#and if I was leo that would 100% keep me up at night
turtleblogatlast · 2 years
How much do you think it messes with Leo that Krang One is still alive and had actively named Leo as the sole recipient to his wrath
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cutielights · 11 months
I think exactly one person voted ‘No’ on The Poll :p <3
100+ followers rottmnt fluff alphabet!
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Activities- what do they like to do with their s/o?
He loves going swimming with you, beach, pool, waterparks? They’re all game in his eyes
Beauty- what physical attributes do they like the most about their s/o?
He loves your hands, cuddling and absentmindedly playing with your fingers
Comfort- how would they comfort their s/o through a bad day or a panic attack?
“Hey, hey I’m here, breathe, it’s me, Leo, remember?” He’s practiced in these things. Guides you through the 5 4 3 2 1 method
Dreams- how do they picture their future with their s/o?
When it crosses his mind, he pictures it with kids, training them to be ninjas. But that’s in the future, he’s in the now
Equal- are they the dominant one in the relationship or are they passive?
You guys take turns, kind of looks like a competition to the outside eye
Fight- how easy is it for them to forgive? How do they fight?
The thing he does most is sulk for a few days, silent treatment. Depending on who he thinks was truly in the wrong, he’ll confront you or apologise himself.
Gratitude- how grateful are they? Are they aware of how much their s/o does?
He is so insecure about not being enough for you. He is so grateful you put up with him, please comfort him, he needs to know you actually love him and don’t hate him, super aware of everything you do
Honesty- do they keep secrets from their s/o, or do they share everything?
The secrets he keeps are more of, ptsd related things. Doesn’t want you to worry about his nightmares. Can be coaxed into telling the truth, usually with cuddles after said nightmares
Inspiration- has their s/o inspired them?
Inspired? He’s definitely more open with his feelings now, healthier coping mechanisms
Jealousy- how jealous are they?
Possessive Jealousy? No. Insecure Jealousy. Plays it cool on the outside, but nervousness runs rampant in this boy’s skull, what if you think that guy is better than him? What about that yokai? They’re conveniently attractive and oh god they’re making jokes and you’re laughing?! Oh no oh no oh no
Kiss- are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
It was awkward to say the least. You both knew you wanted to kiss, but didn’t know how to express it. Kinda went like; “So-“ “Are we gonna-“ “y’know…”. after some failed attempts, you finally kissed
Love confession- how did they confess?
He confessed in the middle of a Jupiter Jim marathon. It was accidental as he thought you were asleep, after panicking and saying he didn’t mean it, you returned his feelings
Marriage- what are their thoughts on marriage?
Scares him half to death. Not that he doesn’t want to, it’s just- he feels he’s not worthy of marriage
Nicknames- what do they call their s/o?
Baby, Honey, Love of my life
On cloud nine- what are they like when on cloud nine? Is it obvious?
Zones out just staring at you with simultaneously the most dorky, smug, and lovestruck smile on his face
PDA- their thoughts on PDA, do they practice it?
110% he gives you kisses in public, he is holding your hand, either piggybacking you or the other way around, it’s game
Quirk- a random ability they have that is beneficial towards the relationship
His ability to clock you feeling down the moment it happens is wonderful if not otherworldly
Romance- how romantic are they, is it cliche or creative?
He can be cliche, nights at Hueso’s, but also mixes it up a bit with nighttime strolls or Hidden City shenanigans
Support- are they helping their s/o achieve their goals, do they believe in them?
Of course he’s helping! Maybe a tad too enthusiastic at times, but he wants the best for you
Thrill- do they feel the need for new things? Or prefer a relationship with routine?
He is doing new things all the time with you, but only new things you want to to ofc, may give you a nudge outside the comfort zone every now and again, just to help things along
Understanding- are they empathetic?
He might not seem it at first glance, but he is empathetic. Helps you through nightmares, injuries and anything that may ail you
Value- how important is the relationship to them?
Holds it above his own mental sanity
Wildcard- random fluff hc!
He is an arms guy, jumping into your arms or picking you up and spinning you around in his
Xoxo- are they affectionate, do they like to kiss and cuddle?
He is kissing your cheek to get attention, on the hand when being overly dramatic or romantic, on the forehead when cuddling, so very affectionate
Yearning- how do they cope when they miss their partner?
Quite sulky, whiny about it the whole time, saying things would be so much better if you were simply in each other’s presence. As for coping? He cuddles a pillow at night until you return
Zeal- are they willing to go great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind?
He is ready to do anything. Stay in the prison dimension? If it means you’re safe. Steal a cake? If it makes you happy
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Activities- what do they like to do with their s/o?
He loves working out with you. Buuut if that’s not your speed, he won’t complain about getting pizza
Beauty- what physical attributes do they like the most about their s/o?
He can’t pick a favourite! Perhaps your height is his favourite, he likes using you as a teddy
Comfort- how would they comfort their s/o through a bad day or a panic attack?
He’s bringing you ice cream and a shoulder to cry on after a bad day, maybe even some flowers too
Dreams- how do they picture their future with their s/o?
He gets very anxious about the future, especially the future of your relationship. Sits down to have a very serious talk about it, would you want to get married? Would you want kids? Can we afford kids? How do we acquire children? Takes it seriously and doesn’t marry himself to one particular future
Equal- are they the dominant one in the relationship or are they passive?
You both stand on the same level of equality
Fight- how easy is it for them to forgive? How do they fight?
Snaps if he’s particularly stressed about something. Apologises after taking a few deep breaths. It’s extremely rare for an argument to last more than a day
Gratitude- how grateful are they? Are they aware of how much their s/o does?
Oh my man thinks you’re way out of his league, will forever be eternally grateful for you and everything you do
Honesty- do they keep secrets from their s/o, or do they share everything?
If he has secrets, he wouldn’t be able to keep them for long, they eat away at him. Mind Raph helps him tell the truth before it does some damage to the relationship
Inspiration- has their s/o inspired them?
You’ve definitely inspired him to take more time to himself, and just relax, even just for a bit
Jealousy- how jealous are they?
He refuses to call it jealousy, he just refuses to. He knows you would never do anything with that person, that conveniently attractive person, with a great personality, and you’re laughing at their jokes?! “Haha, yeah we just need to go… somewhere else.”
Kiss- are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
He’s getting better with practice. The first was at a drive in theatre, neither of you were really paying attention to the movie, something about a cafe owner going broke, he blurted out the question so quickly you didn’t even hear the sentence. You had to ask him to repeat himself twice before he had calmed down
Love confession- how did they confess?
With flowers in your favourite colour, he stood on your fire escape and poured his heart out in front of you
Marriage- what are their thoughts on marriage?
It crosses his mind often, he’s very concerned about the future, dislikes that he can’t just know what will happen. As for marriage itself? He’ll ask someday, but not now
Nicknames- what do they call their s/o?
On cloud nine- what are they like when on cloud nine? Is it obvious?
He’s obvious. But in denial with it, even when called out
PDA- their thoughts on PDA, do they practice it?
He’s not one for PDA, preferring cuddles in private
Quirk- a random ability they have that is beneficial towards the relationship
His pure strength and size is good for many things, including amazing cuddles
Romance- how romantic are they, is it cliche or creative?
Cliche, he knows it’s cliche, but it’s cliche for a reason right? Flowers, candles, the whole shebang. People wouldn’t keep doing it if it didn’t work!
Support- are they helping their s/o achieve their goals, do they believe in them?
He would! Would help you set realistic goals and work up to the ultimate one
Thrill- do they feel the need for new things? Or prefer a relationship with routine?
He likes his routine, throwing in a surprise here and there
Understanding- are they empathetic?
Yes! Ofc, he is. Doesn’t want you to suffer, cuddles count as therapy right?
Value- how important is the relationship to them?
Important, he is making sure you are safe 100% of the time, he knows what a pain villains are for stealing s/o’s
Wildcard- random fluff hc!
Piggybacks! Or carrying you bridal style, just imagine all the things you can see up there
Xoxo- are they affectionate, do they like to kiss and cuddle?
Yes and yes, not so much as PDA, but as general cuddles for movie nights
Yearning- how do they cope when they miss their partner?
Won’t try to outwardly express this to anyone, shows up outside your window, if that’s not possible due to some unspoken reason then he probably just messages you, staying up later than he usually does
Zeal- are they willing to go great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind?
Man is ready to jump off a building for you
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Activities- what do they like to do with their s/o?
Going to conventions, dancing, pure enjoyment of the other’s company
Beauty- what physical attributes do they like the most about their s/o?
Any facial markings or scars, stretch marks included
Comfort- how would they comfort their s/o through a bad day or a panic attack?
Asks before doing absolutely anything. “Can I come in?” “I’m going to come closer, is that okay?” “May I touch you?” Does his best to calm you down, if not, then he’s finding the root of the issue and eliminating it
Dreams- how do they picture their future with their s/o?
He pictures his future quite often, the vision changes from time to time, but your always next to him in it
Equal- are they the dominant one in the relationship or are they passive?
Says he’s the dominant one, but really likes when you’re the dominant
Fight- how easy is it for them to forgive? How do they fight?
Fights actually don’t happen that much with the two of you. If you do fight, he only lets it last a few minutes before cutting contact and giving you the silent treatment. Forgiveness is given in a few days and you guys are on good terms again
Gratitude- how grateful are they? Are they aware of how much their s/o does?
He can forget sometimes, but he spends a day without you and takes it all back, realising how much he relies on you
Honesty- do they keep secrets from their s/o, or do they share everything?
According to the internet, honesty is key to a healthy relationship, so he does his best although honesty is quite difficult sometimes, in general
Inspiration- has their s/o inspired them?
Inspired in the way that you give him new insights he himself hadn’t considered fully yet, set on one path, helping him see the bigger picture on things
Jealousy- how jealous are they?
It’s through the roof, although, he’s in denial about it
Kiss- are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
It didn’t happen until at least six months, awkward at first, but followed your lead after some reassurance
Love confession- how did they confess?
He had a whole plan on how to do it, like a months long plan. You got there first, catching him off guard
Marriage- what are their thoughts on marriage?
He’d get married if you really wanted to but, he doesn’t see the point exactly. That doesn’t stop him from being emotional on the day however
Nicknames- what do they call their s/o?
Darling, Significant Other
On cloud nine- what are they like when on cloud nine? Is it obvious?
Gets extremely defensive about the fact that he’s definitely not on cloud nine that he forgets to act like it
PDA- their thoughts on PDA, do they practice it?
Absolutely not, especially not in the first few months. Hand holding is acceptable, and the occasional hug
Quirk- a random ability they have that is beneficial towards the relationship
The ability to force himself to stay up all night, caffeine helps of course. You guys can just talk in the dead of night, as we all know, that is the best bonding time
Romance- how romantic are they, is it cliche or creative?
Gets creative with it, but isn’t shying away from flowers. Better yet! Mechanical flowers that bloom in the day! They never die!
Support- are they helping their s/o achieve their goals, do they believe in them?
Much like his red older brother, helps you set realistic mini-goals, and then helps achieve them. Not too hands on however, wants you to accomplish it yourself
Thrill- do they feel the need for new things? Or prefer a relationship with routine?
Routine. Routine. Routine. Cannot function without it. If there’s something new he needs to know about it at least a week in advance and that’s being lenient
Understanding- are they empathetic?
He is empathetic, just not the best at expressing it
Value- how important is the relationship to them?
This is so important to him, you would not believe
Wildcard- random fluff hc!
He pulls you onto his lap when working on something, refusing to let you leave
Xoxo- are they affectionate, do they like to kiss and cuddle?
After the initial phase he most definitely is, but only in private will you get kisses
Yearning- how do they cope when they miss their partner?
Calls and messages 24/7, if that’s unavailable? Workaholic
Zeal- are they willing to go great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind?
He’s ready to destroy his inventions for you. Yes- he has backups, but that’s beside the point!
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Activities- what do they like to do with their s/o?
Let’s go, come on we’re going to paint New York with graffiti. Loves cooking with you and showing you techniques he learned recently
Beauty- what physical attributes do they like the most about their s/o?
Loves your hair/fur/whatever, running hands through it
Comfort- how would they comfort their s/o through a bad day or a panic attack?
Comfort foods, but never overboard with it, too much is unhealthy. Movie nights and gentle words
Dreams- how do they picture their future with their s/o?
He honestly doesn’t think about it all that much, preferring the moment. But he does picture his future with you in it
Equal- are they the dominant one in the relationship or are they passive?
Passive, prefers standing on equal ground with people
Fight- how easy is it for them to forgive? How do they fight?
Dr feelings isn’t letting fights go unresolved, preferring to talk it out and get to the bottom of the issue
Gratitude- how grateful are they? Are they aware of how much their s/o does?
He’s super grateful! Does occasionally let it slip, but just tell him and he’ll remember himself
Honesty- do they keep secrets from their s/o, or do they share everything?
He wouldn’t keep secrets on purpose, likely the only reason he hasn’t told you anything is because it hadn’t come up in conversations yet, or he’s self conscious about it, not wanting to be a bother, but never out of malice
Inspiration- has their s/o inspired them?
Inspiration in the sense that you’re his favourite muse? Yes! Inspiration in the sense that he’s changed? Probably not
Jealousy- how jealous are they?
He tries his best to not get jealous, but sometimes he just can’t hold it back, Dr delicate touch tells the person you’re taken
Kiss- are they a good kisser? What was the first kiss like?
Rooftop rambles at night are a must in this relationship, it happened under the moonlight, you could taste the pizza on his breath
Love confession- how did they confess?
He tried making it romantic, he really did, but one disaster after another passed through. He was about to just leave and take it as a sign you guys weren’t supposed to be together until you confessed instead
Marriage- what are their thoughts on marriage?
He’s up for it if you’re up for it, but only after a while, when you’re both adults, just to be safe
Nicknames- what do they call their s/o?
Baby, Honey, CutiePie, Angel, Wonder
On cloud nine- what are they like when on cloud nine? Is it obvious?
He physically has heart eyes, most obvious in his cloud-nine shenanigans, zoned out whilst staring at you once and added way too much baking soda it was a disaster
PDA- their thoughts on PDA, do they practice it?
PDA all day, as long as you’re okay with it ofc, mostly just hand holding and an arm around your shoulder
Quirk- a random ability they have that is beneficial towards the relationship
His ability to completely clock whenever you’re down avoids most complications
Romance- how romantic are they, is it cliche or creative?
He gets creative with it, thinks the traditional things are nice, sure, but overdone
Support- are they helping their s/o achieve their goals, do they believe in them?
Oh absolutely he believes in you! Supports your goals and helps out with what you may need
Thrill- do they feel the need for new things? Or prefer a relationship with routine?
New things. Hidden city dates all the time because it’s the most unpredictable, carefully avoiding the law enforcements.
Understanding- are they empathetic?
Absolutely! Have you met this boy? Sureee Dr Delicate touch isn’t empathetic, but that’s not a problem with you guys, he hasn’t met you yet.
Value- how important is the relationship to them?
You’re pinned in his contacts, he adores baking or cooking anything for you, overall one of the most important people in his life
Wildcard- random fluff hc!
Has one of those jars that have the lolly sticks with things to do with a s/o written on them, you made it together! Orange stick for an indoor date, green for outdoor, white for something that can be done anywhere
Xoxo- are they affectionate, do they like to kiss and cuddle?
Affection levels at 110% he’s giving you all the attention you deserve and could ever want
Yearning- how do they cope when they miss their partner?
He spams messages for a while, but if you’re not responding for some reason, listens to music in order to zone out. Takes his mind off of things ya know?
Zeal- are they willing to go great lengths for the relationship? If so, what kind?
He would go to the greatest lengths. This man would have taken Leo’s place in the prison dimension if it meant you were safe and alive
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turtlecleric · 8 months
Me: We don't give rise!Raph enough attention
Me to me: Then write something for him
Me: ...
Me: ...
Me: You've convinced me
Female pronouns used, suggestive toward the end but nothing happens because Raph is a gentleman, I promise
"Told you she wouldn't last."
For a moment, Raph doesn't know what Leo's talking about. Then he follows his brother's amused gaze to where you're passed out on the couch and smirks right along with him. You'd been so adamant - so stubborn. All those claims that yes, you were gonna make it through all three movies they'd picked. Yes, really. All three. 100%, for sure, you would not fall asleep. And here you were. Halfway through the first one and already out cold.
You make a small sound in your sleep, your brow twitching slightly before smoothing out once more. Raph feels himself soften, feels his smirk shift into a genuine smile. He couldn't blame you, really. You'd taken a double shift today and still come by for movie night. Even now, as you slept, he could see the exhaustion weighing you down.
"Eh, leave her alone, Leo," Raph says, keeping his voice low despite how loud the others were being as they quoted the movie and tossed popcorn into each other's mouths. "She deserves some rest."
Leo is quiet for a moment. Then he speaks with a tone that hints at something that Raph doesn't quite catch. "She deserves to sleep somewhere better than our ratty couch. Don't you think?"
Raph pulls his eyes away from your face, trying to read Leo's expression and failing. He's not smirking anymore, but there's something there that Raph isn't seeing. "...Yeah. I guess so."
Leo hums. The corners of his mouth tick upward. "Maybe you should take her to your room. Quieter there, yeah? More comfy, too."
Raph narrows his eyes. Searches Leo's face. Looks back at you, noting that your neck is at an awkward angle against the arm of the couch. Looks back at Leo.
Hm. That tone usually means Leo is up to something, but he's not wrong. And Raph would hate for you to get woken up by their stupid shenanigans after you'd had such a long week.
"Yeah. Yeah, I'll, uh," Raph grunts as he pushes himself up to stand. "I'll let her have my room tonight."
He gently scoops you up, and his stomach does a strange little flutter. Too much soda. Or too much pizza, maybe. Either way, he pushes it down, carrying you slowly so he doesn't jostle you too much. You're warm. Soft. Pliant in his arms.
He's walking slowly so he doesn't wake you. That's all.
When he makes it to his room, he's pleased to find that it is, in fact, much quieter in here. Slowly, gently, he lowers you into the bed and pulls the covers up to tuck you in. You don't wake, though you do make another soft sound in the back of your throat. There's another flutter in his stomach.
He pulls back, knowing he should return to the movie, but. He doesn't move. He doesn't really know why, but he wants to... stay. Watch you sleep.
Wait, that's creepy, isn't it? He should go. He should...
He wants to stay, though.
Your voice makes him jump despite how quiet and raspy it is from sleep. He feels his cheeks heat, feels his eyes widen as he takes in your bleary stare. He clears his throat, squeaking out, "Yeah?"
You look so tired. Barely even conscious. Even as you reach out a hand, making a grabby gesture at him, he can tell you're still halfway asleep. It's... really fucking cute. And then you speak again.
"Lay with me?"
Okay, now his chest is doing something weird. He's really starting to wonder if he's actually getting sick or something.
You're still reaching for him, your arm starting to shake in the air and your mouth pulling into an adorable pout despite your eyes having fallen closed once again. Then you make a sound of distress that has him huffing out an exasperated, fond sigh.
You're gonna be so embarrassed when you wake up tomorrow, Raph thinks.
He climbs into bed, settling in behind you. Careful, always careful, he places an arm across your waist and holds you closer. It's not close enough, apparently, as you scoot yourself backward so that your back is flush against his plastron, so that your legs tangle with his. You pull his arm from your waist to your chest, wrapping both of your arms around it and holding it close. He stiffens at that, while you let out a contented sigh.
Something is definitely wrong with him. His heart is beating way too fast, and his chest feels like it's... too full? Or something? He should leave so you don't catch whatever it is that has him feeling so-
You make another breathy sound in your sleep. It's completely innocent, it's just a sound, but at the same time... it does something to him. With him pressed so closely against you, with his arm trapped against your chest and the smell of your shampoo in his nose and the way the blanket falls over your curves, he suddenly has the mortifying thought that he wants to-
Oh, shit. Oh, shit.
He's going to kill Leo tomorrow.
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pjoxreader · 1 year
PJO Boys Helping With Reader's Period
Leo Valdez
-This man is a mechanical genius, he would make you anything and everything. Just say the word.
-So when he sees you hesitating about asking him for something he pokes and prods until you cave in, asking him to make you a heating pad.
-It takes a few seconds for the gears in his brain to turn before he gets it. “Ohhh! Yeah! Yeah! That’s no problem, I’m sure I can cook something up! Just give me a night!”
-There’s no way he wouldn’t drop everything if he knew your comfort was on the line. 
-He’d go around and ask the other girls in camp about the sort of things that helped them with cramps. 
-Sure enough the next morning he’d bring you a horribly wrapped gift with a sleepy grin, offering you the heating pad he made. It not only had different heat levels and wrapped around your entire body to help with lower back cramps, it also had multiple massaging functions.
-Please take a nap with him, after all that work he’d want nothing more. 
Frank Zhang
-He tries so hard to be helpful. He really tries. It isn’t his fault that all the women in his family were very strong and independent. 
-You once asked him to get you some pads. He ended up coming back with six different boxes and some tampons just in case.
-”...Frank…” you complain as he sets the all down on your bed, you could see his hesitance as he tries to figure out what he did wrong.
-”Did… Did I not get enough?” You can’t stay mad at him since he looked like a worried puppy. 
-He ends up working on some basic tasks instead like getting your craving for you. That? That he can do.
-He’ll bring you anything from Hot coco, to your favorite chocolate or sweet. And if it’s very specific he’ll go to Nico to ask if he could shadow travel for it. 
-He also keeps a little stash of some of your favorite snacks, just in case he isn’t able to get what you’re craving in time.
Percy Jackson
-Sally Jackson raised this man right. SHE RAISED HIM RIGHT.
-He carries around both tampons and pads, no questions asked for anyone who needs it.  Not only is he naturally charming, he's genuinely a sweet guy.
-You accidently bleed through onto his bed? No worries he can just wash it. It isn’t the first time he’s had to get blood out of something.
-He’ll give you massages to help with your cramps. It doesn’t matter how long it takes as long as it helps you feel better.
-He claims it’s a good workout so he doesn’t mind doing it. 
-Don’t expect to get anything yourself during your period. You need food? He’s on his way. Water? Already got it. 
-When it’s time to sleep he’ll hold you close and gently rub circles into your hip and side, whispering loving words of affirmation. He knows your emotions could get a bit wild during this time of the month. He’s the best boyfriend you could ask for.
Jason Grace
-He’s clueless. He was raised by wolves after all and the time he was with his family he was too young to be informed about… That.
-At least the look of utter horror on his face is amusing. He looks down there as if you’d start spurting blood, face utterly pale.
-”But… Won’t you like… Bleed out or something?” he asks in utter concern.
-You have to try so hard to not laugh at him. Please set him down and borrow one of the Apollo kids books on the subject.
-He will 100% be staring in utter horror as if you’re explaining to him how to commit murder but he’s at least listening.
-He has a new respect for women now and to be honest he’ll be a bit scared of them for a while.
-He’ll go to the other girls of Argo ll to make sure that you weren’t just messing with him.
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moxfirefly · 9 months
"I'm not letting them go. They're mine. They've always been mine."
For a bestie mikey who is jealous, someone's taking readers' attention away from him?
These quotes are hard to work with XD
Ray, my beloved. Always coming in clutch 🤌
Rated Mature (suggestive themes)
Mikey felt a stirring next to him that prompted him to open his eyes. The midnight nap he’d decided on when you had sat next to him was disturbed and he wanted to groan displeased.
“Sorry Mike, I gotta use the bathroom be back in a sec.” That gentle hushed tone only served to help him drift back, almost at least. Woefully he accepted his best friend having to leave for a few minutes.
It was something of tradition at this point, falling a sleep next to you during movie nights. Mikey had wordlessly cemented the fact that he got to sit next to you and you had reinforced it by always finding your place next to him.
He took the second to stretch out, enjoying the pops of each achy limbs, patrol had been a bitch a few hours ago. He saw Leo konked on the armchair, Donnie in the kitchen making more popcorn as a sleepy April scrolled through Netflix to find something else to play.
“—Well im gonna need you in a bit to measure again, probably tomorrow too”
Raph’s voice rang from behind where he was sat on the couch. Mikey looked back to see him talking to you and holding your arm extended.
“Remind me why I’m doing this again?” He asked mocked annoyed as he used his pointer and thumb to measure your arm.
“Because I wanna win $100 bucks at work” You laughed when he moved to your other arm to do the same.
“What fucking weird job makes an ugly Christmas sweater competition?” He used both his hand to grab your waist, using it as reference for the torso of the sweater.
Mikey raised a brow ridge, why had he felt a pulse of something when he saw his brother man handling you.
“Hey if I win you’ve got $50 waiting for you, so make it as ugly as possible.” You arched your neck when he wrapped a hand around your neck and mumble something, clearly mapping out the measurements in his head.
That, yeah that felt really weird in the bottom of Mikey’s stomach. Why did Raph have to loom over you, hand around your pretty neck and smiling to himself.
“Well come by this week, I’m gonna need you while I’m making it.” He finally let go of you, and it took a second of trying to think straight to not jump Raph.
“Mikey and I are playing that new game where you romance all the hot people—“
Donnie piped in, “Baldur’s Gate.” You threw him a finger gun for the assist.
“Well ya think you can detach yourself from numb nuts for a few minutes at a time?” He asked playfully.
“Well you’ve got her measurements what more do you need, dude?” Mikey finally spoke up, making Raph and you turn towards his groggy annoyed face. “I got an idea but I gotta re-adjust or re-make whatever don’t come out right.” He spoke matter of fact, his gaze was mocking him.
“I can’t just take breaks between.” You offered to ease the sudden tension in the air.
“I’m sure Mikey can survive five minutes without ya, right buddy?” He clamped both hands on your shoulders and smiled at his youngest brother. “Man quit being handsy with her.” It came out before he could really assess what his mouth had vomited out. Under a different tone of voice it could’ve been taken playfully but this was the full opposite.
“Chill man, I ain’t stealing ya girl.” He chuckled and if Mikey could blush he would. He glared at Raph, not noticing your own blush creeping up your cheeks.
“Looks like it since you wanna keep her all week.” He was getting up now, less groggy and more peeved than anything.
“Mike—“ Your voice was gentle trying to ease the fast approaching boiling tension in the air.
“Aww, Mikey’s worried his bestie’s gonna be my bestie all week? Man just let it go.” Raph wasn’t even remotely serious poking fun at his younger brother.
“Im not letting her go. She’s mine. She’s always been mine.” He shot a deep glare at Raph, who face quickly fell upon hearing those words.
It took a few seconds for Mikey to fully comprehend what he had said and the implication behind it. His eyes went wide, landing on your own wide eyes and the blush that scattered itself further down your chest.
Fuck, what had he done?
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Because you're alive again may I request more mutant-mayhem stuff? Like I got nothing specifically but I would love to see more of it! :3
I'm going through a severe case of writer's block so I'm sorry if this sucks:(
prom night
mutant mayhem! x gn! reader headcanons!
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the turtless asking their crush to slow dance at prom!
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"bruh all you have to do is ask" "ITS NOT THAT EASY-"
bro heart hurts so bad he feels like its abt to explode
sweating like crazy too
bro does NOT know what to do
bro uses his rizz which is not existent to win you over
"hey uh...I think someone must have stolen the stars and put them in your eyes..."(LMFAOOOOOOOOO)
"Wanna Dance?"
his hands are really sweaty and icky(im sorry LMAO)
he CANNOT make eye contact bro
and at the end he tells you that you're really beautiful/handsome/cute and runs away
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he doesn't really want to dance
because he thinks it's "not manly"
but his brothers are making him do it because they know he likes you
he really does not want to do it because he thinks it's embarrassing
he likes youuu soooo...
not nervous asking...like at all
like he's not scared whatsoever
bros so chill abt it.
"wanna dance?."
not sweaty like leo and donnie
"your eyes are really pretty"
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like you can see the sweat dripping off of him
can't breathe
bro is literally dying
"why are you so nervous just ask" "im going to kill you shut up"
he keeps walking up to you and walking back
like he's about to tap on your shoulder and he just walks back(hes so silly)
he uses very cringy anime pick up lines
"Is your name Cana? Um, Cana call you mine?" (Fairy Tail Guild pick up line LMAOOO)
he just awkwardly stands around you after he said that
bro does NOT know what to do
after like 2 minutes of him standing around you awkwardly
"h-hey umm do y-you maybe w-wanna dance?, its fine i-if you don't want to"
"i would love to"
he fell in love with you a little deeper after that dance
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but not scared or nervous at all
he knows exactly how to rizz you up fr!
and now all he has to do is wait for the perfect moment to sweep you off your feet
as soon as the slow dance music starts...
he walks straight up to you and grabs your shoulder genty
"If I could rearrange the alphabet, I’d put ‘U’ and ‘I’ together"(HES SO SILLY BRO)
"would you like to dance with me?"
he smells like vanilla or cocoa 100%
he asked you out for pizza the next day after school
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can you guys give me tips on how to do oneshots like I'm actually suffering
constructive criticism is greatly appreciated:333
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Chapter 4 of No Fun in Fungus! The next chapter will be last!
Donnie can’t help but feel angry at this point.
At who, he isn’t entirely certain.
Himself? The mushrooms?
There’s just anger.
Weight is suddenly in his hand.
It’s his tech bō.
He slams it into the side of the fake Leo’s head as hard as he can.
The hallucination’s head and neck cracks sideways audibly.
It’s gaze moves back to Donnie.
“You hate me this much? Why? What….did I ever do to you? Why do you want me to be gone from your life so badly?”
Donnie’s hands steady as he hits again.
“Shut up! I don’t care if some dumb dumb mushrooms keep saying my brothers think I hate them!”
Another whack.
“They know I love them! I know I love them! Just because I made mistakes and can’t express my feelings like other people doesn’t make me a monster!”
An even harder hit.
“I would build, destroy, do anything for them! You can’t take that away from me!”
The bō suddenly gets grabbed as the image turns into Shredder.
“You think you can do anything? A pathetic little mistake, a blight on my bloodline talking so boldly. You believe you can hide your weaknesses with machinery, you forget how easily I destroyed it! How easily I can destroy you!”
Donnie is well aware what happened to his tech on multiple occasions.
Because of his failures, two people he cared a lot about were gone within the same day.
However, it was that same tech he created that gave them time to escape.
It was his invention that helped bring Leo back from somewhere that seemed impossible.
Maybe nothing he made was perfect or would always been 100% successful.
He’d make them over and over again to help his family.
Reminding himself of them also brings back the memory of Raph.
There’s a chance that the other component he had been missing was besides knowing this wasn’t real.
Raph didn’t only allow them to calm him down, he also chose to face his fear completely while thinking it was real.
He ha/ to do the same to have a chance of making sure everyone else was okay.
Donnie let’s go of the stuck tech bō and lunges at Shredder, hoping that the hallucination would just vanish.
It still surprises him that it works.
What surprises him even more is when he realizes that he’s actually going towards Raph and Leo.
The three all let out yelps as they crash into each other.
“Okay, ow.” Donnie complains, draped over Raph’s chest and part of Leo.
“That’s my line.” Leo grumbles, but not making any attempt to move.
Raph grabs and pulls the both of them into a tight hug.
“Raph’s never been so happy to get crashed into. You okay? Leo and I saw some….intense stuff.”
“Luckily I am the pinnacle of mysterious bad boy personas, I have my emotions completely under control.” Donnie says despite clinging to them just as much.
Raph can’t help but smile a little more at his reaction, despite the situation they’re in.
It’s nice to know he’s still considered a safe space after everything that’s happened.
“Don’t worry, Raph’s got ya.”
“….Thank you. There is something I want to say-“
“Hold on! I need to give you this before I forget.” Leo holds up the inhaler.
“You….still have that thing? You know I can just make one with ninpo now.”
“Maybe, but if you’re stressed and can’t breathe how are you going to focus enough to make one?…..Are you crying?”
Donnie hides his face in Leo’s shoulder.
“No. The spore cloud made my eyes burn.”
Leo pats his head.
“Sure it did.”
“I’d give you yours, but they’re in my battle shells.”
“They’re? As in more than one?”
“Obviously I have to have one in each or else it nullifies the purpose of it being handy in an emergency.”
Leo sniffles.
“The dust got in my eyes too.”
Tears fall onto them from above, making the two look up.
“There’s nothing in my eyes, I just love you guys so much.” Raph admits.
“We love you too, big guy. Let’s go get Mikey so he doesn’t get mad we’re group hugging without him.” Leo pats Raph’s face.
Raph nods.
“Let’s go make sure he’s okay.”
He lets go of Donnie and Leo before they all stand up.
Leo wobbles slightly.
Donnie nonchalantly leans closer to him, offering his shoulder.
Leo silently accepts the invitation to help him stay upright.
The three of them make their way further in.
When the spores made everything hard to see, Mikey scrambled to grab onto anyone he could.
When he felt nothing, it scared him pretty badly.
There wasn’t much to go on to find out which way they went so he went a random direction and just called out for all of them.
He felt so relieved when he heard all their voices together after some time of walking.
“Hey! You guys! I’m here! Is everyone okay?”
The relief vanishes very quickly as Mikey realizes the voices were angry ones, his brothers were arguing.
“You’re just selfish, Leo! Even after almost getting us all killed you still can’t stop and think for even a second about how we might feel!” Donnie shouts.
“Since when do you care about how people feel!? You keep building robots just so someone will want to hang out with you! I bet S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. died just so he wouldn’t have to be around you anymore!”
Mikey gasps loudly.
That was an incredibly low blow considering S.H.E.L.L.D.O.N. was like their nephew and, by extension, Donnie’s son.
“Leo! How could you say that?”
Donnie slaps Leo across the face, hard enough that Mikey could tell it stung.
Leo recovers from the slap and tackles Donnie, rolling around in a fight with him on the floor.
“What are you doing!? Raph! Help me stop them!” Mikey pleads, looking up at him.
Raph crosses his arms and has a look that makes Mikey freeze.
This was completely different from how he looks when he’s disappointed.
Raph always has that shine in his eyes even at the worst moments. While the saying is that people keep their hearts on their sleeves, Raph keeps it in his eyes.
That was missing at the moment.
“How many times am I going to have to keep cleaning up everyone’s messes? All I ever do is take care of you three and you’ve never appreciated it. Especially not you.”
“O-Of course I appreciate it! I appreciate you! I love you and Leo and Donnie and dad-“
“No, you don’t. Maybe you love Leo and dad and Donnie, but not me. I worked so hard to keep you safe and for what!? All it did was push you away from me! I’m the bad guy because I didn’t let you do dumb and dangerous things! You never care how hard it is for me to have to be responsible! I have fun too! I’m not just a buzzkill like you guys keep saying!”
Mikey feels tears pricking at his eyes at the tone and volume that Raph has been using.
None of his lectures ever sound like this.
“I-I’m….I’m sorry….”
“You know what? I should be glad you don’t want to hang out with me anymore. You’re annoying.”
Mikey’s heart break into little pieces.
Leo and Donnie stand up.
“Finally, something we can agree on. I’m sick and tired of you coming into my lab! I hate having to pretend like your dumb ideas matter.” Donnie crosses his arms.
“N-No….D-Donnie….h-he likes my ideas! Th-This isn’t him….it can’t be….” Mikey whimpers.
“You guys are being too hard on him.” Leo interjects.
Mikey looks up at him hopefully.
“Why even bother saying what’s wrong with him? He can’t change, he won’t change. Dr. Toxic Positivity only cares if someone’s upset so he can make them feel bad about it.”
“T-Toxic….? No! Please! I just want to help! I can do better! I-I can make this better!”
“You can’t cook breakfast, you can’t draw, you can’t skateboard, you can’t do anything that would make you useful enough for us to put up with you.”
“My arms will heal! They’ll-!” Mikey looks down in horror as he sees the golden cracks on his arms.
“No no no! This isn’t happening!”
The other three turn their backs to him.
“This family is a joke. Good luck surviving without me around.” Raph starts walking off.
“No! Wait! Don’t go!”
“Try not to fall into a sewer hole chasing after a pigeon with pizza.” Donnie hisses, going another direction.
“Please! Stay!”
“You can’t keep yourself together, let alone the family. Being in the prison dimension is better than being here.” Leo comments, walking away from the rest as well.
Tears stream down Mikey’s face as he feels something else welling up.
He was not just going to let them go.
If his arms have to suffer again, so be it.
The feeling flows through him, through his arms and throughout the rest of his body.
There’s a weightlessness that comes to him he isn’t fully aware of.
He’s floating.
Ninpo chains appear around him before shooting out in the directions his brothers went.
When he feels one chain gain purchase on something, he pulls it back.
There’s the sound of quite yelling that gets louder as the chain goes back to him.
It becomes loudest when Leo comes into his vision.
“Wha-, Mikey!? You can fly!?”
“Where are they?”
“You mean Raph and Donnie? They’re fine, they were right next to me, but what’s happening with you!?”
Mikey just sends out more chains.
The yelling starts up again and only ends when Raph and Donnie are brought over as well.
“Mikey!?” They question at the same time.
“How are you doing this!?” Raph pulls at the chain around him.
Mikey wraps more chains around his arms, glowing yellow pooling in his eyes and down his face in tears.
“Stop it! You’re not leaving! I don’t care if you want out of this family! W-We’re going to work out our problems and nobody is going anywhere!”
“Mikey, none of us want to leave the family! It’s the hallucinations!” Donnie insists.
“H-How do I know that!? Leo and Raph fought so much just because they couldn’t understand each other! L-Leo was just going to let himself die! None of you can promise me that you won’t leave!”
“No! W-We’re all going to apologize! I-I’m sorry for being so annoying…..I-I’m sorry I can’t use my arms a lot yet. I’m sorry you think I hate you Raphie!” He shuts his eyes, making more tears spill out.
Raph’s jaw drops.
Mikey only calls him Raphie nowadays when he wants something especially badly and his puppy dog eyes weren’t working.
When they were younger, that’s all he called him.
“No! You don’t need to apologize, Mikey! I know you don’t hate me, you don’t even hate Draxum!”
Mikey opens his eyes again, sniffling as they stop glowing.
“I was so scared when you put Leo in your escape pod. W-We had no idea what they were doing with you, i-if you’d come back. I never worried about us not surviving before Shredder! Then the Krang happened and…..I realized more we could all just die! E-Especially you.”
“What….what do you mean….?”
“Leo put himself in the prison dimension, but you made him leave you behind in your escape pod! When Shredder attacked Donnie, you put yourself between them and he was stepping on you! H-How many times are we going to have to see you like that!? It hurts! It’s scary!”
Raph desperately struggles against the chains, he wants to hug his poor baby brother so badly.
“I’m sorry! I….I always thought you guys being scared was better than you being hurt or worse. You’re not a burden or a responsibility, you’re my family. I always want to protect you, and….I can’t do that if I’m gone. I get it. I promise I do.”
Mikey hiccups and removes some chains from him, pulling him closer to hug him tightly.
Raph hugs him back just as tight, maybe even tighter.
Leo and Donnie sigh in relief slightly at Mikey calming down.
“If you’re feeling better, you can set us down now Miguel.” Leo smiles.
Mikey stares hard at him and Donnie from behind Raph’s shoulder.
“We’re not done.”
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When you guys start dating he is head over heels.
And so are you, (You better be)
Like he is so genuinly happy that you would choose HIM.
Of anyone in the world.
You chose HIM.
He gets super flustered around you.
Like blushing-mess-doesn't-know-what to-do flustered.
And it's adorable.
He let you pick one of his teddies to take back to your apartment.
That way if you can't see him for a while, you can cuddle the teddy to feel less lonely.
I know alot of people say this,
But I completely agree,
He treats you like a fragile antique.
He is all to aware of how much bigger and stronger than you he is,
Poor boy is TERRIFIED he'll accidentally hurt you.
Make sure if he starts to feel that way, that you comfort him.
I'LL hurt you if you don't.
I mean come on, you cannot tell me this total sweetheart would not give the absolute best and warmest hugs.
Best hugger.
PDA is NOT an issue for him.
He will kiss you smack dab on the lips if and when he feels like it.
Movie night with the fam?
Doesn't care.
Leo says it's disgusting.
Donnie literally groans everytime this happens.
Mikey teases.
But he still does it.
He LOVES holding your hand.
It's just so SMALL compared to his own.
He can't help it, he just thinks it's adorable.
Romantic night walks are a constant.
So is him randomly stopping by your window with flowers.
(If you're allergic then he asks Mikey to help him make you paper ones, like oragami.)
Random 👏 cuddle 👏 sessions 👏
If he wants to cuddle, he will just randomly pick you up.
Like this boy will just walk up behind you,
Pick you up,
Throw you over his shoulder,
And walk to his room.
There is no escape.
You will cuddle him until he lets you go.
Deal with it.
All in all,
Dating big red is like living in a romance novel.
He does his absolute best to keep you safe and happy.
(You better do the same thing sweety, because if you don't-
I will hurt you.)
Those are my dating Raph headcanons, I hope you like them, and let me know who to do next!
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oracleact · 1 year
You can totally choose to look past this cuz it might be a lot (Tw trauma?) I just got Carried, you know when Carrie (from the movie) she gets a bucked full of blood over her head on prom? A guy asked me out and to my surprise, I was blessed with ketchup, eggs and flour by him and his friends, the subway didn’t let me in and no Uber would accept me getting in a car, so I had to walk home. No one asked me what was wrong
I’m still processing that actually happened,. I’m assuming it’s bc of my weight, I’m tall and overweight, I mainly keeps things to myself, am a introvert, idk what other thing could be a reason besides my body. Could you please write a comfort scenario with the tmnt boys? Or one of them, you can choose, Could be platonic, romantic, idk, just reader (who’s usually friendly but don’t talk much about their romantic life cuz they don’t feel like it’s worth investing time, and when they finally decide to change that, thst happens) crying as a mess in front of them for the first time, saying they are tired of living in a body that feels more of a curse than anything,
It’s a lot, I know, you can delete this if you aren’t comfortable doing it (I’m 100% serious)
Thank you Eitherway and hope you have a good day
first of all, I’m so sorry that happened to you. back in high school, I was doused after classes so I can definitely understand your pain here. they are absolutely pathetic for even thinking about doing that to someone; they are total assholes because they acted on it too and I wish for it to haunt them one day when (or if) they mature. you did amazing on your way home that day - I hope that, with time, things will get better for you. you deserve great things. I haven’t written anything with all of the boys before but I wanted to give it a try for you to cheer you up. I wish you well, and I hope you can find comfort in our wonderful turtles!
« got your back »
tmnt x reader / angst + fluff
notes: 1.6k words, all turtles included, platonic relationship, gender neutral reader (no pronouns used,) first person pov, I was thinking of 2012 tmnt while writing this but it probably fits with most iterations.
I can’t believe I’m walking home in the dark, completely covered in miscellaneous goop. I’m glad I didn’t tell anyone about the date that was supposed to happen tonight because, if someone saw me right now, I don’t know what I would do. no public transport let me on covered in eggs and flour, the same for taxis, so now I’m stuck dragging myself home by my own two feet. they are awfully heavy despite my hurry to get back which doesn’t seem fair at all - it’s like my body is laughing at me in equal measure to the rest of the crowd back there.
put your head down and keep walking, put your head down and keep walking, put your—
“hey guys, look!” I stop in my tracks as soon as I hear that voice echo through the night sky. it sounded too much like mikey to simply ignore it.
“mikey, for the last time, shh! ninjas, remember?” that was definitely leo. they all must be up on a roof somewhere but I don’t dare to look up. my feet won’t move anymore regardless, they’re refusing to pick up and run. my body really does hate me tonight huh?
“mikey is right though, look down - hey there!” I slowly crane my neck towards the sound of their chatters and am met with possibly the worst sight I could see at this exact moment: all four of my mutant friends standing on a nearby roof, just as I suspected.
“hi everyone,” I give an awkward wave as they stare down at me.
“want to meet up at the entrance to the lair to hang? we’re just heading back,” raph calls out.
I need a plan, and fast.
thankfully, they can’t see that I’m covered in mush from where they are, but if I go to the lair then that will change. however, if I say ‘no’ to hanging out with them then they’ll get suspicious anyway and follow after me. they’re my best friends, my favourite thing in the whole world is hanging out with them. even if I genuinely can’t hang out we still find a loophole to be together.
either of these choices leaves me doomed to talk about this disaster of a night eventually so…
“sure, you go ahead and I’ll be there in a second.”
…I go with option one.
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I knew the boys would get there first so I’ve had more time to come up with some lame lie before I face them: one point to me. I slap on a brave face and a ridiculously wide smile in the hopes that it would distract them from what I have going on all over my clothes. taking a deep breath, I turn the final corner to enter the lair.
“hey bud!” mikey bursts through the rest of the guys and comes skipping towards me. I freeze and simply wait for him to see me in the light. “woah, what happened to you?”
after hearing mikey’s question, everyone starts to crowd in around me, thinking I had been hurt or something on the way here. to their surprise, I have no cuts or scrapes…just a bunch of different types of produce in my hair. they begin to mutter more questions but my mind is too hazy to hear them clearly, opting to stand there and stare into the space behind them. leo notices me zoning out pretty quickly and leads me to the seating area in the middle of the lair by my arm, the rest of the boys following with worry in their eyes.
I sit down on the couch; raph bends down in front of me, donnie sits on my right, mikey hangs over the back of the couch to lean on my left, and leo rests his hands on my shoulders from behind me.
“who did this to you? I’ll kill them, I’ll punch them into the ground I swear to god—“
“raph, calm down. we need to know what happened first before we start going haywire.” I’ve never seen donnie look so aggravated before. it looks like he secretly wants to join in with raph’s immediate anger instead of acting ‘rationally’ this time.
“no need for punching anyone or anything ha! I— uh— tripped while I was walking home and fell straight into a pile of garbage surrounding a dumpster. how clumsy of me ha! I’m so silly. I wasn’t watching where I was going and it was dark so…” my words trail off as I finally look directly at my friends. none of them are believing this story at all.
“tell us the truth, it’s alright. you’re safe here.” leo speaks with such a warm tone, it makes holding back my tears even harder than it already was.
“I’m fine! I promise I’m fine, really I just tripped!” I force my lips into a thin line, trying to twist them into some kind of smile, until mikey pokes at my cheek. I turn to him.
“please tell us what’s wrong.” is he giving me puppy eyes? damn it mikey…
I couldn’t push back my tears any longer and the flood gates exploded. I was in hysterics, sobbing so loudly it bounced off the walls of the lair. I couldn’t stop, each sob rippled through me and I felt like I couldn’t breathe. the boys cooed at me, all of them placing a hand somewhere on my body to ground me and to let me know that I’m not alone as I cried. they tried still asking me questions but I couldn’t get out any words, only heartbreaking whimpers left my mouth. they accepted their fate of silent sobs though and simply stayed beside me.
after a while, I’ve calmed down slightly, and I see the boys look at each other and nod in the corner of my blurry eyes. then, all of a sudden, raph and leo run off. they come back not long after with a basin of water, towels and some other things that I can’t quite see cradled in their large hands. my curiosity is answered in a split second though as the four begin to wipe away the dirt that covers me, still allowing me to ride out my cries in the meantime.
raph gets back into his bent position to gently clean my face, donnie and mikey clean down my arms, and leo starts to brush my hair the best that he can. it must be a brush that april keeps here at the lair, since I don’t think I’ve left one here before.
they continued like this - softly wiping and rinsing - until they were sure that they had done all they can do to rid me of this sticky mess, and until I was able to stabilise my breathing and speak somewhat clearly again.
“april is going to be mad that you got ketchup on her hairbrush,” I say lowly between hiccups. leo laughs and assures me that the brush is perfectly fine; no need to worry.
it is silent (apart from the sound of my sniffling) while they put down their tools and clear them away from the couch, until donnie speaks, “we don’t want to push you to talk but we are here to listen if you want to.”
maybe it is finally time to talk about it. as much as I don’t want to, I think I need to. I’m always the one with a bright smile and cheery attitude but I need to let that go for now. I need comfort, and I need to admit that to myself - even if it’s for this singular moment.
I begin to explain the story of the date and how it went terribly wrong - just the vital details to build the story rather than adding my feelings about it. being vulnerable like this isn’t my strong point so I need to prepare myself to talk about that part with truth and from the heart.
I can see the pure rage in raph’s eyes as he sits in front of me, his teeth grinding together and a low growl coming out of him. he goes to say something but donnie stops him with a hand on his shoulder. he gives red a pat and he seems to understand what he is signalling, inhaling and exhaling with his eyes closed before fixing his posture to listen to me again.
“you know, I don’t know if I want raph to rough up him or rough up me at this point,” I let out a laugh to try and soften the atmosphere but the expressions of the boys tell me that it didn’t work. they look confused; sad. “a good rough up might fix whatever is wrong with me, because it’s obviously me. look at me! why else would he have made plans to humiliate me like that? what do I need to punch into shape - the way I look? the way I act?” I laugh again with the same intent as earlier despite knowing that it is going to do nothing to lessen the impact of my words.
“did he specifically make you feel like that?” raph says through gritted teeth, “that you’re not good enough?”
“no, I guess I’ve been feeling that way for a while. he just made it worse - a lot worse.” my eyes start to burn again with more tears. I’m surprised I’m not dehydrated yet.
mikey grabs my face in his hands, his eyes also look clouded with tears, “you are so beautiful. really, you are. I remember when I first saw you I was like ‘woah, they’re even prettier than the humans I see on tv!’ you don’t need to change anything about the way you look, I can tell you that for sure.”
“nor do you need to change anything about your personality or how you act,” donnie chimes in. “why do you think we like you so much? you’re awesome! you’re smart, kind, caring, plus you treat us like we’re golden and we’re literally in the sewers right now,” we all giggle at the last statement he makes.
leo pats me on the head, signally me to look up towards him, “you are the greatest friend we could have ever asked for, and if we need to remind you of that more then we will. you deserve to feel that you’re worthy and loved and I can tell you with certainty that you are when you’re here with us. there’s no need to hide from us, we’ve got you’re back.”
raph grabs my hand, “and seriously, if you want us to go and talk to that guy we will.”
“raph!” the others shout. I laugh at the slight panic hiding in their voices - it’s fully directed at their brother and his fists.
“what?! I said talk not bash into the ground so what do you want from me?!”
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fishsticksloser · 1 year
Hello! Can I plz request Rottmnt turtles (separately) react to their s/o having money creation powers? Like they can create money out of thin air. You want a million? Here's a billion.
Money Powers!Reader
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RotTMNT x gn!reader
Warnings: fluff, mutant/yo'kai!reader
A/N: How awesome would this be? Honestly if a genie came up to me, I'd ask to always have the right amount of money... so... yeah...
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You hadn't told anyone about your powers, people had tried to exploit them before
So you tried not to show it
Once you were in the Hidden City with Donnie and you were buying food and other things Donnie needed
Donnie was a little short so you reached into your pocket and willed money into existence
Acting like it was always in your pocket
You paid and went back to the lair
"Hey, uh... Can I borrow some money? I wouldn't normally ask, but..."
"Yeah, of course. Here."
You hand reach into your pocket and hand him $200
"W-Where do you get this...?"
"I mean... if you're have a side job or anything, I'm not judging... I'm just very confused..."
"I um... I can make money..."
Donnie stared at you in awe.
"That's so cool! I... I hope you don't feel like I'm using you... I..."
"Of course not!"
He almost never asks you for money
Donnie will do everything possible to get money before asking you
Doesn't want you to feel used like he does
He noticed that you almost always had money on you, even though you weren't actively working
He didn't want to ask
Not wanting to make you feel weird
"Could I... Borrow some money?"
"Yeah, of course. How much?"
"Oh... Uh. Maybe like $20. I'm getting Donnie a birthday present, I'll put your name on it too."
"Here. Don't worry about paying me back."
You hand him $50
"Woah... Uh... This is a little much..."
"It's okay, go for it."
After that he paid more attention
He noticed that you didn't seem too worried about how much things cost
So he decided to ask
"Here's that $50 I borrowed earlier."
"Oh... Uh... Thanks, but you can keep it."
"But... it's $50..."
"I can make money, so... Go ahead."
Tries not to ask for money
But doesn't stop you from paying for things
Noticed immediately that you seemed to pull money out of thin air
Though he never ever wanted to ask you for any
One day, he couldn't help it though
"I'm sorry... I wouldn't normally ask, but I just can't get any money right now... Can I borrow some?"
"Of course! How much?"
"I think $25."
You rummage around in your bag before handing him $100
"I-I only need $25..."
"It's okay! Take it, don't worry about paying me back."
He felt so guilty not giving you $100 back
So he used the other $75 to buy you something
"Oh, thank you, Mikey. You really didn't have to."
"But I feel bad for not giving that money back.."
"Mike, I can make money, don't worry about it."
Shook to the core.
He tries to never ask for money again
If he does, he always pays you back with flowers, a date night, etc
You told him immediately
He is very trustworthy and just genuinely sweet so you felt you could trust him
Raph literally never asks for money
He will do whatever it takes to get it
So you don't feel used
So... You hide money around his room
Not much, like $1-10 bills every so often
The other boys caught on and let you start hiding it in other places around the lair
Just so Raph wouldn't get suspicious
Eventually he caught on a little and you'd find money in your back on in pockets of clothes you left at the lair
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xmochaccinox · 3 months
(Takes place after this)
Raph: Donnie, are you still at April's?
Mikey: I left some food for ya when you get back
Raph: Donnie?
Leo: Hey bro
Leo: You still alive?
Mikey: It's okay if you choose to spend the night with April again
Raph: Donnie, please answer the phone
Leo: This isn't funny. Can you please tell us where you are?
Mikey: Donnie, are you okay?
Message after message, call after call. Each one goes unanswered as Donnie could barely do anything other than stare at the screen in front of them
Donnie's siblings have been trying to contact them. Little do any of them know was that the soft shell hiding away at April's apartment like some kind of coward
Even if Donnie did answer, what could Donnie even tell them? How could they face their family right now after what happened? How could they even go home at this point? If they told the truth, would anyone understand? Or would Donnie be forever shunned?
Donnie's thoughts are interrupted by the front door opening. They don't need to really look to know that it's April back from her classes. At least Donnie no longer needs to be stuck with their own thoughts anymore
"Hey Donnie" April greeted before putting her bag down. She pulls out her phone, reading the texts that she's been receiving with a frown. Several of them are the guys asking her if she's seen Donnie... April looks over at Donnie
"Um... your family is looking for you" she pointed out. Though judging from the way Donnie stared at their phone, that statement didn't really need to be said. Slowly April walks over and sits down on the couch next to Donnie. They are curled up in a ball, completely wrapped up in blankets
"...Ms Morrison is doing fine. I checked on her today and while the hospital wants to make sure she's going to be at her 100% when she gets out, she's going to be okay"
The mention of Ms Morrison finally gets Donnie to look away from their phone. They let out a shaky sigh before pulling themself deeper into the pile of blankets
April hesitated to ask, "Donnie... Do you mind telling me about what happened?"
Donnie looked at April. Of course they minded. Everything that's been going on, Donnie felt more and more as though they shouldn't say anything. It's all just easier to keep quiet about it, so nothing can get messed up. Yet somehow, Donnie pulls their hands out of the blankets to sign, 'I hurt her'
April frowned, "I mean, why did you?"
'I got scared'
April frowned. Normally she would call out that it was completely out of character for Donnie to do something like that just because they were scared. Yet the more April thought about it, the more it made sense. For the past few weeks Donnie has been acting... paranoid. Often April could barely speak to Donnie without them practically jumping out of their skin if they don't know she's right there first. Even Mikey has mentioned that Donnie appeared to have been experiencing more nightmares lately, which leads to them staying up more which really can't be good for them
"Donnie, what exactly-"
April is interrupted by a notification sound. It didn't sound like anything unusual, except Donnie's eyes grew wide upon reading the message as they scrambled out from under the blankets and jumped out of bed
'I need to go' they sign before walking towards the window to the fire escape staircase. Before Donnie could even reach the window, April immediately stands in front of them, blocking their way. "Wait! Donnie... what happened just happened recently, maybe you can skip out? Let's watch some Jupiter Jim and just... hang out" she suggested
Donnie shook their head, 'I can't. This whole thing is super important. I can't miss anything. If I do who knows what would happen' they explain. 'It took me this long to earn their trust. I can't do anything that would fracture it!'
"Donnie" April steps forward, "Look at yourself. Ever since you started this whole thing you've been acting less and less like yourself! I know whatever is happening is eating away at you and... I can help you. Whatever is going on, I can help you"
Donnie pauses. Even if Donnie wanted to say anything, what happens if the one's they're working for find out who Donnie is close to? Will they go after April? Will they go after Donnie's family? Would everything Donnie was working up to be ruined? It wasn't something Donnie wanted to happen, but it just is!
'April, please cover for me again. I promise when the time comes, I will explain everything, but not right now. Now is not a good time! Please?' Donnie pleaded. They almost felt sick at having to plead like this. Why did April have to be dragged into the situation when she herself has no idea on what's really happening?
Things were never supposed to become like this. It was supposed to be so simple. But Donnie couldn't stop. They can't stop now. Not when they're in this deep
'I promise it would all be worth it in the end!'
With hesitation, April let out a sigh, "Alright..." she agrees, moving to the side
As Donnie leaves, the thoughts of whether or not this was really a good idea and that maybe she should tell the others what's going on flooded April's mind. However, the desperation in Donnie... it was strange... But they were such a mess that night when Ms Morrison got hurt
April looks down at her phone and opens up the text messages from each turtle aside from Donnie. Every time April tries to write up a message, it only ends up erased, none of them sounding good enough
Finally, April slowly types out
April: Yeah, they're with me. They want to be alone right now
And god. Does she hope someone calls her out on her bullshit
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chemicalpink · 2 years
Jungkook's Updated Chart [2023]
Alright, alright, by now you’ve heard it, I’ve heard it, we’ve all heard it and it has caused a joyous moment for the bts astrologers. 
We’ve got in our hands Jungkook’s birth time (and while I really am not anticipating having to come back to the whole balance of opinions and general consensus of is it AM or PM) I am here to offer my two cents as a way to come back on here after a few too messy months. 
Let us start with the (probably) most pressing matter: the rising sign. While the general consensus before his live was a Libra Rising, we now find ourselves between a Capricorn or a Leo rising, I believe it is important to look at the Moon both of them carry. While Capricorn carries a Virgo Moon, Leo carries a Leo Moon, which was already the Moon sign that had been adapted to him before any type of confirmation. 
And while by general consensus Jungkook had been consensed as a day chart (which technically whether AM or PM he’s still a day inclined sect)  I’m inclined to give a PM chart a chance. Hear me out. 
Going by astrological knowledge, Jungkook’s chart continues to be a shady one even after we’ve been given his birth time in a general context. Say, a pretty easy way to tell if someone is an AM or PM chart, is by looking at the way that either the Sun or Moon resonates the most with the way one person is HOWEVER we love to complicate things in here so we’ll take the high road of looking at the malefic planets and their interactions within the chart according to the Hellenistic technique of sects. Say, either Mars or Saturn will play a major part of one’s life accordingly, and same applies to the benefits Jupiter and Venus. 
So let’s draw it out. 
Scorpio Mars in 4th or in 10th
Aries Saturn in 9th or in 3rd
Libra Venus in 3rd or in 9th
Aquarius Jupiter. In 7th or in 1st
A malefic Mars would be looking at someone that is filled with rage and aggression, while a Malefic Saturn is usually seen in people with Mercury-ruled Suns, such as Jungkook’s Virgo. Furthermore, Saturn never gives a malefic status when in houses 2,5,9,12. Now, I know we would love for the empowerment that a Scorpio Mars Jungkook would mean, however if you’ve been here for a while/ have read a bit on Scorpio Mars in general vs Scorpio Mars on Jungkook, you know already that it has been quite a wild ride between the empowered overly sexy go big or go home Scorpio Mars image and Jungkook’s very obvious downplay of said traits and leaning more towards a gentle, awkwardly flirty position; an Aries Saturn in his 3rd House would 100% explain the juxtaposition of it as Saturn would downplay his Scorpio Mars. 
Also just as a personal note, I find it funny (see: funny as an expression, it curious at most) that a usual way to contradict a malefic Saturn in your chart is to have/care for 3 dogs (ahem Bam, Song and Paeng) then again, just a personal side note. 
Either way, if Jungkook were to have a malefic Saturn, it would make him a PM chart/ night sect. 
So onto the benefics, a Libra Venus benefic is usually seen with either a Capricorn or an Aquarius Rising however, if Jungkook were to have an Aquarius Jupiter benefic, it would solidify the tendency towards his expansion as an artist, along with the way that it would be a great placement for his success. 
Messy, I told you. If we were to look at it in a simpler way, just by the semantics of “Which placements seem more impactful on Jungkook?” it would look like this:
An Aries Saturn is a sign of a generation’s leader, a little too competitive person that other peers find it hard to keep up with. 
A Scorpio Mars is someone that does things their own way not giving a second thought to disappoint, yet very reality-driven when it comes to other people. 
A Libra Venus benefits, amongst others, look a lot like obtaining luxuries in life and economic progress. 
An Aquarius Jupiter benefits include rising academically and leading a very intellectually-driven life while receiving support from their superiors. 
Without much thought into it, choosing one every two affirmations (say: 1 vs 2 and 3 vs 4) if you were to say hey, I think Jungkook’s Aries Saturn and Libra Venus sound a lot like what we’ve been able to see of him. We would be guessing a PM chart/ Night sect. 
If you were to say Nah, I think his Scorpio Mars and Aquarius Jupiter are pretty evident. We would be guessing an AM chart/Light sect. 
Now, NOW I KNOWWWW I’ve seen the discourse. 
Oh Jungkook being a Leo rising and Leo Moon makes so much sense. But does it? 
Sure, Leo risings are absolutely magnetic, mesmerising even; they are very aware of the image they want to project. There’s a lot of an “on-stage” vibe 24/7 with them (I’m looking at your karaoke at home, JK) They make rash decisions and are pretty well known for their lifelong temper tantrums as well as their idealism that tends to keep them out of trouble. It would 100% fit the marketing fairy image of his as Leo risings are great promoters. However (and not really counting the interactions a Leo rising would have with a Virgo Sun in the chart) Leo risings tend to live on a separate reality, almost fictional, and are driven by drama, pretty much blind to facts around them. I’ll give it to the allegations though, Leo risings are kids at heart, always fun loving and with wonder-filled eyes. 
Leo Moon (yay double whammies) this is where it gets interesting. A normally reserved but not uncomfortable with the spotlight when needed to be, sounds a lot like Jungkook. There’s this thing with Leo Moons where they feel a need to control people around them, even if not really out there. It is a very creative placement that gives people a need to entertain, if only a bit lazy about it. Sulking is a big thing for them because they need a lot of love and care from the people surrounding them.  
And if Jungkook truly is like that (because then again, we are only analysing a mere fraction of a true multifaceted human being while staying in our fan lane) we love to see it! However, it seems to me like it is more- of a description of Jungkook of BTS and his image when truly on stage. 
 Now, up for consideration:
Virgo Moons, the masters of pouting and nagging to get their way, as an underlying way to ask for care and attention from those around them. Prone to stress and pressure, most Virgo Moons are quick to rank themselves  as “underachievers” in mostly academic terms , if only because they usually find other non academic/non traditional subjects to overachieve on. Very jealous of their own space in which they must develop themselves. Often shy when around new people and pretty chaotic with people they’re comfortable with. Self-critical but with a lot of bodily control that could make them excel in art forms that require spatial cognition such as dancing and tend to have plenty of “little hobbies” or stuff they try out and excel at. 
Capricorn Rising (I know I know, sounds so out of it bc how could we even consider an Earth Sun and Earth Rising well-) perfectionists at their finest. A phrase that is always on the tip of their tongues “I will work harder” If you’re looking for someone that just naturally looks competent at whatever they do, it’s them. Often had to take on more responsibility than others at a younger age. Hard-working and driven personality thats makes it look easy to obtain their success levels. Epitomes of success stories in their own fields. Capricorn Risings are often quite mature and grown up when young due to having to grow up quickly and then loosen up and live a rather unique and free spirited way. 
Personal note on that one, Capricorn Risings are often referred to as “karma tokens” if you were to cross them for whatever reason, be sure that it’ll get back to you. 
Also, Capricorn Rising with Virgo Suns are often times delicate in terms of their skin and digestive system (which would make sense with Jungkook’s no gluten rule as of lately and his usual assortment of specialised personal care along with the aversion of dying his hair because of a delicate scalp) 
A Cap rising would also make so much sense in terms of his relationships with the other members. 
Capricorn Rising Virgo Suns have the best understanding with other Virgos and Capricorns (Namjoon and Taehyung) 
There’s a lot of tenderness and admiration for Pisceans (Yoongi)
Plenty of childish disagreements and bickering with Sagittarius while Sag would 100% help them come out of their shell and learn to loosen up and embrace a more childish way of living towards happiness (Seokjin)
Prone to be pretty close with Libras and Aquarians (Jimin and Hoseok) 
One way or another, the general consensus will come our way and as a BTS astrologer we shall respect the voice of the people, however I hope you enjoyed this food for thought, at the end of the day, and I shall keep repeating it, until we know for sure first hand if it is AM or PM, the only person that can and should resonate with it regardless of the exact time is the person to who the chart belongs to, which in this case is Jungkook. 
Nevertheless, I am a 15:23 advocate. If only because when looking at his chart’s universal time, being born at 3:23PM would make him a light sect with a 6:23 AM hour (which again, I find funny numerology-wise cause 2x3=6 and that’s the whole universal time of birth for him) 
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lackablazeical · 1 year
Alright, I was up all night figuring this AU out because I’m new to it and it seems interesting. But, I do have some questions.
- What if Usagi was broken enough to actually take his own life? Would Leo attempt to stop him before it actually works? Or what would happen if Leo was too late to save Usagi?
- If it was possible, how would Raph react if he lost Mrs. Cuddles one day?
- Did Mikey get hurt enough one day to the point he was unconscious for more than a few days? How did his brothers react to it?
Glad you love it!!!! Hopefully you didn't use too much mental power, lol! Sleep is important!
Okay, now questions (good questions, at that):
- Leo absolutely would attempt to stop him. In the Canon of later years, Usagi is actually on a sort of 'watch' system incase he does try to hurt himself. Typically this involves Leo being around him, but if Leo isn't avaliable, it is usually Shelldon who will make sure Usagi doesn't SH or something similar. Leo would absolutely restrain Usagi or keep Usagi alive/conscious, he wants Usagi to last as long as possible.
If Leo was too late, and Usagi died, Leo would just become a husk of himself. He would become depressed, withdrawn, etc. He'd lash out as well, likely to Usagi's brothers specifically. If Usagi dies, Leo isn't keeping Ken and Ishi around. I can imagine that when Usagi dies, Leo refuses to let go of the body for just. Days/weeks, and only let's go bc he's so dehydrated and hungry that he can't fight Donnie pulling the, ya know, Rotting Corpse out of his arms.
- Lose his complete and utter shit. The entire Lair is getting torn apart looking for her until she's found or they can make/find a new one.
- I could see that happening 100%, though it hasn't happened in anything canon. Probably just a nice mini-coma after a week long bender or something, or a pretty hard fight in the nexus.
Leo would absolutely not want to leave Mikey alone. He'd be attached to Mikey's side and waiting like a pathetic soggy cat for him to wake up. Leo would be just so sad bc he misses his little brother :( Donnie wouldn't really LIKE the fact Leo would always be jostling/moving Mikey, but he also can't really STOP him sooooo. He picks his battles.
Donnie would just be in medical mode first, angry protective big brother second. Taking care and making sure he's stable, any injuries he has stay clean and wrapped, etc etc. The second Mikey wakes back up he's getting beaten with a belt tho, for making Donnie WORRY and also wasting his IV DRIPS
Raph would just wanna lurk and be around Mikey when possible, may leave one of his lesser stuffies with him. Probably also the one having to peel Leo off of Mikey if Donnie needs to do something that requires Leo keeps his personal space, lmao. Raph just stays close and spends time with Mike, even after he wakes up, just to make sure he feels better.
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dandylovesturtles · 1 year
Since 100 Feet and a World Away got submitted to the Separated AU Comp (thanks whoever submitted!) and now some people are going through my tag I thought I would just throw down a little scribble to introduce you all to Leo and Mikey in the AU! I’m just doing this on my phone so sorry it is not fancy lol
If you’re new to the AU just check out my 100 Feet and a World Away tag! I have a lore post in my pinned as well.
I’m just building this thing as I go lol~
They don’t muzzle Leo on the walk back to his room this time, because he’s munching on watermelon.
He doesn’t care about it much. The watermelon is just a carrot - not literally, obviously, but metaphorically. Leo doesn’t care about the carrot, because the stick is an electric cattle prod and it’s aimed right at his little brother.
But he was good today. Did what he was supposed to. And if he keeps some watermelon in his mouth they won’t muzzle him, so he takes little bites and tries not to show too much teeth as he does it.
The humans don’t like seeing his teeth.
They open the door and push him inside. He’s made to go through his normal routine: weight, height, pupil check, reflexes. They let him keep the watermelon throughout it today.
Then they lead him up the steps over the concrete wall to the shallow pool that is his home and unlock his collar.
The collar is another stick. Like the cattle prod, it shocks.
After it’s been pulled from his neck, he wades through the water to the rocks in the middle. Mikey is curled up there, eyes closed and breath even. Leo doesn’t know how he can sleep when humans are in the room.
He runs a hand over Mikey’s arm to rouse him, watching his little brother yawn and crack open an eye. He always waits for Leo to speak first; when Leo says nothing, he knows it’s not safe.
He sits up, then tilts his head at Leo, eyes still sleepy. Leo can’t help but smile, close lipped so there’s no teeth. Even with his back to the humans, he can’t risk it.
He holds out his partially eaten watermelon.
Mikey’s eyes light up; he reaches out and breaks a hunk off with his fingers, eating it slowly and with relish.
“See?” Leo hears one of the humans say. “It’s exhibiting sharing behaviors.”
“So do rats, Tim,” says the other. “It’s not that special.”
Leo ignores them, pushing the watermelon toward Mikey to urge him to take more. Mikey looks at it, then raises his eyes to meet Leo’s.
He pushes the watermelon back.
Leo frowns, shoving the watermelon back at Mikey with more force. Shakes it a little. Mikey’s mouth gains a defiant twist and he shakes his head.
Leo suppresses a sigh - it would be too human of a gesture. Instead he just tears off a hunk of the watermelon and shoves it in his mouth.
Mikey smiles again. He doesn’t bother hiding his teeth. He takes more of the watermelon.
“They’re well socialized,” says one of the humans, and the other hums in agreement.
“I made you something,” says Mikey later, when the humans have gone home for the night. He moves away from where he was laying before, revealing a pattern of lines etched in the dirt.
“Look! It’s you!” He points. “Here’s your eyes… and your chin… and your marks!”
Leo thinks he can see it. The crescent moons over the little circles are his eyes and markings, the bigger circle the rest of his face. Leo doesn’t know anything about this - drawings, Mikey said - but he thinks Mikey must be pretty good at it.
Because Mikey is his little brother and he’s incredible, of course.
“Hey yeah!” Leo says with enthusiasm. “Almost as pretty as the real me.”
He’s going to have to destroy it later, but he doesn’t say that, because Mikey is beaming.
Instead he says, “Next time I give you food, will you just eat it?”
Mikey’s face falls anyway, so it didn’t matter. “You have to eat, too.”
“I do eat.”
“Those yucky nutrition blocks,” says Mikey, crinkling his nose.
“Hey, I like ‘em,” Leo lies. “That’s why I don’t mind giving you my watermelon.”
Mikey is still frowning. He shuffles back a little on the rock.
“…You don’t have to protect me all the time,” he says.
Leo’s grin doesn’t falter, doesn’t slip, no matter how much it hurts. He can’t afford it.
He reaches over and pulls Mikey into a headlock, ignoring all protests as he rubs his knuckles, hard, against the top of Mikey’s head.
“Of course I do,” he says, chuckling in the face of Mikey’s flailing. “What kind of big brother would I be if I didn’t?”
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yanyanderes · 2 years
Hi this is based on the Halloween ask about Yandere rise brothers x the reader with the death trap maze.You mentioned, something about if one of the brothers gets really badly hurt or doesn’t even make it out alive. I was wondering if you want to, What would happen if the brothers did get badly hurt or one didn’t make it out live ,what if the reader got hurt or didn’t make it out alive? How would the brothers react? If you don’t wanna answer this no worries , hope your doing ok 🀄️
i think this is the longest post i’ve made, this is the first time i’m using the “keep reading” thing i’m so sorry lol
also i haven’t proofread this because it’s so long and i’m tired so i hope you enjoy. if you saw any mistakes, no you didn’t ✨✨
if (y/n) gets really badly injured, the guys are gonna amp up their overprotectiveness by a million and will 100% kidnap them and lock them up in the sewers, that much is obvious.
and if one of the brothers were seriously hurt or died… (y/n) would definitely be conflicted.
assuming (y/n) found out they were being creepy, they would definitely want distance… but leaving them alone, after such a tragedy, after such a scarring event… it simply doesn’t feel right.
this also amps up the other brothers’ crazy meters. they’re gonna lock up (y/n), give more restrictions to them than usual, more locks and cameras, less likely to be persuaded…
they need (y/n) to understand. they’ve already lost a member of their family. they can’t lose another loved one.
and that scenario where (y/n) dies, i just-
so the turtles fought as hard as they could, shielding (y/n) from danger and trying to keep them from knowing the truth. maybe they tell them to close their eyes to stop them from seeing the truth, and because of that, they don’t see the danger coming for them and die.
at first, they’re all in denial. raph goes into a blind rage and charges head first into danger. he’s not scared of getting hurt, he just wants this maze to feel pain.
mikey’s holding (y/n), telling them that they’ll be okay, they’re all gonna make it home safe, and they’re never gonna leave each other’s side again.
donnie, in all his delusions, refuses to believe it’s too late for them. they’re still alive, he can patch them up, he can fix this.
leo’s the most lucid of them all. deep down, he knows that (y/n) is gone. he knows there’s nothing they can do about it. but it’s a truth he doesn’t want to believe, so he shuns out those thought and let’s himself believe the lies. (y/n) is still alive. they’ll make sure they come back to the lair safely.
it’s only when they finally make it out of the maze that they’re forced to confront the fact that (y/n) isn’t alive anymore. no matter how many cuts they stitch, medicine they give, (y/n) won’t wake up.
they gone for good.
they all deal with the loss differently. raph isn’t the same anymore. he practically has to be dragged out of bed and into the kitchen so he can eat. his eagerness to fight is gone, and the fire in his eyes is dead.
leo tries to push away his grief with anger. he goes out every night and takes out all his negative emotions on some poor criminals. but no matter how many thieves or bandits he beats up, he can never rid himself of the heavy weight on his chest, and he always ends up curled up in a ball, crying on a rooftop by the time the sun rises.
mikey is the only one of his brothers who still refuses to accept the truth. he still wears a smile, still has that sing-songy tone in his voice, still acts like (y/n) is alive. he always picks out (y/n)’s favorite movies to watch, always cooks an extra plate of food for them, always texts them at the usual time… (y/n) isn’t gone! they love the guys too much to leave them!
donnie, as most might predict, buried himself in his work. his doors are locked 24/7, they have to be practically broken down if anyone wants to get in. yet, even when he makes the most groundbreaking inventions, it isn’t the same without (y/n) praising his machinery and listening to him ramble about how it works. he wonders if it’s even worth it to continue his science if it isn’t for them…
wait. that’s it!
raph is still moping in his room, leo is on the surface beating a group of criminals half to death, and mikey is playing video games with “(y/n),” so no one notices when donnie leaves his lab in what feels like the first time in forever. his figure stalks through the sewers, until he finally finds what he’s been looking for.
the one thing that can get raph out of his room without being forced out.
the one thing that would provide leo with comfort after any rough night.
the one thing mikey refuses to visit because it’s the one thing that could disprove his blissful lies.
(y/n)’s grave.
the boys couldn’t bare the thought of (y/n) truly leaving them for good. so instead of letting their friends and family know of their death, they kept their grave in the sewers, where they could have them all to themselves. sure, it was selfish, but at this point… they simply stopped caring.
but tonight, that will all change.
leo will barge into the lair, frantic, distressed, and enraged. he’ll drag raph out of his room and practically throw him onto the couch where mikey is resting.
“someone dug up (y/n)’s grave!”
raph’s mood will change in a heartbeat. he’ll go from not caring at all what leo has to say, to practically fuming. mikey, on the other hand, will simply pout.
“i told you guys! (y/n) gets upset when you say that they’re dead! you’re taking this prank way too far!”
“mikey, this is serious!”
“i know! you made (y/n) mad, so they tore up that stupid grave you keep saying you buried them in!”
“we have to find their body!”
“they aren’t dead!”
for a moment, it will look like the fight is about to get physical. that is, until the lights suddenly shut off. donnie’s lab door will fly open, with the lights flickering within. whatever experiment donnie will do, it will have short-circuited everything else in the lair.
amidst the flickering lights, the trio will see donnie hunched over a table, diligently checking over whatever he had done.
“donnie! what’s the big deal?!”
leo’s irritated words will fall on deaf ears. all donnie will do is grin as he mutters under his breath, his tone uncharacteristically chipper.
leo will groan as he walks into the lab, his brothers following not too far behind.
“whatever, that’s not important. someone took (y/n)’s body out of their grave, and it’s our job to-!”
leo will stop mid sentence when donnie steps out of the way. raph and leo will stare wide eyed at the experiment donnie had pulled.
it’ll be hard to believe, but it’ll be true. there, on the lab table, (y/n) will sit. they’ll look like they’ve been starving for weeks, some of their limbs might even be falling off…
but that bright light in their eyes will say it all.
donnie will explain everything; how he dug their body from their grave, how he double, triple, and quadruple checked everything to make sure this process wouldn’t go downhill, how he used all the power in the lair to power his invention so he could bring (y/n) back to life-
“i told you i could fix this!”
mikey will be the first to act. he’ll run up to (y/n) and embrace their fragile form. donnie will warn him to be gentle with them, they’ve just come back from the dead, and their body is still weak. mikey will respond with a pout, saying that (y/n) was never dead to begin with.
“i told you, they’ve been alive all this time! isn’t that right, (y/n)?”
leo will take a step forward… and laugh. laugh as if this is a joke. this is surely a joke, right? reviving someone from the dead is impossible. this is just a robot donnie built to hurt their feelings as some twisted prank, and soon the rug will be pulled from under their feet, right? right? but then, his hand will cup their cheek. they’ll lean into his touch… and he’ll know it’s the real (y/n). he’ll break down on the spot. he’ll laugh and cry and pull them close, stuttering and sputtering as he chokes on his words, before trailing off and simply letting himself relish in their embrace.
“(y/n), you- you-” *hic* “- you were- how did- i… i…”
all the while, raph will stare at the group in disbelief. he won’t say anything, and for a good while, he won’t even move. even when donnie tries to snap him out of his daze, he’ll simply stand there. it’ll be as if time had stopped. and then (y/n) will make eye contact with him, and his body will move on his own. tears will stream down his face as he wraps his arms around the three of them. he had felt so empty holed up in his room, but when he’s holding onto them, he’ll feel whole again…
he’ll smile.
of course, things can’t just go back to the way things were. the boys are so traumatized after what happened, and what will (y/n)’s friends and family think if they see them in such a state?
i imagine that after donnie’s experiment, (y/n) is like a zombie. they don’t want to eat brains or anything, but their body is kinda decomposing, their limbs sometimes fall off and have to be stitched back on, and their brain, well…
i think they’d have memory loss. they can’t remember their death all that clearly, they’ve forgotten events that have happened more than a few days ago, and they regularly forget where they are, what they’re doing, and have to be constantly helped by the turtles. not that they turtles mind, of course.
this definitely works in the guys’ favor. they’ve forgotten the maze, so even if they saw all the terrible things the turtles have done for them, they won’t remember. they barely remember their life outside the turtles, so they don’t have to worry about competition. even if they somehow come across a memory of a family member or friend, the turtles can divert their attention to something else, and they’ll forget the person soon enough.
sure, this isn’t the right thing to do. sure, it’s selfish.
but with all they’ve gone through for (y/n), don’t they deserve this?
tried to stay in the halloween theme since the original post was a holiday special, hope ya like it
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wrongcaitlyn · 3 months
Okay so recently I’ve just begun to associate basically every song I’ve listened to to an imaginary karaoke night in tgol. Why this has happened I don’t even know, 💀. But it made me think about whether or not you had any game night/karaoke hcs for the characters. Like imagine Percy and Annabeth actually did sing Shallow, and I feel like Kayla would definitely be the person who’s either clearly beating everyone in monopoly or the person to flip the board in annoyance.
KSJDFS NO BC I LITERALLY DO THAT TOO if i can't find a way to make the lyrics fit one of the characters, then they're singing it at karaoke. i absolutely loveee the idea of karaoke/game nights and definitely want to eventually write one with the whole family + friend group bc it'd be so much fun😭
this gives me the opportunity to share this scenario i thought of like a while ago of a barbie-themed karaoke night. as in, everyone is singing songs from the barbie soundtrack. leo and jason perform i'm just ken (leo definitely dragged jason into it and it's a complete mess because jason can't stop laughing and leo keeps making him laugh), kayla and will have an entirely choreographed routine for dance the night (they memorized the movie dance and also at some point kayla def pulls out some gymnastics) and then piper and nico make everyone cry with what was i made for. shel films all of this and does the fandom a service by posting clips of it on tiktokLKSDF
but percy and annabeth are 100% singing duets, i also think they'd loveee to sing disney duets. like, i see the light, a whole new world, and you KNOW that percy's singing under the sea. horrendous fake accent and all.
nico, despite being the only actual singer of them all (aside from apollo, who's technically retired, and will jump to karaoke as soon as he hears the first note) is the most reluctant to sing, and instead usually films the rest of them as they embarrass themselves for blackmail material. (ofc, this only actually works on jason, seeing as everyone else is either a really good singer or sings horribly on purpose and won't be ashamed of it)
as for game night, it gets INTENSE. we already know that nico's the king of uno (a hc that runs through, like, every fic i write), and he's also extremely good at video games. leo has no idea how he beats him at mario kart, seeing as nico doesn't even have his drivers license at nineteen (though tbf that has nothing to do with mario kart). will, being the person who drives them the most, is chronically in eleventh place. apollo is twelfth, of course.
kayla and nico get scarily competitive, and it's up to austin and will to try and diffuse the tension while leo just pushes it on. and they're both actually really good at board games, so one of them is absolutely flipping the board while the other has bragging rights for weeks. monopoly is banned in the apollo household after nico accidentally made eight year old kayla cry (she was faking it, nico insists, and kayla winks at the imaginary camera because she absolutely was.)
i probably have more but i'm gonna leave it at that, all i know is that karaoke/game nights will always be incredibly chaotic and i love them for it. i'm literally the hugest fan of board/card games no matter how old i get, my family's always been huge at having them on holidays and whatnot, and i'm crazy competitive, so i just love the idea of all of them getting together to do that on birthdays and holidays and on random weekends as well :))
thank you for the ask!
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