#and i would fear the fact they sent a teenager on a bodyguard mission against an army platoon
yokelish · 1 year
Gotta appreciate how Jujutsu Society makes child soldiers and then worries about someone tipping their power scales.
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zilannalynn · 5 years
Zilanna is the daughter of a newly wealthy family in Atlas. An accomplished huntress, she no longer goes out into the field, but remains as an instructor at one of the prep academies. Her mother was killed when she was 16, leaving her father an emotional mess, which led to her taking control of the family and caring for her 10 year old twin brothers. 
During her time at the Atlas Academy, she dated Tetra, whom she fell deeply in love with. They remained together through their years at school and a couple years after graduation; until it was discovered that Tetra was part of an extremist group. He tried to kill her on a mission, but she retaliated and (accidentally) killed him. This caused her to move from fieldwork to teaching. 
Her weapons consist of two swords that transform into pistols and two daggers. She also generally carries a little bit of dust on her person. 
Semblance:  Teleportation and manipulation of teleported objects. Objects must be teleported to be manipulated. Requires concentration, but not so much that she can’t do other things. Must be within reasonable distance
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Final Fantasy XV
Zilanna is the daughter of a wealthy family in Insomnia whose origins lie in Tenebrae. She joins the Crownsguard after befriending Noctis and Ignis via a series of Royal Balls and run ins at the Theater where she would sing and play violin or piano. 
During her time as a teenager, she dated Tetra until it was found that he was a Niflheim sympathizer terrorist who was trying to use his connection to her to gather information from the Citadel. Tetra was then captured, escaped, and his whereabouts unknown for a long while. 
Zilanna travelled with Noctis and the other chocobros to Altissia and back, where it was discovered that Tetra had been working with Ardyn. It was also brought to light that Zilanna was descended from the Oracle line (specifically she’s descended from Aera and Ardyn). She inherits both the title and Trident of the Oracle. She’s able to commune with Lunafreya, who teaches her how to employ her newfound powers. She can also commune with the other Oracles of old, notably Aera, and is told of a way to cleanse the Scourge from Eos without costing the king his life. 
As Noctis sleeps, she waits and trains for the day he might wake... and also so she can warp except that’s not how that works Zil plz
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Stormlight Archive (WIP)
Zilanna is a lower ranked lighteyes. Her mother is a renowned an artifabrian, and her father an up and coming weapons merchant. Zilanna herself is a skilled musician, and spends her days generally tucked away studying music and artifabrians. She longs to discover a way to contain music generated in a device, if only so that she can give the her family recordings of their favorite songs. She enjoys nearly every kind of instrument, but, out of all the instruments (which have been few) that have been mentioned in the books, she’d be on the zither. 
Her life largely consists of her simply living and playing her instruments. Her mom is super busy with all her studies, so she ends up taking care of her brothers a lot, and they’re still little troublemakers. They like beating each other up with toy weapons, as good Alethi boys do. They’re around the age of ten, and, while Zilanna knows that the boys will probably spend their near future in an army at war (be it on the Plains or elsewhere) she fears that they’ll be injured and/or killed. She does her best to stop them, but in little ways. 
She comes to The Shattered Plains as a scribe for her father, as her mother is incredibly busy with her fabrials. Her father might be encouraging her to find someone to marry but in the gentle way. You know "isn't that [insert family name here] boy good looking?" "Dad plz. Stahp"
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 Final Fantasy X
Zilanna is a summoner of a well to do family in Bevelle. She started her journey with her two childhood friends, Tetra and Yamato. Over the course of the journey, she and Tetra fell for each other and became a couple. 
The trio reached the temple where they were to obtain the final summon, and learned the full truth of the Aeons and Sin, and were stunned. Zilanna was willing: her guardians were not. 
The disagreement between the three caused such a rift in their bond, that the two guardians completely abandoned their summoner in Zanarkand. With a heavy heart, Zilanna made her way home to her twin brothers, where she lives peacefully, healing the injured and supporting new summoners as they pass through the holy city. 
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Final Fantasy VII
Zilanna and her mother started as small time researchers for Shinra, interested in the use of materia as aid and relief for the Sectors below the Plate. In the processes of their research, they came across a way to use materia to enhance innate talents, powers, and further enhance materia’s power. When she wasn’t researching, she was learning how to fight with swords from her fiance. As time wore on, and after the death of her mother, Zilanna split from Shinra (fully believing them to be the cause of her mother’s death), taking her family and her research and disappearing below the Plate as best they could, which involves them moving from sector to sector a lot. 
Zil probably vibes a fair bit in Sector 7, though never for too long.
When Zilanna vanished, Tetra, her fiance and SOLDIER 3rd class, spent all his down time searching for her. She would leave little letters and notes scattered through the sectors/slums, but was always careful to never to leave any trace of her whereabouts. She’s only seen him once since her flight from Shinra: the night that he died. Tetra finally tracked her down, but Shinra had followed him. She managed to escape, but at the cost of Tetra’s life. 
Zilanna has since done everything in her power to upset Shinra’s plans, business, etc, though it hasn’t been much. Her individual fight has taken her to Wall Market several times, where she spends her time seeking funding and ways to develop her mother’s materia so that it can be used against Shinra. Rumor has it she has an assassin, though none have ever seen them.  
Fun fact, I loved Aerith as a kid so much that she looks like Aerith, notably with almost the same hairstyle. Which I can never do irl. *cries*
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Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows Of Valentia
Zilanna was a Zofian noble near the border between Rigel and Zofia. She was sent away at a young age to the Novis Priory where she met and befriended Celica for a time. Around the time she was sixteen, her parents called her back to their manor so she could aid in dealing with bandits and the ever increasing Terrors as well as aid her father in trying to mend relations between nobles on both sides of the border. 
As Zilanna grew into her own, she met a butler to her house by the name of Tetra. The two fell in love and, after a few years, were engaged to be married. 
Zilanna spent her years away from Novis with her betrothed and their best friend, Yamato. The three would often take on small “missions” for Zil’s father, which often were simple search and destroy style missions. Go, find the group of Terrors or bandits causing problems, and come back. A warrior priestess and her faithful bodyguards often made quick work of the threats. 
Once she turned 20, Zilanna discovered the secret to the Lynn family: they stored not only the location of Princess Celica, but also kept the circlet which confirmed the princess’ identity safe. Additionally, the Lynn’s knew the location of Celica’s half brother, Prince Conrad, who was long thought to be dead. 
Around this time, Tetra showed his true colors as a member of the Duma Faithful sent to spy on the Lynn family, and obtain the location of Celica. As his search proved fruitless, he began to plot to coerce the Lynn family into giving up it’s secrets. He had the perfect leverage: Zilanna. The eventual confrontation almost killed both himself and the noblewoman, but before he could land the killing blow, Tetra was forced to retreat by Yamato, to not be seen for years. 
As the war between Rigel and Zofia, Zilanna found herself on the side of the deliverance, where she fought bravely as a Priestess of the Mother Mila. Their conquest brought them to the Duma Faithful, where she encountered Tetra and could put that piece of her past to rest at long last. 
Under the One Kingdom, Zilanna found herself at the palace quite often, where she would nanny Celica and Alm’s children, or advise the King and Queen on relations between the formerly divided people. 
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