#and i think my art improved? i definitely got quicker with finishing things
wwraithsart · 1 year
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arcadian-vampire · 1 year
[I'll eventually post this art without all my chattering abt it gsksgsjsg]
Looking at the first two Kalamaris I drew ages ago vs the Kalamari I just drew like. I don't,, know if I'm Slowly Getting Better at drawing, exactly, I don't wanna get my hopes up and say I am when I don't draw very often, but it's definitely Different
I used both my previous drawings of them as a ref:
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And this is what I got, wahoooo:
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I struggled So Much gsjsgjsgdsg and once again I already see things I can improve on, but again I'm trying to Not spend ages redrawing things as I work on one single piece- I'm trying to finish stuff Faster so I can draw More and get better quicker, y'know?
I WILL say I had sO MUCH FUN coloring!!! His hair especially!!!!! It's always really daunting to start bc Oh Sweet Din I Have To Do That Gradient Thing, but honestly I often feel that way abt painting hair, and once I get to work it's not that bad. I love how over-the-top sparkly dramatic it ended up,, it definitely outshines. everything else. I'll have to try to make her outfit better match their hair next time
I also did do chunky hatched lines but I think some of them blend in a lil more than I prefer, so I might fix that
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daonepiece · 3 years
Heyy artist chan! Im back with questions. AGAIN... so ignore if you dont wanna answer. No pressure. Its for fun!!
On the average, How long does it take to make 1 art piece?
For how long have you been into art? What inspired you the most?
How did you learn anatomy? Do you have any suggestions for learning it?
If inspiration doesn't hit you during some time, what do you do?
What is the longest tine you took to make an art?
Abhi-swannnnn 💖💖 It’s my delight to answer your questions. They are a healthy exercise for the mind. 🥺
On the average, How long does it take to make 1 art piece?
It really depends on how much fire I have at the time. Taking my best condition into account, then usually about 2 hours for one shitposting post (😂) and 10-15 hours (about one week in real-time) for one polished art, with neat line and color and all. 
For how long have you been into art? What inspired you the most?
Omg now that I have to count, it’s been almost 20 years since the day I can draw a legible human. O___O The one thing that doesn’t change since day 1 is that human’s beauty fascinates me. I like drawing people so much, mostly their faces and hair!
How did you learn anatomy? Do you have any suggestions for learning it?
1. Observe! Observe! Observe! Observation skill plays a big role. The quicker you develop your ability to look at something and be able analyse it (simplify body parts into basic shapes for example), the easier your learning process will become. 2. Learn about perspective along the way. 3. Put what you learned into practice. 5 minutes figure drawing is definitely a great art workout.
4. Don’t dread if you got something wrong, take note and improve it in the next drawing! Noticing errors in your old works is proof that you’ve leveled up. :D
Here’s some of my sketch => lineart. The initial sketch is often a quick figure drawing, it gives me a general idea about the pose I want, details and further corrections will be done on lineart.
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If inspiration doesn't hit you during some time, what do you do?
I take a break! Looooong breakkkk. But when there’s a deadline I can’t avoid then I’ll force myself to cough up some ideas so even at the worst scenario I still have some thing to work with, however terrible I might think they are.
What is the longest time you took to make an art?
About six months... It was when inspiration didn’t hit. It was also a commission I had to finish no matter what. The agony.. TT_____TT Any personal work that took me more than one month to finish is very likely to stay a WIP forever.
That’s the end of this wall of text! Thank you for these lovely questions, Abhi-swan X”D
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blu-archer · 3 years
I have these moments in writing when I get hit with a sudden realization that I have no idea what relationships are like, so if you notice anything that doesn’t quite add up... it’s because I’m winging the shit out of this
Standardly, there will probably be errors because its a common occurrence with me and I’m just embracing it at this point
Sickie: Tae
Caretaker: like Jhope/Jin/Kook 
Cold/Snz based [although I feel like I drifted on things]
AU: Magic and hybrids exist
[mild language]
word count:  4560
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Jungkook had to force himself to not snap at Taehyung when the witch had decided to follow him into the kitchen after Jungkook had specifically said he was going there to study in silence. He had to bite his tongue when his thought pattern had been abruptly cut off by Taehyung complaining about how his throat hurt or how tired he was.
If he was tired he could go sleep, and leave Jungkook in peace, but that seemed too much to hope for.
Feeling a warm weight press up against his back as he hunched over his notes, Jungkook let out a low growl. The weight didn’t disappear, then again he hadn’t really expected Tae to abide by his study rules when the elder had woken up in a much similar state as their universal favourite cat hybrid had been in just a few days prior. Jungkook felt awful for him sure, and concerned and empathetic, and a huge part of him wanted to just leave his work and hold the elder until he was content, but he had a paper that needed to be written up within two days that he had completely forgotten about as well as continue studying for his art history exam that was the following week. His jaw ached from how much he had been grinding his teeth and his head pounded with the beginnings of what he hoped wouldn’t lead to a migraine. He just couldn’t focus and Tae’s noise making and constant need for cuddles was distracting him from his work.
 “Taehyung.” Jungkook pushed back against the other so that he could relieve himself of the body weight, not bothering to look up from his notes to see the witch giving his signature sick-pout at him. “Can you please stay away from me right now, why don’t you go lie down or something. You are literally one big germ and I can’t afford to get sick again so soon after the last time. Especially not in the middle of my exams. I need to focus.”
 Taehyung sniffed thickly before collapsing into the seat beside the bunny, wiping his nose on the edge of the blanket that he had wrapped around him. He kept staring his boyfriend, coughing miserably only to be ignored. Yet neither of them were willing to complain about the others lack of helpfulness, rather it became a test of who would cave to the others vibes of annoyance first.
Tae was progressively getting more and more whiny, and Jungkook was gnawing down on the back of his pencil to keep from saying anything that he would regret later. He wanted to go lie down with his sick boyfriend just as much as said boyfriend did, but he didn’t have the time nor the ability to risk his health – not when he was so close to being finished with his finals for the year.
 “Kook…” Taehyung coughed softly before hooking his finger in the side pocket of Jungkook’s sweatpants, continuing with a strained voice. “You’ve been here for hours…. It’s cold in the bedroom alone.”
 Jungkook ran a hand through his hair,  giving a harsh tug on his one long, black ear to keep from letting out the frustration that had built in his throat. “Hobi should be back soon and while I’ve been here for hours, Tae, you have successfully made sure that my focus has been on everything except my work. So I’m going to be here for hours more.”
 “Uh..” Taehyung sniffled and pulled away. “Sorry, you’re right. I’ll just…”
 He stood up and shuffled from the kitchen without another word, realising that the bunny hybrid had returned his focus to his laptop and the pages scattered on the table.
Jungkook hadn’t even realised how much time had passed by the time he gave in to the aches of hunger in his stomach. In fact, he had thought that Taehyung would have wondered in asking for food or cuddles well before he would have decided to call it a day, but he hadn’t seen or heard of the elder since earlier that morning. He had probably managed to fall asleep, which was good. The witch had definitely been overworking himself to try and improve on what Namjoon and Yoongi had been teaching him, it was almost frustrating to watch Taehyung push and struggle through things that always seemed to come naturally to others. It’s not like he did bad at everything, once he is able to decipher and control his magic properly everything will come to him easier than the common witch or warlock – he was technically a mix of both, he’d be more powerful than a lot of people. He just needed to over come a few things first, and perhaps take a step back from experimentations until he actually had the control needed for it – but Jungkook was willing to stay and support him no matter what methods or route he took to achieve what he wanted. Even if that meant having to deal with a few potion after effects or a mass clean up after a spell went haywire – he’d come back to a flooded apartment more than once, one time Tae had even accidentally made it snow in their home for the three days straight and it had only been fixed through the help of Yoongi.
In any case, he was glad that the elder was resting now. Feeling relieved at how much work he had managed to get finished – he just needed to proofread and edit some sections of his essay before submitting – Jungkook decided to get started on making some food. It was a little early for dinner, but considering how tired he was, and no doubt after a day of teaching with extra class sessions after school Hobi will be too, it was probably for the best that a meal was made earlier so they could go to sleep quicker. Taehyung never really had much of an appetite when he wasn’t feeling well, so it would be much easier to get something in him before it got too dark.
He called Yoongi for the recipe of japchae that elder had shared with himself and Tae a couple of times, which had taken a while to connect and he’d been chewed out for apparently waking the elder – another person succumbed to sickness – but it was worth it. Taehyung had become obsessed with it, claiming that the only thing that could top it was his mother’s food and maybe Jin’s famous bibimbap, so hopefully he’d eat without too much of a fuss. Jungkook felt a little bad at having ignored the elder so blatantly earlier, but on an upside he’d managed to get a huge chunk of his work done, so when Tae woke up Jungkook would just have to make up for his actions earlier. Maybe if he made some of that tea that the witch enjoyed so much as well… and something to watch while laying together. Tae loved dramas. Cuddles and dramas. A solid plan.
He got to work on chopping up various vegetables while he waited for the water for the noodles to boil, his mind flicking through the series of tasks he’d set to make his boyfriend feel better.
 Taehyung had given himself exactly fifteen minutes to cry, which was as long as he’d managed to walk before he’d caved and waved down a taxi to take him the rest of the way to his friends place. From then he had scrambled to try dry his eyes and blow his nose into the handful of tissues he’d stuffed into the deep pockets of his coat before having left. Doing anything to seem remotely okay in case Jin was busy and couldn’t let him stay, he didn’t want the elder witch to feel pressured into keeping him company.
The warmth of the taxi had caused his stuffy nose to start running at an annoying rate and he was regretting not bringing a mask. Although he hadn’t given his actions much thought besides tossing on a sweater and coat, switching his pajama bottoms for a pair of black sweatpants before slipping on sneakers and walking out – he hadn’t even tried to be quiet but Jungkook hadn’t seemed to really care what he did, as long as it wasn’t around him.
Taehyung shook his head, burrowing deeper into his coat and training his eyes on the blurring world outside as he got closer to Jin’s house. He didn’t want to think about how his chest had pained worse than anything he’d felt that morning when Jungkook had told him to leave. A part of him understood, his boyfriend was probably stressed and had just been saying whatever he needed to in the moment, but Taehyung had still been upset by it.
He sniffed deeply, the thick icky sensation in his throat made him want to do nothing more than be back at home, in bed with his boyfriends gently running their hands through his hair or down his back or just being close to him – the bare minimum at least. Anything.
The car gradually pulled to stop. Tae got out and thanked the driver quickly before needing to cough into his sleeve. The wind whipped at him and his nose twinged as the cold air bit at his now heated skin. If anything, his nose had begun to run even more. He took a moment to blow his nose again, dragging out more than a few bothersome itchy sneezes that had left him leaning heavily on the front gate of Jin and Namjoon’s house to catch his breath.
The blowing hadn’t helped much, his head was heavy and congested, and he just wanted to sleep now. He was so tired.
Coughing downwards as he huddled against the cold and welcomed himself into the couples yard to get to their door, he could only hope that he didn’t look as dreadful as he felt. He didn’t want to be a bother. He just wanted to be around someone, and Hoseok was working, Jimin too, and Yoongi had also been booked off sick and probably wouldn’t even be awake – so this was his last resort.
He knocked on the door, praying that either Namjoon had closed the shop early or Jin had already arrived home from the school days exam schedule. It was a bit of a long shot, but he vaguely remembered Namjoon mentioned during that week that Jin hadn’t been needing to stay as late as usual, and some days didn’t even have to go in to help the second nurse at the school. Taehyung rubbed at his nose and knocked again when the wind shook him with a particularly cold breeze, his breath hitched inevitably once more. Defeated, he hovered a single hand in front of his face and waited, panting desperately with furrowed brows.
..hh..hehh..snff.. .. hhh’Heh’HESHH.. HE’ITSH’UHhh… he’hh..hEHH’TSHH’uh..
He felt a sturdy hand grip his shoulder and pull him out of the wind, into the warm safety of the house. Jin – because it had to be Jin, even if he wasn’t quite aware of his immediate surroundings with how his head was spinning, Namjoon had never been able to craft the level of concern that Jin was able to put into his voice and touch – kept his hand on Taehyung’s arm as the younger had bent forward to catch  another wet double into his hands, even when he made sure to push his front door shut once more.
Breathless and dripping, Tae was led to the familiar family sized couch that Jin had purchased upon moving into their home. He had claimed it was for guests but Tae had always had a suspicion that it was bought in case Namjoon tried to stay up late and ended up falling asleep while working. It was incredibly comfortable. Taehyung couldn’t help but sigh as he dropped into it with a tired cough.
 “Tae… What are you doing here?” Jin ran a hand through the young witches hair, carefully running his eyes down the mans form as if he could figure out what was happening through sight alone. “Joonie messaged me saying he was working alone today… I would have thought that meant you’d be at home?”
 Taehyung sniffled thickly, blinking away fresh tears before he grabbed the last few of his unused tissues and blew his nose once more. It was beginning to pulse in time with his throbbing headache, and he just knew that it was probably all red from its recent activity. It wouldn’t be much longer before his blowing would make his skin raw.
 He scrunched a tissue into his fist to wipe at his nose gently before he managed to give Jin his full attention. Thankfully the man was patient. “I just.. had to leave. *snf*.  Jungkook needed… space. I thought maybe you wouldn’t mind me coming over..”
 Jin’s lips pursed tightly. The congestion was sinking into Tae’s words in a way that made him think the younger witch definitely shouldn’t have left home. He ran a hand over Taehyung’s cheek to swipe away a stray tear that had slipped out and then leaned in closer. “Well it’s a good thing I love having company. I was just about to go fetch Namjoon, but how about I ask Seokie to do that for me and we can drink some tea and watch a movie.. hmm?”
 Taehyung nodded, letting Jin tug off his coat and shoes before following the momentum from Jin’s hands – pushing him to lie down on the soft couch with the gentle promise of ‘being right back’.
The elder retrieved a pink, fluffy blanket that he tucked around Tae’s body, ‘like a warm hug’, Tae had smiled and pulled it closer to embrace its warmth. Vaguely Taehyung could hear Jin on the phone, once the man had moved to the kitchen to fix up the tea, but he couldn’t bring himself to focus completely on what was being said. His mind was mostly being entertained by the hopes of sleep and trying not to sneeze again, but a part of him was aware that it was probably Hoseok on the other side of the phone. He smothered a cough into the blanket, the force shaking him and paining his throat. He would have groaned if he didn’t know that it would just hurt him more. Just a little more time, and then Hobi will be there with him. That’s all he could wish for.
 He was woken up by a gentle hand shaking his shoulder, and upon blinking his eyes into the light of the afternoon sun,  immediately crumpled forward with  a harsh ‘hehH’ESHEW!’.
 “Bless you…” Jin set down the cup he had been holding to help pull Taehyung to sit upright without the blanket falling from around his shoulders. “I let you sleep for a little bit, because you looked like you needed it, but I want you to drink and eat something too.”
 “mm ‘ot hungry.” He mumbled, letting out a yawn that shifted into an irritated cough that grated at his throat. He took a hold of the cup Jin offer, holding it through the material of the blanket and pulling it closer to rest on his chest.
 “It’s not a lot,” Jin promised. “Just some crackers with your tea.. It’s not negotiable, unfortunately.”
 Jin sat next to him with his own mug of tea and a plate a crackers’ settled on his lap, pointedly being pushed closer to Taehyung. “Tae…. I love having you here, but I want to help if you need me too. Did Jungkook really tell you to leave?”
 Tae hesitated, sniffling thickly as the steam from his tea worked its way to his sinuses. “Not exactly, but… I didn’t feel.. okay.”
 He spoke about how he had woken up sick and what he had been feeling, as well as all of the things Jungkook had been going through with his studies – breezing over vaguely of what had been said that morning – then finally speaking about his decision and plan to come where he would be accepted. Jin listened intently, every so often handing him a tissue or a cracker, depending on what he felt Tae needed more as he snuffled through his words. He didn’t say anything either, just letting Tae lean into him and occasional letting out a soft grunt of disapproval – mainly towards Jungkook’s actions and Tae having thought walking would be a good idea.    
 “I’ll put on a movie, okay?” Jin said softly after Taehyung had admitted to ‘just wanted someone to hold him’ and ‘be there’. If he needed comfort then Jin would provide, he just couldn’t believe Jungkook had shunned his boyfriend. Even if the bunny had needed to focus, he usually always had time to spare for Taehyung. “Eat a few more and then we can finish our tea and get comfortable. Hobi should be coming here soon too, so you can look forward to that.”
 Taehyung couldn’t stop a small smile tugging at his lips. While Jungkook gave great cuddles, and Jin gave amazing hugs, there was an atmosphere so uniquely ‘Hoseok’ that made Taehyung crave him. He was warm. There was no better way to describe it. His presence was enough to be satisfying.
For now, he made do with his friend. Letting himself be pulled down to rest on Jin’s chest once he’d finished his drink. The elder had set a box of tissues within grabbing range so that Tae could catch each flurry of damp, heavy sneezes into the soft tissue – his nose growing brighter with each passing minute until he had merely lay his head onto Jin’s lap and held the tissue in a ball against his nose, fighting his eyes to stay open and watch the action movie Jin had found, but eventually falling to darkness.    
  It hadn’t taken long for Hoseok to leave work – calling his afterschool class to a close earlier than usual so that he could pick up Namjoon and go see Taehyung. Jin hadn’t told him much of anything, mostly just explained that Tae was sick and Jungkook had said some stuff that had hurt his feelings – which was absurd because those two never intentionally hurt each other, especially not with words. It was one of the things he had envied about them, how well they worked. His next concern was that Tae was sick and had still left the house. His homebody boyfriend felt better leaving their home because he didn’t want to be around Jungkook?
Nothing was making sense.
Namjoon had had to tell him to slow down three times before they’d finally reached his stylish home. Hoseok had left his car parked partially in the street and had moved past Namjoon to get into the house first. He’d swung the door open so hard it had slammed into the wall, but thankfully the only reaction that was given was Jin’s startled yell and Namjoon’s complaints about Hobi breaking things. Taehyung was asleep on the chair with his head nestled int Jin’s lap and soft congested snores sounded from him. Thank goodness he hadn’t been disturbed.
 “Sorry.” Hoseok murmured as he moved to kneel by his boyfriend. Jin’s face softening a little bit. “Is he alright… he looks like he has a fever…”
 “I think he does.” Jin agreed, stroking his fingers through Tae’s hair. “He’s been getting warmer, but other than that I think he just wanted someone to be with him. Jungkook had apparently told him that Tae was distracting him from work and that he needed to stay away because he was sick? Or something? I don’t know, it seemed like a small thing.”
 “It’s not.” Hoseok said, his voice hardening.
Jungkook had told Tae to stay away from him because he was sick? The same Jungkook that would cling to either of them every chance he got whenever he possibly could? Not to mention that he said that when Tae was clearly not well…
A heat spread through him that made his jaw clench.
“I should probably get him home.”
 “I didn’t give him any medication, but just take some back with you. Joonie?” Namjoon stepped behind the chair and lent down to lay peck on Jin’s lips and cheek. “Hey… can you fetch a few immunity boosting potions, as well as some of the cold and flu  ones that I made earlier?”
 “Sure, I’ll put a variety in. I have some balms and ointments that will help with any fevers or raw area’s.” Namjoon added before trailing off further into the house, muttering about what else could help.
 Jin smiled with reassurance and Hobi let out a sigh as he moved to retrieve a balled up tissue from Tae’s hand. . “He’s fine. The worst of it really was that he seemed lonely but was afraid of being a bother, which is unlike Tae.”  
 “I know. I just – Sorry.” He stood up abruptly as he searched his pockets for his phone that had started blaring. Tae shifted in his sleep and Hoseok scrambled to find it faster, answering as soon as it was out. He hadn’t even gotten a chance to speak before Jungkook started rambling on in a state of panic.
 “I don’t know where he is! He was here and then I thought he was asleep but he’s not asleep because he’s not here! And he’s not answering his phone, please tell me you have him?!”
 That heat from before amplified. If Jungkook was going to be sounding that scared of Taehyung not being around then why the hell did he send him away in the first place?
“You asshole.” Hoseok hissed, then lowered his pitch to avoid waking the sick witch. “You basically told him that he was being a pest! What the hell is wrong with you Jungkook? You didn’t even know that he left until now? He tried to walk to Jin and Namjoon’s place. In this cold weather, because you couldn’t be bothered to spare an hour with him.”
 “I-I didn’t realise –“
 “You didn’t realise?  You have been dating him longer than I have Jungkook, you should have fucking realised! What the hell is wrong with you?”
 “I’m sorry!”
 Hoseok bit his tongue as he heard the choking tears in the hybrids voice. He shouldn’t be snapping at Jungkook. He shouldn’t be picking a side. They were supposed to be open and honest and understanding with one another. Clearly something had gone wrong, but he had a feeling that Jungkook understood his mistake, even if it wasn’t understood as quick as it should have been.
 “Okay. Okay, I’m going to bring him home. He’s safe – just… he looks plain exhausted.”
 “I’m sorry..” Jungkook repeated softly. “I didn’t think he’d leave.”
 Hobi took a deep breath. “We’ll see you at home Jungkook… Just hang on there.”
  Taehyung had woken up about halfway home, coughing deeply into the blanket that Jin had lent to them. It was harsh and crackly and overall, just didn’t sound good. Hoseok had sped up just a bit to get him home faster, so that they could get him medicated and in bed… maybe a bath would help.
 “Sleep well, Baby?”
 He got a rough, undecipherable mumble and Tae struggled to push himself upright from where he was lying down in the back seat.
 “We’ll be home soon.” He promised, watching Tae rub at his eyes and then his nose in the rear-view mirror. Then added. “Jungkook was worried about you.”
 “He told me to.. to le-ehh hh’-ve…. hh’HE’HEITCHh… HUH’HRESHH’uhh…ugh.”
 “Bless. And I know, I don’t think he realised the impact his words had.”
 Tae sniffled and rubbed his nose with the edge of the blanket. “He’s jus’ stressed. I over reacted,”
 “I don’t think you over reacted.” Hobi answered honestly, that heat from earlier still present even after he’d tried to stamp it down. “He said something wrong when you needed him, perhaps if it happens again then it might be wise to talk about it instead of leaving without telling anyone though, or at least take your phone with you. But the three of us are in this together, neither of us like seeing you sick and Jungkook shouldn’t have taken his stressors out on you.”
  He didn’t get an answer. Taehyung just stared blankly out of the window at the dying light out the world until they pulled up at their complex.
After wrapping him tightly in the blanket and draping his coat over Tae’s shoulders, they began their climb to home.  Hoseok kept a steady arm around the witch and had to catch him once when Tae had snapped forward into a bout of surprise sneezes that had almost caused him to slip up the stairs when heading to their apartment. They went a bit slower after that. It wasn’t much of a surprise to see Jungkook waiting outside the door for them. He had been perched on the ground with his back to the door chatting politely to their neighbours six year old daughter, and by chatting the conversation had probably mostly been about wanting to play with Jungkook’s floppy ears and asking when he could teach her to draw ‘like a real artist’ again. He didn’t seem as invested as he usually was, and after having glanced up and seen his boyfriends, had almost burst into tears. Taehyung had actually started crying, both choking out apologises.
Hobi smiled. They’d all be fine it seemed. He greeted the child and encouraged her to get out of the cold, waiting for her to be inside before he opened their door and gently tugged his boyfriends inside. The smell hit him first and he sent Jungkook a questioning look.
 “Did you make food?”
 “Yeah,” he swiped at his face with a sniff. “I thought if I made japchae then Tae would want to eat something.”
 The news only caused the witch to let out a sob that had him coughing for breath.
 “Tae, baby… please calm down, you’re going to make yourself worse…” Hoseok laid a kiss to his burning cheek and reached to squeeze Jungkook’s hand. “Why don’t you and Kookie go take a bath? I’ll fetch you some water to drink and get the food reheated, okay?”
 “Will you join us?”
 “I think you two should be alone for a bit, I want to read over everything that Joon and Jin gave us for you.” The dancer placed kiss gently on the tip of Taehyung’s nose, grinning widely as the witch’s tears were halted with a hitched breath. “Don’t take too long though, I missed you both so much today. These extra classes are going to kill me.”
 Hoseok took a moment outside the bathroom door to listen to his boyfriends whisper soft words to one another, a flurry of apologies made a second appearance from Tae but was cut off abruptly. Hoseok took that as his cue to get everything ready for when they got out.
Everything would be worked out by tomorrow and yet he was definitely still going to be leaving his classes early to join in on whatever mess was going to be happening here. Taehyung had never learnt the ability to not share anything in his life.
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quanxui · 3 years
this weekend (plus this monday) i...
- hung out with my baby cousin. he's so cute, i treasure our conversations and the art he drew on the app i use to color manga panels. he likes playing around with the colors and pens!
- i bought a newspaper. an actual physical copy! i had my dad buy it so i can study how to write news articles
- read the newspaper to my grandfather. i now know an inch of the events in our town lol. i also enjoyed reading the articles to him, i felt so helpful. i support him getting a phone so he can have it read things for him but i also want to read for him.
- played lots of genshin. finally got xiangling too!! i ascended her character once but im focusing on my noelle for now cause she's my main, and on traveler and kaeya. i honestly used to not like using kaeya because i only like the girls HAHA but i've been trying my best to build and improve him recently for the spiral abyss fights and it's been good to me 😌 i really love rain in teyvat now.
- i also destroyed some ruin guards without panicking and feeling bummed out after because i lost, i destroyed them in one go HAHA i felt so happy with that. the ruin guards scare me so much because my characters keep dying. i also tried using amber more often, it's fun but im so slow with shooting enemies when im near them so whenever i use her i have to use noelle's E or shield then start shooting. i cant aim properly fast, a large contrast to when im actually doing archery hehe
- i took in a feature article to write. if i finish it along with my piece for the literary section this week, i might take on a sports article about pacquiao running for president. i don't like him and many from our org don't want to take the article but i need to write more articles TT if it's taken i have to hunt for another article to write, im planning to interview this local filipino artist but i have to look for a reason why i want to feature her in our publication. im glad i have some connections under my belt but i wish i could find a good and proper use for them.
- i also noticed that im writing articles from different sections, i don't know if that's good or bad but it's certainly a bit overwhelming AND fun. maybe im a masochist jk
- i finished some school stuff in advance. my scores for the quizzes are so average i have to keep trying ugh. i want to finish next week's activities this week too because i want some time to copy the readings on my notebook and review them, kasi the midterms are coming early next month.
- started using this app called study bunny! it's cute haha but my bunny's become sad so i have to study lots today i guess.
- i cried myself to sleep LMAO. it's been a while since i did that... just to cry in the dark until i feel sleepy, i feel much better though after crying. i still want to cry more but im all lighter for now! i've also been reflecting on my "suicidal-ness" and honestly, i feel helpless because it's a constant for me. i remember that short animation film i watched back then about this woman with a crocodile that's always following and annoying her and it feels exactly like that. i wouldn't say it's friend but it's definitely a companion, like how mom is mom but mom is not a friend? something like that... still, i hope one day i'd have a month where i don't think about that dark stuff even once.
- finished fruits basket season 2. it's so beautiful! i love everything about it especially the OST!! i usually watch things muted because i get anxious or worried about people judging me for watching anime but i watched this season on my laptop and had it in a low volume. it was fun, liberating too! i'll watch the third season soon i guess
- i caught up with hometown cha cha! im upset it's an ongoing series because i want to know what happens next!! arrgggh!! i want to gif some scenes i liked but i feel as if im too busyyy TT
- i haven't read any manga recently, it makes me sad but i'm really swamped with school and i use my free time to think or reflect on things or plan what to do or watch to destress. i used to read to destress but recently, watching has been way quicker than reading. it used to be reading.
- im trying to practice not bringing my phone with me when i wake up and head to the shower. it's day 2 and i have to go through some discussions in my head before i relent and go to the bathroom phone-less. one day i'll do it easily like back then! also maybe soon i'll try picking up my simple skincare routine back again!
- my dentist said i'm becoming prettier everytime i visit for my monthly check-up. she also said my outfit (it was a casual polo dress with slits on both sides and a belt and rubber shoes) made me look taller hehe. what she said made me happy :) im also happy none of my brackets got removed, the penalty is expensive TT
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fantasyresident · 5 years
My Review For Pokemon Sword and Shield (Spoiler-Free)
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The road to Sword and Shield could be considered interesting to say the least. Shit hit the fan with everyone’s accusations, complaints, and grievances before the game even came out. Death threats, fake leaks, ridiculous critics, you name it. As a dedicated Pokemon fan, I saw huge potential with Sword and Shield, and I have officially completed Shield just a couple days ago. Reviews from official critics like IGN and Gamespot mainly praise the game giving it scores of 9.3 and 9 respectively. But then others off to the side of these major critics are saying the game “isn’t worth the $60″. I can say after playing the game myself to its completion (plus some) that the game is definitely in my view worth the money. I will break down my opinions of these entries by categories of Mechanics (how well the game works, how much gameplay there is, and how valuable the gameplay aspects are) Story (how good and effective the plot of the game is) Characters (how good the characters within the plot are) Dialogue (how good the writing of the game is) and Visuals (how good the game looks from a visual perspective). Here I go.
Mechanics: (9.1/10)
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Sword and Shield is jam-packed with excellent features and gameplay elements to endlessly enjoy. The new Pokemon Camp feature is the best, most interactive way of playing and building your friendship with your Pokemon. The curry cooking is very simple, but it is more interactive then just giving a floating PokePuff or Bean to a Pokemon and having them chew it slowly right in front of you only to give it yet another one until they cannot eat anymore. You can throw a ball to have your Pokemon play fetch with you, speak to your Pokemon, and have them play with the little wand toy. While you cannot pet your Pokemon like in the past, the new features feels so fresh and even just watching your favorite Pokemon interact on their own is a worthy replacement for old systems like Amie and Refresh. Aside from Camping, the Gym Challenge was by far one of the best features. Gyms actually for the first time ever felt like full-fledged Gyms. Each Gym has their own special challenge in the beginning, and each one helped diversify the experience rather than tossing you into a room with randomly arranged trainers and the Gym Leader standing at the end waiting for you to get through the maze. I particularly loved Allister’s Gym Challenge, but every one of the challenges was a fun light-hearted experience. Many nuisances from the game that lingered in the past main titles have been removed, like no longer having to farm heart scales just to experiment with different move sets, having a Pokeball throwing shortcut, having a name rater posted in every Pokemon center, and many other quality of life improvements. The only problem I find with the mechanics of the game is the pop-ins. NPCs (ones that move from place to place), wild Pokemon, and berry trees all have their pop-in moments in the game. As you approach them, they come into view normally from a mid-range distance, and fade away again if you get too far away. This isn’t a huge deal when it comes to the experience as a whole, but it did slightly rob from the otherwise fresh Wild Area experience considering the pop-ins are the worst there. Lagging while online in the Wild Area is also a slight problem, but not too persistent of a problem.
Story: (8.5/10)
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The story of Shield very much reminded me of the Pokemon anime in a sense (Swords being no different other than Pokemon variations). The narrative mainly focuses on the lovable and colorful cast of characters rather than a constantly changing dynamic plot. The plot is pretty big (not a Dynamax pun I swear), but it’s mainly told through your trainer character’s perspective, so the secrets of the unfolding plot occur through the perspectives of the adult figures, which you eventually see around the end. It’s not a complex story, but I found it to be very solid, kind of like a Pokemon movie. The characters carry the story along smoothly, and it’s a nice “save the world” Pokemon plot. There’s not a bunch of lore for the region, but what lore is explained is very suitable for the Galar region and I found it to be pretty interesting. I feel like the ending wraps up a little quicker than in usual Pokemon games, but the post-game story helps to finalize things even if it contains two very weird parodical characters. I think the point of the game’s plot is timely (for a reason I cannot elaborate upon for non-spoiler purposes, but to anyone who finishes it, you may know what I mean). I feel like it really connects with a real-world issue that the world is facing currently. Additionally, the story’s presentation was handled very well in most parts, I really liked the mid-battle cutscenes and the scripted battles that remind me of classic RPGs. While I don’t think the plot of Sword and Shield beats the darker dynamic plot of Sun and Moon, it’s good and solid all the same. 
Characters: (10/10)
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As I briefly mentioned in the story segment of this review, the characters are some of the biggest stars of this game. Each Gym leader stands out and have their own little backstory. These backstories aren’t told through cutscenes, but you can read their biographies on the back of their League cards which I thought was a good way of telling us more information about the Gym Leaders than we got with them in the past titles. Gym Leaders are normally just treated like pretty designs and then thrown away by the post game. Sword and Shield however puts each of them in the spotlight more and they all get some time to shine. The designs for the characters themselves I find to be particularly amazing. Personally, Piers, the long awaited Dark-type Gym Leader was my favorite, but every single one of them had something interesting in store. Aside from Gym Leaders, memorable characters like Marnie, Bede, Sonia and Leon really help liven and enrich the experience. I felt really invested in these characters, and when I feel that invested in the characters of a video game, I consider them a smashing success.
I neglected to mention the most important characters to any Pokemon game: the Pokemon themselves! The designs of the Galar Pokemon and Galar forms are breathtaking. I love the vast majority of them and there’s very few that I think little of. The designs are themed and look very creative, I really loved the art direction for this generation’s Pokedex.
Dialogue: (9/10)
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With the new Galar region, inspired off of the UK, the dialogue is bound to change. A lot of British slang is slipped in which was enjoyable even if I wasn’t familiar with some of it. Each character seemed to have their own way of speaking and I liked this individuality in dialogue. Nothing any of the main characters say seems off-putting, so I’d say the dialogue is in a very good place for a Pokemon game. It is a game that’s marketed for younger audiences, but it does a good job of not making you feel like a baby (something that prior titles also done a good job with), so the dialogue is consistently good for any audience. Some lines could be improved perhaps or less generic, but nothing stands out to me as an issue with dialogue, so I’d say the writing is pretty on-spot.
Visuals: (9.4/10)
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This is perhaps one of the most controversial parts of these games, with many complaining about reused models, trees looking badly textured, and the game looking like just an “upscaled 3DS game”. While I do agree that the Wild Area trees are terrible-looking upon close inspection, I by no means view this game as just an “upscaled 3DS game”. The visuals of Sword and Shield are by far the greatest the series has to offer, with town areas and dungeons looking absolutely superb. Some critics think that the graphics need a dynamic change, but I couldn’t disagree more. Graphics are a subjective thing until you’re delaing with something like the textures of the game (like the trees.) If fans don’t like the Pokemon style, they shouldn’t be playing the games anymore. Sword and Shield mastered the style the franchise should have with the very interesting, beautifully rendered areas like the Glimwood Tangle and Ballonlea. I found these areas and others to be breathtaking upon first seeing them and I just really adored the look of these games. As for the character models, (the people and the Pokemon) they look just fine. They’re not the biggest upgrade, but they fit in well with the rest of the game’s style, so no problems in that department. If you are to find graphical flaws that aren’t only subjective, they can be found in the Wild Area. The trees and some ground textures (near water in particular) are a bit blurred and wonky. But then you gaze upon the surroundings as a whole and it looks quite nice. The lighting looks incredible in many areas, and I just found myself in awe of just about anything I was looking at. As for the animations, there are some new incredible animations (like Cinderace’s Pyro Ball) and many well-polished animations. There are however some of the same-old animations that didn’t work and still don’t work like double kick and tail whip. Overall, the visuals are extremely nice and just what I’d expect from a next-gen Pokemon game.
My Verdict:
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Pokemon Sword and Shield was an exciting new adventure that brought me back to the old days of playing Pokemon, only without all the nuisance problems that once plagued the fun of the experience. This game reminded me of what it was like to wholeheartedly enjoy a new adventure with new lovable partners. The graphics and mechanics are beyond refreshing, even if some areas could be better polished. The narrative isn’t as wide as Gen 7′s, but it’s as solid as I’d expect a Pokemon story to get while not straying too far from the roots of what makes them good to begin with. At the end of the day, experiencing Galar was without a doubt worth the $60 price tag, and the memories gained from the experience is even more priceless.
Final Score: 9.2/10 👍
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greyias · 5 years
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One Week Portrait — Day Five
End of the line! My week long art spam will now conclude, with a final picture outside of the cut this time. The last day was about finishing techniques, and trying to make it look a little less digital. I could probably keep going and refining, but I think I’m at a point where I’ll call it done.
Final thoughts, and a little recap under the cut.
First up, a start to finish of the process over the week.
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Final thoughts: I actually enjoyed this a lot more this year! Now whether that’s because I actually had a tiny bit more idea about what I was doing, or just simplified my focus, I don’t know. (Okay, that’s probably a lie. I definitely had a much better grasp on some of the basics of the facial structure this year. That definitely helped).
Things I need brush up on more: making my lineart/sketches less of a scribbly mess without spending way too long on the lines. I should also probably get over my fear of drawing clothes, and more specifically, folds in fabric. I... also should like practice my shading on basic 3D shapes so I don’t stare at my basic linework with in befuddlement but man does that sound boring... I should still force myself to do it
Things I’m happy with:
I did this all in ProCreate this year, if you don’t count modifying the reference photos some in Affinity Photo for help in blocking shapes for shading. I am a little envious of Photoshop’s Mixer Brush, which doesn’t seem to have an equivalent in ProCreate. I might need to see if Affinity Photo has something I can use, since I’ve got that on the iPad
My shading is much better and improved, especially over last year!
Despite my scribbly start with the lineart, I managed to “fix” most of it near the end so it didn’t bother me
My colors worked on the base level of coloring! My other portrait work had about two or three levels of me adding in color via blending layers to try and make up for the muddy colors. It’s a quick and dirty method for blocking in shadows and highlights, but hey, I’ll take it
I have a slightly better understanding of hair now, although I want to keep working at it so it’s a bit quicker and more deliberate, and a little less of me scribbling furiously back and forth with brushes
Also I understand a bit better on how to use texture brushes
THE! LIQUIFY! TOOL! -- amazing. How did I not know of that before? Seriously, that thing is so useful.
So overall, I’m very happy with this year’s piece! It was funny, I was working on this mostly at lunch this week at work (and while waiting for SWTOR’s servers to come back up on Tuesday), and occasionally had a coworker come by like “Wait, you made that?” and I was like “I KNOW”, so hey, positive reinforcement 😉
Thanks for indulging and encouraging me this week! I ♥ you guys!
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imjustthemechanic · 5 years
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Part 1/? - Transmission Part 2/? - The Sandhill Hotel Part 3/? - Piccadilly Part 4/? - The Future Part 5/? - Too Late Part 6/? - The Mystery of the Missing Time Machine Part 7/? - Underway           
Peggy had been to the little airstrip near the village of Heathrow a few times during the war.  They’d been working on improving it into a real airport but hadn’t finished before VE day, so work had scaled back to a more leisurely pace, and the new London Airport had opened in 1946.  Seventy years later, the airport had swollen to cover more area than Peggy remembered the entire down as having.  There seemed to be positive miles of faded tarmac and undulating glass buildings, while any remnants of little Heathrow had been devoured as London itself grew inexorably bigger.
Toulouse breezed them through the buildings through Members Only entrances and VIP lounges and such things.  When a woman asked to see their passports, Toulouse just gave her a handful of banknotes, and they kept walking.
“Do you often fly without papers?” Peggy asked quietly.
“I never did that before, actually,” Toulouse replied with a smile on her face.  “I didn’t think it would work!  I almost want to report her for taking bribes, but then I’d be reporting myself, too.”
Everything else had changed so much, Peggy wasn’t sure what to expect from the inside of the airplane.  The cabin was larger and longer than anything she’d seen before, but to her surprise the seats were actually significantly smaller, the ceilings lower, and the leg room less.  It looked bad enough in business class, and when she looked down the aisle to where the economy passengers were boarding, she found them packed in like commuters on a subway train.  It was almost a shock that nobody had to stand.
“Flying used to be a luxurious way to travel,” she commented as she sat down.  Like the cars, the airplane had a seat belt.  She buckled it, just in case.
“Things stop being nice when normal people start being able to afford them,” said Toulouse.
“Did you call your father to tell him where you’re going?” Peggy wanted to know.
“I’m twenty-eight,” Toulouse told her.  “I don’t have to do that anymore.  He wouldn’t answer anyway,” she added with a sigh.  “He only answered the other night because I had Harvinder tell him it was an emergency.  I did tell Prince that I’m going to America with some friends.  If he asks why, I’ll say I’m visiting Junior.”
“Who’s Junior?” asked Howard.
“My oldest brother.  He died when I was still in school, and he’s buried there.”  Toulouse shrugged.  “It’s not the right time of year, but it’s a good excuse, I guess.”
The plane’s takeoff roll was much more gentle than Peggy remembered such things being, and its ascent far quicker.  She had to swallow repeatedly to make her ears pop, and it seemed like no time at all before they were sailing along to the muted roar of the jet engines, with the Bristol Channel glittering in the sunlight below them.  Looking out the window on her left, Peggy could see Cardiff, and she spotted Swansea before clouds moved in, blocking the view of the landscape below.  She settled back in her seat then.  It was going to be a long flight, and even without the clouds there would be nothing much to see outside over the ocean.
Toulouse had her laptop with her, and once the plane reached cruising altitude, she set the computer u on the tray table in front of her and began typing furiously.  Howard, in the aisle seat, took an interest.
“What are you working on?” he asked.
“My master’s thesis,” said Toulouse.  “I’m taking women’s history, and I’m specifically writing about Parliament Joan.  Her real name was Elizabeth Alkin.  She ran her own publishers, distributing propaganda for the Parliamentarians during the English Civil War, and used her connections to find and discredit people who were printing for the Royalists.”
“An ancestor of yours?” Howard asked Peggy.
“No, but something of a role model,” Peggy replied with a smile.  She’d first heard of the woman during her teens, from the other ladies in the codebreaking office, and had immediately set out to read all she could about her. 
“People think of her mainly as a spy,” Toulouse said, “but she also had to be a businesswoman, and she wasn’t very good at it to start with.  I was at the National Archives because they’ve got some of her letters there, written in her very own handwriting.”
Peggy nodded.  “It is magical, isn’t it?  When you get to touch something from the past, knowing who held it before you?”  She thought of some of the things the SSR had recovered after the war.  There’d been famous art, and mystical artefacts, and things that had to have come light-years across the depths of space to be there.  With some of them she knew who had held them before her, but there were others she could only wonder about.
“It really is,” Toulouse agreed.
“Your family must be very proud of you,” said Peggy.  The words came out quite automatically, and it was only once they were already spoken that she remembered what Toulouse had already said about her father.
Toulouse sighed.  “I haven’t spoken to my mother in four years,” she said.  “And Daddy just says it’s good I’m keeping occupied.”
“I’m sorry,” Peggy said.  Her own father had died of a heart attack when she was only seven, and her mother had never had much money, but she had good memories of both as loving parents.  She looked at Howard – he didn’t talk much about his family but she had the definite impression that they’d never understood him.  He would be more qualified to commiserate with Toulouse about this.
“They don’t know what they’re missing,” Howard told her.  “Someday they’ll come to you begging for a favour, and you’ll be able to tell them to stuff it.  It’ll feel great.”
Peggy shut her eyes.  She could feel the headache coming on already.
The people who ran airlines knew that twelve-hour flights were deathly boring, and attempted to fill the time by showing movies.  The movies themselves, unfortunately, were absolutely dreadful.  There was one about a robotic policeman and another about a haunted doll, and Peggy got no more than ten minutes into either of them before she removed the little speakers she’d been given to put in her ears, and tried to sleep instead.
She doubted she’d be able to nod off, but she must have, because she woke hearing Howard and Toulouse talking quietly.
“So when I say he’s buried there,” Toulouse was telling him, “it’s more that he’s got his name on a monument, because they didn’t find his body.  Daddy hasn’t been to America for years because of it.  Whenever he has something to do there, he sends Cass.”
“Cass is… brother number two, right?” Howard asked.
“Yes, in between Junior and Prince,” said Toulouse.
“No sisters?”
“Just me,” Toulouse said.  “I’m the girl.”
Peggy closed her eyes again.  During the war she’d had a sense that things were getting better for women.  There’d been a new appreciation for their traditional roles, as well as for their ability to work at what were considered men’s jobs.  She’d stayed at the SSR because she’d wanted to finish what Steve Rogers and Sergeant Barnes had started, but also because she’d honestly thought she’d be useful and welcome there.  The men who worked there had other ideas.  They’d thought that with the war over, it was time for the women to go home.If she’d thought about it, Peggy would have hoped that seventy years would have resulted in some progress.  Yet here he was, sitting next to a young woman who was evidently much more intelligent and accomplished than her taste in hair dye would lead one to believe, but whose family didn’t care what she did because she was the Girl.  It was really terribly depressing.
They arrived in Toronto at nine in the evening local time, and during the layover they were able to get something to eat that wasn’t airplane food.  The cost of the sodas and sandwiches absolutely appalled Peggy and Howard both – nine dollars for tuna fish on white bread! – but Toulouse paid it without comment.  Apparently inflation was another one of the things that had simply gone on uninterrupted.
Flight schedules hadn’t changed much, either.  Their departure from Toronto was delayed, so it was closer to four than two-thirty when they finally reached Los Angeles.  A small bus took them from the airport to the Sandhill Hotel in Playa Del Rey, where all three of them collapsed into bed.
They had separate rooms within the suite this time, thank heavens, so if Howard and Toulouse had any more sex, Peggy at least didn’t have to listen to it.
Toulouse had sent their things to the hotel laundry overnight, so in the morning Peggy and Howard were able to put on clothes that were probably cleaner than when they’d bought them.  A woman came to drop them off while the group was having breakfast.  Peggy and Howard were sitting in their hotel bathrobes, and Toulouse’s outfit today was tight-fitting polka-dot leggings and a shirt with something on it that was quite unidentifiable – it had cartoon eyes and a smile, and a shape that Peggy chose to charitably assume represented a curl of chocolate ice cream.
The hotel employee, a brunette in her mid-twenties, kept looking at Toulouse out of the corner of her eye as she spread the clean clothes out on the bed.  Finally she straightened up and said, “before I go, I have to know – aren’t you Toulouse Sandhill?”
“Yes!” Toulouse replied, pulling out her wallet to give the woman a tip.  “And you’re… Madison,” she read off the nametag.  “Nice to meet you.”
Madison held out a wrist.  “I’m wearing your perfume!” she said.
Toulouse sniffed it.  “You are!  I’m so glad you like it!”
“Is it true that there’s a giant apocalypse bunker under this hotel?” Madison asked eagerly.  “I’ve never actually gone looking for it but I’ve seen websites about it, and people think it’s some sort of New World Order type thing.”
“I have no idea,” said Toulouse, but the idea didn’t seem to startle her.  “I’ve never been here before.  I can ask Cass about it, if you like.”
“No, no, I figured you wouldn’t say,” Madison replied, with a knowing smile.  “It was so cool to meet you!  Thanks for the tip!”  And she scurried out.
Peggy sipped her tea thoughtfully.  “You didn’t mention an apocalypse bunker,” she said to Toulouse.  Wasn’t it just a coincidence that an ‘apocalypse bunker’ was exactly where she and Howard had to go?
“I didn’t think of it,” said Toulouse.  “I don’t even know if it’s real.  Like I said, I’ve never been to this location before, but I know the Americans have apocalypse bunkers all over the country.  There’s a big one under the Stanley Springs Hotel in Tennessee, that was built for the government to hide in during the Cold War.  I’ve never been there, either, but they give tours.  I saw a YouTube video about it.”
“You said this hotel was ten years old,” Peggy recalled.  “When did the ‘Cold War’ end?”
“I was a kid.  Let me see…”  Toulouse grabbed her phone to look it up.  “1991 was when the Soviet Union fell apart, and I definitely know that the Playa Del Rey opened in 2006, because Junior had been in charge of the project and there was an eight-month delay after he died.”
“That’s fifteen years,” said Peggy.  Who built a bunker against a threat that had ended fifteen years ago?  She looked at Howard, to see what he thought.
He could tell where she was headed.  “You think maybe our clue is here in the hotel?” he asked.
That was an oddly reasonable hypothesis.  Knowing that they’d been involved with the Sandhill family on their little adventure through time, Peggy and Howard might well have left the time machine plans here, where they would be easily accessible without breaking any laws.  Or would they?  By 2006 Peggy would be retired and Howard would be dead, and with the building of the hotel delayed by the death of the owner’s son, all sorts of things might intervene.
“It could be,” she said.  “I don’t know.”  They could bury something here ahead of time, but how could they be sure it wouldn’t be dug up and lost when the hotel was built?  Then again, if it were here to find, that by itself would be their answer…
Howard pointed his breakfast fork at Toulouse’s phone.  “While we’re here, what’s that Internet got to say about die Glocke?”
“How do you spell it?” Toulouse wanted to know.
Howard told her, and she entered it in her search engine.  Her eyes darted back and forth over the results that came up.  “Okay, it says there was some Polish guy who wrote a book about it… according to him it’s supposed to be a weapon that kills every living thing for miles around, and it was built in a Nazi base near Wenceslaus Mine.”
That name made Peggy perk up.  “I’ve been to Wenceslaus,” she said.  “I was there with Steve, but there was nothing in it.  Somebody had warned them we were coming, and they had time to clean it out.”
“Warned them you were coming?” Toulouse asked.  “Like as if somebody came back from the future to tell them?”
At the time Peggy hadn’t thought of that – why would she? – but now it seemed worryingly plausible.  In that case… “Die Glocke can’t be the time machine itself, because Zola said they were searching for it, but yes, very like that.”  She took a bite of bagel and thought about it.  “I wonder whether perhaps they transmitted the entire contents of the base to the future, and now they’re hoping to get a machine in the right place at the right time to pick it up.”  In which case they were planning to materialize their superweapon right in the middle of London.
“That was winter 1944, wasn’t it?” Howard said.  “If they’ve had the time machine that long, then we’re in trouble, because just returning to 1948 won’t be enough to stop them.”
“No, it won’t.”  Peggy groaned.  “This just gets more complicated by the hour!”
“So what are you gonna do?” asked Toulouse.
She thought about it a moment.  The hotel might be worth checking out, but they didn’t actually know if it even existed.  The Sierra bunker still seemed the most obvious choice.  “We’ll stick to the original plan,” she decided.  “If there’s nothing in the bunker, we’ll come back here and look.”
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arcadetylermorgan · 4 years
Week 5 Blog posts (01/02/21)
Get feedback on my project:
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For my feedback i ended up showing a friend who also works on games design my project of what i have so far and he gave me some advice on how to improve and make my game a better experience while also telling me some positives and what he liked about my project so far.
Positive Feedback:
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One of the positive pieces of feedback is that he liked the background designs as they were simplistic and were pleasing to the eye. I'm glad that this was received well as i personally also liked the style i was going for and i wanted to make more of them as well. knowing that they will be received well gives me confidence to make more with a similar style but with different locations to make the game look different. 
Second piece of positive feedback was about the colour scheme and the simple game mechanics as it is very easy to understand and play right off the bat. this all ties into making it good for younger audiences as they are attracted to the bright colours and lights while being able to play with game with such simple controls.
Negative Feedback:
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One of the major flaws in my game so far is that there are no animations in the characters yet they just kind of slide across the screen without moving. This was the first issue he brought up and its 1 I plan to fix as i work through this game longer and as animation isn't my strong suit it will be a struggle but I will try my best.
The Second Flaw in my game my friend said was that my 3rd of the 3 character does not have his own unique design yet and it just looks default and out of place and this is something I defiantly want to work on. also on top of that i also want to create more outfits for all 3 of them. Right now the first ones i want to do are the character in space suits as i have made a level in space 
Summary and how I could of done better feedback:
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Overall i think this feedback is very useful for me and my games future as i now know what ive been doing well on and what i need to focus more attention and i will try my hardest to make my game better and better as time goes by.
I think i did i pretty good job on choosing who i could get my feedback from being a fellow game designer and friend but I could of done some things to get better research. One thing i  could of done was get into contact with more people so that I would have answers from different places. The other way I would of made this research better would be to ask people who were not my friends but also game designers so i would have a raw response with the person being straight with me from start to finish. Oher than those i think my feedback was very helpful and i will be trying to make my project better little by little. 
Final Evaluation:
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What has gone well in this project:
With this project i feel a lot went well for the circumstances we were given and im proud of what I've done. The first thing that went well are the character designs that i have created I will show a few of them here them here.
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Even though they are very simple and easy to do edits with photoshop i am still happy with them as i am not very good at the arty side of things and i think that these characters are really good efforts.
The second thing i am proud of are the background level designs that i made again i will show a few.
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I think the reason I've very proud of these is because i think that they actually look very appealing with a nice bright colour scheme that i think is very easy to look at. I am also proud of this as again im still new to editing things in photoshop so these are a very good job for me so far.
The final thing I'm very proud of during this project is how my coding skills have improved alot during this project from being able to figure out what to do in the code, to get things like timers and making things disappear and move the player to the next level without help from videos and just using my current knowledge. and also being able to remember easy strings of code that i would not of known about before this project. Here are some of my code bits that i have used in my game
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For new software I've mainly been sticking to photoshop but i am finding out how it works more and with that its become a very useful tool that i am using more and more often for things however I did use premiere pro so that I could change the audio file types to WAV and that was a new experience even though it was nothing too advanced.
With tutorials I mainly use Youtube as they have tones of informative guides and tutorials on how the things in unreal and photoshop work but as something new there are lots of forum sites with in-depth guides on how to get the game to work even though there is no video they are sometimes better as they have even the little problems solved there.
 The only Thing i have enjoyed about being able to work in lockdown is that I could get to work at anytime I want without having fixed hours as I sometimes cant work and knowing that I can go back to my work whenever I want is reassuring.
What could have gone better:
I think that the main thing that could of gone better were the animations for my characters as i really wasn't sure on how to get them to work and it was something i already wasn't very confident with so i think that could of gone a bit better. With that the only other thing i wish could of gone better the amount of character designs as i think there were too little in my game and i hoped to come up with more ideas but i only ended up with a couple.
Being at college would of helped because they have people who know how the softwares work and they could of helped quicker than having to search round the web for a long while looking for a fix. but on the side of being able to get the softwares i luckily have a strong enough pc that can run and work everything just fine.
With working at home its had its ups and downs as i feel that it helps in the way that i feel i have alot more time to get things done and i can get to it whenever but on the other side i also constantly feel like I'm not doing enough with the time i have and it just sometimes get into your head but overall i was mostly fine during the lockdown work.
What are you planning to do in the future? 
In the future I want to just keep improving my coding skills while also trying to make my art skills just as good so that i am able to have a bright future in he game development world.
This project definitely hasn't put me off working at home as i feel that i still got stuff that i was proud of from this term and i also feel as if its make me try and figure stuff out on my own more often giving me more confidence in my own knowledge and i think that working from both home and college work perfectly fine.
For my next project i want to keep using the current softwares i am using (Unreal and Photoshop) as i feel that they are very high quality products that are perfectly suited for the work i am doing. But i do plan to try and get more used to maya for the next project as i feel very new to it still and i want to improve at the software.
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Week 22 Summary
This week I finished the panning shot. After some time I think I’ve gotten the hang of this style of making backgrounds, I managed to finish this background quicker than the last and have successfully been keeping the design to what we agreed on so Chloe’s backgrounds and mine look the same. The panning motion will be done using after effects and we’ll fade in the creepy door. Ive also finished animating the ‘Squiggles’; I’m very pleased with how they look, I think Ive successfully made some cute and harmless creatures Which will be a great contrast to the lower world that the boy finds himself in. I think if I was to improve it though I would make the creatures appear more furry by adding more texture and showing more fur in the line art. I started a new scene this week too; when the boy falls through the door we want to show tunnel walls that have dark elements to them from the lower world, including eyes, mouths, and bones of unknown creatures. Next week I need to complete this tunnel scene!
I’ve been updating my Instagram art account very regularly at the moment which I’m very pleased about! Although it seems like it’s still difficult getting many people to see the art with each post I get more attention to the account, the more I post onto it the more people will see it and the more likely I will be able to get commissions after graduation. One thing that in particular seemed to boost attention is that I took part in an everyday drawing challenge that was set up by a well known artist, taking part and tagging the work in the challenge got a lot of people to see it so I will definitely take part in more projects like that!
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vietphapnhomkinh · 5 years
Organic Chemical make up Basic Rules and methods Biochemistry Part 12
Saxon Numbers Explained
Keep in mind that the right precondition with regard to Superior Arithmetic would be the 1 / 3 edition connected with Geometry 1 and Algebra A couple of as demonstrated inside kitchen table previously, never a Next variation. Worksheet may amenable in a very brand new eye-port. Some of the worksheets viewable are usually Undergraduate format saxon math concepts, Saxon arithmetic Seventy-six, Everyday lessons programs to get, Saxon, Saxon math concepts training One particular pdf document, Saxon algebra i Finally format, Requirements success, Situation examination intended for. “Aimee (Half a dozen), Aaron (8-10), plus {Anna|Ould (Several) study in addition to reread this ‘school books’ new as it is through Sonlight, whenever slated in your Central system, nevertheless oftentimes following that, for the reason that have relished all of them much.
For ranges 7/6 as well as 8/7 We simply moved more than a few of the instruction using them. We flipped into a 3 rd programs, nevertheless it was recurring having apparently with their almost endless websites associated with issues, one of the daughters would certainly despair in the potential customer of needing to accomplish numbers on a daily basis. * Recommended training brands. You can find one or two quantities i always would likely state tend to be skip-able. “Everyone anticipates math concepts amount of the house on account of Sonlight!” creates Eva Z regarding Clarkston, Georgia. If the university student will be college or university limited in calculations and also scientific discipline as well as his or her really like calculations, apply Algebra A person, Algebra Only two, State-of-the-art Mathematics, plus Calculus and also your geometry will be taught in material located in most of these texts.”
For being effectively prepared for his or her university entrance exam (elizabeth.h., Lay or perhaps ACT) scholars have to full Innovative Arithmetic for their younger 12 months. Saxon publications are generally skill-level books, definitely not grade-level guides. Whatever the case, they are the not one but two solutions I might offer somebody that ended up being requesting if they could miss a level. I check and also class their newspaper. Learners who finish Advanced Mathematics may have obtained the equivalent of two semesters involving geometry, a single semester with trigonometry, and something session of sophisticated geometry.
2 scholar workbooks plus One fact minute card collection. Consumable, non-reproducible workbooks. Class creating types may also be integrated, in addition to common examination styles.
Math 87 includes a wide variety connected with themes which might be necessary for the mathematical requirements of numerous expresses. Substantial pre-algebra content is included, and scholars whom comprehensive the writing efficiently (80% and up exam scores) will likely be able to carry Algebra 1 for their next math concepts course.
Algebra 1/2 is targeted on producing expertise of which prepare yourself individuals to get geometry. The pre-algebra content articles are additional comprehensive versus the pre-algebra information involving Math Eighty seven; even so, the particular scope is less wide.
Math 87 insures a diverse assortment associated with issues which have been needed by the exact expectations for many claims. Sizeable pre-algebra content is involved, and also college students who finish the text effectively (80% and up exam scores) will likely be prepared to acquire Algebra 1 as his or her future math study course.
2 student workbooks and One reality cards fixed. Palatable, non-reproducible workbooks. College class saving forms will also be bundled, as well as verbal assessment sorts.
2 undergraduate workbooks as well as Just one fact cards arranged. Safe to eat, non-reproducible workbooks. College class producing varieties also are provided, coupled with dental review styles.
Orion (Seven, Math-U-See 101 and also HBL The) usually discusses Decimal Road even though using their siblings. that will come using a Mp3! (Hallelujah refrain) Anyway, intended for 7/6 in addition to 8/7, I personally however obtained these folks conduct modifications just before moving on just like before. “The Math-U-See hinders help it become look a lot more like actively playing than homework. If you think Wordfence really should be offering you having access to this site, make sure you inform them while using methods down below to enable them to examine the reason it is developing. It’s got flipped its numbers practical experience through boredom for you to enjoyment, as the idea do for my household. which comes using a CD! (Hallelujah chorus) At any rate, for 7/6 and also 8/7, My spouse and i nevertheless got these carry out punition in advance of moving on exactly like prior to.
*** These kinds of students might find the information presented inside Advanced Mathematics tricky. Most of us moved to your third courses, but it surely was repeating together with apparently unlimited websites connected with troubles, certainly one of this daughters could lose hope at the prospective client of having to perform math everyday. Merely couldn’t need a whole lot repetition with it. Some with the worksheets viewable are generally College student edition saxon arithmetic, Saxon arithmetic Seventy six, Regular lesson plans intended for, Saxon, Saxon arithmetic study course 1 document, Saxon algebra i actually 1 / 3 version, Specifications success, Position test out regarding. Possibly at the end of the season, we nonetheless received most of your worksheet web sites remaining. This “Lesson Preparation” box at the outset of every entry makes it simplallows you setting all the things inside the night before which means that your consultations operate correctly. They may be truly recouping degrees inside Algebra One and a couple in comparison with would inside Saxon 8/7.
Teachers Acitivities
The child is finishing up Algebra 2, well, i would not have personal experience recent that. Instructing math concepts through the a number of hands-on manipulatives, the offer is designed for pupils who’ve your kinesthetic mastering style. Stressing research along with interpersonal reports contacts, Numbers 3 or more utilizes models as well as video game titles that will help your own students comprehend and exercise fresh concepts. With your course game titles lets quicker pupils who aren’t thriving with Advanced Mathematics during the 10th level to test all over again and still acquire credit history. That would be deemed a typical skill level, bearing in mind the program higher than is ideal for pupils who do very well together with numbers.
Homeschool Specialists’ Spotlights
Saxon Math Tutorials A person, 3, and 3 add as well as propagate standard items, giving pupils time for you to study and exercise skills all year long, grasp content material, and grow higher-order contemplating. Pre-Calculus I includes the first 70-90 instruction in Advanced Numbers. Pre-Calculus A pair of comprises the remaining instructions. My own boy is finishing up Algebra Only two, i really do not have personal experience previous that will. Your entry to this page appeared to be hindered by Wordfence, a burglar service provider, which shields web pages through vicious activity. As long as they continue to do not have an accurate solution each to the Mp3, go through the dilemma as well as Dvd educator talks about how to work the problem. * Advised system headings. We love to the pliability of Sonlight and in what way the book selections is usually loved by the extensive age group.
I considerably treasured the particular scripted instructor’s guide. My partner is sweet in math and may assistance him having complicated troubles. Plus, you’ll not locate websites involving apparently with their almost endless assessment on the very same notion. If they were built with a great deal of punition, next I might acquire often be their project for the entire day, virtually no new tutorial, as well as I’d personally add to that some of the worksheet websites.
Saxon Numbers Explained
As long as they experienced a lots of improvements, then I would obtain that always be their particular job throughout the day, no completely new lesson, in addition to I would add to that a couple of the worksheet webpages. We like precisely how Sonlight helps you to raise Good Fee youngsters. Success! This is a summary of how you would completed it. I’m going to conduct a different up-date in a couple decades! Worksheet can wide open in the brand-new windows. UPDATE 3: (June 2014) My own earliest baby is merely establishing his senior citizen https://collegehelp.club/pay-for-college-papers/ year. I had been thinking about conducting a submit about definitely the home-school curriculum, however, when a person talked about some queries this morning regarding Saxon Numbers I actually knew it will be an excellent subject matter to write down concerning.
The post Organic Chemical make up Basic Rules and methods Biochemistry Part 12 appeared first on Vietphapgroup.vn.
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Como fazer alguem Se Apaixonar por Você
Como fazer um homem correr atrás de você
Let’s just be blunt-it usually doesn’t acquire considerably to get a person to need to have sexual intercourse with you. However, if you are looking for some thing extra than the usual fling, you might want to assessment your bodily and virtual seduction methods and find out where you can make improvements to. Seduction, when done suitable, isn’t about throwing by yourself at anyone. It’s about slowly but surely, drawing the person in and trying to keep him wanting far more right up until you've got him hooked.
To help you master the delicate but effective art of seduction, here are strategies from solitary males about what seduces them:
Be by yourself from the seduction process. Most adult males would agree that apart from the superficial qualities, personality and self-assurance is everything. “Nothing is more seductive than the usual girl who carries herself properly and exudes intercourse attractiveness. This suggests an individual who’s snug in her own pores and skin and who is familiar with what she wants from a man,” claims Brandon, forty two.
Use outfits and posture on your benefit. You are able to instantaneously glance far more seductive simply by trying to keep your shoulders back, chin up, and producing eye make contact with. And never forget that the suitable outfits can present you with an advantage far too.
To find out more, pay a visit to : Como fazer alguem Se Apaixonar por Você
“I’m not expressing it all has got to be on show but a flattering gown can go a lengthy way,” claims Jason, 36. “For most adult men, it doesn’t even make a difference if you’re a dimension or two larger than you like. If we’re on the lookout at you, we would like everything you have.”
Keep your on-line profile photos classy. Gentlemen may take pleasure in images of scantily-clad girls, but they are more inclined to settle on a lady who’s extra refined when they’re critical. “Sometimes I detect women will write-up shots of on their own that ought to be censored.  I think they’re attracting the wrong type of male in those cases,” suggests Marco, 48. “I really like when women of all ages go away more towards the creativeness within their profile shots.”
Tell him anything you want. In case you really know what you are into and what turns you on, tell him, even when it is just inside a teasing way… you in fact definitely indicate. Bare it all, verbally. “Some girl may perhaps underestimate the facility of seduction by text.  There’s almost nothing extra hot than hearing what a girl needs, what turns her on… it really receives a man wondering sexual ideas,” suggests Bryan, 40.
For shy girls, communicate low. He’ll should lean in to pay attention to you, which creates a small, intimate spot for the 2 of you. “I locate quiet girls tremendous alluring.  There’s a little of mystery which is very seductive,” claims Darron, fifty one.
Never neglect the facility of the simple contact. This does not necessarily mean grabbing his bicep, but a small touch on his hand or knee, could established that spark right into a full-on hearth.  The human body enjoys to get touched instead of only will this make the hairs on his neck increase, but it’s also a tad spontaneous for the reason that he won’t be expecting it. So with that said…
Be spontaneous. Staying seductive is focused on spontaneity. Absolutely nothing ruins an intimate minute a lot quicker than overthinking points. If you’re feeling attractive, act on it.  “My days and evenings during the week are so program that it’s incredibly seductive every time a girl surprises me by having an sudden go to, previous minute weekend programs, or perhaps simply a spontaneous telephone simply call,” claims Collin, 29.
Leave the arrogance and cattiness at the doorway. “I completely hate it when women of all ages bash other ladies, especially when they really don't even know one another. Or, every time they act better than you or that you simply deserve them.  Which is the opposite of seduction,” claims 39-year-old, Dominick.  That seductive self esteem is about intrigue with out dishonesty, even though bashing other females might be a turn-off as well as a mark of insecurity.
Never over-promise and under-deliver. Although seducing a person for that long haul, may perhaps have to have a tiny bit more teasing and participating in up the thriller, nothing frustrates adult men much more than being toyed with and led in less than untrue pretenses.  Try to remember your seducing him, not actively playing video games.
Section of the pleasurable of becoming with an individual is the, effectively, chase. Even though you both equally know precisely exactly where you are find yourself on the finish, it is rewarding and pleasurable to produce a person want you.
To find out more, pay a visit to : Como Seduzir um homem
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okaycolby · 7 years
Analytics on Elite-Level Nutrition
Since running was popularized (with the first marathon ending in Athens) and ice cream was popularized (in the marketplaces of Athens a long time ago), people have wondered about the effect the consumption of one has on the performance of the other.  Even Hippocrates (not “hippocrates” like the people who say things are dumb then actually do them like my step-brother Bruce), endorsed ice cream because it “livens the life-juices and increases the well-being” (citation: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ice_cream).  For the past two hours, I have been researching how ice cream affects race performance, and you are not going to believe the results.
Ice cream has always been a part of my running career, and life.  The Strongsville DQ was a two minute drive from my house growing up, and, I’ll admit it, I became addicted.  I wanted DQ every night, but my parents, wisely, wouldn’t allow it. Instead, on DQ-less nights, I would walk upstairs (from my video game dungeon where I had spent the last 8-12 hours) to our refrigerator, hoping that among my Mom’s assortment of Bryers I would find a container of Mint Chocolate chip.  I’d scoop half the tub into a bowl, drown it in chocolate syrup, drizzle cashews on top, and grab a bag of pretzel rods.  This I would take to my Dad, who would typically be in his office listening to Tom Hamilton broadcast an Indians game.  I’d tap him on the shoulder and hold out the ice cream.  Without a word or a glance in my direction, he would grab it and start mashing.  I would wait outside and watch the indians game on mute or real housewives or any other bravo show that my sister was watching.  For my Dad, the process of turning ice cream into chocolatey mush is an art.  For 5 straight minutes I would hear *Boom click tap tap tap click* with Hamilton in the background discussing the Cleveland bullpen.
“COLB,” he'd yell.  “COLBY!”  I’d sprint inside, and exchange the bag of pretzels (keeping some rods for myself) as a trade, then return to my dungeon.  I would dip the pretzels into the ice cream like fries into ketchup.  But I still craved DQ.
With this in mind, I managed to persuade my parents that eating DQ the night before races was the key to PRs and victories.  If we were home the day before a race and I was without a fix by 9:50pm, I’d say, “Dad, I haven't had any ice cream yet and DQ is closing in ten minutes.”  He’d shoot up out of his chair and speed to the creamed ice kingdom.
My own career has (soft) served as case study supporting this exact claim.  I had an ice cream brownie sundae the night before Footlocker regionals and the next day I got 7th and made nationals.  Then, after no ice cream, I finished 38th at Nationals.  So many of my most famous races were preceded by an ice cream dessert.  But I don’t want you to take a couple stories of mine as irrefutable evidence, so let's stop fooling around and get to my research.  I have gone back through years of electronically preserved credit card receipts, showing proof of many, many DQ purchases, which I have matched with the dates of races throughout my career.  And the results will BLOW YOUR MIND.
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As you can see from this chart, the likelihood of me running a PR after eating ice cream was 42%.  Compare that to the likelihood of me running a PR without any ice cream in my system: 11%.  Only 11%! And let me remind you these figures have been gathered over a twelve-year span with over one hundred performances considered (that’s why the percentages aren’t round numbers like 25% or 50% or 75%).  This is a significant enough sample size that I must assume your head is literally spinning as you read these words.  I just hope you don’t throw up, as I often do after races.
Once I ran out of letters, I didn't know what to do, so I used emojis then my hand cramped. So you are just going to have to trust me that I actually used 100 races and not just 31
So ice cream makes you run quicker: the end?  Not so fast.  I dug beneath these initial results to pinpoint optimal performance amounts, and the results will no doubt cause you to shake uncontrollably.
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(graph 2A)
As you can see from chart 2A, the size of my PRs decreased when the quantity of ice cream consumed fell below 6 ounces, as well as when the quantity of ice cream I consumed exceeded 13 ounces. So the sweet spot must be somewhere between 6-13 ounces consumed the night before a race.  A Ben and Jerry’s pint is 16 oz.  Which brings me to my purpose in publishing these findings.  
With a discovery of a way to greatly improve race performance, you might think I would want to keep these findings to myself.  But I am hoping, you, the literate portion of the running community, will help expand on my findings and produce a more exact prescription of optimal ice cream consumption: taking into account other variables like age, weight, chocolate syrup, and brand. Please send your data to Citius Mag and they will hopefully tell me...idk
Here’s another graph I made:
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(It’s of the different types of pets I have owned over the years.)
(44% Gold) Cats:
Relay- She was old when I was born.  My parents named her relay because they are crazy about track.
Calypso- She was rescued off the street as a kitten.  She was really mean to everyone except me and was also an excellent hunter even though her front paws were declawed.
Storm- Named after the famous X-men character played by Halle Berry.  She grew to be quite large and was able to stand on her two back legs like a human. She would partake in educated conversations at dinner while she dipped her paw into half-full glasses of water.
Rogue- She didn't last long.  During the peak of West Nile virus back in the early 2000s, she caught it and died. (Also named after one of my favorite X-men characters.)
Vladimir- not named after the famous politician but a nickname of a high school rival.  He was our first male kitty and my personal favorite.  We would cuddle every night together and he would kiss me and fall asleep on my chest.  Things were going so well until he got out to look for me when I went away for college and never came back.  I still hope he's out there somewhere in search for me.
No Name- My mom calls her Java but we took so long to name her that I started calling her “no name” and it stuck. She's still alive and likes to groom me when I go home.
Lucy- Our newest cat.  She only likes my mom.  I've never gotten to pet her.
(6% Green Stripes) Dog:
Piccolo Velocità Linnetta- (I think it means “tiny speed dash”?) She's an italian greyhound.  She's FAST but now she's ancient and blind and deaf.
(6% Gold Stripes) Bunny:
Moonpie- My mom found him in the backyard in the winter.  She says he would have died out there but he's definitely a neighbor's kid’s pet that we stole.  He roams the house humping No Name and pooping everywhere. Fairly certain they are in a serious relationship.
(13% Dots) Hamster:
I don't remember their names.  I only wanted them because my cousins got some hamsters and I was jealous.
. (6% Black) Goldfish:
Spike- I can't say enough about this resilient beast.  Maybe I’ll write a paper about the legend of Spike the goldfish someday.  I won him at the carnival when I was little and he grew to be the biggest most elegant goldfish in history (citation: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spike_the_goldfish).  
(13% Silver) Other fish:
Definitely had more than two other fish but I only care about Spike.
(13% Green) lizards:
These were my brothers.  Just thought I’d toss ‘em in the graph.
I ask you to help me research ice cream consumption because I prefer to be very consistent with my pre-race routine.  Once, I tripped walking to circle K for my Ben and Jerry's pint, skinned my knee, then PRd by four seconds the next day.  I tried and succeeded tripping on the same crack before the next race but they were out of the same B&J flavor - a disaster.  I started asking my friends the same questions as we walked so every trip to circle K would be identical, but the third time they said, “Haven't you asked that before?”  So I typed out a script for them to memorize.  That was the last time any of my friends ever walked to circle K with me for ice cream.  They said I was acting crazy.  Well I guess it’s crazy to care about running then, Johnny.
Whenever Johnny is giving me attitude about my routine, I remind him of his father, and 3:52 miler, John Gregorek’s wise words: “Eat a lot of ice cream.  Go to bed early.” That’s the best life-advice I have ever received. That and, “Baby girl, you should know it's your life, let it flow, Take the chance, lose control. It's your life; let it go” (Sean Paul).
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grabey · 8 years
The Double
Great to see Horizon Zero Dawn getting great reviews almost across the board, although I see some of my concerns about it being all graphics and no gameplay have some basis in reality. It’s going to be very interesting to see how this compares to the new Zelda as both games seem to have a lot in common. But there are of course the tables will be turned and it’s decent graphics and (hopefully) amazing gameplay.
It really is a shame that we never get both at the same time though. Nintendo games always have great art design but they’re never working on top notch hardware so it’s never going to be them that does The Double. Maybe Guerrilla will improve with a sequel but I think they’re just too focused on graphics. On the other hand Bethesda just don’t seem to care and their Fallout and Elder Scrolls games seem doomed to always be one generation behind in terms of graphics.
Even something like The Witcher 3, which is an excellent game that looks amazing, still has some pretty obvious flaws in terms of gameplay, specifically combat. For an action role-player in particularly I don’t know that we’re any closer to seeing both sides of the equation equal out. Armalyte
Across the pond
The thing that strikes me about the Horizon Zero Dawn reviews is that, yet again, the UK sites have marked lower than the Americans. Eurogamer didn’t give the game a recommend, and GC, The Guardian, and Videogamer gave the game an 8/10. Most other European sites seem to be in the 8/10 range too, with the high scores dominated by the big US sites.
We’ve seen this happen before with other games but my question is whether this is because Americans like the game more or because of a fundamental difference in how American reviewers do their job. It used to be that American sites would always mark much higher and generally not give a bad review to any big name game. I thought that had changed in recent years though and they were generally more reliable.
Ignoring any conspiracy about being paid off is maybe just the graphics being really good that makes the difference? Are Americans more drawn to state-of-the-art graphics and we Europeans are less impressed? It’s not something I’ve noticed to be honest, but there is definitely a pattern here when it comes to big games. Xane
Two good reasons
After reading your review of Horizon Zero Dawn, I’ll certainly be getting it. I’d prefer to play it on the PS4 Pro, as you said it makes the graphics even prettier, but I can’t justify buying a new console just for that. I would, however, fork out a few quid to upgrade my PlayStation 4 to Pro standard, but you can’t do that. Why not?
I know the cynical answer, but is there a technical reason why Sony couldn’t release a hardware upgrade to the original console? Nintendo did it with the N64 expansion pack, and Sega did with the Mega CD and 32X! Tim Keeling
GC: We’re not sure if there’s a technical reason but the success, or lack thereof, of the Mega CD and 32X is one reason. And your cynical answer covers the rest.
Can’t go back
Been playing DiRT Rally on PlayStation VR over the weekend and it’s fantastic, I found it much easier on the eyes than Driveclub due to the graphics being sharper. I’m getting quicker times than when I played it in 2D, due to it being easier to judge corners and bumps. On a wheel it feels so natural and I’m going to struggle playing racing games the standard way now.
just wondered if Codemasters were adding a VR mode to DiRT 4 when it’s out? Hope so, because I don’t know if I will get it now if it has not got a VR mode.
I’ve also really been enjoying Steep, but it would be awesome if that was in VR. Especially when using the wingsuit, it’s nerve wrecking in normal mode but in VR it would be a real adrenaline rush! robbie.j
GC: They’ve hinted at VR support for DiRT 4, but not confirmed it. It seems a no-brainer if DiRT Rally’s VR support proves popular.
Dare to dream
With all this talk about what Microsoft might or might not be showing at E3, I can’t help but get excited myself at the prospect. But then I remember the E3 rule of thumb, that you always end up being disappointed because there’s no way things can live up to six months of your imagination hyping up what’s going to be there.
And then I remember Sony’s Shenmue III/The Last Guardian/Final Fantasy VII show and you realise that sometimes dreams can come true! (They weren’t actually my dream games, but I get that they were other people’s). So does that mean I can imagine half a dozen brand new games and there be a chance that’s actually what happens? I hope so. This needs to be Microsoft’s E3. Trooper
Game of two halves
So now that most people have probably had a chance to beat Resident Evil 7, do you wish it was more or less serious than it is? I think they got the cheesiness just about right, but I’d definitely say the game was better in the first half than the second. Maybe they couldn’t have sustained that kind of setting and atmosphere for the whole game but I would’ve like to see them try, rather than go in the direction they did (trying not to give any spoilers here).
Just wondering what everyone else though though? Should it have been more serious? Should the sequel add in more traditional Resident Evil sci-fi stuff or keep the same sort of style? I’m kind of torn. There is some classic Resi stuff I’d like to see in first person (and VR) but the problem with any reboot like this is that you just end up slowly creeping back to what you were trying to get away from in the first place. Very interested to see how they handle the Resident Evil 2 remake given that. Crispen
Time for another
Crackdown is now 10 years old, as it was released in North America on February 20th 2007 and worldwide on February 23rd 2007.
It has been 10 years and I had the pleasure of playing this and Crackdown 2. Let’s hope we see something to celebrate this milestone, in the future like backwards compatibility with other Crackdown titles on Xbox 360 via the Xbox One, or a possible remaster of the previous two games. gaz be rotten (gamertag)
GC: Or, you known, some news on the new sequel?
Gaming unplugged
I’ve yet to delve join this generation of gaming – party because I’m skint and partly because all of the stories I hear of the capers that have hampered the majority of games that have come out the last few years. Most games apparently are released half-finished and require ridiculously huge updates that you need the Internet for (which I don’t have) before you even get to play the product you paid good money for.
This is incredibly off-putting to me as it sounds like a lot of hassle and doesn’t seem to be slowing down (referring to a recent letter about Hitman, which also requires an Internet connection to play to its fullest, eugh).
I really want to join this generation, as there are quite a few great single-player games being released (which I would have thought impossible in the age of online multiplayer) and with more to come in the future it seems it would be a great time to take the plunge and I was wondering how bad it ACTUALLY is. Do most games work after the updates? Do the majority of games require updates? Is it worth buying a PlayStation 4 without Internet connection? I’d ask around the net but find most gaming forums/comment sections full of *insert swear word* and GC and its loyal – and decent readers – are the only folk I trust.
Ahh, I just wish game companies would just start charging 70-80 quid per game. The cost of making games gone up but the price has pretty much remained the same. Yes, people will moan, but any game that has literally hundreds of hours worth of content (Skyrim, The Witcher 3, Fallout 4, etc.) more than deserves a higher price tag.
It would also allow companies to produce better quality products that actually work, as we all know money (or lack thereof) is the reason they ain’t working right in the first place. GrandaddyGrenadeMan92
GC: Most games will work, but almost all have updates – sometimes very important ones. We really wouldn’t advise getting any next gen console without an Internet connection at home.
Inbox also-rans
Resident Evil 5 had a big ship in it! LastYearsModel09
GC: Oh yeah. This is quickly become a conspiracy.
Not that I’m hoping, but do we know if Tingle is going to be in Zelda: Breath Of The Wild yet? I dread to think what will happen with his voiceover. Ash
This week’s Hot Topic
The subject for this weekend’s Inbox was suggested by reader Sarge, who asks what game would you find it impossible to play without its original soundtrack?
For many people a video game’s music is an intrinsic part of the appeal, but what soundtrack do you love so much you wouldn’t dream of playing the game without it? Sometimes having the sound on is a problem, and sometimes people like to use custom soundtracks – or just turn the soundtrack down and their own music up. But what game would you never do that with?
Have you ever been upset with remasters or other versions that change or remove the original soundtrack? And do you own the soundtrack separately, either digitally or on CD or vinyl?
Source: http://ift.tt/2kSRaCP
0 notes
justinharst · 8 years
The Double
Great to see Horizon Zero Dawn getting great reviews almost across the board, although I see some of my concerns about it being all graphics and no gameplay have some basis in reality. It’s going to be very interesting to see how this compares to the new Zelda as both games seem to have a lot in common. But there are of course the tables will be turned and it’s decent graphics and (hopefully) amazing gameplay.
It really is a shame that we never get both at the same time though. Nintendo games always have great art design but they’re never working on top notch hardware so it’s never going to be them that does The Double. Maybe Guerrilla will improve with a sequel but I think they’re just too focused on graphics. On the other hand Bethesda just don’t seem to care and their Fallout and Elder Scrolls games seem doomed to always be one generation behind in terms of graphics.
Even something like The Witcher 3, which is an excellent game that looks amazing, still has some pretty obvious flaws in terms of gameplay, specifically combat. For an action role-player in particularly I don’t know that we’re any closer to seeing both sides of the equation equal out. Armalyte
Across the pond
The thing that strikes me about the Horizon Zero Dawn reviews is that, yet again, the UK sites have marked lower than the Americans. Eurogamer didn’t give the game a recommend, and GC, The Guardian, and Videogamer gave the game an 8/10. Most other European sites seem to be in the 8/10 range too, with the high scores dominated by the big US sites.
We’ve seen this happen before with other games but my question is whether this is because Americans like the game more or because of a fundamental difference in how American reviewers do their job. It used to be that American sites would always mark much higher and generally not give a bad review to any big name game. I thought that had changed in recent years though and they were generally more reliable.
Ignoring any conspiracy about being paid off is maybe just the graphics being really good that makes the difference? Are Americans more drawn to state-of-the-art graphics and we Europeans are less impressed? It’s not something I’ve noticed to be honest, but there is definitely a pattern here when it comes to big games. Xane
Two good reasons
After reading your review of Horizon Zero Dawn, I’ll certainly be getting it. I’d prefer to play it on the PS4 Pro, as you said it makes the graphics even prettier, but I can’t justify buying a new console just for that. I would, however, fork out a few quid to upgrade my PlayStation 4 to Pro standard, but you can’t do that. Why not?
I know the cynical answer, but is there a technical reason why Sony couldn’t release a hardware upgrade to the original console? Nintendo did it with the N64 expansion pack, and Sega did with the Mega CD and 32X! Tim Keeling
GC: We’re not sure if there’s a technical reason but the success, or lack thereof, of the Mega CD and 32X is one reason. And your cynical answer covers the rest.
Can’t go back
Been playing DiRT Rally on PlayStation VR over the weekend and it’s fantastic, I found it much easier on the eyes than Driveclub due to the graphics being sharper. I’m getting quicker times than when I played it in 2D, due to it being easier to judge corners and bumps. On a wheel it feels so natural and I’m going to struggle playing racing games the standard way now.
just wondered if Codemasters were adding a VR mode to DiRT 4 when it’s out? Hope so, because I don’t know if I will get it now if it has not got a VR mode.
I’ve also really been enjoying Steep, but it would be awesome if that was in VR. Especially when using the wingsuit, it’s nerve wrecking in normal mode but in VR it would be a real adrenaline rush! robbie.j
GC: They’ve hinted at VR support for DiRT 4, but not confirmed it. It seems a no-brainer if DiRT Rally’s VR support proves popular.
Dare to dream
With all this talk about what Microsoft might or might not be showing at E3, I can’t help but get excited myself at the prospect. But then I remember the E3 rule of thumb, that you always end up being disappointed because there’s no way things can live up to six months of your imagination hyping up what’s going to be there.
And then I remember Sony’s Shenmue III/The Last Guardian/Final Fantasy VII show and you realise that sometimes dreams can come true! (They weren’t actually my dream games, but I get that they were other people’s). So does that mean I can imagine half a dozen brand new games and there be a chance that’s actually what happens? I hope so. This needs to be Microsoft’s E3. Trooper
Game of two halves
So now that most people have probably had a chance to beat Resident Evil 7, do you wish it was more or less serious than it is? I think they got the cheesiness just about right, but I’d definitely say the game was better in the first half than the second. Maybe they couldn’t have sustained that kind of setting and atmosphere for the whole game but I would’ve like to see them try, rather than go in the direction they did (trying not to give any spoilers here).
Just wondering what everyone else though though? Should it have been more serious? Should the sequel add in more traditional Resident Evil sci-fi stuff or keep the same sort of style? I’m kind of torn. There is some classic Resi stuff I’d like to see in first person (and VR) but the problem with any reboot like this is that you just end up slowly creeping back to what you were trying to get away from in the first place. Very interested to see how they handle the Resident Evil 2 remake given that. Crispen
Time for another
Crackdown is now 10 years old, as it was released in North America on February 20th 2007 and worldwide on February 23rd 2007.
It has been 10 years and I had the pleasure of playing this and Crackdown 2. Let’s hope we see something to celebrate this milestone, in the future like backwards compatibility with other Crackdown titles on Xbox 360 via the Xbox One, or a possible remaster of the previous two games. gaz be rotten (gamertag)
GC: Or, you known, some news on the new sequel?
Gaming unplugged
I’ve yet to delve join this generation of gaming – party because I’m skint and partly because all of the stories I hear of the capers that have hampered the majority of games that have come out the last few years. Most games apparently are released half-finished and require ridiculously huge updates that you need the Internet for (which I don’t have) before you even get to play the product you paid good money for.
This is incredibly off-putting to me as it sounds like a lot of hassle and doesn’t seem to be slowing down (referring to a recent letter about Hitman, which also requires an Internet connection to play to its fullest, eugh).
I really want to join this generation, as there are quite a few great single-player games being released (which I would have thought impossible in the age of online multiplayer) and with more to come in the future it seems it would be a great time to take the plunge and I was wondering how bad it ACTUALLY is. Do most games work after the updates? Do the majority of games require updates? Is it worth buying a PlayStation 4 without Internet connection? I’d ask around the net but find most gaming forums/comment sections full of *insert swear word* and GC and its loyal – and decent readers – are the only folk I trust.
Ahh, I just wish game companies would just start charging 70-80 quid per game. The cost of making games gone up but the price has pretty much remained the same. Yes, people will moan, but any game that has literally hundreds of hours worth of content (Skyrim, The Witcher 3, Fallout 4, etc.) more than deserves a higher price tag.
It would also allow companies to produce better quality products that actually work, as we all know money (or lack thereof) is the reason they ain’t working right in the first place. GrandaddyGrenadeMan92
GC: Most games will work, but almost all have updates – sometimes very important ones. We really wouldn’t advise getting any next gen console without an Internet connection at home.
Inbox also-rans
Resident Evil 5 had a big ship in it! LastYearsModel09
GC: Oh yeah. This is quickly become a conspiracy.
Not that I’m hoping, but do we know if Tingle is going to be in Zelda: Breath Of The Wild yet? I dread to think what will happen with his voiceover. Ash
This week’s Hot Topic
The subject for this weekend’s Inbox was suggested by reader Sarge, who asks what game would you find it impossible to play without its original soundtrack?
For many people a video game’s music is an intrinsic part of the appeal, but what soundtrack do you love so much you wouldn’t dream of playing the game without it? Sometimes having the sound on is a problem, and sometimes people like to use custom soundtracks – or just turn the soundtrack down and their own music up. But what game would you never do that with?
Have you ever been upset with remasters or other versions that change or remove the original soundtrack? And do you own the soundtrack separately, either digitally or on CD or vinyl?
Source: http://ift.tt/2kSRaCP
0 notes