#and i wish that mindset wasn't so pushed a lot of the time
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multi-lefaiye · 1 year ago
not sure who might need to hear this or if it's just me that needs to, but i've had this thought for a bit and i wanna write it out
you are not a machine that exists to make art. you are a human being, and human beings need rest and breaks.
creative block happens. it's natural, and embracing it as part of the process is far better in the long run than stressing out over it.
we live in a world that emphasizes productivity above all else and needing to Make Something, but truly it is not the end of the world if you're not productive 24/7.
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fcaruana · 4 months ago
Hiii just wondering if you could please translate this interview Maria gave about Franco? https://youtu.be/AqMKHpuQHLw?si=l9pbKdUVwM52dMuY
Sure, here it is! I skipped a few less interesting parts. For those who don't know, María is one of his 2 managers.
About the 2025 rumors: "All those rumors circulating about Franco signing for a seat are 100% not true. There isn't anything signed. I don't know if you've seen Jamie's [Franco's second manager] tweet saying 'Thanks for the info [about Franco confirmed at Red Bull] how strange, you found out before I did!'. For now Franco is a Williams driver, we have 3 races left with them and at the moment we're in Williams. James himself said he's negotiating with other teams, it's a discussion between teams that I can't say much because I don't know. There is a wish for Franco to stay in F1 in 2025, from so many people: his fans, us, the F1 itself would love for him to continue, Williams themselves are pushing to make it possible. If that wish becomes a reality we'll announce it when it happens for sure. For now, there is not any signed contract."
"I admire Franco so much. The way he's been dealing with the pressure and exigency of F1 is admirable. I was sure it was going to be like this, but he's still 21 years old, working with the mindset of a much older person. The physical and emotional effort he's putting in is impressive."
About how they take much more care of Franco now: "In F1, the only difference is that the exposure is many times higher. Now Jamie and I pay much more attention to the way this is affecting him, how he deals with this exposure and everything that's been happening to him. In that sense, the good and bad things have intensified a lot. So we are keeping an eye on him almost every second, both on and off the track."
About Franco meeting fans and signing their stuff even after Sunday's race: "That's just his nature. We spent the entire weekend hearing crazy stories of people who traveled to Brazil from Argentina by motorbike, people who didn't even have a ticket for the race, people getting wet in the rain. And he was incredibly moved, he felt that very intensively, saying 'what a wonderful thing is happening to me, look at all those people!'. From the paddock we all could constantly hear their chants, songs and screams, and everyone else was like 'what is going on?! what is this?!'. That is super positive for Franco, he couldn't stop coming out, he just wanted to go out and greet them. Obviously by the look of his face, his mood, he wasn't very excited at that moment, but he didn't want to stop giving back just a little bit of their constant support. He's still the same person [as before F1]. After the race he went out with that [sad] face, because he thought 'all those poor people, coming all the way to Brazil and look at what happened'. He felt like he had to do it for them, saying it's for all these people that he has to do well."
"We would've loved to be at the banderazo. Picture this: before leaving we even had to buy an extra suitcase just for all the gifts Franco received this weekend. It's been incredible."
About the impact of Franco's fans on F1: "I don't know if you've seen it, but now the Instagram account of F1 has been posting in Spanish (targeted to hispanic countries). I don't remember the F1 ever making such an amount of posts in Spanish before. This means that the F1 is embracing with gratefulness this community, these new argentinian fans and everyone Franco's bringing in."
About Brazil GP: "It was tough, it started tough and it ended tough. Considering it was an unknown track for him, his first time there, the tricky rain conditions we had, if I go back to all the sessions I think Franco was quite fast, even though he couldn't try the inters until the race because of his crash in quali. So I'm happy with the work he's done, considering he's a rookie, it was his 6th race, the wet unknown track, he did a good job. At the end there was too much water, in the straight there were two big rivers. Unfortunately he aquaplaned in one of them and lost the car, there was nothing else he could do. It can happen to you, like it happened to him and many others, or it can't. So it happened, the conditions weren't good and there isn't anything to throw in his face by my part."
About his relationship with his race engineer and their radio in Brazil: "It's always like this, maybe Franco has an opinion and Gaëtan has another, sometimes they agree but the most important part is that they win and lose together. Franco and Gaëtan will win and lose together, in the good and bad times. We'll never know what would've happened if they had listened to Franco [about him repeatedly asking for wet tyres before his crash]. The point is that him and Franco have a great connection, he trusts a lot in his criteria and this hasn't changed at all. They're always together in the simulator, now going for Vegas and thinking about the future."
About Franco feeling bad for the mechanics after his crash: "He wanted to be there helping in any way he could. I don't know what other drivers do but Franco is very affectionate with all the members of his team and greets them every morning, says goodbye to everyone every night, he has a special connection with them. His biggest worry was the effort they had to put to fix his car so he was constantly coming in and out of the garage, asking if he could help with anything, supporting them and thanking them."
About his relationship with Alex and the overall climate in Williams: "The best thing is that it's like a small family. It's our first F1 team so we can't really compare, but it feels good to work there, it doesn't feel like you're in F1 and feels like we're still in MP [F2]. Everyone is lovely and it's a pretty family-like climate."
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neverchecking · 2 years ago
Maybe some yandere legend headcannons with a reader that dotes on him as they are aware of the things he does for them but loves him back close to a yandere degree and shows public ways of claiming him to other people like sitting in his lap or kissing him so much to the point he turns the same color as his hair.
Legend is like that fugly little rat in the corner that I tried hating but now he's just my baby boy.
Fugly ass rat (affectionately).
This was written under the idea that Reader, when paired with Legend like this, takes no shit. Eats name and takes ass. Stays in drugs, doesn't do school. You know, the Cool kid.
The Cheaper Things in Life
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・❥・So, Legend isn't used to open affection. And I know the obvious route is that he's against it, he hates PDA, yadda yadda yadda, BUT-
(It's my comfort character and I'll mis-characterize him if I want to-)
・❥・Hear me out. It's the exact opposite. With the Yandere mindset, Legend is constantly reminded that things can be torn away, just like that`, constantly. Marin was a grim reminder of this fact. Honestly, Legend swore of love entirely because of the trauma the loss of her left him with.
・❥・But then you, in all your divine glory, come bulldozing into his life, probably flipping off his trauma along the way, and throwing him on his ass along the way.
・❥・He didn't even know how to react when you went right up into his face, barking at him to back off from the taunts when he pushed a little too far one too many times.
・❥・He had been stuck falling for you ever since.
・❥・It took a lot of pride time for him to apologize to you, but he did so, gently asking if you could give him a do-over. And to his surprise, you eagerly agreed, holding out his hand with a wide smile. Reintroducing yourself as if every syllable wasn't already branded onto his tongue.
・❥・He played along however with a small tilt to his lips and a cheeky bow-- even going as far as to take off his hat and holding it in the hand that folded against his torso.
・❥・From then on, your interactions become much more amicable. He'd even go as far as to say (Heart-racing, soul cleansing, spirit leaving-) friendly.
・❥・You seem to be a relatively affection 'friend' however. He can't number the amount of times you've bounced up to him, pressed a sin stained peck to his cheek before bounding off with a laugh on your lips and his hat on your head, leaving him sputtering for a second.
・❥・Or how many times you've come to lean on the back of his chair, arms wrapped loosely around his shoulders as one of the others goes on about a battle plan.
・❥・Or how many nights you've spent cradled in his close embrace, muffling your sobs into his shoulder as you mourn your life previously lived and have broken his heart with your cries about you miss it.
・❥・He would do it all over again, in a heartbeat though. He would fight Hylia herself should you wish, just to minimize your anguish.
・❥・That all being said, he can't even find himself to think of you two as friends anymore. What sort of friends do that? None that he knows of (Never mind that he never lets anyone close enough to do that sort of thing).
・❥・So you must not be friends! You must be too shy to call him otherwise! Which just wouldn't do. How could he let everyone else know you were his and his alone and he would die to keep you by his side or pit his blade against anyone who dares to try and take your place were taken?
・❥・He's the one to ask you out, sitting on a high enough branch that the others couldn't hear you, but you could still watch over them.
・❥・He took a mental picture of your red-cheeks and flustered expression as you stumbled over your words before ultimately nodding slowly.
・❥・After that, it was as if you had been dating for years rather than hours, days, weeks, etc. He just made it so easy.
・❥・You spoke of him with such awe and grace, like you believed the hero title bestowed upon him. You spoke of the little things he did like they were worth tenfold what the monumental ones were.
・❥・And it was so perfect. You didn't care for all the heroics or the adventures, you cared for him. You didn't care if he could take out armies of bokoblins, no, you cared much more when he took the time to fix a hole in your pants. You didn't care if he had solved more puzzles than he cared to remember, but you did care when he took the time to set your bed mat out near the fire before you got ready for bed to ensure it was warm enough for you before nightfall. You didn't care for all the trinkets and rings and items he had that did incredible things. But you did care when he let you lay against his chest, watching him work through more sewing work, with some tune hummed under his breath.
・❥・Golden three above, he couldn't get enough of you.
・❥・At first, he assumed that you were taking your time to warm up to him, and he was giving you your space to do so lest he chase you right out of his arms and into someone else's He wouldn't let that happen, he wouldn't, not again, not again, notagainnotagainnotagainnotagain- . He was fine with that.
・❥・But when he's talking to some unnamed daughter of a merchant, who's much to talkative and trying way to hard to show off her chest to him-- something he took no interest in, not when he had truly ethereal you-- he figures that no, you are in fact holding yourself back.
・❥・You had gone off to some stall, looking at an assortment of fabrics with Legend following obediently after you, aweing over the different textures and colors as he stood on watch. That was when this...wench appeared, twirling a long lock of red hair around one of her fingers. He merely scoffed at her, turning his attention back to you. You were carefully examining two different red fabrics, pinching them closer together to view them side by side. You had an absolutely adorable little pout on your face that he just ached to kiss. He went to do just that before this HARLOT was getting in his way.
・❥・Could she not get the hint?
・❥・Scathing insults laid on the tip of his tongue, waiting to be fired before your hands, soft and understanding, full of nothing but pure love in touch alone, landed on his bicep. Your gaze was sharp and dangerous, honeyed lips leaking venom as you feigned innocence, asking what she was doing.
・❥・He knew he was completely ruined for anyone else when your smile turned razor edged, now a full blown smirk, and your tone remained saccharine sweet.
・❥・He was down so bad.
・❥・You, without breaking so much as a sweat, much less this character you had donned, tore this witch to absolute shreds, watching with some sort of amused glint in your eye as tears welled in her eyes before she was storming off in an embarrassed huff before you were dragging him in the opposite directions, completely oblivious to his lovesick gaze.
・❥・"Their fabrics were cheap anyway."
・❥・Great Din's tits, he was going to marry you someday.
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sophaeros · 6 months ago
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julian casablancas for mojo magazine, november 2024 / issue 372 (x x)
Rock'n'roll Confidential: Julian Casablancas
The Strokes/Voidz mainman talks entitlement, respect and Arctic Monkeys
3AM (Pacific Coast Time) is an atypical hour to schedule an interview. But here's Julian Casablancas, zooming from Los Angeles, where the singer, for so long synonymous with the grit and glamour of New York City, has lived since 2020. He's a busy man: as well as fronting long-running garage rock classicists The Strokes - whose sixth album The New Abnormal won a Grammy in 2020 - he's found a refuge of sorts in his experimental, '80s synths-enabled group The Voidz, whose new LP Like All Before You is imminent. Talking to MOJO, Casablancas remains in shadow, his eyes occasionally reflecting dim light. "I can be a vampire," he promises. "You want a real rock star, bro? But I can be flexible and go into family mode too…"
What are you doing up at 3am, talking to MOJO? It's about the only time I have free. The rest of the time, it's videos and working with managers, going to concerts, social things… so l go all the way around, to crazy night hours.
The new album starts with Overture and ends with Walk Off - is there a concept lurking within? I guess a little. Maybe subconsciously. It hopefully hits if you have taken mushrooms. I had just watched Gone With The Wind, and they used to have overtures at the beginning of movies, and then we end the album with a synthesizer version. But it is not a rock opera story. If anything, the concept was going to be a one-word album title. At first, it was Zeal, then Perseverance.
How do you switch mindsets between Voidz and Strokes songwriting? Voidz songs are where my mind has been pushing me, and where I want to go, and where I am. But the ability or capability or muscle memory of writing Strokes-sequel stuff is just always going to be there. When those songs appear, it makes more sense to put them in each category, but it's not always that clear. But there's more 'no-limits' with The Voidz.
You recently said, "My current solution is to tour with The Strokes and then use the money to record with The Voidz." How did that happen? Years of drama and betrayals and horseshit (laughs). Honestly, l am cool with most of the dudes, and now we're more mature. It's not what I set out to do, but it's a fun, cool day job that I feel blessed to have. But let's just say I was only in a band called Zog, and whatever I worked on 10 years ago in Zog, I would not be interested in any more, I'm only interested in what I'm working on now. It's just the nature of music and creativity, you know?
What did you set out to do with The Strokes? I just wanted to challenge boundaries, and to have an ambitious collective of respectful teammates. Is that The Voidz? For me, yes.
The cliché about Strokes issues is that you were rich kids who weren't hungry enough. Any truth in that? Success affects people in different ways. I'd say there are some elements, probably from me as well, where you can be entitled… all kinds of bands have fallings outs and drama. It wasn't like, Oh, we don't need the money. I think it did take a lot of hunger to get there, but then after you've achieved something, when everyone is kissing each individual member's ass… OK, let's get back to work and do it again. It was like, Uh, no thanks. That's my assessment.
The Arctic Monkeys song Star Treatment starts out, "I just wanted to be one of The Strokes." What was your reaction? I thought, Be careful what you wish for. It was funny, and flattering. I have a lot of respect for Alex and those boys.
Tell us something you've never told an interviewer before. I've been trying to communicate with crows lately. I heard they have an intricate sonic language, but I haven't had any luck. It occurred to me that food would help, so I was trying to feed one M&M's earlier, but he wasn't having it. People can catch me making weird noises, trying to mimic the crow. I think the crows are more startled than the humans.
As told to Martin Aston
JULIAN, DOPE Five of Casablancas's crackers.
Brian Eno Burning Airlines Give You So Much More (ISLAND, 1974)
Benny Goodman Good-Bye (VICTOR, 1936)
Kate Bush Why Should I Love You? (EMI, 1993)
Max Richter Path 5 (Delta) (DEUTSCHE GRAMMOPHON, 2015)
BEAK> Secrets (INVADA, 2024)
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lunar-rcp · 11 months ago
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When you saved me (And now, I'll save you)
☆ tags ; . . Hurt/Comfort, fluff!
!! note : this is practically an epilogue to “The justice that lies within my heart”, please read that first to understand this oneshot! This is basically Roy taking care of Poli after the gunshot, and the entire shock of the gunshot settled in (so much poli angst..)
. . .
There he was, nestled deeply in the comfort of his own bed. Poli had been off duty for a while now, more than he can count. How long has it even been? Time felt endless for the police car, but at the same time; It also felt too fast for his liking.
The others had tended to him during those times. Something he really appreciated. However, there was a singular person who had visited him the most.
A peculiar kind fire engine, with a soft spoken voice that could soothe others to ease. Roy.
Out of all the people who had visited him; Roy visited him the most. Roy always managed to crack a joke, tell Poli about the stories he had while he was on patrol, and occasionally even bring him food.
He cared so much.
So why couldn't he even manage to have a small grin throughout this week?
Poli was in a daze. He didn't understand.
Poli drew a long sigh, pulling the covers closer to his face. This week has been a rollercoaster of emotions for everyone and yet he hasn't even felt an ounce of emotion. Poli felt like he was ungrateful.
“Pfft,” Poli snorted. “Imagine not even expressing your emotions properly, god– get a hold of yourself, Poli.” He silently ranted to himself as he gripped the sheets tighter.
“Uh, Poli?” A distant voice came from outside the door. A voice all too familiar.
“Mm,” Poli hummed. “Come in.” Poli replied in a monochrome tone.
Roy couldn't help but feel a little saddened by how lifeless Poli had looked throughout the week. He wished that he could just see a smile, any emotion would suffice, really.
The fire engine was worried sick.
With a deep exhale, Roy hesitantly pushed open the door with his free arm. On his other hand he was carrying a tray with a porcelain bowl filled with rice. A smaller dish was also next to the bigger one. As to not leave the rice tasteless, Roy had also prepared a few layers of kimchi on the smaller plate. Roy easily had claimed the title of being the best cook out of the entire team, something he admittedly held pride to.
“I, uh–” Roy stammered awkwardly, reading off the script he had mentally prepared before going in. “Brought you some food. Do you need any help with eating? Because, Y'know–”
Roy sighed. “Your arm.”
“Hm.” Poli gave it some thought. He wasn't really hungry the past weeks; not even in the slightest. He had only eaten revoltingly so as to not worry his peers further. “I'm not really that hungry, but you can place it on the nightstand.” Poli gave a small weak smile. “I'll be.. fine.” Would he, really?
“Ah, okay.” Roy averted his eyes towards the side. He knew Poli a little too well to know that smile wasn't genuine. Though, he thought it was best to not push it too far. Slow, little steps were the key to dire situations in Roy's mindset.
Roy gently placed the tray of food onto the nightstand. “Do.. you mind if I sit here?” Roy shuffled his foot.
Poli gazed wearily out of the window, not facing the fire engine. “Like I've said, go ahead. You don't need to ask, it's alright.” Poli answered Roy's question in a dull tone. Poli had also noticed that his tone of voice changed a lot compared to his usual cheerful demeanor.
“Alright, thank you.” Roy slid a wooden stool next to Poli's bed and sat down on it with his hands on his knees.
A minute of silence passed by. It was.. rather hard for Roy to speak out for whatever reason. Usually, he'd have no problem chatting with Poli. But this time it was different.
And he wasn't liking it.
“Uhm, so–” Roy broke the silence. “How's the shoulder? Is it, uh–.. Feeling better?” If Roy was in a competition of the worst small talker, he'd win with flying colors.
“I suppose.. It's fine.” Poli turned his head towards his shoulder, softly brushing over it with his hand. “It's not unbearable anymore, at least.” Poli faked out a chuckle. Anything to brighten up the impending tension.
God, he felt so selfish. He became this sullen, weary person.
He couldn't even muster up the emotion towards the fact he had just been shot just a few weeks ago.
Was this.. his mindset blocking out his feelings?
He didn't know. But.. he wasn't liking this. He noticed over the past weeks, everyone has lost their personality.
This was all his fault. Looking at Roy's saddened expression felt like his heart shattering into millions of pieces.
Roy doesn't need to tirelessly deal with him. He'll have to deal with himself, even if it means he'd add up to Roy's worry.
“Just go, please.” Poli quickly spoke out. Roy's eyes slightly widened at Poli's sudden words, taking a moment's time to even comprehend his request.
“A–Are you sure?” Roy sheepishly asked, fidgeting with his hands covertly. Poli only nodded his head before turning away. He felt too cruel to even look him in the eyes.
(Poli, you monster.) Were words repeated in Poli's head like a carousel at the amusement park.
“Ah.. alright, then.” A sad glint shone in Roy's eyes, but there was nothing he could do. Roy softly breathed out as he pushed the wooden stool back into its proper place.
“See you, Poli.” Roy said his goodbyes, leisurely stepping towards the door.
Poli wanted to return with a simple goodbye, but something held him back.
He felt spewing emotions preparing to erupt out of him.
“By–By..” Poli's voice trembled at the same pace his hands were. Tears pricked at his eyes, it stung.
Instead of a goodbye, it was a plea.
“P–Please,” Poli stuttered. “Don't go!” Poli loudly exclaimed, stopping Roy in his tracks. It was so different from the tired voice he spoke with.
“Huh, Poli? Is there somethi–” Roy turned to face Poli, but that was the arrow to break Poli's ice-cold mask.
Poli cried. He was crying.
“I–I'm, ohmygosh–” Poli could barely muster a coherent sentence over the tears that overflowed from his eyes. “I didn't mean to– I–” He desperately tried to speak out, but to no avail.
“Poli!” Roy made quick steps to his now sobbing best friend. He carefully took Poli's hands into his. The fire engine tenderly rubbed the back of Poli's hands with his thumbs.
“It will be okay, just breathe with me.” Roy exhaled softly, in which Poli had done the same. It didn't take too long for their breaths to be in sync. Although Poli's breaths were shaken, the breathing exercise did help.
“You're doing great.” Roy's face softened. “You've calmed down a little. Now, could you tell me what's wrong, Poli?” His gaze was set on his hands. He didn't want to freak out the police car if he had stared directly back in his eyes.
“It's– J–Just,” Poli sniffed. “I feel so terrible. I--I've been terrible to all of you– And I'm just so sorry.” Poli escaped one of his hands out of Roy's grasp, he frantically tried to wipe away his tears. But, that was when Roy stopped him when he gently wrapped a hand around his wrist.
“You aren't terrible. Please, don't say that.” Roy let go of his hand to wipe away a tear with his thumb. “Remember? You're the heart of the team, Poli. You have saved us countless times.”
“So, please,” Roy placed a hand onto his own collarbone with a determined look that had sparked. “Let me save you, just this once.”
“Roy..” Poli muttered quietly. “How did I even deserve you?” Another tear formed in his eye.
But, this was a different one.
A happy one.
The road may be bumpy, but there were always others for him to help him along the way.
And Poli truly appreciated that.
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styrmwb · 2 months ago
I Beat Games in 2024
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At the start of the year, I started to write my thoughts down about games I beat starting with Chrono Trigger; I eventually got A Lot Better with it, and I stuck with it until the end! I'm quite proud of myself. Sure, the posts are usually long and rambly, but I feel like I've improved at putting down Why Exactly I Like And Don't Like Things. Perhaps I'll get better!
But similar to every company (Spotify, Nintendo, Youtube, McDonald's) doing years in review, I Also wanted to do one for myself! Behold: The List
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Shoutouts Tiermaker for letting me be a coward and not do a strict numbered list (I wish it wasn't so low quality)
Lemme go up with a short little thought and how I think the game stuck with me to the end
The One I Didn't Beat
Baba is You - Game is Frustrating
I started playing Baba after I beat Persona 5, and before Dawntrail came out. I'd wanted to play this game for a good while. Very funny energy, and super cool concept. Change the rules to solve the puzzle. What I got was less a think about how to change the rules game, and more of a block pushing "how do I get the rule that I want" game. I got mad. Is it possible that I was just dumb? Yes, absolutely. But I couldn't get myself to finish it. Perhaps I will return.
C Tier - Liked, But There's Problems
Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail - Falling Prey to Stagnation
I still love FFXIV; and I do think that Dawntrail brought a lot of good things. Soundtrack is stellar, world design is awesome, and once they released the raids? Dude. The combat design this expac is STELLAR. PLUS I GOT TO SEE THE ARK ANGELS AND PRISHE AAAAAA. But alas, the FFXIV formula we've had since ShB still remains. The writing continues to leave a bad taste in my mouth. I'm burnt out. I'm not... Excited to play the game right now. I really hope they fix that, I want the game I love to thrive.
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII - Great Gameplay in a Weird Place
I think I played Lightning Returns at the perfect time. It really felt like XIII-2 Chapter 2. I'm super happy that I got to finish the XIII trilogy. I think the game is good, but I don't know if it's gonna Stick with me as much as some of the higher entries. Again, the soundtrack is phenomenal (FF games Can Not Miss I SWEAR TO GOD), and I stick by the fact that if I were to revisit it, I would get a whole different fun from optimizing time now that I know How Much Time it is.
B Tier - Solid Games All Around
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance - Childhood Chapter Comes to a Close
Another game I'm really happy to have finally finished. Reliving the nostalgia of the past, as well as being able to approach it with an adult mindset. The game was addicting, the style of it still lives in my head; I honestly think it's one of the best artstyles in the entire series. Yeah, there were some problems like the laws and the nature of the grind + new units, but overall I really loved how the game stuck together.
Yakuza 3 Remastered - Closer and Closer to Catching Up
A classic Yakuza experience. It's a tried and true formula that fills my completionist wants and needs. It definitely has the best story of all the LaD games so far (0-3), and while I wish the remaining games were happy fun Sunflower times, I know poor Kiryu won't get to relax. I think the only reason this isn't higher is just cause it doesn't have too much special sauce differentiated from previous games (plus the combat stuff late game docks a point). Either way, still excited to continue on.
A Tier - The A is for Amazing
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth - 2024 (New) Game of the Year
Congratulations to VII Rebirth for being the only 2024 not-expansion game I played this year. This was pretty much the game I rooted for in the game awards (which don't really matter) but honestly I feel bad cause it feels like default. Regardless! None of that matters! Rebirth was such a good game. It made me love and appreciate VII's world and cast so much more than the original did. I loved the new additions of Queen's Blood and Gilgamesh, and I genuinely think that game is the template of what action FF should be. It just needed to not beef the ending to be S tier.
Final Fantasy XIII-2 - Best in the Trilogy
An honest to god surprise hit for me. I did not expect to like XIII-2 as much as I did. The organization and gameflow of it stuck with me so much more than XIII or LR, I loved the small cast: Noel was tragic, Serah got screentime and character, I got more Hope content, and Caius is absolutely one of my favorite FF villains now. The soundtrack fucked, the atmosphere was great; it just really stuck with me. Think what I really would have appreciated is a little more respect on the previous cast.
Slayers X: Terminal Aftermath: Vengance of the Slayer - awsome seekwel to my favorite indy
The thing about Slayers X, is that I Literally don't have any problems with it. The game is EXACTLY what is needed to be. I've never played a boomer shooter, but I had a lot of fun running around, shooting glass sharts, finding secrets, and listening to that 2000s nu metal grungy soundtrack (I'M STILL NOT GOOD WITH GENRES DON'T GET MAD AT ME). It does help that I have some personal bias in the matter, but I love games in this universe and I can't wait for more.
World of Warcraft: The War Within - PLEASE DON'T LET THIS AGE BADLY
This expansion is the direction I NEEDED WoW to go in. The art direction, the story, the characterization, the gameplay. I haven't felt a love this strong for this game since Legion. I haven't been able to check it out beyond the first part of the game due to Money, but I do hope that it's continuing to not suck. I hope that when the Worldsoul Saga completes, I can confidently say to people without feeling bad: "I love World of Warcraft."
Splatoon 3: Side Order - Final Course of Single Player Goodness
Similar to Slayers X; I don't really have any issues with Side Order! It's what I expected, it feels like what I was promised, a Splatoon roguelike. I had a good bit of fun with it, I loved the attention to detail they put in. The gameplay loop was really fun, and it made unlocking bits not a miserable experience. Plus more Off the Hook is always appreciated.
S Tier - Games of the Year, Games of All Time
Persona 5 Royal - Hoo Boy.
The inventor of jazz. The game that crosses over with everything. I understand the hype. I LOVE Persona 5. I think out of every game I played this year, Persona 5 stuck with me the most. It made TIME MANAGEMENT ADDICTING. It gave me a huge cast of charming characters, playable and not. The vibes were immaculate, the story felt cathartic. I loved the gameplay, the interactions of elements, the usage of real world mythology; and though some of the Royal bits could have been added on a little smoother, the quality they gave me clears any complaints I got. The fact that I still have such good memories even after playing plenty of other games tells me this isn't just some kind of recency bias (it might still be), Persona 5 is one of my favorite games ever.
Chrono Trigger - Absolutely Deserved Reputation
Finally. At long last. Chrono Trigger was a game that I NEEDED to play. It's a perfect RPG (well nothing is perfect and I could get some minor nitpicks but). The cast is amazing and well rounded, the battle system is still a classic RPG but takes its own spin, makes it unique feeling. It's not a guys to one side enemies to other random thing, it FEELS like a whole battlefield, the positioning mattering, the interactions between characters, GOD it's so good. For a time travel story, it all makes sense, it does what a time travel story SHOULD. The soundtrack is fucking legendary and I still listen to it to this day. What makes it really special is that I got to play this classic without knowing pretty much anything about it. Chrono Trigger was an absolute treat, and I think it's definitely one of my favorite games of all time.
Of course, these weren't the only games I played this year, just the main ones. 2024 saw the return of my Final Fantasy XI phase, where I got to beat Wings of the Goddess and A Shantotto Ascension (as of writing this I'm still playing); and I have to plug it to make sure people realize that Wings of the Goddess is one of the best FF storylines they might never experience. I got the first Mario Party I ever enjoyed playing in Jamboree, which doesn't feel super mean spirited and rage inducing like previous entries, as well as Mario Kart 8 Deluxe somehow also creeping in. Theatrhythm continued to be a main stay as what I go to to fill my rhythm game need; and right at the start of the year, I finished the pokedex in Pokemon Violet.
Finally, my main replay of the year lied in Hypnospace Outlaw; my favorite indie game of all time. Going back to reexperience it, check out all the new content that got released after my first play, that game continues to remain truly special in my heart.
I wanna keep doing this in the future. It was really fun, it gives me a record, a snapshot of my thoughts; something to look back on. Who knows what'll happen in 2025? Maybe I'll branch out more. Maybe not. Maybe I'll only play Yakuza games all year, it's possible.
And the most maybe of all; maybe I'll play more Actual new releases instead of old games. We'll find out!
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wolfyaka · 1 year ago
Has anybody else been overanalyzing All Might's hallucinations? Because I have and I'd love to hear your thoughts on this:
All Might has literally said twice that they are hallucinations and that those are things he's telling himself, so either for some weird reason he just can't and won't accept these are actually Nana and Nighteye talking to him (which would be weird but it would explain how Nighteye knew that was the actual vision) or they are indeed representing his own mind, which is clearly divided. I'm not saying he's two different people, of course, All Might and Toshinori are one and the same, but he does have a complex and contrasting personality and he can oscillate, just like he shows different aspects of himself as All Might and Toshinori.
Either way, if that's the case, I believe Nana represents his heroic, self-sacrificing to a fault self, always pushing him to keep going no matter what, which we saw in the two fights with AFO actually, and which makes sense because that's what she represented as well; and then, there's Nighteye, which represents his humanity, his fragility and in the end, his inherent value as a human being, his right to live; which is beautiful considering Nighteye is probably the first person that actually cared for his life and worried enough to have an argument with him, mind you, I don't agree with the way he handled it, but his heart was in the right place and he did what he thought was the best.
Which leads me to All Might's mindset when acting. I believe in this whole arc after he retired, he struggled with those two sides:
At times understanding his life was worth protecting and wanting to do so. Pushing himself to believe he could change his destiny and thinking of ways to do so, that is, when he promised to live to Izuku's mom, when he told AFO he'd keep living, when he made the promise to bend his destiny with Izuku, when he talked to Aizawa and said he had decided to live, when he decided to ask Melisa for help, when he used his student's quirks as support, when he started streaming his battle and just being aware of people asking him to live.
But at times, there was also the feeling that his life made no sense without helping as a field hero, mourning how weak his human body was, falling into depression, still craving to hold on to his dream, to his heroic core, and in that, doubting that he'd be able to bend his own destiny because in the end, he'd go as far as it was needed, and that, ultimately, it was fine because that was the heroic thing to do.
I believe he went into the fight with AFO with both mindsets at the same time and that's why in his hallucination he jokes about the mentor being meant to die, just for himself to answer back that no, that's just for comics, heroes are human too.
Also, as a side note, I love that the way Izuku's and All Might's destinies changed, wasn't because they stopped being crazy heroic (which yeah probably don't do that in real life, but hey, they did risk their lives for a very huge, good reason), it was because they allowed other people in, to be inspired, to care, and to help and save them, be it with their wishes and will or directly like Eri in Izuku's case and Bakugo in All Might's case. It seems so beautifully poetic, just like someone else said with the wordplay of the Three Musketeers, they gave "One for all", and everyone gave them "All for one" back, which is what society needed to begin with; the fault wasn't in All Might carrying everything on his shoulders per se, it was that he felt the need to do so because a lot of people didn't care enough to move one finger, like we saw with Shigaraki.
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By the way... this expression is everything I ever wanted T^T
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earthtodora · 3 months ago
man I'm really enjoying all this Yuji analysis, I love this boy so much and there are definitely more sides to him than a lot of people realize. this isn't meant as disagreement necessarily, I just like what u have going on with the asks rn and wanna throw some thoughts in there, but regarding Yuji snapping at Hana and Angel I think it's actually a big sign of growth from him at the point in the story that it happens. Yuji is definitely someone with a lot of feelings and I think he does get overwhelmed by them and act out but not always fully understand his own reasoning, but throughout the story he also spends a lot of time pushing things down for the sake of others, trying to fit into a role and be what everyone needs, and berating himself when he's not able to perfectly fulfill that role.
after Shibuya his whole "I'm a cog" mentality is a kind of trauma response with him regressing to an extent, trying to isolate himself and trying not to allow himself to feel, because he's still trying to play a role and he doesn't think those things fit that role. I don't think he really processes what happened to Nobara until around the time they're staying in the hotel, once he's been able to spend time around people he cares about again, especially Megumi, and remember why he wanted to save people in the first place - he's just having to accept that he couldn't and still can't save everyone. him lashing out a bit at Hana out of fear that she might replace Nobara is Yuji starting to let himself really feel things again. I think he probably acted kind of harshly because it overwhelmed him and he didn't even really get why he was so upset when he said it, and once Megumi pointed out that it's not like him he understood and reflected and said "oh shit my bad I'll apologize." it's just a very human thing to do I guess, and my point is that it's really important that Yuji has started allowing himself to be human again at this point, not a cog with a sole purpose or someone playing a part that no one can actually reasonably live up to. it's a big step towards the self actualization we see in him towards the end of the story and him realizing that the way he feels and cares for people is actually one of his biggest strengths. it really makes me wish there had been more time given to show us that month of training because it definitely wasn't an instant change and I also think Choso probably had a big influence on Yuji during that time but that's a different conversation lol
I'm trying to not clog up your inbox with this too much but also a thought on Yuji and Sukuna: one of the things I like about Yuji as a protagonist is that while he is very easy going and forgiving he has very clear limits, and Sukuna has trampled all over them multiple times. my point in saying that is that I do think during their talk in Yuji's domain that Yuji does feel the same sadness for Sukuna as he would anyone with such a bleak mindset, because that's the person Yuji is, I don't think his show of compassion, the attempt to reach Sukuna and offer himself as a vessel again, is as genuine as it comes off. maybe it's my itfs brainrot jumping out lmao but I think that whole thing is less evidence of some kind of all encompassing compassion on Yuji's part and more a show of the fact that he simply loves Megumi (and everyone else but again, itfs brainrot) enough that he is willing to give Sukuna this out and to allow someone so awful to live in his body again just to resolve things as peacefully as possible and avoid more damage and strain to everyone else and especially to Megumi's body.
that's just my opinion tho!! again, not intending to argue or anything, I just liked the discussion and wanted to throw my thoughts in. sorry if I didn't make sense or if I missed anything in your previous asks or replies, I have had like 2 hours of sleep and I'm about to go back to bed lmao
oh, hi anon! i really love all your thoughts and perspective on yuuji's character. i can definitely see how his actions and reactions make sense within the context of his character development, and it's great to have this sort of a discussion.
i agree with everything you said about yuuji's character development and the way he starts letting himself feel things again, and it makes sense that, at the end of the day, yuuji's strength is his ability to empathise and love so deeply. and the fact that choso played a huge role in this process is a very important detail that is often overlooked.
you see, this is exactly why i love analyzing jjk characters - their actions can be interpreted in so many ways, and their motivations are complex and multi-faceted. i think we are both right about the same character, even though we've drawn slightly different conclusions. and that's the thing about fanfic and analysis in general - i don't see it as an either-or situation. the cog mentality is an important plot point for yuuji's arc, but then again, his character arc is about self-discovery, and finding his own identity outside of his grandfather's wishes, breaking out of his old role, and becoming more aware of his surroundings and his feelings. now whether this would make him more compassionate and less likely to hurt others is up for interpretation, and it's my personal HC that it would, as i have mentioned in a previous answer, but, again, there are no right or wrong opinions about this.
regarding sukuna, i do agree that his compassion towards him in 265 is defintely laced with the desire to protect his loved ones. when i first read this part of the manga, i did feel a lot of conflicting emotions, because i was worried that gege would try to redeem sukuna and/or make yuuji forgive him. but getting to the "sukuna. i loathe you" part (still giving me fucking feelings, goddamn it) was very much a relief. and again, it shows yuuji's maturity that he can remain civil and even show sympathy towards sukuna, without actually forgiving him.
however, in 268, megumi is saved and sukuna is defeated and reduced to ashes, and yuuji, once again, tries to help him. i think that's the true moment where yuuji extends his empathy towards sukuna, because, by this point, there is no benefit or personal gain from saving him, and yet yuuji still chooses to do it, as a show of compassion.
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another thing is the buddhist motives that gege very purposefully chose for this story, and how yuuji embodies them - during his "awakening", he symbolically reaches the nirvana, or a state of pure bliss, and this is where his kindness comes from. the whole idea behind buddhism is selflessness and compassion towards other living beings, and, in a sense, yuuji becomes a living embodiment of the teachings of buddha, by choosing to show love and forgiveness, even to the most wicked and ruthless person, and choosing not to hate. after 265 came out, i made a little analysis on how i think yuuji's domain expansion represents the nirvana.
now my main reason for having the HC that post-awakening yuuji would become more empathetic is not because of his kindness or his compassion, but because, after the awakening, yuuji's emotional state is no longer as unstable, and he can deal with his feelings in a much more mature way. he's also no longer under the pressure of having to fit into his grandfather's role and expectations, so there is less of a need for him to repress his feelings, or act impulsively and make rash decisions.
all this being said, it is not a case of "yuji is an asshole, or yuji is an angel", it is more of "yuuji can be both at the same time, and his emotions can be volatile, as they are for any human being".
thank you for sharing your thoughts, and i think we mostly agree on the same things. and yeah, i'm a sucker for discussions like these, and i'm glad to be able to engage in a conversation like this! <3
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akiyamastar · 2 years ago
Do you ever think about how Chiaki just never gets genuinely mad about anything? He's practically devoid of anger.
Even for the things that he'd be totally justified for if he snapped at someone, he never does it. It's not a new mindset, considering he sucked up all the horrible things that happened to him in Meteor Impact. Generally, he's always been reaching for the ideal of a hero so much that he just... pushes away his own emotions deliberately, seeking to elevate someone else's.
It's something I wish was explored more: how he's bottled up his emotions so much to the point that he doesn't even express anger in a healthy manner. He thinks he needs to fulfill that hero role at all costs, and in order to do that, he suppresses any sort of ugly emotions, replacing them with this sense of energetic happiness that he tries to display to his juniors.
In a way, he's put on a hero facade that even he can't separate himself from. One that could be prone to shattering if he pushes himself too hard. He does loosen up around Kanata and the other graduates a little, acting a bit more like the "boring adult" version of himself, as he calls himself in Comet Show. Even then, not once does Chiaki ever completely put down that act, because he needs to be that hero, or else what will his worth be?
Interestingly, even though he's always been too self-sacrificial for his own good, his facade actually seems to have gotten worse over time, compared to the days of Meteor Impact. This also was probably due to the fact that he had nothing to lose when he was a second-year. He had no friends, no groupmates, and no responsibilities he needed to fill in for others. His mindset and personality were the same in many ways, but the reason why Chiaki seems so meek in Meteor Impact is that there's no one he can be a hero for.
But now, he has Ryuseitai. He now has something he can lose.
Because of wanting Ryuseitai to last at all costs, he's tunnel-visioned so much on seeming like a "cool" reliable senior in front of his juniors and not showing any weaknesses because, inherently, there's a part of him that's scared it's all going to be gone if he doesn't do that.
Whenever Chiaki feels responsible for others, he takes it too harshly on himself. He doesn't confide in his juniors in the same way that he pushes them to lean on his shoulders, and this is a problem. Confiding in someone should be a two-way street, and not something one person can handle alone.
It might even explain some of Tetora's mixed feelings about his leader role being taken away; the problem wasn't necessarily just that it happened, but the manner in which it was done. Chiaki stated that it would be for the better, and of course, you can't completely pin the blame on the guy for looking out for his junior. However, while it's definitely unintentional, his martyr complex and need to be the hero has led to the juniors feeling as though they are throwing a "tantrum" and being looked down upon for their skills, despite being not that much younger than Chiaki and Kanata. Tetora especially feels indignant as a result of these feelings, and he's the most vocal about this even in Submarine.
Thinking back to the recent Ryuseitai event, Universe, I can't say I expected a lot from its writing, and it'd be a bit funny to hold Ensemble Stars' writing to a high standard to criticize things. Nonetheless, there were a lot of missed opportunities that I can't help but think about, and that includes Chiaki's dynamic with Tetora, something that has been vastly unexplored despite the two of them being the leaders of Ryuseitai-N and M at one point.
The part that I particularly enjoyed the most from Comet Show was Chiaki and Midori's conversation because Chiaki starts showing cracks of his serious self. It was something that I thought would be elaborated on more in Universe, except instead of doing so with Midori, it'd be Tetora this time. But, while they did talk to each other, even about how Chiaki wasn't always the strong, cool upperclassman he presented himself to be in front of Tetora, their conversation felt... not nearly as impactful as I hoped it'd be. And I do not know how to personally feel about it turning into an "everyone is the leader" situation. But those are my two cents on it.
TLDR though: Chiaki should be allowed to be a little angry. As a treat. Please.
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quietlyblooms · 2 months ago
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sits here all cutesy. so. chiyo's arcane verse... we're gonna knock into some spoilers, so i'm putting a read more! also so sorry, but i definitely rambled my heart out exploring this topic :' )
one plot point i keep turning over in my head is the idea of chiyo's father either becoming ill or injured and eventually finding his way to viktor's lil community in zaun. i don't know that chiyo would bring him there herself -- she's a skeptic. i think it's more likely that she would scope out this " healer " prior to dragging her dad down there, and i'm?? a little torn on whether she'd be convinced. she doesn't trust people easily, much less an entire community of people, so part of me thinks she'd be apprehensive no matter how peaceful and happy everyone seems.
yet i have to consider how desperate she might be. is her dad suffering from an injury that will heal but perhaps leave him disabled, or is he dying? that's up in the air for me since i'm hammering out details. i also have to consider whether her dad would let her or anyone take him to see viktor... and yeah he would. not for his sake but bc he can tell his daughter or whoever else needs this. they need to try to save him.
that's why i'm tempted to make it higher stakes. so often chiyo is robbed of the opportunity to simply try to protect her loved ones, and not just in this verse. i put her on the sidelines a lot despite her nature. she would do anything for the people she loves, but when she's playing a support role, there's only so much she can do.
and in this verse, she loses kojirou. there's already one death ( if not others among the firelights ) she couldn't prevent, and his stings in particular bc chiyo wasn't there when it happened. she was off living her cushy life while kojirou had his light snuffed out. that tears her apart, changes her. i can't dive too much into that here, but she has to save her dad. she can't let another loved one die. if there's something she can do, she has to do it.
of course, if viktor heals her dad, she loses him in the end. jayce's actions and the ensuing chaos ensure that. and again, there isn't anything chiyo could have done. in fact, she expedited his death -- that's how she'll see it. which... she'll carry that for a while, i think. and i wish i could say she eventually learns she can't control what happens to those around her, but :' )) i think that experience will just solidify her resolve to struggle against the odds and trust her gut.
perhaps she becomes more accepting of the fact that there will be times when her efforts are a waste, but chiyo is stubborn as hell. the people she loses will only motivate her to fight harder, push further, yell louder, pay closer attention. be better. do better. for them. that sort of mindset.
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hyperfixation-or-death · 7 months ago
sam deslandes is haunting my thoughts today. i am rotating him in my mind like a microwave.
headcanons (with a Lot of angst, you have been warned):
he academically peaked in middle school. post-canon, high school is extremely difficult for him. burnout, anxiety, dropping grades, family issues, everything just kind of piles up on top of each other. he gets through it, but it's really not a good time for him.
he's bi. he doesn't realize this until high school.
when he and victor have arguments, the tension goes on past the point when they've both stopped being mad, because of a specific communication issue: sam needs verbal confirmation that victor's not upset with him anymore. victor, meanwhile is of the mindset that words are meaningless, and needs proof that things are actually fine and that sam's not just saying that. mutual miscommunication usually ensues, and causes a fair amount of issues until they work it out.
he gets good at de-escalating family conflicts post-canon. well, depending on your definition of "good" - there's a significant amount of pressure on him to do it, and he keeps forcing himself to do it, with some degree of success, but it's not good for him. he'll regularly find himself managing to keep it together long enough to defuse an argument, then breaking down once he's alone in his room.
post-canon, he considers sofia the most trusted adult in his life.
he and romane have a mutual understanding that when one of them doesn't want to talk about something, the other won't push it. they usually go to each other when they just want the comfort of having someone close by.
he and bilal, on the other hand, are almost always each other's first person to talk things out with.
maybe there's a part of him that almost envies the fact that victor got to break down. that his brother was able to completely fall apart in the most destructive circumstances possible, and still get pulled back from it. and have it all reset. maybe there's a part of him that almost wishes he got that chance, that kind of catharsis. and he knows, he knows that's an awful thought to have. he knows the whole thing was awful, that victor's still dealing with the memories and the powers and the hurt and the guilt. he shouldn't be anywhere close to envious of that. and, really, why would he be? he got off easy. he didn't have to deal with any of the real problems. not like the other three. he was lucky, and now they're all hurting because of things he can't fully understand, so he can shove down his own problems and help them through this. it's the least he could do, he thinks.
he knows victor didn't set the fire on purpose. he never thought it was intentional. but that didn't change the fact that it happened. that didn't change the fact that he got hurt. when he brought it up in that argument, he was mad, and he was frustrated, and he was sick of being the one to watch someone else lose control, sick of holding things together. it wasn't fair. they had to talk about it, about any of it. and maybe part of him wanted what he was saying to hurt. maybe he and victor were both trying to find the words that would cut deep, maybe they both just wanted to win at this confrontation. and it does hurt, and so does victor's accusation of sam being just like their dad. and no one wins, because then victor's gone and sam's left wondering how they had gotten to this point.
victor had a hard time falling asleep at night when they were younger, so sam would let him hang out in his room until he got tired enough to sleep. this worked well for a while. then the fire happened. victor stuck to his own room after that, at least during the night. for a little while post-canon, though, they have a combination of mild separation anxiety and mild insomnia between the two of them that adds up to them staying up late to watch movies in sam's room pretty often.
anyways yeah. sam deslandes. rotating him in my mind.
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egg-emperor · 2 years ago
I don't want to vent much here anymore aside from health update stuff but this ends on a positive note and might help some people so I'm dropping it on main
I've been noticing that a lot of people are very anti recovery in multiple ways and that anon seals it. like the people who have a problem with you and call you out for every little thing they can to have a reason to hate you never actually want you to improve and change for the better
they never want you to recover. they never want you to become a better person. they never want you to heal from harassment and pain they put you through. they don't even give you the chance to change and get better if they really do think you did something wrong
and they're like that when it comes to health as well as behavior, wishing people they hate won't recover from their health issues and deserve it just because they don't like them. as if good health and life is only deserved by those they like personally
their idea of "holding you accountable" for things they think is wrong is by turning everyone against you to try to leave you alone in shame and self loathing, or try to push you to suicide. they don't tell you what you did wrong or suggest how to improve other than backhanded condescending "you're horrible I hate you get therapy and touch grass" comments
because they don't want you to improve. all they want is a reason to hate you and get rid of you one way or other, so you're alone feeling terrible mentally and/or physically because it satisfies them and they get to keep hating and disguise it as morally correct and have everyone else hate you too
those people are not worth your time and stress. they don't want what's best for you. being hurt alone and isolated after people turn against you and try to hurt you, and fearing that continuing to post and trying to get to know more people will end up getting you hurt again, or that nobody will like you is no way to live. get out there do it anyway
and don't ever let them think you don't deserve to heal physically either. they pushed me to hurt myself and spiral into many self destructive behaviors where I was sabotaging myself and I kept letting my physical health get worse while feeling like I didn't deserve the help. I came to regret it and realized I deserved better. and so do you! call your doctor
I say this wholeheartedly instead of the condescending backhanded ways those people said to me while actually just contributing to the problem knowingly. you're not manipulative or selfish for acknowledging that you're hurting and expressing your pain and you deserve to get the help you need. I wish someone had said this to me instead of accusing me of just that
realizing this and thinking this way has helped me a lot. it wasn't thanks to them that I realized my mental health was getting worse and resulting in bad behavior when I was unstable last year and that I needed to make some changes, I noticed that on my own. all they did is push me to the breaking point. and I'm convinced that the stress contributed to my chronic pain worsening and my faints increasing lately too.
they act like they're trying to help when they tell you to get therapy and touch grass but then treat you like a criminal and tell people not to interact with you like you're dangerous. or they don't even try to disguise it as help like that anon and are honest about their intentions
but it was me who realized that I needed help and decided to pick myself up and fight to get better. their cruelty and pushing and pushing me until my mental and physical health got worse did the opposite of that and made me feel like I didn't even deserve the help for a while
but I decided on my own that it was time to make a change and I've improved mentally over time with a new more positive mindset that I'm trying to stick to. but then my physical health got worse and I finally starting seeing a doctor to try to find out what's going on
I will get better. they don't want me to believe I can but I've been getting better mentally as challenging as it can be at times and I hope that has been showing in my behavior. I have anger issues and I get stressed easily but I've been working on controlling that and have been feeling calmer and more at peace
my biggest issue right now is my physical health but I feel that my mental troubles causing anger and stress have contributed to the chronic pain increase and faints from being overwhelmed by it all. so it emphasizes to me that I need to be kinder to myself and not let anger and stress consume me
and now it turns out my hate anons are anti recovery in the physical health sense too. but I'm not going to let that stop me, I deserve to get better no matter how much I'm hated and told to die. those cruel words mean nothing to me anymore with my new more positive mindset. I know their intentions and I know I deserve to get better
now the more people try to make me feel bad about myself and work to isolate me so I feel trapped in it, and the more they tell me I shouldn't recover health wise and should die, the more I want to fight to keep thriving and proving that I'm stronger than that and that they can't bring me down!
I hope I can inspire others do the same because it's really a terrible place to be when people make you believe your existence is the problem and your behavior and mental health can't improve, or that you don't deserve good health and that the only solution is to be isolated or to die, it's not true. you can and you do.
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malepresentingleg · 2 years ago
A little late after the episode but I do have some (over 1k worth) thoughts on BMF and how they handled the whole sex thing that I need to let out before I even go into the tag.
I'll say this show has been very pleasantly surprising the last few episodes, and I was quite impressed with how they handled and addressed very real queer experiences - if it's Pisaeng's beautiful journey with the gay bar, his mom's "acceptance", and the beautiful beautiful rally with the wonderful speakers discussing queer struggles and more.
That's why I had a tiny bit of hope for an asexual Kawi following his comments about sex (can two people who date never have sex? YEAH!), but I wasn't holding on to it very much because I'm a realistic not delusional leg :') So as much as I LOVE this idea and think it could have been very interesting and important and a great opportunity to explore asexuality and relationships - I will write here under the assumption that Kawi is allo and is meant to be sexually attracted to Pisaeng.
One of my least favorite tropes in bl is "the blushing maiden"- where one character really pushes the other into intimacy and the other is avoiding it. If two characters are in a relationship- let them both be interested in each other!!! (uwma and between us are two of my least favorite bls from those I watched bc of that. Bad Buddy is probably my favorite because they show the mutuality of the relationship very well). Some examples for it being done well are MSP - they're BOTH shy and both do want it, they're just kids. When Tinn asks for kisses Gun is flustered and Tinn does it in a teasing way, and very much respects Gun's wishes. Not to mention, he ends up being even more shy.
I think the most similar to what BMF seems to be trying to show would be The Eclipse. Akk is extremely repressed. He's full of self-loathing and internalized homophobia and every time Aye pushes it's to help him be able to do what he wants without needing to admit it. Credit is definitely due to First's superb acting skills because he's effortlessly able to show the audience how much he's torn inside, how much he's very much into Aye, how he WANTS to touch him and be intimate with him, but he's scared and has a lot holding him back. Of course it's not perfect but it didn't give me the ick as much as uwma did, and not as much as BMF did too.
Which brings me to Kawi and Pisaeng.
Pisaeng made this beautiful journey for self-acceptance and embracing his queerness. We as the audience also know how easily things could have turned different and he would marry Pear without even coming out! So we know how much of a struggle it was, and it's reasonable to think- still is, for him to accept his attraction to men. I think that is part of what makes this dynamic between them so jarring - I want to celebrate Pisaeng's confidence, he's being sweet and romantic and giving his bf positive attention in an unapologetic queer way - but then the way Kawi reacts to it makes me also wants to hate it, to feel like Pisaeng is pressuring him and being predatory, demanding without consent.
But it's not what happens. Because of everything I mentioned about Pisaeng, and because he's charming and cute and has been through all that, I find myself "rooting for him" (why are there sides to be rooting for???) and thinking man Kawi is annoying! Didn't he say he's into Pisaeng?? Why can't he show it too, make him feel loved and wanted like he deserves? But that's a mindset I don't want to fall into.
But what I'm missing to feel more sympathetic towards Kawi is what I found in MSP and in The Eclipse - show me he does want it but he's scared, he's not ready, he's shy, anything! But now what I'm getting from him is that he doesn't actually like Pisaeng at all, and all that changed was their official status.
I was very excited for the chat he had with Max (a little bit because he really did sound like an asexual there and I had hope), because up until now he had very good advice and gave great queer insight.
I loved how he talked about his experiences, and said that yes, sex is an essential part of his relationships but - I was so sure he was gonna say it's different for everyone, that Kawi shouldn't do anything he's not ready for and that he should talk to Pisaeng about it.
Instead, when Kawi said he doesn't find sex to be that important in a relationship (ace Kawi! ace Kawi!!), Max kinda shamed him with "well you're a virgin so you don't know", and basically told him "you're gonna do it eventually so might as well now, you're lucky it's with someone you love". Which is kind of a horrible advice IMO. Another approach they could take is tackle why it is that Kawi is so reluctant, discuss his internalized homophobia that still makes him perceive gay sex as wrong and how he can get over it and embrace this part of himself. But the reasoning for him to do it being "just do it" ugh. No thanks.
Another direction I thought it might take and I would have been happy with is Pisaeng maybe apologizing for pushing and expressing hid sadness that Kawi doesn't want him or isn't into him or something like that, and Kawi would then explain and express how much he DOES want him but he's just not ready. ANYTHING. to make me believe Kawi is into Pisaeng and not just forcing himself because he's told he needs to.
The amusement park analogy was a bit on the nose - if you don't try the rollercoaster it's like you haven't really been here = if we don't have sex our relationship doesn't count. Which, ouch. But yeah "it's ok if you're scared, I'll be with you and hold your hand the whole time".
I was a bit surprised they ended up not going, and then again at the car with the roof, but after further thought I realized it was - Kawi saw Pisaeng respects his wishes and doesn't actually cross his boundaries and so he trusts him enough by the end of the episode. Still, the fact they had sex felt... wrong. After Kawi spent the whole episode being scandalized by anything touch related, his conversation with Max, him being scared shitless to find lube, the theme park and then the dinner - the transition to having sex felt lacking. Them just having sex without any sort of discussion about Kawi's reluctance, talking about how it's actually both of their first times (I assume? at least with a man), how it's ok to take it slow.. Idk, Kawi couldn't bear KISSING Pisaeng up until this point, so now they're having sex? It made it feels like he's forcing himself which is the last thing I want for their relationship. I want to see them both wanting each other :')
There were some great highlights like Kawi staring at Pisaeng in bed or calling his mom but for me it wasn't enough to make me feel like their relationship is built on mutual attraction.
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sirsell · 2 years ago
I'm here
Quick Authors Note: This is the fourth chapter of my story I'm here. You can find the first chapter here.
I'm a lot more active on wattpad so if you want check my wattpad out.
English is not my first language do feel free to correct me if you find spelling or grammar errors.
Series Masterlist
Chapter 4
The tea helped a little, at least I wasn't trembling as bad anymore. The police had arrived around twenty minutes ago, but I still hadn't managed to say a word. 
"Lottie you have to talk to the police. We can't help you otherwise." Scarlett tried to get me to talk but I just shook my head. I'm not stupid. If I talk about my father, then someday he would find me and get revenge. And in the end it was just my fault, I had killed my mother. If I hadn't done so, he wouldn't have to punish me.
"Miss Johansson." One of the officers talked to Scarlett. She looked up and sighed. "One second. Lottie, baby. I'll be right back. Lizzie will stay with you okay?" I nodded a little, my cold fingers, wrapping around my tea cup. There was warm steam and the smell of chamomile coming from the mug. Somebody had placed a blanket around me and by now I had wrapped it around me. I saw Scarlett talking to Lizzie, who nodded and then walked over to me. I watched in silence as the brunette sat down, giving me a sad smile, one I couldn't return. All the energy left in my body was spent on not going crazy. "Hey Lottie." She said quietly, but I didn't look up. I couldn't look her or anyone of my 'friends' in the eyes. The worry and pity in their eyes, because they didn't know the whole truth. If they did, they would let my father go and understand that he hadn't done anything wrong. I took another sip of the tea and felt the warmth of the drink warming me up from the inside. 
"Lottie." I heard the voice of a man, probably Robert. "Can you look at me, darling?" I shook my head, but a big hand gently pushed me to look up, forcing me to look up. "I know that your father was drunk and I'm very sure that this wasn't the first time." I looked him in the eyes before looking back down. "I don't know if he hurt you before today, but I'm sure that he has been drinking for a while. And I also know that addicts don't know what they are talking about. So no matter what he told you, no matter what it was, just forget it." I looked back up. For the first time into his brown eyes. "How?" I asked him very quietly. He looked surprised that he broke the spell and I finally said something. His eyes widened a little and he gave me a small smile. "When I was younger, I used to do drugs and drink, but I got help and got better. And now I know that I hurt a lot of people, but once you're in this bad mindset you don't care about others and their feelings, all that matters is the drug." He let out a breath and breathed heavily. You could see that it had cost him a lot of energy. I nodded a little trying to sort through everything he said. 
After everything he said I should forget everything, but my father was right wasn't he? He was just punishing his wife's killer. In my head there was one giant chaos and I had absolutely no idea what to think anymore. Scarlett was walking back over. She gave me a smile but she also seemed concerned. "Hey Lottie. I talked to the police. For the time of the shooting you'll stay in my care here, we'll have to see what happens afterwards." I nodded. Robert had gotten up and Scarlett had taken his place. She gently took the mug out of my hand and put it on the table next to me. She gently cupped my face and pushed me to look up at her. "Baby you have to talk to us. I promise you'll never have to see him again, but for this you'll have to talk to us." Her voice was soft and loving and in this moment I wished nothing more then to curl up into her arms and cry, but I couldn't do this. Not now. Not here. Not after everything that happend here. "Lottie please." She was begging now. And in her eyes I could see the worry. "I'm fine." I somehow croaked out. What happened to her pull me into her chest and letting out a sigh. "You're not okay. You're hurt." She replied, but I just shrugged.
"I deserve this." I heard a strangled sob. Definitely not mine. Scarlett was crying. Tears were screaming down her face and she was sobbing. She pulled me closer to her chest and kissed me on my hair. 
"No you don't. Nobody does and if this has to do anything with your mother. It wasn't your fault." She somehow brought out, when she calmed down a little. I shrugged, but this time she didn't let me off this easy. "Say it. Say, you know that you know that her death was an accident." I shook my head. "Father said something different." I mumbled and she looked mad. Her whole demeanor changed. From soft and loving to mad, angry and filled with murderous Fury. "Lottie. He lied. He can't accept that your mother died and now blames you. But it's not your fault." Now the tears were streaming down my face as well and the trembling I had just shaken off, was coming back. Scarlett brushed her hand over my hair, before she got up and held her hand out to me. "Come on, baby. You gotta talk to the police. They'll ask you some questions and you'll have to answer them completely honestly." She took my hand and pulled me in a standing position, before she gently pulled me towards the two cops.
"Sit down love." She was starting to walk away, but my hand gripped onto her wrist. "Don't leave me, please." She looked to the cops who nodded and then she took a seat next to me. 
"Okay let's start with the basics. What's your full name?" 
"Charlotte Louise Young."
"Mary Young and Charlie Young."
"Okay." The officer nodded and wrote the answers again. 
"Now to the difficult topics. When did your father hurt you for the first time?"
"The day after my mom died." "What did he do?" He asked and I tried to  resist the urge to roll my eyes. "In the beginning he just yelled and then he slapped me. Afterwards it was like a dam broke and he didn't hold back. But it's okay I deserve it. I killed my mom." Noe both officers were looking at me. Her eyes were wide and both seemed shocked, while Scarlett just sighed. "Her mother died in a car crash, picking her up from school. I think her dead made her believe she killed her mother ever since." The officers nodded and leaned back a little. "One more question. According to what Misyer Evans and Miss Johansson told us your father was taking of your clothes, as they opened the door. Did your father ever sexually assault you?" I shrugged and looked down. I hadn't been prepared for this question. "Lottie." Scarlety next to me started to stroke my arm and try to calm me down. "It uhm wasn't his fault. I look like her and he was drunk and I and…" I broke down in tears. I was done. I had no more energy left. No nothing mattered anymore and I just wanted to sleep and never wake up again. 
"Baby. Let's go. You can sleep in my trailor." Scarlett said and helped me up, but ChrisH who was close around was faster and picked me up and carried me to Scarletts trailor, where she convinced me to go to sleep. 
"Go to sleep love. I'm here. Nobody is going to hurt you. You're safe." I heard the blonde say, as I cuddled closer to her and her hand carefully combed through my hair.
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eggxdragoon · 2 years ago
I hope to stop talking about my personal life and circumstances to anyone now because the only times I have, people claim to understand and support me through it but then instantly switch and rudely use it against me as if they want to blame me and say it's my fault, as a way to insult me the second they start to hate me for other reasons
anyone who blames me for being stuck in life at the moment and finding it hard to progress in any of the ways one is expected at my age, despite knowing the reasons are fucking scum. especially when they rub it in my face like I'm just some lazy horrible stubborn piece of shit despite the mental and physical agony I'm in on a daily basis
I had years of my childhood stolen by all the horrible traumatic and depressing shit I went through that I don't even speak of and also forced isolation throughout all teen years so I never knew what it was like to be social. I'm still a stranger to the world who hasn't talked to anyone outside family in years because it's so hard and scary to even fathom now
I have anxiety that can be debilitating because the reason I was successfully lured into forced isolation is when it was initially taken advantage of by an abuser saying "see everyone hurts you and is dangerous and out to get you and are your enemy, people suck and it'd be better to live far away from all human life" and I was manipulated into believing it was true for years and when I tried to break out of that mindset I was still trapped physically because they had me trapped
I'm sick of people just being like stfu idiot and get meds and go into therapy in a condescending way even when they know this. it's so insensitive and rude and I don't care if their intentions are to help. motivation and support is going to be better than "it's all your fault you're a fucking idiot go take meds and therapy and become someone I like better and is accepted by society" those are reasons my brain tells me I deserve to suffer already, it's encouraging me to stay in it
I can't take meds for all that because the amount my mom has to be medicated and how she still uses drugs and alcohol to cope on top, how she still treated me despite that, and all the side affects that would massively fuck up my life even more as someone who already has low empathy, bouts of intense numbness where I'm especially suicidal, and how the last thing I need is for that to improve and for my dick to stop working on top of that has made it not for me, I have to find other ways
and therapy is a lot and something that's taking a lot of effort to even consider let alone push myself into it, going from someone who hasn't talked to anyone outside family for years to talking to a stranger about darkest thoughts and memories and secrets would be scary. either way I don't feel I'll ever be able to properly talk about my worst problems anyway because the things I'd have to share would be incriminating for abusers so it could be genuinely fucking dangerous and I'm scared
and then there's the way I'm so depressed it kills me and it's like I've I inherited my mom's major depression but again I can't be medicated for it. and I have to act used to it and joke about it a lot to family but the physical fatigue and chronic pain I feel is really fucking agonizing. I can't remember what it's like to not be tired and aching and sore. I can't remember what it's like to sleep normally. I wish just getting out of bed wasn't such a challenge for me mentally and physically
so fuck you for saying they're just excuses and that I'm just rejecting the idea of getting better. I CAN'T right now because the abusive fucking assholes made sure of that. I can't be a normal functioning adult because I didn't even get to be a fucking kid. not that I'm going to let the abusers win but just staying alive as long as I'm stuck in this will always be enough of a challenge as is. I'm fighting so fucking hard and nobody will understand or appreciate that effort when all I want to do most of the time is die
and this is the tip of the fucking iceberg because all the disgusting and fucked up things that happened to me that I can't talk about causes enough deep mental anguish that I can't even bear to uncover and consider taking with me to the grave. and then comes my living situation and all the tragedy in my life. but even when people know all this, as soon as they hate me I'm apparently just a liar. apparently I'm just a suicide threatener and manipulator. apparently my pain isn't real. I fucking wish it wasn't. fuck you
I've been given every reason to start repressing myself and my feelings around others again. I'm spiralling back into those thoughts of "everyone hates you and wants to hurt you" like I was taught. everyone who yelled at me about needing therapy and blaming me for not being able to and all the reasons I need it made it even harder and set me back in it. thanks a lot assholes it was already fucking hard enough as it is and you just make me reflect on it even harder when you push the idea that I'm not even trying and haven't made any progress at all
I'm sick of being so angry and miserable and in pain everyday.
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fortunemars · 8 days ago
In reference to my last post I have been having a lot of thoughts around what it means to be trans masc, what it entails, what kinds of experiences there are baked into the identity, etc.
I think calling myself a trans man would be lying, I'm some kind of vague mostly-masculine-queer thing but I've only recently understood that about myself. For at LEAST 6 of the 8 years I've known I was trans, I called myself a trans man because that's what I believed to be the closest label that would fit. Honestly though those 6 years were kind of hell for me because I was seeing all of the things people say about trans men online and internalising it, convincing myself I had to be the perfect trans man or else I wasn't really trans. That shit sticks to you.
There are a lot of things that people will assume about you when you come out as a trans man and there are a lot more things you'll have to face because of it. So many people see any masculinity as a 2D villain, a vague unchanging evil that's always the same, and that mindset shapes the minds of so many young trans mascs (young in this case meaning "new to the community/identity", because you can come out at trans at ANY age).
And I know this affects more than just trans men, this also affects nonbinary people, AMAB folks of any gender, masc lesbians, etc etc, but imo that just makes it worse! I don't think people really consider just how many different groups of people are affected by broad mindsets like this.
Anyway recently I've been struggling with feeling the need to be The Perfect Trans Person to be accepted or valued or prioritised in a situation. I have to have conventional pronouns for people to use because no one offline really understands neopronouns (or for me specifically, it/it's pronouns, which are commonly faced with backlash and a handful of excuses and hate mixed together) and if I don't give people something specific to call me they'll default to pronouns that give me dysphoria. I have to have specific, constant, unchanging symptoms or else I'm not actually 'benefiting' from HRT, or i'm not "stable enough" for HRT or surgery, or I don't "actually need to transition" because i'm not suffering enough to fit people's ideas of trans folks. I have to change how I look so other people see me as more of a man. I'm not allowed to like my chest or gods forbid show it off or else I'm not a man. I'm not allowed to like 'girly' things or look too fem or people question if i'm "actually" trans. I have to deadname myself in medical things all the time because their systems never actually show my name, and more than that I have to out myself as trans if I need to go into a doctor's office (especially for AFAB related care), I have to deny my own identity to be let into the door and then beg for people to see me as a man afterwards. I always have to be happy about being trans or else transphobes will claim any number of things (just look at the way people talk to/about elliot page, I tried to look at an interview of him talking about his memoir and was swamped with comments of people doubting every aspect of his life because he doesn't fit our idea of "happy trans man"), I can't talk about how much I hate being trans (because of all of the shit I have to go through because of it, I don't WANT this! I wish i could've been content being a girl for the rest of my life but I'm not and that sucks!!) because transphobes will take it and use it as talking points against ALL trans people. I can't be sad or angry or intensely emotional because people are afraid of me now.
I'm tired of having to hide but any time I stand up and say "hey, this is who I am" I get all kinds of push back from the world. And all trans people face this, I know that- half of these things I've listed may apply to trans fems more than they do to me, I know that. But It's tiring and I haven't seen many people talking about it.
Is there still more I wanna say? yeah, there always will be. but for now, i'm gonna turn off my brain and talk to my boyfriend cause MAN talking about trans issues gives me hella fatigue. but just know: you're valid always, you don't have to be the perfect image of a trans person. Do what feels best for YOU, not the people looking at you.
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