#and if u are going to ask do ask politely. i am open to answering i suppose but only if you're real nicey about it.
'if you have to ask who this is about, then the answer is probably yes.'
bent knees and edges -
cocky fingers shoot up
popped punk royalty at its most obtuse
lined my bedroom walls like notebooks, noses
dropping wide lines for my side lines, side kick.
ring up my ears, my fingers, my rowan.
i'm kissing the ring
and the prints of prince charming man posing
well-hung above me,
a liner away
from making dreams come.
- ellie revenge
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lowkeyremi · 6 months
Compatible choso x fem!reader
remi's note: thank u guys again for 1k AHHHHHHH idk where i'd be without your support!! you guys chose choso so here's the 1k special fic!! i am obsessed with the "best friend's older brother trope" yuji is the best friend :3
content: fluff, meeting, yuji doesn't get a break, etc.
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Being one of Yuji's closest friends you've seen his "roommate" as you like to call him, every once in awhile. He would always leave his room to grab something to eat or such whenever you were hanging out with your pink haired friend.
Today you finally had the courage to ask who he was. You and Yuji are sitting very close on his couch, practically cuddling, while watching Inuyasha on Netflix when you suddenly ask, "Hey Yuji, who's that black haired guy who lives with you?"
He doesn't turn his attention away from the tv but instead answers you with, "you know how I told you I have a brother?"
He notices you nodding in his peripheral vision. "Yeah, well that's my older half brother Choso."
"Oh.. I thought he was like your roommate or something." Yuji chuckles, "haha.. technically yeah. I'm crashing with him until I get a place of my own. He doesn't mind though."
This whole time you thought this was Yuji's place, but it does make sense. Yuji's been job-hopping lately. He hasn't had a stable career in seven months.
And speak of the devil, Choso came out of his room without a shirt on, he passes by the two of you on his way to the kitchen then he stops, "Sesshomaru is the best character."
The two brothers argued about this for twenty minutes. Apparently it's a hot take in their house hold. "Inuyasha is obviously better than his older brother!" Yuji yells for the 9th time.
"Sesshomaru is cooler, and has a better understanding of the world. Like me. You only like Inuyasha because you're a younger brother." What he's saying actually does make some sense.
"Yuji, I have to agree with your brother. On top of Sesshomaru being smarter he's also hotter." Yuji looks betrayed in a playful way.
"What?? Oh come on! Not you too. Might as well go hang out with my brother, you traitor." Yuji isn't serious about the offer but Choso makes the offer real.
"I mean, if you're not opposed to it we can hang out? I don't mind joining you two." He's standing closer to the couch now with a mug of tea in his hand.
His shirtless body does something to you, because your mouth hangs open trying to form a response but you close it again not knowing what to say.
"We're good thanks! Go on back to your cave, Batman!" Yuji rolls his eyes trying to get his brother to leave.
"I was asking her, dumbass. Not you." He says getting close enough to kick Yuji and the younger retaliates by trying to block it.
"Um sure, you can hang out with us." You mumble and Yuji whines in defeat.
"Seriously?! I'm your friend not him!!" To your ears it sound like the pink haired boy is jealous.
"Scoot over Yuji. I'll sit in the middle." Choso says with a smirk on his face.
"Nuh-uh! I'm sitting next to [name] you don't even know her like that!!"
That was the first time you'd hung out with Choso Kamo.
That was about four months ago, as of current, you're sitting on Choso's bed waiting for him to grab the snacks you two bought a few hours ago.
When he returns you show him a tiktok that reminds you of him, "Cho, you look like this cat!" Upon seeing the cat he chuckles a little bit, "I do not."
Yuji's started working a night job so you usually hang out with Choso until he gets off of work.
"Thanks for the snacks. I love these ones." He nods politely at you and joins you on his bed. The first time the two of you hung out in his room you were very nervous and sat on his floor as to not invade his privacy. He thought it was so cute how you were acting and invited you up on his bed.
You told him it was a mistake on his behalf because now you make yourself comfortable in his bed any time you come over.
"Do you wanna finish that show we were watching?" You turn to him and catch him staring at you. He quickly turns away and fakes a cough. You've been wondering if your accusations were true.
Yuji tells you that all his brother wants to talk about now is you. Yuji suspects his brother has a crush on you, but when he confronted him the gloomy looking male denied it. Yuji doesn't know that you like Choso.
"Yeah sure, do you wanna, like, cuddle? Platonically, though." You wonder if he's making it clear for you that he doesn't like you or he's just trying to keep you from becoming uncomfortable.
"What if I wanted to cuddle romantically??" You ask with a sudden sprout of bravery.
"Um.. I'd be okay with that, heh." He says shyly, you noticed how his face slightly turned red.
"I like hanging out with you, Cho." You crawl into his lap and he wraps his arms around you. He places his head in the crook of your neck and breathes in deeply.
"I lik- no I love hanging out with you too, [name]."
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junnieverse · 9 months
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➙ synopsis: you had been together with jay for a little over a year now and your parents were constantly on your case asking about this special boyfriend of yours. what you weren't expecting was how much they loved him, dare i say even more than you?
pairing: non idol!jay park x afab!reader
genre: fluff, strangers to lovers au
word count: 1.3k
request: " hiii! can i pls request jay meeting your parents for the first time? i just read your “jay as your bf” one and need more husband material jay!! <3 thank u babes :) "
warnings: not proofread
a/n: thanks for this sweet req anon, I think we can all agree husband material jay is the best there is.
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"I feel sick." you say opening up a window to get some fresh air into the car.
"You're more worried about today than I am love, breathe okay, everything is going to go well." jay tells you as he holds your one hand keeping the other on the steering wheel.
Today was d-day.
You were finally introducing your boyfriend Jay to your parents.
It's not that you didn't want your parents to meet your boyfriend, it's more so worrying because he would be the first guy you'd be formally introducing them to and not knowing how that could go scared you.
Now no man was perfect, you could attest to that, but Jay was sure damn near perfect in every aspect you could possibly imagine.
A dream come true some might even say.
So why were you losing your mind and growing more anxious the closer you got to the restaurant you were supposed to meet them.
"We're here. Don't overthink it, I don't want you going in there stressing yourself. You ready?" jay asks before kissing your forehead and you nod.
Being the first out of the car, he walks over to your side opening the door for you as he takes your hand in his getting out the car approaching the restaurant.
Walking in, you begin scanning the venue and spot your family around a large table conversing.
It was your niece's birthday today and so your sister thought a small intimate family dinner would be nice after the birthday party she had with friends during the day.
This also seemed like the perfect way to introduce your boyfriend to your family and most importantly, your parents.
Looking over to Jay once more, you smoothen out his suit as you adjust his tie, you couldn't believe you got to call this guy your boyfriend.
You clutch onto Jay's hand a little tighter and finally walk to the table and your six year old niece was the first to notice you both.
"Aunt (y/n)!" she screams excitedly as she ran over to you jumping into your arms.
"Hi sweetie, happy birthday." you tell her hugging her tightly.
"Thank you." she sweetly says still holding on to you not paying any mind to Jay solely focusing on you.
"Good evening everyone. I hope you don't mind, but I brought a very special date with me today." you say nervously as Jay politely bows before out stretching his hand to shake everyone's.
"I'm Jay Park. (Y/n)'s boyfriend." he formally introduces himself as your dad chokes on the glass of water he was drinking.
Since the formalities were now settled, the table seemed to have turned into an investigation room.
Your sister didn't really have much to say since she had already heard about Jay from you (he was all you spoke about) and she could tell how happy he made you and that was enough to approve of him in her books.
Your parents were nailing the poor guy with all these questions but Jay assured you that this was nothing and it was a 'rite of passage' to be questioned by their significant other's parents.
He made sure he answered all their questions to the best of his ability and he was seemingly doing well and they were all impressed.
"So when did you two meet?" your mom asks looking between the two of you.
"It was about a year ago. We have the same mutual friend and he thought we both had personalities that could really match and we would get along and decided to set us up during a group hang out." jay tells them smiling over at you.
It felt like all your worries were washing away with each question, all of them were answered impeccably and you should've known Jay would've handled this incredibly.
"So any plans after getting your degree?" your dad asks him.
"I want to go into culinary full time, I'm already working towards opening up my own restaurant one day and hopefully I can also get your blessing to marry your daughter around that time in the future too." he confidently says which seems to have left the entire table in shock, including you.
Marriage was a topic you and Jay had lightly went over in the past but hearing him say this for the first time made butterflies erupt in your stomach.
He was slowly but surely winning over your parents.
Your niece on the other hand may need a bit more convincing.
She moved from the seat beside her mom and forcefully sat between you and Jay because she wanted to 'sit next to her favourite person' (her mom was holding back tears at this point).
"Aunt (y/n), I think this man is stealing you away from me." she whispers in your ear pouting as she picked at her food.
"Oh no sweetie, my boyfriend Jay is a great person. Maybe if you talk to him a bit more you'll see how funny and cool he is and why I think you'll like him too." you laugh softly brushing a hair out of her face as she hesitantly nods.
"I love your daughter sir. She has definitely shown me a different perspective to life that I didn't notice before and now I can't imagine any part of my life without her." you overhear Jay say to your dad as he nods with his pokerface on display but you could see the corners of his lips curling into a small smile.
By the end of the night, it felt as if Jay was part of the family and he had known everyone for years now.
Taking in the sight of him with your niece almost brought tears to your eyes too.
Her little hand was holding onto his pinky as she told him about how she wanted to be a rockstar when she grows up after Jay told her he could play the guitar.
This all felt like the perfect way to end the night.
"Oh honey, why didn't you introduce us to Jay sooner, he's amazing." your mother lighty hits your arm before squeezing you in a tight hug.
"I'm just glad you didn't bring around some druggie kid angel." your dad says leaving a kiss on your forehead before hugging you as well.
"I didn't know how either of you would react or how this relationship would go so I didn't didn't to introduce him too early." you tell them looking down.
"If you break up I'm coming for you, not him. He is so in love with you that he might as well tattoo it across his forehead." your sister chimes in watching her daughter still with Jay as she laughed at a joke he made.
"Don't say it too loud, he might actually hear you and do it. And I do not plan on breaking up, I can't lose Jay." you jokingly say before adding in that last part.
Meeting your family went way better than you had expected and all that relief seeped in as you sat in Jay's car after saying goodbye to your family.
"See I told you everything would go well." jay says and you only nod accepting defeat that you stressed over nothing and that Jay was right.
"Hate to say it but I think they like you more than me. You're their future son in law in their eyes now." you admit feeling betrayed by your own family.
"Well I'm just glad that they like me. They have to since I'm in love with their daughter." he says.
He holds onto your hand kissing the back of your palm and you felt yourself falling in love with Jay all over again.
"Thank you." you say to him giving him a tight hug over the seat as he hugs you back rubbing your back gently.
"For what love?" he asks chuckling at your sudden behaviour.
"Everything really. I just appreciate you." you admit letting out a sigh.
"Well I appreciate you too. How about we go home now and have a movie marathon date, I'll make you whatever you want." he suggests and you laugh softly.
"How can I not marry you when you're this amazing, husband material at its finest. You better put a ring on it Jongseong."
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totheblood · 1 year
superposition. (five)
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pairing: dealer!ellie x best friend!reader
summary: ellie goes to bloomingdales and gets a little brown bag, and you come over
warnings: 18+ sm*t! cursing, drug/alcohol mention and use, ch
a/n: this is not proofread! i am writing this on like six benadryl.. so don't hate me.. ok I love u and I am happy I wrote this also reblogs, asks, and replies are so appreciated and encouraged! thank u kisses
wc: 3.4k
masterlist for previous chapters
"no matter what we do, i'll be there with you."
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Ellie was over this.
Sooo over this, she told herself as she found herself trailing behind Dina in a Bloomingdales, stopping at the Tom Ford counter to smell your perfume. Hands tucked in pockets as she glanced up at the sales associate that eyed her, a polite but forced smile on her face. In her blue and white flannel, Ellie was sure she wasn’t the target demographic. 
“Are you looking for anything specific?” Her voice was sing-songy and Ellie was internally cringing at how she knew this was going to go. 
“I’m uh-- looking for a scent,” Ellie awkwardly spat out. Obviously, she was looking for a perfume… at the goddamn perfume counter.  “It’s um… sweet… or fruity.”
“Does it smell like a specific fruit by any chance?” The lady asked, it looked like she was in pain behind her smile. Ellie was sure she was just projecting.  Her own nose scrunched up, indicating she didn’t know the answer to the question. 
“I don’t know… it’s um…” Ellie looked around as if she was searching for the answer, “Maybe it’s lemon? I don’t know… it’s for my girlfriend. It’s in a white bottle with a gold label.” Ellie knew you weren’t her girlfriend, she wasn’t even sure if you were friends anymore but it couldn’t hurt to pretend. 
“Oh, Soleil Blanc!” She practically yelled, picking up the bottle in front of her and spraying a bit of it onto a testing strip. She handed the flimsy paper to Ellie and Ellie had to mentally prepare herself before smelling it. Ellie brought it up to her nose and took a deep breath in, eyes fluttering closed as she did. If she closed them for long enough she could imagine you here, and instead of the annoying sales lady, there would be you. You would probably be smelling every perfume imaginable and holding tightly onto Ellie’s arm, but when Ellie opened her eyes you weren’t there. There was just the annoying sales lady and her. 
“Is that what you were looking for?” She asked, fake smile still on her face. 
“Um… yeah…” Ellie smiled as politely as she could, but she could feel herself shaking. It was almost as if she was on the verge of a panic attack but never really crossed the threshold. She never really flipped out or cried, she just shook for a bit and moved on. “I’ll take it. How much is it?”
“It’s only 295 dollars.” The sales lady said with a straight face as Ellie practically choked on her spit. How the fuck did you afford this? And why was this bitch saying ‘only’ as if that wasn’t an absurd amount of mone-
“Yeah, I’ll take it,” Ellie pursed her lips as she handed over her card. If she was being completely honest she had almost too much money and nothing to spend it on. And if she was being brutally honest with herself, the 295 was worth it right now. She didn’t want to admit it, but she needed you right now, and Tom Ford had your scent bottled up. 
“Your girlfriend is a lucky lady,” She laughed as she rang Ellie up, putting it in a gift bag without asking Ellie if she wanted it wrapped in the first place.
“I’m the lucky one,” Ellie said instinctively. She was already playing the role, so she might as well commit to the bit. Ellie had honestly never been a girlfriend, so she didn’t know if she was doing it right, but she assumed this was how it went. 
Apart from her domestic fantasies about you, she hadn’t really thought about being in a relationship. The idea made her sick to her stomach, but now she didn’t know if it was because she couldn’t imagine being with anyone but you or if her fear of commitment was out to get her. 
She wasn’t a complete idiot when it came to relationships though. She had dated this one girl her sophomore year in high school which abruptly ended when the girl's father found out about them. Ellie was sad about it for maybe a week but moved on when she found something else to fill her ever-running mind. 
Ellie wanted to be your first girlfriend, that much she knew, but that dream had taken a quick and bitter ending. Her face soured at the idea that she would never get that opportunity. She could never call you her high school sweetheart or any straight and corny crap she could think of. The sickly sweet dream was now something rotten. She was buying your perfume for fucksake. 
“Aw, that’s so sweet,” She smiled again, tucking the receipt into the bag and handing it over to Ellie, “Have a good day!”
Ellie found Dina looking through clothing racks somewhere in the back, approaching her and leaning up against the wall, knowing they would be there for some time. Dina had to do a double take when she saw the little brown bag in Ellie’s hand.
“What did you buy?” She breathed out a laugh before turning back to the racks and holding up what looked like a leather jacket. 
“Nothing,” Ellie sighed, rolling her eyes. She flexed her feet, looking down at them, anything to avoid eye contact right now.
“Why are you being weird?” Dina asked, deciding to put the jacket back and continue looking through the mixed clothes, “Like what did you buy at Bloomingdales that you don’t want me to know about?”
“It’s just..” Another puff of air from Ellie’s lips, “It’s a perfume. I just spent a ridiculous amount of money on it and I don’t want you to make fun of me for it.” It was a half-lie.
“What perfume?” Dina looked at her temporarily, causing Ellie to shift uncomfortably, but she quickly turned to another rack of clothes. 
“It’s this one from Tom Ford…” Dina stopped in her tracks as Ellie spoke, “Called Soleil Blanc or whatever.”
Dina was frozen for a moment before she turned to Ellie, her hand on her hip and face serious. 
“You bought her perfume?” Dina’s voice was sharp. She didn’t really know what was happening between the two of you but she knew that you hadn’t talked in a while and Ellie was barely leaving her apartment. It didn’t take a genius to complete the dots, but if it did Dina would still qualify. 
“I-I,” Ellie stuttered out, green eyes wide as she looked around, “No, it’s not for her. I-It’s for me. I like the scent. It’s nice.”
“You’re so full of shit, Ellie.”
“I’m not.”
“You fucking are,” Dina rolled her eyes as she started heading towards the door, Ellie hot on her trail, “You’re probably going to spray your pillow and hump it while you pretend it’s her.” Not a bad idea, Ellie thought. 
“I’m not!” Ellie followed her as her footsteps picked up, “It’s just a nice scent, and I like it. It’s not weird… I’m not a creep or anything, okay? The scent soothes me.”
“Yeah, cause she’s your fucking pacifier!” Dina whisper yelled as they approached the car, “She’s been your pacifier since junior year.”
“My pacifier? The fuck does that mean?” Ellie swung her door open, got in the passenger seat and buckled herself in.
“It means you practically rely on her to remain calm,” Dina explained, hopping in the car and breathing out a laugh as she shook her head, “I used to think it was just a weird friendship thing but I’m starting to believe you’re actually in love with her.”
The air in the car changed for a moment as Ellie stared blankly at Dina. She didn’t know what to say. Any claim that she wasn’t in love with you would come out in a stuttered mess and admitting to someone else that she was in love with you was something she didn’t feel like doing today. 
“Oh my fucking god,” Dina sighed, rubbing her face with the palms of her hands, “You’re fucking in love with her.”
“Yeah,” was all Ellie said as she leaned back in her seat and let Dina drive her home.
She didn’t want to think about it anymore. That night when she got home and got out of the shower, skin still damp and hair still wet, she soaked herself in the perfume, put on ‘The Office’, and ate a frozen pizza. This was pathetic, all of it. The pining, the wallowing, the perfume. She fell asleep after pitying herself for a while, the day finally getting to her. 
She was woken up by loud knocks on her door, jolting her awake. She was honestly pissed as she stumbled over to the door wiping the sleep from her eyes. She opened the door without thinking, the possibility of someone bursting through the door only to murder her sounding more than tempting right now, but when she opened the door she was met with your face. 
Your bare face, tired eyes, and tied-back hair. No smile on your face, but your eyes had the creases in them that they had when you did. You were in your pajamas, like you had decided on a whim to come over here. Wait, why were you here?
“Uh,” Ellie said awkwardly, shifting to lean against her door frame as she looked at you.
“Can I come in?” you asked.
“Ellie, let me in,” and she had already moved to the side, allowing you to slip past her as she closed and locked her door. Someone could murder her, but if you were here the door was staying closed. 
“Why are you here?” Ellie sighed, rubbing her face with one hand, voice raspy and deep from sleep.
“I…” You took a deep breath and steadied yourself, “Are.. are you wearing my perfume?” Ellie’s eyes widened as she shifted uncomfortably.
“What? No,” Ellie quickly defended, “Just tell me why you’re here before I kick you out.”
“I just was thinking about what you said to me at the gala,” you began, “I can’t get it out of my head, I can’t get you out of my head.” Ellie’s heart was already racing at this. Pathetic. 
“So?” you repeated back to her, “Stop being a bitch, Ellie. You got to confess now it’s my turn. Don’t ruin it.” That shut Ellie up real fast. 
“I just didn’t know why it wasn’t the same with… her,” you looked down at her feet, fluffy socks covering them. Cute, “I just didn’t understand it, but I think it’s love… or love adjacent,” you sighed, “Fuck, I don’t know.”
“What about your girlfriend?” Ellie reminded you.
“She’s not my girlfriend anymore, it’s not completely over but we aren’t dating.”
“Not completely over? What the fuck does that mean?” Ellie knew she sounded like a bitch but she couldn’t help herself, all of it was too confusing. 
“I don’t know, Ellie! I don’t know what any of this means, I didn’t know what it was like to be with someone else until you kissed me. This was your bright idea and it,” you took a long deep breath, rolling your eyes, “and it was a fucking dumb one. I already liked you at that point and it confused me, okay? I mean, what the fuck was that? You were going to fuck me to ‘teach me’, I mean?”
“And stop with that shit! My fucking pet name? Seriously? This isn’t normal, this wasn’t normal and now you’re acting like I did something wrong by dating someone, who you helped me date? I didn’t know what was even happening until you were telling me you liked me days after she asked me to be her girlfriend!”
“Did you come here to yell at me?” Ellie said calmly. It was only making you more angry.
“I came here to tell you I liked you and you’re being an asshole so I get to yell at you!” You huffed, your nostrils flared and your hand had found its way to your hip. Ellie hated how much she was attracted to you at this exact moment. 
“I’m not being an asshole, I just don’t know what you want me to do,” She pinched the bridge of her nose, looking you up and down, “You’re still seeing her, and I’m done sharing you.”
“I won’t see her anymore.”
“Are you serious?” She laughed.
“Dead fucking serious,” you scrambled to pull out your phone, “I’ll block her number right now.”
“You don’t have t-”
“I will.”
“Cause I want you,” you sounded exhausted like you had said this a thousand times before, “And no matter how hard I try no one will ever be you and I’m tired of acting like this isn’t what I want. Like you aren’t who I want.”
Ellie licked her lip, pulling her bottom lip in between her teeth as she rubbed at her chin. She was acting like she was thinking, but she had already made up her mind. She wanted you. 
Ellie didn’t have it in her to be upset with you anymore as she saw the genuine desperation in your eyes. She wanted to kiss the worried look off your face, nip at your skin as she told you it was okay, that you were forgiven. She wanted to do that but instead, she walked over to you, closing the distance between the two of you.
"You better not be fucking with me," she warned, her voice coming out in a whisper, as her eyes flicked down to your lips.
You shook your head, your own eyes looking down at her lips as you stepped closer, "I'm not. I promise."
Ellie didn’t want to wait any longer. Without another word, she grabbed you by your hips, pulling at you but ultimately balling the material of your sweatshirt in her hands. She pulled you into her, pressing her lips to yours, slow and sweet. Like always, her eyes fluttered closed, as she felt you loosen up in her grip. Your own hand reached up to grab at her arms. You were just as touch-starved and desperate as her. The taste of your lips was making her dizzy, a mixture of sweetness and desire that made her head spin. She could feel the heat radiating between you, coming off you in waves. It smelled like lemon. 
Her hands roamed over your body, grabbing at anything she could. Your ass, thighs, tits. They were all hers. She could feel herself growing wet as you stuck your tongue in her mouth and was only met with a moan. All she could taste was mint and all she could smell was lemon and she was certain she was going to pass out. 
With a sudden surge of urgency, Ellie pushed you against her kitchen table, helping you sit on it as she pushed her unopened mail to the side. She pulled away for a moment to look at you. You looked so pretty with swollen lips, tip of your nose slightly red from her own brushing against yours. 
“You’re so fucking pretty, Petal,” she pushed a stray hair out of your face smiling as she gently kissed your lips. It was short and sweet and made your heart race. The initial thrill was gone and you were left with heavy breathing and an intimate stare. Her hands dipped into the waistband of your sweatpants, pulling at them gently, “Can I take these off for you?” 
She smiled and kissed you again as you nodded. She pulled them down and let them fall to the floor, leaning down to press a kiss to your thigh, making you shiver. You weren’t wearing anything special, just some grey briefs that betrayed you by showing the damp spot between your legs. 
“Sit back for me,” Ellie instructed, moving you backward so you could put the soles of your feet on the table. You did as you were told, leaning up on your elbows to get a good look at her. Ellie pulled a chair up, sitting in front of you. Her hand grabbed at your ankle, rubbing the skin as she leaned forward to lick you through your underwear. The sudden contact made you gasp and close your eyes. She looked up at you and smiled, before licking again, and closing her mouth around your clothed clit and sucking gently. 
All of her movement was excruciatingly slow as she pulled at the hem of your underwear, dragging them up and over your legs and throwing them to the side. This wasn’t the first time she saw you like this, but every time she did she felt her own clit aching. She leaned down again and slowly licked up your cunt, from your entrance to clit, sucking again as she flicked her tongue against you. As she did this her own hand traveled lower, sticking into the waistband of her pants and circling her clit. It didn’t help that you were whimpering beneath her, words that sounded like her name coming from your mouth. 
She wasn’t being vocal this time, though. She was focusing solely on you and how her own pleasure was growing.  
You moaned out loud this time as she slid two fingers inside you, her fingers curling upwards as she did so. Ellie's touch was both gentle and demanding, her fingers brushing a sensitive spot inside you, causing you to gasp out again. The rhythm of her movements never sped up, they were slow and calculated and she had only pumped her fingers in and out of you a few times before she was pulling them out and licking them clean.
Ellie stood up and guided you to the edge of the table, pulling one of your legs off the table and leaving one firmly planted on the table.
“You’re okay?” She checked in momentarily, placing her hands on your hips as you sat up. 
“More than okay,” you smiled leaning forward to kiss her again. She groaned into the kiss and took a step back, stripping her pants from her body and pulling off her underwear, and throwing it into the pile where yours was. You decided to be bold and reach forward to circle her clit with your fingers, causing her to groan, throw her head back, and grip at the edge of the table. 
“Fuck,” she cursed out, grinding into your touch almost forgetting her plans. Almost. She grabbed at your wrist stopping you, and pulling your hand off of her. 
“Was that not,” you mumbled out, “was that not good?”
“No, shit…” Ellie cursed under her breath, “It was too good. I just.. I had other plans, okay?”
“Okay,” you smiled, still unsure of yourself.
Ellie lifted one of her legs onto the table, so her cunt was positioned right on top of yours. Her gaze locked with yours as she slowly ground her hips into you, earning a loud gasp from you as you grabbed onto her, your own juices mixing with hers. You could tell how wet she was which only egged you on, making your eyes roll back into your head as she ground faster into you, her own breathing heavy and shallow. She was panting as she gripped onto your thigh, nails leaving marks there. Her other hand reached up to reach the back of your neck as she sped up once again.
“Came back to me just for this…” She breathed out, “She couldn’t make you cum… She could never make you look like this.”
As both of your moans grew louder, Ellie’s grip only tightened on you, the phrase “you’re mine” falling from her lips multiple times. The pleasure and pressure was overwhelming, a deep knot in your stomach was begging to come undone.
“Ellie, I’m going to-”
“Cum,” she demanded as her movements sped up and became more sloppy. She was about burst. As your moans grew louder and faster, and she could tell you were about to cum, she pressed her lips to yours, moaning as her hand that was gripping your thigh rested on your table. You came as she kissed you. 
She pulled away, her leg falling from the table as she leaned against the table, both of her hands gripping the edge. She didn’t want to look up at you, scared that you would have decided by now that you wanted to leave her. Reluctantly she looked up at your sweaty face to see you smiling at her, toothy grin and all making her smile back. 
“Oh, you soooo have a crush on me,” you teased.
“Oh, shut up. So do you.”
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itsruki · 2 months
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Corruped by the grim reaper
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Dom!Older!Hanma x Sub!Innocent!Younger!reader
a/n: so uhm.....I finally did it.....friends I am not sure if I like it...BUT I TRIED
synopsis: Hanma is in a relationship with Y/N, who is an innocent Model Student. He is older and takes advantage of her inexperience
Trigger warnings: afab-reader , mentions of unprotected sex, fingering, Oral M/F, older person taking advantage of younger person, mating press, petnames: Doll, Doll Face, Baby Doll, Princess, Baby
word count: 3601
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You knew Hanma was bad news. You are aware. A part of you wishes for you to rub off on him and become a functioning member of society; the other part loves how deranged he is. He was almost double your age. With your tender 18 years, he really shouldn't be with you. Sometimes you question why? Even though you know the answer: You are untouched. You are untainted. An innocent angel, for him to corrupt. You are the picture-perfect girl. Rich parents, youngest daughter, top of her class, honor students, a full scholarship already waiting for you, head of the whole student body. You are the shining image of a model person, and that's what he wants to break. He wants to ruin you. 
He was a patient man. He didn't need to rush it. Not only that, but he knew you would fall for him and become his little play thing. "Open your window, doll." he texted you at 2 a.m. He knew you were up all night studying. You stood up and opened your window, just to see him waiting in front of it. "Shu, why are you here?" you told him you would be busy for the day, so you pouted a little as you were looking at him. He climbed into the room through the window and stretched. "Is a man not allowed to come see his girlfriend~?" that made you blush. He knew what he would have to say to wrap you around his finger. "I-I told you, though, I'm studying!" you responded. He is just so distracting.
You didn't even know how you two ended up dating. You met him at a club. It was your first night going out since you just turned 18. Your best friend has pestered you about going for weeks until you finally budged. While being there, she ditched you to dance with a guy. You were trying to just sit by the bar and wait for a while, hoping she might come back. A little later, a man approached you. First, he just asked you if you would want a drink, which you declined politely. After that, the man became more and more agitated, until he tried to grab you by the arm and drag you away. That's when Hanma showed up. He grabbed him by the back of his neck while asking "I see, someone wants to play a game~♡" The man looked at him in shock. It was almost as if he knew who Hanma was. Hanma had this charming yet somehow threatening smile. It felt as if he was enjoying the encounter, as if he liked picking a fight. The man apologized profusely before leaving the scene. You bowed down and said "Thank you for your help, Sir" Something in his eyes sparked. "You are quite the polite one, doll~♡" you blushed, and his smirk grew. He was defenrly older, you could tell. "Would you mind if I sit next to you, doll~?" You shook your head and gestured for him to sit. After he sat, he smirked at you and began a conversation. "So, you seem like quite the young lady~. Are you even old enough to be here~?" Again, you blushed. You looked at your hands that are on the counter of the bar and nodded "uhm, I'm 18." he giggled, and God, his giggling was so hot. It was this....dark and raspy sound... "so you are a full blown adult now, huh~? You have to be careful, little lamb or a wolf will come and try to eat you up~♡" It didn't sound like a warning....more like a threat...or a promise. "T-thank you for your concern Sir." you stuttered. Again he chuckled "Dont call me that. It makes me feel old! My name is Hanma. Shuji Hanma....and yours, doll~?" he tilted his head and gave you a taunting half smile. "U-uhm.... Y-Y/N L/N" He makes a long hmmm sound as a response "I like doll more....you wouldn't mind me calling you that, right doll~?" It was less of a question and more of a statement, as if he had already made up his mind about that. "Do you have a boyfriend, dollface~?" you shook your head "No. No, I do not." he chuckled again, this time darker. A shiver running down your spine. "Well, isn't that my lucky day~?"
After that night, you and Hanma started to see each other regularly. A couple of months later, you two became a couple. At first, the large age difference really bothered you, but at this point, you don't care anymore. You keep it a secret from your parents, but that's only to not worry them. They want you to focus on your academics.
So far, nothing physical has happened between you two. He stole some kisses from you and touched your hip here and there, but it seemed like he was trying to be respectful. He is 27 after all. He wouldn't want to take advantage of you.........right?
He dropped himself on your bed and yawned.  "I won't stop you from studying, doll~. I just came to see my girl~. Go on; I will be completely quiet~." You gave him a skeptical look, but he just gave you a juvenile smirk. You walked back to your desk and began to work on your studies. The whole time, you felt his eyes lingering on you. It made focusing so unbearably hard. You felt your blood rush into your core as you desperately tried to distract yourself with the global economic impact of the French Revolution.
While stuck in your not-so-pure thoughts, you felt his hands on your shoulders and stiffened up. He chuckled, "You seem tense~. Care for a massage, doll~?" you blushed and slowly nodded. He began to massage your shoulders. His strong hands were just the right amount of firm. In the corner of your eye, you see his tattoos on his hands: "Sin" and "punishment". Your brain wandered again....asking yourself what it felt like around your neck. You shook your head to throw out that thought, but then you heard his voice, right behind your ear, "´something bothering you, doll~?" A shiver ran down your spine as a small gasp escaped your mouth. "N-no. . I....I'm okay." He was so close that you could smell his scent. It's a mixture of cologne and his natural smell. It's deep, earthy and manly....your breathing becomes more and more deep. You try to center yourself. Your body is working against you. Hanma turned the chair around and looked into your eyes. He was towering over your tiny body. "I think it's time for a break, doll~. How about we give you a proper massage~?♡" he gave you a mischievous grin, and you blushed some more "W-what do you mean?" he chuckled. "I mean, you should undress and lay on the bed, so I can help you relax, doll face~" your face turned darker "U-u-undress?!" you almost shouted before realizing what time it is and keeping it down. "Don't worry, doll face~. I will really only massage you~. You know how I always say, I will only go further if you ask me, yourself~" That was true. Hanma always told you that. You have to explicitly ask for his affection. Kisses included. You gave it some thought before you nodded. "B-but you have to turn around until I lay on my bed!" he chuckled again. He finds it incredibly attractive how shy you were.
He turns to the wall as you slowly take off your PJ shorts and your shirt. You revealed a simple white bra with a little lace and a few ribbons. It encapsulated so well, what kind of a timid, innocent angel you are. He would obviously sneak some glances at you, unknown to you, of course. You turned around, seeing he was still facing away, before slowly unhooking your bra. Then you walked over to your bed and layed down on your stomach. "D-done." you whispered, and you heard a chuckle as a response. He walked over and climbed on top of you, kneeling only a little lower than your ass. He would only grace your back with the tip of his fingers first, causing your body to respond with goosebumps. "Do you want to start, doll~?" You blushed and then nodded. He chuckled as a respons "use your words, beautiful~" You cleared your throat before answering "y-yes...we can begin..." First, he resumed to firmly massage your neck and shoulders. You gave out some moans, it looked like you were actually pretty tensed up. Then his hands slowly lowered over your back. "Your skin is so smooth, doll~. Makes me want to just eat you up~.♡" You blushed but kept your face buried in your pillow. As he went over your back, he also massaged the sides of it, almost accidentally touching the sides of your breasts as well. A small whimper was escaping your mouth. He doesn't comment on it, and somehow it made you hope that he didn't notice. His hands go lower, just above your ass. He  rubs and massages your lower back for a while before going lower. You began to tremble and he noticed that. "Don't worry, doll~. This is all part of the massage~. I just want to make you feel good~.♡" You tried to stay calm as he began to fondle and massage your ass. He is rough with it. You couldn't help but moan. You tried your hardest to muffle it. You heard his chuckle. He moves his hands even lower, begging to knead your thighs. His hands were dangerously close to your clothed folds. His hands grabbed and fondled your thighs, up and down. Your panties soaked through more and more.
"Turn around now, doll~. It's time to massage your front~." you turned around, an arm over your face to cover how red you were. "You are so cute, doll~. I love when you get all shy on me~." he began with your collarbone. You saw his hand tattoos on your body now. He took his sweet time to touch your chest, not actually massaging your boobs. Your nippels were perky and hard, and at that point, your mental fortitude was almost completely gone. He leaned forwards and whispered into your ear "Do you want me to massage you everywhere~?♡" and all you could do was nod. "Words doll~. Use your words~." you shivered "y-yea~ please~" he chuckled dark before his hands cupped your breasts. He began with gentle fondling. "So soft, so perfect~ just the way I like'm, doll face~.♡ " his fingers circled your nippels. Making them hard and visible. "They look so tasty, baby-doll~. Can I have a taste~?♡"  you squirmed under his words and nodded as you could only answer with a breathy "y-yes...." his head leaning down as he began to lick and kiss your collarbone and then slowly moving further down. Before he sucked on your pointy nipples, he circled his tongue around them a few times. He started with the left one. He took his sweet time before finally wrapping his lips around it and sucking on it with the hunger of a starving man. Meanwhile, his right hand would work on your other breast. Your breathing picked up as you threw your head back and moan out "Shuji~!" he looked up and let go of your nippel for a moment "keep your voice down, doll~ we wouldn´t want your parents to interupped our little fun time; would we~?" Shuji pressed his face between your tits "fuck....I love your tits so much, doll~. I could die sucking on them and be happy~." he went and began to suck on the right nippel. Your hand found your mouth and covered it to muffle your moans. One of his hands slowly moved down your body and you felt it on your abdomen. He looked up again, his eyes dangerous, like a predetor; ready to devour his prey. "Do you want me to make you feel good, princess~?♡" you blushed. He had you wrapped around his finger. You nodded and just said one word. "Yes."
His hands slid down your body before finding the waistband of your panties. He pulled them down your legs and held them in his hand. He gave your panties a nice and deep wiff "hmm~ I can smell how fucking wet you are for me, princess~.♡" which made you whine. He spread your legs and looked down on your pussy. "Prettiest fucking pussy, I've ever seen~.♡'' He used his index and middle finger to rub over your lips and you moaned and bucked your hips into him. He used his other hand to hold your hips locked onto the mattress. "Stay put, doll~. Let me do my magic~.♡" his fingers coated themselves with your pussy juices while he drew circles around your clit "so fucking wet for me, baby doll~. Looking so fucking tasty~.♡" he said, moving his head closer to your pussy to get a better look. Then he slowly pushes his index finger into your folds. You threw your head back one more time as you moaned out his name into your hand. Tears build in the corners of your eyes. He looked up and smirked "so sensitive, doll? I barely started~.♡" he slowly began to pump his index finger in and out of your tight pussy. "Fuck, baby~, you are so fucking tight~.♡ we will need a lot of prep before i can fit in there~.♡" you barely could make out what he meant as your head was high in the clouds. His middle finger found its way inside of you as well. You put yourself up on your elbows to watch his fingers sink into you. He licked his lips before rubbing more cycles around your clit with his thumb. You bit your lip to not make too much noise. He picked up his pace, which caused your breathing to be faster as well. Your eyes widened as you felt something in your body to happen. "Ahh~ S-Sh-Shu! So-something...is happening!" he grins as he places his hand on your bladder and presses down while he curves his fingers inside of you upwards. You eyes widened as you slapped both of your hands on your lips to control the moans and shouts that come out of your mouth as your body began to uncontrollably twitch. "Im-im gonna pee, Shu! Stop im gonna pee!" but he didn't stop "Let it out, baby. Just let it happen, baby doll~.♡" and with one final pump of his fingers, your body began to spasm and you came all over his hand. You squirted for the first time. "Good job, doll~. I knew you were a squirter~.♡" you panted. Tears running down your face, and your cheeks flushed red. He loved how you already looked so fucked out, eventhough if he hasn't actually fucked you yet.
He leaned down, using his hands to open your pussylips for him. "Itadakimasu~.♡" You were still too out of it to realize what he was doing until you felt his tongue licking up all the juices you just produced. Your eyes widened as you bucked your hips into his face, one of your hands in his hair, the other still on your mouth. He eats you out like a hunger-stricken man as his nose keeps rubbing against your clit. You could only babble incomprehensible nonsense. His tongue reached deep, and your knees were weak. One of his hands moved back to your clit while the other remained, pressing down on your bladder. Your body felt the next orgasm already approaching as you bit down on your tongue as both hands grab his head, pressing him further into you. "Shuu!" You moaned out his name as you came into his mouth. He licked it all clean. Then he looked up to you. Your hair was messy, your face was red, and more and more tears running down your cheeks. "Was that good, doll~?♡" No answer; you were unable to make a singular sentence.
You barely noticed him getting up. He took off his shirt, then unbuckled his belt and unzipped his pants. When his pants hit the floor, you saw see his massive bulge. He was hard, and he was large. Your eyes widened, and you gulped. He smirked at your reaction. He then slowly pulled down his boxers. His cock was springing free. It's so pretty. It's long and girthy. Furthermore, it was veiny and had a cute pink tip. The tip is covered in precum, which he spreaded over his cock with a few pumps. "Come here, doll~. I want you to make me feel good too~.♡" almost like hypnotized, you climbed off your bed and kneeled in front of him. His left hand found its way in your hair. "No teeth, baby-doll~. Now open up for me~." You did as told and opened your lips. He guided your lips around his cock. You could only take half of him before you started gagging. "This won't do, doll~. We will have to try harder~. I know you can take it all~.♡'' His grip on your hair tightens as he pushes your head further. Your tears became more and more. "Shhhh, relax and breathe through your nose, doll~. You can do it~.♡" you tried to do as he said and it made it a little easier. Once your nose hit his abdomen, you just tried to steady your breathing. You felt how hard it was to breathe until he pulled back and you coughed. "Good girl~. Sucking my cock, already, like a pro ~.♡" he pushed you back onto his cock and began to thrust his cock into your mouth, fucking your pretty lips. "Fuck. So fucking good~." he fucked your mouth for a few minutes until he pulled out and pulled you up.
He kissed your lips before pushing you into bed. He spread your legs and you watched him spit in his hand before spreading it over his cock with some pumps. Then he placed the tip on your folds and rubbed up and down your lips. You couldn't help but moan. This time his hand found its way on your mouth "shhhh, baby-doll~. You have done so well so far~. Now let Daddy make you feel good~." Your eyes twitched when he called himself that. Once his cock was coated with your juices, he pushed in. A sharp pain hit your body as you began to wince and cry. He slowly kept pushing in as he leaned over you. "I know baby~. It will only hurt for a moment~. But you are daddy's big girl~, right? You can do it~...fuck....hmmmfff... you are so tight, princess~.♡" Once he bottomed out, he waited for a moment. He just looked at your face. You closed your eyes and tried to breathe carefully. He removed his hand and replaced it with his lips, kissing you passionately. He slid his tongue past your lips and began to dance with yours. His hand was going back to your clit, drawing circles around it. He begins to slowly move his hips. You moan into the kiss but he didn't let go. Instead, he picked up the pace. He can see that the pain seems to have left you. Instead, it's pure ecstasy. His cock was large and slightly curved upwards, so it hit all the right spots. Your hands clawed into your bedsheets as he fucked into your tight pussy. He pulled the kiss back as he repositioned your legs on his shoulders. He pressed down and had you in the mating press now. Your eyes widened as he hit even deeper now. Your brain was completely empty as he bullied his way through your pussy and against your cervix. "Do you like that, baby doll~?♡ having me fucking your little virgin pussy while your parents sleep in the room next to us~? You love the thought of them hearing, right~? Fuck, you are squeezing down on me, baby doll~. I can feel you clenching on me~. What a naughty girl~. I'm going to ruin this pussy~. I will mold it just for me~.♡" He gave your ass a firm slap, which made you whimper. You felt the climax approaching. "You're going to cum soon, doll~? You're going to make a mess on Daddy's cock~? Do it, baby doll~. Do it~!♡" and with that, you creamed all over his cock. He kept fucking into you for a while before he chanted one thing, "Fuck!" until he shot his thick ropes of cum into your pussy. You felt him filling you up. Your brain is completely muddled up. You only knew one thing.....you could never live without this feeling anymore. 
He pulled out and laid next to you on the bed. He leaned out of bed, grabbed his pants and pulled out a pack of cigarettes. He lit it and began to smoke before pulling you to his chest on your hips. "What a good Job, doll~. You fuck like a pro~. I can't wait to ruin you some more~. You're all mine~. Nobody else will have you, you hear me?~" you nodded. "No, baby~. Use your words and tell me that you're mine~." You were still panting as you tried to collect a sentence "only yours, Shu…" He chuckled. "Who do you belong to, doll~?" He stared into your eyes, and you stared back, "You, daddy!" His eyes sparked with joy. That's all he needed to hear....you are now his toy.
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@umalovesyoux @sleeplessreader12 @animeangel21 @kariatenoh @bakuhoethotski @sanzuspwncess @sanzusbaby @hanmastattoos
©itsruki reblogs and likes are very appreciated! pls do not repost!!
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Hi hi request time
Optimus x reader
The reader is a librarian and works at the local library. There she met a guy named Orion( optimus in holo form as a secret experiment of dwelling among humans) and often talked to him about things. She is also a part of team prime and has a huge crush on Optimus but never approaches him for obvious reasons. So she confines with Orion about her feelings for optimus and makes him aware of her feelings for which he feels guilty and starts to see her in a different light
Now comes another guy into the picture
I want u to make Optimus jealous as hell enough to make him confess his feelings with a passionate kiss which will cause her to faint in his arms.
Ps: make him panic as she faints in his arms and later being chewed out by Rachet as it seems he has broken her by that kiss
Optimus was unsure where to go in the human town. He'd driven through a few times, but now that he was of the appropriate size to enter buildings, he didn't know which one to go to. There were just so many and he didn't want to get it wrong.
Perhaps it was luck or fate, but he found his way to a large building with a sign posted above labeling it saying 'Public Library'. He may not know a lot about human things, but he at least knows what a library is. He also knows someone who works there.
He entered and instantly saw you sitting at the desk. Your familiar face instantly soothed his unease about being in unfamiliar territory. He walked over to the desk about to greet you as he would normally back at the base. You looked up and spotted him.
"Hi, how can I help you today?" You smiled sweetly. You had not seen this man before, you wondered if perhaps he was new to town.
It took Optimus only a second to remember he was wearing a different face, you did not know what his holoform looked like, so it made sense that you did not recognize him. He was about to explain it was him, Optimus. But then remembered Ratchet telling him not to tell anyone. They didn't need anyone recognizing their holoforms as it could ruin their cover.
"Just browsing." Optimus smiled back.
"Let me know if you need any help finding something." You said, then got back to your duties.
Optimus was happy to see you, you were always so kind and helpful. He wandered around the library for a little, reading through a few that looked interesting. Mostly about Earth's history, or politics. Eventually, he found his way back to your desk.
"Find everything you were looking for?" You asked.
"Actually, I was wondering, if you could recommend something." Optimus asked.
"Sure, what genre are you looking for?"
"What's your favorite?"
"Oh that's a tough one." You laughed. "There are so many good choices. But let's see." You walked away from the desk, walking through the shelves of books. You scanned over each book until you found one.
"Here. I think this is a pretty good one for someone who is open to anything." You handed over the book. Optimus took the book from your hand gently.
"Thank you."
You smiled and headed back to your desk. Optimus found a seat and began reading. After many years of being a clerk, Optimus was a very fast reader. And a couple of hours later, he was done. He took the book back over to you.
"This was a great recommendation, I enjoyed it." Optimus stated.
"You're done already?" You were shocked. Optimus nodded. "Wow, you read faster than I do. Uhm, I am glad you liked it. This author has a few more if you like."
"Thank you." Optimus chuckled. He had never been complimented on his reading ability before.
"What's your name?" You asked. Optimus had a slight panic, unable to think of any human names.
"Nice to meet you. Are you new to town?" You greeted.
"I am. I just moved here. What about you?" Optimus tried to direct the conversation back to you, hoping it would stop you from asking too many questions.
"No, I've been here my whole life." You answered.
"Do you enjoy working here?"
"I do. I love books and reading, so this is pretty much a dream job for me. What do you do?"
"I'm a clerk," Optimus replied, using some semi-truth as he used to be. So he didn't feel like he was lying to you. "What else do you do around here?"
"I generally spend time with my friends after work."
Optimus wondered if you were talking about him and the other Autobots. Or perhaps some human friends he didn't know about.
"Well it was really nice to meet you, but I'm afraid I have to close up." You apologized.
"Of course. Have a good night." Optimus left and headed back to base. It wasn't long until you arrived at the base as well. Optimus smiled as he saw you, he wanted to talk to you about the book he read. But he knew he had to keep his holoform activities a secret.
For the next week, Optimus kept going to the library, reading books that you suggested. Then he would go to the front desk to discuss them with you. He enjoyed your time together and found that you both had a lot more in common than he originally thought.
Once again he entered the library, your happy face bringing a smile to his.
"You look very happy today." He commented as you seemed much chipper than before.
"Oh, well I guess I am." You giggled.
"May I ask why?" Optimus was intregued. He had spoken to you yesterday in his bot form, about other things. But you seemed like your normal self. And now you seem a lot more bubbly.
"Well, uh. It's this guy that I like. I spent ages with him yesterday, and it was just a really good time. It was so nice to spend some time with him and talk to him. It's kind of rare getting alone time with him, so it was amazing." You explained. Optimus wondered who you were talking about, and who was the mystery guy you enjoyed spending time with.
"That sounds like a pleasant time. Is this someone you are fond of?" Optimus was intrigued to know more about someone who could make you grin so much. You blushed in response.
"I guess you could say that yes. I really like him, you could say I have a little crush on him." You brushed some hair behind your ear, a nervous habit. The thought of your crush makes you blush more. "It's kind of funny, and a coincidence really but his name begins with O too."
Optimus thought about it, it must really be a coincidence that you knew so many people with an O name. Then it began to click, was it possible you meant him. Maybe, but he had to be sure.
"What's he like?" Optimus asked.
"Tall, smart, he's a wise leader that takes care of his friends and looks out for everyone. Really trustworthy and just someone you can look up to." You sighed, picturing Optimus as the tall bot you knew.
Optimus blushed, he didn't know you viewed him like that. Or that you felt that way about him, but he felt flattered. He could see the way you smiled as you thought about him, and it made him feel warm and happy.
"Have you thought about telling him?"
"Oh no, I couldn't! I don't think he feels the same way, and I don't want to ruin anything." You admitted. "I am content just being around him."
Optimus thought you were so sweet, and they way you blushed when you talked about him was cute.
"Anyway, would you like another book recommendation?" You asked, changing the subject.
"Yes, please."
Later that night, at base Optimus couldn't keep his eyes off you. He kept thinking about how you felt, and how guilty he felt that he knew, but you could never know. Optimus watched you more closely, watching the way your face lit up when you saw him, the way you fidgeted with your clothes when you spoke to him. They way you sounded happier and livelier when you spoke to him than with the other bots. It was all adorable. As he watched you and listened to your voice and your lovely laugh, his spark began to tingle. His frame heated up, in a Cybertronian form of a blush. He had to excuse himself to calm himself down. It didn't take long for him to realize he was starting to have feelings for you.
The next day at the library he saw you again, your bright smiling face illuminated the room and made him enamored. He wanted to say something but couldn't. He couldn't tell you who he was. He was worried telling you who he was after all this time may upset you, as it may seem like he was lying to you this whole time. And he did not want to upset you.
Optimus walked straight over to the books, distracting himself with trying to find something to read. He wanted to talk to you, but he knew talking to you would make his spark beat fast. Optimus grabbed a random book and took it, going to use it as an excuse to start a conversation. Then he heard you laugh, a loud joyful laugh that made him feel fuzzy and warm. He smiled and walked to the front, only to find you talking to another human male.
The man was leaning on the desk, talking to you. You laughed as he spoke. Optimus felt a rush of jealousy, something he had not felt for many years. At first, he was not going to do or say anything, he knew how you felt about him. The human male could not sway your mind so easily. But then the man touched your shoulder and tried to lean in towards you. Optimus quickly scurried over and began pulling you away.
"Orion? Is everything ok?" You asked as you were dragged from the desk towards the back of the library.
Optimus thought about the words he was about to say, wanting it to be perfect.
"I want to apologize, I had to keep this a secret to make sure my cover was safe. And that you would be kept safe from not knowing. But I can't keep it secret anymore. I have to tell you because I have to tell you how I feel. It is me, Optimus, this is my holoform. I'm sorry I have deceived you, but I have to tell you now because I want you to know that I have come to be very fond of you. Over these last few weeks I have seen you in a brighter light, you have shown me how truly beautiful and amazing you are and I have fallen for you." Optimus then gently cupped your face in his hands and pulled you forward into a loving and passionate kiss.
He pulled back to see your shocked face. A split second later you fainted, falling into his arms. Optimus caught you, slowly lowering you to the floor. He panicked, having no idea what happened. He was terrified he had done something wrong and hurt you. He quickly picked you up and rushed outside, to his truck mode. He placed you inside and quickly raced you back to base. He quickly transformed, asking Ratchet to look you over, as he gently held you in his servos.
You were still unconscious while Ratchet demanded to know what happened and what Optimus did to cause you to be unconscious. Ratchet's telling off made Optimus feel worse about the situation. He should have known better than to ambush you like that.
Eventually, you woke up. Coming too on an empty berth with Optimus sitting by your side. He smiled as he watched you open your eyes.
"Did you confess to me?" You asked, your voice quiet as you slowly came to.
"I did." Optimus admitted, feeling guilty. "I am sorry. I shouldn't have."
"No, I am glad you did. And I am glad I didn't just dream it." You sat up, now fully awake. You scooched closer to Optimus and placed your hand on his servo. "I feel the same way. But I guess you already know that." You laughed.
Optimus smiled, glad that you were not angry at him. Thankful that you still felt the same way about him. After all this, he was glad he decided to go into the library as his holoform. It turned out to be one of the best choices he ever made.
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kil-g · 10 months
sweet like a flower in blue
a/n: my contribution to gaz fest 2023 <3 hehe. thank u very much @glitterypirateduck for planning this !! <333
university!gaz with prompt 10 ("just like that")
kyle "gaz" garrick x gn!reader (as always mwah <3)
word count: 2.1k
warnings: none
You’re late.
It wasn’t even your fault that you were late, which made your morning all the more irritating. Because, despite the fact that you left your place an hour earlier than usual, somehow everything fell into its exact place to create some fabrication of errors against you. Your key got stuck in the door (one out of many perks of having to pay slightly less than average on rent than others). The street you usually take your walk on was closed off for maintenance, forcing you to detour. And, when you finally got to the station, every ticket station decided not to cooperate (it’s not like the city wants you to pay the fee. Because, why would it want that?) So, when you finally gave up on paying for a ticket at all, some bright-eyed freak thought you were the perfect candidate to heckle for jumping the gate.
You very politely told them to fuck off. You told them so about four times before they got the message. 
And, if none of that was enough, by the time you got to the actual platform, your train was already pulling out of the station. The next one wasn’t coming for another twelve minutes. 
So, it was a bad morning. You were seriously considering skipping class all together to salvage whatever good you could out of the day. You could wander the city and loiter in a bookstore. You could take the next train all the way down to its last line and see what happens. You could go back to your apartment and go back to sleep. 
But, then a distance away all the way down the platform, someone calls your name. Your full name. 
And, through the morning haze, you catch the sight of someone breaking into a jog. They soon come into focus and it’s Kyle Garrick. Kyle who you haven’t seen since high school. Who you assumed you’d seen for the last time since graduation.
He jogs up to you with a wide smile.
“I thought it was you.”
“I’m surprised that you even remembered me.”
“Are you kidding? How could I forget you?” He says. Despite the fact that you haven’t seen him since high school, he still has the same boyish smile he’s always had.
It felt like forever ago. Kyle was the only foreign student in your high school. You were friends on the most casual level. Certainly not close enough to justify maintaining contact with him. But, now in retrospect, you almost regret it.
“I thought you were going to school in the UK. What are you doing here?”
“What? Not happy to see me?”
“No, of course I am.” You laugh, your irritation from the hour before melting away, little by little. “Just surprised.”
“To answer your question, I moved back. I guess you could say that I just got homesick.” 
You tilt your head to the side. “By yourself? What about John?”
As far as you knew, John was the only real family he had. Though, you couldn’t be sure of what the exact relation was. When Kyle got accepted by a university in the UK, the two of them had decidedly packed their things and left. You thought that you’d seen the last of them. 
“John’s still there. But, he was planning to visit soon.”
“You still doing art?”
“I hope so. That’s what I’m going to school for.”
“That’s right.” He says, all too pleased to hear it.
There’s a moment that passes where nothing is said. But, you’re desperate to get him to keep talking. 
“Speaking of…” You say, “Seeing as you’re not going anywhere any time soon, could I ask you for a favor?”
“Uh oh. Shoot.”
“It’s nothing serious. It’s just that you’re kind of my only friend in the area anymore and I need to build my portfolio for my art class.” A train going the opposite way pushes the air around, nearly whipping your coat open. “I was wondering if you could pose for a portrait. It would only take about fifteen minutes. I’ll even give you like twenty dollars… for your trouble.” 
“Would I be taking my clothes off?”
“Of course not. I said portrait. As in I’m only doing a bust. Also, we have actual models for that.”
“I don’t know what those words mean.” He says, “Besides, would it really be so bad if I did take my clothes off?”
“You know, I could ask someone else.”
“No, don’t! I’m just kidding.” Kyle’s mouth forms into a lopsided, goofy smile. One that you remember quite well. One that washes you in relief to see. “I’ll do it.”
“You will?” You say, a little more excited than you should’ve been. He nods and hums. “How can I contact you?”
“Right, give me your phone.” He says. Another train pulls into the station. Quickly, he begins making his own contact. “Just text me whatever time and place works for you. I’ll be there.”
“Is your schedule really so open?”
The train settles into a full stop. There’s a reluctant sink in your stomach when you realize it’s his train. The doors slide open. He puts your phone back in your hands and makes a step closer to the doors. “Whatever works for you, you know?”
You roll your eyes again even though the flattery is kind of working. “Then, I’ll see you soon.”
Just before the doors slide back closed, he says through that same lopsided smile, “I look forward to it.”
His eyes stay on you for a second too long through the window. The train goes further and further away, his face gets harder to make out. Nonetheless, you’ve forgotten all about keys getting stuck in locks, or detours, or public transportation fees, or public transportation fee hecklers. You look down at his contact, then tuck your phone back into your pocket.
The two of you agree to meet the following week. You walk him through your campus until eventually, you reach the art building. It’s a brick building. Old with bad plumbing. All the trappings of a typical art building on any college campus.
You set up a spot with just the right lighting and begin. For the first few minutes it’s almost completely silent. You look up from your sketch only to find Kyle sitting stiffly and awkwardly.
You chuckle, “You look like you’re gonna shit yourself.”
“This is my first time doing something like this.” He says, laughing to himself.
“Just loosen up, breathe. I’m not gonna bite your head off.” You look back down at your half-portrait, and he inhales, then exhales. He relaxes slowly. “Just like that.”
“Is it cool to talk?”
“Of course.” You smile, you continue on the portrait. Sometimes when you look up from it to see him, his eyes are already on you.
“Okay, how long have you been making art?”
“Since, I could even pick up a pencil.” 
“Oh, yeah? Did you always know you wanted to do this?”
You erase a little bit of the sketch, carefully brushing shavings off and blowing at them. “No, for a while it was just a hobby I visited on and off.”
“Then, what made you decide on it?”
You shrug. “Nothing in particular. Just don’t think I’d be happy doing anything else.”
“I get that.” He says.
A beat passes. Then, curiosity gets the better of you. “Why did you come back?”
He shrugs, then remembers himself and relaxes again.“I don’t know. Back home just didn’t feel like… back home. Not to say that it was bad. I like it there. But, I missed being out here.”
You hum, briefly stealing a glance at him. 
It goes quiet again. Though, this time it’s a much more comfortable silence. You study his face and the way it interacts with the light. You put the shapes his face makes down on paper. Like, how his cheeks have slight roundness. The angle of his nose, the shadows just under his brows.
You banter back and forth a few times to little consequence. And, the portrait is complete in the blink of an eye. You’re almost nervous to flip the canvas and show him. 
You stand up, and position yourself slightly behind him to present him the portrait.
“What do you think?” You ask, only slightly nervous. 
Kyle stares down at the portrait. His smile returns slowly, and he says, “It’s fantastic.”
“Yes, really. I love it. It’s really nice.” He pulls out his phone to take a quick picture of it.
“Nice enough that I don’t have to pay you?”
“Not quite, I’d still appreciate the twenty bucks.” His smile doesn’t go away. “Besides, look at my eyes. You didn’t get them exactly right.”
You stand up and lift the paper to be side-by-side with Kyle’s face. You’re only slightly embarrassed and maybe only kind of a fraud, perhaps. “I did my best. The semester just started. I’m out of practice and I practically had to beg the professor to get into this class—“
He sputters more laughter. “I’m joking. You don’t owe me anything. I wouldn’t just take your money.”
“Oh, haha.” You reply, dryly.
“I’m serious. It fucking looks exactly like me. I really like it.”
You look for a sign of some kind of joke in his face and surprisingly find none.
“You mean it?”
“Oh, yeah.” He nods. “Though, I think you’ve made me more handsome than usual.”
“I think it looks about right, actually.”
“Who am I to argue?” He leans back slightly, forgetting in the moment that his stool has no back and catching himself at the last second.
You don’t know how long you’ve been smiling but at this point it’s making your cheeks ache. Kyle looks back at you and for a moment you’re stunned at how you’d even gotten here. It’s been years since you had last seen him. You were quite certain that you would never see him again. 
“I’m really glad you called out to me at the station last week.”
“Oh, yeah?”
“I am, too.” He’s disgustingly sweet. To have his attention like this was thrilling. “Can I tell you something?”
“Anything.” You say, half joking.
“Back in school, I kind of had this huge crush on you but I was too shy to do anything about it.“
“Kyle Garrick? Shy?”
He nods, “Felt like an idiot when we graduated.”
“I’m serious.”
“Whatever, dude.”
“You had this cool kind of thing going on. Like, this artsy mysterious kind of thing–”
You laugh, “That’s what you’re calling it?--”
“–too cool for me!” He says.
“We had like how many classes together. We were in the same group for our final project in bio.” You say in disbelief.
“That was for school, though. I was a workmate. Not like an actual… mate.”
“Well, I thought you were cool.” You reply. 
“Now I just feel even sillier.” He laughs.
“Okay, then why did you call out to me at the station if you’re so shy?” 
“Um, because how could I live with myself if I let it happen a second time?” 
You laugh. “I guess I should take you on a date then, huh?”
A scandalized look comes across Kyle’s face, “No, I’d be taking you on a date.” His brows wrinkle, making lines on his forehead. It’s cute.
“Is this a competition? You haven’t lived here for like… since high school. A lot of stuff changed.” The words come out a little more smug than you mean for them to be.
“I’m determined.” He nods.
“Well, so am I.”
You cross your arms over your chest and he sits up.
“No, but seriously, I wanna take you out”.
“Fine.” You say. “But, next time I’ll take you out.”
“Wow, are things going so well we’ve already got a second date?”
“If you’re nice enough, then why not?”
“I guess I’ll be on my best behavior, then.”
“I’ll hold you to that.”
“Next Thursday?” He says. There’s a hopeful little twinkle in his eye that coaxes another bit of laughter out of you.
“That works for me.”
“Perfect.” He stands up from his stool. “I gotta go. But, let’s figure out the details later. I’ll text you.”
“Okay.” You say, your smile quickly becomes bashful as the reality sets in the further he walks backwards away from you.
“See you.”
Kyle turns around so that he’s walking forward. You watch as he gets further away. Just before he hits the door he turns to give you one last look and suddenly, you’re shy in the fact that he’d caught you staring. He smiles widely, waves and leans his weight onto the crash bar. Then, he steps over the threshold out of sight.
The giddiness of what had just occurred doesn’t leave you as you clean up and pack your things. Your chest feels as light as feathers the whole way back to your apartment.
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finniestoncrane · 1 year
Hello, darling ♡ I saw your call for some variety and I'm putting this in the ring: Victor Zsasz with a partner who is very nervous about their body and how they look naked. Bondage and being a little rough a plus! - 🦊
Shut Up And Listen
Gotham!Zsasz x GN!Reader, word count: 400 ah hello you sweet precious little angel, fox anon u-u i am very much into this as a concept, and i got very rough and very uh... i guess strict 🖤🔪 request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi • masterlist minors DNI!! 🔞 cw: clothed/unclothed, sub/dom if you squint, strict/punishment, bondage, choking, rough touching, body worship
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Standing against the wall, you breathed heavily as you felt the incessant twitch of your arms, trying desperately to move in front of you to cover your body. An instinctual act. Especially as you were entirely naked. Exposed. Vulnerable. But the restraints held them together, bound behind you and attached to the wall.
“Are you going to be good now?”
Victor stood in front of you, head tilted and forward, eyebrows raised as he patiently waited for your answer.
He clapped his hands together once, throwing his head back, staring at you intensely with a pleased smile when he brought it back forward.
“Ok! So, I’m sorry we have to do it this way… actually, I’m not sorry at all.”
He stepped forwards, letting his fingers find the sides of your body, trailing them up and down, bringing your skin up in bumps, anticipation shaking your breath.
“But if you can’t listen to what I say, if you can’t behave, then we need to employ some punishment.”
“But… Victor, I just-”
His hand was round your throat quick, pinning your head back.
“Shut up and listen to me. Please?”
He asked so sweetly, a kiss on your cheek added for good measure. When you nodded without speaking he smiled.
“Good. Now…”
He kissed at your neck, letting his tongue drag over the tendons as you tensed under the touch.
“… if you can’t be polite, then you shouldn’t say anything at all…”
He dug his fingers into your waist, pulling your hips to meet his, his stiff cock against you very obvious, enticing.
“… so unless you have something kind to say about your body…”
He fell to his knees, looking up at you as he ran his leather clad hands up your thighs.
“… then keep your mouth closed, unless your willing to join in on my worship.”
Opening his mouth, he made his move to begin his sermon, albeit with his mouth full of you rather than any words or sentiments. Eyes fixed on yours, waiting to see if your punishment would be extended, or if he could finally have you sharing in the appreciation of your body, seeing it the way he believed it should be seen. And if he had to be rough, then so be it. You had to be cruel to be kind, and Victor was very comfortable with that line of thinking.
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Mohawk anon here, actually it's a lie that I got all my info from Wikipedia, I did some digging before hand and found this article kinda useful https://www.popsugar.com/beauty/mohawk-hairstyle-history-48916724 look idk if u care abt this topic, it was completely stressing me out yesterday in a way I don't think is entirely normal (idk I think I'm starting to treat politics like religion in the way I berate myself as if I have sinned) I know anything more complicated than a yes or no answer on this topic will never be enough to suffice for me I feel like such a bad leftist and a hypocrite, like I'm happy to change myself when I learn my behaviour is wrong bit not for something that actually matters a lot to me, like I care about my hair SO much and I want to keep it SO much bit I don't want to live with guilt over something that may not be an issue or is at the least a very complex one. Have you ever dealt with anything like this and am I a bad person for feeling this way?
Ok hello, first I would like you to take some deep breaths.
[For context anon sent me two asks in a row, the first being an ask over whether mohawks were offensive to wear, in the same tone as above post]
I am not Native American, but I have been around the scene a while and seen a variety of takes on this. I'll open this ask obviously to corrections but from pretty much everything I've ever seen or experienced, no the hairstyle you refer to is not offensive to wear. It's not a closed practice, and tbh the way that punks style it is so different to any sort of traditional cut that the name "mohawk" is the only thing that still ties it to indigenous people.
Obviously exceptions apply if you were say, wearing it as a "costume" to mock native people, but having a 'hawk as a punk has not ever seemed to offend anyone for being any sort of cultural appropriation.
Second point, while I thank you for having the self awareness to realise that you've started to treat political correctness like a religion and that that's not great, I suggest you maybe go further with that and start doing the work to move forward from that?
I get how hard it can be, especially as someone who when growing up would often have their words taken wildly out of context and spun to make me look awful. You feel defensive, you feel like you could be swooped on at any moment for something you didn't even know was wrong. It is awesome you don't want to hurt people, but take some time to self develop so if you ever do accidentally do or say something out of line, you'll be able to fix it and move on without feeling like you're gonna get dammed to hell?
You're not a bad person for having anxious thoughts about fucking up socially. You're not a bad person for wanting to keep a hairstyle you love while worrying it might be appropriation. But try and not define whether you're a bad person on how PC an Internet dude says you are OK? You care, and that's amazing, so keep on growing, and don't ever feel like you're damned for not knowing all the answers.
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hopelesslygaysstuff · 1 month
I don't think my accent is the best lol. But if you find it sexy that's a win for me! I'm 6 hours ahead of you.
Don't roll your eyes at me, puppy. I'm happy to give you tasks in the future. If you're so eager to please, you'll be happy to complete them, correct?
Oh really? That's noted. That was much better, so polite! Good job sweetheart. Denial ♡ Tears of desperation, I can't get enough of them. I guess that links into the edging too which I already mentioned. I do like fear play, whether that's enough to bring a sub to tears I'm not actually sure? (can you answer this? It's okay if not.) But I like the fear mixed with the build up of adrenaline.
I'll be sure to check that chapter out. I think it's good to read up on stuff, there's always something new to learn!! And of course it'd be good to learn about you, I'm happy to learn more by reading your fics :)
Switching from talking casually to being in domme mode is PERFECT. I get what you mean by the 'whiplash' I actually love it. Surprising them and making them all confused while they wait for their brain to catch up with itself. Ugh yes.
One thing that's really special for me about being a dom is being able to provide a safe space for someone to be able to be themselves and relax and let go. It's an honor to me when someone feels that safe around me and trusts me that much. A bit sappy, I know.
A trait I like in subs is willingness, if that's the right word? Really wanting to learn, wanting my guidance, wanting to improve and actually get something out of this. I do of course like a bit of cheekiness. And being open to affection. I can be quite doting.
-🍂 (so sorry for the mega long ask oh my I just kept rambling)
Accents are always sexy idc, and good to know!! I have that in my clock app now so i know what time it is for you ◡̈
I'll do what I want... but okay I won't roll my eyes... for now... and yesssss I'll be happy to do tasks!! Wanna prove I can follow commands!! What kinda tasks would you have in mind?
Yeah.. commands are hot... but yippee I did good!! Desperation AND fear play?? You're perfect and I'm getting wet just thinking about that whew- um anyways... have you taken the BDSM test by any chance?
Hehehehe I don't wanna force u to read my stuff or anything so like absolutely no pressure!!! But I'm pretty much an open book in my fics LOL so...
YES with the brain catching up thing it's so fun alsdkjfhaldsjk I'm so happy you understand!! You'll have to try that out on me... I love surprise commands and going from normal brain to puppy brain hehe its so fun and i get so needy from it- Chileeee anyways
That's not sappy at all! It definitely is special to be able to trust someone enough to be submissive with them and hand over control and just be in that mindset without any worries or fears. Trust is sexy i promise!!
I get all blush and shy when I'm complimented but I love it!! I just don't know how to accept compliments cause it feels selfish somehow... idk if that makes sense but whatever. And I am very willing to learn how you work as a dominant, so that's perfect!
Don't apologize for rambling I love it and long asks are my favorite!! Like, someone took time out of their day to send something in this long?? Makes me feel special haha.
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bippot · 2 years
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Summary: Of all the traits of Bob, his girlfriend has a particular gripe with how polite he is. Usually, it's a good aspect of him. Sometimes it can be a little annoying, especially if she's lacking sleep.
But, that's okay. She has her own special way to force him to be a little more casual in her home.
Tags: Established Relationship, Teasing, Bath Sex, Fluff and Smut, Domestic Fluff, Nude Photos, bob fucks
Song recomendation: Kiss U Right Now by DUCKWRTH
Top Gun: Maverick, Robert "Bob" Floyd Masterlist - here
└─────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───────┘
Life with Robert Floyd was pretty damn good as it turned out. He was sweet, attentive, loving… and polite. So very, very polite. His mama taught him to never go through a ladies bag, to walk on the road side of the sidewalk and to always knock before entering someone's home.
"Bobby, it's three in the morning," Y/N whined as she opened her apartment door for him.
Bob had been at the Hard Deck with his buddies and he nominated himself to be designated driver, which meant that he had to make multiple journeys to get everyone back. Originally, Phoenix had been the other driver but Rooster managed to convince her to join in on the merriment when he not so subtly implied that she couldn't go toe to toe with Hangman in a shot contest. She won. And, ultimately, was too drunk to drive a mechanic death machine so Bob had to pick up the slack.
And then Fanboy only let Bob leave once he'd explained the entire first five seasons of Supernatural in an insane amount of detail, slurring his way through it and using his hands to wildly gesture about all the ways Dean died. It took him twenty whole minutes to describe the episode Mystery Spot.
Now it was three am and all he wanted to do was see his lovely girlfriend and crawl into bed, but he had to knock on her door beforehand. That was proper etiquette after all. "Wanted to see you, darlin," Bob answered with a smile in his voice as the door swung open to reveal his love dressed in a hastily tied robe, rubbing sleep from her eyes.
"You know where I hide the spare key. The key that you could've used," she complained halfheartedly and closed the door behind him. She took his hand and led him to her room with a disgruntled huff.
"My mama -"
"I know what your mama says."
They reached the bed and she let go of his hand to flop face first on the bed, causing Bob to chuckle as he watched her. She turned over and pouted at him.
"What's that face for?"
Nothing. No response.
"You're so cute when you're all pouty."
Ignoring that, she scrambled under the covers and pretended to be asleep in order to not answer that question. Bob rolled his eyes and walked over to the bed where her head rested. With one finger, he brushed some loose hair out of her face, causing her to crack one eye open.
"You gonna tell me?"
"No," Y/N whispered, closing her eye again. "Sleep now…" she added as she snuggled into the warmth of the duvet and burrowed further into it. He shook his head fondly as he got in beside her.
At first he thought she might've fallen straight back to the land of Nod, but he knew better than that. Y/N was not asleep yet. And, she was trying very hard not to pay attention to him. "Baby?" Bob asked quietly, hoping to coax her into looking at him. She turned to face him and saw how he was the one pouting, using those puppy dog eyes that always worked. "You look awfully lonely over there all by yourself."
Her expression softened at the sight of that innocent grin and she sighed. There was no way she could resist, not when he looked so darn adorable. She opened her arms and invited him into them. "C'mere, baby, c'mere," she cooed softly and Bob wasted no time in climbing into her arms, nuzzling his nose against hers. She gave a content sigh and ran her fingers up and down his spine. "Don't get all grumpy when I get up in four hours and wake you up when I go to work."
"I thought you had tomorrow off."
Oh, now he knew why she was annoyed at him. He pulled away just enough to look at her with that stupidly adorable grin, keeping a firm grip around her waist as he decided to try and soothe her with gentle kisses against her cheek and lips until she finally let herself smile. "There she is," Bob murmured with satisfaction at her face brightening up, before beginning his assault on her lips again and again. It didn't take long until he had successfully gotten a slew of soft giggles out of her.
"Stop," she laughed when he began kissing along her neck and collarbone, leaving wet smudges of saliva on her skin. "Bobby, stop. Stooooop, baby. I want to sleep. Let me sleep now."
"Alright, alright," he conceded with a satisfied hum, nipping gently at her collar bone before he settled his head onto her shoulder. He felt her arm come to wrap around him, pulling him impossibly closer. Their bodies moulded together as one, their limbs sleepily tangled together with their legs intertwined underneath the sheets. His strong fingers began tracing lazy patterns along her abdomen and up to her rib cage in an effort to ensure she drifted off faster. He felt her breathing even out into something more peaceful and rhythmic, before he finally succumbed to sleep too.
All too soon, they woke to her alarm clock's incessant wailing. Both were groaning as Y/N reached out to turn it off while Bob rolled over to let her out of bed, but she didn't. She set a new alarm and crawled back in, curling into his warm embrace.
"Thought you had to get up?" he whispered, his morning voice raspy and deep.
"l can skip some parts of my routine, babe," she assured him before yawning. "Besides, maybe I'm trying to catch up on the sleep that I lost."
They lay there for a while just enjoying each other's closeness, listening to the sounds of the city outside their window until, finally, she sat up and stretched. Yet, that didn't last long since he guided her by the shoulders back against the mattress with a sleepy, "Your alarm hasn't gone off yet, darlin."
There was merit to what he said, and why not use it to her advantage? She tilted his chin up with her index finger and kissed him softly, urging against his lips, "Say something else. You always sound so sexy in the morning."
"Me? Sexy? That is debatable."
"Oh Bobby... You sound so good."
With that, he propped himself on his elbow and grinned down at her, reaching up to lightly caress her face. Then, slowly, he lowered himself to kiss her passionately, cupping her jawline as he did so to deepen the kiss and draw out a moan from her. During their smooch, he pulled her knee over his leg and his hand slid further and further up her thigh until he reached her panties "Nu-uh, not enough time for that," she whispered breathlessly as she stopped his hand before he started something that they'd have to finish.
He was interrupted as she pressed her lips against his once more, effectively silencing him and driving him mad with desire. A desire that increased when she started moving her lips down his neck, nibbling and pecking at every inch of exposed flesh she came across.
"Baby, your words and your mouth are giving me very different messages," he groaned as she paid attention to his pulse point, harshly sucking down on it and sending shivers throughout his entire body. He was putty in her hands, completely submissive as she teased him thoroughly, taking her sweet time in every way possible until he was almost panting in anticipation for the moment when she would let him touch her.
Desperately, he moved his hands to the top of the robe to pull it from her body in an attempt to expose her breasts, but she slapped his hands away and chuckled against his skin. He couldn't help himself but grind against her, his arousal growing exponentially by the second.
But she wasn't done teasing him yet. She pushed him to lie on his back once more, crawling on top of him with a mischievous look in her eyes. All Bob could do was look up at her with sleepy, needy eyes as she stared down at him, a small, sly smile playing upon her lips. She reached out to run one hand down his chest, her nails leaving small red trails behind them. His eyes followed her fingertips and, without thinking twice, he caught her hand to place a kiss against her knuckles, pouting in an effort to convince her to let him relieve some of the tension she'd built up.
"You're so cute when you're all pouty," she replied in a mocking tone, leaning down to capture her his lips before she quickly got off him. As soon as she was out of his reach and moving towards the bathroom, she called over her shoulder, "Good luck trying to go back to sleep with a boner."
She heard him give a loud, exasperated groan and a "Well played!" as he realised what she'd done.
After the quickest shower possible, Y/N returned to the bedroom to get dressed and found Bob staring at the ceiling with an amused smile on his face. When he noticed her watching him, he winked and gestured to the noticeable tent in the duvet that had formed during their make out session earlier.
"Still hard I see."
"It did go down, but then I thought about what you did again and...right back up."
"Aw, poor baby," she teased, running her hand over the protrusion in the duvet, causing him to bite his bottom lip and let out a deep, staggered breath as she continued to rile him up. She gave him another peck on the lips before standing and gathering her bag. "Sweet dreams, Floyd."
"Yeah… Love you too," he said to himself as she left for work, watching as her form got further and further away from him until she rounded the corner, disappearing from his view completely. He let out a defeated sigh and flopped back against the pillow.
Maybe, just maybe, he could try to get back to sleep after all. He closed his eyes and tried to will sleep to claim him. But of course, it wouldn't be so easy. His mind seemed determined to stay active and active it stayed as he pictured her naked and spread out beneath him, letting out little moans and cries of pleasure as he worshipped her body with his tongue and fingers. He imagined her writhing under him as he took her in his arms and she gave off those beautiful screams. They sounded so heavenly that he couldn't keep himself from imagining how her lips would feel against his, the softness between her thighs and the sensation of having her in his palms.
"Don't let her win," Bob muttered under his breath before turning onto his side and burying his face into the pillow, hoping that it would block out his fantasies. However, it seemed that it was no use whatsoever as images of what he wanted flashed through his mind, over and over like a broken record.
Eventually, unable to handle it any longer, he got out of bed and started his day off. The rest of the morning went by rather uneventfully as he lounged about. Honestly, it would've been easier to ignore if he actually had something to do, but alas, it was his day off. It was his day to relax. So, he did exactly what any other person would do: laze about. And by 'laze' he meant that he went to her kitchen and made himself a coffee and wandered aimlessly through the house for a while.
After all, his mind kept going back to her. Which, frankly, made him want nothing more than to just fuck her senseless right where she stood and not think anymore about anything but his lust.
└─────── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───────┘
"Hey, Bobby," she greeted as she answered the call on the third ring. He'd given in. "Still in bed?"
"No, no I'm up, sorry. Just got distracted," he admitted sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck as he tried to find the right words to describe his current predicament.
She gave a quick glance around to ensure she was alone, knowing why he was calling as soon as she heard his reply. "Distracted by what, baby?"
"Mm-hmm... What am I gonna do with this information?"
A low chuckle escaped him. "I don't know... maybe take advantage of it later?" he suggested suggestively as he shifted uncomfortably on the couch.
"Later, huh? Why are you calling me now then?" she asked with a smirk as she sat down on the table in her office, her legs crossed in front of her. "Couldn't wait until I got home?"
The corners of his mouth turned upwards at her teasing question and he shook his head, smiling widely. She always knew exactly what to say to get the reaction she needed out of him. It never ceased to amaze him that she managed to get such a response out of him so easily.
"Darlin', we both know why I'm calling," he said matter of factly as his face grew serious, his gaze flickering down to his underwear. He didn't bother redressing when he got out of bed because why? Why would he? All he added was her satin robe as the delivery man didn't need to see him in his boxers (plus, it made him feel luxurious).
"I know what you want, Floyd," she cooed playfully. Then before he could respond, she abruptly ended the call, laughing gleefully in triumph as the grin on her face only widened as she listened to the sound of his sexually frustrated grunts as she hung up on him.
Bob had never rolled his eyes so hard in his life. But they almost bulged out of his head when she sent him a rather risqué photo of her unbuttoned uniform, her bra and breasts exposed, and ready to be marked by him. Her caption simply read, 'Which one are you using, left or right hand?' He didn't respond out of defiance.
When the enviable moment finally came for Y/N to return to her apartment, she opened the door to find Bob waiting impatiently on the couch, a huge smirk adorning his handsome features as he tried to maintain his focus on the book he was reading.
Without even saying a word, she walked straight to the back of the sofa and wrapped her arms around his shoulders, pressing herself close against him and nuzzling her nose in the crook of his neck to tease him further, feeling his tense muscles relax instantly. His head fell backwards, exposing the column of his neck, so obviously, she placed kisses all along it.
"Have fun today?" Y/N purred seductively against his skin. He smiled as her soft, wet kisses trailed down towards his collarbone. His hand made it to the back of her head and guided her lips to his, deepening the kiss immediately. Admittedly, it was an awkward angle - almost like a far less cool Spiderman kiss - but it was overflowing with pure passion.
They pulled apart, panting slightly. Y/N giggled as she saw that there were small hickeys dotting his neck. She ran her index finger across each and every one of them, smirking smugly at the sight of it.
"You never answered my question."
"Would've preferred it if you were home with me," he mumbled between pecks to her cheek and jawline, earning him another giggle.
"Is that so?"
Y/N chuckled as she stood straighter and left him hanging once again. She walked to her room to drop off her bag, knowing full well that he was still on the couch and mentally arguing with himself whether he should follow her or not. It didn't take long for him to make his mind up as he bounded off the couch and raced after her.
Yet, as he reached her room, she'd already slipped away into the bathroom and, of course he continued to follow her, not before he knocked on the door and politely asked, "Can I come in, darlin?"
No response.
Still nothing.
"Oh, fuck it."
Sorry to his mama, Bob opened the door without permission, revealing a grinning Y/N who was leant against the sink as she waited for her bath to fill up and her man to finally understand that he didn't need to be so formal with her.
"Funny seeing you here, Robert."
Wordlessly, he stood before her and began unbuttoning her shirt slowly, taking his sweet time with it to reveal her body to him and allow his wandering eyes to enjoy the sight for as long as they could. Her lips curled into a seductive smile as she watched him undress her body inch by inch, allowing him the opportunity to admire every single part of her body he desired to touch. When the last button of her blouse was open, she raised an eyebrow at him, daring him to continue with her trousers next.
With the same sultry look in her eye, she leaned forward until she was only millimetres away from him before whispering, "Did my photo do me justice?"
He looked at her with an appreciative, lustful expression on his face as he cupped her face between his hands and brought their lips together for a passionate kiss. Y/N gladly returned the gesture, wrapping her arms tightly around his waist as he pushed her against the wall behind her, keeping the kiss as deep and heated as ever.
"Baby, the bath is going to overflow soon," Bob warned her in a hushed tone as he broke away and reluctantly pulled himself away to turn the taps off.
Without asking beforehand, he sunk into the hot water, causing him to groan as soon as he felt the heat envelop his body, relaxing every muscle in his body as a content smile formed on his face. "What? Are you not going to join me? Don't the bubbles look inviting, sweetness?" he teased, leaning over the edge of the tub and flashing her his most charming smile.
His glasses were already fogging up from the steam, obscuring his vision somewhat so Y/N carefully removed them from his face and placed them on the countertop beside her before joining him inside the warm bath, resting her head against his shoulder as they enjoyed the quiet blissfulness of each other's company for a few blissful moments.
They were silent for a while, merely content just basking in the comfort of each other as they soaked in the warmth of the hot tub and let their minds wander.
"Sorry for teasing you all day, big guy. Was just too grumpy and horny to resist," she apologised, reaching out to stroke his forearm gently as she did so and looking up at him with a soft smile on her face. He couldn't help the chuckle that bubbled past his lips as he brought his arm down to wrap it around her and pull her closer to his body.
"At least I got that photo of your boobs from it," he reassured her as he dipped his head down to rest his chin on her shoulder affectionately. "That's gonna come in real handy when I'm away from you. Add it to my collection."
Y/N laughed, tilting her head up to press a gentle kiss to his jawline then rested her cheek against it, enjoying how relaxed he seemed in her presence. She hummed thoughtfully as her fingers toyed with his, running her fingertips up and down each digit slowly.
As much as she loved to tease him, she loved when he was completely at ease with her. When he wasn't being cautious, or shy, or afraid of hurting her feelings, or anything else that might have kept her at arm's length. When he was comfortable enough to show his feelings openly - without hiding behind walls or masks or layers and layers of taught manners and etiquette - he was the sappiest big ol' Teddy bear of a guy she'd ever met.
"I wish I had a unique way to say this, but I don't. You deserve something eloquent and poetic about how I feel about you, but honestly, all I can think of saying is that I love you. So very much," Y/N said quietly, letting her words hang in the air as she leaned further into his embrace.
There was no denying that Bob's cheeks significantly raised in temperature. He could claim that it was due to the warm bath water, but they'd both know that would be a lie.
"So very much, huh?"
She felt his lips against the skin of her shoulder softly and he whispered back, "Good job I love you so very much too." Then, to make sure she really knew it was the truth, he attacked the side of her face with annoying "Mwah" sound effects and sloppy kisses, eliciting a loud giggle from the woman in his grasp.
In no time at all, those cutesy little smooches became longer and more needy as Bob's hand slid its way down her stomach to find her clit. His mouth never left her skin while his fingers teased her sensitive clit with firm circle motions, making her melt in complete bliss. She moaned loudly with a slight whimper as his fingers found her opening.
"Be nice and say please," he urged, smiling against her ear when he felt her squirm under his touch.
"Please, baby," Y/N pleaded, biting back a moan as his finger entered her body rather abruptly. With his free hand, Bob let his hand grasp and grope at her chest roughly, pinching her nipple between two fingers. Her whole body shuddered and her breath hitched, causing her to bite her lower lip to prevent herself from moaning any louder.
"Good girl," he praised her and moved his hand from her breast higher and higher until he reached the base of her neck. He bit at the side of it playfully and left indents of his teeth marks on her smooth skin, sending a delightful tingle throughout her entire body.
Another finger was added to the mix as he stroked it inside her relentlessly, so much that she hooked her leg over the side of the bath to allow him more room to explore. She dug her nails into his forearm as she moaned lowly in pleasure, unable to keep her composure. Every thrust of his fingers made her crave him more desperately.
"Oh god, baby, you're so beautiful," Bob gasped, trying and failing to hide his arousal, especially since she could feel it as she rubbed up against his cock every time she squirmed in his lap. "Could watch you look like this all day. All day, my love."
She whined, closed her eyes and gave in to his touch even more as his grip tightened around her throat as his fingers pumped faster and harder inside her. The sounds of her pleasure accompanied by splashing water filled the bathroom until Y/N let out a particularly staggered high pitched whimper and bucked her hips upward, her walls clenching around his fingers which made him pump even quicker and more forcefully than before.
"Yeah, that's it baby!" he cheered. "Come for me...Come on...."
With every word he uttered, she felt like she was falling even deeper into ecstasy, as if she had been plunged right into a pool of fire as she came undone for the man below her. "So good for me," Bob praised while soothingly kissing her temple and he felt her body relax against his as she tried to catch her breath, the feeling of his hard shaft rubbing against her butt driving her wild.
Once she felt calm enough, she slowly leant over to pull the plug out and let some water our, not all of it but just enough that they wouldn't flood her home. Sexy times can be messy especially when you're in a bathtub filled with warm water.
"We've never fucked in the bath before," he mused as he got out and twirled his pointer finger in a circle so she'd get the memo to turn away from the taps. Now, with Y/N in position, Bob got back in behind her but now he had enough space to do whatever he wanted since she was the one trapped between him and the porcelain.
Teasingly, he ran the tip of his cock along the seam of her wet folds and pressed lightly against the sensitive area, just to hear her gasp loudly. He smirked at her reaction and continued to rub his shaft up and down her ass, causing her to arch her back in response.
"Bob..." she panted, her voice raspy. He didn't miss the obvious desire in her voice. "Want me to be polite? Please. Pretty please."
That was exactly what he wanted to hear and that was exactly why he slowly pushed into her, one hand gripping her hip and the other the side of the bath so he wouldn't slip. Her hands grasped onto the back of the tub as he slowly started moving, pushing in deeper and deeper until he was fully inside of her. She gasped loudly and looked back at him expectantly once he had stopped moving. He stared back at her with lust clouding his gaze and a wide smile stretched across his lips that showed off his dimples.
"Gonna start to move now, baby," he murmured huskily, leaning forward and capturing her lips with his in an open mouthed kiss that was nothing short of heated and desperate as if he was going to devour her whole. Bob pulled away slightly as he watched his cock slide in and out of her with each deep thrust, feeling the tightness of her inner muscles squeezing his dick tightly in return.
Harsh splashing was mixed with the slap of his hips hitting her ass repeatedly as she rocked her hips, encouraging him to fuck her with everything that he had. Each time his cock penetrated her, he was overwhelmed with intense satisfaction, watching the way she cried out and writhed beneath him, moaning with every push of his hips, every thrust into her slick depths.
As his strokes sped up and increased their speed with each passing thrust, Y/N clutched at the edge of the tub to anchor herself as Bob pulled at her hair to bring her flush against his chest, burying his face in the crook of her neck and sucking harshly on her pulse point. His hot tongue darted over and around her delicate skin, leaving a burning sensation wherever he kissed.
During the passion, Y/N made the wrong move and took her grip off the tub to attach it in his hair, but it was slippy and, if Bob hadn't managed to grab her in time, she would've slipped forward and bumped against the porcelain. "Oh shit," she exclaimed in surprise as Bob caught her and steadied her weight.
"This definitely would be an OSHA violation."
"Neither of us are at work?"
"It was a bad joke, okay?"
"Would've been so much easier to do this in the bed."
"It's not as sexy then, darlin."
They paused for a moment to let out a slew of giggles, neither of them having the strength to hold back the laughter anymore. "Are you ready?" Bob asked once he regained control of himself again. She nodded eagerly, awkwardly reaching behind to slap him on the ass almost as if she was telling him to 'giddy-up'.
Bob chuckled and shook of his head before getting back to it, brushing the wet hair off her shoulder so he could leave a bunch of dark, purple hickeys as he pounded into her in earnest. It wasn't long before her knuckles turned white since she was holding on for dear life as the climax built again, her legs beginning to shake violently underneath his touch.
Bob couldn't contain himself when he felt her pussy clamp tight around his dick, the vibrations of her orgasm shooting through him in such a way that sent goosebumps all over his skin and caused him to release loudly into her as he let out a loud grunt and dropped his forehead into the crook of her neck, his arm still holding her tight against his chest.
After a moment of silence where they simply breathed heavily, Bob spoke first. "Would it be stupid of me to say that this is the wet-est you've ever been for me?"
"Yes, Bobby. It would." She let out an exhausted huff. "Shit, I should've washed my hair."
"You still can."
"I don't want your cum in my hair."
He raised his eyebrow and retorted, "You've never had a problem with that before," as he let go of her waist, helped her out of the bathtub and wrapped a towel around her. "I'm in the mood to watch a movie. How about we order pizza, have a cold beer and watch some cheesy romcom?"
An even more pleased expression appeared on her face as she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and pleaded, "Please."
The next several hours passed relatively quickly. They cuddled up on the couch with very little clothes on, watching a god awful romance movie, eating too many slices of pizza and drinking too many bevies. By the time night fell outside the window, both of them were completely out of the count.
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scribble-dee-vee · 2 months
Heyyy I just got here and am already obsessed with LL and the boys. I've come for the ask game. If you have the time/energy I'd like answers for both >:]
Cecelia sounds like such a badass I'll be back to bother you about her later :>
Omg hiii!! Ty for the ask (and reblogs – I see u). I'm glad u r fond of the lads. Cecelia is in fact a badass and I do in fact love her and I would in fact talk about her at any time. Ur Western/cowboy/eldritch WIP sounds like it goes EXTREMELY hard, and I will for sure be bugging you about it as well 🫡
Prompt list is over here!
Responses are predictably long, so I stuck em underneath a cut. Also, tagged content warnings.
🎈 (balloon) - What does your character do at parties? Are they a wallflower or a party animal? Do they go with friends or alone?
I answered this one for Dale over here! TL;DR parties are a constant in Dale's life. He generally views them as a vector for political/social gain rather than something to attend for funsies. Charles emphatically DOES NOT like parties, because A.) he doesn't like people, B.) he's some flavor of neurodivergent, and B.) he had a TERRIBLE childhood with few chances to practice conventional social interaction. At the beginning of Lost Letters, Jamie ropes him into attending a party at the Rosehip Club for tactical reasons. He meets Dale, who drags him along to subsequent events. He complains about this for the entire book, but what is he supposed to do? Not spend every single waking moment with his bf??
❗️(exclamation point) - What was the scariest moment of your character’s life? Does it still affect them?
OH BOY, do these lads have scary memories!! Several come up within Lost Letters, so these are slightly spoilery. Oh, well. When Dale was thirteen, a highwayman (or hired assassin?) nearly murdered him and Rosalind. They were on their way to boarding school. He stopped their carriage and put a knife to Rosalind's throat. One of her guardsmen rescued them by shooting the attacker, but things got pretty dicey for a minute. In moments of panic, Dale can still feel the splatters of blood and brain matter on his face. Eugh. Charles has many traumatic memories. He was abducted into the cyborg force as a child; he still fears Imperial doctors and the mysterious warren of caves beneath the palace. There's one particular instance that stands out in his mind, but I can't reveal the whole story here – it's highly plot-relevant, hehe. It resulted in his bionic eye and the metal chunk of his skull.
🚨 (siren) - What’s your character’s relationship with the law? Have they ever been arrested? What for? What are their opinions on law enforcement?
Dale is a hot, wealthy Goldenheart and lineal descendant of the Queen. He can get away with murder. He doesn't concern himself very much with rules, but he does try to keep a clean record – anything else would threaten his claim to the throne. For the most part, Dale benefits greatly from the oppressive, corrupt legal system of his world. He sits at the top of the City's social order. (Asterisk. Dale's queerness, and his illegitimate Leadenheart sister, certainly complicate his social positionality. But that's a can of worms we don't have time to open now.) Charles lowkey IS the law – he's a junior member of the Imperial military. He's a cyborg and a Goldenheart, which means that he's pretty high up in their Order. However, he's still an apprentice until the end of Lost Letters, which means he doesn't have a formal rank. He attends palace schooling/training and sometimes conducts one-off missions to kill mages. He's an excellent tracker. Charles' mentor is General Dmitrius Fenway, the guy who leads the entire dang force, so that's a big deal! It definitely means that Charles will graduate to a prestigious rank, and probably means that he'll be a prominent leader someday. However, Charles is not Dmitrius' favorite apprentice – that would be Charles' sister, Cecelia. This whole fucked-up little family dynamic is complicated. Charles is a sensitive person, and despite the lifelong brainwashing, he feels a little iffy about the whole "forced military service" thing. When he leaves to attend college, with the Queen's personal permission, these feelings only grow; he sees the world outside the Imperial echo chamber, and it allows him to recognize the deplorable implications. Cecelia, on the other hand, is SUPER ENTHUSIASTIC about serving the force. She has never left, and she craves validation for her skill. However, she's also a girl; women soldiers are less common and less respected in this pseudo-Victorian dystopia. (I should probably clarify that Lost Letters deals HEAVILY with oppressive gender roles, misogyny, and fascist ideology. It's not intended to be a light read or a conventional romance.)
Ty for reading the HIGH wall of text, hehe. Love sharing ✨ fucked up character lore ✨
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Accidentally kidnapping a mafia boss 😎 How often I read the opposite as teen, they probably deserve it
I couldn't decide between fluffy or serious and then I thought why not both? Both is good (link to serious version)
The man on the curb is dressed far too nicely for an Uber. Anakin hesitantly pulls up, double checking his phone. The man starts to head in his direction and opens the back door.
“O. Kenobi?”
“Yes,” Kenobi says in a crisp British accent.
Well he'll be damned. The man, Kenobi, shuts the door behind him. Anakin pulls away and back onto the street.
“What happened to your regular driver?” He asks. He is of course kidding.
However Kenobi answers. “A bit under the weather I'm afraid.”
Anakin nods politely and looks back at the road. Internally he's screaming. Holy shit, this guy was the real deal! He even had a Rolex on his wrist! If Anakin played his cards right and turned up the charm, maybe he'd get a big tip!
Anakin switches the radio, looking for another station. He finds one playing classical music and turns it up. British guys liked classical, right?
“Could you turn it down please? I'm trying to concentrate.”
Anakin looks back to see Kenobi's head buried behind his phone screen.
“Oh sure! Sorry!” Anakin quickly turns it off. “Want some bottled water?” Anakin reaches over for a bottle of Dasani in the passenger seat and holds it up. “It's complementary!”
Kenobi eyes it with a frown. “No…thank you.”
Too good for Dasani? Well fuck him, not everyone can afford Fiji or whatever the fuck.
They come to a stop at a red light. Anakin drums his fingers on the steering wheel. He thinks about making some friendly small talk, asking Kenobi about what he did for a living. But Kenobi seems really busy with whatever he was doing on his phone. He didn't want to bother him and get a star knocked off for being nosy. Rich types tended to prefer the help not to speak.
Anakin sighs and resigns himself to a subpar tip. Oh well he tried.
His phone rings, interrupting his thoughts. Anakin reaches up, about to hit ignore, when he sees the caller and pauses. It was Ahsoka. He adjusts his wireless earbuds and hopes Kenobi didn't mind. He didn't like ignoring calls from her.
“Hey, I'm working right now, what's up?”
“Anakin! Anakin oh my god you need to–!”
It cuts the rest of her sentence off.
“Ahsoka?” Anakin's heart drops. She sounded breathless. “What's wrong?”
“A–ch–at the–....”
Anakin looks at the top right corner. The last bar disappears and drops the call entirely.
“Shit!” Anakin curses. His hands grip the steering wheel, knuckles going white. What happened? Was she in trouble?
Decision already made, Anakin yanks the wheel and does a u-turn.
Kenobi gasps, holding onto the door side for dear life. “What's going on?” he demands. His voice is hard.
“Sorry sir! My sister's in trouble! That was her on the phone just now!”
He speeds down the road whipping through traffic. Cars honk as he flies by.
“I'm sorry I really don't have time to let you out!”
There goes his fucking tip. Probably his job too.
Anakin races through the streets, heart pounding in his chest. Please be okay. She had to be okay!
He pulls up to her apartment in record time and skids to a full stop. He bursts out of the car, running up the stairs two at a time to the second floor. He pounds on the door yelling her name.
“Ahsoka! Ahsoka!”
Just as he's ready to break it down, the door opens. Ahsoka looks up at him with a confused expression.
He grasps her shoulders frantically looking her over. “Are you okay?? What happened?!”
“Nothing? What are you doing here? I thought you were working?”
“I am!” He snaps. “Then you called me sounding upset and then the phone cut off!”
Ahsoka blinks. She opens her mouth then closes it. Then a smile breaks across her face and she starts to laugh. Anakin bristles.
“What?” he growls.
“I was just calling to tell you about the new movie! I just got back from seeing it with Bariss! I was just excited to talk to you about it, is all!”
All the air rushes out of him. Anakin's hands fall to his sides. He should probably jump off this balcony now.
Ahsoka leans to the side, looking over his shoulder. “Who's that?”
Anakin stiffens. He looks back and sees Kenobi having climbed the stairs after him. Fuck.
“Uhh, this is my current customer Mr. Kenobi. I sorta, um, panicked.”
“Hello.” Ahsoka waves awkwardly. Then, quietly so the guy couldn't hear, she whispers, “Dude you totally kidnapped someone.”
“It was an accident!” He hisses back.
Kenobi, to Anakin’s complete surprise, is smiling. He would have thought the man was coming up here to curse him out and hit him.
“Hello there,” Kenobi says.
“Anyway, looks like it was a false alarm! Haha!” Anakin scratches the back of his neck awkwardly.
“Yes, I see that. Glad to see you're unharmed. Ahsoka was it? He was awfully worried about you.”
Ahsoka smiles back, unsure what to do. She looks at Anakin for support but he's just as lost as her.
“Anakin's always jumping to conclusions,” she offers.
They all share a weird, stunted laugh. Anakin clears his throat.
“I can definitely take you where you want to go now, sir. Free of charge of course!”
Kenobi looks between the two of them then. Like he's analyzing them. Anakin suppresses a shiver.
“Yes, if you wouldn't mind.” Kenobi shifts, angling his body towards the stairs and waiting for Anakin.
Anakin says goodbye to Ahsoka and quickly heads back to the car. He cancels the previous request so that Kenobi won't be charged. And more importantly so that he can't give him 1 star in case he changed his mind about being so understanding about all of this.
“You care a lot for your sister don't you?” Kenobi asks from the back. He's watching Anakin in the mirror.
“Yes, sir. She's not related by blood but she's basically part of the family.”
“Hmm, quite loyal,” Kenobi says under his breath.
Not knowing what to say to that, Anakin chooses to ignore it. Weird comment aside, Kenobi was being very forgiving and he didn't want to look a gift horse in the mouth.
After about another minute or two Kenobi speaks up again.
“You drive very well.”
Anakin can't help the swell of pride at the compliment. “Thanks. I kinda thought I'd be a stunt driver one day. It's all I ever wanted when I was little. But that fell off and now here I am.”
Kenobi falls silent again and so does Anakin. They get to the destination about fifteen minutes later. The building is as ominous as any corporate office he's ever seen.
Anakin goes the extra mile and gets out to go around and open the door for him. He wasn't a chauffeur but hey, the guy had been through enough.
“Thank you, Anakin.” Kenobi holds out a hand to shake.
“You're welcome sir!” Anakin takes it. It was warm and engulfing. Kenobi squeezes his palm, almost lingering.
“I'll be in touch.”
He finally let's go and walks up the steps to the building. Anakin blinks after him, confused. Be in touch? The hell did that mean?
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katsune-nya · 1 year
~♡~ Rules and Blog Info ~♡~
100 Followers Celebration (Open).
Requests: OPEN!
♡ Me (Everything about me.)
It/Its + She/Her + They/Them.
White+native Latinx.
Comfort characters: Mammon, Diavolo, Luke, Julian, Tetta (i know, something's deeply wrong with me), Yuzuha, Draken, Akkun...
♡ Fandoms:
- Obey me.
- Tokyo Revengers.
- Naruto (Shippuden).
- The Arcana
- Harry Potter (Fuck JKR)
♡ I will write:
- Tokyo Revengers for now but i'm gonna take other fandom requests into consideration.
- Chats, Tweets, One Shots, Drabbles, Multi-Chapter, Incorrect Quotes.
- Most timelines, just give it a try.
- Canon past, present and future.
- Fem! + GN! + Male! Reader (forgive me if i write men wrong, im just a pretty lil thing uno).
- Different body types.
- Fluff, Smut and Angst.
- SFW: All characters.
- NSFW: All except Mana, Luna, Mochi, Mucho, Osanai (hate that bitch).
- Kinks: All of em except like SCAT i guess, but like, ask for something and i'll think about it, no judgement, i love you, Freaks ♡.
- Monogamous and Poly.
- Generally problematic content, like Ran and Rin double teaming you or full CNC or Dub-Con hehe ♡.
- Some drugs, haven't tried enough to make most accurate tho.
♡ I wont write:
- Anything regarding race/ethnicity (except latinx cause i am) unless its something superficial, since i dont believe i would do a good job portraying experiences i haven't had.
♡ DNF if:
- You are a bigot.
- You are under 18 years old or dont have your age on your bio.
- You kinkshame (Unless kink shaming is your kink u know).
♡ How to interact:
-Be respectful towards yourself, me, and the others.
-On or Off anon, both are fine!
-Same for requests, yoo don't need to follow me but it's apreciated.
-Send all the asks you want! I love talking to people but i might not answer right away due to my mental health.
-Feel free to request! I reserve to myself the right to write or not any work, but i will not judge for anything you ask, so feel safe to go ahead, and always ask politely.
♡ Meanings:
-SFW: Safe For Work, pg content.
-NSFW: Not Safe For Work, mature content.
-Dub-Con: Dubious consent.
-CNC: Consensual Non-Consent. The Kink of roleplaying a Non-Consensual scene.
-NonCon: Non-Consensual.
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robjuan · 6 months
Gonna start by sayin, I have trust issues bad and it has and will fuk up relationships, And it's sad I can't stop tha defense mechanism dat got installed. & every time I get hurt or betrayed it upgrades automatically. And I can't uninstall it bitches an niggas think I'm crazy but...HELL I MIGHT BE, I HEARD IT ENOUGH! IK IK NOT NORMAL. BUT DIS PROBLEM GON BE THA END OF ME...BUT IM SCARED IF I DI OPEN UP IM IN A. "WHAT IF" STAGE.
LIKE what if or if 8 could open up,And it happens again. _Betrayal_
-I couldn't .......🙇🏾‍♀️
Mentally I couldn't.
Mama said*Da streets ain't 4 Mii "AAND I FOUND OUT THE HARD WAY, IT AIN'T. ON MY MAMA!
I Neva eush shit, Dat ain't me. But I feel I'm running out of time!
I lm rdy 2 find her n settle down fr my nigga. But I can't keep no1.And I got 1 I been tryna contain 4 SUM yes, she finally gives Mii a chance N poww!! A nigga blowin it 💣
But I need sum1 2 politic wit TBH.miat folks don't even b on my Time frame with ahit,as far as real shit go,they ont one what dat is fr....Im 2 whole hearted 💜 ❤️ (THEY ARE NOT)
Im so fukin PURE!
Without a flaw simple excellence my dawg. And I'm not boastin at all.
I'm JS..
I'm going to run off some1 I love 2 death.And I can't even stop my repetitive behaviors.Ion got no1 2 talk 2 cuz of course wit betrayal you don't associate or be round alot of ppl.
I hate ppl! (With a passion) Because they'll cross you no matter how good you are 2 em,Sad honestly.
Ion Kno...
Back against da wall 🎵what do you hold on to?🎵
_It hurt my 💜 to see you hurt,In desperate need of affection.....GAVE UP MY WINGZ , SUPPOSED 2 BE YO PROTECTOR...Fell in Love with someone else you,Broke my ❤️ & it ain't getting better._ THA ANGELS SAY I CANT BACK INTO HEAVEN 👿
I gave niggas da LEAN, WEED, ap'Z.
did dat shit off da muscle 💪🏻.FA NUFFIN.
/All these niggaZ,Be havin dem niggas, they Claim they love em./
⛈️I look up ion Kno who 2 trust.. It's all scary..😭🙅🏻‍♀️☔🌧️
An I am not a scary person, BUT... I AM
-I gave yu drugs, YOU AIN'T bring MII NUN OF da profit. "YOU AAY I'M CRAZY" 🤣
Is these niggaZ out 2 get Mii?
ION kno. 😖
I be so lonely my dawg but iG I chose dat,not rlly. It chose me.. unfortunately 🕴🏻
"I'ma Gangsta, my heart cold as Chicago. I got so much 💕 2 give.
Make Mii sick knowing I can't be healed..🤮
I miss da old day's...
Never get dat time back lol there's dat. " T" WORD AGAIN! TIME ❗ shit runnin out tbh,8 feel like lm, at least 50.. Imagine whenever I do get dat qge...( Boyyy). Like my Uncle Joe say
Needa Go c him frfr He havin OG stain 2 Mii. Wise man I must say
I'm off track prolly da recreational stuff....Anyway my thug.
8tw cold AF out here 'literally '🥶
Thats just 1 of my rants.
🔐 🔒 In til next mf'n time.
#_it'll b soon {I'm sure}
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gourdkeeper · 1 year
First of all, I am a H U G E fan of your Jamie Fics; literally obsessed! Your writing is so good!
I keep having this fantasy about being held hostage by the Mad Gear Gang, or the Crows or something (Usually you can hold your own, but their numbers just overwhelmed you), whilst on your way to meet Jamie, and he knows something isn't right, and comes to your rescue somehow? Add Fluff, and NSFW reward after being saved ;)
I'm not great at suggestions, but your writing is so awesome, I just needed to put something to you!
Thank you so much! ^^
Thank you so much!!!! Sorry it took me longer than expected to write this but here it is!! I hope it meets your expectations anon <3
Content warnings: established relationship, violence (reader gets kidnapped and roughed up), mentions of blood and wounds but nothing detailed, reader is tied and gagged until rescue, gender and sex neutral reader, mild nsfw at the end
Word count: 2429
The silence is deafening, the ringing in your ears is entirely too loud, not even your thoughts go over it. Everything's in a haze, your sight blurry, your head hanging low. You're in pain but numb simultaneously. Your forehead feels like it has been lit on fire. The sweat runs down your face and drips down onto the floor. Your clothes cling to you like you've just gone for a swim fully clothed. Why is it so warm in here? Why is it so dark? You try to move and get away but there is no give. Why can't you move? You taste the metal at your lips, why are you bleeding? You tug and feel rope burning, burrying and biting into your arms and you flinch. Your cheeks feel like tears have ran rampant and dried out just before you've came back to consciousness. Your mouth is parched. Water. You need water. Where are you? You can't think, all of your thoughts are cloudy or get scrambled up the moment they form.
You try to focus. Think. Where the hell are you? You try to tune out the ringing and buzzing. You can hear something. Someone? People are talking, you can hear someone banging their fists on a table. They're troubled over something.
Your head feels like it's spinning, if you weren't tied to a chair you would've long fallen flat on the ground.
Voices are approaching. You recognize one of them.
The door swings open at full force and the dim lights flicker on. You can barely force yourself to lift your head up to see who's there.
Why... You thought you were on good terms with him.
"I can't EVER trust you guys to carry out an easy little task now can ?! I told you to take them hostage, not beat them an inch away from their lives what the fuck?"
"But boss! They fought back we couldn't just ask them politely to join us????" A smaller pawn blurts out excuses.
"Do you think I give a shit?“ Thrasher grips the smaller thug and shoves him away, "Get the hell outta my sight before I beat YOU to death!"
You can hear the guy scramble away, terrified for his own life.
You see the big gun's shoes approach in front of you but your head's much too heavy to lift and look straight at him.
The man spits at the ground and snarls, "This is fucking pathetic."
He takes his oversized hand and rests it on your head before pulling it up by the hair, "Yikes...look at you. You look like a pile of shit. Sorry about that buddy..."
He lets go of you and your head ragdolls down once more without a shred of resistance.
"See, the plan was to hold you hostage, not to nearly kill you but those IDIOTS" he yells as he punches the nearby wall, "obviously didn't get the memo."
The burly man pauses.
"I could never twist your arm, you're too stubborn and head strong, however. I was hoping that holding you here would let me get to someone else," he crouches down so that you can see each other, "Someone that cares for you. Yeah yeah, I know that's playing dirty... But y'know me and how I work ain't that right?"
You can't muster the strenght to speak out and answer.
Suddenly your mind flashes and your heart beat pounds at your brain. Your eyes widen.
You were on your way to a date with Jamie.
He must be worried sick about you.
Your mouth hangs open but no words come out.
Your head whips back painfully and you finally look at Thrasher in the eye, shock and fear painting your expression.
The piece of shit...
"Hah, finally perked up have you? Yeah. I've been trying to get to that vigilante peacekeeping idiot for awhile now. He keeps making me lose men and I've had just about enough of it."
His head draws closer to you, breath fanning on your face.
"That's when I spotted you with him being all lovey dovey and got the brilliant idea of using you as bait." He has a proud shit-eating grin across his face bigger than his stupid blue shades. "There was just nooo way that that righteous pompous fuck wouldn't come storming in here looking for his sweet little angel once he realizes you've gone missing. And that, is when I'll make sure he never fights anyone. Ever. Again."
Fear strucks you down like lightning. Jamie can surely beat Thrasher, hell, you yourself have beaten him and Jamie is a much more capable fighter than you but if he plays dirty... If he outnumbers him too greatly, the same way you were, and if he threatens him with your life... What if he wins.
Your heart threatens to leap out. You can't stand the idea of seeing your beloved master and partner getting his life beaten out of him. Specially because you were too careless and let them use you as bait.
Anger washes over you.
You want to beat this guy senseless. You want to remind him of who you are and to leave you the fuck alone together with Jamie. They're the ones causing trouble anyway! The audacity... But you can't even move. Hell, keeping your eyes open is hard enough as is. You are helpless and it makes you want to scream.
All you can hope for is that Jamie is smarter than this ruffian and doesn't let his emotions cloud his judgement if he does come to rescue...
The room has fallen silent once more. Thrasher got back up on his legs and is about to leave the room when the lightbulb above you begins flickering and shaking.
There's a commotion on the floor above. Jamie.
He has arrived.
You feel torn, you are hopeful and your heart flutters at the thought of being saved like a damsel in distress but you remember that they've been expecting him to come charging in anyway. It was their plan and he just entered the lion's den without a clue, only ready to swing to get to you.
"Well, only fitting that I put this on you yeah? Helps sell the whole hostage thing in case he makes it far enough to even lay an eye on you." He takes a rolled up bandana and shoves it into your mouth, tying it at the back and then patting your head like you're some dog.
"Boss he's here!!" A random thug yells while running past the door.
"Looks like your savior has arrived!" Thrasher flashes an ugly twisted smirk before trailing off, "Sorry about that, eh kid? Promise I'll leave you alone after I get rid of that pest!"
Your heart sinks. You start wishing and praying that Jamie goes away. Runs away and realizes it's a trap. You don't need saving. You'll be fine.
Your head is spinning once more. The commotion grows louder, there's sounds of thumping onto walls, cracks and yells. Until it grows silent.
Nothing is scarier and more nerve wracking than silence.
Seconds pass. Minutes pass.
Not a sound can be heard.
Is he looking for you?
Did he win? Did he lose?
It's hard to tell how long it has been since you've last heard a noise.
Your consciousness is running off.
You can't fall asleep, you need to stay awake. You need to know what's happening... You need to-
Something moves you and you feel yourself coming back to, opening your eyes slowly.
You've been laid sideways on the ground, rope being untied.
Right. You're still gagged.
It's hard to look around, vision still blurry and confused from having passed out just moments before.
The figure helping and releasing you is obscured by the light against him but there's no doubt. It's Jamie, he really did come to your rescue.
His hands work the bandana out of your mouth and massage your sore jaw. Your mouth is parched.
"Are you ok? Can you hear me?"
You nod lightly while you try getting up and failing miserably.
"Jamie... I'm so sorry..." You feel tears welling up at your eyes. You feel so stupid for getting caught. He could have been hurt or even killed over this, over you getting involved with Mad Gear.
"Shhh none of that matters, you're with me now baby, you're safe." He wraps you in his jacket and envelops you in his arms, easily lifting you up and carrying you.
You can't help but cry onto his chest, you were so worried, you treasure Jamie far too much. He's wounded as well, he's limping, his lip has been busted open together with some small cuts on his left brow and you can see traces of bruising on his jaw.
"Jamie... You can put me down, you're hurt too, I'll walk!"
"Pfft, you couldn't even stand up... Don't worry about me." He looks lovingly down at you.
"...How did you know I was being held here?"
"I was worried because you're never so late and I had a feeling something was off and then. Then, they had Bao Bao Bro make a delivery to me and inside the takeaway box there was a picture, of you, roughed up together with an address."
His brow furrows as he explains. "I was so fucking angry, I just stormed in here immediately without even thinking, that's why I got hurt too but I still wiped the floor with their asses." He presses a smooch on your temple, "Anything for my angel."
"I love you so much Jamie" you pronounce your adoration while nuzzling your head on the curve of his neck.
"...! Did you fight Thrasher?" Curiousity spikes and you ask excitedly.
"That, I did, but the guy's a fraud and an even bigger coward so of course he managed to get away, tsk-"
"We'll get him together." You offer Jamie a soft smile.
He has carried you all the way from the Red Factory to your apartment.
He takes off your clothes and helps you clean up, disinfecting your wounds and kissing you softly before laying you in bed.
"Jamie... Will you... Will you please stay with me tonight?"
"I wasn't intending on leaving you in this state y'know?" He brushes his hand on your face, petting you lightly. "I was just gonna crash on the couch, so if you need me you know where to find m-"
"In bed. I want you in bed with me."
Your directness takes him by surprise.
"I mean, I- I can do that too. Like I said, anything for you my love." He peppers kisses on you, careful not to hurt you.
"I was so scared... I was so worried they got you..."
"You were scared? Pfft, you know I can handle myself, I don't watch over chinatown for nothing... But my heart sunk when I saw your picture-"
You wrap your arms around his waist and pull, throwing him off balance.
"Hey hey hey-! Watch out I don't wanna hurt you!" He tries to stop himself from crushing you but you couldn't care less and just squeeze him into the tightest of hugs.
"Baby..." He gently puts his arms around your head and let's you stay like this for as long as you want.
You start pressing kisses on his chest. Progressively getting more heated up. He lift your head up slightly by the chin, "What are you up to silly? You should be resting." He asks with a playful tone.
Him saving you and the idea of him roughing up everyone on his way has you turned on like no other.
"I want you Jamie."
"You want me how?"
"You know what I mean..." you whisper, looking up at him with pleading eyes
"...now?" The realization hits. "Are you... Are you sure?"
"Please... I want you inside me..."
He flushes red and feels his dick twitch as if on command.
He lets go off you and puts both arms at your sides to support his weight, "Please stop me if I hurt you at all ok?"
You nod, his concern is endearing.
"I need to payback my hero for saving me after all, no?"
You're both sweaty and clinging to the bedsheets. Jamie made sure you were properly worked up, going down and feasting on your sex and driving you to the edge before inserting himself into you.
The room is filled with sweet nothings swapped between each other and moans.
He's kissing you passionately as his thrusting grows more erratic by the second.
"Does that feel good?“ He breaks away from the kiss momentarily to check in on you.
You're too lost in pleasure you continuously whimper "don't stop" and "more", his name escaping your lips at times.
He takes it as a yes and keeps going, trying his best to hold it in himself.
"You're so perfect baby, you take me so well."
You didn't do missionary very often but he enjoyed it quite a lot. He liked being able to see you react to his performance, he liked it when your eyes rolled and your mouth hung open because the pleasure is overwhelming you. He liked that he could always kiss you while shoving himself balls deep in you. It was hot. It was sweet.
You liked it too, being able too see him grow needier for you and having the possibility of locking him tight with your legs and wrapping your arms around his shoulders.
"Jamie..!" You know you're not going to last much longer, your nails raking his back, your chest heaving heavily.
"Come with me, c'mon..." He speeds up and lifts your hips upwards. "Come with me baby...!"
You both manage to ride out your orgasms at the same time, he's holding tight onto you, peppering kisses all over your neck and chest and you're breathlessly mewling for him and digging your nails on his shoulder blades.
"I love you so much Jamie..!"
"I love you too..." He tries to regain his breath and slows down, hands massaging your ass as he gently pulls out, seed seeping from your entrance, leaving you empty.
"Imma need to clean up more than just your wounds now huh?“ He gets back up on his feet next to you in bed and picks you up once more. "What do you say to taking a bath together?" He winks with a sweet smile on his lips.
"I would love nothing more." You radiate with joy.
You couldn't possibly be any happier.
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