#and i'm never letting anyone see them again
kikidoesfanfic · 2 days
Woof, I mean, hey
Written for the @strangerthingswritersguild demogorgon daily prompt 'puppy chow' (happy birthday @bobamews)
>On ao3<
"I'd keep an eye on that if I were you," Wayne says, gesturing at the bag of dog food Steve's carrying.
There's a stray that's taken up hiding under the Munson trailer, all round with a litter and such a sweetheart, Steve has been trying to befriend her enough to coax her inside for a bath for a few days now.
"Uncle Wayne, no!" Eddie whines, and now Steve's intrigued, Wayne's looking at Eddie with a positively shit eating grin, the two having a staredown neither seems willing to break.
"What am I keeping an eye out for exactly?" Steve asks.
"Well, back when Eddie first came to live with me,"
"Wayne please."
"There was this skittish little pup hangin' round the park, skinny as anythin' and nobody seemed to own it."
"I'll do the dishes for a month," Eddie says, and Wayne pauses, probably tempted because he hates doing the dishes, and with Steve cooking most nights both Munson men trade off on the chore. He must decide it's worth it though, because he continues.
"So, Eddie begged and begged, big sad cow eyes that I couldn't say no to." Wayne looks to Steve now, "of course I had to buy a little bag of the puppy chow, the kibble stuff."
Eddie, knowing Wayne is unmovable, dramatically flops face down onto the couch.
"But see, the scrawny thing wouldn't get close to eat the food when we were out there, even birds scared the little guy away. So Eddie-" Wayne says, starting to chuckle. "So Eddie thought-" he cuts himself off again with another laugh, Eddie groaning in protest, slightly muffled by the sofa cushion.
"Eddie thought if the pup saw him eatin' the food, he'd know it was safe, that he was safe."
"Aww Eddie, that's so cute!" Steve coos, dropping the bag beside the door to go over and kneel next to the couch.
"Yep, that's me, so cute." Eddie says quickly, head popping up to glare at his uncle. "And that's where the story ends, right Uncle Wayne."
"Sure," he acquiesces, and Eddie looks momentarily relieved until Wayne tacks on, "if you ignore the part where he decided they tasted pretty good as a snack and hid half the bag in his room for later."
"BETRAYAL," Eddie shouts, jumping up on the couch to point an accusatory finger at Wayne, "by my own flesh and blood!"
Steve, meanwhile, is laughing so hard he's bent double, he'd stood to make sure Eddie wouldn't fall off the couch when he yelled, but when Wayne's words processed... well.
"You kept eating it?" Steve wheezes, and Eddie turns to slap at his shoulder.
"No, go back, I'm cute remember! Wayne, look what you did!"
"I can get set some aside from the bag if you like, but I'm not kissing you if you have dog food breath." Wayne chuckles again.
"I changed my mind, pretty much immediately!"
"Yeah, but only 'cause-"
"NO. NOPE. TIME TO GO." Eddie yells, cutting Wayne off, jumping hastily from the couch and shoving at Steve to get him towards their room. "La la la la we can't hear you!"
"Only 'cause he felt guilty for stealing the dogs food" Wayne yells behind them, just as Eddie's about to slam the door.
"No," Eddie despairs, drawing out the word, thumping his head on the door frame a time or two before Steve can stop him. "You're the worst!" He turns and pouts, eyes big and imploring as he looks at Steve, "you can't tell anyone about this, the kids will never let me hear the end of it."
"Don't worry, your secret's safe with me Eds," he says with a fond smile. "Though, I don't think it's me you have to worry about, won't Wayne be home during Hellfire this week?" Eddie's face turns panicked, hurrying back down the hallway, leaving a giggling Steve behind.
"Hey Uncle Wayne, I ever tell you you're the best Uncle a guy could have?"
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apollogeticx · 1 day
✧˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ LABOUR ♡·˚
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— [♡] ; souls tied by fate will inevitably cross paths again. 。°. gojo satoru
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tags: endgame gojo satoru, afab!reader, slow burn, pregnancy, regret, hurt/comfort, angst, co-parenting, vulnerable gojo satoru, past suguru geto x reader, past rejection, longing, bittersweet, I'm dramatic so I write dramatic shit, chapter three of ten
wc. 3.8K
prologue | part 1 | part 2 | part 4 [soon!]
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Gojo Satoru had never felt more out of control. It was a foreign sensation, one he hadn’t experienced in years, but as he returned to Jujutsu High, a hollow ache settled in his chest. The walk back from the hideout had been quiet, too quiet, and now the weight of what had transpired bore down on him with suffocating intensity.
You had chosen Geto over him.
That thought alone gnawed at him, and he couldn’t shake the image of you standing there, resolute in your decision. His words, his attempts to pull you back—it hadn’t been enough. You had walked away from him without looking back. For the first time in a long while, Gojo felt powerless.
The moment he arrived at the Jujutsu High dormitory, the eerie silence of the abandoned halls greeted him. Your room—your old room—stood at the end of the corridor, untouched since the day you left. Gojo hesitated outside the door for a moment, his hand hovering over the handle. His heart was pounding in his chest, and for once, he wasn’t sure what he would find when he stepped inside.
The door creaked open slowly, revealing the quiet, dimly lit space. Your bed was unmade, the blankets haphazardly tossed aside as if you had left in a hurry. Clothes were strewn across the room, and the bag you had taken with you was missing. But what caught Gojo’s attention immediately was the trash bin near your desk, its contents peeking out from under a few crumpled papers.
A letter.
Gojo’s breath hitched in his throat as he approached the trash, his fingers trembling slightly as he pulled the letter free from the discarded mess. The envelope was crumpled and torn at the edges, as if it had been thrown away carelessly, but the sight of his name written in your neat handwriting stopped him cold. It was your letter—the one you had given him with the chocolates, the one he had barely glanced at when you tried to confess your feelings.
For the first time, he realized what he had truly done.
His throat tightened as he unfolded the letter, his eyes scanning over your words. The confession was simple, heartfelt, written with care and a vulnerability that he hadn’t recognized at the time. You had poured your heart into this letter, and he had dismissed it without a second thought. You had been trying to reach out to him, and he had rejected you.
Gojo’s hands shook as he read the letter over and over again, his heart sinking with every word. He could see it now—the pain you had hidden behind your shy demeanor, the quiet longing in your eyes when you looked at him. He had been too wrapped up in his own world to notice, too oblivious to the effect his actions had on you.
And now you were gone.
His gaze shifted to the trash bin again, where the box of chocolates you had made for him lay discarded. The once-beautifully wrapped package was ruined, the chocolates inside left to rot for weeks. Gojo bent down and picked up the box, his chest tightening as he realized just how long they had sat there, untouched. You had made these for him, and he had thrown them away without even giving them a second thought.
A lump formed in his throat as the reality of what he had done hit him like a punch to the gut. You had given him everything, and he had crushed it beneath his careless rejection.
No wonder you had left. No wonder you had turned to Geto. He had driven you away.
Gojo sank onto your bed, the letter still in his hand, his mind racing. He had been so blind, so oblivious to your pain. He had let you slip through his fingers, and now you were in the hands of the one person he couldn’t stand to lose anyone to—Suguru Geto.
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Days passed, and as Gojo struggled with the consequences of his actions, your life with Geto began to take shape.
The transition into Geto’s world was jarring at first, but the more time you spent in his presence, the more you felt a sense of belonging. Geto wasn’t like Gojo. Where Gojo had been aloof, unpredictable, and distant, Geto was calm, steady, and composed. He understood you in a way that Gojo never had. He didn’t see you as weak or shy—he saw potential in you, something that could be molded and strengthened.
You trained relentlessly, determined to prove yourself to Geto and his followers. Every day brought new challenges, new ways to harness your cursed energy. Though you weren’t the strongest, your determination earned you respect from those around you, and Geto took notice. He began to spend more time with you, personally overseeing your training, guiding you through techniques that would strengthen your abilities.
There was a quiet approval in his gaze whenever you succeeded, a sense of pride that he didn’t show to many. It wasn’t affection, not in the way you had once craved from Gojo, but it was something that grounded you. Geto believed in you. He saw something in you that no one else had, and that belief spurred you forward.
The more time you spent under Geto’s guidance, the more you found yourself embracing his ideals. The resentment you felt toward the world that had once ignored you now fueled your desire to grow stronger, to prove that you were more than what others had thought. Geto’s vision of a world where the weak no longer held back the strong resonated with you in a way that felt liberating. You were tired of being invisible, of being disregarded.
And with Geto, you were no longer invisible.
One afternoon, after na intense training session, Geto approached you as you sat, catching your breath on the edge of a training field.
“You’ve been progressing well,” he said, his voice calm but laced with approval. “Better than I expected.”
You looked up at him, your chest still heaving from exertion. His words meant more than you cared to admit. “Thank you,” you said quietly, feeling the weight of his praise settle in your chest.
Geto nodded, his gaze lingering on you for a moment longer before he spoke again. “You’ve proven yourself to be more than just another follower. I see great potential in you.” His words were deliberate, carrying the weight of expectation. “You remind me of someone I once knew. Someone who had the same fire.”
Your heart skipped a beat at his words. You knew who he was referring to. Gojo.
“But unlike him,” Geto continued, his gaze sharpening, “you understand what it means to be truly strong. To stand for something greater.”
You nodded, his words resonating deep within you. Gojo had never understood you the way Geto did. He had seen you as just another student, another face in the crowd. But Geto saw more. He saw your potential, your desire to grow, and he had given you a place where you could belong.
As the days passed, your bond with Geto grew stronger. He took you under his wing, guiding you not only in battle but in the way you viewed the world. The bitterness that had once festered inside you now fueled your determination, and with every day that passed, you felt yourself growing closer to Geto’s cause.
You no longer thought of Gojo the way you used to. The pain of his rejection still lingered, but it no longer consumed you. You had found something new—something stronger.
And as Geto’s trusted student, you had a new purpose.
Days blended into weeks as you trained, grew stronger, and found your place among Geto’s inner circle. It wasn’t just about power anymore; it was about purpose, about finding people who believed in the same ideals, who didn’t see you as weak or broken.
It was strange at first, being around Geto’s trusted followers. You had never been particularly close to anyone back at Jujutsu High, never felt like you fit in with the others. But here, with Geto’s inner circle, things were different. They were a found family of sorts, bound together by shared beliefs and a mutual loyalty to Geto. He treated them with respect, something far beyond what you had expected when you first joined him.
Geto formally introduced you to his closest companions after one of your more grueling training sessions, a day when you had pushed yourself harder than ever before. Exhausted but satisfied with your progress, you found yourself in a quiet corner of the hideout, catching your breath when Geto approached, flanked by three familiar faces.
“These are my most trusted,” Geto said, gesturing to the three individuals behind him. “You’ll be spending more time with them.”
You recognized them from earlier encounters but hadn’t spoken much to any of them. One of them, a tall man with sharp features and a laid-back demeanor, offered a friendly smile. “Larue,” he said, introducing himself with a casual wave. “Nice to finally meet you properly.”
Beside him stood a girl with short, dark hair and sharp eyes—Mimiko, as Geto had referred to her before. She nodded at you, her expression unreadable but not unkind. “We’ve seen you around,” she said quietly, studying you.
The last person was a bit more standoffish, a girl with bright hair - tied up who seemed more interested in her phone than the conversation at hand. Her name was Nanako, and though she didn’t say much, you got the sense that she was fiercely loyal to Geto and his cause.
“You’ll be training with us from now on,” Nanako continued, his tone light but sincere. “It’s good to have you here.”
Something about their acceptance, even if it was tentative, made the knot in your chest loosen a little. They didn’t see you as na outsider. For the first time in what felt like forever, you weren’t alone.
As the days passed, you started spending more time with Geto’s close circle. Training was intense, but there was something oddly comforting about the routine, about the way they welcomed you into their fold. You weren’t sure when it happened exactly, but at some point, you realized that these people had become something of a family—a place where you could finally belong. Geto was their leader, their guide, but he was also more than that. He had given them something greater, something they hadn’t found anywhere else, and you were slowly beginning to understand that feeling for yourself.
But even in this new life, you hadn’t expected anyone to notice something as small as your birthday.
When the day finally arrived, you had no plans to tell anyone. Birthdays had always been quiet affairs for you, something that passed with little fanfare. It wasn’t that you didn’t appreciate the occasion, but you had learned to keep such things to yourself.
So, you spent the morning training alone, assuming the day would pass as any other. But in the late afternoon, as you retreated to your room, tired and ready to spend the rest of the day in solitude, a soft knock on your door startled you.
“Come in,” you called, expecting one of Geto’s followers with a task or message.
But when the door opened, it was Geto himself who stepped inside, his usual composed demeanor softened by a small, almost teasing smile. He leaned casually against the doorframe, his presence filling the room.
“I heard today’s a special day,” Geto said, his tone light but deliberate.
Your eyes widened in surprise, your heart skipping a beat. How did he know? You hadn’t told anyone.
“I—” you started, but Geto cut you off with a raised hand, still smiling.
“No need to explain. Come with me,” he said simply.
You blinked in confusion. “Where are we going?”
“You’ll see,” was all he said.
There was something about the way he spoke, so casual yet commanding, that made you follow him without hesitation. You left your room and followed him through the hallways of the hideout, the air between you charged with na unusual energy.
When you finally stepped outside, the fresh air hit you like a wave. It was rare to leave the hideout for anything other than missions or training, so this felt different, almost like na adventure. You hadn’t expected Geto to take time away from his duties, especially not for something as trivial as your birthday.
He led you into the nearby town, its narrow streets bustling with evening activity. The soft glow of streetlights lit the way, and the air smelled faintly of something sweet. You followed Geto through the winding roads until you stopped in front of a small shop, its windows displaying delicate pastries and desserts.
“Crepes,” Geto said, as if answering the question you hadn’t asked. “Thought it’d be a nice change of pace.”
Your eyes widened again in surprise. This was… oddly domestic. You hadn’t expected this from Geto. Not at all.
He held the door open for you, and you stepped inside, the sweet aroma of crepes filling the air. The shop was small and cozy, and the cashier greeted you with a warm smile as you approached the counter.
“Pick whatever you like,” Geto said, his tone casual, as if this was the most normal thing in the world.
You hesitated for a moment, still trying to process what was happening, but eventually, you pointed to one of the crepes on the menu. It was simple, filled with strawberries and cream, but it felt like the perfect choice. Geto ordered the same for himself, and after paying, the two of you sat down at a small table near the window.
As you ate, the conversation between you was light, almost easy. Geto asked about your training, about how you were adjusting to life with his followers. He listened carefully to your answers, his usual calm demeanor ever-present.
For a moment, it felt like everything was normal—like you were just two people enjoying a quiet evening, talking about nothing in particular. It was strange, how domestic it felt, but at the same time, it was comforting.
But that comfort was short-lived.
As you sat there, finishing the last bite of your crepe, a familiar presence washed over you—a cursed energy you would recognize anywhere. Your heart skipped a beat, your chest tightening as you realized who it was.
Gojo Satoru.
He stepped into the shop as if he owned the place, his towering figure impossible to miss. His white hair glowed under the soft lights, and the moment his eyes landed on you and Geto, his casual, carefree expression faltered for just a split second.
Your breath caught in your throat. This was the last thing you had expected—a quiet birthday outing with Geto, only to be confronted by the one person you had been running from. Gojo’s eyes flickered between you and Geto, his usual mask slipping slightly as his gaze hardened.
“Well, isn’t this a surprise,” Gojo said, his voice light but with na unmistakable edge. He stuffed his hands into his pockets, his eyes settling on you. “Didn’t expect to find you two out here.”
Geto’s posture shifted subtly, his gaze calm but watchful. He leaned back slightly in his chair, crossing his arms as he regarded Gojo with a quiet intensity. “It’s a small world, after all.”
The tension between them was palpable, crackling like electricity in the air. You could feel it—the weight of the history between them, the unspoken conflict simmering beneath the surface. And now, you were caught in the middle.
Your chest tightened as Gojo’s gaze lingered on you, a thousand unspoken words hanging between the two of you. What would he say? What could he say?
But before either of them could speak again, you found yourself frozen in place, unsure of what was about to unfold in this unexpected confrontation.
The tension in the air was suffocating, the tiny crepe shop suddenly feeling too small as Gojo’s presence filled the room. The lighthearted atmosphere you’d shared with Geto vanished the moment Gojo stepped in. His usual casual grin was gone, replaced by na unreadable expression that made your stomach churn. You knew this moment would come eventually, but not like this—certainly not on what had started as a rare, peaceful moment between you and Geto.
Gojo’s piercing gaze flicked between you and Geto, lingering on you longer than you were comfortable with. His jaw tightened for a moment before he spoke again, his voice deceptively calm.
“So, enjoying your night out?” he asked, his tone light but laced with something heavier beneath the surface.
You swallowed hard, not sure how to respond. The weight of his stare made you feel like a child caught in a bad situation, but you were no longer the person who had stood before him in your confession, waiting for validation. You had made your choice, and Gojo had to know that.
Geto leaned back in his chair, his calm demeanor never faltering. “Just grabbing some crepes. A simple celebration, really.”
The way Geto said it—so casual, so nonchalant—felt like a challenge, even though his voice was soft and smooth. He was always so composed, so sure of himself, especially around Gojo. You couldn’t help but notice how different the two men were: Gojo, always radiating na untouchable energy, and Geto, commanding respect with quiet authority. And yet, despite the vast differences between them, their history lingered between them like na invisible wound.
Gojo’s lips twitched in a humorless smile. “A celebration, huh? Must be a special occasion.”
Of course you didn't.
He looked directly at you this time, his voice quieter but his eyes intense. “I didn’t know you liked crepes.”
You froze, unsure of what to say. The last time you and Gojo had spoken, you had told him you were done, that you were following Geto. And yet here he was, standing in front of you, making small talk like you hadn’t turned your back on everything you once knew. It was disorienting—painful, even.
You opened your mouth to respond, but Geto spoke first, his tone light but firm. “Everyone’s entitled to some happiness, Satoru. Even those who’ve chosen a different path.”
Gojo’s eyes narrowed, his posture shifting slightly as he regarded Geto with a mix of frustration and something else—something that felt like unspoken anger. It was as if they were having an entire conversation with their eyes, one filled with history and unresolved conflict.
“So, this is your life now?” Gojo asked, his voice dropping lower as he focused on you. “Following Geto around like one of his little disciples? Is this really what you want?”
The question stung, cutting through the fragile wall you had built around yourself. You wanted to believe in Geto’s cause, in the sense of purpose he had given you. But Gojo’s words were like a knife, reopening the wound that had never fully healed. Was this truly what you wanted, or was it just the only path left after Gojo had shattered your heart?
You straightened your back, forcing yourself to meet Gojo’s gaze. “I’ve already made my decision.”
Gojo’s jaw clenched, his eyes softening for a moment before hardening again. “You’re better than this,” he said quietly, almost like a plea. “You don’t belong with him.”
Geto’s eyes flickered, his calm demeanor shifting just slightly. “Satoru, I think she’s capable of making her own decisions.”
Gojo didn’t take his eyes off you, his voice steady but filled with tension. “Is she? Or are you just using her, like you do with everyone else?”
The accusation hung in the air like a sword, and for a moment, the room went completely still. You felt the weight of Gojo’s words settle over you, the implication that Geto was manipulating you—just like Gojo believed he had manipulated others. It made your chest tighten, a confusing swirl of emotions pulling at you from every direction.
Geto didn’t react immediately. He remained seated, his gaze fixed on Gojo, but his posture had shifted subtly, a tension simmering just beneath the surface. “She came to me of her own will. I didn’t force her hand.”
The subtle threat in Geto’s voice was impossible to miss, and Gojo, always one to challenge authority, stepped closer, his hand twitching slightly at his side. For a split second, you thought this could escalate into something worse, something physical. The power radiating from Gojo was undeniable, and you could feel it crackling in the air around him.
But before things could escalate, you stood from your seat, stepping between the two men. The last thing you wanted was for them to clash because of you. You could feel the tension rolling off both of them, and you had no doubt that if things got out of hand, it wouldn’t end well.
“Stop,” you said firmly, your voice cutting through the silence.
Both Gojo and Geto turned to look at you, their gazes sharp and expectant. For a brief moment, the three of you were locked in a silent standoff, the weight of years of history between Gojo and Geto hanging heavily in the air.
“I’ve made my choice,” you said, your voice steady but filled with the weight of your emotions. “I’m with Geto now. This is where I belong.”
Gojo’s face twisted into something resembling hurt for the briefest moment before his usual impassive mask slipped back into place. “You don’t mean that.”
“I do,” you said, though the words tasted bitter on your tongue. “You can’t keep coming after me. I’m not… I’m not your responsibility anymore.”
The words hung between you, the finality of them sinking into your chest like a stone. Gojo’s eyes flickered, the tension in his body slowly draining as he processed your words. For a long moment, he said nothing, the silence stretching on endlessly.
Then, without warning, he sighed, stepping back slightly. “Fine,” he said softly, his voice lacking its usual bravado. “If that’s what you want, I won’t stop you.”
Your heart twisted painfully at his words. You had made your decision, but it didn’t make it any easier to hear him finally give up on trying to pull you back.
Gojo turned to leave, his hand on the door. But just before he stepped out, he paused, his back to you and Geto.
“I just hope you know what you’re getting into,” he said quietly, not turning to face you. “Because once you go down this road, there’s no turning back.”
With that, he walked out of the shop, leaving you and Geto alone in the quiet aftermath.
You stood there, your heart racing, trying to steady your breath. Gojo was gone. He had given up, just as you had wanted. But the empty feeling in your chest told you that it wasn’t as simple as that.
Geto, always calm, finally stood up from the table and stepped beside you. He placed a hand on your shoulder, his grip firm but not forceful. “You made the right choice,” he said softly, his voice reassuring. “Don’t let Satoru’s words shake you.”
But as you looked at the door Gojo had just walked through, you couldn’t help but wonder if you had truly made the right choice—or if, once again, you were letting yourself be led down a path you didn’t fully understand.
Because Gojo’s final words echoed in your mind, refusing to be silenced.
“There’s no turning back.”
And you weren’t sure you were ready for what that meant.
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notes: i forgot to post yesterday skjdejfdsjf sorry! <3 if you wanna be tagged just let me know!
taglist: @username23345 @arminswifee @tomiokasecretlover @ffyona1214 @tojirin @eggrollforyou @ironicsss @asahinasstuff @feitanett @xdinaryheroesstan @laviefantasie @hyunsuks-beanie @starlightanyaaa @tanyaspartak @forever-paramore28 @saatorubby @ssetsuka
©apollogeticx ⋆ all rights reserved.
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koyagifs · 2 days
shattered trust
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pairing: Ravenclaw!Hongjoong x Hufflepuff!reader au: harry potter genre: angst | fluff | Summary: as the years go by, you never noticed the dark side of your lover.
Some cursing, their ages will be aged up a bit! This fic is not meant to reflect how Ateez are in real life. This is a fanfic.
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6 |
st masterlist | ateez masterlist
.𖥔 ݁ ˖☾𖤓☽.𖥔 ݁ ˖ .𖥔 ݁ ˖☾𖤓☽.𖥔 ݁ ˖ .𖥔 ݁ ˖☾𖤓☽.𖥔 ݁ ˖ .𖥔 ݁ ˖☾𖤓☽.𖥔 ݁ ˖
You stayed in your seat, shock evident on your face as you looked at your friends. Seonghwa held his hand out, a smirk on his face as Wooyoung mumbled curses as he pulled out a few galleons and placed them on Seonghwa hand.
" he can never catch a break can he..." you mumbled, feeling awful for Harry.
Hongjoong shrugged, wrapping his arm around you as they waited for the great hall to clear. " but aren't you happy? Someone from your house finally got called"
You rolled your eyes, " Cedric will do well i'm sure but Harry is just a boy. I would be fearing for you all."
Wooyoung clutch his chest, throwing his body onto yours as you laughed. " yn finally admits that she cares for us"
" all but you woo" you said, shoving him off you.
Wooyoung began to protest, the others laughing as you playfully pushed him away, trying to stifle your giggles. The energy in the room was infectious, and despite the earlier shock of Harry’s name being called, the camaraderie among your friends was lifting your spirits.
Seonghwa, still grinning, leaned back in his seat. “Honestly, though, it’s wild. Who would have thought Harry would be in the Triwizard Tournament?”
“Yeah, it’s insane,” you said, shaking your head. “He’s just a kid! I can’t help but worry about him. It’s dangerous.”
Hongjoong tightened his arm around you, his warmth comforting. “You care more than you let on. It’s okay to be worried.”
“Don’t worry, YN! If anyone can pull off some crazy stunts, it’s Harry,” Seonghwa reassured, still smirking. “And if he can’t, we’ll just send him some flowers to cheer him up in the hospital.”
“Or a nice card,” you added playfully, “wishing him luck on his next life!”
The group erupted in laughter, the tension of the evening fading away. You felt lighter, surrounded by friends who brought joy even in uncertain times. The Great Hall was slowly clearing out, and you could see the stars beginning to twinkle outside the windows.
“Alright, let’s get out of here,” Hongjoong said, standing up and pulling you with him.
“We should celebrate a bit. Who’s up for some butterbeer?”
“Count me in!” Wooyoung exclaimed, practically bouncing in his seat. “I need a drink after all that drama.”
Seonghwa chuckled, rolling his eyes. “Always the dramatic one.”
Hongjoong wrapped his arm around your shoulder once again, leading the way with you towards the three broomsticks.
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Hongjoong and you separated from the group once you all enjoyed the company of each other. Walking around Hogsmeade, a store had caught your attention. Hongjoong eyed your excitement, a smile placed on his face as he watched you bounce toward the shop window, your eyes sparkling with curiosity. “What’s got you so captivated?” he asked, stepping up beside you.
" look the rings Joongie" you pointed out.
Hoongjoong came beside you and leaned closer to the window, his eyes widening at the display of beautifully crafted rings. Each one shimmered with a different enchantment, some changing colors while others seemed to glow softly. But one caught his eye, it screamed you. The particular ring that had a delicate silver/gold band with a tiny charm shaped like a star. His star. Beside the one was a matching one, a gold band with a crescent moon charm. It was almost as if the two rings were made for each other, perfectly complementing one another.
Hongjoong couldn’t help but smile at the thought of the two of you wearing matching rings. He turned to you, a smile still place on your lips.
" ahh, it's getting late we should probably head back now" You muttered, leaving Hongjoong at the window shop.
" give me one second i'll be right back. Meet you at the bridge?"
You nodded, a mix of curiosity and excitement swirling inside you. “Okay, I’ll see you there!”
As you watched him dash back into the shop, your mind raced with thoughts of the rings and what they could symbolize. You leaned against the bridge railing, gazing out at the serene landscape of Hogsmeade, the sun beginning to dip below the horizon.
A few moments later, Hongjoong returned, a small bag tucked securely under his arm. His eyes sparkled with anticipation as he approached you, and your heart skipped a beat.
“What did you get?” you asked, unable to contain your excitement.
He held up the bag triumphantly. " that's for me to know and for you to find out later little badger,"
You pouted, " Joongie~"
He chuckled at your playful pout, his eyes sparkling with mischief. “Alright, alright. I’ll give you a hint. It’s something that will remind you of me every time you wear it.”
You thought for a bit, both of you walking side to side back to the castle. Surely he didn't get the rings you both eyes moments ago.
You turned to him, your curiosity bubbling over. “Is it really something from the shop? You wouldn’t just tease me like that, would you?”
Hongjoong feigned innocence, his lips curving into a sly smile. “Maybe I am, maybe I’m not. You’ll just have to wait and see!”
You rolled your eyes, unable to suppress your grin. Hongjoong laced your fingers together, the walk back up to the castle a peaceful one. With his fingers intertwined with yours, you felt a sense of warmth and comfort wash over you. The gentle evening breeze ruffled your hair as you walked, and the soft sounds of Hogsmeade fading behind you created a perfect backdrop for your shared moment.
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A ball.
There's going to be a ball.
The buzz around the Yule Ball was electric, and you could hardly walk through the halls without hearing someone talk about it. Your friends were just as caught up in the excitement, but you couldn’t help but feel a bit overwhelmed. The thought of going with Hongjoong crossed your mind many times, each causing you to blush profusely.
The thought of the Yule Ball sent a flurry of butterflies through your stomach. You imagined walking in with Hongjoong, his hand gently resting on your back as he led you into the grand hall. The sparkle of enchanted lights and the soft music playing in the background created a picture-perfect scene.
“Who are you thinking of going with?” Seonghwa asked one day as you all sat together at lunch, his curiosity piqued.
“Honestly, I have no idea,” you replied, taking a bite of your food.
Seonghwa raised an eyebrow, a teasing smile on his lips. “Oh come on, you can’t tell me you haven’t thought about going with anyone special?”
You felt your cheeks heat up as you glanced over at Hongjoong, who was laughing with his friends at the other end of the table.
“Maybe you should take your time,” Yeosang suggested. “There’s no rush.”
Just then, a nervous-looking fourth-year approached your table, glancing around before he spoke. “Um, would you like to go to the Yule Ball with me?”
Before you could respond, Mingi jumped in, pushing you behind him. " Not happening, buddy! She’s way too good for you!” He shot the boy a playful grin, but the fourth-year quickly scuttled away, clearly embarrassed.
“Thanks for that, Mingi,” you said with a laugh, shaking your head. “now no one will ask me to ball”
Mingi smirked, hands on his hips before they moved to be placed over your shoulder. You smiled up at him, his eyes twinkling with mischief. “Good! They don’t deserve you anyway.”
You chuckled, feeling a warmth spread through you at Mingi's supportive words. “Thanks, Mingi. But what if I end up going with no one?”
Something shifted in Mingi eyes, before he looked at you with all seriousness, " you won't be, you'll be my date before i let you go alone"
You were going to reply before Yunho came beside him, shoving him off you as he gave him a look. Mingi held his hand up before he shoved them into his robes, leaving you confused. Yeosang spoke up, cutting the tension that was lingering in the air.
" plus, it's only fair that we scare the boys off. You're scaring all the ladies away ynie"
You couldn’t help but laugh at Yeosang’s comment, which broke the tension that had just built. “Scaring the ladies away? Really?”
Wooyoung smiled, coming beside Yeosang as he hung from him, " yah, come on. Who wouldn't want to go to the ball with us"
"i'm surround by idiots" Jongho muttered, rubbing his temple, a smile place on his lips as he watched you and Wooyoung argue back and forth.
As the day went on, more boys approached you with varying degrees of confidence, only to be intercepted by your protective friends. Each time, you felt a mix of amusement and frustration. “I appreciate the effort, but I really can handle it!”
Wooyoung smirked, “We just want to make sure you end up with someone worthy!”
“Alright, so who do you think is worthy?” you challenged, raising an eyebrow.
Your friends exchanged glances, and then Jongho grinned. “How about Hongjoong? He’d definitely treat you right.”
You felt your cheeks heat up at the suggestion. “he hasn’t asked me.”
“Maybe we should give him a little nudge,” Seonghwa said, a mischievous smile on his face. Seonghwa nudge Mingi who looked at him confused before he nodded his head. Mingi walked up to you, confusion placed on your face. Mingi began to lean close to you, your eyes widen in shock. Just as Mingi was about to place a kiss on your cheek, he was pulled back. A furious looking Hongjoong that did not let go as Mingi held his hands up in the air.
You watched in shock as Hongjoong’s expression shifted from confusion to protectiveness. “What do you think you’re doing?” he demanded, glaring at Mingi.
Mingi smirk didn't falter, " ah just giving our badger a kiss on the cheek."
Hongjoong huffed, letting Mingi go as Seonghwa patted his back. " we've done it before, what's the problem"
“Yeah, but this time it’s different,” he replied, crossing his arms defensively.
You giggled, " joongie, they're just playing. They were just leaving too, right guys?"
Wooyoung eyes sparkled with glee as he nodded his head, shoving the guys along as they began to protest, a few throwing a quick bye before they were hushed. Hongjoong let out a laugh before he turned to you.
" i'm sorry, i've been busy helping this girl study. I'm pretty sure she's just trying to keep me away from my star"
You blushed at the new nickname, his star. " it's fine, i knew i'll see you sooner or later."
Hongjoong smiled warmly, and you felt your heart flutter at his words. “I’m glad you’re here now. I missed hanging out with you.”
“Me too,” you admitted, feeling a shy smile spread across your face. “It’s nice to have a break from all the chaos.”
He leaned in slightly, lowering his voice as if sharing a secret. " i have a free period. What about you?"
You nodded your head, Hongjoong smiled. holding his hand out for you, " great, let's go to our special place hm?"
Your eyes lit up at his suggestion, recalling the peaceful moments you had shared there.
──・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ──── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚.────
Hongjoong summoned a blanket, laying it on the ground as you both sat down. He laid his head on your lap, your fingers immediately finding his hair.
“This is nice,” he murmured, a content smile on his face.
“Yeah, it really is,” you replied softly, enjoying the peaceful atmosphere around you. The sound of leaves rustling and the distant calls of birds created a perfect backdrop. You looked down at Hongjoong, admiring his feature. His eyes were closed, a slight hum leaving his lips.
"remember how i said i have a surprise?"
You smiled softly, brushing a strand of hair away from his forehead. “Of course! What’s the surprise?”
Hongjoong opened one eye and grinned, clearly pleased to have your attention. He grabbed your hand, lacing your fingers together. " well, i was thinking -"
" Hongjoongie!"
You both turned your head, startled to see a girl walking down to you both. Hongjoong furrowed his brows, confusion placed on your face as well anger. Hongjoongie? You felt a mix of annoyance and curiosity as the girl approached, her bright smile contrasting with Hongjoong’s furrowed brow.
Sitting up, his arms now wrapping around your waist. " Mina? What are you doing here?"
Mina smile faultered a bit as she noticed Hongjoong arm around your body. The urge to roll her eyes at the scene but she kept her smile, "we were supposed to met up silly. Did you forget?"
" we don't meet at all this week Mina. I told you i had to catch up with my personal stuff. "
Mina’s smile tightened, clearly frustrated. " we'll, let's just do it now then"
With that she plopped down, your jaw hanging in shock as she shoved your legs. Hongjoong was once again furious for the second time.
Hongjoong’s grip on you tightened, his expression shifting to one of irritation. “Mina, seriously? This isn’t the time or place.”
You felt a mix of disbelief and anger. Mina shrugged, unfazed, a smirk now on her face she noticed how angry you are. " you don't mind do you. It's really important Hongjoong and I get this done."
Hongjoong stood up, helping you along as Mina looked up at you two. " seriously, fuck off Mina. I told you next week. You have a month to complete it and you literally had me all last week. "
So this is who was taking up all of his time. You bit the inside of you cheek, " hongjoong... it's fine. We can talk later?"
Hongjoong glanced down at you, his expression softening a bit. He pulled you away from Mina, giving you distance as he cupped your face.
" are you sure? I'll tell her to fuck off right now" He asked, looking at you for reassurance.
You smiled, " just find me later yeah? you still have to tell me my surprise joongie"
Hongjoong’s expression softened even more at your smile. “Okay, if you’re sure.” He leaned in, hesitating a little as he hovered over your lips before he moved towards your cheek. You felt a flutter in your chest as he brushed his lips against your cheek instead. The warmth lingered there, making you smile even wider.
A cough breaks the moment you two were having, a curse slipping hongjoong lips. You giggled, placing a kiss on his cheek before you said your goodbye. He waved, standing up as he watched your figure retreating.
" thank god she's gone, now we can be alone together."
He wondered how long the sentence would be in Azkaban would be if he threw her into the lake for the kraken to have her.
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Lives Worth Living Chapter 29
ISAT/Two Hats spoilers below the break! CW: Mentions of Murder/Suicide, Mental Spiraling
Friendly reminder of the character perspective/voice brackets, as they may be needed for this chapter c:
Isabeau: |"Text"| Odile: ="Text"= Mirabelle: -"Text"- Bonnie: <"Text"> Nille: {"Text"}
(You can't tell when sleep gives way to the lightless void of your dream, but your awareness suddenly snaps to attention as you hear footsteps echoing behind you. You don't turn to look. Your heart begins to race and you shut your eye tight.)
"No... not now... please..." (You beg in a soft whisper. The footsteps stop close behind you. You can feel it just standing there... staring.)
"Not tonight... please just not tonight." (You can't handle this tight now, you can't go through more of this blinding nightmare.)
{"But they killed you, Frin..."}
"... Adding Nille to the mix now, huh?..." (You think aloud, hearing her worried voice echoing around you. You keep your eye shut. It won't trick you this time.)
="No wonder they're so on edge."= (You roll your eye behind your eyelid. It's gonna have to try a lot harder than that...)
["If they don't accept me, you'd be okay looping back again, right? You wouldn't want to decide between me or them."] (You freeze for a moment, hearing Vale's desperate voice... You would, wouldn't you?... Without hesitation, if there was no other way... You would...)
<"BUT YOU CRABBING PROMISED!!!"> (You clench your fist, then slowly release it... it won't come to that, you won't let it.)
="Why would we let them near you again after what they did? We can't risk them hurting you again. Or worse."=
"... It's my choice to make." (You state in a stern voice, trying to keep your composure.)
-"Not when it affects us too! If they keep making you loop, how are we supposed to live our lives? How are we supposed to change?"-
"They're not going to! Now shut up and leave me alone!"
|"Sif... Is that fair to us? We agreed to help you, to stay with you... but you're making us deal with their problems too. That's a lot to dump on sometime."|
"... And what if they were me, huh? What then?"
="Oh, Siffrin..."= (You feel its hand placed on your shoulder, causing you to flinch.)
="One of you is the most anyone could take."= (You quickly pull away from it's grasp.)
"DON'T TOUCH ME!" (You shout, having turned to look at it before you realized what you were doing. You see your shadow in front of you once more. The sadness welling up within you. You can't look away as it opens it's mouth to let the other voices through.)
<"They hurt you, Frin! Don't you hate them?! I HATE THEM!!!">
"You don't understand! You don't know what they went through!!"
<"I DON'T CARE! I NEVER WANT TO SEE THEM AGAIN!! They hurt you, stupidfrin!! Shouldn't you hate them too?!">
-"Y-You say that like it doesn't hurt us too! They killed you! That hurts us to think about, we don't want it to happen to you again!"-
="It's for your own good, Siffrin."=
{"What if they lashed out at someone else? Someone who wouldn't be fine?..."}
="Here's a philosophical conundrum for you, Siffrin. If you loop, and everything resets with you, then we can *all* be looped back. We're all valid targets by that logic."=
"... You don't know them like I do..."
|"Sif, if they're anything like you, we'll just get manipulated into liking them..."| (... Something in you snaps. You suddenly tackle into it, pinning your negative shaded self to the ground and wrapping your hands around its throat, trying to strangle the nonexistent life out of it. It's mouth remains open as voices continue to flow out, unimpeded.)
|"You'll both just keep looping until we have the perfect opinion of them and everything goes smoothly..."|
-"If we said no to keeping them around, you'd loop back. How does that give us any choice in the matter?"-
"I DON'T CARE!!!" (You scream, tightening your grip on its throat.)
"I DON'T CARE! I DON'T CARE! I-... I don't... I can't... I-I..." (Your grip slowly loosens, tears flowing down your face and onto its own.)
"I... I can't do this all again... I can't just live my whole life again... not without them..." (You feel its hand lightly placed on your own, still loosely around its throat.)
="Then you'll have to consider if you can live it all over again without us."= (You choke out a sob, pulling your hands away and hugging yourself tightly.)
"It's not fair... it's not fair! Why do I keep having to lose everyone and everything?! When will it stop?!"
["The universe leads, Stardust... We can only follow."]
"I'm so sick of following..." (You whimper out through your heavy sobbing.)
["You'll have to choose some day, Stardust. You'll have to be okay with that."]
(You stop responding, just crying as you hold yourself in that endless void.)
|"Sif... Hey Sif?... Sif!!"|
(You jolt awake as you feel a pair of large hands shake you lightly. You look around frantically only to find Isa holding you. You feel your face is soaked, you must have been crying in your sleep for real. He looks down at you, his face looked worried and... hesitant?)
"Isa? Wh... What's going on?"
"You were crying a lot in your sleep Sif... Are you okay?" (You glance drifts away from them and towards the ground... the look on your face likely answers the question better than words could.)
"Sif... We gotta talk. It's about Vale."
(No... please, no...)
So... surprise! @Tacticaly-Shrubbery helped with this one too, kept this one a secret from the server to really catch everyone off guard~ >:3c. As always thanks so much Shrub, this one hurt! A lot!
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goquokka00 · 1 day
Stray Kids on Weed
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The Lee Know Strain In which the love of their life smokes the mary jane, and they give it a shot for the first time...
Bangchan | Minho | Changbin | Hyunjin Jisung | Felix | Seungmin | Jeongin
A Few Notes: This is purely just supposed to be funny and a joke. I've also never been high and while I am friends with those who have either tried weed or do weed on the regular, I only know so much. So please just bear with me and have a good laugh, okay? Okay. Love you guys ❤️❤️❤️
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So I have this gut feeling that Minho's first experience with weed would be with an edible. Seeing as he loves cooking and all, and is also just scared that he could potentially fuck up his lungs if he did actually smoke, I feel like this would probably be the way that he would combat that.
It's not often that you bring home edibles, but when you do, Minho asks to try it. And surprise surprise, nothing happens at first. Why? Because it's an edible. Minho thought you were scamming him when he didn't feel anything happen in his system, but it all changed about 45 minutes later.
Stupid idiot.
That's what he got for not listening to you when you tried to explain that edibles take longer to kick in since you have to let the food and weed actually digest in your stomach. Maybe next time, he'll learn to listen to you and not claim that he had beaten god.
Now, once this high kicks in, I see Minho doing a complete and total 180 in his mood. He goes from having this cocky, cold, mischievous and honestly just closed off personality to being the most cuddly, happy, giggly, softest best boi you've ever met in your life.
He smiles more than you've ever seen in your entire life, he GIVES hugs instead of tolerating them and plotting your murder once you have him in your arms (Bangchan is lowkey jealous when he hears about that), he talks about how much he loves and appreciates his members, and even states that he cares for Hyunjin a lot more than he usually lets off.
Course, when you told him what he said once he was sober again, he threatened you that if you told anyone he'd air fry you until you were burnt. Ah, he's so in love with you...
I also have this sneaky suspicion that Minho would want to do things that he really shouldn't do when high. Things such as going to the gym, going out in public because he's an idol and if anyone saw him high he could be in a shit ton of trouble, cook, go and practice dance routines...y'know. The typical Minho stuff.
He'd go on and on and try to reassure you that he was fine, and that he wasn't that far gone. In reality, this poor baby can't even figure out how to zip up his coat.
Now do I think Minho would give weed more chances in the future? Maybe on very special occasions like after parties, but I really don't see him using it often. I think him finding out about how he gets really makes him worry about actually admitting to the fact that him and Jisung do, in fact, have a secret relationship and that he's his one true love. That, or the fact that he secretly wants to have a polyamorous relationship with both you and Jisung.
God only knows at this point.
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Hey! Firstly, thank you so much for reading this post, and I really hope you enjoyed! If you did, please like, reblog, or comment so I can see how I'm doing with writing and getting feedback! I hope you have a lovely day! Sleep well, stay in good health, and eat something if you haven't! ❤️❤️❤️
Taglist: @miss-daisy04 @kayleefriedchicken @wolfs-archive @stayyyyyyyyyyyy21 @wolfs-howling @rose-w-00-d
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Heyyyy! Part 2 with the dateables + Luke is up! Enjoy!
You can find part 1 with the brothers here
Summary: The dateables + Luke react to MC being an actor in a movie.
GN!MC + Dateables and Luke
You can find more of my work here: Masterlist
The dateables + Luke react to MC being an actor in a movie
One day the guys from Purgatory hall invited MC to have a movie night with them to which they happily agreed. So after dinner they acknowledged the brothers of their leave and hurried to Purgatory hall.
Right there in front of the entrance was Solomon, looking through one of his notebooks that are filled with magic circles and curses. You chuckle to yourself and approach him.
MC: Solomon! I'm here!
The sorcerer lifted his head upon hearing your voice and offered you a smile.
Solomon: You finally arrived! Luke insisted I come out here to wait for you as soon as possible causing me to wait for about 20 minutes..
MC: It isn't my fault! I was having dinner! Plus I needed to let Lucifer know I'd be with you guys.
Solomon: I never said it was your fault. Now come on. I'd imagine Luke is getting impatient right now.
You nod and Solomon escorts you into the building, leading you to the living room. There You saw Luke and Simeon chatting on the couch. Upon seeing you Luke's eyes widen and he runs up to you. He wraps his arms around you in a hug.
Luke: MC! You came!
Simeon chuckles and walks over to both you and Luke, patting the little angel's head.
Simeon: Now now, Luke. There is no need to get so excited.
Simeon moves his gaze away from Luke and looks at you.
Simeon: Welcome, MC.
MC: Thank you, Simeon.
You look around and see blankets and cushions prepared on the couch as well as different kinds of snacks on the coffee table.
MC: I see you guys have made quite the preparation.
Luke: Yeah! See all the sweets there? I made them myself with a bit of help from Simeon.
Solomon: I also prepared a little something!
Your and Luke's eyes widen. The angel looks at Simeon with a worried look who nods and clears his throat.
Simeon: You did, Solomon? They must've disappeared somehow. I never saw them again after you made them...
Luke sighs in relief and pulls you to sit next to him on the couch.
Solomon: Really? That's a shame.. I made them exactly to MC's liking.. I'm sorry, MC.
You smile and shake your head.
MC: secretly thanking Simeon for throwing them away Dont worry about it. It's fine.
All of a sudden the doorbell rings and you look towards the door in curiosity.
MC: Are you guys expecting anyone?
Simeon: Oh yes! We invited Lord Diavolo and Barbatos as well. We forgot to tell you.
MC: That's awesome! The more the merrier!
Solomon: Precisely.
Solomon walks up to the door and opens it, inviting Diavolo and Barbatos in.
MC: Hi, Diavolo! Hi, Barbatos!
Diavolo and Barbatos: Hello, MC.
Simeon: So now that we're all here what should we watch?
Solomon: A horror movie maybe?
Luke: N-no! I don't like horror movies!!
Barbatos: Then perhaps we could watch a documentary?
Diavolo: These are quite boring in my opinion, Barbatos... What do you think?
Barbatos: Whatever you say, My Lord.
Simeon: Then maybe we should watch this?
Simeon points at a movie on the screen that everyone seems to agree on.
Solomon: Let's watch this then.
Barbatos: Would that be to your liking, My Lord?
Diavolo: Most definitely!
And so Solomon clicks play and the movie begins. As the storyline progresses everyone is watching intensely. Though soon enough when a new character appears on screen everyone gasp in shock.
Luke: MC, MC! Look! That actor looks like you!!! Look!!
You look at the screen and chuckle.
MC: That's because the actor is me, Luke.
Luke: Wait really?!? You're staring in the movie??
Diavolo: excited MC! That's splendid! Congratulations! I've heard many good things about this movie! I had no idea you are one of the actors! Maybe I should promote it to the entire Devildom so everyone knows what a great actor this movie has!
Barbatos: There is no need for something like this, My Lord. The movie is already well-known throughout the entire Devildom. Congratulations, MC. The Young Master is very proud of you and if I dare say I am as well.
MC: Thank you!
Simeon: Yes! That's wonderful, MC!
Solomon: It sure is! Do you plan on continuing your acting career, MC?
MC: Well I haven't really thought about it.
Diavolo: Make sure to give it some thought. If you u decide to take things on tell me and I'll find you a place in the industry.
Luke: You'd make for an amazing actor, MC! You should definitely continue acting!
Simeon: I agree with Luke here, MC. Though know that we aren't persuing you. We'd support whatever decision you make.
Barbatos: Of course we will, Simeon. Oh and MC make sure to mention that to Lucifer and his brothers. I'm pretty sure they'd be particularly interested.
MC: I will, Barbatos. And thank you, guys!
And so the movie night continues. You made sure to flip a joke or two on your acting skills from time to time while the others didn't miss an opportunity to compliment your acting. Overall the night was full of great memories and laughter.
Bonus: Luke accidentally fell asleep by the end of the movie sense it was way past his bedtime. And in the morning he was very grumpy for missing the ending.
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lemotmo · 5 hours
Let's go season 8! She has answered quite a few things today but this one covers the most detail. I'm so excited!!
Q. Buck and Eddie not having a single scene without the other and Tommy not getting any scenes without the presence of Eddie in some form or fashion is a choice.
A. It was a great four core episode. I absolutely understand why Oliver liked the episode so much. Everything about that episode gives me so much hope for this season. The dialogue. The way everything was framed, the camera work, the cinematography was impeccable and I hope that continues as the season goes along. A beenado (I for one will not miss all the bee jokes, lol) was not an easy premise to pull off successfully and they did a wonderful job of making it fun but also work from a story perspective. That wasn't easy to do and the fact that they managed to do it so well gives me so much hope for the rest of the season.
Tommy isn't allowed to have scenes without the presence of Eddie in some capacity because he has no individual purpose outside of Buck and Eddie. He exists solely to move their plot forward. And the episode and interviews that followed proved that entirely. Oliver says that the beginning of the relationship looks like everything is great, which is what we got last night, and hurdles will follow as they get to know each other more. Eddie will absolutely be the hurdle. They framed that explicitly last night. The cinematography was very intentional across the board last night. The framing of Buck, Eddie and Tommy was purposeful and foreshadowing. Eddie has been in the middle of everything Buck and Tommy have done since day one. Eddie is the point. Oliver went on to say that anyone who dates Buck has to understand that he comes with Eddie and Christopher. They're a package deal. And anyone who can't handle or understand that is not going to be able to be in a relationship with him. That was a very telling part of his interview. Oliver had never explicitly stated that before. Then there was Tommy's one line of dialogue. He once again re-sorted solely to Buck's physical appearance. Given that the overall episode highlighted how intelligent and capable Buck genuinely is (and showing Eddie never doubting or questioning Buck) having Tommy focus completely on the physical aspect of him was a deliberate writing choice. We also know that 3 months have passed and the fact that no meaningful conversations have taken place further proves that their relationship is surface level only. Eddie coming between them will force conversations that neither one of them probably really wants to have. And will force Buck to reexamine what his true feelings for Eddie are.
Oliver said episode 5 was a big episode for Buck he also mentioned episode 6, which Tim already confirmed was a big Eddie episode (rip mustache). That sets up a mutual but separate feelings realization for both of them. Oliver said we would see Buck and Eddie deal with things separately but also be there for one another. I love the idea of allowing both of them their individual journey to realization while still trying to be a good friend to the other. I would imagine episode 4 will contain something for Eddie that allows the audience to be aware of his internal struggle. Giving episodes 5 and 6 the room for their individual part leading to their eventual mutual confession (I know we all agree the script 'leaks' were fake but they all still felt very realistic and after last night they feel even more plausible, so I don't know what to make of those anymore). The fact that they seem to be setting this up with so much care and attention to detail gives me so much hope. They seem to understand what story they are telling and what story Buck and Eddie deserve. And more importantly they seem to be taking it seriously. Pushing it into season 8 now makes even more sense. They want to tell the story with the care it and the characters deserve. It's all in front of us. 💗
Thank you so much Nonny!
Ah yes... I agree with most of Ali's thoughts here. I'm not adding anything on to it, since I would just be repeating what she said and she said it so beautifully. 😋
IMPORTANT! Please don't repost this ask and/or a link that leads straight to my Tumblr account on Twitter or any other social media. Thank you!
Heads up! For anyone who is giving me the shifty eyes for reposting Ali's updates instead of reblogging. Read this.
Remember, no hate in comments, reblogs or inboxes. Let's keep it civil and respectful. Thank you.
If you are interested in more of Ali’s posts, you can find all of her posts so far under the tag: anonymous blog I love.
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brucewaynehater101 · 21 hours
I miss the feeling I had when I first joined this fandom, I knew virtually nothing so everything was correct and I loved everything, even if that stuff just isn’t true, i was like
Bruce is a bit emotionally constipated but loves his kids? Hell yeah sounds legit
dick is a silly happy flippy man who is a bit promiscuous? Love that for him
Jason is a mega feminist literature nerd who is also buff and takes care of the street kids? Perfect man honest
Tim is a nerd who never sleeps and is queer and has never known the touch of a man nor woman? Sweet
Steph is waffle obsessed goofball? Well I prefer pancakes but right on
Cass is a mute badass who loves her fam? I love her
Duke is a normal dude? Well someone has to be and he seems neat
Alfred can do no wrong? Aight, I love old perfect tea men
Damian is a little prick? So are all middle schoolers give him time
But then I had to go learn about the characters and now I have complex opinions about them, and can see the inherent racism and sexism in how they are portrayed
You know before I joined the bat fandom I did not use the exclude tag in ao3? Like tmnt and dp have some bad stuff but usually I could just scroll past.
but now I am having to avoid fics where whole ass adults are bullying and/or oversexulizing a child
Im constantly on the look out for untagged batcwst
I struggle to find fics that don’t describe dicks ass
I have been in this fandom for probably about two years now and y’all I swear
sorry for ranting, and don’t worry I love all your stuff and I know the just back click don’t leave mean comments rule
I’m just tried bc most of the stuff I thought was true turned out to be false
Mm. I do find it a little exhausting trying to navigate the lines of what's canon, what shouldn't be canon (but is due to racism/sexism/homophobia/etc.), and just having fun.
I'm also trying to cultivate the mindset of what I've seen on Tumblr about not policing other people's ships/ideas. I am highly uncomfortable with some (particularly underaged people and adults dating), but I'm also not leaving hate comments. Like you said, the backspace exists for a reason.
Idk. There's a toooon of takes/ideas about the batfam that are inherently false, but as long as they aren't racist/sexist/etc takes, I don't see the harm in them. So what if someone wants a coffee obsessed Tim? So what if Jason's kill code is very strict? As long as they don't claim it's canon, let them be
But yeah. I have a mile long exclude list for fics on AO3. I used to use it only for triggers (I can not do stockhold syndrome, my lords), but now it's got other weird ass shit I've stumbled upon (I saw a fic where the batkids were spanked as punishment??? Like I said, not gonna leave hate comments or single anyone out. Just not my cup of tea).
I also am usually not a fan of romance/sex. It's why the batfam intrigued me so much (found families usually don't have that in it). I like exploring dynamics outside of romance and thus love the batfam. They've got so much going on that romance/sex is not needed. They are such a mess without that dynamic being added (talking about the Bats getting with a third party, but, again, trying not to yuck anyone's yum).
However, I agree. There's a ton of misinformation within fandom. I like how complex canon gets with the characters, but there's also widely different takes with them (mostly talking about Bruce here. He can either be trying or just a straight up horrible dad).
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cerise-on-top · 2 days
Hi Simon! Hope you are doing well! I was wondering if you if you could do the 141 + a bonus character of your choice with a drag queen S\O?
Hey there! I'm fine, thank you! I only write about 4 characters at a time, though, so no bonus characters!
TF 141 with a Drag Queen S/O
Price: I don’t think he knows much about drag queens, in all honesty. Sure, he may have occasionally seen one or two in a gay bar he used to frequent when he was younger, but he never really gave them much thought again afterwards. Though, he has a lot of respect for them, given how society treats them. They’re not treated that well, after all. When someone was being rude to them, he would fight the asshole since they weren’t hurting anyone. If you tell him that you’re a drag queen as well, he’d get really worried. While he won’t tell you to not dress up like one and live your best life, I think he would ask to accompany you on your outings when he can. He’s seen how people call your kind “pedophiles” and whatnot. It’s truly revolting to him, No, he’d much rather go out with you. It gives him an excuse to be closer to you as well, which I’m sure you don’t particularly mind either. He grows extremely protective over you and won’t hesitate to absolutely demolish anyone, who looks at you the wrong way. Not ashamed at all to be seen with you either. Why would he be? You’re the love of his life, so he’s going to support you in any way he can.
Gaz: Adores watching you put on your makeup. Babe, you look absolutely stunning in this, I bought you some more makeup, would you like to try it on as well? Unlike the others, Gaz actually has a sense of fashion and knows what would look good on you. He has the monetary means to buy you a little something here and there as well. So when he sees a dress that you would look absolutely stunning in? Yeah, he’s buying it for you. Will always, and I mean always, hype you up when it comes to something like this. If you perform then he’ll always ask you when your next performance will be so he can be there to cheer you on. And if anyone ever were to give you shit? They’ll be taken care of before they can even open their unworthy mouth. You are an absolute queen, you are killing it wherever you go. And if some dumb walnut can’t recognize that, then they don’t deserve to be in your presence. Will proudly hold your hand in public and look at you as though he’s just won the septuple jackpot. I don’t think he knows any of the history, though. He may not be straight, but that doesn’t mean he actually knows much of the history behind it all. All he knows is that you kick ass and that’s what he loves about you.
Ghost: I honestly don’t think he’d care all that much about it. You’re you, and he loves and appreciates you, doesn’t matter if you’re a drag queen, a drag king, or something else entirely. He’d let you do your own thing, buy you the occasional makeup or dress since you seem to be in your element when you’re wearing those things. Don’t expect those dresses to always be to your taste, though. He may get a sense for it eventually, but it would take some time. He wouldn’t care too much about it, until you’ve gotten a mean comment about who you are. From then on he’s absolutely fuming. Not at who you are and what you enjoy, but rather at the hater, who can’t seem to appreciate true art when it kicks them in the stomach. From then on he’d take interest in it to make you happy. He’ll learn about the history, your accomplishments and all that stuff. Will sometimes strike up a conversation with you about it as well, just to see you light up and excitedly tell him about it. He does not understand everything, but he tries really hard. You can tell him just about anything and he’d have no choice but to nod along and believe you. But why would you lie about your passions to him in the first place?
Soap: I think he’d genuinely be weirded out by drag queens for the better part of his life. Why are they dressed like that? What are they trying to prove? No, he doesn’t really like men, who are being feminine like that. And then you came along, making his world go upside down. On the one hand, it was weird to him, but on the other hand, he loved and adored you and didn’t want to lose you. Therefore he made an effort to take an interest in it and support you in your little thing. At first that interest was genuinely forced, he wanted nothing to do with it, but eventually, he’d warm up to the idea. I don’t think he’ll ever buy you a dress or some makeup without you being there, though. Soap is absolutely clueless whenever it comes to anything fashion related. He would go along here and there when you would go out all dressed up. I think in the initial phase, he wouldn’t want to be seen with you, but that would change eventually. Like a good boy, he’d do his research and try to find something that sticks with him so he has something to talk about with you. Again, he’d find enjoyment in it eventually, you just gotta give him some time and he will fiercely protect you from assholes and anyone else trying to bring him down. He’s just gotta warm up to the idea first.
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Devil's Snare Part. 9
Aemond Targaryen x Reader
Description: Aemond arrives too late to the Red Keep to prevent the events of Blood and Cheese. His wife, who witnessed the brutal killing is left traumatised and Aemond must set aside his feelings of guilt to comfort her.
Previous part
Writer's note: I'm incapable of being concise so I've split this into 2 parts. This part picks up right after Blood and Cheese and the next part will follow the aftermath and how seeing such a traumatic event impacts on Aemond's wife. Thank you to everyone whose sent such lovely messages about the most recent part. Genuinely makes me so happy :)
Warnings: mentions of blood but nothing graphic. Depictions of PTSD. Pretty angsty but mostly hurt/comfort.
Aemond felt the blood pounding in his ears as he pushed himself to run faster to the upper levels of the keep, shoving past guards and servants alike and taking the steps three at a time. Each step he took filled him with increasing trepidation at what he would find once he reached his mother's quarters. Panicked shouts met his ears as he turned the next corridor, and his heart dropped into his stomach as he recognised the voice of Y/N, laced with hysteria among the din. He picked up his pace as he heard her shout his name, as if she already knew he was coming. He practically growled at the King's guard occupying the hall.
"Step aside." The guards immediately scattered, allowing Aemond to push past them into his mother's chambers. He had no doubt that his rage and desperation was plain to see on his face. All this seemed to fall away in the instant he saw his wife holding her knees to her chest on the floor as she frantically pushed two maesters and his mother away from her. Nothing mattered now except her, not vengeance, not the painful mixture of grief and guilt that wracked his own body.
He crossed the room in several large strides, angered by the way the maesters crowded around his wife when she was so clearly in a state of shock and pushing them forcibly away.
"What is the meaning of this? Get away from her. Can you not see she is distressed?" At his demanding tone the maesters dispersed, clearly unwilling to face the wrath of the Prince.
Alicent's looked up at the sound of his voice, a look of relief washing over her expression he couldn't understand as she rose from her crouched position by Y/N and hurried towards him.
"Thank the Seven Aemond. She'll allow no one near her and she needs the attentions of a healer." Aemond's eye never left Y/N as his mother spoke, she had not even seemed to notice him enter, her eyes seemingly glazed over as if staring at something he could not see. "Aemond she keeps asking for you."
Aemond did look at his mother then. He would have thought that he would be the last person Y/N would want near her right now....this was his fault. Nevertheless, he had heard Y/N call out for him, he was sure her desperate cry would haunt him forever. He passed by his mother, lowering himself into a crouch next to his wife before reaching out to brush her shoulder. Her glassy expression was immediately replaced by full blown terror as she flinched away from him and shrieked. Aemond quickly retracted his hand, but rushed to offer her assurances. "It me Y/N, it's Aemond. I'm here now. You're safe, I won't let anyone touch you." Y/N looked briefly confused. Though as he held his arms out towards her recognition dawned on her face. Only a moment later she had flung herself into his waiting arms, clutching at him as though for dear life as she sobbed into his shoulder. Aemond held her to him tightly, stroking her hair and whispering soothingly to her. "Sh, my love. No one will touch you again. I'm here now." Aemond felt his mother hovering next to him as Y/N seemed less likely to lash out in his arms.
She whispered into his ear, words that made his blood turn to ice. "She tried to fend off the attackers, grabbed the blade of a dagger with her bare hands to protect Helaena. Aemond, she needs to allow the maester to look at her."
Y/N had heard his mother despite her attempt at being discreet, immediately wriggling closer towards Aemond until she was half in his lap and digging her nails into his shoulders. "No" She gasped out. That decided it for Aemond.
"She said no mother. I won't have them touch her if it distresses her so. I will see to her care myself." With that he rose to stand, lifting his wife up with him as she instinctively wrapped her legs around his torso. "My sister?" Alicent closed her eyes, though tears still ran down his mother's cheek in rivulets. "Aegon is with her now. Physically she is unharmed." Aemond nodded and with one hand wrapped under Y/N's legs to support her, and the other cradling her head to his chest protectively, he strode from the room in the direction of his quarters. Y/N's sniffles, as she pressed her face into the crook of his neck to muffle her sobs, wrenched at his heart strings as they passed along the halls of the Red Keep.
He stroked her hair soothingly and tilted his head down to whisper softly.
"I know, little one. I'm taking you somewhere safe now."
All Y/N could see was red. Dark and sticky blood dripping from a dagger that glinted in the soft glow of candle light, inimical to the horrific sight before her. A gut wrenching scream pierced the quiet of the night, the rest of the inhabitants of the Red Keep still abed. She winced at the shrill sound, full of pain and anguish, before realising belatedly that it was her screaming.
Everything seemed to pass in a blur after the King's guard burst in, managing to capture one of the assailants whilst the other disappeared into the night. She was vaguely aware of someone gripping her by her arm, pulling her along hall after hall until they deposited her in another room entirely. She did not care to look around her to determine where she was or who had unceremoniously dragged her there. As soon as her arm was released her knees buckled and she fell in a heap on the floor, wrapping her arms around her knees and rocking herself, her teeth chattering and limbs trembling in her state of shock.
She felt numb and it was difficult to understand what was being said to her as all the voices around her merged together as one. When she felt hands reaching for her, tugging at her own arm, it was the hands of the assailants she felt, looking down at her own hands she felt even more alarmed to see them covered in red splodges and she could not tell if it was her own blood that drenched her skin or that of the child she had come to love, brutally murdered before her. She screamed, forcefully pushing the hands from her though they kept grabbing for her. Almost without thinking Y/N found herself shouting for Aemond. Somewhere in the deep recesses of her mind she had a vague recollection that she shouldn't be calling for him, but she couldn't seem to remember why, so muddled and panicked was she.
"Get off me. I want Aemond. Where is he?"
She looked up briefly to see Queen Alicent's large doe eyes staring at her sadly, but the faces of several men had her heart picking up in fright as she thrashed against their hold. What did they want from her? Try as she might she couldn't make out their words through her fear.
The only thought she could hold onto for long was that if Aemond were here they wouldn't dare to touch her against her will. He would help her, protect her as he always had. And his name came from her lips unbidden again.
Only a few moments later a cacophony of sounds outside the room made her wince. First pounding footsteps followed by a voice that boomed and echoed across the hall outside, then the clanging of metal signalling the movement of the guards. Y/N was breathing heavily, exhausted from her efforts to prise the insistent hands from her person, and she felt herself becoming limp. The colours in the room, of the golden flames before her and the deep russet rug beneath her converging until once again all she saw was red. Red so dark it must be blood and she could not determine whether it was real or not. She remained frozen in her horror until she felt a light touch against her shoulder, gentler than the others had been but nonetheless terrifying. Jerking backwards with a shriek, she was relieved when the owner of the hand only retracted it, speaking softly to her in words she couldn't pick out at first.
"It's Aemond."
Y/N looked up quickly at the sound of his name, her senses coming back to her as she recognised both her husband's baritone and elegant features. He'd come for her just as she knew he would, as if she had summoned him with her appellation of his name.
As soon as Aemond opened his arms to her she was falling into them, clutching at him fiercely, somehow knowing through the fog still misted over her mind that he would keep her safe. That nothing would happen to her when she was in his arms.
Tears sprung from her eyes as Aemond began to stroke her hair, assuring her that no one would touch her if she didn't want them to, that he wouldn't let them. She'd started to relax the tension in her body only for it to spring up once again as in a startled animal as she heard Alicent whispering of maesters.
She dug her nails into Aemond's shoulders, clinging to him so they would have to claw her from him if they wanted her. She barely recognised her own panicked cry "No" and worried they simply couldn't understand her. That she had lost her mind and was simply speaking gibberish, and that was why they kept ignoring her pleas for them not to touch her. Perhaps Aemond wouldn't listen to her either.
She needn't have worried. Aemond's voice was a steady anchor as he resolutely ordered the maesters away from her again, suddenly rising to stand and lifting her up with him. She quickly wrapped her arms and legs around him, not caring who saw or if they judged her for her behaviour, only pressing her face into Aemond's perpetually warm shoulder and trying to stifle her cries. She felt sick from crying, her stomach aching and she just wished for the tears to stop flowing so she could make sense of what was happening.
"I know little one, I'm taking you somewhere safe now."
Hearing his pet name for her spoken so tenderly she only cried harder, warmth and a brief sensation of security washing over her despite how scared and confused she felt.
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By the time Aemond reached their chambers, Y/N's sobs had dwindled and she'd fallen silent. If it were not for the tension he could feel in her frame and her tight grip on his shoulders he'd almost think she had fallen asleep. In some ways her silence was more disturbing to him, for he could not tell what horrors plagued her mind that left her unable to voice them.
Kicking open the door and closing it behind them, trying not to jostle Y/N too much, he crossed the room and tried to place Y/N down into his armchair so he might collect some supplies he would need to treat her hands. She only clung to him tighter and he had to gently but firmly tug her arms from around his neck. "Just for a moment, my love. I won't leave you."
She let him place her down at his assurance but he could feel the heat of her stare on his back as her eyes followed his every movement as he fumbled around various drawers for what he needed. Placing the bandages, a bowl of water, and ointment he used for any cuts and scrapes he gained from training on a table, he lifted Y/N back into his arms before settling her on his lap,  wrapped an arm around her waist to keep her steady.
"I am sorry to ask it of you. But will you allow me to treat your hand, my love? It may sting a little but it is necessary."
Y/N looked inquisitively down at her own hands as if surprised to see the gash that ran across her palm, turning her head away quickly with a sharp intake of breath.
"The blood, Aemond. I can't look at it. I don't know if it's mine or the child's."
Aemond felt his heart falter. He could only imagine what his sweet and gentle wife had borne witness too, pain tearing through him for her, for his sister and for his nephew who he'd loved. He tried to focus on the fact that Y/N needed him and that this was the most she had managed to speak to him, and the most she had sounded like herself.
"You do not need to look, love."
Nodding minutely with a grimace, Y/N pressed her face into his chest, going limp in his arms as she allowed him to take her smaller hands in his own so he could assess the damage. The gash was large and had bled a lot already, but he let out a sigh of relief to see that it was not deep and had already stopped bleeding, though it looked alarming. He took a cloth and wet it with water before starting to clean the blood from Y/N's hands, routinely pressing soft kisses to the top of her head and whispered apologies as she squirmed slightly under his ministrations. He tried to be as gentle as possible, wishing more than anything not to hurt her, but knowing he had to clean the wound before any infection could take hold.
Her voice sounded so soft and quiet and vacant to his ears, like that of a ghost.
"You'll get blood on your hands." Aemond already felt there was blood on his hands borne from his actions but did not voice that fear to Y/N. He only replied "It does not matter" before taking the ointment next and methodically rubbed it over the gash, finally wrapping it with the bandages. Once he was satisfied, he brought her hand to his lips to press a tender kiss upon it.
"You did so well, my love. There is no more blood, you can look know."
Y/N withdrew from his chest to look down upon her hands, and Aemond noted that where before her eyes had seemed misted over and unseeing, likely due to shock, they were now focused and he thought she had started to come back to herself.
"I'm sorry." Her soft whisper shook him from his observations. He couldn't understand what Y/N would have to be sorry for.
"You have nothing to be sorry for."
Y/N shook her head frantically.
"I couldn't stop it. I tried...but they killed the babe anyway."
"Y/N No..."
She interrupted him, her words spilling from her mouth fast and filled with despair.
"I grabbed the knife from the tall one, clawed at him, I'm sure I left scratches on his face, but he just threw me aside like it made no difference at all. And now the little boy is dead. A son for a son they said."
Aemond fought to keep his own breathing steady, to maintain a facade of composure he didn't feel but knew Y/N needed to believe to stay calm herself. He felt anger pulsing within him in the knowledge that someone had hurt his wife and he'd not been there to defend her. Her words resounded in his mind. 'A son for a son.' He knew then what he'd feared from the moment the guard had told him of the attack. This was his fault. Not just because he'd foolishly and selfishly left his wife unprotected. But because he'd let his temper rule him on the day he'd flown to Storm's End, the day he'd killed Lucerys Velaryon. This act of violence was sown by his hands, the vengeance of The Blacks. His eyes flitted to his own hands, half expecting them to be drenched in blood. Luke's blood. Jahaerys' blood.
"Y/N look at me."
Her beautiful eyes bore into his own at his firm command and he kissed her forehead, wrapping both his arms around her now they were no longer preoccupied with bandaging her wound.
"Ñuha nedenka rina. You acted admirably. I will not have you blame yourself. This is my fault. Mine and mine alone."
Y/N ignored his attempts to reclaim the blame, seeming unable to stay on one line of thought for very long. He thought this must be her mind's way of coping.
"What does that mean?"
He assumed she meant the Valyrian. She'd told him once that she found the sound of it soothing and had hoped it would do so now.
"It means 'my brave girl.'"
Y/N slowly lowered herself to rest her head against his chest again her delicate fingers tracing the intricate designs of his brocade.
"You came when I called." Aemond was once again surprised by he turn of their conversation, his eye widening as he gazed down at her.
"Of course, I always will."
"Even though I shouted at you, and told you I wanted separate chambers, and said horrible things to you."
Aemond was surprised by Y/N's directness as she seemed to have fully come back to the present, remembering their disagreement. He quickly interrupted her ramblings.
"Always. Besides, you had every right to be angry with me. This is all my fault" Aemond dropped his gaze, unable to look Y/N in the eyes through his guilt.
"I don't blame you."
He met her gaze oncemore. Unable to believe that he'd heard her correctly.
"I said that I don't blame you."
"But I caused all of this with my actions, and then left you unprotected..."
Y/N interrupted him then, pressing her hands to his face.
"You would never have done this. Not if it had been the other way around. I am right about that, aren't I?"
Y/N's expression was full of desperation and silent pleading.
Aemond pressed his hands against hers, holding them in place.
"You are right. It is an act of depravity I had never thought Rhaenyra capable of. It is something I could never do."
Y/N sagged against him, dropping her hands from his face to rest them against his chest as she let her head fall onto his shoulder.
"I know it."
His heart clenched as he felt wet droplets against his neck, and Y/N's body shake with the renewal of her tears. His own voice cracked with emotion. He wished he could take all of the pain and misery she felt from her.
"What can I do?"
"Just hold me." And so he did. Wrapping his arms around her, Aemond held her until her breathing evened out and she fell into a restless sleep. She woke regularly throughout the night, always with him there to reassure her of where she was, that he was there, and that he would not allow anyone to harm her.
Something about being in Aemond's chambers again calmed the frantic beating of Y/N's heart as she focused on it's familiarity, along with the steady rhythm of Aemond's own heart as she laid against his chest. Realising that the red covering her hands was in fact real and not a figment of her imagination almost sent her over the edge again, and it was only Aemond's reassurance that she didn't need to look as he tenderly attended to her wound himself that she was able to get a grip on herself. As he cleaned and bandaged the gash on her hand, the fog that had befuddled her senses and left her feeling confused as to what was happening around her began to diminish. She remembered how she'd injured her hand in the first place, trying to forcibly wrench the assailant's knife away from Helaena, though it did no good at all and the memories that suddenly came flooding like a dam bursting in her mind had her burying herself further into Aemond's tunic in an attempt to smother them.
Aemond. Now she remembered why she had a strange sense that she shouldn't be calling for him to rescue her. She remembered how they'd fought over Luke, how she'd asked him to stay away from her, pushed him away time and time again, and just stopped short of calling him a monster.
And yet he'd still come running when she'd called. Y/N realised she couldn't feel angry with Aemond for Luke's death any longer. It had been an accident and in truth she knew she would have forgiven Aemond eventually for she loved him, more than she thought it possible to love someone. She also could not pretend she had not observed a certain lust for vengeance within him, one that she felt she could now at last understand. She had loved Jahaerys almost as if he were her own child, and for the first time in her life she wished to inflict pain, on whoever had ordered the atrocity.  She wanted justice for Helaena, though she knew there was no vengeance that could erase the trauma they would both now share, of losing a beloved child. Y/N didn't know how to deal with the pressing grief she now felt since her mind had cleared enough for her to regain her grip on reality and she almost wished she had gone mad, just so she wouldn't have to feel as if her heart had been replaced by a gaping wound that continued to bleed out.
"What can I do?" Y/n hated to hear how pained Aemond's voice was, like that of a wounded animal.
"Just hold me"
Feeling Aemond's arms around her somehow made the pain lessen and Y/N had the sense that in a way he was holding her together.
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GIF by @buckleypng
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A plan
Part 1 (Disgraced apple pie) part 7 (Vengeance)
Although they won, the villains' house was in a rather sombre mood. Everyone is, except for Supervillain. They strolled happily through the garden, made everyone dinner and even played a game of darts with them. Sidekick found it weird. They've always known them as a calculating, non-darts-playing, always-a-degrading-smile-on-their-face kind of person. The others also seemed to think that way. Other Villain was careful with their every move and Assassin was definitely on edge.
But that was not their biggest concern. Assassin said that Supervillain just gets that way sometimes when they have a big win. No, they had a bigger problem. Since Supervillain was so happy about the win, they let Villain out of their mind control. They didn't take it well.
“Has anyone asked if Villain will join us for breakfast?” Supervillain says at the head of the table. The spot next to them has been empty for a couple of days now. The three villains shake their head no silently. “Well, go ask them,” they urged. After a few awkward looks, Assassin decides to do it. They stand from the table and walk towards Villain's room.
They looked even worse than they imagined. Their room was dark, completely covered in the Villain’s shadows. On the bed in the corner is a heap that appears to be human and cat curled up next to them. Assassin slowly stalks towards the bed. The shadows also edge closer and closer with every step, as a warning not to try anything.
“Hey…” Assassin whispers, placing a hand on the curled up Villain. “Supervillain asks if you are going to eat breakfast with us,” A low hum is the only response. “Please,” Assassin tries, “You haven't eaten in ages.” Villain turns around, tear stained and exhausted face visible. “It's not like I deserve too,” they whisper in a hoarse voice. “It's not your fault,” Assassin starts but before they can fully finish their sentence, a dark shadow swirls around their leg and pulls them outside the room, door slamming shut.
“I'll take that as a no, then,” Supervillain says from the table. Assassin silently sits again and starts taking some cereal. Sidekick watches as Assassin and Other Villain glance at each other as they eat. It looks like they are talking with their eyes, but it's in a language Sidekick doesn't speak, since they have no idea what they're talking about.
A little later the three of them are sitting in Other Villain's room, watching TV. Supervillain is out to go drinking with some friends, so they decided to do a movienight. Sidekick sees Assassin and Other Villain glance at each other and shifting uncomfortably. Sidekick can't hold it anymore. “Why are you two so tense?” They say a bit louder than they intended. The two villains look shocked at Sidekick and then at each other. “Well…” Assassin begins, “We have to talk to you about something.” Other Villain silently nods. “We aren’t sure to include you, since it's pretty dangerous.” Sidekick is about to explode “Oh come on, what is it?” They ask impatiently. Assassin sighs. “We have a plan. But we’re not sure if it'll work.”
Hero sighs as they cross away another plan. “That’s not going to work either,” they say as they let their head fall on the desk. “I'm never going to be able to kill Supervillain. Why is it so hard to kill somebody?”
A knock on their front door pulls Hero back from their mental spiral. Who visits them that late? Why? They slowly walk to the door and look through the peephole. Hero steps back in shock as they recognize the faces. Why are Assassin, Other Villain and their Sidekick standing at their door? Oh no, they've found me. They're going to kill me.
“Hero? Please open the door,” a voice sounds through the door. Did they sound desperate? “Look, we know it's … weird. And unusual, but we really need your help,” another voice says.
You know what? Fuck it.
Hero opens the door and the three villains look up in shock. “What?” Hero says as they try to look though, but fuck, those guys look intimidating as the shock on their faces disappears. “Well, we need you to keep someone safe for us,” Assassin says gesturing into the hallway. Hero looks hesitantly. They're not guarding some hostage.
But no, no hostage. It's Villain, slumped over in a chair. “Villain!” Hero says as they practically fly towards their criminal. “Hey, Vil?” Hero whispers softly. This time it's not glazed over eyes that look back but tired, yet alive eyes. “Hero?” Villain asked weakly. “Yeah,” Hero says as they pull Villain in for a hug.
Hero turns towards the other villains. “How?” Now it's Other Villain’s turn to answer. “Supervillain let them out of their control when we got back. But to get here we had to use something of Assassin's stuff to knock them out. They haven't really moved the past few days, so we didn't think they'd come along.” Hero just looks at their Villain. Tired, worn down. Nothing like the intimidating second hand to the Supervillain they met in the diner. “Do you mind keeping them safe for now? That bracelet should be able to stop any mind control,” Assassin asks, worry visible on their face. “Yeah,” Hero answers. “As long as I get to be the one to kill that monster.” A vague smile plays around the mouth of Other Villain. “That can be arranged.”
Hi! Sorry for being so inactive, but I just started my first year at Uni so I'm trying to settle down and get a routine going.
Sadly, this is the second to last part of the story :(. But! That means there's still one part more to go! (Which will appear one day, promise).
Anyway, hope you enjoyed!
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chained-sweater · 5 hours
favorite headcanons for each outsiders character?
my favorite headcanons for TO characters
notes: ahhh, i'm so sorry for the delay! i saw this ask this morning and wanted to answer it, but i had to leave for school. 😭 but now i can answer it!!! i was actually going to make another headcanons post today when i saw this! great timing, anon! thanks for the ask!
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the curtis gang:
· steve has a pet cat named "kitty".
↑ he was like, 5 or 6-years-old when he got her. that little boy was SO HAPPY when his dad let him adopt her. he named her kitty bc of his limited english. (i hc his dad doesn't know english, so steve's first language is german. when they got kitty, he was just beginning to learn english. i'll explain in another post.)
· darry screams like a little girl.
↑ his scream is SO high-pitched, it's not even funny. bro screams SO LOUD it scares everyone. (rip johnny.)
· ponyboy cusses people out in french when they're cranky/irritable.
↑ he talks shit about the socs too, but those guys can't do anything to them bc they don't know wtf he is saying, lmaooo.
· dallas has severe cynophobia (fear of dogs).
↑ ik i've said this before, but i just really want to elaborate on how fucking terrified dally is of dogs. just SAYING the word "dog" will send him into a panic attack. that's how severe is phobia is.
· two-bit has so many allergies, it's not even funny.
↑ bro's allergic to gluten, pollen, cats AND dogs, carrots, tuna.....the list goes on.
· sodapop fucking HATES soda (the drink).
↑ idrk how to explain, man. he tried it for the first time when he was little and spit that shit out. never had it ever again. (ponyboy is so confused/angry over this.)
· johnny's eating habits are so wild, guys.
↑ this boy either packs away a whole thanksgiving turkey or eats a single cracker. there is no in between.
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the shepard siblings:
· tim is really good with little kids/babies.
↑ he isn't the biggest fan of little ones, but he doesn't HATE them. sometimes when he's out in public and he sees a baby being fussy, he'll just be like "omg shut up" and scoops 'em up and just holds them and then like two minutes later the kid's passed out on his shoulder. curly and angela are baffled.
· angela LOVES doing hair.
↑ she wants to be a hairdresser when she's older, so she practices her skills on her hair and her brothers' (mainly tim).
· curly is the biggest daredevil you will ever meet. (that's already canon.)
↑ ever seen jackass? yeah, that's curly.
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other greasers:
· sandy loved painting.
↑ she would make small paintings on tiny pieces of paper and gift them to soda. after she left, soda burned them all.
· sylvia is the biggest bitch you will ever meet. (canon.)
↑ she is literally the worst person ever. the reason dally went back to her so much is bc she fucking manipulated/gaslighted him. idk HOW people can praise her 'n shit, like, c'mon y'all, she canonically cheated on dallas MULTIPLE TIMES and he STILL took her back. she tried hooking up with JOHNNY for crying out loud. horrible, horrible person here, folks.
· evie is literally a GODDESS at makeup.
↑ girlies (or anyone), if you want your makeup done, call evie. she'll fix you up so good, you won't even recognize yourself. steve sometimes lets her do his makeup and he'll walk around like that all day. (soda goes absolutely feral.)
· buck is dally's father figure.
↑ he was the very first person dallas met when he arrived in tulsa. buck took one look at 12-year-old dally and said, "yep, he's my son now." they're both really close and would die for each other.
* * *
the socs:
· marcia is very creative/artsy.
↑ she draws, paints, knits, crochets, writes, and so much more. she makes her own clothes and makes clothes for her friends and family as well. super talented girl.
· randy used to be a greaser.
↑ he was born on the east side and lived a peaceful life until his parents and little sister died in a housefire when he was 10. he was put in a foster home/orphanage and stayed there until he was 12. the only reason he became a soc was because the foster care facility/social services placed him with a foster family that lived on the west side. he absolutely hated being a soc and post-canon he runs away and becomes a hippie and lives on the east side again.
· bob is the biggest kleptomaniac ever.
↑ this man steals everything and anything. his rings? stolen from other socs. his clothes? swiped 'em under the cashier's nose. he steals shit he doesn't even need. he just takes everything that isn't nailed down. (two-bit rivals him in this.)
· cherry hates the wilderness.
↑ this girl hates bugs, arachnids, snakes, EVERYTHING. do not take her camping. she will whine and complain the entire time. poor girl goes home covered in bug bites despite wearing a shit ton of bug spray.
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demon-country · 18 hours
One of the saddest parts of the stolitz miscommunication debacle to me is that for all his bluster and all his denial, Blitz never managed to fool anyone into believing that there were no feelings involved and he was doing it solely for the book, including Stolas. That is, until Ozzie's, at which point he finally fooled the one person who he didn't even think he needed to.
For all we talk about how Stolas let his fantasies of romance run wild, which caused him to accidentally run roughshod over Blitz (especially at first), he wasn't exactly wrong, in the end. Blitz did develop feelings for him, and given how excited and enthusiastic he was that last full moon, their nights together were probably the only times he felt safe actually showing that. Because he could always tell himself and everyone else that it was just an act, he was just giving Stolas what he wanted and keeping him satisfied enough that he'd let Blitz keep the book.
Stolas thought, up until Ozzie's, that Blitz enjoyed their deal just as much as he did. Because Blitz did. If Blitz was showing up basically every moon as hyped and ready to go as the time we saw him, it's not really a surprise that Stolas didn't catch on to the times when Blitz was actually unhappy and uncomfortable because he felt objectified. After all, Blitz snaps at and is abrasive to everyone, and any annoyance probably seemed pretty par for the course, especially for someone as oblivious, ignorant, and autistic-coded as Stolas. But Stolas also got special treatment on top of that, and it's easier to focus on the stuff that stands out rather than the stuff that doesn't seem too far off from Blitz's standard behavior. He got times where Blitz was genuinely happy and comfortable and excited to see him, we literally see that in the memory fragments and Blitz's behavior during the last full moon. He got times where Blitz seemed to find him so hot he'd grab him and turn things sexual on a dime (Truth Seekers and The Circus). He also got times where Blitz was caring and attentive, and where Blitz accepted care and gentleness during aftercare (because there's literally no way that didn't happen, not getting aftercare after BDSM scenes can be legitimately traumatizing for both the Dom and sub).
Like, that's not to say that Stolas shouldn't have taken the numerous hints that his condescension and baby talk were highly unappreciated, because yeah that shit was very uncool of him and ignorance doesn't excuse it. But look at how Blitz gently caresses Stolas' cheek in Truth Seekers. Look at how thrilled he was to be with Stolas again in The Full Moon. Look at the photo Stolas has of the pony drawing Blitz seems to have made while at his palace. Look at the memory fragments where Blitz is so fucking into kissing him or gleefully showing off toys or making that big shiny eyed blep I'm dying to know the context of. How else was Stolas supposed to take all that every full moon and however many nights Blitz came over outside of that, and not be convinced that his feelings were returned?
Because they were. Not immediately, of course, but the were. They were on the same page about that. There were plenty of things Blitz didn't like, related to Stolas' unconscious racism/classism. There was plenty of "things for [Blitz] to teach and [Stolas] to learn". There were plenty of things that went unsaid and unheard and misinterpreted on both sides. But the love was there, Stolas didn't make it all up. It wasn't the perfect fantasy he was initially picturing (although I'm pretty sure that illusion didn't actually last very long, not with how dejected he looks in a few of the memory fragments and at the start of Ozzie's), and Blitz had a lot more hidden under the surface than Stolas knew about (although he did know Blitz had walls he hadn't seen through yet), but the love was there. You don't have to know everything about someone to start falling in love with them. Blitz couldn't fool anyone, but he especially couldn't fool Stolas, who he showed his heart to again and again thinking he was safely hidden behind the alibi of the book deal.
Until Ozzie's. Until the disastrous "date", after which Blitz couldn't hide the hurt he felt thinking that all Stolas wanted him for was sex, when Blitz wanted more. Except Blitz didn't say that last part. So all Stolas got was Blitz ignoring him on their date, Blitz rejecting his offer to go inside, and Blitz tearing up while saying in a wounded and borderline angry voice that their deal was strictly about sex, which finally clued Stolas in that his actions hadn't been taken as cute and flirty like he had intended, they had just served to hurt Blitz and convince him that all he wanted was to use Blitz.
Blitz's pain changed everything for Stolas. He stopped flirting, he stopped calling him Blitzy save for one time, he stopped most of his interactions with Blitz, and he started trying to give Blitz outs. He looked at all the times Blitz was annoyed at him, at how umbalanced their deal was, and at how it may have been just as cruel of a chain as the one binding him to Stella, and quite correctly came to the conclusion that the deal needed to end and Blitz needed to have a way to do his job without being dependant on Stolas. But he also looked at all the memories of Blitz being happy with him, and all the times Blitz showed up excited, and came to the incorrect but reasonable conclusion that it was all probably just an act Blitz put on to keep the book. Just like Blitz had been hoping to convince everyone of.
And then Stolas ended the deal, and Blitz couldn't figure out why so he started to panic. The deal was his safety net and his shield; it was the only way he felt he could get something close to the real relationship he wanted, it was what allowed him to be open with his feelings, and what gave him the courage to let some of his walls down. It probably felt like such a betrayal that Stolas would take it away.
Even though he was the one who dodged all of Stolas' offers to talk, out of fear that things would become complicated if they talked about it, out of fear of rejection after Stolas hid during their "date", and later out of guilt and shame for how he failed to save Stolas. Even though he was the one who was hiding behind the excuse that it was all just for the book. Even though he was the only one convinced that Stolas could never care about him for anything other than sex. Even though Stolas flat out told him he cared about him and wanted him to stay, just without the deal in between them. Even with all that, Blitz still couldn't see Stolas ending their deal any way other than Stolas abandoning him and rejecting him and taking away the only way he has ever been able to openly show that side of himself.
It was more than just his self-hatred talking, it was more than just his insecurities getting the better of him. It was a perceived betrayal of trust and an inability to see how much the deal limited their ability to get what they both actually wanted. The reason it hurt him so much was because Stolas hadn't actually been wrong. Blitz did care, Blitz did enjoy their deal, Blitz did want Stolas just as much as Stolas wanted him.
The tragedy of it all was that the love was real, but the only ones who were convinced it wasn't was the two of them. So it's a good thing the story isn't over for them yet, because I couldn't take that ending for them. After all the shit they've been through in their lives, they deserve their happy ending together, they deserve to have their mutually requited love be realized.
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Under your skin
s8x01 - Alternate scenario
Buck can't shake the feeling he's in trouble, but he can't quite bring himself out of his own head. Not until Eddie puts his hand on his shoulder and demands, wordlessly, their eyes meet. Not until he sees panic in his best friend's eyes.
Don't react, he tells himself, even as his fists clench and shake.
Every insult Gerrard is throwing his way stings like a million bees. It should be easy to brush off. Why would he care if Gerrard likes him or respects him? Who cares what he thinks? Buck certainly doesn't. And yet, and yet, and yet... the words he's spitting on his face are perfectly crafted to puncture his chest.
Seriously, it's like someone took every single terrible awful cruel thing his brain has tortured him with since he was a child —you're not good enough, you are nothing, you are a washout, you are a failure, you are a joke, you are an idiot, you are reckless, you are disrespectful, you are not good enough, you never will be— and given Gerrard the script.
You gotta stop letting this guy get under your skin, Buck, Eddie had said. And Buck clings to those words. Not because they work (it's easier said than done) but because they are Eddie's and his best friend knows him better than anyone in the whole damn world and he thinks he's good enough, Eddie thinks Buck is great, Eddie trusts Buck with his son, Eddie thinks Buck isn't expendable. And if Eddie believes it, then Buck can believe it too.
He just has to block Gerrard out. He can take it. He's taken worse from his own parents, dammit. All he has to do is focus on something else. Anything else. His breathing, the warm air blowing from outside, the workers doing their damn best to ignore the dressing down he's getting, the saw-
Oh. The saw.
Buck hears the click when it falls loose, then the metallic clank of it hitting the floor.
And Buck reacts.
He promised himself he wouldn't, but his instincts are stronger than his discipline and this... well, it's different, isn't it? So he's allowed to react.
Buck launches forward without thinking, tackles Gerrard out of the way and hears the sickening crack of the captain's head hitting concrete.
"Buck!" Three voices break through the buzz in his head and he tries to turn around to face them, to put together some sort of apology or explanation for his reaction (he's barely finished processing it himself) but something stops him.
"Don't move, Buck. Don't move," Eddie's voice is steady as usual, but Buck knows him well enough to recognize the undertone of anxiety behind it.
He really fucked up this time.
"Is- Is he okay? I'm sorry. I just-"
"He's fine, Buckaroo. He's gonna be fine," Hen says, all gentle honey.
Buck has been craving honey all day.
"Probably saved his life..." Chim gasps, but he doesn't sound proud of Buck, he sounds angry.
Buck can't shake the feeling he's in trouble, but he can't quite bring himself out of his own head. Not until Eddie puts his hand on his shoulder and demands, wordlessly, their eyes meet. Not until he sees panic in his best friend's eyes.
"Buck, I need you to stay with me," he says.
"Of course," Buck replies, brow furrowing. Why wouldn't he stay with Eddie? That's all he wants most of the time. He tries to tell him as much, but then he tastes blood.
Oh, that's not good.
He looks down, to where the blood droplets spill on his uniform (Gerrard is going to yell at him again, for sure, over staining his shirt). And there, halfway buried in his abdomen, is the saw.
"So... that's where... that ended up..." he tries to laugh, but it hurts like hell. Like a million bees. Give him the bees any day. At least they are cool. This is worse.
"Buck!" Eddie demands his attention again, tense.
Right. He spaced out.
"Sorry," he says wetly, because Eddie looks upset and he has to fix it. "Let it... get... under my skin... uh?"
Eddie looks like he doesn't know whether to laugh or to cry or to yell at him. Before he's made up his mind, though, the edges of Buck's vision blur and darken and finally, finally, the noise stops.
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marvelousbuckley · 17 hours
A vision in a cone (spoilers season 8)
What if Christopher actually talked to his father the night of his birthday?
In which Tommy and Evan are hiding behind the sofa, waiting for Eddie to tell them to come say happy birthday to Chris, and end up forgetting about it all
spoilers from 8x01!
in which Tommy and Evan are idiots in love and Eddie is so fed up with them ❤️
You can read it on AO3! Please give kudos and feel free to comment ❤️
Chris's voice rises, much more cheerful than they'd expected, and for a moment Eddie forgets that behind the sofa his two friends are waiting for his cue. Seeing his son smile is too precious a gift to be broken off like that, and the man decides to be selfish for a moment, to keep the magical instant to himself.
It's not as if he is expected, anyway.
It all started so well. After preparing the balloons and banner, Tommy and Evan hid behind the sofa, a giddy smile on their faces. After putting on his cone hat, Evan turned to his boyfriend, admiring Tommy's beaming face, before playfully asking.
“I'm a- I'm sorry, you wanted the red one?”
This made Tommy smile, already imagining himself picking up the stupid hat with the sole aim of running a hand through the other man's blond curls. He held back, however, far too aware of what might happen if he started touching Evan.
“Has anyone ever told you... You're a vision in a cone?” All the seriousness of his face disappeared behind his crunchy nose smile, and Evan had no choice but to kiss him.
Eddie, of course, doesn't hear them, too busy checking in on his son, feeding off his digital presence.
At first, the kiss is gentle, an impulse guided by a feeling of love that Evan still doesn't dare express aloud. An impulse that elicits a sigh of contentment from Tommy as his hand instinctively comes to rest on the blond's thigh, which in turn moves to caress the older man's cheek, deepening the kiss.
They know they must let go, that now is not the time for desire. They know that Eddie needs them, that Christopher could hear the moans that escape when Evan's tongue passes the barrier of Tommy's lips, exploring that familiar mouth again and again.
They know this isn't the place to let the heat devour them. That Eddie might yell at them if he sees them like this, their hands not knowing where to rest but on the other man's body.
Eddie laughs on the sofa, his body jiggling against the backrest, and the two lovers part for a moment, the movement calling them to order. And then they lose themselves again when Tommy's eyes fall on Evan's pink lips. And then they fall on each other again, more crudely this time, Evan running his hands through Tommy's hair, knocking off the cone hat in the process. The sudden movement of one body attacking the other startles Tommy, who falls on his back, his hands gripping Evan's ass as he comes to sit on him, their mouths never for a moment parting.
For a brief second Tommy wonders how Eddie manages not to hear them, but the question disappears in a grunt of pleasure when the bulge in Evan's pants comes to meet his own. Evan gives him a falsely judgemental look, as if to tell him to be quiet, before coming to attack the tender skin of his neck.
The rubbing of their clothes is impossible to miss now, both bodies moving against each other in search of an obsene pleasure. If the older man has always suspected Evan of having an exhibisionist kink, he's now more certain than ever.
He wishes he had the strength to resist, to fend off his boyfriend's attacks. But a hand reaches under his white henley and the man loses himself.
His fingers grip a little more powerfully on Evan's ass, who whimpers under the pressure, and the mouths come to meet again, muting the panting of the two men as they continue to rub against each other-.
Suddenly both men stop, caught in the action. Their eyes open and they look at each other, a mixture of panic and excitement bringing a blush to Evan's cheeks, while Tommy doesn't dare breathe for fear of making the slightest unseemly sound.
“Are you serious right now?”
“What's happening dad? Who's there with you?”
The teenager's voice is like an electric shock through the bodies of both lovers, like a lightning strike. Evan is on his feet in less time than it takes to say it, while Tommy remains on the ground, dazed, his hair a mess and his pants as tight as ever.
“Idiots, that who's here with me!” Is all Eddie replies to Christopher from where he's standing, his head resting on the back of the sofa. His voice is defeated, but the smile on his face is sincere. Because he's happy to see his two friends so happy together. Because he knows that this time, it's the one. That Evan has finally found his person.
Person who ends up smiling, sheepish face, taking the time to put his stupid hat back on before poking his head over the sofa, arm raised to wave towards the computer screen.
“Hi Chris, Happy Birthday!”
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dullgecko · 2 days
omfg you can't stop there with the neck-touching story, i'm so invested. the aftermath, i beg of you. did riz isolate himself/hide from his friends in shame after the fact? how did fabian react? did he blame riz? blame himself? were the bad kids able to coax riz back into the party after his self-imposed isolation?
Fabian had been completely blindsided by the sudden attack. Not literally, thank Cas, Rizs hands were small enough that he'd only torn up the half elfs cheek with his claws before stopping. As it was Fabian had felt him hit bone and had flinched away to cradle the sudden ragged hole in his cheek while the rogue hissed and put distance between them.
He felt Kristen's magic cut through the white hot pain after only a second. Flesh knitting back together in an instant and leaving no trace of the attack save for the heat on his skin and the blood in his mouth. He spat what was remaining onto the ground to join the pool of blood that had spilled there, turning his head when Kristen touched his face to let her check she hadn't missed anything.
"What the fuck The Ball. Claws are taking it a little far don't you think?" The half elf pushed himself to sit upright rather than remaining in his hunched position. His brief spike of anger at the attack fading when he noticed their rogue was gone.
"The Ball? Did anyone see where he went?"
There had been a quick search, each of them splitting up to go check his usual hiding spots in the house before reconvening in the living room. Adaine crouching to clean the blood off the carpet while Fig pulled out her crystal to see if they could find any clues.
She'd been recording while Fabian and Riz tousled on the floor, her cystal propped up on a side table as the teifling cheering Riz on. Whooping when he 'pinned' Fabian to the ground and settled into a cross legged position on his chest in victory. He had clearly been having fun, ears high and alert and tail flicking in a way they knew meant 'happy' as he mock clawed at Fabians face. He had his fingers curled in such a way that he was only batting their fighter in the face with his knuckles though so Fig was confused as to how Riz had clawed the half elf.
It had all happened so quickly that she'd assumed that Riz clawed him first THEN Fabian pinned him to the floor. The video showed otherwise though. Their rogue laughing even as their positions were flipped RIGHT up until the point Fabians completed the pin with his hand around the goblins throat.
The flip from smiling to terror had been almost instant, the video clear enough that they could see his pupils contract to slits even as he full force raked his claws across Fabians face. The goblin scrambling out of the cameras field of view when he was released. Thankfully they had still been recording even as everyone lept to check on Fabian where he was groaning on the floor. They could very audibly hear the front door slamming shut while Kristen was healing Fabian in the footage.
"Fuck dude did you kneel on his tail or something? I think you really hurt him."
Fabian shook his head, eye going wide as he watched the footage over Figs shoulder. A yawning pit of guilt opening in his stomach as she rewound it a few time to watch again and try and work out why Riz had flipped out. If he was hurt they needed to help him but he tended to hide injuries up until the point he couldn't function and they forced help on him.
"We need to go find him."
Riz was in such a panic that he didn't have a plan beyond 'put distance between me and everyone else as fast as possible'. The door slammed shut behind him and he briefly contemplated booking it down the driveway but The Hangman was chasing pigeons about halfway down and Riz had just attacked its master.
He went right instead, rounding the side of the house to cut through the cemetery and find somewhere to hide. He'd never done something like this before and he was terrified. Both of himself because he couldn't remember the attack AND of the consequences.
Sure he'd nipped and scratched his friends before but he very rarely drew blood, and even then it was only usually a pinprick. He obviously hadn't held back this time, the evidence drying on his claws and face from where it had dripped on him before he scrambled free.
What would they think of him now? That he was as dangerous and violent as what people always said goblins were? Would they deal with him the same way they usually dealt with people that attacked them? He'd fled the house completely unarmed and he didnt even grab his briefcase before leaving. Hell, without his sword he didn't even have an advantage when hiding right now.
Riz stopped in the middle of the cemetery, crouching behind a large headstone just off the path so he could hide and collect his thoughts. The goblin whining as he tried to wipe the blood off his hand onto the grass but found that the vast majority of it had dried and wasn't coming free.
He realised he hadn't picked the best hiding spot but he couldn't muster the energy to care. Riz curling into a smaller ball and pressing his face against his knees, arms and tail alike looping around his ankles as he tried very hard to pretend he didn't exist anymore. So what if they found him, maybe he deserved whatever punishment they saw fit.
Riz wasn't sure how long he'd been sitting outside whe he heard the first footsteps approaching. He'd let himself retreat fully into his own mind as he tried to work out what exactly had happened and kept coming up empty. The rogue didn't even move when his crystal started ringing in his pocket, Fabian obviously trying to call him since he was the only person not set to mute.
Riz shifted to cover his head with his arms when the footsteps rapidly got closer, hoping to at least protect what he could if they were mad even if he didn't make an effort to run. The last time he clawed someone like this was in middle school and he'd spent weeks hiding the broken ribs from his mom after the kids friends had gotten their shots in.
"I've found him." He heard Fabian shout, though the sound was muffled with his arms shielding his head. The goblin whining and trying to curl up more when he felt hands gently try to pry his arms away.
"Riz? Fuck. Are you okay? I'm sorry. Hey..."
Riz relaxed slightly when the expected blows didn't come, letting the fighter untangle his arms and gently inspect his hand because it was still covered in dry blood. He did yank his tail away from his hand when he tried to inspect it as well though, tucking it up behind himself out of grabbing range and hissing into his own knees.
"Can you look at me? Are you hurt?"
Fabian still had a grip on both of his hands, thumbs pressing into his palms as he kneaded at the soft tissue there. Riz let him continue for a few more seconds before withdrawing his hands from his grip and wrapping them around his chest. Lifting his head to peek at the fighters concerned face which he was relieved was all in one piece.
"I'm sorry. I don't know what happened." Riz said quietly, dipping his ears back in show of contrition.
"What happened was you clawed the shit out of me." Fabian scoffed, reaching forwards to coax Riz to sit up further so he could see his face properly, the half-elf licking his thumb to try and get some of the dried blood off the goblins cheek. The act making Riz screw his face up in a way that made Fabian laugh. "I think it was my fault though. I apologise."
"What? No I attacked you I'm-" He froze, claws digging into his vest as the half elfs hand hovered close to his throat. Fabian making a face as if he'd just made a point before withdrawing carefully.
"No I'm quite sure it was my fault." Fabian shifted to sit next to the rogue instead, bringing a knee up to rest his arm on as he looked out over the cemetary. "Fig was filming and I can tell when someone gets triggered. My father used to get the same way sometimes... Do you think you're up to coming back inside?"
Riz shook his head, leaning forwards to hide his face against his knees again and sighing loudly. Leaning against Fabians side when his friend draped his arm over him and pulled him in to sit a little closer.
"Alright. I'll stay out here with you for a while then."
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