pony Club~”
“Is that the kind of club I think it is?! This is not appropriate-“
“If you want to hear not appropriate…” the villain cursed, and the Hero’s jaw dropped open, but he wasn’t looking at them.
Villain snapped his mouth shut as he caught Hero’s gaze and saw the child floating by. He blushed at the glare shot to him by the kid’s guardian, who paddled them both by as quickly as possible.
“I see why you needed someone obligated to come with you. Clearly no one would do this willingly,” Hero stated, much to the chagrin of their tethered partner.
“Oh come on, its not that bad,”
“It’s not, you are.”
Ice cold water cascaded in drops over the Hero. They froze, then turned slowly to face the grinning villain.
He just splashed them. Like a toddler.
Taking the high road, they decided not to strike back, lest they be reduced to the low, low level of their criminal companion.
When Villain failed to get the reaction he wanted, he did it again, this time drenching the entirety of Hero’s lap.
Hero’s mouth gaped.
“Ugh, could it get more hot out?” Villain complained.
“Need I remind you this was your idea?”
“I’m melting, Hero.”
Hero saw the opportunity and took it. They wedged their feet under his tube and lifted up, flipping the inflatable with Villain still inside it. They never saw it coming, and thus were successfully dumped into the pocket of deeper water.
When Villain surfaced, they cut Hero a deadly glare.
“That wasn’t very heroic of you,” they said, pushing back their now-soaked hair.
Hero shrugged.
“You said you were hot. I just saved you from a heat stroke.”
Unfortunately for Hero, some retaliation was in order.
Another large(and several small) splashes later, and they were both overboard.
Both looking like seals trying to scale an iceberg, they eventually managed to climb back into their floatation devices.
All was calm, for all of five seconds.
A crescendo of a rushing sound alerted the pair that they were approaching a rapid.
Ahead, an outcropping of rocks bifurcated their path. On either side, a small cascade prevented smooth travel forward. Hero gestured to the widest side, and his companion nodded.
“I’m going down first,” Villain asserted, aggressively paddling one handed towards the right side of the river.
Hero startled as the angle of the tubes shifted as they were pulled towards the miniature waterfall.
“I don’t wanna go backwards!” They screeched.
In a panic, Hero unbuckled the tether between them.
No longer connected, Hero’s tube passed Villain’s by, following their chosen path smoothly.
Hero looked back to find Villain farther behind them than they should have been.
They were stuck.
“Wiggle!” Hero called.
The villain managed a vague side to side movement.
“That’s not wiggling!” Hero yelled, exasperated. They were quickly approaching a bend, and they had to crane their neck back to catch sight of the villain.
“This IS wiggling!” They defended.
Soon the Hero was out of sight, and Villain had to make the ego-crushing decision to leave his tube to try and displace it off the rock.
Hero only knew he had fallen flat on his face instead when the neon pink tube floated by, its occupant conspicuously absent.
A ridiculously long time later:
The two enemies crawled out of the river, collapsing side by side onto the bank.
One package of bandaids and several towels later, they spoke,
“We should do this again sometime.”
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The Windhelm Heist
A little gift fic for the lovely and talented @rainpebble3 for her birthday. <3 May you have the greatest day and eat many snowberry and cheese danishes.
As he walked through the grim landscapes of Windhelm, the shades of grey continued to get dimmer and dimmer with every step. Monotonous blank nothing in every which direction. This was the reason Brynjolf always hated the place. Or was it the overwhelming sense of depression? The cutthroat air of self-serving politics? Perhaps the stale scent of rotting fish on the Docks?
Either way, he was sent with a job to do in Jarl Ulfric’s domain, and he has never been one to turn down a challenge. Even if it is bleeding money from stones.
While he made is way down to the Grey Quarter, he tried to not slip down the icy flagstones of half-crumbling stairways and sidestep past the falling debris from even more derelict buildings desperately in need of repairs. Everything everywhere was a death trap waiting to happen, and Bryn just happened to be the sad sod roped into going here. No matter. He’ll ask Delvin for double his usual fee for this job.
Who was he even supposed to see again? Brynjolf looked down at the paper where Delvin’s hastily-scribbled chicken scratch scrolled with the name of his target: Rolff Stone-Fist. Infamous ne’er-do-well the city’s biggest layabout other than his equally worthless partner in crime Angrenor Once-Honored.
His boots continued to slosh through the slop, loud steps causing him to inwardly cringe. How was anyone supposed to sneak anywhere with all this muck about? And after he rounded a few corners, came to even more dead ends, and looped around the same damned plaza three times, Brynjolf finally found his target—his grubby, meaty hands pushed against a Dunmer in some type of pathetic shakedown. Any seasoned thief would be able to see that the poor soul didn’t have more than three septims to rub together based on the threadbare clothing he was wearing and to add insult to injury, Rolff seemed to think it was funny to hurl slurs and rocks at him. 
It all came flooding back to him. This is why he has always hated Windhelm. The racist shit littering the streets.
Brynjolf grinned, the corners of his ginger moustache lifting gently as he chuckled under his breath. Like taking a sweet roll from a baby and much more enjoyable to boot.
“Are you Rolff Stone-Fist by any chance?” 
“What’s it to you outsider?” Rolff turned to Brynjolf, looking up and down as he swayed from where he stood. “I don’t have any business with you, and if you know what’s good for you, you’ll leave well enough alone. My brother is Jarl Ulfric’s right hand man.”
Brynjolf resisted the urge to roll his eyes into high Aetherius as he lifted a brow and crossed his arms stubbornly over his chest. “I think I’ll be the judge of that, lad, and I am not afraid of Jarl Ulfric.”
“I’ll give you one last warning. I’m busy here, so piss off.”
“Busy with what exactly?” Brynjolf inclined his head, indicating the Dunmer Rolff had in his grasp. “Taking money from those that have none? Giving the Thieves’ Guild a bad name? Last I checked, your name wasn’t on the list. And none of our own would be so foolish to recruit a pissant like you.”
With a graceless and unbalanced shove, Rolff pushed the Dunmer aside and into the muddy slush, finally giving Brynjolf his full attention.
About time. There was nothing more than Brynjolf hated than to have his time wasted when he could be taking coin from unsuspecting targets. He narrowed his eyes and reached down to unsheathe the elven dagger at his side. “Come on then, lad. If you want a taste, I’m here.” 
Brynjolf motioned him forward, goading him on with one of his calloused palms as the smile on his face slid into a full grin. There was nothing he loved more than then idiotic targets made the wrong decision, especially when that decision made his job infinitely easier.
“I bet you’re working with them greyskins.” Rolff pushed off from the wall with unsteady hands with uncertain feet. “When I get my hands on your, I’ll have you thrown into the Bloodworks, you dirty thief.”
“Who’re you calling a dirty thief, eh? Sounds an awful like lot the pot calling the kettle black,” Brynjolf shifted slightly to the side, putting himself into position, “and you’re the worst of the two of us. Not even a proper thief.”
“I’ll make my money as I please. It’s not as if you lot have any honor anyway. Not like the Stormcloaks—"
“I’d be happy to teach you a thing or two about honor. Here, why don’t I help you?”
It was simple. As Rolff continued to approach him, unbalanced meaty fists and all, Brynjolf only stuck out one of his feet and allowed gravity to do the rest. The man fell, rolled, and went wooshing forward, momentum and stupidity doing more for him than anything else, until he landed soundly face-down into the slop of a nearby pigsty. 
As Rolff tried to get to him and free himself, mud and slush stuck to his body, weighing him down as he sloshed around in the filth on the ground.
“Now that’s more like it. A uniform you can be truly proud of.” Brynjolf reached down and plucked a bag of coin and a Guild badge from his possession. “Mess with us again, and we’ll do worse than this.” He whispered into his ear and pushed him down again solidly into the mud before turning away to leave Rolff in the muck where he belonged.
It wasn’t often that Brynjolf liked to go to get his hands dirty; however, this could be considered an exception.
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aemonds-sapphire · 3 years
Coffee Run - Hawks x Reader (Smut)
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Summary: Hawks simply wanted to enjoy his coffee in peace, but you had needs of your own, especially knowing he was entering his rut. You know what they say... be careful with what you wish for, because you just might get it.
Warnings: NSFW. Rut!Hawks. Feral Hawks. Public sex. Breeding kink. Pregnancy kink. Lactation kink (brief mention). Featherplay. Slight overstimulation.
Word count: 3.7k
Hawks was nearing his rut. That much was clear. Keeping up an easy going appearance was what he excelled at, until he hit that particular time of the year. Until he was forced to take that medication that would suppress his primal instinct to breed.
But rarely anything in this world came without bearing unpleasant consequences.
“I’ll just have the usual. Thanks.”
The young waitress then turned to you expectantly. “And you, miss?”
You pondered for a second as you eyed the pro hero sitting in front of you. To anyone oblivious to the changes occurring in his body they might think he was just not a morning person.
An idea popped in your mind all of a sudden.
“I’ll have a strawberry lollipop,” you finally said, causing Hawks to briefly lift his eyes from the phone in his hand. “What? I have a sweet tooth.”
The waitress nodded and walked away. He was still glaring at you, one fuzzy eyebrow slightly arched.
“Just that? It’s not a proper breakfast.”
“Neither is coffee, yet here we are.”
He shrugged at your response, shifting his attention back to his phone.
Coffee was his personal mood booster. It was dangerous to demand anything from a rutting Hawks until he had drunk an unhealthy amount of it.
The sun was barely out, and that was exactly why he’d choose this café. Only a few people would be there, which meant he wouldn’t have to deal with loud fans walking up to him and asking for selfies or autographs... or even hugs. It was perfect to hide from everyone how moody and snappy he could get in times like these.
But you figured he still wasn’t taking the medication. He always dreaded it because of how groggy and lethargic it’d leave him.
“You okay?”
He had his index finger flicking up and down on the screen. “Sure.”
But what Hawks didn’t know was that... well... you knew what why he was acting so unlike him.
Soon after, the waitress came back with a large cup of coffee and your lollipop that you promptly snatched from the tray with a smile.
Hawks mumbled a quick ‘thanks’ and you watched him take a few gulps of the hot beverage, while you removed the wrapping.
He sighed in pure relief as his huge wings vibrated from the instant pleasure. “I really needed this.”
You also reckoned he needed something else.
Sliding the round candy in your mouth, you propped your chin on interlaced fingers, regarding him quizzically.
“Is that all you need?”
The apparent innocent question had his golden eyes meet yours. However, you needed them to travel south, so you parted your lips seductively and dangled the lollipop from one corner of your mouth to the other with your tongue.
Hawks’ eyes dropped to your mouth in an instant, taking in the sight of you skilfully twirling the stick while letting out some lewd wet sounds.
“Stop it.”
“Stop what? I love sucking...” you said innocently.
The cup in his hand cracked lightly from his tight grip, and a faint frown settled on his beautiful face.
“You sure you okay?”
For someone who was able to maintain an wavering smile not matter the circumstances, Hawks really was falling behind his reputation. Maybe it wasn’t wise for you to keep pushing him like this. All the innuendos and teasing would eventually get him to snap.
You kept on sucking and licking the hard candy happily, eyeing your boyfriend with utmost interest.
He took another sip of his hot coffee, and you noticed his pupils were slightly dilated. Undoubtedly, the visual of you sucking on something was a enough to spark his arousal.
“Hmm... this tastes so good...” you moaned softly, fluttering your eyes shut for a brief moment. “Want to taste it?”
When he didn’t reply, you decided to take it up a notch. You kicked off your shoe and moved it to touch his leg.
He arched an eyebrow.
Slowly, you began sliding it up his leg and only stopped once you’d reached his inner thigh.
You let the round candy caress your bottom lip, making sure he could see strings of your saliva sliding down to coat your tongue. Mustering a bit more courage, you dragged your feet until it reached his crotch.
Hawks was hard as a rock.
“You’re so warm...” you whispered, rubbing your foot against his cock.
You could tell he was about to snap.
“Hawks? Honey, look! It’s Hawks!”
You quickly turned your head to look at a young couple that was approaching your table. It couldn’t be avoided. Even in the early hours there would always be someone who was a fan of Hawks.
Hawks was forced to regain his composure, and you figure it was taking every single fibre in his body to produce his trademark unwavering grin.
The woman seemed a little hesitant at first. “Are we interrupting something? I’m so sorry... we are big fans.”
“You are such an inspiration to us,” the man added with excitement.
“Thank you!” Hawks beamed, his beautiful features never betraying what was going on under the table. “Want an autograph?”
She quickly nodded, rummaging through her purse to get a pen. “Our baby will love you, too. We’ll make sure of that.”
Hawks visibly swallowed. “Baby?”
“Yes! We found out we’re going to be parents last week.”
You side-eyed him closely. Inwardly, you started cackling in delight, knowing far too well this was one of Hawks’ most intimate triggers. It was far too obvious that being in his rut made it all much worse for him
“Congratulations! How is everything going?” you inquired sweetly, applying gentle pressure on his covered erection with your toes.
He shifted in his seat, doing his best to cope with the sudden stimulation coming from you.
The woman seemed taken aback by your kindness and quickly bowed her head while handing the pen to Hawks.
“Oh, the morning sickness can be quite draining, but otherwise I can’t complain.”
Her partner handed Hawks a copy of a magazine that had him on the cover. He blushed awkwardly. “She keeps it in her purse in case we run into you so we can get an autograph.”
“That’s awesome,” he said genuinely, his voice slightly strained as he drew his signature on it. “Thanks for the support.”
The couple retrieved the magazine and bowed to both of you before walking away.
“That is so cool...” you said, twirling the lollipop stick in between your thumb and index finger. “I wonder what it feels like being pregnant.”
Hawks moved your foot away from his crotch. “Bathroom. Now.”
Your mouth fell open at his sudden outburst, sliding your foot back into your shoe. “Why?”
He rose to his full height as his red wings quivered slightly. “I’m done with you.”
Placing the hard candy back on its wrapping, you gulped as you followed his lead. The café had started to get more clients, and some of them shot a few glares at the winged hero.
The waitress was eyeing both of you. “Is everything okay?”
Hawks shot a brief smile. “She’s not feeling well.”
He certainly had a way to have things go his way.
She looked at yo worriedly. “Should I get help?”
Hawks hurried you into the bathroom, before adding. “She’s with the number two pro hero. I’m all the help she needs.”
Point taken.
Hawks pulled you into a small cubicle, shutting the door with a kick. You heard the lock rattle and you took the opportunity turn around to face him. His massive wings struggled to fit inside the confined space, which caused him to look more menacing as they coiled up against his body.
“You’re rutting.”
His pupils were fully blown and you briefly saw something flash in his eyes. “Of course you know.”
“I know a lot of things,” you cooed, dragging down one hand to squeeze him through his pants. “You’re not taking your medication.”
You’d been dating Hawks for a few months now, and you found out that he went through a rut every year by mere chance. It didn’t take long for you to connect the dots after hearing a phone conversation between him and someone from the commission — you assumed it was a doctor —, who insisted that Hawks had to take the hormonal suppressant medication to lessen the effects, allowing him to function properly.
“I don’t fucking need it,” he snarled at you through gritted teeth.
“I think you do... if you’re so willing to fuck me in a public bathroom,” you whispered seductively, giving his cock a gentle squeeze. “I wonder what made you snap... was it the conversation about pregnancy... or—“
Hawks had had enough of your running your mouth, and with little effort on his part, he flipped you over so that you were now pressed against the bathroom sink, a tall mirror capturing your surprised expression along with his feral one.
“No, little bird...” he growled, hooking his gloved fingers in the belt loops of your pants. “I am not gonna fuck you. I’m gonna breed you.”
It was a dark promise, and one you knew he could keep. After all, that was the purpose of a rut: to breed. Every single cell in his body was prepared for this, and you couldn’t bring yourself to pretend this sudden shift in Hawks’ demeanor didn’t make your pussy clench.
Your hands were supporting your weight by gripping the edge of the cold material of the sink, and you tentatively leaned forward in an attempt to brush against his crotch.
Hawks slid one hand to your front, effectively undoing your pants. “You’re ovulating... fuck...”
That caught by surprise. “What...”
He shifted his body on top of yours, so he could nuzzle your neck, capturing your scent.
“I can smell it... fuck...fuck... you need to be bred...”
In one swift motion, he yanked your pants down. Hawks was usually so much more gentle with you during sex; this was definitely something unexpected, but that you couldn’t stop yourself from yearning.
On the other hand, you considered his words for a moment. Did he really mean it? Did he really want to knock you up, or was this just his hormones talking?
Either way, this was turning you on beyond belief, and you decided to egg him on.
“You want to breed me?”
He was nipping at your neck, causing a few of his moans to be heard. You could feel the hard print of his cock pressed against the curve of your ass, and as you bucked your hips instinctively you felt his own meet you halfway, setting a slow rhythm.
“I need to knock you up... I need you tummy all swollen with my baby,” the young man kept mumbling more to himself than to you, but you couldn’t get enough of it. “I need your... your...”
A gush of wetness leaked out of your pussy as you felt him fumbling with his belt. Through the reflection in the mirror, you could see a faint blush settling on his face, increasing his handsomeness by a tenfold — you didn’t even know how that was possible.
“My what...” your voice came out in a low mewl, keeping your hips swaying at a steady pace.
Hawks undid his pants at once, and gave your ass cheeks a few slaps with his leaking cock.
He gripped your hip tightly. “Let me see your tits...”
You kept yourself balance on one hand as the other dragged the fabric of your shirt up, rolling it just above your breasts. Hawks released his cock, bringing his hips forward to have it slide between your round cheeks; you could start to feel the wetness coating your skin and standing your panties as he kept humping you. His free hand moved to grasp your bra, jerking the material down and finally exposing your hardening nipples.
Hawks heaved a deep breath, resting his chin on your shoulder as he looked at your body through the mirror.
“Can’t wait until they get bigger... full of milk... leaking for me...” he brushed his gloved thumb across your sensitive nipple, causing it to harden even more. “I bet it will taste so good... so sweet... you know I love sweet things.”
Your mind was going blank from all the pleasure being delivered to you at once. From his cock slowly fucking your ass cheeks all the way to the way he was glaring at you through some public bathroom mirror while spitting out the filthiest things you had ever heard him utter.
He snapped his hips hard for a split second, almost causing you to lose balance, forcing you to grip the sink with both hands, eyes still fixed on the way your breasts bounced softly along with each shove from him.
Slowly, he dragged his hand to your lower abdomen, massaging it with spread fingers. “Fuck... I need to feel it getting swollen... gonna knock you up so good.”
Streaks of precum were sliding down your cheeks, leaving wet trails behind and sending jolts of pleasure running down your spine.
“Sorry, but I’m gonna make you cum fast,” he suddenly said.
You weren’t really sure why he was apologizing for that, or even how he intended to achieve such feat. Hawks was more than capable of pleasuring women, but even the most skilled man certainly had his limitations when it came to how fast they could make a woman reach her high.
Even so, apologizing for giving someone an orgasm probably ranked up high with the likes of “Sorry, but I’m going to give you a new house” or “Sorry, but I’m going to give you an unlimited supply of money”. Out of all the things he could feel sorry for — like desperately banging you in some public bathroom, for example—, that one should be the least of his concerns.
As if reading the skepticism splattered across your face, he gave you a knowing smile, and before you could even wonder what he meant by that you felt something poking your covered clit.
What the...
You didn’t expect desperate Hawks to play fair, but this was on another level. The fabric covering your soaked pussy was being pulled to the side, and in no time a velvety object started proving your pulsing clit.
He was using his feathers.
Now you knew what he meant by making you cum fast, the bastard. The sensation was overwhelming, and you vaguely wondered why he had never tried this before.
“Shh... I need you to cum first, so I can have your pussy milking my cock,” he pressed a kiss on your neck. “Be a good girl and keep your voice down.”
With one hand still caressing your tummy and the other squeezing one breasts softly, you tried hard to bite back your moans as his feather kept stroking your clit as he commanded.
You started panting heavily, drunk in pleasure. “I... I... Hawks...”
Seeing that you weren’t going to be able to keep quiet, he brought the hand on your breast to clamp it over your mouth.
“You’re so ready for me... I can feel the vibrations through my feather... you’re throbbing so much for me, baby...”
And it was the absolute truth. Your were absolutely sure his feather was already drenched in your juices, but you didn’t care at all. A few more flicks and strokes sent your hips into auto-pilot, trying to get more friction.
Long and drawn out moans erupted from your throat only to be muffled by his gloved hand.
You could feel something in your core swirling and shifting and through the haze of passion, you could tell it was the tension building up inside you that was reaching a dangerous peak.
“Good girl... t-that’s my girl... getting ready for me to breed her...”
His dirty talk served as the perfect incentive for you to get closer and closer to the edge. You saw your vision begin to tunnel and suddenly you fell headfirst into the explosion of pleasure that had your arms and legs shake violently, and you thanked the heavens that Hawks’ body was pressed against yours, or you’d have sunk to your feet.
But before your pussy could stop contracting around nothing, you felt your body being pushed forward and in one quick slide, his cock was buried deep inside you.
Hawks’ hips faltered for a second as he adjusted to your tightness. “Fuck!”
The feather brushing your clit stopped its ministrations, and as your field of vision started clearing, you saw it hovering in front of your face. It was completely covered in your juices and a few droplets dripped onto the sink. His hand fell to grip your hip, and your lips immediately parted in a silent scream as overstimulation took over.
“Keep it open... lick... lick it...” he groaned, his voice strained and shaky as his cock endured your contractions.
You extended your tongue out, allowing is feather to drag along it, pooling your wetness on your tongue.
Hawks’ reflection shivered before your eyes at the newfound source of pleasure. “F-fuuuck... just like that...”
His wings fluttered as so did the feather stroking your muscle, and even though your orgasm had already subsided, the never ending stimulation from his thick cock hitting deep inside you was just too much.
“I’m gonna lose it! Fuck!” he nearly cried out, ad you could only pray that no one could hear him outside.
Your knees bucked weakly as he snapped his hips into you once, twice and again closing in on his own release, but the moment you ran your tongue over the sensitive extension of his body you knew he was done for. He bucked up to meet your hips in an especially sharp thrust and you could feel the hot gush of his cum deep inside you, coating your trembling walls, mixing with your own juices.
He hadn’t lasted long, but you weren’t at all surprised, considering how much the vast array of different stimuli that he was subjected to in such a sort amount of time.
A few seconds ticked by, and he finally began pulling out, you pussy reflexively clamping around him as if to make him stay.
“Stop clenching like that before I get hard again...” he warned, giving your ass a soft smack as he slid out completely with a loud slurping sound.
You whimpered softly as emptiness filled you instead. As you were about to straighten yourself, you felt a blob of cum threading to spill, and Hawks promptly kept you leaning forward.
“I didn’t just fill you with a big load for you to waste it all,” and with that, he dragged the tip of his cock along your leaking pussy and pushed it back inside. “There you go... all stuffed again.”
The head of his cock didn’t stay inside you for long, and once he slid out you reached for paper from the dispenser hanging on the wall.
He grabbed your arm. “No.”
“I need to clean myself...”
“No, you don’t,” Hawks whispered sweetly into your ear, and you felt him tug at your panties before letting the fabric slap your over sensitive clit. “You’re gonna be a good girl and keep it all in.”
Your eyes widened in shock. Certainly, he didn’t mean that....
“Hawks... I can’t walk around with your cum dripping from me,” you stated as a matter of fact.
You saw his reflection in the mirror; he had a devious smile dancing on his lips, making your insides coil in sudden realization.
“Didn’t you want me to breed you? Then keep my cum inside your tight pussy,” he began, planting soft caring kisses on the side of your neck in between. “Think you can do that for me, beautiful?”
Feeling your panties sticking to your swollen lips with the aftermath of both your juices and drops of his cum made a shiver run down you entire body.
You nodded once.
Suddenly, he bent over slightly to grasp the waistband of your pants, quickly dragging them up your thighs.
“Time to go,” he huffed as one of his gloved hands brushed along his unruly golden locks of hair. “This was just meant to be a quick coffee run.”
There was a faint smudge of pink crossing his nose and resting on both his cheeks. He looked positively less tense, with his blush being the only indicator that he had just emptied his balls deep inside you.
He unlocked the door and exited first, but not before shooting his Hawks-like smile at you. “I’ll be going ahead to pay and deal with the fans.”
You chuckled as the door closed, and turned to look at your reflection in the mirror while adjusting your clothes. “Well... don’t look at me like that. He’s impossible to resist, especially like this...”
After you were done washing your hands, you took a few steps immediately feeling a few drops of cum dripping onto your panties. You clenched your pussy hard in the hopes of preventing more from spilling.
This was not going to end well.
Taking a deep breath, you walked out and were met with the waitress. “Oh! Are you alright now?”
Yeah, I just got fucked hard and I have cum leaking from me. “Yes! Thank you, and sorry for leaving like that... I really wasn’t feeling well.”
She nodded in understanding, stepping aside to let you walk into the lobby only to see a loud commotion of people piling up around something. Big massive turfs of scarlet feathers quickly gave it away and you smiled fondly.
A few girls standing nearby were giggling to each other, catching your attention.
“Oh my... he’s so much more handsome up close,” one said with a dreamy sigh.
“His wings are so pretty...” the other murmured.
Yes. Hawks had that effect on nearly everyone he crossed paths with. In one way or another, people had the tendency to fall fo him and be drawn by his quirky personality. Even if at the end of the day, once he got home, you could see the wearing effects of having to keep up with this society’s standards.
As the crowd began to disperse, he waved a hand at you.
“It was so nice to have you here, Hawks,” the young waitress blurted out as you two made your exit. “Please come again!”
The number two pro hero bowed his head and gave her a thumbs up. “I’m sure I will. Very soon,” he winked at you.
Very poor choice of words.
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atlabeth · 3 years
warmth - zuko x fem!reader
summary: the two times he notices her shivering and the one time he does something about it. 
a/n: lmaoo we have been in a DROUGHT my people. i have barely given you any content this whole month and i feel bad. i wrote this out over the course of a few hours after getting the idea in the shower. i did not proofread. i am not sorry. enjoy.
and NO that end part is not dirty it is simply two kids sharing a bed for warmth bc they got cute lil crushes on each other 🔫🔫🔫🔫
wc: 1.6k 
warning(s): this is pure fluff bbbbbb 
Three times. 
It happened three times before Zuko was finally able to get over himself and have a real, face to face, one on one conversation with the one person he hadn’t been able to get out of his head. 
Y/N. It was a name that had made a home in his mind, belonging to a girl that had made a home in his heart. He knew that she was a waterbender from the Northern Tribe and that she had joined the team after the Siege of the North, but apart from that, her life was a mystery to him. She was a mystery to him. 
It was pathetic. How could he become so enraptured with a girl when he didn’t even know the first thing about her? When he had spent the past couple of months fighting against her, trying everything in his power to hurt her? When she had no idea he even thought about her that way? 
Sometimes Zuko questioned himself, but then he caught a glimpse of her — the gleam of her hair, the way her eyes crinkled at the edges when she laughed, the fierceness with which she fought rivalled only by the way she cared for her injured friends afterwards — and he laughed inwardly. 
There was no way he couldn’t feel that way about her. She was simply enchanting. 
But there was only one thing he questioned more than his affections — why in the name of Agni could he not just walk up and start a conversation with her? There was no one else in the world that made him as nervous, as flushed, as completely incapable of basic speech as Y/N, and it drove him insane. 
It drove him insane that it took three times. 
The first time he noticed her shivering, it wasn’t on purpose. 
Zuko was serving tea to everyone as they gathered around the campfire, chuckling as Aang recounted one of their earlier adventures, back when he was still trying to capture the Avatar. Thinking about his past, who he used to be, was painful, but it gave him all the more reason to be thankful for where he was now. 
He wasn’t as focused on Aang’s story as he was on Y/N, though. She could hardly keep her thoughts to herself, interrupting every couple of seconds to add a detail that Aang forgot or give her own input on the events that he was describing. He started to frown as he noticed her shivering despite sitting right next to the fire — Zuko didn’t even realize how distracted he was until he felt someone hitting his arm. 
“Hey!” He was snapped out of his reverie by the harshness of Katara’s voice, angrily gesturing at the broken teacup and now spilled tea all over Haru. 
“Oh— I am so sorry,” he stammered as he crouched down and started to pick up the pieces on the ground. “Are you okay?” 
“It’s just.. really hot tea,” Haru muttered with a small wince. “No big deal.” 
“You’re right. It’s not a big deal.” Y/N raised her hand and with a small, fluid movement, she bent the liquid out of the fabric and formed it into a tiny sphere in the air. “See? Good as new. And you’re not even burnt.” 
Haru chuckled and pulled at his tunic, giving Y/N a grateful nod. 
“Can a sky bison drink tea?” She mused as she moved the liquid orb around in the air. 
“I don’t think so,” Aang said with a small laugh. 
“Shame we have to waste it.” Y/N bent it away from the group and let it fall to the ground, sinking into the rock below them. “Zuko can always make more though, right?” She said with a hopeful smile. 
“Uh, yeah. Of course.” 
“See, guys? No harm, no foul. You’re the best, Zuko.” She gave him an overexaggerated wink then began to pester Aang to get back to the story, leaving Zuko to continue handing out tea and keep his shaking hands as steady as possible. 
She really had no idea the effect she had on him. 
The second time? It was definitely on purpose. 
The night was unusually cold, even with the bonfire blazing in the middle, and he found his eyes trained once more on Y/N. This time she was the storyteller, giving them all a taste of Northern Water Tribe culture as she recounted a bedtime story she was told as a child. She had a whole arsenal of character voices at her disposal, keeping everyone thoroughly entertained despite the numerous lines she forgot. Zuko didn’t even realize he was staring until Sokka elbowed him in the elbow, gesturing at her with a nod of his head and a cocky grin. 
“What are you doing, just gawking at her like that?” 
“Wh— gawking? I am not gawking. I’m— I’m just listening to her.” 
“Yeah, sure. But I’m pretty sure Appa could start talking right now and you wouldn’t notice because you are hopelessly into her.” He gestured at Zuko’s eyes with his hand then in Y/N’s direction. “Gawking.” 
“I— I am not!” He protested, tearing his eyes away from Y/N’s animated face to give Sokka one of his signature glares. He lowered his voice to a whisper to ensure that no one would hear them. “I’m not into her, I’m not gawking, I am appreciating her storytelling.” 
“Uh huh, yeah.” Sokka looked at her and grinned before glancing back at Zuko. “If you’re not into her, then I can ask her out, right?” 
Zuko didn’t respond, simply kept glaring at him in hopes that it would intimidate him into backing down so he wouldn’t have to say anything and risk embarrassing himself. 
Sokka chuckled and held up his hands. “Alright, geez, I’m just joking. But maybe use some of that fire to keep it going? Looks like she’s cold.” 
Almost immediately, he broke eye contact and fueled the fire with a simple blast. Y/N shot him a grateful smile and nodded as she continued her story, and Zuko noticed her hands falling back down into her lap from their former place on her arms. 
No amount of fire could’ve caused as much warmth as her smile. He was sure of that. 
There was no way he could miss it the third time. After all, she was the only one there. 
Zuko hadn’t been able to sleep so he ended up outside, and there she was — sitting there, all alone in the middle of the temple grounds, shivering quietly with a moonless night sky as her backdrop. Before he could second guess himself, Zuko started walking over. 
“Hey.” Y/N greeted him without even looking up as she pulled her arms around herself, bringing her legs up to her chest in an effort to conserve all the warmth she could. 
“Hey.” Zuko took a seat on the ground next to her and crossed his legs. “Are you cold?” 
She let out an airy chuckle and nodded. “Strange, isn’t it? I grow up surrounded by snow and ice and I’m perfectly fine, but after a few months away a couple of breezes are tearing me down. I don’t get it.” 
“You’ve been shivering a lot lately,” he said after a beat of silence. Y/N raised an eyebrow and gave him a wry smile. 
“What, have you been looking?”
That sent him stammering. “I-I— yes? I mean— no, I’ve noticed, but I’m not actively looking at you, that’s weird, I’m not— I mean—”
Y/N threw her head back and laughed, the same laugh that sent flutter bats through his stomach and made his heart burst with happiness. She set her hand on his and squeezed, giving him a gentle look that almost immediately ceased his rambling. “Zuko, it’s alright. It’s… nice that you’ve noticed. Like you’re looking out for me or something.” 
He opened his mouth to respond but couldn’t find his voice — he was sure his cheeks were as red as his tunic, just at the simple touch of her hand — and it only got worse as she placed her other hand on top of it. 
“You’re warm,” Y/N muttered. “Like… intensely warm.”
“Is that bad?” He wondered aloud, preemptively panicking. “Do you want me to turn it off? I can’t turn it off, but I could find a way somehow—” 
“Thank you,” she interrupted with another small laugh, “but no. I don’t need you to uh, turn off your firebending. That already happened once. But you’re adorable to think of me like that.” 
The two of them stared into each other’s eyes, the air between them heavy with something she couldn’t quite place. Y/N pursed her lips and bit back a growing smile as she glanced at the ground. 
“This is, uh… really helping. With the cold, I mean. And I was… I guess I was just…” Another laugh. “I was just wondering if you’d maybe want to spend the night with me? Just because my room is especially freezing, and you’re so warm, and I think I would sleep a lot better if I—”
Now it was his turn to interrupt her rambling. There was something about her getting so flustered about him in the same way he did around her that made this easier. “I’d love to.”
“Great,” she breathed, the same smile from before returning just a little bit brighter. Y/N stood up and they began their walk back into the temple, hands still intertwined, warmth emanating between the two of them. 
Three times. 
Two strikes. 
One success. 
And that was all he needed.  
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yinses · 4 years
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—hawks ft. established relationship + dom!keigo + exhibition + overstim
rating: 18+ a/n: thank you so much to @ultimate-astridwriting​ for allowing me to be part of this collab !! it was the shove i needed to get back into the fandom. hawks has always been my favorite hero so i hope to do him justice.
➳ impatient collab masterlist
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fist pressed against his cheek, he browsed over the sight before him, taking it all in without considering really any details. fighting a smirk, he cocked an eyebrow.
“i’m not feeling the color. change it for the other one.”
to be frank, he had no particular preferences for color, design, texture or any of that shit–though, he did have a weakness for anything with a pretty flare to it, the air of innocence that he loved to bathe you in with all the frills and fluff. however, it didn’t mean that he wasn’t fond of deciding which palettes suited you best. but he had a specific reason as to why he voiced that particular opinion of his.
sale’s representatives, all mascara-lined eyes and glossy lips, held your hands by your side  in a surrendering position as they paraded you in front of your boyfriend as though this was his own private fashion show. and in a way it was, he’d spent good hard earned money renting out the area for a few hours. enjoying it all from his throne placed perfectly in front of the changing rooms, watching how you were dragged in and out by the forceful employees with him picking out what items you wore.
the clatter of the sale’s girls dragging you back in the changing room again, drew him from his thoughts. you were a flushed mess, struggling to wriggle away from their sharp nails while insisting that you could walk on your own. overall, you'd have been rather accommodating to his whims. but you always were. and as such a good girl, he would reward you for it. for now though, he couldn’t resist giving you a mocking smirk when you tried to grab him and failed miserably at that.
back to the prison of hands again, he noted, as they closed the door behind them and made a fuss over what you disliked and what he wanted. as more girls pecked at you to stay still while they taught you how to wear the clothing properly. outside, keigo waited patiently for them to be done as his eyes travelled from one end of the store to the other, looking at the fancy lingerie and wondering what would actually be perfect for you. but then again, to be painfully honest, you made anything here look good.
and then there's also another fact that he had to come to terms with.
he liked you best without anything on.
with only your bare skin, lying amidst the fluffy pillow with silken sheets tangled around your body. legs demurely spread, hands placed above your head and looking as though you were begging to be dominated. that was certainly the very image of excellence that any man could ever ask for. wanton eyes, warm cheeks, slightly parted lips, panting–ah, but you would gasp wordlessly as he’d stolen your voice many rounds prior. keeping his eyes peeled on the floor, the man shuddered briefly and rolled his shoulders back to remind himself that he was in a store and any further acts of indecency would totally be out of the question. especially when he remembered how you straddled him last night, thighs over his torso. sinking in inch by inch, throwing your head back when he bucked up a bit too hard on you–
"mr. hawks, what do you think of this?"
there you stood, with your hands still raised again, eyes watering under the torment of these awful ladies. biting your lips with warmth tainting your cheeks, hair cascading over your shoulders and meeting the body that was hugged by a pair of lingerie. strapless and curvaceous mounds of yours, covered with a brassiere. a matching panty, complete with small laces forming gathers on the hems as they trailed invitingly towards to garter at your thighs.
he stared.
and blinked.
only once.
"sir?" one of the older females repeated, raising her eyebrows. "…what do you think?"
trying to cover up the fact that his awkward silence was making the room uncomfortable with anticipation, keigo casually leaned backwards and crossed his legs together. his wings fluttered in reflection of his thoughts, rising and falling with each new epiphany. dark eyes walked all over your body, drinking in how your breasts were perfectly pressed together and how your legs trembled when his eyes stopped at the ribbons of the panty. finally hovering over your face, where when eyes met, your blush darkened and you immediately dropped your gaze to your bare feet. he smirked at that sinfully innocent reaction of yours.
coy today, were you not?
without skipping a beat, keigo drew out a card and threw it over to one of the sale’s girls, who fumbled as she tried to catch it with her clammy fingers. eyes still locked at your face, knowing that with his stare alone he was making you feel uncomfortable. and damn, he still loved seeing you squirm around like a virgin on her wedding night.
"i'm taking everything that she tried on just now," he answered loftily, still seated on the cushiony sofa, leaning his head against one arm and letting the other one tap rhythmically on the armrest. when the employees all squeaked out a pathetic noise of agreement, keigo allowed his lips to curve upwards in a smirk as he drawled out the next order; "charge what you need on it, i don't give a shit. and oh, and don't forget to charge what it takes to buy this section for another hour. turn off the surveillance too while you're at it because this area's mine from the time being."
needless to say, their faces instantly decolorized. but they wouldn’t challenge his demands. the brief raise of his massive scarlet wings was an unnecessary reminder as they stretch languidly without threat. he was a hero after all. who were they to challenge a frivolous form of stress relief?
he had no doubt that they had an inkling of what would occur over the next hour or so. but he was certain the gossip would get lost in the rumor mill.
hawks was a rather eccentric individual. what isn’t he up to these days?
keigo had never saw the staff evaporating and clearing the area within less than a minute as they closed off the doors behind them, leaving this particular section untouched for the next event that was about to take place.
it really did not make you feel any better though.
"little dove."
he watched as you jumped, realizing his attention was solely on you now. you raised your eyes to his again, locking eyes with deviously glinting ones. right now, at this moment, keigo knew how much power he held over you, and damn well he was about to abuse his privileges to no end. leaning snugly against the soft backing of the sofa, he cupped his chin with his palm and arrogantly raised an eyebrow when you shuddered under his disturbing gaze. you looked much as though you were lost and backed into a corner with nowhere else to go. keigo smirked; haughty, superior, dominating you single-handedly, and his other hand rose slightly from the armrest.
a single finger curled inwardly.
a low voice
"come here, now"
you knew what came from that tone, but the words didn’t ignite the same spark as it did within the safe space of your home.
you only hesitated briefly, but it was still a second to long for his tastes as his lips already began curling down in disappointment. your heart rapped heedlessly against your ribcage, sent spiraling into an off-beat staccato as you quickly tried to alleviate the shift in mood.
never in your relationship had you considered denying keigo. not the man who laid out everything you could have asked for on a silver platter. it's just that-
your feet crossed the minimal distance necessary to appear agreeable though your face still twists in concern.
“really? …. you want to have sex …. here?”
fingertips grapple anxiously while your eyes dart across the empty but still very publicly accessible room.
keigo already look bored with the exchange, digits curling once more with something just outside of patience.
“yes, now.”
his wings flex in consideration, yet he doesn’t move to rise form his seat. instead he changes tactics.
“i just want to show a bit of appreciation for all the pretty things i just bought you.’’
it sounds backwards … as if those should be the words coming out of your mouth not his. but the hint doesn’t come any stronger than the easy grin that spreads across his lips. he even makes a show of lounging back against the cushioned seat, body open in invitation should you dare.
and bite you did, teeth nibbling at the bait as you approach. keigo remains still, though his eyes dance with barely contained excitement as you gingerly crawl into his lap, fancy garments already rubbing enticingly against his thighs?.
the flap of his wings welcome gusts of winds and gratitude as his arms curl around you. the hand at your cheek tilts your head up to meet his gaze. it was always so easy for you to get lost in those specks of liquid gold. but now there was hardly any left to admire with the way his pupils were blown wide with lunch.
a shiver tickles your spine and you’re vaguely away that he’s kissing the line of your jaw, whispering soft words of encouragement as his hips raise to rock subtlety. it all left you shuddering in peaked anticipation as your worries melted into the recesses of your mind.
the hand cupping the roundness of your face stops you before you can lean in for more, the nose brushing against the tip of your nuzzling there in brief affection as he garnered the fraying tips of your attention. “yes?”
the fog of arousal abated a little at the question as your conscious thoughts swam back into the surface to input the code that would spiral you into your deepest desires.
“yes,” you verbally consented as you leaned up into him for a needy kiss. keigo swept his tongue out, meeting the the soft upper palate of your mouth with languid strokes. a rumbling trill greets you when you nibble in response. keigo eagerly chases you into a fevor of song and dance, building your body up to the inevitable fall he plans to send you crashing down in.
when he breaks the kiss, his eyes drop to the price tag still resting innocently against the swell of your bosom. he snaps it away from the fabric, uncaring of the threat against its delicacy as he tosses the flimsy paper to the side.
there were plenty more where it came from. and he was yearning to get the real show on the road.
“now then. how could i possibly show my thanks?”
nails dig into his shoulders for purchase as you rock traction into the firmness of his lap. keigo meets the upward curve of your hips with a sneaky dive of his hand between your thighs where his hand warms the skin there. 
you expect him to dip right in, cognitive of the spare time the two of you had to play. but as a dangerous smile twists at his mouth, you realize this is hawks time, a reality that flows differently than everyone else’s. 
“trying to decide if i want you to keep these on or not. “ he contemplates aloud, fingers plucking at the elastic.” i mean it would be a shame to leave them out.”
you nod mutely, ready to agree with whatever favored progression. keigo’s gaze narrowed at the silent insinuation “what? you want to make this into a quickie? but we have so many outfits to try.” 
you already knew that, acutely aware of each and every article of clothing that had been zipped, tied or squeezed around your body. and you were grateful of each and every addition, would even gladly spend the next few weeks letting him fuck you in each variation against your shared mattress at home. 
what you wanted now was for him to come so that you could start that private show within your own walls. 
keigo chooses to go for an adorable pout, lips pulling on aged heart strings, yet managing to make them go taut all the same. he waits until your body soften from the tension, aiding the transition with slow strokes against your back and inner leg. 
“one pair.”
it’s your back that losses his touch in order for him to bring a single finger in front of your face. 
“let me ruin one pair with my come and we can call it quits.”
and you say okay. brining your pelvis back into an enticing dance as you meld that pout into an eager kiss. you were already dressed for the occasion and had all the tips and tricks in your inventory to help him reach his goal. one easy step and you could be on your way.
                                                   how naive you still were. 
eight pair now. he’d brought you near completion just as many times before halting the grind of your hips with a frown. he mad for a rather convincing curator, inspecting each and every pair of to the finest thread. 
‘too blue.’
‘too much lace.’ 
‘it just doesn’t feel right. ‘
‘why don’t we try something else?’
true to his word, keigo had been determined to find the perfect pair to meet him at the edge of nirvana, and dragged you from one painstakingly near orgasm to the next along the way. 
you whimpered desperately, pressing your forehead against his shoulder as you forced yourself to remain seated with him throbbing deeply within you. pulsing, hot, too hot. scorching you inwardly and causing strange sensations to sear through your veins. his hands were still on the armrest, they were not on you, they were not driving you crazy with their constant teasing and whatnot this time. because he was not doing anything to make you this crazy when you were already this crazy for him. 
his lips smirked against the shell of your ear, a moist tongue peeking out to leave a wet trail. you fought every inch of yourself to stop your hips from moving again. because of his command, you could not move. you could not bring yourself to move. simply because it was his desire and you could not deny him.
"close?" he murmured darkly into your ear, wispy breath tickling your neck. making a sharp sensation run down your spine, forcing you to arch against him and pressing your bare breasts against his chest. he knew it, he knew that he drove you this wanton for him, all desperate and wanting more.
and yes, you were too close.
too close until one more move, he could make you topple over the chasm of ecstasy without even doing anything to you.
"hmm," he whispered this time, continuing his words with a foreboding edge as his lips brushed against your neck, against your ear, over your cheeks and teeth lightly nipping at your bottom lip.  making you try to kiss him, but he pulled away just like that and watched in sadistic satisfaction when you gave an exasperated groan. "i was too. and then i saw a pretty olive green peeking out of that pile over there."
there was hardly any vigor left in you to groan. 
you pressed your forehead against his slick neck, letting your warm gasps leave his skin, as your head desperately twisted in pinpricks of denied pleasure at his command. it was all a game, one that you could end with a single uttered word from your lips. but you’d never been a quitter, something keigo admired in you. his desires took you on erotic journeys you would have never dared to attempt in prior relationships. perhaps you were becoming just as debauched as he was. 
 there probably wasn’t even fabric of that color lying around and if there was it they weren’t within his eyesight.  keigo was painfully teasing you with this, building up your desire to the most desperate extent because you could not stand anymore. and he knew it too. he throbbed against your walls, the sporadic pulsing sending shrapnel of lust into your loins, and you told yourself that if you were compliant to his orders, then he would surely reward you afterwards.
he would.
he always did.
"okay," he spoke up again, pressing his cheek against yours because he knew that you had if he didn’t end it now, then he wouldn’t get out of it what he wanted. bright eyes were still glowing deviously under the chandeliers of the store, making him appear feral. it provided a visual desire for you to nip his ear, to lick his neck and to kiss his lips.
"you can move now, dove. let’s finish this and go home."
what an alluring goal that was, twinkling encouragingly from finish-line.
you gulped harshly, feeling your legs too weak to push you upwards again.  because he stopped you countless times and made a pleasure overload overrun in your body, turning your limbs to jelly.
a simple shake of your head was all the answer that you could muster.
it was either that or you would faint from the sheer ecstasy.
that made him smirk devilishly again when he looked at you, taut cheeks, lust-darkened blue eyes, a trickle of sweat running down his temple from the amount of restraint he was putting on himself. you felt as though you were opened, taken, torn from within by this man alone when he chuckled, pressing those sinful-stained lips to your forehead.
"maybe if you would beg just right, i’d bother to move."
whining, you shake your head as every cry you knew spilled past your lips. you begged, to pleaded keigo to move so that he would put you out of this torture.  so that he could make you reach that blinding bliss, that your nerves would tighten and your toes would curl. so that you would clench around him tightly, that he could come together with you in this passionate endeavor.
too desperate, nerves tingling with his every wicked command, your shaking hands slowly rose and cupped his cheeks, feeling his soft, flushed skin under your touch and forcing him to look at you in the face. your lashes falling part way over your gaze. plump, bitten lips drawing closer and closer and closer to him and closer and closer and closer with every second.  him slowly moving forward to join his mouth with yours in a desperate kiss, and you suddenly paused, letting only your lips brush against his, not moving forward anymore.
his eyes hardened when he felt your words form at his lips.
it seemed as though playtime was finally over, for now. 
keigo adopted a fast and hard pace, thighs jerking up to meet your earnestly with each slap of skin. the force of his thrust jolted you into a haphazard bounce as you fumbled desperately for traction and stability. each pull and push of your joined bodies was accompanied by a tremulous whimper as you gasped and groaned against the shell of his ear. keigo knew the sweet vocalizations weren’t completely for his sake, but more of the aftershocks of the broken damn as they spilled through the cracks of your lips. 
he still hummed, pleased as his mouth latched onto a pebbled nipple protruding from the fine silk still managing to encase your breast. it was a combination of the gyration of your hips and his own weakening resolve that triggered his own orgasm as he finally let go with broken explicative. 
your own pleasure was brought to you without chase, almost a reward for your efforts as you withered through it. keigo’s quiet praises wash over you like aloe, softening the worst of the burnings sensations as your thighs quake in protest. he nuzzles his face into the side of your neck as his arms encircle you and drag you down with him.
the already too small chaise had to be uncomfortable for his wings with your additional weight but he never voiced a complaint as the rose and fell over your sweaty skin. neither did you, despite the sticky resistance of his spent coating the inside of your thighs. at least you wouldn’t have to walk home in this particular pair. not that you planned on walking period as you grumbled a demands that he would be flying you both home. 
he snickers all while peppering a series of kisses against your nose,” anything you want, little dove.”
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sugarmint-farm · 4 years
You sprint desperately towards the mine ladder, chased relentlessly by a shadow demon that reaches towards you, screeching with fury, it’s hollow eyes glowing with malevolence. Panic surges through your chest as your vision fades in and out as you climb. You begin to sob with relief as the cool fall wind hits your face, stumbling out of the mine entrance, collapsing against the dirt that clots your wounds, the midday sun blinding you after hours upon hours in the mines. You lay there, feeling like you’re going to fall apart, sobbing with relief because for a moment there you legitimately thought you might die.
You had thought you were safe, you had cleared out that level that night before you had set up your tent. You thought you were okay, but when you were woken up by a demonic screech and the rending of your tent and claws in your side, you knew you weren’t. You honestly weren’t sure how you made it out, with your side bleeding profusely and claws having raked across your back and legs and sides, but you did and you were so grateful. You didn’t know how you would get home, but you made it out of the mines. Your vision faded to black as you dimly heard Demetrius’ horrified shout of your name, and you passed out to the feeling of hands on your shoulders. 
You woke up abruptly, hyperventilating as your hand went to your sword and found it absent. Cool hands wrapped around your wrist, and you flinched back.
“Hey, (Y/N). It’s alright.” Sebastian’s low voice came from near your ear, and you settled down from the blind panic at recognizing the pitch, heart slowing. “You’re safe.” He murmured, squeezing your shoulder. You nodded, reaching around for your bag. He pressed the strap into your hand, and you dug through it quickly to find the elixir Rasmodious had given you, wincing at the tug on your side. You drank it quickly, sighing in relief as your body healed up, wounds closing and pushing out irritants, aches and pains disappearing, headache fading away. 
You reached up, undoing the bandage you felt around your head that blocked your sight, and you paled at seeing Sebastian’s shocked face. 
“Ah... shit.”
“What the fuck was that?” 
You laughed nervously. “I... heal fast?”
He laughed incredulously. “You nearly required an emergency blood infusion, that was not healing fast.”
You sighed. “I- It’s nothing. It’s fine. I’ll just be drained for a couple days, and then I’ll be right as rain.”
“Oh sweet Yoba, you’ve done this BEFORE?”
You wince, realizing what you just revealed. “Um… no?”
He laughs hysterically, frantically reaching for a cigarette and lighting up, taking a deep drag, exhaling as the tension releases. “Alright, alright, alright. God, I just didn’t want Sam to be sad, why did I let them put you down here…” He muttered, before inhaling and looking you in the eyes. “Alright. We’re going to sneak you out of here, and then you’re going to explain just what the fuck you did and what is down in those mines because I’m starting to think that was a real sword with real blood and shit on it, not just some random prop you carry with you.”
You grimace. “Do I have to?”
 “Yes.” His eyes are alight in a way you have never seen, and even though you know it’s incredibly bad timing, warmth flares in your chest at how alive he looks. You groan, resigned.
“Alright, fine.”
At the farm, smoke from another cigarette wreaths his frame as he paces back and forth. “So, you’re telling me, there’s ACTUAL MONSTERS down in those mines, magic is REAL, that weird old man who shows up in town once a year is an ACTUAL WIZARD, and you REGULARLY RISK YOUR LIFE FOR ROCKS?”
“Yes?” You reply meekly, inwardly screaming at yourself for being so attracted to him as he glares at you and rants at his worldview being shifted so violently.
“Oh my god, the Spirit Eve animatronics are real, aren’t they.”
You perk up. “Oh yeah, I actually get to help catch them this year!”
He drops his cigarette. “You what.”
You shrink back into yourself. “Not helping?”
He tugs at his hair. “NO!”
“Does it help that the monsters are really only in the mines?”
“You just implied they’re other places.”
“Ah, shit.” You slump over, and he sits down suddenly and begins to laugh so hard tears come to his eyes. You watch in a combination of fear and awe.
“Uh… Sebastian? You good?”
“Am- am I-“ He gasps for air. “You risk your life for entertainment and rocks and you look like a Yoba-damned kicked puppy at me pointing out how bullshit that is!”
You huff. “It isn’t bullshit!”
He grows serious, leaning forward to grab your shoulders, and your skin burns under his hands. “You are insufferable, and I wish you had never moved here. Now, you are going to check in with me every time you go down the mines, and every hour or so, so that I know you aren’t dead. Sam cares about you because he’s dumb like that, and I’m not making him bury your body. Get it?”
Your face warms at how close he’s gotten, close enough that you can almost taste the tobacco on his breath. “G-got it.”
“Good.” He leans back, closing his eyes and tilting his head back to the ceiling.
“Uh… are we friends now?” You venture.
He laughs dryly. “Sure.”
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 3 years
Kickstart My Heart Pt.II (Kang Yeosang) Rated
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Pairing: Racer! Kang Yeosang × Waitress!/Fuckgirl! Reader (Female)
Genre: Smut, Light Angst, Crack, 80s Au.
Summary: Getting the chance to spend time alone with Y/N, Yeosang jumps at the opportunity, getting a little more than he bargained for.
Word Count: 3.5K
Warnings: Dumb attempts at humor, second hand embarrassment, Lynn is still creepy, slight voyeurism/ exhibitionism, making out in car, heavy petting, allusions to oral (male receiving).
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The two best friends giggled amongst themselves as they entered inside the establishment, hands full of bags that contained to go boxes with several assorted sandwiches, burgers and fries inside of them. Hearing the bell signal customers, the peppy blonde at the front counter looked up from the thick stack of papers in front of her, mouth automatically showcasing her perfect and commercial worthy smile she always used when greeting newcomers or even regulars.
"Good afternoon what can-" Her expression immediately soured, smile fading and in its place puckered lips took shape.
"Oh... it's just you two." She drawled out the last words, eyes rolling as she peered back at the papers she was busy with.
Looking over at each other, Lynn simply shrugged her shoulders as one of her eyebrows raised up in puzzlement. Meanwhile, Y/N couldn't contain the soft snort that passed through her tight sealed lips, the sound coming out more like a goofy raspberry that further irritated the girl at the counter.
"Hey Sora. How's your day going so far?" Y/N tried to make conversation, but it was obvious the girl wasn't having it, blatantly ignoring both of them as her hand scribbled even faster, pages being turnt at a fast speed. Shifting awkwardly in her stance, Y/N turned her head to look at her friend, who merely shook her head, face clearly indicating to her to not try to act nicer and to simply get to the point of why they had come all the way to the workshop.
"Are the boys still here?"
With a few muttered grumbles, Sora lifted her pen and pointed it behind her towards the door that led to the garage, silently answering where the mentioned individuals currently were.
Sora let out a scoff as the two girls made their past the counter, annoyed ever so vastly by the fact she had no authority nor power to forbid them from going to the back. Being friends with Wooyoung and the rest of the gang, obviously they got special privileges that allowed them to come and go as they pleased not only in the shop but also down at the tracks. And frankly Sora hated it, hence why she didn't refrain from demonstrating her hostility towards Y/N and Lynn, but especially towards the latter for more personal and complicated reasons that everyone was aware of but Lynn herself.
"I don't know why you go out of your way to be friendly towards her. She's been needing to take a chill pill ever since high school." Lynn retorted. Putting down the bags she was carrying for a moment, she pulled the sides of her oversized denim jacket back over her shoulders, the top having slipped off rather uncomfortably on her torso.
"Honestly?...... merely to piss her off." Y/N snickered maliciously, her true intentions finally coming to light.
"Well I'd say you do a fantastic job then. She just takes one look at you and her blood is boiling." Lynn pointed out as she picked up the bags once more.
"Trust me Lynn, you anger her more than I do." Thay statement made the petite girl do a double take at the office behind them.
"Me? Whatever did I do to Barbie?" She questioned, never once recalling a moment where she even spoke two words to the preppy girl that wasn't a casual greeting or goodbye.
Y/N looked with a deadpanned expression to her friend.
"You seriously don't- you know what? Never mind."
Not wanting to waste time trying to explain to her frequently unobservant buddy why Sora had a price on her head, Y/N just quickly rushed over towards the group of men huddled around the red Ferrari F40, one of them hidden underneath it, no doubt in the process of checking or fixing minor issues. Seeing the girls approaching them, all of the boys quickly sprang to life, Wooyoung leading the entourage as they came up towards them.
"So our lovely diner girls actually decided to join us for a movie night. I knew you guys couldn't resist my deadly charm."
Not only were the girls unamused by his little joke, but even his friends behind him shook their heads, disapproving greatly of his overly confident and light narcissistic attitude that he exuded at times.
"I only came cause I am not going to spend a perfectly good Friday night cooped up in my house watching Dynasty." Y/N firmly stated, shutting down any further attempts of flirting directed towards her.
"I like to see people get stabbed or gutted to death."
Cringing at the macabre girl's overly calm response, Wooyoung tilted his head back and looked at the tallest member of the gang, nose crinkling significantly as he silently mouthed a few words over to him, deeply questioning his friend's taste. Said friend simply shrugged and stepped up closer towards the girls, not surprising anyone that he'd pick a stance that had him facing Lynn from the front as he always liked to do.
"Well I'm just really happy you guys decided to join us. I thought you would be happy at knowing it was a horror film."
Not too far behind him, San and Mingi were already giggling amongst themselves, sending each other signals and jokingly theorizing how the night was going to go like.
"I am exceedingly happy Yunho. My body is so filled with joy and immense contentment that I can hardly keep myself from grinning." Despite the jubilant sentence, Lynn's face displayed absolutely no emotion and her raspy and low toned voice was still as monotone and lifeless as it tended to be. Yunho's bright smile nearly faltered, feet rocking back and forth awkwardly as he did not know how to proceed after such a statement. Luckily Mingi stepped in and changed the topic.
"Please tell me there's food in those bags and that we can have some." He pointed to one of the many bags that the girls were carrying.
Lifting one hand up then the other, Y/N shook the contents lightly.
"Your favorites." She chuckled when San came up and tightly squeezed her body into a hug.
"This is why I love you both." Y/N did not mind the slightest bit when he suddenly pulled her face towards his, mouth pressing hard and intense pecks on her cheek repeatedly as a show of gratitude. She was so used to his affectionate nature.
Turning around, Wooyoung cupped his hands over his mouth so that his voice could resonate loudly.
"Yeosang quit tinkering with it already! You're going to get dirty and we have a movie to catch." He shouted at whom the girls presumed was under the race car.
"You literally have speakers built into your vocal chords, there was no need for that makeshift megaphone." Lynn grumbled at him, causing the male next to her to burst out in a fit of giggles.
"Speakers built in hie vocal chords. Good one." Lifting his hand up, Yunho held it up towards Lynn, expecting her to high five him back but was instead met with her cold, squinting eyes that inspected his palm.
"Your aura is overly forced....and you have leftover grease on your hand." She looked away after finishing that sentence. Hearing her say that made Yunho instantly check his hand, immediately wiping it off on his jeans as he mentally slapped himself for looking like an idiot in front of the girl he fancied.
Not paying mind to whatever was happening around her, Y/N's eyes were glued on the figure that emerged from under the car. She couldn't help but admire the strong and buff biceps that were peeking out of the plain white tshirt the man was wearing, sleeves slightly rolled up above his shoulders. The angelic face belonging to him looked even more dazzling due to the light sheen of sweat around his temples, no doubt caused by the work he was doing. Even as he reached for one of the cleaning towels so he could wipe the grime and oil off his hands, Y/N continued to gaze at Yeosang, mind already conjuring up many ideas and fantasies with him as the main protagonist.
"Oh sweetie, you're not making this any easier." She mused inwardly, one of her fingers twirling a strand of her hair.
Discarding the rag on one of the toolboxes nearby, Yeosang carefully approached the group of friends, still awkward in interacting with all of them, trait that only helped in making him stand out like a sore thumb, more than he already did. Clamping a hand over his new buddy's shoulder, Wooyoung brought a hand up and patted one of his squishy cheeks.
"Now that you're finally here we can go." Looking around, Wooyoung gestured around.
"So who's riding with who?"
Immediately Yunho turned his face towards the girl next to him, about to voice out his want of having her in his car, but it seemed as if his plans would fall through as Mingi latched an arm around him.
"I'm going with Yunho." He seemed determined not to let go of him.
"Why? So you can cling to him during the scary parts?" A chorus of laughter poured out at San's amusing words.
"As if!" Mingi huffed, though it was more than obvious to everyone that it was precisely as San had predicted.
"Mingi... I was kinda hoping I could... you know?" Yunho tilted his head over to Lynn, making him get the picture of what he wanted.
"Whatever happened to bros before hoes?" Mingi sighed as he detached himself from Yunho.
"Ok then. Yunho you go with Mingi, San you can take the girls and I'll keep Sangie here company since he's still a little bit shy you know."
It seemed as if it was all decided about how their night was going to run, so Y/N knew she had to speak up and take the opportunity before it was all settled.
"Why don't I ride with Yeosang instead?"
Hearing her suggestion, the male in question widened his eyes in shock, not expecting her to voice that out loud. Even Wooyoung found it slightly odd and suspicious that she'd say that. But then he remembered the type of girl Y/N was and it started to set off alarm bells in his mind.
"Oh it's ok Y/N. You probably won't like to have him scream in your ear and cover his eyes like a baby at the jump scares." Not taking kindly to such blasphemous talk about him that painted an inaccurate picture.
But Y/N remained undeterred. She would stand her ground no matter what.
"Oh please, I insist. I'd love to take care of him..." She did not hide the sultry way she said that last part, eyes locked on Yeosang's, the boy swallowing hard and pressing himself further into Wooyoung's side. Wanting to bargain even further, Y/N took hold of her friend.
"How about this? Lynn goes with Yunho and Mingi, you ride with San and I get Yeosang?"
San cupped a hand over his mouth to muffle the laugh he wanted so desperately to release.
"I don't think it's just him she wants to get." He chuckled to himself.
"You're seriously leaving me alone with these 2 giants?" Lynn pointed to the two men at her right, one of which obviously was more than willing to welcome the arrangement.
"I promise Mingi won't disturb you too much with his crying." Yunho swore to her, hand coming up to clasp around Mingi's mouth when he attempted to protest that decision.
Wooyoung looked over to Yeosang, leaning in and dropping his voice so that only he could hear.
"If you don't want to, just say the word and I'll get her off your case." He offered. Although they had only met just a couple days ago, Wooyoung felt compelled and obligated to look out for the new boy, even if it meant protecting him from his other friends.
Knowing that he probably shouldn't and that it was a bad idea, Yeosang glanced over at Y/N. Meeting her eager eyes and cunning smile, any resolve to stay close to Wooyoung was immediately dispelled from his mind. He might never get another opportunity such as was presented to him and he would be lying to himself if he didn't admit that he was rather curious to find out more about the young vixen that he had heard so much about since he moved into town. With an assured smile that slightly worried Wooyoung, Yeosang stepped forward and held out his hand towards Y/N.
"Shall we get going then?"
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Unable to focus his attention towards the gigantic screen right in front of him, Yeosang slumped down further in his seat, fingers tugging his red sweater over his body. Every few seconds or so, he'd turn his head to peer at the girl on the passenger seat, looking exceedingly calm and collected unlike him. He was overly anxious to the point his food was still untouched, sitting in the backseat, long forgotten. Y/N, although collected, was bored out of her mind, elbow rested on the window, head being supported on her palm as her eyes never lingered away from the gore filled scenes being displayed across from them. There was a deafening silence inside the black Iroc Camaro, the tension between both individuals becoming increasingly thick.
Becoming desperate after 40 minutes of not getting him to make a move or even attempt to break the ice, she decided it was time to take matters into her own hands. Unzipping her green varsity jacket, Y/N began to slide it off her shoulders, revealing the low cut crop tank that she was hiding thus far.
"It's so hot today, don't you think?" She asked him as she tossed the clothing item behind her before settling back into her seat, fighting hard to keep her signature smirk off her face.
If he wasn't feeling hot before, Yeosang certainly started to feel heated after she had taken off her jacket. His hand reached out to grab the cup of soda in the cup holder, gulping most of the contents and ice down to help cool him down. He made an effort not to glance back at his companion anymore, knowing if he did he would have been unable to keep his eyes off her chest. Although it was dark and he turned away almost immediately, he had not missed the fact that she had chosen not to wear a bra, her nipples slightly poking out through the thin and flimsy shirt that even slowed one to make out the outline of her areolas. It was definitely a weakness of his, and Y/N was quick to find that out. Thumb coming up to her mouth, she began biting down on the nail to keep from giggling at Yeosang's reaction. He was devastatingly adorable with his wide eyes and stiffened posture, knee restlessly bouncing up in an agitated fashion. Looking in between his legs, she felt disappointed that she hadn't caused enough damage to earn a tent forming in his pants. He obviously knew how to calm himself in time. That wasn't enough to make her give up. On the contrary, it only hardened her resolve to get him to break.
Letting out an overly dramatic sigh, she reached her hands inside of her tank top. Cupping her breasts in her palms, she started off with slow movements, massaging them gently. Her eyelids started to flutter, closing only briefly as very faint and soft sighs were being exhaled through her nose. Although it was mostly done to tease the boy next to her, she got carried away and started to become more and more turned on with what she was doing. Each time she'd purposefully pinch and pull at her hardening peaks, a muffled whine would be heard coming from her throat, legs starting to spread inch by inch as her planters started to stick against her core.
Opening her eyes and tilting her head, she witnessed Yeosang's astounded expression that also held some lust in it. He was no longer sipping from his drink, but rather his teeth and tongue were merely toying around with the blue plastic straw as the grip on the base of the cup was lightly crushing it. The movie ultimately failed its purpose of keeping him distracted as his attention had fully diverted over to the sexy girl next to him, watching intently as she pleasured herself, wishing that it were his hands instead that were ministering such devotion to her breasts.
"Wanna be a doll and help me out here?" It seemed as if she had read his mind.
Without even a second of hesitation, Yeosang reached down and adjusted his seat back as far as it could go. Jumping at the invitation, Y/N climbed on top of him until she was straddling his lap. Yeosang's hands eagerly clasped around her waist, thumbs circling on the skin of her exposed abdomen. Cupping his cheeks, Y/N leaned her face down and harshly entangled her lips over his own. Yeosang hummed softly as he tasted the remnants of her cherry flavored chapstick, head tilting back when one of her hands tugged at his hair. His hands didn't hesitate to trail up and cup her mounds through her shirt, taking over the job that was previously being done by the owner's hands. Her insistent mouth parted his trembling lips, tongue poking out ever so slowly until it began divulging in the sweet taste of his wet cavern. Although he was no stranger to French kissing, Yeosang had never experienced a makeout session as intense as the one Y/N offered. She was very skilled and experienced, as proven by the swirl and swivel of her tongue against his own. He couldn't stop the moans pouring out from inside him, his hips bucking up into hers as if on instinct while his hands became more harsh and aggressive as they grasped at her breasts with near ferocity. Y/N would only pull away from their kiss for a few seconds to allow him to catch his breath before her lips lured him back into her. It was finally dawning on Yeosang's mind why so many men became captivated by her charms, even when knowing what the outcome would be. Here he was, the most lovely and hottest girl he'd ever met in his life, on his lap, making out with her while simultaneously getting to second base. He felt so damn lucky. But Y/N wanted to take it up a notch, not satisfied with ending the night with just heavy petting.
Sliding off his lap, she suprised him when she took hold of his belt and began to take it off him. Getting an inkling as to what she might have had in mind, Yeosang took hold of her wrist, making her head shot up at him.
"Is something wrong?" She began to get a sinking feeling in the pit of her stomach. Had she really fucked things up already.
Yeosang turned beet red as he swallowed harshly, trying hard to form the words his head was attempting to sought.
"Are you.... are you a virgin?" She felt like she would have died if the answer was yes.
Seeing her worried face, Yeosang quickly shook his head.
"No! I'm most certainly not a virgin." He sounded almost offended at the insinuation, but it helped calm Y/N down, releasing a breath she didn't realize she was holding.
"I just...I've never tried...that before."
His confession just made him cuter in her eyes, previous desire to corrupt and play with him only heightening to new levels after that revelation. Wanting to entice him, she moved her hand to cup at his bulge, loving the way he immediately gasped when she started palming him through his jeans. He bit down at his lip so harshly he believed it would draw blood. He wouldn't contain himself as he bucked his hips up into her palm, desperately wanting her to help him out with his problem. When her fingers reached for his zipper again, he didn't stop her, he merely lifted his hips up to help her as she pulled his pants down by the belt loops, his hardened cock popping out to greet her, surprising her when she noticed how large and thick it was, the head leaking with precum which she used to her advantage and began spreading it down his shaft. The contact of her hand gripping him had Yeosang shuddering, low groaning spilling out his lips. Looking up at him with a devilish grin, Y/N began lowering her head until her lips brushed against his tip.
"Just sit back and relax pretty boy."
A raspy wheeze was caught in Yeosang's throat as soon as he felt her warm mouth on his length, hands flying behind him to clutch at the leather seat of the car. It was unlike anything he had ever experienced. It felt so dirty, so wrong and yet he wanted it. He wanted her........
He didn't care if he was playing with fire and he'd get burned by the end of it.
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Taglist: @little-precious-baby @multidreams-and-desires @yunhofingers @deja-vux @hanatiny @brie02 @couchpotatoaniki @daniblogs164 @a-soft-hornytiny @yunsangoveryonder @mingismoon @ateezbabysitters @minhyukmyluv @rainteez02 @nanamarkie @serialee
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starconsumer444 · 4 years
Just found you and already smitten with your dark content. Could you maybe write either Kuroo/Suna/Tendou/Bokuto (whichever u choose) brother or stepbrother catching sister/stepsister trying to masturbate but not knowing how so they edge her relentlessly until she agrees to let him have sex with her because he's tricked her thats the only way she can really cum the first-time? Finishing with a nice cream pie?
Older Brother!Suna (18+)
A/N:Thank you thank youuu~ I’m sorry I didn’t go with the “relentless” edging, I just did it one time because it was getting long and I have a sick and twisted sadomasochistic habit of writing from the late hours of the night until the early hours of the morning and getting dead tired half way through. I’m not sure if that was all that great in comparison to my other works, but I really hope you enjoy it nonetheless.
(CW/TW: Incest, Virginity [Suna makes it hurt too, but there is an orgasm <3], Coercion, Dubcon, Edging??? Or just flat-out orgasm denial...,Age gap??? [Reader is 18, Suna is 25] Fingering, Creampie, Absolutely Clueless reader..., Masturbation, Suna is an asshole in this one, Deception, Manipulation and PLEASE TELL ME IF I MISSED SOMETHING!!!!)
Unfortunately for you, university wasn't all that it was talked up to be in terms of sex and anything else really. You went into your first year thinking you were gonna lose your virginity, make new friends, go to frat parties, and just have all-around wild experiences. Suna, when he was in school, would always come back with cool stories to tell you, and had a new girlfriend every break he got. To have cool experiences like your big brother was the only reason you wanted to go, but unfortunately for you, it was none of that. Maybe it’s because you’re not an athlete like him, but it was studies, a newfound coffee addiction, and a roommate that never seemed to go anywhere. All that on top of your dead social life, absolutely miserable..
When Suna came to pick you up from the airport so you two could spend the holidays with your parents (a tradition no matter how old either of you get), you told him all about it. Sure, you didn’t grow up particularly close with him being seven years older and all, but he was still your older brother and no topic seemed to be off limits with him, so it was nice. He wasn’t the most doting older sibling and definitely not the most talkative either, but he was good for listening. Really, listening was his strong suit.
You told him about your lackluster social life and your mountains of schoolwork, but, even knowing he wouldn’t mind, you didn’t tell him about the sex stuff. Why would you? He’s your older brother. He shouldn’t know things like that about you.
Needless to say, you go home for winter break a sexually frustrated virgin. Maybe, if you had tried a little harder with the people at school it wouldn’t have come to this?
The house had been dead silent when you decided to, for the first time, attempt to masturbate. You were sure no one was home, not your mom, not your dad, and not your older brother, Suna. Still, you could’ve at least checked before you completely stripped your lower half.
It wasn’t going well, you had two fingers inside yourself and you didn’t feel anything. You felt like a doctor doing a self-probe at best. It just felt... wrong? But this is how the girls in porn do it, right? There’s no way you’re getting this wrong. You’re doing exactly what you see; moving your fingers in and out, even curling them a bit… What could you possibly be doing wrong?
Suna watches you silently from your slightly cracked door.
Pitiful, he thinks.
He was just coming by to ask if you wanted anything from the store because he was headed out. He didn’t expect to see his little sister struggling with her fingers in her cunt. He can postpone that walk to the corner-store to bond with his little sister.
He doesn’t even bother knocking to spare you the humiliation, just pushes the door open and lets himself right in.
You notice him immediately and let out a loud scream, closing your legs and trying to hide yourself by turning away from him. You want to disintegrate. Your body is burning up with embarrassment.
What does he want? Why now?
You feel his weight make your childhood bed dip and you can feel the warmth radiating off his body. One of his calloused hands caresses your thigh and you don’t move away from it the way you know you’re supposed to. You’re frozen.
What is he doing?
“Suna, get out!” You turn to look at him and grab his wrist to stop him in his tracks. Can’t he take a hint? “What are you-”
“You’re not doing it right.” He pipes up. In the back of his mind he knows this is wrong. He shouldn’t be doing this with his baby sister.
“Huh?” You’re clearly lost.
“I’ve done this before, let me help you.”
It takes nothing for him to separate your legs and settle himself in between them.
“You’re still a virgin?” His fingers slide gently up and down the wetness between your folds and it draws a sharp whimper and a harsh nod from you.
Suna is twenty-five and has enough sense about himself to know this is wrong. He’s not going to try to rationalize it. He’s just taking a golden opportunity even if that opportunity is his little sister. He has a knack for corrupting innocent girls like you; it’s fun for him even if it’s sick and perverted.
The dirty feeling you get having your brother touching and eyeing your most intimate parts is intense. You want him to keep going, but you know you should tell him to stop.
“Suna, this isn't okay.”
He shushes you but nods his head.
“I’m just helping you.” He says matter-of-factly. “It’s not like you can make yourself cum. Let your big brother help you, okay?” He insists and pushes two fingers inside your hole.
You scoot back out of shock and let out a surprised yelp, “O-okay,”
If he hears the nerves in your voice, he doesn’t do anything to acknowledge it. All he does is scoot closer and offer a gentle smile, the same brotherly one he gave you when he left for college and you cried wanting him to stay. That smile.
It feels so different when he fingers you. He’s not being as rough as you were and he’s definitely more practiced; you’re sure there’s tons of girls he’s done this too. It feels good, especially with him rubbing pleasant circles into your clit. You shouldn’t like this as much as you do.
“Feel better?”
He starts to speed up, and you clap your hand over your mouth to stop the moans from being too loud in case you two weren’t the only ones home. His fingers are like magic and you don’t know how to react.
With the stimulation to your clit and his fingers inside you, above cloud nine is where you are. You’ve never felt like this, and there’s a tinge of guilt about it being with your brother but this is too good.
As cute as you look with your heaving chest and your eye’s starting to unfocus, he knows he’s not done with you. When he feels you start to spasm around his fingers he pulls them out, because this may be his only chance to use you, his little sister.
He brings his fingers to his mouth and licks them clean like the perv he knows he is. It leaves you staring with your mouth hanging open, clearly searching for the words.
“What?” He asks, feigned puzzledness all over his expression. “You taste good.” He chuckles inwardly, you cringe internally. That’s not what you were going to ask, though.
“No…” You can’t look at him, so you look down and play with the sheets on your bed.
“Come on, what is it?”
“I think I was going to cum… and you-”
“That’s dumb, you can’t cum from being fingered.” There’s a seriousness in his tone, you take it as fact; he knows he’s lying.
“But the girls in porn-”
“It’s porn, it’s not realistic.”
You’ve heard that before. You guess it’s true, especially if Suna says it. It must be.
Thank god for shitty sex ed, he muses internally because without it, this wouldn’t be possible.
“Do you wanna cum?” He asks curiously.
All you offer in response is a meek nod. You’re not actually certain on going through with your brother making you cum, but if it’s anything like the way he made you feel just now… maybe, it’s not so bad.
He tells you to lay down, and you do so without hesitation. With your legs splayed open over his thighs, it feels grosser knowing your brother has an even clearer view of you. You wish you had the self control to just say no and end this.
He pulls his sweats and underwear down; if your heartbeat wasn’t going crazy before it definitely is now. His dick is thick and long. He’s rock hard, his tip is pinker than the rest of it, and there’s clear stuff leaking out. It looks like it’s going to hurt, even looks like it’s hurting him right now.
“Suna, wait is this-” You don’t know how to finish. “I’m a virgin.”
“I know, you told me already.” He’s not really paying attention to you. He spits on his hand and rubs it all up and down his length. It’ll hardly help more than the fingering, but it’s a kindness he’s willing to give his little sister. “Just… relax. I’m not gonna hurt you.” He says as he leans over you, guiding his length to your entrance.
Immediately you clench and shut him out.
“I-I’m sorry I just-”
“It’s fine, just relax like I said.”
You do, and he starts to push in. It burns. Stings? Something like a mix of those two.
Even if there was lube for you to use, Suna wouldn’t have offered. He likes the way his baby sisters' face contorts  in pain and confusion. You look cute losing your virginity to your big brother.
“AH-” It’s a sharp, pained exclamation coming from you as your hand pushes at his chest. Your legs are thrown over his shoulders now and he’s impaling you slowly inch by agonizing inch. You can feel him stretch you, but you don’t want him to stop, you’ve waited so long for this.
One of his hands rests on your lower stomach and you beg him to do anything to make you feel better when he’s all the way in. He rubs at your clit and leans over to kiss you like you’re his girlfriend.
Without warning he starts to move. It’s nothing but shallow and slow thrusts that have you feeling every inch of him. If it’ll make you cum, you can handle it. All you want is to cum. Combined with his fingers working on your clit, you’re sure you will, right?
Your moans are soft, even if it doesn’t feel that great. The girls in porn moan all the time, it’s the right thing to do.
When he feels like he’s been kind enough, he starts to move faster. You start to get used to it and your legs start to shake from the combined stimulation and strain from being bent at such an angle.
It’s like magic. Your orgasm washes over you,your eyes roll into the back of your head, your body shakes and your back arches off your soiled sheets.
Shock is plastered on Sunas typically inexpressive face. He didn’t expect you to actually...
His little sister is so sensitive. Most girls wouldn’t climax like that their first time. There’s an unspoken sense of pride in this for him. Still, he’s not stopping until he cums too.
You’re whining and squirming up under him, pushing at his hips and moving his hand away from your clit like him continuing is killing you after you’ve worked through your first orgasm. He assures you that’s how it’s supposed to feel and you’re supposed to wait until he cums too.
Once more, you’re laying there in discomfort and he’s getting off to it. Suna knows he’s wrong for it but he just can’t bring himself to care. Not when he’s so close. He especially doesn’t care when he sees your horrified expression as you feel him paint your walls with his warm cum. He’ll make sure you don’t get pregnant later, but for right now he wants to savor this moment.
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pedro-pascal-love · 4 years
The Encounter
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Chapter One of Well, This is Awkward
Series Masterlist ❖ Main Masterlist ❖ Join My Taglist
Rating: 18+, NSFW
Word Count: 4k+
Summary: Dave picks up Reader at a bar for some fun while reader is celebrating her new job. Little do they know they’re going to be seeing each other again very very soon.
Warnings: *SMUT*, hair pulling, cum play, choking, spanking, blowjob, language, cheating/infidelity, very heavy daddy kink, unprotected sex (WRAP IT UP), probably missed a couple others
Next Chapter ⟹
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Dave spied you from across the bar. His eyes following the curve of your breasts down the length of your body, greedily eying your voluptuous ass, as he felt a stirring in his pants. It had been a long and brutal day at work for him, and he wasn’t in the mood to go home and see Carol just yet. They’d been having some problems as of late, and he wasn’t sure if he wanted to stick around anymore, but the thought of leaving his two girls made him rethink things. So he stayed. However, that didn’t mean he couldn’t have a little fun in the meantime, right?
You wore a short red dress that showed ample cleavage, but not to the point that your breasts spilled out. You’d accessorized it with a simple gold set of earrings and bracelet, coupled with a long necklace that fell in front of your breasts and some adorable black pumps. He wanted you, and he wanted you bad.
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You were out with your friends, celebrating your new job as a nanny, and didn’t have a care in the world when your friend Melody pointed out an attractive man sitting at the bar hungrily eyeing you. You turned your head and felt your heart stop. Gazing back at you was a pair of intense brown eyes that seemed to look into the depths of your soul. You clenched your legs a little and gave him a small smile, just enough to tease him, but nothing more. You licked your lips, going back to the conversation at hand about the perks of the new job, all the while keeping an eye on the mysterious hottie out of the corner of your eye.
“Let’s dance, girls!” giggled your friend, Melody, while she grabbed your hand and began to sway her hips to the beat of the song. You laughed and shook your head at how drunk she was getting, but you weren’t going to be far behind her if you kept going. Looking this cute had some perks after all.
You glanced at the bar, at the mystery man, and were delighted to see he was still staring at you. You decided to give him a little incentive to come over and maybe have a little party of your own. You were in the mood for a bit of chase tonight.
Grabbing Melody’s hand, you started to sway your hips in time to hers but then decided to turn around and start grinding against her. You were soon joined by your two other friends, Ana and Scarlet, hearing whoops and whistles sent your way. You all started to seductively dance, dipping low to the ground and then slowly coming back up, asses popped out. Ana grabbed Melody’s hips while Scarlet grabbed yours, and you felt Scarlet kiss your neck.
“Hey, I think that guy at the bar is about to come over, but he might need a little push,” she whispered in your ear.
You giggled and nodded, an idea popping into your head. You grabbed Scarlet’s hand and slowly brought it upwards, resting them below your breasts, as she began to pepper light kisses on your neck.
“I think it’s working,” you said, as Dave got up from the bar and made his way to you. You closed your eyes and waited for his next move, hoping you would not be disappointed.
“Mind if I cut in?” you a voice spoke behind you. With your eyes still closed, you felt a shift, and then a much warmer body press up against you, pulling you close. You stretched your arms up and slung them around the body’s neck, grinding against him, feeling the telltale signs of a hard-on forming.
“Hope you don’t mind, princess, but I just couldn’t help myself when I saw you dancing,” a gruff voice whispered in your ear. You giggled and shook your head. You had him right where you wanted him.
“Not at all, though I usually wait until I’ve been bought a drink first,” came your snarky reply. He pressed himself against you even more at that, rubbing himself against you.
“That can be arranged, though I’m sure I can give you a better drink than one from this bar,” he huskily stated. You smirked at his words.
“Maybe, but I’m quite a big fan of this bar and its drinks, so you’d have to really impress me.” You felt his hands on your hips give a little squeeze, the air becoming thick with sexual tension.
“I guess I’ll just have to do my best.”
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Dave wasn’t sure what he wanted more, the chase or the reward at the end. Since seeing you and your friend’s affectionate display, he knew he needed to have you; he was just torn between drawing it out or going in for the kill right away. A man of his conviction had some self-control after all, but he felt it slip the more he thought about what he wanted to do to you and where.
In the bathroom of the bar.
The back of his SUV.
Even in his own bed.
Oh, now that was a fantasy he would love to indulge but knew it wasn’t the smartest, considering he was married, but the ring hidden in his pocket was long forgotten at this point.
He tilted his head down, sniffing your neck, and became intoxicated by the mix of your perfume and the subtle smell of your body. His hands gave you another squeeze.
“How about I get you that drink, and we can compare which one you like better?”
You nodded and broke away from his embrace.
“Only if you promise to let me get a really good sample of yours to compare,” you flirted, the double innuendo behind your words reaching his ears. He inwardly groaned.
Fuck, I want her.
You both approached the bar, and you ordered a shot of whiskey.
“Whiskey, eh? A woman after my own heart,” he said, watching you down the shot in one gulp. A little missed your mouth and dribbled down your chin, and he reached out with his thumb to wipe the droplet away, bringing it to his lips.
You watched, enamored with his man’s charisma, and felt the wetness between your thighs increase when his thumb dipped into his mouth.
Fuck, I want him.
So bad.
“It was the first drop of alcohol I ever tasted, and I must say, it’s my absolute favorite,” you stated as you held your gaze and arched your eyebrow at him.
“Why don’t you show me what kind of drink you’re offering me, you’ve got quite a bit to live up to now,” came your challenge. Dave smirked, loving this little game the two of you were playing.
“You’ll enjoy it, I’m sure,” came his reply.
He took your hand and led you to the restrooms. Giggling, you pushed him in, wasting no time, catching his lips with yours as you pushed him against the wall. You felt his hands on the curve of your ass and moaned, loving the feel of his large hands on your body. Your tongues battled for dominance as you snaked your way down his torso and began to undo his belt. He felt himself grow harder, the thoughts of having your lips around his cock becoming almost unbearable. Once you had his belt undone, you slipped the zipper down and dipped your hands into the waistband of his pants as a groan escaped his lips.
“Fuck, baby, that feels good,” he said. You smirked and began to stroke his length. Not wanting to have you be the only one having some fun, he quickly pulled the straps of your dress down, kissing his way down your neck, his hand cupping your right breast. You moaned, rolling your head to the side, granting him more access. Dave lowered his mouth and took your left nipple into his mouth, his left hand pinching and squeezing your right one. You arched your back, pushing them deeper into his mouth, your hands tangling in his hair.
“Oh fuck, that feels so amazing; keep doing that,” you moaned out. Dave smirked into your breast and switched sides, his right hand making its way up your thigh to cup you through your underwear.
“Shit, baby, you’re soaked,” he groaned out, pushing your panties to the side, and slipped a finger in with ease. You threw your head back, moaning at the action.
“All for you, Daddy. Fuck me with your fingers.” Dave felt himself grow harder hearing you call him Daddy.
Fuck, she is perfect.
He added a second finger into your soaked cunt, then a third, groaning as he felt how tightly you gripped his fingers.
“Yeah, you want Daddy to fuck this tight little cunt with my fingers? What about my cock, baby? Would you like that? Taking my fat cock into this tight pussy and squeezing it?” He said, pumping his fingers in and out at an agonizingly slow pace.
“Mmmm, yes, please, Daddy. Use my pussy,” you whined out, feeling yourself grow wetter, and he brought his thumb to your clit, rubbing slow circles on it.
“How about you cum on my fingers, and then I give you that drink you want so badly?” Dave asked as he picked up the pace. Remembering that you had his cock in your hand, you began to stroke him in time with his fingers as they slipped into your cunt.
“Ahhhhh fuck. Yes yes yes. Anything, Daddy. Please just let me cum, don’t tease,” you begged.
“Because you asked so nicely, baby girl,” Dave said, speeding up his movements. He felt your walls clench his fingers, his thumb still rubbing your clit, and set a brutal pace. He gazed down at your hand that stroked his cock, then to his fingers as they disappeared into your heat, eyeing the wetness coating his fingers every time he withdrew them. He smirked and bit down on your neck, your walls clenching so tight around his fingers that he thought they might break.
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You didn’t want to admit it, but his bite sent you over the edge, and you felt yourself cum. Hard. You pushed your face into his chest to muffle your orgasm, releasing his cock and clung onto his arm and chest, trying to stay upright.
“Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuckkkkkk. I’m cumming. I’m cumming, Daddy,” you whimpered out, the feeling of his fingers becoming too much as your orgasm rocked through your body.
Dave looked down at you, clutched onto him, and tilted your face up, looking into your lust-blown eyes.
“You ready for that drink, baby girl?” He asked as he dipped down to kiss you. You nodded into the kiss and broke away, getting on your knees. Taking his cock out of his pants, your eyes widened at how large he was.
How the fuck am I supposed to suck this?!
Dave caught your wide-eyed look and laughed.
“Take it inch by inch, baby; I know you can get it all. Don’t be afraid. Be a good girl, and Daddy will reward you with my cock in your cunt,” he told you while you started stroking him again.
Not one to turn down a challenge, you looked up at him, locking eyes, and stuck your tongue out, licking the underside of his cock.
“Oh fuck,” he groaned out at the action, anticipation building for what was to come. Literally.
You smirked, repeating the action, and without warning, engulfed the head into your mouth with a suck. Dave brought his hand to the back of your head, grabbing your hair, trying hard not just to take what he wanted and fuck your face. You bobbed your head up and down, your right hand stroking what you couldn’t fit into your mouth, your left hand holding his thigh, keeping you steady. You started to increase your pace, swirling your tongue around his cock, while bobbing up and down on it. Your confidence grew, and you began to take his cock deeper and deeper until you finally had him all the way in. Dave watched you slowly take his cock until your nose touched the short curls at the base.
“Oh god, baby. Yes, just like that. You like having Daddy’s cock in your mouth like the little slut you are?” Dave managed to groan out, feeling your throat constrict around him, your gag reflex starting to engage. You took your left thumb and made a fist, squeezing it to relax your gag reflex. You took a breath through your nose, moving your tongue under the head of his cock. It took everything in Dave not to cum at the feel of your tongue, even more so when he felt you start to move. You surprised Dave when you reached for his hand, placing it on the back of your head, and gave him a little wink.
“You want Daddy to face fuck you, baby? Is that what you want?” Dave challenged. His cock grew harder in your mouth with that thought. You merely gave a slight nod, and that was all Dave needed before he took control. Grabbing your hair, he proceeded to fuck your mouth hard. In and out. In and out. In and out. He was impressed with your resilience, how you didn’t gag or tell him to stop his brutal pace, but he did see a few tears prickle the corner of your eyes. This spurred him on, and he picked up the pace, growing a little sloppy, his release looming.
You felt his balls tighten, signaling his imminent orgasm, and you decided to cup and massage his balls. That was too much for Dave, and he exploded in your mouth, movements stilling as his cock pulsed. He watched as some of the cum leaked out the sides and dripped down your chin, falling on your exposed breasts.
Holy fucking shit, that was amazing.
Too bad I can’t keep her around.
He watched as you slipped his cock out of your mouth, smiling up at him. You giggled and opened your mouth, showing him the white substance on your tongue.
“Ughh fuck baby girl, you’re so good. Swallow that for me. Let me see how much you like it,” he commanded, already feeling himself get hard again at the sight of you on your knees, cum all over your face and tits. You closed your mouth, making a show of swallowing his cum, and moved to scoop up the rest on your tits, bringing it to your mouth.
“Yummy,” you giggled with a wink. “I do believe this is now my new favorite drink.”
Dave watched you stick your tongue out, licking the remnants of his juices around your mouth, and what your tongue missed, your fingers caught. You stood up and felt Dave’s cock pressing into your stomach.
“Did I do good, Daddy?” You asked sweetly, kissing his neck and sliding your panties down your legs. “Can I have that cock now? Pretty please?”
Dave couldn’t say no to that, not after you gave him a mind-shattering blowjob AND swallowed. Something Carol had never done. Dave made up his mind. Before he left tonight and never saw you again, he’d give you both want you wanted. Dave smirked and grabbed your hips.
“Turn around and put your hands on the mirror, princess,” he said into your ear, switching positions with you, so you were against the sink. Bringing his hands to the bottom of your dress, he pushed your skirt up, seeing your round ass and dripping pussy. Ready and waiting for him. He brought his hand down onto your ass with a resounding SLAP, and you moaned, liking the sting of his hand on your skin. He repeated the action two more times before his lined cock up to the entrance of your pussy, and quickly pushed in, filling you up with one smooth motion.
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“OH FUCK,” you exclaimed, not ready for the stretch of his cock. You felt full, and your walls clenched around him. He gave you a second to adjust, watching through the mirror. He smirked, pulling you to him, your back now pressed against his chest, as his hand moved to your throat.
“You like that, baby? You like feeling Daddy’s cock splitting you in two?” He huskily breathed into your ear. All you could do was nod and bite your lip. You needed him to move, pound you into oblivion. As if reading your thoughts, Dave began a ruthless pace, squeezing the sides of your neck as he hammered into you. In and out. In and out. In and out.
“Fuck baby, you’re taking me so well. Shit, your pussy feels like heaven,” he groaned, looking down to watch his cock disappear into your soaked cunt. He wouldn’t last long at this rate. And apparently, neither would you.
He shifted his gaze to the mirror, watching you grip the edge of the sink, your face contorted with pleasure.
“Please, Daddy. Please, I’m about to cum. Fuck, don’t stop,” you pleaded. Dave continued to hammer into you, hand shifting from your neck to squeeze your breast and pinch the nipple.
“Don’t you dare cum until I say so,” he ordered, crushing your nipple between his thumb and index finger, and you threw your head back in pleasure. He watched you open your mouth, letting out a moan, but stopped partway through, remembering that you couldn’t be too loud. Dave moved his hand that was on your hip and snaked it to the front of your dress, pulling it up farther, your pussy exposed to his wanting eyes. His fingers met your swollen clit, and it took everything in you not to cum right there.
“Ohhhh fuckkkkk,” you moaned. “Please let me cum. It’s too much.”
Fuck, I love it when she begs.
Dave grinned at you through the mirror and rubbed your clit harder, no longer holding back. His cock smashed into you, nearing his release.
“When I say cum, you can cum. Until then, you take it like the little slut you are, you hear me?” He spoke into your ear. You nodded, choking out a whimper.
“Please, Daddy, I can’t take anymore,” you begged. Dave felt your pussy ache around him, his thrusts starting to get sloppy and erratic. He was almost there. Just. One. More. Push.
“Cum for me, baby girl,” he ordered with his last push, biting down on your neck, and covered your mouth with his hand.
You let out a muffled scream, feeling your orgasm rock through your body. It felt like electricity running through you as you came down from your high. You felt Dave pull out of you slowly, your combined juices flowing out. He quickly brought his fingers up, pushing them into your sore pussy.
“Can’t let any go to waste, now can we? I want you to feel my cum dripping out of you when you go home tonight,” he arrogantly stated with a smirk. Feeling his fingers push the cum back into you, you moaned at the thought of being full with his cum for the rest of the night. Dave picked up your discarded underwear, bringing it up to his nose, and sniffed.
“I’m keeping these,” he said possessively, helping pull your dress down and watch you adjust your tits back into the dress. You pouted at him but then grinned.
“I guess it’s only fair. After all, you did give me such a good drink,” you sassed. Dave stuffed the panties into his pants, feeling the cold metal of his wedding ring. He sighed.
“As much as I’d love to do this again sometime, I can’t, but thank you for the wonderful time,” he replied thoughtfully, unsure why he felt the need to say all this. You shrugged.
“We both knew going into this what it was. I don’t expect to ever see you again, especially since I don’t even know your name,” you responded. You finished fixing your hair, giving yourself a once over, making sure you didn’t look like a complete mess. You turned around and gave him one more kiss as you made your way to the door.
“Thanks again, Daddy. You gave me one hell of a ride,” you said with a wink over your shoulder, making your way out of the restroom and out of his life.
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Dave rolled his neck and straightened himself up. Washing his hands and fixing his hair, he took his ring out of his pocket and looked at it.
Fuck, I am not looking forward to going home to Carol.
He slipped the ring onto his finger and slipped out the backdoor of the bar, not wanting to risk seeing you if he went out the front. At the end of the day, he knew he’d never see you again unless he decided to use his agency contacts to find you.
He made his way to his SUV, sitting in the driver’s seat. Pulling out your soaked panties, he gave them another sniff and smiled.
At least I’ll have this to remember her by. He placed them back into his pocket, begrudgingly driving home.
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Dave had been in a mood since Carol had told him that she hired a nanny for Molly and Alice. He didn’t like the thought of some stranger watching his girls. He was fully capable of that when he was home, and Carol was busy working, but Carol said that it’d be a good opportunity for them to have more time without the girls.
Yeah, right.
Today was the day the nanny would be coming to meet the girls and him, and he was busy helping Carol get the room ready for the said nanny to stay in.
Not only did she hire a nanny, but one that will live with us!
Rolling his eyes. he gave the room a once over, making sure that everything was up to his standards before closing the door, and made his way down the stairs. He had caught the doorbell ring five minutes ago and heard voices, so he guessed that the nanny had arrived and was getting acquainted with the girls and his home.
Time to get this over with.
Dave made his way downstairs, toward the voices in the kitchen, but once he rounded the corner, he wasn’t prepared for the sight he was greeted with. You leaned over the kitchen island, ass sticking right out, talking with the girls about their drawings and with Carol about her work schedule.
“Oh, Dave! Honey, meet our nanny! This is Dave, my husband,” Carol excitedly said. “I was just telling her about being gone for work starting next week, but you’d be home to help with the girls if she needed anything.”
Dave was speechless. There you were. In his kitchen. Looking just as captivating as the night he saw you in your jeans and skin-hugging shirt.
“Dave? Are you ok, honey?” Carol asked him. He blinked and shook his head, looking at his wife.
“Uh, yeah. Yeah, I’m fine. I just had a work thing come up a few minutes ago that distracted me. Sorry. Hi, I’m Dave; nice to meet you,” he responded, turning to you and held his hand out.
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“Nice to meet you too, Mr. York,” came your smooth reply, not giving away your extreme shock at the turn of events, and you went to shake his hand. He rubbed his thumb against the back of your hand before letting go and cleared his throat.
“Call me Dave, please,” he stated. “Well, if you ladies need me, I’ll be in my office upstairs, taking care of some work things,” he politely said, still reeling from you being in his house, and made his way out of the room.
Your gaze followed him and fell to his ass, checking him out without Carol, his wife, noticing.
Well, this is awkward.
But I guess that explains that.
“So, I just wanted to say that we look forward to having you here as part of the family, and again, I’m so thankful you were able to start so soon!” Carol said excitedly.
“Of course, Mrs. York! Thank you so much for this opportunity, and I hope that you have a good time on your work trip!” you answered with a smile.
I am so fucked.
Completely and irrevocably fucked.
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Next Chapter ⟹
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missymurphy1985 · 3 years
Chance Encounter (sequel to The Premiere)
What happens when y/n and Cillian bump into each other again off set? Will their little agreement still stand?
Warning : Smut
Taglist - @queenshelby @peakyscillian @margoo0 @being-worthy @noctvrnalmoth @janelongxox
Your hair was done, your makeup flawless (if you did say so yourself) and you were finally ready. Your former costar Natasha was getting married and she'd invited you to the reception. You'd booked your hotel room and silently prayed to the god of all that is holy that Cillian was invited too. You knew your agreement half a year ago was that if you "worked together" again, you'd hook up, but surely agreements could have the odd caveat here and there, right? You just hoped he was still single... There had been plenty of buzz about him and a girl from back home reconnecting a few months ago but you'd never plucked up the courage to ask him outright. Last thing you wanted was to look desperate but truth be told? You were. A little. Okay, a lot, but you hid it well - no one had any inkling anything had happened that night at the casino, and that's just how you liked it. The rumour mill had piped down, even after THAT interview. But deep down you wanted more of the man that had truly captivated you. It annoyed you that he wasn't on any social media - there was no way of keeping in touch other than via text/call but neither of you had made contact with the other after that night.
You smoothed down your dress and grabbed your handbag. One quick check on your hair, and you made your way to the lift. Pressing the 'down' button, you felt two strong hands suddenly clinch your waist, making you (and your heart) jump.
"Too easy, y/n..." You spun on your heels and came face to face with Cillian, praying your foundation covered your burning cheeks. Game face on, you slapped his arm playfully. The tickle and slap had been your 'thing' all the way through Peaky Blinders.
"Mr Murphy, how the devil are you?" He embraced you warmly, greeting you the same way on old friend would - had he moved on?
"I'm excited to be here with everyone again, can't wait to see Tash's dress!" You smiled breaking away from him, hoping he couldn't feel your heart practically exploding through your dress.
"She'll look beautiful I'm sure." You held eye contact for a little longer than you should have, before the lift door pinged. Inside were Finn and Joe Cole, obviously having caught the lift from a higher floor. It suddenly dawned on you that your room was on the same floor as Cillian's... Stop it y/n...
"Hey!!! Peaky Reunion in full swing now!" Your onscreen brother and cousin pulled you both in for hugs as Cillian pressed the button for the ground floor.
Entering the large foyer, the beauty of the hotel where the reception was being held was breathtaking. The wedding flowers, lilies and roses, lined the corridors, leading the way to the large reception hall at the bottom of the corridor. Entering the room, you found the other cast members on a table together in the corner, and saw 4 empty seats around the table. Approaching the table plan in the corner, you groaned inwardly to see Natasha had placed you and Cillian right next to each other.
"Should be a fun evening, y/n.. what you drinking?" Cillian nudged you with a wink. Why was he so damn hard to read??
"Gin and lemonade please," you smirked, and he made his way to the bar with Joe. Finn joined you at the table, smirking at you.
"That flame still burning there y/n?" He nudged you as you took your seats. Finn one side of you, Cillian the other.
Conversation flowed around the table easily, the group of you catching up on the last six months. Most of you having taken a break from any kind of work for a while out of choice.
"I hear your love life is improving there Cillian!" Joe laughed, playfully punching the top of Cillian's arm. He didn't respond, just smiled shyly and rolled his eyes. Your heart dropped, he HAD moved on then..
He caught your eye and went to speak to you, before the music kicked in and the DJ announced the arrival of Natasha and her husband into the room. You all stood, cheering and clapping as the beautiful bride and her dashing husband entered, grinning like Cheshire Cats. The conversation with Cillian would have to wait...
The end of the night drew close and you were stood at the bar with a tipsy Natasha talking about her father's embarrassing yet beautiful speech, when the music suddenly turned down a notch. You were so happy for her, she looked absolutely radiant.. but the feelings in your heart were almost painful. You'd avoided Cillian all night, much to his dismay. He'd tried talking to you but you were determined to keep your distance. He was clearly taken, and you wouldn't dream of getting in the way of that. You couldn't help but notice him watching you from a distance throughout the night though, and you regularly scanned the room to check he was still around somewhere. Occasionally your eyes met, and you looked away quickly every time.
Natasha's wedding song played again through the speakers for the second time, the DJ inviting all the couples in the room up to the dance floor. Natasha kissed you cheek and hugged you, before heading off to find her new husband.
You felt those familiar hands on your waist, but they didn't tickle like normal, they gently turned you round in a 180 degree turn.
"Stop avoiding me." Those blue eyes pierced into yours.
"Very sure of yourself there, aren't you?"
"Every time I've got within 2 feet of you, you've moved away. I've tried to talk to you and you suddenly need the toilet.. or a cigarette.. or just plain walked away. Forgive me for thinking you were keeping a deliberate distance from me y/n." He looked serious, a side you rarely saw in him. He almost looked hurt.
"Listen, Cill.. you're clearly with someone okay? And I'm.. I'm just.. it's okay.. It really is. I -" His lips suddenly fell onto yours, silencing you, taking you completely by surprise. Now that, you weren't prepared for. You suddenly no longer cared about anyone else in the room, you lost yourself in his embrace, your kiss quickly becoming heated as your tongues met.
"What are you doing..." You breathed, pulling away.
"I'm not seeing anyone y/n, I never was. That girl is my publicist - yes we dated but we were 16.. she's married now, to my best friend ironically.. I'm single."
"Well you've just kissed me in a room full of people.."
"I know.. and I'll deal with that later, but right now I really don't care. I've been wanting to do that ever since that night."
"Why didn't you call me?" His hands were caressing your arms lightly as he chuckled to himself.
"I chickened out." You stifled a laugh.
"Me too... I didn't want to be the first to text!"
"Thank god Tash got married eh? How long you reckon we'd have gone on without talking for?"
"Oh come on, did you think you two sitting together at the table was a coincidence?" Joe appeared suddenly behind you at the bar. You both turned to look at him. "You two have been like lovestruck teenagers since Peaky finished - frankly we were sick of hearing about it!" You were stunned.. nobody knew? Did they?
"We all bloody knew." Joe was a mind-reader now, apparently. Cillian's hand found yours, and led you to the dance floor. You followed, positively glowing now, as he pulled you close to him, gently swaying with you to the music.
"Which room are you staying in?" He whispered in your ear, a hand running up your spine.
"Yours..." Your hands ran up the length of his arms, over his shoulders. The navy blue suit bringing out the blue in his eyes perfectly as he pulled you close for another kiss.
"What do you say we head there now.." that voice would be the death of you, as it whispered in your ear again. You could feel his arousal through his trousers as you nodded, kissing him again. He took off his suit jacket and held it over his crotch as you both made your way quickly to the lift, luckily no one stopping you.
Your bodies met in the elevator again, your body being pushed against the wall as he lifted you up to wrap your legs round his waist. His core grinding into yours. Your fingers tugging his hair as he kissed a trail down your neck.
"Need to stop or I swear I'm gonna fuck you in this lift y/n.." you shuddered at the deepness of his voice, when the door to the elevator opened and he carried you to his hotel room. Opening the door, your legs still wrapped around him, he carried you to the large dresser by the window and sat you on it, hitching your dress up and over your waist, pulling your underwear down your long, slender legs.
"I never got to taste you last time..." You groaned from the pulsing feeling in your core as he parted your legs and kissed a trail up your thighs. Meeting your core, his tongue traced over your clit painfully slowly as your back arched.
"Oh god... Yes.." working a slow rhythm at first, he added more pressure as you started to rock against his mouth, needing more and needing it now. "Feels so good..."
"You taste perfect y/n..." His assault continued with fervour, he soon had your back arched as you came against his tongue. Coming down from your high he got back to his feet as you breathed heavily into another kiss, tasting yourself on his lips.
"I want you.. now Cillian..." The primal desire in his eyes was almost too much as you unbuckled his belt and trousers, letting them fall to the floor. Cupping his erection through his Calvin Kleins you felt him shudder slightly and gasp, standing you up to lift your dress over your head and unclasp your bra. His shirt was quickly removed as you pushed him backwards to fall onto the bed. Hooking your fingers in the waist band of his boxers shorts, you pulled them down allowing his hard cock to spring free. Giving it a gentle lick from the base to the tip, you sank your mouth down over it causing him to grip your hair and moan primally, never taking his eyes off you.
"Fuck.. your mouth feels good... Mm..." Your mouth was dancing over his shaft, a hand cupping his balls as you played with them.
Feeling his balls start to tighten, you lifted your mouth off him, bringing your body up the bed to meet his. His blue eyes were now almost black - you needed him inside you.. reading your mind he flipped you onto your front, opening your legs and lining himself up.
"Still on that coil thing?" He looked at you. You nodded, and he pushed into you slowly. You gasped at the invasion, he filled you up even better than he did before. Watching his eyes scrunch shut as he bottomed out, you smiled. He was perfect in every way, shape and form.. and after tonight's very public display, was he yours?
"I've wanted this for months... In fact I've wanted YOU for years..." You panted, lifting your hips to meet his gentle thrusts.
"You have me.. all of me.. you always have.." he thrusted between each sentence, sending shockwaves through you. He wasn't fucking you, he was making love to you.
He lifted you up, your legs wrapped round his waist as you moved together. Your lips met his as he ran his fingers smoothly down your spine, your arms wrapped over his shoulders as his thrusts met your hips perfectly. Your nails ran along his sculpted back, as he planted soft kisses over your collarbone. You had never felt anything like it - your bodies slotted together like jigsaw pieces, but you needed more. Turning your bodies, you pushed him onto his back and sank back onto his cock.
Rocking back and forth, building a steady rhythm you felt his hands roaming over your breasts causing you to ride a little harder.
"You're perfect, y/n, you know that? Absolutely perfect..." His eyes and hands were all over you. Pulling your waist up and down, he took over, lifting you slightly so he could thrust upwards, hitting that sweet spot inside easily. You brought a hand down to rub your clit as he began to pound harder into you from below, your orgasm drawing closer and closer.
"I'm gonna... Oh god Cillian I'm gonna cum..."
"Let me feel you... Let it happen baby I've got you..." You exploded over him, the most powerful orgasm you'd ever had. You felt your juices coat him, as your hand stopped rubbing his quickly took over, making you scream as he continued the pressure on your clit and your insides. You froze as you suddenly felt yourself lose complete control of your body, gushing over his chest as he made your pussy squirt hard over his chest and stomach.
He watched you, mesmerised as you cried his name, chest heaving from the force of your orgasm. Breathing heavily, trying to control himself and not end this too soon, he paused his thrusts as you came down from your high.
"Fuck... Jesus.. that's never happened before I'm sorry!" You gasped, coming back down to earth.
"Don't ever be sorry for that - I'm doing that to you every single time from now on.. fuck that felt incredible..." He growled and turned you over to lie on your back. He re-entered you, slipping in easily, and moved inside you again. You reached behind you to grab the bedframe.
"Give me everything... Everything you have..." He was like a wild animal, his hips pounding into you again. He was panting in your ear, sending you into heaven and back as you wrapped your legs round his waist, pulling him deep.
"Good girl... That's it... I'm gonna -" he lost the ability to speak as he came hard, deep inside you, his body collapsing on top of yours. You ran your nails over his shoulders, feeling his breathing calm.
You lay tangled together for a while, just enjoying the feel of each others skin, listening to each other breathe, placing soft, gentle kisses on each other. He pulled out slowly, and lay next to you.
The silence wasn't awkward, but you had to break it.. you had to know..
"Hmm.." his eyes were closed, but he lifted an arm for you to move into. You didn't, you stayed where you were. He opened his eyes and looked at you. "What's wrong?"
"What is this? What are we doing? I mean, I'm not expecting anything.. I just.. listen.. don't be mad.. but I've thought about that night every single day and I don't think I can carry on doing this if you don't actually want me, okay?"
"I kissed you in a room FULL of people y/n, what does that tell you?"
"I don't -"
"I want you, okay? Not just as a fuck, but all of you. You and me - what do you say?" Your eyes gazed into his. Everything you'd ever wanted was waiting in them. You settled into his arms and allowed yourself to drift off in his arms. The safest, and most comfortable you'd ever felt.
More cameras flashing, more screams.. another premiere. This time for your latest movie - you'd been cast as the lead role in Danny Boyle's latest blockbuster and you were leading the rest of the cast on the red carpet. Your dress showing off your curves perfectly.
You stood in line with your castmates smiling, when a pair of ocean blue eyes caught your attention off to the left. You couldn't help but grin when he winked at you, you could feel how proud he was of you. You heard the event manager call for individual photos, and you stayed on the red carpet smiling for the cameras.
"Can we get one of you and Cillian, y/n?" One of the photographers asked, and the others all shouted in agreement. You shook your head, knowing how much he hated these events, and PDAs even more, but you were cut off by the man himself approaching you smiling.
"Why not, eh?" We wrapped his arms round your waist and stood happily having his photo taken. He was just too proud not to, he wanted the world to know.. taking your hand in his, he led it to your belly, suddenly the fans in the background went wild screaming, the photographers suddenly noticing the roundness of your stomach and catching onto the exclusive news.
You felt a warmth running through you - it truly didn't get better than this, as you gazed into your fiance's eyes and stole a kiss.
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ranhaitanisgf · 3 years
;; 𝖇𝖊𝖓𝖓𝖊𝖙𝖙
otherwise read as: bennett has a crush 
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❧ masterlist
The side of your face was smushed on the table, a bored look on your face as you watched Sara serve customers at the Good Hunter.
"Ugh...I'm so tired..." You closed your eyes, thinking of things you might be able to do, but ultimately coming up with nothing.
"Hey! Watch out!" Not a moment later after the words were yelled, a searing liquid spilled on your shoulders, making you sit straight up as you squirmed, trying to get your shirt to separate from your back.
" Hot hot hot hot!!" You whispered, looking around to see what had happened. Looking up, you saw Sara staring at you with a surprised and slightly horrified look, an empty soup bowl in her hands. It looked as if she was about to say something, but before she could, something cold spilled onto your back, splashing onto your hair and the rest of your clothes.
"What the..."
"Sorry! Um..." You turned around in your seat and saw Eury behind you, standing there with a now empty glass pointed in your direction.
"Oh my Archons, I'm so sorry (Y/N)! Are you alright!?" Sara said in a panicked voice, trying to vigorously wipe off your shoulders with a rag. Wincing, you waved her off, a pained smile on your face from the towel rubbing against the tender skin.
"Ah, it's fine Sara, really, no worries!" You gave her a thumbs-up, although it did nothing to ease the panic off her face.
"I-I'll give you a meal, on the house! Two free meals! Come by whenever, just please don't tell anyone about this!" She begged, almost about to get on her knees and beg.
"It's fine, I'm not gonna go talking to all of Teyvat about it, it's no biggie. I'm gonna go change my clothes though..." You stood up from your seat, waving at her before heading to the Adventurer's Guild, sighing as you looked at your clothes.
Man, and I really liked these too...hopefully it doesn't stain with Cream Stew for eternity...
Bad luck has always followed you wherever you've gone, whether it was slipping on a rock or having an entire camp of Fatui Skirmishers attack you while you were asleep. It was non-stop, so you weren't exactly shocked that something had happened in the short amount of time you had been sitting at the Good Hunter.
There was only one solution to your luck; cancel it out.
"Hey (Y/N), is that you?" An enthusiastic voice called out. A small smile appeared on your face as you waved to the figure running towards you from the direction of the Guild.
"Yeah, hey Bennett." Waving at him, he ran up to you looking like he was about to say something, but then he noticed the mess on your shoulders.
"What happened to your shirt?" You laughed nervously, looking to the side.
"Oh, Sara accidentally spilled some Cream Stew, y'know? That's all!" He looked at you curiously and swiped from some of the soup that was still on your shirt with his finger, tasting it. A slight flush filled your cheeks, as you stared at him in disbelief.
"H-Huh!? Bennett, what're you doing!?" He just gave a big goofy smile and grabbed your hand to start pulling you towards the Guild.
"Well, now that I'm here, nothing else will happen! Also, that stew is still pretty good!" You didn't say anything, attempting to keep calm as you tried to keep up with his fast pace.
The boy looked over towards a nearby windmill, seeing Captain Kaeya salute him with two fingers before striding off towards the Knights of Favonius HQ. His hand slightly tightened it's grip around yours, sudden nervousness making him almost hesitate.
C'mon Bennett, you got this! No hesitating!
Before you knew it, he had dragged you to a patch of grass behind the Guild, where a picnic table had been set up with an array of sweets and snacks.
"Surprise! Fischl told me the other day the adventure you guys went on didn't go exactly as planned because I was gone, so I decided to make it up to you! I, uh, hope you like it!" He said, his hand resting on the nape of his neck.
You didn't even know what to say. Nobody had ever done such a grand gesture towards you before, so it felt surreal, especially since it was coming from Bennett.
"I-! Um, thank you! You really didn't have to though!" You noticed that he was still holding onto your hand with a tight grip, though you weren't sure if it was intentional or not. Your opposite hand rested on your cheek, trying to hold yourself together and not completely fangirl right in front of him.
The two of you sat down, and you inwardly groaned when he let go of your hand, a mumbled apology coming out his mouth accompanied by awkward coughing. A few moments went by before he spoke.
"Well, dig in (Y/N)! It's all yours y'know!" You didn't even know where to start with everything. It seemed that he had put out all of your favorite desserts, and it looked like Razor helped him too by the look of the hashbrowns.
"Ah, okay!" You decided to start off with the Almond Tofu, because who doesn't love it? As soon as you put it in your mouth, the taste was like nothing you had ever had before, and you immediately turned to Bennett.
"This! This is so good! How did you make it!?"
"Oh, is it really that good? I had the Traveler help me with it, and I'll tell you, he is a master cook! I would never have expected it! Here, wait, try this!" You figured that he was just going to point out what to eat, but instead, he grabbed a forkful of cake and held it out to you.
While he might have looked calm and cheery, he was inwardly freaking out.
What if she thinks I'm weird!?  If this plan backfires on me I'm moving to Sumeru and I will never step foot in Mondstadt again.
His heart was pounding as he saw a confused look on your face. The realization probably dawned on you after that, especially when one could plainly see the flushed look on your face as you realized.
Hesitantly, you opened your mouth and ate the cake on the fork that he held out, chewing thoughtfully before your eyes widened at him.
"Uh, yeah...?"
"THIS IS SO GOOD!" The tips of his ears were burning red from the adorable look on your face, and he had to cover the bottom half of his face with his hand as he could feel the red get more and more intense.
"(Y/N)!" You looked up from the cake that you were pigging out on, a look on your face like you had been caught doing something you shouldn't have.
"Uhhhhhh...yeah?" You slowly started moving your forkful of cake towards your mouth as you waited for his answer.
"Listen! I-! I really, really like you! A-And it's fine if you don't feel the same, I just wanted to tell you because I don't like keeping secrets from my friends and I think I made it awkward now so I'm just gonna-mmph!?"  Instead, you shoved the forkful of cake into his mouth, looking away with a furious blush on your face.
"Just shut up okay! Of course, I like you too, why wouldn't I!? So, um!" He looked at you with an incredulous look in his eyes as he chewed the cake, but you just so happened to notice that there was some frosting on his lip.
Yolo it bruh, don't be a coward.
Leaning closer, you swiped your thumb across his lip, collecting the frosting and tasting it as your heart pounded.
"Hmm...still tastes good!" Bennett didn't say anything, he just stared at you, and you started to get nervous and were about to apologize for your actions.
Suddenly, his hand slipped behind your head, pulling you close, but he paused right before his lips could touch yours.
"Um, can I kiss you?" (consent asking king, this is canon, he asks for consent)
"Y-Yeah!!" Not a moment later, he touched his lips to yours. It was a warm kiss, almost as if you were in front of a fireplace, and the way you gently moved his lips in sync with yours felt like you were home.
When the two of you pulled away, you hesitantly leaned your head on his chest, and hearing his accelerated heartbeat made you giggle a little bit.
"H-Hey, what's so funny?"
"Oh, nothing Bennett...just very happy."
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jokertrap-ran · 3 years
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(光与夜之恋 Light and Night) Evan’s 6✩ Inspiration: Umbrae Secrets [繁荫秘语] Date Translation (END 7 + 8: Heart-throb)
"It feels pretty good to have your wish granted by someone else.”
*Light and Night Master-list | Evan’s Personal Masterlist *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut *Join the Light & Night Discord (^▽^)~ ♪ *This 6✩ Inspiration has 8 Endings!! *Reblogs and likes appreciated! *Evan’s tag will be #For Night, For Revolution *Will be taking a short break for one or two days for mental health reasons, so no TLs will be uploaded while I’m gone
✥ Choice: Heart-throb [心动] ✩Light & Night★
After pondering for a while, I finally decided to…
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✩ E7 LIGHT: Rest here ✩
MC: The view's pretty nice. How about we rest here for a while?
Evan: Sure. Let's sit here then.
I followed Evan and seated myself atop a rock by the river and gave a good big stretch, easing the tension out of my slightly sore hips and legs.
The vegetation around us was a little sparser now, and the golden sunlight fell upon us in mottled spots. The river had crystal clear water. The sunlight pierced through the waves, leaving shimmering gold patterns that wavered along with the current of the river.
There were occasional grey shadows that darted through the water. I excitedly patted Evan's arm to catch his attention the moment I saw it.
MC: Look! There are fish in the river!
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Evan: There's quite a bit of them. Those look like striped bass.
MC: They're so big…
Staring at the plump and juicy-looking fishes, I suddenly became acutely aware of the snarling abyss that was my stomach as it slowly woke back up.
I never expected to get hungry just from that short trek.
Those fishes would be delicious steamed! Add soy sauce, a little wine to taste, and the meat will become tender and succulent, absolutely flavorful...
But it would also be equally good braised! Deep fry it first, then add soybean sauce, Sichuan pepper and star anise to spice it up. Then add water to let the sauce soak in, producing a flavourful, mouthwatering, aroma!
I couldn't help but swallow in anticipation. I guiltily cast a glance at Evan, hoping that he didn't notice my guilty inward musings of a glutton.
Evan: Don't tell me you're thinking whether this fish would be better braised or steamed?
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MC: ??? ...Remove the camera you installed in my brain!
Evan: Why would I need a camera? It's written all over your face.
Evan: It'll be a little hard to steam or braise anything here, but we can try grilling the fish if we have a stove to work with.
Hearing the words "grilled" and "fish", I instantly felt rejuvenated. Gone were my sore hips and aching legs.
I jumped up from the rock I'd been sitting on with a start.
MC: Grilled fish sounds good! I've got the stove! And grills! And seasonings!
Evan: Brilliant.
MC: Then there's only one thing missing… How are we going to catch the fish?
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Evan surveyed the area and pondered for a while before speaking.
Evan: There are traces of grilling being done on the ground. Someone must have grilled fish here before.
Evan: We can look around and see if there is any equipment left behind that we can make use of.
MC: Okay!
Evan and I each took one side of the river as we scoured the bank for any items that may be of use.
Soon after, I moved a patch of tall grass aside and lifted something in triumphant joy.
MC: Evan! Look at what I found! A harpoon!
Hearing me call out to him, Evan headed over. He took the rusty harpoon from me and gave it a once over.
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Evan: Sharpen it on the rocks and it should be good to go.
MC: Great!
Evan took the harpoon to the rocks and gave it a thorough sanding to get all the rust off. Soon, the once-rusty harpoon regained its sharp, deadly, metallic glint. It looked as primed as ever.
After he was done polishing it up, I excitedly picked it up. Evan looked at me in slight surprise.
Evan: You want to try?
MC: Yeah! Plus, I'm wearing a dress, so I don't have to worry about getting my pant leg wet or anything like that!
Evan took one glance at the way I was brandishing the harpoon, looking ever so eager to try my hand at it, and softened. A helpless yet tender look dyed his orbs.
Evan: Alright, but be careful not to slip.
MC: Right!
I took the harpoon to the river bank and quietly searched for my quarry.
Soon enough, a shadow slid smoothly across the water. But, it had already gotten long out of reach before I had the time to react.
I observed the waters for a while more, familiarizing myself with how the fishes moved.
When another fish appeared, I timed myself, raising the harpoon high and bringing it down hard!
The harpoon jostled the river and disturbed the dirt at the bottom of the riverbed. However, there was no fish in sight when the waters came to a standstill once more. There was only a harpoon, firmly embedded into the riverbed.
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MC: Feels like I'm swerving my hits a bit…
A small laugh came from behind as a warm hand enclosed mine, wielding the harpoon together with me. He dislodged it and returned it to my grasp with surprising ease and finesse.
Evan: It's alright. Try again.
Evan: Throw the spearhead further to prevent hurting yourself.
I nodded and took the harpoon. Soon, I took my aim at another incoming fish.
I inwardly encouraged myself: I'll get it this time!
I swung the harpoon and sent it stabbing downward. This time, I felt like I'd hit the target quite accurately!
However, the fish wiggled for a bit beneath my harpoon before speedily making its slippery escape…
MC: *Sigh*...Is it because I'm too weak?
Evan: It's because you hesitated.
MC: Hmm, maybe a little. I suddenly feel a little hesitant to deal the finishing blow when I think of how this harpoon inevitably pierces the fish’s body.
Evan: Reluctance to deal the finishing blow is only normal. How about I do it instead?
A strong wave of reluctance surged up within my heart. I swiftly hid the harpoon behind my back.
MC: Nah. I’ve only tried it twice! Give me a couple more chances and I’ll definitely be able to do it!
Evan: If you say so.
Evan: Then you'll have to be faster, and you'll have to land harder hits than that.
Evan: Or you can think of it as your enemy, or maybe someone you dislike?
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MC: Hahaha… Well, about that…
I thought about it seriously for a while, but I couldn’t think of anyone I particularly disliked.
Hence, I looked back at Evan and casually dropped him a question.
MC: I can't really think of any off the top of my head. Do you have anyone you dislike?
Evan was taken aback. His eyes were slightly lowered as if he was hiding some sort of emotion that dwelled within.
I suddenly recalled that we’d come on this trip precisely because something had happened beforehand to make him unhappy. Now, his expression only made me understand it more with stark clarity: yes, he did have someone he disliked...
MC: You don’t have to think about unhappy things! I’m sure that person’s not a good person if they’ve made even you dislike them! I’ll teach them a lesson!
Evan: Why, thank you.
With the harpoon in tow, I returned to the river bank. Reflected in my mind was none other than how Evan had reacted to my earlier question.
Just what sort of issue would trouble someone as strong as him? On that same note, just what sort of person would cause someone as powerful as him to become this restless and uneasy?
Then, a fish slowly swam into my line of sight. And it was precisely with this sort of mood that I raised the harpoon high in the air, sending it plummeting downward without a moment’s hesitation!
However, the sudden force I’d flung it down with made me lose balance as I went down with it. I felt my waist move backwards from the force as my feet slipped from beneath me...
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MC: Uwah!
Water splashed in all directions as I slipped right into the river...
Evan: !!
Fortunately, this river wasn’t deep and only reached my waist. Evan swiftly support me as I stood up.
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Evan: Are you alright?
MC: I'm fine… my butt's just a little sore… Ow…
Evan: Slowly.
He supported me back to sit on the rock. I looked down to inspect myself. My dress was soaked and dripping water everywhere.
I gathered my dress and wrung out a load of water from it. Ah, how I’ve screwed up...
Evan: Does it hurt anywhere else?
I gathered my hair together in slight embarrassment as I shook my head.
After ensuring that I was not injured in any way or manner, Evan moved to light the stove by my feet. He then removed his jacket and placed it over my lap.
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Evan: Be careful not to catch a cold.
My stomach gave a loud rumble in protest the moment he finished. I quickly covered it in embarrassment.
Evan: Alright. Let me procure our lunch.
MC: I'll have to trouble you with it then…
Evan: It's no trouble at all.
Evan removed his glasses, rolled up his sleeves, and picked up my abandoned harpoon on the river bank.
Wrapping his jacket around myself, I looked up at him curiously.
I wonder what the CEO of Warson, ever dignified and well put-together, would look like brandishing a harpoon of steel?
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Just as I was thinking about that, Evan suddenly went rigid; and I, in turn, watched him with bated breath.
His gaze seemed to be transfixed on a particular fish. His dark red eyes narrowed with intent as the light in his orbs instantly turned to a cold glint; one as sharp as a deadly blade.
He raised the harpoon, the muscles on his arms and chest rippling as they made themselves known in their usage and exuded a raw, primal, sense of power.
The sun's rays glinted off the sharp blade of the harpoon, reflecting the cold light of the forest.
I watched him in a daze. It was almost as if I was watching a formidable and ruthless beast at work after having set eyes on its prey.
I'd rarely seen Evan with such an expression on his face. A thought suddenly popped into my head out of nowhere.
Maybe this was how Evan had always dealt with his enemies; swift and ruthless.
Then, the harpoon flashed through the waters as quick as lightning.
Water splashed everywhere as a muffled thud sounded. Evan had made his quarry, no doubt.
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With another slosh, the harpoon was withdrawn from the waters. A huge fish followed the length out of the water, trashing incessantly, its tail flicking to and fro.
When Evan turned to look at me, the usual warmth found in his eyes had returned.
Evan: Can you help me fetch a bucket?
I snapped out of the trance, hurriedly moving to fetch a bucket and brought it before him.
MC: You got it in a single strike! You're really awesome, Evan!
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Evan: A young lady is waiting for me, hungry and cold, after all.
Embarrassed, I stuck my tongue out at him.
He removed the fish from the harpoon and dumped it into the bucket before returning to the river bank.
Following his return, the harpoon made continuous sounds as it pierced through the waters again and again. His actions grew increasingly precise, and I could tell that he was trying to let out some steam with how much strength he packed into each stab.
Soon, he managed to spear another two fish out of the river. They were both huge and plump, and he seemed to be much more relaxed when he turned back around again.
He knelt down and weighed his spoils with satisfaction.
Evan: The biggest catch weighs nearly 2kg. It should be enough for us.
Afterwards, he neatly killed the fish by the bank before putting them all on the grilling rack. I brushed the fish meat with the barbecue sauce that I'd brought.
The stove burned ever so strongly, and the place was instantly doused with the delicious aroma that rose into the air alongside the smoke. I rubbed my hands in anticipation, so excited about it that I couldn't quite sit still.
The fishes were finally cooked. I quickly took a bite out of it, leaning back in satisfaction as I did.
MC: How fresh! This is too delicious! You should try some too, Evan!
Evan: Sure. Careful not to burn yourself on it.
Saying so, he too, took a piece of the fish and brought it to his mouth. Under my watchful gaze, he gave it a serious chew or two as he contemplated the taste. Eventually, he gave a nod of approval.
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Evan: Mmhm. Your sauce does a mean job too.
MC: Not bad, right? This is my personal recipe!
MC: With the fish you caught and my speciality sauce, these fish taste way better than any I've ever had in high-end restaurants!
Evan: We can always eat this again whenever you want to, so long as you're willing.
I nodded, unwittingly flashing him a smile, almost as if making a silent promise to him that we most definitely would.
MC: Have you ever gone fishing, Evan? You technically score full marks in wilderness survival!
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Evan: I once lived out in the wild for a while at a time in the past, after all. But, I never had a harpoon back then, so today's my first time using one.
MC: Then you must be a naturally born hunter!
MC: I felt like you were exuding a predatory area when I saw you fishing earlier!
MC: How should I put this… It's as if you'll definitely catch the prey you set your eyes on.
MC: Unlike me… *Sighs*...
Evan: Why the sudden sigh?
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MC: Well… I just thought that I'd put up a rather disappointing performance today.
MC: I was the one who got all enticed by the tasty-looking fish, but in the end, not only was I unable to spear a single one, but I've also rendered myself into a right state.
MC: The cat depicted in the cat emote pack online's definitely me. "Small, pitiful, and weak, but eats a whole lot like Tubbs"!
Evan smiled and shook his head. He rested his big hand on my head.
Evan: I don't think this is a fair comparison.
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Evan: A kitten won't help me deal with the people I dislike, but that throw of yours earlier was one done with all your might behind the harpoon.
Evan: It makes me feel like I've met someone whom I can entirely trust.
His tone suddenly turned tender and very soft. So soft, that it was almost as if he had all his guards down; but so heavy, that it was as if he'd placed all his trust into it.
It was akin to a small drop of honey, the vicious liquid slowly spreading through my heart.
MC: Of course… I'll always be your most reliable buddy, ever!
MC: But, I'll be happier if I can really be of help to you!
Evan: You've already helped me plenty.
Evan: Next time I have to deal with them, all I have to do is to remember how brave you were and draw strength from that.
I froze. The only thing that my helpful brain provided was the image of me slipping right into the river, butt first. I panicked, instantly setting my chopsticks down.
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MC: No! Forget that terrible throw I made earlier! Vanquish the thought!
I laughed as I ate, making a fuss of it all. Before we knew it, all the fish on the grilling rack had been swiped clean.
I embarrassedly put the chopsticks away, awkwardly coming to the realization that I was, in fact, not full yet.
70% filled is still considered full… I inwardly hesitated, mentally debating with myself. I was so absorbed in it that I failed to notice how Evan had a clear view of the expression that flickered across my face yet again.
Evan: I'll go catch some more fish to grill.
MC: Uh… About that… I'm sure the fish meat gets digested quickly! I'm sure that's just what it is!
Evan: No worries.
Evan: The charcoal fire's still going strong and it's still early before sundown. Plus, your dress isn't completely dry either.
Evan: We have more than enough time to slowly eat here, and we can do it until you're full and satisfied.
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Evan: And as for just how many fishes you ate… I'll make sure to keep it a secret for you.
MC: Wha?
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MC: Evan! I never pegged you for one before, but are you actually up to no-good!?
Evan: I'm being serious here.
Evan: It lifts my spirits whenever I see you eat.
Evan: It makes me feel like there's no simpler pleasure than that.
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After pondering for a while, I finally decided to…
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★ E8 NIGHT: Walk a while more before resting ★
MC: I'm good. Besides, it'll be hard to get going again once we sit, so how about we carry on a little while more and see how it goes?
Evan: You're here for fun, so you don't have to be so hard on yourself.
But he'd probably seen the determination colouring my eyes, for he immediately added on to his previous sentence.
Evan: But I'll listen to the leader.
MC:  Hehe. Now that's more like it.
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We continued our trek deeper until the forest. Enamoured by the various sights and sceneries, the sky had turned dark long before I knew it.
Evan: Let's find a place to put up the tent. I think this place is pretty suitable.
MC: Okay!
We chose a location with a wide expanse of flat ground. Then, we set about executing the next step of the plan: set up the tent.
I took the tent from my bag, spreading it out on the ground.
First, we had to insert the two rods into the tarpaulin sheet. Then, we had to insert each end of the pole into the small hole on each corner of the tent.
However, this tarpaulin sheet was just way too big. One corner came loose right after I secured the other.
I tried my hardest to spread my arms as far as they could go, but it was still a struggle to secure both ends of the pole at the same time. I fought valiantly, only to end up covered in sweat from my moot attempts.
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MC: This is the only time I hate having short limbs…
Evan: Let me help you.
I looked back in surprise. Evan had already returned from fetching water by the river.
He put the bucket down and came up behind me, spreading his arms and holding the curved poles in place with ease.
However, doing so made our positions very close to one another.
His arms were warm, firm, and much longer than my own; long enough to entrap me within when he spread it out horizontally like that. Adding on to that, our clothes were both slightly damp and sticking to our skin. I could acutely feel the faint rise and fall of his chest from behind.
The surroundings seem to be growing warmer, and I felt an inexplicable sense of panic.
Evan: You just have to pin the four corners down.
MC: Okay...
I fumbled as I ducked out of the cage of his arms, putting the rods into the small holes.
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With Evan's help, the tent was soon set up in no time at all.
Afterwards, we ignited the kerosene lamp again and set up a simple table and chairs. And thus, our little fort out in the wild was finally complete.
Everyone has an innate love of small secluded private spaces at least once in their lives. Looking at our small lodging, I felt a sense of joy well up from the confines of my heart.
MC: Evan, let's go in and have a look inside!
I couldn't wait to delve right inside. It was only after I'd spun a full round in fascination that I realized Evan was still standing outside.
That's not right. How could I have fun all by myself? The goal of coming here today was to make Evan happy!
I thought of a way to nudge Evan into action. A light bulb lit in my head.
MC: Evan, I'm the leader today, so you'll do everything I say, right?
Evan: Yes. What do you want to do?
MC: I want to play a game.
MC: I'll be your personal Doraemon for the day. I'll help you fulfil any wishes you want!
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A flicker of surprise passed his face.
Evan: Why do you want to play a game like that?
I pulled him along with me, sitting him down on a chair before sitting right across him.
MC: You've always been my Doraemon, so today, let me enjoy the joy of giving just this once.
Evan: I mean, it's not like you can't; but, what are you sure you want to be doing that here?
MC: Challenges only make it that much more interesting! Feel free to shoot any request you may have!
Unable to ignore my insistence on this matter, he folded his arms and lapsed into thought.
Evan: Then I'll just make a random wish… I want this tent to look prettier.
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MC: Gotcha! Leave it to me!
This was probably the first time Evan had ever wished anything of anyone…
And now, the one to listen to his wishes was no one but me… Thinking this, the yearning to fulfil his wishes for him only burned ever stronger.
I suddenly remembered how I'd brought a string of small, colourful, fairy lights with me; if only because I'd seen someone decorate their tent with it online some time before!
I held my excitement in check as I rummaged through my bag for the fairy lights, connected the battery to the string of light and turned it on. Then, I flashed it before Evan.
MC: Ta-daaaa! Look!
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It was well into the night. Dishing out the fairy lights in peak darkness lit up our surroundings in a dazzling array of colours.
Evan widened his eyes in surprise, gently taking the fairy lights from me and scrutinizing them.
Evan: You actually bought fairy lights? You're a competent Doraemon, all right.
The bedazzling lights shone on our faces, adding a couple more watts to his smile.
Evan lowered his eyes, seemingly lost in his memories.
Evan: You know, these fairy lights remind me of the New Year holidays.
Evan: I walked on the streets and saw the doors of many families decorated with fairy lights like these.
Evan: Celebratory and homey… I really adore it.
Watching Evan's wary manner of carefully selecting his words, I couldn't help but feel my heart clench slightly.
Maybe… this was what he imagined home to be like…
However, he quickly snapped back to reality, his gaze falling to the fairy light before us once more.
Evan: The workmanship of these fairy lights are very intricate, and each bulb is shaped differently.
MC: Yeah. Look, this one’s a small pepper and this one’s a little eggplant...
Evan: Yes. And this one here. This one looks like you; the little rabbit.
MC: It really is a rabbit! You've got some keen observation skills.
MC: But, why am I the only animal? That sounds a little lonely…
Evan: You won't be lonely; because the one right beside the little rabbit's me.
Evan spread his arms, displaying the light bulb beside the little rabbit on the string of lights. But, all I saw was a red ball of light there.
MC: And what does this one look like? I can't really tell
Evan: It doesn't matter what it looks like; because I'm the only one who will stay by the little rabbit's side, regardless.
Although his smile was much warmer in the light, his tone still held an undeniable wistfulness.
I felt an odd sense of panic, but I didn't feel like fleeing from it.
Eventually, we put the fairy lights up on the tent.
The constantly flickering and changing lights made the tent look cuter, and much more lovely. It felt like home.
I watched as Evan entered the tent, settling himself comfortably within, his eyes narrowing into happy little slits in a closed-eyed smile. Seeing him this relaxed made my heart fill with joy.
MC: Time for your next wish, Evan!
Evan: Are we continuing? I'm already pretty satisfied.
MC: The game's only just started! You can be a little more willful; just like a little kid!
I gently tugged at his arm, softly coaxing him into giving in.
Getting him to relax was no easy feat; and now, I was finally seeing a glimmer of hope! I can't let it go to waste!
Evan: Alright, one more then.
MC: I'll say this first, but you're forbidden from wishing for something overly simple! I'm Doraemon; you've gotta put your trust in me!
Evan: Okay. Then I want to drink hand-brewed coffee.
He levelled a calm gaze at me, seemingly waiting for me to admit defeat; but I only smiled triumphantly.
MC: Just you wait and see!
I knew that Evan loved coffee, so I’d brought some ground coffee powder along with a set of simple brewing tools.
I lit the stove, boiled a pot of hot water, and slowly poured it into the filter where I’d placed the powder, balanced atop an empty cup, going in circular motions. Soon, a cup of fragrant hand-brewed coffee was made.
I handed the cup of coffee to Evan. He lowered his head to give the aroma a whiff, a pleased smile appearing on his face.
Evan: A fragrance that I love.
Evan: But it's missing a little something.
He then moved to personally make a similar cup for me. We both sat down across each other, nursing our cups of coffee and taking small sips from it.
Even while sitting on a foldable chair, the way he drank his coffee was still as elegant as ever.
The forest was silent. The only thing that could be heard was the sound of intermittent chirping of the insects hidden within the foliage, adding to the relaxed and leisurely atmosphere.
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MC: Evan, don’t you think that it’s been a long time since we’ve stepped away from the bustling city life to simply spend time together like this, thinking about nothing?
MC: You seem busy lately. I'm honestly a little concerned if you actually have time to wind down…
Evan: Thank you for your concern. I do have the time to do so once in a while.
He raised the cup of coffee in his hand.
Evan: This is the aroma I settle down with every lunch break, to watch a movie, or to read a book.
MC: Right, I often do the same as well.
A flicker of thought entered my mind, and I immediately latched on.
MC: I know! I've helped you think of your next wish!
Evan: Oh? And what is it?
I smiled mysteriously at him, turning around to rummage through my bag.
I happened to bring a book along with me today, so I searched the contents of my bag for it, pulling it out and handing it to him.
He ran his fingers across the gold-gilded text that had been printed onto the book cover. After a while, he suddenly returned the book to me. I raised my head in slight surprise, only to see the slight smile hidden in the corner of his eyes.
Evan: If that's how it is, then could I trouble you to read a paragraph for me?
MC: Sure.
Opening the book, I picked out a story that was about the forest and slowly started reading aloud.
It was seemingly enough to please him. He held onto his coffee, slowly leaning into the soft pillow, closing his eyes in satisfaction.
After finishing a paragraph, I closed the book, only to find him staring at me seriously. There was a fire flickering within his crimson orbs.
Evan: You know, I actually like this story a lot.
Evan: The first time I read this book, I imagined myself in the protagonist’s shoes.
Evan: Riding a small boat in a remote and secluded river, letting the current take me wherever it goes.
Evan: Expecting nothing, with no destination in mind. It doesn’t matter if I get stuck in a rapid, or if I’m just turning around in place.
MC: Sounds romantic enough. What happened after? Did you ever try doing so?
Evan: Not yet. Later, I ended up coming to the forest many times, but unfortunately, none of it was to seek recreation.
Evan: Which means, this is my first time.
Evan: So, thank you; for making this a memorable night for me.
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He seemed a little tuckered out, and his voice was as soft as a mere whisper. His eyes were slowly fluttering shut as he spoke.
His eyelashes slid down as his eyes closed, casting a faint shadow on his features. I quietly observed how picturesque he looked like that as I thought back to everything he’d just said. A new plan was born within my heart.
Perhaps this wish was something that I could truly fulfil for him.
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The next morning, at exactly 5 AM. I was roused from my slumber as my alarm clock rang.
I gave a big wide stretch, casting a glance at Evan. Thankfully enough, he hadn’t been awoken by the alarm and was still curled up in the sleeping bag next to be, fast and soundly asleep.
After doing a simple wash up, I quietly exited the tent.
We passed by a commercial campground yesterday while searching for a suitable campsite. It provided rental services of a wide variety of camping equipment.
That’s why my first thought had been this place when I heard Evan mention boating last night. Hence, I contacted them and reserved an inflatable kayak.
With the help of my mobile GPS navigator, I walked the forest for about half an hour before I finally arrived at the campsite.
After waiting outside for a good long while, the owner whom I’d previously made an appointment with came up to me in a right state of panic.
Campsite Owner: Sorry! Some trouble cropped up, so I’m late…
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MC: Don’t worry about it. What happened though? Do you need any help?
Campsite Owner: Can I bother you? If so, then yes please! I’ll tell you what happened…
After a while, I handed a trembling kitten to the owner.
It began rolling about as soon as it returned to its owner’s arms, acting like a baby as it rubbed itself against the owner’s palm, as if expressing regretfulness for its actions.
MC: The little guy must have been scared out of its mind.
Campsite Owner: Yeah. Thank you so much, Miss! I have no idea what I'd have done without you.
MC: Don't worry about it. It's no big deal.
When I came to the campsite earlier, the owner had been in the middle of a cat problem. It had climbed to the top of the tree without anyone's notice and didn't dare come down.
It had been meowing helplessly at the very top. Hence, I immediately joined the rescue effort without a second thought.
I hear that it had already been stuck up the tree for about 10 hours or more. We didn't have a tall enough ladder, so it took a great amount of improvisation to finally save the poor kitten.
Campsite Owner: Oh, right. J nearly forgot your kayak. This isn't light, though! Can you carry it alone?
MC: Huh?
I stepped forward to test its weight. The folded inflatable kayak was indeed heavier than I expected. But thinking about how Evan would react upon seeing this kayak, I suddenly felt that this extra weight meant absolutely nothing in comparison.
Campsite Owner: *Sigh* Since you've helped me, I ought to repay you the favour by lugging this back for you. But I've still got appointments later so I really can't afford to leave...
Campsite Owner: Rental's free of charge then! Have fun with it!
MC: It's alright, I can just take my time carrying it back. Thank you!
After bidding my farewells to the owner, I took the kayak with me and left the campsite.
I hadn't made it fat when my arms started feeling sore. All I could do was to put the kayak on the ground and take a short breather.
As I spaced out, I suddenly heard a muffled sound coming from within the depths of the forest.
My ears tuned in to the sound in full alert. Whatever that was, it was by no means small. 
Was it an animal? Or was it someone?
The crunching sound of leaves approached closer and closer. Now, I could tell without a doubt that those footsteps were most definitely human. And it sounded a little rushed; panicked, even.
Feeling a little uneasy, I couldn’t help but stand back up.
Then, a familiar figure emerged from the dense forest.
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MC: …Evan!?
He seemingly breathes out a long sigh of relief upon spotting me. He quickly strode up to me.
Evan: I finally found you, at least.
Evan: I woke up in the morning to find you missing, and you never picked up even when I called. I was worried sick.
He looked as calm and unruffled as ever at first glance. The only difference was that he seemed a little out of breath.
This place isn’t close to our campsite at all. How long has he been searching for me out in the woods?
Thinking about it made me feel a little guilty.
I ended up telling him briefly about the unexpected situation I’d encountered in the commercial camp and everything before that.
MC: I left really early. I initially thought that I’d be back before you woke up, but I never thought that I’d take that long to get back...
MC: I’ve been busy this entire time so I didn’t have the time to check my phone. Sorry for worrying you.
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Evan: It's okay. Just… Don't leave my side without saying anything next time, alright?
I nodded and lowered my eyes in embarrassment. Unexpectedly, I then noticed that he’d buttoned a button near the hem of his dress shirt wrong.
Having never seen Evan disregard his appearance in this manner before, I very nearly failed to suppress my snort of laughter.
Evan: Hm? What's the matter?
I shook my head, undoing that button and rebuttoning it right. It was only then that he noticed his slight gaffe. He laughed at his own mistake.
Evan: …Thank you.
Looking into his eyes, I couldn't hold back the urge to ask him the one thing that had been nagging at my mind.
MC: This place is not anywhere close to our campsite. How did you know I was here?
Evan: I couldn't contact you in the morning, so I searched around the tent to see if you left anything resembling a note behind.
Evan: I remembered that you seemed interested in this place when we passed by it yesterday, so I thought that maybe this was where you'd gone.
I hadn’t expected him to see completely through me as he cast a glance at the kayak on the ground.
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MC: *Sigh* Why did you figure everything out like that? I wanted to surprise you!
Evan: Don't worry about it. This is also a surprise in and of itself, don't you think? Thank you for all the effort you've put in.
Evan: It feels pretty good to have your wish granted by someone else.
He gently took my hand in his, enveloping my palm in his bigger one, transmitting his unusual body warmth.
Evan: But I also want you to know that just you being by my side's more than enough for me.
My train of thought was disrupted by his tender gaze, making it hard for me to gather my thoughts together.
MC: But I don't think that's enough.
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MC: You’re always taking care of others and listening to their wishes, but you can’t forget yourself and your wishes.
MC: I want to hear more of your wishes. You can always be a little greedier when you’re with me, Evan...
He looked at me for a fleeting second before suddenly closing in on me. He only stopped when my figure was completely enshrouded within his shadow.
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Evan: Then, can I be greedy one last time?
MC: Huh…?
Not waiting for me to give him an answer, he advanced a step forwards, pulling me into a hug.
His arms were solidly wound around me, and the fragrance of wormwood that came with his embrace was lasting and stronger than ever.
The strength behind his action made it hard for me to reject him, hard for me to escape. 
Oddly enough, I felt a little intoxicated by it, slowly closing my eyes.
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The next day, early morning. I woke up to the melodious singing of birds.
Evan was already awake, neatly dressed and sitting on the folded chair at the entrance, sipping on a cup of coffee.
Evan: Good morning. Sleep well last night?
MC: Brilliantly! I was so tired from walking so long yesterday that I fell asleep the moment my head met the pillow.
MC: Oh, right. It’ll take quite a long time to go back where we came, so let’s eat something, pack up, and leave as soon as possible!
Evan set his cup of coffee down,
Evan: Aren’t you forgetting something?
MC: Huh?
Evan: I recall you wanting to see bamboo piths, but we have yet to see any.
I froze, awkwardly laughing it off
That had originally been an excuse to get him outside and I’d totally forgotten about it.
MC: Hehe. I’m not that adamant about seeing bamboo piths.
MC: I only said that back then as an excuse to get you out so that you can relax.
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MC: I heard that you had things rather rough before that so I was a little worried about you.
He looked slightly surprised. Then, he lowered his eyes, a warm smile catching onto the sides of his mouth.
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Evan: So it was because of me.
Evan: Thank you for accompanying me here. I’m certainly much more relaxed now.
MC: But considering how you were previously… Are you really okay?
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Evan: Yes. It’s probably not as bad as you’re thinking. I was just thinking about some old people and old things and felt a little glum about it.
Evan: I never thought that I’d end up alarming others.
MC: Why am I “others” now?
MC: Don’t bottle your troubles up to solve them yourself. You need to remember to share them with people close to you as well!
Evan: Okay. I will keep that in mind.
I still didn’t know what he was troubled by, but I suppose this was still within my expectations.
From my impression of him, he has always been strong. It was almost as if he was shouldering a mission that no one knew about, walking down a similarly obscured path.
After finishing breakfast, we packed and prepared to leave the forest.
We idly chatted with each other along the way until suddenly, Evan stopped short while we were passing through an area.
Following his gaze, I saw a unique-looking umbrella-shaped thing growing within the shrubbery’s shade.
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Evan: See? We still managed to chance upon it.
MC: Wow, are all of these bamboo piths?
We walked over together, squatting beside the small white fungi.
It had a small black cap and had grown out a long white mesh skirt.
This was the first time I ever saw a bamboo pith growing in the soil. I widened my eyes in surprise, unwilling to blink as I drank in the sight. After observing it for a while, I finally raised a finger, reaching out to touch its “skirt”.
MC: It’s so wet and soft-looking! It’s adorable! Have you seen it before, Evan?
MC: I can’t believe you managed to recognize it at a glance!
Evan: Yes. It was back during the first time I’d been driven into the forest as a child.
Evan: I witnessed the law of the jungle and escaped from the jaws of death of a snake. I felt like the forest was a place filled with danger and wanted nothing but to leave the place the faster, the better.
Evan: Then, just as I was hungry and exhausted, I saw a bamboo pith.
Evan: At that time, I didn’t know what it was and if it was actually poisonous.
Evan: Deep in the throes of despair, I thought “why not just take it, eat it, and see what my fate turns out to be”?
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MC: Evan…
Evan: But guess what I saw while I was hesitating?
Evan: I saw it growing its fungus skirt. All it took was a little effort on its part, and its little skirt grew longer and longer.
Evan: I stared at it blankly, in a daze. I didn’t even notice that my legs had gone numb from how long I’d stared at it.
He retracted himself from his memory palace, turning around to face me with a smile.
Evan: It was as simple as a little young lady, capable of encouraging me with its adorability and enchantments.
Evan: It made me understand that forest, in all its gloom and doom, still has its own little interesting spots.
Evan: And that one is only capable of seeing it by living on, don’t you think?
His expression was quiet, but within those calm eyes of his, I could see that little boy who’d struggled his hardest to remain strong. I felt my heart constrict slightly at that and moved to hold his hand tightly in my own.
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MC: Evan, that’s all in the past. You’re no longer that helpless little boy.
Evan: No, I’m fine.
Evan: I might have forgotten even this if we hadn’t seen the bamboo piths today.
Evan: It feels a little unbelievable when I think back on it now. It was a memory plagued by darkness, yet it still held its own beautiful moments.
I felt a pang of sorrow creep into my heart. Words of comfort were right at the tip of my tongue, yet I felt like they’d be completely helpless.
This man before me, strong as a warrior; someone who’d been forced to face life-or-death decisions from a very young age… Maybe he wasn’t as complicated as I initially thought he was.
There are many reasons why one would choose death, but to choose life? The reason was simple; just a little spark was required, and Evan was no exception.
MC: I forgot who said it, but someone once said that the meaning of existence that people spend their entire lives seeking out is actually hidden in the simple things.
MC: Evan, won’t you say that you might end up thinking similarly as well one day?
MC: You might not be able to find it immediately, but that’s fine. I will accompany you in your search for it, no matter how long it takes.
Evan fixed me with a profound look before stretching out his hand and reverently crossing it over my own.
Evan: Alright. Together we shall be.
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✥ Choose your Ending:
END 1 | Choice: Do Nothing [都不做]
END 2 +3 + 4 | Choice: Call Out [呼唤] ⊹Speak⊹
END 4 + 6 | Choice: Approach [亲近] ⊹Touch⊹
END 7 + 8 | Choice: Heart-throb [心动] ☆Light & Night★
❖☆————— ⊹ For Night, For Revolution⊹ —————★❖
Previous Part: (Prologue)
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kaijurakunsobs · 3 years
Mr. Malum
master list for this series
this took me far too long to complete, I keep getting sidetracked with other stuff...I need to work on a schedule, that I will ignore, cuz I have the attention span of a boiled rock.
this chapter has a different name due to the song Mr. Malum from the Dear Hunter, being the only thing I would think of while typing this chapter
Summary: Heisenberg has a secret that he clearly intends on keeping for himself but honoring your own word of not working for him unless you know what's going on with his factory, you offer him a deal that could benefit you both. A trip to the village, distrust dripping for these people's faces, and the whispers filled with fear is enough for you to learn that...Mr. Heisenberg and the other Lords are more than what they seem.
"Rise and shine, sweetheart! we have a lot of work to do today" Heisenberg screams, throwing the door of your room open, making you sit and scream in surprise, the sound of his laughter is enough to cut your fear short and replace it with humiliation.
Before you can even respond the man is out and waiting in the kitchen, at least, he gave you time to compose yourself, running your fingers through your tangled hair and cursing yourself for going to sleep with damp hair, the tossing and turning did nothing to help, making the rat's nest that's your hair so much worst. Perhaps you should consider cutting it short, that would make it more manageable.
Joining him in the kitchen it's strange, half hoping to be met with his usual snark, instead, he's drinking coffee and looking over some papers, another mug has been placed on the table, the acrid smell of black coffee incites you to get close and take the warm mug in your hands, the taste is strong and it's enough to fully wake you up.
"We are going to be working on the west wing, some of the vents have been giving problems which is making the place overheat" a blueprint it's pushed towards you, the areas to be inspected are circled with red pen. "Since you are a lot slimmer, you will be getting into some hard to access places, keep the print, that way you will know what to fix"
Looking down at the print, you contemplate your situation.
It's, quite clear, that you can't escape, he said so yesterday, talking about the possibility of Miranda killing you or him catching you before she did. You can't refuse to work for him either, even after you told him you wouldn't do it until you knew what was going on in the factory, and it seems he decided to politely forget about that part of the conversation. There's no way out of this...but there's a way to try and twist his arm.
After all, you are not stuck here with him, he's stuck in here with you.
Putting down the mug, taking a moment to stretch your back and casually take a seat across from him "Yeah, this? sounds like a you problem" resting your head on your hands gives you the right amount of time to see him go from triumphant into anger "However! I'm willing to strike you a deal"
Father was a man who cared for his employees and sometimes caring for others means being, rather, unfair with those seeking to start a partnership, or so he said. "You have to assess how desperate you are when they come looking for you, but never push too hard on your luck, or you might lose the perfect cath, ask for realistic demands never for the Sun", those were his words, and you will be forever grateful for them.
" A deal?" leaning closer to you he looks at you from above his shades, a mocking smile on his face "What kind of deal are you offering? you have nothing to offer and I have everything you could want"
"Oh! but I do have a lot to offer, years of experience as a mechanic, the promise of optimizing your production rate, my family's factory for you to dismantle and get spare parts from...my silence?"
At that, he straightens up, face unreadable and impassive, hes thinking and considering. And you know it by watching him light up a cigar slowly, taking a couple of drags before expelling a large smoke cloud up to the ceiling. "I'm listening"
"Excellent, my demands are easy to meet, so don't worry" with careful movements you get up from the chair, unhurried steps carrying to stand behind him, snaking your hands up his arms and towards his shoulders, bending down to place your head close to his "All I ask from you is this, fitting clothes, a pair of gloves like yours and a leather apron, an actual bed, for you to repair the hot water, and have my own set of tools" you smile sweetly at him letting your right hand play with his hair "See? nothing too hard to get"
He's impressed with your boldness, not fearing getting your pretty hand burned with his cigar and pressing that delicious body of yours so close to him. And, indeed, your demands are nothing but reasonable compared to the blind devotion and absolute silence he's expecting from you, let alone, access to whatever is left from your factory.
The next time he expels smoke he does it in your direction, getting no reaction of you "And how do I know that you won't try and rat me out, doll? just trust your word and give you everything you want? I think I'll pass and just force you to do it"
"Well, I understand, it doesn't matter that I'm a woman of my word, words can be twisted and forgotten, sir. But...if you don't feel comfortable with a verbal agreement"
Your next move is not just bold, and you know it, you are weaponizing your own body, using it to make him lower his guard a little. Letting go of his shoulder to sit on his lap, back towards him, taking your sweet time to grab one of the paper sheets where he was jolting down notes and his pen. "We can do a contract if you prefer, that way I will be legally bound to do whatever it says and since you are a Lord, it will be just a formality"
There's a moment where you feel like gagging when his hands find your hips and push you to be closer to his body, it's his time to rest his head on your shoulder, looking at whatever you plan on writing down.
"Then do it, darlin'. Do your silly contract, which I expect you to abide by because I will do my part if that means I get to have you like this always"
"Of course, my Lord"
Immediately after you start writing down a rather simple contract, making sure to write everything you want and what you will be giving in return. The whole time he stays still, occasionally moving his head to blow the smoke away for you or the table in general, one hand squeezing your hip.
You are careful when offering the pen for him to sign the paper, tactfully placing your hand as to obscure a piece of the pact, he either doesn't care or thinks you are doing it to prevent the paper from slipping and messing his signature. Once he's done you sign quickly, smiling inwardly at your victory.
"Let me read this you" clearing your throat you begin to speak clearly and loud "I, Lord Karl Heisenberg, in full use of my mental capabilities, promise Miss Y/N L/N, to fulfill the following...One, provide her with proper clothing, which shall include a leather apron, heavy-duty gloves, and boots...Two, a bed and blankets for her to sleep in, making sure to place the bed in her bedroom...Three, acquire a new complete toolset for her...Four, repair the faulty got water pipe in the bathroom..."
The pause is done on purpose, looking at him over your shoulder to see his shit-eating grin morph into either confusion or anger "FIVE...make sure the kitchen is well stocked with all kinds of food, to ensure proper nourishment for my employee. The employee won't be expected to cook meals for me"
The hand on your hip shoots up to grab your neck, forcing you to be fully against him, his breath fans over the side of your face as he speaks "You little bitch, who do you think you are trying to swindle? you asked for four things, not five"
"Did I? I don't remember saying just four, sir...that's why contracts are so useful you see, after all, words can be twisted and forgotten" there's a small adrenaline rush when he growls so close to you, that you can feel the vibrations against your chest, almost crying out with joy when he let you go, clearly annoyed with your small victory.
"Fine, if that's the case!" his rudeness comes back with a vengeance when he pulls you off, doing quick work of walking to his room "Stay where you are" after that, only the distant lull of the machines can be heard, then there's the sound of his voice, almost whispering and growing slowly irritated by the second. It takes him a couple of minutes but he comes backs, dropping a bag full of money on the table.
"Since you are so hellbent on these demands of yours...and I have so much to do, for the foreseeable future, YOU are going down to the village, look for and get the seamstress to take your measurements, YOU are going to the Duke and buy whatever food we might need and tell him what tools you need, YOU are bringing said groceries from his Emporium all the way here, after all, your contract says I have to provide with clothing, food and put a bed in your toom, which means, it's YOUR responsibility to buy and transport the food while all I have to do is provide you with the money"
He got you...and he got you good, that's why making detailed contracts is always important, or you leave legal windows for the other party.
"Or...I can do all that for you, minus the clothes, if you sleep in my bed from now" his smile is wolfish and nasty, eyeing you the same way a starving dog would look at a defenseless chicken, it makes you question your flirting tactics from earlier, but you won't let him win.
"Well, you are right, I never said you needed to bring the groceries here" quickly you snatch the money from the table, getting up and walking to the door as if he didn't say anything about sharing his bed "I shall take my leave and come back before lunch, have a good day, sir!"
The door opens and with a side glance, you take his coat from the hook on the wall, scurrying off before he can say or do anything about it, almost bolting through the factory into the main entrance, afraid he will catch up with you and send you out into the freezing weather with nothing to shield you from it.
The trek down into the Village is something terrible, the terrain is irregular and some of the cobblestone steps are loose, trying to make a mental note of anything that might make you trip on your way back becomes a game, occasionally kicking some of the stones away and praying that you might now slip and fall.
You only stop to look at the 4 statues located past the bridge, taking a bit to admire the enormous things, their rotten features that have been consumed by the elements, and the weather, there's a pedestal of some sort in the middle but nothing else, following the path you find yourself looking at the Duke, slowly dozing off sitting inside his cart and his merchandise im plain view. The sound of your boots against the floor and snow, alert him of your presence.
"Ah! but it isn't our lovely Y/N, did Lord Heisenberg sent you for something, or are you here to acquire something for yourself?" hes already rubbing his hands together looking at you with interest
"You know me so well! I do come to run some...errands...Heisenberg set me to find the seamstress and to get groceries, his entire kitchen is empty, also, to place an order for me!"
The man laughs at your expression filled with pride, trying to uncover what or how you managed to get out of the factory on your second day there, smiling approvingly at whatever trick you used. "Of course, of course! tell me more about your shopping needs and I shall have them covered in no time"
"Oh, I wanted to know if I could write you a list and come back for the groceries on my way back?"
"Whatever you might need, miss Y/N" He's quick into offering you a pen and notepad, remarking the importance of treating all his customers with great care, and prideful of his service.
It takes you a bit to write down everything the kitchen lacks off and placing the order for your tools, gloves, and boots your size, acting a bit selfish by asking him to get you soap. The Duke reassures you that he will have your order as soon as possible and your groceries packed by the time you come back.
"Before I leave, by any chance do you know where I can find the seamstress? Heisenberg sent me out and told me to ask around...the prick"
"I do, it's an easy trip just go through that door and walk until you see the Maiden of War, a statue of a woman with a sword, easy to see! from it go west into the village and look for a house with teal walls, or simply ask for Sabina's house, but be careful Y/N, the people there might not take kindly to your presence"
The Duke was right, as soon as you enter the village, people start to stare and talk in low voices as you walk past them, you can hear them call you "Lord Heisenberg's bride" which makes you scrunch up your nose, others are more concerned of your status as an outsider and the small group of people praising Mother Miranda for giving you a home in this place. At the mention of her name, you have to force down the taste of vile down your throat and keep on walking to Sabina's place.
The house is easy to spot in the sea of gloomy colors, the teal exterior pops like a sore thumb, it's clear the house has seen better days, but you are no one to comment on the current state of the place, limiting yourself to knock on the door and wait for a response.
Sabina is, probably, no older than you, but the expression lines and tiredness of her face make her look a lot older, as soon as she sees you, she ushers you inside, eyes glued to the floor and speaking softly...she's scared of you.
"I was asked by Lord Heisenberg to come, he told me..."
"YES! I...I was made aware of your need for clothes and something like an apron, I received a call from the Chruch and expected you a bit earlier, now im afraid this order might be too hurried" fear masked as anger, you know about that, that's the only thing you have felt lately "please strip down so I can properly measure you"
The woman moves quickly, retrieving her tape and something to write on, while you are shedding the coat, pants, and boots off, leaving only the shirt on.
When she comes back you see her grimace and reach out for the shirt, out of instinct you slap her hand away, the terror in her eyes growing and becoming a burden that makes her freeze in her spot, making you feel a bit of guilt for causing her to do that face. "...Im sorry, I don't feel comfortable with people seeing me in my underwear"
Sabina only nods, trembling hands reaching out to start the process of taking every measurement required to make your new clothes, taking a second you jolt down each number and asking you what kind of fabric you would like for the pants and shirts, if the apron will need pockets and how many, any special requirements she should be aware of.
"Cotton undershirts" you blur out, avoiding to look at Sabina "I...need undershirts that are of a soft material" unconsciously reaching to touch your left side, the woman seems to understand, adding the undershirts to the list.
"I will have everything in the next four days if that's ok with the Lady, if not, I could have it done by tomorrow morning"
"No...four days is ok, how much do I owe you?" you ask absent-mindedly, dressing quickly to avoid losing any more body heat.
Sabina, who was halfway through putting her take away, stops to look at you, an uncomfortable expression on her face followed by a forced smile "I'm just pleased to serve the Heisenberg house, my lady"
You begin to protest but Sabina starts to push you out of the door, talking over you loudly, repeating like crazy how honored she feels, and for you to have a nice day, slamming her door shut and leaving you confused out in the snow.
This time, people avoid you, ducking their heads down, bowling lightly, and muttering praises to have someone from the Heisenberg house come to the village, but all of them speak with reverence, terrified of your existence. Miranda made you feel like a thing and these people make you feel like if you could kill them where they stand any minute now, like you are above them and more important. It's disgusting.
"Did you had a good time with the villagers, miss Y/N?"
"No!? Duke, it was horrible, the way people looked at me like if I was either a God or the Devil himself, it gave me your creeps" you are so lost looking at the crates, sacks, and bags that you have to carry back, that you don't notice him twistedly smile at you "What is wrong with these people?"
"We all need to believe in something, this village, just happens to believe in the protection and love of Mother Miranda and her lords and ladies, divine beings on Earth, but you might be right, perhaps it's not a godly figure what they're chasing after, but the devil" this time you do see him smile, the jolly man from last night is gone, replaced by a being of mischief and secrets that makes your skin crawl.
Hurriedly you pick up everything and balance it all in your arms, finding a way to trust the bag full of lei into his waiting hands and bolt it back into the fabric, distantly hearing him laugh over the sound of your pounding heart.
You only stop right in the middle of all the four statues you saw that morning, uneasiness nestling inside you...just what is going here? what are the lords of this place and why is everyone so panicked by them? why would anyone feel love for a monster like Miranda?
Wondering, if you did the right thing by making a deal with Heisenberg, knowing, he might be the devil incarnate.
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nano--raptor · 4 years
come back, come back to me
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Words: 1772
Warnings: Smut, sex, masturbating, porn without plot, maybe the tiniest plot if you squint, alcohol mention, Bucky being way too goddamn sexy, as per usual.
A/N: Hello lovelies, welcome to another smutty drabble written for @the-ss-horniest-book-club with the prompt below! Thank you @prunes-said-bucky​ for all your delicious prompts, we love them! Enjoy, thank you so much for reading!😘
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He was driving you crazy. It’d been a few months since you’d last slept with anyone and today of all days it was really hitting you. It was a regular Friday night at the compound, and most of you were home from the latest mission and able to relax together with a laid back evening and drinks. Everything had been normal, except for some reason Bucky looked extra rugged and extra sexy, and you just couldn’t stop the dirty thoughts about him. 
The two of you had hooked up casually before, and normally you didn’t find yourself feeling so horny, but tonight everything he did had you inwardly groaning and squeezing your thighs together.
It was easy to excuse yourself from the party feigning a headache, you were sure you’d been making pained expressions all night, and after finishing your drink you set the glass on the bar and made your way back to the living quarters. Tonight, however, you went straight to Bucky’s room, still having a key that he’d never asked you to return.. 
You let yourself in and stood for a moment in the stillness, letting your eyes adjust and sighing at the calm, comforting scent of his apartment. You kicked off your shoes and tiptoed through the living room, slowly pushing his bedroom door open. A small moan actually left your mouth and you couldn’t help but crawl into his bed, burying under the blankets. His scent surrounded you, it was intoxicating, and while it helped momentarily, it did nothing to quench your thirst. Thankfully he’d probably find you soon, and then, well, you didn’t have a plan for what would happen then. But you were sure you’d be able to figure something out.
After what seemed like an eternity, even though it was probably only an hour, you heard the apartment door open and Bucky shuffle in, then the sound of it closing. Complete silence followed, and then the bedroom door was slowly pushed open, Bucky having silently crossed his suite upon realizing he wasn’t alone. His stealth gave you shivers and he chuckled, a low sound, that filled the room and nearly made you shiver again.
“Did we switch rooms without me knowing? Or did you get lost? Or,” his voice trailed off and he approached the bed, pushing the blanket back just enough to cup your face. “Or are you exactly where you want to be?” His voice washed over you like honey, low and thick and oh so sinful.
You internally slapped yourself at the soft whine that left your throat from his touch, it’d just been so long. Bucky simply hummed and striped his tshirt off, crawling in next to you and hauling you into his arms. He held you tightly and kissed you hard, knowing exactly what you needed. You melted into him, moaning into his mouth, desperate for his touch. When you finally parted, you were gasping and breathless.
“Bucky I’m sorry, I-” He stopped you with another, gentler kiss, and pulled back to look at your face in the darkness.
“It’s alright doll, you don’t have to apologize.” You smiled softly and trailed a finger along his stubbled jawline.
“I’ve missed you. And I really, really need you right now.”
“I’ve missed you too, darlin’. But I will say that I can't be held liable for things that happen to women I find in my bed.” You could see his grin even in the dark. He was hard against your thigh, and his hands slipped under your shirt, setting your skin on fire as he rubbed them up your back. You didn’t even realize you were whining out loud until Bucky chuckled again, lifting your shirt over your head and tossing it aside. He easily unbuttoned your jeans and pushed them down over your hips before rolling you onto your back and kissing you hard again. He rolled his hips against yours, the bulge in his jeans grinding into your core and you actually gasped out loud and the delicious friction. His lips moved down to attack your throat, licking and sucking the delicate skin, still rocking his hips against you. He must be able to feel your wet heat through the fabric of your underwear. The thought made you shiver.
Bucky sat back on his heels just out of your reach, his eyes watching yours while slowly dragging the fly on his jeans down. Your eyes followed his fingers and your mouth went dry when he reached into his boxers to pull himself out. His hand wrapped around his cock, thick and hard, already leaking at the tip, and you wanted him to push that tip into you so badly that you can't help but squirm while you watched. Thinking about the way he'd stretch you made you moan and you run your hands over your body, craving his touch. Bucky smirked and stroked himself slowly.
"What's wrong baby girl?" he cooed, slowly working his fist over himself, squeezing the bright red tip, and back down again.
"I want you to touch me," you whined. He bit his lip as you ran your hands over your stomach and hips, down onto your thighs. His eyes flashed as he held your gaze, his voice low, husky, and shooting straight to your core.
"Why don't you touch yourself doll?" You stared for a moment, nibbling your lips, before giving him your sultriest smile and slowly pushing your panties down. Trailing your hands back up your thighs you ghosted them between your legs, spreading yourself open and slipping them into your wetness. Closing your eyes you moaned quietly as you stroked yourself, hearing a groan from Bucky too as he watched.
It didn’t take long to lose yourself in your own touch, your legs falling open and fingers moving expertly around your pussy, stroking from your entrance to your clit and back again. It felt damn good, and normally thoughts of Bucky watching or touching you would be enough to get you going, but tonight he was right fucking here, and you were needy as fuck, and all of it was making your whole body prickly, arousal shooting through the roof.
“Fuck doll you need to be in my bed more often. Look at you,” Bucky’s voice almost sounded strained, he was just as turned on as you were, the bed shaking from the steady motions of his fist over his cock. The wobble slowed and you felt him shifting, crawling closer to you. You continued your languid strokes, but a gasp interrupted your sighs when you felt cold metal fingers dance along the inside of your thigh.
“Look at my horny and sex starved little doll. You’re dripping onto my sheets.” He was right. You could feel your arousal dripping down but you didn’t care, it felt so good, everything was so soft and swollen and wet that it just made you feel more desperate. Your breath caught as his fingers brushed yours, flicking them quickly through your folds and then pulling away again. You forced your eyes open just in time to see him raise his fingers to his mouth, licking them clean, before reaching down again to swipe at the droplets that had dripped down from your entrance. Your fingers slowed, unable to take your eyes off his lips as he sucked his fingers clean again. The thought of him tasting you made a whine pull from the back of your throat, and suddenly you couldn’t think of anything other than him. Now.
Grasping the back of his neck you pulled him closer, but instead of kissing him you raised your other hand to his lips and he sucked your fingers into his mouth without hesitation, holding your gaze again while he licked your juices off of them. As soon as he finished he crashed his mouth to yours in a messy, desperate, open mouthed kiss, shoving his jeans down and kicking them off. You could taste yourself on his tongue and if you weren’t already throbbing with want, you’d want that heavy cock in your mouth first, but for tonight that would have to wait. Bucky crawled over you, brushing his tip against your pussy, and he shifted to raise one of your legs up, his hand smoothly firmly along your thigh. He held it and pulled back just enough so he could watch your face as he finally sunk into you. “Ohh yeah baby, just like that sweetheart.” He felt so fucking good that you were moaning and fluttering around him already, adjusting to the size and the stretch and the feeling of finally having him inside you. You threw your head back, clutching his shoulders and rocking your hips as best you could, trying to get him to move and set a rhythm.
“Please Bucky,” you breathed. “Fuck me.” Then you felt his mouth on yours again, smirking, and chuckling, turning to a grunt as he thrust into you, setting a rough pace. Having your leg raised gave him the perfect angle to get seemingly as deep as possible, and soon you were crying out as every single thrust drove him into that one perfect spot that made you see stars.
“Buck - Bucky, ahhhh, fuck, you feel amazing.” One of your hands found its way into his hair and you clutched a handful, tugging on it tightly, making Bucky hiss.
“You too doll, fucking hell,” You could tell he was close, his thrusts becoming more desperate as he chased that release. Yours was building too, every drive of his cock pounding into you pushing you closer and closer to that edge. You needed it, almost more than you needed air, and it wasn’t long before Bucky was slamming into you, suddenly stilling as he throbbed inside you, his hot cum painting your walls. You’re pretty sure you actually screamed as you came too, soaking him, clinging to him as you rode out the waves of your orgasm, rocking back and forth together.
Fuck, you’d missed this. You’d missed him.
After coming down from your high, the two of you lay tangled up together, a sweaty and panting mess. You wanted to ask him why you’d never been more than just a hookup, but at the same time you didn’t quite want to go there just yet.
“Hmm?” He sounded relaxed and sleepy, and it made you smile to yourself in the dark.
“If I were to show up in your bed more often, what would you say?” Bucky nuzzled into your neck, pulling you even tighter against himself.
“I’d say hell yeah doll. Right where you belong.”
Tags! ❤️ @sfreeborn​ @jobean12-blog​ @crushedbyhyperbole​ @mannatgalhotra​ @bubbabarnes @buckysthing​ @marvelgirl7​ @ikaris-whore​ @aesthetical-bucky​​ @littleredstarfish​ @godofplumsandthunder​ @winterboobear11​ @stuckyinamoose​ @our-whitetulips-us​ @throwmyheartawayagain​ @cristie24​ @jesslovesyouall @buckybarney @my-own-private-library​ @hawksmagnolia​ @peaceinourtime82​ @infinity-saga​ @kenzieam​ @sallycanwait68​ @hailmary-yramliah​ @ballyhoobarnes​ @earthworthies​ @tinymalscoffee​ @this-kitten-is-smitten​ @buckosawrus​ @thefandomimagines​ @kianifan​
723 notes · View notes
neonun-au · 4 years
rum, eggnog, and an accidental confession | nakamoto yuta
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pairing: yuta x reader genre: friends to lovers, fake dating au warnings: none word count: 4.2k
for @nct-writers​ NeoHoliday Writing Fest~ Finished it barely on time, I blame night shifts
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The snow falls in a blanket of white outside your window, obscuring the view of downtown outside your apartment windows. You sit on the edge of your bed, phone to your ear--suitcase still sitting empty next to you after three hours of failed attempts at packing--listening as your mom drones on about the goings-on at home. You try and formulate some excuse to stay in the city for the holidays. Some reason viable enough to get out of going back home and listening to every member of your family criticize your life and choices instead of working on their own. 
Work obligations? Too obvious, your mom would never let you live it down. 
The weather is too bad to make the drive home? If it keeps snowing like it is currently, it might actually turn into reality. But as it stands now, she would never buy it. 
You grit your teeth and prepare for the inevitable. Another Christmas spent in a haze of mulled wine and brandy, stuffing cookies into your face to avoid as much conversation with your aunts and uncles as possible over dinner. 
“Your brother is bringing his new girlfriend this year, too. They seem very happy together,” the shift in topic breaks through your fog of swirling regrets and you blink to attention, dreading the trajectory your mom is now heading down. 
“That’s good for him, Mom, I’m excited to meet her.” you sigh, silently pleading for her to drop the topic for once.
“It’s too bad you don’t have a boyfriend you could bring, _____.” 
“Mom,” you warn, trying to cut her off before she can begin the same familiar tirade about your love life.
“I just want you to be happy, honey,” she starts and you think that might be the end of the topic for once before a burst of inspiration flows into her voice, “but you know, we’re having a hall party this year and that boy you dated in high school will be there, what was his name again?” 
“Mark,” you supply the name, inwardly groaning. You nod along as she plans out the big reunion with your first boyfriend. Someone that you know full well has a girlfriend and absolutely no interest in rekindling anything with you even if you were interested. 
“Mom,” you break through her monologue, “I’m fine, really. I’m happy. I’ll call you before I leave tomorrow, okay?” You say your goodbyes and end the call, flopping back onto your bed with a sigh before picking the phone back up and scrolling through your contacts. 
Yuta, please kill me
No can do, ______. Why so dramatic? 
Mom grilling you again? 
Over. A. Fire. 
Want some moral support? Wine?
Yes pls. Both.
Be right there
Tossing the phone back onto your comforter, you set to work throwing some items into your suitcase. A few shirts, pyjama pants, jeans, and undergarments all tossed haphazardly into the awaiting vessel--a visual representation of your life staring up at you mockingly in a mess of fabric. A knock sounds at your door and you abandon your efforts, letting Yuta into your apartment and accepting the outstretched bottle of wine in his hands with a grateful smile. 
Your friendship had started in your Earth Sciences course at university when you ended up as lab partners--both equally as clueless about the properties of rock and stone. But you managed to squeak by without too much damage to the samples, and had forged an unexpected bond in the meantime. Everything about Yuta just fit. His optimism and love for life and people balanced your nervous disposition well. You went to the same concerts, shared the same taste in books, and had the same favourite wine. Everything about it just felt right. 
In the beginning, your other friends had been convinced that you would start dating. If you were being entirely honest, a part of you had hoped for that as well. A part of you that watched him through a haze of wine and marvelled at the sparkling depths of his brown eyes, or the slight upturn of his lips. A bigger part of you, however, was afraid. Afraid of losing a friendship that felt so integral and comfortable. So you settled on friends and chose to ignore the way your heart would occasionally race when he brushed up against your arm, or pushed a strand of hair behind your ear. 
“So, what was the lecture today? Career? Money? Love?” Yuta asks, pouring a healthy amount of wine into your glass before filling his own. 
“My brother, apparently, has a girlfriend he is bringing to Christmas,” you sigh. “So selfish of him, he should have stayed single so the heat would be split between both of us, but now she’s trying to set me up with people from high school.” 
Yuta nods in contemplation, glancing at you over the rim of his wine glass. “Just lie,” he shrugs, “tell her you’re seeing someone.” 
“You don’t know my Mom,” the wine hits your taste buds in a wash of relief--bitter tannins matching your bitter mood. “She’s like a bloodhound, she’ll sniff out my singlehood in a second. What are your plans for Christmas?” 
“Nothing,” he shakes his head, “my family decided to go on holiday over the break and I didn’t feel like paying for the flight or resort.” 
“So you’re spending it alone?” You ask, thoughts of your own misery abandoned for a moment. 
“Yeah,” he shrugs, swirling the burgundy liquid around in his glass. “I’ll probably just stay at home.” 
“Yuta, that’s so sad.” You're not sure if it’s the wine getting to your head, or the thought of your best friend spending this holiday alone, but you feel your throat tighten. Taking another sip of wine, you try to wash down the swelling emotion. 
“I’ll be fine, _____,” he laughs, patting your hand in reassurance, “you worry about me too much.” 
“Someone needs to.” 
“If it makes you that upset,” he leans forward, eyes glinting with a familiar sheen of mischief, “then I have a proposition for you.” 
His face sits inches from yours, you feel the warmth of his breath across your face--watch as the glimmer in his eyes dances and shines in the lights of your apartment. A thread of worry builds up in your heart, “what?” 
“Take me home with you for Christmas,” he grins, and you feel your heart stop in your chest. “I won’t have to spend Christmas alone and you’ll get a pseudo-boyfriend for the holidays so you don’t have to listen to your mom nag.”
This was a bad idea. Every fibre in your being hums in fear at the thought. The feelings so carefully buried under years of platonic friendship rear their head like a dragon awakening from slumber. Fake dating? Too cliche, like something out of a Hallmark holiday movie. The girl in love with her best friend, they put up a good front for a while before they realize their feelings for each other and share a kiss on Christmas day under the falling snow. 
Except this wasn’t a movie, and you knew that kiss was not going to happen. That the only way this could possibly end was in heartbreak. 
You open your mouth, the rejection forming on your tongue, but stop short and watch as Yuta pulls back away from you. The cold air replacing the previous warmth from the proximity of his face. He sits, holding his wine glass aloft, wide smile still playing triumphantly across his face and you sigh, “okay.” 
“Really?” He laughs. Despite his pleasure at the idea, he had evidently not expected you to agree to it. 
“Yes, really,” you sigh, ignoring the chorus of screaming in your head. “Let’s do it. But,” he quirks an eyebrow as you point an accusing finger in his direction, “this is just so you don’t have to be alone on Christmas and I get a peaceful holiday for once.” 
Yuta nods gravely, holding a hand to his heart, “All for show,” he says, “I promise I won’t make you fall in love with me.” He finishes with a wink, downing the last of his wine. 
Too late, you think, reaching for the bottle to refill your own glass. 
The car slides to a stop in the snow covered driveway of your childhood home and you turn the engine off. Yuta reaches for the door handle but you stop him with a hand on his arm before he’s able to get out. “Yuta,” you shake off the edge in your voice, built up from spending the entire drive chasing your worried thoughts around in circles in your head. 
He takes your hand in his with a gentle squeeze and a soft smile before you’re able to finish the thought, “don’t worry, _____.” The warmth of his hand sinks into your heart, soothing the anxious knots in your chest like a balm. “I’ll be the perfect boyfriend,” he says with a wink before opening the door and collecting the bags from the trunk. 
“That’s what I’m worried about,” you sigh after him, stepping gingerly onto the ice-coated driveway. 
The front door opens wide with a gleeful cheer from your mom. “You made it!” She pulls you into a suffocating hug before reaching over and wrapping Yuta in a similar vice grip. “Oh, I’m so happy, ______. I don’t know why you didn’t tell me you had a boyfriend sooner, you know I can keep a secret I was just telling Aunt Martha the other day--” she continues the story, entirely disproving her point, as she ushers you into the house. 
You glance worriedly towards Yuta who simply smiles and follows your mom inside, leaving you in the wake of the greeting clutching your suitcase in hand. The weight of your decision sinks like a stone in your chest as you follow behind and listen as your mom chats happily with Yuta. The dread consumes your mind as you watch him listen in rapt attention, nodding along as she gives him a guided tour of the home, pointing to the gallery of old family photos lining the walls. 
She leads him upstairs and you follow behind. "And this was the year when _____ decided she wanted to be a witch, she wouldn't take the hat off no matter what--" 
"Mom," you warn, herding her up the rest of the stairs. 
"Oh, no need to be embarrassed, honey, it was so cute." She pats your cheek with a dismissive hand before turning her attention back to Yuta, “we had to see the principal because of it three different times.” 
"Yeah, ____, it’s cute." Yuta nudges your side with a wink, eliciting a groan of protest from you. "Besides, I was convinced I was a dinosaur when I was four."
Your mom laughs as if it's the best joke she's heard and you feel your heart constrict even tighter. The thread of your hopeless infatuation pulling taut as you catch the glimmer of mischief twinkling in Yuta's deep brown eyes. He wraps his arm around your waist and tugs you into his side--the stone sinks further into the pit of your stomach. 
"Okay, it’s so lovely to meet you, Yuta." your mom chirps, grinning at you as you stand in Yuta's embrace, "I'll leave you two lovebirds to get settled. Come down for a drink and snack whenever you're ready."
"Thanks, Mrs. _____, it’s lovely to finally meet you as well." Yuta loosens his grip around your waist, flashing a smile as he grabs the bags and hauls them into your room. 
It's been years since you last lived at home, but by the state of your bedroom it looks as though you had never left. Band posters and magazine cutouts line the walls next to old polaroids and photos of friends. Yuta sets the luggage down and leans over to examine some of the photos on the wall, a small smile tugging up the corners of his lips. 
"You never told me you played basketball," he laughs, looking at you with incredulity. For years now he’s been trying to get you to join him in some amateur sports league or another, but you maintain a staunch resistance. 
"Just for a year," you nod, sitting on the edge of your bed. "I was terrible." 
You watch as he moves around your room, eyes scanning over your entire childhood and adolescence laid bare before him. A feeling of nervousness creeps up your spine as you sit in the silence of your room--a vulnerability you haven't felt in his presence since your almost drunken confession at a party three years earlier. He smiles at a photo of you from your last year of high school before coming to sit next to you on the bed. You shift your eyes to your hands, examining the chipped nail polish adorning your fingers--unable to bring yourself to make eye contact with him. 
"Yuta," you breathe, twisting your fingers around each other. He brings a hand over yours as if to still them, thumb soothing out the nerves wound tight in your grip. "Was this a good idea?" 
"Probably not," he laughs softly, and you can't help but snort at the honesty. "If you want to stage a dramatic breakup later, we can do that." The thought sends an even stronger wave of panic coursing through your body. Even if it were just acting, you think it would likely break your heart regardless. 
"No, we're here now and I'm pretty sure my mom is in love with you already," you rub your palms flat against the thighs of your jeans--shaking off his hand in the process. "We should at least eat dinner."
"Good call.” He nods, hand flexing against his thigh. You stand and lean over to unpack your toiletries from the suitcase--missing the way his eyes linger on your back as you move from his side. 
A flurry of noise and movement downstairs pulls you and Yuta back down into the fray. You brace yourself for the incoming parade of questions and well-wishes aimed towards your facade of a relationship. Anxieties flare and you try to warn Yuta, to force him to sit down and concoct a backstory with you, but he simply smiles and tells you not to worry. That you’ve known each other long enough, you can just wing it. 
With a deep breath you descend the staircase and walk into the open arms of your family. Uncles, aunts, and brother crowd around and tug Yuta into their orbit. He falls in line seamlessly, as if these are he has known them all his life. As if he belongs here, amongst this chaos and chatter. His smile and laughter soothes your worries even as it winds the thread around your heart even tighter. 
Within minutes the meal is set out on the massive dining table and the real test begins. 
You watch and listen over a plate piled high with turkey, gravy, and vegetables as your brother and his new girlfriend regail the table with the tale of their meeting. A meet-cute in a coffee shop worthy of any romantic comedy--discovering their shared interest both in Stephen King and Americanos with far too many pumps of hazelnut syrup for anyone's good. 
They smile at each other in a mixture of embarrassment and love and you feel the bile rising in your throat knowing the questioning would inevitably turn in your direction. You pray the years of friendship will make the affection at least half as believable as the love in their eyes. At least, that it will be enough for Yuta to pretend--you know that love already exists in your own. 
"So, Yuta, how did you meet our lovely _____?" Heads turn in your direction and you reach your hand out wildly under the table--seeking out Yuta's own hand to quell your bubbling nerves. You sit frozen, feeling as though you’re about to take a test you never studied for. 
"Ah, she had the unfortunate luck of being partnered with me for our only science lab in university."
"Oh?" Shock reverberates around the table at the answer, your mom's eyes are wide with curiosity. "You've known each other for quite a long time then."
Yuta nods and you squeeze his hand, silently begging him to direct the topic of conversation elsewhere until you're able to find your voice. 
"Was this the Earth Sciences lab, _____?" Your brother asks, removing his attention from the forkful of mashed potatoes in his hand and glancing across the table towards you. 
"Yes," you reply, hesitant,unsure of why that detail might matter. 
"I remember you telling me how absolutely in love with your lab partner you were, glad to see you acted on it for once."
The memory hits you in a wave of pure horror. The first and only time you had ever told your brother about a crush. A foolish decision to trust him with something so delicate one time years ago--finally the consequences of that decision are rearing their ugly head. Your grip on Yuta's hand tightens as you scramble for a response. 
You could deny it. Say that your brother must be mistaken in his recollection, but that might only fuel to fire. Another round of teasing and ribbing from your all too eager uncles. 
You feel Yuta tense beside you, a subtle flexing of his muscles and you chance a glance in his direction. His expression is relaxed, casual. You wrench your eyes away from his and direct your gaze back towards your plate. His grip on your hand tightens, almost imperceptibly, as if he’s giving you permission to confess. To speak the words that have held their home so long in your throat without any release. 
You swallow the lump in your throat and prepare. Prepare for the end of a friendship as you once knew it. "Yeah," you laugh nervously, hoping your expression doesn't betray the fluster of emotions and thoughts swirling through your head. "I guess I finally did."
You retract your hand from Yuta's grip and dig back into your meal in an attempt to both calm the shaking and escape the familiar warmth of his touch. The conversation drifts from you, towards your uncle’s new business ventures, and you breathe a sigh of relief. Grateful that for once your family has taken the hint to drop a topic instead of sinking their teeth into it like ravenous wolves on a carcass. 
The evening passes as you walk the delicate line of trying to avoid Yuta's gaze as much as possible while also not drawing suspicion from your family. Thankfully, your mom mostly monopolizes his time by flipping through old family albums and making him promise to bring his own childhood photos next Christmas. A promise he agrees to readily when you’re out of earshot. 
You walk through the house, glass of rum and eggnog in hand--oblivious to the glances and stares Yuta throws your way as you drift in and out of his sight. 
Evening slips away into darkness and one by one your family disperses from the gathering--either to their beds upstairs or their own homes in the neighbourhood--and you're left staring blank faced at your reflection in the bathroom mirror. 
The thought of facing Yuta now without the distractions of family, food, and wine keeps you frozen in the bathroom for far too long. Held captive by your own fears. Fear of the inevitable rejection, fear of the aftermath, fear of laying next to him on your childhood bed in a cold, sleepless sweat. 
A soft knock at the door jolts you out of your spiralling thoughts; you open the door to see Yuta standing there in his pyjamas, an expression of mild concern painted on his face. "Are you okay? You've been in here a while," he brings a hand up to rest on your shoulder and you jump at the contact--deepening the crease of worry in his brow. 
"I'm fine, I’m just--" you gesture vaguely at nothing--excuses run dry. “I’m fine.” 
"If you say so," he shrugs, clearly unconvinced by your flimsy dismissal. "I can sleep on the floor if you want?" The single queen bed stares at you in all its floral robed glory and you take your lip between your teeth, worrying at the skin--an old habit you thought you were long past. 
You've spent many nights in the same bed as Yuta, usually either after a night of drinking or in an attempt to save money in an already discounted motel room during a road trip, but the thought of being so close to him now twists something inside if you. An adolescent worry at being so close to your crush. 
"No, it'll be fine" you lie, shaking your head. Yuta shrugs and slides under the comforter, holding it up for you to crawl in next to him. With a deep breath, you follow, body engulfed by the weight of the blanket and the warmth radiating off his body. "Night, Yuta," you flick the bedside lamp off and plunge yourself into the welcoming arms of darkness. 
You lay still, body tense for fear of brushing against his own accidentally. His breathing beside you is even and steady, a stark contrast to your own shaky inhalations, and you wonder briefly at how calm he is. Does he just not care? 
On one hand, the thought is a relief. The friendship might continue, unmarred at least on one side. Eventually you'll get over the pseudo-confession--push it to the back of your mind along with everything else.
On the other hand, the silence stings like that sharp pain of rejection. 
"Relax, ______," Yuta whispers into the dark, hand under the comforter moving towards your own. The familiar comfort of his grip seeking yours in an effort to soothe once more. 
"Sorry," you breathe, trying to force your body to release the tension stiffening your limbs to no avail. “Did--” you start, scrambling for a topic to alleviate the awkward silence, “did you enjoy dinner?” 
"You avoided me all night," the accusation comes finally and you brace yourself with a barricade of excuses. Yuta was rarely one to shy away from difficult conversations, a trait you usually admired but tonight for once wished he didn't have. 
"Sorry," his thumbs rubs small circles over yours and you resist both the urge to pull away and to pull yourself into him. To bury yourself and your worries into his chest. 
Yuta tugs your hand gently, a silent gesture for you to take the leap. To move closer. "Was it past tense or present tense?" He asks and you can hear a hint of hesitation in his voice, something not often there. It softens something inside of you even as the question confuses your thoughts further. 
"Were you in love with your lab partner, or are you in love with your lab partner?" Mistakenly you had thought you could get away--you could slip out of the inevitably uncomfortable conversation and pretend like nothing was different. Pretend like you always have. But Yuta doesn’t play those games. He pulls you gently, closer to his side, and you follow even while you prepare for the worst. Grateful the lights are off so he can't see the tears threatening to spill from your eyes. 
You swallow your pride, and speak the confession into his chest, "...are."
The world slows to a stop. You are keenly aware of his heartbeat as it races in his chest, the feel of his hand brushing against your arm. You can feel rather than see the wide grin as it grows across his face. "Good," he says, "because I'm also in love with my lab partner. Present tense."
The anticipation of rejection is replaced by a wave of shock as you look up at him through the dark. His face, so ingrained in your memory, swims before you in shadow as he reaches his head towards yours. You feel his breath before your lips meet, the warmth sending shivers over your whole body before finally he presses against you. Soft lips against your own, finally. You lean in eagerly, making up for all the time you've lost to fear and indecision, and Yuta laughs against you before pulling away. 
"Why didn't you say something sooner?" You ask, wrapping your arms around his waist. 
"Why didn't you?" He shrugs, as if that's answer enough. You roll your eyes and kiss him again, sinking into the feeling of reciprocated affections. "I was afraid of losing you," he whispers as you break away from each other. 
"We really are idiots aren't we?" You reply, tucking yourself back against his chest. 
"Yeah," he laughs and presses a kiss to the top of your head. “Mostly you.” 
“Wow, thanks, maybe we should stage that breakup after all,” you poke him in the sides, tension melting away into the mattress as the old familiar back and forth returns. The friendships has returned--tinted now with something more in the wake of a long overdue confession. 
“No,” he shakes his head, smoothing down your hair with his chin in the dark. “Wouldn’t want to disappoint your mom.”
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© 2020, neonun-au
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