#and i won’t stop now asdfgh
laracrofted · 1 month
you’re gonna show me big arms, a curtain bang, and a huge golden belt buckle and expect me to care that sentry kills people?
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folkloreguk · 4 years
Mirror, Mirror (m)
A/N: I will never ever determine which body type the reader has, but I want every single one of you to know that it’s okay to feel empowered by the way your nude body looks, you’re absolutely beautiful and no size is a limit to how sexy you can be!!! You go queens!
words: ~5.4 (I’m sorry idk how to write short things anymore asdfgh)
genre: smut, optional bias (male) x reader (female), kinda fwb??, sexting
[H/N means “his name”]
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There’s no feeling quite like the one of trying on your new clothes that just arrived in the mail and loving how they looked. Especially when said clothes were lingerie and you felt like you could conquer the world, even when you were just standing in front of your mirror at 7 pm after you had just stuffed your stomach with lasagna. And what better way to enjoy your happiness than to share it with your best friend?
In fact, you had two best friends. One, a girl who you could trust with your life, and two, a boy who knew all your deepest secrets. One of the central differences between the two was that you would never think about asking the former about his opinion on your new lingerie. You almost laughed at the mere thought while you went through your contacts list and selected your friend’s name and clicked ‘send’. “It’s new. How do I look?” you typed and sent quickly, before throwing your phone onto you bed. You were feeling sexy, but for the rest of the evening there was only one way you wanted to feel: Comfortable. So, you changed into your pajamas instead.
You wondered what she would say about your photo. Sending almost-nudes to your friend might have seemed odd, but for the two of you, it was a completely normal occurrence. You loved making sure you both felt beautiful and confident by complimenting each other. Happily, you walked back to your room after you had picked up some snacks in the kitchen. You grabbed your phone as you plopped down on your bed. While you stuffed a handful of crisps into your mouth, you unlocked your phone to check your messages. You had expected a text from your best girl friend, but instead you had received one from H/N, your best boy friend. Pure horror consumed you when you clicked on the chat and saw your almost-nude there. Sent at 7:01 pm. Seen at 7:05 pm. And worst of all, he had replied before you could have clarified the mistake.
H/N: Idk where this came from but…you’re hot
H/N: Okay that kinda offends me…you have a bf and didn’t tell me???
You: NO OMG THIS IS SO EMBARRASSING HELP…it was for GF/N just for fun!!!
H/N: Ohhh…in that case…
You watched the dots signaling that he was still writing while you were still wondering how you would ever look at him without getting embarrassed from now on. It wasn’t like the two of you never talked about sex. In fact, he knew a lot about what you liked and didn’t like in the bedroom. Not because he had witnessed it. But thanks to multiple sleep overs with late-night conversations, when your lips became a little loose, you had discussed more sexual topics than you had ever dreamt of. Your cheeks were still feeling hot when you received another text.
H/N: How do I look?
Without missing a beat, he had attached a photo of him. Shirtless. His hair was disheveled, as if he had just removed his shirt, which he probably had. His sweatpants hung low on his hips as he stood in front of a mirror. He had tilted his head a little, showing off his jawline while he gazed at the camera with hooded eyes. You felt more embarrassed with every second you kept staring at his body.
H/N: OMG sorry this wasn’t for you!!!!!
Now you could only laugh at his stupid message.
You: Stop making fun of me!!
H/N: I’m trying to make you feel better!! Do I not get a compliment?
You: Thanks and you look great…can we please NEVER bring this up in the future?
H/N: Sure if that’s what you want…but if you ever need someone to rate your underwear again you know where to find me
And he really kept his promise. The next time you hung out, he was joking about everything but your little accident. You were thankful. But not mentioning the memory didn’t automatically delete it from your brain. And that’s where your newest problem begun.
You had never really looked at him in a sexual way before – sure, you thought he was handsome – but after than one damned picture he had sent you, you seemed to see him in a completely different light. There were no romantic feelings involved. But something felt profusely wrong about the way you thought about sex when he reached for a glass on the highest kitchen shelf and a small part of his abs was revealed. Or the way you instinctively licked your lips when you watched him stretch his neck in front of you. Or how your head spun when he lifted his shirt to wipe away his sweat when you worked out together.
One day was particularly bad. He had asked you to go to the public pool together, and being his best friend, of course you had said yes. As expected, he made you laugh until you were crying, scream when he playfully wrestled you in the water and giggle when he chased you on the water slide. And yet, you couldn’t help but notice his body. You almost felt bad, but then again, it wasn’t like you adored his character any less. You simply had some added adoration for another part of him. What were you supposed to do when he looked this good acting out a comic character while you played charades in the water? You might have been laughing on the outside, but you could barely tear your eyes off his neck and chest. Lately, you realized, the amount of thoughts you spent on wanting to kiss him had become problematic to you.
When you returned home at night, you couldn’t deny feeling sexually frustrated. Not wanting to give in to the inappropriate thoughts about your best friend, you turned on a tv show to distract yourself. But before you knew it, you were spending more time looking at your phone than at the tv screen. At first you browsed social media, but somehow you mustn’t have payed enough attention to your unconscious mind. You had miraculously landed on his Instagram, and when that didn’t entertain you anymore, you found yourself going back to your text messages with him. When you started at the shirtless picture he had sent you, you regretted not deleting it and forgetting about it right away. You wondered if he could ever feel the same way about you. You didn’t need any romantic feelings from him, in fact, you had no interest in a relationship at the moment. But you had never wanted someone this bad before and it was driving you crazy. So, before you could have stopped yourself, you were typing a message to him.
You: what r u doing??
H/N: do you miss me already?
H/N: ok do you really wanna know?
You: shut up you usually message me first!! and yes I do
H/N: I was about to jack off but you interrupted me
You almost choked on nothing when you read his message. Pretending you didn’t care, you replied quickly.
You: oh no am I killing the mood?
H/N: I didn’t say that
You: ????
H/N: don’t take this the wrong way but if you ever thought about sending me nudes again now would be the time
You: are u crazy?? are you actually asking me for nudes rn
H/N: it was worth a try ok let’s go back to being best friends who would never hook up
If you were freaking out about his previous messages, this one made you lose your mind completely. What was he saying? As confused as you were, you were also equally as sexually frustrated as he seemed to be. So, without a second thought, you chose the latest underwear picture you had taken and sent it to H/N.
You: that’s the most you’ll get…I won’t send complete nudes
You stared at the three dots indicating that he was writing a message. It felt like five minutes had passed when he finally replied.
H/N: fuck you’re so hot
And then he sent another shirtless picture. His bulge was prominent against his pants and the sight of it didn’t exactly help you with the pent-up frustration inside of you. But maybe it didn’t need to, because apparently, he felt the same way about you. You wanted to tell him about it. But there was no way you would be sexting your best friend at 11 pm, horny and frustrated. You knew you’d regret it and you’d only end up being embarrassed the next day. With no idea what to send him instead, you opted for simply waiting to see if he would say something. But he didn’t. Whilst waiting, you looked at his picture again. His jawline, his shoulders, his abs…and his boner straining against his sweatpants. For a moment you wondered if he was thinking about you too. Was he imagining it was you who was touching him when his hand wrapped around his cock? The more you let your thoughts run free, the worse your frustration became. And before you knew it, your hand was between your legs.
The next day you went about your duties, trying hard to pretend the previous day had been nothing but a fever dream. Luckily, you weren’t going to see him for another few days, so you could already practice an explanation of why sending nudes to each other had been a crazy idea. You worried about whether you could ever be the same around him after what had happened. But no matter how hard you tried to come up with a good reason why you should never even mention it again, you couldn’t. You were best friends who found each other hot. So what? Things could be worse. By nighttime, you had changed your mind. You were in the process of getting ready for sleeping, when your phone vibrated on your nightstand. His name lit up the screen.
H/N: you up?
You: not for long…whats up
H/N: I’m sorry for what I said yesterday about us not hooking up and so on…I was tipsy and you know my loose lips when I’m drunk
You: there’s nothing you need to apologize for
H/N: I was being weird and creepy…you’re my best friend
You: and you’re mine…that doesn’t stop me from finding you attractive
H/N: so I didn’t creep you out asking you for nudes?
You: I sent them to you, didn’t I… so what do u think
H/N: btw…thanks for that
You: likewise
H/N: so you’d do it again?
You: you’re not drunk now are you?
H/N: no just horny
You: dude I was about to go to sleep
If this had been a random guy you were occasionally talking to, you would have declined the request right away. You were tired and didn’t exactly feel too confident in your physical state. Nonetheless, you walked over to your mirror, pulled your shirt up until your bare breasts were almost exposed, and snapped a picture. Maybe it was the fact that you knew he’d return the favor and send you something back, or the immense trust you had in him. Posing in different ways, you took a few more pictures before you jumped back onto your bed. Impulsively, you chose the pictures you liked best and sent them to your best friend.
You: the things I do for you
H/N: fuck you look so good
You: have you always thought like that about me?
H/N: have I always found you hot?
You: yeah
H/N: I mean I never not found you hot
You: thanks I guess??
H/N: maybe we should have done this way earlier
You: agreed
Your eyes widened when he sent you a picture. He was still in his underwear, but his hand was wrapped around his visibly hard member outlined by the dark fabric. You had wanted to sleep, but somehow after looking at the photo for a little too long, you were wide awake. Leaning against the headboard of the bed, you let your head imagine whatever came to your mind. Never before had you noticed how much you liked his hands. Or maybe it was a temporary thing, now that you were already thinking inappropriate thoughts. You imagined it was his fingers softly touching the inside of your thigh, squeezing your breasts and playing with your nipples. The first time you moaned his name quietly, your cheeks heated up. But the more you thought of him, and the more you allowed yourself to wish it was him between your thighs, the more natural his name sounded between your whimpers.
And the two of you didn’t stop there. You might haven’t had time to hang out with him for another week or so, but you were texting each other more than ever before. Almost every night, you sent pictures to each other. With every passing day and every time you came thinking about his body on top of yours, you became more comfortable. Your messages to each other turned dirtier with every day and every picture was a little riskier than the previous one. By the way you cried out his name every night, your neighbors must have thought you had gotten a new boyfriend. One that was exceptionally good in bed, by the sounds of it.
Now it was exactly one week and a day after you had first sent him a picture of you. You had just stepped out of the shower and had a towel wrapped around your body as you entered your bedroom.
One could’ve thought you were going to be less horny, the more time you spent texting him about your inappropriate thoughts. It should have gotten less exciting at some point, shouldn’t it? To you, it was the complete opposite. He was all your thought about at night. So when you noticed your phone on your bed, you couldn’t stop your urge. You grabbed it, unlocked it and went straight to your messages with him.
You: please tell me you’re alone
H/N: yeah I am…do u need something?
Even though his text might have sounded innocent to anyone else, considering what you had done for each other all week long, you instantly got excited.
You: I have a present for you but since you’re not here I’ll unwrap it for you
H/N: I love presents
You had taken multiple photos. Starting from your with a towel covered body, you had slowly revealed more skin to him, until you had dropped the fabric completely. In the last picture you were covering your nipples with one hand across your chest, making sure your slightly parted lips were in the frame as well. After you had pressed ‘send’, you got comfortable on your bedsheets, not so patiently waiting for his reply. You hadn’t been able to get him off your mind while you had been showering. Now you didn’t even need to touch yourself to know how dripping wet you already were.
H/N: this is what you do to me
You were surprised when you saw his message. He had attached a video. Up to that day, it had only been photos you had sent to each other. So, when you clicked the ‘play’ button, you almost felt nervous. But the nervousness changed into something wholly different within the first two seconds of the video. His hand was down his pants, clearly stroking himself. He wasn’t speaking, but even the simple sound of his breathing behind the camera made your head spin.
H/N: do you want more?
You: I wish you were actually here
A blink of an eye after you had sent the message, instant regret hit you. Had you crossed a line? There had never been serious talk of the two of you actually hooking up, although you surely had thought about it more than you wanted to admit.
H/N: me too
You sighed in relief. So he wasn’t thinking you were going too far.
H/N: but its late and we’ve got work tomorrow
You barely had time to even think about a reply. The sole fact that he was seriously considering coming over or letting you drive to his place right now only justified the saying “People want what they can’t get”.
You: you’re right…this will have to do
H/N: let me know if you need more
But you already had your hand between your legs, his name on the brink of falling off your lips.  
The next day, you were surprisingly focused on your work. Of course, you thought of him. He was your best friend, after all. Who would you have been if you didn’t wonder what he was up to or if you didn’t wish he was having a nice day? But that was about it. No dirty thoughts, no random sexual frustration at 2 in the afternoon. That was, until your phone vibrated in your pockets and you opened his message.
H/N: wanna hang out at my place tonight?
It was finally Friday. After over a week of not seeing him, you didn’t just want to meet him because you wanted him sexually. You missed his silly jokes and the way he made you feel careless after a stressful day. So, needless to say, you agreed.
You weren’t sure what was going to happen. Were you just going to hang out, the way friends do? Were you even going to mention your texts to each other? Your nerves were going mad when you drove to his place in the evening. It was a weird feeling to have about your best friend, you had to admit. But then again, you had every right to after the past week.
When he opened the door for you, you didn’t feel half as awkward as you thought you would. His hug felt the way it always did, and his room still was like a second home to you.
“Do you wanna order take out?” he asked.
“What’s in your fridge?” you returned the question.
“If I’d have to guess I’d say two eggs, half a bottle of soda and some yogurt,” he said. You laughed, already pulling up an app to order some food.
“Take out it is,” you grinned, falling onto your stomach on his bed. He followed your example. His shoulder was touching yours while you tried hard to focus on scrolling through the different offers of meals. But your look was drawn to his hands too close to yours and from one moment to the other, your mind was flooded with sinful pictures. You thought of him here, in this very bed, jerking off to the thought of you. Taking pictures of himself so you could do the same. Too many times you had imagined your face buried in his pillows, letting him hear the way you had been crying his name all week long, being able to make him cum with your own body and feeling his lips on your skin. Was he thinking the same things right now? Was he also struggling to focus on the simplest tasks?
“You’ve been looking at that chicken for a while now. Are you gonna order it or not?” he asked, making fun of you. How were you going to sit here, waiting and then calmly eating your dinner as if nothing was different? When you didn’t reply, he grabbed your hands along with your phone, making you look at him. You couldn’t instantly read his expression. All you knew is that in six years of friendship, he had never once looked at you this way. Inevitably, your eyes went to his lips and back to his eyes.
“Aren’t we going to mention this whole nudes-sending situation at all?” he suddenly asked, grinning cheekily. “What? You’re thinking about it too, aren’t you?”
You swallowed thickly. “Thinking about what, exactly?”
“How badly I wanted you last night,” he said. His face was close to yours. If you only bent forward slightly, you could kiss him.
“As in…now you don’t want me anymore?” you asked. He chuckled.
“Do you really think I didn’t want to push you against the closest wall and make out with you the second you stepped into my house today?” he asked.
“Then why didn’t you?” you asked, smirking and inching your lips closer to his. “Because I would have loved that.”
Instead of answering you, he finally leaned in to connect your lips. Within the first seconds you were moaning, and his tongue was on yours. You abandoned your phone on his sheets, swinging one leg over his waist to straddle him. He groaned into your mouth when you pushed your hips against his, your crotch rubbing over his bulge. Judging by the way you both reacted, neither of you had plans to take this slow.
His hands wandered over your sides and to your ass, squeezing it a little. You only moaned again, your fingers getting busy with his button up shirt. Teasingly, he bit your lip while he pushed your shirt higher, goosebumps rising on the skin he touched. His breathing became heavier when you let your hands roam his chest, pushing the fabric of his open shirt to the side eagerly. When you rolled your hips over his bulge again, you felt his erection more prominently than before, making you smile to yourself. For a moment you pulled away and pulled your shirt over your head.
“I’ve wanted to touch you for so long,” he confessed, watching as you discarded your bra onto the floor.
“Me too,” you agreed. He had sat up as well, and you helped him remove his shirt eagerly. “I’ve been wondering what your hands feel like.”
At your words, he pulled you back on top of him, playing with your breasts softly. You reacted, leaning over him, so he could take one of your nipples into his mouth. You whimpered at the way his tongue pressed against your sensitive skin. He gave the same attention to the other side, his breath leaving behind a cold sensation where he had kissed you.
Then, you bent to his level again, lips meeting in a needy kiss. You let his tongue lead yours for a while. Meanwhile, your hands sneaked to the waistband of his sweatpants. He hissed into your mouth as you grabbed his length through his pants, palming him through the fabric.
“Are you still into biting?” you asked, referring to a late-night talk you had had in the past. He smirked, nodding. Softly, at first, you nibbled on his neck, occasionally licking and kissing him. You got the exact reaction you had expected when you bit him, not to harshly, but probably leaving a purple mark nonetheless. He moaned and threw his head back, only exposing more of his neck to you. As time went on, you made your way down his chest and his stomach, settling between his legs. As much as you enjoyed hearing his moans and attempts to make you hurry, you were just as impatient, if not worse.
In one go, you pulled down his pants and underwear. He lifted his hips so you could fully take the clothing off his legs. Your mouth watered at the sight of him below you.
“If you had told me two weeks ago, I would be sucking your dick today, I would have called you a clown,” you chuckled.
“Look how the tables have turned,” he said, laughing with you. But his expression hardened the moment your hand wrapped around his length. You stroked him a few times, before lowering your head. Your tongue licked a stripe up the side of his shaft, until you opened your lips just enough to take his tip into your mouth. He cursed under his breath when you batted your eyelashes at him.
“Fuck, don’t look at me like that,” he said.
“Why? Don’t you like it?” you asked, your hand continuously touching him.
“I like it maybe a little too much,” he said, only making you grin. His expression read pleasure, his brows furrowed and his lips hung slightly agape.
“There’s no such thing as liking something too much,” you said. Purposely, you watched his face when you wrapped your mouth around his cock, tongue pressing flat against the tip. Steadily, you bobbed your head, your hand covering the rest of his length. His thighs were flexing under your hands and his stomach was rising and falling in an uneven rhythm. He propped himself up on his forearms, watching you intently.
“This feels so much better when you do it,” he said, followed by a groan when his cock touched the back of your throat for a moment. Your hand was covered in your saliva by now, eyes tearing up a little bit, but you blinked the tears away quickly. Every time you pulled away a little, you made sure to swirl your tongue around the tip. Right away, you had noticed the way he hissed at that specific action. Again, he cursed under his breath and you made eye contact once more. His lips looked pink from where he had been biting them and his cheeks were slightly flushed a rosy color.
“Oh my god-,“ he moaned. “I’m so fucking close.”
You bobbed your head faster now. After another few seconds you pulled away, replacing your mouth with your hand. The muscles on his stomach were tense and he had his hands balled to tight fists next to his body. You enjoyed his moans for a while longer, before you could feel him twitch in your hands. When he reached his high, he let his body fall back, his arms no longer able to hold himself up to watch you. The evidence of his pleasure spilled onto his abs and you slowly let your hand come to a rest. One of his hands was swung over his forehead as he breathed heavily. When you looked up at him again, he still seemed exhausted but was grinning from ear to ear.
“Give me a second and I’ll return the favor,” he said, sitting up. At his words you realized once more how much you wanted him. Quickly, he cleaned himself up. As you rolled over to lay on your back next to his sitting figure, you yawned briskly, getting comfy in his sheets.
“You’re bored? If you want we can also just watch a movie, or if you feel like-,“ he said with raised eyebrows.
“Ha. Ha. Ha.” You sarcastically laughed, rolling your eyes at him. “I’m open for whatever. Right after you’ve made me cum on this mattress.”
“Alright,” he chuckled, turning so he hovered over you. “I think we can arrange that.”
He went straight to kissing your stomach and hips, while he unzipped your pants for you. His kisses tickled you a little, but the sensation was quickly forgotten by how close his hand was to where you wanted him most. In order to let him take off your pants, you lifted your hips a little. When he had thrown your pants aside, he couldn’t hide the cocky grin on his face at the sight of your underwear.
“This looks familiar…where have I seen these before?” he asked innocently, placing his hand on the material. You flinched a little when his fingers hovered over your center. It was a fleeting touch, but the lack of attention had made you needier than you would have thought.
“Imagine I hadn’t accidentally sent you that first picture,” you said.
“I don’t even want to imagine that,” he said, his dramatic tone making you laugh a little. Abruptly, your laugh turned into a whimper when he pressed one of his fingers against your covered clit.
“I get that you’re in no rush anymore, but I’m not gonna lie, I am,” you said, wriggling against his hand. He chuckled again but seemed to obey your request. His hand slid into the hem of your underwear, fingers instantly coated in your juices. In response, you only hummed contently when he curled his digits against your clit. Within seconds you relaxed into his touch. You put one of your arms under your head and closed your eyes for a while. Now and then, he teased your core by almost pushing his fingers inside of you, but then not doing so. As frustrating as it was, you couldn’t help but moan at the feeling. With skill, he rolled your clit between his digits. His free hand pulled on your underwear slightly, but not quite enough for it to come off. You whined at his teasing, looking into his eyes with a pleading gaze. He watched your expression for a while, probably enjoying the fact that he finally had the real you underneath him, instead of having to stare at some photos on his cellphone. So he finally obliged, making you feel empty when he pulled his hand out of your soaked panties, but simultaneously thankful.
“You have no idea how many times I imagined doing this within the last week,” he said. Then, he lowered his head and took your clit into his mouth. You had only opened your mouth to reply, but the words seemed to be deleted from your brain before they had time to come out, replaced by empty curse words. He didn’t waste any time in taking it slow, but you couldn’t have minded less. When he inserted to of his digits into you, your toes curled in pleasure and relief. With the way you whimpered desperately whenever he curled them against your walls, he had found your sweet spot in almost no time.
For more than a week you had been imagining, demanding for his touch, so deeply that now you could barely think straight when you finally got what you wanted. His tongue could do so much better than your own fingers could ever satisfy you. It was the unpredictability that made this so much more enticing than when you touched yourself. Would he slow down for a while, giving your breathing time to calm down, only to suck on your swollen clit feverishly out of nowhere? Would he curl his fingers inside of you almost painfully slowly, or would he almost pull them out completely, only to slide them right back into your core, until your vision felt so blurry you had to close your eyes? The more you thought about how good he made you feel, the quicker you felt your orgasm approach. One of his hands softly stroked over your belly, a strong contrast to the way your insides seemed to tie themselves into a tight knot that took up all your attention.
“Oh my god- please don’t stop,” you only moaned. Of course he didn’t. He only hummed against your center, only adding to how incredible you felt. As much as you loved watching him between your legs, there was no force that could have kept your eyes from shutting anymore. Your back arched off the sheets and your hands tightened in pleasure when the familiar feeling washed over your mind. You whimpered and struggled hard to keep your legs from closing around his head. For a few seconds you were blinded by the bliss, until your sensitivity began to set in. You softly pushed his head with your fingers in his hair, and he slowed down and drew back.
It took you a while to come down and until your breathing had regained its normality. Your eyelids fluttered open, while he plopped down next to you. He swung one of his arms around your waist, an action he had done multiple times in the past – only now neither of you was wearing clothes.
“That was amazing,” you said. “And here I thought I’d forever regret sending you that photo.”
He chuckled. “Agreed. So, what do you say? Are we able to focus on what to order for takeout now?”
You nodded and laughed, hoping this instance wouldn’t be the last time this happened between you two.
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hopeswriting · 3 years
Hullo hullo Hopes, it's for the ask game ! 4, 23 and 43 ? :O
Hi there, thank you for the ask!
4. Link your three favorite fics right now.
I simply could not only choose three of them, so you get six instead, in no particular order.
come get me by MakeItVoid on ffnet (Katekyo Hitman Reborn).
Reborn waits a little impatiently for someone to come get him. He doesn't know what to do now. The fire is creeping closer. (Reborn doesn't want to die like this.) 
It’s a one-shot, with the exact dynamic I reach for in all my Arco fics, and it hits just all the spots for me. Simply cannot recommend it enough.
Just Another Tuesday by ariathal2410 on ffnet (Katekyo Hitman Reborn).
Tsuna doesn't know why all this supernatural shit started happening in his life, but he'd really like it to stop now please. Mild Arco27
OR in which Tsuna attracts too much attention because he's surprisingly good at recognizing supernatural beings (and he's just too cute to resist).
A 10k one-shot where Tsuna is in college, and keeps stumbling upon these supernatural creatures that then just never leave his life. Very domestic fluff like, and never fails to brighten my mood when I need it. Very funny too.
Survivor by atruwriter on ffnet (Harry Potter).
Waiting. He was always waiting. He'd already buried one best friend and now the other will follow. There was nothing he could do or say. There was no Harry without Hermione. Ron witnessed the beginning and now he must accept the end. HHr. 4parts Complete! 
It’s been a long time since I reread this one tbh, but as long as you’re a Hhr shipper or just don’t mind the ship? I recommend it a thousand times.
It’s written from Ron’s pov, and is written so well, and I remember having called it a masterpiece after I read it, and I still stand by it. Just a very beautiful fic in all its tragedy.
Sincerely, Scattered Shards by You_Light_The_Sky on ao3 (Katekyo Hitman Reborn).
Tsuna’s the foolish type to give a bit of his heart to anyone he meets. No one ever wanted his ugly heart shards until he met his Guardians. No one ever treasured his heart shards until them either. Hints of All27 and R27. 
It’s an ongoing fic, and I don’t remember it in details anymore lol, but just read it. You want to read it. You won’t regret reading it if it seems the type of fic you might like.
It’s beautiful, and sad, and a bit tragic at times, but then Tsuna starts finding his Guardians and it becomes a little better. And worth it.
Those Last Few Memories by Ourliazo on ao3 (Katekyo Hitman Reborn).
In one future, the Arcobaleno band together and try to fight off the Anti Tri-ni-set radiation. 
As the author says, “ this story follows their slow descent into death”, and it’s low key fucking heartbreaking, and high key gets you in the feels and makes you want to bawl your eyes out, so really, I can only recommend it asdfgh.
Target Acquired: Wicked Jester by poorasdirt on ao3 (Katekyo Hitman Reborn).
Colonnello has always been a military man. He understood what led to him being cursed. He understood why the others had been cursed. Or, well, why most of the others had been cursed. Skull's motivations had always been a mystery to him. Now that the curse had been lifted, Colonnello could finally sit back and try to puzzle it out. If only it were that easy.
Or Colonnello's instincts were telling him something wasn't right and curiosity only kills cats.
NELLO/SKULL SUPREMACY. Also told in Nello’s pov so Nell-centric. But also entirely about Skull, so Skull-centric. What more do you want??
Azesdfgh ahem, jokes aside. This one is seriously good. Not just because it’s focused first on Nello & Skull relationship (it’s actually a gen fic lol, my bad), or because it has just the right amount of Poly!Arco hinted for us shippers even if it’s platonic/found family.
The fic gives Skull a very in depth and intricate backstory, and for having read my fair share of Skull-centric fics, it’s a very original one. A very mysterious one too, and the fic has a spy/thriller aspect to it that’s very fun to read, as you discover more and more about Skull along with the Arco.
Some of Skull’s backstory also tie with canon worldbuilding the author then expands with their own take on it, and even if it’s a characters driven story, and the plot is only really there first to enhance that fact, it still gets you curious to see it unfold.
And of course the Arco interactions with each other. The fic has a very low key found family vibes fitting to it, but that are very present nonetheless, and feel genuine and heartwarming.
Though there’s some Sky Arco, and specifically Uni and Aria antagonism, but as a Giglio Nero stan myself, it’s not present enough you can’t overlook it if you try.
So if you like Skull and/or Colonnello and/or found family Arco and you didn’t read the fic yet? Don’t wait any longer!
23. What’s your absolute favorite trope to write? 
Already answered this one so I’ll just copy past it!
I’ve been thinking about it, and it’s gotta be Hurt/Comfort, both as a writer and a reader. And this is probably just me projecting lol, but there’s just something in seeing characters be hurt/hurting, knowing they’ll have/will be given care after that speaks to me.
Also I guess it’s pretty obvious to say it, but mostly as a reader, the hurt must come with comfort. Or at least I need to be 100% certain the comfort will come at some point, and will matter.
And I actually think that’s why I can only handle so much amount of angst, because unless it’s tagged for it (and even then, I find Angst with a Happy Ending and such, and Hurt/Comfort just don’t hit the same way), you never know if it’ll be  worth it in the end. And I’m a big softie so I can’t handle it zsdfgdsc.
A very close second favorite trope, also both as a writer and a reader, is when any characters with Responsibilities/Duties/Expectations (namely The Chosen One trope and such) just say fuck it all and does fuck it all.
Either by finding a solution that won’t leave them incredibly traumatized when all’s said and done, or by actually fucking off and making it everyone else’s problem.
I find it’s mostly present in Dark![Character Name] fics, which I also love to write and read, so it all works out for me lol.
43. Talk about a positive experience with fanfiction or the fanfiction community that you will always remember.
Mmmh, not sure if I have one yet? I only really started trying to get involved in the fanfiction community last year, so I feel maybe I’m not quite there to have these type of experiences.
That said, I can only talk about that one time I did a fanfic event for the first time, and @chierry was there every step of the way, leaving me a comment on each of my fics, and that was incredibly motivating. Felt really amazing too, and made the event that much more fun, so shoutout to her<3.
Also shoutout to that one time where we got Arco brainrot at the same time on the same frequency, and kind of just went nuts about it for a while zsdxfgh. That was very fun too!<3
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lazyflan · 3 years
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I posted 121 times in 2021
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14 posts reblogged (12%)
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I added 259 tags in 2021
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#cells at work - 39 posts
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#hataraku saibō - 34 posts
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Longest Tag: 77 characters
#first time in years i have to write hetalia and spoilers in the same sentence
My Top Posts in 2021
Got any 3803/1146 hcs of how 1146 is when he gets jealous or protective over 3803 when other guys hit on her?
I love this idea so much-
Protective!1146 and Jealous!1146 just hits different
-It probably started with the rest of the squad wanting to make a joke or tease 1146
-Let’s be honest, probably 4989 was the one that started, he’s chaotic like that
-Cue flustered 3803
-1146 INSTANTLY becomes protective
-When jealous 1146 gets pouty and grumbles to the rest of the guys to stop
-“Touch 3803 or make another comment and I will cut your arm” (Out of 3803 hearing range)
-This man is DEADLY when jealous/protective HE WON’T HESITATE, BITCH
-He will try to get 3803 away from the rest of the guys
-3803 is either completely oblivious of what’s happening or is hiding that she knows what’s going on
-Lowkey I feel that at some point 1146 will try to body shield 3803 from the rest of the guys
72 notes • Posted 2021-04-03 04:22:14 GMT
Just read passerine, surprisingly I didn't cry, but now I have angst hcs about the fic, I'm also thiking in opening request for DSMP, but beware bc my characterization may be a little off
So this is just a couple of hcs for the fic or things I imagine could happened, so beware of spoilers for the fic!
-Techno cutting his hair after Tommys death bc everytime he tried braiding it he felt the absence of Tommy
-But when Wilbur got married to Sally and had Fundy he grew it out again so Fundy could play and braid it
-Tubbo making sure that Nikis grave always has beautiful flowers, visiting her grave every year just like Wilbur and Techno did with Tommy
-Maybe even Tubbo having children and naming his daughter Niki in honour of the florist
-Phil and Dream in the void, maybe not eternally fighting, but also talking, maybe Philza asking about the other lifes everyone had? Imagine canon being the start o the first life, and passerine being their last life?
82 notes • Posted 2021-05-26 15:18:09 GMT
Are you close with your parents?
Bc my mom knows the whole story from "Flowers from 1970" and I'm honestly so close to translating it to spanish just so she can read it and understand my pain.
I fear nothing.
108 notes • Posted 2021-04-23 20:23:51 GMT
The idea of Loki not having candy in Asgard gives so many ideas asdfgh.
Like, Mobius giving him candy one (1) time and Loki absolutely loving it, but having a sugar rush and annoying everyone around it's one of them.
Or, alternatively, Loki doing everything in his power to get more candy, Mobius seieng the opportunity and telling him that he will get candy if he behaves well.
710 notes • Posted 2021-06-17 23:05:35 GMT
Please tell me that I'm not the only one who will refuse to call facebook "meta".
I literally live in fandom spaces, if I search "meta" somewhere and facebook appears first I'm going to personally go kick zuckerberg's ass.
74645 notes • Posted 2021-10-28 22:26:18 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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jimimn · 4 years
waddup introduces hit it 🎨(i'm answering yours right now 😏)
I am ALWAYS amazed by how you remove yellows from the gifs without making the features turn dark OR magenta. I really really admire that about your colouring style. Remember that one jihope set from that vogue video both of us had made and mine was so painfully yellow and yours was just SO FUCKING PRETTY WITH NO YELLOW IN SIGHT AND ONLY BEAUTY and omg mine looked like the set had jaundice or something 😭😭😭
now... im looking at your gif page and amai im going to break so many rules because I want to scream about every gifset here 😭😭😭😭
jungkook sg21 THE COLOURING HELLO???? the quality???? absolutely perfect 😭😭😭 and the moments chosen are so SDFGHSJDKF ITS MAKING MY BRAIN AND HEART MALFUNCTION TOGETHER BECAUSE HOW CAN HE BE THIS CUTE AND THIS HOT AT THE SAME TIME IN THE SAME GIFSET AFSGHDJFKG and the bonus pls im so soft 😔😔😔 and again absolutely no yellow here and only pretty colours 🥰🥰🥰 like im not saying yellow isn’t pretty but dfgh you get me 😌
NAMSEOK SO MUCH SEROTONIN IN ONE PLACE 😭😭😭 the moments perfect the colouring perfect <33333 “as talented as my 8 year old daughter” THIS STILL SEND LMAO I CAN’T 😭😂😭😂😭 94s besties 🥺 THE BV 3 BEER DATE AND THEN THEM JUST SITTING IN SILENCE ON THE BENCH AND TALKING i live for these wholesome moments 😔😔💖
NO WORDS JUST KILL ME ALREADY YES EXACTLY THAT I WILL NOT SAY ANYTHING ANYMORE :))))))) JAIL FOR U :)))) absolutely in love with the brown tones in this set which is actually making it harder to breathe because its so intense AND THE BONUS BYE IF YOU WANTED ME TO PERISH YOU COULD’VE JUST SAID SO THERE WAS ABSOLUTELY NO NEED FOR THIS ATTACK 😭😭😭😭 the blacks and the browns make his skin look so ... um... for the lack of better word. delicious AND THE SWEAT IS SO CLEARLY VISIBLE IM DYING ok before my soft stan self becomes nastier I will stop here <333 
i honestly wanted to include all the gifsets here but I really really controlled myself otherwise i would’ve gone on and on 💀 anywaygsvhjd thank you for all the serotonin and beauty you bring on our dashes with your beautiful gifs. introduces hit it will forever be grateful 😔💖
the ask link won’t be visible here under the cut so im just gonna skip it lmao asdfgh
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vandergeld · 5 years
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                  hey  everyone welcome BACK to my blog  ,  hi  , how  are  ya ?   i’m   RUZZY   (  or  ru  ,  rudy  idk  if thats too  much  lmAO  )  &  i  have  not  been  apart  of  a  group  in  84  years ............  that  graphic  is  so  extra  but  i  was  bored  &  first  impressions  are  everything  ,  ANYWHO  this  is  my  mans WARNER  played  by  my  mans  GRAYSON DOLAN  ,  who  lacks  f’n  resources  so  i  gotta  work  some  magic  w/  all  these  gifs  on  tumblr  lmao  so  any  gif  icons  are  noT  mine  for  the  most  part  they’ll  be  taken  from  gifs  alr  created  (  s/o  2  the  fly  hunnies  that  made  ‘em  )  anyway  ya’ll  don’t  really  care  abt  me  lmao  soooooo here’s warner ! PLS  feel  free  to  hmu ANYTIME  for  the  plots  &  things  of  that  nature  u  could  lit  never  bother  me  idc ,  my  discord  is  𝐫𝐮𝐳𝐳𝐲𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐝𝐚𝐮𝐳𝐢#1643 if  u  everrr need  to  get  ahold  of  me  when  im  not  on  tumblr  !
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         𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐘𝐒𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐎𝐋𝐀𝐍, cismale, he/his. → look out, there’s 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐄𝐑 𝐕𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐑𝐆𝐄𝐋𝐃. you know, the 𝐓𝐖𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐘  year old 𝐁𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 of 𝐁𝐄𝐓𝐀 𝐋𝐀𝐌𝐁𝐀𝐃𝐀 𝐌𝐔. you know, i overheard someone say that they were 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐄, 𝐑𝐄𝐁𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐎𝐔𝐒 , 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐆  and 𝐃𝐄𝐕𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐃. but that’s just rumours. fresh new pairs of air jordan 1's, the roar of a crowd in a stadium, and lost weekends come to mind when i think of them. what about you? [ ruzzy, he/him, 18, est ]
//   »    GENERAL      :
FULL NAME   :   warner     evangelino   alexander       vandergeld       (   inspired by the antagonists of white chicks lmaooo   )     .
HOMETOWN  : new  york  city  ,  new york  .
NICKNAMES   :   dumbass   .
AGE   :   twenty  .
BIRTHDAY   :   october twenty-first   .
ZODIAC   :   libra   .
GENDER   :   male   .
PRONOUNS   :   he      &      him   .
NATIONALITY   :   american   .
ETHNICITY   :   german  ,   italian  ,  irish   .
LABEL(S)   :   the   golden boy   ,   the   lothario   ,   the   jock   .
TROPE(S)  :  chick magnet  ,  hormone-addled teenager  ,  unwitting pawn  , upper class twit  ,
OCCUPATION   :  college student  &  collegiate football player  & full time frat bro  .
FRAT : beta lambada mu  .
MAJOR   :   environmental science  .
POS  : charming  ,  charismatic  ,  brave  ,  athetic ,  dedicated  ,   eco-friendly  ,  high-moral compass  ,  book smart  ,  kind  ,  energetic  ,  optimistic  , loyal (  most of the time  ) ,  respectful  ,   well-rounded  ,  level-headed  , ambitious  ,  debonair  ,  life of the paty  .
NEG   :  compulsive  ,  easily-influenced  ,  dimwitted  , hypersexualized  ,  problematic  ,  addictive  , rebellious  ,  bemused  ,  defensive  ,  clingy  ,  hopeless-romatic  ,  overly-competitive  ,  envious .
INSP  : nate archibald  (  gossip girl  )  
//   »    PAST      :
          warner   was  born  &  raised  in  the  city  that  never sleeps  and    is  the  product  of  evangeline   moretti-vandergeld  , an   intelligent   american-italian  socialite  turned   environmental   politician  ,   and  captain  william   vandergeld  ,  a  former   navy   captain  ,   and  now   a   shareholder   in   some   boring   fortune   500   company   that   allowed   his   wife   and   son   to   live   an   affluent  ,   and   privileged   life  . his   mother  however  ,   was   the   real deal  ,   often   using   their   sum   of   wealth   to   donate   to   multiple   charities  ,  organizations  , etc, she was  dedicated  to  keeping  new  york  city  (  and  all  who  lived there  )  clean  and  safe   , and  she instilled  those  same  values  onto  her  son.
          some people are born lucky  ,  and others  ,  lucky  to  be  born  .   warner  was  the  first  option  .  his childhood  was  nothing  short  of  happiness  ,  and  happiest  days  were  with  his  mother  ,  for  as  long  as he  could  remember  ,  any happy  moment  in  his childhood  was  faded  right  into  her.
          things  took  a  drastic  change  his freshman  year  of  (  private  obvy lmao  )  high-school   .   warner’s  mother  was  diagnosed  with  breast  cancer  ,  and  little  to  his  knowledge  ,  it wasn’t  looking  pretty  from  the  start  .  she was  frequently  in  and  out  of the hospital  for  a  few  months  at  a  time  and  it  was  not  looking  good  on  any  fronts  .  one  day  when  she  went  to  the  hospital  it seemed  like  she  never  left  ,  maybe  she  didn’t  ,  those  days  were  a blur  for  warner  to  be  honest  .  watching  his  mother  lose  life  , every  single  day  was  not  a task  he  was  up  for  .
          by  then  it  was  just  warner  and  his  father  ,  they  were  all  they  had  in  the big  city  . (  when  he  wasn’t  always  away  on business  )  warner  grew  up  in   that  big  luxy  town  house  all  by  himself  ,  with  the  company  of  loyal  maids  ,  chefs  ,   and  nannies  of course  .  but  in  high  school  , the  more  he  really submerged  himself  into  it  ,  it  was  a  crazy  world  &  he  loved  it  .  whilst  getting  demands  from  his  father  in  tokyo  to  attend  those  boring  sailing  classes  ,  warner  instead  headed  out  to  their  beach  house  in  the  hamptons  for  an  early  20  rager  .
       warner  undoubtedly knew  the  power  he  possessed  ,   big  man  on  campus  type  &  it felt  good  , until  about towards  the  end  of his  junior  year  he  was  honestly  all   partied   out  ,  but  of  course reputation  is   everything  ,  in  order  to  keep  up  thats  when  he  picked  up  the   real  ugly  habits  ,  that  were  of  course  fun  .  smoking  numerous  amounts  of  marijuana  ,  various  girls  in  -  and  -  out  every other  day  was  a  feeling  like  no  other  ,   he  knew  it  was  wrong  ,  he  knew  his  mom  would  be  ashamed  ,  him  doing  all these  things  and  not carrying  on  her  legacy  in  some  way .  but  he  couldn’t  help  himself  in a  all  honesty   ,   and   no  doubt  some  of  that  transitioned  over  in  college .
//   »    AES   :
          lost weekends partying  ,  chicken  wings  &  french  fries  ,  air  jordan  1′s  ,  gucci  guilty  cologne  ,  friday  night  lights  ,  clouds  of  smoke  &  red  eyes  ,  diamond  encrusted  jewelry  glistening  under  bright  lights  in  a  dark  room  ,  nike  sweatsuits  ,  game  winning  moves  ,  new  york  city  at  night  ,  hamptons  in  the  summer  ,  spring  break  in  miami  ,  impulsive decisions  .
//   »    TL;DR   :
(  and  some  stuff  i  probably  missed  oops  )  warner  is  a  conflicted  mama’s   boy  who  knows  half  the  shit  he does  is  wrong  but  can’t  stop  .  after  his  mothers passing  he had  an absent father  who seemed  to  always  be  away  on  business  ,  only  in  town  for  a  month  or  two  ,  missing  his sons’ multiple  feats   to  keep  himself  distracted  from  the  fact  that  his  wife  was  no  longer  with  them. created  immense daddy  issues  for  warner  ,  especially  since  he  was  a  standout  football  star  &  2x   stage  champ in  high  school  ,  and is  currently  playing  collegiality  for  the  irish ,  with  dreams  of  making  it  in  the  nfl  cause  screw  his  dad  he  don’t  wanna  go   2  the  navy   ,   or  work  for  dat  company # not  gonna  happen .  warner  took  great  advantage  of  wealth  &  his  fathers  absence  ,  but  he’s  lowkey  partied  out  in  college  ,  or  so  he likes  to  say  but  he fakes  it ‘till  he  makes  it bc  he  doesn’t  his  brothers  to think  he’s  lame . HE’S  LIVING  FOR  EVERYBODY  BUT  HIM  BASICALLY .
//   »    HEADCANONS    :
warner  is  on  a  football  scholarship  majoring  in  environmental  science  bc  although  he  most  likely  won’t  do  shit  w/  da  degree its  for  mommy  .
he can EASILY  be  manipulated  or  taken  advantage  of  ,  he’s  book  smart  but lowkey  dumber  than  a  fucking  box  of  rocks 
immastonerbyyoungthug.mp3  .  occasionally ,  but  ,  more  so  than  that  ?  he  always  manages  to  flush  out  his  system  in  time  if  needed  be  ,  but  he  loves  2  roll  up  #  stress relief 
a  BEAST  on  that  field  (  student  athlete  meme  here  )
has  all  the  canon  gray  tattoos  bc  fuck  what  dad  thinks  .  he  wears  a solid  16 inch gold  chain  ,  and  another  of  the same  length with  his  moms’  name  on  it  , never  fucking  takes  it  off  ,  showers  with  it  cause  he  can  .
ok  ........  he  rich  ,  but  like  not  i  can  do  whatever  i  want  rich  ???  he  may  not  ever  have  to  work  a  day  in  his   life  ,  but  he  don’t  got  the pull  u  think  he  does  w/  his  dumb  ass  u  probably  couldn’t  even  tell  he’s  got  money  with  his  minimalist  fashion  sense  .
he  has  a  higher  moral  compass  than  most  of  his  frat  bros  ,  but  the  stupid  shit  he does  ,  u most  likely  won’t  even  be  able  to tell  ,  he’s  definitely  a  serial  romeo  and  a  heartbreaker  ,  one  compliment  ?  he’s  ready  to  drop  his  pants  &  fall  in  love  w/   u  .
HE DUMB  ,  but  like  he  can  talk  his  way  into  &  out  of  anything  ,  most  of  the  time  ,  batting  those  big  brown  eyes  &  a  million  dollar  smile  has  saved  his  ass  on  multiple  occasions  .
EX-GIRLFRIEND :  i’m  thinking  his  first  &  only  “  serious  “  relationship  while  in  college  .  were  going  pretty  steady  until  he  cheated  on  her  (  hmm wc  on  who  he  cheated  on  her w/ ??  ) ,  she  never  found  out  but  that  guilt  ate warner TF UP  so  he  cut  things  off  with  her  via  text  message  and blocked  her  number  ,  ignores  her  any  chance  he  gets  ‘till  this  day  ,  cause  he  doesn’t  have  any  balls  and  cannot  face  his  fears  .
FRAT BROS  : lowkey  what  i’m  MOST  excited  for  asdfgh  like  whoever  is  in  beta  lambada mu  hit  me  the  fuck UP so  we  can  discuss  dynamics  ,  roomates  ,  allat  .
FOOTBALL TEAM  : same  for  above  ,  he’s  lowkey  cocky  &  got  sly  comments  when  he’s  on  the  field  ,  he constantly  humbles  himself  but  can’t  helps  it  ,  he is  hot  shit  and  he  knows  it  , how does  his  team  feel  ab  that  ??  w/  his  defensive  ass  !
GOOD-LUCK CHARM  :  prolly  a  girl  (  bonus  points  if  a  cheerleader  ???  im  not  picky  tho  i promise  if  ur  muse  don’t  shake  poms  idc  )  it  happened  out  the  blue  ,  they  screamed  his  name  while  the  team  was  walking  out  for  a  game  ,  and  she  called  that  he’d  get  3  td’s  and  thats  exactly  what  he  did  now  they  joke  ab  it  and  shit  (  maybe  a  goodluck  kiss b4  games  bc  its  warner lolol  ) idk  i  came  up  wit  it  on the  spot but  i love  it.
//   »    MISC   :
i’m a dumbass  &  this  got  way  longer  than  i  expected  but  if  u  made  it   all  the  way  thru  ily . 
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seokkie123 · 5 years
-- showho, rated T, 1.7k words
for the prompt “weightlifting fairy kim bok joo” on twitter! I haven't watched this show, but I googled the plot and then somehow came up with this although it isn't exactly the same. also I really did not think it would be this long asdfgh I didn’t wanna write out full sentences so I did this script type thing, but the next thing i know the damn thing is over 1000 words smh @ myself. anyway I hope you enjoy uwu
Lee Hoseok: champion weightlifter of X University, won multiple awards with his impressive display of strength despite having a somewhat leaner frame, however his personality is a complete 360 from his body— the softest man you’ll ever meet, cries at sad movies, loves his family to death, strangely does not seem to have many friends...
Son Hyunwoo: supposedly captain of X University’s pro level swim team, probably has the same number of trophies as disqualifications... no doubt the best on the team but rarely shows up to practices, has the body of a greek god but his aloof, occasionally rude personality turns people away
Lee Jooheon: Hoseok’s close friend, training to lift weights himself, is the only one that knows Hoseok’s story, and why he doesn’t have many other friends, warm and friendly but don’t piss him off
Yoo Kihyun: Photographer and reporter for X University’s newspaper, has interviewed Hoseok several times, and Hyunwoo only once for 5 minutes, may have a thing going on with Changkyun but don’t tell Hyunwoo
Lee Minhyuk: one of the few rays of sunshine in Hyunwoo’s life, Hyunwoo’s roommate and close friend, also one of the only people Hyunwoo trusts to tell the truth about Changkyun
Chae Hyungwon: kind of a mystery since he’s either asleep, drowning in a hoodie and long hair, or modeling for Kihyun, used to date Jooheon, extremely observant and knows more than the rest think he does
Im Changkyun: Hyunwoo’s adopted younger brother, knows how soft Hyunwoo really is, very sheltered by Hyunwoo after what happened in their past, rarely leaves the house, instead studying on his own and winning scholarships to keep them both from drowning in debt
Scene starts with Hoseok complaining to Jooheon about wanting someone to cuddle, someone to love. They’re studying at the library but Hoseok keeps getting distracted by a couple seated a few rows away so Jooheon proposes an idea.
Jooheon: You know what? Today’s the day. [slams hands on his desk]
Hoseok: Huh?
Jooheon: We’re gonna get you a boyfriend. Or at least kickstart your nonexistent love life. Come on, pack your stuff, you’re not doing work anyway. I know exactly where to go to find guys your type.
Hoseok: [flailing] Wha— wait—
They leave the library, Jooheon briefly pulling Hoseok behind a wall to avoid talking to his ex before heading over to the campus gym.
Hoseok: [pouty] Jooheonie, I work out here all the time, I won’t find anyone—
Jooheon: [puts his hand over Hoseok’s mouth] No. Tell me who you like and I’ll make it happen.
They watch people entering and leaving the gym for a few minutes, then Hoseok finally points to someone talking to the guy at the counter.
Jooheon: [visibly pales] Don’t point at him!! You’re... You’re kidding right?
Hoseok: [innocently confused]
Jooheon: Fuck, you’re not kidding are you.
Hoseok: No? He looks hot.. I mean he’s probably too hot for me but—
Jooheon: No, no hyunggg... that’s Son Hyunwoo, captain of our swim team.
Jooheon goes on to tell a wide-eyed Hoseok about Hyunwoo’s reputation.
Hoseok: Really? Are you sure those aren’t rumors... If he’s the captain then there’s no way he can be that bad..
Jooheon: I’m just telling you what I know but if you still want to go after him then it’s your call.
Hoseok: Hmm... I might. Not because I want to date him but because I want to know more about him.
Hyunwoo is seen leaving the gym, walking their way.
Jooheon: Hyung, don’t do something stupid—
Hoseok: [determined] The first step of my plan is to get him to notice me! So I’m just gonna walk by and pretend to be on my phone and bump into him, wish me luck!
Hoseok walks his way, weaving through a few other people walking by, and ducks his head, pretending to be absorbed in his phone. But he hadn’t taken into account how fast Hyunwoo was walking, and before he can stop, they quite literally collide, and Hoseok is pushed away.
Hyunwoo: [not looking at him] Stay the fuck away from me.
Hoseok: [rubbing his arm, upset and mad] Wha... What the hell?!
Jooheon: [runs up to Hoseok once the coast is clear and Hyunwoo is gone] Hyung!! Are you okay?!
Hoseok: No! He can’t just do that me, he doesn’t even know me!
Jooheon: Aaaah, I knew something bad would come out of this... He’s just like that sometimes, don’t take it personally.
Hoseok: [furious] I have to take it personally! He pushed me and was downright rude to me and im gonna make him apologize! [rushes off in the opposite direction]
Jooheon: [softly] What have I done?
Next scene has Hoseok outside of the swimming pool, waiting to confront Hyunwoo. Most of the other guys are out of the water since practice ended a few minutes ago but Hyunwoo is still swimming laps, much to Hoseok’s annoyance. After 10 minutes he finally gets out and Hoseok rushes in.
Hoseok: [stuttering] Son Hyunwoo!! [starts to fluster while watching his dripping wet body]
Hyunwoo: [glances over] Do I know you?
Hoseok: [almost shaking under Hyunwoo’s gaze] You should. You shoved me and were rude to me for no reason!! I want an apology!
Hyunwoo: [watches Hoseok bored] I think you have the wrong person.
Hoseok: I don’t!! It was two days ago, outside the gym, I was walking by and bumped into me and then told me to get the fuck away from you or something!
Hyunwoo: [blinks] Ah. I remember now.
Hyunwoo: I wasn’t talking to you.
Hoseok: What?! So it wasn’t you who pushed me either?? Just admit you’re a dick and apologize to me.
Hyunwoo: Hey...
Hoseok: [shrinks a little, stepping back] It really hurt my arm you know... and what kind of person just goes around saying...
At that moment a few swimmers walk by between Hyunwoo and Hoseok. Hoseok steps back to give them space, but then slips and falls right into the pool. The other guys maybe let out a few laughs but quickly move on, not bothered to stay. Hyunwoo seems puzzled, but doesn’t do anything until it’s clear Hoseok can’t swim.
Hyunwoo: [sighs] Of course he can’t swim..
Without much grace, Hyunwoo dives back into the pool and easily lifts Hoseok to the surface. Hoseok is coughing, clinging onto Hyunwoo and quite honestly looks miserable. Looking down at him, Hyunwoo feels something strange for a moment.
Hyunwoo: You should really stay away from pools if you can’t swim.
Hoseok: [still coughing, shaken up]
Hyunwoo: Well, I guess now is a good time to tell you I really wasn’t talking to you when I said to leave me alone. I had my earphones in one ear, and I don’t think you saw. And for shoving you... you kind of were in my way. [shrugs, a little awkward] I... I’m sorry I hurt your arm though.
Hoseok: [out of breath, not meeting Hyunwoo’s eyes once he realizes he’s still clinging onto him, and Hyunwoo hasn’t let go either] You... you’re bad at apologizing.
Hyunwoo: Thanks. I don’t do it much, so consider yourself special.
Hoseok: [blushes a tiny bit, unsure of what he meant by that]
Hyunwoo: [finally becomes aware of the fact that they haven’t moved, and treads them over to the steps out of the pool] Here, get up.
Hoseok: [frozen] I... can’t move my legs.
Hyunwoo: [supresses a sigh] Okay then hold onto me. [shifts Hoseok around onto his back, and with some effort, piggybacks him out of the pool]
Hoseok: [wobbles over to a chair and collapses in it] Um.. thanks for saving me. I’m sorry I called you a dick. [his teeth start to chatter]
Hyunwoo: [stares at the sight of a drenched and weak Hoseok for a second before leaving to the locker room]
Hoseok: [confused and upset when he doesn’t come back, gets up to head home while leaving a trail of water behind him, kind of wanting to cry] He... just left me... I guess this is my fault for overreacting again...
Hoseok makes it all the way through the sports facility, attracting stares as he does, and sniffling until he hears someone calling out.
Random guy: [running towards Hoseok] Hey! Hey you!
Hoseok: Me?
Random guy: You know there’s like no way the bus drivers will let you get on while you’re drippin water everywhere right?
Hoseok: [feeling close to tears again] I know. I was gonna walk home.
Random guy: Really? How far of a walk is it?
Hoseok:.... like an hour and a half.
Random guy: [laughs] Okay. Well if you wanna walk then I won’t stop you, but if you’d like towels and dry clothes we do have some—
Hoseok: Yes!! I mean.. yes, please. But where... how...
Random guy: Almost all the guys on the team always keep spare clothes in their lockers. The older guys tend to try and push everyone else into the pool as a prank... senior privileges. [brings Hoseok into the locker room]
Hoseok: [nervously glancing around hoping not to run into Hyunwoo, but at the same time wishing he could talk to him more]
Random guy: Hey, do you have the clothes?
Random guy #2: I need to talk to you. [glances at Hoseok] Dude, you look pathetic. Take these towels and dry yourself off, we’ll be back.
Hoseok: Oh... [watches the guys leave to have a hushed conversation a few lockers down, sighs and drys his hair and body as best as he can]
Once the guys come back, they have some clothes in their arms. They seem a bit nervous for some reason, but Hoseok is too grateful and happily accepts them anyway. He quickly throws the shirt and jeans on, liking that the shirt hangs a bit loosely on him. Hoseok thanks them again as he rushes out of the locker room, needing to get home and recount the happenings of today to Jooheon.
Scene changes to Hoseok getting off the bus at his stop. There seems to be some construction going on, so he takes another route to get to his tiny apartment.
He turns a corner, and almost bumps into someone.
Hoseok: [yelps, and jumps back so they don’t collide before staring up at him in horror]
Hyunwoo: [just looking Hoseok up and down]
Hoseok: Um. I didn’t know you lived around here— I was just— There was construction so— I’ll leave [tries to rush away from the awkward situation]
Hyunwoo: Wait.
Hoseok: [freezes]
Hyunwoo: Why are you wearing my clothes.
Hoseok: [internally having a meltdown] ...why is this my life.
~ to be continued ~
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PLEASE share your fantastic beasts 2 opinions
alright I’m not gonna turn this into a full fledged dissection of the story or anything because I’m tired and also don’t want to care about the movie that much, so I’m just gonna list stuff off the top of my head I remember bugging me when I saw it yesterday. obviously, spoilers:
so like we established the American Wizards™ have a congress with a president and everything but literally the very first thing we see on screen is the words ‘American Ministry of Magic’ please just remember what you named things
the whole opening scene with Grindlewald escaping literally. did not need to be That Long. surely if he was powerful enough he could’ve just…killed everyone at once and bounced like
I know it looked cool at first but it really just ended up dragging on 
‘how do we make him look even more evil’ ‘ooh…let’s make him kill the lizard’
the title, “Crimes of Grindlewald”, made me think oooh, we’re gonna get a backstory here, we’re gonna find out what he’s been doing that makes him the most-wanted wizard in Europe!!! but no
he literally barely even COMMITTED crimes in the movie asdfgh like a few murders but nothing that would imply he was Worse Than Voldemort…literally the most he did was give a speech which the aurors themselves said wasn’t illegal
Nagini was. worse than I expected
like did she even talk??? I’m screaming 
Eddie Redmayne was phoning it the fuck in acting wise and honestly mood
like. my love has an Oscar. we know what it looks like when he’s trying. he really just read his lines and got his paycheck lmao I can’t blame him
actually speaking on that, Jude Law and Alison Sudol were the only ones who seemed to care lmao
did Tina do anything the whole movie??? no
Credence had like maybe three lines despite being the center of the plot
we didn’t need the parasite in the eye scene
why was Nicholas Flammel…………Like That
GOD that character that was half-house elf. like, first of all. Blatant Starkid plagiarism. they could make a case for copyright infringement,
JK Rowling wrote that character in there, made the concept canon in this movie, as a means of leaning over to me and whispering in my ear, “Barty Crouch was an Elf-Fucker, Barty Crouch and Winky the Elf were fucking” AND I HATE THAT FOR US!!!
why did they have to make every single thing about Leta be cryptic like…calm down
why did we have to make Queenie a rapist, kidnapper and a fascist??? like. like. I just feel as though we could have…..not? done that? like there could have been other routes taken? just saying
why was every other sentence spoken reminding you that they were in Paris 
were Leta and Credence on the Titanic??? wtf
out of every hp character they could have referenced with a relative….McLaggen??????????
I thought Dumbledore was the transfiguration teacher??? why was he DADA???
McGonagall being a grown woman and a professor at least 10 years before she was born…..imagine being that powerful
why did all the aurors move in a fucking pack like….am I supposed to assume there’s absolutely no other crime happening other than Grindlewald?? not a single thing people might need the police for??? nope all of them just had to roll up to Hogwarts to stare at Dumbledore and pose like they were in fashion catalogue 
so how did we get from ‘Dumbledore won’t move against Grindlewald because he’s still in love with him but he eventually realized he needed to put the good of the world before his personal feelings, a character point that plays a major role in Harry’s story, and took him down and imprisoned him’ to ‘Dumbledore is 100% pro taking down and possibly killing Grindlewald and he wishes he could do it himself but because of a blood pact he physically cannot do anything and has to send spies to do the work for him’ like. how did we make that jump. just curious
the really went and implied Grindlewald could’ve stopped Hiroshima and the Holocaust. that….was a lot
also, actually, you know what? can JKR just….stop trying to tackle Hot Button Issues™ already because she’s really fucking bad at it???
I remember in the first movie there was that scene where Newt and Tina were given the death penalty, and the way it played like. it was CLEARLY supposed to be a statement on the American justice system she wasn’t even trying but uh!!! hey Joanne!!!! you already established that in Britain the wizards have their souls sucked out of their bodies!!!! so you kinda fell flat!!!
and then in THIS ONE it was all, the aurors are trigger-happy, they’ll torture you, You Cannot Trust The Wizard Cops and yeah! that could’ve been an interesting route to explore! especially given the current political climate about the police which obviously inspired that plot point! BUT UH. THE BAD GUY WAS THE ONE TELLING YOU THE COPS WERE BAD???
so even though we were *showed* the aurors doing these Bad Things uh!!! you aren’t supposed to agree with the evil fascist dude!!!! and Theseus and Leta and Tina were all portrayed as good guys even though they were among the group!!!! Hmmmm!!!!!!
um. some good things? The scene where Newt disguised himself as Theseus and then immediately ran into Theseus was the funniest fucking thing ever. Tina still being able to do her job and work with Newt while she was upset instead of being played as the Jealous Scorned Ex Who Won’t Cooperate was good. Pickett and the Niffler were still cute. the magic fight scenes were visually stunning. that’s all.
Zoe Karvitz is a solid person to have in your franchise!!!! she barely even had a coherent plot line!!! what happened there!!! 
they could’ve done more with Theseus 
the timeline for Credence to be a Dumbledore LITERALLY IN NO WAY works out with the already established timeline honestly what the fuck. that was the dumbest thing ever
probably gonna be some fucking twist like Grindlewald fucked Arianna or Albus’ mom or something and he’s Credence’s father. just wait. I literally wouldn’t put that past this franchise. 
uhhh…that’s all I got for now. if you like bad movies, I definitely recommend!! :) 
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jgreenfeld · 5 years
meet the muse;
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jessica abigail greenfeld | 22 | bisexual | irish-american | aeronautical engineering student/mechanic | potterhead | supernerd | oreo addict | bookworm | cheerleader
1. Harry Potter
Your obsession with Harry freakin' Potter is a timeless affair. You read the first book tucked into a corner on the a tour bus, musicians fiddling with their instruments all around you, but you were lost to them. You were too busy learning spells, playing Quidditch and fancying yourself Mrs Jessica Potter. Sure, a lot of your friends have outgrown their Harry Potter phase, but you don't think that'll ever happen to you. He was never just a character to you, he was a comfort when you were recovering from your illness and figuring out what life was going to be like without being able to hear things from now on. You lost quite a number of things after the meningitis hit, but you never lost Harry. He taught you how to be brave and true and a little bit sassy, and you're always going to love him.
2. Atticus Finch
Your father is a mechanic, not a lawyer. He wears sports jerseys instead of tweed suits. But he's still the closest thing to Atticus Finch that this world is going to get - in your eyes anyway. Your dad was the first one to introduce you to To Kill A Mockingbird. He panicked and shoved his own copy into your hands after you finished the fifth Harry Potter book and spent three straight hours wailing over Sirius. Of course, TKAM wasn't going to be something that necessarily cheered you up, but you were hooked from the get-go. Atticus taught you how to be just and fair. He taught you to think about what it would be like to walk a mile in someone else's shoes. He taught you valuable life lessons that you still carry today, and even though it would be impossible to hope that everyone in the world could be more like him, you could at lease try to channel all that energy yourself. You like to think that he taught you how to be a better person.
3. Mark Watney
Mark Watney taught you that space is dangerous and terrifying and that it has the potential to be the very death of you. He taught you that it's vast and empty and nothing but a challenge. And it only made you love it even more. When your father picked up on your space obsession, right after your solar system model won first prize at the middle school science fair, he gave you a copy of The Martian. In all honesty, he had no clue what it was about but the name hinted that he was on the right path. You devoured it whole. Or rather... you spent the full night yelling at your book whenever something traumatic happened and Michelle fully attempted to smother you with a literal pillow just to get you to shut up. Mark Watney made you fall in love with space even more, and he kickstarted your desire to work for NASA one day. When you feel like you're never going to make it, you just need to look to him for a kick up the ass.
4. Gilbert Blythe
Gilbert Blythe is the very first love of your life. You understand that there's a high chance you’re not his type, because when he tugs on Anne's pigtails and calls her 'carrots', she hits him over the head with a slate and it's love at first sight for him because of that. If Gilbert Blythe ever tugged on your hair to get your attention, then you probably would have just decided to marry him right then and there. Still, what's not to love about him? He's kind and he's funny and he's smart and he cares about school. Perhaps you would be relationship goals based solely on the fact that you're a nerd and he's a nerd. But you'll never get to test that theory out, which is a shame. In the meantime, Gilbert is setting the standards for all other men and he's raised the bar to a whole other level.
5. Paddington Bear
Paddington Bear is the reason you demanded a duffle coat and red wellies at the age of six. He's the reason you wanted to travel to Darkest Peru whenever a family vacation was brought up. And he's the reason that you still unironically enjoy a marmalade sandwich, even to this day. Plus, he's cuddly and kind and the exact friend you think anyone should have. Honestly, you'd love to be someone's answer to Paddington Bear.
6. Matt Saracen
You're never going to be a football player and, to be quite honest, you never really want to be. You're tiny and any tackle would crush you in an instant. Soccer, on the other hand, is different. And then, of course, there's cheerleading. Matt Saracen was never a cheerleader, although you have total faith in him and believe that he could be anything he wanted to be. He was a football player though, and had always been desperate to be one, despite shortcomings like money and being one of the younger kids on the team. You relate to that. Friday Night Lights taught you all about teamwork. You love being part of a group like that, whether that be the girls soccer team or the cheerleading squad. It's what you miss most about high school, that sense of belonging. You love your family but Michelle likes to make your life a living hell, Brendan can only defend you so much and Gabby has her head in the clouds half the time. Matt taught you that sometimes it's okay to feel way more at home when you're part of a team.
7. Leslie Knope
She likes waffles, she likes fairness and she loves her friends. Leslie Knope is exactly the kind of woman that you want to grow up to be. Maybe you don't have a future in politics, but that's okay! You can still embody her in all the ways that are important. You're a feminist, you would happily arrange a wedding ceremony for two gay penguins and you would absolutely die for Michelle Obama. Leslie Knope is that caring and goofy friend that you want to be, and while you're not as savvy as her or as good with words, and you absolutely do not have her knack for public speaking, you wake up every morning and tell yourself that you're going to be a Pawnee Goddess that day.
8. Clint Barton
You watch the Avengers and you fall in love with superheroes. Your dad seems bolstered by this since he's been trying to get you to read comics for years now, and this eventually persuades you. You discover that you're a die-hard Captain America fan and there are several failed attempts to write a popular Steve/Bucky story when you foray into fanfiction, only to realise you're nowhere near as gifted a writer as you think you are. But you still love this world and these characters and it's like a blanket gets wrapped around you when you find out Clint Barton is actually deaf in the comics. Just like you. You devour Hawkguy, trawl the internet for all the meta discourse and fanfiction you can find and you even dress up as Kate Bishop one Halloween. Clint Barton teaches you that you can have a disability and still be a superhero.
9. Luke Skywalker
There was no way that you were making it through your childhood without discovering Luke. And Leia and Han and Chewie. But Luke was the one that stuck with you most and your dad was very proud of you for that. He's a hero, but not the typical rough-and-tough, 'needs a damsel in distress to save' sort of hero. He teaches you that you can save the galaxy and still be loyal and compassionate and have a good heart. You don't need to be jaded to be a hero, and it's okay to show emotion. And sometimes it's okay to be a little bit of a drama queen as well. You appreciate that last one.
10. Buttercup
The Princess Bride is one of the few movies that you and Michelle actually agree on. Or rather, you like all movies and she hates anything that you like. But even Michelle can't say no to The Princess Bride. Buttercup is a character who undergoes development, giving you hope that maybe one day Michelle will also go through that same growth and decides that she wants you to be her sister. Perhaps it's a pipe dream but you never give up hope. Buttercup also teaches you that you can fall hard and fast for someone who says 'as you wish' to your every command and like, you get that. You're pretty sure that you'd die on the spot should anyone say that to you.
@jupiterjess: i've ran out of oreos. is my life even worth living anymore?
@jupiterjess: the new cheerleading captain at jasper high messaged me for tips. LITTLE OLD ME. i'm blushing hardcore.
@jupiterjess: thank you so much to everyone who failed to tell me i've been walking around with a chocolate milk moustache all day!!!!! you're the best guys!!!!!! thanks!!!!!
@jupiterjess: do you ever just. stop and think. about exoplanets?? someone come hold my hand and talk to me about exoplanets.
@jupiterjess: america, i have no idea what you're doing right now, but you need to be better than this. wake up and smell the racism.
@jupiterjess: 'it's a power that jedi have that lets them control people and... makes things float.' rEY asdfgh
@jupiterjess: as a bisexual, the trailer for 'last christmas' has been very difficult for me. thoughts and prayers for jess in this trying time.
@jupiterjess: @NASA i love u
1. Halleys Comet won’t orbit past earth again until 2061
JESS' INPUT: Okay, so here's another fun fact about Halleys Comet! At Disney's Magic Kingdom, Main Street USA is connected to Tomorrowland by one thing and one thing only. Main Street's design is based on the year 1910, and Tomorrowland's design is based on the year 1986. What do those two years have in common? That was when Halleys Comet orbited past Earth! ... That's more of a Disney World fact, but pretty cool all the same, huh?
2. A full NASA spacesuit costs $12,000,000.
JESS' INPUT: 12 million! That's so much money, holy smokes. Honestly, imagine going around wearing an outfit that cost 12 million dollars. Wouldn't be me! I'm getting anxiety just thinking about it.
3. There may be a planet made out of diamonds.
JESS' INPUT: Okay, so this planet is like, 40 lightyears away and it's eight times the size of earth. Researchers think it could be made of graphite and diamonds and everyone is like 'wow, that's cool!' And okay. yeah, I get it. Diamond planet. That's super cool. But you know what isn't cool? That episode of Doctor Who where they went to the diamond planet and that one woman got possessed. That was the opposite of cool.
4. The footprints on the moon will be there for 100 million years.
JESS' INPUT: There's no atmosphere on the moon so the footprints there can't be eroded by wind or anything like that. So those footprints are going to be there for practically forever. Imagine being Buzz and Neil and being able to flex like that. I went to the grocery store the other day, accidentally dropped a jar of Marmite and then stood in it - so my footprint was there because the cashier couldn't handle the Marmite-y smell for long enough to clean it up and apparently I wasn't allowed to help for 'health and safety'. So at least my footprint is going to be imprinted somewhere. Just nowhere that's as cool as the moon.
5. The moon was once a piece of the earth.
JESS' INPUT: People think that there was some sort of collision which made a part of earth break off. They say it was an early protoplanet of Mars called Theia. Anyway, Theia made the moon break away from Earth but it stayed around to orbit us because of the Earth's gravitational pull. Don't you love the moon? She's a lesbian queen! Hey, maybe Theia had a crush on her or something and just went about it like, the wrong way.
6. There is floating water in space.
JESS' INPUT: Uh huh! So there's this massive water vapour cloud that astronauts found and it holds - oh my gosh, get reads for this - it holds 140 trillion times the mass of Earth's oceans. My head is honestly spinning just thinking about it. 140 trillion! That's crazy!
7. There is a volcano on Mars three times the size of Everest.
JESS' INPUT: Yep, her name is Olympus Mons and I would personally like to know why she didn't have a starring role in The Martian. Maybe it's because she would have easily outshined Matt Damon. Sorry, Matt.
8. In 3.75 billion years, the Milky Way and Andromeda Galaxies will collide.
JESS' INPUT: I'll be honest, my brain doesn't even know where to begin processing this. I can't... compute. What is this... I can't... Sorry, I'm shutting down. Jess out!
7. Hot & Spicy Cinnamon Oreos. - you can pretend you can handle spicy food by eating one of these. and doesn't that make you look cultured, huh? still... it's a weird mix of flavours. 5/10. 6. Peeps Oreos. - a solid 7/10 for taste... but you still feel guilty about eating a fluffy marshmallow chicken, hence the low ranking. 5. Oreo Mini. - all the 10/10 taste of a regular oreo but they're tiny so it's very easy to hide them when you want to sneakily eat them in class! a solid 12/10 for being so gosh darn convenient. 4. Golden Oreos. - look, you were brought up in ireland and that means that sometimes you just really, really want a custard cream, okay? this is america's answer to that and it comes in a delicious, compact oreo form. *chef's kiss* exquisite. 8.5/10 3. Mint Oreos. - honestly, it's so easy to feel halfway to sophisticated when you eat one of these. a solid 9/10. 2. Red Velvet Oreos. - CREAM CHEESE IS THE PEOPLE'S CHEESE!!! 10/10!!!!!! 1. Cinnamon Bun Oreos. - you nearly cried when you tasted these for the first time. the sun was shining. obama was president. your skin was clear, your crops were growing. the promise of tomorrow was as bright and warm as the feeling in your chest when that cinnamon-y biscuit-y goodness first met your tastebuds. you could write an essay on cinnamon bun oreos. 100000/10.
1. Jensen Greenfeld
Your dad is probably your favourite person in the world. You'd do anything for him - including deferring your college acceptance to keep an eye on him, because that's what family does. He's your rock, your best friend, and he's the most giving person you've ever met in your life. He and your mum met in university when he studied abroad for a year and they were instantly best friends, keeping in touch long after they'd graduated and your dad moved back home. He knew your mum always wanted a kid and so he gave her you. It's unconventional, you know that, and most people raised their eyebrows at him helping another woman conceive in such a short time after his wife passed away, but that's the kind of person your dad is. Generosity helped him through his grief. How could anyone criticise that? He taught you how to ride a bike, change a leaky exhaust and adopted Comet for you so you wouldn't feel so lonely when you moved to New York to be with him. When he ended up in hospital, you were beside yourself. But not because you had to stay with him now instead of going to college like you'd planned. You could never begrudge him that, not when so much of his own life has been dedicated to making sure you were happy.
2. Magda McTaggert
Your mum has never had the easiest life. Disowned by her parents after she came out to them, she had to make her own way in the world. That's something you've never been able to relate to, because she made sure that you always had people who loved you. When you were sick as a kid, she stayed up with you every night, barely getting any sleep herself. She was your champion when you began to learn sign language, and she held your hand when the doctors first began talking about your cochlear implants. You miss her when she's in Ireland and you're in America, but she's only ever a Skype call away.
3. Kinsey McTaggert
Technically, Kinsey is your step-mother. But you rarely refer to her as that. She's your ma. She's been in your life since you were three-years-old so keeping her at arms-length with a 'step' term doesn't feel right to you when she's just as much your family as your mum and dad are. Sure, you'll call her by your first name but that's because Kinsey is so terrifyingly, inexplicably, astronomically cool. She's been managing bands for her whole life, she has pink hair and she let you come on tour when you were younger and being homeschooled. Your fondest memories are the tour bus with your mum and Kinsey and whatever up and coming rockers had adopted you as their little sister. Kinsey is the reason you felt alright leaving your mum behind to start school in America. You know she's in safe hands with her wife.
4. Michelle Greenfeld
Michelle has pretty much hated you since the day you were born. Perhaps 'hate' is a strong word, but she highly dislikes you and never let you forget the fact that you're only her half-sister. In some ways, you get it. You came into the family shortly after her mum had died. Her dad had a kid with another woman and, even though there were absolutely no romantic feelings involved, it still must have felt like a kick in the teeth. You try your best to be accommodating of her feelings because you know she's not all bad. The ways she treats Brendan and especially Gabby is proof of that. She can be the perfect big sister - unfortunately, just not to you.
5. Brendan Greenfeld
Brendan likes you though, and you're so happy about that. Brendan is exactly what you want in a big brother. He's protective and funny and taught you all the cheats for his video games, so you're basically unstoppable when it comes to Mario Kart now. He was also the one that told Gabby to shut up when she saw you for the first time after you lost your hearing. He took learning sign language in his stride and always makes sure there's room for you to sit at movie night. Sometimes you worry that, if it ever came down to it, he'd still pick Michelle over you - full sibling loyalty and all. But maybe that's doing Brendan an injustice, because he's never been anything other than the perfect big brother to you.
6. Gabby Greenfeld
Gabby is a sweetheart. She might be a little flaky at times and come out with mildly offensive things, but you know that she means well. Michelle is her favourite but she loves you as well, even if she often turns her nose up at your love for scrunchies and denim jackets. She'd rather get you to wear something sparkly and show-y and while you'll never say no to glitter, you don't think that Gabby's closet is quite for you. In fact, you're pretty sure only she can pull it off. Gabby is wild and free and doesn't care what anyone thinks of her. She's loving and loud and you want to make sure that you get to keep her around forever.
memory one
You blush when Tor lets out a low whistle. "Some talent you've got there, Little J," he says. That makes you blush even more. Tor is just so nice. And has a handsome face. Kinsey says you're far too young to like boys yet and that you're far too smart to like someone like Tor. She says he goes through girls like a revolving door and you're not sure what that means, but you like the attention from him anyway. "I was just messing around," you smile, your fingers trailing over the keys again. He tips back his head and laughs. "Well, mess around anymore and I might be out of a job. Are you trying to upstage me?" Tor teases. Grinning, you shake your head and Serge wanders over. Normally, he's so tall and silent and sort of intimidating but his smile is warm when he reaches over to ruffle your hair. "Say the word and I'll kick Tor to the curb in an instant, Jess," he promises solemnly. You know that they're just joking, but it's nice to feel that sort of validation. Especially when you're a little kid and they're rockstars. That's why music is so special, it brings everyone together, even Irish Harry Potter enthusiasts and charming keyboardists with pretty eyes.
memory two
The headache has cleared up but you still feel groggy and confused and so you fall back asleep again, promising yourself that you'll ask after your mum when you wake up again. Because maybe then you'll be able to hear her. There's no such luck when you come to again. Everything is silent and it's too weird to even begin describing. You're confused at first but your mum's tears, your dad's shell-shocked expression and the grim line set around Kinsey's mouth helps you to put the pieces together. There's a kind looking doctor who's writing something on a notepad for you, and you already know what it's going to say before he places it in your lap. You've worked it out. You're deaf. It's as if years fall away from you at that moment. It's hard to reconcile the news with everything you know about yourself. Your whole childhood has been music and now what? That's gone away and you're just meant to be okay with it? How is that fair? With shaking hands, you take the pen from the doctor and write a reply. As soon as your mum reads it, she starts crying again but your dad finds it in himself to smile and he reaches over to squeeze your knee through the hospital bedsheets. He still has that piece of paper which is stupidly sentimental of him and you love him for it. It read: Okay. What's next?
memory three
At first, you were excited. After years of homeschooling, you're finally going to a proper high school and you get to see your dad every day. What's not to love about all of that? However, now that you're in New York, the nerves have started to settle in. What if no one wants to be your friend? What if the kids at school are weird about the deaf thing? What if they try and touch your implant? What if they don't let you join the soccer team even though Kinsey bought you new cleats specifically for that? Most of all, what if Michelle tries to smother you in your sleep? Your dad laughs when you voice that one aloud. "Don't you think you're being a little bit dramatic?" he asks you, fondly smoothing down your hair. You laugh along with him but you aren't so sure. That night at dinner, Michelle spears a meatball with her fork in such an aggressive manner, glaring at you all the while, that you think you're about to faint. No, you don't think you're being dramatic at all.
memory four
"Jess? Jess, are you alright?" At first, you can't even reply. You're too speechless. With shaking hands, you present him with the letter - your CalTech acceptance letter. Your dad cheers at once and he scoops you up into a hug and you think that you could just die of happiness right then and there. You're going to be studying aeronautical engineering. All of the hard work, the late night physics reading, the dedication to science club, the hours spent in your dad's garage understanding engines, the grease and oil covering your hands and your hair and your face. It was all worth it. And now it's one step closer to NASA.
memory five
A heart attack. Your dad isn't even old, and as far as you know he's always had a clean bill of health so what's changed. You stay silent all the way to the hospital and Brendan lets you. When you arrive, Gabby hugs you and even Michelle manages a watery smile your way. Then all four of you are allowed into see him. He's lying in bed, tubes attached to him, but he's sitting upright and he smiles at you, his kids, even if he does look sleepy. Then he cracks some sort of joke and hell if you can remember what it is. But that's what makes you cry. The idea of college goes flying right out the window. He argues with you, naturally. So you lie and tell him you were never that sure about it anyway. He doesn't believe you at first because that career path has been the only thing you've ever been sure about since you were 11-years-old. Maybe you're a good actress because eventually he relents and lets you stay with him. Or maybe, deep down, he's scared to be on his own now too.
1. Tor Eklund
keyboard player for The Corkscrews
has the nicest set of teeth in the world
went through girls like a revolving door according to Kinsey
called you 'little J'
total dreamboat
saw you as a little sister
2. Graham O'Connell
striker for the boys football team in Ireland
had never seen or read Harry Potter but he had floppy hair so you were willing to make allowances
always complimented your football boots
was your first kiss
asked if the two of you could keep in touch when you moved to Canada
messaged you one day to say he'd started watching Harry Potter
you were overjoyed
messaged you again to say he didn't really like Remus Lupin
you well and truly dodged that bullet, didn't you?
3. Amanda Forbes
literally the prettiest girl you've ever seen in your life
was visiting Jasper in the summer with her family
was also a cheerleader
your bisexual awakening
said she wanted to kiss you because she had never kissed a girl before
kissed you lots of times that summer
ghosted you when she left and has a boyfriend now
well, fine then, Amanda
4. Steve Rogers aka Captain America
I mean, you're only bloody human, aren't you?
1. Neighbourhood Dog Walker
You were fourteen. You needed some money. You loved dogs. It made perfect sense. All the neighbours trusted you to look after their pooches and you made about twenty different canine friends.
2. Apprentice Mechanic
When you told your dad you wanted to be an aeronautical engineer, he said that you needed hands on experience. It helped that he owned an auto shop. Convenient, right? He thought a week working alongside him would help you get to grips with things and prepare you for college. You kept working there for three years. You loved it so much.
3 Aeronatucial Engineer
With your dad on the mend, it doesn’t seem like such a pipe dream anymore. Now you’re at NYU and you feel lucky that they want you to study with them. It’s not CalTech but it’s still one step closer to NASA, and this way you still get to be close to your dad.
1. Comet
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2. Sirius
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Bubbly, optimistic, generous, strong-willed, determined, resilient, resourceful, courageous, cheery, nurturing, reckless, stubborn, lacks self-awareness, self-conscious, easily influenced, cares too much about what other people think of her, total Gryffindor, eats too many Oreos, space nerd, deaf, soccer player, cheerleader, dog mom, half-Irish, half-American.
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seromreven · 5 years
Uhm... could I ask for one story too? Where the m!reader is a fan of Paul who was choose to be an extra on the set of Help on the Alps and Paul is like 'Yeah, why not to go for the pretty boy for once' and subtly flirt with him on set and maybe go further after the shooting. I just love your stories so much and especially the fact that you also write for male readers!
you can ask for all the stories you want! and i’m loving the prompt!! :o
asdfgh, thank you!! you’re all so sweet, ahh  ♡ ♡
You were practically cradling your small paper cup of coffee as you entered the warm cafeteria of the hotel Marieta. You were in Austria in the small village of Obertauern, working as miscellaneous crew and as an extra for the filming of the movie Help!
One which The Beatles were the stars of.
And, you won’t lie, you were a big fan. Especially of the ‘cute one’. Paul McCartney. Gosh, so far you had only just about seen him from a distance as he stood with the rest of the band talking. Honestly. You didn’t dare approach them. Scared of it for multiple reasons.
In the meanwhile, it was noon. And time for lunch. The delightful hotel lunch buffet consistently mostly of German and Austrian classics. Cold cuts, various sausages and the likes. It all looked great. There also was a sprinkling of British assortment. Most likely meant for the unadventurous tourist of the groups.
You picked a little of everything and went to sit at an empty table by a window overlooking the beautiful but looming Alps in the distance.  It was breathtaking.
You took in the scenery as you ate. Watching over the beautiful nature and birds as they passed you by. Tourists and other members of the crew too. They waved and smiled and you did so back at them. This small break from filming was all very nice.
You finished and left the cafeteria whistling a little tune from the musical The Sound of Music. Hey, it was really only appropriate being as you were; in the Austrian Alps. It also had a movie adaptation due to premiere in a few days time. Something to be excited about, surely, as you couldn’t watch it before you were done with working on the movie.
You stepped back out into the cold and, God, was it cold! Austria in March? Who’s idea was this? You shrugged as you went down the brick laid trail towards the set, pulling your coat together to your body. The costume, and non-extra work, forbade gloves and you wish you could snap your teeth at whoever made that executive decision.
Lately, your assignments had been to set up props for various scenes used for the filming of the musical sequence of ‘Ticket To Ride’. It really wasn’t much as most scenes consisted of the boys skiing.
Today; you had to help lift and set up a piano. A goddamn piano. It was meant to be used first when the sun was setting which gave you plenty of time, really, but you weren’t about to underestimate the work that was going to be pulled into getting a piano through snow.
You went back into whistling whatever song you could remember from The Sound of Music as you went your way to the truck that housed the piano.
But it didn’t take long before you halted in your steps. There, not much longer down the path, stood Paul McCartney. He was in the clothes he was supposed to be in for most of the scenes shot in the Alps. A dark fur coat, tight pants that made your mind soar, thick winter boots, and no gloves. Which you wondered about as it was pretty damn cold. And with all of that; he looked cold with his arms crossed tightly around his chest while wearing a rather sour expression. It was pretty cute how he looked.
Considering how to get past him without drawing too much attention; while, yes, as much as you wanted to talk to him and… well, so much else. You really didn’t dare. What was there even to say? Would he even be interested in talking to you? No!
Well, any choice you had in the matter threw itself right out of the window while you were thinking over your choices as he was, in fact, now looking at you with a rather charming smile on his face instead of the pout that was before.
Your eyes met and he winked. And, you know what? Suddenly you didn’t feel so cold anymore. So, you pulled your proverbial shit together and stepped towards him. You were going that way anyway.
“Hi,” was the first thing out of him as you neared. His voice as just as you remembered. Soft with that dear accent of his. You just nodded in greeting as it felt like your throat had completely locked up.
“Have I’ve seen you around?” He asked and you shrugged. How were you to know?
“Surely, I wouldn’t forget a face such as yours. D’you work on the movie?”
You croaked out a yes. Slightly embarrassed at the sound as, God, your throat was so dry from both the cold and being near him. His hands were in his pockets, shielded from the cold, and you copied the move as you too were starting to feel the biting chill that came from just standing around.
You moved slightly on your feet to keep warm and went further along with your answer; “I’m an extra and also do… extra work,” you couldn’t help but small at that bit, “such as heavy lifting work. Like the props.”
“Heavy lifting, eh?” His expression was… something. Smug? Surely not… flirtatious? So you just nodded with a polite smile that grew a little unsure as he stepped closer. Close enough for you to feel the furs of his coat and the warmth of his breath. You quickly glanced around to check if no one else was around. Two men so close to each other was definitely… risky.
“Mr McCartney,” you started but was quickly interrupted by him.
“Oh, just call me Paul,” he was smirking as he looked you up and down, slowly and not at all hiding the fact of his doing it. His eyes looked dilated as he was doing so and you wouldn’t at all be surprised if you were to find out he was high.
Your heart was beating forcefully and, damn it, was making it kinda difficult to breathe.
“...Paul. I have to leave now or I’m going to be late,” you muttered as his hand was resting softly on your bicep. Oh, you couldn’t believe you had said that. He was so obviously flirting with you. Making you feel all kinds of heated and, God, horny. But your work was too important and you stepped back from him.
He looked disappointed and you sighed as you looked down to your feet, kicking up snow.
“Sorry,” you muttered and hurried along towards where you had to begin work.
Later as it had gotten dark; you oversaw the filming of the scene with the piano. The adrenaline was still pumping through you from having pushed and showed the wooden construct up the hills. The sweat down your neck and back had somehow dried while working in the cold. And you hoped that the wetness on your skin and hair wouldn’t result in you getting sick.
You sighed heavily as you stared at Paul during the filming. He looked just as cold, if not even more so than before. Now equipped with a hat that had a little ball at the end of it; he looked so cute as he crawled around the piano with the coat pulled as far up as it could.
It could be obvious to the astute eye that you were staring at Paul. Even as much as you had tried to hide it. Your mind was sitting still on the thoughts of your meeting with him earlier. Had he really hit on you so heavily or was your lust-filled fan mind just making it seem as if he did? Was he even into men?
But perhaps it was true enough. For you couldn’t pretend anywise as he had also been looking at you multiple times throughout filming. And as it wrapped up for the day and you were readying yourself for getting the piano inside again, by stretching and getting large sips of coffee; he had stuck around as the other Beatles went down to their hotel.
He was watching you intently while sucking on a smoke as you and three other men went to the piano. It was even more of an ordeal getting it down than up. Having to pull more on it so it wouldn’t ride down and most likely crash into something… or someone.
He winked at you as you passed by and you almost, almost, lost your grip on the piano. Thank fuck, you didn’t. That would have been disastrous. Every man counted in pulling this thing.
You meet each other each at the end of the hill when you finally had relinquished all control of the piano to some other unfortunate souls and were now desperate to get somewhere warm. He now had the hat off and his hands were deep in his pockets as he was staring you down as you stepped away from the truck.
“Hello again,” you greeted as you went by him and as you had expected; you could hear his footsteps follow you.
Which definitely confirmed your suspicions of his flirting with you earlier that day.
You heard his footsteps hasten in the snow and he suddenly appeared next to you. “I’m sorry if I came on a little too strong earlier today. I-” now it was your turn to interrupt him.
“It’s really quite alright. It was just unexpected and I was on a strict time schedule.”
He looked up at you and stopped in his tracks, which you quickly also did.
“So… you liked it?” He actually seemed nervous and you decided to comfort him in the fact that, “yes, I liked it.” You nodded with a slight laugh.
He smiled widely as he stepped closer to you and looked around before leaning in with a whisper; “so... Can I have this kiss?”
Instead of answering; you too leaned in and joined in for a deep kiss that quickly worked to heat your body up from a long day of working in the cold.
A wolf whistle shot through the air and you practically threw yourself away from Paul and looked around in a panic. It was John Lennon! Who were flashing you two thumbs up while sporting a great big smile.
“Go get ‘im, Paulie!” He yelled and ran off while laughing loudly.
You blushed madly as you looked back at Paul. Who, with a giggle, pulled you back down for a kiss.
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theythemsam · 5 years
spn 12x11, liveblog, collected posts (all 27 of them) or as i like to call it: Amnesia Time... Could be a really great episode if they had decided not to throw in a cheap rape joke!
Witches… probably.
Awww Dean with the cute little rabbit awwww
Dean is really weird in this episode… ufff
The fact that Dean tries to explain away the fact that he just apparently got blackout drunk, but can’t remember anything… is yikes.
#like how often does that happen?
Why do they call Jack “Lucifer’s love child?” Yikes. Gross way to phrase it…
#considering it was rape…..
Also what is epic about a night you can’t remember?
The fact that Sam sees his brother get more and more confused and he doesn’t immediately wonder if maybe Dean either has a terrible concussion, or a stroke or something that is seriously messing him up right now, even without supernatural interference is… weird
#also don’t let him drive!!!
“I’m not gonna apologize for loving that fish. Not to you, not to anyone.” Yeah, you tell em Dean!
#dory is great I love her!!!
“This is a gun, this is a coat, this is… a.. uh.. light stick!”
#lamb. Right. so close.
“Did his hair fall out? From the neck own, is he smooth like a Ken doll?”
Sam, looking absolutely disgusted at the idea: “I don’t know and I’m not checking either.”
#asdfhh #like Sam that does not immediately mean Check His Pubes #how about armpit hair chest hair leg hair #like you have seen each other in boxers before #hmmm idk this episode seems weird to me #might be bc im going from great yockey episode to Glynn?  #and this is only her second episode #and the hitler one wasn’t good either #but anyway the characters feel… off to me #like seriously weird
The fact that the woman finds out Dean may potentially have been roofied and even feels guilty for taking advantage of him (which not her fault, but if something like that happened to me I would feel guilty and disgusting so im glad it’s brought up) but instead of course it’s played for laughs, because we all know men cannot be sexually assaulted
#:-) FUCK OFF #like dean is just like normalizing it to himself again #which sucks cause like yikes but it does make sense with his character and the way he reacts to sexualized violence #but sam? Some compassion here?
And yeah, more sex jokes… which fit great with the fact that Dean might have been /drugged/ while it happened… Yikes
Oh great! Really cool! So Sam you find out your brother might have been cursed with something that messes with his brain… and had sex under that spell… and you call it comedy? Awesome.
Fuck off.
#glynn imma fight you #especially cool since Sam was just raped under the influence of magic… so him calling this funny sure is great! #im gonna have a panic attack over here
Honestly Sam bringing Dean on a hunt when Dean is currently losing his memory and more useless than even a civilian ever could be? Why? That’s dangerous!
Dean is so fascinated by Rowena’s hair asdfgh
Oh man Jensen’s acting of off the charts in this scene
#my, my na- my name is
Asdfh nice voodoo doll
#and dean just pocking it in the face #so that’s why people have migraines
Rowena’s disgusted face
#I love her!!!!
Rowena using Dean to show weakness bc she knows hes not gonna remember it asdghjk
#and the nose boop
Why the fuck does Sam have his phone on speaker? Asdfg
#oh ok for them to listen in that’s smart #but you should still turn the sound down so in case dean forgets and speaks they will hear you
“Right to our doorstep. Hot and fresh, like Pizza” asdfghj
Asdfgh when Dean finally forgets how to read he can just look at the Stay sign, tear it down, and say “this sign won’t stop be, because I can’t read.”
Oh ewww, I don’t like that rude ass witch, but I am getting more and more concerned about Rowena and her life before becoming a powerful witch
#she offered herself to each of those witches? Yikes. Not good consent. #and with the Cat emphasizing that she was a ‘little girl’ this just gets worse and worse
Asdfgh the grenade thrower labeled with a No
#nice cause Dean would have taken it otherwise
Dean with the note that says witch-killing bullets and just smiling all smug
I love him!
#sometimes I do love dean Winchester
If the witch had acted a bit faster, Dean might have shot his brother ufff
They just really had to include a montage with Dean riding Larry…
#not that I fault them for it #the fans would have killed them if they hadn’t gotten it
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hopeswriting · 4 years
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FANDOM: Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
EVENT: Flufftober 2020 
PROMPT: Breakfast in Bed
AUTHOR: @hopeswriting​
PAIRING: Adult!Verde & Adult!Fon
Verde is sick and Fon brings him his breakfast in bed to be nice.
WORDS: 915 (BONUS: 1502)
Fon releases a burst of Storm flames through Verde’s room, then two more before he takes a step in. He’s not fool enough to think he disabled every devices set up by Verde though, but it’ll have to do.
He puts the tray on the bedside table, and turns on the lamp.
Verde is hidden under the blanket, doesn’t move, breathes evenly as if sleeping. Fon kicks the bed.
“Don’t make me knock you out to actually get you to sleep. Hand them over.”
Verde plays dead. Fon flares his flames and he bursts out of the blanket, his skin pale, his stubble unkempt, with dark bags under his eyes, and his hair in a total disarray.
He throws his phone at him.
“The others too.”
Verde rummages under the blanket and throws a couple of more phones, gives up two laptops from under the pillows, and a third one from a secret place in the headboard.
“Your watch too.”
Verde glares at him throughout the whole process of throwing his watch at him, aiming for it to go straight through his skull if the force—and the flames—he used is anything to go by.
Fon rolls his eyes.
He fries the devices one by one with his flames, and slips in the bed. He releases one last burst of Storm flames through the mattress and the bed frame to disable the last of hidden devices.
“Be glad I'm leaving you your glasses. And speaking of them, you didn’t even take them off. How much of an idiot do you think I am?”
“A lifetime wouldn’t be enough for me to answer you.”
Fon plays deaf out of the sheer generosity of his heart. He picks up the tray, and holds it still on his lap the time for Verde to settle against the headboard too.
“How do you feel today?”
“Perfectly fine. And I have things to do, so I would like it if you could release me already.”
“You’re sick. Science told us that, or are you going to deny it? Here, try some bread.”
Verde slaps the slice of bread from his hands. “And whose fault is that? Who’s the idiot who infected me?”
“Yes, because you live such a healthy life Verde. I can’t possibly imagine how else you could have gotten sick.”
“I’m the smartest man in the world.” Fon slumps against the headboard and starts munching on the bread. “I could single-handedly bring society into a new age, a society you’re part of, but here I am.”
“Single-handedly? That’s quite rude to all your fellows competent scientists.”
“You’re right, actually. They might even contribute more than me, as I’m certain they’re not being forcefully bed-ridden as we’re talking.”
“Are you going to just keep talking?” Fon holds a spoonful to his mouth. “Here, try some soup then. I don’t want you to go on a coughing fit on me again.”
Verde drinks his soup obediently, and oh, he does plan to keep talking then? God forbid.
“Where’s Reborn when you need him?”
“On a job.”
“Where’s Luce? She can’t possibly agree with this.”
Fon scoffs. “Luce can’t save you now. She said she won’t take a step in the mansion again before we’re all proven to be in perfect health.”
Verde grumbles, and mumbles, and mutters, kicking his feet—kicking Fon’s feet, and on purpose, Fon is sure.
He slumps against him, rests his head on his shoulder, so obviously sick Fon can’t believe they managed to debate on the fact so many times already.
“You’re all incompetent.”
“For the record, Viper proposed to attach you to the bed until you’re healed, and I’m the only one who stood against that. So you might want to show some gratefulness sometimes soon.”
“You’re all incompetent, brainless, primitive, and a total waste of space.”
“You want some yogurt?”
“You’re all so incompetent, brainless, primitive, and a total waste of space, and—”
Fon shoves the spoonful of yogurt into his mouth. Verde spits it out right back on the tray.
Fon musters all the patience he can.
Was it him that also stood against Lal when she proposed to daze him in Rain flames? What an unwise man he was then.
“This is disgusting Verde.”
“That was incredibly rude. I was talking.”
Fon smiles, with teeth. “I’m listening.”
“Well, as I was saying, you’re all so incompetent, brainless, primitive, and a total waste of space, and I hate you all.” He pushes his glasses back up his nose, smirking smugly. “That’s all.”
Fon crushes the spoon in his fist, stabs it in the tray. He grabs his chin.
“You listen to me well. You will play nice with me from now on, or I will stop playing nice with you and make this whole recovery so much worse than you could imagine. You’ll never be afraid of anything more than falling sick ever again, because every time you’ll catch the symptoms I’ll come haunt you in your dreams like the most frightening omen of death.” He leans his forehead against his, and brushes their noses together tenderly. “Rightfully so. Did we understand each other?”
Verde blinks slowly, a sharp focus shining in his green eyes. “Interesting. I feel unreasonably turned on right now.”
Fon raises his eyebrow. “What’s so unreasonable about that?” He headbutts him lightly, and settles against the headboard again so Verde can rest his head back on his shoulder. “Now be reasonable and finish your soup sagely.”
I headcanon Fon as a sweetheart at heart who can and will go feral if needed, but let’s go with just Feral!Fon instead.
That’s just who he is at his core, his default state, just completely feral, Take No Shit and Give No Fuck, very indulgent to his every desire, 24/7.
Now of course he learned all about being mannered, and harmless/trustworthy looking, and sweet, and restrained because it is needed for the job sometimes, and he can play the part flawlessly, but even then sometimes he just can’t bother.
Just… No, You Live In A Society And I Intend To Break Every Last One Of Its Rules!Fon, you know?
Fon being an actual Storm à la Gokudera, but so much worse (or so much better I guess, depending on how you see it asdfgh).
And so when he meets with the other Arcobaleno, he kind of just sets the tone for all their future interactions.
He meets with the Arcobaleno at the meeting of the Chosen Seven, and his vibes instantly rub Reborn’s, Verde’s, Lal’s and Luce’s the wrong way.
On the other hand Skull and Viper decide to love him, and it’s the birth of such a chaotic trio, Reborn can only be jealous and admiring.
(And he can’t help but side with them whenever it’s time to face consequences, because he just can’t let such a harbinger of chaos being censored.)
Reborn takes one look at Fon and immediately feels so deeply offended and challenged. “I can see you’re a little shit who likes to be a pain in the ass with the people you care about, but this is my role and there can be only one of us.”
Fon takes one look at Reborn and goes “We could have been such a wonderful team, but I can see you like to be the only one in control and I don’t like being told what to do, so you will have to go down.”
It’s not even an hour in the mansion on their first day, and Fon tries to rip Reborn’s smirk off of his face, and pluck his smug black eyes, and cut off his sliver tongued all with his bare hands, because “No, sorry, I’m Take No Shit Give No Fuck!Fon, so you’ll just have to be your insufferable self with someone else.”
It’s their first fight of many more to come.
Luce has none of their bullshit. She is pregnant, and she can’t believe she even needs to point it out because “Hello, can’t you see this big belly of mine? You will behave or god help you.”
She straight up uses her flames on them to daze them whenever they’re about to lash out on each other too much.
Not in a way where she’s forcing her flames on them or crossing boundaries of course, but just enough they don’t want to risk losing their own limbs if they were to power through her flames.
And when she really can give no fuck either, she just straight up… fakes some kind of help-my-pregnancy-is-going-wrong induced attack.
She just collapses on the ground, wailing, her arms tight around her belly, fake tears rolling on her face, begging like she’s being murdered in the worst of way.
The others are losing their mind other this because “What if one day it’s for real??? And what if we’re too late because we wasted time thinking it wasn’t?????? You can’t keep doing this, we’re begging you to stop.”
And Luce looks them straight in the eye and goes “Well maybe it’s time for you to act like adults who are actually adulting like they should.”
And then they all laugh because “What kind of unrealistic demand is that? Woah, you’re so hilarious Luce, who knew.”
(They just start doing it behind Luce’s back like little kids being naughty and not wanting their parents to catch them.)
Skull takes absolutely none of their shits either and it puzzles them all because “Uhmm, excuse you? You’re a civilian?? And we’re literally the Strongest people in the world???”
And he’s like “What, like it’s hard???”
(And it really doesn’t look like it’s hard for him, and it makes them lose their mind like nothing else ever did.)
Now Skull isn’t BAMF in this, and didn’t learn to use his flames in any significant way before meeting them, but he simply has the highest amount of flames and can go on for the longest time.
(And he’s actually very high on the list of the ones whose flames have the most raw power.)
Skull just retreats in what he calls his Cocoon whenever they want to try anything.
He surrounds himself with thick, dense (and powerful) amount of Cloud flames—the others swear they could actually cut like butter—, and chills in the middle of it until they tire themselves trying to push through.
(And then when they grow out of their urge to bully/take advantage of their “weakest” link, and they actual have a healthy relationship with him, he uses his Cocoon to avoid any consequences whenever he messes with them.)
Fon loves trying to break through his Cocoon. Fon is the best at trying to break through his Cocoon. Fon gets worryingly better and better at trying to break through his Cocoon.
Skull asks for proper flames trying from Viper and Lal because hell no, he doesn’t want to find out what will happen once Fon actually breaks through.
Verde never regretted his intelligence more than now he has to be around these people because of it.
And it’s actually saying all that needs to be said because he actually never regretted his intelligence even once in his life before.
He takes it upon himself to be the bigger person, and just ignores them and lets them to their devices. He fully expects the favor to be returned.
The favor is not returned.
Mostly because the others always want him to help them with their new childish plan of the day, or playing referee, or tacking side.
But also they’d be simply heartbroken to have to play favorites, and so they simply have to mess with him too.
And even then Verde takes it and bears with it because he’s the Smartest Man in the World, and he has other things of utmost importance to do, thank you very much.
But he’s just a man at the end of the day, and always snap at them eventually.
It’s always the most interesting weeks to live in the mansion when he does.
Lal just wants some predictability in this godforsaken house. She wants to have landmarks, a routine to fall back to.
Is that too much to ask? Apparently. Is it going to stop her? It will not.
If the others aren’t willing to cooperate with her, she simply will make them do it anyway. This is a treat.
She falls in a master-and-their-pet type of relationship with them, and the others find it funny because “What, you want to train us? Good luck with that.”
It’s a lot less funny when they go “Hold on, this isn’t right, is it actually working???”
Lal finds it cute they bothered doubting her skills to begin with. One of her jobs is literally to teach people to look death in the eye and tell it to fuck off, but they thought they??? were??? going to be a challenge????
She thinks the fuck not.<3
Her team ups with Luce or Verde (or both) are feared by the others.
Viper is there for the sheer chaos of it all. It would be Reborn’s role but he’s too busy competing with Fon, so it’s Viper’s instead.
They’re in it for the blackmail and information gathering too. Nothing like people lashing out when you want them to be their most open selves.<3
But they’re not neutral at all, on the contrary. They’re the wild card.
Some days they want the brand of chaos that will specifically piss off Reborn, so they team up with Fon and Skull.
Some days they want the brand of chaos that will piss off everyone else but them, so they team up with Reborn.
Some days they want a brand of chaos that is organized, so they team up with Lal and Luce.
Some days they don’t want to deal with any kind of chaos at all, so they team up with Verde.
The others treat them cautiously in this regard, and they love it. They love it even more when they dig a knife in their back and abruptly switch sides lol.
They absolutely do favorites too. (Fon/Skull and, surprisingly, Verde.)
And you know, I’m a big Polyamory!Arcobaleno shipper but I strongly feel in this one they’re just strongly and intimately platonic.
Just, you know, Arcobaleno as Family. The Arcobaleno bonding together by giving each other the childhood they never had.
And maybe they don’t deserve it, but I love them so much so they need to have this anyway.<3
This verse was a lot of fun to flesh out a bit! If it spoke to you too, maybe we can talk together about this? I’d love to!
Thank you for reading! Any and all review are appreciated ^^.
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hyuwujin · 6 years
camp w/ stray kids - jeongin
pairing: jeongin x reader
genre: camp!au; fluff
length: 1.4k words
warnings: so much fluff, you might barf
a/n: this has been in my drafts forever but i never wanted to post it bc i didn’t really like it since im not used to the whole bullet point fic thing asdfgh lmk what you think!!! also @felixthekoala wants jeongin stuff tagged to her, so cait, you’re welcome ;) ly boo. this is also inspired by @luvknow‘s barista au (BRUH THAT WHOLE AU IS THE BOMB READ IT NOW!) in a way where each memaber has a specific role and i wanted to give the bullet point format a try.
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counselor for 7-8 year olds
~ is a c.i.t. bc he’s not old enough to be a real counselor ~ ~ plays with the kids a l o t ~ ~ is the one giving snacks out ~ ~ really steals the snacks all the time tbh ~
so first thing’s first
jeongin is a c.i.t aka a counselor in training since he’s not old enough to be a full counselor
which is totally fine with him bc let’s be real. as cute as this boy may be around babies, do y’all really trust him with the safety of twenty little kids?
yeah i think NOT
so he’s usually responsible for cleaning up after the kids have lunch, handing out snacks and just playing with them during free time.
and he can’t complain
he has fun with it.
don’t tell his fellow coworkers and counselors, seungmin and minho that the kids prefer jeongin over them 
it must be his charming smile and interactiveness with the children
he’d be found anywhere the kids were
even during his breaks, he could be found coloring next to a group of kids or helping another group build a lego tower
but by far jeongin’s favorite part of the job has to be the snacks
yes, he hands them out to the kids like he’s supposed to
but that doesn’t mean he can’t have some, right?
so he’s often found in the food cupboard, grabbing handfuls of each tub of assorted snack for his own
and then you come along and catch him red handed
you, a counselor/c.i.t for the older girls ranging from 9 to 13, were sent down to the 7 to 8 year olds’ area of play to get some food since the older girls ran out
and you just walk in seeing this guy around your age stuffing food into his pockets and a mouth full of pretzels is just???
“uhm, hi?”
the boy jumps in horror, turning to see who had caught him.
“I DIDN’T STEAL ANYTHING!” was the boy’s reply and you couldn’t help but scrunch your nose up, watching as some pieces of food escaped his mouth through his muffled shriek
“i’m not saying you did,” you replied smoothly, walking closer to get a look at the assortment of snacks in the cupboard. “mind if i take some for the older girls?”
it was then, when you were standing right beside him, that jeongin registered what was going on.
oh...you were cute.
swallowing the large mouthful, he rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. “y-yeah, sure! just...don’t tell anyone I’m secretly stealing food.”
peering at his staff shirt, you shrugged, “you work here. doesn’t that give you a valid excuse to be eating food? i’m sure you won’t get in trouble.”
jeongin didn’t reply but simply nodded his head acknowledging what you said. and then mentally smacking himself in the head by realizing you looked like you needed help carrying the three tubs of snacks, he instinctively outstretched his arms.
“need help with that?”
“huh?” you had totally forgotten he was standing beside you and assumed he just left you.
“it’s just...you look like you’re struggling so...”
“oh! well, could you? i could make two trips if i have to, if you’re too busy. that’s al––”
“woah, no! i want to help. besides, busy? you just caught me sneaking the camp’s food into my freaking pockets.”
the boy took two of the tubs out of your hands, leaving you to only carry one of them. the walk to the girl’s common area––it was basically the center between all the girls’ sleeping cabins––was a long one so you were hoping the boy would initiate some sort of conversation to make the tension less noticeable.
“i’m jeongin by the way,” the boy introduced, smiling at you cutely.
oh boy, you thought, cute smile? just end me now.
“y/n.” you couldn’t help but grin back.
“so you’re a counselor/c.i.t. for the older girls? how’s that?”
raising your eyebrows in thought, you shrugged, “it’s fine. the girl’s are super competitive with each other which is both a positive and a negative and they could be pretty bratty. but aside from that, it’s a fun job. You? you’re with the younger ones?”
“yeah,” jeongin hummed with a soft smile. “they’re just too dang cute! and they haven’t really grown enough to be complete troublemakers so they’re not that hard to deal with.”
the two of you talked about anything and everything that popped into your minds and for what felt like two minutes was actually much longer than that.
you arrived at the girls’ section of the campground and you involuntarily pouted. 
it was a shame you had to say bye to the cute boy. 
“i uh...hope i see you around?” jeongin stammered, the latter part of his statement sounding more like a question.
smiling back at him, you nodded, “you, too.”
and you did.
in fact, you almost saw the guy daily after that.
you often sneaked to the younger kids’ common area to find jeongin and to your content, most times he was there. other times, he would actually use his break to find you wherever you were.
“y/n!” he’d shout with glee, grinning widely when he saw you show up.
soon enough, fellow counselors would catch on to the two of you and your blossoming friendship and of course, they would ship.
“i saw your girlfriend today,” chan, who was a counselor for the older boys, teased his younger friend.
“hyung~” jeongin would whine, covering his flushed cheeks. 
unbeknownst to him, you were receiving the same pestering.
“you should come by more often,” minho blurted when you were randomly passing him by on one of the fields.
“jeongin does a really good job when you’re around...like he’s trying to impress you or something,” minho shrugging before smirking, “think about it.” and then he’d leave with a wink.
and to make things more embarrassing for the two of you, the campers started to catch on. 
“y/n and jeongin aren’t even counselors for the same group and they hang out all the time,” you once heard one of the older girls whisper in a hushed tone to another girl when you were walking along one of the camp trails.
“aren’t they cute together?!” the other girl shrieked causing you to choke on your own breath. then they’d snap their gaze to you and sheepishly giggle and scamper off.
you stood, blushing a bright red, with only one thought
i have to settle this between us
“so,” you mumbled, sitting on the opposite side of jeongin on the wooden cafeteria bench and table.
his head shot up like a deer in headlights and he was trying not to blush even being in your presence. 
“h-hey y/n!”
“what’s up?” your eyebrows were furrowed, noticing how nervous the boy looked.
“n-nothing. my hyungs just keep bothering me and i think it’s getting to me...”
groaning in remembrance, you rolled your eyes, “gosh, same. they sure like to tease me.”
“what did they tease you about?” jeongin piped, avoiding all eye contact with you.
“you,” your reply was blunt and you looked like you were hardly fazed.
but boy, were you shaking on the inside. 
“mhm, something about visiting you more and making you happy,” you shrugged, pinching your thigh under the table to stop from grinning at the thought.
“what do they bother you about?”
“how so?” you couldn’t help but ask, tracing aimlessly on the table.
swallowing the lump in his throat, jeongin smiled sheepishly, “they call you my girlfriend.”
“oh,” you nodded absentmindedly before your ears perked up. “wait what now?”
“they refer to you as my girlfriend,” he repeated, looking away from you.
lowering your eyebrows to knit them together, you replied flatly, “and that bothers you?”
“yes! wait no, not like that. it does but...ugh,” jeongin covered his face with hands in frustration. 
“it’s just a reminder that you’re actually not.”
for the first time, jeongin turned to look at you dead in the eyes. 
“would...would you like me to be?” you mumbled, looking around the cafeteria, wondering if anyone was actually watching the cringey exchange.
and of course, his hyungs were your audience. 
half of them had there thumbs up, wearing wide grins and nods of encouragement.
the other half, well, they looked like they wanted to be anywhere else but there with their covered faces and scrunched up noses.
“we uh, have an audience so please save me the embarrassment and don’t say no––”
“i wasn’t going to,” jeongin smiled softly, cutting you off.
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xxreadersxx · 7 years
Can I request for a scenario? Btw ur awesome! How sbout Kenma and his s/o having their first kiss, but he's so shy that he runs away, and she chases after. Thank uuuu❤️😊
No, anon, you’re awesome for requesting something so cute!! AND OF COURSE YOU CAN REQUEST THIS ASDFGH When I saw this I instantly had a scenario in my head and I was like ‘awwwww‘ (⁎˃ᆺ˂) So I hope you like this! (945 words! I’m so bad with being long-winded)
Hot sun glares down at the grass a few feet in front of where your feet rest. Leaning against the backside of the gym, next to your boyfriend, you breathe in the clean evening air. This was the only other time, aside from class, that you had to spend with him. Glancing to your left, you notice something odd about your quiet boy. ‘Why aren’t his thumbs tapping the screen like usual?’ You question. Turning your head to get a closer look, you notice that his eyes are locked onto the screen, but his fingers remain motionless.  Tilting your head slightly, you open your mouth, “Kenma? Is something…is something wrong?” You know he isn’t one to speak his opinions or problems, but you can’t help worring over this abnormal behavior.
He sighs, closing his eyes he shakes his head, “No…it’s nothing…” He glances at you, but says nothing more. His thumbs resume tapping.
Okay, it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out that something is wrong, but getting him to tell you that was an exasperating challenge. You look forward and start thinking of a conversation starter, maybe something that could ease an answer from him. ‘Did Kuroo say something to him? Did he get a game over?’ Your mind was racing with possibilities. All thoughts stop abruptly, though, when a hand by your chin is felt, and it turns your head slightly to the left.
Caught by surprise, your brain doesn’t connect the dots until Kenma’s face is just centimeters away from your own. His eyes only partially open, but looking directly at your lips. His cheeks tinted by a deep blush. You begin to relax, your eyes closing slightly. This was it! He was going to kiss you! His lips came closer and brushed yours, soft and gently. Closing your eyes fully, you prepare for his embrace.
Except…wait…where are his lips?
Suddenly opening your eyes at the lack of presence beside you, you realize that your boyfriend is no longer beside you, but walking, rather quickly, away from you towards the front of the gym.
“Ke-KENMA?!” You call out, trying your best not to trip over your feet while standing up, “Kenma, wait! What happened?!”
He doesn’t slow his gait, but simply answers, “Sorry…!” Looking at you with a bright red face, as he turns the corner.
‘Oh, no. This is bad.’ You thought, ‘How was I supposed to know that that’s what he was worried about?!’ You thought rounding the corner only a couple seconds behind him. ‘Uggh’ you slow down and close your eyes, exasperated ‘…too late.’
The chance to interrogate him on his actions was over. In front of you stood a flustered looking Kenma, but also a sly Kuroo whose eyes immediately told you he figured out what was going on. With an inward sigh, you stepped towards the two. You had two options: let Kenma go for now, and risk him getting over-flustered when he tried to do it next time (if there would even be a next time), or talk to him now with an instigating cat between them. Hard choice, really.
Swallowing your pride, you close the distance between the three of you. Kenma looks at everything he can, except you, of course.
“Kenma. Can I please talk to you?” You asked as sweetly as possible. This is going to be difficult.
“Umm..actually I have to go to practice…and Kuroo’s here now so…” He trails off at the end, grabbing Kuroo’s sleeve as a last-ditch effort to run away from his embarrassing, failed, first kiss. Kuroo chuckles and gives you a little smirk.
“Kenma… excited for practice today, hmm?” He remarks, turning towards his childhood friend, who is still pulling him towards the gym entrance. Turning his face back to you, his smirk widens, “…AH! Seeing you reminds me…” He pauses, stopping in his tracks, thus causing Kenma to stop as well. “Kenma, take (F/N) to the infirmary, will ya? I forgot to grab the extra medical tape.” He asks giving you a barely noticable wink. Kenma’s face is a mix of disbelief and betrayal. Kuroo takes one look at his friend’s face, chuckles while releasing the iron grip on his sleeve, and saunters in through the gym doors. Giving one final look at the couple, he warns, “I won’t let you in without that tape, Kenma.” And disappears behind the metal doorway.
Breathing in slowly, you prepare your words, but they never come, because Kenma speaks up first.
“I’m sorry…about earlier.” He starts. His eyes are facing the ground as he fidgets in his spot, a blush visible on his small face.
‘HAAH? Sorry? Why do you have to be sorry? I loved it!’ You thought, but knew you couldn’t just say that to him. Instead, you grab his wrist, and start walking towards the school doors.
“Wha-what are you doing?” He asks.
“We’re headed to the nurse’s office, duh.” You say, not once letting go of his wrist. Looking back at him, you give him a sweet smile. “You wanted to go to practice, right?” You slow down your pace a little, to let him walk beside you. Letting your hand loosen, you move it down to hold his hand instead.
“So…you’re not mad? I mean, you’re not mad at what I did?” He asks quietly, barely a whisper. His face reddening slightly. You could tell he was kicking himself over how he reacted.
Keeping your face forward, you smile lightly and shake your head ‘no.’ You knew that was the right choice as soon as a small smile graced his features. Today was filled with firsts, but you were really looking forward to the sequels.
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soulmatesjjp · 7 years
70 Questions
Thank you @pinkhoodiemark for tagging me in this. I usually get so lazy to do challenges and this one was soooooo long but it’s kinda nice to reflect on some of these ☺️ also I’m pretty sure Emili has tagged me in at least one other challenge before and I wanna fulfill at least one thing she tags me in ✨
this is pretty long so if you really wanna get to know me you can read more under the cut
1. do you have a good relationship with your parents? it’s 50/50 we have our good moments and our very bad moments but sadly, even tho I’m an adult now, things haven’t changed.
2. who did you last say “i love you” to? my pets are pretty much the only ones I’m comfortable saying ‘i love you’ to. I say it to my cat Cloud the most.
3. do you regret anything?
Yes, lots of personal things. Lately I regret my major and not putting more effort in college.
4. are you insecure?
Like everyone I have insecurities but I try not to dwell on them or let them affect me cus I know that they’re insignificant and not worth it. Doesn’t mean I don’t think of them from time to time.
5. what’s your relationship status?
Very single, mostly because I’m not comfortable opening up to people and I’m still kinda struggling with my ‘identity’
6. how do you want to die? the most painless way possible? i don’t...really think about how i wanna die tbh
7. what did you last eat? some store bought chocolate cake I’ve been eating almost everyday 😬 I really need to stop, it’s not healthy
8. played any sports? no, never. i am very very unathletic. idk how i ever managed to run those 12 min miles in high school
9. do you bite your nails? not now but i did a lot as a little kid
10. when was your last physical fight? i’m not much of a fighter but most likely it was a fight with my sister or maybe my mom (don’t worry it wasn’t too rough) years ago
11. do you like someone?
define ‘like’
12. have you ever stayed up 48 hours?
i don’t think so, i think maybe 36 hours would be my limit
13. do you hate anyone at the moment? at the moment no, though I usually don’t feel hate towards people
14. do you miss someone?
i miss the company of someones
15. have any pets?
i have two cats, Maxx (an old lady) and Cloud (my soon to be 3 year old bby) and my sister has a yorkie Oakley (a terrorizer who won’t leave me alone) but since she’s hardly ever home and I’m always taking care of him he’s practically mine
16. how exactly are you feeling at the moment? i feel like I probably sound like a robot throughout all this, sorry I can’t express emotion unless it’s in all caps
17. ever made out in the bathroom? nope 
18. are you scared of spiders? regular daddy long legs are fine but anything bigger than that get it away from me
19. would you go back in time if you were given the chance? I want to say yes because there are things I really really regret that especially affect other ppl but I feel like what’s in the past is in the past and I probably shouldn’t mess with it
20. where was the last place you snogged someone? no comment
21. what are your plans for this weekend? no plans!! my life is so boring since a bunch of my friends joined the military and moved away and some of my college friends have moved on with their life and I hardly see them anymore 😭 (i still have friends they’re just as boring as me)
22. do you want to have kids? how many? not really, i kinda fear having a tiny human growing inside me and giving birth to it. i think if i ever were to have children I’d rather adopt but even that sounds like a big commitment I might never be ready for
23. do you have piercings? how many? my ears have been pierced since I was a baby and I haven’t worn earrings in over 10 years but the holes never filled in
24. what is/are/were your best subject(s)? I was always good at english cus I was good at reading and bullshitting essays
25. do you miss anyone from your past? man, ok there was this one guy/friend who I always clicked with and we were kinda on and off for years but never dated and I haven’t seen him in a few years and I’ve kinda moved on but I still think about him cus we live in the same town and he has a really common face so so many guys I see look like him
26. what are you craving right now? guidance? an epiphany? motivation?
27. have you ever broken someone’s heart? maybe? I don’t know I would really say I broke their heart maybe not that severe...it wasn’t my fault ok I never lead anyone on
28. have you ever been cheated on? Nope.
29. have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry? nope.
30. what’s irritating you right now? the fact that I finally found an installation of photoshop that works but I can’t download it because apple sucks and won’t let me download apps unless it’s from the apple store/one of their developers!!!! 😤😤😤 I refuse to pay a monthly fee for photoshop that’s ridiculous I’m not made of money.
31. does somebody love you? 2 of my pets love me for sure
32. what is your favourite color? Blue
33. do you have trust issues? Probably I don’t fully trust people easily but I’m still friendly with them
34. who/what was your last dream about? I honestly don’t remember I wish I did
35. who was the last person you cried in front of? oh man I cried at work on Valentine’s Day cus we were unexpectedly crazy busy (you can’t even understand how busy) and it was just really stressful for me cus it was only me and another girl handling customer service and she got to leave early (she was a champ idk how she kept a smile on her face even when she left) and there was this especially rude lady I was on the phone with who just wouldn’t stop talking and pretty much blaming me so when the call ended I ducked down behind the counter and cried a little from all the stress (that lady was just the final straw) and I’m sure most if not all my co-workers saw
36. do you give out second chances too easily? I think so cus I don’t really hold grudges I’m too soft that way, but no one’s ever fucked up so bad they really needed a second chance with me
37. is it easier to forgive or forget? for me it’s easier to forgive cus like I said I can’t hold grudges for longer than a day.
38. is this year the best year of your life? definitely not I need to figure lots of things out and do some stuff to get my life on track
39. how old were you when you had your first kiss? i’m pretty sure I kissed dumb boys when I was a little kid but after that I think I was 18
40. have you ever walked outside completely naked?
hell no
51. favourite food?
i love all kinds of food: tacos, tortas, french fries, birria, fishcake, bulgogi, bulgogi fries, actual good ramen. I can’t name just one fave
52. do you believe everything happens for a reason? I used to think that saying was so stupid but lately the way I’ve seen some things happen I’m starting to believe a little in fate
53. what is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night? watched Brooklyn nine nine
54. is cheating ever okay? NO NEVER, unless you’re cheating on some dumb high school quiz I mean it’s not really ok but I won’t judge you
55. are you mean? I think I can definitely be both nice and an asshole to the same people and I’m sorry...
56. how many people have you fist fought? my siblings when I was a kid so 2
57. do you believe in true love? i believe most of us might never get to experience it but there are a lucky few who get to feel it
58. favourite weather? california autumn/winter cus it’s cold but not really freezing
59. do you like the snow? no it’s cold and wet, no thanks
60. do you wanna get married? eh not really
61. is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby? asdfgh I don’t think I’d like any nickname like that
62. what makes you happy? good food, good company, cuddling with my pets, casually hanging out with my friends, and both got7 and monsta x especially their variety shows
63. would you change your name?
never, I like my name  
64. would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed?
I can’t even remember the last person I kissed so idk
65. your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? Try to politely reject them and pretend it never happened so we can continue being friends. Maybe keep my distance from him to give him time to get over it but make sure he knows we’re still friends. And maybe not hang out with him one on one for a while.
66. do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around? yeah, most of my friends are guys and I can be myself around them but I don’t tell them everything about me
67. who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to? my brother
68. who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? I don’t remember but it must have been during one of the occasions I was drunk and in college and opened up to one of my friends and we probably got really personal.
69. do you believe in soulmates? JJP ARE SOULMATES!!! they don’t have to ever get together but you can’t learn about their history and tell me they’re not soulmates (at least platonically) but honestly I strongly believe a strong force like fate brought all of got7 from 4 different countries together. So many trainees get switched around from company to company and either never debut or it takes them 7+ years but with GOT7 they debuted under their first company and their average training period lasted around 3 years. BamBam almost didn’t debut with them because JYP thought he was too young until YG’s show did an episode at JYPE. Youngjae would have never debuted if he didn’t practice and practice and continue auditioning for JYP. I could go on and on but in the end I truly believe jjp are soulmates and got7 are soulmates.
70. is there anyone you would die for? um idk maybe my family and pets but don’t hold me to that
I feel like a lot of my mutuals aren’t really on tumblr any more :// so I’ll tag a few who are still active @katbeom @yubgam @husbandsjjp (I haven’t seen you around in a while either!!)
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danganbonpa-blog · 8 years
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A New Self, A Matricide
A Chef revisiting his old home
( I have been a sucker for the song “What’s the use of feeling blue”, covered by Caleb Hyles lately (linked above). This is just a thing I like to do sometimes asdfgh: the text below is a slightly changed version of the song to fit my thoughts on Teruteru, his new self as an Ultimate Despair, and the day he revisited his old home to kill his mother. Sung by Ultimate Despair Teruteru, to his former self. )
Why would you want to be here? What do you ever see here? That doesn’t make you feel worse than you do? And tell me, what’s the use of feeling, Blue?
Why would you want to employ her
Guests that all destroyed her?
Why keep up her restau-- rant?
Oh, tell me What’s the use of feeling, Blue?
The mafia has a use They can go and fight a war
A Queen she has a use She can tell you what it’s for
Owari terrifies
Saionji she performs
Where’s their supporter When they need him, huh?
You’ve got to be there for them huh
Yes, of course, we still love her And we’re always thinking of her But now there’s nothing we can Do, so tell me What’s the use of feeling? What’s the use of feeling? What’s the use of feeling, Blue? Ohh How can you stand to be here with it all? (here with it all) Drowning in all this regret? Wouldn’t you rather forget her? Ohhh Won’t it be grand to get rid of it all? (rid of it all) Let’s make a plan of attack Start looking forward and stop looking back, well Yes, of course, we still love her And we’re always thinking of her Don’t you know I miss her, too? But tell me What’s the use of feeling? What’s the use of feeling? What’s the use of feeling— Mmm-hmm-hmm, mmm-hmm-hmm Mmm-hmm-hmm-hmm hmm hmm hmm hmm-mmmm
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