#and i'll mention you in the next dds i write!
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Alright we have some of her Skeleton Granddads, but what about Alice herself?
Alice - Day 67 (Request)
Race: Fiend
Arcana: Death
Alignment: Neutral
July 9th, 2024

Demons are plentiful in the series, many with bizarre origins, but Alice herself is a rare case for the series, and as such, I'll have to make this DDS a bit different as well. Based primarily off of a multitude of sources, Alice is less of a concrete character from a myth or fairy tale, nor an urban legend- no, she's a conglomerate of what can be presumed to be Kaneko's imagination. So, today's Demon Spotlight will be less of a statement of her backstory- it'll instead be a descent into the many mixed fates of this young girl.
Initially, it's easy to pick up that Alice is based primarily off of Alice in Wonderland, the famous fairy tale told by Lewis Carroll going into the story of a young woman named Alice and her slow drifting off into boredom leading her down a quite-literal rabbit hole, ending up in a surreal fever dream-esque wonderland. However, this is only the source for her appearance, being primarily based off of contemporary depictions of the Alice in the story, being a blonde girl- specifically taking inspiration from the Disney movie based on the story.
Even with this, though, it's hard to pin down where her fates throughout the series originate. The series purports her origin as being from a Scandinavian folk tale, yet I've struggled to even pinpoint what the tale in question could even be. The closest I've been able to pin it down to is an Icelandic folk-tale recounted in this blog post.
Frankly, though, this might just be coincidence. It's incredibly hard to tell, given that the story on Alice seems to change constantly from game-to-game, compendium-to-compendium- it's even stated outright, in the Persona World compendium in the first Persona game, that she is simply an original character to the series. So, case closed, right? I'd still like to dig a bit deeper.
Original demons are rare throughout the series, especially after the first Megami Tensei, however, and I've always felt that there needs to be at least some sort of original source for every character- something you can trace the influence back to. Ideas don't just spawn from the ether, after all. And I might've found the original source, outside of simple offhand mentions from various posts and blogs about a secondary source beyond Alice in Wonderland.
Really, this is just speculation, but I believe the folk tale referred to most of the time in compendiums may actually be recollections of several different myths- namely, a conflation of La Llorona, a the ghost of a woman who lost her children and her life and spends her days roaming Mexico aimlessly, looking for children to make her own, the story mentioned earlier called 'Dear Mother, in the pen, pen,' the real world death and subsequent ghost sightings revolving around one Alice Riley, a young woman who was a former slave murdered in the 1700's, and of course, Alice in Wonderland. The behavior that La Llorona is outlined in partaking in is incredibly similar to the behavior stated in the compendiums' offhand mentions, that being that the ghost girl would kill children to gain friends in her eternal afterlife, the name Alice was likely pulled from Alice Riley as well as Alice in Wonderland, and the placing of the mythology in Scandinavian regions likely comes from the icelandic myth mentioned above.
Maybe all of this is me coming to conclusions, but I'd personally state that I think I've narrowed down some of the origins pretty well. The trope of a little ghost girl is widespread, and Alice may also simply be based on that trope, and the excuse of folklore was given to simply divvy up the waters a bit, but I digress. There could be so many different explanations for Alice out there, and while the fact that none of them fully match up is somewhat frustrating, I'd say that I think it's a waste of a good idea to simply brush her off as being just an original character loosely based on Alice in Wonderland.
Even in this spotlight, I feel the need to put a nice bow on things- overall, Alice is an incredibly complicated demon to look into, especially for those who love digging into things like me, but I managed to eventually track down that wild goose, even if it really is just a mirage. I'd be remiss to not mention her weird connections to Belial and Nebiros, as in the first Shin Megami Tensei game, she was brought back to life by those two, and they became her uncles, as referenced later in the series.

#shin megami tensei#smt#megaten#persona#daily#ask#hey i put a fun little easter egg in :)#if you get it#point it out in the tags#and i'll mention you in the next dds i write!#can't promise it'll be the very next one because i write a lot of these ahead of time#but still#i'll be waiting!
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A Small Update
Word on the street is that dashingdon will be going away soon. Although this doesn't affect the most current demo of Ninelives, this does affect the old choicescript demo. Perhaps this doesn't need to be said, but, since I am building this game in Twine now instead of choicescript, I don't see the point in going through the steps to re-home the old demo. If you still want to read it for any reason, do so while you have the chance! Once dd is gone, the old version will no longer be accessible.
As for the state of Ninelives, I know it's been a very long time since anyone has seen anything new here. I've mentioned in a previous post that I have some lingering anxieties about this game and that's partially why I haven't had anything substantial to show for it in a long time.
But I've been doing some thinking lately, and I think part of my anxiety comes from the issue that I've been dealing with for a long time, and that's the fact that the game refuses to orient into portrait mode for mobile reading no matter what I seem to change.
I'm obviously missing a bit of code somewhere that's telling it to be in landscape mode. More to the point, it has become such a mountain out of an anthill kind of thing for me as I feel like I need to go with a different template entirely to solve this. This shouldn't be preventing me from working on the story, but somehow it does. (There are other anxieties too, but probably none as big as this one stupid thing.)
So that's my current plan: import Ninelives into a new template. This can be done on a basic level fairly easily, though it might take a bit longer to apply the same icons, backgrounds, and color schemes to whatever new template I decide to use. (As much as I would love to design my own template, I am simply not savvy enough with CSS to accomplish this without great difficulty.)
I'll try to keep you posted on my progress, but likely the next time you hear from me will be when the import is done.
Thanks to those who still follow me here despite how scarce I've been. And, remember, if you enjoy my writing, you can always find me on my other project, where I'm much more active.
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Desperate Daybreak Chapter 8
In this chapter:
Warnings: dehumanization, unexpected erections and mention of fetishes I guess? Very tame adult content
MMSS masterpost
DD masterpost
On AO3
Snowball was remarkably pliant for whatever Valen wanted to do with her, but apparently the harness was where she drew the line. Valen had strapped it on her, and she'd immediately flopped over and refused to move.
“Come on, Snowball. Don't you want to go outside?” Valen tugged on the leash, to absolutely no effect. The cat's tail thumped agitatedly.
“Just let her outside unsupervised,” Ari insisted. “Everyone does it. It's fine.”
“No,” Valen said stubbornly. “Do you have any idea how many bird species alone have gone extinct from free roaming domestic cats?” He resolutely pulled the harness once more. Snowball simply let herself be dragged along. “Come on, you'll like this so much more than being toted around in a carrier. You have the temperament, I know you do.”
Tessie marched in. “We have a problem.” She slapped a newspaper down. The headline said NATIONAL BLOOD SHORTAGE FAULT OF KITHARA HEIRESS?
Snowball darted off as soon as Valen dropped the leash. He took the paper slowly, dread in his stomach. “What? There's a blood shortage already? I released seven humans! Ones that weren't even in the supply chain yet!” His mental health had been steadily improving with the overhaul of the bedroom, but this threatened to set it back immediately.
“This is the stupid part,” Tessie said. She sat down, looking defeated. “Someone somewhere in the processing facilities blabbed that you'd given the order to stop new captures, and given your reputation, people were speculating some big changes for the worse are coming to the supply chain. This led to speculation that a blood shortage was coming, which led to everyone panic-buying as much blood as they could get, which led to an actual supply shortage.”
“That is ridiculous.” Valen snapped the paper open to find an article that had been written entirely about the word from a single worker at a processing facility, and the other 90% being complete speculation, questioning his fitness to run the blood harvest web, and a helping of plain meanness about his appearance.
Ari sighed and sat down on the floor next to Snowball. “I hate to say it, but I get it. These are just Joe Schmoe vampires, right? They know no one is gonna take care of them. Especially since it seems like the nobility doesn't really care what happens to them, usually.”
Valen tried to wrestle himself past his frustration to share Ari’s empathy and view the faceless mass of commoners making this problem as people and not an obstacle for him to overcome. “Who wrote this article? Can we go speak to them? Maybe we can convince them everything is all right.”
Tessie shook her head. “Lost cause. They're clearly just agitating to sell papers. We need to reach the people who will listen.”
“The commoners who are anxious about the food supply?”
“Yes. We might be able to garner sympathy if we play it right.”
“Maybe we should release a statement?”
Tessie snapped her fingers. “Great idea. Maybe we should call the cable news. No, the radio, more people listen to the radio, especially the older crowd.”
“Goodness,” Valen murmured, suddenly extremely nervous.
“I'll write something up,” Tessie said, and she dashed out of the room.
Valen sank to the floor and dragged Snowball onto his lap. “Where is Edwin? We should speak with him again.”
Did Priscus have a PR manager? Had he needed one? Valen’s head felt like a buzz of static as he struggled to figure out where to go from here.
Of course his actions were going to have unintended consequences. He was operating on such a huge scale that he had to take thousands of people’s disparate opinions into account.
He hated it. He wished the whole situation could just be in a beaker that he could dispassionately watch as he added various chemicals to it. Not this chaotic splash of mess and emotion where everyone was pulling him a million different directions.
They would have to get something up and running to make up for the loss of new captures contributing to the blood supply a lot sooner than anticipated. The thought of actually having anyone else drinking his artificial blood made him nervous, as did the thought of having to figure out how to try and import more ethical blood, but those were the only two solutions he could think of.
He tried to not take it out on Edwin again, but he knew it was going to be hard. Good thing Tessie was here again, and of course Lex and Ari. They always grounded him.
Edwin came in and gave a graceful bow. “I came as soon as I could, Mistress.”
“I told you to call me Valen,” he snapped.
Tessie held out a hand, clearly not optimistic that this was how he was starting out. Valen forced himself to take a deep breath and settle back into the couch.
Edwin’s face darkened. “Forgive me, Valen. I’m used to certain measures of respect. I apologize. The fault is mine entirely.”
Valen’s fingers drummed rapid-fire on the armrest of the loveseat. “I’m sure you saw the headline.”
Edwin remained standing woodenly in the center of the room. “Yes, Valen.”
“You wouldn’t happen to know who gave the Post that interview?”
Edwin bowed once again. “No, Valen. It was not me, nor was it anyone I know of.”
“It had to be someone.”
“Respectfully, Valen, it could have been anyone. The workers were all given the order to stop new captures. It is hardly a secret.”
Edwin was completely correct, but Valen was pissed off at him anyway. “I suppose.”
Edwin dipped his head. “I would never say such disrespectful things about your appearance and demeanor either, Valen. I think you are only lovelier each time I see you. I did not bring my thrall, since it seemed to displease you last time. I am here to assist you in whatever way you see fit.”
“You’re pathetic, you know that?” Valen fumed. “You’re a small, slimy little man who will do whatever it takes to get what he wants. You have no real values or guiding principles. You’re impotent and weak. You think you can be the one to claim me?”
Tessie rapidly gave him the cut-it-out motion on her neck again, eyes wide. Well, too late now.
“If you were truly so awed by me, you would understand that I’m a wild mare that can’t be tamed.”
“I do understand, Valen.”
That caught Valen off guard. He stopped seeing red for long enough to look at Edwin again and noticed-
Oh. Oh God. Edwin had moved his hands to a polite position crossed in front of his crotch, clearly to hide the hint of an erection. His face was also flush and embarrassed.
Edwin folded himself in half to bow. “I’ll have my letter of resignation on your desk by this afternoon.”
“Wait. I didn’t say you were fired.”
Edwin straightened up, still looking overwhelmed. Lex and Ari snickered quietly.
“You clearly have some sort of perversion,” Valen said, and then immediately kicked himself. Great direction for the conversation. “Am I just a fantasy for you?”
“No, Valen. I am your loyal servant.” Well, that didn’t answer the question. That was the fantasy.
Valen put his face in his hand, sighed, and waved his other hand. “Whatever. I’m hardly one to judge.”
Edwin shifted from foot to foot.
“You must understand I do have guiding principles, though. I am trying to transition the blood harvest web into something that requires less cruelty. Meaning we fill our daily orders without resorting to humans taken from their homes and their lives destroyed to be brought here. If you don’t agree with that, you are not a good fit for this position any longer.”
“I understand, Valen. I am amenable to that.”
“Really? Because it’s a big change.”
“Yes. I understand.”
“What about the proud Kithrara legacy or whatever?”
“I don’t care much for pride. Only doing my job well.”
“Prove it.”
“How so?”
“Give me your thrall.”
Edwin’s face darkened. “May I ask what for, Valen?”
“To prove you’ll do what I ask you to.”
Edwin uncomfortably fidgeted, then turned around and walked out, disappearing out the front door without a word.
Valen sighed. “I figured.”
“Holy shit,” Lex said, going wild. “Holy shit. He’s-”
“I know.”
“He’s got-”
“I know.”
“He couldn’t get enough of you,” Ari said with a shiteating grin. “Even when you were being condescending. Especially when you were being condescending.”
“...I’m not unaware of the effect I can have on men, but I must admit this one in particular is new for me.”
Tessie hopped over onto the couch next to Valen. “Okay, obviously he has that fetish, but it’s also possible he’s homosexual and finally found someone it’d be acceptable to marry. Best of both worlds.”
“Oh. Oh, yes.” Valen sighed. “Well, regardless, I figured he wouldn’t put his money where his mouth is when it came time to actually give up his comforts. I’m sorry I made such a display of myself. I’m on a rather short temper recently.”
“It’s understandable,” Tessie said. “You were… huh?”
The clatter of Edwin’s shoes sounded in the entryway, and he appeared a moment later carrying his thrall.
Lex and Ari exploded into laughter, whereas Valen just looked bewildered.
“Do with my thrall as you please,” Edwin said, putting the hapless human down.
Valen just stared at him for a moment, before breaking down into his own repressed chuckles. “Very well, Edwin. If it pleases you to be in this position for me, you’re very good at your job. You’ll be an asset to solve this problem, I’m sure.”
Edwin suggested calling the Northern Enclave to fill the blood shortage by importing more ethically harvested blood. Apparently Priscus had called them previously to try and corner that market as well, saying it would be the last piece of their monopoly and cementing the family’s power once and for all. None of which was suddenly important anymore as soon as the Northern Enclave told him to kick rocks, at which point ethical blood became only a silly passing fad.
It was a more direct in than Valen’s original plan, which had been to go to the ethical blood shop he frequented and ask for their supplier’s information, working his way up the chain until he found someone who could work with him. So he dialed the number Edwin had given him, suddenly extremely nervous. He looked to Tessie sitting across the table, like he was a nervous prey animal and she was his protection. She smiled and gave him a thumbs-up.
The person on the other end of the phone answered in a foreign language.
“Ah…” Valen said. “Um, I’m sorry. My name is Valen Kithrara, and I-”
“Ah,” said the other person. “One moment.”
After a minute of shuffling on the other end of the line, a new voice answered. “Allo?”
“Hello! Um, my name is Valen Kithrara, and-”
“Ah, the Western Enclave, ja? The Kithrara family, we already talked, I told you. Ve cannot export more blood. I’m sorry, but we have an in-e-last-tic supply. It’s all voluntarily given, which I’m sure you must not understand, but we are firm on our principles.”
“Yes!” Valen said, excitement bleeding through his voice. “No, I understand completely! I’m actually interested in, um, setting up something like that here. Voluntary harvesting.” Well, he certainly hadn’t called to talk about that, but if importing more blood was impossible that would be the next logical step, right? But even Valen could see what a mountain that would be to climb. But maybe they could make it work somehow?
“Ahhh! So sorry for assuming. You may call me Rolf. I am the head of the Department of Sanguine Affairs and Human Relations under Supreme Gölz.”
“It’s such a pleasure to meet you! You must understand where I’m from it’s very rare to meet someone like you. Attitudes are very different over here.”
“Ja. We are…aware.”
“Erm, yes. Well.” He’d completely lost his train of thought. He briefly fantasized about just moving over there and leaving everything here to collapse into ruin.
“Unfortunately, Mr. Kithrara, the answer is still the same. Ve can only export a set amount. There is simply no way to guarantee an increase in süpply.”
Valen was too busy preening that his voice was deep enough to be gendered correctly over the phone to realize what bad news that was. “Oh, is it? That’s it? Oh, it’s–Oh. Um, yes, I suppose that makes sense. Is there nothing you can do, though? I’m trying to, ah, fill the supply shortage being caused by the fact that we’re not taking in any new human captures.”
“You’ve stopped captures? That’s vonderful! A win for human rights!”
“Yes! Yes, it is. It is, um, causing problems with the blood supply though. So I have to figure out how to fix that.”
“Jes, jes. Hmm. Well I can offer my ássistance in how to set up the infrastructure to do voluntary harvest, perhaps.”
“Yes! Yes, please. How does it work for you?”
“We have walk-in processing facilities where humans come for monetary incentive. It’s quite expensive, but it’s much more sustainable in the long-run. And of course, facilitates a much healthier relationship between vampires and humans.”
“Are the facilities on the border, then?”
“Börder. I had forgotten what it was like over there.”
“What? Border? You don’t have a border?”
“Goodness, no.”
“So humans and vampires just live, what, next to each other? They’re neighbors? Living in harmony?”
“Ah,” Rolf said, backpedaling. “Vell, it is a noble goal. We hope to achieve one day.” Oh, so they’re still separated, they just don’t have a distinct territory border, then. “Mr. Kithrara, if I may. Ve can export the blood we can, but for something long-term, you may need to turn to your own neighbors.”
“Yes, um, yes, setting up something like that here would be. Oh that would be just wonderful.”
“Do you have any human contacts? Someone in a position to help you work towards this goal together? Vampires cannot do it alone. We need a trusting bond with humans to make it work.”
Valen’s heart sank, because yes, he did have a contact like that, and yes, it did make sense that Valen would need his help to do something like this. “Yes. I personally know the Director of Nocturnal Security on the human side of the border. I suppose I can swallow my fear and call him.”
Check out a short clip of voice acting for this chapter! :) LINK
@tomato-whump @dragonfireridge @taterswhump @whump-cravings
@scoundrelwithboba @pigeonwhumps @whumpsday @whumpy-writings @fuzzydarkpebble
@melodicnommer @thecyrulik @snake462 @gt-daboss @appelsiinilight
@star-rott @mottinthemainpot @corvidat @melancholy-in-the-morning @whumplr-reader
@honeycollectswhump @dragonqueenslayer6 @whumpycries @starfields08000 @scumashling
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get to know your moots
Thank you, @randomfoggytiger for the tag!
What's the origin of your blog title?
It’s just a combination of initials and the inclusion of x for the x-files.
My username though is because Im a huuuuuuge fan of those pretty agents in FBI jackets. They are such a united force when they're in official garb.
OTP(s) + Shipname:
Mulder and Scully MSR
Favourite colour: midnight blue and apple green
Favourite game: Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood my beloved. And basically most of the Assasin’s Creed franchise. I also enjoy playing the Sims.
Song stuck in your head: advertising space by Robbie Williams
Weirdest habit/trait?
I don't really know. I have my habits for sure but they don't seem that unusual tbh.
Writing, reading, coming up with ways to analyse and organize things (I’m building a huge template right now for a collection of quotes and information; maybe I should add that to weird traits!)
If you work, what's your profession?
Communication and marketing
If you could have any job you wish, what would it be? Writer. Researcher. Academic.
Something you're good at:
Analysing and evaluating behaviour, people, situations, and circumstances.
Something you're bad at:
Directions. Turn me into the wrong direction and I'll never find my way home.
And Tumblr! I am unable to format or search for anything on this app!
Something you love:
Books. Music. Nature. That peaceful silence of early mornings an late nights when the whole world seems to be asleep except for a few kindred spirits.
Something you could talk about for hours off the cuff:
The X-Files
Something you hate:
Manipulation. Power plays. Condescending behaviour.
Something you collect:
X-Files merch. And books.
Something you forget:
Everything I don't write down.
What's your love language?
I had to do a test for this one. Apparently, it's words of affirmation, followed by quality time and acts of service.
Favourite movie/show:
The X-Files
Favourite food:
Stuffed bell peppers with rice.
Favourite animal:
Cats. There's nothing like having your cat choose to come up to you and cuddle because they want to be close. It's honest, it’s real, and it’s the sweetest, warmest feeling.
What were you like as a child? Shy with strangers, open with friends.
Favourite subject at school?
That changed. It used to be chemistry, switched to languages, then math and moved on to literature.
Least favorite subject?
Physics. I just don't get it.
What's your best character trait?
According to my friends, loyalty, being a good friend, being open, having a talent for getting to the bottom of things and giving good advice.
What's your worst character trait?
Getting triggered by confrontational behaviour and dwelling on it for hours afterward.
If you could change any detail of your day right now what would it be?
I wish I didn't have to spend part of my day preparing for a work event next week. It's the weekend. Leave me alone!
If you could travel in time who would you like to meet?
I have two answers. 😅
I’d love to travel back and meet Caesar or Alexander the Great.
I’d also give a lot to travel back in time to the Golden Globes 1997 and be a fly following GA and DD around all night.
Recommend one of your favourite fanfics (spread the love!):
Soooooo many. I don't even know where to start. This time I’m going to recommend a fic I haven't mentioned in a while:
Waldron Island by @sisterspooky1013
That fic is one of the very few stories (books included) that had me terrified of turning off the lights at night.
I’m tagging @carrie11 @leiascully @scullysflannel @muldersfingers and everyone who wants to play.
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Got My Number

genre: fluff, friends-to-something-more
pairing: Jake x gender-neutral!reader
warnings: reader being referred to as beautiful, mentions of an unhealthy relationship, but only briefly, lmk if there's anything else!
word count: 1.2K
sheep's note: hello, everyone, it's been a long while since i posted actual content here, and i truly missed it, this is my first longer work on here, so please enjoy. i had fun imagining this, slughtly inspired by monsta x's got my number, but maybe i'll write something based more on the song in the future eheheeh in the meanwhile, this is my comeback and i'll try to be more sctive and practice writing in english more :DD
permanent taglist: @soobin-chois
thank you and enjoy reading!
Jake had been wondering why you haven't texted him yet. He thought your last date (actually, it was a friendly hangout, but a guy can dream) went well, and awaited your message inviting him to do something fun together.
But nothing new came up on his screen when he opened your chat for the nth time that week, only the last goodbyes you exchanged.
Y/N: had fun <3 talk to you later
The bright, white letters seemed to be mocking him as he wondered what time interval 'later' was equal to.
He was about to try and distract himself from you and your 'later'.
Less than three. Three what? Days? Weeks? Months? No, that would be just cruel. He wanted to see you again way sooner than months.
Suddenly, three little dots appeared on the bottom of his screen, indicating that you were typing something.
It was a little stupid how Jake's heart sped up from looking at the animated circles, but he blamed it on being easily excitable.
He knew he shouldn't explore too much on his feelings for you, because it would end up awkward on your side and in a week of moping around on his.
The thing is, you already had a boyfriend. Even though you have told Jake before that nowadays, the relationship wasn't as fun as it used to be at the start, you stayed very committed.
"I'm just not really satisfied anymore, I guess…" you breathed out in a sigh, dangling your legs from the asphalt block you and Jake were perched on, next to a grassy portion of the park. "It's starting to feel like I'm more of a burden to him than a partner."
Pretty far into the night, it was quiet, only the rustling of birds settling into their places on trees and a few faraway laughs could be heard from your spot. The nearby streetlamp illuminated your features when the caress of a breeze passed by, blowing some hair into your face.
Jake moved involuntarily to remove the strands covering your eyes.
He couldn't have possibly helped being attracted to you, it would have been a nearly impossible task to not be drawn to your enticing persona.
For one, Jake thought you were effortlessly beautiful. You sometimes made him burst out laughing, without caring who could hear him, and there never was a dull moment while being with you.
You made him forget everyday struggles and made things seem better when discussing hardships you both went through as days passed by.
Jake's stomach dropped a little when you first mentioned your boyfriend, and he felt a little embarrassed, because he was in deep. Too deep already.
So deep, in fact, that his ears went red in excitement from seeing you were about to contact him. Jake was met with disappointment yet again, when the little dots were gone, replaced by no new texts, just a blank screen.
He couldn't hold it any longer, jumping up from his bed he was previously spread out on to grab his jacket and leave the apartment immediately.
While he was locking the door, his phone vibrated with a new notification. Guessing it was probably Sunghoon telling him to wash the fucking dishes already or Riki sending one of his weird memes, he thought it wasn't urgent.
Jake pocketed his keys and started walking in the direction of your flat, not too far away, luckily, and decided to check his notification now.
His jaw dropped as he almost stopped in his tracks.
Y/N: my bed's empty without you
Yes, he had been to your room before, yes, he had laid in your bed too, but the wording… It seemed suggestive, nothing like pillow fights after a movie marathon or wishing goodnights and you asking him to stay a little longer. He brushed off the feeling though, setting his priorities and making a mental note to ask you about your wording.
Jake started putting one foot after another way quicker, and took a few deep breaths. Deciding that he had plenty of time to reply in real life, he shoved his phone into the backpocket of his light washed jeans.
There he was, faced with your door, alternating between raising his fist to rasp his knuckles against it and having a stare-off with the little stepping mat that was spread on the ground.
Taking a final calming breath, a desperate attempt at calming his racing heart, he knocked.
One, two, and then three seconds passed.
As expected, you were the one who opened the door. Looking nothing short of breathtaking in Jake's humble opinion with hair tucked away from your face, no makeup, a dark tank top and shorts.
Your lips stretched into an all-too-familiar half-smile as you recognised your visitor.
"If I knew you would appear on my doorstep after that text, I would have sent it way sooner."
"Well, why didn't you?" Jake surprised himself with being able to put a coherent sentence together after being stunned by your beauty yet again.
Instead of answering immediately, you averted your gaze and stepped further from the entrance, inviting your friend in.
You lead Jake to the couch in front of the TV, grabbing both you and him a glass of water from the kitchen nearby.
"We broke up." You thought it would be better to be straight-forward about it, since it wasn't like being freed from this relationship was a sensitive topic for you. Obviously, you weren't nonchalant about it, but you felt better.
"Oh," Jake's mouth parted, hesitating on whether to console you or simply just accept this important fact you have thrown at him. "I'm sorry."
He wasn't sorry at all, maybe only for the fact that you might be disheartened after these events, even though you seemed fine.
The living room was bathing in warm tones thanks to the standing lamps you insisted on keeping around in the area, instead of hanging lights from the ceiling.
Your nose cast a shadow on one of your cheeks, and Jake suddenly had the urge to touch the presumably soft skin, as if he would be able to feel the dark outline of your nose.
"Don't be," you shrugged.
Jake gulped and took a sip of much needed water when you pulled up the strap of the tank top that slipped down on your shoulder.
"I'm pretty sure I will have to end things with him a second time, since he left with saying I can't break up with him, because he doesn't agree, but I'm completely done with his shit at this point." Your eyes wandered around the room while elaborating, the scene of your ex-boyfriend slamming the door to your house replaying in your head.
Catching up in the comfort of your living room and the soft pillows decorating your couch, you explained to Jake that you didn't want to risk dragging him into the ongoing fight between you and your ex, and since he would have jumped at even an innocent text from your friend, you decided on radio-silence while dealing with the problem.
Jake was only a little upset, since he found your actions reasonable, but it still bothered him that he wasn't able to help you.
After the sun dipped behind the clouds of the evening, Jake slowly got up from his seat, smiling warmly.
"See you soon?" you asked, your eyes shining.
"Yeah. Text me."
Jake lifted an arm to wrap around your waist and pull you against his chest. He moved his face so that his soft, plump lips were aligned with your ears and whispered, leaving a feather-light kiss on the side of your face.
"You've got my number."
#enhypen x reader#enhypen jake x reader#jake sim x reader#jake x reader#jaeyun x reader#enhypen fluff#enhypen drabbles#jake x y/n#jake x you#jake sim fluff#jake fluff#jaeyun fluff#enhypen x gender neutral reader#enhypen reactions#enhypen headcanons#enhypen
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@ so2uv's sappy time.
end of the year. ive survived and that's scary but you know what? it'll be fine. we'll all be fine and im promising that; whether it be this year, the next, or far in the future, we'll be ok :)) it's stupid how this platform, one that my friends teased me for using, left such an impact on me as a person.
AKA. MY END OF YEAR MUTUAL APPRECIATION POST. (warning: these got long and sort emotional for me to write. well, as emotional as i can get fjkdhgkjfd. sorry if my coherence gets lost later on. forgive me if you weren't mentioned specifically for something; i have more mutuals that expected. it's genuinely surprising.)
if you weren't mentioned specifically, there's still a note for you at the bottom. sorry for making you scroll for long to find it :'DD
𖣂 ┈ ⟡ ˒ @tiredsleep . . . the mutual who has stuck through it all. oh tired. tired, tired, tired. i think im a little stupid for how happy i get when you like a post or send an ask or keyboard smash in my reblogs. a lot of what i said in my long ask to you a while back is what im trying to convey now. the way we met wasn't through much special; i followed you and eventually you followed back. it was slow going in the ways we interacted but the nicest things take time and im so glad we're the way we are now. we're strangers, two little guys on the internet, and i think it's beautiful how we have this. you're an amazing writer, an all around amazing creator of the worlds you build and the characters you create. i don't think you realized how envious i used to be of you; you made it seem like it was easy enough for you to connect with others, your writing was something id never achieve with mine, it was flat out jealousy. it was my fault we were distant to begin with. i soon figured out that praise was correct: you are among the most wonderful people ive had the pleasure of knowing and talking to you, even if it's just through a screen. there's so much more for me to say that i constantly struggle to put into the correct words to get the point across. just know that you have great things out there for you. have a great new year, tired. we'll make it. im so proud of you.
𖣂 ┈ ⟡ ˒ @aelatus . . . the last standing mutual of all my og (close) mutuals. hello atlas! im not sure if you'll ever see this on tumblr since i know you don't log on much but you've been my mutual through three blog changes now; was there for my xstar-kidx era and kozmiixs stage. we've been through shit together, had banter about grammarly together, lost certain mutuals together, have changed blogs, changed themes, switched fandoms, fell out of love with fandoms. it's been a wild couple of years, huh? im so thankful we've met and got close in the ways that we did and that we're able to call each others close. your birthday is soon so in the case that i forget to say this on discord: happy birthday, the xiao to my albedo. live a life of freedom and joy, my love /p.
𖣂 ┈ ⟡ ˒ @izukxnnie . . . hara :((( i don't think you'll ever come to read this message but that's alright; maybe it's for the better kdfgh. i know i sent you that long winded ask on your blog already but i miss talking and interacting with you, even with all my awkwardness. im still so regretful of that one time i sent a request to join your world but then you were busy and i didn't read your messages until later that day as in hours later bc i was at school and idk if i ever responded to them in the end. maybe i'll send you a message on discord later. maybe i won't bc i'll be too sentimental. i really hope you're doing more than well, that you're happy doing what you do.
𖣂 ┈ ⟡ ˒ @ay-asterisms . . . the mutual who introduced me to so many others. i really have you to thank for what i have now, ay. truly. you brought me deeper into the hq fandom and introduced me to jennie, atlas, and others. we don't talk much but i'll say what ive mentioned before, you remind me so much of the sun. but not as the bringer of life and the ball we see every morning; a sun in the sense that you're a star closer to earth but still a star, still out there where there are multiple. the difference is that you just happen to bring a warmth that others can't provide for ones nearby.
𖣂 ┈ ⟡ ˒ @cryo-locket / @lo-cinno . . . you. im not even sure how we became mutuals, and my memory is pretty good. we just spawned in each other's zones one day and went yeah, alright. honestly, ive never said this to anyone, but you were one of the reasons i decided to focus more heavily on chinese. our interactions reminded me of why i wanted to relearn the language for myself: for the social connections. i genuinely love talking to you and always find myself laughing at our conversations. mainly because our timezone dif is so odd so it's always late in the evening when im on. your ebg was so fun and with all the pain it brought / hj, im so happy to have been part of it. thank you for putting up with my 2 am rambles and crack, hope you found laugh or two with them.
𖣂 ┈ ⟡ ˒ @pr3tty-jennie . . . you intimidated me when we first met. i still remember it actually: you had that kamninari theme and the most recent post on your blog was about how you couldn't remember the word for chandelier in english but knew it in french. you've been through so much, endured so much, and i respect you so much. always have, always will. your life story and the past don't define who you show as a person and im so amazed by that part of you. have a good day, good week, good rest of your life pretty girl :DD
𖣂 ┈ ⟡ ˒ @june-again . . . it's crazy, you know? crazy how far we've both drifted off from the original fandom that brought us together? but that's character development. speaking of that, ive gotten the absolute pleasure of seeing you grow as a person and go through the motions of life. it's always chill talking to you, jokes come easy hah! you're an amazing musician, june. amazing person, amazing at writing, amazing at music; you're outstanding so in the words of Freddy fazbear from security break, way to go superstar! i knew you could do it and i know you still can.
𖣂 ┈ ⟡ ˒ @junjiie . . . the seungmin to my minho, the other half of 2min, the self proclaimed jeno to my renjun (have yet to be a dreamzen my b :(() and the no. 1 solieber. i was serious when i said you're the reason my other blog exists; you've been the biggest hype person when it came down to me going out of my comfort zone and writing. i was so nervous going up to talk to you at first kjfdhgkj but now, you're just another silly guy in my phone screen :DD thank you for sending all your updates about life and putting up with mine even though they never get answered- seungmin to not only my minho, but hyunjin too, let's keep being #Silly, yeah?? it's already the actual new years day when you're receiving this so i hope the year is off to a good start.
𖣂 ┈ ⟡ ˒ @sohyuki . . . MINT im hoarding the ask that you sent me on christmas day. im always so happy when you've shown up on dash and while im sad about how you've let tumblr mainly behind, i know it's for the better since well, interactions have been shit and probably will never get back up to the standard we held them to, even with all the effort put in. you are such an amazing all around person and like i said in my christmas note to you, keep writing. hoard it, feed into it, you have something wonderful going on with it.
𖣂 ┈ ⟡ ˒ @kamiyatos . . . user kamiyatos!!! lee!!! HELLO!!! it's always such a pleasure to talk to you and i hope you know that i keep your ramble about malleus' character and your plot idea for him in the back of my mind constantly, even though that ask has been lost to my actions of deactivation on my old blog. you're the biggest ayato fan i know who supports my works about him vocally AND you understand my vision on his personality... it's truly touching, y'know? thank you for being there, even when we don't talk as much as we should. i hope this year has been kind on you and the next one is even kinder.
𖣂 ┈ ⟡ ˒ @yinyinggie . . . yingyingyingyingerkjshkjfdg ok this may come as a shock, or maybe you already knew and were just playing along, but we used to be mutuals before the summer of last year. secret identity revealed ig?? eh im sure if you dig far enough into my dark past™️ you'll find smth about it so im not going to say anything about it :P but! one thing has stayed the same for sure: you are so easy and so fun to talk to and make conversation with. you know that ramble i left on the astro twerk form about feedback for the server? yeah. im 100% truthful. you've made something so inclusive and positive, have done to much to get tumblr active, please know that your efforts aren't wasted. im sure they feel like it at times but i appreciate it so much. and im sure others have the same sentiment.
𖣂 ┈ ⟡ ˒ @mhiieee . . . MHIEEEEEEEE MY SCARA FAN !!!! i love and adore your works so much and not to mention your characterization of scaramouche is top tier. ive got a lot to learn from you, mhie; i don't think you realize how much there is to admire when it comes to you as a person. you find such meaning and connection in the words and the world, the sincerity that comes with it,,,,, it makes me want to sob and roll around while also simultaneously wanting to take your brain apart neuron by neuron and psychoanalyze you. not in the freudian way though. ive had the greatest honor of being able to interact with you on not just one, but two!!! servers!!! i think it's a little silly how much i smile when you reply to smth dumb ive said on disc. have a great new year :))
𖣂 ┈ ⟡ ˒ @ryuryuryuyurboat . . . RYUUUUUU literally the most stunning person to walk the planet ever like. hello??? our first interactions came from that ebg funny enough. does a little ★🪽 anon ring a bell? i only ever got around to sending you one sabo during that time but i hope you did enjoy what i came up with on the spot, i never was very good when it came down to kaeya's character. you are so intelligent and such an amazing individual, please always remember that.
𖣂 ┈ ⟡ ˒ @snobwaffles / @2nobwaffles . . . SNOB SNOB SNOB i always think of the pokemon when your name comes up. in my head, you will always be snom, the bug-ice type pokemon <33 IT'S SO FUN TALKING TO YOU and we haven't been mutuals for long either. im always thinking of the advice you left me when it came down to my rant about an irls party and there's something about the way you're able to appreciate and take note and find beauty int he smallest of things that get brought up. i wish you the complete best that 2024 has to off you. keep calm and snob on :DD
𖣂 ┈ ⟡ ˒ @itaerae & @mins-fins . . . im putting the two of you together because well, i met you both at the same time through the server. while i can't consider it and, ive never really had such an inviting time in a server, much less a network, as ive had in zumblr. really, it's you two that i owe thanks to. our silly little convos are so fun and im forever thankful that ive found people to talk to on a server for once.
𖣂 ┈ ⟡ ˒ @https-furina . . . the best server mother fr!!! omg it's so nice talking to you :((( i love the warmth of your words and how your emotions shine through text. it feels like i can practically envision the fond eyeball or the warm smile that you may or may not have on your face when messaging. i’ve had such a great time in the network and your pet names fjfbdjdbjdb have a great 2024 heh :DD
𖣂 ┈ ⟡ ˒ @lethwal & @astrinityy . . . i don't think you guys realize how fun it was when we were all "debating" and accusing me of being a furry. honestly, i haven't had to stifle laughter like that in the middle of the night as hard as i did for a small while. not too long but long enough. it was a breath of fresh air and it was genuinely amazing to just be able to put the present on the back burner and play around like that. even though it was kind of late for me when that was happening- ignore that. it's always late for me when im online atp. i hope we can get past those baseless accusations you have both placed on me tehe. have a happy new years, you two. ALSO YIXIN!! GA-MING PROTECTION SQUAD RISEEEEE
𖣂 ┈ ⟡ ˒ @/zumblr . . . there's so many of you and i can't find the proper words to express the welcome i felt when added to the server. it was nerve wracking, ive never really gotten around to talking to that many people or being that open on the internet before. it's funny how one summer can bring you out of your shell a little, eh? and all bc of some guys on screen lmao. thank you for the support and im happy to have met such wonderful people. thank you, again. @urielphix I AM. DETERMINED TO READ ADAD JUST YOU WAIT
𖣂 ┈ ⟡ ˒ @ everyone else, all my mutuals as of now and past, who weren't mentioned or mutuals who want to read something again . . . hello!! im sorry to disappoint by not adding you properly and for not giving a personalized thanks; it wasn't anything against it you at all. reason 1) i probably forgot as um. goldfish brain or 2) we just became mutuals pretty recently and haven't had the chance to really talk much / have been sort of long term but haven't talked much.
either way though, thanks for sticking around! im not the most. literate person. sometimes LMAO and im far from being a proud person of skill when it comes to the right words to say to people but im always happy when people find something worth it in my silly words. i hope we get to interact more in the future, as long as you can put up with my inconsistent (to say the least) replies and brain boggling posts that come from the depths of the midnight zone, that is. get ready for the ride that is this. clusterfuck of a blog place. LMAO,,,, if you haven't already scrolled through my stuff. if you have then um ready for more??? fkdjhgkjlghf
if you've made it to the end, thank you. and why?? im not that interesting or cool as everyone makes me out to be. if you had told 2019 me on tumblr that 4 years later, id be posting my works for everyone to see and also be proud of my own poetry, i would have laughed and called you absolutely insane. some of you have sat through me going through different gender and pronoun crises on dash back in 2020, and some of you ive only met this month.
whatever our situation is, i wish all the best for everyone . i’ll support you guys until the end of the earth and then some. have the happiest of happy new years, may your futures always be brighter than you say they are, and i’ll see you later 💛
sincerely — sol / jun
#🔎. navi !#// do not perceive me im going to go curl up in a corner now#// ive never been this sentimental or thought out a personal post quite as much as this one#// vulnerability isn't my strong suit ok???#// i wish these were more put together TwT
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hi :3 I’m new to your blog but god god I LOVE YOUR CONTENT ARGHJDHDN
I never thought I could like parental / family tropes but here I am. This is too good . Seriously.
As I already said , I’m new so I might have missed if you already said this but- will there be new chapters for your story “two worlds among the stars?”
I’ve binge read it and I would really like to read more (without forcing anybody ofc!! I’m just appreciating a fellow writer’s work)
Okay uh bye
First of all, I hope you're going to see this, anon...
I feel especially bad when I need ages to answer anonymous ask, because I know that person won't get a notification, when I finally do answer it. And if that person doesn't follow my blog the chances of them seeing it are slim.
And I got this ask almost two weeks ago...
So dear anon, if you see this please let me know in some kind of way!
I said this before, but I'll say it again:
I feel so honoured every time I get an ask/comment/dm like this. Like... people take the time to write something like this, and the whole purpose of it is letting me know they like my writing... that's so wild!
Firstly, to answer your question:
Yes, there'll definitely be more chapters of "2WATS". I mentioned how many chapters in total I have planned a while ago, but I can't remember the exact number and I'm too lazy to look it up rn, but it's definitely going to be in the double digit area.
I can't tell when the next chapter will be out, though...
It's been a while since I've written anything and I have a hard time getting back to it. You probably know the struggle as a fellow writer.
I started to work on two other project, but everything I write just... sucks? And the motivation to work on it again just isn't there... and I really don't want the same thing to happen when I start to work on chapter 8 of "2WATS".
I know this probably won't get better if I don't write, but trying to write anyting frustrates me a lot atm...
But please don't be shy about asking when the next chapter will be out, I'm not annoyed by it or anything (as long as you're not rude about it), I believe it encourages me even to get back to writing again.
Also, if you don't mind me asking, what made you read my story? (damn, I'm hoping you read this, anon)
I know there are two people who joined the g/t community recently, who also like parental g/t, but I don't think you're one of them since you mentioned you're new to my blog, and not the community in general, and you didn't think you'd like the trope...
So what made you read it?
Like I genuinely wanna know.
I for example have no problem with reading a fanfic for a fandom I'm not even in on AO3, if the tags sound promising.
I recently read a jjk fanfic and I didn't even watch the anime, hell I barely know what it is about! I obviously can't tell, if any of the characters were ooc (the plot definitely probably doesn't have much to do with canon anyway), but I don't give a damn, because it was a foster story! And I'm definitely going to read the next chapter when it comes out! But does that mean I'm going to watch jjk? No!
And yet...
When it comes to tropes that I don't like or ain't interested in, it's unlikely I'm going to read a fanfic for a fandom I'm actually in.
So how about you? :)
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PART TWO OF THE FIC !! the fic I'm writing was originally published on wattpad and quotev !! I'm rewriting them on my other platforms and giving you guys the decently edited !! as my grammar sucks and I know my fic will never be like outwardly perfect :(( ANYWHOOO ENJOY

if you ever want a part to be on specific people lemme know :DD
the lord ran, her steps quick as a small " ack " escaped her parted lips as she nearly slipped on the cobblestone steps, her eyes wide as she watched the blurs of people rush by – the wind causing her hair to flail in her face while the people around her,, her people watched her form, concern written all over their faces, donna sitting on logan's stand - the male not noticing as he was faced away, fixing up his stand yet donna noticed, her eyes following the lord's figure as her gut dropped, she knew something wasn't right yet she just couldn't point out what it is, she felt a small poke to her side as she jolted turning to see her husband with a smirk on his face as he kept poking her sides, trying to get her off. " logan!! " she screamed playfully as he laughed " that's my name – don't wear it out " he said as he winked toward her the two laughing as she got off, as he leaned her over to press a kiss against her lips, it caused her worries to melt away.
the ebony haired female soon came to a stop, her eyes on the guard tower that was made watching as it towered over the village, as she opened the iron door, her hair sticking to her face as she took deep breaths; wheezing as she leaned herself down as she noticed the three were staring at her. " lady aphmau! are you alright? " garroth ; the head guard asked worry lacing his words as she simply nodded her head, " I am " she paused, a frown on her face as she took a few deep breaths in, the three nervously straighten themselves " but y/n isn't " she finally said, her eyes casted towards the ground. " WHAT?! " the three had yelled, moving much closer to the lord. " WHAT HAPPENED?! " garroth yelled, his hands moving towards his helmet as he held onto it tightly " WHERE IS SHE?! " laurance was the next one, his usual playful and flirtatious demeanor long forgotten as his eyes were wide it seems as if the news had caused is eyes to become a tad bit watery as the sun that shined had given his crystal blue eyes to shine slightly " IS SHE DEAD?! " dante was the last one to ask, his voice held a tone of horror, his eyes shining as he was on his knees gripping aphmau's arm as tears seemed to stick to his face – as that was the one question that had caused the two other guards to panic more.
" no, oh irene no! she's not dead !! " the shorter female said, clearly upset at the idea as this caused the three to calm down a bit " I'll explain on the way there ! she's at lucinda's place " once she finished dante had sprinted away, while the two tried to calm themselves down before they did the same. " DANTE! COME BACK " laurance screamed his hands over his mouth to amplify his voice more yet once he knew his yell was deaf to the blue haired man he stopped, the three walked rather quickly, aphmau explaining the accident and that lucinda should probably explain it more - she also mentioned that y/n had no recollection of who she was once, which made the two guards oddly happy, yet they weren't going to show it, why would they want to show their true intentions?
making it to the platform as they made it through, the sound of yelling was noticeable and it caused them to worry, pausing as they begin to make it upwards, the three made their way up as dante paced. " this is my fault - if only I stopped her " he said, his eyes dripping with tears. aphmau watched clearly distraught that her guard was panicking, her eyes ventured to the sleeping y/n - the other two making their way to dante, bringing him into a hug.
" it's not your fault dante " garroth said, as he patted dante's back, laurance straightened his posture as he looked straight ahead with a small frown etched on his features . " if it's anyone's fault it's mine " he murmured, his head faced down. " if only I wasnt busy talking to cadenza and joined her " he said, as dante and garroth sent him a look, clearly worried for him. " no - " dante was cut off abruptly. " it's nobody but my own fault " that caused the three to jump and turn, turning to face the h/c female as she rubbed her head. " I might not remember anything - but I do know that you shouldn't blame yourself for someone else's mistakes " she mused, her eyes soon landing on aphmau as she sent her a smile.
" hello again!! I'm sorry to cause you all this trouble, from what l - lucinda said, you're the lord of this place - what was it called again " she murmured softly to herself not wanting to be rude. " phoenix drop " aphmau said, a kind smile on her face as y/n seemed to relax. " yes !! sorry " she said, her head bowed a bit, as an apologetic smile graced her lips. " I don't blame you, you did lose your memory ! " she said, reassuring the h/c female.
" now that you're up - I'll show you around " she said, offering the taller female her arm, y/n gladly taking it, dante soon stood in front of the two. " lady aphmau, how about I do it! you seem tired " he said quickly as his smile was a rather charming one. " no, I'm go - " she was cut off by laurence who slid over and placed his arm on dante. " oh no no, as the second in command I should do it!! " he said, as the three began to argue, she looked over at garroth who was awkwardly standing to the side – simply watching, she softly unlinked her arm from aphmau and made her away over, feeling someone come towards him - he swiftly turned his head, his hidden narrowed eyes now wide.
" a - ah lady y/n ! what can I do for you ? " he asked, his voice muffled as y/n sent him a smile. " it seems as they cant decide on who will show me around ! " she hummed out as she stopped infront of him. " how about you show me around, sir? " she asked nervously as garroth kept his widen gaze on her, unbeknownst to the h/c girl a blush was rising on his hidden face. " I would love too !! " he said, clearly excited - yet was quick to straighten his posture as a giggle left her lips. " you can call me garroth, no sir or any formalities " he said, his hand grabbing hers softly - as she cheerily nodded and the two soon left, dante realized y/n wasnt in aphmau's hold now, blinking as he looked around as he noticed garroth was also gone.
" hey, where'd they go? " dante asked as the two froze. " they left not to long ago " lucinda informed as she felt the jealousy slowly trying to consume her, yet she inhaled through her teeth as she forced herself to smile as she turned towards them, bigglesworth hooting as lucinda sent the owl a harsh glare as she now began to straighten her posture, her eyes casted upon the room quietly. " they're currently near the plaza " she simply said as they began to quickly dash away, once they were gone a grin began to form on her lips.
" truly, she will be mine, simply and honestly. . now back to work bigglesworth !! there is much to do " she murmured, a giggle left her lips as she turned and began her way back to the many stands of potion.
#aphblr#aphverse#yandere aphmau#yandere! minecraft diaries#DIVINELY MINE is probably the tag I'll use for it#enjoy?
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OOOH I love those AUs! Also, yessss to almost all of shows you listed. I really liked TOH but I've never really watched any other iterations of tmnt other then Rise.
Hmmm foods... I really like cherries. Also BBQ chicken!
And I do! I draw and write. :DD
What's the back story behind your profile picture? It looks very strange and fun. Do you have any AU ideas/ head cannons you'd be willing to share with me?
I am also a big fan of cherries and BBQ chicken!
For my profile picture, it was just a silly little meme I found on pinterest like 3 years ago and decide I would use it cause it was funny!
As for headcanons, for some reason I always hit all my favorite characters with the transgender beam. Like, Jim Hawkins from treasure planet? Bam, transgender. Jim Lake from toa? Bam, transgender. Leo from every single tmnt iteration? Bam, transgender. Zuko? You guessed it, he transed his gender. The list goes on. (Also I forgot to mention Danny Phantom, Gravity Falls, and HTTYD on the last post)
Other headcanons include:
1. All of the Rise turtles besides Mikey love taking baths/swimming cause they're all aquatic. When Mikey was little he'd throw the biggest tantrums ever during bath time while all the others were practically falling over eachother to get in the tub.
2. There had to have been times when the boys snuck out and to the surface when they were little. (Probably how they met April). There was probably a time when they got cornered by a dog or something when they were still little and it was up to Raph to protect them. This gave him a crippling fear of dogs for years until he met a really sweet pit bull. Cause just like him, people look at those kinds of dogs and immediately think "big and scary and will hurt me" but in reality they're absolute sweethearts. Now he's pretty much over his fear.
3. Billy Bones and Captain Nathaniel Flint were totally gay and in love. I will elaborate if you ask but I'll just leave it at that for now.
4. When Hakoda finally properly meets Zuko, Aang, and Toph he just automatically adopts them. They all practically have "adopt me" written in bold letters on their foreheads. He is now the proud father of 5 kids, a lemur, a sky bison, and whoever/whatever else his kids decide to bring home.
5. Now I'm just gonna talk about Tales of Arcadia ROTT for a bit. If you have not seen the show or movie, then I'm incredibly sorry about this long ass rant I'm about to go on. Feel free to skip the next 10 paragraphs.
In the end of TOA ROTT, Jim was not thinking clearly at all. He had just watched his best friend, one of his father figures, and so many of his other friends die. His entire world was crashing down on him, and he just wanted things to go back to normal. When he used the Chronosphere, he wasn't actually fully in control of how far back it took him. He was just desperate to go back to a time where his friends and family were safe. The sphere picked up on that, and took him way back to the very beginning before anything bad ever happened to him and his friends.
When Toby showed up, alive and 2 years younger than the one he just watched die, all he could think was that he needs to keep him safe this time. In the first timeline, he had the amulet, Claire had magic, and all of his other friends (aside from Steve and Eli) were magical creatures or warriors. Toby was just a human with a hammer. In his messed up state of mind, the only way he could think to keep Toby safe was for him to have the amulet instead. The amulet had saved Jim's life a bunch of times, so it would protect Toby if he was the trollhunter.
I think after things had calmed down, and Jim had a chance to properly think about what he had done, he would regret this decision immensely. Because being the trollhunter puts a major target on one's back. Yes, the amulet protects Toby, but it also curses him with the burden of being some great warrior and protecting an entire species. This would just crush Jim with guilt, because he knows the struggles a trollhunter goes through and he just doomed his friend to them.
Also, the past 2 years of Jim's life was essentially erased. He's 2 years younger, has none of the scars that he's gained over the past 2 years, and is basically in a body that is no longer his own. People who were his friends, his family, the day before, are now back to being enemies or have simply no idea who he is yet. Hell, he was a troll for a year, and suddenly he's back to being a scrawny 15 year old with no proof of what he's been through other than the mental scars. He's barely the same person. He has so many issues. You know he has ptsd, anxiety, and probably body issues because again, he was a troll, and now he's back to being a 15 year old human boy. (Also I headcanon him as trans so him suddenly detransitioning by 2 years would definitely fuck him up a bit.)
His mannerisms have changed, he has different habits than before, and now he has a huge variety of triggers that no one else knows about anymore. For everyone around him, it must seem like he was suddenly replaced with someone else. This causes a lot of tension and issues with people like his mom and Toby.
And Claire. For him, just yesterday they were in love, they had spent the last 2 years of their lives fighting side by side, growing as individuals together. He was probably planning on proposing to her. And now she doesn't even know who he is. Not to mention he is mentally 18 now, and she is back to being only 15/16. I feel like even though he promised her before he went back in time that he would never give up on winning her back, he would be hesitant to do so now. He would probably wait until she's older to try and pursue their relationship again, which would likely tear him apart.
And don't even get me started on everyone else. Blinky was literally his dad. And now he doesn't even know who he is. I imagine that being around Blinky again would be difficult for him. Just yesterday, Jim could call this man "dad". Now, Blinky is back to having 0 parental instincts for this kid and is probably weirded out by Jim's behavior at first. With Toby being the Trollhunter, Blinky would be more focused on him. Jim would essentially be kinda cast aside at first. I imagine he would feel like he's being abandoned again just like with James Lake Sr. Same thing with Strickler. The guy was his step dad, and now he's suddenly back to being an evil changeling who wants to kill them.
And all the little things, that to him are perfectly normal, are no longer known by anyone else. All their inside jokes have lost their meanings. And he knows personal things about people who don't even remember his name now. I imagine that there would be times where they're all hanging out, having a good time, sharing memories. He'd bring up something that to him, is a treasured memory shared by all his friends and family. Only for no one else to understand what he's talking about. He'd have to play it off, say it must have been a dream or he was just remembering things wrong, and it would kill him inside.
And everyone who hangs around him would know that something is off. Something is wrong with him. They would all pick up on the fact that something happened to him, but he never says what. For Toby and Barbara, this would be especially distressing. To them, Jim just suddenly woke up one day a completely different person and they have no idea why. And it's not like he can just admit that he's from a doomed future and has experienced unspeakable horrors.
Okay I have so much more to say on this topic but it is getting long as hell. I honestly should make this a separate post but I'm too lazy for that :/ Also so sorry again if you haven't watched TOA and have no clue what I'm talking about right now...
Anyways! More questions for you! Do you have any au/headcanons you want to share? (Literally any fandom you want to talk about). What are your top favorite colors? And what do you like to write/draw?
#I went a little overboard on the TOA stuff...#tales of arcadia#toa trollhunters#tmnt#🌻 anon#I am very much enjoying this tho!
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Also curious about 9 and 21... :)
Thanks for dropping back back in! :DDDDD
9. Hmmmm, no unfinished fics; but I have a few free-floating metas around. Two? three? that are for the randomfoggytiger Christmas presents. And, actually, I might have one in my drafts that I forgot about. (Drafts are mostly filled with fic lists and a sentence or two to flesh out later.)
21. Quite a few! ;))) I treasure each tag and I treasure the repeat readers or viewers who like my work and I treasure the rare drop-in. All have their advantages, and all are the spice of life~.
However, my specific, prominent memories were a bit long; so I had to include a cut.
You replying to each and every one of my HTGSC meta posts with an enthusiastic gif really, really made the work I put into that series worth it and more. I looked forward to putting out each post and running to the tags to read you and @baronessblixen and @dd-is-my-guiltypleasure comments (all of which I treasure); and I'd even include sections or points I thought would be particularly interesting for the three of you to come across organically as you read. ;)))
The support behind my first "Musical" X-Files episode edit was so kind that I pop them open to reread occasionally; and it was @baronessblixen's enthusiasm for the section where Scully walks in and the music softly changes that gave me the extra push to work on the next one--TINH: Scully's Solo-- which I believe is my favorite despite its inadequate lip sync at times (that song gets me every time.) Not to mention she and @demon-fetal-harvest left the first two (of three) comments that still make me tear up, mainly because it was such a rewarding moment for an editingfoggytiger.
I've already said every single comment on "Son of Egypt" because it was my first fic and everyone I tagged piled on and left something so, so wonderful in the reblogs; but ALSO every single comment on "The Dead Are Everywhere, Scully". The first fic was a shoot-from-the-hip, the second was more "planned"; and I couldn't be more awed and thrilled that both were so well-received.
Specific fic moments that meant a lot (because I'll do an overview sometime before the New Year, I've just decided): @baronessblixen loving the banter in my longer, bantery fics ("Time Passing in Moments" and "Something Approaching a Normal Life" and "I Think He's a Hard Kid to Love"), which is my favorite style to write; @agent-troi crying a little over "The Dead Are Everywhere, Scully", and tagging "naughty naughty puffball" (which I quote in unhealthy doses) on my AU Queequeg fic ("Regardless of His Actions Last Night"); @amplifyme's poignant encouragement as I flexed my writing muscle (and that my Krycek fic was one of her reblogs~); @perpetually-weirdening and @baronessblixen enjoying the comedy I didn't know I'd written into "How Much You're Like Ahab"; @nachosncheezies's tags on "My Religious Convictions Are Hardly the Issue Here" making me feel like a peacock; and @xxsksxxx and @tossingmyglossymane and @stephy-gold and @wexleresque (and agent-troi and you!) enjoying how all their prompts turned out~. (And every single comment on “Kids Today, Huh?” because it was out of my canon wheelhouse and I worked hard to maintain their more mature relationship while sidestepping IWTB and Revival requirements.)
And I just wrapped up Eight Nights of Mulder-- my second fic event (and first personally created event! with friends!)-- with fics I'd written the previous month; and, though their style was a bit wonky for my norm (weird writer things that happen), they turned out alright, I think. The comments on Day 2 (and the not-Hanukkah wedding swan getting broken) were a highlight, ngl. ;)))
And that's that! XDDD It was long; but I had a lot to say, apparently.
Drop in anytime; and thanks, again, for the ask! :DDD
#asks#welsharcher#fanfic asks#this one got looooooooooooooooooong#and believe it or not I chopped it short
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Ayukawa Taiyou random facts?
I chose Mithra as my starting character and i have been obsessed with him. Of course while watching mahosute i came to really like his actor! i call him ayu san, ayukawa san, or ayu. people tend to call him Taiyou kun or just Taiyou. how i write his name depends on my mood and sometimes i get affected by how the people who interact with him call him. but yeah! him!
Since this is a personal archive kinda? it will not be very organized. i'll think about organizing it later. feel free to correct me, fellow ayu san enjoyers.
Name: Ayukawa Taiyou (鮎川太陽); His name, Taiyou, means the Sun in Japanese!
DoB: January 18th 1991; Every time he sees the number 118 he will immediately go "!!! ohh!! my birthday!" (jp date format is yyyy/mm/dd hence the 1/18-->118)
Height: 188 cm; He's taller than Mithra by 1 cm! his arms and legs are also very long. People tend to comment on how long his legs are (common praise for tall people especially models)
Aside from butai, he also does voice acting, modeling, and movie/tv actor.
(observation) He touches his earrings a lot when he is thinking about something
People tend to get intimidated by his height thinking he's a scary person.
(observation) He laughs a lot. like, a LOT. his humor standard is on the ground.
He mentioned that when he was a teenager, he was very edgy and hated interacting with people so most of the time he just try to erase his presence and minimize any interaction.
His sister is a flight attendant
He has crazy sweet tooth! he loves his sweets! (which is a nice gap moe because the stereotype in japan is that men don't really like sweet stuffs. then we have this 188 cm guy who enjoys eating really sweet pastries)
he has very low alcohol tolerance! he mentioned that half a can of beer can make him tipsy
Prefers mashed potato with his steak than fried potato
He used to work as a bartender for 5 years in famous expensive drinking areas in Tokyo
(observation) when he is thinking or listening, he tends to look at random places and not at the camera or his speaking partner. maybe he's looking at the staffs!? i want to know what he's looking at!
because people tend to be scared of him because he's tall, he always tries to do cheerful greetings in new environments/locations to show that he's friendly. but, depending on what kind of role he has, he might try to match the character's aura like being calmer and cooler when greeting as Mithra's actor.
he has a streaming series called Taiyou no Uchuu channel (Taiyou's universe, which might be a pun to his name). it airs once a month on his agency's official niconico channel. if you are not a member, you can only watch the first 30 mins of his streams. https://ch(.)nicovideo(.)jp/productionTV
James kun (shylock's actor) mentioned that they are very close
(observation) When he looks down, his right eye closes a bit more than his left. i think this feature of him is really cute.
when traveling by plane, he prefers to use ANA over JAL
He used to be very insecure about his height and deep raspy voice because people keep commenting on it and sometimes make fun of it. but now, he's very proud of these features of his!
He takes good care of his belongings! he said that he always make sure to get clothes he doesn't wear a lot cleaned at least once a year. this includes clothes he received from events when he was in highschool
ayu is good at planning and taking care of schedule, but he's forgetful about his stuffs! in a recent (march 2024) skiing trip, he forgot his clothes in the skiing place coin locker and didn't notice until after he's on his way home(how??)
he can't resist the temptation of sales bargain... even if he doesn't really need it, he will attempt to buy stuffs if it is on sale! he will enter a store, look at the discounted products, take pics of the ones that caught his eyes, and went on to the next store to compare the product/price and will go back to the best one later by looking at the pictures
apparently he enjoys cheaper stuffs (cheap taste if you will lmao). He did "guess which one is more expensive" game on one of his streams and almost everything he likes better is the cheaper items! (he lost the game because of this)
he used to attend a wine-tasting class but he gets drunk really quickly when drinking wine so he stopped going
he likes collecting merch of the characters he played! he's happy when fans give him a box of gacha merch for him to open himself. he also enjoy collecting pokemon cards. sometimes he opens merch gacha with a guest on his stream and make a bet on who can get more characters of their choice.
ayu has so many store point cards that he put all of the point cards in a TCG deck guard box
ayu is well-organized and well-prepared. on a stream where he was asked to show viewers what was in his bag, there were A LOT of stuffs (his bag must be really heavy). from notes, make up, medicine, butai manuscript, etc.
he likes chocolate-flavored stuffs
he used to be in a boy-group as a teenager before becoming a full-time actor (2002-2007)
in 2024, he was contacted by a former group member from his boy-group but the message was so sus he thought it was a scam message. he posted about it on twitter and got a reply from the actual person saying the message is legit. (i like how his first reaction to the sus message is to post about it on twitter and asking everyone if this is legit lmaooo)
on one of his streams, he said that he missed streaming and interacting with his fans even though it hasn't been that long since his last stream. then he said "i wonder why?? are you guys my partner or something lmao???" (reminder that parasocial relationship goes both ways :'))
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okay first i have read your satosugu fics and the pacific rim fic one you’re so RIGHT I CAN SEE THE SIMILARITIES esp with yizhi and suguro also with how they seem so gentle and kind n smiley but when it comes to the ones they love they’re on it to jump whoever is threatening them!!
(also i’ve realised as anon i’ve said it a lot but not as 📚 anon so i have to mentioned i am literally IN LOVE with your writing you’re so talented and amazing and spectacular seriously!!)
second for the hozier nfwb i can definitely see wooyoung as one of them that would probably protect her but also i feel like in the slight future jongho would because he seems more of an acts of service person and he would consider going cray cray protectay for anyone who thinks about hurting bug
and also lowkey i can just imagine as she mostly works defensively rather than offense wooyoung would protect her from the injured eye side and they’d like work together in battle and understand each other v v well because they’ve already picked up on each others habits while fighting so they know what to cover from the other persons weakness
- 📚 (ALSO also i just finished iron widow by accident i was just gonna read like a few more chapters then i see the acknowledgments…? it finished so quick?? was a good read though!)
yes haha!! I absolutely wrote gods and monsters after reading half of iron widow xD I was just so into the universe that I couldn't help it,, I needed my own satosugu au hehe :3 and I'm weak for the seemingly sweet and gentle characters that are secretly pretty dark and protective of the ones they love <3 suguru is a little more silly than yizhi I think since he and satoru are pretty much menaces but I still think they're pretty similar xD
(also thank you so much omg <33 I'm so glad you like my fics,, it means the world :')) )
and yes yes!! I absolutely think wooyoung fits 'nothing fucks with my baby,' like first for seonghwa in the beginning, and soon for bug ;D (I mean y'all are gonna see in the next chapter if he really fits the lyrics I guess hehehehe >:DD <- that's me laughing maniacally)
but oooooo I hadn't considered jongho before but that totally makes sense,, he's def an acts of service person, and I think he absolutely would go off the rails if someone hurt bug or atz (and we will see more of jongho and his love languages in the future too, we'll hit a jongho centric chapter soon ;) )
NOO STOP I'LL CRY :')) woobug fighting together absolutely happens like that,, woo def covers bug's blindside and makes sure she doesn't get hit there - she fights defensively, and I think at first woo will cover for her in terms of offense, but I also think he wants to teach her how to protect herself :') he knows partially how she feels and wants her to be able to know that she can fight for herself (and for others) when she needs -- they def understand each other in battle very well (and we'll see more of that soon too hehe)
I'm dropping so many spoilers here omg xD
(I have a few chapters left of iron widow!! I'm very excited to finish, but I'm also dreading it because I love it so much :') I've never found an actual healthy polyamorous relationship where everyone is actually in love with each other in books before so I am savoring them while I can :')) -- the closest I ever got to poly couples was the infernal devices trilogy by Cassandra Clare,, I desperately wanted will, Jem and Tessa to all be together </3 )
#moonie speaks#gods and monsters#like the moon#moonie's anons#moonie's 📚 anon#like the moon spoilers
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The Agony of Desire
Part 13 // Masterlist
A/N: I've never been able to see Billy Russo and BB as the same person, I know I've mentioned it before... but my brain doesn't link them together even though I know logically that they share the same face. This is why I was able to continue to write for Billy Russo. But it was definitely hard at first. I'm not sure if I'll be able to write any new things about him- right now I'm just determined to finish the things I've started. I can't look at pictures of him, so you'll see me using less gifs of his face.
Warnings: Smut (18+), consensual dub-con (everything is consented to beforehand), oral (m and f receiving), dd/lg scene, daddy kink (Billy does get a bit creepy but it's all part of the scene), p in v sex, many mentions of sex throughout, office sex, car sex, mentions and talks of pregnancy, mafia themes, mentions of murder, canon typical themes.
P.S. I'm really sorry in advance 💖
Dedicated to, @bustlingcrowdsxorxsilentsleepers, @pillow-titties, @justchloe2184 and so many more that my tags would not work for but if you commented or reblogged part 12... I mean you 😘😘
"Ever has it been that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation."
― Kahlil Gibran
"Are you lost, little girl?"
From your spot on the bench of the museum, you look up.
He's dressed down, a casual grey shirt and some fitted jeans that are paired with boots shined so pristinely that you want to rub your dripping center all over them.
You give him a fake sniffle.
"My daddy left me here and told me he'd be right back but it's been hours."
You can see the delight in his eyes.
"Oh, you poor thing," he says, taking the open seat next to you, "Little girls shouldn't be left alone. Who knows what kind of trouble they can get into?"
You frown, pretend wiping at the corner of your eye.
"I'm no trouble Mister, I'm really good. Daddy always tells me I'm really good."
He clears his throat, looking around, you think you can make out how tight his pants gets.
"Okay, maybe we can go look for him. I have a phone in my car. Why don't you come with me?"
You swallow, pretending to be shy.
"I'm not supposed to go off with strangers." You murmur, looking away instead of at him.
"Oh, poor sweet girl. I'm not a stranger am I? I'm Billy. I can help you if you want."
You swallow, looking up at him, nodding your head eventually, and taking his hand when he stands.
The key was to dress innocent, without having it look childish in any way. You think you accomplished that with your cozy oversized sweater and sheer tights look paired with a little skirt. The paw of your sweater eats his hand as he guides you to his Jeep, sitting in the far end of an underground parking lot. The windows are tinted dark, perfect for a debauched man to have his way with you.
"Oh! Is this your Jeep? It's really nice, Mister."
He looks back to give you a wicked grin.
"Thank you, my phone's in the back. Why don't you hop on in?" He pulls open the door, and the Jeep is so high off the ground that he has to grip your hips firmly to give you a boost. If anything, it makes you so much more aroused that he picked this vehicle.
You scoot in, sliding to give him space to get in next to you. When you look around for the phone and can't see it, you turn to look at him curiously.
He smiles, leaning forward, and you gulp, leaning back. His body gets very close to yours, his breath hits your lips and he smiles at the uncomfortable look you give him. One hand is behind you rummaging around, and his other hand smoothes over your knee for a short moment.
"Here it is." He says, pulling a phone free and placing it unlocked in your palms.
You type in your own number, and give him a little smile as you press the phone to your ear.
You pretend to be too distracted to notice that his hand's still on your knee, but you can feel him, warm and gentle, where he's meant to be.
Your phone rings and rings, probably vibrating it's little life out on his countertop where you left it this morning.
"He's not answering." You say sadly, looking up at Billy.
He clicks his tongue, "Oh you poor thing. Lost, with no daddy to help you."
Your frown deepens, his hands slides a little higher up your thigh.
"What do I do?" You say to him, and he gives you a little smile, and a tilt of his head.
"Well, I can help you get home, little girl."
"Really?!" You say excitedly.
"Yeah, I can take you home to your daddy."
"Thank you!" You sing, throwing your arms around him, and you feel his palms on the backs of your thighs.
"Don't thank me just yet, princess. I need to get something in return."
You stiffen, pulling away to sit back, playing with the edge of your sweater.
"Well, what do you want?" You ask quietly, not looking up at him.
He smiles, leaning forward to brush a strand of hair away from your eyes.
"Why don't we start with a kiss?"
You gulp shaking your head.
"I'm only allowed to do that with my Daddy."
Billy leans forward, his hand snaking down to your shoulder.
"Well I don't see your daddy around. Do you?"
You think for a second before shaking your head again.
"Maybe I can be your daddy for a little bit. How does that sound princess?"
You bite the edge of your lip, nodding your head slowly.
"I'd like that, Mister."
He gives you a pleased smile and you can't help wiggling your legs excitedly, returning his smile.
"How about that kiss?" He asks.
You nod with determination, leaning forward, you have to brace your palms on his large thigh and tilt your head up for your lips to meet his. He doesn't make it easier, doesn't bend his head or even look down, forcing you to do all the work.
You press your mouth to his, and you sigh against his mouth. Your lips are slow and tentative, giving the impression that you're not too sure about this.
All too soon, you're pulling away, dropping your body back into a sitting position beside him.
"That's a kiss?" Billy asks, unimpressed.
You frown.
"Is that the kind of kiss that makes your daddy happy? That's pathetic."
Your lip wobbles.
"I'm sorry, that's just what daddy taught me."
He cups your cheeks and you sniffle.
"Oh, poor princess, its not your fault at all. You just haven't been taught well enough."
You don't meet his eyes, letting him take a moment to study your sad expression.
"I can teach you if you want." Billy offers.
You perk up.
"Yes, really. Close your eyes."
You do as he says.
"Now," his voice is deep and low, "just copy what I do, okay?"
"'Kay." You whisper.
His mouth descends on yours.
Devouring would be a kind word.
Billy starts slowly, with feverish kisses and heated moans but it doesn't last long at all, before he's licking at the seam of your lips.
"Open that pretty mouth for me princess." He says, or rather commands, and you obey.
His tongue is slippery and dextrous against yours. He finds a way to explore the cavern of your mouth thoroughly, sloppily, just like a true perversive man would.
He keeps it filthy, not stopping when you make a sound of protest as he leans over you, letting his body cover yours, forcing you to lean back against your will.
You hardly notice he's slipping his hands under your shirt and tugging at the cups of your bra until it's too late.
You let out a shuddering sound of surprise, turning your head away to break the kiss as you realise he's pushed your sweater up and he's feeling shamelessly at your nipples. You raise your hands to grip at his wrists, trying to tug him away gently.
He kisses at your neck, pressing more of his solid weight on top of you to stop your resistance.
He's gentle with your nipples, rubbing slow circles into them, until they're stiff and puffy and begging for attention.
Pleasure sweeps up your spine in a syrupy mess, you can't resist him when he's teasing you like this, you can feel your body going pliant below him like it's accustomed to.
Thankfully, he pulls back, his mouth leaves your neck, and he even takes the time to right your bra, though the material is now uncomfortable on your aching nipples.
"Sorry baby girl, got a little carried away." Billy murmurs as he tugs your sweater down.
You pout at him.
"Does that mean you'll take me home now?"
"No, bunny," He says with a laugh, "We're not done kissing yet."
He reaches to grip the back of your neck with warm, slender fingers. Your head swims with the desire to be pliant for him.
"Have you ever kissed a cock, baby?" He asks, his other hand reaching down to undo the buckle of his belt.
You almost moan.
What should you say, yes? No? What would make him lose his mind?
"N-no sir." You finally decide.
Billy pauses as he gets the button of his jeans open.
"No?" He asks.
You shake your head as best as you can with his hand in your hair.
"Well we'll just have to fix that, won't we?" He says, undoing his zipper, and pulling his cock free.
Your mouth waters imperceptibly, aching for a taste of him.
His grip on the back of your head tightens, and he guides your mouth to his cock, leaving no room for argument.
"Go on, princess, give it a little kiss."
You do as he says, leaning in to press a soft kiss to the head of his cock. You're rewarded with a low moan, your skin tingling with the excitement.
You pause, looking up at him expectantly for more instructions.
"Wrap your lips around the tip, go on, no teeth baby. If I feel any teeth you're gonna be in big trouble."
You lick your lips before dropping your head again.
The tip of his cock is smooth, and slightly salty with his precum, you suck gently, exploring him with the tip of your tongue.
You let out a little noise of protest when he pushes your head deeper.
He groans again, and you hum in delight, taking the initiative to sink your head lower.
"Oh, princess." Billy moans. You can't resist rubbing your thighs together to get some kind of friction on your aching clit. You almost consider rubbing your clothed pussy against the edge of his seat, before you decide not to. Not wanting to risk the possibility of losing an orgasm.
You suck his cock eagerly, accepting the way he guides your head, using you gently but with purposeful strokes.
It's the sweet nothings in your ear that get you even wetter. He constantly praises you, telling you how good you're doing, how pretty you look slurping on his heavy cock and it encourages you to take him deeper, a little too enthusiastically until you gag around him.
You pull away shyly, gasping for breath and looking at him, a little ashamed that you might have disappointed him.
You squeak when he pulls you into him, being forced to straddle one of his thighs for purchase as his mouth descends on yours. His hands wander over your body eagerly, pulling at your clothes but never actually taking any off.
"Why don't you tug those leggings off and show me that pretty cunt, baby?" Billy asks when he pulls away. A little shy sound leaves your throat, looking up at him, unsure.
He nods his head in assurance, and you sigh, sitting back on his seat and tugging your shoes off, reaching up under your skirt to pull your sheer black tights down the length of your legs. You try not to shiver with his eyes fixed firmly on your movements, only looking up at him when your tights lay in a crumpled heap on the floor of his Jeep.
He's tucked his cock back into his boxers, and you almost pout when you notice, but he doesn't let you think about it for too long.
"Good. Now, lean back, spread your legs for me." He instructs.
You do as he says, propping one foot onto his seat so that he can see the glow of your white panties in the darkness of the van.
His eyes darken, and you swallow when you realise that the damp spot where your arousal is soaking through the fabric can be seen.
He watches you for a long moment, devouring the way you look.
"Take those little panties off for me too." He orders, and you gulp, shifting a little to slide them off.
He extends a hand to pluck them from your fist, grabbing your ankles to tug you closer to him, you yelp, your sweater and skirt rolling up in the process.
"Ever had your pussy kissed before, princess?"
"No, daddy." You hum, watching him bite down on his bottom lip so hard you swear it'll bleed.
"Your daddy never buried his tongue between your legs?"
"He said gentlemen don't do that." You whisper.
Billy scoffs angrily.
"Well, it's a good thing I'm no gentleman then." He mutters, before dropping his head between your thighs.
You cry out in surprise when his tongue meets your aching bud. He moans, the vibrations adding more pleasure to your clit.
It's filthy- the sounds he makes as he runs his tongue through your folds.
The backseat isn't spacious like a bed is, and Billy's large body is bowed in half in his determination to eat you out.
"Ah! Daddy, Daddy, Daddy, please!" You cry.
His mouth doesn't stop, his tongue feels like a probing appendage, hell bent on exploring every inch of your dripping cunt.
Your clit is stiff and throbbing when he sucks it between his lips, your back arching, your body trembles. His tongue laps over your clit before he stops, pulling away, licking his lips eagerly.
You mewl in protest, reaching for him in agitation but he swiftly grabs both your wrists to pin them beside your head.
"Daddyyyyyy," you cry, "feels really good, why'd you stop?"
"Calm down, princess." He says sternly, but you continue to pout, wriggling below him.
"I though you told me you weren't any trouble baby? That you were good. This isn't being good for me. Are you a little liar?" Billy taunts.
You pause, dropping your head in shame.
"Sorry, daddy." You say, slumping in defeat.
"That's alright princess. I only stopped to get you out of this heavy sweater. Do you want that?" He asks, fingers gripping at the edge of the sweater in question.
"Yes, daddy." You whisper, sighing when he carefully peels your thick sweater off your body. He unzips your skirt next, pulling it free before reaching to undo your bra.
"Look at you," he murmurs when he finally has you bare below him, "All naked and needy in the back of some stranger's car. This what you wanted, princess? To give your desperate cunt to the first man that was nice to you?"
"N-no sir. I jus' wanna go home to my daddy." You mumble, looking up at him.
"Oh princess," Billy sighs, dropping his head to lick a wet stripe from your collarbone to your jaw, "Don't you know that I'm your daddy now?"
You squeak in pleasure when his teeth sink into the skin of your neck gently. You moan loudly in response.
"Fuck. Look at these perfect tits. I could soak them in my cum if I wanted. What do you think?"
He asks, cupping a breast in either hand, massaging them gently.
"I'll be all messy." You protest lightly, eager to do whatever he wanted.
Billy hums deep in thought.
"You're right, I can always take you back to my place and cum all over your tits there."
"What?" You ask in surprise, "But you promised to take me home!"
Billy finally gives you his full predatory smile. It makes you shiver with excitement.
"I see no reason why we can't make my home into your home too... doesn't that sound like fun?"
You don't respond immediately, looking at him with furrowed eyebrows.
"Oh, don't be like that, baby. I bet I can convince this pretty cunt to come home with me. Shall I try?"
He doesn't wait for your response, kissing either breast and then tracing his way down your body. With each kiss, his beard tingles as it rubs against your skin.
His tongue is a lot slower when it slides over your clit the second time.
"Ohhhh..." you gasp, eyes rolling back in your head as he takes his time exploring you.
His hands grip your thighs tightly, and then he starts pushing his tongue deeper into your entrance. You gasp, the thought of this gorgeous man with his face pressed flush to your cunt makes you cry out, and then his pace increases as he swipes his tongue haphazardly over your clit.
He's so good, and you know you can't fight it. The tip of his tongue making fast circles on your clit, licking from your entrance all the way up and back down until you're shaking once again below him.
"Want you to cum for me, princess, on my tongue." He says, and then he's working in overtime, doing any filthy move possible until you cry out loudly, coming all over his tongue just the way he asked.
You gasp, say his name, watch him sit up happily, before grabbing you eagerly.
"Look how happy I make your pussy, princess. Will you come home with me now?" He asks.
Well damn, you couldn't say no to him.
He slides you onto his cock just as you say yes.
You gasp in surprise, unaware that he'd even freed his cock a second time and suddenly he's guiding your hips against his.
"Look how pretty you are, baby. Naked and bouncy on my big cock. You gonna cum again? Gonna ride me in my car and cum all over me?"
He pants hotly, pulling your face into his to give you a sloppy kiss.
"Fuck. Fuck you feel so good. So fucking tight I'm gonna come so deep inside you."
He lets out a long groan.
"Wanna take you on every fucking surface- Did I mention that? In every way, until you're dumb from it."
You were definitely dumb right now. Your mind was a shallow puddle of your thoughts- all centered around him and you were so on edge you could practically taste it.
"Gonna cum with you princess, fill you right up, watch it spill out. You're so good for me. Such a pretty little place for my cum. Daddy's perfect little hole."
"Daddy!" You cry, unable to fight it any longer, your walls squeeze his cock tightly as you cum hard, shaking as your orgasm floods your head, washing whatever little thoughts you have away with a tidal wave of pleasure.
You gasp, and his hands clench on your hips, you feel him make a few harsh thrusts before he groans loudly, emptying himself right into you.
He makes a few more small thrusts, and you sigh blissfully as it prolongs your orgasm. Your cunt is swollen and sticky with the shared fluids of your cum, but he still doesn't pull out of you.
You slump against him tiredly, and you feel him stroke the back of your head.
"How was that?" He asks, laying slow kisses onto your shoulders.
When you don't respond immediately, he whispers your name, concern laced into his voice.
"'M okay, daddy, jus' tired now." You murmur, peeking an eye open to look up at his bearded jaw.
Billy recognises that you're deep in subspace, and he holds you tight to his body as you float around him.
"You did so good princess, so good for me. Gonna take you home and draw you a nice bath."
You hum in protest.
"Thought you were gonna take me home an' cum on my tits?" You ask lazily, a little frown on your face that he can't see.
He sighs, continuing to stroke the back of your head.
"We can do that after the bath, but bath first, yeah?"
He places a soft kiss to your forehead, understanding that he just needed to be patient with you while you were lost in your head.
"Love you."
He smiles.
"Love you too, baby."
"I'm so happy for you." You say softly, head tossed back on Karen’s couch.
Her red hair catches on the streetlights. It reminds of the way you'd gripped it in your hands all those years ago. You both sit in the dark, the sun having just set and neither of you could find the motivation to get up to turn the lights on.
"To think, this all started the night you and I hooked up."
You giggle softly, and then grows louder as ideas spring in your head.
"Can you imagine if I-" You gasp for air, "-If I put that in the toast?"
She laughs with you. Her engagement ring glitters as she takes a swig of her beer.
"What about you? Think you'll ever do it?"
You let out an exhausted sigh.
"Oh absolutely not." You protest. It gets silent as you try to build up the courage to speak the words to her.
"I still get nightmares about it." You confess.
She turns her head to look at you, you don't meet her eyes.
"I still remember the hopelessness of walking down that aisle, Ward's eyes as he hits me, sometimes I jerk awake with the memory." You smile, peeking at her.
"It's not all bad, I wake up next to him after all, and he stays awake with me, holds me, until I fall asleep again."
"You don't have to come to mine-"
You wave a hand to stop her.
"-No, it'll be fine as long as I'm not wearing white. Plus, you're not even having it in a church, so I'll be okay. I promise."
She smiles at you, and when it's not enough, she reaches forward to take you into a sideways hug.
"I'm glad I have you. I'm glad we met. I hope every universe has a you to go with me."
The thought squeezes your throat.
"And if you ever decide to leave Frank, we can still shave our heads and move to Bolivia."
She laughs. You're both interrupted by the buzzer in her apartment going off.
"Pizza's here. I'll be right back." She says, before slipping out the door with a jacket in hand.
You wait in the darkness, listening to the sounds of the city, sipping your beer.
When her apartment phone rings, you raise your head.
You know Karen had people calling her at all hours, waiting to give her information on whatever story she was following. Usually she preferred that the call goes to voicemail instead of having you answer and take the message, so you you sit back and let it ring.
When it stops ringing, and you hear her automated voice message play, a man's voice comes on next.
His tone is shaky, he's breathing between each word, it sounds like he's walking fast, or maybe just excited.
"Kar. I know you told me the Fisk thing was a dead end- but I was right. Someone's taken over the entire ring. I don't have much, only a name. Blackbird Enterprises. Call me when you get this."
The voicemail ends.
You blink, screwing your face into disgruntled confusion. In your state of inebriation, none of it makes sense. You take another sip of beer, leaning back and waiting for Karen to arrive with the delicious pizza.
You spend the night at her place, while Billy and Frank work late, you drink beers and have pizza and eventually fall asleep beside each other on her bed.
When you wake up in the morning. There's no memory of ever hearing any man's urgent voice on the phone.
"Did you have a good time at your sleepover last night?" Billy asks.
"Mhmmm." You hum, a moan leaving your lips immediately after as his thumb swirls over your clit.
Your cheek is pressed flush to his desk, the oak turning warm from how long you've been in this position.
You feel his mouth seal over your cunt, you squeak as his tongue delves as deep into your core as possible.
When he pulls back, you wish you could see him. You imagine his mouth and chin is slick with your arousal, his tongue cleaning up whatever it can.
"That's nice, I'm glad you have someone to spend time with when I'm busy."
When you can only hum again, he pinches your clit in warning. You jerk in surprise.
"Words, baby."
"Karen is nice. She's amazing," you sigh, "but there's nothing quite like spending time with you."
You hear his sigh, his thumb makes meaningful swirls on your clit to show you his appreciation.
"That's... good to hear. Honestly... sometimes I get a little jealous."
You raise your head, trying to look back at him, but his palm grips the flesh of your asscheek in warning.
"You do?" You ask instead, returning to your position without protest.
"Without a doubt. Sometimes... I worry that she's stealing you away from me. That maybe she's taking my place when I'm not around."
"She wouldn't- I wouldn't-" You try to formulate a sentence.
"I know," he admits, leaning forward you kiss your slit, "Believe me, I trust you both. It's just my insecurities rearing its head. It has nothing to do with you at all."
You try to focus.
"You should tell someone."
"I'm telling you."
"I mean, someone who can help, someone who can show you that you have no reason to feel like that."
"Like a therapist?"
"Exactly like a therapist."
He hums, mouthing over your pussy, moaning as he tastes you.
"It's not a bad idea." He decides, finally doubling down on his efforts to make you cum.
You sigh in relief, groaning as he licks over your clit again and again and again until you're fighting back blissful screams of pleasure.
You tug your panties back up your legs, grinning at him as he rights his belt.
When he looks up at you. He gives you a bashful smile.
"What?" He asks softly.
You shake your head.
"Nothing. I just love you."
He chuckles.
"Careful. I'm not above bending you over this desk again."
"Wha-?! I was literally just telling you I love you." You complain.
He gives you a cheeky smile, stepping into your space. You gulp as he uses his hips to pin you against the table. You can feel the little bulge in his pants where he's already half hard.
"And do you have any idea what that does to me?" He asks, his finger twirling around a lock of your hair.
"Uhhhh" Is all you can say.
"That's right. It makes me want to get on my knees and thank you. Repeatedly. Until you can't walk."
"Ummmmmm" You try again.
He laughs, the sound makes your chest feel warm as he leans in to kiss you.
His phone rings.
"Fuck." He grumbles, slipping away from you to pick up the phone.
"This better be good." He answers and you watch him listen to what's being said on the other side.
"Hold on." He bites, and you marvel at the way he speaks to other people, compared to the way he speaks to you. He presses the phone to his chest.
"I'll just be a moment honey, don't move." He says to you, heading into the adjoining room to take his call.
You smile and nod, trying to ignore the way his newest pet name sinks right down to your core. Makes you wish he'd come back and lay you over his desk like he did earlier.
Speaking of his desk, you smile and look back at it. The entire system was in disarray.
You take your time, straightening papers, and placing his laptop back in its original place. You even open it up in an attempt to please him. When you reach for some of the stray pieces of paper on the floor, you notice a familiar name on one of the shredded papers in his bin.
It's like a scratching in the back of your head, like someone knocking far off in the distance and you're in a hallway full of doors.
"-but I was right...Someone's taken over the entire ring.... Blackbird Enterprises.... when you get this..."
You frown, dropping the shredded line of paper back into the bin. You couldn't figure out what it meant.
Was Billy working for Blackbird? Had he helped someone take control of Wilson's assets?
You shake your head, not wanting to jump to conclusions, not after he told you he'd been trying to get out.
You raise your head when you hear his angry tone through the door.
"I told you not to transfer anything directly to me! God. You're a fucking idiot and now I can't use it because it'll be traced back."
His voice goes low, and though you can't hear his words clearly. You know he's issuing a threat.
It's his tone of voice that makes you begin to question everything. It's like you're trying to build a puzzle but you're missing crucial pieces.
You sit on it for days. It makes you nauseous.
You're kneeling behind him, carefully peeling back the bandage on his back.
"Does it hurt?" You ask, trying to be as gentle as possible.
The wound is small. Held together by careful stitches. Some of the finest work money can buy. There'll barely be a scar when it's fully healed.
"It pinches every now and then," Billy says, "but honestly the kevlar took a lot of the force."
You knew that. The bullet had stopped an inch deep in his back, nothing major had been damaged. A flesh wound by all means.
A bullet he'd taken for you.
You take your time cleaning it, making sure there's no significant heat or redness around the area- signs of infections- before carefully redressing.
"I think those stitches can come out real soon." You say, and you hear the smile in his voice.
"Yeah doc? I'm gonna make it? Thank god." He reaches back with his good arm to grip your thigh affectionately.
"I thought I was a goner."
You try to smile, but all you can hear is the shot going off, watching him hit the floor.
It's like he knows what you're thinking.
"It was all for show. You know that right?"
"Yeah." You say hoarsely. He'd said that before. It didn't mean that it didn't feel real.
It didn't mean that he hadn't taken a bullet for you.
"What if he'd aimed for your head?" You ask softly.
Billy turns, interrupting your careful placement of gauze.
His eyes are understanding, warm, he cups your cheeks and you can't meet his eyes.
"We can play the 'what if' game for eternity. It doesn't matter what could have happened. It matters what did." You let out a pained sigh at his words.
"I'd take a bullet in the head for you though. No question."
"Don't say that." You whine, fighting back tears.
"I mean it too. But that doesn't mean I won't do everything in my power to make sure that never happens."
You sniffle. Leaning forward to press your head into his bare chest.
You feel him kiss the top of your head.
"That's love, baby. I know what that feels like now. Because of you."
Your eyes squeeze shut, savouring the moment, his hand wrapped around you.
"I mean," you try to argue after a little while, "don't you love Frank too?"
"Yeah but in a different way you brat." He huffs, "You almost make me want to take it back."
"No!" You protest, "Don't take it back, I love you so much too."
He huffs, pulling you closer.
"Okay okay I won't take it back. I love you and this is the first time I've ever loved like this and my therapist thinks you should know that I don't actually know what I'm doing so that you can be more patient with me."
You let out a laugh.
"She didn't actually say that, did she?"
He grunts.
"She might as well have," he says, raising the pitch of his voice to do an impression of a woman, "Tell her how you feel, Billy, that you've never seen what a real relationship is supposed to look like and that means you're gonna make simple mistakes and that scares you."
You let out a little laugh.
"Is this your way of telling me how you feel?" You ask.
"Yes," he says in his normal voice, "because I still haven't learned how to talk about my feelings."
You nod, placing a kiss to his chest.
"Baby steps."
"Please let me kill him." Billy begs, dropping into Frank's office couch.
"No, Billy." Frank says, in a tone that tells how exhausted he is with that topic.
"He fucked up my plans! He's an idiot. I'm begging you."
"We talked about this." Frank continues to clean his guns calmly. "We don't kill people for fucking up. We're better than that."
Billy huffs, the man in question had made the mistake of transferring money directly from Blackbird to Anvil. The real estate Billy had bought for his main modus operandi had been connected straight to him.
He couldn't use it now, he'd have to find another place to distribute from.
"I bet Micro wants him dead too. Can't imagine he was excited to find out."
"Billy." Frank warns, and he pouts dramatically.
Frank laughs.
"You know why we're doing this. I don't need to remind you." Frank says.
The thought sobers him. He sighs, nodding his head. They were doing this to keep the people they loved safe. Because if you were the most powerful man in the city, no one would try to take what was yours.
"Alright, I'll start looking around for other options. But I want him silenced and fired."
Frank gives a tired shake of his head.
"Nice. Love you, Frankie."
"Get out of my office, Russo."
Billy laughs, doesn't move an inch from his spot on Frank's couch.
You're glad to see your parents readjusting to life in the city. Though, they'd had to downsize their apartment a little since your father had decided to stop participating in the shady side of business.
It was good for them, you think, they'd be safer, especially since Kingpin was dead.
Which was one of the reasons you'd agreed to sit with them through brunch, a little curious to see if they'd heard of any new players on the streets, but you were still trying to figure out how to work it into the conversation.
Any searches for Blackbird Enterprises online came up as a dead end. There was only a single hollow website, claiming to be a consultancy company, naming a David Linus as CEO, not even a picture to go along with the title.
It had made you worried. What was Billy into now?
"Do you want eggs?" You mom asks, browsing over the menu, while your dad stepped away from the table.
"Oh god no." You murmur, the very thought making you nauseous, "I've been having trouble with eggs lately." You admit to her. The thought of Billy being back in danger doing numbers on your stomach.
You mom looks up from the menu suspiciously.
"When was your last period?" She asks.
You freeze.
"A month ago. Why? You think-" You couldn't even voice the words.
She looks back down at the menu casually.
"You should take a test."
You lean forward.
"Like a- a pregnancy test? Mom. I'm not pregnant."
She raises her eyebrows, tilts her head.
"Then a test couldn't hurt, now could it?"
"No-no- but it's unlikely. I've only been nauseous because I heard that someone new was taking over Kingpin's work. Do you know anything?"
She finally looks up again, snapping the menu shut.
"Your father was telling me he heard talks of a new player, yeah. How did you find out?"
You couldn't mention Billy, she'd be too quick to condemn him before you'd even have all the information.
"Just something I heard on Karen’s voicemail. A company."
You lean in closer.
"So it's true? There's someone taking over?" You think you were going to be sick.
Were you safe? Were your parents?
Was Billy?
"Don't get involved trying to figure out what's going on. Blackbird is more dangerous than Wilson Fisk ever was. They're everywhere, and I've heard that even The Hand avoids them."
"The Hand?" You ask, confused.
She waves your question away.
"Another syndicate. My point is, go to a pharmacy, buy a couple of tests, and go home. Stop thinking about Blackbird."
But how could you stop after a warning so ominous?
You take her advice though, stopping in the most questionable drug store and buying a handful of pregnancy tests. You pick the quietest store in hopes that no one recognises you, and the purchase goes successfully.
Instead of going home, you go to Anvil. You take two steps into his office and you don't give him much time to react before you wedge your body into his arms.
You're wound tight with tension, but one deep breath in his arms and your body relaxes.
"Everything okay?" Billy asks, concerned.
You squeeze him tighter and he returns the tight hold with one of his own.
He's yours, and no one is going to take him away from you.
"I'm fine." You say with a sniffle, finally raising your head to look up at him.
"Just- filled with painful memories. Can I use your bathroom?"
He kisses the top of your head.
"Sure baby. I'm right here."
And the breath you were holding rushes out of you.
It almost seems funny now, considering that your hand was shaking so badly ten minutes ago when you were peeing on the stupid stick. The longest ten minutes of your life, all for a blue negative sign.
You huff, stuffing the test back into the box and discarding it. You don't bother to take a second test, satisfied that you're fine, and there's one crises averted.
You wash your hands, stepping out of the bathroom, and heading down the little hallway that joins to his office.
Billy's sitting at his desk, on his laptop typing when you re-enter his office.
"So, I'm not pregnant." You say on a heavy breath and you watch Billy pause mid key stroke. You let out an awkward laugh with the comical way he looks up at you.
He's out of his chair in seconds, taking you into his arms swiftly.
"Oh baby, is that why you were so scared earlier?"
"Yeah." You say, a little sob following, and then the dam breaks.
You'd been trying to be brave about it, but you were relieved. Having a baby was a scary thought and such a big responsibility for you.
"I thought you were getting fitted for an implant?" He asks, his cheek resting on the top of your head.
"I- made an appointment, but I've been sick lately and mom just made me worry about it."
Billy makes a sound of apology, pulling you to lean against him as he props himself against his desk.
When you can catch a hold of the flood of emotions inside you, he tilts your head up, wiping at your cheeks.
"Would a baby be so bad?" He asks, and you sniffle, deep in thought.
"No," You admit to him, "but it's scary."
"I'm not scared." He says, and you look up at him with hopeful eyes, his fingers play with the hair framing your face.
"You're not?"
"I was... but... nothing's scary with you."
You give him a watery smile.
"Therapy's really doing you good, hmm?"
He grins. Pulling you closer and dipping his head for a quick kiss.
"Sorry, I just got overwhelmed. And then mom mentioned this new company called Blackbird-"
"Really?" He interrupts in a curious tone.
Your body goes stiff, and you meet his eyes.
"Yeah. They're apparently taking over Wilson's old dealings. Have you encountered them before?"
You knew the answer to the question, but you needed to hear him say it. You needed to see if he would lie to your face.
"Yeah, I- bought a dive bar from them recently. I was trying to venture out. I thought something was up, got my own suspicions about their legitimacy. I'm trying to distance myself from them now in case the feds think I'm involved."
That was a reasonable answer.
And just like that, the last pit in your stomach unravels.
There really was nothing to worry about, was there?
You laugh, snuggling closer into him.
"I love you so fucking much." You say on a sigh, squeezing him tighter.
"I love you so fucking much too." Billy agrees, "But now I can't stop thinking about you swollen with my baby and now I wanna put one there."
You make a little giggle of amusement.
"Not that I'm saying yes... but I'm not opposed to some practice."
"Oh really?" He asks, smiling as he presses his lips you yours.
It doesn't last long, before there's someone knocking at his door, and his secretary is telling him that his three o'clock meeting is here.
You smile at his apologetic look.
"It's okay, Billy, I'll see you at home, yeah?"
"Nooooo," he complains, "wait outside for me? This shouldn't take too long."
You laugh, agreeing to his request.
It's where Frank finds you five minutes later.
He gives you a big hug, and you laugh, happily returning his affection.
He starts off with checking in on you, and then the conversation spins in the direction of the wedding.
"We're thinking about moving it up. Too excited you know?"
You smile, nodding along, except you didn't know. You'd never be excited for a wedding ever again.
"Anytime you guys decide- and I'm there." You say, grinning up at him.
You chat for a little bit about useless wedding commentary, before the conversation spins again, to complaining about Billy.
"The man's a pain in my ass and I don't know how you manage. He sat on my couch the other day and wouldn't leave until I told him I loved him."
You laugh happily.
"That's progress." You argue, and Frank rolls his eyes and begrudgingly agrees.
"Blackbird's come far from when we first met, and that's all thanks to you."
Your smile drops.
"Blackbird?" You ask, your heart freezing to solid ice inside your chest.
"Yeah, it was his codename back in the military. He never mentioned?"
Act like nothing's wrong. Act like nothing's wrong.
You let out a little laugh. You wonder if Frank can see through the façade.
"No, he never said. What was your codename?"
You don't even hear his response.
"You okay?" Frank asks when he notices your spaced out expression.
You blink back into reality.
"Yeah. Yeah!" You raise a hand to scratch at your eyebrow. "Sorry, I just realised I was supposed to check in with a florist from across the city. Hope you don't mind if I cut this short."
"That's alright. I'll see you around?"
You smile.
"Yeah." You agree, heading towards the elevator, wishing him farewell.
You press the down button forcefully, begging the elevator to open up faster.
You can hear Billy's office door open, his voice getting louder as he speaks with someone.
The elevator door slides open.
It takes him walking around the corner curiously, and catching sight of you running away, for the pieces to fall perfectly into place.
Your face is stoic, borderlined angry, he looks confused for a moment, before his features settle into understanding.
As the elevator doors close, you finally come to the shocking reality.
That Billy Russo was the new Kingpin.
#billy russo#billy russo x reader#billy russo x female reader#my writings#the punisher#billy russo smut#the agony of desire
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casino au for the Dream team x reader (all platonic) where their all just hanging out and having fun? Idk I just saw your post and wanted to ask for something. Love you bestie hope you have a good day <3
After Hours 🎰
Reader: gn!reader
Chars: dream team
Editor: hahaha its just innocent old me ya boy uh.. skinny penis (I am under sans bed rn and lemme tell u it STINKS) - your favorite rayne ( @rayneywidows )
Platonic for all! Just the besties enjoying there night
Casino au!
[writing] or hcs
Warnings: mention of drinking, drinking, becoming drunk (sapnap)
Note: I’m happy bc I just ordered the Las Nevadas box as soon as I posted this >:DD (I wanna write about Las Nevadas- please- I love that lore- I’ll do x reader Idc- please-)

Slight description:
You dream, sapnap, and george all work at a casino and after hours you guys plan a peaceful night.
You continue cleaning the counters as you watch sapnap carry the new stock of beer for the bar. He moves his head with a smile, his way of saying “Hi”, and you return to cleaning. “Finally i'm finished- '' sapnap says as he leans on the counter where you are cleaning. “That hurt?” you asked as you finally finish cleaning, “like a bitch” you laugh at his response, coaxing a light smile from him in return. “Hey guys” you both look to see dream and george walking over. “Empty place huh?” George says as you walk from behind the counter to the pair, “Empty is perfect” you respond before going to sit at an empty table.
Sapnap walks behind you and holds onto your chair suddenly pulling it back only making it so only 2 feet of the chair are on the floor. You laugh as he basically rocks you back and forth, until you see dream walking over to the back of a card table. He pulls out a pack of cards, “3 rounds?” He questions. Sapnap puts you down and sits next to you leaning back on his chair, “i'm in” he counters, you look to george for his answer. When you see, apparently he has already sat down, “i'll get the drinks” he pipes, making you laugh as dream sits across from you and places the cards down.
Dream undoes his tie a bit so he is no longer choking to death. He begins to give each person a few cards. Apparently he picked crazy eights as the game. Simple, yet sometimes challenging. You turn around just in time to see George jogging back with a tray the waiters use, filled with bottles of drinks, and cups to use. “You guys ready?” dream asks as George sits down and gets comfortable. Everyone nods and the game begins. Sapnap already starts to drink and he takes his tie off. He is talking shit the entire time yet never wins a single game. George wins twice, but the most wins go to dream.
“YOU CHEATED” sapnap yells as he stands up and throws the cards in his hand at dream. You can clearly tell he is drunk by the slur of his words. Dream and George laughed as Sapnap darts his eyes to you as you take a sip of your drink, “Y/N HE CHEATED RIGHT?!” You don’t respond, instead you just shrug and get up too. You guys were already 5 games in (despite only deciding to play 3, time flies by when your having fun) and think it’s about time to head home. “I'll take him home” dream says, as he stands up with George in tow. Dream starts to wrap his arm around Sapnap, like when you hurt your leg. He makes his way to the exit before turning to you, “bye guys! Until next time!” you and george wave as dream and sapnap leave. You can still hear Sapnap mumbling swears to dream.
You help George clean up and even stand for a bit longer just having some small talk. “Well I’m gonna head home home” he says as he places the final beer in its spot. He grabs his coat from behind the counter, and starts to walk to the door. You and him end up walking out together mocking Sapnap the whole way, before heading your separate ways and calling it a night.
#dsmp imagine#dsmp x reader#dsmp#dsmp scenario#mcyt imagine#mcyt#mcyt x reader#scenario#dream x reader#dreamwastaken x reader#dream#dreamwastaken#sapnap x reader#sapnap#georgenotfound#george x reader#george not found x reader#george not found#dream team
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Hellooo!!! ❤️❤️❤️
This is my first time requesting hehe
Can you do a one shot of Ruggie x fem!reader (non-mc)? The reader is 2nd year, and can be in whatever dorm you want :DD
Reader (Ruggie's lover) is a very rich spoiled brat. She's all about being a fashionista, and living the fancy life. She boasts and gloats about her being rich to everyone. But never to Ruggie. He is an exception. She loves him dearly and would never dare to judge him. She also has a high ego.
So here's the scenario: Everyone in NRC was getting tired of reader's snarky attitude. And they all complain to Ruggie how reader is being a brat to them and begs him to talk her into being nicer. He understands and tries to talk to her later on. But, due to reader's very high ego— she doesn't listen to him and they begin arguing. With Ruggie having enough with her attitude, he snaps at her and ignores her for a few days. Until reader has finally learned her mistake, she tries to apologise to Ruggie (You can write how they make up in this scene :D) And can you add in the ending— a short scene of where Ruggie tries to teach the reader to be nice :>
So sorry if this is long. I hope you get it, this idea has been in my head for so long now😭
Welcome to Tumblr requesting anon :DD
I am more than delighted to do this request it is absolutely wholesome sjjsjs. Hope you like this one! I didn't mention any dorm so you can get creative.
Content Warnings: You're mean, Homeless child mentioned, Violence mentioned but not taken in action, Angry Riddle
Ruggie tries telling his spoilt!s/o to tone down on the entitlement.
Ruggie x spoilt!F!reader
You had it all.
Money, money and money. You were really rich and got everything that you wanted. A pony? yours. A castle? yours. You got what you wanted every single time that you descended into entitlement.
You probably got into Night Raven College because of the money and bribes Crowley accepts.
Even if you thought you were the popular girl, everyone hated you...but one.
Ruggie Bucchi. Ironic isn't it?
A spoilt rich girl like you who gets what she wants on her fingertips and a poor guy from the slums like him who works multiple jobs a day.
What attracted him to you was the way you treated him. You had a soft spot for Ruggie and you treated him like he was in the same financial level as you.
Many people were truly surprised how someone like you and someone like him were even possible, but they carried on with it.
Everything was going fine...until Ruggie heard a knock on his door.
"Yess I'm cominggg"
He opens the door only to find a raging red Riddle Rosehearts, visibly breathing heavily, next to his dearest girlfriend, who had a collar on, huffing in annoyance.
"Yes? Y/n what did you do?" Ruggie asks with a sigh.
"It isn't a big deal. He bumped into me on purpose! So I shoved his books to the floor and told him to pick it up." You said, rolling your eyes as Riddle visibly grew redder.
Riddle turns to Ruggie.
"Control...your girlfriend here please!!"
"I'll see what I can do. Could you just please remove the collar? I promise she'll learn something." Ruggie asked.
Riddle hesitantly removed the collar, glared at you and took off. Ruggie invited you to his room.
"Now...Y/n...don't we wanna...y'know...tone down on the-"
You threw yourself onto him.
"Wuggieee. Thank you for saving my from the small angry troll my knight in shining armor I love you so much here I got you a donut on my way~" You said giving kisses to his cheeks, which were now red.
"A donut!!!?? Thanks!!" He completely forgot what he was gonna say, but he remembered afterwards.
"Y/n...uh...can we talk?"
"Sure what's up?"
"So...Riddle complaining was actually the 4th complaint I got from you today. You know I can't keep backing you up." He slowly put his arms around you and pulled you into a nice snuggle session.
"I don't get why they're all reacting so much!! It's not my fault! They're the ones causing problems,"
"No...uh...even I think you've been acting a bit too much lately."
"Oh you make me laugh my dearest!"
Ruggie placed his finger on your chin and turned your face towards him.
"Y/n, I'm not kidding."
A moment of silence passed. He just stared into your eyes. You slowly tried pushing him off but his grip was pretty strong on you.
"Why're you letting these people get to you! You know I'm not thaaaat bad." You said giggling.
"I mean...people will get sick of i-"
"No Ruggie! I'm not listening!!!" You shouted, pushing his arm off of you. You hated it when people told you what to do.
"Y/n, please listen-"
"NO!" You pushed him off his own bed. He eventually had enough.
"Fine!! Get lost for all I care!! Im done sticking up for your spoilt behaviour!!" He yelled. You were shocked, but you just rolled your eyes, opened the door and slammed it shut.
The next day you were slowly starting to miss him. You go to your class corridors and see Ruggie there, looking sort of frustrated.
"HI wuggiee!"
No response.
He didn't even look at you. He was on his flip phone, possibly ignoring you. He walked away to his magic history class, without saying a word.
'Is he giving me attitude?? Fine then!!' You thought. You grumpily walked away to your own class.
2 days passed since your fight and you didn't get any text messages from him either. Not any "I love yous". No "Good morning/Good night". The only response you got was 'seen' to your recent messages.
You wanted to talk to someone. You tried approaching Yuu to talk about this but they just ignored you(plus grim stuck his tongue out to you). You were finally understanding your mistake.
"Im sorry Ruggie" You messaged him. Once again, 'seen'. That was when an idea came to your head to apologize for him.
The next day, Ruggie went to class to find an envelope on his desk. He opened it to find some money and a letter.
"Meet me on the Courtyard at lunch. I need to talk to you about something. It's important so please be there."
Ruggie's first thought was that it wasn't you. Was someone was trying to confess to him now that he hasn't been talking to you? Did they also think money would help (it would lmao). But he decided to go anyways.
He went to the courtyard only to find you, sitting there. He was about to go back but you grabbed his sleeve.
"Im actually sorry!"
He didn't face you, but he stopped trying to walk away. You continued.
"I realized what I did wrong. I let my ego get the best me. I treated you like you weren't special. I know you didn't like that. Over these three days, I was so heartbroken and...and I felt so lonely. I fixed things up with many people by getting them something from the cafeteria...and I made something specially for you. Just follow me please?"
Ruggie turned to face you with a stoic face.
"Go ahead."
You took him to the woods and showed him a perfectly layed out picnic, with all of his favourites(which is everything that isn't rotten). Your man was drooling.
"I hope you like it." You said. The next thing you know you were being hugged and lifted off the ground.
"This- This is a week's worth of food!!"
"Really? For me this is only lunch."
Ruggie ignored your comment and snuggled onto your neck, giving slight kisses here and there.
"Your apology is accepted! But...please be a bit nicer. I'd really appreciate it."
"Alrightt! Anything for my Wuggie!!"
Ruggie just cringed.
"Look I missed you alot...but I really did not miss that nickname."
You laughed.
"Ok Ruggie."
"Much better,"
You two enjoyed your lunch together, with him being done with most of the food in around 5 minutes.
"Ok...y/n...you bump into a homeless child and it starts crying. What do you do?" Ruggie was giving you a small lesson on being nice during a walk around the school.
"Tell it to scram?"
"Step on its foot?"
"Great Seven you're hopeless-"
I hope you enjoyed this one anon and everyone else!! I wasn't expecting so many engagement activity in these days so thank you everyone 😭😭😭
I've also been sick (dehydration ugh) for a few days which is why I didn't post much. But if you requested, it will be done soon. Take care and have a nice day 💖💖💖
-Madeline 🐧
#twisted wonderland#twisted wonderland x reader#twst x reader#ruggie bucchi x reader#ruggie headcanons#ruggie bucchi#ruggie x y/n#ruggie x reader#savanaclaw#savanaclaw x reader#ruggie x yuu#ruggie x mc
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spread the love! tag your three favourite writers on tumblr/ff.nt/ao3/wattpad and say what story you like the most from them!
hello hello o/ thank you for the ask. i'm glad to see writers get the love, too :} it's always inspiring to have asks like this.
i'll start with Good Men by @darnestdungeon because it's still so fresh in my memory. this fic made me reconsider my attitude towards a certain boss in dd1, and before that i felt nothing but spite towards them. so I say - that's some impressive feat! go give it a read, it's incredible! i love reading darndungeon's works, they always leave me wanting for more.
also i cannot, in good faith, forget to recommend A day by @mnmovdoom, to whom I owe my fascination with dd in general, with Rey's knighthood in particular, and crusaders to be specific. it's so soft and so fluffy and so good! always helps me up on shitty days, like a fluffy blanket. honestly, the way fluff is written is phenomenal. and mnmovdoom writes about Star Wars too! and it's so good - even for me, and I don't even watch Star Wars! so yeah, give it a read, you'll enjoy it, I promise.
also, i really want to point to Cheap Thrills by @bluraaven, because it inspired me to start working on my own fic a lot more closely and not shy away from characters being glorious bastards. i still re-read it from time to time, and I am constantly floored by the words weaved in the way they are. i rarely enjoy modern AUs, but the characterization, my god, the characterisation in bluraaven's works is on the next level. go read it! you'll enjoy it if you like dd.
also, i know it said three authors but i want to include @reynauldapologist as an honourable mention. their A Small Comfort is on a level i cannot help but aspire to be. so much raw emotion, condensed and distilled. it's written about people. not heroes, but people. flawed, raw, broken. and it makes it all the better. you owe it to yourself to at least glance at those.
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