#and i’m feeling like. i’m just. sitting here. waiting for ppl to leave.
shockercoco · 3 months
The Lucky One
Benny Cross x reader
Warnings - jealous!reader, some swearing, smoking, mentions of smut, fluff
Word count - 2351
a/n - ngl I wanted to add smut but it just didn’t seem like it fit, also we need more benny imagines ppl👀 i hope you all enjoy :) — read part 2 here !
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“I’ve told you this before, and I’ll tell you again – you are one lucky girl,” Kathy tells you from her spot next to you, nodding in Benny’s direction. “Or should I say that he’s the lucky one?”
You laugh as you follow her eyes, looking at Benny playing pool with some of the other Vandals in the corner. Just like any other weekend, you find yourself in this bar with all the other girlfriends as you watch Benny try to win a game of pool.
From the low lighting of the room, you couldn’t deny how good he looked as he leaned against the pool table, waiting his turn. You felt warmth bubble in your stomach, but you casually dismissed it. 
You definitely weren’t the only one who thought this, though, because some of the random floating girls had their eyes on him as well, staring at his tattooed arms that shined from the thin layer of sweat covering them. Some of them were even bold enough to go up to Benny and throw themselves at him, knowing that he was taken, but not caring. 
Everyone once in a while, Benny would find your eyes and shake his head in amusement from the unwanted attention.
“I think I’m the lucky one,” you smile at her.
“Whatever you say. All I know is that it will always amaze me that Benny somehow convinced you to go out with him, “ she shakes her head in fake disappointment. “What a shame.”
Another laugh makes its way past your lips, causing you to choke on your drink. Kathy wasn’t dating anyone from the Vandals, but she hung around them a lot since she was close with some of the members – and of course because you were always around.
You turn around once you feel a presence sit down in the seat on the other side of you, revealing Benny who is already looking back at you. He wraps his arms around your shoulders as he gives you a wink.
“What are you saying to her now, Kathy?” he asks with a smile as he looks past you to look at her.
“Nothing she didn’t already know,” she shrugs, giving you a sly smile.
“Which is…?” Benny raises an eyebrow at her.
“It’s girl talk. We can’t tell you, and you wouldn’t want to know either,” you chime in before Kathy could answer. She is notorious for saying something that would get under his skin, but it’s not like it's unwarranted because Benny does the same thing right back to her.
Benny’s about to say something else when someone interrupts him. You all turn to look at Cockroach and Benny’s ex, Kay. Well, it’s not really his ex because they didn’t really date, it’s just a girl he used to ‘have relations’ with a while ago and who is a regular at the bar.
You shoot Kathy a knowing look, to which she returns, before looking back at the standing pair.
“Hey, Benny, a few of us are headed out to have a smoke. Do you want to join?” Cockroach asks, as he playfully shakes Benny’s shoulders. He holds out a cigarette for Benny to take, Benny’s ex gives you a smile before looking over at Benny, giving him a hopeful one and wanting him to say yes.
“Sure,” Benny answers as he grabs the cigarette from his friend’s hand before looking at you and asking, “Do you want to join?”
You shake your head at the offer. He knows you hate smoking and only put up with it because of him, but he didn’t want to leave you out.
“No, you go ahead,” you tell him.
Benny nods, before getting up from his seat and following a small group. You watch as they walk away and out the double doors, though you could still see them through the glass window.
“Why didn’t you go with him?” Kathy asks as the two of you look outside. “If I was you and a girl my man used to have sex with and offered him to smoke, I would be right behind him.”
“It’s not like he’s completely out of my eyesight,” you tell her, your eyes still on Benny. You watch as he accepts a lighter Kay offers, leaning down to light the cigarette with it still in his mouth. He takes a deep breath in and then slowly exhales, a cloud of smoke floating out of his mouth.
“I’m not doubting him, believe me that man loves you too much to even give someone else a chance. I’ve never seen him like this. I am doubting that girl though.”
“I’m not too worried about her,” you point out, but you feel your body contradict itself as you watch Kay laugh at something and place a hand on Benny’s arm to keep herself steady.
You don’t know much about Kay, but from what you’ve seen around the hangout, she seemed nice. Well, nice enough. It’s not like she and Benny broke off on bad terms either, they just stopped seeing each other since Benny had decided to leave town for a couple months. And it’s not like she isn’t attractive.
That had always been one of your biggest fears when it came to your relationship – Benny just deciding to up and leave you without a moment’s notice, or just randomly drop you from his life. He seemed to be pretty happy and content with you, though, always wanting to be around you. That didn’t stop that fear from lingering in the back of your head.
You shake your head, an attempt to make your thoughts disappear, and take a sip from the drink you had been nursing.
Throughout the night, you stay around Kathy. The two of you have a couple more drinks as you both decide to play some rounds at the pool table since most of the guys had walked away. Some of the guys you and Kathy did  like were around to play as well. You joined in on some of the bets and even ended up winning some money, but some of the guys got upset.
While all of this was happening, you couldn’t stop yourself from looking out of the window at Benny. It was mainly to admire him, but you can’t deny the fact that you were trying to read everyone’s lips through the glass. I mean, you couldn’t help yourself. It seemed like Kay was constantly laughing at things Benny would say and vice versa. Then again, they could be pity laughs. You hope they were just pity laughs.
Benny didn’t come back inside until the night ended and people were beginning to head home. He said his goodbyes, even to Kay, before coming back inside and searching for you. His eyes land on you near the pool table with Kathy and he makes his way towards you, grabbing your jacket and his.
“You ready to go?” you hear Benny ask from behind you.
“Oh, yeah. I guess it is late,” you turn around to look at him, no Kay in sight. You put the pool stick back in its spot, Kathy doing the same. 
He hands you your jacket before putting on his leather one as you all exit the bar. 
“You two be careful getting home,” Kathy tells the two of you, mostly to Benny as a warning. He rolls his eyes in response.
“Relax, Kathy, she’ll be fine,” Benny says, handing you a helmet before starting the engine of his motorcycle.
You watch as Kathy walks away, heading towards one of the Vandals already on their bikes and asks for a ride home. You give her a wave as Benny pulls off, before wrapping your arms around his waist, hoping he doesn’t do anything too reckless on the way home.
You hate that you feel this way about Benny staying outside practically the whole night. It’s not like it’s a new thing for him since it's common to see some of the Vandals outside enjoying a cigarette. It’s just that you weren’t a huge fan of Kay being in his company, for an extended period of time at that. 
Again though, you shouldn’t care because he’s going home with you tonight and not her, but you still do.
When the two of you arrive back to your place, you quickly dismount the bike and head inside to take a shower, not wanting Benny to see your face because there’s no doubt that he’ll be able to see right through you. 
You hope he doesn’t try to join you in the shower either, since you’re not particularly in the mood at the moment. Thankfully he doesn’t and just sprawls out on the bed and waits for his turn in the bathroom.
While Benny’s in the shower, you decide to go downstairs and make a cup of tea to help you relax – reading a random newspaper while you wait for the water to boil on the stove. Hopefully this will help you get over the petty thoughts in your mind.
“I forgot to ask you, the guys are having this picnic in a couple of days and I was wondering if you wanted to come?” you hear Benny ask as he enters the kitchen. You glance out of the corner of your eye and take in his appearance – he’s wearing sweatpants and a tank top with his hair still damp.
“Yeah,” you answer, keeping your eyes on the paper on the counter. “Who’s going to be there? everyone?”
He starts listing off some names.
“And Kay?” you ask.
“I guess so, yeah,” Benny blinks, confused as to why you asked, but choosing to ignore it. 
It’s silent for a moment, neither of you saying anything next. Then you hear the sound of boiling water, so you move from leaning against the counter to pour the water into a cup, the tea bag already sitting inside.
Behind you, Benny is staring at you with his eyebrows furrowed, sensing something is up and trying to figure out what. He didn’t do anything tonight, at least he doesn’t think he did, so why did you seem upset? Was it because of someone back at the bar, one of the Vandals?
“What’s up with you?” Benny asks with a tilt of his head.
“Nothing, why?” you shrug, giving the water in a cup a small stir before grabbing your newspaper to read again.
“Because you’ve barely said anything since we left the bar, so what is it?” he asks as he steps closer to you.
“I just said something.”
“Oh wow, four whole sentences,” he sarcastically says. “I’m serious.”
You take a deep breath. “I’m fine, I’m just tired.”
Benny doesn’t believe it for a second. He steps closer to you and takes the newspaper from your hands, wanting you to look at him. He was going to get to the bottom of this.
“What are you doing?” you turn to look at him.
“No, what are you doing? What’s up with this little mood you’re in?”
“Benny, please, it’s too late for this,” you roll your eyes and turn away, reaching for your cup. So much for relaxation.
Benny takes that from your hands too, moving everything out of your reach and using his body to press you against the counter. It took him a minute, but he thinks he has an answer.
“What’s your problem?”
“Why did you ask if Kay was going to the picnic?” 
“I didn’t know it was a problem for me wanting to know who’s attending,” you fold your arms across your chest, you glare up at him.
“It’s not, but you never ask about her. So what is it really?”
“What are you trying to accuse me of?”
“We both know what,” Benny leans down closer to your face, placing his arms on the counter on both sides of you. “I just need you to say it.”
“Fuck you,” you stare into his eyes, his gaze just as intense.
And fuck him for being able to read you like a book.
“So it’s true, then?” He raises his eyebrows in amusement.
There was no way in hell you were going to say you were jealous.
But Benny will. “There’s no need for this facade anymore. You’re jealous, and that’s okay,” He smirks.
You just stare back at him, your jaw clenched and slightly embarrassed.
“And what’s even funnier is that it’s because of someone like her,” he laughs.
You don’t say anything, but look away from his gaze.
“Oh come on, baby, don’t be like that,” He told you, moving his head to try and meet your gaze, but you don’t budge and continue to stare at the wall. “You would think that the fact that I’m sleeping in the house with you is confirmation enough that you’re the one I care for. Not to mention the countless times I’ve left you speechless in the bedroom.”
“Benny!” you gasp, shoving him away from you, but he just comes right back. 
“What made you jealous of her?” He questions, his smirk disappearing and his face becoming more serious.
“Nothing important,” you tell him, trying to get him to drop this conversation. You really were tired, and buddy wanted to go to sleep after an eventful night, but it’s Benny.
“No, no, no. Tell me,” He shakes his head before adding, “Don’t make me force it out of you.”
You hesitate for a moment. “She was practically all over you outside the bar, and you didn’t seem to have a problem with it,” you admit.
“I noticed that too, but I didn’t want to make a scene,” he says and you shoot him another glare. “But since you seem to care so much, I’ll remember to make one next time.”
He glanced down at your lips for a second before leaning in to close the gap between the two of you, but you move your head out of the way and press your finger against his lips.
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” He mumbles. “What now?”
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boydepartment · 8 months
hiii can you do enha finding out you have a crush on them from one of the members
“R U FR?” - enhypen reaction to finding out you’re in love with them
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a/n: i am so sorry this took a million years BUT HERE IT IS :3 I ALSO DIDNT KNOW HOW TO TITLE THIS SO I HOPE PPL READ THE ASK LMAO
warnings- nothing- fluff, reader uses she/her
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🥯jungwon… he was working on some lyrics for a song that he wanted to write. he never really took part in something like this directly so it was new to him. and he was struggling.
“jay… i don’t know what to write, it’s a love song! i’m struggling.” he leaned his head on the desk and watched as jay messed with the different knobs on his guitar.
“ask y/n she’s like in love with you.” jay mumbled without thinking, he shot his head up and looked at jungwon who also shot up.
jungwon slowly turned to jay, “are you… being honest with me?”
his older brother sat awkwardly, “ummm if i said yes?”
almost immediately jungwon got up and called you asking your location, if he had to run to you he would. and he was going to.
🥨heeseung… he sat on his back in the practice room singing to himself. he took up extra practices for the next upcoming comeback and you had left a couple hours ago after dropping him off lunch. he was so thankful for you and it made him smile to himself. around 4am riki walked in and sat down next to heeseung.
“dude it smells like body odor and noodles in here what the fuck did you do?” riki asked between laughs
heeseung sat up and rolled his eyes, “it smells like noodles because y/n dropped me off food.”
riki scoffed, “when did she drop off the food? i didn’t see her.”
heeseung leaned back again, “couple hours ago, around 1am.”
“1AM???? damn she really is in love with you hah!” riki froze right after the words came out of his mouth. god he spoils everything.
“wh-what??” heeseung looked at him wide eyed, ears pink.
riki immediately got up and ran out, leaving heeseung to sit in the practice room alone blushing.
🥐jay… you had a rough couple weeks due to family stuff and jay felt bad. you were a really close friend of his and he hated seeing you so upset. to make you feel better jay started cooking you your favorite meal. he was in the kitchen cooking and planning out his day so he can drop it off to you while it’s still warm. he was mumbling to himself when jake walked in.
“is this dinner?” jake asked, sitting on the counter. jay looked at him.
“1 get your ass off the counter, and 2 no, it’s for y/n, it’s her favorite.”
jake looked at the food, “this is a lot to give her.”
jay nodded, “i’m hoping it’ll last her a few days, it’s been rough for her lately.”
“i’m sure her just seeing you will make her feel better, she talks about you all the time yaknow?” jake said mindlessly, ass still sat on the counter.
jay nodded and hummed without thinking. jake thought he was ignoring him so he wanted to test it, “she’s in love with you.”
jay’s eyes widened and he almost dropped the wooden spoon, he looked over at jake and smacked him with it, “that’s not funny and i told you get your ass off the counter!”
🧇jake… he was waiting for you to come over to the dorm. you needed help on an essay and jake had free time so he offered to help you. he also loved to keep his skills sharp so he lived vicariously through your university work. he was frantically cleaning his room when sunoo walked in.
“oh you’re finally cleaning your room?” sunoo spoke leaning on the doorframe, arms crossed.
jake looked up at him, “yeah y/n is coming over, it needs to be clean i don’t want her to be grossed out by me.”
sunoo scoffed, “she’s seen you laugh so hard snot comes out of your nose and she’s still in love with you.”
jake stopped mid throw, his paper ball not landing in the trash, “wait what?”
sunoo laughed, throwing his head back, “oh nothing!” before walking to his own room. jake was suddenly hyper aware of his messy room and the time. you were going to arrive any minute and he was sweating nervously.
🥞sunghoon… he was getting dressed up to meet you for coffee. you were actually in town for the week so he wanted to see you again. you had been busy with classes and work and just life in general. so sunghoon wanted to take you out for froyo, he was buttoning up his coverup and putting on cologne when heeseung entered the bathroom.
“do you have a date today or something?” heeseung looked at him, eyebrows rising.
sunghoon shook his head no, “just taking y/n out for ice cream.”
heeseung now looked at him funny, “are you sure it’s not a date? she likes you a lot yaknow, like love love.”
“what? what do you mean!?” sunghoon flipped around to look at him, “do i look okay? is it too much? should i change? wait she’s in love with me?!”
heeseung left the bathroom after tapping him on the shoulder and a small good luck.
🍞sunoo… you and sunoo were having your monthly movie nights. it used to be weekly but since he became an idol he gets busy a lot. but you were willing to wait the once a month for these movie nights and for him. you were knocked out on the couch in the dorm and sunoo walked to the hall closet to get you an extra blanket. jay walked past him but stopped, jay knew you were going to confess to sunoo today. he was the one who told you to
“did y/n talk to you yet?”
sunoo smiled to himself, “we always talk, why?”
“so are you guys together now or?”
sunoo looked at him a little confused. jay yawned and stretched a bit, he was half asleep as he started walking again, “she was supposed to confess how she’s been in love with you for years. guess she forgot to.”
sunoo walked back quickly to you practically shaking you awake after that. he loved you just as much as you loved him, and sleep was not going to get in the way of that.
🍰riki… you were in the shower in the dorm. on the way home from a cafe it started pouring which led to you getting soaked. riki knew you were bad with the cold so he immediately shoved you in the bathroom with a change of warm clothes. not wanting you to get sick, then he walked to his room to make sure it was tidy and had enough blankets for you both.
jake was already in his room though, “what’re you doing in here?”
jake looked up, “looking for the ipad, where is it?”
riki blinked, “i need it you can’t have it right now.” he started rearranging the blankets on his bed. jake looked at him, jaw agape.
“what the hell for what?! give it!”
riki looked back at him, “you’re acting like you’re the child.” jake started searching riki’s desk.
“hey! cut it out! me and y/n are watching a movie after she gets out of the shower!” riki said and smacked him with a pillow.
jake stopped and his grin widened, “ohhhhhhhhhhh okay then never mind, if you and your girlfriend wanna watch a movie then i’m good i’ll just use heeseung’s pc.”
riki’s ears turned pink, “she’s not my girlfriend…” never in his life was he going to tell you his feelings for you.
“what really? i heard her talking on the phone the other day about how much she was in love with you? huh… maybe i heard wrong.” at that jake got up and left and almost immediately you entered the room. you looked at riki who was pink all over.
“ummm are you okay? do you have a fever?”
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daydreams-after-dark · 5 months
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Pairing: musician!Han x reader… bartender!chan x reader … security guard!Changbin x reader.
Synopsis: Han asks you to meet him in the corridor at a bar. Chan and Changbin join in for the fun.
About a 7 minute read.
This story is moderately unhinged. Porn without plot.
Unhinged level: 🤡🤡🤡🤡
A/n: I couldn’t sleep the other night and thought to myself “what’s a naughty fantasy I could write about that isn’t realistic in the slightest?” but also not fantasy genre (one day I’ll write a non human Han story, promise).
This is what I came up with. Please be safe when having sex. The following isn’t recommended except in delululand where anything goes. 😜
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CW: unprotected p in v sex with multiple strangers in a semi public space (a bar) and ppl see // voyeurism // exhibitionism // sub reader // 3Racha cum dump situation // gagging with underwear// mating press kind of// oral sex m rec// slight degradation- they talk like reader isn’t there // size, stretch kink// mild pain kink// I don’t offer a safe word option in this story but I promise reader wants it all (cos I made her up)// like I said it’s not realistic // if you are uncomfortable with any CW please don’t read.
A/n (again): Okay so now that’s out of the way… the scenario that got me hot and bothered…
Oh and by the way way if you want to be tagged in my after dark content because you’re as filthy as me, please let me know 😘
Really… let’s get started… I’m writing this 3 wines in 🤪 so who knows where we’ll end up. 🫣
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You sit on a stool at the bar watching the musician on stage. His name’s Han, and he is singing a love song whilst playing his acoustic guitar. He’s fucking gorgeous and you can’t keep your eyes off him.
The bar itself is pretty empty. There’s the bartender. His name tag says “Chan”, a dozen or so patrons and a security guy pacing the entry way. You’re dressed up far more than anyone else here tonight in your short, tight, stretchy boob tube style dress and strappy stilettos.
Han finishes his song, and apparently his set list because he leaves the stage and some random music comes through the speakers. You turn back to face the bar and concentrate on your drink.
That’s when you feel a hand on your thigh. You turn to see who has the audacity, the nerve, to just come up and do that and find it’s none other than Han himself. Your breath catches in your throat. But he doesn’t actually acknowledge you. He just reaches over the bar, grabs a pen and scribbles something on the back of a coaster and pushes it in front of you. Then after a knowing, silent exchange with Chan, Han is gone.
You look down at the coaster to see a note, an invitation, just for you.
Meet me in the corridor in three minutes.
Corridor? You look around the bar.
“He means the corridor outside the bathrooms.” Chan informs you, like he’s seen this play out before. Oh? So Han does this often? You wonder for half a second, until your feel your pussy throb. You’d better listen to your pussy, you tell yourself.
He’s waiting against the wall outside the bathrooms. Just like Chan said.
You take deep breath and bravely walk up to stand in front of him. He smells intoxicating.
“Hey?” You say quietly.
“Hey, baby.” He replies in a deep, husky voice.
You take a step towards him but in one swift move he turns you around and presses you against the wall.
You cry out in surprise at the forcefulness, then moan into his mouth when he crashes his lips on yours. His hands slide down your sides and then grope your ass as he presses himself against you.
You feel your body spark with arousal as he makes out with you in a rough, urgent way. His hands move down to then reach up under the hem of your dress. He slowly inches it up beginning to expose your ass. You pull away from the kiss and he moves his mouth to your neck.
“M-maybe…we should…take it to the bathroom?” You say.
Han nibbles your ear, his hands cup your bare ass cheeks. “Here’s just fine, baby.” He whispers.
“What?” You yelp.
“I’m gonna fuck you right here, not in a filthy toilet.” He grinds against you again and he’s so fucking hard it makes your cunt ache.
You see two women come out of the ladies room and glance over to where you are in the hall. They throw you an encouraging glance and throw a fist in the air to say “you go girl.”
“W-what about protection? You got something?” You pant. He’s really getting to you, and if he were to touch you right there, he’d know how ready you are for him to fill you with his cock.
His hands pull your dress up further exposing your red thong, and he hooks his hands into the sides of your underwear and peels them down your thighs.
You can hardly believe what’s happening when he’s dropped down momentarily to pick them up off the floor.
“Baby,” his voice is serious as his mouth inches closer to your cheek. “You’re asking too many questions. Just do as I say.” He shoves your panties into your mouth. Your eyes widen in surprise.
“Now listen.” He kisses your neck softly and his hands come back to squeeze at your ass. “I’m gonna fuck you raw.” Another kiss to the corner of your mouth this time. “And I’m not gonna pull out.” He yanks your panties out of your mouth. “You understand?”
Your body feels like jelly. His words are turning you on far too easily. You nod vigorously. “Yes. I understand.” You gasp. The panties are pushed back into your mouth and Han smirks at you.
“You’re such a good girl.” He caresses your body. You’re melting under his touch. “I saw you watching me.” His fingers tease the edge of your pussy. You need him to touch you so bad. You feel a thrill knowing you’re naked from the waist down and your dress up around your waist - In a public hallway for fucks sake. Anyone could stumble across you. It makes your pussy squeeze.
You wrap your arms around his neck and begin to grind yourself against his clothed crotch, trying to get him to touch you already.
He slips his fingers between your legs and slides his finger along your pussy. “Fuck baby. I gotta fuck you right now.”
His hands leave your body to undo his pants and release his cock. You don’t even get to see it because he’s lifting you up and your legs automatically wrap around him. He presses you against the wall at the same time he manages to plunge deep into your cunt. You cry out around the panties in your mouth.
He’s inside of you. Fucking you raw just like he said he was going to. He fucks you deep and slow, leaning in close against you and breathing ragged breaths. “Fuck, you feel good… knew your pussy would feel perfect around my cock.” He panted.
Your eyes roll back into your head as this man you’ve barely exchanged two words with is fucking you better than anyone has in a long time.
A few minutes pass and you’re feeling delirious from the relentless pace Han has built up to and you close your eyes, relishing the feeling of being used like this.
You open your eyes to see two men approaching, and you’re startled for a second until you realise who they are.
Chan and the security guard, Changbin is what his name tag says. Fuck you’re going to be kicked out. Banned for life.
But they’re not here to kick you out. Chan comes up to your left, Changbin on your right.
“So you’ve found Han I see.” Chan notes as he breathes on your cheek.
“She’s an eager one. Look at her with her pussy out on display.” Changbin growls.
“Does she feel good, Han?” Chan asks.
“Fuck, yeah! She’s so tight. Such good pussy.” He pants and thrusts harder causing you to whimper.
Chan and Changbin start to kiss your neck, nip your earlobes, breath hot heavy on your skin. The additional physical contact, and just the scenario itself, makes your core tighten. Your orgasm is approaching, you can feel it building rapidly.
“Fuck, look at her responding! She likes the idea of three guys huh?” Changbin notes.
“Hey Hannie, let’s help you out a bit, yeah?” Chan smirks.
Chan and Changbin hook an arm under each of your legs, holding you up and essentially pinning you to the wall behind you. Your arms automatically hold onto their shoulders, as they continue to bury their faces in your neck.
Han pulls out of you the whole way and takes in the sight before him.
“Fuck! Look at her pussy. It’s dripping.” He says.
The two others look down and moan and curse under their breath. Han runs his hands along your inner thighs, pushing them wider. Chan and Changbin pull your legs out as far as they can and then push your bent knees up higher. It’s like they’re trying to get you into as close as a mating press as possible.
“Han, you should get her tits out too.” Changbin suggests. Han obliges and yanks down your strapless dress, spilling your breasts out. It causes a commotion as their hands start to grope and knead them.
Han steps closer, ready to penetrate you again. “This is gonna be so deep, baby.” He pushes his cock back inside you and cups the underside of your ass for leverage.
It is so fucking deep that you swear you can feel him in your throat. He slams into you time and time again. It hurts, but in the most satisfying way. Tears prickle at your eyes from how good you’re being fucked and then you cry out around your panties as you orgasm.
“Shit…shit…fuck…baby…so…slippery…” Han pistons into you frantically. “Fuck I’m cumming, baby.” You feel his release deep inside you, against your cervix, leaving you both panting as you try to catch your breath.
He pulls out, removes your panties from your mouth and uses it to catch his cum that starts to seep out of your hole. Once he’s satisfied, he balls up the underwear and shoves it back in your mouth.
“My turn.” Says Changbin. He swaps places with Han. They continue to hold you in this position as Changbin lines his cock up with your entrance. He’s thicker than Han and the stretch makes you moan a deep guttural sound.
“Yeah, you like Binnie’s cock, hmm?” Chan cooes. “Didn’t know she’d be such a cockslut when I served her drinks.” He added.
“I could tell.” Han replies and licks the skin on your neck.
You’re loving the way they’re talking about you like you’re not there or can’t hear them.
Changbin sets a slow and steady pace, but the way he angles his cock at the end of each thrust sends jolts of pleasure through you. He doesn’t change pace or intensity the entire time he’s fucking you. It’s relentless, excruciating, frustrating that he won’t go faster. You can’t do anything about it because you’re pinned in place.
You sob around the panties in your mouth and your mascara is running down your face as you cry. You need to cum again.
You feel fingers encroach your asshole and start to explore you there. Please don’t tease me. You think to yourself. You don’t know whose fingers they are, but when one squeezes into your tight hole, you cum instantly.
“Fuck! She’s cum again. Such a good girl.” Han praised you.
“Shit, she clamps down hard doesn’t she?” Changbin growls. He suddenly pulls out and coats your inner thighs with his cum.
Again, your panties are removed and used to wipe up as much cum off you as possible and then it’s put back in your mouth.
They release you and help steady you on your feet. Han and Changbin continue to kiss and caress, squeeze and nip at your body.
“My turn now, babygirl.” Chan says pulling a chair into the hallway. He sits himself on the chair, holding his erect cock in his hand. It’s enormous, and you’re not sure how you’re going to manage it.
“Come, sit on my cock. I want to feel if you’re as tight as these two are saying.”
You carefully straddle Chan, facing away from him so the other two can get a full view, and lower yourself over his cock. He stretches you so wide as you slowly sink down. Once you reach halfway you stop. It’s not going to fit.
“You’ve got a bit more to go, sweetheart. Do you need help?” He grabs hold of your hips and pulls you down the rest of the way. You whimper. It’s too deep. He’s too big.
“Now babygirl, you’re gonna fuck yourself on me. Make me cum.” He growls.
You press your stilettos into the carpet and start to bounce on Chan’s cock. The impact against your cervix is brutal and you cry out each time his cock makes contact with it.
You’re not sure how much you can take, but you want to be a good girl, you want to please them. You want to show them you make Chan cum. You ride him wildly with all the enthusiasm you can. Just like in the porn you love to watch. You reach down and rub at your clit, and your other hand comes to your breast. You want to put on a show.
“Fuck, look how red and swollen her cunt is!” Changbin stares at where you and Chan are connected, dick in his hand.
“Makes me want to fuck her again.” Han declares as he pumps his own hardening cock. “Bet it’s twice as tight now.”
They’re right. You are swollen and sore, but it feels so fucking good and you can’t stop.
You reach out, ushering Han and Changbin closer. They step forward and you wrap your hands around their cocks.
Chan’s hands wrap around your front so he can grab onto both of your tits, and Han reaches down to play with your clit.
“That’s the way baby. Your hand feels so good around my cock.” Moans Han.
“How does her cunt feel, Chan?” Asks Changbin.
“Tiny. Feels like I’m gonna split her in two. Fuck, I wanna break her little cunt.”
That was enough. Those obscene words took you over the edge and you were cumming again. Harder than ever.
“Babygirl, I’m close! Fuckin’ milk me. Make me cum. Yes. Yes. Good… fucking pussy…suck it all out me… There you go. There you go.” chan groans, filling you up.
“Quick. Kneel on the floor.” He’s is quick to shove you off his cock.
You kneel on the floor as instructed, and continue to pump Han and Changbin as they stand in front of you. Han rips your panties out of your mouth only to stuff it with his cock. Changbin holds the back of your head while Han fucks your throat. He’s not gentle and you gag. It seems to spur him on, each thrust deeper into your throat. Then he pulls out to tell Changbin do the same.
They take turns like this for a while, even attempting to stick them both in your mouth at once, with Chan slouched on the chair working on getting himself hard again.
Han and Changbin release you and admire the saliva, tears and smeared mascara all over your face.
Then the the three of them stand in front of you pumping their cocks.
“Okay, baby. You ready? Keep your mouth and eyes open for us.” Chan says.
You open your mouth wide and do your best to keep your eyes open as Han, Changbin and Chan shoot ropes of cum all over your face. Some gets in your mouth, but most of it lands on your cheek, eyebrows and caught in your eyelashes.
Fuck you looked like a cum dump with a bucketload on your face, and Chan’s cum running down your leg.
“So fucking pretty.” Han smears the cum around your face.
Your panties are again used to wipe your face, but they are so wet that it can’t absorb anything else.
Chan comes behind you and scoops up some of the leaking cum and pushes it back inside you.
Then they get you to stand up and put your cum-filled panties back on. They feel so wet and dirty. You fix your dress, pulling it back down over your ass and up over your tits.
You look around to find the men are gone.
“Well fuck me!” You say out loud.
“Well I hope I can again.” Han says a he comes out of the bathroom with paper towel. He wipes your face to get the remaining cum off your skin.
“I’m hoping you’ll come back to mine. I still have one more hole to fuck, and I really want to take my time with it.”
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@kangnina @noellllslut @channieandhisgoonsquad @weareapackofstrays @itshannjisung
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binniebakery · 6 months
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Bf!Taehyun x Fem!Reader Est. Relationship
♡ Warnings: very suggestive! sir kink, little bit of degradation (reader gets called a whore, angel, etc), little bit of exhibitionism mentioned as well, lmk if i missed something! ♡ A/N: i honestly forgot ppl were asking for more coquette tubatu... so ask and u shall receive smile. i rewrote this so many times too because I've been going through a period where i hate everything i write sdfgddfss so please be kind (i also know nothing about cars.. be warned.)
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𝗡𝗼𝘄 𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴: "Smarty" by Lana Del Rey
0:09 ━●────────── 4:47 ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷
——-˖⁺. ༶ ❤︎ ⋆˙⊹ 𐦍 ˖⁺. ༶ ❤︎ ⋆˙⊹——-
As stars began to bloom in the night sky, you meticulously glided your lipstick across those pretty plump lips of yours. Your room was filled with the scent of apple cinnamon along with a hint of slight smoke from the iron that you were using to form soft curls into your delicate hair.
Your pretty eyelashes fluttered shut as you hummed the tune of your favorite song, your heart soaring in excitement at the thought of your boyfriend coming over in his new car to take you out on a date.
With hair soft and neat, pretty heels in perfect combination with your lacey mini skirt and top, and your nails freshly done in pretty white and pink details, you sprinkle yourself in your favorite perfume. Fresh vanilla, something your boyfriend just couldn’t resist when you were in the vicinity.
A buzz from your phone interrupts your thoughts and you look over to see your boyfriend’s name displayed across your screen.
“Tyunnie!” You smile, your voice cheery as you practically jump in your chair from the excitement of knowing he was on the other line.
“Hi angel, I’m here. You ready?” Taehyun’s low voice mixed with the sound of his car engine as it rumbled in the background.
“Course I am! Coming out right now!” You chirp as you grab your purse, the sound of your expensive heels clicking against the floor while you skip out of your room.
“Good girl, see you right now then.” Taehyun ends the call with a click.
Taehyun is already standing outside of his brand-new car by the time you reach him. He watches you with a slight smirk, eyes following your every movement as you gracefully make your way to his car.
A black Porsche. A perfect match to your boyfriend’s polished and sleek appearance.
“Like my new car baby?” Taehyun tilts his head, his voice a saccharine tone.
“It’s pretty, looks expensive..” You stand in front of your boyfriend, letting him wrap his arms around your waist as he pulls you in.
“Yeah, you think so?… It’ll never be as pretty as my angel though” Taehyun mumbles into your neck, leaving a trail of soft kisses from under your ear to your collarbone.
Your breath hitches as you feel his teeth nip pretty purple flowers onto your delicate skin.
“Mm, tyun wait– let’s wait till we get to the d– drive in..”
You attempt to lean away, but the way his strong hands firmly hold you against him has your stomach tied in knots. Taehyun takes in the scent of your sweet perfume and smiles.
“Smell so good I could take you right now baby”
You let out a whine and Taehyun takes it as his sign to pull away before he gets carried away. Your boyfriend grins at the way your face is flushed, lips formed into the cutest pout.
His pretty, pretty girl.
Taehyun opens the door to his car and you slide into your spot as passenger princess, taking in the black leather interior and fresh scent of a brand new car. Your cute little heels were a sweet contrast to the dark aesthetic you were sitting in.
“You ready to see how fast this goes, angel?” he tilts his head towards you as the engine of his car purrs.
Taking your doe eyes off of the mirror, you bat your lashes as you turn to him.
“I’ll go anywhere you take me, sir.”
Your boyfriend always spoiled you, stopping by the nearest convenience store to buy you that same cherry slush you always begged for. After all, the cherry-flavored make-out session that followed was addicting to him, licking your red-stained lips in the back of his car as his strong arms lifted you into his lap. Your laced skirt riding up giving him the best view of your thighs, he always found himself gripping onto them while he made a mess of your makeup.
Every Friday night he’d pick you up and take you wherever you wanted to go, his treat.
If you were being honest, you had no idea what movie was being shown tonight, it didn’t matter as you had other ideas, and of course– your cunning boyfriend always picked up on anything you had planned.
As Taehyun parked his car towards the back of the lot, your eyes scanned around the area searching for any possible unwanted viewers. Luckily for you, the nearest car was quite a distance away.
“You finally got your nails redone, was afraid the money I gave you went towards something else.” Taehyun chuckles, taking your dainty hand in his large one. He gently holds your fingertips as he admires the details.
“Of course, I got them done just for you. Do you like them?” You smile warmly.
“Did you now?” Taehyun reaches for the dainty necklace hanging around your neck and gently tugs you towards him. Your body leans towards him over the console, exposed thighs trembling from how soft yet rough he was being with you.
The movie hadn’t even started yet.
“A-- ah yeah.. just for you..” You blurb out, face now flushed from the sudden closeness between you and your boyfriend.
“Just for me..” He repeats, his voice low and sultry as his face holds an unreadable expression. Taehyun’s eyes are scanning your entire outfit now– and you don’t miss the way his dark eyes hold a deep hunger as they trail over your curves.
“C’mere angel.”
Taehyun scoots his chair backward and you’ve never swung your body over to the driver’s side so quickly in your life.
You settle yourself into his lap and you can practically already feel how hard your boyfriend is against you. He wraps his arms around you and pulls you in, his chest pressing against yours.
“Such a pretty girl..” he tilts your chin to look up at him and the way your lips form into the cutest pout, the way your sweet eyes stare at him like a deer caught in headlights, so innocent and pure– it has him sliding his fingers under your skirt in between your thighs.
You feel yourself shiver and you can’t help but bury your head into his neck as he traces circles into the delicate lace of your panties.
“Not wearing shorts? Such a whore..”
You unwillingly let out a soft whimper at his remark, and Taehyun lets out a mean chuckle.
“You really are a naughty girl, aren’t you..? C’mon say it.”
“Mmh..y- yeah” you stutter, “I- I’m a naughty girl tyun.”
Taehyun pulls his fingers away from your aching core and the whine you let out is so embarrassingly loud you’re thankful nobody’s parked near your boyfriend's car.
“That’s sir to you, angel.”
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brighttears · 1 year
Wise Fools
Joel Miller x f!reader
No physical description, no use of y/n, readers has female sex organs
Summary: you tell Joel you love him, he doesn’t react how you think, but he also doesn’t react how he wishes he had. he sorts himself out and comes back to fix things. 
Word count: 5k
Warnings: mutual pining, drinking to get drunk, SMUT (minors DNI), cunnilingus, fingering, male masturbation, mentions of PiV sex, pet names (darling, sweetheart, beautiful girl),
A/n: not super proud of this tbh but i just felt pressured to post it like i just wanted to get it tf out eeeeee. barely proofread the smut not my fave thing to write but i know it's what the ppl want 😪
“…I just feel like I need to tell you, I never want to be without you… and… I love you, Joel.”
You watch his lashes because he won't meet your eyes, then brush a finger over his cheek to softly hook under his chin, but just as he lets you raise it, he shifts out of your grasp and stands. 
You watch him walk away, smoothing his hand over the back of his neck, facing the dark front window in his living room, the only sound being his foot scuffing to a stop.
The air shifts. You can tell that he’s not going to say anything, and are suddenly hit with the realization that you are a fool. You fooled yourself into believing that you have some kind of control over this game, some kind of special insight or providence. You feel beat. 
He stands with his back mostly to you, his arms crossed, staring at the floor. His jaw flexes. 
A ball of lead falls from your head down through your heart to land in your stomach and your skin prickles; it’s a freezing cold feeling but you’re hot with embarrassment at the same time. Those first few times you saw him, you remember how irrefutable you saw your goal to be; like you were already his, you thought he was already yours. 
This whole time, it was just you. Your heart begins to race. 
“I’m gonna go.” You get up, pause for half a second, thinking he might try to stop you, but he doesn’t. He still won't even look at you. You feel sick. “Have a good night.” You manage as you slip out. 
“Fuck.” Joel stays standing after you leave, pulling fists of his hair up until it hurts. Squeezing his eyes shut, he whispers through gritted teeth, “God damn it.” Part of him is screaming to go after you but his body won’t obey, and his mind twists, curls and knots around itself. The one thing he knows for sure is that he fucked up. He feels small and stupid. And he wants his brother. 
Joel counts to fifty before leaving his house. Outside, he wants to call out his brother's name, he wants to run to him like a child, he wants him here now. Clenching his jaw, he keeps his mouth shut, and repeatedly swallows down thick threats underneath cries. Finally, he makes it to Tommy’s front door and raps on it, waits, raps again. He combs his hand through his hair, then drags it down his face, clears his throat, and sniffs hard. 
Tommy opens the door looking a little groggy, but his eyes snap wide open upon seeing his brother so undone. Once processed, he urges him, “Shit. Come on, come in, sit down, I'll get ya’a drink.”
Suddenly very insecure, Joel whispers, “Well I don’t wanna disturb Maria, I guess I sh—” 
“Nah, nah, nah,” Tommy shakes his head, “she’s asleep, but she’s a hard sleeper. As long as we’re not screamin’. Js’ come on.” He motions his arm inside and Joel finally follows. “Sit down,” he tells him over his shoulder on his way to the kitchen, and comes back out with two thick, clear plastic cups, and a large clear glass bottle holding an easily recognizable rust colored drink. He pours without a word, sits down, and looks at his brother, “Go, on, then. What happ’nd?”
Joel takes his cup, staring into it as he begins, “I fucked up, Tommy. I fucked up real bad.” He sips and keeps his eyes in the cup as he continues, “She told me she loves me. An’ I didn’t say a fuckin’ thing. Did’n even look at her.” He takes a long sip and grimaces, “So she left. Cause I’m a fuckin’ idiot.”
“Aw, don’t say that,”
Joel shakes his head, “I am. I am. I’m a fuckin’ coward is what I am. I love ‘er, you know that?” He finally looks up to Tommy.
“Yeah, I kinda guessed.”
“N’ it’s like this whole time I’ve been waitin’ for that, for, I don’t even know what the fuck, to know if–if she loves me I guess, an’ she does, an’ I don’t know what’s wrong with me, I js’ froze. I froze bad. I love her, I do, I do… Fuck me. Look what I just did to ‘er.” He sloppily gulps what’s left in his glass as he finishes his sentence, then says immediately, “Pour me another one.”
“You tryna get shitfaced?” Tommy inquires, visibly concerned. 
Tommy bites the inside of his cheek, then uncaps the glass bottle and pours. “Fair ‘nough.”
“Mm.” Joel watches him pour, then raises his glass, “To bein’ a fuckin’ idiot.” and throws the liquor back. Tommy follows suit, for his brother's sake. 
You stumble the short way to your house, almost falling, and curse yourself for being so weak as to be physically hindered by nothing but a broken heart; nothing you haven’t felt before… this time feels different, though. 
Once inside your house, you sniffle, cough, and walk straight into the kitchen, dragging a chair behind you to set in front of the refrigerator. You climb it to retrieve the one bottle of alcohol you keep in your house: a bottle of wine, old as shit, found on the road. You don’t bother with a glass nor do you pull the chair back to the table, simply collapsing in it there and take out your pocket knife to work at the cork. 
How the wine tastes isn’t something you pay any mind to, though it’s possibly one that you should savor, being that it’s aged and all that. Within a few minutes, half of the bottle is gone, set on the counter next to your chair, where you sit, legs spread, elbows on your knees, nails on your scalp.
You told him you love him, you said the L word, you broke your rule, made many broken hearts ago, to not fucking do that. Why did you think, really believe, that this time was different? What a fucking fool. 
Sitting up straight, you breathe deeply, grab the bottle, and then guzzle another cup out. 
Should you just leave Jackson? Run away? It’d be best for the both of you, you think. Where would you go?
Suddenly, the question hits you: what's the point of going on if you have nobody?
You are well acquainted with this feeling of brokenheartedness and deep lonesomeness. However, you’ve never experienced it in a house like this, warm, unarmed, drunk. Well what's the point of staying in Jackson if all you’re going to do is… what, this? Go to the fucking movies? And avoid Joel. No way would Tommy talk to you. Maybe not Ellie, either. You couldn’t blame either of them. He’s theirs, they’re his, all running with loyalty in their blood. Not you, though. You are an outsider. 
Don't you dare allow the simple thought of what's the point? That is not allowed. For all the people you’ve known that have died, who held on with everything they could to the last fucking second, you can’t give it up. Even if it all just means pain, fear, and loneliness. 
At least if you’re alone all you need to fear for is yourself. Definitely not over some silly man, of all things. Some silly man, who you love like you’ve never loved before, who couldn’t bear the thought of that, so much so that he had to pretend like he hadn’t heard it, that you weren’t even there. 
“Jesus Christ.” You slur, standing, holding the bottle, and take a few empty steps into the empty living room. The couch bounces back with you when you plop down on it. Your eyes fall closed. Without opening them, you set the wine bottle on the coffee table and stretch out on the couch.
Clips and images of Joel run over your eyes and you’re drunk enough to enjoy them. You reflect on the first time you saw him, how unbelievably beautiful he was, and how funny he looked, like a lost little kid walking down the street, and then the first time you met, when Tommy called out his name while you talked with him leaned against opposite polls under the awning of a shop. Something about the cool light tones of the winter contrast ridiculously well with him and you were near starstruck. Immediately, you knew It was him. Then you started seeing him around more, you worked on a couple projects together in town, did patrols, met up on each other's porches, talked just to talk. You could talk for hours, nonstop, always something more to add. The kind of immediate connection you had is one you can’t remember the last time you had with anyone. By the end of winter, you were thick as thieves. 
And you had misread all of it, and ruined it. 
You jolt up. Then decide to move upstairs to bed, for some comfort at least. It works like a charm and you’re out cold within minutes of snuggling in under the covers. 
Tommy convinces Joel to quit drinking before he can’t walk anymore, which he decides is fair. Drinking isn’t helping anyway. It’s an extremely refreshing walk home. He isn’t unable to walk upstairs to his room, but he simply can’t be bothered, and he doesn’t want his creaking stomps to wake Ellie, so he flops on the couch, boots and all. 
In his drunken state, Joel squeezes his eyes shut and wills time to go back, so that when he wakes up, it’s yesterday morning, and he can do that all again, and do it right. In his head, he works out exactly what he’d say as something to convince time that it’s gonna go backwards for him. 
From the moment I saw you, I swear to god I knew it. You were different. And ever since then you’ve only proven me right. I just adore everything about you. Now that you're in my life I can't imagine life without you because I don't want to. I want forever with you. 
I have a hard time with love, I can't remember the last time I told someone I love them. Out loud, at least. I hope I've shown you I love you. But you need to hear me say it. I love you, I love you, I love you. I'll tell you every day. Every night, every morning, I'll tell you I love you.
Loving you feels like freedom, it’s like finally being able to fill my lungs all the way up with air. And it comes so naturally, feeling this way, and trying to show you. I can learn to say it. I'll learn to say it for you. Because I need you to know. 
I'd be lying if I didn't say I'm scared to death, of all of it, of being in love in the first place. Scared to death. But it’s not going anywhere, and I never know when I'm gonna die, and I don't see the point in trying to push all this down because I don't know how long I have left to really, actually live, and loving is what makes living worth it. Love is the whole point. And I'll show you, I'll do everything I can to show you til the day I die, but if you tell me you love me I'll tell you back. So I'm telling you back. I love you. 
Joel mouths the words ‘I love you’, trying to get a feel for them again, and falls asleep with them still in his mouth. 
It takes you a long time to get out of bed once you wake, between the headache and the heartache and fear of facing the day. 
Why go to breakfast? You probably won’t be able to keep it down anyway. Water sounds fantastic, though. So, finally, you drag yourself out of bed, keeping the blankets as a cloak, having apparently stripped completely nude at some point in the night. 
Water was indeed a great idea. You feel it running through your brain, cooling and clearing. It doesn’t help anything else, though; last night still happened, your relationships are still ruined. Do you have anything going on today? Any reason you have to leave the house? No. Well, then, you won’t. Staying in bed all day sounds too depressing, so you go back to your room to slip on your biggest tshirt and your most comfortable pair of underwear. Your wrap your blankets back around yourself and they drag behind you down the stairs. With your trial, you feel like you must look like a slug.
To the couch it is. The bottle of wine from last night still sits on the coffee table. Day drinking crosses your mind, but it didn’t make anything better last night, so fuck that. You push the table away with your foot and slouch down as far as you comfortably can. You miss TV. 
When Joel wakes up, there is a short pause before the grim memories of last night come back to him and he draws out a swear as he wipes his hand over his eyes, forces them to open and then himself to sit. The light of the windows in front of him stings his eyes and he stands up to turn away, his knees struggling hard, and rubs his pained neck. He is too old to be sleeping on couches like this. That’s fine, he deserves pain anyway. 
The idea of going after you runs around in his head, hitting and spinning every other thought, and once again he’s lost. After a couple minutes of trying to figure something out, he thinks fuck it and heads for the front door. 
It’s warm, wet, cloudy, and a short walk to your house, not allowing Joel enough time to give in to cold feet. He makes it up to your porch but gets stuck there at your front door.
What is he scared of? He knows you love him, he just needs to tell you he loves you too, and apologize, maybe on his knees.
The image of him being on his knees in front of you brings a new idea in his head—his hands on your thighs, your hands in his hair; he wonders how you sound when you moan, how you taste, how long it’d take him to make you cum. Joel tries to shake the thoughts out, taking a deep breath. That is not the task at hand. However, a new realization re-electrifies the ideas, which he’s had many times before, but now… if you love him… that means he might be able to actually find all that out.
This is not the time for that, Joel scolds himself. 
He takes a deep breath. Shit, he forgot to figure out something to say. What was all that he had last night? All he remembers is how to say ‘I love you’. Shit. Joel takes another deep breath and starts practicing it again, barely audibly telling your front door ‘I love you’ over and over again. 
In his focus, he does not notice any kind of sound or movement inside your house until the door opens. 
Standing in front of you on your porch, Joel looks disoriented. You don’t know what tone to use to ask what he’s doing here so you say nothing. 
“Can I come in?” He finally speaks. 
You unthinkingly nod and stand aside to open the door for him. 
Once shut, you turn to him and nervously pull at the hem of your shirt. You felt too stupid with those blankets on, so you abandoned them on the couch, but you probably should have put on more clothes before you opened the door. Should you excuse yourself, go upstairs to change, leave him down here?
Suddenly, you realize that things between you are awkward now, and it makes you want to cry. 
“Alright.” Joel starts just in time, facing you with his hands on his hips. He still can’t meet your eyes. Is he here to scold you? Say ‘how dare you’? ‘You ruined everything’? ‘I’m leaving’? ‘You should leave’? Instead, he shocks you by saying “I’m sorry.” Then he slowly works his brow up to peer at you. You huff, flustered. He looks back down. 
“Why?” You let out, small, and his eyes shoot back up to you. He raises his head up fully, looking at you square, and swallows hard.
There’s a pause. Neither of you look away. 
“Last night. I fucked that up.” His voice is deep and uneven. Joel’s shoulders move with a deep breath, “Listen. I… shit.” He looks down, taps his toe on the floor. You cross your arms protectively over your chest. “I fucked that up. I’m sorry. That wasn’t… that didn’t… express what I wanted to… what I feel. I just get scared, y’know?” He looks at you, then back down. “I mean, you do know. But I, I realized that it doesn’t matter. That’s all bullshit. Cause here you are, and here I am, and… Jesus.” He shakes his head, then talks like he’s unleashing it, finally meeting your eyes, and you can see the earnestness in them, “Listen. I feel like I was always just waiting for you, I just didn't know it.” Joel’s gaze falters again. Then his voice is deeper, softer, quieter, and more melodic, “I dream about you. When I’m asleep and when I’m awake, an’ I think you’re the most beautiful thing. You’re js’ special. An’ I feel lucky that I met you, and I adore you. Everythin’ about you. An’ I don’t care what they say about sayin’ shit like this, cause you are perfect. An’ I gotta thank you for sayin’ somethin’ first cause I’m a fuckin’ coward, an’ I’m just sorry it took so long. You deserve more, you deserve to know every day. I know I… I just… even if it’s not… like that, I hope I show you how much I care about you.” Eyes focused firmly on the floor, Joel scuffs the toe of his boot. “I’d do anythin’ for you. I’ll do whatever you want, I’ll go wherever you go, an’ I’ll get my shit together so I can tell you, every morning, every night, every time you tell me, that I love you. I love you.” Joel swallows hard and keeps his head down. 
Chills run up and down you. Why do you feel like crying? He looks so sad and shy and you want to hold him up, raise his chin, straighten his posture to how it should be, head held high; you want him lying in bed like this so you can make him feel better with your mouth and your hands; you want to just hug him, feel him holding you, so warm, so protected, you want to be engulfed in him. You’re too far away. So you take two quiet steps towards him, stop, and then take one more. Two more steps and you’d be on him. He’s watching your bare feet as you approach. 
Your voice is quiet and delicate when you ask, “So you love me?” and he finally looks up, slowly examining your body from the feet up and finally to your eyes. 
There's a pause, you take another half step, and ask, “Can you kiss me?”
The few seconds it takes for him to find his way to your lips last a very long time, and the moments once they actually meet can’t last long enough. 
You let out a sigh as they do, losing touch with gravity a little, resting back in his arms wrapped around your back, preoccupied with his lips hard against yours, finally knowing them, finally tasting him; you want to drink him in, have him inside you in every way, a part of you. This first moment, you see as so, and appreciate all of the newness, the finally, finally, finally, finally.
He lets you pull off his layers until he’s only in a t-shirt, and you’re chilled over and over again in excitement and something else, whatever it is, you don’t care, all you care about is his arms almost bare, so thick and strong, his hands in places they’ve never been before, smoothing over your back, hooking around you, dragging over your front, over your stomach with a pressure that opens your mouth and furrows your brow. He pulls away then, only enough to be able to look at you, and his brow is relaxed in a way you’ve only seen hints of. He brushes one hand clumsily over your face, this thumb over your lips, and you angle your head down to catch it in your mouth. You swirl your tongue around the tip, looking him in the eyes. With a deep breath, Joel takes his hand away to kiss you instead, deep, wet, pressing your foreheads together, then slowly backs you all the way up against the wall. Then he drags himself down, keeping most of himself on you as he does, hands following your curves, chin or lips dragging down however they can, and then he’s on his knees. 
Joel brushes his hands up and down the sides of thighs, then grips your hips. “Can I taste you?” He asks softly, big, puppy dog eyes looking up at you. 
Frankly, you breathe out, “Yes.” 
Joel takes a deep breath, first pressing kisses just above, then over your underwear with a pressure that makes you tingle just under it. He opens his mouth and drags it over you open, still over the fabric, with a heat that you know has you absolutely soaking already.
Still looking in your eyes, Joel hooks his fingers in the waistband of your underwear and pulls until they drop around your ankles. He bunches up your long t-shirt in a fist, lifting it up and resting it on your stomach, then he holds your hip firmly with his other hand, stabilizing himself as he moves his mouth in. Joel focuses, ready to finally show you what he can do for you, secretly smiling as he licks a line up with a flat tongue, proud when your chest jumps with a gasping moan. He repeats, kitten licking you, getting you nice and wet for him to take your clit into his mouth, forming around the sensitive tip to suck and massage with his tongue. Intense pleasure takes your breath away and as you gasp your nipples begin to feel more sensitive rubbing against your shirt and you let your hand smooth over your breast. 
“Shit Joel, fuck,” you breath out, then lean your torso forward as you moan, and fall back as he releases your clit.
Joel moves his hand from your hip to under your thigh and lifts it, pressing the side against the wall, opening you up more for him. His head bobs as his tongue slides further in, licking a line straight from your hole up to under your clit, and then again, this time sharpening the tip of his tongue to lick under your clit until it flicks off. Your pussy craves it seemingly with a mind of its own, controlling you. 
“Yes, Joel, fuck, just like that, oh my god,”
And so he repeats, the tip of his tongue continually stimulating the underside of your clit. When your hips turn up into him he lets his mouth shift down to swirl over your hole, his nose instead rubbing up and down the area above. Your moans are chocked, deep, and long, as you feel that pressure beginning to unwind inside of you. Knowing that it’s on him, you want to let go, give yourself to him, let him have you.
From your sounds, Joel can tell he’s closing in, but no way is he letting this last only a couple minutes. For one thing, he doesn’t want this to end, but he also wants you in ruins by the time he’s done. Joel swipes one more flat lick over the full length of your pussy and then pulls away, looking up at you. The tip of his nose shines with your wetness and he’s near out of breath. 
“Not lettin’ you go that easy, darlin’, ain’t gott’n my fill yet.” He stands, pulling himself up using your arms, and is back in your mouth, no concern for how he’s licking your own cum into your mouth. You don’t really care either anyway, all you care about is how he’s on you. Arms wrapped to hold your stomach to his, you feel his strength again. In between kisses, Joel says, “I’ve been waitin’ so long to know how you taste. Waitin’ so long to make you feel good like that. You’re so fuckin’ sexy. You’re so beautiful. I wanna see you cum. I wanna make you cum with just my mouth. Just my mouth on your pussy.”
Sounds fucking good to me, you think, almost making yourself laugh, but don’t waste any time to speak so as not to take away from your tongue teeth and lips on his. Being connected to him like this feels so secure, so correct; the awkwardness that had scared you so bad has vanished and now you’re closer than ever before, in body, spirit, and mind. 
Your lips allow you, “Do whatever you want with me.” 
A line of saliva keeps you connected when Joel pulls away, both of your faces wet, mostly with you. His hands shift to your forearms, holding them to pull you as he walks backward, guiding you to sit you down on your couch. When you’re down he’s immediately back between your legs, grabbing your thigh to hold out, and you see his other reach to what must be down his pants. The idea of that, Joel stroking himself just under you, makes you feel hotter still and you moan as his tongue connects. He makes a sound and it vibrates through you and you grip his hair and let yourself fall back, your other hand used to stabilize you on the couch so that you can arch your back and watch him. As his tongue rolls over your opening, he peers up at you. The image of him here itself could be enough to push you over the edge. So many days admiring him, soaking up his beauty, and how many times have you touched yourself imagining something just like this? 
Joel has the same thoughts going on in his head as he strokes himself rapidly. As much as he wants to feel himself all the way inside of you, as far as he’ll fit, and feel you squeeze around him, he’ll save that for you for another time. For now, he’s getting off just fine watching—making you get off.
“Joel, that feels so good,” you whine, he hums again and your hips jolt up. 
Joel’s eyes stay locked on yours as all of his own movements become unsteady with the more pleasure he gives himself, his hand pumping up and down his full length. He’s never been this hungry in his life, and here you are to devour. 
“Joel I know you’re touching yourself I wanna see you cum,”
“You first, darlin.” He says basically into you. He uses his tongue to tease your hole with swirling force, then licks up to your clit and sucks it. Keeping his focus there, he releases your thigh to utilize that hand to hook two fingers into you, then rocking them in and up.  
As soon as he starts with this you know you’re done for, and when your face screws up and your hips roll, forcing him to follow you, he knows, too. Joel strokes himself faster, fed by the feeling of his fingers inside of you and this prizing view.
You hold your thigh up for him, your head is leaned back and eyes squeezed shut, triggered by pure pleasure. The pressure building inside of you is like a balloon that Joel repeatedly hits with his two hooked fingers and you feel yourself squeezing, and try not to squirm away as your body rolls closer and closer to overwhelming climax. 
“Joel Joel Joel Joel Joel,”
As he comes close to finishing himself, Joel’s mouth opens wider, but he does what he can to keep you stimulated, closing it and moving his tongue all up and down wherever it can, and then he sucks, and his fingers land on your G spot and he rocks them and you’re cumming, loudly. Joel does not release, fighting through your writhing to pull you through your orgasm and with his last licks, he cums, and you shake as his moans vibrate through you. 
You slow to a stop, Joel removes his fingers once your pussy releases them, and falls back to sit on the ground in front of you. His pants are undone but his boxers are up, hiding his dick but not the wetness of his cum in them. Shy, you lean forward to cover yourself with your hanging t-shirt. You’re both smiling like giddy kids, and you kiss again, unavoidably wet, but soft, slow, and sweet—appreciative. You keep your eyes closed for a moment when you pull away and he smiles watching you. 
“Now what?”
“What time is it?”
“I don’t know. Somewhere near noon.”
“You wanna go get lunch?”
You smile. “Alright. Just let me get dressed, I mean, I have to… clean myself up.” You chuckle shyly. 
Joel stands, zipping his pants back up and redoing his belt. “Yeah, me too. Need a whole new pair a underwear. How bout I meet you back here? Won’t take long.” 
“Alright.” You smile, reaching down to pull your underwear back up and stand, twisting your legs around each other. 
Joel walks behind you to pick up his discarded layers and you watch him shamelessly use the inside of his coat to wipe down his face. When he looks up, he smirks slightly, looking you up and down, steps towards you and then leans in, “Gimmie some sugar.”
You smile and oblige, leaning in slow and taking his lips in yours. What was meant as some cheeky kiss turns soft, sweet, and sincere.
This is how things are now, you realize, you can kiss him, and he can fuck you, and you can go get lunch together. 
“I love you.” You quickly add after you pull away. 
“I love you, my beautiful girl.” 
You beam, he basks in it.
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niki-phoria · 2 years
idk if you write for reactions, but i would a reaction from enhypen's hyung line about their 8thmember!reader s/o being injured while practicing <33
(and yes i would like this very fluffy😍😍)
‧₊˚✩ enhypen hyung line reaction - their s/o gets hurt during practice
warnings: just gonna list the injuries so (heeseung: sprained ankle, jay: torn mcl, jake: pulled muscle, sunghoon: broken ankle), worried heeseung, descriptions of hospitals/medical treatment but nothing graphic, one cuss word in sunghoon's
a/n: thank you so much for requesting !! this is more comfort than fluff tbh but i tried to keep it all very cute and happy. i didn't include the maknae line bc i kinda struggled with this and i didn't want to wait any longer to post it but i am willing to make a part 02 with the maknaes if anyone is interested. i hope you like it :))
additional notes: i wanna write for enha more but i have no ideas :// and in case you're curious i write imagines and reactions (no headcannons since ppl keep asking for them) the list of who/what i write for is linked in my pinned post
gn 8th member reader (no pronouns used)
requests open !! read my rules first
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‧₊˚✩ heeseung
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word count 410
he(e)'s so hot slknesklns
you grunt when you hit the ground. pain blooms through your ankle immediately, spreading through your leg and down your foot. “oh my god, are you okay?” your dancer kneels down next to you, holding a hand out to help you up. “i’m so sorry, i didn’t mean to trip you.” 
“it’s okay, i didn’t see you either.” 
you wince when you try to put weight on your right ankle. “are you okay?” 
“yeah, i just think i hurt my ankle.” 
“let me go find a medic.” you nod, limping over to lean against a wall while you wait for help. you can hear her bounding footsteps as she runs back to the studio with an emt following closely behind her. 
“can you stand on it?” he asks, helping you take your shoe and sock off. hues of red and purple have already begun spreading along the skin. the dancer you tripped over nervously hovers behind him, grimacing at the sight of your foot. 
“not really,” you wince when he presses down against the bone. “it hurts when i try to put weight on it.” 
he nods, standing up. “i’m gonna go get some ice and then i'll wrap it. tell me if you notice any intense swelling or if the pain gets worse. you'll be off of it for a few weeks.” 
“here, let me help you,” she says, supporting your weight with her own body. 
“thanks,” you whisper, letting her guide you to a nearby chair. she pushes another chair over to you, helping you lift your leg up onto it. 
“are you gonna be okay here?” 
“i’m alright, thank you so much.” she nods, lowering her head into another apologetic bow before she leaves. 
you’re left alone in the room for a few minutes before heeseung bursts through the door. “y/n,” he gasps, rushing to your side. he’s frantic, eyes wide and hair disheveled. he wraps his arms around you, pulling you into a hug. “i heard about what happened, i’m so sorry i wasn’t there.” 
“it’s okay.” you reach over to grab his hand, squeezing it. 
“does it hurt?” 
you shake your head. “it feels better with the ice.” 
“how long will you be off of it?” 
“they said it keep it elevated and put ice on it. they’re about to come back and wrap it for the next few weeks.”
heeseung leans down to press a kiss against your temple. “i’m glad you’re okay.”
‧₊˚✩ jay
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word count 452
i love him sm :(( got a little carried away with this one whoops
you yelp as you fall, hitting the ground hard. your knee hits the ground first. pain immediately spreads through your leg. “y/n!” jay is quick to rush to your side, helping you sit up. you wince, failing to stand up. tears brim your eyes as you cling to jay. “are you okay?” he whispers. 
“i hurt my knee.” 
“can you stand?” jay helps you up as you slowly stand on your feet. you feel off-balance, pain still stinging through your leg. 
“it hurts.” you can see jay share a concerned glance with jungwon, calling a manager over. 
“we’ll get you to a hospital, okay?” her voice is quiet. she’s almost overwhelmingly sweet as she helps you into the backseat of a car before climbing into the front. 
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the emergency room smells of hand sanitizer and rubbing alcohol as you wait to be seen. curtains surround your bed though they do little to provide you with any sort of privacy from the other patients. jay’s hand holds yours, fingers intertwined together. “you’ll be okay.” he whispers, pressing a kiss against your temple. “i promise.” you can tell he’s nervous by the way he squeezes your hand a little tighter than usual. 
finally, a doctor enters. she has thick black-rimmed glasses pushed high up on her nose. her shoulder-length black hair is tied back into a low ponytail. “l/n y/n?” she asks. you nod. “can you tell me what happened?” 
“i fell on my knee during a missed stunt.” 
her hands are cold as she pushes the fabric of your pants up, pressing against your now swollen knee. you wince when she presses around the area. “does it hurt when you straighten your leg?” 
“yeah. it hurts to stand on.” she hums, marking down a few notes on a clipboard. 
“i’m gonna do an x-ray just to make sure nothing is broken. it sounds like a torn medial collateral ligament.” 
“what’s the treatment for that?” jay asks. he squeezes your hand reassuringly when you nervously glance up at him. 
“we’ll put on a knee brace. you’ll be on crutches for a few weeks.” 
“thank you.” the doctor curtly nods before she leaves, closing the curtain behind her. 
jay wraps you into a hug, letting you bury your head into his chest. “it’s gonna be okay. it’s only a few weeks.” 
“i don’t want to let anyone down.” you whisper. 
he lifts your chin, making you look up into his eyes. “you could never do that. you’ll wear the brace and then you’ll get better and start performing sooner than you realize.” 
you nod, pulling him back into a hug. “thank you.” 
jay presses a kiss against your forehead. “anything for you.”
‧₊˚✩ jake
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word count 358
i need mullet jake SKLNESLN not as severe as the others but i was running out of ideas okay
the pain in your leg is sharp. it burns - stinging each of your nerves with each movement you make. you wince, shifting your weight onto your left leg. jake’s hand ghosts against your lower back, coaxing your to lean against him instead. 
“let’s take a break. we’ll pick it up again in five?” your choreographer announces. murmurs of agreement ripple throughout the group as jake helps you to sit down next against the wall. 
“is everything okay?” he whispers. 
“yeah, just pulled a muscle.” 
“i’m sorry baby.” his hands feel warm against your skin as he moves the fabric of your pant leg out of the way, massaging the sore muscle. “take it easy for the rest of the day, okay? it’ll get even worse if you try to push yourself too hard.” 
“i will.” 
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“babe,” jake opens his arms, gesturing for you to lay with him. you comply, making your way back over to him. you lean against his chest as he rubs your back. “how’s your leg? does it still hurt?” you hum, voice muffled by his hoodie. jake chuckles. “i’ll take that as a yes.” 
you pull away a little, moving to lean against his shoulder. “it still stings a little.” 
“come on,” jake shifts so you’re laying on your stomach. “let me take care of you.” you chuckle, letting him maneuver you onto the bed. 
jake leans over you so his knees are pressed against your side. his hands are gentle as he presses them against your back. they feel warm through the thin fabric of your t-shirt. “you’re so tense,” he whispers. you can almost see his furrowed eyebrows and slight frown as he slightly increases the pressure. 
you sigh, relaxing further into the bed. jake moves lower down your body, from your shoulders to your back and eventually down to your calf. slowly, the pain dissipates from your leg until the numb feeling is no longer there. 
he moves off of you, giving you room to roll onto your side. “better?” jake asks. 
you smile, pulling him into a quick kiss. “much better. thank you.” 
“i love you.” 
“i love you too.”
‧₊˚✩ sunghoon
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word count 338
hoon is so pretty i am so jealous the gender envy i get from this man in unmatched
you gasp when you trip, tumbling off of the edge of the stage. pain shoots through your ankle when you clamber to your feet as you force yourself to stand back up. a staff member rushes to your side, quickly followed by sunghoon. 
“that was a hard fall, i want you to get checked out by a medic.” 
“but-” your manager’s concerned look is enough to make you stop resisting, instead letting sunghoon support your body weight as you wait for the emt. 
“are you okay?” sunghoon asks. you sigh, avoiding eye contact. 
“i can’t believe i fell off the fucking stage.” 
“hey,” sunghoon moves so he’s standing in front of you, lifting your chin so you’re looking at him. “don’t talk like that. you made a mistake. it’s okay.” he strokes his thumb against your cheek, wiping away a stray tear you hadn’t realized had fallen. “we’ve never practiced here before. it’s not your fault.” 
you nod, letting his words console you. your ankle is already deep shades of red when you remove your sock and shoe. despite how gentle the emt is when he presses against the bones of your ankle, pain immediately shoots through your body. you flinch, tears building in your eyes. sunghoon rubs a hand against your back. you cling to his body as the medic looks up at you. 
“it looks like a hairline fracture,” he says. “it’ll take a few months to heal. we’ll get you some ice to put on it for now and then you’ll need to get an x-ray done.” 
“thank you.” he nods sympathetically at you before leaving, taking his bag with you. sunghoon presses a kiss against your temple, letting you lean further into his touch. 
“it’ll be okay. i promise.” 
“what about the concert?” 
“don’t worry about it.” he lifts your face so you’re looking up at him. “you just focus on getting better, okay? engene will support you either way.” 
“i love you.” 
sunghoon presses another kiss against your forehead. “i love you too.” 
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bucknastysbabe · 2 years
Thank you hotd fam for making me feel like a million bucks— it’s also so freeing and fun to be confident and open about this to ppl in my personal life. I told my aa sponsor and she was like YES GIRL! What a queen. Next up for HOTD I’m gonna try to get into the obsessive Criston hcs but I am a busy bitch
Anyways this nasty shit has been sitting in my drafts TOO DAMN LONG. I have so many Bucky blurbs if anyone is into those— they’re already written. BUT in honor of going to an all day Catholic event tomorrow I’m going to try to get excommunicated by posting this. Ladies and gents and fancy folx I bring you: ✝️beefy priest bucky✝️
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Noble and Chaste
“Lust; disordered desire for or inordinate enjoyment of sexual pleasure.” -Catechism of the Catholic Church
Rating: Explicit
Tags: Rough oral (m!receiving), priest kink, LOTS OF SACRILEGE, teasing, confession booth, manipulation, age difference, dom!bucky, priest!bucky, BEEFCAKE BUCK, reader is of age, degradation, dirty talk, deep throating, f!masturbation, smuttysmutsmut
St. Maria Goretti Boarding School. Also known as where parents send their daughters who are whores or have a temperance issue. Or both, just like you. Your parents sent you up the east coast to this place in upstate New York. It was down the road from an asylum. You felt that was a planned threat.
You placed your new record onto the player. It was the soundtrack to Saturday Night Fever. You loved disco so much. Back in New York you’d gone to some clubs and partied all night long to their songs. Now you were here surrounded by idiots and dusty nuns. At least the priest was funny. You had a year left, this being your senior year. You could pretend to be normal and get back into your parents good graces before fucking off to college and being free again.
For now you smoked out of the window, singing to the along to ‘Night Fever’. Wanda whined from her bed, “No smokingggg, Sister Agatha will whip us again.” You rolled your eyes and snickered, “You want one or not Maximoff?” She groaned and joined you on the windowsill, lighting up.
The girl was accused by her parents of being into ‘witchcraft’. In reality she just liked crystals and horoscopes. She took a drag and spoke on the exhale, “Did you hear about the assistant priest coming to train under Father Dugan?” You whinged, “He better be hot this time. The one two years ago was a square.”
Wanda gasped, “Girl! He’s a man of the cloth.”
The pair of you devolved into giggles, bumping shoulders affectionately. You spent the afternoon gossiping and planning on how one would seduce the young priest.
You ended up wearing your skirt from freshman year. You’d grown since then, leaving little to the imagination. Of course you had your thick white tights on underneath. If your button popped loose on your shirt during the nightly meeting, everyone would be too prudish to say anything until afterward. Wanda dolled you up with the little makeup the pair of you had smuggled.
The nightly meetings were a bore. It was run by Father Dugan. They were a time for the ladies to share about a topic and learn how to deal with it more ‘christ-like’. Sometimes you’d just start laughing uncontrollably to Sister Agatha’s chagrin. You strolled in, last in line of the senior girls. There was about twelve of you, filling the chairs. Sister Agatha watched like a hawk from the back of the small room.
Father Dugan walked in with the new priest. A collective low burble of noises broke out amongst the ladies. You whispered to Wanda, “Fuck— he’s like sex on legs.” Dugan smiled knowingly but you focused in on the new one. He was powerfully built, all wide shoulders and huge arms. The priest had brown hair to his neck and the prettiest lips. His angel face and baby blues didn’t quite match up with being sturdy as a brick shithouse.
He introduced himself softly, “Hello, I’m Father Barnes. I’ll be helping Father Dugan here until I’m assigned to my first parish. I can’t wait to get to know you lovely ladies of the Lord.”
You lowly groaned, “I can’t wait either.”
The pair of holy men sat in two of the chairs in the circle. You eyed Barnes’ chest straining his black garb. God he was gorgeous. Father Dugan started with a prayer and some scripture. He began, “And with that, I’d like to talk about confession and honesty today.” You snorted when the others all suddenly had something to say. They could try but he was yours.
You sat through the boring drivel and bit back a laugh when Elizabeth burst into tears about lying to her parents. Agatha cleared her throat pointedly, staring you down. You caught blue eyes on you, and smiled good-naturedly at Father Barnes. He blushed and redirected his attention to the squalling Elizabeth. Wanda elbowed you.
“Since you seem to be so invested, why don’t you share your thoughts?,” Dugan asked humorously as he pointed at you. You laughed flatly, straightened up and crossed your legs. You dryly rambled, “Well Father. To be human is to sin. We’re born with it. Instead of holding onto the guilt I just confess it. Whether it’s to you or my friend, I have to be honest. Even if I just pray to the Holy Spirit. Keeps me in check.”
Dugan replied, “Well said. Humans are sinful. So we must-“ You blocked off his voice to a dull hum as you ‘accidentally’ popped a button on your shirt, revealing your cleavage. Wanda smirked from next to you. You stretched your arms, highlighting the opening. Father Barnes’ eyes flickered over before dropping to the ground. Then repeating again. Hooked. With an exaggerated gasp you excused yourself from the meeting, citing ‘impropriety’.
You relaxed in your bed, kicking your legs as you laughed. Wanda busted in and pointed at you. She hissed, “You little minx! He watched your ass when you left the meeting!” You rolled onto your side with a smirk. You drawled, “I just gotta get some more info,” you hugged yourself dramatically, “get closer!” Wanda cackled in glee before Sister Maria told you two to hush through the door.
The next day you were in the cavernous library. Considering all your faults you did try to keep your grades up to secure your way out. You wrote down equations, a bored hand supporting your head. You heard a door open behind you, and some footsteps echoing after.
“Dugan warned me about you,” Barnes spoke.
He tried to sound confident but you picked up on the slight crack in his voice. You smirked at your paper before schooling it into a placid expression. You retorted, “Whatever do you mean, Father?” You turned to face the young priest, who perched on a table two rows away. His muscular arms were crossed defensively.
Barnes’ lips pouted as he stared you down. A few beats of silence passed over the room before he spoke again.
“I think you know what I mean,” he deadpanned.
You mimicked the clergyman’s pose, turning around to sit on the table. You spread your legs ever-so-slightly. Barnes’ eyes stayed on your face but his jaw twitched and cheeks flushed. You purred, “Tell me. What did Dugan say about me?” You thought the man was going to explode as he slapped his hand down on the table and spluttered, “Quit with the nonsense!”
Your lips stretched into a catlike grin.
“Tell you what Father, I’ll confess to you what I do so sinfully. Then we can start fresh huh?”
The angered brunette’s heaving chest slowed as he processed your words. Accusing blue orbs bore into you before he clicked his tongue. Barnes replied, “Fine. Lead the way.” You laughed and hopped off the table, swaying down the hallway leading to the chapel and confession booths. You felt his heat close behind, but the man kept quiet.
You entered the booth, kneeling immediately. The priest entered the other side, the curtains closing with a swish. You heard the wood creak as he sat down. He cleared his throat awkwardly. You made a sign of the cross while speaking, “In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. My last confession was one month ago."
You saw his silhouette shift behind the screen. You continued, “Since my last confession I’ve sinned greatly. I was inattentive and late to the last mass. I didn’t show respect for my classmates. I’ve been prideful, angry, envious, and a gossip.” The priest hummed quietly as you breathed, “I’ve been especially bad lately. A lustful sort. I know why Dugan said what he did.”
His breath hitched as you falsely expressed sorrow in your next words.
“I haven’t been chaste in word and thought. I’ve had impure thoughts and gratified myself sexually to them. I just can’t help it. It’s been so long since I’ve been fucked.” Your voice petered out in a sigh, “And you look so good.”
He growled suddenly, “Do you think this is a joke?”
You shook your head vehemently. You cried, “I’m so sorry— do you think I’ll be forgiven?”
You yelped as he jerked out of the booth. You thought he was leaving before a big hand ripped you up violently by the arm. Barnes pressed you up against the unforgiving wood of the confessional. His nostrils flared and jaw ticked as he furiously glared at you. The brunette’s hand gripped your arm in a vice.
You held his gaze, panting softly. He hissed, “You probably won’t be forgiven. But neither will I.” His lips sealed against yours roughly, dominating the space. You opened up, letting the man take his rising frustrations out. Your free arm wrapped around his neck, gripping at the base of his skull. You moaned lowly as he nipped your lip, big body pressing into your giving flesh.
The priest let go of your arm to move both hands down to your ass, squeezing forcefully. He groaned raggedly, “Fuckin’ Jezebel— Delilah— Been thinkin’ bout that ass since last night. Whore of Fuckin’ Babylon.” You whined at his words, chasing his plump lips eagerly. Father Barnes sucked on your tongue before massaging it with his own. His thick cock pressed into your waist, throbbing hotly.
You moaned, “Wanna suck you off— please.”
He pushed you down quickly. You cried out when your knees hit the wood floor. He jammed two thick fingers in your mouth, pressing down on your tongue. Saliva filled your mouth as you sucked the best you could. His eyes rolled back and you saw his cock twitch under his dark slacks. The brunette breathed out, “Do it then, do it since you need it so bad. Slutty little thing.”
Trembling hands undid his belt and popped the button. You slid down the zipper and pulled him out with a shaky noise around his unmoving fingers. Drool fell down your chin, dropping onto the floor between your thighs. Your pussy throbbed and clenched in need. He pulled his fingers out of your mouth, sucking on the wet digits with a long groan. Your hands held onto the man’s hips as you slid him in your mouth.
You started with kitten licks around his tip before swiping your tongue against the leaking slit, savoring the salty taste. The priest swore and groaned, thighs flexing. Then you started to suck and hollow your cheeks to take him in. His hips thrusted forward and you gagged. Barnes cursed, “Fuck— you’re gonna take this cock like a good girl now. I’m gonna fuck your throat, mhm.” You nodded around his length, sucking air in through your nose.
Tears slid down your face as he eased the hot flesh down your throat. Eventually your body accepted the intrusion and he started an easy rhythm, hips thrusting shallowly. The man let out a weak noise and gripped at your hair. He quickly sped up, the slick noises of your throat heightening. Father Barnes hissed, “Sh-shit you feel good. Damned succubus.” His strokes stuttered when you whined pathetically on a particularly hard jerk of his hips.
You reached a hand down between your legs, shoving your fingers into your panties to get at your swollen clit. He laughed breathlessly, “Yeah pretty girl— come when I fill your whore mouth.” You circled your fingers harder around the sensitive bud, bucking onto your hand. He was earnestly fucking your throat now, you choking on a whimper every other thrust. The man of the cloth fared no better, running a frantic hand through his long hair and softly begging for forgiveness as he let out a particularly high noise.
Barnes cried out, “G-gonna come, fuck, fuck!” He pulled you flush to his pelvis, your nose hitting his wiry curls. You felt him twitch and swell as the man emptied down your throat. You seized up on your fingers and wailed around his dick as you gushed in your panties. The brunette slid out with a whimper as you gasped for breath. Your swollen lips throbbed as you heaved in. The clergyman rubbed a big hand against your cheek.
He looked down at you, pinkened cheeks and hazy eyes making him look like an angel. Barnes demanded softly, “Act of contrition.” You whined a ‘huh’ as he repeated harder, “Say the act of contrition.”
You made another sign of the cross with a weak hand as you hoarsely prayed, “O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended you and I detest all my sins, because I dread the loss of heaven and the pains of hell. But most of all because I have offended you, my God, who are all good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve with the help of your grace, to confess my sins, to do penance and to amend my life. Amen.”
He drawled, “You’re absolved. Come back next week.”
Barnes extended his other hand to help you up. You stumbled like a newborn foal into his broad chest. His stony face eased into a soft smile as he murmured, “Such a good girl. You alright?” You nodded against his chest, worn out from the experience. He kissed your forehead and warned, “No speaking of this. Then maybe I’ll let you come on my tongue next time.”
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somber-sapphic · 1 year
I'VE GOT YOU 🦊!! Sorry it took so long to upload, I thought of something else so I added and then had to edit that part :) I hope you enjoy!
Everything's Just Fine
You get sick and Emily is away with the team on a case. You were frustrated that you weren't able to help, so instead of resting you decided to do all of the paperwork that you could find. A great decision, right?
Word Count: 3k
You sniffled and rubbed your bleary eyes, trying to focus on the pile of paperwork you were trying desperately to get through. Hotch had deemed you ‘too sick’ to go with them on the case, but he wasn’t there, leaving you to your own devices. You’d helped solve it by working through Garcia, who you had threatened into silence (in reality, you’d begged her to let you help and flashed the best puppy dog eyes you had) and your team would be home in three hours. 
Penelope had agreed to stay silent, but only if you drank the gallons of tea she shoved down your throat. You were sure that she’d laced it with some sort of medication, so you just pretended to drink. It wasn’t that you didn’t appreciate her attempts to coddle you, it was just that you didn’t want her to see you so vulnerable. You didn’t want anyone to see you like this, it was embarrassing. 
Your nose was running practically nonstop, your chest ached, you couldn’t stop shivering and every five seconds was filled with painful coughs or gross, wet sneezes. Every cough and sneeze tore through your already sore throat, making it feel like you had swallowed glass. The pressure in your sinuses made it feel like your head was about to burst. There was a good chance that the next fit of coughing would send your brain exploding out of your buzzing ears. 
“Sweetie, that really doesn't sound good.” Penelope said, startling you after a particularly rough coughing fit that brought up a wad of mucus and left you seeing stars. You swallowed hard, a little disgusted with yourself, and forced a little smile onto your dry, cracked lips. Judging by her raised eyebrow, she didn’t believe whatever you were about to say next. 
“I’m fine Garcia, just a little cold. Plus, they’ll be back soon.” You rasped, not realizing just how far gone your voice was until you had started to speak. It was a minor miracle that you had even gotten those two sentences out. You sniffed hard and coughed, turning your head into your elbow to avoid spreading your germs all over the innocent tech analyst. 
“Uh-uh, no way. Come on, come lay in my office for a little while. I’ve got everything nice and cozy for when Reid has a migraine, it’ll be much nicer than sitting out here in the cold.” The blonde coaxed, her voice like butter. She was lulling you into a false sense of security, smiling kindly and offering you a space in her Batcave. 
All you wanted to do was curl up and let out all of your stupid pent up emotions, you wanted to cry into the plethora of pillows that you knew she had and just fall asleep to escape all of the pain raging through your body. Every movement sent needles of agony through your bones, even your eyes hurt. You had forgotten that fevers could do that to a person. 
“I’m almost done here, I’ll put my head down when I finish.” You ducked into your elbow with a barely stifled sneeze and lifted your head with flushed cheeks. This whole thing was humiliating, no one was supposed to see you sick. You weren’t supposed to be sick. You were a fucking FBI agent, FBI agent’s didn’t succumb to simple colds.
Penelope frowned and reached out to touch your cheek, rolling her eyes slightly when you slapped her hand away. 
“I’m telling Emily. How do you think she’ll feel about all of this?” She gestured to your sickly appearance as if she hadn’t just threatened you as one would a toddler. You clenched your jaw, but parted your lips when you realized that your nose was too stuffed to breathe, and decided to just glare at her instead. 
“Penelope Garcia. I am not a toddler, you are not my mother, you are not my girlfriend and my physical wellbeing is none of your fucking business. Leave. Me. Alone.” The hurt expression that flashed across her face made you feel guilty, but you just wanted her to go away. Everything about this was wrong, her being able to see you at your weakest point was ever worse. 
“Alright, I’m going back to my office. Come find me if you need anything.” She murmured, bowing her head in understanding. You looked away, resurfacing to meet her gaze, you knew that if she said one more nice thing you’d probably break down. It would be so easy to just start crying. Or it would be if you had enough fluids left in your body to cry out.  
Sniffling back tears you went back to your work, the words blurring through your tears and the general haze that came from what had to be a fever over 102 degrees. You could practically see the look on Emily’s face when she’d come back, the disappointment and concern written in the worry lines across her forehead. She worried too much, especially about you. 
You scribbled your name at the bottom of the page inquiring about who was interrogated, accidentally scrawling your signature into the place where Hotch was supposed to sign. That was it. You were done. That was the straw that broke the exhausted, sick, miserable camel's back. You were absolutely done.
You stumbled up the stairs and into the first office you could find, intending to fall onto the couch where you would sleep until your girlfriend got home. She would be so disappointed in you. You made it halfway into what you assumed in your hazy mind was JJ’s office before falling to the floor, too dizzy to stay upright anymore. 
Part of you thought to call out for Garcia as you lay on the uncomfortable tile, your cheek pressed on the rug. The world went black with one final gasping cough as you slipped into unconsciousness. That was nicer than being awake with the pain. 
Unfortunately, unconsciousness was not exactly better. It was uncomfortable, too hot, sometimes too cold, like someone had dunked you in an ice bath which was then set on fire. Your disturbing, terrifying fever dreams were interrupted by a distant sound and the feather light touch of a hand on your shoulder. Both felt a mile away, but they saved you from the nightmares of being drowned in an icy ocean with no one to hear your screams. 
“Y/n! Fuck, EMLIY! Get in here!” You clung to the voice, whimpering as you struggled to pull yourself out of the void. She must’ve noticed your struggle because the owner of the voice combed fingers through your hair, coaxing you into the real world. 
“Hey, hey you. Can you open your eyes?” Sudden panic flooded over you and you shoved yourself away, ignoring the stars brewing in your eyes. For a moment you were pretty sure that you’d throw up, but you managed to curl yourself into the corner, cowering away from the touch. 
Your breaths were harsh and painful, they probably sounded that way to the blonde as well. The world was blurring around you and standing wasn’t probably the best idea, but you were already halfway to your feet. 
“Woah, Y/n,” JJ rushed toward you, raising her arms as you swayed, prepared to catch you. You pulled away again, trying to force out some semblance of words. 
“Go!” You yelped, tears filling your eyes. Everything was spinning, the woman’s face warping and bending in your vision. Something slammed and you looked up to find another blurry faced woman rushing into the room, wearing the same expression. 
“Y/L/N!” The second woman, Emily, barked, making you freeze. In different circumstances that tone would’ve sparked a flutter in your chest, but this was just scary. She raced to your side and grabbed your elbows, managing to keep you upright. You sniffled and met her chocolate brown eyes, searching for anything that could be construed as anger or unhappiness. All you saw was loving concern. 
“Shit, you’re burning up. Honey, why?” The brunette breathed, cupping your cheeks with strong, soft hands. You whimpered in response, doing everything you could not to just fall into her arms. 
“C-can you make t-the room stop s-spinning?” You managed, stumbling forward until your head bounced against her shoulder. Emily wrapped an arm around your waist and helped you over to the couch, murmuring gentle words that you couldn’t quite make out. Everything was fuzzy, you weren’t sure how much longer you could stay conscious. 
You didn’t realize you were crying until you were sitting up against her and she was brushing the tears off of your cheeks. You didn’t fully understand what was happening, but you knew that she was holding you, providing you with the love that you had so desperately needed. 
“Morgan, we’re going to need some help getting her to the car.” Emily murmured, stroking your hair as you leaned against her chest. Part of you was a bit concerned, the deal was no displays of romantic affection at work and here she was, holding you close, cuddling you like she would at home. This was bad. You were going to get fired. 
You pushed her away, little whimpers building in your throat. You slid back onto the floor, confusion and anxiety flowing through your mind. She was by your side in an instant, grabbing your hands as she tried to fix whatever was happening in your mind. 
“No, no no. No, They’ll be mad. They’ll be so mad.” You shook your head and pulled back, a harsh cough wracking your body. Your lungs were beginning to sound like crinkling wax paper, worrying everyone. 
“Come on honey, please get off the floor. No ones mad, we just want to help.” She soothed, inching back so as not to startle you further. Not even you understood the back and forth of your mind, it was scary just how many things were happening and all you wanted was to be somewhere dark and quiet. 
“Everything hurts…make it stop, please make it stop.” You begged, covering your ears, hiding from everything. It was odd, you were just so damn overwhelmed. 
“Okay sweetie, alright. Breathe for me. It’s all going to be okay. Does it hurt when I do this?” She asked gently, probing at your arm. You had apparently bruised it when you’d fallen and it had quickly turned a dark purplish black color. You nodded slightly, removing yourself from your shell so that you could talk to her. 
“We’re going to get you home and all cozy, but you’ve got to trust me. Will you let me?” Morgan and Hotch were in the room now, with Rossi hovering in the doorway. Penelope was attached to Morgan's arm, a panicked expression on her face. This was all because of you. It was both humiliating beyond belief and…almost wholesome? 
“M’kay.” You finally whispered, your voice basically gone at this point. She gave you a small, caring smile and pressed a kiss to your forehead. 
“Can Morgan carry you?” You were too tired to even consider fighting it. You wanted to be home and if that's what it took, that's what it took. Emily moved to the side and the man stepped forward, nearly blocking your view of her. 
“Don’t leave me!” You yelped, grabbing for her hand. You refused to be away from her, no fucking way would she leave you alone again, it wasn’t happening. She clasped your fingers in hers and shushed you softly. 
“I’m right here, he’s just going to pick you up and everything will be okay.” She was being so understanding, so wonderful. You loved her so damn much. You nodded again and allowed Morgan to hoist you into a bridal carry, your head falling on his chest; you were just too physically weak to hold it up anymore. 
“Shit, Princess, your fever’s really high. Emily, you’ve gotta get that down.” He said, concern radiating in his words. She nodded quickly, still holding onto your hand. You glanced at Hotch as Morgan carried you out, disappointment shining in his eyes. Garcia looked mildly betrayed and you hated that you’d made her feel that way. You opened your mouth to say something, but she shut you up with a shake of her head. 
“Just get better, lovely. I’ll be by with some soup and Disney movies tomorrow.” You smiled at her, your eyes slipping closed as exhaustion took over. You heard a murmur of ‘goodbyes’ and ‘feel better soons’ as you were whisked away by your friend and girlfriend, falling asleep with your head bouncing against Morgan’s chest. 
When you woke up you were laying in your own bed, Emily grumbling softly as she tried to peel the sweat covered clothes off of your body. You whined softly at the touch, curling away from her icy hands. You sniffled thickly and pulled your knees to your chest, well aware that you were no longer wearing a shirt. 
“Look who's up.” The brunette cooed, reaching up to stroke your fevered cheek. You squirmed again, utterly unhappy with how much being touched hurt you. All you wanted was cuddles from the woman you loved but her gentle touch caused you so much pain. 
“My skin hurts.” You rasped, giving her a watery pout. Tears were rolling down your cheeks again, for what felt like the 10th time that day you were crying. You hated it, you hated your damn body and you wanted a hug. 
“Okay love, we can get that taken care of. If you sit up for me I can get some medicine in you and get something much more comfortable on.” She smiled, tucking a strand of hair back behind your ear. You shrugged, fully intending not to do anything. She rolled her eyes at your uncooperative behavior and lifted you into a sitting position, making you yelp in pain. She reared back at your pained sound, concern flooding her expression. 
“I can’t it, it hurts too much!” You sobbed, wrapping your arms around your knees and pulling them to your chest. You held that position for probably fifteen minutes until you finally managed to cry yourself out and looked back up at Emily who had a broken expression on her face. 
“How do I help?” She whispered, sounding as desperate as you felt. Your beautiful strong girlfriend was breaking just because you felt sick. You took a shaky, chest squeezing breath and forced yourself to calm down. 
“Um…will y-you help me change…and then maybe hold me?” The profiler gave you a kind smile and nodded, reaching out to stroke your cheek again. This time it didn’t hurt so much, the contact actually felt quite nice. 
It took a bit longer than either of you expected to get you changed, you were practically incapable of moving any of your limbs, meaning that she had to do all of the work. She did it without complaint, checking in every few moments to make sure that she wasn’t hurting you. 
“Okay baby, take this really fast and we’ll get you some sleep.” You didn’t fight when she handed you the cap of blue medicine, well aware that the Nyquil and fever would take you out in minutes. The goop tasted absolutely awful, so bad that even with your poor sense of taste and smell it burned the back of your throat. 
You coughed heavily into your blanket, a sound which made Emily’s face contort in worry. She patted your back as you hacked, helping you to release some of the mucus from your lungs. 
“We’re going to the doctor tomorrow if that doesn’t sound better.” She determined after a few minutes of listening to your exhaustive breathing. You nodded in agreement, well aware that the cough was worse than it should be for a simple cold or mild flu. 
“Stay with me until I fall asleep?” You asked, your body sagging as the medication sunk in. Emily slipped into the bed beside you, sitting a few feet away so as not to invade your personal space in a way that you weren't comfortable with. You hesitated a moment and looked over, feeling suddenly shy. 
“Um…will you hold me? Maybe? P-please…” She smiled kindly and pulled you into her arms, cradling your head against her chest as the two of you snuggled under the covers. You stifled a sneeze, but she just made a worried sound and kissed the top of your head 
“Don’t worry about that. Just sleep, okay? I’m right here, you’re safe. I’ve got you.” You sniffled quietly and grabbed the fabric of her shirt, grateful for her saying that. Fevers always made you edgy, but she had this way of fixing it every single time. She was your rock. She never failed to make you feel better, even at your worst times. 
“Love you Em.” You mumbled, your words slurred by sleep. 
“I love you too Y/n/n. Now hush, sleeping time.” Never one to disobey an order from your girlfriend, you closed your eyes, falling into a warm void of unconsciousness in the arms of the woman you were in love with.
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sadiecoocoo · 10 months
Sooooo I just noticed another difference between morty and evil morty…
Whenever evil morty is in a fight, he seems calm and collected. He acts like he already knows the ult one of every fight he’s been in. He plans ahead, and knows who he’s fighting so he has no need to worry about losing a fight.
Morty, on the other hand, is a fucking psycho. During the purge episode, he purged like no other. When he destroyed that narnia place at the start of season 5, it was in a blind rage. He doesn’t think before he fights. And sure, he worries before hand cuz that’s just who he is. but when he gets into it, everyone who tries to beat him is FUCKED, especially when Morty has some of Rick’s tech.
Another example would be in the episode with the death crystals. Morty found out that he was in danger and that one of his bullies may actually try to kill him, and did he try to resolve the situation peacefully? No, he stole a bunch of Rick’s tech and obliterated the people who tried to hurt him.
Morty’s even shot Rick before because everyone was insulting him and he couldn’t take it anymore. Of course, it was a fake gun, but it was obviously implied that Morty didn’t know that.
Also not to mention the fact that Morty dominated a fight pit in a post apocalyptic world because he was pissed about his dad leaving. Morty even refused to go back with Rick because he didn’t want to leave the only place where he could get his anger out (there were probably better ways but yknow he’s a teenager and this is Rick and morty where the characters healthy versions of themselves are still pretty fucked up in their own way)
So, what I’m getting at here is that Evil Morty is calculating and weighs his options to get the best outcome that will benefit him. Morty, in a fight or flight situation where he’s been pushed to the edge, fights like the everything he’s ever cared about is on the line with little regard for who he has to kill or hurt to protect himself.
Morty is scary as fuck sometimes
Edit: I keep thinking of different scene where Morty goes fucking insane with a blood lust, so another example would be when he fucked up Ethan’s anatomy and shit because he made Summer feel bad. Ppl rlly need to stop messing with Morty, like that mafia boss in the Jerrick Trap had the right idea…
Another thing, in the Jerrick Trap he felt no remorse when shooting down all those guys in the mafia when he had just spent a few hours of getting to know them (he was probably just making them run errands for him but he was still technically hanging out with them, I mean he played ping pong with at least one of them)
Another edit: there r so many clips of morty loosing his shit and being a murderous psychopath I need to stop editing this every time I think of one lol… but remember the vat of acid stuff? Morty was annoyed that Rick wasn’t listening to him even though mouthy was ultimately right. He was sick of having to sit around in a tub of fake acid waiting for guys that he and Rick could easily kill to leave. So when he finally had enough, he just got out and tried to shoot them.
This child needs so much therapy.
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chaotic-iguana · 1 year
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what. what the fuck.
writing started off as an exploration; a hobby that i was just trying out. something new, to pass the time. but i feel like it has now evolved into an extension of my art. over time, my stories starting having more and more elements of the poetry-inspired commentary i like to have in the forefront of my paintings, or very simply the imagery i used to include in my poems themselves.
but that isn’t even the best part.
i’ve been writing for around a month, and i absolutely adore literally every single mutual i have on here. @breakfastatjoels, @mandoisapunk, @josephquinnswhore, @bastardmandennis, @nostalxgic, @pedrosaidsheispunk, @theywhowriteandknowthings @millerscoffee
you’re all such inspirations im so glad to know u all thank u all for existing i gen would not have kept writing/still be on this site without yall and i promise im wrapping up i just think its a little fucked that im…gaining traction? how? and the crazy thing?? that list of ppl tagged up there are like just the ones i could remember off the top of my head!! there’s so many more! @imherefordeanandbones, was my first follower and the first on my taglist, and one of the first people to make me think my writing was actually not that bad for a beginner!!
anyways while i literally question everything and melt in gratitude, i hope you all have great days. thank you very much. let’s hope we see many more!!
enough sappy shit.
as a celebration, im gonna write fics, blurbs or hcs (saw/nsfw) based on the following prompts:
this is from @havenoffandoms 800 follower celebration! just send me your character pairing and prompt. list below the cut
“I’m in love with you. Please, don’t leave me.”
“Shut up and kiss me.”
“It’s really not that complicated.”
“You’re in love with them, aren’t you?”
“We could get arrested for this.”
“I thought you were dead.” 
“You’re never going to let that go, are you?”
“Love is overrated.”
“If you think I’m going to talk to you while you’re dressed like that, you’re wrong!”
“Do you ever actually use your cellphone?”
“You don’t need to protect me.”
“You fainted… right into my waiting arms. You know, if you wanted my attention you didn’t have to go to such extremes.”
“You have to make a choice.”
“You have to remember.”
“You heard me. Take. It. Off.”
“You know, it’s okay to cry.”
“You lied to me!”
“You make me feel like I’m not good enough.”
“You need to wake up cause I can’t do this without you.”
“You’ll be the death of me.”
“The only thing hotter than seeing your orgasm is seeing your smile.”
“Where do you think you’re going dressed like that? Your body is for my eyes only.”
“From the minute I met them, there was no choice. They’re smart. They’re strong. They resent their parents enough to go for a person like me. Also they’re crazy hot.”
“What do you mean, I’m not scary? I literally nearly scared the life out of a man?” “You literally scared a little saliva and a little urine out of him.”
“When someone your age dies, you instinctively want to hear it was of something that could never happen to you. Well, it’s the same with divorce.”
“I get to stay home and plan the death of Dora the Explorer. Fill her backpack with bricks and throw her into the Candy Cane River.”
“You don’t ‘take a run’ at a person. You woo them. You make them feel special.” “Hey honey, look at this. It’s a picture of my butt.”
“I don’t like you.” “I’ll get over it.”
“You’re one of the most beautiful person I know, and you don’t even know it.” “No, I know it.”
“Why do you always have to throw wet blankets on my dreams?” “I do not.” “Yes you do. And you know what I end up with? Wet dreams.”
“So you’re gonna throw me under the bus?” “Oh, I’m gonna throw you so hard I might even win a stuffed animal.”
“Who wouldn’t be angry if you ate all the cereal and faked your death for three years?”
“Quick, catch the cat it stole my coin pouch!”
“I feel like I was just hit by a car… wait, I did? And it was YOUR car?”
“I can’t believe I’m sitting in a dungeon with you of all people.”
“So why do I have to punch that guy?”
“I may have accidentally sort of adopted five goats.”
“I hope you know that my name is actually _____”
“Please stop petting the prisoners.”
“Please put me down, it’s just a sprained ankle.”
“So what if I broke my arm, I’m still doing it.”
“Why exactly do you need chloroform at 2am?”
“I’m like 75% sure this won’t explode in our faces.”
“You know how my people are, we would destroy ourselves just for spite.”
“Wait, is that what you were trying to do? I’m sorry, I would’ve taken you much more seriously if I knew.”
“Let’s not blow the extortion charge out of proportion. My boss was just a sore loser.”
“Of all things, you would have thought that the rain was innocuous enough. Turns out, nothing is innocuous in this Gods forsaken place!”
“It’s illegal to make unauthorized species. But it’s also illegal to kill endangered species. Thankfully, I only did one of each.”
“The secret ingredient isn’t human flesh, that’s all I can say.”
“Where’s the king?” “He’s being chased by a wyvern. It’s an old tradition, you see.”
“If I serenade for you, will you strip for me?”
“This is new.”
“Make me.”
“Shh. Stop fussing. I’m just braiding your hair.”
“If you steal the blankets, I’m going to put my cold feet on you.”
“Don’t be stubborn. Try it.”
“You are very endearing when you are half-asleep.”
“I heard you talking in your sleep.”
“The thought of losing you scares me.”
“Don’t smile at me like that. You know it drives me crazy.”
thank you. love you all.
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artemiseamoon · 1 year
Preview: Sin pt 4
Miguel x f reader | bi! Pacho x f reader | ft (briefly) Cali Cartel *
Words: 6,297
I no longer write reader inserts, so consider this one of my last ever. 💕
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Fic info /chapter key/ warnings (disclaimers there as well)
An: when I refer to Miguel ex wife it’s not Maria. Maria is a queen and i hate omitting her but I can’t do her dirty. I love her. Let’s imagine she is somewhere living her best life. This wife is someone else.
Warnings: overall canon show and content ones, sex, drinking, adultery.
📣Shout out to @thesolotomyhan, since it’s been so long, I needed to hype myself up by rereading some of her sexy head canons. It helped me weave my scattered notes for this chapter into place.
😤To those ppl who like to harass writers who use their imagination and pair Pacho with a women just out of pure imagination and make believe - if any of you are reading, leave me alone. There is zero reason to write me. Yes he is bi in my *make believe* fiction - I am no longer explaining myself after this. - signing off, a bisexual queer writer who uses her damn imagination.
Below is a preview ~ read on a03
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Flashback - A few weeks ago
It was dark out when the plane landed. Everyone was exhausted and there was very little conversation. You couldn’t wait to get home and sleep in your own bed, to get away from all this tension for a little while. Miguel felt like a volcano about to burst and for the last couple of hours, you’ve had this bad feeling stirring in your gut, like something terrible was about to happen.
Amado was first to leave, you said your goodbyes and watched him drive off. After the car vanished in the distance, you turned to Miguel, Azul was up ahead waiting for him, and from the look on his face, you knew he had some bad news.
“I’m going to head home. I’ll see you later.” As you said, studying Miguels eyes.
He was distracted, understandably so. Miguel nodded with tense brows.
"Goodnight Miguel.” You gently touched his shoulder, then walked to your driver.
On the way over, you took a deep breath. Though Miguel's whole plan went to shit, you’re thankful he'll be occupied. The last thing on his mind won't be what you were up to. Maybe you can keep your Pacho secret a little longer.
Now, Saturday
Champagne flows freely as the guests fill the room with conversation, laughter, and general revelry. The overall vibe is upbeat and from the outside, this would look like just any rich person's party.
It was parties just like this that reunited you and Miguel all those years ago. It takes you back to that first night you kissed on the balcony, when he was a better version of himself, not yet tainted by all of this.
Before, Miguel was an old schoolmate turned bodyguard who stole your heart. Now, here you are, on his arm at a fancy political Gala. The last time he invited you to one of these as his date you told him to fuck off. You weren’t speaking to him, and in true Miguel fashion, he showed up at your door anyway.
"I told you to stay away from me. Leave me alone, Miguel!" You started to close the door.
He stopped it, "from you, yes. Not this town, not this street." He said with that air of smug confidence of his.
Now, here you are, sitting beside him at the round table with a black cloth draped across it. Gold accents on the glasses and decorations, and one of the richest meals you've ever had in your stomach.
You’re not sure why you said yes to this one, maybe it's that little part of you that feels guilty about Pacho, or the even smaller part that still wants to hold on to a piece of Miguel.
You haven’t spent a lot of time with him in the last week due to a mix of avoidance and fearing he’ll look into your eyes long enough to know your secret. Then there's the other part of you, that third part that wants him to find out. It wants to see the look in his eyes once he knows you’ve been fucking the man he hates…
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Keep reading here on A03
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More Narcos
No taglist. I hope to wrap this one up very soon. Subscribe to the fic on A03! Check back here and on @artemiseamoon-updates
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readyforthegarden · 8 months
do writers seriously like when u leave comments?? idk, like commenting is so common on other platforms like wattpad but here it seems like ppl never comment compliments under fics and i really wanna show my appreciation to my fav writer without crossing any lines
I can’t speak for all writers but YES! Comments and asks about fics are usually always welcome!
Personally I love feedback and seeing reactions to the things I’ve written, and I love doing the same for other writers here! Tumblrs system is a little wonky, because it’s blog style, I think people think it may feel too personal to comment on the fics, but even just reblogging it with a reaction image or putting your feelings in the tags, goes a long way for a lot of us fic writers!
There are a few people that when I write, because of their comments and messages, I always think of and it helps keep me motivated while I’m going through a block! And sometimes I’ll write something and just know that it’ll make them scream and just sit and wait for the reaction, and it brings some more fun to it all!
Showing support to your favorite writers, and even the artists on here, can make a world of difference! As long as you’re respectful and kind, you shouldn’t be afraid to comment on your fave fics! If you’re nervous, you can go on anon or DM the authors too!
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softxsuki · 7 months
Hello hello. 🌸
Its my first time requesting something so i hope im doing it right D:
(sorry for my bad english..)
Can i request a letter for the Valentines day letter event?
I need one with Chifuyu from tokyo revengers with a Fem Reader. Hes been my fave character since i watched tokyo rev for the first time.
I need some Comfort/fluff with him :(. We both go to highschool and we are childhood Friends. I got bullied and used alot and i've been feeling really lonely and sad lately.
chifuyu noticed that im not feeling so good, so he made a decision on confessing his love to me and tells me that i would never be lonley when we are together and that he would take care of the bullies when they dare to hurt me again. He leaves the letter on my desk after break.
A little more about me: My name is Yoona (or Yoonie), Im autistic and i have anxiety so its hard for me to be outside without my headphones on, i need them all the time. Without them ill get a panic attack when it gets too stressful for me. I also cry really fast, you just have to look weird at me and im getting teary eyes. T-T
I hope this is okay and enough.
Thank you, have a nice day and take care.🩷
Chifuyu's Confession Letter to His Childhood Friend
This event is now CLOSED, but you can view the masterlist for the other letters here.
| Pairing: Chifuyu x Fem!Reader | Genre: Fluff, Comfort | Post-Type: Letter | Word Count: 720|
Warnings: mentions of ppl picking on reader
Note: Happy Valentine's Day! Hope you enjoy you letter from Chifuyu :)
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The last bell rings for the day, as all the students jump up from their desks and rush back to their homeroom classroom to collect their things, you included. What you didn’t expect to see though was an envelope on your desk. 
The hustle of students rushing to grab their things and run out of their classrooms to leave school continues around you as you take a seat at your desk and begin to read the letter;
Dear Y/N,
Happy Valentine’s Day. Perhaps this comes across as a surprise to you, or maybe even a little sudden…but I like you. I’ve liked you for a while now, I just didn’t know how else to say it to you so I thought maybe Valentine’s Day would be the appropriate time to do so.
Maybe you only see me as a friend considering we’ve known each other since we were kids, but I’ve looked at you as a woman for a while now. Maybe longer than I even realized myself.
I know you worry about people picking on you and all those people in the past who have used you, but I want to be there for you now as more than just your friend. I want to be the man you go to for comfort. I want to be your rock, your support system. I want to hold you in my arms and kiss you. 
You know how hard I’ve held myself back? I can’t help but stare at your lips when you talk to me, I’m just surprised you haven’t noticed yet. 
Please let me be the one to wipe your tears away when you cry. You cry so often, I can’t help but just want to hold you and kiss your tears away. I want to be your safe place, your lover.
So…if you’d like to give me a chance, meet me at our usual spot outside. I’ll wait there for as long as you need me too. But if this makes you uncomfortable, just throw it away and pretend like it never happened. I don’t want to scare you off or anything. See you soon hopefully.
Your hopefully boyfriend soon,
Chifuyu &lt;3
You smile to yourself. Idiot. How could he not know that you liked him back? You thought you made it pretty obvious, unless he thought that was just how you acted around everyone…
Sighing, you quickly collect your things to meet him at your spot outside the school. It was a large ginkgo tree that had the best shade in the summertime. Both of you made it your special spot to hangout whenever you didn’t want to go straight home after classes. 
Your heart thumps in your chest upon seeing Chifuyu sitting against the trunk of the tree, his face stuffed in one of his mangas. Your feet carry you towards him and you plop yourself down beside him with a grin, startling him.
“Hiya,” you beam.
“Hi,” he responds, the tips of his ears going red. He was nervous. “Did you read the letter?”
“I sure did.”
“And…I can’t believe how dense you are, seriously. Of course I like you as well. I thought you would have noticed by now, but I guess that’s my fault. It does take you a while to catch on,” you sigh, leaning your head on his shoulder, the weight of the day catching up to you.
A yawn escapes your lips before you look at him, “I just didn’t mention it really because I thought you wouldn’t feel the same for me.”
That gets him laughing as he wraps an arm around your shoulder. Guess you were both worried about nothing.
“Then is that a yes to being my girlfriend?” He asks, needing the confirmation.
You playfully slap his shoulder with a laugh. “Of course it’s a yes.”
He grins at that and presses a kiss to your cheek, despite how badly he wanted to claim your lips as well, he’d hold himself back until later on. You had just gotten together, he didn’t want to rush things. This was a new relationship he’d savor and enjoy.
Mentally he thanked the romance manga he had read to help prepare him for this moment. It had worked out perfectly and you both couldn't be happier.
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Posted: 2/14/2024
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ididkn0w · 1 year
Baby good morning😞 I’ve missed you so much I’ve been thinking about ur face. So lemme tell u ab my day so far. Babe I don’t want u to get up alrrrr😞😞 I haven’t stopped imaging us together like us pretending to be babies and sad for a kissss😭. We would hold hands everywhere n talk like best friends and take the coolest pictures of each other and laugh all the time. Ok so I’m at a resturaunt now I typed everything from before yes like nothing but bc bro I’ve been on this tour n I haven’t been able to have anyone off my fucking ass n when he talks n we stand there like I can’t be on my phone. So basically Idek if I alr started but idc I’ll repeat myself. So we hadda leave and whatever and we met up with the tour guide and I was not feeling good at all man I had the biggest headache n I was so nauseous man I was feeling so so bad like horrible. We got on a like team I guess from the city and we got to the first place and he was explaining shit I never payed attention bruh I’ve been bad in the morning and then the rest of the day I think I’ve been like hella dissaciated I’m ngl I might not even say much cus the whole day I’ve just been feeling like shit n I rlly was not like present. So then this was at like 9:30. Bro I can’t with my grandparents they treat me like I’m 7 all day every day it’s so much bro. Ok so then they were going into this sultans palace and Ik all ab this btw😅 I like history especially the ottoman one. Ok so we alr went there when I came like two years ago so I was like aight imma head out like u guys go check that out I’ll wait for u guys here bc they haven’t come before. So I waited for them and so i fell asleep on a bench😭 for two hours😭 like straight up public bench at a park n ofc I woke up every once in a while but I was so bad like I couldn’t keep falling asleep n like everytjme I woke up it was random ppl sitting next to me and whatever n I would check the time like damn they’re still not back. But thankfully I was sleeping bc wtf would I have done for two hours n then finally I woke up all super good n happy n motivated I felt so much better and then I was like fuck like how much longer will I have to wait like awake doing nothing. N thankfully they came like 15 min after. So then bruh I literally don’t even rmb what we did lemme see my pics. Oh yes there’s a pic of a baby bc I want to have a baby with u. And that was the bench where I slept at. N then we went to a cafe nearby n we tried postres and I had this drink it was rlly yummy. And more moon underthink sorta signs. Then we went to this underground thing and like I wasn’t having it so whateverrrrrr n like it used to be an aqueduct for the sultan some shit like that. And it was actually cool n they had Roman gods and goddesses in there bc the ottoman used to be scared of the Roman’s. Then we went to a very pretty mosque. I LOVE GOING TO MOSQUES. Middle eastern countries are def my second favorite place to go/have been after Thailand. Yes Ik our number one is Thailand😆😆 I love that we twin like that I love you. Ik we’re gonna go together. I need to be rich and travel with u. My number 3 is Russia. U have to take me to Ghana. Then we went to a market obv spice market but they had other stuff especially fake stuff this is where I brought my fake yeezy slides😭 imma buy another pair😭 easy to like trash them yk what I mean n I also want a fake bag but u might convince me otherwise lmk (u my stylist) imma go to those shops tomorrow. Then we went to a rooftop n im showing u my pimple. Then we left n then we got on the metro n we’re at this popular restaurant I took pics of ppl who have been here before for u that yk. Bro oh my god I just got up the did a whole show for us they even threw a plate and they made me hold this bread that said Colombia I was so fucjing red oh my god. If I didn’t give u much details or I’m not all being funny n shit perdon Bebe I’ve been pretty mad. I’ve just been wanting to get home n talk to u. Acabo de comer bebe now I’m in the bathroom shitting. The food was very yummy im just anxious bc I just wanna talk
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rosedosed · 1 year
🌻 🌻 🌻 !!!!!
1. There’s Talks about two friends and me moving in together and though I’m a little careful (I’ve seen many friendships torn apart after becoming roomies) I’m CAUTIOUSLY VERY EXCITED!! I currently live in a small studio apartment with very little interaction between the housemates and I love a little personal space but Bro I Miss being having roommates. I don’t mind getting most of my social kicks from going out and meeting people but going on holiday I’m always hit with how pleasant it is to live with a whole bunch of friends around me at all times.
2. Jumping off 1^, I’ve also noticed I benefit a lot from having people around me as an artist. Art and writing (my big passions) are incredible but they’re also very SOLITARY experiences. I’ve noticed that many artist-influencers (especially on tiktok) are really good at editing their videos to make it seem like art is a quick, fun, relaxing and social process, but in practice art-creation takes fucking hours and usually those hours are spent in isolation. As much as I want to draw for the rest of my life, I notice that sitting hunched over a tablet for half a day without having people around me to pull me back to earth when I get too lost in the sauce just isn’t super good for my mental health, so I cannot wait to move into a home with palz and Exist & do Art Together
3. Now that I’m already monologuing lets make it 3/3; I notice that many artists stop drawing as much as soon as they leave high-school/adolescence. This is super understandable (adult life is busy as hell) but many of them (me included) are a little sad about it. Here’s what I’ve done to remedy this a little bit & keep drawing consistently as an adult;
Figure out why art appeals to you, figure out why you gravitated towards art, why you need it, and then listen to that need. If you create art to tell stories; tell stories. If you create art to make money; sell merch or take commissions. If you create art purely for yourself; DO THAT. If you wanna retain a hobby make sure you still do it for you. And if you find out that you don’t really feel the need to create art anymore don’t you dare resent yourself for it that’s fine. You’re not defined by what you create, you’re defined by what drives you & if creating art doesn’t drive you that’s totally fine you can do whatever you want forever! 💖
Find your Artist Identity Sweet Spot. I, for example, don’t find the life of a full-time freelance artist appealing. It sounds stressful and not suited to my needs, that’s why I combine it with two other part-time jobs and never refer to myself as an artist in a commercial way. What’s more, I try to make space for art as a social activity to meet my extroverted needs. Live drawing! Collaborations! Art-dates! Figure drawing! The lifestyle of the solemn solitary artist just doesn’t suit my golden retriever ass no matter how much I thought it had to, and the sooner I figured that out the sooner I could work to fit art into my life more comfortably. Don’t try to fit some arbitrary artist mold. It doesn’t exist and it’s only gonna make you sad. There is no The Artist, there is only YOU; THE ARTIST.
Speaking of you; draw for YOU I cannot overstate this enough. Appeal to YOURSELF and you’ll always have an audience. Cringe culture is FAKE. Online art discourse is a BLACK VORTEX. Following your passions is BASED and you have to do it RIGHT NOW. I’ve been unabashedly drawing SELF-INDULGENT TTRPG CONTENT for an audience of 7 for the past 2 years and I’m so in my own front-seat about it. I’m much happier than I was trying to appeal to ppl who only appreciated my art when I deliberately tried to cater to them. I promise; if you feel like people’s expectations are limiting you in what you truly want to do; there’s people out there who will truly appreciate your work and trying to cater to those who don’t is only gonna piss you off in the long run. Draw whatever makes you happy I don’t give a fuck what it is as long as it makes you happy.
Sorry for talking so much here’s a picture of a mural I saw yesterday
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icequeen1371 · 5 months
Brother threatens to drop mom off in the am cuz he didn’t make plans for her this wk (we won’t be here 1/2 the time, I have out of town medical treatments & Mimi has therapy etc) cuz he refuses to leave her alone at the house where she’s lived for 30yrs (she wants the week to herself) meanwhile he leaves her alone in Ottawa at his house while he’s at work all day?
What exactly was his plan for this week? I mean why did he wait till the night before he was leaving to go back to Ottawa before trying to figure something out if he’s concerned?
We already told him we couldn’t & usually can’t because of reasons like this that we have going on all week.
He’s ghosting now us cuz he didn’t get the answer he wanted for his mismanagement of the situation.
That’s what happens when ppl assume that just because someone is disabled, they just sit on their butt all day. I’m always going to doctors appts, medical procedures, treatments, therapy, errands etc. When I’m home, I’m exhausted, sick or barely able to care for myself.
How can I care for her like this? Not having her live with me was the hardest decision I’ve ever made & flipping it to make me seem like I don’t care is childish.
Where has he been for 25yrs? Popping up once in a blue moon doesn’t count as being here while we dealt with everything. The bad years between them, getting really sick, Mom’s health scares, Camiel’s illness the past 3 yrs, her memory issues that he ignored when I tried to tell him about it when it started, when she was crying cuz he didn’t speak to her for 6mths at a time cuz she wouldn’t send him money when he asked for it…
He only showed up now. And good. He’s needed. I can acknowledge that. And I’m grateful he can. But act like a martyr just cuz I can’t do it now is dismissive & arrogant. It’s his turn & he’s just pissy about it. He needs to grow up. Jesus.
I’m venting. I don’t care lol
Anyways, I’m glad I had our visit with Mom today & I hope he’ll be responsible with his choice in the morning. I hate it when he twists me into knots. You know those ppl that stir stuff up then leave you upset while they have a clear conscience? Yeah. That. Smh.
I’ll be hearing from her in the morning like I do every morning & I’ll feel better about it as always.
She says we’re each other’s touch stone. I guess she’s right💜
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