#and i think the cass tag on ao3 is kind of a lost cause at this point :\
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sometimes i see things in cass's tag on both tumblr and ao3 that make me want to do this
#cassandra cain#i need people to stop tagging everything related to batman/batfam for visibility or whatever#because it's kind of annoying to search the tag and have to dig through posts that don't even mention cass by name in them yet she's tagged#and i think the cass tag on ao3 is kind of a lost cause at this point :\#there's good cass stories in there but 9 times out of 10 i'll open it to find nothing cass-centric#and what is there is a bunch of very fanon stories about how tim is a poor little meow meow or something like that
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Fandom Questions
Was tagged by @mtreebeardiles Thank you :) I'll tag @quietborderline @imakemywings @mclavellan and @ziskandra Only if you feel like doing this, of course I'll post the questions here and my answers under the cut.
How many works do you have on AO3?
What's your total AO3 words count?
What fandoms do you write for?
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Do you get hate on fics?
Do you write smut. If so what kind?
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
What's your all-time favourite ship?
What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
What are your writing strengths?
What are your writing weaknesses?
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
First fandom you wrote for?
Favourite fic you've ever written?
How many works do you have on AO3?
What's your total AO3 words count?
What fandoms do you write for?
Dragon Age and Mass Effect. I have wip things for other fandoms but I haven't posted them yet.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Fought, Loved, Lost,Hoped (198) Afterlife Feels Empty Without You (98) "Commander" (84) Afterparty (79) IllusiveSoul's FemslashFebruary 2022 fics (61)
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Always, and usually as soon as I see I got one. Otherwise I risk forgetting and I end up replying way too late lol
What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I write a lot of angst, so I have several angsty fics with angsty endings. This is one of those angsty endings I like the most. The fic is "Another Soul in Elysium". The context is that my canon Shep finds the body of her gf after the Skillian Blitz:
"Thank you…" Shepard said as she kissed her forehead, one last time "... for everything"
Wiping away the tears, she zipped the bag up and confirmed the id on her omnitool, before standing up and walking away… burying another part of her past once again.
It wouldn't be the last.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
This is one of the happiest I've written. Its called Married Life:
As the hours pass and tiredness sets in, Irene places her glasses on the nightstand. The 3 women share a kiss before Merrill turns off the candles with a quick spell.
As they settle against each other, Isabela smiles as she feels Merrill's hand softly but firmly wrap around her stomach. The elf in turn smiles as she feels Irene's toned arm softly wrap around her.
As the three drift off to sleep, a single thought fills their heads.
"How did I get so lucky ?"
Do you get hate on fics?
I haven't gotten any, thankfully.
Do you write smut. If so what kind?
A lot of smut. I go from very explicit to more implied and subtle smut.
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I haven't written.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I've started to translate some of my fics to spanish, but Its a long process lol
Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
What's your all-time favourite ship?
I really vary on this, cause I usually focus a lot on rarepairs. For DA: basically all ships of Leli x any lady (With a preference for dwarf wardens, Josie, Cass, Morri and Wynne), for ME, a tie between Femshep and Samantha and Maleshep and Cortez.
What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I think I will get to all my wips eventually, but it will take a long time lol
What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm good at setting up scenes, describing atmosphere and sensations. And smut and angst.
What are your writing weaknesses?
I feel I repeat my writing style very often. It frustrates me a bit cause I often feel that im writing the same fics over and over but with a different coat of pain. I also struggle to maintain outlines.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I think its cool and can add some nice variety.
First fandom you wrote for?
It wasnt't for a fandom per se, cause the first fandom I truly was part of was Mass Effect's in 2017, but when I was in school I did a comic retelling of the Resident Evil series that I never finished, but I think that counts as writing
Favourite fic you've ever written?
A Divine's Hand. I really like how this fic turned out.
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Hey! I saw on one of your fics for preacher to send you prompts so here's one! Tulip learns genesis is fiore and Deblancs baby and all five get in a big fight cause tulips like "GIVE IT BACK???" and Jesse is like "HOW?" There's some "we miss our baby" angst and ends with our gayngels getting to hold there son for a bit??? Idk I think about this alot????
Hello again, @hetaliaprussia! I hope you like this. For the record, I think about our gay angels and their child a lot too :D
AO3: x
Jesse knew this sensation well: the weight of a body pinning his to the floor, a hand clenched, ironclad, into the front of his shirt. Everything from the knee in his stomach to the stench of another's sweat—it was familiar. He knew that as soon as he looked he'd see the barrel of a gun pointed just an inch or so from the bridge of his nose. Jesse understood that any words he heard would be a threat. Rinse and repeat.
Except that this attacker...
Tulip's hands were shaking as she pressed the muzzle flat against Jesse's forehead. No one else would have spotted it, but he did. He could feel the wound tightness in her limbs.
"You took their fucking child?" she hissed.
"Tulip. Tulip. C'mon now, luv, you are missing some real fuckin' important context here…"
Cass dithered behind her, arms reaching to try and pull her away before panicking and snapping back. Off to the side Fiore and DeBlanc looked on in shock. They were such smug, pretentious assholes. If Jesse hadn't known for sure that the gun Tulip held was loaded, he would have found their fish-like expressions amusing.
Instead he held perfectly still. "You're not gonna shoot me," he said, bland as white rice.
The gun pressed harder into his skin. "Really? That's your response here? You're digging yourself in real deep, Jesse Custer."
"You care?"
"Of course I care."
"Well then you're not gonna shoot me. Get off, Tulip."
Jesse wormed his leg up between hers, grabbed hold of Tulip's wrist, and flipped them so that she was the one now nestled against the church's floor. It was a move that only worked because a part of Tulip wanted it to. She scowled, jamming the gun back into her jeans and shoving him off her chest. They scrambled and backed away, Cass looking like they'd just averted a bomb going off.
"Okay," he said slowly. "I appreciate your wild sides, I honestly do, but the two of you have gotta get the whole fuckin' picture before you go threatenin' to shoot one another!"
"Who did I threaten to shoot?" Jesse snapped at the same time that Tulip spread her arms wide and yelled, "What picture, Cassidy? Jesse took their child!"
She pointed fiercely at DeBlanc and Fiore who now appeared sheepish in the extreme. Alright. That was amusing. Fiore muttered something too low for them to hear and turned away, eyes drawn to the ceiling in a comical display of aversion. It was DeBlanc who took the hesitant step forward, removing his hat and placing it protectively over his chest.
"Ms. O'hare..."
"Tulip. Do I look like a blasted 'Ms.' to you?"
DeBlanc swallowed. "Tulip. We contacted you because we know you're... close with this preacher. Jesse. It is true that he has our child... though it would perhaps be more accurate to say that our child chose him."
"Huh?" Tulip peered at the four of them, most of that anger giving way to confusion. "Hold up now. You made it sound like this kid of yours is an infant. How the hell does a baby choose someone? And who the fuck would choose Jesse?"
"I'm right here," Jesse said, but no one listened.
Cass raised his hand. "Yeah. Fascinating. But I'm more interested in how two blokes make a kid together in the first place. Can clones make babies?"
"Clone—?" Fiore gapped for a moment. "I'm an angel, you twit, and we don't adhere to your idiotic gender binaries."
"A what," Tulip said.
DeBlanc laid a hand on his arm. "His question is still valid though. Certainly no one in heaven knows how our union resulted in... procreation." He turned to the group. "It's just one more reason why you must return them. There are many who would do anything to seize the child of an angel and a demon."
"A what."
"Oh wow. Okay. That explains a whole lot of stuff. Did you know about this?" Cass asked. Jesse had his fingers pressed hard into the bridge of his nose, nodding sadly.
"Yeah. Had a whole damn conversation about it last night in the diner. I was going to tell you but then someone," Jesse glared at DeBlanc, "had to go and tell my girlfriend, who recently lost a child, that I went and stole someone else's."
DeBlanc blanched. "We didn't realize. We only wanted you to give them back."
"Well I can't! I've tried!"
"How come there's no word for that?" Cass murmured. "A woman who loses a child? We've got 'orphan' and 'widow,' but nothin' else that I know of. Huh. Just doesn't seem right."
"Enough," Tulip spit, interrupting them all. With the jerky movements of someone that was at the end of their rope, she reclaimed the gun and pointed it somewhere in the middle of their circle, essentially threatening them all. "You are treating this like a joke, but you know—you know, Jesse—that it's not." He bowed his head at that. Acknowledging for once that no, it wasn't a joking matter. "Now who is going to explain what the hell is going on here?"
Cass made short work of that, slotting together all the pieces they'd gathered thus far: angels and demons (not clones), God going missing, Genesis' creation, unfathomable power now rooted in their very own Jesse—who watched the proceedings with a vaguely bored expression. He didn't even flinch when Tulip raised the gun this time. Really, she was just using it for emphasis at this point.
"So this 'baby'..." she said slowly.
"Is probably the most powerful thing in existence," Jesse confirmed. "And it's currently nestled somewhere between my soul and my ribs."
"That doesn't mean we don't love them any less," Fiore snapped and there was a moment of silence as the group tried to decided if that was in reference to Genesis' power or the fact that it had chosen Jesse. Probably the latter.
He took a firm step forward. DeBlanc and Fiore held their ground. Jesse smiled.
"So what do you want, huh?" he demanded. "Getting Cass all riled up. Trying to turn Tulip against me. She pistol whipped me earlier." Tulip shrugged to show she really didn't regret that part. "You've tried luring this thing—"
"This child," DeBlanc said.
Jesse inclined his head. "—child out of me with songs and magic and who knows what else. It didn't work. So what exactly do you want me to do about it?"
"Haven't tried the chainsaw yet," Fiore muttered and DeBlanc had to shoot out a protective arm to keep him and Cass apart.
"Easy, love," he said. "To be frank, Jesse, I'm not sure how we should go about this, but we have to do something. At the very least I’d appreciate it if you—"
"Why don't you order it?"
All of them turned to Tulip, staring. She shrugged again and pretended to shoot Jesse straight in the middle of his chest. "It's all-powerful, right? So just use that power and, I don't know, tell it to come out for a second."
Fiore spluttered. "That is the most idiotic thing I've ever—"
"Genesis, c'mere."
And they did.
The flash of light blinded them all momentarily, filling the church and worrying poor Mrs. Hinderson miles down the road, wondering what in the name of loving Jesus that was supposed to be. As she went back to walking Pepper and resigned not to stick her nose where it might get snapped off, DeBlanc was pushing groggily back to his feet, one hand supporting Fiore while his other had latched onto Tulip's arm. Cass was on Fiore's other side, his stunned expression no doubt a reflection of everyone else's.
"Oh my," DeBlanc whispered.
They'd never seen Genesis before. Not really. Not since the brief, confusing moment of their creation. And they weren't quite seeing them now either. How did you see something that wasn't a thing, but the absence of things—everything by virtue of being nothing at all? There was light, yes, but at the same time they were a void. DeBlanc knew at once that he couldn't look on his child for long, not without a vessel to act as a buffer. Still, he reached for them.
He felt Fiore doing the same. For a moment it was only the two of them in that church, fingers curving around the edges of their child. DeBlanc felt heat, ice, the thrum of electricity, and—
—and then they snapped back into Jesse.
He bent like a bow, stumbled, and only kept his feet by grabbing hold of the nearest pew. Jesse heaved like he'd just run a marathon, but he looked as rapturous as the rest of them.
"Don't see how it's any different," he finally whispered when no one else would speak. "You two taking human form. Genesis possessing me. It's all necessary. Like child, like parents right?"
DeBlanc nodded. The pain against his wrist was Fiore's hand. The sting on his cheek was a tear.
"Well," Fiore huffed, wiping inconspicuously at his own eyes. "That may be the case, but don't think for a second that I'm letting you run off with my child alone."
Jesse froze. "...No."
And it began over again, Fiore, Jesse, and DeBlanc launched into full-blown bickering about who got to tag along on what adventures, their tone completely at odds with the miracle they'd just witnessed. Cass shook himself like a dog, giving Jesse a lopsided grin and suggesting that he should make Genesis pay rent. Tulip sighed, tossed Jesse the gun, and made it very clear that this was not the kind of child they'd agreed to raise. Jesse waved the gun under Fiore's nose who just batted it away.
And somewhere inside Jesse, Genesis hummed with what might be termed happiness.
When they left the church, for all their arguing, they were heading down the same path.
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