#and in the end I suppose she does as a spellblade
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wolfsong-the-bloody-beast · 2 months ago
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Snowflake. ❄️
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larathia · 1 year ago
Reign of the Seven Spellblades babble
Like, for starters, it's the first light novel series ever to make me cry.
At work, even.
I stand by what I said before - if you loved Harry Potter once, but became disillusioned or had problems with her worldbuilding, this series will be the best dark ride of your life.
But oh. It will hurt. Mostly because it makes a bit too much sense.
I'm'a get less coherent now. You want this stuff to make sense, go read the series. (The anime will get you from volume one to volume three, but skims kind of a lot. The manga does not even get you THAT far.)
ARRRGH PETE. Oliver is so much more messed up than you realize. I mean I get it, roommate, first serious crush, etc. BUT TRUST ME YOU DON'T WANT TO TAP THAT ASS. You don't. I get why you think you do, but sweet summer child you really really don't.
Ah, Oliver. You are going to be crucified, aren't you. If this were a Western story you absolutely would be. I'm holding out some hope that since this is not, ultimately, a Western story, that maybe JUST MAYBE your adorable chirpy Japanese girlfriend will bitchslap some sense into you before you burn yourself out in a very literal way. Then again, she's...uh. Not sane. I suppose I should really just hope that when you go down in flames, she'll be on fire and falling next to you?
In a sense, this is a harem story. But it really doesn't feel like one, even with all the people of all genders that wind up falling at Oliver's feet. And I think it's because all the people falling at Oliver's feet are ...just like him, in the end. Abused and neglected children who just want someone, anyone, to tell them they're good people and it's going to be okay. Oliver needs it just as much as everyone around him, but he's flipped the script so that he gives the world what he most needs and it usually turns out to be the right thing because the world's just that. fucked. up.
This series is seriously making me want to write Draco Goes To Therapy fic. I'm not going to, that fandom can fry, but the temptation's there.
Bone-boy is going to come in handy before the end. I can feeeeel it. Maybe he'll fix Oliver's broken soul. (Shush, shippers, I actually mean that very literally.) And if the final boss is a soul-sucking vampire, it kinds feels right that the final-boss-squad include a necromancer.
Please, story, and I really am begging you here, please don't kill Katie. Please don't let her be consumed by the spell. In a lot of ways her continued survival symbolizes Oliver's hopes. Can we please please not murder her? I don't even care if it takes Oliver knocking her up (provided Nanao at least knows about it) but don't kill her. Please please.
Also please give Pete to the Toxic Gasser. They'd be the very best genderqueer couple ever just please let them have to work together long enough to start eyeing each other?
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cerastes · 2 years ago
I haven't played the game, can you tell us what Mudrock is like, like her personality and backstory?
The first impression you'll get from Mudrock based on her fanart, is that she's cute or attractive, and probably nothing else. I do enjoy Mudrock art a lot, but part of me feels like there's definitely a lot of potential for more serious art involving her (which exists, in minimal quantities). That's because she's a very solemn character. Mind you, she does have a silly side to her, but it lives alongside this solemn side I speak of. Let's talk about Mudrock.
Mudrock is a Sarkazian warrior that possesses great might and magic both, being a highly skilled spellblade, or, well, spellhammer, owing to her own expertise of Originium Arts (particularly those that manipulate ground and rock) as well as her time in the battlefield. She made her debut on the event Grani And The Knights' Treasure, the game's very first sidestory event, on a cutscene after the very last optional map, where she receives a letter from that story's main antagonist, Big Bob, her sworn brother, who informs her that he's doing alright after getting part of the treasure. It wouldn't be until Twilight of Wolumonde that she'd take to the stage again, where she is not playable and is, in fact, the main antagonist (though not the villain) of the story. Just like Big Bob, Mudrock is ex-Reunion (Reunion being the first part of the game's main antagonist), and she, alongside Big Bob and their respective squadrons, of which they were leaders, deserted Reunion after it rotted from the inside and strayed from its supposed objective to protect and fight for the Infected: They both realized that Reunion had become yet another pawn in the international war games between the bigger countries, and the Infected had become little more than cannon fodder and easily swayed soldiers to Reunion more than the people they sought to protect. Big Bob and Mudrock both are characterized by having a well-attuned moral compass, and this wasn't what they signed up for. They weren't simply lashing out at an uncaring world and letting their rage loose, they seriously were fighting for the freedom and well-being of the Infected. So they deserted... But they couldn't leave together.
Here's the first big important aspect of Mudrock: Big Bob invited her and her Mudrock Squad to come with him, since they were sworn siblings and their squads also got along really well. It seemed natural to walk the walk together, right? Big Bob's plans were to find the Knights' Treasure in the outskirts of Kazimierz, and use those riches to buy land in Columbia, where oppression against the Infected isn't as prevalent as in most other places, and money speaks louder (for context, the Infected are usually secluded into special Infected neighborhoods in other countries, or even executed outright, so while Columbia still oppresses them to some degree, it is leagues better than other places) and the Infected are allowed to own land and businesses, so long as they have the capital. Big Bob then intended to make a business with this money, and then be able to provide housing, employment and profits for his "family" (what he calls his squadmates and close friends), and for any other Infected that needed help.
However, Mudrock politely declined, because the Sarkaz in her squad simply couldn't live a life that wasn't one of blood and steel: Sarkaz from Kazdel are known to live short, fast mercenary lives, and those who see a longer life, can only live in the battlefield. It's all they know. Mudrock knew this, more so the older Sarkaz in her Mudrock Squad. To subject them to a civilian life would be to simply put them in a pressure cooker until they snapped, until PTSD or incompatibility with the lifestyle became too much, until their grave Oripathy claimed them anyway, and Kazdel Sarkaz tend to prefer a end in the field of battle. They needed a leader, and Mudrock was that leader. Not only that, Mudrock didn't want to leave any other Infected dry out there, a sentiment shared by her Sarkaz, who figured, hey, if we're going to keep fighting, we should do it to rescue as many Infected as we can.
So she traveled. Even though Reunion might as well be dead, rotten from the inside, Mudrock took matters into her hands. She knew her scope would never compare to that of an organized movement... But she had to do whatever she could, even if it was minimal in scale.
Twilight of Wolumonde is a whole can of worms and a half, so let me summarize it by saying this: Mudrock fought Rhodes Island entirely because she demanded there be justice for the Infected that were unjustly killed in Leithanien (or, well, that small corner of) in what basically was a mystery novel plot of whodunit. Once justice had been doled out and responsibility was taken, she took what oppressed Infected would be fine with leaving with her, and quietly left. Her stay was anything but quiet, however, as she summoned several Colossi of stone and soil in order to fight. At one point, she even summoned a particularly gigantic one, akin to a mountain, which she proceeded to transplant her consciousness into to 'pilot' it herself.
Afterwards, however, they were hounded by several Infected Hunters from Leithanien, who had the complete advantage in terms of terrain, who kept picking them off one by one, survivors and fighters both. As Mudrock and company finally arrived at the frontier with Kazdel, just one bridge away, she ordered all stragglers and survivors to cross the bridge, telling them that they could eke out a free, if hard-earned and arduous, living in the Kazdel outskirt towns. Mudrock and her Sarkaz warriors, however, would not accompany them, they would stand their ground by the bridge, to stop their pursuers. Mudrock was ready to die. She put it in no uncertain terms, if anyone wanted to leave with the survivors, they could, and those who stayed with her would die alongside her defending the survivors. Her men and women stayed with her. If it meant saving those, even though they weren't many, that was what counted, she'd seen her personal duty to the best of her abilities. She was fine dying in these terms.
Of course, she didn't die: Elite Rhodes Island Operator Logos had come across this little kerfuffle recently and tailed both groups, and then took action to support and rescue Mudrock and what remained of her squad. They fought. They won.
Mudrock and her crew went to Rhodes Island afterwards, where Human Resources struck a deal with her: If she worked as an Operator for them, they'd provide for her and her Squad, giving them jobs in the field as well as Oripathy treatment. Mudrock wasn't initially sure, but a chance encounter with Grani led to both of them conversing initially about Big Bob and then about other stories, and, plus encouragement and endorsement from Folinic and Suzuran (who knew Mudrock from the Wolumonde incident), Mudrock ended up accepting the deal.
Besides her very full, sincere intention to do anything she can for the Infected and her Sarkaz brethren, Mudrock is a bit... Weird. She'll usually go on bizarre tangents about the weirdest things, or simply say strange things with the utmost serious expression. Not random stuff, just actually letting her thoughts drift along with whatever thought comes to mind, in a contemplative manner. She also likes making little clay dolls of people and talking to them, but feels very embarrassed when seen doing this (though it is implied she actually can just talk to the earth). Mudrock is also popular among Rhodes Island logistics personnel (which includes plenty of Sarkaz from the Babel days, the precursor to Rhodes Island) because she'll offer to help them move heavy things whenever she sees them, given that she's both immensely strong physically as well as a powerful caster whose earth Arts make moving things around easy. She also very rarely isn't wearing full armor, meaning that while you likely usually see her like this in fanart:
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She actually looks like this most of the time:
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In fact, a lot of people in her very own squad didn't know what she looked like. There were rumors about an unknown Sarkaz girl that would wander around Mudrock's camp now and then. That was actually Mudrock in the rare occasions where she didn't wear her armor.
Two fun facts about Mudrock!
The first one is that her birthday is on the 21st of September, which is the International Day of Peace. It serves to reflect that ultimately, what she wants is peace for the Infected and Sarkaz, even if she has to fight for it.
The second one is that her hammer has an inscription if you look closely:
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In the trailer for Roaring Flare, we get a good look at it:
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"For evil men will be cut off". This is a short form of Psalm 37:9 from the Bible (King James edition): "For evildoers shall be cut off: but those that wait upon the Lord, they shall inherit the earth."
All in all, Mudrock is bundle of love and kindess in an awkward package (awkward in terms of how she socializes, not in that she's shy or anything), but when an injustice is present, she will fight tooth and nail until justice is meted out (as she did in Wolumonde) and is willing to die for her ideals, if it'll save just a few people.
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syncogon · 6 years ago
qzgs prequel movie pv2 thoughts
(pv1 thoughts here)
Since the account gave advance warning, I was literally parked on the weibo page refreshing for like the entire day
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pretty colors! I wonder where in the real life Hangzhou this place is based off of
(also, didn’t smq die before signing the contract anyway? ““At that time, we had already confirmed our team and were prepared to formally sign the contract, but he was caught up in an accident.” Ye Xiu sighed.” (616) )
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damn these are some crazy good accommodations for two orphans and a runaway. it’s like a penthouse suite wth 
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this is SUCH a cute shot and a cute touch. i’m gonna complain a bit about how a lot of this pv was already released in earlier stills, but i’m glad they left this shot for us to discover. yx looks like he’s sticking out his tongue, idk what he’s holding in his mouth but it’s very cute
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(gross sobbing)
(please don’t let wxf be unreasonably short...)
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“Thank you for believing in me” waaaa i always get feels about how they all believe in this kid, still recovering from grief
also why are their shirts white. that’s like happy. ee’s shirts were red like their jackets... aesthetically ig this looks better though
also is this our first look at tx??? (i guess we saw him in some s2 promo poster but still this feels momentous)
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why is his hair like this
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im UPSET by this scene it doesn’t make any sense!! it’s so inconsistent with yq’s character as it’s been established in the present day. you’d have to do so much handwaving to try and explain this detail in a way that makes sense and is consistent
they’re trying to make this mask thing all special and deep significance but why couldn’t yx have just randomly pulled it out of a pocket
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smc’s getting picked up from school? awww. i really liked this scene, it seemed so smoothly animated and natural and so cute. like i’ll forgive smc’s ridiculous age-down for cuteness like this
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the lighting... so soft... (and yas the trees with the randomly painted white trunks what a great detail)
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sorry this made me laugh it’s just - so big
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i’m a huge sucker for pretty clouds i’m so glad they made this a wallpaper
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i also really enjoyed the shot of him aiming. im so curious though if this is a pro match? because the way the scenes are cut together... are they gonna have him not die until halfway through the season?? man. i hope this is just an in-game shot. (and who’s the scythe player he’s fighting?)
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mmmm cgi keyboard
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idk why but hahahahaha oal 
and im free.... free faaaallling.......
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(man this shot was hard to get. they’re all blurred.)
nice symbolic shot but also the reach of a spear is SO much longer than an arm...
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v interesting!! an exorcist skill? oal in trouble?
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suuuper curious how the finals match is gonna play out. also why’s that third chair empty. 
are they gonna have all the team members in the same room for the team fights.... like i understand they need that aesthetic but also... well i guess they’re allowing voice chat anyway, so whatever
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i love them
(i really like mercy’s design it’s so cool)
also, bgm is HYPE 
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“it’s not the problem of one person” is like the same tone as the single player game quote
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3 of them have their eyes closed could they not have been more creative with facial expressions
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so royal style does have six players! shame we didn’t get a better shot of them in this pv, we still only have that picture from ccg, but that only showcased 5 of them for some reason. 
just saying, we’ve never seen royal style’s 6th player and yx in the same room...
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[gross ugly sobbing] my man.....
(is this him intervening at the end of the first yx/hwq fight??? please.........
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she pretty
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mercy looks so cooool
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the height diff lmao
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look at them TT but also where does oal’s shirt/armor end... looks so weird
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believe in your teammates for that is the faith of victory T__T
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let’s go jiashi let’s go (clap clap clap)
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remarkably similar to that one shot in the ova! which i think someone posted about already. 
yx: :3
god i love this music it’s so hype
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ll: mada mada dane
but who’s the exorcist in the back?!!?!?!?
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can’t wait to see exorcist fight!! 
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[more sobbing over og ee]
“ye-dui” T__________T
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our aggressive spellblade
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he looks like he aged 10 years between this and the above shot of him without the face mask
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look it’s happy
is there a generic bird cawing sound that all these things use when they need a bird cawing
also who is this character supposed to be? what skill?
alright after writing all this out let’s hope it actually posts!! less to talk about this time i think, but hype intensifies wooot
(i couldn’t tell if wxf was speaking any of the lines.... wish we saw more..... but i will accept this for now)
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hotarla · 8 years ago
My Thoughts: “Quan Zhi Gao Shou” Episode 10 Summary and Review
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Someone is looking mighty guilty for this week’s edition of “My Thoughts.” We’ve got some more reshuffling (and a few more chapters of the novel completely cut out again!) so I’ll try to keep everyone on track with what’s going on.
Spoilers ahead so read at your own risk! Also, expect to see lots of Huang Shao and Yu Wenzhou screenshots! To give you guys a sense of where we are in the novel, we start off around chapter 179 and end around chapter 199, with the addition of chapter 159 for our special “guest.”
The episode starts off with the promised PvP battle in the Heavenly Domain between Poplar Beach and Chasing Haze (played by Ye Xiu). Chen Guo looks nervously on as he plays on her character, incensed when he throws her weapon away. Even while playing on another character (and a female one at that), Ye Xiu still looks pretty kickass as he combos the arrogant guy to death while Poplar Beach’s use of Shadow Steps to create four afterimages proves ineffective against our God. The Global Chat explodes with praise after the win.
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At Blue Rain headquarters, Liang Yichun (Changing Spring) watches the recorded battle with the captain of the club, Yu Wenzhou and a very nervous looking Huang Shaotian. With his analytical mind, he is able to deduce Lord Grim’s tactics: throwing the weapon to reduce weight, using the extra speed to PK Poplar Beach. At the mention of Lord Grim, Huang Shaotian chokes on his drink, looking even more guilty than ever and Yu Wenzhou glances at him with a smile, asking him if he knows this “pro.” He immediately denies it vehemently. In the novel, he actually falls off his chair (which I would’ve loved to have seen!) and pretends to ignore Yu Wenzhou when he is called, feigning ignorance when asked about the the 10th server records and trying to change the topic.
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As Yu Wenzhou goes on to study the records made in the 10th Server, noting the patterns between the main party for Lord Grim and pointing out the temporary “helpers” of Hateful Sword and Flowing Tree, Huang Shao tries to sneak away but is caught by his captain and told to come back to help out with his analysis. Resigned to his fate, he trudges back while Wenzhou deduces that the record for Boneyard was done by pros from Excellent Era, one of them being the vice captain Liu Hao, as it also coincided with the dismal performance of Excellent Era’s competition battle with Blue Rain. Shaotian pretends to come to the conclusion that the reason for the fast record was because a new strategy was used and Yichun reacts with surprise: why would a pro player like Liu Hao not only spend his time to set a record in the 10th server but also create a new strategy? Wenzhou just smiles and says that the strategy was stolen by Hateful Sword, who was actually Liu Hao in disguise, and that the strategy was originally created by Lord Grim.
Shaotian nervously laughs this off, reacting with feigned incredulity while Wenzhou continues his analysis. He goes on to say that during the pro competition battle, Liu Hao had used Berserker skills while playing with a Spellblade account, further deducing that Hateful Sword was a Berserker account. Shaotian continues to laugh it off: “why would Liu Hao go through all this trouble?” Wenzhou continues to mysteriously smile, saying that Liu Hao obviously had a grudge on this Lord Grim character: he obviously feared him enough to spy on him in the 10th server, yet recognized him enough to use the new strategy and trusted that it would be the best way to beat the dungeon. The only conclusion: Lord Grim is Ye Qiu!
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Later, Yichun calls up Xu Boyuan (Blue River) and tells him what the captain had said: Lord Grim is Ye Qiu! (In the novel, this actually takes place in the Heavenly Domain) Blue River looks at Lord Grim’s name in his friend list, his eyes shining with awe before his eyes land on a second name, Flowing Tree. If Lord Grim was Ye Qiu, then this Blade Master could only be…
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…Huang Shaotian! Said Blade Master is sitting with his captain, looking mighty guilty about everything as he laughs about the familiarity of the Flowing Tree name as Wenzhou continues to talk calmly. He doesn’t look mad, only highly amused about Shaotian’s actions. Things turn serious as Wenzhou questions Shaotian about Ye Qiu’s (Ye Xiu’s) new unspecialized character and changing silver weapon.
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Back at the Internet cafe (I wonder where Bao wandered off to, has he gone back to whence he came?), Tang Rou is looking at dungeon guides written by someone called Concealed Light. We get a bit of Zhou Zekai again (lol what is it with all the fan service? *laughs*) before Ye Xiu wanders by, impressed by what he’s reading from the guide and asks Tang Rou to link him to the author’s account. She does so but shortly after, finds out that someone has killed her in-game while she was idle…
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In-game, Ye Xiu gets a message from Huang Shaotian from his Flowing Tree account: you’ve been exposed! Ye Xiu laughs it off, saying that if he was exposed, the same would go for Shaotian. Shaotian agrees before realizing that his captain, Yu Wenzhou, was right behind him! Ye Xiu continues to talk: it’s too bad his hands are handicapped! Shaotian lets Ye Xiu know that Wenzhou was with him but Ye Xiu just continues to lament over Wenzhou’s “handicapped” hands. Wenzhou agrees with this statement, unfazed by the trash talk and asks Ye Xiu for a duel!
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The two Gods meet up at the Fixed Arena field: Ye Xiu with Lord Grim and Ye Wenzhou with his Warlock, Swoksaar (in the novel, he used Shaotian’s Blade Master, Flowing Tree to go up against Lord Grim). As the two fight and compare notes, they casually talk, Wenzhou remarking how he envied those with fast APMs (his own, very slow hand speed is made apparent during the battle).
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After Ye Xiu wins the battle amid the flashy light shows, they talk a bit more about the pros and cons of unspecialized characters. Ye Xiu leaves and Wenzhou discusses the match with Shaotian. They talk about the false combos Ye Xiu made and, after the captain leaves, Shaotian studies a recording of the match in order to figure out how many he could’ve dodged. Fighting spirit ignited, he immediately logs into the game but makes the mistake of going on his main account, Troubling Rain. After briefly being bombarded by messages, he quickly logs off and goes on his 10th server account, Flowing Tree, to bother Ye Xiu, who responds with indifference, making Shaotian mad (in the novel, he actually logs off his main, logs back into his main but hides his status, tries to contact him and Su Mucheng via QQ messenger before bothering him on his alternate account). I have to admit, his ever-changing expressions are so funny!
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Meanwhile, Ye Xiu has just finished reading all the “Idiot” guides that Concealed Light has written. Chen Guo is skeptical about the guides but Ye Xiu tells her that the guides have no mistakes, even though they were written by a complete noob. After telling Ye Xiu about Tang Rou being killed in-game, he lets the rest of the group know that they’re going to the next dungeon, Line Canyon. However, before he can do that, a mysterious character in pink arrives in front of his desk. Who could it possibly be?
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It’s Su Mucheng! Like our chatterbox Shaotian, she’s bundled herself up to come and play with Ye Xiu! In the novel, this event would have chronologically taken place in episode 9 while they were still playing in Desolate Land and she was supposed to be bundled up in a bunch of fur (kind of sad they didn’t do that for this episode lol). After Chen Guo leaves (originally, GuoGuo wasn’t around in the novel for her appearance), Ye Xiu has her sit beside him to play. His look of exasperated fondness towards her disguise (as if he’s used to her antics) is just so cute and sweet!
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However, after logging in, Ye Xiu notices something fishy about his surroundings. It doesn’t take him too long to figure out as he soon finds himself running and attacking players who are appearing everywhere, determined to kill him! Ye Xiu quickly messages the others in-game and finds out that the same thing is happening to them. Su Mucheng remarks worriedly to Ye Xiu from her seat beside him, wondering if this was another one of Liu Hao’s tricks but Ye Xiu is unsure, although it appears that he has his suspicions.
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In another area inside the game, players are looking all over for Steam Bun but are unable to find him. A certain turbaned fellow (*cough*Concealed Light*cough*) is also wandering around looking for him before he spots a well. Accidentally falling in, he comes face to face with an evil sounding voice and…a brick!?
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Waha, Steam Bun is hilarious! Pretending to be some “Devil of the Well” was just priceless! I wasn’t expecting Concealed Light to look like that to be honest but at least it’s a tad different from all the other plain looking players with their swords and suits of armour! I kind of miss the fact that the series hasn’t animated a lot of the dungeoning and BOSS battles because those are truly interesting in the novel! Oh well…let’s just see what the next episode has in store for us!
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Looks like we’ll be in Congee Forest next week! I see a bit more Concealed Light and some inter-guild cooperation against a certain character. I’m excited for the dual-God collaboration though! Seeing two Godly pro players taking on an entire squad of enemies? I hope we get some Yifan though, I’m feeling a bit Yifan-deprived! And I wonder how it will turn out between Steam Bun and Concealed Light? They don’t have the best of relationships in the novel, although their interactions have always been amusing because of their contrasting personalities. We’ll just have to find out next week! Until then, 再見!
Profile of the Week: Yu Wenzhou’s Warlock, Swoksaar
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worldofadvent · 7 years ago
NEO World of Advent Chapter Fifteen
"It's today right?" Clover's anxious form hovered a few inches off the ground next to Cero. "It's supposed to be released today."
"Don't worry," Cero said. "I'm sure it's up by now." Cero typed in the browser to go to the developers of Spellblade's main page, but found the page go dark for a split second, appearing on the web page where the sequel to Spellblade was advertised.
"Oh good," Clover said. "That's a relief."
"It would have taken about ten seconds longer for me to type in the address," Cero said. "You don't have to use your abilities for everything."
"You were typing too slow." Clover stared at the image rendered on the screen with reverence. "And no harm done, right? It's up on the main site. Do you have your parents' card info?"
"Yeah," Cero said. "Just don't use it for anything else, alright? This is coming out of my allowance."
"The reviews were pretty good," Clover said, "But you can't always trust the big gaming sites. Have fans posted any?"
"I'm trying to avoid spoilers," Cero said. "I'd rather not look at what they have to say. I already know a major character dies at the end."
"Noooo," Clover moaned. "I hope it's no one I like. I can't stand the wait, I have to know." She tapped her foot impatiently as Cero's purchase was verified and a small window popped up notifying them of an impending download. "You don't mind if I speed it up a bit, do you?"
Cero sighed; ever since Clover's abilities had fully developed, she had been incorrigible. She used the slightest excuse to make use of her powers. She looked older too; she stood at only a few inches shorter than he at what Cero supposed a twelve year old girl would look like. "I suppose, but be careful. I don't want my computer to get damaged."
"Please," Clover said. "You're talking to a professional here."
"Hardly," Cero responded. "You've only been hacking into things for a couple months. If anything, I am."
"Done!" Clover stared at the 'Download Complete' icon with satisfaction. "That wasn't so bad, was it?"
Cero rolled his eyes. "A little patience wouldn't kill you. But we can play now if you want; I'm pretty excited too."
"Sweet." Clover picked up a controller and sat in her chair. They had dragged a chair upstairs from the dining room. It had been 'an exercise in stealth' as Cero's father would have put it. Two flights of steps, a busy elevator, and an oblivious Cerveau later, the once dining-room chair was now Clover's designated gaming chair. She sat in it beside Cero as they browsed their collection of video games. "I hear their customization is pretty advanced."
"That was certainly hyped a lot," Cero agreed. They landed on a screen where the Hero and the Forest Spirit's features could be warped or go through drastic changes in color, ranging from natural light or dark skin tones to insane colorations like deep purple or sunset orange. Clover changed the Hero's cloak to a brilliant pink when Cero turned away to dig through one of his drawers for snacks. "Hey," Cero protested. "He looks better in red."
"And he still is," Clover defended her artistic interpretation of the Hero's neon pink cape. "Just a really light red is all."
She looked up behind them. "Oh hi, Zero. We were just playing that new game."
Cero made a small jump of surprise at the realization that his father had managed to open their closed door and stand beside him without his realizing it. "Stop doing that," he said irritably. "Can you please knock next time?"
"I see you've found the missing dining room chair." Zero loomed over them, unrepentant for his breach of privacy. "Your game can wait. I believe Clover is ready to expand on her abilities."
"You think so?" Clover seemed interested in the idea, despite it taking them away from precious game time. "We've already done a good bit with Nurse and Hacker abilities. Are we working on Animal ones now?"
"Yes," Zero said. "Meet me downstairs at the weapons testing room. Doigt said he would help."
"Cool," Clover said. "We'll be down soon."
Zero left the two of them to prepare; Cero shut his screen down reluctantly, but knew that it was important to both his father and his elf. "You're pretty excited about this," he said. "What do you think he'll teach you?"
"I dunno." Clover popped an E-Crystal Cero from their snack pile into her mouth, munching on it thoughtfully. "I hope it's something with explosions."
"You're enough of a fire hazard as it is," Cero laughed. "I don't know if the Resistance could handle you firing off explosions when you felt like it."
"That was one time," Clover said. "And nobody told me that you couldn't microwave a plate of E-Crystals. How was I supposed to know they would blow up?"
"Either way," Cero said, "Mom still won't be happy if you start using the furniture for target practice."
"Come on Cero," she said. "You know me better than that." Cero gave her a look. "I'd only destroy the really ugly ones," she relented. "It'd be like a community service really, if you think about it. Nobody ever even uses the couches; they're too tough."
"Dad's waiting," Cero reminded her. "I'm sure he'll give you the rundown on the proper way to safely nuke a leather couch."
The two of them bickered affectionately as they took the elevator down. Cero had forgotten what life was like without the vivacious Elf. She certainly kept things interesting, that was for sure. Upon reaching the blast walls separating the weapons testing room from the rest of the Resistance deep underground, Doigt waved them over beside Zero. The room was enormous and grey, separated by two remote controlled doors thicker than Cero and Clover put together. A few target dummies were placed haphazardly on the sides, almost as an afterthought.
"Your father told me your elf needed a safe place to practice," Doigt told Cero. "These walls can withstand a blast from a Neo Arcadian missile; I'm sure it can handle whatever she can dish out."
"Cool!" Clover looked around them in interest. "Have you ever used them before," she wondered aloud. "If not, how do you if know they can withstand a missile?"
"Thankfully we haven't had to use them in a real world scenario," Doigt told them, "But trust me. Even if nothing else is left standing, these beauties will be."
"Which brings us to the nature of your training," Zero said. "Clover, you have done well with the nonphysical aspects of your abilities, but I thought it would be best to let you learn restraint with those traits before moving on to combat oriented skills."
"So I do get to blow things up!" Clover clasped her hands together excitedly. "When do I start?"
"Show Doigt what you feel comes naturally," Zero told her. "I'm going to talk with Cero for a bit."
"Okay." Clover gave Cero a quick hug before skipping to the other end of the room, where she flames starting appearing from her fingertips.
"What is it you wanted to talk to me about?" Cero asked his father. "Is everything okay?"
"Yes," Zero assured him. "It's about the message you sent me a few weeks ago."
"Oh." Cero had forgotten by now about his curiosity about Croire, Zero's old Elf and Clover's predecessor. "Why talk about it now?"
"I would have sooner, but some things got in the way. Neo Arcadia still asks the Resistance for my help when needed. I may not agree with everything they do or have done, but maintaining a good relationship with the city is important."
"I remember Sorra saying something like that," Cero said. "So what was she like? I know Clover's you know, Clover, but I don't remember much about Croire."
"You wouldn't," Zero said. "She passed away when you were only four years old. She was a lot like Clover in some ways, but I don't think many people have as forceful a personality as she does. Croire was a little more subdued. We became good friends after the war, actually. It was her efforts that helped to revive me after Ragnarok."
"Really?" Cero hadn't heard much about the circumstances behind his father's revival. "How come she survived and the first elf, Passy, didn't?"
"Passy was a younger elf," Zero explained. "And most elves do die once they make use of their powers, yes. Croire was a very special elf however. Your mother had found her in an abandoned factory and believed she would be of some help to me. She could use abilities from each family of elf without dying, though it often tired her if she exerted too much or too many of them in a brief span of time. I don't think you wanted to talk to me about her abilities though."
"No," Cero confessed. "I knew elves had personalities, but before I met Clover, I never knew how much like us they were. Clover's my friend; she's every bit of a person as I am, but a lot of people won't give her the chance to see that. It's frustrating, knowing that even some of the people I care about don't see her as an equal."
"People have a curious way of being cruel without ever intending to be." Zero placed a hand on his son's shoulder. "I may not remember all of it, but I have been around for some time now. There was a time when reploids were treated as less than human."
The two of them stopped as Clover cheered behind a giant red cloud of her making. Soon, the area was ablaze with makeshift bombs. "She really is something," Zero said with a hint of a smile on his lips. "You're lucky to have her as a friend."
"Believe me," Cero said. "I know. What did people say, back then? About reploids, that is. Do you remember?"
"There were a lot of debates about the morality of allowing us to exist at all," Zero said. "Most of the world were slow to accept us at first. Humans have this concept called the 'soul.' They thought of themselves as unique and had been the dominant species for all of history. Sharing the spotlight with their own creations was a harsh lesson in humility." Zero leaned back, as though the memories bore a physical weight to them. "I was seen as little more than a tool for war by many. X and I helped change the ideas they held about us as we saved them from countless disasters and the mavericks, but not everyone was willing to accept us. You can't force a people to do anything, Cero. You're just going to have to accept that there will always be people who resist change, if for no other reason than to resist change."
Their conversation was halted momentarily as Clover began to trash talk her targets before incinerating them. "You know," Zero said with some amusement, "She reminds me of an old friend of mine."
"Which one?" This was an unusual opportunity to know more about his father's enigmatic past. "I don't think X was ever so happy to create wanton destruction." Clover was now blasting multiple target dummies with clouds of fire and lightning amidst maniacal laughter.
"I think I've told you a little about him before," Zero said. "His name was Axl. He could change shape at will and did so frequently to prank X and I. He was a good hunter. I wish I had let him know that more before he passed."
"What happened? I know X is gone, but you've been revived a few times now," Cero said. "Why couldn't he be brought back?"
"I don't know for sure," Zero said. "But that thing humans call the 'soul' doesn't always come back with the reconstruction of a reploid's body. If it has passed into cyberspace, no manner of repair will ever bring that reploid back."
"So Axl is really gone, then? For good?"
Zero nodded. "I think so. X was powerful enough to visit us for short periods of time, but it exhausted him. He no longer has the strength to return to our world."
"Do you think something could ever bring them back?" Cero's eyes furrowed. "I don't want to ever lose you or Aunt 'Lou, or anyone."
"Death is every much a part of life as living," Zero said. "It would take something unimaginably powerful to do so, but I'm not sure that would be a good thing. This world has enough problems as it is; the idea of fallen heroes coming back might upset what delicate balance we've managed to keep up thus far."
Cero nodded. "What about Clover though? Has anyone tried to bring back a cyber elf?"
"I don't know, son." Zero watched as Doigt called Cerveau over from a connected room to access Clover's spree of mayhem. "Cyber elves aren't reploids. They aren't humans either, but their life cycle can be best described as being closest to reploids. They grow, unlike reploids, but mature much, much faster than humans do. She has not been alive for more than a year, but already she has made such a difference in the lives of those who know her. Her experiences are not invalidated by the number of years she has been consciously aware."
"She looks almost as old as I am," Cero said. "I wonder what she'd look like when she gets older."
Zero said nothing. Then, "I do not believe she will grow any more. Your mother told me that her physical growth should have mirrored that of her abilities. I haven't told her yet, but this is the last of her growth spurts. She will likely look like this for the rest of her life."
"But she's grown so much," Cero said. "You mean, she'll never be an adult?"
"This could very well be her adult form," Zero said. "As I said before, cyber elves are very different from humans. As she experiences more of life, she will grow as a person, but her physical capabilities are going to stay as they are. Like anything, they can be refined, but no more. Is that going to be a problem? It's okay if you are bothered by it; I know you looked forward to growing alongside her."
"It's a little strange," Cero admitted. "But that's okay, I think. She's always been my friend, even when she was in the nursery chamber. This doesn't change anything."
"I'm happy to hear you say that." Zero tussled his son's hair in a rare outright show of affection. "She's going to need you. You are her closest person; I don't think you realize just how special you are to her yet."
"She's my best friend," Cero said, but he had the feeling his father meant something different. "We should probably go check on her, huh?"
"I think so as well." Zero walked beside his son as they approached Clover. She was lying on the ground, panting from the effort, but her cheeks were flushed with excitement.
"I can make things go boom!" she exclaimed. "This changes everything!"
"I should hope not," Zero said sternly. "You are not to use any of your destructive traits outside of a mission or inside this room unless absolutely necessary. Am I understood?"
"Yes, Zero." Clover nodded meekly. "I got a little carried away, I guess."
"That's alright." Zero took the clipboard from Doigt's hands. "Your animal elf abilities are considerably powerful," he commented. "A few weeks ago and you could have done well at the Grand Serena, I'm sure."
"Aww," Clover said. "Do you think they'd still let me join? I could be like someone's second. If they die, I could take their place."
"Try not to sound too excited about that," Cerveau said bemusedly. "It's not like you can't make a tournament yourself."
"Wait, you can? Can we," she asked Zero. "We could let it be between the whole Resistance! We could turn the dining room into a free for all, or maybe a really big food fight."
"I don't think it would be fair to force anyone who didn't want to participate to join," Zero said. "And I doubt people would want to fight if there is a considerable difference in skill. You would need an impartial judge to preside over it, too." Zero made an audible sigh as four pairs of eyes gravitated his way. "I suppose I could host it."
"Thank you Zero!" Clover hopped around the room, blowing what dummies whose heads dared remain intact across the room, unable to restrain her elation. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"
"What do you think Ciel will have to say about this," Cerveau asked Zero. "I'm not entirely convinced she's going to be all for disrupting the missions for the sake of a base-wide brawl." (Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!)
"I'll think of something," Zero said, watching Cero's overly energetic elf bounce around. "Besides, I doubt Clover would take no for an answer." (Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!)
"She's certainly into the idea," Cero said. (Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!)
"Enough!" Doigt roared as Clover's voice raised in pitch. "He gets it."
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