#and i normally don't add so much that it's a drink but more like a thick paste kind of thing. anyway it's good
fleshengine · 3 days
What happened to your friend does sound awful, but it doesn't sound like something that's actually unique to trans women. Someone making false claims after a bad breakup and people believing claims of victimization are fairly normal occurrences across the board, especially since people do generally believe it's praxis to believe all victims immediately. The fact that your friends came around in a matter of days is a better than average result.
Hi Velvet, I think this is the second or third time you've come on to one of my posts where I talked about transmisogyny and tagged it as such. Those posts don't get a ton of traction, do you just like... patrol the transmisogyny tag or something?
Anyway I do not feel a need to clarrify myself to you. But I will add that there were a lot of details that I didn't add to the post, stuff I will not be discussing, that solidifies my belief that it was an example of transmisogyny. I'm not at liberty to talk about some of it, and for the rest I honestly just do not care enough to defend myself to you. I lived my life and you read a rant about it.
That aside, do you know how many transfems I know who have been made out to be rapists/mentally ill after they broke up with their partners? Do you want me to list all the normal occurences across the board that have made me personally terrified to show others intimacy? Why is it that when someone says "that trans girl is a rapist!" people believe her but when trans girls say "we keep getting called rapists, this sucks" we get people like you telling us that it's normal to be made out into a charicature and systematically cut off from your entire social group?
Now that I've got that out of the way, let's dig into your word choice.
"What happened to your friend" this voice is so passive it's going 45 in a 50. "What that guy did to your friend" is much more direct and active, that's a sentence fragment that drinks orange juice with its breakfast. I probably would've accepted "what was done to your friend" because even though it's passive it still emphasizes that someone did something wrong. But you didn't even do that. Instead you completely removed the idea of fault from the equation, no one did it, nothing caused it, it was divine intervention that my friend nearly lost their entire support network.
"does sound awful" it doesn't sound like anything. It is awful, through and through. I hate the man that did it even though my friend has forgiven him.
"better than average result" average what? Messy breakup or transfem targetting rumor mill? It was a better than average result, I can attest to the average and it's not good. I'm glad I was there to sway people back to reality.
Moving on, you only addressed one of the two things I mentioned. I said "break up with a trans woman and unperson her" and "unperson any trans woman who's minorly annoying." You completely skipped the whole "a guy tried to tell people I was a gaslighter because I asked him to stop calling my friend a sociopath" bit. The post wasn't even saying that what happened was specifically transmisogynistic (it was), I was literally just talking about how stuff I was hearing mapped onto my life.
I also find it interesting, how you put this in an ask instead of a reblog. A reblog puts whatever I said on your account, an account I've heard you regularly use to support transmisogynists. I'm happy to talk to you more, genuinely I like to argue and you seem interesting enough. But I want what I say on your account. I'm not going to respond to another ask or reblog on this one until you reblog the original. Here I even got you a link.
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jitteryfool · 5 months
Saw a post with a photo of black sesame milk and someone added a meme about how it looks like concrete which, yeah, made me chuckle a bit because fair. Only to make the mistake to go into the notes and being hit with frankly offensive and, dare i say, racist comments making fun of the drink which just immediately soured my entire view on the concrete meme. Like, before it was just a harmless joke I didn't think much about but scrolling through dozens of comments calling it disgusting and wondering how anyone could drink it, all of it then being followed by the cement comparison, really just puts me off and now, the innocuous 'it's cement!' comments don't appear in good faith for me anymore because I just associate it with those bigoted remarks.
And it's just a good case example how this shit works in general, doesn't it?
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confused-pyramid · 5 months
Breaking Point
pairing: art donaldson x fem!reader
summary: You and Art were hitting partners (and a bit more) in college, so when you run into him a decade later at the U.S. Open, old sparks reignite...
word count: 3.4k
warnings: SMUT, p in v, oral (fem!receiving), slight marking, drinking
a/n: I watched Challengers last night and then wrote this whole thing in one sitting. Nothing in this is really canon other than Art being a major simp lol so no spoilers for the movie! I usually make playlists (or at least find a few songs that get me in the zone) when writing, so I thought I'd start sharing them here too if people are interested!
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You should've known he'd be here. You've been following his career for the last decade since you graduated, and ever since he won Wimbledon last year, he's been tennis royalty, but a small part of you still thought you wouldn't run into him here. At the fucking U.S. Open.
Stanford was a lifetime ago, and you haven't kept in touch with anyone from the college team, but there was always something about Art Donaldson that stuck with you. Ten years later, that hasn't changed.
"It's been so long," he calls out when he spots you from across the practice courts. "I didn't think I'd see you."
You didn't either, and you still haven't decided how you feel about it yet, but when he jogs over to your side, you just shrug. "Guess it's your lucky day."
He smiles, and his teeth glimmer in the bright sunlight. "It certainly is."
The loud thwacks of tennis balls hitting rackets echo around you, but you can't seem to focus on anything but the man standing in front of you. He looks good.
He was beautiful in college too, whether he was training across the net or slipping into your bed, but it feels different now, with so much time apart. He looks like a man now.
"Anyway," Art says, jerking you back to reality. "We should get a drink sometime. To catch up."
He adds the last part almost as an afterthought, but it doesn't escape your notice how his eyes have been trailing up and down your body since he walked over.
A drink could mean almost anything with Art Donaldson, but you're too curious to refuse. "Sure. This weekend, after the semi-finals."
He nods, his eyes glinting with amusement, and you grab your bag from the bench beside you before looping the strap over your shoulder.
You walk off the practice courts after one last glance over your shoulder, and you feel his eyes following along until the doors swing shut behind you.
He should've expected this. You were a firecracker in college, and you kept him on his toes every single day you were together, so he really should have known what he was getting into when he met you for drinks that weekend.
Instead, he's one too many beers in, and his buzz is only enhancing the glow of your beauty in the hazy bar light. Your dress isn't even that low cut, but something about the shadows glancing over your strong shoulders reminds him of late nights in the Stanford dorms after a hard practice when there was only one thing he wanted more than sleep.
"You played really well this morning," he says genuinely as he sets his beer back onto the table. "After that first set, Mueller didn't stand a chance."
You flash him a dazzling smile as you shrug, resting your chin on your palm. "I had her after the third game, but thanks. It was a quick match."
Art hasn't taken his eyes off of you since you sat down, and while prolonged eye contact usually makes you nervous, you find that you're actually enjoying the attention quite a bit. Attentiveness was never an issue with him, and you would normally give in to your urges, but there's just too much history with him, and you can't afford to lose focus. Not when the title is so close you can taste it.
"I hear the networks are eyeing you for a commentator post," you say, trying to change the subject.
You trace your finger around the rim of your nearly empty margarita, before lifting it to take a final sip, and you don't miss how his throat bobs as you lick the salt off your lips.
"Uh, yeah," he mumbles, clearing his throat. "It was just some chatter, but I'm not looking to retire anytime soon."
You frown. "Is that right?" He's playing better than ever, but he definitely hasn't been himself out on the court in years.
He glances down, clearly trying to avoid the scrutiny, and when his eyes land on your empty glass, he changes the subject again. "You want another drink?"
You shake your head, knowing that another will lead to a less than fun morning, but he isn't done yet.
"You sure?" His eyes find yours again, and this time the eye contact feels primal. "It doesn't have to be here."
Your eyebrows lift and you tilt your head with a knowing smile. "Where were you thinking?"
"I don't know," he shrugs, before his lips curve up into a cheeky grin. "My room's nice."
You saw it coming from a mile away, but it still pulls a laugh out of you. "Oh, I'm sure it is, but this isn't college anymore, Art. You should get some sleep...focus on your match in the morning."
You push your glass forward and stand up, nodding at him as you turn to leave, but then you see him stand too out of the corner of your eye.
"I'll walk you to your car."
He looks at you with a hint of amusement in his expression, and you can't help but want to play along, even though Art Donaldson was nothing but trouble for you.
You don't respond, instead just stepping out from around the table and walking out the front doors of the bar. You don't have to turn back to know he's right behind you, and when you reach your car, parked in the center of the nearly empty parking lot, you spin around.
He doesn't stop walking until he has you practically boxed in by your driver's side door, his face less than a foot from yours as he tucks his hands into his pockets.
He had pushed his sleeves back at some point in the night, from the humid summer heat of the bar, and you can see the veins on his forearms now, under the dim light of the street lamps.
"This is me," you say jokingly, tipping your chin at your car as he looks at you with an expression you can't distinguish. "I'm good from here."
He doesn't move.
It's not that you expected him to give up so easily; you had just forgotten how persistent he could be.
Art's mouth stretches into a slanted smile. "Do you remember the Davis Invitational? Junior year."
Speaking of his persistence...he had been pursuing you for months, not in any tangible way, but you always knew what he was thinking.
After the invitational, where you and Art had been the respective men's and women's champions, you had gone back to his dorm to celebrate. Three hours and just as many vodka shooters later, he had finally gotten you in his bed. Not that you were complaining.
Art knew his way around your body, and even that first night, he had managed to get you off more times than you can remember.
"What about it?" you shoot back, your eyebrows raising at the insinuation.
"Nothing," he says with a shrug, but you don't miss the humor glinting in his eyes. "You just used to be a lot more fun to celebrate with."
"Fuck you," you spit out, shoving his shoulder harder than you mean to. He barely budges, instead grabbing your hand and tugging you a few inches closer, and suddenly a wave of lust washes over you, making your breath hitch.
You press your thighs together under your dress, hoping he can't feel the heat spreading across your skin, but then his smile turns to a smirk and you know you're done for.
"What do you think?" he whispers, leaning in so close that his lips brush over your earlobe. "Want to celebrate?"
Molten lava pools in your gut and you are only peripherally aware of his hand sliding down your hips to the flowy edge of your dress. His fingers glide over your skin as his hand goes under the loose fabric, before rising up to grab your ass, drawing your hips flush with his.
Your arousal is already starting to soak through your panties, but the feeling of his hard bulge pressed up against you sends you flying back to reality.
You lift your hands to his chest and push him back so that he's a few steps away from you. It's not far enough, but at least you can't feel him from there. "I'm not fucking you, Art."
He shrugs, his smirk only slightly shaken. "Who said anything about fucking? I just wanted to talk."
You huff out a laugh. "You're funny. Besides, I'm too tired for this. I need to rest up before my match."
"What about tomorrow night then?" His lip is still curved up in a smirk, but there's an earnestness in his gaze that surprises you.
"What makes you think you'll still be here tomorrow?"
His mouth spreads into a wide smile. "I always win."
You snort. "Fine. Win your match and we can talk."
You don't miss the grin on his face as you climb into your car and leave.
You win your next match in straight sets again, so by the time you're out of the locker room, Art's match is still in play. Driven by a mixture of curiosity and intrigue, you head over to his court and find a seat halfway up the stands.
He has won two of three sets, and he's leading the fourth, so with the prospect of the match ending soon, you use the time to observe him from a different angle.
His form is much better than it was in college, and you've seen him play countless times on TV, but you haven't really let yourself see how good he looks out there. The sinewy muscles rippling in his arms as he lifts them to serve. The rugged sturdiness of his legs as he races back and forth across the court.
You wish you could be down there with him, running your hands over the smooth lines of his abdomen, tasting the drops of sweat as they roll down his body-
The crowd erupts in cheers, and you are thrust back into reality as Art throws his arms into the air with a loud whoop. The scoreboard confirms his victory, and you clap along with the audience as he shakes his opponent's hand and heads over to his chair.
People around you stand up to leave, but you stay in your seat, watching as he grabs his bag and stuffs his rackets inside. When he wipes a towel over his face, his head turns up and his eyes immediately go to you, like he knew you were here the whole time.
Your stomach does an involuntary flip and he flashes his eyebrows at you as you bit the inside of your lip, trying to hold back a smile.
When he ducks back down to grab his things, you stand up quickly to avoid letting him see your blush and follow the rest of the crowd off of the stands.
You hear it late that night. Three little raps on your hotel room door, just before midnight.
You're in the finals, and you don't have any friends here to celebrate with, so you were sipping a beer and watching old match recordings when you heard the knock.
There's no one else who would come to see you this late, so you're not surprised when you open the door to find Art, dressed in a tee shirt and comfy-looking pajama pants.
"What are you doing here?" you ask, even though you already know the answer.
Art just looks at you, his pupils already massive. "You said if I win, we could talk." He shrugs. "I won."
"Okay," you concede, opening the door wider to let him in. "Just talking then."
He nods, before following you inside and shutting the door.
"You want anything to drink?" you ask as he trails behind you.
He shakes his head. "I'm good."
You grab your beer bottle from the side table and sit down on the floor, crossing your legs beneath you.
Art sits across from you, his feet in front of him and his elbows on his knees. You were assigned to a modestly sized room, but for someone as tall as him, the space must feel cramped.
"How did the match feel?" you ask, taking a swig of beer.
He thinks for a moment. "It was close at first, but once I shook my legs out, it became a breeze."
"Your legs were never the problem," you say, leveling him with a serious look. "It was always your attitude. Or your confidence."
He frowns, his eyebrows scrunching slightly. "I'm plenty confident."
"You are now," you tell him as you swirl the bottle around in your hand. "You won Wimbledon, you have a reason to be confident."
That makes him smile. "So you're saying my legs are fine."
"Yeah," you say before you can process what you're saying. "You looked good out there."
His smile turns to a smirk so fast it nearly gives you whiplash. "You think I look good?"
You let out an exasperated scoff. "At tennis."
His grin doesn't falter so you roll your eyes at him before lifting the bottle to your lips to take another swig. When you tilt the bottle back down to swallow, his hand reaches forward to take it from you. Your grip on the beer doesn't loosen, so the motion sends you pitching forward.
Your mouth parts with a small yelp as his arm wraps around you, tugging you closer, and before you can process what's happening, his lips are on yours.
If you let yourself think too hard, you would realize that there is way too much shared history and way too much baggage here for this to be a good idea...so that's why you don't.
Instead, you let him pull your body flush against his and when his tongue slides over the seam of your lips, you grant him access immediately. Your shirts come off in quick succession and you gasp as his hands run up and down your body, his strong, calloused fingers grasping at every inch of purchase they can find. Yours reach up to tangle in his messy hair, and when his lips move down your neck, your grip tightens, making him moan quietly against your skin.
Something about being on the floor takes you back to your college days, when you'd both be so worked up after practice that you couldn't even make it to the bed, but that feels too real right now.
"Art," you whisper as he runs his lips and teeth over your neck, before replacing it with his tongue to soothe the quickly blossoming marks. "Art, the bed. Now."
It takes him a second to process your words, but when he does, he loops an arm around your waist and lifts you up and onto the bed in one motion, before pushing you back onto the covers.
By the time your head hits the bed, he's already pulling your shorts and panties down, exposing you to the cool air. His lips follow the path of his hands as they trace up your legs, making you squirm under the hot touch of his rough fingers. He presses wet kisses to the insides of your thighs before spreading them apart and dropping to his knees on the floor in front of you.
"So wet for me," he whispers, almost to himself, before he dives in, his mouth making lewd noises as he licks a thick stripe up your core. "You taste so good."
He lifts your legs over his shoulders to give himself some leverage as he makes a mess between your thighs, licking and sucking your clit into his mouth before fucking you with his tongue.
His grip on your thighs is the only thing keeping you pinned to the bed as you writhe beneath him, trying to not squeeze your legs together from the heat spreading up your core.
His mouth feels amazing and it takes only minutes before you're already nearing the edge. You don't want to come until he is inside of you, though, so you yank his hair, pulling him up and off of you.
He looks up at you through his lashes, and he looks ethereal with his disheveled hair and his chin wet with your slick.
You, on the other hand, look like heaven itself with your eyes half-hooded from pleasure, and he can't help the grin that crosses his face as he licks his lips and climbs over you onto the bed. He lets you taste yourself as he kisses you again, and he lets out a low groan when you bite his lip just hard enough to sting.
"Fuck me," you gasp, your voice too breathy to be actually authoritative. "Fuck me the way I like."
Art grins at your desperate tone and the wild lust in your eyes, committing this image to memory for a later time when you're much further away.
He kicks his pants off as he lifts you both further up the bed, and after covering himself with a condom from his back pocket, he lines himself up and slowly pushes forward.
He gives you a few moments to adjust to his size before slowly pulling out nearly all the way and then thrusting in again.
The slight pain turns to pleasure almost immediately, but he keeps his pace steady so as not to hurt you. You need more right now, so you wrap your legs around him for leverage and flip him over so that you're straddling him.
He groans as his head hits the pillow, and when he tries to sit up, you press your hands to his chest, pushing him down as you ride him. This position gives you a lot more control, and you use it to your advantage as you bounce yourself on his cock, feeling the way he fills you up so fully from this higher angle.
His fingers dig into your hips as he helps lift you up and down, and his eyes are practically feral as he watches the spot where his cock disappears inside of you.
He's the perfect size to fill you up completely, and with each swivel of your hips, you get closer and closer to your climax, which is approaching so fast you can taste it.
You cry out when he hits exactly the right spot deep inside of you, and his eyes fly to yours as your movements start to stutter from your impending release.
Needing to see the look on your face when you come, he pushes your lower back forward so you fall against his chest, before lifting himself up to meet you halfway. With one arm locked around you, he brings his other hand down between the two of you to rub quick circles over your clit. The new angle lets him thrust up into you, and the increased pace of his movements mixed with the speed of his fingers sends you flying over the edge.
Your mouth falls open with a loud cry, and you squeeze him so tightly he's practically seeing stars. You look so beautiful when you come, like a goddess sent down here just for him, and when your eyes meet his, he finds his own climax.
His body jerks forward with the force of his release, and you let him thrust a few more times as he finally finishes inside of you.
After pulling out, he tugs you down to lay next to him, and at first you let him, but the emotions warring inside of you don't stay quiet for long.
You know that whatever this was isn't going to go anywhere. You didn't work in college, and you won't work now, and you don't want anyone to get hurt again, so you have to make a choice. Now.
"I need to get some rest," you say quietly, a tiny part of you hoping he doesn't hear you. "Before the next match."
"Yeah," he sighs after a beat. "Me too."
You let him hold you for a moment longer, before he unwraps himself from your body and sits up, tugging his shirt and pants back on. You tug the sheet back and wrap it around your torso as he stands up and walks to the door.
You're not sure what you're expecting as he goes to leave, but what you get is a silent nod as the door swings shut behind him.
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yeah but. pizza dates with d.ante.
#ash and him don't often meet in the human world#usually ash is just the cool demon hunter he meets while fighting sometimes who hits on him a little bit before kicking ass by his side#(i also must add that all their flirting is purely for jokes- they will never be anything more than best buds)#(... also because i'm a sucker for d.ante x k.at but you didnt hear that from me-)#anyways yeah#just ash showing up to his trailer one day#'hey asshole! open the fuckin' door!'#he opens the door shirtless as always and yawning#'oh.. it's you... ASH?! why are you here?'#'im tired from work and needed somewhere to chill. that's all.'#(the funny thing about this s/i is that she works a really normal office job in the real world- she just fights demons and is the way that#she is just for fun and to destress. she actually has her life together! but then you meet her in the other world and she's really um.#quite the character-)#anyways d.ante sees that she's holding a box of pizza and lets her in. they sit on his bed and eat the pizza together#it's a dirty ass place and it smells like shit too but. ash doesn't mind. she loves calling d.ante an idiot (and he is!) but they're still#best buds! i love their relationship a lot#ofc it's d.ante so he probably cracks open a drink or something. but. you know how there's that fucked up soda in this game?#yeah i haven't mentioned it much here but ash LOVES that shit#like it's honestly concerning how much she drinks- it's used to manipulate humans but.. you know... she's immune to it- so she just chugs#away for flavor! she's almost always holding a can#one of her combat finishers is actually her throwing an empty can at a demon 💀💀#and even when d.ante sees her in her work clothes she has one of those coffee cups in her hand. it is not coffee in that cup-#anyways where was i#oh right#bonus points if ash spends the night by his side!#('aw youre really that eager to get a piece of me? im honored' 'in your dreams. i'm just sleepy.')#best buddies nap together <3#anyways yeah. he's a pretty cool dude. love that guy /p <3#ash rambles 💚#(gestures towards the gifsets) can you tell that i've had him on the mind?
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redflagshipwriter · 3 months
Fast Car Masterpost and Prologue
dead on main fic, intro + four chapters.
Summary: The Red Hood starts off his righteous campaign with a lot of nerve but no legal identification that will let him behind the wheel of a car. Public transportation really doesn't have the panache he needs to start off as a fearsome crime lord, so he needs a driver. He finds Danny Fenton, a grungly college student trying not to be noticed by any government agencies or vigilantes.
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Links will be added to chapter list as the story posts. Chapter one will go up on July 14th. Updates are approximately every other day.
LINKS/ chapter count
chapter 1 | chapter 2 | chapter 3 | chapter 4
“No, Habibi,” Talia said calmly into the phone. “I will not falsify you an American non-commercial driver's license for motor vehicles. If you cannot prove yourself to Gotham without American motor vehicle operating permissions, you will never prove yourself. Rise above this challenge.” Talia covered the phone for a second but he could hear her talking to someone else about tile options.
“It's an unnecessary challenge,” Jason argued, doing his level best not to let his tone go up. It was undignified to whine. He was a man now. “The important parts of the challenge are the tactical planning and the skills.”
Talia sounded like she was filing her nails. “Tactically plan to take the bus. Or walk. Walking is free and healthy.” 
Jason made an indignant sound but she mercilessly hung up. The worst! She made the top three of his worst mother figures, easily.
“She's just doing this so I can't go drinking.” He scowled into the air. “I don't even want to!” His voice broke mid whine, which was an insult to add to all the injuries visited upon him by the cruel whims of women who weren't even his legal guardian. He was an adult in most countries!
The worst part was that Talia didn't care about underage drinking. She just didn't want to hear shit about enabling him from Bruce when he eventually figured out that Jason was alive, 19, and in Gotham. His passport claimed he was 21 because it had to for him to travel alone, but she knew damn well no one used their passport as ID in bars. 
He couldn't just go get a license. Jason sulked viciously and threw himself into fixing his plans to accommodate for this. 
He was legally dead and living under a fake name. If he tried to sign up for the driving exam, it'd be too much scrutiny on his paperwork. But he was not taking the bus around as a crime lord. It lacked panache. More importantly, it didn't go where he wanted it to go.
Fine. He didn't need her help. He didn't need anyone's help. He just needed to download Uber. 
That was how Jason wound up wiping a mob lieutenant’s blood off of his hand onto his pants so that he could use the guy's touch screen phone. Victor Woodward's account put in a request for a ride to the Gotham police headquarters. He killed time kicking ass in all the Words with Friends games that Victor had ongoing, which was really gonna surprise anyone who normally played with that boob. Victor’s last ever play was ‘cat,’ for fuck’s sake.
A few minutes later, a skinny teenager pulled up in his clanker and opened the door. Jason put on a smile and hefted his duffle bag a little higher on his shoulder. 
“Hi! Victor?” The guy, Danny, waved his phone at Jason.
“That's me!” Jason lied breezily. “Can I put this in the trunk?” 
“Go for it.” Danny popped the trunk open from inside the car. He watched Jason with his big blue doe eyes.
For an instant, Jason thought that Danny might have seen something. Paranoia reared up. Was there blood visible? Was it easy to tell that the shapes in the bag were heads?”
The moment passed. Danny cleared his throat and whipped his face forwards again. “Normally I say to sit in the backseat, but I'm not sure that's enough room for your legs. Either is fine.” 
Jason got in the car and let satisfaction wash over his body as the weirdly timid kid pulled them out into traffic at a snail’s pace. Whatever. They wouldn’t get stopped for a traffic violation when the driver was cautious.
He’d done it. His debut as the terrifying Red Hood, hunter of the wicked and bane of the Batman, was launched. And he didn’t need a license to do it.
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a-hazbin-reader · 7 months
Alastor X Reader Headcanons
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TW: Suggestive
Description: ☝️⬆️
Bath time with Alastor is one of the most relaxing things you can do with him
It's the best because of the obvious trust he's giving you with his body, his guard down
As his wife, you're the only person who gets to see this side of him
He starts to find excuses to get you to shower or bathe with him, sometimes he's subtle about it and other times, he's not
"My dear, you're soaking wet! Luckily, I have just the remedy for those cold bones~ A hot bath~"
He likes bubble baths but won't ever admit it to anyone besides you, the bubbles just add something a little ✨️
Will literally melt into your chest the moment you start scrubbing his hair, the attention making him go lax
Not his ears going flat against his head and twitching
Sometimes he lets out a few happy growls or bleats whenever you massage somewhere particularly sore
Sometimes forgets he's in a bath and will try to snuggle into you only to get a shock of water in his face, arms wrapped loosely around your hips
There's just something so special about spending uninterrupted quality time with your husband like this
Not that he just takes baths to have you pamper him, he likes doing the same for you as well
He's used to people being wary of him or not fully trusting him, so watching you relax under his care-knowing just how dangerous he is
And trusting him with his claws and his teeth with your bare body? In your most vulnerable state?? It does things to him
Sometimes you forget how strong your husband is, but in these moments when he's maneuvering your body around to better wash you??
He could easily manhandle you if he wanted to
Takes his time washing your body but not necessarily in a sexual way, more like he's admiring fine art that he's allowed to touch
It's like the most heavenly massage, especially when his claws scrape ever so gently against your flesh
Sometimes, the two of you will just lay together and listen to music while waiting for the water to go cold
Maybe you two drink some tea
Showers with Alastor are a little bit different, not by much though
He kisses your body a lot more in the shower, no longer deterred by soap or stagnant water
You two don't normally have as much time together in the shower so the touches are a little more rushed, more rough
Still pleasurable though
It's not as much about cuddling and being close as it is about cleaning each other
Sometimes sex
If you come out with a few more love bites on you than before well...
Alastor is going to be stepping out with some of his own because we all know he started it
You two literally take up ALL the hot water when you shower together, Angel fucking HATES IT
Too bad bby boi
Your husband in all his wisdom even manages to always have the softest, warmest towels waiting for you
If you really play up the cute wife act then you're sometimes able to convince him to carry you to the bedroom
"Oh fine! Just stop using those doll eyes on me~"
As much as he wishes he could just lay in bed with you and never get dressed...you both have work to do
But he cherishes the moments he gets to bathe/shower with his beautiful wife and always looks forward to the next
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This one was so adorable 🥹 I hope you liked it
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ariestrxsh · 15 days
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⚠️ content warning: ⚠️ smut, teasing, sneaking around, humiliation (but not in a sexy way, more of a general embarrassment), mentions of masturbation, thigh riding, threesome, blowjob, light hairpulling, unprotected sex, edging, multiple orgasms, softdom!matt, needy!chris
📝 author's note: 📝 sorry i made you guys wait so long for this one 💖 this is my favorite series i've written so far, playground love. here you can access parts one, two, three, and four. 💖 enjoy (p.s. i think this is the final part, don't know how to add on to the storyline tbh)
✍️ Summary: ✍️ After Chris sneaks around with you alone behind Matt's back against Matt's wishes, you end up coming clean about it. Matt isn't upset with you, but Chris knew better, and now Matt's gonna make sure his brother knows you belong to him.
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playground love part five 💖
The next morning, you woke up a little later than normal, but you desperately needed your beauty rest after the Sturniolo boys had their way with you again.
You also felt a little guilty about the night before. It was the first time you'd had sex with Chris without Matt being there. It's not like you and Matt had necessarily outright said your relationship was monogamous, but the two of you had talked about having babies together, which was much more serious.
But then again, Chris had already fucked you with Matt there, so should you have felt guilty or should you not have? Either way, you knew you had to tell Matt, but it felt shitty to do over text, so you were going to wait to do it face-to-face on Monday.
"Good morning, sweetheart. I miss you," a text came in from Matt. You replied shortly after, trying to push away your shame, "I miss you, too. Good morning."
You walked downstairs, and the scent of maple sausage and pancakes wafted through the air. You loved Sundays. Both your parents typically had the day off, and you'd wake up to breakfast in the morning, and you would usually have a family lake day or go to the movie theater.
Today was a little different, because your dad was still out of town even though he was usually at home, drinking his coffee and reading the news on his phone, complaining about whatever politician and whatever proposition there was to complain about now. It felt strange without him there.
"Hey, honey. You doing alright?" Your mom asked you sympathetically. "Yeah, why?" You shot her a confused look. "I thought I heard you having a nightmare last night. I almost came in and checked on you, but then you quieted down," she told you, scrambling the eggs she was about to throw on the griddle.
Your eyes widened, picking up on what noises she was referring to. "Oh, yeah, I actually didn't get a whole lot of sleep last night. Just tossing and turning. Nightmares, right?" You shrugged, trying to will away your embarrassment.
"And I don't like when you come into my room without knocking," you blurted out, almost immediately regretting the way it came out. Your mom stopped what she doing, looked up at you, and you could tell she was about to start getting defensive, but instead her face softened. "Okay, that's fair," she said after thinking about her response for a few seconds.
"Thank you. I love you. I didn't mean to bark at you," you told her, realizing your anger was coming from your embarrassment, thinking about what would have happened if she'd walked in on you last night.
"It's okay, I understand. You're an adult. A young woman. You deserve your privacy," your mom assured you, smirking and going back to cooking.
"I wasn't masturbating!" You blurted out, worried that she was alluding to that. "I didn't even know you knew what that was," your mom looked up at you in shock. "I don't!" You yelled, stomped up the stairs, and hid in your room.
Perhaps it was less embarrassing for your mom to think you were masturbating rather than having your back blown out by your kind of boyfriend's brother, but utterly morifying either way.
A few minutes later, your mom came up and gently knocked on your door. "I didn't mean to embarrass you, honey. We don't have to talk about it. Just come downstairs and enjoy your breakfast. I know how much you love pancake Sundays," she said through the barrier.
You knew it'd be hard to get past your humiliation, but it was worth it to enjoy breakfast with your mom and catch up on all the crazy things she'd seen in the ER that week.
"Do you wanna come run some errands with me?" Your mom asked after you'd finished your meal. "Sure," you told her. After cleaning up the kitchen together, the two of you got into the car, and you checked your texts again.
"Chris and I both miss your sweet pussy so much. We can't wait to make you cum again," an incoming text from Matt read. "OMG I'm in the car with my mom!!" You responded back. "Good. That makes it even more fun," his next message read. Your eyes widened when you read it, and you immediately started grinning and blushing.
"Who are you talking to, honey? Is it a boy?" Your mom asked, looking over at you with a surprised look on her face. "Why-why would it be a boy?" You stammered defensively. "I've just never seen you smile like that," your mom said.
"Don't worry about it, mom," you told her, rolling your eyes. "You can tell me anything, honey," your mom replied, but you were certain you couldn't tell her about this.
The rest of the time you were running errands, Matt was sending you dirty, filthy texts that you kept having to hide your reaction to. You were so grateful in this moment to be a girl because at least no one could tell by looking at you that you were soaking wet.
After getting a good night's sleep and going through all your classes on Monday, you walked into your favorite class of the day.
When you entered the room, Matt was already turned around in his chair, taking in how beautiful you looked. You blushed when you saw him. You liked having it be a little secret between the two of you that you were sleeping together. You liked that no one else in the class had any idea. It kind of felt like you two were sneaking around, which made it really hot.
But of course, you'd also snuck around with Chris behind Matt's back, and that didn't feel so good, and the guilt hit you all over again when you went to take you seat behind him. He watched your smile fade, and he immediately reached out and stroked your cheek. "What's the matter, baby? You look sad," he whispered, giving you a concerned look.
"Matt, I have to tell you something. Please don't be mad at me," you said, your lip beginning to quiver and tears forming in your eyes. "I could never be upset with you, angel," he consoled you, wiping away your tears before they had a chance to fall.
"Chris came over on Saturday night," you told him. "What?" He narrowed his eyes. "He climbed my tree, and I let him into my house, and we did some things," you whispered, avoiding eye contact with him.
"What things?" He asked, and you could hear the hurt in his voice. "You know.. the stuff we all do together, except we did it alone," you admitted, finally looking him in the eyes.
"He didn't cum in you, did he?" Matt inquired. You shook your head no. "Thank god. It was only okay the first time, because of that Plan B. I don't want him getting you pregnant. Only I can do that," Matt said. There was a bit of possessiveness in his voice. You innocently nodded at him, still crying.
"Hey, I'm not mad, sweetheart. Not at you. I didn't directly tell you I didn't want you doing anything with my brother when I'm not there," he say in a soft voice, still caressing your cheek. "But I'm telling you now. You're mine, princess. I don't want anybody to fuck you when I'm not there," he gave you a serious look. You nodded.
"Chris, on the other hand, already knew better when he snuck into your room. He knows how I feel about you. So, I am pissed at him," Matt's sad expression melded into one of anger as he clenched his jaw.
"I didn't mean to cause issues between you guys," you mumbled quietly, trying to keep your conversation as quiet as possible. "I know, baby. You didn't do anything wrong. I know how good he makes you feel. How were you supposed to say no?" He cooed, squeezing your hand.
"He does make me feel good. But when you and I have sex, it's different. It feels like love," you whispered to him. Matt's expression shifted again into one of pure joy, and he looked at you in silence for a few seconds, just taking in how incredible it was that he found someone like you. He couldn't let you get away.
"Do you wanna be my girlfriend?" He asked, grinning at you. "More than anything," you nodded, and your sad tears turned into happy ones. "Good. You're all mine," he gently kissed the back of your hand.
"Are you and Chris still coming over today?" You wondered, concerned about how this had affected the dynamic. "Yes. We're both still gonna make you feel amazing. But I'm gonna have to teach my brother a lesson for sneaking around with my girl behind my back," Matt gave you a malicious smile.
You didn't know what that meant, but you were a little worried for Chris. Matt was a really sweet man, but you could tell he could be diabolical when he wanted to be.
When last period ended, and the two of you were walking to Matt's car, he leaned over and said to you, "Don't tell Chris that I know." You nodded at Matt.
You were utterly shocked when Chris met you guys at Matt's car, and Matt acted like everything was completely normal. You were almost unnerved by it. "How was your weekend, pretty girl?" Chris asked you, biting his lip and smiling at you as he recalled the special time you'd had together Saturday night. "It was good," you responded, keeping your answer short and vague.
"Your braids are so pretty," Chris said in almost a whimper as he gently fiddled with the blue ribbon tying off your braid. You'd never admit it to Matt, but you wore your hair in braided pigtails on purpose, because you knew how much Chris liked them, and you loved the way he looked at you when he pulled on them.
It wasn't until the three of you were sitting next to each other on your bed, both boys completely naked while you were just in panties and a bra that Matt finally addressed the incident. "So, Chris. Since you like to fuck my girlfriend when I'm not around, you don't get to cum today," Matt turned to his brother and gave him a malicious grin.
"Fuck," Chris sighed loudly, running his hands through his hair in an agitated manner. "And if you cum without permission, then I'll never let you fuck my girlfriend ever again," Matt said through clenched teeth. Chris smugly rolled his eyes.
"So what did you do to her, hmm?" Matt inquired, raising his eyebrows. Chris chuckled. "She rode my thigh, came all over it, and then I fucked her doggy style until she was creaming all over my cock. Made her cum three more times. She loved it," Chris whispered, looking Matt in his eyes and asserting dominance.
"Then, that's what we're going to do in front of you. Only you can't participate, and if I see you even thinking about rubbing one out, you won't get to participate at all today," Matt threatened him.
A slew of mixed emotions flooded your system. The way Matt was acting so possessive over you was so hot, but you hoped Chris could hold out, because you definitely wanted to fuck him again. "Fuck. Fine," Chris sighed.
"Come here, pretty girl," Matt whispered, taking off your bra, your panties, and pulling you onto his leg. He cupped your face with both of his gorgeous hands and looked you in the eyes. "That's it, princess. You're doing so good," he praised you as you started to roll your hips onto him.
There was something so intimate and hot about the way you and Matt lost yourselves in each other's stare while you rode his thigh. His hands gradually moved to your ass, firmly grabbing it and emphasizing your movements.
You whimpered while you pathetically grinded up against Matt. You were so wet, you slipped around on his leg with ease, creating an incredible sensation against your swollen clit. "Please make a mess all over my thigh, angel," Matt whined.
His beautiful blue eyes pierced through you, making you insanely weak. The way Matt looked and sounded made it seem like he was getting off on you getting off, and it brought you closer to the edge to know how much he was enjoying your pleasure.
"Matt, I'm gonna cum," you whimpered, your grinding becoming sloppy and rhythmless while you started to shake. You held onto Matt to steady yourself while he whispered, "Good girl. Make a mess for me." All your muscles tightened and you trembled your whole way through your orgasm.
You'd almost forgotten Chris was there, but his rock hard cock was pretty hard to ignore once Matt bent you over on your bed, and it was standing straight up just a few feet in front of your face. This was just as torturous for you as it was for him. You wanted to have it in your mouth so badly.
Matt lined himself up with your hole and slipped it in, sliding in easily, immediately filling you. Your eyes rolled back as he started to pump in and out of you. Although it wasn't the most intimate position, and you couldn't see Matt's face, you secretly loved how it felt, and at least you got to see Chris' face as he watched in awe, keeping both of his hands at his sides. You glanced down at Chris' swollen, mushroom tip, drooling with precum and twitching at the sight of you getting relentlessly drilled by Matt.
Matt's cock filled you expertly while he talked you through your next orgasm. "That's it, girl. Cum for me, princess. I know you want to. Be a good girl and finish on my cock."
Chris watched intently as Matt drew an orgasm out of you. You convulsed and yelped as your knees weakened, and your eyes rolled back again as a fucked out smile crept across your lips.
Matt loved the way you felt wrapped around his rod, pulsing against him as you came. "Come on, princess. Give me another one," Matt gruffly stated, keeping his thrusts steady and hitting your sweet spot over and over again. "Oh, fuck," you whined. You shut your eyes and nearly collapsed onto the bed as your next climax was torn from you. "Good girl," Matt praised you in between his own moans.
When you opened your eyes, Chris had the neediest look on his face, watching you cum over and over again. His bottom lip was caught between his teeth, his eyebrows were furrowed almost as if he were in pain, and blood was rushing to his cheeks. You could tell by his expression how badly he needed to get off.
"Give me one more, baby. Look at Chris while you cum for me," Matt groaned while he continued pounding into you while his brother pathetically watched, wishing it were him taking you from behind.
You felt another knot in your stomach come undone while you looked into Chris' gorgeous blue eyes. You clenched around Matt, uncontrollably shaking and moaning his name while you finished once more.
You were completely spent. Matt loved the way your pussy felt - wet, tight, and all his. It took everything in Matt to pull out and avoid filling you with his babies, and all he could think about as he came into his hand was how pretty your pink pussy would look dripping with his cum. He threw his head back and let out a long, needy groan while his hand pumped away, until he'd completely drained his cock.
"Go get her some water," Matt ordered Chris, wiping off his hand and his dick with his t-shirt. Chris obediently listened, afraid of pissing Matt off even further.
When Chris returned, he had a glass of water in hand, and his cock stood at attention, as hard as you had ever seen it. You were basically drooling as you watched him walk towards you while you dreamt about putting him in your mouth again.
"You think Chris has been a good boy?" Matt asked you. "Mhmm," you bit your lip and nodded as you looked up at Chris and took the water from him. "Think he deserves some love?" Matt cooed. You nodded a little more eagerly this time. "Get back on all fours, princess," Matt ordered you, and you did.
Matt came back around to take you from behind again, and Chris kneeled on the bed in front of you with his cock in your face. "Now, sweetheart. You get to tell Chris when he can cum, okay? But you gotta make him wait for it," Matt encouraged you as he slipped his cock back into you, and you let out a small squeal as he stretched you back out.
You looked up at Chris, and he started prodding your lips with his throbbing member, and you gently slurped up the pearly drops that emitted from his tip from being teased for so long. He immediately let out a primal sound as you enveloped the rest of his head and started stimulating it with your soft tongue.
The way Matt thrusted into you from behind had you taking Chris into your mouth even further with each stroke. Both boys relished in the way you were jostling back and forth between them, and they loved the sweet sound of you gagging on Chris at one end and your pussy squelching around Matt at the other end. All three of you whimpered, and every time you did, your mouth vibrated around the base of Chris' shaft, and it'd bring his closer to the edge every time.
"Can I cum, pretty girl?" Chris needily whispered, looking down at you. You loved watching Chris look so desperate. You needed it just a bit longer. You shook your head from side-to-side while he was still buried in your mouth. Chris immediately pulled his cock out from behind your lips, gasping and rolling his eyes back into his head. "I have to stop for a second. I'm so close. I can't take it," he whined.
You eyed the way his swollen tip continued leaking and the way it twitched in front of you. You felt so powerful controlling Chris' orgasm. When the feeling passed, Chris sunk himself back into your pretty mouth, and he couldn't keep himself from grasping at your pretty braids. He got a firm grip on each one and started driving his cock further into your throat until he was triggering your gag reflex once again.
"Please let daddy cum," Chris breathlessly begged, his pretty blue eyes locked on yours as his facial expression was saturated in pure desire. You shook your head no once more. You loved teasing him. Chris removed himself from your mouth to keep from finishing too soon, and it made a loud pop as he quickly pulled it out. "Fuck, princess. How come you're being so cruel to me?" Chris asked, gently slapping the tip of his cock onto your tongue before plunging it back in.
Matt's thrusts were becoming incredibly fast and powerful and every time he drove his hips forward, it launched you further onto Chris, taking him deeper and deeper into your mouth. You started getting close, and the way you fervently moaned with your lips wrapped around Chris' cock made it near impossible for him to keep from cumming.
"Pretty girl, please. Please let daddy cum. Can't take it anymore. Need to cum in your pretty little mouth," Chris cried out pathetically, holding onto your braids for dear life. The combination of Matt fucking your brains out and Chris tugging on your hair while he fucked your mouth was sending you over the edge, and you wanted Chris to cum at the same time as you, so you graciously nodded, giving him permission to paint your tongue with his heavenly load.
Chris came into your mouth with incredible force, shooting his seed into the back of your throat while he moaned your name over and over. You felt his warm, sticky mess on your tongue while his dick throbbed against your lips, and the way he came for you created a domino effect.
You followed shortly after, your pussy involuntarily spasming around Matt a final time, finishing all over him.
He watched as your cum covered his cock as he delivered a few last thrusts. He pulled out of you with seconds to spare before nutting into his hand and watching the way his cum slowly dripped down his shaft after being released.
The three of you were completely satisfied, breathless, and unable to think or speak for several seconds after. "Now Chris is going to go wait in the car, and I'm gonna have some alone time with my girlfriend," Matt declared. Chris knew how thin of ice he was on, so he quickly started getting dressed and heading downstairs.
"Matt, please. I can't take anymore. I need a break," you told him. "That's not what I meant, sweetie. I meant let's take a shower together. Just the two of us," Matt said, pulling you into his chest and kissing you on the forehead.
Matt ran the water for you, checking the temperature himself before telling you that you could get in. The whole time the two of you stood under the warm stream of water, he was gently kissing your back and massaging body wash into your skin.
"I love you," he whispered in your ear. You turned around, looking into his beautiful blue eyes that told you he meant it, and as he squeezed you a little bit tighter, you said, "I love you, too."
taglist: @bsturnzmtt @sturniolo-girl @munchingmini @butterbean-01 @coolasice01 @slutforsturniolosss @theyluvme-2315 @zariyam @brookiecookie-18 @maggot3647 @slut4chriztopher @miss-delicious @strnlslvr @sleepysturniolo @lvrsturniolo @sofieeeeex @matts-myloverboy @imjusthereforthesturniolosmut @mattsfavbigtitties @new2024cats4life @witchofthehour @whoahoahoahoahoa @ilovechrissturniolosposts @smt-obsessed @sturnioloxlver @that1fangirll @chestersturniolo @riowritesitall @alexisxena @matthewsturnsgf @willowrites @blahbel668 @mattslolita @2muchofaslvt @wonnieeluvvr @fratboychrisera @envykaulitz @slxtformatt @pip4444chris @aaliyahhasacrush @littlebookworm803 @weirdratperson @watchu-mean-baby-keem @lydi2718 @chratts-left-ball @slxtformatt @sst7niolo @sturniolo-fann @ssturniolooss @karttpet
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theminecraftbee · 4 months
Doc's about four beers in by now. It's just enough to loosen his lips, especially with Etho eating most of the pretzels so Doc can't eat them. Compared to almost any other hermit under these circumstances, Doc seems barely tipsy at most, but, well, it's not like Beef needs him drunk to vent his latest frustrations at the world, he just needs him tipsy enough not to notice he's talking.
"--and I just don't understand why people are so surprised, man. You--you all have teased me too much to be surprised!" Doc is saying. "Ren laughed at me. Laughed!"
He also, for the record, seems to need to complain about... apparently his husband? Which is new. Beef had been surprised. He's not going to say so, yet, because this is Doc's very belated NHO bachelor party--can they call it that when it's more "sitting around a TV drinking, eating snacks, and not doing anything because they're all too old to be partying", and when Doc is very clearly not a bachelor?--and that would be rude.
"That dog," Bdubs says loyally. "I can kill him for you. I'm the judge so I wouldn't get arrested and I'd make sure you get all his money as a widow."
"No, you can't kill him, man, I still need him for tax benefits!"
"What taxes?" Etho asks, sounding vaguely panicked.
Everyone stops to consider this.
"Beneficial ones," Doc finally says.
"I don't think that's what--I think you're misunderstanding your English again," Beef says.
"No, I'm always right," Doc says.
They sit in companionable silence for a few moments. Someone shouts on TV. The show is in Swedish. Beef has no idea what's happening. He's honestly just kind of waiting for someone else to notice.
"It's just. I don't get it, man! Why are you all acting so surprised I called Ren my husband? You! You all know me!" Doc says, somewhere between accusing and despairing, and hm, maybe these beers were higher alcohol content than normal, if he's already on despairing? "Ren and I have been--after season eight, making it official, it is only a natural thing, yes? But we had--he's asked to have my puppies. You've heard him say our babies would be beautiful."
"That dog," Bdubs says loyally again, this time in a much more suggestive tone.
"More than once," mutters Etho.
"It's not--I mean, we all knew you and Ren were... how do I put this?" Beef says. "It's not surprising that you two are. Er. Help me out here."
"Boning," Etho says.
"EXCUSE YOU?" Bdubs says, scandalized.
"Yeah. Boning," Beef says. "Doing the horizontal tango. Probably some vertical ones too. I mean, you're definitely into some things--"
"Fighting dragons," Etho dryly adds.
"THAT WAS STILL GROUNDS FOR DIVORCE," Bdubs shouts, apparently over being scandalized and moving straight to offense.
"Two seasons later? Man, you just wanted to wring as much alimony out of me as possible," Doc says immediately.
"And? I'm a judge now, I know these things."
"My point," Beef says, before they can start arguing again, or before Etho can point out that they hadn't ever really been married to get divorced in the first place. "My point. We, uh, all knew you two had a thing. It's just, uh, marriage is... different! It's different, and--"
"You didn't INVITE ME TO THE WEDDING!" Etho says, finally unable to hold it in. "Whyyyyyyyyy? Doc, I thought we were friends! I thought we were friends, Doc! I wanted to go to the wedding!"
"It, it was a little thing," Doc says. "A common law marriage as much as--"
"Hey, wait, why didn't I officiate it, huh?" Bdubs says.
"That's not fair, you can't be mad at me for not inviting you to the wedding, the moon had just exploded!" Doc says.
"It had?" Etho says.
"Yeah, well, I exploded too and I still would have shown up," Bdubs says.
"I don't remember an explosion?" Beef says.
"Wait, the moon did something?" Etho says.
"Focus," Beef says. "Look. Doc. Also, love you man, but I always figured that if anyone was going to propose, it was going to be Ren."
Doc scoffs. "Clearly you don't know my husband, then."
Everyone waits for him to elaborate. Ren, after all, is the one known for dramatic emotional appeals. While Doc is equally dramatic--that's why Beef is throwing a bachelor party for the great fit as opposed to off showing him that Big Salmon can still show someone how to sleep with fishes--he's not exactly great at emotions. Surely, he will elaborate on why Ren would never be the one to propose between the two of them.
He doesn't.
"Anyway, I think it's been obvious for, for years, and you all are morons, and--why is the TV in Swedish?"
"THANK YOU!" Bdubs says. "I thought it would be rude to point out."
"Oh, I like it, though," Etho says as Doc changes the channel to a home improvement show. Yeah, sure. Fits the vibes of this bachelor party as much as anything else. Beef grabs another beer. He pauses.
"Wait, you said a common law marriage. That means you haven't actually had a wedding yet, right?"
"Not really," Doc says.
Beef considers being reasonable, and then he lets it go.
"Dibs on planning it," he says.
"WHAT?" Bdubs says, rounding on Beef.
"I--hey, I didn't agree to this!" Doc says, as Beef begins negotiations with Bdubs. Etho laughs, louder than he normally does, and throws an arm around Doc.
"Let it happen, man. Let it happen."
It's a good party, and a good night.
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gracieheartspedro · 9 months
No One Fucks With My Baby
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pairing: fem!reader x dbf!joel miller (based on established back story from my oneshot Who We Are)
description: everyone now knows that you are joel's girl. when you're working a busy night at the bison, a newbie stirs up a bit of trouble. joel handles it the only way he knows how and you thank him the only way you know how.
word count: 3.8k
warnings: MINORS DNI! this is 18+, post!outbreak joel, age gap (reader is in her 30s, joel is in his mid 50s), i don't describe the reader all that much, consumption of alcohol, drunk old men who harass reader, joel fucks them up, mentions of blood, glass breaking (?), voyeurism, unprotected p in v, dirty talk, pet names
author's note: this fic is dedicated to the birthday girl @ilovepedro !!! happy birthday sweet nini, I love you so much! thank you for helping me edit this, but more importantly, thank you for being a wonderful friend. you make the world a better place. love you always <3
after the amazing love I got on "Who We Are", I decided to add to the universe. let me know if y'all want more! xoxo, gracie
“Didn’t know they made jeans that low cut!”
You were used to stupid comments made towards you by drunk men. But now that Joel has made it known, you are his, a lot of the men in Jackson kept their advances to themselves. The gentleman at the end of the bar must not know that your big ole’ scary boyfriend was positioned in a booth with Tommy and your father across the room. His eyes had been locked on you for most of the night, and every time he and the guys needed more drinks, he’d be the one to grab more. 
You turn to the drunk man, who had to be your father’s age. He’s practically drooling at the sight of your ass in your favorite jeans. The summer air was not a good combination to a normally humid bar, so you had been wearing less and less clothes behind the bar. You were sporting the jeans and a tighter tank top than usual, mainly because you knew Joel would be around and you loved driving him wild when the shirt rode up on you. 
“You’re gonna catch flies if you don’t close your mouth,” You joke, pouring whiskey for another patron, “Don’t think you’d like the way that would taste.”
The man slams down his glass which causes a couple people to look down at him. You don’t even glance in his direction, knowing if he’s mad, he can take it up with every man in the Tipsy Bison. 
“I don’t take too kindly to sarcastic little sluts.”
Your heart stops. You calmly place the whiskey bottle down beside the shot glass you were pouring into and glance towards the red faced prick. You hear the conversations subside around the room while you lock eyes with the guy who’s bold enough to talk shit to you. 
You know Joel’s already standing up from his spot at his booth, but you move quicker. You position yourself in front of him, leaning over the bar, your eyes raking down the pathetic boy in front of you. 
He swallows, realizing how quiet his surroundings got. “I s-said I don’t take kindly to sarcasm.”
You click your tongue, a newfound confidence surging through your body, “I don’t think that’s all you said. Somethin’ about me being a slut?”
“Listen, girl-”
His boots are loud against the hardwood as he approaches you and the man. He stands scarily close to the barstool where the man sits. You don’t break eye contact though, wanting to handle this situation yourself. 
“It’s ma’am, to you,” You cut him off, “I think it’s best if you leave.”
“I haven’t finished my drin-”
Joel reaches around the guy and grabs the whiskey glass from in front of him and slams it on the floor. The guy immediately starts to tremble, shaking like a little leaf. You crack a smile before whispering one final thing to him. 
“Think you’re finished, buddy,” You flick your eyes up at Joel, who’s fury is written all over his face, “Mind walkin’ him out, baby?”
Joel grabs onto the guys shoulder with a bruising grip, “Would be my pleasure, sweetheart.”
He rips the guy from the stool, not even making sure the guy finds his footing. You ignore the shuffle outside and return to your pouring. You feel like your heart may beat out of your chest, but you’re relieved it was handled before Joel got even more handsy with him. You grab the shot glass and hand it to the fellow that was sat by the drunken fool. 
“You got Miller wrapped around your finger,” The guy, who’s name you think is Aaron, says. He was a regular and frequently stopped Joel to talk about morning patrols. You smirk before snatching a rag off your shoulder. 
“Yeah, he’s so wrapped around my finger that he’s gonna clean up all that broken glass.” You joke, wiping down the condensation ring the glasses left on the wooden table top. 
You hear some footsteps approaching and when you look up it’s Tommy. He’s shaking his head, a grin playing on his lips. 
“Where’s the broom? Joel seems busy putting that guy in his place.”
You furrow your brows as you reach for the broom, “What do you mean?”
“I just sent your Dad out there because it sounded like some rustlin’,” Tommy explains, grabbing the stick from you to begin sweeping up the shards, “I’m sure they are handlin’ it.”
Before you can get nervous, you hear the front door swing open quickly. Your Dad and Joel walk in and you can tell Joel is pissed and a bit rattled. You navigate your way around the bar and glass, reaching their booth as soon as Joel sits down. He’s cradling his right hand in his left, hissing in discomfort. 
“What did you do?” You say, reaching out for his hands. There’s two gashes that litter his knuckles, only bleeding slightly. You shake your head when he pulls away from you. 
“Nothin’ baby,” he mumbles, “Just taught the guy it’s not nice to talk to ladies like he did. He walked off with a bloody nose and busted lip when he started talkin’ shit back.”
You roll your eyes, catching your Dad’s glare. 
“Did you break it up?” You press, wanting more of an explanation. 
He shakes his head, “Nope. Joel can handle himself. I did tell the guy when he was walking away that if he talked about my daughter like that again, he’d wouldn’t be able to walk away cause he would have a bullet between his eyes.”
You roll your eyes, crossing your arms under your chest. “I swear to God…”
Tommy approaches the table, his task of cleaning glass finished. He places a gentle hand on your shoulder, “You okay?”
“I’d be better if the men in my life weren’t insane,” You joke, nudging Joel’s arm as he inspects his knuckles.
Tommy laughs and sits back down across from your Dad and Joel. While he makes jokes with your Dad, Joel is silent and stirred. You can tell he’s bothered by something more than handling some asshole who called you a name. You decide against pestering him more, allowing him to settle back into conversation with Tommy and your Dad. 
You give him a quick peck on the cheek and return to slinging drinks. 
“Thanks for staying while I lock up,” You say to Joel as pushing in the last barstool, “And thanks for earlier.” 
He is propped up on one of the middle pillars, his shoulder resting on the wood while his arms and legs are crossed. He was still being quiet, not giving into conversation. You approach him, your eyes trained on his arms. He was wearing a t-shirt for the first time all summer, which made you feel some type of way. His arms were tanned beautifully and toned. His biceps were perfectly outlined by the thin fabric of the gray t-shirt. 
“Anythin’ for you, sweetheart.”
You glance up at him, looking up at him through your eyelashes. “Tell me what’s got you all bothered.”
“It’s nothin’,” He uncrosses his arms and reaches out for you. You know it’s not nothing, so you wrap your arms around his waist and pull him forward. He looks a bit surprised. 
“It’s somethin’, so you better tell me what happened.”
He huffs, fanning your face with his breath, “That asshole said some shit about us and it set me off.”
You squeeze him a bit, “What did he say?”
You can tell he does not want to repeat it, but you were not going to let it go. 
“How I’m an old man with a young girl. How I’m old enough to be your dad.”
You feel sick to your stomach at the idea he had to hear some asshole say that. You look down between you, shifting your weight onto your other foot. You started to feel clammy, unsure of a good response that would reassure Joel. 
“He’s just some asshole. What does he know?” You manage to sputter. 
Joel’s shoulder’s sag, “He’s not wrong, though, baby girl. I’m an old man with a younger girl.”
You push away from him, scanning him up and down. You are pissed that he’s even bringing this up again, after all this time. 
“I’m a grown ass woman, Joel. A grown ass woman with a grown ass man. Just because there’s time in between us doesn’t mean we aren’t old enough to make decisions for ourselves.”
His lip curls, “I know baby, I am just saying that sometimes we get odd looks cause of the age difference. I really don’t care anymore… Just caught me off guard, is all.”
You fold your arms, “You put him in his place, right? He’s not gonna come around here sayin’ shit again?”
“He’d be stupid to come near you again. Think I got my point across.”
You feel like you owe him something. You had a couple ways you could repay him, ensuring that he never thinks about those stupid comments again. 
You use your arms to press up your bra a bit, your cleavage more highlighted with the gesture. Joel’s eyes trail down, the scoop neck giving away your suggestive movement. You step closer again, wanting to be in his space. 
“My man…” You trail, your eyes falling to his agape mouth, “Makin’ sure everyone knows I’m his.”
He nods slowly before his hand creeps around your waist, “What are you tryin’ to do, girl?”
“Nothin’,” you click your tongue. “Just thinkin’ of how I could repay you for handlin’ that for me. You hurt yourself defending my honor. I owe you.”
“Don’t think of it that way. You don’t owe me anything,” His fingers start to creep down to the curve of your ass. “But, I would love to see what you had in mind.”
“Oh, you would,” You hum, your arms unfolding to wrap around his neck. “Let’s start by walking back to your house.”
Instead of responding, he dips his head and peppers kisses down your neck, taking his time letting his fingers wander around the skin on your lower back and hips. Your skin feels like it’s on fire with every press of his lips. 
“Fuck,” You sigh as you try to bring him closer to you, but he’s not letting up on your neck. He’s suckling spots near your collarbone, groaning as you react to his every move. You knew at this point, this whole situation was in his hands and not yours. 
He lifts his head slowly, letting his bottom lip drag across your skin, “How ‘bout this… How ‘bout I take you right here over this bar? Maybe that asshole is nearby and he can hear how well I give it to ya.”
His proposition sends you into a spiral. You and Joel have had plenty of sex in different places, but the bar? And he wants others to hear? Usually he’s telling you that your moans are for his ears only, and while he wants you to be loud for him, you’re usually too timid to actually vocalize your pleasure. 
You place your hands on his expansive chest, “You want to fuck me here?”
He beams down at your question before he whispers, “I want to fuck you everywhere. Here, your bed, my couch, the shower. Hell, I’ll take you at this bar while people watch.”
“Jesus, Joel,” You huff, almost dizzy from the statement. 
He brings his hand up to tilt your head back so you look at him. When your eyes meet, he brings the hand up around your neck and to the nape, right where your spine starts. 
“God, I need you, sweet girl.”
You roll your eyes, but before you can speak, Joel brings you in for a passionate and eager kiss. He’s feverish, his hands now wandering down to your ass. He starts to walk you backwards towards the now abandoned bar top. You knock into a couple chairs, but his arms keep you from tripping. His hands are propped on your ass, navigating you to the edge of the bar top. When your back is pressed against it, he starts to shove his thumbs under your waist band. He pulls away from your lips to push down your jeans, letting them pool on the floor.
“Spread your legs,” he grumbles, “I want to taste you.”
You do as you’re told, shaking your jeans off your ankles and spreading your legs. Joel falls to his knees like a man starved. You note his devilish smile when you do as you’re told. 
“I thought I was repaying you,” You choke out as his hands roam over your flesh. He chuckles darkly before pressing a kiss to your right inner thigh. 
“Lettin’ me get between these legs with my tongue is repaying me,” He clicks as pulls at your panties. He slides them to the side, getting a great look at how wet you are already. Your knees feel like they may give out any second just from the anticipation, so when his mouth finds your entrance, you rest your elbows on the freshly wiped down bar. 
Joel exploring you in this way was nothing new, but every time he went down on you, it was thrilling. He was simply so fuckin’ good at it. You never had a man take his time eating you out, desperately wanting you to cum straight on his tongue. 
The vibrations from his groaning sends shockwaves down your legs, causing them to shake. Joel’s hands are the only thing keeping you stable because even your elbows are slipping from the bar top. The suckling noises coming from him are obscene, especially because you’re standing over the bar at your work. You cannot help but try to balance yourself so you can grind yourself down onto his eager tongue. Before you can really get started doing that, he pulls away, his wet lips glistening under the overhead lights. 
He sticks his pointer, middle, and ring finger into his mouth, slathering them in his own saliva. You watch him carefully as he brings them up to your slit, adding to the slick that’s already there. 
“I want you to cum all over my fingers before I bend you over this bar,” He practically moans. “Can you do that for me, baby?”
You can barely speak as his fingers slowly slip in and out of you, “Y-yes.”
“Yes what?” He adds another finger, curling them as he pumps in and out. Your head is spinning, watching his other hand spread over your lower stomach to hold you against the bar. You know what he wants, but you can hardly get the word ‘yes’ out, let alone the name he loves you calling him. You try to breathe in and center yourself, but the fire in your tummy burns bright. 
“Y-yes, Sir. Please m-make me cum.”
He latches his lips around your clit as he speeds the strokes of his three digits. You grab onto his dark curls to hold him there to ensure that he doesn’t stop putting all the pressure right there. Your orgasm hits you like a freight train and you cannot help but scream out in pleasure. 
He grabs your hips, not caring about your recovery. His dick is rock hard in his blue jeans and it makes you giggle in satisfaction. Joel has fucked you in so many different ways, but you do not remember a time he fucked you over counter.
Your upper body is laying flat against the wooden bar, your hands gripping onto the other side to steady yourself. You hear his zipper go down and then his hands are back on you. Your panties are stretched to hell already, so he practically tears the fabric off your lower body without any resistance. You chuckle at how vehement he is. He spreads your ass cheeks as he slips his cock between your closed thighs. 
“Gonna need you to spread some more for me, sweet girl,” He mutters, smacking one of your cheeks lightly, “God, you’re so perfect.”
Your cheeks burn, “Yes, Sir.”
You do as you’re told, spreading your legs for him. When you do that, his dick prods at your clit, before easing into your entrance. You and Joel fuck raw, so when he opens you up, you feel every vein and ridge against your walls. He’s thick and it always takes you a minute to adjust to the feeling. 
“So fuckin’ tight.”
He retracts back and inches forward again, letting you take in every inch of him. You grab onto the edge of the bar harder, your grip growing tighter with the action. He rests his grip on your hips, using them as leverage as he sets a steady pace. The moment his pace picks up, it’s like the motion pushes all the air from your lungs and you huff out louder. It only encourages him, but instead of keeping you in that position, he grabs onto your shoulders and lifts you up. You are lifted up to his chest, flush with his clothed upper body. He reaches around your arms and grabs onto your breasts through your thin v-neck. 
“J-Joel,” you nudge him with your free hands, “Let me take it o-off.”
He slows his thrusts and lets you pull your shirt over your head. Instead of unhooking your bra, Joel takes the liberty to do it himself. The straps drop off your shoulders and you peel the padding off your chest. His hands instantly cradle your breasts, kneading them as he jolts forward to continue fucking you. His thumb and pointer pinch and tug at your pert nipples. 
“Mmm,” He hums, “Only I can fuck you this good, huh?”
You whimper at his actions, “Only you, Joel.”
“That’s right.”
With that, he slips himself out of you, causing you to whine at the empty feeling. He moves you around like a rag doll, turning you around to face him. 
Joel’s eyes are dilated and his hands are moving quickly to lift you off the ground and press your lower back into the bar. You place your hands on his shoulders, knowing exactly what position he wants you in. 
He picks you up so seamlessly. It’s like when he’s horny or angry, he’s super strong and practically indestructible. He will probably complain how his back hurts later. 
Your knees fold over his forearms, perfectly spread open for his taking. 
You are so wet that he slips right into you. He uses the bar a bit for leverage as he fucks up into you, the angle completely sending you into a spiral. His eyes are perfectly trained on your chest, watching your tits jiggle as he drills into you. 
“Most perfect thing I ever did see,” He remarks between strokes. Your nails are digging into his shoulder, right above a scar he got a couple years ago when he was out on patrol with your dad. You remember it was the first time you saw Joel shirtless. He was sitting next to your Dad in the infirmary, getting stitched up from getting caught on a sharp tree limb. You remember thinking how tan and beautiful he was back then. 
Now you’re gripping onto his shoulders years later, his dick ramming into you and hitting you in all the right places. 
Life is so mysterious and wonderful. 
He bites his lip, putting all his focus into making you cum before he does himself. He’s a giver and for that, you’re extremely grateful. No man has ever put in as much effort. Before Joel, you did not know you could cum more than once in a single session. A couple months ago, he could not help his insatiable taste for you and made you cum 6 times. 
His thrusts begin to falter when he feels you clenching around him, the fiery thrill building in your stomach. Your legs feel like jello, but as soon as the orgasm hits you, they stiffen in his grip. 
“F-fuck Joel,” You whimper, stuttering at how good your body feels as your come down unravels. This orgasm is way more powerful, making you practically vibrate in Joel’s arms. 
He fucks you through the feeling, his finish quickly approaching. When he’s finally finding his own release, he slips out of you before he can cum inside you. You two had an agreement that he could only cum inside you if you explicitly say he can. Since you didn't even think about it, you watch as his seed spills all over your pelvic bone.
When you two catch your breaths, he gently places you down on the ground. He steadies your wobbly legs by holding onto your naked waist. 
You realize you are smiling like an idiot, completely blissed out on how good Joel made you feel. You find your footing, picking up your pants nearby. You don’t even bother with the material that used to be your underwear. 
You hear Joel behind you fixing himself up, zipping his dick back into his jeans. You pull on your pants, leaving them unbuttoned. You grab the material on the ground and ball them up. You prance over to Joel, his eyes raking you up and down. 
“You can keep this,” You joke, pulling at one of his front pockets. You tuck the panties into his pants, smiling widely. 
“‘M just gonna add them to the collection,” He replies, gripping onto the point of your chin. 
When he tilts your eyes up to meet his, your heart flutters at the action. He’s so beautiful with his fine lines and wildly untamed peppered curls. His eyebrows are furrowed as he contemplates your expression. 
You finally say it. Those three words that you had been meaning to say for months. The words that you had never said to another man ever. There was a distinct moment about 2 months ago, after you had dinner with him and Ellie, where you almost said it while helping him with the dishes. It was that steadying of your heart, a moment you felt most at peace with someone. He made you comfortable. He made you feel safe. 
“I love you, Joel.”
He drops your chin, his eyes soften at the statement. He opens his mouth, but nothing comes out. Your anxiety starts to creep up your throat. Maybe you should not have said that. Fuck. 
“I love you too, sweetheart,” He says in almost a whisper before he takes your right hand, rubbing the top of it with his thumb. “‘M sorry I didn’t say it earlier.”
Your body relaxes, reassured by his answer. You did not have any doubts about your feelings for Joel, but your mind could not help but over analyze every little thing he ever said to you, forcing you to assume he may not feel the same way. 
He brings your hand up to his lips, pressing a long kiss onto your knuckles. 
“Let’s get you home, sweet girl. I gotta get up for patrol tomorrow.”
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simpxxstan · 4 days
svt + nerdy y/n!!
a/n: this is absolutely self-indulgent. i'm sorry if i'm writing slower than usual, i'm trying to get back on track!
sfw content. gender neutral reader and established relationship.
very mildly suggestive (pg13 audience only!). nerd here refers to anyone with academic interests or a general high level of interest in uncommon/niche topics. i've tried to make the concept of nerd as inclusive as possible.
not a nerd himself but will encourage you 100% to be a nerd- buys you new pair of glasses when your eyesight worsens, new documentary CDs and even membership of a hundred foreign journals.
defo has a sapiosexuality kink- you can guess how attracted he is to your intelligence. but he's the smarter one on the streets, so he'll take care of you in every way possible while you stay in your little geeky bubble.
it's always baby let me recharge your phone bill for you; baby please eat your meals on time; baby you can't stop drinking water because of exam stress; baby if you're pulling an all-nighter, call me over, i don't want you to stay up all night alone.
loving jeonghan involves so much cuddling and lazy time when you both just lie under the blankets, his head is on your stomach and your fingers in his hair. it's at these moments that he encourages you to read out for him and he hums along whenever you pause to check if he's fallen asleep.
but jeonghan draws the line sometimes. he is supportive- but only when you're not trading off your time with him for the sake of peering into books.
you can sit with me and solve bivariate normal distributions or whatever you have to do, he whines into your ear. but you keep tickling me and i mess up the calculations! he laughs at this, i can't help it if you're just so ticklish, baby.
three years ago, joshua would've laughed if someone told him he would be more interested in the latest discoveries of astrophysics than in who's winning the la liga matches. but here he is- successfully converted into a nerd entirely because of your influence.
joshua was ridiculously easy to convert. all it had taken was the shiny, lovesick look in your eyes when you'd ask him if he wanted to watch a documentary on alternate universe theories with you, and he'd said yes in a heartbeat. and then it had just been a spiral into the metaphorical black hole. and he does NOT regret it, as long as he gets to spend time with you.
josh is this getting too boring? you'd quietly ask after an hour of the documentary, guilty for being too absorbed in it to even look at your boyfriend and see how he's faring. but joshua is melting at your concern, so even if it was a little bit boring, he'll reassure you sweetly, not at all baby! this is so new and interesting!!
yes he may be from china, but clearly you know more about his own roots than he does! whenever you're watching news, jun loves it when you fill him up on some quirky background info that he didn't know about, but adds so much value to the context of the news.
in awe of your academic capabilities and keeps bragging about you to everyone. feels so proud when he can contribute to something you're passionate about too. he CANNOT fathom why someone as nerdy and intellectual as you should want to be with him.
junie, you're so smart! you praise him after he reports a profit he's making on a stocks investment. he shyly giggles, not like you, baby. you shake your head, i may be book smart. but you're street-smart!
hyper and calm partners!!!! he used to get annoyed with how you would pore into your books all day and how focused you were on your studies, but now he sees the charm in it all. it makes you happy, and in turn, he gets to wrap himself around you and be as clingy as he likes.
he really tries to follow with your nerdiness, his enthusiasm is there he swears! it's just not his fault that his attention span is so low and he ends up staring at your lips more than actually listening to you.
baby are you even listening? you ask, pouting. it drive him even more insane and he ends up giving in to his instincts and kissing you. yes baby! i heard everything!
WILL BE GEEKY WITH YOU! i imagine the two of you sitting next to each other at a table, him focused on his games and you're focused on your studies, your feet in his lap, and you're both sharing the same cup of coffee.
he loves collecting pretty little diaries for you, because he knows you write little poems and trivia in those diaries. whenever he's out on tour, he's bringing a locally-made diary for you, and if possible, he customises it with your name imprinted on it too.
wonwoo, there's a new adaptation of pygmalion getting shown in the theatre! do you want to go watch? i want to take notes from this adaptation and write about it on my blog... you need not even explain so much, wonwoo bought the tickets already when you began to talk about it.
feels so giddy when he comes home from work and the first thing you do (in between his kiss attacks) is tell him a new fact you learnt today in whatever is your latest obsession.
jihoon loves his personal space, so when he's found you who's equally fond of your personal space and interests, it's literally a match made in heaven. they say it'll put distance between the two of you, but it really does quite the opposite!
jihoonie, can you help me learn this table? maybe ask me randomly and i'll try to answer. jihoon wants to tell the table to self-destruct from the entire world because you're near to tears trying to mug it up. but he doesn't. instead he says, love, how about i make a song for you which simplifies this? like a mnemonic but nicer.
man was too desperate to get out of school to understand why you choose to be a nerd. but it's hella cute, so he doesn't need to understand. he's obsessed with your quirky habits- the way you bite your lips when you're finding a topic difficult, the way your glasses slip down your nose and you irritatedly push it up again, the way you crave the hot chocolate he makes when you're under exam stress.
admires your smartness so much! WILL brag about it to everyone he meets. WILL bring up the fact you told him yesterday, in today's conversation with his members just to show off your smartness.
posts stories about you being so cute while working hard for your exams but it's just you with oiled hair, acne breaking out like hellfire, and cramming notes at breakneck speed (you don't talk to him for an hour after this, but he doesn't get why you're so embarrassed, he only sees cuteness.)
another one who WILL be nerdy with you. mingyu's always been a curious boy- even as a child, he would be drawn into new ideas easily. nothing is different now, and mingyu sits with you often when you're studying, his hands often wandering to your shoulders to massage them, and bringing you a regular supply of ramen and snacks.
you have a habit of repeating to yourself what you read, so mingyu steps in and asks you to talk to him and explain the topics to him as if you're teaching him. safe to say, he gets VERY turned on after such mock 'teaching' lessons and eventually loses focus on what you're saying.
gyu do you remember that paper i wrote last month? yeah, it got selected for a journal. you say it so nonchalantly that any other person would think you're showing off. but mingyu knows how much it means to you, and you're only downplaying it because you think mingyu won't think it to be a big deal, as most academic snobs tend to do. but lucky for you, mingyu knows exactly how precious an achievement it is to you, so he shows his appreciation to you instead of merely saying it (by showering you with kisses that make you tingle all over).
OH oh. will listen to your rants with the sweetest subtle smile on his face. will buy encyclopedias and reference books for your mini library. will take you to speaker sessions, workshops and other such informative events across the city, even places you've no idea about.
the most ardent supporter you could have asked for, he is in awe of your mental capabilities and your intelligence. you both have a lot of quality time where you're just sitting together and doing your things, but minghao values it like no other activity in the world.
hao? there's a new parcel at the door. you call him when a delivery arrives and he's at work. open it. he may not be around to see your reaction, but he can sure imagine the grin that's bursting out on your face when you squeal his name into the phone on seeing the hardcover special edition version of your favourite collection of essays.
lots of wide-eyed wondering at why you would want to stay rooted at a spot and read books over playing badminton with him. he wants to complain that you've chosen your academics over him, but that'd be a lie, so he can only half-heartedly whine about it.
comes around to your point of view as soon as you start showing him documentaries (on animals living in the Himalayas, as per your latest obsession). it begins with him finding the animals cute, to eventually finding you cute when you animatedly talk about them. and once he's totally converted, it's fairly easy for you to convince him to help you with exams.
expect eye rolls, smug smiles and hair being brushed back nonchalantly when the questions he had asked last night from your texts actually matched with the ones asked in the exam. i told you, baby, he whispers in your ear. now i want my reward, you've been drowned in books for way too long and not paying any attention to your boyfriend.
it was a surprise to him as well when he realised he's got a massive sapiosexuality kink. as someone who's run as far away from the education system as he could, he doesn't even know why he finds it so attractive when you're being nerdy. but, well, he does.
he loves hearing you talk about whatever it is that you're learning lately, and sometimes something or the other catches his attention. and then, you know he'll dive right deep into it to know all about it, until his curiosity is satisfied.
nonie, what's the video you sent me? you ask him when you return home from uni. i wondered if you've watched this one. it explains the theories of why the harappan civilization disappeared so well. you can only smile at his enthusiasm, i bet you've been looking at conspiracy theories again, nonie. the guilty grin on his face says it all.
chan listens so well, but you can't really blame him if he doesn't retain the information. he's elated simply to have you wrapped in his arms as you talk about what happened in your classes today, and his nose in the crook of your neck so he can smell your lovely scent. intermittently nods his head (just wants to rub his nose on the soft skin of your neck) and hums in agreement of what you just said (suppressing moans when he can feel your heartbeat quicken when he presses kisses to your neck too).
it doesn't matter what your new niche is, but he's indulging it. he admires your ability to stay focused in a field as demanding as academia, and he's all for you to go ahead with your interests and education as long as you want to learn.
you wake up to post-its on your forehead every day when chan has had to leave early for work: get out of the house and get fresh air. shampoo hair today, interview tomorrow. practice the introduction speech again. drink water and take vitamins. STOP DRINKING COFFEE. and you giggle at each of them, because they're all things you've tried to remember for yourself and forgotten, so chan reminds you like this, but his cute handwriting and the little XOXOXOs he's drawn all over make your heart melt.
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homestylehughes · 8 days
bed chem.
Tumblr media
pairing(s): quinn hughes x fem!reader
warning(s): fluff. mutual pinning. very slight slow burn. suggestive content. 18+.
wc: 1.5K
an: hi lovesss!!!! I present you with a new fic, finally. this song is loosely based off of "bed chem" by sabrina carpenter, and the one and only quinn hughes. this is one of my favorites, I'm really happy with how it turned out! I hope you all enjoy, like and reblog if you did :)
as always, much much love <3
He caught your attention in a room full of people, your eyes stuck to him like glue. Your eyes followed his every movement, watching him wordlessly from across the busy club. Watching how he interacted with the people around him, how his lips broke into a smile as he laughed at something someone said to him. 
He, whoever he was, was beautiful. From his hair, eyes, smile, everything. Not to mention how his white fitted shirt looked on him. The fit was so perfect, it almost looked like it was painted on him. You felt like a creep looking at him, but you couldn't help it. There was just something about him that was almost addictive? Something bad, but yet so so good. 
“Are you done staring at him like a creep, or are you gonna go over and say something?” your friend says besides you, snapping you out of daydream
“I wasn't looking..just observing” you say, clearing your throat, before taking a drink of the watered down cocktail in front of you in hopes to avert your gaze from the Greek god of a man in front of you. 
“Well..he and his friends just looked over here and pointed.” she giggles from besides you
“Shit. Are you joking? Youve got to be joking right?” you whisper-yell to her in a state of panic 
“Nope,” she says, popping the p.
“Oh god, yn they're coming over here now.” she says frantically 
“Oh my god” you say, moving to sit up straighter in your seat. Your eyes move to follow the very attractive man and his friends make their way over to you guys. 
“Shit he is hot, and so are his friends.” your friend gushes out besides you 
“Shut it, act normal, talk to me about something.” you say quickly, your eyes flickering to the men who are moving in closer. 
Your friend starts talking to you about something random, but you can't concentrate on her words. Your mind is locked in the man approaching, that you can't gather another thought about anything else, as you watch them in the corner of your eye. Just as they are about to reach the table, another large group of men cuts in front of them. Wrapping each of the men into hugs, yelling and smiling as they interact, with what you assume are their friends. 
“Youve got to be kidding me” she says, stopping mid sentence of her empty word ramble. 
“ well..thats, that i guess” you sign out, looking as the men pull each other to the bar in the opposite direction. 
“Guy in the white shirt is looking at you, look up look up.” she says slapping your arm 
Quickly reacting, pulling your head up. Your eyes find him quickly, as he looks back at you. Sending you a quick wink and smirk before he turns around following his friends. 
“Oh my gosh. Yn he so wants you” 
“I don't even know if i'll see him again”
“Never say never.” 
You giggle at her opsitism, before throwing the rest of your drink back, hopping out of your seat, moving to grabher hands pulling her towards the dance floor. 
“Come on! We came to have fun, right?” you shout at her, as you two giggle walking hand in hand to the dance floor. 
After lots of fun, maybe too much fun and a few more drinks later. You finally make your way back to your hotel. You come back solo you might add, your friend being pulled away by a hot mysterious man who caught her attention. Leading her to follow him out of the club with a wide smile on her face. 
Sighing deeply as you stare at your shoes waiting for the elevator door to open, a few moments later a loud ding signals in the opening. Heading in quickly, and hitting your floor. Leaning your exposed back against the cool elevator door, the only thing on your mind is taking off your shoes, and washing a somewhat disappointing night out away. 
Just as the elevator is about to close, you hear a man shouting to hold the door. Pushing yourself off the wall to hit the open button. The out of breath man quickly moves in, as you look up to ask him what floor he needs, you're face to face with, hot fitted white shirt man, who's staring at you with widened eyes. 
“What floor do you need?” you ask quietly, struggling to find your words.
“Um, 69 please, oh wait you've already pressed that.” The man finally speaks to you, his deep voice filling the now closed elevator. 
“You're the girl from the club tonight.” he says looking over at you from across the elevator. 
“And you're the guy” you say
“Felt you looking at me, the whole night” he says, his words causing a blush to rise to your cheeks as you look back down at your shoes. 
“Don't be embarrassed, i was looking too.” he continues 
“I saw” you spoke 
“Almost had you too” he says 
“Almost..” you repeat to him softly, your gaze flickering between his lips and eyes. 
“Well we’re here now” he replies 
“You have 9 floors to make something happen..” you trail off 
“Quinn. My names quinn” he says 
“Yn. my names yn” 
“Well yn i only need 2 floors to make this happen” quinn says, quickly making his way over to you. One of his hands meeting your hip as the other holding your face, pulling you into him, your lips connecting as one.
The motion happens so quickly you barely have time to register what your body is doing until you're kissing him back quickly. Your hands tangle themselves into his hair as you pull yourself into his body.
You two are so wrapped up into each other that you don't even realize the elevator has stopped, the door opening slowly. 
Quinn pulls back, his lips swollen as he looks down at you. “How was that for something yn?” he says, dropping his gaze down to you. 
“I think i might need you to show me a bit more” you whisper
“Oh really?” he says as he slowly pulls you out of the elevator. 
“Mhm” you mumble to him
“Lead the way” he says, dropping his hand from you, waiting on your next move. 
You take a second to take him in natural light. Everything about him is intoxicating, you need more. No matter the cost, or how bad of an idea it could be. You don't care, not right now. Before you can give it a second thought, you're pulling him by his hand by your room. Your steps are quick, your body hot with need. 
Reaching your room quickly, dropping Quinn's hand, as you start searching for your key card, you feel Quinn's hot body against yours. His lips finding your neck and his hands back on your hips as he pulls you back against him. Your movements began to halter as he began to get lost in his touch. 
“Quinn..you have to get off me for 30 seconds so i can open the door” 
“Mhm. I know, but I'm getting impatient. I've wanted you all night.” he says against your neck, his warm breath sending chills down your body. 
“You wanna know what i've thought about and what i'm thinking about right now? Hm?” he asks 
“Yes, yes tell me” you gasp out, your hands trying to move quickly, still in search of the key. 
“How the dress would look on the floor, how your body would look against mine. How youd look all fucked out for me in my bed” he says, his lips tight to your ear. 
Just as he finishes his sentence, your hands grasp the key card in your purse. Pulling it out quickly, and tapping it against the door aggressively, pushing the door open as soon as it buzzes open. 
Quinn moves quickly, pushing you in slamming the door, and before you know it his lips are against yours as if they never left. You're quick to turn him around, your hands moving against the buttons on his shirt as he hits the bed, pulling you on top of him; your lips never once leaving each other. 
“You're dangerous” quinn says pulling away from your lips 
“Why's that?” you ask, your hands still working to unbutton his shirt. 
“I've barely had any of you, and i dont think ill ever get enough” he says looking at you
“Who said you ever have to stop, we’re just getting started” you say while unbuttoning the last button on his shirt before pushing it off his shoulders. 
Quinn responds with a look and a small smirk and you know what that means.
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c0eu4 · 10 months
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LN4 | Tits
Request: inspi ration (he said tits in the blurry part)
Summary: Lando meets Y/n at a club and she asks him to sign her tits. A few days later, Lando is looking for her and they become friends. So she surprises him by coming to see him in Las Vegas.
Warning: Lando signing tits? Lando jerking off himself, needy Lando but no smut
A/N: I'm so so so so so sorry but I accidentally published the story when it wasn't finished and I had to delete and redo everything and I don't have the request!!
part one - part two - part three
MASTERLIST requests are opens
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His glass in his hand, he moves to the rhythm of the music. The lights of all colors blind him slightly and the music is so loud that he can't hear people talking around him. He takes the last sip of his drink, disappointed at having to move from the dancefloor to get a drink.
He warns Max (Fewtrell) and heads towards the bar in the center of the club. He doesn't take the time to sit down and walk next to a young woman, leaning against the counter.
He signals to the bartender and asks him for another drink. As he waited for his drink, the young lady next to him patted his shoulder, ''Uhm excuse me?''
He turns around, giving her a charming smile. He can't help but let his eyes slide down to her plunging neckline, waking up her chest. ''I can help you?''
The young lady blushed slightly, ''Uhm are you Lando Norris?'' He chuckled, ''Himself'' Her eyes widen softly, ''May I ask you an autograph?''
Lando can't help but smile even more. He doesn't know why, but he's not annoyed when she asks him that. Normally, he accepts like anyone else, even if it annoys him to be disturbed.
''Of course, do you want me to sign something in particular?'' She thinks, asks the bartender for a piece of paper, who tells her he doesn't have any. Then suddenly, an idea crossed her mind.
''Can you sign my tits?'' Lando's eyes widened, his cheeks getting slightly red. He chuckled as he took the pen the bartender offered him.
She pulls down her dress a little, revealing her breasts even more. ''Should I sign both?'' He can't take his eyes off of her breasts. He feels like he's a growing teenager again, filled with uncontrollable hormones.
''Yeah please.'' He uncaps the pen, puts a hand on her shoulder for support and tries to write but can't. He sighed, dreading his questions. ''Can I touch it? It would be easier.''
She chuckled, her now hugely revealed breasts moving slightly along with her little laugh. She still wonders if he isn't trying to touch them on purpose. But hey, after all, it's not every day you catch Lando Norris's eyes.
''If you want that much.'' He can't help but laugh, his warm breath tickling her bare collarbone. ''What's your name?'' He placed his hands on her right breast, ''Y/n.'' he tried to stretch the skin to allow the pen to work better. He signs it and adds 'for y/n, with love' He reproduces the gesture on her other breast, not hesitating to let his fingers slide a little lower.
His signature is perfect. As in the photos. ''Thank you'' He winks at her and she chuckled softly, probably nervously. He takes his drink and goes back to see Max who's now a bit away from the dancefloor and talking with some people.
Lando approached them and immediately, Max whispered something in his ear, ''Mate you're hard.'' Lando's head turns red as one of his hands slowly goes in front of his bulge, hiding it.
_ _ _
A few days later, Y/n is still in Lando's mind. He can't stop thinking of her. He even tried to search her on Instagram but it wasn't conclusive. He still sees her reddened cheeks, her nervous smile, her pink lips and her breasts.. oh my god. Just thinking about it makes his pants feel tight.
He readjust himself in the bed, his hand slipping under his boxers. He couldn't help it, she was so beautiful...and good. He imagines his cock between her breasts accelerating the movements of his hand. And it doesn't take long before he's cumming in his pants, imagining Y/n touching and licking him.
What a dirty boy he can be. Seriously, jerking off while thinking about a fan's tits.
He gets up after catching his breath and clean the mess he makes. His phone buzzed and he looked at Max's message.
''Mate you're not gonna believe me''
His text was accompanied with a picture.. of y/n, drinking a coffee, alone.
''Isn't that the girl you're looking for?''
''Where is she?''
''The cafe we usually went to'' ''You want me to do something?''
Lando doesn't answer, already putting on his shoes and jacket. He went outside, walking pretty fast to his car. His mother would kill him if she knew how speedy he drives.
He enters that café, his eyes wandering all the people in. His gaze freezes on her. She was as beautiful as he remembered. Her long brown hair cascaded over her shoulders and her black turtleneck hid her collarbone, at the risk of disappointing Lando. Her laptop is open in front of her, next to two empty cafes.
He doesn't know what to do. Should he go see her? Or just observe her? He can also offer her a coffee and write his number on it, like in the movies.
He gathers his courage and orders two coffees. One for her and one for him. He decides to play it cool and sits across from her, putting the coffees on the table. She looks up from her computer and smiles nervously. ''Mister Norris. How can I help you?''
Her cheeks turn slightly red probably just like his. ''Maybe by giving me your number?'' He surprised himself with his overconfidence. She giggles, writes something in her notebook and gives the piece of paper to him.
Deep down, she knew that during that evening, something had happened between them. But she never thought he would look for her.
_ _ _
Since that day, they haven't stopped talking to each other.
Lando is an extrovert. Y/n is an introvert.
Lando likes to talk. Y/n likes to listen.
Lando doesn't know how to hide his feelings. Y/n doesn’t know how to show them.
They complete each other. They are made for each other. Their discussions are natural, Lando loves talking to her, even until late at night. And he knows she will always be there to listen to him. Meeting her was the best thing that could have happened to him.
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Y/n feels bad to have to lie to him. She walks back into the airport, readjusting her sunglasses. She passes through the secure gate without any hassle and barely has time to land to wait for her plane that Oscar called her and she picked up the phone.
''What did you tell him?''
''That I can't come.''
''I heard him crying in his driver's room.''
Oscar had agreed to help her to make a surprise for Lando and come see him in Las Vegas. But knowing that Lando's cried for her makes her heart breaks.
''Aw I feel so bad.''
He chuckles.
''Don't worry, he'll be so happy. I'm sure he'll kiss you.'' Oscar always thought that one day or another, they would end up together. Not that it bothers Y/n, but Lando is her best friend and she's afraid of ruining their relationship.
''Stop saying silly things.'' Oscar laughed again, but more loudly this time.
''Yeah yeah.. ahhh.. we do like we say, huh?''
''Yep, I'm going to enter the plan in a few minutes, be sure to be there when I land.''
''No I should let you at the airport.''
''Funny but you'll have to support the upset of Lando during the whole week.''
''You win on this point.''
''I let you Ozzy, see you in LA.''
''Have a nice plane.''
She thanks him and hangs up. She gets on the plane and sits in her seat. During the twelve hours of flights, Y/n finds something to occupy herself by watching a trilogy, sleeping and reading.
Once arrived, all that remains is the most complicated part. She has to collect her suitcase, leave the airport and join Oscar without being recognized. She readjusts her sunglasses and the black mask that hides the lower part of her face. With her hood on her head, she walks with her head down and hurries to collect her suitcase.
She leaves the airport in less than thirty minutes and quickly finds Oscar's car. She puts her suitcase in the trunk and gets in the passenger seat.
''Hey, nobody saw you?'' He asked her as she took off her sunglasses, mask and hood. ''Hi, I don't think so.'' He doesn't wait any longer to start the car and drive straight to the hotel.
She preferred to surprise him by waiting for him in his hotel room rather than at the track.
''I got a copy of his room card.'' He gives her the card as she quickly puts on her makeup.
It doesn't take long for them to arrive at the hotel. He helps her with her things and they hurry to the hotel room. Due to traffic jams on the road, they lost time and Lando should arrive more soon than expected.
She places her things in a corner of the room and sits down on the bed that he didn't even take the time to make.
''Tell me if he kissed you.'' Said Oscar before leaving her alone. He didn't let her have the time to respond and she just scrolled on her phone to pass the time.
She looks in the mirror, checking that her outfit is okay. She made the effort to take a twelve-hour plane with a rather uncomfortable dress, even if she was wearing one of Lando's sweaters over it.
She readjusts her hair and receives a message from Oscar telling her that he ran into Lando in the hallway.
She sits on the edge of bed and stares at the front door. She hears a noise, then a 'beep' meaning the door is open.
Lando walks into the room, not even noticing her, too busy looking at his phone. He places his bag on the ground and finally looks up from his phone.
His eyes open wide and his mouth is parted, not knowing what to say.
''Happy birthday, Lando.'' She smiles at him getting up from the bed.
Lando doesn't know what's going through his head, but he walks towards her, places his hands on her cheeks and presses his lips to hers.
Shit. Oscar was right. But it doesn't stop her from kissing him back, moving her lips along with his. She wraps her arms around his waist to pull him even closer to her.
''What the hell are you doing here!?'' He finally breaks the kiss, still in shock.
''Don't you still know that I'm a very good liar?'' He kissed her cheeks, his hand slowing on her hips.
''Fuck I missed you so much.'' He kisses her neck, already nibbing on it.
''Wow wow wow Lan', slowly.'' He stops it and his lips go back to hers.
''I hate you.'' She arranges the strands of hair that fall in front of his eyes.
''No you don't.'' He kissed her again.
''Be my girlfriend.''
''Did I have the choice?''
''No.'' He doesn't give her time to respond as he kisses her again, addicted to her lips.
Lando will no longer need to imagine his cock between her breasts. He's already planning to experience it tonight.
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mistydeyes · 1 year
Hi! I was wondering if you could do a Task Force 141 and a reader that they never have seen out of uniform until one day they all go to a bar but the reader is late? Next thing they know the reader walks up to them dressed like they just walked straight out of the 2000’s?
(if you end up doing this request: thank you so much! I absolutely luv your writing!!)
thank you so much for requesting! i literally am in love with 2000's fashion like you'll be seeing me walking with low-cut jeans and a baby tee fr
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summary: After a tiring mission, the 141 invites you to drink away the night at the pub. However, you get into a lively argument about fashion when they question your choice in 2000's inspired attire.
pairings: taskforce 141 x platonic!gn!reader (codename: Storm)
warnings: swearing, slight bullying (they fr just don't understand fashion)
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"Didn't we tell Storm half-past eight?" Gaz asked, looking down at his watch. The pub was nearly empty as the men continued to add glass after glass to a growing pile. Despite reminding you with a string of texts, you still haven't made an appearance. "Still don't get why they had to change," Soap continued, choking down another drink, "Lt's still wearing his goddamn mask." The group laughed as their attention was directed to Ghost, still wearing his signature face mask. "They probably wanted a shower and some fresh trousers," Price commented and the rest of the group returned to a more interesting conversation.
As the group laughed at Soap recounting Ghost's out-of-character dialogue in Las Almas, their gaze fell on the pub's door as it swung open. The group smiled at the familiar face and gestured you over. You walked to the table quickly, feeling the attention in the empty pub. At first, you thought it was due to your late entrance but when you approached, you saw all eyes focused on your attire. It was like you walked out of the 2000s or robbed a Delias before your arrival. You felt a little self-conscious at the confused looks and wondered what all the fuzz was about. "What? Do I have a stain?" you questioned as you dusted off your low-cut, denim jeans. "No, it's just-" Gaz began to say but Soap interjected. "Why do you dress like that?" he asked and you raised an eyebrow. You looked down at your jeans and Von Dutch top. "But I normally dress like this?" you said with a curious tone. You dressed like this before joining the military and held on to the lively aesthetic of the early 2000s. You were embarrassed to admit but Britney Spears and *NSYNC were your fashion icons.
"Yeah," Ghost spoke up as he eyed the interesting font of your shirt, "you look like you could be an extra in a Spice Girls video." You rolled your eyes, grabbing at one of the half-drunk glasses on the table. "You've been quiet, Captain," you edged while looking at him, "what do you think?" There was a hush over the room as you waited in anticipation. "Clothes are clothes," he simply replied and the table roared with laughter. "Such a grandad thing to say," Soap loudly exclaimed and everyone clambered with sentiments of agreement. "Sorry I don't wear Wrangler jeans and black fitness tops," you mumbled. It was a subtle jab at your colleagues but Gaz took it to heart. "I have style!" he shouted as you shook your head in disapproval.
"Gaz, you look like someone trying to emulate an Instagram model or some teenager's Pinterest board," you argued and you were met by the howling of the tipsy men. "And Captain, I'm sorry but you look like a father going on holiday to the Swiss Alps," you directed towards Price as everyone realized this was becoming an insult fueled rage. Soap was still laughing wildly, shaking his head in agreement with your every word. "Oh you shouldn't be laughing, Soap," you said as you turned to him, "a navy blue sweater and black jeans are a fashion crime." He quickly turned red and looked embarrassed as he examined the mismatched colors. Everyone held their breath as you turned to Ghost. "And Lt," you paused, thinking of what you should say next, "you dress like you've never heard of color."
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billwidoll · 5 months
Come back to me please
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You were at Topper's party, looking bewildered for your boyfriend Rafe, you asked everyone, but no one knew where he was. Except Topper.
"Hey Topper..." You say, approaching him, getting closer as the music was loud.
"hi yn! Enjoying the party?" Topper says drinking his drink. Topper was the king of parties and Rafe was the king of Outer banks Fact.
"Not really, I'm looking for Rafe, have you seen him?"
You ask loudly, you didn't drink or like parties much, you only went because of Rafe. You were the golden girl, you didn't drink, you didn't smoke, you were perfect and everyone was surprised when you and Rafe made it official, even Topper imagined that his friend would date a bitch, But Rafe chose you because it was love at first sight.
You had already been dating for 2 years, and Rafe was making plans for your future with him, you knew Rafe's fame, but you put that aside and clung to loving him.
"I think he's smelling dust with the kelce on top"
Topper speaks normally and you immediately get angry, as Rafe had promised he would stop it. You thank him and say goodbye to Topper.
You go up and see several rooms, and you ask everyone which room Rafe was in, until they pointed to a room that was in the last one. And you go there, ready to give a scolding In Rafe, you just didn't expect what was going to happen.
You approach the room and open the door, and you see Rafe Cameron, sucking Sophia, his best friend's breasts.
"Wow!" You speak with tears welling in your eyes and impulsively end up dropping your cell phone.
Rafe quickly sees you and stands up with a pale face.
"My love....and....I can explain...." Rafe speaks stuttering and getting closer to you and holding your arm.
"friend...we can explain" Sophia adds, and you become completely mobile, without any kind of reaction, and that terrified Rafe.
"Sophia get out of here now!" Rafe shouts, thinking Sophia would ruin his explanation.
"what about us Rafe?" Sophia asks how the victim was her. Rafe takes a quick look at her and she runs away.
"Love... don't cry... don't do this to me, it hurts too much" Rafe says holding your face and you're still a statue.
You stand up and move a little away from Rafe.
"I only have one thing to tell you: I loved you and I did my part, I thought we were going to get married and have two children like you wanted"
You throw it in his face, and his heart starts beating too fast. Rafe had just had a fight with his father, and it got on his nerves, so to distract himself he went to his father's party Topper, there he saw Sophia in a tight and short dress, seducing him, he unfortunately fell for her fetish.
"Whatever you say, I love you, I'm crazy about you, you're the woman I want to have kids with and marry, I want you to be a Cameron."
Rafe speaks crying and despairing, he was very afraid of losing the only person he truly loved.
"Bye Rafe... I hope you take care, okay?" You say, approaching the door, until Rafe jumps at you.
“Don’t give up on me, please don’t give up” Rafe cries pinning you against the door.
"no Rafe, that was the last straw" you reply, and Rafe insists once again.
"I belong to you and only you, love" Rafe speaks sobbing, and perhaps it could be more emotional manipulation that he was trying to do.
But it's true that Rafe was distressed by the fact that you might disappear from his life.
"Only you, my girl, only you, love, Only you, my girl, only you, babe"
Rafe repeats several times, placing his hands on your face and kissing you forcefully, clearly you pull away.
"Rafe! You've wronged me several times, okay? And I always forgive you, but this time you really hurt me"
You explain and unfortunately it doesn't enter Rafe's head.
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"No! No! And not! You won't leave me now or ever!!!"
Rafe shouts at you and this scares you, putting you back, he approaches you to try to kiss you or hug you, but you kneel on Rafe's dick, and he falls to the floor. And you run from there. After that day, Rafe never saw you again.
Five years later
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Rafe was at the Country Club, with Topper and Kelce. Rafe didn't play golf anymore, he didn't work anymore, he didn't date anymore, and he was poorly looked after, Rafe only cared about drinking and sleeping.
"Hey man! Are you aware of the gossip?" Topper says drinking his water.
"what is it huh?" Rafe asks, drinking his whiskey as always.
"The wonderful yn, being back, married and with children"
When Topper says this, Rafe chokes on the whiskey he was drinking, he never saw you again. After the breakup, you went to Los Angeles and never responded to any of Rafe's messages.
"Married? And what do you mean with children?" Rafe asks trying to compose himself.
"and man! The girl is in luxury, her husband is a millionaire back in New York." Topper speaks, and Rafe is furious with those comments.
"so what? I'm a millionaire too" Rafe says trying to think he's better than his husband.
"Ah Rafe, let's be honest, you've run out of money and practically your father's, you haven't risen to your future friend"
Topper speaks wisely, and Rafe knew he was right and that's what you were talking about and he didn't listen and he regretted it
"you know what? I'm going to go to her" Rafe says, taking his wallet and leaving the money on the counter.
"Who she?" Topper says confused.
"the woman of my life" Rafe says looking directly into Topper's eyes.
"Man, she has two kids and a husband, do you think she's still stuck in the past?" Topper speaks leaving Rafe crestfallen, but that wouldn't stop him from going after you.
"just tell me where she is Topper!!!" Rafe yells, pulling on the ring on Topper's shirt.
"they told me she was at her old house, bro" Topper speaks in despair at his friend's desperation.
Rafe immediately gets on his bike and goes out to look for you.
Rafe arrives at his old house, and you weren't Kook, you were Pogue, and you had a simple one.
Rafe parks his motorbike, and he sees you in the garden of the house, playing with your two young children and a dog. Rafe gets emotional at that scene, and starts to cry.
It didn't take long for you to see Rafe, and when you did, you didn't know it was Rafe, you thought he was an ordinary man, watching you and your children play.
You approach the man who was watching that scene and go to him and ask.
"Can I help you?" You ask, holding one child in your arms and another in your hand.
Rafe raises his head, and you can see better that it was the former great love of your life.
"Have I changed so much that my ex-girlfriend doesn't recognize me?"
Rafe made a light humorless joke, he was very sad but wanted to appear normal in front of you.
"oh my god! Rafe! Wow! And.... you look so... different"
You say really shocked, Rafe was really different.
"Do you want to come in? Do you want anything? We can talk, don't you think?" You ask him formally, and Rafe nods his head and nods accepting his invitation.
Rafe enters your house, and everything really was the same, everything was the same when you were dating.
"Don't fix the mess, please" you say, giving Rafe a slight smile, and you put your son in the crib and your other son on the floor to play with the cars.
"no... it's perfect. It really is beautiful" Rafe says, smiling at you too and you go to the kitchen to prepare some juice.
Rafe can't help but ask, the biggest question in his celebration.
"why did you come back....?" Rafe asks creating a tension in his words.
"I'm going to renovate this house and sell it as a beach house" you say, still smiling. Rafe couldn't believe you looked like that. Were you mad at him? I was sad? Or worse, was it over? There were many questions in Rafe's head.
"Really? You came to the Outer Banks just to sell this house?" Rafe says hoping you tell him you missed him.
"No, actually I saw it, show the beaches to my children, there in New York, we were just getting used to the cold and the city." You made it by gluing the tea to the cup for you and Rafe.
"Ah... I see... your children are cute...." Rafe says, getting confused in his answers, but he was sad and depressed.
"But what about you, Rafe Cameron? How are you? Are you still the biggest playboy in town?" You say smiling and giving him the glass of tea.
"Nah...my life is...crazy as hell" Rafe says once again scratching his head and looking down "but you're okay, right? You're already married and with kids, and from what I know the guy and one hell of a Millionaire, right?”
You noticed right away that Rafe wasn't feeling well at all, and that he was suffering from anxiety, you were angry with him, you were very young when you separated.
"Yes....I evolve in life Rafe" you say a little more intensely, without knowing the relationship as Rafe was.
"that's good! I'm very happy for you..." Rafe says with tears welling up in his eyes and you realize at some point
"Rafe? Hey! Look at me, are you crying?" You ask, putting down your tea, and moving closer to Rafe.
He lowers his head trying to hide it, but he was already sobbing.
"It was supposed to be us...it was supposed to be us, my love!" Rafe says, crying a lot and putting his hand on his face.
"Rafe...what we experienced was in the past..." You try to speak in a way that doesn't hurt him.
He shakes his head no and you sigh.
"Look....I'm sure if I didn't make mistakes with you in the past, maybe we would be a perfect family!!"
Rafe says, crying with anger, he was angry with himself for doing something horrible to you. You were speechless, you didn't know what to feel, you loved your new husband, but you loved Rafe... regardless of everything.
"I love you! My life turned into hell when you left it" Rafe says, grabbing your face and getting closer to his "I fell into drugs and drinks, I never felt attracted to you again no woman , I lost my inheritance, I'm running out of YN..."
"Rafe..." Just as you were about to start talking to Rafe, someone interrupted.
"Honey, I'm here!" Her husband speaks, opening the door and finding Rafe beside her.
"Oh dear!" You speak completely unprepared, you didn't realize that it was time for your husband to arrive. Rafe's face changes to hatred and contempt
Your husband drops his suit on the chair and approaches you, giving you a peck on the lips and then holding your waist. When Rafe saw that, all he could think about was pain and suffering.
"Aren't you going to introduce me to your friend, my dear?" Your husband encourages you to talk about Rafe and you swallow hard.
"this one is Rafe Cameron, my old.... friend" you say with a heavy heart. And that hurts Rafe a lot.
"It's a pleasure to meet you Rafe" her husband raises his hand to greet Rafe, only for Rafe to leave abruptly "What did I do wrong?" Your husband asks confused.
You run after Rafe, and it was starting to rain. You keep running Rafe, who was heading towards his bike.
"Rafe! Stop! Stop! Please listen to me!" You say, grabbing his arm and trying to turn him around to make him face you.
"Stop what?! Hu?! My life is shit because of you! And you're making it worse!!"
Rafe shouts in your face, as the rain starts to get heavier.
"You betrayed me, Rafe!!! It's not my fault that your life is horrible!!!" You respond by screaming and pushing his chest
Rafe laughs without humor
"oh and? You have the husband of your dreams, a house of your dreams, you have two children and a dog, your life is wonderful!!"
Rafe says, making you so angry that you end up slapping him in the face.
"I was supposed to do this five years ago!"
When you turn to go back to your house, Rafe ends up pulling you and kissing you intensely.
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The kiss had passion, anger, sadness, longing, desire, it had emotions, and that kiss was a sudden goodbye between Rafe and you.
You stop kissing and look at each other, and your look says everything Rafe wanted to know. You were married to a wonderful man and a millionaire, you had two children and a dog, you already had a life Formed. Rafe, on the other hand, had drugs and drinks. And you couldn't let go of that, for Rafe, unfortunately.
Rafe immediately understands that and he nods, understanding what you meant.
"Goodbye Rafe Cameron..."
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😴😴😴 (to find later) AITA for putting sleeping pills in my boyfriend's drinks without him knowing?
I know this sounds absolutely awful, but please bear with me.
Basically, me (27 m) and my boyfriend (26 m) have been living together for around five years, meaning we usually also sleep together. Or at least we try, since my BF suffers from terrible insomnia and reoccurring nightmares so bad sometimes he wakes up into a full on anxiety attack. He does go to therapy and has prescribed sleeping pills, but he hates taking them because he's always afraid that when he does fall asleep he's just going to have nightmares, (which also just makes him avoid sleeping in general even not including his insomnia).
Usually I try to help him by staying up with him, watching his favorite show while cozied up on the couch under a bunch of blankets and with a hot coco, or we do something else that he likes and helps him relax. I really don't mind, I love him and I love spending time with him. However, it used to be that he would fall asleep at around 3-4 AM, but as time went on he started staying up longer and longer, until at a certain point I literally had to start leaving for work in the morning while he still hadn't gotten any sleep.
This was an issue for two reasons: 1. Obviously, without me there he felt even less comfortable and had an even harder time falling asleep, sometimes staying up for even 48 hours (or maybe more, I'm not sure) just to wait for me to come back home so I could help him unwind again. 2. He actually started lying to me about sleeping while I wasn't home, so that I would go to sleep normally and let him stay awake because "he wasn't tired" even though I could clearly tell he was.
That's when I started getting seriously concerned and questioning him about how much he actually sleeps, especially since I could see it was affecting him more and more both mentally and physically. He was avoidant about the topic but I pleaded with him to talk to his therapist about it, to try and find anything else to help him. Apparently his therapist just told him to keep using his sleeping pills to help with the insomnia, and if they're not working she'll look into prescribing him stronger ones. Yet despite that he still insists on not taking them and just going to bed normally even though it's clearly not working.
To clarify: as far as I'm aware, he has no negative side-effects from these sleeping pills, he's never complained about feeling any pain or feeling worse after taking them or anything like that. Literally he only doesn't want to take them because he's just that afraid of going to sleep.
That's why whenever we stay up nowadays, I always add a small dose to his cup of coco, which thankfully has a strong enough taste to cover the pills (I've tried a small bit myself and couldn't tell a difference). Since I started doing that, he's been regularly falling asleep before 2AM and even though the nightmares still sometimes wake him up or make him feel a bit tired in the morning, overall he's been doing much better.
Still, I do feel bad about putting stuff in his drinks without his knowledge even if it's for his own good. I really wonder if I should stop, but I'm really scared that if I do, he'll start spiralling again. I want to help him and be there for him but I've already tried talking about it and it never worked. So, AITA?
What are these acronyms?
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don't leave. l Frankie “Catfish” Morales
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Summary:  it wasn't a nice conversation for you
Warnings:  angst, swearing, maybe a little bit of hope at the ending, pregnancy
A/N: it's nothing big. rather without much of a plot. please be gentle with me. your feedback is very important to me and I thank you for all the reblogs, comments and likes. 🖤 sorry for all the mistakes
and i would like to thank you for the few kind words i have received recently. it scared me but was very nice. thank you!
The car had barely stopped in the driveway and you had already opened the door and got out.
"Shit." he muttered under his breath and turned off the engine.
He should have known that this conversation wouldn't be one of those pleasant ones, but he was counting on something different. Either way, you were furious, and now he had to somehow survive it all.
He hadn't even gotten out of the car, and you were already pulling the groceries out of the trunk and without even waiting for him, you headed towards the house.
"Wait! You shouldn't have!" he called after you, but you still didn't listen to him.
Maneuvering with the bags, you somehow managed to open the door and get inside before Frankie reached you. You were pissed.
He took a deep breath, took off his hat and ran his hand through his hair. Moments like this were the worst, and he didn't know what he should do or say to fix it. The urge to have a drink was huge, but also to get in the car and drive away.
Step by step he dragged himself home. To you.
The noises from the kitchen indicated that you were in a wild frenzy of putting away the groceries and that's where Frankie went. He placed his hands on the counter and watched you. More cabinet doors slammed and you almost crushed the eggs throwing them into the fridge.
"Sweetie..." he began uncertainly "Talk to me, please. We can't just leave it like this."
"Oh, suddenly you want to talk." You snorted without even looking at him. "That's funny because, you know what, I feel like you've already told me everything. I have nothing to add."
"This is a big chance for us. We need this money."
A can of tomatoes fell loudly to the floor and rolled. Frankie quickly picked it up and tried to hand it to you, but you completely ignored him.
"We're fine, Frankie." you replied, your voice shaking so much that you could barely control it "You'll get your license back soon, you'll be able to go back to what you love. I don't understand why you have to go there with them!"
"Pope asked me, I told you."
He finally had your attention. Your pupils dilated in an instant, and your jaw clenched.
"Pope asked you." you repeated "But when I ask you not to go, somehow it doesn't matter. Maybe you should bond with him, huh?"
Frankie sighed "You just don't like him. But he's my friend."
"And what the fuck am I?! Did you tell him?" you noticed Frankie looked away "Did you tell him, Frankie?"
Brown eyes landed on your slightly rounded belly. How could he ignore something so important to you both? But it was for this little one that he wanted to do it. And for you. For both of you.
He nodded "I did."
"And despite everything, he wants you to go there with him?" you hissed, your fingers tightening on the kitchen counter "Beloved tio Santiago. We should make him a godfather."
Before Frankie could say anything you turned around and headed towards the stairs, you wanted to be in the bedroom. You wanted to take off these clothes, take a shower and lie down in bed. Forget about all of this and how lost you were feeling.
You had been together for a few years now. You loved Frankie madly and you were sure he felt the same. All your ups and downs, you had overcome it all together. It all seemed so beautiful to you, and when you found out about the pregnancy...
Okay, this baby wasn't planned. You were taking antibiotics, and Frankie was so close, and you already felt really good and... The two lines on the test scared you at first, because it is normal, but in reality you had both been talking about it for a long time. You wanted to be a family.
But why did you want to just leave this house and never come back? You felt this would end badly, you just felt it.
You barely took off your shirt when you heard familiar footsteps on the stairs and after a moment Frankie stood in the doorway, leaning against the doorframe. He cleared his throat to signal that he had arrived, because you were standing with your back to him, struggling with your undershirt.
"I'll be gone only for a few weeks." he said, approaching you, his hands grabbing your undershirt, helping you take it off. "The guys need me."
"Of course." you snorted. "I'm doing great without you."
He ignored it, it was the safest way. "You know perfectly well that they're like family to me. Shit! I'm sorry. I've just been through a lot with them."
You turned around and looked at him. Tears were shining in your eyes and your whole body was tense. When you spoke you sounded like a woman on the verge of hysteria.
"I'm not going to bid against them. I know my worth, Frankie." you spoke with difficulty, your throat painfully constricting "I just want to let you know, because maybe you haven't noticed, but I'm carrying your child. And this child needs a father, a living father. I just feel like what you want to do will be some kind of fucking mess. And I don't want you to be there."
He lowered his head, his hands resting on your hips, squeezing them tenderly. Waiting for his words was torture, but you already knew.
"You've made your decision, haven't you?" you said quietly "Sweet Jesus... Why the hell am I even asking?"
"I'm doing this for us."
"I'm not so sure about that."
You pulled away from him and disappeared into the bathroom. The squeak of the lock announced that the conversation was over.
The evening was hard. You didn't come down for dinner, you didn't really even stick your head out of the bedroom. His heart was breaking because he could clearly hear you crying.
The last thing he wanted was for you to cry because of him. And even if he understood your arguments and how angry you were at him, he still thought that he was doing all of this for you. 
He wanted to provide you with stability and security. He wanted you to give birth to your child and not have to worry about anything, focusing only on the little one. He wanted to give you both everything. But he still felt inadequate.
Even if you never let him feel it and always supported him, Frankie was afraid that he would eventually let you down and thus lose you. You were so smart and beautiful, you could have anyone, and you chose him. He wanted to deserve you.
You were deep in sleep when he slid into bed and snuggled up to your back. His large hand found the place where your child was growing, quietly and safely. It was a miracle, you were his miracle.
He barely slept that night, and at dawn he started packing. You heard him move around the bedroom, but you didn't give him any signal that you were awake. If you had just opened your eyelids, streams of tears would have flooded your cheeks again.
It was only when he went downstairs and you heard him throw his bag under the door that you knew he would leave soon and you might not see him again. You quietly got out of bed and went downstairs. You noticed his broad shoulders as he drank coffee in the kitchen, even then he had a cap on his head.
"Please don't go..." you whispered so quietly that you were surprised that he heard you, he quickly approached you taking your face in his hands "Please don't go. I have such a bad feeling... I don't want to lose you."
His soft eyes gazed at you softly "You won't lose me, baby. I promise you that. I'll be back in a heartbeat. Will you wait for me? Please..." 
Tears rolled down your cheeks again and Frankie hugged you tightly, kissing your cheeks, whispering soothing words. You couldn't listen to it though, it felt like someone was tearing your heart apart. He left the house a few minutes later and you were still crying.
He had been sitting in the car for a few hours now, afraid of what would happen when he finally saw you. You must have still been at work. It had taken a bit longer than he had promised, not everything had gone as he had planned, but he was still alive. And he was terrified.
He watched your house, waiting for your car to pull up in the driveway. You didn't show up until five. He was once again amazed by your beauty when he saw you get out. Your belly seemed bigger to him, and you glowed.
Frankie thought about how fucking lucky he was to have you by his side, and at the same time he felt how much he had fucked up. The lights in the living room turned on and he got out of his car, which was parked not far from the house.
He felt as if he was sneaking into his own home. Fear crept into his heart and he didn't want to leave. What if you didn't accept him? What if you never wanted to see him again?
He left the house leaving you in complete disarray, doing something you wanted to distract him from. And you were right!
Even if you closed the door in his face now, you would be right.
He stood on the doormat and hesitated for a moment, but finally knocked.
"I'm coming!"
Your voice from behind the door made his heart tremble. You were so close. Just a second more.
The door swung open and he saw your smiling face. But soon the smile disappeared and surprise appeared. Your eyes moved over his body and face restlessly as if you couldn't believe that Frankie was actually standing there. Alive.
"Hi." he greeted uncertainly, shoving his hands into his trouser pockets "I got back a few hours ago. I drove straight from the airport. Actually... Actually, I've been waiting in the car on the other side for a few hours." your lips parted slightly, and a small wrinkle appeared between your eyebrows, you were too surprised to say anything "You look amazing, you always did... I wasn't sure if I should come."
"Why?" was the only word that came out of your mouth, and so quietly that Frankie barely heard it.
"Because I fucked up." he replied, feeling that he was telling the truth. He had let you down. "You have the right to tell me to fuck off and leave you alone." I'm just begging you, don't do this. I only have you. Only you.
You were still standing there though. In one of his shirts, barefoot. Just the way he remembered you and loved you. You stared at him with shining eyes, and your heart was pounding in your chest.
"Will you come in?" you finally asked quietly.
Frankie's face broke out into the smile you loved so much. "I was afraid you'd never ask, babe."
Thank you for your time.
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