#and instead of saying yeah sorry it's The Dread i was like oh shit i need to act happier
haven't had to make one of these for a while...
um okay anyways i'm not doing too hot mentally today!! so i'm gonna take a break for tonight and ask that you please send me Foul Legacy asks (or Arlecchino. honestly i'll take anything at this point) because lord knows i sort of need them
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wynnyfryd · 11 months
Trailer park Steve AU part 10
part 1 | part 9 | ao3
cw: recreational drinking
When they get to Eddie’s trailer, Steve’s mom is sitting on the couch, eyes unblinking as she watches the TV.
There’s just static on the screen.
“Steve?” she slurs when she finally realizes they’re there. Sways a little when she stands. There’s a dreamy quality to her voice, a blank look on her tired face: agreeable but distant, a smudge of campfire smoke curling far over the trees.
Double-dosed her pills again. Jesus Christ.
“Oh, Stevie, baby, it was just awful.” She reaches out for him, and he wishes he could find comfort in the way she cups his elbows with delicate hands. Wishes he could lean into her touch and offer comfort in return, but her tone is so dull and mild that bile rises in his throat. Chemical calm bullshit, and Steve has had enough.
“Ma, just…” he sighs, shrugging her off. Scrubs a hand over his face. Too young and too old for this. “Just go home, okay?” The street is quiet again, all the neighbors tucked back in their houses now that the show has run its course. He doesn’t think anyone will notice her stumbling across the road. “Get some rest. I’ll be over in a bit.”
“Sure, baby.” He leads her to the door, and she turns there on the threshold, eyes glassy and unfocused; looks through him like he’s a ghost. Then her gaze shifts around the room — the hats, the mugs, the clutter; the lived-in explosion of color that Steve’s annoyed he likes so much — like she’s just seeing it all for the first time, and absently, she murmurs, “This place is dreadful, isn’t it?”
“Hmm?” she asks, but she’s already drifting out the door.
Steve’s face is on fire. He stands there for a moment, just staring dumbly out into the dark. What the hell is wrong with her??
Behind him, Eddie snorts. "Oh, she’s on the good shit, huh?”
Steve whips his head around. Eddie’s eyes are full of mirth, his dimple peeking out, and it startles a laugh out of Steve. He thinks maybe he’d take offense if he weren't so busy being mortified.
But also, like.
It is a little funny.
Or maybe it’s so unfunny that it circles back around.
“Jesus, man,” he huffs, “Sorry. I don’t— I don’t know why she…”
“S’fine,” Eddie says with a casual flick of his wrist. Seems like he means it. He rocks back on his heels, hands in his back pockets, just sort of eyeing Steve up. Assessing. Running his tongue over his lips. They're big, for a guy's. “…You want a beer?”
“Fuck.” That sounds so nice. “Yeah. Please.”
“Have a seat.”
Steve takes the offer when Eddie nods at the couch, too tired to do the whole song and dance of ‘oh heavens no, I couldn’t possibly impose.’ Who’s got the energy for that?
The couch is old. His skull thuds against the un-cushioned back when he sinks down into it, but he’s too tired to care. Worn out as the lumpy springs under his ass, the frayed fabric beneath his arm. A wave of exhaustion rattles his bones, reverberates in his teeth. He thinks he could sleep for sixteen years.
Eddie clears his throat when he comes back with the beers, a sudden cautiousness about him as he hands Steve an unopened can like Steve might claw him in return.
"Sit down," Steve rolls his eyes. "I'm not gonna bite."
Eddie makes a strangled noise. The springs bounce as he plops onto the seat beside Steve, sitting sideways with one leg up on the couch between them, his arm resting on the back. "So, ah...." He gives a wavering chuckle; pulls a lock of hair across his face to hide himself. "Is this the part where I formally apologize for trying to knife you?"
Ugh. No the fuck it isn't. Steve’s too drained for it, absolutely at capacity for more serious shit this evening, thanks; and besides that, it was...
Whatever. It's old news.
Instead of giving a real answer he reaches into his pocket, snicks his own knife open and pretends to brandish it at Eddie, asking, "Eye for an eye?"
Eddie's eyes go huge. "Dude, what the fuck??"
"Just fucking with you," Steve laughs, lifting the can up to his mouth. "But there; now we're even. Shoulda seen your face."
“Ah—!” Eddie’s jaw drops in offense. “Ex-cuse you!”
God, of course he’s more dramatic than all the kids combined.
Steve jabs the knife into his beer, pops the top and starts to chug, throat working as he gulps the whole thing down in four big sips. It tastes like frothy, bitter piss, but it's cold and it soothes the scratch in his throat.
Eddie lets out a low whistle. "Well, goddamn, Harrington."
"Is that supposed to impress me?" "You're not?"
Steve grins and wipes his mouth.
They get drunk pretty fast (Eddie refused to be upstaged in his own house, so one shot-gunned beer became two became four), and somewhere along the line the conversations get weird; hilarious and dumb. Saying shit just to say it, chipping away at the ice wall between them with bare fingernails.
Eddie hollers some shit like: "What are you even talking about?" and his arms fling out wide, almost spilling his beer. "The deep sea is so much scarier than the mountains!"
"Are you joking?" Steve throws back. "The mountains have, like, giant cats and shit! Birds of prey with wingspans the size of your van."
"Yeah, and the deep sea has eldritch monsters that live in volcano vents and hunt with no eyes and eat their young for fun or whatever the fuck. You ever heard of an anglerfish? Or a phantom anglerfish? Tell me that shit isn't right out of a Lovecraft story."
"A what story?"
"How am I the one who hasn’t graduated yet?"
Then later:
“Dude, Batman? Seriously?”
“He’s the world’s greatest detective!”
“He’s a greasy little weirdo. You only like him because of your whole…” Steve gestures at his tattoos.
“Whatever, Spiderfan.”
And later still:
"Okay, okay, okay. Fuck, marry, kill... Shit. Y’know this would really be easier in a town where so many people hadn’t died."
Steve grimaces at himself; expects Eddie to call him out. It’s too insensitive, too soon.
Eddie just cracks a grin and suggests, "Fuck, marry, revive?"
They talk for a long time. Eddie's kind of charming when he's not being a dick. A nice smile, deep laugh lines. Steve can almost see why the kids are so obsessed with him. He's never met someone so animated; feels like he's talking to a Saturday morning cartoon. The conversation mellows out after a while, and he doesn't realize he's dozed off until Eddie shakes him awake.
"Hey, man," he says, voice just above a whisper. "I'm going to bed. You're welcome to crash on the couch, but, uh,” he scratches the back of his neck, “I mean, your back is probably gonna hate you for it."
Steve rubs his fists against his eyelids and blinks himself awake. Feels jittery and weird, yanked out of the start of a bad dream. When he looks up he sees that he’s got his shoes up on the couch; and there’s dried drool on his chin, and all at once he feels embarrassed, off-balance and panicked like he missed the last step down a steep flight of stairs. Of course he's overstayed his welcome. He's being fucking rude. "My bad," he mutters as he jumps up off the couch. Stands up way too fast, makes his vision tilt and swirl. "I'll get out of your hair."
Eddie reaches for his arm. "Dude,” he says, “you're fine. You can stay if you want.”
Steve moves out of his hold. “Nah, get some sleep; I’ll see ya around.”
Eddie frowns at him, a little furrow between his brows, and somehow Steve feels like he’s in the wrong, like Eddie isn’t the one who just kicked him out.
Like maybe Steve’s just running away for a second time in one night. Always back and away, this guy.
Who's the fucking coward now?
part 11
y'all know the drill, tagging whoever commented on yesterday's installment provided your tumblr settings let me <;3 @thealwithnoname @violetsteve @manda-panda-monium @stuftzombie @bronwenmarie @aliea82 @slowandsteddie @acedorerryn @anne-bennett-cosplayer @ahsokatanoss @steveshairspray @hallucinatedjosten @estrellami-1 @ppunkpuppyy @stevesbipanic @silver-snaffles @yourmom-isgay @eddie-munsons-missing-nipple @zombiecreatures @im-a-disgrace-to-humanity @faery-god @hotluncheddie @runninriot @a-little-unsteddie @teatimeeverybody @newtstabber @pearynice @hellion-child @cuips-not-cute @steddieas-shegoes @steves-strapcollection @loguine-linguine @griefabyss69
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oh-no-its-bird · 2 months
Similar fic idea to One Step Three Steps, but instead of some random Hatake brat being zapped into modern Konoha from the very early days of the village, it was actually the at the time Hatake Clan Head.
I'm gonna go with the Hatake family tree I tossed into Chasing Shadows for fun, meaning a) the clan head is named Haruka, and b) she's Sakumo's mother (thus Kakashi's grandmother) and Tobirama's aunt
She died very shortly after Tobirama (like a week tops) and the rest of her clan was wiped out pretty soon after her.
(Sakumo was raised by the only other survivor of the clan, an old grandma with poor memory who hadn't been in any state to fight, and who later passed away when Sakumo was still pretty young— so he learned very little about their clan and their traditions, and then passed on even less to Kakashi before he died)
I have literally nothing else for her other than the above, so I guess we'll figure out her character together as we go along
With that said, this is gonna be a long one, so buckle in for
✨️ The Hatake clan head time travels from early to modern Konoha ✨️
Immediately, there's just so much potential pretty much anywhere you drop her into the timeline.
Lets take her from the very first years of Konoha, where they're still lowkey building the village and Madara is still around (bc I love the drama of the time traveler respecting Madara only for the future people to be like "oooo... ok, so bad news actually— Also, you legally aren't allowed to talk good about him for military dictatorship reasons, sorry :(" )
And then we're gonna drop her into kid Kakashi era, with Sakumo still being alive
Right off the bat -> That's Sakumo's fucking mom!!!! Holy shit you guys!!! The last time she saw him he was like a literal infant she JUST recovered from birthing AND NOW HES A WHOLE MAN!!!!
Shes grabbing him by the cheeks squishing him to death, there may be baby talk involved (he's a grown man let him go oh my god??)
If she comes before his mission gone wrong, her presence prevents him from going on it (disaster averted,,, for now) He's currently in the running for most likely to become next Hokage and she's so disgustingly proud holy shit. Her baby!!! Hokage!!!
Maybe have some talk about how that'd make either 3 or 2 Hatake's in office depending on if you count Hashirama as a Hatake (Haruka does not) and how that's kind of bad, right? Only Haruka doesn't give a SHIT about that (politicians hate her and shed hate them too if she didn't enjoy making them suffer so much)
"But Haruka, as clan head aren't you a politician too by default?"
"Haha yeah!! Isn't that awful? (For all of them)"
If she comes AFTER the dreaded mission gone wrong, Haruka is all about backing up his decision (the Hatake are a clan who emphasize loyalty like no other, which is also part of why they took to Konoha's mentality so well)
Shes telling Sakumo he did the right thing and fuck literally everyone who says otherwise. Trust your momma Sakumo, she knows best
Her being there averts Sakumo's death— either bc she manages to keep him going, or bc she interrupts him mid suicide
(I can see Sakumo trying to go through with it specifically bc he thinks at least Kakashi has Haruka now once he's gone)
Kakashi kind of hates her.
There's like a whole big bit about the Hatake clan bloodline limit, which is sort of general wolfy stuff, enhanced senses, some extra strength, etc. And my all-time favorite take, adaptation ✨️
Their white chakra is super flexible, able to adapt and change to fit pretty much any situation —or even other bloodline limits. (Which is why Kakashi not only survived the sharingan implant but came to arguably master it)
Anyways -> other than the white chakra (which neither Sakumo or Kakashi know the details of other than it's their family chakra and its,, white. Exciting, I know), their bloodline limit seems to have borderline dissapeared with Kakashi and Sakumo, due to basically them not knowing how to feed into it / activley supressing it to conform to polite society (unaware that certain impulses aren't actually just intrusive thoughts but actual instinct trying to get them to do things necessary to feed into and reawakened their bloodline limit)
Kakashi actually shows more hints of still having it bc of his age, while Sakumo is very well practiced in accidentally supressing it to conform with general society.
So obviously, Haruka is like "hey guys!! What the actual fuck is this!!" and immediatley (borderline desperatley) trying to get them back to her perceived normal
She's actually REALLY fucked up about all this. Her own son!! Her own grandbaby!! And they don't even eat enough MEAT!!!! This is an actual nightmare, this is like basic baby stuff all the Hatake's should know and she's getting nothing but blank looks and vuagley ashamed guilty stares from Sakumo as she asks if he even takes Kakashi on hunts (he didn't even know that was a thing he should be doing.)
Don't even get her started when she learns Sakumo isn't acting as clan head on the Konoha clan council, holy shit. The Hatake might be a clan of 2 now but they were among the first clans to come to Konoha— she doesn't give a shit how many of them are left, if the number is more than 1 then there better be a fucking representative of theirs on that goddamn council
Funny bit where Kakashi tries to bite someone and Sakumo is telling him to stop bc jesus christ child can you behave for 5 seconds oh god he's so sorry— and Haruka is like, why are you telling him to stop??? This is enrichment for him :)) if there's no blood it's fine, that's the official clan policy for dealing with kids
Haruka... isn't actually a very good choice to leave as your babysitter. If nothing is on fire and no one is dead she considers herself successful.
Sakumo will learn this. In time.
Mmmm bad ending where Sakumo goes through with the suicide. Could be very fun and fucked up n dramatic.
Kakashi doesn't find his father's body first bc Haruka does— or maybe he does but Haruka walks in right behind him and forces him to close his eyes before he can actually see the body.
Fun scene where Haruka is physically wrestling Kakashi away from his father's body, a hand over his eyes as he screams and claws at her, demanding that she let go and let him see his dad.
Can't she smell the blood!? Tou-san is hurt, he needs help! What are you doing!!? Let him go!! Tou-san, Tou-san, where are you? Why aren't you answering?!
He bites her hand in his struggles, so deep that it later scars (just another reminder of the day, oh boy !!)
Haruka getting hit by the fucking brick of reality, straight in the face. She got to meet her son, the only survivor of their clan from her era, just in time for him to die <3
The fic then takes a HARD turn from the silly fluffy fun times of Haruka goofing around telling people to suck her dick if they have a problem with her (which a lot of people definitely do)
-> Right into shinobi politics, political schemes and sabotaged missions and buried clan history galore territory. Haruka isn't ab to take this lying down and everyone's about to get their first look at a grieving Hatake mother in her prime who just lost her baby to the shinobi rumor mill
Before she was kind of keeping to herself just having fun in the clan compound, not reeeally getting involved with any politics or village shit, bc like, she's playing with her family!! This is like her vacation till the time travel is solved and she goes back home!!
But she's not doing that anymore.
Sakumo is gone and Haruka is more than willing to take the seat he chose to leave empty at the clan council. She's about to become EVERYONES problem.
In the bg, Kakashi VIOLENTLY swings between fucking hating Haruka ("You should have stopped him! You should have been there! You should have helped!") to being like, physically unable to be unatached from her (she's waking up in the middle of the night to find him suddenly burrowed into her blankets, holding on to her like he's scared she'll dissapear when he wakes up)
Small soft scene where he's sleeping on top of her and quietly whispers that he's sorry for biting her.
Haruka possibly tries to have Kakashi temporarily drop his training but it's a very hard battle to fight. Both bc Kakashi wants to fight and bc Konoha wants him to fight
Uhh first big scary Haruka politics scene when she puts her foot down and says something along the lines of, "are you telling me here and now that my word as Hatake clan head is not enough to stop Konoha from taking away my child?" And Sarutobi kind of has to back down bc that does NOT fly well with the other clans
Obito and Rin swing by and try to pry at why Kakashi can't fight and she just fucking stares at them and goes, "He's 6."
She goes home and puts her head in her fucking hands. She was promised Konoha was to keep the kids SAFE, that's the entire fucking reason the Hatake agreed to join!!! This is not safe Tobirama, you bitch!!!!! If they send out Kakashi to die, shes going to find your fucking ghost and grind your face into Kakashi's grave!!!!
Anyways, time for my favorite part: politics
Haruka is coming from the early days of Konoha, where the only reason the Hatake even joined the village was, "because my cute little nephew (Tobirama) asked us real nice"
In her mind, she and her clan are still allowed to back the fuck up out of the village whenever she so chooses. She likes it in Konoha, yeah, but they're still free reign nomads and while she'd like to stay and have her clan flourish (which they didn't exactly do and she can literally SEE the way the village destroyed them from the inside out) she and her clan retain the right to leave whenever they want. And if they do leave, other than losing the new friends, it won't exactly be hard on them to get back to the nomad life.
All of that is to say that Sarutobi isn't her Hokage and while she'll be nice and respectful bc she recognizes the position (and her position) when push comes to shove, there's literally nothing they can hold on her to make her bend or break.
Also the last time she saw Sarutobi he was one of her nephews little brat tag-alongs, and she's so fucking bad at treating people their age, doubly so if she knew them as a kid.
It's,,, kind of demeaning actually, she should stop. (She will not.)
Anyways: play into her not just being Tobirama's aunt but also Hashirama's (her sister was their mother) which becomes fun bc Kakashi is her fucking grandkid!! Meaning he's also their fucking cousin!! Politics!! Implications!!!
At least one person is making a "of fucking course the boy genius is related to one of them" joke but like in an angry way (it's probably Obito)
Anyways I started this off with basically nothing for Haruka other than her name and I think she accidentally turned into a real character along the way (inevitable tbh)
Shes a DEEPLY flawed person actually, which I kind of love. She has a habit of belittling people and not treating them their age (absoloutley calls everyone even slightly younger than her 'kid')
Her views of childcare are totally skewed and she should not be trusted with any children other than Kakashi (it's ok he's literally built different, she can provide proper enrichment for him)
Shes so fucking full of herself and about to make it EVERYONES problem
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strawb3rrystar · 3 months
First time for everything.
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Pairing: Carl Gallagher x GN! Reader
Warnings: First kiss for the reader, Reader is implied to be introverted, Self doubt and comfort
Word count: 550
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You were embarrassed that you hadn't had your first kiss yet because it was a big deal to you. You didn't want your boyfriend to think less of you over this. In your mind, he'd done more insane shit and acted as if it was normal. But this was really, really important to you.
You had doubts like this all the time. Second guessing if Carl really loved you or if this was all just a cruel joke. I mean, why would an incredibly hot and outgoing guy like an incredibly shy person like you? It just didn't make sense.
You try to push out your anxiety ridden thoughts out of your head by focusing on your phone screen. The two of you sat on Carl's bed, scrolling social media. Carl leans until your shoulders touch, showing you a tweet on his phone. If you were in a good mood, you would have laughed your ass off, but you weren't, so you forced a laugh instead. He takes notice of this and asks the question you've been dreading.
"You okay?"
You hesitate before shaking your head, letting out a small sigh. "Been thinking about some fucked up shit."
"Oh yeah? Like kittens dying type of fucked up?" It was a clear attempt to make you feel better, but it didn't help.
"No, like, I've been questioning if you actually love me. And if you do, why?" You reply, setting down your phone.
"Because you're an amazing person." He says without hesitation.
"But that's so broad." You shift, turning to look at him, noticing he's been looking at you this entire time. His full attention.. on you. Your faces were so close together, but you're too shy to lean in. It's a good thing Carl does that part for you, capturing your lips in a sweet kiss. And, oh boy, does he kiss with experience.
You froze almost like a statue, closing your eyes because it felt right. You were internally freaking out because you had no idea where to put your hands at that moment. You decided on awkwardly placing your hand on top of his, only for him to pull away a second later.
"Sorry, that... that was my first kiss." You admit shyly, pulling your hand back.
"I could tell." He shrugs. Your bottom lip juts out after hearing that, thinking that you did something wrong. Your eyes wander away from him, feeling stupid that you said anything at all.
"Hey, I was joking!" Carl cups your cheek, turning your head back towards him. "I couldn't tell. But, it doesn't matter. You're still an amazing person."
Well, now you felt stupid for getting upset.
"You're funny too and put up with my jokes. Speaking of which, since that was your first kiss, I guess that means you'll have to learn a lot from the master." That managed to get a laugh out of you.
"Thank you. I don't know why I was so worried." You give him a genuine smile.
"Anytime." Carl kisses your cheek, causing them to heat up. You wrap your arms around him, which he gladly returns.
"So.. does this mean you're a virgin, too?" You good hear the shit eating grin on his face.
"Oh, shush!" You whine, burying your face in his shirt.
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Star's notes -> Happy Valentines day to all the people reading fanfiction (Aka, me) Editing Star -> Uh... happy late Valentines???
(Requests are open!)
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Taglist -> @marenelili @myamythos @little-miss-chaoss @elmolovesw33d | Join the taglist
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taiyaki-o · 6 months
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read pt 1 here!
synopsis: you and Megumi grow even closer, and some new developments have your life changing for the better
tags: gojo x gn!reader, fluff, non curse au
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A few days pass, and you’re making breakfast when you hear a knock at the door. You dust off your hands as you answer.
“Hm? Oh, Megumi! It’s you!” You smile as you spot the boy, and he’s clutching the stack of books. He looks away a bit bashful and attempts to hold out the stack.
“I finished them. You can have them back,” he mumbles. You chuckle and take the books out of his hands before he drops them all.
“Did you enjoy them? Which one was your favorite?”
“I liked the book on sea animals a lot.”
“That’s one of my favorites too! The diagrams are really interesting, don’t you think?”
He nods. You notice that his gaze lingers on said book a little wistfully.
“Do you…want to keep it?”
Your heart melts a bit at the way his eyes light up.
“Really?” He asks shyly.
“Of course! I haven’t touched it for some time anyway. I think it’ll be better off with you.” You smile and give the book back to him, and he hesitates, but then grabs the book with two hands and hugs it to his chest.
You let out a soft grunt as he softly tackles you in a hug, and you quickly lift the books that are still in your arms out of the way.
“Woah, easy there!” You laugh. You find a space to dump the books and bend down a bit to hug him back.
“Thank you,” He mumbles softly but earnestly. You smile softly.
He brings his head back suddenly, his nose wrinkling.
“What’s that smell?”
You look up to see smoke coming from what should be your breakfast.
“Hm? Oh shit-“
After you’ve fanned away the smoke and thrown out your now burnt breakfast, you invite Megumi to come inside instead of just stand outside your door.
“Sorry about that, kid. Forgot to turn the stove off, silly me,” you say as you put the pans in the sink. A smile ghosts across Megumi’s face as well, and he sits politely on the edge of your couch.
It’s then that you notice something else.
“Where’s Gojo? Does he know you’re here?” You ask.
Megumi shakes his head. “He went out to buy some food. He’s probably coming back soon, though.”
“Well, do you have his phone number or anything? I think I should let him know that you’re here in case he comes back to an empty house,” you laugh.
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You sit down on the couch next to Megumi, shutting off your phone.
“Do you watch any TV? Or is it just books?” you ask.
“A couple,” Megumi replies. “But mostly books.”
“Which ones?”
You end up putting on a few episodes of Pokémon, and Megumi curls up on your couch as you two sit together in comfortable silence.
Gojo groans as he hits his head against the steering wheel of his car, an angry red welt already forming on his forehead.
“That goddamned brat-!” Gojo seethes. He stares forlornly at the red light in front of him, dreading the interaction to come. Not only had Megumi forced him to be in your *angelic, beautiful* presence again, but the kid had the audacity to give you his number?! The mere thought of it made his cheeks turn cherry red.
He taps his fingers against the wheel, and looks over at the takeout bag sitting in the passengers seat. He sighs, rubbing his temples. Getting a new job, taking care of Megumi, moving to a new apartment…it was starting to get to him. Being a single father definitely wasn’t in his life plan.
Ten minutes later, he stood in front of your door, steeling himself for what was going to come.
He wants to tear his hair out. Why was he so nervous? This wasn’t anything special. He would open the door, pick up the brat, and go home. That’s it. He takes a deep breath.
knock knock knock!
The door opens, and Gojo immediately feels all the air escape from his lungs.
“Hey! Good to see you again,” You smile up at him, and he thinks heart might burst from inside his chest.
“Yeah, I just went to grab some takeout. Is, uh-is Megumi still here?” He rubs the back of his neck.
Megumi pops out from behind your legs, and you chuckle.
“Um-the restaurant gave me way more food than I expected-do you want some?” Gojo asks nervously.
(This is a lie. The second he saw your message he turned his car around and ordered another portion of food in hopes that he’d have an excuse to talk to you.)
“Oh! Are you sure?” You ask. He nods earnestly. “Well, do you want to come inside then? We were just watching Pokémon.” You ruffle Megumi’s hair a bit with a chuckle.
“Digimon is way better.” Gojo blurts out without thinking. He mentally smacks himself upside the head.
Stop being a fucking nerd, Satoru! No one wants to hear your opinions on Digimon!
You scoff in fake indignation. “It is not! Digimon wishes it was half as iconic as Pokémon.”
“Digimon is so much cooler though.”
“Is not.”
“Is too.”
“Are you coming inside or not?” You laugh. He blushes again, but steps inside your apartment. He does his best to ignore the familiar scent of your perfume in the air.
You grab some plates as Gojo unpacks the food, and soon the smell of Chinese takeout fills your apartment. Megumi retreats to the couch again to continue watching while you and Gojo sit at the kitchen counter.
“The kid give you any trouble?” Gojo chuckles.
“Not at all. He’s been great.”
“I think he’s taken a liking to you. At least more so than me.”
“Come on, I’m sure you’re great company.”
“Ahh, not really. ‘Specially because it’s just us. I don’t know what goes through his head sometimes.”
You desperately want to ask about the nature of their relationship, but you bite your tongue. You barely know these people, after all. No matter how much you enjoy their presence, you’d never pry into their private lives like that.
Luckily (or unluckily, depending on how you view it), Gojo notices and he chuckles.
“I know what you’re thinking. And no, the kids not mine. Not biologically speaking. His mom passed away and his dad…isn’t in a good enough place to take care of him.”
Gojo sighs, throwing a look over his shoulder at the boy. “I’m all he’s got.”
You swear you see a pained expression on his face, but by the time he turns back it’s gone. “Pretty shitty to get stuck with me, huh? I’d feel sorry for him if he wasn’t a little shit.”
“Watch your mouth, mister. I might have to call the cops for child abuse.” You snicker as you point your knife at him jokingly. You feel a pang of sadness, however, as you process the information.
“I’d imagine it’s tough for the both of you…” you sigh. “I mean, did you plan on having kids?”
“Not a damn bit,” Gojo confirms. “Kinda feels like my life’s done a complete one eighty overnight.”
“You guys just moved here too, right? Where’d you come from?”
“Kyoto. Got a new job as a teacher at some school nearby. The kid seemed to want a fresh start anyway.”
Your eyes widen. “No way! I’m a teacher too! I teach at a school nearby!”
“Well, would you look at that! You wanna trade tips later?” Gojo jokes. “Wow, that’s…that’s a really crazy coincidence. Where do you teach?”
“Tokyo Tech. Or Tokyo Metropolitan Technical School, if you have a stick up your ass.”
Now it’s Gojo’s turn to widen his eyes. “That’s where my new job is!”
The two of you sit in stunned silence for a moment, before bursting out into laughter.
“Small world, huh?” You say as you catch your breath.
“Yeah, I guess so,” Gojo says as an ecstatic smile stretches across his face.
“I take it you’re the new janitor?”
“Oh shut up, you.”
“Can you two please keep it down? I can’t hear the TV,” Megumi looks over at you and Gojo with a slight scowl on his face. Gojo sticks his tongue out at Megumi, who simply rolls his eyes and returns his attention to the screen.
You let out another one of your angelic laughs, and Gojo physically kicks himself under the table to keep himself sane. He’s barely been keeping it together since he realized you two would be coworkers. The blush that’s fighting to travel up his neck takes all his effort to control. The thought that you’d be his coworker, that he’d be seeing you every day…saying hi to you in the halls…grading papers together….growing closer….
“Hellooo? Earth to Gojo?” You wave a hand in front of his face.
“H-huh? Oh, sorry!” He snaps out of his mini trance. “Zoned out there for a second, haha…”
He shoves a spoonful of rice into his mouth to give himself time to think before he embarrasses himself.
I really am a mess…
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a/n: part 2! didn’t expect this to turn into a series, but ig it’s happening lol
pt 3 here!
feel free to message me/leave a comment if you want to be added to the taglist!
taglist: @96jnie
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cutielando · 7 months
why don’t we go there? | m.s.
synopsis: in which you help him believe in himself again
my masterlist
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The clock in front of your eyes moved incredibly slow. As you inched closer and closer to the paddock, your heart began beating out of its chest.
Some time ago, coming to the paddock to watch the race was a dream come true. You enjoyed every moment of it, feeling like you were a dream and you never wanted to wake up.
But now, that dream turned into a nightmare.
You knew the risks you were taking when you began your relationship with Mick, seeing the other partners and what they had to go through just for being with a driver.
Ever since you announced your relationship to the public, the problems started creeping in.
Fights between the two of you, his fans dragging you through the mud, the media outlets tearing your relationship to shreds from the outside.
You felt like a stranger into your own relationship, like an outsides looking in as everything was going to shit right under their eyes.
It tore you apart. Every Grand Prix you attended represented another nail in the coffin of your relationship with Mick.
You blinked, hearing Mick’s voice calling out to you.
Looking out the window, you noticed that you were already in the paddock parking lot, Mick having already turned the car engine off.
“Sorry, I was just thinking” you forced a smile out of you, trying to mask how much you dreaded going into the paddock.
Mick eyed you suspiciously, but nodded nonetheless.
You thanked God that he couldn’t read through tour facade, not wanting to risk having another fight with him in such a public place.
After you got out of the car, Mick reached out and took your hand in his, trying to give you a sense of comfort. But even he knew that it was in vain.
“Why are you so tense?” he asked, scanning your passes and smiling at some photographers.
You smiled with him, not as naturally as you would’ve maybe liked.
“I’m not, I’m just a little tired. Didn’t sleep that well last night” you said, hoping he would buy it.
Of course, he wouldn’t even know how you slept last night. He came back to your hotel room late, opting to crash on the couch instead of your shared bed.
He nodded, not giving you a second thought as you approached the Mercedes garage.
Just like he always did.
“I’m gonna go talk to my engineer before practice. Find a place to sit and do your thing” he said, giving you a chaste kiss on your forehead before disappearing.
You sighed, looking around at the place your boyfriend had been calling home for years now. And yet, despite the many times that you had been inside that very garage, you felt more as an outsider than ever before.
Between the neglect you were suffering from Mick, the hate you were receiving from his fans, the way the media was painting you as a bad influence on Mick, you didn't feel you belonged anywhere in his world.
"Y/N?" you were shaken out of your thoughts once again, meeting George's worried eyes scanning you.
"Oh, hi George. Sorry, I'll be out of your way" you grabbed your purse tighter and went to leave and go to the hospitality, but he grabbed your arm to stop you from walking away.
"Are you okay? You were spaced out for a good while there" his expression was worried, which was exactly what you had wanted to avoid.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little tired. I'm gonna go hang out in hospitality, wish you guys luck with your practice" you nodded and left before George could say another word.
Being alone in your hotel room while your boyfriend was out somewhere with his team allowed you time to contemplate.
You loved Mick, and you loved being with him. But lately, it seemed like you were the only one present in the relationship. He would barely touch you, look at you or speak to you when you would be alone together.
You had never thought that going public would cause your relationship to completely collapse. It broke your heart, and you didn't know what to do to fix it. If there was even anything left to fix.
The door opening grabbed your attention. "Y/N?" Mick called out, his footsteps growing louder as he came closer and closer to the bedroom.
You quickly tried to wipe your tears, hoping he wouldn't be able to tell you had been crying. But you weren't fast enough.
"What's wrong with you?" he asked, his voice not sounding bothered at all.
"I know something's wrong. Tell me what's going on with you"
Maybe it was his tone, or maybe it was his choice of words, or maybe simply the fact that you were so tired of holding everything in that prompted you to completely break down and let everything out.
"We're not doing okay, Mick. Ever since we went to the paddock together for the first time, nothing has been the same. We barely talk to each other, you barely touch me or look at me unless you have to, your fans and the media are tearing me to shreds, calling me a gold digger and saying I'm only with you for your money and your fame and you couldn't care less. I barely see you anymore, it seems like you're doing everything to make sure you're not around me. You're staying out late, I don't know where you are half of the time and you can't wait to ditch me whenever we go somewhere together. I'm tired of fighting for a relationship that I'm not sure is worth fighting for" and with that you started sobbing, curling up on the bed and hiding your face in your hands.
Mick was shocked beyond words.
He knew he had been in the wrong. He realized he had been doing exactly what you had said. He'd been neglecting you, and the worst part was the fact that he didn't have an answer as to why. He saw the hate that you had been getting, and he didn't think it was worth it to say something in your defense. Why? He didn't know.
But as he heard your sobs fill the room and saw your body shaking with the intensity of your crying, he realized how much of an asshole he had been towards you.
"Shhh" he enveloped you in his arms, hugging you tightly and squeezing you close.
This was the first time he had touched you in weeks, you had even forgotten what his embrace felt like. In your vulnerable state, you forgot about the last few weeks, the hate and everything, completely melting in the arms of your boyfriend.
"It's okay, I'm here, let it all out" he kept whispering in your ear, kissing the top of your head and petting your hair.
As you slowly started to calm down, you didn't make a move to pull away from him, having missed his touch too much.
"Can we talk now?" his voice was soft, in contrast with the icy tone he had had when he had come back to the room.
You nodded, clearing your throat and slowly pulling away from him.
"I know I've been a shitty boyfriend lately, and there's no excuse for how I've been acting. I've been under a lot of stress from the team and I've been taking it out on you, which you didn't deserve. I'm sorry for how I've been treating you, I'm sorry for not standing up for you to my fans and the internet and I'm sorry I haven't been around. I love you, and I promise that I'm gonna do better, I'm gonna be a better boyfriend and I'm never going to make you feel like this ever again" he was holding your face in his hands, his eyes tearing up.
You knew you shouldn't cave in so easily, make him work for it more than this. But you loved him, and you could never resist him.
"I love you too" you whispered, caressing his cheek and connecting your lips, sighing at the feeling you had been missing.
Despite your rough patch, you both knew you were going to be alright, as long as you had each other.
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much appreciated!!
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howlingday · 7 days
Jaune Arc Cannot Be Happy
Jaune: Pyrrha! What's happening?!
Pyrrha: (Fading into embers) I didn't want to believe it, but it's true! I'm a clone, Jaune!
Jaune: What?! B-But how?!
Pyrrha: There's no time to explain. I don't have much time left.
Jaune: No! No, no, no! This can't be real! This can't be happening!
Pyrrha: Don't be sad, Jaune... Who would want a fire clone as a wife anyways?
Jaune: ...
Jaune: That wouldn't be the worst thing actually.
Pyrrha: Jaune-
Jaune: Honestly, I think I could manage that.
Pyrrha: What- What are you saying right now?
Jaune: I'm saying that I'll take what I can get. Like, fire clone? Sure. Fuck it.
Pyrrha: But I'm not even the real Pyrrha Nikos! The woman you love!
Jaune: Look, if I can get past the obvious molecular differences and incompatibility of our states of matter, then I can get over something as small as the philosophical debate of identity.
Pyrrha: ...
Pyrrha: This isn't a side of you I'm used to.
Jaune: Well, neither am I with you drifting into embers. Speaking of which, does it hurt?
Pyrrha: Not really, no. It actually feels kind of nice once you get past the whole existential dread of the end of my life.
Jaune: Right.
Pyrrha: Face it, Jaune; I'm not going to be around for much longer. I'll just be ash in a matter of seconds. Let's not fight anymore. I want my final moments to be spent thinking about us-
Jaune: Wait, hang on a sec. I think I saw some kindling over there.
Jaune: No, no! Seriously! It would probably take less than a minute!
Pyrrha: No! No! Stop it! You can't seriously be thinking about tossing kindling on me?!
Jaune: Hah... You're right...
Jaune: ...Maybe if I use a block of wood instead?
Pyrrha: JAUNE!
Jaune: Gosh, I'm so sorry, Pyrrha, it's just... I've been trying to get us together for years. And I've seen the other universes. Some have you leaving me for another guy, some where you and I break up, and there's even one where Salem breaks us up!
Pyrrha: Salem?!
Jaune: Yeah, we've already done this bit- But seriously! Look at this! Jaune Arc finally gets his happy ending! He gets the girl! And she fucking BLOWS AWAY?! FUCKING! BLOWN! AWAY?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! THE WORLD HAS IT OUT FOR ME! AM I NOT ALLOWED TO BE HAPPY?!
Pyrrha: Jaune... Look... I know this is hard... Actually, no, there's no good way of putting it. Your life is shit.
Jaune: Thank you.
Pyrrha: I mean, I'd cry right now, but all it would do is just make my death come a lot faster.
Jaune: I-I appreciate the gesture.
Pyrrha: NGH!
Jaune: Pyrrha?!
Pyrrha: This... This is it, Jaune... I'm dying... Or maybe... I was... never alive... Where do you draw the line? Consciousness or- ARGH!
Jaune: Just hold on, Pyrrha!
Pyrrha: You'll find happiness someday, Jaune... She's out there... Somewhere... Or at least there's a competent writer. One of the two.
Jaune: I'll always love you...
Pyrrha: ...
Pyrrha: You're handling this really well.
Jaune: Loved one dying right in front of me because I'm too weak to stop it otherwise. Just another day ending in Y.
Pyrrha: Oh, and before I forget, you'll have to change back the insurance. (Disintegrates)
Jaune: (Screams in Roman Torchwick)
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the-kr8tor · 1 year
This is my first time doing this 👉👈 but can I please request a Hobie x reader fluff where reader and him went to the beach (probably using his boat lmao) and reader comes back all sun burnt. Sunburn + how much hobie likes physical touch cannot go well together I imagine lmao
Hi hun! Thank you for requesting ❤️ I love your prompt sm, it's so adorable 🥰 hope you like it!
Pairing: Hobie Brown x gn! Reader/ Spider-Punk x gn! Reader
Tags: No use of Y/N, No specific physical description of the reader, FLUFF.
"Ow ow" you hiss out, waddling back inside Hobie's houseboat. He's been gone for a bit, answering a distress call from his two-way radio, taking a pause on your little beach vacation, you hope he's okay.
Taking Hobie's houseboat to the beach was a spontaneous decision. You briefly mentioned to him that you haven't been to the seaside in a while, missing the cool breeze and the salty water.
So here you are, burnt to an almost crisp, from your face to your legs. You fell asleep on a lawn chair, waiting for Hobie to come back from being Spider-Man. Oh man how you deeply regret shutting your eyes, you swear it was only for a few minutes. You lift your left arm checking the time, you wince when your watch grazes your tender skin, deciding to just take the watch off, you see that it left a mark on your wrist, a huge difference to the rest of your skin.
"Fucckk!! nooo!" You screech out, already dreading what your skin would feel like in a few days, especially when it sheds. You stop in front of Hobie's fridge, littered with various magnets, concert flyers and your little doodles. You open it, carefully avoiding the door from touching your skin, the cold air helps, you try not to grab an ice cube and place it on your warm skin, but you know it does more harm than good.
You wish you brought your trusty aloe vera cream with you, instead, you settle with hydrating from the inside, gulping down a bottle of water, little droplets falling on your chin down to your chest.
Hobie whistles out, he's as tall as the door, arms easily resting on the top, nonchalantly leaning on the doorway "should've came back earlier, if you told me you're gonna put on a little show" he hasn't noticed your inflamed skin with the lights shut off.
Hobie runs towards you, arms stretched In Front of him, eager to hug you. Your eyes widen, he bounds towards you, it's too late to stop him, his arms embrace around your tender form, leather vest scraping on your warm skin.
"Wait! Hobie! Ow!" You yell out, pushing him off with your palms. You instantly feel guilty from pushing him.
He immediately lets go, thinking he might've poked you with the spikes on his suit "shit, you alright?" No ounce of malice in his voice.
"I'm sorry" you say meekly, flailing your arms so that the slight breeze calms your angry skin.
He notices the pain in your voice and your weird flailing, "don't be, what's wrong?" Hobie asks, concerned.
You close your eyes briefly, the pain slowly subsiding, but a dull pain still throbs on your skin.
Hobie reaches out to you, but you quickly move away from his touch, he retracts his hand, sadness creeping in, is it him? What did he do now?
As if you can read his thoughts, you quickly put a stop to his thinking "I'm sunburnt, Hobie" you press the nearby light switch, showing your inflamed skin.
He sighs, relief flooding his senses "well shit, lovey, what happened?"
"I fell asleep while you were gone?" You say it like a kid waiting to be scolded, because you did exactly what he told you not to do while he was away.
Hobie puts his hands on his hip, oh you're definitely gonna get a talking to. "On the chair outside, I bet?"
"Mm-hmm" you nod, face apologetic.
"Even though I practically bathed you in sunscreen?"
Hobie guffaws, he can't help it, with your face looking like you broke his precious guitar, and the fact that you still got sunburnt despite lathering you a few hours ago with a lot of sunscreen.
"It's not funny" you say dejected, wincing when your frown pulls at your skin.
Hobie breathes out, calming his laughter "Alright, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" he reaches out again for a comforting hug like he's used to, but he brings back his arms when he remembers your aching skin.
He misses your touch already.
"You laughed at my misfortune" you pout, winching again when it tugs at your warm skin.
"Love, you're the cause for your own misfortune" He teases, mimicking your voice at the last word.
"But Hobie, it hurts" you try to tug at his heart strings. You stomp your foot, huffing out.
Hobie thinks you're so adorable right now, despite your little tantrum.
He chuckles, closing his smiling mouth immediately when you scowl at him.
Hobie closes the small distance, his hands hovering over your face, careful not to graze your sensitive skin.
"I'll take care of you, yeah?"
You look at him through your lashes, "you'll get my aloe vera cream from my flat for me?" Batting your eyelashes for extra effect.
"That and more" he wishes he could kiss you right now.
You notice him staring at your lips "I'll give you a hundred kisses when I'm better"
"Just a hundred?"
"A thousand and one then" you smile despite the pain.
"I'll take it" He can't wait for you to heal.
Thank you for reading! Please consider reblogging if you enjoyed it ❤️
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denaliwrites · 11 months
On the Brave Shit
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Tenth Doctor x Genderfluid!Reader
Summary: Coming out is almost never easy, but with the Doctor everything is just a little bit easier.
Soundtrack: Bad Bitch by Tessa Violet
Requests: Open!
Warnings: Coming out. Some light anxiety. (I think it's light, anyway, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong!)
"Did you know," the Doctor started carefully, leaning back against the TARDIS console and crossing his arms over his chest, "that Time Lords and Time Ladies regenerate?"
You closed the TARDIS door behind you, tilting your head as you paced up to join him at the console. "Okay?" you said as you reached him. There was a touch of fear in your voice, but mostly you were just confused.
"See, when Time Lords are hurt... hurt badly. When they die. Instead of dying, they -- we -- well, we sort of just. Don't."
You were trying so hard to follow him. You really were. "You... don't die?"
"We... we change. The old us dies, sort of. We keep all the old memories and all that, but our faces change. We become someone new." He scratched at the back of his head, before the same hand trailed over to rest over his mouth as he looked at you. Watched you.
"... Oh. So... you're not... you're not dying, right?" you asked in muted panic.
"What? Oh, no! No. Not for a long time yet, I should hope."
The sigh of relief you released was dramatic.
"See, the thing is... all that to say. Well. One of my friends in school. The Historian, we called him. Well, he got hurt one day. Very badly hurt. He would've died. Is the thing."
You stepped closer to him, taking his hand in yours comfortingly. "Oh, Doctor, I'm so sorry."
"No, no -- none of that! That's not the point." When he saw your stricken look, he softened. "Thank you, though," he said reassuringly, though you were still utterly confused by all this. "See, when Historian changed, he... was no longer a he."
How the fuck did he figure that out?
"I... I, erm... Oh." You weren't exactly sure how to process what he'd said. How to proceed.
"Humans are different, obviously," he said casually, though you could feel his eyes watching you, gentle and caring. "But... I think it's probably the same principle, essentially."
"How did you..."
"Know? Oh, well.. I notice things, you know. That's -- that's what I do. Notice things."
You swallowed in dread. "Like what?"
"Well, for one, you spend an awfully long time in the TARDIS wardrobe," he said with a playfully annoyed sigh. "I didn't think much of it at first, but then I saw you dressing up in, well..."
Oh. Oh, no...
"Anyway. The point is. I think you're neat. As you are. Whatever that means."
You felt a tear streak down your cheek, and the Doctor gave your hand a gentle, reassuring squeeze. "Now that that's... you know. Erm. I've been calling you the one thing all this time. Is there anything else you wanna be called?"
You blanched, somehow not expecting him to A. be so chill with all this, and B. so willing to just go straight into it.
"Erm... yeah. I guess. Yeah. She, her, he, him... please."
"Applicable to presentation or regardless of?" he asked, and you felt another tear fall.
"Er... I think regardless of."
He nodded, pulling you to his chest in an impossibly gentle embrace. His lips pressed to the top of your head in a soft kiss, and his thumb wiped away your tears. "You're wonderful. And brilliant. And incredibly brave."
On your next adventure with the Doctor, you were pleased indeed when he effortlessly switched between pronouns, never missing a single beat, never faltering, never hesitating.
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rogueddie · 8 months
Buckingham, 1,760 words, for @thefreakandthehair’s Spicy Six Winter Challenge, with the prompt; snowball fight.
Winter, and Christmas especially, has always been Robins favorite time of year.
Or, more accurately, it used to be.
With the heavy snow, December of '85 is starting to become the worst month of Robins year. She can't even bring herself to enjoy the snow. Nothing her parents usually do to cheer her up works either.
"Until the roads are cleared, I've got to walk," Steve repeats. "I'm sorry, Robs. Maybe the snow will clear tomorrow."
"Maybe," she reluctantly agrees, ignoring the fact that he'd said the same thing yesterday... and the day before that... and the day before that. "At least we're on shift tonight, right?"
Steve's tone only fills her with more dread.
"Keith called me before you," Steve says. "Family Video is closed for the day. Something about the snow being too much and no one shopping in this weather anyway."
"So, hey, maybe school will be cancelled too," Robin tries, though they both know school won't cancel.
"I'll walk you home from school," Steve offers. "Or we can go back to my house. I still have that cake we made."
"Yeah, alright, whatever. I'll call you at lunch, yeah?"
"Ok. Missing you already, Robs."
"Love you too, Dingus."
Hanging up, she drops her head against the wall with a soft 'thud', grumbling complaints under her breath.
"No Steve today?" Her mother asks.
Robin turns, glaring when she sees the teasing smirk. "No, no Steve today. By the time he clears his driveway, I could have already walked to school and waiting... whatever. It's not a big deal."
"Mhm," her mom hums, chuckling. "Sure it isn't, sweetie."
"It isn't! It's not like we need to be together all the time. We can go one day."
"Your uncle and I used to use those same excuses, you know. We weren't any more convincing than you two. Now, come on, get ready. You'll be late if you don't leave soon."
Reluctant, and groaning, Robin takes the coat her mom holds out for her. She picks her bag up, sat by the door, and sitting on the stairs so she can pull on her boots.
"Don't rush, there's a lot of ice," her mom warns. "And keep your coat zipped up. And-"
"I know, I know. I love you, too. I'll see you later!"
"Bye sweetheart! Be careful!"
The air outside is freezing. It hits Robin like a brick wall when she steps out and, despite her mom's warning, the idea of spending longer is the cold than she needs to is horrifying.
She jogs, careful to avoid patches of roads and sidewalks that look icy.
She makes it most of the way with only a few stumbles before, inevitably, she slips over.
"Oh my god," someone yelps. "Are you ok?!"
Robin flushes, muttering curses, when she realises that, not only did someone see her fall over and eat shit- Chrissy Cunningham saw her fall over.
"I'm- yeah, fine, totally," she chokes out, forcing a laugh.
"Here," Chrissy pants a little, having ran over to her, offering a hand.
Robin takes her hand, a little surprised at how easily Chrissy pulls her up.
"Thanks," she says, trying to smile.
"Are you sure you're ok?" Chrissy frowns, looking her over. "We have a first aid kit if-"
"Oh, no, that's not... I am ok, really."
"if you're sure." Chrissy shifts, glancing back to the drive. "I'd over to drive you the rest of the way, but..."
Robin leans to look around her, wincing when she sees the drive.
The snow is piled high in the driveway and, despite how much has been cleared, there's no way that Chrissy is going to clear the rest in time.
"Why don't we walk together instead?" Robin suggests.
She almost takes it back, wincing at her own boldness, but Chrissy lights up.
"Yeah? I mean, yeah, let's! Lemme grab my bag, ok?"
"Ok, yeah, that's fine."
Robin wraps her arms around herself, starting to step side to side in an attempt to keep warm while she waits.
Luckily, it doesn't take Chrissy long.
"Ok, I'm ready!" She smiles. She pulls the strap to her back a little further onto her shoulder, the polite smile faltering. "Oh, are you cold?"
"Uh, yeah, but I'm fine, really, it-"
"No, don't worry," Chrissy twists so she can root through her bag. "I've got a spare... aha!"
She pulls out a scarf that's mostly green and white. She wraps it around Robins neck before she can protest.
"You can give it back later," Chrissy easily dismisses, starting to walk down the street. She raises an eyebrow when she glances back at Robin. "Come on!"
Robin stumbles a little in her rush to catch up.
"Careful," Chrissy says, taking hold of Robins right arm and cradling it in both of hers. She glances down at her boots. "Do you have enough grip with those?"
"What? I mean, yeah, these are great, they're sturdy and build for ice- mom got them specifically because they have great grip. The problem is with me, I'm not good at running. Like, I have terrible co-ordination- Steve is always joking about how I run like a windmill and, yeah, I do, but he learnt to walk slower than I did so really, he's the weird one here- I mean, what type of baby tries to crawl backwards, right?"
Robin finally pauses for breath. She glances at Chrissy, who is struggling to stiffle her giggles.
"Steve Harrington?" Chrissy asks, when she finally realizes that Robin isn't going to continue.
"Uh... yeah... don't tell anyone I told you that."
"My lips are sealed."
"No, really, that's- I think he told me that in confidence or something, I shouldn't have told you that, I just can't stop rambling when I get nervous around- and you're- oh god. I'm shutting up now. No more conversations. We're just... having a nice- silent- walk to school together. Just... me and Chrissy Cunningham. Jesus."
"You say that like I'm scary."
"Well, I mean..."
That only makes Chrissy giggle harder. "You think I'm scary? Really?"
She leans heavily into Robins side, one of her hands curling up around Robins bicep. She's looking up at Robin with an expression that's painfully familiar.
It's the same expression she's seen girls pull out when they're hitting on Steve. The same moves too.
But what would Steve do? Robin thinks, panicking.
She's grown so used to old conversations with Steve repeating in her head, his bad jokes and questionable advice a constant and welcome companion.
But, now that she actually needs him, he's nowhere to be found.
After a few seconds of panicking, Robin is desperate to break the tension that is quickly turning from flirty to awkward.
She ducks down, grabbing a handfull of snow, and throwing it against Chrissys coat.
Robin jerks up, standing stiff upright, frozen and stunned at herself, whilst Chrissy is equally frozen, staring at Robin with her mouth agape.
It doesn't take long for the shock and confusion to vanish though, and soon Chrissys grin turns wicked, a dangerous glint in her eyes.
"I'm sorry?" Robin tries.
"Are you?"
'That means she's flirting, just... in a more playful way', Steve voice finally rings in her head. That day had been confusing for Robin- she hadn't known if the girl had been flirting with him or bullying him. 'I kinda prefer it. It's nice to know you can roughhouse a little with a girl, you know? It can be fun. Sexy'.
That had been one of his more successful dates, Robin remembers. He'd gushed about her for the entire week between their first and second date. She can't remember what went wrong, but he was confident that-
Chrissy ducks down, quick, scooping up a pile of snow with both hands.
She takes off running, barely darting out of the way of the snowball in time.
"Hey!" Chrissy yells after her. "Get back here!"
But she's laughing as she says it.
So, almost tripping onto her face as she ducks down, she scoops up another ball of snow. She turns, aim going a little wild with how fast she keeps running.
She yelps, stumbling a little heavier when the snowball sent back in return smacks directly in the back of her head.
"Careful!" Chrissy yells.
"Then don't aim for my head!"
"It's not my fault it's an easy target!"
Robin scoops more snow, turning and sliding to a stop. Chrissy doesn't have enough time to stop, but she does duck out of the way so it hits the side of her head instead of directly in her face.
She realizes her mistake a second too late.
Chrissy, unable to slow her momentum on the same patch of ice that Robin had slid across, slams straight into Robin.
Robin winces when her back slams into the ground, the snow doing nothing to cushion the fall. She feels lucky that her head didn't also slam into the ground.
"Oops?" Chrissy says, pushing herself up slightly but making no move to get off her.
"No, it's ok, that's on me."
"Yeah..." Chrissy trails off, voice weak- distracted.
Robin holds as still as she can, irrationally worried that if she moves then she'll startle Chrissy out of whatever moment she's having that has her looking down at Robins lips, cheeks flushing.
For a moment, Robin is sure that Chrissy is going to kiss her. Her eyes flutter, shifting up so her face is above Robins, tilting her head and starting lean down, to-
Someone wolf whistles, loud.
Chrissy jerks back, throwing herself off of Robin- but she is immediately glaring at the two boys, laughing and leering at them.
"Fuck off!" Chrissy yells. "Jerks!"
She ignores them when they try yelling back, instead focusing on Robin and helping her to her feet.
"Ignore them," Chrissy mumbles, grabbing hold of her hand and gently dragging her along, walking fast. She glances back, seeming to relax. "What assholes."
Robin glances back, relieved when she realizes that they're turned around and started walking in the opposite direction.
"Yeah," she agrees, turning back to stare at Chrissy, awed. "You're so brave."
"What? Oh, no, I'm not."
"Yeah, you are! Scary, too."
"I am not!"
"Scared those two."
Chrissy huffs, leaning in so their shoulders bump together.
"You're something else," Robin continues, emboldened. "It's impressive. You're, like, actually cool. Not just popular kid cool, but... truly, really, awesome."
"Shut up." She's mumbling, but she's smiling. She's blushing. She's looking up at Robin through her eyelashes.
"Nope," Robin grins.
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thebigqueer · 1 year
"Permanence" - Percabeth - One-Shot
Summary: Percabeth's first "I love you." Word Count: 1755 Read on AO3
“Annabeth?” a voice calls, and she turns in her seat, her attention abruptly snatched from her laptop. “What are you doing up here so early?”
When she sees Percy leaning against the doorway to the mess hall, his lips quirked in amusement, Annabeth smiles. “Early?” she asks. “I’m pretty sure it’s noon.”  
Percy snorts and walks over to the supply of breakfast items on the table, which is endless, thanks to Leo’s genius. He picks up an apple, throws it in the air, and catches it again, all the while saying, “I mean you rarely come up here at this time. Feels like you barely come out of your little cocoon now.” 
His tone is still light, but there’s a slight jaggedness to it. She stares at the shape of Percy’s back for a moment as he keeps plucking away for things to eat, then stands and joins him. 
“Is there anything, like, unhealthy?” Percy asks when she sidles up to him. She looks up and fixes him with an exasperated smile, and he laughs. “What? Leo had eight months to prepare this ship, and for all the fancy shit he installed, he couldn’t even think of adding, like, a pizza dispenser?”
Annabeth rolls her eyes and hands him a candy bar sitting in the corner of the table. When his eyes catch sight of it, he grins and nudges her with his shoulder. “You’re the best.” 
“Yeah?” she asks, and now she faces him, raising her eyebrows. “Let’s go back to what you just said.” 
As he works on opening the wrapper, he glances at her. “What did I say?”
“Something about me being in a cocoon.” 
“Oh.” His eyes darken, but then immediately brighten up again as he takes a bite off the candy. “Oh, wow, this is so good.” Percy holds it out to her. “You should try it. Wow. Thank you, Leo.”
“You’re welcome,” warbles a voice from the speakers, and Percy flinches.
“Jeez,” he mutters, lowering his voice. “He’s like Big Brother or something.” 
Annabeth takes the bar from him but doesn’t taste it. She just keeps looking at him. “Percy, come on. What did you mean?”
Percy heaves a large, heavy sigh, then takes the candy bar back from her. When he doesn’t immediately go back to eating it — instead opting to play with the wrapper — her heart slows in dread. 
“Okay, I know you’ve been busy, so I didn’t really wanna say anything,” he says. “But it just feels like since we’ve found each other and been on this ship, we’ve just been so busy in all different directions. And when we’re not busy, you’re in your room, fiddling on your computer or something.” He stops playing with the wrapper and puts the half-eaten bar on the table, and now she knows he’s being serious. He doesn’t put his food down for anything.
“Percy…,” Annabeth says. 
Percy sighs again, and now he puts his full plate — filled to the brim with whatever he could find — on the table. Annabeth has to resist the urge to raise her eyebrows. “Eight months, Wise Girl. We haven’t been together in eight months, and the only moment we’ve had to ourselves was in the stables.” He tilts his head. “I just missed you. Miss you.” Then he huffs a humorless laugh and looks up at the ceiling, as if embarrassed. “I don’t really know why I’m getting so emotional about this. It’s just been a weird year.” 
“Yeah, I know,” she murmurs. She considers telling him about her year, too — how she’d tossed and turned in bed, waiting for some sign that he was even just okay. How she’d go to his apartment every week just to meet his mother and convince the two of them he was still fighting somewhere. How she had to convince Mr. D with everything she had to keep sending scouts for him, all the while losing hope herself that he even was out there. But she figures he wouldn’t want to know that, not now, at least. So instead, she just leans her head against his shoulder. “I’ve missed you, too, Seaweed Brain. I’m sorry.” 
A beat of silence passes, and then he brushes his hand against hers, pulls her fingers into his. She lifts her head to look up at him. “I’m sorry, too,” he murmurs. “I know you have a lot going on. And if anything, I’m just glad you’re okay. That’s all that matters.” He squeezes her hand. “But can you promise me something?”
“Don’t push me out, Wise Girl. You don’t need to handle this whole… daughter of Athena mission thing on your own. I know that’s kinda ironic, coming from me, who went missing for eight months and basically left you alone” — he smiles nervously — “but I’m serious. I wasn’t there for you then, but I’m here for you now. And if I had any say in the past eight months, I would’ve been with you every moment.”
Annabeth wants to say something, but all her thoughts tangle up in her brain and her words form a knot at the back of her throat, too large to tumble out. And a part of her feels guilty, but in all honesty, all she can feel is a subtle warmth at the core of her heart. The way he’s talking to her, his voice oozing with genuine eagerness to spend time with her… it makes a warm flame burst to life in her chest, thawing the ice that had grown inside of her the past year.
She spent so long waiting for someone permanent, and each time she thought she found someone, they inevitably left her. Luke, Dad, Thalia, and even Percy for a while. But now, staring at him, letting his existence embrace her skin, she realizes something. Maybe she and Percy won’t be together every moment. Maybe she’ll be the one to go away next, whisked away on some petty quest for the gods where she may not even be able to see him for months. Maybe their futures hold completely different fates for them. But she knows now — completely, utterly, truthfully knows — that it doesn’t matter if they get whisked away to different ends of the world again. Because right here, in this moment, she knows he’s really with her every step of the way. He’s subtly eroded his way into her heart, has permanently carved his smile into her mind. He’s left something eternal, even if he isn't. And that’s good enough for her. 
“I’m sorry,” she finally manages to push out. “I’m sorry I made you feel that way, Percy. I’m so sorry for shutting you out. I didn’t even know I was doing it.” 
“It’s okay,” he promises, and he tugs on one of her curls. “I believe you. Just keep me in the loop as much as you’re comfortable with. And promise me we’ll tell each other when things are getting weird.” He squeezes her hand again. “If these eight months have taught me anything, it’s that it’s important to keep the people you care about the closest.”
Something burns around the edges of Annabeth’s eyes, and she realizes with a start it’s tears. Of all the things she'd been through the past few months, just a few pretty words from Percy are enough to make her want to cry. “I promise,” she breathes. 
Percy smiles. “Good. Now I can enjoy my food in peace.” He picks up his plate again, and then his candy bar. “By the way, the invitation to enjoy this is expired. Only for me now.” 
Annabeth laughs, and she expects Percy to move to take a seat at the table, but he doesn’t. He just keeps standing in front of her, smiling elatedly, and she realizes with a start that he’s waiting for her. 
And she’s not sure she can remember the last time someone did that for her. Which is maybe why she blurts the next words: “I love you.” 
For a second, Percy doesn’t react. Then his eyebrows rise, and his mouth slowly opens, and his eyes shimmer with surprise, but Annnabeth is pretty sure no one is more shocked than her. 
“What?” Percy asks, slowly setting his food down again. 
“Nothing.” But Annabeth is trying to hide her face.
He laughs and punches her arm playfully. “You got something to say to me, Wise Girl?” But if the sparkle in his eyes or the grin on his face have to say anything, he’s bullshitting her. 
“Say what?”
“Nooo,” he groans. “Come on, Annabeth.”
“I didn’t say anything.”
“Please. I’ll let you have my candy bar if you say it.” And she still doesn’t relent, but when he wraps his arms around her shoulders and leans in, his eyes close enough to shatter her resolve, his irises blades of green piercing through her shields, he says, “I love the way you say it.”
So she relents. And she says it again. 
And again. 
It’s only three words, but they ring in her head a million times, and the taste of them — like candy, like sugar, like clouds — bounces over her tongue a billion more. 
Percy keeps smiling, but it’s not a joking grin anymore — there’s something deeper, more soulful in it, his skin glowing with a warm undertone. “I love you, too, Wise Girl,” he whispers. 
And with those words ringing in her ears, echoing all the way down to her heart, making her blood glow, she doesn’t know if she has the ability to say anything else. She doesn’t even know what she’s supposed to say next. 
The silence begins to stretch on, cools the room around them. Suddenly the air around them feels too gooey, too heavy, too sweet, as if someone had spilled a whole bottle of rose perfume in the room, and Annabeth aches for their familiar banter, if only to calm the growing uneasiness in her. 
She runs her fingers up his hand.“You know what else I love?” she murmurs, trying to rein control of the moment.
“Me again?”
“Wrong.” She rubs Percy’s knuckles, then snatches the candy bar from his hand. “It’s making things hard for you.” 
“Hey! Give it back!” Percy cries, snapping his arm out to catch her, but she’s already out the entrance, onto the mast, waiting for Percy to come after her.
And he does. He follows her every step. 
It isn’t until later that evening that she realizes she left her laptop in the mess hall.
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aprettyweirgirl · 3 months
Izumi gets out of a stressful meeting to find Lin has arrived for a week’s stay.
"That is all, gentlemen. Thank you for your time." The Fire Lord dismissed from her throne, taking off her glasses, with a heavy sight. Spirits knew she hated these meetings, three hours to discuss spendings.
How dreadful.
"You look like shit." her daughter chuckled next to her, once everyone left the room, Izumi didn't respond... with words, instead she looked at her daughter unamused as she stood up from her seat "I mean it, when was the last time you slept?"
"Mom is arriving today, right? Take the day off or something."
"There's too much to do."
knock knock
"Sorry to interrupt, Chief Beifong has arrived."
"Well luckily you have an amazing daughter that can do all that." The princess said smugly as she left the room.
There it was, that warm feeling in her chest as she walked to see her wife. It's had been around a month since last time they saw each other and oh how she missed her, but there she was finally, in her casual clothes with a loving smile in her face.
Lin left her bags on the floor to wrap her arms around her lover's waist to kiss her.
"Hi, Zumi."
"Hello, dear" Izumi hugged the chief, slightly leaning on her as she relaxed for the first time in weeks
"You look exhausted"
"Why does everyone keep saying that? Can't I just look like this?"
"Yeah... let's take you to bed."
No one saw the Fire Lord for the next four hours until dinner.
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kitthepurplepotato · 2 years
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New to the story? Start here! -> PART 1
Chapter 4 - “Dynadick” and the case of the heartbroken Chargebolt.
Warnings: Swear words, Bakugou being an asshole as always.
Summary: Bakugou does not appreciate flirting. Bakugou is also not fond of listening to the heartbroken Denki’s nonsense.
Special thank you to @sozainturpal for the lovely message, it made me so happy I “accidentally” wrote a full chapter after reading it 💜
This absolute shithead.
Screaming nonsense in the middle of the morning, ruining your precious coffee time.
And did he just call you a… dingbat? Who the actual fuck uses that word anyway?
What is a dingbat?! Is it a bat that… dings?
What is “dinging”?
Can a bat ding?
Holly shit, you definitely haven’t had enough coffee for this conversation. You are also a foreigner. You have no idea how offended you should be right now.
To be fair, we are talking about Dynamight here. This word sounds like a praise from his filthy mouth.
“So, this is the updated database.” You sigh into the silence and sit down by your laptop. Your place is in the far corner of Bakugou’s office, almost opposite his own fancy-pants desk.
As you concentrate on signing in, you can feel Bakugo’s breath on your neck. Can he not bring his bloody chair over and sit down next to you?!
“While in different circumstances I would be more than happy to have you so close to my face, I find your closeness quite unpleasant and slightly inappropriate right now, boss.”
Well… you shouldn’t have said that.
“What the fuck is your problem?!” Says the now tomato red faced explosive hero, clearly not having as much fun as you are right now. Fuck the coffee, making Bakugou uncomfortable is your new favorite part of your morning routine. “Do you have a crush on me or something?!”
“I mean, you actually look quite handsome when you like, shut up. But as that never happens, the answer is no, I do not have a crush on you, I’m afraid.”
For your surprise, he does not lash out on you. Instead, he rolls his eyes and squats next to you to give you some personal space. What have you done? Is Bakugo broken again? Will he play the fake dead card and hide from his embarrassment as he did the last time? Is this how he copes with things?
Where did you leave your coffee?!
“Yeah, I heard that line before.” He sighs and waits for you to start your demonstration, but fuck that, you are really curious right now.
Is he… self conscious about this? Is Bakugo actually capable of human feelings? Did you just tear open a barely mended wound from the past?
You might be the second biggest asshole after Katsuki, but even you can feel ashamed of your own words sometimes.
“Who… said that to you?”
And now you are stuttering. Great.
“Someone in High School. I haven’t shut up ever since.” Grins the blonde and you can’t help but roll your eyes. He was faking it. Of course he was. You were about to say sorry yet here he is, grinning like a wild animal, all calm and collected, like he wasn’t about to die of embarrassment 30 seconds ago. He won this fight and he got you good.
“You are such a dick.”
“Yep, that’s me. Get used to it.”
Haha. Dynadick.
Jesus, where is your coffee again?
“Haha. Dynadick.”
Loud laughter fills the room as Mr. Katsuki rolls on floor, hyperventilating.
The menace might be a pain in the ass, but her red face when she realized she said this out loud was worth waking up for.
“I didn’t mean to say this out loud, goddamit.” The menace squeaks and oh boy, Mr. Katsuki is having the time of his life.
The loud commotion made Kirishima appear in the door as well, and Katsuki can’t get over the pure dread on the Menace’s face so he decides to push it until there’s nothing left but pure mortification.
“She called me Dynadick, Eiji. Dynadick.” Whines the hero on the floor with tears in his eyes. Kirishima is puzzled, he clearly has no idea if he should laugh with his best friend or try his best to save his poor new colleague from her misery; she clearly spoke out loud again, just how she did on her interview.
Is there a way to do both? He kinda wants to laugh.
“I can’t be close to her face because it’s inappropriate but she can call me, her boss, Dynadick. She’s such a hypocrite.”
“IT WAS A FUCKING ACCIDENT, GODDAMMIT!”Stands up the Menace (what was her real name again? Mr. Katsuki has no idea and he definitely does not care enough to ask) and slams her tiny arms on the top of the desk. As the desk slowly shakes and breaks in half, she points at the laptop in the middle of the rumble on the floor. Well, at least the laptop will not need replacing. That can’t be said about the poor table. Rest in peace, brother. What a way to go. “GO AND CHECK THE DATABASE ALONE YOU MISERABLE FUCK, I’M GOING TO A PUB!”
“It’s 7:30, darling. AM.”
Oh, poor Kirishima.
“No shit, Sherlock!” Barks back the Menace and leaves the building, leaving poor Kirishima with a mentally unstable Bakugou who’s still laughing on the floor like a maniac.
“Can you guys at least try to not break something every day? Our budget might be big, but we will eventually run out of money.”
“It was so fucking worth it.” Cries the blonde, with no remorse in his trembling voice.
This will be a long day. Kirishima hopes Y/N will be back by the afternoon so he can make sure she’s fine and not resigning on her second day.
Bakugo has the same hopes, but for different reasons; he’s already plotting his next mischief, and a drunk Menace sounds like the perfect target to get his daily entertainment.
Later that day…
The whole office jumps in unison when the main door slams shut after you. You definitely owe Kirishima an apology and you certainly hope you still have a job and you won’t be asked to leave - you did run away without a warning and you did go to a pub; in broad daylight, in the middle of your shift. On a positive note tho, you already sobered up.
“Y/N! Are you okay? Do you want to talk?”
Of course he is all over you the moment you walk in. Of course HE feels bad while the main culprit is happily sitting in his office, probably drinking YOUR chai tea latte. Nevermind.
“I’m sorry. I’m really really sorry, boss. I just needed a breather. I’m fine. I’m back. I won’t cause any more trouble… well… today.” You blush and look away to the other direction. You might have hundreds of quirks under your sleeve, but somehow, non of them could cure your inability to lie.
Kirishima only snickers on your response and gives you a tiny hug. He’s so precious, goddamit!
“I appreciate your honestly and please, don’t worry about it. It will get easier as the time goes. I’m just happy you are still here and willing to take the responsibility for your actions.” With a tap on your shoulders he lets you make your way to your office.
You can hear chatter coming from the other side of the door. Is someone… crying? Well, it’s definitely not Dynamight as you can hear him grumbling aggressively in the background, clearly not happy about the sudden outburst of this man. Who’s stupid enough to go to Dynamight with his problems? This guy definitely has a death wish or he is an absolute idiot.
As you open the door to take a little look, you see a blondish-yellow haired guy in a leather jacket.
He is indeed an absolute idiot, but in a really nice way.
You heard all about him from your bestie.
“Are you listening, BakuBro?! She dumped me! Again! How many times do I need to have my heart broken? What have I done to deserve this?” Cries the man, ignoring your now obvious presence in the room.
“First of all, I would dump you 100 times too if I would be forced to live with your annoying ass. Second of all, why the fuck do I need to listen to your nonsense? Don’t you have friends?!” Shouts the blonde, making the other blonde cry even more.
“You are my friend…”
Okay, you can’t listen to this shit anymore.
“Well, I’m sorry for eavesdropping on you two, but… Mr. Dynamight, you are an absolute asshole. This man is clearly depressed and heartbroken, can you at least listen to him?! He might be here because he has no one else to go to, did you think about that?! Don’t kick someone who’s already on the floor!” There is an almost silent “oh fuck off” coming Bakugou but you respectfully ignore it and you sit down next to the crying man on the sofa. “My name is Y/N darling, I’m the asshole’s new assistant. Please, don’t listen to him. You are always welcome in this office in the time of need. I can listen to you. What happened?” This is clearly a cry for help, bless his little broken heart. This poor yellow haired man just makes you want to protect him and talk to him about the magical powers of a silver shampoo.
Because this guy needs it.
So much.
Soooo so much.
Okay, that’s not important now.
“Hi, I’m Kaminari Denki.” Sniffles the guy. “I got dumped by my girlfriend Jirou for the twentieth time. I did nothing. Is my existence such a bother to everyone?”
“Yes, it is, now leave.” Comments the asshole of the century, and nope, you can’t do this anymore.
“If you say a single fucking word while I talk to this man, I’ll hang your virgin balls on the nearest lamp post and I’ll blow them up so well, not even the best cleaning brigade in Japan can get rid of them.” You give Bakugou a threatening look and start focusing on the now shaking man on the sofa.
“You are a lovely human being. You might be a bit louder than most, you might annoy some people, but you have all the rights to exist. You just need to find the right people to be with. Also, sometimes people don’t appreciate what they have until they loose it, so what I would do if I were you, I would go home, tell my girl that I’m okay with her decision and I would leave for a few days or weeks to give her some space. Trust me, if she loves you, she will come back to you. If not, there will be someone better who will appreciate you as you are. Don’t underestimate yourself, just because you are different. If Dynamight can exist, so can you.”
Needless to say, you managed to break this man with your words, but that’s fine. Sometimes, you need to completely fall apart to be able to put yourself together in the right way.
As this man you just met smears all his saliva and other disgusting bodily fluids all over your shirt, you sigh into the void. Your life is an absolute joke but if this little conversation did something to help another person, then you don’t mind it that much. At least you made a new friend today, a quite useful one at that. He might come in handy when your phone is out of fuel.
“That last part was unnecessary.” Scoffs your boss, but he can’t deny that even he was a bit moved by your kind words.
“I had to prove my point somehow.” You smile cheekily and stroke Kaminari’s hair to entertain yourself for the time being. “Well, this is definitely enough drama for one day, let’s bury the hatchet for today, Mr. Bakugou. I also told Kirishima I won’t cause any more problems today.”
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep, weirdo.” Bakugou rolls his eyes but he indeed stays quiet for the rest of the day.
You might just be a bit sensitive after all this love drama, but you swear you can feel the change in the air around you two.
Will it stay this way? Probably not; but you can’t help but think back on your words from the morning; Bakugou is indeed quite handsome when he shuts the hell up.
-> Next Chapter!
Anyone remembers who said that line to Bakugo in high school? :P
Wow, this chapter is a bit different than usual, but I really wanted to give the story a bit of a push. And don’t worry; you guys still hate each other, we are really far from the end game! :D
Also, no pigeons in this chapter. I’m heartbroken.
Have a lovely weekend, guys 💜
(feel free to ask me to add you if you like this story btw 💜)
@ibkg @chuugarettes @lilmaimai @nonomesupposedto @sozainturpal
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jjsstars · 10 months
thiamweek 2023: day 1, Liam’s parents
|| for @thiamappreciationweek event
|| tags : theo meeting liam’s parents for the first time, background mason/corey, liam’s step dad knows about the supernatural but I can’t remember if that’s canon or not — this is lowkey a crack fic —
“And you’re… Theo?” Raeken gives a shaky smile as he nods, hand gripped in Liam’s step dad’s a little too tight. It’s not like Theo’s never met peoples parents before, there were plenty of “relationships” he was in to get leverage for the dread doctors— but this is the first time first impressions really do matter, and he’s trying to be genuine.
“He seems tense.” Mrs Dunbar murmurs to her husband and he hums along, finally dropping Theo’s hand.
“We should eat.” Suddenly Theo’s wrist is caught by Liam’s hand and he’s being dragged over to the dining room table where Corey and Mason already sit, they’re here as a buffer for the new couple. Theo seriously debated kissing Mason and Corey when he found out they’d be there to keep things less tension filled.
“It smells delicious ma’am.” It doesn’t make Liam’s mom smile like Theo was hoping for, instead she gives a short nod that almost looks annoyed. What the hell is he doing wrong? It’s been ten minutes.
“Oh my dad cooked.” Ah.
“Well it smells great sir.” That gets him more a nice reaction, a smile and a nod. Liam said that his step dad might be more friendly than his mother, apparently she’s not a people person and how she ended up with someone as extroverted as Liam’s step dad is “totally insane” according to both Liam and Mason.
“Thank you Theo, it’s nice to be appreciated around here.” That’s all it takes for the rest of the group to loosen up, Liam throwing out a whine that he always says thank you at dinner, Mason saying he doesn’t and he just eats like a wild animal which makes Corey snort and share a look with Theo— it gets easier, thank god.
And soon enough dinner is cleared as is dessert and Theo’s able to settle down in front of the couch on a mound of blankets with Liam at his side. They agreed to watch a movie with his parents and while Theo has no idea why the hell they did that, it doesn’t seem like it’ll be horrible. Liam’s step father is busy popping popcorn with Mason and Corey at his side, Theo can hear the three of them bickering about what candy should be mixed with the popcorn. Liam has his head on Theo’s collarbone, he doesn’t smell as anxious as he did earlier which is nice.
But- Theo can feel Liam’s mother’s eyes boring into the back of his head. He repeats in his head that this is fine, it’s just motherly behavior, he thinks? He can’t be sure considering the whole ‘raised in the sewers’ thing. It’s unnerving even if it is normal. He doesn’t know what he did to tick this woman off- she’s not the one that knows about the supernatural, that’s Liam’s step dad and he’s been cheery all night long, so whatever Theo did is beyond him.
“Babe you okay?” He’s brought from his thoughts by Liam’s gentle voice, which is definitely a cover as he’s staring at Theo like he can see right through him.
“Yeah, perfect.” Dunbar’s lip twitches and he turns around enough to look at his mother- ah shit.
“Mom can you stop staring? It’s freaking us out.” Jesus Christ why is he talking to his mother like that? Does he have a deathwish? Even Theo knows that’s unacceptable-
“Sorry honey it’s just nice to see you with a partner.” Well that sounded far too genuine for someone with such a blank expression.
“It’s fine just- maybe not so hard?” She hums to her son and leans back on the couch, eyes drifting to the Tv as Theo tries not to choke on air. What the fuck was that?!
“Relax, she’s just bad at showing emotion.” All Theo can do is nod and blink a few times, he swears this relationship is going to send him into cardiac arrest at some point.
“Got it.”
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yoongisleftearring · 2 years
part twenty-one: how I knew
D O N ’ T T E L L !
pairing: Oni!Seungmin x Werewolf!reader x Siren!Hyunjin
-> in which after witnessing something you shouldn’t have, a particularly intimidating Oni forces you to keep his secret only to tangle you up in their mess
word count: 0.6k + texts
a/n: let's all collectively ignore my extended break, okay?
no warnings, operation sexy dynamite Hwang is in full swing
previous < masterlist > next
Taglist:@channieboyo@randomness7198@tangerminie@rubberduckieyourtheone@sugarrush-blush@tfkp0p@putmetogetheragain13@imtoooyoungforthisshit@zoe8stay@slut-for-dabi@moon-gyus@wondering-out-loud@lonewolfjinji@midsoulz @simeonswhore @icouldntcareless22 @smollquokka
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"Oh god," you muttered as you came face to face with a smiling Hyunjin. You hastily begin to pack your stuff away in your bag, but as you go to pick up your magical history book, a hand slams down on the cover. "What?" you groan. Hyunjin squints his eyes at you, raising one of his perfectly plucked eyebrows. Of course she was here.
"Don't what me when you're sitting in the library in your usual seat at your usual time," Hyunjin huffed as he took a seat next to you. This was it. Operation 'sexy dynamite Hwang' was their last chance.
"Please don't do this. I'm embarrassed enough as it is."
"Y/n, do you really think I'm here to rub it in your face?" He deadpanned.
You hesitated.
"No?" you say slowly, and Hyunjin chuckles at your unsure tone.
"You need more time to think about that?" he laughs. Your face was slowly growing red as the conversation continued.
"Well, why wouldn't you?" you muttered. "I'm a weird creepy weirdo."
"Well, weird creepy weirdos happen to be right up my alley," he smiles, his dimples showing and his eyes sparkling in the warm lights of the library. 
"Now I know you're making fun of me," you mumbled.
"I'm not," he assures. "But, I do think we should talk about it." Shit. Those dreaded words were so much harder to avoid when said face to face instead of over text.
"Did Seungmin tell you that I'm sorry?" you asked, looking up at him to see if there were any malice or mocking on his face, but only a comforting smile lay upon his lips.
"He did," he nodded. "But I should probably thank you."
"Thank me," you hesitated. "For what?"
"Did you mean what you said?"
"What you said about me being good?" he spoke softly, almost as if he was scared of your answer. "About them being wrong about me?" Hyunjin stared into your eyes, and you could see then the effect their words really had. What did they do to him? 
"Hyunjin, I may have tweeted a lot of dumb shit, but I was always honest about that," you replied. "You want to know how I knew?"
He nodded.
"Our first day, back in first grade. Before we were even put into the school of bad, I saw you." you smiled as you recalled how nervous you were on your first day in this vast magical school. "We were getting a tour from one of the third graders, walking through the gardens. I saw you picking a bunch of flowers," you continued, and Hyunjin smiled fondly. "Someone asked you why you were ruining the garden, and you told them 'they're for a friend I'm planning on making." Hyunjin could barely recall that interaction; it seemed so long ago, and he was shocked that you could remember it so vividly. "You gave them to him. Later, at dinner."
"Seungmin," Hyunjin nodded. You hummed.
"It was small things like that that I noticed that let me know. I never really understood why you were put in bad," you remarked.
"Those years were really hard for me. I would have liked to know that you were in my corner," Hyunjin told.
You hummed in agreement.
"Probably would have saved me some embarrassment if we had been friends this whole time," you chuckled.
"Yeah," he laughed. "My dumb boyfriend wouldn't have compiled a blackmail file." 
A short laugh, then silence.
"Will you talk to him?" he asked, eyes full of hope. "I wouldn't ask if I didn't think it'd be worth it." You stared at him for a moment, unsure. 
But, if this were the last time you would speak to Seungmin, hearing his side of things probably wouldn't be the worst idea.
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beewolfwrites · 2 years
Magnetism - Part 2
So you all wanted a part 2 of the Chishiya/Reader reunion, and here it is :) 
(If I’ve been very slow this last week, i’m really sorry. Just within the last three days I’ve had a concert, an all-day job interview and a first date, so I wasn’t able to write that much)
Going head to head with Chishiya over a chessboard in his hospital room had quickly become your new favourite pastime. You had never really been a fan of chess until now; strategy wasn’t exactly your biggest strength, and every time you had played before, you either lost miserably or ended up locked in a situation where neither you nor your opponent could move without losing several pieces at once. You really didn’t like chess, but maybe it wasn’t the game itself that kept you coming back.
‘I’m moving my bishop.’ You picked up the piece and twirled it between your fingers, trying to find the best place to put it. 
Chishiya watched on silently. He did that a lot. It was impossible to anticipate his next move. The chessboard was balanced on his knees, and you had pulled up a chair beside his hospital bed in order to play. 
You set the bishop down between two of his pawns. ‘I think I’ll drop it here. I’m allowed to do that, right?’ 
‘You’re allowed,’ he said. However, his queen seemed to appear from nowhere, knocking down your poor bishop. ‘It doesn’t mean you should.’ 
‘My bishop!’ You watched him drop it by his side, a mass grave of your pieces nestled between the rolls of his blanket. ‘You know I don’t play much chess. You could go a little easier on me, you know.’
‘I already am,’ he replied curtly. ‘If I go any easier, I’ll just be letting you win.’ 
‘Yeah… and?’
A rough groan sounded from behind a blue curtain in the bay next to Chishiya’s. ‘Keep it the fuck down, why don’t you? Nobody gives a shit about your game, and some of us are trying to sleep here.’ 
‘I could say the same thing,’ you said. ‘Your snoring is driving me insane.’ 
‘I don’t snore.’
‘You sound like a tractor.’
There was a loud crack of skin against wood as Niragi pounded the bedside table with his fist. ‘Come here and fucking say that! I dare you.’ 
‘Yeah?’ You snickered. 'Why don’t you come here instead? Oh wait. You can’t.’  Chishiya glanced lazily between you and the blue curtain. ‘I wouldn’t rile him up if I were you. It’s hard enough getting him to stop.’ He gestured to the board. ‘Your turn.’
Drowning out Niragi’s violent protests, you analysed the board in front of you. You couldn’t move your queen because of Chishiya’s knights, and your castle was blocked by his pawns. 
‘Here then.’ You moved your knight forward left, threatening his own. 
His eyes lifted to yours, and in that moment, you realised a little too late that you had dug your own grave. Ignoring your knight, he moved his queen forward three paces. 
Really? Again?!
You huffed and leaned back in your chair, giving up entirely. You had played with him so many times over the last week to no avail. In fact, you had never once been close to winning. No matter what moves you pulled, he was always three… no, five steps ahead. 
‘What’s the point of us playing, if I barely even have a chance at winning?’ Wait…
A memory struck you. 
It crackled through your mind like lightning; an abandoned multi-storey car park… A strong sense of dread in the pit of your stomach… A man in a white hood - no, Chishiya. He looks calm, but weary, if not a little smug. People are standing around clutching phones, some terrified, but you only have eyes for Chishiya. Unmoving as a pond with his cruel, cruel smile.
‘We have such a small chance of winning, so why bother playing the game at all?’
You didn’t realise that you had frozen in your seat until Chishiya said your name.
 Not that Chishiya, this one right here in the hospital. It was so easy, yet so difficult to differentiate between the two. And that smile you had seen, the coldness behind it, his callous demeanour. Was the Chishiya from your memories really the same person sitting in front of you right now? 
There was a strange remembrance in his eyes, as though he could see straight through you. 
Whatever this is, I have to remember it. I need to! 
You couldn’t leave things like this. Whilst you had talked about the lasers and the strange feelings you experienced after the meteorite incident, you had never really addressed the elephant in the room. But for now, you were aware that visiting hours were quickly drawing to a close.
‘When are you discharged?’ You asked. 
‘Two days.’ 
‘I have no plans for the rest of this week.’ 
He nodded, thinking carefully. ‘Meet me in Ueno Park on Thursday,’ he said. ‘At eleven. By the Toshogu shrine.’ 
Sounds like a plan, you thought, rehearsing his words. Ueno park, 11am, the shrine. Got it! 
‘I’ll be there.’
You cleared away the chessboard and slid the box into a bag. Chishiya was staring down at the sheets on his bed, eyes shifting back and forth in deep concentration. It was strange, like he barely even noticed that you were leaving. You took one last look at him, hunched over, hair draping over his face, before closing the door to his room softly behind you. 
Needless to say, Thursday couldn’t arrive fast enough. You had the date, place and time set in your phone calendar. You weren’t actually sure why you were so excited for this meetup. You had no chess to play, and in all honesty, you weren’t really sure how to ask about the strange memories you had witnessed. And more than that, what was it about Chishiya’s presence that drew you towards him? He was quiet, in some ways snarky and unhelpful. At times he was callous and cold. So why him? 
It was eating away at you inside. Even when Thursday finally arrived, you were still perplexed by these conflicting feelings, struggling to understand what any of it meant.
But you were ready to find out. 
As you wandered through the footpaths of Ueno park, bypassing the museum and gallery, your eyes wandered up to the lines of blossom trees, branches loaded with ripening cherries. If only it could have been spring again; the blossoms had been beautiful earlier in the year when they scattered across the paths in a shower of pink and white rain. Maybe one day in the spring you could return, and even invite Chishiya too. 
The Toshogu shrine was impossible to miss, with its golden doors and accents that glistened in the summer sunshine. Working your way through the crowds gathered in the small square in front of the shrine, you swerved groups of tourists snapping photographs, and chose instead to wait at the side of the grand structure. 
You checked your watch. 10:56. 
You rocked back and forth on your heels, keeping an eye out for blond hair. The crowds were heavy, pushing past each other and clustering in the middle of the pathways, and it seemed impossible to identify any one person in the masses. 
But you did. 
You felt it once again, that magnetism drawing your eyes to him no matter where he was. He was wearing a light grey cardigan and a white t-shirt, and had his hands tucked into his pockets. Despite the crowds, he was staring into the distance, but then stopped in his tracks, his eyes immediately shifting to yours. 
Can he feel it too?
He crossed the small square towards you and you met him halfway, your mind suddenly blank in his presence. It felt unusual seeing him outside of the hospital, and you instantly began to wonder what his real life was like, what music he listened to, what food he liked to eat. He was standing in front of you now, and you made to speak, but then your eyes drifted down to his collar where the barest hint of a white dressing could be seen once more. 
‘We should probably get away from all these tourists,’ you said. 
With all these people pushing past one another, it was starting to worry you. During that trauma group session, he had mentioned being pierced by two building rods. His injuries couldn’t possibly have healed within this span of time, and you were wary of someone pushing into him and hurting him further. You led him towards a bench between two cherry trees, a place where you could both enjoy the city view. 
‘Are you sure it’s okay for you to be discharged this early?’ 
He shrugged. ‘Normally we’d keep a patient in longer for observation. But the hospitals are overrun.’ 
‘Ah… makes sense.’ 
Chishiya had once mentioned being a medical student, and how it now felt being on the other side of the operating table. He was lucky to get a bed, too. After the meteorite, the surrounding hospitals in the area had been in a state of chaos. Injured citizens, families, children were all being treated while sitting on the floor of the emergency wards; there simply weren’t enough beds to go around. At first, the hospital corridors were lined with patients in stretchers, the staff running around in an overworked panic, not unlike a war zone. 
‘So you remember lasers too.’ Chishiya said suddenly. 
‘Kind of,’ you admitted. ‘I think that’s why I’ve been avoiding the colour red. Something about it makes me feel like I’m going to be struck, you know, like lightning? But not like that at all. I don’t know, it doesn’t make sense to me.’ 
Chishiya passively stared at a couple as they walked by our bench. Seeing them together made me feel jealous somehow. ‘What else do you remember?’ he asked. 
You took a deep breath. 
Neither of you spoke. You waited for a chuckle… sarcasm… utter dismissal of the idea… Chishiya was usually quite predictable. However, instead of shooting you down as you’d expected, Chishiya gave a small nod of understanding. 
‘I’m pretty sure that trauma group meeting was the first time I’d ever seen you,’ you explained. ‘But when you came into the room, I had this sense of dejavu. I had—I don’t know.’
‘You remembered things.’ He swiftly interrupted your train of thought. ‘You had strange memories that don’t make sense.’ 
‘Well, yeah.’ You frowned, puzzled. ‘I remembered things I’m confident I’ve never seen, like bullet wounds, and a burning hotel. And Shibuya, but really overgrown like the plants had taken over the city. Is that weird?’ 
‘Not really,’ he said. Then he paused. ‘I saw them too.’ 
He saw them? The same memories?
It couldn’t have been possible, and yet, Chishiya’s reaction was so cavalier, as though you’d just described a regular everyday occurrence. And then an idea sprung to mind. It would sound crazy, and he’d probably think you were insane, but this whole experience was already crazy.
‘Maybe we went somewhere else in that one minute.’ 
He tilted his head, curious now. ‘Somewhere else?’
‘Yeah, like a faraway place. Or a parallel world?’ 
He hummed slowly, smirking. ‘Perhaps. For just one minute?’
‘Time works differently in parallel universes, I think. It’s not impossible.’ 
‘Maybe,’ he mused. ‘Who knows?’ 
You weren’t really sure of what to say next. If he shared the same experiences, the same flood of unfamiliar memories, then perhaps he could sense this connection between the two of you. The magnetism that drew you together. There was only one way to find out. 
‘Hey Chishiya?’ 
‘Do you want to go to Ueno Zoo with me?’ 
Mild surprise flashed across his face, then disappeared. ‘Right now?’ 
Your confidence was draining by the second. Surely he was only interested in your strange memories. Of course he wouldn’t want to go to a zoo with you. Why would he? Plus he was probably still in terrible pain, and trailing around a zoo would only make it worse. And then what if he only agreed out of pity, or because you’d put him in an awkward position where he couldn’t say no.  ‘You don’t have to,’ you said quickly. ‘I might come back with a friend this weekend anyway, so it’s no big deal if you don’t want to—‘ 
Wait. Was this really happening? 
‘You mean?’ 
‘I’ll go with you,’ he said simply. ‘I have nothing better to do.’ 
You couldn’t stop yourself from grinning ear to ear, even when he looked at you as though you had gone mad. You couldn’t help it. Your heart was singing in your chest, not just because Chishiya had agreed, but because after all the hurt and emptiness you had suffered, this was the new beginning you had been craving all along. 
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