#and i was like huh what if i sang the bit from frozen 2
glacialheart · 11 months
oh i accidentally scared a guy in uni
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plusreaderswhenever · 9 months
Hello again! I’m so sorry if I’m starting to get annoying, but could I trouble you for a Susie + Reader fanfic?
Susie is a girlboss and I can’t get enough content of her
you’re not getting annoying!
When you were at the local cafe, you often shared your time with your bestie, Susie. She usually could only stay for a minute or so because of how busy she was being the CEO of a large company that works for the benefit of the galaxy, but she still spent time with you when she could. But it was the weekend, when Susie was off break from her CEO duties and was more likely to hang out with you!
On Saturday, Susie texted you:
TheGirlbossHerself: wanna come with me to the new ice cream place right now?
You: where is it?
TheGirlbossHerself: you don’t have to know, i’m driving you there!
You: oh cool!
The very second you sent a positive response, the door flung open. “Hop in.” Said Susie in an uncharacteristically cool voice. She was cool, but not usually the kind of cool where she talks like a guy who wears a leather jacket (cleaner, cuter things were more her style), so she must’ve been trying to make you smile. 
She really meant “right now”, didn’t she? You jumped up and went to the door, where Susie took your hand and led you to the car she referred to. At first she did it slowly, in that funny cool way, then quickly slid into her usual bubbly self as she pulled you along.
The car was very luxurious of course, and you got to ride shotgun. Susie drove with style next to you. 
“Hey Susie, you said it was a ‘new’ place, right? So have you not gone there yet, or did it just open?”
“It just opened! I’ve wanted to try the ice cream there ever since I heard about it!”
“Sounds great!” 
You knew she normally didn’t show her fun, excitable side to people, so it felt good to know she thought of you as someone she could be herself around.
You two entered the ice cream store. It was very nice and full of refrigerators. It was a bit chilly, but neither of you minded, especially not Susie. She zipped around, looking for all her favorite flavors. You joined her and got your favorites too, talking and laughing about all your preferences and opinions.
When each of you were satisfied with what you picked out (you both got boxes of every flavor you wanted) you rushed to the counter and Susie, just like you knew she would, paid for everything. It was always nice of her whenever she did that, and very easy for her too! 
You sped back to the car quickly so the ice cream didn’t melt, drove carefully through the roads until you arrived at Susie’s, and then dropped all that carefulness to scramble to the refrigerator and shove in the frozen treats. Then you took out two of those boxes as soon as you put them in the fridge and feasted in front of the tv. Luckily, they weren’t very melted.
You and her marathoned shows and movies until 10 pm, then had a sleepover where you played truth or dare.
“Dare!” Susie was feeling silly. 
“I dare you to put this on your workdesk.” You passed her a dumb-looking sticker of a yellow star with a buck-toothed smile that gave a thumbs-up to the camera, saying ‘you are a supah stah warriah!”
She stared blankly at it for a few seconds, so you had to reassure her. “Hey, you don’t have to use it if it’ll ruin your reputation.” 
She looked up and shook her head, with that cheery grin you knew so well. “No, I love it, actually! And don’t worry, I don’t think anyone would notice if I put it there.”
“Nice. So it’s my turn then, huh? I choose truth.” 
“What is it like to have arms?”
You gave her a long, slightly confused look. “Um. Uh… it, uh… what’s it like to have NO arms?”
Later on in the night, you sang karaoke- One of Susie’s favorite activities. You loved karaoke too, even if you weren’t as good as Susie’s angelic voice.
At about 4 am, you passed out and slept until 2 pm. Thank goodness this was a weekend- Poor Susie would be so stressed. But she wasn’t, which you were glad for. 
She dropped you off at your house, and you hugged each other like one of you was leaving on a long, long trip, minus the sadness and plus the fact you could see each other again anytime. A weekend well spent.
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atinydise · 4 years
Ateez slapping their s/o’s butt or whistling at them
❦ Genre: Fluff/Suggestive.
❦ Pairing: OT8.
❦ Word count: 15k.
❦ Requested: Yes, thank you! 🦋
❦ Masterlist.
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“Don’t do it... don’t do it...” repeated Hongjoong once again. You stared at him, “don’t do what weirdo?” “Nothing, just thinking out loud.” You gave him a look saying, “okay whatever” and then continued to tidy your wardrobe. Hongjoong was totally immersed by your butt in this sporty shirt you were wearing. It was not the first time you showed skin like this, in fact he wasn’t even shook because you’ve been intimate before. But he ignored why this short has this effect on him. “Where this short is coming from?” He shyly asked. “Hum... I don’t know I found in my old stuff why? Isn’t it cute?” You faced the mirror, looking at your reflection. “It’s cute. I just never saw it before.” “Stop staring at me like you are liking an ice cream and go back to your work.” You stuck your tongue out at him. “Yes, you right...” he sighed. Hongjoong couldn’t help it. Just before leaving the room and almost ran toward you and slapped loudly but nicely your butt. You puffed at this action, “Kim Hongjoong! Since when are you slapping your girlfriend’s ass like that?” “Since this short looks too good on you!” He shouted before closing the door. He sighed of relief, “aaah it feels good.”
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You went to a Festival with the group. It was a special event in South Korea and you really wanted to go there, at least once. For the occasion, you wore a nice dress a little bit shorter from what you usually wear but it was okay. "When Seonghwa is joining us?" Asked Wooyoung. "He's probably on his way here. He needed to finish his individual schedule first." You looked at the time on your phone. "I really want to win this big plushie!" Interrupted San, pointing at a big fox. "Don't you think you have enough plushies San?" You giggled. He stared at you coldly. "You and Seonghwa might get along really well..." "Come on, this big plushie won't even fit in your room." "And what about the living-room?" he suggested. "Bring this there and I throw your stuff out of the dorm." Claimed Hongjoong, walking next to you. You were about to laugh at San's face, but you heard someone whistling behind you. You instantly wanted to punch who did this, but when you saw your boyfriend with a wide smile on his face, you couldn't help but to melt a little bit more for him. "I was about to punch you!" you kissed his cheek. "Yes, I was scared to come back home with a black eye." He replied. "You are gorgeous." He complimented you, wrapping his arm around your shoulders. “But don’t do it again,” you said seriously. “It’s not polite to do this to a lady.” “Yes Ma’am.”
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Even if you told him that he would be bored because you would be cleaning your entire apartment, Yunho insisted on spending some time with you. He came in the morning around 10AM, you were already cleaning the kitchen. All the dishes were spread out everywhere, waiting to be washed as well. "Hi babe," you greeted him. "You look in a good mood for someone who usually doesn't like to clean." He giggled. "I know but this playlist is sooo good!" You claimed, doing some terrible body rolls. Yunho sat on the couch. "Since when are you cleaning?" "7AM." You continued to dance, cleaning the counter at the same time. "3 hours and you just cleaned the bathroom?" "Blame this playlist," you replied. Secretly, your boyfriend was enjoying the view in front of him. He loved to see you so happy and dancing this way. Even your failed twerks made you cute. "Everybody thinks you shy but I know you are a freak little baby!" you sang out loud. Yunho stood up and sneaked behind you, making sure you couldn't see him. When you bent down on the counter, he slapped your butt. The sound resonated in the whole room. You were a little bit shocked because he never did this to you, but you admitted that you liked it. A lot. "What was that for?" you smirked, booping his nose. "I don't know... I just wanted to." He replied, grabbing a bottle of water next to you, before going back to the couch like nothing happened.
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You slap Yeosang's ass all the time. Just like that because you find it funny and because you know he hates it. Most of the time he would ask you to stop and sometimes even end being mad because of this, but it's just a matter of time. And he couldn't resist against your puppy eyes. But you couldn't help it, it's like you needed to touch his cute butt at least 1 time per day. But after 1 year, he found how he couldn't avoid this daily slap. He just needed to run away every time he feels you coming. Or when he can see you anymore, he would find the perfect moment before you could reach him. Like today, you were enjoying a night walk with your boyfriend and just when he was walking a little bit in front of you, you tried to slap him, but he stopped you once again. "How you do that?" you asked. "I just know you." He replied proudly. "I won't give up." "Don't waste your energy on that anymore." He patted your head. You pouted and continued to walk. Inside of your head, you were thinking about a strategy to get him by surprise, but you completely snapped out of your mind when you felt his hand slapping your butt. You were speechless, you ignored that he would do it one day. He was always so shy. "So? How it feels?" he smirked, knowing that you were confused. "I like it, do it again." You replied. "Huh... she's crazy," he sighed. "Slap me again!" You shouted, trying to embarrass him more. He started to run, trying to stay away from you. "Kang Yeosang, slap me again!" "Help me!" He yelled; scared of you.
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"What do you want to eat for lunch?" asked San, opening the delivery app. "Whatever you want." You replied, looking for a glass. "Come on I already chose yesterday." "Then do it again." San raised a brow. It has been almost 2 days that you were so bratty. At first, he thought that you were a little upset or something but no, you seemed really fine. But he didn't add anything, he just ordered a pizza and closed the app. When finally, the delivery guy handed you the box, you stared at your boyfriend. "Oh, you bought pizza again?" "You told me to take whatever I want." You gave politely the money to the delivery guy and thanked him for his work. "I never thought that you would take pizza again. We ate one Monday." "Then maybe you should have told me about it when I asked you." "Anyway." You rolled your eyes. San knew you weren't mad at him, but why a sudden change of mood? "Are you okay?" he asked, entering the kitchen. You grabbed a piece of pizza, "I'm fine. Why are you asking? Because I said-" "Okay relax," he cut you straight. You rolled your eyes again and engulfed the pizza in your mouth. You couldn't lie on the fact that it was tasty. Your boyfriend noticed your eyerolls again and decided to slap your butt, nicely but you could feel the suggestive side of it. "Don't be so bratty with me." He smirked coldly. You nodded dumbly at him, he looked so intimidating and sexy that you didn't want to make him mad again.
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"I don't think this jean will fits me well." You stated from the dressing-room. "Everything looks good on you," replied Mingi. "You said that because you're my boyfriend." "Yes, but because I found everything pretty on you too." You stayed silent, smiling dumbly because of this sudden compliment. "Just come out so I can see it." "Don't laugh okay?" you asked shyly. "Why the hell I would laugh? I'm your boyfriend, not the mean girl of high school." You giggled by the thought of him wearing a pink dress and radiating the ‘bad bitch energy’. "Okay, I'm coming." You opened the curtain slowly. You were a bit insecure about your body and stuff, so it wasn't easy for you to come out with new clothes and stuff like that. "Why were you so scared? You look really good in this!" He hyped you. "Really? Isn't it too tight?" "Nothing is too tight for you babe," he winked at you. "Men..." "Can you turn around quickly." You executed; you wanted his entire opinion on this jean. But you weren't expecting him to give you a little slap on your butt while you were turning around. "Mingi!" "It fits you very much, let's buy it now." He smiled widely. "You are incredible..."
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You didn't know why you told the manager that you could replace the make-up staff for the week, but you were regretting it a bit. It was so exhausting to follow them around and to apply make-up H24/24 on 8 faces. The only thing you were happy about was that you could see Wooyoung all the time. You just needed to stay away sometimes since no one knows that you were in a secret relationship. But your boyfriend made it hard. He was constantly messing his make-up, so you could take care of him for 10 minutes minimum. "If people don't assume that we are a couple with your comportment then it will be a miracle." You whispered. "I just can't stay away from you," he smiled. "But you will need to because, first of all, I'm tired of painting your face every 30 minutes and second of all because we are going to get problems." "Okay okay," he said. "I'll come every 40 minutes then." You hit his shoulder to bring him back to reality. "I'm not joking Jung Wooyoung! We need to be more careful." Wooyoung simply nodded. In fact, he was contemplating your body on the mirror's reflection. "Okay, it's done." You claimed, standing up correctly. Wooyoung stood up after you and smiled at you before giving you a quick slap on your butt. "Thank you, babe." You wanted to yell at him that he couldn't do such things here, but you were frozen. Too shocked to say anything.
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Jongho asked you to come to the practice dance room. They would do a little diner there to celebrate their 600 days as a group. For the occasion, you bought a few snacks as chips, drinks, chocolate bars and stuff like this. You even drew a handmade banner for this special day. Everything was fine. You couldn't help but to think about how your boyfriend might feel. Being an idol was his dream and now he succeeded. You couldn't be prouder of him. Suddenly, your phone buzzed on your coat. Hardly because your hands were full, you grabbed it. Jongho was calling you. "Hello Y/N," he greeted you. "Hi weirdo, I'm almost there." You let him know. "Do you think you will be here in 2 minutes because I'm going to the grocery store." "Hum... if I run ye-" You heard a suggestive whistle behind you. At first, you looked at the bunch of college students which were sitting at your right. You were about to yell; telling them that it was not polite, but you heard the whistle again. You turned around this time. "Jongho! Oh my god," you shouted. "I was about to insult the group over there." Your boyfriend couldn't hold his laughter. "I should have filmed this." "And don't whistle me like that anymore idiot! I'm not a piece of meat." "I know babe, I was just kidding with you." He pinched your cheeks before grabbing the heavy bags for you.
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lilxberry · 4 years
Give Us A Song - Thorin’s Company
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Warnings: None, just some platonic fluff with the whole gang
Words: 1,038
Pairings: None. Thorin’s Company x Reader (platonic)
(A/N: Kinda a song fic, if you count a lil’ bop from Frozen 2 lmao.)
(Song: All Is Found by Evan Rachel Wood from Frozen 2.)
As the company settled down in their little campsite for the night, Bofur heaved out a sigh.
“Are you alright, Master Bofur?” You spoke in a gently voice, concerned for the dwarf.
He turned to face you, sitting up that tad bit straighter. “Aye lass, I’m fine. Just a bit too quiet for my liking.”
“Why don’t you sing to us tonight? We know your singing isn’t THAT terrible.” You teased as you gave him your suggestion.
“I think the others have had quite enough of my singing, my lady.” He quipped as a playful smile resided on his face.
“Why don’t you sing to us lass?” Balin asked from his place across the fire.
You turned your attention towards the kind old dwarf and shook your head with a smile. “No, no, I’m quite certain the companies’ ears while be bled dry by the time I would finish any song I would sing.”
“Oh, c’mon Y/N, give us a song.” Fíli and Kíli spoke at once, almost in a whining manner, making you chuckle.
You closed your eyes and took a quick, deep breath before sighing and giving in to your companions’ request. “Fine. What would you all have me sing?”
“Maybe you should sing something that holds a deep meaning to you, my dear.” Gandalf spoke, holding his pipe that emitted smoke from both ends.
You smiled softly, knowing what song would be sung by you. “Okay. Although, I’m not certain that you may like it.” You gave faux warning as you flashed them a playful smile before it softened. “It will be a song from my people, from the enchanted forest that I came from.”
“We’re sure it will be great regardless of its’ origin.” “Bilbo smiled from his place beside you.
With that, you nodded and turned to look into the fire, beginning the sweet song your mother once sang for you as a child.
‘Where the north wind meets the sea,
There's a river full of memory.
Sleep, my darling, safe and sound,
For in this river all is found.’
They gaped at you in awe as your silken smooth voice carried throughout their small campsite, not one of them daring to make a single sound for they fear they would disturb the beauty they hear.
Images of your mother cradling your child sized body to hers in your body as she sang and combed her fingers through your hair. You smiled at the memory as the song continued its course past your lips.
‘In her waters, deep and true,
Lie the answers and a path for you.
Dive down deep into her sound,
But not too far or you'll be drowned.’
The usual brooding Durin heir had even set aside his stoic expression listening to the sweet sound of your voice. His shoulders slumped as he began to allow himself to relax. Balin had smiled as he noticed the change within Thorins usual tense stature.
Everyone was entranced by your song, not daring to look away as they somehow thought that will make them miss your melodic tune.
The tune so sweet, it neared the others to sleep, your voice lulling them by the second, although they refuse to give in.
‘Yes, she will sing to those who'll hear,
And in her song, all magic flows.
But can you brave what you most fear?
Can you face what the river knows?’
You though about the powers you possess, not differing much to Gandalf’s. Yours being more spiritual rather than the practical magic he produces alongside his knowledge, wit and charm. You revelled as you felt the similar sensation send a shiver down your spine.
‘Where the north wind meets the sea,
There's a mother full of memory.
Come, my darling, homeward bound,
When all is lost, then all is found.’
You hadn’t even realised that you closed your eyes during the final verse for as you noticed an orange glow shine that little bit dimmer. You opened your eyes slowly to be met with the company staring at you. You blushed from the number of eyes set upon your form.
“Wow…” Ori breathed out, followed by nods of agreement from Nori and Dori.
“That was amazing lass.”
The compliments had continued to flow, forcing you to look down bashfully, a red as deep as the centre of the burning embers sat before you. “You’re all too kind.”
“I believe that it will be many years before that song you’ve sung for us tonight will leave my mind.” Thorin spoke, his usually icy, distant demeanour nowhere in sight, only a genuine smile upon his face.
You smiled and gave a curt nod to the dwarf.
“I think I’m going to sleep. Goodnight all.” Bilbo turned to head to his bedroll but spared a final glace over to you. “I hope we hear more songs from you along the way.”
Gandalf stood from his position against the base of the large tree. “I think we should follow Mister Baggings’ example and head to sleep.”
The others grunted and nodded in agreement, though their grunts had somehow sounded more cheerful. The thought alone made you giggle quietly to yourself. “I’ll take first watch.” You volunteered yourself happily, in a chipper mood from how calm the night has been.
“I’ll take the next watch after the lass.” Dwalin spoke and nodded towards you, making his own way over towards his bedroll.
As the others said their goodnights and well wishing of sweet dreams, you were left to seat yourself on the nearby rock, gaining some height for looking out for threats. You smiled as your mind wandered back to thoughts of your mother, your home.
Although it saddens you to know there is no returning for you, you still continue to smile as you’ve gained a new one after the tragic loss of your previous.
You brought your knees up to your chest, hugging your legs tightly as you gaze over at the sleeping dwarves, hobbit and wizard, smiling fondly.
“When all is lost, then all is found…huh…” You muttered to yourself, thinking solely of your newfound family. You were going to help them get back to their rightful home, even if it killed you.
I KNOW the whole mother situation is practically the same from the second Frozen film but I prefer the second over the first immensely for some reason
And this song just hits right, yanno
Anywho, I hope you enjoy
I found this to be quite cute plus fun to write
As always, constructive criticism and requests are welcomed and greatly appreciated :D
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watermelonlipstick · 4 years
A little fluffy nothing about frozen custard and summertime. I’d love any critiques or advice!! Thanks for reading!
Title: Custard
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Word Count: 988
Summary: Dean takes the reader out for frozen custard. 
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“You’ve really never had frozen custard before? Like ever? How can you call yourself from the Midwest?” you teased, hopping up to sit on top of the wooden picnic bench. It seemed like it might’ve painted at some point, but whatever had been was long worn away by the weather, faring even worse than the old-fashioned wooden painted signs and siding of the frozen custard stand. Combined with the paper soda jerk hats and white aprons the three young custard jockeys had, it felt like stepping into a Rockwell painting.
Dean appraised the cone with eyes so relaxed they looked almost sleepy as you brought it to your lips. “It’s just ice cream, right? What’s the big deal?” he hummed. He’d sidled up to the table, standing close enough in front of you that you could count the freckles on the bridge of his nose, deepened by the late summer sun of the last month.
You smiled through a mouthful before giggling. “There is not enough time in the day to explain to you how wrong you are,” you added after swallowing. Dean smiled with only half of his mouth, putting a hand on each of your knees. You wrapped your jean-clad legs around his waist, feeling for all the world like the giddy teenagers sitting across the parking lot with their own cones. The evening was just barely far enough into autumn to have a cool breeze, and you noticed over Dean’s shoulder as the gangly boy shrugged off his denim jacket and drape it around the teen girl shyly, the two of them grinning radiantly at each other as they tried to balance the maneuver without dropping their dessert.
“Well, maybe if I play my cards right a cute girl will let me try hers,” Dean mused. He licked his bottom lip slowly as he smirked, letting his head loll back a few degrees on his neck. His shirt collar was petal soft and wilted from having been washed a hundred times and the heat off his torso seeped into your jeans, the same pleasant almost-too-warm feeling of basking in the sun.
“Yeah, maybe,” you agreed devilishly, hooking your ankles together behind Dean. He wrapped his arms around you, clasping them lazily on your lower back. “Okay, close your eyes.”
Dean’s left eyebrow quirked up in a question. “It’s your first time, I want you to focus,” you added with put-on seriousness. His grin split to show pearlescent white teeth when he obeyed. They caught the last glimmers of the afternoon as the sun continued to set.
“Open your mouth,” you instructed, lapping up an errant drop. He did, the pink tip of his tongue out as if to catch a snowflake even as he smiled. You brought the frozen custard to his lips, watching to make sure he didn’t spill. He took a languid drag off the cone, teasing you exactly how you’d wanted. After swallowing, he opened his eyes.
“So?” you asked expectantly.
“It feels like the first time,” Dean sang airily, swaying with you to the Foreigner song and pulling an exaggerated hair metal air guitar face. “Feels like the very first time,”
You couldn’t help throwing back your head to laugh as Dean dipped forward and sang into your neck, the vibrations of his breath playing across your collarbone. “That good, huh?” You felt his response nodded into you as you snaked the cone out of Dean’s way, holding it away from his shirt. He pressed a kiss under your jaw, still humming while you evened out the melting spots. You pulled back, offering him the frozen custard again. He took 3 big slurps when you rotated it for him before leaning back into you, singing with his lips so close to your skin that you couldn’t help blushing. The smooth weight of him was tilting you back toward the table, and you suddenly felt coltish and shy with the few other patrons milling around.
“Dean, knock it off,” you giggled, trying to sit back up. He eased off back to standing, giving you a chance to see his bedroom eyes.
“It’s pretty good,” Dean nodded. “I don’t know that I think it’s that different from really good ice cream, but it’s pretty good.”
You threw open your mouth in faux shock. “That might be a dealbreaker for me.”
He looked at you adoringly for a few long moments before taking 2 more bites. “Thanks,” he said, his voice low and quiet.
“Thanks for what?” you asked, tucking a chunk of hair behind your ear. “Letting you buy me a frozen custard?”
Dean chuckled. “Yeah, I guess. I don’t know, this is just really nice.”
“I think so too. The company’s not too bad either.”
Dean nuzzled back into your neck, tickling you with one or two days of stubble until you had to catch your breath, laughing so hard you almost dropped the last bit of the cone. He righted you both on the picnic table, gazing down at you in a way that made you feel cherished.
“And I guess that it’s just the woman in you that brings out the man in me,” Dean crooned, opening his mouth wide for the last bite of the sugar cone as you popped it into his mouth. “I know I can’t help myself, you’re all my eyes can see,” he continued awkwardly around it.
“Okay Mick Jones. You going to take me home or just give me a free concert?” you buzzed, crumpling the napkin that had wrapped around the cone and leaning back to rest on your hands. You released your legs from around Dean.
“I would love nothing more than to take you home.” He grinned and waggled his eyebrows while extending a hand to help you down from the table. You accepted, smacking him in the chest playfully and throwing out the napkin as you headed for the Impala.
Thanks again for reading! If you liked it, check out my Masterlist or send me a request!
Tags: @sams-sass, @dream-believe-and-love, @akshi8278, @whatareyousearchingfordean, @flannellover67​
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fairycore-gyu · 4 years
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𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒚 𝒌𝒊𝒅𝒔 𝒓𝒆𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏: 𝒌𝒊𝒔𝒔𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒊𝒓 𝒔/𝒐 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒇𝒊𝒓𝒔𝒕 𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆
a/n: i realised half way through this that each one is basically an imagine (¤﹏¤) but enjoy! also this is my first time posting my writes!
bang chan
first,,,, i feel like chan would kiss you in a really cute, romantic way
idk maybe i’m wrong but like i get this romantic vibe about chan that could only come out with his s/o
i also feel like he would kiss you around like the second or third date??
cuz he would want to be sure that’s what his s/o wants
you and chan had finished eating your dinner you had made and were cuddling while watching frozen (i think he would love to watch disney movies w his s/o,, just sayin)
the scene with hans and anna dancing and singing ‘love is an open door’ came on and he jumped off the couch and held his hand out to you for you to take 
you looked at him with wide eyes 
“seriously?” you said giggling 
he nodded grabbing your hand and pulling you up 
you laughed as he wrapped his arms around your waist dancing around the room 
the song came to an end and your laughter settled when he pulled you closer,, and looked down at your lips 
you bit down on your lip letting air escape your mouth but before you knew it, he caught your breath and his lips were on yours 
depending on the mood, minho can be a 100% goof
so when it comes to kissing you, it will probably be quick and sloppy because he’ll be making you laugh or the other way around
you and minho were sitting on you phones playing kart rider waiting for hyunjin to finish his vlive so you all could get something to eat
you had finished your last round but you saw minho was still invested in the game so you bumped his arm making it fall out of his hand
“yahhh, i was winning!” he whined
you crossed your arms pouting, “yea well your not paying attention to me!”
you saw a smirk form on his lips out of the corner of your eye
“NO-” you knew you were in for it 
before you could even finish he launched into kissing ur face everywhere until he stopped right in front of your lips
you were recovering from sudden affection but you were forced to stop when he smashed his lips onto yours
but only for a sec
“is that enough affection for you?” he said grinning,,,
 for binnie he would kiss you fairly quickly after you he confessed to you but being the busy boy he is, it would be maybe a week or 2
lately, he had been very busy writing lyrics for new songs that you both haven’t had a lot of time together
he was working on his music in the studio when you peeked your head through the door
his eyes were drooping and his head rested on the palm of his hand slowly beginning to drift off 
as you gently knocked on the door gently his head quickly turned to see you
he smiled twisting the chair around motioning to come sit on his lap
you sat down pushing his hair out of his face and smiling
he wrapped both arms around your waist bringing you close enough to feel his breath fan across your lips
“you’re tired babe,,, you should go to bed” you said breaking the silence
he smiled at your words and looked down at your lips and then looked up to your eyes for confirmation
you could barely smile before his lips softly pressed against yours and you could feel him smile in the slightest way 
for jinnie he would kiss you probably on the first proper date you would have 
i see him taking you to a cute coffee shop and buying you an iced coffee and you both sharing a croissant because we know hyunjin and aesthetics 
you both finished the croissant that you shared and he took your hand in his as you walked the streets of Seoul laughing and talking
“no hyunjin, it wasn’t me who said it, it was jisung!” you said giggling
“yea sureee” he said leaning down to take a sip of your coffee 
you turned your head in shock
before you could could say anything he yanked your hand so that you stopped and were facing him
he was grinning before he leaned down pulling you closer as he pressed his curled lips against yours
he pulled away grinning “yea, it was definitely you who said it.”
you were too surprised to say anything as your cheeks turned pink so you just turned and started walking as he started to swing your hands
jisung is so passionate in everything and kissing would be no different 
his first kiss with his s/o would 100% be intense
you and jisung were on a mini date at the arcade while the rest of the boys went to eat dinner,,,
“yah, you’re cheating! you can’t do that!” you whined
“what are you talking about, i’m playing the game?” he said nonchalantly as he took own of your basketballs 
“you’re taking my basketballs and using them for your game, how is that ‘no cheating?’” you asked sarcastically
you heard the timer buzz on the game as he turned to look at you with a cheeky smile 
“if you woulda just went along with it instead of yelling at me you would’ve won,” he stated 
you rolled your eyes turning away from him 
he reached out to grab your hand pulling your body flush with his
your cheeks immediately were dusted pink 
“what can i do to make it up to, huh?” he said locking your eyes with his 
his soft lips were on yours before you could say anything 
you pulled away quickly 
“jisung, there are people everywhere”, you whispered
he answered you by kissing you harder,, leaving you speechless 
for felix, i think he would think a lot about how and when his first kiss with you would be 
but we’re talking about lee felix so that plan would probably go right down the drain sjsksjk 
you had both decided to make vanilla cake just because you we bored 
you blasted the music through while you baked as you sang and danced making eachother laugh hysterically 
as you were pouring mix in the mixer, felix turned the mixer on high making the powder go everywhere
“FELIX WHY DID YOU DO THAT?” you laughed wiping the powder from your face
“i didn’t think it would go everywhere!” he said laughing 
he grabbed a towel and gently started wiping your face
your laughter had settled when you noticed how close you guys were 
at some point you had backed up into the counter
you were trapped with felix only a few inches away from your face 
he stepped a little closer, forcing you to look up at him 
before you had time to think he leaned in pressing his lips against yours 
he pulled away looking down 
you smiled brightly and leaned over to grab some powder from the bowl and flicked it as his face 
but before you squirm out of his arms he grabbed your waist pulling you in for a longer, deeper kiss
sorry his was longer,, what do you expect,,, hes my bias sjksjskjs
our puppy uwu
i feel like he would kinda just let it happen when it happened
seungmin knew english very well and since you were still in the process of learning korean he decided to help you since it was his day off
“no, no, y/n, it’s not like ‘n’, it’s like ‘ng’” he said 
“ahh ok, i got it,” you said looking back at your notebook 
“no, say it, i’ll see if you got it” he said, laughing
“agh, fine,” you said rolling your eyes 
“ng, ng, ng” you emphasised 
“yes! that was perfect,” he said 
he squished your cheeks making your lips pucker 
“you’re so cute!” he smiled leaning in to peck your lips 
after he kissed you he quickly leaned back removing his hands from your face
he laughed nervously scratching the back of his neck
you saw his reaction and grabbed his hands 
he looked you in the eyes and you quickly pecked his lips 
you pulled back blushing like crazy 
he smiled brightly pulling out the flashcards
this is really just a bunch little pecks but what do you expect from our puppy uwu
lastly our baby jeongin,,,,,(*^U^)人(≧V≦*)/ 
i feel like jeongin would kinda just let it happen when it happened like seungmin 
i also feel like he would wait to kiss you until you were a little more comfortable in the relationship
like hyunjin, he would kiss you on a date
he had set up a picnic for you both at a park near your house 
you were both young and innocent so a lot of the dates you went on were cliche which the rest of the boys made fun of him for but he loved it 
you ate and laughed enjoying every moment you had together
you leaned back on your back looking up at the clouds
he laid down next to you grabbing your hand turning his head to look at you
after awhile he leaned up on hand looking down 
“where’s one place you’ve always wanted to go?” he questioned
you turned your head to look at him 
you wanted to question why he was asking that but you just decided to answer
“honestly there’s really no specific place but i’ve always wanted go to venice, italy; everything there is absolutely beautiful: the building are colorful, there’s water taxis that take you through the whole town, and most importantly... the pizza” you said giggling 
he looked at you with amazement as he quickly leaned down pressing his lips to yours 
“can i be there?” he asks
“of course, i wouldn’t go without you”
i’m tagging @kesmonsterwrites because she inspired me to start writing! hopefully you like it! (╯3╰)
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lu-undy · 3 years
Chapter 2, Un-alone
Here it is!
"Oui, Marie?" 
"Take your coat."
"Non, jolie fleur, you are cold, keep it." He grinned sweetly.
[Pretty flower]
"I'm cold but you're freezin'!" 
He chuckled at the jump of octaves in her voice.
"I am perfectly fine, please." He insisted, his hands shifted awkwardly to his face, he brushed an eyebrow nervously. 
"Look at this…!" She suddenly took his hands in hers and it took him aback. He blushed. "Your hands are frozen!"
"It matters very little, I assure you. Now please, follow me." He gently laced a hand around her and she followed him. He took her around the restaurant, to the back door. 
"Where are you takin’ me? Oh… Lulu… What are you doing?”
He opened his cigarette case, the same he still used to this day, and retrieved the pins that were concealed there before picking the lock. It yielded and he opened the door. 
“Are we… Can we...?”
He offered a gallant hand to her and she put her slim fingers on his before he pushed her inside and shut the door. He took her to the stage and switched a spotlight on, just that single one, on the piano. 
“Lulu, did you just pick that lock?”
“I might have.” He answered and sat at the piano.
“Hold on, that means we’re breaking in! Oh my God!” She burst out laughing and hugged him from behind, as his fingers started playing with the ivory keys. 
Lucien closed his eyes just as he did that day. He remembered her perfume. Rose water and a hint of jasmine. Perfect for the beautiful flower that she was. He remembered the feeling of her hair brushing against his much younger skin. 
“Is there anything you want me to sing?”
“A private concert, huh?” She said and he raised lovestruck eyes to her.
“Oui, if you want." 
“Play whatever you want, but please sing. I really like your voice.” 
It started like a warm ballad, a style that Marie would come to know is called Bossa Nova. It comes from Brazil, Lucien had explained. It is similar to a samba but slowed down. It is much more mellow but still carries the sunlight from where it comes from.
She listened to him sing in languages she barely knew existed. He played and his entire body gently rocked back and forth as he sang in rhythm. She sat next to him and his eyes went to hers, her smile. That night was the first of countless ones where they would exit the restaurant, walk around the block and Lucien would make them slip inside again. She never questioned his ability to pick locks, she followed him and trusted him blindly. Meanwhile, Lucien melted and sank, falling deeper and deeper for her charms but also her character. The extended private concerts were great opportunities to talk more.
He came to learn that she was working as a waitress, in a diner. From that, he knew that she was spending up to her last dime to go and see him in that restaurant, the best in town. She didn’t have many different dresses and would alternate between two or three. The first time she came to one of their rendez-vous with a dress that Lucien had already seen, she had apologised and explained that she would have loved to afford better outfits for him. 
Pff, Lucien assured her that it was ridiculous, that he didn’t see the dress. 
“Comment pourrais-je remarquer autre chose que tes yeux?”
“You’re doing it again, Lulu…”
“What am I doing again?” He asked with a chuckle from the piano seat, playing lazy arpeggios. 
“You know very well what!” She answered.
“Pray tell, I do not know what you are talking about, petite fleur.”
[little flower]
She chuckled. 
“You’re speaking in French again and I can’t understand you! C’mon, honey, tell me in English!”
His heart stopped at the word “honey”.  He raised lovestruck eyes to her. First, she had called him Lulu, and now, it was “honey”...
“I said… Uhm…”
“Come on, please…?”
He looked away and translated himself.
“How could I see anything else but your eyes?”
He blushed again and each time he did, the heat in his cheeks was exquisite agony. For the first time, Lucien was the one to fall. With his impeccable looks and manners, he was used to being the centre of desires and attention but this time, it was all upside down! He felt a soft and warm pain that only grew when she came close to him, or when she was far. 
When he wasn’t at the restaurant, his thoughts were on her. Was she well? What was she doing? Did she need anything? Oh he hoped she was smiling and laughing, he hoped that she graced the world with a flash of her pearly white teeth.
Marie started to receive these packages at work. She had slipped in the bathroom to open the first one. A dress! Gosh, and what a dress it was! It was gorgeous. Blue, a bit lighter than her eyes. Oh, what was that? Gloves? They matched the dress and… oh, a headband! 
“Who left this for me?” She asked one of her colleagues at the diner. 
“I don’t know, I just found the package on the counter, I thought you’d forgotten it there.”
She frowned. 
Gifts like these started appearing in her life. At work, on her doorstep… Once, she even found a red rose in her skirt pocket!
That’s when she understood. There was only one man who was agile and subtle enough to manage a sleight of hand like that. 
“Hey, honey.”
That night, she had joined him at the cinema. She found him waiting patiently in front of the wall of large and wide posters. He turned to the voice who had addressed him and his face beamed up with a smile.
“You forgot this in my pocket, Lulu.” She had brought the flower with her. 
“Non. I do not think so.” He smiled and took it from her hand to slide it on her hair, snugly pinned by the headband, over her ear. “Besides, why would I need a rose? C’est toi ma petite fleur.”
She didn’t have to do more than raise an eyebrow for him to translate himself. 
“It’s you who is my little flower.”
She chuckled and took his arm. 
“Thanks, hon’.”
“Are you ready?”
“Before we go, what do you think of this?” She opened the panes of her coat and Lucien saw one of the dresses he had offered her. His smile widened and the words failed him. 
“I… Woah… You look… You look… ravishing. Pardon my stuttering.” He cleared his throat and she chuckled. 
“Y’like it?”
“Only a blind fool wouldn’t. You are resplendent, Marie, truly.”
“Someone offered it to me.”
“Ah, surely they are a person of good taste, hm?” He joked.
“Oh, yeah, with keen eyes too. They knew my size without asking!” She added and he had to look away. There was no way he could look in her eyes. 
Oui, he knew the measures of her body. He had dreamt them countless times, with his eyes both closed and open. A simple glance at her had sufficed. He had seen it all. The curves that beckoned him and before sleeping every night, he dreamt of his fingers exploring them all, just grazing the warm and soft skin. 
“Thank you, Lulu.”
Her voice made him look back at her. 
“Y-you are most welcome, petite fleur.” She grabbed his arm and they went to the counter. He paid for the tickets and he had noticed how she had eyed the popcorn. He treated her to some. She turned to him, looked around them and seeing that no one was paying attention, she squeezed him in a tight hug before holding his arm again, leaving him breathless. 
They entered the room and sat at the back, in the middle, under the projector.
Soon, the light went out and the movie started. 
Lucien couldn’t remember it now, but to him, it seemed that the room was empty. There was only Marie and him. And for the movie, it was one of those romantic comedies that he only liked when he watched them with her; because then, he could safely admit it, he liked those movies. 
She had leaned her head on his shoulder. His heart beat so hard all of a sudden that he shifted a bit on his seat, hoping she wouldn’t feel the collar of his jacket and shirt tremble under his pounding heartbeat. He got hot all of a sudden. But her spontaneity and boldness surprised him again when he felt something against his lips. It was some popcorn. He parted his lips and took it in his mouth before he felt a thumb brush his cheek. The sensation was so strong that he had to close his eyes for an instant.
He remembered how ridiculous he felt. Him, the womaniser, the man used to woo any female he wanted with baffling ease. He had been humbled and put back in his place by the flutter of Marie’s eyelashes...
She fed him popcorn from time to time and soon, he found himself leaning his head on hers. He didn’t know it but he was smiling too, until delicate fingers slid between his. His heart jumped again and he felt her shift away from his shoulder. He looked down and could only see her when the movie was bright enough. He saw two stars twinkle, her eyes. Her eyelashes slowly bent down and finally, a hand on his cheek. They stared at each other for what seemed like eternity.
Marie craned her neck gently and pushed her lips on his.
Lucien closed his eyes. 
It was nothing but a prude kiss on the lips but it had pushed tears to his eyes. He frowned and his fingers trembled, spasming in the air before he planted his nails on the armrests and dug violently, to control himself, hold himself back.
She soon withdrew and he took an extra second to open his eyes.
She chuckled.
“I… Je t’aime.” He admitted in a breathless whisper.
“I love you too.”
Lucien remembered it all from his lifeless hotel room.
“Merde… Merde… MERDE!”
[Shit… Shit… SHIT!]
The bottle of whiskey was sent flying at full speed against the wall and smashed loudly. After that, silence fell that was only interspersed by the noise of Lucien’s loud breath.
He went to the telephone and dialed the number that the hotel boy had given him.
“Oui, it is me.” Lucien said.
“Lucien? Ah, it’s Fred.”
“I know.” The Frenchman’s voice was cold, but unlike his usual well-measured way. No, his old American colleague could tell that it was different.
“Look, I’ve just learnt and uh… I’m sorry for your loss.”
Lucien sighed but didn’t answer anything. He was too hurt.
“If you need to talk or… I don’t know, if you need someone, I’m here.”
“Fred.” Lucien answered. 
“I know, you’re not that type of guy but, I don’t know. I just need to tell you that I’m here.”
Lucien frowned and put a hand on the bridge of his nose.
“Are the headquarters the same?” He finally asked.
“Yeah. I mean, yeah, it’s still the same, why?”
“Is there anyone in now?”
“No, it’s the middle of the goddamn night, of course not!”
“Fine.” Lucien hung up and left his hotel room. He couldn’t bear the smell of the whiskey spilled on the floor and splashed on the wall. He exited the hotel to slip in a taxi and gave an address he knew too well.
Fred was also working for the secret services, but the American ones, of course. He had always been a friend of Lucien’s, a reliable colleague. But if Fred had learnt, then when morning struck, the entire world would know. Lucien clenched his jaw harder and soon the taxi stopped. 
He exited it and headed for the building in front of him. He didn’t have any trouble entering. He went from a service door behind and picked the lock. He didn’t even hide his face from the cameras. But he knew he wouldn’t face any consequences. Fred knew he was there and in any case, if the Americans came to tell him off, they could go to hell.
Lucien entered and after a second of surprise at the new paint on the walls, the new tiled floor and the new overall interior of the building, he found some stairs and went down to the lowest level. 
Ah, finally, the gymnasium. Lucien pushed a switch and the wide room lit up.
He pushed the door, kicked his shoes away and threw his jacket down on the floor. He took his blade out however and headed straight for the dummies used to train punching and kicking.  
And there he went. He released it. 
It started with rage first. He punched and kicked until he could barely feel his knuckles, which dissatisfied him greatly. He wanted it to hurt. He craved to feel the pain on his hands, on his useless hands, on the hands that couldn’t hold hers anymore, that couldn’t have saved her, that weren’t there for her in her last moments.
A pneumonia is what had taken her. 
A simple, goddamn pneumonia. 
Her lungs were fragile, he knew that and never smoked around her. He had… He had given up smoking for her. He would have given her his own lungs and got the rotten ones. He didn’t care. He didn’t deserve to live more than her. She was an outstanding woman, a woman like they didn’t exist anymore. A woman, not a princess or a toy, a proper, proud and solid woman. A queen walking amongst simpletons.
Only she could understand and bear him. Only she had the shoulders and the heart for it. He never met anyone with whom the connection had been that deep. No, of course not. 
The dummies were assaulted like they never had before. The precise hits and blows made them crack sometimes, but Lucien did not hear any of it. Only his loud shouting and later on, his sobs, as he slashed and stabbed. He had ripped his tie off of his neck and a few buttons of his shirt had popped away. 
More stabbing and slashing through his sobbing roars, punches and kicks as the first rays of sunlight peeked through the thin windows at the top of the room. They did not stop the brokenhearted mess of a man to rip his shirt away from his chest and stay in his sweat drenched white tank top, yelling, sobbing, pulling his hair off his own head. A man descending to madness is what the first users of the gym found that morning. 
“Oh my God! Are you alright?! What happened here?!”
They ran to him, seeing his bleeding knuckles, dried blood on the broken dummies and on his clothes and face. 
“Stay away from me!” He ordered and the American spies stopped when they recognised him. The French accent, the piercing blue eyes and the short blade. Yeah, it was him. 
“Agent L of the DGSE? What are you doing here?”
Lucien picked his shirt and put on his shoes before exiting the gymnasium and the entire centre. A taxi took his depraved self back to his hotel where the whiskey had been cleaned.
He flopped down on the sofa and laid there, still covered in blood, his own, dried and drying, and still sweating with silent tears rolling down his face. His hair stuck to his face and everyone he happened to cross paths with in the hotel gave him the weirdest looks. Who was that wretch of a man they were letting into the five-star establishment?
Lucien sighed and turned his eyes to the coffee table.
The letter was there, open towards him. He sat up and went to his knees on the floor. He didn’t want to touch it in the filthy state he was. He simply read it with his hands in his hair, pulling and crying after each word.
That was it. It felt different now. 
The first time he had read it, it felt that she had just written it for him a few seconds ago. But now, it was a relic of the past, something that did not take him closer to her, but somehow, it became the measure for how far he had been from her. 
Lucien had always been a letter away from Marie. 
Although now, he couldn’t even be a letter away from her anymore.
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fluffymcu · 4 years
Letting Loose
Requested Chapter 19
This is a continuation of my series and all future chapters that I write for this series will be written as requested chapters
Request: The team and the reader have a snowball fight
Word count: 2,265
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It’s been 9 months since Ruby Anne has joined the team. You have all come a long way since then and you were proud of the progress that was made. You, Ruby and Peter were on winter break and you had a few inches of snow so you were happy. The trees were so pretty and the yard was like a winter wonderland and there was a small pond about 20 minutes away from the compound on foot so the three of you decided to run down there and ice skate since the pond was frozen. You and Peter would do that every winter and this would be Ruby’s first winter you the team. So, you all jogged down there with your ice skates, bundled up warm.
“Oh my god you’re a natural!” You exclaimed as you watched Ruby speed by you on the ice. She was surprisingly very good at ice skating. Peter still had to skate by you, holding your arm to keep to steady. Unlike her, as much as you practiced every winter, you still couldn’t skate too well.
“Hehe. Yeah, we used to go roller skating a lot when I was younger. This feels about the same, just a little more slippery.” Ruby chuckled, skating away and occasionally skating backwards.
“Oh cool! That sounds aweso-AHH!” You yelped as you lost your balance and slipped, falling right on your butt. Peter gasped and then giggled a bit as he quickly helped you up. You started to laugh too, knowing that you probably looked funny falling like that. “Peheter you're supposed to hehehelp me not fall.” You laughed, rubbing your bottom that was now sore. Peter smiled sheepishly and gave you an apologetic shrug.
“Sorry, I only let go for a second!” He whined.
“Well, knowing me, you should know to never let go of me when I'm skating. I am extremely prone to falling.” You giggled. Ruby was laughing as well, helping you regain your balance.
“It’s ok y/n/n, you’ll get the hang of it eventually.” She tittered. You scoffed and thanked her for helping.
“I hope so..” You sang.
“AHH! Oooow!” You groaned as you fell again. This was the 6th time you fell in the last 20 minutes. Your butt was probably bruised and the cold melted ice had seeped through your layers and now your butt was wet. Peter covered his mouth and gasped again, once again helping you up. Ruby winced with a smile.
“Maaaybe that’s enough skating for now. We should do something else in the snow.” Peter said, rubbing your back comfortingly. Ruby nodded and agreed.
“Yeah, definitely. Something that doesn’t involve falling and bruising our butts.” She laughed. You nodded with a smirk and out your hands on your hips.
“So… what should we do?” You shrugged. Peter hummed for a second before raising his eyebrows and looking at you girls.
“Snowball fight?” He asked. You and ruby smirked.
“Oww! Hey! How much snow are you packing into a single snowball Peter?!?” You yelled as you dove behind your fort. It felt like he was throwing pure rock at you! Peter laughed evilly as he kept preparing more snowballs, gathering as much snow as he could and compressing it tightly into a ball. “Hard as a rock.” He sniggered to himself.
It was a girl’s vs boy fight. You thought that since it was two of you and one of him, you’d have the upper hand easily. But of course, that hasn’t the case.
Ruby stood up from behind the wall and threw 2 snowballs at Peter. One had successfully hit Peter on the shoulder and the other hit the wall of his fort. You tried to make more snowballs to give to Ruby to throw but as the fight progressed, Peter was winning by a long shot.
The fight continued and the three of you were so caught up in the game that you were only brought back to reality when you heard another familiar voice from a few feet away.
“Hey, that’s no fair, Peter’s outnumbered!” Tony said. The three of you looked up to see the rest of the team standing there with smiles on their faces. “He needs some help, right guys?” He asked, Steve, Bucky, Thor and Clint nodding along and agreeing. Nat and Wanda rolled their eyes.
“No! He’s perfectly fine and its perfectly fair!” You yelled. However, the team ignored your protests.
“What do you say, fellas? Boys vs girls?”
“NO! Then we’ll be outnumbered!!”
Steve nodded. “Sounds good. It’s on!” The guys immediately joined Peter’s side making you and Ruby groan. Nat lazily walked to your side and Wanda crouched down next to you.
“I don’t wanna go out into the line of fire so I’ll just be here and make the snowballs for you guys.” Wanda said. You playfully rolled your eyes but agreed.
“Alright ready?” Tony called out. You groaned and poked your head out from the fort.
“Just so you know, this is still totally not fair!” You sang. “There’s 6 guys and only 4 girls. Plus, Wanda is staying behind the fort so technically there’s only 3 girls fighting.”
“Tough cheese, do what you can, and prepare to lose anyway!” Tony quipped, making you growl. “3,2,1, GOOO!”
In a few moments you all were laughing loudly and squealing, as snowballs flew in all directions. You were hit a couple of times and so was Nat and Ruby, but you were surprisingly able to land a few good shots to the opposite team. Thanks to Nat's ninja skills, she was able to easily dodge many snowballs. At some point in the fight, it got really chaotic. There was screaming everywhere and there were no longer organized teams. Girls teamed up with boys, some fought alone; it was crazy. You and Steve were currently teamed up and you were both trying to get Thor. He was by himself but held his own very well. He laughed victoriously, throwing ball after ball of snow to your bodies. Bucky then temporarily joined Thor's team, throwing snowballs at Steve.
When Thor and Bucky wouldn’t relent, Steve turned on you, lifting you up and using you as a shield. You screamed as you started to get hit by all the balls they were throwing. “HEY! YOU TRAITOR!” You yelped. Steve ran away while still holding you in front of him to protect himself from anymore snowballs. “Steve stop!!!” You squealed, kicking your legs in the air when he started running towards Peter's fort. You were getting attacked and you were partially scared because Peter's snowballs hurt and your brother was basically making you the target of them. Luckily, Peter manages to throw one of his snowballs and hit Steve straight in the head.
“OW!” He growls, immediately dropping you on the snow. You cheer and run away while you still can, sticking your tongue out at Steve.
“Ha ha!”
“Jesus, Pete! What are these, white stones?!”
You run away to join Thor's team since he’s doing pretty good, and also because you're mad at Steve. You laugh as you and Thor currently have the upper hand, since the both of you have a system; you make the balls and Thor delivers. His big strong arms allow him to throw the balls at great distances, so even the people running far away don’t stand a chance.
When you peek out of the fort, you see Steve from afar trying to quickly build himself a wall to protect himself. It seemed like the perfect opportunity to get revenge. As you were making more snowballs for Thor, you made up a plan. You would run up to him, avoiding the line of fire, and kick down and destroy his wall. Then, once he's caught off guard, you'd use the snow from the fallen fort and throw it at him, thus getting revenge for turning on you.
You grinned as you prepared enough balls to last Thor for the few minutes that you'd be away, then left. “I’ll be right back Thor!” You said, quickly running over to Steve to commence your plan.
Once you're close enough, you run and jump into the fort like a wrecking ball, turning the wall into a pile of snow. Steve’s eyes widened as he witnessed his hard work get completely wrecked.
“What the-“
You quickly get up on you knees and gather snow in your arms. “This is what you get for betraying me!” you giggled, launching snow at him and tackling him to the ground, shoving snow down his shirt.
He yelped at the sudden cold feeling, grabbing your wrists and pushing you off him. He quickly gets up and shakes off the snow before pinning you to the ground and straddling you. You scream and try to fight back, pushing on his chest and wrestling with him but he easily pins your wrists to your chest with an evil chuckle and digs into your side with his free hand. You squeal, arching your back and squirming around, letting out uncontrollable giggles. “Stohohohop it steheheheheve!” you kick you legs, shrieking when he lets go of your wrists and uses both hands to slide under your long-sleeved shirt and attack your bare belly.
You threw your head back and cackled, trying to rip his hands away but it was futile. You had made the mistake earlier of taking a few layers off you when you started getting hot from all the running around, so now you had just made it extremely easy for Steve to tickle you senseless.
“STEHEHEVE I CAHAHANT!” You cried, squealing loudly when he moved his ice fingers up to your ribs. His cold fingers expertly dug in between each rib, making the sensation unbearable for you.
“Awww, is it a little cold for you? Huh?” He teased, pouting his lip and using a baby voice to tease you. Your laughter went up an octave as you tried to turn and hide your blush. Steve chuckled at your bubbly state and slipped his hands under your arms, causing you to yelp and press your arms to your sides.
“NAHAHAHA PLEHEHEHEASE STEHEVE!” You begged. Steve ignored your protests and began to blow raspberries in the crook of your neck, his cold nose touching behind your ear making you squeal. You couldn’t take this much longer and needed to call for help. “HEHEHELP IHIHTS TOO MUHUHUCH!” You yelled, hoping to catch the attention of anyone on the team. “HELP HE'S CHEATIHIHIHING!” You laugh harder as Steve wiggles his fingers in your belly button, knowing how that drives you crazy.
Finally, Tony looks over to you and sees you getting wrecked by Steve. He chuckles, rolling his eyes before nudging Clint who’s next to him. Clint looks over to where he's pointing and sighs. “Of course.”
Tony tilts his head to the side and sighs dramatically, catching the attention of the team, “Alright; new rules. Everybody go for Steve.” He tutted, everyone quickly bombarding Steve with snowballs.
Steve stops tickling you and grunts, raising his arms up to protect his upper body as he falls to his side, allowing you to escape. You quickly get up in a fit of giggles and run away, diving behind a fort with Nat and Peter. When the team finally stops throwing snow at him, Steve gets up and chases you again.
You shriek when you see him running towards you and you run away. You try to reach Thor again but he quickly catches you and carries you up with one arm while bending down and grabbing some snow, getting his revenge by shoving it down your back. You scream and arch your back, kicking your legs out. “AHH! STOHOHOP ITS COHOHOLD! NOOO!” You squeal.  When Steve gets enough snow under your clothes, he drops you and runs. You growl and get up, shaking out all the remaining snow before jumping behind the nearest fort; which is Tony's.
Tony throws a few more snowballs over his wall before quickly retreating, diving behind and sitting with his back against the wall. He looks at you sideways in all seriousness, panting heavily. “This is more chaotic than the battle of New York.” He spat. You laughed at that, and started to help him make more snowballs.
Just in time, as the team had started to get tired, Pepper rode in on one of the golfcarts to meet you guys and tell you to come in. “Oh, my goodness, you all are covered in snow!” she exclaimed with a surprised smile on her face.
“Yup! It was one hell of a fight.” Clint chuckles.
Pepper hummed and shook her head briefly. “Well I hope you guys had fun, there's hot chocolate waiting inside for all of you so, come back in and warm up.” She says, waving towards home and driving back to the compound. The rest of you all pack up your sweaters and skates, walking back in a group to the compound, talking and laughing amongst each other.
In no time, everyone is joined in the living room around the fireplace, warming up and drinking their hot chocolate. Jarvis turns on the tv and puts on Home Alone, making everybody smile. You're cuddled up on the couch next to Thor, Peter laying on his side on the carpet, and Ruby Anne is cuddled up to Tony, who has an arm around her, rubbing up and down comfortingly. You smile and sigh happily, turning your attention back to the movie, laughing at Harry and Marv’s antics.
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nataliedanovelist · 4 years
GF - How A Star Is Born ch.X
Hercules AU, founded by @evaroze, whom this fic is a gift for. I hope y’all like it!
AO3 link
Mabel, though a bit salty that her uncle would send her away from battle, quickly saw the chaos raining down on Earth and formed her own plan: find dipper and work together to save the world. Simple enough. So she used Gompers the giant goat to gallop across the valley and through the woods to Thebes, where a big goblin was smashing buildings and weirdness was torturing the Greek city, creating an apocalyptic atmosphere.
Mabel remembered where her brother’s house was and heard an old man yell as Gompers approached. She stopped the giant goat and gasped at who was at the entrance. In armor and a red cape, someone who looked a lot like her Grunkle Ford was staring at her with brown eyes that matched her own.
Stan smiled nervously and stepped forward. “Hi… Mabel, ri-...”
“GRUNKLE STAN!” Mabel cheered with tears streaming down her face and she jumped down into his arms, knocking him to the ground, but Stan just laughed and hugged his newfound niece. “I can’t believe it! I get to meet you! Hi! I’m Mabel! Hi!”
“Well, hey there, pumpkin.” Stan greeted as he hugged her and petted her long brown hair. “Grunkle, huh? I love it! Alright, lemme look at you.” He gently held her by the shoulders and grinned at the blushing muse. She glowed golden, her skin a slightly bright hue than his thanks to being immortal. “Holy Hera, you’re beautiful. You look like Ma, bless her soul. Wow… just, wow.”
Mabel brought him into another hug and whispered, “Thanks. I… I never thought I’d get to see you.”
“Mabel?” Dipper said weakly as he leaned against the doorway.
Mabel and Stan gave him their full attention, still completely ignoring the devastation taking place around them, and Mabel cried freely as she looked at her twin. “DIPPER!” She got off her knees and ran to him. He graced himself for impact, but was happily brought into a tight hug that lifted him off his feet. Clearly she had some god-like strength, too.
“Mabel… it’s great to see you…”
“I missed you, I missed you, I MISSED YOU!” Mabel yelled happily and sat him on his feet. She looked back at her great-uncle, who was on his feet and joining the niblings, and she reached out a hand for him and held Dipper’s hand. “Look at this! We’re a family again! So… how do you like each other?” She asked excitedly.
Dipper shrugged. “Fine.”
Stan chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of his neck. “You’re not still… mad about me not telling you, are you?”
“Wait… oh.” Mabel said and let her boys go and took a step back to let them talk.
“I’m just…” Dipper gritted his teeth and rubbed his forehead, his head grazing over his birthmark that looked like a kitchen dipper. “I don’t understand. Why? Why didn’t you ever tell me? Were you… Are you really that ashamed to be family?”
“No.” Stan quickly said. “No, Dipper, I… I’m proud to be your family. I am so proud of you, hero or no hero. I… I just didn’t know how to tell you. I almost did when we first met, when this scrawny but strong and smart twelve-year-old came to my doorstep, desperate to become a hero only so he could have a family again, but… I decided you were better off not knowing. You were already dealing with so much, knowing you had an uncle who was a total failure didn’t need to be one of them. 
“I’m sorry.” The old trainer of heroes said woefully. “I wish I had told you. I wish I had been more honest with you. But… kid, it doesn’t matter if I’m your uncle or not. Nothing’s changed. Not really. I’m still so proud of you and I’m still gonna do everything I can to make sure you two aren’t ever separated ever again.” Stan swore, pointing at Dipper and Mabel. “Even if it happens tomorrow or thirty years from now, I swear it’ll happen. But no matter what, you’ll always have a family, Dipper. We’ll always be a family, god or no gods, blood or no blood.”
Dipper let this soak in, then sighed and swayed a little. Really, if it wasn’t for everything going on, the big reveal probably wouldn’t have been as devastating, it was just a lot at once. “Yeah… Yeah, we will…”
Mabel’s smile dropped at seeing how pale and sickly he looked, and she rubbed his shoulders and was much more gentle with him. “Whoa, hey, what’s wrong?”
“He traded his strength away to that Bill guy.” Stan informed.
Mabel turned to look at the big goblin tearing up the city. “I’m guessing that’s why.” The young muse cracked her knuckles and grinned excitedly. “And here I thought I was gonna miss a fight! Stan, you look after Dipper, I’ll handle Ugly.” And she ran down the street for the monster.
“Mabel, no!” Dipper called after her, stepping towards her, but he tripped over his feet and Stan had to catch him.
“Easy, kid, easy. Your sis can handle this.” Stan reassured. “Check it.”
Mabel ran past people who were trying to get out of Eight Ball’s way. She slid to a stop at the town’s circle and whistled loudly. Eight Ball looked down and laughed. “A little girl?! Aw, what, are you gonna dance for me?”
Mabel growled and sneered a sly smile. “If it’ll make you happy… let’s dance!” And she pulled out her duel sword from either hip and plunged them into a green foot that was almost as big as her.
Eight Ball yelled and kicked up, sending Mabel up in the air. The goblin quickly swatted her and she was thrown against a stone wall and slid down painfully, but she staggeringly got up and resumed the fight.
“Ouch! That’s it, pumpkin, shake it off!” Stan coached.
Dipper pulled himself away from Stan and moaned, “I gotta help her…”
“Kid, you’ll die without your strength.” Stan said firmly and made Dipper sit down on a step of their home. “Just breathe and rest, okay? You’ll get your strength back in twenty-three hours.”
Dipper held his head. While so weak and in pain, it was hard for him to think. His mind was so stuffed and so full but so low on energy that he was driving himself insane, but those words created a clear path of thinking, and he shot up as an idea came to mind. “Or if you’re hurt.”
Stan raised an eyebrow. “Uh, yeah.”
“The deal’ll break if you’re hurt.” Dipper explained and looked around. He saw Pacifica guiding children into a house where they would be safe, and he whistled. “Paz! C’mere!”
The blonde woman looked ashamed, but did as she was told. She slowly approached the scowling old man and the weak young man as she nervously played with her hair. “Listen, I…”
“No, you listen. You owe us a favor.” Dipper panted, weak from the effort of whistling.
“Uh, okay.” Pacifica agreed.
“Punch him.” Dipper said, jabbing a thumb at Stan.
Pacifica shrugged. “Okay.” And she gave him a sharp left hook.
“GAH!” Stan held his cheek and rubbed. “Woman! That hurt!”
“Good!” Dipper laughed, his color instantly returning and his stance getting stronger, grinning with pride over his own cleverness. “You got hurt! The deal’s off!”
“YES!” Stan cheered and punched his shoulder, having no effect on the young hero with god-like strength. “That’s my little conman! NOW GO BEAT UP THAT GUY WITH YOU SISTER!”
Dipper nodded and ran off into battle. 
Mabel was doing a very good job of fighting off the monster, but the fight was at a stand-still. At one point the muse was in the clutches of Eight Ball, both hands trapping her as she squirmed and pulled. “I’m gonna bite your head off!” He roared.
“LEAVE MY SISTER ALONE!” Dipper demanded, grabbing a lit torch, jumping off a tall building, and smacking Eight Ball in one of his weird eyes with the fire.
“GAH!” The monster dropped Mabel, who recovered by doing a flip and landed perfectly with a bend of her knee. Dipper jumped down beside her and they both smiled proudly at each other, only allowed a moment before eight Ball had recovered and roared, but one sly glance at each other and the fallen god and the young muse were ready to do battle.
They pounced on the goblin, Dipper throwing punches and Mabel using her duel swords, and they fell behind a large mountain with the beast. Stan and Pacifica gasp, the battle out of sight, and three voices yelled when large rocks from the side of the mountain fell. The audience ran closer, but stopped as they heard rustling. Preparing for the worst but praying for the best, Dipper and Mabel slowly emerged, a bit dirty but healthy nonetheless.
Stan hollered with joy as his chest swelled with pride while Pacifica clapped politely. “THAT’S MY KIDS! Alright, alright! I’m so proud of you guys!”
Dipper and Mabel grinned, but the brother looked up at the dark clouds seriously. “Bill’s still out there…”
“OH NO!” Mabel smacked her forehead. “I almost forgot! More monsters were attacking Olympus! Grunkle Ford needs our help!”
“You two go help Sixer.” Stan said and jabbed a thumb at the broken city. “I better help these guys out, tell the press what’s going on, the usual stuff.”
“You sure?” Mabel asked. “We could use your help.”
“Nah, you don’t need me.” Stan chuckled. “You both just took on a monster with your bare hands like it was nothing! Now go save the world!”
Mabel and Dipper grinned, excited to kick that demon back where he belongs, and the muse whistled for Gompers. As soon as he arrived they got up on him and galloped for the home of the gods, ready for Round 2.
“What’s our status?!” Ford asked his best friend.
“Everyone’s bein’ turned t’stone!” Fiddleford yelled as an eyebat shined a beam down at him. “Even me!”
“NO!” Ford threw his last bolt at the eyebat, but it swerved out of the way and scooped up Fiddleford’s frozen body.
Ford looked left and right, waiting for an idea to come to him, but he was too clouded with anxiety and worry that he failed to notice the huge, now three-dimensional demon behind him. “Fordsie, I’m home.” A shrill voice sang.
“Bill?” Ford breathed, his eyes narrowing in anger and he shook with rage. He should have listened to Mabel and knew he was behind this. He growled like an angry bulldog and tried to throw a punch, but with a lift of a finger Bill had total control over Ford’s body and made him float lifelessly in front of him.
“Well well, looks like you truly are as dumb as you look. Tell me, did you really think such a powerful being would ever be friends with a six-fingered monster?” Bill laughed evilly and moved two arms close, creating lava and ice to work together to encase Ford in a stony prison. “This dimension is mine, Sixer, and it’s all thanks to you.” He said as Ford climbed and crawled to try to escape, but was steadily being encased, like quicksand. “Now all I need to do is make sure those brats stay out of my way.”
“NO! NO!” Ford screamed. “NOT MY KIDS, YOU CA-…” And he was completely covered.
“I’m the one giving orders now, Freak.” Bill sneered and sat in his new throne the eyebats had made for him, made entirely out of gods and goddesses. “And I think I’m gonna like it here.”
“Don’t get too comfortable, Bill!” A voice yelled and Bill turned red and left his throne to see behind him.
Bursting on top of the mountain, Gompers carried Dipper and Mabel, who hopped down and scowled up at the mean triangle.
“WHAAAAAAAAAT?!?! No, no no NO!” Bill roared. “Eight Ball had ONE job to do! UGH! Henchmaniacs, TAKE THEM OUT!”
The twins nodded at each other, agreeing to the plan, and Mabel gave Dipper some cover by hopping over the monsters and attacking the eyebats, stabbing them like they were meatballs. Dipper quickly hurried to the throne made of stoned gods, and used his god-like intelligence to know which god to pull loose.
After a quick analysis, Dipper gently pulled out a dark-skinned goddess with a red dress, the goddess of summer and romance, one by one all of the victims were unfrozen and the throne fell apart. Freed and ready for battle, gods pulled out their weapons and helped Mabel attack the monsters now that all of the eyebats were dead.
“YA HOO!” Fiddleford hollered and smacked little Teeth with a banjo. “Thanks, Mason!”
Dipper grinned and quickly climbed over the large pile of rock. At the top, he tore the prison apart and freed Grunkle Ford. The men had a moment much like Stan and Mabel had, simply looking at each other, until Ford blinked his eyes dry and put a six-fingered hand on each of dipper’s shoulders. “Thank you, my boy.”
Dipper felt like throwing up, but in a good way. He and Ford looked down at the glorious battle of gods defeating the monsters, and they quickly joined in.
One by one as monsters were defeated, Dipper used his super strength to pull them behind them, gathering unconscious, sagging bodies until he and Mabel were at the entrance of Olympus with their gain. Mabel swiped the Golden Rope of Truth from the goddess of summer and romance and the twins worked together to tie up the minions in a heap, and Mabel held them still while Dipper kicked so powerfully they flew all the way to the ocean and down through the little hole in space-time, which sealed instantly.
Mabel pounced on her brother, who scooped her up and hugged her tightly as everyone cheered over their victory. Ford was by their side, ruffling their hair and smiling with brown eyes full of love. “I’m so proud of you both.”
Dipper could feel all his dreams coming true, but a shrill voice rang through the dark clouds as a golden triangle fled. “Thanks a ton, freaks! But at least I got one swell consolation prize! A friend of yours, who’s dying to see me!”
The three gasp over fear of losing their missing family member forever. “STAN!”
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jasmine2042003 · 3 years
Beware the Spirits of the Vengeful ~ Pt 5
Hi! Its been a while huh? Sorry about that, I’ve been a bit busy. Anyway, here is part five, based on the episode ‘Abomination’ from season 2! I was also wondering how people would feel about me turning this into more of a Derek x reader, this chapter is more about Derek but I also want to write more about Stiles and Isaac in the future! Okay on with the chapter~
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3rd Person pov:
A gasp was heard in the previously dead silent train depot, Derek’s head shot over to the previously passed out girl, Arae. (y/n) looked around at her surroundings, obviously confused by where she was and why she was unable to recall what had happened previously. 
Derek was sitting across from the teen, having been watching over her whilst she was unconscious, (y/n) looked around the damp, dark area, shooting a questioning look to the Alpha werewolf sitting close by. “Where are the others?” She asked, referencing to the teen Betas the man had chosen to turn. Derek nodded towards the exit, “School,” He responded, reminding the girl that she had to be there also.
Sitting upright in bed as quick as she could, she tried leaving the cot Derek had tucked her into, suddenly realising she was wearing nothing but a large Henley shirt. Looking down at her body, she gave another confused gaze at Derek, who looked away, almost bashfully. “When you passed out, you weren’t... wearing anything,” He muttered, “I had to give you something.” She nodded and sat back in the cot, covering her lower half.
“To ease your nerves, I called in as your guardian, used some charm to get you the day off from school.” He told her, his normal stoicism returning. For some reason, the young Arae felt something burning in the pit of her stomach, hearing that he had ‘charmed’ some random girl. “I asked Isaac and Erica to take notes for you, in classes you share.” He finished. (y/n) nodded, both in acknowledgement and gratitude. 
There was silence for a moment, allowing (y/n) to get a grasp on her surroundings and emotions, which were equally as blurry after leaving her Spirit Form. “So...” Derek began, stealing the teen’s attention once more. “How did this...” He gestured at her body, “Happen?” (y/n) looked sort of offended, leaving the man to quickly rephrase his question, “I meant the supernatural thing!” (y/n) looked down, clearing her dry throat before beginning. “I guess it’s sort of a long story.”
Flashback ~
(y/n) pov:
I smacked softly at the door of the mausoleum, I must have been doing so for hours by now, my hands were bloody and bruised from how long I had been pounding and scratching at the door. There was nothing more I could do. I turned and began looking around, my eyes having adjusted to the dark long ago. I no longer had any hope that dad would come back for me. “What did I do?” I whimpered, thinking about my family, “Why did they leave me?”
“Not everyone can live forever my darling,” I heard a soft voice from behind me, whipping my head around with a small squeak. I couldn’t see anything or anyone, I could only hear them, they seemed to be humming. A simple tune that I recognised as something my mother had sang to me, every night. “Mama?” I called timidly. 
The voice gave an amused chuckle, “Hello (n/n),” She told me, I gasped and ran to where I heard the voice, tears streaming even more quickly down my face, looking desperately for my mother. “You won’t be able to see me, dear one, not yet anyway.” She whispered. I whined slightly, but the lullaby she was humming had hastened the exhaustion that was overcoming me.
I sat against the wall of the building, listening intently to the lullaby, “I’ll see you soon, my darling girl.” Mother whispered, sending me off to a peaceful slumber.
“I don’t remember much of what happened before I died, I remember the hunger, the thirst, the aching I felt because of them. Before I passed to the other side, I remember my mother warning me, telling me not to hold onto the past, I guess I didn’t listen. Right before I left, I thought of my parents, I felt anger. Towards my father for my murder and my mother for leaving me and letting him do it, even though she seemingly had no choice. Before I knew it, I was a monster.”
When I opened my eyes, the heat surrounding me seemed to have had no effect on my body and yet it was blistering. The body that used to be aching, in hunger, dehydration and emotional turmoil, now felt nothing. I looked around at the new environment, there was fire everywhere, weeping apparitions of all ages were the only life (or dead) I could see. The place I was now in was inherently terrifying, but I didn’t feel afraid, I felt like I belonged here.
“I was there for who knows how long, I seemed to grow as I should have been growing while I was alive, getting stronger with each year that passed. I had another Arae to watch over me, her name was Yarrow, she was sort of my boss, she told me what to do and when. But I knew I would never be happy knowing that I was securing everyone else’s revenge, but still feeling completely unsatisfied with my father’s livelihood.
“I knew I needed to finish what he had started, so I made a deal with Yarrow. Something you should know Derek, making a deal, with a spirit of the dead, is incredibly dangerous business, even if she was my own kind. We agreed that, as long as she had my allegiance, I would be allowed to return to the living and destroy my father.”
“You wished for conference with me (y/n).” The older Arae in front of me stood tall and proud, her wings were a brilliant crimson, seemingly made of flames, her eyes were the incredible cerulean of our species’ magic, contrasting against the red of her feathers and our home. I nodded to her, “Yes, my mistress, I have felt that I’m not doing my best, knowing that he is still up there.” I informed her, pointing towards the ceiling and the land of the living with my sharp talons. 
Yarrow smiled warmly at me, “I’ve watched over you for the last ten solstices, I watched you grow into a wonderful Arae, I’ve noticed your internal struggle, knowing how much you blamed yourself and others hurt me, but I know you’ll do what you need to.” She explained. I looked up at her, hanging off of her every word, “Do you mean-?” 
She nodded encouragingly, “Indeed, I shall allow you to return to the living, until you have no unfinished business via yourself or other mortals.” She ordered, the feeling of the command hitting me like a hurricane, literally. When a senior Arae commanded an underling, you could feel the weight of the words envelope you. All of a sudden I was back in the mausoleum, my glowing blue eyes casting a dim hue over my young corpse in the corner. 
I pondered over Yarrow’s words, “Until you have no unfinished business via yourself or other mortals.” There was always unfinished business for mortals, they were constantly quick to want revenge, even when they cannot accept the consequences. Revenge may be a dish best served cold but no dishes are free. 
Flashback over~
Derek looked at me shocked, I wonder what he was thinking, why my father did what he did, whether or not my story was true, who knows? “You should know this Derek,” I began, watching his deep green eyes stare into my own as they began glowing once more, “We’ve been connected in mind and soul because of Kate Argent.” 
His eyes darkened, his face becoming once more, sullen. “I am aware of your anger towards her, I know what she did and I am sorry for your loss. I know you feel blame because of what she did, but who she was, wasn’t your fault.” I told him, transforming into my spirit form before leaning down to gently kiss his cheek. 
I then abruptly left, I had someone I had to meet. 
??? pov:
“Boys! Slow down!” I called to my sons, barely seeing their chestnut brown hair before they disappeared in the crowded cafe. I huffed, out of breath after running after my six year old twins. I looked for my boys, seeing them looking up in awe at a teenage girl with (s/t) skin, (h/l) (h/c) hair and (e/c) eyes. I couldn’t help but gape along with them, she was beautiful, she exuded an aura of confidence, but her smile was sweet.
“Hi,” She greeted with a fond smile, “Do these belong to you?” She chuckled. I shook myself out of my revere, nodding at the girl who still had that lovely smile. The smile quickly slipped from her face as she looked at my I.D badge from the hospital. “Francesca (l/n)?” She asked, I looked down at my chest and back at her, nodding with a grin. “You wouldn’t happen to know a (f/n) (l/n)?” She asked again.
“You know my husband?” I asked, she looked briefly shocked before responding. She nodded in confirmation and replied, “I’m being so rude, allow me to introduce myself, my name is (y/n) (l/n), I’m (f/n)’s daughter.” That caused me to look as shocked as she had. (f/n) had a daughter? Why wouldn’t he tell me that? “I know you must be so confused, I’ll buy you a coffee, we could maybe sit and talk? I could buy a couple of cupcakes for these two cupcakes,” She giggled, pinching the boys’ cheeks.
I nodded, still frozen in shock. I went to find a table, but the boys wanted to stay with their new big sister, I could hear them vaguely as they walked over to the counter.
“I’m Lucas! This is Ozzy, are you going to come live with us?” Lucas asked, excited as always, (y/n) chuckled and shook her head, Ozzy then almost shouted, “You’re really pretty!” (y/n) laughed loudly, ruffling his hair and leading them over to buy drinks and food.
They were only six, they probably didn’t realise the magnitude of the situation. How could (f/n) hide this from me? He was my husband, he never told me he had another daughter, or even another relationship. (y/n) soon cleared this up, “Francesca, I’m sure you have a lot of questions.” I interrupted quickly.
“Franny, please.” I told her with a weak smile, not quite getting over my shock. She nodded, after two cappuccinos and a lot more cupcakes, I knew the full story. (f/n) had been married before marrying me, her name was (m/n), she passed away when (y/n) was only four. Apparently, after her mother’s untimely passing, she went to live with her mother’s family, her father having lost custody. 
After we got through the rather awkward conversation, we actually got along quite well, she was the daughter I always wanted, my first (and hopefully only) secret step-daughter.
Walking into the house, the boys beginning to run down from their sugar high, compliments of their new sister, I walked up to (f/n)’s office with purpose. As much as I wasn’t upset that he had been in a previous marriage and had a daughter with her, I was furious that he hadn’t told me! Knocking on the door, his voice from the other side allowed my entrance.
He could see the anger on my face, setting down whatever he was working on to give me his full attention. “So, I ran into someone interesting today,” I began, my voice strained, “She told me her name was (y/n).” I hadn’t fully believed the story until I saw my husband’s reaction. His eyes widened massively at her name, standing from his chair with reckless abandon. 
(f/n) pov:
Franny continued to tell me that she had ran into a girl, claiming to be my daughter, I was terrified that she knew, she had been told what I had done. (y/n), or the person posing as her, had told her that after (m/n) died, (her name still leaving a bad taste in my mouth) she had moved in with her mother’s family. As far as I knew, (m/n) didn’t have any family, so I already knew this person was not my daughter.
I wasn’t listening to Franny anymore, responding with a nod every once in a while, her anger seemed to have depleted, replaced with joy at having a wonderful daughter. I was seething, someone knew what I had done, they were taunting me, acting as my daughter. The one I had killed. Or had I?
3rd Person pov
Erica pushed Stiles harshly into the darkened pool area, Derek’s sour wolf face greeting him as he bounced a basketball back and forth ominously. “Stiles, what did you see at the mechanic’s garage?” He asked, looking expectantly. Stiles responded with the only thing he knew, sarcasm.
“Several alarming EPA violations that I’m seriously considering reporting.” He told him, all with a straight face. The look on his face told the teen that wasn’t what he was looking for, looking Stiles in the eye as he punctured the basketball with his claws, deflating it and watching as it crumpled to the ground. “Let’s try this again...” The Alpha ordered.
“Alright, the thing was pretty slick looking. Skin was dark, kind of patterned. I think I actually saw scales. Is that enough? Because I have someone I really need to talk to.” Apparently that wasn’t enough, so the boy continued.
“Okay, um... Eyes. It’s eyes are yellowish. Slitted. It had a lot of teeth.” Not noticing the look of alarm on the werewolves’ faces as they looked up behind him. “Oh and it has a tail. Okay, we good?” Stiles finally realised what was happening, “What? Have you seen it? You’ve got this look like you know exactly what I’m talking about.” The human spun around and looked at whatever they could see, just as the creature leapt from the wall.
Erica darted in front of her Alpha, trying to protect him but the thing moved too fast for her. Whipping towards her, it shoved the Beta across the floor, her head knocking brutally into the wall, a small yelp accidentally alerting a certain being before she slumped unconscious. Derek saw what had happened to his poor Beta, beginning to fight the creature. 
The fight continued, the man trying to protect the sarcastic human from harm. “Get behind me,” Derek ordered, Stiles nodding and retreating behind him, once he does, he notices a bloody slash against the back of the werewolf’s neck. “Derek, your neck...” The man turned around, his hand reaching for his neck just as his leg’s gave out. The paralysis took hold as Derek dropped to his knees.
The two stumble around, Stiles trying to grab his phone from his pocket and Derek keeping watch. As the creature emerged from the darkness, slowly and methodically, Derek’s strength failed, Stiles lost his balance, dropping his phone and Derek slipped from his grip, tumbling into the pool.
Without a moments hesitation, Stiles jumped in after the sinking man, the water splashing as the two burst to the surface, gasping for air. They looked for the creature, hoping out loud that it had fled, only for a piercing shriek to come from the darkness, “Maybe not.” Derek responded. 
 “Get me out of here before I drown!” Derek shouted, as Stiles began to struggle to carry the weight of the man. “You’re worried about drowning? Did you notice the thing out there with multiple rows of razor-sharp teeth?” The snarky boy replied. He could almost feel the fury rising in the Lycan as he responded, “Did you notice I’m paralysed from the neck down in eight feet of water!?”
Stiles gave in, beginning to paddle towards the edge of the pool, not seeing the odd thing that was terrorising them. “Stop!” Derek shouted, both of them spotting the glowing yellow eyes at the other side of the pool. “What’s it waiting for?” Stiles asked shakily. The supernatural didn’t respond, his eyes trained purposefully on the creature, as if trying to figure out the answer.
Breathlessly, Stiles adjusted his grip on Derek, “I don’t know how much longer I can do this.” The creature continued circling his prey, Stiles’ eyes focusing on the phone on the wet tiles nearby. “Don’t even think about it.” Derek commanded. 
“Can you trust me for half a second?” Stiles asked exasperated, getting a blatant, “No.” In response. “I’m the one keeping you alive if you hadn’t noticed.” The boy almost yelled, becoming more and more over-exerted. 
“When the paralysis wears off, who’s the one who’s going to be able to fight that thing? You or me?” Stiles considered the options he had, asking if that had been why he’d been holding him up for two hours. “Yes. You don’t trust me. I don’t trust you. But you need me to survive. Which is why you’re not letting me go.” 
Looking Derek in the eye, Stiles lets go, immediately heading for his phone as Derek sinks to the pool floor. Snatching his phone from the tiles, he turns to see the creature coming straight for him, forcing him to make a desperate leap for the pool. His hand shot out from the water, his last attempt to call for help, as he dials Scott’s number. 
“I can’t talk right now.” Scott’s voice sounded from the speaker, before promptly hanging up. Stiles looked at his phone screen, completely gobsmacked at what had just happened. He looked down at the black figure, blurry at the bottom of the pool, having no other choice, he let the phone go and dived to save Derek. The two broke the surface of the water once again, gasping for air.
“Tell me- you got him.” Derek practically pleaded, his voice broken with gasps. Stiles refused to answer, his face telling the other man all he needed to know. The sound of glass breaking overhead scared the both of them, clawed fingers reaching down to grab the two, keeping them in the pool but above the water. 
Stiles released his grip on the werewolf, relief flooding through his arms. Sighing, Stiles looked up at whoever had saved them, yelping in surprise at the sight of the winged beauty. It was (y/n). Her eyes were glowing a deep blue, her body was covered in dark feathers and, most importantly, she had huge wings protruding from her back, flapping softly to keep them afloat.
She seemed to be keeping the two men in her hold with no problem, proving her incredible strength. Her bright eyes were quietly observing the creature from afar. Scott then appeared, with his claws and fangs dropped, letting out a fearsome roar. He seemed to be confused, not quite knowing which creature to attack, the one holding his friend and former mentor, or the one still circling the pool. 
His dilemma was quickly answered when the scaly creature wrapped its tail around his leg, lifting him off of the floor and and hurtling him towards a wall mirror. Glass shattered, lifting (y/n)’s attention from the men in her arms, she carried them to the pool side, dropping them as gently as she could, before rushing to help Scott. The creature inched ever closer to Scott, in desperation, he grabbed a shard of the broken mirror to use as a weapon.
That’s when it happened. The creature stopped its attack, focusing on its reflection in the shard, it seemed confused by it. As though it didn’t know what it was. Baring its teeth in a shriek, the creature hissed at itself and retreated, leaping onto the wall and darting out of one of the high windows, disappearing into the night. 
Realising that everyone else was fine, (y/n) fled to attend to Erica, who was slowly coming to. Helping her and Derek outside to follow Scott and Stiles, who were at the hood of a car, plugging some USB into a laptop. They seemed to be distressed about something, “That’s not English.” Scott decided, looking at the random letters and symbols. 
“Is that even a language?” Stiles replied.
“How are we supposed to figure out what this thing is?” Scott questioned, looking even more confused. 
“It’s called a Kanima.” Derek called from over their shoulders, with a revived Erica and winged (y/n) at his side. Stiles looked at the three incredulously, “You knew this whole time?” Derek shook his head, the teens attention quickly being taken over by (y/n), “Only when it was confused by its own reflection.” She told them. Scott stood on guard, looking at the odd supernatural.
“It doesn’t know what it is.” He confirmed. 
“Or who.” Derek continued. Stiles asked the man what else he knew, “Just stories and rumours. A shapeshifter, but not right. It’s...” He paused, looking for the right word. 
“An abomination.” (y/n) finished, looking personally hurt by the word. Derek, looking worried at the young girl, finishing his interaction with the boys, “I know one thing, when I find it, I’m going to kill it.”
(y/n) pov
‘It seems as though phase three may have to wait.’
So... this one was a lot longer than all the other chapters, it may have seemed a bit monotonous to read, I don’t know, my writing tends to get a bit crap after two thousand words. Anyway, I really hope you enjoyed part five! Once again, if you want to be notified when a new chapter for this series is posted, just comment and ask to be added to the taglist! Love you guys! Xxx
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littlekatleaf · 4 years
Buried in a burning flame is love and its decisive pain (end)
Holy shitballs. Pretty close to exactly a year ago I got this idea - Junkrat and Roadhog have Christmas with some of the Overwatch crew. It was gonna be short and sweet and fluffy. I started writing in... February? 10 months and 21K words later I ended up with something almost entirely different. Oops? Thanks for joining me on the ride!  Part 1  Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5  Part 6  Part 7  Part 8  Part 9
Meds and tea and whiskey and food and mitten and probably a bit of fever still and the lingering feel of Roadie’s hand on his forehead all swirled together into an edgy excitement that made his blood fizz in his veins. Twitchy, itchy. Been looking forward to setting off the fireworks for months - been working them up that long and planning even longer. Had to get it all just right, then combine it with Lucio’s music, get the timing connected to the right shapes, the explosions to the right second… had to be focused, had to be precise and he loved the challenge. The sparks of thrill tingled along his spine and the fire they ignited burned away the lingering crud of sickness leaving him sharp and clear.
He enlisted Hana and Lucio to round up the others, betting they’d be able to convince anyone who was reluctant much better than he would. Even so, he was urging them down to the lake, torches bobbing through the dark, throwing odd shadows between the trees. Maybe talking a little faster than usual but how else was he going to impress upon them how exciting this was? 
“Know it’s cold - hadn’t really thought about that when I was planning. I mean, hadn’t planned to be here at all, just thought we’d be at the Watchpoint. Course, this is better, discounting the cold. Which is hard to do, but Roadie’s getting the bonfire goin’ - he could light a fire in the middle of a monsoon so no worries on that count. An’ Hana brought some whiskey to help so she’ll be right. Ya need to stand here, no closer. Gonna be over the water.  Safe as houses, but can’t be too careful - least according to Morrison, ha! Now turn off the torches. Better the darker it is. Lucky ain’t moonrise yet…” 
“What are we doing out here in the middle of the night when we could be curled up on the couch?” Mei asked no one in particular.
Junkrat ignored her. She’d see, they’d all see and he knew they’d love it just as much as he did if they gave it a chance. Lucio had been kind enough to not only have his sound system set up, but also brought out the box of fireworks so Junkrat didn’t have to lug it himself.
Didn’t take but a minute to set it all up, music on automatic once he started the program. All he had to do was hit the power and light the first fuse.
Music came up slow, soft, bit of piano, then edge of something electronic, rising bass and the first firework streaked up to the center of the sky and as the beat kicked in it exploded in a rain of silver and gold. At the crackling boom the others fell silent, faces tilted to the sky. The sparkles reflected in their eyes and Lucio’s soft ‘oh!’ and Hana’s squeal of delight made even the cold worthwhile. 
Let it start slow. Basic colors, red, blue, green, as well as the gold and silver. Usual shapes, circles, stars, ones that looked like fountains or willows. Then the music shifted, became rhythmic and complex with a minor edge and he sent the first special rockets. The streaks crisscrossed, intersecting like Satya’s hard light shield, like one of her knit shawls and around it burst snowflakes, all in shades of blue and silver. 
Music shifted again, bright and quick - and the second set of his own rockets split the air with a whistling crack then exploded in a crackling red heart, then a gold arrow streamed through. Lena bumped Emily’s hip with her own as their names twined through the heart. Another shift, one of Lucio’s songs, written for Hana and the rockets burst into pink bunnies and green frogs that seemed to bounce up the mountains ringing them and into the stars. 
As the music shifted a final time, setting a beat with a swing, Lena grabbed Emily’s hand and pulled her into a twirl, hands clenched firm but light, feet moving quick, spinning each other in and out and then they were dancing and so were Hana and Lucio and even Mei tugged Satya into the group. 
And then - perfect timing, as the music sang “Seeing’ stars, I’m seeing stars” the final bursts of fireworks - his favorite of the bunch - exploded overhead and Junkrat couldn’t stop his grin at the stars he’d created. Spread above him and Roadie was their night sky. The Saucepan and the Crux. Looking right, looking perfect, not upside down like here.
For a long moment Roadhog said nothing, just stood with his face tipped up, sparks reflecting in his mask as the fireworks cracked and popped and the music thumped and the others laughed and danced.
“Thought ya might like a bit of Straya,” Junkrat said finally, unable to wait for Roadhog to say something. Anything. Maybe he hadn’t recognized it after all. Or maybe it wasn't anything like he’d hoped. Maybe it only looked like home because he was remembering it so clearly. Imagining it. Making it all up again. He shoved his hand in his pocket as a gust of wind swept over them and a sneeze slammed into him, followed quickly by two more. “Huh-r’isssh! Isshh! Ishhew!” 
Didn’t even hear Roadhog move, but suddenly he was right there, shoving his hat down over Junkrat’s head and then wrapping his scarf around Junkrat’s neck. “Stay warm, idiot.”
“Trying,” he said, shivering still. He let Roadie lead him over to the fire which had grown to a roaring height, pouring out a welcome heat. Pine logs crackled and spat sparks swirling into the sky to swirl with the real stars and their backwards constellations.
Lucio cranked his own mix and the bass echoed off the mountains and Lena and Emily still danced with him and Hana. Mei and Satya huddled together, passing a mug of something between them and for a moment, just for a minute, everything felt fine. Felt good.
Junkrat glanced at Roadhog, and though the mask obscured his expression, there was a looseness in his shoulders, something in the tilt of his head that seemed to speak of relaxation and calm. Made the cold and exhaustion worth it. “Happy Christmas, Roadie.” 
“Happy Christmas, Rat.” The warmth in his tone did more to drive away the chill than the fire and Junkrat leaned against his side, letting himself enjoy the closeness. 
After a bit, the others joined them around the fire and Lena passed a joint around, “For everyone except you, Junkrat. Sorry.” 
He shrugged, pulled a flask out of his pocket. “Not gonna share my plague. Got this anyway.” The whiskey left a warm curl in the center of his belly, his muscles loose and easy. Satya told a story about a Snow Queen whose frozen heart melted with the love of a peasant girl, and though Junkrat wanted to roll his eyes, he understood the feeling. The desire to have one’s own story told in myth - to be connected to something bigger. Lena told a story about Father Christmas. Mei about a Chinese hunter, Jia Deng, who hunted with a pet wolf and left gifts of his hunt with the poor during the cruel months of winter. Then Roadie exhaled a long puff of smoke and said,
“Bet you never heard of the Holiday Boar.”
Junkrat giggled into his scarf. “Ain’t gonna tell that one to this lot, are ya?”
Lena cocked her head quizzically. “No, can’t say I have.”
“Well. Long before the Omnium exploded, before the Omnics were even an idea someone had, the Outback was still a hardscrabble place. Dusty and hot and many were desperately poor, trying to eke a living out of land that wasn’t easily giving. One day a wild boar appeared in a village, ribs showing through its skin, hair falling out in patches, it was the most pathetic excuse for a creature the villagers had seen. Most tried to chase it away with kicks and shouts and stones thrown. 
“At the edge of the village there was a farmer. He lived alone on the land. When the boar came to his homestead, the farmer’s first reaction was the same as the others - he wanted to chase it away. Nothing good could come of bringing another mouth to feed into his life. But as he raised a hand to throw a stone, he caught a glimpse of the creature’s eyes and his long dead daughter’s voice spoke in his heart. ‘Papa, please.’ His hand fell and he sighed and the boar stayed.
“In the beginning he found it annoying, an intrusion on his solitude. Still, he fed the creature, sharing the little he had, and in return it kept him company, following him like a dog and seeming to listen when he spoke. Come winter the boar was healthy and grown to a surprising size. Villagers who saw it walking with the farmer nodded knowingly - at the first cold snap he’d likely kill it, and the meat could feed them all.
“But the cold came and still the boar walked with the farmer. The villagers eyed them more than a little oddly. Finally, on the longest night of the year, the farmer was sitting by a fire with the boar at his side as usual. The farmer was lamenting that the land had been even more reticent than usual, and he was likely to lose his home to the mortgagers. 
“The boar’s stomach gave a great rumble, then it leaned forward and puked up a pile of gold coins onto the ground. The farmer never went hungry again and the village prospered.”
Junkrat couldn’t help himself, he burst out laughing. 
Hana laughed too, shook her head. “There’s no way that’s a thing.”
“It’s Australia,” Roadhog argued, deadpan voice. “It absolutely is.”
Lucio nodded, took a drag from the joint. “I could see it.”
They told stories and Lucio led them in carols and the warmth of the fire and the whiskey and Roadhog at his side and Lena’s jokes “What do you call a dinosaur fart? A blast from the past! Why does a duck have tail feathers? To cover his butt quack!” and Emily’s laughter lulled Junkrat into a doze.
“He snores louder than a boar,” Satya said, irritably. Lena giggled.
“You gave him your scarf,” Hana said to Roadhog and her tone was equal parts teasing and curious.
Junkrat felt Roadie’s shoulders move in a shrug. “Never takes care of himself, even when he’s sick.” But though he was more than half asleep, he could hear the tight coldness of the comment. The relaxed ease had gone. Junkrat wanted to sit up and interrupt, but he was just so tired.
“Gave him your cold too, huh.” Still that sing-song teasing tone, but it cut at Junkrat.
“Come on, Roadhog. What’s up with you two, anyway? He won’t give us a straight answer.”
Felt like everyone’s eyes were on them, staring. Junkrat tensed. Sit up, he told himself. Stop this. But he didn’t. He wanted to know what Roadhog would say, even more than he didn’t want to know.
Roadhog’s shoulder moved in another shrug. “Someone’s gotta keep him from offing himself on accident.”
Mei laughed; least no one else did.
Ice through his body, through his stomach, his mind, his lungs. He coughed against it, but it didn’t move. The fire had burned down to little more than embers and even scarf and hat, mitten and whiskey weren’t enough to keep him warm. He forced himself up then, away from Roadhog. Faked a yawn like he just woke up.
“Knackered. Gonna call it a night. Happy Christmas all.” Forced the words past lips that felt frozen and barely heard the others saying goodnight and thanks for the fireworks. 
The moon glowed on the snow, lighting the way back to the cabin enough to keep him from stumbling on tree roots and rocks. His foot crunched softly on pine needles and he heard Roadhog’s louder footfalls behind him. He walked faster. Just wanted to be inside, to be alone, to be warm, to be silent. Even the light of the Christmas tree seemed to mock him with its fake promise of coziness. He’d take a bath, let the water warm his bones, soothe the chills, then sleep. 
“When I said ya ain’t gotta babysit me no more, I meant it,” Junkrat said stiffly as Roadhog followed him into the bathroom. “Promise I ain’t gonna drown in the bath. Even I’m not stupid enough to do that.”
“How’re you going to get in and out?” Roadhog asked bluntly.
Junkrat turned to look and of course there were no bars to let him navigate it himself. Once he took off his prosthetics he’d be screwed. Fuck. He pushed past Roadhog and out of the bathroom. Wasn’t worth it.  
But the bedroom was just as bad. Wanted to collapse onto the bed and sleep for a century or ten, but Roadhog was standing there in the middle of the room taking up all of the space and all of the air and Junkrat knew he wouldn’t be able to fall asleep with his… looming. Instead he shoved the pillows to the head of the cot and sat against the wall, wrapping a blanket around himself. Just barely resisted pulling it over his head, too. Knew Roadie would stare and it was making him jittery. Not in a good way. His head ached again, skin tight with the too hot too cold feeling of returning fever. Should have asked Lucio for more meds. He rubbed a hand over his face, wishing for relief. Wishing for Roadie’s hand on his forehead again, cool and firm and steadying.
“Gonna tell me what’s eating you?” Roadhog asked, finally. His arms were crossed over his chest and he looked down at Junkrat from his full height. Not exactly the most inviting posture. 
“What are we?” The question spilled from him like he was vomiting. “An’ don’t give me some stupid shit like you don’t know what I mean. Hana asks and Lucio asks and you avoid the question.”
“Why do we need to put words to it? Why do they need to know anything?” 
Junkrat shrugged. It wasn’t for them that he needed words. It was him. He needed a foundation, an understanding. Because things were slippery and they could slide away from him before he had a chance to catch hold. “It’s me askin’. Now that ya ain’t my bodyguard. What are we?”
A long pause, a silence full of all the things Roadhog didn’t say. 
“Morrison said I could leave,” Junkrat blurted, unable to stand it.
Roadhog waited.
“Said if this do-gooder shit was too bloody difficult he’d have Lena turn me in. Serve my time and then whatever came next was my choice.”
No response.
“Told him I’d have to talk to you about it, but he said just meant me. I been thinkin...’ we should do it. Could probably convince him to let you go too. Then when we were far enough away could hijack the Orca, dump Lena and head back to Straya. Head home. Get the treasure, sell it to the Queen and find a place to just… live.” He blinked and the after-image of fireworks burst across his vision, constellations in all their permutations. Home. Was it? Didn’t really know anymore… But maybe there it wouldn’t be so hard, maybe there it would be like it had been.
Still no response, no movement at all. Like Roadhog’d turned to stone. Mountain. Felt his gaze go cold, measuring, calculating. Had seen Roadhog turn that gaze on others, size them up, find them lacking… but not on himself. He froze. Utterly still. Waited for the judgment to fall. Then Roadhog laughed. Not like something was funny, or maybe like he was funny and the sound was brittle and sharp in his ears.
“What’s so bloody funny, mate?” and his own voice held an edge.
“The idea that I would want to leave this,” he gestured around the room, taking in everything, “give up the good thing I got going here to… what? Live out some tiny shit life in that hellhole with you? Why the fuck do you think I’d want to go back to that? And with you?” He positively roared with laughter. “You are thick as a rock. Batshit crazy. A complete mess. Sure, when there wasn’t anyone else around who wasn’t trying to kill me, you were good for a laugh. A way to get my rocks off. But in the real world? Fuck no.”
“Fuck you too.” The words scraped his throat and he wished he had covered his head because he had that ominous prickling behind his eyes like he was going to fucking cry, or sneeze, and either way he was fucking well not going to give Roadhog the satisfaction.
“You want to know what we are, Junkrat? We ain’t shit. Nothing. Do what you want, stay or go. I couldn’t possibly give less of a shit.”
“Well that’s fuckin’ clear as crystal. Why don’t you fuck off then an’ let me sleep.” He grit his teeth, bit the inside of his cheek hard enough that he tasted iron. Not going to crumble. Watched as Roadhog turned and crossed the room. Watched the door click shut behind him. Watched the blank wall and refused to let himself crack. Silence then, that he’d wanted. But no warmth. Even wrapped in blankets felt like he was sitting in a snowstorm. Everything muffled and frozen. Freezing.
Then that chuckle in his head. You got an answer. Might not have been the one you wanted, but really Jamison, what did you expect? Did you honestly think he would go back to an irradiated waste land and a criminal life to be with you?
He thumped his head back against the wall, squeezed his eyes shut. Clenched his fist so hard his nails bit into his palm. Shut it. Ain’t real.
No? So make me be silent, then. More laughter. Oh Jamison. How do you think someone would want to be with you when your own mother couldn’t stand to be with you? 
You don’t know nothing ‘bout my mum, he told her. Nothing. But a couple tears leaked free, and the tingling prickles made him sneeze and he buried his head in the blankets and let himself go until he fell asleep, her laughter and Roadhog’s laughter still ringing in his head.
Sleep was restless, part of him kept jerking awake thinking he heard the door open. He hadn’t. When he finally woke completely he felt like he’d been hit by the ute, then had it back over him again. He stumbled out to the living room where he found Hana and Lucio playing a game with Emily, and Mei and Satya watching. 
“Morning, Junkrat,” Lucio said.
“More like afternoon,” Hana corrected.
“Potato potahto,” Lucio shrugged. “Wanna join? You can play winner.”
“Nah,” he cleared his throat, tried to sound nonchalant. “Where’s Roadie?”
“Apparently Morrison sent him on some mission. Something going on in Australia. Lena took him early this morning,” Satya said. “Guess you didn’t go ‘cause you’re sick?” Hana asked.
“Yeah. Something like that.” His head went light. Hadn’t thought Roadhog would actually leave. Take the treasure for himself and go… but there it was. He made his way into the kitchen on a floor that seemed to rock like a boat. Opened the sat comm with numb fingers. 
“Morrison.” “It’s Fawkes. I’ll take your offer. I want to turn myself in.”
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@spiderrpcrker @liamisthesun here's me trying to post original writing.
"So you are not in love with me anymore, huh?" Anant finally asks Aadya the question that has been haunting him ever since they went their seperaye ways. He has thought about it a lot, picked apart their past memories a million times. He has repeated their conversations in his own head so many times that if they were on a tape recorder they would barely be understandable now, the tape scratched into incoherence.
Aadya and Anant are sitting side by side in the room they spent half of their childhood in, the granite floor beneath them is cold and unforgiving. Aadya has her head on his shoulder, Anant's hand in her own. It has been more than 2 hours since they have changed positions and its becoming physically uncomfortable as time passes on and it ought to be what they should be focused on but the question has turned everything around them into a white static noise so far in the background that it has the chance of fading into irrelevance. Aadya looks at Anant then, breath caught somewhere in her throat. The onslaught of memories she has been trying to suppress since they saw each other again is sudden and explosive and it's taking all the self control Aadya doesn't have to not get lost in them.
"Do we have to do this right now?" she asks back, in hopes of avoiding an answer. She is trying to not lay herself bare and raw infront of someone who has seen her at her worst. That alone should be able to tell how intimate and even invasive the question is. Aadya has broken down in the arms of Anant, has puked her guts out on his front porch. She has been drunk silly, has sang made up nonsense songs, sang them in the top od her lungs fancying herself a singing sensation of sorts and been embarrassed about them later and never ever has she felt this vulnerable.
"This might just be the last time I have the chance to ask this," Anant persists "I have spent my life chasing a lot of unsolved mysteries, I like to think I deserve the answer to atleast one of them, especially one of the few that have mattered this much to me," he finishes quietly as his voice takes a resigned tone as if he would simply accept whatever Aadya says next, no added pressure. That is what breaks down whatever illusive defense Aadya has been trying to hold on to. She had never been able to deny Anant anything. Why should this time be any different?
Aadya chuckles and removes her hand from Anant's where their fingers have been tangled for sometime. She also lifts her head from his shoulder and Anant feels very cold all of a sudden. Maybe this wasn't the best idea, maybe this conversation is going to be so painful that what's coming next will feel like a relief. He is about to ask Aadya to leave his query unanswered when she turns her body towards him and moves Anant to turn towards her.
They are siting face to face now. Aadya thinks that if this truth destroys everything, at least she will be able to look at Anant's face to her heart's content one last time. It has always been one of her favorite pastimes. She takes both of her now idle hands and brings them to caress Anant's face, keeping them on his cheeks for a few moments. Still. She smiles then, a little nostalgic and overwhelmed and soft, always soft.
Anant is searching the face of his friend with bated breath. He has waited so long for this. It feels like forever has gone with him standing on the edge of this cliff. He knows he will start fidgeting if Aadya doesn't start talking soon.
Aadya seems to realize the same. She removes her hand from his face, tangles their fingers together and takes a deep breath and starts speaking. In for a penny, in for a pound and all that. She has always found idioms frighteningly accurate.
"I am." Everything stops as soon as the two words are out. The most real thing Aadya has ever felt is out there in the world to be perceived and dissected. It can be questioned, rejected, ridiculed, ignored or chewed up and tossed out like it means nothing. It can also be taken in and treasured in between the ribs of the boy she has been in love with since she knew what it means to be in love, right alongside his beating heart. She is hoping against hope but she has always been a little irrational when it comes to Anant. She came back here for him for crying out loud.
She feels vulnerable, of course she does but she also feels liberated. This thing that has always been hers is now stands proud infront of the face the world as well.
She wants to scream. "Look, look I have nurtured this warmth for so long. I have been able to love, I have been in love despite everything that you put me through. I am still here, still in so much love, nothing could destroy it." It's cathartic in a way she wasn't expecting it to be.
She closes her eyes instead and relishes this feeling. She smiles, opens her eyes and sees Anant's shocked face and laughs out loud. He is looking at her all lost and confused, unable to understand what Aadya is trying to get at. She decides to put him out of his misery.
"I am in love with you. I will always be in love with you. Don't know how you got the opposite idea." She knows why the question was asked. She knows he heard her talking to Dhriti about moving on.
She continues speaking without letting him get a word in.
"Do you know what being in love with you feels like? Sometimes its so loud that I can't even hear my own thoughts. It feels warm. It feels joyful. It feels safe. But most importantly, it feels like rebellion, it feels brave." Aadya knows that this is not what she was asked but now that she has started speaking, she can't stop.
"When we were kids, we used to come here and you used to tell me these stories about a better world neither of us had seen. You used to say, "Aadya we will be out there someday, the world at our feet" and I used to scoff and pinch you because that sounded so unrealistic, so cruel in its optimism." Anant opens his mouth as if to tell her that they did see the world. They saw it and they enjoyed it and most importantly they left a mark but she shushes him with a finger on his lips anticipating his I told you so.
"I know, I know. We did see the world and we let it see us. Unapologetically. But back then that statement used to grate on my nerves, made me want to pull your hair out. I once asked you why you were so sure of the possibility of good things and you looked at me and said, so sagely, might I add," Aadya huffs remembering the words Anant had once said "I believe that the world is too selfish and it craves to be seen by you, to be cradled in your hands. We will see the world simply because the world would never miss out on being loved by someone as precious as you."
Anant is sitting frozen in his place. He doesn't remember saying this but that doesn't mean he doesn't hold it to be true.
"I love you because you made me believe in myself even when I had no idea what it meant to be someone whole, when I didn't know myself. You were here, always here, when it got rough, when it got ugly, when it got dark. You saw it all and despite that you chose to stay." Aadya's eyes are a bit misty and there are so many memories she could recall verbatim and tell Anant that here is when I started loving you more, here's when you became a part of me, here's when I stopped thinking of myself without thinking of you. They have so much history. It would be impossible to put it all into words but she tries.
"I love you because you were selfish for me. To live like we did as kids, I never thought of myself as anything but expendable but you always were so selfish about me. I had never felt like that. You made me feel like someone who mattered, someone irreplaceable. I don't know why you think I could ever fall out of love with you."
This is all a bit much.
"I love you because that was the first thing that made my fingertips tingle with an itch to touch. You looked at all the destruction left in my wake and looked beyond it. You looked at my bloodied hands and asked me to create a finger painting. You made me believe that I could create better than I could destroy. I never stood a chance."
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ddaengyoonmin · 5 years
Part 2
Tumblr media
Pairing: Jimin x Reader
Warnings: attempted kidnapping, swearing, mentions of a knife,
Genre: idol!au, witches/wizards!au, royalty!au, (slightly one sided?soulmate!au...that’s all I can say without spoiling later chapters) Fluff, Angst, future smut.
Summary: Jimin has waited quite a lifetime to find his soulmate. He didn’t expect to find her at one of her concerts, and certainly didn’t expect her to be such a big Jungkook fan.
(Again: Thank you @heyitsayjayy for being such an amazing beta reader and friend 😭❤️ also another big thank you to @heyitsayjayy and @kingsuckjin for helping me brainstorm ideas for this)
Tag list: @superwholock36 @otomehideout-indecentconfessions
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“Hey...You get the money though” A was trying to comfort you and doing quite a poor job of it. 
“Money doesn’t make this better A!” You sobbed into your pillow.  “That was the most humiliating thing I’d ever done in my life.  The way he looked at me...” You let out a small scream into the soft fabric. 
“I’m sorry y/n.  You don’t have to get so worked up about this though.” She spoke snobbily.  She sat  down next to you on the fluffy pink comforter on top of the bed that you lied on.  
“Get out.  I’m so sick of you always forcing me to do stuff like this for your entertainment.  Just cuz you have the money. And you know that I need it so badly? What kind of friend does that?  Are you having fun right now?” You snapped loudly. 
“Geeze y/n.  What the fuck.”A  huffed and walked to the door of your room. “You’re so lame.  I was getting bored of you anyway.” She shrugged and strutted out, slamming your house door on the way out.  
You released an unrestricted scream into the pillow.  This was hands down one of the worst days of your life.  The concert was ruined.  Your friendship was ruined. And-
You suddenly sat up and cocked your head to the side.  There was a soft mewing sounding outside, it sounded close. 
You stood up shakily and half wiped the tears from your eyes.  
The mewing continued, followed by a scratching noise, all originating from your front door. 
You opened up the door and looked down to see a small cream colored cat with beautifully groomed long fur.  
“Hi there buddy? What are you doing outside my door?” You chuckled lightly wiping the remainder of the wetness from your cheeks. 
The little cat scampered into your house and sat down, licking its paws like it was right at home. 
“Oh? Go ahead and make yourself comfortable I guess” You giggled, “Won’t someone be missing a pretty thing like you?”  You walked over and crouched down, petting its head as it leaned into your fingers, letting out a loud rumbling purr as you did. 
“I suppose you can stay here for the night if you’d like?” you scratched the cat under its chin and it let out an excited meow as if it could understand what you were saying. 
You went and grabbed a small, blue, plastic bowl from your kitchen cabinet and filled it with water, leaving it for the cat and shrugging at the weird moment.  ‘I guess I have a cat now’ You chuckled to yourself. 
You started to walk back to your room to go to bed, exhausted from the hellish day you’d just had. 
You heard the pitter-patter of little feet scampering to follow you.  You turned around and the cat was right on your heels.  It cocked its head to the side and let out another cute and tiny mew. 
“Well, I don’t see why you can’t join me.” You waved your hand, motioning for it to follow you into the room, and it did.  Close on your heels and then jumping onto your bed after you.  
You got settled in under the sheets and the cat curled up right next to your pillow, cutely resting its head on its front paws and letting out a series of purrs as you brought your hand to scratch it’s head once again.   
“I needed this tonight.  It’s been a rough day.  Thanks for not making me go through this alone” you whispered to the cat as its eyes fell heavy. “You don’t have fleas do you?” you added in an even softer whisper. 
When you woke up you rolled over to check your phone and see if A had texted or called to apologize, you’d completely turned off your phone after the concert.  Nervous you’d get a call from Big Hit to give you a restraining order, it wasn’t something you felt you could handle in that  moment with the wounds still fresh. 
The cat was still sound asleep next to you, its long fur blowing majestically due to your ceiling fan. 
“Hey kitty kitty” your hoarse morning voice croaked out. 
You grabbed your phone off he nightside table.  Your heart sunk when you saw a text from an unknown number.  ‘Well here's the restraining order’ you thought. 
But instead it read something much different. 
Hi, y/n.  This is Jimin...you know from BTS?  You left your number for Jungkook and I was wondering if you wanted to meet up with me some time to talk over some things.  Just say the word and I’ll send the limo over ;)   
   Cutie Sexy Lovely 
What the hell?  What kind of prank was this? 
Jungkook must’ve tossed your number after the concert and some fan had picked it up and decided to mess with you.  You were NOT having that after the night you’d had. 
“Hey kitty, I think I’m gonna go pick you up some food and toys today.  If you really feel like sticking around you might as well feel at home huh?” You smiled as the cat rolled over onto its back and stretched. 
The cat stayed with you for a few more days, and you’d taken to calling it Jellybean.  You even got it a little collar with its name on it.  It was a bit soon, and for all you knew it was someone else’s cat.  But, it was the perfect thing to take your mind off the loneliness of your best friend calling it quits with you. 
You’d heard BTS had decided to go on their first official break. You knew it had nothing to do with you but you couldn’t help but wonder about how sudden it was, and the timing of it happening the night after that concert.
During those days you’d gotten at least three more texts from that number claiming to be Jimin asking if you’d gotten the previous one.
After a week of Jellybean coming to live with you another text came in. 
‘Can I call you?’
You finally had enough with the prank texter and decided to reply.  You were curled up in bed in your sleep dress.  More like a far too big for yourself gray t-shirt that you liked to pass off as a nightgown.  You were the only one who saw yourself in it anyways. 
Jellybean was laying down by your feet relaxed and sleeping after a long day of doing the same exact thing in many other places around the house. 
Your fingers hit the letters on your phone screen roughly as you replied. 
‘I’ve had enough of this.  I’m pretty sure I know how you got my number but the jokes getting old.  I know you aren’t Jimin. Haha, very funny.  Jokes over now.  Please stop texting me’
You sighed and set your phone on your nightstand only for it to instantly buzz. 
They just would not let up with this prank. 
‘If you let me call you I can prove that it’s me.  You know my voice right? What if I sang you a song you’ve never heard before.  Then would you believe me?’
While part of you was quite curious to see how the prank texter would pull that off, you decided to just once again ignore this person with too much time on their hands. 
You started to fall asleep, while staring at the poster of Jungkook still hanging on your wall.  Pretending that he had never said those things.  Knowing you could never explain it to him, but wishing you could, or that you could take it all back. 
“This is her right?” a whispering voice sounded out in the dark. 
“Y/n, y/l/n.  This is the address for her.” a second voice answered.  
You were woken by a loud hissing from Jellybean. 
“Fuck.  Its that fucking cat!” A hooded figure was standing in the corner of your room yelling down at Jellybean who was tearing at the cloak attempting to attack. 
“God damnit.  She’s awake! I didn’t know the goddamn cat would be here.  Of COURSE they sent him.” Figure two yelled out. “Get her now and shake that annoying thing off of you” 
You felt like you wanted to scream but you couldn’t get the sound out.  Your throat burned and felt dry.  Your body was frozen and you felt an ice cold chill run down your spine.  You’d had a nightmare like this a few times.  But this seemed much more real. 
One of the hooded figures reached out to grab you, attempting to lift you off the bed. 
The chill running down your spine started to turn into a fiery flame of fear. 
You wanted to scream out NO! It rang out in your head on repeat.  You clenched your eyes shut wondering what in the world these people wanted with you, or what they planned on doing to you. 
At that moment something like a bolt of electricity seemed to light up the room.  Figure one dropped you onto the bed and let out a loud shriek. 
“She’s…” Figure two muttered. “We’ve gotta get out of here.  We weren’t prepared for this. Fuck.  No one told me she was a...HEY get ahold of yourself”
Figure one was huddled in the corner rubbing their hands up and down their arms and wailing. 
“Lets go” figure two hissed, grabbing figure one by the hand.  Almost instantly they had disappeared in a puff of smoke. 
‘What...the actual fuck’ your eyes were stuck wide and terrified.  You felt yourself regaining movement and you shot up out of bed to go grab Jellybean.  But you couldn’t find your companion cat anywhere.  You were now worried that those fuckers scared it off, or worse…
You searched everywhere around the house, double checking all of your windows and doors, making sure they were locked as you went on your way. 
“Jellybean, the scary people are gone come get your treats!” you called out shaking a bag of the salmon treats Jellybean had loved best. 
What the hell was that electricity that made the kidnapper drop you? Was it you? It couldn’t have been.  You shook away the thought. 
“JELLYBEAN!” you cried out in a sob.  In your panic filled state you realize that maybe you should be calling the police instead of looking for your cat.  Yet, Jellybeans disappearance was much more on the top of your list at the moment.  You’d report this once your cat was safe and sound. 
After a few more minutes of crying and searching, a knock sounded out on the door. 
You froze in place.  Were they back? More prepared now to finish the job? Whatever that was…
You slowly tried to move your feet towards the door.  A few more knocks and loud shouts were on the other side of the door.  
You grabbed a kitchen knife on your way, holding it out in front of your body as you swung open the door. Closing your eyes you started wildly slashing the knife around. 
“WOAH!” yelled a voice
“Hey no no no.  We aren’t here to hurt you y/n” A familiar voice spoke calmly.  Actually the first voice was familiar as well. 
You opened your eyes to see seven men in matching black hoodies and masks over their mouth and nose standing before you. 
It was them…
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krizaland · 5 years
Puppy Love! A werewolf!Reader x Zim tail!
Special request for @cinnimonbunbunnie. I absolutely adore their art and I had a ton fun writing this! Hope you enjoy!
The full moon cast a mystical glow as Zim’s Voot Runner whizzed across the sky.
Ever since GIR had gone missing earlier that morning, Zim had been looking high and low for him.
From the Krazy Taco shop to the local dance club, Zim couldn’t seem to find GIR anywhere and was starting to get worried!
Zim let out an enraged growl and ripped off his disguise.
“C’mon GIR! Where are you?! TELL ME! TELL ME!” A few tears trickled down Zim’s cheeks as he shook the Voot Runner’s controls.
Unfortunately, all of Zim’s shaking caused him to lose control of the Voot Runner.
The Voot Runner’s warning sirens blared as the ship begun to rumble.
Zim screamed as he frantically tried to regain control. Alas, Zim’s attempts were in vain, for the Voot Runner was sent spiraling towards the ground.
“EJECT! EJECT!” Zim screeched as he rapidly pressed the Eject button
The Voot Runner slammed into a nearby forest.
Zim’s face kissed the ground.
Zim spat out the dirt in his mouth as he slowly peeled himself off the ground.
“Ruined. Ruined. Irken engineering reduced to..this.” Zim groaned as he stood before the ruins of his fallen ship.
Every bit of the Voot Runner was in shambles. It’s windows were shattered and it’s engines were in flames.
Zim let out an engaged growl as he turned away from what was left of his ship.
“Clearly, there must be some kind of disturbance in this area that interfered with the Voot’s directional signals. Once I find GIR I shall hunt down that evil disturbance.” Zim’s voice oozed with venom as the Voot’s flaming remains burned behind him.
Taking a deep breath Zim pulled out his communicator from his PAK.
“Minimoose, respond!”
The communicator projected an image of Minimoose sitting in front of the TV.
“Minimoose, the Voot Runner has been damaged. I need you to send out the recovery vehicle at once! And be sneaky about it!” Zim commanded as he put his hands on his hips
“No, still no signs of GIR but I shall not give up! Zim never gives up! NEVER!” Zim declared as he pointed to the sky.
“I think you’re cool too, Minimoose!” Zim giggled as he cleared his throat, “Now hurry up with the recovery vehicle!”
And with that, Minimoose cut the call and got the recovery vehicle.
“Excellent! At least I still have Minimoose to help me…” Zim sighed as he folded his arms.
While he would never admit it, Zim truly did care for his insane little robot. GIR and Minimoose were the closest things to friends Zim ever had.
Without his robot minions, Zim wouldn’t have anyone to talk to. The Tallest were busy leading Operation: Impending Doom 2, and humans were stupid and inferior.
GIR and Minimoose were all he had and Zim couldn’t bear to lose either of them.
Speak of the robot! Zim whipped around and sure enough, there GIR was with his usual cheerful grin.
“GIR? Is that really you?” A few more tears formed in Zim’s eyes as he spoke.
A few tears trickled down Zim’s cheeks as a relieved smile spread across his features.
“GIR…HOW DARE YOU WORRY YOUR MASTER?!” Zim roared as he grabbed GIR and shook him.
“Aww! You were worried about meeee?” GIR giggled as he clasped his hands together.
“NO!” Zim denied as he dropped GIR to the ground, “I was worried about..um…the amount of trouble you’d cause! Yes! That’s it!”
“Aww! You missed me! You missed me!!” GIR sang as he jumped off the ground.
“I did NOT! Zim misses no one! NO ONE!” Zim huffed as he folded his arms.
“Ok, Ok.” GIR giggled as he picked up a stick and started to play with it.
“GIR! Unhand that Urth filth!” Zim snapped as he gestured to the stick.
GIR pouted but obliged.
“Once Minimoose arrives with the Voot recovery vehicle, we’re going home and updating your tracking chip.” Zim grumbled as he pinched the middle of his forehead.
“Oh, I left that at home.” GIR scoffed as he flicked his wrist.
“You left what at home?”
“The trackey chippy thingy”
Zim’s eyes widened in shock.
“D’oh! Why would you do that?!” Zim snapped as he curled his fingers in front of his face.
“To make room for the cupcake!” GIR chirped as he popped a cupcake out of his head and greedily devoured it.
“Well that explains why I had such a hard time finding you all day. I’m guessing you also left your communication projector at home as well.” Zim grumbled as he put his hands on his hips.
“Yup! Had to make room for the ice cream!” GIR tried to pop ice cream out of his head but it had melted! All that came out was a soggy cone.
Zim dragged a hand down his face and groaned.
“Why must you do these things to me?!”
GIR sniffled as a few tears spilled from his eyes.
Zim’s face softened at the sight of GIR crying.
“I can see that me being frustrated will get us nowhere. We should probably-”
Zim was cut off by a loud, pained howl echoing in the distance.
“What was that…”
Zim felt a shiver run down his spine as the howling drew closer.
“I’ll go check!” GIR sang as he trotted off after the howling.
“GIR! Don’t go running off again! I command you to get back here at once!” Zim demanded as he pointed to his side.
However, Zim was too late as GIR had already disappeared into the woods.
“Ooh! GIR! Why must you be this way?!” Zim whined as he chased after GIR.
The deeper Zim traveled the louder the howling became. Zim felt his body tremble but he carried onwards none the less.
It wasn’t long before Zim had finally tracked down GIR.
“GIR! There you are! Will you stop running off like-”
Zim’s blood ran cold as the howling was louder than ever.
Dead leaves crunched as the sound of footsteps drew near.
Zim wanted to run but fear kept his body frozen in place.
Two golden eyes peered out from with in the trees as the mysterious creature’s silhouette slowly started to appear.
You jumped out from the shadows of the trees, your caramel coat glistening under the light of the full moon.
Zim’s antennas drooped as his ruby eyes widened in shock. Never had he seen such a large wolf before!
You curiously inspected the two strange creatures before you. They were clearly aliens but whether or not they were friendly was the real question.
GIR ’s cheerful squeal broke the silence.
Yup. They were definitely friendly. A bit confused but friendly.
You simply giggled and playfully shook your head.
You looked over at Zim, who had yet to say a word.
It seemed as if fear had robbed him of his usual loud, commanding voice along with his movement.
“Sorry, did I scare you?” You teased playfully as you tilted your head.
“Eh?! You can speak?! I didn’t know Urth wolves could speak!” Zim nearly fell onto his bottom.
“Well, most Urth wolves can’t speak but I’m a werewolf so I’m an exception.” You giggled as you sat up straighter.
“Yup, most days I’m human but when the full moon is out I turn into a wolf.” You explained as you looked up towards the moonlit sky.
“Really? So humans can turn into wolves when there’s a full moon?” Zim’s antennas perked up as his fear melted into curiosity.
“Not exactly…Only a few special humans, like me, turn into wolves.” You explained as you gestured to yourself.
“I see…Fascinating! So how long does the transformation last?” Zim asked as he stroked his chin.
“Well, it’s different depending on who you ask. For me it only lasts until sunrise. Which is good, since it can be pretty awkward for a talking wolf to show up to an all human skool” You giggled as you flicked your tail.
“Why would it be awkward? I thought humans were supposed to like dogs.” Zim scratched his head as he spoke.
“Ordinary humans think dogs are cute and fluffy. Wolves on the other paw, are considered to be big and scary. Not to mention the amount of drama if they found out I could talk! They would probably lock me away and experiment on me or something!” You shuddered at the mere thought of what horrors the humans could inflict upon you.
“Wait! Humans want to experiment on you too?”
“Oh yeah. My parents always told me that ordinary humans do terrible things to what that they don't understand. So I was told to stay away from them during the full moon so they won’t hurt me. I thought my parents were overreacting until….” You trailed off as you gently lied down on the ground.
“Until what?”
“Well…Let’s just say, humans can be more cruel than you’d expect..” You sighed as your ears flattened.
“Yeah, I know what you mean.” Zim muttered as he sat down beside you, “Some humans can’t seem to keep their smelly big heads to themselves.”
Your head perked up at the mention of a ‘big smelly head’.
“Wait a second. You wouldn’t happen to know a human named ‘Dib’ would you?”
“Dib?! You know him too?!” Zim yelped as his ruby eyes widened in surprise.
“Know him?! He’s the one who did all this to me!” You whimpered as you gestured to various wounds near your backside.
Zim let out a gasp at the sight of your wounds. While he had definitely seen worse, he couldn’t help but feel terrible for you. Your wounds seemed fresh, indicating your altercation with Dib was recent.
“I was just trying to sleep and he tried to capture me in this crazy werewolf trap! It was awful! I managed to bust out but he tried to tranquilize me! Eventually I managed to out run him but I’m still scared he’s still following me…” You sniffled as a few tears trickled down your cheeks.
Zim’s antennas drooped as he noticed your tears. He tried to reach out to comfort you but decided against it.
He’d been dealing with Dib’s tomfuckery since the day he came to Urth. So he was used to being beaten and bruised. Dib never scared him so Zim was never bothered by his nonsense. If anything he actually found it fun to mess with him.
However, it was becoming increasingly obvious that Dib wasn’t so fun to deal with when he was someone else’s problem.
Zim always knew that Dib was obsessed with hunting all kinds of paranormal beasts, but he never thought that he treated the other beasts as terribly as he treated him.
Zim always assumed Dib fought with him because he was trying to destroy the Urth! He never thought that Dib would attack an innocent creature!
You were just trying to go into sleep mode! You weren’t bothering anyone! For a boy with such a big head, he sure had a small brain!
Normally, Zim couldn’t care less about a stranger’s pain. After all, Urth’s destruction wasn’t exactly going to be painless. All life on Urth would have to suffer for the sake of the Irken Empire.
However, something about seeing you in pain made his blood boil.
Maybe it was because he knew how it felt to be mistreated for simply existing. Maybe it was because he couldn’t stand seeing injustice. Or maybe it was because he really really hated Dib.
Whatever the reason was, Zim couldn’t let you live your life in fear of that big headed creep!
“Fear not, eh….What did you say your name was?”
“It’s Y/N.”
“Right! Fear not, Y/N! I shall offer my assistance! For It seems we have a common enemy, the FLITHY Dib-worm!” Zim growled as he pointed to the sky.
“Wait, what? Please tell me Dib didn’t try to capture you too!” You whimpered as you turned to look at Zim.
“Well of course he tried but my SUPERIOR IRKEN BRAIN outsmarted him every time!” Zim boasted as he jumped to his feet.
“Really? So you know how to get rid of him?” Hope twinkled in your eyes as you spoke.
“Of course I do! Now, join me, Y/N-Beast! Join Zim and together we shall end the Dib’s reign of terror once and for all!” Zim cackled as he dramatically stood on top of a large rock.
You couldn’t help but giggle at Zim’s over the top behavior. He truly was a quite the character.
You opened your mouth to speak but were cut of by an all too familiar voice.
Dib’s voice cut through the air like nails on a chalkboard. He rushed through the trees with his werewolf hunting gear in tow.
You let out a startled whimper and hid behind the rock Zim was standing on.
“Your reign of terror ends now, Dib! Surrender or suffer the wrath of Zim!” Zim bellowed as he put his hands on his hips.
“What the-Zim?! You’re working with the werewolf?!” Dib spluttered as he almost dropped his gear.
“This fluffy wolf beast has suffered with your pathetic Dib filth long enough! Give up now while you still have a brain to…give up…with!” Zim stuttered as he shot Dib a glare.
“Seriously, Zim? Since when were you into protecting werewolves-”
“No matter, I’ll just expose you both! Here I go!”
And with that, Dib pulled out a taser and lunged straight for Zim.
Zim was about to jump out of the way when.
You jumped up and knocked Dib to the ground, causing him to drop his taser.
“You leave us alone, you creep!” You growled through gnashing teeth.
“Well, that was unexpected! But no matter! Prepare yourself for the end, Dib!” Zim roared as he jumped off the rock.
Dib slowly peeled himself off the ground and shook his head rapidly.
“Alright, you both asked for it!” Dib sneered as he pulled out a tranquilizer gun.
“Y/N-Beast! Look out!” Zim commanded as he pushed you out of the way.
A purple forcefield popped out of Zim’s PAK, protecting both you and him from the tranquilizer dart.
“Thanks for the save!” You panted as you stood behind Zim.
“Nice try, Dib-worm! But Zim is immune to all of your pathetic tricks!” Zim cackled as he deactivated the forcefield.
“Let’s see if you’re immune to this!” Dib chuckled as he pulled out a small blue ball and chucked it directly at Zim’s head.
You jumped into the air and swatted the ball back to Dib. The ball opened up to reveal a large electric net.
Dib let out a shriek as he managed to just barely dodge the net.
“Oh come on! Is that the best you can do? You’re making this too easy!” Dib taunted as he pulled out a shock collar and ran straight for you.
You managed to swiftly jump out of the way but Dib wasn’t deterred
“Oh no you don’t! I’m not going to let you get away this time!” Dib snarled as he jumped onto your back.
You let out a howl as you thrashed about, desperately trying to shake him off of you.
“GIR! Defensive mode!” Zim commanded as he pointed to Dib.
GIR’s eyes turned red as he gave a salute. He was about to attack when he got distracted by a stick.
Letting out a giggle, GIR’s eyes returned to their usual cheerful teal color as he began to play with the stick.
“You’re terrible, GIR!” Zim growled as he dragged his hand down his face.
Dib used his free hand to grab onto your fur as he tried to get the collar around your neck.
“Once I capture you freaks, Mysterious Mysteries will be begging for me to be on their show! Then the whole world will finally see that I’m-ACK!”
Dib’s monologue was cut off by Zim yanking him off of you, causing him to drop the shock collar.
“That you’re a pathetic fool? You don’t need Mysterious Mysteries’ help for that.” Zim mocked as he loomed over him.
“Takes one to know one, space lizard!” Dib countered as he jumped up and shoved Zim to the ground.
Zim let out a scream as he tumbled backwards and landed right on his bottom.
Dib chuckled darkly as he pulled out his alien sleep cuffs.
Zim tried to back away, only for his back to smack into a tree.
“Give it up, Zim! I’ve got you cornered!” Dib smirked as he drew closer.
Zim was about to fight back when,
You slammed into Dib, causing him to drop his sleep cuffs and go flying into a nearby tree.
The impact caused Dib’s protective armor to fall to the ground, tearing a massive hole in the body suit underneath.
Dib groaned as he slowly opened his heavy eyelids. His vision cleared to reveal you and Zim looming over him.
You gnashed your teeth and let out a low growl as you put a paw on his chest.
Dib let out a gasp and tried to get up but your paw kept him trapped in place.
“You know, all it takes is one scratch from me and you’ll be the one being exposed.” You snarled as you shot him a glare.
“Heh. You think I’m stupid? I’m wearing silver armor…There’s no way your wolf claws can get through it.” Dib heaved.
“Are you, Dib? Are you?” Zim mocked as he held up the fallen piece of armor.
Dib let out a yelp as he looked down and noticed the hole in his body suit. Sure enough, the hole left his entire shoulder vulnerable.
“Now, are you gonna leave us alone? Or would you rather become a ‘freak’ yourself?” You growled as you looked down at Dib’s exposed shoulder.
“Ok! Ok! Just let me go! Please!” Dib whimpered as he frantically tried to wriggle out of your grip.
“Glad to see you’ve made the right choice.”
And with that, you carefully released Dib.
Dib gasped as he finally managed to catch his breath.
“Enjoy your defeat at the Zim hands of ZIM! Oh and Y/N” Zim let out a maniacal laugh as he reached towards the sky.
“Go on, laugh all you want! For I have recorded the entire thing! Irrefutable proof of both of your-HUH?! Where’s my camera?!”
Sure enough, Dib’s camera was in the hands of GIR. GIR happily giggled as he begun to smash the camera with his stick.
“HA! Great work, GIR! Just like we totally planned!” Zim cheered as he gave GIR a thumbs up.
“Aw, man! That was my favorite camera!” Dib whined as he grabbed the sides of his head.
“Heh. Payback’s a jerk huh, Dib?” You teased as you stuck out your tongue at him.
“You may have won this round but just you wait! I’ll be back with even more tools! And a stronger camera! I’ll expose you both if it’s the last thing I do!” Dib seethed as he ran off into the woods.
“Ha! I’d like to see you try!” You called out as you shook your head.
“Are you alright, Y/N-beast?” Zim asked as he looked you over.
“Yeah, I’m alright. How about you?”
“Never better! Zim can handle anything!” Zim boasted as he puffed out his chest a bit.
“I can tell. Heh. We make a pretty good team, Zim.” You giggled as you wagged your tail a bit.
“Indeed we do! Indeed we do! Which is why I am going to bestow upon you the honor of being an honorary minion!” Zim announced as he patted your head.
You were about to respond but the suddenly pinkish sky caught your eye.
“Looks like the sun is rising. I better get going!” You yelped as you turned to leave.
“Wait! Before you leave you must promise not to tell a single soul of what you’ve seen! Understand? NOT A SINGLE SOUL!” Zim demanded as he stomped his foot.
“Don’t worry, I promise I won’t tell anyone about you!” You insisted with a giggle.
“Excellent! Though, if you break your promise I will destroy you.” Zim threatened as he narrowed his ruby eyes.
You were about to respond when the light of the rising sun poured down upon you.
With a bright flash, you reverted back to your human self.
Zim’s PAK sparked a bit as his face turned a deeper shade of green.
Despite your tattered clothes, you were absolutely lovely!
“Welp. Looks like you get to see the real me.” You chuckled nervously as you rubbed the back of your head.
Zim tried to speak but the words got caught in his throat.
“I really should be going now. I hope we can meet again someday!” You chirped as you rushed off.
“Uh-huh” Was all Zim could muster as he watched you vanish into the forest.
The sound of Minimoose’s squeaking woke Zim from his trance.
“ACK! Oh it’s just you. Have you brought the recovery vehicle for the Voot?”
“Nyah!” Minimoose nodded as they gestured to the large pig behind them.
“Excellent! Now, come on GIR! Let’s go home!” Zim insisted as he hopped onto the pig.
“Okie Dokie!” GIR giggled as he followed suit.
As the pig soared through the pink sky, Zim let out a sigh of relief.
“I hope you’ve learned a valuable lesson from all of this, GIR.”
GIR simply giggled in response.
“What’s so funny?!”
“Y/N sure was preeettyy, huh master?” GIR teased as he clasped his hands.
“They were NOT! Y/N is a filthy wolf-human… thing! I have no attraction to them whatsoever and I hope I don’t have to see them ever again!” Zim denied as his face turned a darker shade of green.
“Nyah!” Minimoose giggled.
“SHUT UP! BOTH OF YOU!” Zim roared as he tugged on his antennas.
“Ok, sorry, master.” GIR giggled.
Despite his claims, Zim still couldn’t get you out of his head. For deep down, he really hoped to see you again someday…
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from my song to yours
Wangxian Week Day 2: Music
“Perhaps we should save the rest of our speculations for the morning.”
Lan Wangji blinked gritty eyes and looked up from where he’d once again been studying the malevolent disembodied arm currently floating just above the qiankun bag it was normally kept in, meeting Wei Ying’s eyes across the table.
“Already?” he asked, mildly surprised; more than one memory of cheerful laughter and quicksilver smiles shining in the light of the moon served to remind him just how late into the night Wei Ying preferred to work and play in equal measure, and one quick glance out the window confirmed the moon hadn’t even fully risen into the sky yet. “You’re tired?”
Wei Ying snorted a laugh, a lovely, light-hearted sound that seemed appropriate coming from a face as young as the one he now wore.
“No, no, I’ll be fine for another four hours at least.”
A finger rose to point accusingly right at Lan Wangji’s face, who blinked placidly.
“The investigation can wait for tomorrow because of you! I know all about you Lans and your ridiculous nine o’clock sleeping schedule!”
Can also be read on AO3
He was worried… about the Lan sleep schedule?
Lan Wangji raised a placating hand. “I am fine.”
“Are you?” the rising of Wei Ying’s right eyebrow was entirely skeptical.
Confusion made Lan Wangji’s own eyebrows furrow the slightest bit. “Night hunts often run far past midnight on serious cases-”
“But this isn’t a serious case,” Wei Ying interrupted, then quickly amended “Well, it is serious, but it’s not the kind of case we can solve in a single night of staring intensely at the problem, so instead of doing that, we should focus more on things we can achieve in a single night. Like sleep!”
Without waiting for Lan Wangji to attempt a response Wei Ying swept the resentful arm back into its pouch, tying the bag firmly shut before setting it back down on the table where they could easily keep an eye on it.
When Wei Ying stood, Lan Wangji haltingly tried to slow him down from heading back to sleep in his own room next door. “We. Don’t have to-”
“Hanguang-jun.” One eyebrow rose imperiously as Wei Ying scrutinized him with too-dark gray eyes. “If we go any longer, you’ll sleep in past noon and bring some calamitous dishonor upon your ancestors. How would the Cloud Recesses ever recover?”
Such a bizarre statement said with such gravity almost made Lan Wangji reach across and press fingers to Wei Ying’s forehead, thinking perhaps he had somehow contracted an unnoticed fever, before the slightest shine of amusement in Wei Ying’s eyes gave it away.
Still playing the madman he’d been reincarnated into.
While he wished fiercely Wei Ying didn’t feel the need to keep up the act around him, Lan Wangji couldn’t deny that it was… nice, to be the focus of this strange farce, because as elaborate as it is it still feels intensely familiar.
It was such a nonsensical, roundabout way of showing concern.
It was unnecessary.
It was bizarre.
It was- it was exactly the kind of ridiculous game he would have tried to play in their youth, reaching across a sun-dappled table in the Library Pavilion to tug at Lan Wangji’s sleeve, crying dramatically, “But who in their right mind is ever tired at nine o’clock, hah?”
The tidal wave of nostalgia makes it hard to keep steady when he stands from the table.
Wei Ying, eyes sharp as ever even in a new body, caught the infinitesimal slip in posture and grinned triumphantly. “See? I was right all along!”
“Of course.”
Two slim hands laced their fingers together and rose up above Wei Ying’s head in a languid stretch. “Well, I suppose I better leave you to sleep,” he sighed contentedly.
The thought comes unbidden, but not unexpected; letting Wei Ying leave his sight for any length of time since his return has been difficult.
The reluctance in his silence must be truly palpable, because Wei Ying pauses and looks back at Lan Wangji despite not allowing even a single muscle in his face to so much as twitch in protest.
Dark gray eyes light up with some unspeakable mischief. Lan Wangji does not glare as he once would have as a teenager, another stark difference from his memories.
“Aiya,” Wei Ying bat his eyelashes in an outrageously flirtatious manner. “Would the great and noble Hanguang-jun like this one to sing him to sleep?”
Despite the sour pang in the pit of his stomach at the tease, the clash of foreign-familiarity of the new face and old mannerisms had Lan Wangji responding without thinking especially hard about it. “Mn. If you wish.”
Wei Ying stared, frozen in an exaggerated coquettish pout.
Lan Wangji stared back, resolutely keeping his expression as blank as ever even as his ears grew hot. He refused to regret the slip.
“….. huh.” Wei Ying said intelligently, looking genuinely poleaxed, and if Lan Wangji were a pettier person he might have felt the slightest bit smug for their positions during many an afternoon in their youth to be reversed. But he didn’t, of course, because the Second Jade of Lan was not petty.
“Haha, um, I don’t know very many songs suited for a lullaby.” Desperate verbal backtracking was something Lan Wangji had never expected to see the most shameless person he’d ever known do, but there it was.
Lan Wangji turned and padded over to the bed, fingers trailing up to pull the pins that held his hair in place out with a confidence he didn’t really feel. “You are clever. I am sure you can think of something appropriate.”
A strangled sound came from behind him, and for the first time in a very long time, Lan Wangji resisted the urge to smile the slightest bit.
Yes, being the one to initiate the teasing was far more enjoyable than getting teased himself, he decided.
For a moment he balked the slightest bit at the thought of slipping into bed with Wei Ying still in the room, the far more recent memory of his warm weight laying across him making his breath catch, but Lan Wangji could admit to himself that he was always stubborn to a fault; if either of them was going to back out of this, it wouldn’t be him.
So, he slipped into bed, and did a rather remarkable job of keeping an expectant look off his face when he glanced over at where Wei Ying was still standing rather awkwardly next to the table with the qiankun pouch.
Wei Ying stared back, still clearly flummoxed, but rallying to the challenge.
A softer grin painted his new face in a different way under the moonlight, and Lan Wangji felt his heart stutter.
“Oh, don’t worry, er-gege~,” Wei Ying said cheerfully in that way that always made an aborted shiver run down Lan Wangji’s spine. “I think I know just the right song for someone as lovely as you to drift off to!”
And because time was cruel and heartbreak was his oldest friend, he began to hum the song Lan Wangji had written himself in the throes of frustrated, sun-drenched love as a teenager, and his blood froze solid.
This was-
This was a mistake.
This was a mistake, and Lan Wangji was a fool, but if he asked Wei Ying to stop, to sing something else, he would ask why, and Lan Wangji-
He couldn’t.
His eyes fell shut, but only because looking at Wei Ying as he was now, happy and lovely in the muted candlelight and singing the song Lan Wangji wrote for him, felt too raw.
The only solace, Wei Ying knew the melody, but that was it. He’d never heard the lyrics before, the words Lan Wangji had slowly dared to thread through the harmony during thirteen years of waiting. Thirteen years of yearning. Thirteen years of missing Wei Ying with every breath of air in his lungs.
But that was alright, because those painful words were still locked behind Lan Wangji’s heart, and the melody was still all that was needed for an impromptu lullaby.
It seemed a much kinder reversal of the first time Lan Wangji had sang it to Wei Ying, trapped deep within a cave with no guaranteed escape, the both of them injured and wracked with fever for days on end.
Yet it was also strangely crueler, because despite the gentler setting they were still so very far apart. In the cave, at least Lan Wangji had been able to touch Wei Ying, to try and soothe him between intermittent bouts of shivering on the cold stone floor.
Here, now, Wei Ying hummed the song that had taken root in Lan Wangji’s heart on the night they had first met, and Lan Wangji desperately tried not to drown.
Do you know?
Do you know what that song means to me?
Did it ever mean the same to you?
In the wide empty space of the bed, fingers clench almost painfully hard around a handful of fabric.
Did it ever mean anything to you?
Only decades of discipline kept his face as smooth as unfeeling jade when the song tapered off slowly, Wei Ying’s voice – so different from before, slightly higher in a not unpleasant contrast to Lan Wangji’s even tones – growing quieter and quieter with each repetition until he ended it with a deep, quiet sigh that tugged incessantly at Lan Wangji’s heart; the voice was different, but the cadence was exactly the same.
I know you, some wild thing shrieked in Lan Wangji’s head. I know you, how could I not? How could you ever think I would forget how you are when you’re happy?
A rustle of fabric, a squeak of a floorboard as Wei Ying stepped away with a small sound of satisfaction, a soft breath of air as the candle was blown out.
“Good night Lan Zhan.”
He must have turned away, must be focusing on something else, because if he were still looking at the bed there is no way he could have possibly missed the way Lan Wangji’s hands spasmed reflexively at the sound of his name.
For several heartbeats it’s all he can do just to keep breathing through it, the terrible heaviness clamped hard around his chest in an agonizingly familiar way.
He breathes in deeply, twice, three times, long years of meditation serving him well in getting his breathing back under control.
Once he is certain his voice will remain steady, his heart will not shake apart under another onslaught of emotion, he forces his eyes open to try to say- something, no matter how breathlessly quiet his voice is-
“Wei Ying-!”
But the door has already shut softly behind the man, leaving the room aching and cavernous in the silence.
A/N:  Yeah you know how there's a scene in the audio drama where Wei Wuxian just absent-minded started humming Wangxian.mp3 while he was cutting out a paperman?? Yeah my heart may never recover. ~Persephone
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Showtime, Chapter 2
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(Because, somehow, I never posted 2.)
Night 1
The uniform was too big.
Liza ended up rolling up the pants to tuck them into her work boots and used a few spare pins to keep the sleeves of her button-up rolled up. The entire thing was a shade of blue, faded in the way a few hundred washes could only do. Over her heart was Ted Bear's Pizza, stitched in golden thread. (Which was weird, since none of the characters were yellow.) The worse part was the hat.
She could've just dropped the scarf. It wasn't like anyone was going to see her or the scars that arched across her forehead. But the very thought of losing her comfort item made her want to faint. So, she struggled for fifteen minutes to get the too-small hat to fit over the scarf before she glanced at the clock and gave it one last pull before booking it out the door.
She could take the hat off at the office.
Liza arrived at 11:40, right when the last of the cleaning crew was leaving. Mr. Calworth was waiting for her just inside the dining hall. "I forgot to mention yesterday- to save power, we use a generator during the night," he said, patting her shoulder. "I'll lock the door."
"Wait, but I'm supposed to-"
He was already out the door. "Lock up..." Liza raised a brow but decided to ignore the...shadiness of the entire thing.
Sv'h srwrmt hlnvgsrmt.
She settled into the office easily, picking up the tablet that was apparently used to monitor the cameras. Liza hummed an absent tune as she flipped through the cameras. Ten, then twenty minutes passed before the clock showed 12:00. The lights shuddered as the restaurant switched from city to generator power.
The phone rang.
Liza let out a yelp, nearly falling over in the chair. She righted herself and grabbed the phone. Had Mr. Calworth forgotten to tell her something? "Hello-?"
"Hello, hello! Hey, I wanted to record a message for you, to help you out on your first night." Oh. It was a recording. Liza set the phone back into place. "Um, I actually worked in that office, finishing my last week. I know this job can get...overwhelming."
Liza scoffed. "It's watching a bunch of animatronics to make sure they don't get stolen." She returned to leaning back, flipping through the cameras. "How overwhelming can it get?" She stopped on the dining hall's cam, noticing something
"There's this company policy thing I have to read, so here we go. Welcome to Ted Bear's Pizza, a magical place for kids and smiles, blah, blah...Ted Bear's Pizza is not responsible for damage to property or person..." All the animatronics were staring at the camera. "Upon discovery that death has occurred, a missing person report will be filed in 90 days, or until the cleanup and bleaching is done." Liza stiffened, staring at the phone in horror.
What the fuck.
"Now, I know it sounds bad. But really, there's nothing to worry about! The animatronics here do get a bit...quirky at night, but do I blame them? No! If I had to sing the same stupid songs for years without a bath, I'll be a bit irritable too! So, remember, these characters hold a special place in everyone's hearts and we need to treat them with respect!"
He continued on about some free-roam mode and servos locking up, Liza still stuck on the 'death has occurred' part. "Uh, they used to be able to free-roam during the day, but then the Bite of '85 happened. Then they got taken off free-roam a few years later, but a kid got too close a few years ago and the Bite of '05 happened."
What the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck, what the fuck...
"The first kid died. I think the second kid was in a coma for a bit, but she survived after they stitched her brain back together. Amazing, right? Now, concerning your safety, the only real threat to you as a nightguard is that the animatronics will confuse you for an endoskeleton without a suit. That's against the rules here, so they'll try to stuff you into a suit. That wouldn't be so bad, except they're filled with machinery and stuff. Which can cause a little bit of discomfort...and death."
"Yeah, the only part of you that would likely see the light of day again is your eyeballs." There was a sardonic chuckle. Liza started to hit her head against the desk, resisting the urge to wail. "Yeah, they don't tell you this when they hire you. But, hey! The first day should be a breeze! Remember to conserve power, check your cameras, and use the doors only if absolutely necessary. Talk to you tomorrow!"
The recording ended. Liza peeled her face off the desk to grab the tablet. She paled at not only seeing that the power was already at 98% but the dog...Rex, that's right, was off-stage. He was standing in the center of the dining hall, staring at the camera with a cross look. She gulped, glancing at the remote.
She could figure out what the military-grade doors were for now.
There was a heartbeat.
It could feel it, all the way in the dark. It hummed absently. It was too hard to choose during the day, it distracted from the adults by the lovely, glowing heartbeats of the children. It was forced to choose during the night, with only one type to choose from.
Talk about slim pickings.
It reached out for the heartbeat-
Cruel irony. Too cruel for this world, but not cruel enough for this family tragedy. It could feel its Other shift, recognizing the familial bond. It pulled away to soothe before returning to the feeling of the heart.
The choice was cruel. But it didn't have a choice.
It had been too choosy in the past. He had been too choosy.
Cruel irony could wait.
When Liza decided to try the east hall light and saw Rex's leering face, she let out a scream and jabbed the button for the east door hard enough that she was sure for a minute that she had broken her finger.
She sat there panting for a minute. Tio Rafael was right, I need to cut down on la cafeína. She glanced at the tablet to see the battery had dropped from 96 to 85- crap, she still had the door down. Liza peered through the door’s window. The lack of Rex meant she could probably open the door.
She glanced through the cameras to see the trio's guitarist, Kitty-Cat, was gone. The camera in the kitchen lacked a picture, but it did have audio. She could hear the crash of pots and pans. When she glanced at the Parts and Services room, Rex was glaring at the camera.
"Buen perro. Quédate ahí."
She stopped at Treasure Cavern's camera, noticing that the curtain was twitching. Eventually, it moved to reveal Captain Bun. Liza raised a brow at the bunny's position. The animatronic looked tense like it was preparing to-
"No, no, no," Liza hissed, trying to figure out which hallway. Her tablet choked for death. "No te atrevas!"
Bun took off. The woman froze, realizing she could hear the bunny coming. She sprang for the remote, slamming the west door button. It slammed down right when Bun was at the doorway. Liza let out a sigh of relief, glancing at her watch. It was 2. Huh, time ran fast when you were fighting for your life-
It sounded like Bun was trying to break down the door. Liza took a chance and checked the east light. She was forced to push the east door button when she saw Kitty. It felt like an eternity before the banging stopped and she heard Bun run away. It took a little longer before she heard Kitty limp away.
This tablet was a traitor, she decided. A horrible traitor. Un horrible, horrible pedazo de mierda bastardo. She was calling Tio Rafael after her shift to demand what he and Tio Vincent were thinking when they were making these things. Then she was quitting.
The hours slipped away as she fended off Rex, Kitty, and Bun. Strangely, Ted himself hadn't come by yet, even though he was clearly off-stage. As the hours passed, it seemed like they were getting discouraged. It was 5:50 AM when the pedazo de mierda that called itself a tablet was at 5%. She whimpered as it fell to 4, 3, 2...
It was exactly 5:59 when it hit 0.
The doors slid up. The lights died. The horrible, horrible pedazo de mierda bastardo went dark. Liza sat frozen in the dark, dead silence. She covered her mouth when she heard heavy footsteps, trying to stifle her breathing. A music box was playing- sickeningly, she recognized the tune. It was a lullaby that her family sang to each other. She resisted a hysterical giggle.
Voy a morir a manos de la creación de mis tíos, escuchando a mi canción de cuna familiar.
Before she could think of some type of escape plan, the footsteps stopped at the door. She looked up to meet Ted Bear's brown eyes. She could recognize Tío Vincent's eyes in the brown glass orbs. This time, she didn't resist the hysterical giggle.
A hand reached for her...
The lights flipped on. Liza let out a squawk, closing her eyes. When she peeled them open, Ted had stepped back. Was it just her or did he look frustrated? She didn't have time to take in his expression, because he turned and walked away. She grabbed the tablet and let out a cheer when it came to life. She watched through the cameras as the animatronics returned to the stage.
It took a good ten minutes before Liza could manage her way out. She was forced to pass through the dining hall, stopping to consider the bots on-stage.
There, they looked perfectly innocent. Nope, nothing weird here at all, no siree.
They could buy steel bombproof doors, but not a technician to reprogram these things?
Tomorrow, she was going to call Mr. Calworth and try and quit. She shot out of the restaurant with that thought, heading to her car. She tried to start it. One look at the dash and the arrow pointing to the E and Liza let her head thunk against the wheel.
One more day couldn't hurt. She could try and call the recording guy back.
One more day, and then she'll quit.
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