#and i think that makes her feel more confident
Beware clickbait accusations
Hi fandom, here's what happened yesterday: A reporter named Rachel Johnson, who is the sister to Boris Johnson and a big terfy supporter of JK Rowling, released a 4-part true crime podcast featuring two women accusing Neil Gaiman of SA. Yesterday. The day before the UK elections. This post explores the possible political links in more detail.
CW: this post is free of graphic details, but if you follow these links, there may be explicit descriptions of sex, kink, and bdsm, plus mentions of mental illness and suicidal thoughts.
I want to believe and support survivors, and I also want to base my thoughts and actions on facts. I thought the xitter livestream commentary from Not Becky for all 4 episodes was very insightful. There's also a first episode transcript without extra commentary. (Edit: the full audio plus transcripts for all four episodes of the podcast are available to download here, or you can read all four transcripts in your browser.) I have since concluded (pending new information, of course):
This seems like the worst kind of clickbait, an unjustified mess that will hurt everyone involved (except possibly a few politicians who might benefit somehow, we'll see). The evidence the "reporters" present directly contradicts their accusations. They're counting on people reading headlines and not digging any deeper.
They tried to make something sinister where there was apparently consent and a caring relationship. Have they exploited one or both of these women? S, in particular, is described as vulnerable and with a history of unspecified mental illness. They have all of the message history between S and Neil, and her messages make the sexy stuff between the two of them sound enthusiastically consensual. There are even messages (multiple!) where she specifically says everything was consensual. Here's one:
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They're playing horror music in the background to try to make us feel horrified, even as S reassures us that things were consensual. It's emotional manipulation by the reporters.
The times S sounds upset during the interview are the times she talks about Neil leaving her behind or not paying attention to her. Not the times she talks about consent violations. Her stories during the interview are inconsistent, and they contradict her messages with Neil and with others. Maybe we'll get better information from a more reputable news source, or maybe not, I don't know. I also don't know why anyone who cares about her would have advised her to do this interview.
Then they tracked down lots of other women who know/have dated Neil and they all had glowing things to say, except one other lover from 20 years ago, K. She described some bad sex, and then pointed to a time in their 2-year relationship when she felt something wasn't consensual and he thought it was. And after their breakup, they continued to text and flirt, for decades.
This podcast "exposé" feels like explosive clickbait with political ramifications. The evidence here doesn't support a pattern of poor conduct so much as establish Neil as a fellow well-meaning human with imperfect judgement. That doesn't mean the accusations are all made up; intimate partner violence is complicated, and the responsibility for checking in and getting regular enthusiastic consent from partners is very real, especially when kink or bdsm are involved.
I don't know what the right balance is here between supporting survivors, thinking critically, assuming good intentions, and waiting for better information, but I feel confident that this podcast alone is not enough to condemn anyone aside from the irresponsible journalists who inflicted it on the rest of us.
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This is probably small in the grand scheme of things, but how did Emilie being noble play any impact in the story at all?
I mean, I'd get it if it was just a small detail to help deepen Emilie's character, but why nobility of all things? I don't know, from what I'm seeing so far, the whole "Emilie renounced her noble title" shtick just feels worthless if it's not going to impact the story or add depth to Emilie's character (like maybe upbringing or personal values?).
I don't know. Like everything else, the noble part just feels shallow and means nothing to the story, especially for a character like Emilie, who is the plot device for the whole show. Any detail about her, like her personality and life story, is supposed to influence the story and characters one way or another, namely Hawkmoth since she's his driving force.
So what was the point?
For context, this ask is about Félix's play which says that Emilie gave up her title to be with Gabriel. I'm gonna give a slightly larger section of the transcript of the play for full context, but the relevant but is at the end of the last paragraph:
Félix: The king and queen's twins grew up, each day as different in heart as they were similar in body. The firstborn, curious and brazen, despised life at court and escaped at every opportunity. The younger daughter, well-behaved and respectful, did everything she could to please her parents, and stayed quietly in the castle. Félix: (as Mr. Graham de Vanily) Oh, my queen. Did we entrust our legacy to the right princess? Kagami: (as Mrs. Graham de Vanily) She will fall in line, eventually. Félix: Confident that she would settle down as she matured, the king and queen allowed the curious princess to leave to study beyond the sea in another kingdom. There, she immediately found true love in a humble tailor. Félix: The tailor was making clothes so magnificent that they revealed the beauty of the soul of anyone who wore them. Although it made her parents furious, the curious princess gave up her rank, her wealth and her kingdom to live a bohemian life with the tailor.
Story wise, I have no idea why any of this was added since it adds nothing to canon. It's not like this finally explains why Gabriel and Emilie are poor while Amelie is wealthy. Along similar lines, it's not like Amelie's title has ever mattered. Prior to this play, I don't think that we even knew that she had a title or that she was the younger sister. The play is all about explaining things that we never had reasons to question in the first place.
My best guess as to why the writers wrote this pointless backstory is that they wanted to make Emilie seem even more pure and perfect so they went with the tired old trope of a rich girl giving up material things for the sake of love and art because good pure women don't care about material things! Only nasty, shallow women care about money. (Way to play into sexist tropes, guys.)
There may also be cultural elements at play here given that France doesn't have the greatest history with nobility, so giving up a noble title may be seen as good and pure to a French writer, but I don't know enough about French culture to say that with any certainty. If anyone who reads this blog is French and would like to chime in, then feel free!
While we're on the topic of the play, I wanted to point out that the above quoted passage is why I say that the Graham de Vanily parents can be as kind or as abusive as you'd like to make them. It's incredibly vague and you can read into it whatever you want to read into it. Were they good loving parents who were just upset about their daughter living in poverty or were they miserable controlling classist who Emilie fled England to get away from? It's up to you because you can get both reads from this. The play commits to almost nothing of value. Politicians could take lessons from this impressive level of noncommittal writing.
A better version of the play would have focused on things that actually matter to canon like the details of finding the miraculous and/or Emilie learning she's sick, but you could only have those details if they were coming from Nathalie or Gabriel. Félix is a terrible choice for a character to tell us the show's backstory because he knows so little of it, thus the play focusing on his largely pointless backstory.
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moirasdolly · 3 days
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˚ ⋆゚୨୧ Is This Guy Bothering You? ୨୧ ˚ ⋆゚Sevika x Fem Reader
Synopsis: Persistent is one way to describe the sleazy guy who won’t leave you alone. Fortunately for you, Sevika comes to your aid and you get to know each other a bit…
Contains: NSFW (men and minors dni), harassment, Sevika helps you out though, oral (r! receiving), overstimulation.
Listening ♪ ིྀ: Guess - Charli xcx
Notes: My first Sevika fic !! I hope you guys enjoy it :3 It’s inspired by How You Met Sevika by sleepdeprived101 on ao3. I loved the concept and had to write my own version of it ! Also thank you @chosprincess for the title name 😭 I was gonna think of something serious, but this was too funny to me.
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About 5 shots in at the club and you were feeling a slight buzz that was enough to make you feel at least a little bit better. You had just about the shittiest day at work and you needed a little something to free your mind from all of your troubles. However, the alcohol you had consumed was not enough to be able to tolerate the grimy man beside you. He had been trying to get at you all night through desperate attempts to compliment you although everything that came out of his mouth were disgusting comments about your body. You were beginning to wish you hadn’t worn that tight, little, black dress that was hidden in the back of your closet.
“Fuck… that body of yours is amazing.” A predatory grin was present on his face as he said the hundredth variation of this phrase that night.
Once again, you let him talk at you as you threw back another shot. His words went in one ear and out the other, but it was getting harder to ignore his dirty implications.
This went on about 5 more minutes before you furrowed your brows together and snapped your head towards him. “Do you ever shut the fuck up?” Your words spat out like venom. Initially he was shocked, but his features quickly contorted into one of disgust.
“Fine. You aren’t even all that anyway.” He got up and grumbled something about you being a “stuck up bitch,” and disappeared into the crowd.
“God, finally,” you thought to yourself as he left. You decided that maybe shots weren’t the best idea after all. You settled for something with far less alcohol and thanked the bartender before taking a sip. A certain warmth was beginning to fill up your body as you nursed your drink throughout the night, and once you finished you were feeling much better than you were when you first arrived. You made your way to the center of the club and maybe it was the alcohol, or the music, or even a mixture of both, but you felt confidence surge through your body and you let your hips sway to the beat.
From where you stood you had a perfect view of Sevika, the object of all your desires. Of course she didn’t know you, hell, she probably had never seen you in her life, but that didn’t stop you from having your fantasies about her. There she was at her usual table, playing cards with fools who knew they didn’t stand a chance against her. You had been staring too hard apparently because her eyes shifted right to you and for just a moment, you held her gaze. Maybe you moved your body a bit more seductively while you had her attention, but that was something you’d never admit. She licked her lips before turning her attention back to her card game and it felt like your heart was beating out of your chest.
You were so caught up with her noticing you that at first you hadn’t noticed someone press up against you from behind. You whip your head around in confusion and once you realized who it was you began to panic. The man from earlier wouldn’t take a hint. He held his grip on your hips a bit tighter as you struggled to get away. You elbow one of his arms off of you and rip your body away from the confines of his other one and try to distance yourself from him. There’s not much space between you two though since the club was filled to the brim with sweaty bodies, it was a Saturday night after all.
He was beginning to close in on you and your eyes darted around for anything—anyone to help you out. He had such a malicious grin on his face that you had truly begun to fear for your life. You didn’t want to know what he’d do if he managed to get you in his grasp again.
Somehow Sevika’s gaze flickered to you once more and there was a flash of confusion in her eyes once they met your own fearful ones. She furrowed her brows before slamming her cards on the table, not caring if her hand was revealed or not. She stood up and whistled abruptly, the whole club quieting down almost instantly to look towards her. Her boots were heavy against the floor and it was the only sound that could be heard throughout the whole building. Your eyes widened as you realized she was making her way towards you… little old you.
She placed her mechanical arm on the man’s shoulder and tightened her grip on him. “What are you doing messing with my girl?” Her deep voice rumbled out.
The man in front of you that was so confident and persistent before was looking like he was ready for his soul to leave his body. He slowly turned around to face her, not wanting to aggravate her anymore than she already was. “I-It was just a misunderstanding!” He stumbled over his words like a fool in the presence of the taller woman. “I didn’t know she was your girl.” His voice growing quieter as he spoke. He was beginning to realize he probably wasn’t getting out of this in one piece.
She looks at you and your heart rate picks up tenfold. Her gray eyes meet your own and she silently nods at you as if to say play along. “Was he bothering you, baby?” She speaks up again, cutting the man off just as he was about to speak.
“Mhm…” You hum out in confirmation. You didn’t trust your voice right now, you were sure you’d be a stuttering mess.
The man shoots you a pleading look, but you barely even notice as you hold Sevika’s sharp gaze that only softened when she looked at you. “Well, you heard her. She said you were giving her problems.” Sevika had tightened her grip on his shoulder. By now he was wincing in pain, but didn’t dare say anything about it. “What should I do with you?” She lets go, and for a brief moment he tried to catch his breath, but before he could Sevika landed a harsh blow on his stomach.
A crack rang out through the club and he let out an ear piercing scream as he fell to the floor. You covered your mouth with your hands with a gasp and turned to Sevika. Her lips turned upwards in a cocky smile as if this was just another day for her, like he was just a speck of dust in her world. She looked over to him and gripped his hair, lifting his head off the ground. He groaned in pain as she leaned in to whisper something in his ear.
You were barely close enough to make out what she said, but what you heard made your cheeks heat up. “I don’t wanna see your face here ever again. Don’t ever think you’re good enough to touch my baby like that, or any woman for that matter.” She dropped his head with a thud for good measure before muttering, “Get the fuck out.”
She didn’t have to tell him twice because as soon as the words left her mouth, he was scrambling through the doors of the club.
“The fuck are you looking at?” She bellowed at the rest of the club-goers when she noticed everyone still watching the scene in front of them. Once everyone resumed minding their own business, Sevika had turned to you, giving you a concerned look. “You okay? He was pretty persistent.”
“Yeah… ‘M fine.” You look down, not wanting to keep eye contact with her. That didn’t fly with her though, oh no. She used her flesh hand to grip your chin and gently tilted your head up.
“Good. I wouldn’t want a pretty girl like you feeling all down.” God, she was so attractive you thought you might pass out. “Whaddya say we go somewhere a little more private?” Her deep voice sends butterflies straight in between your thighs.
“Yes!” You reply a little bit too eagerly and she chuckles. She places her organic hand on the small of your back and guided you to the back of the club and into a private room. You assumed she had taken plenty of girls back there before, but thoughts like that would only make you jealous so you wiped them away from your pretty little mind. The click of a lock brought you back to reality and only then did it really set in that you were alone with Sevika.
The room was a decent size with a nice big couch that filled up the space. Under the dim lights you could see her making her way to sit right in the middle of the couch before patting her spread legs as if she were saying, “Come.” Your brain was short-circuiting but somehow you managed to make it to her lap. The short dress you wore didn’t do you any favors as both of your legs draped over either side of her lap. It rode up instantly, exposing those little panties you wore just in case you got lucky tonight, and you did. Who knew it would be with the woman you fantasized about every time you saw her.
Her hands instantly found purchase on your hips and instantly gave you a firm squeeze, making sure to be a bit more gentle with her mechanical arm. “Shit…” she mumbles out when you whine softly at the sensation of her hands on you. “You’re a needy one aren’t you?” She chuckled at the pathetic look on your face. She had barely done anything and you were already incredibly worked up.
“Don’t tease me, Sevika. Please.” You were sure she could feel how wet you were, as you moved your hips against hers.
She faux contemplated for a moment before deciding teasing you would be useless for both parties. You were a needy mess and all she wanted to do was make you cum. In an instant your panties were shoved to the side and one of her thick fingers slid into you with no resistance.
“Oh God…” You whine out, your head falling against her shoulder as she pumped her finger in and out at a steady pace.
“Baby, I wanna see your face when I fuck you.” She slid another finger into you with ease and grasped your face with her mechanical hand. Your cheeks heated up at the lewd squelch of her fingers inside of you and you bit your lip to suppress a particularly loud moan.
Apparently nothing could escape the other woman’s watchful gaze because without warning she added a third finger into your velvety walls. The obscene noise that was just waiting to leave your lips slid out like honey and Sevika felt like she was in heaven. Your moans were like an angelic choir to her and she would do anything just to hear you even more.
A string of filthy whimpers left your mouth and Sevika couldn’t take her eyes off of your glossy, plump lips. Just a moment ago she wanted to keep hearing your sinful sighs of pleasure, but the sight of your lips made her hungry for a kiss.
In the heat of the moment she removed her hand away from your face and to the back of your head before pulling you in for a messy kiss. She slipped her tongue into your mouth and she swallowed up every little moan that tried to escape. You felt yourself clenching around your fingers and you parted from her with a gasp.
“I’m close, please.” You knew you sounded pathetic, but at this point you didn’t even care as long as you got off. It’s not your fault Sevika was so skilled, she’d probably done this a hundred times.
“I know baby, I know.” Her husky voice whispered into your neck.
Her voice did wonders for you and just moments later you were cumming all over her flesh hand. She slowed her pace ever so slightly so you could comfortably ride out your orgasm before finally removing her hand from between your thighs. You panted slightly as she placed a digit in her mouth, licking it clean.
You smacked her shoulder softly, “Don’t do that!” She smiled at your antics before doing it again to spite you. “Fuck, you taste good sweetheart. You mind if I get another taste?” She doesn’t wait for an answer before hoisting you off of her lap and instead on to the couch. As your back hits the sofa your legs fall open naturally for her to slot herself in between.
“These are in the way.” She grumbles before sliding your panties off and flinging them off haphazardly. She gave you no time to adjust to anything and instead gave your weeping pussy what it wanted. Her lips attach to your clit almost instantly and your thighs rest against the sides of her head as she flattens her tongue against you.
You were still sensitive from your first orgasm, so her mouth on you made you begin to feel overstimulated in the best way possible. Her tongue teased your entrance before dipping all the way in. The thick muscle reached the deepest parts of you and you were beginning to think the only words you knew were combinations of “Oh Sevika!” and “So fucking good!” because that’s all you could stutter out as she ate you out.
She hummed against you and the vibrations against your cunt only pushed you towards your second orgasm of the night. She was drunk on the taste of you, and as she lapped at your clit you felt that familiar coil of heat in your stomach.
Your back arched off the bed and your fingers tugged at her hair as you came for the second time. She didn’t stop though, she locked her arms around your thighs and savored everything you had to offer her until you were whining for her to stop. Reluctantly she pulled away and instead trailed soft kissed up your stomach as you caught your breath.
“Look at you, all fucked out, looking dumb and pretty.” She cooed as your eyes fluttered open to meet hers again. All you could do was hum in confirmation, not a single thought except for Sevika in your head. Eventually she had to get up and clean the both of you up from your intimacy. She used a wet washcloth to clean her mouth up and ran it gently in between your thighs.
“You okay to stand?” You nod as she lends you her arm to help you up. Your legs wobbled slightly just like a deer walking for the first time, “I guess I’ll just have to cling to you the whole night.” You grin mischievously.
“Who said you were staying with me tonight?” She had no ill intent though, she knew she wanted you by her side. “Well I doubt you’ll find someone else like me at the Last Drop.” You huff.
“Kidding, sweetheart.” Sevika gives you a pat on your hip. That’s when you remember you need to put yourself back together and make yourself presentable once more. “Where’d you throw my panties?” Your eyes darted around the room to try to find them, but you’re unsuccessful.
That shit-eating grin was back on her face in no time because she reached into her pocket and dangled them right in your face. You try to snatch them back from her, but she was quicker. “I think I’ll keep them.” She chuckles before stuffing them back in her pocket. Your cheeks were bright pink as you tried to argue with her. Your protests fell against deaf ears though because all she did was guide you back out into the club.
“C’mon, I got poker games to win.” She stared down at you and a smile tugged at the corner of her mouth. “You can be my good luck charm.” Any protests die on your lips the moment she looked down at you like that. Who were you to deny her the luck she totally needed? (Shejust wanted you on her lap the whole night.)
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hvnsools · 2 days
massages (Simon Riley one shot)
Simon "Ghost" Riley x female reader
Summary: (Y/N) gives Ghost a massage after a hard day word count: 935 note: English isn't my first language but i have done my best, sorry for any mistakes. ★ masterlist here
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The door of her room closed and when she looked up saw a tired Ghost dragging his feet. It was around 1am and she didn't know what he had been doing, but he looked exhausted. She knew he had some extra work, but on that specific day they had been free after 9 p.m.
"Hey, why so late?"
She didn't know when had started some sort of relationship with her superior, but she knew there was something between her and Ghost. She didn't know what name to give it, but a couple of weeks ago she had stopped seeing him as just her lieutenant.
He was still wearing his everyday uniform and, seconds after entering, he took off his mask, leaving it on her desk. (Y/N) left the book she was reading on the nightstand and waited for him to get the bed.
"My back hurts," he murmured tiredly and fell onto the girl's bed.
(Y/N) watched him for a few seconds and smiled, not because she liked seeing him tired, but because she liked how confident they were now. After a tiring day, she would think about going straight to her own room and would probably sleep in her uniform, but not him; he had gone straight to her room.
She had noticed it: his way of showing affection was quality time and doing little things for her. She had noticed that Ghost was very observant, she could mention to him what kind of candy she liked and he would remember it, even if she had forgotten it already.
"Do you want me to give you a message?" she asked with a hint of excitement.
She slid down until she was straddling his back, she felt Ghost's body tense slightly due to the new weight on him, but seconds later he relaxed. She wasn't exactly the stereotypical ultra-thin girl, she was a soldier, she needed muscle, but certainly Ghost was much heavier and bigger than her; he could easily use her to carry weight during his workout.
"Do you know how to give massages?" he asked. His voice was muffled because he had buried his face in the sheets.
"No, you'll be my first client" she joked, but it was partly true, she didn't know how to give massages, but she wasn't that bad at it, or that's what she wanted to think.
Her hands slid to the edges of his shirt and she pulled it up in an attempt to get rid of it.
"What are you doing?" He looked over his shoulder to watch the girl struggle with his shirt.
"It's to make you feel more comfortable."
Ghost smiled and let her take off his shirt. He knew her and he knew she wasn't lying, (Y/N)'s mind wasn't exactly dirty and she didn't took things with double meanings most of the time, so if she told him it was to feel more comfortable, he knew it was true without a doubt.
Several seconds passed until he felt the girl's cold hands on his back, something unknown flooded his chest, but he tried not to give it too much importance, at that point he had completely forgotten the pain in his muscles.
He felt the girl's cold hands massaging his muscles and he had to purse his lips to keep from letting out a grunt of satisfaction. The coldness of her hands didn't bother him at all; in fact, he felt it was pleasant against his warm skin. Ghost closed his eyes and tried his best to focus only on the massage and not the way she was on his back, pressing against him.
"… and that's how you feel better." Her voice brought Ghost back to reality. He realized that he had been ignoring whatever she was telling him and she seemed to realize it, he didn't even know how much time had passed. "Are you listening to me?"
She had stopped massaging his back and leaned over so she could look at his face.
"Sorry, I got distracted by your hands on my back."
(Y/N) sighed and was about to get off his back, but she had barely slid a few inches when she felt Ghost's arm wrap around her and press her against the mattress. She gasped in surprise and could only feel him pulling her towards him.
His skin was hot, but he was no longer tense. For some reason, she found it difficult to get warm, while Ghost was the opposite, when they slept together it was like sleeping against a heater.
"You're a terrible customer," she joked.
"And you're a great masseuse, I'll tip" his husky voice turned her stomach in a positive way. She could bury her face in a pillow and scream because of what it had done to her; it made her feel embarrassingly excited just by his voice. "Today I saw tulips" he spoke again.
"Where?" She frowned, confused, not completely understanding the change of topic.
"I went to town. They reminded me of you."
"Why?" She shifted in his arms and turned so she could see his face. His breath hit her face and had to stop herself from kissing him.
"You once said you liked tulips."
She couldn't contain the smile that formed on her face. She remembered it because it had been one of the first times they had left the base together, although it hadn't exactly been a date or anything.
She let the wave of impulse take control of her and leaned her face down to press her lips to his.
Ghost always remembered the smallest detail about her.
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chunghasweetie · 20 hours
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— pairing | assistant!oc x flirty boss!jjk
— summary | jungkook’s assistant (you) finally admits her feelings for him
— warning | bad writing (i’m doing my best)
protected sex, dirty talk, cursing, praising kink, adult dialogue, work affairs
— word count | 5.0k words
— song suggestion | the party & the after party— the weeknd
“You look very nice Y/n.” He opened the door for her.
“I have the prettiest assistant in the industry.“ He bit his lip, linking arms with her as the two entered the business party together.
The two were always together. Every day for hours upon hours.
She had been working for the CEO of Jeon Industries for the past 4 years.
It was another night of being with him. This time she was accompanying him to a business party at some mansion in the east.
“Thank you Mr. Jeon.” She thanked him.
She had went all out tonight. How could she not with the amount of luxury outfits and accessories he supplied her with?
She was an ambassador on the side for many different high end fashion companies.
Dior. Prada. Chanel.
All because of Jungkook.
He always helped represent her from the start. The second he laid eyes on her, he knew she couldn’t let all her beauty go to waste.
He pushed hard for her to rep these brands, knowing well she deserved to have every opportunity out there.
She was an extremely hard worker too, sending her to anyone was a true gift.
Tonight she was dripped out in Chanel from head to toe.
She wore a vintage black and gold Chanel couture dress paired with matching gold heels.
Her entire look was priceless.
He supplied with her with everything simply because he wanted to.
Y/n was too independent from the get go, and Jungkook wanted her to understand what it’s like to be truly taken care of.
Although Y/n worked for Jungkook, she was almost on his level of fame by her success that came naturally after he got her name out there.
Many rumors speculated that she slept her way to the top but, the rumors couldn’t be more untrue.
Jungkook was obsessed with this woman.
Repeatedly asking her if she was interested in him. He was constantly offering himself out to her.
He flirted with Y/n every day. It wasn’t enough to bother her. They were comfortable enough to where she could reject him over and over.
He understood her rejections. She was afraid how others viewed her. How if they ever broke up, it could make her entire career plummet to the bottom.
His eyes roamed over her figure, taking in the way the dress hugged her curves, the way her heels made her legs seem to go on forever.
He couldn't help but let out a low whistle. “That dress really working for you. Glad I spent the money.”
“I appreciate it Mr. Jeon.” She thanked him once more.
Y/n was absolutely gorgeous and every investor and supervisor at the party turned their head when she entered with Jungkook.
He noticed the way everyone was gawking at her and he couldn't help but smirk.
He was used to this. She was a prize and knew that all too well.
Y/n was his, and his alone.
He hated how oblivious she was. She didn’t think of herself to be this powerful woman.
She thought of herself as average, which could make Jungkook grow insane.
There was no way she was serious.
“Can you feel all the eyes on you?” He whispered to her.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. They’re greeting us. This is just business matters and nothing more.” She replied, straight faced.
He chuckled, shaking his head. “You're right, of course. Business first.”
He led Y/n through the crowd, making his way to the group of investors.
But as he walked, he couldn't help but place a hand on the small of her back, enough to display a slight sense of possession.
She went around with him, introducing herself as well to all of Jungkook’s business partners and potential partners.
He watched her, impressed by her confidence and grace as she charmed each and every one the important people.
“All these years and you’re still so good at talking for me.” He said, leaning in close to her so that only she could hear him.
“Of course. We’ve been doing this for years.” Y/n replied.
A small smile appeared on his lips as he imagined the number of times she must have helped him in his business ventures.
“And hopefully for more.” He muttered under his breath, before straightening up and clearing his throat.
“Can I get you anything to drink Mr. Jeon?”She offered.
He chuckled at her formality, but he couldn't help the way his heart fluttered at the sound of his title.
“Yes, please. He said, before taking a moment to decide. A glass of whiskey would be nice.” He instructed.
“Yes Sir.” Y/n nodded, walking off and requesting him a drink at the open bar.
Once his drink was finished she walked back over to him, handing his drink over.
“Go get yourself something.” He told her.
“I’m fine.”
“Go. I know you’ve been craving a glass of rosè.”
“Fine.” Y/n finally gave in, heading back over to the open bar.
Finally having her glass filled, she started to head back over to him.
Before she could start to Jungkook, she was stopped by one of the executives.
“Excuse me, Ms. Y/n was it?” He stopped her. “I was wondering if you had a minute.”
She didn’t look up, not expecting to start a conversation.
“Yes, I’m Y/n. I actually have to head back to my boss I’m sorry.” She began to walk but he stepped in front of her.
“It’ll only be a second. I’m Kim Namjoon.” The man spoke. “I just have a proposal for you.”
Her eyes flickered upwards. She locked eyes with the man, surprised someone so high up had an interest in speaking to her.
“You’re Kim Namjoon from Kim&Kim.” She rose her eyebrow. “What kind of proposal are you talking about? I’ll go get Ju—“
“This isn’t for Jungkook,” Namjoon shook his head. “It’s is for you.”
“Me?” She looked at him in confusion.
Jungkook's eyes narrowed as he watched the executive checking her out, his grip on his glass of whiskey tightening.
He downed it in one swift motion before stalking over to where she was, his eyes flashing with possessiveness.
He was watching this entire conversation go down.
“You don’t need to answer me now but,” He began. “I’m in desperate need of a new assistant. You’re one of the best assistants in the industry and I need you— bad. Whatever Jungkook is paying you, I’m offering you tripple the amount.”
Y/n stood there in utter shock. Her mouth was agape and she couldn’t say anything.
Jungkook could almost choke.
The nerve of this guy.
Jungkook's expression darkened as the man offered her the position and a much larger salary.
He could see the hesitation in her eyes as she took the card, and he couldn't help but feel a small surge of fear that he would lose her to someone else.
Maybe she was truly considering.
Jungkook was imagining everything he’d ever done with her.
Did he push her too much?
Was she overwhelmed?
Did she feel underpaid?
‘There’s no way’ He thought to himself.
“Like I said,” Namjoon was handing her his business card. “You don’t need to answer me now but, just think about it. You’ll be rich and you’ll have a lot more of those luxury companies to add to your collection.”
“Thank you for your time.” She simply nodded, biding her goodbyes before heading back to Jungkook. “Sorry that took so long.”
Jungkook watched Y/n return, his expression unreadable as he took in her words and the lingering scent of another man on her.
Namjoon’s cologne was annoyingly contagious.
He couldn't help but feel a surge of jealousy as he reached out to grab her wrist, his grip firm but gentle.
“Is there an issue Mr. Jeon?” She looked down, feeling his grip.
“Come on.” He walked her over to the balcony outside, where the two could be more secluded.
He pulled her closer, his voice low and husky as he leaned in, his breath hot against her ear.
"I think you know exactly what the issue is. It’s us.” He whispered. “I heard Namjoon.”
“What about it?”
His hand tightened around her waist, his thumb pressing into the small of her back as he held her close.
"You know damn well what I'm talking about, Y/n. That exec trying to poach you.”his voice was a low growl, laced with greed.
You weren’t for sale, why would Namjoon pull such a stunt?
Y/n sighed. “I didn’t want to be rude. So I took Namjoon’s business card.”
Jungkook's eyes flashed with irritation, but he controlled himself, not wanting to make a scene. “But you didn’t throw it away. So you’re thinking about his proposal.
“Mr. Jeon like I said, let’s keep this professional. I believe your personal feelings are getting in the way.” She replied. “I was being respectful.”
"I don't give a damn about professionalism right now, Y/n," he said, his voice strained as he struggled to keep his composure.
Her eyes widened. “Like I said, I just took the card to be respectful. I didn’t have any intention behind it.”
Jungkook's jaw clenched, his eyes narrowing as he studied her face.
"Then why did I catch you staring at him for an uncomfortably long time?" he asked, his voice low and suspicious.
“Oh my gosh Mr. Jeon. It’s called eye contact. This really shouldn’t matter.” She grew irritated with him.
Jungkook's grip on her waist loosened, but he still didn't let go.
"It does matter to me," he said, his voice softer now. "You know I don't like it when other men look at you."
“This is a work setting Mr. Jeon. In order to do my job I must conversate with many men. Can we drop this now? Please?” She begged.
Jungkook's expression darkened a little at the sound of her calling him Mr. Jeon, but he otherwise seemed to calm down at her words.
"Fine," he said curtly, letting go of her waist and taking a step back. "Just... don’t consider his offer too much. I just— I don’t know what I’d do without you."
Y/n swallowed. “Okay Mr. Jeon.”
He reached out to tuck a stray strand of hair behind her ear. "Come on, let's get out of here," he said, his voice gentler now. "My treat.”
“But what about the business party? Shouldn’t we stay longer?” She blinked.
Jungkook shrugged. "They'll manage without us," *he said. "It's been a long day and I'm sure you're over all these people."
He reached out a hand towards her, a slightly pleading look on his face. "Please, come on.”
“Okay.” She gave in. She bid her goodbyes to whoever the two walked by as they strutted to the exit.
Jungkook smiled when she agreed and said nothing as she bid her goodbyes.
He was leading her out of the party, opening the door for her to get in the company car.
She took a seat on the other side of him, answering work emails on her phone the second she got inside.
That girl could work. She was always working.
Jungkook admired how driven she was.
"Are you hungry?" he asked, his voice low and warm. “Because I am.”
“Me too.” She nodded.
Jungkook smiled at her response. "Good," he said, before leaning close, his lips brushing against her ear.
"Because I'm taking you to the best bar in the city." His tone, though husky, gave her assurance of his sincerity. “Not letting that dress go to waste.”
“You don’t need to do that.” Y/n objected.
“I want to," Jungkook said, his eyes flicking up to finally meet hers, a serious expression on his face.
"You know I like spoiling you." He placed a gentle hand on her thigh before leaning back to give her some space.
She knew there was no point in arguing with him. “Alright.
As much as she rejected him, she didn’t mind how touchy he was with her.
Y/n definitely could admit she liked it.
Jungkook's eyes lit up at her acquiescence, a satisfied smirk playing on his lips.
"That's my girl," he said, his hand squeezing her thigh affectionately before releasing it to recline back in the seat. "We'll be there soon."
Once they arrived at the bar, Jungkook went around, opening the door for her as she got out of the car.
“That dress is really working for you.” He bit his lip. “Have I mentioned that?”
Y/n chuckled, walking with him inside. “You have.”
Although she was hearing these flirtatious words everyday, she couldn’t help but blush at the constant compliments from her boss.
Once they took a seat and ordered a few drinks they got to talking.
They went to discussing random business deals and even going off topic and speaking about their personal lives.
“I never thought I’d have to spend so much time with someone because of my job. I thought I would hire many men as my assistant and sectaries but you’re all I’ve ever needed.” He told her.
“I didn’t think I’d ever have the honor of working for someone so head strong and successful” She laughed. “And for these many years.”
Jungkook smiled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "You know, you're the best assistant I could've ever asked for," he said, his hand finding its way to her thigh once more. "I don't know what I'd do without you.”
“I don’t actually know what Id do without you either. I was in such a rough spot when I got hired…” She trailed off.
Jungkook's grip on her thigh tightened, his thumb rubbing small circles on her skin.
"I'm glad I could help, even if it was just giving you a position," he said, his voice low and husky. "But it's not just about the job, is it?
“What do you mean?”
Jungkook's gaze met hers, his eyes filled with a fiery intensity. "You know what I mean," he said, his grip on her thigh tightening even more.
"I think it's more than just a boss-assistant relationship between us." He brought up once more.
“You keep saying this.” She sighed.
“I’ve built up my career Mr. Jeon. I can’t fraternitize with the one guy who could ruin my life in seconds all because we stupidly decided to date.” She shook her head.
Jungkook's grip on her thigh loosened a little, his gaze dropping to the ground.
He nodded solemnly. "I understand your concerns. I do." He paused for a moment before continuing. "But please don't think of it as stupid.”
“How can I not? Say we decide to be official. How do you think that makes me look? What if we get into an argument and I lose my job? What if someone accuses me of sleeping to get the job?” She rambled.
Jungkook's expression hardened, his jaw clenching. "I'd never let anything happen to you, do you understand that?"
He reached out, his hand cupping her cheek. "You're more than just an assistant. You're... so fucking special to me."
“I don’t know still Jungkook. This could ruin everything.”
Jungkook's gaze softened as he looked at her. He leaned in closer, his lips brushing against her ear.
"Don't worry about a thing. I'll protect you, no matter what happens." He whispered. "Let me take care of everything. Trust me."
He interrupted. “Whatever he offered you, I’ll pay more. So much more. I’ll give you whatever the hell you want. I’ll do whatever you ask me too.”
“You don’t have to date me Y/n. I’ll stop flirting with you forever,” He continued, “Just please, don’t accept Namjoon’s proposal.”
Y/n exhaled, finally giving into him after all that time.
“I want to give us a chance.”
Jungkook’s ears perked up, the last line he’d be expecting from her.
“I’ve always been attracted to you but I’ve pushed it all to the side so we can work as normal but— I’m wiling to try with you.”
His heart felt like it was beating out of his chest.
“You’re serious?” He was choked up, jittery from how worked up her reply made him.
“More than serious.”
“Oh Y/n you have no fucking clue how long I’ve been wanting to hear that.” He hurriedly rushed her out of the restaurant, almost pushing her into the car.
She was giggling in the backseat. Jungkook was kissing all up on her, mumbling sweet sayings into her ears.
He couldn’t believed this was real— that it all unfolded in seconds.
After asking asking and asking. She finally agreed.
She wanted to give them a try, just like he always desired.
He couldn't believe he finally had her in his arms.
The smile plastered on his face could be seen from miles away. He smiled against her skin, unable to allow it to fade.
Jungkook's hands were exploring her body as he kissed her and made his way down her neck.
He sucked on her neck, leaving a mark as he did. "Fuck, I can’t stop kissing you." He growled into her ear.
“You’re a really good kisser.” She couldn’t help but chuckle. “Can’t wait until we get to your penthouse.”
Jungkook grinned, his eyes shining with excitement. "I can't wait either." He replied.
"I'm going to show you how bad I’ve feigned you." He nibbled on her ear.
Before the couple knew it, the vehicle had already been passed security and pulled up to Jungkook’s place.
Jungkook guided her out of the backseat, helping her onto the ground.
He took hold of her, leading her into his luxurious penthouse.
He shut the door behind them and immediately pulled her into his arms, kissing her passionately.
"Finally all to myself." He murmured against her lips.
She was easily able to keep up with his demanding kisses.
He had her brain cloudy and unable to be her usual rational self.
His kisses and touches had her in a daze. She was burning for him.
“Y-Your room already. Please— I’m trying to be a lady but It’s so hard” She mumbled against his lips, almost ashamed of the words she spoke.
He had been chasing after her for years. Now they switched.
Jungkook chuckled, a deep, husky sound. "Shit baby. I didn’t think you’d get like this. I didn’t know I was this good." He boasted, nipping at her bottom lip.
"You're such a naughty girl. I’m barely doing shit and you’re already a mess." He picked her up, her legs wrapping around his waist as he carried her towards his bedroom.
She was a shy mess, embarrassed at so easily he was able to unfold her.
Her bashful expression wasn’t easy to hide, and Jungkook took notice almost instantly.
Jungkook laid her down on his bed, climbing on top of her. "You have nothing to be embarrassed about." He comforted, tenderly brushing a strand of hair away from her face.
"I love how you respond to me." He kissed her again, slow and deep.
She kissed him back eagerly, smacking her lips against his. “It’s embarrassing. I haven’t been with anyone in—“
“Years. I know.” He interrupted, chuckling. “You’ve been too busy with me.”
"Don't worry about any of that." He flipped her around, pushing her face down onto the bed.
"You're with me now." He whispered, slowly lifting up her dress.
Jungkook couldn't help but smirk at the sight of her.
“Oh look at you.” He breathed out.
Her panties were practically stuck to her pussy like glue. Her pool of wetness making a statement on her panties.
"All this and I haven’t even touched it yet." He smirked, running a finger along the seam of her panties.
"I should take these off huh baby?" He slowly pulled them down her legs.
“Gonna taste you first.” He bit his lip, examining her panties before having his eyes locked on her plump and glistening pussy. “Is that alright?”
“P-Please. Now.”
“What was that sweetheart?” He taunted.
“Jungkook please eat it already.” She turned her head slightly to look at him, humiliated that she was so desperate for him like this.
“So needy.” He teased.
He couldn't help but smirk at her words, he wasted no time in doing as she said.
He spread her legs apart and started lavishing her pussy with his tongue.
Her body instantly retracted at the pleasure, a gasp leaving her lips.
Jungkook couldn't help but chuckle at her reaction, he continued to eat her pussy, determined to make her cum on his tongue.
He reached up with one hand and started rubbing circles aroundz
He went stupid on her pussy, licking and sucking on her clit.
“Jungkook you’re so good with your mouth.” She muttered out, barely able to speak by how distracted his tongue made her.
Jungkook looked up at her, his eyes gleaming with desire as he continued to pleasure her.
"Mmm, you're so fucking sweet." He murmured against her pussy, his tongue delving deeper into her folds. "I could eat you out all day."
“D-Don’t say that.” She swallowed, his claims made her blush even harder.
He continued to eat her out, his tongue expertly flicking over her clit as he watched her reactions. "But it's true. You're so fucking beautiful and delicious.”
“I need to make you cum over and over again.” He continued. “Until my fucking jaw snaps. You taste so fucking good it’s addicting.”
She was already feeling the pressure in her lower body build up, the orgasm rushing through her.
“Jungkook I’m close.” She whined.
“Let go baby.” He continued working her pussy. “All over my mouth.”
It didn’t take long for her to do so, thighs clenching together before releasing herself all over his tongue.
Jungkook groaned against her as he tasted her, sucking and licking up every last drop.
"Fuck." He looked down at her with a satisfied grin. "I think I'll have to make you cum every day now. I seriously can’t get enough of this shit.”
Jungkook helped her get into a more comfortable position, allowing her arched back to rest.
She took initiative, eagerly kissed him the second he looked away.
He couldn’t help but smirk into her mouth, his tongue slipping into her mouth to taste herself.
Not that it would stop her.
He pulled back and looked down at her again. “You’re a lot dirtier than I thought Ms. Y/n.” He chuckled.
“I just didn’t realize how much— how bad— I needed you.” She admitted.
"You needed me?" Jungkook asked, his voice low and husky.
He reached up to brush a strand of hair out of her face, his fingers grazing her cheek.
"You're mine now, aren't you? You need me to take care of you? I’ll do just that.” He pecked her lips.
He got up from the bed, walking over to his large closet.
He searched an empty shoebox, before finding what he needed.
He strides back over to his bed. “Condom. Just forgot.” He pecked her lips once more.
“Need you missionary tonight baby. I’m trying to be a gentleman.” He smiled smugly.
She didn’t say anything, slithering the condom from his fingertips.
She maintained eye contact with him, tearing the package open with her teeth.
“May I?” She placed her hands on his belt buckle, “Please.”
“Fuck. You’re gonna make this so hard.” He cussed. “Put it on.”
She hurriedly unbuckled his belt, sliding his pants down and pulling out his cock from his boxers.
She gasped.
It caught her so off guard. She didn’t think he looked like that at all.
Now she knew why he talked a big game about his dick.
The boasting and bragging finally made sense to her.
“You okay?” He chuckled. “Just noticed the rumors were true hm?”
She nodded quietly.
“It’s all yours Y/n.” He hummed. “Slip it on. I’m aching right now.”
She nodded, snapping out of her trance. She slid the thin material onto his length, trying to hide the enthusiasm displayed on her face.
Once the condom fit comfortably on his dick, he laid the girl on her back.
He positioned himself between her legs, double checking her comfort before his own.
She looked up, staring at him hovering over her. She had a blush spread across her cheeks. “I’m loving the view right now.”
Jungkook chuckled, pleased by her admiring gaze. "I'm glad you finally like what you see, baby.”
“But I definitely have the better view. You're gorgeous, all flushed and spread out for me." He hummed.
She giggled in response, too flushed to continue.
Jungkook grinned and slowly pushed inside her, savoring the tight heat enveloping his cock.
“Oh fuck,” He cussed, not expecting her to be so tight after what he already did to her.
“Fuck, you feel amazing." He started to move, thrusting steadily in and out of her. "So wet and tight for me... shit I can’t think.”
He was finally inside of her and she felt even better that he had ever imagined. He fit inside her like a missing puzzle piece.
“Fuck Jungkook.” She whispered out his name, still adjusting to him.
“Y/n... fuck... so good..." He panted, his eyes locked on hers as he started to move more urgently, driven by the intense pleasure of finally being deep inside her.
"You were made for me, weren't you? This sweet pussy, it's mine now. Isn’t it Y/n?” He panted.
“Mm fuck- all yours Jungkook” She nodded vigorously. “Shit that’s good.”
Jungkook groaned, feeling her tighten around him even more. "That's it, baby, take my cock... milk it."
He pistoned into her harder and faster, the bed creaking with the force of their movements. "You love this dick, do you baby?“
”Y-Yes I-I do” She swallowed, body working up a sweat at the heat.
“Such a pretty girl. Had to beat my dick to the idea of this for years.” Jungkook growled, his grip on her hips tightening as he drove into her harder and faster.
"You make it so worth it. So fucking worth it." He went on.
“Jungkook you’re making me feel so good— never had dick like this” She hiccuped.
Jungkook smirked, his hands running up and down her body possessively. "Gonna get dick like this for the rest of your fucking life."
He grunted, thrusting deeper. "No other man will ever touch you like I do, make you cum like I do.”
She was in a crazed and corrupt state of mind.
It’s like he hit the right spots instantly.
“Shit.” She cussed, knowing damn well he was right.
He fucked her so good she probably wouldn’t be able to get the same sensation from anyone but him.
“So hard to fuck you like a gentleman.” He began, “Shits too fucking hard.”
“No one fucking told you to.” She growled, “Need more. I don’t care how you do it.”
Jungkook chuckled, leaning down to whisper in her ear. "Not at all?”
“Not at all.” She bit her lip, smirking.
He easily noticed the glimmer in her eyes when she agreed, and he knew just where to go from there.
His dirty words were ones out of a romance novel. She didn’t even know real men even acted like this.
She didn’t complain.
He worshipped her body in no way she thought anyone could.
When she became devoted to being single, she thought her vibrator could be the only thing to ever make her cum.
Now she knew she was wrong.
And to throw that shit away.
"Such a dirty girl. All mine." His hand reached down to squeeze her throat in a dominant gesture, knowing she liked it. "You take dick so well babe."
“All for you.” She answered. She didn’t realize how easy it would be for him to turn her out but she wasn’t complaining.
"My girl." He praised, rewarding her with a particularly hard thrust that made her gasp.
"Now come for me baby. I’m fucking close and I need you to cum with me." His hand slid between their bodies to rub her clit, determined to make her cum on his cock too.
“Can you feel how close I am?” He almost let out a whimper in her ear. “I’m so lost inside you.”
“Y-Yes.” She replied to the lewd plea, “Mm close too”
“I feel it pretty girl I feel it.” His voice soothed her. “Shit shit”
He fucked her good until he could feel her orgasm reach its peak.
Soon after he quickly pulled out, cumming on her stomach.
He collapsed right beside of her, panting and cussing as he tried to catch his breath.
Jungkook lay beside her, still trying to catch his breath as he stared at the sight of her cum-covered stomach.
"You're so fucking beautiful," he said in a rough voice.
Jungkook got up, wiping himself off before returning to the bed with a warm towel.
He gently cleaned her up, taking his time to ensure he didn't miss a spot.
He used the rest of his energy to clean her up.
Once done, he tossed the towel aside and laid back down beside her, wrapping his arm around her waist.
She pecked his cheeks and lips happily and satisfied. “So much for trying to be cute and romantic tonight.”
Jungook chuckled and pulled her closer, pressing a kiss to her forehead.
"We'll have plenty of time for romance later, babe," He laughed. “Isn’t it better for us to get comfortable like this now? You already know everything about me.”
“That’s true.”
“I thought I knew everything about you.” He stared into her.
“What do you mean?” She furrowed her eyebrows.
“I didn’t know you were a fucking freak!” He laughed. “All conservative and shy… You’re a fake. You’re a fucking sex maniac I’m appalled.”
He put his hand on his chest. “You had me fooled.”
“Oh my gosh.” She rolled her eyes.
“Don’t give me that. I’m not the fake. I’m very open with how I am.” He shook his head.
“I hate you.”
“No. You like me.” A stupid grin was spread on his face. “Finally.”
213 notes · View notes
it is not really a shock that this fandom has a bit of a misogyny problem, but i think a specific one is how the boys are often somewhat babied and given all sorts of pity for every single tiny thing they go through, while the girls with similar issues are often ignored entirely. there are many examples of this, but right now, i am going to talk at length about the Tenmas and the Shinonomes in particular, as them being pairs of siblings allows very direct comparison.
firstly, the one that irks me most: Tsukasa Tenma, and how a ridiculous number of his fans will make absolutely everything about him. including Saki's disability. i do think it's right to acknowledge the impact on him as well- but it gets overdramatic really quickly. i'm sorry to be harsh, but Saki did not spend her childhood in and out of hospitals, believing that she was dying, just for half the fandom to completely brush over her trauma and be like "oh... poor, lonely Tsukasa..."
i rather hate this, because not only does it feel quite ableist to skim over the one directly suffering from the condition in order to massively favour someone who happens to feel a bit of the knock-on effect, but it's also used to unreasonably villainise the Tenma parents. people will go on about how "neglected" Tsukasa was... very well, how exactly would you have handled the situation? they did their absolute best. it was a highly unfortunate situation for everyone involved, and it's unfair to deem Mrs and Mr Tenma as "bad parents" simply because they prioritised their dangerously ill daughter over their confident son who always assured them that he'd be alright. yes, they could have made better choices for Tsukasa, such as hiring a babysitter... but i think people tend to forget that Saki's illness flared up very suddenly and randomly. as the good parents the Tenmas are, they very likely couldn't think properly due to their panic for their daughter. it was instinct to drop everything and get her immediate help. and Tsukasa himself understands this, so it's an absolute wonder that the fandom doesn't. he was not ignored. he was phoned, updated on the situation, reassured that his sister was recovering... and praised by his parents for being such a wonderful brother.
also, with the situation of Saki's hospitalisation, i do feel like Tsukasa's own personality is sometimes not taken into account, ironic since it's him that everyone's interested in. because i would, in fact, be more critical of the Tenma parents, had Tsukasa been a more fragile child. if he had been the type who was easily scared, who could not handle being by himself, who would, in fact, have been traumatised from being left alone- i would say that the Tenma parents would have deserved the treatment they get from the fandom. but... that's not Tsukasa. it has been shown that Tsukasa was always a very bright, self-assured boy, positively brimming with confidence. even when little, he was creative and strong- and his parents knew this. they could have some peace of mind during a stressful time, knowing that their son could entertain himself with ease, such as how he was practising some acting just before his mother rang him. all of this is shown within the Dazzling Stage event which is, funnily enough, the very same event that the lovers of Tsukasa angst latch onto.
of course Tsukasa was heavily concerned about Saki. he is an incredibly caring person, why wouldn't he be? and yes, of course he missed her while she was in the hospital. no one is trying to deny that, nor minimise his suffering. the fandom does that to Saki. while acknowledging that Tsukasa was affected is good, in fact, it is very interesting to see the impact of disabilities beyond those directly affected... it's the fact that it is majorly Tsukasa's issues that are focused on that confuses me. it's disproportionate. i do wish we saw just as much sympathy and discussion about Saki herself, in addition to her brother. the psychological impact that her illness and consequential exclusion had on her, as well as the obvious physical aspect. because that is just as interesting, if not potentially more so, and i will be making a future post about it.
moving on from the Tenmas, i'd now like to talk about the Shinonome siblings, in a little less detail, considering i personally have not witnessed the unfairness of their treatment as much as that between the Tenmas. though, make no mistake, it still exists.
now, Ena is a character who i feel has a certain percentage of those who dislike her. and what are the general traits that people point out when asked why they aren't a fan? from what i've seen, it is her anger management issues, past violence, and a general "tsundere" type of personality that earns her this criticism. i'm not saying she does not have any of this. she absolutely does. she is flawed, as good, complex characters should be. though, everything she is despised for... who else regularly displays the exact same traits?
none other than her own brother, Akito. yet the dislike for him, while it is obviously around, does not seem quite as common as hers. a very short and hot temper? check. shows of violence? check. a sometimes harsh way of speaking? check. can sound aggressive and off-putting on occassion? check. Akito and Ena are incredibly similar when it comes to their more negative traits. i suppose it's not a surprise, considering that they were both brought up in the same, questionable environment. though, why does Ena seem to be hated so much more?
most will bring up the very infamous mention of how Ena and Akito's fights would get physical when they were younger. and how this makes Ena an "abuser" because supposedly, as she is the elder one, there was an imbalance in power... but was there really? it is incredibly controversial to say, but i do believe that the violence between them, particularly that which was committed by Ena, is quite exaggerated by fans. and here is where i think that Akito tends to be babied.
Ena was not significantly stronger than Akito. perhaps not ever physically stronger than him at all except when they were literal babies. there is only one year of difference between their ages. in the current day, it is no debate that Akito is one of the strongest characters, regularly going on runs, being able to sprint with Tsukasa on his back, while Ena is quite on the opposite end of the spectrum, preferring the indoors and such. what i am saying is that it is absurd how the fandom makes it seem like Akito was some utterly defenceless little toddler that was getting beaten up by his Big Bad Sister. realistically, he was fully capable of fighting back- and he does. it's hardly as if we see him cower before her. he has absolutely no issue retorting to her in a snarky manner. when people bring up the whole drama of Ena scratching him, they conveniently forget what he says directly afterwards- that he could dodge her attacks. not to mention, sibling fights getting physical and a little violent is incredibly common, take it from me- i am an oldest sister myself. if you call Ena an abuser, you are saying that you want half the older siblings in this world behind bars.
oh, and people will talk until they're blue in the face about how the "nasty" and "crazy" Ena scratched up her brother when they were younger- are we forgetting that Akito punched Toya in the literal main story? that left a massive bruise on his cheek. that isn't talked about nearly as much as some common sibling scrap.
if you can let similar behaviour slide from Akito... how come it is unacceptable from his older sister? who is, arguably, from what has been shown in the story so far... under the greater amount of stress from the tension within their family. it was her that was explicitly discouraged by their father. we haven't seen such conflict between Shinei and his son, have we? that's not to say that Akito's current personality isn't also explained, having grown up in that environment, but why is it that Ena receives so much less sympathy than him when she, understandably, lashes out?
Saki and Ena have both had it rough. in their own, very different, ways. yet, a staggering amount of pity is given, not to them, but to their respective brothers.
and i must, sadly, wonder... if the mere genders of these four characters happened to be swapped and all else remained as it is...
... would the perception of any of them be quite the same?
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veronicaphoenix · 1 day
talk some sense to me | n.s.
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Summary: Everybody thinks Noah is a Casanova. The truth is, that's just a façade to keep his romance with his best friend's sister a secret.
"Nicholas' sister was off-limits. It was never stated, but implicitly understood. And maybe because of that reason, Noah couldn’t stay away."
one shot ✨ word count: 2.9k pairing: noah sebastian x reader (nicholas' sister) tags and trigger warnings: 'forbidden' romance', reader is nicholas ruffilo's younger sister, reader is a uni student, long-distance relationship (sort of), fluff, angst, implied and mentioned sexual scenarios (but not described in detail), open ending (sorry).
author's note: i wrote this in a couple of hours and i did some minimal editing after. i had this random story cross my mind yesterday and thought i could turn it into a short fic, but with so many wips, i decided it to keep it a one shot <3 maybe one day it'll turn into a fic, who knows. For now, I hope you like it! 💕
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“This is wrong,” Noah whispers as he kisses her, his mouth trailing down her jaw and neck. 
            The way she tilts her head to give him more access makes him feel dizzy and lucky at the same time. 
            “So wrong,” his voice vibrates against her pulse. 
            Her hands tangle in his hair, and he revels in the way she occasionally pulls at it, sending a jolt of ecstasy down his spine. “Your brother’s in the next room.”
            “Then stop,” she murmurs, her voice equally breathless, consumed by a sensation she can’t quite name. 
            But she can; it’s called Noah, her brother’s best friend. 
            “I don’t want to,” he replies, sucking at a spot on her neck he knows drives her crazy. 
            He hasn’t wanted to stop for over two years. 
            They know they’re playing with fire, especially tonight.
            Nick is in the living room, the ongoing party keeping him oblivious to the fact that his childhood best friend, Noah, has taken his little sister to an adjacent room at the back of the house to devour her mouth and touch her in ways no other man ever has. 
            It’s not the first time. 
            Noah has been captivated by her long enough to be her first. If Nick ever found out, he would surely kill him. 
            His sister was off-limits. Always had been. It was never stated, but implicitly understood. And maybe because of that reason, Noah couldn’t stay away. 
            He’d seen her grow up, transform from a shy teenager into an independent, confident woman. He saw her reject boys and girls who weren’t enough for her, saw her move away to pursue her studies at Harvard. She was away for an entire year, only coming home for the holidays. Noah didn’t see her for over 365 days, missing every chance he had to see her. After so long without seeing her, he grasped why he felt so miserable, why he’d felt like something was missing from the moment she said goodbye at a party and he stood there stupidly waving his hand, wishing her a safe flight and a good time at Harvard. Pathetic, he thought.
            Two summers later, he couldn’t keep his eyes off her as she joined the band to watch his brother and friends make music or play at nearby venues. She was no longer a teenager. Her hair was trimmed shorter, she had gained some weight and looked healthier, and the color in her cheeks and the spark in her eyes whenever she stared at something that fascinated her didn’t go unnoticed. 
            Noah thought he was out of his mind when he saw that spark every time she looked at him. 
            When the 4th of July came and the group was at a bonfire party by the beach, watching the fireworks, his hand had brushed hers as they stood looking up at the sky. She turned her head to look at him, and the smile she wore lit up his entire world. 
            She was the missing piece in his life, the muse behind all his writings, dreams, and songs.
            Two hours later, as everyone dispersed, he found her alone, sitting by the shore, her arms wrapped around her bent legs. He was the first to notice something wasn’t right. She confided in him: it had been a hard year at school. She wasn’t sure she was good enough or if she wanted to continue her studies. She questioned whether it was truly her path, what she was meant to do. 
            The insecurity wasn’t unfamiliar to Noah. He reassured her it was just a phase, a cloud of self-doubt that had settled over her. 
            “But it’ll soon pass,” he told her, sitting down next to her. “I know how much you love what you’re doing, even if you don’t feel like it right now. You’ve been interested in that field since you were a kid, right?” 
            How did he know that? 
            “Nick,” he said, “he used to mention it a lot.” 
            That was a lie, of course. Noah had been paying attention to her interests since she was barely a teenager, always captivated by her enthusiasm and eagerness to learn new things. 
            By midnight, he let her cry against his shoulder, her face buried in his chest, wearing his hoodie, holding on to him with eyes full of tears. Unexpectedly, she kissed him, then quickly moved away, expecting him to leave, horrified that she had crossed the line. Instead, he grabbed her and pulled her flush against him, kissing her back. Not much later, he had her pinned against a street wall after offering to walk her home, his mouth pressing down on hers, one hand cradling her face and the other holding her waist. She kissed him with the same intensity, as if she had been waiting for that moment all her life.
            That’s when she said the same words he was uttering two years later: “This is wrong.”
            It was, but neither of them cared, and so they met again the next day, alone, for a walk on the beach. Noah bought them ice cream and held her hand as they walked barefoot on the sand, the waves lapping at their feet with the Californian sun setting on the horizon. They talked about her studies, about the band, about Nick. They decided to keep this (him and her) a secret. After the evening spent together, he kissed her goodbye and chuckled when she said she wanted to see him again, like this; that she wanted to have him all to herself. 
            He wanted the same.
            It wasn’t the thrill of danger that brought them together; they learned that very quickly. It was a pull that had always been there, perhaps even before she turned eighteen. Noah had only ever had eyes for her, no matter how many other girls came and went. She had always been the girl from his dreams, and he made sure he was in hers from that moment onwards.
            Two years later, she finds herself perched on a piece of furniture at someone’s house. She doesn’t even know the host’s name. Noah doesn’t either. But it’s her last day in California before returning to Boston to complete her degree, and damn it if he’s not going to spend every last minute with her, kissing her.
            The problem?
            Nick is also there.
            For the past two years, they had been meeting in places where Nick wasn’t, at times when he wouldn’t wonder why Noah and his little sister were missing at the same time. It had been hard. The opportunities were few, and even though they never labeled themselves a couple, they behaved like one, even in the dark. Noah would call her right when he knew she was about to sleep, and she would text him updates on her studies and daily life, letting him know she wished he were there with her in Boston. She dreamed of going to cafés together and taking walks along the coast.
            Noah had hoped to make that dream come true more than once, and that one time he took a flight to Boston to surprise her was well worth it. Her roommate was gone for the weekend, and Bad Omens had just returned from an overseas tour. He didn’t hesitate before hopping on another plane just to see her.
            The most memorable moment of that weekend was probably Nick’s unexpected and ill-timed phone call. Noah and she had been lazily lounging on her bed, tangled in each other’s limbs, sharing stories, tender kisses, and innocent touches. When her iPhone’s screen lit up and they read Nick’s name, their hearts skipped a beat.
            “Shit, he said he would call me to discuss our parents’ anniversary,” she groaned, putting a hand to her forehead, cursing her brother for such bad timing. She didn’t want to miss a second with Noah.
            “Pick up, it’s fine,” Noah said, lying on his side with an arm draped across her stomach.
            “What? No. What if he hears you?”
            “I’ll stay as still as a statue.”
            She eyed him suspiciously. She knew him well enough by now to know when he was just pretending to behave. “You promise?”
            He lifted his pinky finger to her.
            With a resigned sigh, she hooked hers with his and a moment later answered Nick’s call.
            Of course, Noah didn’t stay still.
            The moment she sat upright on the bed and greeted her brother, Noah started tickling her. At first, it was just a little, making her squirm and swat at his hand. She was still able to have a normal conversation, but then Noah’s ministrations increased and her laughter couldn’t be contained.
            “What’s going on?” Nick asked from the other side of the phone.
            “Nothing,” she said, trying to kick Noah, but instead, he grabbed her foot and took her sock off before pretending to want to bite her toes.
            “I thought you were in your room.”
            “I am,” she said firmly, sending a stern look to Noah, who lifted his arms and pretended to retreat.
            Just when she thought he was finally going to behave, he undid the button of her jeans, eyeing her wickedly as her eyes widened. She mouthed a “no,” but it fell on deaf ears. Noah took off her jeans and removed her underwear. A moment later, he was settled between her legs, his nose brushing her most sensitive area.
            She sucked in a deep breath, thinking she was going to die for more than one reason.
            It was Nick who disconnected the call. The moment he realized she was with a boy, he shouted, “Ugh! You could’ve told me! This is disgusting!” and without a goodbye, he ended the call.
            She was already lost in pleasure. Her iPhone dropped to the floor, and soon enough, all she could utter was Noah’s name over and over again. 
But things weren’t always this beautiful and fun.
            It got hard sometimes. Some nights she cried, and other times Noah was sure she would find someone else—probably another student her age who could take her out on dates and introduce her to his family.
            It had been a struggle, but they fought to make it work. Every time she returned to California, Noah was the one to pick her up at the airport. Nick thought she always took an Uber, completely unaware that his sister had arrived hours earlier and was already in Noah’s bed, savoring the weight of his body on hers, or maybe his tongue between her legs, or the weight of his length in her mouth and his words of praise flooding her senses.
            Despite their deep feelings for each other, maintaining a relationship that they refused to label grew increasingly difficult.
            That’s why tonight they had abandoned all the rules and locked themselves in a room, mere feet away from the rest of the party—and from Nick.
            “I don’t want to go,” she whispers as Noah’s lips trail across her chest. She’s wearing a thin V-neck tank top, and he can’t help but kiss the valley of her breasts.
            “We have to tell Nick,” he murmurs back. “I’m fucking tired of this—of not being able to kiss you in front of everyone, of not being able to follow you wherever you go, of not being able to take you on dates in town.”
            “He’s not going to like it...” she’s half-gone, half-present. She can’t think straight when Noah’s lips and hands are on her. But she’s faintly aware of what he’s saying, of what he’s proposing.
            “Not my fucking problem,” he says, sucking at her sweet spot and making her moan. “I want to be there when you graduate,” he continues, nibbling at her shoulder, “to take pictures of my girl and use them as my wallpaper. I want to take you back to your dorm afterward and give you graduation sex.”
            She snorts, then grabs his face to pull him away from her chest so she can look into his eyes.
            “Graduation sex? Is that even a thing?”
            “I don’t know,” he admits, smiling with eyes full of adoration, “but I’m willing to make it a thing.”
            After a moment of staring at each other, their eyes soften.
            “I want you to be there more than anything,” she admits.
            “Then we have to tell him,” he concludes. “It’s time.”
            She can do nothing but agree. He’s right. At some point, Nick needs to know, and so do the rest of their friends and family.
            Noah hasn’t said he loves her yet, and neither has she, but isn’t it obvious? At least, that’s what she likes to think. She knows she’s been in love with him for years but hasn’t mustered the courage to tell him. A devil on her shoulder keeps whispering that he’s an artist, a rockstar. What if he eventually gets tired of her? They’re on very different career paths. What if he chooses to let her go?
            If Noah senses her sudden distress, he doesn’t show it. Instead, he leans down again to capture her lips, his hand creeping up her thigh beneath the black skirt she’s wearing. His tongue is about to dance with hers when the door swings open.
            “Noah, have you seen my sister?” 
            It’s Nick. 
            The room is dark, but it’s obvious he’s going to find out in the next two seconds. “She’s been missing since...”
            As they pull away from each other, her face comes into view. Nick’s eyes widen, but he’s frozen in place. She jumps down from where she’s seated, and Noah steps back, putting some distance between them.
            “Nick...” Noah starts, lifting an arm.
            For a moment, no one says anything. The heavy music from the party thumps in the background.     Nick’s hand is still on the doorknob, and he suddenly looks paler.
            It doesn’t take much for him to understand. It’s the aura of comfort surrounding his best friend and his sister, the confidence exuding from them the moment he caught them, the shared look they exchanged a moment ago. This has been going on for a long time, right? They’ve been seeing each other behind his back. Who knows what things Noah has done to her?
            Nick’s throat tightens. When he’s able to react, he storms out, slamming the door behind him.
            “Fuck,” Noah mutters, making a move to go after him, but she stops him.
            “Let me,” she says. “He’s my brother. I’ll handle him.”
            She searches for Nick for five minutes until she finds him outside, sitting on the pavement with a cigarette in his mouth. He doesn’t care about her apologies, her stories, her feelings for his best friend, or the fact that they were planning to tell him soon. He doesn’t want to listen.
            It shouldn’t be like this. It should have never been like this. Not Noah and her. Not ever. They lied to him, deceived him to his face, kept it a secret. How many times had they laughed behind his back?
            He’s never going to forgive them.
            “Please, listen to me,” she begs.
            He continues with his back to her, refusing to face her, to see her expression of guilt—or perhaps the lack thereof. Maybe she doesn’t feel guilty, which just makes it worse. 
            “I hope you’ve enjoyed this game,” he says, a cloud of smoking leaving his lips.
            She’s confused for a second, then she understands: Nick is not going to believe whatever she says about her feelings. He also thinks that Noah is not the kind of guy to have just one girl. Nick has had to deal with the version of Noah that she and he had decided he would show in front of others: one totally uninterested in the little sister and completely into every girl they met at the club. 
            Nick thinks Noah is a bad influence on her, that he’s going to break her heart.
            “It’s not a fucking game,” a voice says from behind them. She turns around and finds Noah approaching. She wants to tell him to stay away, to let her handle it, but she knows Noah is more stubborn than she is and won’t let her deal with this alone. “It’s never been.”
            That elicits a reaction from Nick. He chuckles, a sarcastic sound, and stands up to face them both, letting his unfinished cigarette fall on the ground.
            “You’re a fucking Casanova, Noah. Playing with girls is all you do.”
            “I’m not that kind of man,” he says, sternly, maintaining his cool.
            She was about to let panic take over, but Noah was keeping his composure on check, even though they’d both been scared of this moment for weeks, months, years. 
            “You’re not?” Nick’s voice drips with cynicism. “How the fuck am I supposed to believe that? How am I supposed to believe that you’re not using her?! That you didn’t get into her head and are playing with her?! That you’re not going to break her heart the moment you get what you fucking want?!”
            His words sting her, as they do Noah. He wants to tell Nick that he’s completely wrong, but it’s not his fault. He and she had made her brother believe that he was that exact type of man to avoid him finding out about them, but now the consequences are showing. 
            Instead of trying to explain or justify himself in any way, Noah just says what he should have said long ago, what he should have told her. He’s honest and raw. He’s admitting what he should’ve admitted even before he had her naked under him for the first time. 
            When she hears him, all the fear she’s ever had about the boy she loves disappears, because finally, she knows he feels the same, that all that connection they’ve had and built for years has been real.
            “I’m in love with her.”
            It just a sentence, but it changes everything. 
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Taglist: @crossedxoceans | @somebodyels3 | @respectfulrebel <3
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shaunamilfman · 1 day
Being Jackie Taylor's controversially young gf
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pairing: jackie taylor x reader note: let me be delusional lmaoo
definitely broke up a semi-serious relationship with a man she'd been dating for a year or so when she realized she would have to spend the rest of her life with that guy. In my mind she got really drunk one night at a sorority party and had an “oh, shit” moment and avoided him for two weeks before breaking up with him. 
i see Jackie as a news anchor. honestly, I think it would really fit her. always struck me as a morning person.
meets you at a coffee shop that she has to rush into at the crack of dawn before work. she's so fucking happy and in a good mood that it puts you off at first. like seriously, it's like 6 AM, why is she smiling??
Jackie immediately takes a liking to you. starts going out of her way to stop by whenever you're working, even though it's five minutes out of her way and she likes the coffee at the other shop better. 
she's so flirty, incessantly even. she derives so much pleasure from making you nervous. even with all the flirting she does, she doesn't seriously expect you to reciprocate her interest. she's immediately stunned and a little unsure when she realizes you wrote a flirty comment on her cup, because don't you realize how old she is? 
comes back in the next day and mentions it and is immediately flattered when you just shrug and hand her the usual before she can even order it. Jackie's so flustered by your attention that she leaves without paying. runs back ten minutes later and practically throws the money at you before sprinting back to work. 
Jackie really likes the fact that you don't know who she is. i mean, who watches the news anymore?? 
you finally catch a clip of her as the anchor and realize what she does. she gets so shy when you tease her about it. asking her for her autograph as a joke and she's tripping over herself and bright red
god, she's never like this but you just make her so nervous sometimes. makes her feel like a kid again and she never thought she'd like that. 
doesn't even cross her mind to be embarrassed or hesitant about dating someone half her age. starts talking about your college classes and one of her friends is like “oh, it's good they're going back to college at their age” and Jackie's just like “oh no, they went straight out of highschool 🥰.” doesn't even notice the way their jaw dropped as they're doing the math. 
worries constantly about how you perceive her. she seems so charismatic and confident that you wouldn't think she would be so insecure, but it's constantly on her mind. she's not embarrassed about you at all but she keeps waiting for the day that you realize she's too ‘old’ ever since someone pointed that out to her for the first time. 
tries way too hard to seem hip and cool. she spent hours researching how to use modern slang correctly even though she already mostly had it down. 
over the moon whenever you reference liking something from the 90s. she'll talk your fucking ear off about it if you let her. 
Jackie values your validation a lot less than she would've at 18, but she still really needs to be the center of your attention. one off comment from you can really have her off kilter for the rest of the day even if you didn't mean it. Jackie's more chill about it now, but she still has a desperate need to be liked. 
she gets so jealous when it comes to people your own age. there's so many spaces you’re in that she really just can't enter due to her age and it drives her crazy thinking about all the people who might be able to relate to you better or on a different level. 
such a reality TV fan. has you on the couch for days getting caught up on all 12 seasons of her favorite show before the new season airs. you just know she's got the best snacks though. 
ridiculously supportive of every little thing you do. if it has a competition attached, trust that she will be in the front row with your picture on a t-shirt. People definitely think she's your mom with how extra she is about it, but she doesn't even care. the crowd audibly gasps when she kisses you afterward, but she doesn't notice as she's too busy hyping you up about getting fifth place.
most considerate gift giver on the planet, I swear. she only gets better with age. it's so sweet and thoughtful that you almost tear up every time. 
won't lie about her age but also won't correct other people. your friends are like “what is she, thirty???” in disbelief when they meet for the first time and Jackie's ass is just like “... yes. that's it.” 
world’s most expensive makeup collection, i swear. it’s so expansive that you're almost in awe the first time you see it. entire shelves dedicated solely to it
sometimes when you get bored sitting outside the shower listening to Jackie yap you start googling the prices of things just to feel something. what do you mean that skin cream was $250???
Offers to give you a tour as an excuse to get you into her room. You’re looking around her one-story house like 🤔. You’re not sure there’s a single room in this house you can’t see from the living room, but you’re not stupid enough to give up that chance.
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shiny-crocodile · 1 day
the best person ive ever met
lucy bronze x ona batlle
lucy and ona origin story; semi-slow burn, semi-quick; multi chapters that will get a little smutty
masterlist ch1-10
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chapter summary: birthdays and brawls
chapter notes: big huge thanks to anons for the brawl suggestion and smut suggestion and to @pinkygirl28 for the catalan support
also, obviously this is all made up!! so don’t come for me if i’ve made your fave a villain x
smut 18+
Ona - what do you think?
She had attached a photo of her outfit for the evening. It was a joint party for her leaving Manchester and her birthday, so she wanted to look good and was currently leaning towards a black dress that cut low at the front and back.
Lucy - insane 😮���💨 as always
Ona - bit of a pants line though, might have to take those off
Lucy - 🫠
The girlfriends were temporarily separated as Ona did her goodbye tour. Her actual birthday was a few days later, which she would be back in Barcelona with Lucy for.
Feeling confident about her outfit, the Spaniard moved on to the make up before making her way out for the evening.
"Ona!!" Tooney shouted as she and Alessia ran over to great the Spaniard as she entered the reserved upstairs of a fancy Manchester pub.
"My girls," Ona said, wrapped in a 3 person hug.
"Can't believe you're both leaving me," Tooney said as they parted.
"I'll still be here!" Millie said, appearing from behind them, "hey Ona!"
She leant down to give the shorter girl a hug.
"Happy Birthday," Millie said, "we got you something."
"Well Millie got you something," Tooney corrected, Ona grinning with excitement, she loved presents and couldn't wait to receive the first of her 24th birthday.
"It's from all of us," Millie said, embarrassed as she pulled a small box out of her bag, wrapped in paper.
Ona quickly unwrapped it, discarding the wrapping to reveal a red box. She didn't slow down to open that either, revealing a beautiful gold chain with a little red devil on it, for Man U.
"I love it!" she said, giving all the girls a hug but Millie an extra tight squeeze as she knew she had organised and bought it.
The extra attention not going unnoticed by Millie, who breathed in the Spaniard's hair while they hugged.
"Want me to put it on?" Millie asked, excited at the reaction.
Ona hesitated, she did love the necklace and the thought behind it, but it didn't really go with her outfit.
To avoid being rude she agreed anyway, Millie slowly lifting her hair and fastening the necklace before running her fingers across Ona's shoulders in a way that made the younger girl shiver in a less than comfortable way.
Sensing the awkwardness, Tooney stepped in, "let's go get a drink," she said, leading Ona by the hand as they went to get their hands on some of the celebratory prosecco.
After everyone had finished arriving and mingled for a while, all the friends and teammates showering the Spaniard with attention, it was time for the cake.
Tooney and Less had been put in charge of organising this part, making Millie more than a bit nervous that it would be a disaster.
The lights were turned down, people starting to sing as the cake was brought in, Ona blushing at all the attention.
It was pretty dark but the candles provided some light, showing the room who was carrying the cake.
"Oh my god, Lucy!" Ona said, drowned out by the singing as she turned to look at Millie, Tooney and Less.
Tooney and Less had shit eating grins, proud of themselves for keeping a secret, whereas Millie looked like she'd just been slapped in the face.
Ona made her way over to Lucy, blowing out the candles as the singing ended.
The English girl quickly put down the cake on a table with Ona ready to jump into her arms, wrapping her legs around the older girl's waist.
"I can't believe you're here!" Ona said, covering her girlfriend's face with red lipstick from her kisses, while the rest of the room went back to their conversations.
"All Tooney and Less's idea really," Lucy said, not wanting to take any credit.
Ona climbed off Lucy and dragged her over to her friends.
"Like your present?" Less asked.
"We couldn't have you mopping around, missing your girlfriend at your own party," Tooney teased.
"Thank you so much guys," Ona said, hugging Tooney and Less before Lucy even had a chance to. "This is the best present ever."
Millie grimaced at that, the necklace she bought sitting round Ona's neck as she praised someone else's present as better.
"Hey Millie," Lucy said, making sure she was extra friendly as she hugged Millie. They hadn't spoken since Millie apologised but it was all water under the bridge for Lucy, not wanting to hold a grudge, especially with Ona's friends.
"So good to see you," Millie said, actually managing to sound genuine.
"You too," Lucy said, turning back to her girlfriend, "sweet necklace!"
"Millie got it for me," Ona said proudly, playing with it.
"That's so nice of you," Lucy said, wrapping her arm around Ona's waist, the younger girl's head resting on her shoulder.
"Ona keeps saying how much she's going to miss you guys," Lucy said, addressing the group, "you should definitely come visit Barcelona."
As Alessia and Tooney got excited at the prospect, Ona looked up at her girlfriend, admiring how sweet she was being and how happy she was to have her here, too infatuated to even notice Millie turning away and leaving the group.
"I love you," mouthed Ona, as Lucy squeezed her waist, holding them even closer to each other.
As the night went on, Lucy was conscious to not be too all over Ona, catching up with people and letting the Spaniard enjoy her last night in Manchester with her friends and teammates.
"Lucy!" the English girl heard from behind her.
"Katie! Hey," Lucy said, giving her England teammate a hug.
"You gonna spend the whole night just staring at your girlfriend or you gonna come dance with us," Katie asked, pointing over to a group consisting of Nikita Parris, Mary Earps and some other Man U girls she didn't know as well.
Not knowing how obvious she was being, the right back laughed and agreed to be dragged over to dance.
As Lucy danced the night away, Ona was in another circle with an increasingly tipsy Millie, who was getting closer and handsier the more she drank.
Lucy noticed from time to time but the smile on Ona's face told her she was all good.
Until Millie had one hand on the Spaniard's waist and one on her face, leaning in before Ona shoved her away, the smile dropping.
The England right back instantly flew across the room to be by her side, slotting herself between the Spaniard and Millie.
"What's going on?" Lucy said, having seen everything and watched the discomfort on her girlfriend's face.
"Nothing, I'm going to the toilet," Millie said, spinning on her heels.
"You good?" Lucy asked turning to her girlfriend, stroking her cheek softly.
"Yeah I'm fine," Ona said, smiling up at Lucy as she was keen to move past it and enjoy the rest of her evening.
Lucy left a kiss on her temple, "ok, can I get you a drink?"
"Rum and coke please," Ona said, rejoining her teammates to dance.
On her way to the bar, Lucy spotted Millie walking back towards the group.
"Hey, give her a bit of space yeah, let her enjoy her night," Lucy advised, prompting Millie to huff and walk off in the other direction, not the same friendliness she greeted Lucy with earlier.
The queue for the bar was massive, Lucy finding time to keep peering back over to her girlfriend.
After only about 2 minutes of keeping her distance, Millie had ignored Lucy's advice and rejoined Ona's group after all.
Lucy could see the discomfort on Ona's face but was grateful Less and Tooney could read the situation well enough to position themselves between the two, creating a mini barrier.
As Lucy edged further towards the front of the queue she saw Millie was now next to Ona, finding every opportunity to touch her, the Spaniard looking to push her off.
Lucy could see her saying "go away" but the blonde was being relentless.
"What can I get for you?" the barman asked, "hello?"
Millie had wrapped herself around a pissed off Ona now, Lucy ditching the bar and marching over to the pair.
"Get the fuck off her," Lucy said, pulling Millie back by her shoulder, before giving her a shove backwards.
Millie somehow caught her balance and squared up to Lucy, leaning over the right back thanks to her superior height, her alcohol breath forcing Lucy to lean back.
"Fuck off Lucy," Millie spat.
"She's said leave her alone, so leave her the fuck alone," Lucy said, filled with anger and not budging as Millie tried and failed to intimidate her.
The room was starting to take notice of what was going on here.
"You're no good for her," Millie slurred.
"Ok Millie," Lucy said, turning back around to join her girlfriend, not wanting to escalate this any further.
Feeling patronised by Lucy only made Millie more pissed off.
"You will never be good enough for her, you're ugly inside and out."
Lucy could feel Ona about to pipe up next to her, so gave her a reassuring shake of the head to halt her.
The older girl could take the insults, she was secure enough. If anything she found them funny.
As long as they were only directed at her, she couldn't care less what this drunk girl had to say.
"You destroyed her at the beginning, she slept with most of Manchester to try get over you, but somehow the little slut went crawling back, didn't you?"
That was it, Lucy moved from Ona's side to grab Millie's shirt in her fists, pushing her backwards while staying attached, faces close.
"Don't fucking talk about her like that," Lucy growled, everyone gathering around them now, shocked as they had never seen the right back like this.
Ona was watching on, furious enough at Millie that she wasn't going to stop angry Lucy even if she was causing a scene, and hey, she looked hot.
Millie, the alcohol seemingly making her immune to Lucy's threats, leaned forward with so much vim and disgust in her voice as she said, "well she is a fucking slut."
Lucy saw red, she took her hands off Millie's shirt and before you knew it the taller girl was no longer taller and was on the floor, clutching her quickly bruising face that had just been punched.
A security guard picked up Millie to drag her out, with another heading towards Lucy.
"That wasn't her fault," Mary said, stepping infront of the guard. "Please."
Luckily Mary was well enough loved in these parts that the security guard just nodded and walked away.
Ona sped in front of Lucy, who was looking down at her bruised hand.
"Let's get some ice," the younger girl said, pulling her over to the side of the bar before finding a quiet booth to ice her girlfriend's hand.
"I'm sorry," Lucy said, finally realising what she had just done and feeling scared she might have been the one to ruin Ona's night rather than Millie.
"Don't be ridiculous, you were protecting me," Ona said, bringing Lucy's injured hand up to her lips, kissing her knuckles slowly, "and that was crazy fucking hot."
Lucy laughed, her hand feeling sore under Ona's lips.
"Half of Manchester, hey?" Lucy teased.
"If a whole two people counts as half," Ona said, rolling her eyes at the ridiculousness of Millie's insult, "but I'm sorry for not telling you."
"You didn't have to tell me, don't worry," Lucy said, using her non injured hand to rub up and down Ona's arm reassuringly. "I didn't expect you to be pining for me and living like a nun while I was sorting myself out."
Ona kissed her caring and understanding girlfriend's lips, "oh I was absolutely pining."
"Sarina's going to kill me," Lucy said, reassured that Ona wasn't mad at her but now worrying about her boss.
"Well you probably weren't getting picked for the World Cup anyway," the Spaniard teased, checking under the ice at Lucy's red raw hand.
Not able to shake the feeling that she put a dampener on the party, Lucy vowed to make it her mission to ensure the night was still a good one for Ona.
"Shall we go back and dance?" Lucy said, nodding over to the group of Man U players, who were all there to celebrate Ona.
"One more minute," the younger girl said, kissing Lucy deeper this time, more passionately, wanting to make sure the girl knew how grateful she was.
As Lucy's hand rode up the side of Ona's thigh, she felt the band of her knickers.
"Ugh, what are these doing here?" Lucy said, expecting Ona to be going commando after their earlier messages.
Ona laughed, "sorry baby," sliding out of the booth and holding a hand out for Lucy to join her.
As they reached the rest of the group, Tooney couldn't help but have a little tease.
"Alright Antony Joshua," the English midfielder said, dramatically cowering at the sight of Lucy,
"who you coming for next? Or maybe we should ask Ona who she wants you to beat up for her next?"
She was met with laughs and huge eye rolls, "you," Ona responded.
Less gave Tooney a light shove.
"Shut up Tooney, I wish someone would protect me like that," Less said, Ona hugging up to Lucy's side.
"You've got me," Tooney said, boxing the air, "I'd protect you."
"Not really the same level of scary is it?" Alessia said, drawing laughs out of the whole group.
Tooney faked outrage as they started dancing again.
Lucy was glued to Ona's side now, dancing with each other and moving as a unit between different friend groups.
They made their way to venue 2, the club, and the only time they parted was for bar and toilet trips.
The dancing got sexier, the music in the club hotter than the classics in the pub, and everyone significantly more drunk.
Ona had to excuse herself to go the bathroom, needing a breather as Lucy's dancing was working her into a frenzy.
On her return she paused for a second to watch her girlfriend clapping along sweetly to a number of her teammates engaging in a dance off, currently Lucia Garcia vs Katie Zelem.
How Lucy managed to go from the hottest, angriest girl in the world to the sweetest, most precious girl in the world in a matter of hours was a mystery to Ona.
She rejoined her and placed a kiss on her cheek. "I love you," she whispered, pushing something down into Lucy's back pocket.
The older girl stopped clapping and fished a pair of damp black lace knickers out of her pocket, quickly stuffing them back in before anyone saw.
"My god, I'm so fucking obsessed with you," the older girl said into Ona's ear, accompanied by a bum squeeze. She leant her head back to stare at the ceiling, now needing her own breather.
Lucy tried her best to hold herself together, her priority being that Ona got to have the send off she deserved with her teammates.
But that lasted all of 5 minutes, sliding her hand down from Ona's back to her bum, squeezing for longer this time, looking around to see if anyone was paying attention to them.
They weren't, all too involved in their dance battles and completely ignoring the front of Ona's dress being slowly pulled up as Lucy brushed her fingers up her inner thigh.
This was exactly what Ona wanted when she slipped off her knickers, to see Lucy this worked up. Although she wasn't expecting it in the middle of the club floor.
Lucy had complete access to Ona and knew they'd worked each other up enough already, feeling the heat radiate down the Spaniard's inner thigh.
She wanted her right there and then, but she would be slow to let the younger girl push her off i she wanted to.
There was no rejection so Lucy ran her fingers through Ona's exposed lips, making the Spaniard's breathing hitch as her posture straightened.
No one around had any idea that Lucy was now teasing at Ona's entrance, well covered by the dress, darkness and them not slowing down their dancing. The nearby friends would definitely let them know if they could see what was going on.
The English girl breached with one finger to start with, the younger girls slickness making access easy as Lucy curved to hit Ona in just the right spot.
The second finger quickly followed, pulsing light enough to ease Ona into it but firm enough to make the girl desperate for more.
As Lucy started to use her thumb to tease around the younger girl's clit, Ona had to push her mouth into Lucy's shoulder to stop the moan escaping.
Lucy sped up her pumping, the fear of getting caught pushing her on as the Spaniard started to leave teeth marks in her shoulder.
"Come for me bonita," Lucy whispered into Ona's ear before lifting the girl's chin up with her hand, replacing her shoulder with her mouth and pushing her tongue in to capture the moans.
To onlookers this would just look like a steamy make out session, Lucy perfecting the art of secret fucking.
Ona was struggling to hold it in any longer, walls clenching around the fingers inside her and mouth unable to muster the strength to suck Lucy's tongue any longer, the older girl more than willing to take over.
The Spaniard moaned into her girlfriend's mouth as she came, noises swallowed by the English girl, although the music would have drown them out anyway.
Kiss growing softer now, Lucy kept their mouths attached, guiding Ona through her high before she slowly removed her fingers, using the other hand to pull Ona's dress down.
Completely forgetting where they were, the English girl brought up her soaked fingers and pushed them into Ona's mouth, who swiftly sucked them clean, the taste better than ever.
This was too obvious now, the friends around them missing the real show but catching enough of the aftermath to know they had missed something.
Nikita shoved Tooney, pointing over as Lucy slid her fingers out of Ona's mouth and gripped the side of her head, kissing her deeply.
"Jesus, get a room you two!" Tooney shouted, turning everyone's attention to the pair.
Ona opened her eyes in panic, but the second she saw Lucy's reassuring eyes so close, she instantly calmed and continued the kiss, ignoring Tooney completely.
As they pulled apart Ona put the side of her head against Lucy's chest, arms wrapped around each other as their breathing returned to a normal pace.
"Happy Birthday week baby," Lucy said over the music, the first present unexpected but perfect.
As the week went on, the surprises only got better. Ona felt like a sex addict, it was relentless but apparently Lucy's idea of birthday presents were multiple orgasms a day.
When her actual birthday arrived, walking into the living room of Lucy's apartment was like Christmas morning for Ona. Presents were stacked in a huge pile, covering the whole coffee table.
The English girl approached from behind and wrapped her arms round the younger girl's waist.
"Happy Birthday mi amor," Lucy whispered before kissing over Ona's exposed shoulder.
"Think you might have gone a little overboard, Lucia," Ona said, but she leant round to kiss Lucy, showing she was still grateful.
"Narlaaaaa," the Spaniard cooed as the white ball of fur bounded over to her. "When did you get here?"
This was the first time Ona had met Narla but you wouldn't be able to tell, the Westie jumping all over her and covering her in licks, more comfortable with her than she was with most people.
"Keira dropped her this morning," Lucy said, admiring how her two favourite girls were getting on so quickly.
Ona showed her all the love and affection until Narla started to lose interest, jumping on the sofa to get a better view of the presents while leaving enough space for Ona to slide next to her.
"Let's do this then," Lucy said, passing Ona her first present.
Each gift was unique, either a joke or something thoughtful, including a Barcelona cushion to replace her Man U one, a variety of sex toys, clothes from the brands of Lucy's she loved so she could have some of her own, an album of various photos they'd taken together in their first 6 months complete with annotations ranking how in love Lucy was with her that day.
Finally they got to the card, which Lucy had insisted she saved until last.
As the Spaniard opened the card, tears instantly flooded her eyes. "Oh Luce," she said before even starting to read.
Hola carinyo,
No saps quant t'estimo! Haver-te conegut ha sigut la millor cosa que m'ha passat mai, de debò. Mai oblidaré el moment en què ens vam trobar, i des de llavors no he deixat de pensar en tu.
Fins i tot crec que t'estimo més que a la meva gossa, i ja saps quant l'estimo a ella. Des del moment en què et vaig veure al casament, vaig saber que t'estimaria.
Aquell dia vaig sentir una connexió especial, com si fos el destí. Cada dia amb tu ha estat una aventura meravellosa, i no puc esperar per veure què ens depara el futur.
Ets la millor persona que he conegut mai, i no em puc imaginar la vida sense tu. Espero que aquest aniversari sigui tan especial com tu ho ets per a mi.
Un petó enorme,
La teva Lucia xxx
(Rough translation)
Hi darling,
You have no idea how much I love you! Meeting you was honestly the greatest thing that ever happened to me. I will never forget our meeting and I haven't stopped thinking about you since.
I might even love you more than I love my dog, and you know that's a lot.
From the moment I saw you, I knew I was going to love you. Every day with you has been a wonderful adventure, and I can't wait to see what the future holds for us.
You are the best person l've ever met, and I can't imagine life without you.
I hope this birthday is as special as you are.
Huge kisses,
Your Lucia
Ona was in absolute bits, Narla nestling into her, slightly concerned by the tears falling down her new friend's cheeks.
"Did I spell something offensively wrong?" Lucy asked jokingly but also slightly nervously as she hadn't seen Ona like this before.
Ona let out a liquid filled chuckle, but not quite able to speak yet she just put her head in her hands to try control her breathing and stop the tears.
Lucy hopped off the sofa and grabbed a box of tissues, before taking matters into her own hands and mopping up her girlfriend's soggy face.
Ona, managing to compose herself as she laughed at Lucy's thorough cleaning of her face, finally said, "I can't believe this Lucy. I can't believe how special this is, how special you are."
The Spaniard stroked the older girl's cheek delicately, not really able to put into words how the card had made her feel, but Lucy could read it perfectly from her eyes.
"I was scared for a second there, thought the girls had taught me something highly offensive that has made you cry," Lucy said, allowing herself to be loved and stroked by Ona.
"You got them in on this?" the Spaniard asked, shocked Lucy would sign herself up for future teasing.
"Yeah," the English girl said shyly, "although I wish Thad asked Alexia instead of Jana and Pina. Those two tried to tell me 'I have loved fucking you and I think we should take a break' were sweet things to say in a birthday card, thank god for Google Translate.
Ona laughed, collapsing into Lucy's chest, loving that she had got help for this but already dreading the abuse coming their way.
"Well they could have kept the first bit," the Spaniard said, turning to push Lucy down, back flat against the sofa.
Narla scurried off, as if she knew this wasn't the part of the morning she needed to be present for.
"But I was gonna make special birthday pancakes," Lucy protested half-heartedly.
Ona held a finger over Lucy's lips before pulling down her shorts, "later."
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whimsyfinny · 3 days
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: Charlie discovers the Winchester boys to be struggling with keeping the bunker tidy, looking after themselves and being able to do their job simultaneously. Luckily she has a friend who’s from a Hunter family that is in need of work and can help them with research. Or so she thought that’s what her job would be. When Dean sees your more domesticated side, his head won’t stop swimming with all the wrong ideas.
Slow burn, enemies to lovers, smut
Warnings: language, angst, depictions of blood
Chapter Word Count: 3327
A/N: soooo this chapter felt weird to write, but hey I wanted it for the plot to thicken haha. It’s different, but things will feel a bit more normal after this chapter.
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Please read the below:
Prologue Chapter 1
Chapter 2 Chapter 3
Chapter 4 Chapter 5
Chapter 6 Chapter 7
Chapter 8pt.1
Chapter 8pt.2
Chapter 9 Chapter 10
I’m Not Your F*cking Maid
Chapter 11
By the time I’d passed the security check, introduced myself to the two other girls currently on shift and found my dressing room, the nerves were starting to dissipate. Through each step and each new room I’d entered I was making countless mental notes on every security camera and exit I could see. It wasn’t hard to tell that everyone except the bar and wait staff and the dancers were all vampires - their noses twitching and eyes widening whenever I’d walked past. I was clearly fresh meat - perhaps not in the immediate future, but I’m guessing that as soon as I’d served my purpose in luring unknowing human men to their untimely demise, I’d be next. Or at least kept as a blood bag, and I didn’t know which was worse.
A sharp knock on the door brought me back to reality, the vamp on the other side not even waiting for a reply as he barged in.
“You’re sure taking your time sweet cheeks, everything ok?” His sharp gaze twinkled as he looked at me, as if searching for any sort of vulnerability. I huffed out a final deep breath of nerves before standing straight and forcing a smile, shimmying out of my thick overcoat and throwing it over the back of the chair I was just leaning on. On the revelation of my figure and my outfit he let out a long, low whistle.
“Well don’t you just look good enough to eat?”
I swallowed despite my mouth being dry, trying my best to bring my confidence to the forefront and to ignore what he is.
“Well you wouldn’t be the first to say so,” I almost felt nauseous from having to sound so sweet. “Why don’t you lead the way and show me where I’m supposed to be?”
He didn’t take any convincing as he led me out the room and down a short corridor that was lined with what I’m assuming are other dressing rooms.
“What’s in there?” I asked, my gaze snagging on a metal door that didn’t look like the rest. It looked more like a vault, with an intricate lock system that seemed to need both keys and fingerprints.
“Errrrr, just the boss's office. Nothing to worry your pretty little head about,” he placed his hand on my hair, making me shudder.
“Oh ok… will I ever get to meet the boss?” I asked, tilting my head to the side. Keeping up with this cutie-pie act was going to be more draining than I thought. He stayed quiet for a moment before speaking up, an unsettling look on his face.
“Of course doll face! When the time is right.”
About two hours had passed since I arrived at the club and a steady stream of men (occasionally women) was filtering in. I was currently up on a podium and trying not to think too hard about how I should be dancing whilst keeping my eyes peeled on the crowd, every now and then making eye contact with the patrons and blowing them a sickening kiss with a sultry wink. Every time I slipped away for a ‘toilet break’ I'd unlock as many windows and doors as I could find whilst turning security cameras towards the wall. I'd counted around fifteen vampires milling around as I snuck about, and there were definitely more behind that metal door. This place was about as prepared as possible for Sam and Dean to sneak in, so I sent Charlie a text with all the details I had knowing full well she could no longer see me through the cameras she'd hacked into.
I'd been back on my podium for about ten minutes, moving my body to the loud bass of the blaring music under the erotic lighting which glowed all manner of pinks and reds, when the front door opened again to let another patron in. Except this wasn't a patron.
It was Dean.
I cursed under my breath, frowning at him across the dance floor despite the fact he hadn't seen me yet. What the actual fuck was he doing coming in through the front door? I didn't play mission impossible and find countless ways for him to break in just so that he could waltz in, bold as brass and blow our cover. I watched him as he stopped in the centre of the room, illuminated by the lights that cast angular shadows over his rugged face. He was alert, jaw clenched and eyes scouring the crowd until his gaze eventually landed on me. With my arms above my head and gripping the pole behind me he was able to get a good look at what was hiding underneath my overcoat when he last saw me. Eyes glazing over and Adam's apple bobbing, he was instantly ensnared. I focused entirely on him; sinking to my knees and crawling my hands forwards, beckoning him with a single finger to which he eagerly obliged. The older Winchester stood before me, eyes almost sparkling from the lustful lighting as he gaped up at me. His evergreen eyes shone in adoration as they bore into mine, almost completely disregarding the lasciviousness of the rest of my body. It was almost…
I leant forwards, my painted lips brushing against his ear and pulling a shiver from his spine. I could have been mistaken, but I’m sure I heard a groan.
“What the FUCK are you doing here, Dean?”
He blinked, suddenly remembering he was on earth.
“The plan! What happened to the plan? You were supposed to go around the back - I made it easy for you to sneak in! This place is well guarded Dean.”
“Yeah well, I wanted to make sure you were- hang on- are you a MAID?” He stepped back to take a better look at me as I sat up, trying not to draw attention to myself for staying still for too long. My eyes rolled on their own accord.
“Dean now really isn’t the tim-”
“Holy crap you’re a maid. You’re a MAID. So there is a God,” he dramatically put his hands together as though in prayer and mouthed ‘thank you’ to the disco ball on the ceiling.
“Nuh-uh, I’m not letting anyone ruin this for me - not even you. Carry on, pretend I’m not Dean and there aren’t any vamps to kill; just for two minutes,” he settled into one of the chairs in front of my podium, flagging a waitress down for a whiskey in the process. There was no arguing with Dean Winchester, especially when he was ticking something off his bucket list. Grasping the pole behind me I pulled myself to my feet, hooking my leg around it and spinning slowly.
“So, NOT-Dean, where’s not-Sam?”
He took a long sip from his liquor before licking his lips, his eyes transfixed on my thighs.
“He's uhhh…. He's sneaking in through some window round the back.”
“Oh, so like you should be?”
He smirked over the top of his glass, spreading his legs a little wider as he settled further into his chair, his other hand resting in his lap.
“Don't deny a man his pleasures sweetheart.”
A half hearted scoff left my lips before I climbed higher on the pole, leaning back so I was almost upside down, granting Dean the perfect view of my lingerie as my micro-skirt flipped over my belly. Spinning slightly, I caught him adjusting himself in his jeans right as I pulled myself back upright.
“You seem pretty at home in a strip club,” my voice came out more breathy than intended as I moved my body in time with the music.
“I can say the same about you,” he quipped back, dark eyes burning into my exposed skin. Licking the last drop of whiskey from his bottom lip, he placed his glass back on the table before standing; taking long, slow steps towards my podium, the toes of his boots touching the metal. I got down on my knees, bringing myself to his eye level before taking his chin between my thumb and index finger and drawing his bewitched face nearer. We ignored the shouts from security telling Dean he wasn’t allowed to touch as I ghosted my lips over his. I could feel his chest rising and falling in anticipation for a simple kiss, his mouth agape and eyes darting about my features - trying to take all of me in. His restraint snapped and he leant forward, pressing his mouth to mine - hot and needy. A large hand reached up and long fingers wrapped around my wrist, rough skin tickling at my pulse as he guided my hand from his chin to his hair, urging me to grip it. Just as I grasped at its softness he was forced away from me, two of the vamps shoving aggressively at his shoulders and putting some distance between us.
“Keep your hands off the girls! You know the rules,” one of them practically spat out his words to Dean, who in return had a feral look in his eye as I caught his hand inching closer and closer to the blade concealed within his jacket.
“Sorry it was my fault!” I blurted, all eyes now burning into me. “It's my first shift and I forgot I shouldn't let it get that far. Don't blame him, it was me who was too…. encouraging.” I flashed sickly-sweet doe eyes at the vamp sizing up Dean, biting my lip in apprehension before he sighed and let go, shaking his head.
“I’ll let you off this time as you’re the newbie, but don’t let it happen again.”
“Yes’sir!” I tapped my fingers to my forehead in a pretend salute, hearing the fanged ones curse under their breath before walking away, throwing one last warning look at Dean - who looked like the cat that got the cream - before returning to their posts. When I knew that they were definitely out of earshot, I snapped at Dean.
“You could’ve totally blown everything!”
“But I didn’t.”
“Dean, you need to go. Sam is going to be wondering where you are. Find him before you get caught.”
“And what about you?” He chewed his lip, unable to stop his eyes from wandering.
“I’m going to stay here and stick to the plan. I’ll run at the first sign of trouble, so please don’t worry about me,” I sighed, looking down at his puppy-dog eyes.
“(Y/n) I’m always gonna worry about you.”
It must have been about twenty minutes since Dean left to find Sam and my heart was pounding in my chest knowing how close they were and the possible danger they were in. I didn’t know what doors they were behind, or how many vamps they’d taken out, and I certainly didn’t know if they were unharmed. My palms felt sweaty on the pole as I danced, making it hard for me to grip and put on a good show. Now was as good a time as any to have a toilet break and grab some coffee. I hopped down from my podium as the song ended and hurried to the back of the club, darting through a ‘staff only’ door to the break room. I poured myself a small cup of coffee, adding an obscene amount of sugar to stop my knees from trembling. I’d barely swallowed my first mouthful when I heard shouts and crashing from down the hall, my fingers instantly loosening from the mug as my high-heeled feet carried me to the door where I peaked out, desperate to know what was going on yet mindful not to be seen. There was no one in the corridor that I could see, yet I checked left and right to make sure I wasn’t being watched before I slipped out, teetering on my platforms as I tiptoed to where I was sure the noise had come from.
It was the metal door.
I poked my head down the corridor where it was located and was grateful to see it unlocked and sitting ajar. Inching closer I could hear a scuffle from within and the sound of heavy bodies dropping like lead to the floor, followed by Sam and Deans unintelligible murmuring. A sigh of relief left my lips when I heard them, knowing it wasn’t their bodies hitting the cold tiles below. That relief froze in my veins however when I heard a third voice speak up. A voice that was smooth like butter. A voice that drew you in with a silky southern accent.
A voice that I knew to be dead.
Hesitation and reasoning left in the dust, I barged forwards and into the room, shoving the metal door wide and startling the Winchester brothers, their eyes widening at my sudden appearance. Before they even had the chance to open their mouths, slow clapping echoed through the ‘old money’ style office, emanating from behind a large mahogany desk.
“And there she is! The star of my show. It’s about time you showed up darlin’,” that southern voice dripped with charisma as a handsome man, around my age, sat in a crisp stone-coloured, three piece suit.
“Hey! Don’t you talk to her, you’re dealing with us,” Dean was quick to bite. The stranger threw him a sharp glare before rising to his feet, his cold gaze landed on me again and burned me through to my very soul.
“Y-y-you’re de-” I started before being immediately cut off.
“I bet you never thought you’d see me again, hm? Especially not like this,” he gestured to himself.
“(Y/n),” Sam’s cautious eyes landed on mine, “how do you know him? He’s a vampire.”
I opened my mouth to reply, but yet again I was interrupted before a sound passed my lips.
“Oh (Y/n) and I go waaaaaaaay back, don’t we darlin’?”
I could see Dean inching closer to me out of the corner of my eye, trying not to draw attention to himself in the process. I opened my mouth to speak again, my lips and tongue feeling dry and numb, like they didn’t want to utter the word about to be spoken.
“Daniel I-”
“BINGO!” He clapped loudly, “she DOES remember her old sweetheart.”
“WHAT!?” Both Sam and Dean spun to look at me with dumbfounded expressions, a whole array of emotions flitting across their features.
“(Y/n) you dated a vamp?” Sam asked, those big eyes of his glistening with concern.
“He wasn’t a vamp when I knew him; he’s supposed to be dead!” I turned from Sam to Daniel, the confusion clearly evident on my face, “you’re supposed to be dead - I watched you die - how are you here?”
A harsh laugh rippled from his chest.
“Paramedic was a vampire sweet-cheeks. He turned me on the way to the morgue after he pronounced me dead at the scene - stroke of genius really. Although,” he paused, walking around the desk to step towards me, the boys reaching for every weapon on their person to have at the ready, “what’s even more genius is that ad we put out for a dancer.”
He scoffed.
“You think it’s a stroke of good luck that you just happen to look exactly like the description we posted? Honey I knew from the moment I turned what you and your uncle did for living - the dots seemed to connect all on their own. And I knew that one day - whether now or in a few years - that you or some other hunter you might know would pass through my nest and see it. I knew it would bring you back to me.”
“Whoa whoa whoa, hang on their sparkles; she’s not going anywhere with you,” Dean had pushed his way in between me and Daniel, the eldest Winchester standing a few inches taller than him as they went nose-to-nose.
Daniel grimaced, fangs threatening to show.
“Why is her scent all over you? Don’t tell me you two are involved?”
Dean smirked before I shoved him out the way, his thick fingers protectively wrapping around my wrist as a safety line.
“Daniel I-,” I took a deep breath, “I loved you once. A long, long time ago. But to me, in my world; you died. And I grieved you. God I grieved you for years, and then one day I woke up and my heart didn’t hurt as much anymore. I carried on with my life, the heartache easing a little everyday. Until there was no more heartache - no more pain. I was whole again. Daniel - you’re still dead in my world. Nothing is going to change.”
He reached for my hand but Dean put an arm between us, stopping him in his tracks.
“(Y/n), darlin’, I put that ad out because I still love you. We can still be together - forever. Just let me turn you-”
“Aannnd that’s it loverboy, times up,” Dean pushed me behind him and brandished the hunting blade he’d use to slice my underwear from my body about a week ago on our first hunt together. Right as Daniel bared his fangs and lunged for Dean, I felt another hand grab my arm. I spun and came toe-to-toe with Sam who was quietly beckoning for me to follow him whilst the vampire was distracted. We left the room quietly, running down corridors, twisting and turning and falling through one of the side doors I had unlocked earlier in the night and out into the fresh air. I took a few deep breaths, not realising how much the metallic scent of blood had filled my nostrils.
“Sam what about Dean?! We can't just leave him behind he-”
Sam laughed softly.
“If you want a vamp dead, Dean will always come out on top. He'll be just fine.”
Sam helped me to my feet, looking down at me, his gaze turning from reassuring to questionable. I sighed, weariness starting to settle into my bones.
“I know, I know. I can explain it all later,” I said, starting to shuffle back to the impala, seeking the comfort of its plush leather seats.
“What? No, (Y/n) you don’t owe me an explanation if you don’t want to. I just want to know if you’re ok?”
I stopped and looked up at him, and something about the kindness of his voice and the concern in his eyes had me falling to my knees, my body heaving out a sob. Then another. And another. Until I couldn’t stop for air and hot tears washed my makeup down my face and my hair stuck to the streaks they left behind. Sam simply crouched down and pulled me into him, rubbing my back and telling me softly that everything will be ok. It was a comfort to feel his chin on my head and his heartbeat beneath my fingertips, the steady thrum eventually soothing away my anguish.
I have no idea how long we were sat there for, but he eventually coaxed me to my feet and led me to the car where Charlie was waiting with a pained expression. She would have seen, or at least heard everything that went down through the security cameras linked to her tablet - she was one of the few people in this life that had met my ex.
I was gently manoeuvred into the back seat, my head resting on Charlie's lap as she played with my hair. Sam had waited outside the impala for a few minutes before climbing into the passenger seat, slamming the door closed. Not five minutes had passed when the door slammed again as Dean clambered in, the stench of blood thick on his clothes, however the comforting scent of his cologne still managed to waft through. He turned to face me, those mossy green eyes piercing into mine as he said with the gentlest tone he could muster:
“It’s done, sweetheart.”
@suckitands33 @jackles010378 @aliceeinwonderland420 @tina-theslytherin @deans-queen @hobby27 @sobearcowboy @girls-alias @selfdestructionandrhum @ericasabe @lacilou @littlemadamred @anneanirac @deans-baby-momma @swimregulas @ashdoctor @littlemarvelstan8 @atcamillanorrman @deangirl96 @zannemes @kr804573 @foxyjwls007 @divadinag @cookiemonstermusic258 @mysterialee @ababy-girl @joonseuph0ria @mxltifxnd0m @deans-spinster-witch @st4bl3-ch40s @feyresqueen @roseblue373 @clusterfuck-meup @urinternetmom @rachiem4-blog @ceeshellecee @mojos-hidden-castle @snowayumi @evzyi @mymuseisbipolar @magssteenkamp @koharuheartfilia @spookyysinsanity @safiyas-world @uncle-eggy @happyt0exist @supernaturalstilinski @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @mrsjenniferwinchester
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theitgirlboutique · 2 days
The power of mindset🧁
“Hot is a mindset”
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Haven’t you heard people tell you to “shift your mindset”, “hot is a mindset”… blah blah blah…. Well, I’m here to tell you just how important that is & how to do it.
this isn’t just to manifest stuff, but also, to change the way people treat you, and how you treat yourself.
personal successes
y’all, when I tell you I went from an unpopular, quiet, ‘ugly’ girlie to one of the prettiest girls in my school, with multiple people crushing on me and asking me out… ALL because I shifted my mindset! I am not joking, I swear by the fact that mindset is the most important thing ever.
You do realise that what you are is literally what you think you are right? Like the reason people see you as pretty or ugly is because of how you act, how you talk about yourself, how you treat yourself…
treat yourself like an option- you are an option. why TF would anyone not want you? My love, you are just the same as the ‘girl everyone wants’ seriously… I used to have a friend (my “best friend”) who used to constantly put me down, treat me bad, cancel plans etc, and I kept following her around, begging her for attention. Now, let me tell you, she wasn’t anyone special, not popular, pretty, smart, nothing, she just never treated me well to the point where I was desperate for her to like me. When I realised this, I stopped being so pathetic, and actually realised my worth. I surrounded myself with people who actually care about me, and now, she desperately wants to be my friend. REALISE YOUR WORTH BABE.
how? Well I told myself I deserved better. I assumed I was someone who deserved good friends, because guess what? I am. beauty standards don’t exist. like literally. everyone has a different idea of beauty. So why can’t you be the most stunning person in the room? blow a kiss to yourself, tell yourself you are beautiful. Treat yourself like you are beautiful, because you are. if someone compliments you, accept it.
stop putting yourself down, it’s not cute. Why would the most beautiful person in the world call themselves ugly. When you treat yourself like that others will treat you like that to.
how to do it! - tell yourself what you are. Constantly, if you look into the mirror and don’t like what you see, do a little twirl, do something that makes you feel good about yourself. -compliment others. seriously, because this way, people will associate you with whatever you complemented them as. A.K.A: “you are sooo cute” = I know I’m cute, so I’m not afraid to compliment other girls, to help them be more confident. -affirmations. and sooo much more.
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with love, sparkle, and a little bit of fairy dust,
🎀⊹🌷˚. ♡Barbie! 🧁*ੈ🩰✩xoxo‧₊🫧˚
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calumfmu · 3 days
you've got the key to my heart.
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It wasn't a matter of him being stubborn and not listening at this point, but a matter of him proving to you who he could be. He didn't understand why you would resist him, even with him being nice. You could send him a damn invoice for the whiplash you were getting.
Nonetheless, you recognized the bitchy tone he had, wondering where he was going to take it this time.
Third installment of Baby, No Attachment. Mean!Steve x reader.
cw: swearing, mean!Steve, toxic couples (what's not to love), confessions of love, angst, fluff at the end, no smut but always 18+, mdni (1.8k+ words)
Your hand was warm in his grasp, contrasting the icy wind that began to settle over the September sky. Fall was creeping in, leaves changing, wind getting more chilly with every blow, but at the same time that meant more intimate time with Steve, more cuddling, more kisses, more everything that involved his body heat.
You two had just left the theatre downtown, choosing to walk down to the burger joint a couple of streets away. Steve's jacket was draped over your shoulders, him opting to withstand the chill of the night.
It was routine at this point, Steve jumping over hoops to make sure you were comfortable no matter how persistent you were with the fact you were fine. It wasn't a matter of him being stubborn and not listening, but a matter of him proving to you who he could be. He didn't understand why you would resist him, even with him being nice. If he didn't understand the logic of something, he was going to make it known, you had learned this pretty early on.
"Steve, babe, I really am fine," you laughed quietly, beginning to lean into his rant that was to come.
Your clasped hands swung in between the two of you, his larger one completely encompassing your own.
"It's freezing out." Probably a few below 70 if you really thought about it. He was being dramatic. "You could get sic-"
The shrill voice pulled the two of you out of your conversation, Steve absentmindedly turning his head in that direction. You were so intent on walking to get that burger you were craving, you nearly missed the way his body tensed up once he figured out who it belonged to.
Glancing behind him, the girl you had hoped you never saw again stood there.
"Nancy," his voice cracked slightly as she came out of a nearby camera place, chain of keys in her hand, a tall, meek boy on her heels.
For a moment, the four of you just stood there, awkwardly swallowing the silence, nothing but the sounds of the lessening crowds surrounding you, cars driving down the nearly barren streets. Steve's hand tightened in your grip, and your eyes flitted between staring at him and that boy behind Nancy, the mentioned girl in your peripheral. No matter how long it had been, you still couldn't bring yourself to make eye contact with her.
She spoke his name with a soft gasp, a sudden smile crossing her features as she came into your space, her hands briefly coming up to pull Steve in a hug. It lasted all of three seconds, him remaining frozen as he wasn't sure how to think about all of this.
"Hi, it's been, uhh, a while..." She trailed off, awkwardly throwing her hands to her side. She looked between the two of you, your clasped hands swaying slightly as the two of you loosened your grip slightly.
You could feel Steve's hesitation, his hands speaking for himself as he thought about how he could handle the situation. He attempted to resort to confidence, a facade he was all too familiar with.
"Nancy," he repeated, suddenly turning to look at you. His arm came up to drape around your shoulders, pulling you into his side. "You two have, uhh, met."
Her eyes darted in your direction, an indecipherable emotion behind them.
"I remember," she was short in her response.
That awkward tension still hung in the air, the tall boy behind her playing with the hem of his jacket, not sure how to process it. She suddenly remembered the boy behind her, her gasp loud as she reached out a hand to pull him closer to the three of you.
"This is Jonathan," Nancy smiled, her voice soft as she looked at him. In that brief look, you could tell that there were feelings involved, despite the awkward tension around you. "He's... we're together, after... y'know."
You winced at how still and stoic Steve remained through this, no emotion showing.
"I think we have a class together or something," you tried to get rid of that feeling in the air.
"I doubt it."
Eyes cutting towards your boyfriend, you immediately sensed which version of him you were going to get tonight. You could send him a damn invoice for the whiplash you were getting. His voice had a rough tone, bitterness dripping behind the words.
Nancy ignored the comment, bless her soul. It was awkward enough being in each other's presence, given the circumstances of Steve quite literally being dumped for you.
"We work together here at the shop," she continued to supply, pointing up at the sign.
"That's your camera?" Steve questioned, and even more warning bells sounded off in your mind. You recognized the bitchy tone he had, wondering where he was going to take it. Jonathan looked down at the piece of machinery he was holding, nodding as he turned it over in his grasp.
Jonathan cleared his throat, lifting it up slightly. "Yeah, it's what I use to-"
"Now that I think of it... weren't you that kid that got in trouble for, like... taking pictures of girls in the locker rooms?"
It was too far gone to save this conversation.
You and Nancy had similar tones as his name left both of your mouths. Glancing at each other briefly, you placed a hand on him, beginning to guide him away from the others. Jonathan had immediately shut down, flushing red in the face as he looked away from the group, Nancy had a pissed off look on her face. Steve had a smug look, 'King Steve' returning for a long awaited cameo.
"I'm sorry," you rushed, grabbing his hand to begin to flee the scene. You couldn't come up with an excuse for his behavior, embarrassed that he would even bring up something like that. Angry that he would stoop that low even with the progress of character he had made, all that he had proven to you in the last couple of months.
The two of you began to head in the same direction that you were headed, you marching in front of the brown headed boy that seemed irritated for some reason. He was the last person who should be mad, embarrassed, whatever emotion he was feeling.
Your feet stopped in front of a random drug store along the way, a 24 hour sign illuminating the small crevice the two of you found yourself in. Steve stood a few feet away from you, looking down at his feet as he kicked a few loose scraps of gravel around him.
"I don't know why you're mad," he shrugged, moving his shoulders with his words.
"That was so uncalled for. It was mean."
"You know who you're with."
Your mouth dropped open in shock, the worst excuse he could've used. "Really Steve?"
He scoffed, a lopsided smile poking through. It was like you were in a time machine, those first few weeks of knowing him flashing before your eyes. He cleared his throat, "You act like I said I wanted to fuck her or something."
"Explain the attitude then, Steve," you huffed, crossing your arms over your chest. You started at the neon sign, blinking on and off with a buzz. "You might as well take her back with the comments you were making."
He choked out a bitter laugh, shaking his head as he paced in front of you, hands shoved down deep into his front jean pockets. "Yeah okay."
"You know what Steve-"
He came into your space, stepping in front of you, broad shoulders on display. Staring down at you, his eyes were squinted low, mouth pressed tight. "No, what is it? I'm dying to know."
"You could be such a dick sometimes," you choked it out, rolling your eyes away from him. Every angry emotion you felt for him came out in the moment, warning bells sounding off as you realized this was your gut feeling you had been fighting off.
"Sometimes babe? Please, go on... tell me more."
Shaking your head, you pressed a hand to his chest, pushing him away from you. You couldn't be around him right now. He stumbled back slightly, biting his lip before turning his head away from you.
You swallowed heavily, shaking your head as you tapped your fingers against your arm. That familiar cigarette craving was inching in again, not feeling the heat of the tobacco since the day you two first got together.
"I don't even know why I'm doing this," you whispered, looking down the street. You could run right now.
He looked at you again, a heartbroken emotion written all over him. "Doing what?"
"Just... never mind, Steve." You tightened the jacket draped around your shoulders, really feeling the cold that began to settle in around you. Suddenly, the warmth that you once felt from Steve's jacket just wasn't doing it for you.
Beginning to walk away from him, to where you weren't sure, you could tell yourself that this might really be it. Maybe it was the end of whatever this was, maybe this was the extent to which Steve could be better for you.
He called after you, but you ignored it, making it a few yards down the sidewalk before you heard the heavy drag of him jogging up to you.
"I'm sorry, okay," he rushed, grabbing your shoulder to spin you around. Staring up at him, you tried to ignore the pang in your chest as how beautiful he looked under the streetlights. His mole dotted cheeks were flushed red, wind whipping at the skin, eyes prickling with tears as the wind blew through them.
His voice cracked as you remained stoic, "I'm sorry."
You didn't answer him, lips pressed in a tight line as you assessed the situation.
"Please don't leave," he whispered, pulling you into him. His arms wrapped around your shoulders, his forehead pressed to your head as you remained still.
"It's, like... I don't want to do that, I don't want to be a dick," he whispered, pressing a kiss to your temple. "I can't help it sometimes, like a knee jerk reaction to things I don't want to face."
You began to cave, his arms providing relief to the tension in your body. You hated your reaction to him. You repeated the one thing you had been saying over and over, the only thing that you could think of: "That was mean."
"I know," he whispered, pulling you even further into him. You slowly reached up to wrap your arms around him, ignoring that feeling in the pit of your stomach. The man in your arms was every red flag you were warned about, but everything you needed at the same time. "I don't want you to think differently of me."
You pushed your head into his chest, burying your face in his scent. Eyes squeezed shut, you spoke softly, "It's hard to even think when you're a dick to everyone except me. For now."
He suddenly pulled away, bringing his hands up to hold your face in his hands. He stared into your eyes, brows furrowed together as he shook his head.
"For now? No, no, absolutely not," he urged, pressing a kiss to your nose. You crinkled it up in response. "Not for now, not ever. I love you. So, so much."
You shook your head, your own face turning up at his words. He had said this before, but you didn't know whether or not to believe him.
"I love you, and you're perfect. Everything I've ever wanted."
"Steve, you're just making things up-"
Maybe it was how you were feeling that was protesting it, tales of your past failures even with him coming to surface. Maybe it was the fact that he was a short fuse, always ready to switch a flip and become a completely different person. Every instance of disappointment speaking out, trying to sabotage the moment before it truly got good.
"I do," he was even more firm in his speech. Steve leaned in, inches away from your face as he stared into your eyes, blinking slow as he took in your features. "I love you, and there's nothing you could do about it. I don't want to hear it."
He was truthful in all of his words, no deception behind it as he unfolded all of this on you. He pressed a kiss to the corner of your mouth, puppy dog eyes giving you a look that could bloom a million flowers.
"You're the only person I want to see. I want to be around," he continued, pressing another kiss to your nose. Others followed, your cheek, your temple, the space between your eyes, even a small nibble on the ear. "You make me feel like I could do anything. You make me feel like I want to run away from the world just to lay with you, be by your side all day, all night, just so I could be yours. Be a better person."
A tear pricked at the corner of your left eye, falling onto the side of your nose just for Steve to kiss the skin, soaking it up. His beauty outshined the moon that hung in the sky, a competition that was unfair for nature to handle.
"Okay, okay," you laughed, shaking your head at him. He smiled at the brightness on your face, nodding with you. "I believe you."
"Okay," he agreed, holding you close.
"We have to work on whatever just happened though," you said. "That was mean, and you have to apologize."
He rolled his eyes playfully, cringing as he thought of the past moment that had just occurred.
"Can we at least have sex first, and then, get back to it?"
And there he was. Your Steve.
"You're unbelievable," you laughed, shaking your head before walking off ahead of him. You had to remind yourself, progress wasn't linear, and Steve... he fell somewhere along that.
Aannddd.... my favorite toxic couple is back. As much as I love mean!Steve, idk how much longer I can take of him being the douchiest person ever. just kidding. I'd bend over backwards for him. Definitely making this into a series, so expect more, whether you like it or not babes.
part one. prev part.
Masterlist. <3
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cherryobx · 6 hours
request: here
pairing: Rafe Cameron x reader
summary: your best friend Rafe picks you up from a party and takes you home
warnings: drunk shenanigans, mentions of alcohol, one sexual innuendo, Rafe being a gentleman (lmk if i missed anything), not proofread
wc: 1.9k
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“Where is she?” Rafe grabs the arm of one of your friends and stops her in her tracks. He got many drunk texts from you in the past couple of hours which seemed to become more and more intelligible as time went on so he made the decision to pick you up before you did something you would regret in the morning.
He knew how anxious you were to come to this party but since it was your best friend’s birthday, you couldn’t exactly opt out. He had offered to accompany you but you insisted you’d be fine even though he knew you didn’t do very well in big crowds and were more comfortable with smaller groups of people or with him. Your best friend.
The house is almost shaking because of how loud the music is and he can barely hear himself think. There are so many people and he can’t spot you anywhere.
“In the kitchen, I think,” your friend answers before she’s pulled away by a group of girls who are excited about the song blasting through the speakers, claiming it’s their song.
Rafe pushes himself through the open space where people are dancing and goes in the direction he thinks the kitchen is in. When he finally makes it to the kitchen, you’re nowhere in sight. He frowns. Where the hell are you?
Then he spots you through the kitchen window in the backyard. You’re sitting in the hot tub with all your clothes still on. There’s a drink in your hand and you’re laughing at something someone said next to you.
Rafe takes a moment to take you in. It’s almost weird seeing you like this. You’re shy by nature and chatting with strangers is something you never do, so he’s almost starstruck by how stress-free you seem to be while conversing with the people sitting in the tub with you. 
He likes how you’re a more confident version of yourself when you’re drunk but he likes shy you way more because it’s just so authentically you. He likes when you hide behind him in social settings, using him as a shield. He likes when you make him order your food because you’re nervous to do it yourself. He likes how you’re quiet in front of people but start chatting his ear off once you two are alone. He likes how observant you are, always surprising him with stuff he himself didn’t even notice. He just likes you.
“Rafe!” you happily cheer as he walks through the patio door and towards the hot tub where you’re sitting.
He smiles ear to ear at your excitement. “Hi!” He greets you as you place your drink on the edge of the hot tub and wobbly stand up, exiting the water.
He grabs your arm gently, not wanting you to fall over as you climb out. Water drips from your clothes and he feels it hit his shoes and soak through the sneakers he’s wearing. But he doesn’t mind.
“What are you doing here?” you ask, looking up at him as you cling to him in an attempt to stay upright.
“I’m taking you home,” he states.
You furrow your brows in confusion. “Why?”
“Because you’re drunk.” He brushes a wet strand of hair out of your face and behind your ear. You subconsciously lean into his touch.
“So? I’m having fun.” You grab your drink and attempt to take a swig of the liquid in your cup but Rafe snatches it from your hands.
“You’re going to regret it in the morning.”
“I’m an adult I can make my own decisions,” you contended, placing your hands on your hips. Rafe can see how you’re trying your hardest to maintain your balance but the slight back and forth rocking gives you away. You’re really drunk.
“Come on, let’s go home.”
“I wanna stay.”
He says your name in a warning tone which leaves no room for argument. 
“Fine.” You roll your eyes. “But I’m choosing the playlist.”
“Deal.” He victoriously places his hand over your shoulders and leads you out of the house.
“Wait!” You halt. “Where’s my phone?” Patting over yourself, you feel it in the back pocket of your jeans. 
Realisation dawns on you. “Fuck.” It was there when you were in the tub.
You pull it out of the pocket and examine it. Attempts to turn it on are unsuccessful and you’re frustrated. “It’s not working.”
Rafe grabs it from your hands and puts it in his own pocket before you start freaking out over it. He doesn’t need a drunk meltdown right now. “It’s okay. I’ll buy you a new one.”
“I can’t let you do that.”
“It’s not up for discussion.” He says matter-of-factly as he starts leading you around the house and to his car which is parked on the street due to the driveway being full.
He buckles you into the passenger seat before he walks around the car and sits in the driver seat, turning on the ignition.
Rafe hands you his own phone which is already connected to the bluetooth in his car. “Put on that playlist you wanted.” He pulls onto the road and starts driving towards your place.
You happily take his phone and pull up your own account on Spotify and press play on one of your playlists which you love.
The whole ride you dance in your seat and sing along to the songs loudly, occasionally leaning over to sing in his ear and annoy him which he only laughs at.
“Let’s get you to bed, princess.” He opens the door for you and offers you his hand to help you out of the car.
“I don’t wanna go to bed. I wanna dance!” you jump around and he smiles at the sight. You’re so care-free.
“You need to go to sleep.”
“You need to go to sleep.”
He rolls his eyes. “Very mature.”
“Thank you.”
He chuckles at that and places his hand on your lower back, guiding you towards your house.
“Where are your keys?” he asks once you reach the front door. Your parents are sleeping and all the lights are off in the house.
“In my pocket.”
“Take them out then?”
“You take them out.”
“Stop being difficult.” He shakes his head as he sighs.
“I dare you to take them out of my pocket.”
“For Christ’s sake,” he says as he pinches the bridge of his nose before he gives into your antics and reaches into the front pocket of your jeans, pulling out the set of keys and finding the one which unlocks the front door. “What do I get for doing your dare?”
He opens the door and ushers you inside, locking it behind him.
“What do you want?” 
“I want you to go to bed.” He leads you towards your room and even opens the door for you, letting you enter first.
“Boring.” You boo him and give him a thumbs down which makes him chuckle.
“Put something dry on before you jump into bed, please,” he demands, making you groan. 
“These are just fine.”
“You’re literally soaking wet.” He regrets his choice of words immediately when he sees the smirk forming on your face. “I didn’t mean it like that and you know it.”
“Do I, Rafe? Do I?”
“Put something dry on. Now.”
“Yes, boss.” You straighten your back and raise your hand to your temple in a mock-salute. He just shakes his head.
You find your pyjamas and he turns around as you change out of your wet clothes. 
“No peeking,” you warn him.
“Wouldn’t dream of it.”
“You totally would.”
He laughs and shakes his head. You’re impossible.
When you’ve changed your clothes, you sit against the headboard and shove your legs under the warm covers. Rafe sits on the edge of the bed beside you.
“How are you feeling?” There’s a hint of worry in his tone as he looks you over.
“Fantastic.” Your smile is wide.
“Of course you are.”
A moment of silence passes between you two before he notices you’re fidgeting with the rings on your fingers, indicating you’re nervous. He has picked up on your nervous habits over the years and this is one of them.
“You okay?” He places his hand gently on your thigh. Even with the covers separating your skin you feel your cheeks heat up at the contact.
“Will you stay?”
“With me? Will you spend the night?”
He tilts his head, a soft look in his eyes. He doesn’t even have to think about his answer because he could never say ‘no’ to a request like that, especially coming from you. “Of course.”
He crawls under the covers with you and you curl up against him. Your faces are close and you’re breathing each other’s air. His arms are wrapped around you and he holds you as close to him as possible, warming you up with his body heat.
You bring your hand to his face and touch his face with the tips of your fingers, skimming over his eyebrows, nose, cheeks and then lips.
“What are you doing?” he asks out of curiosity.
The alcohol has given you courage you would never have sober. You’ve been hiding your feelings for him for so long and in this state it feels almost impossible to keep them to yourself any longer.
You lean in. Before your lips can touch his, he pulls back slightly. Looking at you with almost concern in his eyes.
“What are you doing?” he asks again.
“I wanna kiss you.” You admit, eyes drifting from his lips to his eyes and then back to his lips. God, he’s gorgeous.
“You’re drunk.”
He scoffs. “So? You’re not in the right condition for this.”
“I’m exactly in the right condition for this,” you argue, fingers absentmindedly tracing patterns on his chest.
“No, you’re not.”
“Why don’t you wanna kiss me?” The disappointment is evident in your eyes and it breaks his heart. He would kiss you without thinking twice if you were sober while asking this. But you weren’t.
“Believe me, I want to kiss you more than anything but I’m not gonna take advantage of you in this state.”
“You wouldn’t take advantage of me. I know what I’m doing.”
“I know, sweetheart, but I’m not doing it when you’re drunk.”
“Please?” You make puppy-eyes at him and as much as he wants to kiss you dumb right then and there, he stands his ground. He’s wanted this for a long time but he’s a gentleman with morals after all.
“I’m sorry, no.”
He pulls you closer against his chest and you hide your face in the crook of his neck, your shyness returning. “I’m sorry,” you mutter.
“What are you apologising for?”
“For coming onto you like that. We’re best friends. I don’t know what I was thinking.”
“Hey.” He grabs your chin and makes you look him in the eye. “You’ll always be my best friend, even if whatever it is between us evolves into something else. But this is not the right time to have this conversation. Let’s talk about this tomorrow, okay?”
You give him a small smile as you agree. “Okay.”
“Good. Now, off to sleep you go.”
“You love me.” He presses a kiss to the top of your head as you drift off to sleep between his arms, feeling safe and secure.
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Hot Bucky Summer 2024 - Week 5
Pairing: Roommate!Bucky x Plus-size female character (unnamed)
Prompt: “We’re…” | [Friends with Benefits | Exes | Enemies to Lovers] @buckybarnesevents
Summary: (2k) Ramblings of the first few months of having Bucky as a roommate. In this AU, Bucky owns a photography business. This series will continue for the next few weeks of Hot Bucky Summer.
Warnings: 18+ Only. Slow burn. Grumpy/Sunshine Trope. Happy Bucky (is that a warning?). Female character’s nickname is Sunshine. Mention of anxiety and insecurities - she’s also no-contact with her family (there’s trauma that will be mentioned later in the series). Very brief mention of porn. Brief mention of masturbation.
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The first time she met Bucky, she wasn’t sure what to expect. She was already desperate to find someone after her last roommate had left her in a lurch, suddenly moving out of state. After several weeks of searching, her list of requirements had been narrowed down to two things - pay rent on time, and don’t try to kill her in her sleep.
Through a network of friends and acquaintances, Bucky’s name came up - a previous coworker’s best friend who had been looking for a place and seemed to meet her criteria. She wasn’t exactly excited about living with a man, but Bucky came with great references and bringing his sister to their first meeting definitely earned him points.
Not that she had much of a choice, given her limited options, but she felt fairly confident about Bucky. Even with his overly-positive demeanor and extroverted nature - a glaring contrast to her shy, anxious, introverted personality - they got along almost instantly. 
While usually uncomfortable with strangers, Bucky managed to put her at ease, more than happy to keep the conversation going without ever making her feel like she was being put on the spot. Their differences seemed to compliment each other - she’s a homebody and he enjoys going out. They’d rarely cross paths.
It was perfect.
Two days after Bucky moved in, she woke up to him singing. 
To his credit, he didn’t actually wake her up with the singing - it was just a lot to take in at 7 o’clock on a Monday morning. A 30-something year-old-man singing and dancing in her - their - kitchen while he made coffee.
Bucky had every right to be there, but it didn’t stop her from getting secretly irritated. How could he have that much energy so early in the morning? She could barely open her eyes and wanted nothing more than to crawl back into bed. He looked like he was ready to tackle whatever the day brought.
He didn’t even take offense when she couldn’t muster more than a couple words and grunts for responses. He just continued on with his singing, and when she returned from her shower, there was a thermos of coffee waiting for her.
It was unexpected.
It quickly became a routine for him. Whether he had a late night out, or an early morning himself, Bucky would leave her coffee. And, after the first couple of weeks, it became lunch too.
She wasn’t used to people doing things for her - even her friends knew not to offer because it made her uncomfortable - but no matter how much she tried to resist, Bucky always had an answer.
“I was already fixing some for myself,” he had told her with an easy-going smile. He enjoyed cooking, and this way none of it would go to waste.
Bucky even bought her an insulated bag for the days she had to go into the office, with the explanation, “It was a buy-one-get-one thing.” 
If it were any other man, she might think there was some sort of ulterior motive. But, it quickly became clear that this was just who Bucky was. A kind, considerate person who enjoyed life to the fullest and made it his mission to bring as much happiness as possible to the people around him.
It was exhausting.
It’s not that she wasn’t a happy person. She just enjoyed her quiet solitude after a life of hardship and strife, and sometimes it was hard to watch Bucky be so carefree.
He was close with his family, whereas she had no relationship whatsoever with hers. He spent most nights out with his friends, and even though she had a couple of good friends, it mostly consisted of texts and sporadic get-togethers. 
She wasn’t jealous, or complaining about her own life, it was just a lot to take sometimes. Not only Bucky’s constant positivity, but that nothing ever seemed to bother him. When things would go wrong, he refused to let it get to him, instead deciding to see the silver lining in everything. 
If he came home drenched because it started raining during his walk, he’d still have a smile on his face. He’d talk about how he loved the smell of the rain, and how much the plants needed it.
A friend canceling at the last minute was just a sign that he was supposed to be doing something else. Like, cook her dinner, or work on his business.
If a client flaked or asked to reschedule a photo shoot, he’d take the opportunity to send them a card or edible arrangement, as if the scheduling conflict was his fault.
When she accidentally spilled a drink on the new rug he bought, he made a joke about finally getting to try out the stain remover tool he bought on a whim.
Nothing seemed to faze him. 
It was irritating. 
Bucky’s nickname for her started about a month after he moved in. After an unplanned late night of binge watching a new show together, they both had an early morning. She, of course, woke to him doing his normal song and dance in the kitchen.
Due to no fault of his own, she found it extra frustrating that morning - probably because her period was about to start - and she was unable to hide her mood. When he was nice enough to ask if he could fix her breakfast, all he got in response was a slow blink and a slight shake of her head before she left to take a shower.
Bucky, of course, took it all in stride, finding her hatred of mornings amusing. It made him try even harder to get her to see the beauty in watching the world wake up, much to her chagrin. 
And the next morning, she found a new travel mug waiting for her on the counter, the words “Good Morning Sunshine” etched across the front.
Ever since, it’s been nothing but that.
“Good morning, Sunshine,” he’d call out as he passed by her closed bedroom door while her alarm blared in her ear. She’d groan and ignore the smile that threatened to grow on her face.
On the mornings he’d be gone before she was awake, he’d come home later with a, “Heya Sunshine, you give anyone hell today?” They both knew that no matter how much people annoyed her, she was too shy and self-conscious to ever tell anyone off, but it still made her laugh and roll her eyes.
Every night would end the same way. Bucky telling her, “Goodnight Sunshine, try not to stay up too late.” She was a night owl and Bucky was a - well, essentially, an every-hour-of-the-day kind of person. No matter what time of day it was, he’d always have the energy to have a good attitude.
It was unnerving. 
After several months of living with Bucky, she still wasn’t used to it, but at least there was no longer any part of her that thought it was an act. 
Bucky was genuine, and he was nothing but consistent - not just with how laidback and happy he always was, but as a roommate too. Paying his rent on time. Offering to buy groceries for both of them. Cleaning up after himself (even her, sometimes). Pitching in with the chores. Giving her space. 
While she still found herself occasionally irritated by his positive demeanor, she couldn’t deny that it hadn’t started to slowly rub off on her. 
One morning she found herself humming a song while she was drinking her first cup of coffee, even before her morning shower. She hadn’t even noticed she was doing it until Bucky started humming along with her, and it immediately made her groan, accompanied by an exaggerated eye roll.
“What are you doing to me?”
With a soft laugh and a shake of his head, Bucky told her, “I’m just along for the ride, Sunshine.” As if he wasn’t responsible for making her subconsciously try to see the good in things after a lifetime of waiting for the next shoe to drop.
It was confusing.
She didn’t really have anything to complain about. She’d spent most of her life with roommates, sharing her space with others - even people she didn’t really get along with - so if her only issue with Bucky was his boundless energy and enthusiasm, she was doing pretty well. 
He rarely even had people over, telling her more than once he preferred to go out. It wasn’t immediately clear if he was just telling her that to assuage any guilt she might feel about being uncomfortable with having other people in her home, but it was easy to accept his explanation.
Despite his exuberant personality, it never felt like he was blowing smoke up anyone’s ass. If he didn’t like something, he never seemed to lie about it. He just managed to spin it into a positive, making the other person still feel comfortable with their opinion. He was unlike anyone she’d ever met.
It still took her some time to feel comfortable letting her guard down around him, to really let him see the person she was underneath all the masks she felt like she had to wear with others. There were parts of herself that she still hadn’t been ready to share with him, but she didn’t really mind when he’d stay in to spend the evening with her.
They were friends, and soon the invitations started. 
“A few of us are hanging out at Steve’s, wanna come?”
“Heya Sunshine, you feel up to a movie night at Sam’s?”
“We’re doing a casual dinner thing at Nat’s, everyone’s been asking about you.”
She had yet to accept any of the offers, but as the weeks went by, it was hard to pretend she wasn’t at least a little curious. Bucky spent so much time with his friends and she couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to spend time with him outside of their apartment.
Especially after the things she gleaned about him from his friends, during the brief encounters she’d had when they stopped by. Like when Steve laughed after she made an offhand comment about Bucky never getting mad. “That’s because you’ve never given him a reason to be mad.” She had been hoping for an example, but the conversation got cut short.
There was also that time when Sam made a joke about Bucky’s dating habits. “You go any longer and you’re going to forget how it all works.” From what Bucky had already shared with her, he got out of a relationship last year and now he was more interested in focusing on his friends, his family, and his career. 
It wasn’t lost on her how attractive Bucky was, but it also wasn’t something she gave much thought to. They were roommates, and friends, and it would be absurd to think about him in any other way. 
Even if she did accidentally overhear him in the shower the other day. She had come home early and just as she walked by the bathroom door, she very clearly heard him moaning. For the briefest of seconds, she had felt frozen in place, but after hearing him again, she quickly went to her room, ignoring her racing heart and flushed skin.
It turned into days of pretending she never heard anything, days of pretending that it didn’t make her think about other things. Like what he had been imagining. Or, what kind of porn he might watch. Or, what kind of lover he’d be. 
It was ridiculous.
Since the moment Bucky met her, he’d felt an undeniable pull. There had been something about her that called out to him. That made him want to get to know her, to help her, to do whatever he could to bring happiness to her life.
Unbeknownst to her, at the time he learned she needed a roommate, he had been crashing in a friend’s spare bedroom for free. There had been no intention to move, but he couldn’t stand the idea of her being stuck with someone that might take advantage of her situation.
Besides, his business had been going well and he could more than afford the rent. It just made sense for him to move in with her. 
Bucky knew he wasn’t the perfect roommate by any means, but he did everything he could to make her feel like it was still her home too. There wasn’t anything about her that he wanted to change, he just wanted to bring some positivity to her life.
The coffees, and the lunches, and the dinners were all a part of that. As were the Netflix marathons and late night conversations they started to share. Becoming friends with her had always been a goal of his, and it had never been about more than that.
It never even mattered that he thought she was attractive because he’d never let his eyes linger or his thoughts wander. They were friends, and all he wanted was for her to be a part of his life, including becoming friends with his friends.
Somewhere along the way though, something changed. The attraction he had for her started to grow and he found himself having to resist the urge to smell her hair when they’d sit on the couch to watch TV.
He started having to force himself not to look her way when she forgot her robe and had to rush from the bathroom to her bedroom wrapped in just a towel that barely covered her luscious curves. 
The times at night when she’d be alone in her room with music playing, he’d lock himself in his own room and workout, trying not to imagine her touching herself and the sounds she might make.
As hard as Bucky fought it, not wanting to ever do anything to make her feel uncomfortable in her own home, he eventually convinced himself that it would be better to lean into it. To allow himself to think about her, to fantasize about her, as long as he kept his eyes and his hands to himself, he’d eventually get over it and she’d never have to know.
She’d never have to know that he’d spend his walks thinking about what turned her on.
She’d never have to know that he started taking longer showers so he could fantasize about what she might taste like.
She’d never have to know that he ended every night the same way, fucking his hand while he imagined it was her. 
It was wishful thinking.
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maroronoa · 3 days
good luck coffee
zoro x f!heart pirate chronicler | wc: 796
sfw: clueless!heart pirate, nervous!zoro, sanji actually caring
can be considered as a part two of connecting the dots
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Known for his sleeping habits, it surprised Sanji when he sees Zoro as the first or second crew member awake.
However, he knew the reason why: you. You were the early bird of your crew, relishing in the warm sunlight coming through the open window you sat next to. You were drinking your morning tea peacefully while periodically eating the crepe Sanji cooked.
“Mornin’”, Zoro mumbles to him after a loud yawn. He walked past the cook and leaned against the counter. “Got any coffee brewed?”
Rolling his eyes, Sanji grabs a mug from a nearby cupboard and poured some of the crew’s usual morning beverage. As Zoro drank, he briefly gazed at you, the Heart Pirates’ chronicler.
“You should talk to her while she’s alone.” Sanji advises.
“She’s busy.” Zoro flatly replies, making an excuse. Looking at you from a distance wasn’t as nerve wrecking in comparison to talking with you face to face anyway.
“Go on.” Sanji insists. “Seeing you fawn over her sends shivers. At least I give Nami and Robin attention.”
“You’re screwed either way.” Zoro laughs sarcastically.
“Talk. To. Her.” Sanji encourages harshly, ignoring his reply. “For once do something that makes you happy! Other than fighting or sleeping. I mean, she is literally not that far away from you so you can’t get lost.” He jabs, hoping to provoke Zoro to leave him alone.
“Shut up, cook,” the swordsman grunts. Begrudgingly taking his advice, he finishes his coffee and walks past you, gripping the mug in his hand.
“Morning,” you acknowledge. Zoro gives a small smirk, masking a smile.
“Morning to you too.”
Smiling, you notice his eyes peering at the journal. “Sorry, I’m writing—”
“...I can come back later…” Zoro interrupts.
“…but I can make time.” You finish, lifting an eyebrow. “Sit.”
Zoro’s breath hitches as he sits in front of you. The early morning sun rays showcased how perfect you look to him and he couldn’t help but marvel.
“I’ve been eyeing you.” You say, tapping your pen on the page you’re writing on. He looks down at the it and briefly reads the words:
Swordsman. Demon. Powerful. Berries.
“Really?” Zoro inquires coolly. He’s sure three of those four words were about him, so he had a confidence boost. “Why?”
“The way you look at… well…” you start, your cheeks turning red. “…you’re a talented guy and, I think you and Law should spar some time.”
“Oh, um...” that was definitely not the statement or question he expected.
“I think you two could be friends.” You add, trying to back up your suggestion, “I’d like us to be friends too.”
Zoro clenched his fists as his question was answered with one word: friend. He’s caught off guard by your extended friendship, hoping for something more. However, he didn’t dare say it out loud.
“Sorry, you’re probably busy—”
“Ah, don’t worry. I can make time.” He copies your previous response quietly. Even though your words tore through him, he looks past them.
“Friends, huh?” Zoro repeats softly. He nervously tapped on the hilt of his swords and kept an even tone, “Yeah, sparring with Law sounds good,” adding a tight-lipped smile.
“Ah, speak of the devil.” You laugh, welcoming Law. After you closed your journal, you couldn’t help but be oblivious of Zoro’s reaction while you converse with your captain. He drank from the empty coffee mug, distracting himself from the possessive feeling he was slowing starting to have towards you. Watching you two bicker and laugh made him a little jealous for someone else caught your attention instead of him.
Zoro forced himself to maintain his composure, his eyes flickering between you and Law, jaw tightening slightly. Trying to shake off the unease, he clears his throat and puts his mug on the table, silently berating himself for these unwarranted feelings. You had never shown any romantic interest in Law so
What’s there to worry about?
“Law,” Zoro finally spoke, his voice steady, “Up for that sparring session today?”
Law glanced at him, nodding in agreement. “Sure, why not?” he agrees casually, unaware of the tension. Zoro stiffened when he saw Law briefly brush his fingers over yours, a slight gesture that he wants to do badly. He lifted an eyebrow when he saw Law shiver touch your skin. Aware that you didn’t see his brief, needy gaze, Zoro started tapping his foot on the floor.
Damn surgeon, why her?
Maybe he was taking it too personally. It’s not like you had feelings for Law, which he constantly repeated to himself for it is his only source of reassurance.
“You look a little tense,” you observe, pointing out Zoro’s stiff posture. “Got some energy to take out?”
Nodding his head, Zoro says, “I do, a lot of it.”
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seoulzie · 7 hours
10 things i love about you
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WHEREIN: yeonjun is used to having girls swoon over him daily. however, he's set his sights on you, the one person who seems completely uninterested in his charms. paring: jock!yeonjun x reader genre: fluff warnings: none! :)
₊˚🏒彡 read the whole collection here!
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yeonjun was the undisputed king of the campus. with his smile, athletic prowess, and a legion of admirers, he was used to getting what he wanted. however, the one thing he wanted most was the one thing he couldn't seem to have—you.
it all started when he noticed you in the library, quietly reading a book while the world buzzed around you. unlike the other girls who sought his attention, you seemed completely uninterested in him. this intrigued him more than anything.
one afternoon, as he and his friends lounged in the cafeteria, they teased him about his latest crush. "i bet you can't even get her to look at you," one of them jeered. never one to back down from a challenge, yeonjun grinned. "watch me," he declared confidently.
determined to make a connection, yeonjun approached you. you were sitting under a tree, engrossed in a novel, completely oblivious to the commotion around you. gathering his confidence, he strode over and cleared his throat.
"hey there," he began, flashing his signature smile. "whatcha reading?"
you glanced up briefly, your expression unreadable. "a book," you replied curtly before returning your attention to the pages.
yeonjun blinked, slightly taken aback by your indifference. he wasn't used to being brushed off so easily. "mind if i sit?" he asked, undeterred.
you shrugged, not bothering to look up. "it's a free country."
he sat down, trying to think of a way to engage you. "so, do you come here often?" he ventured, inwardly cringing at how cliché it sounded.
you finally looked at him, one eyebrow raised. "is that your best line?" you asked dryly.
yeonjun chuckled nervously, scratching the back of his head. "okay, that was pretty lame. let me try again. i'm yeonjun, by the way."
"yeah, i know who you are," you said, turning back to your book. "everyone does."
there was a long pause as yeonjun searched for something, anything, to keep the conversation going. "what's your name?" he asked, hoping to at least learn something about you.
you sighed, clearly exasperated. "look, yeonjun, i'm sure you're a nice guy, but i'm really not interested in whatever game you're playing."
"it's not a game," he insisted, leaning forward earnestly. "i just... i want to get to know you."
"why?" you asked, your eyes meeting his with a challenge.
"because you're pretty," he said smugly. 
for a moment, something flickered in your eyes, but it was gone as quickly as it appeared. "thanks for the compliment, but i prefer to be alone," you said, closing your book and standing up. "see you around, yeonjun."
as you walked away, yeonjun watched, feeling a mix of frustration and admiration. you were proving to be a tougher nut to crack than he had anticipated, but he wasn't giving up that easily.
"challenge accepted," he muttered to himself, a determined smile playing on his lips.
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the next day, he "accidentally" bumped into you in the hallway, flashing his signature charming smile as he helped you pick up your books. you thanked him politely but remained aloof, much to his frustration. he decided to up his game.
in an attempt to spend more time with you, yeonjun convinced a mutual friend to invite you to a study group. 
during the session, yeonjun tried to impress you with his knowledge and wit. he explained a complex theory, using grand gestures and confident tones.
"...and that's why the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell," he concluded, flashing a triumphant smile.
you raised an eyebrow. "actually, that's a bit of an oversimplification. the mitochondria do produce energy, but they also have roles in signaling, and cellular differentiation among other things."
yeonjun blinked, surprised. "oh, uh, right. of course."
"you should really read up more on cellular biology," you added with a hint of a smirk. "it's quite fascinating."
he chuckled, genuinely amused and impressed by your knowledge. "you got me there. i'll make sure to do that."
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one afternoon, you sat together on the quad, books spread out around you. yeonjun was explaining a concept from your history class, but you were only half-listening, distracted by the way his eyes lit up when he spoke.
"you know, you're pretty good at this," you said, interrupting him.
he looked at you, slightly taken aback. "at what?"
"at making things interesting," you replied. "history's never been my favorite subject, but you make it sound... exciting."
yeonjun laughed, a warm, genuine sound. "well, that's a first. most people think i'm just good for sports and parties."
you shook your head, smiling. "you're a lot more than that, yeonjun. i'm glad i got to know you."
he grinned, a blush creeping up his cheeks. "i'm glad i got to know you too. you're... different from anyone i've ever met."
there was a comfortable silence between you, filled with unspoken thoughts and feelings. you realized that you were starting to see yeonjun in a new light. he wasn't just a pretty boy jock; he was someone you genuinely cared about.
but why did you want something more? why did your heart race when he looked at you? why did you feel a pang of longing when he wasn't around?
you pushed the thoughts aside, reminding yourself that you were just friends. yet, deep down, you couldn't shake the feeling that you wanted something more, something deeper.
as you looked into yeonjun's eyes, you wondered if he felt the same way.
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a few days later, you were walking through the halls, your mind drifting to thoughts of yeonjun and your recent interactions. you were starting to enjoy his company more and more, and the line between friendship and something more was beginning to blur.
as you turned a corner, you overheard yeonjun and his friends talking. they hadn't noticed you yet, so you paused, curiosity getting the better of you.
"damn, i didn't know you could actually get her to talk to you," one of his friends said, clapping yeonjun on the back.
"yeah, i thought she was a lost cause," another chimed in, laughing.
yeonjun shrugged, a small smile on his lips. "she's different, you know? it just took a bit of effort."
"so, what now?" a third friend asked. "you gonna keep trying or is this just for fun?"
your heart sank at their words. were you just a bet to him? just another challenge for the campus heartthrob to conquer? the thought stung, and you felt a wave of hurt and anger wash over you.
you turned on your heel and walked away quickly, not wanting to hear any more. as you rounded the next corner, tears pricked at your eyes. you had started to trust yeonjun, to let him in, and now it felt like it had all been a lie.
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yeonjun noticed immediately that you had become distant. your texts became curt, and you avoided him in the hallways. confused and worried, he decided to confront you after school.
he found you sitting under the tree where you usually read, your expression closed off. "hey," he said softly, sitting down beside you. "you've been avoiding me. did i do something wrong?"
you took a deep breath, your heart aching. "i overheard your friends talking in the hallway," you began, your voice trembling slightly. "they said... they said you were just trying to get me to talk to you as a bet. is that true?"
yeonjun's eyes widened
yeonjun sighed heavily, running a hand through his hair. "no, it's not true," he said firmly, meeting your gaze with sincerity. "i never saw you as a bet, or a challenge. from the moment i noticed you, i... i wanted to get to know you. i wanted to understand why you were different from everyone else who surrounds me every day."
you studied him for a moment, searching his eyes for any sign of deceit. his gaze was unwavering, his expression earnest. slowly, you felt a flicker of hope ignite within you.
"why didn't you say anything?" you asked softly, your voice tinged with vulnerability.
yeonjun looked down, his shoulders slumping slightly. "i didn't know how," he admitted quietly. "i wanted to prove myself to you, to show you that i'm not just some shallow jock. but i guess i went about it the wrong way."
you felt torn. part of you wanted to believe him, to trust that his feelings were genuine. but another part of you feared getting hurt, feared that this was all just a misunderstanding. you looked away, unsure of what to say next.
"i love the way you get lost in your books," he began, his voice steady despite his nervousness. "i love how you stand up for what you believe in, even if it means standing alone. i love how you make me want to be a better person."
your heart pounding. "did you really mean all of that?" you asked softly.
"every word," he replied, his voice filled with sincerity.
"okay," you said softly, giving his hand a gentle squeeze. "okay, let's give this a chance."
a relieved smile spread across yeonjun's face, his eyes shining with gratitude and hope. "thank you," he murmured.
in that moment, the distance between you disappeared. yeonjun's lips met yours in a tender kiss, a silent promise of honesty and devotion. it was a kiss that spoke of newfound understanding, of forgiveness given and accepted, of hope for what the future held.
as you rested your head against his shoulder, you felt a sense of peace settle over you. maybe this wasn't the ending you had expected, but it was a beginning. a beginning of something real, something sincere, something that had the potential to grow into so much more.
© 2024 seoulzie
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