#and i suspected my dad would try to pull the 'well you're taking one cat so i'll take the other'
immortalsins · 2 days
not to rant and vent and generally be annoying on main but to have it confirmed that my father wanted to take one cat whilst my mother took the other in the divorce ... reeling tbh
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halfetirosie · 3 months
🐾 ☀︎ Babes and Babies! (I'm having a great time already!!!) ☀︎ 🐾
(Exercise 01 - 03 React-os!)
1) Yup, of course my workaholic wife here would be a fan of the fitness craze 😂😂😂
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Edmond will 100% be taking this opportunity to introduce his HELLISH TRAINING ROUTINE to the public... Tell you what, doing that would make the exercise trend die down in a hurry! 😂😂😂
2) Not 2 seconds later and he's already at it!
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I read a fanfic about this a while ago, actually--where Yaku is going through some self-esteem struggles and also trying to bond with Edmond, and they end up training together... I don't have the time to search for it right now, though. Just trust me, it exists!
3) FUCK, talk about a reminder of Quincy's insane strength!!! (⊙ ⌓ ⊙)
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Kinda funny that of all things to compete in, he's doing an arm-wrestling contest---which the devs said he wouldn't take seriously if he were up against Olivine, because he wouldn't take it seriously.
I know this situation is different, since he's competing for the prize, but still... It makes me wonder; if Olivine was competing against him in this contest (and not just arm-wrestling casually for fun), would he take it seriously THEN??
Damn, I would love to see that!
4) !!!!!
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FUCKING FINALLY, an event that includes him!!!!! I missed him!!!! (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)
5) Gahhhh!!!
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The heroic return of 🐾 Cat Dad Dante 🐾 !!! ♡♡♡
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Omg this is such a typical Pet Owner thing to say---"It's not Fluffy's fault he tried to attack you! Fluffy is a perfect angel! You're the problem!" 😂
6) These absolute ICONS---
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I love it when we get to see Dante's competitive side--it is soooo fuckin CUTE!!!! Add in Karu--- DOUBLE CUTE!!!!!---Add Casual Quincy---TRIPLE CUTE!!!!!!!!
(I feel like I'm the only one that ever calls Quincy "cute." Like, Everyone calls him hot and sexy and all that jazz, but why not cute?? This friendly sleepy giant is CUTE!!!)
I also love how Eiden is subtly gushing over these three's athleticism. We see him fawning over their sexiness like all the time, but here he's focusing on their achievements. ✨
(Not that he never does that. It's just nice to see!)
7) Oh???? It's not a part-time job mentioned this time, but a college Phase???
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I honestly cannot picture Eiden ever being a gym rat.
(I suspect a large motivation of his gym attendance was checking out the hot guys---which is certainly in-character---but other than that? Very unexpected! I guess I'm too used to the Out-Of-Shape-Corporate-Slave Eiden to see him at the gym regularly. 😅)
8) PFFFFT!!!!! 😂😂😂
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It's so in-character for Kuya to 1) suddenly pop up out of nowhere, and 2) show such intense interest in Eiden explaining Normal Earth Things™.
It's so damn endearing, it almost makes me forget how pissed I got at his foxy-bitchness last event!
Almost. (⊙ - ⊙)
9) Morvay Sweetie, I love you so much! 🤣
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I mean, the joke was right there (and TWICE, at that)!
♡ He's so stupid and I love him! ♡
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Poor Topper---he has to deal with so much nonsense because he can't speak human language. ♡
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Quincy, babes, you should know better than to resist their antics. You'll get pulled into it eventually!
😈 ♥︎ 😈 ♥︎ 😈 ♥︎ 😈 ♥︎ 😈 ♥︎ 😈 ♥︎ 😈 ♥︎ 😈 ♥︎ 😈
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You know, it's honestly impressive how the characters are so well-written that their silence is sometimes more powerful than their actual dialogue.
Less seriously---Aster is SO REAL FOR THIS.
He knows exactly how to bait people (or guess, Dante in particular) to do his bidding!
Eiden is the best motivation!!! 😈😈😈
13) (⸝⸝ o̴̶̷ ◡ o̴̶̷ ⸝⸝)
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♡♡♡ Baby ♡♡♡
🐾 End of report! 🐾
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sholiofic · 3 years
Hi! Idk if you're taking prompts but one of your fic gave me this idea: Sam notices symptoms of touch-deprivation in Zemo and, Sam being Sam, he wants to help in any way he can. So he starts by touching Zemo whenever there's and opportunity and Zemo goes from being deeply weirded out to secretly looking forward to a familiar touch.
Also posted on AO3: Hands On.
This lovely prompt set off my latest prompt fest, so I hope you're still around, anon, and feel free to leave another!
The first time Sam touches Zemo—just a casual hand on his back, propelling him forward in Madripoor, nothing special about it—he feels Zemo flinch.
It's not that big of a thing. They were just shot at. Anyone's gonna be a little jumpy, even their resident hyper-controlled fur-collar-coat asshole.
But it's a recurring thing. Zemo doesn't really have a problem touching people, although he doesn't go out of his way to do it. But people touching him is something that he ... reacts to. Sometimes he jerks away, sometimes he just kind of goes with it with an almost hedonistic sort of pleasure, even if it's something like Walker handcuffing him to a piece of machinery.
Man's been in solitary for years, Sam thinks. And before that, his entire family died, and he built a whole new life around a single-minded revenge quest. It must be like going cold turkey on human touch, from a wife and son and the military camaraderie of squadmates and friends, to being completely and utterly isolated, physically and otherwise.
And he's already figured out that Zemo is kind of a people person, in certain ways. Not a complete extrovert. Zemo is a private person who plays his cards close to the vest. But you can't be around him for long without noticing that he tends to gravitate towards people. He likes an audience. He likes doing things for people, feeding them and that kind of thing. There's a sort of old-world noblesse oblige attitude about it that grates on Sam, but on some level, he's pretty sure it's genuine. There's no telling what Zemo was like in the old days, but these days, he likes to be around people.
Or, more simply: he's lonely.
He's lonely and touch-starved and there's no way Sam can not feel sympathy for that.
It's not until the second time they get Zemo out of prison—on a semi-official sort of work release this time, with a tracker that they all pretend Zemo can't disable anytime he wants to, and a second, secret one that they're pretty sure he doesn't know about, of Wakandan make—that Sam actually finds himself doing something about it. Or trying to. It's not like Zemo's touch-starvation hell isn't of his own making, but by this point, Sam actually kind of reluctantly likes the guy, and—well, he wants to.
So he does.
It's casual, just a touch here, a hand on the shoulder there; if nothing else, he can at least get Zemo past that startle reflex. Sam is a hands-on person anyway, and he's already done something kind of like this with Bucky. Very different circumstances, of course, and it was really more ... accidental, with Bucky. But maybe that's just proof of concept.
He's pretty sure that Zemo notices something, but it's hard to say what, exactly, Zemo thinks is going on. Initially, at least, Zemo seems to treat it as a slight infringement on his personal autonomy, sort of like a cat being petted without permission. When Sam puts a friendly hand on his arm or shoulder, Zemo glances down at it with a slightly affronted expression and then ignores it.
There is a very interesting week in which Sam gets the general impression that he and Zemo have somehow become involved in an escalating series of tiny acts of combative friendship: Zemo tries to feed them enough tea to float the Paul & Darlene, paired with small shortbread cookies, while Sam brings coffee every day and pats Zemo's shoulder a lot, and Bucky looks like he's one more shortbread cookie away from pitching them both into the Gulf of Mexico.
But somehow they settle into a sort of ... truce isn't quite the right word, probably, but it's a situation where Sam treats Zemo exactly as he would, say, one of his dad's old fishing buddies, with a casual, everyday sort of hands-on camaraderie, and Zemo at the very least doesn't try to stab or poison him, so he's going to call it a win.
Despite all the good intentions in the world, the Paul & Darlene is an absolutely terrible pursuit vessel for going after a suspected HYDRA smuggling speedboat. But they do actually catch up to them through Sam's insider knowledge of currents in the Gulf, which turns into a pitched battle on the fishing boat's deck, and the end result of that is Sam getting brained with a gaff hook while trying to get a HYDRA goon off Bucky's back, and falling over the railing into the clear silvergreen waters of the Gulf.
It's Zemo, he hazily understands afterwards, who dives in after him—Zemo who hands him up to Bucky on the deck, and Zemo who holds onto him while he coughs up about five gallons of seawater and Bucky steers them back toward the coast. (The speedboat, he gathers later is, is left bobbing with a GPS tracker and a handful of HYDRA operatives tied up on deck for SHIELD to come collect.)
"How is he?" Bucky asks from above Sam, a shadow cast across the painfully bright sky. Sam submits to being manhandled down into the boat's single small berth, and collapses in dizzy misery as his head injury combines with the rocking of the boat to produce a highly unpleasant mix of sensory input. Also, his throat and the back of his nose still feels like they were cored out with salt, and he has the mother of all headaches. Someone—he's really not sure which of them, honestly—gets some water and painkillers into him, and then he turns his face to the bulkhead and pulls the scratchy wool blanket over him and finds some solace in the boat's steady rocking, a callback to his childhood.
He wakes an unknown time later to the rhythmic jarring of the boat skipping over waves. They're moving at a good clip; he can almost read the speedometer from the rhythm of their thumping impacts on the ocean's slow, rolling wavetops. He tries to move, but there's a drag on his arm. He turns his aching head sluggishly to find Zemo sitting beside the bed, reading a book by a bedside lamp in the shadowed interior of the Paul & Darlene's cabin. Clear gold sunshine comes down through the steps leading up to the pilothouse, where there's a shadow that is probably Bucky, piloting the boat as Sam taught him.
Sam tries to raise his hand to his face, and that's when he realizes that Zemo's hand is wrapped loosely around his wrist. And Sam suddenly gets where Zemo is coming from; it is actually kind of strange having Zemo holding onto him like that.
"What?" Zemo says, all innocence, when Sam looks at him. "Do you need anything? Water? Tea? A trip to the head, perhaps?"
"No, I'm fine," Sam mutters, and slouches down in the bed.
Zemo goes back to reading, but his hand stays on Sam's arm, fingers lightly curled over his pulse point, until Sam drifts back to sleep.
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bobasheebaby · 4 years
91 Lucifer prompts
Some of my favorite quotes from my favorite devil. (Cut at 15 cause it’s long.)
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Lucifer Morningstar
1 “People don’t arrive broken. They start with passion and yearning until something comes along that disabuses them of those notions.”
2 “People don’t have power over us. We give it to them.” 
3 “The best thing to do is always to follow your greatest desire.”
4 “Sometimes we are what we are, and we should embrace that.”
5 “Desire shouldn’t be contained, it’s unnatural.” 
6 “Why do humans think they can rectify one evil with another?”
7 “Life’s too short to hold grudges.”
8 “Believe me, there is no winning when you play by a twisted tyrant’s rules.” 
9 “You shouldn’t have to change for anyone. And neither should I.” 
10 “I refuse to be a scapegoat for which something I bear no responsibility. It’s a theme in my life.”
11 “Trust me, I’ve been doing this a long time. I know evil.”
12 “If you desire something, just take it.”
13 “Trust me, if there’s one thing I know, it’s desire.”
14 “What I hate more than anything is a liar, a charlatan, someone who doesn’t believe in what they say.”
15 “Hell truly hath no fury like a man/woman scorned.”
16 “No one gives us the right… we take it.”
17 “Mmm, dangerous. NAME likes.”
18 “There was immediate danger. He/she was about to leave this man/woman completely unsatisfied.”
19 “When in doubt, go with the classics. That’s what I always say.”
20 “Guilt is such a useless emotion”
21 “Take a swing and I’ll shove that so far up your ass, you’ll have splinters in your stool.”
22 “What makes us vulnerable is often right under our noses.”
23 “Now tell me, what is it that you truly desire?”
24 “Well, maybe it’s like butt stuff. Easier the second time around.”
25 “It’s always the ones you least suspect, the ones you trust the most, that hurt you. They wait until your guard is down and then wham! In my case, it was tequila.”
Chloe Decker
26 “It’s better to move forward than stay stuck in the past.” 
27 “We can’t control what happens to us only how it affects us and the choices we make.”
28 “You have to stop taking responsibility for things that you can’t control.” 
29 “Sometimes we get along best with the people we’re most different from.”
30 “Pull yourself together. You look like a homeless magician!”
31 “It’s really not a good day for… your… NAMEness”
32 “You don’t save a marriage by sleeping with other people.”
33 “If you go looking for loopholes, you’ll always find them.”
34 “NAME’s not another guy/gal. He’s/She’s a weirdo.”
35 “As any parent knows, the best time to get things done is when everyone else is asleep.”
36 “I wasn't afraid of you.”
37 “I don't want you to see me like this. I know it scares you.” “No, that's... that's what I was trying to tell you. I'm not... I'm not afraid of you anymore.” “You're not?” “You see, this is what I'm talking about. It's so sweet. I'm going to puke.”
38 “I miss him/her. I mean, he/she pisses me off all the time. And there are so many things about him/her that ... that I find hard to accept, but I just have to believe I can find a way. Because ... I'd rather have him/her in my life than not.” “Well, then... I think you know what you need to do.”
39 “You're different than me. You're stronger. You could have run, but you didn't. Why didn't you?”
40 “It's not like you haven't always told me the truth. You know? So ... I think, deep down, I just ... I always knew.”
41 “Let's pretend for one second that you're someone else. Someone nice, someone mature.” “Ooh, I love role-play.”
42 “What, you're just gonna leave me here? In this part of town?” “You said you wanted danger.”
43 “Please tell me I'm hallucinating.” “Well, I am dreamy, but try to contain yourself.”
44 “You step out of line one time …” “You can give me a right-good spanking, I promise.”
45 “This cannot be true. Can it? I mean ... if you knew this, why wouldn't you say something? I mean, I almost married him/her. I mean, I almost married him/her.” “I tried to tell you, but you wouldn't listen.”
46 “Oh, my God. Did the world just turn upside down? Did you just admit to being wrong?”
47 “You know, it can be scary sometimes, but ... being who you really are is never a bad idea.”
48 “I need you to stay here and watch your dad/mom.” “That's true. Without the two of us, he’s/she's defenseless.” “I don't know if I like what you're whispering about.”
49 “How long have I been out?” “Three years.” “What?!” [NAME starts laughing] “You’re such an ass.”
50 “I couldn't sleep last night, so I stayed up all night working, and, you know, I drank a lot of caffeine. Like, a lot.”
Mazikeen Smith
51 “If you go by someone else’s pace, it shows how much you really care.”
52 “Sometimes you have to accept when someone doesn’t feel the same way about you.” 
53 “Self-worth comes from within, bitches.” 
54 “I would never ask you to change. I like who you are.” 
55 “Hey! No one calls my skank a skank.” 
56 “Good. It's settled. Now, where do I put my knives.”
57 “Okay. One, I like to fight when I'm happy or ... horny. And, two, I really don't want to accidentally kill my best friend.”
58 “Maybe next time, I won't be around to save your ass.” “Mm! Well, that is a shame. 'Cause you and my backside used to get on very well. My front side, as well, actually.”
59 “And your name?” “NAME.” “How do you spell that?” “Surprise me.” [Later gets coffee with "WRONG NAME" on it]
60 “Everything that happened showed me exactly why I need to go back.” “I don't understand.”
Linda Martin
61 “Emotions are hard, but that’s why they make you strong.” 
62 “Goodness isn’t a toy.”
63 “Sometimes we need to lose something to understand its value.”
64 “Sometimes it’s easier to make intimate issues about something bigger than yourself.” 
65 “I find people who are rude usually feel powerless in their own lives. Terrified of not being in control.”
66 “Look... I know I'm not dad/mom, or partner or whatever. But I ...” “No. No, you're not. Come here. You are Uncle/Auntie NAME. And you will always ... be a member of this family.”
67 “Let's talk about what you're dealing with emotionally.” “Yeah, I really don't want to.”
68 “Why is he:she able to refuse my charms? I mean, is this thing on?” [points at him/herself] “Yes, yes. Definitely on.”
69 “How's that saying go? We're all in the gutter, but some of us are looking up at the stars.”
70 “Should've seen that one coming.”
71 “We need the most love when we’re being most unlovable.” 
72 “No matter how bad things get, the true test is how we choose to respond to the pain. We suffer, or inflict.”
73 “Cosmos are yummy.”
74 “If you really want to know if you’re a worthy romantic partner, ask yourself.”
75 “NAME. What are you doing here? Did you hurt NAME?” “Only when he/she asked me nicely.”
Ella Lopez
76 “Whenever I’m procrastinating on something, I make an appointment for myself to do it. That way, can’t back out.”
77 “You see what I'm dealing with?”
78 “Hey. No one insults my family, except for me.”
79 [high on "candy"] “I know I should be freaking out right now, but your hair is so shiny.”
80 I'm usually not into reality shows either. I prefer more, you know, scripted-content, documentaries, but... I've got a little extra time these days, so... sort of kind of watched, uh, 27 seasons in two weeks.
Dan Espinoza 
81 “We all need someone to have our backs every now and then.”
82 “Ooh, lemon bars. My favorite. Mmm. Oh, man, these are amazing. Who made 'em?” “Uh, NAME did. Would you believe that hunk bakes?” [spits out the bars] “On second thought, who needs the empty calories?”
83 “Say you fall in love with a man/woman who has a cat. What are you gonna do? You accept the cat.” 
84 “Are you sleeping with this idiot?” “He/She hasn't had the pleasure, unfortunately, no.”
85 “Dude, I cannot deal with your weirdness right now.”
Trixie Espinoza
86 “We’re wearing the same shirt!” [both] “Sushi shirt!” [from around the corner] “I don’t know what’s going on out there, but I hate it!”
87 “I ate it.” “Mm-hmm.” “But NAME said it was okay.” “Oh, really?” “He/She said, if you really want to do something, you should. And I really wanted to eat some chocolate cake.”
88 “Are you looking at a no-no site?” “No. Why would you think that?” “Because you put it away so fast, and you look really, really guilty.”
89 “NAME, sever their Achilles first. If they can't walk ...” “They can't betray you.”
90 “You need to get a thicker skin. Stand up for yourself, because the truth is, nobody’s gonna do it for you.” — Charlotte Richards
91 “Anybody worth dating should understand everything that makes you … you.” — Ev
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qweeby · 4 years
Nine Lives To Short Part 7: And the Ugly
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Paring: Shinsou x Reader
Genre: Angst
Taglist: @bakuhoetoedoroki @foxypuppy
Plot: You only have nine days to tell him how you feel but maybe 9 days just isn't enough.
You close your eyes bracing for the bullet's impact. But nothing happens. You open your eyes to see Shinsou standing in front of you his body trembling .
He looks back at you and smiles seeing that you're unharmed.
" G-good looks like....I made it in time huh?"
Hitoshi then takes a knees while holding his shoulder grunting fighting back the pain.
"Y-yeah I'm ok it's nothing b-but a scratch"
Hitoshi moves his hand from the gun shot wound the blood completely covering his palm.
Your father throws the gun to the ground and run to the door trying to escape but he bumps into someone unexpected.
It's Hitoshi Father Hajime Shinsou.
" H-Haji-!"
Before he can finish even saying his name Hajime gives your father a nasty right hook knocking him out cold.
" That's for shooting my kid".
-A few minutes goes by-
The police and the nearby pro heroes are already on the scene, the police go inside the house to retrieve your still unconscious father and the pro hero finds your mother pulling up in her car and proceed to take her out and arrest her.
The lady rightfully freaking out is Mihoko Shinsou.
"Mom please stop screaming. Dad please hold her back If she hugs me I'm pretty sure I'll bleed out" Hitoshi says while a paramedic a tending to his shoulder.
"I'LL BE GENTLE I PROMISE" she cries out.
"Knock it off, Hitoshi has more things to deal with than that shot wound".
Hajime points at the spot you were just standing at but there's no one there.
You hide behind a tree slowly making your way to a weird looking fence. But of course "death himself" catches the "sinner" mid escape.
" And where do you think you're going Y/n?" Yokai turns his head watching struggle to hop over the fence that leads to Shinsou's backyard which also leads to the woods.
" There's no way I'm staying here".
"Running away again? Isn't this song and dance getting old"
"I just....need to go"
"And where are you gonna go"
"I DON'T KNOW the woods maybe! I just can't be here with pros and police around....my parents are apart of the yakuza....a-and there gonna get locked up then the next thing you know I'm getting pulled in jail!".
" Correct my foolish user, Right now your mom and dad are villains...twisted people wanting to clean a mistake that they made. NO the curse they made."
"That's you."
You stay quiet because sadly he's right...
You see Hitoshi running towards you at fully speed, as you lean on the fence trying to hop on over it once again. Surprisingly it turns out the fence was gate that just needed to push open .
"Dumbass there's even a sign that says push".
You run to the backyard trip on garden hose, as Hitoshi jumps over the gate you spends years trying to hop over.
"WELL YOU'RE STUPID! There's no way I'm letting you run off."
Hitoshi walks up to you holding out his hand "Come on get let's get you up".
"But...What if the police take me away! I won't know for how long they'll hold me for! T-they can't take me you can't let them!".
Hitoshi holds your face rubbing your check in the process.
"Hey hey...it's ok they won't take you it's just your parents don't worry kitty..." he exhales "No need for the waterworks".
" I can't help it...it's just.." you grab onto Shinsou hands with tears streaming down your face.
"I want spend the rest of the time I have on this earth with you Shinsou!".
Hitoshi hands suddenly get real sweaty as his face turns red with embarrassment.
Hitoshi has been with you since way before the curse came along.
Even though you lied to him.
Even though you made him worried
Even though your time is limited....and he's basically wasting his time talking to you
He's still here.
"As you can see I'm here for you now aren't I?, as soon, as I left off the bus I followed you right inside the house and you never suspected a thing ! Then I peeked at you holding a bird mask and that's when I knew I had to call mymhphh-"
Y/n cover Shisou mouth not saying a word.
("Shit! Did I pull a Izuku and rambled on for to long! Dammit...my bad..").
"Shinsou...promise me that you won't say anything until i say so...even when i move my hand y-you can't say anything".
He nods and says "I promise" but it's muffled.
After hearing him promise.... you take a deep breath then move your hand from his mouth.
That night was such a cold night for the two of them but in this moment it didn't matter nothing mattered, as Y/n slowly inches her way towards Shinsou.
He notices that you started to move forward and he can't help but to do the same, as Shinsou moves in he can't help but to look at Y/n.
("Her eyes did they always look this innocent.....and....did her lips...always looked soft.)
Hitoshi gets way to eager and rushes his and gives you a quick peck on the lips.
Shinsou starts stomping his feet as he tries his hardest to not scream at himself. (FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! NOOOOO! I DID ALL.IF THAT BUILD UP JUST TO FUCK IT UP! I- I WANNA REDO I WANNA REDO! I WANNA-)
" Hitoshi I'm in love with you!".
Y/n says before she kisses the angry cat out of his split second rage.
(" She....i-..h-her lips are so fucking soft..)
Hitoshi runs his finger through your hair and you loved that...
You love how Shinsou touches your body, when he's pulling your waste or rubbing your leg or even when his fingers brush up against you.
Y/n loves this feeling and couldn't help but to moan his name.
You quickly snap out of if shoving Shinsou back.
He has completely curled up into a ball rolling on the floor and that can be heard from him is a muffled scream.
" I can see the steam coming off of his head, Y/n is that normal".
Y/n turns her back on Yokai and Shinsou.
"Hitoshi Shinsou".
Shinsou peeks out of his hood looking out the hole with one eye "Hm?".
" Whatever happens from this moment on you can't fall in love with me. Also you can talk now."
"I-I can't fall in love with you? W-what do you mean"? Why does that almost make feel sad.
"This isn't the time nor place to having this conversation"
"BUT I WAS A TIME TO KISS ME! This is just some sick little game to get me to kiss you wasn't it.
A lot of time has pass since then. You fill the Shinsou family in on everything explain your unfortunate quirk and your unfortunate fate that has yet to come.
Hajime sips his coffee " So 9 days huh damn that sucks dont it"
" Well Y/n you know you can stay here as long you need"
"That you aunty Mihoko but...I don't think I'll stay for long".
Hitoshi flicks your forehead like always.
"I doesn't matter how long you stay for. When you leave I leave so don't even think about taking off".
"OW! I-I WASN'T THINKING THAT AT ALL!...that really hurts you know."
Mihoko gasp very loudly before screaming realizing her baby boy is gonna leave along side her."HITOSHI YOU'RE GONNA LEAVE ME TOO!"
"Well yeah I wanna spend all the time I have left with Y/n so I won't leave her side".
Y/n and Hitoshi then stare at one another blushing.
Hajime see the two of you making googly eyes at each other. "Ohhhhhhhh....now it makes sense "
"Nothing Toshi nothing at all".
All of you have a great time just taking and chatting and all around having fun together. Hajime...Mihoko...even though you aren't related to them in any way the Shinsou's are willing to take you in. Saying thank you wouldn't ever been enough to express your gratitude.
But the fun stops abruptly when Hitoshi has to steps outside for moment.
" I'll be right back..."
"Ok kid just don't run away now "
"Shut up old man! I'm not a run away cat!".
"And where are you going~" You say holding up Kabuki like baby. "You're such a cool cat Kabuki! Way better than another cat I know.
"Oh bite me!" Yokai then bites your legs
"That's what you get for going in the backyard, there's bugs everywhere back there I'm not surprised you got bit".
As the joints in your leg start to tighten you begin to break out into a sweat.
"Yeah....nothing but a big bite".
Hitoshi stands outside in front of Mei Hatsume. "Why did you answered any of my calls Shinsou".
"Well as you can see-" he waved his arm that's wrapped in bandages " I've been pretty busy. Plus I just got your text...all 65 missed messages and 15 miss calls".
"Eh nothing really I only got shot".
" Look I know you didn't come here to talk about my injury, so why are you here".
" Us. I want to talk about us".
"What are you talking about".
" You been avoiding me...why! Don't tell me it's because of that girl again!"
"That's not her name".
"Hatsume do yourself a favor and leave now..quietly".
Mei's body goes stiff and her pupil dilate.
Shinsou let's out a sigh, as he walks up to Hatsume seeing how this is the second time he had to use his quirk on someone he cared for.
Like your dad at the hospital.
Even though your parents were apart of yakuza Shinsou knew them for basically his whole life. He remembers the time his family would go over Y/n's for a big family dinner, he remembers all the trips they would go on like the beach or that one time they took everyone to America.
Then he thinks about Hastume and can't help but to frowns.
"Hatsume I want you to forget about what we had...whatever we had....and I want you to just go home. Please".
Hatsume does just that. Turning and waking away as commended.
Shinsou walks back inside trying to shake off what he just did.
"So care to explain that sweetie?"
"I would rather not", he looks around "where's dad and y/n?"
"Y/n leg was hurting so Hajime carried her to your room so she could rest".
"Oh ok so I'll just-"
Mihoko yanks his hood.
"Don't make use my quirk on you now, Hitoshi"
"....fine I'll talk I'll talk."
"This girl Mei I guess was going around and tell people that we date...it caused a lot a problems so I chose to not talk to her anymore.
She raises one of her eyebrows questioning her son's words.
"We didn't even have anything I just gave her my number after so we can talk about the support item she's making for me".
Mama Shinsou pats her son on the back
"That just means your a lady's man right!"
" M-MOM!"
After his mom picks on him some more Hitoshi finally makes it to his room to see you fast asleep, he walks up to his bed and lays next you watching you sleep.
"I can't blame you for being tired...you've been through a lot today".
Hitoshi can't help but to think about what you said in the backyard.
" Hitoshi I love you! "
Why does that make his heart beat 10 times faster, the way you stared into his soul why does that make him wanna look more. The way you said his name....
God! He'd give anything just to hear you say one more time. Just thinking about it makes his the tip of his ears turn pink as they twitch slightly.
But then that praise fades, when Hitoshi realize what you really wanted him to remember from that moment....
"Whatever happens you can't fall in love with me".
He lays a kiss on your cheek.
"No promises".
Now...officially...your first life has been lost but at least your wasting away with him by your side.
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phantombmoll · 3 years
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## I don't know what this is, I don't know where it came from but here's a thing I just randomly started and will probably continue. I don't even know where it's going yet apart from some romance becccaaauuuusssseeeeee..... yeahhhh.... anyway
it doesn't even have a name yet hahaha! ##
Ted Hastings x OC - Part One
"I don't think this is the drink I thought it was going to be." Ted said watching Peggy's face as she took in their surroundings.
"Ted, that ball is well and truly in your court. I'm not the sort to come begging. Besides if you want that kind of drink I expect somewhere a bit nicer." Peggy replied taking a sip from her drink and locking eyes with him for a moment.
Ted held her gaze before he sighed, shifted in his seat and wrapped his hands around the pint in front of him.
"I am sorry about your dad." He broke the silence. "He asked to see me, I was caught up with something but I thought he had more time."
"He did." Peggy said and from the tone in her voice Ted realised this definitely wasn't the drink he'd thought it was.
It must have been at least 10 years since the Ackley Sens case, 10 years since they'd worked closely. 10 years since he'd been tempted but not acted on feelings that had been growing. The kind of intense warmth that starts as a campfire but left uncontrolled could burn down the whole forest.
Years moved between them before he ended up needing her help with something. It was after Roisin had officially left him, when he'd still been residing in the space of hoping to get his marriage back on track.
Peggy had asked him for a drink once. Ted had turned her down.
They'd almost kissed once, late in the office. Ted had moved away. Peggy had let him go. No questions, no protests. Just let it go and continued working like nothing had happened.
Now here they were. She'd asked him at the funeral if he wanted a drink and Ted had agreed. Even without the warm embers they were still friends. Though he couldn't deny he'd hoped for something more.
Peggy glanced around before leaning forward. She was an archivist at the station. One of the best around. Ted remembered her starting, only getting the job because her old man had been a barrister with some sway, keeping it because she was excellent at it. Over the years she'd become one of AC-12's go to people, especially when it came to historical data.
"When my dad retired he started working on something." She said wrapping her hands tightly around the glass in front of her. "Historic, given I have access to most files that come through the station, especially historic ones. I was helping him."
"Peggy I don't know if we should-"
"I haven't done anything illegal. Like my dad would let me." Peggy stated. "I have an eidetic memory Ted. Which means I never took anything home, I never gave my dad anything, I never let him see any files." Peggy swallowed. "There's a club of men and women, dating back to the early forties, in positions of authority that are using the system for their own gains."
"Police Officers included. Doctors, lawyers, firemen, police officers, care workers the list goes on. Money, power, sex, all the usual motivations. They are a close knit group. Secret handshakes, messages, symbols, forged documents-"
"Peggy." Ted said more firmly that time. "Now I had a great deal of respect for your father but everyone knows he wasn't well. His refusal to admit that to himself seems to have got him killed."
"This isn't some wild conspiracy theory." Peggy swallowed, frustration etched along her face.
"Then why didn't he bring it to AC-12 if he suspected Coppers were involved?" Ted leant forward his voice quiet but firm and now he was the one checking around them.
"My dad was a lawyer for a long time. He worked with you enough times to know as soon as he brought it to you or AC-12 and it became official, the cat would be out of the bag. This is a big operation and he wanted to get all the evidence he could before he took it anywhere. Especially given the nature of the people with access to this information."
"Peggy, do you know how this sounds?"
"I'm perfectly aware Ted. I've seen it myself though."
"You put your career at risk for the ramblings of a man with dementia and now you're bringing it to me expecting what?"
"He didn't have dementia, he had a tumour Ted and he was of sound mind. I haven't put my career at risk, everything I've done has been above board. I haven't accessed anything I'm not supposed to, I haven't been through evidence I'm not allowed to see."
Ted watched her for a moment before rubbing his forehead. There was a conviction in Peggy's face that made his gut turn with the feeling that this was a thread worth pulling at. He needed to be careful though. It could just be the case that she believed her father implicitly and why wouldn't she. The last time Ted had spoken to him he'd seem fine, cognizant, appearances could be deceptive though.
"He didn't know who he could trust. I think there was more going on then he even told me. I think someone else found that out."
"Peggy do you know what you're saying?"
"I'm saying I think someone killed my dad, I'm saying there's a ring of criminals acting from some of the most influential places within society and I'm saying that some of those are or were serving police officers." Peggy paused. "I know how it sounds, don't you think I've been over that in my head? Grieving daughter can't handle her fathers death so she finds something else to blame it on. That's not what this is though. Please just take a look at the files he put together."
"I thought you said you didn't take any files."
"I didn't. I have an advanced eidetic memory Ted. I can recall things I've seen and read years after in almost complete detail. I didn't need to take the files home because I pretty much was a walking file. Dad told me what he needed I sifted through information, found it and relayed it. A lot of the stuff he got was through public record or archives of his own, from the firm."
They were quiet for a moment and Ted sifted through regulation in his head trying to figure out if Peggy had broken any.
"Just come and look, if you think it's all poppycock I've bought into because there's been no objectional third party, I'll throw it all out. Forget about it."
"Alright, I'll come and look." Ted nodded and leaned back as he took a drink from his pint.
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Hi! Hope you're having a good day or night depending! For the strangers meeting thing, could you do one for Soul and Maka?
Thank you; you, too! Holy CRAP I haven’t written SoMa in a long time, but I have been binging Soul Eater again, so I’ll do my best. Sorry the formatting is funky; I did it on mobile, and I’ve already had one format fiasco, so....
Young Adult!AU
“I swear to god this cat is gonna be the death of me.” Soul “Eater” Evans grumbled haughtily as he pinned up his last Lost Cat poster and began the weary trek back to his apartment. His brother had begged him to take Blair in last year when his long-time girlfriend, who was painfully allergic to cats, decided the pair should live together before getting engaged. Having no other family to willingly pawn the creature off on, Wes had turned to his bachelor younger brother. Of course, he was the one with the crazy cat lady landlady; she’d even offered to catsit for him.
Honestly, though, as much as he begroaned the circumstances of Blair’s adoption, he’d grown to like, maybe even love, the frisky little black cat. Her hours were as odd as his (night shift jobs screw up a sleep schedule), so they often kept each other company. As long as he remembered to put out her food and water and clean her litter box, she was really a low maintenance cat. Well, unless she was starved for attention. Then she’d rub herself all over him until he acquiesced to stroking her until she fell asleep, usually on his stomach so he couldn’t escape. Or unless she decided to vanish for a week without a trace. A few days was normal for Blair; Soul often suspected she had another family somewhere, but this long was unusual. Hence the posters.
Soul shoved open his lopsided apartment door, a frown pulling at his lips when he realized he’d expected Blair to come bounding over to him; maybe he did love her after all. He sighed and dropped his keys on the small table next to the front door, immediately slipping out of his coat and shoes. He collapsed onto his aging couch, allowing his head to fall back and his eyes to fall closed just as a loud buzz buzz buzz from his back pocket startled him upward again. He pulled out his phone to find an unfamiliar number.
[+1 555-6969]
Hi, you put up wanted posters for a black cat?
[+1 555-7685]
Missing? Yeah.
[+1 555-6969]
Oh. Missing? NVM
“What the hell?”
Another message came through just as he was turning his phone off; another strange number.
[+1 555-6666]
When did you put those signs up?
[+1 555-7685]
[+1 555-6666]
Oh, okay. Good. Your can’t wasn’t with me, but I can’t promise anything from the others in the area. Hopefully she isn’t used.
[+1 555-7685]
Fuck off, weirdo.
He blocked the number.
A few more ominous texts came in and one from his landlady expressing her wishes for Blair’s safe return. A few fellow searching pet owners asked him for leads on their pets, and he exchanged yeses and the same request. Just as he was going to throw his phone after another sick-headed black cat hater, a properly formatted message came through with a kinder message. Finally.
[+1 555-6252]
Hey, I saw your Lost Cat posters. I’m really sorry to hear you lost her. I’ll be keeping an eye out for her; I’m pretty active in the area.
[+1 555-7685]
Thank you I appreciate it
[+1 555-6562]
No problem! I have a cat, too. Crona.
A photo of a small, sweet-faced but timid-looking kitten came through; it’s big blue eyes and stark white fur made him gasp a bit.
[+1 555-7685]
Beautiful cat
I’m a little jealous seems to be the opposite of Blair haha
[+1 555-6252]
Thank you! I just got him. He’s really shy but a good cat. What do you mean? What’s Blair like?I know you said “noisy asshole” on your poster, but…
[+1 555-7685]
Haha gets peoples attention
Pitch black fur
Big yellow eyes
Needy and bossy as hell
Nah really she’s pretty good for the most part
My brother dumped her on me
[+1 555-6525]
Crona has his moments, too, but she sounds like a handful! That’s no good, but it’s nice that you kept her! I hope you find her soon. I’m Maka, B. T. W.
[+1 555-7685]
[+1 555-6525]
That’s a cool name! Nice to meet you, Soul!
[+1 555-7685]
Maka’s pretty unique too
Back atcha
[+1 555-6525]
Like I said, I’ll be on the lookout, so let me know if there are any updates!
[+1 555-7685]
Will do.
A few days passed with silence about Blair. And from Maka. Soul didn’t know why he cared about that second one. He usually got bored with texting people, especially girls who talked a lot and formatted their texts perfectly, but something about Maka was the right balance.He shook his head and focused back on his TV. He didn’t even know Maka; how could he daydream about her?
As if on cue, his phone buzzed, and he picked it up, finding himself disappointed that it wasn’t Maka’s number, but his eyes widened when he read the text.
[+1 555-7827]
Hey dude found your cat I think over near the market on Crescent Street she was bugging my girl for something to eat I think while she was waiting for me to get off work
A picture came through of a bright-blue haired young man with a wide grin and a sweet-looking lady with dark hair. The latter gently held Blair who looked up with wide eyes.
[+1 555-7685]
Yup that’s her
Where are you?
[+1 555-7827]
Outside the Limpin’ Imp Tavern on Crescent
[+1 555-7685]
Cool be there ASAP
Soul jogged out the front door and down the steps. “Found Blair, Miss Ortega!” Soul called as he eyed his landlady sitting in her front window.
“Wonderful! I’ll have a treat for her when you return!”
He continued jogging toward Crescent Street, thankfully not too far from his house. He slowed when he neared the tavern, easily spotting the couple who’d contacted him.
“Hey!” Soul waved as he approached, eying Blair curled up in the woman’s lap. “I’m Soul. You’ve got Blair.” He laughed and the woman giggled in reply.
“Yeah we do! Totally saved your cat for you, as any good citizens would!” The man erupted, laughing loudly if not unnecessarily.
“She’s very friendly.” The woman cut in. “I figured she was a local stray until I saw her collar and Blake saw your posters.”
“Yeah, maybe I should save some time and paper and get her a license with my number on it.” Soul rubbed the back of his neck.
“Not like she’s a dog or anything.” Blake cut in. “Cats are way smarter. Unlike this one. Or maybe she’s just more stubborn.”
“Blake.” The woman rolled her eyes. “I’m Tsubaki, by the way, since you introduced yourself. Here.” She took Blair into her arms and carefully stood. “We have to get going, but I’m so glad we found her.”
“Absolutely. Thank you both so much. Here’s the reward.” Soul handed a wad of bills to Blake and took Blair from Tsubaki.
“Thanks a bunch! We’re off to a great dinner!” Blake laughed loudly and threw his arm around Tsubaki’s shoulders, drawing her against him as they walked away and planting a firm kiss on her head.
“Bye, Soul! Bye, Blair!”
“Bye!” Soul chuckled as the couple made their way down the sidewalk, idly chatting about their evening plans. “Time to go home, Missy.” Soul chided the cat but ran his fingers over her back. “You’ve been gone for too long.”
Blair just sat comfortably in his hold and purred as Soul walked them both home.
The evening hours found Soul and Blair lounging on the sofa, Blair curled comfortably on Soul’s stomach as he scrolled idly through Netflix. The companionable quiet was shattered when Soul’s phone buzzed loudly against the glass coffee table top, and he grit his teeth. He needed to take those damn posters down. However, his annoyance simmered out when he registered the familiar number.
[+1 555-6525]
Hey, it’s Maka. Just checking in since it’s been a while. Any luck finding Blair?
Soul stretched back and snapped a shot of Blair sleeping on him.
[+1 555-7685]
Just got her back a little while ago
[+1 555-6525]
Aw awesome! So cute!!!
Maka sent an above shot of Crona snoozing on her chest, but Soul was fixated on the photographer. Big green eyes, a sweet smile, and smooth skin and hair made his heart flutter, and he swallowed.
[+1 555-7685]
Really cute
[+1 555-6525]
Ugh I know! He’s so peaceful when he sleeps. I love it so much.
[+1 555-7685]
Thanks for checking up on us
[+1 555-6525]
Yeah of course! I’m glad that she’s home! Maybe she and Crona will meet sometime, though he’s still not quite an outdoor cat yet.
[+1 555-7685]
We could arrange it
Soul smacked himself internally. A kitty play date? Really? What was he, a cat dad?!
[+1 555-6525]
True! It could help Crona develop confidence and social skills to meet in a controlled environment. Did you have anything in mind?
Shit. He didn’t really think she’d agree.
[+1 555-7685]
Uh not really
[+1 555-6525]
That’s okay! There’s this cool cat cafe that lets you bring your cat and keep it in a play area. We could try to rent a little space there or something!
This was becoming way more real and serious than Soul anticipated.
[+1 555-7685]
Sounds cool
Though we don’t really know each other
[+1 555-6525]
I promise I’m not a serial killer! Haha!
[+1 555-7685]
You’d meet some random guy? What if I’m a weirdo?
[+1 555-6525]
I’ll change my number. Easy.
[+1 555-6525]
But really it’ll be fine! I trust my instincts if not you. L.O.L.
[+1 555-7685]
Gee thanks lol
[+1 555-6525]
So….Is next weekend okay?
[Soul & Blair]
Sure works for me
Great! See you two then!
Maka sent a snap of an awake Crona and herself making a thumbs up. Soul’s breath stuttered.
The weekend couldn’t come fast enough, but when it did, Soul found himself blindsided. Was he ready to meet Maka? They had only gone back and forth for a week, but the exchanges were multiple times daily, and he quickly found himself falling fast and hard for the girl in the photos and videos.
As he opened the door to the cat cafe, he gasped, ignoring Blair’s pitiful cries to be free of her cat carrier when he spotted Maka in the back corner. Her slender legs were folded over each other; her hair was pulled back into a neat messy bun (crazy how that worked somehow), and he could see her eyes quickly skimming over the pages in front of her. Smart and beautiful. He was done for.
“Hey…” He pulled up in front of her and pulled out the chair across from her.
She looked up and beamed, her eyes catching the dim glow of the Edison lights around them.
“Hey!” She closed her book and pointed to a low, plastic door. “The play area is over there. They have some toys in there, but I kept Crona with me until you guys got here.” She picked up Crona’s carrier from its guarded spot between her seat and the wall and led him to set their cats free.
Once they settled back in, Maka handed him a menu. “They have great coffee drinks here.”
“I drink mine black, so it doesn’t make a huge difference to me.”
“I could never. Why, if I may ask?”
“Lactose intolerance.”
“This is so weird.”
“What?” Maka cocked a brow, a slight shadow of worry passing over her features.
“I dunno. It’s like we’re texting in real life now.”
“Texting is real. Just not in person.”
“You know what I mean.”
She giggled. “I do.”
That giggle confirmed it.
Soul would make sure their conversations were purely words and in person as often as possible.
“So, tell me about yourself. I wanna hear it all.”
Hope you liked it! Thanks for the prompt!
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estrxlar · 3 years
The Ghost Of You
06 - Too Little Too Late
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Chapters songs:
Yam Yam: No Vacation
Numb: Men I Trust
4EVER: Clairo
Hey, I won't be riding the bus this morning. My father is visiting and I have to spend the morning with him I'm guessing. I might be available after school, though. So if you wanna walk
Yeah, I'll let you know. I hope everything with your dad goes okay.
Okay. See you later then.
Yeah, you too.
One last message from Sugawara is received, before I close the messaging app, and turn off my phone. I wasn't quite ready for what was to occur this morning: seeing my dad. You would think I would be happy about it, or at least be a little excited. But really, I couldn't be more stressed. All my father has ever done is criticize my talents, my behavior, and almost everything that has to do with me being me. Every time he comes to Japan, which isn't a lot, it's the same lecture all over again about what I'm doing with my life, and where I'll be when I'm older.
But at least two or three more hours of sleep. Might as well take advantage of missing a day, right?
    As I stretch out my arms under my sheets, a knock on my door is heard, followed by my mom's soft voice. "Y/n, your father is getting you today. I'm off to work, okay? Make sure to feed Astra." Her tone is low and worry full, but I wouldn't blame her. Surely your ex-husband coming back shouldn't be so easy.
   "I know, mom. Thanks. You have a good day," I say back to her, hearing her footsteps slowly disappear. That's my queue to begin getting ready. What I wear consists of something simple: a thin white shirt, a sage green sweatshirt on top, and jeans with white sneakers, which is something safe. I wouldn't want him to begin criticizing me by starting with my outfit. And as for my hair, I wore it the way I always did.
After a few moments of getting ready, I stand up in the mirror, making sure my personality wasn't showing on the outside. I hated that this is how I had to think of myself when around my parents, but there wasn't anything I could do about it. As suspected, a few minutes later, a message from him appears informing me he had gotten here.
Hey! I'm outside, come quickly so we can grab something at that small cafe you love.
Okay, I'll be out there in a second.
Nothing baffled me as much as him being so normal about this situation did, but there wasn't much I could say to him. I could only imagine how many questions he would ask me, or if he would even care about the important things, like if I was going through anything.
Reaching for a basic shoulder bag, I say my farewell to the cat, and make my way downstairs. Once I reach the front door, I take a deep breath and open it to reveal the usual view, except an expensive car stood in the driveway, with a smiling man inside of it. I smile back, easing that he didn't look pissed as fuck. After that, I locked the front door and walked towards his car.
Hesitantly, I pull the handle and step into the front passenger seat. "Hey, Dad." I greet him, meanwhile closing the door. "How've you been?"
"Hm, I've been just fine. What about you?" He begins to pull out of the driveway, and soon enough, we're on the road. "There's much to talk about."
I nod, as he states the obvious. "Yeah, of course."
This is awkward.
My hands begin to fidget, popping and stretching my fingers while he drove on the road, saying absolutely nothing. That was until I asked something to fill the empty space between us. "How's work been? I heard you got a bunch of promotions."
"It's been like always; normal. But yes, I have gotten promotions. I guess I've exceeded the limit, though. So.. what about you? You're still on your whole band-thingy?" He clears his throat, turning into another street: the same Suga and I would walk. "Your aunt says she's excited to work with you."
My aunt, AU/N, was my blueprint. She was my father's little sister, and she had a hell of a lot of money. One time when she was younger she slipped in dog pee at Walmart and sued them 50,000$. Since she was a musician, and far more successful than my band, she decided to start her label, signing many small bands like mine. And so, since I had a connection, my friends and I decided to sign with her during the summer after we graduate. We'd have to move to New York in America, but that was just fine. Because moving meant we could establish a good career and attend college as well.
   "I'm excited too. You know, to move and all." My eyes take mental images of the portrait outside today. Trees were finally growing leaves again, and grass as well; spring was around the corner. "Why the sudden visit? Is there a conference being held in Miyagi?"
My question seems like have made him uneasy, for his fingers began making small beats on the steering wheel. In no way did I mean to be so sudden, but an answer to my asking was necessary.
Thankfully, his response isn't a shout and rude remark, but a simple explanation that frankly made me feel better about his stay. "I'm most likely not gonna be able to see you before you graduate, so I wanted to spend a day with you. I know I said I'd drop you off at school after breakfast, but I thought we could hang out longer.
Is that okay?"
"Yeah, it's fine."
To my surprise, the drive wasn't as short as I thought. A total of thirty silent minutes felt as if it was an entire hour. Once we arrived at the small cafe in the plaza, the both of us got off the car and glanced at each other, beginning our way towards it.
    I had a certain idea of why he'd picked this spot for us to eat at. When I was younger, I'd spent lots of time here doing whatever I was up to, and usually with one of my close friends, (not that we're close anymore.) To be completely frank, it came to me as a shock my father even paid attention to how much I adored this place. The light lavender concrete walls and cutesy pots with succulents and house plants. Not to mention its colorful m decorations, far more improved than when I was a little kid. Still, it drew Moku, Oikawa, Iwaizumi, and Toruku to make it our number one hang-out spot from the ages of 8-14, even if it wasn't as attracting as it is now.
As we enter, the small bell at the top of the door rings, and we're greeted by a young girl at the counter that surrounded many baked goods. "Welcome!" She says, meanwhile packing up an online order. "Is there anything I could help you guys with?"
"Two coffees, please." My father replied, holding up two of his long, worn-out fingers. 'Coffee? I mean, I guess. Not that I cared or anything. I honestly preferred the tea with the little peaches in it— what was it called?' My father's voice cuts off my thoughts. "And a fruit lemonade for her. The coffees are for me; long hours!"
   'That's it!' I said to myself internally, briefly smiling at the worker while she wrote a few words down. And soon enough, we're told it'll take only a few minutes. Still, it baffled me my father even remembered such a little thing I loved when I was a child.
   What a try-hard.
   The two of us find a corner table for two, and he pulls out a chair for me to place myself. I do so, as my father does the same. Then, a long-awaited conversation begins. "How did you know I liked this place?"
   He straightens his collar, saying, "You never stopped talking about it when you were little."
  "And the drink?"
  "I just remember how many times it appeared on my taxes from this place, that's all." He chuckles, leaning onto his arm along with stroking his sharp beard. "Why do you ask?"
  Without thinking, I answer sharply, looking down at the wooden patterns on the table. "Why do you think? I didn't think you'd paid attention," I say to him, quickly looking up for a rude remark.
   He effortlessly sighs and keeps the situation unproblematic. Although, I wouldn't have minded diving deeper into the reasoning of his absence. "I did sometimes. Sorry."
  I tell myself to leave it at that, to leave it at 'sorry', but I can't. I can't not say something. "Can I ask you something? And I want a valid answer, not excuses. I know you wanted to have a nice time but this is the most I've talked to you in the past year so I'd rather get straight to it than poke around the elephant in the room."
  In the corner of my eye, I see him nod, giving me an okay that I could rant. Well, more like calmly let out my feelings. "I just— I don't understand what happened. After you and mom got busy, it was a total blur. I'm not asking for you two to get together again, and I never questioned why you split up either. I'm simply asking why you guys forgot you had a daughter, that's all."
    Not more than a split second later do I realize how rude that sounded. But too bad, I wanted to know. A few silent seconds slide by while he seems to be thinking of an answer, and explanation. Then, the sound of footsteps coming towards us, signaling our beverages had arrived.
  "Two coffees," the young lady mumbles, setting them in front of my father as he smiles. "And a fruit lemonade!" She exclaims. The pink-tinted drink makes waves in cold glass in her hand once it's set down. "All set. Is there anything else I can get for you two?"
   We shake our heads lightly.
   "Alright then! Enjoy!" She beams, then happily walks away. Ever since I was younger, I never understood why the store wonder daughter was so nice. But I'm guessing it lasted throughout the years, or else she wouldn't treat customers so gently.
Father slowly lifts the drink to his lips, and enjoys his cinnamon roast, while I feel my back aching from the perfect posture I perform around him. "Ah, carry on, Y/n. What is it that makes you so upset? The idea your mother and I did all we could to give you a better life, or is it that we picked ourselves up and became better people?" His manipulative tone comes in, sending mixed signals. But I could see where he was coming from completely.
"I just wish you two had taught me what it's like to be a proper parent. Instead, every time I would try getting your attention, you would always look away, and send me off to do something else." I feel my hands squeeze my thighs under the table, as I look up and down at my father with a silent yet harsh tone, "all I wanted was to admire you and learn what was so interesting about sitting in an office working for another person. But that's changed now, right? Because you've maxed out the level of superiority now that you've not done a single other thing."
"The fact you worked endlessly doesn't bother me as much as you criticizing me does. It truly hurts me that you attempt to steer me into another direction every time you visit when you haven't even been to at least seven of my birthdays. I wouldn't be surprised if you forgot it, either. You would judge who I hung out with, what I liked to do, everything. You even judged the way I handled my best friend dying, yet didn't think to send me to therapy. Toruku's mom is the one who took us to get help, not you. Why do you do it? Why do you think it's a good idea to bring me down? You've never been there for me, so you don't know me. You never will, father. You'll never know who I am."
A trembling hand reaches for my drink quickly, as I sip from the thin black straw in silence, taking in as much as I can. And all he can do is sit quiet, still processing my explanation.
That is until he speaks, finally. "I'm— I'm sorry."
"It's too late for that."
He nods.
The straw twirls between my fingers during the spinning memories of spending more time with my friends than my parents that ran through my mind. But it's whatever, right? I did just fine raising myself. At least that's what I told myself. Truth is, I needed people. I needed to grow with others on my side. It wasn't any wonder that I felt so lonely when I was younger. I'm dependent, yet independent.
Before getting up from my seat, I make sure to down the rest of the cold lemonade I had in my hand and grabbed both my hood and small bag. "Can we go now? Please."
"Sure. We can leave."
After getting home, I can't help but immediately let a few tears escape my eyes. The fact two words were all my father could say made my blood boil and my bones stiffen, especially since it was the last time I would talk with him in person before I graduate. Maybe I could meet him before he goes back to Korea, but I'd rather not. Not after leaving it at that.
The doors slam still echoed through the house, while I sat against the front door, crying in my lonely arms. No car to leave, and no one to hear me except a sleepy cat. While I do so, every thought of ever healing the hole between our relationship entered my thoughts, and the never-ending process of realizing I can't fix it hurts just as much as the pain in my chest.
Throughout the blur of water in my eyes, I make out the image of a white figure lying across my feet. I look up briefly, wipe my eyes, and stroke Astras back. Her soft, thin hair glides between my fingers, giving me a realization that I wasn't completely alone. No, I wasn't. I still had old friends and family that supported me, other than my father.
Right now, I had to think about the things that were important to me. The things that would help me grow, not look back at my regrets. Maybe the purpose of his visit was a sign from the universe, telling me to get over my past because my goals are too close for me to hesitate.
I needed a break from today. A nap, possibly. I don't think I'd be going back to school anytime soon, so I might as well rest a bit. That's exactly what I need, rest after a long week. After all, the weekend was just around the corner.
I slouch up the stairs with the chunky cat in my hand. By the time I reach my room, both my pants and shoes are in the other, and I'm ready to knock out between messy blankets.
'Ring!' My phone makes alarms under me, sending vibrations through the pillow my head rested on, making my eyelids quickly open. A hand snaked for the device, bringing the bright screen up to my face. It was no other than the band group chat.
Xanax sluts
Guess who just got invited to a party
No me but I asked if you guys could go and they said we can bring whoever
Who is hosting it
Some chick names Miya I know. She's a third-year and seems like a stuck-up little bitch but she's actually pretty cool.
Omg I love her she's so sweet
Oh I know who you guys are talking about she's the girls' volleyball team captain
Anyways she said you guys could go
In like
An hour?
Oh come onnn just slap on a dress or something and we can go
Will, there be alcohol
Will there be drugs
Then this isn't a party-
Come on she's my friends and I promised you guys would go plus she's super popular so everyone's gonna be there AND she's rich
And who's driving us
You mf who else
Fine I'll go but you guys better not do anything to cause attention, if there's gonna be snobby people then we're most likely to be looked down on
I'm so excited yayy
What are you excited about there's no drugs or alcohol
Cause this is the first party we're going to ever since last month
Oh yeah
Mhm it's like this back to school party
Giki if this is a kids party I'm gonna slap the lesbian out of you
See you guys in an hour ig
Going out tn
Ok. Are you staying at anyone's house?
Maybe. Idk yet
How did it go with your dad
It went fine
Good baby I'm glad
Tell me when or if you get to someone's house
Ok I will love you
Happy that my mother didn't make an argument, I sigh, checking the time. It seemed pretty dark outside, so it had to be around eight or nine. And quickly after, I decide it's best to begin getting ready, again.
Please note chapters, it means a lot. I work endlessly on these making sure they're perfect for you guys. Have a good rest of your day, and I hope you take care of yourself. Love you lots!!
- estrxlar
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