#and i'm just that ben affleck meme
ofpolitics · 1 year
i swear, every time i go into satine's tag, looking for neat things to reblog, i'm disappointed and lose faith in fanon a little bit more.
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r2y9s · 2 months
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[Disco Elysium]
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wozzlehere · 2 years
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twelverriver · 8 months
me when i wake up at 5:40 on a monday to be on time for a 8 am class and i still manage to be late thanks to the trains
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pynkhues · 2 years
When will I be free from writing articles about male pattern baldness?
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blackcatanna · 1 year
My PC crashed while I was playing The Sims 3 and it turns out I have mega RAM issues (not sure if caused by that stupidly unoptimised game (would be very on brand) or something else I didn't notice because I have four 16GB sticks and haven't done any resource-intense work with the PC in a while) and I'm currently trying to figure out what's wrong, how it happened, how I can fix it and how I can prevent it happening again.
Shout out to EVERY article telling me to test my RAM sticks in another PC, like I just HAVE ONE hanging around. To be fair, I am a massive hoarder and have many old devices but surely the POINT of having a PC is that you just replace components? Who HOARDS PCs? Whoever they are, I guess I need to get on their level.
And NO I am absolutely NOT going to hit up my few local friends who have PCs and ask them to dismantle their work tools so I can shove in my possibly fucked up components and see if anything explodes (exaggeration, obviously, but still).
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spoopy-sloth · 1 year
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Honestly me the past two weeks. Exciting things are happening and bOoM! Mental health issues >.>
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faebirdie · 2 years
me watching shippers convince themselves their ship is endgame knowing exactly how they'll trash the show/movie/characters when it almost definitely doesn't happen:
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Oh! I had that problem where it wouldn't let me reblog on desktop, too! Turns out, I had to turn on the "new text editor" so I could use reblog controls.
On desktop, there should be a little slider that says "Beta" in the corner whenever you go to make a post. Just turn that on, and it should let you use reblog controls!
I hope this helps! /gen
I was happy to get reblog controls on my desktop, but a bit frustrated that it was never made clear that's what I had to do to get them to work.
~ librarian-lover 📖
i have no idea where you get the 'new text editor', so you're probably going to have to show me that /gen. But apparently the only time i get the 'control reblogs' part to work is when i'm in my goddamn ask box of all things
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I don't understand why i have to go in my askbox for this it doesn't make much sense, like you should be able to do the same thing on the dashboard. /serious
I have no idea where this 'beta' slider is, can someone show me it because written instructions don't really help much and I much prefer someone send me a screenshot of it so i know where i am supposed to be looking. / serious
tumblr is a fucking hell site and is not accessibility friendly what so ever. like sure its fine on mobile but for some reason they always forget desktop users.
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ihearasong · 7 months
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shaunashipman · 30 days
Genuinely mentally bracing myself to be able to deal with all the "buck abandons Tommy once again to be with eddie!!" rancid takes post ep on Thursday. I'm ben affleck smoking meme just at the thought of it
oh they've already started babe. I'm desperately hoping if the date is at the beginning it gets interrupted for bobby, cause I need those ppl to shut the fuck up already
also, when did buck already "abandon" tommy for eddie? do they mean when he went to talk to him about kim in 709? cause that was a fucking pit stop. it's not abandoning to text your boyfriend that you're gonna be 20 minutes late
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cryptid-jack · 11 months
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Someone on a server I'm in made a joke about Kaidan as the tired ben affleck meme and I just had to make it happen XD It's hard work being the level-headed one on the team X'D
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anonymouspuzzler · 2 years
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(thanks as always to @incorrectbugsnaxquotes for inspiring many of these! also, alt text/image IDs under cut!)
[Image 1 ID: A two-panel comic of Eggabell and Lizbert. In the first panel, Eggabell is running down the stairs in a panic, shouting, "Is something burning??" In the second, Lizbert is leaning flirtatiously against the kitchen counter, wearing a frilly "Kiss the Grump" apron, with her hat and a spatula she is holding both visibly scorched and a toaster clearly erupting in flames behind her. She says, with a little heart, "Just my desire for you", while an offscreen Eggabell screams, "LIZBERT THE TOASTER IS ON FIRE".]
[Image 2 ID: A little doodle of Eggabell lying in bed with a quilted eye mask on, one arm folded over her chest, and the text "i sleep." next to her.]
[Image 3 ID: Lizbert sitting in bed, propped up by pillows, holding Eggabell in her lap with a smile. Eggabell is still wearing the quilted eye mask and is drooling slightly, with "ZZZZ" snoring sounds in the air above her.]
[Image 4 ID: A drawing of Eggabell recreating the Ben Affleck Smoking meme. She is grimacing slightly and looking unfocused out into the middle distance, holding a fry in one hand instead of a cigarette, with a package of fries and a glass soda bottle with a straw in it sitting on the balcony in front of her.]
[Image 5 ID: A drawing of Eggabell from the waist up, resting her head against her closed hand, looking exhausted. She appears to be speaking and there is a blank word balloon above her head.]
[Image 6 ID: A two-panel comic of Filbo, the Journalist, and Eggabell. In the first panel, the Journalist, facing away from the camera, is helping a visibly dizzy Filbo up. Eggabell, with a panicked expression, is running up behind them with a first aid kit under her arm, saying, "If it's a concussion, we have to keep him conscious. Ask him questions!!" In the second panel, Filbo is now sitting on the ground looking confused, with the Journalist next to him crouched with their back to the camera, holding up fingers and asking, "What's seven times seven?" Eggabell, opening up the first aid kit next to them, shouts back, "Stuff he knows!!"]
[Image 7 ID: A three-panel comic of Lizbert and Eggabell. In the first panel, they are sitting side by side on a log, staring lovingly at each other. In the second, Floofty walks by behind them loudly opening a soda can, causing Eggabell to look over in concern and Liz to look annoyed. In the third, Lizbert is looking over her shoulder saying, "We're having a moment.", to which Floofty, sipping their drink, responds nonchalantly, "And I'm having a soda."]
[Image 8 ID: A two-panel comic of Eggabell and Lizbert. In the first, Liz is laughing loudly, holding a drink bottle in one hand and shoving a nervous-looking Filbo's shoulder with the other, as Eggabell comes up behind her, places a hand on her back and says, "Lizbert, you're drunk." In the second, Lizbert, looking utterly sloshed, turns around and places a finger on the lips of an amused-looking Eggabell, slurring, "Shhhhhhhhhh. Don't tell Eggabell."]
[Image 9 ID: A simplistic, three-panel comic of Lizbert and Eggabell. In the first, Liz is picking up Eggabell, with a caption reading "1. Lift wife". In the second panel, Eggabell, still visibly in midair, picks up Liz, who has her arms in the air, with a caption reading "2. wife lift me". The final panel shows extremely simplistic renderings of them both lifting off into the sky, with a caption reading "3. flight".]
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frownyalfred · 9 months
i'm like knee deep into a coral room and a sky of honey and just now realized that your bruce is the ben affleck!bruce, your clark is henry cavill!clark, and your lex is jessie eisenberg!lex.
i never watched batman v superman aside from clips and a few funny meme reaction videos so now i feel like i have to rewire my entire brain to picture your bruce, clark and lex right
also just now realized your alfred is fucking jeremy irons and now i have to go watch some clips of his performance otherwise my brain is just never going to connect the dots
lol anyway i'm absolutely enjoying your fics despite the fact i need to recondition my brain to stop picturing jla bruce, clark and lex in time for your next update
Ahhh! Tbh I do this too anon. The important ones I have to keep in mind are Alfred and Lex — Bruce and Clark always seem a little more amorphous when I’m writing them anyway.
Jeremy Irons and Jesse Eisenberg are important to remember for this series just because 1) Jesse’s Lex is so much different than canon Lex, in good and bad ways, and 2) I would absolutely fuck the shit out of Jeremy Irons as Alfred, hands down. 100% not even joking.
But also. Part of what I liked about writing a coral room in the BVS universe was that big, bulky Batfleck was an omega — subverting the a/b/o genre. He was masculine and powerful and also still omega, as they aren’t mutually exclusive!
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sbrn10 · 7 months
Look, I apologize for being the hyperfixate on Laudna and Imogen all the time person (actually, I don't, sorry not sorry, this is my whole personality now) but:
Marisha has fucking weaponized the phrase "I like/love children" and I want her to stab me with it 37 more times. It's the most fucked up, precisely because her (Before Imogen state) idea of appealing to children is so horrifying, of course they run from her.
Can you BELIEVE that the primary thing standing between Laudna and Delilah's manipulation is Laudna's extremely low sense of self-worth? The fact that Delilah tries to tell Laudna "you deserve it, take what's rightfully yours" and Laudna refuses because it's not meant for her -- nothing is meant for her. Even Imogen isn't meant for her -- after all, she's a dead end, and Imogen should be able to live. The fact that Delilah still doesn't know any other way to entice someone than offering power because it's the only thing she understands -- and Laudna doesn't want it.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to make everybody worry. *weak laugh* This is the second time you all have trotted through these woods to save me." vs. "the crippling obligation that [I] feel to everybody for risking themselves to save [me] ... still haunts me." (From fucking e49 when Laudna and Ashton were having one of their "Ashton is projecting their experience onto Laudna super hard" conversations, fucking christ) Excuse me, I'm going to go scream into the night.
"What did he do to you? Did he hurt you? Did he manipulate you?" Laudna's immediate assumption that Ashton somehow coerced Fearne in order to take power meant for her, because she's lived with a voice in her head doing nothing but that for 30 years. I am lying dead in a ditch.
Look, I know everyone has already said it. I know. I know. But. Laudna: Will you hold me? Delilah: Always. "You swear you feel the shadows around you in this corner grow a little thicker, like a cloak of darkness that wraps itself around you." "You wake up cold and alone." Laudna: I miss Imogen. Laudna: Love is pain. But it is also warmth. I was so cold last night. Imogen: I go hug her again. Marisha. Girl. What the FUCK.
Laudna: You can give [the doll] whatever voice you want. Ashton: I'm not good at voices. Laudna: You can find a voice. What if I just died. Right here. What if, Marisha.
Can we talk about Imogen going through Laudna asking her to move on if something happens to her, like she's readying herself to leave, and then she left for real and didn't come back. Can we talk about how fucked up that was for her. Can we talk about how she didn't even get to be angry at Laudna for it because Laudna was visibly fucked up so bad it was something she'd never seen before. Somebody please give that girl a hug, like so many hugs, also my kingdom for Imogen getting to be angry at Laudna at some point (please also read Time Running Out).
Ashton: I thought it would make me better, and I thought a better me would-- [help you]. Imogen: You don't need power to be better, Ashton. Imogen is just so fucking tired, my god. Imogen is the Ben Affleck smoking meme about the people she loves being stupid.
Okay, a few not Imogen or Laudna things: - My god, Travis, what an episode for Chetney. "Plus, if you need it, just say you need it." / "Okay, I kind of need it." That is my emotional support old man and I just want to give Chetney and Fearne so many hugs. - Percy and Ashton being mirrors for each other across 30 years and 3 campaigns: truly the most Taliesin of all time. - FCG was so good at talking Ashton through his decisions and pushing back on the surface-level excuses to dig deeper but also staying open and trying hard to allow Ashton some grace despite it all. Growth dot gif. - FCG as a counselor at Wildemount Wildlings when.
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Man I wish I'd never gotten invested in Taylor Swift's love life and even her as a person because BOTH are in shambles rn and I'm just sitting here like that Ben Affleck cigarette meme
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