#and i only have access because an unrelated article linked to it so i could use the wayback machine
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batsplat · 3 months ago
love all the archival work! one question, sometimes (indeed most times) when i google certain quotes to find the source article, google cannot find anything. this quote from vale for example:
"In 2014, I and the others were "bombarded" with questions about Marquez. So I understood even more what my opponents must have felt in the past, because a rider never wants to talk about his rivals. It's also true, However, this is how the world of sport goes: people want to hear about the number one. Marquez now has the same media pressure that I had in the past."
the screenshot you provided is very clear and yet i cannot trace the words to anything whatsoever! and unfortunately this has happened enough times that i kind of have to ask… should i use a different search engine? or are there journal archives your frequent? and no hurries whatsoever i know this is a big ask… but i would appreciate any help!
oh this one's quick to answer haha I didn't even need to consult my notes - the article's here! the reason it doesn't come up immediately in search engines is that the original article was in italian, so I just threw the first sentence into google translate and. voila
I try to stick to the habit of providing sources and if I made that ranch post now, I would have properly put a list of sources at the bottom of the post lol. if you can't find a quote through a search engine, it's going to generally be for one of the following reasons:
the quote is from an article in a different language, typically italian or spanish (the german publication speedweek also gets used semi-regularly)
the quote is from a book, which I DO try to be extra diligent in providing a citation for that reason
the quote is from an article that is no longer available on the internet. it might be in my notes because I copied it there and, if I'm smart, I will have made sure I can still access the article using the wayback machine (which is sometimes what I use to find things in the first place). if I'm not smart, then my doc becomes the last reservoir of lost knowledge I suppose
the quote is transcribed from a video/podcast
I should also say that my notes aren't perfect since... well, most of them have existed a lot longer than me starting to blog on tumblr about motogp. there is just stuff I'll quickly pull from my lil mind maps or whatever when I post, which is where the 'being too lazy to give a source' thing sometimes comes in. when it's english language articles I'm not too bothered because I know people can find it pretty quickly with the use of a search engine if they are thus inclined; with the other stuff I'm trying to be more diligent. but yeah, unfortunately for three of those there's no great fix - the language one is the only one I can recommend. which, btw, if you're looking to do your own motogp research, this one is absolutely invaluable. there is a lot of stuff I've only found because I started searching for stuff using italian and spanish keywords. hope that helps!
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franzis-frantic-thoughts · 2 years ago
Who’s Afraid of Alex J. Newall? by Newt Schottelkotte is definitely worth a read to everyone who’s a fan of Rusty Quill Productions.
I count myself amongst those. Which is why I want to add to something mentioned in the article that I, alongside @nossorgs​ have special insight into:
The Transcripts.
In light of everything that has happened this year, the way people inside of RQ have been mistreated, abused, and exploited, the transcripts appear to be a minor issue. But as Newt has pointed out beautifully: They’re a symptom of something much bigger, namely disregard, miscommunication, incompetence, reliance on free fan labour and pretending to be something they’re not. In this case the producer of inclusive and accessible content.
The official RQ transcripts were launched early this year and it was immediately clear how terrible they are. Countless fans have surely reached out to RQ to let them know. After all, there’s a handy feedback form. A feedback form which, incidentally, is neither up-to-task, nor easily accessible as it isn’t linked anywhere near the transcripts, but only in the 26 January 2022 “news” update.
However, Nossorgs and I, as professionals in the language service industry, had concerns that couldn’t be addressed in the feedback form. So we sat down together and wrote a very long email, which we sent to RQ on 22 February 2022. We have received no reply.
I’m now, after checking with Nossorgs, publishing the email here, because I don’t want anyone to say “well maybe they didn’t know”. They knew. They just didn’t care.
They didn’t even care enough to fix these issues by today.
Here’s the email and all the exemplary screenshots are below a cut.
Dear Rusty Quill Team,
congratulations on launching your new website and releasing the transcripts for the RQ original shows.
Upon review of several transcripts (in particular the ones created for Rusty Quill Gaming), we wanted to voice some concerns with the company or software used to generate the transcripts, since there appears to have been a grievous lack of quality control and a large number of errors have made it to the released transcripts. Screenshots are attached and a list of general concerns can be found below.
As professional linguists, who variously have been or are currently employed as editors, translators, transcribers, or project managers in the language service sector (each with QA responsibilities), with over a decade of experience, we would highly recommend requesting a partial or total refund from the companies involved in generating these transcripts. As provided, the transcripts lack any form of serious quality control and may even indicate that the supplier(s) you have partnered with are fraudulent.
With the professional experience we have, we understand the difficulties that come with transcribing audio of this type. One speaker having multiple voices, crosstalk, and "unusual" turns of phrase (i.e. Pathfinder mechanics and terminology) being used pose great difficulties. However, the concerns we would like to voice are unrelated to the content of RQG, but basic issues that any professional linguist should have been able to avoid.
Many of the concerns we have can be traced to a lack of consistency, which could have been avoided by the simple creation and adherence to a style guide. Did your transcription supplier provide or request one? With a project as big as this, it would have been standard practice.
Please find a list of general concerns below, the file names of relevant screenshots have been added in brackets:
Many spelling and grammar errors, which indicate a lack of language skill (Spelling001 to 005). Professional linguists should only ever work in their native language to avoid such issues. There are official ISO guidelines regarding linguistic qualifications, which any agency of worth is aware of and regularly audited on.
Misspelling of player and character names and misattribution of lines (Spelling001 to 005). We do not know whether RQ provided a list of cast and character names to the transcription provider, but they should have realised that many unusual names are included and references are needed. They should have reached out and requested a list if it hadn't been provided. If it was provided, it was clearly not consulted.
Lack of organisation: The very first episode is mislabelled as episode 25 in the transcript (Episode1_mislabeled). Episode 25, in turn, only seems to be available in a word format, not as a pdf (this also seems to apply to other episodes, such as 203). The transcripts are not labelled in a consistent pattern, meaning that they are not sorted consecutively by episode number in the RQ Sharepoint, making browsing difficult (Filing001).
Lack of consistent speaker tagging: In most transcripts, the players are not distinguished from the characters they are playing, and the formatting is inconsistent in the episodes that do note in-character speech (Characters001 to 003). This is probably due to your transcription provider splitting the work over multiple people. This is a common and reasonable approach to spread the workload. However, the linguists should have agreed on a common system, or the central project manager should have dictated one. Lack of cast/character distinction renders the transcripts as good as unreadable.
Lack of basic QA regarding completion: Episode 183 includes internal formatting remarks of the supplier, which should have been deleted by them prior to delivery (CW001).
Content warnings: Listing of content warnings is inconsistent, if present at all, with one remark noting that content warnings were unavailable because they were not listed in the (fan-made) wiki (CW002). It is concerning that the transcription provider would refer to a fan-made, unofficial source, when RQ provides content warnings with all episodes in the episode notes. Surely, these are also available at RQ internally in a centralised document which could have been requested by the supplier.
We understand you are probably very busy creating and promoting your new shows and troubleshooting your new website, but transcripts of this quality actively harm your reputation as an accessible and inclusive company. The mantra "better than nothing" only applies to a certain extent here. Low-quality transcripts, such as these, are of no help to those who rely on them. Clear labelling of actors vs characters is needed in order to follow the podcast, and content warnings should have been included whether they are available on the fan wiki or not. Even if these transcripts are intended as first drafts, to be revised and polished at a later stage, they are at best unuseable and at worst dismissive towards those members of the fan community who are hard of hearing or have auditory processing issues.
Professionally, we recommend that you reach out to your supplier with the list of concerns and screenshots we have collected and request corrections. Whether or not you also request a (partial) refund is up to you, but we also recommend you do. If you do not trust your original supplier to take care of the required corrections accurately, it would be standard practice to request a quotation from another supplier and contact the original transcription provider with this quotation in order to bill them for the additional financial burden. Before choosing a (second) supplier and contracting them for all 200+ reworks, it would be advisable to do a small batch of transcripts first, in order for you to get a feeling for their quality, as well as allow them to make an accurate estimate of the effort involved and ask any questions that may already have come up.
In the language service industry, it is not uncommon to have to rework one's deliveries. Language is subjective and linguists are people. Mistakes happen. We understand this better than most fans. However, no professional, qualified linguist would have signed off on these transcripts with the feeling of a job well done. There are human errors, and there is a gross lack of basic quality assurance. Unfortunately, the RQG transcripts, as they are, fall into the latter category.
If you would like to get in touch, we would be more than happy to share our professional knowledge and experience regarding linguistic projects such as these, in order to help you avoid such problems in the future, for instance if and when you decide to add transcripts for side quests, specials, and bloopers. We are aware that you don’t usually work with fans and understand and respect the reasoning behind the decision, however, many linguists in the fan community are prepared to offer their own services as transcribers. You have a wide range of professionals in your fan community, and all of them come with the additional benefit of being familiar with the source material and understanding what format these transcripts should take in order to be of use.
With kind regards,
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Spelling 005
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Characters 003
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justanothersyscourse · 4 years ago
BPD anon.
I don't think I fit 5 of the 9 criteria for BPD, depending on where I look I get 2-4. Maybe 5 at a stretch. I do also get some amnesia. My trauma history began young enough to develop DID (the only question is was it severe enough? I've seen a lot of sources say that it has to be severe). My switches or moods also aren't linked to stuff happening in my relationships, and can happen seemingly unrelated to anything in particular.
Could you please explain how to tell if an alter I independent or not? Is them sometimes talking back enough? I get their voice coming from somewhere else in my mind and usually have no idea what they're gonna say before they say it.
I actually just got an ask from another anon with BPD/OSDD, so I’m including that here in the hopes that maybe another perspective might also help? If anyone else with DID/OSDD and BPD would like to share their input and experiences, I think that would be helpful!! 
And thank you to this anon for sharing!!
to our knowledge, we have comorbid bpd/osdd and stuff like that and its really hard to tell if its just me dissociating really hard or someone else entirely- the only reason we can be like, a bit sure ig we're a system is because it feels, "right"?- like it fits what we're experiencing? ig, and the fact we use we/us/our, or how we feel like an entirely different person at times as alters, stuff like that, idk if that makes sense tho!
Talking back can be a sign. I’m bringing this up because I think it can draw some parallels? I’ve seen people with MAD (Maladaptive Daydreaming) talking about their “paras”, and how they can just tell that, at the very core, they’re controlling the paras, even if they seem to talk back. For others, it can be a lot harder to tell the difference.
Which I guess means that’s not entirely helpful... x__x
I think, more importantly, would be asking the question of whether the parts are completely different-- do they have different genders and views, likes and dislikes? 
Here’s another little abstract that goes over some of the differences.
I would also check out this article-- it might be helpful the way they describe alters while they’re debunking some of the myths about DID. For example, “It’s the only condition that has such pronounced amnesic gaps ("missing time"), differentiated personality states, as well as exposure to extensive trauma,” and “Parts can be any age, gender, or personality type. They can have entirely different outlooks on the world, faiths, sexual orientations, political views, etc.”
I so desperately wish I could provide more guidance. This is a decision that only you can make based on introspection. If you have access to any therapeutic resources, like therapists, they would be the only ones who could provide more insight ;--; I imagine you must be very confused. The only advice I can offer is to relax and just take it one day.step at a time. BPD or DID, or WHATEVER you might be experiencing, you’re always going to be welcomed here, and I support you every step of the way while you figure things out. 
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fortunatelylori · 6 years ago
Let’s talk about the trailer ... because what else are we going to do on a Wednesday afternoon?
I was reluctant to write a meta on this trailer since there isn’t much in terms of narrative to analyze but since I don’t think we’ll be getting much content aside from it, let’s strike the iron while it’s hot, shall we?
The first thought I had upon finishing this was that this is most likely a collection of shots and scenes from the first 3 episodes. There is not one shot in this trailer that I couldn’t comfortably place within what I believe the first 3 episodes will be about: namely the White Walker war. 
It’s also a suspicion that is given even more credence in my mind by the EW article that was released a day prior in which the vast majority of coverage is on the white walker battle and the struggles of the production crew, actors and director Miguel Sapochnik with one of the most grueling night time shoots I’ve ever heard of in my life (55 days of exclusive night shoots! 55!). 
Considering that I assume the reason why they spent 55 nights filming is because the Long Night will actually descend upon Winterfell with the arrival of the White Walkers outside its walls, I feel pretty confident in going even further in my speculation regarding the trailer and say that most of the scenes we see in this trailer are from episode 1 and 2. 
That being said, it’s rather difficult to make out what could happen in those 2 episodes because we get a lot of different, seemingly unrelated shots of the principals without much of a hint in terms of the narrative conflicts that will undoubtedly occur during what I assume will be 2 drama filled episodes. 
As a general conclusion, I believe there are three narrative strands that the trailer blends in, namely: 
The White Walker threat 
Cersei and the Golden Company
Jon/Dany and the dragons
The interesting thing about the White Walker conflict is that we are first introduced to it in the trailer not by Jon, who up until this point has been the public face of the Human Race defense squad, but Arya. 
Seeing this opening: 
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Followed up with this: 
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And coupled with Arya’s VO: 
Arya: I know death. He’s got many faces. I look forward to seeing this one.
Feels like it gives me a pretty good grasp of what Arya’s arc will be thematically. Incidentally, Maisie already hinted at it in the EW article and this trailer just comes to confirm that: 
Maisie Williams: “There’s this split with Arya between trying to be who she wants to be — getting back to that naiveté and innocence with her family — and her unfinished business.”
This opening seems to emphasize this vacillation between Arya’s vulnerability and humanity and her Faceless Men training. It also brings up the possibility that the Faceless Men will be making a come-back in her arc, which would make sense considering it was never truly concluded. 
We are then thrown into Bran’s VO who is conspicuously absent from this trailer, which is disappointing. I think this is in part because whatever role he is going to play in the War for the Dawn is something that the Ds most likely want to keep hidden but also, and I’m sorry to say it, because his physical disability would impede them from showing the type of dynamic, action filled shots that they use a lot of in this trailer which frankly shows a lack of creativity and a blatant lack of interest on their part for his character, two issues that has plagued Bran for seasons now. 
Out of all the VOs, Bran’s is probably the most generic. People have speculated that this is something he will say to Jon and that’s a possibility but I have to say that while I was watching the trailer, I assumed he was saying it to Arya, as a way to help her reconcile the struggle between the two sides of her personality. 
Bran: Everything you did brought you to where you are now. Where you belong. Home. 
But really it could be about any of the Starks and it could also be about everyone in the show. Essentially, what this VO conveys is the journey all these character have been on and what led them to reach the place they are now. And it’s placed over images that show that: 
We have the Golden Company arriving. As well as confirmation that Tormund and Edd are alive! Yay. We’ll just ignore Beric, shall we? He’s just a bonafied torch as far as I’m concerned We also get establishing shots of King’s Landing and Cersei. 
Then it gets more specific and focuses in on Winterfell. This VO is mainly used as exposition for all of these separate entities coming together in the North for the Great War: 
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These shots are among the most beautiful and sweeping of the trailer. They’re breathtaking actually. But I can’t help but feel the same amount of apprehension that Sansa has plastered all across her beautiful face. And that’s because it also feels a little bit like a home invasion of sorts. Jon and D*ny are advancing towards Winterfell in the midst of a huge army. Sansa watches from the battlements as the dragons begin circling her home. This is not all together uplifting, optimistic imagery if looked at from her perspective and her perspective is really the only one we get in these shots since Jon and Dany are presented from the POV of the people that have come out to watch the procession, namely this kid: 
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Hello potential food for D*ny’s dragons. How’s medieval life treating you?  Ready for some nukes to destroy your hut?
Also this marks the first transition from Jon/Dany to Sansa in the trailer. It’s not the last. 
Then we jump into Jon’s VO: 
Jon: They’re coming. 
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Jon: Our enemy doesn’t tire.
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Ok, a bit unfair. Jon’s VO is patently about the White Walkers. However if the shoe fits, you can’t help yourself from walking in it
I won’t deny it. Seeing D*ny in the Winterfell crypts is uncomfortable for me. Not least because once again it feels like she’s breaching Jon’s personal space without being invited. She seeks him out. She gets near him while he looks down and broods, which is something he does a lot of when she’s around him. 
Just like Sansa seeing the dragons fly over Winterfell and the Winter Town kid watching D*ny’s armies marching, this, once again, feels like an invasion as opposed to the benevolent savior coming to protect the North. 
The VO continues with images of Gendry forging weapons and Jaime fighting: 
Jon: Doesn’t stop. Doesn’t feel. 
The feel bit is interesting because we get this: 
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Jon and D*ny are supposed to be the epic love story on this show and yet the only kiss we get is for Missandei and Grey Worm?!? 
It also marks these two as the doomed couple that will die a doomed death this season so sorry about that, Missandei/Grey Worm fans. 
However, the entire sequence doesn’t actually end there. It continues with various quick shots, only to end on this: 
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I don’t know about you guys but this indicates to me that the trailer is setting Cersei apart from the enemies that Jon is talking about. Of course, that makes sense on a surface level simply because Cersei is human unlike the White Walkers. But why go out of their way to make Cersei sympathetic since aside from the Night King, she’s supposed to be the Big Bad? My guess is because she isn’t and her story this season is about something else than another villain Jon and D*ny will slay with their epic love.  
The last VO we have is from Jaime. This trailer is very VO heavy and Jaime feels like an odd choice. What he says is very much in line with his season 7 finale sentiments, so not many surprises there: 
Jaime: I promised to fight for the living. I intend to keep that promise. 
However, you know who else made such a promise? One that was reiterated in season 7? 
Jon Snow: I am the shield that guards the realms of men. 
I probably wouldn’t have made this association if the trailer didn’t make sure to link Jaime’s VO with shots of Jon: 
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Jon in front of the Heart Tree ... you know the same type of tree where he first made his pledge to protect mankind, back in season 1. 
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Jon Snow running through a field of fire, looking remarkably similar to his Night Watch self. 
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Jon Snow walking towards the creatures he bent the knee for and almost died trying to acquire in order to save the world. 
This last shot is fascinating for 2 reasons: 
It marks the first time Jon is actually in the same shot as Rhaegal. And he’s positioned right in front of him. 
This gives me so many Dance of Dragons vibes, I can’t even begin to fully describe them. To make things clear, I don’t think this scene will end with Jon riding Rhaegal. This is probably Jon and D*ny visiting with the dragons or inspecting that they are in optimum shape for the battle. However, the hint is there visually nonetheless. 
Coupled with a VO that talks about fighting for “the living” it’s even more disturbing to see the graveyard of bones littered all around those creatures. 
To clarify, the choice of having those bones there could be entirely avoidable. Jon and D*ny could come upon the dragons just sitting there, without charred bones all around them. Or if the scene absolutely demands that bones be there, they could have just not included the shot in the trailer at all. But they did. 
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Hello, Sansa! What are you looking at? And why do I want to hug you right now?
Obviously I doubt these two scenes follow each other within the context of the actual show but in terms of the transition, once again the idea of a love triangle is inserted, albeit in a very subtle way. 
Miscellaneous thoughts: 
Cersei and Sansa’s reunion:
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Firstly, let’s just all stop for a second and bow to the brilliance of Lena Heady, shall we? Just look at how much she conveys with just a few seconds focused on her face. I LOVE THIS WOMAN!
Anyway, because Lena is so brilliant and I feel like I have so much access to Cersei through this expression, I’m going to speculate that the reason why Cersei is brimming with barely concealed satisfaction and contained savagery is because in this scene she is actually being presented with a kidnapped Sansa. That’s where my mind went the moment I saw the shot and I’m sticking to it. 
I HATE THE ASCOTS! HATE, HATE, HATE THEM! For all that is holy, Clapton, release Sophie and Emilia’s necks from the neck chokers of DEATH!
Dothraki? What Dothraki? 
There are no Dothraki in sight! Not during the arrival at Winterfell. Not during the scene of Missandei and Grey Worm kissing. Not during the final shot of the Winterfell army getting ready for the White Walker attack. 
Where are they? I’m willing to bet something happens to at least some of them along the way. 
White walkers and the Night King: 
These are supposed to be the ultimate Villain that all the good guys are going to band together and fight. This trailer is nominally about them. And yet all we actually get of them is this: 
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There’s actually no reason to hide the White Walkers from sight. We know they’re coming, we know what they look like. A few shots of them marching isn’t going to spoil anything. 
However, the trailer seems far more interested in showing the struggles and hinting at conflicts and tribulations between the characters, namely those stuck together within the confines of Winterfell. 
Because, of course, it is. This series has never been about the White Walkers. It’s about: “the human heart in conflict with itself”. 
Bring it on, show! Bring it on!
*none of the gifs are mine. thank you to the artists!
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chibalein · 6 years ago
Official Statement by Kajiura AND Hikaru/Keiko on Kalafina Disbandment
NOTE: In response to @putschki1969 comments (thank you again), I corrected a few parts of this translation . As Tumblr does not edit the reblogged posts as well, I re-uploaded it, so please refer to this post from now on. I would also appreciate it, if you deleted the old reblogs.
Sorry guys, I was too hasty while translating and made some stupid and avoidable mistakes v.v (damn you japanese language) That happens when you already interpret while translating, so never take fan translations for granted, kids.
I was VERY surprised to see on Twitter that Hikaru actually “reacted” to the news of Kalafina disbanding. She as well as Kajiura posted a link to the FictionJunction homepage where an official statement by Kajiura AND BOTH Hikaru and Keiko was released regarding yesterday’s news. Here is the link and a translation of the statements. This is MY translation - please take it with a grain of salt and PLEASE correct me, if I got something wrong. I don’t want to twist the meaning just because I used the wrong English word.
“About the report of Spacecraft’s “Regarding the disbandment of Kalafina”:
Yesterday, Spacecraft released a report about “the disbandment of Kalafina”, although it was very sudden and somewhat surprising that they haven’t used “hiatus” but the strong word “disbandment”, the three members undeniably have stopped their activities a long time ago. Above all else, as the former producer of Kalafina and as an individual person, I continued to feel very sorry for being unable to properly address the issue to everyone who supported Kalafina until now.
As for the former Kalafina members Keiko and Hikaru, when I reached out to them they felt the same way after all and since they wanted to use the opportunity to greet everyone, therefore I gathered their messages and provided a temporary* place on my website.” (Kajiura)
*Note: I’d like to point out the word used for “temporary” here which is “rinji 臨時”. My dictionary says it can mean “temporary”, “makeshift” and “extraordinary”. So for me, it means that they actually had no other way of releasing this kind of statement the “official” way (e.g. via Spacecraft or Hamony) but using the somehow unrelated FictionJunction and Kajiura. However, just my thinking, I’d love to discuss that in the comments (so japanese speaking people, step up).
Message from Keiko and Hikaru:
To our important fans,
We are very sorry that we didn’t take the responsibility last year, when we passed our 10th year, to express our feelings that needed to be expressed in our own words and ended up addressing the issue this way.
In the 10 years of Kalafina, there was a harmony only the three of us could create, there was the musical world spun by Kajiura-san... moreover, because you were waiting for us, we could keep on going.
Furthermore, thanks to the many outstanding works we encountered, we were able to deliver our music in various places. Each and every accumulation will never disappear and we couldn’t ever forget them. Last year, our one big decision was to “stop walking [as a group] for a while in order to pursue our own individual music careers”. We feel very sorry that this information had this kind of timing, but we want you to please watch over the paths we chose.
To everyone who have supported us until now, we appreciate it from our hearts... Thank you.
March 14th 2019 Keiko. Hikaru
Message by Kajiura Yuki:
I can imagine that the message by the two members might be enough already and that my words might just be unnecessary... so again, everyone who supported Kalafina until now, thank you so much. And to everyone who waited anxiously for such a long time in this half-baked state thinking “what will happen now”, I apologize.
Actually, the information that “Kalafina will suspend their activities” was supposed to have been released a bit earlier to everyone, it should have been like that. You were supposed to understand and support the choice of the three members, who worked for my music so sincerely like no one else did for more than 10 years, to go separate ways. However, being able to apologize for the delay and expressing my gratitude from the heart, it might be very selfish... but as the former producer I feel a bit relieved to finally get the opportunity.
Even now I clearly remember the day giving this unit the name “Kalafina”. (I thought that even if I say so myself, it’s such a lovely name!). For the members, the past ten years were full of days of challenge, grappling with a new form of “songs”, weren’t they. I am so proud because of the hard struggle of the three members, they were able to deliver “unprecedented music” to everyone. And as these days of grappling could continue, we received each and everyone’s support who devoted themselves to listen to our music.
Perhaps, everyone wasn’t just listening to Kalafina’s music, but... somehow it inspired everyone’s imagination, while spinning your own story together with everyone, I think that is an exciting thing... Just like this, Kalafina’s story definitely isn’t concluded just by the three members or myself, but because you made this world with us together, Kalafina was able to progress. These are my strong feelings. I am, really, just, thankful that you played in this musical world with us.
I, who is now independent and has left Kalafina, may be thanking you too much, but I truly wanted to properly convey my feelings, so I wrote this very long article.
I loved Kalafina. Having been able to walk together with these three wonderful singers for ten years, now and forever, I am proud of that. These were times I wished they would never end. I want the members to talk about their individual “Kalafina” and these days proudly with a raised face too. I want them to treat the ten years of singing with all their power as fuel for walking on their new paths with dignity, I pray for that. ... even if I say that, I don’t intend to say farewell forever to the individual members, as long as we can continue music mutually, we surely will be blessed by fate again somewhere!
Spinning the music of Kalafina was truly fun. When I went to concerts, I would forget that I was the producer and just enjoy these times of music. If I was granted one selfish wish... I may have caused an uproar to everyone who loved Kalafina one way or another now... for the sake of these enjoyable times of music, if you could retain those memories. I pray for that.
With a gratitude I won’t get tired of telling you. Thank you very much!
Allright, that’s it. That’s a lot of subliminal info actually, at least in my opinion. I got the feeling that things did not go as intended for Kalafina... again, my translation may be misleading, but I feel like after Kajiura left Spacecraft, maybe the girls wanted to explore some individual paths but not entirely throw away the idea to reunite at some point again. However, this door was closed by Spacecraft now and I just wonder whether all of them were included in the decision as much as they should have been. I am surprised that after all this time, Kajiura and Hikaru/Keiko actually reacted to the official disbandment, but maybe now they were finally allowed to (I can imagine that some part of the contract forbade them to “tell the truth” to avoid bad publicity). Like I said above, it’s kinda strange to release this kind of statement on Fictionjunction and it makes it seem that they couldn’t do so on “official” sites like Harmony, which would make more sense and be more accessible to the actual fanclub members.
At least we know that Keiko is alive and in contact with Hikaru and Kajiura XD I feel bad for Wakana though. We don’t know how the relationship between her and the others developed since she is the one who apparently had no problems (or she just got the better offers) to stick with Spacecraft or whatever, while the others seemingly did. She is left out of this whole news, despite being a vital part of it. I guess she is “not allowed” to react to it, especially so shortly before her solo career truly kicks off...
Anyway, what do you guys think, let me hear!
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bliklab-blog · 6 years ago
Thumbnail Blaster Review and Bonus
Welcome to my Thumbnail Blaster Review and Demo YouTube first became popular while an online platform regarding musicians to generate a name for themselves as well as becoming whole lot more views was, and still is, the ultimate goal to get movie content creators. In older times, people would use deceptive title, tags, and thumbnails to the extent to get additional views and now times Search engines has won the particular battle with spam by simply integrating new voice and impression identification technology to acquire an idea involving what exactly a video is around compared to what the subject material creator claims in this title, tags, together with information. This helps to give people who have a much far better end user experience when looking something up on YouTube. Video content creators are now facing having to really make quality video tutorials that people will enjoy and in order to get more views, this should be viewed by good enough people to find the suitable person who will add the idea on his internet site, or at least share it on Myspace. Correctly consequently, Google's best main concern is user knowledge over often the content provider's see add up, however some professionals point out the new changes for you to often the algorithm will bring about old videos, that folks have already seen, drive more moreattract attention than new types and could actually help make it tough for the particular user to find fresh content in search success regarding well-known search conditions. So, just how can a online video content creator this summer combat the latest changes to be able to this YouTube Algorithm? Make Video lessons Like Never Just before Create a Following Comment Your own personal Way into the Top Down Site Seo Know Typically the Difference Between Junk In addition to Optimization Make Video clips Just like Never In advance of Along with YouTube's 92 Billion webpage sights a thirty day period and even increasing, a video clip really needs to be one of a kind for it to find recognition. Planning a online video media and scripting are now a must along along with image quality. By comparing typically the videos with millions regarding views to the lesser involving the people, you can see that will high definition and excellent lighting are two popular traits shared by often the just about all viewed videos. This kind of doesn't mean you have got to get an high priced HIGH-DEFINITION camera to pick up more views. YouTube offers a set of formatting tickets, again to support provide a much better person experience. yt: crop=16: in search of yt: stretch=16: 9 yt: quality=high Use these kind of tags to eliminate window boxing and poor video high quality if you do not really have access to HARLEY-DAVIDSON equipment. Pay attention to your video's thumbnail models careful to not be flagged for unsolicited mail. "OMG" encounters are favorite thumbnail alternatives just as long as it is usually what will be within the video. The. 25. four plus. 75 points inside your movie used in order to be what determined your own thumbnail selections when uploading. With so much mistreatment, Yahoo and google came up having the bright idea to use the three top clips from your online video and semi-randomly picking the point from your three schedule points. Stereo and image root file names are usually also added in the situation to better give right thumbnail models. Spammers is unable to just add a short image flash at the halfway level of their videos to get a lot more ideas. Build a Adhering to
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As with Fb, Tweet, and MySpace, Vimeo is certainly also a social network. Being mixed up in community will be a must for fresh plus old video content makers looking to turn out to be popular on YouTube. Create your channel around a special specialized niche that has the mid-sized level of opposition. Visit similar channels together with comment on their videos together with sincere compliments or perhaps issues. Treat your subscriber's video lessons the same means so you are definitely not to work as a dormant quantity in their subscription foodstuff. The old SUB4SUB method is still being employed and has expanded in to its own community or even niche. If your target audience can be teenagers, go intended for it! Be careful certainly not to be called out there being a spammer because typically the idea of, "You sign up to to me and My spouse and i will subscribe to you" is often frowned on by simply people of a qualified background. YouTube picks right up in closely repeated feedback and auto-marks them while junk e-mail so just work with a SUB4SUB profile graphic and be participating in typically the SUB4SUB channels within the Dailymotion community. Set aside a day to work about building a new following upon other social networking sites such since Facebook, Twitter, together with Bebo. This increases the using to those who don't have a new channel on Youtube . com which usually surprisingly enough tends to make up for the majority of the website's 92 billion visitors each month. Comment Your Way Into the Top Uploading a video double a week and strategies on the readers videos and programmes the particular day before is a wonderful principle of thumb. Being consistent from doing so can be the work the main whole factor. However, by doing this you brand yourself with the readers and build a awareness among them which starts off typically the snowball effect regarding even more experiences together with subscribers when they comment and share your videos. That is why you want for you to stay within your niche market. When leaving comments, possibly be sincere about what you model. Never just claim 2 words and depart. This totally defeats the purpose and it is certainly not heading to make people would like to know who also left said remark. Leave comments people wish on their videos plus share the particular comment in Facebook and Tweets to make it show finished as a "linked comment" on top of this review feed. Each time period a friends from Myspace or even Twitter clicks about this, the comment is certainly moved back in the major of the comment nourish. Be creative in your own personal responses and it could very well get thumbed up in addition gaining more and even more awareness towards the author of explained comment. Typically the ultimate goal at this point is in order to compliment the movie user's work which models your current username and station so when your videos turn up in their subscription supply, it is hard to endure. Off Site Optimization In this article is more "work" that has to be carried out in order to maneuver your videos to the particular major of search results. When people are trying to find you, it is best to help be readily accessible. Just employing a lot of tickets individuals are searching for basically going to lower this cake. Google wants to see back links on favorite web sites leading to your own personal online video to back up your statements of the things you have like your title. Should a popular web page has a hyperlink to your video using the phrases in your subject, it gives PUBLICITY details for that phrase after a certain amount of period. However, should you go around posting unrelated inbound links, chances are the idea will become taken out and wouldn't rely as a good back link anyway because of the time factor threshold. Post your online video media to other web sites connected to your niche along with participate in forum discussions plus post your video clip since a hyperlink when it is relevant to the particular dialogue. You have for you to maintain it related and this have to add value for you to the dialogue. If your own links get taken away, it will have a change effect on your lookup results position so be sure and respect often the terms and conditions regarding forums the fact that allow hyperlinks to video lessons and world wide web sites. Know The Distinction Between Spam And Seo The fine line between spam and optimization is important to breaking through the particular mass amounts of video clips on YouTube if people interested in your product will even know this is available. If you are Fred, in addition to your personal funnel (Lucas) says your age is definitely 33, it is highly improbable you will acquire called out for hiding your age when you created your. If a person are like many some other Dailymotion celebrities and your current description is full of advertising your own social networks together with T-shirt sales instead of conveying the video, you may well not get called out there either. However, then you will be not really a Vimeo movie star and if you comply with suit, it is only a couple of time before you are banned coming from the site. When choosing a title for your video clip, you should be creative and make use of words that are proceeding to get results via search engines like yahoo at the similar time. Decide on a search term you desire to be found by way of (that best identifies your own video) and use this in your title. Engines like google like range so include a few support words in your phrase. For example: Target saying: Remote Control Garden Mower A superb title might be: Remote Control Yard Mower vs. Steep Inclines Write a brief outline making use of the target phrase solely once towards top yet not as the first phrase. Be normal and chat to your viewers. Often thumbnail blaster review for the online video media need to be specific to your own target key phrase with and without quotations. By way of example: "remote control yard mower" remote control control backyard mower. After the thirty days of positive viewer side effects, you will observe your online video climbing typically the charts. Intended for competitive phrases, your movie has in order to produce lots of beneficial customer reaction before it will probably show up on major of search engine results and eventually on Google as the online video media result. Patients, hard work, and even regularity will be a must. You should add videos on a normal basis all of with somewhat different concentrate on phrases affiliated to your niche. It is a lot associated with work. However , when you get your first online video up to a thousand views, you may be hooked upon YouTube, wearing YouTube Tshirts, and even making tutorials to help others.
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final-fantasy-iii-blog · 6 years ago
Thumbnail Blaster Review and Bonus
Welcome to my Thumbnail Blaster Review and Demo YouTube first became popular as an on the net platform for musicians to create a new label for themselves as well as becoming extra views was, whilst still being will be, the ultimate goal intended for video clip content creators. In thumbnail blaster review , people would use deceptive title, tags, and thumbnails to an extent to get additional views and now nights Yahoo and google has won the battle with spam by way of including brand-new voice and graphic recognition technology to have an idea connected with what exactly a video is in relation to in comparison to what the subject material creator claims in often the title, tags, plus outline. This helps to present those that have a much far better consumer experience when looking some thing up on YouTube. Movie content creators are now confronted by having to really make quality video lessons of which people will delight in and in order to get more views, the idea needs to be noticed by adequate shed pounds find the right person who will install the idea on his internet site, or at least share this on Twitter. Correctly consequently, Google's top priority is definitely user experience over often the content provider's check out add up, however some industry experts point out the new changes to be able to this algorithm will cause old videos, that individuals have already observed, drive more moreattract attention than new versions and could actually help to make it complicated for typically the user to find refreshing content in search benefits to get famous search terminology. So, how does a movie content creator in 2011 fights impotence the latest changes for you to typically the YouTube Algorithm? Produce Video clips Like Never In advance of Build a Following Comment Your own Way into the Top Off Site Seo Know Typically the Difference Among Junk mail And even Optimization Generate Movies Such as Never Prior to With YouTube's 92 Billion web site sights a 30 days and even climbing, a online video must be distinctive for it to get hold of acknowledgement. Planning a video and scripting are now a must along using display quality. By comparing often the video clips with millions associated with views for the lesser connected with the tribes, you can see that will high definition and great lighting are two frequent traits shared by the particular just about all viewed videos. This particular doesn't entail you have got to get an expensive HIGH DEFINITION camera to have more views. Dailymotion has a set of format tags, again to support provide a much better user experience. yt: crop=16: in search of yt: stretch=16: 9 yt: quality=high
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Use these tags to eliminate window boxing and poor video good quality if you do definitely not have access to HIGH-DEFINITION equipment. Pay attention in order to your video's thumbnail selections careful to not be flagged for junk. "OMG" encounters are well-known thumbnail options just so long as it is what will be inside it. The. 25. five plus. 75 points in your video clip used to help be what determined your thumbnail selections when uploading. With so much mistreatment, Google and yahoo came up together with the bright concept to use the three best movies from your online video and semi-randomly picking a point from the three time frame points. Sound and impression root record names will be also added in to the equation to better give appropriate thumbnail options. Spammers cannot just add a quite short image flash at often the halfway place of their particular videos to get a lot more landscapes. Build a Next As with Twitter, Tweets, and MySpace, Dailymotion is also a social circle. Being mixed up in community is usually a must for brand-new together with old video content inventors looking to turn out to be popular on YouTube. Build your channel around a individual specific niche market that has a new mid-sized level of rivals. Visit similar channels in addition to comment on their video clips together with sincere compliments or perhaps queries. Treat your subscriber's video lessons the same method so you are not really to turn into a dormant range in their subscription feed. The old SUB4SUB approach is still being used and has developed directly into its own community or niche. If your market can be teenagers, go with regard to it! Be careful not necessarily to be called out there as being a spammer because often the idea of, "You sign up to to me and My spouse and i will subscribe to you" is often frowned upon by people of a specialized background. YouTube picks way up in greatly repeated remarks together with auto-marks them seeing that junk so just make use of a SUB4SUB profile picture and be participating in the SUB4SUB channels inside Vimeo community. Set aside some sort of day to work with building some sort of following on other social networks such because Facebook, Twitter, together with Web sites. This grows your right after to those who don't have a new channel on Vimeo which will surprisingly enough makes up for a lot of the web site's 92 billion site visitors every month. Comment Your Way On the Top Uploading a video two times a 1 week and activities with your members video tutorials and programs the working day before is an excellent rule of thumb. Being constant in doing so can be the work the main completely thing. However, in doing this a person brand yourself with the subscribers and build a curiosity among them which commences the snowball effect involving even more experiences in addition to subscribers when they remark and share your video clips. Because of this , you want to stay within your specialized niche. When leaving comments, be sincere about what an individual type. Never just say a pair of words and leave. This specific totally defeats the purpose and is also not planning to make people wish to know which left said brief review. Leave comments people need on their videos and even share this comment upon Facebook and Twitter for you to make it show up as a "linked comment" on top of the particular opinion feed. Each moment a new follower from Fb or even Forums clicks on it, often the comment is normally moved returning to the best of the comment nourish. Be creative in the comments and it can get thumbed up likewise gaining more and whole lot more attention towards the article writer of stated comment. The particular ultimate goal here is to help compliment the online video media customer's work which brand names your username and channel as a result when your video tutorials appear in their subscription supply, will probably be hard to stand against. Off Web site Optimization Here is more "work" the fact that has to be performed in order to transfer your videos to typically the best of search effects. When people are searhing for a person, it is best in order to be no problem finding. Just making use of a lot of tag words people are searching for isn't very going to slash the cake. Google wants to discover back links on popular websites leading to your video clip to back up your statements of everything you have like your title. When a popular site has a url to your video using often the terms in your concept, it gives PR points for that phrase following a certain amount of period. However, when you go all around posting unrelated hyperlinks, likelihood are it will possibly be eliminated and wouldn't count up as a good back web page link anyway due to time aspect threshold. Post your video to other websites associated to your niche as well as participate in forum discussions in addition to post your video as a good hyperlink whenever it is linked to this discourse. You have to be able to maintain it related and that have got to add value to the debate. If your own links get removed, that will have a slow effect on your seek results positioning so become sure and respect this terms and conditions associated with forums the fact that allow backlinks to videos and internet sites. Know The Difference Between Spam And Search engine optimization The fine line in between spam and optimization is important to breaking through the bulk amounts of video lessons on YouTube if folks interested in your material will certainly even know this is available. Should you be Fred, and your personal funnel (Lucas) says your age is definitely 33, it is remarkably improbable you will find called out for lying about your age when an individual created your. If anyone are like many different YouTube celebrities and your own information is full of advertising your own personal social networks in addition to Jacket sales instead of expounding on the video, you may possibly not get referred to as over either. However, chances are you happen to be not really a Dailymotion celeb and if you follow suit, it is simply a good couple of time before you are prohibited by the site. When picking a title for your video, you ought to be creative and work with phrases that are intending to get results from engines like google at the similar time. Decide on a good search name you want to be found by (that best details your own personal video) and use it in your title. Engines like google like variety so include a few support words to the phrase. For example: Concentrate on saying: Remote Control Lawn Mower A great title will be: Remote Control Yard Mower vs. Steep Slopes Write a brief information while using the target phrase only once on the top nevertheless not really for the reason that first term. Be organic and talk to your viewers. This tags for the video clip needs to be specific to your current target key phrase with in addition to without quotations. One example is: "remote control yard mower" remote control yard mower. After a thirty day period of positive person side effects, you will see your online video climbing the charts. Regarding competitive phrases, your movie has to generate lots of good audience reaction before it will show up on leading of listings and ultimately on Google as the online video media result. Patients, hard work, and even regularity are usually a must. You will want to add videos on a standard basis all of with a little different target phrases affiliated to your niche market. That is a lot regarding work. Yet , when you get your first online video up to a , 000, 000 views, you can be hooked on YouTube, wearing YouTube T shirts, and even making training to help others.
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marshmallowgoop · 6 years ago
Sooo I’ve had this Twitter account for a bit and have some Thoughts.
✄ I think Twitter might be good for me because it forces me to be brief.
✄ Buuut at the same time, Twitter is probably kind of awful for the kind of content I make. I keep trying to share my essays there, and I have no idea how best to do so. Do I just share a link? Do people actually click on links on Twitter?
✄ The other option I’ve been trying is stitching together screenshots of my posts to attach to Tweets so that folks don’t have to click a link to engage with my stuff, but I dunno if this is worth all the effort. I mean, is it maybe better to click a link than click through four different images of one post?
✄ Which brings up another thing: how to picture on Twitter??? The fact that things look totally different on desktop and mobile (and probably the app, but I don’t have the app) is kind of really frustrating to me. I have no clue how the site’s gonna crop and display my images until I post them.
✄ So, needless to say, I really miss Tumblr’s option to save drafts on Twitter. Yeah, I know Twitter is a micro-blogging platform and there’s probably the thought that it’s not even worth it to have “drafts” of stuff that’s only 280 characters long, but I overthink every darn character I post and would like to preview them before I send them out into the ether!
✄ Similarly, I miss a queue function. I like having stuff posting even if I’m not around. Keeps things looking alive.
✄ But I think I probably miss tags most of all. Tags are such a good way to express stuff without clogging up a post. Like, how am I supposed to add fluffy extra commentary now?
✄ Kind of related—I don’t know a thing about Twitter etiquette. I’ve heard various stuff about retweeting, for example. Like, I’ve heard from some folks that retweeting with a comment is Bad Form because it directs attention away from the original Tweet, but I’ve heard from others that it’s totally fine? I’ve been hesitant to retweet because I’m not sure what to do....
✄ I’ve also read literal articles explaining Curious Cat, but I still don’t get it at all. I guess I’ll have to try it to figure it out?? Do people actually use it, though???
✄ So, it’s probably obvious that I don’t know how normal people use Twitter. Like, when I use the site to search for content, I generally don’t include hashtags. (The only time I really include hashtags is if there’s a big hashtag movement going on that I’m interested in.) Normally, I just search for the thing without hashtags. Sure, this can cause lots of unrelated content to come up if folks have that thing in their username, but I think it’s a much better way to find stuff than just relying on hashtags. I mean, how often do people really use hashtags??? I’ve only used them sparingly, but should I use them more??? How do people find content on this site???
✄ All that said, I’m glad that my stuff actually shows up in searches on Twitter. Tumblr constantly erases me because I include links or “seem spammy” or whatever, making like 90% of my content literally unavailable to folks using the mobile app unless they follow me or encounter a reblog of my work. Tumblr does me such a dirty that I’m ridiculously pleased that Twitter actually does what a social media site’s supposed to do.
✄ On the other hand, the fact that Tumblr doesn’t do some standard social media stuff leaves me feeling a bit odd on Twitter. The rules are totally different. Follower counts, likes, etc. are all right out in the open. Everything seems so public. I thought someone had to be hate-following me once, but then I wondered, “Do people even hate-follow on Twitter? Because anyone can see that they follow me, and that might hurt their reputation?”
✄ More positively, I really like Twitter’s ability to add image descriptions. Sure, it kinda stinks that you have to turn this ability on and the site doesn’t just automatically let you do so, and I wish you could add image descriptions of GIFs, but it’s certainly leagues better than Tumblr. Like, hey, Tumblr, if you really care about accessibility, maybe implement something like that instead of making your blue absolutely eye burning?
✄ Oh, and it’s really weird to see my dad trending on Twitter.
✄ (No, not really my dad, but someone with the same name.)
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gotclass101-blog · 6 years ago
Thumbnail Blaster Review and Bonus
Welcome to my Thumbnail Blaster Review and Demo YouTube first became popular as an on the web platform regarding musicians to produce a new title for themselves and obtaining more views was, whilst still being is definitely, the ultimate goal for online video content creators. Back in the day, people would use unreliable title, tags, and thumbnails to the extent to obtain more views and now days and nights Google has won this battle with spam simply by adding new voice and picture acknowledgement technology to obtain an idea connected with what exactly a video is around in comparison with what the content material creator says in the particular title, tags, together with information. This helps to present individuals with a much better end user experience in order to a thing up on YouTube. Online video media content creators are now confronted by having to really make quality video tutorials that people will take pleasure in and to get more views, the idea has to be observed by ample visitors to find the appropriate customer who will embed that on his internet site, or at least share the idea on Myspace. Legally therefore, Google's top concern is user knowledge over typically the content provider's watch count, however some industry experts point out the new changes in order to often the algorithm will lead to old video clips, that people have already found, drive more attention than new versions and could actually help to make it challenging for typically the user to find fresh content in search success to get well-known search terms. So, how can a video clip content creator this summer fight the latest changes to be able to often the YouTube Algorithm? Develop Video tutorials Like Never Just before Develop a Following Comment Your current Way towards the Top Away Site Seo Know Often the Difference Concerning Junk And Optimization Produce Movies Just like Never Just before Along with YouTube's 92 Billion webpage landscapes a month in addition to soaring, a video clip really needs to be distinctive for it to get reputation. Planning a video clip and scripting are right now a must along having display quality. By comparing often the videos with millions regarding views on the lesser regarding the people, you will notice that high definition and excellent lighting are two common traits shared by this just about all viewed videos. This kind of doesn't mean you have got to get an high priced HI-DEF camera to get more views. Facebook offers a set of format tag words, again to assistance provide a superior end user experience. yt: crop=16: nine yt: stretch=16: dokuz
Tumblr media
yt: quality=high Use these kinds of labels to eliminate window boxing and poor video good quality if you do not necessarily have access to HI-DEF equipment. Pay attention for you to your video's thumbnail selections careful to not be flagged for junk mail. "OMG" confronts are well-liked thumbnail alternatives just as long as it is usually what will be around it. The. 25. 5 and. 75 points on your video clip used in order to be what determined the thumbnail selections when posting. With thumbnail blaster , Google came up with the bright idea for you to use the three lengthiest videos from your video clip and semi-randomly picking a point through the three schedule points. Stereo and impression root file names happen to be also added in to the picture to better give correct thumbnail selections. Spammers can't just add a quick image flash at the halfway position of their very own videos to get a great deal more ideas. Build a Next As with Facebook or myspace, Forums, and MySpace, Youtube . com is certainly also a social circle. Being mixed up in community will be a must for fresh and even old video content builders looking to turn into popular on YouTube. Create your channel around a particular specialized niche that has the mid-sized level of rivals. Visit similar channels plus comment on their movies having sincere compliments or issues. Treat your subscriber's video clips the same approach so you are certainly not to become a dormant range in their membership supply. The old SUB4SUB strategy is still being employed and has cultivated in to its own community or maybe niche. If your market is teenagers, go intended for it! Be careful not necessarily to be called out there like a spammer because the idea of, "You sign up to to me and I actually can subscribe to you" is often frowned upon by people of a professional background. YouTube picks up about closely repeated feedback plus auto-marks them seeing as junk mail so just apply a SUB4SUB profile graphic and be participating in this SUB4SUB channels inside the Youtube . com community. Set aside a day to work in building some sort of following about other social networks such because Facebook, Twitter, and Facebook or myspace. This increases your own personal right away to those who have no a channel on Dailymotion which usually surprisingly enough makes up for a lot of the web site's 92 billion readers each and every month. Comment Your Way To The Top Uploading a video 2 times a week and strategies in your clients videos and programs typically the day time before is a wonderful concept of thumb. Being constant at doing so is definitely the work section of the completely factor. However, by doing this an individual brand yourself along with your readers and build a awareness among them which starts off this snowball effect of even more displays and even subscribers when they remark and share your video clips. This is the reason you want in order to stay within your specialized niche. When leaving comments, be sincere about what anyone type. Never just claim a pair of words and abandon. This particular totally defeats often the purpose and is particularly certainly not heading to make people want to know who left said opinion. Leave comments people need on their videos and share this comment about Facebook and Twitting to make it show right up as a "linked comment" on top of the particular review feed. Each period a fans from Myspace or Twitter clicks in this, this comment is usually moved back to the top of the comment give. Be creative in your feedback and it could get thumbed upward also gaining more and even more fascination towards the article writer of mentioned comment. The particular ultimate goal this is in order to compliment the online video customer's work which manufacturers your username and approach thus when your movies present in their subscription supply, it will be hard to endure. Off Web page Optimization Below is more "work" that will has to be carried out in order to proceed your videos to the particular leading of search results. When people are trying to find anyone, it is best to be able to be no problem finding. Just working with a lot of tag words individuals are searching for is not going to slice the particular cake. Google wants to view back links on well-liked web pages leading to your own personal online video media to back up your statements of whatever you have as your title. In case a popular web site has a hyperlink to your video using often the words in your title, it gives PR items for that phrase after having a certain amount of period. However, should you go around posting unrelated back links, probabilities are the idea will possibly be removed and wouldn't count like a good back web page link anyway due to time component threshold. Post your movie to other web sites related to your niche along with participate in forum discussions and even post your online video since some sort of hyperlink any time it is associated with this dialogue. You have to retain it related and the idea need to add value for you to the debate. If your own personal links get taken off, that will have a slow effect on your research results place so end up being sure and respect typically the terms and conditions associated with forums that will allow inbound links to video clips and world wide web sites. Know The Difference Between Spam And Marketing The fine line involving spam and optimization is crucial to breaking through the mass amounts of video tutorials on YouTube if persons interested in your material will even know this is present. For anyone who is Fred, and even your personal route (Lucas) says your age will be 33, it is remarkably less likely you will have called out for lying about your age when a person created your. If you are like many some other Dailymotion celebrities and your current description is included with advertising your social networks plus Shirt sales instead of conveying the video, you may well not get known as over either. However, then you happen to be not a Dailymotion celeb and if you adhere to suit, it is only some sort of couple of time ahead of you are forbidden through the site. When deciding on a title for your online video, you must be creative and employ words that are proceeding to get results from engines like google at the similar time. Decide on a new search phrase you need to be found simply by (that best explains your own personal video) and use that in your title. Engines like google like range so put in a few support words in your phrase. For example: Aim for term: Remote Control Yard Mower A great title would likely be: Remote Control Lawn Mower vs. Steep Slopes Write a brief explanation utilizing the target phrase merely once to the top although not as being the first phrase. Be normal and discuss to your viewers. The tags for the online video media need to be specific to the target term with together with without quotations. To illustrate: "remote control backyard mower" remote control control garden mower. Following a 30 days of positive customer reactions, you will see your movie climbing often the charts. To get competitive key phrases, your movie has to help create lots of optimistic customer reaction before it is going to show up on best of search results and sooner or later on Google as a good video clip result. Patients, challenging work, in addition to regularity can be a must. You will need to add videos on a normal basis all of with a little different targeted phrases relating to your specific niche market. That is a lot connected with work. Nevertheless , when a person get your first online video media up to a mil views, you may be hooked on YouTube, wearing Facebook Tshirts, and even making guides to help others.
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recalculatingthegenderwar · 7 years ago
Feminist academic reminds us mainstream feminism really does just hate men
The Washington Post recently published an editorial entitled “Why can’t we hate men?” It is a short and illuminating look at the psyche of a modern feminist academic. In her editorial, Northeastern University professor Suzanna Danita Walters “names the problem”, a term feminists use when they get tired of dancing around how evil all men are and just decide to come out and say it. In these moments, the pseudo-academic smokescreens of “patriarchy” start to fall away and feminists reveal themselves as naked bigots.
Anti-male bigotry is mainstream feminism.
Although the article’s quality tempts you to think otherwise, Walters isn’t some random blogger:
“Suzanna Danuta Walters, a professor of sociology and director of the Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies Program at Northeastern University, is the editor of the gender studies journal Signs.” [link to her bio added]
I’m surprising no one by pointing out that while women’s studies or gender studies could be a legitimate academic discipline, it is really only feminist indoctrination in practice. The Northern University Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies Program website states:
“We advance knowledge through interdisciplinary research, innovative pedagogies, and collaboration with other institutions, inspiring new generations of gender and sexuality scholars and feminist leaders committed to social justice. We strive to be a globally recognized model of excellence in gender, sexuality, and feminist scholarship.” [emphasis added]
Walters is neither a nobody nor a fringe radical. She is a feminist professor teaching feminism at a prestigious university, running a feminist academic center and a feminist academic journal. She stands at the zenith of mainstream feminism.
This also makes it laughable when Walters claims “[t]he world has little place for feminist anger.” I won’t rehash the mind-bogglingly examples of feminist power and influence I’ve written about. I’ll just point out that Walters is one of many for whom “feminist anger” is a viable career. This is like Bill Gates telling us, “People really never much had of a place for that whole computer thing.”
The problem with naming the problem
In my past articles, I explained how Patriarchy theory is the core narrative of feminism. Patriarchy theory claims that women (and sometimes to a lesser extent men) are being oppressed by men as a class. Since men are considered to have absolute power over the world, even problems seemingly unrelated to gender (war, economic issues, environmental issues, etc) are the fault of men as a class. Individual male misdeeds are attributed to the entire male class even if most men would find those misdeeds repugnant. Positive male contributions are forgotten. Indeed, Walters blames men for a “milienia of woe”. Because God knows humanity was so much better off a millenia ago. Things have really gone to shit since a man invented Penicillin.
Meanwhile female misdeeds are seen as rarities, ignored or blamed on male influence. Under feminism, women must be angels and men must be devils.
Men as a class are referred to as the Patriarchy. This obfuscates and dehumanizes feminist bigotry toward men. Feminists portray themselves as fighting a system rather than people. This is useful for public relations and seducing new recruits. It is unclear whether feminists are just lying to the public or also to themselves. I honestly think it’s a bit of both.
As feminists become more indoctrinated, they get tired of dancing around the problem. They feel like they are doctors who aren’t allowed to properly diagnose a disease that is ravaging the world. Sit in the feminist pot long enough and you will eventually boil over. That is what we are seeing with Walters:
“Seen in this indisputably true context, it seems logical to hate men. I can’t lie, I’ve always had a soft spot for the radical feminist smackdown, for naming the problem in no uncertain terms. I’ve rankled at the “but we don’t hate men” protestations of generations of would-be feminists and found the “men are not the problem, this system is” obfuscation too precious by half”
Notice Walters is not only framing men (not “Patriarchy”, but men) as the “the problem”, but challenging the feminist credentials of all “would-be feminists” who don’t openly hate men. Walters believes hating men is essential to being a feminist.
Walters justification for hating half of humanity
So what is the “indisputably true context” in which “it seems logical” to hate half of the entire human species based on a biological trait they have no control over? What is Walkers indisputably justification for hating over 3.5 billion people across the world with diverse backgrounds, identities and beliefs simply because they were born a certain way? You would think an academic would have a rock solid argument to advocate such widespread hate. You would be wrong:
“It’s not that Eric Schneiderman (the now-former New York attorney general accused of abuse by multiple women) pushed me over the edge. My edge has been crossed for a long time, before President Trump, before Harvey Weinstein, before “mansplaining” and “incels.” Before live-streaming sexual assaults and red pill men’s groups and rape camps as a tool of war and the deadening banality of male prerogative.” [included original links from article]
These aren’t arguments. They aren’t even coherent sound bites. Walters is just ranting. We don’t even know if Schneiderman is actually guilty of anything yet. Yeah, Weinstein is a jerk. He doesn’t represent all men.
Yeah, 2 incels went on a killing spree (killing both women and men) in the last 5 years. However, incels aren’t inherently violent. They aren’t always saints, but they aren’t a terrorist movement. There appears to be no evidence that either killer colluded with the wider incel community. Frankly, a lot of the reporting on the supposedly “dangerous” incel movement seems like fear-mongering/feminist propaganda. More importantly, incels are a fringe movement that most men want nothing to do with. Most men don’t even know what an "incel" is.
The only items with even a little meat are claims of live-streaming sexual assault and rape camps. How common are these things? Who are the victims? The perpetrators? Walker doesn’t tell us. We get no information about live-streaming sexual assaults. Her link on rape camps takes you to a 18 year old article about the trial of Serbian soldiers who sexually enslaved Muslim women during the Kosovo conflict. This is tragic, but is it grounds to hate all men? Again, the article is about their criminal trial in the Hague. Strange how the rape of women is globally condemned in our universal patriarchal rape culture.
“Pretty much everywhere in the world, this is true: Women experience sexual violence, and the threat of that violence permeates our choices big and small. In addition, male violence is not restricted to intimate-partner attacks or sexual assault but plagues us in the form of terrorism and mass gun violence.”
Walters provides no links or no citations here. Statements like this are largely meaningless without some effort to establish scope. “Pretty much everywhere in the world women experience” synethesia and gout. Female violence “is not restricted to intimate-partner attacks or sexual assault.“ These are also both equally true statements.
Similarly, Walters gives us no actual data about men’s role in terrorism or mass gun violence. I’m still willing to consider men might be overrepresented in terrorism and mass gun violence. However, does this mean I should hate women because women commit the majority of infanticide? What? I can’t because only a minority of women commit infanticide and most women find infanticide abhorrent? Feminists say I should be sensitive about possible psychological or social issues that motivate female child-killers? Really?
What about women being the majority of human traffickers? Should I hate all women now?
Surprise! It's the wage gap.
Walters eventually gets something that sort of resembles an actual argument:
“Women are underrepresented in higher-wage jobs, local and federal government, business, educational leadership, etc.; wage inequality continues to permeate every economy and almost every industry; women continue to provide far higher rates of unpaid labor in the home (e.g., child care, elder care, care for disabled individuals, housework and food provision); women have less access to education, particularly at the higher levels; women have lower rates of property ownership.“ [original links included]
Basically you should hate men because…wage gap - the dead horse feminists keep thinking will win the Kentucky Derby. The wage gap is generally found to be the result of women’s choices in the labor market, not sex discrimination. The same goes for unpaid labor. Walters’ own source explains that women often do more unpaid labor because their husbands often do more paid labor.
Walters claim about education holds a bit more water. Her linked source is a recently published academic report on girl’s worldwide school enrollment. I haven’t had a chance to read through it detail, but it seems to take a much more nuanced view of than Walters would have you believe. First, there are only significantly unequal primary and secondary school enrollment rates in very poor countries and/or war torn countries. The report doesn’t seem to blame girls lack of education enrollment simply on patriarchal oppression, but mentions issues such as the greater costs on families and greater concern for girls’ safety.
It is unclear what Walters means by “higher levels” of education. The report says very little about post-secondary education. It doesn’t seem to have any statistics on global post-secondary enrollment. One of the few things it does point out is that U.S. colleges have a higher female enrollment than male enrollment (page 18).
Walters never offers hard evidence all of these supposed inequalities she lists are due largely to widespread to sex discrimination against women by men. In fact, she doesn’t even directly make this claim. She only strongly infers it.
Walters Advocates Violence?
“So, in this moment, here in the land of legislatively legitimated toxic masculinity, is it really so illogical to hate men? For all the power of #MeToo and #TimesUp and the women’s marches, only a relatively few men have been called to task, and I’ve yet to see a mass wave of prosecutions or even serious recognition of wrongdoing. On the contrary, cries of “witch hunt” and the plotted resurrection of celebrity offenders came quick on the heels of the outcry over endemic sexual harassment and violence. But we’re not supposed to hate them because . . . #NotAllMen. I love Michelle Obama as much as the next woman, but when they have gone low for all of human history, maybe it’s time for us to go all Thelma and Louise and Foxy Brown on their collective butts.” [originally links included; emphasis added]
Now we are getting into SCUM manifesto territory. The pivotal plot point in Thelma and Louise is one of the protagonists shoots a man to death. I’m less familiar with Foxy Brown, but it sounds like the female protagonist also commits violence against men. It’s hard to not to see this as a thinly veiled call to violence.
This fits with the general cowardice of Walters’ editorial. While it’s clear she hates men and it’s clear she wants us to hate them too, notice she never explicitly writes, “I hate man and you should hate men too”. She is simply stating “”it seems logical to hate men” and that women have every “right to hate” men. She isn’t literally telling anyone to actually hate men.
I’m not sure what legal, professional or ethical bullet she thinks is dodging by so thinly obscuring her obvious intentions.
Feminist Julie Bindel is a monster, but at least she had the decency to just come out and say she wants to put men in concentration camps.
Why was this written?
It isn’t well written. It isn’t thoughtful. It likely won’t improve the public opinion of feminism. Why would Walters write this? Why would the Washington Post print it? What purpose does it serve?
Firstly, Walters wrote it because she is a bigot who wants to spread her bigotry.
Secondly, the Washington Post produces feminist propaganda. I don’t know exactly why, but they do. They concocted a new bogus 1-in-5 college rape statistic after the CSA study finally fell from grace. They further scrambled to save the feminist college rape panic in the face of government data showing incredibly low rape rates on campuses. They tried to whip up #MeToo frenzy by creating a bogus work place harassment study that completely ignored male victims.
Finally, I hypothesis the main goal is to bring Democratic voters to the polls for the midterm election. Look how Walters ends her editorial:
“So men, if you really are #WithUs and would like us to not hate you for all the millennia of woe you have produced and benefited from, start with this: Lean out so we can actually just stand up without being beaten down. Pledge to vote for feminist women only. Don’t run for office. Don’t be in charge of anything. Step away from the power. We got this. And please know that your crocodile tears won’t be wiped away by us anymore. We have every right to hate you. You have done us wrong. #BecausePatriarchy. It is long past time to play hard for Team Feminism. And win.“
Since Trump took office in the United States, SJW groups and left-leaning media outlets have formed an indistinguishable mass of outrage to keep the anti-Trump fires burning for the midterm elections. This is why the National Organization for Women is making tweets about immigration and the 2nd amendment. This is why the Women’s March really wasn’t about women, but about left-wing talking points and hating Trump.
Take a look at this sentence again:
“Pledge to vote for feminist women only.” [emphasis added]
Remember feminism isn’t for women. Feminism is for feminism.
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noorpatate · 7 years ago
Optimism vs. pessimism
A friend of mine sent me a link to Tumblr post with these posters, which got me thinking about their message. 
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“Alain de Botton sees classification as an opportunity to reorganise knowledge so that it might be more useful to us in everyday life. Anthony Burrill regards his ability to classify his own life as a route to happiness. Commissioned by GraphicDesign&, this double-sided, collaborative poster by de Botton and Burrill addresses stereotypical perceptions of seemingly opposing approaches to life. Featuring two typographic bon mots, one side of the poster reads ‘pessimism is not always deep’, while the other side sports the motto ‘optimism is not always dumb’. Is your glass half empty or half full today?” (Source)
To be clear, here are the dictionary.com definitions for each term:
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People on the Internet and in high school like to argue the "better" mindset. But, honestly, is there a better one? Because of raging hormones and general discovery on how the world and the human body work (haha), some Internet-accessing teens would agree that pessimism is the better route because it is "more real." Looking at the definition of pessimism, it isn't hard to believe, given the daily terrible stuff on the news. Seriously, a quick look at the headlines on any newsfeed seems to prove that the world is capable of cruelty and evil on a daily basis. Therefore, pessimism makes sense, and the optimistic are naive bystanders who passively live on Earth and pay no attention to what the real world is like. 
But, if pessimism focuses on the bad or undesirable, then wouldn't it be mentally healthier to be optimistic? Goodness and happiness have always been goals valued by religions and peoples, and it can only be healthy to incorporate them into one's life. Plus, optimism implies hope, and hope relies on the belief that there is goodness in the world, enough for there to be change (a rebellion!).
Curious on the matter and wanting more than the ramblings of a tired teenager, I looked for more research-based information and fell upon a 2009 article, "The Psychology of Optimism and Pessimism: Theories and Research Findings" by Fiona Parashar. Here, I attempt to summarise and explain some points.
Historically and in literature, optimism has been associated with “simplistic and unrealistic people” who preach Kumbaya and happiness and rainbows. However, research has shown that optimism leads to a greater general and mental health, a positive outlook on life, and better coping strategies, among other benefits. On the other hand, pessimism is linked to poor mental health (i.e. depression) and, surprisingly, poor physical health. Entail two theories on optimism:
Dispositional Optimism. Professors of psychology Charles Carver and Michael Scheier coined the term to designate “the global expectation that good things will be plentiful in the future and bad things scarce.” Basically, optimism = positive outcomes whereas pessimism = negative outcomes, all of which in turn affect one’s mentality and mental health opposingly.
Explanatory style. This theory originates from psychologists Martin Seligman’s research on “learned helplessness,” which is the “reaction of giving up when faced with the belief that whatever you do does not matter.” In short, the concept of explanatory style is that a habit of optimistic explanation of events stops helplessness, whereas a habit of pessimistic explanation only spreads it. 
Pessimism has been “demonized” as the opposite end of optimism. It seems that decades of research on optimism has turned pessimism into a rasping Gollum in their dark, swampy corner. Additional studies sought to dissolve the demonization of pessimism, and here is what they found:
Pessimism shouldn’t be treated as optimism’s inversely proportional opposite on a feels spectrum; rather, it is a separate concept whose negative outcomes shouldn’t be juxtaposed with the positive ones that come from optimism.
A more exact conclusion would be that pessimism is associated with undesirable characteristics and that optimism isn’t exclusively associated with positive ones. What would distinguish optimism and pessimism, according to Edward Chang, is “the decreased use of passive and ineffective coping strategies rather than the increased use of active coping efforts.”
In some contexts, pessimism actually pays off. For example, according to Nancy Cantor and Julie Norem, pessimism can be a “defensive coping style” which they call “defensive pessimism.” Here’s an example: a defensive pessimist could be a very good student who bites their nails over their next grade, anticipating a bad grade. If their apprehension proved right, their pessimism serves as a cushion against shock or disappointment or turns into a booster for action. It is important to note that this coping strategy is not beneficial in the long term. Defensive pessimists eventually tend to not perform well, report less life satisfaction, and develop mental illness symptoms. So defensive pessimism is not a safe route for students.
The possibility of learning optimism is a point of contention amid researchers. Martin Seligman claims that learning optimism is possible, via programs that aim to conquer depression proposed in his books; however, other researchers counter that the programs seem to be “more focused on stopping pessimism than enhancing optimism which is its own and different skill.” The efficacity and duration of the effects of the programs are also questionable. Professor Suzanne Segerstrom argues that “learning strategies that create the benefits associated with optimists are achievable,” but that explanatory style and optimism are “fairly unrelated to each other.”
Optimism has a dark side. According to Professors Richard Robins and Oliver John, optimistic illusions of performance may stem from narcissism (no one likes turning into a daffodil) rather than mental health. Professor Neil Weinstein found that optimistic biases in perception lead to underestimated risk, less action, and a host of health hazards. So, despite the misleading yet common theory that “optimism is good and pessimism is bad,” optimism is slightly ambivalent and can lead to a false sense of security. And you all know, security is mortals’ chiefest enemy.
So, it’s probably best to find a nice middle between optimism and pessimism (a friend jokingly describes it as “positive neutrality”). That way, you don’t have to become a narcissist or a puddle of depressed, dead leaves.
On that happy note, enjoy your day, whatever may be your psychological affiliation!
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lsmithart · 4 years ago
**Artist Theory Research: The Present Body, the Absent Body and the Formless by Uros Cvoro
This is an article that I have revisited numerous times in relation to my practical work and dissertation. Primarily for this project, I have picked out quotes that relate to casting in preparation for when I start casting my objects. I thought about the ways in which the act of casting creates an indexical trace between the original object and the cast itself. This felt particularly relevant to my wall casts from the cottage that I made as part of my research and development of my thoughts and ideas in relation to this project. My object casts, being much more obvious in their origin through visual means, will also function in such a way; perhaps being more accessible to the viewer. It isn’t immediately clear from the wall casts (both positive and negative aspects) what they are. Their function as an indexical trace exists more within the casting process in their creation. This makes them objects within themselves. On the other hand, the cast objects will be recognisable to the viewer and so could be suggested act as an indexical replica, with trace embedded into it through the casting process. My thoughts here are further expanded upon by the key quotes taken from the article below.
Page 57:
‘Casts are what is left over after matter cools down and solidifies. As traces of trapped space and destroyed spatiality, casts embody the compression and congealing of “life”, meaning and the spatial intervals necessary to sustain them.’
Richard Shone, (1995) A Cast in Time, in James Lingwood, ed., House/Rachel Whiteread, London: Phaidon Press: ‘A cast of an object traps it in time… displaying its own pasts of the object it replicates.’ ‘Shone goes on to compare a cast to a death mask, in this regard with the cast standing as a palpable reminder of a particular space or object and a finite period of history. A cast is a connection to the past, a surviving reminder of memorial form governed by the structural possibility of its iteration and repetition.’
‘Between the “truth” of the object and its insufficient aestheticism, a cast is a parody and euphemism if its original. The unrelenting realism of its arrested image marks a space between impression and imprint, between presence and absence. If, as Derrida indicates, the supplement is the incomplete, intermediary component (the in-between), the process of casting is a repetition of this place between absence and presence. A cast is a supplement to the “original”, the coming of the mark of absence after the original has been removed (erased). In Whiteread’s case, the cast is literally the mark left by empty space (absence).’
‘The space becomes an undifferentiated, uniform material mass separated form life by its surface texture. Yet this very surface, at least in part, remains attached to the original mold though the markings and imprints left by the mold stuck to the cast.’
‘Whiteread’s casts nourish an indexical relation to the matrix by silently pointing to something that existed in a specific place. In other words, “these are plaster casts that are stuck in a posture of referring to the spot where the real thing existed in all its particularity.”’ – Bois and Krauss, Formless, page 180
We are forced to view the space/object as its own entity, the casting process charging it with traces, memories, remnants, an empathic exchange begins in order for the audience to understand and process what is before them.
Page 60:
Nick Kaye, (2000) Site-Specific Art: Performance, Place and Documentation, London and New York: Routledge, page 3: ‘The displacement of the static environment it entails likens it to an event “in which the environment is problematised”. “The event comes between sign and object.” Whiteread’s art practice identifies the logic of materials as catalysts for processes of transformation and change, aligning the nature of materials with notions of event and performance.’ – Links to memory, materialising a memory through object.
Richard Shone – ‘In House, every spatial interval, every material mark can be final, and yet each of these “moments” retains a memory of the trace of the process of which it is part in the material. Thus, its materiality simultaneously suggests the processes of solidity of materials, historicity and memory, a phenomenological experience of the world, and at the same time a negation of all of these.’
‘Intersection between historical and memorial processes, a swinging motion that levitates between materials and events.’
Page 62:
‘It had to be the other to the space it replaced in order to replace it. The very negation of the original produced a supplement, just as the very act of repetition articulated the freestanding condition of the signifier. House thus constituted a black hole in the viewer’s perception.’
‘Home is the “mythical point of origin” that represents a crucial component in the constitution of identity.’ (Bird, Dulce Domum, page 122) – Familiarity and empathy through shared identity.
‘Leaving only the bare familiarity of things that ought to have been hidden but have come to light: the uncanny.’
‘Souvenirs are the traces that replace the event with narrative, and the desire for them arises from the impression of unrepeatability of the event, or longing for the vanished original.’
Page 63:
‘This is an erasure (definition: the removal of writing, recorded material or data) because Whiteread’s object is a cast, an impression made by a void whose appearance is constituted by the erasure of such marks. The very structure of the sign is determined by the trace of what is forever absent.’
Cvoro, U., (2002). ‘The Present Body, the Absent Body, and the Formless’. Art Journal. pp. 54-63. Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.2307/778151.
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ketonutraempire-blog · 4 years ago
The 30 Best GBA Games (Game Boy Advance 2021)
The 30 Best GBA Games (Game Boy Advance 2021)
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The Star of Zelda: The Minish Limit shirts our collection for several reasons: Never-ending elegance, amazing overworld and dungeon layout, wise puzzles and perhaps more intelligent challenge technicians. The Minish Limit shared with the backstory of Vaati, the leading antagonist and essential shape in Three Swords. Soon after Vaati petrified Princess Zelda, Link rescued a wonder sentient head wear using a pet bird go that, when used, enables him decrease to a minute dimension similar to the Minish, the small critters which have worked well tirelessly to aid get rid of darkness from your society. The cap, the game’s middle quirk, designed looking at Hyrule a far diverse {Buzrush.com}knowledge than prior to. It showed new locations and provided new viewpoints, lighting how majestic the industry of Hyrule truly is. The Minish Limit got every one of the notable highlights of a successful Zelda video game, from exceptional dungeons to unique townspeople to the pure satisfaction offered when opening up a treasure chest area. And are you aware The Minish Cap began by Capcom, not Nintendo? It is still the most effective Zelda online games ever.
Camelot Program Planning, recognized for Shining Drive and Mario sporting events titles, stunned everyone with 2001’s Gold Direct sun light, a valiant attempt at offering a genuine Closing Dream-variety encounter to your handheld system. And son, have Camelot previously be successful. Golden Sunshine starred Isaac and several other adventurers in their quest to help save the industry of Weyard. It obtained each of the trappings of any Finalized Imagination game - a conserve-the-society storyline, randomly flip-based struggles, and summons - additionally it had a respectable selection of overworld puzzles and a lot greater narrative owing to a great deal of dialogue and exposition. Its sequel, Gold Sunlight: The Misplaced Era, shared with the history {Buzrush.com}via the perspective with the antagonists. The original is not only the best GBA RPG ever; it’s one of the best turn-based RPGs released to this day, even though both games are excellent in their own right. If you missed out on Golden Sun, find a way to play it, such as through the Wii U. A sequel identified as Glowing Sun: Dark Dawn also came to DS, as well, if you want even more Golden Sun in your life.
The final and third GBA Castlevania activity, Aria of Sorrow showed that it turned out nonetheless feasible for the selection to achieve the level of achievement displayed in Symphony with the Night. That is appropriate. First, we said Metroid Fusion was better than Super Metroid, and now we’re putting Aria of Sorrow on the same pedestal as Symphony of the Night. As opposed to its predecessors, Aria of Sorrow needed the vampiric series on the long term, placing consumers in the shoes of Soma Cruz, a teenage with occult power who could result in the reincarnation of Dracula. Aria of Sorrow offers the low-linear research of SotN, substantial RPG aspects, a handful of cool weaponry, and some difficult but incredible supervisor battles. Include the Tactical Souls mechanic{Buzrush.com}, which adjustments gameplay and stats by defeating foes, and Aria of Sorrow was the wealthiest access during the series thus far. It still appears today as the very best Castlevania game titles, and then for a taste of the similar type activity, try out Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night on Move.
It is no great surprise Metroid Combination was created from the exact same staff that produced Ultra Metroid. Combination practically sensed like an unrelated sequel if it started in 2002. Fusion presented a in the same way long available-community to discover, making athletes scour and expose secrets and ways frontward at their own rate. They at Nintendo RAndD1 highly processed the fight from Extremely Metroid{Buzrush.com} and unveiled quite a few new potential-mechanics and ups in the act. Metroid Fusion is not just one of the best games on GBA; it’s the best 2D Metroid ever made, even though it may be blasphemous to say.
Very little needs to be claimed regarding a Connect to days gone by, the common top rated-down Zelda journey for the SNES. The GBA slot brought the enchanting Dark and Light Worlds of Hyrule to hand held correctly. The harbour also introduced a different characteristic, nevertheless, named A number of Swords. {Buzrush.com}This cooperative function allows two to four gamers team approximately solve defeat and puzzles baddies in dungeons. However the key marketing campaign is the thing that in the long run earns A Website Link on the Recent a high place about this record, adding Several Swords designed the GBA variation the ultimate way to participate in one of the best online games ever, even when compared to Nintendo Switch On-line version available using a subscription.
Clever Solutions, the business right behind Blaze Logo, was also associated with the greatest change-structured approach video game on GBA: Upfront Conflicts. The premise was very simple: A azure army confronts away in opposition to a green army, each individual comprised of tanks, infantrymen, and artillery. Offering challenging proper game play, an in-depth strategy, as well as a road map designer, Move forward Competitions experienced all the things a technique fanatic could want. Like{Buzrush.com} Blaze Emblem, Progress Conflicts came from a Japanese exceptional collection called Famicon Battles, so we are very fortunate to get it America. The GBA also acquired a sequel in Advance Wars 2: Dark-colored Gap Growing. As well as good, it felt more like add more-on articles due to its currently robust forerunner, and also the DS sequels weren’t quite as vintage because the authentic. For a similar experience, take a look at Wargroove on Nintendo Move.
What can you receive when you merge the atmosphere and nostalgia of your initial Metroid with current aspects? Properly, a darn high-quality game. Metroid: Absolutely nothing Mission, a reimagining with the 1986 classic, retold the storyplot of Samus Aran’s initial venture with the sophisticated fight observed in Ultra Metroid and Metroid Fusion. Stunning to think about as well as preferable to participate in, No Vision manufactured going back to Environment Zebes feel absolutely unique once again.
Establishing off of the stressful “microgame” method of WarioWare, Inc.: Super Microgames! , WarioWare: Twisted! additional drive responses - certainly one of only two GBA games to achieve the element - and also a gyro detector. The end result? An experience not like every other for the hand held. Microgames necessary participants to perform fast-fire activities within minutes. All of them entertained, even though none of the games were particularly complex. Also the plan, which concerned Wario receiving{Buzrush.com} angry for a online game on GBA and flinging the hand-held in the walls, decreased flawlessly in accordance with the game’s irreverent strengthen. If you played it in public, ferociously twisting and turning your GBA like a madman, on a scale of sheer “fun value,” you’d be hard-pressed to find a more satisfying GBA game, especially. A few of the games can also be found during the 3DS relieve WarioWare Golden, together with microgames from all of those other range.
Mario And Luigi: Superstar Saga kicked away from certainly one of Nintendo’s very best Mario spinoff and games series. Though starting off during the common Mushroom Kingdom, the overall game speedily transitions to Beanbean Empire, a sizable world that this brothers should traverse to recoup Princess Peach’s voice. Split up to its key idea, Superstar Saga was really a flip-primarily based function-enjoying activity. But Nintendo and today-defunct developer AlphaDream layered the combat with the addition of timing-dependent maneuvers that nodded straight back to{Buzrush.com} Mario’s platforming origins. Controlling Luigi and Mario all at once also led to the game’s many entertaining spot puzzles. Superstar Saga sticks out nowadays among the GBA’s finest RPGs.
Closing Imagination VI didn’t come to Activity Child Upfront in America till 2007, more than 2 years once the Nintendo DS introduced. In many ways, it released as being a “thank you” to Game Boy fans for their extended-ranking help and support. As one of the best entries in the long-running role-playing series, Final Fantasy VI was a pitch-perfect port that brought the epic story, strategic gameplay, and wondrous soundtrack {Buzrush.com}to a handheld device for the first time. The GBA also received great ports of Final Fantasy I & II, Final Fantasy IV, and Final Fantasy V, but Final Fantasy VI rightfully earns a spot on our list. It’s basically among the finest RPGs ever made and one of several top notch Last Imagination video games for all time.
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badkatdesignsmastersblog · 4 years ago
Cuddy, Luke. BioShock and Philosophy : Irrational Game, Rational Book. Chichester, West Sussex, Uk ; Malden, Ma, John Wiley And Sons, Inc, 2015.
This book is one of my favorites for discussing the inherent political and philosophical issues in games. The Bioshock franchise has a lot to say about rejecting control and programming, be it the programming of polite society (“would you kindly”) or the more metaphorical rejection of a tyrannical parent’s expectations (Elizabeth Comstock’s entire character arc), and these myriad messages are parsed and considered through numerous philosophical and sociological frameworks. It constantly questions the ethical and moral implications of the many decisions a player can make in these games and pushes many varying views on the arcs of the different characters. It is a fascinating look at how games can help develop a critical mind towards structures in power through consistent diegetic writing and references to prominent (and wrong, in Ayn Rand’s case) thinkers in its scant dialogue.
Dyer-Witheford, Nick, and Greig De Peuter. Games of Empire : Global Capitalism and Video Games. Minneapolis, University Of Minnesota Press, 2009.
Yet another book to feature leftist views on the history of gaming (this entry was written like third to last chronologically), this one is more concerned about how technology that was once used to code subversive counter-culture gaming experiments in the 1970’s has since been expropriated to further capitalist and neocolonial interests and goals. As visual mass media like films and video games and TV has since supplanted print media (posters and print ads), all sorts of insidious agendas and troubling trends can and have been implanted subtly into what we normally consume, such as the glorification of warmongering and conquest games that then link through to the literal army website for enlistment.
The book itself is a critique of late stage capitalism and neoliberal interests that have made up the backbone of real-life simulation games like Second Life and America’s Army, and a galling look at the slimy ways we are fed ideology through games. 
Guillaume De Laubier, and Jacques Bosser. Sacred Spaces : The Awe-Inspiring Architecture of Churches and Cathedrals. New York, Abrams, 2018.
Growing up in a majority Catholic country with a highly devout grandmother and many aunts and uncles subscribing to that grift masquerading as a religion meant getting dragged to upwards of 40 church ceremonies and a lot of subtle proselytizing and covert conversions. All it did for me was make me fall in love with the gaudy excesses of its aesthetic sensibility. This book feeds my irrepressible need to look at Gothic architecture and stained glass and informs a lot of my aesthetic choices. The photography of church interiors and descriptive passages of the historical significance of Gothic architecture in relation to churches constantly informs my many aesthetic choices as both a goth and an agnostic/Jewish designer fascinated with the aesthetics of high Catholic camp and excess.  
Hernandez, Patricia. “The Cyberpunk 2077 Crunch Backlash.” Polygon, 7 Oct. 2020, www.polygon.com/2020/10/7/21505804/cyberpunk-2077-cd-projekt-red-crunch-youtube-jason-schreier-labor-the-witcher-3.
DISCLAIMER: While I am aware of the opinions surrounding Polygon and its purported corporate agenda, I have elected to source this article regardless, as it is reporting on an important aspect of the industry and the future we as designers have to look forward to as crunch becomes more and more normalised.
This article details the ways that CDPR (CD Projekt Red) treats its designers and developers, with six day work weeks and broken promises of ending crunch. It also shines a light on how netizens and players respond to negative reporting of this trend and how worryingly apathetic and downright disdainful the responses are. Exploitation isn’t new in any industry, but it scares me that someone could die of overwork and the people they’re slaving away on a game for wouldn’t care because “that’s just the way the industry is”.
Kakutani, Michiko. The Death of Truth. London, William Collins, 2018.
This text is invaluable for anyone who cares about how biases in the media they consume changes and warps news based on what they care about, while also addressing the trend of fully fabricated news to scare less informed (and often conservative) constituents further into their holes of prejudice and uneducated opinions. As a media student it’s fascinating to consider, but as a person living in the world it’s downright necessary. The sooner a person is aware of the biases in the media they consume, the faster they can learn the importance of diversifying the voices they listen to and address the blind spots in their information pipelines, and this book is really good at diving into the kind of language and rhetoric to be on the lookout for to parse out bias, which keeps me on my toes about the media I want to put out in the world.
Löwy, Michael. “Capitalism as Religion: Walter Benjamin and Max Weber.” Historical Materialism, vol. 17, no. 1, 2009, pp. 60–73, www.urbanlab.org/articles/moneyspeak/Lowy%202009%20-%20capitalism%20as%20religion.pdf, 10.1163/156920609x399218. Accessed 28th November 2020.
This article attempts to interpret one of the socialist critic Walter Benjamin’s reflections on capitalism as a societal framework, and how it had at the time of writing (1920s) come to resemble something closer to a religious cult. The unpublished paper makes allusions to Max Weber’s book The Protestant Work Ethic and The “Spirit” of Capitalism and Ernst Bloch’s (then unpublished) Thomas Münzer as Theologian of the Revolution.
Currently I believe this critique of capitalism has only become more relevant. He couldn’t have predicted the ravenous cultlike behaviours of Apple fanatics but that’s nothing more than the end point of the behaviours he was critiquing a hundred years ago come to roost. It’s important for people involved in games to understand this and take it to heart if we don’t want the industry to be more overrun with triple A yearly sports releases and the latest instalment of “grizzled white guy with gun and traumatic backstory”.
Skal, David J. The Monster Show : A Cultural History of Horror. New York, Faber And Faber, 2001.
This work is basically a historical look at the western media’s depictions of its greatest monsters, often discussing contextually as part of the cultural zeitgeist of any given time. It’s a fascinating look at the intersection of fear and semiotics in our current cultural landscape and additionally details the creation and eventual decline of the Hayes Code and normalisation of queer-coding villains, although my personal viewpoint on the matter is that it would have benefited the text to have delved into monsters and their depictions across nonwestern cultures, because fears (outside the unknown and darkness) aren’t really universal, and it would have made an interesting contrast to see the differences between a traditional western vampire and a manananggal, but I digress.
Unrelated to its cultural discussions, it also serves as a pretty scathing report of theatre writer pettiness and old Hollywood drama.
Weber, Max, et al. The Protestant Ethic and the “Spirit” of Capitalism and Other Writings. New York, Penguin Books, 2002.
This seminal work by turn of the century German theorist Max Weber proposes that a line exists between the puritanical beliefs that heavily relied on working oneself to the bone to be considered a moral person in the eyes of the lord and the eventual rise of industry and capitalism in western Europe. He juxtaposes the Protestant beliefs in productivity for its own sake to wash oneself clean of sin with the way that work under capitalism is presented as a way to contribute to society and, in some instances, repent and atone for transgressions and wrongdoings, arguing that one indelibly led to the other.
As a socialist (and non-Christian) myself, I believe I should be able to critically analyse the ethics of working myself (and others) to the bone, and why we’re taught it’s good and moral to push ourselves to physical and mental exhaustion. I don’t want my work to be created under conditions that are both spiritually and physically crushing, and this text is paramount to the analysis of so-called worker-oriented games companies and their policies towards worker welfare.
Woodcock, Jamie. Marx at the Arcade. Haymarket Books, 2019.
As a socialist myself I found this book to be a great insight into gaming as transgression from the systems of hierarchy around us. In a world where all anyone cares about is money, capital and the almighty bottom line, the idea that taking time for yourself is a revolutionary act fighting capitalism is definitely an interesting one. Yes, there are systems to serve within the game, but it’s a fascinating look at what we can consider transgression from the oppression of real life. Gaming is, according to the writer, an inherently unproductive activity where capital is not served (unless you work for a warcraft gold farming operation), and therefore a revolutionary action where you put yourself first. It can be an outlet for passion, and in some cases a coping mechanism for mental issues. It really made me hopeful in the industry I want to work in. (Disclaimer: I realise this barely scratches the surface of the book but it’s what stood out to me the most and what resonated with me the most.)
Wright, Alexa. Monstrosity : The Human Monster in Visual Culture. London, I.B. Tauris, 2013.
Another look at monsterhood, this time analysing our fears through personhood and how we as a culture project our fears on those who are different from us. I did a lot of research on monsterhood and how we see the other as inherently frightening for my final paper for university (which I will eventually upload as a reflective post because I still stand by a lot of it), and I think it’s valuable to know why we’re afraid of things so we can begin to unlearn harmful misconceptions of people who aren’t like us. As someone who wants to work in games art (focusing mainly on character art), I personally want to challenge the fear of the other through my work, and I want to use signifiers that are traditionally thought of as fearful to create more thoughtful art and hopefully help humanise that which was once considered hateful and gross.  
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