#and im sure that setup would work for many! but it did not work for me it felt like ass
ph-cutie · 11 months
unique artstyles are good do what you like yadda yadda but if you find yourself really struggling to draw consider that perhaps your process is just not working for you. try something else experiment around. having an iconic artstyle is something a lot of people want but you dont have to keep what you have going on if its Unpleasant to draw that way. and think of what your priorities in art are what you really want to make the vibe etc. do not be afraid of change is my thesis
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messmersflame · 5 months
wanna help me and my cats out?
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hi im neo, and those four are my cats.
being physically disabled and unable to work, making sure that they get enough exercise and enrichment can be... taxing on myself to say the least.
their last cat trees recently broke, and they dont really have that many toys any more. while they do get outside on leashes, it's not regular enough due to my physical health being the main factor on if i can do that. they have a lot of shelves for climbing around the place, and i'm currently working on putting up some more and making a climbing surface with some carpet for them, but i'd still like to be able to have a bit more for them.
this is not to say that they arent happy and healthy- i go above and beyond for all four of them. the problem lies in that me needing to do more walks and things with them, as their current setup is not really adequate, means that i physically end up struggling for my own needs.
i have POTs, a degenerative spine condition, fibro, and a heart problem related to connective tissue disorder (currently being invesitgated). this along with my own mental issues makes things very exhausting! i always always put my cats first, but my own health then falls by the wayside. this has a cycle of me crashing and not being able to properly provide for them for a few days beyond just food.
i did also have another cat, who would be the main source of play and companionship for the last two cats pictured, especially his brother (third pictured). he unfortunately passed due to unforeseen medical issues that caused a severe unrinary blockage. ever since then, those two have been restless and often get into near-fights, as the brother specifically has the most energy and now doesnt have his bonded partner. he has even begun to harass the other two, which has led to at least a few actual fights with the oldest sister who is getting on a bit in years, so it's not good for her either.
more toys and areas to explore, and places for the others to hide, would be helpful in this!
i have a wishlist of things that would help make my cat's lives happier, and my life caring for them easier.
it's a UK amazon wishlist, however i will be looking at more local stores for any other options or things that i can get for them as well.
if you can't/prefer not to help via amazon, i have my paypal and revolut (please ignore the deadnames on both <3).
this is not an emergency, it would just really, really help my QOL and that of my cats. thanks for reading, reblogging, or helping <3
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journalsouppe · 6 months
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UNWOUND FUTURE RAAHHHHHHHH!!! What an AMAZING trilogy conclusion with such a perfect setup for future sequels. I cannot recommend playing Professor Layton enough.
All of the Professor Layton stickers are from @jordydrawsmerch which can be found here and here. Every other sticker is from Daiso!
All the writing is typed below!
Rating: 9.3 Played: Fa 2023 Port: HD mobile (iPad) Favorite? Y Replayable? Y Recommend? Y
the way the PM walked T^T
Layton’s about to be beat up bc of his top hat (skull emoji)
Getting major DGS 2-3 vibes
An arc arcade? You’re speaking my language
I really love the picture book and its music
Luke always takes the opportunity to roast the Laytonmobile (skull emoji)
I love that bi Luke has his own puzzle solving sequence
Where the fuck did you take us future Luke
The battle of wits was so fun omg
I cant get over evil Layton
Omg Hershel in the background
Based p. Layton newspaper conversation
LMFAO Hershel trespassing and Luke stressed
The bee???? T^T
Ooo pretty Chinese arc
Hershel i swear
Hmmm young sir… who is big Luke?
Did all the scientists piss their pants?
I have a lot of questions
Love the design and music of the pagoda
Where tf did Hershel go (skull emoji)
Omg Luke’s a Sherlock fan
I feel like Layton was replaced with evil Layton
I swear Dimitri had a mustache??
How many secret hideouts are there T_T
The barkeep is v sketch
Chad laytonmobile
I can see how this game inspired dgs
“That’s funny” :[
Ive been side eyeing some of these designs the past 2 games but yeah bostro’s design is def racist
Working with don paolo has been fun
Where did Layton learn all this about Clive??
WHAT A PHENOMENAL GAME!!! Truly what a great “conclusion” to the main trilogy. You learn so much about Layton, Luke, flora, and many other characters like don paolo. The ending reveal of Clive was CRAZY. It really reminded me of movies like howls moving castle/the iron giant. I also just love how complex Clive is. He was driven to violence because of how the government treated him and his family, but he never truly wanted to hurt people. He was without any hope and thought mass destruction would finally bring some change to the government, but he also made sure to include Layton in his plans because he so desperately wanted someone to stop him. It’s tragic and terrorism definitely wasn’t the way to go but at least this is a fictional story and that death machine looked kinda sick Ngl. The story of Layton and Claire was also so tragic yet so healing. Layton could finally take off his hat without feeling grief, you never would’ve known he was hurting that much. I loved Claire, she seemed like such an amazing person and I’m glad Layton wasn’t swayed to try to bring her back, although he did falter when he had to say goodbye again. Although I highly enjoyed the game, I am slightly disappointed there was no actual evil Layton. How fun would a game with evil Layton be omg. The whole game constantly caught me by surprise, even by small scenes like Beasly and PUZZLETTE. I’m still a littel confused about the lab experiments with Gumbo and subject 3, I’m not quire sure why they added that plot (and have no resolution) but I liked Gumbo fine. My favorite coin animal will always be hot dog though. I cannot recommend this series enough, I am having the time of my life. I can also see how DGS was heavily inspired by these games and im so glad about it bc dgs was game changing. I can’t believe there was a 26 year wait in between UF and NWOS but im glad to be a Layton fan :’) so fucking glad!!!!
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So a few people seemed to want this so here is the promised Drabble! It’s just sorta a first meeting/dynamic setup sort of thing but I like it. I bent canon some with them not having any idea of where Miles is in this for plot purposes but yeah
Patrick O’Hara was heading to the commissary, both to get some lunch for himself and some some treats for Widow, when someone knocked into him. He stopped and stared for a moment, the man was decently tall, wearing an interesting outfit, all black with what may have been a gas mask and a jacket of some sort. Probably just another spiderman he hadn’t met yet.
“Crud Sorry- my bad I should be looking where I’m going-“ Wow. What a voice. Did he sing? He should.
“Ah Uhm-no harm done pal. Say, how long have you been ‘round here? I haven’t seen ya before.” He stood up a bit straighter, hoping he looked good.
“Oh I’m new… what about you?”
“I’ve been here a good few months now. It’s a pretty nice setup, gettin to actually make a difference and all.”
“Yeah it seems pretty nice.”
“… I’m called Webslinger by the way.”
“Noir. Hey uh-I’ve gotta go, but it was nice meeting you.”
“Right-yeah, see ya ‘round newbie.”
“Yeah. Of course.”
It’s funny how all it takes is a few moments to change the course of the future.
Patrick O’Hara was highly familiar with this.
From the moment Ben died, to the moment he joined Morbius’ side show, to getting bit by that spider, to joining the spider society.
And while he did not know if meeting that black-clad stranger would change his *life*, it had most certainly changed his afternoon. He’d been thinking about him all day, sadly nobody he asked knew anything about a ‘Noir’ spiderman. Maybe he should ask Miguel…
Except that turned out to be an awful idea.
“Spiderman Noir? He was here-inside the base?”
“Yes sir I was just wondering if you knew about him, he seemed like a nice man.” He didn’t like the way Miguel was looking at him. Almost like an animal looking at meat.
“He’s part of Spiderpunk’s band of rogue spider people, he isn’t a nice man he’s a danger to the multiverse.” He paused, before seeming to get an idea, “But you aren’t.”
“No I’m not uhm-what does that mean boss?”
“They have information on the whereabouts of a particularly dangerous anomaly, if we had eyes on the inside we could find and contain it.” Ah. This was a mistake. Patrick was a lot of things, a spy wasn’t one of them. Why did all the moments that changed his life seem to change things for the worse eventually?
Noir hadn’t expected to walk into Hobie’s base to find him talking to cowboy. Let alone a familiar one. How did he get that horse in the building? How did he convince Hobie to let a horse in his base, let alone Riotheart?
“And-oh hey! Noir right?” Webslinger turned his attention to him upon seeing him walk in.
“Yep. And you’re Webslinger. I thought you were part of Miguel’s group?”
“Was.” He responded, “Apparently you never were.”
“… I had my reasons for being in there that day.” As soon as Noir had left that day, as a matter of fact, he remembered his reasons had been to beat Miguel’s ass for what he did to Miles. If a cowboy with a cute voice was all it took to distract him, he was glad he didn’t see many cowboys back home.
“I’m sure you did pardner. It is nice to formally be on the same side as you, however. I’m hopin we’ll be working close together from now on.” Webslinger held out his hand, and Noir shook it. He had a firm grip.
“I’m sure we will.”
When Webslinger had walked away, going to do something with his horse, Hobie turned to Noir.
“I don’t trust ‘im, there’s something fishy about ‘im.”
“Give him a chance, he seemed alright the first time we talked.” Noir didn’t know why that would actually matter-they’d spoken for maybe three minutes- but apparently it did.
Hobie squinted at him for a moment, “I am. But I’m keeping an eye on the bloke, and I’m askin you to do the same, mate. Miguel still thinks we know where Miles is, we don’t know what he’ll do to get to us.”
“… Have. We made any progress trying to find Miles?”
“We know the go home machine malfunctioned, but not where it sent him.” Hobie paused before adding, “We’re gonna find him. If he doesn’t find us first, you said he’s crafty like that didn’t you?”
“Well. I sure hope he is.” Noir sighed, “Poor kid must be feeling so alone right now.”
Patrick did learn a lot over the next few weeks. Places where the group met, what universes they were all from, that they hadn’t actually found Miles yet. He reported… bits and pieces back to Miguel. Somehow he couldn’t pull himself to fully betray this ragtag little team he wasn’t even actually a part of. Maybe it was the fact that he’d now heard how Miguel had gone essentially savage on the poor kid. Anomaly or not that had been a child, and a scared one at that. So Patrick made the group seem less organized than it was, understated how much they knew, made them seem smaller and weaker in hopes that Miguel would think they weren’t a big enough threat to take action against. So far it’d worked.
And he learned about Noir. He’d learned about the world he was from and the values he’d carried and that, although it was in a much more metaphorical sense, he was just as isolated as Patrick was. Honestly he could barely imagine it-having an aunt and friends and all these people who loved you and still inevitably being so horribly alone in the way Noir was. It almost made him feel lucky it was just him and his horse back home.
And Noir was. Nice. He may have been serious, but he was far from cold. He cared, a lot. And he was bright and determined and had this sense of justice about him he couldn’t help but find alluring.
And the closer he let himself be to Noir, the more of a bad idea it felt like. The more he knew it’d hurt if his precarious position as a double agent was revealed, or the fact that he wasn’t exactly doing that job the way he should be. The more it’d hurt for Noir to find out.
And the closer he got, every time he went back to the spider society, it made a bit more sense how someone could be so surrounded by people, but still so horribly, irrevocably, alone.
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callia-evergreen · 4 months
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oh my godddd i finished her enough to bake and nothing weird happened when baking so YAY (this pic is actually pre-bake but she looks the same still which is good :3)
i did a really weird baking setup lol but it sure worked xD basically took her off the cork base and then wrapped the base wire in napkins and wedged it into the grill bars of the baking pan lol
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i was considering just baking the cork base but decided against it after reading that cork tends to swell up when heated. i also didnt know if the cork was fake or not and didnt want to risk it possibly melting in the oven (i already knew the paper napkins would be fine as i've used them many times to prop up my dragons' wings and heads while baking)
anyway, next step is gonna be painting! my favorite thing about pre-colored clay is it means i have way less work to do on the painting step, which is good cause im not great at painting lots of super tiny things lol ( i actually might need to get a new brush for this cause i dont think even my smallest one is small enough) mainly the painting step is just gonna be doing some eyes and possibly a bit of lip color
gonna wait till shes totally done before i post the comparison to the reference i think, but i will say she is a Gith which is why her face looks a bit skull-like
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theygotlost · 1 year
the end of the watch 1.11: this is (not) discworld (episodes 7 and 8 double feature!)
sally shows up and accosts carrot in a bar restroom. no fucking joke she acts like one of those weird ageplay bitches on tik tok who do a disturbing little girl voice and pouty face. its literally fucking UNBEARABLE and i wanted to kill her so bad. btw she and death are the only characters with american accents.
vimes swaps bodies with Evil Vimes In Another Dimension, who's incarcerated in the tanty. he's thrown to "The Beast" for insubordination, which turns out to be Detritus
Detritus is apparently the "the best friend [vimes] ever had". they do a very heartfelt and slightly homoerotic forehead bump.
carrot and sybil are wardens of the tanty what i will refer to hereafter as the mirrorverse. mirrorverse carrot has a really scary middle part.
death asks carrot, angua, and cheery which one would be most likely to eat the others so he can "arrange his schedule". then he very shyly performs a 37 minute freestyle for them while playing the theremin.
in the mirrorverse carcer is captain of the watch after betraying vimes.
sybil somehow realizes vimes is an impostor when she kisses him. angua can also tell the impostor is sus by the type of aftershave he wears, which doesnt make sense bc they swapped minds and not physical bodies, so he would still be wearing the same aftershave???
this entire series has been building toward stopping the noble dragon but I genuinely forgot about the dragon because up to this point hasnt even been rampaging the city at all after the first episode? it just disappeared? and now its back?
vetinari locks himself in his "dungeon" which is actually a sick bachelor pad with sexy couches citing the line from gg that "you should never build a dungeon you would never want to stay in yourself". he chills out in a cunty red gown listening to jazz music. which tbh was pretty awesome
death asks to join vimes' emo band.
carcer stabs wonse for basically no reason.
throat dibbler is made head of the thieves guild.
carrot plans to lure the attention of the dragon bc he's a virgin and the dragon only attacks virgins. carrot has to learn to not be ashamed of his virginity like it's a gay coming-out narrative.
the matt berry talking sword requests to be worshipped as a "sex-ual deity"
im pretty sure angua they/thems cheery at some point but I might have just misheard her
in order to stop the dragon the watch puts on the best damn talent show ankh morpork has ever seen!!!! (they play in a rock band AGAIN.) cheery shreds the fuck out of the saxophone.
sybil intentionally sends goodboy out to seduce the dragon and it works.
carcer disintegrates from existence back to the future style and im still not sure why. the watch doesnt remember carcer and thinks wonse did all his crimes instead. as revenge wonse isekais vimes into an evil pocket dimension in what was likely meant to be a setup for a season 2 that will never happen.
and that's the show! many people have told me how brave i am for watching it and thanked me for my service but I want to be clear that i could NOT have done it on my own. this was a journey that @vampirejuno , @fealtyfaggot , and I embarked on TOGETHER. nico and ciarán deserve as much appreciation for their sacrifice as I do. ive also engaged in a lot of day drinking for this so sorry everypony please drink responsibly.
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londonrih · 2 years
@ellickalways hope ya like it!
“I just found a body…It’s Sergeant Tim Bradford.”
For the longest, Aaron’s words had just been replaying in my head…over and over again. I couldn’t stop it, as hard as I tried to block it out—as hard as I tried to convince myself that he wasn’t talking about Tim, he couldn’t be. Deep down in my heart, I knew he was, but…I didn’t want to believe it.
I heavily sighed as I sat down in the seat. I watched the production team finish setting up. Haven’t seen this camera setup in a while, usually, I love doing this type of thing—doing a ‘True Crime’ documentary. But this…it felt different. I felt empty inside. I stared deep into the camera lens, and that’s when everything started to come back to me.
Lucy Chen
Lucy’s Apartment // Los Angeles, CA// Tuesday // 03.21.23 // 09:37 A.M
“So, tell me what happened the morning of May 15th, 2022,” the interviewer spoke.
I sighed shakily as I looked up at the ceiling, “Well, it started out as any other day. Tim and I were outside the precinct. We were waiting for my roommate to arrive. She said that she had this surprise that she wanted to show us both—it was a car. She was over the moon about it, too. And I don’t blame her. However, being the cops that we are, Tim and I inspected the car.”
“Judging by your reaction you found something?”
“Yeah, it was…a couple of bricks of cocaine—stashed in the trunk. So of course, we had to take it in. We needed to run the name of the original buyer, and Y’know who owned the car first. So, after running the plate numbers into the system, we got a name. Jake Butler. Who ironically, looks exactly like Tim.”
I looked over at Tim, who had been sitting right next to me. He glanced at me briefly before we looked back at the interviewer.
“Lucy and I had called Jake, and brought him in for questioning,” Tim took over, “And of course, at first he made the looking-alike debacle an entire thing for a couple of minutes. But eventually, we sat him down and made him listen. In the end, he told us about this guy that he’d been working for, Roy Hajek. So, in order to get to the bottom of this, I went undercover as Jake, to keep him safe, and put into police custody.”
I looked down at the floor, as my leg began to shake. In all honesty, I wanted to put this entire case behind me. One person died, and for a second—I ended up thinking that it was my own boyfriend.
“There something you’d like to add, Officer Chen?” The interviewer asked.
I jerked my head up when he said my name. I answered as I shook my head, “No…Im good.”
Was it weird…that I couldn’t even look at Tim? It’s not like I was mad at him or anything. It’s just—I couldn’t come to terms with what happened. So many things were happening at once…
From Tim disappearing “Tim just disappeared.”
To see the video of Tim who was dressed exactly like Jake getting stabbed in an alleyway. That was all the information that I had. No one would tell me anything. All I knew is that…Tim went missing, and then he ended up getting stabbed in an alleyway. I went into complete shock. I don’t think I could ever get that moment out of my head.
“We have footage of Tim, just hours after his disappearance. I’m sure that you haven’t gotten anything about him, so—we thought that it’d be best to show you.”
I focused my eyes on the screen that was sitting next to the interviewer. One minute Tim and…some random guy was arguing, the next he’s pushing him up against the wall, and he pulls a knife on him. I’ve known Tim for a while, and when he gets himself into a predicament like this, he always finds a way to pull himself out, that’s just the nature of who Tim is. But something was off, I could feel it.
The guy pushed him to the ground. He didn’t want to waste another second, I could tell he didn’t. And that’s when he did it…He stabbed Tim, numerous times, in various different areas. Even without the audio, I just knew…that he was in pain. All I wanted to do was just kick myself because I wasn’t there to save him.
I gulped as I looked down at the floor, “That’s enough,” I muttered. But he continued to play the video, I looked up into his eyes, trying my hardest to keep myself together, even if my bottom lip was quivering, “That’s enough!” I raised my voice, and it slightly cracked. I removed the tiny microphone that was planted on my shirt. I rose from the seat and began to walk off.
“Officer Chen…” the interviewer said my name. I completely ignored him. I didn’t want to be in that bullpen for another second. I wanted to be alone, that’s it.
When I rushed down the hallway to the storage room, I kept my head down, as tears began to run down my face. I couldn’t hold it in for much longer. I was just with him…and now he’s gone—just like that.
I opened the door to the storage room, I closed the door shut behind my back once I entered the dark room. My hands covered my mouth as I slid down the wall until I hit the floor. This couldn’t be real…I mean really. Just a couple of weeks ago, Tim and I were chasing a twelve-year-old boy around the precinct, and talking about our future, and our kids and how they’d be…now here I am. Sitting on the floor of a dark storage closet. And having to accept the fact that I’ll never see Tim again. How am I supposed to move on from that? The man that I love is—
“Seven-Lincoln-Seven, I just found a body—it’s Sergeant Tim Bradford,” Aaron announced over the radio.
This had to be some dream, right? Some awful nightmare that I can’t wake up from. I wanted to scream, punch a wall, track down the guy who did this to Tim, and make sure that every second of his life feels like absolute hell. Because that’s what it feels like for me right now. Hell. And complete emptiness.
My heart started to beat rapidly, as my fists began to bottle up on the cold marble floors. I felt like the room began to spin, and I felt like my heart had suddenly dropped My eyes slowly fell onto the gun that was secured in the holster. Oh, how easy it would be…to find that guy, and pull the trigger on him without even thinking twice about it.
But I knew that’s not what Tim would want. I had to keep all of my bottled-up anger to myself. And scream from within. But what good was that gonna do me?
When I snapped back into reality, I cleared my throat as I fixed my posture in my seat. Tim leaned against my chair, and whispered into my ear, “You okay?”
I was still stunned by the events that had occurred in only the span of what? Seventy-two hours? Could’ve been more, at this point, I have no clue. “Mhm, I’m okay.”
“So, Officer Chen—we do have your reaction to all the news regarding Tim, from his ominous disappearance to the stabbing, but we never got your take on the death notification. And what’s your initial reaction to Tim being fine? Do you have anything that you’d like to say to him?”
“Well, after walking out after showing me the video, I was clearly already a wreck. And then that’s when I heard the call come in…and Aaron said that he—he’s found Tim’s body. I’d shut down completely. There were so many emotions traveling through my mind to the point that I had completely forgotten where I even was. I felt so…empty, Y’know? I mean, I watched s video of who I thought was the love of my life get stabbed in an alleyway, and then I hear over the radio that his body’s been found, and discarded?” I could feel the tears form in my eyes, as I continued, “…I was—I was just hoping that all of this would be some sort of nightmare. ‘Cause, it definitely was. I thought I was never gonna see Tim ever again. Never hear his voice again. Never have s future with him, I couldn’t imagine that. I didn’t want to either.”
I began to sniffle, as tears started to roll down my cheek, “I’m sorry,” I whispered, I used my hand to wipe away my tears, “…This case has been a lot, for both of us. A lot of confusion, definitely. Heartbreak. Fear. And I mean, sure we’ve all experienced that type of pain before…But not like this. I highly doubt that there’s a single individual—except for one person— out there who can relate to me, and what I’ve gone through, what Tim’s gone through—our entire team. It’s been brutal for us all. I thought my boyfriend was dead!” I yelled, as more tears began to fall, I kept wiping them away but, it was doing very little power, “I thought my boyfriend was dead, and you’d think the same if no one was telling you anything, they just kept looking at you, and dismissing you. And then boom—he just showed up here, perfectly fine, alive. Not a single scratch in sight, well, not on his face. This entire time, I’ve been thinking that my life would never be the same…but that wasn’t true at all. Now, there’s a camera being shoved in my face, and I’m being asked all these damn questions, but…not a single time have you—interviewer, have you asked me if ‘I’m okay.’”
“Well…are you—”
“—I’m hanging on by a loose thread. It’s definitely gonna take some time for me to…heal. But I’m getting there. In the meantime,” I said as I grabbed the cords, “You can continue with this interview without me… ‘cause I’m done.”
I threw the wire, and the microphone onto the floor, and I walked away from the setup with my head down. Still trying to wipe the tears off my face. I entered my bedroom leaving Tim and the interviewer alone.
The man spoke again, “So, should we continue—”
“—No,” Tim said flatly. He removed the microphone from his jacket and rose from the seat. He left the man in the living room as he entered my bedroom.
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x3aspiration · 2 months
hazeldine bacc 3-1 hazeldine
last / last of this household
we are back with the hazeldine household and i managed to sort through the 80-smth screenshots i took and picked out thirty to post:)
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starting off with a bigger baby bump!!
i love the silly look on her face she looks like kermit the frog
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new addition to the house!! richard wanted a piano so he got it as an early birthday present :]
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wilma has been hard at work preparing to take over the family business when the time comes , the parents are so close to being elders :(
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welcome our newest member, amelia!! im sure it wouldve been twins again if i had the 8+ family members mod installed (like i thought i did) but that has now been resolved so endless babies for the foreseeable future!!
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meredith maxed the logic skill!
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:OOO wilma got abducted!!!! meaning a slot in the science career is now opened :D
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she was ... trying her best at the shop! except she kept autonomously going to play god damn kicky ball with every single customer
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amelia's a toddler now!!!! i love how all the boys got blonde hair and the girls got red hair
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her traits are brave and heavy sleeper , her fav color is orange and her least fav is purple
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amelia with pepper and the family enjoying their new playground !!
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amelia learning her skills :)
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jack's oth is fitness and based off his interests i feel like he would be a wellness kind of fitness person , tbh ive been wanting to make a hobby archetype calculator type of thing
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i really wanted to show wilma's room setup, everything is fully functional (well idk abt the bookshelf i havent tried, they typically all read together on the couch)
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birthday time!!!!
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the first time ive ever made someone a pleasure sim myself, he really would be though . i use the weighted aspiration calculator not to pick exactly what they'd be but to see what makes the most sense to me and him being "the modest enjoyer" felt fitting , his second asp being serial romance
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like her older sister, meredith is a knowledge sim!! also like her sister (and mother) her otp is also science . also funny thing red hair being a turn off was put their automatically (same for wilma) leading me to believe they dont want to date someone who looks like their siblings xD i respect it 100%
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makeover time!! here's how meredith looks <3
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richard asked his older brother to do his makeover for him
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omfg he made him emo .. makes sense the poor boy is a pleasure sim bc he doesnt feel any :( LMFAO but hes had that emo ass haircut since he was like a baby so its finally time
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this picture kills me dude he punched the fuck out of richard 😭😭 they were genuinely beefing right after this too bc of it
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and finally an updated loading screen!!!! look them all omg i love them
i have soooo many extra pictures from this rotation i love this family so much its crazy , if anyones interested (or maybe even not) i might post some of the extras bc there were so many good pics
im finally caught up with these posts and that is so awesome !! im doing the next wittaker rotation rn :P
next / next of this household
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alternis · 9 months
so one thing with third eye au is i think it works if tim is actively disillusioned by batman failing to save him/his parents
but the current setup is Very Convoluted and involves. way too many players
like, even just in bullet points:
jason survives ethiopia, but comatose
bruce gets WE to start funding medical trials to try to find cure for his injuries
DI gets funding for a potential drug that could theoretically regrow lost/damaged body parts (they found a weird plant on one of their digs), turns out to have Bad Side Effects and a chance of mutating the animals its used on
DI pulls the plug on the research but is trying not to lose the funding
typical gotham researcher is mad his miracle cure got shelved, teams up with unethical DI corporate executive to try and scare the drakes into restarting the trials by having them threatened by masked men.
the threatening attempt goes awry and turns into a hostage situation, then gets worse when the batman is spotted nearby
batman is racing to catch the 'returned joker', who later turns out to be a copycat. (copycat joker was a real storyline that was running at the same time as rite of passage, something i did not know until after i plotted this part of the au)
batman sees police outside a building but continues chasing after the 'joker', thinking "Gordon's men have the situation handled" and the potential joker attack is more time-sensitive.
unfortunately a batman spotting means that, inside the building they've holed up in, the gunmen get jumpy and the drakes get dead.
batman discovers what happened the next day after the whole fake-joker plot is dealt with, and that a teenager boy has been orphaned, and so he immediately blames himself
he detectives and tracks down the disgruntled researcher, who uses a sample of the drug on himself, and Mutates, and they have to do a big comic book fight.
unfortunately bruce is still Not Doing Well (his son is comatose, his other son isnt talking to him, and his dead parent trauma just got triggered) and so didn't realise...
the corrupt executive was the actually dangerous one, as he'd panicked at realising somebody had been digging into the files/asking questions. and lays the blame on the drakes' son tim,
who has in fact been asking questions and digging into files because he does not believe the Official Story of what happened and, after discovering that batman was seen at the scene but didn't intervene, is having himself a little crisis of faith.
corrupt executive decides he has nothing left to lose, hires serial killer/hitman Zsasz to take out tim drake. tim gets lured to abandoned factory under the promise of getting information
The Big Scene Happens, Upon Which The Plot Hinges.
(shiva was following zsasz to see if he would be a worthy opponent, sees tim fight back against him despite zsasz landing a cut to his neck. tim turns on the machinery in the abandoned factory to create noise/distractions, tries to knock zsasz out so he can safely escape. but it turns out hitting somebody on the temple with a wrench. can kill them! shiva picks him up after he passes out from trauma and also the blood loss, drags him to a backalley clinic so she can offer him training after he wakes up.)
meanwhile, batman and the gcpd roll up at the abandoned building to find zsasz dead and tim missing, but with so much of his blood at the crime scene that he is presumed to have been killed.
what happened to tim drake's body? a real mystery for the ages, eventually forgotten by everybody except true crime podcasters and the eternally self-flagellant bruce wayne, (especially after he discovered the drakes were the family who sent dick his last family photo, and thus had a connection to him he didnt realise until after their deaths)
but like i dont know... how to streamline this. or what to replace it with. it's just. it's a lot right? it's a lot going on. (and im still not sure if i gave bruce too many fuckups at once, or if it fits with the "pushing himself too hard and missing things" state he should be in)
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rollercoasterwords · 11 months
hey rae, congrats on winning the costume contest! gotta be honest, i got very curious about what you think about promising young woman's politics and the ending. i remember enjoying it, other than thinking it was a bit irresponsable at some parts... but also i watched it a while ago and dont really remember much from it. im currently reading the zombie essays you rec'd, and im franlky loving it so so much. monster theory my beloved. And this is the first time im reading about zombies through sexuality lens, all essays i've read about zombies so far were about afro-latin religions and black resistance during colonization, but im loving, reading it in bed while giggling and quicking my feet, etc.... bc "queer zombie jesus" deserves to be a bed read cmom look at that sexy combination of words. hope you're doing well!! xxx substack guy
hi substack guy <3 would love 2 share my thoughts abt promising young woman but i will do that in a min + put it under a cut bc. spoilers etc. love that ur enjoying the zombie essays tho!! there are so many different angles 2 approach zombies as a monster; if u have any reading recs abt religion + colonization my inbox is always open...i have a book or 2 downloaded but have mostly read scattered articles in that vein. agree that 'queer zombie jesus' is SO fun that was one of my fave articles from zombies & sexuality lol. also just recently bought a book called dead white & blue that's abt zombies + usamerican nationalism so. excited 2 start exploring that topic as well...
anyway. promising young woman thoughts (got long...also tw sa):
still thinking & working thru them etc but. generally speaking i am not a huge fan of movies that fall into the rape revenge genre so i typically start them skeptical, and ultimately i thought it was...an odd choice to have the main character be seeking revenge not for herself, but on behalf of her dead friend's past assault...talk abt a dead girl haunting the narrative etc...but like. usually one of my issues w rape revenge is the tendency to turn the person who's been assaulted into this figure of the Righteous Victim such that they become less a person + more a symbol onto which an audience gets to project + live out violent catharsis etc...honestly don't necessarily think there's an inherent issue with creating or seeking out that form of catharsis in film but i just. do not think it is particularly politically useful...+ this setup just like. took that to the next level by literally removing the Victim from the narrative entirely, stripping her character of all agency + personhood, and making her friend the Agent seeking Justice on her behalf which. i mean it's a bit ironic innit...
was also not too sure how i felt abt the whole setup of "woman goes to bars, acts drunk, and there's ALWAYS a creep who tries to take her home + assault her"...i'm somewhat torn feeling-wise here bc i used to very much have this sort of "all men are [potential] monsters" mentality that like no matter where u go there will be someone there ready 2 take advantage of u but. i no longer feel like that is a very useful framework 4 discussing or addressing sexual violence. firstly in that it tends to devolve quickly into the sort of gender essentialism that i am fundamentally opposed to, but also bc it seems so defeatist to me. how are u supposed 2 address a problem if u assume that the problem is already so baked in, and in such simplistic terms? so while i do understand that this is a film and it's sort of dramatizing what is a very real issue, i'm not sure i was entirely sold on the way it was dramatizing it...felt like it was trying 2 highlight but in the process was also flattening 2 a certain extent...
and then like. i did to some extent appreciate the way the film is trying to highlight that it's oftentimes "nice guys" committing sexual violence, especially bc rape revenge films often just portray the "bad guys" as like. cartoonishly evil. but i felt like even there the film was still wanting to get back into that black + white territory, which manifested especially in the bo burnham character. like, on the one hand the film wants to highlight the fact that people committing sexual violence are often sympathetic, perhaps even kind, "nice" people and not obviously evil bad guys, but on the other hand it did not seem to want to sit in the gray area of what that means at all (ie, asking the audience to actually sympathize with or relate to anyone implicated in acts of sexual violence), meaning that whenever we found out a character was involved in an assault that character immediately became a completely unsympathetic bad guy. and like, again, i understand why the film wants to do that--nobody wants to encourage someone to sympathize with a rapist. but irl sexual violence is by and large not black and white, and the fact is that most people are able to sympathize with and relate to people who have committed these forms of violence, because they're not cartoonishly evil bad guys--they're friends, partners, coworkers, family members, etc. and so again, this just isn't a framework that i find particularly useful in addressing irl sexual violence, bc i think it leads to this dichotomy we so often seen where if The Perpetrator/The Accused is not clearly Evil, then they must be Innocent. so like. the film tries, in some ways, to trouble that dichotomy, but i think in the end it just falls back into it--it's just that the guys we thought were "nice" are actually "bad"; imo the audience isn't really encouraged to sit in any emotional stew beyond that.
i do give the movie props for the actual way it handled portrayals of assault; i thought it did a pretty good job there. in particular was a fan of the way they elected to never show the actual video of nina, and how in basically any scene with sexual violence the emphasis was largely on the face + emotions of the person experiencing it. and i mean i did enjoy the movie, for the most part, while i was watching it--like i thought it was a pretty engaging film, good acting, etc.
but if anything the ending really. solidified my disappointment in the politics of the movie. not just bc cassandra died--honestly, i think the death was an interesting choice and there are ways they maybe could have played it that i would have liked more. but having the "triumphant" ending be the cops swooping in to arrest al...give me a fucking break lol. like u set up this whole movie abt how the legal system + these various institutions fail people who have experienced sexual violence, and then...i'm supposed to expect the cops to handle it? the justice system that already failed previously in the movie? and the entire framing of the ending--cassandra's final texts, the music, etc--makes it clear that this is supposed to be a triumphant moment. so i was just like. wtf....like in the end both women are dead. what form of justice is the suggestion that their abuser might go to prison? especially when prison itself is a violent + corrupt institution that must be abolished as part of the fight to end sexual violence? just a very shitty ending overall to what was already a movie that had me sort of going "hmmm...idk" throughout lol. so! those r my thoughts currently
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imdoingsortagay · 2 years
Haunted House Adventures
Summary: When the both of you have free time during a mission away, you decide it would be a good idea to take the former assassin to a haunted house, What’s the worst that could happen? 
word count: 1.1k 
a/n: i’ve never gone to one cause im a scardy cat but i thought this would be cute yet chaotic to write. 
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“ what’s the point of a haunted house?” 
You roll your eyes again at Yelena's many questions as you walk to one of the most well-known haunted houses in the area, according to google reviews. 
Both of you were sent to do a mission to get information on a guy down in Southern California and you thought it would be a good idea to bring the blonde alone to experience one of the many joys that came with Halloween! 
Until she kept bombarding you with questions as a way to annoy you. 
“ to be scared and have fun Lena “ 
“ Why do you need a house that’s haunted for that ?” 
“ I don’t know “ 
“ But you have a phone to answer that question y/l/n” 
“ Yelena shut up !” You yell at her, a bit annoyed with the questions and just wanting to go have fun for once. It was hard to be mad at her since this was stuff she wasn’t used to doing as she never got to have a normal childhood of sorts compared to you and you would be mad for a short time.
“ My bad y/l/n,” she says,” didn’t mean to piss you off”. 
“ You are too cute to be mad at,” you tell her which elects a smile from her. Yelena makes her way closer to you, awkwardly but you accept her being close, and holds your hands in her own as the both of you continue to walk to where the haunted house is located. 
Out of both of you, even if Yelena wasn’t showing it as she always wanted to appear as “ a cool badass”, she was kind of excited about the haunted house. Both she and Natasha never got to have a normal childhood so now that their out of the red room, working with the avengers it meant that they were able to do their own thing. While Natasha was taking it one day at a time when she was first out of the red room, Yelena had used whatever free time she had to try all these new things. When she and Kate met, the archer volunteered to show her all the many things New York had to offer. When both of them joined the Avengers, she instantly connected with you and since then, she’s only wanted to explore new things with you only. 
“ omg y/n we are here,” she squeals in excitement as she sees the extravagant setup on the side of a big farm. From the many pictures that were shown to her by Kate when she was at her apartment, she was so excited to see how scared it would make her.
Lucky for the two of you, it was kind of early in the night, the sun just setting down so the line wasn't too long. Along with that, while you did find the place on google, it was Yelena who bought tickets online to avoid any sort of line which you thought was smart. Both of you were smiling like dorks compared to the minimum wage worker at the start of the haunted house who seemed to just not want to be there. 
“ I hope you enjoy your scary spooky time, they say with a blank expressions on their face and a monotone tone. Even with that, you were both so excited to go in either way. Yelena made sure to stay close, feeling a bit scared at the darkness of the room while you were looking around at everything like a kid at the candy store. Either way, the blonde was so excited about this haunted house. 
“ I swear she didn't mean to kick the poor dude in the stomach,” you try to explain as the rest of his coworkers try to ask if he was okay. It had been a good 10 minutes of going around the house when the poor dude must have caught poor Yelena off focus and on instinct, kick him in the stomach. 
“ I am very sorry sir,” you can hear Yelena tell him as the owner of the place gives you a dirty look for the trouble you caused him. 
“ What can we do sir? Trust me I have connections and we can solve this in an easy way,” you tell him
“ both of you are banned for life, if I see you try to come here I’ll call the cops,” he tells you and points to the exit. Yelena feeling sad about the whole thing, grabs your hands before you even try to start fighting the dude and causes more chaos. The walk back to the hotel room is silent, Yelena mostly choosing to hum a tum to fill in the silence and once you both make it back in, you decided to say something.
“ I'm sorry that i kicked the guy, “ she tells you, and the sad expression on her face doesn’t fail to make you give her a hug. 
“ Yelena,” you start as you wipe the tears from her face,” I’m not mad at you, he caught you off guard and you just trusted your fight or flight in the moment.” While the moment was full of stress and chaos, years later it would just be a distant memory between the two of you that you could laugh about. 
“ Can we do this again y/n?” she asks you and gives you puppy eyes, something that you can never say no to. It’s something that was taught to her by her older sister and she’s been using it to her advantage ever since. Curse the redhead for teaching her that move. 
“ Maybe at the compound yeah,” you tell her. 
“ Steve can dress up,” she recommends. 
“At least if you beat him up it won’t cause him to go to the hospital,” you tell her, and about 3 weeks after the Haunted House incident, you were able to plan a haunted “ house” in the building with all the Avengers for Yelena after not being to fully experience one. 
The smile on her face when she saw how nicely decorated the whole compound the place was, her teammate's dedication to being scary, and overall all the fun she had, it made it worth it. All this was worth it to see the smile on her face that you would do anything for her. 
“ I can’t believe you did this for me y/n,” she says after going through it a couple of times, running at you in full force to give her a bear hug.
“ I would do anything for you Yelena,” you tell her and place a kiss on her forehead.
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taeiun · 5 months
TAEIUN UPDATE (05/07/24)
hello everyone!! im not sure how many of you still keep up with this blog and i am so sorry for being inactive for so long (a full month sheesh…) and for not posting anything for longer than that! i have a couple updates, some good some bad, and a few changes i want to make to this blog.
TL;DR: canceling the beomgyu smau + possible future redo, temporary archive of this blog, future works planned.
O1. from the lack of of updates and the low interactions ive gotten, i think you guys can already guess that the beomgyu smau i posted back in march was going to be terminated at some point. it’s not that ive lost full interest in the plot. im just unhappy woth the setup and also dont have things flushed out to where i think an smau would work as a format. i do hope to publish it again some time in the future but for now, that post will be taken down.
O2. again, based off my inactivity i dont think it’s much of a surprise for me to say im going to be temporarily archiving this blog. that doesnt mean im never coming back! its just that right now i dont know how long it’ll be before i get back into a consistent writing schedule again. think of it just as an extended hiatus; the main difference is that im calling it an archive in case i dont come back at all. ofc ill announce if im going for good but this is just in case.
O3. i dont think i’ll be gone for good (knock on wood) so while i stay kind of inactive, there a few things im changing up here.
declutterring: going to be deleting spam posts and tidying up my blog to make the viewing experience more pleasurable!! i have a second blog where i ramble and shit post so i dont need this one for it.
reposts of old works: i dont have the time as of now to be working on brand new shiny content, so i hope people dont mind me possibly reposting a couple of my fave older stuff from my previous blog.
O4. i am crafting new things! they just wont be out for a while. a few things on my mind are:
zb1 apocalypse au: i have standalone fics for all the members and i hope to get this done at least before calling it quits. taerae my boy…
a couple different possible supernatural!skz smau mini series: little bit on the fence with these ones bc im not fully into skz (despite saying i write for them lol) so im not sure how much passion i can put into this project. if not the mini series, then i’ll be working on a minho fic within that au instead!
i think that about sums up where this blog is going. in general ive been good. busy with school and idea of uni but good-ish. ive been enjoying life for itself and got closer with one of my irls which has been so nice :DD im also facing a bit of a writer’s slump bc of the mental switch from a heavy math and science academics semester to an only analytical and writing semester. honestly, i really do want to keep this blog around. its just hard when my interest in kpop as a whole has dwindled down so fast? like its crazy how quickly i kind of got over this phase ngl- but yeah! thats it for me <33
thanks for sticking to the end of this if you did! no hard feelings if you didnt. its funny i say that bc they wouldnt be able to see this if they didnt but oh well. that’s all from me for today!!
— ur fave, sol / jun.
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takumiharihoto · 2 years
Bed Friend EP 3 Unloading (UNCUT VERSION) *contains spoilers
The way i have to switch locations for watching this bc 
-i dont want anyone walking behind me bc everyone in this house is hella nosey
-even the ghost might get shooktd 
Kicking off with nc scene for the first 10mins of the episode. this is the superior formula lol
They are setting their rules. We’re off to a good start. Uea is so sure on this fwb thing. 
“I don’t like you. You don’t like me.” -THAT’s WHAT HE SAID 🤫
NC scene… followed by another nc scene. YES GIVE ME THAT ENTIRE MONTAGE OF NC SCENES AND CALL IT A DAY.
King smoking after that good ass sex… pardon my language but im wet. Personal preference but i find smoking attractive. 
I like that they are actually communicating more in the office now that they’ve established their setup. They talk more casually now and Uea doesn’t ignore King that much. 
Third scene where they’re at each others’ flat. At this point i’m curious how many times they did it already. They’re acting like they’ve been doing it for months now. 
Oof that tw: flashback is rlly disturbing irl, it was probably better handled that how Mame would do it.
ALSO, P’Thanamin is coming for Mame’s neck and career!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jade be like: I EXIST!!!! 
Uea’s got King wrapped around his finger
Is Gun possibly bi? He mentioned a female coworker and then Uea. 
King… the reformed bad boy type? The most attractive trope ever. 
Gun attempting to flirt with Uea on purpose? Lmao King is jealous oooohhhh 
This damn xerox room again 🤣🤣 yall both might as well bang on top of the photocopier if ya know what i mean
Lmao poor Gun is getting the cold treatment from King 🤣
This cute friendship with Uea and Jade though, Uea will not take any shit especially at work. 
King’s wardrobe… sponsored by Uniqlo?
Another nc scene… ooohhh did they switch?? Every nc scene gets even steamier and hotter. Like if i were to choose which is the best nc scene from this ep… damn it’s so hard. 
That part where P’Pock is doing that shit with Uea in the parking and it’s a whole ass scene. Having second hand embarassment overall and it was Jade to the rescue but maaaan P’Pock is hella buff and the security guards Jade called 🥴😭😭 just the second hand embarassment overall 🤣🤣
King’s thirst trap is so 🫣🫣🫣
Maam that video call is so wholesome and that scene where King is actually beside Uea is probably just reimagined but PLS BE REAL. It’s so cute and fluffy. 
King and whatever binary code is on his screen… so he happens to be the hot IT guy. SIGN ME UP. 
we are getting a beach trip and a tw: trauma dive for next ep so pick a struggle. At least it’s in the preview already and we better prepare ourselves mentally. 
Yep. It took me TWO ass hours to finish the uncut version of episode 3. Getting more intense yet everything is getting better. I AM SO SEATED. 
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more kubera posting
When did vigor/ground up ancient human souls start talking to ran? End of season 2? Anyone remember why he started hearing voices? it started when hanuman blasted his head off while training with yaksha but they didn't start constantly talking to him until he equipped the eye of punishment to himself. oh and while he was with yaksha that was the exact same time when ancient human souls were being ground up. Proximity to the eye which in turn is connected to kali, the taraka clan, and the ancient human souls. Since it got attached to his heart. im trying to remember did kali take the ancient human souls and turn them into taraka or am i imagining that
I was thinking what the X in insight means, maybe it represents interference from a higher power like Brahma, Shiva, Visnu, or Kali. the same way how people are stopped from talking about certain topics, insight can also be blocked. however i reread the early chapters and agni seems horrified by the insight he saw with the X on asha and i dont think just primeval interference would warrant such a large reaction so it is possible he saw the block and the murders surrounding it.
the flowing shawl type thing characters like yuta and ananta have are common in hindu imagery for supernatural beings this spread through asia via buddhism so you see it in a lot of religious iconography. yeah it mostly means a character is supernatural, fairy, god, etc. i imagine in Kubera it means much the same
which were the times kali impersonated other? the one who approached mirha might be kali, i remember there was a similar discussion about who asha met or carte since it was also said that visnu was backing asha. i remember years back we decided kali impersonated akasha to give the eye of punishment to maruna since we later learn akasha should have been dead at that point. the evidence it was visnu for asha was that yuta and others recognize visnu's work in her and it explains why she can use hoti visnu. currygom and her many mysteries.
How are currygom and the translators counting ages? I was recently reminded that koreans can use a different system of counting ages than in the west. rereading the early chapters the manhwa does refer to leez as 16 eventhough the year is n15 so yeah i think we're going off of korean ages.
Slaps roof of webtoon this baby can hold so many types of horror in it
Currygom keeps calling this series a romance and we keep laughing at her funny jokes. "Romance" and "romantic" are words derived from the latin "rōmānicē" or "in a roman way". Currygom is respecting the history of the word and how the Roman Empire was on the brink of collapse dozens of times just like how relationships in Kubera are always falling apart.
"Laila was Brahma testing her. To see if she'd pick Claude or information. Because she chose "correctly", she got a prize which opens up some more possibilities. Leez's choice to "respect herself who knew nothing" is a genuinely bizzare decision and Kali dominated that conversation. She didn't get an easy win sure (Leez taking another name), but that's one of those things you have to try even if you know it probably won't work. Just to see if the other side is stupid. Kali enjoys unpredictability and the future Leez chose should still end with Kali winning, only she'll suffer greatly before that end. We don't know what Kali's real goal was there in any case. For Mirha and Visnu, Mirha showed intelligence and noticed the manipulation but that too was expected. Visnu came to her after Asha, predicted her going to the water chanel instead (according to Kubera) and got what he wanted in the end (a pawn in the form of Asha). Mirha was just setup for that. The way that attempted manipulation influenced her was also valuable in it's own way. That guilt would shape her later decisions.You straight up can't win against Visnu when he's willing to toss away tens of billions of years of the Manasa timeline just to perfectly shape Ananta into the correct kind of tool." (Ravate)
The primievals really are playing on such a massive scale. I'm reminded when currygom was talking about how rare it is to play cards against them and how agni being able to win 1/10 times is amazingly good.
I think maruna will die he's grown too much as a person. Currygom never lets the good ones live.
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never forget tilda has the most guts out of the human cast
i wonder some of kinara's name/power passed on to her from human kinara and that's why yuta thought she looked tasty
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caracoloco · 2 months
ill stop yapping soon but. i finished withering rooms full let's play ^_^_^
there's so many cool optional areas
I think everything was solved for me plotwise. i still dont get whether the night mother had an actual origin or if it was millie all this time. plus what was the voice robert heard? from his horse obsession it seems like night mother but im not sure
also I remember seeing dialogue that explained why there were only 2 roberts alive but i couldnt find it in this playthrough. and no one cares enough about this game to make a wiki 😔
I hope in the ng+ ending peter and rakesh can be together i felt so bad for them
peter may be my favorite character just bc I like his mask and it makes me sad how much he suffered. Priscilla's cool as fuck though, I love an evil scientist woman.
scratch that the vicar with the ruby eyes is my fav
now this is just nitpicking but how the hell did Priscilla think the blood tower would actually work. i mean she was insane.
idk there's so many characters that i like. rakesh and Edgar and emma and beca and millie and albert (the byzantine dude) oh and finger lady aaaaand the man from nowhere and dog guy I dont remember his name
I was thinking though. ng+ gave the most 'good' ending in theory, but the idol was still out there so the dream will continue at the hands of someone else... wait that's a good setup for a sequel actually. the mechanics of the dream are already figured out but it would still be cool.
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kindsummer · 4 months
hi peat!! may i request any/all of the following from the writing ask game: ✍️🎁💡💛🎯 (if that’s a lot you can ignore some lol) 🫶🏻 have a lovely day!!
jj you are the best 🥺🥺🥺 i fell asleep yesterday wayyyy too early, so im just getting to this today like a fool. i appreciate you!!! i hope you have an even lovelier day!! <3
✍️ What’s your ideal writing setup?
it's changed over time and i'm sure it will continue to do so, but as of now, the best way for me to write and do so productively (as in, rather quickly), is a very specific situation. i have to be well rested, too, or this doesn't work. i have to be sitting in the living room, have the tv playing something mindless in the background at a low volume, headphones on with music related to whatever i'm working on, and with only the necessary tabs open, i.e. a plot doc and the fic doc. if i get distracted, i allow myself 10-15 minutes of scrolling or watching whatever's in the background.
🎁 Have a piece of a WIP you want to share?
this is from my current oc/mota shot to shot rewrite, spiritual successor to the first two i did for band of brothers and the pacific. it's my baby, i love it, i love the ocs, i love the relationships, it is my child. “Do any of us?” Bucky shook his head, glancing over to Buck again, subconsciously voicing his own previous internal struggle. “If I got possessed demonically, I wouldn’t even notice with everything else I got going on. That’s just how it is, for people like us.” His fingers fiddled with a cigarette, not lighting it or bringing it to his lips for a drag, but simply rolling the pads over the folded paper. “We feel like all we have is rage or self pity, but there’s more to life and there’s more to us. It’s okay to be scared, you just have to act through that fear. That’s what bravery is, and kid, you have more than enough of that. And that chutzpah thing I’ve heard about.” Matt smiled, feeling more indebted to Bucky than he had before, which was saying something. Bucky reminded him a lot of Jon, at the same age and wielding the same ability to lighten the load when it got too heavy to bear. “Maybe after the war. When I’m sure he won’t die in some fucking explosion or failing mechanics or flak. I don’t think I could take that, not again.” “Only the dead know the end of war, Matty,” Bucky replied, far too sagely and sanely for either of their liking. “Gotta live in the here and now. You never know when your last moment will be, so you have to take the chances, even if you’re scared by the outcome.”
💡How many WIPs do you currently have?
partially written, i have: 6. ones fully plotted out that i haven't started: 37.
💛 What is the most impactful lesson you’ve learned about writing?
sometimes, the piece you're working on is made better by the author allowing their emotions to flow through their (metaphorical) pen. a lot of fics i've written were altered by the mood i was in while working on them, like, in drastic ways, but then they made more sense and held much more depth than they initially did because of how they changed. so, let yourself feel while you're writing, you'll never know where it'll take you until you're done.
🎯 Do you have a writing milestone you’re working towards?
i don't think of myself as having a milestone really, but i would love to finish all the things i have plotted out eventually. it will probably take years because it's...a lot, but that would be cool. my secret milestone is to become prolific enough to receive a plethora of comments that inspire me to keep working on wips, especially if it transfers to tumblr. a small, active fan base would truly make me feel like what i'm writing is worth it (it being time and energy, one of which i have little of). more than it just being writing for myself because it's hard for me to find something published that gets me and how i read canon in the way that my own fics do.
fanfic writer ask game !!
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