#and i’m really trying not to be mean by saying all of this
chlorinecake · 3 days
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▹ PAIRING: soft!dom fiancé bangchan x f. reader
▹ SYNOPSIS: Chan gets a little upset upon realizing that you weren’t wearing your engagement ring, but you make it up to him by letting him fuck you in his studio after a long day of work…
▹ WARNINGS: KINKTOBER SPECIAL, swearing, kissing, teasing, dry humping and heavy petting, mentions of food, breeding kink + cream pie (chan’s a possessive freak and in love with the idea of getting you preggers lol), dirty talk, light breath play (f. receiving), pet names (good girl, baby), that’s about it
▹ WORD COUNT: 1.8k — DAY 2
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BEING THE AMAZING partner you are, you decided to stop by the studio where your fiancé was working and bring him some dinner, and by dinner, I mean a box full of his favorite takeout foods:
Grilled beef, steamed rice, broccoli teriyaki, and a chicken egg roll…
He was working a few hours overtime that day, and aside from the fact that you wanted him to have something good to eat after expending such efforts, you really just missed his presence…
You missed looking at his gorgeous face and hearing his adorable voice while he did absolutely nothing but vibe with you… you missed having his hands on you and your hands on him as you both got lost in the lusts of your own hearts—
“Chris,” your voice came out gently as you stood behind him, caressing over his tense shoulders while he remained seated in his desk chair, “just rest your little head, baby… you worry too much…”
“I do… you’re right…” he sighs deeply while leaning his head back against the headrest to look at you, the smell of takeout distant in the room.
His eyes are clearly tired as you know he’s been overworked lately, but you hold yourself from bringing it up to him, placing a gentle kiss to the center of his forehead instead.
“Thanks for stopping by, though, princess,” he went on, and you already feel like he’s trying to push you away, despite how you literally just got here, “I have to get back to work now, though—”
“You’re always getting back to work, Channie…” you chuckle slightly, and his eyes flutter shut as your thumbs come across a particularly tight muscle in his left shoulder…
Digging in, you massage the knot gently, but the pressure you apply doesn’t feel so soothing at first—
“Ouch, that hurts!” Chan exclaims with a wince, and you simply smooth over his skin with your touch, massaging a different area instead as you decided to give that spot time to heal on its own.
“Look… your body’s aching as if you’ve been working in a field all day… that’s why I’m here to make you feel better,” you return, and his body is clearly starting to relax the more and more your fingers smooth along the base of his neck and back down his shoulders again, soft hums coming from his throat at the sensation.
“But you don’t have to, love…” he says, voice a little weak as the warmth of your touch reeled him into relaxation, “just having you around is making me feel better already…”
“Aww,” you pout facetiously, even though he can’t see it from where he’s sitting, “You missed me, Channie?… Your very own nagging fiancé?…”
“Nooo,” he corrects, turning in his chair now to get a proper look at you, “I missed my beautiful wife to be, and my adoring partner in crime…”
Reaching out a hand, the veins in his arm appear highlighted under the dim studio lighting as he guides your face into his before giving you a kiss that you both smile into… weakly though, considering how it’s literally 4 in the morning...
Breaking from the contact, you tug at his wrist slightly, not letting go until he finally gets up from the chair, letting you lead him to sit on the couch.
The look on his face now very clearly lets you know what’s on his mind, but you simply decide to sit on his lap in a straddle position, wanting him to make the first move from here…
And he did.
“Can I?” He asks while lifting his hands from the couch cushion, hovering them over your hips and being careful not to touch until you allowed him to.
“Of course, silly,” you chuckle, making him blush slightly at your brief fit of laughter.
“It’s not like anyone’s here to tease us for it,” you went on, thinking back to the countless times that your fiancé’s friends (specifically Minho and Han) would outwardly gag whenever you two publicly display affection—
“You’re right, baby… no one’s around to bother us,” Chris breathes in agreement, finally letting his eager hands rest at your hips before adding a bit of pressure as he caressed up your waist and along your thighs, “The two of us could practically get away with doing anything we want for the next few hours in here…”
You didn't even have to ask to know what he was specifically implying, but you decide to play dumb anyway, just because you absolutely loved hearing his strong Aussie accent come out whenever he was sexually worked up with you…
“Takeout’s still waiting to be opened, Chris,” you whisper, letting your nails gently drag against his scalp as he melts into your touch, his silky curls looping around your fingers, “we shouldn’t keep it out for too long or else it might spoil…”
“Well I’m not in the mood to eat anymore,” he whispers back in a raspy voice, and you let your weight sink further into his lap, your bottom resting right above the spot his true hunger was pulling him most.
“Use your words, baby… tell me what you want,” You press, leaving a kiss along his clenched jawline… and another one on his pretty thick lips… and a third one against his Adam’s Apple that makes him groan out loud…
Or maybe his groan had more to do with the way you were also rocking your hips against his clothed hard on, making his hands slightly grip at the fabric of your jeans for any sort of leverage.
“Why… of all the bottoms that you own, did you close to wear tight, denim jeans at a time like this?” He asks with frustration, making you giggle a bit at the way his chest rises and falls every time you circle in his lap, the rough material tantalizing him…
“Don’t you think they make my ass look good, though?” You tease with a pout, watching as he smirks at your question, only to hiss at your movements again.
“They make your ass look great, babe… but they also make it impossible for me to touch you properly…”
He was doing it again, you thought to yourself… That thing where he gets you to do what he wants without specifically asking.
Yes, Chris was a typically a pretty confident guy, but sometimes, you had a way of bringing out his shy, reluctant side when it came to sexual things, but you still found it cute nonetheless.
“Fine, then… since you’re too shy to ask for it properly, I’ll just do it myself,” you say in a bratty tone while getting up from his lap, and he visibly scoffs at the way you stood before him now, fingers meddling with the buckle of your jeans until he stopped you.
“C’mere,” he huffs, pulling you close to him by the belt loop of your jeans until you fall into the couch beside him with a gentle plop.
His smirks again once he finally unzips the rough fabric just enough to see a leak of what’s beneath, and the expression is so wide that his dimples come through…
At first, you’re not sure why he’s a grinning mess, but you understand once his fingers run over the lace of your black panties, the same pair that he brought you a while back on one of his tours cross-country.
“I’ll take a wild guess and say you wore these for me, huh?” He asks with a husk to his tone now that you’re bumping your knee against his clothed hard-on, and his hips subconsciously chase the friction.
“Mhm,” you hum softly, lifting up on your elbows now to look at him better, “I just didn’t expect you to take so long to get ‘em off me…”
“How cute,” he returns, and your eyes follow the veins trailing his forearm, his flexed fingers hooking at either side of your hips before tugging your jeans the rest of the way down and past your ankles with your panties, tucking them under the couch cushion for his private use later…
“Cute?” You repeat with a raised brow, spreading your legs before him as you both watched each others cores intently, practically itching within yourself for him to finally untie his sweatpants.
“Yup. Love it when you get in your little attitudes,” he says plainly, but his smile is half-hearted now as he leans over you, bracing himself with his hands before kissing your forehead.
You try to follow where his eyes are looking, but his bangs are in the way, and you can’t help but ask him what the matter is…
However, he doesn’t answer immediately, simply taking your hands in his and placing a kiss to l the closed knuckles of your left hand, right before pinning your wrist at either side of your head on the couch.
And that’s when it hits you… the reason behind his sudden change in aura:
You forgot to put your engagement ring on…
You had only taken it off for a second before coming to meet him in the studio because some oil from the takeout bag had spilled on your hands… while washing up in the bathroom, you had put the ring in your purse and simply forgot to put it back on…
Though, you knew at this point it’d be worthless trying to get that story through Chan’s thick skull, as he had already made up in his mind that you were playing games with him…
“Where’s your ring, baby?” Your fiancé asks while shimmying down his boxers and trousers with one hand, and you near choke on air at the sight of his glossy and girthy tip springing out before you, red and angry with need.
“I-it’s in my purse,” you stammer, almost feeling guilty now that you had even forgot to put it back on in the first place, “I can go and get it—”
“No need,” he interrupts you, lining himself up with your entrance as the depth of his voice equally catches you off guard, “just make sure you put it back on after this, yea?”
You winced at the sudden stretch of his cock filling you up just right, and your hips are already trembling at the delicious fullness.
“Channie… it slipped my mind, baby… please,” you say, and you’re not quite sure what it is that you’re begging for, but you always had a habit of going dumb around his cock, even if it’s just resting inside you.
“I gave you a simple order, love… now, do you understand me, yes or no?” He asks more sternly this time, thrusting into you with a sharp hit of his hips, and you internally cringe at yourself for hiccuping at the force.
“Y-yes, I understand,” is all you manage to say as he continues slamming his hips into you at a painfully slow pace, looking you dead in the eye as you crumble beneath his intense gaze.
“Say it again,” he orders, and you listen, gripping at his biceps and biting your lip as an attempt to keep your moans in, but the little whimpers and whines end up spilling out anyway.
You can feel Chan's cock twitch inside you every time you say yes for him, especially with the way your walls are throbbing around his length as he groans the words “good girl” in the midst of it all.
“So so good for me,” he continues, grinding his hips in a way that makes his pelvis graze your clit rythmically, and you’re sure you’re seeing stars once his hand finds your neck, just resting it there to get your attention.
“Good enough to let me cum in you, huh?” He questions, but it’s more so of a suggestion than anything, and you oblige to it, nodding your head in desperation as your hips start to follow the movements of his.
“Yes, baby… w-want you to fill me up so bad,” you whimper, and he lets a groan out right after you… one that makes your stomach flutter with emotions given how beautiful it sounded.
“Gonna put a baby in your pretty little stomach,” he huffs in between fucking you open with all his strength, “and at that point, who cares if you don’t have your ring on? Everyone will know who you belong to once your tummy’s all swollen because of me… tell me who this pussy belongs to…”
“Y-you, Channie,” you blabber out pathetically, your own mouth filling with saliva at how amazing he’s making you feel right now.
“It’s all- fuckkk… yours, b-baby,” you cry out, and it’s a weak cry at that given the way his hand is tightening around your throat, but you don’t mind… not one bit when it feels THIS. Fucking. Good…
He finally lets his lips find yours in a needy kiss, and a string of spit keeps y’all together as he break away to let out a moan of his own, but you’re pulling him back into you, wanting him to be as close as possible to you in this moment.
The couch starts to creak to the rhythm of his movements, and you couldn’t be more thankful for the large cushions it was made with, otherwise you’re certain the both of you would’ve been on the floor at this point.
“Feels so fucking good inside you, baby… sooo fucking good,” he grunts, and you know he’s almost close just from the way his eyebrows are screwing into adorable little crinkles, his thrusts becoming sloppier and sloppier by the second.
“F-fuck~” you mewl against his lips, feeling the knot in your own stomach tighten as his cock hit mesmerizing places inside you.
He keeps his hand snug around your neck while looking into your eyes, and his hips can’t bare to piston into your cunt any longer once your walls clench around him, making him feel dizzy in the head.
“Cum in me,” you plead with a soft voice while, lips puffy from how hard you’d been biting them, and Chan finally lets himself go, barely getting any extra thrusts in before painting your walls with his hot release, groaning shamelessly like a porn star.
“Oh my God,” he grunts with a strained voice, using his last bit of strength to prevent himself from collapsing on top of you given how spent he is now.
“Wait, Channie,” you say, thighs still trembling a bit as he pulled out of you, a bit too early though for you to remind him that his cum would only spill out—
“Shit,” he swears under his breath upon realizing, rushing to catch the fluid spilling from your cunt now with his fingers, trying not to get it on the couch, but to no avail.
He instead lets his fingers push the cum back into you, holding his wrist there until he’s able to reach for a napkin off of his desk to help clean you up.
“Stop that, baby,” he says with a mischievous smile, but only because your walls were sucking his digits in, preventing him from taking them out to clean them off, “give me some time to recharge and then we can go again, okay?…”
All you can bring yourself to do is hum at his words, and he in turn offers you another gentle smile.
Applying light pressure to your lower stomach, he finally gets your walls to release his fingers from the confines of your sloppy hole, wiping the residue off with the napkin.
“Didn’t expect you to cum this much,” you say in a sleepy tone while reaching for your jeans to slide them back on.
“Me neither,” he chuckles, readjusting his pants before getting up to toss the soiled napkin in the bin nearby, “but uh... just know that if in three weeks, we find out that our first future child was conceived on this couch, never tell this story to anyone…”
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⋆♱✮ Huge thanks to everyone who made it to the end of this fic, concluding DAY 2 of my Kinktober Event !! This was also my first time publishing any written work for Stray Kids (my ult group XD) so feel free to tell me how I did in the comments !! Finally, if you're interested in reading more works like this, check out my main enhypen masterlist or my kinktober masterlist here by clicking one of these links !!
@squoxle, @nishiimuranights, @ashgonedash
@yourmomscuntis2tighy, @wonbinisbabygurl
@watamotee33, @addictedtohobi, @ot7sevenlvr
@pasteltheghost16 @fawnpeaks @melonvrs
@mheretoreadff @skzfelixlove @inishij
@yaorzu-blog @andromedawillburyyou @ramyeonzprincess
@zaihypen @simjaeyunns @gardenwonnies @hynier
@idontknowhowtomakeusernames @enhymeowz @minhosimthings @stormy1408
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navybrat817 · 1 day
Vanilla Frosting
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Pairing: CEO!Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
Summary: Bucky takes a call at home and you decide to tease him a bit.
Word Count: Over 1k
Warnings: Established relationship, banter, teasing, dirty thoughts, very slight feels (it's me), Bucky Barnes (he's a warning, okay?) and he worships you.
A/N: I blame these photos as they gave me CEO vibes. And @whisperlullaby and @targaryenvampireslayer . Again, before our couple has Muffin and Bean. ❤️ Not beta read and written on my phone, so any and all mistakes are my own. Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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“I thought you said no calls, Boss.”
Bucky sighed and rolled up his sleeves as he looked toward the kitchen. You stood in the doorway with crossed arms and slow building irritation in your eyes. The sight of you always lightened his mood and made his heart race, but that look wasn't a good sign. Oh, he was in trouble.
Some sort of trouble.
As a CEO, he was always prepared to take the fall when it came to his company. Seeing your kissable mouth set in a grim line though? “It’s Steve’s fault,” he blurted out, throwing his best friend under the bus without hesitation.
“Really, Buck?” Steve’s voice rang out from the laptop speaker.
“Yeah, really,” he snapped. When Steve found a partner like you, he’d get why he bent his will to you over everyone else. Hell, he welcomed Steve getting a bit of payback because it would mean his best friend would have found happiness. “I’m sorry, Cupcake,” he added in a softer tone to you.
He didn’t want to take the call, he really didn’t. All he wanted to do was hold you and forget about the stress of work for an evening. He even assured you that there would be no work tonight, but Steve insisted he get on a video chat with some of the executive team. God knew the punk was relentless, but the unimpressed look on your face made him want to fire everyone and start from scratch.
The two of you had plenty of money, so you’d be set if he went that route.
“Steve’s fault, huh?” You slowly smiled after a moment. “Okay. You take the call and I’ll start making some cupcakes.”
Bucky cocked his head with a confused stare as you went further into the kitchen and out of sight. Baking cupcakes wasn't out of the ordinary for you, but you saying “okay” wasn't okay. He knew better. There was no possible way he was off the hook for this. He already had at least ten gifts in mind to buy you once the call wrapped up.
“I love you,” he called after you, not at all ashamed for anyone to hear that as they joined the meeting. If anyone eyeballed him or said an unkind word about voicing his feelings for you outside of the office, they could find another job.
“Love you, too!” You called back.
That brought a small smile to his face. “Let’s get started so we can all get back to our regular evening plans,” he said, trying to keep the annoyance out of his tone.
After a minute, he glanced over the monitor as he heard gentle movement in the kitchen. You weren't slamming things around, which was good. You understood how crazy things could get since you were his secretary. It didn't mean he enjoyed taking time away from the two of you and he didn’t want you upset with him. Even if you weren't upset, he still had to make it up to you. He-
“Hey, Bucky?” Your eyes lit up as you appeared in the doorway again with a small bowl. He was certain he forgot how to breathe when he eyed what you were wearing: a new black and white apron. And nothing else. Jesus fucking Christ. “You want vanilla frosting for the cupcakes, right?”
Bucky subtly shifted in his seat as you sauntered further into the room, his throat dry at the sight of you. The curve of your hips, your hardened nipples teasing him through the fabric. Calling you beautiful wasn't enough. Your beauty was transcendent, indescribable. The kind that made the strongest of people drop to their knees. He was a powerful man, but still just a man at the end of the day and you rendered him powerless. And right now he needed to focus on the call, but how could he focus on anything but you?
He cleared his throat when Jack rambled on about something. Or was it John? Who gave a fuck? “Cupcake,” he growled.
“I know I do. Maybe you can frost me later?” You scooped a bit of frosting onto your finger and wrapped your lips around it with an obscene moan. Thankfully he had his microphone turned off. They didn't need to hear your pretty sounds. “Mmm.”
He groaned when you showed him your tongue. He knew it was frosting, but the image made it easy to picture you wrapping your warm mouth around his cock and showing him his release before you swallowed like a good girl. It took a lot of control not to palm himself. Surely everyone would understand if he ended the call now. Why the fuck did he take this call?
Making sure his hand was out of sight, he beckoned you closer with his finger. If he was lucky he could get you to take the apron off, sit in the nearby chair, and touch yourself. Or you could keep the apron on. As long as he could see your glistening pussy. Even looking wouldn't be enough. He had to get his mouth on it, his cock in it.
But you didn't go to him.
Instead, you tsked with the finger you licked and pointed at the laptop. “Oh, no, Boss. You listened to Steve and took the call. Now deal with the consequences,” you smiled sweetly, turning on your heel and giving him the perfect view of your ass as you walked back into the kitchen.
Yep, he was in big trouble.
Bucky's fists clenched as he got back to the task at hand, but he also chuckled. He deserved a bit of blue balls for the time being. He also had to respect the way you played the game, but he knew how to play the game, too. Before the night was over, he’d be back in your good graces. He’d eat one of your delicious cupcakes before he got a taste of you. And he'd remind you that he didn't have the world because of money, power, or any of that.
Bucky Barnes had the world because he had you.
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Oh, these two. 🥰 Steve isn't even upset for getting blamed. 🤣 Love and thanks for reading! ❤️
Masterlist ⚓ Bucky Barnes Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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robo-writing · 2 days
“I hate my period, everything hurts” reader x “I can solve the problem for 9 months” Logan
You never thought about the advantages of Logan’s mutation when dating him but “living heater” is a pretty damn good advantage. He’ll complain and whine about how you’re only using him for his warmth but you can see the way his eyes crinkle when you bring yourself closer, hear the way his heart speeds up when your eyes meet his.
He can deny it all he wants, but he loves it when you’re like this.
What he doesn’t like however, is what it implies. A week of pain, wincing and groaning with each step, being so tired that all you can do is lie in bed and hope the cramps subside sooner rather than later.
His hand comes to rub down your back when you groan, guilt on his features at your pain-filled face. “Hate seein’ you like this.”
“Blame Eve,” you sigh. “Just had to eat the apple.”
You shift around to get comfortable, trying to reclaim even a fraction of your bliss before a familiar pain travels up your lower back. Again, his hand rubs circles trying to alleviate the pain, but it’s just not enough.
“Wish I could take the pain from you,” Logan mutters, and the thought makes you giggle.
“You wouldn’t last a day.”
“You really think so?” He says, eyebrow quirking up. You nod in agreement from above, biting your lip to hold in a laugh.
“Yeah, you’d fold after an hour.”
“You underestimate what I’d do for my girl.”
Your laughter turns to a wince when another cramp hits you. It’s now that Logan’s eyes change. It’s subtle, but still there, his eyes roaming over your form not like a concerned lover, but like…something else.
His free hand reaches your face, thumb stroking the apple of your cheek. “Y’know, I could fix it. Your period, I mean.”
“Is that one of your mutant abilities or something?” You ask confused, to which he shakes his head.
“Nah, it’s a human ability—a man’s ability, I should say.”
His answer does nothing to answer your question. “Logan, the hell are you talking about?”
“I’m saying I could get rid of your period,” he says, and it’s now you notice the smirk plastered on his face. “For nine months, at least.”
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lidiasloca · 2 days
azriel knows when you need help
azriel x reader
“Enjoying yourself?”
You turn to the raspy voice that’s broken your dancing rhythm. Usually, you would cut them off just as they had your moment, but the male you find when you turn seems rather familiar.
“Markus!” You move to hug your Illyrian friend. It has been years since you last saw him, and he is… changed—far more handsome than the young boy you had met in the Illyrian camps.
“Hello, you,” he smiles, hugging you back. “You are…” he says, taking a step back to look you up and down. “Wow.”
You laugh, conscious of the blush creeping up your cheeks. “How long has it been?” you ask, eager to change the flustering topic.
“Too long,” he responds. “I’m so glad to see you again. I thought I would never get to see my childhood crush again.”
“Oh. Shut up!” you mumble nervously. Yes, you had known about it—it was a rather famous rumor around your group. But it all had been a long time ago. You were another girl, and he was a very different boy from the male you have in front of you. “Well—and what have you been up to these years?”
“Oh. No. Let’s skip those formalities,” he says, as he places a warm hand on your arm.
You don’t really know how to take it, so you try matching his smile with a forced one. “What do you mean? I want to know…” You start growing uncomfortable when he starts stroking your arm up and down and his stare grows sharper, more flirtatious.
“Let’s go somewhere else, y/n.”
Before you can deny him, a furious tug deep inside you calls you. It feels like a punch, or a warning, like a call for help. You take it as a sign to escape this embarrassing situation.
No matter how handsome, you had never liked him back, and definitely, you didn’t now. It was another male you had only had eyes for—Markus knew that, yet he always tried to ignore it.
“I’m really enjoying the party,” you try as an excuse. “Maybe another time we can go for lunch with the group…”
“Oh, y/n, don’t be like this.” He urges you to get closer, forcing your arm towards him. “It’s been so long, you—we’ve changed so much. I’ve changed so much.”
“I—Markus, let go, please,” you say softly, trying to calm him.
“Sorry,” he mutters, his strength faltering, but still not letting go of you. “Y/n,” he tries again. “You cannot be serious. Deny me again? After all these years?”
“You know why, Markus,” you explain gently.
“No.” The male suddenly barks. “Ten fucking years and you’re still after Azriel. For fuck’s sake, get a grip, y/n. He doesn't want you.”
Another tug in your heart, harder and more alarming. But you give no attention to it as your eyes start swelling with tears at his words.
“Let go,” you say again, this time loud and clear, with contained fury. “Let go, I won’t ask you again, Markus.”
“Unbelievable,” he laughs. “You are just as stupid as you were back then.”
Another tug. More intense, as if getting closer.
“Shut up, Markus! And let go! Now!”
“Is everything okay?” a boy at the bar comes to ask, his eyes on Markus' forcing grip.
“Yes. Everything is okay. Leave us alone,” Markus barks, making him storm away without a word.
“Markus. Calm down, you are not in your right mind,” you try saying calmly. “Let go, please.”
“Don’t try that with me. I’m not sixteen anymore, y/n.”
“Let go of her,” a voice behind Markus orders—a voice you could recognize anywhere.
“I told you to leave us,” Markus replies, not even caring to turn to him.
The male walks in front of Markus and orders again: “Let go, now.”
“Azriel,” he says in fear, instantly letting go of you. “I—”
“Get out.”
It takes Markus less than a second to turn and run to the door. The exact time it takes for Azriel to quickly turn to you and assess you. “Are you alright, y/n?”
You can only nod, feeling his hands softly tracing the marks Markus had left from his harsh grip.
“Can I get you to Majda? Just to check you. Please,” he asks, and it sounds like a plead. You have to look somewhere else at the intensity of his worried stare on you.
“Y/n. Please. Say something.”
He smiles softly as if thanking you. “Let me fly you there,” he tells you, offering his hand to accompany you outside the bar.
But you don’t take it. You just stare at him as a question rumbles soundly inside your head.
“What is it?” he asks.
“You—you were on a mission away from the court,” you explain, not really helping clear out his confusion. “Why are you here?”
He stays silent for a second, and you see the doubt in his eyes. “I came to help you,” he replies at last.
“But how did you know I was here? How did you know I needed help?”
“I just knew. I felt it.”
Before you can ask how, there it is again—that feeling.
A tug on your soul.
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-Characters by Sarah J Maas
a/n: lovelies, i would love to talk about anything acotar (or other books) 💓 i would really love it if you sent something to my inbox—it makes tumblr so much more entertaining! 🎀
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surely-sims · 3 days
Moving Forward - End of 2024 Plans
Hello! 👋
I wanted to start this off by and foremost saying thank you so much for the support on the recent Poppy set release. I haven’t seen the community having that much fun with CC in a while and it really means the world to me.  🧡
I’ll try to keep this short and to the point. It’s not bad news, just different. 
I've been unemployed for over a year now. August 2023 I finished off my last gig in Animation, and the industry has since taken a giant dive into the toilet. Greenlights are very rare and jobs are even rarer. Boo hoo so sad but what does that mean for CC? Last year I put together a massive game of Clue for Simblreen. I didn’t sleep for 48 hours straight. For Shrimpmas the story was very similar but somehow even worse. And just to put it into optics, I recently spent 3 weeks making the Poppy CAS set. Hours and hours dedicated to getting the meshes and the swatches perfect- and after all the love, all the fantastic amazing lookbooks- I made $7. (And I’m very grateful to those new patrons, and everyone that took the time to play with it, believe me I am! I just want you to understand the kind of numbers we’re working with here.) I don't make a lot of money doing this, I really don't.
TLDR; This has been a very roundabout way to say I’m going to be scaling back this year. 
For the rest of the year, I'm going to commit to making things that make me happy, and take a break from things I stress over for absolutely no reason. Simblreen will still be happening, but only for the second weekend, and I’m going to be cutting a lot of stuff I was making for it. Because when I sat down and thought about it, I wasn't making it because I wanted to, I was making it because I felt I had to. In the same vein, as of right now, Shrimpmas is cancelled this year. I’m really sorry about this one. I know it’s a ton of fun, but instead I’ll be focusing on finishing up two large sets and getting them to you in November and December.
I hate going on about this stuff, but I wanted to be clear where I’m at as a creator. Thank you for reading, and I’ll see you soon. 💗
xo, Anne
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@steddie-spooktober day 3: apples | rated: G | wc: 998
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“Wow, he’s really good at that.” Robin remarks as Eddie sloshes back up out of the bucket with yet another apple caught in his grin, “Who'da thunk, huh?”
“Yeah…” Steve breathes, watching Eddie’s hair drip down over his forehead and down his neck, “He’s really good with his mouth.”
Robin chokes on her most recent swig of cider, “I’m sorry, what?!”
“Uh…” Steve feels his face turn hot, “Huh? I didn’t say anything.” He moves to turn away back into the Hoppers’ cabin, an excuse of the bathroom or a new mug of cider ready behind his teeth and Robin on his heels
“Oh no you don’t; you explain yourself this instant Steven Marie Harrington!” She demands, voice much louder than he’d like it to be, “What did you just say about Eddie Munson’s mouth??”
“Nothing that anyone—especially the Eddie in question—needs to hear! Quiet down!” He whispers in a harried tone.
He pulls her into Hopper’s tiny bathroom, snapping the door shut behind him.
“You have a crush on Eddie Munson?! Our Eddie Munson?”
Steve leans back against the door and sighs, letting himself sink to the floor. “Still too loud.” he says, not actually meaning it.
She must’ve been able to tell that he’s trying to stall, so she sinks onto the shallow edge of the tub to wait. One of her knees knocks against the bowl of the toilet, the other against the wall.
“I think I have for a little while now. Since spring break at least.” he confesses, now that he’s in the proper position to do so, here on the bathroom floor.
“You found time to get your first crush on a guy since figuring out you’re bi, and it’s during yet another upside-down related catastrophe.” Robin states rather than asks. “You’re something else, Dingus.”
“Gee, thanks for your support.”
“You have it always, obviously,” she waves him off, “Just surprised that the first I’m hearing about it is when your horny lizard brain tells me for you.”
“It’s been getting really annoying lately.”
“What, having a big gay crush on someone? I feel you.”
“No, lizard brain is being really annoying lately. But yeah, also that.”
Steve’s gaze is stuck on the slightly mis-matched piece of linoleum between his feet, but sees Robin nod her head in his periphery.
Neither say anything for a solid 45 seconds, until: “So what are you going to do about it?”
“Something… eventually… maybe…” he hedges, “Just ‘cause he’s into guys too doesn’t mean he’s into me.”
“Oh yeah, of course he isn’t.”
He rolls his eyes at the sarcasm. “I’m being serious Robin.”
“Me too.”
Steve finally looks up at her.
“Don’t give me that look, I’m being serious about my sarcasm, Steven. Of course Eddie’s into you; you saw how he was flirting with you during the whole Vecna fiasco!” Robin flails her arm around in emphasis, “How he’s been flirting with you ever since.”
“What if that’s not just for me though, he’s annoyingly charming to everyone!”
“He may be charming,” She grimaces (“Hey!”), “But that doesn’t mean he’s out here flirting with anyone!”
“He just feels comfortable with me.”
“Everyone our age knows about Eddie, Steve, and he’s still been his same dorky self with all them. You’re the only one he’s been flirting with nonstop.”
Steve opens his mouth to respond, but closes it again. 
Damn, she’s got a point.
Eddie never calls Jonathan ‘sweetheart’, or Argyle ‘big boy’... he’s heard him say once that Hopper was his first crush when he’d had one too many drinks, but she’s right.. Eddie’s only flirty with him.
Steve suddenly feels all swoopy inside. And it must show on his face somehow, because Robin says “Ew gross, you’re thinking about him aren’t you?”
“No, I’m thinking about Hopper– of course I’m thinking about him!” Steve grins, then pushes him up off the floor. “Okay, okay, I just have to make it through the rest of the day, and I’ll ask him out tomorrow when he comes in to bother us for a free rental at work.”
He looks down at Robin, searching her face for any sign that it isn’t a good plan.
She nods, “Good. Now where are you going to take him?”
The answer to that one was simple, “Movie date at my place.”
Robin snorts, “A bit presumptuous, eh Stevie?”
The floaty feeling in his gut turns into a boulder, “I mean— That’s not what— Obviously I’d love it to—” he cuts himself off for the last time at the smirk on her face. “Oh fuck you.” He shakes his head in fond exasperation as he turns, heading back out of the bathroom.
Robin’s teasing him still when the back door opens and Eddie waltzes in, the round, decorative basket Joyce had been using to put all the apples people fished out of the barrel in his arms and a(nother? The same?) apple lodged in his teeth.
He spots them and puts the basket down on the island, spinning dramatically to lean onto the tabletop to face them.
His hand comes up to grab onto the apple, snapping off a bite and sucking away the juice as he takes it away from his mouth, “Hey Stevie, Birdie,” he says over a mouthful of crunching fruit.
Steve blinks once, then turns to Robin, “I’m not going to survive 'till tomorrow.”
Before she or Eddie can react, Steve is striding across the room and pulling his sodden friend to him in a tart, apple-flavored kiss.
Robin says something about being lookout, but Steve’s too busy feeling Eddie’s mouth on his.
Until Eddie pulls back that is.
“Shit– Eddie, I’m so sorry, I—” Steve stops when Eddie’s finger comes up between them.
Eddie chews once, twice, a third, then swallows down the rest of his bite.
“Okay,” Eddie breathes once his mouth is clear. “Now, where were we?” He tosses the apple over his shoulder and descends upon Steve once again.
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divider from @saradika-graphics!
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potatoplace · 1 day
Three's Company
Cassian x Reader x Azriel
kinktober day 3 | threesomes, spitroasting
kinktober '24 masterlist | ACOTAR x reader masterlist
Story Summary: You come home to your roommates after a terrible date, and they offer a sympathetic ear. And maybe some sympathetic touch, too.
Warnings: smut, uhhhh smut
Words: ~2.2k
Author's Note: here it is, day 3 of kinktober! I'm happy I got this out lol it was a bit of a struggle, work tired me out. But enjoy some nice smutty Az n Cass! I hope you guys like it!
18+ only pls
“I can’t believe this,” you sighed as you fell back onto the couch, right between your two roommates.
“What is it, Y/N?”
It was Cassian, sitting to your left who asked.
You sighed again. “You know that guy I was seeing?”
“George, or something, right?” Azriel asked from your right.
“Yeah… We went out again tonight, and things were going really well until we got back to his apartment.” You fell forward, pressing your chest to your knees and your head in your hands.
“Did he try something?” Azriel asked, his voice low, almost irritated, if you had to guess.
“I mean, technically yes, but I wanted him to. It’s more what he didn’t do that was the problem,” you said, still bent over yourself. “Like, I went down on him without him even needing to ask, but when I asked if he would eat me out…” You bolted upright, covering your face with your hands as your face turned crimson. “I’m sorry, that was probably way too much information.”
Two gentle, giant hands rubbed your back soothingly.
“Not at all, sweetheart. I’d like to know just how much I should glare at the man if I ever run into him,” Cassian said.
“Keep going, you had more to say, right?” Azriel asked, his hand on the back of your neck now, gently rubbing out the tension.
“Just… He refused to eat me out, said that it’s disgusting for me to even ask… And then I still…” You sighed once more. “We still had sex but he came after like, a minute. How fucking pathetic is that?”
“Sweetheart,” Cassian said softly, his arm wrapping tightly around you, bringing you into his side. “What an asshole. You deserve so much better than any of that.”
Azriel’s arm joined his, and then you were being squeezed between the two men, both of them placing a kiss on your head.
“I think I have an idea to make you feel better,” Azriel suggested.
You dropped your hands to your lap and turned your head to look at him, his blazing hazel eyes meeting yours. “And what would that be?” You asked quietly.
Azriel’s eyes left yours and looked over your head for a moment before locking eyes with you again.
And then two hands wrapped around each of your thighs, hauling each to rest between two thick, strong legs, spreading you wide open.
“I’ll offer you a deal, kitten,” Azriel started. “If we can make you cum harder and more times than any of those crappy guys you’ve a dating over the past six months, you date us.”
Your breath hitched in your throat- were they serious?
“What do you say, sweetheart?” Cassian asked lowly, his lips by your ear, and you shivered at the feeling.
“Mm…” You bit your lip, considering their offer as their fingers drummed on your inner thighs, small licks of heat accompanying their touch. “Yes,” you breathed, and that was all it took for their hands to start moving.
Cassian’s moved to take off your top, while Azriel’s slid beneath your skirt, brushing against your bare cunt- you had forgotten to grab your underwear before booking it out of George’s apartment.
“Naughty little kitten,” he whispered in your ear before dipping a finger inside of you, humming in satisfaction when he found you wet already.
Cassian pulled your top over your head and off of your arms, tossing it to the side. His arms wrapped around you, hands immediately moving to cover your breasts, squeezing them and testing their weight. His plush lips kissed along the expanse of your throat, drawing a quiet whine from your lips.
Azriel had moved his finger, coated in your slick, to rub small, slow paced circles on your clit, and you knew then that you would be dating them, one way or the other.
After all, how common could it be to find two incredibly attractive men who wanted to give you pleasure at the same time?
Cassian’s hands kneaded your tender flesh, thumbs rolling over you nipples in time with Azriel’s swirling finger on your clit, heat building quickly in your core from their touch.
“Feeling good so far, sweetheart?” Cassian asked in your ear.
You nodded in agreement with your eyes closed, moaning out a soft “Yes,” your breath hitching when Cassian squeezed your right nipple tightly.
Azriel stopped his movements, removing his hand from your center altogether, and you whined in protest, eyes still shut. He moved your leg that was over him setting it back down on the couch. There was a quiet squeaking noise, and your eyes flew open in the next second when something warm, wet, heavenly wrapped around your clit, eyes making contact with Azriel’s as he sucked on your clit.
“Fuck,” you moaned out, one hand latching on to Cassian’s thigh, the other fisting in Az’s hair. He laughed lowly, sending pleasurable vibrations through your clit and you squirmed in their grasp.
“Hold still, princess, be good for Az, hmm?” Cassian ordered gently, his arms keeping you in place as Azriel moved from your clit to your soaked hole. “Can you do that for us?”
“Mm-” you groaned, nodding your head a moment later. “Mhm.”
“Good kitten,” Az said softly, his gaze meeting yours when he lifted off of your core for a moment before returning his attentions to your clit.
With just a few precise licks and two fingers inside you, you shattered in Cassian’s arms and under Azriel’s tongue, your back arching as Azriel’s thick fingers drew out your pleasure.
“Such a good girl for us, Y/N,” Cassian murmured in your ear as you came down, his thumbs rubbing a soothing pattern on the underside of your breasts. “Do you think you can stand, sweetheart?”
With the way your legs were still shaking, even with Azriel’s hands no longer touching you, you didn’t think you would be able to.
“No…” You admitted quietly, and Azriel’s lips split into a grin at your words- a true rarity for him, and your heart skipped a beat at the sight.
“Want me to carry you, princess?” Cass asked, not waiting for you answer as he slid your leg off of his and stood, an arm hooking under your knees and the other supporting your back as he lifted you into his arms.
Your arms flew around his shoulders, and you giggled when you saw Az with a slight pout. “Be faster next time and you can carry me, Az.”
“Is that a promise, kitten?”
You bit your lip as you looked at him, then nodded your head.
There was no way you could go back to being just friends with the two of them, even if you stopped what you were doing at this very moment.
“Good, now let’s get you into a bed, hmm?” Cassian said, already walking in the direction of your bedroom. Azriel opened the door, letting the two of you pass through first before he joined you.
Cassian gently set you down on the edge of your bed, then knelt at your feet and began taking off your shoes, which you had forgotten to do before sitting down between them earlier. Azriel was already stripping off his clothes, his shirt first, then his belt, and he had just unbuttoned his jeans when Cassian’s touch drew your attention again.
“Stand up, princess, unless you want to be fucked in your skirt.”
The offer was tempting, but you wanted to feel their skin against yours, anyplace that you could. So you stood on shaky legs and rested your hands against Cassian’s broad shoulders as he tugged the skirt down over your hips to pool at your feet, sitting back down when his hands pushed your hips lightly.
“Get on your knees for us, kitten,” Azriel ordered when he reached the edge of the bed, his hard cock bobbing in the air.
He was big.
You did as he asked, getting on your knees and facing the end of the bed. At least, you assumed that’s how they were wanting you.
“Look at that, Az, she takes orders from us so well already,” Cassian praised, and your cheeks flushed further, if it was possible. Both from his words, and the fact that he was naked now too, and his cock was even larger than Azriel’s.
“Thank you,” you said breathily, and they both smiled at you.
“So polite, too,” Azriel murmured, running one of his thumbs across your cheek. “Where do you want us, kitten?”
“Oh, uhm… I’m not sure.”
Cassian stepped closer, his own hand tangling in your hair. “Do you think you can swallow my cock? Or would you rather I fuck you with it right now?”
You licked your lips, sizing up the girth and length of him. “I… I’m not sure I could fit you in my mouth,” you said sheepishly.
Cassian smirked in response. “We can try some other time, princess. You heard her, Az.” He walked to your right and kneeled on the bed behind you, spreading your knees apart with his legs, and you fell forward onto your hands at the change in position.
Azriel moved to stand right in front of you, his cock close enough for you to lick now, if you chose to. You peered up at him through your lashes, and he let out a soft groan.
“Such a pretty girl,” he cooed at you as he stuck a thumb in your mouth, smirking when you swirled your tongue around it and sucked. “Are you ready for us, kitten?”
You held his gaze as you nodded, frowning when his thumb left your mouth with a slight pop.
“Open up, kitten,” he said, fisting his cock in one hand as the other gripped your hair lightly. You could feel as Cassian lined the head of his cock up with your soaked entrance, waiting for Azriel’s signal.
A shiver ran up your spine, one of anticipation.
You opened your mouth and wrapped your lips around Azriel’s cock, letting him push in a couple of inches, and that’s when Cassian pushed into you, slowly, oh so slowly.
The stretch of him was overwhelming, the delicious feeling of pained pleasure overtaking you as Azriel commanded your mouth, setting a slow but steady pace for the moment.
“Fuck, princess, you’re so damn tight,” Cassian hissed as he pushed further in, nearly fully seated now. You moaned loudly around Azriel’s cock in your mouth, causing him to hiss in pleasure.
“You should feel her mouth, brother, it’s the best I’ve ever felt. And you’re taking me so well, little kitten,” Azriel praised as he ran a thumb over your cheek. “Do you think you can handle me picking up the pace?”
You nodded as best you could, what with him in your mouth and his hand in your hair. He smiled down at you and moved his hand to join the other in your hair, holding you in place.
He did as he said he would, moving faster in and out of your mouth, a pace that Cassian matched, each one of his strokes hitting you in the perfect spot- over, and over, and over, driving you closer and closer to the brink with each movement.
And there, in the moments that they filled you at the same time, you found utter bliss, lost to the freedom of giving yourself over to the two men, the way that they carved a space for themselves inside of you.
Cassian’s fingers slipped over your clit in fast, small circles, and you fell over the edge, your cries muffled by Azriel, still occupying your mouth, sending him over the brink as well, spilling his seed down your throat with a long, low moan that had you clenching around Cassian again.
Cassian was the last to fall, the grip of your cunt squeezing his climax from him, and he gave a few last, triumphant pumps before pulling out of you, watching with a satisfactory look in his eyes as a bit of his cum dribbled out of your hole onto your bedspread.
Azriel pulled out of your mouth and let go of your hair, only to rush forward as your arms and knees gave out and you collapsed into his arms in a giggling heap on the floor.
“I’m sorry, Azzie, I couldn’t hold myself up anymore” you laughed, wrapping your arms around his neck and pressing your bare chests together.
“What the hell you guys, come back up here,” Cassian whined, scooting to the edge of the bed so he could look at the two of you. “I need some post-sex cuddles too, if you don’t mind.”
Azriel huffed out a laugh. “Come down here, then, you big baby.”
“Yeah, Cassie, c’mere,” you murmured, already snuggling into Az’s warm, warm body. “Bring a blankie too.”
Cassian sighed in feigned annoyance, but crawled down onto the ground anyways, pulling your comforter off the bed as he went. “Only for a little bit, and then we actually get in bed, okay?” He said as he spread the blanket over the three of you, his arm slinging over your waist and hand resting on Azriel’s.
“Yeah, sure,” you agreed as Azriel muttered, “You’ll be the one who won’t want to move in five minutes, Cass.”
“No I won’t,” Cassian said, but yawned a moment later. “… Fine, maybe I will.”
You giggled into Az’s chest. You might have just had amazing sex with the two of them, but they were still the same goofballs you knew and loved.
General Taglist: @daughterofthemoons-stuff
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revelboo · 2 days
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Carrying the pet headcannons
IDW Megatron x Reader, IDW Starscream x Reader, IDW Wheeljack x Reader, yeah, I’m not listing them all, but just how each mech handles/carries a human.
• Carries you cradled against his chassis, servos curled partially around you. Tucks you inside his canopy if there are any other mechs about to hide you. He’s not exactly ashamed of you, more worried about you getting hurt to spite him. With how many enemies he’s made, he fully expects treachery. When he does allow you to ride on his shoulder, one big hand is always up, not touching you, but ready to grab you. It’s easy enough to tell he’s not the happiest with you perched there despite your insistence on being able to see. His wings stay aggressively up the whole time until you take pity on him to climb into his hand.
• Doesn’t just grab you and it’s honestly adorable as he kneels and offers a huge hand to try and coax you to him like you might a stray dog. You’re pretty sure in his alien mind, you are a stray dog, but the novelty of not just being grabbed makes that realization more amusing than insulting. And his expression when you do willingly come to him to be picked up is too cute. He’s not above bribing you to him with little odds and ends he finds, including food of dubious origin.
• Cages you carefully between his hands like a fragile moth he wants to inspect without hurting. For such a huge mech, he’s shockingly gentle with you. A lot of it is guilt, that dark tide constantly threatening to pull him under. Finds your presence soothing, but because of that same guilt, will pass you off to another caretaker given a chance. Can’t trust himself to not accidentally break you. He feels he definitely shouldn’t be entrusted with fragile things when all he’s good at is destruction. But he does love those quiet moments of contact, deserving of them or not.
• Picks you up to almost absentmindedly move you from getting under ped or if you’re just in his way while he’s working. He’s careful about how he handles you, but uncomfortable with just holding you like a favorite pet. Gets the award for being painfully awkward when he does have to carry you, because he’s sure you don’t enjoy being carried like a sparkling. He’s sure you resent it even if you never say a word. You don’t mind when it’s him picking you up. Those clever hands are so gentle with you and the longer he has to carry you, the more uncomfortable and gruff he gets.
• Absolute menace. Carries you like a toddler with their first kitten. One hand too tight around your middle as you hang upside down, because why carry you right side up when you change colors upside down? The more you struggle and swear, the funnier he finds it. Plus, he’s learning so many new, fun words and phrases to use. Most likely to accidentally, on purpose, drop you.
• Not a lot better. He seizes you around the middle with one claw and carries you hanging awkwardly face down, arms and legs dangling and your hair in your face. Sometimes swings his arms, because your miserable groaning and complaints are too funny. Won’t hurt you intentionally despite acting like a jerk. Actually pretty protective of you and by his twisted logic, no one else is allowed to mess with you. Only him.
• Doesn’t really carry you around unless there are other bots about. Honestly, isn’t sure how you feel about being picked up, but you’re so tiny compared to them and he gets anxious whenever he sees you walking in a hall with other Autobots. It doesn’t matter that he knows you’re in no danger. Those times, he makes a line straight for you, scooping you into his servos for your own safety. Half the time, he scares you silly because you hear running, heavy peds behind you, then you’re being grabbed. He means well and you appreciate how much he worries, but, really, you’re fine. The others see you. No one is going to step on you.
• Has a fondness for small things and even though you’re hardly one of his cassettes, will pick you up place you in his chest compartment if he finds you wandering about unsupervised. Being nabbed and dropped into the dark absolutely terrifies you at first, but you can see a dim glow in front of you and hear the hum of the big mech’s inner workings around you. It’s a surprise to both of you when you manage to fall asleep inside him. That cements it for him, he adopts you.
Bonus: Soundwave’s cassettes
• Frenzy seizes you around the middle under your arms and carries you around like a younger sibling, your toes dragging as you squirm to get away. Rumble would rather grab you by a leg and drag you kicking and protesting behind him just to see how long he can get away with it before Soundwave intervenes. As protective as the huge mech is, he’s surprisingly tolerant of his cassette’s mischief. You’re not being physically hurt? He’s allowing it. Cassetticons squabble- it’s how you set your boundaries. More than once, Lazerbeak has dive-bombed you, claws snagging the back of your shirt so he can lift you a foot or so up off the ground, because your terrified yelp sliding into angry swearing is too funny to him. May have dropped you once when your shirt just tears in his claws. Ravage prefers to nudge you along in the direction he wants you to go, but isn’t above carefully gripping your arm in his jaws to firmly tug you along if you’re resisting. Oddly enough, you grow resigned to your “older siblings” fast enough. You don’t really have a choice.
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nativegirltapes · 3 days
angel reader posting pics from a party with a her boy friends and drew being jealous plsss
ooooo i love this. cuz drew doesn’t seem like the jealous type at all, but when he gets jealous, he gets JEALOUSSS
warnings; odessa is the opp, drew lowkey being mean, sounds like they about to break up, reader lowkey looks stupid 🤫 lot of dialogue sorry. i don’t even know what im doing ok
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you'd been at your wits end with odessa trying to get all over your man and drew doing basically nothing to stop it, so tonight you figured you'd give drew a taste of his own medicine.
you told drew you were going out with some friends you haven't seen since highschool, and yeah that wasn't necessarily a lie - you just didn't mention that they were all men. you felt guilty and you knew it was wrong, but that still wasn't enough to stop you.
you took one last look at the photo you had just took, your shiny glossy duck lips reflecting off the colorful lights just right, as three of your old highschool guy friends surrounded you in the selfie, their pearly whites on display, circled around you like you were their queen they were meant to serve.
your stomach churned as you pressed post, the guilt was really starting to hit. ignoring your panic, you tucked your phone in your back pocket, distracting yourself with the club music playing, continuing to dance with your old highschool friends, but also keeping a distance from them. you wanted drew to feel jealous, not cheat on him.
it wasn't long before you felt vibrations in your back pocket. "i'll be right back okay?" you said to one of the guys you had came with.
opening your phone to five messages from drew.
andrew <3 - Where are you??
andrew <3 - Hello?
andrew <3 - Really?
andrew <3 - You think you're sooo cute.
andrew <3 - Really?? Answer the phone.
2 missed calls.
another call popped up from drew, you answered this one, feeling like you had already let him suffer enough.
“hello? where are you?” drew didn’t sound exactly mad, just disappointed and stressed, more like he was worried about you.
“i told you, i’m at the club with my friends.” you played stupid.
“yeah, i know that,” drew huffed. “which one?”
you felt defeated and stupid, you didn’t have it in you to argue with drew at this point, you just felt bad. “the one on idaho street.”
“i’m coming to get you.”
the car ride home was awkward, it felt like you had just got caught sneaking out of your parents house.
“how did you even get in?” drew broke the silence.
“i don’t know, they just let me in.” you stayed looking out the window, too embarrassed to even look at drew. your plan didn’t play out exactly like how you thought it would.
“did you do anything with them?”
“what?” you took offense to his question. “did i DO anything with them?”
“i mean you wanna act all highschool, let’s act all highschool then.”
“are you serious?” you crossed your arms. you couldn’t believe drew even asked such a silly question.
“yeah.” drew laughed. “i am serious.”
“i could ask you the same question about odessa.” you rolled your eyes.
drew swerved the car to the side, putting it in park. “all of this is about odessa?”
when drew worded it that way, it made you sound crazy, but yeah it was about her.
“no,” you lied. the more drew stayed quiet, the more you wanted to say. “i don’t know, maybe.” you
“how many times do i have to tell you that i do not want her? if you want her out of the picture just fucking say that instead of constantly beating around the bush, because you’re too afraid to have a conversation.”
you stayed silent, drew was right. you would do literally anything, except just have a conversation with drew. and that’s where the age difference between you two was very prevalent.
“i mean fuck, y/n. this isn’t highschool and you’re over here acting like it is. posting with three different guys who would love to be in my position. really?”
“i’m sorry drew.” you fiddled with your fingers.
“i really don’t think you are.”
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All In 15
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No tag lists. Do not send asks or DMs about updates. Review my pinned post for guidelines, masterlist, etc.
Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as noncon/dubcon, age gap, power imbalance, low self esteem, and possible untagged elements. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: you meet a mysterious man on a night out with your sister. (petite!reader)
based on the winning option for this poll
Characters: casino owner!Bucky Barnes
Note: Okay. Back again.
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me.
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!) Please do not just put ‘more’. I will block you.
I love you all immensely. Take care. 💖
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You sit up as the faucet runs, the bathroom door slightly open. You look around, searching for your own shoes, not these annoying heels. As you get up, Bucky emerges, swiping his hands over his dark hair. You gulp and stop short. You gape at his shirtless torso. 
“You going somewhere, doll?” He asks. 
“Um, yeah, home,” you tear your eyes off of him. 
“Home? It’s late.” 
“I know but... my mom...” 
“I bet she’s asleep. She won’t know the difference, doll. I can’t let you go off into the night like that,” he insists as he comes closer. 
“But I...” you scour the room for your purse. You really don’t know how you’ll explain it all to your mom. You can’t go home in this dress and makeup. “I have to--” 
“Who say? You’re an adult, aren’t ya? You can stay.” He comes close and puts his hands on your shoulders, “you’re not gonna leave me all alone, are you?” 
“Bucky, I...” you chew your lip. “I had fun...” 
“But you can’t stay and snuggle. I get it. You’re a special girl, maybe I just don’t deserve ya,” he frowns. “And I’m not gonna make you stay but I can’t let you go off alone. So let me get dressed and I’ll drive you home.” 
You look at him. Your chest tweaks. He did all this for you. He’s already half undressed for the day and you can see the fatigue around his eyes. To be honest, you’re exhausted yourself. 
“No, I can’t-- I’ll stay,” you try to smile but you’re too nervous to do more than show your teeth. 
“You don’t gotta feel sorry for me,” he scoffs. 
“Sorry for you?” You pout, “no. How could I—what would I feel sorry for?” 
His throat bobs and he looks away, “you really are a sweet girl.” 
“Bucky,” you step closer, then stop yourself. You notice the muscles in his chest. He’s so strong and big. It’s distracting. “I’m just me. I... you—you own this whole place, why would I feel bad for you? It’s not... that. I’m just...” your lashes flick and your eyes drift down to his muscled stomach. You tear them away in shame, “nervous.” 
“Nervous,” he looks at you, almost bashfully as he keeps his chin tilted down. “About what?” 
“Well, er... everything. You. I... I’m just... it’s all so new, that’s all.” You twist your hand around your finger. “I didn’t mean to... hurt you.” 
He stares at you and takes a deep breath. He stands up straight and comes closer. “Aw, doll, no. Don’t give me that face. It makes me want you even more. To show you that you don’t need to be nervous. I wanna take care of ya. That’s the deal, isn’t it? I’m gonna give you everything you could ever dream of and all I’m asking is for you to keep being sweet to me.” 
He brings a hand up to cup your chin and you shiver. His thumb rubs along the line of your jaw as you peer up at him, “come on.” 
He gently urges you toward the bed. You put your hand on his wrist and stop him. You run your touch down his forearm. 
“I can’t sleep in this,” you look down at the dress. “Too tight.” 
“Ah, you want one of mine, doll?” He chuckles and reluctantly pulls his hand away. 
He turns and strides to the closet. To your surprise, there are clothes inside. Some of them you recognise from the racks of dresses you browsed earlier. He reaches inside and takes out a black button up. He comes back to you as he slips it off the hanger. 
He hands it over and you thank him. You feel the fabric, it’s soft. It’ll be nicer than the pinch of the seams. 
“Can I unzip ya?” He rasps. You sense the tension in his voice, as if he can barely get it out. 
“Oh, sure.” 
You turn your back to him, as much to hide your own burning blush as to hide from the heat roiling from him. You wince as his thumb brushes your skin and he slowly pulls down the tab of the zipper. You quiver out your breath and clutch the bodice of the dress as it slackens. You look at him from the corner of your eye. 
His fingertips trail up your spine and he steps closer. You brace yourself. He sniffs and pulls his hand away. 
“I’ll close my eyes,” he puts his hand over his face and turns on his heel. 
You don’t move right away. His presence is like a noose. You step away from him and put the shirt on the bed. You shimmy out of the dress and swipe it quickly off the floor. You put the shirt on and button it up. You unhook your bra and slide it off one arm at a time before pulling it through it free from beneath the fabric. 
You gather up the shirt and bra and clear your throat, “you can look now.” 
He accepts your invitation eagerly. He looks at you. Nowhere else but you. As you carry the clothing to rest on the dresser, he hums. Your legs tingle as they’re exposed to the room and him. They were before but now you feel even barer. 
As he approaches, you wrench back and face him. He stops to step out of his pants and you watch him in disbelief. He has only his dark briefs left. The twitch under the fabric gives you a start. You squeak and hurry for the bed. That’s not because of you... no, but... 
He follows. You climb up just ahead of him and his weight dips beside you. You push your legs under the covers as he reaches back to flip the light switch beside the headboard. The lamp goes out and he groans as he jostles closer. 
You lay down and just as quickly you’re locked in his embrace. His warm breath fans over your cheek as he nestles in close and brushes his nose along your cheek. His hand traces up and down your side and he clutches your hip. He pulls you flush to him. You can fill him—it—moving against your thigh. 
“Doll, ain’t this nice? Just us, just snuggling,” he purrs and tucks his hand under you, hooking a leg around yours. “I wish it could last forever.” You hum, unsure what to say. He kisses your cheek and hushes your silence, “sweet dreams. Don’t think I could sleep any better than next to you.” 
Sleep shrouds you in a shallow void. You can sense everything around you. Your mind won’t let go of your strange surroundings or the man next to you. Before you open your eyes, you try to convince yourself it was all a dream. 
You open your eyes to find the truth vivid before you. Bucky entwines himself in your as he snores into your hair. His arm is hooked around you and you’re not sure you’re okay about his hand being where it is. As you squirm, he kneads your ass. 
You reach back to stop him and he growls. The sound makes your chest twinge and you arch your back as his fingers curl deeper into your soft flesh. You cling to him as he holds you close. 
“Mmm,” he drones groggily, “you’re so warm, baby.” 
He rocks his pelvis and you feel just what you did the night before. He’s hard. The realization freezes you. You gulp and put your other hand over his thigh, squeezing him through the blankets. 
“Bucky,” you squeak, “Bucky?” 
“So good,” he continues to tilt his hips in a lewd rhythm. 
You turn to look at him, pulling back to see him. You’re caught in his hold. His eyes are closed as he lays beside you. Is he asleep? 
He continues to roll into you. You don’t know what to do. You’re embarrassed and helpless. He keeps on as you babble and blink up at the hotel ceiling. He grunts and jerks, shakes, then stops altogether. You shudder. 
“Bucky,” you say louder as you writhe in his arm. 
“Mm, ugh, huh,” he mutters as you tap his shoulder frantically. “Doll, what’s--” 
You look down as you feel something wet seep through the shirt. He releases you as he leans back and lifts the blanket. He peeks down and quickly sits up. Before you can say a word, he swings his legs over the edge and stands. He storms into the bathroom and the door snaps behind him. 
You gape after him. When at last you can move, you drag the blanket away from the mattress. You look at the wet spot on your shirt and push yourself up. You’re not sure but you are sure. It can’t be anything else. You’ve heard of it happening to men in their sleep but you always thought it only happened to teens. 
The door opens and you pop your head up. Bucky comes out with a towel around his waist and his hand on his forehead, “doll. I’m so sorry. I was dreaming and...of you, of course, but I got carried away. I didn’t mean to—I didn’t realise...” he swallows and closes his eyes. He tilts his head and drops his arm, “I’m so embarrassed.” 
“Uh, oh, I... I... well, I guess it happens, right?” You can’t look at him.  
“Well, not really. I gotta be honest, I mean, after this, there’s no point lying but... this doesn’t happen to me. Not often. Not since... well, it was a while ago,” he explains. “I guess you just do that to me.” 
“Erm, oh, I... I’m sorry?” You say. 
“Sorry, doll,” he chuckles and nears the bed. “Baby,” his voice grits in his throat, “do you know the last time a woman made me feel anything? At all? You got me feeling all sort of ways,” he exhales with a quake and reaches for you. 
You look at him as he latches onto your arm. He pulls you to the edge of the bed, “come here.” 
He forces you to your feet and wraps you up in a hug, “I mean it, doll, I’m crazy for ya. And I’m tryna be patient but... you can see, I’m struggling. Huh? Can I have a little? Please.” 
You bat your lashes and dare to look up at him. His blue eyes are blazing and his cheeks are slightly tinged pink. Your stomach is flip flopping. 
“I...” you push your lips together and swallow, “what... what exactly... um, what did you want?” 
He trembles as he brings his hand up your arm and over your shoulder. He cradles your head and lets out another purr, “can I taste it? Please?” 
“Taste?” You echo thinly. 
“Baby, you don’t gotta do nothing. Just lay back, right? It’s like kissing. Mhmm. I’ll just be doing it...” his eyes drift lower and his nose furrows as if he’s snarling, “down there.” 
“I... I never...” 
“Promise, I’ll be nice. I just wanna try it. Alright? You say stop, I’ll stop, but baby,” his nails graze your scalp, “I’m getting hard again. It hurts.” 
You stare up at him, speechless. What do you say? What can you say? You’re in this hotel with him. The reason you’re there and could just as easily be the reason you’re not. And he’s you’re only way home. 
All of this, the room, the casino, last night, it’s all because of him. He gives and gives and you don’t see how you can keep taking. You squeeze your thighs together as they tingle. 
“Okay,” you whisper. 
“Okay?” He twitches. 
You nod as your eyes flit back and forth, “er, what... what do I do?” 
He exhales and puts his hands on your shoulders as he parts. He guides you back to the bed until your thighs meet the side, “you just sit, doll.” He shoves you down until you’re on the mattress, “I’ll do the rest.” 
You keep your eyes straight. Your body’s all locked up. You can’t move. He gets on his knees and moves toward you. He reaches under the shirt and grabs onto your panties. He tugs. 
“Help me out, baby,” he growls. 
You lift yourself slightly, just until he gets them past your bottom. You fall back down heavily. You’re buzzing in disbelief. He rolls your panties down your legs and off your ankles. He flings them away. 
He pulls your knees apart and you squeak as cool air grazes along your exposed cunt. He bends forward and kisses your thigh. You squeal. 
“Baby, I promise, I’ll be nice,” he speaks against your skin, his warm sweat smearing up your leg, “just be good. Be good for me, baby.” 
He shoves his head under the shirt and you exclaim as his tongue swipes up your cunt. You slap your hand against his head and thrash. He reaches back to hold your hand against his hair and buries his face into you. He hums and flicks his tongue. It sends a thrill through you. 
Your toes curl and your muscles strain. He keeps his tongue moving, and you push your head back as you lean your pelvis into him. Oh, wow.  
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uchi4nlog · 2 days
༺ 𓆩♡𓆪 𝅄 ׁ ˳ sweet relief , heeseung.
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college student fem reader, college student hee ، wc: 3.4k ، genre: en2l, one side hatred, angstsy? ، tw: f word, suggestive but nothing explicit.
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you throw your head back. whining in defeat. why does he have to make every single thing so difficult?
“so is it true, _____ …” — that grin making his words more annoying. “what one of your friends told me? you have a little crush on me? that’s why princess always act so mad around me?”, a pout form on his lips while trying to sound conceding.
blood pumping like crazy. you wanted to punch him right on his stomach and make him eat all of his ego back, “say shit like that again and i’m making you regret even being alive, lee heeseung.”
“awww, i was hoping for more of a sweet answer.”, whatever possessed this man today wasn’t going to give up so easily.
you and heeseung have always been like cat and dog, ever since your friend group decided to introduce the new ‘college taker’. you didn’t know how to pinpoint what exactly made you cautious and angry towards him. you just felt something really dangerous vibrating around his aura.
that’s when the news started to float around — “lee heeseung? that guy slept with a girl in my class and never looked at her face again.”, “one of my closest best friends told me he is the legitimately fuckboy. he’s friends with those frat boys that we saw one day at the bar. the ones who looked drunk af and were trying to hit on us.”
his reputation didn’t come as a surprise to you. you guess it was the way he always made sure to look at your eyes while speaking, the way his dark hair was meticulously messy, the way he cared himself as if every girl in the room was looking at him. — and as it might be true, you hated the overconfidence in him. it didn’t come as naturally. it came out as cocky, gross. 
“come on… no need to get shy now.”
“i don’t know if you got brain is all scrambled, and that is the main reason why you’re so fucking annoying, but i never said that. whoever told you that is in serious need of help. and also, i know it wasn’t one of our friends because they’re pretty aware of my complete disaffection for you.”
heeseung acts as if he got hurt, “ouch! i was just trying to clear up a misunderstanding.”, acting all nonchalantly and using that stupid soft voice, with that stupid grin, with that stupid subtle arrogance. 
“fine. if you’re done clearing up your brain, excuse me. the guys are waiting for me.”, you say going towards the bathroom door.
“one last thing, _____.”, you look back with a painful expression, wondering what else that psycho has to tell you. 
he pulls you by your hips in one swift motion. you try your best to not lose your balance and let the rest of your dignity fly out of the window. heeseung lips come close to your ear and stays there. his breath causing a small thread of electricity to fall all over your body.
“so if i kissed you right now, it would mean nothing. right, princess? since i’m so dumb and so annoying to even know what i’m doing. i’m completely moved by my ‘south thoughts’. wasn’t that what you told everyone?”, he wants to tease and make you mad. he wants to leave you just a conscious away from punching him. 
his face moves from your ears going to your chest, leaving a trace of his lips from the middle to your cheek. “say you don’t want me. say you hate me so much to the point where you can’t resist kissing me.”
you couldn't move. your body was feeling in this ride or die situation. but it would not follow your inner rational voice screaming to run away. you… want this? you want him to kiss you? no! these are your three glasses far away from sobriety speaking. 
“i don’t have the whole night-”, your lips finally touch his. the kiss is messy and desperate. were you waiting for this moment? god, you really wish you wasn't. heeseung is no better. you feel it as he dances in your mouth. the electricity spread on your body seemed to have made it's way through his as well. your lips couldn’t be away even for a little. you both wanted more. more of what this unknown feeling was presenting to you.
but oxygen needs to come back to your respective bodies, so you separate the kiss only for a few seconds. and before going in again — because for now it seems like you’re addicted to heeseung’s mouth — the words fall out of your mouth.
“you look better without speaking.”
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★ taglist: @sunoooism @itgirlgyu @mazeinthemoon @run4gyu @besciitos @lunathewritingcat @bamtorinrecs
★ status: requests closed and taglist currently open! send me an ask or comment to be added.
© gyuletters, 2024 - do not repost, copy, or translate. // rn im going through a very dangerous heeseung brainrot. and funny enough, im usually not the one to like enemies to lovers. i personally feel like its an excuse to make the male protagonists say mean shit and later apologize by admitting they were in love. but listen! one sided hatred is kinda my thing and im a sucker for teasing, as in both of the characters be teasing each other and see who breaks first. soooooooo i’ve decided to give it a try. i hope i’ve made justice to this trope. anywayssss tysm for reading this fic and for sticking around for my nonsensical rambling. ily more than you could imagine. 🤍
with love, 𝑟.
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writeonwhiskey · 3 days
the skz house: ch 27
a/n: eeeek. this chapter is a bit short, so the next one will be coming soon after! thank you @bahablastplz for editing!
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Chapter Twenty-Seven: Of Insomnia and Revelations
You don’t even bother to grab your phone before exiting the room, wanting to put as much space between the two of you before you spew words that you might later regret.
Fuck. You.
And so goes the next two weeks. You’re spared most of Chan’s antics during your period, save for a blowjob. He has you on his bed, on all fours, while he grips the back of your head and fucks your face. Your lack of humane interactions with him makes you feel distraught, but you can’t deny how good it feels to please him. To see him looking down at you with such intensity, lip caught between his teeth as he comes in your mouth. You wish it felt more rewarding, though.
Your only reprieve comes during your days with Hyunjin.
As much as you try to enjoy the peace he provides you, Chan continues to invade your thoughts. You’re no longer thinking of the ‘why’ to his behavior, though. Now, you can only consider how long you can put up with it. This isn’t the way you treat someone you allegedly care about; someone you were willing to throw your life away for. That’s the part that can’t wrap your head around.
You didn’t imagine the final few months in the house would be perfect after telling him no, but you thought they’d at least be cordial.
You’re lying in bed next to Hyunjin, eyes wide open as you contemplate how long you can survive being silently ignored and sexually tormented. Your last two days with Chan this week, he refused to let you have an orgasm. He’s exercising and pushing his control in a way that just doesn’t feel the same without your previous connection. Without knowing there’s any ounce of respect for you in his eyes.
You feel Hyunjin shake your shoulder.
“Go to sleep,” he says groggily.
“I’m trying,” you tell him.
“Come here,” he turns onto his side, and you do too so you’re facing each other.
He uses a hand to stroke your hair as you snuggle in closer to him. You resort to counting fucking sheep to lose yourself in the calm he’s pouring into you. And finally, you’re able to fall asleep.
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On Monday morning in the girls’ bathroom getting ready for class, you find yourself stuck in front of the mirror, leaning closer to your reflection to inspect the growing bags under your eyes. You haven’t slept well in days, and it’s starting to show.  
The door swings open and you drop your hands from your face as Allie walks in.
“You okay?” she asks, seeing you startled.
“Yeah…just tired,” you shrug.
She stops in the middle of the bathroom and takes in your reflection through the mirror.
“You sure? You seem a little different lately—you and Chan do.”
“It’s nothing,” you try to brush it off.
She walks towards you until she’s standing next to you, eyes still on yours through the mirror.
“Don’t give me that,” she shakes her head. “You know that boy refused to touch me during rotational? He hardly even looked at me, really.”
It makes you frustratingly happy to hear that, another testament of his devotion to you, but at the same time incredibly sad because it no longer feels that way. If rotations had happened now, after all this, would he still have refrained from touching her? You doubt it.
“We’re not supposed to talk about that, Allie.”
“I’m only telling you, and I know you won’t say anything to anyone else. You deserve to know how much he cares about you.”
“It doesn’t mean anything, though. It can’t.”
“It can while you’re here. We’re all operating with the knowledge of our expiration dates…just, try not to focus on the end and enjoy the time you have together now.”
She offers you a kind smile before playfully smacking you on the butt as she walks towards the shower.
She makes it sound so simple. Initially, that’s what you had wanted, too. To be happy with the time you have left together rather than the resentment now seeping through his pores.
Later, you help the girls cook dinner and sit at the table with everyone for the meal. You keep glancing at Chan occasionally, thinking of what Allie said. Does he just need a little nudge? Can you break through to him again and regain some semblance of normalcy for your last ten weeks in the house?
After dinner, you take a long shower, then go up to his room and climb into your bed with the lights off. You’re scrolling through your phone when he comes in, not making any attempts to be quiet.
“You up?” he asks loudly.
You lock your phone and let it fall to the bed without answering him. You hold your breath as you hear his footsteps growing closer. You feel his weight on the bed when he sits down and tugs on the blanket. Your body instantly feels warm with how close he is, still intent on betraying you whenever he is near. Your grip on the blanket loosens, allowing him to pull it down.
You’re sad. Of course you are. But you still want him to know that you’re here for him, that you yearn to be close to him. You want to get through to him and come to a mutual understanding, you want to see if it’s possible. You still believe there’s a chance to make that happen. You just need to know what he’s thinking.
He nudges your shoulder, so you turn over and lay flat on your back.
“Are you just never going to speak to me again?” you ask as he slips a hand underneath your shirt.
“What do you want me to say?” he counters.
Your stomach tenses up as his hand trails along the middle of it, up to your breasts. He squeezes one, brushing his thumb lightly over your nipple until it hardens, then does the same to the other. You let out a sigh, feeling your body immediately respond to his touch. The ache between your legs pulses rhythmically as you arch your back, pushing your breasts further into his hand.
“Anything,” you tell him.
“I wanna fuck you, y/n,” he says.
He knows that’s not what you meant.
He reaches for your hand and guides it to his cock—you can feel that he’s hard beneath his sweatpants. As much as it shouldn’t, it pleases you to know the effect you still have on him. It becomes apparent, though, that he has no intention of carrying on a normal conversation with you. Just fucking you.
You slip your hand beneath the waistband of his sweats and stroke his cock while he redirects his attention to your shorts. He tugs at the hem, and you lift your waist and allow him to pull them down. He rubs your pussy with his fingers, making sure to tease your clit.
You clench your jaw to keep from making a sound, not wanting him to know how good it feels so soon. How badly you want him to make you come. To let you come. You try to pull him down to you, but he pulls away.
He stands from the bed and removes his pants and boxers, then helps you out of your shirt. He turns your body so that you’re laying sideways on the bed, your ass nearly hanging off. He places one knee next to your thigh and lowers himself slightly as he rubs his cock up and down your slit.
You’re not quick enough to stop the moan that escapes your lips this time. You can’t even stop yourself as you scramble for more contact, first putting your hands on his waist and trying to pull him to you. Then on his shoulders, still trying to force him down to you, but he keeps resisting.
“I want to kiss you,” you say softly.
He shakes his head, “We shouldn’t do that anymore.”
Your brain tries to focus on the words he’s just said but keeps being thwarted by the way he’s making you feel physically. He teases your clit with his cock, rubbing it in circles around it, then eases his cock down some more to your opening. He slowly inserts the tip inside before pulling it out moving it back up to your clit.
“Why,” you pause to moan, “not?”
He’s quiet—seemingly more focused on teasing you than responding. With his cock at your entrance, he props himself up on the bed with one hand.
You try again to wrap your arms around his neck and pull him towards you, but he removes them one by one, setting them down at your side. While he’s distracted with restraining you, you wrap your legs around his waist and use them to bring his hips forward, pushing his cock inside of you.
“Fuuuck,” he moans.
As upset and annoyed and angry as you are with each other, you still want him; he still wants you. This sexual toxicity is the only thing holding you both together.
He withdraws and you use your legs to pull him forward again.
You continue that, him pulling out and you shoving him back in several more times.
“Is this all I get from you now, then?” you ask, unable to hide the hurt in your voice. “This is all you want?”
He reaches down with both hands, taking a breast in each. He pinches your nipples hard, and you moan, once again using your legs to make him thrust back into you. He groans. He loves seeing how much you need him to fuck you.
“Yes,” he finally replies, solidifying your fears. “And you’ll give it to me, won’t you?”
He pinches your nipples again.
You press your lips together, refusing to answer.
He cups your breasts, squeezing them as he lowers himself closer to your face. Your lips are so close to touching, but he still doesn’t kiss you. He starts thrusting into you on his own now.
“Won’t you?”
You can’t stop the whimper-moans with each of his thrusts. It feels good, it always feels so fucking good with him. No matter how gentle, how rough, how much turmoil.
When you still refuse to answer he straightens his back, unhooks your legs from his waist and brings them together so they’re in front of him. He wraps his arms around your thighs, holding your legs to one side as he lets out all stops and fucks you mercilessly.
You know you don’t need to bother responding—he knows the answer. He’s getting his answer in real time. You couldn’t imagine telling him no when he so desperately needs you, regardless of how he’s treating you. And that should concern you.
Neither of you say another coherent word as you use each other’s bodies. He twists and turns you around as he sees fit. At one point, he reaches over to your nightstand drawer and pulls out the vibrator before flipping you over onto all fours again. He blindly hands it to you in the dark and you waste no time in powering it on and pressing it to your clit.
Is it fucked up that you think this small action shows a sign that he cares and could eventually come around? You can almost fool yourself into believing it. 
The soft buzz of the vibrator and the sound of your thighs smacking together, his palm occasionally hitting your ass, accompanied by his grunts and your moans, and you both releasing expletives is all that fills the room.
He starts thrusting in at an angle, long and slow strokes and you feel your thighs begin to tremble.
“Oh fuck, oh shit. Chan, please,” you beg.
“Come,” he commands. “Come on my fucking cock.”
And you do.
And he comes, too.
And it feels so good.
Yet you feel so fucking broken.
And you know he does, too.
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On Tuesday and Wednesday, you both continue to let your frustrations out with each other sexually. Chan remains steadfast in his new ‘no kissing’ rule, and by Wednesday you stop trying. You fuck him and suck him like there’s no tomorrow. With each passing day, it feels like there really might not be.
When you’re back with Hyunjin, it feels eerily somber. He can tell something is up, but he doesn’t pry. He never does. He allows you your space and cuddles you at night while you hold on to him for dear life at this point. You feel lost. You don’t know what to do, how to navigate this. If you should navigate this.
By Thursday night you feel closer to a solution, but the idea of going through with it scares you. So many questions, thoughts, feelings and emotions swirl around your heart and brain, and you can’t make sense of any of it.
It’s been three weeks of this treatment from him, and he hasn’t shown any signs of being your Chan again. Granted, you can’t put a timeline on how long it should take him to come to terms with what he undoubtedly sees as a rejection, but at the same time you can’t allow him to continue treating you this way. Not after all you’ve been through with him.
You wonder if he hadn’t confessed his true feelings and history of knowing you, would things be different? Hell, if you’d never invited him on that trip to Miami, perhaps you could have continued on a semi-civil basis throughout the end of the year. That ship has sailed, though. Too much has been revealed to ever take back. And as amazing as it was to feel such openness from him, it really has led to this shared downfall.
As soon as you lay in bed with Hyunjin, you will yourself to get lost in him. You kiss him, touch him, hold him, needing him to do the same. You don’t even have to ask, he just does it instinctively. He’s sweet and gentle with you, as always, wanting to please you and trying to ease your worries and pain in the best way he knows how.
However, your train of thought continually swerves back to Chan. Even with Hyunjin’s face buried between your legs, you can’t get him out of your head. You pull him up to you and bring his mouth to yours, tasting yourself on him. He positions himself at your entrance and you once again put all your focus on him as he tends to your body.
“Jagiya,” he whispers near your ear.
You wrap your arms around his neck and hold him against you. You don’t want him to see your face, contorted as you fight back tears. You very much still want to please him, and release what little tension you can through this physical act.
You kiss along his shoulder as you lift your hips to meet his thrust.
“You haven’t—I don’t think I can—” he stumbles over his words, fighting back his release.
“It’s okay,” you tell him.
He comes and collapses on the bed next to you, breathing heavily as you stare up at the ceiling. You feel completely out of control, and not even Hyunjin can cure it now. You know, for certain, that you cannot put up with this any longer.
As soon as the realization settles in, the needle pricks are back in your eyes and the tears come flooding out before you can stop them.
“Hyunjin,” your voice cracks with sadness, “I’m leaving.”
[ read chapter 28 here ] (coming soon)
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a/n: one of you nailed this outcome in a comment from the last chapter. now we must wait to see how chan will react when he finds out! thank you for reading, my dears!
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yutarot · 3 days
IN PERFECT SYNC [j.jh smau]
FINAL. thirty — in perfect sync. wc: 0.7k
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it’s the night of the comp. all of you sit in different places of the dressing room, johnny messing around with jungwoos hair, laughing as he uses gel to give him a mohawk, tzuyu and doyoung watching them like they’re their own children, kazuha and yuta fighting over which direction your outfits are meant to be put on, with haaland getting involved for some reason, and you and jaehyun, sitting quietly on the couch, his arm lazily slung over your lower waist.
johnny quitens the room, “so… which of you knew about jungwoo and giselle?” he says accusingly at yuta who shakes his head, causing the rest of you to laugh.
jungwoo, being the last one to understand johnny's joke, speaks up. “oh shut up, it just kinda.. happened.” he turns to you, “and yn.. if you want me to, you know, end things if your not comfortable with-“
“no, no, no.” you say, “i’m not bothered by it.”
jaehyun leans around to look at you, the question on his face asking, ‘are you sure?’
“no really, i mean it, it’s better being jungwoo than jae so…”
johnny makes a gagging sound, accompanied by jungwoo and the rest of the room, jaehyun squeezing your waist in appreciation as he laughs, the deep sound vibrating from his chest.
as you all continue to get ready, the nerves begin to arise within you. being the first comp since the original ban, you deciding to join your teams together, you have absolutely no idea how it’s going to go. albeit under the struggle of trying to teach the boys ballet, you had decided to do a dance consisting of both your teams styles, something that judges have never seen before.
you stand in the wings, the rest of the group in front of you as you and jaehyun stand at the back, taking it all in. the lights, the music, the feelings; you feel overwhelmed.
noticing your nerves, jaehyun leans down to whisper in your ear, trying to be quiet as to not disturb the group on stage before you.
“your mother would be so proud,” his breath is warm against your neck and it makes you flinch, causing him to hold back a smile. “i’m proud of you too.”
you smile up at him.
you’re silent for a few moments, simply looking into eachothers eyes, the current groups dance to ‘across the stars’ filling in the silence between you. “thank you, jaehyun.”
you see his next joke brewing in his features, something about jaehyun that you’ve always loved, the thoughts behind everything he’s about to say portraying on his face before he gets the chance to voice them.
“don’t thank me, thank Y!”
there it is.
you feign laughter, “ha ha ha, very funny,” deadpanning. “i already fell for that one too many times.” you roll your eyes and he smiles.
“well, let’s hope you don’t fall for anything else in the future. well… except for me, of course.”
you cringe and he kisses your forehead, giggling against your skin and you wish you can stay like this forever, enveloped in his warmth. as you notice that all your nerves are gone, you realise exactly what jaehyun had been doing for the past 2 minutes.
he had been trying to calm you down.
your thoughts are interrupted when a stage manager comes up behind your group, “20 seconds ‘till you’re on.” he nods.
johnny pats yuta on the back, jungwoo reaches to haaland for a hug and kazuha turns to you, looking between you and jaehyun, smiling, before turning back around.
jaehyun begins to walk closer to the rest of the group, but you grab a hold on his wrist before he can go any further from you. he turns around, a worried yet sympathetic expression on his face.
“wait, jae.”
he tilts his head to the side, waiting for you to continue, deeply aware of the countdown that you’re both under, ticking away like a time bomb. “yes?”
you leave no time to wait, you leave no room for questioning yourself. because you don’t need to, you know exactly what you want to say.
“i love you.”
“i love you too.”
and as if in perfect sync, the music begins.
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notes; and that’s it! the end omg😕😕😕😕😕 IM SO SAD THIS IS OVERRRRRR thank u so much for reading 😓😓😓impulsively adding haaland to this smau was the best decision ive ever made lmaooo ive loved all the theories u guys made to try and figure out who Y was it was so fun😭😭😭😭😭😭 thank you again for all the support and love you guys gave this series and i hope u look forward to ride or die!! aswell as the written fic im currently working on which ill probably be announcing soon😊😊😊 LOVE U ALL
taglist — open; @https-yeonjun @chenlesfavorite @therealbobbyshloby @f6llsun @jkslvsnella @nanaxwi @cloudmrk @neocrashed @vernonburger @vividwritess @taeeflwrr @mmjhh1998 @cyjzzl @stareaa @minkyuncutie @mrkleelvr @dudekiss3r @nattan127 @slayhaechan @jaeveil @tynlvr @mslora @nosungluv @grassbutneo @dokyriu @girlz4jaem @axo-l0tl @yyangj3lly @solvrse @m1ng1swife @gentlepeach @xiuriii @soobinbunnie5 @tocupid @apolloxxivmin @ctrlstar @gyuguys @tokitosun @i-kai @flamingi @mrkleelvr @en-dream @queenrachelpink @ssweetreveries @swanyvess @flaminghotyourmom @hyuck-me @cryingforjae @hizhu @starfilledgaze
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wolverigrl · 17 hours
You telling Hugh not to shave bc you love his beard so much and in other ways and y'all are just being giggly and cute together
The Beard Dilemma
Hugh Jackman x f!reader
A/N: I had fun writing this one, so I hope you'll giggle too!
Warnings: none
I leaned against the doorframe, arms crossed, watching Hugh in front of the mirror as he slowly dragged the razor across his cheek. His beard - my beard - was disappearing, and I couldn’t help but let out a dramatic whine.
"Really? You’re shaving it off?" I said, the disappointment clear in my voice as I stepped closer.
He glanced at me through the mirror, the corner of his mouth twitching in amusement.
"You make it sound like I’m committing a crime."
"Worse! You’re getting rid of my beard!" I pouted, stepping into the bathroom and leaning against the sink.
"I’ve grown attached to it. Literally and emotionally."
He chuckled, rinsing the razor under the tap. "Didn’t realize we were in a love triangle - me, you, and the beard. Should I be worried?"
"I think so." I said, reaching out and brushing my fingers through the remaining scruff on his jaw.
"It gives you a certain rugged, manly thing. Like you could just chop down a tree with your bare hands."
He tilted his head, meeting my gaze with a grin.
"A tree? Bare hands? Quite the fantasy you’ve got there."
"Well, I can’t help it. You give off serious ‘I’m about to go chop wood and then fix the cabin’ energy. And now you’re… smooth." I sighed dramatically, dragging a finger down his now-smooth cheek.
"What am I supposed to do with this?"
"Oh, I don’t know." He turned, that playful spark in his eyes. "Maybe kiss it? Appreciate my baby-soft skin?"
I snorted. "Baby-soft? Maybe after an exfoliant. Right now, you’re like, freshly peeled potato smooth."
He laughed, the sound deep and rumbling as he set the razor down.
"A potato? Wow. First Wolverine, now a vegetable."
I shrugged, fighting the smile creeping up my face. "What can I say? I like my men starchy."
"Oh, is that it? I shave and suddenly I’ve lost all my wild, masculine appeal?" He raised an eyebrow, stepping closer, his hands finding my waist.
"Might have." I teased, but my voice softened as he pulled me in. "I liked the rugged edge."
"Rugged, huh?" His voice dropped, brushing his lips against my ear. "Pretty sure I can still manage rugged."
I shivered, biting back a grin as I let him get close.
"Doubtful. I mean, how am I supposed to take you seriously as my lumberjack now?"
He laughed again, warm breath against my neck. "A lumberjack, huh? Want me to go outside, grab an axe, and prove it to you?"
"You’d have to. I need proof!" I teased, wrapping my arms around his neck.
"How else am I going to keep being attracted to you?"
His hands slid up my sides, pulling me closer. "Maybe I should remind you of all the other reasons."
"Oh yeah?" I raised a brow, trying to play it cool despite the way his voice sent a pleasant hum through me. "Like what?"
He leaned in, brushing his lips against mine, his freshly shaven cheek grazing my skin. "Like this?"
I pretended to consider it, lips quirking.
"Hmm.. I don’t know, that’s only one point in your favor."
He smirked, leaning in a little more.
"I can think of a few more. Want me to list them?"
I bit my lip, trying not to laugh, but the playful tension between us was impossible to ignore. "I mean, you could list them, but I’m a woman of action, Hugh."
"Oh, I’m well aware." His voice was a deep murmur, eyes dark with amusement. "And here I thought you liked me for my charm, my acting skills, and… my potato face."
I burst out laughing at that, shaking my head. "Okay, okay, I’ll give you that one. The smooth face isn’t all bad."
"Just ‘not all bad’? Come on, I think I deserve more credit!" he teased, tilting his head down to kiss the corner of my mouth, slow and deliberate.
"Fine.." I murmured against his lips. "You’re still very hot. But I miss the beard!"
He pulled back just enough to smirk at me. "You really have a thing for the scruff, don’t you?"
"Yeah, I do!" It makes you look dangerous! Like you’d rescue me from a burning building and then carry me off into the wilderness." I bit my lip again, this time more on purpose.
He laughed softly, his forehead resting against mine. "Wilderness? Now I’m starting to wonder what kind of man you think I am."
"The hot, wilderness-surviving, tree-chopping kind." I said with a grin, leaning into him. "What, don’t think you can handle it?"
His hand slid up my back, and his voice dropped into that low, teasing tone that always made my stomach flip.
"Oh, I think I could handle a lot more than you realize!"
I raised an eyebrow, lips curving. "Yeah? Prove it."
We held each other’s gaze for a moment, the playful flirtation simmering between us, both daring the other to break first. Then he lifted me effortlessly, and I let out a surprised laugh as he spun me once, setting me down carefully on the counter.
"Still rugged enough for you?" he asked, his hands resting on my thighs, his grin cocky.
I wrapped my arms around his neck, tugging him closer, my lips brushing his. L
"I guess you’ve still got it." I murmured, feeling his breath hitch just slightly.
He smiled, his forehead pressing against mine as we shared a moment of quiet, playful intimacy.
"You’re trouble, you know that?"
I grinned, tugging him down for another kiss. "You wouldn’t have it any other way."
Tags: @angelofthorr @haytchee
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redvexillum · 2 days
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TAGS/WARNINGS: fingerf♡cking, dom/sub undertone, no established relationship, dub-con, f!reader, shadow f♡cking, power imbalance, gagging, bondage, asphyxiation, brat!reader, ♡verstimulation, alastor being a lil shit, b♡ndage, alastor makes reader into his lil b!tch lykyk
EXTRA WARNING: This is not a drabble. It is 3.9K words long.
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Leaning back in your chair, you mirrored the unsettling grin that stretched across Alastor’s face. His grin, a sharp crescent of teeth, seemed to carve deeper into his cheeks. His eyes squinted just slightly – enough to glint with a darker, more ominous edge.  
You felt a spark of excitement ignite in your chest as you watched the subtle shift in his expression. It was a game to you now, one you’d become quite fond of.  
“My, my, I do feel awful that no one listens to your broadcasts anymore, Alastor,” you purred, your voice dripping with saccharine sweetness. You stretched your arms above your head lazily, as though you had all the time in the world.  
Ever since you’d come to the hotel, Charlie’s redemption exercises had left you with more downtime than you cared for, and boredom was your worse enemy. But now, you found entertainment in a much more thrilling pursuit – pushing the buttons of the ever-grinning, one and only, Radio Demon.  
A wicked thrill slithered down your spine when you noticed the faintest twitch of his left eye. His head tilted to the side, a glimmer of amusement – and perhaps annoyance – flickering behind his red-tinted gaze. He scoffed, the sound like static breaking through a radio, and muttered something about the “younger generation not appreciating the finer aspects of real entertainment.” 
As Alastor turned his head away, a shadowy movement caught your eyes. His shadow, usually a perfect reflection of him, rippled as if caught in a breeze that wasn’t there.  
And then…it shifted.  
The once-stoic silhouette frowned, its mass shrinking, folding in on itself like a chastised child. It looked almost…sad.  
Oh? Now, this was interesting.  
You’d never teased Alastor about his powers before, but this might just be the perfect opportunity. The idea of seeing him drop that ever-present, smug grin sent a delightful jolt of pleasure through you. Leaning forward, your grin spread wider, more mischievous than before.  
“You know, Alastor, I’ve noticed something quite fascinating about you. Your powers…quite the spectacle, aren’t they? Shadow magic, if I’m not mistaken?” You tilted your head, watching him intently.  
To your amusement, Alastor perked up at your words, his chest puffing out slightly, and a proud look took over his expression. He casually inspected his nails, playing into the flattery. “Ah, yes, indeedy! My abilities are rather unique – far beyond the capabilities of any other demon’s magic, I dare say –“ 
“It’s a pretty lame power,” you interrupted, smirking as you blew a raspberry. “I mean, shadow magic? Really? I’ve seen cooler tricks at a children’s birthday party.” You glanced pointedly at his shadow, which now seemed to shrink even more, trying to hide behind Alastor’s body. “Honestly, the TV demon has way better power. You ever see the stuff he can do? Now that’s impressive.” 
Alastor froze, and in that instant, the surrounding air grew thick and heavy. The room itself seemed to fall under a strange, unnatural stillness. Before you could blink, something cold and slick snapped across your lips, silencing you of any further quips. Your eyes widened as you struggled to move, but your limbs were no longer yours to command. Invisible tendrils of force held you pinned to the chair, your body stiff and unyielding. 
Alastor’s grin widened, impossibly so, and when he finally spoke, his voice was a low, vibrating hum that echoed through your mind.  
“My dear,” he cooed, leaning in just enough for you to feel the pressure of his very presence, “there are some games you don’t want to play with me.” 
You squirmed from the invisible restraint that rendered you mute and powerless. 
“What was that, dear?” Alastor’s voice dripped with venomous amusement; his eyes gleamed with a malicious red glint. His grin, too wide, illuminated in a sickly yellow glow, casting eerie shadows across his sharp features. Slowly, methodically, he tilted his head to the side, the crack of his neck echoing through the room like the snap of a dry twig underfoot.  
Your heart leapt in your chest, but you tried to maintain your composure. Glancing down at your hand, you noticed it trembling ever so slightly, a faint dark aura curling around your fingers like mist. When you looked back up, Alastor’s eyes were already locked on you, his grin didn’t falter, but the malice radiating from him was palpable, chilling the surrounding air.
“You’ve been so incredibly chatty before, and now…you’ve grown ever so silent!” His laugh was low, a dark melody of mockery as he leaned back in his chair, his posture relaxed as if savouring the moment. “I’m surprised that you chose now to listen to your better!” His voice lifted into a higher, mocking pitch, echoing through the room like a twisted lullaby.  
A grunt of frustration left your throat as you tried to move, but your body refused to respond. The invisible force binding you to the chair seemed to tighten, and then you felt it – a whisper of a touch against the curve of your neck. It was impossibly soft, like the brush of a feather, but it sent a jolt of electricity racing down your spine, igniting every nerve it grazed.  
You clenched your teeth, eyes fluttering shut, fighting the small pitiful whimper building in your throat. You would not give him the satisfaction of knowing your weakness – specifically, your erogenous zone, more like.
Tensing your muscles, your desperately tried to suppress your whimper as it clawed its way up your throat. But the second his voice crackled to life, sharp and sinister, that resolve began to crumble.  
The single word dripped with dark amusement, and your eyes snapped open, wide with disbelief. You stared at him, searching for answers in his glowing red eyes. Alastor grinned wider, basking in the silent panic flickering across your face.  
Before you could even process a single thought, you felt it again – that feather like touch, teasing just behind your ear. The cool, silky sensation slithered down the curve of your neck, and this time, there was no holding back the involuntary shudder that coursed through you. 
Your body betrayed you completely.  
As if the invisible binding loosened just enough, your lips were freed, but not in time to stop the soft, devastating moan that slipped past them. The sound hung in the air between you like a damning confession.  
“My, look at you,” Alastor purred, his voice a deep, honeyed tenor that sent a shiver of anticipation and want down your spine and penetrated into your core. Another caress – so gentle, so deliberate – skated across your hot, flushed skin. “Had I known this was all it took to get some peace and silence from you, I would have done it much sooner.” 
His words coiled around you, thick with smug satisfaction, as his eyes drank in the sight of your face contorting, torn between restraint and giving in to the sensations he was pulling from you.  
Summoning what little strength you had left, you glared at him through your lustful haze, the words, “fuck you,” barely managing to escape your trembling lips. The weak insult only seemed to heighten his amusement. His grin stretched wider, sharp teeth catching the dim light as he leaned in closer, eyes sparkling with twisted delight.  
“You claimed my power was useless,” he murmured, his voice suddenly cold, authoritative. “So, I suppose a demonstration is in order.” 
The way he loomed over you, despite sitting across from you with his gaze unyielding made you feel like a student caught misbehaving under the stern gaze of a teacher. His impassive expression only weighed in on your feelings of helplessness.  
“I’ll pass–ahhnn!” Your feeble attempt to reject him was cut off, morphing into desperate gasps as those silky tendrils glided lower. They traced a slow, torturous path down your chest, brushing against the sensitive tips of your nipples. Your breath hitched as you squirmed in the chair, thighs trembling in a vain attempt to close your legs as you were sure the evidence of your desire was staining the inner centre of your pants. 
“Now, now,” he crooned, his words laced with an almost affectionate mockery. “We’ve only just begun!” 
Alastor’s laughter was pure and unadulterated as he declared with a flourish, “Honestly, I want you to feel comfortable around me, my dear!” His voice rang out boisterously, and with a sharp snap of his fingers, that same invisible force pried your legs apart.  
You gasped, the air escaping you in ragged pants as the sensations assaulting your body intensified. The thick, musty air seemed to cling to your overheated skin, and every nerve felt as though it was ablaze, ignited by the unseen force caressing you. Your lips trembled as you bit down hard, trying – desperately – to stifle the moans bubbling up from deep within. Yet, your traitorous body, the slick heat pooling between your thighs, betrayed you in ways you could no longer control.  
The unforgiving hardness of the chair beneath you did nothing to ease the ache throbbing at your core. It only heightened your frustration. Somehow, despite the layers of fabric still clinging to your skin, this mysterious, phantom touch seemed to bypass everything – touching you as though you were stripped bare.  
Your nipples, painfully hardened, were being rubbed and pinched in ways that had your breath catching, your chest heaving as tears of desperation pricked at the corners of your eyes. You were perilously close to begging.  
“You see, my dear,” Alastor’s voice cut through the haze, mocking and sharp, “you must not fully grasp the extent of my power if you dare compare me to that lousy ‘picture box.’” He spat the words with a venomous disdain, his eyes narrowing. “Beg for my forgiveness, and perhaps I’ll show mercy.” His voice dipped into a low, dangerous whisper, dripping with dark intent.  
Your heart pounded in your ears, but something else caught your attention. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw it – Alastor’s shadow, the one that had lurked behind him, was now slithering across the floor, positioning itself directly behind you. Its tendrils writhed, holding you firmly in place, while its grotesque grin loomed close, mirroring its master’s. The shadow’s presence was suffocating, overwhelming as its clawed hands slowly traced a path of pleasure down the front of your chest.  
“I…” You hesitated, trembling as those same spectral hands pinched your already sensitive nipples, somehow phasing through your clothes. Blood rushed to the tender tips, heightening your torment with drawn out pleasure. “I think – ah – it’s still pretty lame,” you challenged, arching a brow, your tongue flicking out to slowly trail along your lower lip, drawing Alastor’s attention.  
Alastor’s eyes darkened, pupils shrinking into narrow slits as he followed the motion of your tongue. His mouth twisted into a manic grin, and let out a wild, unhinged cackle. “I’ll never understand your generation’s needless stubbornness!” He declared, shaking his head in mock disbelief. 
In the blink of an eye, everything changed. The kitchen, the dim light – it all vanished. You were swallowed by darkness, an endless void that stretched in every direction. Yet, you remained seated in the same chair, surrounded by nothing. Your sight had been stolen from you, leaving you blind and disoriented.  
“Fascinating, wouldn’t you say?” Alastor’s voice rang out through the void, calm and calculated. You could feel his eyes on you, drinking in your every movement, like a predator waiting for its prey to make one wrong misstep.  
“Ah!” You yelped, body jerking as something – a sensation like fingers – began rubbing against the slick folds between your legs. Despite the barrier provided by your clothes, the touch was undeniable, intimate, and invasive. Your legs were spread wide, leaving you completely vulnerable to the unseen force now exploring the wetness pooling there. The soft, wet sound of your own arousal filled the surrounding silence, intensifying the humiliation as your body responded without hesitation. 
Quick, shallow breaths escaped your lips as you squirmed, trying to find some way to relieve the relentless teasing. Yet, all you could feel was that luxurious, maddening touch, dipping and teasing, tracing the sensitive thick folds. The darkness amplified everything – the wet sounds, the shuddering moans you couldn’t hold back, and the ache that radiated from your core.  
You whimpered softly, the desperation clear in every breath, every twitch of your body. You wanted more – needed more – your throbbing clit practically screaming for attention, while your cunt begged for release.  
But all you had was Alastor’s voice, echoing through the endless dark, and the maddening, torturous touch that refused to give you the satisfaction you so desperately craved.  
The same shadowy appendages rubbed and rubbed, smooth and relentless, dipping into you right at the entrance, gathering your slick before gliding against your inner folds again. Your thighs trembled as you were forced into a shameful display, and you couldn’t bear to think about what expression you wore for Alastor now. Your hips instinctively jerking to grind against the shadowy fingers teasing your wet folds.  
“You know what to say, dear,” Alastor’s voice slithered into your ear, a low murmur that sent a shiver down your spine. In the darkness, with your body immobile, every whisper, every breath, every slick sound of Alastor’s shadow playing you amplified your vulnerable and aroused state. The contrast between the cool darkness and the peculiar warm touch of his shadow heightened your awareness, pushing you closer to the edge.  
Hot tears began to trickle down your cheeks, mixing with the heat of your embarrassment as the shadow’s caress shifted from teasingly light to an almost punishing pressure. It demanded more from your greedy, slick heat. Abandoning any pretense of pride, you let out a desperate whimper. “Please, I-I’m sorry,” you cried, your voice trembling in the oppressive silence. Only your head and neck were free from the shadow’s hold, leaving you breathless and exposed.  
“I’m sorry for saying your shadow power was lame,” you gasped, and your words were rewarded with a sudden fullness, the thick, unyielding digit pushing deep inside you, curling against your sensitive skin.  
“Oh, my, look at you,” Alastor said, his voice tinged with mockery. “Such a pretty mess you’ve made. Who would have thought this would be your undoing?” 
“Oh, God,” you moaned, your head thrown back in surrender, grateful to whatever fucking deity was listening for finally filling the emptiness that pulsed within you. “Ah, more, please, more,” you whimpered, emboldened by the darkness, free from the weight of his gaze – though you could almost feel it, a predatory presence looming over you, delighting in your plight.  
A sudden tearing sound made you gasp; your pants ripped at the seam, a cool breeze kissing your exposed skin, intensifying the slick warmth pooling between your legs.  
“Look at you, dear. You’re absolutely drenched, soaked your underwear right through! Hah!” Alastor chuckled, his voice a disembodied tease, echoing all around you. You couldn’t tell where he was anymore – behind you, beside you, or perhaps he hadn’t moved at all, still watching with that insufferably bored expression, like a spectator at a dull weather report.  
“S-sorry,” you moaned, the undeniable squelch of your arousal filling the air, shame mingling with pleasure as whatever was touching you coaxed out your need. You strained to see, but the darkness was absolute, leaving you only to imagine those shadowy appendages moving in and out of your wet, sopping cunt – a hypnotic rhythm that drove you wild.  
It felt incredible – so impossibly good – as the dexterous finger-like tendrils curled and pressed all the right spots, drawing you closer and closer to the precipice. You clenched your abdomen, desperate for release, but then the motion halted abruptly. The loss of sensation was cruel, leaving you painfully aching, yearning for that delicious stretch, for the pull and push of your inner walls.  
“Now, now, don’t be greedy,” Alastor purred, his tone dripping with mockery. “Patience is a virtue, or haven’t you learned that yet?” 
A snap echoed in the room, and your vision flooded with light. Across from you, just as you expect, sat Alastor, his ever-present grin splitting his face. Legs crossed, he watched with amusement flickering in his eyes. “Ah, sight isn’t the only thing I can take away, my dear,” he mused, voice dripping with sinister glee.  
Your mouth was stretched wide, forced open, as his shadow lingered beside you, its hand plunged into your mouth. Its slick fingers pressed down on your tongue, holding it captive. Humiliation gnawed at you as drool leaked from the corners of your lips, a slow trickle that dripped down your chin. The warm saliva cooled quickly against your skin, but the undeniable feeling of shame mingling with the hot, burning desire of pleasure consumed you.  
When your gaze flicked downward, you caught the sight of Alastor’s shadow. Its fingers danced over your swollen clit, moving in tight, calculated circles. The delicate touch was maddening as you felt it was just short of pushing you closer to the peak.  
A helpless moan slipped out, muffled by the fingers lodged in your mouth. The more Alastor’s shadow played with you, the more fluids spilled, your lips trembling as saliva and arousal dripped from your needy body.  
Unexpectedly, the shadow’s fingers plunged inside your slick heat, driving deep with unrelenting force. Your eyelids fluttered shut as another guttural moan vibrated around the intruding fingers in your mouth. Your throat strained with each breath, the effort of swallowing excess saliva adding to your torment. The lewd, wet sounds of your body being claimed filled the air – each thrust squelching with a vulgar intensity that only heightened your spiralling, intense desire.  
Alastor’s voice cut through the haze of pleasure and submission. “Beg for forgiveness, my dear,” he crooned, his tone mocking yet lilting, as though he were offering you something. “And perhaps, I may allow you to finish.” 
Your body craved release, teetering on the brink of orgasm, but the shadow's fingers stuffed in your mouth made coherent words impossible. You struggled to form even a basic plea, but all that escaped your lips were garbled moans and desperate, incoherent sounds. Your abdomen clenched, desperate – so fucking desperate – to reach your peak, but your hips remained pinned, unable to find the friction they needed.  
Your eyes darted to Alastor in panic, pleading silently. His grin split through his cheeks, as though relishing in your helplessness. “Oh dear, it seems you don’t really want it after all,” he sighed with a mock expression of disappointment, his voice laced with dark amusement.  
A fresh wave of frustration swirling with anger and desperation ripped though you as you continued to teeter at the edge, unable to tumble over. Tears pricked at the corners of your eyes, and soon they streamed down your face, joining the cooling drool that stained your chin. You moaned incoherently around the shadow’s fingers, your voice trembling with need.  
Alastor’s eyebrows raised, his tone exaggerated with surprise. “Well, aren’t you a lucky one? It just so happens I’m in quite a generous mood!” His tone continued its uplifting beat, matching his exterior joviality.  
As if on cue, the fingers left your mouth, but before you could gather your breath, you felt a tight pressure coil around your neck. It squeezed, slow and purposeful, cutting off your airflow inch by damning inch. Panic shot through you as you gagged for air, your pulse hammering in your ears. Alastor’s shadow grinned, its face looming beside yours as it continued to relentlessly fuck you with its fingers. They moved with vicious intent, plunging deep into your walls, hitting every sensitive spot, each stroke sending your body reeling.  
Your vision began to blur, dark spots forming at the edges as your head swam with lightheadedness. The air refused to fill your lungs, the tightness around your throat unbearable, until suddenly – release. A flood of oxygen rushed in to your body at the same time the shadow’s fingers curled deliciously inside you, pressing against your g-spot with merciless precision.  
The orgasm hit you like a crashing wave. A raw scream tore from your throat, mixing with sobs as pleasure washed over you in undulating waves. Your body convulsed, trembling uncontrollably as the shadow’s fingers never relented, still thrusting, still curling, keeping you locked in the agonizing cycle of ecstasy. 
“Ahhhh…fu-ahhhh!” You sobbed, the pleasure too much, too intense. Your clit throbbed painfully, swollen and oversensitive, and the shadow’s fingers began to slap at it – hard, wet slaps that sent sharp bursts of pain rippling through the pleasure. It was endless. The overwhelming sensation of being pushed beyond your limit clouded your thoughts, a jumble of pain, of pleasure, and of torment.  
“Aren’t I generous?” Alastor asked, his voice heavy with mockery. He watched your body writhed and twitch beneath his control. “Let’s see how many times I can make you break, hm?” 
The moment Alastor uttered his final words, his shadow’s fingers drove back into you – three of them this time – curling deep inside your weeping cunt. They moved fast, a blur of relentless thrusts that tore another orgasm from your exhausted body. You gasped for breath, the feeling being stretched and filled too much, your mind going blank from the overload.  
“A-ah, to-too much,” you managed to cry out, though your body remained stiff and unmoving, helpless against the hold Alastor’s shadow had on you. Your cunt clenched tightly around the dexterous fingers, your core pulsing as the shadow showed no mercy, working your sensitive spots with precision.  
And then – hot and wet – his shadow’s tongue trailed up the back of your ear, the same spot that had started it all. It licked and sucked at your skin, the obscene sounds filling your ears, mingling with the squelching from your dripping cunt. You could feel the puddle forming beneath you, the wetness between your legs soaking the seat. Your body trembled, your mind teetering on the brink as you felt yourself nearing the edge again.  
Just as the pressure built, a sharp pinch at your raw nipple jolted you, sending you hurtling into another orgasm. This time, no sound escaped you – your scream was swallowed by the force of the release. Your body convulsed, jerking with each wave of pleasure that rolled through you, until you were nothing more than a quivering, wet, mess.  
As the shadow’s grip loosened, your body collapsed forward, slumping against the cool tiles. The cold surface was a sharp contrast to the burning heat of your overstimulated skin. Your entire body continued to tremble, twitching from the aftershocks of pleasure still rippling through you. Your tongue lolled out as it took everything you had to continue to breathe despite the shameful display of drooling like a dog by Alastor’s feet.  
“Now then,” Alastor’s voice chimed in brightly, his polished shoes the only thing in your line of sight as he stood before you. “I do hope you’ll clean up after yourself. This may be a hotel, but our complimentary brunch is self-service, after all.” He laughed, a sound filled with genuine mirth, before his body melted into the shadows.  
The ends of your lips twitched upwards, your body still shivering as you felt the cool slide of your arousal dripping out from the apex of your thighs. You could still feel the lingering touch of his shadow still imprinted on your body.  
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Follow #vexitober 2024 to read my questionable kink/fluff stories!
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lovetaroandtaemin · 24 hours
Kinktober 2024
Day 4: Mirror Sex
Kim Mingyu x Reader Word Count: 1,089 THIS FIC IS NSFW, MINORS DNI!!! Warnings: Sort of soft dom!Mingyu, dirty talk, unprotected sex, creampie, breeding kink if you squint, talk of insecurities and self-doubt. If you think I missed a warning, please let me know! A/N: If you would like to be added to my Kinktober taglist, you can send an ask, send a dm, or comment on any of my Kinktober-related posts with the username that you'd like tagged. Happy reading!
Fic is under the cut.
You had no idea what Kim Mingyu saw in you. You had met some of the women he previously associated himself with, and they were gorgeous. He had been with models, actresses, and even other idols before the two of you started seeing each other. You hated to admit this but seeing him with idols that he used to date or hook up with made you feel really insecure, to say the least. You thought that you were doing a decent job of hiding your insecurities from him, but he knew you better than you realized.
Mingyu thought that you were one of the most attractive women he had ever seen. He told you how beautiful you were all the time, but you usually dismissed it as him just being nice. So, he started to think about ways that he could get you to see yourself the way that he did. As he considered a few options, an idea came to mind. It was an idea that he wasn’t sure you would be up for, but it was still worth a shot.
The night started like any other. Mingyu picked you up, and you got dinner at your favorite restaurant. After, he took you home. It didn’t take long after that for his hands to find their way to your ass while he kissed you. Not that you were complaining, of course. Mingyu had made it abundantly clear from the way he spoke to you on the drive home what his intentions were for the night. The part that differed from your expectations, however, was being dragged to your bathroom instead of your bedroom when he pulled away from the kiss.
“What are you doing?” you asked.
“Well, I had an idea for something different we could try tonight.”
“What is it?”
“Me fucking you in front of the mirror.”
You thought for a moment before you nodded and said, “Ok, but why?”
“What do you mean?’
“Why are we doing this, Mingyu?”
“We are doing this so you can see how sexy you are,” he said matter-of-factly.
“But I’m not.”
“Yes you are. And if you argue with me about it, I’m going home. Got it?”
“Got it,” you mumbled. You were nervous about seeing yourself in such a vulnerable state, but your desire to get fucked outweighed your desire to protest the mirror.
“Bend over, angel.”
You did as you were told, and Mingyu pulled up your dress just enough to rip your panties off. The next thing you knew, his pants and boxers were on the floor, and you could feel his tip poking at your entrance. Before anything else happened, he said, “Are you sure you’re ok with this?”
“I’m sure. I trust you.”
That was all Mingyu needed to hear to slowly push his hips forward. When he finally felt you, he let out a low moan that drove you crazy. While initially you had been hesitant, you had to admit that you liked being able to see his face in the mirror. The expression on his face as he entered you turned you on more than you expected it to. His eyes were closed, and his mouth hung open like he was still surprised at how good you felt.
Mingyu gave you a moment to adjust, then he started to fuck you. As he did, he opened his eyes just enough to see you in the mirror. When he saw how fucked-out you already looked, he chastised himself for not having this idea sooner. He loved fucking you from behind, but he also loved seeing your face when he fucked you. Bending you over your bathroom sink and fucking you in front of a mirror gave him the best of both worlds. If the look on your face and the noises leaving your mouth were any indication, you were enjoying yourself quite a bit too.
Just when you thought that the pleasure you were feeling couldn’t get any more intense, Mingyu reached one of his hands around you to rub your clit. The combined stimulation was almost too much, but you loved it. With a moan that was almost loud enough to be a scream, you said, “Harder, please.”
Mingyu didn’t need to be told twice. He snapped his hips forward faster than he had been, while keeping the pressure applied to your clit consistent. You felt like you were on cloud nine, and you never wanted it to end. As Mingyu fucked you, you occasionally looked up at the mirror. His face as he lost himself in pleasure was a sight that you wanted to see every night, and you hoped that he felt the same about you.
It didn’t take much longer for Mingyu to feel his orgasm approaching. He warned you that he was close, but he didn’t have time to pull out like he typically would have. So, with a loud moan, he released inside of you. You should have been concerned, but in the moment you couldn’t have cared less. In fact, it only heightened the pleasure you were feeling, and you felt your own orgasm hit you shortly after. The boost to Mingyu’s ego when you screamed his name as you came was astronomical.
The two of you caught your breath, and Mingyu quickly turned you around to kiss you. This kiss felt different, though. Typically, when he kissed you, it was nothing more than an act of foreplay. You didn’t really mind that, but you had to admit that you preferred the way he was kissing you now. It was a kiss that was full of love, and you felt like you were in heaven.
When Mingyu pulled away, he said, “You’re beautiful. You know that, right?” You nodded, and he smiled. Then the two of you cleaned yourselves up and got into bed together. Once you were both settled, he asked, “What if we were more than fuck buddies?”
“Do you mean like a couple?”
“Yeah. What do you think about that?”
“I think that sounds lovely.”
He smiled again, and you kissed him like you would never see him again, excited to start a new chapter of your relationship. Then the two of you spent the rest of the night cuddling in bed and talking about whatever came to mind until sleep overtook you. You had to admit that while you were skeptical at first, you did enjoy Mingyu’s new idea. Especially since it led to the two of you finally becoming a couple.
Thank you for reading! If you'd like to see what else I've written so far and the rest of what's planned, you can find my Kinktober masterlist here. If you'd like to read one of my non-Kinktober works, you can find my general masterlist here. If you'd like to see what I'm going to be working on once Kinktober is over, you can find my upcoming works here. If none of that interests you, or there's something specific you'd like to see, send a request via asks or dms!
Thank you again for reading, happy spooky season!
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