#and i think doing that to breezepelt (a more complex character) is a lot more interesting
yuridovewing · 1 year
i'm gonna make a decision for razorverse that's so bad and makes no real sense when you think about it but i'm doing it anyways because oooo the consequences...
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wc-confessions · 2 years
Hey there, moderator. I'm wondering if it's fine to ask you questions about your own warriors opinions? Such as:
favorite or least favorite character, ship, book, or arc
any unpopular opinions? something you like that most people dislike, or something you dislike that most people like
what your ideal warriors rewrite looks like
any ocs you would like to share
other people are always sending in their opinions so i'm curious about your own opinions. I apologize if you have answered some of these questions already and I didn't see
oooh thank you for sending these! i’ve actually answered most of them before in the past but as i’ve said my opinions change a lot, esp regarding favourites, so i’m always going to answer differently lol
my favourite character is tigerclaw. i don’t care what anyone says, early warriors he was a good, complex villain and every other villain after wishes they were as good as him. he had a lot of potential and i really hate how in tpb there were a lot of throw away concepts, particularly regarding his character. least favourite off the top of my head is hmm jayfeather. interesting character but his awful personality and the fact that in the end he doesn’t actually do anything major made me lose interest in him. i love him in fanon tho.
worst ship: nightheart/sunbeam makes me vomit atm. i’m a big shadowsight/sunbeam fan rn they are so gay. tnp was a pretty boring arc but had interesting ideas, and i think pot wasnt very good at all but i think the characters had potential.
unpopular opinions (?)...the prophecies begins had its issues but imo will always be the most well written story from the erins. while i don’t like the way they are written sometimes purely for annoying repetitive conflict, i do like tigerheart and onestar as characters and leaders. breezepelt and nightcloud are good characters and i love crowfeather’s complex relationship with them. silverstream didnt do shit shes literally another average love interest idk why theres intense hatred for her.
i was actually writing a rewrite for tpb but eventually it just became an original work that i really enjoy working on. but my ideal warriors, unrelated to my work, is sort of like: there’s no code so the cats being ‘wild and free’ makes more sense, the clowders are one and there are no borders. conflict mostly comes from scrapping for food, family drama, drama between families, and murder. the clowders see other cats as equals, and are mostly indifferent on kittypets but are interested in their relationship with humans as they are rarely seen in the woods. annd i think less evil dictators as antagonists.
i actually do not have any warriors ocs </3 but i will share my ocs from my story soon once i get some stuff worked out. idk if it will be on here tho or on my main
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pleckthaniel · 3 years
or breezepelt (affectionate) ((derogatory)) <3
What I love about them: UM A LOT OF THINGS. but i'll try to be chill about it X) truly, on a fundamental level what i think i love the most about breezepelt is that he's like.. a very cathartic character to me personally. he was, primarily emotionally, neglected and abused, and instead of struggling with that internally, he goes, I'm Going To Make That Everyone Else's Problem. and then he tries to fucking kill his abuser, and in the end, he's still allowed to live and get a happy ending. it's not something a lot of abused characters are really allowed to do, particularly not ones whose abuse is primarily anything other than physical or sexual. and i'm a fucking doormat who internalizes everything, so breezepelt just makes me emotional <3 yeah
What I hate about them: similar to heathertail he's. one of my most adored characters but if i ever ran into him/someone with his personality irl i would fucking suplex him without a moment's notice this dude is the most annoying and moronic dipshit on the face of the fucking planet he would be My Enemy
Favorite Moment/Quote: I absolutely could not pick a single thing because virtually any time he's on the page it just prompts instant absolute love and enjoyment from me. but just to pick a moment and talk about it. I did love recently in I think Daisy's Kin when he is on patrol with 2 of his daughters and runs into the patrol with the barn kits and lets them pass. Some people complained about that moment as OOC, I choose to see it as character growth lol. He's a dad now and he knows what it's like! his children are literally with him when he does that HE'S REMEMBERING HOW HE WOULD HAVE FELT IF SOMETHING HAD HAPPENED TO THEM! i rest my case.
What I would like to see more focus on: i know it's never going to happen now because all his kids are adults and he's had a Lot of them by warriors standards but. erins please give me more dad breezepelt content i beg of you. (not even just for fluff reasons - although also that - but just like. breezepelt has one of the more complex parent-child relationships with crowfeather in all of warriors, now that they're kind of reconciled. i want to see how that affects and is affected by his role as a father! please!)
What I would like to see less focus on: i rewrote this part like 6 times trying to not be passive aggressive but just. like. the imaginary fanon version of crow/night/breeze family dynamic where nightcloud and/or breezepelt are somehow the source of the problem. i would like to never encounter that again please.
Favorite pairing with: oh heathertail obvi. i said it before and i'll say it again they have so many problems and maybe it's wish fulfillment that a relationship that starts off so toxic could ever become good but if it is in fact wish fulfillment it's a very emotionally satisfying variety of it
Favorite friendship: i like the theoretical childhood friendships he has in my head (with the three, heatherpaw, antpaw, harepaw, others?) but 1. couldn't pick a favorite, 2. in terms of actual long-term adulthood friendships... i don't think he has any, i don't even want him to have any. like ultimately that's kind of his punishment and penance, to lose his connections with all but the people most dedicated to him. those bridges kinda got burned when he threatened to kill everyone in the clans, you know? and now the absolute best he is ever going to be able to do with a lot of people is "friendly acquaintance," and that's much more compelling to me, from a character perspective, than anything else.
NOTP: i just thought about this for a goooooooood long time and i don't think i have one? yeah. shrug
Favorite headcanon: im torn between *points* trans (because. that cat is trans!) and my actually fairly major headcanon about him which is that he doesn't join the dark forest until after hollyleaf makes her gathering reveal in Sunrise (which i love because it complicates his character in several different directions at once - it's like, no he hasn't been manipulated from a young age, he doesn't get that excuse, this is a choice he made with full knowledge of its consequences. but at the same time it's like, up to then he was genuinely trying, to be a good person, to live up to what his dad wanted, and then he realizes, or thinks he realizes, that his whole life was a lie, that he's never going to be anything more than crowfeather's unwanted loser son, and he just fucking gives up on ever trying to live up to any external standards of behavior or morality because it's not like he ever met them before anyway, he was already born broken, so what does it even fucking matter if he's broken on purpose now? GOD. getting emotional again. anyways.)
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troutfur · 2 years
Opinion on Breezepelt for the opinion bingo thing?
BREEZY BOY! I love and cherish and hold him but away from my face because I don't wanna loose an eye. (I'll take the bloodied hands instead.)
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But for real though, I appreciate Breezepelt a lot as part of the Crowspawn dynamic and as a character in his own right. He's such an interesting bundle of issues and a great engine for the kind of drama I crave. I sometimes wish he was more toned down because my particular obsessions and biases as a writer tend to lend themselves more to feel-good endings that center reconcilliation and family, especially sibling bonds, even if the road there is rocky and angst-ridden. And Breezepelt is just not that kind of character. I adore reading about him and I think he's fairly interesting and complex but writing him is very eh... for me.
This is another one where I think the current fandom zeitgeist has settled on mostly the correct conclusion. But oh boy do I know of some bad Breezepelt takes. And I fear it might be rearing its ugly head again specially in discussions related to a certain someone from the latest book.
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okay, i’m probably going to get a lot of hate for this, but hear me out.
Hollyleaf was better dying off in The Last Hope than later on.
I’ll put more info under the cut, considering this is super lengthy. 
You saw what happened to Ivypool, Blossomfall, and Heathertail - all three were strong female characters, and where do they end up? In the nursery as mothers, quite a bit of their personality drained.
Ivypool is the best example for this, I’d think. We saw her as a protagonist training in the Dark Forest alongside her father and Blossomfall. She was a female protagonist who surprise! Didn’t have a love interest. She was bold and did a risky, but the right thing.
And then we see her in the nursery, suckling Flipkit, Thirftkit, and Bristlekit. She’s a lot softer - and some women do become more gentle after motherhood - but Ivypool doesn’t quite seem 100% the character we thought she was, not to mention that Fernsong is her second cousin, I believe. Real-life cats don’t care about incest so I’m not sure this matters, but considering this is a fictional cat series where they have a (dis)functioning society and human-like thoughts and feelings (IM NOT SAYING CATS DONT HAVE THOUGHTS OR FEELINGS DONT COME AT ME WITH THAT BS) it’s a bit less acceptable.
Back to Hollyleaf. She was similar to Ivypool in several ways, and, for lack of better terms, also an angsty teen. The audience which reads Warriors is typically 8-15, meaning quite a few fans are also teens, making her a little bit more relatable. The fact that she was able to stay sane even through her grief and the LeafCrow scandal is impressive, proving her capable.
Then there was the two Ashfur scenes, making her even more iconic. She gained a massive fanbase because she was a complex character with an interesting story.
She made friends in Willowshine, Cinderheart, Ivypool, and Fallen Leaves. This opened up a world of shippers, especially with Fallen Leaves. With all of them cheering the ships on, and the Erins’ need to give nearly every character a mate or kits, if Hollyleaf had surived she definitely would have become a mother, almost definitely with Fallen Leaves, seeing as oh no, a character being gay? That can’t be allowed. And if it wasn’t Fallen Leaves, it would have been some background character, or worse - the Erins forget she has littermates and ship her with Jayfeather or Breezepelt.
Hollyleaf, our beloved original edgy she-cat, would have almost certainly become a mother or die due to some other cause. It would have been distressing - and devastating, to some Hollyleaf kins - to watch that happen.
And that’s forgetting the increased amount of lemons (which I personally find nasty) that would prevail.
As sad as her death was, she needed to go, or else her character would have been dragged through the dirt. Anyone who’s in the fandom, regardless of their dislike for Hollyleaf, would have been slightly disappointed.
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mallowstep · 3 years
when all the leaves change in the fall — research masterpost
so i’m writing a human au set somewhere in the 1910s in ireland (really, around 1905-1914ish), and i just needed to throw all of my links and such into one place.
it’s…not a heatherlion fic, but it’s not not a heatherlion fic
anyway, well, you’ll see. if you want to read this.
census data (introduction)
so i was able to find the census data for 1911 in ireland. those of you who are up to date on your irish history (pun intended) may be aware that in the nineteenth century, england “unionized” with ireland.
i can’t believe i’m saying this on a fucking warrior cats blog, but we’re not doing irish history discourse. it’s a complex issue. i come from a family of irish catholics. draw your own conclusions.
there’s a lot of important and relevant history that i’m skipping over because this post is supposed to be for me, and you’re not here to read irish history, but basically: there’s a 1851 census and a 1901 census, and nothing in between.
in short, it’s quite lucky i have the census data for the time i need.
since i was able to find this (and i gotta say, it wasn’t easy, like, usually i’m like, “research is just a thing i do” but it was surprisingly difficult to find), and like most national archives it’s…not to be rude, but the site is ugly.
but here’s the home page for the data, with helpful other links including a tram timetable. (and yes, that is very exciting. if you’ve ever written historical fiction, you know how exciting that is. if not, welcome to my descent.)
i was originally focusing on individual names, but i have to name the whole family, and i have all the data, so let us begin.
irish history (short version)
jk you do need a bit of knowledge to understand my decisions.
if you don’t know, the 1850s is approximately the great potato famine. if you don’t know anything about it: it’s worse than you imagine. extra credits did a good series a while back.
england’s rule over ireland will lead into the troubles, a religious conflict that wasn’t…well, okay! let’s just say, it’s like, a joke that you don’t want to talk about it because people feel strongly about it. hopefully, most of you don’t. i do, but i’m being not biased, okay?
anyway, feature history did a two part series if you want to get caught up.
finally, you may ask, matthew, why the heck are you writing about such a weirdly specific time in history? to which i say: well, i wanted to have a religious conflict between heather and lion’s families, in such a way that it would make sense for them to grow up and realize they couldn’t be friends.
my mother’s family is irish and my dad spent a lot of time in northern ireland when i was a toddler, so naturally, it was just a thing i knew about. to the point where it had an impact over my name. it’s a long story that i’m not telling here.
anyway, when i think religious conflict that spirals into a real, violent conflict, i think: catholics and protestants in ireland. it’s far from the only example, but it’s one i know a lot about.
so why, then, am i starting in the 1910s? well…i need heather and lion to be friends growing up, and there’s a particular crisis leading up to world war one that makes 1914 a good date for this fic to cover.
also, i like this era of historical fashion.
alright, now that we’re all on the same page, i can get into what i actually want to talk about.
lion’s family
so now that i have my census data, i was able to actually look through specific families to name people after. that’s right, i’m…at the point in my life where i researched specific families and counties to name my human au warriors after.
this is why? i never talk about the…i think now 3? human aus in the work. like, i can’t say, “okay, there’s holly in this one” because like, her name might be holly in one and minnie in another, you don’t know!
anyway, i searched by head of family, under the following criteria:
church of england
can read and write
english (language)
3 living children
and then paged through every result to get just those with (at least) 2 sons and 1 daughter.
that gave me fourteen families. i saved all of them to a one tab list in case my first choice didn’t work out.
my first choice being the harris family.
i had a lot of good choices (one family with a daughter named violet was particularly tempting), and another with a son william and a daughter annie mary, but i liked the harris family just…in my gut.
that gives us:
bramble: joseph henry
squirrel: henrietta
jay: joseph henry
holly: henrietta lillian
lion: ian roy
which, well, i hope you can see why i chose them, even though this is a lionblaze centric fic and they don’t have an l in there.
great! am i going to backfill past this? not unless i need to, which is the point of me making this well documented research. i’m going to go through some of the other families at the end to find a leafpool name, because we do need her.
heather’s family
next up! we need a family of catholics in the same general area as the harris family.
so, back to the search.
i was able to narrow it down to the same street as lion, which is great.
honestly, the weirdness of this does not escape me. sue me, it’s warriors fanfic, i like researching. i could do this and just stitch together several families, or something, i don’t know. there’s something appealing to me in knowing that i have done my due diligence.
anyway, we’re again searching by head of household, and:
roman catholic
irish and english (language)
1 living child
cork (county)
fermoy urban (ded)
king street (townland/street)
and i again went through and kept only families with at least one daughter. or really, a wife, husband, and other female person in the house.
you can view that list here.
the flanagans were the clear winner here, with their singular daughter named hannah. (parents: john and mary.)
breezepelt’s family
and after that we’re still not done because i need crow, night, and breeze.
i’m searching with the same criteria, this time, though, i’m only keeping families with at least one son.
while i’m doing this, shout out to paddy patrick for being a real person.
here’s my full choice list. this time, i want to match crow’s name more than breezepelt’s, because there aren’t a lot (if any) b names. nightcloud would be nice, too.
i had a tough choice to make here, because there was a norah & john, and a cornelius & catherine. (couldn’t i just combine them? you’re missing the point. this is fun, i’m having fun.)
i ended up going with the cotters, because i preferred james for breezepelt.
this gives us
crow: john
night: norah
breeze: james
are you having fun with two johns? i sure am.
also worth pointing out is that people aren’t actually on the same street. i’m not searching with exact match on. they are all still in the same county, and that’s good enough.
i have more than enough names to name any character i need, but some character names i may need.
leaf: looking for single, church of england, women. we’ll be using irene may key
fire & sand: just to fill in where leaf left off, thomas james & alice elizabeth, respectively.
cinder: had to remove the church of england restriction to find her, and then i had too many choices (i’m not paging through like 100 people, okay?), so i decided to search under injury “other,” just to narrow down the options. i chose sarah hanan, who also lives with her brother (nice touch).
and at this point i decided i had more than enough names and the ability to hunt down more whenever i needed them if they came up.
other stuff
i was going to do more than names but then i got tired whoops. it’s like, almost 1 am i’ve been doing this for like an hour.
anyway, that’s fine bc i know a lot about the other stuff i was going to talk about and now you know! i’ve done a bunch of families because that’s how much i care about accuracy.
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charcarts · 4 years
hey could you tell us more about that hollystar au of yours
HEY!!! First off I’d like to apologize for how long it took me to get to this- I usually like to do doodles for asks and my priorities have kind of been all over the place re: personal and business affairs. I found some free time in-between comms to whip some stuff up though so Here We Are.
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Anyway- Hollystar AU! Big, big difference off the bat is Hollyleaf Doesn’t Die, and she gets made deputy at the end of OoTS saga (as opposed to squilf; I’d like to imagine there were still sm problems between squilf and bramble; even if they ended up having alder/spark in the following saga). Also there’s some Dark Forest BS tossed in there somewhere. Also also Lesbian Hollystar. We Love To See It Happy Pride-
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Long Post so click read more 2 check out the rest of my BS
Relationship-wise: Hollyleaf is closer to Bramblestar than any of her other parental figures. The have uh. Shared Awkwardness re: dealing w/ squilf, and it’s probably one of the reasons she’s deputized by him (Nepotism At It’s Finest; all joking aside though I could see them being close re: shared ambitions/having to prove themselves to clanmates amidst troubling rumors of their character). This Is Set To Change Going Into TBC where Holly’s secret re: ashfur is revealed by the imposter :^)))
Crowfeather makes her uncomfortable b/c like... she’s Not Entirely Over The Whole... Half Clan Parents Thing As She Insists. They’re cordial in public events at gatherings though; but she doesn’t like to situate herself around her bio dad or her half-brother because of how much it reminds her of her origins.
Breezepelt... she fuckin hates him and vice versa. Not as much as Breeze’s sheer antagonism to Lionblaze but they both HATE how much they look like Crow, and by extension, to Each Other. No Holds Barred Tear Into Each Other @ Dark Forest Thunderdome Hours
Squilf/Leaf.... Hollyleaf has uhm. Mommy Issues LMAO she does NOT want to be around them at ALL when she comes back frm the tunnels. Hates visiting the medicine den unless it’s only Jayfeather there, and avoids being left alone with either of her moms. Her relationship w/ Leafpool improves on her “deathbed” after being dealt a heavy blow from Hawkfrost. While Holly originally attempts to make amends with her bio mom as a result of assuming she’s dying, I’d like to think during the time she spends recovering in the medicine den she and Leafpool have good time to Talk About Things. Squilf is another story altogether lol I’d imagine the lingering awkwardness continues into AVoS especially w/ the arrival of Alder/Spark. They hash things out somewhere in TBC.
She has a good relationship with her siblings!! After getting thru a LOT of her own Issues And Simmering Jealousy abt not being a prophecy cat, I’d imagine. She’s not as vocal about it, but it’s clear she cares about her brothers.
Close to Ivypool- shared experiences and whatnot! Ivy really looks up to Holly as a mentor figure, in helping her thru the dark forest and having sm1 to empathize with about Magic Siblings. IMO when Hollystar becomes leader I could see her making Ivypool her deputy b/c she’d enable Holly’s dubious decisions.
Hawkfrost manipulates the shit out of hollyleaf lmao. A lot of playing on that Inferior Sibling Complex, and the promise to Make Her Better Than Her Peers. It’s the usual bs Hawk/Tiger spews.
HOLLYCINDER RIGHTS. This could either go 2 ways- depending on how much u guys want me 2 pull a YA Series Love Triangle like the previous books. In this AU holly and cinder were close pre-tunnels, in a kind of will they/wont they kind of thing. This is where things diverge. Option A being post-tunnels cinder is ofc HURT holly would do that and they have 2 rebuild their relationship again frm the ground up. Option B being cinder goes thru the 5 stages of grief for holly and eventually moves on With Lionblaze, only to find out Hollyleaf Actually Isnt Dead Oops and then struggles with her not-so-faded feelings for Holly versus her new commitment to Lion. Hollyleaf, not knowing Cinderheart has attempted 2 move on from their Undefined Something, is a Little Pissed To Find Out Her Not-Ex Is Now Kind Of Dating Her Brother, and Respectfully Pines From Afar. There’s A Lot Of Accidental Yearning. Cinder realizes she wants to be with Hollyleaf after the latter nearly dies frm Hawkfrost’s attack, she and lionblaze part ways, and cinder and holly bond and get together sometime inbetween Injury Therapee Hours.
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Breezepelt? I know many people like him but I honestly can't stand the guy
Honestly I uh... do love Breezepelt. I have some THOUGHTS on him and his family and I might make a longer post someday breaking them all down but I find his anger and extreme feelings of isolation as an abuse survivor extremely relatable. People can hem and haw all day about whether or not he was abused, at the end of the day, he was, neglect (physical AND emotional) IS considered abuse and its super insulting the way some fans go around saying “he wasn’t abused, he was just neglected” as though neglect doesn’t have severe psychological impacts on children and is defined as a form of abuse.... anyway I know a lot of other abuse survivors who relate to him and see a lot of folks who aren’t try and sweep Crowfeather’s abuse under the rug (or blame it at Nightcloud, which... whole other rant I’ll try and leave for now) because they’re still attached to their idea of the angsty teen Crowpaw and can’t see him as Shitty Dad Crowfeather (a reoccuring problem in this fandom that goes beyond him).
Breezepelt is a character that I can understand. His actions are undoubtedly Bad in OotS, like there is no arguing with that, but he has *actual reasons* for his path towards villainy and is emotionally and psychologically manipulated by the residents of cat hell (likely since childhood, as we know Ivypaw and others were selected at a young age) while being neglected in real life by his dad and feeling like his Clan hates him and wants him to disappear (which he states out loud a few times). I disagree with the choices he makes but I also really sympathize with him. How far would Ivypaw have gone if her parents were abusive and she had no friends or siblings within her Clan? What would he have been like if he had a supportive family and wasn’t riddled with self doubt because of it? Idk, I think he’s really far more complex than people want to give him credit for just because he’s not a protag (while giving layers of fan-made complexity to much more bland villains who aren’t abuse survivors) and I think we can recognize he did shitty things and also recognize that he’s like... one of the few characters that was bad that had a realistic (in warriors terms) transition towards evil with emotions that are relatable to people with similar home dynamics.
I think the Erins did us all a disservice by making the WindClan SE about Crowfeather and not Breezepelt. It was the perfect opportunity for Breezepelt redemption arc since it’s been handed to him already and would give us his actual perspective on his family/Clanmates but instead it went to Crowfeather. boo
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alto-tenure · 6 years
specifically crow/night/breeze opinions
I think both Crowfeather and Nightcloud are deeply flawed characters, but are good at heart and want the best, even if the best is different for both of them. Is there a happy ending for them? It would take a lot of work, and I don't think they could ever be in a successful romantic relationship. I think if they apologized to each other it would be a step in the right direction - to admit that both of them are wrong. Because neither of them are completely right all the time. I think a happy ending for this family is achievable but difficult, and it would be easier to go down the angsty there-are-no-happy-endings path than the happily-ever-after path and DO IT WELL.
Breezepelt is a much more complex case. I think he started out as good, but was corrupted. I believe he was manipulated into joining the Dark Forest, but even after the manipulation was over and it was revealed, he chose to stay, which shows a lot for his character as a whole. And he didn't stay out of fear. He stayed because of what the Dark Forest was giving him - power. Control over his life that he never had.
This is more of a character analysis combined with my opinions, but go figure. I post a lot about these three on other sites because I'm writing something centered around the chaotic life of Crowfeather.
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firedragonx · 7 years
Warriors Tag
Original from this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tW2xOJX9Wzo
This was created by butterflyidentity and I thought this was a cool thing. So I decide to put this on tumbler with the blessing from butterflyidentity
1. How did you get into Warriors?
I got into Warriors when I was in middle school and I was looking for a book to read at Walmart. Where I found and brought the book Fire and Ice. I love it but I was confused about well a lot of things, so then I got Into the Wild. And that’s hook on Warriors and I give the Erin's all of my money.
2. Favorite Arc
Here comes the hate because my favorite is Power of Three.  I like the characters and the mystery of the new prophecy. There also a big theme of family that I like during this arc and I find really enjoyable. ^^
3. Favorite Book (excluding mangas, super editions, novellas)
More hate that may come my way because my favorite book is the Last Hope. The like that clan's version of heaven and hell fights with living. Also, Firestar’s and Tigerstar’s character arcs finally come full circle. In fact, a lot of character development come full circle. Which one the reasons I like it. 
4. Favorite Super Edition, Novella, or Manga
Tallstar’s Revenge, mostly because it took me by surprise how good it was. See the thing is when these Super Editions come out I was more looking forward to Bluestar's Prophecy and Crookedstar’s Promise then Tallstar’s one. But when I read I was surprised. I didn’t know that problems that Tallstar had were pretty new to the series and the character was so likable. 
5. Favorite Clan
Yeah I know they’re silly and they live so far away from the clans that they barely interact with them. But I don’t care. They’re so different from the clans that I actually like reading their books. And now they actually back into the plot in the new arc. :D
6. Favorite Character
Oh, that’s the hard question. My favorites are Yellowfang, Squirrelflight, Hollyleaf, Sharpclaw, Hawkwing, and Alderheart. Now you might be thinking that’s a weird list of cats. Well let me explain:
Yellowfang like her because I like her backstory and her personally. It was rare back in the day(still) that a mother will go fight against her son that was rotten to the core. What she goes through and still could keep it together was so incepting. And her death was so sad especially after she said she wanted her son to be more like Fireheart. 
As for Squirrelflight she just makes me happy. She also has really nice character development in the series. She went from being an annoying apprentice to one of the best Thunderclan deputies.
Hollyleaf I like for character development. Like the other main characters in Warrior at the time were always the good guys and they don’t do no wrong. Sure Bambleclaw had that arc with his father but it kinda seems out of place. Hollyleaf it’s the character I feel that a ‘grey’ character. Like she really only cares about her clan, family, and the warrior code.
Sharpclaw I like because he’s really good deputy and warrior to his clan. Even if that’s going against his leader but like Firestar, he just wants what best for his clan.
Hawkwing I feel like have really good development from his book. He went from hot-head to a really good clam deputy. It actually both funny and inspiring.
7. Least Favorite Character
Beside villains that you're supposed to hate like Tigerstar and Darktail. But while I don’t hate him, I dislike Ashfur. Just the whole realized that he went mad because Squirrelflight didn’t want to be his mate. And no, Squirrelflight didn’t lead him on. She just wanted to be a friend but Ashfur didn’t want that. So he tries to kill her kits and got into to Starclan because fans were sad by his death. This just rubs me in all the wrong places...
8. Most Aesthetically Pleasing Cat
That depends on how you draw them because there are no official designs. But if we going off what the guide tells us then I like Tawnypelt design, and Ashfur.
9. Favorite Leader
This is easy Leafstar, Bluestar, Tallstar, and Mistystar. Just because I feel like those leaders are really good because they always trying to make the decisions but always second guesses themselves. But they willing to take charge.
10. Favorite Villain
Well you see I like a villain who is either complex or ‘fun’ And really not one of them are really fun or that complex. They try with Tigerstar’s past and Breezepelt’s relationship with his father. But Breezepelt was not hurting his father but his mother and friend. Who he actually like.  And Tigerstar made a really good one in his book, there were these voices in his head and his father left him a very young age. When I heard about I was going billet!  Then we find out later that it was Mapleshade that was doing that to Tigerstar. That was huge disappoint with me.
So I guess the only villain I like is the new one Darktail. He shows a lot of promise of tricking both Shadowclan and Skyclan into trusting him. Hopefully, this villain won’t disappointed.
11. Favorite Medicine Cat
Yellowfang. Her backstory, her character development, and her relationship were work really well. But when in POT and OOTS she a bit of bitch. But overall I like her because of her flaws and her death was one of the saddest one in the series.
12. Overrated Character
I have to say Breezepelt. Just the fandom always making excuses for him for all the bad things he was done.
13. Underrated Character
I think Dovewing. Like if you look at the Warrior fandom she doesn't have much love as Ivypool. Plus I feel she gets a lot of hate for all the wrong reasons. People like her for the woobie. The jersey sister instead of brave cat that spy on the Dark Forest.
14. Favorite Minor Character
Sorreltail and Ferncloud. I like mother characters.
15. Favorite Pairing
Firestar and Sandstorm, and Bramblestar and Squirrelflight. I feel like their relationship was developing more realistic. Then the side characters have hints and then later boom kits, without actually character development.
16. Least Favorite Pairing
Crowfeather and Leafpool. They were to act like teenagers that think they know the true meaning of love but don’t. And it’s no wonder it falls apart like it did.
17. Favorite Friendship
Got to hand to Graystripe and Firestar. They have been through everything together. In fact, I ship sometimes.
18. Favorite Moment
Oh boy, this was a hard question. There are a lot of great moments in the Warrior series. But I think the ending the Sunset was really good. It was like the first really bad ending for a Warrior arc. The Last Hope was actually really good. Everything comes together at the end and the huge epic battle between Starclan, Place of No Stars, and the clans were really good. So yeah, those two are my favorite.
19. Most Tragic Death
Stonefur, Yellowfang, and Hollyleaf. All three deaths I didn’t see coming. All deaths were beloved characters from both story and the fans. All death could be been avoided at one point. Even in case of Hollyleaf and Yellowfang would have to kill Ivypool and Bramblekit would have died. So yeah, those stuck with me.
20. Favorite Battle / Fight Scene
The battle between the Dark Forest vs The Four Clans and Starclan. Great action, drama, and nice set off for some of the characters.
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