#and if you think this is a harsh response anon; trust that i didnt mean it that way
iwaasfairy · 2 years
Start a Patreon and write for the people who are still interacting with you or just stop writing for some time it's not healthy to keep pushing and feeling drained anyways or just start everything anew
i mean you also have to see this from our pov, you've said so yourself that you have a bunch of unanswered asks (and i mean non-request asks), if you dont answer us how are we not supposed to feel discouraged or lose interest? you really seem to only favor particular anons and your mutuals
i understand that you have a large following and might be getting many asks and that it can feel overwhelming but i guess thats the downside of having a large following
I absolutely love your content and wouldnt want you to feel pressured into writing something because you have a responsibility towards us i want you to write because you want to but interaction-wise i have completely stopped, jst disheartened
warning: long response lmao buckle in,,, i had to sit with this ask for a little bit because i really dont know how to,, feel about it
first of, an obvious big thank you to the compliments you did put in between the criticism here, im very happy to hear that you enjoy my writing and that you don't want me to be pressured. that's very sweet. and while i have considered making a patreon, i dont find it fair on people who would pledge to not have a guarantee that they'd have however set amount of content a month.
at this point, i can't guarantee that. i go through ups and downs writing, i have bursts of inspiration sometimes and sometimes i just dont. that's just the nature of being a content creator. and as i don't get payed for this as of current, that's okay.
i had already taken a hiatus before and returned to post 6 more fics in 4 months when i did, because i returned with renewed energy. i returned to writing here because i wanted to. i understand that you are saying it out of a want to help and give advice, but it's quite hurtful an answer to someone who refused to leave even though all her close friends apart from a tiny fraction left, and someone who's been trying to keep a little bit of the spirit in it for new fans. because there's nothing more sad to me than seeing a fandom i love die before my eyes.
now is not the time for a break for me. i don't need a break, what i need is the tiniest bit of effort from all the people who consume content without giving back. i have already made a new blog before too,, and people didn't care to follow me over, so there's no use. i've been building this blog for the last 3 years, and there's no point in throwing away my hard work for something that might not ever get to the level it was at anyway.
but this ask is also overshadowed a little by the sheer negativity being tossed at me, even if it wasn't your intent, or even if you said it politely. it's quite a strange and harsh thing to say to someone who's expressing a grievance,,, don't you think? i have seen it from your pov, many many times. i have not said a thing about it for months, again, because i don't want to hurt people's feelings. i might have said that i have a bunch of unanswered asks before yes, because that's true, but as i also said in that same breath, most of them are requests. even if they don't straight out say "please write -" they can still be requests.
i also think you've already sent me a similar message a few months back when i was expressing frustration, which,,, kind of proves that i don't ignore anyone, and i haven't ignored your asks. i don't pick favorites, i don't only answer certain anons for the fun of it. and i don't know if you have tried to scroll my blog in the last few months, but any time i am able, all i'm doing is answering asks. all of which go ignored.
i have hundreds of answered asks that get no, or maybe one-three notes. i think it's only reasonable then that i started to assume that the majority of people didn't really care about my answers, and that maybe yes i did subconciously get more cautious which asks i answer immediately get upon getting them, because i didn't want to flood people's dashes and annoy them with my answers. i answer the asks first that are short and easy to answer, or that make me laugh or are trying to make me happy.
i answer an enormous amount of asks in between fics. so i'm sorry to say, but i genuinely don't think i've ignored many of your asks as you claim. you don't sign your asks so i wouldn't know if or when you revisited me if i tried,,, but just math wise it doesn't make sense. if you had sent me between 3-5 asks over these last few months, there's a 99% chance that i have at least answered one or two of them.
and if you've sent maybe one, or two asks and i happen not to have answered them, i am sorry for that, truly, because i never mean to exclude anyone from a conversation. but like i said, the majority of people don't care about my responses, and i don't want to dry my blog out more by burying my writing under such a heap of asks that people don't even bother to read anymore. i really don't know what you expect me to do.
people dont read my posts (any post except a full fic), or if they do, even leaving a like is too much to ask. i feel like im talking to a void with 99% of this blog. and though people do read my fics, it is such a rare thing to get a reblog, a nice comment, or an ask going into my fics. talking about a thing they liked, or simply saying they enjoyed the fic. you seem to equate me asking for interaction with 'sending asks', but that's not the case.
anything is interaction. showing you're interested. showing you're here, you're listening. showing you read something. this isn't ao3, i have no way of knowing how many people are actually here. so when writers ask for interaction, they aren't asking you for a book report (though i can guarantee that if you care about a fic and you put i that kind of effort that'll make you so so loved by that writer, and maybe you'll even become friends lmao,, that's how me and rhi, clover, angel, mous, violet, bee... became acquainted after all)
they are just asking for any sign that their hard work is not just,, there. it'd be nice to show you care. even if writers might not respond to you right away, or even at all
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whatiwillsay · 3 years
hi cam. loved hanging here in your tumbler and podcast. and i love how you stan dianna and taylor. me too i love them both. i just want to share my idea about swiftgron.. you dont have to post this.. i just want to reach out to you, coz i know how much you love them..
this is crazy, i know, but taylor is so good at this.. ive been speculating that she and dianna been back together since 2016 but not as solid as it is, dianna is married but they patching things up.they are trying to make it work, until 2018, thats the time dianna got approved by taylors team (yup she got the approval) (thanks tree)... when dianna get divorce as she sould, thats the time theyve been ofc together as solid as rock..
so about karlie and lily and other girls.. karlie is the rebound/PR.. karlie needs taylor to boost her image for her bf josh family, as a return, she will be baited on some taylor songs, taylor knew she have a lot of gaylor fans so to protect her relationship with dianna she used karlie, taylor trusted karlie.. the bait and switch started on reputation, until lover.. when karlie fall out, lily came in (for destruction purposes). the daisy, gold, big sur-everything thats dianna. its all about dianna. when lover came out, dianna is helping taylor on some ideas about mv even in the album, they are helping each other... they have plan to come out during the lover fest. she hinted it when she release the babe.. babe is dianna, and dianna always calls taylor bluff coz she is over dramatic.
not until the masters heist happened, the plan was changed, thats the reason why taylor was very devastated during the last quarter of 2019. if the masters heist never happen it will be a circus when they came out coz a lot of celebrities are planning to back them up, i mean they will also come out so that it will not only taylor will be on hot sit, its a great plan (brie is one of them).. but didnt happen..
and so the folklore and evermore, this is the day when all my questions have been answered, especially during the long pond session.. folklore is dianna's expertly, and im sure they are writing songs together. dianna is very talented as she is, taylor knew that. in poetry, literature, music, so when they join to work together they create a masterpiece.. william is dianna for sure.. they are quarantining together,( dianna ig post during quarantine most of them are throwbacks). some songs in folklore and evermore are diannas pov.. i even hear her at back vocals on champagne problem.. the instruments used are just diannas fave.. and the grammygate, why did taylors team push to put joe as producer? and why jack and aaron have no say about it? they both know that theres someone who help in production..joe is a cover.. and it is messed up.. taylor knew its a mess but she will do anything to protect their relationship..
taylor been very private since 2016, esp today.. until no one discover about them, they will remain on hiding and writing songs.. and if the time comes that they will be outed, taylor have an escape plan, i really hope it will not reach on that situation... im really happy knowing taylor is happy right now, leaving the life they wanted and dreamed of.. outing now is not a good idea, they knew that.
one more thing, about "the man" taylor is doing that disguise since 2012 with dianna. exile is 2014 ama.. betty is taylor, james is dianna. august is michele. yep michele bday is augs.thats when met gala 2014, when taylor seen michele and di together, taylor even put that scene on wildest dream, and bury that gown on lawymmd. all the school and 17 references is about glee days.. if you will watch the EHC mv, thats sums up everything. the paris, the tents (willow) school(glee), the projector with old paris, can be seen also in the lover mv.
folklore and evermore mirrors all what theyve been through on their relationship, also with rep and lover..
dianna is very talented as taylor.. they really should get married or already did-im not sure about that though..
its just my idea.. im not claiming anything is true. its not a fanfic though.. just want to share it with you coz i know you really love swiftgron and i think swiftgron stans deserved to be happy too.. ✌✌
no need to post this one.. i dont want to out them.. it will be our loss (fans) if that happens.. will just keep trying to protect them both.. thanks for reading.. really loved the podcast im a fan..
anon sweetie angel i’m posting this because i need to tell you this is completely untrue and you sound a little bit like… not good about all this. you sound like you have deluded yourself into this idea and it’s very conspiratal and elaborate and not based in reality.
i don’t support that kind of thinking here. it’s always ok to wonder and theorize and ofc fanfic is really fun too but there is absolutely no reason to think swiftgron has had anything going on lately.
as you know i’ve made friends in the industry and the ones run in dianna’s circle have confirmed she was really with winston marshall- he was her real husband that was not fake or for pr. the ones that know people who know or worked with taylor suggested she really dated calvin and then really did date lily donaldson (and who knows who else but during the 1989 tour she was w calvin and during rep tour she was with lily).
taylor and dianna absolutely did not quarantine together i know this for a fact. dianna was in nyc and taylor was in london.
but even without tea and bts info there is absolutely no reason to think swiftgron is together. they have been spotted one single time together since 2014 in public at snl in 2019. that is just not how this stuff works. if taylor and dianna were together they would live near one another and dianna would travel on tour with taylor (like lily did on rep tour) and they would be discreet but they would be spotted together.
the way you’re coming at this is unhealthy and unrealistic imo and out of love for a fellow swiftgron i feel compelled to tell you that. it’s fine to like the ship, it’s fine to believe they dated back in the day, it’s fine to wish they get back together, it’s fine to look for references and clues and ofc to stan them, but i don’t think it’s healthy to view it the way you are. there’s zero evidence nor tea to suggest they are together and that’s the reality we live in and it’s very important to me that people who interact with my content understand that.
i hope this didn’t come off as harsh i don’t mean it to i hope you read this in a kind tone but i do feel a responsibility to tell you this.
coming up with weird complicated and convoluted conspiracies just because you like them both just isn’t it it’s not what i want my readers to do. it’s not what the blog is for or about.
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probably-writing-x · 4 years
Not like the rest
Chuck Bass x Reader
Request from anon: hi! could you write a oneshot for chuck bass? the reader feels insecure about their relationship with chuck bc they didnt grow up on the upper east side and chuck reassures them? thank you :)
Gif is not my own
Requests are open❤️
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“Chuck are you sure? Honestly, you don’t have to!” This was generally the way that conversations went between the two of you before any kind of event.
Chuck, having been your boyfriend for the past sox months, always wanted to spoil you. He’d constantly buy you gifts, surprise you, do everything he could do. None of it at your request. Just because he wanted to. And it was adorable. You saw the way his face lit up when you told him you loved whatever he’d done but it didn’t stop you from feeling constantly guilty at the thought. You didn’t ever want him to feel like he had to do any of that, and you definitely didn’t want him thinking that it was why he was with you.
“You say this every time, love,” He shakes his head, “But it doesn’t change anything.”
You brush your hands over the dress that he’d bought, one that felt like it was made just for you - perfectly in time for the event he was hosting tonight.
“It just feels like too much, you shouldn’t keep-“
“(Y/n),” He stops you, coming up behind you so you could see his reflection in the mirror as he wraps his arms around and settles his chin on your shoulder, “It’s not too much. I want to, honestly.”
“That’s not how other people see it.”
It was true. Being the girl from Brooklyn, you’d never grown up having what the rest of them did. You grew up with Dan, the two of you living in the same apartment block. You worked as soon as you could get a job, and did everything you could to help your parents and piece together the life that they wanted you to have. When you ended up in a school with the richest kids from the upper east side, you’d never felt more out of your depth. But the king of them all had been a pleasant surprise. He was caring beyond his harsh exterior and honest beyond his manipulative business ways. He saw someone in you that status and wealth made no difference to. And he found it admirable, every piece of you feeling like something he wanted to be in himself. He found in you an ambition to be better, and that’s how you’d won his heart above what anyone else could’ve done. Without even trying, Chuck Bass had grown weak for you.
“I don’t care what anybody else thinks,” He mumbles, pressing a soft kiss just under your ear, “You look beautiful, darling.”
And with words like that coming from him, you find it impossible to dispute.
- - - - - -
“Thank you, I hope you have a good evening,” Chuck bids farewell to another few businesspeople who’d been interested in speaking to the founder.
You wait patiently a step away until he turns to find you again, a smile lighting up his seriousness.
“You always sound so professional,” You smirk as he settles an arm around your waist.
“I can only do it for so long,” He mumbles, pressing a kiss to your exposed shoulder.
“You’ve got a few people wanting to meet you I think,” You glance over to some corporate bosses glancing in your direction.
Chuck lets out a little groan, “Will you be okay?”
“Yeah, honestly,” You encourage him, “I’ll get another drink.”
He hands over his empty glass, “I think I’ll need one too.”
You laugh gently and make your way towards the bar, smiling politely at people as you walked past - anything to keep up Chuck’s reputation.
It’s as you’re about to order the drinks when you’re stopped.
“(Y/n),” It’s Blair’s voice, too sweet for the words that were likely to follow, “Manage to leave Chuck alone for a moment, hm?”
You take in a deep breath and turn to face her, “It’s nice to see you too, Blair.”
She lets out a scoff, “What’s this? Another one of Chuck’s gifts?”
You glance down at the dress hugging your figure, unable to find any comment suitable enough to respond to her with.
“When’s he going to realise you’re only in it for his money?” She shakes her head, looking so much more effortless in a setting like this.
You swallow the lump in your throat and pull yourself together, “You know that’s not true.”
“Then allow me to revise,” She steps forward and eyes you up and down closely, “When are you going to realise that he’s only doing all of this because he can’t stand the thought of dating a Brooklyn girl? Honey, he’s trying to make you one of us.”
It hits like the heaviest weight on your chest, making you feel sick with instant response. Was that really what was happening? How could you be sure of anything else?
Blair smiles like she knows the effect of her words, proud of it actually.
You try your best to keep composure, “Excuse me.”
It’s as you’re hurrying off that you see Chuck walking with a direct line toward where he thought you might be.
“Hey, hey,” He stops you when he sees your panicked state, “What’s going on?”
“I’m sorry, I can’t do this,” You shake your head quickly, pulling away from him as you try to get out of the hall with as little attention as possible.
Chuck just has to look to the bar to see the cause of it all, striding over to Blair with an icy glare in those eyes.
“What did you say to her?” He questions bitterly, the anger coursing through his veins agonisingly.
“Just what we were all thinking, Charles.”
He looks her up and down once like he’s trying to find any part of her that didn’t have an evil intention, brows furrowing as all he can think of is going to find you. His hands swipe a bottle of champagne and two glasses as he rushes off in the direction of your path to find you before your thoughts did.
- - - - - -
It’s far too crisp to be outside when he walks out onto the rooftop. There’s a harsh wind that he knows you’d hate but it’s the only possible place he can think of finding you.
“You forgot our drinks,” He calls, closing the door behind him as he walks across the empty roof.
He sees as you turn your head slightly to the sound of his voice, but knows you don’t have any words to respond to him. You’d been crying.
Chuck walks over and sets down the bottle, standing beside you and following your line of sight out into the city.
“I’m not like them, Chuck,” You say quietly, sniffing to try to keep in your emotion as much as possible.
“I know,” He states simply, “I knew that from the day I first asked you out for a date.”
“Do you wish that I was?” You question far too abruptly, “Is that what all of this is? Are you trying to make me more like those other girls?”
“What?” He half-laughs, “(Y/n), if I wanted one of those other girls, I’d have them.”
You know it’s not the best way of him wording it but the good intention is there.
“You know what I mean,” He sighs, “I’m with you because you’re not one of them, because you showed me how much I was missing by even thinking of being with another carbon copy from the upper east side.”
You let him speak now, needing to hear all of those words to set off some sort of reassurance for you.
“I met you and you weren’t the type of person that I’d spent my whole life around. You were different, and you weren’t fuelled by caviar or a desire to prove yourself above the rest. You trusted in the fact that you didn’t need any of that to be a good person. And it was fascinating to me,” He says, so certain of every word, “Because I realised that I’d been one of those people up until when I met you. I’d been constantly thinking of proving myself, of being better than everyone and never thinking of who I hurt in the process.”
“Don’t say that Chuck.”
“No, (Y/n), you made me a better person and you still do. You’re everything I love and everything I want to be. And where you were born, your status, how many houses your parents own - it makes no difference to knowing that your heart is pure gold,” He grabs your hands and turns you to him, “So, if you don’t want the gifts or the big gestures, then they’re all gone. I just need you to know that I love you and those other girls would never, ever hold anything compared to you.”
“God you’re good with words,” You laugh a little.
He chuckles and moves to wrap his arms tightly around you, burying his head into your neck as he presses a soft kiss to the skin there.
“Now, how does that drink sound?”
You pull away from him and cup his face in your hands, “God, I love you Chuck Bass.”
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van-dyne · 5 years
Hi, sorry, anon from earlier. I wasn't necessarily trying to change your opinion, I was more so just commenting on what you had said earlier, that's all. I get where you're coming from, I think I interpret some of the scenes differently. I think both of them could've worked on their trust. Also, I just wanted to say I'm a Steve fan (like, he's my favorite character) and I didn't see your response as anti-Steve. :)
I know you’re not trying to change mine, like I’m not trying to change yours either. I think we’re being civil about it and thanks for being nice about it too! Like I can see why it could be hurtful for you to see how I viewed the whole thing with stevetony, esp when Steve is your fave, and being hurtful wasn’t my intention, just coming from a different, I guess almost opposite perspective. (and I’m still not okay with Tony’s death so my wording might come across harsh)
I mean with MCU and fandom in general, we always just take the nice part from canon and run with it anyway, because MCU has ruined so much…. yeah both Steve and Tony could have worked on their friendship and trust better, sometimes it’s just frustrating, and they couldn’t fix it on screen anymore lmaooooo…. but guess why we have fics!! Ahh and thanks for not seeing it as an anti commentary, because I didnt intend it to be
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the-rxven-king · 6 years
@the anon i just got 
im not gonna post your ask because it feels like a private thing especially since you were on anon so i have no better way to say this to you and you trusted me enough to tell me what you did and im glad you had the courage to actually tell someone that kinda thing, even if it was just me, and i didnt want it to go without a response so... yea. this post is for you and p much only you so you can read under the cut and hopefully no one else will... since you were on anon this is the best i can do
first things first anon ill just go ahead and say thank you for having the courage to speak up and trust me? i mean im.... honestly not the best person to go to for this because as far as im aware im just a random dude on the internet to you idk if i know you at all but that you said anything at all to anyone takes guts and im glad you said something. keeping quiet is a hell i know well.
second thing: im sorry you feel the way you do. no one deserves to feel like theyre worthless. you have worth, i know you do, and thinking you are is really shitty. its a harsh thing to label yourself as, though. hopefully this doesnt sound preachy, but everyone has worth. you have worth. sometimes the problem is just not seeing it, not being able to reach it or find it. it feels like youre not worth anything, but you are. no matter how long it takes you to find out you have worth, you have so much. its there. in times like the ones youre going through it seems like thats impossible but youre worth something. if you hold on long enough youll find it. 
i dont want you to be killed, i know that for sure. you have worth to me, if that helps at all. im sure there are plenty of people who wouldnt want you to be gone, and before you can tell yourself otherwise, its true. there are people who care for you, there are. i promise you there are people who would hate to see you gone (again, not sure how much this helps, but i am one of those people).
i dont know if this is possible for you, because i dont fully know your current situation, or if you already have access to these things and im unaware because asks are small and you didnt give me this information, but if youre able please look into seeing a therapist. it could be beneficial to you and give you someone to talk to about these kinds of things aside from a teenage boy on the internet.... my inbox and pms are always open, of course, but it would be much better to go to a professional who can help you work through these feelings you have than just me. if this is something youve tried before and it didnt work, i encourage you to give it another shot, with someone new a fresh mindset. 
its not good to feel this way as im sure you know. its a dark, dark place to be, and i really hope you can pull your way out of it. youve got a whole life ahead of you to live, and no matter how long it takes, i hope it improves and you can find your worth and live life freely. life is like a roller coaster, not the best roller coaster since its kinda slow, but its a roller coaster for sure. roller coasters have their ups and downs, twists and turns, loops and falls, and right now your car is at a low point. at some point its going to go back up, but itll take time. it wont happen over night, it might seem like itll never happen, but ive never been on a roller coaster that never came back up. youll be ok, and everything will be ok. you arent worthless, and you are cared for, and youll be ok.
i wish there was more i could do for you, and i hope none of this came off wrong or preachy in any sense.... if it did, i apologize. i really do hope you feel better soon, anon, and please take care of yourself. you are important. sending you all my love and support through the internet along with a hug because it seems like you need one, and i wish i could give you one. and thank you again for trusting me with that. its hard to talk about those things.
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