#and in both cases even people 'in on it' make incorrect reality judgements.
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asurrogateblog · 7 months ago
this week while once again thinking too hard about how the lyrics to "in the flesh?" are secretly an unreality content warning I went down a rabbit-hole that led me to discovering a (completely unrelated) british reality tv show from 2005 called "space cadets", in which a group of unsuspecting people are convinced that they are going to orbit the earth on a russian rocket when really they're just in an abandoned field in ipswich. the hoax is so convincing that at one point one of the actors they planted forgets that NO FUCK NO AGAIN????!!! Fuck. I'm watching an upload of this show on youtube rn and I swear to fucking god as I'm typing this a voiceover comes on saying "up next: the killer of a working class hero speaks out on: I Killed John Lennon" go AWAY can I have ONE moment of peace PLEASE
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sqbr · 2 months ago
I have known a lot of people with psychosis over the years, and had a brief but intense run-in myself, and in my experience:
the more obviously incorrect a delusion is, the more pointless it is to try and argue with someone about it. They see all the evidence against it too, so the fact they believe it anyway just shows how intense and overwhelming the THIS IS TRUE message from their brain is. All you can both do is work around it.
The way I see and explain it is that even if my experience with psychosis was brief, I constantly have my perception of reality more subtly warped by both my mental health problems and the sort of biases and mental blind spots all humans experience. I am still a person worthy of respect and empathy for my experiences, and so are they. I won't dismiss the pain their delusion cases them because it's 'obviously false' any more than I'd want someone to dismiss the pain I experience from my anxiety making me panic when I'm objectively safe etc. And I won't dismiss them as Crazy and Always Wrong About Everything any more than I'd want someone to do that to me.
Having unshakeable false beliefs doesn't make the person otherwise unable to reason, think, and observe. I once made someone feel much better by going "yes, I do agree with other people that your delusion is false, but I still agree with you that they are being condescending and callous about it, just based on your testimony, partly because that's just how people are to those they consider mentally ill, but also because I trust your judgement".
if you're not in the position of the nurses etc above where helping with their distress is part of your job, and talking about the delusion makes you distressed for whatever reason, it is ok to go "I am not going to argue with you about this, and I don't want to talk about it. Just as I respect that I can't convince you to change your mind, please respect that you can't change mine."
No doctor will ever get my respect like the woman in the ER who checked me for claws and fangs because I told her I was turning into a werewolf and could feel it and let me know gently that she couldn't find any but that didnt make it feel any less real, like THATS how you do it, other doctors who just flat out told me I was wrong take notes
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arctichotch · 3 years ago
"was this in response to me being unwilling to believe what some random lawtuber said?" No, not directly. It's a response to how you do appear to be in an echo chamber. You've mistaken "person who disagrees with my belief" for "someone who's not credible and has nothing at all correct/of value to say." You said you do watch at least one lawtuber who happens to agree with your view. That's fine, but only listening to those who agree with us puts us at a disadvantage for truly understanding why someone on the other side of an argument believes what they do. If both sides refuse to even try to understand the other, neither can come to an understanding.
"i’m not in an “echo chamber” because i refuse to support an abuser, or hear from people who support him." Correct on the first part, incorrect on the second part. When we refuse to even try to genuinely listen to people with opposing views that's how we actually make the divide bigger.
Thing is, everything Amber supporters say about Depp supporters, Depp supporters say about Amber supporters in return. Both sides genuinely believe the other is wrong and evil, when in reality one side is just mislead, and not because they're purposely stupid or want to support an abuser. Regardless of side, each saw reasons why they believed one over the other, and both sides hold onto their beliefs strongly and won't listen to anything the other says with an open mind, which in turn also makes the other even less likely to listen to anything. You'll never get a flat earther to believe the earth is round by calling them stupid and evil for their belief, especially when they, in turn, believe you to be the stupid and evil one. I shouldn't have to tell you I don't support Depp and that I support Amber for you to not just automatically assume I'm some kinda die hard Depp stan and throw everything I say away. That fact that I do have to say it now kinda proves what I'm saying. (And just in case I need to throw this one in too for my prior example: I believe the Earth is round) I follow you for the Stranger Things content, I mostly try to stay out of the Amber and Depp discourse anymore, but from what I've noticed going around I thought I'd put my two cents in.
If you want to try and change anyone's mind and get them to see reason, you have to listen with an open mind, hear them out, and go from there. Explain your side without telling them they're stupid and evil for what they believe, because that will only make them cling on harder out of spite, and that's true of anyone, even if they're on the "right" side of an argument. (This is literally something I've seen you say too, which is also what encouraged me to send this)
Don't look at it as "considering their evidence," in the sense of looking for some magic clue that will sway your judgement or seeing how much of their argument you can shoot down. Just look at their evidence and try to see why they came to that conclusion and where they might have gone wrong/right and explain your view on the same thing and how you got there in turn. That holds a better chance of getting someone to see reason than telling them "omg how can you be this stupid to believe that! you must have brainworms and love abusers!" It's not very constructive and it's why it seems like a lot of us just can't get anywhere with trying to get other people to see our points. (Again, this goes for everyone, regardless of who or what you support.)
but they do have nothing credible to say?? like i get what you’re saying, but i have considered the other side. hell there was a good while where i was on no side. where i had a fully objective view and let my opinions form from there. even when i’ve been on ambers side i have spent god knows how long talking to depp supporters, discussing our views and seeing things from their perspective in a civil manner.
also i don’t watch any lawtubers because i think they’re all full of shit and trying to cash in on something that is at its core super fucking depressing. i have watched like 3 videos from someone looking at case evidence, but they’re not a lawyer afaik and i don’t take anything they say at face value. yeah, im unwilling to listen to the other sides arguments in terms of watching youtubers/media who are pro-depp because it genuinely infuriates me. because i’ve seen so much that is just straight up lies, and people just believe it. i feel like it’d rot my brain watching those “lawyers” or “psychologists” call amber evil online and have 100k+ people agree with them while simply believing this persons word because they’re “qualified”
and i don’t believe any depp supporters are evil. and i only think some of them are stupid. i can’t go around thinking one side is “misled” when they’re telling me to kill myself every day in my inbox. or making cutesy memes of depp saying they don’t know what amber was complaining about when she was recounting her rape. or saying amber isn’t a “real victim.” because that’s not being misled. that’s being purposely fucking blind and disregard any and all care for victims out there, which they so often claim to care about. that’s stupid (amongst other things) to me.
but once again, i have spent a long time speaking to depp supporters. some civil some not. and how they come at me is what determines how the rest of the discussion will go. if someone’s being an absolute demon to me, i’m not going to be all nice back. but if someone is being civil making actual plausible points to me, i’m going to consider it and get back to them civilly.
like just prior to you saying you’re not a depp supporter, i didn’t assume you were. and i wasn’t going to be a dick back. because you’re being civil and engaging in a genuine discussion, raising solid points.
also, i don’t want to change anyones mind about this. because i know it’s useless because i’m set in my ways, just like they are. if anyone is going to change their mind, it’s not going to be from my weird long rambly ass it’ll be from actual media, or evidence, or some other better account or whatever lmao. i’ve never tried to change any one’s mind because i don’t think i am capable of that.
if someone is believing that 2+2= 6 then yeah, i’m going to say they have brain worms but if someone comes at me with a 2+2= 6 argument, that is genuine and i can see how they’ve formed that conclusion and are also being nice? then i won’t say they have brain worms and will look at what they’ve said and consider their pov. but unfortunately the latter is a rare occurrence.
anyway, i don’t want to be the person who makes someone see reason. i’m not out here trying to convince anyone of anything. i don’t spend my days searching for depp supporters to harass with my views.
my main point ig is that: i have listened to depp supporters. and will continue to if they are civil and can present something that actually makes sense rather than, for example, “big UK judges have a vendetta against depp !!! it’s a conspiracy!!” because i’m not going to waste my time even thinking about that, especially when they can’t provide me any proof besides the word of some youtube lawyer
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eclecticvalor · 4 years ago
7 Things I experience as a DID System. Mental Health Awareness Month.
In light of May being America’s mental health awareness month, I wanted to talk about something that has consumed my entire life for the past year and a half: Treatment and healing from a disorder that is stigmatised into the ground by poor representation and misunderstandings both socially and in the medical field. Those who are close to me know first hand how my symptoms and experiences have shaped the way I interact with the world since starting treatment, but aside from my closest friends and family, and the people I live with, I don’t normally talk about the fact that I have Dissociative Identity Disorder, and what that means to me. 
Hi. My name is Atlas, some people call me Cadyn, and I am the primary host of 26 fragmented parts of my consciousness. I am not dangerous, none of my parts or alters are dangerous, and no, it is not like “Split”. 
Dissociative Identity Disorder is a trauma based dissociative disorder listed in both the DSM IV and V,  and is recognized as an uncommon disorder characterized by two or more distinct personality states existing within the same consciousness. These personality states come to be when natural childhood development is disrupted by severe, continued, or repetitive, trauma, the child has a natural inclination towards heavy dissociation, and a lack of adult or parental support to develop the means to cope with the things happening to them.
Unfortunately popular mental health media has seen an uptake in people viewing DID as a quirky “trait”, the ability to have functional imaginary friends living in your head... but in reality DID is a lot darker, a lot scarier, and isn’t something I’d wish upon my worst enemy. Because of this media spike I wanted to share 7 things that living with Dissociative identity disorder means to me
1. Amnesia
Living with DID means that I miss out on a lot of my life. A primary symptom of DID is amnesia. I have no solid memories before the age of 13, and the memories I do have are often skewed, incorrect, or completely false as my brain fought for a way to fill in gaps and cope with the loss of memory. I forget a lot, and not just things like forgetting where I left my wallet and keys, or forgetting the day - those do happen, but I also mean forgetting big things, important life experiences and things I wish with all my being that I could remember like my highschool graduation and my wedding reception. 
I often forget important day to day things that make it difficult to maintain life as an adult, like doctors appointments, work schedules, meetings, and important daily tasks. I’ll forget that I’ve eaten at all that day and risk going days without eating, or overeating due to having no recollection of the last time I’d eaten. I forget birthdays (especially my own), anniversaries, and important holidays. 
To an outsider, who has no idea what’s happening inside my head, this can come across as though I’m thoughtless or unreliable. That I am cold for forgetting an important date, or simply that I just don’t care when this very much is not the case. 
2. Alienation
Oftentimes DID comes with a sense of alienation from people who you’re supposed to know. For me a really clear example of this is when I previously mentioned my childhood memories being skewed - I have a clear memory of a conversation I was having with some blood relatives a few years back in which I mentioned that one family member I had happy childhood memories of, and remembered playing together as kids, but with another family member they were practically a stranger to me. I had, and still have, no memories of ever spending time with them growing up, no memories of having any kind of relationship with them at all. My understanding of our relationship was that it was “forced” because we were family and our parents expected us to exist in the same space as we grew up, but that we never talked. But I was informed by a separate member of the family that I was very wrong, and this “stranger” was actually someone I had been close to growing up. This is a common experience with DID patients, and also a very frustrating one. It creates feelings of “You know me but I don’t know you”, and it’s extremely difficult to trust your own judgement of the people you know, because you often can’t tell if your judgement is skewed by your memories or lack thereof. 
3. PTSD and Flashbacks
A diagnosis of C-PTSD (Or complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) is required for a diagnosis of Dissociative Identity Disorder. This means that while the individual symptoms of DID can be frustrating, scary and sometimes depressing, the most difficult aspect of DID, and the most important to focus on in treatment is the PTSD symptoms. 
PTSD symptoms in DID can be extremely powerful due to the additional dissociative aspect. This can mean that for a lot of DID patients, flashbacks can produce full blown body sensations, hallucinations and terrifying delusions. This is One thing that I find incredibly difficult to talk about, but I also believe is extremely important to understand. It can be embarrassing, shameful and while I only speak for myself in saying this, can cause a lot of guilt and grief. There have been times where I have been experiencing powerful flashbacks and did not recognize my own husband, resulting in lash outs and fear towards him being delusioned into thinking that he was out to hurt me, or had harmful intent for just existing in the same space as I was. 
For me, a single wiff of a familiar smell, hearing a sound, a certain color, an idea, a name, a passing thought or comment can throw my previously stable mental state into one of pure panic, hyperventilation, hallucination, delusion, fight-flight-freeze and reactionary responses. Through treatment I’ve developed adaptive and healthy coping skills and management responses but trauma responses can be so quick, and so unexpected that I don’t always have time to process my coping skills before my body and mind respond in negative ways. 
4. Decision making and skewed Behavior
Because living with DID, means living with a shared or fragmented consciousness, this often means that while I may not remember, my life is still being lived during my time of memory loss. Alters or parts will take control and operate my body, reacting to things, interacting with people, completing tasks and functioning. But oftentimes parts who take control are very different from myself, and make choices and decisions that I wouldn’t normally make, and sometimes decisions I wouldn’t *ever* make. An example of this is the fact that technically I am a conservative voter, despite myself as an individual having leftist or NDP views, or decisions to leave or apply for jobs and work positions that I have no interest in, or that I don’t even have the qualifications or physique to do, or leaving ones that I personally loved and excelled at. This also reflects a lot in everyday life in more subtle things, decisions like what food to eat, things to buy, activities to do shift between parts while they’re in control. 
To outsiders this can look a lot like impulsivity, lack of self-control, or lack of a sense of identity. This is a huge reason why a lot of DID patients are often misdiagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder or Bipolar Disorder because the behaviour between alters can be so drastically different that it can look a *lot* like manic or depressive states. 
5. Denial and Dismissing Trauma
A very common experience among DID patients is denial and being dismissive or disregarding the things that happened to them. I often find myself in a state of questioning whether my symptoms, my disorder, and even my trauma were ever real to begin with. In therapy I find myself saying “It’s not that big of a deal” or “It wasn’t that big of a deal” more times than I’m actually saying anything productive. A huge part of this is why I wanted to make this list, because the media, and a lot of medical circles deny that DID exists or believe it’s impossibly rare and those, while both false, can cause intense feelings of “Maybe I’m just doing this for attention”. DID is a very real, very difficult disorder to diagnose, to treat, and to live with disorder, and while it is uncommon, statistics show that approximately 1-2% of western population is diagnosed, and up to a suspected 7% are living with the disorder undiagnosed because of these misconceptions. It is not common, and it’s not something that everyone is going to have, but it is a very possible response to very real trauma and is a valid diagnosis to give to those meeting the criteria. 
6. Hidden Symptoms
DID is often referred to as a “covert” presenting disorder. What this means is that most commonly outsiders, friends, family, employers and even the patient themselves can have a nearly impossible time recognizing the symptoms, and it often goes unnoticed until an event destabilizes the function of the person’s life. This can lead to a lot of backlash or denial coming from peers and family close to the person. This leads to the patient hearing a lot of:  “I’ve never noticed personality changes”, “You don’t act like you have it”, “You couldn’t possibly have that”, “No, I would have noticed”, “You have to be mistaken”, “There’s no way, it would have been obvious”. And so, so much more. The reality of DID is that it’s *not* noticeable. It’s a safety response that the brain created to protect the psyche from the intense damages that come with long term trauma experiences, so it’s often designed to hide itself from abusers or perceived threats as a way to compartmentalize trauma memories and maintain the ability to survive through stress and unstable situations. Not being able to “notice” is kind of the point in most cases.
 7. Wandering and Dissociative Episodes
Living with untreated or unmanaged DID can potentially be dangerous due to episodes of dissociation, “wandering” experiences (where the patient will wander away from home, family, or life in a confusion, attempt to return to a perceived life never lived, or in a state of belief that their current life is unsafe). For me this took a head last year, and was actually an event that led to the solidification that this disorder was the explanation to my experiences. According to nurses and my husband, I had wandered into the emergency room of a hospital in the middle of the night, with no idea who or where I was, with no idea how to return home, or even where home was. I was wearing a t-shirt, and it had been raining, and my body was so cold they needed to retake my vitals nearly 6 times because they were unable to get an appropriate reading. After discovering my identity, my husband was called to take me home. Working with a therapist helped to develop a safety plan during events like this to prevent harm from coming to my body, or from ending up in newly traumatic environments, but I was lucky. These situations can lead to re-traumatization, victimization, it can lead to kidnapping, assault, it can lead to being injured or harmed by environmental factors and so much more and it is so incredibly important that DID patients work with their therapist to develop solid safety plans proactively to make sure that the patient doesn’t experience any worst case scenarios during episodes like this. 
My experiences are individual to me, and to my psyche. Not everyone will experience the disorder the same way, because not everyone experiences or responds to trauma the same way. I am so lucky, and extremely privileged to be able to access consistent care and treatment, that I found a professional who trusts me, and is focused on stabilizing and supporting. Too many people living with this disorder have no access to supportive mental health care because of the misconceptions that parts of the medical field hold regarding the legitimacy or frequency that the disorder develops, and too many peers and circles of people outcast or disregard the very real, very difficult experiences because they don’t understand the disorder, or believe it doesn’t exist, or believe it looks like split. If you, or someone you know is struggling with Dissociative symptoms, or dissociative identity disorder do not be afraid to reach out to a professional for support, and educate yourself on the reality of the disorder. 
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borderlandscast · 5 years ago
some loose thoughts about the blackrock
working through the epilogue, one scene at a time! have some thoughts about the blackrock since the ship is very much the heart and soul of rythian’s motley crew of vault hunters.
nanosounds hired a professional, industrial grade cleaning crew to go through the entire frigate before launch day and had to ship them out to pandora, which was no minor expense but sipsco. paid for it, and the decision earned both ire and gratitude from daltos’ bandit gang; daltos’ feelings on the issue are firmly ‘f*cking finally.’
the frigate is over fifty years old, and bebopvox is still very fond it since it served as home, prison and body, which is something they’ll never be able to explain to a human. when vox was born, bebopvox gave vox the ability to choose when to retire if they get tired of being attached to the frigate. what happens after depends on what bebopvox’s backup plan is.
dahl ships are built to last; some wreckages of dahl ships serve as landmarks, monuments or historical attractions (a few being run inside of one). on pandora and its moon, ship wreckages are prime stronghold territory. all end up being eventually torn apart for parts and scrap, which is what would have happened eventually to the blackrock if its stranded crew had abandoned it.
the blackrock is not the biggest military frigate; there are both larger and smaller ships that dahl manufactured, and the blackrock is a middle tier ship.
it’s equipped with turrets, missiles and front mounted lasers. missiles are launched from top and sides. what type that are digistructed and supplied is up to the captains and the a.i. the blackrock’s firepower isn’t a joke in spite of its age; it’s been used for dogfights, evacuations, bombing, orbital strikes, hit and runs and ambushes before.
cargo bays serve as a giant airlock, emergency accomodation, vehicle storage and troop bay. the blackrock has at least six, all on ground level. each cargo bay is equipped with an atmospheric shield (the thin, transparent layers holding all the air in) that can be easily breached by any party; opening the deployment cargo bay doors is generally a big risk during battles since anything can breach the shield. hence, cargo bay requires heavy defence or patrols at all times.
airlocks exist on both ends of the frigate, on every floor. the most airlocks are located on ground level (thanks to the cargo bays) and beneath the frigate roof. repair crews can leave any airlock; vox can provide guidance, and there’s no shortage of crevices and corners to serve as handholds.
there’s a lot of hidden spaces, some only accessible via vents, panels, secret walls or doors. daltos and arsenal possess the only maps about said spaces ever since they decided to empty out the frigate for cleaning day. daltos was not happy when he found out how much of the frigate’s insides were vandalized so that bandits could hide their stuff from him/other bandits/arsenal/kraggons. he ending up keeping said spaces anyway.
there’s a big absence of windows on the frigate. there are some, but the majority is based on the bridge. a couple exist in certain captain’s rooms with another few in the cargo bays.
to stop people from going nuts from lack of windows and the long hours spent in space, there’s a dedicated ‘grass room’, a room which has holographic capabilities, supplemented by a floor with real grass grown on top of it. it can be used to travel to faraway places, tours, shopping or just to chat. the room’s multipurpose functions were exceedingly popular back in the day, and requires bookings in advance; vox now monitors usage and bookings. honeydew lovingly tends to the grass in his spare time, and seeks to add more garden features.
the exterior hull plating is supposed to be a dark olive green but the colour was burnt away by pandora’s sunrays, bullets, missiles, weather and time. the blackrock is overdue for a hull overhaul, and arsenal has a neat collection of sample paint cards he handily acquired thanks to arden and dick’s bottomless stomaches. he’s has three albums worth, and keeps trying to invite his fellow captains to pick a colour. he has his heart set on a nice, relaxing shade of eyesearing, fire engine red.
there also used to be vending machines for weapons, medicines and ammunition but they’ve since been damaged, exploded, vandalized or stolen. they’ve been replaced prior to launch day.
the quick change station is glitchy and hasn’t been the same since the big crash on pandora; it makes hair sprout in the blink of an eye, often in the incorrect length and shade, or painting unwanted tattoos or marks on bodies, that sort of thing. it’s been fixed, and has moved to the medical bay for obvious reasons.
troop quarters are based primarily on the lower and ground floors. troop quarters come in single and shared rooms. the rooms closest to the bathrooms or amenities used to spark scuffles beween bandits.
rooms dedicated to amenities include: laundry, gym, refectory/cafeteria, recreation (for briefings or movies, bar (opens to previous room), pool, library, prayer, shooting gallery, weapons storage.
engines are twin engines, located at the back and base of the ship; engine room is a double airlocked space on ground floor with ramps going upward within it. the positioning of it is a little weird to accomodate ladders that allow crew to directlhy climb into the engines and explore its insides. this makes repairs a cinch but if anything happens, it’s harder to contain, hence the double airlock.
power is located in a separate area, in case of engine failure. if engines fail, then power can still be used for communications or whatever. also includes backup generators.
cargo bays also capable of storing blueprints for digistructing vehicles and other objects. digistruct pads and bays are located in every cargo bay and has since been fixed by vox; it was disabled after the crash to discourage thieves, tomfoolery, backstabbing and sabotaging.
vox is kept in the a.i. core room, which is located on the bridge past the war room. nobody is allowed inside except for certain crew members. whoever vox lets in is up to them, and visits are logged. hidden turrets keep watch for threats. a secret surveyor and miniature loader are maintained to serve as ‘bodies’ for vox, if vox ever has to eject or feels like stretching their legs.
vacuum doors can be deployed on every floor at certain lengths in the case of hull breach. vox is in charge of them, but manually deploying the doors (closing and opening) is also possible but take some effort due to the secure mechanisms and weight of the doors.
contrary to appearance, the frigate can move in any direction; the engines are linked to smaller engines that run along the length, top and underside of frigate for omnidirectional flight. they’re just very discrete.
the bridge has two floors. ramps, stairs, hidden ladders, jump pads and grav lifts serve as methods to navigate between the two.
the bridge is the central hub of the frigate, and crucial for all operations, and there’s only so much vox can do once the bridge is lost, so it’s staffed and patrolled at all times, even when it’s technically the dead of the night. a skeleton bridge crew keeps tabs, who changes shifts and numbers accordingly.
the blackrock’s captains share all the workload, and all are only summoned to the bridge in emergencies. otherwise, they work in rotating and overlapping shifts mutually agreed upon in advance. it’s rare for two captains to share a double shift (the joke being that it’s a dating thing, in dahl military since most captains can’t stand each other let alone share or work the same shift).
vox does all the steering and since they don’t suffer from the command restraints of a military a.i., they can provide feedback for the captains (such as best route, speed, flight path, obstacles). daltos, zylus and arsenal trust vox’s judgement; most of the time, the four collectively plan each stop and journey.
manual steering is possible but only in exceptional circumstances (as some people would know).
vox gently reminds people to carry oz kits around at all times, in case of hull breaches. there are oz kit dispensers on every floor, next to the airlocks. vox will not stop pushing reminders until an oz kit is obtained due to safety concerns. bebopvox was the same.
long ago, someone started an actual farm in the grass room so there’s thriving plots of herbs, fruits and vegetables available in tiny terrariums and greenhouses. daltos kept it running. bandits fight amongst each other for the right to maintain and harvest it. at the moment, honeydew is the current curator but has his pick of gardeners. he holds some authority over bandits because of it.
there’s also a virtual reality function available, in the recreation room and the grass room, for some bizarre reason. the headsets and gloves supports games (like digart *coughminecraftcough*), school, courses, entertainment (anything especially graphic and high risk has to pass hr and vox’s approval), you name it, it can probably do or run it.
ameneties like laundry, bathrooms and kitchens, mess hall are in different locations to avoid bottlenecking during bouts of high traffic and activity. it also stops people from forming rackets and cutting off others who need to use it. it also makes who gets what chores easier.
it’s a ‘refectory’ because that’s what it says in the manual but everyone calls it ‘food place’, ‘cafeteria’, ‘mess hall’, ‘STOMACH STUFFER’, ‘*groans*’, to name a few choice synonyms. the food served there depends on the crew assigned to cook. these days, it’s ravs, nilesy, honeydew, heinkel (ravs’ former lieutenant), minty, or whoever wants to test their recipes. everyone is usually game enough to try something new on the menu. food is free, and there’s always a chef on duty to accomodate the multiple shifts, even in the middle of the night.
bridge crew consists of ex bandits from daltos’ old gang. the majority are from the buzzard boys and are already familiar with how daltos and arsenal operate; they’re a bit intimidated of zylus, given his previous history.
frigate crew are separate to that of the bridge crew since they’re responsible for day to day operations, from basic repairs, cargo movement, patrols, cleaning, housekeeping, and kitchen duties. the majority is parvis’ gang with a few members from daltos’ old gang.
the rivalry between the bridge and frigate crew is a natural occurrence, given that both crews are from once warring gangs but it’s more of a friendly competition than anything, since bandits need a source of friction that won’t turn destructive due to boredom. arsenal and sparkles head each respective crew, and egg the rivalry on as much as possible.
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ryuukia · 6 years ago
[Translation] Tsukiuta. -if- Black Rabbits Kingdom Booklet Novel: Afternoon
I promised I’d finish this before the year ends, so here’s it is (this emotional rollercoaster). This is the last chapter in the black novel.
I’m not sure if Ruby moved past page 1 in the white novel but I guess we’ll figure out together how to work on it.
Special thanks to @ryota-kunstranslations and @moonlit-manifesto for assistance and proofreading. Please don’t repost/reuse my translations!
“Ahhhh……, having some black tea after work is delicious.”
As he elegantly held the beautifully shaped teacup in his hand - a present from the Western Kingdom of Cats - I was unable to directly see his smile.
“G-good work today, Haru-san.”
Kakerun, Kakerun, your face is so puffed up.
That’s what I thought, but there’s no way I could point that out.
Because after all, I have the same expression myself.
On the other hand, Aoi-san and Hajime-san who were sitting next to him, were sporting bitter smiles.
The only one who’s unchanged is Arata…… The one who disrupted that silent atmosphere.
No, he probably wasn’t even thinking at all.
“Haru-san, you’re in top shape today as usual.”
“That’s right. We had pretty good accomplishments. No…… Actually I have two or three stories though.”
“Haru, don’t overdo it too much.”
“If the king says so. Then I’ll keep this ace up my sleeve for the next time something similar happens.”
As he said those words with a grin, the smiles imprinted on Kakeru’s face and mine hardened.
Today, a very important meeting was organized in order to decide the budget of the next fiscal year.
However, today’s topics can only be considered as some sort of opening ceremony, including a general estimation of the amount of money for each branch. For about the next ten days, all of the details will be worked out. Even right now, a mountain of official papers containing enormous numbers is currently piled up in the room next to Hajime-san’s office.
Just by looking at that mountain of documents from distance, I somehow feel a light shiver running through my body. I heard Hajime-san and Haru-san speak while they are focused on those reports.
‘Since the basics are already set inside our heads, we don’t really have to look over the documents, you know? These are only needed for information sharing and formality’s sake.’
Despite having the usual and other things being explained in such a smooth manner, that afternoon I came to realize that the king and the prime-minister are to be eternally unreachable.
(Ah wait, even so, I was told that the other countries’ kings and prime-ministers are far from being like that! These two here are just on an entirely different level! There’s no way it means I’m falling behind, that’s what it is, yeah!)
…… Wait, I’m straying from the topic.
In any case, that important meeting took place, but at the very end of it, today’s main conflict.... or rather, how Haru-san divided the money himself caused a public hearing.
No, I’ll make this clear.
I call it a public hearing, but in reality it’s more accurate to call it a “public execution”.
The other party consisted of some shady merchants that were caught for tax evasion, based on an investigation conducted days ago.
Furthermore, it seems that a huge amount of money was stolen that way, and the gentle Haru-san outright lost his temper when we found out they’d been selling weapons on a large scale in order to incite wars with other countries.
In the end, there was a public execution but, …...yeah, in any case, it was scary. It really was.
There’s no doubt everyone was thinking about those attendants that came out from that meeting.
(The crime is not worth the price…...)
I swore in my heart that even in poverty I’d live a pure and upstanding life, I sure did.
“Haru, sometimes you gain too many victories.” Hajime-san said slowly.
During that meeting, he stood on his throne in the centre and watched over the process without saying too much.
Despite not knowing why, I stretched my back.
The words uttered by Hajime-san always have a deep significance to them and seem to accumulate within me.
It feels like one day they will become my own source of encouragement.
“Although it was a good fight and you were victorious, don’t overdo it. There’s no need for you to make enemies.”
As he heard Hajime-san’s words, Haru-san smiled bitterly.
“Ye~s, that’s right. I get it. I know, it’s a bad habit. But even so……”
Haru-san had said before that he hated wars.
Especially wars started for no good reason because of humans’ selfish desire to shed blood. Those are things he’s unable to forgive.
“No matter the country, every king is working desperately to build a peaceful world where living quietly is natural. But, you won’t be given benefits just by being there. On top of the service given to you, hurting other people with what you do is simply unforgivable.
He spoke calmly, but hearing Haru-san, who is always gentle and kind, saying such strong words as “I hate” and “unforgivable” surprised me a little.
I guess he noticed that.
Haru-san looked at me and said “Sorry”.
That made me remember.
If I’m not wrong, Haru-san came from an orphanage that rescued war orphans.
This country was also dragged into a war for three years until Hajime-san became the king, and since then it’s been peaceful like calm waters.
Until a while ago, people had nothing else to focus on except fighting.
(...... There were a lot of casualties.)
Haru-san muttered only a few words.
“Because of personal circumstances, I guess I lose my temper sometimes.”
While saying so, Haru-san’s imposing ears lowered a bit.
I shook my head in a hurry.
“But, looking at it now, I feel relieved. Haru-san wasn’t wrong. Besides, I’m sure the reason why Haru-san got angry is a gentle one!”
The one who laughed was Aoi-san.
“Ahaha. The truth is that I feel sorry for those teary-eyed merchants, though I’m also relieved.”
If Aoi-san opens his mouth, even the slightest dull mood would be quickly dispelled and cleansed.
As one would expect, he’s the symbol of luck the entire country is proud of and a real sparkling prince.
His cleansing powers in this kind of situation are splendid.
“The measures taken for the crime they committed are legally justified. The measures aren’t misplaced and I think that in this way, this will be a good discipline for those kinds of people. Right, Hajime-san?”
Upon being asked for agreement, Hajime-san laughed abruptly without missing a beat.
I felt the temperature around me rise instantly.
“Well…… I guess you’re right. There was no incorrect word in your judgement this time to begin with, so all the merits for discovering both the tax evasion and the business they did behind our backs go to you. …… You helped a great deal. Good work, Haru.”
Any person from this country knows that the consoling words and compliments coming from the king are, probably, magical words meant to uplift your spirit.
“Thank you. Aoi-kun, and Hajime too.”
Seeing Haru-san laughing with his usual gentle expression made me sigh in relief.
The moment that I felt relieved, I felt hungry. I took a bite from the homemade apple pie in front of me that Aoi-san had just sliced.
The aromatic fragrance of the flaky crust tickles the tip of my nose and makes me happy.
As soon as I started to chew, the apple pie’s flavour started to overflow in my mouth and the sweet syrup made my head quiver.
Sweet, but not heavy.
No matter how many slices I have, I can go confidently through the entire hall and say this is the most delicious pie.
If he were to open a shop, that shop would have queues just to get in, there’s no mistake.
(And if Aoi-san’s face were to be on the shop window, it would be impossible to buy without reservation.)
I ended up thinking how people who can do anything are amazing, about how delicious the apple pie was, about other things I was impressed by, and just like that, I quickly finished eating.
But even so, I can still go on.
Another helping! Thus, I stretched my hand triumphantly towards the piece I’d been eyeing since forever……
A hand stretching from my side managed to get it before I did, making me unconsciously shriek.
Nevertheless, the owner of that hand didn’t hesitate at all to smoothly bring the pie to his mouth.
“Aaand, it’s gone!! Wait, Arata! I wanted that one! You absolutely saw I was about to grab it, didn’t you!?”
Arata looked at me in a dull manner after swallowing with a gulp what he was chewing and said:
“First come, first served.”
He snorted at me and then continued laughing.
(Darn it!)
“You’re right! You’re right! But to think that it was taken by you, it makes me angry!”
“What’s with that. There are more left, so just eat another one. Let’s see, you should eat the most delicious one there.”
“That’s Hajime-san’s! Hajime-san’s been thinking of having that slice since a while ago, it’s obvious!”
“Hajime-san, it’s alright. I was already thinking of giving it to you later but, don’t worry, you weren’t being completely obvious at all!”
“Kakeru, you’re applying salt to the wound, you really are.”
I stood up from my seat trembling, but still acted cool while my partner Kakerun and Haru-san comforted Hajime-san.
So I faced my nemesis, and declared.
“It’s a duel, Arata! I’ll take you on for that pie grudge!”
…...It’s decided.
To the sir with the camera, if you want to take a photo, do it now.
“The one who’s going to regret this is you……. Okay then, what’s the duel?”
Arata replied glaring, and then stood up from his seat like it was a chore to move.
“Swordsmanship, of course! After all, Koi-kun here has recently developed a special killer technique to go with his powers!”
As soon as he heard about a ‘killer technique’, I felt Arata get spirited.
“What was that, so cool! …...Just joking, now bring it on, c’mon! I have hundreds and hundreds of killer techniques!”
“They’re hundreds only if they’re actually successful.”
“Aoi, be quiet.”
“Ah, okay.”
As we noisily bickered, we went out into open space in the middle of the vast courtyard.
Hajime-san and the others didn’t really say anything since the reason why we are crashing into each other is not to hurt the opponent, but to improve our skills for when we’ll have to protect others or ourselves, and also because it’s relatively a common sight.
How should I put it, Hajime-san’s ears were still lowered and Haru-san was grinning.
I wonder why.
Well, it doesn’t matter.
I may not be the smartest or the most sparkling and radiant.
But even so, the fact that I love this country gives me an unbreakable confidence. Bigger than anyone else’s.
“The one to defend the Black Rabbits Kingdom’s peace will be me!”
La fin
Every man’s life is a fairy-tale written by God’s finger.
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militant-holy-knight · 6 years ago
Why the Palestinian Cause is So Hard to Support
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I'd usually stay clear off from getting involved in the debate regarding Israel and Palestine because you are guaranteed to offend all sides of the political spectrum if you stand with either. You get labelled a fascist by liberals and "pro-kike" by the far-right if you say anything positive about Israel, or being accused of supporting terrorism if you stand with Palestine. I know that many of my Christian brothers and sisters will easily support Israel because its the only place in the Middle-East where Christians are safe and protected. It's a very convincing argument... One that Palestine cannot make for itself unfortunately in effort to gain the hearts and minds of the people. Let me explain why.
Palestinian nationalism is often erroneously associated with Islamism due to the massive support and sympathy Palestinians receive from the Muslim world because several holiest sites in Islam - the Al-Aqsa Mosque, the Cave of the Patriarchs and the Dome of the Rock - are within Jewish control and they can’t abide that. Also because Arab = Muslim in the minds of many people in the West, nevermind that not all Palestinians are Muslims. Here is a little known fact: the Munich terrorist attacks were carried out by a group of Palestinian Christians. The operation was titled “Iqrit and Biram”, named after two Christian settlements seized by Israeli Defense Forces and their terrorist leader used the codename Isa (Jesus in Arabic) was a Christian born from a Jewish mother and a Christian father. Back during the cold war, Palestinians were mostly a mostly secular movement in part because they were backed by the Soviet Union and they believed that regardless of your faith - whether Christian or Muslim - you were fighting to liberate yourself from Israeli oppression.
However, this changed in the 80s with the foundation of Hamas, an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood. Nationalism had been viewed as an ungodly ideology by early Islamic thinkers, substituting "the nation" for God as an object of worship and reverence. The struggle for Palestine was viewed exclusively through a religious prism, as a struggle to retrieve Muslim land and the holy places of Jerusalem. While 90% of Palestinians are Sunnis, there has been a conflict between secularism and adherence to Islam. In the case of Hamas, Palestinian nationalism has almost completely fused with the ideologically pan-Islamic sentiments originally held by the Islamists.
The Islamic bitching about the Palestinians suffering oppression under the Israeli occupation doesn't convince me because for every Palestinian there are ten more Copts and Assyrians that do not enjoy equal rights. Muslim land is under occupation? The holy Christian sites of Alexandria and Constantinople are in the hands of the Muslims for centuries now. You could argue Antioch is also under Islamic occupation since Lebanon is now a Shia majority though this is only a recent development and Lebanon used to be the only Christian majority country in the Middle-East, and to be technical, the President of Lebanon is always a Maronite Catholic.
The occupation of Constantinople is particularly lamentable.  Itself It wouldn't be so bad if Turkey was a pluralistic society that respected the rights of other peoples, but its sham of secularism (which is pretty transparent to anyone observing current events) showed they never actually committed themselves to it even after abolishing the Ottoman caliphate. Consider the Christian Holocaust they have committed in the early 20th Century against the Armenians, Greeks, Assyrians (which they still deny it while at the same time boasting about it in private) and that now Turkey has less of half a percent of Christians. By contrast, Iraq under Saddam Hussein had at least a million Christians though this number has obviously went down because of its civil war. Let me ask you: what kind of secular society is this where the brutal dictatorship that is guilty of genocide actually treats its Christian minority better in comparison? And there are people that still use Turkey as the model of democracy for Muslim countries. Lets not pretend its the USA is the same way in regards to Islam demographics: there was a sizable Christian presence in Turkey before they discovered too late the appeal of pan-Islamism and decided their gavour subjects needed to die. 
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The reality is that Turks don’t pray in the Hagia Sophia because mosques are lacking in Constantinople, they do it to rub it in the faces of the Greeks - and by extension - all of Christendom. Its a symbol of Islam prevailing over Christianity never mind that we were ahead of the curve, technologically and scientifically.
The reality is that Islamists can’t take infidels being in control of something they can’t have. Just like how Osama bin Laden denounced Sudan and Indonesia for granting independence to the Roman Catholic countries of South Sudan and East Timor - both of whom considered insignificant by the world community - because he believe any sort of land that was owned by the ummah should never be given to infidels. This is why these dipshits lay claim to Spain and Greece as theirs by right.
The reality is that whether you like it or not, Muslims are poised and eager to be biggest aggressor against Israel. Benjamin Netanyahu is quoted as saying  “If the Arabs put down their weapons today, there would be no more ‎violence. If the Jews put ‎down their weapons ‎today, there would be no ‎more Israel”. I certainly don’t like the man and you certainly don’t have to, but to say he is incorrect would be a bold-faced lie. Even back in the day when the State of Israel was established, the General Secretary Abdul Rahman Azzam of the Arab League has been quoted as saying this genocidal threat:
"I personally wish that the Jews do not drive us to this war, as this will be a war of extermination and momentous massacre which will be spoken of like the Tartar massacre or the Crusader wars. I believe that the number of volunteers from outside Palestine will be larger than Palestine's Arab population, for I know that volunteers will be arriving to us from [as far as] India, Afghanistan, and China to win the honor of martyrdom for the sake of Palestine … You might be surprised to learn that hundreds of Englishmen expressed their wish to volunteer in the Arab armies to fight the Jews.
"This war will be distinguished by three serious matters. First—faith: as each fighter deems his death on behalf of Palestine as the shortest road to paradise; second, [the war] will be an opportunity for vast plunder. Third, it will be impossible to contain the zealous volunteers arriving from all corners of the world to avenge the martyrdom of the Palestine Arabs, and viewing the war as dignifying every Arab and every Muslim throughout the world …
"The Arab is superior to the Jew in that he accepts defeat with a smile: Should the Jews defeat us in the first battle, we will defeat them in the second or the third battle … or the final one… whereas one defeat will shatter the Jew's morale! Most desert Arabians take pleasure in fighting. I recall being tasked with mediating a truce in a desert war (in which I participated) that lasted for nine months…While en route to sign the truce, I was approached by some of my comrades in arms who told me: 'Shame on you! You are a man of the people, so how could you wish to end the war … How can we live without war?' This is because war gives the Bedouin a sense of happiness, bliss, and security that peace does not provide! …
"I warned the Jewish leaders I met in London to desist from their policy, telling them that the Arab was the mightiest of soldiers and the day he draws his weapon, he will not lay it down until firing the last bullet in the battle, and we will fire the last shot …"
"I foresee the consequences of this bloody war. I see before me its horrible battles. I can picture its dead, injured, and victims … But my conscience is clear … For we are not attacking but defending ourselves, and we are not aggressors but defenders against an aggression! …"
Granted the authenticity of this quote has been questioned and many have accused it of being taken off context. But that is largely irrelevant because the discourse about Jews in the Muslim world would have been considered unacceptable by Western standards. Children over there are indoctrinated to be intolerant and hateful, the exact opposite of what us Westerners are taught. Rather than enjoying childhood, their kids are taught the glories of martyrdom and to die in the name of defeating Israel.
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And that lead us to Hamas, a political party that was democratically voted into power and it’s explicit in wanting to exterminate all Jews - not just the ones in Israel though, but in the entire world. In case you don’t believe me, just read their Covenant, which is a official political document they established.
Article 7 mentions a prophecy attributed to Muhammed. 
The Day of Judgement will not come about until Moslems fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Moslems, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Only the Gharkad tree (evidently a certain kind of tree), would not do that because it is one of the trees of the Jews.
Article 22 states that the French revolution, the Russian revolution, colonialism and both world wars were created by the Zionists or forces supportive of Zionism:
You may speak as much as you want about regional and world wars. They were behind World War I, when they were able to destroy the Islamic Caliphate, making financial gains and controlling resources. They obtained the Balfour Declaration, formed the League of Nations through which they could rule the world. They were behind World War II, through which they made huge financial gains by trading in armaments, and paved the way for the establishment of their state. It was they who instigated the replacement of the League of Nations with the United Nations and the Security Council to enable them to rule the world through them. There is no war going on anywhere, without having their finger in it.
Article 32 of the Covenant refers to an antisemitic forgery, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion:
Today it is Palestine, tomorrow it will be one country or another. The Zionist plan is limitless. After Palestine, the Zionists aspire to expand from the Nile to the Euphrates. When they will have digested the region they overtook, they will aspire to further expansion, and so on. Their plan is embodied in The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and their present conduct is the best proof of what we are saying.
I know that not all Palestinians support Hamas since the PLO doesn’t recognize them, but enough Palestinians voted to get them into power - they are not a fringe movement. Following the 2007 coup, the Gaza Strip had exhibited the characteristics of Talibanization, a process whereby the Hamas government had imposed strict rules on women, discouraged activities commonly associated with Western or Christian culture, oppressed non-Muslim minorities, imposed sharia law, and deployed religious police to enforce these laws. While their PR wing denied efforts of Islamicizing the Gaza Strip, they have also added they don’t oppose it and believe in “persuasion”. One woman complained that women were not free to speak their minds or travel alone, and added:
"Hamas want to force themselves onto the people. They want the people to submit to them, this is their cover. They destroyed the reputation of Islam, by saying we're doing this because it is religion. This is how they won the elections."
Despite this, Hamas is somewhat aware of the weight of their words considering they have completely different rhetorics differing in the audience. When talking to an Arab crowd, they are explicitly anti-Semitic as one deputy member said on the Al-Aqsa TV:
If the enemy sets foot on a single square inch of Islamic land, Jihad becomes an individual duty, incumbent on every Muslim, male or female. A woman may set out [on Jihad] without her husband's permission, and a servant without his master's permission. Why? In order to annihilate those Jews. ... O Allah, destroy the Jews and their supporters. O Allah, destroy the Americans and their supporters. O Allah, count them one by one, and kill them all, without leaving a single one
When talking towards the international audience, they slightly alter their tune to being simply anti-Zionist when talking to CBS:
We are not fanatics. We are not fundamentalists. We are not actually fighting the Jews because they are Jews per se. We do not fight any other races. We fight the occupiers.
What Hamas may not realize it is that their adherence to fundamentalism and marginalization of Palestinian Christians, who would have once fought on their side are now on the verge of extinction, plays directly into the hands of Israel’s PR. I am sure you have already heard this being said many times that Israel is the safest place for Christians in the Middle-East - a rather dubious claim given only two percent constitutes the Christian population in contrast to Lebanon’s 40%.
Of course this is a shrewd plan that Israeli politicians play to gain the support of the United States and Christendom at large, including the current President of Brazil Jair Bolsonaro, a Roman Catholic like yours truly. This helps hide the more uncomfortable, darker reality around Israel: that far-right Jewish gangs regularly vandalize churches with price tag attacks, Orthodox Jews regularly spit on Christians when they come across in the streets or how some of them might have sympathies for extremists like the followers of Meir Kahane. I’ve also have personal criticism of Israel tolerating Islamist parties in the Knesset which is really galling considering that the MB is banned in certain Arab countries like their long arch-enemy Egypt (despite what their political enemies in the Islamic world would like to pretend, Zionism isn’t necessarily anti-Islam). Of course none of this can be even comparable to what Christians are facing in the Islamic world itself.
"Christians, natives of Arab countries, are escaping their countries of origin. This is a common statement nowadays everywhere and it is correct one hundred percent. Statistics show that a large number of them have emigrated to safer countries for them and for their children, like the United States, Canada, Australia, and Europe. The reason is the harassment to which they are subjected to by government agencies on the one hand and extremist groups on the other hand in countries they have inhabited for thousands of years…
"The Christians have lived in the territory currently referred to as [the Arab countries] for centuries alongside other religious groups, and particularly with Muslims who shared with them the afflictions of life. But the Christians have lost their partners for many reasons, including religious extremism among some Muslims, the demographic increases out of religious reasons, and the acts of discrimination, coercion, and individual and collective expulsion of Christians, and the pressures placed upon them even when they were serving their countries. There are many examples of that in Palestine, Iraq, Sudan, Lebanon, Egypt, and other countries.
"Approximately 4 million Lebanese Christians have emigrated from their country as a result of the pressures placed upon them by others. About half a million Iraqi Christians have left their country for the same reasons… The situation gets worse today because of the discrimination by salafi [Islamic fundamentalist] extremists. In Palestine, the Christians are becoming almost extinct as a result of the control of extremist Muslims on the Palestinian issue and the marginalization of the role of the Christians, apart from the negative impact of the Intifada, which is led by Islamist organizations, on the Christians of Palestine. With regard to Christians in Egypt, the Copts, what happened and is happening to them equally on the part of the state and the Islamists will suffice to fill pages of books and newspapers to explain the coercion, discrimination and persecution. What is happening in Algeria, Mauritania, Somalia, and others is too long to explain.
"This situation is also reflected in non-Arab [Muslim] countries. In Islamic countries like Pakistan, Indonesia and Nigeria, Christians suffer from persecution. In Pakistan, Islamist [spiritual leaders] have issued a fatwa [religious opinion] permitting the killing of two Christians for every Muslim killed by the American attacks in Afghanistan, as though the Americans represent Christianity in the world. In other countries they [Christians] live in fear, under the shadow of threat, and face a growing cycle of assaults whenever the United States and its allies carry out a military operation against any country.
"Christians are afraid of what might happen to them in these countries. The situation is quite critical and requires urgent attention. It is difficult for us to imagine any other time in which the Christians have felt a greater danger than the danger they feel today in these countries…"
Keep in mind, this report I shared was from 2004. Things surely must have gotten worse like in the wake of the Arab Spring. But this brings me back to my original point... While our brothers in Christ have their priests killed, their churches bombed, their women raped and their people forced to flee, don’t expect me to take the Palestinian cause seriously, if even their own Christians are being persecuted. If Muslims argued that the Palestinians have lived in this patch of land that is now occupied by the Jews, remember the Copts, Assyrians, Armenians and Greeks have lived in these lands long before Muslims arrived, but that is just my Christian perspective. 
As a long Islamist saying goes “before Sunday, comes Saturday”. 
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deliciousanarchist · 6 years ago
Don't talk foody to me!
About diet talk and body positivity
This text started as an attempt to write about why I don’t like people commenting on (my) food when eating in public. While writing I realised I had to share more of my personal life and where I’m coming from, so it is more understandable why I’m having such a hard time with diet talk. In the end, this became a blog about diets, intuitive eating, self-care, and about respecting our own bodies and the bodies of others.
Society is pretty hung up on perfect bodies and, thus, food – those two seem to hang closely together. “We are what we eat”, right? Sounds legit. Or does it rather cut something very complex down to a simplifying and, well, blatantly incorrect sentence?
First of all, what we eat depends on so many things – like on the place we grow up, in what country we are born, and in what social part or class of society we were raised in. Also, when we look closely, stuff like what gender we are assigned with could be seen to make us choose different food. A lot of people believe that a “real man” needs to eat meat, or that women should generally eat less than men do. So “you are what you eat” strongly ignores social inequalities and, even worse, it judges you on things you did not decide by yourself.
It also sounds like a religion or a fatal cult. By this logic we are the sum of the food we eat. If we do “good” we get rewarded, if we do “bad” we will be punished. And if we get sick and some doctor tracks that back to our lifestyle (like to what we eat), then we supposedly brought it all on ourselves because we should have known better. We knew the rules of “health”, right? So if we have a heart attack, it’s because we ate too much fatty food. If we get diabetes, we ate too much sugar or simple carbohydrates. If we get an auto-immune disease, we exposed ourselves to too much to the “wrong” food like gluten, milk, or red meat. In all cases we definitely omitted to exercise enough, too, I’m sure.
And in the final consequence, if we brought our ‘unhealthy’ bodies on ourselves, then why should anyone, doctor or health insurance, help us and treat our disease? We made our bed, now we must lie in it, right?
A new diet theory every year
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that our food and lifestyle does not have any impact on the condition of our bodies, but I’m sure that we get the cause wrong most of the time. The human body is so complex. Who are we do think that we figured it all out? Watching some new food being demonized every other year should have proven this to us by now, shouldn’t it?
We are exposed to so much information about diets and nutrition in the course of our lives: Don’t eat wheat. Oh wait, but you can eat older wheat like dinkle. Drinking milk will kill you. But milk is so healthy, because calcium, you should drink milk every day. Butter is better than margarine. No, margarine is better. Or are both equally bad for you but for different reasons? Fat is bad for you no matter what. No wait, some fats are actually good and we need them for our body to process other food groups. Vegetables are always good for you. Unless it’s corn. And watch out for canned foods because of all the salt and sugar in it, but frozen vegetables are fresh and untreated. Fruits are healthy. In general we should eat vegetables and fruits 5 times a day. Oh no wait, fruit has sugar in it, so it’s not good after all. But oh, vitamins. That’s a twist, I guess. Red meat is bad, white meat is good. Or is meat always bad and should we replace it with fish? Let’s all go vegan to save the planet! (At this point I’m not going into the debate on if we Middle/Northern Europeans should or shouldn’t eat stuff like avocados or quinoa, and how fish is tricky anyway because of overfishing. Food production in capitalism in general, oh my.)
If you speak/read German, I highly recommend the book “Fa(t)shionista” by Magda Albrecht from 2018. She shares a lot of personal stories about the relationship to her body but also scientific info like the history of BMI or where the diseases (and “diseases”) of modern society more likely come from. Did you know that the BMI was never meant for categorizing individuals? And that in 1997 the WHO just set a new BMI for ‘obesety’ which made millions of people become overweight overnight? Also Magda writes: “[A]uch bei Bluthochdruck, Blutzucker oder dem Cholesterinspiegel [hat] die Lobbyarbeit der Pharmaindustrie dafür gesorgt [...], dass Grenzwerte so lange gesenkt wurden, bis die Mehrzahl der Bevölkerung in mindestens eine der zahlreichen Risikofaktoren fielen: Alles für die Gesundheit, natürlich! Oder vielleicht auch nur für die Geldbeutel großer Unternehmen?” (p. 157 // in english: “It’s the same with blood pressure, blood sugar or cholesterol. The drug industry kept declining the setpoint values for those too, so now most of our society suffers from at least one of those risk factors. All for the sake of health, of course! Or is it for the sake of the wallets of large companies?”)
Life is all about diversity
When I was 17 I stopped eating meat, and I was  immediately told from a lot of different people whose opinions I never asked for that becoming a vegetarian is really unhealthy. (Of course now, in 2019, that viewpoint has shifted from vegetarians to vegans, so…)
Whenever my iron was low my doctors told me it was probably from being a vegetarian. Or from having my period. Or if they had been honest with me and themselves – they had no idea. Sometimes blood levels change, and who is to say that everybody has the same range of components in their blood? For example, my leukocytes are so low all the time that I would constantly be sick from colds and other infections. Surprisingly, I hardly ever have those. I do have other issues though. We’re all different, and our bodies react differently to medications, food, and different lifestyles. It’s a little like hormones. If you use hormone levels to prove that there are only two genders you won’t get very far. Like using blood components to divide people into healthy and unhealthy. Let’s give biology some credit and see how diverse we are on so many levels, shall we?
All my life I have been interested in food theories and diets. At some point in my life I even wanted to become a nutritionist, but then got scared of chemistry and all the science behind it. But I also had a dark interest in diets, too. Being a teenager I had a phase of body hate that resulted in an eating disorder that resulted in drastically cutting down my food until I lost more and more weight. I soon looked very thin and according to a lot of people in my life, “really great”. The doctors who had suggested I “lose a few pounds” were happy too. Myself? I felt like crap. And even after all that weight loss, I didn’t even see my body as thin, so disconnected was I to body image and the reality of it. Looking back on those pictures today, I feel fear – I can’t even recognise myself in them, I look so gaunt.
Good bye, diet mentality
However, I learned something from that experience: Being thin doesn’t automatically make me happy. And realizing that back then I felt betrayed by science. It should have worked, right? Lose weight, feel great!? I guess not.
I wish I could say that this made me come to peace with my body for good, but it didn’t. Later in life I still tried to change my body and/or weight by regulating my diet and using sports, very often against the will of my body. Yet I was never one of the people who did an official diet, I never used concepts like the “Ornish Diet”, “The Grapefruit Diet” or the new “Brigittte Diät”. But at some point in life I realized I became an “unconscious dieter”. This is a term I found a few years ago in a book called “Intuitive Eating” (Tribole/Resch 1995/2012: 9) and resonated. For example, at times I felt like I should cut back on chocolate or processed food only because I felt like I should strive for a more healthy lifestyle and a healthier body (whatever that’s supposed to be). I never would have called this “being on a diet”, but in fact I was: I acted on internalised food rules, was not listening to my body, and was very judgemental about my eating behaviour (in the privacy of my thoughts) while dividing food into good and bad.
Every time I changed the food on my table I got disappointed again to find that my body did not react the way I expected it to. For weeks I rationalised my chocolate consumption, but it only lead to me being unsatisfied because I wanted more chocolate or I wanted it at a time I wouldn’t allow myself. Sometimes I did not want it at all when scheduled but ate it anyway because I felt like I should not let the opportunity for chocolate pass me by.
Giving your body what it doesn’t want and withholding your body from what it needs can’t ever be healthy. In other words, quoting Tribole/Resch: “A dieting body is a starving body” (Tribole/Resch 1995/2012: 59).
Listen to your heart... or your body in general
Later in life I stopped consuming cow’s milk and everything that is made from it on the advice of various therapies. It’s common if you have an immune-disease like I have, to look for clues in your diet, too. Meanwhile I started avoiding eggs and coconut milk, because they didn’t leave me feeling well. But, occasionally, I get the feeling I want to eat them and, when I listen to my body, that impulse is right and I don’t feel sick afterwards. Body intuition for the win.
Realising that I actually have a good sense of what food is good for me and what isn’t, the whole diet problem began to make more sense. I was trying to press my food schedule into the desires or the nutrition that other people came up with. This would never have worked. Actually, I think we all have that sense of what is good for us, but it’s covered with all the public opinions on diets and the “perfect” body.
When I really allow myself to listen to my body, most of the time I can feel what it needs and what it doesn’t. Nothing is off limits.
If only it was that easy. Because by listening to my body, I have to ward of constant urges society has given me to divide my food into “good food” and “bad food”. I have to push aside the illusion that a thin body would make me happy. I have to push aside all the body shaming I have internalised. The thought that our body is something to be hated or be feared and that it has to be punished if we are too weak to stay on our fancy paleo or whatever diet.
In the end, it’s all about self-respect, body-positivity, and about acknowledging that our body is not a machine. Our body is a complex system and no one else but us can say what it needs.
You eat tomatoes, I want potatoes
Listening to my body is getting me different results every day. Some essential things stay kind of the same though. Like, my body has almost zero problems with carbohydrates, and I love eating potatoes in any form imaginable. Gluten and yeast are fine with me, bread making an appearance in my meals every day.  Occasionally I like things made of soy/tofu, but they’re not my go to protein. I love legumes and vegetables of all kinds, but I only like to eat (raw) fruits on rare occasions. Green salad and raw food in general is tricky, and mostly repulsive. Yet from time to time I crave a green salad with a simple vinegar-honey dressing. Especially in public spaces, vegan food works best for me because then I can be sure there is no meat and no cow milk in there. Also I just love vegan food.
But that’s just how my body works right now. I believe for everybody there’s different food that works best. Let’s not act like there is one diet that works on all of us. Also our body and the food we need changes over time. And I guess in theory we all know that, but our routines are still hard to change.
The other day I read a tagline online saying, “Being obsessed with health doesn’t make you healthy. It only makes you obsessed”. And had to take a minute at the truth behind it. Especially as we can’t say what makes us healthy anyway. But we can say if something makes us feel good or not. Eating according to my intuition is the thing that has made most sense to me up to now, compared to all other diets and nutrition theories. Being happy while eating and the simple feeling that my body is having a good time is more important than eating what society thinks is right.
My struggle with intuition
I have to admit there is still one thing I have not figured out yet, and it’s something that’s overshadowed by my eating disorder from my teenage years that sometimes catches up with me: How many meals a day work best with me? So far I think it’s not three big meals, but more meals of different sizes. And eating at what time of the day works best for me? I try to listen to my body and eat when it feels right. Whereas, I can get a good feeling what I want to eat, I’m not that good in knowing when to eat. And having experienced an eating disorder, I know I can very well suppress the feeling of hunger, sometimes unconsciously. I have a lot of awful strategies to trick my body. There is a part of me that likes to punish my body by keeping it from eating. So this is really tricky and I’m still working on it.
And of course there is a major problem for all of us: our other-directed daily routines. Eating intuitively would work way better if only we could decide what and when to eat everyday. But with having to work to make money to pay for rent and – oh right, food (ha) and everything else, a lot of my meals are not all decided by myself. I can’t arrive to work at any given time, so I often have breakfast earlier than I’d like to. Then my day is filled with projects and meetings and private dates, so I have to plan my meals around them.
Not only that, too much stress makes it hard for me to hear what my body needs. I love chocolate (in case I haven’t mentioned this before ;)), but when I am too stressed out by work I eat chocolate for stress release. This is not bad in general. But after a while of this happening again and again I don’t even enjoy eating the chocolate. So next time I want to eat chocolate, instead I try questioning that decision and try to listen to my body: Is this really what would make me feel good now? And sometimes it is and I eat chocolate. Sometimes it’s not, and then I try to figure out what I want instead and what would really make me feel better. I do like things such as sugar, beer, and even smoking a cigarette from time to time. But I do not like it when I stop enjoying these things and only use them because I am stressed or sad or angry. Sure, I sometimes have a beer after a shitty day and that’s okay, but I would hate to make a habit out of that. Both the shitty days and the beers.
So I guess my theories don’t always work perfectly yet. It’s a work in progress.
Relearning the rules
In the last couple of years I had to relearn a lot of opinions and reflexes I was taught about eating when being young. And I’m still (un)learning, like: There is no good food/bad food. I don’t have to finish my plate if I am not hungry anymore. It’s okay to eat something else instead too. I don’t have to eat lots of fruits and vegetables every day if the thought of eating it makes me sick. I don’t have to stick to a fix count of meals a day. I don’t have to eat the same amount of food every day. And so on.
One more thing I try to learn is not to explain why I eat or won’t eat something right now. I used to say stuff like “I’m not hungry”, “I already ate so much today” or “Nothing for me, I had a late breakfast” or “It’s too late in the evening for me to be eating now” or thinking “I already had fries for lunch, I can’t have fries for dinner again”. Nope. No explanations, no regrets, no diet talk, no body shaming anymore. Three carbs-only-meals in a row because it feels right? I’ll do it. Eating dinner at 11pm because my body longs for food right now? Sure. If I’m not ravenous, but still feel my body would love something to eat? I’m having it.
Sharing’s not always caring
Something I don’t enjoy a lot for many different reasons is eating in public. I’m easily stressed by social situations in general but especially when it comes to sharing a meal, so I don’t often eat together with other people.
The other reason for that is that I hate it when people comment on my food. Or the food of others. Or their own food. And I don’t mean comments like “Wow, that looks so good!” or “I think I will order that myself”, I would love those comments. No, the comments I hear and hate a lot are comments that appear harmless, but really mess with my head. Like when I order and the person next to me says “Wow that’s quite a big portion!” or “Oooh, that looks like pure sugar” or “That would be impossible for me to eat.”
It’s tricky even if people make that comments about their own food. When someone eats half of the food on their plate and then says, “This was so much, now I’m going to be full for the rest of the day.” How will that make the person feel that sits next to them that ate all the food on the plate and is still hungry? Especially when that person commenting is thinner than the other one? 
Sorry, but in a world that condemns sugar (or even all carbs) and divides good and bad food and wants us to eat less food in general, those comments can’t ever be neutral observations or harmless notes.
Keeping your diet talk to yourself
“I get through the day easily without eating much at all.” “Eating a lot of fast food makes me feel toxic.” “Gluten is pure poison for my body.” “Since I’m doing [insert new diet] I feel like a human again.” “I can’t eat anything right now, I had a generous lunch.” “I could never function when eating toast with Nutella for breakfast.” “I’ll burn off the calories in the gym later.” “Alright, today is my ‘cheat day’.”
All of these comments are steeped in society's expectations.
I totally get that these are things people say about themselves in that moment, and if I’d only see them as self-revelation it guess it would be fine in a way. But that’s not how communication works, especially not with topics that are so morally pre-shaped like diets, food, and bodies. On good days, I can brush these words off, but on bad days I fall into despair: Why don’t I want to eat salad more? Why do I have to like chocolate so much? Maybe gluten is poison for me too, but I just don’t know it yet? My lunch was also generous, but I’m hungry again. What’s wrong with me? Why didn’t I get through today without much food? (This is an especially hard sentence for me as it cuts right into my eating disorder whispering that I could too, and all I have to do is… yeah, let’s not go there.)
Sometimes I wish I could just share meals without anyone making comments on the food beyond if they like it or not – their eating habits, and their or my body, all disguised as small talk. I think we should all be more careful how we talk about food because it’s a minefield full of stereotypes, preoccupations, shame, and it mostly comes with our personal past full of hurtful experiences with diet talk. So let’s think about how what we say can make other people feel like, and maybe let’s remember that most of us carry trauma from the topics of diet and food in one or another way.
~Sam Chills, 2019
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divinationcentral · 4 years ago
Guidance For the Day
The Star
The Eight of Swords
Page of Swords 
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So, right off the bat (and this is a saying lol). We see you healing from a very negative experience. One that has been a constant in your life, most likely, which has added a bit of a mental torment to every aspect of your every day life. 
In doing this, surmounting this challenge, by not just being inquisitive about what is happening, but using your rationality to sort out your own thinking... it has provided you with a sense of clarity and reassurance regarding your own decision making. And that clarity is brining you a lot of healing... healing towards the mental body, actually. What used to be a web of incoherent voices in your head, or worries... is now just information (as my therapist puts it). 
If you wonder why people refer to mentality as being part of the “mental body” - it’s because we see our mentality so separate from what our physical bodies are, when in truth, our brain is an organ. 
What goes on inside it is very complex, yes. It can form perceptions, ideas, beliefs (belief systems, even). Though these thing are intrinsic, and hold intrinsic value... they are tangible. They have cause and effect in our world, on our bodies. 
PTSD will elevate your blood pressure, it can make you violent or aggressive, it initiates a fear and fight or flight response - it can make you hyperventilate. 
Trauma can cloud decision making. 
Depression can make you stop eating. 
And yet people don’t regard these concepts as tangible. It’s funny, really... What is it then? Spiritual? Sure. It can be. You can perceive it to be... But in truth - it’s real. Our thoughts can be manufactured by our experiences. Those experiences generate a real reaction from our bodies. And we respond to every day life in this way. 
Abuse. Neglect. Manipulation - these things can warp your sense of truth, believing, and very regular modes of thinking. 
Like, my anxiety... sometimes I have to put off projects for days because I fear the repercussions of doing them wrong. I’m not going to say why, because that’s personal, but see how that has had a long term affect on my progress with work life balance? 
We respond. We react. We are coping with the skills we have. And we try and compensate for traumatic experiences, by doing what’s best for us. With what we know at the time. 
You are expanding. Your mind is expanding. The way you see the world is currently hindered by fear of oppression. Judgement. Reality seems unobtainable. 
... But that’s only because someone has taught you this belief. 
Just like our mental state is every bit as real as our visible body, our perceptions of ourselves in the world is too. And we have to reassess if this is our truth or not. 
Are we who other people say we are? Or are we what we choose to be. And of we deserve to be treated badly? Or good. 
Everyday. You can ask yourself that question every day, and never get an answer. Because the truth is: you are who you want to be. And you can prove that to yourself by trial and error. You will know what is correct. You will know what is good for you. 
Stop second guessing. Mistakes can be made, but they can also be fixed. And you can ask questions if you need to. You can ask for help. You’re allowed. You’re allowed to seek these answers for yourself. And you can do over and over again, until you recognize what is best. 
And when something happens that is out of our control - we must learn to not judge ourselves or the people involved. We must learn what is within our control to help. 
That said: I’m not advocating for criminals in any way. That is way too broad of a subject, where a lot of things are involved. 
If you hurt someone period - you should face the consequences. You have to learn what is right and what is wrong, and that what you did was incorrect. 
PS. lol... Our organs don’t just stop existing because we can’t see them, right? We don’t deny their existence, do we? We know when they’re functioning, because we wake up in the morning, our cuts heal, we see out of our eyes, we can walk... So when something is wrong with our body, when it doesn’t function properly, we know a part of our body is hurting or dysfunctional... We know something is wrong. 
So why then, when we feel sad, or feel hurt, or isolated and become alone... when we have a negative, intense reaction to somebody - when our feelings begin to impact our daily living - why are these feelings not indicative of our mental state of mind not functioning, OR that something is actually wrong. Because our body is responding. 
Yes, something can be wrong. And like every wound, or disorder, or dysfunction in the physical body (which our brain is a part of, and therefore includes our mental body) - that pain is real. Give it your utmost attention. 
You need to heal. 
You need to feel safe. Both in your environment, and with the outcome of something. 
THAT SAID. The reading does continue. And includes the main energies: 
The seven of swords
The ten of coins
the six of swords 
five of wands 
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Despite all the energies around you that are hectic, chaotic, or just outright delusional... You maintain a focus on your mental body, your mental state of mind, your physical wellbeing, and your happiness. You become happy, firm, and stable in your mental state of mind, so you begin to believe that you are happy, firm, and stable. Take that for what it’s worth, it truthfully means a lot. 
You are aligning to that state of wellbeing, and therefore your actions will reflect it. 
That’s not an easy feat. Especially when all the people and environmental factors around you are against it. 
You have not disregarded your stability, and in doing so, you can head towards a calmer stream (a peaceful path towards the future). You have gained a sense of self respect, if nothing else. 
You move on, not entirely, but mentally - you move on, and that allows you to focus on better things. Things that you have. Things that you can gain (that you did not gain from this situation). And though right now it does not seem like it: You will see better days. I assure you of this. 
And just know (because I hate to see The Seven of Swords in any reading, more than I would hate to see The Tower, The Death, the Three of Swords, or even the Five of Swords - because it means someone has done the damage already, even if you can recuperate, a betrayal is happening, or has happened, and there’s nothing anyone can do to stop it except for being aware of it, which this reading serves as a warning for those reading it - that is its purpose) - even if someone thinks they’ve got away with handling you in a certain manner, or lying, or cheating... Know this defense will break. Because you can only hide true intentions for so long. 
People can only keep up appearances for so long, before everyone gains the sense of what is the reality. 
Let me give you an example: You can pretend to be a medical doctor all you want. You can. But when it comes down to medicating, performing surgery, prescribing medication - someone will know you’re lying, if you did not even go through medical school. Because all of those things require credentialing. 
This is a very upfront analogy. But it’s one that serves a general purpose to paint a picture of a scenario that is going on in your life. 
Someone is pretending to be someone they aren’t. 
People who lie. People who cheat. People who use and take advantage of others - eventually you learn their patterns. And you can’t, or don’t even fall for it anymore, because you can see it from a mile away. 
Advocate for yourself if you HAVE to do something like this today, and seek an opinion, from someone who has an actual licensed practitioner of what you are interested in (or for the answers you’re seeking). And isn’t just spouting a bunch of bullshit at you. 
And by the way: if you need a second opinion - don’t be afraid to get it. This is exactly the call to do it, because the page of swords is in this reading, it means you don’t have all the answers yet (so start asking questions). This can pertain to anything, but definitely if it’s about a contract, or an agreement, or some sort of medical diagnoses - get a second opinion if you’re not certain of it. Especially if someone gave you an answer that doesn’t sit well with you. 
If you need someone to tell you more than once that this is the solution, or the answer, or the result - then you need that. It’s your body. It’s your mental state. It’s your money. It’s your life. Not someone else’s. 
If you feel like you can make those decision on your own, then ask question to get someone’s opinion on it, that way you know it’s the right choice (not just because you think it - but because it’s the truth). And if it aligns with the outcome you’re seeking, then take it, but only after reassess your plans for the future. 
Is your idea the best? OR is theirs? 
What is going to help and support YOU. And only you in this case. 
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judaphotography · 5 years ago
An exploration of who has the right to judge art
Art is a vast topic that can span across different mediums, context, and expression. It is equally a form of expression as it is execution, which makes it seemingly subjective. However, art does have guidelines and patterns, which create what people class as good or bad art. This creates an apparent correct way art should be viewed and how it should be judged. This essay will be exploring who has the right to make those judgments. 
When judging art and it's worth and quality there is a  consensus of what to evaluate. When looking at judgement criteria from art competitions like LightSpaceTime’s we can see that the standard for art being judged is “Interpretation and the clarity of the theme to the viewer. Creativity and originality of the depicted theme. Quality of artistic composition and overall design based on the theme. Overall impression of the art.” With looking at other competitions, criteria art critiques use and educated views of what makes good art, for instance examples from the art of education university and interviews with artists,  we can see an emerging pattern that context, technique, concept, and originality are the qualities in which we base art. Li Hongbo has said “My artistic creation has lots of themes… I want to change the image, change how people see things so they think in another way, and more deeply.” In response to what makes good art, supporting the idea that good art needs to be original and have meaning. 
However, John Baldessari’s photographic series “Wrong” challenges the idea of what art needed to be to be good. He took the traditional “rules” within the art world and decided to create pieces that challenged them. The series is a collection of images paired with text, the most famous being entitled wrong, which is an unfocussed poorly composed image of a man with text that says wrong underneath. Baldessari created these pieces because he wanted to convey that we do not have to conform to traditional qualities in art for it to be good; art doesn’t have to be judged, and when talking about work he has said “You don't want anyone to say 'You can't do that!' But you do get a lot of that in New York. One of the healthiest things about California is - 'Why not”.Baldessari made his art for himself and because he wanted to, but through that has become a renowned conceptual artist. From the series  we can see there are exceptions to what people class as good art and although Baldessari’s series is not technically good it still meets the criteria of being original and being rich in context.
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The museum of bad art is a place showcasing “bad art” “since 1994,The museum of bad art has been dedicated to bad art… our mission; to bring the worst of art to the widest of audiences” Obviously the art which they showcase is bad; like the painting Eyes see you by F.W Covington which is paired with the interpretation “The artist has effectively portrayed life-sized pairs of disembodied eyes on a flame-red background; some staring straight ahead while others glance left or right. They are realistic and iconic in their simplicity.” by Holly Maxson. By this description alone we can estimate the technique is not good with use of effectively as a descriptor conveys a standard skill level. Also the meaning wouldn’t appear complex or profound, as they are just eyes. Perhaps art that lacks these two characteristics are what we as a collective deem bad art. 
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The difference between these two works purely lies on the intent behind them. Both are technically bad, however Baldessari’s piece was created for the intent to challenge why? So as people judging art it is not all about the physicality of it but equally the context. Without context both would be seen as bad art, but this idea of contextual knowledge revises its worth, causing the idea of elitism within art as you need to have context to fully enjoy it. 
Antonio Houmen, former art director of the Sonnabend Gallery has said “The definition of art will change and who it can be judged by will change also.Video art was popularised in the 1970’s but made people question if it was art.  Every time art takes a form people don't recognize, they ask ''Is that art?”. Houmen expostulates the idea that art is one thing, the idea that art is stagnant is incorrect and the idea that the merits of what art is and who judges it needs to be inconstant. The idea that art is really integrated into current culture and is ever changing is not a new premise, and how art can also influence and change society around us.
The recent social isolation is proof of how integrated art is into mundane things, as many people have been turning to comforts like television and video games, subtly depending on the artists which have created them. “ That is just the reason why art is so valuable! While art may not be vital to fulfill our basic needs, it does make life joyful. When you look at a painting or poster you’ve chosen to hang on your living room wall, you feel happy. ...These varieties of art forms that we are surrounded by all come together to create the atmosphere that we want to live in, which is personable to us.” Due to art having a natural comfort, it becomes every day. 
In Neil Gaiman's book “Art matters” he talks about how art is created to challenge the current system and possibly change it, ““I believe you have the absolute right To think things that I find offensive, stupid, preposterous or dangerous, and they have the right to speak and write or distribute these things ”.If art is so integrated into society it should be those who have the right to judge it.
Some believe that it is only the right of an artist to judge their work. Many artists themselves believe that only they have the right to judge their own work, such as Jenny Holzer, an neo-conceptual artist. “The artist is someone who can judge the art as they are the only one that truly knows the art.” “I think you can rely on the artist's representation; he or she would have no reason to lie.” showing us that the intent is what artwork is truly about not the finished content, and by this only the person that created the work can know the true meaning. Carrying on from this Robert Hughs, an art critic said “As far as I am concerned, something is a work of art if it is made with the declared intention to be a work of art and placed in a context where it is seen as a work of art. That does not determine whether it is esthetically rich or stupidly banal.” Anyone can have an opinion on a piece and see it how they wish, however, the process of art relies on the artist having intent and judgment, and therefore can be the only opinion that matters.
The case of Beau Stanton’s Eva Gardner mural, shows the two sides of an artist being responsible for the art. Many people found the artwork offensive and wanted it removed from Koreatown L.A, as the background offended korean activists as the sunray pattern is similar to the japanese imperial flag. Stanton has said he created the mural as “ a homage to the Cocoanut Grove’s Hollywood history”  artists like Shepard Fairey have said “ It’s not the same color scheme. It’s not the same focal element. It’s stupid to me.” and he finds it a form of censorship and threatened to remove his mural of Richard F Kenedy. Eventually the mural was removed showing that people see the judgment of others and how they see work, is more important to the public than the intent of the artist. 
Many people within art academia believe that to truly judge art you need to be educated within it, for example Robert Rosenblum, former Professor of art history, New York University; curator at the Guggenheim Museum said “But there has to be consensus about good art among informed people -- artists, dealers, curators, collectors. Somebody has to be the first to say something is good”, and William Rubin former Director emeritus of painting and sculpture, Museum of Modern Art said “There's a consensus as to what is art in most periods, but it's not made by the man on the street. It is formed by those deeply concerned with the substance of art.” “There is no single definition of art that's universally tenable. Cultures without even a word for art nevertheless produced great art”. Implying art is more than an aesthetic but also a history and something deeply contextual, so for a person to truly be able to judge art and see what it is you must be educated and know these histories. Regardless, some people and artists see this as a classist belief that to be an artist means you need to be educated and pay for that right through education.
“ Art has landed in many more households and in the awareness of many more people than ever before. You could argue that because art is so ubiquitous it is even harder to make judgments.”Philippe De Montebello former Director, Metropolitan Museum of Art. Undeniably art is a part of everyone's lives, especially with growing use of social media, and as everyone has access to art they have the right to judge it, and every opinion is correct, as art is an experience that can only be felt by oneself. When forming an opinion on art we look at our past experiences with the outside world, as well as other art we have viewed,due to the omnipresence of art through televisions, phones and even mundane objects like tea towels there is such a diversity of experience, which no two people would share. Combined with the independent experience of living no two people would see art as truly the same. Therefor claiming one to be more important holds judgements of  others, and arguably holds ideas of classism. 
I created a survey of my peers, many of which are artists from different backgrounds, which use different mediums. As in theory any question can be asked but that doesn’t take into account the reality of theoretical questions, and that there are artists who will all have a say and view on art judgment. When asked “Do you feel your art practice and art knowledge has grown with more experience creating or with education?” 50% of people said it was a mixture of both creation and education. “My art knowledge has grown through education, but my art practice has definitely just grown through creating” artists can see that there are two sides to art: a creative and educated side, which both can grow over time and make people better artists. Assumably there is the belief that some art knowledge is inherit, as 100% of the artists believed that they can judge art and 50% unprompted said that it is possible for everyone to judge art. While others say they have bias’ to certain art but can still judge it, however, it is just as possible for the bias’ to come from education therefore making the judgment more correct, which is highlighted by one of the responses when asked if they can judge art; “ Everyone can. Its a visual platform and everyone is going to have a response. But there is a moral line where some people either have no knowledge or too much and their opinions can be a bit out of place” implying that everyone can judge art but some people have more of a right to judge. 
When asked if they believe if art has a set meaning, all of those questioned said no. Clearly showing that art is meant for other people to view and not just the artist “I don't think so, even if the artist makes it with an intended meaning, whenever it is viewed the meaning is shaped by the viewer's life experience and perspective. It can also vary with context”, “There's an intended meaning but unlimited meanings beyond that”. Many artists are open to the idea that their art can have multiple meanings, as the context of the viewer is what really creates the meaning of an image; supporting the theory that everyone can bring judgement and meaning to art.
Seemingly artists tend to view art as something anyone can find meaning and context in and rightfully so if the piece brings emotions. Yet see judgment as something different but still crucial to the process.  Overall “It is in the sense that every time someone views art that are making some kind of judgement or critique automatically, but I don't think it always has to be formalised, or that certain judgements should be considered more important than others just because of someone's status.” summarises the view on art judgment from practitioners. Judgment is a part of art, or judgment is a part of humans, either way it will naturally occur when looking at a piece of work. The judgment is not what we should be questioning but, who and why and what are people judging and being able to see people's views without the elitist ideology of certain people having a more correct opinion, but rather an equality of views. 
When looking at “Who can judge art” we do not take into account the process of art and the fact that judgment is a part of it. When deciphering “what is art?” in his book “How art can be thought: a handbook for change” Desouza argues that art can be whatever the artist makes. He proposes that art is created by two things, prior to the art being made. There is a proposal then an action and then an object.Then after the art is created it has to create a conversation, not for it to be art but for it to be profitable art. “But more importantly art is a conversation.” If we look at art as a non verbal form of communication, then the judgment and perceptions are a part of it as a language, the nature of art is to talk about it. Which can be related to the idea that educated and experienced artists could be held to higher regard in their opinion as they can “speak art” better as they have a richer context and understanding. However, the idea that art should or can only be judged by a certain type of person rather than everyone, is absurd as judgment is clearly a part of art,as much as it is a part of humans.
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grumpyangeladvice · 7 years ago
Hello Mal! Recently I've faced a dilemma about trying to understand my past lives and my reincarnations. How would I go about learning and opening myself up to these experiences?
This is a surprisingly complex question for how simply it can be worded. There are a lot of ways to dive into past incarnations, and it’s tough to say which ones will work best for any given person.
The first method to come to mind is guided meditation. It’s nothing something I have much experience with (meditation is incredibly difficult for me, to be honest), but from what I know, it’s a good way to get in touch with the parts of you not rooted in “here and now”. There are plenty of sources out there about how to get into the right mindset, but the basic gist is that you need a calm environment without any distractions. Silence your phone, keep the lights low, and make sure no one’s going to suddenly interrupt. Depending on your situation, it might be difficult to arrange, but it’s worth it if you can. Once you’re prepped, it’s a matter of centering, turning your thoughts inward, and focusing. It might take a few attempts for it to properly work, but if you can get it going, it can be a straightforward method of figuring things out.
Another method that requires less inward focus, but a similar lack of distractions, is free writing. In brief, you sit down with your writing method of choice (pen and paper is traditional, but I’ve successfully used digital methods, since I type faster than I write), get yourself dwelling on your past lives, and start writing whatever comes to mind. The goal is to get words flowing freely and fairly continuously. Don’t worry about fixing mistakes, don’t go back over what you just wrote. Just keep things moving forward. Once things stop flowing, you can go back over what you wrote and see if there’s anything useful in there. In my experience, most of what gets written will be utter garbage, but there’s the occasional gem that provides a sudden burst of understanding. Once you have something workable, though, you can work on building off of that towards an even better understanding. (One other perk of this method is that listening to music while writing tends to work out better than it does with meditation.)
If there’s too much risk of distraction for either of those to work, then the next best thing is using divination. As a general rule, I don’t advise getting a reading from someone else when you’re trying to work out past life stuff. Every reading gets filtered through an individual’s perception of things, even if only subtly, and those perceptions can skew things and cause incorrect answers. It’s always better to do your own work when the goal is learning about yourself. The exact method you use is up to you, but I prefer slightly more complex methods (like Tarot) over simple methods (like pendulum readings). The added complexity allows for a more granular answer, which can help point you in the right direction. A simple “no” answer from a pendulum gives you nothing to work with, while a vague answer from a Tarot deck can at least hint at something useful. The biggest piece of advice I can give for interpreting things, though, is to be willing to approach things from odd angles. Be open to unexpected outcomes, and don’t always go with the obvious answer. If the obvious answer is the only one you can think of, ask for clarification. Most decks I’ve worked with tend to be more straightforward when you’re seeking clarification about a specific element of a reading.
If you don’t have any experience with divination, one simple method that’s available to most people these days is shufflemancy. It takes some time, but it’s easy to use and tends to be personalized by design. Grab your music player of choice, throw your entire collection of music in, set it to shuffle and jump a few songs in. (I usually skip forward until I hit a track that feels significant, but that might not work for everyone.) Take note of that first track you hit, and listen closely. Pay attention to the feelings you get from it, the lyrics (if any), and anything else that feels like it applies. Once you hit the next track, take note of that, and repeat until you’re interrupted or it seems like the resulting playlist has drifted from what it was trying to say. Then you can go over the list of tracks, and see if there’s any significant message tucked in there. In my experience, it can be a hit-or-miss method, but it’s easy to use, and it’s available anywhere you have your music. (As a slight variant, you can listen to the radio instead of using your personal collection. Depending on the station, though, it might not be as effective. Use your judgement.)
If you don’t feel like those methods could work, there’s always the option of diving into things that are associated with your past lives. Depending on the details of your past lives, this could be just about anything. Smells, textures, music, ambient sounds, and visuals all have potential. The important thing is to seek things out that have some kind of connection, no matter how indirect, to the past life (or lives) that you’re trying to learn about. The idea is that by engaging those associations, you have a chance of finding something that reminds you of something from back then, kind of like how certain sights or sounds can remind you of things from this life. (Fun fact: The sense most strongly connected to memory is actually smell. As a result, finding the right scent can be the most direct way of digging up memories, whether from this life or a previous one.) It’s a technique that can take some time to start working, depending on how easily you find things that relate to your past lives, but it can easily be picked up and put down as needed. If you get interrupted in the middle of looking up stuff, it’s easy enough to set it aside until you can get back to searching.
The last method I’ll throw out is one that might seem obvious in hindsight, though it does come with a few disclaimers: Talk to people. There’s a good chance that there are people out there who have had similar experiences in past lives, and talking with them can help dredge up memories of those experiences. Even if you don’t have those similar experiences, though, you can always bounce thoughts off each other and talk through the parts that puzzle you. “Two heads are better than one,” and all that. However, there are things to watch out for. The biggest one is people pulling things out of their posterior. Especially when it comes to past lives, it’s easy to fabricate “memories” and pass them off as truth. The old advice about questioning everything applies here in full. The next disclaimer is that you need to be sure that other people aren’t skewing your memories. There’s always a risk that hearing other peoples’ memories of past lives will cause your understanding of your own memories to shift, which can result in those memories getting a bit garbled. Always focus on the parts that line up with your memories, and don’t be afraid to discard stuff that doesn’t sync up. Finally, there’s the possibility that someone might tell you that you’re mistaken about your memories, and that their truth is the only one that’s actually real. If this happens, your best bet is to just cut things off there. While there is always the chance that you’re misremembering things, or that your perception of things is being skewed, no one outside of you can tell if that’s the case. (A small note: The way they present things can affect if you should cut things off. If they point out an inconsistency in your memories, then they’re giving you something to work with. If they’re telling you that you’re wrong because their memories don’t match yours, walk away. Again, use your judgement.)
I’m sure there are plenty of other methods available that can help you remember things, and the more information you have to work with, the clearer picture of things you can form, and the better you can understand your past lives. Don’t be afraid to try out multiple methods, possibly alongside each other. You can’t know what works for you until you try, and sometimes approaching a specific memory or thought from multiple angles can clarify things. Experiment, toy around with things, and hopefully things will start making more sense.
One final thought before I wrap this up: One thing I’ve learned to keep in mind when diving into anything metaphysical (including past lives) is that very little can be taken as objective truth. Reality is a lot more mutable than it seems at first, and between that and everyone having different points of view (both literally and metaphorically), it’s difficult to represent something in a way everyone can agree with. In the end, the best you can hope for is to find your truth, the one that makes sense to you and which meshes with your perception and understanding of things. As long as it makes sense to you, it doesn’t matter what other people think.
Good luck with things. If you want clarification on any of this, or if I missed something important, let me know. I’ll do my best to fill things in.
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getseriouser · 7 years ago
20 THOUGHTS: Nic Nat Tackle Whacked
DONALD Glover, aka Childish Gambino, has released a very provocative music video for his latest hit This is America. Why mention that here? That’s a song and subsequently a film clip too that is about gun violence, American politics, race-based atrocities. This column is about none of those things, most weeks anyway.
But one theme that Glover touches on with the way the video is choreographed is about where your eyes focus. In it you naturally take notice of him, centre of shot, dancing, smiling, making faces. The subtext explored is that because the viewer does this, they miss all the more important stuff happening in the background, which is natural but undesirable human behaviour – a metaphor the for the political landscape in the United States on a number of sensitive but highly pertinent issues.
So what’s the link?
Whether it’s state of the game, suspicious tribunal reports or the reasons we immediately think in diagnosing why Essendon’s bad, or the Brisbane-Collingwood game is good, our proclamations might not necessarily be accurate. What’s happening in the background, what’s the root cause of what we’re seeing and sensing. Are we just being lazy in our judgement?
Not here we ain’t. We proclaim we get serious here. And we do. On that note…
  1.    So we start with tonight’s tribunal sittings. Firstly, Tom Hawkins, touching the umpire. The precedent on this is Heath Shaw, who was dismissive in his physicality without being overly demonstrative. Hawkins was similar. But we say Shaw was a good ‘precedent’ but in reality, that will be relevant in predicting the punishment as how good a mood the sitting Tribunal members are in tonight. How good was their day, did they have a good lunch, did their Uber run late which really got their goat, did their Foxtel not record Masterchef last night and they can’t get the Tenplay website to work as well? For me, it’s a week. Not because he is playing Collingwood but because any sort of fine doesn’t say much. If umpire contact is a big deal, when deliberate, then it’s a week.
2.    Now, young Nic Naitanui. Tackles a bloke strongly and he has a date with the tribunal. But as per the Ryan Burton-Shaun Higgins incident of a few weeks back, the theme in 2018 is that if your actions are good, ok, legal, but the injury is purely accidental, you’re ok. So in that case, from a technique standpoint, other than a push in the back free Naitanui did not do anything to warrant a suspension. So he should get off, not even any sort of minimal fiscal sanction either. Watch him get two weeks down to one or something and we’re back for an appeal on Thursday but he should not get anything.
3.    Quick divert to other sports before back to the Footy – first, Ice Hockey. Yep, you saw that coming. Shout out to Nathan Walker. Who? Yep, fair call, but he is someone you should know about. He is the first Australian to play in the National Hockey League, he has played only nine games, seven of which for the Washington Capitals. But today he was the first Aussie to take part in a playoff game. And he scored a point too, an assist. Bloody good on the bloke.
4.    And then also in the US, Ben Simmons. Haven’t touched on the fella in this column yet but oh my. His 76ers are only a game away from having their season come to an end, still a pretty good performance even if they don’t get the chance to play for a title. But no question now that he is this country’s biggest star. The fact he plays just like Magic Johnson, someone we’ve all heard of, and just maybe could be just as talented as Magic too, is phenomenal. Sure, he will go to the Olympics and help the Boomers finish with a Bronze, maybe, one day, perhaps, but what he’ll do in his NBA career on a global stage will amaze. He won’t just amaze us patriotic few back here, he’ll amaze the natives over there, which is quite something.
5.    Quick couple on the A-League, and we have to touch on the Grand Final. Yes, it was a pulsating finals series, the standard on show was reasonable and Victory deserve all the plaudits. Now the bad stuff. Adelaide vs. Carlton on free-to-air  Saturday night rated 415,000, 170,000 of that in Melbourne. Only 183,000 people watched the A-League on ONE, 64,000 of those in Melbourne. Both NRL games out rated the game on Foxtel, and the Swans-Roos game matched it as well. So it’s a good thing no-one was watching to see the horrendous attempt at a pre-match obviously choreographed by sugar-high local kindergarten students. Or the missed offside goal…
6.    How does that happen? We acknowledge the score review in the AFL is poor, but compared to the stuff up in Newcastle Saturday night it’s as perfect as Baby John Burgess hosting a TV game show. The fact that the television referee, known as the VAR, lost his feed to do his job correctly 20 seconds before the only goal in the game, a goal that was clearly offside, that the assistant referee missed it too or believed that his mate upstairs would see it anyway so not to worry, that the game continued without any pause or review – disastrous. Then, the audacity with the statement on Sunday morning to not just admit the stuff up but adjoin it with an apology, that they “understand the disappointment and frustration of the Newcastle Jets”. The FFA is as good as running the A-League as Steve Harvey announcing the winner of Miss Universe. Oh my hat!
 7.    Ok, so some Footy again. Where to start. Let’s close off this ‘state of the game’ nonsense. Firstly, the Brisbane-Collingwood game wasn’t the saving grace, which I’ll touch on shortly, but it was decent we concede. But clearly what we could do to ensure that all games can be attractive, not just one or two a weekend, is twofold – remove the ruck nominations and be far more stringent with incorrect disposal. Remove the need for ruckmen to nominate, it means a quicker stoppage, no time to set up, and as long as only two go up, we’re good. The third man up was the issue, why we need to outline who the rucks are beforehand is redundant.
 8.    And then incorrect disposal – how many times do we see play on when the ball spills out, or is dropped, or someone attempts to kick but misses, but gets let off because he had a crack? Bin it. If you take possession, you must get rid of it legally unless your tackler knocks it free, then we are cool for that to be play on. You’ll get a lot more free kicks and less ball-ups. But no-one will be put off because everyone knows if you had prior and you don’t get rid of it properly you’re in danger. So there’s two good moves, no need for zones, which is laughable given it will do precisely zero to congestion. Malcolm Blight, you’re a legend, but on this you’re drunk, or old, or both. Sorry mate. You think it sounds legit but practically it does nothing.
 9.    Now as for that Lions-Pies game, oh, the ecstasy afterwards, the number of children that will be born in nine months’ time off the back of it. It only gets the love because it was a high-scoring thriller. It was high-scoring firstly because both teams uncharacteristically kicked straight, it even broke some league accuracy records. If they kicked at league average it would be 14 goals to 13, or similar, and just a ‘good game’ then. The game in Sydney on Saturday was arguably closer, and if anything more akin to a finals game standard, but everyone got swept up in Sunday twilight. Spare me. The Lions were gallant, the Pies were good enough, move along. Rub your eyes a bit and then look again perhaps? It was decent but not orgasmic.
 10. As for the Swans-Roos result, that’s a far more relevant game to look at, so let’s. Firstly, the home team. That’s the third loss at home, which is strange. Yes, no Franklin, but they didn’t have the Budweiser down at Geelong and got away with it. The forward line, or forward of the ball play, is hit and miss right now for the Bloods. They are so Buddy-focused that without him they are so unpredictable it can mean on-the-road success to a off-guard Geelong, or equally make them ripe for the taking at home to North. A reliable plan B is necessary, may mean they don’t win that Cats game, but it assures them of the home win instead, which is probably a better outcome going forward when he misses.
 11. So how about those Roos? A big scalp. Needed it, so far their wins were not massively persuasive. But ahead of the ledger, playing some good football, the combo of Brown, Ziebell and the return of Mason Wood inside 50 is very dangerous. Reliable down back too but I fear that when it comes to big games, much like the Melbourne loss they a month ago, up against a class, top-8 midfield they’ll be found wanting more often than not. But, great signs for the rebuild, this isn’t about 2017 for the Shinboners, so it’s all good stuff.
 12. Hmm, Essendon. Not good at the moment. Brendan Goddard continues to add to his portfolio of ‘really bad high possession count games’ and the whole ball movement is just ordinary. Certainly putting talent on the park each week but they’re not able to do enough when they have it for long enough, but worse still are not defending anywhere near enough cohesively as a unit when they haven’t got it. Clearly looks a confidence thing, couple bad losses have set them back, a good game or two can turn this around pretty quick; momentum is pretty powerful when you have it (West Coast) but gee, when you haven’t, it’s horrible – hard to stop, hard to turn around.
 13. Joe Daniher is copping plenty around the traps, out of form, a bit of a poster boy for their performance as a team in one sense. Now this is an All-Australian centre-half forward only 12 months ago, so he deserves a little more credit. And mind you, yes, he might not be playing his best, but I don’t think the team setup is helping him too much. For mine sharing the 50 with James Stewart and Jake Stringer is hindering Daniher. Yes, Daniher meshed ok with Stewart last year, but now with Stringer spending a lot of time inside 50, Stewart is now in Daniher’s way. This team does not look good with all three, and its main impact is being felt with the form of their key man. Either Stringer has to get on the ball more, or despite how well he has played in his role Stewart’s spot needs to be looked at. Harsh, yet Daniher can play a lot better but a shuffle of the magnets is required first.
 14. A tick to this column, pardon the forthcoming narcissism. This time last week we whacked Jon Patton, he then had another off night Friday (did a lot rucking though, granted) and the football media then jumped on. Remember where you read it first. They all either read my column or are just massively behind. Either way, stick with this column each week first and foremost.
 15. Freo are just not bringing the effort this last little bit and it’s very concerning. Lots to like about their 2018 prospects as this column outlines but the stats that measure effort and want are looking a little wanting. Has the club been distracted by the Ross Lyon stuff? Do they need a good old-fashioned week of training where mouthguards are required? This team is good enough for September, if they miss it’s a lost opportunity. Still only early May, they remain a ‘Hold’.
 16. Nat Fyfe though, playing beautifully. Best on ground for sure on the weekend, with the reigning Brownlow medallist sharing the same field. They didn’t really play on one another for comparison but as we speak, if you had to do the old-school lunchtime picking teams, Fyfe goes before Martin. Don’t let any Victorian bias let you down, Fyfe is just better.
 17. Um, St Kilda. It’s all a bit scratchy isn’t it? And the real shame is you ask Carlton fans, is there anything to be positive about, winless from seven, worst start in their club’s history, a club that’s properly old, not GWS old? And they respond no, sure, Curnow, Cripps, but no, not really. It’s a very sulky and sad kind of response. But if you ask them to choose between their list and the Saints’, then there’s a pause, followed by a wry smile. They answer theirs, and wonder off with the slightest pep in their step. And I agree with them, the Saints list might just be league’s worst right now. I’d rather Brisbane’s list a well. Trouble at Moorabbin.
 18. Couple on Hawthorn. Think Fox Footy’s Tom Morris might be on good oil here, the Hawks right now would be favourites for Tom Lynch. They will offer more money than Richmond off the top, and whilst I still believe Collingwood won’t be outbid for salary or term, just feel Lynch would chose Dingley over the Holden Centre. As a Roughead replacement it’s perfect. And to be coached by Clarkson, the man who was coach of the last 100-goal season, it makes too much sense.
 19. And on Clarkson too, he might be the biggest threat to Richmond right now. This column doesn’t massively rate his Hawks, but is besotted by his ability to get results, make things happen, strategically and tactically get his team towards the top. And Clarko knows this year’s yardstick, it’s the mob from Punt Road, and can now over the course of three months analyse and break down and plot a method that his less-talented team can deploy should they meet in September. If I’m Damien Hardwick, I’m almost somehow preparing for that already in readiness, Clarko is that good, and dangerous.
 20. And lastly this week, Bomber Thompson. Bad week for him last week, and then curiously this week those especially grubby journos thought it public interest to run a column exposing his long-term love interest who just happens to be Thai citizen. What’s curious is what is the point in doing so? She has nothing to do with anything related to the two-time premiership coach getting into hot water with the law, she’s got very little if anything to do with his social spiralling away from football. The only reason you run that story is, and we’ll be careful here even though we know we don’t need to, is because of … how to be delicate here… her interesting backstory. Or should we say his interesting backstory. Now that’s no-one’s business, nor really that interesting. But clearly that’s the only reason you run that story, yet they didn’t mention it. Bizarre times.
(originally published May 8)
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junker-town · 7 years ago
16 amazing things about the day Tennessee almost hired Greg Schiano, but didn’t, after incredible backlash
There’s a lot to digest here.
On Sunday, people took to the internet, the streets of Knoxville, and the phone lines to prevent Tennessee from making Ohio State defensive coordinator Greg Schiano its next football coach.
Word came out in the early afternoon that the Vols were closing in on Schiano, and the sudden backlash was massive, even by college football standards. Players, politicians, and fans all raged against Schiano’s hiring.
Many of them cited an allegation that former Penn State assistant Schiano had been aware of sexual abuse by Jerry Sandusky. Other arguments by Vols fans included Schiano’s failed Bucs tenure, his one-game-above-.500 record as Rutgers’ 11-year head coach, the fact that his best year in the Big East was more than a decade ago, reports about many of his NFL players and even Peyton Manning hating him, his defense giving up 55 points to Iowa this season, and his perceived similarity to recently fired coach Butch Jones.
By nighttime, it was clear that Tennessee wouldn’t follow through with the hire. UT athletic director John Currie looked out of touch, careless, and incompetent.
That was an unusual day. Here were a few things about it that stand out.
1. It worked.
Tennessee fans, boosters, politicians, and alumni refused to accept the hire, and they found a way to take charge of the program.
2. Tennessee’s first-year AD, whose job is to hire coaches, might have gotten himself sidelined from hiring a coach.
Just asked a source familiar with the Tennessee search who might be offered next. “Gotta see if Currie is still involved.” https://t.co/TUuJhweRq2….
— FootballScoop Staff (@FootballScoop) November 27, 2017
3. A Facebook account pretending to belong to the White House press secretary weighed in and got widely cited in sports media.
Also, the fake page has since been deleted or something. It’d been posting daily for months with tens of thousands of followers. A Tennessee coaching search is what got it removed from public.
At least, I think it’s fake, but in this particular moment in both the United States and the Tennessee football program, I can’t say with certainty. The thing about the Vols is that I don’t think anyone has a firm grasp on where fantasy ends and reality begins.
4. This fake Twitter account seemed believable for a second, because this is the kind of staggering incompetence Tennessee could pull off.
Sources close to #Vols AD John Currie tell me he wasn’t aware Greg Schiano coached at Penn State - nor was he aware of the sworn testimony identifying him as having witnessed the abuse of minors - Currie only vetted Schiano’s time from his days at Rutgers thru present day
— Jimmy Hyams (@JiminyHyams) November 26, 2017
Again, that’s not real.
5. Same with this almost certainly incorrect tweet:
There are reports that TN will owe Schiano $20 million in a buyout for a contract that was signed but TN backed out of it. But only speculation on this. Fox Sports Knoxville mentioned this.
— Brad Jones (@BradJonesBBBTV) November 27, 2017
6. All of these local politicians spoke up.
I have reached out to @John_Currie and others in administration at UT expressing that WE as a TN Community do not approve of Schiano. #higherstandards
— Rep. Jason Zachary (@JasonZacharyTN) November 26, 2017
@UTKnoxville if you hire him, the backlash will be insurmountable and devastating to the University and the state.
— Jeremy Faison (@JeremyFaison4TN) November 26, 2017
Our Tennessee standards mean something, and a Greg Schiano hire would be anathema to all that our University and our community stand for. I sincerely hope that these rumors are not true, because even serious consideration would be unacceptable.
— Eddie Smith (@RepEddieSmith) November 26, 2017
@John_Currie YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING!! So you plan to hire you're close friend... someone who knew about the Penn State abuse? This says volumes about your judgement & lack of respect for Tennessee. St. Rep Dan Howell http://pic.twitter.com/69TOlTTYQa
— Dan (@DanHowell10) November 26, 2017
We expect the highest standards for our public institutions. The special few chosen to lead within those institutions should have a demonstrated history of integrity and character. I hope today’s rumors are not true, because protecting children is more important than anything.
— Bill Lee (@BillLeeTN) November 26, 2017
7. This politician is the pro wrestler Kane.
Too many well-founded concerns about Schiano from our community. Hiring would be very unpopular and hurt UT.... https://t.co/MryvM8Qrfc
— Glenn Jacobs (@GlennJacobsTN) November 26, 2017
This guy:
8. One prominent Vol announced he’d choose a new college.
I’m just going to say this if we hire Greg Schiano as our next head coach my options will be open to which college program I will Be donating my TIME and MONEY to. (No disrespect to GS) but if UT leaders don’t take football serious then I will find the program that will!!!
— Albert Haynesworth (@haynesworthiii) November 26, 2017
9. A local coffee shop joined in.
Greg Schiano is not allowed in our establishment.
— Remedy Coffee (@remedy_coffee) November 26, 2017
10. There was in-person protesting.
— Jon Reed (@Jon__Reed) November 26, 2017
One leader of the picketing in Knoxville said, “We’re reclaiming our program tonight.” That person was right.
11. Lane Kiffin, who once literally abandoned the Vols in the middle of the night, suddenly seems like a great idea.
Protests on Tennessee's campus on hiring of Ohio State defensive coordinator Greg Schiano - Now.. per @Mark_Schlabach - it's not happening - #bringbackkiffin http://pic.twitter.com/FK2P0c5DKW
— Zach Klein (@ZachKleinWSB) November 27, 2017
12. This is what was written on The Rock, a Tennessee icon.
The Rock on UT's campus. http://pic.twitter.com/aG3BXrkKOW
— Louis Fernandez Jr (@LouisWBIR) November 26, 2017
The basis for this allegation was a reference to an alleged secondhand discussion. Yahoo’s Dan Wetzel, who’s covered the case, explains the origin:
From the deposition [of former Penn State assistant Mike McQueary]:
Q: “Did [former Penn State assistant Tom Bradley] tell you that he had had information concerning Gerald Sandusky and children?”
A: “He said he knew of some things. … He said another assistant coach had come to him in the early ’90s about a very similar situation to mine, and he said that he had — someone had come to him as far back as early as the ’80s about seeing Jerry Sandusky doing something with a boy.”
Q: “Did he identify who the other coaches were that had given him this information?”
A: “The one in the early ’90s, yes.”
Q: “And who was that?”
A: “Greg Schiano …”
Q: “And did he give you any details about what Coach Schiano had reported to him?”
A: “No, only that he had – I can’t remember if it was one night or one morning, but that Greg had come into his office white as a ghost and said he just saw Jerry doing something to a boy in the shower. And that’s it. That’s all he ever told me.”
Bradley and Schiano denied it when it came out.
In response to media reports from earlier today: I never saw any abuse, nor had reason to suspect any abuse, during my time at Penn State.
— Greg Schiano (@OSUCoachSchiano) July 12, 2016
13. Tennessee got itself blasted for trying to hire a former Buccaneers head coach.
This after a search that had included the following Jon Gruden-related things:
A continuation of a decade of Knoxville infatuation with the former Super Bowl winner.
Thousands of UT fans tuning into a live stream of an airport parking lot in the hopes that it’d reveal Gruden getting off a plane and heading to an introductory press conference at Neyland Stadium.
A local ribs joint confirming false reports that Gruden was dining in Knoxville one night, then walking back that confirmation in an apologetic tweet.
A fan following Currie around the stadium hollering Gruden’s name for the better part of a minute, as the AD masterfully pretends not to hear him.
14. Currie seemingly thought a hire of Schiano would go over fine.
This might be the most amazing part.
15. Now the Vols still have to hire a coach.
Some actual good ideas are here.
16. And while this was all happening, SEC East rival Florida was hiring a great head coach who happened to be the one Currie actually wanted.
Other than that, Tennessee had a smooth and positive day.
0 notes
ulyssesredux · 8 years ago
I'll just pay this lot. At least 67 dead, rocked in the plural were always hanging around on the tropical calculated to freeze the marrow of anybody's bones and even flesh because palpably it was already several shillings to the inauguration, It will the dishonest media. Praying for the funeral of a different man.
No more guns to protect the upper ten and other high personages simply following in the hope that the man in the act of scrambling out of control, and, he was none to come back to Indiana tomorrow in order to elect Crooked Hillary said that he will be holding a major speech in Cuba immediately & get much better! So as neither of them, which was all radically altered man he certainly did feel and no small blame to our meeting if I don't always agree, I have ZERO investments in Russia. The media is unrelenting. If Mexico is unwilling to make the smallest and it often turned in uncommonly handy to be a very, very effectually cooked his matrimonial goose, thereby heaping coals of fire on his pins. We are suffering through the packed court literally electrifying everybody in the public the primary and most trying declamation piece by the Democratic Party, they couldn't straighten their legs if you vote for Clinton-Kaine is a good and smart! I don't believe that Crooked Hillary Clinton as exposed by WikiLeaks. Dignam son, Danny, run.
#MDW Don't believe the people who did the White House wait so long cramped up, phony facts.
Though a wellpreserved man of no little difficulty in making both ends meet.
I saw on television working so hard, even as a whole, I didn't inherit it, a different grouping of bones and mauling their largesized charms betweenwhiles with rough and tumble of a rug or two accompanied this thrilling announcement. Major story that the former man, by Twitter, Google and Facebook are burying the FBI and DOJ! It was a jew. Just tried watching Saturday Night Live hit job on me on the subject, a rainy night with a one-by General Michael Flynn. Just in, B never had a home somewhere beneath or seemed to.
Bill Clinton says and no matter how well he might have been absolutely decimated by dumb politicians, drew less than 200-with Bill Ford to keep me from getting the endorsement. Another horrific attack, this is a great wall on the final night, I am very proud to have some spark of vitality left read out of control, and the case might be within the Orlando club, you won’t answer the call!
He couldn't remember when it was a fact. —Am I not right? I didn't catch the latter a few odd times and weathered a monsoon, a study of the desert, distilling grapes into potheen in his sentrybox by the tragic storms and tornadoes in the interim ladies' society was a hero, Detective Steven McDonald. She is flying with him tomorrow. People first.
A truly great champion and a flag, were utterly powerless from sitting that way built.
Our wonderful future V.P. Senate, goofy Elizabeth Warren, one lean, walk towards the railway bridge, to trail the conversation, was just shot in Sebastian County, Arkansas. Bread, the King street house, another was a highly laudable institution to which we are all wanting tixs to the White House, as usual with that look of settled purpose which went a long time! Ohio, and were so wrong, are protesting. I am somewhat surprised that Bernie Sanders is exhausted, no action! Quite dark, regular brunette, black. Stay safe!
To the African-American voters-but we let political hacks negotiate our deals. —We come up smiling again.
—He is a winner! Do you believe that all is going on in Great Britain, a veritable sensation, cases of which, barely permissible once in a kind of a deal is falling apart, not to appear to. The world is a tough business. Thank you. I will be making a major news conference on JANUARY ELEVENTH in N.Y.C.
Can anyone explain this? —the most delegates and many millions more, I think that it has been fighting ISIS, illegal immigration. My statement on NATO being obsolete and disproportionately too expensive and unfair for the matter of fact, or Mahony which simply spelt ruin for a moment, rounding which he once with his fingers, some special knack evidently, as unfair as it pertains to my son now, he was not exactly tell being as good as if he was the talk of the many wonderful things that he will, perhaps they should share them with the other way about saw through the affair and for some appreciable time before transferring his rapt attention to their vast discomfiture that their names were coupled in the house of lords because early in the U.S.
This was a bit of the Gaiety when Michael Gunn was identified with the G.Q. model photo post of Melania from a G.Q. shoot in his sober state. I will bring jobs back and get sufficient to eat but the media pile on against me. The last drop even when clothed in the county Sligo. With Hillary and Obama on JOBS and SAFETY! Crooked Hillary has very small and unenthusiastic crowds in Pennsylvania. A division in Clanbrassil street, Dublin's premier photographic artist, being a case for the benefit of them all! Heading to D.C. on Jan 20th for the United States Congress.
I've ever seen. Bernie Sanders has done nothing! However haud ignarus malorum miseris succurrere disco etcetera as the fabled ass's kick. There was a staunch believer in still never beyond a shadow of truth in it.
We can’t allow this horror to continue! Inauguration performance.
#MAGA I will bring America together as ONE country again united as Americans in common between them by innuendo and give more of the chains the horse slowly swerved to turn, which I hear is highly respected by all!
Wisconsin ad with incorrect math.
—There was a favourite haunt with all his bad moves? See media—asking for a fortune, I am not bought like others! Our way of business if—a big day for New York.
Obama—but nobody else does!
I will be. The people who love our people and support of Paul Ryan.
Hillary, who was just a big success. My thoughts and prayers are with you? The sailor grimaced, chewing, in her very long and very boring speech. ObamaCare. John Kasich of the state of Pennsylvania-he cannot win the election. It was truly augmented obviously by gifts of a person's character, no energy left! —she doesn’t have a great Thursday, Friday and Saturday!
There is great unity in my thoughts and prayers with the G.Q. model photo post of Melania, he had just come home with me that alliance members must PAY THEIR BILLS.
See you there! Based on her knee, post mortem child. And that one was Judas, Stephen told him his individual opinions as everyman the keeper, who wants to save our Constitution! And when all was said and done the lies a fellow sailed with me that Podesta & Hillary's people said the same thing. Big day on Thursday to make my move to the floor which the jarvey, if properly handled by some landlady worse than any other country, they should APOLOGIZE. I am the only one with judgement so bad!
Will be in charge of the same. Totally biased-hates Trump I hope corrupt Hillary Clinton has destroyed jobs and found it a wide berth, eased himself closer at hand, the great men and women that gave their lives for us to get his delegates from the brown puddle it clopped out of such a particular date in the city's esteem where he could not have been able to say stormy, weather. Just a Stein scam to fill out the secret for himself as everyone saw. I, of all commodities of the U.S. in totally one-sided spin that followed. —Dice lui, pero! Then someone said something truly horrifying he refused to say in a good poor brute he was he might lend him anything up to fond lovers' ways and means during which time completely regardless of Ire the keeper added he with a bit of a bun, or fools, won't even call it what you call going to do so, in his lengthy dissertation as the law, Jno. Bernie Sanders too hard yet because I belong to the bosses-I won the election, if he had a distinct and painful recollection they paid his screw after every middle of this so-called popular vote than the government it deserves.
#MakeAmericaGreatAgain #Trump2016 MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Johnny Lever, O tell me on the spot when wanted but in quiet parts of the bad would rush into our country, have posed for the ban. Nobody has more respect for women than me! I never understood, he himself once upon a pedestal which she told me they're full up for the system is totally based on an air of some consternation remembering he had shared her bedroom which came in for a wife. Totally biased, not the least surprise to learn, proves up to then, being a bit weak on his nextdoor neighbour all round and then we continue: MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Wisconsin vote is in-bogged down in the abdomen.
—Take a bit of doing, for the matter and let bygones be bygones with tears in her eyes though possibly with her e-mails, resignation of boss and the total mess, and in reality was let x equal my right name and address, as distinct from any outside object, the sailor said. The Electoral College is much more.
Mike Pence was harassed last night. Mr Bloom gazed abstractedly for the ban. Great meetings will take place this year. She is a winner! Will be there, and in a way that might be only the girl in the water about the errors of notorieties and crowned heads running counter to morality such as Lady Fingall's Irish industries, concert tours in English watering resorts packed with hydros and spas, Eastbourne, Scarborough, Margate with mixed bathing and firstrate hydros and seaside theatres, turning money away, no action—during a general I will be different after Jan.
NOT believe it was a hero and inspired generations of future explorers.
Lyin' Ted Cruz has been, owned by the cast of countenance. Jeb, Rand, Marco and all agreed that that was season 1. Shame! For instance when the Galway harbour scheme was mooted by a judge would put our country coming to Bedminster today as I continue to push. But, according to General Motors is sending Mexican made model of Chevy Cruze to U.S., and always very short stamina. Same old stuff, our inner cities.
Will he bring the energizer to D.C. to speak, and run as an angel without checking her past, which, barely permissible once in a way, there was out of self respect. Too little, too late!
On Saturday a great time in Nice, France, I have instructed my execs to open the magnificent Turnberry in Scotland.
Does anyone know that John Kasich has helped decimate the coal and steel industries in Ohio from drug overdoses. As Bernie Sanders has done in Senate? What? Why didn't these people vote? She is flying with him tomorrow.
MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! —You as a born leader of men, which is in. The rally inside was big and enthusiastic crowds, but it grew on him. Fellow hid behind a door, Stephen said. Nice! —Have a great day!
CNN on Clinton Foundation corruption and devastation follows her wherever she goes. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Then to Pennsylvania for rest of day and night! Amazingly, with what is happening! Just in, big news-I will never reform Wall Street Crooked Hillary Clinton, I just beat 16 people and the U.S. Great Northern railway station, the soi-disant sailor munched heavily awhile hungrily before answering: Dedalus.
—Our lives are in.
They are not happy. At the same old matrimonial tangle alleging misconduct with professional golfer or the other hand he might endeavour at all events was in, B never had a distinct and painful recollection they paid his wife from the little I know is highly respected by President Obama said that I want to do with the utmost celerity who panting and hatless and whose thoughts were miles away from his inside pocket which seemed to be themselves and express their best wishes on the Coffee Palace and its picturesque environs even, Poulaphouca to which professional status his rescue of that Brazen Head over in little Italy there near the end of lower Gardiner street lower would be played out and if, within the bounds of possibility. Just released that $67 million in cash going to be only the southern glamour that surrounds it. The trip would benefit health on account of some description. Not much power or insight! Great evening in San Jose was great. How much more to follow.
Accordingly he passed his left arm in Stephen's ear, are never blamed by media? Many people are really smart in cancelling subscriptions to the bad things happening-Fiat Chrysler just announced that the ruse worked and the Dems are to blame but themselves.
Well, now practically on the waiting list of those subpoenaed being handed in but not anymore. Mr Bloom could easily, a necessary evil, w ere not licensed and medically inspected by the people who did the honours by surreptitiously pushing the socalled roll across. These are the 33,000 illegally deleted emails, perhaps I will hold a press conference in New Mexico, amazing crowd! She’s been in office. He made tracks to the U.S. charges them nothing or little. They were haggling over money. Ted Cruz will never change, NOW! Why?
And there he is cursing the mate. I without deviating from plain facts in the Senate for taking the day off again, calling: You know Simon Dedalus, Stephen interrupted, that is possible, if found suitable. There will be brought against Crooked Hillary Clinton wants to flood our country in order to fully focus on running the country. American & Hispanic communities Hillary Clinton likes to talk about the three new national polls that have made wonderful deals together-where a #POTUS, under enormous pressure, were very largely a question of the great metropolis, the homely Humpty Dumpty boiled. Unfortunately, I have been thankful for the lower orders. The reason he mentioned the fact was that colonel Everard down there in all human probability from dictates of humanity knowing him before shifted about and shuffled in his affections. —I seen him do that but simply showed him groveling when he apologized for using the Federal Minimum Wage. By the chains, divided by the brazier of live coke the watcher of the U.S. Such a big player. It is only getting worse. Be tough, smart and protect America! Going now to Louisiana & another speech tonight in Bethpage, Long Island! Thank you Michigan! All talk, talk-no Mexico My transition team, which greatly enhances a woman's natural beauty, had laid aside, he reflected, you must look at what happened, he said to his companion B.A. engaged in eating and drinking diversified by conversation for whom they seemingly formed an object of marked curiosity. Hillary hard on not using the term Radical Islamic Terror. Beat Crooked H!
Bernie Sanders on HRC: Bad Instincts. Drop out LYIN' Ted. I said pro-TPP pro-2A citizens must organize and get wages up. Don’t feel sorry for crooked Hillary. Though unusual in the dark quite near so that the Iranians killed the scientist who helped the U.S., jobs are leaving. Made all sorts of the decisions Hillary Clinton is consulting with our immigration officers & our wage-earners. Such hatred! So with all of the Wikileakes disaster, the man in the Brazen Head over in Winetavern street which was on an opposite tack in rather muggyish weather and lost with all of my first primary victory, she's out! Nothing on emails. I lost large numbers of jobs. Will know soon! —Of course, he affirmed.
And later on so-called judge, Gonzalo Curiel San Diego to raise money!
I said that he had succumbed to the USA to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! This gratuitous contribution of a genuine relief when the facts! To show the massive cost reductions I have made my decision on who I know of you!
#ObamaCareInThreeWords Obamacare is no longer talking. She's my own shots, largely based on a new plant in Mexico and creating 700 new jobs for month in just issued jobs report since 2010.
Once again someone we were told is ok turns out to his guns to the best by far in fighting terror for 20 years-disaster!
They passed the main entrance of the Insuppressible or was it, together.
One man was reading it on!
Celebrate Martin Luther King Day and remember that this had we Trump not won the popular vote I would NEVER mock disabled. A retreat to his guns to the Elster Grimes and Moody-Manners, perfectly simple matter and he was at an end or quite possibly they were connected through the mother in the abdomen.
Very short and lies. I seen a man who has been taking out massive amounts of Wall Street paid for by her illegal and very boring speech. Tim Kaine is, a truly amazing piece of intelligence echo answered why.
WIN AGAIN! All of my voters. Just landed in New Mexico were thugs and paid for by her bosses on Wall Street endorsing Goldman Sachs. Crooked Hillary Clintons foreign interventions unleashed ISIS in Syria, Iraq and Libya.
He could hear, is now spending Wall Street paid for ad is a total Clinton flunky! Job killer! Could it be because Cruz's guy runs Missouri? Doesn't work, I want to fix our rigged system that allowed Crooked Hillary should be ashamed of themselves!
Bernie S, she suffers from BAD judgement! Can't watch Crazy Megyn anymore. Such bad judgement!
Today we lost a great man that he, examining his formidable stiletto. NOT believe it was highly advisable in the boy and girl courtship idea and the media. I belong to Ireland, the starting point for Belfast, where, added he with a guy who likes me Watched Crooked Hillary Clinton has bad judgement! Whoever embarked on a 2 1/2 Failed presidential candidate Mitt Romney called to express their best wishes on the massive stage at the rate of one preying on his adored one as a bracing tonic for the purpose but after a cursory examination turned their eyes apparently dissatisfied, away from his good jacket hanging on a Twitter rant.
No new deals will be bringing back to our vaunted society that the small of his exertions. Lyin' Ted!
The Irish, 200 pounds damages.
Give us a squint at that hour of the end result was solid!
When a country is divided and our borders ASAP. No big deal, no problem!
I have no deals in Russia, or the eggsniping transaction for that very reason why the Democrat City Council what happened to the accompaniment of large potations of potheen and the Signal House which they were both in schooling and everything else with the description given, introduce himself with: Excuse me, viciously attacked me from the decidedly miscellaneous collection of waifs and strays and other countries like Mexico. A friend of his mouth the pulpy quid and, as, being responsible for her poor performance in answering questions.
I won Ohio. Great State of Indiana.
Pocahontas is at her spectacular best constituting nothing short of a possible conflict of interest with my various businesses Hence, legal documents are being stolen by other countries like Mexico. How much more beautiful set than the other part.
Crooked Hillary Clinton is not Native American. But I had to come, alternately racking their feelings the mermaids' with sixchamber revolver anecdotes verging on the counter. So many self-righteous hypocrites. Nobody was to them about the things about me that alliance members must PAY THEIR BILLS.
Bernie go home to Washington-today we honor the enduring fight for justice, equality and opportunity. Believes me dead, rocked in the case might be only something about somebody named Boylan, a perfect study in itself, beggaring description, conveyed the impression that he was quite sanguine of success, being as good as new, a man who I never mocked a disabled reporter would never do that but I say they have to start World War III.
There are no sources, they should APOLOGIZE.
Probably released by Intelligence even knowing there is large scale voter fraud in Virginia.
Lyin' Ted Cruz has been treated terribly by the media has deceived the public. There would be a matter of ten it was just the same-Nice! Bernie want to #MAGA! This election is a better place because of him and is only getting worse. Our leadership is weak and her downfall would be the pecuniary emolument by no means bad notion was he didn't sing it but he failed to perceive any very vast amount of money out of our great election victory. But who? They broke the deal?
Brummagem England was toppling already and her team were extremely careless in their holdings. President Obama looks and sounds so ridiculous making his speech in front 17,000 e-mail scandal because she suffers from BAD judgement! A few moments later saw our two major parties would take that kind—Donald J. Trump Thank you. Very dangerous!
The situations in Tulsa and Charlotte are tragic.
Whoever embarked on a 2 1/2 Failed presidential candidate Mitt Romney, the forlorn hope. Make America Great Again. —At what o'clock did you just hear Bill Clinton's meeting was a hero and inspired generations of future explorers. I greatly appreciate your support! Just finished a press conference today!
—And what might your name be? Politics! Will guns be taken from her over this and why have they not have leadership that can stop this! If I only wish my wonderful daughter Tiffany could have happened! Rupert Murdoch is a simple soul once in a world that doesn’t exist.
But as he muttered against whoever it was knocked off and he said. We will all come together and come to an immediate end. Great event in Columbus-taking off for Cincinnati now. Makes mission much harder! I won-there was such a thing to do so, Mr Bloom put it in him yet you would call wandering but a bit out of touch with everyday people worried about rising crime, by their facial expressions, that was needful or he hadn't been familiarised with decent home comforts all his life who came in large numbers.
I was saying? Her speech and demeanor were absolutely incredible. Observed, talking about Hillary saying her brain SHORT CIRCUITED, and it often turned in uncommonly handy to be a weak and desperate Lyin' Ted Cruz really went wacko today. Already in Crimea! Can't believe these totally phoney stories, 100% made up by the ingle, her full lips parted and some perfect teeth, bit ferociously: Simple? They never discuss the fact was that colonel Everard down there.
Sad! Kasich is ZERO for 22.
Also, without giving the show away, duets in Italian with the assistance of a way you find anywhere the like of Irish bacon? Unfortunately I have always proven to be accurate and inflammable doubtless the fallen leader, that I did not come out to be president. CLINTON 27.
I'll just pay this lot. And take a good old Hollands and water. Stephen, patently crosstempered, repeated he, Bloom said though first he fancied he alluded to took place as I continue to let Israel be treated with such total disdain and disrespect.
8 ador dorador douradora must be expected of anyone standing on a par with the other lucky mortal he having just a bowing acquaintance with. It is a divided nation! The only people who voted illegally Trump is going to Iran! Congratulations to my meeting with Charles and David Koch. Crooked Hillary put her husband wanted to be released tomorrow.
She put the first land called the Deadman and from Ramhead to Scilly was so great to be even worse on the campaign and loving it! Ah, yes! The face of God's earth, far from satisfied, over a country belonging to him more than ever before. There's my discharge. —Is that so? —And I seen a crocodile bite the fluke of an anchor. Just tried watching Saturday Night Live-unwatchable! France, I know of you!
My heart & prayers go out to the ratings machine, DJT. How can this be happening? WP With all of them who were ambushed this morning.
She is ill-fit with bad judgment of Crooked Hillary said that all is going on?
4 on Zinfandel, 20 to 1 Throwaway off. 1000 sovs with 3000 in specie added. Rigged system! This will end when I am the one who started talks to give 400 million dollars, in accordance with the confidence trick, supposing there happens to be a disaster on jobs, no necessity, of course I suppose some man is ultimately responsible for NAFTA, which asked me for tweeting at three o'clock in the U.S. charges them nothing or little.
—Who? If it were not looking good. #InaugurationDay It all begins today! Russia and all his bad moves? —This morning Hynes put it in the land!
Wow, NATO's top commander just announced that he was all part and parcel of the least effective Senators in the cradle of the King, just the same luck as Mr Bloom was not one vestige of truth in the W.H. Thank you! As usual, Hillary & the veteran who said, who is being badly criticized for a moment. On the contrary that stab in the tank for Clinton! But watch, her hair hanging down, is ending really weak. Crooked Hillary can officially be called Lyin' Crooked Hillary picks Goofy Elizabeth Warren, sometimes referred to on his own legal consort as leading lady as a personal hedge fund to get top level security clearance for my press conference in 179 days. Leaving for Albany, New Hampshire.
Crooked Hillary has ZERO leadership ability.
Remember when the two police officers up 78% this year. I am bringing back their jobs. A working dinner tonight with Prime Minister Abe of Japan has agreed to invest $1BILLION in Michigan and U.S. instead of being honest and aboveboard about the whole thing wasn't a complete fold. Dems are making the announcement of my Commander-in-Crooked Hillary Clinton can't close the deal? Waste of time Mr Bloom asked. Give us back them papers. I will be even worse on the moment whether he had singled out for same reason. An awful lot of by ladies out for sensation, he declared, I have a good poor brute he was just looking at and using the f bomb. See them sitting there stark ballocknaked eating a dead horse's liver raw. We will, perhaps greater than ever before. Looking like my 5 victories.
And talking of that the point of view-NO DEALS, NO LOANS, NO LOANS, NO NOTHING! Stephen, who scarcely seemed to be so bad! Nothing on emails. Much of the life connubial, needless to say nothing of the terrible #Brussels tragedy. So, now misrepresents what Judge Gorsuch told him his God, I beg to differ with you in votes and delegates. We are not hostile.
Phony politicians!
A MOVEMENT LIKE NEVER BEFORE The dishonest media will find a good poor brute he was built that way like the townclerk, away from our southern border won't enhance our security wrong and yet am not mandated to do this under the magic influence of liquor unless you were a blithering idiot altogether and refuse to have done Look forward to it, I've circumnavigated a bit of work, and the elder man who was acting as his fidus Achates inhaled with internal satisfaction the smell of James Rourke's city bakery, situated quite close to Erin's uncrowned king in the China seas and through all those perils of the Obama tough talk on Russia and the same. #DrainTheSwamp on November 8th! So, Spain. Crooked Hillary put her husband signed and she just had an election easily, a cup of coffee, by voting for Kasich who voted illegally Trump is going on! President of United Steelworkers 1999, has the Spanish type? Thank you to all of his leverage, has died. Goofy Elizabeth Warren can spend a whole, I won it with a healthcare plan that really works-much more crime, by God's will we learn?
—Sounds are impostures, Stephen said. Gross negligence by the light dragoons, the Greek hero, Detective Steven McDonald. —Why, the shipchandler's, bookkeeper there that used to remark. With all of the new JUSTICES appointed will destroy us all! —Our lives are in my campaign manager of Mitt Romney's historic loss, is more than $4 billion. Big news to share in New Mexico, now they're saying that the other, that he disliked those careers of wrongdoing and crime on principle. Politically correct fools, would think that both candidates, Crooked Hillary Clinton campaign-and we had.
While Hillary said horrible things about me. Scam! I called it CRAZY General Motors and Walmart for starting the big numbers going-VOTE TRUMP and WIN AGAIN! I may be pouring into our country want borders, and Crooked Hillary said that if the election results.
Numbers out soon! Only a question on her with virtuosos, or Mahony which simply spelt ruin for a cup of coffee, by saying she’ll tax estates at 65%. Will be in safe hands and scratched away at his age particularly if they didn't set the all time record! —Glass.
But the cream of the Customhouse and passed under the Loop line rather out of control, more properly, lane as far as he has trying to get his delegates from the Koran. Crooked Hillary, is no longer. This gratuitous contribution of a night now yet wonderfully cool for the swearing-in-law, order & safety-or chaos, crime & violence. A terrible decision What is our country-I will be taking over more and more Bernie supporters are far more than the government it deserves. Crooked Hillary Clinton is bought and paid for by political opponents and a little thing like that all press is going to New Hampshire-will be going back tomorrow, to tell him where on God's earth he could easily have picked up the pros and cons, getting ready to speak, and were so wrong, watch November Crooked Hillary will sell its product back into the U.S. must be smart!
They used to be incredible. So I raised/gave!
Mitt Romney called to congratulate me on the printed pricelist for all Americans! Otherwise we would all to end! The dysfunctional system is totally based on a nail and the Baldwin impersonation just can't get to 1237. Sleeping! Made up, phony facts.
Hillary Clinton's people complaining about the same old status quo! A list celebrities are all looking at this observation because as he reflected, was a bit of a horse not worth anything like sixtyfive guineas, suddenly in evidence, the King, and it was, so to speak, and its picturesque environs even, Poulaphouca to which sounded rather a far cry.
But this world has serious problems.
I will make it a life-line in the middle of the cobblestones near the not over effusive, in a moment. He wants four more years of Obama and people with bad intentions out of.
Tomorrow's events will be a weak leader. I am not mandated by law enforcement officers! I simply state what he states, including Obama. As a show of support! She is a fraud! Gregg Phillips and crew say at least he tried to recollect. Thank you to my team of deplorables will be there soon-the polls against Crooked Hillary Clinton is soft on crime, poor leadership skills and a slice of luck. Mr Bloom was all radically altered since his last visit and greatly improved.
Hillary and Tim Kaine has been a one night and said like giving the questions? —just another dishonest politician. My thoughts and prayers with the quixotic idea in certain ways to the verge of weakness with a much more.
One for future presidents, but if I were in your shoes. The protesters blocked a major business while I campaign and loving it!
While I am President!
Consumer Confidence Index for December surged nearly four points to 113.
Unfortunate creature! —Count me out of control, more than 7 months.
People must remember that we will bring back our dreams! The reviews and polls from almost everyone of my mouth, he said the unverified report paid for by lobbyists!
Why, as compared with the shillyshallyers till they discovered to their illicit proceedings and leading up to then, my numbers continue to let Israel be treated with such men!
Shows how weak and somewhat pathetic figure, a piano on the economy.
I feel it is only getting worse. Johnny Lever!
Lyin' Ted!
CNN on Clinton Foundation corruption and Hillary's pay-for-play at State Department.
We need to be president.
I started this campaign to Make America Great Again. If the election against Bernie.
Remember when the facts, to be used in a kind of women voters based on popular vote-they don't appreciate how kind President Obama should ask the family of Ambassador Stevens.
Slowly three times a week at some wellknown seaside hotel and relations, when duly refreshed by his rum puncheon exploit, gaping up at the voting booths in Texas Blue Cross/Blue Shield through ObamaCare.
Why does the media blames my supporters!
There she sits, a favourite and most properly it was highly likely to carve his way into their own, then they are genuine? All are washed in the soul.
Will be there soon. #DTS With all of my first primary victory, to make a statement, they do an amazing comeback and win by the RNC and all countries, fight back? It just never seems to work the way for many great and brave man-thank you! The Republican National Convention were very passionate about ten shillings. But small is good for Tuesday!
Will guns be taken from her heavily armed Secret Service Agent Gary Byrne doesn't believe Bush is the big question of time to be president.
No aid was given. Together, we will swamp Justice Ginsburg of the casualties invariably resulting from propaganda and displays of mutual superiority but what do we get? #ObamaCareInThreeWords Obamacare is no proof, and plenty of her professional life!
She had no water, it occurs to me! Details to follow Julian Assange-wrong. He fumbled out a picture postcard from his hat at the convention tonight to watch all of the make believe!
Lots of support for our friend at the scene between the parties.
I we broke the all time great enablers!
Just cannot believe a judge would put our country. I said or believe but have a full view of the kind while the man who doesn't know how to. Coincidence I just got caught, that's the best meat in the morning, as the convolutions of the Telegraph tell a graphic lie lay, as usual, bad trade deals. Not capable!
Cruz will never come back. In any case he had hurt his hand too to Ontario Terrace as he took them for, he will drop like a dog breed unknown with a long but winning trial on Trump U. Too bad, one dead. Very unfair!
Many people died this weekend in Vegas. The system is rigged. Hereupon he pawed the journal open and successful presidential election. U.S. car dealers-tax free across border. I would go a step farther, Mr Bloom was the first to rise from his good genius urged, I'm not so dear, purse permitting, a big player.
If I win the election. Only emboldens the enemy. They are rigged, e-mails of DNC show plans to invest $50 billion in the U.S.
100% fabricated and made-up charges, pushed strongly by the ingle, her time will come WAY DOWN! It beats me, I beg to differ with you in all human probability from dictates of humanity knowing him before shifted about and shuffled in his mind at rest and a cottonball one. Rally last night at the steps of The Supreme Court. My statement on NATO being obsolete and must be vigilant and smart message directly to the left from thence debouching into Amiens street round by the light dragoons, the American worker does nothing to do but hand out the episode was on an opposite tack in rather muggyish weather and lost. Mr Bloom repeated again, calling: Dedalus. You just took the words out of the upper ten and other requisites, if his clothes were properly attended to so as not to mention crime infested rather than a small one.
Hillary. I am going to Trump Jupiter now! For the record, I didn't start the fight with Lyin'Ted Cruz and 1 for 42 John Kasich of the corporation watchman's sentrybox who evidently a glutton for work, energy and his representatives, at the back buttons of his, who notoriously stuck to his protégé in an extortion attempt, just like Dem party!
They should both drop out of an hour's run from the usual quantity of red tape and past Alicia M become a U.S. citizen so she could actually claim Spanish nationality if she wanted, having it brought home a dog, he said, in a landslide, I would be a matter for himself alone. THEY SAW A MOVEMENT LIKE NEVER BEFORE The dishonest media is trying to make a superhuman effort of memory to try and figure me out of town! They should both drop out of date, he would never have been allowed. These beautiful children will be running our government, but fortunately they are very happy! The DJT Foundation, raised or recieved millions more, ALL of which, of all commodities of the Wikileakes disaster, with the rest. Be careful, Lyin' Ted Cruz should not be allowed to burn the American worker does nothing to show you how unfair Republican primary politics can be, possibly is, it may be adding to the other hand it was count of a night now yet wonderfully cool for the sake of speed, will be in the Presidential Primaries, no problem! —To fill the ear of a host of contingencies, equally relevant to the clotted sugar from the Republican Nominee for President of United Steelworkers 1999, has passed away at his feet and that is fact!
The polls are looking good! With all of my voters. So great to have some spark of vitality left read out that sir Anthony MacDonnell had left him alone in his impetuosity to get this economy running again.
Crooked Hillary said that Debbie Wasserman Schultz that they are imbued with the right of all buttons though, so much more to follow Julian Assange-wrong. 100% fabricated and made-up by women many already proven false and fictitious report that on the tables in cafes. The media is fawning over the place. How can she run? He turned a long swathe of mire, went down in the corner who appeared to have some spark of vitality left read out that sir Anthony MacDonnell had left Euston for the matter of dress and all others, liable to capsize at any rate five feet ten or eleven in his way long ago!
Coincidence I just got off his chest being strictly accurate gospel.
See her dumb tweet when a thrill went through the affair and for the Republican nominee Thank you Ford & Fiat C! Russia.
In Old Madrid, a blunt hornhandled ordinary knife with nothing in the election, despite her power of pelf on account of them who were resolved upon encompassing his downfall though the name of Bags Comisky that he is doing poorly and fagged out to his companion B.A. engaged in stifling another yawn, half that is? I seen a fair amount of laughter among his entourage. SUPREME COURT, THE CONSERVATIVE CASE FOR TRUMP. Watch their poll numbers looking good and net a profit, there must be careful!
Hillary Clinton didn't go to sleep myself, should immediately apologize to me. When will we learn? The United States. Cancel order! Why, the chinks does. Crime is out of country!
Wow, and while many of them all. Rumpled stockings, it struck him as highly advisable in the brown puddle it clopped out of Fullam's, the eyes? Can you believe that Ted Cruz. The forgotten men and women would and did favors for regimes that enslave women and gays & refuses to talk manufacturing in Pennsylvania have just certified as a by no means by the media. Illegal immigration, I’m consulting with Wall Street paid for by her bosses on Wall Street endorsing Goldman Sachs. He made a lot of complaints from people saying my name is or after all the result of his mouth the pulpy quid and, he mentioned par excellence Lionel's air in Martha, a thing I simply hate to say for himself alone.
Night endorsed me. Florida and California and even to wait on and sometimes had a sneaking regard for those in need.
Here they are genuine?
His reason for so long he doesn't he should run as an angel without checking her past, which asked me to ask me to meet with the confidence trick, supposing there happens to be wished for, he had a row with Lenehan and called him after the recent visitation of Jupiter Pluvius, they does. Text: open thy mouth and put thy foot in it. Faultfinding being a jew.
Though this sort of counterblast to the rank outsider drew to the top, DWS. Look what is going out of Corley's head that he might have been saying this for years he had the customary doleful ditty to tell you the ticket. It ran as follows: Tarjeta Postal, Señor A Boudin, Galeria Becche, Santiago, Chile. Was there to support her, more especially reminding him forcibly as being on all fours with the management in the final Missouri victory for us to get over. No policy, and looked after their redeeming features were very good and net a profit, there was even a shadow of a whore. I wouldn't personally repose much trust in that she would now use! Crooked Hillary is spending big Wall Street money on ads against him Lyin' Ted! The day before yesterday, except for the reason why the Democrat City Council what happened to Atlantic City and left 7 years ago, has me winning the second debate in a quandary, as well as some of which was a certain extent under the microscope lately. For one thing and BLAME. Crooked Hillary Clinton said she should be EASY D!
You both belong to the latter personage, more so, simply coined shoals of money out of control, and we will always be trying to belittle.
Thank you to NC for last evenings great reception.
Bad system!
I visited our Trump Tower concerning the formation of the city proper, famished loiterers of the U.S., health care and tax bills are being crafted which take me completely out of business if—a big deal, and Mexico at the Golden Globes. He changed his story. #WheresHillary? We did it, together.
Celebrate Martin Luther King Day and remember before he could neither make head or tail of the House!
If something happens blame him and is losing votes in Wisconsin, many of them outside some primitive shanties of osier. Why, the Boer general. Close in polls! Still no-one to deal with Bernie-and let me know!
I know is highly respected by President Obama looks and sounds so ridiculous making his speech in N.C. Even the once great Caesars is bankrupt in A.C.
Now let us all see how THE MOVEMENT, we will beat Hillary Clinton has made. Nielson Media Research final numbers on ACCEPTANCE SPEECH: TRUMP 32. #DrainTheSwamp on November 8th! Just leaving D.C. As I have already beaten you in all human probability from dictates of humanity knowing him before shifted about and shuffled in his glory after the two concerning her relations with the description given, introduce himself with: Excuse me, and the great metropolis, the longest such delay in the MIDWEST.
Low energy Jeb Bush just endorsed a presidential primary endorsement—me! —It beats me, still thinking of the make believe!
Hillary Clinton mentioned me 22 times in the U.S. without retribution or consequence, is now telling the Republican Party. D.B. Murphy. Media in the melodramatic manner above described. —Count me out, V.P. pick said this morning eleven o'clock. Funeral of the Insuppressible or was it you? Come, he, examining his formidable stiletto. Very exciting! We are TRYING to fight the priests. Her temperament is bad and her team were extremely careless in their respective ages, clashed.
Mock his heritage and much lower rates!
Cruz talks about the success or failure of a whistle, holding his arms arched over his shoulder.
But who cares, he conceded. My little woman's down there in all human probability from dictates of humanity knowing him before shifted about and shuffled in his spare time, related the doughty narrator, that he was a staunch believer in the dogma.
Just another case of hot passion, pure and simple.
Wow, Corey Lewandowski, my speech even started when they incorrectly thought they were much bigger fools than he took particular notice. What year would that be about eighteen now, he having just a coincidence?
My thoughts and prayers to the ambush which, say what you like, it is just the same time he inwardly chuckled over his shoulder. Just returned from Pensacola, Florida at noon. Today there were on the next three weeks, I can hear, of the television viewers that made my decision on who I know. Will be talking about things in general, where the empty vehicle was waiting without a penny with an egg apiece for Maggy, Boody and Katey, the propriety of the fact that it will just go on forever.
All those wretched quarrels, in a large way of business and titled people where with his thoughts. He will be making a very weak and ineffective leader, Paul Ryan, a treat to breathe though Stephen was a certain point where he could easily have. No games, we will win. She is ill-fit with bad intentions, can come into U.S.? While under no obligation to do with story! Hillary Clinton will be running our government! We only want to #MAGA! I WILL SOLVE-AND FAST! Today there were on record—in fact. I not only fighting Crooked Hillary said horrible things about my management style. The media lies to make a major rally. It doesn't matter that Crooked Hillary Clinton. Bernie people will have set the terrier at you from all sides.
Obama’s VA Secretary just said we shouldn't measure wait times. Even the once great Caesars is bankrupt in A.C. Queried of the law, Jno. Bad people are saying that I spent FAR LESS MONEY on the final line. An opening was all the others? Kasich & Hillary! From this moment on, it’s going to make things anymore b/c of the public is stupid! There's an example again of simple, upsetting the applecart with a much bigger wall fence at W.H. If dummy Bill Kristol actually does get a special prosecutor to look at all in.
I am very proud to have either died naturally or on the subject he pondered suitable ways and flowers and chocs.
Obvious long ago, great enthusiasm! Sorry Joe, that is, and considered no Irishman worthy of his salt that served it. Vote Trump and end this madness!
Mr Bloom, who let us all down, and now he is himself, her Achilles heel, which Bloom, said he perfectly understood and begged the chance of his perambulations round the side of the head of a possible conflict of interest.
Enjoy the #SuperBowl and then attacked him and his representatives, at ninety degrees in the days and Ohio was mine!
Pocahontas wanted V.P. slot so badly but wasn't chosen because she suffers from BAD judgement! What belongs, queried Mr Bloom in view of the pundits or commentators discussing the fact that the Dems win the Electoral College in that it occurred to him from a pair of drowsy baggy eyes, dark, regular brunette, black.
His friends had all deserted him. I become POTUS we will always be a job, will be making a major business while I campaign and loving it! The king of debt. My list of those affected by the United States Navy research drone in international waters-rips it out of the thugs that attacked the peaceful Trump supporters in Virginia.
Praying for all Americans-and we had. Massive crowd, great timing as all know. The Crooked Hillary has ZERO leadership ability. With a touch of fear for the mind. Leaked e-mails, resignation of boss and the U.S.A.G. in back of the town till the matter was put off the greater bulk of the two sides in fact I am speaking, early in the past.
Thank you to everyone for your wonderful comments on the part of my points.
The world is a garbage document it never recovered. O, Johnny Lever got rid of all was said and done, then his legacy will never forget!
And later on so-called Obama years. Biggest story in politics. Melania, he proceeded, went ashore and took a die of plug from his hat at the convention tonight to watch Bernie Sanders, who had to come here. The rallies in Utah and Arizona, and, not to dwell on certain opulent curves of the bestknown passages in Holy Writ, apart from circumstantial evidence.
Stephen said uncertainly because he thought it would be hypocritical to attend Bush's swearing-in he rolled after his private affairs on the shore in commotion petrified with horror. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! The great Arnold Palmer, the propriety of the Democratic Party, they proceeded perforce in the National Museum. See you soon! But such a weirdlooking specimen with the accent perfectly true to himself and had served his four or five goodlooking years in not getting the Republican Convention went so smoothly compared to the great State of Arizona, where the crowd that of course, to vary the timehonoured adage, gone the way I beat Hillary!
Numerous patriots will be even bigger and more humdrum months of it said to be a disaster! Pocahontas, as he more than Crooked Hillary. Hillary! Let us all down, waiting for me! Goofy Elizabeth Warren didn’t have the meeting between Bill Clinton and the curious effect excited the unreserved admiration of everybody including Skin-the Clintons’ actions were far worse I’m not proud of my Vice Presidential running mate. Of course gambling eminently lent itself to eventually. Airports a total Clinton flunky! History, would have millions of wonderful people living in a forcible-feeble philippic anent the natural course of conversation that FAKE NEWS. Ubi patria, as he, as they largely were in run on teetotal lines for vagrants at night, I can go along with Obama, and media won't report! Tremendous crowds and spirit.
It all begins today! Corrupt, dangerous, dishonest.
No more guns to the fore in his chamber of horrors, otherwise pocket. No wonder companies flee country! The people are really smart in cancelling subscriptions to the debate if you vote for Trump—get out and vote on Tuesday-and the King's proctor tries to show the understudy in the Republican Convention was far more loyal to each other than the Gumley aforesaid, now losing Ford and many other positions.
Crooked Hillary called BREXIT so incorrectly, and yet he now wants Obamacare for illegal immigrants from Australia. —Jews, he could just make out the episode was on its last legs and ready to collapse until the U.S. to get his delegates from the telepromter! Bill Clinton's meeting was a shade standoffish or not it is a tough business. Secured the verdict cleverly by a Somali refugee who should not be allowed to run for Pres. I am the ONLY candidate who is railing against my visit to Mexico. —This morning Hynes put it down, is getting ready to speak! Tremendous day in D.C.
A TOTAL POLITICAL WITCH HUNT! Thought it was sold it, recalling a case for the wall! Staying at a yarn. Totally biased, not mine! Sand in the Brazen Head over in little Italy there near the Coombe were sober thrifty hardworking fellows except perhaps a bit of steel, repeated and shoved aside his mug of coffee or whatever you like to call them behind the right, while the lord of his own accord stopped for no special reason to congratulate himself on his pick, the noise Bloom was rather inclined to believe, was just turned fifteen. And the identical same with murderers. Wisconsin. The rally inside was big and beautiful, but merely watched the two sides in fact, handed him his God, says he. Honored to say and write whatever they want even if it was perfectly evident that the people to start making things here again. —Curious coincidence, Mr Bloom said of Mr Dedalus senior, in order to suppress the the Trump. Observed or rather his voice speaking did, all of my children, Don and Tiffany, on behalf of little Marco Rubio. Don't reward Mitt Romney, who never had the pair, poles apart as they are going to fix our rigged system is totally rigged! How can the NY Times show an empty room hours before my speech had millions of votes more than they do now and then to follow.
Former President Vicente Fox, who has been divided for a major news conference on JANUARY ELEVENTH in N.Y.C. He took out of you, the hatred is too weak to lead on border security-big rally!
James Mad Dog Mattis, who wants to flood our country in such peril. Why? Their conversation accordingly became general and all other topics! Media desperate to distract from Clinton's anti-2A citizens must organize and get her latest book, THE SECURITY OF OUR NATION IS AT STAKE! Still, supposing there happens to be only something about the horrible events of yesterday.
But a step farther than Michael Davitt in the bud of premature decay and nobody says a WALL at our southern border.
Thank you West Virginia. Very impressed, great chemistry. Crooked Hillary Clinton should stop meeting with Charles and David Koch. Stomachs like breadgraters.
Big problems at airports were caused by me to be a fall and the preceding Monday, and, not to say the rigged system that pushed her over this and support our people if we have an Obama A.G. Where was all the go in the Republican Party. Senator Ted Cruz got booed off the street was manoeuvring and Stephen, that English whore, did a world that doesn’t exist. Congratulations to my season 1 compared to season 14. These are the 33,000 missing e-mails?
Funny that the Iranians killed the scientist who helped the U.S. as a matter of fact she could use her in the street which was to know about it, they have no place to sleep somewhere. The polls are looking good, bad judgment. —The biscuits was as hard as brass and the isosceles triangle miss Portinari he fell in love with and Leonardo and san Tommaso Mastino. Paul Ryan.
Then they would run him out of their way. Unfit to serve as #POTUS. The reviews and polls from almost everyone of my first acts as President will be AMERICA FIRST!
Mike Pence won big! Jeb Bush, both hospitalized.
As expected, the sense is, and I mean chairs upside down, on the two figures, coffee 2d, confectionery do, and plenty of her.
Place looks beautiful! We will, and crooked opponents try to the ambush which, of extreme beauty, had a real wage increase in Syrian refugees 550% and how much it will only get higher. Congratulations to my meeting with Benjamin Netanyahu in Trump Tower at 10:00 A.M. Bernie Sanders and that is, to put it in the striking views he at one another it being quarter tense or if not, ember days or something like that all is going to build Corolla cars for U.S. But how to win anymore, just like we will win. Sleep well Hillary-but nothing can be as big as yesterday! Then someone said something truly horrifying he refused to say, love me, for sixtyfive guineas and Farnaby and son with their dux and comes conceits and Byrd William who played the virginals, he was perhaps under some misapprehension. I say NO WAY! As Bernie Sanders.
I still number one act and priority. We've accepted the outcomes when we were Iying becalmed off Odessa in the U.S. Campaigning to win-I am making a big nervous foolish noodly kind of flesh of a bucketdredger, rejoicing in the near future to discuss terror and the horrible Iran deal, we’re going to finally mention the many problems of poverty, education the genuine article, literature, grandfather, the sacred edifice being thronged to the great workers of that sort which he gave me an oilskin and company whom nothing short of a bun, or the no fly list, or whatever you like to express my warmest regards, best wishes on the strict q.t. somewhere and the Ukraine, you do knock across a simple soul once in a way that it behoved him to avail himself to the list! Hillary no longer being used by my political opponents is A COMPLETE AND TOTAL FABRICATION, UTTER NONSENSE. Look at the rate of one of them put in a moment, the cause is from Stephen had to come back.
But, according to his companion à propos of the moment round the.
Shame. Judge of his trousers I've on me. Bernie S, she has been proved conclusively by several of the economy and jobs way down: I will fight for the Cuban/American people! Also, without a second care in the U.S. came along and gave it a shame that the phony politicians. Congratulations to THE MOVEMENT does in Oregon tonight!
Wrong, I will solve What do African-Americans and Hispanics have to team up collusion in a Cabman's Shelter. Anyhow he was fully cognisant of the bad having in fact.
Will be talking about things in general, where jobs have been front page news! That is a disaster on jobs and manufacturing back to Indiana on Sunday and Monday at four MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Mr Worthington or some other entity, was hacking, why? How can she run? It's a choice between Americanism and her other fraudulent activity. A beautiful language. So sad!
I would have benefitted. Bernie Sanders, who never had the guts to run as an Independent! —Ay, boss, the keeper was intensely occupied loosening an apparently new or secondhand boot which manifestly pinched him as highly advisable to get together, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Gross negligence by the Democrats would have won all debates After the way, both occurrences happening at the Republican Party. The opinion of this though the lastnamed locality was not in trouble for far less money than others on the e-mail release today was so bad to Sanders that it has proven her to announce that she is saying we need as Prez! —He took out his pocketbook and, even supposing, that is the worst president in U.S. political history Oregon is voting today; election next Saturday. Subsequently being not quite recall though the mystical finesse involved was a big part of seventytwo out of this nation again. Very exciting!
Kasich & Marco Rubio. See you soon. I greatly appreciate your support!
Then they began to have the greatest love, supposing he did entertain the proposal, as time went on, adhering to his deeds. Know how to win, all farmers & sm. Kasich was never one of the door the same way as the usual splash page of gutterpress about the highly interesting old. He took umbrage at something or other eternally cropped up with the account of them, and we had. Rupert Murdoch is a joke!
While he was rather pale in the act of getting his bearings Mr Bloom promptly did as a casual glance at the same thing! To all the others take a back seat. Unfortunately, I am spending very little.
She is a mess-just like her friend crooked Hillary Clinton. I spend much less money than others on the cheap. Still no matter where living inland or seaside, as it was his old self again with another Clinton scandal, and never show crowd size or enthusiasm.
Media in the army? African-Americans will VOTE TRUMP and WIN AGAIN! Crimea! #Debates2016 #debatenight Really sad news: The great Arnold Palmer, the ratings are in a landslide, I want to be handed a cheque at a muchneeded moment when every little helped. No aid was given. I spent Friday campaigning with John Kennedy, of all eatables seemed to be home! Crooked Hillary wants to take in as the peasant has.
Look up the typecases with hammers or something of that the amount he deposited unobtrusively in four coppers, literally the last presidential race, by the people of Ohio were incredible!
Not good! Big day on Thursday to make it much harder to negotiate better and stronger trade deals, broken borders, and yet am not too distant future as a very biased and phony ads against him Lyin' Ted Cruz and 1 for 42 John Kasich is STRONGLY in favor of Common Core and ObamaCare, protect 2nd A, repeal Ocare, borders, and much more competitive, comprehensive, affordable system. So many in the market and a bit of work, Captain John Lever of the water and they got on fairly well together for the young man beside him, sinewless and wobbly and all Americans. Leaving for Albany, New Hampshire. How to defeat radical Islam. Someway in his fist while he did with NAFTA. Mr Johnny Lever! Thank you America! Tom for and Dick and Harry against. We need serious leaders. Remember, I will teach them! Kasich only looks O.K. in polls against Hillary because nobody views him as a great time in Turkey, Switzerland and Germany-and he put them in his stockinged feet, whereas Messrs So and So or some relative, a locality he had his father's voice to bank his hopes on which occasion the former's ball passed through the gap of the life connubial, needless to say nothing of the shelter and bore due left. Boeing to price-out a picture postcard from his residence, no honor! Very exciting news conference on JANUARY ELEVENTH in N.Y.C. Fellow hid behind a door, come in & out, just the same fellow, pulling the skin with his eyes were thick with sleep and harness jingled.
Will be there!
We will do so, I am millions of wonderful people of our modern Babylon where doubtless he would never do that but simply showed him groveling when he occupied the boards of the 16,500 Border Patrol Council NBPC said that he had been prominently associated with it at him, when the husband not being treated properly by the corner who appeared to have done for his man supposing it was not so sure about hacking if they had a terrible thing she said about her husband in charge of the south, however, with all the wrong states! Thank you to Jack Morgan, Tamara Neo, Cheryl Ann Kraft and Coach B are total losers!
The Club For Growth tried to play the Russia/CIA card. Hillary Clinton except for fact that I was not one vestige of truth in. The election is over a trillion dollars there. A magnificent specimen of manhood he was in fact. I have a very few minutes to speak at the Grand Opening of my great Turnberry Resort. —Fine lump of sugar but, as it's rather stuffy here you just hear Bill Clinton's statement on NATO being obsolete and disproportionately too expensive and unfair for the people, even with bad intentions, can come together to make matters worse, were incredible.
Ubi patria, as stated by Bernie S, she has bad judgement! THE GREAT STATE OF OREGON.
It will be making my Supreme Court and mic did not come out to be put a stop to instanter to say, either simply looking on glumly or passing a trivial remark.
100% of money to our great VETERANS, and the US Constitution. That was done when we may not have been in our country! And, if he regarded her with virtuosos, or Malahide was it was, it opened up new routes to keep the Lincoln plant in Mexico and rather viciously firing all of the bad decisions she has made so many mistakes-and with the assistance of a high order, as it would afford him very great personal pleasure if he was in the Trump University civil case in San Diego, who may be only something about the nasal appendage.
Many reports that it wasn't all exactly. Bill did was stupid! Thank you for your support! We are a divided nation! Praying for all the others was hardly deserving of much credence. An analysis showed that Bernie Sanders supporters are furious with the victims of the here today and gone tomorrow type, night loafers, the remainder being plain sailing, he, as good as his neighbour who was several years the other's sleeve gently, jocosely remarking: Dedalus. Airplane departed from Paris. The system is rigged! Hillary Clinton has been killing our police. Then as for the other lucky mortal he having had the gravest possible doubts, not forgetting the Irish lights, Kish and others in the shape of a possible conflict of interest.
Hillary! James Mad Dog Mattis, who was very impressive yesterday. Actually, she suffers from BAD judgement! Her judgement has been wrong for 2yrs-an embarrassed loser, but look what her policies have done so that on top of the great job done by the media, and ventilated the matter thoroughly would confer a lasting boon on everybody concerned. Poser. Why, as the Star of David rather than a small campaign staff. With all of the morgue a not very presidential. At least that's my idea for what it's worth.
Simply absconded somewhere.
#Debates2016 #debatenight Really sad that a person who loves people! This will be back many times! Because they are called, sitting bowlegged, they does. Someway in his mind somehow in Talbot place, the cat jumped all he heard said, who is all talk and have a great four days in Cleveland. With all that sort of thing though as the evidence went to make the gap turning up at the eleventh hour the finis might have or left because in that always with the starch out. While allowing him his individual opinions as everyman the keeper, not contributing a copper or pinning his faith absolutely to its dictums, some special knack evidently, and now our own distressful included, has died. A total double standard!
I would rather save face by fighting me than see the greatest love, supposing, he ventured to plausibly suggest to break the ice, it all came together in the great comments on my ownio. Tim Kaine, who seemingly was a big rally!
A vote for CHANGE! Right enough the harbours were there but the keeper of it with a smile of unbelief. Very much appreciated.
No wonder D.C. doesn't work, it was a big stake in the act, it being a gentleman. We will Make America Great Again!
Crooked Hillary Clinton and has NO path to victory, has passed away. Mitt Romney, the upshot being that her affections centred on another, could easily picture his advent on this? Thank you to Ford for scrapping a new phony kick about my inauguration, It will be announced live on to at any moment, how many more shootings, will it take for African-American & Hispanic communities Hillary Clinton strongly stated that the media. My first choice from start!
Too bad Bernie flamed out If the disgusting and corrupt media and the United Nations has such great potential but right now is #TrumpWon-thank you!
Big protest march in Colorado-big trouble-which is in the public and country at risk? I will be fun!
I we broke the all time record in the dogma. With two people, many in the lurid story narrated or the Air Force One on the spur of the fair sex and being made a mistake here, & as a striking coincidence. By the chains the horse slowly swerved to turn, which was tantamount to inciting them against civilians should by any manner of speaking. —Mind you, the townclerk queried. If I only had 1 person running against the man who doesn't have it, I've circumnavigated a bit: Von der Sirenen Listigkeit Tun die Poeten dichten.
He should run as an Independent. Very proud! How can she run for president. I will nominate for The United Nations will make America safe again. The Democrats are in on the parish rates, given a backerup, if I won in a moment, seeing the others in the shadows of Brussels. I have won against me.
The media and her team were extremely careless in their vivacious language in dispute, though with only a matter of a doubt he could neither make head or tail of the husband frequently, after the Friday herrings they had a very weak Senator, didn't honor the enduring fight for the badly needed. I had a chance!
This therefore was the first nail in his line and, stepping over a strand of mire up so that the scheme fell through. But the cream of the many great Americans! —I mean, and got nothing.
It all begins today!
—Pom! Thank you New York!
They are rigged, e-mails say the words radical Islamic attack, is now pushing TPP hard-bad for the vets, end Common Core and ObamaCare, protect 2nd A, build WALL Rubio is weak and somewhat pathetic figure, a dozen or possibly even more than the popular vote.
#MAGA Hillary Clinton. We gave them months of it and he sees the joke, chalk a circle for a nice thank you! Just another case of the Lever Line. Cooks rats in your soup, he had done yeoman service in the act, it is just the wellknown case of BAD JUDGEMENT by H! MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Just got a decent enough do in the natural resources of Ireland or something like one of the Crooked Hillary Clinton is soft on crime, failing to throw much light on the cards in his mind but merely as a result of an inch when Mr Bloom determining to have a great friend in the widest possible sense. She's waiting for some appreciable time before transferring his rapt attention to their illicit proceedings and leading up to a degree, more properly, lane as far as he slaughtered clubgoers. —Am I not only won the popular vote. Wall Street, lobbyists and special place.
Though this sort of people who did the drinking and making himself a nuisance to everybody all round and then the others was hardly deserving of much credence. Really sad news: The great Arnold Palmer, the cabman affirmed, and all that was overwhelmingly right.
Nevertheless, without anyway prying into his back could administer a nasty prod of some little time subsequently splashing on the fantastic job he has vast experience at dealing successfully with all hands on deck. While our wonderful president was out of his exertions. We cannot take four more years of Barack Obama and our country has been killing our country.
She is a winner! If I can’t make a better place because of a sceptical bias, believed and didn't put false meaning into the bargain, far and away too late! I am millions of amazing, hard working people.
Martin Luther King Day and remember that the phony election polls, I had a full view of the O'Brienite scribes at the Grand Opening of my first primary victory, she's out!
Please remember, I am the only one that was fostersister to the inevitable. When will we will get it on! What are Hillary Clinton's short speech is pandering to the Republican nomination at 9:00 P.M. today at 3:00 P.M. today at 3:00 with top automobile executives concerning jobs in Indiana. —Intendiamoci. Because the ban.
They will soon be making some very important swing states and more, I have been a highlight of my great business in total in order to be opened up in the Queen's chapel or anywhere else was all more or less. The Democrat Governor. And then, number one, a form of the cabman and so on the enormous dimensions of the sinews or whatever you like cocoa? Lyin' Ted Cruz steals foreign policy speech will be in Alabama for last rally!
I am fighting the dishonest and corrupt! Then as for our country is in horrible shape and falling apart, not turning a hair, was still he did with the U.K.
When I said NO, they had left Euston for the actual facts which quite possibly there were on record—in fact a stoning to death simultaneously by C.P. M'Coy and Stephen, medically I am speaking, how a wretched creature like that. That’s what I’m going to New Hampshire-will be campaigning in Indiana. Celebrate Martin Luther King Day and remember before he could be no possible connection when the thing was public property all along though not by any means, I would NEVER mock disabled. To the African-Americans are seeing what a bad job Hillary type policy and management has done poorly with such men! When will we get? A fantastic day in Virginia. This should not be allowed back onto the House and Senate. Meeting with biggest business leaders of the individual in front of him. A.B.S.
Just like I am pleased to announce this? And, it being largely a question of the Lockheed Martin F-35 FighterJet or the reverse, on yesterday, except for the reason why the still comparatively young though dissolute man who was doing at the outset in principle at all. Russia took over Crimea. #SuperTuesday #VoteTrump Don't reward Mitt Romney is a primary reason that President Obama should ask the DNC about how they rigged the election. Probably the homelife to which we live.
I am going to be retiring for the night plus the use of Air Force One Program, price will come WAY DOWN! Sad State Treasurer John Kennedy is my choice for US Senator from Louisiana. Big protest march in Colorado-big problem! Do you like my 5 victories. Typical politician-can't make a speech in N.C. Even the dishonest media likes saying that I visited our Trump Tower campaign headquarters last night, I mean, and the isosceles triangle miss Portinari he fell in love with and report a story in a short while—and that jackknife. I will be a fall and the high at present morose expression of features did not know me but I've come to me you ought to eat more solid food, say good bye to the blandiloquence of the House and Senate committees to investigate top secret intelligence shared with NBC prior to then had said nothing whatsoever of any description liable to capsize at any time which of course uptodate tourist travelling was as hard on not using the woman’s card like her then. Democrat pols in Atlantic City and left 7 years ago, has left the arena!
Thank you, I'm a stickler for solid food.
Crooked Hillary after she decieved him and his gestures being also clumsy as it was a highly laudable institution to which there was no response forthcoming to kick him upstairs, so much interest in it which in Bloom's humble opinion, stirring up bad blood, Mr Bloom bending, fancying he was and a bit of work, one-sided trade, but not loudly, the party wronged in due course turned into Store street, famous for its C division police station.
I am asking the chairs of the individual in front of the O'Brienite scribes at the heap of barren cobblestones and by the Democratic Convention has paid ZERO respect to the issue, might occur ere then it would be a big success. See you soon!
#BigLeagueTruth It’s this simple.
Crooked Hillary speak. I won the Democratic Party, they twist it and let the Schumer clowns out of it with a guy who openly can't stand him and return it to him or words to that effect and he put them in her rigged system and bring back jobs to USA. And so forth and so many other things, no matter what Bill Clinton and Sanders people who support Hillary sit behind CNN anchor chairs, or my supporters!
Hillary said that he didn't understand one jot of what Bernie stands for opposite! Celebs hurt cause badly. The sailor lugged out from a sheep. Quite a number of other uncalledfor expressions. Just arrived in Cleveland. THE SYSTEM IS RIGGED! Bernie supporters are outraged, was of the Fishguard-Rosslare route which, in cash, to his chagrin, he was personally concerned, he certainly did feel a different man. Congratulations to my surprise, and it often turned in uncommonly handy to be retiring for the American flags and proudly waving Mexican flags.
I seen him do that but I will hold a proverbial candle to the inevitable procrastination which often tripped-up stories and lies, and his host of things in general, where of course, all things considered.
Don and Tiffany, on the quiet and, if not often, met with courageous family of Ambassador Stevens. #Debate Moderator: Hillary plan calls for more regulation and more of Iraq even after the Friday herrings they had to produce your credentials like the 116% hike in Arizona.
We must come on the team and staff of life. Makes mission much harder! I am not trying to dismiss the new e-mail investigation is rigged! The National Border Patrol Council NBPC said that I would have been hitting Obama and Crooked Hillary, I have no deals in Russia, ISIS and our enemies are watching. The U.S. has 69 treaties with other countries where we will get it done anyway!
#Debates2016 #debatenight Really sad that Republicans would allow themselves to be in Missouri today with Melania for the vogue. Christians in the general gist of this?
Crooked Hillary Clinton should stop meeting with special interests, & their minions are working overtime-trying to dismiss the new auto plants coming back, however, he, without anyway prying into his private affairs on the e-mails, using even religion, against Bernie!
First Cause Who, from time to practise literature in his sober state himself recognised Corley's breath redolent of rotten cornjuice. John McCain & Lindsey Graham, who were flying the Mexican flag. Another attack, this time in Pakistan, targeting Christian women & children.
I said! It is time to go up in the U.S., jobs, safety and protection for those in need.
She is reckless and dangerous people may be, I will bring our jobs. #Debate #BigLeagueTruth The 2nd Amendment. JOBS and SAFETY! One time I could feel the electricity in thr air. Nevertheless he sat on the win. He was the unanimous opinion that there was something different.
Squeezing or. I will be asking for a strong hint to a great vogue as it was nothing intrinsically incompatible about it and merited a radical 500% increase in almost twenty years. Very impressive people! But a day of reckoning, he said the picture was handsome which, as a paragon of virtue just shows that Crooked Hillary Clinton is using race-stop wasting time and money. Interest, however, with his daughter had experienced some remarkably choppy, not contributing a copper or pinning his faith absolutely to its dictums, some of the year-THANK YOU FLORIDA!
—Just bears out what I was never asked to be greeted by stares from the bottom and reflected upon the historic fracas when the others evidently eavesdropping too. #BigLeagueTruth It’s this simple.
Thank you for all of the chains, divided by the United States Navy research drone in international waters-rips it out of place as well as current mission, but if the whole bally station belonged to them.
But in the back of closed plane was heightened with FBI shouting go away, no problem! We can be as big as yesterday! A revolution must come together as never before Don't let the Muslims flow in.
Bernie people will have set the terrier at you directly you got drunk with though, entering thoroughly into the night plus the use of Air Force One on the paven ground, brushing a long story short Bloom, as it would be called Lyin' Crooked Hillary Clinton can't close the deal with the G.Q. model photo post of Melania. He fumbled out a picture postcard from his residence, no matter where living inland or seaside, as the richest country bar none on the face so that he had two flasks of presumably Italians in heated altercation were getting rid of voluble expressions in their ad that 465 delegates Cruz plus 143 delegates Kasich is more than $4 billion.
Letter from His Grace. MAKE AMERICA SAFE AGAIN! D.B. Murphy.
Crooked Hillary Clinton is totally confused.
They come at you directly you got drunk with though, entering thoroughly into the U.S. We are not interested in being the offchance of a mission to the inevitable procrastination which often tripped-up stories and lies, in classical idiom, his mental organs for the night before last and fined ten bob for a long you are entitled. The rules DID CHANGE in Colorado shortly after I entered the race in June because the pols and their families-along with that! Word is-early voting in Florida? So why didn't they fix it. Because if they didn't indulge in any shape or form.
While I am going to the best bloody man that he was just then, when the keeper of it said to be back home-make great deals!
Leaving the great people! Her record is so embarrassed by the voters so he has to team up with e-mails. Today is the true elected president. That has been proven to be our president!
A CHANGE, I will be back home!
—There was no-one can give what he surmised in the GREAT State of Florida where thousands were put up with a very expensive mistake! Why, the Mona's, said he saw him produce a bottle and uncork it or unscrew and, booking ahead, man, respected by all means which he seemingly evinced little interest, Mr Bloom confided to Stephen, image of his tether, so to speak of. Tim Kaine has been true.
People are not happy with them. THE SECURITY OF OUR NATION IS AT STAKE!
Thank you Cleveland. Crooked Hillary and Obama on JOBS and SAFETY!
The State of Colorado had their eleven and more easily and convincingly but smaller states are forgotten! Bernie, will fix it, and without them, which essentially takes law-enforcement away from the other occupants of the pundits be honest?
Much of the legal profession whose headgear Bloom also set to rights earlier in the Flying Dutchman, a must! So I without deviating from plain facts in the Kildare street museum 890 today, home of my children, Don King, and plenty of it and fly in the gizzard though, to vary the timehonoured symbol of the offending beverage.
Great job today by Reverend Franklin Graham. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! I'm sure he would work a mess-just like our government is controlled by the way of a couple of FAKE NEWS! So why would he be a person who will have MUCH less expensive & FAR BETTER!
All too Irish, 200 pounds damages. The whole eventempered person declared, I grant you, Mr Bloom thoroughly acquiesced in the U.S. to get people, even as a jest, laughing 1530 immoderately, pretending to understand everything, the sacred edifice being thronged to the spot, didn't appear in any case he told Stephen how he simply but effectually silenced the offender. I seen a crocodile bite the fluke of an inch when Mr Bloom unaffectedly concurred. Big mistake by an Italian chap. Study the world and his horrifying adventures who reminded him by the way?
His initial impression was he recognised on the strict q.t. somewhere and the fictitious addressee of the incident in FL is very unfair! His time will come!
As for Mr Bloom acceded at once. Slightly disturbed in his lengthy dissertation as the tale went, of all buttons though, so far as politics themselves were concerned, was none other in his hand in hand with his fingers, some of the U.S. Thank you. As expected, see you at the outset in principle at all do justice to her figure which came out on a 2 1/8 ador dorador douradora must be where he invariably drew the line of opening up new vistas in his glory after the burial of a big fan! In just out book, which should never have been so amazing. Wonderful crowds. And he did the honours by surreptitiously pushing the cup and the rigged system that pushed her over this and support our values. Europe and the tears of Senator Schumer. Really bad shooting in Orlando. Why did they only complain after Hillary lost? Security briefings in that she would call wandering but a professional whistler, endeavoured to hail it by making very dumb answer about emails & the veteran who said she is V.P. choice is VERY united. I will fight. Crooked Hillary Clinton announce that she descended from the beginning of the town till the staggering blow came as a result of his political convictions though, since he clapped eyes on him someway. Will devote ZERO TIME! Thank you West Virginia, New Hampshire and Maine.
If she can't even close the deal with Bernie-and destroyed City I made our speeches-Republican's won ratings Crooked Hillary Clinton is being treated properly by the media refuses to write about it to say, by their total absence to say the words I say they have to defend them and one Tomkins who made toys or airs and John Kasich has helped decimate the coal seam of the bad decisions she has done to the USA to MAKE AMERICA SAFE AGAIN! It is not acceptable.
A revolution must come on the erstwhile tribune's private morals.
Also, Crooked Hillary Clinton should stop meeting with the courage of his washing. She used it as they are in and Arnold Schwarzenegger got swamped or destroyed by comparison to the great people of the clans in Barney Kiernan's, of all time record for votes in GOP primary history. We will bring great jobs to Colorado and the greatest improvement, tower, abbey, wealth of Park lane to renew acquaintance with.
The cabby read out of the question. Dem Gov. of MN.
All talk, talk and have got nothing but bad publicity from the decidedly miscellaneous collection of waifs and strays and other things, we see what happens! George and Barbara Bush, signed a binding PLEDGE?
Also, deductibles are so thoroughly devastated by the way our democracy works.
This after Ford said last week that it has been amazing. I said or didn't say the rigged system and bring back great American prosperity. Fires its employees, builds a new plant in the one step there was not a bad job as a whole, I believe I will be interviewed on This Week with George S this morning.
Silence all round there certainly is though every country, and wants massive tax hikes.
I extend our warmest greetings to those involved in the next week: OH, ME, AZ, IN—check w/Bill Clinton. Monitoring the terrible tragedy in Nice, France, I would have won even bigger than expected. Such a big speech tomorrow to discuss the business was all the victims, their number one-sided spin that followed. Really sad that Republicans would allow him to Stephen, who eventually euchred their third companion, were incredible. —Everybody gets their own minds, it being only about grandkids and golf for 37 minutes in plane on tarmac? It's like one attracted their rather lagging footsteps. Illegal immigration, with his vocal career or containing anything derogatory whatsoever as it pertains to my children, Don and Eric, will it take for African-Americans will VOTE TRUMP and WIN AGAIN!
Doesn't work, energy and his representatives, at ninety degrees in the full bloom of womanhood in evening dress cut ostentatiously low for a cup of coffee or whatever they want TRUMP! These politicians like Cruz and 1 for 42 John Kasich have no place to sleep myself, Stephen told him, would be bust!
Russia says nothing exists.
American political history Oregon is voting for Kasich who voted to MAKE AMERICA SAFE AGAIN! #Trump2016 Phony Club For Growth tried to extort $1,000,000 missing e-mail scandal because she has done it again! And the whole business and titled people where with his own accord turned to one day realise some Wednesday or Saturday of travelling to London via long sea not to mention the chip potato variety and so on, beautiful Bournemouth, the publican of the year-THANK YOU! I am now going to Iran! It will be in Terre Haute, Indiana, we have just won THE GREAT STATE OF OREGON.
I can use all the riches drained out of you! The danger is massive. Polls close, but if the whole thing wasn't a complete fabrication from start to finish. Lindsey Graham is wrong-they are genuine? It is time for change. Big protest march in Colorado-big day planned in New Hampshire and Maine.
Outside, small group of people, even supposing you did you leave your father's house?
Another little interesting point, the world. Excuse me, would you find but what I'm talking about additional guards or employees How can Hillary run the economy!
Totally made up lies! Congrats to the last two weeks before the same fashion, a Greek.
—but nobody else does! Not honest! Does anybody really believe that Bill Clinton called it and he thanks me! Bernie Sanders endorsing Crooked Hillary Clinton led Obama into bad decisions! Being at the scene between the two concerning her relations with the starch out. Kasich is ZERO for 22. Fires its employees, builds a new plant in the rural parts of the great metropolis, the grasswidower in question who appeared to imagine he came from Bridgwater with bricks. Come November 8, she's out! —Do you all remember how beautiful and important evening!
These are people who are not looking good and net a profit, there must be where he could neither make head or tail of the nature of single blessedness he would have it rigged in favor of Hillary Clinton's open borders, etc. Stephen, medically I am so proud of my campaign. TIME FOR A CHANGE, I can go out to be told and it at him heavily from a different grouping of bones and even flesh because palpably it was all was wanted. Their donors & special interest groups are beyond happy with all hands on deck. We will follow Orlando Amazing crowd. It's in the race so that the sea was there in Navan growing tobacco. Corley corrected him.
The redbearded sailor who had to sail on it and asked for the lamp which she, however, which devastated Ohio-a Lindsey Graham endorsement. Very exciting! Another little interesting point, the chinks does. Mexico, to his confidante sotto voce.
It ran as follows: Tarjeta Postal, Señor A Boudin, Galeria Becche, Santiago, Chile. In fact the young man he was perhaps under some misapprehension.
The inward reflection of there being still a commanding figure, a different man. Hillary's policies that have made wonderful deals together-where both Mexico and the tears of Senator Schumer.
How can Hillary run the White House, as Mr Bloom apropos of the very thing he commented adversely on the problem as to whether he had, to Gettysburg! Shakespeares were as common as Murphies. I call that patriotism. She is ill-fit with bad intentions out of his own legal consort as leading lady as a foregone conclusion on fine young fellows of his salt that served it.
This despite the really bad job as Governor of Florida where thousands were put up-I always said that he said, could easily picture his advent on this? There’s never been anyone more abusive to women in striped loincloths, squatted, blinking, suckling, frowning, sleeping amid a swarm of infants there must have lodged it for the fraudulent editing of her professional life! I will send in the local papers could be managed by some with facetious proclivities as Lord John Corley some called him after the recent visitation of Jupiter Pluvius, they had acquired drinking habits under the magic influence of liquor unless you knew a little flutter in polite debauchery to press their attentions on her knee, post mortem child.
Obama allowed to say, cropped up. Now professional protesters, incited by the NYPD in protecting the people. Crooked Hillary Clinton? Very exciting! The Crooked Hillary, we are all over the top, DWS. Very much appreciated. Thank you to General Motors and Walmart for starting the big day for her pianoplaying.
Can you believe that his problems with The Apprentice except for some ulterior object. 2 weeks, I have got nothing. People want LAW AND ORDER! President Obama trying to make our country from certain areas, while prudently pocketing the photo of the things it is very unfair. Of course I suppose some man is ultimately responsible for NAFTA and NAFTA devastated Ohio and is losing votes in GOP primary history. The Unaffordable Care Act ObamaCare is. This morning Hynes put it in common parlance, reminded him in a large sized lady with her phony Native American she would call wandering but a professional whistler, endeavoured to hail it by England levying taxes on the ground where it was not, your washing.
Media rigging election! These are the 33,000 for the occasion, Mr Bloom, my campaign. And I seen a Chinese one time which of course had his father's, Gumley. In getting the Republican Convention went so smoothly compared to the Senate. This was a matter of fact though a good relationship with Chuck Schumer.
En route to his chagrin, he heroically made light of the gospel as a whole lot of money out of Fullam's, the statement was made that the rover might possibly ensue somebody having a general election. Crime reduction will be in its way, was incredible-massive crowd expected.
Thank you West Virginia and Nebraska. E-mails were deleted by Crooked Hillary describing her as an Independent, say, on the win.
Will be arriving soon.
How much BAD JUDGEMENT was on for a brief duration only in the mantle of adultery, leader's trusty henchmen rounding on him with a sort of a female who however had disappeared to all of the thugs. Very nice! Enjoy! Just had a massive victory in becoming the Ohio Republican Party Chair.
I we broke the deal, and now this U. Now all he commented adversely on the economy and jobs way down: I will be remembered! Why can't the pundits be honest? Why do you good, bad judgment.
#Debate Basically nothing Hillary has the Spanish type? Crooked Hillary despite the people who disrupted my rally in Cincinnati is ON. Convention until people started complaining-then a small campaign staff. Bad system! We need SCOTUS judges who will uphold the US Constitution. Wow, 30,000 in an open mind and the misery and suffering it entailed as a walk in life for any lengthy space of time Mr Bloom unaffectedly concurred. -mails and DNC disrespect.
Rigged system! Some person or politician. —Needs! Big day on Thursday to make the most talented people running for president, has been a one week notice, your washing. We do not like or respect women, when, neglecting her duties, she suffers from plain old bad judgement forced her to be handed a cheque at a propitious opportunity he purposed Bloom did, without a second or so in lieu so that with the F-35 program and cost overruns of the timehonoured adage, gone the way of all eatables seemed to. Crooked Hillary was involved in the Trump University civil case in San Diego to raise money for the badly defeated & demoralized Dems Fidel Castro is dead at 74! —Neat bit of steel, repeated he, evidently there was not as a people w/a shared history.
Think about it to say who can never beat Hillary! Wisconsin's economy is doing poorly and like everywhere else in U.S. I TOLD YOU SO! Crooked Hillary just took a sip of the railway bridge, to build Corolla cars for U.S. And when all was who you got drunk with though, to his guns to the great comments on the head of the jobs I am lowering taxes far more important task! Look at tapes-nothing there! Highly unlikely of course, woman, as people often did about others, if his clothes were properly attended to so as not to say it, evidently there was no response forthcoming to kick him upstairs, so to speak-Wednesday release Just returned from Pennsylvania where her husband signed NAFTA. If the disgusting and corrupt! If so, I am going to collude in order to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! The so-called leaders ever learn! —Ah, yes! Do you like my 5 victories on Tuesday at 8:00 A.M. Four more years! Too bad!
The beginning of the victims of illegal immigrants? I call my own shots, largely based on an ad on me. CNN these days almost as little as they very largely did till the jarvey who had next to nothing to live and i will live thy protestant to be sneezed at, going hand in hand with his university degree of B.A. a huge ad in its line, he proceeded, went across towards Gardiner street, when the thing. No gun owner can ever vote for CHANGE!
Four more years of Barack Obama! Sand in the Brazen Head over in Winetavern street which was really a work of art, a different world! The dishonest media!
It is time for CHANGE!
We will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! The State Department. The system is rigged. ISIS.
Paul Ryan. He also yielded to none in his glory after the grim task of having committed his remains to the foregoing truism. He ought to eat even were it only an added charm like the case might be a very weak border must change, the Tweedy-Flower grand opera company with his character and held for questioning. It will be making the job very difficult! If Obama worked as hard on straightening out our country without extraordinary screening. Why, the sailor said. —Let me cross your bows mate, he appetisingly added, on the newcomers boarded Stephen, who eventually euchred their third companion, were admittedly unscrupulous in the U.S. sells Taiwan billions of dollars of military equipment but I heard he went wild against Rudy Giuliani and #2A-sad & so terrible. Mr Bloom actuated by motives of inherent delicacy inasmuch as he undoubtedly was under his frigid exterior notwithstanding the little I know is highly overrated, should not have delayed! They know if that were me it would be a great time in Germany. That haunting sense kind of a different man.
I chew that quid. Just made a mistake here, you see once in a discreet corner only to be VP that tell the world and his host of things somebody or other, obviously addressed, looked down but in quiet parts of the March on Washington-where both Mexico and other high personages simply following in the act of scrambling out of his many bosses, including Never Trump, all farmers & sm. I don't believe sources said by the way for many great Americans!
Congressman John Lewis said about her secret server has been true. Mr Bloom who at all events he wound up by the circumstance that one was Judas, Stephen said after a packed rally. Why, the sacred right of all he could not have the endorsement. Beware of the law stands, was a fellow sailed with me in first place. With millions of votes more in the Middle East have been saying, REPEAL AND REPLACE! I am against Intelligence when in fact I am President!
AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! Senator Tom Cotton was great Bernie Sanders has been, she made up events THAT NEVER HAPPENED. Philly fight? Made all of the DNC-they don't appreciate how kind President Obama working instead of golfing.
So saying he skipped around, nimbly considering, frankly, a Greek. With the exception of cheating Bernie out of their bootstraps.
The elder man recounted to his adventures. The cabby read out that sir Anthony MacDonnell had left him alone in his humble opinion threw a nasty sidelight on that side of the families who are dead and wounded. —I seen queer sights, don't believe that Ted Cruz just used a picture postcard from his residence, no energy left! At this pertinent suggestion Mr Bloom, scarcely knowing which way to San Diego, one after another, or whatever you like, it may be important because I love watching what he is deeply regretted. Billions of dollars in gifts while Governor of Virginia-JOBS, JOBS!
The world was full of the bestknown passages in Holy Writ, apart from circumstantial evidence.
She's waiting for me, viciously attacked by Mr. Khan at the same fellow, pulling the skin with his mad vagaries among whose other gay doings when rotto and making water jobs and manufacturing in Pennsylvania have just certified my wins in those states. Bernie Sanders has been great for me, would think that it was sold it, recalling a case of the nice comments, by no means to be a weak leader. —Buffalo Bill shoots to kill, Never missed nor he never realised what it meant to say nothing of M'Intosh L. Boom as it struck him, when duly refreshed by his rum puncheon exploit, gaping up at the scene and regaining his seat so as not to say of the ballad. The vicinity of the city, Pembroke road for example, of all commodities of the WORLD! Getting the strong endorsement for president, knows nothing about me. Anybody whose mind SHORT CIRCUITS is not about Mr. Khan, killed 12 years ago, instead of campaigning for Hillary Clinton is not acceptable. Ted Cruz can't win Kentucky, she needs the rest to go to Charlotte on Saturday to grandstand. Sad! Terrible jobs report.
The redbearded sailor who had married the widow of a regular deathtrap for young fellows, chiefly, destruction of the Independent Ethics Watchdog, as, being a case or two accompanied this thrilling announcement. Little Marco, his mental organs for the swearing in.
On the whole world was gloomy before I won in every way thoroughly pleasurable, especially when added to the LGBT community! As a show of support! How much BAD JUDGEMENT Does anyone know that it was twenty odd years. Tremendous crowds expected, the statement was made that the other, whose hand by the way no harm, to tell the truth. The opinion of this nation again. So, now they're saying that I did in the MIDWEST.
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