#and i think the og fans are keith shiro hunk and coran (he liked altean og wrestling)
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pidges-lost-robot · 21 days ago
I don't think there's a single voltron team member I can see as not being a wrestling fan. I think some of them are fans later in life but headcanon wise the uniting factor of tram voltron is how much they were invested in the Rhea Ripley vs Iyo Skye fight and the CM Punk vs Seth Rollins beef
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lnkedmyheart · 6 months ago
Oh wow...you and I have VERY different opinions lmfao! But here's why I disagree on some personally.
What I mean by Voltron being generic is that I have seem about 20 shows with similar concepts, many executed better. Now this could be because I used to be a big fan of old mech anime. Of course in terms of newer stuff vld would be a bit different. I wouldn't mind reading your 3500 words if you ever write them though.
Seriously though, too many writers.
Oh my god yes. 😭
You heathen! How dare you!? Lol. No I can see why you might not like him, he does fall under a specific type of character. But I think he's adorable, vulnerable and more. And see I don't need to know more about characters and their past since I am a huge fan of leaving the backstories out and letting people flesh things out. Personally I could tell you more about Shiro than I could about Coran that isn't some random quirky moment that adds anything to his character.
Honestly yes, reboots are either hits or misses. But I do think with a reboot like vld, which is an IP owned by many MANY people there is very little creative control.
I disagree. While Kallura had a lot of potential thematically, Keith was beyond uninterested in any romance, least of all with Allura. Even in the og golion series kallura was pretty shoehorned in which was fixed in the later voltron reboots. I don't see Keith ending up with anyone in vld.
I disagree actually. Given Zarkon's incredibly compelling backstory and his insane power scaling he could have been an amazing villain. Vld just sucked as a while in regards to writing villains that weren't hilariously black or white.
I don't think Keith's arcs were skipped over, more like rushed. In all honesty he was maybe the only paladin who got multiple arcs. None of them particularly well done but many of them. I also don't think Axca is all that interesting that she can be paired off convincingly with one of the main mains especially since her entire personality revolves around dudes she follows around.
The black paladins episode is objectively the most watched episode in the show and the only one with actual emotional payoff that didn't have me rolling my eyes considering how cheesy vld had a tendency to be. While I do have my issues with it but it was the culmination of Keith's growth so far so I gotta disagree.
HARD disagree. It is in fact vulnerable and deep. Their dynamic forms the emotional core of the story and the difference in their interactions with each other vs other paladins is noticeably different within the same scenes to a degree that it can be memed. I still think they are borderline boring with how healthy they are and I will admit that this episode with the conflict was only possible because of convoluted shenanigans since neither of them really enter a proper conflict that they don't resolve with some talking.
Alteans were a walking deus ex Machina. They just randomly develop world breaking abilities at the drop of a hat.
To me personally season 7 was pretty bland in the second half. Shiro was a cardboard cutout, Keith was a Gary stu, Hunk and Lance were the only Paladins I cared about that season. Practically everyone was starting to behave incredibly ooc which got worsened by s8. I did not like how Sanda was handled, I did like the MFEs and allurance though.
I was so sick of the theme song.
Vld rewatch was a wild trip honestly. My general opinions are as follows:
Generic ass show. I'm not entirely sure why it took off as much as it did but it was generic af.
I still stand by that the Alteans spout some serious "white man's burden" type of shit. Very reminiscent of all the shit I spent slogging over in my postcol lectures.
I'm still shook that people never pointed out Alfor literally nuked Daibazaal and basically forced the Galrans into exile.
Haggar's character died when she remembered she's a mom.
I may not be huge on Allura given some of the really weird choices made with the Alteans but damn you really murked the victim of a genocide for the greater good, huh?
Kl fans really thought their ship was gonna be canon cause a couple people on the show drew art for it. I guess Revy and Roberta have been screwing behind the scenes.
Shiro is my son and the only good thing second to my best friend acquisition to come out of vld. I would have added Zarkon but we literally had only 2 seasons of him before his daddy ass was nuked.
I originally went in expecting ka1lura because that's how it always went and started actually liking a1lurance by the end. Yes it was developed pretty well all things considered. Only one other duo was developed more than them and it wasn't the two twinks.
I like the MFE pilots more than the paladins given that the latter's bond was non existent by the end.
Hunk and Shay were not a good couple in terms of development. Sorry it's cute but it's boring as fuck. No build up, they meet, the fat guy liked the fat girl and they immediately start dating. That's the way of the fat peeps in media. Lord forbid we give people who aren't skinny actual developed love stories.
My use of the word daddy is reserved for two fictional men. He's one of them.
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Keith, Matt, Ezor and Allura were the prettiest characters. I can see why everyone wanted a piece of Keith in particular for their ships.
Keith x Axca would have been the lamest endgame. My boy is running around in space, is a part alien and with so many unique looking characters around him only to end up with the alien with the most uninteresting character design is just ridiculous. Had she looked buff like Zethrid or unusual like Ezor I'd have been down for it.
Krolia had bad character design. She's a generic fem galra Keith au fan art.
You couldn't get me to take [Man]'s existence seriously. If you put a loaded gun to my head and demanded I do I'd squeeze your trigger finger and off myself instead.
Shiro's new arm is UGLY.
The castle of lions looks like a giant fancy dildo.
Lotor's arc was dumb. Loved the racism of Lotor's Altean side being praised when he's faking goodness but a Galran when he's evil? As if it's not his Altean mother's obsessive ambition that led to his downfall while Zarkon literally went mad because of his love and devotion for Honerva? Oh right, Alteans good Galra bad. My mistake.
LM and JDS don't deserve a fraction of the slander they still keep getting. The show was bad in the way a generic idea tends to be when you have a bunch of different writers.
S8 is objectively awful but the quality declined after s2.
I hate their chins. Shiro was the only one with a chin I could get behind.
I really want to go back to that time when we used to slap "Disclaimer: I do not own *insert show name*. The show and all the characters are the property of *insert company/creator's name*". It will definitely reduce the obscene entitlement amongst modern audiences.
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mezzy303 · 6 years ago
Voltron S8 Review (part 1)
*comes in late with starbucks* I might as well go through with this till the end even though I had no motivation to watch this season lol
(Like last season this will be split into two parts for my own sanity)
Episode 1: What a cute start to the season. Something wholesome before shit breaks the fan. Pretty much everyone gets downtime before heading off for their final mission to end the war (Yes hello, writers? GIVE SHIRO DOWNTIME TO BE WITH HIS LOVED ONES PLS AND TY). Shout out to Colleen for being a mother and grounded Pidge bc she ran away to be a space soldier xD I loved seeing the two butt heads lolol. Nadia and Pidge are absolute weebs and I love them. Pidge is also a true chaotic neutral omg, using her autographs as a bartering tool. And hot damn was Allura’s outfit they bought on point, I need to see her in more Earth outfits. I’m just gonna put it out there, I don’t really ship Allurance, but their scene together was cute. I think that it’s important for Allura to remember that no matter what and where they are, Team Voltron is still a family.
Highlights: PIGTAIL PIDGE, wingman Hunk, Romelle “I wasn’t aware humans could float”, Coran being a responsible(?) guardian, Keith comforting Lance?? my heart??
My gamer heart is forever sad they had to trade away Killbot Phantasm 26 ;A;
Episode 2: Haggar/Honerva pov 👀 About time lol. The holes about her past, what happened to her after s5, and the Altean colony were filled in this episode. And I was right, Honerva was pregnant when she went into the quintessence field ◉_◉ My only question is if OG Haggar was the only one that knew she was the empress?? That doesn’t make much sense, I would have assumed more people would’ve known that. And what a... complicated family they were. There’s Zarkon, the iron fist and cold father, Haggar/Honerva who doesn’t even remember she’s Honerva, and Lotor who’s just trying to gain his own footing within the empire. The flashbacks really made me understand why Lotor was so resentful to his father and the Galra :c I did note how smol Lotor still parroted his father, it makes me thinking about how Galra his actions are even though he tries to reject that side of his heritage. And I guess I kinda have empathy for Honerva, as she regained her memories and realized all the awful things she’s done to her son, but it was too late to really do anything about it.
Highlight: BABY LOTOR
Episode 3: Hey it only took 3 episodes to form Voltron this time lol. It was interesting seeing how Team Voltron would bring the Galra to their side, though I guess this was an easier mission since them and Warlord Lahn had been allies at one point. And girl yas, Allura not backing down to Lahn’s snappy response to her attempts to empathize was beautiful and needed. Like this isn’t a comparison on who’s life was shittier and it was very in-character for Allura to not stay quiet about it.
Shout out to Kosmo for being on guard duty and also saving lives. Such a good girl. Speaking of which, why didn’t they have Kosmo get Keith and Lahn out?? Would’ve been so much simpler lol.
Also Keith, why did you put the two drama queens together
Episode 4: Eyyy a Pidge-centric episode, it’s been a while. Don’t have much to say since the episode was pretty straight forward, but I really liked Allura giving guidance to Pidge on how to connect with Okarion. I hope the Okari are safe!!
Episode 5: It was upon this episode that I realized I probably should’ve rewatched the series before the final season came out lol. The entire time I kept thinking WHO IS THIS PERSON I PROBABLY KNOW YOU. I had only a vage memory of space pirates lol but I at least had a hunch it was Zethrid. I think the writers were poking fun at those who thought both Zethrid and Ezor died last season lol, but they never explained what happened between them!! Why did Acxa know so much and where did Ezor come from?? Were they together this whole time with Ezor invisible??? I am a ball of confusion
Highlights: Iverson with the pup!! That alone could save the universe. Acxa bonding(?) with the Garrison cadets. Imagining smol Lance bringing in animals to keep (◕‿◕✿) Also Lance being really good with geography and directions!
Episode 6: This show needs to stop giving me so many heart attacks. Turns out Honerva is breaking reality itself to bring Lotor back such a good mom I guess. It makes me wonder if what happened to Zarkon and Honerva also happened to Lotor. How long has he been in the quintessence field? Why don’t we see his perspective during the episode? How is Team Voltron going to defeat Honerva when she’s so OP that she can even control Lotor’s robeast? I’m also scared for Allura :<
Shout out to that one Altean that was like “something’s not right.” Well no shit Sherlock.
[Part 2]
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littlespacestars · 7 years ago
Voltron Ask Game
I saw this floating around and I thought it would be fun to fill out. :) 
How did you discover the show?
A friend my senior year of college introduced it to me! He and another friend of ours, binge watched it in his dorm room over the weekend the fall of 2016. I hadn’t heard literally anything about it, so I went in completely blind! Which I’m so glad I did, since that never happens to me. 
Was it love at first sight or did it take you a while to get into the show?
After watching the pilot episode, I kinda thought it was a little cheesy, but the characters really grew on me with each episode. I was so enamored by Allura’s character design (poc princess!!) and her spirit, and with the reveal of Pidge being a girl, so I knew I’d stick with it. Shiro was also another factor. It was so nice seeing a (poc) character with a mental illness take on a lead role and do his best to overcome his struggles. That definitely resonated with me. 
Not to mention, the humor of the show was something I could get into. Like, the jokes and the voice acting, the interactions, they actually made me genuinely laugh. 
And after checking out the fandom one day, that’s when I really got invested, because of all the cute headcanons and fanart, etc. And then I fell really hard for Shallura and I was a goner lmao. 
Do you have a favorite episode?
Uggh, it’s so hard to choose. Probably a tie between Crystal Venom and Blackout. I liked the balance between the more serious scenes with Shiro and Allura’s trauma and the humorous scenes with the rest of the paladins. 
And Blackout...man. It was just a ride. And seeing Shiro get his bayard and Black’s wings, Allura facing off against Haggar, etc. So cool. 
Do you have a favorite Paladin?
Definitely a tie between Shiro and Allura (since she’s technically a paladin). But Lance is second. lmao. It’s so hard for me to choose, honestly. I really love all the characters for different reasons. But if you’re on my blog, it’s clear I have a bias towards Shiro and Allura. Not just because they’re my ship, though. Their individual personalities stand so strongly on their own. 
Do you have a favorite Lion? (If it’s different from your fave Paladin, why?)
I’d say either the Blue lion or the Black lion. Blue because she’s the first lion we were introduced to and I’m just...I’m still peeved about her being the “training lion.” Like, give Blue more credit. And Black because uhh, WINGS. 
Do you have a favorite villain?
I’m gonna go with Haggar! I find her intriguing and I always get so hyped whenever she’s on screen, because she’s my evil bitch wife and I love her. 
Do you have a favorite Alien Race (Recurring and/or minor)
I like the Arusians! I just think they’re a lot of fun. Pffftt. 
Favorite side/other character(s) - Rebels, Generals, Blade of Marmora, Garrison, etc?
Freaking Varkon. LOL. Space mall cop has my heart. But the generals are really cool and I hope we see more of them. 
How/Why did you join the fandom?
I hadn’t been part of a fandom for awhile and was curious to look up some fanart, so that really sucked me in. And then I really got into Shallura and started drawing again. But I also joined because of Josh Keaton and Bex Taylor Klaus! I loved how involved they were in the fandom and I just really adore the both of them (and the rest of the cast!) It’s always so nice to know how much the cast adores the show as much as the fans do. 
Care to share your favorite headcanon?
Hngnh, of course I can’t think of any good headcanons off the top of my head. But I always thought Hunk having two moms was really cute. Oh, oh. And Allura, Shiro, and Lance being bisexual. Yep. I also liked Josh’s headcanon about Shiro being raised by a grandfather, and that could be a reason for his whole “patience yields focus” thing. And how he’s sort of an old soul in some regards. 
What do you think is the best part of the show?
THE CHARACTERS. I never considered myself a big fan of space war shows/movies (even though I love learning about space), but I fell in love with the characters and their different dynamics. They all compliment each other well and I just love seeing them interact with each other. Their voice actors are just so amazing at what they do and really bring them to life. Anytime we see them bonding and having a good time with each other, I’m happy and that’s when I enjoy the show the most. 
Any hopes and wishes for future episodes/seasons?
/cries into the abyss
I want OG Shiro to come back, and I hope that Kuron remains unscathed in the end (assuming he’s a clone and not just Shiro). 
I hope we get the original lineup back. It bothers me that they don’t match their lions, and if Shiro doesn’t get to stay in the Black lion, I’ll just be...so confused. He deserves to stay with his lion in the end. They’re bonded, dude. Don’t take that away from the mentally ill character. It would honestly be a slap to the face. 
It’s a stretch to ask for Klance and Shallura, but hey, it’s a wish. 
I honestly would like Zarkon to come back, but I don’t think that’s happening. LOL. I had really hoped for a showdown between Zarkon/Shiro and Allura/Haggar since they were foils. 
I’d love some Shallutor, please and thanks. Also a wish and probably not realistic, but I can dream.
A showdown between Allura and Haggar. I’m 99% sure this is going to happen, but it’s one of the things I look forward to most. 
Shiro to get a new Altean prosthetic! 
Krolia better not die, or I’m suing for unnecessary Keith angst. We literally just got her. Let Keith be happy for like, more than five minutes. Or how about for at least five minutes, ffs. I’m over it. I miss season 1 Keith. He was awkward, hotheaded, but endearing. 
For Lance to realize he’s fine just the way he is and doesn’t need to follow in Keith’s footsteps in order to be successful, or a better paladin. 
And lastly, I want Allura and Coran to be able to actually grieve for more than two seconds. Jeez. 
Do you think you’ll stick it out until the end of the show?
I know I will, even if things in the show don’t live up to my expectations. I understand that things aren’t going to go 100% the way I want them to, and I’m prepared for that. But I know I’ll be curious as to how things turn out for our characters and I’ve invested way too much time into this show to just drop it. 
It would be kinda nice if I could just let myself drop the show though, so I wouldn’t have so much anxiety every time a new season’s about to drop. Rip my nerves. 
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Alright, I’mma tag these people! But don’t feel pressured to fill this out or anything! Hope the remaining days waiting for Voltron treats you well! :) 
@babyfairybaekhyun @shiroganesallura @shiroallura @kitbit @ahumanintraining @immaculate-messes @levish5 @allurahimesama @celestialfluff @roguepaladin
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